#but for oscar van rhijn tangible goods guy to think actual bitcoin itself is a good use of his cash
adamsvanrhijn · 5 months
i think oscar would be an idiot about crypto and crypto-related things tbh! like he'd hear there was magic internet money and he'd immediately buy 15 ugly ape nft's and bankrupt himself. john would come home to find him sobbing on the floor because his special $25k jpeg of a monkey dressed like vogue-era madonna is now only worth 37 cents.
oh no he is totally stupid about it but he has to have enough knowledge to be confident that he isn't. like i think oscar is clever enough and he certainly likes to think he knows better than others, but he doesn't know what he doesn't know — he does know what he DOES know and basically once he hits a certain knowledge threshold he thinks that he is up to date on the span of knowledge it is possible to have, so if he is less tech savvy than others in a way he could realize and be aware of, i think he would be more likely to steer clear of stuff like crypto because of his risk aversion
if you think about the maud situation, oscar goes into that whole thing under the impression that he is the more knowledgeable person with relevant experience, and he thinks he's making an informed decision based on his new and preexisting knowledge
i don't think he'd get caught up in something he doesn't think he knows much about — if he is not at all tech savvy i see him probably being closer to claiming that this is a dumb fad that is going to die out and then three years later one of his college frenemies makes millions from selling off bitcoin and he wants to show this guy and also he wants to be right about bitcoin so he goes all in and loses a bunch of money on a more traditional investment scheme that he thinks he knows more about. you know
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