#but everyone says ur a bad person if u dont educate when u have the chance to. so. i want to help and make the world better
piplupod · 10 months
i took the bait. i took the bait and i am suffering the quencies.
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taegularities · 2 years
hey rid, i was hoping i could vent/get ur advice on smt? u don't need to post this if u dont want to!
im an elementary education major and i rlly want to be a kindergarten teacher... like rlly bad. i still remember my first day of kindergarten and i knew from that moment that's exactly what i wanted to be. i changed my mind a couple of times (mainly because of family pressure) but i always came back to teaching. my dad is so not supportive about it and it usually doesnt get to me, but it rlly is rn. he's one of my favorite people in the world and i love him to bits, but it absolutely destroys me that he still cant be supportive of it. i want nothing more than to make him proud but i dont think i can as a teacher.
it's been getting to my head and now im uncertain if i wanna be a teacher or not.. like i cant see myself being anything but a teacher, but knowing all the cons (the low pay, the amount of people leaving the field) it scares me and is rlly discouraging me. i feel like i need to choose my head and be practical rather than choosing my heart and following my dreams, but i almost feel like i would be betraying myself if i did that. im genuinely so lost and dont know how to feel about it :( any advice would help!
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️(side note, why do i feel so nervous signing my tag on this ask HAHA)
hey babe !! don't worry about it, you can vent anytime <3 i'm sorry it's been affecting you like that :(
it's a difficult situation you're in, and i understand how it must feel to not have someone's support on something so important, especially when that person means so incredibly much to you. but that said, in the end it'll be you who'll be stuck with a job for the foreseeable future.
the problem is that, in life, you can't always satisfy everyone, right? and if you keep trying to do just that, you might end up neglecting your own needs and desires and that might affect your mental health in the long run. so what i'm trying to say is – if you feel like that's the job for you and you really can't be happy anywhere else, then you should stay. ugh i know, the pay in this area is a full disappointment, the entire teacher body has been complaining for years lol i guess that's something that's a constant.
but are there perhaps courses or people you know that could go through opportunities that you might like? something or someone professional? oftentimes, there are jobs out there that cater to your interests, but you just don't know it yet. or perhaps you could be a tutor on the side, for some extra money?
it's a tough situation, but i hope you get through it and know that your stress is valid – still, please remember, that in the end it's your life, and it's you who you need to make happy. if your gut's telling you you'd betray yourself if you did something else, then that probably means something. i found a few links (i'm not sure if they're good, but maybe you could try?): 1, 2, 3.
i'm so sorry you've been feeling that way, love 🥺 vent anytime you need... i hope things get better soon 🤍
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lqfiles · 4 months
hiii thank u for your kind words :( yesterday i fell asleep hoping u would answer cause i really like reading ur responses so i fell asleep at like 2am and i have volleyball practice at 9AM on saturdays, so i was SO sleepy i put my alarm in the calculator 😐😐😐😐 not funny did not laugh, anyways R didn’t go to volleyball practice and hasn’t talked to J yet, she does speak to me so i guess me yelling at her didnf psis her off as much as i thought it would, M never texts in our gc 😒😒 but its okay we love her, A talks to me too, its just between J and R that things are kinda… tense.
aw thank u so much :( im sorry if i don’t know how to take compliments bc i dont personally think im cute, but hearing u say it so many times makes it easier for me to be confident about it 🫶🏻🫶🏻 so thanks! i do find you to be really cute (and VERY funny) too !!!
also 2 week long holiday??? THATS GREAT im really happy for you!! how are you doing w school? any test or projects you’re working on? i still don’t understand this whole college thing… is it something u do during junior and senior year? or after you graduate?
also jisung is my bf and all but chenji overrated asf imo… people will focus on popular ships and turn their head away from a duo like markmin… i personally really like jaemin and hyuck’s dynamic too but anyways o did vote for markmin !! at least lqfiles appreciates them 🙏🏻
ps why does everyone think yn and mark are having sex??? 🤔
- 🐣 anon again…
HELLOOO i’m so happy to see you’re active here omg i hope you’re studying tho, DONT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON HERE
i’m sorry if my response was late i normally only reply when it’s 11 pm here because i post at 12 😣 i also never knew you did volleyball WTFFF that’s so cool, i wish i was talented in a sport.. i mean i can skate well but that isn’t rlly a sport. IM HAPPY THAT IT DOESNT SEEM TO BE TOO BAD WITH YOUR FRUENDS tho i hope those other two will come around and stop making things so awkward 😭
LOLLL i’m sorry if me calling you cute bothers you btw it’s just that i always awe at your messages so i instinctively call you cute </3 i’m so you tho because i truly don’t know how to take compliments either, i always get shy, especially when it’s irl lmao but thabk you for thinking i’m cute and funny IM VERY HAPPY RN!!!!:D
school is almost finishing and i just submitted my last coursework for the school year so rn my class is just kinda doing anything! idk about other colleges but since i go to college in the UK we don’t do junior stuff and all, instead we have levels and (level 1,2,3) and here you can apply based on how good your grades are (if they were really good you can immediately start in level 3, if not you start lower) i’m currently doing level 3 year 1 (level 3 has two years over here) but i’m still figuring out if i wanna do this next year or just apply for an apprenticeship (basically getting education while also getting work experience)
CHENJI ARE CUTE BUT SO OVERRATED LIKE they barely interact and if they do it’s so little (imo) i’m more of a markmin girl because of the way mark treats jaemin, like jaemin is the same age as 00 so he treats them like friends but with mark he literally becomes a baby and it’s so cute i fucking love it IM SUCH A HUGE MARKMINIST YOU DONT GET IT, ITS MY BRAND, i should do a dream pair ranking tbh. THANO YOU FOR VOTING MARKMIN i think they lost regardless because they went against chenji (WHICH ISNT FAIR….) i love a bit of nahyuck too, not my fave pair but they’re funny tgt!!
I WISH I LJEW WHY EVERYONE THINKS SO guys pls if they were i would insinuate it more but laughing around and her asking to hang and her directly saying they only kiss.. COME ON…
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genesisz · 7 months
ive been thinking about religion a lot lately, whether i believe or not, what do i believe in? do i have to believe? do i want to believe? something my brother said to me when i was young was “you need to believe in something” back then i kinda thought that meant in any religion, just pick one, but later on i kinda figured that meant just not to follow what your parents or other people tell you, but that you truly believe it or feel something? im kinda confused abt how people go to church and listen to someone talk and pray, do they feel something? and maybe they dont but it at least works for them. it does not work for me, i dont feel anything, i kinda just listen and pick apart what they are saying and end up mad bc i disagree so i never even get to listen to the entire thing. i also cant take them seriously singing up there, sometimes they go hard fr, i be jammin but other times im like? do they really gotta do all that? but also that must work for them and thats great… just not for me. waking up to do that? no thank u. it just genuinely does not interest me, i dont care for it all. its not for me. its not something i want to do, spend my time on, i dont see the point. i truly dont see the point. out of so many religions, i dont want to continue to learn about christianity/catholicism, i just think theres so much more therefore why stick to one thing? not to say thats necessarily what you are doing when u partake in ur religion but if i were to invest my time into something i rather it be something new, not what i grew up with and not what surrounds me now. do i want to invest my time on a new religion? no, not a priority for me atm, i kinda dont even get it. are we…using this for guidance? following/educating/believing certain sentences to guide your life? i can definitely understand that part and get it, but the parts about God and the idea of worshiping essentially a man seems a bit crazyyyy…. i just cant do it man, which ofc not everyone is taking it that seriously….i think… idk… ive only been around people who r pretending to be serious about and people who are 100% about it, so yea ppl im surrounded by have influenced why idc, but ive tried giving it a shot, i just dont really feel like lying or being hypocritical anymore. i believe theres definitely more out there, and the possibility of Gods, for sure ( i prefer virgin mary if ima believe in anything its gonna be a woman! ) but also like im not gonna take it too seriously…. like… its not that serious… also when i say that like i fw w her but its not like im praying to her, i have and pray for others in the sense that i wish for such and such but like never for myself. i think thats still selfish maybe, but im jst not really saying Dios or someone just in a general sense, which works? why not? omg dont get me started on repenting, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? i think we all hope bad people get whats coming to them but also mistakes are mistakes, youll be fineee you can have self awareness and apologize, living and learning is basically what youre doing but i rather do it w/o the extra stuff, AGAIN if it works for others thats great, i dont think its taken that seriously anymore unless ur a hardcore old person but again growing up and seeing it or being surrounded by it is just like ughhh whateverrrrr ill probably ask around to people my age to see the point of view but idk i think the guidance part is nice but maybe like reading it? not so much living it and going by it, bc well…. ima live my life and ima rot if i wanna rot, i just dont wanna take it so seriously, i feel like if you arent kinda serious abt it then whats the point? other than pleasing others or a lil hobby. i need someone to ask me questions to see figure out what i believe in bc i think i know i feel like i have some answers but also maybe i dont
idk tbh i lost my point tbh, but i believe in myself, one thing ima do is think it through and act or dont act ☝️
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blxetsi · 4 years
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modern eren jaeger dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!eren jaeger x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of p*rnhub
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- firstly, this man is CONVINCED it was love at first sight (he ALWAYS tells you this too)
- "babe when i met you i just KNEW you were gonna be mine" "no you didnt" "yes i did- hey dont stop holding me 😣"
- you guys met because you were tutoring him. (he was failing history 😔💔)
- after weeks of shy touches and shared giggles he FINALLY brought his grade up and didnt need you anymore
- that didnt mean he didnt want you tho ;)
- asked you out on a date (and by that i mean to a party smh 🙄)
- and the rest is history 😌✨
- hes the kind of guy that flirts with you even though youre together
- "so uh,, you come here often 😏"
- "eren youre in my apartment 😐"
- he tries to invite you everywhere that he goes with his friends
- like,,, EVERYWHERE
- jean and reiner wanna organize a boys night ? hes pulling out his phone getting ready to text you and saying "oh is it okay if y/n comes ? i didnt get to see them much this week i miss them 🥺" like mf this is for The Boyz 😡😤🥶🥵🔥‼️
- youre weirdly close with sasha, shes just really cool
- eren will call you at the most inconvenient times for the stupidest reasons
- one time he called you while you were doing an INTERVIEW for work and you wanna know what he called you for ? to tell you he bought a bunch of silly string to use on jean.
- bitch im trying to get PAID. rn . trying to make a LIVING. so i dont end up below the POVERTY LINE. tell me about ur silly string after i secure the bag 🙄‼️
- is very touchy. like very touchy.
- but also respects bounderies
- hes NEVER mad when you have something to say about him or your relationship together
- you dont feel comfortable with the pda ?? He Wont do it Again
- you think you two could work on communicating better with each other ?? hes already googling ways to do that
- he cares and cherishes you and the bond you two have created together, hes not gonna try and ruin that
- is a fucking lightweight. dont go with him to parties.
- but if you asked him to hold his drink he will NOT forget about it.
- a couple times he broke the plastic cup he was gripping it so hard 🤩
- is also the type of guy to just protect others ?? like for no reason
- he sees a guy trying to get close to a girl who had made it abundantly clear that she didnt want that ?? hes going over there and playing bf to protect that stranger
- he can thank first year drama class for his superb acting skills 😌✨
- will literally help anyone he sees in a bind
- also his brother is weirdly cool ??
- his parents live far away but his brother only lives like,, 40 minutes away from the university
- hes like an older brother to everyone 🤩
- if you like reading classic literature zeke is your guy to talk to. has so many ideas and opinions on those stories and stuff, and will NOT hesitate to lend you a book of his
- eren has led lights in his room. he ALWAYS has them on the colour red
- he doesnt understand why ppl think hes horny bc of the red lights ?? his eyes just adjust better to the red lights compared to the blue 😔
- he has stretch marks all over his body 🤩 like on his biceps, tummy, back, thighs, etc. etc. doesnt really think about them anymore but he used to be SO self conscious of them in highschool. he saw berty (bertholdt) with his shirt off once during his freshman year and saw how he had stretch marks too, and immediately thought they were cool
- he likes to play with your hair and scratch your scalp, but he likes it when you braid his hair because he thinks it makes him look pretty
- will get you weird things because they remind him of you
- one time he came to pick you up for your date and before you could even KISS HIM hes pushing you away and pulling out a tiny ceramic frog 😐
- "no you dont understand zeke took me to a thrift store today and i found this and it reminded me of you-" "i look like a frog to you ? is that what youre saying ?" "NO ! its just so cute, and youre so cute so i had to get it. do you like it 😊"
- doesnt like most meats, his only exceptions are chicken,
- thats it 😐
- you guys were having a picnic and you made sandwichs (with the sliced turkey meat) and he took one bite out of it, looked you in your face, and spit it back into the baggy without breaking eye contact
- likes just laying in bed with you. has a playlist of songs like arctic monkeys and shit like that, just sitting in the dark with a song on low volume, whispering whatever he wants into your ear is like,, the DEFINITION of love in his book
- also can and will recite lines from shakespeare plays to you ?? will be at the most randomest times. you could be sweeping and he'd just wrap his arms around you before whispering "two households, both alike in dignity. in fair verona where we lay our scene. from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
- okay mf this isnt english class 😐‼️ but thank you 😁👍
- will always try and do new tiktok trends and make funny videos so he can "blow up"
- he gets on average like 20 views 🤩
- he likes seeing you and his friends get along, it just makes him so happy that you love mikasa and armin just as much as he does, and hes so thankful that youre all friends
- likes to help you reach whatever you cant, and if youre taller (even by an inch) hes making you grab things for him
- he doesnt have a major yet, and he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life, but being a hairstylist sounds cool
- whenever youre having a bad day mentally, he'll just give you your space unless you say otherwise
- he doesnt know if its the best idea, but he knows when he gets into a bad headspace he wants to be alone
- if you do say you want him with you, he'll lie right beside you in bed and spoon you, and if you want he'll put on the arctic monkeys playlist and whisper about the project he worked on for his business class
- he doesnt like sharing, BUT will steal your shit all the time 🙄
- "oh hey heres that thing i borrowed from you" "oh my fucking god eren i thought i lost that months ago"
- may not understand everything he learns in class, but he always tries bc this is his education !! his parents saved up a lot of money for him to be able to go to university !! hes gonna try his best to make the most of this
- i feel like he would play baseball at university. he asks that u wear his jersey to every game so "everyone knows that the most beautiful person attending this educational establishment is MINE" like,, k ill wear the jersey 🙄🤚
- has a list of the best websites to use to illegally stream movies, anime etc.
NSFW ! -------
- also hates pornhub. knows about all the controversies and shit about the website and doesnt use it. supports smaller porn companies that respect their workers 😁👍
- his parents love you. Im Serious
- carla asks about you all the time (hey mommy 😏) and his dad wonders about you too even though hes more lowkey about it
- always has to open the door for you or pull out your chair for you. no matter what setting youre in he Has to do it bc hes a gentleman
- bohemian rhapsody is his comfort film
- i think eren thinks that Youre the One for him, and this idea is solidified when you two graduate together 😍
- he takes you back to the library where he first met you, gives you a promise ring and just asks you to move in with him, hes not ready for an engagement and he knows you arent either, but he knows that youre it for him, and he just wants to be with you for as long as youll allow it
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GAH this felt all over the place and very mediocre but i hope you enjoyed !!! remember asks are open so feel free to request something 🤩
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from an anon, about parents and school
(it's just long, that's why it's under a break XD)
here's my proposition: make parents understand that not every child should conform to whatever traditional career paths that exist. as an asian, i could feel the pressure to take science like a fucking boulder on my body. i have to rant a bit.
i am the younger sibling, my brother is two years elder to me. i was never instilled any curiosity in anything science related, i was kinda left all by myself lol. my brother tho, maybe because he was older or because he was a guy (yeah LMFAO), was encouraged AND involved in a LOT of coding, mechanix (its a construct-ur-own-stuff thing).
i guess i never really noticed until i was leaving middle school, that i was not as smart as him, and would probably never be. but i had other strengths he didnt have. i love writing, im pretty good at it. i am analytical and subejctive, i like thinking and making conclusions about things. i mean i guess i've figured out what i could be better at, right? but the problem?
its that my parents dont see it. its as if they dont know me or they DO know me and are just forcing the things they need onto me. it feels selfish of them to completely forgo my actual strengths. like YES OK i UNDERSTAND i can never be as smart as my brother, but u dont have to pretend like i can. because pretending that i can achieve whatever he has, is just going to affect YOU. because i have accepted long ago that some things arent for me.
they think i dont want to put effort into anything i do. that im lazy and want the easy way out. god, every time they say this i want to honestly show them that its the things IM interested in, where i put in the work. its so belittling.
ive written articles abt bts, their music, about how carl jungs theory of archetypes and i occasionally ask a lot of questions about the world to you (hi lol). i just dont get why they want me to waste energy on something im clearly uninterested in.
short answer, point to BTS and say, "They're Asian, they make tons of money. Leave me alone."
just kidding XD
If I'm being serious, I don't think they will change their mind. They will continue to force their ideals onto you, because they believe in certain career paths had assured success and that is what they are after. They either want you to make a certain amount of money, have a certain status in life, or simply know that you can obtain a stable job. To be honest, these are not really traditional career paths at all if you think about it. Becoming a doctor takes many, many years and it is hard ass work. Parents just make it seem as if these are the only jobs available to you, even if you know it's not true.
Men vs women in Asian countries, well, I feel everyone knows this, but many Asian parents born in their respective countries put more effort into their sons than daughters. Firstborn son? He probably walks on water to them XD
I understand what you mean when you say your parents do not understand. This might sound egotistical (it does now that I'm writing it, I am very sorry) but I was the one in my family who got the best grades. None of my siblings got better grades than me (basically I had a 4.0 from middle school to university), and do you think with all that I would be immune?
I am good at the sciences and I am good at the humanities as well. I had an interest in reading, writing, and drawing. Reading fiction, I could pass it off to educate myself. Writing? I could pass it off as something for school. But drawing?
Woo, boy.
This was a constant fight. I do not back down (a rebel, wcyd) and I drew and it would get ripped apart. I drew and it would get torn up and thrown away. I drew and and would be beaten, yelled at, constantly belittled for my interest in it even though I was good at the sciences and math. To my mom (my dad doesn't count, he had zero interest in parenting) - if she did not think it was going to make money in the future, it was useless. If I could not spin it into profit, I should not be doing it (very fun childhood I had, yes). The most ironic thing is, after I became an adult, she suggested I start drawing again and sell it to make money.
You literally forced me to stop drawing because you constantly connected it with negativity???
(not now, I have since stopped talking to her and started drawing again and it is purely for myself, not to show anyone else, I do not even post it on social media or show anyone irl)
Not saying your parents will act like mine, btw, only sharing my experience.
The idea that you'll never be as smart as your brother? That's bullshit lol. That's like saying intelligence is only valuable if it's science or math, which, as you know, is not true. You are you. He is himself. It is not you cannot do those things. It is that those things are not what you want to focus on. You have a limited amount of time in this life and you have chosen the things you want to delve into and explore.
You don't have to be good at everything. Everything is just not good enough for you.
I am of the mindset that you should try and learn everything you can about this world. I love learning, personally. I think knowing everything I know, from the humanities to the sciences, enriches my life and gives me a broader perspective.
But I totally understand how you feel, because being pushed into something makes you end up hating it. Parents push their kids to learn this or that and kids end up resenting schoolwork because it doesn't feel like something they wanna do anymore. It's just adults yapping in their ears and it feels pointless. Grades aren't everything. You think anyone cares that I aced Physics with Calculus I and II as an adult? LMAO, no one gives a shit. You passed, good enough XD
Here's how I think you should treat school. It's not the content that matters. It's you understanding how you learn each subject. Every subject is different and how you learn them is different. It is not because you are bad at the subject, it is because you haven't figured out the best learning style for you. Teachers have to teach a mass of students and, yes, I understand this seems very tedious to have to "teach yourself".
The skill in learning to learn becomes so, so valuable as an adult. It is how you maintain interest in things, how you develop new interests, and how will come to find meaning (in whatever you want to focus on finding meaning for). I'm not saying that you will be able to find your perfect learning style in every subject, but I am encouraging you to simply see it in that light.
And, you might find certain things to be not that important to you, in which case, just pass the class, it's totally fine if it's not going to help you for the career path you're going for XD Nobody asks me about the themes of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (tbh, a pair of overdramatic loons) or how I feel about Sigmund Freud (actually a twat, but that's neither here nor there).
Let them talk. That one that walks your path is you. Focus on what you want to focus on. They are set in their ways and they way to show them there are different paths is to walk them.
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joculatrixster · 3 years
hope this isn’t weird but that post abt cookies being drawn as white and poc is like. super inaccurate because whitewashing is never okay ??? like even if someone “looks” white colorism is still a thing and should be discouraged (not to mention op of the post mislabeled cookies as “white” when cookies lighter than them are in the poc category...)
woo boy this is gonna be a long post, pls read it all the way through because i dont want to repeat myself too much, this is a complicated matter so i have complicated feeling's on it as u could have seen from my reply criticizing the post itself, im also not gonna answer any anons on this that i think r being nasty or anything because honestly it took me a while to figure out my feelings on the cookei run race discourse and im pretty square in my opinions, anons telling me im rasict or something because of it wont shake me as much as they did the first time i tipped my toe into this cause im clear headed rn, im open to hearing other ppls thoughts so hear mine out too :)
yeah i saw the post as flawed but like i dont think ppl understand and im sorry to say it so bluntly but not everyone draws a cookie lighter because they think white is prettier they just see it as a humization, let me explain before anyone else sends an ask just based off that
its an artist interpretation of the character, hey if u personally would never ever lighten a characters skintone more power to u but given circumstances of lighting and tanning some skintones can vary as long as u dont make a character lose their more ethic traits like hair texture or facial features and try to be faithful then yeah just draw them as u interpret them, its up to how u perceive the character
like to be its about good faith interpretation did u draw someone like herb or adventurer as paler because u see them as white? that's fine they can be clearly read as caucasian so thats good faith, u can argue that they may be not caucasian but someone else can argue that they are and both hcs given the characters skintones would make sense
did u draw someone like pomegranate or kumiho as white? thats bad because their clearly poc and are either clearly brown or have codding in them like how kumiho is based off an east asian fox spirit 
like a LOOONG time ago i made a similar post back when i wasnt all that educated on some issues and ppl got mad at me which was fair, my post was rlly badly worded but the things ppl brought up was also just showing some ppl dont understand why whitewashing is bad, its not just about color its about seeing caucasian as an ethnicity more beautiful than any others and erasing what makes them a person of color as an “improvement” cookie run fans, especially the east asian ones, defiantly fall into that category but im sorry to point out that that op doesn't because they didnt say white is an improvement they said drawing them as a lighter skintone would make sense with the ethnic indicators of the character
since they are not humans there is margin of error because yes those are dugfh colros that's why some cookies aren't realistic human skintones and why u have to decided for urself where to draw the line with lighter brown cookeis cause it can be blurry, by ur own logic anon licorice should be white because his skin is a pale grey despite his dreads u see the issue there?? u have to take into mind the other indicators beyond the literal dough hue for if ur whitewashing a cookie, im a light skinned black person whos mixed race depending on if im inside a lot or outside a lot my skin can be near white color or a more tan so if u looked at pictures of me in different seasons ud think someone lighted my skintone in the winter pics but no skintones ca just naturally change like that irl given lighting and exposer to sunlight
if u rlly think lighting it a lil bit is instantly colorism pls educate urself on colorism, colorism is a serious issue in poc community and yall throwing around the term when its not what that is is rlly devaluing it im sorry to say which sucks because more ppl in this community need to learn about it
this is all just my take on the matter from my research and own perspectives, other ppl will feel differently and place a hard stance on it but honestly there's nothing morally wrong with this perspective and considering these are cookies they aren't actual reptrentation of human poc, as long as the dough color isn't drastically lighted or ur not erasing, of course this is just how i feel about cookie run specifically in other circumstances im less lax and i feel like ppl do whitewash some lighter skinned characters but yeah in relation to that post no i dont think its whitewashing personally i think op just interpreted the cookeis in that way
at the end of the day things liek this are not as black and white as both sides of the coin belive they are rlly, their gray and everyone's comfort zone for some characters are valid but pls stop calling stuff colorism when its not. i get why u guys think it is and honestly if it makes u uncomfy for any skintone variation to the lighter side that's fine but no its not rasict or colorism to think a light skinned cookie can be drawn with a lighter skintone as log as u dont say the character looks better that way because then they r being colorist
oh and before i forget i want to remind everyone that op is a minor dont fucking harrass them, critizie them with ur own opioins but dont harrass them because u dont agree with their perception of fictional characters thats petty and dont do it
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
How can I be a good teacher in this system, as someone who's current career goal is teacher. Like I know the system sucks but I do want to share my passion and also be the kind of teacher I needed. I don't know what the other options are, especially within the current education landscape
Honestly do what u can, and if its gonna break u get out before u become willingly complicit.
Most people I know who work in these kinds of fields either quit or give in eventually cus the burnout is just 10 times worse if u are fighting everyone. I've known some lose their jobs, cus some times the right thing to do will get u fired.
I think educating urself and having ur sources ready too is key. It is hard to disagree with a room of proffesionals insisting that In Their Proffesional Opinion it is the right thing to do X harmful thing to a child. Far easier if you have something to back u up. Also identify when to fight and when to help covertly. It is perhaps not the best idea to push back against the rest of the school if, say, the parents are on the school's side. Might be better then so see what kind of support you can direct the kid to behind their backs.
Also DOCUMENT. EVERYTHING. WITH TIME STAMPS. the head teacher said some shit? Get that noted down, follow it up with an email clarifying whatever awful thing they have asked of you. If you are given some instruction you disagree with, get it in writing. Your records could seriously save a family if interference gets to the point of social services.
Make sure to network too. Find out what services and support groups are local to you. Find out who works there, build a relationship. Queer groups, parenting support groups, disability support groups, therapy providers, soup kitchens, whatever could help people. Keep a list. U have no idea how many problems can be solved by signposting, but so often no one knows about each other! And it helps to know which other proffesionals are good folks. Like say some kids autism isnt being handled well. Well if you know who the good people are at the local services are, you can put a word in, get that kid in with them. Boom, now you've got someone who u know will back u up on the accessibility measures u want introduced for that child.
Also perhaps look into alternate education. I know in my country theres like a handful of schools trying radical new approaches. And there is so much education that happens outside of schools. A lot will depend on what is available where you are. Theres also stuff that is in place for kids that cannot attend schools, like education through hospitals and here there is a rare thing called EOTAS where the local authority will pay for tutors for kids. On that note, a lot of private tutoring isnt just one on one with rich kids. A lot can be just like classes but more informal, with far more freedoms in education styles.
And keep looking for other things! Ask people what they need. Ask other teachers with the same frustrations. Ask people in other child centered proffesions. Ask people who were failed, ask people who were helped. Ask people who do education outside of schooling. I dont know everything, I've only been parenting 10 years, dealing with the education system for 6 years and home edding for 1, but u ask enough people and u will learn a lot.
If u have the energy after marking work, might not be a bad idea to get politically involved too. Everything affects everything else, well fed, well housed, well clothed children learn better.
(Also also I will ask my gf later if she has any input as an SEN TA)
Remember that fixing these issues will never happen overnight. It will not be one person saving the day. Your job is to help children have the tools they need to get further than we have, and to help their children do the same.
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crabbbage · 3 years
hi! how r u? i hope u r hving a good rest of ur day.
im sky i dont think we hv ever actually interacted before.
so i had a question and its completely okay if u dont wanna answer it and im sorry if its offensive in anyway thats really not my intentions.
but im working on a bunch of videos and i was planning on puting subtitles for them in the videos themselves so its always there and easier to access and ive been doing research about whats the best font, color, size, etc. for subtitles. but since you hv said before that u usually use subtitles i thought its best to ask for some firsthand advice on the matter.
could u plz if u can give me some advice o the best ways to do subtitles or direct me ithe direction of posts/articles that u agree on? its okay if u dont wanna since its not ur job to educate ppl about this or anything so no pressure.
thank u for reading!
i don’t mind, but note i’m actually hearing, i just have pretty bad processing issues, and i read very fast. so i’m pretty good at accepting all subtitles; it’s pretty hard to go wrong for me personally, therefore i might not be the best person to ask
the best things i can think of are
1) font legibility (any standard font should be legible enough, you don’t need basic ariel all the time but don’t do anything too fancy)- also, most subtitles i’ve seen are bolded
2) color legibility
subtitles will (presumably) be over a changing background so they have to contrast properly with everything.
the most commonly accepted way to do this is either white subtitles with black bubble outline, which a lot of youtubers (mark included) use, or white text on a black bar, which most professional fully captioned services use like tv (youtube and netflix the bar is slightly transparent)
3) block size- try not to chop up sentences too much. if you’re doing custom captioning, cutting the text on screen along natural pauses in the audio (i.e. ‘hello everyone | welcome to class today!’ over ‘hello everyone welcome | to class today!’) this is the main advantage of custom timed captions over stuff like auto captioning. jokes tend to be split before the punchline
4) content- the biggest thing that annoys me is content spoken not matching content captioned. that’s the whole point!
again, i am hearing, so usually i notice when this happens and i don’t exactly know why it pisses me off so much? like, they’re there to tell me what the audio says. don’t put other information in the captions. don’t take out mistakes. i don’t know if this bugs people who don’t follow audio/captions at the same time as much, but it completely throws me off. ways you can avoid this:
swearing: youtube’s being stupid and won’t let you transcribe swears exactly; i know this is a problem on tiktok too. ‘f___k’ or ‘f[__]k’ seems to be the ‘professional’ way to do this, and is fine with enough context. but on tiktok ive seen stuff like le3b1@n and on youtube people spell things phonetically like ‘phuking’ and while the situation in general isn’t great, i’m personally fine with any of those.
mistakes: you don’t always need to transcribe stutters and fillers like ‘uh’, i prefer them but it’s not a big deal when they’re not there and i know preference varies among people, but mistakes like accidentally repeating half a sentence or saying the wrong word you should include. again, it’s information about the audio, not what you would LIKE the audio to be.
extra information: i have no problem with more information on the screen, i’m one of those people that WILL scrub frames if something passes too fast to read it, just don’t put it in the subtitles, put it in the corner or middle of the screen or something. people on tiktok do this all the time it annoys me so much
in-jokes: if you’re captioning your own videos i doubt this is an issue but the little ‘(uwu theyre so cute)’ that appears in youtube captions is annoying as fuck
other: uhh if there’s something that can’t be captioned, like mumbling you cant make out or some sound that’s not speech, the professional way is [unintelligible] [motorcycle passes by] or [loud noise] but stuff like [‘speaker’ noises] [angry mumbling] [excited sounds] [horrific screeching noise] can be much more descriptive and give actual information.
brackets are used to show that what is being written isnt being said, but a description of the audio. these ARE actual information that’s important (to your discretion, if a chair speaks it doesn’t need to be captioned but if a chair squeaks extremely loudly or someone on screen reacts than it does. use your best judgement to what sounds hearing viewers are actually noticing)
that’s about it! i’m sure tv guides for captioning on their channels exist if you want professional sizing advice and things, but don’t sweat it, almost any captions are better than no captions! people will appreciate your effort regardless
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
yes Ben is technically already dead lmao. YES BBY I WANNA KEEP U <3 u r so pretty and so nice and so talented and omg just so unique !!
OMG Red u crack me up. my sub ass would never slap a intimidating person...it's just like my brain tells me: "nooo, submit ! now!"
Well idk I don't know hoodie that well but he seems nice and i think it could work :> poly is just more than 2 ppl. can be just 3 or more. some cases only one partner is poly so the others just interact with them and not with the others. each partner can have multiple partners or not. each poly relationship is a bit different. but nontheless, cheating is still not ok. u have to talk to the partners before introducing someone new. I am actually thinking abt asking lj but I don't think toby likes him :<
Ben loves u already! it's gonna be so cool when u two finally meet!! also...the screenshot of ur friends message??? holy shit I laughed so hard.
I am fine ig lol. I will probably be done with my drivers license v soon :>i am crushing on 3 ppl irl and i am scared hh. sleeping is almost back to normal. *^____^*aw red dw :> I couldn't be upset with u !!
most of the cp don't remember their birthday and if they do they don't tell...they think it's stupid. well uh the only ones that remember r jeff and liu and they don't wanna talk abt it. the others either forgot cuz of trauma or time.
dude I am not jealous at all but possessive is accurate. bitchy...idk but i'd say no. hm but I think it's hard to tell if I am all that myself...idk
also lil fun nsfw story: toby throatfucked me recently <3 it was amazing (*^▽^*) he's so vocal too ...i love him sm
(i wish i could just be his sextoy all day long)
THE WAY I FUCKING SQUEALED AT THAT- its the way that FUCKING EMOTICON looks for me. Like youre just like “ah yes he throatfucked me 🥰”. You literally kill me man i love you. AGGHGH THAT SOUNDS HOT. You’re so lucky 😖 (says me who’s barely had sexual interaction with anyone and wants to know what its like) but. *hand shakes furiously as i try to drink a cup of water*
I am so so glad that you and Toby are doing good. Im very proud of you both <3 thank you sm for telling me about the poly stuff, I want to be educated!! Awww i love LJ! Is he sexy For a long time I sipped over LJ and he was my #1 above everyone else and I would bring a picture of him everywhere I went. Yes I mean a physical picture. It’s not that I stopped liking him cause hell no i will always love him 🙄 but I think I just saw so much of myself in him that I wanted to hug him so badly and just be there for him cause nobody was there for me.
There’s a lot more to zodiacs than just a few traits, my mom showed me my birthchart and literally 90% of it was so accurate it was CRAZY. Ah so that’ssss why nobody knows their zodiacs. Its ok, oh jeez id hate to bring up trauma for them. But i want to fucking smother them with kisses even if they fight me off and it kills me.
UYFGPYODIRUJCGKYUYPTFDJRCFHGKVHLGUHPFT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAN- you think im pretty 😫 and yes I def am unique… WHY JESUS. Im only talented in making up scenarios that will hurt me. 🥲 but hey I am a masochist so it works out.
ALSO im so PROUD look at you getting your license!!! And im so glad the sleeping went back to normal! I GOT SO WORRIED OML- sometimes i forget shit I say and then im like fuck,,,did i say something mean? Or insensitive?
I would probably slap masky just for kicks. Literally. Little bitch baby boy.
My bsf is literally the most hilarious person I know other than myself. She’s my entire world and my life. She knows a lot about you, and a lot of my anons. I talk a lot about u guys cause yall make me so happy. ISTG I S T GGGGG. .. FUCK. I. He loves me already. Shit dont say that too much or ill start second guessing everything more than usual. God i feel like im gonna disappoint him so bad. When we meet when we meet when we meet when we meet.
ANYWAY imma post the pics of me now hwhwhwhehehehhehehe
Im gonna start talking about my bsf more. Mmmmmm imma call her blue. Y’all are gonna love hearing about her. The shit she says cracks me tf up.
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
Tumblr media
( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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yikesharringrove · 5 years
the fic you wrote for my last prompt was amazing, ty 😭 can you do 50 + 56 this time please? and if you want to work in dyslexic!steve too that would be awesome! 🥰
You are speaking my fuckin’ language, dyslexic Steve is my ABSOLUTE jam. Honestly, whenever I write Steve, he’s dyslexic, although sometimes it’s not mentioned because it’s not important to Harry’s journey @ jk rowling
Thank you for your request! I’m really glad you liked the other one I wrote! You’re anonymous so I don’t know which one that is but I really enjoyed writing them all! Sorry for my manic energy rn.
Something a little different, it’s modern au! This is probably nothing like what you were thinking so I’m sorry, but I kinda love it ngl.
50: Secret Admirer
56: “I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.”
Prompt list!
Billy spent three and a half hours reading through every single tweet on the account.
There were so fucking many of them. The earliest one was timestamped from four days ago, so obviously, this person had no life outside of tweeting.
Tweeting about Billy.
He had a few personal favorites. He had retweeted them to his account, figuring may as well play it up, make a joke outta everything.
@ImHardForHargrove: sorry WHOMST gave you the RIGHT to have eyes that fuckin blue im YELLING
@ImHardForHargrove: watchin u play basketball is a religious experience y are ur arms so BIG hhnnnng
And Billy’s absolute favorite, which he pinned right at the top of his account
@ImHardForHargrove: ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass
Billy knew he looked good. Knew he turned heads wherever he went. He did that on purpose. But realizing someone at Hawkins High had set up a thirst account for him, well.
“I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.” Billy had explained the situation to Robin, letting her go through the account on his phone. “Like, It’s kinda nice, whoever this guy is, he’s got a crush. But also like, It’s kinda creepy. Plus he’s objectifying me,” Billy was talking through his sandwich.
Robin made a face of disgust. “Why do you keep saying ‘he’? All of the girls in this fucking school are practically drooling for you.”
“Hard for Hargrove, Robin. I know you’re like, revolted by the peen and whatever but that does not excuse a lack of basic sexual education and anatomy.” She gagged at him. Honest to God, gagged. He thought she was gonna spew all over the table.
“If I ever hear you call it a peen ever again, it’s on sight Hargrove.” Heather plopped herself down next to Robin, kissing her cheek before zeroing in on Billy’s phone, still in Robin’s hand.
“Have you guys worked out who it could be yet?” Her eyes were wide at Billy.
“Billy says he thinks its a guy even though people with penises aren’t necessarily men.” Robin gave him a pointed look.
“Yeah Robin, I know that, but, I don’t know I just think it’s a guy penis-having person.”
Heather narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you actually think that, or are you just hoping in that goblin little brain of yours that this account is Steve Harrington’s.” Billy could feel the heat spread down his neck.
“Billy, I know Steve is like, the only out guy in this whole fucking town, but you can do way better than him.  PLUS, I feel like it makes more sense if the person running this account wasn’t out and had to channel their gay yearning through social media.”
“First of all Robin, you have this vendetta against Steve that I don’t get. He’s a nice guy. He’s kinda dopey, kinda dumb, but he’s like, sweet and shit. Second, I’m not out, so it still could be him because he doesn’t think I would, like, accept his advances or whatever. Hence, gay internet yearning.” The chime of the bell sent them packing their lunches, Billy’s phone vibrated in Robin’s hand. She rolled her eyes when he realized he turned on notifications for the account
“Get a fucking life you loser.” She slapped the phone into his hand. He opened the new tweet with embarrassing zeal.
@ImHardForHargrove: i saw u talking with ur mouth full and it was yucky but i was still  🥺🥺
His head shot up, trying to see who would have been facing him during lunch, but the cafeteria was almost empty.
The rest of the week Billy took deliberate care of every interaction he had with anyone. Observing who was in his surroundings, and making note of everything he did and said. He took extra caution around Steve, wanting to spot any minute detail that could give away who ran the account.
The account started blowing up. People were retweeting like fucking crazy. Everywhere he went, he was being asked if he’s seen it, like he doesn’t regularly retweet the good ones. The search for the owner of the account had spread throughout the whole school. A few girls even tried to claim the account was theirs, but every time that happened the account would tweet out something to discredit whoever made the claim, proving them a liar.
Billy was starting to lose hope it was Harrington. The tweets were coming at all different times, posted whenever the person thought about it, so Billy was losing track of who was near when he said or did something. And the tweets were always about stupid stuff Billy didn’t register doing. On Wednesday night the account said
@ImHardForHargrove: hi when you chew on your pencil and it makes me 🥴 that is all thx for comin to my ted talk
Friday afternoon gave them all:
@ImHardForHargrove: walked past ur classroom and u were asleep ive never wanted to CUDDLE someone so bad in my LIFE
But Saturday, Saturday renewed all hope for Harrington Billy could possibly have. Lauren Kranz was throwing a party. It was the first real rager in a while, so everyone was there, and everyone was sloshed. Everyone but Billy, who’d agreed to be designated driver for Robin and Heather like some kinda idiot.
He was brooding on the back porch when his phone went off. The account was active, and the owner was drunk.
@ImHardForHargrove: I can seeeeee u oyt the windw I wan u 2 FUC ME. RAW DOG.
@ImHardForHargrove: srry ur so beauitiful nd THICCC
@ImHardForHargrove: I wana shoot my shot but idk if u lik bois
@ImHardForHargrove: (ys i am boi)
@ImHardForHargrove: nd i dont wana get my heart broken agin 😥
He was right about it being a guy. He was right about him being too nervous to approach him outright. His brain was screaming stevestevesteve at him. Hawkins was shook when Steve came out as bisexual in his sophomore year. He was the golden boy, a real jock. He was NOT the kind of guy people would assume queer in a small midwestern town.
He was kind of a douchebag, dumping one girl for another, sleeping with her and never calling again. But then he settled down with this guy from the University of Indianapolis for a few months until Steve caught him cheating. Apparently, he had slashed the guy’s tires. Billy was impressed.
The next year came Wheeler, who only stuck around long enough to make sure Steve was nice and whipped before she fucked off on him too. So Steve retreated. Spent more time with middle schoolers than anybody else. Didn’t want to put his heart on the line anymore until he knew it wouldn’t be stomped on.  Billy could respect that.
Billy couldn’t risk being out in a town like Hawkins. Word always had a way of getting right back to his dad, and in a tiny hick town with nothing better to do than gossip, it was usually only a matter of hours before Neil heard something he didn’t like.
@ImHardForHargrove: srry 4 bad typing rn. drunk nd dysl exic ren’t a happy combo
Billy’s heart stopped. The drunken idiot was giving himself away. Maybe if he sat here staring at the account long enough, enough would be revealed he could figure it all out like a shitty drunk episode of Blue’s Clues.
He was so focused on Twitter, refreshing his feed, again and again, he didn’t notice a very drunk, and very unsteady Steve Harrington stumbling out the back door towards him. Until he crashed into his back.
“Sorry, Bill!” Billy had Steve by the shoulders trying to keep him upright. “Heyy I have a question for you.” Steve grabbed one of Billy’s hands and veered over to the table and chairs arranged neatly on the small patio. When they were sitting, Steve kept ahold of Billy’s hand.
“Hi.” Steve was smiling like a little kid. Billy was in fucking love.
“hey, Harrington. What was your question.”
“So-oo. I have this friend. A very good friend. Super close. And he has a big ol’ crush on you but he’s too scared to ask you himself because he keeps getting his heart fuckin’ broken so he wanted me to ask. Are you into guys?” It’s a miracle Billy understood any of that, every word blending into the next.
“That depends.” Billy leaned in, running his tongue along his bottom lip. He saw Steve take in a sharp breath, following the movement with his glazed eyes. He knew Steve was talking about himself, he just wanted to rile him up a little. Make him blush first. “This friend you’re talkin’ about. He’s our age? Like you’re not trying to set me up with one a’ your kids, right?” Steve physically recoiled.
“NO, you fuckin’ pedo. I’m NOT trying to set you up with a fuckin’, fuckin’ middle schooler. My friend is, uh eighteen. He’s a senior.” Unless Tommy fuckin’ H. suddenly had a penchant for dick Billy didn’t know about, Steve was 100% talking about himself.
“Well, if he’s as pretty as you are, I’d love to go out with him sometime.” Billy winked. Steve went red.
“Okay, but like, does that mean you’d go out with me? Like I’m as pretty as me, right? Because I was talking about me. Not ‘a friend’ I was talking about me. Steve.”
“Yeah, I kinda figured that out. You know, I was hoping it was you running that Twitter. Any time you’d tweet out something you wanted to do with me, I was always picturin’ doing it with you, Baby.” Billy was practically purring. “Especially all the shit you wanted me to do TO you.” Steve gave something between a whine and a groan and flopped himself onto Billy’s lap, straddling him with very little grace.
“Thank God. ‘Cause you’re so fucking hot I’d let you do anything to me. Anything, Bill.” Billy smiled softly at him.
“Then let me take you home. Let me put you in bed to sleep off all this. And let me take you to breakfast tomorrow. Something nice and greasy for your hangover tummy.” Steve was a puddle in Billy’s lap. “C’mon, Drunky, git your ass up.” Steve just giggled and muttered Drunky Skunky under his breath.
Billy sighed and stood up, hefting Steve up with him.
“Bil-ly,” Steve whined. “You’re so strong, this is so fucking hot. I gotta tweet about this.”
“Tweet it later, Sweet Thing.”
It took Billy for-fucking-ever to find Robin and Heather (they were making out in the basement with the stoners). But Steve chirped and cooed into his ear, so happy Billy could lift him and hold him like it was nothing.
The last tweet from the account was timestamped from Sunday evening.
@ImHardForHargrove: Hi this is Steve. Billy’s my boyfriend now 🥰#ThirstWorks
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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always-evergreen · 4 years
jasmine, primrose, gardenia, lions fairytale, lily of the valley, desert rose, creams and sky, tulip, daphne, wisteria, angels face, iris, caramel kisses, primula, queen anne's lace, forget me not, lunaria, sunflower, snowdrop, peonie, tea rose, sweet pea, love in the mist, crown imperial, cosmos, moon flower, lily, anemone, lotus, buttercup, calendula, blazing star, carnation, petunia, and morning glory 💐🌸💮🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷
whew this is a lot!! thanks for asking! ill put this under a read more so I dont clog up everyones dash
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? - my favourite was always griffins but I feel like theyd be kinda terrifying so im gonna go w mermaids!!
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read? - not really a specific book but I think people just need to read more old timey books where literally nothing happens to calm us all down a little
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? - I dont make promises to myself bc I know me too well and that bitch is a liar
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? - this is actually a really cool question! I feel like the sky would be kinda lonely whereas the ocean and forests are full of life..... im gonna go forest just bc its a little less scary than the ocean lol
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? - cant say anyones ever actually hurt me that badly lol
desert rose; do you like yourself? - eh sure. could be improved upon but could be a whole lot worse!!
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? - its not crazy but the bravest thing ive done is probably move away from home for university...and then drop out of two separate higher education courses lmfao
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself. - 1. im 5′6″. 2. ive dyed my hair 10 times. 3. im the middle of 3 siblings. 4. my biggest fear is someone breaking into my house. 5. my favourite animals are turtles!
daphne; do you believe in karma? - mmm not really... I dont not believe in it tho
wisteria; whom do you admire and why? - can I be honest w u guys? ive never had a role model in my life. never once have I looked at someone and been like ‘wow ur so cool and admirable I want to be like u’ like I just dont “admire” people idk:/
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child? - I really loved on Christmas eve when my dad would read us all the night before Christmas and the miracle of Jonathan Toomey... even when I got older and he was really just reading to my sister id still listen in lol
iris; do you believe in ghosts? - hell yeah!
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not? - maybe so that I could really see the whole world and travel everywhere and experience everything these different places have to offer but probably not bc once all my friends and family died itd be really lonely... if there were other immortals then possibly
primula; what makes you sad? - my cats getting quite old so its really upsetting to think that in a few years hes gonna die
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most? - my bitch haide<3
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life? - yeah of course what kind of sociopath doesn't have regrets!!
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe? - middle earth
sunflower; share a favorite quote. - “Don’t die wondering.” - The Way Way Back
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like? - sleep till noon, lie in bed watching movies all day, walk the dog, large bowl of pasta for dinner, more movies
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you. - “He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It’s his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry.” - The Book Thief, Markus Zuzak… that's always been one of my favourite books and rudys one of my all time favourite characters and this was the first time I had ever cried reading a book... fun fact ive actually only read this book twice bc I dont have the emotional strength to go through this scene again
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared? - I honestly cant think of anything atm...
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why? - my friends, my pets, my dad, jesse pinkman
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read? - gotta say the book thief lol uhh fahrenheit 451, pretty much anything by ray Bradbury actually, to kill a mockingbird, the secret life of bees, lotr, his dark materials, little women, dorian gray, the shadow of the wind series
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved? - id like to have money obviously but id rather be loved than super rich
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy? - cant say that I do
moonflower; what’s your favorite color? - pink! and blue and yellow
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? - I gave up being embarrassed about my interests years ago, theres no time for feeling bad about stuff u enjoy in life
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words. - baddest bitch alive. nah jk ummm quiet, curious, daydreamer
lotus; best memory as a child? - I have such a bad memory so I dont actually remember a lot of my childhood but ill say just in general the time spent at my grans during the summer holidays, especially if our cousins were also visiting. that was a lot of fun
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? - redistribute the wealth of the super rich, thereby contributing to ending poverty, hunger and homelessness across the world
calendula; biggest pet peeve? - slow walkers, people who chew with their mouths open
blazing star; share a secret. - I dont really have secrets lmao nothing that interesting ever happens to me
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier? - happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why? - again I dont look up to people and I am inspired by no one
morning glory; any special talent that you have? - I dont even have any normal talents let alone special ones lol
thanks for asking! hope this was interesting xx
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tenpin-boleyn · 5 years
Rebellious Parr at School!
These were thought up by @wolfies-chew-toy and I- mostly MB- because Cathy going through teenage rebellion is I C O N I C
There are some teenage Anne in here too but mostly our girl Cathy P 🖤
Also I’m sorry about the length- I’m on mobile so I can’t add a read more :)
•Anne got her heelys confiscated, so she decided to sandpaper the bottom of her shoes so she can slide around like a penguin. No wheels? No problem.
•Catherine being the feminist icon that all teachers fear:
Then Catherine promptly gets removed from the class.
“Catherine don’t you have English right now?”
“Don’t you have your funeral!!.... oh my god Mrs lynn I’m so sorry” because Cathy is a badass but she still has feelings
•Confusing the teachers on a daily basis:
"Hitler is kinda like Kim Jong Un dont you think?"
"Miss Parr and Miss Seymour what are you talking about?"
"Miss, isn't Kim Jong Un rather like Hitler?"
"Please stop discussing your Kpop idols in my class."
•The school has different colors led name tags for the different years, eg. Seventh year, yellow, eighth year green etc.
You can bet your ass Parr has a name tag in each colour and wears them all at once. It ranges from her actual name to Catradora. She has a name tag that just says CatParr420 and wears it everywhere.
And 90% of the time she wears a blank one and carries around a marker
“Umm excuse me what’s your name?”
Which prompts Cathy to draw on a fake name.
“Anita Willtolive”!
•She draws penises on all the whiteboards of every class she enters in permanent marker.
•One time the school used a drone to film the morning assembly and the noise annoyed Cathy so much she picked her book from morning reading up and h u r l e d it at the drone.
All you can hear before the recording stops is “YEET”
Did she get detention? Yes
Was it worth it? HELL YES
•You can bet your bottom dollar that Anne is in that detention too.
Anne's reasons for detention range from stuff like chatting to general shenaniganery but Cathy is just oPEN DEFIANCE
•She only is nice to her classmates
•And selected teachers
•She's a dick to everyone else
•But if she sees a kid on their own she’ll go out of her way to be lovely to them and to that one annoying teacher she hates, she’s a hell raiser
•She once moved the empty table next to her desk away to the other end of the class to stop teachers from sitting next to her- whilst the teacher was trying to sit at said desk.
•Catherine openly questioning EVERYTHING
“But if everyone is only nice to get into heaven surely that defeats the purpose and they’re being fake”
•She would fall asleep in front of the teacher
She'd just yell goodnight really loudly and knock out on her desk
•Honestly it’s a wonder she hasn’t been kicked out, but Jane thinks it’s because her grades bring up the school average
•She does her homework the moment she gets it and is finished by the end of the day
•Anne just puts in her file and lets it rot
•Parr gets in trouble for handing in Anne’s homework that Parr did but Anne has no idea. Cathy just wanted to make sure she didn’t fail
•Anne teaches Parr how to get discounts in the cafeteria, because Parr needs free cookies.
•Parr is Anne's defender when it comes to detentions
•She gives the teacher her Stare™️ and they instantly clam up
•Their detention desks are side by side and they have like those partners in crime necklaces but instead of two halves on their necklaces they’re carved into the tables
They they put them together they just line up
“Parr scares all the teachers except the German teacher who is literally Satan.
•Anne looks scary but she is basically harmless
•Parr looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly but given the chance she would 100% bite her teacher's hand off
•Anne has like five piercings and the messiest uniform in existence while Parr has only one piercing in each ear and the neatest uniform in existence but the moment Parr opens her mouth you better run
•She once bit a first year because they got in her way
•Cross any of Parr's friends or Parr herself and you might as well drop out because you'll be on a hit list for your whole education career
•She’s got a little black book of people that’s annoyed her because eventually she forgets but she’s too petty to let her memory get the better of her
•Anne has been on it at least once but Parr always strikes her name out
•She once kicked Parr in the stomach trying to show off her sandpapered shoes
•The shoe flew off and hit Parr in the stomach
She would have screamed at Anne but Anne’s puppy dog eyes are irresistible
Especially at 12 years old because she’s literally a baby
Like not even in a sexual way, you just can’t say no to those eyes
•Seymour has also been on the list once
But Parr got her revenge
What did Seymour do? She keeps taking Parrs highlighters
So Parr makes her pay money for every time she uses her highlighters
And one day a teacher sees and thinks it’s a drug deal
Every late payment is + 1 quid
Jane knows better than to accumulate late payments because Parr is ruthless when it comes to money
•When a classmate lost Parrs calculator and didn't pay her back, Parr literally carved owe money pay money onto her desk and got that person's friends to remind them daily till they paid her back
•Every time that person saw Parr in the hallways they'd turn around and head the other direction
•Tardies don't matter when the most trigger-happy person in school is out for your blood
•The day that she’s sat next to Parr in the seating plan is the day she moves schools
•Even then Parr still tracks her down
•She waits for them at the school gate with the most murderous smile on her face
•You just see Anne behind her chewing gum, snapping her fingers and doing jazz hands
•And the person is rapidly dialing their parents while screaming MOM COME PICK ME UP I'M SCARED
•Suddenly Aragon pulls up with the others and shouts at the pair “get in losers we’re going shopping”
"How the hell did you even find them Cathy?"
"I just followed the smell of crippling debt and it led me here."
“No seriously how?”
“Anne never turns her snapmaps off”
•Also Parr made the PE teacher cry more than once. More than twice. Okay it was 27 times.
•Parr has a pen knife and people try to confiscate it but she just brings out a printed sheet of paper that says that “a knife may be carried as a self defence weapon if it is under 9 inches and is retractable”
•She made the history teacher quit.
•One time she threatened to give someone salmonella because they were giving Anne and Kat a hard time
•Both Anne and Kat are in special ed and someone thought it'd be funny to bully them cuz of it
•She was skipping class in the toilets and two girls walk in and start bad mouthing Anne and Kitty so she kicks open her door and looks at them whilst sucking a lolly pop “hello bitches say goodbye to ur eyebrows”
•Parr is super defensive of the two of them
•She teases them sure but if anyone else tries, they have to sleep with one eye open
•Anne and Kat don't understand why people keep coming up and apologizing to them
•When they ask Parr, she just shrugs and smiles
•Parr used to be super motivated back in year seven. When year eleven rolled around, she became a little more rebellious, first the name tags, then the mouthing off. Then it escalated further and further. No one else but Parr and Anne knows what happened to cause this change
•Parr is soft for Anne and Kat and Anne and Kat alone
•She roughs up Aragon, Seymour and Cleves bc she knows they can take it. She's soft when she needs to be and not many people see that side of her
•Her favourite teachers rarely see that side either. Only during teacher's day when she sneaks into the staffroom to give them homemade cookies
•Parr wears leather jackets to class and no one dares question her.
•Anne learnt Chinese and how to play the guitar during detention so that she could sing for Parr the next time they had a session together
•Anne singing Unchained Melody exactly like in ghost the musical, and does the little elvis riff too
•Parr and Anne facetime and do Kahoots together because they need to study aka theyre competitive as shit
•Cathy gets excited in class and stands on her chair and yells "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK. U COMING TO KILL ME???" And promptly gets removed from the class.
•Parr gets a "Little Miss Adventurous" award for having the most travelled converstation.
•The queens doing that egg project where they have to bring an egg home and keep it for a week
•Anne calls hers Eggward Eggburt.
•Aragon drops it the moment she gets it
•Anne brings the egg home and makes it into an omelette
•Jane does well till the sixth day where she goes fuck it and uses it to bake cookies.
•Cleves breaks it during lunch after Anne called her a name and she threw it at her
•Kat gives hers to Jane and it's baked into chocolate chip cookies
•Parr shuts hers in the fridge for a week and takes it out at the end of the week
•Anne gets asked where her egg is and she pats her stomach which results in Kitty yelling “YOURE PREGNANT?!”
•Jane gets asked where her egg is and she holds up this cookie jar and offers the teacher one
•Parr is praised for being the only one in class for having an intact egg and then she grabs the egg and breaks it on the teacher's head cuz she 'needed to shut up'
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obviousblases · 4 years
hi uh i was 1 of th ppl tht u called out in ur post n i genuinely dont mean 2 make any1 uncomfortable . i really do love th used n i respect and love evry single era, not jus bertbcus hes working out nowor whtevr. my intention nevr was 2 start drama or shock ppl but i understand tht my words could easily make ppl uncomfortable. im gonna stop uhh making tweets like that i didnt realize they wuld b so wrong or controversial :( i hate drama esp in a fandom like this thts supposed 2 b cohesive
hey man, first of all thank you so much for reaching out. it genuinely means so much that even in the midst of all my frustration someone who i directed my anger to was actually able to realise what i was trying to say.
i also hate drama, which is exactly why the tweets that i was seeing really set me off in the worst possible way.
they were making people uncomfortable and like @fireortheflood said in her response to my post, this kinda stuff doesn’t come across as a joke to used fans because we have a very deep respect for the band as a whole.
i’m always shocked myself by how surprised some of my friends who are active participants in the mcr fandom are when i give them an insight into what our own community is like, so i know you guys definitely didn’t have malicious intentions and you were just trying to joke around.
i guess beyond all that frustration, my main point was mostly just channeling my anger at the fact that those jokes and that behaviour is so normalised within fandom and bandom communities that you guys weren’t even realising just how bad you were coming across.
i’m not a hateful person so i’m totally good to let any bad blood go, especially because you’re actually apologising yourself, so i’m glad our frustrations in the fandom were communicated to you eventually.
i really appreciate it and i’m sure everybody else will too and it would be awesome to keep seeing people calling out this type of behaviour in any type of setting to stop it from being so easily normalised.
i have no problem with any of you guys i had on my post being part of the community, as long as you realise that we’re just different to most other bandoms since we don’t really congregate on twitter or have fan accounts the way you guys do.
bert is more like a friend to us, so it’s a little odd for anyone to have fan accounts and tweet about bert and the band in such a distant manner. the only exception i can think of is the handful of update accounts who do such an awesome job to keep everyone updated on everything that’s going on with the band, or to spread content to the community.
my dms are always open here and on twitter over at @vertigocave if you or anyone ever has any more questions about any of this, i’d be super happy to answer anything, since my intended purpose of that original post was to educate as many people as i could reach about the used community and how your behaviour wasn’t sitting well with it.
this has been super, super long, i’m sorry! but thank you again for reaching out and being apologetic, you’re the second person from the post to do so, so i hope to see some more change happening so we can all stop normalising that sort of behaviour in fandom communities.
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