#but for some reason all my fav actors keep dying in everything
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just watched rob roy
tim roth was so fucking pretty in his little outfits!!! also i'm an equestrian and hot men on horses drive me crazy
i know archie was a vile person but man it still makes me sad to see tim roth die in movies okay
also can we talk about his back and the curvature of it
#tim roth#rob roy#archibald cunningham#it was just added on amazon prime video#he's a horrible person#but it still makes me sad to see him die#i hate to see my fav actors die#but for some reason all my fav actors keep dying in everything#ian mcshane i'm looking at you
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hi! i’d love to request a matchup for hazbin hotel :))
i have short wavy hair and an asymmetrical haircut, my hair is currently dyed red, i have brown hair and brown eyes and i wear glasses. i have a baby face, im short and kind of chubby, and a little insecure about my appearance.
my zodiac is cancer sun, taurus moon, leo rising if that helps you at all!
i’m pretty sensitive but i hate showing it (and usually don’t, im a pretty good actor). i can be pretty clingy and insecure, but i try not to let it show too much.
i can get pretty lonely and i love to share all my obsessions with people, but i also get drained from social interactions pretty quickly.
i love having people who can make me laugh, and especially people who laugh at my jokes. i really enjoy having people to banter with.
my main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation, but i really like quality time and acts of service as well.
i hate being condescended, or feeling dismissed or like im not being listened to. if i feel like my opinion or presence is unwanted in a situation i’ll shut down very quickly, but if someone i love makes me feel that way i tend to lash out. i try my best to communicate how im feeling but i can get really emotional sometimes.
i wear some variation of the same outfit everyday, i love music, movies, watching tv, reading, and writing. i love animals but im kinda scared of going outside (bugs and allergies). i’m very awkward and i talk a lot when im nervous (which is like all the time). i’ve been a theater kid since i was 4 years old and i love disney movies (my fav is princess and the frog). i’m the kind of person who doesn’t really like to talk to new people unless i have to so im terrible at making friends. i can be quite rude but i don’t try to be i just can’t read social cues. i really really love rocks, im vegetarian (or at least trying to be), deficient in like a million vitamins, have a bad stomach, auditory processing issues, and mental illness. i have very dry humor and i say things without thinking about them, so i make really weird jokes that usually only i understand. i get sick pretty often, i get lightheaded easily and have bad joints. i love sweet things and would eat nothing but chocolate all the time if i could. i can’t keep eye contact well, i stare at random areas on peoples faces when in conversation. i need time to recharge alone after pretty much any social situation. im a bit of a perfectionist and i can become obsessive over trying to fix everything that’s bothering my friends or those i love. i can be quite irritable and get frustrated easily especially when im anxious but it’s pretty easy to calm me down with a hug or verbal affirmations. i’m kind of like a cat in the way that i can be extremely clingy but sometimes i hate to be touched. i take a lot of naps and i might have narcolepsy and/or chronic fatigue.
i’m trans-masc and bi (but i prefer boys).
Okay okay, so I think you match up best with
(No it's not just because you're a theatre kid and he's voiced by Jermey Jordan)
I feel that based off of how you described being really sensitive and emotional, this man would be (relatively) well equipped to handle it. I also think that he would be really good for making you feel comfortable (Sorry I'm shit at explaining my reasoning for things sometimes 😭)
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doctor who tag game
Tagged by: @sopheirion side note i’m not a hugee who stan just a casual watcher so i’m prob gonna have to leave some questions i dont know so for reference: i watched all of ten, some of eleven and the first season plus first 2 eps of the second season of thirteen (i have it all recorded im just... lazy)
Favourite Doctor: ten
Favourite Master: of the ones i’ve watched sacha dhawan but based on gifs missy bc i love michelle sooo mcuh she’s iconic in everything but on the other hand i gotta say i heard some bad things about his personal life but i met eric roberts at a con and he remembered me on the 2nd day when i went to get an autograph as a gift for someone which was really cool
Favourite Sonic: idk about fav but i think thirteens is my least fav i dont really know why but i did enjoy her scene making it
Favourite Companion: rose rose rose rose i’m not sorry for being a basic bitch i love her and my main memories of watching doctor who before my grandma passed was with her (but i’m loving yaz a lot too)
Favourite Story: idk about particular full length story but i loved the clockwork men episode
Favourite Soundtrack:
Dream Actor for next Doctor: i have no idea can we just go wild and like throw billy porter in there or smthn bc iMAGINE the costumes the drama amazing or do we have an english actor like him idk we only have 5 actors???
Dream Composer: uhhh i love peter grundy but i dont think his work would fit the vibe
Dream Story: just let thirteen meet rose or river let them be in love give the wlw what we deserve
A Companion You’d like to see back: i always wish for rose but it’s been weird when she comes back before,,, maybe donna getting her memories back and not dying or anything bad?? otherwise i never got to watch bill so i’d like to see her
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: they did a werewolf so like can we do a werewolf/vampire war i love vampires just gimme vampires in everything
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: maybe thirteen bc gay reasons otherwise whichever one is the slowest runner bc im not a good runner i couldn’t keep up i’d be left for dead
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Last Jedi Thoughts
Everyone is chiming in with Last Jedi thoughts, so here's mine. Spoilers, obviously! Long and rambling and pointless discussion full of lots of spoilers below the cut.
In general I did enjoy the movie. I have some complaints about it that are really just technical in nature, a bit like reading a book with a good story that has a lot of spelling mistakes. You can still enjoy the story while you grumble about the spelling. And it's funny: watching the extremely negative reaction it's gotten from some people, especially fanboys, has had the effect of making me defend it more rigorously.
The one thing I was worried about was the characterization of Luke. Luke was always My Fav and the really important thing about him to me was his gentleness and compassion. I’m not sure this movie gave me exact the character I wanted, but like, I think I’m ok with it? It was different, and that’s ok.
Look, here's the thing. If you hate the new movies, and you think they're doing terrible things to your favourite characters, well, like, you always have the old movies, and you can ignore the new movies. Shit, you even have an alternate future laid out for you in the EU so like. Just ignore them. I fucking hate the prequels with a passion, you guys, but the prequels didn't ruin Star Wars for me. I just.... don't watch them. Ever. And I ignore everything that happened in them. And. I'm good. Like. That's all it takes? Anyways. The very best thing that I loved about the movie was all the playing with the audience expectations. (man though I think the stress shortened my lifespan. I'm telling you guys, if I watched Finn actually fly into that cannon I probably would have left the theater) Like. Man, I just about had a heart attack like three times. I think this movie shortened my life span. I really especially loved the plotline with Poe and Admiral Holdo, fuck I loved that so much. Guys I was just dying in the theatre when they set it up, DYING, my friends. That is probably my least favourite trope in the entire world, the hardass woman walks in like she owns the place and fucks everything up because she's a hardass, and the heroic rule breaking man saves the day by breaking rules because that's how it's won. I was dying. And Poe was WRONG, SO VERY WRONG. He got a lot of people in this movie killed. A lot of people. But like. It's not because Poe is a bad person. Leia AND Holdo can both see that. I really honestly think he learned a lot, and grew as a character. When he repeated Holdo's "spark of the resistance" speech later on I was so goddamned touched, obviously he has learned so much and has come to respect this person. I loved it. Oscar Isaac is a really charismatic and likeable actor but like, honestly Poe didn't have a whole lot to do in TFA. I feel like I know a lot more about Poe now and I like him so much more. I am kind of hoping the next movie keeps going with this "turn expectations on their head" thing because I really enjoyed it. Well it was sure funny watching Poe bullshit Hux on the comm, and funny to watch him get thrown around like the shit he is, but I'm not so sure... is it wise to set him up as the comic relief like that? I kind of feel like he could be a really sinister threat now, with Kylo Ren in charge and Hux ready to shoot him at the first opportunity... but I'm not sure I take him seriously. I feel like Hux probably had a job in customer service before he was a First Order Commander and that's why he's such a nasty little dogshit now. That sour face he has is the face of a man who has had to deal with a lifetime's worth of dumb customers. I can see myself as Hux in a few years... Ohhh that tricksy tricksy trailer, hunh?!? I was just about choking to death when Ren was in the cockpit and aiming at Leia’s ship, because!!! he presses!!!! the goddamned trigger!!! in the trailer!!! we saw it! Oh my fucking no! And then he TAKES HIS GODDAMNED THUMB OFF and I died. (well actually I started crying) Who else had a goddamned heart attack there????????? Rose was delightful. I wish she could have had more time with Finn cause they were delightful together. DJ (Benicio Del Toro's character) was just...... awful. Like, awful in a good way. Like. That character right there is everything that's really wrong in the world, everything that prevents us from being better. He's not "evil", he's not supporting the First Order because he believes it's the right cause, he's not even an ignorant asshole who doesn't know any better... he knows exactly what he's doing and he does. not. care. One of my favourite lines in the entire movie was Finn yelling at him that he's wrong, and he says, "maybe." Like, not in a sarcastic villain way like Kylo Ren telling Rey "we'll see" when Rey says she's not telling him anything. He means it absolutely sincerely. He doesn't even pretend he's right, like "oh kid, you're so naive, you'll see it my way someday," nope, just, you're right, he might be wrong. He doesn't care. That took my breath away. The porgs: I liked them! They were funny! I wasn't annoyed! And as for the stuff I didn't like.... welp, guys what I'm hearing is that you're hearing a lot about what's wrong with the movie and it's bumming you out a bit. So you know what, I don't know if I'm going to get into it. I do have some complaints about this movie but they're mostly technical. I have some issues with the plot and pacing, and I think the visual composition and visual narrative are weak, (and sometimes just downright bizarre) which is kind of a disappointment when traditionally, Star Wars has always been very big on the visual composition. There were a lot of moments were I was going "oh, that is a very odd choice". To be very honest, it reminded me a lot of the prequels, the prequels had the exact same problem. HOWEVER, the reason I actually liked this movie whereas I can barely even watch the prequels is that all of the characters are emotionally resonant, the themes of the movie are strong, and the playing with expectations was so delightful. Oh no wait, I do have one complaint: why the hell cast Gwendolyn Christie if you're not going to use her? What a waste. I'm hoping against hope she's going to be resting up in a med bay in the next movie and actually have some shit to do, but I'm not holding my breath. Guys I think I could have lived my whole life without that green milk. WTF Now here's some things I'm *confused* about. Why.... why are so many of you talking about Kylo Ren like... you seem to have split him into two people? Almost like Kylo Ren is this malevolent evil spirit occasionally possessing the body of the pure and lovely Ben Solo? It bothers me to see this and I actually kind of wish people wouldn't do it. It's all one single person, and like, that's kind of the point. Kylo Ren has fucked up, a lot. He's made bad decisions and has disappointed literally every single person who ever had faith in him. He feels conflicted by his actions though and hates himself down to his last atom. That's all him. That's BEN SOLO down there making these shitty decisions, and I feel like that's important. I don't like the character because I have excised all his faults and attributed them to some outside force, I like the character because he's complicated and struggling and because he has the capacity for compassion and darkness all in the same breath. I mean I feel like that's kind of why he insisted on Rey saying out loud what he had done. Say it out loud. I own it. That's me. And a monster, yes, I own that, too. I'm not your poor lost prince who just needs a hug and I'll come following you back to the Resistance ship. So guys, like, let's own it, too. It wasn't Ben's alter ego Countess Boochie Flagrante doing all the bad stuff. Life, and the decay underneath, that makes more life, right? I see some of you despairing about Rey closing the door and leaving without Ben, but I'm also a bit confused about that. Like... you didn't really think he would go, did you? This is only the second movie in a trilogy, and just like the original trilogy, it's ending on a low note with lots of conflict and unanswered questions for us to build up from in the next movie. Like, did you see the anguish in his face? Does this look like the face of a man who has lost the last spark of compassion in his heart, and is now ready to unhesitatingly rule the galaxy as the new Supreme Leader? And do you really think Rey has lost all that amazing compassion that she found? All that's happened is that she's realized that her approach didn't work, there's too much history there for her to just walk in and ask him to come with her. Honestly I agree with what a lot of you have said: Rey can't save Kylo Ren, he has to save himself. For as much as he talked to her about giving up the past, he is hilariously unable to do so himself. He can't forgive the people in his life for failing him, and he can't forgive himself for all the stupid shit he has done. He won't be able to go with Rey until he does that. I have no idea what he needs to be able to do that, or if it's even possible. I guess we'll see. Lastly I see some people saying Star Wars has become Pride and Prejudice in space. The comparison is funny but I don't know if I quite agree... Kylo Ren was haughty in the very beginning, but ever since the interrogation scene he's been pretty bluntly honest in his admiration of her. She's being pretty blunt about her intentions, too. And her journey hasn't been so much trying to see the truth about him, but rather becoming a strong and independent person on her own. The problem now is that they're both trying to convince each other to do what they think is right, so, as other people have pointed out, I am instead getting a JANE EYRE in space vibe. So we're at the part in the story where Jane has realized she can't be with Rochester and go against everything she feels is right, and she's left him to go and be her own person without him. ...the comparison is slightly worrying though because Rochester had to loose everything and also get seriously injured before Jane came back.............. (the whole "you're nothing" thing was... I don't see it as him insulting her out of a Darcy-like pride, I see it as...... a really big thing for him in this movie seems to be blunt truth. Yes, I'm a monster. I killed my father, say it out loud. Here's the truth about what happened with Luke that night. You know the truth about your parents, say it out loud. Accept the unpleasant truth. So here's the unpleasant truth she needs to accept. She's nothing, she came from nothing. She has no secret Skywalker or Kenobi parents who loved her. Accept that truth and then move forward.) So now let's talk about Rey, and let's talk about Kylo Ren. So, I think the big success of the Star Wars franchise has always been that all the characters are very emotionally resonant. It so happens that the two most personally resonant characters for me are Rey and Kylo Ren, and how lucky for me that the movie focuses so much on them. Rey just breaks my heart. She is so lonely and so desperately wanting to feel part of something. She doesn't NEED to be a part of anything, of course. She is beautiful and strong all on her own, all from herself. But goddammit it sucks being lonely. That wistful look she had watching Finn fuss over Rose at the end, "I'm happy for you but goddammit watching you makes me feel lonely" fuck man I know that face. Oh Rey. I'm so proud of her this movie, I'm so proud of her strength and her compassion. Man, she's a better balanced Jedi than almost every single person I've ever seen in any of these movies. I'm really glad she got to confront Kylo Ren about him killing his father, what a monstrous thing that is in her eyes, that a family was all she ever wanted in life and it's monstrous to her that he could destroy it like that. And Kylo Ren. I continue to be shocked at the development of his character, that an important Hollywood franchise would make a character so different like this, so emotional and vulnerable and complicated and downright ugly sometimes, and... yeah. My heart just breaks for him too. He has been failed by every person in his life who should have helped him, he's had no one on his side. This is a character who is completely fueled by his struggling and self loathing. Just... yikes. My heart was breaking. I was really interested by his thing in this movie, as I've said already, of being insistent on accepting uncomfortable truths. I think part of it has to do with his self-loathing... when you hate yourself, you delight in inflicting cruelty upon yourself. I think he gets a self-hating thrill out of being named a monster, and accepting the name. But part of it is...... accepting uncomfortable truths. Seeing things clearly for what they are, not what you want them to be. That's something I really personally value, and something I find fascinating about him. It's..... so, like. Lmao. I really can't overstate enough how I much I relate to Kylo Ren and relate to his struggle. With that in mind, I project rather a lot of my own personal experiences and thoughts onto him, so I'm sure it colours my interpretation, and I completely recognize that. But for everyone who was upset he didn't run off into Rey's ship, I don't think he's ready to go with her yet. He can't. I think he feels unworthy. He hasn't forgiven himself for his flaws and weaknesses. It's easier for him to hide in the dark rather than have it all exposed like that. He feels too dirty to be in the light like that. He needs some more time, some more character development. I think he has to forgive himself first, and he can't yet. It's.... a very interesting acting choice to have Adam Driver's face remain so impassive all the time. He took off his mask for the movie, and yes it was a silly mask but wow was that ever a cruel scene with Snoke calling him a child in a mask......... he took off his mask but it's almost like it didn't really help. His face is *so* impassive. When Rey is trying to convince him to go with her in the elevator, he has no expression at all in his face. You only see in the eyes what a furious conflict this makes for him in his soul, what hope and anguish it stirs in him. Obviously this is someone who has had it (probably literally) beaten into him that showing emotions will only get him hurt in the end. Well anyway. I'm rambling a bit now. He reminds me slightly of another very dear character to me in something else. This character, it is eventually revealed, had unfortunate beginnings and is actually on the path to her eventual self destruction because she is so angry at everyone, and so full of sadness, that she can't let it go. In the end she realizes the only way to save herself is to reach out and ask for help. She almost can't, because she feels she doesn't deserve it, and she's too afraid of the possibility of asking for help and no one comes. She does in the end and it's a happy ending and now I can never tell you the name of this thing because I just spoiled the entire ending, but I wonder if that's the key for Kylo Ren too... he can't bring Rey to the dark with him, he has to find the strength to ask for her help. Anyways. One last thought: It's really interesting how like... all the characters are really... really brand new. There's no character with an arc quite like Poe in the original trilogy, no character quite like Rose, no character quite like Finn. And then there's Rey and Ren, who are doing a beat-for-beat recap of the original trilogy plot points, but always with a twist. So we're set up with the scary bad guy in a mask working for an even scarier bad guy, and the dusty kid from nowhere. So first of all the bad guy kills her new mentor (so far so good) They have a dramatic first fight (except she kicks his ass and injures him) He dramatically reveals who her parents are (except it's nobody) Then asks her to join him (except she refuses) She decides she can save him so she turns herself in to the bigger scarier bad guy who tortures her, and he kills the big scary bad guy and saves her (except he still refuses to be a good guy) Well........ we've run out of movies, now. What happens next??? Honestly I don't know, I really don't know. I mean I would say that there's been so much buildup and emotional investment in Kylo Ren and his connection with Rey that obviously they are planning to have him redeemed, and the twist will be that unlike Vadar, he survives at the end. Then again I don't know. This movie was so hardcore about smashing expectations, and really hammered home the thing that you have to let go of the past. Maybe part of that is letting the Skywalker legacy die. I mean. Shit that also sounds equally likely to me, guys. I don't know. I mean I never ever thought we'd get so much character development in this movie either so like. I literally don't know. Anything is possible. Well.... there's a lot of pointless thoughts. If you want to chat about the movie, hit me up in my messages.
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11 Questions Tag 💖
Post the rules.
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
Write 11 questions of your own.
Tag 11 people. (if i tag you don’t worry about doing it or not!!! i understand that not everyone has time or has the motivation to do things like this!!)
i was tagged by @markiepoohismysunshine @glitterymin and @cuddletuan 💖💖💖 i’m putting it under read more because.... i have been putting this off and its a lot omg
questions by @cuddletuan
1) If you’re a book/fic, what would be your genre and alternate universe?
i think if i was any kind of book i might be like a self-help book??? i’d like to think i’m a supportive person who wants everyone to do their best tho sometimes it gets to the point that it’s probably annoying or obnoxious but!! if not that i would definitely be fantasy just because i usually have my head in the clouds a;sdkf
2) Best nuggets in the world?
dinosaur shaped nuggets.... obviously....
3) Do you have your own emergency stack of ramen?
a;lsdkjf;ads no i actually don’t eat much ramen but i have like five things of those microwave cup mac n cheese (triple cheese ofc) packs
4) What do you want to eat right now?
i’m feeling a little sick still but i’ve been absolutely craving a fish platter from sheetz
5) Oldest Korean song (from a Korean idol/group) you know by heart.
replay by shinee!!!! it’s still one of my favorite songs
6) Do you have any pets?
i have one golden retriever named sammy but he is at home and not with me in the dorms :(
7) What song are you listening to right now?
heaven by exo :’))
8) What do you think of Tumblr?
for some reason i can’t leave but at least it’s.... more calm than twitter....
9) Is there anything you want to wish when you meet the dragon Shenron of Dragon Ball?
i wish i could have all my homework just.... be done
10) Favorite Korean variety/reality show?
i really like weekly idol!!!! i feel like they do a good job of keeping things interesting
11) Say something about your ult bias.
UHM park chanyeol has ruined all other men for me
questions by @glitterymin
1) How did you realize your ult was your ult?
my youtube history turned entirely into like “chanyeol’s silliness” and “chanyeol aegyo” and “chanyeol is scared of everything” so like.... probably then
2) Nicest thing someone has done for you?
during the summer i had one night where i was just feeling... really terrible and anxious and i got sick due to my anxiety and even hit my head on the corner of the counter in the bathroom after. and like i honestly didn’t think that my friend group had noticed that i went missing because i told them i felt sick and left, but then after their group call ended at like 4am, i got one from my one friend, and he listened to me and let me cry over everything that i was worried about with no questions asked. as much as i think i’m an ugly crier, it soothes me to know that someone is there, even when it’s just over the phone, and i usually ask people if they need me to call them when they’re upset because i don’t want them to feel like they’re alone through this, you know? i think that’s probably the nicest thing someone’s done for me in a while.
3) Favorite movie?
now you see me is the best movie in existence don’t try to convince me otherwise
4) Handwriting or typed?
depends i think?? i generally like to handwrite notes because i feel like i remember the information better
5) Piercings?
i love piercings i want so many sdlk;fasd i have a septum, both my ears pierced, and two helix piercings in my right ear
6) Pet peeves?
loud breathing, chewing with your mouth open, obnoxiously loud music, etc
7) How did you discover kpop?
i was watching dance videos and lia kim did a cover to tt and i fell in love with the song!!! it went downhill from there
8) Describe the most recent dream you remember?
so basically somehow i died for a couple of days? i dont remember how but i woke up and my dad and brother were there?? and we had to keep these couple of kids from dying i think??
9) If you could change your birthday what would you change it to?
i really like when my birthday is but maybe a little more toward the end of the month since libras are more compatible with sag than virgos :(
10) Do you see yourself starting a family in the future?
yes!!!! i would really like to get married and have kids but like... not really have them more just like adopt and foster
11) Interesting fact about yourself.
i work at target!!!!
questions by @markiepoohismysunshine
1) What is our favorite quote from any songs of your fav group(girl or boy)?
2) If your life is a book or movie or drama, what would you name it (title)?
dave vs evad
3) Would you write a song, choreograph, or become a manager of your fav group?
manager!!!! i can’t dance or write songs but it would be cool to hang out with the boys and make sure they’re safe and on time you know?
4) Coffee, chocolate, tea, or water?
chocolate!!!!! or water but definitely chocolate
5) If you were to be in the situation like Madea’s Witness Protection movie and have to live with her, how long would you last?
i’ve never seen this movie but idk probably not very long bc i don’t like living with strangers
6) Which emoji do you usually use?
7) Where would you go if you were given a plane ticket and your flight is leaving in 2 hours?
i’d really like to go to europe somewhere... maybe spain because i know spanish and i could actually figure out what’s going on... i really wanna go to cali too just bc i’ve never been anywhere near the west coast
8) *cont from Q #7 ... And who would you go with? One of your parents or siblings, best friend, or your ultimate bias?
i’d really like to go with the girl that i like because i feel like it’d be a good time ;lsakdj;ls if not her then definitely chanyeol definitely
9) Heights, deep water, insects, or reptiles?
i’m rlly scared of insects, but i like reptiles!!!!
10) If you could pick a director, actors, and actresses to direct and play your life, who would they be and why?
uhhhhh idk directors but i’d really like to be played by michael cera because i feel like he’d rlly be able to bring out my awkward and shy and sweet side!!!
11) Branded makeup or drugstore makeup?
a;lskdfj;lsd i don’t wear makeup
my questions!!!!!
1) Best ult bias hair?
2) If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?
3) Favorite tv show/drama?
4) Salty foods or sweet foods?
5) One group you would give anything to see in concert?
6) What was the last video game you played?
7) If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to live?
8) Bottled water or tap water?
9) What time of the day are you most at peace?
10) How many blankets do you sleep with?
11) Do you believe in aliens?
i’m tagging my regulars and some new mutuals because i’d really like to get to know you better!!!! 😖💕💕💕 @ka-xing @nodeexo @d-kyvngsoo @baekhyuneeeee-exo @lionbaekkie @dangerousehun @oshnverse @ratbyun @tadaeshi @yeolidae @freckledksoo and anyone who wants to do this!!!!
#rambles#questions tag#if u dont feel like doing this dont worry abt it!!!!#it said tag 11 people but i honestly hate tagging ppl because i worry it bothers ppl 😬😬😬
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#5 - now don’t hold back, how do you really feel about Nick? Haha... yeah, Max so far hasn’t been great, thinking back, there was only the one scene with Eden that was somewhat memorable for me. Nothing else really stood out. There is still time though, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t dislike him as much as you do, I think he’s served a purpose, provides really the only comfort June has in this world. Don’t think of him as June’s hero, but someone June uses to survive...
People like a ship on a show, I get that. This one is really the only logical one. When you are stuck together in this world, it’s only natural. Even when Luke is still in the picture technically. But I just don’t care... for me a happy ending for June is for her to be reunited with her daughters, and have Moira/Emily in her life (don’t think Janine makes it to Canada). Either Luke/Nick or both in her life is a nice little bonus, but not essential.
LMAO. I keep all my Nick hate repressed in a little hard ball in my tummy (mostly cos I don’t care for fandom drama) but sometimes the wordvomit just spews when I feel safe on my blog haha. Everyone needs their release, right? LOL. I just sort of wish they’d cast a better actor. I probably would still have some of the same issues, but not to such a high level.
I agree. I think we’re talking about the same Nick/Eden scene? (I’m thinking the one at the pool where he’s trying to talk her out of doing the Dumb Teenage Thing she wants to do. (I love Eden sfm, ngl.) Is that the one you’re thinking of too?) I will admit, that is probably only the second time I have ever really enjoyed his acting or a scene with him. It’s the only time I’ve ever enjoyed a scene with him that doesn’t also have Serena in it. Cos, the other one I really liked was when he confronts Serena about June’s mental health. The tension there was so good. Again, he wasn’t on Yvonne’s level but it was a good enough scene writing and directing-wise that Yvonne could carry it easily and Max rose up a little to meet her. Almost. I’m biased, ofc.
Don’t get me wrong, I may be completely bored by the character/actor BUT I do recognise his integral purpose to June’s story, and appreciate that June does need/deserve/want comfort and only he can do that for her. He is (was, arguably, cos I personally think he’s served this purpose and it’s done) totally necessary to her survival, especially from a psychological standpoint. I just resist other people calling him a fucking hero. He’s not. June is. He’s her sidekick. He’s part of what makes her able to overcome certain circumstances, and lbr, without him, she’d probably be dead or in the Colonies cos Fred ain’t ever knocking her up. It’s more fandom’s obsession with treating him like the centre of the THT universe and everything about June revolves around him and it’s just disgusting to me to take a story about women, and especially a particular woman, and center it on a MAN.
((((Cos he’s cute, allegedly.))))
I never had a huge issue with it in the book, cos characters are made to play certain roles in assisting the protagonist. But I honestly have no understanding how anybody could read the book and go, “Hmm, this is good and all, but it’ll be so much more interesting to make it all about the guy, Nick.”
[Caveat... I am completely aware of how hypocritical I’m being, lol. I read the book and Serena was a somewhat interesting character but nowhere near as fascinating as she is on the show, lmao. At least, imo, she’s a woman, in a story that should be about women.]
Not to mention, Luke exists. And June still deeply loves him. Clearly. As soon as Nick even mentioned him, her mind went to him and Hannah. Whether I think they can work again (I don’t) outside Gilead, meh. Luke exists. Luke wants June back. June probably will attempt to make it work with him again as a family. Nick is not her “soulmate”, imo. I don’t want some epic romance bullshit for this show.
Now, in all fairness, Luke doesn’t exactly get a free pass from me either. I don’t really like the guy. (For different reasons. I think the actor is perfect actually for the role and does it very well.) I just find the character of Luke, sort of like a wet rag. Again, he’s another character that just sort of slides on by, not really caring and not taking the women’s concerns seriously (esp obvs in convos with Moira) and then just sulks a lot. Like, a lot. I get trauma gets handled differently by different people but Luke rubs me the wrong way. Even before Gilead. He seemed to have no issue being “the man of the house” and stepping into that patriarchal role. AGAIN, if we’re coming back to complaints about Serena not having any foresight, here’s another character that didn’t really care what was happening until it affected him personally. Now, that’s not to say criticisms of Serena for those reasons aren’t warranted; they totally are (She is at the far extreme end). But there are a whole host of characters who also gave no real shits about anyone else until they were personally affected by the system (Nick and June also fall on this spectrum, and arguably Nick is way down with Serena in terms of this, whereas Luke and June are not as bad, and June is certainly not as bad as Luke. Where was he at the protests? Hmm?). That’s sort of the whole point of the flashbacks about the rise of Gilead? We all sort of just go along with things, no matter how bad they are for others... until it personally affects us??? And often then, it’s too late to fix it. It’s the insidious rise of fascism in a nutshell.
People like a ship on a show, I get that. This one is really the only logical one. When you are stuck together in this world, it’s only natural.
Exactly! It is completely understandable and natural. And I enjoy seeing June regain parts of herself and find some pleasure and freedom through it. And you would latch onto anybody who can offer that. But Gilead, and especially June’s world, is a very, very small part of things and she has little access to anything else. Of course, a man being kind to her and protective of her and giving her good sex, hope, comfort, respect, affection, love, etc etc. is good. What else does the poor woman have? Fred? Serena? Rita? That’s her entire world. In that house. But what happens when that world expands?
And I do completely understand shipping them. It does make total sense. And I gotta say, shipping canon pairings is such a relief. (I rarely have that opportunity lmao but when I did, it was so NICE.)
Honestly, there isn’t much else to choose from in THT. It’s easy enough to keep shipping out of it but fandom is inherently shippy and full of straight fangirls, I think. It’s gonna happen. If AO3 is anything to go by, the majority (by an overwhelming amount) is June/Nick, with June/Serena second*, and June/Luke and June/Fred trailing those two. I get it.
(* I actually think this number would be higher if 2x10 had not happened the way it did. Specifically if it had not been Serena suggesting it (or at least had the lead up been better written). I saw a surge of interest after 2x08 especially but wham! 2x10, and then it’s just like, “HOW??? This is so wrong now, when it was only problematic before, now it’s like woah no way.”)
I agree about the happy ending. It’s June, free, with her daughters. Moira is absolutely essential to be in June’s life. I will not accept it otherwise. They are not allowed to kill Moira. She must be there. If it’s just June, Moira, Hannah, and Nicole, that’ll do.
Emily, eh. For me, I’m not that attached to the character and I want her healing more than anything, wherever that is. There’s another one who I’m not convinced would be able to just slide back into life with Sylvia and Oliver. (She had mentally given up on them way before she even was mutilated. it’s gonna be an incredibly hard road for her.) I want Emily alive and working towards being less traumatized. Minimum. I think she should have died way back, but since they’ve kept her alive this long and via such completely idiotic means, she has to stay alive now.
ITA about Janine, sadly. This may be sacrilege, but I’d rather her make it thru the series alive than Emily? I don’t dislike Emily by any means but I just enjoy Janine more. I find her more interesting. Eek. Is that bad?
I’d rather not have Nick around, simply cos it’s too much potential for stupid TV love triangle drama, and you know the showrunners won’t be able to resist playing on that. OR, going down the “June is pining for the love she left behind and that’s why it doesn’t work with Luke” route (BARF!). OR, alternately, presenting it as some super-cool post-monogamy hippie commune thing where people can just get on and there's no such thing as jealousy. Either way, I don’t want it. So I’d rather just knock out Nick in a blaze of glory, doing something incredibly brave and selfless for the CAUSE. Not just for June. I’m sick of his whole “for June only” shtick. Other women exist. Other women need your help too. I personally think it would perfect for him to die helping other women who specifically are not June nor connected to her. It would show some growth. If he dies for June specifically, I don’t think that shows any growth whatsoever. I’d argue that him dying For June just proves he’s not learnt anything, because it’s still just about what he wants and how things affect him.
But hey, I don’t think they will kill off Nick at all. He’s too much of a fan fav. I would like them too, but I don’t get what I want on TV. And probably only 7 people would watch the show I’d write, lol.
#long post#please don't have this post show up in searches or tags#and i'm tired of using asterisks lol#i don't want fangirls on my case lol#(i have no issue defending myself but i'd just rather not have to bother lmao)#Anonymous
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