#but ehhh idk I just have a hard time thinking things went down Like That and it was the finale as intended
badolmen · 2 years
Oh in case some of you aren’t in the loop apparently the DSMP had a finale fuck up on a Supernatural-Voltron-GameofThrones magnitude so here’s hoping it’s over for good.
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chumpovodir · 1 year
uggghhhhhh covid finally got my stupid ass and its not so bad so far except that i cant seem to fall asleep at all and i got my first anxiety attack yesterday. so that was super cool and fun :^)
ive been binge-watching and finished the netflix castlevania show so i'm just gonna ramble about that for a bit to keep my mind off things.
first off i gotta say i LOVE what they did with the characterization since. yknow. the castlevania game protags are usually very very boring and one-note (at least the ones i've played. yes, my standards are that low). eng voices are good too, delivery can feel a little ehhh with some of the characters but as far as casting choice goes they hit it outta the park imo.
but woof they rly did my man hector dirty!!! which is a shame because he's one of the very few non-belmont protags and i get it they're mashing 2 different, direct prequel-sequel game timelines into a single continuity WHILE introducing original plot threads they cant ALSO make the dude beat on dracs ass after the trio does it the first time. i want to say i wish we at least got to see a duel between him and trevor like in Curse of Darkness, when he gets his ass handed to him the first time, but with everything that goes down in s3 dude would feel like even more of a punching bag. just feels a little unfair that as a protag character maining his own game he pretty much got reduced to fanservice AFTER they set him up with a bacsktory and motivation that goes past the canon-typical revenge story, while isaac got a whole character overhaul and well-thought out, complete story arc. like i wish they at least let him properly betray drac on his own terms rather than be goaded into it, i get they were trying show him as being easy to manipulate (but why tho....) or carmilla being especially manipulative. and then s3 happened and that was just a....weirdly porny mess tbh.
i know the general consensus is that the show would've been just fine if they capped it at s2, and i tend to agree but it leaves so much unsaid. idk if it would've been any better to make s3-s4 a straight adaptation of Curse of Darkness and shift the focus entirely to isaac and hector since s1-s2 was almost a straight adaptation of the prior game. i think this was definitely a case in a show where they couldve benefitted from a timeskip to make it work, while still accommodating isaacs story arc. like it wouldve also helped s4 feeling rushed af wrt the resurrection of dracula thread if it had a whole nother season to build up to it, and since that thread was straight lifted from CoD anyway.
like. i really did love the mystery-horror vibes of the lindenfeld arc but having it wedged in between the frankly unnecessary styria arc and whatever the fuck was going on with alucard was hard to get through ngl
also folks say the dialogue is cringy but i thought it was fine...? like yeah sure they started getting a little too liberal with the f-bombs towards the end but i think the dialogue that actually mattered was interesting and had alot of personality behind it, and it was fun seeing the characters play off each other.
and im saying all this perfectly aware of all the shit that went down with the show creator, which is why i waited a good whole 3 years after the fact to watch it so please dont come at me for that
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softxsuki · 3 years
Tw: mental health
Hello lovely! I have been hesitating to send this ask for a few hours now cuz I really didn’t wanna bother you! :( I’m so so sorry, but I just had a very bad day… honestly I have been struggling with my mental health for the longest time but only this year when I started going for regular therapy session and also started medication recently… I thought I got a little bit better with the help I’m receiving but I’m not sure why sometimes for no reason at all, everything just starts to go down for me…I started to think a lot but I just didn’t want to bother people about these kind of things over and over again and I’m also scared that certain ppl will actually judge me if I tell them about the appointments and medications :(
These few days also just brought back bad memories from when I was younger and being bullied in school… it just feels like a slap in the face when I tried so hard to get better but yet again I went back to square one… I’m really sorry this turn out to be very dark and depressing :(
Is it alright for me to request for an urgent request? Maybe just a short scenario about character saying reassuring things to me and accompanying me to my psychologist sessions? My comfort character as of current is Kuroo from Haikyuu or Hyun-Su from sweet home..(either one of them is fine!) thank you! And sorry for ranting!
Kuroo (Haikyuu) and Hyun-Su (Sweet Home) Comfort Reader After Hearing About Their Mental State (Separate)
Pairing: Kuroo x Gn!Reader, Hyun-su x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mental health talk, feeling down, mentions of therapy and medication usage
Genre: Comfort, perhaps slight fluff?
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: In which Kuroo and Hyun-su (separate) comfort you after you open up about your mental state
[A/N:Hello my wonderful 💛anon <3 I'm so sorry that you've been feeling down after things were just starting to get better in terms of your mental health. It must be very frustrating :(. Your requests never bother me, please know that you will never bother me! It's an honor to be able to write this for you in hopes that it helps bring you any form of comfort! Also don't apologize, it's really okay! I used to go to therapy a while ago, but I stopped. After Covid and losing my best friend of 11 years (she didn't die, she just kinda pushed me away) I went back into my horrible spiral of darkness and I felt the same way. Like that I was back to square one, but I kept pushing and I was able to come back out of my pit of darkness thanks to my other friends and my faith, music, all that good stuff lol. BUT I still have my moments, so I just want you to know that having bad days is normal, but definetly continue to strive towards feeling better and working your way out of that place of darkness. Never give up <3. I'm here if you need me. ANYWAY, I chose to do headcanons since I wanted to write for both of your comfort characters. I hope that's okay :3, pls lemme know if it's not and I'll work on them again for you until you're satisfied with how they come out. Hopefully Kuroo and Hyun-su can provide you with some comfort <3. Also I HOPE KUROOS VOLLEYBALL ANALOGY MAKES SENSE. I swear it sounded so good in my head, but then I wrote it and it was ehhh, but idk if it makes sense to someone other than me. hehhh. Enjoy, and I hope you feel better soon <3]**** note it’s my first time writing for Kuroo and I haven’t watched Sweet Home for a while, so I apologize if any of the characters are out of character :3
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Kuroo is so patient and understand about your situation
He knows about your mental state and realizes that you’ve been having a few bad days recently, so he tries his best to help you take your mind off things
He’d try to take you out, maybe to one of his volleyball games or to a park to just walk with you and give you a chance to clear your head
If that doesn’t help then he sits down with you and tries to figure out what’s going through your head
“What’s going on Y/N? You can talk to me you know,” he says gently, reaching out to hold your hand in his own
“It’s okay Kuroo, I don’t need to bother you with this,” you smile softy at him, but secretly wish you could just let all your feelings out
He’s almost insulted that you think you speaking to him and expressing yourself to him is you “bothering” him; if he could, he’d sit and listen to you talk for hours about whatever’s on your mind
He wouldn’t force you to tell him though if you didn’t feel comfortable, he’d just give you a reassuring smile and hope that you’d open up to him soon
In the meantime though, he’s always trying to make sure you know how amazing you are and how important you are to him
Expect plenty of surprise hugs (mostly back hugs as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck) and spontaneous words of encouragement
“Hey darling, you’re doing so wonderful today. I’m incredibly proud of you,” he tells you one day
“Proud of me…? For what?”
“Just proud that you exist in my life and for trying your best each day,” he exclaims with a sly smile, walking past you while ruffling your hair
He’s worried about you of course, but he tries not to show it in fear that seeing him so serious would make you feel even worse, so he keeps that smile that you love on his face and continues to act like things are normal while still squeezing in some comfort for you
Whenever you do build up the courage to let him in on what’s going on in your head and how you’ve been feeling for the past few days, he quietly listens and grabs ahold of your hand to encourage you
“I’ve just been feeling so great after my therapy sessions, even the medication was helping. I really thought I was getting better, but then I randomly found myself back at square one. Like all my hard work went to nothing, and I just don’t know what to do Tetsuro…” you explain to him, finally getting the weight of your emotions off your back a bit
“Hmm, I see what you’re saying,” he says while rubbing small circles to the surface of your hand, then he looks at you with his signature smile, “but I don’t think you should give up after feeling like you’ve spiraled back to square one, that doesn’t mean you actually are back to square one.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” you ask him, confused at his wording, but glad that he was still comforting you instead of judging you for the information shared about yourself regarding your therapy session and medication usage
“Let me put it this way. I play volleyball. All our players have their good days where we win games and rounds back-to-back. Of course Nekoma is a strong team, but we also have our bad days. Whenever we lose a round, we don’t give up and claim our loss, because we still have another round to bring our chance of victory back. Even if we lose that second round, ultimately losing the game between our opponents, that doesn’t mean Nekoma is now a weak team, we just happened to have a bad day that game.”
“Hmm I see,” you hum in thought as you try to take his words in, and he continues.
“Now, after that loss, our team can continue in two different ways. Either one, we get hung up over our loss and have it affect every future game we have, which will surely bring us more failed games, or two, we learn from our loss, shake ourselves off, and train harder so that we ensure our next game is a victory. This is all to say, all the effort you put into getting better is still there! You didn’t work hard to get yourself into a better place for nothing, but bad days are sure to come for anyone. Regardless of our mental state, we all have bad days, and that’s okay,” he reassures you
It was nice to hear that at least your feelings were normal, but you wouldn’t just magically feel better from his words over-night
“Thanks Tesuro,” you give him your best smile. “I was wondering...if maybe you’d come with me to my next therapy session? You don’t have to if you don’t want to though! Don’t worry about it...actually nevermind, it’s okay.”
“I’d love to go if you don’t mind,” he eases your mind and pulls you into him, leaving a soft kiss to the top of your head
You smile at him, glad that he really wasn’t making a big deal out of things
He wants to treat you like he normally would because he honestly doesn’t think any differently about you once he hears about your therapy sessions or the meds you take; you’re still YOU, and that’s all that matters
Whenever he does accompany you to your therapy session he lets you decide whether you want him in the room with you or if you’d like him to wait outside for moral support--whatever you’re comfortable with
But regardless, he’s there for you through it all and he’ll make sure he treats you the same as always until you’re feeling better again
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Hyun-su’s pretty quiet, which makes him a great listener, so you can trust that he won’t judge you for the things you want to vent about
Maybe it was the fact that you knew about his past, but you opened up to him about your situation fairly quickly
ANYWAY, he silently listens as you explain everything, from your past experience of being bullied, to your therapy session, medications, how you were feeling better, but then suddenly you started feeling like things were going down-hill again--everything
Hyun-Su knows what it’s like to be bullied in school, as he was also bullied, so he really feels for your situation and knows exactly what you’re going through
I feel like he wouldn’t be the best at comforting you verbally though, so instead of using words, he’d try and comfort you through actions
Therefore, he pulls you into his arms once you finish explaining how you’d been feeling
“I’m sorry you have to go through this Y/N,” he tells you finally after a few moments of silence
Though those are the only words he says to you, you feel a weight fly off you just being in his embrace; there was something so comforting about being in his warm arms, inhaling his familiar scent that made you feel at home
He’s calm on the outside, but internally he’s angry at the people that used to bully you and wishes desperately that he could have been there or wished that he knew you at the time so that at least you’d have him to lean on whenever you needed someone (cute baby ahh)
Regarding your therapy sessions, when you ask him to go with you, he’s unsure at first
“Are you sure it’s okay if I go with you?” he asks skeptically
“Of course, I’d love it if you could be there with me,” you smile up at him
Since you want him to go with you, he wouldn’t say no, but he would offer to wait outside the door or step out if you ever needed him to
He’d be quiet the whole session, maybe inconspicuously rubbing your back or reaching for your hand if you ever look uncomfortable during the session
You’re definitely in good hands with Hyun-su though, he’s incredibly supportive and comforting during your time of need, so don’t bother pretending like you’re okay when you’re not, he’ll notice right away
He’ll do his best to be by your side and help you in any way he can until you feel better :)
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Posted: 11/19/2021
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vtforpedro · 3 years
long, long health update - tw in tags please read them
I am going to speak very frankly about suicidal ideation; please don't read further if this is triggering for you ;3; but please know that I love you I had my follow-up appt with my neuropsych on monday to go over my results and whatnot. it was virtual, and I was in the middle of a head episode and I told her I wasn't doing well, but within about 5-10 minutes, she was saying I should probably go to the ER lkajflaj I guess it looked pretty bad lmao anyway I told her all the reasons I couldn't. medical trauma, being dismissed b/c I have doctors who manage my headaches, and I know it's not life-threatening even if it is 10/10 agonizing, so why are you here. they're so dismissive. she said that they have medication to possibly help break the cycle of constant migraines but I've been treated with those before and they didn't do shit migraines are secondary to iih. it's the iih that needs to be fixed ._. she said I still deserved to not suffer and that the ER is very strict about keeping covid patients away from other patients and I didn't have the heart to tell her they intubated a covid patient 10-15 feet away from me last time I was in an ER 😭 anyway so the results. she said she wasn't worried about anything going on that was concerning or indicating something wrong in my brain. I DID score quite a bit lower for someone my age on information processing (which is exactly what I said I was struggling with to my two neuros who were both like ehhh) and some issues with memory but they weren't super specific and so it could be something neurological, could be my migraines and constant agony lmao, could be my Emotional State. could be all of them at once, I suppose ;) she went into more detail about some of these things but it was the two questionnaires I filled out that were HNNN. so once all the data is entered from like 300 questions it shows a good look into my personality and perceptions and all that and it makes a cool little graph (OR SO I THOUGHT). the kind that looks like mountain peaks. so she points at the one that is waaay higher than the rest and nearly touching the top of the box and she's like 'do you see this one' me: yeah 😬 her: this is your feelings and ideations about suicide me: 😬 😩 😬 her: when I see a score this high, I stop what I'm doing and I call the police to have them escort you to a hospital me: 😬😬😬😬😬 her: but I didn't do that. because when we spoke in office you told me you felt this way and why you don't do it. you told me it's something you've lived with for a long time and the pain you are suffering is what makes it so bad. and I trust you me: 😭😭😭 okay her: do you see this line down here? this is people who have suicidal ideation recorded on this test. you scored 98% higher on suicidal ideation compared to people reporting suicidal ideation HNNNNNN. she said it probably wasn't surprising to me and asked me if I was safe again and all that. I assured her I was and said in my previous appointment; I've had suicidal thoughts since I was like 12? maybe earlier. there have been very few times in my life not surrounded by abuse and trauma so I'm never really free of it. I've had four traumatic incidents causing increasingly horrible episodes of ptsd in nine years. all through my 20s. still here woo, lol and she said she knew that and had a patient not long after my first appointment who had similar circumstances in their life. and they told her it's almost a comfort having it. cause I was saying it's in the back of my mind at all times and I won't do it, but yeah, it's always there. anyway she said they said the same thing; it's always there, always in the background as 'hey I'm an option!' even though we aren't going to harm ourselves. it's a comfort knowing there is an option even if we plan on never using it? idk it just spoke to me and I felt it in my soul we talked about some emotional stuff after and I cried and it was a thing. it felt really good to speak to a psychologist who, just as she was in the first appointment, seemed genuinely concerned and wanted to help
me. I told her I was ready for therapy and she said she'd already looked for therapists for me lkasjdlkja and gave me a group that I emailed yesterday. I don't think they'll take my insurance but she said to message her through the portal if they don't and she'll try to find someone who does I don't remember if I mentioned it, but since she knew about the head shit before I met her, she dimmed her office lights without asking if I needed it and like as soon as we started the virtual visit, she leaped up and dimmed them and said she should've thought about it before the appt 😭 (I keep my brightness really low on my computer and use the warming feature 24/7 on comp and phone and my apt is really dimmed but it still helped a lot when she did it) she kept saying 'you did nothing wrong. it was the choice of others to do what they did. you don't deserve to carry their choices. you deserve to be able to hand it back to them. you don't deserve to be in pain. you did nothing wrong. you deserve to be free of what they did and you deserve to not suffer in such physical pain' I'm so wary of doctors but I really like her and I feel fortunate to have been referred to her ;3; speaking for a long time and especially emotionally is hard for me, so I might try to do two sessions a month once I find a therapist and see if I'm ok with that. trying to keep everything virtual while delta is out there I read her report and her official diagnosis is uhh really strong for major depressive disorder, severe. and severe ptsd with disassociative symptoms so!!! I claimed both of those on my disability application and the person handling my claim told me when I had this appt to call and let her know because she wanted the info. I signed a release the day I was there when I told my neuropsych that cause MH stuff is different than other medical records. she said she faxed it to the woman handling my disability application but I was gonna call her and ask if she received it and also tell her I have a new neuro so she will probably request his stuff too I called today and her voicemail box is full so lol try again later today's been awful. last night was horrible. got a bill for over $800 from my colonoscopy/endoscopy even though I asked numerous times if insurance was covering it and was told yep, every penny. so I was on the phone with insurance and the surgery center for 45 minutes. insurance seemed confused af but the agent I spoke with got some help from people who handle this stuff I guess finally she told me not to pay it, they're going to send them a letter to get it sorted (idk if this means I won't have to pay it at all or if they're going to try to make it that way. but I think govt insurance, which is what I have, works differently. like doctors kinda have to follow what they say vs. the other way around) and not worry about it for the next 30 days. I'm still gonna worry about it lmao they used a nice scare tactic on the bill that this was the 'LAST AND FINAL NOTICE' despite the fact they've never sent me anything else. my mom and the insurance agent said nah that's just what they do to scare people into paying fuckin love america <3 land of the free. the american dream! greatest country on earth 💜🖕💜 I just don't want it to go to collections and have to fight credit bureaus to get it off my credit so it's not destroyed |: anyway my head hit like 10/10 bad while I was on the phone cause of the talking a lot and trying to PROCESS INFORMATION and stress and also the fucking hold music, which I have to hear in some way b/c I gotta know when they're back on the line hnnnnn bad day. it's 1pm and bad, bad, bad day. bad month all around. I want this shit to stop anyway. I'm sorry about the suicidal ideation talk, but it's important to talk about that stuff. it can get severe but it can also get better. it does, eventually, even if it comes and goes. it always does get better I'm sorry, I also really needed to get this down somewhere. feel like I'm going to explode emotionally AND physically and I need to talk about it. hopefully
soon I'll have a therapist to talk to so I can get a lot of this stuff worked on. got my whole life to chat about so it'll probably take a long time but I'm willing to let it lmao therapy doesn't usually work for me anymore but idk I've had a lot of shit happen in less than two years so maybe it will this time I'm trying! I really am trying if you read this rambling monster, thank you. love you all and please stay safe
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cheemken · 3 years
Hello! I'm sorry for bothering, but is it okay to ask for your side on your and Pandora's love story? You guys are so sweet! I wish the best for you guys!
Well hello to you too hahah
And my side, ghm? Well,,, it's gonna be a trip since I just woke up and I'm doing this all in one go so I hope it makes sense at the end hahahah
Anyways owo
Twas a fine, lovely afternoon—
No really, it was. Like... I was scrolling through the comments of my old fics and I saw,, Bella commented hahah
And I was all "oh cool :3"
Then a lil skip and I saw her, pandora-dusk, commenting on the post I have of the fic and I was all "huh.. is this the same person??" I thought it was, she's all "I found it!" Or smth, and hey said the fic was dope and I was all "omf is this secretly a famous person—"
So I checked her blog, and I was all, "yeah okay I feel this person is famous so why is she talking to me cjskcbskdn"
But like,, yeah,, twas dope hahah
And we only get to talk in the replies because I refuse to talk to someone famous cause I'd embarrass myself owo
But then, in one of our chats in the notes and such, she mentioned how she draws and such and I was all "NFKSNDKSN YOU DRAW :D" and hey, I told her that people would absolutely love her art and such and yeah, surprise surprise, she posted her drawings and I was all ":0!!!! YO DAS SO COOL!" And then I remember reblogging it and had some on my save tag hahaha
It's so dope hahah
But y'know what happened next? The lil shit Tumblrbot messaged me and I low-key panicked cause "omf did I do smth wrong am I getting kicked out of Tumblr???" You can tell my mind was racing, but when I saw their message and they just "hey, you liked pandora-dusk's post, you should try talking to her owo" and I was all "hahah w h a t—"
Legit it took me a while to actually try to message her cause I was just "hhhHhnnn okay but what if she's busy and she finds it annoying omfs cjsmxjsm"
But hey I just up and "fuck it, if I managed to message Dee despite them being famous too, why not her?" So I sucked it up and yeah, messaged her hahaha
If you saw Pan's post, then yeah, you'd see how it went down
Anyways yeah, after that, we didn't talk much and every time I check my notifs, my thumb just hovers over her icon cause I still wanna talk to her and such, but I feel like I'm annoying her, so I just wait for replies and such hahah
Tis sad, but hey
Then that thing with Jane Angst™ happened, and good lord the reblogs jcsmjdks hahahaha
It escalated to the point we made the Knight and the Princess and we finally took it to the DM's cause hah, the reblogs were getting long hahah
Okay so we made progress with the lil story of the Knight and Princess, yeah? I fucking shit you not, I did not sleep because of that hahahah
I think yesterday, yeah, we were talking about this ask and it went to that thing of us with the Princess and Knight, and I told her that I didn't sleep for her just to try to finish that, that's how special she was and I didn't even know her yet–
But hey yeah, another mini skip
Then more shit happened to me, I didn't sleep and twas already two, and then.. she messaged me hahah
And then told me so many things and I discovered more about her too
And I could feel myself falling for her
Do you know how scary that was hahaha
She's so amazing.. no chance, yeah? I convinced myself that there's no chance. As if we'd meet. As it she'd like me. No one likes me like that irl, so why would she like me? She doesn't even know me.
But,,, ehhh,,, idk man. Couldn't stop myself hahah
She's just so nice and so dope and so understanding. She's so caring, so talented, and just.. she's amazing in general. And that scared me so much hahaha
Cause I'm nothing owo
I always like people with no chance of liking me back and I've been hurt so much hahah
But did I continue liking her anyways? Yep.
It didn't help that after drawing human Tumblrbot, Al— well,, star anon during that time, sent asks how Pan and I are kinda T's parents and oh my god I was all "that's so fucking adorable but hhHhhH is she comfortable with this cjskjdk" then I saw her actually draw shit for T too and I was just ":'0!!" And yeah, I started falling more and more hahah
Everyday I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I keep telling myself to just forget her cause "there's no chance. No one likes you irl, why expect she'd like you? Once she sees what you look like, she's gonna be disgusted. Disgusted probably like everyone else." And that broke me.. cause hah.. I really did like her, but yeah, we don't talk much so I just "ehh.. sure.."
But did I really stop? Nah.
Look I fell hard jcksjxksns
And hey I kept gushing about her to the GC and to my best friend hahaha
Dee actually thought Pan and I were dating and I was all "hah, I wish—"
And then my best friend was all "omf you have a gf na without telling me—" but hey I told her we weren't together and she was all "WHAT??? BUT?? YOU TWO ARE SO SWEET???"
And yeah hahaha
Another timeskip
Like,, Halloween?? Yeah hahah
Halloween onwards
We started talking more and more and oh my god I fell h a r d
I get to know more about her and the more she shared the more I fell and like,,, the more I see her as herself hahah
And god, she's so amazing
She might not believe it, but she is
And everyday I keep telling her how she's so great, basically, I was trying to flirt with her hahahahah
Cause like,, there might be a small ass chance yeah? Yeah hahah
And hey,, we talked and such, and,, hahah it seems like we were together but not. I told her that when we finally meet, I'm taking her out on a date hahah
And yeaahhhhh,,,
Another mini skip, now it's November, and hah, the eleventh came and on the twelfth, we had like this swab test and such and I was scared af and I just "hhhnnn might as well"
So take note, in my part it's like?? What?? Twelve? Eleven going on twelve am
But in hers it's the afternoon still
So yeah, I confessed to her hahah
And yeah owo
I messaged my bestfriend first about it cause she was still online and yeah we celebrated hahahaha
But yeah, then we talked more, we saw what each other looked like (y'all she's so fucking pretty cjskjdks like goddamn) and surprisingly, she doesn't think I look like shit, then we called, and hcksjdksjs
It was just so great hahaha
And hey, yeah, we got to know more about each other and boom, we be here now owo
I hope that suffices cause my memory be shit and I probably missed a few but hey hahah
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clandestine-j · 3 years
911 - S5.01 Reaction / Review
so! this will be my first season of 911 that i watched while it was airing! and for that journey, i want to do episode reviews, idk if it'll always happen but i'm hyped so let's get to it! !
first the over-arching plot, the ransom hit. now, i saw a lot of people saying it was cheesy and over the top and took them out and etc...and but no, not for me lol. i guess i just love the visual's of the chaos, how they get out of the chaos. people paying more attention to road? love it, i love the fact that it was a bunch of people because i believe it to extent, the same as everything getting hacked. cars going crazy, clocks messing around, cars having their murder intent. it's just a mess and i love the mess.
i don't know what episodes jlh will be out for the season but before she leaves, i hope they delve into the post-partum the best they can. i know people hate seeing her cry and etc but sad maddie just does something to me. when she was late waking up, you could juse everything dragging her down. idk if the news is the best thing to watch but hey, maybe it is helping her. and chim, best husband, best boi.
also the funniest man ever, fight me.
but chim is such a loving guy and i just want the best for him. if chim wants the world, i'll get him the world.
hen is the best girl and her and karen are the cheesiest couple, i love it. karen dropping so much knowledge that david didn't get a chance to speak this episode. but hen has been her usual loving self and hen can do no wrong. ( and yes she did but if i delete that entire arch from my mind, it didn't happen ) but really, i'm glad to have her back and i don't want hen to leave even though she'd make an amazing doctor. U STILL SAVING PEOPLE GIRL.
i love the love between bobby and athena. when she woke up in the morning with bobby and harry making waffles (with cheese!) i love the family unit and how everyone works to make it work. it was heart breaking to watch bobby just watch athena and be worried about her. things are hard but if i believe in any relationship, i believe in theirs.  
also, i know some people aren't happy with that guy coming back but it's life. thing's don't move smoothly and sometimes you can't close the door on parts of your life whenever you want. but i know athena will not only overcome the trauma but kick his ass so i'm waiting for the sweet, sweet moment.
i think they shot eddie's panic attack well, the moment it started, how it took him a few seconds and the panic attack and etc. i can understand them not doing the ptsd for the shooting ( and honestly, i think buck would have it more than him ) but i do like that we see it's the normal pressure's of life. he's such a tightly wound guy that's it's good to see just life causing his crisis and that it wasn't done away with, he got a little shoot at that guy in the air control tower and i don't want to see eddie in pain but he does it well. and i'll shove it in here but worried!buck and emotional puddle!eddie, and then chim and hen being like 'these guys'
and then eddie and ana, it's so strange for me. they had a good meeting, the chemistry was there. then they had the skating hiccup but i thought they had chemistry and the writers went *boop* seriously, if i was ana's actress, i'd be offended. honestly, they could've cut half of taylor-buck to develop ana a bit more. maybe they always intended for her to go at some point because she doesn't have a job that connects to the main story but idk, maybe introduce her in another way? idk, i think potential was there and was wasted.
also, i wouldn't compare the buck-family scene to the ana-mom scene. one, it seems like she's letting eddie set the terms of their relationship because he is a father. it doesn't seem like they had an official title or maybe she was panicked about the thought of chris thinking she's trying to replace his mom so she went with friend because it's a safe and that's a touchy subject so i could get why she got tied up in a moment of awkwardness.
i also saw people saying it was awkward to flirt like that around chris but eddie started it and he didn't seem to mind. that moment had chemistry (or i'm just falling for eddie's shh face bc it was sexy) and couples do that all the time, adults do that.
i gag at the fact that they panned to ana when they asked if eddie had any new stress. and then going into that scene, i also saw comments that the relationship was ehhh (which it is) because she just looked worried and was silent but i saw it as a respect to eddie to not mention the shooting because it's his to mention. i like that it was chris who spoke up. force your dad to admit it.
and chris, eddie said he felt good about it but then it's he's not feeling it? does he really not want to go or is the suit fitting also bringing back memories of shanon and the last him he wore it? either way baby, you look amazing.
may isn't an a-lister actress but i don't think she's bad. i'm happy to see her grow as an actress and a dispatcher.
idk, i've said what i needed to say about buck-taylor but i've also seen peeps saying that buck wasn't upset about taylor grabbing his phone and using his face, which, he might not be. but you could see he wasn't expecting it and he was irritated about it but in normal buck fashion, he just pushed it away and followed along. which is fine, i guess, it's a relationship or whatever.
so, i think as far as people / relationships / things, i hit the big beats. so i'll have some more randomly listed thoughts.
i thought the judge was in on it because HIS CRIMES but i get that she was following the law and what he wanted wasn't wrong / there wasn't a reason to deny him ( i mean other than the people he hurt but i'm not a judge, just a person who watches )
and honestly, he brought up some good points, this was a good way to show how police work needs to be air-tight, it sucks but i could see him getting away with it ( and this was before he felt like skipping the court-room )
air traffic control people are mental because i wouldn't have taken for the scare to be over for me to pass out. nope. would've happened already
david is good looking
baby buck
you and chris at the christening
my stream started to lag around that part, the audio and etc was lagging and i just...
i don't know if the whole being fired thing was real or a plan but if it wasn't real, i could see her having been attracted to him before the case or felt something for him during it, she got caught up in whatever the groupies did
i don't think it was a plan for her to cut lou because even the dude looked shocked? so idk but man, that being played along side athena being happy and calling the victims, it hit hard.
pls don't be dead, pls
is the air traffic control person's name really soup? i wanna fight
albert? ravi?
maybe more things will come later but this all i can think about right now? i loved the opening scene of the 118 being together and all of them but i can't wait to see them in action, action.
this, an entire ramble of my thoughts.
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raviposting · 4 years
I was tagged by @swordmastersokkas and @superhero-bastards, thanks guys! <3
Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag some friends!
I choose: well, the last three fandoms that I reblogged onto my blog because I would have sat here for 30 minutes choosing otherwise. 
The Umbrella Academy 
Stranger Things
The first character you loved:
idk who was the first sibling to grace my screen probably....Diego? He seems like he’s very much my type?? Yeah okay I think it went, “Diego is exactly the type of character I lo-THE GHOST BROTHER IS THERE????” when I tell you that my brain cells went straight out the window.....
Oooh I do believe it would be Bobby. He just gave off soft dad vibes and I absolutely adored that. 
Oh my god Will, I saw him and was like! Child! My son! Must protect! 
The character you never expected to love so much:
Luther!! soft monkey man 💗 <-- straight up stealing Dani’s comment there. I always expected I’d end up liking Luther at some point but I love him so, so much now 
Athena!!! I had a hard time getting to like her and Buck, but I knew from gifsets that I’d end up loving Buck eventually so I just. Adore Athena and her character a lot and I’m very glad I do. 
STEVE. Oh my goodness the arc that he went through..I am so glad they decided to change his character into a good, sweet guy because he got a Zuko-version redemption (it’s v funny bc there’s a post detailing why Zuko’s redemption works and they can be applied to Steve’s in season 1 and!! Further evidence backing that post up if I could just FIND it lol). But I love Steve a lot!!! 
The character you relate to the most:
diego, vanya, and ben. no i shan’t elaborate (bc i already did in our discord server. talk about overshare. anyway join the dark side, we have bots and chaos) <--- Again, stealing Dani’s answer lol
Ooooh. Very hard. I think I want to say Chimney. I feel like I have elements of Maddie and Buck but overall I think I fit Chim’s vibe and he’s the character I’m the most similar to, but while hers is faaar more intense that mine I think Maddie’s arc and coping really gets to me and Buck is bi because he’s definitely bi so you know. 
Hm. I’m not super sure that I relate to any of them honestly? I think if I had to choose I’d say Robin, probably, but that’s it really. 
The character you’d slap:
reginald :) <---- agAIN, stealing dani’s answer
I don’t.....think there’s anyone lolol 
:))))) His name isn’t Whispers, that’s the dude from Sense8, but whatever tf that guy’s name was who experimented on El. :)))) Also Billy, because he’s a racist and hurt my boy Lucas
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
yes <-- I am once again saying that I am stealing Dani’s - okay fine, make me choose and obviously Ben is my favorite okay, and then Diego is my second favorite, what can I say, I’m weak for them. But all the other siblings are tied for third okay 
oooh very hard bc I like a lot of them equally uhhh okay 1. Maddie and Chimney no I won’t choose you can’t make me 2. Buck 3. hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng Bo...bby? Actually no, the entire Grant-Nash family is in #3 lol 
Steve, then the rest of the scoops troop, then either Will or Lucas! Best characters hands down honestly 
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
no <-- guess whose answer I stole this from 
idk if she really counts but Abby? I was more “meh whatever” on her to “ehhh I don’t think I really like her” but it teetered between that and neutrality 
I don’t not like him but I was....very much not a fan of the way they decided to write Hopper this last season and I feel like a lot of things make me go “I guess I’m electing to ignore this” to continue liking him I’m ngl
A character you did not like at first but now do:
…luther once again <-- do we even have to guess 
I don’t think I have anyone? 
I guess Murray. He gave off kind of creepy vibes season 2 imo and I wasn’t the biggest fan of him but I actually rather liked him in season 3! :)
Three OTPs:
diego/lila, vanya/sissy, allison/ray (and klaus/dave but we haven’t seen much of them) <--- Dani are we twins? I think we’re twins 
Buck/Eddie, Maddie/Chimney, and Bobbie/Athena (sorry @ hen and karen asdfjkl) 
I’m cheating bc this one is an OT3 but - Steve/Nancy/Jonathan (cowards, get them together!!!), Joyce/Hopper, and none of the kid ships are OTPs to me I just think the kids are adorable so like? I guess one of those ships 
I’m tagging: @superbandnerd99 @electro--coffee @incendiaglacies @zaritomaz @piggiesaregreen @vaughnsgreenwood and whoever else wants to do this :)
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wolfcrunch · 5 years
75, Izuku and Kaminari, angst? It might be a weird combo idk.
this was a really fun combo to write!! i haven’t written much kaminari before, so i hope i did him justice!
Prompt #75 - Can I be alone right now?
read on AO3 - request a prompt and character(s) for me to write!
Izuku would like to think that he had a pretty good grasp on the characters that made up his class, thank you very much. Not even a year had passed since they had started here, at U.A, and Izuku would be proud to call the nineteen other members of his class his friends.
Aside from the boy being very knowledgeable in all of their quirks (although this was not something he liked admitting out loud), but he figured he knew a great deal about the individual hobbies his classmates took on, or other little quirky things about them others might not notice.
He knew that Iida always set aside an hour for reading every day, except Sunday’s where he did two. He knew Uraraka, despite her money issues, often liked to partake in homemade craft, often using disposable items that people were about to recycle. He knew that Asui (no, Tsu, he reminded himself) had a collection of pebbles and small rocks in her room, some she had been holding onto since she was a small child with a variety of colors, sizes and shapes.
Kirishima often liked to make his own little wooden figurines that he painted as gifts, thanks to his quirks. Ashido was amazingly good at cooking spicy foods, sometimes even managing to rival Kacchan. Tokoyami would take any sweaters or jumpers that somehow got left in the common room, ’borrowing’ them in his room for the time being and Jirou seemed to, surprisingly, be a big fan of classical and orchestral music. Yaoyorozu and Kouda seemed to both be fans of writing and drawing, respectively.
Last he knew, the latter two were trying to work together and make a short story about their classmates, which he honestly couldn’t wait to see.
But yes, Izuku would say that he knew all of his classmates fairly well - even Kacchan, as hostile as ever, seemed to have a fascination in reptiles of all creatures, and was currently set on getting permission from Mr. Aizawa to bring one to the dorms.
The boy didn’t know if this was normal or not…after all, before coming to U.A, he hadn’t had many, if any friends at all, reluctant to even consider that Kacchan so close…so can you really blame him, wanting to know everything he could about his classmates?
 But if he was being honest…there was one classmate who despite all of this, and despite his own outwardly demeanor…Izuku had to admit that he knew the least about this particular student. 
And it wasn’t that he wasn’t observing the other - it was quite the opposite, really. It just appeared that the student, Kaminari, knew how to hide his interests extremely well. It wasn’t something one would call the electricity-quirked user - secretive.
But…Izuku didn’t know what else to put to the other boy. Maybe he was just really shy with whatever it was that he liked doing? But surely he knew none of the class would laugh or make fun of him…
Not to mention that he wasn’t exactly the closest with the blond - who was usually a member of Kacchan’s small group, and the thought of asking the explosive blond leader was out of the question. Kacchan would tell him…but in his own loud, profanity-filled Kacchan-esque way.
No, if Izuku wanted to get closer to another classmate, this was the perfect opportunity. This was his chance.
 And Izuku might not be the best when it came to socializing and getting together with others…but surely it couldn’t be that hard, right?
 "Ah, Kaminari!!“
Izuku had waited until the following Monday, carefully keeping an eye on the blond as the group finished their classes for the day, waiting until they all got back to the dorms before he decided to approach the other with a raised hand and a light call. The boy startled out of whatever conversation he’d been having with Mineta, and Izuku only felt a little bad.
Judging by the blush and slight nosebleed on Mineta’s face, he should give himself a bigger pat on the back for stopping wherever that talk had been heading.
The other hero-in-training looked confused, and Izuku couldn’t really blame him - neither went out of their way that much to talk about one another. Izuku could only smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Ah, it’s about the English assignment we got today…I know you’re pretty good with English, and Todoroki’s not available to help out today…mind if we maybe work out the assignment together?”
Kaminari looked shocked, as if he’d literally shocked himself with his own quirk. “You want me…to help you?”
 In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t the best excuse…but Izuku wasn’t exactly lying either. His English could be downright awful at times. Even with his admiration of All Might…it left him with something less than desired.
 "I…I don’t think I could really be that helpful, eh? I’d just be distraction…“
Izuku refused to back down, "Think about it, Kaminari– you say you always have trouble writing it all down, right? We can help each other…I could even give you some notes on our Maths and Art classes-”
Kaminari moved in the blink of an eye, snatching Izuku’s arms. “Why didn’t you say anything before?! Man, not that I appreciate help from Kacchan, but he can be a reaaaal bummer!”
Izuku smiled at the use of his childhood friend’s nickname, letting the other teen start to drag him along towards the elevators. “So I take that as a yes?”
“Totally!! Oh, dude, we’re gonna have soo much fun!” It seemed as if Kaminari forgot the whole reason they were doing this already, “We’ll go to my room…no offence, but studying and doing homework, All Might watching me from every corner? A real creepy vibe, dude.”
 "Haha, yeah…….wait, what?“
 "Just throw your stuff wherever ya need to, bro!”
Izuku had seen the blond’s room once - when they had first moved in. He’d been…surprised, sure, by the others taste. But this…
“What an…interesting set up…”
Izuku had no clue where to look first. Kaminari just grinned, trotting right in and all but dumping his schoolbag onto the small table in the middle of the room, books spilling out as he searched through to find his English book.
 And that’s when Izuku saw it.
 A small notebook slid out, falling off the edge and landing on the floor with a quiet thump. Kaminari, too engrossed in finding the correct schoolwork, didn’t notice as Izuku walked over, picking up the notebook carefully in both hands.
It seemed to be about the same size as most of his quirk analysis notebooks…and it seemed extremely worn out, like it had been used a lot. On the front, in big kanji, was just one word that make the unruly-haired teen’s eyes lighten up in excitement.
Ehhh?! Kaminari keeps a book on quirks?! I mean, I guess it could be anything really…maybe he just thinks of quirks that would be cool to have? Or maybe…
“Hey, Kaminari? I never knew you were one for liking to know things about quirks!” Izuku proclaimed, waving the book around shyly with a hand as the blond’s head whipped up to look at him with wide eyes. Izuku just grinned, turning the notebook over in his hands, almost admiring it. “We should compare notes sometime! It’d be interesting to see how different or alike our notes could be…do you keep updated on heroes or just the class?”
As Izuku spoke excitedly, his scarred fingers began to open the cover of the book. He had no time to react to what came next. As fast as a snake striking, Kaminari’s hand grabbed onto Izuku’s wrist, squeezing tightly as the other hand grasped the book, snatching it out of Izuku’s own.
All Izuku could do was give some sort of yelp of surprise, yanking his hand back hard enough to almost stumble the other teen with his eyes wide.
A throbbing pain started in Izuku’s wrist, and he hissed, covering it with his free hand. “What was that for?”
The One for All user hadn’t seen how Kaminari’s face darkened, snapping back. “You shouldn’t open up other people’s stuff, Midoriya.”
 Izuku had never heard as much malice in the others tone, and even Kaminari seemed caught off guard, taking a step back. “Holy crap dude, I didn’t mean to snap!” he murmured apologetically, keeping his distance as he set the notebook aside on his shelf. “Really, I was way out of line…my notes aren’t any good though, sorry to grab you like that. Is your wrist alright?”
“Ah…yeah, it’s ok…” Izuku mumbled , stretching his fingers before looking at the boy who’d lashed out. “It should be fine.”
“Let me go get you an ice pack from downstairs!” Kaminari insisted, hurrying towards his door. “We can compare notes when I get back, if you’re still up for it?”
 Izuku didn’t like the unease crawling in his gut, listening halfheartedly as the other told him to sit down and wait before dashing out. Izuku’s free hand tentatively rubbed at his sore wrist, frowning slightly at the force his classmate had decided to use.
Man, I mean, he’s right…but I’ve never seen Kaminari react like that before, and I know he tends to let other people get way closer than that…
An uneasy thought nagged at him, suggesting that perhaps the other had been hiding something within the notebooks contents - but Izuku decided to push that away with a shake of his head. This was Kaminari, after all, one of the nicest people in the class! Surely he, of all people, wasn’t hiding anything to warrant that kind of reaction…
Izuku found himself carefully, quietly heading to the very same shelf Kaminari had put the notebook in the middle of the conflict, only hesitating for a few moments before he reached out, taking the item and sighing softly.
This feels really bad but…I feel like something’s…
Izuku couldn’t really put his finger on the unnatural, bad feeling about it all.
He opened the book–
only for the first page to be empty.
 Frowning, Izuku flipped through the next five, that were equally as blank, and stopped for a moment, eyes raking down the page critically. 
Is it invisible ink maybe? Or maybe he hasn’t even written anything…
But the hero student flipped to the next page, and his throat ran dry. For this page was full…very full. He nearly dropped it, green eyes frantically scanning the pages.
 His stomach crawled as he read the information on the page.
 Name: Aoyama Yuuga (Hero Name: Can’t Stop Twinkling)
D.O.B: 30/5/2XXX
Quirk: Naval Laser
Strengths: Able to shoot out laser in various spots with hero costume. Hyper-aware of surroundings. Able to bend his own light in various shapes. His quirk is exceptionally powerful on its own, and he has deadly accurate aim.
Weaknesses: Stomach hurts after using quirk at full-blast for 10-20 seconds. Has a bit of an ego. Body isn’t very adaptable to his quirk without his belt. Seems to be the odd one out in the class, and acts strangely around them - stands out.
Aoyama seems to think extremely highly of himself, and it would be quite easy to go under the guise of a fan of his, or even a civilian asking about what he calls his “fashion sense”. He loves anything related to France, as well as cheese. Not terribly too smart, but not one you would want to mess with, either. Has not yet trained himself in much when it comes to hand-to-hand or quirkless battling, and being hit with his quirk isn’t an option. Close range battling is best for taking him out.
Rating: 1/5. Body is too unstable to use for different quirks -  however his quirk, with the right base, would be acceptable for H.E.N Project #021
 and that wasn’t all - in any clear space were pictures of the boy himself in all his glory, for once unaware a photo had been taken. There was also a picture taken of the boys hero costume, little bits of writing detailing every part, and even where he would be most vulnerable to strike.
On the next page stated more information about the other blond in their class - his birthplace, current address, and even the basic information about his immediate family - and their quirks, too!
What the hell is all of this…? And this H.E.N Project…
 Izuku wanted to put the book down and leave, feeling a chill go down his spine…but the boy kept going, flicking through the pages and feeling his stomach sink even lower with every filled page he came across.
Ashido Mina
Asui Tsuyu
Iida Tenya
Uraraka Ochako
Mashirao Ojirou
Kirishima Eijirou
Kouda Koji
Satou Rikido
Shouji Mezou
Jirou Kyouka
Sero Hanta
Tokoyami Fumikage
Todoroki Shouto
Hagakure Tooru
Bakugou Katsuki…
 and finally,
 Midoriya Izuku
 Izuku didn’t know how long he had been sitting there, staring at the bottom of Kacchan’s final page before turning it to his own, not sure what he was suppose to be expecting. Well, what he had been expecting, at the least, was writing about as detailed as all his other classmates.
But how wrong he was.
Kaminari’s assessment on him didn’t only have pictures on the hero student himself - no. There were pictures of several others - heroes.
All Might and Gran Torino.
Izuku’s heart sped up, all air leaving his lungs when he also noticed older photos - not of him, but of an younger Gran Torino, of a younger All Might.
Of Shimura Nana. All Might’s mentor.
Izuku’s hands shook as he finally read the information listed, although his green eyes only stuck to one very specific part, one that just about sent the boy into pure terror at the thought of being found out.
 Quirk: One for All.
Counterpart to All for One. One for All allows Midoriya to have access to immense speed and strength. He is currently the ninth holder, inheriting the quirk from All Might, and is likely being trained to be the next Symbol of Peace. One for All grows as the holder grows and mends with the quirk themselves, meaning that Midoriya’s output will eventually be much stronger than that of All Might in his prime. It also appears that One for All can influence the user whenever stuck under any quirks that capture their mind, or force them to go against their will. One for All is not able to be stolen, and can only be passed with the holder’s permission. This quirk can cause dreams forced by those previous, some of which can cause the quirk to lash out violently whilst the current user is sleeping.
 No…no way…Kaminari…
He know’s about One for All!
 Izuku slammed the book shut, putting the book back where he found it as he stumbled back, eyes wide and body almost trembling. His hands found their way to the straps of his backpack, clutching tightly.
He knows about One for All…I know I’ve almost spilled it a couple of times, but there can’t be any way he could’ve heard one of my talks with All Might, or even Kacchan…No one else would’ve told him. No one else knew the secret and Kaminari well enough to talk about it, especially not to his face! What the heck am I suppose to tell All Might?!
 All for One.
It felt as if cold water had been thrown over Izuku at the suggestion conquered up…logically, there was no other way the electric quirked boy knew but…
Kaminari…working with All for One? The League of Villains…?
 …it all made too much sense. The attacks. The camp. Kacchan’s kidnapping and Kamino…everything.
He felt sick. Emotions coiled and squeezed at his insides, as if stones were weighing him down under water, and Izuku wasn’t aware of how hard he had been biting his lip, the coppery iron taste of blood filling his mouth. His face paled at what exactly he was accusing the other boy of.
Of being a traitor…
 I have to go…I can’t be here, it’s too dangerous–
He couldn’t take the book with him. It would arouse too much suspicion. Izuku turned his back on the notebook, hurrying to the door, which Kaminari hadn’t closed behind him. But just before he got out to the hallway–
“Midoriya? Dude, you alright? You’re looking kinda pale there.”
Izuku jumped almost several feet in the air, whipping around in fright as Kaminari appeared at the other end of the hallway, coming to meet him with an ice pack in one hand. The One for All user couldn’t help but step back, earning a puzzled look from the blond.
“A-Ah, sorry Kaminari…something came up,” Izuku couldn’t stop the stutter in his voice, pulling on his bag straps and forcing a wane smile across his face in an attempt to convince the other. “My, uh, my mum called me. Something happened at home and I– I just really gotta go and sort this out, you know? I need to…can I be alone right now?”
Izuku’s gaze averted to the carpet hallway flooring, toeing at the material before he made to go around Kaminari, giving him another uncertain smile. “Thanks for the ice pack, but my wrist barely hurts–”
 Izuku blinked, and Kaminari went on the offensive. With his quirk crackling around his fingers, the blond had struck out, slamming a hand on Izuku’s chest and letting loose. All in time that was not enough for the target to react as the taller boys quirk reacted immediately, striking out.
The electricity ran its course through Izuku’s veins, setting them alight in fiery pain as he let out a shriek - one that Kaminari quickly covered up with his other hand, dropping the ice pack. Izuku’s legs gave way as the shocks zapped and crackled across his entire body, limbs locking up with Izuku’s mouth gaping open. His throat closed over, stopping any oxygen.
With a vision swimming of black and white, Izuku tried to give out a weak cry, doing his best to fight off the unconsciousness that threatened to submerge him. The sting of copper filled the back of his mouth, and Kaminari crouched besides the fallen boy, golden eyes watching him like a predator.
Kaminari, hair standing up due to the voltage of his quirk, only gave a sickly sweet smile at his classmates predicament, going to pat the cheek of the freckled boy. His voice was muffled, but Izuku could still hear him. Hear the calmness cold that took over the others tone.
"If only you had kept your hands to yourself, Deku…what a naive little hero wannabe.”
No…I can’t…All Might!! Someone…!
But the downed boy couldn’t move his mouth, his tongue as heavy as led, and the student above him sighed.
“I kinda liked your work ethic, ya know? But, well…all good things gotta come to an end, right?”
 And that was the last thing Izuku heard, his body finally going into shutdown and static filling his eardrums, the unconsciousness gripping him and dragging him into the void with its deathly claws, claiming its prize.
  Kaminari scowled at the now knocked-out boy, scoffing as he got up and nudged the smaller boy’s face with his foot. What an idiot.
He quickly looked, making sure no one was entering the floor nor leaving their rooms before he grabbed hold of one of Izuku’s arms, dragging him into his room and shutting the door behind him.
“That was easier than I thought…”
Dragging him across the floor, Kaminari quickly found some rope he had stored away to tie and bound the others arms and legs, shoving him all too roughly into his closet before fishing his phone out of his pocket.
The number he dialed he practically knew off by heart, and he was sure to send a password via text so that the receiver knew it was in fact him.
The phone rung three times before being picked up.
“You better have a good reason for calling, kid.”
  Kaminari couldn’t help the grin that spread across his features. The giddiness that filled his being, almost wanting to make the boy prance around his room in delight.
“Dr. Tsubasa, I got him. Midoriya Izuku is ready for transport to your facility.”
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court-of-pokemuses · 4 years
Every Bruno ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship
Took out category of Bruno and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Bruno with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon. 
Also ships where a human and one of Bruno’s pokemon have been taken out because again pokephilia. So many people are shipped specifically with his clefablee for some reason
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Bruno w/ a Villian:
Top rated ships: Iapetos, and Tortuga shipping
Bottom rated ships: Battalion, Indistinct, Krypton, and Reprobate shipping
BattalionShipping - Archer & Bruno 0/10 Everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, why the F! Bruh naw I don’t see it. Bruno is too pure for Archer and if anything Archer would just manipulate the Frick out of him.
EquiusShipping - Bruno & Mars 3/10 Mars too! Like seriously she’s everywhere. Eh I mean they both have happy personalities and I could see it working a bit better, but still I dunno how smoothly they’d work together considering life directions. 
GroundworkShipping - Bruno & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni gets around the most out of anyone though, and always has such a dope ship name. Also hahahaha, no, yeah no Bruno too fluffy. 
IapetosShipping - Bruno & Maxie 4/10 Ehhhhh, maaaaybe? I dunno I just they have some more compatibility as others but if they were together it’d be one of those grumpy lad with fluffy muscle boi. 
IndistinctShipping - Bruno & Petrel 0/10 Bruno why would you put Bruno with the trigger happy lad???? No no no danger!!!
KryptonShipping - Bruno & Proton 0/10 Proton is like that guy who wants to murder every npc in the d&d party, naw.
ReprobateShipping - Bruno & Ariana 0/10 Reprobate means someone without morals so Ariana would likely flirt, and Bruno would 100% not realize what’s going on until like they’re in the bedroom and then you’ve got Bruno breaking the door down to leave cause he’s panicking. 
TortugaShipping - Archie & Bruno 4/10 Heh 2 muscle bros? Ok kinda cute, but if anything I think it’d be even cuter as best bro friends that work out, just saying. friends 10/10
Bruno w/ a Champion:
IronRingShipping - Bruno & Steven Stone 6/10 Heh, ok could be cute. I mean Steven’s kinda a wholesome soul, but they’ve both got some shady stuff too it could be kinda cute. 
PotentialShipping - Bruno & Lance 5/10 The name is amazing for this. Eh potential maybe especially with Bruno’s whole mind being scrambled about thanks to Rocket and his early time with Lance getting also lost. But yeah idk maaaaybe?
Bruno w/ an elite:
Top rated ships: StrongestKnight, Control/StrikingIce, and Giant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Bauble, Despondency, and MuscleBurn shipping 
***BaubleShipping - Bruno & Agatha -50/10 Oh gosh plz no, Agatha is the one that made his brain all messed up. He forgives her but he’s not gonna romance her. Plus age gap much?
ControlShipping/StrikingIceShipping - Bruno & Lorelei 9/10 Heck yes please I think this one would be super cute. Again Bruno would kinda have all those memories gone, but at the same time maybe that’d be the sparking point for them talking again. 
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen 4/10 HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT’S IT LIKE IN NEW YORK CITY! I’M A THOUSAND MILES AWAY BUT GIRL TON- Anyway so now that’s out of my system, I think it works smoother than Karen and Koga but I still like the vibe of the four of them being like a family with each other. 
DespondencyShipping - Bruno & Will 1/10 I like this less than Delilah cause Karen connects with Koga, and Will connects with Bruno. It’s like they each have their own older mentor to help them with their specific things to adapt to civilian life. 
ForesightShipping - Bruno & Phoebe 3/10 Phoebe gotta go get shipped around with every other human too. Ehhh kinda cute? But there are others I can see her with better. 
GiantShipping - Bruno & Marshal 8/10 Big bois over here flexin! Yeah I think it could be cute. They’re very similar in personality Bruno is just a golden retriever and Marshal is a Rottweiler. I think it’s cute. 
*JourneyShipping - Bruno & Lucian 7/10 The journey they went on was how the frick to read good. Seriously poor Bruno watches this man whip through a book meanwhile he’s struggling cause he keeps forgetting words. I could see it tbh either with Lucian helping him read and they fall for each other, or just friends with one helping the other. 
LaeliaShipping - Bruno & Caitlin 3/10 Eh maybe? I don’t really feel how they'd really hit it off, but they likely would have some fun as friends though. 
MuscleBurnShipping - Bruno & Flint (elite) 2/10 They’re just gonna be 2 nerds screaming at each other and making bad decisions, but Bruno trying to stop Flint. Please let them be friends and make these mistakes.
ReturnShipping - Bruno & Koga 5/10 Yeah ok this swings between cute as flip to but their friendship is cuter! I’m down for either direction. 
StrongestKnightShipping - Bruno & Wikstrom 10/10 YES! This is cute as frick it’s currently being shipped and I love all of it. 2 wholesome bois who also happen to talk kinda odd, and are muscly. Also bless that ship name, get Bruno Armor please.
Bruno w/ a Gym leader:
Top rated ships: Toughie, Bancho, Ataraxia, and TarotSport shipping
Bottom rated ships: IsshinRyu, Kendo, Rurouni, and Zubon shipping
AtaraxiaShipping - Bruno & Gardenia 10/10 Ok when I first talked about who to ship Bruno with one of them was Gardenia and I still ship it. She has the same wholesome soul as Bruno, and energy but with that soft taking care of plants vibe and it’s cute.
BanchoShipping - Bruno & Jasmine 10/10 This is a Jasmine ship that I do enjoy alot more than others. Bruno does well with wholesome folks, and Jasmine really is top tier wholesome levels. Also she maybe small but home girl tough as nails. Watch her sit on his shoulder to see a concert play or other cute things with their size differences.
**BlackbeltShipping - Brock & Bruno 0/10 Don’t really get this one tbh. Like they both take really good care of their pokemon, and that’s about it....
DjinnShipping - Bruno & Roark 2/10 idk why but I’m just imagining Roark and Bruno in the underground Roark mentioning they’ll have to go around awhile to get this place, and Bruno just punches his way through walls to get there. I dunno I just want them as bros. 
DrillSergeantShipping - Bruno & Lt. Surge 2/10 ....Usually I can see Lt. Surge with a fair amount of people, and like they’ve both been through some trauma in their lives so like I should be able to see it but I just can’t???? idk here
**FrostHeaveShipping - Bruno & Brycen 4/10 Weirdly I kinda see it. Idk just let Bruno find out the other has a whole secret life as an actor and gush over trying to keep the secret. 
GestaltShipping - Bruno & Morty 1/10 The name baffles me. Like I’m just saying prt of a whole? What does that mean? Also naw Morty is too salty of a boi.
*GrasshopperShipping - Bruno & Bugsy 0/10 I need someone to confirm Bugsy’s age before I can feel comfortable shipping him with anyone. I’m just imagining Bruno training his young grasshopper, Bugsy, who is trying to get swol!
IsshinRyuShipping - Bruno & Janine -50/100 0_0 Koga would understandably kill him, and there is no way Bruno could see her like that.
KendoShipping - Bruno & Pryce 0/10 Even without the trauma he caused Will and Karen from the manga no. Like age gap wildly bad.
MikageShipping - Bruno & Clair 5/10 Eh could be cute. I see them bonding via beating each other up though in training. 
MontevideoShipping - Bruno & Volkner 2/10 I feel like Bruno would try to cheer him up and then it wouldn’t go over well, and yeah Volkner is just too broody. 
MuramasaShipping - Bruno & Maylene 6/10 Like him and Clair but Maylene is more wholesome so better chance.
RollerDojoShipping - Bruno & Korrina 4/10 Cute but I am more partial to other ships with Korrina so I don’t see it as much. 
RurouniShipping - Bruno & Roxanne 0/10 I still feel weird shipping Roxanne cause idk her age! F it her only ship is Bugsy fite me. Besides she has that know it all vibe and I just feel like Bruno would feel dwarfed cause of his voice tik.
SenseiShipping - Brawly & Bruno 2/10 Freaking Brawly getting around too. Ship name kinda says the dynamic with Bruno as a teacher and Brawly the student. If you’re into that dynamic then I can see it, but for me it’s ehhh. 
SitDownShipping - Bruno & Flannery 7/10 What is this name?! XD I kinda think it’s cute just Flannery screaming as she does to show confidence and Bruno screaming back cause he thinks it’s appropriate and them both being a general mess. 
TarotSportShipping - Bruno & Sabrina 10/10 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It’s cute Sabrina is broody like volkner ye but we’ve also seen she has a soft spot for people that make her laugh and Bruno is one of those guys who’s unintentionally pretty funny. Also this is just April and Andy from parks and rec.
TokyoRainShipping - Bruno & Erika 5/10 She’s super soft and wholesome, and I see it more than other ships with Erika. Ehhh idk on this. 
ToughieShipping - Bruno & Whitney 10/10 HOW OLD IS WHITNEY!? Also frick I really hope she’s an adult cause they have the vibe of, guy who looks like he can and would beat you up but his girl friend is the one who is 100% more willing to throw hands. 
VentifactShipping - Bruno & Falkner 0/10 Falkner and Janine tho. Anyways I don’t see what they’d connect on. 
*VestigeShipping - Bruno & Misty 0/10 Naw Misty is like too abrasive for me. And like I know that’s kinda why I like him and Whitney but the difference is that Whitney hides her savageness. 
YevonShipping - Bruno & Elesa 4/10 Kinda cute can see Elsa introducing him to new fashion and all. But there are other ships with Elsa I think would work better. 
ZubonShipping - Bruno & Chuck 0/10 Chuck has a wife and forgets her all the time. No hurting fluffy Bruno boi like that.
Bruno w/ Professor or prof assistant
HokkaidoShipping - Bruno & Celio 2/10 I......what would they have in common exactly?
***ContemplationShipping - Bruno & Professor Oak 0/10 Bruh Oak???? No yeah like c’mon really, no, just I can’t see them being anymore than friends.
GnosisShipping - Bill & Bruno 5/10 Idk maybe? Like Billy gets into shenanigans what with becoming a pokemon and Bruno trying to help with stuff only to end up with a fussy Bill. Kinda cute.
Bruno w/ Minor GAME npcs:
*PersevereShipping - Bruno & Zinnia 8/10 Please. Give me feral girl with confused boi who’s trying to figure out what her deal is. Also them both having small pink pokemon is cute. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 While I do want to see them on a journey/pilgrimage together I don’t see them coming out of it shipped too easily. 
*PowerHouseShipping - Bruno & Greta 1/10 Wild choice, and she reminds me of all the other punchy hit gals but on the same level of connections Korrina but alot less. 
Bruno w/ Minor ANIME npcs:
OsakaShipping - Bruno & Kathi Lee 2/10 Diantha’s manager huh? I mean they’d be cute but I don’t see it lasting long term with Bruno’s lazy habits here and there. 
*PlayFightShipping - Bruno & Duplica 0/10 I think they’d have a fun dynamic but as friends and nothing romance coming out of that. 
Bruno w/ Orre, or Ranger character
EngrishShipping - Bluno & Bruno 0/10 They are just shipped cause of the names, and I don’t see anything else. 
LoveMuscleShipping - Bruno & Lovrina 0/10 Guess what, bam bah bum, she’s a child! and always acts childish. 
Bruno and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: IndigoLeague, and SelfDefenceAgainstFruit shipping
Bottom rated ships: SecretTechniques, QuizzicalBlackbelt, and Ringside shipping
DawnguardShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Marshal, Korrina & Maylene 10/10 This is just all the punch bois and gals together but with a cool name. Although tbh I am totally here for them all hanging out or all being guards in some au. 
*MayleneFatalFourwayShipping - Bruno, Byron, Crasher Wake & Marshal 9/10 The name gives me concern. Are these just all people shipped with Maylene? Ahhh idk I think they’d be good pals tho catch em all teaching each other Dif training techniques.  GachimuchiShipping - Bruno, Chuck & Crasher Wake 7/10 This is the crash and brash gang, and they will wreck everything mostly on accident. 
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen 1000/10 YES! GOOD CREW! great buds, SUPER GREAT LOVE EM!
IndigoPlateauShipping - Bruno, Blue (game), Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 9/10 A good group except for the fact that Agatha traumatized the boi, and Blue can be a butt and wasn’t champion as long. Great group video game wise but story wise kinda hard to play with. 
ISMRSShipping - Bruno, Misty & Yellow (Special) 8/10 I can not figure out what the ISMRS means. I’m gonna see this group as feisty girl, big buff guy, and neutral girl  on an epic adventure! And yea I think it’d be fun. 
OriginalEliteFourShipping - Bruno, Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 10/10 Same thing and indigo plateau. It good but kinda limited, but if nothing else time when they’re all in Rocket you got cool story potential. 
***QuizzicalBlackbeltShipping - Brock, Bruno, Aria (anime) & Felicity 3/10 I wanna break this down for ya we got breeder/gym leader Brock boi, the swellest boi Bruno, a super contest lady, oh and someone who appears as TCG art for the lot game corner. This is a wild amalgamation of characters. 
RingsideShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake & Maylene 5/10 They all train on the beach, that's it that’s the only thing I got for this ship. 
SecretTechniquesShipping - Bruno, Karuta & Koga 2/10 It’s trying to be focused on a ninja ship but I don’t think Bruno is much of a ninja so it feels forced.
*****SelfDefenceAgainstFruitShipping - Bruno, Cherubi, Tropius & berries 420/10 (for meme worthiness, and ship has nothing to do with weed just adding o the meme) I AM AWARE OF WHAT THE REFRENCE IS HERE AND HECK YEAAAAAAAAH, gosh this is a dumb ship the reference btw, it’s 3 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjYeHBWvKA 
ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite) 10/10 All of the elites, all of them, in one room, and hanging out. Heck ye let em party it up. 
TripleThreatShipping - Bruno, Crasher Wake & Marshal 10/10 Idk why but they feel like the most cohesive punchy bois as a group. 
Bruno’s pokemon shipped w/ other pokemon:
HiddenLegendShipping - Clefable & Suicune (Bruno's & Misty's) 1/10 Did....did Misty get a suicune at some point??? Also hidden legend, are you telling me that clefable is like legendary quality rn. what is this cleanable and I’m confused! MaskFableShipping - Clefable & Yamask (Bruno's & James's) 1/10 I mean Yanmask has some fun personality and I think James and Bruno would have some good friendship but idk how to feel about a ship there. 
StrongFableShipping - Clefable & Snivy (Bruno's & Ash's) 1/10 Please explain to me a thing about why Snivy??? Anyway yeah also when is he gonna see Ash much?? StrongLoveShipping - Clefable & Golem (Bruno's & Bruno's) 10/10 See at least these two can actually see each other often. Also yeah I do think it cuter than most like I mean they can actually be with each other and fluff with big rock boi is cute.  WrestlingFableShipping - Clefable & Hawlucha (Bruno's & Ash's) 3/10 Again when they seeing each other? And I mean kinda like the wrestle bpi and fluffy girl but still how it gonna work?
Other Ships Mun likes 
BandagedknucklesShipping - Bruno & Cheryl 100/10 Look Cheryl is soft and cute. Bruno is soft and a sweet boi. They’d be adorable together I’m just saying. Also Cheryl getting into the chaos she gets into and Bruno being the muscle acting like a body guard to her when she needs it. Cute shiz ok!
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam France 2.5 reaction
I got really heated about that auction, apologies
Episode 5
Clip 1 - Giving away Manon’s clothes
Ohhh my God. Even though this is one of the crappier things Eskild/Mickael does in the series, he is hilarious here. This actor is killing it. 
“What did you say?” “That you look great sweetie.” A+ timing and delivery.
He’s even more dickish and terrible than Eskild was in this situation, but not gonna lie, I’m enjoying every second of his screen time
So Manon is organizing the collection herself? I feel like that provides a somewhat different context. Noora was very much motivated by Eskild’s words to her to start caring about refugees, not that she didn’t care about them at all but she felt guilty about not doing enough. Noora also had some ignorant spots, she thought Lito must be a Syrian refugee when he’s the son of a Turkish ambassador. Of course Eskild was in the wrong in the way he went about taking her clothes, especially since it was motivated by getting laid, but Noora had her own hypocrisy. Manon seems quite genuine about helping the migrants.
Clip 2 - Fuckweasel auction imminent
 It would be nice if we had heard about Manon’s involvement with the clothes drive earlier, but that’s good of her and that’s a very different take because I think Noora wasn’t as proactive.
The amount of sympathy I have for a bunch of spoiled dudes trashing a hotel room and having to pay for it … zero.
Wait, so not only are they having a fundraiser to cover for their destruction, they’ve put it on the same night as an already scheduled event for migrants? Man, fuck them. How did they manage to be worse than the original?
I mean depending on the school, it’s common for multiple events to happen at that same time, that’s not unusual. But lol, some dudes holding a fundraiser to cover for their terrible behavior at the same time other people have arranged a fundraiser for people in genuine need … not a good look.
The Norwegian version of this scene was way more personal, which makes sense since it was a bedroom scene and it was less hurried.
Clip 3 - Manon is mad
I don’t have much to say about this scene except Manon is completely justified in being pissed. The guy who professes to have feelings for her and wants a relationship with her scheduled a fundraiser to cover his and his friends’ property damage on the same night she is working an event for people in need. Like I guess he could just not know about the other fundraiser, but he’s doing something that’s going to actively take away from her charity event. 
The saving grace is that Charles doesn’t try to justify this and he looks somewhat humbled/upset by her telling him off.
Clip 4 - Daphne please get a grip
“We were talking about what happened with Charles and his crew and it’s really horrible what happened” yeah it’s really horrible that some teenage assholes destroyed a hotel room. Daphne is talking about it like a rival team paid to have their kneecaps broken and now they can’t play basketball anymore.
Call me humorless but Manon is completely right and even more justified in being angry than Noora was, like Vilde was suggesting they give up some of their bus money - unfair and it was their own earned funds, but at least it was going to something that’s fun/frivolous, not a necessity. Why the fuck would you give time you meant for a charity event to some shitheads who wrecked property?!?!?!
I mean it’s not even like “their bus broke down and they can’t get to games and they’re having a fundraiser to buy a new one” or “there was a fire in the gym and now they can’t practice so they’re raising money to rent a new space.” Buying new uniforms or equipment for their team or something. They CAUSED their own problem.
“Since it’s so important to you I’ll give 10% of the night’s benefits to migrants.”
Hey, you know what would be a really impressive thing for Charles to do? Call off the fundraiser to cover the asses of his crew and direct everyone’s attention to the clothing distribution event for migrants. That would be a humble, selfless action where he actually makes a sacrifice.
Does that sound too extreme? Am I being too hard on him? Maybe, but why is Charles/William consistently doing the minimum decent thing, often for self-serving reasons, and yet we’re supposed to buy into his character development and think he’s a great guy?  
What if Charles got his guys to give everything to the migrants regardless of whether Manon attended? What if Charles went to help Manon out instead of going to his own fundraiser? Doesn’t that seem like an obvious storytelling decision in terms of showing us he’s a good guy? Wouldn’t that be something Manon could respect and we could see why she starts to like him as a person and had to reconsider her opinion of him?
This is just such a deeply strange storyline to me! Charles and his friends act like assholes. They try to raise money to recoup the losses from when they were assholes inconveniencing other people. There is another event for a much better cause, for people genuinely in need. Charles offers a smallish percentage of the profits from his fundraiser to the people in need, but only if the girl he likes comes to the event. How … in the world … why am I supposed to like this character?
This is annoying me even more than the original, maybe because the Penetrators were not directly competing against a charity event. 
Imane has a nice line about showing solidarity to human beings, not a religion (because not all the migrants are Muslim).
Clip 5 - Help the spoiled brats and some other people, IDK
Wow they really underplayed this Emma/Yann storyline. I’m not sure they built up to Emma’s drunken meltdown enough.
Daphne is so embarrassing about Charles, please put this one-sided relationship out of its misery.
Soooo is Lucas already flirting with guys, kind of?  At least they got in a nice shocked moment for Lucas when Emma says he likes boys.
Drunk Emma interrupts Alex talking to a guy … poor form, Emma, poor form.
I did laugh at how Daphne being like “I’ve known you for a while and we have this special relationship” meant boy Alex started to close in. Yeah, that’s more or less what I expect of him.
Emma telling boy Alex “I like you, you’re my friend, but Daphne, I love you so much” - when will one of these goddamn adaptations take this further than some drunken makeouts?? When?? I don’t even ship them as much as the Noora/Eva combination but this is ridiculous.
This is a not as bad as a situation than the date, because she had less pressure to come to this party than to go on the date for Daphne’s sake, but like … he did tell her he’d only donate the money if she came. Why does he act like it was a given that he would donate the money.
Daphne looks less into kissing Emma than Vilde did kissing Eva. Vilde was having the time of her life, Daphne’s like ... tolerating it. Or maybe I can’t tell because the lighting isn’t as bright.
They did the same tune-out music effect when Manon tells Charles she doesn’t like him as in the original.
Kinda think we should have seen Manon reconsider more before running after him since it’s a big turning point for her character.
I wasn’t totally impressed with her last season, but Manon’s actress has been doing much better. She did a good job in the last scene.
“The only thing that interests you is getting what you want.” I mean, yeah, that’s true.
I saw some people didn’t like this scene compared to the original, but I think their first kiss was pretty good, I liked it just as much. Lots of passion, very cinematic. Since I’m not a big Noorhelm fan their first kiss isn’t sacred to me or anything, but I also think it’s because of Coldplay being the song selection. (I don’t hate Coldplay, tbh, but my dad has very very limited taste in music and for a long time literally the only thing he would listen to was Coldplay. For months, he would listen to Viva la Vida in the car. Just that song. On repeat. Like the middle-aged man version of John Mulaney’s Salt and Pepper Diner bit. So I have, ehhh, complicated feelings about Coldplay, and “Paradise” is one of my least favorite songs from them.)
I was super afraid Emma would fall in the water as she puked but at least Daphne kept a hand on her even after she saw Manon and Charles kissing.
General Comments:
Sorry that 90% of this reaction was me being grumpy about the Raptors’ auction. That was the main focus of this episode, not a lot else to talk about. The next few episodes have more subplots and varied scenes to discuss.
I’m a Daphne fan but damn did I hit my limit with her Charles obsession in this episode, even more than with Vilde. 
I don’t speak French so if I misunderstood something or missed context, feel free to correct me.
If you got through all this cranky ranting, thank you for reading! ❤️ Here’s a video of a golden conure dancing to the Beach Boys.
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angellicjimin · 6 years
hiiiii i was tagged by @blossoming-joon for the 85 questions thing, i like never do these but eh whatever lmaooo ( thanks for tagging meeee) 
- Drink?: java chip frappe 
- Call?: my irl best friend 
- Text?: “ but when i see the boys omg thats gunna literally take over as the best day og my life”
- Song you listened to?: 134340 by BTS
- Time you cried?: like legit it was a week ago, im going through some really hard family stuff rn so yeah :(
Have You Ever
- Dated someone twice?: Yea
- Kissed someone and regretted it?: No
- Been cheated on?: no
- Lost someone special?: no but im about to :(
- Been depressed?: yeah
- Gotten drunk and thrown up?: no but gotten drunk yes lol
Favorite Colors: blue, purple and maroon
In the Last Year Have You
- Made any new friends?: Yeah
- Fallen out of love?: no
- Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes all the time lmao 
- Found out someone was talking about you?: no
- Met someone who changed you?: no,,, well yeah 
- Found out who your friends were?: Yeah
- Kissed someone on your FB friends list?: no
- How many people from your FB friends do you know IRL?: Most of them?
- Do you have any pets?: yessssss Minnie my kitten 
- Do you want to change your middle name?: no
- What did you do for your birthday last year?: uhhhh i think i just went out to dinner wait no i went to lunch with my best friends then i had dinner and stuff with my family
- What time did you wake up today?: 11 am
- What were you doing last night at midnight?: Sleeping. 
- What’s something you can’t wait for?: the concert IM SEEING BTS IN 18 DAYSSS AAAHH 
- What’re you listening to right now?: nothing well the tv is on lol
- Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: No not that i know of 
- Something that gets on your nerves?: when people just keep annoyinh me lmao
- Most visited website?: Twitter, Tumblr & Youtube, 
- Hair color?: black with honey blonde highlights
- Short hair or long hair?: long
- Do you have a crush on anyone?: mayhaps lololol
- What do you like about yourself?: uh my personality and my hair and thats about it im a ehhh person 
- Want any piercings?: no i have enough lol 
- Blood type?: I d k 
- Nicknames?: Jazz, my granddad calls me pumpkin lmaooo,  some of my friends in my gc call me jazzie 
- Relationship status?: Single
- Zodiac sign?: aries 
- Pronouns?: She/Her
- Favorite show?: right now i guess keeping up with the kardashians 
- Tattoos?: No but i want like two
- Right or left handed?: Right-handed
- Ever had surgery?: no
- Piercings?: i have my nose pierced and my cartilage 
- Sports?: no i do like to watch football tho 
- Vacation?: im going on vaca in 17 days for the BTS CONCERT WOOOOO 
- Trainers?: wut
More in General;
- Eating: nothing
- Drinking: still working on that frappachino lol
- About to watch: adventure time
- Waiting for: happiness 
- Get married: ye
- Career: either a singer or a music producer 
Which is Better
- Hugs or kisses?:
- Lips or eyes?:
- Shorter or taller?:
- Younger or older?:
- Nice arms or stomach?:
- Hookup or relationship?:
- Troublemaker or hesitant?:
Have You Ever
- Kissed a stranger: No
- Drank hard liquor: probably i like no nothing about alcohol i just drink it lmaoooo 
- Lost glasses: yes.
- Turned someone down: yes and i always feel so bad
- Had sex on the first date: No
- Broken someone’s heart: no well idk 
- Had your heart broken: once
- Been arrested: No
- Cried when someone died: Yeh
- Fallen for a friend: yeh
Do You Believe In
- Yourself: ehhhhhh
- Miracles: yes
- Love at first sight: yes
- Santa: no
- Kiss on the first date: Yeah. 
- Angels: yeh
- Best friend’s name?: irl: miranda, michele and gabbi ; online: nattie, remi  sydney and IIgin 
- Eye color?: Dark Brown
- Favorite movie?: wow i really forgot my favorite movie lmaoooo, i mean sixteen candles used to be my fave lmaooo
- Favorite actor?: i dont think i have one tbh 
kay uh i wont tag anyone cuz idk who to tag so yeah lmaooooo 
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britishchick09 · 3 years
sailor moon eternal part 1 livewatch
Tumblr media
sailor moon eternal is FINALLY here after literally FOREVER! i’ll be watching part 1 today and part 2 tomorrow on usa and chibs’ b-day, all without screencaps like the earliest livewatches so i can get through them faster (if i added pics it would take way longer than 81 minutes!). so without further ado... IT’S DREAM TIME!!!! :D
ooh the netflix logo is a rainbow! :o
chibs wakes up to a bell! ;)
her room is very pretty!
and she returns to the 30th century on april fool’s day?
chibs: “usagi miraculously got into juban high!” lol :D
aww chibs is so cute!
title card! :D
the buildings are so pretty!
usagi: “the new moon obscures the sun...” *insert crystal theme*
the inners have orange eclipse glasses while the moon fam gets blue ones with the eclipse phases on it?
mako is so cute when she blushes! ^_^
lol mina funny face :D
this was at the end of s3 right?
aww diana is on chibs’ head! ♥
mamo’s heart NOOOO
mamo: “it’s fine, i’m just a bit dizzy.” and i’ve been secretly coughing up blood BUT I’M FINE
their boat thing is so weird and it’s in cgi so it’s so much worse!
did everyone not see the BIG AF SHIP IN THE SKY???
rei: “phobosu, demosu!” cute! :D
i love that the circus pamplet is in japanese even in the english dub! :D (i only switched back to it for that SUB BEST!!!!)
aww chibs is so smol! ^_^
aww usa is so cute when she closes her eyes!
why does usa want to be a kid anyways SHE ACTS JUST LIKE ONE OHHHH
the kalediscopes! :D
chibs: “the kalediscope is begging me to buy it!” me when i get dolls lol :D
it’s been a year since chibs arrived and this is only the first time they
chibs with neptune’s mirror is so nice! :)
as is her borrowing mamo’s jammies!
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mamo: “when i raise my own daughter, i’ll be strict no matter what!” um CHIBS IS RIGHT THERE
usa so jellyyyyy
usa wants to be as small as chibs good!
chibs wants mamo to notice her and usa hits back with the daughter bit YAS!!!
usa sleeps naked ew :(
ooh the dream mirror!!!!
usa can’t look at mirrors now lol :D
mamo: “you’re more of an adult chibiusa.” awww!!! :D
EW ZICORNIA she’s japanese now BUT STILL UGGO
zicron is like a pokemon lol
jun jun sounds so rough!
palla palla sounds so cute! :D
this is the pegasus dream!
omg IT IS!! :D
helios’ hair mane is *chef’s kiss*!
i love how pretty tokyo tower is! ♥
the bell is so small! ♥
helios sounds ok in english! :)
also i like how german is the first language listed instead of english or japanese lol :D
chibs fell out of bed lol :D
chibs just says ‘a dream?’ in japanese and ‘i’m fine’ after diana asks her in english! :D
aww chibs snuck out :(
tokyo tower is so pink!
mamo in english: “about that pegasus and chibiusa...” excuse you IT’S ‘CHIBIUSA AND THAT PEGASUS’ IN THE CAPTIONS >:(
back to the sub instead of the dub!
aww usa and mamo had the same dream! ♥♥
ooh there’s lens flares as chibs says the time spell!
all diana says is ‘small lady’ but it’s cute!
ves ves has a whip that cracks DON’T GO TO THE JOHNNY TEST SIDE!!!
usa: “who could that pegasus be?” ...a pegasus perhaps?
oh no THE TIGER!!!
mamo’s heart again! :(
transformation!!! :D
it doesn’t work lol :D
aww chibs has ‘moon prism power’ as her henshin! just like mama! :D
chibs: “why can’t we transform?” a second later: *GRAIL YEET!!!*
the transformation is just like the supers version but  e n h a n c e d
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YAAAS!!!! :D
ew i just realized what palla palla’s top looks like :(
the lemures in this are cute compared to the anime! :D
palla’s giggle! ^_^
it’s prettier than the anime
they work together instead of just moon in the anime
i got chills with that! :D
mamo’s voice sounds so sore!
now age switch guys!!!
ew is mamo sweating poor guy!
ves ves: “new phone who dis?”
omg usa and chibs just said they don’t want to switch AND PALLA SWITCHES THEM BOI!!!!
and mamo is gone!
it’s zicron pokemon!
nehalennia (idk if that’s how her name is really spelled tho but the captions say that?) sounds so pretty! :D
they’re in the hospital! :D
the inners have such a dull face and then they’re like EHHH???? lol :D
they went from silly to serious REAL QUICK
ami mom! :D
omg the sunset is so pretty look!
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now usa and mamo’s age gap is weirder lol :D
the shadows in this are amazing!! :D
aww he touched her cheek :)
you’re not a burden mamo you’re sailor earth!
aww he’s asleep with his mouth open a bit :)
aww they’re cuddling!
diana: “small lady!” chibs: “i’m not small right now!” lol :D
helios likes what he sees! ;)
chibs: “this is because of the enemy!” helios: “this must be their doing!” yeah THAT’S WHAT CHIBS JUST SAID???
chibs is gonna need a whole new uniform it’s ripped!
ooh ami has a laptop! :o
aww she’s thinking of setsuna :)
ami’s awake at 1 am wowza! :o
ami mom: “you’re so responsible. that’s why i leave you at home all the time!” ALL THE TIME BOI!!!!!
has cere cere said anything so far tho?
the amozon tr
so is fish eye but ya know that’s him
hawk’s eye is so eh :/
fish eye is like mercury and neptune combined!
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dory and nemo cameo! :D
aww ami thinks the fish eye fish is kawaii! ^_^
oh no things just got spooky...
ami’s uncertain walk though!
her dad is a jerk! :(
aww ami’s so lonely! :’(
get out of the spell ami!!
ami: “my dream is to be loved!” NOT WITH FISH BOI
this is creepier than the manga!
it’s like she’s drowning in ahtohallan!
the mini mercs! :D
mini mercs: “you must wake up, princess mercury!” PRINCESS!! :D
fish eye says ‘nani’ funny! :D
ooh the water effects on her transformation are so good! :D
remember when crystal s3 was really good NOT ANYMORE :D
mercury aqua rhapsody tho! ♥
aww usa and chibs have new outfits! :D
that echo on ‘meditation tho!’
there was a fade after palla palla said ‘this is interesting!’ and then it cuts right back to the senshi although there isn’t a long pause!
aww you’re the true maiden chibs! :(
poor chibs! :(
aww it made her tingle to be called maiden!
you’re not powerless chibs!
aww helios’ little head cock :)
dude!!! horse dude! :D
helios: “your dream is always needed!” YAAAS!!! :D
this is why chibs/helios is such a great ship! (although
those raindrops are like hail beads!
i’m just calling nehalennia n-bish since her name is so hard to spell
ooh rey has archery! :D
aww what cute music! ^_^
rei: “we need someone to work at the shrine!” mina: “just get an adopted son-in-law!” MINA NO
rei is an ace lesbian confirmed!
mina: “just think of it as a helper!” ...then just get a helper?
this movie goes from silly to serious REALLY FAST
rei’s grandpa is so dramatic lol :D
rei wants to take over the family business :)
elementary school is a thing in japan!
aww rei knows the crows’ names! :)
no rei won’t ever leave grandpa! :(
ooh morning fireworks!
even though they’re at the enemy circus the girls are still so enchanted!
usa: “we’re not here to have fun! ... HEY I WANNA GO ON THE GO KARTS TOO!!” lol :D
smol rei! :D
rei catches onto the trap quickly!
oh no the spell is working! :(
cere cere has a sailor v mask!
artemis just wanted to see the circus! :/
it’s phobos and demos!!! :D
rei’s too awesome for a smol guardian SHE HAS TWO!!! :D
rei’s transformation is on fire bby! B)
i love how the flowers from the first two crystal seasons are still in the sayings! :D
tiger’s eye wants to be an artist BUT HE’S A MODEL BOI!!
aww michiru’s message of love! ♥
HOLD UP was she topless???
mars flame sniper is way more epic than the anime!
tiger’s eye: “my dream is to be an artist!” MODEL!
usa’s go kart sick lol :D
chibs: “you’re a high school student you should be able to handle it! :D lol :D
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aww cat head! ^_^
palla palla’s having a tantrum lol :D
jun jun calls zicornia a ‘cross old lady’ lol :D
i like how the manga acts are blended together so well! :D
chibs: *stares dreamily out of a window* watashi naritakute much?
chibs can’t resist the chocolate! :D
diana finally said something other than small lady! :D
poor mamo!
that bloody hand is getting on the sheets a bit ew :(
there are piles of trash in juban now WHY
seeing modern cars in sailor moon is so weird! (as is laptops!)
aww chibs looked both ways before crossing the street! :D
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of course mako goes to the herbal shop! :D
ok maybe hawk’s eye isn’t eh he’s sort of fab! :D
hawk’s eye: “my dream didn’t come true, i achieved it myself!” ..that’s part of a dream coming true tho?
he gave mako a ring wow! :o
an EVIL ring >:)
aww it’s the mako chibs cooking show! :D
they said ‘itadakimasu’ just like in one of my stories! :D (that’s what you say before you eat to thank whoever cooked the meal!)
mako has visions of harumichi!
aww mamo’s little wave! :D
mako asks to look around the shop first! ♥
woah she’s just confiding in hawk’s eye about being a senshi i know it’s spell but WOWWW
hawk’s eye: “join me in selling nightmares!” how much are they tho like 100 buckaroos?
the sign magically went to ‘closed’! :o
mako has cloth over her instead of being naked like in the manga! i wonder how the last act of stars will play out then...
haruka vision! :D
mako: “makenai!” ♫ SAILOR STAR!!!! ♫
mini jupes: “i’m the other you!” it’s ok you can say ‘better half’ lol ;)
she says ‘superstrength jupiter’ :)
i like how mako says ‘i’ll leave you numb!’ in her saying!
JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!!!! :D (way cooler than the anime!)
it’s so gray outside!
don’t make mako feel for you hawk bish! >:(
the amazon quartet always critisize the senshi lol :D
moon gorgeous meditation 3! :D
aww chibs is staying close to helios!
human reveal!! :D
elysion is so pretty!
the lighting in this movie is *chef’s kiss*!
mamo and helios both have black roses TWINSIES :(
usa and mako: “dead moon!” *look at each other* jinx!
they call n-bish ‘nehalennia’ in the captions but she’s actually ‘nehelenia’?
aww usamo hug! ♥
the senshi are all
mina: “i cant transform!” the senshi be like ‘same’! :D
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aww artemis!
oh yeah this is the ‘mina gets grumpy’ act!
oh yeah xenotime and zeolite exist! :o
mina has a cute hat! :D
aww rei borrowed michiru’s mirror :)
ami has a tablet! :o
mina counted the times that the outers have been mentioned JELLYYY
her sandals are cute tho ^_^
and good thing one of the lite creeps wore sunglasses!
ah yes the ‘let’s endanger kids’ part!
the senshi are here! :D
oh no the lite bois trapped the senshi in knives! :o
the kids are lemures! :o
mina: “i’m... losing conciousness..” show don’t tell huh mina?
yay he saved her! :D
and the human transformatino is in 3.. 2.. 1...
mina: “we were always two hearts beating as one!” aww :)
artie you’re not inadequate!
mina doesn’t need a mini her either she has the best kitty partner! :D
venus transform time!! :D
aww there’s a little heart transition! :)
i see the chorus is still there a bit from crystal!
mina: “allow me to punish you with love!” the best kind of punishment!
aww mina’s little giggle before ‘love and beauty shock’! :D
thanks for killing the lite bros mina! :D
yay they can all transform! :D
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yay!!! :D
cere cee: “the party isn’t over yet!” ;)
this is where the outers come in right?
it cuts to chibs! :o
aww she has luna p on her bedsheets! :)
oh no usa is coughing! :o
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omg it’s over!! :o
...wait a sec
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post credits scene with hotaru talking about the second coming! (of her perhaps?) ;)
and now it ends for real! :D
this was awesome and just as great as the manga! the animation is incredible, especially in lighting and shadows! i can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow! :D
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l0velylittlebaby · 4 years
i’m bored i’m sorry ily guys
1. Last kiss: my boyfriend a little bit ago when he went to bed
2. Last phone call: boyfriend earlier tonight when he was on his way home from work
3. Last text message: boyfriend
4. Last song you listened to: ordinary by ricky dillon ahaha i love
5. Last time you cried: yesterday probably
6. Dated someone twice: sadly
7. Been cheated on: too many times
8. Self harmed: yes
9. Lost someone special: oh yes
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: definitely
12. had sex: yes
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? one
15. Made a new friend: yes
17. Laughed until you cried: uhh i don’t think so but possibly
18. Met someone who changed you: not this year but last (’:
19. Found out who your true friends were: yeah
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah 
21. What did you do for your last Birthday: i didn’t do much, was at the tattoo shop all day hanging out, and then packed and got ready to move outta state lmao, was still a good day
22. What time did you wake up today: like 10 am
23. Name something you CANNOT wait for: to buy my own car, to finally start makin money again
24. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time: uhhhh never
25. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing really anymore tbh
26. What are you listening to right now:  catfish 
27. When is the last time you had sex? about an hour and a half ago maybe 
28. Who’s getting on your nerves right now: won’t name names but ... a couple people
29. Most visited webpage: social media -- facebook or tumblr, webpage -- sims 4 cheats 
30. Favorite colour: black, red and light pink
31. Nicknames: steph and stephie (steffie) from friends -- baby, babes, babygirl, princess, kitten from boyfriend -- stephunky monkey from some family and fifi from younger nieces and nephews (’: 
32. Relationship Status: takennnn
33. Zodiac sign: libra
34. Male or female: female
35. Primary school: i went to a couple
36. Secondary School: again ^^
37. High school/college: portage and then an online
38. Eye color: blue
39. Height: 5’2ish
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah, my boyfriend
41. What do you like about yourself: ehhh i mean i’m nice sometimes and i like my eye color
42. Piercings: just my ears stretched and septum, i’ve had my nose, tongue, belly button, nipples, spider bites, vertical labret and medusa tho
43. Tattoos: like 28 or 29 i think
44. Righty or lefty: righty
45. First piercing: tongue
46. First best friend: idk i think his name was zack
47. First hookup: idk
48. First Bestfriend: uh ^^
49. Eating: nothing but i’m kinda hungry
50. Drinking:  going back and forth, i have water and ginger ale
51. I’m about to: possibly go to bed, idk tho
52. Listening to:  catfish
53. Waiting for: to buy my own car and start makin money again
54. Want kids? nope
55. Get married? definitely
56. Career: i’m not sure completely yet
57. Lips or eyes: eyes
58. Hugs or kisses: bothhh
59. Shorter or taller: taller
60. Older or Younger: doesn’t matter
61. Romantic or spontaneous: either
62. Nice stomach or nice arms: doesn’t matter
63. Sensitive or loud: idc
64. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
65. Kissed a stranger: yes
66. Drank hard liquor: yes
67. Lost glasses/contacts: no
68. Had sex: yes
69. Broken someone’s heart: yeah
70. Been arrested: no
71. Turned someone down: yeah
72. Cried when someone died: yes
73. Fallen for a friend: yes
74. Yourself: sometimes
75. Miracles: depends
76. Love at first sight: ehhhh
77. Heaven: yes
78. Santa Clause: no
79. Kiss on the first date: doesn’t matter to me
80. Angels: uh
81. How would you label yourself? idk??
82. Someone You Pray Everyday For: ...
83. Did you sing today: no
84. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About: they can all smd
85. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? i wouldn’t
86. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For: idk
87. Are you afraid of falling in love? no, i’m in love
88. Do you like the way you look?: nopeeee
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kyluxtrashpit · 7 years
Okay so now for the real post. I was prepared to write this whole big thing about the kylux fandom and why I’m staying despite some things and such but honestly the movie was pretty good? As some of you know, I was fucking TERRIFIED I’d have to leave the ship (also shoutout to those who helped calm me down; you know who you are <3). I have some quibbles, which I’ll get into below, but overall it was pleasantly surprising. FYI this post of full of spoilers and please remember I spoiled myself on a good amount of it before going in. I’m also very happy I did
And also… this was all 100% in line with the headcanons I already had for kylux? I’ve seen a lot of people freaking out and jumping ship and saying we need to completely reimagine the characters, which, sure, if you want to, go nuts, but idk I didn’t personally get anything like that? Snoke pitting them against each other, because you know if he talked shit about Hux to Kylo, he’s definitely doing it the other way around too. And yes, Kylo does attack Hux, but Hux was also about to kill him before he woke up, even if Kylo doesn’t know that, so we’re in exactly the same place as before. I could talk a lot about why their characterizations are exactly in line with the way I saw and wrote them before and why Kylo taking on the mantle of Supreme Leader does not mean Hux is inferior to him in practice in any way, shape, or form, but this post is way too fucking long already so I’ll save it for another day
Instead, here’s a list of Thoughts in no particular order:
Kylo was fucking PHENOMENAL. This. This is what I wanted. My boy being unstable as fuck and making terrible split-second impulse decisions and getting himself in way over his head. He’s going to regret taking the throne in like 3 days. Guaranteed. He’s made the biggest mistake of his life and he doesn’t even know it yet because he has no idea what he actually wants, just saw an opportunity and went ‘oh shit… the throne is empty… wait. I know how to sit?? I could sit on it??? YES THIS IS A GREAT IDEA I’M THE NEW LEADER FUCK YES’. I fucking love my disaster boy. I love him so much I can’t even articulate it
Also like… Rey shows him one small moment of kindness and he’s immediately like ‘someone was nice to me??? okay cool this is all it took to convince me to kill my abusive mentor for the last better part of a decade who’s been in my head for almost my entire life just because of that’ and like… that is both the most Kylo thing I’ve ever seen and the biggest mood I’ve ever had. This is why we always wrote Hux capable of manipulating him and why Snoke was able to manipulate him; Kylo aches for positive attention from literally anyone
“I want every gun we have to fire on that man” JFC HONEY NO. But on a more serious note, the second the mask comes off, all of his control is gone. He’s trying so hard to assert his dominance and power over everyone he encounters because he thinks that will make him feel better, that it’s what he wants, but he’s so fucking out of control and out of his depth that it just utterly falls flat, just like in tfa after the mask came off. He can Force choke and throw people all he wants, literally no one is fooled. He has no idea what he’s doing and it’s staggeringly obvious
I also really liked seeing baby Ben, even for just like 10 seconds
Literally the only Kylo thing I did not like were his pants. Like goddamn boy, that waist is way too high. No wonder your temper is so finicky. I’d be angry too if I was wearing uncomfortable, excessively high-waisted pants all the time
I, too, did not like the dumb humour with Hux (see: the entire opening bit. Like literally all of it; Poe should not have been able to pull that off and Hux is not that stupid) but I also still see the Hux I’ve come to love in there. The snark, pulling a gun without hesitation on Kylo for the double tap but being smart enough to hide it when he wakes up, the entire command shuttle bit (except the Force throw – that was unnecessary), and especially that glare of absolute rage and hatred at Kylo once he turns away inside the base on Crait. I’m okay with tired disaster Hux and you can tell he’s already planning a coup. The army seems to still be under his control anyway; he just needs to wait until Kylo finishes digging his own grave and then give him that extra push into it
That said, I’m really glad we got to see Hux bitch slap someone, even if I wish it hadn’t been Finn
Rose was the other highlight of the movie right up until the kiss with Finn. I loved their interactions but the unnecessary heterosexuality was just… no. And then the bit at the end that definitely looked towards a love triangle? *loud gagging noises* no, fuck that shit. Literally everything else with her was absolutely amazing though, especially the Canto Bight stuff
Finn felt… off somehow? I can’t explain why, but he just felt like a weaker character here. Finn was really compelling in tfa and I really wanted more with him and to learn more about him, but I feel like he didn’t do much? The fight with Phasma was a little underwhelming (also she deserved to go out more impressively than that) and most of the other stuff was someone else instigating and him just going along. He seemed… too passive, maybe? I can’t put my finger on what was off, but I didn’t like it and I’m a little let down there. I also really wanted him to be Force-sensitive and really felt he was built up to be. How else was he the only person to ever break FO conditioning?
Poe was also… not how I imagined? I always saw him as the ‘calm pal’ kinda guy but I guess he’s a little more jumped up than I expected. Not a gripe, per se, but just surprising. They also very much did demote him from main character status, which is kinda sad
Admiral Holdo was a fucking boss and I love her. So was Leia for most of it (expect what was with that space scene?). Fuck yeah powerful older women. I need so much more immediately. However, I also wish Leia had gotten more time and it also saddens me that she’s now lost her entire family. Yes, she has the Resistance, and Poe and Rey and Finn, but she has no one from her past. Literally no one. Leia had already lost so much coming into this trilogy and it’s absolutely tragic that all she did was lose more. Leia deserved better, but with Carrie gone, we know Leia won’t be getting it in 9
DJ WAS FANTASTIC. I did not see that coming. And I hope we never see him again because it would ruin the purpose of his character
I liked most of Rey’s arc. I wasn’t sure about the Force bond (I knew about it beforehand) but it ended up working for me and was actually really cool. I still do not ship r*ylo at all (it’s just not for me, ship what you want), but their interactions are intriguing and I can understand why things played out how they did. Rey wanted help for the rebellion and a teacher. She thought that was Luke, but it wasn’t, and then she thought that was Kylo, but it wasn’t. I think she just needs to realize that maybe it’s up to her to be the one to help the rebellion. She’s figured out most of the Force on her own already; I don’t think she needs a teacher. Although the jealous look towards Finn and Rose was just awful. I’m also very concerned for her arc in 9 because I swear if they make it all about trying to save Kylo, I’d be fucking pissed. She’s her own character. She doesn’t exist to help him
I’m also… not sure I buy Rey being a nobody? It’s either a lie or just bad writing to lead up to it. Because in tfa, it’s always ‘who’s the girl?’, ‘what girl?’, etc. I also always got the feeling that Kylo knew who she was, somehow? And why did the Skywalker family lightsaber choose her over Kylo? Why does she have the same amount of power as Kylo if there’s no relation whatsoever? How are her parents buried on Jakku if she saw a ship flying away? I just feel like it was built up to lead elsewhere and then it didn’t. Then again, it is possible Kylo is lying or only thinks he knows, but idk. It’s not that I hate the idea of her being a nobody, but the execution of it was tremendously clumsy
As for Luke… I don’t know. Luke has never been the kind of person to attack first. He is a gentle flower. The entire point of him is his idealism, his hope, his kindness. Even if it was in a moment of instinct, of fear, I don’t think he’d pull a lightsaber first on anyone, especially a family member, no matter how much Dark was in him. Luke saw the Light in Darth Vader, of all people. That it was stressed to be an accident and for Luke to realize he’d fucked up big helped, but I still don’t know if I buy it. I understand bringing flaws to Luke, but I don’t think these were the right flaws to bring. I… don’t know. I haven’t decided how I feel about this yet. And also his death was just odd? What killed him? Was the implication that Force-projecting that far is too hard? Idk, it was really strange and I didn’t get it. I need to think on how I feel about it. Also ‘see you around, kid’ was a pretty dumb last line. Even though I’m pretty sure it was more a promise/threat than anything else. He’s going to be haunting the shit out of everyone
I really liked the crystal foxes. I want 10 of them immediately. However, I have no strong feelings one way or the other on the porgs
THE FUCKING IRON. Jfc I was like ‘omfg that ship looks like an iron, that’s so ridiculous’ AND THEN IT WASN’T A SHIP, IT WAS JUST AN IRON. It was inordinately funny to me. I lost my shit and my friend gave me a dubious look
I wish we’d seen the KOR and I really, really hope we do in 9. Come on, JJ, I believe in you. Let me see the rest of the disaster children in action
Yoda’s cameo was kinda dumb and unnecessary. I know that was supposed to be the moment that changed Luke’s mind but… ehhh. I could’ve done without
The bit at the end with the random kid was also stupid and I wish they’d cut it
Now the biggest thing is… where the fuck are they going with 9? The Resistance is 10 people in the Falcon, the Order is being run by a guy who has absolutely no fucking clue what he’s doing and a second in command that is ready to murder the shit out of him the second he gets the chance. Leia probably won’t be there, so the OT trio is gone. This movie was also weird because it was like… the span of a day and a half? At most? It’s a really strange timeline to go with imo and it’s going to make 9 hard. I’m scared Rey will become an accessory to Kylo’s story (which is most likely going to end up as an even more ham-fisted redemption arc than it would’ve been if it had started in 8). Like no one is in a powerful place. If there were 2 more movies coming, I think it would work, but with only 1? Ehhhh, idk. I have faith in JJ but in some ways he’s been written into a corner, I think. We’ll have to see, I guess
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nekoabi · 7 years
all 1-70
Right! Let’s go! (Anyone who is new, I usually put long asks like this under a cut so it doesn’t cover your dash... unless you’re on mobile... in which case... Sorry, I still love you!)
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?Yeah, I do, for the most part. They can frustrate me and get on my nerves, but overall, they’re great and support me in every way and I am so thankful for them
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?Not gonna lie to you, I have no idea... I said it to many people last night in a state of loopy, vaguely in pain, emotional weakness... I’m good now, dw
03: Do you regret anything?All the time, I regret opening up because I think people think I am looking for attention or something... In terms of stuff in my life, I do regret losing contact with some people...
04: Are you insecure?Heck ye. 
05: What is your relationship status?I’m single...
06: How do you want to die?Changes on the daily, but quickly and as painlessly as possible.
07: What did you last eat?Nutella sandwich *takes another bite* Fucking good...
08: Played any sports?I played a bit of football as a kid, until I got tripped down a hill... Ofc I played stuff like netball, handball, rounders etc. in PE classes, but never for my own enjoyment.
09: Do you bite your nails?Yup, even now that I paint them I do!
10: When was your last physical fight?Uhhh... years ago, confrontation and phsyical harm are scary things...
11: Do you like someone?Ehhh... kinda? I’m too emotionally fucked atm to be thinking about it, but I definitely have some crushes, yeh
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?On multiple occasions. My record is almost 4 days.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?I hate a lot of people... mostly people that don’t know me...
14: Do you miss someone?All the time.
15: Have any pets?I wish! I want cats. All the cats.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?Um... numb is probably the best way, I’m kinda not really feeling anything atm...
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?Nope. I’ve only made out like twice in my life... fuck i’m lonely...
18: Are you scared of spiders?YUP. LET’S NOT TALK ARACHNOPHOBIA PLZ K BYE.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?To see how stuff was, yea. To change shit, nah fam.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?In said person’s bedroom.
21: What are your plans for this weekend?Cry and try to get assignments done.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?Not my own, but adopting, fuck ye. Idk how many tho, start with one. See how it goes.
23: Do you have piercings? How many?I don’t. I have a terrible pain threshold and I get super scared of almost anything new and unknown... but I want piercings because they’re so cool.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?Surprisingly, Science... and Performing Arts... 
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?Oh hell yes.
26: What are you craving right now?A hug... and more chocolate *sadly eats sandwich*
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?I don’t think so... but maybe?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?Nope, but it was pretty close...
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?I don’t think so...
30: What’s irritating you right now?Myself. Why do I feel nothing atm? I want to be feeling something goddamnit!
31: Does somebody love you?I’d hope so! People say they do... but platonic. I don’t think anyone loves me any other way.
32: What is your favourite color?Black. Blood Red. Light Blue. Neon Pink. Deep Purple.
What? I am indecisive and can’t choose just one! Stop judging me.
33: Do you have trust issues?*laughs* yes.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?I.... have no idea.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?I mean, I told @not-so-innocent-bi-sander I was crying the other day when I was talking with her... does that count? If not, then my parents probably?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?In some cases, yes... In others, fuck you no.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?Forgive. I can’t forget stuff like that, for some reason...
38: Is this year the best year of your life?LOL NO. IT’S BEEN FUCKING HORRENDOUS LMAO! But it’s the best year in terms of making new friends... so that’s great
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?Uhhh... like end of Primary school/beginning of Middle school age? I can’t remember how old I was ffs.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?Probably as a very small child. Once I developed actual thought and selfconciousness about my body, HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re so funny!
51: Favourite food?Cliche, but either pizza or burgers.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?When they happen to me, yes. When they happen to friends, fuck no they don’t deserve all the bad things!!!
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?Message people... I passed out while messaging last night, oopsie!
54: Is cheating ever okay?...Seriously? Is... is this a question?? I mean, on a spelling test, sure fuck it.
55: Are you mean?Probably. A little. 
56: How many people have you fist fought?Like 0.
57: Do you believe in true love?Idk... I did for a while, but that fucked me over hardcore...
58: Favourite weather?Chilly but not too cold, heavy rain and thunderstorms, seeing the lighting through the dark, having the wind be audible and heading towards the window. 
59: Do you like the snow?HELL YEAH! if i dont have anywhere to go...
60: Do you wanna get married?Yeah, if I have the right person.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?Depends... Sometimes, the context is... *pukes*
62: What makes you happy?Friends. Kingdom Hearts news. Chocolate. Friends. 
63: Would you change your name?Nah, I like it
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?Yes... extremely. Because I really want to, but I know they don’t.
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Uhhhh... Remind him that he’s gay af and that he’s basically my brother omg what the fuck?
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?Yup, and he is basically my brother.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?@seventhdisaster
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Either people in discord chat, or @authordreaming13
69: Do you believe in soulmates? I mean... I’d like to? But I feel its very... optimistic and unrealistic... but then I’m a lonely, cynical asshole so what do I know?
70: Is there anyone you would die for? Sure. Multiple. 
Well some of these got fucking deep and sad...
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parkersenses · 7 years
All of the want to know me asks!
bro,,, i literally said in the tagsfdjkdsjk,, it’s alright let’s do this
1: My name?
2: Do I have any nicknames?
technically Ellie is my nickname 
3: Zodiac sign?
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win?
spyro: year of the dragon
5: Book/series I reread?
carry on by rainbow rowell
6: Aliens or ghosts?
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?
rainbow rowell and victoria aveyard
8: Favourite radio station?
depends on my mood
9: Favourite flavour of anything?
strawberry maybe??
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great?
11: Favourite song?
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better?
me?? making new friends?? never heard of it
13: Favourite word?
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them?
ehh that’s a complicated question
15: Last song I listened to?
meant to be by bebe rexha/florida georgia line
16: TV show I always recommend?
17: Pirates or ninjas?
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down?
i don’t really have one??
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?
don’t have one eitherdjsj
20: Favourite video games?
21: What am I most afraid of?
s o c i a l i n t e r a c t i o n  
22: A good quality of mine?
i’m honest
23: A bad quality of mine?
i don’t sugarcoat things (which could also be good but)
24: Cats or dogs?
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in?
tom holland
26: Favourite season?
27: Am I in a relationship?
28: Something I miss?
not having to worry about my grades
29: My best friend?
i’ve got a few
30: Eye color?
31: Hair color?
brown to dirty blonde-ish ombre
32: Someone I love?
Niall Horan
33: Someone I trust?
Niall Horan
34: Someone I always think about?
Niall Horan
35: Am I excited about anything?
36: My current obsession?
B L A C K P A N T H E R 
37: Favourite TV shows as a child?
House of Anubis was my shit 
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to?
39: Am I superstitious?
Depends for what
40: What do I think about most?
the fact that i don’t want to go to school
41: Do I have any strange phobias?
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it
43: Favourite hobbies?
writing and reading 
44: Last book I read?
The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware
45: Last film I watched?
it’s been awhile i don’t remember 
46: Do I play any instruments?
47: Favourite animal?
48: Top 5 blogs on Tumblr that I follow?
@thumper-darling x5
49: Superpower I wish I could have?
to fly
50: How do I destress?
blast music or read a book
51: Do I like confrontation?
hmm it depends on the situation but usually no
52: When do I feel most at peace?
when listening to music while reading
53: What makes me smile?
one direction and marvel
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off?
55: Play any sports?
lmao no
56: What is my song of the week?
it was just released but boss by nct u
57: Favourite drink?
caffeine free diet coke
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody?
a few years ago,, to santa,,,
59: Afraid of heights?
kind of
60: Pet peeve?
i’ve got so many don’t even
61: What was the last concert I went to see?
Niall Horan
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?
N O 
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger?
air traffic controller 
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy?
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
66: Something I worry about?
my grades
67: Scared of the dark?
kind of
68: Who are my best friends?
i’ve got a few 
69: What do I admire most about others?
i don’tsdjs
70: Can I sing?
i like to sing but i don’t really have a good voice
71: Something I wish I could do?
s i n g
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do?
donate a lot to charity and help my family, and treat myself a little bit
73: Have I ever skipped school?
74: Favourite place on the planet?
my bedroom 
75: Where do I want to live?
New York or Boston
76: Do I have any pets?
77: What is my current desktop picture?
it’s a painting of blue smears
78: Early bird or night owl?
night owl
79: Sunsets or sunrise?
80: Can I drive?
81: Story behind my last kiss?
never had one
82: Earphones or headphones?
83: Have I ever had braces?
84: Story behind one of my scars?
when i was little i kept picking at my mosquito bites
85: Favourite genre of music?
don’t have one
86: Who is my hero?
don’t have one
87: Favourite comic book character?
Peter Parker or Deadpool
88: What makes me really angry?
anything political 
89: Kindle or real book?
real book
90: Favourite sporty activity?
don’t have one
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be?
girls’ dress code and encouragement to express your opinions 
92: What was my favourite subject at school?
93: Siblings?
two of ‘em
94: What was the last thing I bought?
coffee and a croissant 
95: How tall am I?
5′ 4″
96: Can I cook?
some things 
97: Can I bake?
if it comes from a box then yes
98: 3 things I love?
one direction
99: 3 things I hate?
gun violence 
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends?
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys?
102: Where was I born?
in a hospital ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
103: Sexual orientation?
104: Where do I currently live?
on the east coast
105: Last person I texted?
my friend
106: Last time I cried?
when rewatching the finale of lost
107: Guilty pleasure?
oof i can’t think of one
108: Favourite Youtuber?
i don’t really watch youtube anymore
109: A photo of myself.
110: Do I like selfies?
111: Favourite game app?
subway surfers
112: My relationship with my parents?
it’s good i guess
113: Favourite accents?
british and irish and australian and scottish
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit?
new york and london
115: Favourite number?
116: Can I juggle?
117: Am I religious?
118: Do I like space?
y e s 
119: Do I like the deep ocean?
120: Am I much of a daredevil?
121: Am I allergic to anything?
i have seasonal allergies and i’m low-key ehh with corn
122: Can I curl my tongue?
123: Can I wiggle my ears?
124: Do I like clowns?
n o 
125: The Beatles or Elvis?
126: My current project?
127: Am I a bad loser?
128: Do I admit when I wrong?
i’m never wrong
129: Forest or beach?
130: Favourite piece of advice?
hmm idk
131: Am I a good liar?
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district?
slytherin, erudite i think, and i don’t know about my district 
133: Do I talk to myself?
134: Am I very social?
135: Do I like gossip?
kind of,,
136: Do I keep a journal/diary?
yeah but not in a traditional way
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test?
138: Do I believe in second chances?
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do?
see if there was id inside
140: Do I believe people are capable of change?
141: Have I ever been underweight?
142: Am I ticklish?
143: Have I ever been in a submarine?
144: Have I ever been on a plane?
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family?
146: Have I ever been overweight?
147: Do I have any piercings?
yes my ears
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real?
Peter Parker,,
149: Do I have any tattoos?
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
to kick a boy out of my life tbh
151: Do I believe in Karma?
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts?
153: What was my first car?
never had my own car
154: Do I want children?
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know?
myself?? IMDJSKAK
156: My most embarrassing memory?
don’t even make me think of one
157: What makes me nostalgic?
the smell of sweat pea hand sanitizer from bath and body works
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter?
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty?
brains i think
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe?
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience?
i don’t think so
162: What do I hate most about myself?
my lazy eye and my double chin
163: What do I love most about myself?
i can read a book quickly 
164: Do I like adventure?
165: Do I believe in fate?
166: Favourite animal?
dog (didn’t we already go over this??)
167: Have I ever been on radio?
168: Have I ever been on TV?
169: How old am I?
170: One of my favourite quotes?
“go confidently in the direction of your dreams”
171: Do I hold grudges?
172: Do I trust easily?
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes?
174: Best gift I’ve ever received?
one direction tickets and autographs 
175: Do I dream?
176: Have I ever had a night terror?
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind?
yeah there’s a few that stick out
178: An experience that has made me stronger?
the whole of 2017
179: If I were immortal, what would I do?
180: Do I like shopping?
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?
rob a bank
182: What does “family” mean to me?
183: What is my spirit animal?
whatever is really lazy
184: How do I want to be remembered?
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose?
186: What is my greatest failure?
a great question 
187: What is my greatest achievement?
a g r e a t q u e s t i o n 
188: Love or money?
189: Love or career?
hmmm depends
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go?
stay in my area and go back to the 90s maybe??
191: What makes me the happiest?
192: What is “home” to me?
my bedroomksddsm
193: What motivates me?
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be?
“play one direction at my funeral”
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens?
hm i don’t think so 
196: A movie that scared me as a child?
didn’t have one
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now?
198: Zombies or vampires?
199: Live in the city or suburbs?
200: Dragons or wizards?
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me?
202: How do I define love?
never experienced it so i wouldn’t really know 
203: Do I judge a book by its cover?
204: Have I ever had my heart broken?
205: Do I like my handwriting?
206: Sweet or savory?
207: Worst job I’ve had?
never had a job
208: Do I collect anything?
snow globes and pop figures 
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?
bracelet and ring
210: What is on my bucket list?
go to london
211: How do I handle anger?
sometimes i start crying or i go on tumblr and blast music
212: Was I named after anyone?
my grandfather 
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot?
so much oh my god
214: What TV character am I most like?
Charlie from Lost
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
don’t have one
216: Favourite fictional character?
Peter Parker,,, you’re the one🎶🎶
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