#but even outside that so often the pictures are like. blown out bright all over
faunandfloraas · 3 months
I still can't get over how bad the lighting and colouring is in some of the magazine shoots and the fact they actually go ahead and publish the pictures looking so unfinished like that
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
Getting to Know You
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Pairing: Pierre Gasly x Y/N
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: none
Request: Hi :) I really liked the headcanon about Pierre pining after someone - any chance of doing a full imagine of this story?
If not, thats totally okay of course, I was just so blown away by the HC that I had to ask :D
 A/N: this is a continuation of a drabble I wrote a few days ago so feel free to go and read that as well!! it’s slightly different but still super fluffy and cute
You were walking around the paddock in Monza, having recently got a job on the McLaren media team, fully decked out in your orange attire as you headed towards the garages to get some pictures of the cars before the first practice session. So far you had been keeping your head down and just getting on with your job, not wanting to disturb anyone who you saw as having a more important role than yourself (which you thought was virtually everyone). What you didn’t know was that in the few weeks that you had been attending races is that you had caught the eye of a certain racing driver.
Pierre Gasly. You had, of course, noticed him too. It was hard not to when his laugh could be heard from across the paddock and his smile was so infectious. You didn’t think he had taken any notice of you, why would he? But he was already enamoured, thinking you were the most gorgeous girl he’d seen in his life. It wasn’t often that Pierre got nervous around girls but since he’d seen you taking candid photos of the McLaren team three weeks ago he had been trying to work up the courage to at least talk to you.
Today was no different, he had seen you from where he was stood outside the Alpha Tauri garage, and with the help of the adrenaline already coursing through his body in preparation of practice he had decided it was now or never. Before you could reach the bright orange entrance, a hand had gingerly placed itself on your shoulder, making you jump in surprise. You were even more surprised when you turned around to find who had stopped you.
‘Hi, sorry to bother you but I was just wondering if you knew where I could find Daniel? I’ve been looking for him everywhere.’ That was a lie, Pierre didn’t need to talk to Daniel at all, he just needed an excuse to talk to you. There was a light blush dusted across the apples of his cheeks but you placed it down to being due to the heat of the Italian summer.
You didn’t hide the shock on your face very well, mouth hanging open slightly at the fact Pierre was stood in front of you, actually asking you a question. ‘Oh! I think I saw him walking towards his drivers room. I’m walking that way if you want to come with me?’ You offered politely, despite the hammering in your chest at your nerves rising.
‘Oh,’ Pierre paused, he didn’t think he’d get this far. He’d even surprised himself by coming up to you in the first place. ‘If you’re not too busy then that would be great, thank you.’
‘If either of us is the busy one, it’s definitely you.’ You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips, hand coming up to cover your mouth as you laughed. Pierre felt his heart doubled in size at the sound and he knew it was something he needed to hear again and again.
You made polite small talk as you led him to Daniel’s room. ‘I guess I’ll see you around, good luck for later!’ You said goodbye with a small wave before walking away to actually so your job.
‘Don’t let anyone here hear you say that!’ Pierre shouted after you as you flashed him a shy smile over your shoulder, the blush adorning your face impossible to hide.
‘Mate, what are you doing here?’ Pierre hadn’t even noticed Daniel open the door to his driver’s room, but Daniel had definitely noticed the way Pierre’s lingered on your back as you walked away. A knowing grin plastered itself on his face and before Pierre could even reply he had started his teasing, ‘Got a crush on the new social media girl? Her name’s Y/N, she’s really nice, super shy though.’ Pierre repeated your name over and over again in his head like it was a poem, and the more he thought about it, the more angelic it sounded.
‘I’ve seen her around the past few weeks, and I couldn’t figure out an excuse, so I used you.’ Pierre sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at his older friend. He definitely wasn’t going to let Pierre forget about it, but he would try to help the Frenchman.
Over the next few race weekends Daniel had been much chattier than he had been before, and you had no idea why. He was nothing but lovely prior to Monza but he had suddenly started asking if you wanted to join him and Michael as they had their coffee in the sun outside the McLaren hospitality centre. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you would do anything but except, so now it had become a bit of a routine to sit with them on the mornings you were at the paddock.
Then, without fail, your party would gain a forth member. Pierre had walked past the first time and spotted you with Dan, deciding another opportunity was presenting itself to him to get to know you more. He said a quick good morning to Michael and Daniel before his attention turned to you.
‘It’s nice to see you again, you look lovely today.’ You couldn’t control the way your face flushed at his words, trying to hide it before your coffee cup.
‘It’s nice to see you again too.’ You replied softly, ‘Do you want to join us?’ His heart leaped at your request, and he sat in the sat to your right, the only free seat around the small table. If anyone had walked past they would’ve done a double-take, seeing the Alpha Tauri slap bang in front of the papaya building, sticking out like a sore thumb. It wasn’t long before Daniel made an excuse to leave the two of you alone, dragging Michael off with him.
The conversation flowed so naturally between the two of you, it was like a chat between two old friends. Your morning coffee quickly became your favourite part of the day. You couldn’t deny that your admiration for the French driver hadn’t grown quite a lot as you two got to know each other and stealing glances at his ocean blue eyes and gorgeous smile never failed to improve your day. Pierre felt exactly the same, and he thought you would’ve gotten the memo when he had asked for your number and started to send you both good morning and goodnight texts.
You would never tell him, but those texts made you do a little happy dance in bed and had happy giggles leaving your mouth, like a schoolgirl with her first crush. You knew you were falling for him, but you didn’t want to risk asking him on a date just in case he didn’t feel the same way. So you spent weeks suffering in silence, pining for someone who was quickly becoming one of your best friends. While you wanted him to make the first move, Pierre was growing frustrated at his own nerves. He wanted nothing more than to take you on a date, but every time he tried to ask his hands got clammy and he couldn’t speak. So, he decided to do the next best thing.
You were already sat in front of the McLaren centre with the two Australians when Pierre arrived. You couldn’t stop the laugh as soon as you saw him, causing Michael and Daniel to swivel round in their chairs and burst into laughter with you. In Pierre’s hands he held the most extravagant bouquet you’d ever seen, it was a blend of red, pink and white flowers, and Pierre looked like he was struggling to keep a solid grip on it. He let out a heavy breath as he approached the table.
‘These are for you.’ Your laughter stopped immediately, finger pointing to yourself as you realised he was looking directly into your eyes.
‘Well, they’re not for Daniel or Michael.’
‘Aw mate, I’m hurt.’ Daniel laughed, placing his hand on his chest.
You delicately took the flowers from Pierre’s grasp, arms dropping slightly with the unexpected weight of the floral arrangement. You couldn’t stop yourself from rising from your chair and throwing your arms around his neck, holding him as close to your body as your physically could.
‘Thank you, they’re absolutely gorgeous, I love them.’ You mumbled into his neck as his arms settled around your waist. People couldn’t help but stop and look at the sweet scene unfolding in the middle of the paddock. Virtually everyone had seen you together by this point and it was clear to see the love in your eyes when you looked at each other. Clear to everyone except the other person apparently.
Once Pierre had seen how much you had appreciated his gesture, he made sure to order flowers for you every single race weekend. While you were probably on your tenth bouquet at this point, the smile on your face never got any smaller when you saw him walking towards you with an increasingly absurd number of flowers in his hands.
You were spending more and more time together as the season progressed, and Pierre’s results were only going up the more races he took part in. He had a habit of claiming that it was down to you that he was doing so well, and it always left you a blushing mess which he didn’t hesitate to tease you about.
It wasn’t until Silverstone when Pierre finally asked you out on a date. He had bought you the most stunning bouquet of English roses and had asked if you wanted to go for dinner later, just the two of you. It was hard to contain your excitement at the offer, this was something you’d been waiting months for now. You had agreed that Pierre would pick you up from your hotel room at 7 but he wouldn’t tell you where he was taking you.
You settled on a casual white dress with small silver detailing, Pierre was the one who had convinced you to buy it when you’d walked past it in a shop window, and you couldn’t take your eyes off it. You took extra care in getting ready, wanting to look perfect for what would hopefully be the perfect date. You just had just slipped your shoes on when there was a soft knock on your door. You glanced at the clock on the bedside table. 7 o’clock sharp.
‘You look gorgeous, mon amour.’ He leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on your cheek as you stepped outside the room, ‘Are you ready to go?’
You nodded as he held his arm out for you to link with your own as he led you to the mysterious destination. You fell straight into the usual dynamic between the two of you, laughing and joking the entire walk before Pierre stopped outside a tiny restaurant. He opened the door for you, gentlemanly as ever, and a soft gasp escaped your lips at what they before you.
There were no other customers in the restaurant, just a two-person table centred in the middle, fairy lights being the only source of light throughout the establishment, with a romantic soundtrack playing quietly in the background.
You turned back to Pierre, a grateful smile adorning your lips, ‘Pierre, it’s beautiful, how did you do this?’ You had so many questions about how he had managed to set this up, but he dismissed your question with a wave of his hand, leading you over to your seat before pulling it out for you.
It didn’t take long for the waiter to come over and ask for your orders, with Pierre ordering you both a glass of their most expensive wine. The evening passed in a blur, a combination of it being the best date you’d ever had and the wine, and before you knew it you were sharing a slice of cheesecake for dessert. You moaned at how delicious it was and Pierre couldn’t help but laugh at you. ‘What? It’s really good!’ had been your only defence.
Once Pierre had paid for the bill, which he had insisted on not splitting despite your protests, you left the restaurant hand in hand, strolling through the cobbled streets under the light of the moon.
‘I had the most wonderful time tonight, thank you for inviting me.’ You took a glance up towards his face to find that he was already looking down at you.
‘Thank you for agreeing to come, I honestly didn’t know if you’d say yes.’
‘Why would I not? I already love spending time with you, and I’ve been waiting for you to ask me out for months.’ The wine had obviously loosened your tongue more than you thought it had but it was too late to back track now.
‘Oh yeah?’ His feet slowed as he hand tugged on yours, pulling you close enough so that you were virtually nose to nose, ‘I guess I have to make up for some lost time then.’ Both of your eyes had fluttered shut and your lips gravitated towards each other.
‘PIERRE!’ You both sprang back in surprise, eyes searching for whoever was calling for the Frenchman, ‘would you mind taking a picture with me? My dad is a massive fan.’ It was a young boy, probably no older than fifteen and you couldn’t blame him for stopping for a picture, you knew how famous Pierre was.
Pierre was polite as always, despite the frustration at having his first kiss with you delayed even longer. The young boy said he thanks before he walked off, telling you both to have a good evening.
You enlaced Pierre’s fingers with yours as you resumed your walk back to the hotel in comfortable silence. Before you knew it you were stood outside the door of your room, lingering in the hallway as you wished the evening wasn’t coming to an end. You stood, back against the door as you took in the Frenchman before you, shirt slightly more unbuttoned than when you’d left the hotel, and hair messy from the amount of times he had run his fingers through his hair. My god you really wanted him to kiss you.
‘I had a really great time, I hope we can do this again soon.’ You spoke timidly, the effects of the wine having worn away on the slightly cold walk home.
‘Me too, Cherie.’ Pierre leaned forward to grab your hands as he pecked your cheek, ‘Goodnight, mon ange, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ He turned to begin to walk back to his own room but your hands held on to his, pulling him back to face you again. You couldn’t let him leave without a kiss.
‘Kiss me.’ You whispered into the quiet of the corridor, just loud enough for him to hear. He didn’t need to be told twice.
He large hands settled on your cheeks, tilting your head up towards his as you hands made their way to the nape of his neck. His lips were placed gently on yours, like they were frightened of scaring you away. Your fingers tugged lightly on the hair your hands could reach and it gave Pierre more confidence as he pressed his lips more firmly to yours. You were pressed flush against the door, your lips moving in harmony as you both let out all the emotions you had pent up over the past few months.
You eventually had to pull away, your lungs begging for air, but that didn’t stop Pierre leaving a few more pecks on your lips before he pulled away from you completely. ‘Goodnight, my love, sleep well.’
And with that you were left watching him walk away with a smile on your face that you were sure wouldn’t disappear for days, just as he had done the first time you had met.
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ttuesday · 3 years
HCs of the fellers trying to flirt with you
You sat at the bar in the saloon, alone. You weren't planning on staying long but after dropping a particularly troubling bounty off at the local sheriff's office, you decided that you needed a drink. That's when he walked in. He was with a rough looking group of men but the second he entered the saloon, the only thing he could pay attention to was you.
it takes Arthur about an hour to work up the courage to approach you. When he finally makes his move, he goes to stand next to you at the bar and casually orders a drink.
While the bartender rushes off to get him a beer, neither one of you speak. Just before Arthur goes to sit with his group again, he mumbles "Excuse me but um... you got some real pretty eyes".
Arthur doesn’t hang around to see your reaction. Before you can even say thank you, he's already walking away. We all know Arthur doesn't have the highest self esteem so he’s already certain you'll reject him.
You have to show him you're interested, otherwise he presumes there's no chance. The next time he comes up to the bar to order a drink, you say "You never let me thank you, how's about I pay for your beer?". There's no way Arthur let’s you pay for his drink but that does show him that you're interested. As you both start talking, you can't help but notice his small smile and his cheeks turn a rosy red.
Let’s be real, Charles doesn't know how to flirt. He's seen Dutch chat up Molly and Mary-Beth at camp and he has unfortunately witnessed Micah try to charm the majority of people but he just doesn’t think he can do that.
Charles comes up to the bar and orders himself a drink, making sure to keep a respectful distance from you. He wasn't going to say anything to you but he couldn't help himself when he saw the beautiful hunting knife you had holstered in your gun belt
“That’s a nice knife, is that a custom handle?” he asks, timidly gesturing to it. You answer him and it leads to a full blown conversation about different weapons you both own (how romantic). Charles talks about his bow and how he prefers to make his own arrows
Before the night is out, Charles offers to make you some arrows and asks if you'd like to go hunting with him sometime so ye can exchange some tips and tricks with each other
Dutch has rehearsed this a million times, saying the best pick up lines to himself in the mirror and trying to figure out the formula to get anyone into bed. He immediately turns on his charm as he approaches you.
Dutch gazes at you for a few seconds, his eyes wandering up and down your frame. He clears his throat before saying "My apologies, I don't mean to stare. It's just, I've never met someone quite as beautiful as you". This man will absolutely smother you in compliments and of course, he'll get poetic. "The brightness of your smile makes the most dazzling star look dull" he recites as if he’s in a Shakespeare play.
He tries to impress you with his money, obviously. Dutch doesn’t even ask you if you want a drink, he just buys you one. And when he's paying for it, he opens his wallet just wide enough for you to see all the fifty dollar bills he has stuffed in there. On the slim chance his charm doesn’t get you into bed, he’s hoping his money will.
Dutch vaguely describes what he does for a living, emphasizing the fact that he's in charge to try and impress you yet again. And since Dutch is just so generous, he offers to pay for a room at the hotel down the street too *wink wink*
Micah will completely abandon whoever he came into the saloon with and walk straight up to you. He doesn't waste anytime, coming up next to you with a cheesy smile plastered across his face. "How's about you pay for the drinks and I'll pay for the room" he smirks.
You could go off with him immediately or if you tell him to stick his shitty pick up line where the sun don't shine then he backs off... but not for too long. Micah comes back about 10 minutes later, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Easy tiger, only came to get another beer" he lies, not even half done his first drink.
He stays around the bar and tries to make small talk with you. It doesn't work at first but eventually you both actually start talking. It doesn't last long though. It all happened very fast but some drunk bumped into the both of you and then Micah shoved him into another group which led to the whole saloon erupting into chaos.
Two men grab Micah and throw him out of the saloon, one of them yelling at him that he's barred. You could stay inside, finally free of Micah bothering you or you could follow him out and see where the night takes ye.
You wouldn't think John is good at flirting... and you're right but John thinks he knows what to do. He waits for the perfect moment before going up to you, which is basically when you finish your drink or pull out a cigarette.
Then he quickly hurries over to you and offers to buy you a drink or light your cigarette. John presumed flirting would be easy after that but he doesn’t know what to say. He opens his mouth to say something but words fail him.
For a few seconds he just stands there, trying to think of anything impressive to say to you but then he starts to get paranoid that he's taking too long and that he looks weird. So he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind "So... you come here often?".
Poor John's mind is absolutely racing as he tries to figure out if that sounded stupid. He’s already picturing about twenty different scenarios of you rejecting him but to his surprise, you smile and answer his question. It settles him a little, knowing that he didn’t immediately fuck it up and he asks if he could sit with you for a while.
This man is the definition of smooth. He’s nervous approaching you but he tries not to show it. He acts confident and hopes for the best.
Javier doesn’t go straight into flirting, first he starts a normal conversation with you but throws in a few compliments. His one goal is to make you blush as much as possible so he can tell you how cute you look.
He casually asks if you’ve eaten yet and that the food at the saloon is terrible. Luckily for you, Javier tells you that he knows the perfect place to eat and that it has the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.
Javier leads you out of the saloon and to the general store, telling you to wait outside. He comes out with a satchel full of all kinds of food and brings you away from the busy street and sits under a nearby tree for a picnic. When you question him about this apparently amazing view, he looks at you and nods “Yeah, it’s the most beautiful view a man could ask for”. 
Bill doesn't exactly know how to approach you, so he spends the majority of the night admiring you from a far and thinking of how he can make a good first impression. Eventually, the fellers he came in with get sick of him talking about you and tell him the 'perfect' pick up line.
It's super obvious that he’s trying his best to act casual as he approaches you. Bill gestures to the tacky menu beside you "Y-you using that?". You pass it over to him and Bill says what he believes to be possibly the best pick up line known to man.
"Huh, I wonder what's on the menu... you and me? Wait, no, shit... shit I said that wrong, I meant to say me n' u... heh, get it? It’s like menu". Of course he had to fuck it up somehow. On the inside he's cursing himself but he's trying to put on a brave face.
He only relaxes when he sees a small smile on your face. “That was a uh... pretty terrible pick up line” he admits. You agree with him and Bill starts laughing “If you think that was one bad, you should’ve heard the other ones”. You spend the rest of the night laughing with Bill as he recites some more god awful pick up lines.
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
apodyopsis (m) | jjk
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summary- apodyopsis (n.) ; the act of mentally undressing someone
alternatively, Jungkook is a nude model in your art class
rating- explicit / 18+ word count-  12k pairing- jungkook x reader genre- smut Warnings- daddy kink, slight degrading?, mild health concerns, very light bdsm?, masturbation, oral (female and male receiving), rough sex, kind of dom!jungkook, a little name calling?, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it bb)
blkjmn & dontaskshhhhh ( weak&wet ™) ;  2020 all rights reserved©
a/n: our lovechild is born! We worked so hard on this, we hope you love it as much as we do. Currently thanking my lucky stars that @blkjmn​ agreed to collab with me, and that she saved my life with that glorious sex scene because I can’t seem to stop writing mushy fluffy smut. I love you so much thank you for being by my side and co-writing this with me. <3
“There’s one last thing we need to discuss before you are signed, Mr. Jeon. Do we need to backtrack for a moment to review, or shall we continue on?” The business contractor asked, using his thumb and index finger to push his glasses up further onto his nose bridge.
Jungkook wasn’t registering a single word that left the man’s mouth. His eyes were glued to the fine print on the page that described the job he’d be keeping for likely most of his (young adult) life, or at least until he was able to successfully rid himself of the guilt that's been resting on his broad shoulders for the last ten years.
He would never be able to forget the way his mother’s face fell every time he was discharged from the hospital. Not only did she have no answers and a still sick child to take home, but she also had a weighty hospital bill to add to the others that she received about once a month. She worked her ass off to take care of him as best she could, even with the gigantic debt she kept under her belt for the entirety of his childhood.
All of this was hidden from Jungkook until he was told he had celiac disease at the age of ten. His symptoms had gotten worse the longer his condition remained unnoticed, even though he would complain to his mother of constant pain everyday, tearful eyes locking with hers as if begging for her to give him any sort of relief.
“Mommy, my stomach hurts!”
“I’m not hungry! It makes it worse to eat!”
“Can you please make it stop, mama?”
He cringes every time he thinks about what he must’ve put his mother through as a child, and how she always managed to push a smile even though she was fighting to make ends meet.
Even after all of that, he was hesitating on signing this contract because he was too shy? Bullshit. He’d be selfish if he were to deny this opportunity because of his underlying fear of being seen naked in front of a large audience of people.
He knew he had no real reason to be afraid, though. After constant teasing in school for being extremely thin due to his illness, he built up the courage to get himself a gym membership when his condition became less overbearing.
He ate more often, built up more muscle, and managed to become more confident in himself and his abilities.
So, what did he have to be nervous for?
Jungkook no longer had any issues with stripping himself down. His body was sculpted perfectly, and he had a massive dick to accompany the figure he had worked for so many years towards.
Sure, everything was all set for him, but not for his mom. Jungkook knew that she barely managed to make her rent last month.
He needed to sign this contract.
“Mr. Jeon?” Jungkok’s glossy eyes were blown wide. He hadn’t moved an inch in the past minute.
“Mr. Jeon…” The man rolled his eyes, obviously knowing that it would take a bit more than calling the young man’s name to get him out of whatever trance he’d put himself in. He slammed his fist down onto the table, and Jungkook’s eyes crossed for a moment before he jolted to his senses.
He cleared his throat, and immediately began sputtering apologies.
“I-I’m so sorry. I’m not quite sure what came over me, I-” The contractor held his hand up, effectively silencing the boy as he picked up the pen that sat to the right of him while offering it to Jungkook with a raised brow.
“If this is something that you are not going to take seriously, then you may escort yourself out of my office. If you’d like to begin your career in this field, then take this pen and sign this contract.” Jungkook didn’t hesitate in grabbing the pen from the man, immediately apologizing for the way he snatched it out of his grasp.
He gnawed on his bottom lip, eyes scanning over the words on the thin paper as if he hadn’t been in this chair reviewing them for the past three hours.
This job paid well, and he had nothing to risk.
Except for the probable denial of any office job he’d try to apply to.
Why would he want an office job anyway?
Probably because--
“Any day now, Mr. Jeon.” He cast an annoyed glance toward the man. Couldn’t he see that he was contemplating on signing the damn thing?
He sighed, stretched his neck from side to side, and lifted the pen to the paper with a shaking hand.
The moment he finished signing, the crumpled sheet was ripped from under his fingertips, and tucked away into the desk of who Jungkook really hoped wouldn’t be his boss.
“It’s nice to have you along, kid.” Jungkook smiled nervously.
“You’ve got a great look, but of course, nude modeling is about what’s under the clothes.” His face instantly began to pale as he gripped the armrests of the chair he sat in.
Was this old dude asking to see him naked? Right now?
“You can step inside of the bathroom behind me to change. There should be a robe hanging on the door. Put it on, meet me outside, and we’ll take a few pictures for your portfolio.”
Jungkook sat still in the chair, staring at the man across from him with those adorable eyes widened in slight panic.
He was trying to pull himself up so he wouldn’t look like a fumbling idiot, but he couldn’t move a limb.
There was no turning back now, and he was fully aware of that.
“Am I… am I supposed to be naked for the f-first photo shoot?” Jungkook asked, his voice weak.
The contractor raised an eyebrow. It was normal for newcomers to be nervous, but he couldn’t understand why it was so difficult for him to follow directions.
In due time, he supposed.
“No, Jungkook.” The contractor sighed, pressing his thumb and middle finger against his temples in distress. Jungkook noted that this was the first time the man had addressed him formally as well, so it was probably in his best interest to go get changed if he didn’t want to get fired before he officially started the job.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He said, standing from the chair as he looked over the contractor’s shoulder to the bathroom. It seemed to be decently sized, and he could really use some time alone to get his nerves settled before he had to… well, pose naked for the camera.
Well, not naked. Not this time. That’s what the contractor said.
He looked toward the man one last time, before he began pushing himself in the direction of the bathroom. Upon approaching it, he could pick up the smell of lavender coming from the candles that were lit inside.
He opened the door, and immediately turned around to close and lock it.
He checked to make sure the door was locked before he pulled his shirt over his head and carefully pulled each of his shoes off.
He checked once more as he unbuckled his pants.
He checked one final time as he threw his belt to the floor.
Jungkook slid his thumbs in between his hips and the fabric of the jeans as he tugged them down toward the ground. He had no issue with this as of yet, seeing as he was still in his boxers.
He pressed his body up against the wall, giving himself something to lean up against as he took his jeans off and threw them toward the pile of his clothes he created on the floor.
The boxers were all that were left.
“Come on, man.” He whispered to himself, glaring at his reflection in the mirror as he began to get annoyed at his own anxiousness.
It was just a couple of pictures, and he’d be covered by a robe. He was acting like a wreck for no reason.
He closed his eyes and yanked the boxers down in one swift motion, knowing that if he hesitated, he probably would’ve just left them on.
Jungkook shivered as the cold air went straight to his dick, and he almost knocked one of the candles over and sent the bathroom up into flames as he lunged for the robe that was near the door.
It was soft and fluffy, and it also carried the faint scent of the lavender that engulfed his senses. It was warm as well, like a heated towel.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad, then.
He noticed that there were a pair of flimsy sandals sitting near the door as he prepared to leave. He was never told to put them on, or to mess with them at all, but he’d rather not walk around with his bare feet, so he slid them on anyway.
He checked his reflection once more, adjusting the robe a bit so it hung loosely around his waist, and so more of his chest could be exposed.
Sure, he was nervous, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to put on a good show.
He ran his hands down his sides, purposely brushing them over his cock as he considered giving it a few quick pumps before he made his way outside.
That’d be sure to leave a great first impression, which was what he was going for, but it’d be obvious that he was touching himself because his face would blush bright red.
He reached down to grab his clothes, folding them somewhat neatly. He grabbed his shoes and sat them on top of the stack of clothes he’d made.
Worry began to bubble in his stomach once he stepped out of the bathroom to find himself alone in the large office room, but he quickly remembered that he was told to meet the guy outside.
He hummed a small tune as he took quick steps toward the office door, placing his large hand upon the knob and opening it slowly, just in case his boss (Jungkook decided to assume that’s who this man was going to become. It’s better to wish for the worst anyway, right?) was right in front of the door.
Once he didn’t feel any force being pressed against the door, he opened it carefully and shimmied his way out of the office. He pressed his back against it to close it, and this small action caught the attention of his boss, who was sitting on a small bench a few feet away from the office.
“Great! You’re all changed.” The man smiled gently at him, clapping his hands together as he stood up and quickly approached Jungkook.
Jungkook stumbled back a few steps, confused by this sudden change of behavior. Was it because he was finally complying, or was it because he was about to be used for profit?
Either way, he didn’t mind. It’d be a hell of a lot easier to work in a less stressful environment, so he’d take what he could get.
“Uh, yeah… I wasn’t sure of where to put my clothes,” Jungkook began, holding up his clothes as he spoke, “so I decided to—“
“Ah, thank you for the reminder!” The man spoke, retreating back toward the bench he sat on to fetch an unmarked black bookbag from behind it.
He handed it to Jungkook, who took it thankfully and with a small smile.
“When do I return this to you?” Jungkook asked, not bothering to look toward his boss as he spoke as he was busy stuffing his belongings into the bag.
“It’s yours to keep, son.” Jungkook closed the bag and stood up, tossing it lazily over one of his shoulders as he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Oh, thank you so much.” He smiled sincerely. He was especially thankful that it was unmarked, because if he were to wear the bag out in public, he’d hate for someone to actually read the company name and google it, only to find pictures of him covered with only a robe on the home page.
He shivered at the thought.
“The studio is actually on this floor, so we haven’t got far of a walk at all.” His boss began to walk, and Jungkook followed a few feet behind him as he began to survey his surroundings at each turn they took.
“Now, there will be a handful of people in this room with you. Other models, photographers, of course, lighting specialists, stylists, and a few possible employers.” Jungkook hummed as the man spoke, ignoring every word that was coming out of his mouth as his heart began to thud loudly in his chest.
He didn’t need this explanation, anyway. The average person knows a little something about how a photo shoot works.
Even though he was a considerable distance away from his boss, he was almost sure that he could hear the thudding in his chest.
“Every single one of the people waiting in this room are going to do their best to make you look good, so there’s no need to worry. Relax, and you focus on making the company look good.” He laughed throatily, and Jungkook laughed stiffly from behind him.
‘Make the company look good my ass,’ Jungkook thought.
He rolled his eyes, almost crashing directly into the short man in front of him as they abruptly stopped at a door tucked away into the corner of the hallway they were on.
“This is it. Do you have anything else to ask of me?” Jungkook hurriedly said no, his nerves being replaced by the excitement to show himself off a bit.
“Alright.” The man nodded once before he opened the door, and once again, Jungkook was slapped in the dick with a blast of cold air.
He raised his eyebrows in interest as he surveyed the few models that were scattered about the different sets that were spread apart in the room. One set was sexy and seductive, dripping in elements of crimson and black, another was a bit more fun, which used orange and yellow to contrast against the white, and Jungkook couldn’t even conjure up the words to describe the other sets.
He continued to watch the models pose as if this was natural for them, flinching every now and then at the bright light that would flash every time a picture was taken.
He also noted that all of the models were nude.
They seemed to be masters of their talents, so maybe Jungkook got to leave the robe on because he was an amateur?
“Shit.” Jungkook cursed under his breath. Another cool draft of wind ran through the room, and he scurried to look down and pull the robe over his thighs.
Jungkook heaved a sigh of relief once he successfully covered himself, and his boss quickly strolled over to him to grab the bag off of his shoulder. Jungkook immediately looked over to ask him what he was doing, but before he got the chance, he was being whisked away by a manicured hand.
Everything moved quickly, but this should’ve been what Jungkook was expecting. This wasn’t just about his money.
He was thrown onto a couch near the center of the room, which was white just like the walls.
As soon as his ass touched the couch cushions, there were at least four people crowding over him to add some blush to his cheeks, and add some hairspray to his hair.
He was startled, but he didn’t mind the chaotic environment. It reminded him very much of the hospital he frequented when he was younger, and the thought of him finally being able to help his mom out after so long brought a smile to his face.
After the clutter of bodies went away, Jungkook was left alone on the couch with a camera pointed directly at him.
He gulped, his mouth suddenly dry.
The man behind the camera snapped a few shots of Jungkook to test the quality of the photos, and once he was pleased with what he saw, he stared expectantly at Jungkook with a raised brow.
“Uh…” Jungkook began.
“Take your robe off.” He stated bluntly. Jungkook choked, and immediately looked to where he saw his boss last, but he was nowhere to be found.
That fucker.
“I—I thought that I—“
“You may want to be quick about it, too. Time is money, and the more pictures we take of you, the better your chances are at being promoted.” Jungkook sighed.
If there was one thing he needed, it was money.
Hell, that’s what he got the job for.
He slowly brought his hands down to the sash that was holding the robe together and undid it, tossing it next to him on the couch.
He smirked lightly when he heard a few of the women standing behind the photographer gasp, quickly scanning every one of their faces to see their shocked expressions.
Jungkook could read the women easily. They all bit their lips, winked, or waved flirtatiously as he made eye contact with them, except for one woman.
She smiled teasingly at him, although she was seemingly unimpressed with his level of confidence. She raised an eyebrow tauntingly, pretending as if she didn’t understand why everyone was reacting as if they’d never seen a penis before. Though her cool exterior radiated disinterest, Jungkook could see past her facade, her eyes gave everything away. He could see the desire in her y/e/c irises. Jungkook understood, he felt it too.
Jungkook returned the smile, oddly at ease by her presence. He absentmindedly licked his lips as he raked his eyes up and down the curves of her figure.
She wore a long sleeved shirt that hugged her frame perfectly, a tight skirt that rested a few inches above her knees, and a pair of black heels that made her legs look absolutely stunning from where Jungkook was sitting.
He was sure they’d still look delicious if he were to take a closer look, which he wouldn’t mind in the slightest.
His mind wandered, images of her naked body flashing behind his eyelids. He lost himself in his daydreams of kissing up her legs while she squirmed underneath him.
What the hell is wrong with him? He was made to be the one receiving suggestive glances, but here he was, blatantly checking out the cute girl that was just trying to make him comfortable.
The girl broke eye contact with him, and he immediately looked away as well, squirming slightly in his seat as he felt his cock harden between his legs.
He made no effort to hide it, but he did close his legs a bit to make it less obvious.
He did not just get a boner because he made eye contact with a pretty girl.
Well, on the bright side, he didn’t have to worry about getting himself hard in the bathroom.
He glanced over in the lady’s direction once more, pouting once he noticed that she was no longer paying any attention to him, instead scribbling something down on a notepad she held in her small hands.
Why did he want her attention so bad?
“Alright,” The photographer began, bringing Jungkook back down to earth, “Keep it natural. The more relaxed you feel, the better your photos will turn out.” Jungkook nodded, a bit more eager than he should’ve been to begin his first session.
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“Perfect!” The photographer yelled, snapping one last photo of Jungkook before he closed the lens of his camera and began to pack up his equipment.
Most of the other models and workers filed out already, and Jungkook was overly thankful that it would be his turn to leave this room next.
Jungkook thought the shoot went very well, as it was very easy for him to… keep himself encouraged throughout, thanks to that pretty lady.
He relaxed from his position, in which he was leaned forward, his elbows propped onto his knees as he smirked cockily at the camera.
He wasn’t sure of what to do just yet, waiting for his liar of a boss to make himself shown again.
Especially considering that the man had his clothes and shoes.
Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes, pressing his back into the couch as he breathed in and out slowly. He continued like this for a few moments, until he could hear heels tapping against the floor in his direction.
He opened one of his eyes, taking a peek at who was walking toward him.
Jungkook immediately sat up upon noticing that it was the woman with the sexy legs that kept his dick hard through the entirety of his shoot.
She approached him with a friendly smile, and Jungkook returned her sincerity with a smile of his own.
“Could I take a seat?” She motioned toward the empty spot on the couch next to him. Jungkook nodded once.
“Of course.” He moved over a bit, his cock swinging against his inner thigh as he did so.
It was then that he realized that he was absolutely naked still, so he grabbed the robe that laid over the arm of the couch and threw it on, as if the woman hadn’t already seen everything he had to offer— and more.
“Thank you!” She smiled at him. ”I’m Y/N.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I’m Jungkook.” She chuckled at this. Jungkook was confused as to what she found funny, maybe his name?
He gripped the robe between his fingers, nervously running the pads of them over the soft material as he pondered over what could’ve made the tempting woman in front of him giggle so sweetly.
“Why’re you laughing?” She noticed his nerves return, a knowing smirk on her lips as she watched the way he shyly avoided eye contact with her.
“I already know who you are, Mr. Jeon.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. It’s almost as if she knew she was enticing.
“You did some great work today, you know?” She flashed him an adorable smile again.
It was something about the way that ‘Mr. Jeon’ rolled off of her tongue that was driving Jungkook up the wall.
“Look, I know this may seem a bit forward, but you radiate great potential.” Jungkook nodded, thanking her quietly, as she pulled out that notepad that she was scribbling in when she was too busy to give him attention while he was posing sexily.
“I conduct an art class at a community center, and I’d love it if you were to drop by and model for me a bit, since you’ve gotten the swing of things fairly quickly.” She giggled, as she ripped out the page from the small book and handed it to him gently.
“Please, feel free to decline if you’re uncomfortable, but if you’d like to give it a try then give me a call.” She eyed him carefully as he picked up the paper and read over it.
“That’s my personal number, so you can call me whenever you’d like.” Something about that sentence put an image into Jungkook’s head.
“Alright, I’ll get out of your hair now.” She stood up, collecting her belongings as she did so.
“If I never run into you again, then it’s been a pleasure, Jungkook.” She proceeded to walk away, leaving him on the couch alone.
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Jungkook lingered just outside the door of the art room, his stomach twisting with nerves. When he’d first been approached about modeling, he’d laughed it off. It started off with easy stuff, brand deals and commercial advertisements. How did he end up here? Posing nude in front of a group of strangers to pick apart his body for their art? This was the best paying gig he’d ever been presented with… the small advertising gigs had been a couple hundred at best but this one would put a sizable dent in his mother’s debt, easing her misfortune. Jungkook had to do this. For her.
He held his head high and strolled into the room with a confident air, any trace of his uneasiness washed away. He glanced around at the unfamiliar faces, carefully watching his every move. He smiled in a greeting, until his eyes landed on you. His face lit up at seeing your familiar face and your heart clenched at the sight.  Should Jungkook have found comfort in your deceptively soft eyes? No. Did he? Absolutely. Your sharp tongue didn’t phase him too badly, not when he could see the tenderness in your eyes.
“Good morning, Mr. Jeon.” you smiled, extending your hand in an invitation.
Jungkook reached out, enveloping your small hand in his own larger one, shaking it professionally. He reveled at how soft your skin was.
“Good morning, Ms. Y/L/N.” he greeted. “Good morning, everyone.” he addressed the rest of the room. “Please call me Jungkook.”
“Alright. Jungkook here is going to be our model. Long gone are the days of fruit baskets. Here is where the fun begins.” you smirked, sending a raised eyebrow Jungkook’s way.
In spite of himself, Jungkook blushed under your suggestive gaze.
“Now, don’t forget that this is for art.” you emphasized. “The human body is a work of art and I expect you to treat it as such. Take this seriously. Okay?”
Most heads nodded automatically, a few older women rolled their eyes or stole looks from each other, mocking you. You were placing a young, muscular man in front of them without clothes. How did you expect them not to ogle?
“For this particular piece, we’re going to be exploring how to use charcoal to get those little details. Don’t forget your shading!” you chimed happily. “Ready, Jungkook?”
“I think so.” he smiled.
“Show us what you got.” you grinned, stepping back and sitting at your own easel.
Jungkook’s hands trembled a bit as he unbuttoned his shirt, trying his best to 1. Not look like a total basket case and 2. Not make it super sensual. Deft fingers worked their way down his shirt and soon the material was sliding off his body in a way he felt was unceremoniously, but judging from the mouths hanging open around the room, might’ve been a bit more enticing than he’d intended.
Jungkook’s chest was absolutely flawless, in your opinion. You were one of the few who managed to keep your tongue inside your mouth for the show, but that didn’t stop your eyes from wandering over his toned physique. Sure you’d seen him at his photography shoot, but he was wearing a robe and you were trying to be professional. Now, hidden behind your easel, you were free to really take him in.
His chiseled chest, the deep ridges of his toned abs, the smoothness of his skin, the light dusting of hair that teased its way under his jeans. He was a walking wet dream. Your mouth watered as your gaze followed the lines of his V. Jungkook popped open the button of his jeans, tugging the zipper down as well. You’d never been so entranced by a simple movement in your life. The man radiated sexual energy.
He shimmied his hips free of the denim, his every movement captivating his audience.  Firm hip bones, luscious thick thighs, deliciously tanned skin were all slowly revealed as he tugged the jeans off in one fluid motion. Maybe he should be a stripper instead of a model… You shook the thought away, but it lingered. Jungkooks movements faltered for a moment, his eyes seeking yours for comfort. You smiled reassuringly at him, and that was all he needed to tug his boxers over his delicious thighs and let his glorious cock free.
“Holy shit.” you heard from somewhere behind you.
“He reminds me of a lover I once had in Prague. I’d sneak him into my hotel room and we’d make love until the sun came up. I miss being young.”
Jungkook coughed and brought his arm up to cover the flush spreading across his cheeks at the older woman’s inappropriate comment. You bit back a laugh.
“Alright Jungkook, just make yourself comfortable and we’ll start drawing you, okay?” you instructed, attempting to take his mind off of the earlier comment.
“Okay.” he nodded, settling himself on the stool you’d set out for him, resisting the urge to strike a pose he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold.
The room grew quiet save for the scratch of charcoal on canvas as the class began attempting to do justice to Jungkook’s beauty in their renditions of him. You began by tracing an outline of his body, opting not to attempt any details yet. The pink tint that rested upon the apple of your cheeks was hard to ignore, and you weren’t sure you could handle trying to get details of certain areas just yet.
You did your best to ignore the effect Jungkook’s naked body was having on your own fully clothed one. He was ethereal, beautiful, the kind of man you could lose yourself in. He had charisma, a way about him that just drew people in. Or maybe it was just you. Every time your eyes locked with his, it was like he was the only thing you could focus on. Everything else was obsolete.
Jungkook held a power over you that honestly scared you a little, and he didn’t even know he did. He didn’t understand how magnetic he was. Sure, he was sexy and he knew it. He’d obviously spent hours painstakingly sculpting his body to perfection, but it wasn’t even just his flawless physique, it wasn’t just his gorgeous, greek-god-like face. His power was inside of him, his strength, his determination, that spark in his gaze.
Jungkook was different from the rest, whether he realized it or not. He was special. Everything about him invited you in and coaxed you to give all of yourself to him. You couldn’t stop your thoughts from wondering as you lazily sketched the outline of him. How would his skin feel under your touch? Heat flooded your veins as you imagined what his touch might feel like in return. You shook these thoughts away, focusing on the task at hand and trying to see Jungkook as nothing more than art you were depicting. You were going to make certain you got every detail correct. And for that, you needed to focus.
Jungkook forced himself to look anywhere but at the people who were gawking at his naked frame. He couldn’t stop himself from watching you though.  He found himself wondering what you thought of him. He wanted to see what you were doing on your canvas. He wanted you to look at him. As if reading his thoughts, you lifted your gaze and faltered when you found his already upon you. When your eyes met and he bit his lip in a nervous smile, you knew you were screwed.
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The next time you saw Jungkook was a week later. Your class had nearly doubled in size as word spread of the toned man with the impressive cargo. You rolled your eyes to yourself but greeted your new arrivals with the same professional smile. You couldn’t blame them, not really. Would you have passed up the opportunity to see him naked again? Hell no. He was already undressed when you’d arrived, running late after a meeting with the program director congratulating you on your ability to gain interest in your class.
“Sorry I’m late!” you announced to the class, then to Jungkook specifically with an apologetic look.
“That’s alright dearie.” one of the older women commented, and you sent her a gracious smile.
“So! For those of you who are new, you can partner up with someone and observe or you can find your own Canvas located on the tables in the back. If you need any help please let me know, since you weren’t here for the introductory lessons.”
“Does she really think we’re here just to draw?” you heard a whisper from the back of the room.
“I know. I didn’t believe Karen when she told me an asian boy with a giant dong was modeling for her community center art class. I had to see for myself.” another voice giggled.
“If I were 15 years younger, I would climb that boy like a tree. I may be old enough to be his mother, but I could still give him a run for his money.”
“Mmm.. I wonder what he can do with those fingers. I bet he has stamina for days.”
You glanced up at Jungkook, who was actively trying to hide his discomfort, shifting a little on the stool as he attempted to stay still. You cleared your throat, loudly, sending a pointed look to the two women in the back.
“I just want to remind our newcomers that this class is about art, not objectification. Please remain respectful. If you can’t manage that, I’m sure you can manage to find the door.” you nearly hissed.
They shrugged sheepishly and grew quiet. You huffed in annoyance, glancing back at Jungkook again, who sent you an appreciative smile. You nodded, focusing on your canvas in front of you once more.
Once class was over and the others had filed out, you walked up to Jungkook as he was buttoning his jeans. He looked up from his task and greeted you with a warm smile.
“Hey, Y/N.” he grinned, apparently forgetting he still needed to put a shirt on.
You used every brain cell you had to keep yourself from staring at his chiseled chest.
“Hey Jungkook.” you smiled. “Are you okay? Did those women make you uncomfortable? I can ask them not to come back.”
“Oh it’s okay!” he assured you, placing a hand on your shoulder, “I appreciate the offer but I don’t want to be a bother. It did make me kind of uncomfortable but they stopped so it’s okay.”
“Are you sure? They said some pretty inappropriate things.” you pressed.
“I don’t mind that what they said was inappropriate,” he explained, “it’s more that they were talking about me like I wasn’t even here. Like I was some sex doll or something. I don’t mind women finding me attractive, but I do have sustenance.”
“I get it. You shouldn’t be objectified while you’re doing your job.” you told him.
“Kind of hard to remind people I have dignity when I’m standing in front of them in all my naked glory. I can see how that might be distracting.” he winked playfully.
“Ah, there’s that cocky personality.” you threw back at him with a grin.
“Seriously though. Thank you for being on my side.” he told you sincerely.
Electricity shot through your body when he leaned in and gave you a gentle hug. You took a deep breath to steady yourself but that only resulted in breathing in the scent of him, musky and woodsy, yet sweet. It reminded you of cinnamon.  It was intoxicating.
You desperately ignored the ache between your thighs and wrapped your arms around him to reciprocate his affections. His body seemed to relax against yours and the embrace lasted a little longer than a hug between mostly strangers should. He pulled away but held you at arms length to watch your features for a moment.
“See, now that’s the kind of look I don’t mind from a woman. Especially one as beautiful as you.” he smirked, turning and grabbing his shirt off the stool before sauntering away and shooting you a shit eating grin as you stand frozen in place.
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You shot up, waking with a fright. Your chest heaved as you struggled to catch your breath. Images flashing through your mind once more. Your subconscious thoughts led way to the hottest sex dream you’d ever experienced, and of course the star was your male model. You couldn’t stop picturing  his mouth on you, his hands on you. You shook your head to clear it. Alone in your bed, you couldn’t get that cocky grin out of your mind. You tried to fight it, you really did. You tried to redirect your mind anywhere but his plump lips, his perfectly sculpted jaw, the way his warm skin felt against yours when he’d hugged you…
Shrouded in shame but overcome with desire, you let your hand dance down your stomach underneath the elastic of your pajama shorts, your fingers finding their way to your slit. You closed your eyes, imagining it was Jungkook’s fingers inside you instead. You pumped them slowly in and out of yourself.
“Ungh… fuck. Jungkook.” you whined, writhing against your fingers, trying to find that spot that drove you crazy.
You picked up the pace, letting your fingers find a delicious rhythm inside of you, wondering what it would feel like if it were Jungkook inside of you instead. His cock was so pretty. It took everything you had not to stand up and start sucking it every time you saw it.
“Jungkook.” left your lips as your whines got louder, moving your attention to circle at your clit with your juices as lubrication.
You wished you had a picture of him to look at while you pleasured yourself to the idea of him, but you let your imagination take control, replaying images from your dream, and creating new fantasies about the model with the sultry eyes. You were close, and the closer you got to the edge, the louder you became. You swore you could almost hear the faint sound of Jungkook’s labored breathing along with your own, but it must’ve been your imagination running wild.
Your orgasm crashed over you, Jungkook’s name leaving your lips repeatedly, like he was the only thought you could muster when your brain turned off and your high took over. You fucked yourself through it, soft whimpers leaving your mouth as you pulled your fingers out. You padded your way to the bathroom to wash up, climbing back into bed not nearly as satiated as you’d hoped to have been. You drifted to sleep anyway, thoughts of Jungkook and the hope of seeing him again soon on the forefront of your mind when unconsciousness took over.
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Jungkook was early today, you noticed as you walked into the art room. You were the first two to have arrived, you wanted to make up for being late the previous week.
“Hey. What are you doing here so early?” you asked, setting your bag down as you made your way over to him.
“Needed to talk to you.” he responded, voice low and husky.
“Everything okay?” you asked, concern filling your chest.
“No. Everything is not okay.” he hissed, trapping you against the wall.
You shivered at the sudden change in his demeanor, at his body so close to yours, at the dominating tone of his voice.
“I’ve been horny as hell all week.” he grunted, rutting his hips into yours.
“O-oh.” was all you could muster for a response, your body immediately reacting to his movements and sending moisture to your core.
“Imagine my surprise when I got a call from you late Saturday night.” he smirked, lips ghosting over the hollow of your throat, allowing his cool breath to fan against the area. He watched your skin flush crimson and felt your heart rate pick up.
Saturday night? You hadn’t called him. Saturday night you were… oh.
“Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you sound when you’re moaning my name?” he teased, rolling his hips and pulling them back before pinning you to the wall with them once more, his erection pressed firmly against your aching heat.
“I-” you began to explain, but he cut you off.
“Fuck, the way you sound when you cum… I nearly came too. Listening to you fuck yourself for me. Tell me, what were you thinking about when your fingers sunk into that pretty little pussy? Was it my mouth?” he questioned, letting his lips graze along the shell of your ear.
“Was it my cock?” he ground his hardened member into you once more. “Maybe it was my tongue.” he mused, licking a bold stripe from the swell of your breasts to your collarbone.
A whimper was forced from your throat at his ministrations. You were hyper aware of every breath Jungkook took, feeling his body move against yours. You were also aware that at any moment, people were going to start filing through the door for class.
“Jungkook.” you breathed, a warning.
Or was it a promise?
Jungkook groaned, biting down on the side of your neck and sucking a purple bruise into the exposed flesh, then blowing cold air over the injured spot to soothe it. Your entire body shivered. Jungkook’s head turned as he heard footsteps approach the door. With a pointed look directly into your eyes, he stepped back from you and put much needed space between his body and yours, just in time for the first arrival to walk through the door.
You must’ve been a sight to behold, flushed and breathing heavily while pressed up against the wall. You hadn’t been able to make yourself move after Jungkook stepped away. He looked unbothered, but you were about to burst. You could feel your arousal slipping down your leg. You cursed yourself for wearing a skirt.
Jungkook, however, was thrilled with your outfit choice for the day. Especially since once you’d taken your seat at your easel, he had a front row view of your white lacy panties. Jungkook had already stripped naked for today’s modeling session, having put all of his effort into calming his dick down so he wasn’t hard in front of everyone. However, his efforts were moot when he noticed the dark wet patch imprinted on the ivory fabric that covered your heat.
Jungkook bit down on his lip, nearly drawing blood as his eyes latched onto your core. You shifted in your seat, attempting to press your thighs together to find some relief, an action which made Jungkook smirk to himself. Until his cock started reacting. In front of everyone. Jungkook wasn’t sure if he was more turned on or more embarrassed when he noticed your gaze unwavering on his hardening member. Your mouth hung open slightly, drool pooling at the edges. Jungkook chuckled to himself.
The other members of the class were just as astonished as you were, but Jungkook paid them no mind. All he could think about was getting inside of you. He couldn’t stop picturing the way your pupils had blown out just at his words, the way your breath hitched when he touched you. He bet you’d be so responsive when his fingers came to tease along your folds. He wondered how tight you were, if you’d be as loud as you were on the phone or even louder? Surely he could make you scream if you’d been that loud with just your own fingers?
Jungkook gave up trying to control his raging boner the moment he saw your arousal pooled at your core on display for him. Suddenly, he saw your hand sneak between your legs and tease along the ivory fabric. His gaze snapped up to your face, your eyes alight with mischief when they met his own. Your fingers pushed the damp fabric aside and began circling around your clit. Jungkook was the only one who could see from his position at the front of the room.
You were putting on a show for him, torturing him when he could do nothing about it. His eyes narrowed as he glared at you, but your face remained impassive, the epitome of feigned innocence. But like always, Jungkook saw the real you behind your heavy lidded gaze. You couldn’t hide from him, he could read you like an open book. There was nothing innocent about the way you were licking your lips, slowly dragging the swollen flesh between your teeth teasingly.
Your fingers spread your folds so Jungkook had a perfect view of your clit as you began rubbing it in slow circles. Jungkook’s eyes were glued to your bundle of nerves and the way your fingers teased at it. You gathered some of your slick to coat your fingers and lubricate them so they slid along your cunt with ease. Your digits were shiny, covered in your arousal. Jungkook nearly came when he watched in agony as you inserted two fingers into your entrance, pulling them back out and twisting them so he could watch the light reflect off your wetness. You stuck them in your mouth and sucked your juices off seductively before going back to your sketch.
Jungkook could not wait to punish your naughty behavior. He couldn’t wait to wipe that satisfied smirk off your face with an expert flick of his tongue. You had an attitude now, but once he was balls deep inside that soaking wet pussy he was sure you wouldn’t be quite so eager to tease him. You weren’t going to cum until you were crying and begging for it, he’d already made up his mind.
The minutes ticked by excruciatingly slow, each passing second felt like an eternity as Jungkook waited for class to be over. It felt like his dick twitched every time the little hand on the clock did. No matter what he did, no matter what he thought of, Jungkook could not get his erection to subside. His thoughts only led back to the lewd way you’d sucked your own arousal off your fingers.
Jungkook thought he might cry tears of joy when you finally dismissed the class with a chipper wave of your hand and a sweet smile. The second the last person walked out the door, Jungkook shut it and you heard the click of the lock echo throughout the empty room. You swallowed nervously, bending over to grab your bag, earning a hearty laugh from Jungkook.
“Oh baby girl… you really think I’m just going to let you leave after the little show you put on for me?” he purred, advancing toward you quickly until his body was flush against yours, breath tickling the space below your ear. “So naughty, teasing daddy like that.” he tsked.
His fingers trailed their way up your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You shivered under his touch, though it was barely even there. His skin danced along yours, coming to rest at the curve of your breasts.
“Mmm… I think I’d like to taste these.” he grinned, suddenly yanking your tank top down so that both of your nipples were exposed to the bitter cold of the room.
A smirk played on his lips at the gasp that snuck its way past yours. His head dipped, and you thought he’d immediately take one of your nipples in his mouth, you were salivating over the thought of his warm, wet mouth on your perky buds. Instead, his pillow soft lips found yours, his tongue roaming along until you parted your lips and granted him access.
His tongue danced with yours as he brought his hips closer to grind into your aching center. You had never wanted anyone as badly as you wanted Jungkook. The man pressed against you had you brainless and ready to do anything he asked with a  simple roll of his hips.
Jungkook decided he didn’t like being the only naked one, and pulled your shirt above your head. Were you shivering from the cold air or Jungkook’s predatory gaze? Hell if you knew. Jungkook’s nimble fingers had your bra unhooked in a suspiciously short amount of time but you paid that no mind. He flung it across the room and his mouth was on your breast in an instant. Slick tongue working against your erect nipple while the other was massaged by his large hand. Every movement of his tongue, every playful pinch of his forefinger and thumb against your sensitive skin was sending lightning bolts straight down to your heat.
Jungkook’s mouth left your breast with an audible “pop!” since he sucked the flesh as he pulled away, switching his efforts to the neglected side, this time mixing it up by grazing his teeth ever so softly along the most sensitive part. Soft whimpers left you and you effectively became putty in his hands... and mouth. His tongue darted out to give a final flick against your sensitive bud before his hot kisses descended south. He kissed along the expanse of your stomach, slowly working his way down, sucking and nibbling as he went to leave small bruises dotted over your skin. He flipped your skirt up, exposing the lacy white panties that had been taunting him for hours, and the dark wet patch where your arousal soaked through them. Jungkook let out a growl, ripping the ivory fabric from your body and tossing it aside, revealing your pussy to him.
“So fucking beautiful. Better than I’d imagined.” He praised.
Without warning, his tongue darted out and swiped along your folds. Your knees buckled but Jungkook’s strong arms held you up, hands on either of your hips to keep you still and pressed against the wall while he worked his tongue along your slit then against your throbbing clit.
“Shit!” You cried out, body jolting forward and hands coming to rest on his shoulders when his plump lips wrapped around the sensitive bundle and sucked harshly.
Jungkook showed no mercy, devouring your cunt like it was his death row meal, the final wish of a man with nothing to lose. He lapped at your juices as if it were the last thing he’d ever do. Your entire body was thrumming, shaking violently as your orgasm was wretched out of you with no warning.
His name fell from your lips like a prayer, or a curse, you weren’t sure. The only thing you could focus on was the blinding white euphoria his tongue had shoved you headfirst into. You would’ve collapsed if Jungkook hadn’t held you up, allowing you to slowly sink to your knees to meet his posture as your body twitched and shook at the aftermath of your mind blowing high. Your breathing ragged and your eyes wide, you watched the satisfied smile appear on his angelic face. Cocky bastard. Sexy, skilled, ridiculously beautiful cocky bastard.
“Still feeling like a tease?” Jungkook asked, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip as he raised an eyebrow at you. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, and all of his words sounded like another language at the moment.
“What?” You asked, causing him to laugh a bit at your clearly fucked out state of mind. Although the both of you were stripped down to almost nothing (save your skirt) and on your knees in the ground, it was clear who held the power between the two of you.
“You wanna taste yourself on my tongue?” He offered, already beginning to lean forward as he reached his arm out to pull your body closer to his, but you shook your head, an idea playing in the back of your head as you quickly conjured up a plan that’d have him weak and panting instead.
“I’d rather taste you on my own. Stand up.” You ordered.
He raised an eyebrow, surprised by your cute attempt at telling him what to do as if he hadn’t successfully put you in your place a minute or two ago. He stood nonetheless, vaguely interested in whatever you had up your sleeve. His goal was to make you suffer, but he supposed you could have a bit of fun before he fucked you brainless over that desk that sat a few feet away from the two of you.
You shifted yourself around a bit, as did he, so he now had his back pressed against the wall. You sat submissively under him, although Jungkook was anything but while he had ravaged your sweetness with his tongue.
“You’re pretty with your thighs around my face, but there’s just something about you on your knees.” Jungkook teased, his cockiness never failing to make an appearance as he ran a hand through your hair in appreciation.
You hummed to thank him, a sly smile of your own playing on your lips as you slowly lifted your small hand up to his cock. This small action alone had him tensing up completely, hissing quietly as you squeezed your hand loosely against his length repeatedly until he had to intertwine his fingers with your locks and pull your head up.
“You’d better stop unless you want to walk out of this room with my cum dripping down your face.” He warned.
You shrugged, leaning forward a bit, placing your free hand on his thigh while you stroked his cock slowly, your eyes honing in on the clear liquid that leaked from the tip of his length. You licked your lips at the thought of swiping it away with your tongue, but you weren’t supposed to give in this easily. This wasn’t a part of your plan, but you’d give anything just to keep seeing the expression of pure ecstasy on his face.
You continued to stroke him with your hand, purposely digging your nails into his thigh to see if it’d bring a reaction out of him. A shiver ran from his spine to the tips of his toes as you did this, and you couldn’t help the giggle that slipped past your lips.
“You like a little pain?” You teased, narrowing your eyes at him in defiance as you stuck your tongue out, pressing it slowly against his shaft.
You licked a stripe from his balls to the angry tip, looking up at him through your lashes as you swiped the precum away like you originally intended.
It was just as salty as you expected it to be, but you didn’t mind at all. You closed your eyes as you brought your tongue back into your mouth, pressing your lips together and swallowing slowly as you allowed the taste of him to burn down your throat.
“You taste just as good as you look.” You commented seductively, pressing a chaste kiss to his cock head and swirling your tongue around it once more before you began to spread your lips over the expanse of his cock.
Now, you’d definitely had your experience with this sort of thing once or twice before, but Jungkook was big, and there was no way you were fitting your pretty mouth over all of him, no matter how desperately you wanted to. As much as you were dying to get all of him in your mouth, for your own safety and wellbeing,  you opted to use your hand to continue to apply some relief to what you couldn’t quite reach with your mouth.
“Oh, shit. That’s so good, baby.” You weren’t sure if he was just in the moment, but your heart fluttered a bit at the pet name.
You hollowed your cheeks as you struggled to take more of him into your mouth. You gagged a handful of times, but Jungkook didn’t seem to mind. He even pulled all of your hair into his hands, using it as a sort of makeshift leash as he pushed you further down onto his cock, wanting to hear you gag on him again.
You worked quickly with your mouth, alternating the flicks of your wrists with your hand to keep Jungkook guessing. He had pressed his weight fully against the wall behind him, his leg twitching occasionally whenever you ‘accidentally’ dragged your teeth along the underside of his dick, not enough to cause any real harm, just enough to ignite a spark.
“Oh my God…” He whimpered.
You did yourself the favor of looking up at him while your mouth was stuffed full, your pussy spasming at the sight. His mouth was hung open in a silent moan, his eyes were screwed shut in pleasure, and a few of his sweaty black locks were stuck to his forehead. You figured you could make him cum just like this, but you’d rather be his personal cumbucket. Was it a bit selfish? Maybe, but you couldn’t care less at the moment. He looked absolutely delectable above you.
He cracked his eyes open just as you slid his cock out of your mouth, gathering up the saliva that built up while your lips were stretched around him and spitting it back out onto his manhood. You were deliberately slow with this, wanting him to feel it the moment it made contact with his head. You watched his face as your saliva spilled down onto his shaft, using this as lubrication as you continued to pump your fist against him.
You sank down further onto your knees, only able to give his balls a few licks with your tongue, and a short lived massage before you were yanked backward, head first. Your immediate reaction to this was a rough squeeze to his cock, since it was the only thing in your grasp at the moment. You let out a strangled groan as he clenched his jaw while looking down at you, cock standing at attention as he debated his next movement.
“Get the fuck up.” He commanded you, although he pulled you up off of the ground by the grip he had on your hair on his own.
He pressed your back to his chest, ensuring you felt every ripple of his muscles pressed against your naked skin. Making a path with his hand from your stomach, in between your breasts, then finally to your neck,  he held you firmly against him, so you had no space between your flushed bodies. You felt every rise and fall of his toned chest, his breathing just as ragged as yours.
“I’m going to bend you over that desk there, alright?” He whispered into your ear, his cool breath fanning over your cheek as you nodded eagerly, just wanting him to follow through with his plan instead of telling you the process. After all, actions do speak louder than words.
“When I let you go, I want you to walk over there like a good little slut and bend over. Flip that skirt up and show me your cunt. Can you do that for me?” You felt his cock twitch against your inner thigh, and you nodded again with a quiet moan.
“Go.” He let you go with one word, watching you swiftly walk over toward the desk as he took his length in his right hand and stroked it quickly while approaching you with loud, threatening footsteps.
You weren’t sure how that was possible since he didn’t have shoes on, but it only excited you further. You complied with his orders easily, pressing your cheek against the cold surface of the desk. You  hiked the skirt up a bit around your waist and wiggled your ass teasingly as you waited for him to come ravage you.
“You’re cute, but you’re so annoying.” He grunted from behind you, slapping both of your ass cheeks with his heavy hands, massaging them afterward before delivering two more harsh slaps.
“You work me up in front of a room full of people, and then try to collect your stuff afterward as if you weren’t practically begging me to use you? Bullshit.” He spanked your ass again, relishing in the way you hissed after every hit and gripped the edge of the desk tighter.
“I’m going to make a mess out of you, you know that?” He pressed his chest against your back, pushing his weight onto you as he whispered into your ear.
You nodded, his eyes scanning over the expanse of your back as his long fingers momentarily kneaded your muscles.
“What’re you waiting for, then?” You quipped, although your voice sounded a bit flat because of Jungkook’s body weight. He laughed as he pulled himself up off of you.
Silently, he grabbed his cock and lined it up with your pussy as he pressed the head against your tight hole. You moaned at this, inhaling sharply as he just barely slipped himself inside of you. You whimpered in defeat as he pulled out quickly afterward, not wanting to give you the time to savor the feeling of being stretched out by his length.
“I swear, if you wait any longer then I’m going to fuck myself on your dick.” You threatened shakily, to which he smirked at.
“Is that so?” He let go of his cock. “Be my guest, then.” He shrugged, although you couldn’t see him.
You turned around swiftly, beyond irritated at whatever game he was trying to play. You were turned on, and you wanted to be fucked silly, but he was acting like a brat.
“You know what? Fine, I will.” You challenged, looking over your shoulder at him to see the intrigued smile on his face.
You rolled your eyes, roughly grabbing his cock and pushing yourself back onto him hastily. Jungkook disapproved of this, landing a sharp slap to your right ass cheek he gripped your hips roughly. He held you securely, preventing you from sliding back any further onto his cock.
“You’d better slow down, sweetheart.” He warned shakily, his nails leaving small imprints on your skin as he moved his hands down to your ass. “I haven’t cum yet, and your little hole is so inviting.”
You gulped, although something about his threat to cum inside of you was one step closer to pushing you over the edge.
“Take it slowly. Take me in slowly, so I can feel you.” With this he let go of your ass, watching with lidded eyes as your arousal coated more than half of his manhood.
He licked his lips at this, loving the way your juices spilled onto him, and onto the desk. Perhaps he’d make you lick his cock clean afterwards. That’d be a sight to see.
Your hips stuttered before you could take the last few inches, which sent a gigantic boost to Jungkook’s ego. Of course, he knew he was big, but something about seeing you struggle to take him in fully even after you talked all of that shit previously was egging him on.
“You at your limit, baby?” He mocked you, and as soon as you tried to respond, your voice cracked.
He hummed, chuckling slightly as he slid his hands up from your ass to your back, scratching his stubby nails at your flesh before threading his fingers in your hair once more. He roughly yanked your head back with a malicious smile. Your body jolted at this, which sent the rest of his cock plunging into you in one go.
“God, that’s fucking it. Look at you, swallowing Daddy’s dick like a good girl. You look so pretty stuffed full like this.” You were incomprehensive, your entire being filled with thoughts of Jungkook pummeling your pussy out of existence.
“Not so eager to use that fucking mouth now, are you? Hm?” He asked, pulling your head back a bit further.
Your back was so arched that you could see the ceiling and a bit of his face, and this new position made it so much easier for his cock to brush against that spot that made you a mumbling mess.
“You should be ashamed, really.” He said, dropping his head down to look at your ass as he slowly began to work his hips against it. “Have you got anything to say for yourself?” You were taking him so well, but he couldn’t let his unbothered persona falter just yet.
“Well?” He let go of your hair, and you immediately dropped your head forward, your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as you struggled to hold yourself up on your elbows while he ruthlessly fucked you.
“You’re s-so fucking big.” You mumbled pathetically, causing Jungkook to twitch inside of you.
“I know. You like Daddy’s big fat cock inside that tight little pussy.  Tell me, baby. Tell me how much you like it. Tell me how good you feel.” He pushed one of his hands down against your back, silently telling you to press your breasts against the desk. You obeyed, hissing as your nipples hardened instantly after making contact with the cool surface.
“I like—o-oh, oh shit.” Your jaw fell slack as Jungkook began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, his expert hips moving with such sharpness that you could feel it each time he pulled back a bit to fuck himself into you again. Although you didn’t do what he asked of you, he didn’t pressure you any further, his only goal to use you as his cute little cocksleeve.
“Spread your legs for me.” You immediately moved to follow his request, unable to balance yourself on your feet now. This was no problem, as Jungkook easily took a secure grip around your waist to keep you pressed against the desk.
“You feel so good around me like that, oh shit.” Jungkook whimpered, his tongue hanging out of his mouth slightly as he jabbed his fingers into your sides and pulled you onto the tips of your toes. You were startled at the sudden change, although it allowed for him to drive deeper inside of you.
“Put your hands on the edge of the desk now. Do it right fucking now.” He growled like some sort of feral animal. You scurried to follow his orders, just as he began to slam his cock so powerfully inside of your cunt that your hips banged against the metal desk with every other thrust, and you knew there would be bruises.
“F-fuck!” You screamed, and Jungkook responded quickly by throwing his hand messily over your mouth to quiet your moans.
“Shh, Y/N. We can’t let you get caught being a little slut.” He chuckled breathlessly, short moans and growls leaving the back of his throat as he continued to piston his hips in and out of you, your ass slapping against his abdomen every time the two of you connected. You were teetering over the edge, desperately wanting to lose control underneath him.
“I’m cumming, I’m gonna c—JUNGKOOK!” You yelled out in frustration as he slipped his cock out of you.
He grunted, pushing some of the clutter on the desk away before picking you up and setting you on top of it, so he could see your face.
“One,” He said, his voice raspy which caused you to shiver, “You’re not cumming unless I get to see your face when you do. Two,” He continued, slipping himself back into you with ease due to how fucking soaked you were, “You’re not cumming until you beg for it.” He reached for one of your legs and placed it over his shoulder, gripping onto it as he sustained the rapid pace of his manhood plunging into your inviting heat.
“I-I wanna cum, Daddy.” You whispered in defeat, a twinkle in Jungkook’s eyes as he was beginning to finally get you where he wanted you. You weren’t begging just yet, though, which was unfortunate for you because you wouldn’t get an orgasm, and Jungkook was going to cum inside you either way.
“You do, Princess?” He whispered back, still holding your leg while his other hand moved to the back of your head. He pressed your forehead against his, your noses bumping as Jungkook fucked you. You nodded, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes at having to hold your orgasm back.
“You aren’t begging for me, baby. Beg me to give you permission to cum on this dick.” You cried out weakly, knowing that you’d have to give in to his rules in order to achieve that sweet release. It was right in the tip of your tongue.
You placed your arms around his neck, hanging them there loosely as you gazed into his eyes, which were full of lust and carnal desire.
“Can I cum o-on your c-cock—a-ah!” You failed miserably to finish your sentence, as Jungkook began pistoning his cock inside of your cunt with such force that the desk began to screech against the ground a bit, knocking at one of the metal racks behind it.
“I’m so close to cumming, pretty girl. Talk fast.” He warned, thrusts quickly becoming unorganized. You nodded.
“Please let me cum! I-Iv’e learned my lesson, I swear I have! I’m so close Jungkook, p-please!” He grunted his approval, nodding once and delivering about a dozen more thrusts before he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, biting down on the skin there as he began to shoot rope after rope of his cum deep inside of your greedy cunt.
You came with him, your body tensing up for a few moments before your release smacked you like a bus, heavy and unapologetic.  Due to the wild fuckfest the two of you had, though, a few utensils hit the ground, and a can of paint was wobbling on the edge of the rack that the desk was smashing against a few seconds ago.  Jungkook finally lifted his head up, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. He placed one final kiss to your forehead before locking eye contact with you.
“I know for a fact that was the best fuck of your life.” You laughed, shaking your head at the fact that his cocky attitude would never settle. Not even after using up (what you assumed was) all of his stamina.
You didn’t mind it, though. In fact, you were starting to grow fond of it.
“It certainly was, but look at all the—“
The can of paint gave way to the pull of gravity, and tumbled to the ground with a deafening crack, the contents of the can flying out and splattering directly onto you and Jungkook. You knew what it was as soon as it hit your skin, and you immediately wondered why someone would leave a damn can of open paint on the top shelf.
It was brief, a big splash, so neither of you really had time to react to it. When you finally lifted your head up, Jungkook’s chest was covered in black paint, as were your legs and skirt. Seriously, the one fucking day you decide to wear pink?
“—Mess. Look at all the mess.” You finished your sentence with a giggle, thankful that you kept towels in the room during your classes. It’d never come out of your skirt, but at least you could wipe it off of your skin.
Your gaze met Jungkooks and you both burst out in a fit of giggles. You couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes lit up when he laughed, the polar opposite of the domineering man who’d just rocked your world minutes before. This Jungkook was soft, open, lighter. His laughter was the most beautiful melody that had ever graced your ears and you wouldn’t have minded listening to it for a very long time. His joy was contagious, and you couldn’t stop the goofy smile from spreading across your lips as he wrapped his arms around you in a playful hug.
Though his touch still sent electricity through you, this was different. It was sweet and gentle. You let yourself melt in his embrace, drinking in the way he made you feel so secure, so wanted. You sighed happily. You grinned mischievously then, collecting some of the paint off of the surface of the desk and wiping a thick stripe of it across his cheek. He froze in shock then glared at you, a hint of a smile playing on those gorgeous lips.
He reached out to grab you, but you were too fast, shrieking in delight as you ran away from him. Jungkook chased you around the small art studio, his laughter floating through the air like your favorite song. His arms snaked around you and he pulled you close, rubbing his cheek against yours to spread the paint over your skin. Your giggles dissolved as he placed a tender kiss to your lips.
Pulling away and placing a peck on his nose, you began pulling your clothes back on. Jungkook watched you, admiring the way your body moved, how much sweeter you were once your attitude had been properly taken care of. You smiled at him over your shoulder, and he couldn’t recall a time when he’d ever seen such a beautiful smile on any other woman. He couldn’t recall seeing another woman who even compared to you.
Then realization brought a similar smile onto his own lips, and Jungkook thought to himself, that he just might have found the one.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon: A week without you
You plan to set out on a week-long trip with Anna, Kiki and Willow.
How do the guys react to the news and cope during your absence?
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Before you leave
As the day of your long-awaited trip approaches, you can barely rein in your excitement
Meanwhile, Victor gets more and more grumpy
“Are you sure you should be going on a trip at this time?”
“Wouldn’t your company end up in shambles with half the staff gone?”
“Goldman informed me that your ticket is refundable.”
Despite his attempts to stop you from leaving his side for the trip, he also sees how much you’ve been looking forward to it
So he eventually relents, and even offers suggestions to include in your list of itinerary
Victor isn’t the type to show affection in public, so you’re surprised when he suddenly wraps his fingers around your wrist at the airport
He lifts it up gently, strapping a wine-coloured watch onto your wrist
It has an incredibly cute design - the face of the watch features an adorable white bunny, with its tiny paws pointing towards the time
“Whenever you look at it, you’ll know that I’m waiting for you to come home.”
(Meanwhile, Anna, Kiki and Willow are standing at the side and screaming internally)
During the trip
He understands how rare it is for you to have a proper break, so he doesn’t disturb you unnecessarily
In fact, you are the one who disturbs him at 3am when his phone gets flooded with photographs of your trip, each one accompanied with a notification chime
Luckily for you, he doesn’t mind it too much
He sighs while scrolling through the photos with a look of affection
“That dummy forgot about the time zone differences.”
Once you’re back
Brings you to Souvenir and whips up a FEAST
Ends the magnificent meal with a dessert you’ve never seen before
“I created it in the week you were gone. Let me know what you think.”
It’s a petite, cube-shaped cake layered with Chantilly cream and drizzled with chocolate, a rose petal resting on top of it
You bring the dessert fork to your mouth
It tastes sweet, but there’s also slight tinge of bitterness that gives it a certain mellow flavour
“I’ll give it an A+, as expected of the finest chef in Loveland City. Is this going to be a new item on Souvenir’s menu?”
“What is it called?”
He pauses before answering.
“The Taste of Longing.”
You suddenly feel a little shy, and try to change the topic. You hand him the fork.
“H-have you tried it?”
He lets out a sigh, sets the fork aside, and pulls you into a deep, intoxicating kiss
After he draws back, he stares at your flustered expression and responds with the smug grin you missed so dearly over the past week
“I just did.”
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Before you leave
The day before the trip, he literally refuses to let you go
Especially after he realises he wouldn’t get to see you off at the airport in person due to a scheduled interview
So he has been latching onto your arm and following you everywhere
“I need to use the bathroom Kiro.”
“I’ll keep my eyes closed, I promise!”
As the dusk settles in and the hours left together dwindles, Kiro grows quieter
His head is resting on your lap as he stares at you intently, as though engraving your face into his memory
You try to cheer him up, tousling his golden blonde hair
“On the bright side, you’ll have the bed all to yourself!”
Kiro brightens up for split second before his expression returns to a pout
“It’s not fun when you’re not in it...”
During the trip
Tries to cope by stuffing himself with tidbits and ice-cream
Savin does not approve.
But snacks don’t taste as good when he doesn’t have you to share them with (or snatch them from)
Tries to cope by playing games past midnight
Savin does not approve.
But games aren’t as fun when he doesn’t hear your voice congratulating him for achieving a new high score
Tries to cope by drowning himself in work
Savin approves... but senses that something is off with Kiro
Savin spends more time with Kiro this week, even bringing him to his favourite hotpot place and treating him to extra desserts
Once you’re back
You decide to surprise Kiro in the studio after receiving a bunch of texts from a worried Savin
Kiro almost bursts into tears
He might not have Gavin’s Evol, but that doesn’t stop him from flying across the room to wrap you in a bear hug, almost tripping over his violin case in the process
After dinner, you’re both on the couch as he listens to you ramble on and on about how fun the trip was
Kiro interrupts you with a long, impatient kiss
After he pulls away, the both of you a little breathless, the cheeky glint in his eyes doesn’t go unnoticed
“You want fun? I’ll show you just how much fun we can have together.”
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Before you leave
Even though you’re used to spending long periods of time apart given the nature of his work, it never gets easier
“Maybe I could come along as a bodyguard?”
As tempted as you are at the prospect, you turn him down gently
It’s meant to be an all-girls trip after all
At the airport, Gavin goes into full-blown maternal mode:
“Remember to check the weather forecast every morning.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
“Remember to apply sunscreen before going outdoors.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
“Remember to sleep early.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
He sighs and encases you in a long hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“And remember... to think of me often.”
You almost tear up in response to the sheer sadness in his voice
“That’s not something I need to remember. It happens naturally.”
During the trip
He’s not used to returning to a quiet, lifeless house
Sends you little updates about his day
[Text from Gavin:] Saw the stars on my way home tonight. Even though you’re halfway across the world, I feel as though I can sense you, just like how we can still see the faraway stars.
[Text from Gavin:] I saw a squirrel today. It’s cute. It reminded me of you.
[Text from Gavin:] Hung out with Minor today. He told me how lonely he feels in the office these days without you girls around. Seems like we finally found something in common. I miss you.
Purchases a succulent and places it beside Thorny because he doesn’t want it to feel lonely
He names it Mrs Thorny
Once you’re back
Arrives at the airport at least an hour early to wait for you
Sends Anna, Kiki and Willow home by car as a gesture of gratitude for taking care of you over the past week
“He’s a keeper,” whispers Anna.
Helps you unpack while you take a bath
Chances upon the overtly sensual lingerie you bought during the trip (thanks to Kiki’s persuasive skills)
You happen to step out of the bathroom at this very moment, watching as Gavin lifts the dark blue lace from the luggage
The blood drains from your face as you scramble to snatch it out of his hands
“Ahh! That’s meant for your birthday!”
Poor Birdcop is still reeling from shock
So he responds with whatever comes to mind
“For me? But I don’t wear lingerie.”
The both of you just stare at each other, processing this whole situation
It’s not long before every corner of the house gets filled with your laughters mingling together
Both your faces flushed from a mixture of embarrassment and laughter, you collapse into his embrace, soaking up his warmth...
...and you’re finally home.
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Before you leave
You kind of expected Shaw’s response when you told him about your plans...
“Sure, have fun.”
“You aren’t even going to pretend that you’d miss me?”
“Nah, it’s not like you’d be gone for a decade. Pretty sure I’ll survive.”
He does skip his morning class to send you off at the airport though
His heart suddenly feels the slightest bit heavier once you disappear from view with the girls in the departure hall
Shrugs it off and heads back to school
During the trip
While Shaw isn’t the clingy sort, he does get bored easily
Especially since his partner in crime isn’t around
Sends you pictures of the shark plushie in different poses
e.g. sitting upright on the dining chair
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie says he misses you. Gave him a talk on how to be a big, independent boy.
e.g. leaning against a spray paint can
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie tried spray-painting today but got a little bit of paint on himself. Do you know if he’s machine washable?
e.g. wearing one your hairbands
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie rummaged through your wardrobe today. Doesn’t he look handsome?
Changes his phone’s lockscreen to a different picture of you every day
Of course, he selects photos that should never see the light of day - a picture of your mouth wide open in an unladylike manner as you prepare to bite into a hamburger, a picture of you almost falling off a skateboard, a picture of you sleeping with drool trailing from the corner of your mouth onto the sheets...
You really need to do a thorough cleansing of his photo gallery.
Since his usual source of entertainment is enjoying herself without him halfway across the globe, this is as close as he gets to having fun
Once you’re back
The moment you set down your luggage at home, he drags you to Live House
The intense strobe lights shroud the way Shaw gazes at you with a rare tenderness
Immersed in the loud music, you have no idea that clouds have gathered outside, followed by the gentle patter of rain
You almost miss Shaw’s words as his lips brush against your ear
“I missed you.”
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🦋LUCIEN🦋 (I’m not kidding when I say I can’t write Lucien. For all of our sakes, this shall be the first and last time 😂)
Before you leave
Takes you to see the fireflies
Catches one and names it “Angst”
During your trip
Exists sadly
Attempts to make conversation with Angst
When you’re back
Exists happily
Sets Angst free since his favourite butterfly has returned to his side
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day Two: (Storms, Stars, Flowers)
A/N: Okay, so there are no manga spoilers here, but it's the next part of day one. This is also where the modern AU starts. You could read this one and not get manga spoilers but it might be a bit confusing idk. Like I said before, days four through seven are just gonna be out of order events that are purely AU without mention of events in KNY proper so, yeah. Probably your safest bet. Sorry if I’m not making any sense. Hope y’all like it though. Word Count: 4,080
“God damn it,” Shinobu sighed under her breath as she checked fruitlessly through her school bag for an umbrella she already knew wasn’t there. “Slightly overcast my ass.”
Currently, it was pouring buckets while the sky was rumbling and intermittently flashing with distant lightning. Shinobu had stayed late studying in the library, unaware of the storm that had been forming just outside. What had first started as a trickle, had become a full blown downpour and now she was stuck, deciding whether or not to call Kanae to drive her back or brave the eight block sprint and look like a drowned rat.
She took out her phone and finally registered the time, her shoulders slumped. Kanae would still be at work for another hour or so. Shinobu briefly thought of Kanao, but she wasn’t going to make her younger sister walk all the way over here, umbrella or no.
Shinobu shook her head and secured her phone in her bag, then tightened her shoulder strap. It was only a little over a kilometer and a half to her home. She ran laps all the time and calculated with the added weight of her bag and of course, the weather, it would probably take her about ten minutes to get home. Definitely not her fastest, but she couldn’t risk hurting herself before the meet on Friday.
She took a deep breath in through her nose, set her feet to push off the library stoop and—
“Hey, Shinobu-san!”
Shinobu’s hand shot out for the railing, stopping herself mid push off. She voiced her annoyance in a huff of air, before looking up at the sidewalk before her. Standing in the pouring rain was upperclassman Kanroji Mitsuri with a large, bright green umbrella that stung Shinobu’s eyes as well as it mocked her.
“Hello, Kanroji-senpai.” Shinobu greeted just loud enough to be heard over the pounding rain.
Mitsuri grinned brightly and Shinobu groaned inwardly as her senior skipped over in bright pink rain boots. It wasn’t that Shinobu disliked her, Kanroji was just emotional, a bit of an airhead. She acted sweet and familiar with everyone and it got on Shinobu’s nerves. Shinobu just couldn’t picture herself spending any extended period of time with the older girl, but that didn’t stop Kanroji from approaching her more often than not with frivolous chatter.
Mitsuri stopped just in front of her, asking the obvious, “Did you forget your umbrella, Shinobu-san?”
“I would hardly say ‘forgot’ is the right word, Senpai. I watched the weather report this morning. It wasn’t supposed to even sprinkle much less have this torrential downpour occur.” Shinobu bitterly replied. Mitsuri merely giggled at her Kouhai’s brusqueness before motioning her forward with her free hand.
“Come under my umbrella, Shinobu-san. I’ll walk you home, okay?” Mitsuri offered cheerfully.
“That won’t be necessary. I’ve already decided to run for it. Good day, Kanroji-senpai.” Shinobu stubbornly declined. She moved left, attempting to go off on her way, but Kanroji blocked her path, pouting.
“Come on, Shinobu-san. Let me walk you home. You’ll get sick if you run in the rain. How will I be able to cheer for you on Friday if you’re bedridden?” Mitsuri asked, coaxing Shinobu underneath her umbrella again.
“I’ll manage. I live a ways off from here.” Shinobu denied Mitsuri again, her patience running thin. She moved to the right and Mitsuri mirrored her once more.
“That’s alright, I was just out enjoying the weather. I’ve got no other plans and besides, what kind of Senpai would I be if I didn’t help out one of my cute little Kouhai!”
And Shinobu took that personally.
Yes, she was on the short side and wasn’t even a hundred pounds soaking wet, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t kick ass and take names when she wanted to. And she was not cute!
“I don’t need your help.” Shinobu said sharply, making Mitsuri flinch. The younger girl broke left once more and leapt over the stoop to land firmly on the sidewalk, soaking her feet in the large puddle. Shinobu paid it no mind and began jogging home as rain pelted her, quickly wetting her hair and clothes.
She thought that would be the end of it, but then the rain stopped hitting her and light panting could faintly be heard behind her. Shinobu glanced above her, and instead of grey skies, she saw neon green.
“Senpai, what are you doing?”
“Taking you home!” Mitsuri spoke resolutely.
Shinobu turned her head back in the direction she was going, shaking it side to side. Couldn’t Kanroji see she didn’t want her help? Shinobu was well past her threshold for politeness and respect for her senior so she scoffed and picked up her pace.
“You want to take me home then you’ve got to keep up.” She called over her shoulder before kicking up her pace a notch.
“Shinobu-san! Wait up!” Mitsuri whined, jogging after Shinobu with her umbrella arm outstretched, trying to keep up with her junior to keep them both relatively dry.
Shinobu did not wait up, gradually picking up pace, she began leaving Mitsuri behind. But Mitsuri did not give up, evident by the irregular breaths Shinobu heard behind her between rolls of thunder.
They carried on like this for nearly a full kilometer and Shinobu was glad they were the only two crazy enough to be out in this storm because she was sure they must be a sight. She leapt over a pothole in the sidewalk that she usually walked past everyday and was gearing up to run even faster when she heard a big splash and a pained sharp cry that forced her to stop in her tracks.
Turning abruptly, she felt a sharp sting of guilt pull at her chest as she took in Mitsuri laid out on the concrete, completely soaked. The poor girl must not have noticed the damaged sidewalk.
Damn it, why didn’t Shinobu just let the girl walk her home? She shouldn’t have let something so insignificant damage her pride so easily. All Mitsuri ever did was be nice to her, and now look at her.
Shinobu quickly snapped up the umbrella before it could be blown away and crouched over Mitsuri, shielding her from the downpour.
Slowly, Mitsuri made it into a sitting position and Shinobu felt exponentially worse seeing how drenched Mitsuri was and her torn tights and bloodied knees. She could tell her senior was tearing up too, this was a totally avoidable disaster.
“I’m so sorry Kanroji-senpai, do you think you can stand up?” Shinobu asked.
“I, I think so,” Mitsuri sniffled, shakily pulling a leg in front of herself.
Shinobu reached out, taking Mitsuri by the bicep in an attempt to help her stand. As soon as she touched her, visions flashed through her mind too fast to discern. She pulled back, looking at her slightly shaking hand.
Whatever had happened, Mitsuri seemed to have had a similar experience, gingerly cupping the spot on her arm Shinobu had touched, an awed expression on her face. They stared at each other for a minute, but Shinobu eventually shook her head and and helped Mitsuri up. Whatever had just happened must have been a fluke, a product of being out in this wild storm, because it didn’t happen again.
“Come on, we’re almost there. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Shinobu softly commanded, guiding Mitsuri forward.
Mitsuri aimed a small, thankful smile at Shinobu that made the younger girl’s ears burn. She shouldn’t be looking at her like that, this had all been her fault after all. Shinobu kept her attention on the street, tightening her hold on the basically useless umbrella as they walked the rest of the way to her home together.
Shinobu unlocked the front door and pushed it open with a sigh, “I’m home and I’ve brought company!” She called out before turning her attention back to Mitsuri. “You can hang your jacket there. Leave your boots there and follow me.”
“You have a lovely home Shinobu-san.” Mitsuri complimented, shaking off her jacket. “Are your parents home?”
“Uh no, they’re a usually off on pharmacy business so it’s mostly just my sisters and I.” Shinobu answered, tugging off her soaked socks.
“Oh! I remember your big sister, she was so nice! I haven’t seen her since she graduated. Is she here now?”
“She’s working.” Shinobu answered curtly, focusing on the list in her head of how to best tackle the state of mess they were in.
“Welcome home Nee-san... and guest.” Kanao called softly from further down the hall, observing her sister’s disheveled form curiously.
“Hi, Kanao.” Shinobu greeted, stepping into the main portion of the home with Mitsuri trailing behind her.
“Aw, is this your little sister?” Mitsuri cooed, waving excitedly, “it’s nice to meet you! I’ve seen you at some of Shinobu-san’s cross country and track events in the past. I didn’t realize you two were related!”
Kanao, not purposefully, ignored her, still focusing on Shinobu. “Nee-san, you’re wet.” She stated matterofactly.
“Yes, I know. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready to help you start dinner, alright?”
Kanao nodded and walked away, disappearing around the corner while Shinobu lead Mitsuri in another direction. The older girl squealed.
“Your little sister is so cute, Shinobu-san. I already have five younger siblings but one more wouldn’t hurt if it was Kanao-chan!”
Shinobu merely rolled her eyes and pulled Mitsuri into the bathroom. “Wait here a minute,” Shinobu said before leaving the room.
When she came back, she had a pair of Kanae’s shorts and one of her own oversized track hoodies for Mitsuri to change into, placing them on a clear edge of the sink.
“You can change into these after you shower, use whatever you want, I don’t care... maybe not the white bottle of conditioner, Kanae’s weird about that for some reason.”
“That’s very generous of you, thank you Shinobu-san!” Mitsuri beamed.
Mitsuri was elated. What started out as a failed attempt to chivalrously walk Shinobu home in the rain, had allowed her to be present in the home of one of the people she admired most. After months of trying and trying to get closer to Shinobu, she finally had an opportunity to grow their relationship!
Shinobu nodded in acknowledgment before leaving Mitsuri in the bathroom. Then Mitsuri warmed up the shower and took off her damp uniform, pouting a bit at the sight of her ripped tights and skinned knees.
As Mitsuri immersed herself in the warmth of the water she ran her fingers over where Shinobu had touched her arm and wondered what had happened. There was a connection between her and Shinobu, of that much she was certain. She could tell that her Kouhai had shared the experience as well. She decided that they would definitely have to talk about it soon.
Mitsuri peered over the mixed array of shampoos, conditioners and body wash and picked three. Being mindful to leave the white bottle of conditioner as Shinobu had suggested. She popped the cap of the shampoo and squirted some in her hand and lathered it into her hair. The smell of ginger and lemon grass enveloped her and Mitsuri teetered giddily on her feet as she rubbed the familiar scent into her hair.
Mitsuri finished washing up and dried off, slipping into the clothing Shinobu had provided for her. As she bent down to pick up her wet clothes, she caught a faint whiff of a wisteria scented perfume. She pulled at the front of the giant sweatshirt Shinobu had given her and took a testing smell.
She felt transported to another time as images flashed through her mind once again. She blinked pack to attention as a knock sounded against the bathroom door.
“Kanroji-senpai, are you almost done? I can put your clothes in the wash for you if you slip them out the door.” Shinobu’s muffled voice called.
“Ah! I’m done, I’ll be out in just a second!” Mitsuri called back, hastily grabbing up her clothes before yanking the door open quickly and startling the younger girl.
“No kidding.” Shinobu blinked. “Well then, I’ll put those in the wash for you and you can hang out in the kitchen with Kanao while I get cleaned up. Don’t expect her to be much of a conversationalist though.”
“Okay, thank you again for all of this, Shinobu-san. You’ve been very kind.” Mitsuri smiled.
“Don’t thank me for doing the bare minimum here, okay?” Shinobu sighed, “just go sit down.” Shinobu turned swiftly on her heel and went to the laundry room with rosy cheeks.
Mitsuri hugged the sweatshirt, pulling it closer to her skin to send another little burst of wisteria to her nose, humming pleasantly to herself as she made her way to the kitchen. The delicious smells that guided her made her stomach growl and she realized just how hungry she was.
She took a seat at the kitchen island, shooting Kanao another little wave. The middle schooler hardly looked up, focusing more intently of the vegetables she was cutting. Mitsuri tapped her fingers rhythmically against the table and watched Kanao work. Then, the best idea popped into her head. She had just been presented with an opportunity to learn more about Shinobu through one of her sisters! In an attempt to look casual, Mitsuri leaned over the counter.
“So Kanao-chan, what’s it like having Shinobu-san as a sister?” She asked.
“Good.” Kanao replied simply.
“Ah, good.” Mitsuri deflated a little. She was hoping for a little more, but it was a start.
“Any examples? What makes Shinobu-san good?”
Kanao put her vegetables in a pan lightly drizzled with oil and mixed them as the sizzled.
“Nee-san is clean and orderly. She is good at explaining things and helping people and makes me feel safe.”
It was almost enough to make Mitsuri squee with delight. Kanao made Shinobu sound so princely and put together.
“That’s nice, you must really look up to her then. I hope I can grow to be as close to your sister as you are.”
Kanao nodded slightly, watching the vegetables closely and stirring them up on occasion.
“I’m home! It smells great in here!” A voice called from the front entrance. “Oh? Either Shinobu developed a more colorful fashion sense or we have a guest.”
A few moments later, Kanae emerged from the hall and smiled kindly at Mitsuri, “Hello there, a friend of Shinobu’s perhaps? You look familiar.”
“Hi, yes, I’m Kanroji Mitsuri. I’m a year older than Shinobu, I was a first year when you were a third year.”
“Ah, I remember now! It’s good to see you Kanroji-san. I’d tell you to make yourself at home, but it appears Shinobu has become a better hostess in my absence.” Kanae said, motioning to Mitsuri’s state of dress.
“Oh yes, this! I was walking Shinobu-san home and had a little mishap and got wet.” Mitsuri vaguely explained.
Kanae laughed as she maneuvered around the counter to stand behind Kanao and patted her head, making the younger girl smile just a tiny bit.
“Yes, it’s raining quite terribly out there isn’t it? I could hardly see driving home. You’ll be staying the night won’t you? It’s much too dangerous to be out and about.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose!” Mitsuri shook her head.
“You wouldn’t be, I promise. I insist you stay the night. Do you need to borrow a phone to call your parents?”
“That’s alright, I can text them. Thank you.”
“No problem!”
After a quick back and forth with her mom, she was all set. She only hoped Shinobu wouldn’t mind her staying over. The girl definitely seemed the type to cherish her personal space.
Mitsuri turned her attention back to the two sisters, watching them cook together. She offered up her own hand and joined in on the work easily meshing personalities with Kanae and conversing as they made the food.
It’s nice to see Shinobu bring a friend home.” Kanae smiled. “She usually likes to compartmentalize school, sports, and her home life and doesn’t tolerate much mixing.”
“It was kind of my fault.” Mitsuri said sheepishly. “I didn’t give her much choice in the matter. I wanted to get to know her better but instead I face planted in the sidewalk. I think she would have liked to be left alone.”
“Trust me, if Shinobu thought you deserved to be left out there she wouldn’t have even turned around as bad as that may sound. Shinobu is strict and grumpy, but can also be very kind and gentle. She knows how to push people to be better but also knows when they are struggling and need a softer touch. She’s a pretty good judge of character too so she must think highly of you. Don’t worry about it too much, okay?” Kanae explained.
Mitsuri smiled and nodded, looking into her cup of water as her head spun with the eldest Kochou’s words. Shinobu thought she was good!
“Welcome home, Nee-san.” Shinobu appeared from the hallway and made Mitsuri jump in her seat.
“Shinobu, I love your friend! You should invite Mitsuri-chan over more often!” Kanae said, setting out the food.
Shinobu ruffled her hair with the towel she had draped over her shoulders and made a noncommittal noise that made her sister giggle. Mitsuri barely registered what was going on around her, too busy admiring the disarray of Shinobu’s usually perfectly made hair and how Mitsuri could see the toned shape of Shinobu’s legs through her leggings and how cute she looked in that oversized cross country hoodie that seemed to swallow her up. It was all a stark contrast to how she presented herself at school and Mitsuri wanted to burn the image into her mind forever.
The four girls sat together and ate dinner. Kanae and Mitsuri held up most of the conversation but it was light and comfortable. Mitsuri nearly swooned when Shinobu filled her plate with second and third helpings for her, cutting off her internal dilemma before it really started.
Then they cleaned everything up and as the thunder crashed especially loud and the rain tapped furiously on the windows, the girls sat around the living room and worked on their homework. Shinobu had already finished hers while she was at the library so she paged through some enrichment texts about botany and medicine. Occasionally helping Kanao with her homework before diving right back into her book.
Mitsuri was beyond impressed with Shinobu’s academic mind. She knew the girl was smart, but reading such heavy texts for fun? Mitsuri was amazed! She was a good student herself, often surprising her more shallow peers with her knowledge and skill, but Shinobu was definitely on another level. It made Mitsuri a bit envious of Kanao, being able to check in with Shinobu whenever she had a question. Mitsuri looked back down at her biology homework before flicking her eyes back to Shinobu lounging on the couch with her book. Maybe...
“Shinobu-san?” Mitsuri tentatively asked. “Do you think you could check my work on this?”
“We’re in different years, Kanroji-senpai. I don’t know what you’re learning.” Shinobu said, not unkindly.
“I’m sure you already understand it. You seem to love the sciences Shinobu-san. Take a look, please?” Mitsuri tilted her head and batted her eyes.
Shinobu seemed to mull it over and then marked her page. Mitsuri golf clapped and bounced in her seat as the Kouhai walked over and sat next to her at the table, peering at her work. A small, pleased smile worked its way on Shinobu’s face as she realized that she new the material and it made Mitsuri smile in turn.
Shinobu looked through Mitsuri’s work and helped correct a few minor mistakes, but otherwise her work was spot on. Which Mitsuri found a tad unfortunate since Shinobu would get closer and bump arms with her and the wisteria scent would swirl through her head whenever she noticed an error.
Before long, all homework was completed and they watched a little tv before deciding they needed to turn in for the night and get ready for school the next day.
“Shinobu, you should help Mitsuri-chan make sure her knees didn’t get any debris stuck in them from that nasty tumble I heard about. I’ll set up the extra futon in your room while you do that.” Kanae said, already walking off before her sister could interject.
“Fine.” Shinobu muttered anyway, leading Mitsuri back to the bathroom and motioning her to sit up on the sink so she could better see the grazed knees.
The shower had already cleaned them off well enough, but a bit of antibacterial spray wouldn’t hurt. Shinobu took the spray from the cupboard and showed it to Mitsuri.
“You’re knees look clean, but if you want me to give them a spray of this, I can.”
Mitsuri was a bit wary. The spray was sure to sting, but being cared for by Shinobu like this made her heart flutter pleasantly.
“I wouldn’t mind a spray, thank you.”
“Sure.” Shinobu shrugged, popping the cap and spraying both of Mitsuri’s knees without a second thought.
“Ow!” Mitsuri whined. The spray really did sting.
“Sorry, I probably should have warned you.” Shinobu said, looking genuinely contrite. “Here, let me just—“ Shinobu cut herself off, blowing a gentle breeze over Mitsuri’s knees, cooling the stinging sensation.
Mitsuri was suddenly brought back to another memory that felt like it was not quite all her own. Her hand cupped in another’s as a gentle wind blew over scraped knuckles, the scent of wisteria growing stronger for a moment before she blinked and was back in Shinobu’s bathroom again.
After a moment Shinobu cleared her throat and returned to her full height, capping the spray and putting it back in its place.
“Well, better get to bed now I guess.” She said, hardly waiting for Mitsuri to follow her to her room. They said goodnight to Kanae and Kanao before shutting themselves in.
Mitsuri watched Shinobu climb into her futon, mouth slightly agape. She could hardly believe the girl wanted to go to sleep right now with all the weird visions they were experiencing. She simply had to voice this now.
“Shinobu-san, don’t you think we should talk about these weird visions we’ve been having? I can tell, you see them too, don’t you?”
“I don’t think it’s anything significant. Just hope they aren’t hallucinations brought on by being out in the rain too long. I’d hate to be sick.” Shinobu said, curling up in her futon.
“But— it’s so specific! It’s got to be more than that, right?” Mitsuri said in return.
“I don’t believe so.”
Mitsuri couldn’t believe Shinobu was ready to dismiss this all so quickly, she looked down at the hoodie she was wearing and got an idea.
“These shorts aren’t yours, but this is your sweatshirt though, isn’t it Shinobu-san?”
“Yeah.” Shinobu answered, peering up at Mitsuri inquisitively.
“You know how I can tell?”
“Because it says track and field across the front?” Shinobu asked with a bit of sass.
“No!” Mitsuri crossed her arms, “It’s because it has this wisteria scent to it when I smelled it, I had another one of those visions! I think we have a real connection Shinobu-san!”
“Hm.” Was all Shinobu could bring herself to say on the matter which made Mitsuri frown cutely.
“Shinobu-san, don’t you want to try to figure this out?”
“Not particularly. I honestly don’t think there is anything to figure out,” Shinobu flipped over, snuggling further into her covers, “I’d like to go to sleep now, I’ve got early morning practice tomorrow. Good night, Kanroji-senpai.”
“You should call me Mitsuri now. Your sisters picked it up so easily! I won’t go to bed until I hear you say it!” Mitsuri huffed, expecting Shinobu to try to hold out all night but was very surprised.
“Go to bed, Mitsuri.” Shinobu’s muffled voice called from under the covers, making Mitsuri squee with unrestrained joy.
“This is great! Hey, can I call you Shinobu-chan now maybe? Hm?”
“I don’t care.”
“Okay Shinobu-chan, prepare yourself because starting tomorrow, I’m going to figure out what this connection we have between us is!”
Mitsuri didn’t get another reply, but she didn’t mind. She snuggled into her futon and closed her eyes, thanking the quieting storm for giving her this opportunity.
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
My life has been absolute shit lately, and your blog has been the one constant, an anchor if you will; for me. I've probably blown up your notifications and are prob sick of seeing my little icon and I apologize but you have kept me sane. I just love you so much😭❤
I’m so sorry to hear life has been absolute shit lately! Whatever it is that’s going on for you, I really hope it gets better soon. I’m there in your corner and rooting for you. On a side note, please never feel you have to apologise for blowing up notifications. As a writer, it is one of the loveliest things to see, to have someone enjoy works so much, they make their way through multiple stories. Generally, those usernames are the ones that I’ll remember and grin at going “it’s you again” and be really happy to see. Even if we never talk, regulars in notifications bring a special kind of warmth with them. So all the thanks and love should be given to you for being such a wonderful soul.
As thanks, and as a little something to take your mind off whatever’s been going on, have a strange modern AU.
The shelter where Jaskier worked was a relatively quiet one. They tended to specialise in last hope strays and those that needed a home that wasn’t expecting the animals to be cute, convenient and snuggly. Usually, Jaskier’s role was more to sit with the animals, sing to them and get them used to human presence. Sometimes it took weeks before one of the animals dared approach him or stopped growling at his mere presence. But each time it happened, Jaskier’s heart almost burst with love. He adored every single animal that came to the shelter, broken and hurting as they were. In part, Jaskier felt responsible for them and wanted to make sure that no matter what had happened in the past, their future was as bright as possible.
As well as the animals, there was another reason Jaskier loved the shelter. The people he worked with. Namely, one particular volunteer who came in at least once a week and often more when there was a particularly difficult case. Geralt had a reputation as a take no shit gentle giant. He’d had his fair share of bites, scratches and incidents but not once did he ever blame the animal in question. No matter how many times he got attacked, he returned, worked with the animal and tried his best to win them over. As far as Jaskier knew, he had yet to fail.
Some animals needed more attention than others. They were usually referred to as ‘Geralt specials’ because most of the time, it was Geralt who managed to start working with the animal in question. At that moment in time, there was only one such dog at the shelter, a mastiff cross of some description. She had come in half starved and petrified of any human contact. Even Jaskier sitting quietly on the other side of the door to her kennel had her snarling and snapping, throwing herself at the cage door. Any dog doing that would have been scary, when it was a dog Roach’s size, it was downright terrifying. But Geralt had come in and worked his magic. The first time Jaskier saw him slip out of the kennel, he hd expected to see copious amounts of blood. Instead, he got to see Geralt turn back to the kennel and offer a soft smile before acknowledging Jaskier with a nod.
Over time, Jaskier and Geralt started getting on better and better. While Geralt never stayed around when Jaskier played, claiming he wasn’t fond of the racket, he still seemed to linger nearby enough to catch the softly drifting music without being obvious about it. Their nods to each other had become a few exchanged pleasantries. Then it was chats int he staff room. Or even walking the dogs together, Geralt always taking Roach if possible.
“I’m moving,” Geralt announced out of the blue, Roach sitting next to him, tongue lolling happily.
“Does that mean we’ll lose you?” Jaskier’s heart actually hurt at the idea.
Thankfully, Geralt shook his head. “I wanted somewhere bigger, with a garden.” He looked down at Roach and patted her head. She growled, obviously not in the mood for gentle attention.
It was no secret that Geralt was absolutely doting on Roach. He’d even turned a few potential adopters towards other dogs, claiming she was still a work in progress. Though Jaskier had suspected that, with the right person, Roach would have been ready to leave the kennel. Maybe now, with Geralt getting a more appropriate place for a dog, he could actually adopt her himself.
“Will you not be lonely in a bigger place?” Jaskier teased, hoping to get Geralt to admit to his plans.
“No.” Geralt looked at Jaskier with a frown. “Are you asking if I need a housemate?”
Laughter bubbled up in Jaskier’s throat at that and he shook his head. However, he didn’t push the matter any further.
Days went by and Jaskier was called to the front desk. Two men, built like small mountains were standing there. While they looked nothing like Geralt, there were enough shared mannerisms that Jaskier had to wonder whether they knew each other.
“We’re here to adopt a dog called Roach,” the smaller one said.
Priscilla at the desk looked quite stricken. They all had been hoping Geralt would adopt her soon. But, as Geralt had said, moving was expensive and disruptive. He couldn’t bring a dog into the home if he couldn’t safely provide for them.
“I’m afraid Roach isn’t up for adoption just yet,” Jaskier tried to worm his way out of it. “I would be more than happy to show you a few other dogs though.”
“It has to be Roach,” the man insisted.
The other guy finally spoke up. “Sorry, to clarify, we’re Geralt’s brothers. I’m Eskel, this is Lambert. He’s been working with that dog for so long and hasn’t shut up about her. At first we thought it was two dogs, but we’re not sure who would name a dog Jaskier.”
Snickering, Jaskier nodded. “I’m Jaskier. Geralt won’t shut up about me?”
In testament to all of Geralt’s hard work with Roach, she greeted Lambert and Eskel in a civilised fashion. Which made more sense when Eskel admitted he was wearing a hoodie he stole from Geralt.
“She can spend the night at mine. Geralt’s got tomorrow off, his house is as ready as it’s ever going to be. Want to help bring her over?”
The plan was quickly hatched. Jaskier would pick Roach up from Eskel’s the next afternoon. Lambert and Eskel would be at Geralt’s and keep him from getting stuck in on some chore so when Jaskier arrived with Roach, he wouldn’t be interrupted.
There was only one hiccough to their plan. The following morning, Geralt turned up at the shelter even though he wasn’t on the rota. He walked to the back and Jaskier saw the moment he realised Roach’s kennel was empty.
“What’s happened to her?” Geralt’s eyes were wide, face stoically set into something vaguely neutral to hide a breaking heart upon learning she had been adopted.
Jaskier felt awful, realising Geralt had been hoping to finally adopt her. Instead, Geralt gritted his teeth and nodded.
“Did she go to a good home?”
“The best,” Jaskier nodded. “Guy with a house and a garden. She loved him and even tolerated the guy’s maybe boyfriend.”
That was a bit of a cheeky thing to add but Jaskier couldn’t help himself. He had hopes. What he wasn’t braced for was the way Geralt nodded once and made his excuses to leave. On the way out, he dropped a roll of money into the fundraising jar on the reception desk. Jaskier didn’t need to count it to know it was exactly the same amount as an adoption fee. There was a defeated slope to Geralt’s shoulders and Jaskier was reaching for his phone, calling Eskel.
“We need to move up the timeline. He just came by to try and adopt Roach.”
A quick jiggling of lunch breaks and cover later, Jaskier was taking an early lunch and on his way to Eskel’s. He smiled at the dog, loving the big old bow Eskel had managed to attach to her collar.
“Come on girl,” Jaskier coaxed her into the car. “Time to go home.”
He pulled up outside Geralt’s driveway. Somehow, Eskel and Lambert had already managed to coax Geralt onto the porch and Jaskier got to see the annoyed scowl before recognition smoothed Geralt’s features into something confused.
“Sorry to bother,” Jaskier said as he opened up the boot of his car. “But I’ve got something of yours that needed delivering.”
Roach hopped out with a huff and looked around.
“Roach?” Geralt’s voice was full of hope. His dog heard and Jaskier had no chance of holding her leash as she bounded towards Geralt.
Lambert and Eskel took a step back as Roach collided with Geralt and they went sprawling on the ground. They both looked so happy, Jaskier wanted to take a photo and treasure it forever. Thankfully, it seemed that Lambert had the same idea as he’d already whipped his phone out to take pictures. Meanwhile, Eskel pulled out the adoption papers from him pocket.
Finally a little calmer, Geralt sat up and stared at the three of them. “I thought she got adopted.”
“She did. By a guy with a house and a garden. The best home she could hope for,” Jaskier replied.
“Didn’t the guy also have a maybe boyfriend?” Off to the side, Eskel snorted and made no attempt to even hide it. Jaskier had the grace to blush lightly even as he shrugged. “Could we make it a definite boyfriend?” Geralt asked softly.
It was Jaskier’s turn to grin but he didn’t step closer. “While I’m very happy, I think I would prefer not to tackle you to the floor and lick you all over to express it. The bed however,” he trailed off suggestively.
Lambert barked out a laugh and punched him in the shoulder merrily. “We’ll leave you three to figure out who is allowed on the bed and who wears a collar. See you around.”
“Stay,” Jaskier replied. “I need to get back to work. But, maybe, when I’m done, I could come by and see how Roach is settling into her new home?”
He looked at Geralt hopefully. “I could even bring some wine and doggy treats.”
That was how Jaskier found himself with a date for that evening.
369 notes · View notes
rosemary & mint
duet masterlist
description: george was rude enough to come into your work earlier that week and put you in an absolute tizzy with how handsome he was! you were determined to make him pay. it’s a mutual surprise though, when you discover how effective the tiny things can be in making someone lustful. after all, he’d called coming over a ‘date’ hadn’t he? 
author’s note: this is set in ‘98, so a little while after the war. so we’ve skipped ahead a few years from the ‘last’ update. i think y’all will love this, and enjoy the filth haha! this is the next part in @ickle-ronniekins​ and i’s series! hope y’all love it! 
warnings: sexual content, drinking. minors beware. 
length: 5.1K 
You never would have thought of yourself as someone who was cheeky. A bit of a ditz at times-- though intense healer training had landed your head outside of the clouds a bit more often. At least while you were working. 
Except when George had come in. You felt the familiar tingle and warmth in yourself grow once more remembering how it felt to touch his skin. It wasn’t fair! It was absolutely rude of him to become so handsome in the intervening years! If you weren’t in such a tizzy just thinking about the muscles in his arm you would write him a letter and give him a piece of your mind. 
You’d had your fair share of adult dreams. You were human after all. Your penchant for romance novels probably egged it on at least a little bit. George had inhabited every single one of them so far. However, that was the first time you’d come so intimately close to him shirtless, and you still felt more affected than any of those dreams that had come before. It was incredibly rude of him! Especially with that cologne. If he weren’t due to come over soon you would have locked yourself in your room with a quieting spell. A rude man! However, as you cleaned yourself up you grinned, you had a plan for payback! You’d remembered some crucial information Fred had imparted upon you years before when he was quite drunk. George liked legs and bottoms more than breasts and arms. Thus, you were in your best set of leggings, paired along with an older sweater-- one that tended to slouch off your shoulder. You’d even paired it with a lacy bralette. Reasonable enough for unpacking furniture. You couldn’t help but giggle as you looked at yourself in the mirror, tying your hair up in the sparkly ribbon he’d made for you a few years prior. He would see what happens when he was so rude and handsome! Payback! Now!
You noticed with a frown how wrinkled the pads of your right hand’s fingers were. With a flush you hide your hand inside the baggy sleeve. 
Hopefully he wouldn’t notice that. 
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George wasn’t sure why he was nervous. It was you! He’d seen you only a few days before. It was fine. You seemed more nervous than you used to, but perhaps it was because you were at work? The memory of your fingertips dancing across his wound still made his throat clench. Everything seemed different and the same at the same time. Your smile, your jokes-- more grownup than they were before! You carried yourself differently too. He wondered if you thought he did as well. 
The cardboard handle of the six pack of beer in his hand felt as if it was going to leave a rather nasty bruise-- the perfect amount of sensation to get himself out of his thoughts. You still had the ribbon he’d given you. Still sparkling just as brightly as the first valentines day out of Hogwarts. Granted, he still had the ribbon you’d given him didn’t he? Still tied to his wrist. More brown than blue. Quite tattered after years of nonstop wear. He couldn’t take it off. It was what he’d hung on to during the war. The chance of seeing you again, when pushing you away, had hurt so bad. Especially when you’d seemed so sad about it. But now-- now was the chance to change that. To show he was grown up. To show you that things had changed. There was nothing more to worry about. He could completely and utterly love you now. He always had-- but he could finally show it. Perhaps. Perhaps if you didn’t love him yet-- he could get you to fall for him. To make your breath catch when you saw him. To make your pupils go wide. To make your fingertips itch to pull him closer. If George could make himself funny enough. Wonderful enough. Smart enough. You would fall in love with him. Hell-- he would take even the slightest bit of fancying. Whatever it would take for you to open up your heart to him. He’d be a good boyfriend, he thought. He would be a wonderful boyfriend. 
It was when he had to adjust his grip on the six pack again that he realized he’d lost himself in his thoughts at your doorstep once again. Frowning at his own absentmindedness, George knocked on the door. Unsure of what he was expecting, he still found himself blown away by you when you opened the door. Your small smile was the same, the way it grew wide and your arms flung around him to hold him close. All the same. His arms were clunky around yours, and while George always took care of where he placed his hands, he took an extra amount of care that night. He cursed whatever being-- if there were any-- who was up in the sky for this. You were wearing leggings, and George already found himself plagued by far too many impure thoughts to be occupying your presence. Still, you dragged him inside. Absentmindedly he noticed that your right hand had wrinkled fingertips. Perhaps you’d been washing some dishes. He saw a few in the sink. 
“Thank you for coming to help Georgie! It’s been positively dreadful. This is the first proper night off I’ve had in a while. Can you believe I’ve been paying rent on this place for a month now? And couldn’t move in?” Already, you were talking quickly like you would when the two of you were younger, remembering something unjust that wound you up so bad that George simply needed to buckle in until you’d gotten all the words out of your head. Bloody hell, you were cute when you got wound up about things like this. George made a very conscious effort not to look at your bum, and instead focused on the task before him. It was a tiny flat, with a small living room attached to a kitchen. Down the hall there were only two doors. Which he presumed to be your bedroom and the restroom. “--Maybe I ought not complain. I’ve been getting some extra money with the shifts I’ve picked up… and I don’t want to be ungrateful.” He could already see it-- the little circles looping around in your mind. You were doing everything you’d always done. Padding around in a circle as you thought aloud. Playing nervously with the ribbon in your hair. Fiddling with the baggy sleeve. It was like everything was the same and different at the same time. Because you stopped your walking, like you’d never done before. You giggled like he hadn’t heard before. Fixed the ribbon to tie your hair back tighter until it looked less like a bow and more like a shoestring. Like you’d never done before. The mustard colored sweater was draped off your shoulder, showing a lacy strap that George willed himself not to wonder about. “Sorry. I’m ranting. I’m just glad you’re here. I missed you bunches, you know.” 
He’d forgotten how easily you could fit your hand through his ribcage and steal his heart from him. However, he was just discovering how you could do the same to him in other places. He’d been in love with you through adolescence. You’d occupied every fantasy he’d had. However, he was still trying to work through the shock that he’d stumbled into something akin to a fantasy he’d had last fall. When you wore a dress with leggings. George hadn’t the foggiest what he’d done to bless him like this. Or a curse. He wasn’t sure. He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face. It was dopey. He knew it. He wondered if this would be the time that you finally saw through him. “I missed you bunches too.” The sting of the war seemed so eager to come back. How you’d cried when he’d insisted on staying apart and no contact. How his hands had shaken when he wrote back to your sweet note saying that you couldn’t write to him anymore. “You did?” Of course he did! How could you not tell? 
“Always. I missed you the whole time, silly.” It looked like you were proud of yourself almost, the little laugh as you tug him into a hug once again. It was baffling, but George couldn’t make himself care. 
You were back in his arms. And George was determined to win you over somehow. 
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George had never quite felt like this before. The tension in the air as he watched you bend over and stretch to grab things and put your bed together. Your flushed face as you attempted to put on a fitted sheet all on your own-- the muggle way, you’d exclaimed. The giggles as he watched beads of sweat start to form on your hair line. Your hair falling out of place. He’d never seen that happen before. The way you kept wetting your lips in concentration as he reached up to hang your pictures. 
The way you looked at him through half lidded eyes when he’d had to take off his sweater until he was back in the t-shirt he had on underneath. When you offered to crack open the beer he’d brought, George was quick to accept. He needed something cold, before you noticed something rather embarrassing about him. It was when you were putting away your dishes while he had begun to set up your table and chairs that he finally thought of something to talk about. What had you been doing! Perfect-- a perfect topic. Very appropriate. “May I ask you something?” You looked at him over your shoulder, the little smile still on your lips, eyelashes fluttering. “Yes Georgie?” Perhaps it was because he was so goddamned turned on, or perhaps it was because the two of you had discussed far more sexual things before the war. “Is that uncomfortable?” You frowned, and turned to properly face him, “Is what uncomfortable?” His face was bright red-- why did it have to be something lacy? He had such a thing for lacy garments. “Your strap. For your bra. Isn’t it uncomfortable?” There was a look akin to pride on your face that George didn’t understand-- maybe it was something new? “It’s comfortable. The lace is very soft, and since it’s wide the weight is distributed well.” You walked over slowly to him, and George found himself automatically sitting down on the table-- as if something told him he needed to sit down for what was about to happen. “You can feel it, if you’d like.” Surely, he was hearing that wrong. Carefully, George kept his gaze on the half undone ribbon atop your head. Would that be what your hair looked like after a night together? It was when you giggle that he directed his gaze back onto you, “I can what?” “Feel the lace! You can see it’s not uncomfortable.” He watched you tug your sweater down a bit more, to expose more of your shoulder along with the edge of the cup. “‘Ts alright. You had a good question.” 
Lost for words, George gently reached out and laid his hand on your shoulder, thumb running over the black lace. You were right. “It is very soft.” He could hardly speak. You managed to step in between his knees so you were so incredibly close. Silently George studied the expanse of skin you’d exposed to him. How many kisses could he fit? How many hickies? How delightful would it be to rip this sweater off of you and cover your entire body with kisses? What did the rest of this look like? How soft were your breasts? Your thighs? Were your panties lace too? It felt like his entire head was spinning, and the spell was only broken when you stepped away with a giggle. “I told you!” back to unpacking dishes you went, standing on your tip toes for the tallest shelves. “I wear it to sleep sometimes. Since it’s not structured. With some matching shorts. Very soft. The silk is good since I get hot at night.” As George stood up, he realized he was uncomfortably aroused at the moment. He sat back down and tried his best to hide his lap. “Could you grab some water for me please, Y/N?” The odd smile you’d had all night was gone. Replaced with the sweet one he was so familiar with. “Are you thirsty Georgie?” 
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It was awful really. Awful how wonderfully you tucked into him. How easily his arms wrapped around you. How your nose felt against his neck as you nuzzled against his skin. Both of you half drunk and half awake. George had wondered a few days ago why his amortentia scent had changed to mint and rosemary after he’d seen you at work. It’d always smelled like sunshine and daisies. It was enough to scare him a bit-- was he falling out of love with you? The answer was no, he found now that you were tucked so delightfully against him as you sat on his lap. Playing with his fingers like you were fascinated by them. You’d changed your shampoo and your perfume. It just made him throb a bit more painfully for you. Then again, it could have been because you were sitting in his lap and kept wigging a bit as you tried to get comfortable. Drunk, and simply glad you were apparently innocent enough to not understand what you were sitting on, George kept his mouth shut. Something was telling him however, that this may have been at least a bit planned by you. He’d helped plenty of girls move in to new flats. None had worn perfume or sat in his laps. Or invited him to feel their bra. So perhaps-- perhaps-- you were interested in him even if it was a little bit. What did that mean though? He knew you weren’t the type for quick shags. Nothing wrong with it, but he’d listened to you prattle on about romance cliche’s and waiting for ‘the perfect time’ to know you weren’t trying to get him into bed. Or at least he was pretty sure. Didn’t matter either way-- you were drunk. He was drunk. Everything was off the table. That didn’t stop him from fantasizing though. George wondered if he was going to get home and tell Fred and be mocked for not realizing something obvious. Perhaps you just wanted to dress pretty? That seemed like something you would do. And to flirt a bit? You’d done that too at the hospital. Though he had started it. Maybe this was just flirting. And it meant that you were just a bit interested him, even if it was on a physical level. The idea that you found him attractive already made him swoon. Perhaps it was just enough to ask you out soon. Or to show you that he was more than just attractive. You were tracing patterns on the palm of his hand, your ear perfectly poised to hear the thundering of his heart. “You have big hands George.” “I do?” “Mhmm. They’re nice.” 
Tentatively, George rested one hand on your waist, and another on top of your thigh. It was a bit odd-- he was worried about being too forward, but he hoped that this wasn’t too rude. “Is it okay if I hold you like this?” “Yeah.” Your voice was soft, “I like it when you hold me.” It felt like you were blowing air directly onto the embers of his lust. He could show you how nicely he could hold you, couldn’t he? Sure-- George didn’t have experience in that fact. But he was eager to learn. He could learn for you. He would do whatever you asked for him to do. Far too soon, you were crawling off his lap to stand up, grinning down at him as you swayed just a bit while you giggled. “Georgie, do you want to stay the night? You’re too drunk to apparate home, and my floo isn’t set up yet.” He gave a short nod, he’d been wondering how soon he could excuse himself to get home and work out his frustration, but apparating while inebriated was an easy way to lose a limb. “Thank you. I’ll sleep in here.” granted, there was no couch in your living room yet, just a few more boxes. You gave a frown to his response, “No-- I’ve got a big enough bed. It’s a queen. We can share. You hurt your back this week! You can’t sleep on the floor. Healer’s orders.” There was a moment as he stared at you that he wondered if that was really alright before he finally nodded. If you were okay with it, then it was okay. You’d shared a bed before and cuddled for the night. Then again, there was a problem he would need to work out before he shared a bed with you. “Can I use your shower first, love? I don’t think you’d want me sweating up your bed.” There was the little smile on your face again, and George realized like a slap to the face that the sexual tension in the air was mutual. “You can use my shower Georgie. There’s loads of fresh towels.” As he walked into the bathroom, George wondered if you actually did notice that he was hard or not. It was as if he no longer had any sense about him. He’d been turned on for the past few hours and the idea of finally getting some relief made him throb so hard that his stomach clenched. George turned the shower to the hottest temperature he could managed before stepping in. His clothes on the bathroom floor, discarded haphazardly, his red hair stuck to his face long enough to nearly block his vision. With his golden eyelashes fluttered shut, George used his right hand to steady himself against the shower wall while his left and reached down to slowly begin to tease his cock, imagining your hands instead. 
When his grip became firmer he choked back a moan, cursing at himself to remain quiet. He needed to be fast enough that you wouldn’t notice anything was amiss. Have a quick wank, go to bed, wake up and deal with anything odd in the morning. “Georgie-- I’m going to get changed in my room alright? I’ve grabbed some extra blankets for you!” “Thank you.” He hoped his voice wasn’t so choked with lust that you would notice. The idea of you wearing the matching shorts you’d described earlier nearly made him cum already. The sexual tension was mutual wasn’t it? That much he could tell. Were you wet like he was hard? Were your hands jammed down your panties? Were you dreaming of him walking in, finding you like that and getting fucked senseless? Because bloody hell-- George sure was. There was a rather loud moan that George couldn't help but let out as he sped up his pace. His breathing ragged as he leaned against the wall. 
Pure lust was not something he had felt before. He hadn’t thought that it would be such a terrible thing to deal with. Hopefully he could deal with it before you wondered why he was still in the shower. 
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You were desperately scrubbing your hands in the kitchen, annoyed at yourself for not being able to control your lust. Your fingers were wrinkly again! He would notice! Dammit. You were the one who was supposed to drive him crazy, and you’d just wound up desperately trying to work yourself to orgasm as quickly as you could so you could think straight. Git. Silly man. This wasn’t how the romance novel was supposed to go! He was supposed to see you, realize that you were a grown woman now and kiss you senseless. Breathlessly admit that you were all he’d ever thought of. All he’d ever dreamed of. Shag you until you were screaming his name as he whispered how much he loved you into your ear. Why couldn’t he ever play along? Oh well, you thought with a thrill of pleasure, you knew you’d turned him on at least. You’d been sitting in his lap after all. You giggled as your face heated up. You hadn’t thought about that aspect really when you had planned for the night. All your plan had been was to make him think you were terribly attractive based on what you were wearing, and feel the same sort of flustering you’d felt at work, but it seemed that you had brought it farther. Then again, you’d also made yourself more flustered than you’d felt at work. Satisfied that both of your hands were equally wrinkled now that you’d finished washing your hands, you smoothed down the oversized cardigan you wore over your silk pajama set. The shorts were rather short but it made you feel so cozy that you couldn’t care. You also reckoned you would look sexier without the fuzzy socks, but you were cold dammit! “Ah-- Y/N?” George called out nervously from the bathroom. Peaking your head down the hall, you gave him a grin before walking over. “Yes?” “Is it okay if I sleep in my shirt and boxers? I don’t have an pajamas here.” Immediately you felt your face heat up at the thought, “Of course! Sorry, I didn’t think about that. You ought to keep some over here just in case.” “Planning on having me sleep over more often?” Your only response came with a giggle, as you turned off the lights and crawled into your bed. “C’mon, bedtime.” It was an odd silence when he crawled into bed, normally the two of you cuddled immediately, but that felt like a less easy task now. There was more to think about now. You wondered if he could hear your thundering heartbeat. For a long time you simply stared at the ceiling, as you wondered if you ought to simply stay on your side of the bed. As much as your lust was screaming to roll over and shag him senseless until you were full of him, the shy bit, the romantic bit held you back. “Georgie?” “Hmm?” You could see him roll over to face you, and you covered your face a bit with the blanket, only your eyes peaking out. Why did you feel so shy now? All of a sudden? “Do you ever feel like-- now that you’re a grownup you ought to do things a certain way? And then confused about if you like doing it like that or not?” What a silly question! Silly girl-- head in the clouds. He was going to call you silly and laugh at you--
“All the time. Since I left Hogwarts.” Your eyes widened a bit, shocked that you weren’t alone in your experience. “Really?” “Mhm. It’s pretty common, Y/N.” Gently, he reached out and took your hand. “You’re not alone, you know. Don’t know why you keep thinking you’re odd for things that are normal.” You were grateful he couldn’t see how embarrassed you were in the dark. “Because I’m a bit silly.” “So? Doesn’t mean you’re odd.” It was with a chuckle from George that you found yourself being embraced, his hand so gently on your waist, his weight ever so slightly on you. It felt incredibly safe to wrap your arms around him. Like you were protected. Like the fear of being by yourself during the war was gone. The fear of having someone knock on the door and open it to doom. You were safe now. Someone was there. The person you wanted to be there, was there. You took a deep breath to soothe your nerves, and tried to relax despite the heat in between your legs growing once again. It was so easy to imagine him saying softly against your skin that he loved you. Or wonder what his long fingers would feel like drifting into your shorts. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” “Goodnight, George.”
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Your sleep was restless. Punctuated by imagined kisses. Bites from your lover on tender skin. Pinches to your nipples through your thin top. George whispering into your ear asking you to tell him please, how much you wanted him? A delicious pressure to your core as your ground down on something-- his hand? It made you shudder at the thought. Little gasps as you heard him saying your name. Not wondering how so suddenly your room had been lit with candles or where his clothes had gone. And all of a sudden it was over. You were seconds away from orgasm and you were being jostled awake with concerned hands. Not a lovers hands. “Lovey? Y/N?” Tears sprung into your eyes from loss of imagined contact. “Huh?” “You were having nightmare.” You looked at George confused, before he continued. “You were shaking and gasping. Sweating and talking in your sleep.” 
He was still clothed. Of course he was. A dream. With a wash of embarrassment you realized your legs were locked around one of George’s-- and put together what exactly you were grinding down on in your dream. Perhaps you could crawl into a hole? His hand was so gentle on your cheek, his voice so full of concern. “Are you okay? What was it about?” Immediately you shook your head as you sat up straight. Nope. You couldn’t tell him that. An odd sense of guilt flooded you-- that wasn’t a good thing you did, was it? Was it a good thing to have such an explicit dream about him when he was right next to you? Or was it okay since he was attracted to you? Or perhaps that was the crux of it-- you had his physical attraction and not the emotional kind? Not the love? Perhaps that was it, he finally saw you as a grownup but not the kind of person he would want to date or love. Perhaps that was it? Why he hadn’t talked to you through the war? Nervousness and anxiety clenched at your heart and made you curse your clitoris as it continued to throb in blind lust. Why couldn’t your body read the room! This was not the time. Were you rude for dressing up like this for him? Was that a rude thing? You hadn’t planned on asking him to stay the night-- you’d have told Fred the same thing. Asked him to stay in bed as well. Then again you certainly wouldn’t have tried to do that to Fred-- “Y/N.” His voice was more firm this time, as if he was deliberately trying to cut through your thoughts. “What’s happening? Please tell me.” “Just..” your voice felt foreign in your mouth. “A weird dream. A weird one is all. I’m going to take a shower and calm down.” You slipped out of bed, not noticing his hand that reached out for you and dug around in your drawer for a pair of sweatpants along with a large sweater. Silently you left the darkness of the bedroom for the abrasively bright light of the bathroom. You turned the temperature to as could as the knob would allow before stepping into the stream of water with a hiss. This finally seemed to banish your lust away for a bit. Allow for more rational thoughts. Perhaps dressing up nice was fine enough. It was normal. You were an adult. You had a grown up job and your own flat. You could do whatever you wanted. Fantasies as well. You were an adult. You could indulge in your own fantasies. Somewhere along the line though you’d stepped into deeper water than you’d thought you would. Sitting in his lap was too far, you were sure. No matter how nice it felt to know that he also lusted for you. You’d found yourself in the odd section of the ocean where the water wasn’t technically deep enough to drown you, but it was deep enough to make you uncomfortable. The alcohol was still heavy enough in your blood that you were unsure of all the ins and outs of everything. After you scrubbed yourself clean, and bundled up in your fresh and pajamas you finally crawled back in bed. Expecting George to have fallen asleep. Except he hadn’t. He reached out to take your hand and let out a small noise of surprise, “You’re freezing!” “Took a cold shower.” “You’ll catch a cold, lovey.” “I’m a healer-- that’s an old wives tale!” 
There was a chuckle from George, “You can go over to the burrow and tell my mum that she’s an old wife then.” He couldn’t see you frown, but he could feel you swat at him. “I would never be so rude to Molly! She’s too nice.” “Just like she raised me to be nice?” “No, like she raised Fred to be nice.” “You’re a mean friend.” “Only because Fred is my best friend.” You laughed as George pulled you closer, the levity felt like it’d flooded back in the room. “I’m not your best friend?” “No, I’m so sorry Georgie. I’ll accept new applications in January, you can try again then.” “I plan on it.” Your head rested very comfortably on his shoulder. “Thank you for helping me tonight Georgie. I appreciate it.” “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You know you have me wrapped around your finger.” Through the darkness you could tell he was looking at you a certain way. Almost expectantly. You couldn’t figure out why. “I’m sure you say that to all the girls, Georgie.” “Nope. Just you.” 
Again with the odd look. Like he was thinking you were about to say something or notice something. 
Perhaps another thank you was in order. “Thank you again, then.” He let out an odd little sigh and a chuckle before laying his head back on the pillow. “When I saw you again I thought you were all grown up-- but it’s nice to see you’re still you.” Your brow furrowed a bit, unsure of how to pick that apart. It didn’t matter though, because George was playing with your hair, no matter how cold and wet it was, and peaceful sleep seemed to be tugging you back into its hold. “Goodnight.” “Goodnight, Y/N.” He stroked your back until you finally fell asleep. What a nice way to let yourself doze off. Your dream this time around was much less based in debauchery. In fact, you could almost hear him say he loved you. 
It was a wonderful dream. 
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peanut-in-the-goal · 4 years
"You really are going crazy, aren't you?" For the ask to fic post
I had fun writing this. It’s short but oh well, I hope you like it :)
“You really are going crazy aren’t you?” Leo exasperated. He shook his head fondly as he dumped the groceries on the counter, going to wash his hands before taking off his mask. Logan and Finn weren’t exactly appreciative of this whole pandemic. They preferred to be let outside and be allowed to kill off energy. They were fine the first few weeks of quarantine, but once practice and morning skate got canceled, they started getting pretty restless. Leo came home to the sight of a huge blanket fort in the middle of the living room yesterday. They ended up watching movies and cuddling all day, so it was a win. Today though, they each had on the inflatable dinosaur costume on. It looks like they had tried to make their old Jerseys fit over the head. They had succeeded too, or at least Logan had. Finn’s jersey was sideways, the right sleeve scrunched up and caught on his shoulder. Leo found it almost endearing. Finn had such a bright grin of his face, and Logan laughed as he tried to help him. Leo often wondered how did he get so lucky to get the 2 boys he had a crush on since he was 16. Finn and Logan turned to him, their smiles getting impossibly wider when they saw him. “Leo!” Finn yelled, throwing his arms up like a kid when they got to get ice cream. Finn and Logan shared a mischievous look before Logan turned around picking something up off the table. Leo laughed when he saw what it was. The two boys had gotten him his own costume to wear. His own jersey was laid out on the table. “We want to go skating!” Logan pouted. He couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across his face as he giggled like a child. “So we figured that the safe way to do that was to wear these!” Finn finished, gesturing to his own costume. Honestly, Leo couldn’t help but laugh harder at that. “Guys,” he chuckled. He couldn’t even finish the thought. Part of him also wanted to see how this worked out. “Okay,” he agreed. This sounded like fun. _________ They arrived at the rink shortly after helping Leo turn into a dinosaur. Luckily it had fit, and he wasn’t too tall. They got some weird looks from people passing by, or in other cars who spotted them, but what did they expect if they leave the house in matching costumes. Walking into the rink they stopped and took pictures with some fans that recognized them. They did ridiculous poses that had made them all laugh. Heading onto the ice, they saw one or two staff members in the otherwise empty arena. They said their hellos, one of them stopped to take a picture for them to post to their Instagram. Getting out on the ice got them all excited. After being stuck in the apartment for so long, it felt nice being back here. It was basically their second home. They had spent so many hours here, Leo didn’t realize how much he missed the rink. They soon realized how wrong they were about thinking it would be easy to skate in these blown up costumes. The inside fogged up, blocking their sight. There were more than a few wipeouts, though none of them got hurt. Mostly it was just funny as you couldn’t get up on your own, and either 1 or 2 of them had to help you up. Leo considered this day to be a success.
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wholesomemendes · 4 years
The Final Attempt | 2
College and Hockey Shawn Au
Summary: It’s the championship game for the hockey team and you’re going to support the team just as you did for the opening game, except this time, you’re repping a certain curly hair boy that you met at the library. (This is the part 2 to The Final Attempt which I will link right here)
Author’s Note: This was highly requested and while I didn’t have a part 2 in mind I’m kinda proud of how this came out so I hope you like it! This is the longest fic I have ever written with a little over 4.3k words and I worked really hard on it to make a good story arc for you guys! As always please tell me what you think!
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The championship game. If you had thought that the opening game was a big event, the championship game had blown all expectations out of your mind. You weren’t one for big crowds, but here you sat amongst the hundreds of people, Shawn’s large practice jersey adorning your body with the word MENDES written in bold letters along your back. “I love it,” you recalled him telling you the first time you had put it on for a game, “Lets everyone know you’re mine.” It seemed like just yesterday you were sitting nervously at the opening game, watching the boy that had won your heart with something as simple as cups of tea and messages written in sharpie. Fast forward to this afternoon when you had kissed your boyfriend good luck before he went to practice and were now watching him skate across the ice at a rapid pace. There was only 5 minutes left in the game with the score tied up, and everyone in the stadium could feel the nail-biting tension in the air. The puck was now in Shawn’s possession as he skated across the ice towards the goal, determination set in his eyes.
“Come on, Shawn,” you whispered to yourself, watching his every move with bated breath. 4 minutes 31 seconds...30 seconds....29 seconds...CRASH. A loud gasp escaped your lips and you stood in your seat, watching as his body got checked viciously into the boards with a loud bang. Shawn slumped down onto the ice, unable to get up while his opponent stole the puck and began to skate towards the goal. “No, no, no,” you prayed, hands covering your mouth, “You’re ok, baby, get up, you’ve gotta get up.” You saw him shake his head carefully, worried that he had a concussion from the amount of impact his head took, before looking up at the timer on the wall. 2 minutes 54 seconds. His head pounded, eyes wanting so bad to just close and rest for a few seconds, but he saw the clock, knowing that this was his last chance to make his team and school proud. He looked into the crowd, eyes landing on the one person he could always trust. Your eyes connected and as he saw the look of pure concern on your face, he knew that he had to use every last bit of strength inside of him to make you proud because at the end of the day, you were the only person that truly mattered to him. The cheers of the crowd were deafening as Shawn regained his ground, skating towards one of his teammates that had managed to to steal back the puck. Passing him the puck, his team flocked him on both sides, protecting him from defenders while he approached the goalie, the clock only seconds away from the end of the game. 5... Shawn maneuvered around an opponent, puck still against his stick ...4... he stared the goalie dead in the eyes as his heart rate increased from adrenaline ...3... thump thump ....2... shoot ....1... score. The crowd erupted into cheers causing the stadium to move up and down with the excitement in the building. You jumped up, smile so wide your cheeks hurt from the action, but you couldn’t help the proud feeling that erupted in your chest. 
His teammates crowded him on the ice, adrenaline and victory rushing through their veins as they piled on one another, spirits high all around. The team’s all star player and captain was handed the winning trophy, National Champion written in bright gold lettering along the front. Cheeks flushed from the ice, Shawn held the trophy high above his head with a smile on his face that could be seen for miles, the stadium roaring in response. The energy was electric among the students, cheering from every inch of the team’s supporters as the team huddled around their winning prize and soaked up the crowd’s excitement. Shawn’s eyes met yours for a split second and you blew him a kiss, a silent message to him to show how proud you were, before he was whisked away for picture with his team. 
The outside of the stadium was packed full of students, all waiting for the victors to finally emerge from the stadium. They were chanting the team’s name, the school’s fight song blaring from their mouths in celebration. The doors swung open and the boys came out to the wild applause and screams of the crowd. Shawn led the pack, the team’s captain smiling wide from ear to ear as the students crowded him. You leaned against the wall of the stadium, watching as all of the fans congratulated him, not wanting to disrupt his moment. He thanked them profusely, but his eyes kept wandering around searching for one particular person. Shawn’s eyes met yours and they lit up, pushing past all of the girls begging for his attention. You noticed him moving towards you and lost all restraint, running into his arms so he could pick you up in his strong grasp. You wrapped your legs around his waist, nuzzling your face into his shoulder as he did the same, “I’m so proud of you, bubs.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you, baby,” he told you sincerely, head lifting to show off that dazzling smile, “You’re my good luck charm.” Shawn had sworn by this fact after the only game they had lost had been the 3rd game of the season, the one you skipped in order to study for an upcoming test. Ever since then, you made it a point to be at every game and they hadn’t lost since, furthering proving Shawn’s theory. You giggled as he placed you on the ground, hands coming up to cup your face in a passionate kiss. Breaking away he placed an arm around your waist and kept you close while more people came to talk to him about the game. You snuggled closer to his arm, using him as a way to keep your calm over how crowded the situation was, especially when you began to feel the jealous stares of the puck bunnies around you. Shawn felt your discomfort after a moment and he squeezed your waist in reassurance before beginning to maneuver you out of the crowd. “Do you think you’ll be ok going to a party with me or do you just want to go back to your dorm? I’ll do either, it’s up to you.”
The idea of going to a party tonight made you sick when you’d much rather just cuddle in the arms of your man, but there was no way you were going to let him skip out on a championship after party, “I’ll be fine, you’ve gotta go to the party.”
He turned your body to face his, a serious look on his face, “I’m serious, though, if you don’t feel comfortable going we can just...”
“We’re going,” you replied confidently, hiding the nerves bubbling inside of your chest, “And what you’re not gonna do is worry about me and instead let loose and have fun.”
“I always worry about you babe, but thank you. I don’t deserve you.” He gave you a kiss on your forehead before he led you to follow the crowd in the direction of the chaos.
It was 2 hours into the party when you lost your boyfriend. He had been glued to your side the whole night in an attempt to make you feel comfortable, but once the guys tried to drag him into a game of beer pong after you had begun to strike up a conversation with a girl from your math class, you convinced him to go have fun, assuring him you would be fine. You weren’t one to drink so you had been nursing a beer all night long which only gave you a slight buzz. Shawn on the other hand was about 3 drinks in and had reached the point where you knew he was going to have a nasty hangover the next day. You couldn’t blame him though, you had actually promoted it when one of his teammates, Brian, had handed him another drink. “Shawn, I promise I’ll stay sober so you can have fun,” you had told him, but he protested, claiming that he didn’t want to ruin your night. However, you happened to love drunk Shawn because although you didn’t see him often, he was known to be extremely cute and clingy even if his energy was also to the max. 
You followed the loud yells coming from within the house only to find Brian standing on top of the beer pong table in victory as Shawn laughed beneath him. Two guys you recognized as some of his teammates grimaced on the side as they took a swig of an unknown substance, immediately souring their faces in disgust. “Hey bubs,” you placed a tender hand on his shoulder, causing Shawn’s face to turn around with a dopey grin on his face.
“Babyyyyy,” he cooed, wrapping his arms around you, “I missed you.”
You could smell the alcohol on his breath, but you chose to ignore it, focusing on the feeling of being in his arms instead, “I missed you too, did you and Brian win your game?”
“We did! Baby, I’m so good at beer pong,” he mumbled into your hair as his hands roamed your sides, “I should play you sometime.”
“Nah, I’d rather play on your team.” 
“Will you lovebirds stop hanging on each other over there, I need my beer pong partner back!”
Shawn’s head perked up after hearing Brian’s words and he pulled you in front of him, back to his chest with his arms still wrapped around you. “I’m not your partner anymore I’m hers,” he said confidently, placing his head on top of yours, “You wanna play us, Craigen?” 
“I don’t want to drink anything, Shawn,” you whispered to him while Brian went on the hunt to find a partner.
“I know,” he took your hand in his, kissing the back lightly, “I’ll drink for you, ok?”
“You really think you need more to drink?” you teased and he laughed, throwing his head back causing him to hiccup. His eyes widened at his own actions and a giggle escaped his lips, “Probably not, but I’ve got a pretty girl that’ll take care of me.”
“Oh, I’ve gotta take care of you?’
“You don’t have to, but you’re the only one I want to,” he showed his puppy dog eyes, even though you were fully planning on ensuring he got home safely, “Pleaseeee.”
“I’m just messing with you,” you told him, ruffling through his curls, “I’ll always take care of you.” Just then, Brian came back with his newest victim, giving the both of you a mouthful after you pecked his lips before starting the game. Shawn wasn’t lying, even drunk he was good at beer pong allowing you to win even though you only made 3 throws. Brian’s team still managed to make a considerable amount of cups which led to your beloved boyfriend becoming even drunker than he already was. Once the clock hit 3 am and Shawn began suggesting that you join in on the body shots that people were beginning to do in the kitchen, you decided that it was time to bring your champion home.
“Come on, bubs, let’s get you out of these clothes.” Shawn was busy mumbling something incoherent as you stumbled into his dorm room and placed him on the bed. You knew Brian was probably not coming back tonight, so you weren’t worried about him barging into the room in the middle of the night. You lightly tugged on his alcohol stained shirt, a result of him getting a little clumsy during his second round of beer pong, “You gotta help me a little bit here, big guy.”
He lifted his arms up to help you out, eyes glazed over as he sat on the edge of his bed, “’M tired.” 
“I know, bubs,” you sighed, beginning to unbutton his pants, “Just gotta get you into some clean clothes.”
“Hey, missy, no funny business there,” he slurred out with a drunken smile on his lips as he grabbed your wrist from pulling down his pants, earning a giggle from you in response. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, bubs,” successfully tugging his pants off, you reached behind you for the pair of pajama pants you had placed on the dresser and turned back to the giant man child that now had a pout adorning his face. 
“You don’t dream of it?” he asked hurt, eyes drooping from the lack of sleep, “But, but, I’m your boyfriend...and you’ve said I’m handsome, and, and I’m hot!”
You laughed at his antics, getting the pants around his ankles and putting your hands in his to help hims stand up. He leaned against your much smaller body as you pulled the waist band up and held his face in your hands. “I think you’re very, very handsome,” you told him, admiring how adorable he looked even with glazed, drunken eyes and a bright pink tint to his cheeks from the alcohol, “I also happen to think you’re the hottest man alive, but you just so happen to be extremely drunk right now which means you need to go to sleep.” Shawn collapsed into your arms, giving you a bone crushing hug as you stumbled back trying to regain your footing.
“I love you,” he mumbled into your shoulder, “so, so much.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. You had only been dating for a little over 5 months, so the words were still very new to the two of you and they almost made you cry at how lucky you were every time he said those 3 simple words. “I love you too, champ. Let’s get you to bed.”
You maneuvered him into the tiny bed of his dorm room and he immediately snuggled into your chest like a little puppy once you laid down. With his head rested comfortably on your chest and his arms wrapped around you, his breathing began to even out while you slowly ran your fingers through his curls, “Goodnight, my little champion.”
Your alarm went off at 9am much to your dismay, and you struggled to reach over the curly headed boy on your chest to turn it off. You didn’t have a single clue as to why you still had a lecture today, but you did, and as much as you wanted to just lay in bed all day with your boyfriend, you couldn’t miss one of your hardest lectures. You tried to move out from underneath your giant of a boyfriend earning you a groan while his arms tightened around you. “Shawn, I have to get up,” you whispered, tracing over the freckles on his muscular back.
“Don’t go,” he mumbled into your chest, “Just wanna cuddle for a little bit.”
“I know bubs, but I have to get to class.” 
At this, he finally let you leave his strong grasps, grabbing onto the pillow to hold onto in place of you, “What class?”
“Mr. Howard at 11, but I have to go home and get changed.” You had put on the sweatshirt you had under his jersey along with your jeans from the game, knowing you couldn’t just wear the shirt you had stolen from his closet to sleep in last night to walk back to your dorm. “I left you some water and medicine for your head on the nightstand, make sure to get some rest, ok?” you ruffled your hands through his hair and he relaxed further into the mattress from your motions. You gave him a soft kiss on his mass of curls, mumbling an I love you into them, before grabbing your belongings from atop Brian’s bed and turning towards the door.
Shawn grabbed your hand to stop you from leaving, placing the sweetest of kisses on the back of your hand while looking you in the eyes, “I love you more.” Your cheeks heated up at his words and you squeezed his hand lovingly before making your way out of his room. 
Walking as fast as you could to your dorm room, you got ready in a hurry, knowing you would have to rush to make your lecture in time due to the extra moments you had spent at Shawn’s place. You put on the first reasonable outfit you could find and packed your bag at a rapid speed in order to make it out the door with 15 minutes to spare. It usually took about 20 minutes for you to walk to class, but you were determined to not be late today. You practically sprinted to the large stone building and managed to walk through the door just as the professor was about to lock it. Giving him a sheepish smile, your eyes searched for an open seat, only to let out a disappointed sigh when you noticed that your typical seat towards the front had been taken. The only available seat was right next to the door and you begrudgingly sat down in it as you took out your laptop to take notes.
30 minutes into the lecture and your brain was fried. Your mind kept on wandering off and daydreaming about being back in bed in Shawn’s arms no matter how much you tried to concentrate. This had to be one of your hardest lectures, but you were having such a hard time focusing that you were wondering if you should just pack your things and leave. The growling of your stomach cut off your thoughts and made you realize that you hadn’t eaten or drank anything before coming to class, which was definitely taking a toll on you. You sighed, looking back up at the professor when you heard the door of the lecture hall closing. Whipping your head around, you couldn’t see anyone entering the room so you focused your thoughts back to the screen with a confused look on your face. As you went to move your laptop to better see your professor, your eyes were drawn to something that had definitely not been on your desk a few seconds prior. A white cup of tea, noticeably from the school’s cafe, was sitting right on the corner of your desk, staring back at you. Tentatively, you picked it up, turning it around in your hands only to be met with Shawn’s signature handwriting written in Sharpie. 
A hot hibiscus tea with one scoop of sugar.
Sorry if I made you late to class today, thank you for taking care of me beautiful.
Love you loads, Shawn aka Bubs aka your Champ aka Best Boyfriend ever
P.S. because you’re an amazing girlfriend and you spent the whole night making sure I didn’t kill myself I’m taking you out tonight. I’m picking you up at 7, dress warm;)
You bit your lip to hide the wide grin forming on your face and suddenly, you wanted to get out of class as soon as possible for a completely different reason. The lecture seemed to drag on for hours and the moment your professor was finished you were rushing out the door to your dorm. You still had almost 6 hours left to kill before Shawn picked you up, so you texted him letting you know that you were done with class as you began to distract yourself with homework and notes from other classes. Once 6pm approached, you heart was beating rapidly with excitement and you decided it wasn’t too early to get ready. You didn’t quite know what to wear when he said dress warm because the weather was considerably nice outside and did not require a warmer dress code. Nevertheless, you decided to put on one of Shawn’s hockey sweatshirts that had his name printed on the back in bold with the school’s logo on the front and some warm leggings underneath. 
7 o’clock rolled around as a knock sounded on your door. Opening it up to reveal your perfect boyfriend, you launched yourself into his arms which he responded to by pulling you closer with a light laugh, “Hi baby.” 
“Hi handsome,” you giggled as he looked at you sheepishly while holding out a bouquet of yellow roses to you, which he just happened to know were your favorite, as if it was your first date all over again. You thanked him with a blush on your face and a kiss to his cheek, causing his face to light up pink when you turned around, just from your presence. 
“That’s an awfully nice sweatshirt you got there.”
You laughed as he made his way into your dorm room, wrapping his arms around you from behind while you were finding a place to put the flowers, “I got it from the greatest college hockey player I know.”
“I’m the only college hockey player you know,” he pointed out as you turned around in his hold.
“Exactly,” you teased and he feigned offense, pinching your sides lightly in protest and pouting out his lips. You leaned up to kiss the pout off his lips and he immediately deepened the kiss, pushing his body closer to yours until he suddenly came to his senses and pulled away, “Stop distracting me woman, we have places to be.” With that he grabbed your hand and began to pull you out of the dorms and towards his jeep, the two of you laughing the entire way.
The drive to your unknown location took less than 10 minutes and before you knew it, Shawn was pulling into a parking stop at the school’s hockey stadium. “What are we doing here?” you curiously asked through giggles from the last joke he had just told you.
“I may or may not have gotten the rink free for tonight so we could skate together,” he confessed, a bashful blush on his cheeks as he got out of the jeep and came around to open your door.
“How did you manage that?”
“Being the school’s star player and captain does have its perks. You’re practically dating a celebrity baby.”
“Oh shut up,” you pushed him jokingly and he retaliated quickly, lifting you over his shoulder and running towards the door.
“Shawn! Let me down!” you laughed as your arms tried to grab onto a part of his muscular back to no avail. He grabbed your legs to insure you wouldn’t fall and spun you around one last time once he reached the entrance, putting you down gently. Shawn opened the door for you, the stadium feeling oddly empty with how quiet it was. Guiding you towards the rink, Shawn felt his heart bubble in anticipation at the thought of having his girl alone with him in his favorite place to just skate around. He handed you a pair of skates that he had already placed on a bench for you, having asked your roommate for your shoe size earlier in the day. “I haven’t been ice skating in about 5 years,” you admitted, a nervous chuckle leaving your lips. How you managed to have a star hockey player as your boyfriend when you could hardly skate on two feet you didn’t know, and even though you knew Shawn wouldn’t judge you for your skills, or lack of for that matter, you still felt a tad bit embarrassed.
“Don’t worry, hun,” he told you as he helped you lace up your skates, “I’ll hold your hand every second we’re out there.” With one last tug on the laces, he patted your skate securely, looking up at you with doe-like eyes, “How do they feel?”
“Perfect,” you leaned down and pecked his lips before he sat down next to you to begin his own skates. Taking your hand in his, he pulled you onto your wobbily feet and led you towards the ice. 
“Now I’m gonna get on first, just hold onto my hands.” This wasn’t your forte for sure, but Shawn was a patient teacher and after a few laps around the rink, you were feeling much more confident, probably a little too confident. You had been skating for about 45 minutes when you had suggested that he taught you how to skate backwards. Shawn’s face had lit up, loving every second of you being interested in something he loved and he immediately turned himself around to hold your hands to show you how to start. For a beginner, you weren’t doing awful, but you were far from perfect and that became clear when your feet fell out from underneath you. Shawn wrapped his arms around you just as you were about to fall on your butt, effectively having you land on top of him on the ice, the both of you laughing your heads off. 
Once the laughter began to settle, Shawn’s eyes began to turn softer, the lights inside of the rink making them glow brighter than usual. “How’d I get so lucky?” he mumbled to himself as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, but you heard it loud and clear. 
“I ask myself that everyday, bubs.”
He cradled the back of your head in his hand, lifting his head to meet your lips in a passionate kiss. “I love you,” you whispered softly against his lips.
“I love you too, baby. You mean more to me than any hockey championship I could ever win.”
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faustonastring · 4 years
This is my first time doing an ask, so... How would the main 6 (or at least just Nadia and Portia) react to an mc who's eyes change based on the color of the sky?
Hi! Thanks for requesting! I hope you like it! :) (also thank you for letting me be the first person you send an request to!)
(Request R Open! ;) )
Main six reacting to mc’s eye color changing according to the sky
Well....this is new. But he likes it nonetheless, he’s just a little confused on, how?? Did something go wrong at the ritual? Did he or you do a spell wrong? But once he starts to narrow down why your eyes are like this....he starts to like it ALOT more.
Part of it reminds him that you will never be the same. You will never be who you were before you died, no matter how much he tried, you changed, and at first he hated it. He was so stuck, so trapped trying to figure out why this kept happening, but when he started to find his reasoning, he started to like it, and he started to find himself lost in your eyes.
He could always tell if it was a good day to travel or not, if your eyes were dark and gloomy, he would decide it would be best if you both stayed in, and slept the day away in the shop, enjoying each other’s company. But if your eyes lit up, matching the bright blue of the sky, he would be dragging you out the door of the shop, to go on yet again another adventure.
When you two are traveling, you often stop to watch the sun set or rise, but he’s never paying attention to the sunseting or the sun rising, he’s too busy trying to get a good look at your eyes, without blocking your view of course
It’s one of the first things she notices about you. And she doesn’t stop thinking about it until you arrive at the palace the next day, where she can see it again, and again, and again, and she’s happy that she can spend the rest of her life looking into your precious eyes
When she first arrived at the shop that night, she first noticed how your eyes were dark, like the night sky, and when you arrived at the palace the next day she got to take it in again, but this time, they weren’t dark like the night sky, no they painted a picture perfect sunset, matching the one out the palace windows
She tends to plan her day according to your eyes, if they look dark and gloomy, maybe a meeting in the palace garden wouldn’t be the best idea, so she reschedules it, or moves the meeting to inside, if your eyes are a bright blue, she makes time to go horse back riding with you, or maybe a picnic in the garderns? Or perhaps you’d like to take a stroll down to the market? What ever you want to do, she will make plans for it. It’s just too nice of a day to waste on meetings, she’d rather waste it on you
When ever she needs a break from tinkering, or important countess stuff, just let her stare into your eyes as she rants it out. Your presence plus your eyes calm her neveres almost instantly (she’s also very big on you keeping your eyes open when your getting intimate, she thinks looking to anyone eyes makes the experience ten times better, but being that your eyes are special? It makes it one hundred times better.)
I’m going to be honest here, come at me if you want Julian stans BUT his initial thought is: what the fu-when he broke into your shop that night, he figured it was just the lighting that made your eyes look so dark, but now it’s a clear blue sky, and your eyes, are matching it?!?!
So he just figures u you have VERY pretty blue eyes, eyes that look like the sky, but then he sees you at the raven the next night....and your eyes are dark again? And this time He knows it’s not the lighting (or atleast he’s pretty sure...) so long enough into your relationship, he asks you, and you don’t know how relieved he is, for a minute there he thought you had caught a rare case of the plague
Now Julian has experienced a lot of things in his life, joy,sadness, grief, lost, and pure fear.......or so he thought he thought nothing could be the pure fear of getting hung, talking to a giant bondage bird, or dying of the plague, hit the second he sees your eyes turn dark, while the two of you are doing the do....on a ship in the middle of the ocean, he sees his life flash before his eyes, no no no, not again please no (you can decide what happens next ;) )
One thing he really likes though, is that he never needs to wear a watch when ever your with him! Being lost in sea during his pirate years really taught him how to read the sky to tell what time it is (hopefully that makes sense, I can elaborate in the replys if you need me too) so he doesn’t get too caught up in his work, all he needs to do is take one look at your sad, dark eyes, and know that it’s time for him to stop.
It takes her a minute to catch on...not as long as her brother of course! She just thinks you have really blue eyes....that somehow reflect the sky.....Wait. A.Second. She pauses her walk with you to the palace to digest all of the information.....then asks you “Do you have magick eyes?!?!?!”
She is very intrested In how they work, how they got that way, if you can see, if you have x-ray vision, and if there’s anyway you can do that to her eyes as well, and it breaks her heart when you tell her that you can’t, but she gets over it, she’d much rather look at your eyes instead
Sometimes while working at the palace, she doesn’t get many chances to look out the window, or go out side to look at the sky, so she drags you along with her while she does her chores, you don’t need to do anything In return (you do anyways,,,it’s kind of saddening watching her work all alone) just let her glance at your eyes once in a while, it makes her happy
She enjoys being able to have a nice conversation with you at the end of the day, watching the sunset through your eyes as you much know some pumpkin bread and pet pepi. Everything falls right into place, it’s absolutely perfect and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
He already knew. Asra came to him crying one night, not sure what to do, regret in his voice, and if were being honest, he always wanted to look, everytime he would venture out into the market he would try to make a quick glance at your eyes, but never got a good enough look,,,until now that is
He feels weird asking you a lot of questions, so he’ll start out by asking a few simple questions, like if they hurt or not, if you like them like that, and if you say no, he would scold you and tell you to be happy that you’re special, because you’re not like everyone else, so why should you have to look like everyone else? And once he sees that your comfortable with all the questions he’s asking, he starts to spill, eager to ask the next one.
When ever you two are hiking he often looks at your eyes, to make sure a storm is on its way, and when you ask him why he doesn’t just look at the sky, he’d say something along the line of “it’s easier to just look at you, being that you’re so close, I can get a better look. Plus you have really pretty eyes” and if it does start to get dark out or stormy looking, he insist that he carried you back, it would just be easier and quicker instead of the both of you having to run back....
I personally head canon that Muriel is very good with his hands (do what you please with this information) and my reasoning is that he can carve detailed masks, and whittle little animals, so obviously he would be atleast decent at painting. So atleast once he’d ask to paint the sunrise or sunset, and no, he doesn’t want to go outside, he wants to use your eyes as a reference.
He. Does. Not. Notice.
Like yeah I mean sure- he does notice that your eyes are very diffrent from other people’s he just doesn’t think much of it, he just thinks you have. Rey pretty blue eyes that change colors. Like some sort of magick spell.
He even goes out of his way to ask you if you can make his eyes do what ever the hell your eyes do, and you have to explain to him that your eyes have always been like that, that they match the colors of the sky, and his. Mind. Is. Blown.
It’s very bold of you to assume this stops lucio for looking for some type of magical potion or spell that makes his eyes change colors like yours...he’s just a tad jealous....but please stop him before he makes himself go permanently blind
He often finds him self distracted during any kinds of meetings, especially the boring ones (but they all are pretty boring) just watching the sky through your eyes. It’s pretty. You’re pretty.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully this is what you wanted (sorry it’s not my best work I’m a little out of it today, and if you would want me to rewrite it another day when I’m feeling better I will!)
Next headcanon : the main six with an Mc with albinism (5/12)
My request are open!
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runenc03 · 4 years
Back to me
Writing date: June 2020
Genre: fluff
Warnings: crazy paparazzi? Lol
Word count: 2.8k 
You sighed in relief as soon as the fresh night wind hit your face, replacing the thick, musty air inside the building you just got out of. You exhaled, fog momentarily clouding your vision. It made you smile. As a child, you'd always imagined being a baby dragon who couldn't spew fire yet, but instead spit smoke. You sometimes wished to return to the simplicity your life held back then.
A fraction of the buzzing from inside managed to find its way outside, but it was faint, and therefore much more bearable for your eardrums.
Still, you knew you should be inside right now, yelling along with the crowd, head over heels in love with the lead singer, like every other girl, or boy, in there. You knew, however, that being inside just wasn't an option right now. You had tried, for him, but the loud noise was too much for your head, and the lyrics were not sung, but screamed by the singer, too much for your heart.
Carefully, considering you were wearing your only pair of heels right now, you started to walk alongside the wall, breathing in deeply, letting the wind wrap itself around your body. But the more physical distance you created between you and the stage, the more your thoughts seemed to focus on that same stage, and the singer on it.
From an outside perspective, he was everything you would expect from an ideal guy, 'boyfriend material', they'd say, and you saw all of that too, but he wasn't right for you, not in the beginning, and not now.
'The beginning' had taken place around 7 months ago. He had been your new classmate. Whispers had filled the classroom as soon as his famous face had been visible, and all the girls in your class had been jealous of you when the teacher put him next to you. You, however, had grimaced as discreetly as you could, not really keen on giving up your extra space. The jealousy of the other girls had only continued as the two of you constantly got paired for partner assignments. You would rather work on your own than having to compromise with someone else though.
For some reason however, he seemed to have a special interest in you. The interest wasn't genuine and you knew it, but you couldn't turn him, nor the attention he offered you, down. Not because he was irresistible, no, you knew for sure that you'd rather be alone than with him. It was the icy tone behind his charming words, the cold eyes above his broad smile, that made you unable to say no to him. You were scared.
What started as being classmates, ended up in many more labels. Friends, some would say. Lovers, others would gossip.
The truth was much more complicated. The truth was that you didn't really know what to think of the two of you, only that you felt an immense amount of pressure from the outside world to finally get together.
'What do you actually want? He's perfect! If you don't claim him soon enough, he's going to be gone, he won't wait forever. And then that's your loss. Stop being so picky!'
You had lost count of the number of times someone had felt the need to tell you something along those lines. It made you panic, made you feel restricted, invisible claws pinching your throat closed. You didn't know exactly what you wanted from a romantic relationship, all you knew was that he couldn't give it to you. True, he was perfect to the outside world, society, but you knew better. You had soon picked up on the small things, like how he always divided the work of partner assignments and made you do the harder part, or how he treated all girls with an equal, but fake kind of chivalry.
Soon, making duo assignments 'together' had turned into you writing the songs for his band while he claimed them as his own, you taking the pictures he posted on his Instagram, you writing back nice letters to his fans after they had sent him fan mail.
You couldn't do it anymore. Dealing with all the pressure from the outside world, combined with his behaviour towards you...it was too much. You felt trapped in between two walls, getting closer and closer towards each other, waiting until they would finally be close enough to pulverise you.
Suddenly, your eyes and ears started registering flashes. You looked to the left, your eyes quickly scanning the area, looking for the person who was taking pictures of you. When you found them, you gasped. At least 4 photographers were sitting behind a car, hastily taking as many pictures of you as they could.
You rapidly looked the other way again, continuing your walk at a faster pace. It had never been this bad. True, his band had been known before he became your classmate, but he had only really blown up when he began to release the songs you had written. He had started homeschooling as well, not being able to go to school anymore without being followed like this. It worked for him, but you still had difficulties with the press, considering you were often spotted together. This wasn't the first time pictures had been taken from you, but it had never been in a situation like this, with you feeling overwhelmed, at night, alone and in the dark. You didn't want to be seen like this, not by the photographers and not by every other person in the country who bought a magazine the next morning. All you wanted was to get away from these people as fast as possible.
So you ran.
You ditched your heels altogether, never having been keen on shoes anyway, and started to run as fast as you could. You ran through the city centre, turned left, and right, and left again, until you were completely disoriented, stranded in a local park, bright yellow lights the only thing to make you see something. The photographers, however, were still chasing you. You faltered for a second, hands on your knees, your breath being completely knocked out of you. You mentally noted that you should start working on your stamina. You knew the only reason you were ahead of the press was because you didn't have to carry those heavy cameras.
"Hey, come here, quickly, I'll help you."
You looked up again, only now noticing a figure sitting on the bench, about 12 feet away from you. You walked in the person's direction, and upon further inspection, you saw it was a guy, probably around your age. He was wearing a jacket with a hoodie underneath, a guitar was balanced on his lap. The guy smiled at you when he heard you come closer. Before you even had the chance to say something, he pulled something out of his pocket and threw it in your direction. Out of instinct, you caught it. The material felt cold in your hands, and so it took you a second to realise he had given you keys.
"My bike is in the grass, there. You can take it and bike away, so that you're faster than the press."
You looked in the direction his arm indicated, and indeed saw a bike thrown against one of the light poles. You were astonished.
"Why do you trust me? How do you know I won't just steal your bike?"
He only smiled knowingly, not really giving you an answer.
"I have a feeling you'll come back to me."
He had been right. Of course you came back. How could you not? First of all, you were not the type of person to do anything mean, let alone illegal, and second, you hadn't been able to get the kind boy out of your head throughout the entire process of escaping those photographers. It had taken you a while, true, but you had managed to get rid of all of them. Now was the time to bring the bike back to its rightful owner.
Leaves rustled as you entered the park the boy had been sitting in, and the chaos in your head only intensified because of it. Questions swirled through your mind, why he had trusted you, what he had been doing there so late at night, who he even was.
You spotted his figure, hood over his head, slightly leaning forward. You stepped off of the bike and slowly started walking next to it, trying to buy some time, your shyness suddenly coming in full force. How should you approach him? What did you say to a stranger who had loaned you his bike in the middle of the night?
You noticed you had stopped walking altogether because the spikes of the bike were silent, making it possible for you to hear the gentle strumming of a guitar - a guitar he was playing right now.
Your feet decided for themselves to start moving. He only noticed you when your shadow towered over him, blocking the artificial light coming out of the lamp posts from reaching his fingers on the guitar. He looked up, smiling. The artificial lighting didn't illuminate his features at all, but you were still happy to have a better look at his face. And what a face it was.
"Hi there. I see you've found your way back to me. Did they follow you for a long time, or were you just lost?"
His teasing tone made you grin, questions still on your mind, but the chaos gone now.
"A combination of both, I guess. Thank you, really, I don't know what I would've done without your bike."
And then, to change the topic:
"What were you playing?"
"Recuerdos de la alhambra"
"How can you play that piece by heart? I've been practising for months and I still can't get it completely right. And that's with sheet music."
He looked up from his guitar and to your face for longer than absolutely necessary for the first time since you'd come back to him. When you looked into his eyes, you knew his lack of eye contact before hadn't been because you bored him, but because he'd been shy. What had changed now was that his curiosity had won, while the shyness had lost. Your heart fluttered without your permission at the realisation, and suddenly, you were the one having difficulties upholding that eye contact.
"I've always felt like sheets hinder me while I'm playing. It's like I'm too busy trying to decipher the notes on the sheet that I can't actually make music anymore, you know? Anyway, that's not what I where I was going to. Did you just hint that you play the guitar too?"
Your shyness had definitely taken over now. Why had you told him you played?
"A little bit, I'm definitely not as good as you are, I taught myself."
"Okay but that only makes it more impressive. Do you want to play?"
He held his guitar out to you, but you shook your head. You barely dared playing in front of your friends, let alone a stranger. Then, a thought struck you, and the giddy feeling inside you numbed.
"Is this the part where you're going to force me to play guitar, or do something else I'm uncomfortable with, because you let me use your bike?"
His face fell a bit, a worried expression now taking over the smile. The giddy feelings inside you numbed even further now his smile wasn't visible anymore.
"No, no of course not, I honestly just wanted to do something good, and you just needed help in that moment. I'm nothing like that, I'd never ask you for something unreasonable in return for giving you the help you needed, but didn't even ask for. I'm sorry if I came across that way, I should've realised I'm a stranger to you. You couldn't have known my intentions were solely to help you out."
You had seen your fair share of false remorse throughout your life, and so you knew from the tone of his voice and the look on his face that his wasn't false. An immediate punch of guilt attacked your stomach, this wonderful guy had helped you, and you came and doubted his intentions, just because he offered you his guitar. You seriously should work on keeping your fears under control. Carefully, you parked his bike against the lamp post and went to sit on the other end of the bench.
"I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to doubt you or anything. I should keep my fears under control."
He looked at you again, eyes widened at the fact that you suddenly sat next to him, even if there was still over a foot of space between you.
"You mean, your fear of playing?"
You nodded your head, feeling the heat rushing to your cheeks.
"Yeah, I don't know how you do it. I mean there's no need to be insecure, obviously, but where did you learn to play this well? I've never found a good guitar teacher around here. Then again, where are you from? What's even your name? Or am I asking too much now?"
The mysterious smile was back on his face, and you felt your own smile promptly match his.
"Well, to each their secrets, I guess. You don't want to let me enjoy your musical talent, what makes you think I'd want to share what my name is?"
You could tell he was only teasing you. There was a twinkle in his eye when he looked at you, and you couldn't help but think you'd never been as intrigued by a pair of eyes before.
Suddenly, you had an idea.
"Okay, you've convinced me. Let's play a game. For every song I play for you, you have to answer a question, and vice versa."
"So, like an advanced, musical version of twenty questions?"
"You've got it. You can start with a question while I mentally prepare myself to play the next song."
He played a few random chords before silencing the strings, looking you in the eye. For the first time that night, you noticed the dimples gracing his cheeks. You thought they were cute.
"Okay, first question: what's your favourite song?"
You knew where this was going to, so you told him your favourite song. You even told him the story of why it was your favourite, something that surprised both him and yourself.
And so he started playing. At this point, you weren't even surprised he knew the correct chords right off the bat. You closed your eyes, taking in the gentle strumming of the guitar next to you, allowing yourself to finally completely relax.
And then, when the second verse was about to start:
"Do you want to sing?"
You couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was that made you cave in, maybe it was his smile, or the fact that he hadn't added 'for me' to his question, but you started humming along. Shy at first, not used to singing in anyone's presence but your own. The humming gradually morphed into singing actual words, and when you dared opening your eyes again, you saw that his smile had only broadened, his eyes closed now, fingers dancing across the strings of his guitar.
This is how you spent your entire night, sitting on a bench, with a guy you didn't properly know yet, humming famous and self invented melodies, bonding over smiles and chords.
You hadn't realised it yet, but somewhere during this night, the foundation had been set to eventually fall in love with this beautiful stranger.
He would end up being your first -and last- true, romantic love, and you were going to be forever grateful that you decided that night to come back to him.
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babygirlgalitzine · 4 years
you were meant for me, and i was meant for you (ao3)
Callum's tossing and turning in his bed, the covers that surround him are wrapping around his legs, restricting his movements further. He lets out a deep sigh into the night, the darkness of the room encasing him, and looks at the alarm clock that sits at his bedside table. Ben often teases Callum for the alarm clock that illuminates the room with red rays, telling him to just use his phone, but Callum likes the idea of having the alarm clock, saying it's homely. It reads just after midnight, and he watches as the seconds tick away. A swirl of anxiety makes its way through his body when he realises what the midnight hour signifies now. It's his wedding day. He smiles, remembering how nervous he was when he first realised that Ben was about to propose. It's the same nervousness now - excitement for what's happening, but scared all the same, because they're in uncharted territory now.
For weeks now, Callum's been unable to sleep properly. He spends nights trying to sleep, tired to his aching bones, but then when he eventually does close his eyes, he's right back in the Vic, sprawled out across the floor, cradling Ben as blood pours from his body, and the colour drains from his face. It's terrifying, knowing that he saw the man he loves that close to death, but it's even scarier when he remembers that was his last attempt at a wedding day - so what could possibly go wrong this time?
He groans, and kicks out at the sheets, needing to feel free from the tightness of them around his legs. He stretches out, and there's a click of his bones. He grabs his phone, and holds it above his face. On the screen is a photo of himself and Ben, taken at their engagement party by Lola, who couldn't resist sending it to Callum the morning after in a hangover induced state. They're both wearing smart clothes, though they don't look pristine, because they couldn't stop putting their hands over the other all night. Ben's got his legs hooking over Callum's lap, and Callum has his arms around Ben's waist, holding him in a warm embrace, fingers just managing to find a sliver of skin to touch. Ben's looking up at Callum, a bright and beaming grin spread across his face, and Callum's mid laugh himself. He loves that photo of them. They look so carefree and happy, love radiating from them. It's the kind of love that lasts, and stands the test of time. 
Callum looks at the time again, noting that it's now ten past, and he shakes his head, but finds Ben's contact number anyway, and presses the call button, putting his phone to his ear. There's three rings, and then a click and he hears Ben's familiar voice, husky and yet soft, pulsating down the phone. "What's wrong?" He asks, and yeah, Callum lets out a chuckle at that. It's just so Ben.
"Nothing." Callum says, already feeling better for just hearing his fiance's voice. "I just can't sleep. I miss you too much." 
Ben chuckles softly, and there's movement down the phone. There's a smile in his voice when he speaks again. "You'll be seeing me in less than twelve hours, in a suit." 
"I can't wait." Callum grins. He turns on his side, looking out at the bed before him. It feels empty. "I just wish you were here." 
"I do too." Ben admits, and it breaks Callum's heart just a little bit. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong? Don't forget, I know you better than anyone. I can tell when you're not okay."
Callum lets out a deep sigh, and his eyes fall shut for just a moment. His hand stretches out across the mattress, and he can feel the natural dip in it where Ben should be. His heart aches for him, but Callum's more than aware that this is just for one night, and then Ben will be back where he belongs, for the rest of their life together. "I'm probably just over tired." Callum says, trying to deflect from the anxiety that's prevalent within him. It's true though, partially. For weeks he's been falling asleep late, staying up to make sure that this wedding will be as perfect as it can be. Then when he does eventually sleep, his slumber is disrupted with thoughts of nightmares. 
"And you think that'll be any different if I was there?" Ben asks, a laugh bubbling away from him. Callum can just picture him, his cheeks flushing a shade of red, a cheeky grin spreading right the way across his face. "I know people say sex dwindles after marriage, but I don't think we're quite there yet babe." 
"We better not be!" Callum laughs and he realises something. Ben makes him feel better. In hindsight, he probably should have realised that before now, but Ben has this magic ability to make Callum forget about all his troubles. He smiles, and speaks again. "What if something goes wrong?"
There's a silence down the phone, and Callum has a sinking feeling in his stomach, regretting even thinking of the question, never mind asking it. He can just about hear Ben's breath over the speaker, and it reminds him of all the times Ben breathes on his bare skin in the night. 
"It won't." Ben says, after a moment of pausing. "I know that sounds stupid, because it's a wedding and it's here, but I promise you, nothing will go wrong. We've got no secrets. Nobody hates us. Not a single person is out to get us. We know who's going to be there, we know what time we have to be there, we know everyone who's coming to the reception. Everything is planned to perfection babe, nothing will go wrong. This time tomorrow, we will be husbands and very drunk, but ready to spend the rest of our lives together. And even if something magically does go wrong - which it won't, because we love each other - it won't take away from the fact that I love you, and that I want to marry you, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side." 
A tingle spreads through Callum, goosebumps rising on his skin. He smiles softly, his eyes rolling shut as tiredness overtakes his body. "You're amazing, do you know that?" Callum asks.
"It's been said." Ben jokes. "Now go to sleep. Lola said something about going around to ours at half eight to make sure Stuart hasn't tried talking you out of it, so be prepared for that." 
"He's actually quite excited to have you as a brother in law." Callum says, trying to count how long it is between now and Lola barging into his door. Not long enough, according to his tired brain. 
Ben chuckles. "I'll believe that when I see it." He says, and there's a relaxing pause as he smiles. "I love you, Mr Mitchell." 
Callum's heart skips a beat. "I still can't believe you've talked me into that, but I love you too, Mr Mitchell." 
The sun's beaming down, and both of them are grateful that the weather's perfect for a day like this. There's early signs of Autumn, the leaves that were once green now transforming into a burnt orange and deep red and slowly floating down to the ground. It's warm enough not to need a jacket during the day, but it's certain to have a nippy breeze later on as the sun leaves and the moon appears. 
The doors to the wedding venue are open, and Callum's standing outside, shaking peoples hands, welcoming them in, or kissing their cheeks. Lexi's standing by his side, jumping up and down in her bridesmaid dress, asking when her daddy will be here. Nerves course through Callum, especially when Lola reads out a text from Jay saying that they're just around the corner. Everyone's rushing inside, and they're all speaking excitedly, conversing in their seats. There's the odd person standing up inside, but they soon sit down when the news of Ben's imminent arrivals spreads. The doors closes to a shut, and Callum and Stuart are left standing outside together. It's quiet, but Callum's heart is beating loud enough that he can hear it himself. A car door slams shut, and Callum looks down at his feet, too scared to turn and face Ben. There's a smile on his face, but anxiousness in his body. There's footsteps tapping behind him, and then a hand on the small of his back that he instantly recognises as Ben's. He looks to the side of him, and he's blown away. Yeah, he's seen Ben in a suit many times, but never like this. Never a suit of such importance. There's something about this moment that's reminiscent of their first meeting - it feels like it's just them in the world, nobody else matters.  
 "You look amazing." Callum lets out, almost whispering, like it's some sort of secret. 
Ben grins a beaming smile, and pushes his hand out so his pinky is interweaving with Callum's. "Feeling better now?" Ben asks.
Callum nods slightly, and there's tears that are threatening to fall from his eyes to stain his skin. "Still a bit scared if I'm honest." Callum admits, and Ben's running his thumb over his knuckles, grounding him in a calming manner.
"Good scared?" Ben quizzes, raising an eyebrow in a questioning motion. "Or bad scared?"
Callum chuckles, and entwines his fingers with Ben's hand entirely, lifting their connecting hands to his face. He presses a kiss to Ben's fingers, directly on his ring finger, right where his wedding band will be sitting in less than an hour. "Good scared. The best kind of scared." 
"Good." Ben says, biting at his bottom lip. "Fancy getting married?" 
Callum nods, a laugh bubbling away in his throat. "Yeah. I do."
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Not Without You, Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The Dream
The sound of a loud explosion echoed through the training room of U.A.  The students watched as an intense light detonated before them, igniting a fiery ball of yellows and oranges, billowing upwards into a large cloud of smoke that blocked their target.  A few screamed from the sound, covering their ears from the deafening sound and blocking their faces, awaiting the extreme and violent reaction that followed. The ground shook, breaking apart under their feet.  
Uraraka, despite the ringing in her ears, lifted her feet in the air, touching as many people as she could around her to lift them out of harm’s way.  She called out to Izuku, who had jumped into the air, levitating above the debris from the eruption.  He used black whip to catch a few students—Aoyama (who graciously thanked him by batting his eyelashes) and Mineta who was caught flying from the initial blast.  
“Shinsou, stop him!” Izuku yelled, but when Shinsou’s binds reappeared from the smoke, the ends were completely burned.  Shoto put up an ice wall to protect Mina, who had become slightly injured from the initial attack; Momo had made several grenades of her own, throwing them at the unseen, unmarked target.  The sounds of the grenades echoed across the training facility and for several seconds, it become completely silent.  Izuku landed his feet on the ground, looking into the large cloud of smoke with the rest of the class.  Concern itched across his face, but he didn’t move.  The classmates that Uraraka had lifted into the air were released, crashing down to the quaked floor.  
“Did—did I get him?” Momo said, panting with her gashed cheek beginning to bleed profusely.  
“Not quite.” growled a voice.  Katsuki Bakugou emerged from the smoke, his body completely untouched, completely unscathed by any of their counter attacks.  His clothes were rags that limply hung from his body.  In his hand, he held one of Momo’s grenades.  Looking shocked and angered she moved towards him, but he pulled the pin and crushed it before it discharged, but before it could do any real damage, he inhaled deeply the tiny pop through his fingers.  He slipped his hand into his pocket before smiling menacingly at his classmates.  
Aizawa emerged from the smoke as well.  “That,” he said in his monotoned voice, putting a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder. “—was an ultimate move.  Both offensive and defensive.  The rest of you could stand to learn something from that.  Good work, Bakugou.” He added under his breath, “You scary little shit.” but walked away as the smoke from the room cleared.  
“Damn, Bakugou!” Kirishima said, running up to his friend.  “That was awesome, you totally could have killed someone!”
Katsuki exhaled a hot breath.  His body was completely spent from that move—his quirk would need at least an hour or so to regenerate.  He shivered slightly, and Kirishima handed him his jacket that he had tied around his waist.  He covered himself, not used to the cold.  Still, he smiled: his hard work at his work study agency finally paid off.  
“It’s detrimental,” Katsuki was warned by his mentor.  “So be careful where and how you use it.”  
Katsuki studied incredibly hard, watched video after video of bombs, studying all of his notes on how they worked, even asking a few of the teachers countless questions to turn himself into one.  It finally paid off—in truth, he felt a little badly that some of his classmates had gotten hurt, but he had told them he was working on something, an ultimate move that would put him well-above the rest.  He watched Uraraka help Iida to his feet; he watched Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow discuss strategy with him; he watched Mineta try and sneak up on Hagakure and Jiro put him in place.  His eyes wandered around the room and shifted entirely when he saw a bit of green hair poke up from the rubble.  
Shit! he thought, No!  Don’t look! But it was too late.  Izuku’s hair was always a mess—the curls weaved themselves into a tight knot atop his head.  Izuku hopped up, Katsuki could see in his periphery that Izuku used a bit of float to leap himself up onto the platform.
Directly in front of Todoroki.
Anger flared inside of Katsuki.  He silently just watched from afar as Shoto’s arm had extended, touching a light scratch on Izuku’s forehead.  Katsuki was out of heat entirely after the training, but he could hear his heart pounding loudly in his ears as he watched Shoto’s mouth gently touch Izuku’s.
Fucking bastard, Katsuki thought, not sure who it was directed at, himself or Shoto.  The two pulled apart quickly and then chirped on about something Katsuki couldn’t hear.  Shoto looked in Katsuki’s direction like he could feel the intensity of Katsuki’s gaze in his periphery and smirked.  He wrapped an arm around Izuku and kissed his forehead again before lightly brushing his finger across Izuku’s nose and kissing him again.  
“If only I had killed him.” Katsuki whispered.  Kirishima gave him a knowing look and Katsuki was almost thankful to see Kaminari running up to both of them.  
“Way to go, man!” Kaminari forced Katsuki to avert his eyes.  “You looked like a real bomb, I thought you had blown yourself up, for sure!”
“That’s because you’re a moron.” Katsuki said.
“Get cleaned up, we’re doing Tokoyami’s ultimate move next.” Aizawa informed the class.  “Bakugou, sit this one out.” Katsuki opened his mouth to argue, but Aizawa just held up a hand and said, “I swear to God, if you say one fucking word, you’ll sleep outside.”
Katsuki shut his mouth, not sure if Aizawa fully had the authority to do so, but the short break gave him a moment for his quirk to return.  
And it also gave him an excuse to watch Izuku.  Uninterrupted.
Until his phone chimed. Another match?  he asked himself as he looked down at the notification: he’d downloaded quite a few dating apps, but really had no interest in pursuing another relationship after the failed attempt with Izuku a little over a year ago.  It didn’t matter really—most people knew these apps weren’t for dating.  Not that he’d want to date any of them.  Once he turned 18, there really was not stopping him. His taste varied from girl to girl (“Woah, you’re back to being a closeted gay?  Does it count as being closeted if everyone already knows?” “Shut the fuck up, Yoyo, just help me make a profile.  Aren’t you gays good at this sort of thing?” “You’re one of us, asshole!” *dodges attack from Katsuki* “ONE OF US! ONE OF US!”).
A pretty girl appeared on the screen: I T ’ S  A  M A T C H! Katsuki refreshed him memory of who she was, swiping through the pictures on his phone of her—a local girl who went to a college not far from where they were.  She had soft features and long hair that covered most of her face.  Her slim waist held an enormous rack, but he wouldn’t have matched with her because of that.  As he flipped through the pictures, he didn’t remember swiping right on her at all.
Until he got to the one picture where he could see her eyes.  They were a deep, forest color that stopped him in his tracks.  They were clearly contacts as he noticed her eyes in the other pictures were bluer.  But this picture—they were a bright, grassy earth tone.  
“Damn, she’s hot as fuck, where’d you find one like her?” Kaminari said, looking over his shoulder at his phone.  “Those can’t even be real!  What’s her name?”
“Don’t know.” Katsuki said, shooting her a quick message: Dtf?  “Don’t care.”
“You could at least act like being an adult is hard for you.” Kirishima said. “I’ve barely been an adult for a month and it honestly sucks ass—,”
A response from the girl: At least take me to dinner and a movie first! He rolled his eyes, but messaged her back with: Only if you wear those green contacts. He waited a few moments before he got a picture message.  The girl had one of her eyes closed, but the other wide-open and so perfectly green.  The contacts looked a little different in this lighting, not nearly as bright, but it would do.  Good enough for you?  He smirked and responded: it’ll do.
Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged looks before one of them told him, “Alright, man, I mean, as long as you’re staying out of trouble and you’re happy, then have fun I guess.”
Katsuki put his phone back in his pocket, ignoring his friends when Sero and Mina came over. Instead, he looked over at Shoto and Izuku.  Shoto’s arm was still wrapped around Izuku’s waist as Izuku punched the air and laughing in his little awkward way and Uraraka ran over to him, the two giving each other high fives and jumping in the air.  I’ll never be happy. Katsuki thought, a quick flashback crossed his mind—a clear image of Izuku looking out at a perfect beach sunrise.  His green, unkempt curls tousling in the wind, his freckles darkly splattered across his face.  As if in slow motion, Izuku’s body turned, showing Katsuki a smile that he would kill to see again.  
Now, over a year later, Izuku smiled for someone else.  
I’ll never be happy again.
Izuku crashed onto his mattress after the long day of combat training, completely spent.  Especially after that crazy attack from Kacchan—
NO! he warned himself.  It hurts, don’t think about it.  But it was hard not to admire the dedication of Katsuki to push his quirk like that.  It must’ve taken so long to learn it, let alone master it the way he had.  Katsuki was willing to go through all of it for the sake of pushing his quirk to the absolute limit.  
He was willing to go through so much for you, too.
After Izuku’s failed relationship with Katsuki, Izuku needed to take some time for himself.  He had thought about Katsuki often, even tried to see him outside of school hours just to talk, but Katsuki wanted nothing to do with him.  Frequently, the two would pass each other—Izuku could feel Katsuki’s heat of his quirk.  He’s still upset. He wanted to call out to him, to talk to him, but after several attempts to do so, he came to the realization that Katsuki had moved on from him.  He also left campus every Friday and rumor had it that he was meeting other people.  He tried to not listen to such things and focus on his current relationship, but his mind went back and forth until he finally rationalized the breakup: “I would have loved you had you been kinder, Kacchan.” Izuku knew he was intense, feeling things so deeply that at first Izuku mistook the intensity for passion—but the flame that held their relationship together didn’t hold for long enough.
“Dammit, stop!” he yelled into the pillow he placed over his face.  Izuku took his advice and to distract himself, he scrolled through his phone, rereading some of the more recent messages from Shoto.  It read things like: In a world full of darkness, you are my beacon of light.  It made Izuku smile at least, despite the text being as cliché as it was.  His relationship with the youngest in the Todoroki member was (using no other word for it) perfect.
Shoto was the ideal boyfriend.  He was insanely smart, extremely perceptive, not to mention incredibly handsome.  His body was slim, but toned, his muscles outlining his slender frame.  His duo-chromed eyes made Izuku weak at the knees, despite having an almost naturally nonchalant gaze to them.  He was gorgeous, split precisely down the middle.  The curtains also matched the drapes, which didn’t surprise Izuku too much, as his pubic hair was a deep green and tangled up like the madness that sat atop his head.  Shoto was sweet to him as they hardly ever argued.  And when the two did start exclusively dating, it didn’t take long for them to start exploring each other entirely.  They hadn’t had sex yet—Shoto said he wanted to at least wait until after graduation, which Izuku respected.  
The two spent the weekends together most of the time.  After seeing Shoto’s mother would head to his home, eat with his family and when they were alone, would kiss each other, touch each other a little, fooling around before falling asleep next to each other.  It was a routine and Izuku couldn’t help but feel that Shoto had penciled him into his mental schedule, sectioning off a piece of every Saturday for Izuku.  
Izuku’s eyes became heavy as he scrolled through more lyrical lines of clichéd poetry Shoto had sent him. Sleep pooled at his eyelids, dragging them down in slow blinks.  His breathing slowed, inhaling and exhaling deeply, soothing him with each rise and fall of his chest.  With each blink, he was entranced by a dream: arms lightly wrapped around him, soft breaths in his face and Izuku knew he was asleep too.  He…?  I’m alone.  There was a feeling of permanent warmth that surrounded Izuku.  His eyes would suddenly open and Izuku was alone, back in his room, but then doze off, back into his luxurious, comforted subconscious. Izuku was fully awake here, not feeling tired at all.  Strange…I know I’m dreaming…Izuku turned his body, and closed his eyes, kissing the forehead lightly of the man that held him.
“Hmmm?” a gentle response that echoed in Izuku’s thoughts.  It was a deep sound, but lazy and resonated through Izuku.  He couldn’t make out a voice, nor a real figure—just a shadow entity that encased around Izuku, overtaking his thoughts and feelings.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Izuku heard himself say, being fully submerged underneath a hard weight, not being able to tell if it was physically or mentally heavy.  
“Sure you didn’t.” the voice said, a tone of sarcasm.  There was a light kiss from the shadows in the dark room that Izuku was brought to. Lips plump and wet, like kissing a misty cloud.  Izuku raised his hands above his head.  Pin me down…Izuku thought loudly and suddenly, two hands pushed him into the bed, holding on to his wrists in a bind.  Izuku gasped.  Can….can I control this dream?  
“Oh, you like that, huh?” the words seemed to ring in Izuku’s head when the man said it, but the kissing didn’t stop.  Izuku opened his mouth, their tongues slipping along one another.  
“Mmmm…” Izuku groaned loudly, running his hands through his rough hair before sliding his hands down the sides of the body that lay above him.  This feels so real.  Izuku panted hot breaths.  His heart pounded hard against his ribcage.  The two fooled around, explicitly exploring each other’s bodies.  
“Tell me you want me—,” he heard a voice growl at him.  
Is that….?  No, it can’t be…
Izuku’s eyes opened instantly, sitting up straight up in his bed.  Beads of sweat dripped down his face, his temperature rising substantially throughout his body.  He frantically searched for his phone and once he had calmed himself, he did a couple minutes of research until he came across the words “lucid dream.”  
It was the first time he’d thought about Katsuki—really thought about him—in months.  No, not him.  Izuku thought.  Not him.  Not now.  Not after all this time.  But he couldn’t shake it.  
I need to have that again.
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igottiny · 4 years
Got7 reaction to you dying your hair to match theirs.
Mark - Having had two different shades of red in the past, he was stoked to be returning to that general color. This time it was a beautiful maroon. When he arrived home you wouldn’t stop praising how well it complemented his complexion to which he replied that you would also look good in red. So of course, that’s what you did the next day while he was in rehearsals. By time dinner rolled around you were walking through the practice room door bringing the boys food with your new look. Chaos ensued and Mark was literally floored.
“Babe. I didn’t think you would take it seriously but damn am I glad you did,” he said from where he sat on the floor in the middle of the room. “We should match more often. That way there is no doubt to everyone else that you’re mine.”
Jackson - Neither of you have had dark hair colors for a while and it was starting to take a toll on both of your scalps. So when you saw that Jackson’s hair had been died back to black when you met up for lunch, this seemed like the perfect time. Quickly buying the necessary supplies you headed home to color your own hair dark as the night before he could arrive home. When he arrived home he screamed. Who was the dark beauty in front of him?
“Honey, you look like the ruler of darkness and I don’t know why I find it so attractive right now. Let’s be raven haired rulers of darkness together as we match. Let’s take over the world together! We shall rule all!” He was always so dramatic.
JB - Grey? Done before. Blonde? Also been done. So when the stylist showed him the color swatch of a very light pale silver that was just on the grey side of white, he was in love. No one would expect this look. And you certainly didn’t. You couldn’t stop touching it and playing with it while he was cooking dinner you were so fascinated.
“If you like it so much and want to play with it, why not just color your own hair the same color,” he asked.
This sounded like the perfect solution to you. The next day you had off work, so you went down to your salon to be transformed. It was close to the same; the shade slightly darker but it was close enough for you. You finally got out just in time to meet him outside the JYP building. You both stared at each other for a long moment.
“Now I get to play with your hair cause you wear it better. That’s hardly fair by the way. Change it back.”
Jinyoung - He was nervous. He preferred to stick with darker colors if they were going to color his hair at all. Luckily he didn’t have any acting projects lined up at the moment. Walking out of the company affiliated salon with hair the same shade of blue as the sky had him tugging on a baseball cap really fast. For the first time in a while he felt out of his element. With his schedule done for the night, he set out for home. Once home he made the attempt to just burry himself in a book to take his mind off of it all.
You’ve seen him do this before. When something is bothering him he either goes for a walk or doubles down on whatever book he was currently trying to finish. His cap wasn’t doing much to actually hide his hair as he kept pushing it up to get better light to read by. You loved the color on him. It brightened up his features. The new lighter tone was beautiful so you decided that tomorrow you would show him just how much the color rocked. You barely made it to the practice room before their break ended, your hair appointment taking much longer than you anticipated. There was no mistaking Jinyoung’s smile as he pulled you close.
“Why,” he asked.
“Because I couldn’t look like a pile of trash next to you. Now we are both stunning.”
This is exactly why he said you were a keeper. Always knew just what to do and say to make his whole world better.
Youngjae - It was too purple to be red, but purple wasn’t right either. Either way, it was so different from any color he has had before that he loved it. It was bright and vibrant. He felt like a game or anime character. He sent you a selfie showing it off since you were out of town for work. The moment you saw the picture you know this was it. You had been talking about matching his next hair color, mostly as a joke, if only to be consistent as you both have had black hair for almost the entire time you had been together. When you got back to Seoul, you had plenty of time to spare before he would get home.
However, you had barely made it home before he did. You had just finished hanging up your hat, scarf, and coat, and taking off your boots when he walked through the front door.
“You were serious the whole time. I can’t believe you were serious about it this whole time. What about work,” he asked.
“Youngjae, I’m part of a journalism team, but I’m on the crew behind the camera. Our sound engineer has lime green hair. I’m fine.”
“That you are baby. That you are,” he says in awe.
Bambam - He was always the one getting the lighter hair colors so having a darker than normal tone was a miracle in and of itself. This was a true blue; like fresh out of a primary colors crayon box blue. This was going to be so much fun, if only the rest of his day didn’t consist of rehearsals and meetings to prepare for and go over their schedules regarding the filming the music video and the album photoshoots. By the end of the day he was exhausted and fell asleep while on a video call with you. It was moments like this that made you really appreciate him. He said he couldn’t sleep without seeing you smile and you wanted to show him that you were thankful that he cared.
As soon as your weekend girls trip was over you went straight to the salon after dropping off your luggage at home. You had previously been granted access passes for filming and photoshoot locations as BamBam often dragged you along before you had one anyway. Just giving you a standard pass like an employee of JYP would get simply made it easier. You stood with the rest of the members and waited for the photographer to signal the end of BamBam’s solo shoot. He was excited to say the least when he spotted you.
He stopped with the most exaggerated shocked expression possible before he ran over and threw himself at you. His smile reached his eyes as he exclaimed, “Jagi! We match! The color looks so good on you too!”
“I wanted to make you smile like you make me smile. You’re the most handsome when you smile,” you said locking eyes with him. His smile and the tight hug were everything and filled you both with warmth. The other members just looked on fondly. They couldn’t tease even if they wanted too.
Yugyeom - He absolutely loved his new hair color. Even if Youngjae and BamBam compared him to a dandelion and a dollop of mustard. He honestly liked this goldenrod yellow better than the bright yellow he had during the “7 for 7” era. Although he couldn’t resist playing along and stating that if he was a dandelion, then JB with his pale silver hair was the aged dandelion that you made wishes on before blowing away the seeds. He survived making that comment only because you had arrived with lunch. And of course this gave you ideas. You couldn’t let him out do you.
The next day while they had their last rehearsals before they started filming, you made a trip to the salon and from there the department store. You rushed to change once you made it to the JYP building as their practice was about to end for the evening as they had an early shoot time the next day. Right as they were starting to pack up you burst through the door in your new kelly green tracksuit and freshly colored goldenrod yellow hair.
“There can only be one dandelion Yugyeom. And look who the real dandelion is now. ME! All hail the Monarch of the dandelion race! Bow before me and you may not be blown away!”
All seven of them were shaking and crying with laughter. “Baby,” Yugyeom wheezed. “This is why I love you. Only you would do something like this, my gorgeous monarch of the dandelions. Let’s rule together. Dandelions forever! All hail” he explained with a smile on his face, love in his heart, and laughter on his tongue.
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imsofthelp · 4 years
Tumblr media
Category: fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2,414
Summary: After a bad breakup, you find yourself in the embrace of your best friend and things escalate quickly after that. 
Your phone was ringing again. This would’ve been the tenth time in the last fifteen minutes. You chose to ignore it, not even checking who it was, because you were sure that it was your ex disturbing you at such an ungodly hour.
You opened your eyes, lids as heavy as bags full of rocks. Sunshine shone as bright as ever but even brighter than other days while the constant breeze was just perfect and kept it from getting too hot. Even the birds outside were chirping, reminding you that they existed at 5am. It seemed like the day was going to be perfect.
It took ten seconds, if not less, for that bubble to be blown. The sudden headache was terrible and your shirt was still wet from tears, meaning you fell asleep for half an hour at best, probably not even for that long.
A shiver ran up your spine - even on a warm morning like this one you needed a blanket to feel comfortable.
You almost gave in to the wish to stay in bed for a whole day, doing absolutely nothing except watching some stupid reality TV and gobbling down whole tub of ice cream. But you decided against that.
You were broken in every possible way after your breakup. You screamed, you doubted your decision, you got drunk and then cried some more.
You couldn’t let yourself be like that cliche heartbroken TV show character anymore. Four days in a row of crying enough to fill rivers and eating enough ice cream to last a whole decade. Today was the day you ended that self-loathing cycle.
Warmed by the sunlight which slipped into your bedroom through the big glass windows without any curtains, your feet touch the floor.
You tried to reassure yourself that everything was going to be fine but as soon as you stepped the first step, your feet landed on a dirty lid of ice cream tub. Cussing out loudly, you hopped to the bathroom like you were playing classes or hopscotch.
After discarding your ice cream and tear stained pyjamas into an already full laundry basket, you relaxed into the bath. Setting the water temperature just right instantly made you feel better.
Warm water released the tension from your muscles and left you feeling so relaxed. You lay there for what felt like hours until a different ringtone was coming from your bedroom.
With a towel around your naked form, you made your way to the phone being careful not to step on any more lids.
The phone vibrated in your hand, the screen flashing with the name “ALIEN QUEEN xoxo” and picture of your best friend smiling widely while showing peace signs with both hands.
Without hesitation, you picked up.
“You finally picked up!” screamed Mina and you had to move phone a few inches from your ear, afraid that it will make you deaf.
Mina definitely had no such thing as inside voice, “I was scared!”
Oh, so that was the person that was calling you. Well, you were dumb to except your ex to actually give a fuck about you.
Hearing the tone of her voice full of worry made guilt shoot up your body. You could bet your ass that there were like 20 missed calls from her.
Shifting your weight from one leg to another, you listened to her ranting and scolding you like a child. You paced a few steps forward and back. To this day you couldn’t figure out why you couldn’t just sit still while speaking on your phone. It was truly a mystery that science couldn’t explain.
“Are you even listening to me?” Mina asks after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry, I’m just...” you swallowed, breath hitching in your throat,
“My emotions are still all over the place” you explain, now observing your reflection in a dirty spoon you found on the table.
“You okay?” she asks with concern clear in her voice.
“I’ll be fine. Finally took a shower to not to look like a hot pile of trash anymore.”
Mina laughs and you feel a smile creeping up your face.
“Still hot, though,” she teases, “You wanna come to my place, watch a bunch of shitty movies and finally get over that asshole?” You can hear her smile and unintentionally smile wider yourself.
An answer leaves your lips way before you think through with it:
“Hell yeah!”
Neon red lights in Mina’s living room casted weird shadows on the bright pink walls, making you even more dizzy than you already were.
Loud music was blasting while you swung your hips and moved your free hand (the other one was busied by a champagne glass) to the rhythm as the lyrics were blurring in your mind.
In the neon red light Mina looked like death, or, more like, deathly stunning. From the way she danced so passionately to the music, how her free hand constantly buried itself in her soft pink hair and to the way that her sparkly mini-dress hugged her toned yet soft body.
Hell, you didn’t know if it was the alcohol messing with your head or the pain of broken heart that was begging to be healed by anyone. You really weren’t that against anyone being that hot.
Mina grinned, white pearly teeth hugged by plush, glossy lips. Her eyes were half-lidded as her hand reached out to you, as if she was trying to pull you into her with some invisible power.
You felt like a mortal about to be seduced by a goddess.
“Dance with me?”
Maybe it was her invisible power, because soon your hands were on her waist with her own resting on your neck. One hand was running up and down your back as you both struggled to spin to the rhythm of the fast song.
You leaned closer to her, laying your head on her shoulder. Her hot breath burned like fire against your skin, sending shivers up and down your body.
She smelled like vanilla and fancy perfume and you felt as if you had been spellbound, closing your eyes and letting the moment carry you away.
Songs changed but two of you stayed in the same position. It was only your hand constantly reaching to touch her hair and Mina giggling from time to time, whispering words that you couldn't quite catch.
This was probably very wrong. Not the dancing, no, you were best friends but the thoughts you were having about Mina were wrong. Blaming the alcohol for mixing up your thoughts and your mental state after the breakup, you closed your eyes. Letting the music carry you. Letting yourself have no thoughts even if it was just for a second.
“Hey,” you raised your head, Mina gently brushed a strand of hair out of your face. She paused for a moment as if she wanted to do something more with her half-lidded mascara smudged eyes. You couldn’t read her expression, “Want to watch a movie?”
You didn’t really want that, but you hoped that after sitting down for awhile you‘d feel better. Or at least get these inappropriate thoughts that were clouding everything out of your head.
The neon lights were turned off as if that the party was over, and Mina turned on some channel on her huge tv. You weren't surprised about pricy, fancy stuff around her place anymore as she assured you that 'Hero work pays.'
“What do you want to watch?" you asked, trying to find a comfortable position on her bright pink sofa, littered with what seemed like at least a hundred pillows.
Mina mindlessly flipped through the channels with apathetic look painted on her face.
Then, she stopped.
"Oh, 'There's Something About Mary' is on!" Mina turns to you with a smile as bright as always on her face, "Have you ever seen it?"
You nodded of course. It was one of those rom-coms that was on tv quite often that you liked. You found the story of a hopeless geek still pining after his high school crush, funny and it was a good laugh from time to time.
"Great, then let's watch it!"
You were about fifteen minutes into the movie when Mina began to wriggle closer to you.
"Mind me?" she asked, as she delicately laid her head on your lap.
You felt your breath hitch again in your throat, swallowing, to not let your voice waver.
"No, no," you stuttered out, "Not at all."
She flashed you one of those dazzling smiles and went back to watching the movie.
You tried not to be so tense, but it was as if your body didn't want to listen to your commands.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even realise the ending credits playing.
"You know, I really don't like that plot about many guys pinning after one girl," Mina began, mindessly playing with the hem of your shirt, "But there's one quote in there that is basically my life motto, 'Who needs him? I’ve got a vibrator!'" she said those words with such enthusiasm, that you couldn't help but laugh.
You could almost ignore her slender fingers flushed against your hot skin. God, was it always so hot in this room?
It was so silent for a moment. You could hear your own heartbeat ringing in your ears.
Then she leaned closer. It seemed that she wanted to tell you something, a secret that was so sacred, that only you were allowed to know. As if curiosity got the better of you, you leaned in, forgetting the quote 'curiosity killed the cat', and then realised hat you were fully ready to endure that secret, as one would endure the pleasure of cold ice cream on a cold summer day.
Lips danced plush against each other, teeth clacking at the raw, sudden contact. You cought Mina's eyes widening, as if she wasn't expecting your response to this kiss.
All you could taste was mint gum. The smell of vanilla was so close, too. Not close enough.
Pushed by blinding desire and alcohol, your hands cupped her soft face, one running down her soft cheeks, not believing the texture as silky as that could be of someone's face and another found its way to her hair, pulling her even closer.
Colors and hues of emotions danced inside you, blue for the color of her dress and the sadness of your own mixed thoughts, yellow for the lingering smell of vanilla and your worry and red for the passion and that dangerous neon hue. That was her — stunning and absolutely deathly.
The need of oxygen made you pull away, only for a moment to catch a few deep breaths. Then you were grabbing her face again, pulling her in, feeling her already bruised lips with her own.
Mina moaned into the kiss, and after hesitating for a moment but getting assurance by the sudden soft pull at her hair, she let her hand travel under your shirt.
You let her do that as your own hands were lingering on her defined waist, hugged by the midnight blue mini-dress.
A soft bite to her lip before pulling away and then before you realised it, it turned into a full make out session.
It was perfect at that moment — like a shot out of a movie but then the bubble you were in broke. And you fell.
Mina pulled away, not letting you lean in again as her hands finding their way to her sides, almost shamefully.
A questioning look painted your features. You were confused. It all felt so good, why did you have to stop?
"...This is wrong," she managed to speak out, pushing you away.
You felt something sting inside.
"I don't follow, what do you mean?"
Mina sighed, standing up. It seemed that she wanted to add more distance between the two of you.
"Have you ever dated a girl, Y/N?"
"Well, I have. I dated too many straight girls, who were just experimenting for fun. Enough of them. Enough of tearing my own heart out,"
The volume of her voice gradually grew and her hands crossed against her chest.
"But, Mina-"
"You're drunk, Y/N," she answered, not looking at you, "It'll be best if you pick your stuff up and leave."
Your hands were clutched against your chest, heart beating as if it wanted to leave your body.
You stepped closer and she stepped back, still not looking at you.
Tears stung your eyes, but you refused to let them fall.
"I always felt as if we were connected more than friends and then you started dating guy, after guy, after guy," Mina murmured, almost too quiet to hear, "And my high hopes were stomped. I realised there's no happy endings for girls who fall for straight girls, Y/N. No happy ending for girls like myself."
"It's not like that-"
Tears fell down her face when she finally looked up. Somehow, it hurt more than when she screamed at you.
"Go home, Y/N!"
"We can-"
"Go home, for fuck's sake! You're drunk, go home!"
Everything went fast after that when you let your clouded mind lead you back to your place, back to your bed. You didn't get any sleep that night.
Ring. Ring. You bit your lip, praying that she would just pick up.
Ring. Ring.
You sighed, moving the phone away from your ear, ready to press the red button until you heard a groggy voice.
You breathed.
You heard her sigh, as you felt your own body tense up.
"What do you want?"
You bit your lip harder, almost drawing blood.
"Come over," your voice almost broke, "Please."
"And then what?.. You want me to tell you that I fell for another straight girl, right into your face? Wanna make tell me that ‘We can still be friends after that make-out session?’ Wanna-"
You didn't let her finish.
"None of that. You'll see."
"Come over. Would be a pity to ruin a surprise I have for you."
There was silence for a second too long and you wondered if she ended the call.
You said your goodbye and threw the phone on the couch. You hoped she liked red roses, chocolate cake and one nervous girl, who thought she was definitely straight, but fell for so strongly for a girl.
A.n: Sorry for not posting anything in so long. Things have been pretty bad for me lately, but I hope you enjoyed this one-shot. Imma just dedicate it to the girl I have this stupid crush on ^^ 
As always, thanks @velvet-kissesss​ for editing and thank you all for reading!
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