#but for now i will just wear a big sweater and pretend that i took one of his <3
redr0sewrites · 3 days
My Marauders Hcs
🥀A/n: most of these aren't intended to be x reader, but some of them are !
🥀Character(s): James, Sirius, Remus, Peter
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff
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James is the type to have a planner and obsess over it the first week of owning it, and then forget about it immediately afterwards. every school year he tells himself that this is the year he's organized, and then by the third week the planner is rotting under his bed and he's going by memory
constantly running a hand through his hair. it started off as a nervous tic, but soon became soothing for him. whenever he's upset or frustrated, he always finds himself ruffling and messing with his hair. a lot of people think its on purpose, but its not, and he gets really defensive when people point it out.
simultaneously smart but dumb. James is an intelligent individual, but he just doesn't apply himself and would probably be top of his class if he tried- he just doesn't care too. not that his grades are bad per se, but they aren't as good as they could be
James is one of those people who's actually quieter once you get close to them. he overcompensates and acts more extroverted than he is in most social interactions, but once you get close to him he mellows out and becomes quieter. you can tell when James is really comfortable with someone because he's very relaxed and calm around them, he doesn't feel the need to be anything more than he is
sooo loyal. we already know this, but seriously, if he's dating you, he's the most loyal person there is. you would never ever even suspect he's cheating, he gets grossed out if other people even flirt with him. if he's dating you, he's whipped!!
on top of this, James is not afraid to show you off. he never understands how someone could be embarrassed of their partner, or pretend they aren't a couple because of others' opinions. he understands being private about a relationship, but if someone directly asks who he's dating, he's going to say that its you- and he's proud too!
tiny shirt + big pants combo>>>
let marlene do his makeup once at a party and, while he thought it was cool, didn't really think it was for him. he'll wear makeup if you want him too, and occasionally he'll put on mascara or tinted chapstick just for kicks, but i don't think he would spend a lot of time on makeup of skincare or stuff like that. he just doesn't have the patience for it
in my head he's half arabian and 1/4 african, with his father being mixed and his mother being fully arabian. his hair is sooo curly, and it took him a while to learn how to take care of it and keep his curls from getting frizzy or dry
James let Sirius attempt to pierce his ears sometime during fifth year, and wanted to try it the "muggle way" which, predictably, went badly wrong- but he's fond of them anyway! so, now he has slightly crooked ear piercings that he just puts plain black studs or a small diamond in. he also forgets to take his earrings out for Quidditch a LOT, so Peter was always reminding him about it
we all know about the headcanons about him wearing red converse, but i also vividly see him wearing the dirtiest high top vans you've ever seen- something like this but heavily used and loved
if a sweater or hoodie is too long, he has to push the sleeves up to his elbows. James cannot stand the feeling of sleeves brushing against his hand or wrist, its so specific but it would piss him off so much
tries to learn French so he could understand Sirius' and Regulus' conversations (especially when they were talking about him in front of him), and has an insane duolingo streak. like he's failing half his classes just because he's lazy, but his duolingo streak is like 400+
curses in Arabic a lot, and also calls his friends nicknames or petnames in Arabic as well
James has a really loud, boisterous laugh that practically fills up a room and makes everyone turn to look at him- like genuinely he can NOT be quiet when laughing
he made "potions" in the shower as a kid
Sirius cuts his hair on his own, and gets really nervous about asking other people to cut it. its a big sign of trust for him if he lets you cut his hair, as Walburga used to cut it short as a punishment. he genuinely prefers to just do it himself, but that means that more often than not his hair is pretty long because it's tough to reach the back
has at least 4 rubber bands on his wrist at all times- one for himself, one for Marlene, one for Lily, and then one extra. he oftentimes has even more, and he forgets that he has them on and will wake up in the morning with literal creases in his wrist because he kept them on for sooo long 😭
in his first/second year, Sirius had a french accent that he desperately tried to get rid of. he eventually succeeded, but it still slips out occasionally
he started painting his nails to piss off his parents, but soon became pretty good at it. now, Sirius and the girls of the friendgroup all hang out and he does their nails for them! in my mind, he has medium-short nails. they aren't completely flat, and he keeps them very smooth and rounded and pushes back his cuticles as well
has a comfort leather jacket that he wears almost constantly. the texture and weight is so familiar to him that even taking it off feels uncomfortable sometimes. when he's anxious or upset, he'll wear the jacket to help calm himself down and a lot of times, he has woken up with it on after a stressful night
Sirius has a complicated relationship with cleaning. his parents were far too strict about neatness, and he's associated cleaning with lots of negative memories, including being yelled at and stuff like that. this being said, he struggles a lot with cleaning up his own space and gets very easily offended if you even imply that himself or his space is dirty. Sirius also struggles with self care and bodily upkeep for similar reasons, even if its just basic things like combing his hair or brushing his teeth. he gets those tasks done, but he doesn't enjoy them and it's very draining for him
wears a lot of jewelry because he likes to fidget with it, and is a dedicated believer in wearing only gold. he's always afraid that he'll accidentally burn Remus if he's wearing silver jewelry, so he makes a point to only wear gold or copper or something similar
pierced his own ears, and also got his nipples pierced at a muggle piercing studio just to piss his parents off- even though they never found out
exclusively wears mismatched socks for no reason
is very gender nonconforming and is also probably genderfluid, he doesn't really care how he's perceived if that makes sense but feels more feminine and more masculine at different days or times
complains about little things but keeps bigger issues to himself. like Sirius will complain for an hour straight about how sore his back is from quidditch until everyone is begging him to shut up, and then turn around and neglect to tell anyone that his mom cooked him in a stew and fed him to a goblin or something (until he eventually breaks down about it)
gets angry really quickly and hates himself for it
wore a fake nose ring for years before actually getting it pierced
lowkey thinks bullying someone is a flirting tactic and when he's into someone he's a little mean and teasing towards them
cant eat strong flavors in the morning such as fruits or sugary cereals bc it makes him uncomfortable or nauseous. only sticks to bland breakfast foods like eggs or toast when he first wakes up, but will eat more flavorful food later on
a tiny bit scared of the dark but won't admit it. he always keeps a nightlight nearby though
Remus gets bad migraines around the full moon and wears noise canceling headphones to help keep the loud sounds to a minimum
had a lisp and a crossbite at a young age but after a few years of dental work + speech practice its barely noticeable unless he's really upset (but he still has to be consciously aware of his lip movements nooo im not projecting...)
hates constricting clothes, has to be wearing baggy clothes or he feels like he's going insane
surprisingly good listener. he never plays the devils advocate, always gives good advice, and is overall a great person to vent to
can NOT sleep with his closet or bedroom door open it creeps him out sooo bad
this is going to sound a little insane but. in my head he sort of like. kisses with his nose. LET ME EXPLAIN i imagine him w like a slightly crooked nose and so whenever he kisses someone he always sort of? boops noses w them? bc his nose is like relatively big,,? and he just sort of does that??? idk it's just really adorable in my head
also adding onto that- he's a very gentle kisser. cups your face, rubs your back typa guy. definitely doesn't rush in
allergic to shellfish
one of those people who puts their entire soul in their notes app. he has lists, reminders, quotes, random pictures, information, and everything in between in his notes app. Remus is also the only one who can navigate through his notes as there are SO many and any normal person would go insane just from looking at all of it 💀
picks at his lips and nails until they bleed or peel
HATES when food touches on his plate- can't stand when food mixes and will often seperate food into little piles but then EATS MULTIPLE TYPES OF FOOD IN THE SAME BITE in an attempt to concoct like the perfect bite. like if he's eating idk chicken cutlets mashed potatoes and peas he can't have any of those touch on his plate or else it's disgusting but then he'll eat a piece of cutlet with mashed potatoes and peas on top in one bite??? idk maybe im projecting but this just seems like sum he'd do
very big on studying. he's smart, but if he doesn't study he absolutely blanks on tests and assignments so he always needs to have stuff memorized- he also takes extra notes for his friends so that they can copy it whenever they need
once he ties his laces on shoes, Remus never unties them and prefers to just shimmy in and out and fight for his life to put them on and take them off
Remus' ears get cold really easily so he wears earmuffs and a scarf often! his cheeks and nose also turn pink when he's cold and it's always very obvious and adorable
while he isn't a big fan of quidditch or sports in general, he truly enjoys supporting his friends and making sure they know that he's there! even if he has no real interest in it, he attends every single one of James' and Sirius' quidditch games
i love the headcanon that he befriends Regulus before any of the other marauders, and that he's in a study group with Reg, Lily, Mary, and Dorcas
enjoys muggle comics, and has a HUGE comic book collection! Peter can also name nearly every superhero, and has soooo many comics memorized. like you ask him "what was the original comic in which *insert superhero* appeared" and he'll reply with the full comic title and author
you can't convince me that Peter wasn't a huge flannel person LIKE HE WAS THE TYPE OF KID TO HAVE A DIFFERENT COLORED FLANNEL SHIRT FOR EACH OUTFIT
huge gossip but in a good way. him and the girls all have a little gossip circle, and i looove the headcanon that out of all of the marauders, Peter is the most aware of all of his friends romantic endeavors. whether you ship wolfstar, jegulus, jily, dorlene, or anything else- Peter KNEW before even the people involved knew they liked eachother. always pretends to be surprised when people inform him of stuff like that as though he hadn't already known for two years or sum
i like to think Peter also played quidditch, but did it moreso to have fun with his friends rather than being super into the game. he liked it, but he only did it because his friends did
ridiculously good at chess, and holds that over Sirius' head allllll the time. probably also in his own little chess club or something similar
Peter is smart, but only when he applies himself. most of the time he's fine with being average, so he has decent grades, but certainly nothing outstanding. however, when he tries? he's very intelligent and can excel academically- he just doesn't feel like it
learned to braid Marlenes hair when they were younger, and then taught Sirius how to do it too! he'll also sometimes braid Sirius' hair for him if he's bored and needs something to do with his hands
unlike his friends, Peter isn't very confrontational and prefers to handle conflict with a softer approach. this often makes him take on the role of the peacekeeper in the sense that he communicates between both parties when his friends are fighting. that doesn't mean he can't stand up for himself, he just only does so as a last resort
Peter doesn't laugh, he GIGGLES. genuinely teehees when he's excited about something !!!
he was the one who suggested the name The Marauders, and originally did so as a joke, but then it stuck
very rarely curses, but between being friends with the marauders and such, he probably knows more curse words than the rest of his friends combined and sometimes when he's irritated he starts cursing up a STORM
chronic sweatpants wearer. orefers the material of his clothing over anything else, and if something is uncomfortable he simply won't wear it
i like the headcanon that Peter's queer awakening was actually both Frank Longbottom and Remus, but he didn't know it until years later. for Remus, it wasn't actually a crush, but moreso an "oh he's attractive. yea i'll think about that ltr" kind of moment yk? however, i do think he had a crush on Frank and that was also part of the reason he originally joined the quidditch team
Peter's favorite color would be yellow, and his favorite flowers are sunflowers!!! idk why, he just seems like a yellow kind of guy!!! i also feel like he'd like orange too- overall, he prefers warm colors to cool colors
Peter would listen to Nirvana, you can't tell me otherwise bc he WOULD !!!
he's kind to people regardless of their house. doesn't care if your a hufflepuff or a slytherin, a gryffindor or a ravenclaw, if you're nice, he's nice!! he's also always super sweet to first years who are new to the castle, and helps with giving directions (and telling those who purposely give wrong directions to piss off) for at least the first month of school every year
made friends with a lot of the portraits on the walls, and ended up gaining their favor and getting help with some pranks. i also think that he'd get along with most of the ghosts, and Moaning Myrtle had a crush on him in his third year and it was really awkward because he tried to be nice but she ended up taking it romantically and so she thought they were dating for like two whole weeks (James teased him mercilessly over this)
while Remus always keeps chocolate on him for others, Peter always keeps gummy bears on his person or nearby in case he sees someone upset
YIPPEEE I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING!!!! i will def be doing a pt 2 with the valkyries (marlene mary n lily) and the slytherin skittles (barty evan dorcas regulus n pandora) so!! stay tuned !!!! hope u enjoyed and PLEPSOEELSLPSKSOSKD
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mattybsgroupie · 26 days
movies | matt sturniolo
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contents: established relationship; handjob (m receiving); boob sucking/nipple play (f receiving); semi-public; sub!matt
notes: hello my darlings!!! SUB MATT IS BACK!!! nothing much to tell about this one, it's super short and super simple, just jerking him off at the movies lmao. not proofread but hope you enjoy anyways! thank you for almost 1,7K i dont deserve all of this love, yall are just fantastic.
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when matt and i first started dating, the movie theater was our favorite place. it was dark, comfortable, and no one would disturb us. as we grew into our relationship, date nights were no longer a priority, but we both knew how much we missed it. the innocence, the butterflies in my stomach, the nervousness about holding his hand, the giggly kisses and the awkward confessions.
“are we really doing this again?” matt asked me with the biggest smile on his face, adjusting his sweater. i nodded, glad that i was able to convince him to go out.
“we want… whatever’s next” he said to the cashier as he interlocked his fingers with mine, raising his free hand to his pockets, looking for his wallet. “yeah, this one” he nodded and grabbed the tickets, leading us to our assigned seats.
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i didn’t know how long it had been since the movie started. i would often lose myself on matt’s blue eyes, his skin reflecting the red colors of the big screen, his poorly done beard emphasizing his sharp features. i couldn’t resist placing a few kisses on his jaw, receiving chuckles and a squeeze on my hand, almost as if he was warning me to behave because he was actually interested in whatever we were watching. 
until the scenery changed. the lights turned warmer, the music slower and suddenly it was hard to breathe. i felt my chest raising on its own as the sensual atmosphere took over the room, matt’s grip on my hands tightening, silently asking me to take my eyes off of him and pay attention to the erotic scene in front of me. 
we didn’t expect such an explicit act. the actress had removed her bra, flashing her bare breasts to the few people at the movie theater. matt’s mouth fell open in surprise and i audibly gasped, quickly raising my palm to cover my sudden noise.
both of us turned our heads to each other, widening our eyes as we tried to hold back our laughs. “i promise i’m not looking” matt joked, pretending to block his view.
“you can look” i giggled, adjusting myself on the chair and getting closer to matt, letting my hand rest on his thigh. “i know how much you like boobs”
“well” he stopped for a second. “you’re right, but i’d rather look at yours” matt checked me out from head to toe, a grin appearing on his face as if i was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
i decided to be bold. my free hand moved to the hem of my sweater, pulling the cloth upwards and revealing just a bit of skin - enough to get him excited. i mentally thanked him for always choosing the back row, giving us privacy to our heated makeout sessions back then.
“please?” matt whispered, his digits reaching for my exposed tummy. “wanna see your boobs, please”. 
it was definitely risky, but i couldn’t resist his pleading blue eyes, the way his top teeth bit his bottom lip, how his fingers caressed my belly. what seemed like nothing to others was already too much for us, along with the adrenaline of doing the same silly things we did years ago as teenagers in love. i had blew him at that same seat several times, but it was different now. as if we weren’t supposed to be acting that way. and it felt too fucking good to ignore.
i finally gave in, pulling my sweater and revealing my breasts. i wasn’t wearing a bra, making this way easier for matt, who immediately shoved his face in between them, muffling a “thank you” i was only able to hear because it was a habit. he would always thank me for anything i gave, even my boobs. 
his beard tickled my skin as he moved downwards, resting his cheek just above my left tit. he wasn’t going to speak, too busy sticking his tongue out to tease my nipple before latching his lips around it. matt sucked so hard i left out a sigh, bringing my fingers to his hair, caressing his brown locks as i whispered how much of a good boy he was, which certainly didn’t help his impatient self. matt squirmed around on his chair, trying to get comfortable and ignore the growing tent inside his pants.
“need help, baby?” i asked, brushing my digits over his boner. matt nodded desperately, not letting go of boobs until i wrapped my knuckles around his covered length, making him gasp from the sudden contact. “what’s got you like that, hm? was it the movie or me?”
“you” he said, hiding his face on the crook of my neck. “always you”.
“such a good boy for me” i praised, receiving a muffled whine in response.  “nuh uh, keep it down. you don’t want them to hear us, do you?” matt denied with his head, jointing his hips forward, silently asking for me to actually jerk him off. i knew it had hit him too. the nostalgia, the excitement, the risk of doing something we shouldn’t. 
matt dragged his lips across my chest as i finally got a grip of his cock, placing my hand inside his pants and slowly pumping his shaft. he placed his tongue on my nipple once again, sucking it at the same pace i would stroke him. with long minutes of a lazy and steady handjob, matt was far gone — he couldn’t care less about the movie, frantically chasing for his orgasm.
i could feel his chest panting as i heard the heavy sighs coming from the back of his throat. matt was trying so hard to stay quiet and yet, he failed, letting out a cracked moan when i brought my thumb to his leaking tip, rubbing his slit as i tightened the grip on his throbbing cock.
“cum” he whispered to me, not opening his eyes. i pretended i didn’t hear it, my eyes glued to the big screen in front of me. “please, wan’ cum” matt spoke again, replacing the lips on my boobs with his hands, massaging my flesh.
he wasn’t getting what he wanted — my attention and permission. “princess, please” he pleaded, now covering my neck in kisses as he mimicked on my nipples the same movements i did on his slit. i savored the moment for a bit, hanging my mouth open as his kisses turned into love bites.
“hold it” i said, loosening my fist. matt whined at the loss of contact, throwing his head back in frustration. “you look so pathetic, baby” i cooed, running my fingers through his hair before cupping his cheeks. he looked so, so fucked out. “such a needy boy, aren’t you?”
“no” he pouted, blue eyes covered in desperation. “i’m good, i promise i’m your good boy!” matt said, moving his hips upwards, trying to get some relief to his aching cock.
“you’re gonna have to wait until a really loud scene comes up” i told him. “we don’t want anyone to hear this good boy cumming all over himself hm?” i asked with faux sympathy, feeling his length twitching against my hand. he wasn’t gonna be able to hold much longer.
“boobs” matt practically begged. “i will keep my mouth on them and i won’t make any noises” he said, more to himself than to me.
“yeah? you wanna cum sucking my boobs?” i teased matt, who vigorously nodded while adjusting himself one last time. he spread his legs open, waiting for my cue. “go ahead” i encouraged him and he immediately latched his lips around my nipple again, muffling his needy sounds as i jerked him off, my fingers pumping his swollen length rapidly enough for matt to cum seconds later.
matt’s whines turned to whimpers as he reached his high, releasing the sticky spurt over my hand. i couldn’t see it, but i knew the inside of his pants looked like a mess. he panted heavily as he slowly came back from his orgasm, thighs still trembling after holding it for so long.
i kissed the top of his head as i finally removed my palm from him, raising it near my mouth and licking his cum. “don’t do this to me” he said as he watched me, pulling my sweater down. “i’m gonna get hard again”
“good thing we have the whole movie left” i smirked before sealing our lips together in a passionate, hungry kiss. 
after all these years, we were still the same kids who started dating at the back row of the movie theater.
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taglist (drop a 🌸!): @thepubeburgler @mommykinks4matt @pearlzier @mattsfavbitchhh @her-favorite @bugeyedgrl @sturncakez @riowritesitall @joemamaaa42069 @mattsturnswife @sturnsmia @sturnthepot @mattscoquette @conspiracy-ash @ilovemattsturn @lizzymacdonald06 @blahbel668 @fratbrochrisgf @bagsbyclair0 @sturnobsessedwh0re @cayleeuhithinknot @sturniolo04 @1c3b4th @mattsfavbigtitties @bellassturniolo @sturnsxplr-25
i haven’t updated this in a while so if if you want to get in/out let me know! mwah!
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samubytheocean · 3 months
Osamu body heat hcs
Osamu radiates so much body heat and he’s kind of self conscious about it, especially in the summer. He hesitates to pull you into his arms, because he himself already is burning. He sweats buckets, and it’s a little different from Atsumu because whereas his twin kind of forgets about the fact that he is drenched with sweat, Osamu will visibly be in a bad mood until he is able to take a shower.
He won’t give you hugs after working out, because he doesn’t want you to get uncomfortable. Doesn’t smell bad, because he’s so up in his head about it and does his best to take care of himself, but definitely thinks that he does. I feel like his big hands will be burning, not very sweaty, pretty dry and rough even, but like searing hot to the point he flinches when he touches your relatively cool skin. Builds the habit of randomly placing his hands on the back of your nape when you have your hair up or something, just to mess with you.
All that being said, you bet he’s the best human heater in the winter. Definitely the type of guy who will kick off the covers at night, unconsciously of course, then proceed to crawl on top of you in his sleep when you whine that it’s literally freezing. Also the type to handle cold really well but does terrible with heat. Doesn’t like his hair sticking to his face with sweat, that’s one of the reasons why he liked volleyball so much, because it’s an indoor sport and there’s always ac on.
He will absolutely drive you insane about how he is so fixed on not wearing a coat or a jacket in the middle of winter. He already has a sweater on, and yes it took much convincing to put that on as well because he claimed that his hoodie would be just enough. Also he would take it off, even in a snowstorm, with just the thinnest shirt underneath, if you said you were cold. Not even trying to be a gentleman for you. Just takes it off and puts it on you, asks you if it smells okay, smirks a little at you blinking at him so puzzled about how the hell is this guy not freezing to death, rubs your cheek and say that the sweater seems a little big on you. and proceeds whatever he was doing, in just a shirt, in the middle of December.
Says it was getting hot anyway in the most dead pan face ever, you can’t tell if he’s being ironic. (He really isn’t, and he’s acting even more satire just to mess with you.) What makes you so messed up is that he does not get sick. In any shape or form, it’s pretty impossible for him to catch a cold. He does get migraines when he’s outside for too long, but pretends to not have them just to prove that he does not need another layer. Menace.
Works well for you in some ways in the summer though. Would refuse to put on clothes in the house. Just boxers, and maybe basketball shorts if you’re begging. Maybe. Would argue that he’s doing you a favor, giving you some smexy show for nothing, and yeah you do appreciate the sculpted back and thigh muscles maxed out now with those delicious little bits of fat on full display, only if he wasn’t a complete jerk with the ac settings.
Yeah definitely seems like the guy to unironically hide the controller and actually sulk when you turn the settings down. (Atsumu comes in again here. Anyone with siblings knows what it’s like with the ac settings. Old habits.) It’s always freezing at your house, especially if you come back from work you swear that he is the main reason for global warming (affectionate). He really does try for you, turning it a little higher few minutes before you get home, but secretly loves the way your small frame scrunches up from the chills and huddles up to him, body sticking to him for some warmth. He has always hated how he radiated so much heat, but with your bickering and cuddles, he’s beginning to think that maybe, it was like that all along for a sweet reason. (he’s annoying but he adores u)
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avatar-anna · 1 year
bad idea, right?
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As you slipped a gold hoop through your ear, you wondered if you were making a huge mistake.
You weren't, you knew you weren't, but the butterflies swirling around in your belly were making you anxious. This was nothing, so why was your body reacting this way?
"Well don't you look hot!"
You turned to look at your roommate, jumping a little in front of the mirror. "Thanks."
She took that as her cue to come into your room, settling on the edge of your bed as you finished getting ready. You normally wouldn't mind, you and Marissa hyped each other up before dates all the time, but you didn't think she would be in favor of this particular outing. That alone warranted you to question whether or not this was a good idea, but you were confident it was, so you pushed it aside.
Well, not good, per se, but not bad either.
"Is that new? I've never seen you wear that top before."
You looked down at your cropped sweater, the one you'd cut yourself yesterday after buying it. The amount of time it took for you to figure out what to wear tonight was too embarrassing to admit—and perhaps what was more pathetic was the hours of shopping you did—but at least you'd settled for something that was on the casual side. The last thing you needed was to come off as if you thought about tonight too much, or worse, you didn't want anyone thinking you had expectations.
Shrugging, you hoped you appeared more nonchalant than you felt. "No, this was just... something I had deep in my closet."
No. "Really."
Having snagged the last earring in the set of holes on your right ear, you moved to the left. You pretended to focus hard on your task, even though you could've done it without the mirror, but now you were trying to hide your blush from your roommate. If she sensed something was off, she'd keep questioning you, and you really couldn't have that.
"I didn't even know you were going out tonight," she said. From the reflection in the mirror, you saw her eye your outfit one more time. "Where are you going again?"
"I never said," you told her. "It was kind of a last minute thing. Someone from class invited me."
"Like a date?" Marissa asked you. "Wait. Is this who you've been going out for coffee with the last few days?"
You winced, your hand having slipped and stabbed your ear on accident. You didn't realize your roommate had been keeping such close tabs on you, which was probably a good thing seeing as you lived in a big city together. But you hoped Marissa wasn't too perceptive. She'd kill you if she knew. So you put on your best smirk and said, "Could be."
Marissa kept peppering you with questions about the "mystery man," but you wouldn't budge. You couldn't. Finally done with jewelry, you turned around and presented yourself to her. "How do I look?"
"Like whoever you're seeing tonight is gonna fall to their knees when they see you," Marissa said.
"Perfect," you said. That was exactly what you were going for.
On your way out, the anxiety in the pit of your stomach continued to build, messing with your head and making you think this whole thing was a bad idea. It probably was, but maybe it wasn't. But then again...
"Fuck it, it's fine," you muttered. Then, over your shoulder, you called out to your roommate, "Don't wait up for me!"
"Text me at 12:30 so I know you're still alive!" Marissa called back from the couch where she was watching, re-watching, Pride and Prejudice. "And don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
Too late for that.
"Thanks for coming over."
You nodded as you took a sip of your wine. "Thanks for inviting me."
Harry grinned before sipping from his own glass. "This isn't weird, is it? I know inviting you over for dinner seems a little forward, but I feel like enough time has passed that we can catch up as friends, right?"
Friends. You really were an idiot. You'd been stupid enough to think that after the first few catch-up coffee dates, this might've been more, which was completely insane. You and Harry broke up almost two years ago now. When he texted you saying he'd moved back to the city, you agreed to see him and catch up, as any two people who used to know each other would. Then it happened a few more times, and then he texted you asking to come to his place for dinner, and you'd been confused but intrigued. Now you just felt silly.
"Y—Yeah. Of course. So, um, how—how are you?"
"Good. Just, you know, getting settled in the new apartment and finding my footing as a proper adult here and not a student. Did you know the Thai restaurant on 28th closed? I went..."
You listened to Harry as he spoke about moving back to the city, your eyes focusing on different parts of his face as you tried to determine which parts of him had changed and which stayed the same. Overall, he looked a little older, but that made sense seeing as a lot of time had passed since you'd last seen him. He had stubble on his cheeks and around his mouth as if he was trying to grow a mustache, something he definitely couldn't do when you were with him. His hair wasn't long anymore, but curled around his ears and reached just past the nape of his neck. He looked tanner, more muscular, more handsome. You could only hope he was thinking you looked more beautiful too.
"—about you?"
"Huh?" You hadn't realized that you zoned out the last few minutes.
Harry grinned, like he knew you'd gotten caught up in staring at him. "I was asking how you've been? Good, I hope? I mean, since I saw you two days ago, I mean."
Nodding, you took another sip of your wine, yet another thing that had changed since you were together. In school, it was whatever you could afford from the off-campus corner store. Now you were drinking from a bottle that had to be expensive. You couldn't even pronounce the label when Harry showed it to you.
"Good, I guess," you said. "Still in school, still working."
"At the MET, right?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'm doing guided tours right now, but once I get my master's I can start doing more research-based stuff."
"That's exciting. I know you've always wanted to work there," Harry said, inching closer to you on the sofa. It was currently the only piece of furniture set up in his apartment besides his bed. He'd apologized when you arrived thirty minutes ago. You didn't mind, though maybe you should've. Maybe this really was just a catch-up, not a hookup. When Harry invited you to come over, you thought there might've been some subliminal messaging, but he hadn't made a move, and the less-than-put-together apartment screamed that he wasn't trying to impress you.
Promptly, you attempted to drown your shame and embarrassment with a longer sip of wine.
"Thanks. You should stop by sometime. I get to give out free tours."
"I'd be happy to."
He hadn't done anything wrong, but now you just felt like an idiot. The entire time you were getting ready, you wondered where tonight would lead, debated if you should cancel or not because of said wondering. And in the end, maybe you should've because if tonight had told you anything so far, it was that you were hung up on your ex and all he thought of you was someone who could get him into the MET for free.
Tonight really had been a bad idea. Maybe even a terrible one.
"Um, is your restroom through there?" you asked, pointing at the shut door closest to you.
Harry looked over his shoulder to where you were pointing. "Yeah. Sorry, should've mentioned that earlier."
Setting your glass down on the floor, you stood up and hurried to the bathroom. You sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and pulled your phone out of your purse and shot a frantic text to Marissa.
You: i need you to call me with a fake emergency in five minutes.
Marissa: what? why? what's wrong?
You: i was an idiot
You: i'll explain when i get back
Marissa: five minutes?
You: make it four
Putting your phone away, you turned the faucet on so it seemed like you really had used the restroom. Now that Marissa was going to bail you out, all you had to do was finish your wine—it was really good, to be fair, so that wouldn't be a problem—and wait for her call. This night was not going in the direction you expected, and it was probably for the best to cut it short instead of letting it drag on. Dinner smelled amazing, and you'd wanted to share a meal with Harry more than anything, but now you just wanted to go home and wallow in your own stupidity.
When you came out of the bathroom, Harry was standing in his small kitchenette in front of the stove, stirring something that smelled delicious in a saucepan. With his back turned, you let yourself stare unabashedly for a few seconds before picking up your wine glass and polishing off its contents. With the small clink of the glass being set on the counter, Harry turned around, dimples set deep in his cheeks as he grinned at you.
"Dinner should be ready in a few," he said. "Here, come taste."
You knew you shouldn't have, you'd already made enough slip-ups tonight as it was, but you walked the few steps to his side anyway, opening your mouth when he raised a spoon to your lips.
"Wow," you said, honest shock in your voice when you tasted what he'd given you.
"Good, right? I've picked up a couple tricks over the years," he said, pulling the towel off his shoulder and reaching down to open the stove and pull out a pan.
"Yeah, you could never cook like this when we—Is that lasagna?"
For the first time tonight, Harry seemed sheepish. "Yeah. I was kind of hoping it was still your favorite. You used to love the one from that small Italian place a couple blocks from campus."
Had you read the situation wrong? Harry wouldn't have just made what he thought was your favorite dish on a whim. It was possible he still considered this thing you were doing platonic, but you foolishly hoped you weren't the only one who had expectations.
Before you could say anything, your phone rang. Damn it, you thought, pulling your phone out of your purse. You answered it, trying to quickly come up with a way to call off the fake emergency. "Hey, listen, now's not a good—"
"I'm locked out of our apartment!" Marissa cried dramatically. If Harry hadn't been watching you, you would've rolled your eyes. You loved your roommate, but she didn't need to wail. "You need to come back immediately or I'll freeze to death!"
"It's the middle of July, M," you said, trying to put some intention in your voice to let her know you were fine.
"You know I have poor circulation and it makes me cold!"
"Have you tried calling the super?"
"I need you!" she wailed again.
"Okay, okay. I'm on my way," you finally said. "See you in a few."
When you hung up, you looked up at Harry, apology dying on your lips when you saw the disappointed look on his face.
"That bad, huh?"
You knew he wasn't talking about the phone call. "Maybe it's just me, but things feel awkward between us. I think we should stick to coffee from now on, you know? That seems a lot more friendly than—"
If you'd had any doubts about where Harry's mind had been regarding tonight, they were completely wiped away when he surged forward and kissed you.
You told yourself the gasp was because you were surprised, not because it felt so good to kiss him again after so much time had passed, though that did not go unnoticed by you. Everything about his lips on yours felt achingly familiar. Harry parted your mouth with ease, his hands sliding down your waist and gripping firmly. Your body reacted almost of its own volition, every one of his touches garnered an immediate response. When he settled his teeth on your bottom lip, your hands gripped his hair, when his hands squeezed your body appreciatively, you wrapped a leg around his waist, when he finally detached his lips from yours and began kissing and licking a stripe down your neck, you sighed and arched your back into him.
It was too good to be true. The way you felt, how pliant your body immediately became, his hair as it tickled your chin the lower his kisses went. It lit you on fire, made you want to burn brighter.
You didn't even know what you were going to say, but Harry took it as you needing him. He raised his head back to yours, taking your bottom lip between his own and sucking, his thumbs dipping below the waistline of your jeans casually. You leaned into the kiss, wanting more of the fire and intensity from the first one, but Harry wouldn't move any faster. His kiss was slower now, more drawn out, like he was attempting to taste every inch of your lips and savor it. It left you even more breathless than before.
"You thought I didn't want this? Want you?" he said, his teeth nipping at a spot where the zipper on your sweater opened.
"Thought that the smell of my favorite perfume on you wouldn't drive me absolutely mad the second you walked through the door? I've been trying to be polite. I've been trying to be a gentleman because it's been so long, but maybe we can skip the pleasantries, hm? What do you think, mon rêve?"
It all became too much as he began to grind his hips against yours. He was still taking his time, as if there was nowhere else he'd rather be at the moment, and to be honest, you didn't want to be anywhere else, either. Using the nickname he used to call you put you over the edge. My dream, he called you, because he swore no one in real life could be so perfect that he had to have been dreaming when you met.
Bad idea or not, you weren't going anywhere. Even if this was just one night, you would make it count.
But the buzz of your phone had you pulling away with a start.
"Don't," he murmured, pressing the word against your lips with his, slowly reaching for the hem of your sweater to pull it.over your head.
"She'll keep calling if I don't answer," you said, obliging Harry's hands and hoping he would understand what you were trying to say. You weren't going anywhere, but if you didn't answer now, Marissa would track you down and come here if she was under the impression you were in trouble.
"Don't go," he said this time, kissing the line of your jaw up to the shell of your ear. "Just stay."
"And what happens if I do?" you asked breathlessly.
This wasn't a rekindling of a relationship, you knew that. Perhaps it was the familiarity of your embrace in a city filled with millions of people making you both feel drawn to each other. You'd broken up a long time ago for reasons that had yet to be discussed, one night wasn't going to change the history you shared just like that. You knew that even as you got ready to come over to Harry's apartment tonight. This was just...
"Two people can reconnect, can't they?" Harry said. He hooked your other leg around his hip and sat you on the small counterspace, his eyes heavylidded as they roved your face. His gaze sent butterflies alight in your belly, making you feel things you hadn't felt in a long time.
Before you knew it, your ankles crossed over one another on the small of his back. Your hand carded through his hair, and you grinned a little when Harry shut his eyes at the feeling of your fingers against his scalp.
Phone call forgotten, you leaned in, but moved slightly so that you kissed the corner of Harry's mouth. You kissed him all over, starting with his cheek, then along his jaw to behind his ear where you knew he was sensitive, making sure to leave a mark, just because you could. You couldn't contain your smile as he groaned and pulled you closer, held you tighter.
Your phone buzzed again, this time with a text. You didn't want to, and you could tell Harry didn't want you to, either, but you pulled away to look at it.
Marissa: hello?? i thought you were fleeing?!
"Are you?"
You held your phone close to your chest, having realized Harry read your text with you. Not letting him see the screen, you typed out a response, then locked it and set it down.
"This could be messy," you said, not sure why you were trying to talk yourself out of this. Or whom you were trying to talk out of this.
"Maybe," Harry said, running his thumb over your lip so that it separated and bounced back into place.
"And you're the one who said we were two friends catching up," you said.
"Friends hook up all the time," he said, undoing his belt with one hand while the other continued to play with you bottom lip. When he fiddled with the strap of your bra, you didn't stop him from gently urging it off your shoulder.
"I think—" the words died in your throat as Harry dipped his thumb past the seam of your lips, effectively shutting you up.
"And I think," he said, lifting you up and bringing you to the edge of his sofa. "I think I'd like dessert before dinner, What do you think, mon rêve?"
This whole evening screamed bad idea. There were too many tangled strings, too many unanswered questions, too many unknown variables. But Harry was already kissing his way down from your collarbone, his teeth grazing your skin in all the spots that made you keen and your breath hitch. Maybe it was a bad idea, but you'd come over anyway. Might as well see it through.
"Fuck it, it's fine," you muttered, gripping Harry's hair between your fingers and directing his path of burning kisses with little care for the aftermath that was sure to bite you in the ass tomorrow.
Harry was gone the next morning. Disappointed? No. Surprised? Maybe. It definitely meant there wouldn't be an awkward goodbye, but it also meant this really was a one time thing.
Which was good. You got it out of your system, got him out of your system. Last night was just a trip down memory lane. An excellent trip, but it was over now.
You stretched your arms above your head, working out the aches and pains from last night's fun. It had been a while since you'd been sore from having sex, and you'd kind of missed it—knowing that the night before had been so good that it carried over into the next day. Days, sometimes.
Searching for something to cover you up, you spotted Harry's shirt from the night before. Walking around in one of his shirts wasn't what you were going for, but it would have to do until you found your own clothes. Sliding it over your head, you prepared to stand on wobbly legs when the turn of a lock sounded at the front door.
Frantically, you rubbed at your eyes and whipped the shirt back off before lying against the pillows again as if you were still asleep, which wasn't hard seeing as you were still exhausted. Your heart was racing as you heard Harry step into the room, humming as he fiddled with his keys and kicked off his shoes.
You figured he would wake you up, but he didn't. To your surprise, Harry slid back into his bed next to you, his arm snaking around your waist and lips sponging kisses onto your bare shoulder. "You awake?" he mumbled, his thumb rubbing circles on the warm skin just beneath your breast.
Pretended to wake up, you breathed in deep and said, "A little."
"I don't have a coffee maker yet, so I went down the street. There's a latte with your name on it in the kitchen."
You smiled wide without really meaning to. You'd been thinking he'd just left to avoid an awkward conversation, but it seemed like you were both eager to put it off as long as possible. Shifting in Harry's arms, you turned to face him through half-opened eyes. His hair hung in his face, grazing the sunglasses he'd yet to take off. His sweatshirt was a little cold to the touch from being outside, making you shiver a little.
"Are you cold? Here." Harry pulled the sweatshirt over his head and helped you fit it over your head, which still had your hair wrapped in a silk scarf from last night.
When it was on, you grinned at the feeling of his warmth wrapped around you, of a cologne that was foreign to you but just as head-spinning. Reaching up a hand to his face, your fingers grazed his sunglasses. "What are these for?"
"My terribly embarrassing dark circles. I get those now," Harry said, one corner of his mouth turning up into a grin.
You weren't sure if he was in the mood to chat or drink the coffee he bought, but now that you were facing the broad expanse of his chest, all the tattoos that were familiar and the ones that weren't, you didn't want to do either of those things. Leaning forward, you kissed his chest, creating a path with your lips all across his body. Harry's stomach flexed, and you could feel the quickened beat of his heart when you passed over it. It made you grin as you worked your way down and sucked a hickey on his hip.
"You can tell me to stop," you said, just before reaching the waistband of his sweatpants and underwear, prepared to do away with both of them in one go.
"I don't want you to," Harry panted. He groaned at the cold air as you rid him of his clothes. "Still—Fuck, Y/n—Still reconnecting?"
You nodded, too caught up in what you were doing to speak. After a few minutes, though, just as you felt he was close, you inched your way back up and kissed him, your leg sliding over his waist.
"Yeah. Reconnecting."
When you came home later that morning, Marissa was already awake and waiting as you walked through the door in your jeans and a hoodie that definitely didn't belong to you. She took one look at the sweatshirt and shook her head at you with a sigh.
"He's the one you've been meeting for coffee?"
You hung your head. "Yeah. He moved back about two weeks ago."
Marissa slid you a mug filled with steaming black coffee, the smell alone waking you up slightly and bringing common sense back to your brain. You took it between your hands appreciatively, blowing over the top instead of meeting her eye.
"You know this isn't going to end well, right?"
Now it was your turn to sigh. "Yeah."
But fuck if it didn't feel right.
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hp-hcs · 10 months
I don’t know what came over me but this came to me in a dream, Yandere Theodore x Male Reader x Yandere Enzo. The reader is notoriously oblivious like cannot take a hint unless you kiss him and even then he still might not get it. In my dream Theo and Enzo were all over him with affection and then he would be like “wow you guys must love affection! I’ll gladly do that for my friends! :D” in my dream he was a Gryffindor but you can put reader wherever.
it’s literally me 🥹 you could make out with me and i’d still be like “im so glad we’re such close friends!”
also this is like really short but wtv
requests open
our dumbass darling — yandere! theodore nott x gn! oblivious! gryffindor! reader x yandere! enzo berkshire
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warnings: implied sexual content? (no detail, post-sex scene)
“And Snape was like- oh! Hiya, Teddy!” You giggled when Theo wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck, and picking you up to spin you around once before setting you back down.
“Come along, love,” Theodore said smoothly, shooting Neville Longbottom—whom you’d been chatting with—a rather dirty look.
You had to jog to keep up with his long strides, glancing behind you apologetically at Neville. “Teddy, slow down, what’s the matter?”
“Nothing, darling. Just don’t like other boys… looking at you.”
You giggle, scrunching up your nose. “Well obviously other boys are gonna look at me, Teddy. This is a big school, and it’s common courtesy to make eye contact with whomever you’re speaking with.”
“Don’t care,” he grumbled, putting an arm around your waist as you walked, his hand low on your hip.
“You’re the only one who does,” you shake your head. “None of my other friends are as overprotective as you.”
He scoffs. “What can I say? I’m just a really caring… friend.”
“Y/N! There you a- whose sweater is that?”
You look down, smoothing your hands down the front of your red knit sweater with a large golden ‘G’ on it. “Oh! George Weasley’s. He took me to Hogsmeade today, isn’t that sweet? He wouldn’t let me pay for my own butterbeer either! And then it got a bit cold, so he loaned me his sweater. He is just such a good friend, isn’t he?”
Enzo stared at you for a long moment, as if he was trying to tell if you were joking. “Right. Friend.”
You nod obliviously, grinning cheerily.
“Well I don’t like it,” Enzo harrumphs. “Red’s not your color.”
“I’m in Gryffindor, Enzy.”
“You look better in green,” he insists, tugging off his hoodie and handing it to you with an attempt at a charismatic grin. “Now, why don’t you take off that, and wear this instead?”
You shrug, pulling on his hoodie over top of George’s sweater. “I can layer up.”
Enzo frowned, but at least his hoodie—his Quidditch team hoodie with a large BERKSHIRE written on the back—was covering up that horrendous ‘G’.
“Good morning, Teddy!”
“Morning, love.”
Draco pretends to swoon as you reach across the table to grab a piece of toast. “Oh! Teddy~”
Theodore has the most humorless expression on his face, his distinct ‘dead eyes’ looked like they were plotting his murder as his gaze swung over to Malfoy.
Draco shut up quickly.
“You don’t ever get to call me that,” he says gruffly. “Only they can.”
Draco nods mutely, staring resolutely down at his plate and avoiding all eye contact.
“Hi, love,” Enzo sighs, flopping down on his stomach onto the library’s couch, his feet hanging off the edge and his head in your lap.
“Hi, Enzy,” you murmur, not looking up from your book as you start carding your fingers through his hair.
He lets out a pleased purr, his eyes falling shut.
You sit in a comfortable silence for a bit before Enzo suddenly speaks.
“Go out with me.”
“Out?” You ask, puzzled, as you look away from your book and down at him. “Out where?”
His eyes remain closed as he mumbles into your stomach, “Fortescue’s?”
“Sure,” you shrug. “I love ice cream. Ooh! We should invite Panz and Matty too!”
His eyes open slowly and he sighs. “Y/N.”
“I’m asking you out on a date. Romantically.”
“Oh!” You look bewildered. “Oh- no one’s ever asked me out before.”
“Yes they have. Like, multiple times a week.”
“Really?” You look absolutely stunned.
Enzo rolls over to lay on his back, his head still in your lap and looking up at you. “Are you even… aware that Theodore likes you?”
“Yeah, darlin’. Teddy and I’ve both been in love with you since like, first year.”
“First year?!”
“…yes, love. I’m pretty sure ninety-five percent of the school is under the impression that we’re dating.”
“I literally kissed you at the Yule Ball.”
“I thought that was in like, a friendly way!”
You pant heavily, sweaty and exhausted but content. Theo’s chest heaves with exertion as he rolls over onto his stomach, tossing an arm over your waist and nuzzling his face into your neck.
Enzo follows suit, pressing a kiss to your forehead and settling down beside you, his fingers drawing random shapes on your outer thigh.
You wait a moment before asking, “So does this mean you guys are like… into me?”
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tomurasghoul · 6 months
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summary: going on a date with hawks <3
A/N: sorry for not posting much, ive been a mix of busy, unmotivated and uninspired, but im back now :3
includes: fluff, mild swearing, innuendos.
When Keigo asked you out, you were over the moon. You've had a crush on him for a while now, and for him to want to take you out on a date, was like a dream come true.
I mean, how could you not have a crush on him? He's absolutely gorgeous, suave, funny and a true gentleman. You and him had been friends for a while, and now you were finally taking it to the next step.
He wanted to meet you at the park, so you put on something casual. Although, you still wanted to impress him, so you accessorized with some jewelry.
Then, it was finally time.
When you arrived at the park at exactly 23:00 like he asked, of course, nobody was there at that time of night, Keigo had specifically planned it that way, so the two of you could get some privacy without him being mobbed by fans.
You sat down on a nearby bench, waiting for your date to arrive.
A few minutes later, you spotted a pair of crimson wings flying towards you.
'Hey there, hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long.' He landed in front of you.
Luckily, he wasn't dressed up either. Just wearing an oversized white sweater and baggy jeans. For some reason, he also had a big backpack with him.
'Now, let's get to walking. I've got a nice spot for us to go to.'
While you were walking through the foresty part of the park, there was a comfortable silence. Both of you guys just looking around, taking in the beautiful view of the red and yellow fall leaves on the trees. The bright moonlight lit up the park, so it wasn't too dark to see.
At some point, you two were walking so close together, you noticed the backs of your hands touching. You were wondering if Keigo noticed it too, when he suddenly reached around and grabbed your hand. There was your answer.
'I'm sure you don't mind, right?'
'No, I don't.' You blushed and looked away.
He must've noticed your blushing, cause he had a cheeky grin on his face the rest of the way there.
You eventually arrived at the spot Keigo had meant to take you to. It was a gorgeous lookout with a view of the lake beneath you.
To your displeasure, he let go of your hand.
He opened the mysterious backpack he had with him and took out a red and white-checkered picnic blanket and snacks and laid them out under a willow tree.
'Did you think I'd let you sit on the ground?' He winked at you goofily.
'You didn't have to bring all this for me.' You said as you sat down next to him on the blanket.
'Only the best for you, birdie.'
You chuckled at the petname.
'Don't laugh at me!' He said, pretending to be offended. 'Now, eat up.' He fed you a strawberry to shut you up.
'Damn, you didn't have to force-feed me.' You punched his shoulder playfully.
'Shut your mouth before I force-feed you something else.' He punched you back a little bit harder.
'Why don't you make me shut up?' You provoked him.
'Don't try me. I'll kick your ass.'
The two of you started play-fighting. While you fought with all your strength, he was actually holding back, cause as a hero, he was much stronger than you. He wasn't letting you win, though.
'Wow. you really aren't gonna let your date win?' You feigned anger.
'You're such a brat.'
That's when he pinned you to the ground and kissed you. It was a short moment, but the feeling of his lips on yours took your breath away.
'That ought to shut you up.' He smirked as he released you wrists from his grip and sat back up.
And he was right, it did shut you up. You were silent for a while as you stared off into the distance.
'Hey, I didn't actually mean the thing about shutting you up.' Keigo spoke up after a little while. He was afraid he'd overstepped a boundary.
'I know, I'm just looking at the view. It's really beautiful.' You tried to distract him from the fact that the kiss flustered you.
'Yeah, it really is.' He said, looking at you instead of the view.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Two out of Six of Meddling ;). Part One. AO3 Link.
“That’s good! Now Steve, don’t look like you’re in so much pain.”  
It’s only been about five minutes, and Steve is already tired of the pictures. Robin has put them in so many awkward stock photo poses that he has started to wonder how this could ever be fun like Eddie said.  
What makes things worse is he knows that Eddie feels the same way because he’s so damn tense. Honestly, the whole thing feels fake and unnatural, and for some reason, it upsets Steve although this is exactly what he signed up for.  
Nancy winces at the most recent photo she’s taken and says, “Okay, how about we take a break?”  
“Thank god,” Steve sighs in relief and sits on the couch. Eddie ends up sprawling out next to him until he shoves him a bit.  
“Move a little so I can get comfortable.”  
Steve nudges him back. “It’s an L-shaped couch. Take the other side.”  
“I’m not moving away from that sweater. Come here, my love,” Eddie says dramatically while reaching out to the sweater.  
Steve rolls his eyes again and sprawls out next to Eddie until he’s basically spooning him. “Close enough to it?”  
Eddie pulls him in a little closer. “Maybe now.”  
Steve smiles a bit to himself and closes his eyes. He doesn’t know why the pictures have been so exhausting, but he’s glad it’s led to this moment.  
The camera shutter goes off again. Steve cracks an eye open.  
Nancy smiles at him and walks away, staring at whatever picture she just took.  
Steve feels himself begin to doze off when Robin shakes him awake. “Break time is over.”  
Eddie groans behind him and squeezes Steve - or rather his sweater - one last time before hesitantly getting up.  
“I have an idea,” Nancy announces. “I’m going to take some candid photos of you two. No more poses. Just you two hanging out.”  
“While still acting like a couple, right?” Steve asks.  
For some reason, the comment is funny to Nancy who tries and fails to hide a laugh behind her hand before she confirms, “Yeah, of course.”  
Eddie must miss it though because he just nods and replies, “Okay. So, what do we do?”  
Robin holds up two very ugly Christmas sweaters with a big smile. “It’s Christmas time, and you two are going to dance.”  
Steve shoots Eddie a look. What have they gotten into?  
Robin starts playing Christmas music over their speaker as Steve and Eddie prepare to slow dance.  
It had taken them a while to get here after Eddie insisted on saying a very tearful goodbye to his sweater. Steve had even cut it short by offering to wear it during the fake double date with Veronica as long as they stayed inside.  
Robin had agreed to have the date at their place and keep it simple – just dinner and a movie. Nancy had even thrown in the idea of having a practice run where she would pretend to be Veronica. Honestly, it all kind of eased the tension for Steve, so he agreed quickly.  
Now, he wishes he would’ve stalled as he takes his place in front of Eddie and awkwardly holds his arms out. “How are we supposed to do this?”  
“You think I know?” Eddie asks as his hands begin to move to hover over his shoulders then his waist before repeating the process, just as unsure about where to put them.  
Steve shrugs. He’s had his good share of slow dances with girls at prom and homecoming growing up, but the only experience he’s had dancing with men has been at bars when he’s been fairly intoxicated.  
It’s not that he doesn’t want to slow dance with guys. He’s a romantic. But he’s just... never had the opportunity. And here’s Eddie standing right in front of him giving him that opportunity.  
He doesn’t want to mess it up. But does he put his hands around his shoulders or his waist or??  
Eddie’s arms slowly slide around Steve’s waist as he pulls him close. Steve’s arms automatically come up to wrap around Eddie’s shoulders. It reminds him of the way they hug, but he’s still able to see Eddie’s face.  
It feels right.  
“Silent Night” comes on, and Steve smiles and sways to the very slow beat.  
Eddie smiles back and gently rests his forehead against Steve’s. “I’ve never done this before.”  
“Really?” Steve pulls back to ask.  
Eddie nods and looks down at his feet.  
“I’ve never done this with a guy,” Steve confesses.  
It seems to lessen Eddie’s tension a bit as he melts into his arms. He drops his head to Steve’s shoulder, and Steve closes his eyes and rests his head against Eddie’s, letting himself stay in the moment for a bit.  
When the song ends and transitions into “O Holy Night”, yet another slow Christmas song, Eddie’s head comes up a bit and he whispers, “I’m having a bit of an impulsive thought.”  
Steve turns to whisper back. “Care to share?”  
Eddie giggles – like actually giggles – then says, “I want to squeeze your ass.”  
Steve throws back his head and laughs loudly.  
“My hands are down there already! You can’t blame me!” Eddie protests with a laugh.  
Steve looks back at him and says, “Go ahead.”  
Eddie’s jaw drops open slightly then closes. “You’re not joking?”  
“Let me know what you think,” Steve says with a wink.  
Eddie laughs again then his hands slowly slide down to lightly cup his butt, then he squeezes.  
“Okay! Next activity!” Robin yells.  
Eddie startles as much as Steve which only results in him grabbing his ass again. Steve laughs as Eddie’s hands snap up in surrender. “Oops,” Eddie says looking equal parts guilty and proud.  
“I need to wash my eyes with bleach,” Robin comments as she walks off somewhere. “But before that, I have a very special request.”  
Steve reluctantly looks away from Eddie only to have all his senses fill with horror as Robin slowly lifts up a leafy looking plant out of a box on their coffee table that he hadn’t noticed before. “Mistletoe,” Robin says with a big smile.  
Steve freezes.  
“Come on, guys. You’ve been dating for two years. You have to have some pictures of you two kissing. We already have one of Eddie groping you,” Nancy says as if that helps.  
Steve cringes. How did he forget that there’s a camera capturing his every move? He’s terrified to see how the pictures turn out since he’s going to have love written all over his face.  
Maybe Steve can convince Robin that she’s the only one who needs them. Or he can just select a few to send to Eddie where his face is hidden. He really doesn’t want to ruin their friendship.  
Robin shakes the mistletoe again, and Steve suppresses a groan. This is definitely going to ruin things.  
“It’s just a kiss. People do it all the time. Platonically,” Eddie reasons.  
Steve swipes a hand over his face and looks at Eddie. “Can I talk to you alone please?”  
Eddie nods and follows him to his room. While Steve opens the door for Eddie, he shoots Robin an I know what you’re doing look that he will discuss with her later. Then, he closes the door behind him.  
“Steve, we really don’t have to kiss. We can fake it and make Nancy take it at an angle that makes it look believable. We can also just tell Veronica that we’re not super big on PDA, so we don’t take pictures like that.”  
All of what he’s saying makes perfect sense, and they’re the perfect excuses.  
But instead of taking any of it, Steve says, “I’m fine with kissing you. I just don’t want my first kiss with you to be in front of Nancy, Robin, and a camera. No one deserves that.”  
Eddie’s eyes soften a bit at the admission, and he smiles softly. “Okay.”  
Steve takes Eddie’s hands and slowly approaches him. Then, he pauses and backs away with a thought. “Wait.” He hurriedly strips off the ugly Christmas sweater and ignores Eddie’s, “Uh, are we kissing shirtless or something?” Then, he digs to where he carefully hung his yellow sweater and tugs it off the hanger again before putting it back on.  
“I don’t know what it is about this sweater that makes you so-”  
Steve is cut off by Eddie kissing him.  
His hands cup his jaw and slide into his hair while Steve finally snaps back into reality although he feels like he’s in a dream. His hands come up to grip Eddie’s shoulders as he deepens the kiss, tasting the candy cane Eddie had snagged earlier from Robin’s décor.  
The thought has Steve remembering why he’s even gotten here in the first place, so he begins to slow down the kiss as if to help ground himself. But he’s hopeless when Eddie’s lips move gently against his until they reluctantly pull away before moving to kiss him again. Then, again.  
Steve pulls back so he can rest his forehead against Eddie’s, and he can’t help but think how they’re almost mirroring how they appeared earlier when dancing. He lets himself drown out the rest of the world as he listens to his and Eddie’s heavy breathing start to even out and slowly go back to normal. But Steve’s heart is still pounding in his chest the same as it was when Eddie was kissing him.  
He thinks he may never be the same.  
There’s a loud knock on the door that makes Steve desperately want to say Go away!  
But then Robin is asking, “You two didn’t die in there, did you? I’m not forcing you two to kiss if you don’t want to just to be clear!”  
Steve’s hand flies up to his mouth as he muffles his laugh. Eddie whispers, “Stop it, you’re going to make me laugh, and that’ll give us away.”  
Steve hides his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck, but his shoulders start to shake.  
“We’re about to come in if you don’t answer,” Nancy warns.  
“Don’t worry! I just wanted to give Steve’s sweater another speech because I missed it! Why did you have to put us in these ugly things, Buckley?” Eddie lies quickly.  
“Because I love torturing you. Now hurry up!”  
Steve pulls away reluctantly and grabs the hideous red sweater. He leaves the yellow one out this time though – just in case.  
They both take a few more seconds to not appear so frazzled before they go back to the living room. Robin gives him a questioning look, but Steve looks away. He’s not going to spill the stuff about Eddie right now with both him and Nancy in the room. Plus, he doesn’t want to give Robin the satisfaction of knowing that she finally made him deal with his feelings for him. She can suffer a little longer not knowing.  
Eddie walks right up to the mistletoe and grabs it. “This seems like something I would do more so than you,” Eddie says.  
Steve crosses his arms. “And why’s that?”  
Eddie smiles and walks up to him. “Because you love acting irritated about stuff, especially in front of other people.” Steve can’t begin to defend himself before Eddie turns to Nancy and asks, “Camera’s ready?”  
“Ready,” she confirms.  
Eddie looks at Steve. “You’re sure this is okay?”  
Steve nods. He thinks he’ll take any excuse to kiss Eddie again.  
So, Eddie holds up the mistletoe in his right hand, and Steve wraps his arms around his shoulders. He leans forward and slowly kisses Eddie.  
He barely hears the camera go off.  
When he pulls away, he looks Eddie in the eyes and almost kisses him again. But Eddie puts the mistletoe down and digs into his pocket. “Wait, I want one that’s not so professional or whatever,” he says as he pulls up his phone and swipes to the camera. “One more?” he asks.  
Steve nods and lets Eddie kiss him this time so he doesn’t take him off guard when he takes the picture. When he pulls away, he and Eddie turn to his phone and watch as Eddie presses on the picture gallery.  
Steve’s heart starts pounding so hard, he’s sure Eddie can feel it based on how close they are.  
Eddie forgot to hold up the mistletoe this time, but... they look perfect together.  
“Okay, next up is our outdoor dates. You’ll have to take some of these from your phone instead of Nancy’s nice camera to make it more realistic. But this also means we can’t sit near you where we’re going next.”  
Robin really needs to learn how to read when the moment is over, but it seems like she has a whole day planned with a tight schedule, so he can’t blame her for pushing things.  
“Where are we going?” Eddie asks. He swings one arm around Steve’s waist to keep him close.  
“You’ll see,” Nancy says with a suspicious wink. “But pack your clothes. All casual things.”  
Steve reluctantly steps away from Eddie to find a duffle bag to put their clothes in. Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s actually starting to look forward to the rest of the day.  
Part three
Tag list <3:
@little-gae-shit @dreamingtheimpossibe @leethegay @lazyavenuewhispers @olibxr @thegayestpersonever
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totokoismyfav · 5 months
Hi! I would like to request a Headcanon of the sextuplets, DaddyMatsu please! , something fluff/Funny where the children of the sextuplets find their Dad old sweaters (You Know with The Matsu Simbol) and put them on because they seemed comfortable, and when the S/O of the matsus sees her Son/Daughter she can't help but say something like "Awww my baby look like her/His Dad! so cute!" and the son/daughter, to play along with his/her mother, does or says some action or word typical of his/her father, imitating him.
(Sorry if it was not understood or if it is too much, I was really excited about something like this)
Have a Good Morning/Afternoon/Night!
wahhh this request was so cute, tysm for submitting! also sorry this is my first time writing for most of the brothers (i mainly wrote for Choro in highschool loll)
osomatsu san sextuplets /reader | daddymatsu! shenanigans
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Osomatsu: A little chip off the old block, that’s what Osomatsu’s son was. The little rascal was digging through one of the many closets in his home when he found the red sweater his dad wore for so many years back then. “Whatcha got there kiddo?” The young boy looked behind him as he saw his dad leaning against the open door frame of the closet, smiling warmly down at him. The little boy had his father's hoodie on over his small frame, his smile reminiscent of his father. Osomatsu’s s/o walked into the cute sight, sighing as they laughed softly. “It’s like I’m seeing doubles. You look just like your father.” Just then, their son rubbed the top of their lip with their index finger, “Ha ha! That’s my boy!”  Karamatsu:  His heart swelled with affection and pride when his little girl found his old blue sweater while looking through some old boxes in the living room, her small hands picking the large lump of fabric up and grunting up at her daddy. “Oh my little dove, you want to wear it?” His oh-so-smart girl nodded her head, she was growing so fast. He chuckled and complied, putting the hoodie over her head and draping it over her tiny form. “So cute!” Karamatsu heard from behind him as his s/o walked into the room, their eyes glued to their daughter. “She looks just like you hon.” He smiled and nodded, “Although, it’s missing something dear.” Karamatsu then dug through another box, pulling out an old pair of sunglasses and put them on his daughter, smiling as they were too big for her and ended up being lop-sided on her head, earning a few giggles from the toddler. “There, now she’s perfect. Although, my little darling was always perfect.” Choromatsu: Choromatsu about died when his toddler daughter walked into the room, wearing his old mint green hoodie from back in the day. The hoodie was too big for her, dragging across the floor as she tried to walk around in it. He smiled as she waddled up to him, holding her arms out to him as she smiled. She was definitely his little girl, triangular-type smile and all. He, of course, took her into his arms as his s/o walked into the room, handing their baby off to them as they smiled. “She looks so much like you,” They remarked, “So cute!”. The adorable moment was interrupted by the little girl shouting, “Fappymatsu!” with a heap of giggles. “WHO TAUGHT HER THAT?!” Ichimatsu: Oh, he felt like he was going to throw up. Not because he was disgusted or anything, far from it. He was overflowing with pride and joy, a bit too much for his liking and body to handle. He’s definitely not used to these feelings, he’s been feeling it so much lately but he’s willing to put up with it to see his little girl happy and thriving. The sweater, which was way too big for the small toddler, was draped across her body as she walked around the house; pretending she was her father, even messing up her hair and slouching a bit. Ichimatsu thought he had locked the old ratted piece of garbage up in the attic but apparently not. His s/o watched from the couch as they laughed, “She looks just like you!” Just then, his daughter brought her fists up to her face and did a signature cat pose. Ok, now he’s really gonna throw up. Jyushimatsu: Jyushimatsu had walked into an interesting sight, his young son had found his old yellow hoodie in the pile of laundry in the laundry room. He let out his signature laugh as he picked his son up, spinning him around as the pair of them giggled and laughed. “Ha ha! You look just like me!” Just then, his s/o walked up with a basket of laundry and laughed alongside them, “How cute Jyushi, it’s like a mini you!”  The young boy shouted “Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!” He had heard his father's signature catchphrase before from him shouting it throughout the house. Jyushi let out another laugh, “Yeah, that’s right! Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!”  
Todomatsu:  Where was his phone, he needs to find it right now. His little girl had somehow pulled his old pink hoodie off of one of the hangers in the closet as she walked around the house, trying not to trip and fall over the long fabric. Todomatsu scrambled off the couch as he searched for his phone, “Stupid thing! It’s too small, I need to upgrade that piece of shit.” “Mind your language hon.” He looked behind him to see his s/o holding his phone, already taking pictures of their daughter. Totty smiled as he kissed his s/o on the cheek and took his phone back, already taking more pictures. “So cute, she looks just like you!” They proclaimed, just then his daughter pretended to take pictures with her own pretend phone just like her daddy. Time to switch to video!
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aoi1dee · 2 months
OLNF Week Day 3: Memories
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@olnfweek2024 a short fic is down below...
The flash of the camera blinds the three of them standing in the photo booth at their first High School dance. “Next!” The photographer shouts as the next couple comes up. Tamarack helps lead Alex away from the booth as he tries to regain his vision, continuing to hold onto his arm which Qiu had let go as soon as the photos were taken. 
When they reach the gym wall, Tamarack lets go of Alex’s arm and leans against it, “I hope the photo will look nice…”
Alex looks at her holding his hands behind his back, “I’m sure it will! When do you think we will get them?” As he says that, Qiu comes up from behind and places something into his hand. Alex quickly moves his arms back to his front to look at what it was. It was the photo that they just took!
“They only gave me one copy,” Qiu says as they lean against the wall next to Tamarack, “You can have it”
“Wha?” He brings the photo to his face to take a look at it. A flash of the camera brings the three of them into focus. Alexander stands in the middle with an awkward smile and his arms stiff at the sides. He is wearing a white button up shirt with a black tie flowing down his torso. He also wears his familiar red earmuffs; he knew it was going to be loud with the music and shouting so it was best that he wore something to protect his hearing. It looked really stupid in this photo… On the left stands Alex’s neighbor, Qiu Lin, whose hand is wrapped around his stiff arm. Qiu stance is way more relaxed than Alexander was, their hair is tied into a low ponytail which curls around their neck to their collarbone. They are wearing a dark blue and gray fluffy sweater and dark blue ripped jeans. They definitely aren’t the most formal person at the dance but Alex wasn’t expecting them to be. Qiu doesn’t know what they identify as and there aren’t really a lot of gender neutral formal clothing out and ready in stores for Qiu to wear so they decided to be more comfortable. Tamarack on the other hand is the most formal between the three of them; her Omi probably wouldn’t let her be anything else. She stands on Alex’s right side also holding onto his other stiff arm. She is wearing a pink flowy dress with a big bow attached to her back. Instead of the usual braid she wears, half of her hair is tied up with a pink ribbon and the rest is flowing freely down her back.
The photo really wasn’t bad. The only issue Alex had was how stupid he looked compared to his two neighbors. But that’s how it is every day for him.
He looks up, “Do you two want to see?” He holds out his hand with the photo.
“No, I’ve already seen it.” Qiu looks away. 
Tamarack reaches her hand out and takes the photo from Alex. The longer she looks at the photo, a more obvious frown begins to form on her face. She holds the photo out for Alex to take again, “Yeah… you can keep it.” Alex hesitantly takes the photo back, folds it in half, and places it in his pocket with a nice pat. He leans against the gym wall with his neighbors.
When he imagined a High School dance, he was expecting to go with the most beautiful person in the world and dance the night away pretending they were the only two people in the world (just like the movies). But little did he know that he would be dancing with two of the most beautiful people in the world. He’s not saying that's a bad thing honestly, Alex is so grateful that Qiu and Tamarack were both his date. He likes them both so much that he can’t even put it into words. So he couldn’t just take one of them. It took a lot of courage to even ask them in the first place. It’s such an awkward question! Especially since Qiu and Tam aren’t exactly fond of each other… But when he finally asked them around a week ago, they were at first very hesitant (which is extremely reasonable) But after a day of thinking, they both agreed to be his date!
And now here they are standing awkwardly in the gym Tamarack wrapping her arms around herself to hide and Qiu looking towards the exit contemplating leaving. This is not how he was expecting this to go. But he should’ve imagined it like this. Alex’s eyes lead towards the dance floor watching friends and couples jumping and dancing with each other to the music with an extremely annoyingly loud bass. When was the slow dance music going to play? Was it going to play? Alex’s main goal for this entire day was to dance with them. So these were questions that needed to be answered immediately. Just the thought of possibly slow dancing with them tonight made his heart pound louder than before.
Suddenly, Qiu begins to push off the wall, “Are we seriously just going to stand here?” They turn towards their neighbors.
“Oh-” Alex turns towards them, “No… what do you want to do?” Alex asks with his face flushed.
Tamarack gets up as well brushing invisible dust off of her dress, “I’m… I’m okay with doing whatever you two want…” The girl that used to want everyone doing what she wanted to do now wants to do what everyone else wants to do instead. He’ll be honest, everything used to be so much easier when those two made up his mind for him. But now he has to do it for them…
But now sweat trickles down Alexander’s face looking back and forth between them. How is he even going to ask them to dance?! Would they even want to dance? How do you even slow dance with two people? Is he supposed to take turns with them or something? No, one of them would get upset for being left out. Plus that sounds really stupid. Are they going to hold hands and spin in circles? No, they would look so stupid!! Why did this have to be so difficult? Plus the amount of people that would stare at them because who slow dances with two people?! Is he even going to be able to do this without backing out-
“Are you trying to ask us to dance?” Qiu asks. Oh god this is probably the millionth time they’ve said what he’s thinking. They do this all of the time, “If so then yes.” Alex freezes. Wait, did they just say yes? Or was he hallucinating? Did his messed up brain finally start getting to him? 
Tamarack walks closer to him, “I would love to dance…” She looks up at him with a soft smile. Okay maybe he wasn’t having auditory hallucinations. Maybe his earmuffs are muting what they actually said. They were probably making fun of Alex for even assuming they would want to dance with someone like him. They probably only agreed to go with him because they pity him…
“Alex?” Qiu gets closer to Alex waving their hand in front of his face, “Knock Knock, are you there?”
“Yes!” He suddenly jumps, making Qiu and Tam jump as well, “You guys were making fun of me for trying to ask you to dance.” The two neighbors look at each other in pure confusion. Qiu draws their hands closer to his face, wait are they..?
… No, they were removing his earmuffs.
Qiu pulls down the earmuffs to his shoulders, “Can you hear me now? We want to dance with you.” They move back again placing their hand on their hip.
Alex stands there for what feels like forever. He can’t believe Mx. Qiu Lin and Ms. Tamarack Baumann, the most gorgeous and wonderful people to ever exist, actually want to dance with him!! Like come on!! His entire face is covered in acne, he is a film nerd who can’t stop talking about his favorite movies, and honestly.. he is not that good looking. But Qiu and Tam still agreed to go to the dance with him…
Before Alexander could think any more, both of his neighbors grab him by their arms and start dragging him onto the dance floor with the other couples. They both stand in front of him with their hands out waiting for Alex to grab. After a bit of hesitation, he slides his hands into theirs. Qiu pulls Alex in the middle of both of them, “Place your hand on our shoulders” They’re giving him directions on how to dance… Alex quickly puts his hands on their shoulders without a second thought. While he is doing so, he feels something on his waist. He looked down and saw both of their hands were there holding onto him like he was holding onto them. The position was totally awkward, but it was the best they could do for three people.
Then the music begins and everything disappears. All of the couples that surrounded them once before seemed to have vanished. The only thing in his view was his two partners in front of him. Qiu is looking anywhere other than Alex but not in a bad way.. They’re trying to hide the fact that they’re blushing. They probably want to seem cool in front of the both of them. Though their red ears aren't helping them. Tamarack had somewhere to look at though, she was watching their feet. She was probably making sure no one stepped on anyone because that would ruin the moment. Though through her thick golden hair covering her face, he could also see that she was blushing a bit too. They weren’t the only ones. Alex can feel his face heating up as he watches them. Alex pulls them both into his arms. They’re both so wonderful… He doesn’t ever want to let go. Not anything in the world could make him want to let go of them both. Even if there is a thunderstorm that suddenly hits the gym that they were dancing in. But he knew that he had to eventually let them go. The three of them continue to sway to the slow music holding each other closer than before. The entire world could be staring at them but who cares? Alex snuggles in between them as Qiu rests their head on his and Tam rests hers on Alex’s shoulder.
But the music stops and the world comes back. Qiu pulls away a second after the music ends and before the next song plays, but they continue to hold onto his hand. They start heading away from the dance floor and lean against the same wall but this time, the mood is different.
“Reminds me of when I danced with you at the dance hall”, Qiu looks at Alex with the goofiest smile on their face. They couldn’t hide that smile even if they tried.
“What? When did that happen?” Tamarack looks at Qiu with a slight smile. 
“When we were ten.” They smirk back at her. The conversation fell off after that, there wasn’t that much to add.
“Thank you Alex.” Tamarack shares.
“Huh? For what?” He looks down at her 
“For taking me to the dance.” Tamarack answers.
“Yeah, thanks. ” Qiu continues, “I didn’t want to go originally, I thought it would be boring, but you changed my mind. You really made this a night to remember” They squeeze his hand. 
“I should thank you two for both agreeing to be my date…” Alex looks at his shoes, “I hope I didn’t make it too difficult…” 
“No, it was wonderful, thank you” Qiu wraps an arm around his shoulder as Tamarack squeezes his hand, “Can we get food now?” Alex and Tam look at them for a split second before bursting out laughing, “What? They got pizza.”
“Yeah, let's go!” Alex grins at them as he starts leading his dates out of the gym. The photo he kept safe in his pocket which had seemed terrible at first, now holds the memory of the most magical moment of his entire life…
hi gamers ty for reading!! you get a special drawing of their outfits i designed :3 (this is not official game designs)
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thank you for reading!!! <3333 (also yes i have no idea how to draw heels......)
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earthtoharlow · 7 months
Faux Love
Chapter 2
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“Should I wear this cream colored sweater with these pants or this pink one?” Jack asked, lifting up both sweaters in front of him. Jean let out a small giggle at her text and replied without looking at him. “The cream one, like I told you ten minutes ago!”
“Who are you texting?” He asked, tossing the pink sweater on the bed next to her before pulling the cream one over his head.
“No one”
“Yes, you are! Who is he? I wanna meet him.” Jack said, looking at her through the mirror as he tried to tame his curly hair.
“Absolutely not! You chase away every guy I introduce you to!” Jean said with a pout, she couldn’t remember the last time he actually liked one of the guys she was dating.
“I don’t chase away all of them, just none of them were good enough for you.”
Jean rolled her eyes and texted something witty back, trying to play hard to get. She threw her phone and stared up at the high ceilings of Jack’s apartment. She looked over and saw him still struggling with his hair. “Jack come over here and sit down, so I can help you.” Jean said before sitting up.
Jack sat on the edge of the bed as Jean got up to grab a comb. As she runs her fingers through his curly hair, she asks, “So, tell me about this lucky girl you’re going on a date with tonight. What’s she like?”
“She has dark hair.” He says with an eyebrow raise
“Oh, shocker!” She said sarcastically before hitting him lightly on the top of his head with the comb. “Ow!” Jack said in laughter.
“Where’d you meet her?”
“I met her during my music video shoot yesterday! She’s an extra, so you know she’s ridiculously hot.” He joked.
“You’re an idiot, but here you go I’m done.”
Jack looked up at the mirror, inspecting his hair. It looked perfect. “Thanks, Scout.”
As they made their way downstairs to the kitchen, Jean perched herself up on the bar stool and took a look around the dining area. Nothing looked ready.
“Um, are you sure you have a date tonight? Where’s the candles, wine and soft music? She should be here soon, right…you’ve lost your touch!”
“No no, this is part of the plan.” He says and then continues. “Once I let her in I apologize for running late. She’ll see how extravagant things are but not think that I was waiting around all day for her to show up! I’ll finish everything in front of her while we talk, I’ll pour her some wine, kiss her on the cheek dangerously close to her mouth and then the night begins!”
Jean couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous her best friend sounded. She picked up her phone when she heard it vibrating, signaling she had a new text.
“Oh c’mon, who is this guy!”
She laughed again. “Relax, I promise he’s just some guy. No big deal. Now, I should probably go before your date gets here.” Jean hopped down from the stool, and grabbed her purse.
Jack pulled her keys from his pants pocket as he always holds on to them because she tends to lose things.
“Thanks, bestie.” She said as she took her keys from him. “Have a good time tonight.”
“I will!” He said with a wink, and pulled Jean into a hug. “What are you going to do, it is Saturday after all.”
“There’s some UFC PPV coming on tonight, gonna go watch at Urban and Brielle’s house.”
“Oh.” Jack muttered. “Well, have fun.”
“Jack…just come with me. Cancel this silly date and come have fun with us! Brielle and I are going to make party snacks while Jasmine pretends to help!”
Jack shook his head with a pout. “Nah, I have plans.”
“Ugh, you suck! But okay, call me tomorrow.”
“Night, Scout!” He yelled behind Jean as she walked down the stairs. “Night, Jackman!” She yelled over her shoulder.
Jack and Jean had been friends for a few years now, it started when Jack flirted with her at a coffee shop and the rest was history. Except they decided they were better off as friends, as they were freakishly the same person. Jean knew that he would never be anything more than her best friend.
Over the years, Jean had become close friends with his younger brother Clay and his other best friend Urban. Since she’s known them, they had both been in long term relationships. Clay just got engaged to his high school sweetheart, Jasmine and Urban has been happily married to Brielle for two years now.
With everyone being so close, they constantly hung out together. Jean has been rumored to be “Jack Harlow’s hot girlfriend!” for years now. What was funny about that was that Jack hasn’t been in a serious relationship for a long time. He was enjoying the rest of his twenties and being a hot bachelor. Which wasn’t exactly a crime.
When Jean arrived at Urban’s home, she knocked on the door politely, waited a few seconds and proceeded to open the front door.
“You’ve gotta stop doing that.” Urban said as he walked towards her holding his arms out for a hug.
“Y’all should just make me a key at this point.” Jean replied with a shrug and walked into the hug. “Hi, Urb, Jack says hi by the way.”
All Urban could do was sigh. “He’s not coming?”
“Nope, sorry to disappoint you. But you’re just going to be dealing with me tonight.” Jean said with a smile.
Urban laughed. “Brielle and I just wanted everyone here but it’s okay. She's waiting for you in the kitchen, by the way.”
Jean nodded and skipped towards the kitchen. “Oh it smells good in here!” She sniffed the air and stood next to Brielle trying to see what she cooked. “Hey, B!”
“Hey! Is Jack with Urban?” She asked, trying to peek from the kitchen. “Actually, Jack’s not coming.” Urban answered as he walked in the room.
Brielle immediately put her mixing bowl down, visibly upset. “What? We were—“
“I know, but we should still tell—“
“Telling everyone without him here? It won’t feel the same. He’s basically your brother. We were going to ask him to be…” Brielle trailed off, not finishing her sentence.
Jean raised an eyebrow and looked towards Urban to see if he was going to finish her sentence like he usually did.
“Can you two just spit it out!” Jean exclaimed.
“Spit what out?” Clay asked as he walked into the kitchen holding Jasmine’s hand and a bottle of wine in the other hand.
Jean immediately walked to the cupboard to grab some glasses and placed one in front of everyone. When she got to Brielle, she began to shake her head. “No thanks, I’m not drinking tonight.”
“What?! I bought this just for you, it’s your favorite!” Jasmine said with a whine.
“I’m sorry!” But Brielle didn’t look sorry at all as she glanced over at Urban with a huge smile. “Doctor said I can’t drink for about 8 to 9 months!”
“You’re pregnant!” Jean squealed, lunging towards her. Brielle laughed as Jasmine joined in the hug. “Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Jasmine, we gotta start planning a shower immediately!”
“Already on it, I think I have a venue in mind!” Jasmine said, pulling out her phone to begin planning.
Urban walked over and wrapped his arms around Brielle’s waist, nudging his nose against her cheek. “We wanted to tell you all at once.” Urban admitted. “I’ll hit up, Jack tomorrow I guess.”
Jean noticed the sadness in his voice as Clay crossed in front of her to give Brielle a hug and congratulate her.
“Congratulations, daddy!” Jean said with a giggle. “You know, Jack would’ve loved to have been here!”
“And yet, he’s with some girl who he won't even talk to anymore by this time next week.”
Urban had a point. As Jack’s 30th birthday loomed closer, he caught himself in a whirlwind of dates with different women, not wanting to be alone. He wasn’t ready to settle down, like his brother and Urban were. Jack wanted to enjoy life while he could.
As Urban and Clay retreated to the living room to watch the fight pre show, Jasmine and Brielle cornered Jean. “So, Jean…” Jean sighed knowing what was about to happen. “When are you and Jack going to get together?”
“I was just talking to Jack before I got here and we decided the week after NEVER would be a good day!”
“Oh c’mon Jean! It’s like a match made in heaven!
“Think about it. You two already have such a strong bond. You understand each other so well…” Jasmine tried to stress.
“Look, I love Jack. He’s my best friend. Completely platonic.”
“That’s exactly it! Sometimes the best relationships start from friendships!” Brielle exclaimed
“Ok, you and Urban have been watching too many romcoms.” Jean said giggling, before continuing. “We wouldn’t work out, we tried, remember?”
“That hardly even counts, and the sooner the two of you figure that out the happier everyone will be! Especially those two.” Jasmine said, nodding towards the living room.
“Especially Urban. He’s really disappointed he’s not here tonight.”
“Clay too.” Jasmine added
Jean sighed, hating when they did this. “Ugh, I’m the best friend! Why don’t you go find some girl to hook him up with and maybe they’ll hit it off!”
“Hello?! That’s what we are doing!” Brielle exclaimed
“Just sleep with him already so he can realize he’s in love with you! I mean, you already think about him naked.”
“WHAT?! No! You guys are insane! We’re ending this conversation!”
“Fine but we’ll gang up on you with the guys during every commercial break!”
And they stayed true to their word. The four of them have been trying to get Jack and Jean together since the day they met her. It’s not that she wasn’t attracted to him because, c’mon the dude is hot.
Jean was very attracted to Jack but their personalities were too similar. They thought too much alike and Jean knew too much about him to ever have real genuine feelings about him.
As Jean walked into her apartment after leaving Urban’s house, she was met with an unexpected crash in her kitchen. She immediately grabbed her phone, ready to call Jack just in case she needed backup. Her heart was pounding as she crept closer to the kitchen, she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find—an umbrella.
Jean braced herself to confront the intruder, but as she rounded the corner, her grip on the umbrella loosened, and her eyes widened in disbelief. There, standing in her kitchen, was none other than Jack himself, stirring a pot on the stove.
“Jack?!” Jean exclaimed, relief flooding through her as she lowered the umbrella.
Jack turned around, startled by her sudden appearance, and his expression morphed from surprise to amusement. “Hey, Scout. You scared me for a second!”
“What the HELL!”
“What’s with the umbrella?” Jack asked, confused.
“I thought you were a burglar or something! You scared me half to death,” Jean replied, still trying to catch her breath.
She walked closer to him and saw he was making a double decker grilled cheese sandwich. His kitchen was ten times bigger than her own, she would never understand why he insisted on using her kitchen when he was hungry.
“How was your date?” Pulling two glasses from her cupboard and grabbing the milk from the fridge.
“She left, had to be up early in the morning for work. Thank god, she was boring. So I decided to come here. You want half?” Jack asked not waiting for an answer and slicing the sandwich in half.
All Jean could do was shake her head at him as he turned the stove off and followed her to the bedroom with the sandwiches while she held the glasses of milk.
Jean quickly changed into her pajamas and wiped the makeup off her face. She climbed into the bed with Jack, she thanked him as he held the cover up so she could slide in and handed her a slice.
“I hope you don’t mind but I used your shampoo.”
She took a bite of her sandwich before responding. “I had a feeling your curls looked better than usual. Also a quick question, are you capable of using any of the things in your own house?”
“Hell nah, now how many times did you get the talk?” Jack asked before grabbing the remote and turning on cartoons.
“Just a couple.” she said with a shrug. “It definitely would’ve been more if you were there. We missed you tonight, the guys were sad you weren’t there. Brielle is pregnant!”
“Seriously?! I’m gonna be an uncle?” The biggest smile formed on Jack’s face as he always loved kids. “That’s amazing! I’m really about to be an uncle.” He frowned a bit. “I saw Urban yesterday and he didn’t say anything.”
“They just wanted to tell us all together, but you know Brielle, she couldn’t hold it in! They’re so excited!”
“I’m excited too, wow” Jack said with a smile. “A whole baby!”
Jean smiled at him and offered him the last bite of her sandwich. Jack of course bit it off her fingertips and finished both glasses of milk.
Jack stayed for a couple more hours just making sure Jean fell asleep before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before leaving to go home.
For some reason, Jean was disappointed when she woke up and he was gone.
AN: thank you for reading!!
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mychemicalrachel · 2 months
Part One.
Much to Adam’s dismay, jail cells in real life were pretty much the same as they showed on TV. The old iron bars, warm under his sweaty palms, and the uncomfortable bench seat screwed to the brick wall, and the single dirty toilet, currently occupied in the corner.
He couldn’t believe this. He’d always been a believer in making his own luck– fate didn’t have any place in a realist's life– but this…
This was nothing but bad fucking luck.
He didn’t belong here, he didn’t deserve this. Sure, Adam had made bad decisions in his life; he was human after all. But nothing on the long trek to DC had warranted this kind of torture.
The man on the toilet grunted and a smell like rotten sewage filled the tiny cell.
No. Adam did not belong here.
He adjusted his argyle sweater vest, an old thing he’d picked up at Goodwill when he was still in high school and at least two sizes smaller. The collar felt suffocating against his throat.
“Excuse me,” Adam tried again for the umpteenth time, and then louder, “Excuse me. Officer. There’s been a mistake. I don’t belong here. If you could just–”
“Christ on a cracker,” someone swore behind him. “Please, for the love of God, would you just shut the fuck up?”
It took Adam a slow second to place the voice and when he did, he grimaced. He’d been here since before Adam was brought in– long legs stretched out across the bench like he was paying rent, dark jeans and a ripped muscle shirt, black boots big enough to squash Adam like a bug. A long time ago, he would have intimidated Adam. Now, Adam just frowned. This was the sort of guy who definitely belonged here.
His tattooed arm lifted only enough so he could peek at Adam from underneath.
“Some of us are trying to sleep.”
“And some of us,” Adam said pointedly, “are trying to go home.”
The man sighed and his arm fell back to shield his gaze. “Give it up, dude. They’re not letting you out tonight.”
He was probably right, but Adam was not prepared to admit defeat so soon. If only he could call someone– but who? Adam was alone. He’d been alone for a long time.
“I shouldn’t be here,” Adam said again. His persistence was all he had. If he could convince himself, perhaps he could convince everyone else here, too.
“Hmm,” the handsome stranger said– and absently Adam wondered when he’d decided the stranger was handsome. “But the rest of us belong here?”
“Probably,” Adam admitted. “Maybe. It depends on what you did to get locked up.”
“Locked up,” he snorted. “You almost sound like a real criminal.” Apparently giving up on his nap, the man sat up. The crowded bench immediately became less crowded now that he was only taking up enough space for his ass instead of all six plus feet of his lean frame. His blue eyes appraised Adam as he patted the vacated space beside him.
Adam pretended to consider it for a second, then sat down.
Up close, the stranger smelled like beer and cigarettes. The snakeskin tattoo covering his arm brushed against Adam’s, making his skin crawl, goosebumps arising beneath the sleeves of his button-down.
“So?” he asked.
“So…?” Adam repeated.
“So,” he said again, “how did a guy like you end up stuck in here with all us delinquents?”
Adam squirmed. “Solicitation.”
There was a pause and then the man was grinning. His eyes crinkled, laugh lines appearing around his pink lips. “Bullshit,” he said. “You’re wearing a sweater vest. You’re not a prostitute.”
“No,” Adam said, “I’m not. But hey, maybe you can tell Deputy Dumbass since he doesn’t seem to believe me.” The deputy in question leaned back at his desk, attention caught by the black and white western playing on an old television that was probably older than Adam. His frustration flared again. “My car died a few miles back. I was trying to hitch a ride and apparently I picked the wrong car. Officer Shitbag thought I was propositioning him and next thing I know, I’m being read my rights and carted off to–”
Fuck. This wasn’t DC, that was for damn sure, but Adam didn’t even know what city he was in. Did it really matter?
The handsome stranger laughed again, a sound that managed to be both mocking and sympathetic, as brusque as it was bewitching. Adam liked it.
“So?” Adam bumped the man’s shoulder, earning another lopsided grin. It felt dangerous, like gliding on the edge of a knife. It was almost enough to take this night from bad to better. “Your turn,” he said. “What did you do to end up here?”
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Fight Me, Love Me, Save Me Pt. 3
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This will fill the, Isolated/Trapped square on my @jacklesversebingo card. This is my last entry on my bingo card!!! This is the first time, out of NUMEROUS bingos, that I've actually completed my whole card!! 😍😍
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Summary: A series in three parts exploring Y/N's and Dean's relationship from bickering children, to love and broken promises, to a plea for salvation.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Mild smut, more, making out, really. Show level violence. Angst. Grief. Sadness. Fluff. The usual from me. 😜
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 7,698 (🫣🫣 I'm so sorry - this last part had a lot of story to tell!)
A/N: So this series will fill the last three squares on my bingo card. The first part covers "It's Mine, and you can't have it." Part two will cover Broken Promises, (Nov 12) and part three will be for the Isolated/Trapped square. (Nov 19 23 - I'm very sorry! But it's here now!)
Series Masterlist
I hope you enjoy!! If you do, please remember to like, reblog and/or comment. Means the world to us writers! ❤️
The dividers included here were created by @talesmaniac89
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Dean sat in the empty motel room, grateful to be alone once again. He'd been avoiding their motels as much as possible over the last couple of weeks because he needed that solitude. It was too hard to be in the same room with her; to sit across the table from her and not be able to reach over and take her hand - it was awful.
So, he'd been sleeping in the Impala's back seat a lot lately, making due with the confined space, and trying not to think about the very pleasurable times he'd spent back there with Y/N in his lap. 
He was pretty sure those times wouldn't come again. Y/N had made it fairly clear she wasn't interested in moving forward now. She'd barely spoken two words to him in as many weeks. He'd come close to apologizing a few times. But then his anger talked him out of it. 
I have nothing to apologize for, he thought angrily. 
She was the one who needed to apologize. But his anger at her didn't make it any easier to keep his hands off of her when she was around. It didn't stop his heart from squeezing painfully tight every time he looked at her and remembered how perfect she felt in his arms.
Which was why he stayed away.
But sometimes he couldn't avoid coming back. He was back now because his dad had called him that morning and told him they were trailing a big nest of vamps a few towns over. Seemed to be a nasty group, so they were gonna need all the help they could get in planning how to take them down. 
He knew he'd promised their dads that their relationship (or loss of it) wouldn't interfere with the team. So, he came back immediately.
But when he got to the motel they'd been staying in for the last while, it was empty. So, he just sat and waited for them to return.
When the door finally opened he looked up, expecting to see the group of them coming back. But only Y/N slipped through the door, pulling up short when she saw him sitting at the table. 
There were a few seconds of frozen staring from both of them before Dean broke eye contact and took his gun out of his inside jacket pocket and started pulling it apart, pretending he was going to clean it, simply to give his hands something to do. 
Y/N stepped all the way into the room and closed the door behind her. She took off her jacket and sat on the couch under the window. Dean was hyper aware of her every move; he could smell her perfume and he gritted his teeth against its effect. 
He snuck in a glance at her and had to hold in a moan at how fucking gorgeous she looked. She was wearing tight black jeans and a pale pink sweater that fell off her shoulder, revealing a black bra strap. Her hair was up in a ponytail, exposing her long, extremely kissable neck. 
Dean bit his lip and then swept his gaze away quickly when Y/N looked up at him. 
Jesus Christ, being here is torture, Dean thought.
After another minute of silence, Y/N gave a huff of annoyance. “This is so stupid.” She said suddenly, the words bursting out of her like an explosion. 
Dean looked up from his gun cautiously. He didn't say anything, waiting for her to elaborate. She stood up and walked over to the table, plunking herself down on the chair across from him. He sat back in his chair and tried to pretend he wasn't retreating from her effect on him. Being so close, and yet so far, was extraordinarily painful.
She opened her arms wide, questioning. “This is stupid.” She repeated, “Can't we just move on from this, like we always do?”
He shrugged as though he was indifferent and then looked her in the eye.
“Sure, if I hear an apology in there somewhere, we can definitely leave it behind.”
Y/N clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, making the same hurt and anger from their last conversation begin to burn in his heart again.
“Apologize?” She said with disdain. “For what?”
Dean clenched his jaw to keep from screaming at her and trying to force her to see how much her attitude and judgment had hurt him.
Instead, with extreme effort, he kept his voice low and steady. “How about, for breaking your promises?”
Y/N rolled her eyes again. “God, you’re so dramatic!” She said angrily. “I didn't ‘break my promises’.” 
“Yeah, you did, actually!” Dean shot back, some of his feelings seeping into his tone despite himself. “You promised you wouldn't get mad. Swore you wouldn't freak out.”
He tapped two fingers against his chest. “I didn't wanna talk about it! I TOLD you I didn't wanna talk about it. But you insisted.” He said, pointing his two fingers at her now. “So I told you the truth - and you nailed me with it.”
He fell silent, and Y/N watched him. Her nostrils were flared and she wore the stubborn, defensive expression that meant she wasn't going to back down. 
“Yeah well,” she said, skating her eyes away from his, “it was a LOT of truth.”
“Whatever, the point is,” Dean said coldly, “you promised I could trust you with the truth and then you broke your promise; you immediately got pissed and judgy.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes a third time, and it was the last straw for Dean. “Yeah, okay.” He said, quickly reassembling his partially disassembled gun. “Tell my dad I'll be back later.”
He put the gun back in his pocket and stood up. “Clearly you don't give a shit, so whatever - this is done.”
He stomped towards the door.
“Wait!” Y/N said quickly, standing up. But he ignored her and reached the door. “What do you mean, done? You mean…the conversation is done, or…?”
She left the question dangling and Dean turned back to her. He took all of her in - her beauty that clobbered him, her arms crossed defensively over her chest, her expression of anger, fear, and stubbornness - and he shook his head.
“We were stupid to think this was ever gonna work.” He said quietly. He saw her expression crumple for a moment and it was almost his undoing. But then she jutted her chin and her voice was accusing as she shouted at him, her voice full of derision.
“You're telling me I have to apologize, but what about you? Where have you been, Dean? You're hardly ever here. So, who are you…just where have you been staying?”
Her question hit him like a punch. He clenched his teeth, anger simmering with hurt. “Why don't you just ask me what you really wanna ask me, Y/N?”
Y/N's face was dark and stormy and her voice dripped with acid. “Fine.” She enunciated her words exactly. “Who are you sleeping with now?”
Dean didn't let the wound she caused show on his face, instead he let his own arrow fly.
He shrugged carelessly and let ice settle over his expression. “Whoever says yes.”
Despite the direct hit he knew he scored, he took no pleasure in drawing blood and turned away quickly from what he was leaving behind.
Three days later
Y/N woke up in the dark, choking on blood. She instinctively turned her head towards the ground, coughing and spitting the coppery taste out of her mouth. She jumped as a voice spoke beside her in the dark.
“Now, now, sweet thing, you just drink up.” As her eyes adjusted somewhat to the dark she could make out the shape of a man standing beside her. He reached out and petted her hair before gripping the back of her head and holding it still as he pushed his wrist against her mouth and she tasted the blood again. 
She screamed and tried to get away, but her wrists were bound above her and the sounds of chains rattled as she fought against his hold. Finally he pulled his wrist away from her mouth, but whispered in her ear.
“Sorry to lock you away like this, beautiful, but the others are gonna be jealous and want a piece of you and I want you all to myself.” She felt him lean into her, placing chapped lips against her cheek. “You were just too pretty to eat. I wanna keep ya.”
Y/N was choking and gagging on his blood, and as terrifying truths began to push their way into her mind, tears clogged her throat as well.
The man ran a hand down her cheek and she shuddered. “I know you feel rotten right now, beautiful,” the man whispered again, “but that's just because you haven't eaten.”
He ran his hands up her arms and tightened the rope that bound her wrists. She looked up and saw that the rope was tied into some kind of pulley system that disappeared into the dark above her, those were the chains she’d heard.
“Now, I don’t want my scared little filly to run, so…” He stepped away from her and began tugging on a rope that worked the pulley, raising her a foot off the ground so she dangled there like a fish on a hook. “You just stay put while I fetch you some dinner.”
He came back to stand in front of her and let both his hands trace down over her sides, coming to rest on her hips and squeezing them. “Then after you’ve eaten, and you’re feelin’ better, we can have some real fun.”
Y/N tried to move away from him, but he just slapped her ass and left her swinging there as he walked out. He slid a door open, and as light spilled in from the other side, she realized they were in a barn, and above her was a loft. The pulley system she was attached to was for hauling hay up into the high storage spot. 
The man blew her a kiss and closed the door with a thud.
Left there in the dark - trapped, alone, and terrified - Y/N began to panic. She struggled uselessly against the rope that bound her, but she just swung pathetically back and forth. She refused to think about the fact that her eyes had begun to adjust remarkably well to the dark, and her ears were starting to pick up sounds that had been beyond them minutes earlier.
She knew what that man really was, knew that he wasn’t really a man, but she couldn’t focus on what was happening to her or she’d start screaming and never stop.
Into her panic and fear, Dean’s face appeared in her mind’s eye, and she took strength from it, as though he was there with her, egging her on and annoying her into fighting back as he always had. Suddenly she could hear his voice in her head.
Figure out your next move.
She nodded. Yes, she needed to get her bearings and deal with the immediate problem, which was getting away from the slimy monster who had her trapped. She closed her eyes and thought back to her last memories before waking up in the dark.
She’d been hunting, they all had. They had been hunting the nest for a couple of days, and tracked them to a dilapidated old house two miles out of town. She was standing guard at the west entrance while Sam was at the south, both of them watching for stragglers.
It had happened in seconds, the monster grabbing her from behind, sinking its teeth into her flesh and provoking a blood-curdling scream from her throat before the world went dark.
Now she was awake, and she wished she could go back to oblivion. But she couldn’t. So she focused on her surroundings. Loud, off-key music had begun to play from somewhere on the other side of the door. She could hear raucous laughter and loud voices too, as though a party had started. 
She heard screams and suddenly the thick, metallic scent of blood hit Y/N’s nose and she panicked again at the way her senses heightened and her body ached with hunger. She was sick with want, with need for the blood she could smell beyond the door. There was no longer any way for her to hide from the truth. The man who held her was no man. He was a vampire, and now she was too.
Suddenly the barn door opened and the vamp came through again, dragging a half conscious woman behind him. The woman roused slightly when she was tossed to the ground, but she seemed incredibly weak, barely able to sit up. 
The vamp moved to the pulley and lowered Y/N’s feet back onto the ground. Y/N’s focus sharpened and a plan came to mind. She drew on Dean’s invisible strength and his always impressive calm in the face of stark odds.
The vamp walked up to Y/N and gave her a stern look. “Now, pretty thing, if I take you down, you have to promise to sit nicely and eat your dinner like a good girl.”
Y/N nodded and tried to sound starving, which wasn’t difficult.. “Yes, yes, I promise. Please, I’m just so hungry.”
The vamp chuckled and reached up to pull her down from the hook. “Yeah, I remember those days. I’m gonna make you all better.” He smiled at her and she could smell the blood on his breath.
He sat Y/N on a bale of hay and yanked the woman back up off the ground. He bit into her neck, where the skin was already covered in bite marks, opening her up again so that blood rushed down the front of her filthy blue shirt. 
The scent hit Y/N's nostrils again and suddenly she felt fangs descend behind her closed lips. She let out a horrified yelp that almost drowned out the woman's faint cries of distress. She raised a hand to her mouth and cut her finger on one of her own razor sharp teeth as she prodded at it. 
The vampire thrust the woman forward and she landed in Y/N's lap. “Eat up, sweetness.” The monster said with another chuckle. 
The woman was shaking and weak, her lips blue and nearly lifeless. Y/N felt as though her entire body was cracked and parched like a desert, and the alluring scent of the woman's blood felt like an oasis. But her big brown eyes begged for mercy from Y/N even though her voice had been silenced by weakness, and Y/N pushed her roughly off her lap and jumped to her feet. The vamp seemed startled by the move and his momentary confusion was her only saving grace. 
She kicked him as hard as she could in the nuts. His cry of pain was thankfully lost in the pounding music and the screams of the people being feasted on, just on the other side of the wall.
He fell to his knees and she kicked him hard again, in the face, knocking him over to sprawl on the barn floor. With her wrists still tied, she grabbed the long, pointed spade that hung on the wall three feet away, and jammed it into his throat. He gurgled and tried to rip the tool from her hand, but she wrenched it away from him and kicked him half a dozen more times while he writhed and bled on the ground. Finally she got a good angle and stuck him with the spade again, leaving his head hanging on by a few tendons and a bit of muscle tissue. 
She smashed the spade into his neck one final time and his head rolled towards her rather pathetically.
She stood staring at it for a few moments, as she panted and her head swam.
Finally she dropped the spade and ran to the woman lying a few feet away. The smell of her blood overwhelmed Y/N again and she immediately jumped back, desperate to control herself. 
But the blank, empty look on the woman's face told Y/N she was dead anyway; so she couldn't help or hurt her now. Y/N knew that in her present state there was nothing she could do for the people being killed on the other side of the wall either. So she pulled her wrists free of the rope and ran.
She tore out of the back of the barn, and ran as fast and as far as she could. She had no idea where she could run to, she was simply trying to outrun the monster she was now.
Fear sat heavy and thick in Dean's heart as he followed the obvious trail Y/N had left behind her. At least, he thought it was her, it had to be her.
Please, God let it be her, Dean begged.
The world had gone dark ever since he'd heard Y/N's scream of terror and pain outside that rundown shack. He’d run to where she was stationed, but she was already gone. A red pickup truck sped away down the dirt road. But Dean had managed to secure most of the license plate number.
With it, they managed to track the vamps to their new hideout, the barn. This time they took out the whole nest. While the others were questioning the last two vamps about Y/N's whereabouts, Dean had started looking around the space and found the dead woman and the decapitated vamp. The dead monster made hope surge in Dean, and he'd called to the others. They'd split up to search for her and Dean went North simply by instinct at first, because some sixth sense was drawing him in that direction.
But after a couple hundred yards, the trail began to become more obvious. Someone had barrelled through the thick brush surrounding the old barn, and they were no longer attempting to hide their steps. 
Almost a mile away from the barn, Dean stopped short. Just ahead of him he could hear what sounded like moans, like someone in pain.
No, not someone, Dean thought, terror licking through him. 
He moved forward in a rush and burst through the brush into a small clearing. His heart leapt with joy and relief as he saw Y/N sitting on a turned over log barely twenty-five feet away. 
She was alive.
But as he ran towards her she jumped up and tripped over the log as she scrambled away from him.
“Y/N!” Dean called to her, but she screamed back at him.
“No, stay away from me.”
Dean frowned at her but kept walking forward. “Sweetheart, what are y-”
Y/N folded her arms against her middle and groaned again, just as sharp fangs descended. Her beautiful features twisted in a snarl as she stumbled backwards again.
Dean stopped dead, staring, unbelieving, shaking his head in denial. He felt frozen to the ground as he looked at the truth standing right in front of him. He felt his world fall away as he stared at the monster who used to be Y/N - the girl he'd known his whole life, his best friend, his rival, his perfect other half. 
And now she was lost to him. A monster.
She fell to her knees and shook her head, holding her hand out towards him, warding him off, warning him to stay back. In the bright light of the full moon and the distant glow of city lights, Dean watched her fangs retreat and tears roll down her cheeks. He approached her cautiously, somehow unable to stay back. 
She looked up at him and her beautiful eyes were stained, the whites of them pooled with blood. 
“Dean.” she croaked as she continued to shake her head at him. “Please stay away from me.” She begged. 
She nodded towards the machete that was strapped to his thigh. “Please? Just end me before I hurt someone.” She sucked in a ragged breath. “I don't want to…” Her eyes pleaded with him. “I don't wanna hurt you, or anyone.” 
Her face spasmed with pain. “But I can't…I know I can't control this for much longer. Please, help me. I don't want to kill someone.” 
Her voice was cracked and broken and suddenly Dean saw that little girl again, the one who begged him not to kill the frog, begged him to help her save it. Because she couldn't stand the thought of hurting something helpless.
That little girl could never be a monster, and he knew she still had to be in there somewhere.
He found himself shaking his head. “No, Y/N, I won’t…” He couldn't even say the words. He cleared his throat “I'm gonna save you.”
Y/N looked at him like he was insane. “Save me? There's no way to save me. There's no fixing this. I'm a monster, Dean! I can feel the bloodlust in my head, it makes everything foggy. I can hear your heart pumping and I want -” She cut herself off and closed her eyes. “Please.” She whispered again, begging him to end her life.
But instead he got down on his knees in front of her and took a deep breath. Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared as he drew closer to her. 
“You won't hurt me, Y/N.” 
“Dean!” Y/N shouted. But he shook his head.
“No, I'm right about this.” He declared, using his old playground trick of challenging her to get a rise out of her and force her into what he wanted. It seemed to work at least a little because some of the despair in her bloodshot eyes turned to annoyance.
He shook his head. “I refuse to believe there isn't a cure out there somewhere, or at least, someway to help you live with it.”
Y/N laughed humorlessly, exasperated. “Like a twelve step program for vampires? ‘God grant me the serenity not to rip open a vein.’?”
Dean grinned at her gallows humor. “Yeah, something like that.”
He looked over his shoulder and when he looked back his face was serious. “But look, I don't know how my Dad, or maybe even your Dad are gonna feel about this idea. I mean, they're so hardcore about hunting, about what’s a monster and what’s human. I don't know if I could convince them what I say is true, that I can save you.”
Y/N frowned at him and fear clouded her expression again. “You absolutely don't know it’s true! You are risking your life every second you're near me.”
Dean raised his hand slowly to her cheek and watched her swallow convulsively. “You're worth the risk, sweetheart.”
Tears filled Y/N's eyes again at the familiar endearment. She brushed away the tears and then took his hand from her cheek and held it. 
“Does this mean you forgive me?” She asked, looking up at him with a wavering smile. 
Dean grinned at her. “I don't know, does this mean you're apologizing?”
Y/N gave a watery laugh. “Yes.”
They stared at each other for a moment, both struck with just how ridiculous their fight seemed in view of their current situation. 
“Well, don’t worry, you're forgiven completely.” Dean promised. “But back to my earlier point. I think we should take off for a while. We can let our dads and Sam know we're okay, but we'll just keep moving till we find an answer.”
Y/N nodded. “But, Dean. I feel so weak already. I don't know how long I'll be able to -” 
Dean shook his head. “We'll be fine.” He said, his voice unrelenting.
“Dean -” Y/N tried again, but Dean stood up and pulled her up with him.
“No, Y/N.” He stared into her eyes, his words pushing through the pounding in her skull and the throbbing in her veins for the first time since she'd awoken as a monster.
“I will not walk away from you, I will save you.” His jaw flexed. “Or die trying.”
Y/N felt her heart constrict because she knew him well enough to know he meant every word.
Two weeks later
Dean listened to Y/N’s rattling breaths and felt the chasm of darkness grow deeper inside him. She was laying on the floor of the old abandoned house they were squatting in, and her skin was so pallid and pale that she matched the gray dust around her.
She'd been getting weaker and weaker the longer she went without feeding. They’d hoped that animal blood might do the trick. But they'd tried pigeon blood and rat blood - Dean had even found and shot a coyote that had been knocking over trash cans down the road, hoping that bigger game might make a difference - but none of it worked. 
Y/N threw the blood up as fast as she choked it down. She cried about the animals that had died. “We're killing them for nothing.” She wheezed. “It's not working.” Her voice was scratchy, as though she hadn't had any liquid for days. 
They'd been on their own for nearly two weeks, and every day Y/N faded a little further. 
Over the course of the two weeks there had been a few close calls between them, when Y/N's hunger threatened to overtake all her other senses. But Dean had managed to subdue her long enough, until she came back to herself. When her conscience returned, she would always shake with fear at what she'd almost done and beg him to leave her there and run. She said it without hope because she knew he never would. 
But now, she was no threat to him at all. Dean looked down at her frail body, cheeks sunken, dark black circles bruising the skin below her eyes, and he knew he was losing her. 
He knew what he had to do. 
He sat beside her on the floor, his big hand holding her skinny fingers which he squeezed gently. 
“Y/N.” He called softly. “Y/N wake up.” 
Her eyelids lifted with what looked like a herculean effort. Her eyes were unfocused until Dean moved closer and looked down at her, his face hovering above her. Then she smiled at him as she dragged in more rattling breaths.
She opened her mouth to speak, but only garbled air came out. Dean shook his head and put a finger to her lips. “No, sweetheart, don't talk, just listen.” 
He ran a thick finger down the sunken hollow of her cheek. “If you don't feed, you're not gonna make it. Now, when I spoke to Sam last time, he said they had a lead on something that might be something. But that doesn't sound like a lot, and they can help you if you're…”
He shook the word out of his mind. “We just have to keep you well until they figure it out. So…”
He trailed off and then shrugged out of his jacket. He opened the buttons on his flannel, exposing a wide swath of his warm skin. 
“So feed.” He told her.
He watched her bloody, cloudy eyes widen and darken. She shook her head feebly, her breathing becoming loud and wheezing as she tried to sit up and back away from him.
But Dean caught hold of her easily and shifted her into his lap. He brushed her limp hair back off her forehead.
“Y/N, please listen to me. We just need something to keep you going. Please.” He said, his voice and expression begging her. “I trust you. Feed.”
He kissed her lips gently, and then leaned over her, kissing her neck and leaving his exposed and vulnerable. 
“Dean.” Y/N managed to put some sound into her voice and Dean pulled back to look at her. 
She sucked in a long labored breath. “You…promised.” She shook her head again. “Promised to…” 
She had to stop talking for a few moments, her eyes falling closed before she tried again.
“Promised to save me.”
Dean's face was desperate. “What do you think I'm doing?”
Y/N's head moved minutely from side to side. “Not.” She croaked. “Saving. Save me from…monster. No monster.”
Dean understood her and he felt tears burn his eyes. She wanted him to save her from becoming a monster. It was true that neither of them knew what would happen if she fed. Would she just get stronger, or would it sever her hold on her humanity?
There was no way of knowing, and she was begging him to save her from the possibility of a bad outcome. Dean wanted to yell at her, scream and fight with her over this as they always did when they disagreed. But he knew she had no fight left. 
So he just nodded at her and took solace in the peace that drifted over her exhausted face. He shifted so that she was laying with her head in his lap and traced his finger over the delicate bones in her face and collarbone. He spoke barely above a whisper.
“Okay, sweetheart. Sleep now.”
Twenty-two hours later
Dean jumped as someone pounded on the door. It was the most he'd moved in hours. He rose slowly from the ground as the pounding came again accompanied by Sam's voice.
“Dean! Y/N! It's me, open the door!”
Dean reached the door and slid the bolt free, letting Sam through. His little brother rushed past him. “Why haven't you been answering your phone?” Sam asked, and then barreled forward without waiting for an answer.
“We found it, we found a cure. Dad remembered hearing some obscure piece of lore saying you could cure a werewolf with the blood of the wolf that bit them and he figured maybe vamps had something similar. So after you guys took off that night, he went back to the barn and took the fang’s blood just in case. The one Y/N killed - figured it was our best bet.” He clarified.
Sam's excitement was blinding him to Dean's stillness and he rushed on. “So, we went down to New Orleans. You know they had a bit of a vampire problem in the French Quarter about a century ago, so we thought maybe they'd have-”
Suddenly Sam stopped talking, the momentum that brought him there finally deflating under the weight of the darkness in the air.
He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. “Dean? Where's Y/N?”
Dean's jaw clenched and he gestured to the other room. “Too late.”
Sam's expression sank, the last bit of his youthful excitement crumbling at the words. He walked in the direction Dean pointed, freezing in the doorway when he saw Y/N's frail body laying on a dusty table.
“Didn't wanna leave her lying on the ground.” Dean said, his voice deep and thick with unshed tears. 
Sam wasn't as practiced at hiding his emotions, and tears fell down his cheeks as he watched Y/N's still, lifeless body and thought of the way her father had fallen further and further into a bottle as the days passed, hope slipping further from their grasp. 
John had sent Sam on ahead to Dean and Y/N so that he could go back and let Darren know that there was finally hope for his daughter. Now, they were going to have to crush that last spark of hope.
He was exceedingly glad he wouldn't have to be the one to do it.
He reached Y/N and grimaced at the emaciated creature that only vaguely reminded him of the girl who'd been his big sister for all intents and purposes.
When Dean came to stand beside him, Sam shook his head. “How, how did she die?” 
Dean looked at him angrily for a moment before he clipped out an answer. “Painfully.”
Silence reigned for a moment until Sam brushed away his tears and tilted his head. “But…” He didn't finish his thought, slightly intimidated by his much bigger brother's anger and frustration with his questions.
But his mind was working and he couldn't stop himself.
“But I mean, that's sort of the thing, isn't it?”
Dean scowled at him and Sam shrugged. “I just…I mean, vampires don't die. They can't.”
“Unless they're starving.” Dean growled out but Sam shook his head. 
“No, that's my point. I've done SO much research on vampires over the last couple weeks, and some of it is a bit conflicting, but the one thing that every one of them agreed on was that the ONLY way to kill a vampire for good, for real, was to chop off their head.”
Dean was scowling at him. “What are you saying?” His voice was gruff, but Sam saw a spark of hope in his eye, and he prayed he wasn't giving his brother false hope. 
“I'm saying we found a couple hoodoo priestesses that gave up their cure for vampirism. I think we should make it and give it to Y/N.”
Dean's nostrils flared as he fought down his own burgeoning hope. “You really think some hoodoo cure is gonna bring her back from the dead?”
Sam shook his head and took off his backpack. He got down on his haunches and began pulling items out for the spell.
“But she's not dead.” He said adamantly and then amended his words cautiously. “At least. I don't think she is, cause her head is still on her shoulders. So, again, how did she die? Of starvation you said?”
Dean nodded down at Sam. “Yeah, she…she tried to drink animal blood but it wouldn't stay down.”
Sam shot him a worried look. “But she didn't drink any human blood, did she? Like even a drop?”
Dean shook his head. “No, that's why she died. I tried to get her to drink from me, but she wouldn't.”
Sam sighed with relief. “Thank God she's smarter than you are.”
Dean scowled at him, but Sam ignored it. “The spell only works on newbie vamps, and only if they haven't ingested any human blood.”
As he finished up mixing the ingredients for the cure, he explained what he was thinking. “So, if vamps can't die of starvation, then…I think she's desiccated. I read about it in only one account. This one big bad vamp in New Orleans, they couldn't stop him, so they trapped him and when he couldn't get any food, he desiccated and basically fell into a vampire coma.”
He stood up with a jar in his hands that contained a foul smelling liquid. He handed it to Dean and reached into his backpack to pull out a tin that held a syringe full of blood. 
He pushed the plunger and emptied it into the drink.
“So I think,” he continued, “that when Y/N couldn't get blood she desiccated. But see if we give her the cure she won't be a vampire anymore. So the lack of human blood in her system shouldn't matter.”
Dean frowned. “But what if, because she wasn't fully a vampire, what if she didn't just wither into a hundred year slumber? What if she really is.. just…”
Sam but his lip. “Well, we won’t know till we try to give her the cure and see.” He said with a shrug in his voice.
Dean nodded and accepted his little brother's reasoning.
He moved towards Y/N and said a prayer to a god he didn't believe in that this would work. He’d been denying the alternative for nearly a day, desperate to believe it wasn’t true. This was their chance to make it not true.
Sam lifted Y/N's shoulders so that she was sitting up, and opened her slack jaw while Dean poured the concoction down her throat. Some of it spilled out, but most of it sank slowly down her esophagus.
When the jar was empty, they laid Y/N down and held their breath.
Dean unclenched his jaw long enough to ask, “Those witches give you any idea how long -”
His words were cut off as Y/N's eyes popped open and she gasped for air like a fish on dry land just before she turned her head and began vomiting black liquid. 
Dean felt a horrible mixture of elation and terror as Y/N continued to spew up black bile.
Finally she dry-heaved a few times more and then fell forward. She would have fallen to the ground if not for Dean, who swept her off the table and into his arms. 
He held her close, hardly daring to breathe for fear that he'd break the bubble of surrealty that he found himself in. Could this nightmare really be over? Did he have Y/N back in his arms for good. 
The pessimist in him was shouting warnings at him not to risk it, but he wasn't listening very well. Hope bubbled up in him as he watched her breathing even out 
Finally, her eyes fluttered beneath her closed lids for a moment before they opened slowly. 
“Dean?” She asked groggily. “What's…?” Her voice faded as she looked around, clearly confused.
Dean set her back on the table so that he could push the hair back from her face. His voice was hesitant. “Y/N? Are you…okay?”
She turned her head and saw Sam looking at her expectantly as well. Her brow stayed crinkled for a moment more until understanding began to dawn on her face. Tears filled her eyes, and even though they were still slightly bloodshot, Dean could practically see the color returning to her cheeks, her skin losing its thin, papery look. 
He began to feel the ache in his chest ease as he tucked Y/N's hair behind her ear. “How do you feel, sweetheart?”
Her smile spread across her face and her voice was filled with the same relief and joy Dean could feel seeping through him as she answered. 
“I feel like me.”
The next few days were a bit rough for Y/N as the cure continued to work through her system, but they were also some of the happiest in her life. 
She’d returned to their motel and to her father’s waiting, grateful arms. The group of them celebrated her rescue and return, and the incredible tool they now had to help save vamp victims if they could get to them in time. 
For the first day or so, her father didn’t let her go very far out of his sight. But eventually, he eased off, and allowed that she was an adult and had a right to some space and privacy. So finally, four days after waking from her vampiric coma, she and Dean were able to sneak out alone. Their fathers were going to meet with another hunter about a shifter one state over, and Sam was quite glad to get the lovebirds away from him for an evening. Their pining, long looks, and frequent touching was driving him crazy.
Dean and Y/N hopped into the Impala and drove and sang together with the radio for hours. They talked and talked about absolutely nothing important, old favorite movies, and people they used to know from their hundred different hometowns. It was light and easy, and beautiful after weeks of pain, heartache and fear. 
Hours later they once again found themselves parked (on the side of an old abandoned back road this time) and cuddled up beside each other in the back seat.
Rain had begun to fall, soft but steady, beating a soothing pattern on the roof. The radio still played low from the front, and Y/N gasped when she realized that Dean had slipped in the mixed tape she’d made for their anniversary more than a month earlier. It felt like a lifetime ago.
“You kept this.” She said, smiling up at him. “I thought you hated these songs.”
Dean shrugged. “I hate them less when I’ve got you tucked up against me like this.”
Y/N reached up to pull his lips down to her. She kissed him softly and then pulled away. She lowered her gaze. “Dean, I really do owe you an apology for how I acted before.”
Dean was shaking his head, but she put a finger to his lips. “Please let me finish.” He fell silent and she continued. 
“I get a little crazy when it comes to you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed - I hide it very well.” She said with mock seriousness. 
Dean nodded along. “Of course.” 
Y/N smiled and looked down at her hands twisted in her lap. “It’s just…all my life it’s been…chaos. Different towns, different schools, different kids, different teachers, different rules, different cliques, different everything. Over and over, nothing but new…new and scary.”
Dean nodded again, knowing it was true. 
Y/N smiled sheepishly. “But through all of it, through everything new, everything different, everything scary, there was always you. You, there to piss me off and rile me up, you to challenge and push me, to defend me, to break a nose or take the fall for me. In my whole life the only constant is you. It took me a long time to realize it, but Dean,” she looked deep into his eyes, “you are everything to me.”
Tears filled her eyes. “And the truth is you’ve saved me over and over, my whole life. Yeah okay, I mean now you’ve actually offered up your very life for me, but you’ve been saving me every day, all our lives.”
Dean’s eyes were moist as she continued. “So, the thought of losing you to someone else, of losing all you are to me…” She shook her head. “It’s terrifying.” 
Dean grasped her cheeks and turned her face up so he could kiss her, not softly, not gently. His kiss was all consuming, it was hard and possessive. He pulled away from her and she could barely catch her breath.
His voice was raspy as he spoke against her lips. “You’re an idiot.”
She spluttered a bit and scowled at him, but he just smiled. 
“Sweetheart, you say it took you a long time to realize all of that? Okay. But I’ve known since first grade. I’ve known since the second our dads met up at that park to talk about a Rugaru and I saw you on the swingset. You were wearing a rainbow t-shirt and purple overalls, and your hair swirled around you while you were swinging. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”
Y/N laughed happy tears. “You remember what I was wearing?”
Dean brushed them away. “I think of you every time I see a rainbow.”
Y/N could barely believe what she was hearing. Dean shook his head as though it had been so obvious. “Sweetheart, I’ve loved you every day of our lives together. Even when I didn’t like you, I loved you.”
Y/N hiccupped a sob and threw her arms around Dean’s neck. He put his hand on her back and pulled her onto his lap. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and spoke against her skin. 
“So as long as you want me here, I’m here. As long as I can be yours, you’ve got me.”
She pulled back from him and sniffled. “So…you were lying then? You weren’t sleeping with a bunch of other girls all the time we were broken up?”
Dean shook his head. “Of course not.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “No one else is you, Y/N.”
She kissed him again, her tears mingling with their panting breath. She straddled his thighs and then lifted her t-shirt up over her head. Dean made a choked sound in the back of his throat. He pressed his hands to her waist and kneaded his fingers into her lower back.
“Y/N,” Dean began but she kissed him again.
“I don’t wanna talk about it anymore Dean.” She said as she pulled away. “I know everything I need to know about your past.” She pushed her hands into his hair and tugged his head back slightly so his face was turned up towards her, his mouth open and reaching for her. 
She brushed her lips over his. “You’ve loved me your whole life.”
He grunted as he twisted their bodies so that she landed on the seat with a squeak, pinned beneath his weight. “I didn’t say my WHOLE life. There were like six years there where I didn’t even know you existed.” 
Y/N giggled. “You mean the six years you were alive before we met?”
Dean grinned. “Exactly. I was free as a bird then.”
He laid his hands against the leather on either side of her shoulders and pushed himself up. One knee was sunk into the seat between her legs and the other rested on the floor as he pulled his shirt up and off. 
She reached up and ran her fingers over his smooth, broad chest and down over his stomach. He watched her, a muscle squeezing tight in his jaw, before he took her hands and wrapped them around his neck so he could stretch out above her again. 
She looked into his bright green eyes, shining like emeralds and got lost in them. She picked up their conversation as though they’d never stopped talking, but her voice was breathy and heated. “And you’re gonna love me for the rest of your life, right?”
Dean nodded. “Every day.”
“K, good.” She said, her eyes welling up again. “Me too, by the way. I mean, just in case you were wondering - I love you too.”
Dean’s face lit up but he just nodded and shrugged one shoulder. “Of course I know, I’m smart like that.” He kissed her hard and quick. “But let’s not forget who said it first.”
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl @slamminmine
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26 @slut-for-evans-stan
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous @k-slla @stoneyggirl2
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chairofchaos · 2 months
5 and 23. Elide and Lorcan. Please and thank you.
Anon. ANON. You hold the key to my heart. All my love. I hope you don't mind me putting a little bit of a spin on this one. Enjoy!
Mine | Elorcan
It was the first time they hadn't spent the night together in 3 years. Aelin was determined to spend time with her and Lysandra, together, no "territorial fae bastards" allowed. Which meant Lorcan was sulking in the suite of rooms that was theirs in this giant castle. And Elide was staring up at the ceiling, hoping she could soon follow her friends into sleep.
Aelin snored at her side. It didn't bother Elide. It never had. It clearly didn't bother Lysandra, whose ghost leopard form snoozed soundly at their feet. But now, the sound grated on her nerves. She slept so well curled into Lorcan's side. At least he had understood she would want some piece of him with her.
His sweater was warm. It was warmer when he was wearing it.
It smelled nice, like him. But the smell was too faint, even when she tucked her nose into the soft collar and pretended that he was wearing it, that he was here... This was no use. It felt like it had been hours. If she couldn't sleep, she would be no fun tomorrow with the events for the fifth annual festival celebrating Aelin's coronation.
Aelin wouldn't be mad if she left. She probably wouldn't even realize, especially if Elide rejoined them before the sun was up. The Queen of Terrasen was busy, but she was more likely to sleep in than not when the rare opportunity presented itself.
Elide sat up, sneaking softly from the bed. The plush rugs at her feet wouldn't give her away. She could do this. Lorcan's sweater draped over her body, its hem swishing at her knees while she bunched the massive sleeves up over her wrists. She had to open the door somehow. Why did he have to be so big?
"I told you," Aelin's voice cut into the darkness. "Lysandra, I told you."
Elide froze, then turned slowly. The Queen of Terrasen, her queen, was smirking at her from where she sat up in bed, completely awake.
Lysandra stirred, cocking her feline head. The ghost leopard examined her grumpily for a moment, then turned to Aelin with a huff and laid her head back down, green eyes tracking Elide from across the room.
Aelin laughed softly, a satisfied grin on her face. "It's alright, Elide. We'll see you in the morning."
"I couldn't sleep," Elide finally said.
"You made it longer than I even expected you would. Say hi to Lorcan for us," Aelin winked, blowing her a kiss. "We're having waffles at nine. No Lorcan, or any male, allowed. Deal?"
"Deal," Elide grinned. "Good night."
"Good night, Elide!"
Lysandra gave a low purr, closing her eyes again. Aelin just laid back down and closed her eyes. She was snoring again within minutes. How they did it, she had no idea.
When the door shut gently behind her, Elide walked steadily down the hallway, her tired steps fueled by the knowledge that at the end of this walk was a bed warmed by her husband. A little bit further and she would be in bed again. A little bit further and-
Elide spun to face her husband with a smile. "Hi."
He strode to her, his furrowed eyes roaming her for any sense of injury or pain. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," she smiled, reaching for him. "I missed you."
He softened at that, nuzzling her outstretched hand gently. "I miss you whenever you're gone."
She laughed lightly. "Bed?"
"Won't Aelin miss you?"
"It seems like they didn't expect me to stay that long after all, provided I join them for breakfast without you, Aedion, and Rowan," she shrugged.
Lorcan just laughed. "So that's what that bet was about. Come on, love. Bed."
Before she could ask what he meant, he had bent to scoop her into his arms, his arms beneath her back and her knees. She would have shrieked, except the feeling was so normal now that it no longer surprised her. Instead, she curled into his body and took a deep breath. Much better.
His heartbeat, living. Mortal, and entirely hers. Before she knew it, she was being lowered to their bed and covered with a warm blanket. A few moments later, Lorcan's arm draped around her waist, pulling her into him. He had undressed, and the warmth of his skin seeped into her hands like sunlight.
"How did you find me?"
"I will always find you," Lorcan whispered, tenderly pressing a kiss into her hair. She reached for his arm, pulling at it until she could hold his hand between their bodies. She pressed kisses to the back of it until he pulled it away gently, cupping her face.
"I love you, sweetheart."
Elide raised her eyes to his and pressed one more kiss against his hand. "I love you, too."
He smiled, a broad, lively thing. That smile had come to her slowly, and every time she got to see it she thanked the gods who watched them with her entire heart.
"Hand," he said quietly, offering his own between them. She smiled, blushing as she slipped her palm into his. They were equally rough, calluses from the lives they had lived before not yet lost to time.
"I love you," he whispered, pressing a kiss into the back of her hand with each word. "You are mine."
"And you are mine," she swore, drifting into a comfortable sleep at long last. "All mine."
A/N: I hope this sated you, you sneaky human you.
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hi mousey! i hope ur having a good day! :]
if it’s not too much to ask, may i request the farmer reacting to haley (or the bachelorettes) wearing their clothes?
Sorry, dear anon, but your ask confused me a bit. Farmer's reaction? That's probably not what you meant, as everyone has their own individual OC Farmer who will react differently to a situation. I mean, Farmer (in game) kinda have a canon but still... Maybe you meant like "the bachelorettes react to the Farmer catching them in their clothes"? Hope I got it right. Thanks for the ask! 💖
Penny didn't understand why she did it. She finds it hard to explain the logic of her action, but the feel of the Farmer's clothes on her body, their scent helps the ginger girl not feel so alone. Their long t-shirt gives Penny a reminder that her Farmer will be back from their adventures soon, that they'll be okay, that they love her, and she'll always be waiting for them to come back. "I'm home, love." And when did Farmer have time to return so soon? Or had the young teacher been so engrossed in her book that she hadn't noticed how quickly the time had flown by. From the Farmers' smile and their stares, Penny immediately realized what they were trying to say. Her cheeks flushed, but she would no longer hide her face in embarrassment behind the pages of her book, no. Instead, she would look her spouse in the eye, and with all the tenderness and love she could muster say, "I missed you..."
The first time Farmer caught their blonde wife in their clothes was in the kitchen early in the morning. Haley was standing at the stove making an omelette for breakfast, and she was wearing Farmer's shirt, which was a size too big for her, but she didn't really care. The cloth was soft and nice, and it smelled like her partner (thankfully not like the grass she was allergic to). When Haley heard her spouse's voice from the other room, she pretended to be heavily absorbed in making breakfast. Finally the Farmer walked into the kitchen to ask if Haley had seen their shirt, but immediately stopped when they found what they were looking for. "Breakfast is ready, dear" the blonde said, giving the most innocent look, but her cheeks still poured a slight blush under Farmer's gaze. It would seem, what was so special? But Haley, their beautiful, smart and funny Haley, dressed in their clothes, with a smile on her face and red cheeks, were to Farmer the most beautiful sight they had ever seen.
Abigail's eyes just glistened with delight when she saw the new adventurer's uniform on Farmer. Comfortable, leather armor, long red cloak, lots of belts with a holder of small elixirs, long boots with shields... So cool! Oh, and Farmer looks good~ The purple-haired girl knows that Farmer needs these clothes to keep themself safe in the Mines, but she was so eager to try them on, which she did sneakily while her spouse was in town on business. Abby admires herself in the mirror from every angle, now and then posing and getting into battle stances with her steel sword. "You look wonderful," Abigail almost dropped the weapon from her hands in surprise, turning around to the source of the voice. Farmer stood near the door, arms crossed, clearly enjoying the sight before them. Abigail began to feign indignation about someone peeking, to which Farmer smugly remarked, "someone took their clothes." But as they joked lightly with each other, Farmer pulled a something out of the bag and handed it to Abby. It was another adventurer's outfit, and she showered Farmer with hugs and kisses.
Since Leah moved to the farm after her marriage, she has never known what it's like to be cold without in her small cabin. But it's a winter right now, and you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket or a cozy sweater and drink a cup of hot coffee. The coffee is ready, but there is no blanket nearby. Leah's violet eyes immediately focused on Farmer's sweater that was lying on the chair. She reached for the cloth and immediately put it on. Usually sweaters are scratchy, but this one was so cozy and soft that the artist closed her eyes at the pleasant feel of the fabric against her skin. When the Farmers entered the living room half an hour later and placed their cup of tea on the table, they sat down beside a sleepy Leah, gently tucked her ginger curl behind her ear, and smiled warmly. "I'll never see that sweater now, will I?" "Yep." But Farmer didn't mind that at all.
Every day Emily's mind is filled with new sewing ideas. How many different dresses and shirts she can create, how many new accessories can come out from under her sewing needle. So many good ideas! Almost all of the items that Farmer's wear are handmade by their hardworking wife. The quality of the fabric is always the best, the selection of colors always harmonious, clothes for all occasions. At times, she glances a newly sewn thing and her soul can't get enough of how perfect and successfully she has created these clothes. She even wonders if she should switch up her look this week, like the Farmer's clothing style? She tries on their clothes and examines herself closely in the mirror. Oh yeah, it's not bad at all! So - she needs to sew again, but this time for herself. Emily didn't immediately notice that the Farmer had been watching her for about five minutes now, and the adoration with which they were looking at the always positive Emily. "That sure looks good on you."
Oh, no... Her latest invention got machine oil all over her clothes. Now Maru needs to wash them. But the rest of her clothes are also washed and not yet dry. Now what to do? Hmm... Although, what is there to think about - Farmer's shirt and pants are lying on the bed, so the young inventor doesn't need to worry any further. Maru figured that Farmer wouldn't mind, since she was in such trouble. Speaking of the Farmer, here they were, standing in front of Maru. The girl immediately explained the situation and asked if the Farmer minded? Mind? By the look of their red cheeks, they're all for it! Farmer has to admit that the Maru look so good in their clothes that they even think about faking a random event with machine oil again.... What? Ah... probably shouldn't have said that out loud, as Maru raised an eyebrow questioningly. But then she said, "The clothes are comfortable and I don't mind to wear, so no need to ruin the rest of your stuff with machine oil."
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goldengroovy · 4 months
Can I request a silly little Drabble Renee/Mc in step 2 at prom and slow dancing with each other but it’s SUPER awkward since Renee is a big lovable dork who has a crush on Mc?
Renee and reader at prom!!!
A/N at the end <3
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You were sitting down at you and your friends’ table. They were off dancing and chatting away, but your feet were a little too tired to do that. The shoes you wore were nice, but you didn’t expect that they would be so uncomfortable after a couple of hours.
So, there you were, sipping your drink, phone in hand so you can take pictures of your friends to send it to them later. The music was a little too loud for your liking, but as long as you were doing something with your hands, you could ignore it. 
Suddenly, you heard the sound of a chair moving right next to you. 
Almost spilling your drink on yourself, you turned around. With the harsh pink lighting from the ceiling of the gymnatorium, you could make out the face of Renee.
As soon as your eyes met, she froze up, giving you an unsure grin and waving her hand at you. 
Renee looked nice. Really nice. This was the first time you saw her wearing a red dress, which is a change from her usual pants and sweaters. She looked nervous the entire time that she’s been here, but she also looked happy. 
“Hey, Renee.” You smiled at her, unsure of why she’s here. You guys didn’t talk that much, but she always caught your attention. Sometimes, you’d feel her eyes on you when you two were in the hallway. There were times where she’d sit next to you in class, but would keep a safe distance. Her hands would always linger closer, however. 
“Hi.” She said, unsure. You didn’t know what to say to that, so you two just ended up in some really awkward pause, where you two would accidentally make eye contact, smile, and look at something else. 
She’d glance behind you, and when you turned your head around, you could see Qiu and Baxter throwing her a thumbs up. When they noticed you looking, they immediately turned away and pretended to be dancing with each other. It was a funny scene to see. 
You turned back around, and you saw Renee taking a deep breath. 
“Do you.. um.” She started, fidgeting with the ribbons on her outfit. You could barely hear her through the loud music, so you scooched closer. On instinct, she almost scooched back, but stopped herself halfway through.
You leaned forward, a kind smile on your face, trying to encourage her to say what she wants to say. 
“You look nice!” she blurted out. You frowned a bit, wanting to know what she wanted to ask before. 
But then you realized. She just said that you looked nice, and that made you feel giddy. 
Pushing your chair closer, you yelled out, “Thanks, you look great too!”
That made her look at you as if you hung up the stars to the sky yourself, and you’re starting to think that you like Renee a little more than you thought. 
“Hey, Renee,” you paused, trying to find the right words to say. “-were you asking me if I wanted to dance?” 
She looked a little startled from the question, but she knew she was caught. She shifted her gaze down to the floor, placing her hands in her lap, and nodded. Cute.
You got up from your seat, and took her hands. She looked at you in surprise, but you just smiled at her. You took her near the center of the dance floor, and you almost tripped as your feet ached, but she kept a firm grip on you. 
Now, you two were just standing there as the slow music played. There were only few students, so you didn’t have to worry about accidentally bumping into anyone. 
Your right hand was holding hers, but neither of you dared to make a move. All of your courage suddenly disappeared, and you found yourself with a new type of nervousness that made your heart beat and your palms sweaty. 
Renee, with her gloved hand, slowly reached up and pushed away a strand of hair from your face, which slowly became messy as the night went on. 
You whispered a small ‘thank you’, and she nodded. For a few seconds, her hands lingered, wondering where she should put it, before you reached for it and placed it on your shoulder.
Surprising her, you drew her closer by placing your hand on her waist. 
Now you two were face to face, but she seemed to be looking at anywhere but you. You get it, you’re nervous too. Somehow, you both waltzed to the song and managed not to step on each others feet.
You look around for a second, trying to focus on anything other than Ren’s hand on yours, or her other one on your shoulder, or the way Ren smells really nice, or the way that Ren’s lips are awfully close right now.
Behind Ren, you see Qiu and Baxter taking a picture, and right next to them is Tamarack and her friends glancing at you and smiling.  
You rolled your eyes, but you’re too happy for it to come off as rude.
You decided to do something risky. Taking a deep breath, you lean your head on her shoulder. 
She let out a noise of surprise, and you were about to regret it, but then she rested her head on yours. It was nice. 
Everything was okay for a while.
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this is a really funny request because i was doodling qiu and tamarack in prom... i love my wives
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klbwriting · 7 months
Our Strange Duet
Chapter 2: This Mess I Am
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: YN comes to hang out
Taglist: @amberpanda99 @deans-spinster-witch
No, I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts, pretend I'm something other than this mess I am - Dear Evan Hansen
               Jason could do this.  YN had agreed to come over and hang out Saturday afternoon, at Dick’s place, with him.  She hadn’t seen it the last time they were together, he was too worried about his brother kicking her out, so he only went to her.  Now thought Dick was thoroughly onboard with getting YN back into Jason’s life.  Now she was the one who made him smile more, made him relax, helped him sleep, kept his nightmares at bay when she could invade his dreams instead.  Now she was coming to see him, maybe not to fall into each other’s arms (no matter how much he wanted that) but to be friends again, see if they still fit together like they had before. 
               “When is she getting here?” Dick called up.  Jason looked at his phone, the message ‘on my way’ on the screen from five minutes ago.  He glanced around his loft again, making sure everything was clean and looked presentable before barreling down the stairs, pulling on a sweater.  Dick cocked his eyebrow.
               “She’ll be here in a few minutes…what’s that face?” Jason asked.  Dick motioned to the black and gray sweater.  It was an 80-degree August day in Gotham, the sweater looked stupid, but he wanted to look good for her.  Every time he used to see her, he was in his early Red Hood gear, combat pants, tshirt, maybe a black hoodie or leather jacket.  He was in college now, he was supposed to look cool when he met up with someone he liked, not a kid. 
               “The sweater is too much,” Dick said.  “Take it off and just wear the tshirt, the girl has seen you almost bleed out, if that didn’t chase her away a black tshirt won’t either.”  Jason scowled a little but tore off the sweater, looking around for something to do with it when the buzzer rang.  Dick took the sweater while Jason went to let her into the elevator.  He watched his big brother throw the sweater in the trash can, eyes widening.  “Its also an ugly sweater and if she ever sees you in it she’ll swim back to Singapore, you’ll thank me later.”  Jason almost strangled him when there was a knock at the door.  He tried to flatten his hair a little, opening the door. 
               “Hey,” YN said, almost making Jason melt into the floor.  He had never thought she would be at his place, walking in and looking around, probably wondering how much a place like this cost.  He wondered that constantly, but Dick refused to let him try to help with rent, so he didn’t know. 
               “Come in, um, ya, you said you were nervous about auditions, wanted my help picking a song?” he said, scrambling.  He had planned several things to do, books he wanted to talk about, watch a movie he knew she would love but had said she hadn’t seen yet but her appearance at his door had momentarily broken his brain.  Dick was standing in the kitchen marveling that his little brother, the terror that stalked Crime Alley and the Narrows, making hardened criminals wet themselves at the very sight of him, was stammering and falling over himself over this girl.  If he wasn’t the exact same way with Barbara he would have laughed. 
               “Thanks, I have a couple ideas, but I know I’m not getting a part, I have no opera talent, my voice just doesn’t work that way,” she said.  “But I still want to show that I have some talent in case they do something next year in my wheelhouse.”  Dick watched as she rambled, moving to put her bag down on the couch, but missing and dropping it to the floor.  O Lord, they were both hopeless. 
               “Can I stay and listen?” he asked, now worried about running interference for Jason.  His brother glared at him but YN smiled.
               “Thanks, ya, I would love opinions.  Jason has heard me sing before, I don’t know if he’ll be objective,” she said.  Dick nodded, walking over and sitting on the couch.  Jason sat next to him, arms folded as YN got ready.  It took exactly four words before Jason was falling back to sitting on her couch singing to her and having her sing to him, her smile making him feel so warm in his chest and despite knowing that he wasn’t loved outside of that room it was ok.  She did three songs, one Phantom related song and two others and they decided on one before she looked at Jason.
               “Did you pick a song?” she asked, sitting down next to him.  He shrugged.
               “I was just going to do the love song,” he said.  She eyed him. 
               “You want to be Raoul?” she asked.  He shrugged again.  “You’re not Raoul, he’s too pretty.”  Jason made a fake offended face and Dick chuckled.  “You know I don’t mean like that, he’s…Dick, boy scout, sweetheart, golden retriever.  You’re not that, you should do Music of the Night, the reprise sung by Erik, you’re the phantom.” 
               “Have you been thinking about this?” he asked.  This time she shrugged, blushing.  She was thinking about him.  Dick stood up then.
               “I’m going to go get some work done in my office,” he said, looking at Jason and nodding before heading off.  YN looked to Jason.
               “Did I chase him away with my Raoul comparison?” she asked.  Jason laughed. 
               “No, he’s probably going to watch the musical so he can figure out if what you said was a compliment or not,” he said.  She laughed and then sighed.  “Hey, want to watch that movie we talked about?”  She nodded and he got it set up, sitting next to her. 
               It took every ounce of willpower in him to not try and put his arm around her or take her hand as that movie played.  About halfway through they realized it was kind of boring so he paused it for them to chat instead and it was almost like old times, but something loomed over her as she talked, a rain cloud.  Her smile didn’t always reach her eyes and she would fall silent, a far away look in her eyes for just a few moments before coming back to him. 
               “YN?” he said softly when she vanished again.  She shook herself and looked at him apologetically.  “You can talk about it, with me.”  She looked down, biting her lip. 
               “Its just, she would be so happy I found my way back to you again.  I keep hearing what she would say in my head.  She really liked you, said you made me shine.  I know that we can’t just…go back to what we were, I mean, we both are different not, but I’m not opposed to the idea if you’re not.  At least, I’m not opposed to letting myself fall for you again,” she said.  Jason stared.  This honesty was new.  She’d never lied to him, never had led him around or anything, but she’d never been so blunt about her feelings.  It normally took time for her to say what she was feeling without a joke or sass.  Now she was being vulnerable, laying it all out there for him and he didn’t know how to respond.  Her mother’s death seemed to make her more open, more trusting, maybe more loving since she knew that things didn’t last sometimes.  Jason over the last several months had become more closed off.  Bruce knew he was alive and hadn’t once tried to talk to him, Alfred either, he wasn’t sure which one hurt worse.  He wanted to keep his feelings close to his chest, didn’t want to admit to things like she did for fear of the pain that would come later, when they abandoned him.  The silence stretched longer than he meant it to and he saw her eyes glaze a little as she realized that he wasn’t responding how she thought he would.  How he would have before.  She nodded and stood up.
               “YN…” he said, trying to recover, willing himself to say what she wanted to hear, what he wanted to say, but there was a door there that seemed to stop him.  She shook her head, wiping her eyes a little.
               “Its ok Jason, I know I walked out on you before and I know that you were upset about your dad not talking to you.  I know how scared you are of feelings like this, big feelings, I should have waited before saying anything to you about it.  Waited until we understood each other better,” she said, grabbing her bag.  “I’m going to go, um, think about the song for the audition and talk to me later, please?”
               Jason nodded; throat dry as she headed out the door.  He wanted to throw something, wanted to hit something.  It was just getting dark, so he went to gear up, needing to do something that wasn’t sit here in his self-doubt and self-pity.  He needed to not be Jason for a while.
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