#but generally its only noel
spaceagebachelorstan · 11 months
my interests tend to be incredibly specific (eg if im really into a piece of media i tend to only focus on one character and am generally disinterested in anything not related to them) but i get so irrationally scared that making content of only that specific part is somehow rude or insensitive to the media as a whole or people who like the rest of that media so i can never make content of only the thing im interested in and end up only posting whole media fanart and stuff or having any shipping content have general points or multiple ships despite the fact that its my account and i can do what i want with it. it transcends favourite character at this point they are actually my whole life and everything i think about includes them even if its only my imagination or thinking about how theyd react to something irl happening to me
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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back together but at what cost...
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astralelaine · 18 days
(Kind of a rant) Just saw a tiktok I saw a few hours ago (I won't namedrop) but it was about Noel catfishing Mischa because he was tired of being the only gay guy in Uranium. I get it's a theory, but it just seems so... weird? and kind of, bad? I'm a new fan (started watching the musical late February of this year and I've been OBSESSED ever since) and this theory has caught my attention from most nischa/passionroses videos.
vv More down below.
I think it's just awful for both Mischa and Noel's characters. I've seen Kholby talk about it and expressed his hatred in an older tiktok and I couldn't agree more. I always thought it was weird when I encountered the theory for the first time.
I just don't think Noel is that bad of a person to go to extreme measures when he likes someone. Yeah sure he got suspended by breaking into an excerpt from "Waiting for Godot", but that's not as bad as catfishing a loyal guy like Mischa, who loves his hometown more than anything, as well as being deeply in love with a girl from his country. Talia is literally Mischa's roman empire, and to take that away by saying Noel catfished him because he was "desperate" just kinda destroys Noel's character and his title of being the 'most romantic boy in town'.
This isn't an attack to any nischa shippers! I ship nischa myself, its just this particular theory that ruins their relationship/friendship in general.
(Please no hate! I'm just expressing my opinion. I hope this is clear :-[)
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mysafehaneul · 8 months
WORDS: 11k+
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Most of our lives are spent in the search of a meaning, a purpose and often we end up looking for it in the wrong places and forget the fact that it was not about the destination, rather the journey and the people we meet along the way. Because we don’t have small lives, we just start living it a bit late. 
The corridor on the mansion's second floor was a gallery of ornate antique decorations and vases, each with its own story to tell. As Y/N walked through this elegant hallway, Noel was out fishing with the Jeon men and Joon-hee's daughter, enjoying a day of outdoor activities.
The corridor featured high pane windows framed by heavy curtains, ornate walls, and a large portrait of the Jeon family. The portrait depicted Wonwoo's grandparents sitting on a comfortable couch, with their children standing proudly behind them. It was a beautiful representation of a bygone era, and Y/N couldn't help but appreciate the timeless family bond it portrayed. Wonwoo's father stood behind his father, and his aunt stood in the middle, with one hand on her father's shoulder and the other on her mother's. On the other side, Wonwoo's uncle was grinning, with his eyes meeting his father's. The family resemblance was striking, particularly in the similarities between Jungkook and his father.
Y/N's gaze settled on the hands of Wonwoo's grandmother, and she noticed that the elderly lady wore the same ring that now adorned her own finger. It was a connection between generations.
"That's my mother-in-law" Y/N heard a voice behind her making her jump slightly, she turned around to see her mother-in-law standing just a few steps away, her gaze focused on the family portrait.
Sunmi continued with a smile, "Out of her collection, she cherished that ring the most." Her eyes shifted to Y/N's hands, which held the same ring.
Y/N commented, "I see, it is a pretty ring."
Sunmi looked back at the portrait and reflected, "I think more than the beauty, it's the history of the ring that held more significance."
With a turn to face Y/N, she added, "When Wonwoo's grandfather was just 11, his father sent him to her house." Sunmi nodded toward the image of Wonwoo's grandmother. "They were the family of one of the most remarkable goldsmiths of that time. Your grandparents might have known them."
Y/N replied, "They passed away when I was young."
Sunmi expressed her condolences before continuing with the story. "He used to work under her father as an errand boy then as an accountant to support his family. His own father was a loan shark who valued money more than feeding his wife and children." Sunmi's voice carried a mix of sadness and understanding. "Her father held him in high regard, perhaps because he recognized his potential. When my mother-in-law was 16, she fell in love with a local thug and ran away from home when her father found out. But, unfortunately—or fortunately, as life would have it—that thug never showed up at their decided meeting spot."
Sunmi went on, "Omonie's father was highly respected in his community. To save face and preserve their family's reputation, he decided to marry his only daughter to Wonwoo's grandfather and sent them here."
As the story unfolded, Y/N learned about the rich history of the ring she now wore. Sunmi revealed, "Abeonim hated making jewelry, but he was sadly skilled at it. This ring is the first and last piece he designed and made, created solely for his wife. He gave it to her as a symbol of his love, after confessing his feelings to her, of course." Sunmi chuckled softly, her eyes reflecting fond memories.
With a deep breath, Sunmi summed up the heartwarming tale, "She wore it until her deathbed, and much to the dismay of few people, she passed it down to Wonwoo. Funny how sometimes the things we consider as misfortune turn out to be blessings in disguise."
The conversation continued as they made their way toward the grand staircase, and the gentle sunlight filtered through the mansion's windows, casting intricate patterns on the polished floor.
Sunmi began, "It wasn't until their 30th wedding anniversary that Abeonim told me why that guy couldn't make it; he was busy getting a beating from him."
Y/N chuckled, "You were quite close to them, weren't you?"
Sunmi confessed, "Not initially, but Wooshik was very close to his parents. After my first miscarriage, our family doctor suggested I be around people, and we moved in with them. Some days were more disagreeable then previous one’s but she thought me that ties made out of love can be stronger than of blood if we are ready to bend our knees and let Love take precedence over pride."
They had strolled out of the mansion without realizing it and were now heading towards the greenhouse. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of various-colored iris flowers. These irises painted a mesmerizing display with deep purples and pale blues, their colors dancing under the gentle sunlight. Birds chirped cheerfully, and a pleasant breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees.
Sunmi, her eyes filled with memories, noted, "These are her favorite flowers." She reached out to touch a petal, gently caressing it. "She and Abeonim planted them together."
Sunmi extended her hand to touch a petal of the iris, gently caressing it. As she spoke, her eyes held a mist, like she was transported back in time. "I used to ask her how she knew that she loved him," she began, her voice filled with nostalgia. "She said, Wooshik's father is not a man of many words, but when you look at him closely, you can see his love and consideration woven into every action. Empty promises may sound sweet to the ears, but it's the actions that truly win the heart."
Y/N listened intently, her gaze lowered to the ground. Unbeknownst to her, her thoughts began to drift to the moments she had shared with Wonwoo – him holding her hand in court, refusing to leave her side at dinner until she had finished at least half her meal, sitting next to her on that cramped airplane after their wedding, defending her against Nikolai and even his own parents. These past two months had been a whirlwind, and it felt as though a lifetime of experiences had been crammed into this short time. Y/N found herself questioning when the last time she had genuinely laughed was. When had she last felt like she had someone to lean on when life got heavy?
Her eyebrows furrowed in deep contemplation. As she looked up, still lost in thought, she noticed Wonwoo and Noel approaching, accompanied by Jungkook, who held Somi's hand. They were engaged in a lively conversation and carried fishing equipment. Noel sat on Wonwoo's shoulders, a beaming smile on all their faces.
"Y/N," her voice broke through your musings, "misunderstanding is that poison that can spoil even the strongest roots, especially when you pick up words that are hushed in the corners."
You realized that she knew about the disagreement that had taken place between you and Wonwoo the previous day.
"Why are you telling me all this?" you asked, genuinely curious.
Sunmi gazed at you intently for a few moments and then confessed, "I was quick to misunderstand you, your intentions, and even the origins of Noel. I assumed, to the extent of thinking you were barren, and I even questioned the reasons you married my son. You know, I've had some bitter experiences," she emphasized. "But my son made me realize that sometimes, in order to understand someone, you have to step into their shoes, not just view them through your own lens."
She reached for your hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "My heart goes out to Noel's birth parents and the struggles they must have endured to protect their child from their own family. I am grateful because of you, I am seeing glimpses of the Wonu we lost at 16 after the death of his friend Mingyu. Please forgive me, my darling. I hope we can put the mistakes of the past behind us and make new memories as a family, creating a special place for Noel in both our families and our hearts."
You reciprocated her squeeze, offering a warm smile and nod. However, your mind was racing with questions about what had happened to Wonwoo at 16 and who this mysterious Mingyu was. Underneath the guilt, you couldn't help but wonder how much it would hurt when you and Wonwoo eventually divorced in five years, as per your agreement. The guilt from the conversation with your father-in-law wasn't enough not forgetting the fact the history and rekindling of friendship between him and your mother.
You engaged in a brief conversation, Sunmi updating you on the progress she and your mother made with the upcoming Gala at the end of next month. When, her phone buzzed, signaling that it was time for her medicine and to leave the greenhouse, and you both headed out.
As you emerged from the greenhouse with Sunmi, Wonwoo spotted you and his mother walking together. His brows knitted in confusion at the sight. Sunmi waved goodbye and went in the direction of the pool house, leaving you to continue your journey.
You soon noticed Joon-hee, accompanied by Eleanor, walking together. Joon-hee's daughter, excitedly spotting her, let go of Jungkook's hand and rushed towards her mother, screaming, "Mama!" With a joyful smile, she picked her up in her arms, showering her with kisses.
Meanwhile, Noel, who had been sitting on Wonwoo's shoulders, observed the commotion and excitement. He saw you approaching and couldn't contain his enthusiasm. With a loud, enthusiastic shout, he exclaimed, "Tante!" and waved his little arms energetically. All eyes turned toward you as Noel's excitement drew their attention.
Wonwoo put down his wiggling form, and the little boy immediately darted towards you. You opened your arms, and as he reached you, he threw his little arms around your neck and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
"Did you have fun?" you asked softly, your fingers gently caressing his back. The warmth of his embrace filled you with joy.
Noel pulled away from your embrace, his face beaming with enthusiasm. "Grandpa taught me how to hook a worm, and I even helped him reel in," he excitedly recounted in French.
You smiled at his youthful excitement. "That sounds like a lot of fun. What else did you do?" you inquired as you both approached the entrance where the rest of the group was standing.
Noel continued his story, animatedly sharing, "Then, Jk and Dad's hooks got tangled in the water, and they both thought they caught a fish. They started pulling, but when they saw their hooks caught each other, they started fighting. All of us just laughed, and then Grandpa scolded them for fighting and put them in two different corners."
Your attention shifted to Wonwoo as he heard "Dad?" Noel looked at you with wide eyes, seemingly caught off guard. But before either of them could respond, Somi chimed in, saying, "Yes, Uncle Jk was pouting the whole time," and she laughed.
Impressed by her fluency in French, you asked, "Wow, Somi, you speak such nice French. Who taught you?"
Somi beamed with pride, responding, "Thank you. Aunt Wonwoo and Mama taught me."
Joon-hee corrected her, saying, "You mean Uncle. Her pronouns are a bit weak."
You offered reassurance, saying, "It's alright, Somi. You'll get the hang of it." The atmosphere was filled with warmth.
"Noona studied in Switzerland, right?" Jungkook asked, then corrected himself, saying, "Sorry, I mean Heyongnim."
You smiled warmly at Jungkook's question. "It's alright, Jungkook, you can call me Noona. Yes, I was mostly based in Switzerland for the last 12 years."
Wonwoo exchanged a curious glance between you and Jungkook, who playfully stuck his tongue out at him.
Joon-hee added, "Well, the four of us," emphasizing herself, Wonwoo, Jungkook, and Eleanor, "we all studied in London."
You nodded in agreement. "Yes, Wonwoo told me about that." He didn't, you read it in his file that Rachel made. 
However, the unexpected voice of Eleanor chimed in, a question that surprised you given her prior lack of interest in your conversations. "Don't you miss your friends and family back home?"
Bending down to Noel's eye level, you glanced at Eleanor with a raised eyebrow but quickly composed yourself, aware of Wonwoo's watchful gaze. "Yes, sometimes I miss my friends from the old school."
You swinged the hand you held and asked, "What about JJ and Vicky?"
He smiled and responded, "Yes, I miss them too, but I talk to them every day."
Eleanor continued with feigned innocence, "And what about your parents?" Her words cut through the air like a sudden chill, and you instinctively tightened your grip on Noel's small hand. Wonwoo, too, glared at her at the same moment, clearly sharing your displeasure. What was her problem? You were about to speak when Noel calmly said, "I do, but Tante says they are always with me," placing his hand on his heart. He looked up at you for confirmation, and you nodded back, reassurance in your eyes.
The atmosphere grew tense, and you could see the muscles in Wonwoo's jaw twitching. Jungkook, always quick on the uptake, chimed in, "Funny how children have more sensibility compared to some adults," his eyebrow arched and a sarcastic smirk on his lips as he glanced at Eleanor. Then he reached his free hand over and ruffled Noel's hair.
"Baby boy, why don't you go inside and ask Mrs. Tham to pack your bag? We'll be leaving after lunch, right?" You looked at Wonwoo, who nodded in agreement. The tension was palpable, and it seemed like a wise decision to change the topic and move forward.
But just as he was about to do so, Somi grabbed his hand and said, "Mama, can't Noel and I have a sleepover?"
Joon-hee sighed and replied, "No, baby, we have to leave as well. You both have school on Monday."
Somi's reaction was swift, like thunder preceding a lightning strike. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she dropped to the ground, wailing loudly. "No! I want to have a sleepover with Noel! I don't want to go home! I want to have a sleepover now! Now! Now!"
"Damn, Joon-hee, your daughter definitely takes after you," Jungkook remarked.
Joon-hee rolled her eyes and snapped, "Shut up, JK."
"Kwon Somi, get up from the ground this instant!" she sternly commanded.
But Somi was having none of it. "NO! NO!!! NO!!! I WILL HOLD MY BREATH UNTIL YOU AGREE!" she declared, puffing out her cheeks defiantly.
You were taken aback by the scene. How come my child never throws a tantrum like that? You gave Joon-hee a thin-lipped, sympathetic smile. She put her hands on her hips and said, "This girl, wait till I tell your father."
"And what's he going to do? Roll on the ground with her?" Jungkook quipped.
Joon-hee glared at Jungkook, who simply shrugged his shoulders.
You crouched down to Somi's level and said, "Hey, Somi, can I tell you something?" The girl, hiccuping now, stopped her wailing and listened. "How about you first get up from the ground? It's dirty and filled with insects and germs, okay?"
Somi remained on the ground. You continued, "Come on, I know you're a good girl. If you'd like, you can come to our place and have as many sleepovers as you like. I'm sure Noel would like that, right, baby?"
Noel remained silent, which left you a bit puzzled. So he wants to have a sleepover too but isn't saying it…
Jungkook clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention. "How about this: let the kids have a sleepover, and we can have a little drinks around the fire, like the old times."
"No, I can't. I haven't seen my husband in the last two days, and I want to go home," Joon-hee insisted.
Somi started wailing even louder. "Oh, come on, call him here. Just ask him to drop by in his chopper," Jungkook suggested. "Hyung, come on. We rarely get together."
"Noona," he looked at you with puppy-dog eyes and a pout.
You turned to Noel and asked, "Do you want to have a sleepover with Somi?" He nodded, albeit reluctantly.
"What do you say, Wonwoo?" you asked, looking at him.
"I'm fine with it if you are," Wonwoo replied. These were the first words you had exchanged since last night.
"Okay, it's settled then. Thank you, Noona, you're the best. Let's head inside," Jungkook exclaimed.
"Joon-hee, call Hoshi hyung. I haven't seen him in a while!" Jungkook added.
Joon-hee retorted, "If you miss him so much, then call him yourself, you ass."
You rose up and gestured inside with your head, saying, "Shall we?" and started walking inside. Jungkook left with the bags, and Eleanor, whom you had forgotten was still standing there, followed Joon-hee.
As you were almost inside, Wonwoo gently grabbed your arm and softly said, "Can we talk?" You looked at him and then back at Noel, who was heading inside. Nodding in agreement, you told Noel, "You go in first, sweetheart."
Noel disappeared into the mansion, leaving you alone with Wonwoo. He gestured toward a picturesque gazebo nestled in the garden, surrounded by various vibrant peonies of different colors. The gazebo was adorned with comfortable couches and a small table, creating an inviting atmosphere for conversations and relaxation.
You followed Wonwoo to the gazebo, the fragrance of the blooming peonies filling the air as you both settled down on the couch.
The sun beamed down in the noon, and birds chirped melodiously in the background as you and Wonwoo settled into the comfortable gazebo. He opened and closed his mouth as if struggling to find the right words to say. However, before he could speak, your phone rang. Rachel's name flashed on the screen, and you answered the call.
"Yes, Rach? What's up?" you inquired.
"I was wondering what time you'll be here," she responded.
"Well, we're having an impromptu gathering, and the kids wanted to have a sleepover. So, in all probability, tomorrow morning," you explained, examining your nails casually. "Why do you ask?"
"I see. Then I'm sending you some files; please check them," Rachel informed you.
"Sure, I'll take a look. See you tomorrow. Bye," you replied, ending the call. Placing your phone on the table, you waited for Wonwoo to begin.
He cleared his throat and mentioned, "So, Rachel?"
"Why, curious?"
Wonwoo's gaze, filled with intensity, made you uncomfortable. "You may find it difficult to believe, but these days I find myself curious about you. Your past, your feelings, your day-to-day life. Will you ease my curiosity, Y/N?" he asked.
your palms grow slightly sweaty under his scrutinizing stare. You replied, "I don't know what to say, Wonwoo."
He gently reached for your hand but then hesitated, holding himself back. "I am sorry, Y/N, for my words last night. I know I hurt your feelings."
As you sat there, your eyes were drawn to the serene lake behind him. A sardonic smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and you uttered,
"I don't think you can hurt a woman who has already been hurt by her own heart. I've loved a man who belonged to someone I cherished the most in the world. You just called me something that most were afraid to say out loud."
"Y/N, I—" Wonwoo began.
"Wonwoo, don't you think it's very hypocritical of me to criticize you when we're both using each other equally? To fill our voids, to soothe a guilt, punishing ourselves for something we had no control over?" you said, avoiding a direct answer.
"Don't you get tired?" Wonwoo asked, his eyes searching yours.
Your gaze met his, and you replied, "I do, but then I remember I have someone's childhood in my hand."
The wind ruffled your hair, and the sun's reflection in your eyes made you look radiant in Wonwoo's eyes. He reached out and tucked the rebel strand behind your ear, his fingers grazing your cheek. A warmth crept into your cheeks, and you became acutely aware of the heat between you two.
"That day at my parents' house, I told them about Noella's family and even the reason why his family is a threat to him," He admitted.
"I know. Your mother told me about it, and I'm regretful of my accusations regarding their intentions. They're good people," You acknowledged.
"Y/N, you know what my father said to me today? He said, 'You can't be good at everything, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything. Just because we can't solve each other's every problem, that doesn't mean we can't understand them. I know we both have our reasons for doing the things we do, and maybe one day we'll trust each other enough to talk about it.'"
A small smile played on your lips and thought We're in too deep to go back now, aren't we Wonwoo?
"And since we're both on the same team, why don't we treat each other as one?" Wonwoo suggested.
"I like the sound of that," you replied, feeling a sense of relief.
"So, friends?" he offered, extending his hand for you to shake.
"Friends," you agreed, shaking his hand.
"Again, I'm sorry about last night. I don't know why I reacted the way I did," Wonwoo apologized.
"Hmm, I'm sorry too," you admitted.
"So, we're cool then?" he inquired.
"Wait," you scrunched your brows, "don't you want to apologize for one more thing?"
"About what?" Wonwoo looked perplexed for a moment, then glanced at your lips. "Oh, you mean the kiss."
You nodded, displaying your obvious annoyance. "Yes."
"Yeah, no, I'm not sorry about it," he admitted, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You kissed me back."
"Seriously," you muttered.
"Why should I apologize for something I don't regret?" Wonwoo teased.
"You're unbelievable," you grumbled and began to march back to the mansion, leaving the laughing man and your phone behind.
As you reached the second floor and settled into your room, you realized your phone was absent. Puzzled, you retraced your steps, intending to retrieve it. However, while heading back downstairs, you happened to glimpse Wonwoo and Eleanor through the window on the second story. They were engaged in a hushed conversation, their faces close, and Wonwoo was gripping Eleanor's forearm.
Your lips tightened into a thin line, and you decided not to intervene. You continued to your room, thinking that it was time to check your emails and get back to your work. Before you entered your room, you stopped a passing maid and asked her to retrieve your phone from the gazebo where you had left it earlier.
Wonwoo was smiling to himself when he noticed your phone on the table. He picked it up, the corners of his lips curling upwards at some amusing thought.
Just as he turned to head back into the mansion, a voice cut through the air, "What's got you smiling like that, Wonnie?"
The voice that once felt like a first sip of water after walking in the desert now felt like swallowing sand. He ignored her and continued walking.
Eleanor, however, wasn't one to be ignored. She stepped in his way, a sly smile playing on her lips. "What do you want, Eleanor?"
He drew in a breath and stared down at her with a stern expression. "What we can't even talk now? We weren't on that bad of terms five months ago. Or is it that you're trying to get into good graces by playing a virtuous husband to your young wife and doting father to a little charity case? I must say, I'm loving this look on you."
His patience was running thin, and he harshly grabbed her elbow, pulling her close as he spoke through clenched teeth. "That night was one of the most regrettable nights of my life, you chose this for yourself so now live with it. You're the last person who should be talking about virtue here. Keep my wife's and son's names out of your damn mouth, because if I start, you won't have anything left to crawl back to."
Eleanor's eyes widened at the intensity in his voice. She stammered, "You have no idea who you're messing with. I am a congressman's wife."
Wonwoo let out a bitter laugh and looked down at her with pity. "The way you act, you don't seem like one. Stay out of my family's business unless you don't mind losing whatever faux pride is left in you."
With that, he shoved her out of the way and stormed inside the mansion. Eleanor gritted her teeth, vowing to herself, "You will regret this, Jeon Wonwoo."
The airport bustled with travelers from around the world. The Heathrow Airport was a massive, modern structure, filled with glass windows that allowed the daylight to stream in, and a high ceiling that made the space feel grand. Travelers scurried about, dragging their luggage, while the constant sound of announcements echoed through the terminal.
In this bustling environment, Jeonghan and Victor emerged from their arrival gate, eager and excited. They were welcomed by Victor's sister, who stood there with a placard that read, "Grooms to be." Her enthusiasm was contagious, and she exchanged warm hugs with the newly arrived duo.
"Welcome, welcome!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice. "We have so much to do today. First, let's head to your new home, and then we have a dinner appointment with your wedding planner."
As they left the airport, Victor's sister skillfully maneuvered her way through the London traffic, and along the way, Jeonghan and Victor caught up. They discussed what Jeonghan had been up to, particularly his new thesis project.
Then, curious about their plans, Victor's sister inquired, "When is your friend, Y/N, coming?"
Jeonghan couldn't help but beam at the thought. "I plan to go there and surprise her myself, and my mother is coming too. We know it's in the middle of all the planning, but I can't wait to see their shocked faces." He interlaced his fingers with Victor's, their hands held firmly together and planted a kiss at the back of Victor's hand.
In a lavish hotel room on Hoxton Street, Nikolai paced restlessly, an expensive crystal glass filled with aged, amber whiskey in his hand. The glass was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, etched with intricate patterns, and the whiskey inside was a fine, aged liquor that spoke of luxury and taste.
He was in a heated phone conversation, his voice laced with frustration. "What do you mean they're threatening to cancel the contract?" His knuckles whitened as he tightened his grip on the glass. The voice on the other end explained in German , "They're saying that if you aren't able to secure capital within three weeks, they will cancel the contract."
Nikolai could feel his blood pressure rising as he processed the information. "Did you tell this to Dad?"
The person on the line replied indifferently, "Boss says that this is your project, your problem."
Nikolai's patience wore thin. He hurled the phone against the wall in a fit of rage. His loyal lackey stood nearby, watching his boss slowly lose his composure.
"Find out where Noella's little bastard is and end him right on the spot, and make it look like an accident," Nikolai demanded, taking a menacing step forward.
The lackey hesitated, "I don't think killing the child will be beneficial."
"Say what?" Nikolai demanded an explanation.
The lackey continued, "Our insider said that, according to Ms. Noella's will, if something were to happen to her, the kid will go with Y/N. But there's no mention of what to do if something were to happen to Y/N."
Nikolai contemplated this for a moment. "But the court has a restraining order against me."
The lackey smirked and added, "But not against boss."
Nikolai's lips curled into a sadistic smile. The lackey pushed further, "That way, we can have access to all of his inheritance."
"But what about Dad? He will not agree," Nikolai pointed out.
The lackey, always ready with a solution, pondered for a few seconds and replied, "Everything takes a little convincing. I'm sure he misses Ms. Noella, especially after the death of Mrs. Bulavia. Having her child near him may soothe his pain. And this way, you will also gain his favor. As far as the restraining order is concerned, what is there in this world that money can't buy?"
Nikolai gulped down the remaining drink in his glass and grabbed the lackey's face, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You are a genius."
"Thank you, sir," the lackey said with a sinister smile.
Nikolai turned to the window, his eyes scanning the busy streets below, and he thought, 'So long, Y/N.'
Slowly, as per schedule, all the family guests left. After lunch, everyone except for Wonwoo's and Jungkook's parents, Aunt Haeri, and Lee Chan had departed. Aunt Haeri had an early morning surgery, and Lee Chan left with Mrs. Tham. Joon-hee assured you that Somi's caretaker would be there to watch over the kids, so there was nothing to worry about. However, your mother-in-law insisted that Cecilia, the head caretaker of the mansion, be there just in case to take care of Noel.
You were working in your room, engrossed in your tasks to check the proposal's file, and lost track of time. You didn't even realize when the sun settled down and the stars emerged in the sky. There was a knock at your door, and you called, "Enter." Noel appeared in the room, dressed in his nightwear. You smiled and said, "Hey, baby boy, all ready for your first sleepover?"
He looked a bit confused and replied, "But we used to have sleepovers all the time."
You gently placed the laptop on the bed and pulled Noel into your lap, saying, "Well, yes, but this is your first sleepover with a friend."
Noel nodded excitedly. "You're liking it in here, aren't you?"
He nodded and replied, "Yes, everyone has been good to me, especially Grandma and Grandpa. They even said that I can visit them whenever I like. And Somi said that I look cool when I speak French, so I help her as well."
You brushed his innocent, cerulean eyes, pushing his fringes aside, and asked, "Oh, did she now?"
You advised him with a smile, "Have fun, and no scary stories or horror movies, okay? And not too many sugary drinks before bed."
Noel protested, "Tante, I'm not a kid anymore."
You kissed his chubby cheeks and said, "Yes, yes, you're a big boy now." He fidgeted with his fingers.
Then he mentioned, "In the afternoon, when I called Uncle Wonwoo 'Dad,' you didn't mind, right? Grandpa told me that he is my dad now, not my uncle, so I should call him that."
You reassured him, "It's not about me, but about you. Don't let anyone pressure you into something you don't like. You can continue calling him 'Uncle' if you're comfortable with that."
Noel contemplated and then responded, "I don't mind calling him 'Dad'."
You smiled and told him, "If that's what you want." Then you asked, "How come you never call me 'Mom'?"
Noel explained, "Because you're Tante." You kissed his forehead and said, "And you'll forever be my baby boy. You know, Noel, if you ever want something, you can always tell me about it."
"Even throw a tantrum?" Noel asked.
You chuckled and said, "Well, not to the extent of rolling on the floor, but yes, you can." He continued to tell you about JJ, who called and is also excited about his first sleepover.
Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo, whom you hadn't seen since lunch, was standing, or rather leaning, against the door frame, looking at the both of you. Noel spotted him first and hopped down from your lap, giving you a hug and saying, "Good night, Tante."
You smiled and replied, "Good night, baby boy." Noel then went to Wonwoo and wished him, "Good night, Dad." Wonwoo ruffled Noel's hair, saying, "Good night, bud. Have fun."
As Cecilia came to pick him up, Wonwoo closed the door behind him and plopped down on the bed next to your feet. You picked up the laptop again, reading the file, and he remarked, "Well, at least someone will have fun."
Your eyes were glued to the laptop as you teasingly asked, "Why is that, 'Dad'?"
Wonwoo opened one of his eyes to peer up at you from his lying position and replied with a grin, "Jealous much?"
You retorted, "Oh, please, you should be proud of me. Most women take at least nine months to make their husband a dad, and I made you one within two months."
You both shared a laugh. He added, "What can I say, words fail me. I have such a talented wife."
With a sigh, he confessed, "God, Y/N, I don't want to go."
You empathized, "Then don't."
He challenged your reluctance, saying, "You have no idea, JK will kick down this door and drag us there. He can be a little—"
"Persistent?" you offered.
"Well, he's a lawyer. What else do you expect?" adding further.
"But I wish it were just that. Jungkook's friend will also be there."
You questioned, "Congressman Lee?"
Wonwoo confirmed, "Uh huh."
"That means Eleanor will also be there," you pointed out.
He responded with a nonchalant tone, "Hmm."
You recalled their interaction earlier by the gazebo and couldn't help mentioning it, your voice growing more serious. "You weren't dreading her presence when talking to her in front of the gazebo after I left."
Wonwoo rose up from his position and stood in front of you, trying to explain, "Y/n, I swear she stopped my way. It's not what you think."
You questioned, "And what do I think?"
He was at a loss for words and struggled to explain further, "Listen, Y/n, she stopped my way—"
You cut him off with a composed response, "It's alright, Wonwoo, you don't owe me an explanation. It's none of my business."
He seemed taken aback by your response, so you continued, "So, whatever I do is none of your business."
You responded calmly, "Well, until the time it doesn't directly affect mine or Noel's life, it's not."
Wonwoo tried to test your reaction further, asking, "So, you wouldn't mind if I flirt with other women?"
You nonchalantly shrugged, your inner thoughts conflicted. The angel on your right shoulder whispered, "You're digging yourself a grave, Y/n." Meanwhile, the angel on your left shoulder cheered, "Tell him. If he doesn't mind you flirting with other men."
With a mischievous smile, you responded, "Sure, if you don't mind me flirting with other men." you can hear a small sound of someone face palming themselves from your right shoulder.
His reaction was swift. Wonwoo bent down to your eye level and lightly grabbed your chin with his thumb and forefinger, his gaze intense as he said, "I'd like to see you try." The unexpected sensuality in his voice made your core tighten in reflex, and you couldn't help but clench at the sensation. He smirked at your dumbfounded expression, then turned to the wardrobe and took out a pair of black wide-leg formal trousers and a cotton shirt.
Wonwoo emerged after changing into his attire, his shirt fashionably unbuttoned at the top, offering a teasing glimpse of his well-defined chest. His silver Rolex Yacht-Master II watch graced his wrist, and his sleeves were casually rolled up, giving him an effortlessly stylish look. There was no denying the fact that Wonwoo was an attractive man, and the addition of his glasses only accentuated his intellectual charm.
As you watched him, you often found yourself pondering why male poets wrote pages describing the beauty of women when there seemed to be insufficient words to truly appreciate a man's splendor. Maybe it was because men wanted the world to know about the magnificence of the objects of their admiration, while women preferred to keep such treasures safely nestled within their hearts.
Caught in your contemplation, you met Wonwoo's playful smirk with a knowing smile "Like what you see?"
You refrained from entertaining his teasing and looked back at your laptop.
"Are you coming?" Wonwoo asked.
You replied, "I'll be there after replying to a few emails and checking the sheets."
He offered, "You can skip if you're not feeling up to it."
You told him, "I'll think about it," and returned to your work. About twenty minutes passed, but you couldn't shake the thought of your attractive husband outside.
'Isn't he looking a bit too good then normal?' a small voice spoke from your left shoulder. what will she do in front of her husband? The memory of her throwing herself in front of Wonwoo's car on your wedding day sent goosebumps racing across your skin. I mean, you're certain that everyone is aware of their history but 'you can't let yourself be disrespected like that if something does happens there,while you're in the same premises as them'.
Fine, you decided, "I'll attend," and in no time, you had changed into a black viscose mini dress and some comfortable Isola flat mules. Letting your hair down and applying light makeup, Within half an hour you headed to the pool house where everyone had gathered.
Jungkook skillfully mixed drinks at the bar, engaged in conversation with Congressman Lee. Eleanor animatedly recounted the story of how they once stayed past curfew to attend a Beyoncé concert.
Meanwhile, Wonwoo sat on a cozy two-seater, his legs crossed, and a glass of wine resting on his perched knee. He seemed rather disinterested in the ongoing conversation and was scrolling in his phone. Joon-hee nestled in her husband's lap, you try to put a name to the face, Ah Kwon Hoshi the two of them sharing affectionate smiles as they listened to Eleanor's tale.
Kwon Hoshi, the heir of Tiger Baby Media. It was widely known in their social circles that both he and his father were passionate about tigers, even actively supporting causes to protect these magnificent creatures.
'when did he arrive?' then you recall the loud noise of a chopper landing on the helipad outside around 5 pm. A maid, upon being questioned, informed you that Han Joon-hee's husband had arrived.
"Oh, Noona, you made it," Jungkook greeted you as you entered, the first to notice your arrival. All eyes turned in your direction, but it was Wonwoo's gaze that lingered on you. He couldn't help but gulp as you both appeared to be perfectly coordinated.
"What would you like, whiskey or wine?" Jungkook inquired.
"Whiskey, please," you replied.
"Right away." Jungkook set about preparing your drink. You settled down next to Wonwoo, who slipped his phone into his pocket and casually placed his hand behind the headrest, your right shoulder lightly brushing against his chest.
You exchanged pleasantries with Kwon Hoshi, acknowledging Congressman Lee who just raised his glass at your direction and his wife, who was giving you disapproving looks.
Amid the conversation with Joon-hee, Wonwoo leaned in and whispered in your ear. His warm breath sent shivers down your spine. "You look ravishing," he praised, sniffing behind your ear. "and smell fucking delicious."
You turned your head and whispered back, "What do you think you're doing?"
"Complimenting my wife," he responded.
If two can play at this game, you thought to yourself and whispered in his ear, "You don't look half bad yourself."
He seemed to be getting a bit buzzed. Jungkook handed you your drink, and you thanked him. Jungkook took a seat in a single chair opposite Hoshi and Joon-hee, while Eleanor and her husband sat across from you and Wonwoo.
Lee Joon-suk sipped from his glass, his eyes unfocused as he reclined in his seat, and then he started addressing you, "Ms. Y/N, you've grown into a fine young lady. I remember you when you were sixteen, accompanying your mother to the exhibitions hosted by my aunt." He turned to look at Wonwoo and remarked, "You're one lucky guy."
Wonwoo cleared his throat, replying, "Sure am."
Lee Joon-suk continued, "I heard that you both are working on a resort together." You nodded and said, "Yes, construction is underway."
He drained his glass and set it on the table. "Well, do let me know if you need any help. It's always a pleasure to be of use to a beautiful young lady."
You felt the annoyance radiating from Wonwoo, his grip tightening around his glass. To ease the tension, you placed your hand on his knee and replied, "My husband and I will keep that in mind."
You didn't miss the subtle smile Joon-hee gave behind her glass, raising her eyebrows in intrigue.
As the moon ascended higher in the night sky, food and drinks continued to flow. You had a helping of food and kept taking small sips from your glass. You couldn't afford to get drunk in front of people you had just met. Wonwoo, too, switched to whiskey. He apparently had a higher tolerance than you initially thought.
The mood was light, and jokes were exchanged. Hoshi and Jungkook began playfully teasing Wonwoo.
Jungkook grinned mischievously and quipped, "Hey, Hoshi Hyung , you remember, he used to be such workaholic he even brought his laptop as a plus one to your wedding"
Hoshi chimed in, "Yeah, man Y/N must have done some real magic, For you to agree to get married."
Wonwoo, unfazed, responded with a smirk, "Well, what can I say I had no interst in seeing him cosplay a tiger in white suit and kiss my sister every five minutes"
You couldn't help but smile at the back and forth, your nerves relaxed to the point you didn't even mind,The hand that was initially behind you slowly settled on your nape, fingers pressing lightly on your left collarbone. Your hand, which had been drawing circles on his knee, reached up to his thigh. Laughter filled the air as everyone shared antidotes from their past, and they chuckled, except for Eleanor, who remained silent, her discomfort palpable. Isn't it funny how fate works at one point where someone who used to be the most important after a time seem irrelevant.
Upon Jungkook's insistence he poured you an another glass, you weren't drunk but you were feeling a little buzzed, your back comfortably against Wonwoo's chest, his warm breath on the top of your head.
Amid the jovial atmosphere, Jungkook suddenly whined, "Guys, I'm the only one without a partner here!"
You tilted your head curiously, "Jungkook, why don't you have a partner?"
Joon-hee, ever the sharp-tongued one, chimed in, "Well, he's the jack of all trades, master of none. He's been switching partners so often that at the end, he's all alone."
Jungkook pouted and complained, "Noona, for the past few days, I've wanted someone, but she's not giving me a chance!"
Wonwoo, intrigued, asked, "Do we know her, kookie?"
Jungkook smirked and replied, "Well, not you, but Noona knows her very well, actually." Making you knit your brows in confusion. He then stumbled over to the bar, grabbed an empty wine bottle, and suggested, "Let's play truth or dare!"
Several rounds of the game later, the bottle landed on Wonwoo, and he chose "dare." Jungkook, with a mischievous glint in his eye, gave him a wicked ultimatum: eat a spoonful of hot sauce or switch to "truth" and share his most embarrassing sexual encounter.
Without hesitation, Wonwoo opted for the hot sauce. However, as soon as the spoon rested on his taste buds the pain made him realise that people can see stars with their eyes close as well. His face turned red, sweat poured down his forehead, and his eyes watered uncontrollably.
You saw Eleanor concerned face as she rose to grab the water bottle for the side but Quickly, you grabbed an ice cube from your glass, put it in your mouth, and took Wonwoo's face in your hands. You kissed him deeply, letting the ice cube melt in his mouth as your lips met his. After breaking the kiss, you looked into his eyes and asked with a smile, "Feeling better now?"
Wonwoo, still recovering from the fiery hot sauce, nodded. whatever little intoxication he felt, all sobered down you noticed his eyes slightly dilated.
Amidst the collective "ooooooo" of amazement and laughter that echoed around the room, Jungkook exclaimed, "Damn, Noona, you're so cool!" playfully teasing.
But what soured eleanor's mood further was that her husband had indulged a bit too much in the drinks. Eleanor excused herself from the group, helping her tipsy spouse as she made her way towards the door. Jungkook kindly offered to prepare a guest room for her, but she politely declined, explaining that she had a meeting with the party board members early the next morning. Her driver was ready to assist, guiding her inebriated husband to the waiting car. Her husband slurred his goodbyes to everyone.
Amid this scene, you overheard Joon-hee's sweet words as she kissed her husband's cheek, saying, "I'm so glad my baby is not a sloppy drunk." Hoshi, who had also had his share of drinks and was now sporting rosy cheeks, gave a warm, somewhat goofy smile that was reminiscent of Somi's charming expressions. It was a heartwarming moment.
It was now Jungkook's turn, you dared him to do ten shots off Hoshi's body. He whined, saying, "Noona, are you trying to kill me here?" You retorted, "You should have thought of that before you shoved hot sauce down my husband's throat," which caused Wonwoo to burst into laughter.
"So you both a team now huh?
Hoshi lay down on the now empty table, and Joon-hee lined up the shots on her husband's body. Jungkook managed to down six shots before he fell onto a two-seater couch. Out as the daylight, Wonwoo rang for the butler to assist Jungkook to his room.
You turned to find Hoshi and Joon-hee, lost in their own world, were busy making out, while you and Wonwoo sat in tense silence,
Things were getting a bit too steamy with Hoshi and Joon-hee, so you leaned over to Wonwoo and whispered, "I think it's time for us to call it a night."
Wonwoo nodded in agreement, and you both quietly excused yourselves from the room.
You were acutely conscious of his presence behind you. The flavors of whiskey and hot sauce still clung to your taste buds, and Wonwoo wasn't faring any better. His heart raced in his chest as you led the way. You held the door open for him, and he stepped inside. You followed, your against the door, trying to regain your composure, and your breaths came in measured counts.
In the stillness of the night, your hands worked swiftly to find and secure the lock, while you and Wonwoo engaged in an unspoken duel of wills. It was a contest of who could maintain the intense gaze without faltering. Your fingers danced behind the door, seeking the lock mechanism, and when it finally yielded with a soft click, the sound reverberated in the room.
The room was wrapped in a cocoon of silence, interrupted only by the gentle hum of crickets serenading the night outside. Wonwoo, with his hand extended, palm up, broke the silent challenge, offering you to take his hand. He whispered softly, "Come here."
You pushed away from the door and took a step towards him, your hand slipping into his. His warm, calloused fingers caressed your knuckles before he raised your hand to his lips, recreating the tender gesture from the first time he visited your house for dinner. His deep kiss spoke volumes without uttering a word.
Wordlessly, he turned your hand still in his and guided you towards the curtained window. With a graceful sweep, he drew the curtains aside, “you know why I always chose this room". You couldn't trust your voice at that moment, so you silently mouthed, 'why.'
He moved behind you, his strong arms encircling your waist. His warm breath tickled your neck as he answered, "Because of this."
Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the breathtaking view. The path leading to the garden was bathed in subtle, soft lights. Around the irises, many fireflies danced, casting a mesmerizing glow. It was as if the stars had descended from the heavens and were scattered across the ground, creating a scene that was nothing short of magical.
"It's beautiful," you breathed in admiration as you took in the enchanting view.
"It is," the timber of his voice resonated through you, adding to the enchantment of the moment. You turned to find him already gazing down at you, a silent understanding passing between you. Your eyes danced between his eyes and his lips, and as if drawn by an invisible force, you both leaned in, closing the distance that separated you.
He captured your lips with his, and the world outside disappeared into the embrace of your shared kiss. It was a moment that needed no words, a moment of perfect togetherness under the canopy of stars and fireflies.
Your senses were ablaze as the taste of whiskey on his tongue mingled with the faint remnant of hot sauce on yours. His hands moved with a gentleness that contradicted the burning intensity of the kiss, sliding up your arms.
Time slipped away as you explored each other's lips with a fierce longing, the tension that had lingered between you all evening now ignited into a passionate flame. The heat in the room seemed to increase, and the air became charged with electricity.
Wonwoo's kisses trailed down your neck, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. He whispered in your ear, "I think we've had enough games for tonight."
Your hands slid beneath his shirt, fingers tracing the contours of his sculpted chest. "I couldn't agree more."
A/N: (After '------' this line you can read the Extra)
You felt Wonwoo's fingers deftly working at the zipper of your dress, allowing the fabric to cascade to the floor. Your bare skin tingled under his touch. His lips found yours once more, and you could taste the raw desire in his kiss.
Wonwoo gently lifted you, carrying you to the bed guided you to your knees and took a step back to appreciate your enticing appearance. Your chest heaved with anticipation as you looked up at him, your eyes dilated and filled with longing. He put his hand on your shoulder, his voice deep and sensual as he whispered, "Tell me you want this."
Your fingers deftly worked down the buttons of his shirt, revealing his chiseled chest beneath. With deliberate sensuality, you scraped your nails lightly down his defined abs, and he bit his lips in response to the electrifying sensation.
"I want you, Wonwoo," you murmured, your voice filled with desire. You rose, your lips trailing hot and wet kisses along his neck, down to his collarbones, and further, slowly descending toward his belly button. He threw his head back and groaned, overwhelmed by the intoxicating sensations you were invoking.
Looking up at him, you took in the effect you were having on him. His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped, the heat of your mouth on his body driving him wild. You circled your hands around his waist, fingers working on his belt buckle, each touch stoking the fiery passion between you.
You unlatched his belt buckle and removed it from the hoop, letting it drop to the floor with a distinct cling sound. You were about to undo the button of his pants when his strong hands engulfed yours, halting your movements. Confusion flickered in your eyes as you looked up at him.
He gently cupped your chin, tilting your head up to his lips and whispered, "There's a lot of time for that, baby girl." His fingers brushed your hair away from your face, and he began to plant soft, teasing kisses along the path he traced: from your forehead, your left eye, the side of your nose, your cheeks, and the corners of your lips.
As your mouths met and opened, your tongues engaged in a sensuous dance, exploring each other's desires. His hands reached behind you to unhook the clasp, freeing you from the confining embrace of your garment.
His warm palms firmly cupped your chest, causing a deep groan to rise in your throat. He bit your lower lip, making you moan in response. Breaking the kiss, he used his left thumb and slipped it into your mouth, commanding, "Suck."
You obediently complied, wrapping your lips around his thumb and swirling your tongue sensually around it. All the while, you peered up at him, watching his reaction. He gazed down at his thumb in your mouth, his jaw clenching as if trying to control himself.
With a wet pop, he withdrew his thumb and trailed it down from your mouth to your collarbone, leaving a cold and tingling sensation in its wake. Finally, he reached your breast, circling and tweaking your nipple with a teasing touch. His right hand slid down your body, slipping beneath your panties, his fingers delving into your heated flesh with a firm and demanding grip.
The pleasure overwhelmed you, and you couldn't help but cry out, "Fuck, Wonwoo." Your head arched back as the intensity of his touch sent shivers down your spine. With deliberate intent, he tugged at your nipple and slowly pushed you onto your back, his desire evident in his every move.
He gripped the waistband of your panties and slowly removed them, leaving you completely bare and at his mercy. Wonwoo climbed onto the bed on his knees, his chest rising and falling, his cheeks flushed. He gazed at you with a fiery desire in his eyes.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he murmured, his fingers trailing from your knees to your thighs. “Your spark lights a flame with me” He removed his glasses and threw them on the bedside table. Bending down, he began to kiss your neck, his lips exploring the sensitive skin below your ear. You moaned softly, your fingers digging into the back of his head, grazing the blades of his well-defined shoulders.
Descending further, he captured one of your nipples with his warm mouth, sending a shock of pleasure coursing through your body. After lavishing attention on one breast, he switched to the other, his tongue and lips setting your nerve endings ablaze. Your core throbbed, and you found yourself grinding your thighs together, seeking any friction you could find.
Noticing your struggle, Wonwoo quipped, "Is my baby girl in pain?" You shot him a glare, wanting to wipe that smug smirk off his face. However, you had other plans. You hooked your legs behind him, and with a swift motion, you flipped positions, straddling him. Your bare sex rubbed against the rough material of his trousers, which concealed his evident arousal, and both of you hissed in response.
As he looked up at you, naked and sitting atop his clothed arousal, you began to move your hips provocatively, eliciting a throaty growl from him. "Fuck, Y/n, slow down," he implored, if you don't, I'll end up coming in my pants, He thought to himself.
You dismissed his words, your voice heavy with desire. "Less talking, more fucking." You moved your hips rhythmically, and he raised to his elbows, gripping your hips tightly to halt your movements. "Raise your hips," he instructed, "I promise I won't tease. I need to prepare you, love."
Without further delay, he began to give your bundle of nerves the attention they craved. His thumb circled your sensitive bud while he slowly inserted his forefinger inside you. The sensation was electrifying, and you felt your arousal building from your spine to your womb, flooding you with pleasure.
Your vision blurred, and the sensations washed over you, causing your body to tense and quiver. You bit into Wonwoo's neck, desperate to muffle your moans as your climax approached. His name became a chant on your lips, and your hips began to ride his hand, your movements taking on a mind of their own. You were lost in ecstasy, your world reduced to the pleasure that consumed you.
When he added a third finger, you gasped, and your hips twitched involuntarily. "Wonwoo," you gasped, and he whispered, "Let go, baby. I've got you."
With a mind of their own, your hips raised from his thighs, and you began to ride his hand, the overwhelming sensations driving you closer to your climax. You were too lost in your ecstasy to notice Wonwoo opened his trousers a little and brought out his member giving it a few pumps making him moan at the sight of you. But just as you were about to cross that exhilarating threshold, he withdrew his hand, leaving you gasping in shock. "WHAT THE FUck–" you began, but before you could finish your sentence, he seized your hips and thrust his throbbing member deep inside you.
Your world exploded as he penetrated you, and you screamed as he entered your most intimate depths, causing your inner muscles to clench around him. Two powerful thrusts were all it took for your first orgasm to crash over you, an electrifying wave of pleasure that sent you spiraling into ecstasy. Your body convulsed around him, and he groaned, overcome by the intense grip of your tightness.
Your chests pressed together, your foreheads touching, and he pushed up into you at a languid pace, allowing you to ride the waves of your orgasm. He paused when he noticed your furrowed brow, knowing you needed a moment to come back from the euphoric high.
With one arm, he held you up as you lay upon him, your hair cascading like a curtain over his face. He kissed your neck and nipped at your earlobe as he allowed you to regain your composure. As your heartbeat gradually returned to normal and you opened your eyes, a silly smile graced your lips.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing it’s just that in the afternoon you said let’s be friends”
In the blink of an eye, he shifted your positions once again. You lay on your back, and he knelt between your parted legs, your hips hovering in the air. “Then let me show you how good my friendship can be”,His hands gripped your supple buttocks, surely leaving marks in their wake. As he entered you again, you felt his gaze locked onto you with an insatiable hunger in his eyes.
With a husky whisper, he purred, with a wink, "My turn."
When Jeonghan was in his first year of college, he read the concluding lines of the main character in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night": "Fate, show thy force; ourselves we do not owe; what is decreed must be, and be this so." He couldn't disagree with something more at the time, but little did he know how much he would have to eat his words.
Jeonghan had come to drop off a pin drive you'd left at home in your office. He was about to step into the elevator when Victor rushed in before him. In German, Jeonghan asked, "Hold the elevator, please," but Victor, who was also late for a meeting, just gestured to his watch and said, "Sorry, short on time." The doors closed with Victor inside, leaving Jeonghan grumbling and taking the next elevator.
When Jeonghan reached your office, he saw the same man showing you something in his file and making you sign some documents. Jeonghan glared at him, and the man looked a little awkward. You introduced Jeonghan to him.
"Ah, JJ, come in. Mr. Sine and I are almost done here," you said.
"Mr. Sine, this is my good friend, Yoon Jeonghan, an Assistant Professor at KIU," you continued.
"JJ, this is my new representative, Mr—"
"Mr. Short on Time," Jeonghan interrupted with a sly smile.
The air between the three of you seemed charged with unspoken tension. You, ever perceptive, sensed it and said, "Okay, why don't you take a seat, Mr. Sine? Shall we continue?"
Mr. Sine cleared his throat and agreed, shifting his attention back to you as he began to explain the contract clauses, pointing to where you should sign. Meanwhile, Jeonghan settled into a nearby couch, picking up a magazine and pretending to be engrossed in it.
Jeonghan couldn't help but notice Victor attempting to act cool about it, and, true to his petty nature at times, he decided that if two could play this game, he'd certainly be up for the challenge. For the next six minutes, while Victor stood next to you, his peripheral attention was continuously drawn to Jeonghan, feeling the weight of his stare.
Two days after the encounter at your office, Jeonghan found himself in a pub with his friends, passionately discussing the decline of the social sciences. They delved into the structure of society, which seemed to be transforming into a conformist matrix that stifled critical thinking and suppressed diverse voices.
Victor happened to enter the same pub with his coworker, and he immediately spotted Jeonghan. The conversation around the table focused on whether criticizing problems would lead to solutions.
Victor quipped, "What can be done? Your criticism doesn't always result in a solution."
Jeonghan, who was ardently immersed in the debate, responded, "Sometimes the journey toward finding an answer is more liberating than the answer itself."
Victor, his eyes locked with Jeonghan's, engaged in a silent battle of wits and wills, momentarily oblivious to their surroundings. Jeonghan's coworker interrupted their silent exchange by clearing his throat, prompting Jeonghan to break his gaze.
When Jeonghan's coworker noticed another person entering the pub, he excitedly exclaimed, "Oh, he's here!"
Both Jeonghan and Victor turned their attention to see an average-looking but seemingly confident guy, often referred to as a "chad" among their friends, entering the establishment.
"This is the guy I was telling you about," the coworker said to Jeonghan. "Come on, I'll introduce you to him."
Jeonghan hesitated and replied with unease, "Robert, I told you I don't want to meet new people just yet."
Undeterred, his coworker insisted, "Oh, come on, Yoon. A simple 'hello' won't hurt. It's not like I told you to marry him."
He attempted to pull Jeonghan from his chair to introduce him to the newcomer. However, just as Jeonghan was about to be dragged away, someone firmly grasped his other wrist. It was Victor, his gravelly voice and authoritative gaze stopping the coworker in his tracks.“He said no, didn’t he?”
Jeonghan's heart quickened, and he felt a tingle in his stomach. He couldn't help but be captivated by Victor's protective response, and from that moment on, the rest became history. Dating Jeonghan was no easy task, but for Victor, every moment spent with him was worth the effort.
In college, Victor's boyfriend, a literature major, once read out a verse by Charles Bukowski: "When nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. What do you call it? Freedom or loneliness?"
Turning to Victor, his boyfriend had asked, "What do you think, Vic? Is it freedom or loneliness?"
Victor, who had grown up in an immigrant household where his parents and four siblings had always been busy, striving for a better life, and chasing opportunities, answered confidently, "Freedom."
Then why is it now when he walks into his house, in the same streets where he used to deliver newspapers in so he could afford some pocket money for his bus card, as he walked into his house, closing the door of his Audi and opening the door to their home, where Jeonghan's absence was strongly felt because he was away attending a conference, Victor couldn't help but feel that this moment was closer to "loneliness."
After taking a shower, Victor entered the kitchen, planning to open the fridge. However, he noticed a post-it note that read, "Warm up the lasagna and don't forget to take out the trash. P.S., don't eat my muffin."
And that's when Victor had an epiphany. … It had been three days since your wedding, and you had flown down to Switzerland with Victor. As he drove both of you to the office, you were fiddling with your engagement ring and staring out at the passing scenery.
Victor broke the silence, saying, "It's a pretty ring."
You snapped out of your reverie and looked at him, slightly confused. "The ring," he clarified, nodding toward your hand. "It's pretty."
"Ah, thanks. It belonged to my husband's grandmother," you replied.
"Heirloom, eh?"
"Yes," you confirmed with a somewhat awkward laugh.
"So, how are things between you and JJ?" Victor asked.
"Good, as good as they could get," Victor responded with a chuckle.
"Good is nice," you hummed.
"I wanted to talk to you about something," Victor said, changing lanes. "I'm going to propose to Jeonghan."
You looked at him with surprise, your eyes gleaming. "And you want my blessing for it?" you teased.
"Since you and Noel are the closest thing Jeonghan has here to family, you could say that. I mean, you did play a pivotal part in our meeting," Victor explained.
"My, my, Victor, I'm flattered. Who knew you had a heart under all that muscle?" you joked, dramatically touching your chest.
He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Can you pretend you don't know for a bit? You know how Jeonghan gets when-"
"He's kept out of the loop," you finished the thought with a chuckle.
You both shared a laugh. "What about his parents?" you asked.
"Well, the last time I talked to his mother, she seemed happy," Victor said.
"And what about his father?"
Victor sighed and gave you a sad smile. "Well, that's a conversation best served with drinks."
"Have you guys talked about it?" you asked.
Victor nodded. "Yes, we've discussed it. He has his whole plan ready. But don't you think everybody deserves a proposal?"
You pondered his words for a moment, gazing out the window. With a small smile playing on your lips as you fiddled with your ring, you whispered, "Yes, everybody deserves a proposal." … It had been two weeks since Noel and you left, and there were moments when Jeonghan would start yelling for "El" to come down for something before he'd stop mid-sentence, remembering that you had left. Even though you'd been Facetiming regularly, adjusting to the old routine without you as a constant presence in his life was difficult. However, the joy Noel brought to both yours and Jeonghan's lives was undeniable, serving as a living reminder of the people you both held dear.
Victor had asked Leila to arrange a basket and took Jeonghan on a day trip to Lake Lungern. During the two-hour drive, Jeonghan's antsiness grew as he repeatedly asked, "Are we there yet?" Victor's patience was wearing thin.
As they approached their destination, Jeonghan's anticipation grew. "Oh, my Vicky, you didn't!" he exclaimed as he took in the stunning view. This place held sentimental value as it was where Jeonghan had taken them for their first date before it became a hotspot.
Victor was driving and couldn't drink, but he wouldn't have minded a glass of wine to calm his nerves. His heart raced, and he had cold sweats accumulating on the back of his neck. He finally brought out a blanket and a picnic basket.
Jeonghan commented, "Ah, ever since I came back from the post-doctoral program, I haven't had time to catch a break. Thank you, Vicky."
"Anything for you, Dr. Yoon," Victor replied.
"Please don't call me that in public," Jeonghan joked.
They laughed together, and Victor felt the love in the air as he looked at Jeonghan with adoration in his eyes.
After a moment, Victor cleared his throat. "Jeonghan, we need to talk."
Jeonghan's heart skipped a beat, fearing the worst. "Do you ever wonder where we'd be if we hadn't met at Y/N's office nine years ago?"
Jeonghan looked at Victor, then at his fingers, and shook his head. "No, not really. You?"
Victor stood up and walked towards the lake, surrounded by flowers. Jeonghan followed closely, waiting for his answer. Victor took a deep breath and began, "I've never felt the need to wonder, and even imagining a life without you terrifies me."
He turned to face Jeonghan and extended his hand. Jeonghan placed his hand in Victor's, listening intently.
Victor continued, "Yoon Jeonghan, meeting you made me realize what living feels like. You breathe life into my soul. My mother used to say that there are no accidents in life. Even the rustling of the leaves due to the wind is written in the stars before the seed of that tree came to exist. I used to think it was absurd, but now when I look at you, I thank the stars for aligning our fates. I want all your mornings and nights. I want the privilege of growing old with you. I want your rants and all your moods."
Jeonghan interjected, "I'll become more critical of some of your choices."
Victor chuckled and said, "Jeonghan, I will love you even if you become the next Karl Marx."
Jeonghan laughed, "No, thank you."
Victor continued, "You do what your heart desires, and I'll be rich for the both of us."
With those words, Victor took a platinum ring from his pocket and asked, "Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, will you marry me?"
Jeonghan's tears welled up, and he was overwhelmed by emotions. He'd rarely cried in the past, but watching the love of his life profess his love and commitment to him brought forth an unstoppable flow of tears.
He managed to joke through his tears, "Do we really need to involve the government in our relationship?"
Victor, with tears in his eyes, slipped the ring onto Jeonghan's finger. They shared a tight hug, foreheads touching, lost in their bubble of love as the sun set and made way for a new beginning.
Jeonghan admitted, "When you said we needed to talk, I thought you wanted to break up with me."
Victor replied, "I would question why you'd even think that, but right now, I just want to kiss you."
And so, as the sun set in the background, they kissed, sealing their love and commitment to one another.
A/N: Phew this took me FOUR days to write. I want to thank everyone who showed support and reminded me that just because something does not have a lot of admirers does not mean it is not worthy of love, time and effort. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and meet you all with the next one.
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penny-anna · 2 years
love that Ocean is the only one that actually does the Assignment. anyway. its like.
Ocean: I should get to come back to life because I have the grades, I’m patently the most likely to succeed, and generally am the best and smartest person here.
Noel: I wanna be a French prostitute and die tragically young of typhoid
Mischa: im a motherfucking rapper
Ricky: did I ever tell you guys about the time i went to SPACE and had sex with a bunch of CATGIRLS
Jane Doe: ??????? ????? ???? ?
Constance: honestly I’m just happy to be included
Ocean: what are you people FUCKING talking about
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offseason-if · 8 months
How would you describe the overall vibe of each route?
Waaaaaugh. This has been in my ask box for a while n ive been thinking on it. Ill give u a few songs that remind me of their routes (subject to change bc we are in early planning lol)
Noel - allies or enemies, still into you, too close
extra. are you in love (intro), valentine
H - glue song, rose-colored boy, trouble
extra. boyfriend, never ever getting rid of me, best worst mistake with a cold/stoic MC!!
S - the side of paradise, intertwined, love like you
extra. like or like like
Valerio - this is how it feels (with laufey), talk, decode
extra. wouldn’t change a thing, 7 things
p.s want u back is a good exes-val and noel poly route song 🤔
Some of these r like. Overdramatized obviously n val’s n h’s extras r silly but general vibes!!
More in depth explanations beloooow~
Noel’s route is about.. hmm.. not to be corny but following your heart? But seriously, some people are the kind of people to keep feelings locked away because of whats ‘expected’ of them, which can result in hurt not only to themselves but others as well, even if it’s not intentional.
H’s route is about identity and family. Obviously your family plays a big part in your identity and finding yourself growing up. Especially if you come from a tight-knit family, but, finding yourself without the input and influence of your family is just as or if not more important.
​S’s route is very much about realizing your worth on both ends! Self-worth issues can come in multiple forms whether its in relationships, performances, hobbies, etc., which totally sucks but if you don’t do anything to work on them it like, ultra sucks.
Valerio’s route is about mistakes. Realizing you made a mistake is difficult and admitting to it is even more difficult especially if you’re.. prideful. But there comes a certain point where you have to decide if putting your pride aside is more important than losing a person/people close to you.
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soleilonthesun · 22 days
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[Translation] <Page 1>
"Blue Lock TV: All the matches of the Neogoista League live! Witness the birth of the best striker in the world in BLUE LOCK, the place where the most exciting football is played!"
"Its members will be these 5 world-renowned strikers!: Loki, Lavinho, Noel Nola, Prince and Snuffy."
Ego: "For only 500 yen a month you can enjoy this super entertainment. Subscribe now!"
<*See the next page for more information.>
[Translation] - Page 2
"POINT 1: "Get a glimpse of life at BLUE LOCK!"
《Not only the games are recorded, but also the lives of the players. The day-to-day conversations, joys and sorrows of the emerging stars who aspire to become the best forwards in the world will be broadcast. Only on BLTV will you be able to see the facets of your favorite players!
The training room, the dining room, the meeting room, you will be able to take a look at all these places! Witness the birth of the best striker in the world!》
"POINT 2: "Check player statistics!"
《In total 101 players participate! We have a database that allows you to see the general evaluation of the boys right away. Download the BLTV app and closely follow the daily evolution of the players! You will also be able to compare the annual salaries and growth of the boys!》
[Translation] - Page 3
《You can support your favorite player by voting for him! Do you want to see him more?! Cheer him up?! Let him play more?! With the voting system you can make your voice heard.
And maybe if the club owners pay attention to those votes...they will change their lives forever! We want YOUR EGOIST VOTES!》
>"Click here to register. *Credit card payment required.
>"No permanence commitments. You can cancel your subscription whenever you want, although the rate for the month in which you cancel is charged."
>>For further queries, please contact customer service at BLTV<<
*We also ask that you refrain from harassing players on social media - On behalf of the BLTV team and the Japan Football Association.
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rjmartin11 · 3 months
Earth Angel, Heavenly Boy
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Pairing: Angel!Elvis & OC!black!female
Summary: After a nearly fatal car accident, a mysterious man saved the life of a young woman who believes the young man is more than what he seems.
Word Count:???
Warnings: Car accident
Author's Notes: Okay, okay, maybe I'm officially off from retirement. I don't know. This story just hit me, no pun intended. I just felt I had to put it down.
If you enjoy this chapter and want more, like, repost, comment, and follow. If enough people like it, I'll make another chapter.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・🪽・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
"For He shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all thy ways." Psalms 91:11 (Bible)
After a long day at the office, all Noel wanted to do was go home, prop her feet up, and drink some wine. She was supposed to leave at five o'clock, yet Noel finds herself leaving the desk at six thirty. By the time she gets home, there will be no cooking. She can get by on just a glass of wine and a snack.
The ground was saturated with the rain from the last hour, but Noel didn't care. She was ready for that shower. The glass of wine. Her recliner. Her mystery book or mystery show. Whatever came first, she'd take it.
Driving home in the dark is never ideal, but here she is. Noel decides to play the radio to lift her spirits. She doesn't like driving when it rains, and she despises driving in the dark.
As she turns up the radio, a car swerves into her lane. Panicked, Noel tries to move out of the way of the car. This causes the car to hydroplane on the wet road. Noel tries to regain control of her vehicle, but the other car hits the backside of her car, causing her to flip over. The other car spins out of control, running into a tree.
Noel screams as her car flips and lands on its top. She wore her seatbelt, but the top half of her body's positioned out of the driver's window. She has cuts on her hands, arms, and face. Her legs are concealed under wheel. She can barely breathe.
"God... please... help," she breathes into the air with tears coming down her face.
She believes she hears footsteps, but she goes completely limp from the pain.
At the moment, her silent prayer to God has been answered. Angels, unseen to human eyes, surround the scene. Real angels with magnificent wings and a heavenly glow.
One angel in particular goes to Noel's aid. Honestly, he's not supposed to help her out of the car. His job is to watch her to make sure no more harm comes to her as they wait for the paramedics to arrive. His other job is to whisper positive thoughts of encouragement in her ear as they wait, and if her body is too damaged from the collision where her soul can't remain, he's supposed to signal the angel of death. Yet, her angel can't.
Noel's body has internal bleeding, three different vertebrae are fractured, and her right wrist and left leg are broken. She's a candidate for a new life. A new life with wings or the ethics rest, the angel can't bring himself to report this.
Angels also have a gift to see the soul of each and every human being. He sees that kind, generous soul Noel has within her. She puts others in front of herself in her career and in everyday life. She was in an abusive relationship, which removed herself from a year and a half ago. It didn't change her soul and destroy her character. It only made her stronger. Noel was loved and respected. She'd be missed.
The angel gently pulled Noel's lifeless body out of the car with ease. Placing her gently in his arms, he wraps his wings around her. Her breathing is shallow. Her pulse is weak. As he hears her heartbeat fade in and out, he knows Noel won't make it to the hospital. He sees all laid out before him. The ambulance gets to her, places her on the gurney, and she dies on her way to the hospital.
"No," he says, looking at Noel's cut face. "This can't be how it ends for you."
"Elvis!" Calls out the angel in charge. How is she!"
"Yes, Gabriel!" Elvis shouts back. "She'll live."
A single teardrop trickles down his cheek at the sight of Noel. Elvis has been around the world and has seen many beautiful women. Yet something about Noel captures him. He can't stop what should be, but for Noel, he'll risk the wrath of the Lord.
In the distance, he hears the sirens wail. He looks upon once more.
"Noel Pierce. You are a light in this world. And you will live," Elvis says, as he places the kiss of life on her lips.
This kiss is so powerful that it heals each and every part of her body. It mends all her veins and blood vessels that caused the internal bleeding. Her bones snap safely and securely into their places. Her cuts vanish, and her heart beats stronger than before.
Elvis slow moves away from Noel, giving her air to breath once more. Her vision is weak, but she opens her eyes enough to see a blurred image of her rescuer. All she captures is the blue hue of his eyes.
Elvis places his fingers over her face and says, "Rest now until the medics come. You've seen enough for one night."
Noel obeys, and her eyes fall closed. Elvis rises from the ground to join the fleet of angels to fly off to the next mission.
"Miss? Miss? Can you hear me???"
Noel opens her eyes as the medic examines her eyes. She looks around and bewilderment.
"W-what? My car..." She says.
"Miss, what's your name?" He asks.
"I'm Noel. Noel Pierce."
"What happened?"
"I'm not too sure," Noel says. "It happened so fast. The other car came in my lane and swerved. I swear the car flipped over."
"The blue car?" The medic asked.
"Yes." Noel pauses and looks around. "Where is he?"
"The guy that pulled me out of the car?"
"No one was here when we arrived on the scene."
Noel looks up at the medic. Her face goes numb, and her heart sinks to the pit of her stomach. He was there. Someone was there. There's no way she could have imagined that.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @vintagepresley @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @eptodaytommorowforever @vintageshanny @iloveelvis @dreamingofep @aliypop @littlehoneyposts @msamarican @sissylittlefeather
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iheartfinalgirls · 7 months
My Choir Designs
-Design mostly based on Tiffany Tatreau’s Ocean
-Straight orange hair that will go insane in the humidity (She always wears her hair down, like nobody has seen her with her hair up. Constance saw her in a ponytail ONCE.)
-Wears glasses (She literally just looks like the nerd emoji.)
-Has buck teeth (She was supposed to get braces but her parents spent lots of the dental money on a new bong.)
-Freckles everywhere
-Iconic headband
-Acne that she’s desperately trying to treat
-Wears her uniform very neat with a red bowtie.
-Design mostly based on Kholby Wardell’s Noel
-Black hair (He cannot get it wet because he will literally just look like a wet cat)
-Black nail polish that always ends up chipping by the end of the day (He picks his nails).
-He has acne but tries to cover it with foundation.
-Foundation is the only makeup he will wear and he spends all morning trying to make it look less noticeable because he doesn’t want to get bullied.
-He has hairy legs because he’s too scared to shave (He does everything he can to hide them)
-Wears his uniform neat with a black tie.
-Design mostly based on Chaz Duffy’s Mischa.
-REALLY REALLY REALLY dark blonde hair.
-Iconic backwards hat (He cannot enter a public space without it).
-Promise ring from Talia.
-He has stubble because he hardly ever shaves.
-He has lots of body hair in general. (He hit a growth spurt at an early age)
-Eye bags because he just doesn’t give a shit about sleeping.
-He is a bit muscular but also a bit chubby.
-Wears his uniform in an unorganized way, his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and his top couple buttons are unbuttoned.
-Design mostly based on Scott Redmond and Yannick Robin Eike Mirko’s Ricky.
-Curly dark brown hair.
-They have noise-cancelling headphones that look like cat ears.
-Wears glasses
-Mostly uses a wheelchair because it makes communicating easier, whether it’s through ASL or through the AAC device.
-Speaking of their AAC device, it has stickers all over it, they’re mostly sci-fi themed, space themed, comic book themed, or cat themed.
-Wears their uniform pretty much the same way Noel does but they’ll occasionally wear the girls jumper under the sweater vest (They also always have cat hair on them, so they need to carry a lint roller in their school bag).
Jane Doe
-Design mostly based on Emily Rohm’s Jane Doe.
-Light blonde ringlets + a black headband with a little bow.(Just imagine the 2016 wig)
-The doll has a white lacy dress with a black ribbon around the waist and black buttons.
-Her face is completely white minus her pink cheeks. Her lips are red and small. Her eyes are big and completely black (Light doesn’t even reflect off of them).
-The separation between her head and neck is cracks.
-There are cracks that start from the corner of her mouth and end under her chin. These cracks allow her to move her mouth to speak (They look similar to a marionette’s mouth).
-Her body is curvy and looks like a corpse.
-Her white shirt is replaced with a white blouse with puffy sleeves that get tighter around her wrists + platform Mary jane’s
-6’0 (6’4 with platforms)
-Design mostly based on Lillian Castillo’s Constance.
-Coiled black hair that fades into purple at the end (She always plays around with her hairstyle, sometimes its in space buns, half-up half-down space buns, one big bun, or just down sometimes.)
-Wears pastel jewelry.
-Her glasses are rounder than Ocean’s and Ricky’s.
-Nails always painted in pastel colors.
-She just likes decorating herself in lots of pastel colors in general (when she gets pimples, she wears those smiley face pimple patches).
-She is plus-sized (if you draw Lillian’s Constance, draw her plus-sized for the love of god)
-Her shirt is buttoned up but she always forgets her tie.
-Design. Mostly based on Emily Rohm’s Penny.
-Really long brown hair (She hasn’t cut it since she was 14) usually done in twin braids + bangs obscuring her eyes.
-She wears goth jewelry that she always fidgets with (goth Penny is real TO ME).
-She secretly carries her doll in her backpack (Only the choir knows).
-She got pushed down the stairs a lot (before people started ignoring her) so she still has some injuries and bandages on her.
-Her body is curvy.
-She has hairy legs because she HATES how itchy her legs get after shaving.
-Again, her white shirt is replaced with a white blouse with puffy sleeves that get tighter around her wrists (the reason her shirt is different is because of her sensory issues) + platform Mary jane’s.
-6’0 (6’4 with platforms)
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devotion-disorder · 6 months
I'm planning on setting up an ask blog for my yandere ocs, do you have any tips for running a blog like that?
im not sure if im the best person to be asking about running an ask blog since im…frankly not doing a very good job at it, but i’m still happy to share some thoughts! take em with a grain of salt tho
I think one of the best things about running an ask blog is the collaborative aspect of it! As in, i dont often think of it as “people ask questions and i give answers” but rather “i am given prompts to deepen/ explore my characters”! So really its thanks to all the kind people who send asks to me to shape my ocs into who they are. this is kind of a horrible example but coke can Noel only became canon because of the whole small pp debacle LMAO Point is, i think it can be a fun way to figure stuff out along the way!!
With that said, its about a delicate balance of giving and withholding information. Sometimes im deliberately vague about key information to hopefully intrigue people into asking about it, eg: initially i only stated Noel has face-blindness but did not talk about how/when/why he got it or how that affects him. Once again, and fortunately, people were willing to engage with me and i get to release the lore organically bit by bit. This is not foolproof though, and you gotta lay down a foundation before others can build on it…i’ve received 100+ asks and not ONE person has asked about Kuuya’s right eye, but thats entirely my fault cause i never brought it up myself LOLL
Also i think its useful to diversify the type of content you put out! I originally planned to answer ALL asks with drawings but soon realised that was just impossible, hence i dabble in writing when im unable to draw. It also helps with burnout in general. Its a good way to keep up a regular posting schedule, which i find is very helpful in encouraging people to actually engage with you!
and lastly remember its your blog so its your rules babey!! go wild!! do whatever you want its literally your house. good luck and have fun!!
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 months
What changes did they make to Shiki and Ciel's dynamic in remake? (And what do you think of them?)
In the doujin release, Shiki and Ciel start as acquaintances from the same school. No previous opinions. Later, the 17 Pieces incident happens and Ciel's route is unlocked by Shiki immediately accepting the weight of his sin instead of dismissing the outlandish event. Ciel finds him and saves him from his personal darkest hour with some generic Church platitudes about how death isn't atonement and Shiki must make amends with good deeds instead of running away from the burden of his sin.
The payoff to this is Ciel revealing her past as Roa and her ultimate goal of killing Roa as a means to end her undeservedly long life. Shiki (made into the current Roa host) fights back against Ciel and their conflict is solved by him repeating her generic Church platitudes to her, coming from the mouth of the only person whom she can relate to on the trauma of Roa's presence inside them and with the sincerity of someone who internalized her lies, causing Ciel to finally believe her own lessons too.
The main difference in the remake is that instead of Shiki starting off without established options for Ciel's kind schoolgirl volunteer mask, he's much more of a simp, for the lack of a better way to phrase it. The idea of Shiki saving Ciel by engaging earnestly and passionately with the words she didn't sincerely mean changes from the exclusive focus of the important part to something present in every aspect of their relationship, which makes Shiki's status as the only one who personally knows what Ciel's been through less relevant to it.
Ciel always was Shiki's best relationship by a really wide margin and I don't think the Remake's material damaged what made their dynamic work but it did dilute it with a lot of additional threads I feel nothing about. Shiki's new characterization takes some getting used to since he's not this immediately forward and devoted to anyone else. I still love them as a pair, but I can no longer imagine them ending up as the best couple among the six again.
And this general idea of making the girl stop hating herself by showering her mask with love and then showering her true face with the exact same love because the reveal doesn't make Shiki see her as a different person is something that would have worked better with Kohaku.
If anything, I feel like their new dynamic is much more of a benefit to Noel's characterization than to either of the two because Shiki's intense, outspoken, and apparently uncritical affection for Ciel paints him excellently as everything Noel would want for herself. But Rainbow At Night's writing in general is very dedicated to making Noel its best character.
Overall, I feel like I'd been more satisfied if her remade route kept all of their interactions as they were, only removing the attempted NTR subplot by replacing all of Arcueid's screen time with our good Noel content. Have Arc straight up leave believing her job to be done on day 6 after she kills SHIKI, unaware that Roa leaped to the other Toono Shiki. Still leaves with a final boss furiously jealous of Ciel if anyone cared about that, but better because Noel's jealousy has a more meaningful past and extends so much beyond Shiki.
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maochira · 10 months
HIIII im back!!
Sooooo... im a person who struggles with crying like- i can't whether i wanted to or not.
SOOO when im stressed i can't even cry to feel better ( cuz crying can release tension and stuff ) and generally im (kinda?) depressed in a sense where i feel numb, lonely and like theres a void in my chest.
( above is for example and kind of a vent😅 )
Basically, the request is coaches as dad listening to your feelings or thoughts abt feeling empty and (MAYBE??) wanting reader to see a psychiatrist/therapist?
Hi! I think I know very much what you feel like regarding the emptiness :'] (except that I cry a lot and very easily and my emptiness often comes with a pressure in my chest.) But please remember I usually don't like people venting in my inbox. I'm okay with this one tho because it connects to a comfort request so I see it more as an explanation than a vent <3 (but I don't want to encourage others to vent to me more in the future.)
Characters: Noa, Chris
Tags: gn!coach's child!reader, reader is a teenager, comfort
Noel Noa
-even though you haven't told him until now, he has noticed something's been off about you for a while
-he didn't think it was something serious because you inherited a big part of his personality regarding being rather cold
-so when you tell him about it, he's a little shocked to find out how bad you've been feeling lately and he feels guilty for not noticing it earlier
-he sits there for hours to let you talk about everything that's on your mind, but he realizes he can't help you enough
-so he decides to try to find a therapist for you. He knows waiting lists can be long, so on the next day he calls and writes emails to every therapist in the area and lets you be put on the waiting list
-and while you're waiting, Noa makes sure you know you can always talk to him. He also tries to be less cold so you can feel more comfortable about sharing your problems
Chris Prince
-he quickly noticed when you started to feel worse, but he decided to wait a bit just in case it gets better on its own
-he trusts you to talk to him as soon as you feel too bad, so to not pressure you, he doesn't ask you about it
-but he realizes you're only getting worse and still not telling him about anything, so he thinks you might be too afraid to open up
-Chris decides he has to be the one who approaches you about this, so he calmly asks you to be honest about how you've been feeling lately and he wants you to let him know as much as possible so he can help
-but the more you tell him about how you feel, the more he realizes you need professional help. So he asks if you want that and obviously you day yes
-Chris helps you to find a good therapist who is helpful to you. He always reassures you if you don't fully click with a therapist, you need to tell him so he can look for a new one
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @toruden @mafuyudonutt @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa @chaosinanutshell @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @yellowelectroslime @0rah-s @deerangle3
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confettiemoji · 2 years
i think about fall fair suites choreography and general meaning so much because in my opinion it can be perfectly taken as if its showing us how the choir died. in That One part where ocean is singing separated from everybody else, she mentions how she had a strange feeling from the start - she probably was more mentally prepared for something to go wrong. while this is happening, constance is standing by herself while noel and mischa spin around her, holding onto eachother, which could represent how they had to hold onto eachother on the rollercoaster. constance is separated from ocean because while ocean had a horrible gut feeling, constance was extremely oblivious, having no idea that something could happen. also another thing that i find so interesting is how when jane sings her little solo in the song, ricky seems to be the only one to hear her, this might be because they were sitting together and also, the last ones to go. nobody else than ricky probably couldve heard janes screaming on the rollercoaster
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dollidotcom · 9 days
(I typed all this on my phone and I don’t have the time to check over it for spelling mistakes please bare with me 😔)
Ride the Cyclone + Regretevator AU!!
Who would be who?
For the tldr;
Lampert as Ocean
Poob as Noel
Pest as Mischa
Unpleasant as Jane Doe
Pilby as Constance
(if you care about Karnak, Folly I guess 😓)
(Need more convincing? Look down here!!!! This is really long 🙀)
Ocean - Lampert [ I believe it fits Lampert due to the fact that most of his dialogue throughout the game seems to be a little passive aggressive unintentionally. For example his dialogue with DrRetro, where he asked her how she bathes herself so he could gauge how far he should stand away from her. This also bodes well with Pilby’s place in the AU since he’s nicer to them. In my mind Lampert is a little bit more snobby than in the game because I wanted Lampert to have some of the traits from Wallter and Mark! ]
Noel - Poob [ This one is a little tricky to explain since I’m not entirely sure how to word it! So, Poob mentioned how they never want their parties to end (or rather lied about them never ending) in game right? The line from Noel‘s Lament ‚My life’s one never ending carnival, a world of boozy floozy flashing light‘ stuck out to me! Since Poob’s parties end like all parties do, they dream of their parties never ending and ruining themself with „party favors“ (drugs and alcohol ☠️) instead of facing the realistic nature of parties coming to an end ]
Mischa - Pest [ To be completely honest, I wasn’t sure who the hell to assign Mischa as, mainly due to Tailia. But I settled on Pest after pondering ‚huh, who’s bilingual 🤔‘ and only Gnarpy and Pest popped up mentally. I would’ve picked Gnarpy if I didn’t think about why the hell xe‘d he at a fall fair, and why the hell xey would get on the cyclone. If anything, Xe‘d probably be the reason it broke down in the first place (Not to mention how Gnarpy is aro if I’m remembering correctly). Regarding Pest with the same questions, Poob would’ve forced him for both questions. Pest as Mischa could also work if you consider how Pest was never exactly nice to anyone in anyway similarly to how Mischa was a tad bit snappy in the musical ]
Ricky - Infected / Kasper [ I choose Kasper because the general retro vibe from Ricky gives the same energy as Kasper! Also I wasn’t sure how to incorporate the disability aspect to Ricky, so I settled on Kasper due to how sickly he is. In Ricky‘s introduction, Karnak mentions how he had cats so I figured that could work too! Lastly I do believe Kasper would have an insane song like Ricky did just due to his personality. ]
Jane doe / Penny - Unpleasant [ Look I know it might seem a bit biased and it MAY be, but hear meowt 😓 Penny‘s body was unclaimed due to not having a head (I have yet to do any research on Legoland bcuz I’m layze) which wouldn’t exactly make sense for any character due to every character having extremely distinct body types, colors, and over all besides characters either already listed or characters it wouldn’t make sense for them to be in the fair at all. Not only that, most of the characters have atleast someone to claim their body. That leaves Fleshcousin and Unpleasant, so why not Fleshcousin? Now, even if Fleshcousin would be at the fall fair, Fleshcousin speaks in a distinct way and I don’t think it’d really be affected by the incident at all considering how Fleshcousin struggles to keep its head on in general, usually having to stop it from flopping haphazardly. Not only that, the entire premise of Jane Doe is that she HAD a life, a family, friends, and memories she didn’t possess due to losing her head and not being identifiable even by Karnak because he never read her fortune. Fleshcousin just takes the form of the closest soul and tries to replicate that soul, so that would defeat the entire purpose. But Dolli, that’s two characters you used process of elimination to pick, you said you had reasoning!!! well I DO ACTUALLY. The body went unclaimed, and as I mentioned before every character had atleast SOMEONE to claim them. Who would claim Unpleasant? Nobody likes them! The only person who could possibly identify it would be Kasper but he’s DEAD TOO!! Nobody would notice their Absence either. Now regarding how nobody remembered them in the spot the rest of the victims were just by seeing their body, the answer is coverage! Gloves, long socks, and long sleeves!! Of course nobody would recognize their face because their head was replaced by the Doll‘s (heh…. Me if u even care..,.,) head. Nobody would recognize their voice because the never spoke! I rest my case 😁 ]
Constance - Pilby [ Pilby as Constance stuck out to me in particular because Constance was labeled the Nicest Girl in town despite barely anyone knowing her in-depth besides her family and she wasn’t happy with that fact, but she only realized how great everything was after the incident. Pilby is one of the nicer npcs, but is often in a somber mood and cries often which causes certain npcs like Pest to be impatient and unkind if you will. Despite how good everything was for them, Pilby always stayed hung up on the more unfortunate things for them. Pilby would probably be able to open their eyes up to the more positive side of their life once it ended like Constance did. Also Pilby‘s color pallet reminds me of the mental imagery of Sugar Cloud! Lastly Lampert and Pilby got along somewhat in the game, but at the end of the day Lampert is still Lampert. ]
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six-costume-refs · 1 year
Costume Breakdown: South Korean Production
Finally got around to doing a write-up on the South Korean costumes! So without further ado, a few general notes:
The costumes were seemingly all made by UK-based teams and makers. More detail below on each.
As a result, there’s not really any major design changes from the more recent UK costumes. Unless otherwise noted, you can assume that most details are pretty standard.
As always, the boots were custom La Duca. They were most likely embellished by Crystalled by Jane, who had done all the UK boots from very early on, but I couldn’t confirm that. Cleves has the usual thigh highs, but everyone else has a single strap (the double thickness) which the UK has slowly been standardizing to.
The actors, with a few exceptions, seem to be wearing their own hair rather than wigs.
The actors have the Roman numeral earrings.
The actors have the same glitter IEMs style as the UK cast.
As usual, the actors have makeup looks that line up with the popular styles in their country. In line with K-beauty trends, these queens generally have more subdued makeup looks than what we've usually seen in the US/UK and sometimes Aus.
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Aragon: 이아름솔 (Lee Arum-soul) and 손승연 (Son Seung-yeon/Sonnet) I can’t confirm who made these costumes. They were possibly made by WhiteStar Costume, who made the most recent West End cast change Aragon costumes. It also might have been made by Rainbow Mascots, who made Jarneia Richard Noel’s costume for Hampton Court. Just like all other recent UK costumes, there’s black threaded through the chains of the necklace. Lee Arum-soul has her straight bob with peak-a-boo black/blonde coloring. Son Seung-yeon has her curled blonde hair. For both the front sections are just pulled loosely back; this isn't out of the norm historically, but it does differ from the French braids that are slowly being standardized in the US/UK/sometimes NCL.
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Boleyn: 김지우 (Kim Ji Woo/Jennifer) and 배수정 (Pae Su-jeong/Shannon) Most recent Boleyn costumes have been made by White Star Costumes, but I’m not positive that these are. This costume uses the darker monotone green vinyl. It was introduced for Broadway with reopening, but has only been making its' way over to the UK in recent months. The skirts are also proportionally wider and longer than most recent skirts. Kim Ji-Woo has her bangs styled to the side and front. They both have green clip-in hair extensions.
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Seymour: 박혜나 (Park Hye-na) and 박가람 (Park Ga-ram) These costumes were most likely made by Kirsti Reid. Just like all other recent UK costumes, there’s black threaded through the chains of the necklace.
Park Hye-na has a little bit stronger of a side part to accommodate her widow's peak, while Park Ga-ram has a stronger center part (although usually still styled slightly to the side). The softly styled front is in line with typical US wigs, but differs from most UK which usually is pulled fairly straight back.
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Cleves: 김지선 (Kim Ji sun) and 최현선 (Choi Hyun-sun) The costumes seem to have been made by Paul Aspinall. He has been the primary UK Cleves costume maker in recent years.
Both queens have a front bump with small buns, in the same style as what Rachel Rawlinson wears on the West End. They also have a temporary red hairspray used on the front and separate red bright red extensions added to the back of their hairstyle, although it seems like there's been some variation and change in those specifics even throughout the run.
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Howard: 김려원 (Kim Ryeo-won) and 솔지 (Solji) The costumes may have been made by Rainbow Mascots, who made Aimie Atkinson’s costume for Hampton Court, but I can’t confirm that. Note that Solji has flat boots due to an injury. Just like most other productions, Kim Ryeo-won and Solji have a ponytail hairpiece attached over their own hair. At the time of their debut, every other current Howard’s hair was pulled directly back into that ponytail piece. Instead of that, both have a side part with hair pulled to either side and a few small wispy bangs. (Note: Lou Henry has since debuted with a side swept front style as well)
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Parr: 유주혜 (Yoo Ju-hye) and ​​홍지희 (Hong Ji-hee) The costumes were made by Ashleigh Cherry Costumes, who has been the primary UK Parr costume maker in recent years.
Both actors have the same front bump, braid, and back ponytail that we’ve been seeing become standardized for non-Black Parr actors. The ponytail sits lower here than for most other variations of the hairstyle.
Aragon: seo_rin1212, arumsoooooul, _shannon1025_, peachpitch99, sonnet_son, _shannon1025_
Boleyn: posted by jennifer_luanari but unsure of origin, posted by jennifer_luanari but unsure of origin, jennifer_luanari, sophia_n_h, _shannon1025_, _shannon1025_
Seymour: jjang_beautiful, soul.g_heo, jennifer_luanari, hbiiii._.iin, jennifer_luanari, _shannon1025_
Cleves: seo_rin1212, jennifer_luanari, badeya_lexie, mins________d, janet_hs, janet_hs
Howard: day_star_._, ryeovely_k, ryeovely_k, soul.g_heo, 890110kr, cjes.music
Parr: sunrise_0125, yoozuyoozu, yoozuyoozu, jjang_beautiful, acefactory.official, memories_of_jh
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vgperson · 1 year
What Did I Do In 2022?
Game Translations That Aren't YTTD: 1. Okay, maybe 1.5.
First of all, while I didn't add it until later in the year (not entirely unmotivated by the Stability of Platforms), my site now has an RSS feed for notable updates of any kind! I mention this upfront because I'm mostly just going over the things that are already listed there. It currently retroactively covers everything back to 2020, but I might add more past stuff over time so it can better serve as a general "everything I've ever done" page.
In February, I translated Kenshi Yonezu's POP SONG (and an interview). Noel The Mortal Fate Seasons 1-7 also got a revamped version on consoles (Switch, PS4); the console versions include a new Season 3.5 translated entirely by me, and the rest of the seasons have a revised script which is more thoroughly edited by me than even the redone Steam translation was.
In March, the update adding Kai to Your Time To Shine came out. Yes, he is Kai.
In April, I finally finished up my unofficial Japanese translation patch for Petal Crash. たのしいね、クラッシュ! It actually just got some extra attention after the Petal Crash run for RTA In Japan about two days ago, which is kind of wild. Is this what it's like to be famous...? (clueless)
In May, I translated Kenshi Yonezu's Shin Ultraman theme song M87 (interview, interview), and the coupling song from the single, ETA. And there was an article about the 10th anniversary of his debut!
Also in May, the Ib remake came out on Steam in English! Told you they'd contact me. It was later announced to be coming to Switch, scheduled for March 2023.
In August, Your Turn To Die was announced to be coming to Steam. It's planned for early 2023, but to be clear, it'll release first in Early Access still with no final part, though with some exclusive mini-episodes and character profile sheets. Apparently once that's out, the actual completion is estimated for 6 to 12 months later... but, you know. Estimates are hard.
In September, I put together a guide for and officially "released" my Custom Translation Engine plugin for RPG Maker MV, the one I made for the Ib remake, and back-implemented into Your Turn To Die shortly after I was contacted about it coming to Steam. It's fancy (in-game language switching!), convenient (minimal direct editing of code!), and you can use it for your own translation projects if you want!
In October... well, I didn't do anything new for it, but I'll take credit for The Witch's House MV coming to consoles. (Switch, PS4, Xbox) I also translated everyone's favorite Chainsaw Man opening KICK BACK, associated interviews, and the single's coupling song Y'all Should Be Ashamed.
Finally, in December, after lots of spending my time elsewhere and indecision about how I should go about returning to doing some dang free game translations, I concluded that what I'd really wanted to do all year was translate Uri's PEDESTAL.
I think some people latched onto specific parts of Uri's original explanation for why it wasn't being translated, such as the cultural aspects (I honestly winced at her blunt remark that the story was "no good at all"), but while Uri indeed had those doubts at the time of release, the only real reason it wasn't translated at the time is that I did a less-than-ideal rushed playthrough that slightly hurt my overall impression of its quality, and I felt too busy at the time to work on something with lots of text that was likely to be divisive. So similarly, me finally feeling up to it was the reason it did get translated. I probably should've come back to it quite a bit sooner (after I was made to give up a certain other translation, say), but as I alluded to in last year's post, I was self-conscious about "my big return to free game translations" being something that might not have wide appeal. Uh, glad to be past that, hopefully.
Oh, and ever since finishing PEDESTAL, I've been working on all sorts of overhauls to my site, but like... not the kind that actually majorly changes any part of the visible design and annoys people (and if something did change in an annoying way, it's probably accidental). Some of it's just better consideration of mobile browsing (stuff like images or tables sticking out of bounds at mobile resolutions), or making things more convenient for myself behind the scenes (did you know I made a program to add "br"s to every line of all lyrics content before considering I could just have the page code do that, and also better?).
Some more major observable changes include general renovations to the lyrics page (bigger font size, buttons that hide individual languages to aid in side-by-side comparison), and more convenient navigation of OSTER's tweets, such that I could actually imagine someone reading through them all the way from the start without it being too much of a hassle.
While I'm glad to be over the PEDESTAL hump, I don't... necessarily have any definite plans for upcoming free game translations. I mostly just have some stuff on a list that I may have to make myself check out soon enough. Also, Game Atsumaru (which you may know as The Site That Hosts YTTD's Japanese Version) is ending in June??? So uh, might have to accelerate checking out stuff on there, though I guess it depends on how many creators are able to migrate. (Nankidai does plan to put YTTD's Japanese browser version up somewhere else.)
As I mentioned, Your Turn To Die's Early Access release on Steam should be coming up early next year with those mini-episodes and character profiles, and the game might be completed within the year. No promises. I mean, I don't have anything to promise, it's not my game.
Speaking of my game... also no promises. But I'd really like to release one. We'll see what happens. There's also a different kind of original project I recently returned to trying to make real, which could come early in the year, but who knows. As should be apparent, I'm working on a lot of different fronts here, so I frequently feel bad about neglecting such-and-such type of creative work, which sometimes means nothing actually gets done and released. Ultimately, though, it's probably better to follow what I most feel like doing, rather than force focus on one thing and end up not actually getting much done.
Which is to say: hoping to finish something in the new year!
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