#but femmes are just as gnc as butches too
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blood-choke · 1 year ago
Thanks for saying the bit about butch being identity more than presentation. I'm aware it is, like I'm not dumb, but I never feel like I show the fact that I'm butch enough, even if I'm soft butch. Like wearing androgynous clothes means fuck all in modern day since women's fashion is androgynous at a base line currently, plus I have very long hair and tend to keep my nails somewhat long so my identity doesn't show at all and it makes me constantly feel like I'm appropriating the label. But like if I were cis, I'd probably take testosterone for a bit like she/her Lea did; that idea is super enticing. As is I like being trans because it gives some masculinity to my physicality. If it were the past where women wore dresses, I'd definitely wear men's clothes (probably mixed with some parts of women's stuff). Just modern day doesn't let me visibly defy social norms as much as I want. My leather jacket and boots just isn't enough to show my identity.
Sorry for the ranble. Just made me feel way better, seeing confirmation that it's largely identity. Even if I don't have anyone to truly express it with.
you're welcome!
it was definitely something i had to unlearn; especially now with so much of lesbian bar culture having been pushed out and forgotten, a lot of younger people just.. don't know what these words mean, and when i was their age, butch and lesbian both were Bad Words that you never said at all except to demean someone.
reading older lesbian literature helped me overcome that and learning about all of the people that came before us; both about butches and femmes. digging through archives and putting myself into butch/femme spaces online has been hugely beneficial to me. i used to feel the same & like i could never "claim the label" because i didn't look a certain way, but that's just simply not true.
and this is especially not true for lesbians and other women who are already having other labels forced upon them by society; for not being white, for not being skinny, for not being hyper feminine, for not being cis, etc.
one of the things that made it really click for me was picture archives, specifically these kinds of pictures:
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(pride, nyc, 1977 by meryl meisler)
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this one is nancy tucker & her partner, and the two of them would switch shirts throughout the march. (1970 by kay tobin lahusen)
you can see how similar butches and femmes can look, and this is also what i mean when i say femmes are just as sanitized in popular media. butch and femme can be adjectives, but they are also nouns, they are genders and they are roles that people fill within lesbian relationships and within their community; how they move through the world, interact with society and how they interact with other lesbians and other women romantically and sexually.
this quote is one of my favorites:
“Butch is a trickster gender—and so, in a similar way, is femme. Lesbian gender expressions do not emulate heteropatriarchy, they subvert it. Femme removes femininity from the discursive shadow of masculinity and thereby strips from it any connotation of subordination or inferiority. Butch takes markers of “masculinity” and divests them of their association with maleness or manhood. Butchness works against the gender binary—the masculine/feminine paradigm—and reclaims for women the full breadth of possibilities when it comes to gender expression.”
— Caroline Narby, “On My Butchness”
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dilovortexx · 1 year ago
yall ever just project so hard on a comfort character ship you go "yeah theyre t4t now"
yeah.. good times
anyways gohan and videl are t4t and in this essay i will
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wlwcatalogue · 2 months ago
A Gay Girl's Guide to Takarazuka
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L to R: Sagiri Seina, Ouki Kaname, Amami Yuuki, Asumi Rio, Wao Youka, Asaji Saki, Shiraki Ayaka
If you’re queer and into theatre or Japanese media, chances are that you will have heard of all-female theatre company Takarazuka Revue… but it’s also equally likely that you won’t have checked out anything of theirs. For those who are curious but were intimidated by its over 100 years of history, or who just want a quick primer to ease in, click below!
1. Why get into Takarazuka?
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L to R: Rei Makoto in Tiara Azul (2024), Yuzuka Rei
For those into androgynous women
As you probably already know, Takarazuka's big selling point is that it's an all-female theatre company where the male characters are played by women. The actresses are expected to continue presenting that way off-stage, which in practice means a lot of handsome women with short hair in binders and men's clothing... Why that might appeal to people who are into androgynous women (or GNC/enby folks) is pretty obvious.
Reality Check:
Sadly, after "graduation" (i.e. leaving Takarazuka), nearly all such actresses will transition into feminine presentation and take on female roles. It's similar to the "lesbian glasshouse" idea in Class S yuri, but for gender non-conformity. That said, there are some notable counter-examples: Shion Yuu and Nanami Hiroki have basically refused to change their presentation after graduating (the latter still frequently plays male characters in both anime and stage productions), and things are more relaxed lower down the rungs too.
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L to R: Wao Youka & Hanafusa Mari, Sagiri Seina & Sakihi Miyu
For those into butch/femme pairs
Just as roughly half of Takarazuka's actresses specialise in male roles (otokoyaku/男役), there is another half specialising in female roles (musumeyaku/娘役). On top of that, Takarazuka is split into five different troupes, and for any given production, the male lead and female lead are automatically assigned to that troupe's "top star" (leading otokoyaku) and "top musumeyaku" (leading musumeyaku) - the "top combi".
Unlike leading pairs in other theatrical traditions, the "top combi" concept extends to them being marketed as a pair in interviews, magazine features, TV programmes, etc. Just watch the mini TV special where Sagiri Seina and Sakihi Miyu visit Tokyo Skytree and Sumida Aquarium-- it's basically a date, and is described as such by the commentating TV announcer. Likewise, Wao Youka and Hanafusa Mari were interviewed about being a "golden combi" by women's magazine Fujin Kouron (though to be fair this was after they had, improbably, managed to win a Kikuta Kazuo Theatre Award - an award for individuals - jointly, for their "splendid performance as a combi" in 2004's Boxman).
Taken to its extreme, there have been cases where the Japanese public have been convinced that a top combi was dating, as with the immensely popular 1980's pair Daichi Mao and Kuroki Hitomi... It's no wonder that the actresses themselves frequently describe it as being like an arranged marriage.
Separately, due to certain reasons, it's practically part of the job description for top musumeyaku to adore their top star partners. This, in theory, inadvertently creates a safe space for any top musumeyaku who could be gay for their stage partners... Just to illustrate, during her graduation speech, Hinami Fuu repeatedly referred to her feelings for her top star partner Hokushou Kairi as koi (恋), a word specifically denoting romantic love, and nobody blinked an eye.
Reality Check:
Due to conservative attitudes in both Japan and Takarazuka itself, most actresses go on to marry men, including many of those named above. Vanishingly few are publically out, though former otokoyaku Higashi Koyuki (stage name Aura Maki) is a queer activist and was one half of the first same-sex couple to be married in Japan, and another former otokoyaku, Misuzu Aki, has been living with her female partner in Europe for years. Just, well, don't forget that being married to a man isn't necessarily evidence of heterosexuality.
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L to R: Asumi Rio in The Poe Clan (2018), Sagiri Seina in Rurouni Kenshin (2016)
For lovers of anime and manga
Takarazuka is probably best-known as the inspiration behind Revolutionary Girl Utena, Revue Starlight, Kageki Shoujo, and Sailor Moon’s Haruka and Michiru, but did you know that it also inspired seminal works featuring androgynous female leads such as Princess Knight? If you enjoy “prince-type” characters in yuri, you’ve got them to thank
Apart from inspiring anime and manga, Takarazuka also does quite a few animanga adaptations itself! Most famous are their Rose of Versailles musicals, but other popular adaptations include Ace Attorney, Rurouni Kenshin, Lupin III, Boys Over Flowers, and Hagio Moto’s bishounen vampire vehicle The Poe Clan. They’re also doing a Castlevania musical this year!
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Wao Youka & Hanafusa Mari in Phantom (2004)
For the theatre nerds
Female Phantom of the Opera, duh
Jokes aside, Takarazuka’s unique position in the theatre world can't be overstated. As a rule, all-female productions are either smaller-scale, one-offs dependent on the work, or part of a theatrical tradition completely separate to Western-style plays or musicals (hello, Chinese Yue opera). Takarazuka is the exception: it offers productions comparable in size and scale (and budget) to the largest West End and Broadway musicals - it just so happens that it's all-female.
If the all-female aspect doesn’t excite you then why are you here, then let me emphasise again: Takarazuka is totally worth checking out as a production company in its own right. It is very much a part of the broader Japanese musical industry, and one of its powerhouses at that. Just take a look at some of these clips from past productions (all around 5 mins or less):
(a) Maeda Keiji - a musical loosely inspired by real-life samurai Maeda Keiji; features an uncannily convincing horse performed by two people in costume which needs to be seen to be believed (b) Ephemeral Love - a period piece about the doomed love between Prince Rudolph of the Hapsburgs and his lover Marie Vetsera (c) The Man Who Never Sleeps - a biographical musical about Napoleon Bonaparte (d) Casino Royale - an adaptation of the 2006 James Bond movie of the same name (e) BADDY - an off-the-wall sci-fi comedy featuring loads of velvet suits, silly shellfish outfits, and queerness.
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Wao Youka and Hanafusa Mari in Dracula (2011)
2. Random Queer-ish Trivia
It's pretty common for former otokoyaku to be cast in WLW roles: Sena Jun headlined the 2018 Japanese production of Fun Home, Otozuki Kei cameoed as a lesbian escort in 2022 LGBTQ-themed J-drama Kojinsa Arimasu, and Seto Kazuya played the owner of a lesbian bar in 2024 yuri J-drama Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko. (Incidentally, Sal Jiang, the original creator of Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko, has mentioned being a fan of Sena Jun when she was younger)
Otokoyaku are sometimes mistaken for men, with amusing results: Yuzuka Rei was thought to be a “host” by a passer-by while talking to her fans, and Houshou Dai has mentioned being hit on by a woman before. But the prize goes to Todoroki Yuu, who like many women once had to rebuff unwanted advances from a man—except in her case, he thought that she was a guy
Before entering Takarazuka, Sou Kazuho – eventual Snow Troupe top star – went to a co-ed school and had long hair. To her confusion, this didn’t stop her classmates from asking her to play a male character (possibly the male lead, IIRC) in the school play. They saw her as an otokoyaku even before she did!
Continuing with the high school theme, former Cosmos Troupe top star Wao Youka has boasted about how in her high school days, she received more Valentine’s chocolates than her brother, and in fact second-most out of her year. Important note: she went to a girls’ school
Speaking of Wao Youka, her 2011 Dracula (see photo above) - from @cryoverkiltmilk's “Cunt Dykecula” post - wasn't actually a Takarazuka production! Since Wao was acquainted with and later married its composer Frank Wildhorn, some assume he was the one to cast her, and that Hanafusa Mari was brought in due to being her old stage partner. But Wildhorn had wanted Wao to play the female lead. It was she who insisted on Dracula. And Hanafusa wasn't just a third party... she had been Wao's manager since 2007, having retired from the stage after graduating and only just returned with 2010's Dietrich. (She played Edith Piaf, legendary chanson singer and “very good friend” of bisexual icon Marlene Dietrich, played by Wao.) Dracula was the swan song for their partnership, with Hanafusa going on to conquer the Japanese musical industry as she had Takarazuka-- but it marked the first, and so far only, time a top combi performed as romantic partners after graduating.
On a separate note, renowned queer photographer Leslie Kee has been responsible for taking the cover portraits for Takarazuka's offical monthly publication Kageki (歌劇) since 2010. You should definitely check out his ongoing "Out in Asia" project – he's taken literally thousands of photos of out queer people in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan in a bid to raise visibility
Lastly, in November 2015, Takarazuka City became the first Japanese city outside of Tokyo to announce its support for same-sex partnerships… though this may of course be a total coincidence.
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Flower Troupe in Takarazuka Fantasia (2015 Taiwan tour)
3. Where to Start?
Nearly all Takarazuka shows since the 1990's are available on DVD (earlier ones are on VHS), and these recordings are very well done - they have great video and audio quality, are well-edited, and use a large number of camera angles
They do livestreams and live broadcasts of performances as well! You can watch a livestream from your mobile or PC by spoofing your location. For a more communal experience, if you're in Japan, Taiwan, or Hong Kong, you can catch live broadcasts of Grand Theatre performances at a local cinema
VODs of selected productions are available on various platforms, including Amazon Japan, though this still requires location spoofing. If you're actually living in Japan, you can also consider subscribing to Takarazuka's official TV channel (yes, that's a thing) Sky Stage - they do a lot of reruns of past performances
With that done, here are several recommendations if none of the productions mentioned throughout the post caught your eye!
(a) Elisabeth - Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay's musical about Empress Elisabeth ("Sisi") of Austria and the fall of the Hapsburg Empire, featuring an (inevitably very sexy) personification of Death and fantastic music. Takarazuka has done many, many productions of this, so just search them and pick whichever looks most appealing - but you won't go wrong with the 2014 Flower Troupe production, which has a very strong cast and a more refined version of the staging
(b) Phantom - Arthur Kopit and Maury Yeston's adaptation of Phantom of the Opera. Though obviously not the ALW version, the music is actually pretty great and Takarazuka goes all-out on the costumes and stage magic. All the productions are wonderful, but my favourite is the original 2004 version (which is also the one which went viral on Tumblr before - thanks, @wheel-of-fish!)
(c) Rose of Versailles - no list would be complete without Takarazuka's representative work, buuut I wouldn't necessarily recommend starting here if you're looking for a typical musical experience. There are loads of productions to choose from - note that these are split between a version focused on protagonist Oscar, and another focused on Marie Antoinette and her lover Fersen - but the 1991 Moon Troupe production is my personal pick
(d) Casanova - a light-hearted romp in which Casanova is reimagined as a charming playboy who falls for the feminist-minded daughter of Venice's mayor... only, she doesn't know his real identity. The very catchy music was commissioned from Dove Attia, the producer behind French musicals Mozart, l'opera Rock and 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille. Check out the performance digest here!
(e) Shinjuu: Koi no Yamatoji - Takarazuka puts Chikamatsu Monzaemon's tale of the doomed love between a commoner and a courtesan to a classic rock score (see this clip!). An Edo-era work that doesn't just focus on samurai and nobility, this romantic tragedy offers a grounded look at the social pressures of the time. (Though if you do want to watch something focusing on Japanese nobility, I highly recommend Takarazuka original and guaranteed tearjerker Hoshiai Hitoyo.) There are quite a few productions of this, but I've only watched the 2014 Snow Troupe one, which was very good.
Thanks so much for reading! Please feel free to DM me or send an ask if you have any questions~ I definitely want to do a follow-up post on musumeyaku, and maybe delve into Wao and Hanafusa's history (it's messy, but fascinating)... but we'll see!
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mswyrr · 7 months ago
Rhaenyra has a type when it comes to women
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The common thread for me between Rhaenyra's desire for Alicent and Mysaria is that both women play the role of "lady wife" (or we could call it the role of "the beloved" to a lover) to her. I went into this as it relates to her loving Alicent in a prior meta. But here I want to focus on what they have in common that seems to compel Rhaenyra.
Between the two of them, we have a portrait now of what her "type" is in women. She likes a femme woman who is intelligent and capable of advising her, who cares about her goals and standing in the realm and who she can trust to act on her behalf, a woman who recognizes and basks in the love of Rhaenyra's desire to be knightly and noble and act as a monarch - to hold power and use it to act and protect and cherish. A woman who wishes to be caring and affectionate with her, who shares her body in acts of erotic intimacy as well as comfort and tenderness - young Rhaenyra really meant it when she told Alicent that she loved lying with her head on Alicent's lap as Alicent read to her in shared moments of peace and tranquility. She leaned into to Alicent's touch; she casually held her hand or touched her or stared at Alicent like she was the whole world; she grounded herself with her girl's love.
Mature Rhaenyra awakens at the way Mysaria appreciates her; tells her she's noble and worthy. Tells her she looks good with a sword, expressing those knightly/butch or masc leanings Rhaenyra had in her youth and never got the chance to explore. When Mysaria tells her that, in a lifetime of learning not to trust the world because it has been so cruel to her, Rhaenyra is a rare person she trusts and believes in - a safe haven, a heroic figure, Rhaenyra moves quickly to hug her and keeps hugging her, her urgency to connect growing more intense, fingers digging into her flesh in need, and strokes her cheek across Mysaria's skin like she's found an oasis in the desert.
I relate to that; I feel that way about women too. While watching the way Rhaenyra just *blossoms* under Mysaria's admiration and appreciation I felt teary eyed - Rhaenyra has been starved of recognition and love of whole parts of herself since she lost Alicent. It's terribly sad. It's also why she seems so painfully young in the Sept scene and so thirsty but also vulnerable and emotionally naked with Mysaria - the parts of her that are open to women have never gotten to be satisfied, to grow and come of age.
I consider the feelings in myself Rhaenyra's behavior speaks to toppy and gnc, because I am a gnc female top, but Rhaenyra is a switch and hasn't had a chance to explore gender/sexuality much at all and doesn't have language for it so I'm not sure what labels she'd decide upon if she had the opportunity to relax and enjoy herself and her partner(s). From the text we have, there's many different potential readings of Rhaenyra's complex gender AND sexuality feelings. Is Rhaenyra masc and if so in what way? Bi with a split attraction that actually leans to women or 50/50? 50/50 switch or leaning top or bottom or differently with different genders of partner or different partners? Monogamous or polyamorous?
None of these possibilities have been foreclosed, all have been rather more opened up. Much to the consternation of the bigots who are review bombing the episode!! And the antis in fandom who have harassed artists for drawing masc Rhaenyra and shamed and degraded Rhaenicent for years now.
I think that's a good thing, since LGBTQ lead character representation on a big show like this is so rare. It also is in character for the setting and world Rhaenyra lives in: there's simply little opportunity to explore, sadly. But, at the same time, it's great that so many people can connect to Rhaenyra - can feel that sense of kinship I got to feel watching on Sunday. It's great that Emma and Sonoya had the courage and love to come together to make this happen - so this part of Rhaenyra can have a little more time to live and breathe and we can appreciate it.
I am not certain of one gender/sexuality reading of the character, though of course I have my preferences. The one thing I am certain of now, though, is Rhaenyra's (main or possibly only?) type in women. And I think it's pretty gorgeous. I think the way she loves women is breathtaking and achingly beautiful. I relate to it and it makes the tragedy even more poignant to me that her society denies her the opportunity to have a lifetime with the kind of woman who draws on her heart so powerfully.
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notedchampagne · 3 months ago
canon vi isnt butch to me either bc she only has masc aesthetics and none of the like, other aspects like u said, but i think it's fair to say she's as butch as the mainstream can currently handle. i mean i see people hate her all the time simply for being "too masculine" or "too butch" or people wanting to feminize her. idk as a butch im atleast glad the bitch theyre calling butch is 1) a woman and 2) can be portrayed as butch in fanart without totally overhauling her design. compared to what usually happens, which is assigning the sporty femme as butch (bc people assume strength and femininity are incompatible which, dont even get me started) or saying some random man is butch
yeah i think this is a fair point. im not even old but i remember the cartoon + fandom progression in seeing gnc characters over the years. i was around 14 or so when my mind was blown by ruby stevenuniverse and i admit arcanes character design of women goes far compared to that. if anything im glad theres a butch rep i just dont like violet and will make it my personal mission to get more butches out there
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^you and my friend al also raised a great point in which c/v are mostly butchfemme visually but youd have to juggle them and queer history being in opposition to cops - im not saying all rep must be 100% history honoring and accurate or else its bad rep. but as characters theyre extremely superficial and they serve their purpose as shallow characters. i need people to not take this personally if you connect with vi and like her go ahead. i just want better characters, so im looking for better characters. im also a hater which is why im posting on my blog
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farmerlesbian · 11 months ago
my suspicion is that it comes from not actually knowing and especially interacting with other dykes IRL :/
i also want to talk about eventually the like.. recent tendency online to lean really hard into binary labels like top-bottom, butch-femme, masc-fem(me). maybe someone more eloquent than me can talk about it haha!
basically what i feel is that people are lonely, and desperate for connection, and horny. we see people talking about and praising these categories (this is particularly in regards to butch and femme), which for a long time have been very overdue for recognition, understanding, respect, positivity, and appreciation, so this is very warranted attention. people want to talk about their desires, and especially people want to BE desired. there's also the mythologizing of eras of the past and wanting to recreate them. there's the desire to talk about and post fantasies, whether here on tumblr, or writing fanfiction or erotica, or posting on lex or dating sites. to say what you are, or to say what/who you are seeking requires a succinct word and label. so of course people lean into the butch-femme, even when it doesn't really fit.
(and this is then taking us right back to the situation where people complain that these roles are forced and oppressive! which is entirely not the point! and also a whole other conversation)
also i want people to know that I'm not butch nor femme. i genuinely am not! and i'm a switch and a verse! i lean certain ways and go through phases but truly really i am not any of these labels, I'm just .. i guess .. me 😐 for lack of a better way to phrase it haha! and i'm still hot, and desired, and i fit in and quite noticeable and certainly GNC. and you can be too. and tbh i think it is very common and typical for dykes / wlws / sapphics / lesbians / bi and pan girls n women n ladies to be neither butch or femme as well.
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no-i-can-not-shut-up · 2 months ago
Intro ig:
Patch (not my irl name, for safety reasons)
Lesbian (I dislike gender stereotypes but for the sake of being understandable I’d be considered masc/butch/gnc/etc)
South Indian born, raised in the US
This is a sideblog for my political opinions, non political opinions, and everything in between. If you disagree with me that’s fine lol, I’m always willing to have respectful conversations in DMs or asks.
Politics under the cut: Note that these aren’t 100% super detailed descriptions of every one of my political beliefs, feel free to ask for clarification
I consider myself a leftist, not a liberal
I disagree with a lot of liberal feminism takes, though I used to be one
It was not a great space for me, so I left
Feminism, Radical Feminism, Liberal Feminism, oh my!
I don’t label myself as anything other than a feminist, do not put labels on me. If I tag something as ‘blank’-feminism, it’s for the algorithm
Women as a sex are an oppressed class. That is an undisputable fact
Patriarchy harms everyone, but women should always be centered in feminist discussions
Single sex spaces are important, but excessive cruelty towards transsexual people is largely unwarranted, and only alienates possible allies within other oppressed communities
Men are not innately bad, but they are socialized to be. Misandry is not an axis of oppression
Radblr has an issue with demeaning heterosexual women, and borderline racist extremism. Insulting the appearance or orientation of *anyone* is not activism. It’s assholery.
Pro-abortion, Pro-divorce, Pro-sex *worker* (Decriminalize, but never legalize. Pimps and Johns should be prosecuted as rapists)
Anti-makeup, Anti-cosmetic surgery, Anti-pornography, Anti-prostitution
Kink-critical, gender-critical, adoption-complex (I’m an adoptee myself, don’t come at me)
I’m a lesbian, so obviously I’m pro-homosexuals.
I don’t believe that gold-star lesbianism is a healthy ideology, and comphet is real but cannot create attraction that didn’t already exist
Bi women and lesbians are each other’s biggest allies, and we need more solidarity.
Lesbian means woman loving woman *exclusively*. Sapphic means non-exclusively loving women as a woman
Butch/Femme are terms that rely on gender stereotypes and need to be re-examined by the community
Gay men should not be allowed to get away with rampant misogyny like they are
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, etc are not definitionless terms. Sexuality is not fluid. Pansexual and its offspring are the same as Bisexual
Stop normalizing slurs and “reclamation”, that goes for “qu—r” too.
Trans people…oh boy
I believe gender dysphoria exists, and that there are transsexual individuals who genuinely believe themselves to be a different sex
However, most people who call themselves trans*gender* and do not have sex dysphoria simply reject gender roles
Therapy should be required before any medical intervention, and absolutely no medical or legal changes for minors, including self ID on driver’s licenses, medical records, etc
I suffer dysphoria myself and am in therapy for it. I do not consider myself transsexual, nor am I pursuing any type of transition, but I understand the struggle. I was at my worst mentally when I was active in the trans community
I can respect trans people as human beings without agreeing with their politics
I’ll add more as I think of them.
Note: I don’t believe in DNIs for my blogs. That is how echochambers are created. I will respect someone else’s DNI. Also, never put a list of your triggers and discomforts on the internet. Anyone can interact, if it’s in bad faith I’ll just block you lol
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chocolatepot · 10 months ago
I'm going to be unusually publicly negative for me, but I have to say that I really hate posts that say genderbent characters "should" be portrayed as butch rather than femme. I generally assume the people reblogging them just mean "this logic is sound, and I would like to see more butch f!Aziraphale or butch f!Stede too" (I say this to reassure the reader that I'm not mad at anyone) but the way it's framed as the thoughtless genderbenders making an objectively wrong decision drives me crazy.
Almost nobody writes or draws AUs to replicate canon as closely as possible. It's not "missing the point" to reconceptualize a GNC femme man as a gender-conforming-but-still-queer femme woman - "what if this character were just as femme as they are now, but they got to express it more openly?" is just as valid an idea as "what if this character were just as GNC as they are now, but a different gender?" And an equally valid idea is "I just saw a picture of a dress I think the character would wear if they were a woman, so I'm going to draw them as a woman in it."
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twowivestwoknives · 3 months ago
actually maybe i'll say it out loud here because it does concern me.
firstly I want all the babydykes who may read this to know i'm not hating on yr ship for funsies, i'd much rather just be super excited abt a favourite character on my lil corner of the internet, but as a 29yo nonbinary butch lesbian who has Been Through It, it scares me how much romanticized Caitvi is getting especially with the younger viewers.
Like, it is, at the very least in S2, without question an abusive relationship, Cait is abusive to Vi. It's not cute, it's not sweet.
Her going hot and cold, from hitting her and demeaning her, to showing affection is an abuse tactic
Her isolating her from her family and community is abusive
Her seeing Vi's home community as worthy of genocide, as well as acting on those views? Abusive
Her putting the responsibility of her "conscience" on Vi, or having Vi be the one to "stop her" from being violent towards others (a dictator in this case), abusive.
Her setting up the jail sex scene, pushing Vi into a historically violently traumatizing location for her, effectively setting up her sister and Vi to lose each other, just to come down and tell Vi "i told you so" when she sees her self harming, in an enforcer outfit (the people who abused her, her people, and killed her family), and then having sex? Very abusive
And that last point I want to extra highlight because regardless of if Cait set up the whole thing or not, the combination of location, power imbalance, and Vi's mental state at the moment they hook up means that I'm nervous to say if Vi even had the wherewithal to willingly and enthusiastically consent. At the very least that consent was incredibly dubious.
I'm also significantly nervous for the baby butches of this fandom, because an undeniable aspect of why this relationship's abuse is being glossed over by writers and fans alike is because Vi is the victim, and Vi is butch, and Cait is femme.
GNC/Butch women, especially trans women and butches of colour, in sapphic relationships are often seen as un-abusable, ESPECIALLY by femmes. In fact, they're often painted as the aggressors and/or as liking the treatment. This being THE prominent ship in this show is setting a dangerous real life precedent for what to expect or want in relationships. And I know for some folks it's just a ship and I'm reading too much into it ect; but having come from the Skins era of media impact on youth, it would feel neglectful for me to not put this out there.
I'm not tryna hate on your ship in your tag; I'm telling yall that if you're ever in a real life relationship where someone is treating you the way Cait treats Vi; run. You deserve better, you deserve safety, you deserve love.
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universeskies · 4 months ago
SOOOO!!! Welcome to once again a time where I yap so much about My Favorite Characters!! One of them being Pearl! Love doing it and also quite bit of My headcanons on Their body type.
I love drawing Pearl as such a Gender neutral way, as in, nonbinary yet present VERY femmine or masculin. My headcanons when it comes to Pearl, hit in a comforting way, She is my comfort character after all XD But for real, I love drawing Her not only as a Butch but also in such Gender way that is like? Nonbinary.
Pearl for me is AFAB, and has some AWESOME Top Surgery scars, giving quite more of a trans masc too for Her. Pearl loves to just present as just one that doesn't need to owe ANYONE an androgyny if You will. Pearl is a punk and chaos rebel, and by such, They would like to present Herself as however much She feels and such. Wants to be called handsome when having such femme clothing? Yes, She would want that. Wants to be called pretty while so much showing her masculine chest and such? They would indeed want that. Not only that, but also having ideas for like, if I to design Human Pearl? Intersex AFAB. I love to see more representation of Intersex characters so for Human Pearl? That.
There are so MANY AWESOME Folks that love to present themselves or feel themselves being seen by their favorite characters and thats more than incredible and valid.
Another amazing stories all around in why I do so much love drawing Pearl like an amazing Theysbian, is just so much, the T4T Pearlina.
T4T is something that my Beloved Boyfriend @thejaytapes 💙💙💙 and I adore to have. We have lots of it! T4T Mareach and OC ships. And of course, T4T Pearlina, Trans Fem Marina and GNC Trans Masc Pearl (She/Her/He/They/Them)
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I Love SO MUCH getting to ramble about my headcanons and such. And take in a lil bit as well of rambling about the body type too for Pearl. That gal is quite a really AMAZING energetic goblin (affectionate). They are one to SO much enjoy lots of great meals, and do so much as well fun all around in Matches not to mention as well when Pearl fell into the Octodomes and having to help on the Octarians (Wink Wink Hooked on to You nudge nudge).
So overall, I can see just Pearl being one to have quite the build of lean yet pretty strong too! She is one to be able to KICK ASS!! They wanna kick ass to shut someone's trap up, talk the shit AND back it up! Not only that, but mostly IMPORTANT!!! She wants to have strong arms to HUG AND BRIDAL CARRY HER WIFE! HER MARINA! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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genderstarbucks · 1 year ago
So sick of finding the coolest blogs but then finding out they're anti mspec gays/lesbians/straights and anti lesboys/turigirls
It's even worse if they're anti-pan/ply/omni too
Like why do people care about other people's identities so much?
No one else's identity affects you, you're just insecure about your own identity
Someone identifying as a bi-lesbian or lesboy is not making the lesbian community look bad nor is it affecting someone else's identity as a lesbian
You cannot say you want biromantic homosexual, homoromantic bisexual, abrosexual, etc. rights and then be anti mspec gays/lesbians/straights
You are a hypocrite, the SAM and abrosexuality are the most common reasons why someone would be mspec gay/lesbian/straight
My identity cannot be explained by just the word "bisexual" and my identity cannot be explained by just the word "gay man" they're intertwined
I'm a homoromantic bisexual but I'm also abrosexual, and you're anti mspec monos? You're stupid
You cannot say you want trans and GNC rights and then be anti lesboys and turigirls
So many lesboys and turigirls identify like this because they're GNC, trans and still connected to the lesbian/gay man label, being cusper between a butch lesbian and a trans man, being cusper between a femme gay man and a trans woman and so many other reasons
Exclusionists are hypocrites
You cannot advocate for queer rights but only if you deem them queer enough or a "good" queer
If you advocate for queer rights, this inclues ALL queer people
Mspec monos, gaybians, lesboys, turigirls, amab transmascs, afab transfems and any other identity that you deem "contradictory" are included in queer rights
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genderkoolaid · 2 years ago
Hi! I pondered today the post you've reblogged asking people to examine their biases in how they perceive transmascs. My thought was only vaguely related, as it was more related to bisexualism. I hope it's not an issue. I'd like to share it, as I respect you a lot. (Thank you lots for introducing me multigenderism! I didn't knew it was an option and I'm exploring a little! :3)
Specifically I was thinking about the erasure of men perceived as feminine from mlw relationships. There's this... assumption, that feminine men are almost inherently (OOF) unable to be attracted to women? (Putting aside fandom bias to ships involving women in the first place.) What's up with that??I cannot quite put it in the words properly but... it just doesn't sit right with me. Idk, it feels... emasculating? Like, being a femme is a vibe, a presentation, etc, but if it's a femme man it's still *very much a man*. This + typical bisexual erasure and overall assuming you can clock people's sexuality on appearance alone... Probably more that eludes me. I'm still grappling with it. Idk, there's probably much more to say here but... it's upsetting emotionally to me, personally. I'm an afab woman (maybe more) so please, *please* take my input with a grain of salt. It's just that I love men. I adore them. I want to learn more about them, learn their struggles, help them if I can. I might love them even more out of spite when biphobic people scorn at it bc it's not queer enough. Here's the catch: My type specifically is femmes. As a femme woman. So ironically my longing towards men always felt more "broken" and "unachievable" then towards women. Bc for years it felt like... femme men would never want me, by the virtue of who I am. With what body I was born and feel at home in. Idk where I'm going with this at this point. I guess I too wish people would examine their biases. In this case towards feminine men. For the sake of all men, trans, cis, femme/butch... and people who love them. Emasculating men hurts everybody. Even women, such as myself. I hope I haven't at any point sounded as equating "feminine men" to "transmasc", btw! I do NOT believe transmasc are feminine! If at any point I was coming of like that by bringing both in one ask I'm sorry! Here I'll conclude. I still have much to learn thought. I still grapple with naming the issue at hand I would deeply appreciate men insight here. Have a nice day :3
I actually posted an article written by a femme bi man talking about this topic a while back!
This is very much an issue. The way I interpret the different ways biphobes react to bi men/women is that its related to how patriarchal gender roles operate. All bisexuals are targeted by the idea that they are either "really" straight or "really" gay because of binarism. Women are resource objects, so cishet men's access to them needs to be preserved; therefore, bi women must be REALLY straight. Men, on the other hand, are competitors, and queerness is one of the major ways men are seen as failing that competition; as a result, bi men must be REALLY gay because their attraction to men(/feminine presentation, if they are femme) means they could never successfully compete at manhood. (This is ofc just a general trend; sometimes people, especially queers, will insist a bi woman must be really a lesbian esp if shes butch, and cishets may insist a bi man must be really straight especially if hes masc/butch).
I identify as bisexual and as a femme man, although I'm not sure if I would consider myself attracted to women as a man (multigender sexuality is weird but fun!), but know there very much ARE femme bi men out there who would love to be in a relationship with you. I think a lot of mlw who have a preference for femininity have experienced this, queer or not, because there is so little visibility for GNC men who are attracted to women- and because there are women who are queerphobic about the idea of a woman dating a GNC man.
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evolvedclown · 9 months ago
i think another reason i kept denying im a lesbian is bc most lesbian centered media is about wlw or feminine presenting nb’s. unless im specifically looking for it, you never really see anything but pretty, femme, she/her lesbians as the forefront of lesbians. So when i remembered that butch lesbians exist and that he/him lesbians are a legit thing and not just a rage bait point that people like to use to invalidate certain genderqueer/gnc lesbians, it became a lot easier to accept myself.
i use any pronouns and i want to start t but im nonbinary and like girls and others in a gay way. if you’ve read other posts i’ve written you’ll see that i’ve tried to convince myself over and over that i still like men but it’s really just aestheticlly. if you id as a man, i usually lose any interest in you past what you aesthetically look like. unless its a guy that i convince myself is a lesbian bc that’s the vibe he gives off. like percy jackson (i will not expand on this)
i really needed to go back to our queer roots and look at all of the lesbians of the past that identified/presented as men solely to be with their women lovers. or butch/butch relationships where they call eachother their boyfriend.
lesbians have always been gnc and we need to start accepting that there are more types of lesbians than just she/her fem4fem or fem4masc (the masc being like, ellie williams at most bc after that it gets too much for some people) relationships bc it ostracizes the lesbians at the beginning of it all that dressed like men and used he/him pronouns and went by different names so they could be safe with their wives. or the lesbians that grew out all their body hair and shortened their names and buzzed their heads to rebel against societal norms for women but also bc that’s just how they wanted to look.
let’s maybe stop with all the label/pronoun discorse bc all it does is divide us as a whole and make it easier for queerphobic people to attack us.
being queer is about being. stop making people feel bad for wanting to be.
if you don’t understand it, that’s kinda the point. you don’t need to understand someone else’s experience to accept it. if it’s different than yours, then so be it. no one’s experiences are going to be the same.
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loserlesbi4n · 1 year ago
Read Before Following!!
hiii ^o^ welcome to my blog :33
my name is luna, i'm a 19 y/o pillow princess and my pronouns are they/them 🫶
i'm also very fond of nicknames/petnames such as bunny, sweetheart, darling, babygirl, princess, and any others you can come up with <3
i'm non-binary/genderfluid (still struggling w my identity despite being out for nearly seven years 💀)
i'm in oregon, so pls lmk if u are too so we can be moots x3
my blog is going to be rather nsfw focused/18+, so please have your age in your bio <33 18-21 to dm/18-24 to ask or anon :3
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kinks/interests <3
pet-play (wolf, bunny etc)
free use
subxsub :3
light degradation
strap sucking 🤤
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homophobic/transphobic/terf/radfem (i love my trans girlies and fellow nb/genderfluid/gnc sapphics <3)
anti-sex work
sh blog
pr0 an4 blog
feederism (feeder/feedee)
i'm nearly femme4all, with a slight preference for butches/studs, but if any pretty femmes wanna message me then i would welcome that <3
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personal tags
#luna rambles *ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆ - just talking :]
#needy bunny 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪ - horny-posting 🙈
i WILL block you 🥰
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menlove · 11 months ago
sorry if this is something u don’t wanna talk about feel free to ignore this but i remember a while back u said smth like “anybody [queer] can be femme or butch” but idk if you ever elaborated and im really interested in that statement but i feel like i don’t have enough information to support my argument if that makes sense
sorry i tried answering this and tumblr absolutely nerfed it the other day but !!
i don't have the energy to go and find sources so i'm sorry in advance fasdfasd but basically for me (personally) it just comes down to like... femme and butch did start primarily as roles in the lesbian/bisexual community (though they were one in the same for a very long time). so already, i feel like bisexual women should definitely have a claim to the labels. but outside of that, the terms "femme" and "butch" are also heavily used in ball culture as well, which is/was made up of a lot of gay & bisexual men (& ofc trans women & other gnc folks, but i feel like at least Today most people would accept that trans women can label themselves butch or femme so they're not my focus here). and also very heavily inspired by black queer culture as well. they don't Exactly mean the same thing as they do in the lesbian community in how they're used, but they're still broad labels used for decades by all sorts of queer people
and as for like. their definition among the lesbian community applying more broadly, i think there's a lot of merit there too... bc imo femme and butch are roles as much as they are identities. & those roles queer masculinity & femininity. sometimes in a very lesbian specific way, sure, but not always. so if any other queer person really relates to those roles and gender expressions, i say go for it. like a Majority of us in butchfemme are going to be lesbians but i feel like that might not be the case if more people were able to explore it without feeling like they Had to label themselves a lesbian for doing so... bc they really are very beautiful identities and gender expressions in how they queer masculinity & femininity and i think many people could benefit from exploring those sides of themselves!
but yeah, for me it's just like.... it may have Begun in primarily lesbian/bi spaces, but the queer community as a whole has always had different connections to the terms & modernity has really just expanded that imo
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butchyeons · 1 month ago
hi. i hope you are feeling better and getting well soon 🤍
i just read your spoiler for jeongmo on twitter and as always i'm already looking forward to reading the whole thing (i also read your little thread) and just wanted to thank you because i've been wanting for a long time for some twice fic authors to start exploring queer identities a bit more in depth and finally someone writes something about stone butches. i also loved the najeonghyo au as femme.
i know the world is hostile to us and lately there’s a lot of hate directed to gnc lesbians but people like you make earth a more tender and gentle place. you really bring me comfort with your stories and the way you represent us.
- a femme once 🎀
thank you for this. i apologize again that i’m only just now replying but i’ve srsly thought about this like once a day since you sent it. it means a lot, like, more than i’ll ever be able to fucking say.
once again i don’t think i’ll ever shy away from making my fics overtly queer. that’s just how life is- we exist, and we deserve to have the space to exist, even if it’s in seemingly meaningless stuff like… kpop fanfiction. lmao. every one of my fics does have a bit of myself in it, and i’m esp attached to ones such as that jeongmo and the najeonghyo au (which i’ve been thinking abt nonstop lately, i will end up writing more for them eventually bc it’s my favorite au lol). but it makes me happy that you feel comforted by them. like so, so happy lmao.
i won’t ever stop making my fics as gay as humanly possible- bc we do exist and that’s just how life is for us! i think now more than ever we need to be more open and we need to fight for each other. the world is a scary ass place and i want my fics to be a refuge for people like us. also it’s just fun to express myself and other experiences. i love it! and i’m happy others do too!
anyways, i won’t get too carried away (gotta keep the mysterious mask up just a bit), but like. this fr has been my motivation to keep writing, and to keep posting updates and talking abt my ideas. whether its smut or just more slice of life stuff, it should be spoken about, and i will continue to do it unapologetically lmao. thank you for this, srsly. and i’m using this also to say that femmes are such a safe space for so many butches, and for that, i thank you a lot. you keep us safe and protect us, even if it’s friendship or in a relationship or whatever it is- femmes are our rocks, seriously.
ok that’s all. thank you so much for this once again lmao, its rlly people like you who keep me going! hope you’re doing well <3
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