#but for someone who isn't a parent and has never had an infant sibling--that's too much to google
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hood-ex · 9 months ago
I once wrote a fic where Dick had to take care of baby Tim, and I'd write some kinda accidental baby acquisition fic with Dick if it weren't for the fact that you have to remember so much about babies while writing them. Like burping dude. You can't forget to burp those little tykes after a meal. So many annoying little details like that to include to make it sound like you know something about infants.
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the-artist-grimm · 5 months ago
I am curious, how is Anthea handling Ascension/infant godhood in your au?
For the first few months-not well. At all.
To go from prior to that having hopes for the future for the first time in their life, their confession plans for Narinder, their plans of showing him and the twins places in person, their own quietly brewing dreams of being a family with them and starting a proper life with them-something they never let themselves consider out of guilt of surviving, to Narinder out of the blue seeming to 180 his entire personality and their relationship by demanding the lamb sacrifice themselves, killing the twins by accident and through that Anthea realizing they had long been viewing Baal and Aym as their own kids, to then learning it was all because Narinder heard one out of context conversation and in their eyes jumped the gun from there...
They're a parent in mourning, a first time almost-lover nursing a broken heart, yet they have just been placed in a position of power that's the worst kind for a person raised to put themselves aside for those depending on them. (The lamb was an older sister for only 8 years of their initial 26, and yet STILL view themselves as one because that was the role they were brought up to fulfil. The child who grew up too fast because the parents needed help and the younger kids needed someone else to be strong to remain kids a little longer. They are the 'big sis' for their cult, someone younger members can look up to for comfort/protection and older members can depend on. That persona was what held back years of guilt, resentment, and grief)
For the first four months it's a game of pretending everything is fine-hold sermon, ignore Narinder assisting the follower assigned to watch him, run errands, head out on a crusade or down into Purgatory by the whims of another god, repeat. Over and over while they're not sleeping and barely eating. The crown makes it so they don't 'need' to eat or sleep, so they don't.
Everyone in the cult knows the lamb isn't ok, heck a lot even start feeling bad for Narinder too since everyone begins to put together that this is a miscommunication issue that now has two grieving parents refusing to talk (prior to it all most cultists had assumed the two were already married with how Anthea spoke of him and the kits), but no one's in a high enough position to say anything. The Lamb won't talk to Narinder about what happened, and he won't approach them out of guilt.
It's only after the twins get revived do things start to shift-with Narinder and the Lamb kinda having no choice but to interact suddenly the lamb has someone reminding them to sleep, bringing them meals, calling them out on how they're in a way punishing themselves and that even a god needs people (he ascended with siblings to support one another, the lamb ascended alone). It gets easier as they re-learn how to be friends, and even more-so after they eventually talk over what happened and realize/remember there's still a love there.
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queeniecook · 8 months ago
December 13
It's a chilly winter night in BrindleBay as Aubree Lewis works on tummy time with her daughter, Emily.
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"I know you don't like it sweet pea but it'll be worth it." Aubree says softly, trying to soothe her infant daughter. Emily on the other hand isn't having it and continues to whine and cry. 
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The Lewis family cat, Bette Davis, is busy watching TV and ignoring the noises of the crying human. August always marvels at how much their cat loves to watch TV.
There's an unexpected knock at the door. Paris volunteers to get it, since she's the closest to the front door.
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It's a woman she doesn't recognize but somehow seems familiar. "May I help you, Ma'am?"
"Is this August Lewis' house?" The woman asks, barely sparing a glance at the blonde at the door. She's too busy trying to see inside the house.
Paris narrows her eyes and glances into the living room. "Mr. August, there's a woman at the door- asking for you."
August makes his way from the living room and stops in his spot when he sees who is at his door - his older sister, Olivia Kim-Lewis.
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After August invites Olivia inside, the siblings are just staring at each other. Aubree tells August that Paris is going to help her put the twins in their cribs for the night. August invites his older sister into the kitchen, offering her a cup of coffee. Olivia declines the coffee but follows her younger brother into the next room.
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There's silence until Olivia decides to break it. They'll get nowhere if they just stare at each other all night. "Look, I know we haven't spoken in years."
"Since they day of my college graduation to be exact." August supplies, eying his sister. They got into a huge fight at his graduation party over the estate of their parents. August wanted to keep the family home, Oliva wanted to sell it to use the money for her art. They ended up in court and Olivia won. 
"Yeah." Olivia acknowledges. "We're both getting older, don't you think it's time we bury the hatchet? Mom and Dad wouldn't want us like this."
"Mom and Dad would have wanted us to keep the house." August snaps.
"August, what were we gonna do? Live there together? Then Aubree would move in and you two would have babies and you know I don't like kids...it wouldn't have worked. It would have been awful." Olivia states then takes a deep breath and releases it. She can almost see August biting his tongue, something he'd done since he was younger. "We can't change the past. I'm sorry you got hurt but it's worked out for the best. You're happy, aren't you?"
August relaxes a bit and nods his head. He wishes he could see his wife more but yes, he's happy for the most part. He loves his family.
"Can we at least try to make amends?" Olivia asks him. 
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"I'll think about it. Give me your number and I'll call you when I make my decision." August tells her. Olivia has to stop herself from rolling her eyes. His answer reminds her too much of their Grandpa Dennis.
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August finds Aubree on the couch, rocking Edgar Allan.
"He didn't want to go down in his crib." Aubree explains quietly as the infant finally nods off to sleep.
"Do you think I should give my sister a chance?" August asks his wife, he trusts her judgment and really needs someone's input on the situation. 
"I think you should. If it doesn't work out, at least you tried. She'll be hitting old age soon....one day there won't be time for reconciliation." Aubree says, looking at her husband. She had never heard him mention his sister much, she just knows what happened and that they hadn't spoken since. He's talked about his parents and his grandparents but not his sister. Even though the woman hates children, she would still like her children to at least know something about most of their family and maybe it would give August some peace about the situation. 
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cherryrockpops · 1 year ago
RULES: BOLD what applies to your OC I was tagged by @elvenbeard
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OC: Nicolas B
ıllıllı Personal ıllıllı
Nicky never had a personal bank account, he couldn't apply for one unless he registered himself as a citizen. Nick is technically classified as an illegal citizen, but having an anonymous ID is beneficial to his work. He had set up a system where he could earn eddies into a cache, and his bills and payments would come from that cashe instead of actually banking that money into his pocket. He never went to school and learned everything about cars, tech, weapons etc. from working under an apprenticeship.
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
ıllıllı Family ıllıllı
Nicolas was taken in when he was just an infant by the Bakker clan, but was later abandoned and outcast at the age of 13. He never personally knew his parents, aside what the clan had told him, and he was never close with the clan at all due to the mistreatment he received for being a Raffen bastard.
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children* Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned** / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
ıllıllı Traits & Tendencies ıllıllı
This one was a little trickier for me to settle on, since some depend on the situation. On a professional level, Nicky knows how to play his cards and plans for most worst case scenarios. He has to considering he does his work solo and he has no backup. On a personal level, Nicky is extremely private about his life. It takes a long time for him to open up to someone and most of those times he doesn't stick around for that long. Nicky takes crafting orders on the regular, but he's his own boss for efficiency and quality. The faithful/loyal ended up being the hardest for me to settle on, since on the one hand, Nicky has honor with his work and shows kindness to those who show it to him. However, trusting someone to the point where he can put faith in them to NOT fuck him over is incredibly difficult when one lives behind a mask.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual ♦ leader / follower / in-between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown
[[Skipping Beliefs since for a one-shot answer; Nicky doesn't have faith in any higher power. Closest non-existent being he could believe in is Lady Luck. He enjoys bar stories of Alien abductions and whatnot, but he doesn't sit around wondering about that stuff, even when high.]]
ıllıllı Sexuality & Romance ıllıllı
Finding romance or getting sexual gratification isn't a big thing for Nicky. He's too much of a workaholic to ever settle into a social mingle. That isn't to say he's a virgin though. Sometimes he would accept someone's advances if Nick was either curious or could gain from it, but he doesn't tie sex and love together. Nick didn't grow up with love in his life and has deep rooted trauma which makes it hard for him to make romantic connections.
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
ıllıllı Abilities ıllıllı
Nick is all about using as little physical effort as possible when it comes to combat. Daemons and quick hacks all the way. If he had to use a weapon, he prefers ones he only needs to shoot once with, like snipers or power revolvers. However, even though he couldn't punch someone well, Nick has excellent acrobatic/parkour skills. Since it was mentioned earlier that he never got an education, writing is a lost skill on Nick. He can type fine, read text, decorate a fancy cake, but hand writing is a foreign concept.
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
ıllıllı Habits ıllıllı
Nicky would drink if he's feeling anxious or wants to celebrate, otherwise he's more than fine with a sweet lemonade or ice tea. He tried a cigarette once, but hated the flavor and they way it made his lungs feel, so he never smoked again after that. If he wants a high, he takes edibles over a joint. Nicky is a snacker and has a bad sweet tooth, yet thanks to his overclocked brain, high metabolism and his parkour, he doesn't gain the calories. Gambling comes in many forms, and Nick does pool hustle from time to time if he needs the scratch, but it's mainly for the fun of screwing the other party over and seeing their faces when they lose.
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
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daydreamerfox · 2 years ago
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Mᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ OC: Aɪᴋᴏ
I'll add a few facts about Aiko below the cut, I'll try to keep things short, but I usually end up rambling about things
TW: mentions of blood, murder and alcohol use
Aiko's a moody person, gets irritated easily, can be possessive, very insecure and paranoid at times
She struggles to understand what's right and wrong, she can't go out without carrying a knife with her in her purse (she gets very ancious being outside without it).
Specially when talking to someone new she has a very hard time letting hef guard down. She doesn't trust people easily and more likely than not she will be rude to the person, even if she does try to keep her appearances as a good person (mostly to her neighbors and family).
She needs money and she'll do literally anything she can to get it, from babysitting, to walking dogs to sex work and murder. She usually do odd jobs all the time, since she never managed to hold a job for too long.
Aiko had a twin sister called Ayako (Aya, for short) and a little brother called Angelo.
They lost their parents when the twins were 3 and Angelo was only 6 months old. They lived with their aunt Bianca for some time before being sent to foster care. They kept being sent back and forth between different institutions, mostly because of how much trouble Aiko would get into and, since Aiko was so attached to her siblings it would be ideal if they all were adopted together. That didn't work, though and the institution found a family for Angelo when he was 7. The twins weren't so lucky, though.
Aiko isn't a healthy person to be around. She's not trust worthy and will lie to you and use you for her own benefit. Though, truth be told she also struggles to trust people herself, sometimes even if she's close to them.
She wants to be spoiled and she doesn't care what she needs to do to get the life she wants. She doesn't mind getting in relationships to get someone to give her nice things (Yes, she would love to be a sugar baby).
If she gets too anxious about something, she'll probably try to drown those feelings down with alcohol, this woman have a very big problem with that, actually, which usually doesn't work or make her do stupid things while drunk. If that fails to ease her worries, or calm her down in any way, though, she'll most likely become episodic. At this state she becomes very aggressive, doesn't really think straight and might hurt anyone who approaches her or tries to stop her, be it someone she cares about or not. Depending on the reason that triggered her episode she might go after the thing (or person) who made her feel like that to "get rid of the problem".
She's fascinated with blood. Ever since she was a kid her brain always saw it as red paint (Due to traumatic situations, that was some way her infant brain found to cope with what she witnessed) and she does go out to "hunt" people and paing usually walls with her vitim's blood (what she paints can vary, though). Aiko usually paints roses and other plants or some other images, depending on how she's feeling. If she's having a really bad episode, though, she doesn't get to relax enough to paint, she sometimes just go after another vitim, usually getting herself in an even bigger trouble.
Aiko doesn't see what she does as something wrong and she doesn't feel guilty about it at all, since she doesn't know any of the people she hunts or even, when she does know, they're probably someone she hates or who have hurt here (if she's not having an episode), her words about it are: "If people are allowed to hunt animals for fun, why can't I hunt humans?"
She is aware that she can go to jail because of it if she gets caught, that's why she keeps it a secret from her family and anyone she meets, unless she trusts this person completely (and know they wouldn't have a problem with that), but she doesn't see that as something wrong, hence why she doesn't really feel guilty about it.
She is very loyal to those who manage to get to her inner circle of friends and she'll protect them as much as she can, even though she struggles a lot with empathy.
She has abandonment issues and is terrified of being alone (for the rest of her life, she does need alone time most of the time, but she needs to know she can count on someone), even though she hates being around people she doesn't known (mostly because she feels unsafe)
She is an attention whore and will do anything in her power to get the attention she wants.
At 18 she got released from the foster care, got a house to live at and adopted a black kitten, naming him Carbon who lives with her ever since.
Around the same time she has met a friend called Hiraliths (Or, how she usually calls him, Demro) who eventually started being more and more part of her life
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wcrriorhearts · 2 years ago
Rhaenyra had been very little when she had visited the Vale with her mother and in all honesty, she barely remembered anything of it. But Aemma spoke of her cousin all the time, read her letters out to Rhaenyra and told her stories of the Vale, so she felt like she knew Rhea. The moment she had walked in and seen how gently and fondly the other woman had tended to her mother, she had immediately known who she had to be. There was no doubt in the little girl's mind that this was her aunt Rhea. grinning brightly at her with two front teeth missing, the six year old hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek. "i knew it was you! mama has no other friends", she adds in a whisper, before looking over at her poor mother, who looked sickly and sad. rhaenyra does not know what happens in this room, or rather, she has never been told. but she is no infant anymore and understands more than the adults around her seem to believe. she has been promised a sibling for weeks by her father, yet here they are now and no sister or brother can be seen anywhere. the little princess wants to inquire about it, but thinks better of it. she knows it will just be another incident that her parents won't talk about again, especially not in her presence.
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"i want to show you my room", the little girl decides and slips from rhea's lap, her aunt's hand in her own. she quickly leans over her mother and presses a kiss to her cheek, before tugging on the young lady to follow her. the room scares the child and she wants to get out, wants to forget she saw her mother like this. outside in the hallway, she smiles up at rhea. "you sent me a sheep when i was little. i still have it. i also have a hous for my dolls", she tells her, happily leading her along to the nursery. rhea has indeed once sent her a little wooden sheep to play with and rhaenyra still loves it. "did you bring uncle daemon? i can go flying then. papa's dragon is very dead and mama doesn't have one. i will have one when i am older. kepa said i have to be ten to claim one, otherwise the dragon will think i am food. i lost a tooth today! i wanted to show mama but i think she is sick again. she is sick a lot when the babies die, but i am not supposed to know that. it is a bit sad. i really wanted a sister, but i have laena and laenor to play with sometimes, so it isn't too bad."
rhaenyra's mouth seldom stands still when she likes someone and so she babbles on as they walk, jumping from one thought to the next. she has a very active little mind that tends to have a million thoughts at once and it is easy to distract her at times, especially when she is excited. inside her nursery, she finds the little wooden sheep and holds it out for rhea to see. "it lives with my dragons now, but they don't eat it. they're nice dragons", the little one explains and puts the small toy back into a box with three wooden dragons. "that is their stable. they only eat cows, no sheep."
❝ nonsense. you will always be the most pleasant of company, cousin. ❞ rhea brushes away at strands of blonde hair from her aemma's face then. by right, she is not permitted to touch the body of royalty without express permission, and rhea is oftentimes pragmatic with the rules that were set. certainly, there were rules that she'd bended, and some in which she tried her best to find ways to work around when the methods otherwise would have been unlawful: but she is also the lord of her land, the one who upholds the law and customs that was set for the kingdoms, and thus, she is just. and thus, she is strict with what is asked of her, what is expected, and what are the typical norms.
yet — for the queen, for her cousin, rhea breaks all the rules. she fixes the queen's pillow, she tucks the blanket around her kingdom's lady queen, and she ensures that the blinds are closed. and when her cousin has asked that she cared for her daughter in her company, rhea does nothing more than nod. the lady of runestone holds onto aemma's hand, humming a song her lady mother once sung to her and her siblings once upon a time ago, when things were much simpler, and the world was much smaller. soon, her cousin drifts to sleep, though rhea continues her humming. soft, quiet. in another life, she would've sung the same tune to a child she might've bore; she would be happy, content. in this, she will give it to the next person she could love, and it will be the closest thing she could get to happiness, contentment.
it would have to be enough.
the door slides open, and rhea is quick to wipe the one stray tear which has escaped her eyes, ready to bite out that the queen is resting and shall not be disturbed, when she notices a tuff of pale-blonde hair drifting from beyond the bed. the princess, the lady of runestone recognises; the corners of her lips, in spite of herself, curled into what one might categorise as a small smile. rhea does not greet princess — not yet — she allows the little girl to watch her mother, then to look around, before she takes, what must've been to her, this dark-haired stranger in. what rhea had not expected though is for the girl to stumble over into her arms in recognition, and rhea — how could she not — she catches her.
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she holds the little girl tight, as if her whole journey to king's landing at the request of her lady cousin and queen besides was to fully embrace this girl against her. rhea's eyes closes at the hug, her chest ache at how much time has passed for she was sure than only moons ago, the princess was no more than the size of a watermelon, but oh. how time heals, rhea thinks. how time robs. ❝ how are you, my darling princess ? ❞ rhea says as soon as they part, moving the girl to the corner of the room, away from the slumbering mother. ❝ i did not think you would remember me. the sheep of the vale misses you, and the mountains weep. ❞
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aerequets · 3 years ago
anya's big little sibling conundrum
posted on ao3
summary: Anya is excited about the fact that she's going to be an older sibling, until George spins a different tale. Now she can't stop fearing the worst. Luckily, she has friends and parents to remind her that she isn't going anywhere.
a/n: it's common for only children to get jealous when a new kid is on the way. although this isn't exactly anya being jealous, it's more like her being insecure. i think she would be, since she's been returned four times already (😔) but luckily she has GOOD PARENTS to remind her that that's never happening 😤 also hopefully the kids sound like kids but like idk how 7-8 year olds speak so we'll just have to deal with it ig LMAO
also just a few things:
-this is set 2 years later, so the kids at eden are 8 (anya is 7) -loid and yor are together-together; they told each other about their secret occupations, but not anya yet, because she's really young. (obvs she already knows though)
Anya was going to be an older sister. 
It was a fact she’d been announcing around school ever since she’d found out. Or, more accurately, ever since her parents had decided to tell her last week. It would be bad if she was announcing Mama’s pregnancy without ever having been told. Despite the fact that a lot of the kids at school were rich and snooty and laughed at her for doing ‘commoner’ things, a younger sibling was something many of them didn’t have—and something that money couldn’t buy. Sometimes classmates she hardly talked to would come up to her and ask about it. 
Anya couldn’t lie—she was relishing in the attention a little bit.
Becky had been thrilled, then devastated for a brief spell (“My Loid”, she’d sobbed), but ultimately she was almost as happy as Anya. “I’m a little jealous,” she admitted. “I’d love to have a little baby sister I could dress up. We have to go shopping for clothes.”
“We don’t know if I’ll have a sister or a brother,” Anya pointed out. Becky blinked, as if it hadn’t even occurred to her that the baby might be a boy. 
“We can still go shopping,” she contended. “All baby clothes are cute! There’s gotta be gender-neutral clothes too.” She went on to detail the ways in which infant fashion was, in fact, a great industry with much to offer.
Anya hummed along, but truthfully, her mind wasn’t on clothes. She was thinking of all the cool games she’d play with her sibling. They could be an agent recruit in her spy game! She’d show them cool things like silenced-pistols and hideout spots in their home. They’d share peanuts and watch Spy Wars together. And, of course, Anya would have someone to regale with the tales of her super-cool heroic deeds. 
Anya snapped back to attention when Becky’s voice turned sour. “Ugh, not them again.” 
She didn’t have to look at the approaching posse to see who Becky was referring to. Even though they were in year 3 now—much older, cooler, and more mature in Becky’s own words—Anya hadn’t gotten much closer to Damian. They fought less, but they also weren’t on house-visiting level yet. It was more like a truce than a friendship, but hey. She hadn’t punched him in two whole years. That had to count for something. 
“Look who it is.” Ewen was the first one to speak up, a smirk pulling at his face. “Forger and Blackbell. I bet you two were talking about something stupid, like always.” 
“We were actually talking about baby clothes,” Becky shot back. It had been more of a one-sided conversation, but Anya didn’t mention that. “Since Anya is gonna be a big sister.”
“We know, you’ve only told us a bajillion times,” Emile said, rolling his eyes. “Big deal.”
“Damian’s big brother is perfect. That’s why Damian is perfect too,” Ewen added, gesturing to the boy standing in the middle of their trio. Damian stayed silent and impassive while Ewen went on. “You better clean up your act or you’ll screw up the kid before they even enter school.”
“I’m gonna be a great big sister,” Anya retorted. “I’ll play with them all the time and share my toys and candy. And give them important life or death advice!”
Emile tsked. “I feel bad for the poor child already. Right, Damian?”
Damian looked haughty as ever, fists stuffed in his pant pockets, but he didn’t agree right away. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Demetrius had done that stuff with me, he thought. Anya’s eyes widened. 
“What’re you looking at?” Was what came out of his mouth instead when he caught Anya staring. “Sheesh. The first thing you should teach the kid is that staring all bug-eyed is creepy.” 
With that, the trio sauntered off, leaving behind a disgusted Becky and a shocked Anya. Bug-eyed?! 
“Whatever, don’t mind them,” Becky huffed. “I know you’ll be a great sister.”
“Thanks,” Anya said warmly. Sometimes she thought about how lucky she was to have Becky as a friend. At that moment, George walked by, stopping when he saw them.
“I heard about your baby sibling,” he said. Anya puffed up. 
“Yep, I’m gonna be a—”
“I’m sorry,” George sighed. Anya froze mid-sentence. 
“Huh? What for?” 
“What? You don’t know?” George turned his face up to the sky and, at that moment, a breeze ruffled by, exemplifying the melancholy expression on his face. “Why…your life as you know it is about to end.”
“WHAT?!” Anya hadn’t heard about anything like that. Was the baby going to kill her once it came?! But surely she’d win, right? She’d done Mama’s special training. But—no, wait. Anya balked. The baby was inside Mama. Did that mean it had her strength, too?! Anya’s head spun as she imagined a swole baby. She might just lose her life. 
“Stop talking nonsense,” Becky snapped, dragging Anya out of her reverie. “What do you mean, her life will end?” 
“You wouldn’t know, since you’re an only child,” George replied. “But I do. I got a baby sister last year.”
They’d heard about it. George, normally gloomy and sighing about his lack of a social life, had actually been excited and chatty leading up to the birth of his sister, just like Anya was now. “We know,” Becky said. “Congratula—”
“Don’t congratulate me!” George screeched, suddenly all up in their faces. Becky yelped and leapt back. “I was just like you. A fool, a clown, prancing around—” Anya took great offense to that. “—telling anyone that would listen that I was gonna be an older sibling. But do you know what being an older sibling entails?”
It was silent for a few seconds before Anya realized George’s question wasn’t rhetorical. “Um, no?”
“You become second place.” The fire that had lit in George suddenly died as he wilted, shoulders slouching. “Suddenly there’s an adorable baby. Who’s gonna pay attention to you when there’s the baby? Tell me, are there things you like to do with your parents?”
“Yeah!” The list was too long to fully recite, but Anya still prattled off, “Having teatime, playing spy, going to the park with Bond, doing picnics, watching Mama beat up bad guys, going in the secret doors in Papa’s office—” 
“Get ready to give all that up,” George interrupted decisively. “Because there won’t be any time for that stuff anymore. It’s either gonna be feeding the baby, or changing the baby’s diaper, or putting the baby to sleep, or playing with the baby. No room for you in there.”
Anya’s jaw slackened in horror. Could it be true? She didn’t want to believe that her life with Mama and Papa would change like that. But… Her heart seized. But I’m adopted. Even Mama knew that fact now, ever since she and Papa had come clean to each other about everything (not that they knew that Anya knew). What if they liked the baby more, since it was actually theirs? What if they decided they didn’t need Anya anymore? Realistically, she knew her Mama and Papa would never do that. But anxiety was rolling through her stomach. They’d already started telling her that with the baby, a lot of big changes would come.
Was one of the changes going to be Anya becoming an outsider? 
“Stop scaring her!” Becky scolded, looping a protective arm through Anya’s. “You’re such a downer, George.” With that barb, she dragged Anya away, muttering all the while about how stupid George didn’t know what he was talking about. “That’s not going to happen to you,” she told Anya, impassioned. “For one, my Loid does not discriminate. He’s not going to act all cold towards you just because there’s another kid. And Master Yor has a heart as open as the wide sea! She’s got enough space for a million kids, let alone just two.”
Even though Becky calling her parents “my Loid” and “Master Yor” still weirded her out, Anya was comforted by her best friend’s reassurance. Becky was right: Papa was the most just, level-headed person in the world. And Mama’s heart was the only thing as big and strong as her muscles. She felt her heart lighten up a little as relief filled her core. Everything was going to be fine. 
Or so she thought, until she reached home later that day.
When she opened the door, she was met with the sight of Franky lounging on the sofa. 
“Scruffy?” Anya asked as her Papa was entering the room. “Why are you here?”
“That’s exactly what I said,” he sniffed. He sounded discontent, although he looked awfully comfortable with a cup of coffee and a plate of snacks spread out before him. He turned to Loid. “How many times do I have to tell you I’m not a babysitter?!”
Loid ignored Franky and turned to Anya. He was pulling on his suit-jacket, the one he wore when going out. “Hey there. How was school?”
“Meh. It was the same as usual. But…” Anya considered asking him about what George had said, but decided against it. It was stupid, and Papa was about to leave anyways. ”Where are you going?”
“I’m picking up Yor from work early so we can go to the hospital,” he explained. “The doctor is going to check up on the baby’s growth.”
“Whoa. Can I come?”
Loud chuckled. “Unfortunately, it’s not exactly a thing you can bring a child to. It’s more between the parents, the doctor and the baby.” Anya felt a sting at that sentence. “Which is why Franky here generously offered to stay with you, as he often does.” Franky scoffed.
“Oh… um…” Anya floundered. “Can you help me with my math homework before dinner?” 
Loid’s eyes widened. “You want to work on math?” When Anya nodded, a proud look crossed his face, one that Anya relished in. But the good feeling quickly dissipated when Loid sighed regretfully. “It might take some time at the hospital. We’re planning to be back by dinner. I’ll help you afterwards if there’s time.”
“Oh.” Anya swallowed dryly. She’d never been disappointed to not do math before. “Okay. Bye, Papa.”
He knelt down to hug her. He’d been doing that more often lately. Will he stop once the baby comes? Anya wondered. “Goodbye Anya,” he said, turning around to pin Franky with a stare. “Make sure you behave yourself.”
“Hey, why does it feel like you’re saying that to me?” 
Loid got up, put his hat on, and departed with one final wave, leaving Anya and Franky in the living room.
“You know, I could help you with math too,” Franky said. “I’m a bit of an engineering genius myself.” Anya must not have done a good job of masking her unimpressed-ness, because Franky sat up straight with an incredibly offended look. “What’s that expression?! I’m offering to help you out here!” 
“Why would I want to do math?” Anya asked. She decided to bum around in her room with Bond until her parents got back and left, leaving a flabbergasted Franky behind. 
A few hours later, Anya heard the front door opening and rushed out of her room. “Mama! Papa! You’re back!” 
“Hello, Anya!” Yor opened her arms and swept Anya into a tight hug. She noticed Franky in the living room and smiled at him. “Hello, Franky. Was everything alright?”
“Hey, Yor. Yeah, everything was fine.” As gruff as Franky was with Loid, he’d taken to being extra nice with Yor ever since he found out about her pregnancy. He said it was because he wasn’t going to risk his neck by invoking her (or Loid’s) wrath, but Anya had read his mind. He was excited about meeting the baby in the future. It was a fact that had made Anya laugh before, but now her stomach twisted uncomfortably. Would even Franky be forgetting about her in lieu of the baby?
“How’s the baby coming along?” Franky asked. 
Yor and Loid exchanged a smile. “The fetus is about seven centimeters long now,” Yor said. “And the heartbeat is going strong.”
“How big is seven centimeters?” Anya asked. Loid thought for a few seconds before gesturing to her hand.
“It’s roughly the size of your fist,” he said. Anya clenched her hand and held it up. The baby was awfully small. 
“Hmm. That’s good.” Franky’s stiff words were offset by the growing grin on his face. “Hey, now is the time to start thinking about names, isn’t it? I propose Franklin Junior. Very distinguished.”
Loid’s lip curled up in disgust while Yor laughed. “What if it’s a girl?”
“Frankette. Frankina. There’s lots of options.” 
“Shouldn’t you get going?” Loid asked. Clearly he wasn’t going to risk the chances of Yor actually liking Franky’s suggestions. “It’s getting late.”
“Wow. You’ll have me over three times a week to babysit but I can’t stay for five minutes on my own?”
“You could join us for dinner,” Yor offered. Franky’s scowl eased into a smile as he turned to her.
“Nah, I was just kidding. Besides, I have got a hot date tonight.” He gathered up his things and patted Anya’s head. “Bye, kid. Enjoy your dinner. And I’m raising my rates for babysitting from here on out!” With that, he slammed the door shut. Loid rolled his eyes. 
“Always a handful,” he grumbled. His face melted into a warm smile as he turned to Yor, though. He’d started doing that even before they had told each other their secrets. “I made roasted vegetables earlier today. Do you think you can eat some of that?”
Yor nodded, resting a hand on her stomach. She was only a little over 3 months along, so her coat still covered the small bump. Papa said the bump would get bigger and bigger until it was the size of a watermelon—Anya couldn’t imagine that. “I think those will be good. My body doesn’t reject them as much, at least.” Yor had been suffering morning sickness for the past few weeks. The doctor said it was normal, but Loid still tried finding foods that would make her as less sick as possible. 
They sat down to eat dinner. They all talked to each other like usual, but Anya could read their minds and tell that they were thinking about the baby, too. 
We could convert the unused bedroom into a nursery, Papa thought. I’ve seen magazines and some parents do themes for the rooms, like nautical, or astronomical. Not to mention, some colors like subtle blues relax the body and mind. Something desaturated and pastel would be best to aid the baby’s comfort and growth to the fullest…
I wonder if we could use Loid’s old bedroom as a nursery, Mama was thinking at the same time. We could do cute decorations for the baby! Like knives… oh, that’s not very child-safe. Some well-contained poisons, then? A couple splashes of red on the wall for color-pop… 
Anya shivered. She didn’t really get it—the baby was hardly the size of a tennis ball right now! She couldn’t even read its mind because it didn’t have any thoughts yet. But Mama and Papa were already thinking about its room, and how they would decorate it, and what names would be good if it was a girl or a boy. 
George was right. Things had been changing under her nose and she hadn’t even noticed. Where did that leave her now? 
“Anya?” She jumped and looked up to see her parents watching her in concern. Yor cocked her head. “Are you alright? You haven’t eaten much.”
“I…” She hesitated. She didn’t want to complain and sound like an immature little kid—after all, she was eight now (technically seven, but that was irrelevant)—and put them off. She would have to ask George what to do at school tomorrow.
“I don’t like carrots,” she said instead, pushing them aside on her plate. 
“You should eat them,” Loid chided. “Carrots are good for you.”
“I think your little sibling may like them, too,” Yor said, a faint note of surprise in her voice as she had another piece. She hummed as if it were gourmet steak. “Oh! That’s good.” Anya wrinkled her nose. Of course the baby liked carrots. 
“Are we looking at a carrot craving?” Loid asked teasingly. “I have to say, it’s better than olives dipped in jam.”
“That was just for a couple days,” Yor said, cheeks stuffed with carrots and reddening. “Don’t bash it till you try it.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied, leaning his chin on his hands. Anya could detect the sappiness entering their voices (and minds) and quickly shoveled the rest of her potatoes into her mouth. “Mmkay I’ma go now!” 
She had to figure out what to do, and quickly. 
The next day at school, Anya spent lunch break looking for George. She didn’t think it would be hard before, but she’d neglected to remember that 1) Eden’s campus was massive, 2) she was tiny and getting around took forever, and 3) George was a recluse, which meant he wasn’t in any of the places she checked first. 
Becky, bless her heart, was accompanying Anya on her search. Anya hadn’t told her why she wanted to meet with George, but after a while Becky frowned. 
“Hey, you aren’t still bothered by what he said yesterday, right?”
Anya froze in the middle of checking underneath a rock. Could Becky read minds too?! “Uhh… nooo?” 
Becky sighed. “I knew his words would bother you. He’s not right, you know.”
“You don’t get it!” Anya burst out. “I didn’t notice before, but the baby is all Mama and Papa think about. We don’t do stuff like before now. I even asked Papa to help me with math—which he loooves when I do—but there wasn’t time for even that! What if they already like the baby more than me?”
“Of course things are going to be different now that there’s a baby. That’s not a bad thing,” Becky soothed. “And they’re not gonna like the baby more. You’re their child, too!”
But I’m adopted. Anya bit her tongue. Nobody else knew that except for their family. Nobody else knew that Anya had been returned four times already because those other parents hadn’t liked her enough. She couldn’t lose this life she had now to the same thing. The very thought of it brought tears to her eyes.
“Oh, Anya!” Becky rushed forward, handkerchief already in hand. “Don’t cry…!”
“Ugh. I’ve seen enough of this,” a far-off voice muttered. The girls turned to see Damian stomping out from behind a pillar, looking incensed, with Ewen and Emile trailing close behind.
“Damian?” Becky was aghast. “Were you stalking us?”
“N-NO!” He yelled. “I just saw you two—running around looking for—and—ARGH!” He facepalmed. “Anyways, I just happened to hear what you guys said.”
“So you were stalking and eavesdropping?!”
“That’s not the point!” Damian snapped. He rounded on Anya, one finger outstretched. “You’re being totally stupid!”
“Wuh?” Anya sniffed. She couldn’t recall doing anything to make Damian this mad at her. At least, not yet. “What’s with you?”
“What’s with me? You’re the one taking George’s words seriously and crying about it!” he retorted. “Everyone knows that guy’s a total drama-queen.” 
“But-but he was right,” Anya said, voice wobbling. “The baby isn’t even born yet and… and Mama and Papa are already way busier than before.”
“Well, duh! If you’re growing a whole human, then things are gonna change for everyone around you.” Well, when he put it like that, Anya couldn’t even argue back. “You don’t even have to do anything for your parents to love you,” he continued. “And you won’t have to do anything special after the baby is born, either. They’ll love you anyways.” He scuffed the ground with his shoe. “That’s just what your parents are like.”  
I’m the youngest kid, and I’m nowhere near the favorite, he thought bitterly. So clearly it’s not a rule for parents to prefer the second kid. 
Anya stalled as she watched Damian. His words were relieving in their truth, sharp-tongued as they were, but his thoughts hurt to hear. All of the things she’d been fearing for the past day were things Damian already went through. She really was lucky. Mama always made sure to give her lots of hugs and she always protected her from bad guys. Papa, even when he didn’t show it, was proud of her for the good things she did. They talked to her and laughed with her and took her places. Her Mama and Papa were nothing like Damian’s parents. 
She wished his weren’t the way they were, either.
“Sy-on boy…” Anya was considering risking her life and giving him a hug (hugs always made her feel better, after all) when they heard approaching footsteps. All of them turned to see George, timely as ever.
“Ah, Anya!” He waved. “I was looking for you.”
“What? Why?” Becky was in front of Anya in a flash, glowering. “Are you gonna put more trash in her head?”
“Yeah, back off,” Damian said, much to Anya’s surprise. But George held his hands up, placating.
“Actually, I came to tell you I changed my mind about the sibling thing.”
Anya was too confused to even read his mind on this one. “...what?”
“You see, there was this action figure I wanted, but my parents got my sister a doll instead,” he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “But they gave it to me today and said it was a surprise. So siblings aren’t really all that bad.”
It was silent. A breeze sent a few leaves twirling by as they all stared at George. Then—united for maybe the first time in all their years at Eden—Anya, Becky, Damian, Emile and Ewen turned around and walked away together. 
“Hey, where are you guys going?” 
“Total drama queen, like I said,” Damian muttered. At this point their lunch break was almost over. Anya felt a little embarrassed for wasting her (and, inadvertently, everyone else’s) time with such a silly problem. Despite that, though, she felt more relieved than she had been in the past 24 hours. Mama and Papa weren’t going to get rid of her. If Damian could see that, it must be really obvious.
It was when Becky got in a heated argument with Emile and Ewen about tanks that Damian, walking kind-of-next-to Anya but a little too distanced for them to be considered walking together, cleared his throat.  
“You should talk to your parents,” he said. “About what you told Becky, I mean. There’s no point in keeping that stuff to yourself.”
Anya tilted her head as she considered him. He was staring at the ground as they walked. She couldn’t figure him out, and his thoughts weren’t clear enough to be of any help. “Why do you care, Sy-on boy?” she asked, out of genuine curiosity rather than as a jab. 
His head snapped up at that. Anya could practically (and literally) hear him pushing down the urge to pick a fight. Instead, he gritted his teeth, then sighed. “It’s what I would do,” he admitted, “if I had the chance. You’re lucky.” 
She knew that she was lucky. Throwing all caution to the wind, Anya crossed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug.
As far as hugs went, it was pretty awkward. Mostly because he’d gone so rigid that it felt like she was hugging a mannequin. When she pulled back, his face was so red—practically exploding with anger!—that she instantly regretted her actions. Would he put her in jail for touching him? What if she had to spend the rest of her life paying off the debt from touching his rich-person clothes (they all had the same uniform, but still)?! She had to deflect his attention!
“You should come to my house when the baby is born,” she blurted. 
He said nothing. When she peeked into his mind, it was empty. How could it be totally empty? Was this what people meant when they said blind with rage?  
“Pink tanks are equally as functional, if not more!” Becky’s voice, growing in volume, floated over to her. “Who’s gonna look at a pink tank and expect actual damage? It’s a sneak attack in your face. It’s a Trojan horse! I’m not wasting time on this anymore!” She stomped back to Anya and grabbed her wrist. “Come on. It’s a total mistake to think these idiots could actually hold a good opinion,” she huffed. 
Anya heard it when Becky had already dragged her a few paces away from the boys. It was quiet, and could have easily been lost in the surrounding noise, but she heard Damian say it nonetheless.
When Anya got home that day, both Mama and Papa were sitting in the living room. It was a little surprising since she hadn’t seen both of them at the same time this early in the day for a while now. On top of that, it looked like they’d been waiting for her from the way they both got quiet upon her arrival. 
“I’m home?” Her statement came out like a question from her confusion. “Is something happening?” 
“Why don’t you sit down?” Loid said, angling his head towards the sofa. Warily, Anya approached. She wished Bond was in the room so she could take a peek into the future. 
“Uhh…am I in trouble? I swear I didn’t mean to break the green bowl! It was an accident!”
“You’re not in—wait, that was you?” Loid squinted at her. Anya laughed a little too loudly and scrambled onto the sofa. 
“So what’s going on?”
Loid relented and traded a look with Yor. Anya could hear snippets of their thoughts, but couldn’t make any sense of them. Talk to her…recently been feeling…developing…killing anyone who dares harm…efficient communication… It probably didn’t help that their wildly different thoughts were jumbling together. 
“We’ve noticed that you’re a little down recently,” Yor said. “And we were worried about you.” 
Anya felt a pang of guilt at those words. They had worried about her. She almost decided not to tell them what had brought her down because it felt even sillier now, but Damian’s words floated into her head. There’s no point in keeping that stuff to yourself. It’s what I would do if I had the chance. He was right—Anya could bottle it all up and get worried about it again in the future. Or she could confess to her parents and hear what she needed to hear from them. 
“Um… well, the thing is…” Anya felt awkward looking at their faces while confessing possibly the most embarrassing thing she’d done this year, so she fidgeted with her fingers in her lap instead. “See, George at school, he got a baby sister last year. And he told me that once a baby is born the first kid gets forgotten about. He said it becomes about the new baby and there’s no time to do fun stuff with your parents anymore. And I kinda remembered how you were always so busy, even though the baby is, like, only as big as my hand right now.” She was rambling, but was met with silence, so she continued. It was actually a little relieving to spill it all out. “So I got scared… because… I’m adopted and I thought once the baby was born you might not want me anymo—” 
Anya found herself suddenly yanked into a solid, warm embrace. When she reoriented herself, she realized her Mama had wound her arms around her, one hand on the back of her head. Warm drops plipped onto her head and Anya realized that Mama was crying. 
“That will never happen,” she whispered, kissing the top of Anya’s head. “Oh, Anya. Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
Even more embarrassingly, Anya felt a lump in her throat. “Because it’s stupid. And I know you and Papa wouldn’t do that. But I got scared by what George said anyways.”
A third, warm hand smoothed down her hair. Papa was sitting next to them now. “Your feelings aren’t stupid,” he said softly. “I was thinking about how we might not have properly gotten you used to the idea of having a sibling. But you handled everything so maturely.”
Anya didn’t think freaking out at George’s dramatics and crying in front of her friends was very mature, but Papa’s praise made warmth bloom in her chest anyways. “I was?”
“You were excited about your sibling before anything else.” Yor slightly eased her hold on Anya. The girl leaned back to see both of her parents beaming down at her. “Do you know why this baby is going to be an extremely lucky child?”
“Because they’ll have you and Mama for parents,” she replied, remembering Damian’s words again. You’re lucky. 
“And you as a big sister. You’re going to be an exemplary role model, Anya.”
“...I am?” Anya blinked. “Even with my grades… and my bolts?”
“Yes. Because those things don’t make a person.” Papa poked her chest. “You have a big heart, Anya. You do what’s right and you care about the right things, too. I believe the baby will flourish under your guidance.” 
“We’ll always love you, Anya,” Yor added. “No matter what. And your little sibling will, too.” 
Anya felt like her heart would overflow. Her Mama and Papa couldn’t undo all the times she’d been returned, but for the first time Anya was grateful that she hadn’t stayed with the Levskis, the Williams, the Roches, or anyone else. 
Because then she would have never been a Forger. 
“I’ll tell you everything from now on,” she promised, voice muffled by Yor’s sweater. “I promise.”
“Good.” They stayed like that for a while, the three of them wrapped up, and at some point Bond woke up from his nap in the other room and came over to join them. 
Anya got a fuzzy glimpse of the future from the dog. It looked like she, Mama and Papa were out shopping somewhere, pushing a shopping cart. They were looking at different baby toys. 
Anya was excited. She’d make sure to pick out the best toy for the baby. 
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This is the last human mimic alien we have to fight.
He's realized he's lost because you people aren't running wild having orgies and you're listening to the DNA4U
And further more You all don't want to share.
When i posted the video of Miss Shawntae telling snoop it was time to snoop her body up... And then Snoop went all seductive to the camera...
122895x1000= men that said "Nigga ima beat your ass you know my wo/man gonna see that. You ain't need to be showing yourself!".
76584284×1000= said "ew i hope i don't have my any asking me to do anything tonight after what i just seen. My imagination gonna kill myself! And i know that's just wrong wrong wrong!"
Now multiply the digits together before the multiplication sign and that is approximately minus 1000 That supported Snoops message.
I did all 3. I had to advert my eyes even. Although he couldn't even see me.
Now Snoop and i know each other over 8000zillion years. So i can easily put myself in his shoes.
So he would walk in and I be having sex and he just sit down and start having a conversation. Like we having BBQ ribs and not sexual intercourse.
His wife tho .... He would make sure "the white boy was covered" and tease her don't look. She look at the carpet... Eventually it kept going on so i took a picture off the wall and put it on the floor where she always sat.
She said "why you do that?"
"I realize the kids keep jumping on the bed and knock it off. Snoop stare at you If you move your face. And unless you're on LSD it's no fun staring at the carpet. So i gave it to you where it seems you always be looking although i had to take a pretty healthy guess. I just felt you was having the most miserable time of all and as my friend it was my honor to trip out and give you a gift"
She used the reflection to put on her makeup and slept in bed later.,Snoop quit being so paranoid. Cause she would face the wall and lean against him.
Point is... Snoop be all like he was watching sports to make sure we got the score.
I mean. Man. Earth. We tried everything we could to stop these aliens from wanting to habe orgies. Even,took,away,their dicks!!!
We did everything. Planet.
Y'all locked up with your soulmates made little difference on this kick of his.
I been doing it. I been riding like I been going around the world 500 times. I love sex.
82% of y'all all around the Earth been having sex.
4% have watched porno
18% have had 1 wild orgies of those 18% -- 32% had s second one. Of those 0.00004981% have gone onto a third.
Of those having 2 or more orgies 92% were aliens
Leaving 8% Of 18% of the entire world interested enough in watching or having sex with other people than their soulmate.
Who saved the world?
100% of humans.
You all get $5 and that includes children.
He's done all he could and he's failed. 100%
I think Edgar might be human... Looking at his alien structure in the film.
But he treated me like an alien. Im still a POW.
Alex had to sell a bed because he acted non human. And Alex worked hard on it to make it perfect for me.
I would been fine gloating from it. Fighting and being sassy to aliens.
But then someone claiming to care about me,most of all abandoned his son and law and daughter. And i hear stories of him being evil.
Some time ago they asked me "do you want a dad or mom?"
"We need to know because the future of the,Earth,depends on it. And the future of you. Now do you want a dad or,not?!"
"The question is will i remain needing a dad or father figure in the future. No i am fine. I have male role models to keep the species alive. Males. (Species not gender) I also have my mom in Mrs Harriet Tubmam. And if that fails then at that time i should be able to get the rest of me. But she's fine. I'm fine. I just got to remain stable. But adding a father or another mother i don't know just yet can remain disasterous."
Luckily Alex didn't burn the bed down. But it was,bugged and bombed by "Edgar", to me 'its just another one of those things we have to clean"
Do i care? Nothing. He doesn't affect me. I worry about Alex having to,deal with it. But,hes being,and,staying clean,and,then when he's,scared he stays by other cold turkey or non users. He was,around Crystal meth yesterday and he tasted 1/4 of a gram. Like when you would put your finger in the sugar jar. Then lick it. The other guy smoked 4.9876 ounces and blew it all in their faces including the babies. Thus Alex got 7.698 grams ingested via second hand smoke.
I didn't notice but we got in a fight with each other. Just like we always do.
Alex and i power punched him and his eye socket -- ocular bone -- was crushed like glass in 17 cracks.
His jaw I punched more alone but with Alex and total both sides he lost 9 teeth. And had to be wired shut after 72 stiches because i split his upper palate in two. I cracked his lower palate in 8072 places. So if you found a skull it would rest on powder of his lower jaw and then you'll find the upper. After decaying..
Then Alex on the top of his head had 49 stitches to repair his soft tissue from his frontal lobe when he crashed to the floor after the super punch to eye hit the coffee table.
He did get one "good" punch in -- his skull hit Alex right in the right eye.
It fucking hurt but it hurts in a good way. Its weird it's like "reward!" Pain. No suffering. Fucking got him good tho. We feel it every now and again. May be it is when he realises we will kill him for good. He keeps remembering that sudden silence of death.
He's currently on life support. "Medically induced coma" is our non panic code words. But it's basically life support but usually not full life support. It isn't 100% life support medical machines. Its 75% or less.
So technically it's life support and coma mixed. So we csll it medically induced coma. This way you understand if your family is the one on the machines -- it's only 25% body life.... However there's a 75% of recovery via healing machines.
The CIA. Willl decide when to pull the plug. Usually medically induced coma is someone evil or someone bad with the ability to be good. Usually aliens go straight to coma status.
If an alien will die it's 1st life support then coma. Your friend or family will die.
They said medically induced coma. But at this time. His brain is incapable of human thought so I am putting him on life support.
This makes it the family's wishes.
Most of the time "next of kin" is spouse then parents/siblings. Then children last.
Which is wrong. It should be the future. Thus Erica and Steven will ask the babies. And together they will decide.
Last night as a CIA operative while he was in a medically induced coma i was told by at least 1 child and 2 adults to pull. I reviewed. While they spoke from shock and relief their true feelings.
Knowing that the children escaped life with Eric once. I don't feel the right to allow Eric to live. I know the consequences of his actions caused two children to leave my planet in fear and terror and disgust because of Eric.
Erica was my 3rd pregnancy to abort and hold souls.
I hate Eric. That's why i punched him in the fucking face. I was happily surprised that Alex did it. Too in person.
Since the infants are involved and already resurrected. And had a nightmare of a time in less than 36 hours on Eaerth.
I allow them to be there to pull the plug, they can actually yank and pull the plug themselves.
So that is what i want and what the children need.
It will show Eric he doesn't belong here and has no,reason to,be at 25%
It makes life easier for all of us.
Eric was an outdoor kid. Like John and Jason and Greg. Etc. He never went into my school.
They didn't have to. And actually weren't ever enrolled. They liked the man work to learn to survive on their own.
While i taught the children the indoor stuff. The expansion of the mind.
I taught them the economy so the men working to increase their own economical structure could be helped to be taken in under their wings.
I left no one behind.
But he refused confirming.
1. Alcoholic system to drop other drugs. -- he uses crystal meth. Without cut backs. Without moderation
$5 if yoh remember and realized i said make smoothies without alcohol to share with your kids.
2. He blew it in their faces on purpose them injesting over 2.4 grams each.
Erica and Alex would cover their faces with thick blankets when the smoke came towards them.
It was quite a hostage situation. Knowing he could take the newborns and kill them in front of them.
Its happened to me 985 Point 2 times. I'm 35 years old.
875.8 times it's been with a knife.
Take the numbers and multiply by 10 million. For the last some kinda lots of 8 thousand zillion years.
It even happened to Alex. He he has the scars. From,this and last life., it,has happened.
So for me they're terrifying. Unless I'm there... I have saved 900 billion times 30 thousand. I those situations.
But i always remember the ones i lost.
So don't worry when I'm suicidal. Just leave me alone. Don't talk to me. I need silence.
So dead babies y'all.
Dead aliens.
It will be done
I seen that actually quite beautiful meme of April 2020 the clouds and UFO.
I don't get mad or violent because I'm stepped back to watch y'all cope.
But I say to y'all "fuck no that's not happening" I say to that UFO "Fucking try it you will all die" i just scroll on because I get so angry. I get so mad. Its a beautiful photo but i refused to repost it because it isn't something i support.
Most reposts of memes are supported unless i type something on the bottom. Saying it's not.
So my dad. I didn't care until i saw The Rock, "her dad is alive" all happy and in support.
Then i was bothered. Then I cared. Then i felt something about it. But until then i felt nothing.
I didn't feel shame..i felt that were all made of glass.
Because I was happy to have a dad.. One that seemed good. I was actually happy.
And it was kept personal to me... But then I saw the Rock felt it. Then I began to feel..
Broken. But Alex kept it together and started getting rid of the bed. Taking it down. Removing bombs. And fixing all that ass hole did "my dad"
I know the Rock.. He can handle. His dad just died. And we did a lot for him.
So for him to be elated. I get through the day thinking no one really cares what i feel and they don't pay kuch attention..but the Rock in that moment in time.
He was happy. And i knew then i had to Destroy a light of happiness inside him and he looked away from the camera to say "we are all happy. The while world"
DNA4U list one person as my father. He's my uncle..
Edgar claimed it was his 18th cousin.
You know, it doesn't matter.
Donate. Mr Lee Tubman. And more. They're my dads. They kept me safe. Taught me to be wiser and more caring about myself. Donte was 2 years younger than me. But he was a father figure. Guy was the fun dad. Fred Flintstone i called one friend's dad was the fishing buddy. We were not close but he was a silent father figure.
I stole all my friends dads. Borrowed them. Their moms, too.
I have 1800 moms that I call mom.
I know who my moms and dads are.
Just like Erica called me mom the other day and Brittany will too. And Alex my cousin's son. Candy. Brandy. Declan.
So i know i have a family that understands it doesn't matter how I got here. It matters who treated me well. Matthew McCognohey. Kid rocks. They're like my dad's and my kids. Uncles and Cousins.
Blood doesn't matter. Shit half the time Snoop is my God or dad or bother or husband or little kid i have to save. He's my friend.
Snoop is too much of everything. He is my co-nigger. My partner in many crimes against humanity (practical jokes)
I call him my Friend. But my family wouldn't be complete without him and Shawntae.
Harriet. I call her momma all the time. It feels natural. Sometimes i call her old lady.
So while i was joyful for a moment thinking I found someone that actually cared to find out he didn't.
I myself wasn't affected until i knew others would be
Its just a lesson in life. Don't trust people.
I told Alex abandon ship, fuck that place. Ain't no one can go in there!!
He understood and agreed then took the role "no,one is driving me and her from our home." He decided to defend the homestead. That is the role a man takes
Im all you gotta sweep the whole place,then,rest and do,it again,2 more times at least.,Then,again when,I,get there. If i get there.
But i feel good to know my lover isn't gonna let anyone drive him down. Just turn around. Learn a lesson. Clean the mess.
Why do i need a father when i have a man?
Clearly i am an independent woman and always have been.
But i need a family. Otherwise I have no point to live.
And that is why i am suicidal.
I don't see s point to live. Not when Alex and i fight and i don't want him to talk to me cause some alien got in our way once again.
He was double attacked by aliens.
So if their desire is for me to die... Then they should keep,doing it.
If,not they need to stay out of my way so i can,get my family,together again.,in,real life.
My family that I know is my family. Not aliens. Not fans. Not someone that needs to apologize to me or needs an explanation.
People that can think on their own and not be reminded they need to have love in their spirit.
Now Snoop sometimes plays the role of my brother. And we are competitive. It just makes us proud of each other and ourselves for surviving a challenge. I do it to him too but I play old hard skill. He plays old new remember when. I do ancient V-Ball and he does pop and country experience.
So his spirit is of an ego -- which salutes the fact we will grow.
Often we do the spirit of mischievous. To remind danger still exists but we will have fun and love in the end.
Friend. Someone that is gonna fry you but the end od what matters.
Sometimes we relax and chill. But them old cogwheels of the mind never quit rolling. Advance. Advance. Lets keep it going don't stop.
He's like me. Suicidal.
But he used to release his inner poison. Now he makes it not exist by doing something else ....
But me? Nothing helps but the mimic of death itself. Silence.
People are what causes it. Alien people.
So you humans. Keep on being you.
Its you that is gonna save the world
I gave you guidelines to help us out this mess.
Because I can't even see y'all because the aliens surrounding me trying to get my last breath.
Show me you. Save us. You're doing good
I got $5 on y'all that we make it.
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alexafaie-asd · 7 years ago
Hey, I understand that infantalization is annoying. I hate it too (I'm also autistic) but I'm pretty sure that isn't what they meant by regression. The way the specialist that diagnosed me explained it was that regression just means a sudden loss of skills as a child and is very common in autistic children. For example when I was 3 I suddenly couldn't speak as well and avoided it and had meltdowns more and rocked and handflapped much more. My mom blamed it on my sibling being born at the time.
The point is, that wasn't you actually regressing. That's just your traits becoming more pronounced. May well have been related to the birth of your sibling (new sensory stuff to deal with, change of routine, less time to focus on your needs as your parents have a baby to deal with, it all has an effect).
The problem is that medical professionals have deemed at some point that an autistic person struggling with something they previously didn't struggle with means they've "regressed". That they've lost the skills rather than just not being able to access them right then.
Maybe I wouldn't be so annoyed with the terminology if it were used in every health condition but it's not.
If you get a very sore throat or laryngitis then you may lose the ability to speak for a while too. But that's not called "regression". Why can't you talk? Well you're in pain or so swollen up that the sound just can't come out.
Let's look at going non verbal due to overload. Information in the form of sensory input comes in but can not be switched off or ignored. More keeps coming. Even if you touch the same area of skin gently, if you do it often enough it begins to hurt as your brain reads repeated signals from neurons as pain. Same happens with all your senses. Once a threshold has been reached, anything above that = pain. So sensory overload is a kind of pain. Is it so surprising that one might struggle to talk whilst in pain?
The same thing could be said of migraines. Whilst suffering from migraines, people often become unable to do things they normally could do with ease. They may lose skills like being able to focus on work. They may not be able to even move much or sit in rooms which are too bright. They might be so debilitated by the migraine that they actually need another person to care for them and help them use the bathroom! But we don't say that they have regressed!
Someone who uses a wheelchair at times and not others due to a variable mobility condition doesn't get told they've regressed if they lose the ability to walk. It's understood that it's just part of their condition. It's not them suddenly losing progress!
This is what I have a problem with. I'm not saying that we don't momentarily lose skills we had (potentially never to regain them) I'm saying that it's unfair to call it regression as if we are becoming less human or less of whatever age we are just because we can't currently do the thing. I think it's a harmful part of autism being seen as a developmental disorder because they have latched on to this idea that we've had a reversal in development, we've "undeveloped" as it were. 
As opposed to the truth which is that fully developed for an autistic person could mean not being able to do certain things. It could mean going non verbal then realising that you struggle less in other aspects whilst non verbal and realising that it's not worth the stress and difficulties you had before to start talking again. 
Our development is not linear, not for any human and certainly not for neurodivergent people. And if I could fight, I would do so to see regression removed from the academic literature. There are far better terms to describe what is happening than relying on outdated terms which get used to deny adulthood to many autistic people. 
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tkc-info · 4 years ago
Sohrab Khosravi
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Diana had to keep herself from jumping. Arash's right side of the face and right limbs were turning pitch black, and a person was sprouting out of him. A hand reached over to open the car door, and Diana found herself being led out by a copy of the boy --although this one in a black football uniform.
Arash slapped his twin in the back, soundly. "Diana, this is Sohrab."
Sohrab Khosravi is the second youngest son of the imlium branch of the Khosravi family, and Arash Khosravi’s imlium.
Despite having an easy life due to his family's position, Sohrab has long struggled with insomnia. This didn't bother his parents when he was an infant (after all, don't all babies have trouble falling asleep?), but as he grew it did become a serious problem. As a child, Sohrab would rarely be able to fall asleep. The only thing that could relax him was his soon-to-be host; who would unfortunately also lose precious hours of sleep by trying to lull Sohrab into sleep.
Naturally, the creation of Sohrab and Arash's symbiosis was a great relief to the whole Khosravi family, for Sohrab --while still an insomniac-- could now rest through Arash (dormant insomnia) and come to enjoy the night as a 'nightdweller'. But of course, the improvement of his insomnia isn't the only thing Sohrab likes about his symbiosis.
Arash is, both literally and figuratively, his life. Sohrab greatly treasures having him as his host; just as he knew he would before they formed their relationship.
Like many of his siblings, Sohrab would like to become Gatekeeper of the Symbiotic Branch of the Archaic Army, yet he knows him and Arash will most-likely have to give up their dream in their oldest sisters's stead.
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Though Sohrab is an imlium and could change his features however he wants, he's long decided he wants to look just like his host. And he didn't come to this conclusion when they formed their symbiosis: his body has tended to simulate Arash's practically since birth.
Therefore, Sohrab is a boy of average height, and rather bulky. His skin is lightly tanned, his hair is black and wavy, and his eyes the same dark brown as Arash's.
Clothing-wise, Sohrab and Arash aren't dissimilar. The two will wear the same outfit (normally from the late 20th century; preferably the 1980s), though in contrasting colours. When they play football (soccer), too.
In spite of their similarities, Sohrab's personality isn't a carbon copy of his host's. He's more laid-back, flirtatious, and joking --though as kind as Arash.
Sohrab has doubted his sexuality multiple times before, but after 'thoroughly experimenting' he's reached the conclusion that he is straight. He, in fact, is actually heterosexual and biromantic, though he still has to come to terms with (and realise) his romantic orientation.
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Sohrab is a symbiotic imlium (read more about symbiotic imlia)
His host is Arash Khosravi
Sohrab was born the 18th of January of 2004 in Mirror Tehran
He knows how to speak English, Sazla, Farsi and Arabic
He speaks English with an accent
While Sohrab's father is Iranian, his mother was Jordanian
Sadly, his mother died from war wounds when he was eleven; the last people she spoke to were Sohrab's oldest sister and her host, something Sohrab secretly envies
Sohrab has taken to making tiktoks during his episodes of insomnia
He knows virtually all tiktok trends and dances
Arash and him never moved on from the 'baby siblings sleeping together' phase and the few times Sohrab falls asleep, it is always while hugging Arash
His lockscreen is a picture of Arash and him sleeping while holding hands as babies
Although he does date around rather a lot (more than Arash) he's recently developed a crush with someone he doubts he'll be able to be with
Sohrab is a fan of football (soccer)
He plays the role of goalkeeper
His favourite team is Barcelona FC
Sohrab and Arash have been trying to get Dario (their Spanish classmate) to take them to a Barcelona-Real Madrid football match since 9th grade
His current favourite song is Ayy Macarena by Tyga
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oh-my-otome · 8 years ago
Hello I have a question. So in midcin it seems pretty easy to just get married but like, if MC actually married Al, or that archduke, or Nico, but not Byron, in what ways would that unify the kingdoms? Like since it's between countries do they have to ask Byron? And then, if one goes to war do they technically both? What happens when their is an heir? Since Byron is still king? And what about when he isn't anymore? I assume they all leave post and move to Wysteria right? Any other details?
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Hi, Precious!
I can certainly answer your questions, but it will require a bit of explanation first, including some of the game’s canon and historical context.
Be prepared to look at the Stein trio in a whole new way. 
If you don’t mind spoilers, come get nerdy with me!
Let’s get this out of the way first: 
Nico is Byron’s half-brother, as they have the same father, but two different mothers. 
While Byron is their father’s “legitimate” heir, Nico is the child that their father would have preferred, as Nico is the only child King Wagner had with the woman he actually loved.
To answer even one of your questions, we must first speak about Byron, because he is at the epicenter of all of this. To get to Byron, we must talk about the mysterious queen.
Like it or not, Stein, just like Wysteria, requires an heir to be born in order for those in the highest seat of power, the Steinian royal family, to continue to rule.
How do we know this? It’s canon. The crown gets passed directly to Byron, without delay or opposition, when his father is ousted. There was no scandal, no uprising, no demonstrations in the street. 
Stein is strictly a monarchy, with no figurehead. There is no prince/ss competition or anything of the like. Therefore, there must be a member of the royal family at the top of the food chain, otherwise the way Stein is run as a country will have to be restructured. 
We know that King Wagner was madly in love with his maid, but we never hear a word about Byron’s mother. It seems strange that it’s an open secret that he loved a low-born woman, yet we never hear a single utterance about his feelings for the woman who married the king. 
And she must have been a titled peer, because no one questions her association with the king. She was never attacked, or accosted in any way. Therefore, she is within a very comfortable realm of society to get so close to the king as to be afforded his hand in marriage, and the right to conceive his heir. 
Yes, “the right.”
While producing an heir would be the obligation of both of them, King Wagner is already the king. There is no one higher than he. He would need someone matching his social strata, not just any random person.
Remember, the desirability of peerage is a ruthless competition. The fact that she bore King Wagner a child, male or female, means that the queen had the proper rigid social standing to put her in that position, uncontested, in the first place.
And given that it was an outright scandal that Nico’s mother, some no-name commoner, dared to speak to the king as if they were equals, let alone sleep with him and conceive, certainly someone would have had something to say about a woman of supreme peerage and breeding– Queen Wagner.
However, the only evidence of her existence is Byron himself. We hear nothing good, nor nothing bad about the late queen. 
We can surmise that it was a loveless match for the sake of an heir. 
That is not always a bad thing. For several generations, we have been spoon fed the mantra of “wanting to marry for love,” to the point where it can seem completely undesirable to marry for any reason but that.
Most women and men did not have (and some still do not have) that luxury. Depending on where you’re talking about, marriage has been a business transaction for thousands of years, and MidCin is absolutely not immune to that practice. In fact, it’s commonplace.
Consider Giles’ and Albert’s “binder full of suitors,” each more desperate to improve upon their social standing than the last. It is easy to see that Queen Wagner very well may have married to improve her station, and there wouldn’t have been anything wrong with that.
One more important fact before we move on: Albert’s mother.
Albert cannot have come from a family with a title, because his mother was Byron’s wet nurse– and wet nurses were quite poor.
Because we know that Albert does not have any biological siblings, he is therefore very close in age to Byron. Albert is likely less than two years older than Byron.
We know that Albert is older because it is only through providing milk for her own child that his mother can feed Byron. 
In order to still be producing milk, enough to sustain two children simultaneously, her own child and Byron, they would have to be close in age. 
Being a wet nurse wasn’t exactly a lucrative job, so she likely had at least one other job. This wasn’t some rolling-in-dough career regardless of who you were giving your milk to.
It’s possible that she herself worked in the castle, and due to her sturdy health, which would make her a much more desirable wet nurse as syphilis was a huge concern at the time MidCin is set, she was selected to feed the prince.
Therefore, Albert and Byron are what is known as “milk-siblings.” Milk-siblings can develop close bonds, as they share a “milk-kinship,” and we see that with these two.
Byron has three people to thank for his good health: his parents for their DNA, and Ms. Burckhardt for passing on her immunities through her milk.
Why didn’t the queen nurse her own child? Because like marriage, motherhood wasn’t always what it used to be. 
Upper class women would rarely dare to nurse their own children. Even women in the lower classes did not always nurse their own children– they had to work! Infants were routinely handed over to wet nurses even poorer than their own mothers, and received their milk from them.
As we learn in Giles’ Ever After, you, as queen, consistently refer to Giles’ father with the prefix “monsieur.” Rather strange, don’t you think? The Christophes have been living in a part of Wysteria for centuries, so why are you saying that?
Because Wysteria is France. And around this time in France, almost 90 percent of all infants had wet nurses. Their mothers were either too poor to feed them themselves, or they were members of the upper echelon and breastfeeding your own child simply wasn’t done.
It would keep them from wearing the fashions they wanted, and it would “ruin” their figure.
Yes, I’m being serious– that was some of the reasoning.
So we know that the Burckhardts are a poor, working class family, and through whatever means, Ms. Burckhardt finds herself employed at the palace where young Albert gets to rub elbows with the crown prince himself.
Those Burckhardts sure know how to secure a spot on the social ladder! 
While she wouldn’t directly benefit from being a wet nurse beyond her personal paycheck, her son Albert is milk-siblings with the next in line for the throne.
While Albert and Byron would not have grown up with each other in the traditional sense, (a child of Albert’s class would never be allowed to attend any school Byron would go to) they were likely playmates, and it is not outside of the realm of possibility that Albert’s connection with Byron opened many doors for him. 
It would be rather unusual for Albert to have started all the way at the bottom, and risen not only to the ranks of commander of the royal army, but the king’s adviser as well.
Strings were definitely pulled for Albert to get where he is, whether he is aware of it or not. 
He has (potentially) two poor, working class parents, and has yet to marry into a peerage. To do it all on his own is almost impossible with those stats.
Remember how I said that a royal heir is required for Stein’s stability? 
Prior to Byron rescuing Nico, there would have been numerous other uncles, aunts and cousins behind Byron in line for the throne– and then here comes this random street urchin trying to cut the line!
To say that they would be unhappy with Nico’s existence would be an understatement. 
Nico, with his background, stepping over all of the legitimate runners-up, would be the biggest disgrace they could imagine. In their eyes, he’s not any more of royal blood than a common dog, and if he should be let on the line at all, it should be way in the back, at the very end if possible.
However, Byron took him directly under his wing. 
Now hang on– don’t feel all fluffy about that yet! Keep reading.
Even though he is a prince, Nico’s position as next in line is precarious at best, and will continue to be shaky even with his older brother’s protection. 
This is the early 20th century, there is no way to prove that Nico is who Byron says he is. The fact that Nico could even remember enough about his upbringing for Byron and Albert to corroborate what he said from rumors they had heard, is extremely lucky.
If Nico had forgotten anything, or been too young to remember anything, there would be no way to verify who he is. 
He could have died on the street, not being found at all, or been found, vetted as not who they thought he was, and given over to an orphanage without a backwards glance.
And where are all of these aunts and uncles and cousins now? They’re still there! 
No wonder Nico walks around with knives and swords. The potential for “an accident” is extremely high. He has many enemies, and they’re all related to him! It can’t be possibly be comfortable for Nico, being in the palace. No wonder he’s always hanging around Albert and Byron– it’s the safest place for him to be!
It also explains a likely reason why he was so desperate to be “useful” that he would resort to spying. He had to cement his place in a family where he’s not wanted.
This is not a headcanon. Unless your entire family is wiped out somehow, you have a cousin or two somewhere on this planet.
Heck, you reading this right now? You. Yeah, you. Hey, how’re you doing? We’re technically cousins.
And that leads us to something you may not want to hear about Byron: his relationship with Nico is a little sketch.
While Albert is occasionally openly hostile towards Nico, who is his superior, as he is a prince, Byron just sits right there and lets Albert talk however he likes to his own brother.
Byron may care for Nico’s well-being, in that he doesn’t want to see Nico hurt, physically, but Byron rarely says anything meaningful when it comes to protecting Nico’s feelings as a person.
He just lets his adviser tell his blood relation to shut, and to “know your place.”
I don’t think even Ice King Louis is that cold!
He’ll give Albert a lukewarm, half-assed chastising, and the next time Albert mouths off, Byron continues to let it slide. 
If even Byron participates, by not doing much of anything about it, in mocking Nico, what chance does Nico have if Byron’s not there?
So, let’s get to your first question!
1. “If MC actually married Al, or that archduke, or Nico, but not Byron, in what ways would that unify the kingdoms?”
Marrying Albert doesn’t do anything to Stein, unless Albert quits his jobs. 
As both the military commander for all of Stein’s landed armies (as the game does not tell us otherwise), and as the king’s adviser, Albert cannot possibly continue to work at full capacity in either job if he moves to Wysteria.
The king he serves is in another castle. 
While telegrams do exist in the game, as we learn in the Magic Apple event, it would be inefficient as a means of total communication, such that both the king and the armies that Albert personally commands, will be left wanting in his absence.
He will either have to remain in Stein, or move to Wysteria and freeload off of his own resources (or yours, or a combination of the two) until he can find gainful employment, just as Giles does in his route, when he quits his job as the king’s adviser.
It would be a huge loss for Stein and would likely make Giles and Alyn feel threatened. 
Albert is the very definition of “get a guy who can do both.” You wouldn’t really need either one of them, and realistically, they would feel uncomfortable, likely waiting for him to make unwanted changes and suggestions, since his former job combines both of theirs.
It may give you an edge to have better negotiations with Stein, but remember, Albert is pals with the king, not you. 
It may not get you far. By nature, Byron doesn’t easily trust others, and just because Albert gave you the okay, doesn’t mean that Byron will, too.
Marrying Nico would benefit him more than it would benefit you. 
Like with marrying Albert, you won’t necessarily have a better relationship with Byron to the point where you can seamlessly ask for favors or aid.
Given the way he allows Nico to be talked down to, Byron may shrug off whatever your designs are. 
As it is, even Giles, as king, has to beg him for help. 
Louis, as king had to do the same thing. 
Alyn, as king, probably only got away with barging into Byron’s office and demanding things because Byron was too stunned to react otherwise.
According to canon, what Alyn achieved is rare, as in every other case Byron is slow to provide aid no matter who asks for it or what they need it for.
Byron almost uniformly, outside of Alyn’s EA, is very cautious and takes quite a bit of time to consider if offering aid is worth his time, and almost always expects to profit from it in some way.
Marrying Wysterian royalty gives Nico the added layer of legitimacy and security that his rocky paternity does not. 
If he cannot also take the Steinian throne on his brother’s death or abdication, he can at least rest comfortably knowing that his position as King of Wysteria is not in jeopardy.
If Stein ever did fall under Nico’s control, I can see him merging the two kingdoms. If anyone was ever concerned for the underdog, it’s Nico, and it would be a way to stick it to the endless line of relatives questioning his origins.
So far, there is no real advantage to marrying close to Byron. 
If you’re looking to get something out of Stein, in relation to Byron, it’s best to just go ahead and aim for the king.
If you marry an archduke like Rayvis, you are marrying beneath your station, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 
But, like with marrying Nico, it is more advantageous for the man who is marrying you, than it is for you to marry him.
You wouldn’t lose anything, but he would gain a significant advantage, so choose wisely so that you don’t end up with someone using you for your status.
Remember, even as a princess, you are the ruling monarch for so long as the king is laid up in bed. That is the premise of the game.
You rule the entire country, so any lands that an archduke commands, you rule over him and his lands already. 
There is nothing to be gained by marrying him. As the ruling monarch you have quite a bit more sway than what the game would have you believe.
You don’t need the archduke, the archduke needs you.
2. “Like since it’s between countries do they have to ask Byron?”
While Albert wouldn’t have to ask, he would probably still do it, as as a matter of showing respect. 
Albert’s position is not to be taken lightly. 
He has been given incredible power by his king, and he works two completely separate jobs with flawless precision.
It would be a magnificent loss for Byron to suddenly be without a major person in two different areas, and as such, both Albert and Byron would have to plan accordingly
Nico would definitely have to ask for and receive permission. 
No matter how many relatives hate the idea of it, Nico is next in line after Byron (so long as Byron is childless), because Byron acknowledges him as a full brother.
Nico, especially in his position as the newcomer, absolutely cannot just run off and do whatever he wants– which is why Albert’s criticisms make sense. 
Nico has enough enemies as it is. He actually can’t afford to just do what he wants, and in some senses he does seem to understand this. He is very plain about the fact that he does everything that he can to show his gratitude to his older brother.
Byron didn’t have to squeeze him into the line. Just from the fact that Byron’s entire lineage has not been wiped out, there were in fact people in line behind him already. What Byron did was reshuffle the line placement to accommodate his newly found brother, and as the ruling monarch he can do that.
As for an archduke, no. He wouldn’t require anyone’s permission.
3. “And then, if one goes to war do they technically both?”
No. Another country is under no obligation to go to war just because someone they know is going off to war. You may request aid, but that doesn’t mean you will receive it, or worse, they may join your enemies.
With Albert as your husband, you’ll have gained a competent military commander with more prowess than Alyn, so you will have a powerful ally right there, if you can’t get aid from Stein otherwise.
If you married Nico, he may have a better time convincing Albert than Byron. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Though it could use some tweaking, the three of them do have a close relationship.
An archduke is almost useless in this capacity, although he may be able to rally troops with his influence, but that’s a stretch, particularly if they people he governs don’t like him.
4. “What happens when their is an heir? Since Byron is still king? And what about when he isn’t anymore?”
Any child Nico produces is going to face opposition on the line. If you think they barely acknowledge Nico, you can imagine how his heirs will be looked at. Your children would be safer in Wysteria.
Don’t forget, there are other first-cousins and the like, whose peerage outranks your child’s. 
You may be a big deal in Wysteria, but this is Stein.
Both you and Nico are common-born. Nico’s legitimacy can only be established from word of mouth and yours was luck of the draw in a princess contest.
In the eyes of the Steinian social elite, you’re both suspect af.
Byron might…might bestow some kind of title to Nico’s heir, but there’s nothing saying he has to. 
He could do it as a courtesy. Or he could not. He could continue to support Nico as next in line, or skip over him entirely for whoever was rightfully next, and still not be in the wrong.
It would likely depend on how quickly Nico himself feels like maturing. 
If he were to stop being so reckless, he might endear himself more quickly to Byron, and solidify their feelings of brotherhood enough to not have to worry about watching his back so that some crafty relative doesn’t try to knock him off.
He could continue to rise through the ranks as a soldier, thereby gaining allies completely outside of his brother’s sphere of personal influence, eventually taking over Albert’s job as commander.
Either way, if he continues to put his entire country in jeopardy, there’s absolutely no reason for Byron to keep him around. 
Byron had his own father ousted. What’s the big deal about doing it to a troublesome little brother who can’t learn from his own mistakes?
Albert’s heirs don’t affect anything in Stein, outside of his own personal estate, if he has one, as they could only be in line for the Wysterian throne, same as an archduke’s heirs.
Whatever wealth either of them acquired, it is up to them to decide how to distribute it.
However, the archduke can pass on one or more of his titles to his heirs, while Albert cannot. 
As Albert is a knight, only he has that one title. It cannot be given to his children, nor can it be given to you except as a courtesy.
And going from Queen/Princess to Lady is like going from a million dollars to a hundred dollars. 
It would be an insult to you, to be referred to as Lady Burckhardt in any capacity.
There is a post going around about how to refer to people by titles and it mistakenly says that the wife of a knight is a Lady.
No, she is not.
If she is the wife of a knight, she may be called a Lady only as a courtesy. 
NO ONE thinks that she is actually a Lady. 
It would be like if I walked up to you right now and called you a princess. You know you’re not, and I know you’re not. 
And both of us know that it’s not you that I’m showing respect to, but your husband. 
You are only called “Lady” because he was knighted, and I’m showing respect to him.
However, if she were knighted on her own, then she would be a Dame.
If she is married to viscount, count, baron, or marquis, she may be called a Lady informally, but legitimately. 
The same way she may be informally and legitimately called a Lady if she herself is a baroness, marchioness, viscountess, or countess.
All in all, it seems the safest bet is to marry the archduke.
An archduke would bring incredible wealth of his own, and a great deal of influence into the marriage, without having to deal with lineage power struggles, finding funds to maintain an army, or moving from your home country. 
Pull up your knickers and study hard so that you can assist the adviser you already have, or learn enough to switch them out for someone that suits you better.
Gain a solid foundation of military tactics so that you’re not surprised or overwhelmed by the enemy.
Use the archduke’s influence and control to fortify your kingdom so that you can ask for outside help, but you don’t necessarily need to.
Continue to use your connections with Stein and maintain your friendship with the Stein trio, so that when you need strong allies, they’re there for you.
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