#but even those were like... of forgiveness. not of like... just embracing zuko as he is?
veggiesforpresident · 11 months
thinkin about how aang is zukos first-ever friend.
like hear me out, ty lee and mai are azulas friends primarily. in flashbacks zuko is only ever shown with his mom or his sister and her friends. even when zuko and mai date its like... it feels more like a proximity/being a Good Son thing than anything else, at least on zukos end. and he doesnt really have many meaningful on screen interactions with ty lee?
which i think is why aangs "do you think we couldve been friends?" moment is so impactful for zuko and its when he really starts to doubt what hed been taught growing up, bc this kid who he was supposed to hate and subjugate... is offering him friendship. something hes never had before, except in the weird proximity-friendships of ty lee and mai.
and tbh, i feel like aang never really lost that faith in him or their potential to be friends, even if said faith was shaken a few times.
and then by the end of the series zuko and aang hug and they declare themselves to be friends, and this feels like the first time on-screen we see someone declare zuko belonging to them in some way.
basically their friendship is so beautiful and i cry about it.
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
Sorry I’m asking a bunch of questions but I’m really interested in how you view ATLA
How would you have personally expanded on Mai’s character had you been a show runner for ATLA? Same with Aang.
What other major differences would you have made, and how would you have instead written Kataang if Zutara weren’t an option?
I would've been fine if the show ended with no romances, tbh. If Zutara wasn't an option, that's the route I'd go. That being said, if Kataang was my ONLY other choice, I'd say that Aang would have to have a growth arc. He'd have to confront his problematic opinions towards the SWT, and I'd love for it to be because he was called out on them by Katara in specific. He'd also have to come to an understanding of his friends' perspective on a war that he's only experienced a few months of and they've spent their entire lives worried about. He'd have to also have a reckoning with his beliefs as they come into conflict with the realities the world is facing. He'd have to be way more empathetic and supportive of Katara, even in her worst moments. Basically, he'd have to be a completely different character who just so happened to be named Aang in order for me to support Kataang at all, Zuko or no Zuko.
As for Mai, I think she's a lot more interesting as an antagonist than a hero. I'd have embraced her calculating and manipulative ways and gone with having Ty Lee be the one to turn on Azula. As it should have always been. She didn't need to be over the top evil, but I see her as one of those antebellum ladies who turned a blind eye to the suffering of others because their lives were comfortable. I'd have her be angry with Zuko for rocking the boat instead of falling in line with the status quo. But I'd also have her dealing with a deep rooted rage because, like those antebellum ladies, she was unsatisfied with her lot in life. Her poor treatment of servants would be focused on more, and her thoughts on her family's part in the Fire Nation's colonizing the world would be explored, too. In the end, she would want more freedom for herself, but still be a Fire Nation supremacist, and she would never forgive Zuko for his treason.
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mysi101 · 11 days
How I entered the ship, and what I see in Zutara
I want to focus more on the positive things regarding A:TLA and Zutara, so I thought, why not writing down, how I entered the MSS Zutara? Well, here it goes:
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I already felt a chemistry in The Crossroads of Destiny, but my ship started during The Southern Raiders. Zuko realized that he wronged Katara the most, and I totally understand why she still couldn’t forgive him while the others already did (tbh, I think they forgave him too early. While the field trip-episodes were excellent, the pacing in between those was still too fast, IMO, along with the comet countdown).
Anyway, Zuko asks how he can make it up to Katara and helps her find closure by accompanying her, only getting involved when necessary—like when he made the wrong guy tell them about Yon Rha, just as Katara was about to give up.
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Other than that, he stood aside, asked if she is ready, told her to find some rest—for me, it seemed as if he wasn’t only concerned to receive her forgiveness, but also caring about her as a person.
Plus, his line towards Sokka got me thinking: "Your sister. She hates me! And I don't know why, but I do care what she thinks of me." I mean... you could interpret it as him being at least a little interested in her, even if he doesn’t realize it...
Katara opened up to Zuko during their journey by telling him the whole story of her biggest trauma. Something she hasn’t done with anyone on screen, and showed that she already felt completely understood by him. For me, it felt like a much deeper bond she already shared with Zuko in a short time as the ones she shared with the others from the Gaang. And, finally: she received her closure in her own way with his help; and forgave him. And, I mean, that deep look after the tight embrace... hello???
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On top came that this is literally the only episode when it is about Katara alone: Not Katara helping anyone or fighting for women’s rights—after she gave so much, it was the one episode only about her and her trauma alone. And who gave her the chance to do all this, bc he understood what she truly needs: Zuko.
Funny, this coincidence... This is such a typical element of Enemies-to-Lover’s. Is anyone familiar with the "A court of thorns and roses"-series by Sarah J. Maas? This happens there as well ACOTAR spoilers following, I haven’t figured out how to hide spoilers; if there is a way, pls let me know, thanks: Turns out the former enemy-guy understood the protagonist deeply, more as her soon-ex-fiancé ever could; and with his help, she got healed from her trauma. The former enemy is the one who really listens to her, who sees her as an equal, and she starts to trust him deeply, more than anyone else. End of ACOTAR spoilers While writing this down—and by knowing that ACOTAR was released about seven years after A:TLA S3— I’m asking myself if Sarah J. Maas is a fan of the show and a Zutara-shipper who got inspired.
So, yeah, that is how my ship started, and the following episodes tightened it. It was also the other way around, Katara who comforted Zuko in the most understanding way, given him strength to face his uncle and ask him for forgiveness, agreeing without hesitation of supporting him in a fight against Azula. And last but not least: Their last interaction together is saving each other's lives in the most epic way.
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Long story short: They showed me a deep understanding of each other, they shared their deepest trauma or worries with the other one, and their friendship grew with every episode. And especially bc of this deep understanding, I truly believe that their relationship would be a healthy one. Would they fight now and then, like every couple? Of course, and it would get heated and passionate, for sure. But since most fights in relationships stem from a lack of understanding, I think it would happen rarely. Because they know, they can tell each other everything.
My intuition when it comes to a growing romance is mostly correct, and the Zutara-situation is so Enemies-to-lovers coded that nobody would’ve been surprised if they ended up together. I realize that not many episodes were left to build up a romance, but most Zutara shippers, like me, would’ve been pleased with a slight hint, and maybe a kiss out of adrenaline and relief after the last Agni Kai on top.
That being said: Please, NA:TLA—I really enjoyed you, but improve your writing skills a little, give the characters more depth, spend money on quality wigs and then LET ZUTARA HAPPEN!
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trivial-writing · 1 month
I’m back! It’s earlier than I expected. Here’s some updates with the family before we get into the main topic of the post: my brother’s spouse is now cishet. She is currently in therapy right now with my brother. The younger of my older brothers stayed at our house instead of moving out.
On to the main topic of the post. Masculinity and femininity in Avatar the Last Airbender. More specifically, the parallelism between Ozai, Hakoda, and Iroh for masculinity. As for femininity, I want to look at Kya and Ursa. This is mainly going to look at the effects of lacking masculine and feminine figures in a family and how loss affects individuals in the family.
If your tiktok and youtube shorts algorithm is anything like mine, then you keep seeing the Fresh and Fit and Whatever podcasts spew absolute mockery of what they think being a “man” is like. If I were on those podcasts, I would call them boys, because that’s what they are. They are not men. They are boys in a man’s body.
Iroh, however, is a man. He has patience, compassion, confidence, loyalty, wisdom, joy, and other positive traits. HE is the peak of masculinity. I remember when watching Overanalyzing Avatar’s Day of Black Sun analysis, something caught my attention. He said that Iroh was Zuko’s loving father figure and Ozai was Zuko’s actual father. I would disagree. Ozai is Zuko’s fake father. Iroh is Zuko’s actual father. When Zuko lashes out, Iroh doesn’t clap back with equal aggression. When Zuko leaves Iroh, Iroh doesn’t prevent his “nephew” from choosing his decision. Iroh follows Zuko until the “The Chase.” He doesn’t tell Zuko anything. He lets Zuko make his own decisions. After Zuko betrays Iroh, Iroh isn’t mad at his son. He’s sad. He mourns the fact that, in a sense, he lost another son. He mourns Zuko’s path of destruction. After Zuko leaves his first prison visit, we see Iroh crying in his cell. During Tales of Ba Sing Se, Iroh spends his biological son’s, Lu Ten’s, birthday tending to other young males, things Iroh would’ve wanted to do with Lu Ten. I’m sure of it. Soon, the writers reveal that it was Lu Ten’s birthday. Iroh finds a setting like Lu Ten’s grave. Then, one of the best songs committed to lyrical music for television plays. Iroh doesn’t blame Lu Ten’s death on the Earth Kingdom like Jet did with the Fire Nation and his parents. Instead, he blames himself. In Sozin’s Comet Part Two: The Old Masters, when Zuko comes to apologizes to Iroh, he is on his hands and knees pleading for forgiveness. He cries with a raspy voice. And in that moment, Zuko is immediately taken in a warm embrace with his loving father figure. Zuko is baffled saying, “How can you forgive me so easily? I thought you would be furious with me.” To which, Iroh, a true father, a true man, says, “I was never mad at you. I was sad because I thought you lost your way.” He is proud in Zuko that Zuko found his way on his own. Iroh doesn’t take that time to praise himself. He focuses on Zuko. Zuko, the son he found after he lost his previous one. Zuko, the son who wnet away just like Lu Ten. But the difference here is that Zuko, Little Soldier boy, Brave Soldier boy, came marching home.
Speaking of that Zuko scene, let’s trash talk about the Fire Loser Lord. Like I said earlier in Iroh’s section, Ozai is Zuko’s fake father, if you can even call them that. In The Storm, the origin of Zuko’s scar is revealed. A thirteen year old boy wants to be a good Fire Lord, and in doing so, he finds his way into the Fire Lord’s meeting room. Zuko stays quiet as told by his true father until a general devises a terrible plan. Zuko is challenged to an Agni Kai. He is confident because he thinks he’ll fight the general. Instead, he steps up to the ring and finds his father. He is on his hands and knees, begging his father for forgiveness. Ozai, the absolute monster, seeing his SON on his hands and knees, decides to burn his face. He says suffering will be your teacher.” When Zuko kidnaps Aang in the North Pole, he reveals Ozai told his SON that “she was born lucky … I was lucky to be born.” That is not a father, let alone a man. Please tell me, how is Ozai a man? How is Ozai a father? Can you call Ozai a father? I think not. But Zuko is not the only victim to Ozai’s “parenting.” Azula too is a victim. In the first or second part of Sozin’s Comet (i forgot) it is revealed how she is afraid of her father. The very idea of her father leaving her behind. She is afraid of Ozai treating her like Zuko. She is a mere puppet to Ozai. Ozai manipulates her to find joy in being Fire Lord, a clear downgrade to being the Phoenix Princess. Ozai molds her into being daddy’s little monster. I’m not a psychologist, but I think Azula has problems with perfection. She can’t face the idea of her being imperfect in her father’s eyes. She tries hard to please her father. She tries to please him as much as she can. Now, I don’t really call the comics cannon. I think it’s inconsistent to the show, but I really like Ursa’s backstory. She is forced into an unhealthy marriage. There are subtle undertones of sexual abuse. She is walking on egg shells with Ozai. May I pose another question? How is Ozai a husband? Can you call Ozai a husband? I can’t. It’s impossible. With Hakoda next, I want to mention this parallelism, Ozai has two children. A firstborn son and second born daughter. The daughter catches the attention of everyone while the son is viewed as a lower individual to his sister. Ozai sends both of his children away. He forces his children to fight. He sends CHILDREN to a war. Not just CHILDREN, but his own BLOOD RELATED CHILDREN.
Now, let’s look at Hakoda. Hakoda is a chieftain. His children consists of a firstborn son, a nonbender, and a gifted waterbending daughter. Katara, the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. Hakoda nurtures both his children. He treats Sokka as an equal to Katara. He favors both of them. He ensures one child is treated the same as the other. Hakoda goes out to fight in the war. In Bato of the Southern Water Tribe, a flashback shows how mich of a man Hakoda is. Sokka wants to fight in the war. Hakoda stops his son. In Hakoda’s willingness to protect his children, he forces Sokka to stay home, and protect his sister and the rest of the tribe, probably assuming the war wouldn’t affect the tribe anymore, with the Fire Nation assuming the last Waterbender is dead. Hakoda forces his kids to stay home while he fights in war. Ozai forces his kids to fight while he sits on his throne, like a scared little boy. As a reiteration, Hakoda forces his kids to stay home, safe and sound, while he fights to protect others, like a protector and true father. Hakoda tells his children how proud he is of them and says how their mother would be too. Like a true man, Hakoda fosters care for his children, teaches his children, and supports his children.
Hakoda and Iroh are true men. True fathers. Ozai is a coward. Ozai is a monster. Ozai is a child in a man’s body. Ozai is a 30-ish (i’m guessing his age) child who steals the honor of the 16-17 year old man that is somehow related to him.
As for femininity, Ursa isn’t the angel some people and even the writers want to push. Ursa didn’t even bother trying to steer Azula to the right path. If Ursa had given Azula the same amount of guidance that she did with Zuko, Azula would’ve gotten the redemption arc she deserved. Ursa plays favorites with Zuko while Azula suffers. Azula needed a proper mother figure. Ursa is a woman that shows the virtues of femininity. She is caring, wise, protective, proactive, reactive, durable, and supportive, but her folly is in how, or rather who, she shows her femininity to. A true mother would nurture both her children no matter what. Ursa isn’t as terrible as Ozai, but she’s not an angel either.
A better mother figure could be Kya. We don’t know much about her, but what we can gleam from her very few appearances and the comics to my chagrin, she was caring. In the Southern Raiders, it is her care for her child that makes her lay down her life for the sake of her child. Kya does have favoritism towards Katara over Sokka, but I can be completely wrong. Kya is firm in handling Yon Rha. Unlike what toxic masculinity says, Kya is firm. She is also a protector. She doesn’t marry Hakoda for status. It’s clear in North and South that she married Hakoda out of true love. Hakoda married Kya not for her to be child bearer, but as a person who can care for him and he for her.
A very important theme in Avatar is how war affects the household. It is the lack of positive feminine and masculine figures in Sokka’s life that makes him sexist in the first few episodes of the show. It is the lack of a healthy parental figure in Azula’s life that makes Azula mentally breakdown. It is Ozai’s lack of fraternal care that pots Zuko and Azula against each other in the Final Agni Kai. It is Ozai’s lack of true masculinity that steers Zuko away from the path his mother and Iroh set him to follow. It is the lack of a maternal figure in Katara’s life that forces her to mature into a simile of what a feminine mother is. I didn’t really talk about Toph’s parents here, but the same applies here too. It is Toph’s parents’ lack of personal quality time that makes her leave. It’s her parents’s lack of understanding and open mindedness that forces them to see their daughter as a fragile object. Objectification can go in many ways. Whether it be in lust, in utility (think Azula), in entertainment (Zuko and Ozai probably), and, in Toph’s case, false care and compassion.
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sokkastyles · 1 year
Hope you are doing well. I have another question regarding The Southern Raiders.
On the TVTropes page of the episode, it is states that Zuko's actions are a " Broken Aesop", because he is helping Katara enact vengeance on someone else in the hopes that she would forgive him. I am confused, because while Zuko does want Katara to see that he has changed, I don't think he was expecting her forgiveness fully.
I would like your thoughts on this.
First of all, TVTropes is a hot mess. Viewing the editing history of the pages there is akin to stumbling into the worst tumblr drama. "Broken Aesop," in particular, is one of the most misused by people whose idea of media analysis is of the "Cinema Sins" variety, who tend to think something is a broken aesop when really, they just completely misunderstood what the story's themes were from the beginning.
If we were really meant to think that Katara forgave Zuko because Zuko helped her enact vengeance on Ron Yha, then she would have gotten vengeance on Yon Rha. She didn't, though, and forgave Zuko despite that.
If we were meant to think that Zuko was mistaken in taking her there, because he wrongly thought she needed to enact vengeance on her mother's killer in order to forgive him, then we would have seen that happen. We would have seen Zuko encouraging Katara to take out Yon Rha, or asking her why she didn't. If the real point were to teach Zuko that he was wrong, then that would have been addressed by the show. Katara might have, for example, told him that she realized that vengeance wasn't what she needed. She might even have been angry at Zuko for encouraging it. Instead, Katara's choice about Yon Rha is left ambiguous, she says she doesn't know if she did the right thing, but firmly says she will never forgive her mother's killer, but that she IS ready to forgive Zuko, and hugs him eagerly. There's no hesitation or sense that she thought he did something wrong, or moment when he learns he was wrong. Even when he tells Aang that he's "right about what Katara needed," that's contradicted by Katara herself telling Aang he is wrong and Zuko contradicting Aang's response about how violence is always wrong. And noticeably, Zuko never says HE was wrong, just that Aang was right. About what, I'm not sure, since Aang is proven wrong about both the violence issue by Zuko and the forgiveness issue by Katara.
I also agree with you that I don't think Zuko was really expecting that Katara would forgive him in exchange for taking her to see Yon Rha. Nor do I think Katara's forgiveness of him was due to that alone. Because she doesn't just offer him forgiveness, she embraces him like a true friend. She says she's READY to forgive him, which implies that she had already known that she had to forgive him eventually. There's a certain point where holding a grudge against a person who was already doing everything to atone for their previous actions and was now their close ally would have become ridiculous, and the situation had already reached that point at the beginning of the episode, which is why Katara separated herself from the rest of the group, angry at them for accepting Zuko when she couldn't make herself do the same.
And the thing is, Katara is stubborn. She's passionate, but that means she feels things strongly, and she holds onto those feelings of betrayal because she feels things so deeply and cares so much about people. What Zuko does is offer her a cathartic outlet for those feelings, and a way to regain some control over them. That's why she forgives him, because purging those feelings by confronting Yon Rha helped her to feel like she could trust Zuko again, to disconnect her feelings of betrayal towards him from her feelings of hurt towards the man who murdered her mother.
Now, do I think Zuko planned this out all along? Not exactly, anymore than I think he was planning on encouraging Katara to commit murder. I think that regardless of Katara's feelings, Zuko, once he joined the gaang, would have been obligated to reveal information that he knew regarding the whereabouts of people who were still out there committing atrocities anyway, because it's the right thing to do. And because he feels connected to Katara through the shared loss of their mothers - remember that HE is the one who makes that connection in the catacombs, and says they have that in common - he feels obligated to share the information he has as soon as he realizes that Katara's hurt feelings towards him are connected to her trauma about the loss of her mother.
What Katara told him at the beginning of the episode, bitterly telling him that he could bring her mother back to "make it up to her," was kind of like her throwing back at him the apology he gave her under Ba Sing Se, when he said that they had the loss of their mothers in common. It's a harsh reminder to Zuko that empathizing with her pain doesn't mean anything if his actions aren't going to match. And what action can Zuko do? He can't bring her mother back, but he can tell her who killed her, and where to find him. That's a pretty big piece of information, and I think Zuko would have felt obligated to share it with her regardless of whether he wanted forgiveness, and the episode goes out of its way to let Katara choose what to do with that information. Zuko's in a position to consider how he would feel if someone he knew had information about what happened to his mother, so that's probably also a motivation for him.
It's an interesting parallel, actually. Zuko learns that his mother is still alive only a few episodes previously, but has no idea where to find her. Katara's mother is gone and isn't coming back, but Zuko suddenly realizes he does know where to find her killer. Insert vigilante shenanigans!
You could say that this episode is Katara's own Crossroads of Destiny, and Zuko is there to witness it, like Katara was there for him. Only they get to end it on good terms this time. I think an underrated aspect of this episode, and Katara's decision to forgive Zuko, is knowing what it feels like to be faced with her own moral crisis, and knowing a little bit of what Zuko felt when he faced the crossroads. And Zuko was there with her the whole time, and didn't once judge her for what she was feeling, even when she was confused. Which I think allowed her to let go of her judgment for him, knowing that his heart was now in the right place.
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alberivh · 3 years
the fall of the prince
summaries : losing your visions and memories became a great loss to your lover, kaeya.
characters : kaeya alberich x GN! Reader
contains : heavy angst, memory loss, injuries, major character death.
A/N : this is a request from @mika-zuko !! I really love the idea mika gave so i decided to combine both of it together and make some twist in it. So i hope you all enjoy this especially you mika <33 , have a great time reading this! (( ah yes this is very shitty because of my really bad writing block right now, so i’m sorry if this doesn’t fit your liking ))
“do you remember me?” He ask. His tears are now forming into his right eyes, edging it onto the corner where it belongs. He try to loved you, the same as ever even after the day you’re visions begone from your side. but where are those emotions he always felt when you were in his embrace, Are you hesitating to fall for him?
“My apology sir..but who are you exactly?”
This sentence full which just fall through out your mouth, terrified the spine of his frail structure. He’s been waiting for you to come home and love him again, but where are those lingering promises you left at his ears, is it just a lie for you to forget the burden of your misery when you were with him?
Kaeya slowly let you out from your embrace. Embarass and scared for his life. He was painfully not in the structure to see you in the eye. So he let out a word before he ran to the other side of the road forcing his tears to hold it back before you could even reach his arms.
“ah..i see then, nice to meet you..guest from afar.”
The cavalry captain bow to your side, leaving a ungestured mark on your face. He was tearing up, not knowing how to react. He was completely unstructured, even diluc noticed it. He was numb for the whole week, thinking so many way for you to remember him again. You remember the way those monstadt’s citizens talk or walk their way through out the open wind of the nations gate. you remember your family members, you even remember the unlucky adventurer, bennett. you remember your own name still you forgot the last piece of your name, his last name. Yet, why won’t you remember him?
It hurts him. He was mentally abusing himself for being someone who aren’t worth to be remembered by you, at least remember the piece of me my love.. he begs you to remember his hopeless plea even if it meant for you to not love him again, he wants you to remember him.
paperworks are now his only friends. Keeping him in nights where he feel hopeless and numb. diluc have mention how different kaeya has been acting after you cameback to monstadt. Though, you could only reply with a confused-question that would’ve explain all of your memory loss to diluc. As he also never mention your lost vision, knowing you could still have those elemental power without the visions itself.
Diluc doesn’t want kaeya to know the truth, he wants kaeya to avoid his losses. A frame of his sympathy for his own brother.
“who..? I don’t know a man named kaeya..who is he master diluc?”
2 months of his isolation and numbness from the sight of you, he became more of a shadowy figure instead of a person. As now the nights called him as the ‘loss prince’. An emergency assignment has been trusted to both kaeya and you, kaeya doesn’t wanted to accept this mission but maybe, fate would turn their heads onto his heart, no?
you were both in the road to the abyss herald domain jean has mention to your both assignment. You couldn’t kept talking to him even after you introduce yourself to him, you though he was ‘the lost guy’ you imagine him to be. is there something wrong with him? You realized. do i ever knew him? You hold your grudge to ask him, he was just your senior now, after all.
“captain kaeya..i think we should just fight this t—“
“No need, just investigate as what jean said. I’ll be here to fight this herald.” , words couldn’t comprehend his frustration after losing you and the memories of you loving him. He was severely depressed, yet he still couldn’t managed to find a way for you to comeback again to his side. He was murmuring something, as if it was a mantra for you to stay with him, observing him to pieces just like the first time ever.
As he was about to touch your arms to protect you, he lost his balance. Making him fall to the hard dusty floor of dry bloods and rocks. But why are there a hints of fresh blood? Figuring out any keys that lead him to know any momentum that just happened now, he found your figure. Shaping a name out of a heavy breath, you are calling for someone to recognize it.
“kaeya alberich…yes..kaeya alberich..” , hinting a glaze of sadness to kaeya’s dark eyes. You were trying to remember him.
“h-hey what happened? Didn’t i just—“
“darling..it’s you..it’s you..” , you looked like you about to guilt trip yourself and it hurts him even more. Why are you punishing yourself through out something you couldn’t control? You were trying to remember him, yet the guilt inside you couldn’t make you scream your apology to his now teary face.
Heavy injuries covered your arms and chest. Making those injuries a fatal wounded area for you to live. Kaeya was making sure you’re safe, he doesn’t want you to die like this even after you remembered him again. He wants you to fell in love with him again.
the abyss herald knew you, after all they were in debt of your sacrifice to safe kaeya’s life.
“somehow..i couldn’t remember anything about you..it sucks kaeya..i loved you so much..please..just please save me..i-i really don’t want to die..”
“I just remembered you..i just loved you all over again..let-let me loved you again and again..archon’s..archon’s—“
Squeaking through your pain in agony, you could feel as if you were squeeze in kaeya’s embrace. It was so tight it could even let you remember everything you both has passed through. You were dying as you remembered him. It was painful yet so comforting. The injuries are hurting you and it make kaeya lose his self controls. He wants you to love him again but not like this. Why are you dying? I though you loved me?
As you try to comforted him in your last moments, soothing his hair until your darken eyes and soul-less arm speak it condition. you told him the truth of your memory loss and love for him. Everything for my lover, even after i couldn’t stay with them till the eternity.
“kaeya..darling..i missed you..s-so much..visions and such aren’t important.. i just l-loved you so much..i loved you..-“
your breathing ends, your flawless blood are now drying it’s corner from your body. You still hold onto him very closely, even after you learn how apologies couldn’t forgive fate. A swift stroke from the herald and now you’re gone, bullshit.
He kills the herald in no time, paying no attention to your dead eyes. While Still opening it eyelids, even after the owner of the owner of it’s body die in his lovers arm, kaeya couldn’t make himself to close your eyes. You’re dead and he’s dying out of emotions. Kaeya still brought your corpses to the headquarters, freaking everyone out with his dissastrous unsteady look with a bloodshed corpses in his hand.
“Jean..revived them, my darling remembers me and so should you revived them.”
now you were only a piece of memories in his mind. Your tombstone are just a piece of art that have been borrowed by the God’s to remember your existence. Both, Diluc and kaeya, decided to buried you at the Ragnvindr burial site. Why? the citizens ask for diluc statement. Because you were kaeya alberich significant other, and always have been. As honest or as controversial it might sound, they are the part of the Alberich’s whom was also the part of The Ragnvindr’s.
“father..take good care of my sweetheart upthere won’t you..?”
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Zuko sometimes thought of his reciprocal scar as penance, that which bound him to the Avatar.
(Written for Day 2 of Zukaang Week 2021: Soulmates, hosted by @zukaangweek​. Read rise above the hurt on AO3 or continue reading below.)
To say Zuko had a complicated relationship with scars was… an understatement. The one he bore clawed across his face by his father’s hand had been a mark of shame for an incalculable number of years, and even now there were days where he’d rather shatter a mirror with a well-placed punch than stare a second longer at his reflection.
But Zuko refrained. He and the glass remained whole.
Zuko found he didn’t mind the scar on his chest quite so much. At least not in comparison. It was a reminder of his arrogance, maybe, sniping at Azula for her lack of lightning, but it was not a mark of callous cruelty towards a child. More than that, though, the scar across his chest served as a unique connection to the most important person in Zuko’s life.
An imperfect match.
“Ready?” Aang asked, and Zuko nodded. They’d been working on this technique for weeks—all that remained now was to at last put it to the test.
As if summoned, lightning splintered down from the sky and raced towards them. Zuko was the nearer target, so he raised his arm to intercept it, pulling the electricity through his body and down into his stomach before letting it escape through the fingertips of his other hand. Just as they’d practiced, Aang caught it from him. Zuko was left to do nothing more than watch, enraptured, as his partner redirected the lightning with more elegance than he could ever hope to possess, sending the energy crackling back into the sky.
Aang dropped out of the stance, giving Zuko an excited smile. “Well. Now we know it works.”
Zuko stepped forward, pressing a kiss to the tip of Aang’s nose. “We do.”
They took shelter from the storm in a cave further down the mountain, setting up a makeshift camp inside as they waited for the dreary weather to pass. They laid their robes across flat stones near the small, not quite smoldering fire Zuko had lit to help the fabric dry faster. Of course, Zuko knew that Aang could have easily airbended their clothes dry, but then neither of them would have had an excuse to see the other shirtless.
Zuko began tracing Aang’s scar on his back before he knew what he was doing. Once he realized, though, he couldn’t bring himself to stop, even after Aang’s shoulders stiffened for the briefest of seconds. But Aang’s shoulders soon fell, and he hummed at Zuko’s gentle touch. Zuko took that as a sign of approval.
Perhaps Aang’s scar could be considered born of Zuko’s arrogance, too, a result of his foolhardy, harsh certainty that his father’s appreciation would heal his shame. Zuko knew better, now. He understood true forgiveness, how it was both earned and freely given. But his understanding didn’t change the fact that Aang had died all those years ago.
Zuko sometimes thought of his reciprocal scar as penance, that which bound him to the Avatar.
Of course, Zuko would argue he was bound to Aang in more ways than just the one mark, now, as he leaned down to place a chaste kiss in the center of Aang’s scar. Aang shivered, and Zuko smirked. He wasn’t quite the arrogant fool he used to be, but there were certain matters he still allowed himself to be a cocky bastard about. His affection towards Aang was one of them.
Aang turned around, placing his right palm atop Zuko’s own lightning scar. The tips of his fingers traced the edge with feather-like softness. “Do you ever think about how we got our scars in the same way?” he asked, his tone indicating long, careful contemplation of the subject.
“No,” Zuko lied.
Aang laughed. “Right. That means you think about it all the time, then.” He removed his hand, and Zuko’s chest immediately mourned the loss of Aang’s warm, tender touch. But Aang turned around to lean his back against Zuko’s chest, their scars lining up to near perfection, and Zuko decided he much preferred this type of embrace. He wrapped his arms around Aang, pressing a kiss to the nape of his partner’s neck.
After a moment, Aang asked, “Do they still believe in soulmarks in the Fire Nation?”
Zuko frowned, tilting his head in puzzlement. He’d heard the term ‘soulmate’ thrown around in casual conversation once or twice before, but soulmark? “No, I don’t think so. Not that I know about.”
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t. Kuzon always told me he had more friends at school who no longer believed in them than those who still did.”
Though Zuko suspected he already knew the answer, or at least had an inkling— “What are they?” he asked. “Soulmarks?”
Aang freed one of Zuko’s hands from around his waist to lace their fingers together, leaning further back into Zuko’s chest. “Just an old romantic legend from the Fire Nation, more or less. A rare few people, people who were fated to be together against all odds, would be born with identical marks in matching places on their bodies.”
Zuko chuckled. “Sounds like that would make a lot of people overthink their birthmarks.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” Zuko could see a wistful smile tug at Aang’s lips. “It was fun to pretend and to daydream about, though. Kuzon had a little mark right here”—the fingertips of Aang’s free hand grazed the spot above his left eyebrow—“and I think he was more disappointed than he let on that I didn’t have a matching one.”
Zuko could sympathize. The idea of having a soulmark with Aang made his heart flutter. But then again… they had the next best thing, didn’t they?
“Do our scars count?” he asked, not beating around the bush, and Aang chuckled.
“Well, we weren’t born with them.”
“And they aren’t in identical spots on our bodies.”
Also true.
“Maybe not soulmarks, then,” Zuko conceded. He pressed another kiss to the nape of Aang’s neck. “But you acknowledged yourself that we got our scars the same way, and I think they line up too perfectly when I hold you like this to be a coincidence.”
Aang laughed again. “What, do you like the idea of being cosmically bound to me?”
Zuko flushed. “Maybe.”
Absolutely. Aang had all but stolen the words from his mouth. And once upon a time, Zuko would never have been able to confront such openness. Such vulnerability. Not to himself, much less to anyone else. The wound was too fresh, as it were. But now?
Well. Now he had Aang.
That made all the difference, didn’t it?
“Mm, you sure know how to flatter a guy.” Next thing Zuko knew, Aang had freed himself from Zuko’s arms and turned around in his lap to face Zuko directly. “Want to know what I like the reality of, though? No cosmic bonds required?”
Zuko’s heart skipped a beat as Aang’s right hand reached up to cup his face, thumb gently tracing over the hand-printed burn scar—as if it both was and was not there. “Tell me,” he said, mouth dry.
Aang smiled. “I like that we found each other despite the cosmos trying to keep us apart. I mean, a hundred years difference, fighting on opposite sides of a vicious war, all the shitty politics being shoved down our throats, and yet…” He shrugged. “We still found our way to each other. Against all odds.”
Zuko closed his eyes as Aang leaned in for a slow, deep kiss, the kind that filled Zuko’s chest with a warmth more satisfying than any fire he could ever hope to bend.
“We’re here now,” Aang whispered as he pulled away, and Zuko pressed their foreheads together.
“Yeah.” A smile tugged at his lips. “We are.”
They’d made it.
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melzula · 4 years
The Promise
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: this was requested by an anon and yes, it’s based off of the comics
summary: with tensions rising in Yu Dao, Aang seeks the Princess’s help in an effort to sway Zuko in the right direction
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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Aang’s heart is heavy with dread as he approaches the Southern Water Tribe for the first time since having left it nearly two years ago. Half constructed buildings peer out from the clouds, and as Appa nears closer to land the Avatar can see the statue of the south’s beloved leader. Her permanently etched smile does little to ease his nerves as he mulls over how he’s going to deliver the news to her, and though he hates to break his promise to Zuko he has found lately that some promises aren’t meant to be kept.
The moment the flying bison lands in the snow all the school children are quick to rush forward and excitedly crowd around the animal and the Avatar. In the distance you stand, a delighted smile on your face at the sight of your friend whom you immediately pull into a hug.
“Aang! It’s so good to see you again,” you exclaim before pulling out of the embrace. “Did you get taller?”
“I think so,” he chuckles sheepishly. “It’s nice to see you too, Princess. Or should I say Chief?”
“Please, Chief is only for formal occasions. You can still call me Princess if you’d like, just y/n will do too.”
“I was so sorry to hear about what happened to you,” Aang admits earnestly. “I wish I could have helped.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Aang. It was my decision to keep Koa a secret so that I wouldn’t pull you and Zuko away from your obligations. And everything turned out alright in the end, didn’t it?”
“I suppose it did, and I’m glad you’re alright. The South seems to be doing pretty well,” he notes with a faint smile, enjoying the way your eyes seem to light up at the mention of your home.
“We’ve already accomplished so much in just a short amount of time! The outer tribes are beginning to grow in number and our people have been mingling with those from our sister tribe. Oh, Aang, you have to meet my students! They’ve only been practicing for a few months but some of them have already passed the beginning level and-”
“That all sounds amazing, y/n,” the Avatar admits with a weak smile. However, his strong front doesn’t fool you in the slightest, and you immediately are able to detect that something is wrong, “but I didn’t come here for a friendly visit. There’s... There’s something we need to talk about. It’s about Zuko.”
He doesn’t miss the look that flashes briefly in your eyes at the mention of your boyfriend, and though he can tell how anxious you are Aang admires your ability to remain poised and collected in front of your students.
“Let’s talk in my office,” you utter quietly, and after dismissing the children for the day you and Aang are quick to head inside for a private discussion about the matters at hand.
“I’m so sorry to have to barge in on you like this when you already have so much on your plate but I didn’t have a choice,” Aang explains gently.
“What’s going on Aang?” You ask uneasily, and the worried look on your face doesn’t make things any easier for him. After all you’ve done for him and your friends, he doesn’t have the heart to break yours.
“The night the Harmony Restoration Movement was announced I made two promises to Zuko. I promised him that if things began to get out of hand and history began to repeat itself, I would end his life before he could have the chance to become like his father. The world needs peace and balance, and we can’t have anyone jeopardizing that. You know I’m just a peaceful monk, I couldn’t even kill Ozai, but Zuko is my friend and it meant so much to him that I had no choice but to agree.”
“And the second promise?” You murmur quietly, your mind reeling at the information given to you. Horror and panic flash across your features and you feel nauseous, you feel as if you can’t breathe and the walls are closing in all around you, and a newfound sense of desperation washes over you.
“The second promise was not to tell you. Zuko knew that if you found out you’d delay your return home to try and talk him out of it, and his mind had already been up. He didn’t want to worry you-”
“Why are you telling me this now, Aang? What’s changed?” You interrupt, though you fear you already know the answer. The Avatar refuses to meet your gaze.
“Zuko has withdrawn from the Harmony Restoration Movement and refuses to compromise. If things don’t work themselves out soon I might have to fulfill my promise...”
The room is heavy with tension and deathly silent as you process the news Aang has given you. It doesn’t sound like Zuko at all, and this promise doesn’t sound like Aang either.
“Aang, you’re my friend and I love you. But if you choose to fulfill this promise of yours I’ll never be able to forgive you.”
“Trust me, y/n, I don’t want it to come to that. That’s why I’m here,” he says earnestly. “I’m telling you all of this because I want you to talk to Zuko. You’re the only person he’ll listen to, so maybe you can get through to him and this whole mess can be resolved.”
“Where is Zuko now?”
“The last I heard he’d locked himself away in the palace back at the Fire Nation.”
“Spirits, so much for an honest relationship,” you grumble quietly to yourself. A small, defeated sigh escapes you and you nod. “Alright. Let me get my affairs in order and then I’ll go talk to Zuko.”
“Thank you so much, Princess. I know how hard all of this must be for you, and I wish there was another way but-”
“It isn’t your fault, Aang. At least not entirely. You only did what Zuko asked you to in respect of your friendship, and now in respect of our friendship I ask that you allow me to sway him in the right direction before any decisions are made.”
“Yes, of course,” he nods earnestly, and sensing that you need a moment to yourself, the Avatar excuses himself. “I’ll go make sure Appa is ready for the trip. Just let me know when you’re ready.”
A breath you didn’t know you’d been holding leaves you the moment the door shuts behind Aang, and it takes all of your will power to keep your rising tears at bay. To think that Zuko had gone to the extreme to reassure himself of the fact that he’d never repeat his family’s footsteps broke your heart; Zuko was nowhere close to being the cruel man Ozai had been, and you thought he was past this by now. You were worried about him and how he must be feeling, but you also felt it to be unfair of him to keep such a thing from you. He had been so distraught when he had learned about Koa and after that you had both sworn to tell each other everything no matter what, yet now it seemed Zuko had no intention of keeping that promise to you. Promise. It seemed like such a heavily loaded word now, and you were beginning to resent it entirely. You couldn’t wait another minute, you had to see Zuko.
It takes you no longer than an hour to get your affairs in order— Hakoda and your mother are left in charge to oversee the tribe while you’re away, and Pakku is to continue lessons without your presence. You pack your bag and join Aang on Appa’s saddle, and with the quick utterance of the phrase yip yip the two of you are riding high into the skies and making your way towards the Fire Nation.
The wind blowing through your hair is a bittersweet reminder of your days fighting the war alongside your friends; you had once believed that things would be simpler after the Fire Nation’s defeat, but so far nothing had seemed to be any easier than you had hoped it would be. You wished they were here now, you could really use some reassurance from Sokka or Suki, and you know Katara would probably have just the right thing to say to ease your nerves. Instead, the ride is silent and tense as you journey to see Zuko.
In the throne room sits the Fire Lord, tense and distracted by the millions of thoughts that whiz by in his head. He knew he was making the right decision by allowing his people to remain in Yu Dao, he was their ruler and it was his duty to look after their best interests, and backing out from the Harmony Restoration Movement would prevent the disruption of the peaceful lives they’d created for themselves there. Seeing the Mayor’s family, their daughter born of both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom heritage, it allowed him to see his own future, one in which he selfishly realized what the movement would mean not only for his people but for himself.
Your portrait sits in his lap, face poised and stoic yet with a hint of a smile on your face, and it is this portrait that brings him solace and comfort during his time of turmoil. He’d purchased the photo from a vendor back in the South during the celebration of your coronation, and looking at it now he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Everything had become such a mess and all he wanted was your comfort; you were busy rebuilding a tribe, and after Zuko had made such a fuss about maintaining honesty between you two he felt foolish to try and tell you now. Surely you’d leave him for it, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stand that heartache. Not again.
A knock on the door rips his attention away from your portrait and an immediate scowl forms on his features. He’d made it specifically clear that he didn’t want any visitors and was to be left undisturbed. Where were the Kyoshi Warriors to keep away the arrivals?
“I will see no one,” Zuko bellows, shoulders tensing when the door slowly begins to open despite his proclamation. However, when his eyes take in the sight of his beloved the Fire Lord does a double take before immediately relaxing at the presence of his Princess.
“Will the Fire Lord make an exception for me?” You ask with a meek smile, carefully shutting the doors behind you
“Y/n!” Zuko exclaims before scrambling out of his seat and rushing towards you. You can’t help the delighted laugh that leaves you when Zuko lifts your figure off the ground and holds you impossibly close to his chest. Tears well in his eyes as he nestles his face into your shoulder and breathes in the scent of fire lilies and snow.
“It’s nice to know you’ve missed me,” you giggle softly, though your smile fades once Zuko sets you back on the ground and you’re able to see his face. Carefully you rest a hand upon his face, Zuko immediately melting into your touch. “My love, you haven’t been sleeping, have you?”
“How can you tell?” Zuko asks with quiet surprise.
“I can see the restlessness and turmoil in your eyes. You’re troubled.”
“That’s an understatement,” he scoffs quietly. You frown.
“What’s going on with you, Zuko? Aang told me you backed out of the Harmony Restoration Movement.”
“Is that why you’re here?” The Fire Lord replies, a harsh edge suddenly coating his tone. “Just to talk me back into it??”
“I’m here because I’m worried about my boyfriend,” you emphasize, and you don’t miss the look of guilt that flash’s across Zuko’s face for snapping at you. Quieter now, “Aang told me about the promise he made to you. I want to hear your side of the story, and I want to do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t go that far.”
Zuko is silent for a moment, and after a beat passes he nods. No more secrets, it’s time to tell you everything.
You end up in the palace gardens by the pond, loaves of bread in your hands as you enjoy the breeze and feed the turtle ducks. The Kyoshi Warriors stand in the distance to guard you both, and Suki gives you a quiet nod when your eyes meet across the way. You wanted to give Zuko a comforting atmosphere where he could feel safe to talk, the tone of the throne room was a bit too intense for the both of you, and after recalling stories he had told you of his mother you figured this was the perfect spot to do so. It takes him time to gather his thoughts and process his emotions, but you wait patiently until he’s ready.
“I want to start by saying that I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I knew you’d worry and drop everything to try and talk me out of something I’d already decided, and I didn’t want to take you away from your people, not again,” Zuko explains quietly. “But my family, selfishness and destruction runs in our blood, and I needed to make sure that I’d never make the same mistakes they did.”
“Zuko,” you utter gently, your hand coming to rest upon his bicep, “you are nothing like your father or your grandfather. You’re a good person, you’ve already proven this time and time again. Yes, you’ve made mistakes, but you’ve also made changes, good changes.”
“I can’t make any more mistakes, y/n. That’s why Aang is there to stop me. But backing out of the Harmony Restoration Movement is not a mistake.”
“Why did you do it?”
“Because of you.”
“Me?” You repeat in bewilderment. “I-I don’t understand.”
“I had the chance to visit Yu Dao and see what my people had created, the life they spent generations building for themselves. As Fire Lord it’s my job to make sure my people are happy, and they are happy— coinciding with earth kingdom citizens. You should have seen it, y/n. Best friends, business partners, families made up of two different nations. I know Aang believes there can’t be any harmony unless the four nations are separate, but Yu Dao proves that that’s not true, and so do we.”
“The mayor’s wife of Yu Dao invited me to stay with them, her an earth bender and her husband a fire bender. They had a daughter and together they were a beautiful family. And do you know what I saw when I was with them?”
“What did you see?” You ask quietly, your eyes welling with tears as you hang onto Zuko’s every word.
“I saw us. I saw you cradling a baby in your arms while you sat in the gardens and watched the older children play. It was peaceful, and even though the odds have always been against us it didn’t matter that the mother of our children was of the Water Tribe and the father was of the Fire nation. All that mattered in that moment was our family. A family that can’t exist if we keep the four nations separate,” Zuko emphasizes desperately. “If it’s selfish of me to base my decision on my own desires then I’ll take the hit, but I’d rather die than ever have to be kept away from you simply because we’re different.”
Zuko’s eyes have grown wide and his shoulders rise and fall with each anxious breath he takes as he gauges your reaction. You’re silent for a long while, your own gaze settled upon the pond as you watch the mother turtle duck look after her ducklings. You wanted to be a mother some day, and you’d be lying if you said you could picture yourself being with anyone other than Zuko. He was it for you, the only person you’d ever want to be with, and no one had any right to tell you otherwise.
“Zuko,” you say quietly, lifting your gaze to stare into his golden irises, “you’re absolutely right.”
“I-I am?” He splutters in response, surprised at the fact that he’s truly in the right for once. He’s always relied on you as a moral compass, so to hear that you agree with him is a weight lifted off of his shoulders.
“You are,” you reaffirm. “How can you have peace if everyone is expected to keep to themselves? That’s not harmony at all. It’s isolating and it’s lonely and it’s sad. Those families shouldn’t be separated, and you need to do whatever you can to keep them together.”
“I will,” Zuko nods quickly. “Will you help me?”
“I’m on your side Zuko, but I can’t fight my friends,” you lament gently. “I’ll try to reason with Aang, and if it comes down to it I’ll stop him from fulfilling his promise to you, but I’m afraid I’ll have to remain neutral.”
“I understand,” he murmurs gently. He takes your hands in his own and gives them a gentle squeeze. “Thank you for hearing my side and having my back.”
“I always will, Zuko. You’ll never have to worry about that,” you reply, smiling as he pulls you into a tight hug. Despite the conflict going on between your boyfriend and your friends, you have a feeling that everything is going to work itself out. It has to. It must.
And it will.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka @sirkekselord @protect-remus @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @draqondance @taeeemin @user12345321 @just--artemis--with--ghost @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @neighborhoodpansexualdisaster @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch |
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beifongsss · 4 years
love amongst the dragons [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Requested?: Yes! By an outstanding anon!: “hiya there I saw that you’re open for request and i’ve read all of your Zuko fics and they are incredible! I want to request a Zuko x reader too please in which it’s several years after his coronation and he’s back on vacation to Ember Island with the Gaang and Uncle Iroh, as it happens his favorite play “Love amongst the Dragons” is being performed and Zuko dragged them all to the theater, just for him to become mesmerized by the leading female performer which is the reader :) thanks xx”
i changed the request just a bit i’m sorry anon :(
Summary: When Iroh dragged everyone to the theatre while vacationing on Ember Island, Zuko did not expect to be so entranced by the lead play.
Surprisingly, it hadn’t been Sokka’s idea this time.
Instead, it had been Iroh who had suggested that they go see “Love Amongst the Dragons” as soon as they got to Ember Island. It had been a few years since the Gaang had been on Ember Island but the stress of being Fire Lord was getting to Zuko so Iroh had written to all of his friends, inviting them to a week long retreat at the famed island. They had all accepted of course, especially when Iroh promised to bring them some of his favorite tea leaves.
Aang was undoubtedly the most excited, agreeing with Iroh’s idea almost immediately. Everyone else was a little hesitant, remembering the last time they had gone to see the Ember Island Players.
“C’mon Zuko,” Aang said, walking up to the older boy with a pleading look on his face. “Didn’t you say that it was your favorite play when you were a kid?”
“No,” Zuko snapped, looking away from Aang. “It was my mother’s favorite.”
The conversation had ended there, or so Zuko had thought. Halfway through the week, he had agreed to let Katara plan out a day’s schedule. He hadn’t expected her to give in to Aang’s request so easily although looking back on it now, he wondered how he expected her to deny her boyfriend anything. Especially when he had those big, sparkling eyes.
And so Fire Lord Zuko found himself being dragged into the theater by Toph, who was the only one he was scared of disobeying.
“C’mon Sparky Pants,” Toph said, tugging Zuko along as she made her way to the front row. “We got good seats this time so I can actually see what’s going on.”
Zuko huffed and rolled his eyes as he sat next to the small earthbender, Sokka sitting on his other side. Suki filled in the end of the row while Iroh, Aang, and Katara filled the second row. Toph turned to talk to Iroh, who was sitting directly behind Zuko, about the play and proceeded to ask him various questions. Zuko tried to ignore the girl, pouting as he realized that he was going to have to watch another butchered play.
After a few minutes, the lights dimmed and the theater’s manager stepped out on stage. His eyes quickly flickered to where the Gaang was sitting and Zuko sunk in his seat as he realized what was coming.
“Good evening everybody,” the man spoke, a wide smile now on his face “Thank you for joining us tonight for a very special showing of “Love Amongst the Dragons”. Tonight, we have our very own Fire Lord and the Avatar joining us. Please enjoy the show.”
The audience applauded as they all shifted their gazes to where Zuko was sitting. After receiving an encouraging kick from Iroh, he straightened up and forced a smile onto his face as he looked around and waved. Once the lights fully went out, he slumped in his seat, letting out a loud sigh as Toph snickered. 
He elbowed her softly, the two of them bickering quietly before Sokka suddenly began to repeatedly slap Zuko’s arm.
“Shh! It’s starting. Look!” Sokka was already invested in the play even though there wasn’t anything remotely interesting happening. Zuko let out another angst-filled sigh as he focused on the play, barely paying attention as the Dragon Emperor took the stage and the play began. Zuko couldn’t deny that the play wasn’t as bad as he remembered it being, but that still didn’t mean he was enjoying it.
Zuko’s eyelids were drooping as the play continued, the young Fire Lord barely paying attention as the Dragon Emperor was bound to the mortal world by the Dark Water Spirit and forced to take the name Noren. In fact, Zuko was about to give in and sleep through the play when his attention was caught by a loud, clear voice. He jolted up, his eyes landing on the actress who had just appeared on stage.
The entire theater went silent as you emerged, speaking your lines so smoothly that it seemed as though you were merely having a conversation and not acting. You were wearing a gorgeous blue dress, the hem swaying as you walked forwards. Your steps were swift but gentle, making it seem as though you were gliding across the stage.
Zuko was so entranced by you acting that he didn’t look away from you once, not even when you subtly looked over to the area where they had told you that the Fire Lord and his friends were sitting in. Your eyes swept across the audience as you spoke, and you had to take a deep breath when you accidentally made eye contact with a pair of piercing golden eyes. You mentally thanked the makeup artist, glad that your blush wasn’t visible.
Back in the audience, Zuko’s jaw dropped slightly as his eyes met yours and he mentally thanked the spirits that Toph had gotten front row seats. You were gorgeous, ethereal. Your (H/C) hair was styled perfectly and your eyes were sparkling. Zuko felt a bit breathless.
“So,” Toph whispered, leaning in towards Zuko. “I take it the leading actress is hot?”
Zuko stayed silent, looking at Toph with a panicked expression as he wondered how she knew that if she was blind. Snorting, Toph explained. “Your heart rate shot up when she came out Sparky. You’re not the most subtle.”
A scowl formed on Zuko’s face but before he could reply, Sokka did it for him.
“Hey Zuko, buddy,” Sokka said, looking at the boy. “Maybe you should close your mouth before you catch any flies. Not that I blame you, she’s beautiful.”
“Who is?” Suki asked, leaning in close so that she wasn’t too loud. Zuko stuttered for a moment before Sokka once again spoke.
“The lead!”
“Oh yeah, she’s gorgeous,” Suki agreed, leaning back in her seat.
“If only I were single,” Sokka and Suki sighed in unison, giving each other slightly offended looks before dissolving into a fit of giggles. Zuko rolled his eyes at their antics before focusing on the play once again.
The rest of the play passed flawlessly, and Zuko found his attention captured by you every single second you were onstage. For once, he didn’t feel bored. It wasn’t only because you were attractive (he had given up denying that statement after Sokka had elbowed him for the fiftieth time), it was because after years he was finally seeing his mother’s favorite play being performed the way it was meant to be.
Even on stage you didn’t remain oblivious to the gaze that followed you around. Sure, you had whole audiences who watched you, but the stare that the Fire Lord was giving you was intense and you began to wonder if he wasn’t enjoying the play. Your fellow actors had noticed as well, and during the intermission you found yourself being teased about your new “admirer”.
It was also during the intermission that the manager slipped backstage and informed the cast that the Fire Lord and his friends would be coming backstage after the show. The cast all slipped into a panic as you tried to clean up the space as best as you could. The rest of the play passed by in a blur, everyone anxious for what was to come. Even with the nervousness, you never messed up once and Zuko’s eyes stayed on you the whole time.
On stage, Noren managed to defeat the Dark Water Spirit and reunite with your character, who ended up being the Dragon Empress. In Zuko’s opinion, the play ended way too quickly. He found himself clapping a little too loudly, causing Sokka to give him a sly glance as he stretched slightly and began to make his way out of the row. He didn’t get too far before Iroh gently grabbed his arm, causing him to stop and look at the older male in confusion.
“We are not leaving yet Zuko,” Iroh said, a suspicious glimmer in his eyes as he smiled at the boy. “The theater manager is an old Pai Sho buddy of mine and he agreed to give us a tour backstage.”
“You mean we’ll get to meet the actors?” Aang asked, exchanging excited glances with Sokka. Iroh nodded. The group began to walk towards the stage, Toph staying behind slightly as she noticed that Zuko hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Try not to embarrass yourself Sparky,” she teased, punching his arm as she walked past him. Grumbling, Zuko followed the small girl backstage and came to a stop next to Sokka.
“Ah, Sotar!” Iroh exclaimed, embracing the theater manager. The two men laughed and greeted each other before he turned and bowed to Zuko.
“Fire Lord Zuko,” Sotar said before turning and bowing to Aang. “Avatar Aang. It is an honor to have you here. I hope the play was to your liking.”
“It was awesome!” Aang replied, bringing a smile to Sotar’s face. He turned to Zuko but before he could answer, someone bumped into him. Zuko turned to face the person, coming face to face with the lead actor.
“Forgive me, Fire Lord Zuko,” the actor said, bowing deeply after regaining his balance. “I lost my balance.”
“It’s alright,” Zuko replied quietly, shifting closer to Sokka. “Your performance was great.”
“Jenor is the finest actor we have,” Sotar boasted, smiling proudly at the actor. “We are truly lucky to have him.”
The actor, Jenor, blushed lightly at the praise before speaking. “Thank you, but I’m afraid the real star of the show is (Y/N). I wonder where she is.”
“I’m right here.”
The group turned around as a quiet voice spoke. Zuko’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes landed on you. Spirits, you were prettier up close.
“Um, thanks,” you said, the blush dusting your cheeks visible now that you had taken off your makeup. You ignored Jenor’s gaze as you remembered the teasing from earlier.
Zuko’s eyes widened in embarrassment as he realized that he had spoken out loud. He immediately avoided your gaze, instead shooting a glare at Sokka as the boy tried not to choke on his laughter.
“Good going Sparky,” Toph whispered, a smirk playing at the edge of her lips. Zuko rolled his eyes at the younger girl before focusing on you as you walked up to him.
“Fire Lord Zuko,” you said, dropping into a dramatic bow. You proceeded to do the same thing to Aang before giving slightly smaller bows to everybody else. “I am (Y/N) (L/N), lead actress of “Love Amongst the Dragons”. It is truly an honor to be in your presence. I hope you enjoyed the show.”
Zuko didn’t trust himself to speak without embarrassing himself again and instead chose to stay silent, merely bowing his head in response.
“Zuko, where are your manners?!” Iroh spoke, coming up behind his nephew. “My apologies Miss (Y/N), my nephew greatly enjoyed the performance. He was so impressed by it that his eyes didn’t leave you for a single second!”
This time, Sokka couldn’t hold back his laughter, resulting in Suki grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the group. “We’re gonna go look at the ummm, at the costumes!”
Aang engaged in a conversation with Jenor, and the two of them began to walk away slowly, trying to escape the awkward situation created by Iroh. Zuko stood in Iroh’s grasp, trying his best not to shoot a glare at his uncle as Katara stared as him.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you finally said, smiling softly at the retired general’s words. “We all put in a lot of work.”
“It was most impressive indeed,” Iroh said, straightening up and looking around. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have quite a bit of catching up to do with Sotar.”
You gave Iroh one last bow before he hurried off, trying to locate his old friend. It was silent for a few seconds before Toph finally spoke up. “Hey Katara? Where did Aang go? He promised me he was going to be my guide for the night!”
Katara smirked slightly at Toph’s words, knowing that the girl didn’t need a guide. She reached over and grabbed the girl’s hands before looking at you and Zuko apologetically. “I’m sorry, we really have to go find Aang. It was nice to meet you (Y/N), you are an amazing actress.”
You thanked the Water Tribe girl as she walked away before facing Zuko, who was currently struggling as he tried to figure out what to say.
“So,” he finally spoke, losing his train of thought as he noticed the small smile on your face. “You like acting?”
The smile on your face widened at his words. “Yes I do, Fire Lord Zuko.”
Zuko’s face scrunched up at the use of his title, not liking how formal you were being. “You don’t have to call me ‘Fire Lord’. Just Zuko is fine.”
You nodded silently before speaking again. “Alright Zuko. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you choose to come watch the play? I’m certain that as the Fire Lord, you have more exciting things to do.”
Zuko smiled at your teasing tone, relaxing slightly as he realized that you were treating him as normally as you could. “We’re on vacation. My uncle remembered that this was my mother’s favorite play and Aang insisted on watching it.”
“Oh?” you asked mildly surprised. You vaguely remembered Fire Lady Ursa and you felt your heart ache slightly for the Fire Lord. “It was?”
“Yeah,” Zuko nodded, still not meeting your eyes for fear of freezing up. “She would make us watch it every year when we came here on vacation. I always begged her to leave me at home.”
“Because the Ember Island Players always butchered the play,” Zuko said immediately, his eyes widening when he realized what he had said. He glanced up to meet your eyes, prepared to apologize for offending you.
Instead, he was met with eyes full of mirth and his panic subsided faintly as you began to chuckle.
“I-I’m sorry,” Zuko said, trying to take his words back. “I didn’t mean t-”
“No, no,” you cut him off, sending him an apologetic smile. “You’re absolutely right. Not to sound rude or anything, but I think that was partly due to the fact that the previous lead actress was so hard to work with. I think that the play has become somewhat better since then.”
“Definitely,” Zuko said, chuckling along with you. “They certainly made the right choice when casting the lead actress. You did an amazing job.”
It was your turn to blush as Zuko kept speaking.
“You’re very talented, (Y/N). You have such a powerful stage presence and the delivery of your lines is flawless. You truly stole the show. I think that the audience was more focused on you than they were on Jenor and you managed to keep everyone captivated.”
“Including you, my Lord?” you asked, a flirtatious lilt to your voice as you spoke. Zuko’s next words faltered as his eyes met yours and you felt yourself smirk lightly as a deep blush spread across his cheeks.
“Especially him!” Toph’s loud voice rang as she leaned against Zuko’s shoulder. You burst into laughter at the young girl’s words and Zuko found himself speechless at your laugh. Apparently everything about you was beautiful.
“I thought you were going to find Aang,” Zuko said through gritted teeth, pushing Toph off of him.
“I was but Iroh sent me to tell you it’s time to go,” Toph said, a wide grin on her face. “Oh, and he also told me to tell (Y/N) that he’d love it if you joined Zuko here for a cup of tea at the Jasmine Dragon next time you’re free.”
Zuko groaned at her words and shot a glare at his uncle, not wanting to meet your eyes for fear of rejection.
“I’d be honored to,” came your reply. Zuko’s head whipped around and he stared at you as you grinned at him. “That is, if it’s okay with the Fire Lord.”
A little starstruck, Zuko simply nodded. You stepped closer to him, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. “It’s a date then.”
Zuko grinned dazedly as he was pulled away by Toph, a teasing smile on her face as she led him to the rest of the group. You looked after them for a few seconds before walking away, only pausing to laugh at their conversation.
“I can’t believe your uncle has to set up your dates for you.”
“Shut up!”
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​, @bottledcostcowater, @butterflycore​, @coldlilheart​, @the-firebender-girl​
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ships4you · 4 years
flames & deception {zuko}
Request: Heyoo!! Can I request a zuko x reader where Zuko and y/n get into a fight, and Zuko accidentally burns y/n? But instead of y/n getting mad at Zuko, y/n forgives him, kinda like the scene where Zuko and Iroh reunite? Ty!! ❤️❤️❤️(It can be either headcanon, imagine, whatever you’re the most comfortable with!) (*´ω`*)
Pairing: Zuko x Earth Kingdom!Reader
Prompt: After setting Appa free Zuko has a nasty fever that leaves him sick in bed for days on end. While the reader is watching over a sleeping Zuko he has a nightmare, causing him to accidentally hurt the reader.
I’m such a sucker for againsty Zuko😻
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“You know I saw a wanted poster for the blue spirit the other day.”
Lee ignored your comment, continuing to pace around his apartment above Mushi’s tea shop.
“You do know what that means, right? If someone spots you they’ll send guards after you. Or even worse; the Dai Li.”
You’ve been dating Lee for about two months now. Even though you didn’t know much about his past, he seemed to be very open and comfortable with you. A couple weeks into the relationship he told you about his evening excursions as the ‘Blue Spirit’. It never bothered you, but after climbing through your window one night all bloody and cut up from a fight, you couldn’t help but worry about your boyfriend.
“Do you hear what I’m saying?!” you raised your voice, annoyed at his I-could-care-less attitude. “Yes.” he responded dryly, slipping his swords into its sheath. You sighed and marched up to him, placing your hands on his chest. “Lee…” you said rubbing your thumbs in circles against his black skin-tight suit, “I just want you to be safe… Please, isn’t there another way?” you reached up to brush his hair out of his face. Before you could reach the black locks he grabbed your wrist tightly.
“You wouldn’t understand.” He lowered your wrist back down to your side, “I have to do this.”
This made you furious. “Oh of course!” you seethed through your teeth, “Of course I wouldn’t understand! You know not everything can be fixed with this little ‘hero’ act you have going on. Am I just not supposed to worry about you anymore?!” you yelled at him.
“Yes (y/n)! You don’t know me! You don’t know the things I’ve been through, the shitty things I have done. Hell, the shitty things I am going to do! You only care because you think I am this wounded, helpless creature, but guess what? I’m. Not. I’ve been on my own for years now and I don’t need you telling what I can and can’t do. When will you get it. I. Don’t. Need. You.”
He was now merely inches away from your face, eyes filled with fire. You weren’t sure when exactly the lump in your throat appeared, but you could feel soft, subtle tears sting against your cheeks. “Well. The next time you’re covered in cuts and bleeding out, don’t come to me.” you said before walking out, slamming the door behind you.
Three days after your big fight you received a letter in the mail.
Dearest (y/n),
I am afraid Lee has fallen extremely ill. He has been under my constant care for days, yet cannot seem to break his fever. I know my nephew hurt you, he often speaks out of fear— lashing out at those closest to him. I sincerely apologize on his behalf.
I need to go across town to fetch medicine to hopefully help his temperature go down. Would you be willing to come and sit with him for an hour or two? You are more than welcome to decline. Either way please come by the shop for a cup of tea soon. Seeing your beautiful smile warms my heart.
With all my love,
As angry as you were, you knew how much he loved his nephew. You could not stand to break his heart. So, the next day you swallowed your pride and walked into the tea shop with your head held high.
He greeted you with open arms, as if nothing had happened. “He has been asleep for days,” Mushi explained leading you up the stairs to the apartment. “He just needs someone near to refill his water and keep a damp cloth a top his head. He will occasionally become restless in his sleep and thrash around a bit,” he said with sad eyes, “I will be back as soon as possible. Thank you (y/n). Your act of kindness is a gift from the spirits.” Resting your palm against his arm you said, “Mushi, you know I would do anything for you.” He smiled gratefully, bowing before leaving the room.
He looked so peaceful for the first few minutes, despite the small beads of sweat you noticed dripping down his face and chest. You made sure to switch out the damp rag with a new, cool one and refilled the bucket with fresh water. As you were putting the bucket down you noticed a worried expression stretch across his face. Before you knew it he began writhing back and forth, “Lee?” you knelt down and reached out to wake him up.
Before you could reach him, he quickly sat up and hurled his arm in your direction. You quickly jumped out of the way, and that’s when you noticed it. Fire ripping past your body. Your body was far enough, but you left hand that had come up to instinctively block your face was grazed by a stray flame. You yelped and squatted down to the floor, cradling your hand.
You opened your hand, a slash across your palm already fading into a bright red.
“(y/n)… Please tell me I didn’t do that.” His eyes began filling up with tears.
His eyes were fearful. Terrified of what he had just done. Then the pain started to hit you. Panicking you ran to the bathroom, latching the door behind you. Your mind racing as you submerged your hand underneath the cool faucet.
Lee was a firebender.
He pounded on the door, “(y/n) please let me help you”
Was he a spy?
“Shit! I’m so sorry, please don’t hate me.” his voice cracked. It was obvious to tell he was crying.
No. Not a spy. Then why was a firebender in Ba Sing Se?
“don’t-hate-me, dont-hate-me, please just- fuck! I can’t lose you. I need you.”
“Is your name even Lee?” you felt your mouth move before you could think.
You heard him exhale through the sliding door. “No.”
You turned off the faucet, waiting for his explanation. “My name isn’t Lee. My real name is Zuko… Prince Zuko. My father- he. He is the Firelord. Two years ago he he burnt my face for speaking out against him.” he paused, “I was banished from the Fire Nation after that… My Uncle, Iroh and I have been on the run since I was 14. We came to Ba Sing Se to start over.”
You slid the door open. You were terrified to ask, but your heart needed to hear his answer “Have these last two months been one big lie? Is this… Us-” He stood in front of you eyes red from crying, his hair still damp with sweat. “No.” He said sternly, “Not you. Never with you.” His chest heaved as he spoke, “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I pushed you away. I am so sorry. I don’t deserve you.” he swiped his hand down his face, “I lied to you. I was stupid to let myself forget who I am, the kind of person I am. Being around you just made me feel… Normal. I was lost and confused and I used you. You have every right to hate me.”
“Zuko.” your lips testing the sound of his name. “I could never hate you.”
He sighed heavily. He walked up to you wrapping his arms around your middle, tucking his head into your neck. You curled your arms around his shoulders, embracing his head with your hand, stroking your fingers through his hair. You could feel his breath quicken, his tears damp against your clothes, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you.” your body tensed, “Please don’t leave me.” his voice whispered, muffled against your skin. Sliding your hands to his neck, you lifted his head from his chin. “I’m not going anywhere.” you reassured, hands now cupping the sides of his face, brushing the tears with your thumbs. “I love you too.”
He immediately pulled you into him, latching onto your lips. His hand slid up the length of your back, pressing your chest against his. You tilted your head downwards, resting your forehead against his. As he pulled away your hands fell to his chest. “Can I just say…” you sighed. He glance at you through his lashes, tightening his grip on your hip. “Yes. Anything.”
“I like your real name so much better than Lee.” you couldn’t help but giggle. He groaned throwing his head back, “Ugh, yea. My Uncle gave it to my as a joke. I got him back by calling him Mushi though.” You both shared a quick laugh.
“Yea I have to be honest, I had to hold myself back from moaning your name all those times. Lee is such an un-sexy name.” you joked, hooking your hands behind his back. He rolled his eyes jokingly, “I just told you I am the crowned Prince of the Fire Nation and that is what you take from it?!” You smiled giddily, “Mhmm, yup.”
“You are ridiculous.” He said before kissing you lightly. “Come on, I used to burn myself while training as a kid. I know a recipe to help it heal.” he said leading you to the kitchen.
Let me know if you guys want a part two, maybe a prequel or just more of this Earth Kingdom!Reader plot-line to carry throughout the storyline of the show. Maybe them reuniting on the outer walls with Iroh and the white Lotus or after the war is finished. Hope you guys liked this one <3
Tag List: @myexgirlfriendisthemoon​
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Fools pt.2
[Zuko x Reader]
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Summary: Zuko and Y/N had liked eachother for a while even though neither of them knew it. Y/N tries to get over her crush for him, failing miserably. So just when she decides to let go and embrace her feelings, the new Fire lord finds himself feeling jealous and decides to take matters into his own hands.
A/N: I’m so happy you guys liked this cause I like it so much toooooo and I was worried my writting would mess the idea up but it ended up pretty good. This once again got a little long so it’s def gonna need a pt.3 but I’m gonna wait til someone requests it to write it.
Side note, I’m not a native speaker so if some of the grammar is wrong or something let me know <3
Warnings: Angst but it will end well i promise
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The sun had set on your way back to the palace. You couldn’t really remember when you’d fallen asleep, you tried to stay awake as long as you could but you’d spent the night before awake worrying about what would happen the next day. The weather became more forgiving as the night sky glimmered above you, you’d dare to say it even got a little chilly. What woke you up was a set of slender and calloused fingers putting strands of hair that had fallen to your face back into their place. Before opening your eyes you heard Zuko’s soft voice. “Hey... we’re almost at the palace.”
You finally opened your eyes and were shocked to see where you had fallen asleep. “Zuko...” you muttered in a raspy and still a little sleepy voice “why am I using you as my pillow?”
The Fire lord chuckled softly and you could closely hear the vibrations that sent through his chest as you were slightly laying on it. A faint blush ran through your cheeks as it had done many times that days.
“You fell asleep and then started chattering your teeth. It was pretty annoying honestly, so I sat over here to help warm you up.” Zuko explained as his fingers kept playing with your hair. His arm was around you and you were pretty much leaning on him fully. It was just then you realized how warm he was, one of the benefits of being a fire bender you guessed.
You faintly smiled looking back down and before you could say anything else the carriage stopped. The small door opened to show you the front view of the castle and that helped clear your memory. Aang and the others were here, that’s why you came back. You jumped out of Zuko’s grasp and out of the carriage to start walking fast to the entrance. As soon as the big doors opened you saw Katara’s face smiling expectantly. You didn’t wait more than a second to run into her arms and squeeze her into yours. Her laugh filled the room as the two of you almost fell from how hard you’d ran into her.
“Y/N, I’m loving this but I kinda can’t breathe” she muttered in a muffled voice.
You laughed and let go of her taking a look around you for the first time. The next one to receive your unforgiving hug was Sokka. You wrapped your arms around his neck and made him stumble a couple steps back before he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Someone’s happy to see us.” He expressed as he tightened the hug before letting go.
“Are you kidding? It’s felt like forever since I last saw you, and it’s actually been forever since we’ve all been here together.” You turned more to your left to give Suki her hug, feeling how she was the strongest and most stable one of the three. She was a strong hugger too so it was you this time who had to let go.
Finally you walked up to Aang being a little more forgiving with him, as you’d always felt like if you hugged him to tight he might break. When you were done you looked at all of them in surprise, barely even hearing Zuko’s steps behind you. “What are you guys doing here?” You asked
It was Katara who spoke first. “Well it’s almost been a year since the war ended” she turned to look to Zuko this time as he was greeting Aang and moving on to her. “Your uncle was the one to call us here, he’s organizing a commemoration gala and wanted us to surpise you.”
You moved your attention from Katara to Zuko and asked “You knew about this?” as you saw his golden orbs go back to you.
“I had no idea” he assured you. “Is my uncle here too?” He asked once again to Katara.
“He had business to finish in Ba Sing Se but he’ll be here by tomorrow” it was Aang who intervened this time.
Before anyone else could speak Toph appeared around the corner. “Oh great, you’re back. How was your date?” With those words your heartbeat stopped and restarted again at an impressively fast speed.
Every pair of eyes in the room turned to look at you and Zuko realizing for the first time the two of you had been out together and alone. “Date?” Sokka asked raising an eyebrow. You knew he was never gonna let this go.
“It wasn’t a date” Zuko said from a place he’d stood in behind you. Your heart fell at those words. I mean, yeah he never explicitly said it was a date, and deep inside you knew it wasn’t, but you had hoped that in a way it could’ve been. What hurt you the most was how fast he was to correct Toph, as if he couldn’t stand the idea of your picnic being a date. “Y/N was bored to death and I was too stressed from Fire lord stuff so we took a day off and ate lunch.”
The silence that came after surely couldn’t last more than a couple seconds but to you it was so awkward and shameful it might as well have been two hours. Finally Toph was the once to speak once again. “Well... are we gonna stay here all night and freeze or are we going inside to eat? I’m starving”
You did as much as you could to not let Zuko’s comment ruin your night. You got to spend time with your friends for the first time in a while, and at first, swallowing the tight feeling in your throat was hard, you didn’t want to look at Zuko for the rest of the night. The worst part was you knew Zuko hadn’t done anything wrong, it was you who was dumb enough to think a day out could become something else... something more, he was being kind and nice and you turned it into something you knew would end up hurting you. If anything the one you should be mad at is yourself.
But after just a few minutes at the table, listening to Katara and Sokka’s stories about how it was like to go back home after so long, how they’d received them like heroes, how gran gran was so proud of them, Aangs tales of how the other nations are doing and Suki recieving good news from the Kioshi warriors sometimes, soon enough the feeling faded. It would resurface every now and again when Zuko’s eyes would meet your own, an almost worried look on his face but faint enough for only you to notice, but you managed to keep your attention on everyone else.
When dinner was over, Suki was the one to propose the idea of having a girls-only sleep over. Toph, Katara and you agreed, while Sokka told Aang and Zuko they would have a boys night then. You wasted no time making your way to Toph’s room and away from the dinner table. As soon as you walked in you threw yourself dramatically to her bed as the rest of the girls walked inside after you. Toph was the last one and closed the door behind her.
“So... are you gonna keep drowning in your sorrows or are you gonna tell us what happened today at your date.” She jumped to the bed as Katara and Suki took a seat too.
“It wasn’t a date, Toph.”
“You sure wanted it to be” she joked leaning back into her pillows.
“Toph!” You yelled throwing a small cushion at her face which surprisingly she caught with her hand.
“Um... Y/N? Did we miss something? Are you and Zuko...” Suki said looking at you expectantly.
“No! There’s not a me and Zuko, things are like they’ve always been, we’re friends, that’s it.” You responded exasperated
“But... you want to be more.” Katara added, it was more of a statement than a question.
“Ugh i don’t know.” You replied covering your face with your hands. “I mean yeah but it’s dumb and it’s not gonna happen, so no.”
“Well he did seem pretty concerned when you sprinted out of the dining room” She pointed out moving over to braid your hair. She liked to do that because she said it reminded her of when her mom used to do it to her.
“You didn’t tell us what happened today in your little trip” Toph interviened pushing you softly with her foot.
“Nothing, i think. I mean... at one point I think we were about to kiss? But then a guard interrupted us with the news of you guys being here so we had to leave.” You felt a heat take over your body as you remembered the moment when Zuko’s face had been only inches away from yours. “Oh and I kinda fell asleep on him on the way back and he hugged me to warm me up. That’s it”
“That’s it? Y/N you’re really dumb sometimes.” Toph said “If he almost kissed you and you were all cuddly in the carriage then there’s no way he doesn’t like you.”
“He called himself my ‘friend’ while we were eating, and you saw how he got when you said we were on a date. It’s like the idea of it it’s unbearable to him.” You sighed deeply as you felt Katara finishing up your braid. “I think the best thing I can do is get over it.”
“Don’t do something you’ll regret later, Y/N” Suki advised you as she put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah...that’s what I’m trying to do.”
That night you had more fun than you remembered having in a long time. Gossiping about boys was first on your sleepover to-do list. You heard Suki complain about all the Southern Water tribe girls who would dwell over Sokka, and how he would be so oblivious about it, it could become so frustrating. “It’s like he doesn’t even notice how all this girls have their eyes glued to him when he tells stories about his travels and basically need a bucket to store all their drooling.” And Katara didn’t have much complaining to do on that area, she said she sometimes would catch girls looking at him in awe but honestly that’s how everyone looked at Aang, besides she was sure Aang was too busy to even pay attention to anyone other than her. Despite complaints about their boyfriends, the two girls seemed to be very happy.
You talked, laughed and ended up falling asleep cuddled together by the end of the night. You missed that, you really did.
But as all good things, it had to come to an end. The sun was rising on the horizon by the time you woke up and decided to go to the bathroom. With your eyes still half closed from the light, you didn’t even notice when you walked into Zuko. You felt his strong chest covered by his work attire and a pair of hands holding you so you wouldn’t trip.
“Y/N” he said surprised to see you. “Good morning.” Zuko smiled at the sight of your sleepy eyes and morning head.
“Hey” you greeted him back “working early?”
He put his hands down from your shoulders and back to his sides before answering “Yeah, actually. I want to get some things done before mid-day. I’m taking all of you to the market to find something to wear for the gala. I asked around and it sounds like Uncle went all out.”
“He’s getting here today right?”
“Later tonight, yeah” Zuko replied. You tried your best not to but it was impossible not getting lost in his eyes for just a second. You’d never noticed how bright they got in direct sunlight, it was like you could even see the golden and orange specks flying in his orbs, just like a wild burning flame. You couldn’t tell if you wanted this to happen so bad you imagined it or if it actually happened, but you could swear his eyes drifted down to your lips for a split second. He was the one break the silence again. “So um... wake the girls up and tell them to get ready, we’ll be on our way at mid-day.”
You were taken out of your trance and forced to answer. “Yeah, will do.” And with that the Fire lord was on his way back to his office and you were left standing alone, like you had many times before.
The market was filled with people that day. It was bigger than any market you’d ever been in before, it took up blocks upon blocks where sellers would set their carts or open their shops for costumers to come in. There was an entire street dedicated to clothing, so you and the girls decided to separate from the group to go into a store where Katara had seen a particularly nice dress, while they went off to find Zuko’s personal tailor who had a shop right around the corner.
You didn’t even take two steps into the store before Katara whined“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing you’ve seen?” Holding up an aqua marine dress against her.
“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.” Said Toph, who was standing next to you.
“Ha ha, hilarious Toph”
“It’s really pretty Katara, I think it would look great on you.” intervened Suki looking at her and then turning around to look for one herself.
“I’ll go try it on.” She said walking to the back side of the store where you assumed the dressing rooms were.
You started to walk around trying to find something too, you liked shopping but you were never too good at deciding what would look best on you. A couple dresses caught your eye, but for all of them you ended up deciding they weren’t enough for the occasion. Your search came to an end when you heard Suki yell at you from somewhere in the store. “Y/N!! You need to see this right now!”
You followed the sound of her voice to the opposite end of the store to see her standing in front of a dress. Before she moved to the side to let you get a sight of it she said “You’re gonna love this.” The dress she picked was a long, puffy formal dress, it was mostly red from the bottom but as you looked up to the waist and chest it faded into a deep red and finally to black in the shoulders and sleeves. The neckline had a V shape that would show the shape of your breasts but still was formal and discrete enough to fit the occasion. The back was made out of a very thin lace fabric that would make it seem like the only thing laying on your skin were some black details simulating the shape of flames with some slight golden details on them. It really felt like the dress was made for you.
You were speechless for a couple seconds which Suki took as a hint of you loving it as much as she did. She started to push you to the dressing rooms saying “You need to try it on” until you finally were in one closing the curtain behind you. You thought it wouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to put it on, but in reality it took around ten. Because the dress was very wide and voluptuous, getting it no happened to be harder than it looked and you ended up needing to ask for help from one of the girls that worked in the store. When you finally got it on and looked at yourself you were sure that it was the one.
You were about to walk out when you heard a male’s voice outside the dressing room. “Y/N?” You recognized Zuko’s voice calling you “are you there?”
“Yeah im here.” Almost forgetting what you had on you walked right out to meet him. His eyes fell on you and widened instantly, he looked at you up and down not saying a thing for a good while before you asked “Well? Do you like it?”
“I-I um... yeah, you look... wow” he stuttered back not taking his eyes off of you. You hadn’t seen Zuko this nervous or stuttery since he first met you when he joined the gaang. It was sweet and it made your cheeks gain color once again.
“I’ll take that as a ‘I do like it’.” You chuckled a bit before asking “Where are the girls?”
“They um... they’re already out. It was getting a little crowded in here so they sent me in to look for you.”
“Oh, ok. I’ll take this off and then pay for it, I’ll be done in a second.” You said walking back into the dressing room. Taking it off was significantly easier to do that putting it on, thank the spirits.
Once you walked out Zuko was still waiting for you there. Right as you were about to go pay for the dress, you were sure you saw through the window a familiar face walking in front of the store. You pulled out a bag of coins and handed it to the boy standing next to you. “Zuko... do me a favor. Can you pay for the dress for me? I need to go outside really quick.”
He had a confused look on his face but nodded, taking the bag into one hand and holding the dress in the other. He saw you run outside while he was giving the coins to the old lady who owned the store, faintly listening while she said “She looks beautiful in it doesn’t she? You’re a lucky young man” If he had been paying his full attention, maybe he would’ve corrected her, but his eyes were glued on you. You had stopped a guy in the middle of the street who you looked at with awe and surprise. When he was finally done paying for the dress and the old lady was done packing it up, he walked out of the store only to find this guy holding your face in his hands really close to his, your hands rested on his neck as he approached you and gave you several kisses in your cheeks and forehead while you laughed. The final straw for him was when you raised your hand to his cheek, moving away a bunch of hair that barely covered his face. He was completely sure you were about to kiss him.
Zuko’s heart dropped and his vision turned red. He couldn’t stand looking at you anymore, so he walked up to Aang and the others faster than he meant to.
“Zuko. Are you ok?” Katara asked realizing how his deemeanor had changed.
“Fine. Give this to Y/N.” He ordered handing the dress to her. “I have business to attend at the palace, if you want you can stay and eat around here.”
And without waiting for a reply he took off walking furiously out of the market.
Tag list: @whalerus @galacticamidala @littleninjablake @katherinethedork @eridanuswave @mangoberry43 @taeeemin
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rudysrings · 4 years
Someday Soon
A/N: So the blog I started for my atla writing isn’t showing up in the tags. big sad. i’ll just put them on my main i guess. guess i write for atla now oop. I’ll write for pretty much anybody bc I do be a simp for atla and lok. Also the title sucks bc this is something i just wrote when it was simping for zuko hours, and i just felt like posting.
Warnings: er angst and fluff and allusions to sex i guess? it’s pretty PG ngl...
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this gif is super overused but don’t lie you love it : D ;)
Okie here we go!
You found yourself seeking out the banished prince, despite the Gaang’s instant rejection of him. It had been too long since you had seen him, spoken with him, touched him.
You surprisingly felt no anger anymore, only sorrow for what you had lost. You knew nothing would ease that pain other than the presence of the boy himself.
You were grateful to Toph for understanding, for showing you the way and leaving you to speak alone.
He was asleep when you found him. You were surprisingly unprepared for that outcome.
Unsure about waking him, you simply sat a few feet away in the cave, drawing your legs close to your chest as you shivered in the cold of the night. You must have been there for no more than a few moments when you felt Zuko pull you towards him. “Hey,” he greeted, pulling you into his warm embrace. You could tell that he had done so because he had seen you freezing half to death.
It was so easy, the two of you alone in that little cave, for you to pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist, that the harsh history between you was simply a bad dream.
You’d never felt so weak as you did then, not even when you were imprisoned, beaten down and your very identity ripped away. Because even then, you had known good from evil. But now, you were at war with yourself, unable to draw the line with his amber eyes melting away every ounce of your defiance.
Zuko held you close, but didn’t make any sudden moves, both out of awareness of your fragile disposition and out of pure respect for you. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel obligated to do something you would regret. Not that you would ever be so easily manipulated by anyone, but as selfish as it was, he secretly hoped that he made you as vulnerable as you made him.
You released a breath, not meeting his eyes as you straddled him timidly, the blush clear on your cheeks and neck. You were too absorbed in yourself to notice the same flush present on him.
“I wish I could just wake up from this nightmare,” you whispered. “This nightmare where you’re the bad guy, and you’ve hurt me in every way you can, and we can never be the same again.”
Zuko didn’t know why you were sharing this with him, opening yourself up after all this time, but he sure wasn’t complaining; he greedily licked up any piece of yourself you gifted him with.
“You’d think it would be easy to hate you, but Zuko,” you finally looked up at him, taken slightly aback by the emotion in his eyes. This was hurting him as much as it was you. “I just can’t seem to let you go.”
Zuko let a tear fall, blinking quickly as he spoke, “I-I don’t want you to let me go. Please. Everyone else except you and Uncle have already given up on me...just when I’m finally figuring out my destiny. And after what I’ve done to Uncle, he must hate me. I don’t--I need--as selfish as it is, I need your forgiveness. I can never take back what I did to you. I regret it every day. I understand if-if you can’t--”
The sight of your prince carrying all this guilt, feeling so alone and pleading with you for your forgiveness touched something within you that you thought you had managed to bury deep within yourself. Surging forward, you quieted that voice you adored so much with a kiss, drawing an mmph! from Zuko.
But he didn’t miss a beat, instantly winding around you on instinct, his mouth sliding over yours in just the right way, his hot tongue reminding you just how much you loved doing this.
You pulled away abruptly, afraid you’d forget what you were going to say if you let yourself get lost in him.
He looked up at you in question, his lips red and beautifully swollen from your kisses. “I forgive you, Zuko.” You felt a piece shift into place in your own heart as you said those words, a weight relieving itself from your chest.
You felt Zuko’s entire body sag with relief, his eyes twinkling with emotion, his lips parted in disbelief. “Spirits, I’m falling all in you...all over again,” Zuko said, his hot breath tickling your face.
His words encouraged your next move. You wound your arms around his neck, sliding forward on his lap to where you were chest to chest.
It seemed that even the moon didn’t want to encroach on your intimate moment, the moonlight somehow fading away, the infamous bright gold of Zuko’s eyes the only thing you could see clearly in the darkness of the cave.
You leaned back into him, your mouths colliding again. Your hands began to wander, slipping beneath his robe, seeking out the familiar contours you loved so dearly.
As your fingers began untying the knot that held his robes together, Zuko tensed, feeling the moment change as your focus shifted.
Zuko pulled away, dropping his lips to your ear to whisper, “Hey, hey, hey, slow down, y/n.”
You immediately stopped, your hands drawing back into yourself. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Zuko. I wanted--and I thought you wanted--”
Zuko chuckled, shaking his head. He brought your forehead to his, his eye glittering with mischief as he reassured you. “Trust me, angel, with you, I always want to.”
You blushed, unable to help the joy that filled your smile at his flattery. “But then, why…?” You trailed off.
“Why am I torturing myself?” Zuko asked, his expression full of mirth.
You nodded, smiling at his sudden lightheartedness. You had a feeling it might have something to do with getting your forgiveness. It had truly lightened his soul.
“Because even though I really, really, really want to, and you need to trust me on that, if we’re ever going to get on the right path again, I doubt this is the right way to start off?” He asked, as if looking for your input, too.
Your shoulders dropped in realization. You smiled inwardly at his forethought; he must really care. Tears pricked your eyes. “You’re completely right, Zuko.”
You began to feel the weight of the emotional day you had had, pushing you down into Zuko’s chest as you felt the hot tears stream down your face, and you tried to stifle the noises escaping your mouth.
Zuko didn’t need to ask. He simply knew. You had always been good at reading each other, and Zuko knew you were bound to break sooner or later. While he admired your strength to no end, what really made Zuko fall in love with you was your ability to be vulnerable with him with such ease.
That didn’t mean he enjoyed seeing you cry.
He held you tightly, his hands trembling as he tried his best to comfort you, his face buried in your sweet-smelling hair and his own tears slipping out of his tightly shut eyes. He wished he could just say the words. He loved you. He loved you like in all the magical stories his mother would read to him when he was small, like his Uncle had loved his late wife, like the moon loved the tide--he loved you. The words tore at his chest from the inside, but he kept them caged inside.
As the sun rose on the two of you, and your sobs turned into sniffles, Zuko pressed one more kiss to your quivering lips, somehow saying everything you needed to hear. He loved you. He wouldn’t say it just yet, but you knew. He had always loved you. The two of you always found each other in spite of the odds, and you had found each other once again. This time, Zuko was determined to keep you together; it was time he put you first. As he lay his head against the stone wall of the cave, holding you to his steady heartbeat, Zuko felt hopeful. “We’ll be okay, angel.” Someday soon.
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vodkaxtonic · 4 years
Forgiveness •Zuko x Reader•
Summary: Toph is coming back to you, her best friend, to crash at your place with the Gaang, who weren't strangers. Except now there was a new face, a way too familiar one.
Wordcount: 2.5K
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You were standing in your kitchen, the warmth of the sun kissing your skin as you prepared dinner. The house was quiet. Sometimes too still for your liking, the eerie quietness eating you up as you tried everything to distract your mind, which worked most of the time. However, not always. You couldn't help but miss the bickering of your parents, the waves of laughter filling up the kitchen afterward. Now it has been quiet, too quiet for ages. You weren't ready to let go of your home, not yet. Even though two years had passed, it still felt like it was yesterday when you lost them. 
Your ears perked up at the sound of something roaring as you dropped the wooden spoon in the boiling sauce, whipping around towards your door. Immediately you raised your hands, ready to defend yourself as you walked towards the door, making sure to avoid any creaking wood. "Are you sure she's still here, it looks empty." You heard a voice you couldn't quite recognize in the distance as you tip-toed towards the door, pressing your back against the wall. 
You flinched as someone knocked against the door, shallowing your breathing as you closed your eyes, adrenaline pumping through your body as your hands started to shake lightly. You thought this was over, this hunt. You had hoped and prayed that it was over. 
"Y/N?" You sucked in your breath as you heard a familiar voice, releasing the breath with a chuckle. "Toph!" You laughed as you opened the door, embracing the younger girl as she tensed up in your arms, before loosing up and wrapping her arms around you. "Don't scare me like that!" You let go of your best friend, your hands still on top of her shoulders as you looked at Aang, Sokka, and Katara with a smile, finally letting go of Toph and greeting the others. Of course, you knew them. Toph talked a lot about them when she had the time to come by, even bringing them over. However, when they stepped out of the way and revealed a surprise guest, your body tensed. Your eyes found their way to his, and as soon as your eyes met his, his breath hitched, and he wavered back, making the others look at him in confusion. However, you and he knew why he behaved like that. "Why don't you guys come inside, you look like you could use a meal." You put on a fake smile as you balled your shaking hands into fists, ignoring the anxiety that ran through your veins and blinking away the tears that were starting to blurry and disorient your vision. 
You knew Zuko recognized you the second he saw your eyes. A light gold eye and a light green one, not something you saw a lot. When you saw them, those people were outcasts, most of the time they were executed. An abomination. Nothing more. 
You sprinted into your kitchen as the others were on your heels, walking over to the boiling food on the stove, your shaking hand gripping the counter painfully until your knuckles turned white. With an exhalation, you started fishing out the wooden spoon, ignoring your friends that got seated at the table a room over. 
You didn't hate Zuko. Not in the slightest bit. Seeing his face was painful. It reminded you of times you wish you could erase from your mind. Things that scarred you for life and left you on your own. 
"You're just too nice, Y/N." Sokka smiled up to you as you placed the bowl of sauce on the table, beside it a big bowl filled with rice as you took a seat on the ground, beside you Zuko, and you felt like running. The uncomfortable silence settling over the group didn't help with that. "So..." Toph started as she looked in your direction, and for a second, you wondered how she knew you were sitting there, and then you remembered that you were the last one to sit down, which she probably noticed. "How do you and Zuko know each other?" She raised her eyebrow as she looked at you, making you gulp as your eyes found their way to your hands. "Why do you think we know each other?" Zuko asked as he started eating, his voice cold and a lot deeper, a lot more different than you remembered. "I heard you gasp and stumble. Either you were shocked by how pretty she is, or you recognized her." Toph shrugged as she started eating her food, once again, silence falls over the group as the others eyed the both of you curiously, and you wanted to disappear right now.
"We knew each other since we were children." You finally answered, and your throat felt like it was closing up as Aang dropped his chopsticks, and Sokka stopped chewing, eyes wide in shock as he eyed you both. "You never told me that you knew the Prince of the Fire nation." Toph's voice was cold as she picked at her food, betrayal layered deep within her words. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Toph." You answered, your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest any second. "I thought we were best friends." Now you bit your bottom lip as Toph's words hit you like a spear right through your heart. "We are Toph...You were the only person to treat me humane, and I didn't want that to change if I told you about me." Your voice was quiet as you eyed your best friend, your appetite long gone as you hoped this wouldn't escalate. "Can you explain this more? I am more than confused right now." Katara asked, her voice calm as she watched you, making you squirm in your seat.
"The love between my parents was forbidden, they both knew it. My father was from the Fire Nation, a pretty well-known firebender. My mother was from the Earth kingdom, an earthbender. My father managed to smuggle her into the Fire Nation, and they lived there, they wanted to have a family. Having a child as a firebender and an earthbender is dangerous. It is risky and frowned upon. They knew their child could be born with a disability, could be born dead, could be killed by the opposing forces of Earth and Fire within the child's body, and many more dangers." You took a deep breath as you watched the faces of the others who didn't say a word, just watching you with curiosity and interest. You didn't want to lie anymore, you'd tell them the whole truth about you and your past. "A few months later, I was born. When I was born, the left side of my body was burned from my torso down to my ankle. My eyes had different colorations, my left one a bright gold, and my right one bright green. They were glad that I was healthy, but they still hid me most of my childhood. My discolorated eyes were a clear sign for a bi-bender. An abomination. A monster." Your voice was shaky as you fiddled with your fingers, taking a deep breath. "My parents hid me to protect me. If anyone would've found out that I was a bi-bender, I would've been executed on the spot. As I got older, I got more rebellious, mistaking my parents' protection for strictness. I sneaked out at night, roaming the empty streets of the Fire Nation Captial. One night I ran into Zuko." Your eyes quickly glanced at the firebender that was boring holes into your body as you talked before you turned your attention back to the others. "I didn't recognize him. I never saw the Firelord or his family for that matter. I wasn't allowed to leave my home, so that makes sense. Zuko never told me who he was. Never told me he was of royal blood. We started becoming friends, meeting more often, and spent the nights roaming through the city and playing pranks on the people that were closing their shops." You couldn't help but smile at the memory. Before everything went downhill. "One night I came home and got caught by my parents, they were scared, and only after I realized not only for me but for themselves too. I told them that I had a friend and that his name was Zuko. I have never seen so much fear in someone's eyes. It was too late. Apparently, I wasn't the only one that got caught that night. Not even a minute later, the guard of the Firenation broke down our doors, and my father hurried us out the backdoor and told us to run, he'd meet us in the forest over the hills. He'd take care of it." Tears started spilling out of your eyes, but you didn't care to hold them back. "He never made it." It was quiet as you wiped your tears, a faint smile on your face. You didn't want to remember your father with tears. He was one of the strongest and kindest men you have ever met, he wouldn't want you to cry, and you knew it. "They hunted us for weeks, every day. They made sure we knew they were out there for us. After weeks we finally made it to the Earth Kingdom, to Gaoling. Where my mother was born, and we were absolutely despised by everyone. Not only because I was able to control fire and earth, making the people believe I had some kind of devil within me, but also because my mother left the Kingdom for a Firebender. I'm pretty sure the day I lost my father, I also lost my mother. She never recovered, she was never the same."
Once again, silence filled the room, the tension thick as your gaze was on the ground. Toph would hate you, the others would hate you too. You were abnormal. You were destined to be dead, but you still made it. "Where is your mother now?" Katara asked, the question coming out hesitantly. But the question also burned on Zuko's tongue, he had seen her flee with her mother. He was glad that Katara asked. "I have no idea." You shrugged as you looked at the group. "One day, she left and never came back." You answered, suppressing the frown that was about to cover your face. It still stung. Knowing that your mother left because you destroyed her life. You were the reason why your father died. "If you excuse me." You said as you shot up, ignoring the lingering eyes that bored holes into your frame as you walked outside, now breathing in the icy air of the night as you sat down on the patio. 
"You could've told me, you know that, right?" Toph's voice startled you. It wasn't as confident as usual, it was soft, showing her real emotions. "I was scared." You muttered, letting your tears run down your face onto the cold ground as she stood behind you. "I would've understood. My parents weren't better. They hid me because I was blind. The only difference is that mine did it because they were embarrassed by me, yours did it to protect you." You could basically hear the sad smile on her face as she talked. "We'll talk more tomorrow, I'll head back inside. There's someone else who wants to talk to you." 
You didn't even have to turn to know it was Zuko. He sat down beside you, quiet as he looked up to the sky, his eyes roaming over the countless stars. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have told them and just should've kept my mouth shut. Should've told them a silly lie, my mom would've probably let me off the hook... I get it if you hate me, y/n. I never meant harm upon you or your family." His voice was calm and collected as if he had recited those words for years in his head, hoping to see you again and tell you those words. "I don't hate you, Zuko. This was never your fault. You were just a child, you didn't know better." You said, your voice quivering. Of course, it hurt, but you were way past the stage of anger. Slowly but surely, you've made your way to acceptance. You knew if you let the anger consume you and let it rip you apart, set every atom within your body ablaze, you wouldn't be better than the people that hunted you. You'd give them a reason to actually fear you. This was not your solution, not fear. You merely wanted to be recognized, simply wanted to be accepted, be equal to your brothers and sisters of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. But apparently, that was too much to ask for. "Don't do that, y/n." Zuko's voice was not as calm anymore, anger and frustration lacing his words as he talked. Not against you, but himself. He didn't deserve redemption. He ruined your life, ripped apart your family. "What do you want me to do, Zuko? Do you want me to scream, to punch you, curse you out, fight you? Is that what you want? To hate you?" Your eyes were filled with thick tears as you turned to Zuko, his golden eyes barely illuminated by the light from inside, staring at you. "Anything but forgiveness." His words stung you. "You are not the bearer of your father's mistakes, Zuko. You deserve forgiveness, you deserve to let go of the burden you carry upon yourself for the things your father did to you and the people you love. You are not the villain in this story." Your voice was collected, despite the tears that rolled down your face. Only now you noticed how mature he looked, much different from the 12-year-old him you grew to know, befriend and love. "I destroyed your life, your family, y/n. You had to flee the land because of me." "I don't think you understand, Zuko. It was never you. You didn't send the guard out to hunt us down, and you didn't kill my father. It wasn't you." Zuko kept quiet as he let the words sink in. 
You sighed, for once enjoying the silence as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him as you placed your head on his chest, eyes focusing on the dark forest in front of you. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you closer, the warmth of his body heat comforting you, making you sigh. "I missed you, Zuzu." Zuko's body tensed at the old nickname, thanking the spirits that you weren't able to see the blush creeping up your face. "I missed you too, y/n/n."
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radishaur · 4 years
hi, i love how you write and i was wondering if i could request a zuko imagine with prompts 23 and 87 from the make a reader swoon list? maybe reader has had her heart broken before so she's hesitant about believing zuko or something like that?
Ah, to be Y/N, having Zuko comfort you and attend to your needs. I love this idea! I hope you like how it turns out. For those who haven’t read the prompt list here they are. #23: I fell for you without even knowing it and, jesus, does it hurt that you can’t see it” and #87: “Don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it”.
- Zoe
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Breaking The Rules (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
Part: 1/1
Summary: See Request
Heartbreak can make you do stupid things. It turns you into an empty shell of the person you used to be. Each person you let in takes a piece of you that you never get back. That’s why love is for the blind. Those who will happily open themselves up to the pain of abandonment and heartache.
I wasn’t one of those people anymore.
Ever since my ex broke my heart, I had created a set of rules to follow. They were simple and straightforward, designed to make sure I never repeat my mistakes again.
Little did I know, Zuko would soon have me breaking every single one.
Rule #1: Don’t talk about yourself
The Western Air Temple was quiet as everybody slept. The soft sounds of snoring filled the air but otherwise there wasn’t a sound to be heard. I sighed, getting up and deciding to go somewhere else.
I decided to go for a walk. I walked up the stairs of the temple and began walking through the forest. I had only gotten a few feet away before I heard rustling.
I turned cautiously to the area the noise came from and got into a fighting position.
“Hello?” I called out.
There was a bit more rustling before Zuko popped out from behind the trees. I sighed and dropped my fighting stance.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized awkwardly.
“It’s ok,” I said.
He stood awkwardly for a few seconds, shuffling around on his feet as if debating wether to stay or not. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me hopefully.
“Mind if I walk with you?” he asked.
I shook my head no, not trusting my voice to work properly. I was still cautious of him, after all he did chase us across the world, but he just had a way of making me drop my guard.
Frankly, that scared me. It should have been the reason I said that I do mind and sent him on his way. But, of course I didn’t. I simply nodded and walked beside him.
“Couldn’t aleep?” he asked softly.
“Not really,” I replied, a sigh escaping me as I did.
I had always had trouble falling asleep. I was a night person so my mind just loved to keep me awake.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
The air was thick with a tension I didn’t know could exist. I desperately wanted to be back down in the temple so that I could avoid having a conversation with him. I needed to stay neutral about him.
“So, where are you from?” he inquired, looking at me from the side as he did.
I stayed silent, meeting his gaze with an apprehensive look.
“I just don’t remember seeing you in the group until a few months in,” he elaborated.
I pursed my lips and looked ahead, determining how much was too much. I would be walking a thin line by answering, but it would be kind of awkward for me to stay silent the entire walk.
“Right,” Zuko mumbled, mostly to himself, “I guess I probably should have assumed you still hate me.”
I felt a small part of my heart ache. The group had been giving him a hard time since joining, not that I blame them, but I also felt somewhat bad. I mean, he did seem like he was trying. I sighed.
“I’m from the Fire Nation originally, but I joined the group in Omashu,” I explained.
Zuko smiled slightly at my answer. I’m sure it felt nice for him to know he wasn’t the only Fire Nation one in the group.
“Can you firebend?” he asked excitedly.
I couldn’t stop the small smile that broke out on my face at his excitement.
“Yes, but I wasn’t allowed to train so I never use it to fight. I use throwing daggers for that,” I explained, lighting a small fire in my hand as I spoke before putting it out.
“Maybe I could teach you. Aang is still doing the basics so it wouldn’t be hard to add you into the mix,” he offered.
I hesistated. I really would like to learn how to firebend properly, but it would mean spending more and more time with him. Shirtless.
Eventually, my desire to learn won out.
“I would love that,” I answered with a smile.
Rule #2: Never admit you have feelings
The Fire Nation emblem was unmistakable. The airships that surrounded us were definitely not friendly. Azula stood inside one of the ships and taunted Zuko.
I knew what he was about to do. He was going to be an idiot and fight her alone. She was getting under his skin and I knew as soon as he started running that I couldn’t stop him.
The Gaang rushed onto Appa and began flying through the sky, avoiding the ship’s attacks as we did. I kept my eye on Zuko the entire time. He was holding his own pretty well, but Azula was a formidable appontent.
“We’ve got to grab Zuko and get out of here,” Katara exclaimed.
“I know, but how? He’s standing right next to Azula!” Sokka said.
I turned to look back at Zuko just in time to see him hurtling off the ship and down into the abyss below.
“Zuko, no!” I screamed.
The Gaang watched in horror as Zuko began to fall. His own expression of horror etched itself into my mind. He was going to die.
Appa flew furiously through the air until we were swooping underneath Zuko. Katara managed to grab him hand and yank him down into the basket. I unknowingly let out a sigh of relief.
We flew to a new campsite far enough away from the temple and began to set up camp. I was sent to collect firewood, which left me plenty of time alone with my thoughts.
I had thought for sure that Zuko was going to die. The heart wrenching feeling in my chest as I watched him falling was unmistakable. I felt a nervous pit begin to form in my stomach.
I knew without a shadow of a doubt why I was so scared when he was falling. I knew why that feeling of relief that washed over me when Zuko was safe was also accompanied by a warm feeling in my stomach.
“I like Zuko,” I whispered, burying my face in my hands.
Rule #3: Avoid physical affection
Zuko was right: the Ember Island players butchered every play. This one especially.
In hindsight, going to see a play about ourselves written by someone from the Fire Nation wasn’t a great idea. Everybody was in a bad mood, but especially Zuko.
I caught him wallowing out on the porch when I went to grab a midnight snack. I wondered wether to leave him alone or check on him. We had grown to be close friends since he joined us and I felt guilty about the idea of leaving him alone.
“Hey,” I said as I sat beside him, “Are you ok?”
He looked over to me with a sad smile before looking back out at the ocean.
“Yea, I’m ok. I just really didn’t like the play,” he sighed, bringing his knees up and hugging them to his chest.
“I didn’t like it either,” I admitted.
Particularly, I didn’t like the implied romance between Zuko and Katara. But of course, I didn’t say that.
“It just took every mistake I’ve ever made and threw it back in my face. It made me realize how undeserving I am of everyone’s forgiveness,” he explained, the same sad smile on his face as he spoke.
I hesistated. Normally, this is the point where I would wrap them in a hug and give a huge speech about how valued they are. I wanted to do that so badly right now, but the little voice in the back of my head that screamed no made me weary.
I settled for putting my hand on his shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile.
“You’re a good person, Zuko. Even good people make mistakes,” I said.
I stood up after a few moment of silence and began to walk away.
“Wait!” he exclaimed, grabbing my wrist as he scrambled to his feet.
I stood frozen to the spot, a look of shock and apprehension on my face as I wondered what he was doing. My skin tingled at the contact and sent a swarm of butterflies off in my chest.
I was about to say something before I felt Zuko wrap his arms around me. I hesitated for only a moment before returning it. He was incredibly warm and I found myself melting into him with every passing moment.
“Thank you,” he whispered, sending a shiver down my spine.
“You’re welcome,” I replied, my voice barely audible.
Rule #4: Never be emotionally vulnerable
Zuko’s battle with Azula had not gone to plan, but he had still won. Today, he was getting crowned as Fire Lord and I couldn’t have been happier for him.
I went to go see him before the ceremony and found him struggling to get into his clothes. I giggled slightly which caught his attention.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed happily.
I hadn’t been able to see him since he left at the White Lotus camp. I glanced at the bandages wrapped around his chest and walked closer to him. I helped him pull his sleeve onto his arm as he smiled.
“I’m glad you’re ok,” I admitted softly.
“Same here. I heard you took some nasty hits,” he said, looking down to where my own bandages were wrapped.
“All for the good of the nation,” I replied, a joking smile on my face.
He laughed slightly before hugging me. At this point, I was no longer surprised when he did, but I still got just a flustered. I let myself enjoy the warmth of his embrace a little longer before pulling away.
“I’m glad you came to see me,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his good arm before adding, “I actually wanted to tell you something.”
“Oh?” I asked in surprise.
“I wanted to say something before I left to fight Azula, but I kind of chickened out. And then I almost died and realized I just needed to come out and say it,” he explained, taking a step closer to me.
My breath hitched as my eyes met his. They were so beautiful and more filled with emotion than I had ever seen before.
“Y/N, I really like you. I’ve had a crush you on pretty much since the beginning, actually,” he admitted, chuckling slightly as he looked to the side.
My heart dropped in my chest. Part of me was over the moon elated at the fact that he returned my feelings and the other half of me was too scared to say it back.
“W-Why?” I asked, my voice shaky.
“Why? Because you’re insanely beautiful and smart and funny and supportive. You believed in me when I didn’t and you make me a better person,” he said, a breathy laugh leaving his voice as he spoke.
I shook my head. I couldn’t believe it. It had to be some kind of joke.
“That’s not true,” I said quietly, beginning to step back from him as I did.
Zuko stepped forward again and took my hand in his. I met his gaze with tears in my eyes.
“It is true. I didn’t know until a little while ago, but it’s true. I fell for you without even knowing it and, Agni, does it hurt that you can’t see it,” he said.
“I...,” I began, my voice cracking with all the emotions I was feeling.
“It’s ok. I figured you probably wouldn’t feel the same,” he sighed, stepping back before saying, “I just wanted you to know.”
Seeing the heartbreak in his eyes only made mine worse. I took a deep breath.
“That’s not it. I....,” I trailed off, my confidence faltering slightly as he looked at me.
I ran a hand through my hair nervously before crossing my arms over my chest. Zuko simply watched me patiently, waiting for me to finish.
“I do like you. A lot. I’m just scared,” I admitted.
“Scared I’ll bertray you like I did the others,” he said softly.
“No! No, this has nothing to do with you,” I assured him quickly, desperate to stop him from going down that train of thought again, “I just...my ex really hurt me and I’m afraid of trusting someone that much again.”
Zuko stayed still for a moment before pulling me into a hug. I immediately began to cry as he held me, his hand rubbing up and down my back.
“I don’t know what your ex did, but I promise you this isn’t a joke. I’m so head over heels for you, Y/N. Even the Gaang can back me up,” he assured me, his arms tightening around me slightly.
I took a deep shaky breath before pulling back slightly. I felt the nervous pit in my stomach once more, but in that moment I wanted to ignore the rules. I leaned up and kissed him.
It was soft and nurturing and so very different from how my ex and I used to kiss. Zuko kisses me like I was a treasure he never wanted to lose. Like I was the air he needed to breath. It sent a warm feeling across my entire body.
“Does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” he mumbled into my lips.
I cracked a small smile before responding. I ignored the voice in my head that told me to run away.
Rule #5: Never say I love you. Ever.
Things with Zuko have been going great. I had been dating him for a few months and even with him being Fire Lord, he always made time for me. Wether it was small breaks in the garden to impromptu lunches, he always managed to fit me into his busy schedule.
Today, it was early morning tea. The morning was still bright and the tea I held on a tray as I walked towards his room left tiny curls of steam billowing behind me. I didn’t bother to knock before opening the door, but apparently I should have.
Inside, there was Mai. Kissing Zuko.
I felt the tray slip from your hands and crash onto the floor. Zuko shoved Mai off of himself as the tray fell and then looked to the doorway when he heard the crash. His expression of anger dropped when he saw me standing there.
“Y/N, wait!” he exclaimed, his expression of horror clear as day.
I ran out of the room. I didn’t even know where I was running, I just let my feet take me wherever they wanted. I knew I had been stupid to trust him. I felt my breathing become shallower as I ran and the panicked feeling in my chest grew as well.
I finally stopped in the garden by the turtle duck pond and cursed myself inside. Of course I had come here. This used to be Zuko and I’s stress free spot. I felt myself struggling to breath as I let my tears fall.
“Y/N, let me explain.”
I turned to see Zuko standing a few feet behind me. I hadn’t even heard him walking towards me. I turned back around and began furiously wiping my tears away.
“Go away, Zuko. I have no interest in hearing what you have to say,” I spat.
“Y/N, please. She kissed me out of nowhere. I didn’t kiss her back. You just happened to walk in at the wrong time,” he pleaded, taking a step closer towards me.
I scoffed before turning around and glaring at him angrily.
“I don’t believe you,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Y/N, I would never cheat on you. You’re the most important person in the entire world to me. I don’t love Mai, I love-“
“Stop! Stop it.”
My scream cut him off and sent the atmosphere into one of tense silence. My tears had begun falling once more. I didn’t want him to finish. I couldn’t hear him finish.
“Don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it,” I said quietly, my voice wavering.
“I do mean it,” he said, running a hand through his hair as he spoke, “I mean, this isn’t by any means how I was planning on telling you, but it’s true. I love you, Y/N.”
I met his amber eyes and felt a piece of my heart shatter. He had real genuine pain in his eyes, like he was begging me to believe him. I wanted to. I wanted to believe so badly.
“How can you expect me to trust you?” I choked out, wiping my tears away once more.
“Because I’m not your ex. I’m your loving boyfriend who wants to spend the rest of his life treating you with the love and respect you deserve,” he answered, taking another careful step forward.
I let out a shaky sigh and balled my fists. I forced myself to shut my eyes and look down at my feet. I felt tears building up once more as I fought with myself about what to do. I wanted to believe him because I did trust him. But, that tiny voice was still screaming at me to run.
I wanted to say it back. I wanted to admit that I did love him. But I knew that once I said it there would be no going back. I would be sending myself down the very path my rules were set to keep me from.
I felt Zuko’s arms wrap around me and realized I had begun to sob. My hands were at my mouth to muffle the sounds and I could feel Zuko’s hand rubbing circles onto my back. I latched onto him and cried.
“Shhh. Shhh. It’s ok. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so so sorry,” he whispered soothingly into my ear to calm me down.
He knew I was fighting a battle within myself. Even without me having to tell him, he knew. Maybe it was because he knew the signs of what he had gone through himself or maybe it was because he knew me so well. Probably both.
I found myself melting once more into his soothing embrace and I allowed my sobs to die down. Zuko never loosened his hold on me or stopped comforting me. I felt the familiar warmth I felt when I was around him return.
“I love you too,” I said, my voice cracking as I did.
I heard Zuko laugh and pulled away to see that he had also been crying. I wiped his tears away and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed me again and again and again, smiled wider after each one.
I pulled away from his to give him a stern look. His smile faltered for a moment, scared of what I was going to say.
“I’m still mad at you though. I don’t want Mai anywhere near you alone again,” I huffed.
“Deal. You don’t even have to ask again. I’m all yours, Y/N. I promise,” he responded immediately, his smile returning.
Satisfied with his answer, I hooked his arm with mine and began leading him to the kitchen.
“Let’s go make some more tea. I could use some after all that,” I joked.
I heard him laugh and press a kiss to the top of my head as we began to walk.
“I’m so in love with you, Y/N.”
“I know.”
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sokkastyles · 4 years
I'm still thinking about that "Zuko hates being seen as weak" thing and how not only is his defensiveness very obviously coming from a fear of being vulnerable because of being repeatedly hurt as a child, but we see Zuko as a child actually embrace the things that he was taught were weaknesses, and a large part of his narrative is learning to embrace those things again after being traumatized. That's specifically contrasted with Azula's downfall being linked to her belief that emotional vulnerability is a weakness.
Young Azula: He [Iroh] found out his son died and he just fell apart! A real general would stay and burn Ba Sing Se to the ground, not lose the battle and come home crying.
Young Zuko: How do you know what he should do? He's probably just sad his only kid is gone. Forever.
I've seen a lot of people talk about how Zuko seems to be closer to Iroh and Lu Ten, but I don't think that's all that's behind this. Zuko as a child displays empathy and emotional intelligence that Azula lacks, and Azula sees this as a weakness which she preys on in her brother, as well as her friends.
I think a lot of this can be chalked up to the difference between Ozai's parenting and Ursa's parenting. We see Ursa teach Zuko about love in the scene with the turtleducks ("that's what moms are like") and encourage her children to have empathy, scolding them when they display hurtful behavior towards others. Meanwhile, Ozai encouraged destructive and aggressive behavior and punished emotional vulnerability.
Zuko, for a long time, was torn between these two influences, and ultimately was forced to choose attempting to gain his father's approval because his mother was no longer able to influence him at all after a certain age, and especially after being burned and banished, Zuko closed himself off to anything that could be seen as weakness. That's why he spent so much time fighting Iroh, because Iroh represents choosing the things he was taught were weaknesses, choosing peace over violence, emotional openness over defensive aggression, and humility over pride.
But Zuko never actually lost his empathy, and part of his arc is learning to accept it, to accept love over fear and happiness over power. Throughout most of season two Zuko is forced into a position where he has no power, but Iroh tries to teach him that these are learning experiences, just like what Ursa taught Zuko with the turtleduck biting him.
This ultimately puts Zuko into a position where he's able to handle vulnerability better than Azula, who cannot allow herself to be vulnerable at all.
The crowning moments of Zuko's story are about embracing the things he'd previously seen as weaknesses. When he confronts his father, he says that the Fire Nation needs to replace the era of fear they've created with an era of peace and kindness, and when Ozai dismissively asks Zuko if Iroh has "gotten to" him, Zuko proudly says that he has.
Zuko: After I leave here today, I'm gonna free Uncle Iroh from his prison and I'm gonna beg for his forgiveness. He's the one who's been a real father to me.
Ozai: [Laughs.] Oh, that's just beautiful. And maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure.
Zuko: But I've come to an even more important decision. [Closes eyes and momentarily pauses.] I'm going to join the Avatar and I'm going to help him defeat you.
Ozai: [Smugly.] Really? Since you're a full-blown traitor now and you want me gone, why wait? I'm powerless. You've got your swords. Why don't you just do it now?
Zuko: Because I know my own destiny. Taking you down is the Avatar's destiny. [Puts his swords away.] Goodbye.
Zuko's defiance of Ozai here has multiple layers because not only is he rejecting Ozai as his father and choosing Iroh, but he's also rejecting Ozai's whole philosophy. Zuko speaks proudly of begging for Iroh's forgiveness because he's no longer unwilling to admit his own guilt, nor is he afraid anymore of accepting Iroh's love. Ozai associates this with "failure" but Zuko completely ignores his father's comment about Iroh, stating his even more important decision of choosing to fight with the Avatar. And this isn’t an easy thing for Zuko to do. He pauses several times while he’s talking and shuts his eyes at key moments, as if searching for that strength within himself. And when Ozai tries to goad him into fighting, Zuko refuses. Zuko has come full circle from the boy who believed he was at fault for refusing to fight his father to refusing to be goaded into a fight but also refusing to back down from what he believes is right. Zuko’s strength here comes not from power, but from accepting emotional vulnerability, the same strength that allowed him to openly cry in front of Iroh and ask for his forgiveness. This is also what allowed him to accept responsibility and atone for his mistakes with the gaang.
I can’t see a post-series Zuko, the one whose last moment in the series isn’t the triumphant, powerful moment of his coronation as Fire Lord, but a quiet moment happily serving tea to his friends, as someone who would shy away from or disdain vulnerability.
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wackextravaganza · 4 years
So I’m rewatching she ra and as mentioned in a previous post, I think there are some things about Catra’s redemption that could’ve been better (the limited number of episodes doesn’t do the writers any favours with character development so I don’t blame them). But yeah I just thought I’d discuss those cause what better way is there to spend my Saturday lmao.
Firstly, I definitely think that Catra and Glimmer should’ve spoken about the portal, and how Catra was indirectly responsible for Angella’s death. I mean that was probably one of her worst moments as a villain, and in season 4 it was clear that it haunted her. She seemed to regret it deeply, even while she was still a villain, so the fact that it wasn’t addressed during her redemption struck me as odd. Also, I think that conversation between her and Glimmer would’ve been quite interesting, especially seeing as Glimmer also had the potential to hurt a lot of people by setting off the Heart of Etheria (I fucking love the way their characters parallel each other). I think Glimmer having such a similar personality to Catra would’ve made it easy for her to forgive her, and perhaps she already had, but the actual conversation would’ve been nice to see, as well as it being a good showcase of Catra’s redemption. She blamed Adora for it at the time, but seeing her take responsibility for her actions and apologise would’ve been a really good demonstration of her development.
Secondly, Scorpia. Now obviously with this one it’s difficult, because Scorpia was chipped once Catra arrived on Etheria and she never had to opportunity to apologise. She definitely wanted and intended to, which is evident in the episode “Return to the Fright Zone”, but she just never had the chance. And with the limited number of episodes, their “reunion”, so to speak, in the finale had to end on a good note since there wasn’t really time to develop their friendship/relationship afterwards. However, I do think that there should’ve been a verbal apology; as much as I love the cyclicality of the whole “I’m a hugger” line, I think Scorpia embraced her as a friend a little too quickly. Of course, it’s not in Scorpia’s character to hold a grudge and give her silent treatment, but she left for a reason, which was that Catra wasn’t being a good friend. And to see Catra make that effort and actually apologise would’ve been enough for Scorpia to forgive her. I just think the actual apology needed to be said, but otherwise I was pretty satisfied with that as the ending for them.
Finally, I think that Catra was embraced by the Best Friend Squad a little too quickly as well. Now with this one, I feel pretty torn, because part of me thinks that Adora explained Catra’s problems to them and they trust Adora’s judgement where Catra is involved, seeing as she knows her a lot better than they do. Lmao I’m writing this and I’m suddenly disagreeing with myself but lemme just make my point. So at the end of season 5 episode 6, Catra eventually comes out of her room and joins them to eat, and they immediately give her a place among them, which I found so sweet (God I’m really gonna regret what I’m about to say next lmfao). However, I do think there should’ve been some sort of apology or maybe explanation for her actions just to see her growth. Like in ATLA, where Zuko tries to join the gaang and they don’t immediately accept him, but after he explains himself properly and saves them from combustion man, they realise that he’s changed and allow him to be part of the group. I think with Catra, there was a lot more action than explanation, and I think her explaining herself would’ve been nice. But, the scene where she sits with them is so heartwarming and the immediate acceptance seems a lot more in character for Bow and Glimmer, to be honest. There’s also has a slight allusion to when Adora said “I’m always gonna be your friend”; Adora wasn’t gonna put up with Catra’s toxicity anymore, which was clear at the end of S3 and earlier on in this same episode, but as soon as Catra was ready to change and be the person Adora knew she could be, she would be there for her. The scene where Catra finally leaves her room kinda proves that, because Catra was taking a step forward and facing people she hurt and upon realising that Catra was trying to change and be better, Adora was immediately supportive, as were Bow and Glimmer. So yeah, I think that particular scene was fine the way it was, but just in general, Catra maybe could’ve talked about her actions more just to give the others an insight to her behaviour. I was pretty happy with her being accepted into the Best Friend Squad tho, seeing as she had already apologised to Entrapta and a lot of her other development in that episode (S5 episode 6) was centred around her interactions with Adora. So yeah, I didn’t find this to be that big of a deal, but I just thought I’d mention it.
Lmao that was a slightly confusing note to end on seeing as I contradicted myself the entire time, but I hope that made sense. I just think there should’ve been more conversations between Catra and the people she hurt, rather than immediate forgiveness and acceptance. Of course, I don’t blame the writers for that, since they didn’t have much time, but I just thought it would’ve really improved her redemption and made it more compelling. Otherwise, they did a very good job with her character and I loved her arc throughout the series.
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