#but everything i've been spoiled on i either don't care too much about or. i could see coming.
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chirpingchorus Ā· 5 months ago
shaking and crying (mentally)... i need to finish fma 03 SO BAD but i can't until around friday. the tumblr posts beckon me. there could be spoilers at any turn. truly i have been backed into a corner. but who is going to bail me out of the fifth laboratory that is seven more classes until break.
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vaaaaaiolet Ā· 1 month ago
Your writing is so superb , but I would appreciate it if you could recommend other Leon Kennedy fan fiction blogs you think are as superb as your work.šŸ’›
AWWW GOSH šŸ˜­ you're too sweet :)
what i CAN do for you is recommend some very fantastic authors (in no particular order) who i look up to immensely šŸ«¶ and rest assured they're far more skilled than i am so you'll def find a new fic to love in their masterlists!!
please be respectful when perusing their work and don't bother them with asks to write leon fic bc many of them have moved to other fandoms :) and mind their dnis!!
@miss-oranje-disco-dancer (masterlist):
never penelope, always calypso haunts me enough that i've written shitty poetry to cope about it in my SPARE TIME, liz's angst is that good. her writing packs a sucker punch every time without mincing words and her attention to detail never misses!!!
@uhlunaro (resi masterlist):
a tale of grief in ten parts is literally what made me start writing. leon's (hell, every resi character's) characterization is FLAWLESS in ro's fics. using my full chest to say i've cried to their writing multiple times yeah what about itšŸ§ā€ā™€ļø
@crsssie (leon masterlist):
nobody does a delicious back-and-forth dialogue like cressie :3 you'll either be crying of laughter or punching your screen wishing it was leon (in the best way). that racer leon au you've been seeing? she pretty much invented it. and in 20k words no less.
@sweeterthanficstion (masterlist):
if you've ever wanted to taste sunshine in writing form, YOU'VE FOUND YOUR GIRL!! with her soothing flow and fairytale prose, amber's writing always has me blushing and crushing like the first time i laid eyes on leon <3
@inkonparchment (masterlist):
ink is leonblr's classics author and we are spoiled BADDD with her writing!! her leon is just as - if not more - charming as a jane austen male lead. give class of '95 (or any of her fics) a read and invest in a fainting couch for when you swoon ;)
@byexbyez (masterlist in pinned):
ronnie writes like a freaking renaissance painter. you WILL feel everything with all 5 senses in her prose. i found her through love me more in '23 and it STUCK WITH ME until '24 when she finished it like a NOVEL in both length and quality. she's that good.
@mandalhoerian (resi masterlist):
HOOOOO BOY. you know the "hide them from mappa" meme. apply that to shai but with publishers bc her prose deserves to be BOUND IN GOLD AND LEATHER and WE OUGHT TO PAY TO READ IT. come prepared with kleenex. trust me.
@comatosebunny09 (masterlist):
some of the DREAMIEST writing iā€™ve ever read. i highly rec lighting candles and going over her leon musings as self care bc YOU DESERVE IT. more often than not i read bunnyā€™s work only to end up taking notes šŸ˜­
@uncouth-the-fifth (resi masterlist):
she is MAGIC!! user uncouth's prose reads like MOVIE SCENES i'm not kidding. please give her leon works a go bc they far surpass mine in their worldbuilding, narrative voice, and just in general. her leon is so very real and dear to my heart <3
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love-toxin Ā· 21 days ago
I know, I know, I knoooowwww its been months since you wrote for yandere/babytrapper Charles Xavier but I can't get him off my mind. Pleaseeeeeee, Miss Ellie, tell me what he would be like after he's successfully babytrapped you/how he would act as a father
meoooww I've been looking for a reason to write about charles again hehe <33
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I can imagine he'd be tough to shake off, even after you're free of the pregnancy. Charles is smart enough to know you need to be taken care of in a multitude of ways to ensure the baby's health, but he's almost too smart because he regulates everything from the food you eat to the times you go to sleep. He's neurotic; he doesn't want his efforts to go to waste, he doesn't want you to get hurt, and he especially doesn't want his little one succumbing to anything terrible before he has a chance to meet them.
As a result of his powers, which he may allow to flourish more often once you're pregnant, he also dives into research about when babies develop their brains and when conscious thought may come into play, because he wants to see if he can hear his child's voice before they even come out of the womb. Those thoughts of fear or even anger towards him for pressuring you into it don't go unnoticed, however--he has to address those, but his way of doing it isn't exactly...healthy. He mostly spends the pregnancy slowly gaslighting you into believing you wanted it all along. Charles will plant seeds of doubt in your head wherever he can, even to the point of claiming that he couldn't stop hearing you think about having babies with him, and that he took that drastic step because he just thought you were too shy to say it out loud. That you couldn't bear to ask him because you just didn't know how much he wanted it as well. If he has to create thoughts that you think are yours to help convince you, he'll even go that far.
Whether you fall for it or not, the baby's coming either way. When she arrives, a head full of your hair and Charles' baby blues staring up at you, it's hard not to fall in love with your sweet little daughter. Charlie is absolutely mesmerized when he holds her for the first time, his trembling almost too much for him to keep her steady in his arms at first. It's obvious with one look that she's going to be daddy's little princess, and that he's going to spoil her like no little girl has ever been spoiled before.
If he hasn't wrestled you into a marriage by then, the baby is a great way for him to squeeze himself into your life for good. "Our girl needs both her parents, we have to try for her" he feeds you whatever he can think of to get you to say yes, and when you do, the only thing he relents on is whether to have a big wedding or a small one. If it were wholly up to him, he'd throw a massive party and invite everyone he knows to bear witness to your union, but if you want something small or to just sign the papers he'll take what he can get. At the very least, he'll get a nice cake.
But afterwards? When you fall into the routine of parenthood and navigate the turmoil of caring for a newborn baby? Charlie may get less pushy, but he's just as sickeningly intimate as he's always been. He feeds your daughter and changes her without complaint, and takes care of any chores or parts of the routine that you need done without being asked. It's tough not to feel something for him if you haven't before when he looks after the two of you so lovingly, and acts every part of the doting father and caring husband flawlessly. No amount of sleepless nights, colic, or failed soothing could dissuade him from still treating you as gently as a butterfly. No amount of frustration or sleep deprivation could make him take out his anger on you, not when you're the mother of his beautiful child.
That's not taking into account his jealousy, however, because that still runs rampant. Hank is close enough that he trusts him, but seeing Logan or Erik or anyone else around will slowly turn him mad. No, they can't pick up the baby, and no, you don't need any help or offers to babysit--that's what you have a husband for. There's always a threat looming of Charles trying to impregnate you again after a run-in with any male colleagues or friends, he just gets so possessive and moody and it's disgusting how good he is when he's in that state. Add to the fact that you probably have some reservations around intimacy now that your body has gone through so many changes, and it'll be a shock if after those six weeks passes he hasn't accidentally knocked you up again within the year. In fact, he might just try to; after all, keeping you busy with a couple of kids isn't a bad strategy to keep the men away from you, and he's got plenty of rooms to fill in the mansion for every member of his growing family. He's shown you he can be a good father to your child--give him the chance, and he'll prove he can be the perfect family man with the right motivation.
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zoeoe-sims Ā· 12 days ago
Flower Arranging Mod V2.0 Testing!
Took a little longer than expected after my last post but v2 of the flower arranging mod is here! Because it's been so long since the last released version, as well as when I actually worked on the bulk of this update, I would really appreciate some people testing it out before I upload it officially.
Just FYI, this post isn't rebloggable because I don't want this testing version to be spread around too much, just in case changes need to made for the official v2.0 and it causes confusion.
More information about the update and for those who want to test it below.
Key Features:
Better flower arrangement selection menu. Instead of the insanely large pie menu, you select an arrangement from a dialogue window. You can reorder them, filter by flower, and view either all learnt arrangements or only available ones. You can even see a thumbnail of the arrangement, as well as what flowers are required and what you have already!
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More effects from arrangements. Arrangements now have categories (Basic, Joy, Romance, Wedding, Funeral, Insult) and sims will react differently to them (new moodlets) depending on the type and their personality.
Scenting arrangements. If you figure out the requirements, sims can change the properties of arrangements to make them be fresher for longer, change their category, or provide life-giving/deathly effects!
Skill Journal Additions. You can track your stats, and complete two skill challenges for flower arranging perks.
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Things that are not there (not that important, skip paragraph if you don't care :p):
Like I mentioned in my last post about it, in order to get this update out of WIP purgatory I had to not get caught up in too many features big or small. This includes having an autonomous version of the interaction, and some things that don't work quite as polished as I'd like. I've also had a few comments/messages on things like selling the arrangements in a business situation, and an issue with the arrangement ending up in a family inventory, as well as other random things - these are things I'd like to look into but it probably won't be for a while. I do plan on going through the MTS comments, and any messages people have sent me with issues/ideas so I can make a list and address them when I work on this mod further. If you have already messaged or commented about something, please feel free to do so again to make sure I don't miss it. Also custom dreams and self employed career - I started working on both these things and they would be so cool but that's like v3.0 so...
Info for Testers:
Because it's a big update, I recommend testers make a backup of your save just in case there's an issue, particularly with replacing an older version of the mod and even more so if you don't have nraas error trap. And make sure to delete your scriptCache!
I didn't come across any big problems, but I also didn't have a very established flower arranging situation going on. If you do, it would actually be helpful to know your experience with arrangements made pre-update and anything else that might be affected.
Finally, I don't want to spoil anything for people who want to explore the special scented arrangements feature organically which is why I didn't go into detail about it, but if you want to just be told how everything works so you can test it more directly, let me know.
Testing version of flower arranging 2.0 here (SFS)
Thank you!
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angelofverdum Ā· 12 days ago
Yellowjackets 03x01-02
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They need to create new words to explain how back we are.
I feel like these two episodes already outdid season 2.
I feel like we're getting more interesting storylines for the adult version this season. I think that was their biggest flaw in season 2. I feel like it's very obvious that Hilary Swank is Adult Melissa, and I don't know how I feel about more survivors.
I loved that they broke up Travis and Nat's relationship which nobody was rooting for, and gave him a more interesting storyline now the audience feels for him.
I'm interested in Lottie's storyline so much. I feel like she is so close to madness, in both timelines. I can't wait.
I've seen people complaining that the canon lesbian couple isn't as popular as the other non-canon couples, but the thing is Taivan is a happy couple, and happiness doesn't sell. This is for the teen version of Taivan, they need to give them a more interesting plot.
Walter is trying to separate Misty from the group and I hope it's because of something interesting and not because he is in "love" or some bullshit like that.
And of course Shauna my beloved. She gets angrier and more unhinged every season. Like, I didn't realize how much I've missed her. She's been my favorite character since season 1, and she's just getting better.
I found it hilarious that people hate her because she has so much anger inside of her, and she is stuck there and can't do anything about it but be mad.
They are even calling her racist bc of her beef with Mary like my girl Mary doesn't love to create trouble too. Of all people in there, Mary chose Shauna to beef with, like Mary doesn't give a fuck either. Love her too btw.
But Shauna is the most character of them all. Like look at her
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Why did she agree to play that game? Because, I bet that even if she won she still had to cut the meat, that is probably the only thing she does like nobody dares to ask her to do anything else.
Damn, I just love her so much.
Ngl I was expecting Melissa and Shauna to kiss at some point of the season by the way Melissa was acting and the way she was looking at Shauna but not so soon and not with Shauna putting a knife in Melissa's throat but that is the most Shauna thing to do, like she never dropped the knife.
Now, as a JackieShauna warrior, I feel validated and hurt. We got validation that Shauna wasn't looking at Jackie like that because of deep friendship but also Jackie is dead and we are never going to see them together. Like shit, they can't really bring Jackie back? I promise the writers we don't care if it's not realistic pls.
The way Shauna looked with Jackie's t-shirt šŸ«¦. I know Jackie is punching air right now.
I'll mourn Jackie for the rest of my life.
The only thing I wish we could see in this show (besides Jackie alive) is pre-crash scenes to see the girls' dynamic before they were forced to live together in order to survive.
I know Jackie and Shauna practiced kissing with each other, and they were a little too into it.
Anyway, I can't believe they spoiled important things for the show already. They created such a good mystery in the show just to get ruined by pictures, teasers and early screening of episodes. People already know who the antler queen is.
My favorite theory for this season is that the camp doesn't look like that, because I thought the same when I saw the very elaborate hunts and farm animals. Like they definitely have shelter and food but everything looks so organized that I don't know
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austinslounge Ā· 4 months ago
I honestly tried to like Kaia, I truly did, but I canā€™t stand this shit anymore. Her desperate attempts to be popular, seem interesting and ā€deepā€ are driving me insane at this point. I know itā€™s probably not her fault, but her parentsā€™, they made her this cringy attention-seeker after all. I canā€™t understand what Austin sees in her other than her familyā€™s connections or just a plain PR agreement. She has no personality, she always tries to gain popularity by copying her mother(or people sheā€™s dating). Itā€™s funny how she doesnā€™t even look that much like Cindy, sure, sheā€™s beautiful, but Presley literally stole Cindyā€™s face. Her attempts to seem intelligent are also miserable. Iā€™ve never seen any of her book club readings, because for me, most of her book recommendations are just airplane reads, but Iā€™ve seen many people say that even when sheā€™s talking about books, it seems scripted and staged. Like someone just gave her a summary and she retells what happened in the book, thatā€™s it. I mean, what intelligence? She never even bothered to take basic acting classes. Her comments about nepotism speak volumes too. During the pandemic she bragged about having dinner reservations and partying with her friends. Her merch is awful. With all her money and resources, she could have made some really good stuff, but why would she?Her small insane fan base will pay 50$ for an ugly white shirt with a caption either way. Sheā€™s desperately clinging to anyone who can give her even the smallest amount of fame, her following people and then unfollowing them if they donā€™t follow back. The way she was clinging to Austin hardcore in July, dragging him away from his fans, when he wanted to interact with them. Her stupid cake for his birthday. Donā€™t even get me started on how she makes out with her female friends constantly or throws herself on her male costars or short SNL guys. I donā€™t know why I feel so annoyed and disgusted by her all the time. I swear, this girl spoils my excitement for Austin and his work every fucking time. Nepotism is not always a bad thing, there are talented nepo babies, but sheā€™s like the epitome of everything I hate about nepotism. I donā€™t know how she can rub shoulders with people who actually have talent, get invited to all these awards and red carpets. Kaia had plenty of time to prove that sheā€™s worth something, sheā€™s been in the industry since she was a child, but no. Why would she prove anything? Her mother is Cindy Crawford, her father is a millionaire worth 400 million, her boyfriend is Austin Butler. I just wish she will go away finally. No matter how hard I try, I canā€™t warm up to her. Sadly, looking at the state she is now, you can clearly tell that the girl has issues, but sadly,having no brain,she canā€™t understand that sheā€™s a tragedy about to happen.
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Girl! I wish I could give you an award for this post. You basically hit the nail squarely on the head with the many various reasons why a lot of us in Austin's fandom don't like this girl! I'd be saying the exact same thing if Austin were dating another woman just like this. I'm actually verrry surprised that people haven't called Kaia out on her very obvious clout-chasing by now.
I'll be honest, I never really cared for her even when she was dating Elordi. I don't hate her, she's just meh to me. Always has been. So my thoughts and feelings about her are not about Austin. It's more so about what I've observed about her over the years.
Her dating Austin just makes things even more unbearable though -- especially when you know that he could do so much better. šŸ˜© But hey, it's his life, not mine!
When I realized they were dating however, I really did try to like her too, or at least give her a chance. I saw that Austin was with her, so I was trying to be a "good fan"and see what he may see in her. But last year, I started seeing more and more negative things that I just didn't like about her.
I really don't have much to add to this wonderful post, because you basically touched on the many various reasons why a lot of AB fans don't really care for her. I also think she makes Austin look cheap with her weird behavior and interests. šŸ‘€ She really cheapens his brand imo. But that's a topic for another day lol.
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normal-thoughts-official Ā· 10 months ago
karlach gushing about wyll to fytz always makes me all mushy inside. like. wyll has probably had his praises sung by a million bards, most of whom don't even know what he looks like, much less his name. but he hasn't felt like he's enough a day in his life since he became the blade of frontiers. if anything, that persona only made him see wyll ravengard as lesser and lesser
karlach, in contrast, doesn't give a fuck about the blade of frontiers. she's not exalting his battle prowess with edited and sometimes made up notions of what a hero is like. she's not talking of a legend. she's talking about her boyfriend wyll, isn't he handsome, and you should see how well he dances, i swear the man knows every style this side of the sword coast. he's travelled everywhere, im telling you, and none of that fancy shmancy touristy bullshit either, he knows all the locals and really learned everything about their culture and i learned so much about it from him. i was raised in baldur's gate my whole life and then i was out of the loop for a godsdamned decade and it's like every time we talk he takes me across the whole world, everywhere I've never met. it's crazy. and everyone loves him too. we get a discount everywhere we go, i swear, he once got 40 camp supplies for free in the shadow cursed lands! the poor fuckers in there couldn't even grow grass, everyone was eating stale bread and spoiled tarts and he just scored a full meal scot free out of some lady he had just met! didn't even say anything, just asked and she was like "yeah sure, here's a camp supplies pack for free". what's even the point of buying anything after that! it's not even magic because he refuses to use charm people on civilians, he's such a gentleman, he's just that charming. and the kids! he always stops to teach them and after a while even the kids from elturel didn't care about me anymore, it was all wyll this, wyll that, "yes karlach we've heard about how you defeated a cambion but it's cooler when uncle wyll tells it". ha! little turds. and the grandmas, man, i swear some of them straight up try to steal him from me-
it literally just keeps going and wyll can feel the heat spreading on his face but he's so pleased. he never knew being praised could feel this good, be coated in lightness instead of expectations, make him feel seen instead of heard of, make him feel whole and enough instead of constantly chasing a shadow of himself. and the love is so real and palpable because it's all stuff he does like it's breathing; it's part of who he is, it's wyll down to the bone and that's what she loves. and he's not sure he's ever been loved like this before, has ever enjoyed a compliment not because it felt some approval void he had in his chest but because it made him feel whole and enough. aooougggghjhhhhhhh
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baileypie-writes Ā· 1 year ago
Hello! My name is Korey! I've recently been seeing your blog pop up whenever I search for veneer stuff and when I tell you I am STARVED for content- (I understand that there might be more content out there but I haven't been able to find any ;-;) I personally love your headcanons and the way you write everything and I was really hoping if you could do a Veneer x Male reader? And don't worry!! I read your rules so I have a basic idea for the story!!! You can do headcanons or a one-shot, either one works!!!
So; Masc!Reader is like a tall intimidating guy that dresses rather formally, often in reds whites and blacks. HOWEVER! They are SUCH a softy. Like, they have the voice that could scare anyone but they love stuffed animals and like dressing up in cute animal onesies!!!
When Veneer first met this gentleman, Reader would often keep to himself at first because he didn't want to accidentally scare him, but Veneer is immediately head over heels just because he sounds and looks cool. But as soon as the Reader says that they love bunnies and start opening up more he is just SWOONING-
And when Veneer starts ranting about how he thinks Reader is cool to Velvet, she is just; "That guy?? He's terrifying-"
I'm so sorry if I made the request too long, please let me know if you need more info or if you can't do this request! I will definitely understand!!!!
A/N ~ Aww this idea is so cute! Love all the details you added! I decided to do headcanons, cause itā€™s better for me to get all my thoughts down. Hope you enjoy!
~Veneer with an Intimidating, but Soft Boyfriend~
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Male
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Pure fluff
Warnings: None!
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~ I feel like Veneer is naturally drawn to tough looking guys. So obviously, he likes you the moment you meet. He thought that you were just too cool! He wasnā€™t scared like most people are, he just wanted to get to know you!
~ When he finds out that youā€™re actually just a big softy, he falls for you ten times harder. Like, youā€™re just so cute to him.
~ Heā€™s in love with your voice! He barely texts you, because he prefers calling. He just wants to hear you!
~ You love plushies? Well guess what, youā€™re now getting a new one every week. Veneer is big on spoiling you, so be prepared to not have any room left on your bed. Plushies everywhere!
~ Veneer buys you guys matching animal onesies. Multiple sets, in fact. Each with a different color and animal theme. His personal favorites are the rainbow unicorn ones.
~ Sometimes he forgets that most people perceive you as scary. Heā€™ll get confused when people are nervous around you, until he remembers how intimidating you look to them. So he tries his best to make people see you as you truly are: kind and caring!
~ He personally loves how you dress formally. He thinks it makes you look so handsome(not that youā€™re not already). Sometimes he wears the same style so you two match.
~ Veneer sees you as his Prince Charming. His night in shining armor. His soulmate. And he calls you all of these things as nicknames. His sister hates it, thinking itā€™s super cheesy. But he couldnā€™t care less.
~ Secretly want you to carry him around bridal style. It adds to the whole Prince Charming thing. If you actually do it, heā€™ll literally swoon.
~ Veneer loves how much taller you are than him. He loves when you lean down to kiss him, or when he has to stand on his tip-toes to reach your lips.
~ Before she met you, Velvet created an image of you in her head based on what Veneer says about you. Letā€™s just say that she was surprised when she did meet you. You were definitely not what she was expecting. You? Sweet and soft? How?
~ Velvet is honestly confused on how Veneer isnā€™t scared of you. She finds you terrifying. She physically jumps when you just ask her a simple question because your voice sounds so scary. Veneer doesnā€™t get it at all.
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selfshipgushing Ā· 21 days ago
Realistically, of course, I don't think either of us would actually care for a public wedding that much, just a huge hassle ā€” too expensive, too many expectations, often results in heavy amounts of mess to clean after all is said and done, both estranged from our families so our guest pool is incredibly limited anyway, I just don't like weddings ā€” signing the legal paperwork and just heading out for a slightly higher quality dinner or frankly staying home together is much more our style. But I'm nothing if not a slut for the theatrics of it all.
Honestly the timing of it all is Incredibly funny to me because there're just so many little events within the span of this past and current month: New Years, His Birthday, Valentine's, Our Anniversary. He's getting absolutely spoiled with all the stuff I end up doing for him.
ā€” Not adding my sign off to this one because I want EVERYTHING to be a surprise. Sorry for the utter yap session, my asks are usually WAY shorter, I'm just so giddy and excited over this. I have this first of my little seedings into what's to come scheduled to post publicly soon, by then it'll probably be obvious if this isn't already, but oh my GOD I am SO excited to be able to share this finally hehe~
oh yay ! im very excited for u :)
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the-sinister-story-teller Ā· 11 months ago
we definitely need to see Charlie and male y/ns wedding, that story made me so happy and was written so well, Charlie would be the greatest partner ever
A/n: We really do though, and im more than HAPPY to write it! She would be the best partner!!
Will you..?~Charlie x Male!Reader (Part 2)
Mentions: Fluff!
Topic: Charlie and Y/n's wedding day!<3
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"Shit!!" You hissed, holding your hand tightly as Angel peeked over, rushing to aid.
"Can you stop gettin' hurt before your weddin' damnit?!" Angel joked, wrapping the cut on your hand. It had been a bit since you and Charlie proposed to one another. You were partially in your suit, only you didn't have your jacket on, as you were trying to help set things up. Angel WAS supposed to be helping Charlie get ready. Nobody would let you help though, as for some rule you found kind of dumb.
"Can't help it...I have to help get shit done!" You exclaimed as Angel groaned, standing up.
"Ok fine, but I'm tellin' Lucifer, and I'm gonna go help Charlie." Angel sighed, walking off. Not long after, Lucifer approached you while you were setting some chairs up. You were stressing out, trying to have everything perfect. You wanted it perfect for Charlie, despite knowing she wouldn't mind it either way.
"You're stressing yourself out again Y/n." Lucifer said sternly as you winced, groaning.
"Yeah I-...Ugh...I know...I just want this to be perfect for Charlie.." You muttered and Lucifer shook his head.
"We've had this conversation too many times Y/n. She doesn't care what it-"
"I know she doesn't, but she deserves it." You firmly spoke as Lucifer went wide eyed for a bit before chuckling.
"You spoil her rotten," Lucifer laughed, patting your shoulder the best he could. "I knew you were right for her. You're doing great Y/n, don't think little of yourself when Charlie thinks so much of you."
"Thanks...Uh...Lucifer-" He cut you off instantly.
"Don't mention it." He chuckled, walking off to go help others. You kept on working, sitting down with some water.
"My, quite the worker today aren't you Y/n!" A radio tuned voice chuckled, making you grimace.
"Alastor...The hell do you want now." You snapped and Alastor cooed.
"Nothing! Can't a friend congratulate you for your marriage?" He chuckled, his grin burning into your head.
"I barely consider you an acquaintance, let alone a friend," You retorted, before continuing, "But thank you. I appreciate it-"
"Y/n! Go get ready!! You're supposed to be completely in your suit and waiting!" Nifty snapped, swatting a feather duster at your legs as you shrieked, jumping up.
"Ok, Ok! Damn I will! Sheesh..." You hissed under your breath, going up to the podium to wait, checking your watch expentently.
"Calm down Y/n. Nothing is late." Husk assured. You've known Husk for ages in hell. You knew about how Alastor was to him and everything. So, in result to that, he had the honor of being your best man.
"I just...Guess I've just got the jitters is all, heh." You laughed nervously, as you watched people sit down. A lot were close friends to Charlie. Rosie and some others from Cannibal Town, Carmilla Carvine shockingly enough, and residents of the hotel. You nor Charlie didn't mind it, you both actually appreciated their appearance.
"It's natural kid. Just ease up and focus on Charlie, alright?" Husk assured. You sighed deeply, closing your eyes before feeling a thump on your leg, opening your eyes, you went to look at Husk, but your gaze was directed to the beauty before you. Charlie was walking down the aisle, dressed in a gorgeous scarlet gown, with white lace at the end of the dress and around the rims. You stopped yourself from letting your jaw drop...
I felt so anxious for some reason. It wasn't like me to feel this way, but I guess I was just nervous about everyone watching me. Dad let me hold his arm all the way, and I can't help but thank him for it. He was getting along with Y/n so well, like they were the best of friends. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I waltzed down. My eyes met Y/n's, and I wasn't shocked to see him staring in utter shock. Only thing was, is if it was good shock or bad shock... I stepped onto the podium, facing Y/n fully now.
"Charlie you...Wow...You're breathtakingly beautiful..." He uttered quietly, making me snicker.
"You're stunning yourself Y/n..!" I muttered back. I wasn't sure who the 'pastor' wedding us was, but I didn't care. He began to introduce the crowd, and do all that wedding stuff. I was partially listening, but my mind was solely on Y/n. He looked so spiffy and formal in the suit, it was adorable! Once we got the the verses, he spoke his first, stammering on his lines every now and then. I can't hold back a giggle as he did so, before I spoke my lines confidently and proudly.
"Charlie, do you take Y/n L/n as your loving husband?" The pastor spoke, as I nodded.
"I do."
"Y/n, do you take Charlie Morningstar as your wedded wife?" The pastor asked Y/n, as he went bright red and nodded softly.
"I do.." He muttered, and the pastor couldn't even finish his next sentence before we kissed.
Oh do I adore Y/n..
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thegrimreaperisanerd Ā· 1 year ago
hi :) binge read your de fic that you have posted on ao3 last night and really enjoyed all of it! excited to see any updates. was wondering if you have any rec for other fic youve read and enjoyed-- i am not god's bravest soldier and do not enjoy trudging through tags and was wondering if you had read anything yourself that you really enjoyed lolol
Hey, thanks so much!!! Sorry it's taken a couple days to answer this, I'm poor as shit and have two jobs now wah... capitilism...
I'm working on the next 46' chapter, It's about 70% complete and I generally let it sit for an evening once it's done then re-read it the next day to catch the vast majority of mistakes (I edit everything myself) so I'd say expect that in the coming days.
I have some thoughts! I... Have never been asked for fic recs before so I'm gonna list a bunch in no particular order that I enjoyed, and reasons why. I will note that I tend to enjoy meaty plot-based works over fluff, so that's what I'll be recommending. Anyway!
Paddling Out (THE REPEATER CORPSE CONUNDRUM) - @transhitman - So this is the first DE fic I read and it set the bar pretty fucking high. YOU'VE GOT: a very cool and insular setting (don't get me wrong I like fics where they travel around Revachol too, but there's something to be said for building a set and living in it for a while) YOU'VE GOT: extremely harrowing tension and pale-fuckery YOU'VE GOT: some genuinely beautiful, heartfelt moments (I don't want to spoil anything but "people don't need your permission to care about you" kinda undid me) YOU'VE ALSO GOT: Amazing art?! Always a bonus, I wish I could draw people lol
Have You Heard The News That You're Dead? - Wizardlover - Time Loop shenanigans hell yeah! Basic premise: Kim is *unable* to save Harry's life after he's shot at the tribunal, each time he dies he Reawakens in Martinaise on the first day and desperately has to try and find a way to either prevent the Tribunal entirely, or survive it. I think the major draw to this one is how well it's characterised and how well that lends to the major source of tension: trying to convince THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SKEPTIC that you *a man he 'has only just met'* is actually stuck in a time loop. Juicy shit.
The Case Of The Man Who Two-Thirds Wasn't There - @glisteningceruleaneyes - We got another case fic here, gang. This is one of those "they travel around Revachol" numbers I previously mentioned. A lot to love about this fic; the minor OCs are all loveable (or at least well-written, looking at you Mr. Bigot-All-Rounder), the elements of writing in the game's style (particularly use of Harry's 'to do' list that you find in the ledger, you don't see that as often!) are all fantastic. Also without spoiling too much I'm a sucker for hurt/ comfort :) I like when bad things happen to our specialist guy :) ALSO! alternating chapters, Kim vs Harry's perspectives contrast REALLY well! Just a super enjoyable read. - On that note I also wanna include a special mention: there's a podfic for this one and since I mentioned my two jobs, I've been listening to audiobooks at work (I'm a cleaner. It's very boring) and that was a fun change of pace!
The Emergent Causeway - hal_incandenza - Now you KNOW this one is good because it's the only *unfinished* fic I'm recommending. Again, We've got art! We've got a brand new (non-Revachol!) setting that still feels excellently Elysium! We got that excellent balance of humour and misery from the get go! EXCELLENT murder mystery so far, I am intrigued AND also there's a fucking puppy. Hell yeah. This one's from Kim's perspective and does a really good job of it, nothing like a man being begrudgingly sent on holiday and being somewhat relieved to have a corpse to deal with.
A Spilled Kaleidoscope - @spilledkaleidoscope - I'm actually recommending a series here. Real definition of "came for the art, stayed for the writing" I mostly have a soft spot because I got to watch a few "haha, what if-?" musing text posts become a series of written chapters and INCREDIBLE DRAWINGS HOLY SHIT. Like, you really just draw hands for fun, huh? This person made a pact with some sort of devil beasts to draw hands very good, at the bare minimum we can read their fiction.
Nothing To Lose But Our Chains - Lepak - I almost forgot this one and I honestly can't believe it because this is one of these ones that you need a cigarette afterwards. Good fucking god. This is probably the best fic I've ever read in terms of not shying away from the heavy themes that make Disco Elysium such a beautiful, moving game. It tackles a racism in many forms, particularly how people like Kim (in working for the RCM) and immigration laws do their part in upholding racist systems, despite the way it hurts him too. Of course, it's also excellently written with tense scenes and some real funny moments. A real good'un here.
The Catacomb Killer - SupposedToBeWriting - Give Harry more memory loss. Make him convinced he killed a kid. Make *Kim* convinced he killed a kid... Then the plot thickens. I won't lie I can't remember fuck all about this one because I was mostly drunk when I read it, but if it was good enough that I kept reading instead of smoking a spliff or something then it must have been excellent... I will re-read it when I have the time, lmao.
MURDER ON THE AIRWAVES - @randomisedmongoose - I'm just a really big fan of murder mysteries and gore. You show me somebody with brain matter pouring from their earholes and I'm like "yum yum, more of that please." I am a sucker for curious methods of murder and this one's good for that. Lots of trekking back and forth like in the game again. More ACAB - always good.
I did not mean to include this many...........................
Oh well. Here's my list, there are plenty of others I've enjoyed but these are just the ones that came to mind! Thanks again for reading my fic! Always makes me happy when people let me know they enjoy my writing :3
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m-jelly Ā· 2 years ago
So, I've grown obsessed with your writing, and I was hoping to make a request? Would it be at all possible to have something written around fem!YN being involved in a polygamous relationship between Erwin and Mike? I don't have anything in particular in mind for setting, I'd just love to see something written of the three. It can be SFW or NSFW, I don't mind either. I would greatly appreciate it!! šŸ˜
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Tall love
Pairing: Erwin x fem!Reader x Mike
Genre and tags: Modern AU, poly relationship, fluff, romance, protective partners.
Concept: Just some sweet moments with your two men in your sweet poly relationship.
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Erwin crouched down and hummed in thought as he gazed at a ring. "What do you think?"
Mike knelt and stared at the ring. "I think she'll love it."
"I was thinking it too, but it looks expensive."
Mike smirked. "Hm, you're right. She doesn't like us spending too much on her." He tapped the glass. "This one?"
Erwin rubbed his jawline as he thought. "The colour is close to the kind of stones she doesn't like."
Mike laughed. "You're right."
Erwin gasped. "That one."
"I was just about to say."
Erwin stood up with his friend. "This one please."
Mike pulled his wallet out. "We'll go half and half."
Erwin nodded and talked to the seller and paid half then let Mike pay the other half. "Perfect."
Mike walked with Erwin. "We should get her some cakes."
"Oh, you're right." He looked around. "That bakery, she loves that one."
Mike strolled in with Erwin behind him. He chatted and talked to Erwin as people gazed in awe at the two of them due to their charm and height. Both men were like walking Greek Gods to those around them. They didn't know the hold they had on others or their interest in them because they were so focused on you.
They paid what they needed to and walked and laughed together as they went to Erwin's car. They sat together as they made plans for a holiday to book so they could have some peace from work and they could spoil you. You were their everything and they just wanted you to smile and be happy.
Mike smirked. "I've been thinking about her all day."
Erwin's cheeks burned. "Me too."
"I wonder what she's been up to."
Erwin smiled softly as he thought about all cosy at home. He was sure you'd probably cooked, cleaned and played some games. Erwin and Mike tried hard to spoil you, but you were always spoiling them with the things you did for them and how kind you were. You took great care of your boyfriends.
Mike huffed. "She's so damn cute."
Erwin pulled up and climbed out of his car. "She is." He grabbed the bags and stood in the lift with Mike. "So, this holiday."
"We should go to Greece."
"That's a good plan."
Mike pulled out the key to the door. He opened it and blushed when you came running over. "Kitten."
Erwin smiled. "Pet."
You bounced up and down. "Welcome home!" You jumped at both and giggled when they both held you. You kissed Mike and then Erwin. "I missed you both!" You jumped down and looked up at your tall lovers. "I made a yummy dinner today and I bake a tasty dessert!"
"You take such great care of us."
Mike ruffled your hair. "We have something for you."
"A few things."
You gazed at them with wide eyes. "Really? You didn't need to."
"We want to." Erwin kissed you. "We really do."
Mike picked you up making you squeal. "He's right. Let's sit you down and we'll show you."
Erwin led Mike to the sofa and sat. "We think you'll love it."
Mike sat you on your lap and Erwin put your legs over his thighs. You blushed as both men touched and massaged you. You gasped in delight as Erwin showed you a ring. You offered your hand and smiled as they slipped the ring on.
Mike kissed your neck. "You're all ours."
Erwin smiled. "He's right. We're keeping you as ours and never letting you go."
You giggled as you admired your ring. "Well, I'm more than happy to be with you both for the rest of our lies. I love you both."
"We both love you."
Mike squeezed you. "So very much."
"We got you baked treats, but you've made a dessert. We'll save these."
You pouted. "You both spoil me so much." You patted your cheeks and sighed. "I should give you both lots of kisses."
Mike smirked. "You should."
You leaned over and kissed Erwin first as Mike massaged your chest. You pushed your tongue into Erwin's mouth as he reached around and grabbed your ass roughly. You pulled back and moaned in delight. You squeaked as Mike pulled you to him and kissed you roughly.
Erwin shifted on the sofa. "I think we should show our delicious pet how much we love her, don't you?"
Mike nipped your ear. "Oh, I really do. Are you hungry for us kitten?"
Your legs shook as you felt arousal build up. "Y-Yes. I need you both."
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herdemimonde Ā· 2 years ago
My Glow Up Game
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Lately I haven't been feeling really inspired about my journey to becoming her so I decided to revisit and rework it. I chose several different areas that I want to work on and I only listed goals that I could achieve now or within the next month (or 2 at the most).
The areas I will be focusing on:
Skin Care - my target area will be my ENTIRE BODY šŸ˜‚ but mainly focusing on hyperpigmentation, fine lines under the eyes (thank you ordinary eye serum šŸ˜’), textured skin and smaller pores. My goals will include buying products from Ulta/Sephora, doing my skincare routine 2x a day and implementing a few DIY treatments like a turmeric mask.
Grooming - major focus will be on hair removal and nails. for hair removal i will be switching to waxing and sugaring. the goal is to start visiting a sugaring salon for certain areas of my body that's more difficult for me to wax (like underarms). for everything else, i will be doing waxing at home.
for nails, i was doing polygel but i'm over it lol. i'm tempted to start going to the salon for this as well but all the salons i've found in my city are those cookie cutter type salons (ya'll know what i'm talking about) that charge $100+ for thick nails (that's apparently still trending here) and the quality of the work - i can almost match it so i don't find it worth the price. instead i'm going to go all in with gel-x (i've played around with it and brought a few things on amazon to try it out) but i'm gonna level up and get some items from NKK and Erica's ATA drill bits.
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Natural Hair/Extensions - focusing on growing out my natural hair (and making it healthier) to prepare it for either micro weft or i-link extensions. the goal here is simple: buy products and create a hair care routine.
Wardrobe - i'm splitting my wardrobe goals into several parts because i have to build an entire wardrobe. but i'm going to start with sleepwear, lingerie and loungewear, plus a few casual summertime pieces.
Bedroom Decor - if you've read my recent posts, you already know that i'm not happy with the state of my bedroom but i've decided not to do too much to it because it's not worth the investment. i do plan on buying a few bedding sets and a few inexpensive furniture pieces (like a nightstand). i also will start buying (or being gifted) flowers to place in my bedroom as well.
Beauty - purchasing basic makeup and essentials along with mini perfumes until i discover my staple fragrances.
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Healthy Food - starting off simple with buying juices (especially green juices), fruits and veggies, eating salads, and healthy frozen meals.
Exercise - focusing on lower body workouts, improving flexibility, continuing pilates, buying cute workout fits.
Courtesan/Hypergamy - i didn't quite know what to call this area of focus but it will consist of listening to affirmations that fit the theme of being spoiled, attracting high value men, etc. also reading books on seduction, bdsm, etc and of course, practicing these techniques on men [online]- specifically receiving gifts and money from them.
Intellect - reading 1 book or 1 workbook (like the vocabulary book i'm currently going through). i already listen to the news so i'm pretty much on top of current events.
And last but certainly not least, keeping God first throughout all of this. šŸ™šŸ¾
and if sounds as if i'm basically rebuilding my life, that's because i am.
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raviolirash Ā· 1 year ago
This is all just a way too long personal theory/ramble abt the boi if u disagree that ok
Tldr I believe pre-Caz Astarion is a young asshole who is punished with a job he doesn't take seriously, and his noble parents don't respect him enough to see how much of a good person he could be given a proper chance at redemption and it all goes to shit, naturally.
Long version:
I see few years pre-Cazador Astarion as that asshole teenager who's getting away with everything. He's used to being told that he's handsome, rich, and above others. He's getting away with things, he's spoiled, and has no experience of the world. Especially work experience.
My theory is that Astarion was forced into the magistrate job as a punishment and just didn't give enough of a fuck about the world to take the job seriously, as opposed to consciously being malicious/evil. He is power hungry in the game, half as a response to being powerless for 200 years. That being said:
He's a rogue, through and through. It's implied a lot including with the "I've missed this" line that he wasn't a proper and polite city boy before Cazador. I don't see him doing paperwork or sitting next to a large fancy dinner table without screwing around with a dagger. He slouches. He has his feet on the table. He's a nerd.
If you call The Watch in the final battle, he jokes that it feels wrong to call for guards to come and do something. He's not a snitch. If he sees someone stealing from a sick person he gives a thumbs up. He canonically hates cops lol.
Leading to my theory that he was being so rambunctious and belligerent, his noble parents/elders forced him into the magistrate job as a punishment of sorts because they were just so sick of his bullshit. Just rich people things.
So now:
You have a handsome young elf, with people probably fawning over his beauty, known for breaking laws and being The Worst, not respecting authority and etc. And he's put into a magistrate position through presumably nepotism. He becomes one of those asshole sons of a rich bastard who is a fuck up. Rich, spoiled, knows that he's above others which influences his haphazard rulings and provides him a nice power trip, has a bit of education but not enough to not steal from grandmas.*1
Of course it's going to be a glorious mess! He doesn't care about the world enough to take a stand and try to change the corrupt system from within. Fuck that. He's going to make it worse. Who cares. If there was any good in him, at best it was maybe because he knew it's already fucked and he's not there to be a hero and fix it.
It makes sense that he would double down on the "evil" once freed from Cazador in Act 1. He's used to everything going south because - ironically enough - of the world's failure to do anything good for the helpless and weak. Without realizing that he was also part of the problem once. Hell. He got beaten up by Gur for a ruling he made and his takeaway was "all Gur are bad" and not Baldur's Gate fucking SUCKS and something should be done. No seriously. The politics of the city and the ruling systems are so fucking broken. Bhaal the god of MURDER LITERALLY LIVES UNDERNEATH THE CITY. What is WRONG with this town.
Either way, I don't believe he was consciously and maliciously an evil person. Especially given the scale of evil the city of Baldur's Gate has to offer. If he was, he would have been much worse. He was corrupt in a shithead way and not "we're going to take resources from orphanages to build a machine that punches you in the dick when you tell your boss you are too tired to work overtime in the mines" *2 *3
I also think that he was the reason why Cazador implemented the "no nobles lol that raises suspicion" rule. And the reason why no one of Astarion's family recognized him was because they were too snobby for Elfsong or Blushing Mermaid.
I think his parents still loved him though.
Clarification station under read more
*1. (I guess this does fall under some people's definition of evil, but for me honestly the true evil is the system which allows these people fall into power in the first place and in this essay---.)
*2. (Actions of negligent people in power aren't diminished. If negligence causes a death it is still a death.)
*3. (I don't think he was a young baby either, like a lot of fandom does. He was still young when he was turned but not a teenager. I just believe he was even younger when he started working as a Magistrate. Like on a personal note, it was really heartbreaking when Billy Kametz died because he died so horrifically young. He was 35. 35 is still heartbreaking young.)
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batteriesandflashlights Ā· 11 days ago
Hey there, Spike! Gorgeous name! I completely relate to that great intention to watch as many films as possible, but not building up the gumption to get to it. But, thereā€™s time enough for everything, and one should not beat oneself up over a little delay. My question is, what do you most enjoy seeing in a film? Be it specific characters, tropes, or aesthetics. What scratches that itch in your brain?
Hi Wat! Thank you! Yeah I've just been slowing down with watching movies recently cuz I've been busy with some other stuff, including writing projects that I don't wanna take a break from! But yeah the movies I wanna watch aren't going anywhere, thank goodness
This is a good question to ask cuz I already thought about this a lot while working on my original story! This isn't saying that it will have these tropes but yknow. it's the brainstorming process. here's some things i've noticed i'm especially drawn to!
duos where one of them is more grounded and conventional, and maybe cares a bit too much about societal norms (and, in comedy scenarios, plays the "straight man") and the other is more of a free spirit / silly little fella that challenges the first one's view of the world. i already made a post talking about how ships that live rent-free in my mind tend to follow this pattern (bea and mae from night in the woods, amity and luz from the owl house, dante and randal from view askewniverse, etc) but this grabs my attention in contexts that are platonic / familial too! (chuck and fly from help! i'm a fish, jay and matt from nirvanna the band the show, andy and gary from the world's end, etc.)
something that starts off lighthearted and then (either quickly or gradually) becomes dark/scary/sad. Not listing examples because I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone, but i'm thinking about the pieces of media that have stuck with me the most and probably 70% of them are this, if not more
similar to above, the funny and silly character that turns out to be pretty tragic beneath the surface. again not spoiling anything but also i already mentioned a few in this very post. bonus points if they're the protagonist and the events of the story slowly reveal what happened to them and what they're really thinking under the mask they built
man i keep saying stuff that would require me to majorly spoil stuff lmao anyway i love when a big reveal recontextualizes a bunch of stuff and therefore makes the media a new level of enjoyable on a second watch/read/playthrough cuz you're going ooooh that was foreshadowing
i was gonna say road trip stories are a big one but i can't really think of any that have stuck with me like that besides drop-out by gray folie and jay and silent bob strike back. both media that shaped me but they're DRASTICALLY different in tone lol. like night and day.
that specific vibe that some 90s (and very early 2000s) movies have. i can't describe it that well but, if it helps, in my notes i usually refer to it by mentioning Trainspotting. common in slice of life / coming-of-age movies
full transparency i just love when there's a lot of gay subtext. i'm on it like a dog chewing on a bone
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kustas Ā· 1 year ago
can you talk about your issues with blue eye samurai
I can! warning: i will spoil the show here.
This show has an incredible issue with consistency, among other problems which make it one of the worst series i've watched in a long time. It has a basic plot thread it wants to follow and everything it does is malleable for the sake of said plot beats. The main character's personality can change from one scene to the other depending on if they want the moment to be funny or sad. Battle wounds, established personality traits and other Deus ex machinas vanish randomly when they become irrelevant. The show also has no idea of the tone it's going for. It wants to be everything at once, funny, tragic, epic; and does so by lazily copying better media of reference down to at times remaking shots nearly 1:1. It does nothing it attempts well.
The historical setting is a mess. For a show who's premise is entrenched in a particular historical period you'd expect it to be a major part of the story, but Japan is mostly used as a clichƩ set dressing. Each episode pulls out a few cultural setpieces in a shallow way that felt ridiculous if not borderline offensive. It's Japan right? Oh we gotta reference the Sakura. The sumo ring. The matcha tea. And I say Japan and not historical Japan because I have doubts about the veracity of every cultural element and how well researched it is. Keep in mind I am no expert, I know very little of either the country and the time period but even with that every episode made me go huh? This is not true. There is little to no effort spent on accurately representing a foreign culture's history and it is very visible in how the characters act - aka like modern american TV characters. The worst part? The cultural things its cast casually goes against are referenced...as jokes or as set dressing for each episode's look we are in Japan;););) scene. So, they know. They just don't care.
When it comes to...a bit more troubling topics, the show sucks too. The first episode reveals its main character is crossdressing to make her way across the world and the show has many secondary female characters in female social roles to contrast her to. This premise is a great one: watching a woman evolve in a sexist society by disguising herself into something she's not. Is it well done? Lol, nope! Gender remains explored in a very surface level way. The thing is, if the characters indeed acted like their time period would imply, I would be fine with much more, as this is a society with very strict gender roles. But given most of the times they act like modern american TV show characters, it stings that despite the MC's position, said gender roles are not much explored. Notable examples that made me facepalm damn hard: a side character who's established as a rich brat trying to work her way out of an arranged marriages ending up finding satisfaction in said arranged marriage; and the main character herself who i will repeat spends her whole life passing as male and fighting dudes, getting found out by the villain mid-fight because of her "fragile female bones". What the fuck?
Additionally, the show has two disabled characters, a blind man and a man born without hands. The former is written okay, the latter is not. He is treated like a comic relief and spends his time on screen (where he's not being a buffoon) sucking up to the other characters. It feels frankly insulting to have your fat guy with a deformity be this archetype and he is not allowed much growth or serious moments.
I'm not a woman, I'm not japanese and I am not disabled so all of what I say here should be taken with the grain of salt of: it's my impression, as someone who's not been on the recieving end of things. Seeing this show being celebrated for being progressive is a fucking joke.
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