#but don't lose hope I'll answer to ALL of them eventually
awearywritersworld · 8 months
megumi's teacher — gojo satoru x reader
tags/warnings: fluff. fem!reader. gojo beefing with an eight year old. 700 words.
ever since megumi started the second grade, it's been (l/n)-sensei this. (l/n)-sensei that.
gojo picks up megumi's favorite ice cream, only to be scolded by the young boy. "(l/n)-sensei's favorite flavor is strawberry, so that's my favorite now!"
gojo tries to help him with his math homework, and it's "(l/n)-sensei did it this way. that means you should too!"
gojo reaches down to tie megumi's shoes for him, before his hand is promptly smacked away. "(l/n)-sensei said big boys tie their own shoes!"
honestly, gojo is starting to feel a little jealous. megumi's known you for what? two months?
he's been raising megumi for the past few years, but does that earn him an ounce of the adoration the young boy seems to have for you?
apparently not, though he perseveres nonetheless.
he and megumi are spending the afternoon out in the city and they stop at a small bakery for lunch.
while megumi is distracted looking at all the sweets behind the glass counter, the bell on the door draws gojo's attention.
his eyes fall upon a pretty young woman. actually, you might just be the prettiest woman he's ever seen.
and of course, a smirk forms on his lips when he catches you looking his way. he's puffing out his chest, running a hand through his hair.
he's always had a certain effect on the ladies, and he's never been more happy about that until this very moment—
"megumi?" you call from a few feet away. the wide smile adorning your face makes you look even more radiant.
while gojo visibly deflates, megumi's head whips around at the speed of light. "(l/n)-sensei!"
gojo very quickly comes to understand why the boy is so enamored by you.
megumi launches himself at you, while you crouch to meet him with open arms.
"i'm so happy to see you!" he practically sings, clinging to your neck.
you chuckle at his enthusiasm. "i'm happy to see you too, 'gumi."
gojo clears his throat, hoping that megumi will take the chance to introduce you two, but he is completely ignored.
"what are you going to get? i'll buy it for you," he states proudly, despite having zero money of his own.
your gaze shifts to gojo for the first time, and having your attention even just for a brief moment takes his breath away.
"that's very sweet megumi, but that's alright." you ruffle his hair when he pouts at your words, standing back up. "who's this?"
"oh that's just gojo. don't worry about him," he states with a wave of his hand.
the white haired man gawks at him in response. the nerve on that kid! he silently decides megumi will be losing dessert privileges for a week. no, two.
you stifle a giggle before offering your hand to him and introducing yourself as megumi's teacher.
he repeats your name, taking satisfaction in the way it sounds rolling off his tongue.
"that's a pretty name," he compliments, trying to recover from megumi's dismissal. "heard a lot about you. in fact, the kid never shuts up about you."
this earns him a glare from megumi, but gojo is too preoccupied with the shy look that crosses your features to notice.
gojo insists on paying for your order, a show of appreciation for taking such good care of megumi in class. you chat with the pair of them for a little while longer before eventually excusing yourself.
"thank you again, gojo-san. i'll see you on monday, megumi!"
just as you're turning on your heel, gojo calls your name and you look back at him expectantly.
"when, uh," he struggles, scratching the back of his neck. "when do i get to see you?"
"oh! well, parent-teacher conferences are only a few weeks away! i'll look forward to seeing you then," you answer sweetly, misunderstanding the meaning behind his words.
you bid them goodbye once more and they both watch your figure disappear down the street.
megumi turns to look at gojo smugly. "weeks? that sounds like a really long time—"
"shut it, kid."
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
how about Jason with the prompt "text me when you get home"? the one time they forget/fall asleep before sending the text and Jay loses hid mind. rushes over expecting them to be dead but they passed out on the couch as soon as they got home
really superbly SCRUMPTIOUS prompt Aud. I love protective jaybird 🥰‼️ thanks for sending something in 🫶
jason todd x gn!reader. worried protective snuggly jason. no warnings really, ya boy is just paranoid and madly in love with you 💓
request something! I rb all fics to @sanguinelibrary
As soon as you get out of your last class of the day, your phone rings.
You answer it, wedging the phone between your ear and shoulder as you fish in your bag for a couple of bills. You're already walking to the train station.
"Hi, snookie bear," you say into the phone, slightly delirious with hunger and sleep deprivation.
Jason snorts on the other end. "That's a new one. Hey, baby. Y'heading home?"
"Indeed I am."
"Need a ride?"
You wait and listen. Eventually, you hear the sounds of hitting and grunting in the background. You roll your eyes—only Jason would be in the middle of a fight and then ask if you need a ride home.
"No, I'm okay. It's not dark yet. Plus you sound busy."
"I'm never too busy for you," he says immediately. "And it's gonna get dark in an hour. Are you sure—"
"Yes, Jay," you say gently. "I'm sure. Don't worry about me. I'm going straight home."
You're already at the station. There's a good amount of people, students and workers alike. The university is in a relatively okay part of town, especially during the day. You're not worried. It's not like you traipse through Crime Alley on your downtime.
"Okay." Jason takes a deep breath. "Just—just be careful. Text me when you get home."
You note the hint of worry in his tone. Maybe this week has been particularly saturated with crime. Jason tends to get a little overbearing about your safety when he's had a tough week. You know he had go down to Blüdhaven and help his brother—with what specifically, you don't know.
Most of the time, you're sure you don't want to know.
"I always do," you say. The train pulls up to the station. "Ooh, train's here! I'll talk to you later. I'm thinking of ordering takeout. Too tired to cook."
"Okay, sweetheart. Be safe. Love you. Lock your door."
You roll your eyes fondly. "Yes, Jay. Love you too. Bye."
You hang up as you step onto the train. You pull your headphones out of your bag and shut your brain off during the ride. By the time you get off the train, you've lost hope that you'll be doing any work tonight. You're absolutely wiped out after three back-to-back classes.
It's still light when you get home. You lock the door after you get in, the habit ingrained into you, and dump your bag onto the couch.
Takeout is a no-go. You're hungry now and about thirty seconds away from passing out on the couch.
You change into your home clothes, eat a granola bar, and call it a day. You'll eat more later.
You turn off your phone to bar any annoying notifications and fall into bed, eyes closing immediately.
The sound of your deadbolt being teared off its chain wakes you up. You flinch and jump awake, trying to blink through sleep. Your mouth is dry from how hard you slept, and your eyesight is slightly blurry from the sudden flood of moisture.
Your bedroom door swings open, and suddenly you're pulled into warm, heavily muscled arms. You hug back on instinct; you'd know the feel of your boyfriend anywhere.
"Jay, h—"
"You didn't text," he says, voice shaking. "You said you would. I was—I thought you were—"
You tense, guilt knocking into you.
"Shit. Jason, I'm so sorry. I meant to, I was just so tired..."
Jason pulls back to look at you, hands still on your shoulders. His expression is stern.
"I'm gonna pick you up from now on. When are your late days?"
"Jay, no, GCU is across town. You can't possibly pick me up three days a week. That's too much! What about patrol?"
"Somebody else is out at this time," he says stonily. "Crime Alley can wait an hour while I get you home."
His eyes blaze green, a side effect of the Pit. You can tell he's putting every effort into keeping a lid on the worry and fear and anger over your silence.
"Jason." You cup his face. "Honey, I'm safe. I'm sorry I didn't text you. I'm sorry I worried you. But your adrenaline is spiked right now, Jay. Everything feels magnified. I don't need to be picked up. I was perfectly safe coming home. Okay?"
He shakes his head, holding your wrists. "Anything could've happened. I was so—fuck, baby, I was so scared. I-I checked the station footage and the traffic cams, and I didn't see you after you cut through the park, and I thought—I was sure you'd—"
Jason pulls your arms around his neck and buries his face into your shoulder. He supports you by the backs of your thighs, tugging you into his lap. Then he clings tight.
"Oh, Jay," you murmur, petting his curls. "I'm alright. This end of Gotham isn't so bad. And I know you'd have found me even if something had happened. But nothing did."
"Can't lose you," he chokes out.
"You won't lose me, honey," you say. "You keep me safe."
He trembles in your embrace. You kiss the shell of his ear and continue to pet his hair.
"Let me pick you up tomorrow, at least," he pleads. "We'll get dumplings at that place you like. You barely ate anything when you came home."
"Okay, Jay," you say, because you know he needs that reassurance. He won't relax without it. "That sounds good."
You keep stroking his hair. "Y'wanna order in now?"
"In a minute."
Jason lays you both down on the bed. He throws a leg over yours and pulls you into his chest. It's now that you see just how much tension is locked in his shoulders. He's exhausted.
"Jus' wanna hold you for a bit," he says, lips resting on your shoulder.
He's drowsy, the adrenaline finally ebbing. You close your eyes and snuggle into his arms.
"You can hold me for as long as you want," you say, threading your fingers with his. "I'm not going anywhere."
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bokutosbabe · 2 months
Now I'm Covered In You
(bllk boys as boyfriends)
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a / n — thought making another post in this form would be fun, so i hope you enjoy!
content — bllk characters x reader, gn! reader, pet names used in a few parts, sadly canon otoya i fear, misspelled words are there for a reason i swear, cheater! otoya and oliver, some characters repeated, lmk if i missed anything!
synopsis — bllk boys and what type of boyfriend they'd be
✿.。. “ how's one to know? ” .。.✿
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—The Romantic One
is always planning surprises for you, and i mean always. there's not a single week where you aren't being taken on 'adventures' that always lead you to a different restaurant.
what's the point in having all this money and not spending it on you?
they are constantly writing you love letters and poems. well, they try to anyway. they're not the best with their words and with many spelling mistakes, rather liking to show with actions, but they tried for you.
usually their poems end up something like this
' roses are red
so is my heart
my darling
my deer
my sweet buttercup
you taste just like a
tasty soda pop '
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ ISAGI YOICHI, shido ryusei, jyubei aryu, ALEXIS NESS
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— The Player
you know the famous saying, "how you get them is how you lose them?" yeah that's exactly how this relationship is.
you'd been one of their many side quests while they had a relationship going on. eventually after they'd ended said relationship, they'd chose you as their next partner.
they do spoil you with many gifts, mostly after you catch them cheating on you for the umpteenth time, but you stayed because they 'loved you'
sure they told you they loved you, but that wasn't really the case when they'd broken up with you because you were 'boring' them.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ OTOYA EITA, oliver aiku
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— The Protector
is constantly worrying about you and is looking out for your safety.
with them being this 'big bad' soccer player, many people refuses to even look you in the eyes when you were with them. but if someone dared to hit on you when they walk off for a second? please pray for them.
some guy could be asking you for directions and he'd come up behind you and wrap an arm around you without even uttering a word. you didn't have to look at them to know the look they were giving the man was nothing but deadly.
some may call it controlling, but you knew them, they just wanted to keep you safe from all these men.
you had him, who else would you need?
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ KUNIGAMI RENSUKE, rin itoshi, SHOEI BARO, tabito karasu
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— The Funny (insane) One
is constantly making jokes- some that aren't funny - but you laugh anyways.
everyone always asks you how your relationship is doing so well, and the answer is always, " i don't know," because you genuinely don't. yes, the two of you get into arguments, and sometimes the two of you get heated enough to have to take time apart from each other, but you always come back together.
because they always forget what the fight was even about and come back into your space to show you some cat meme they believe you would like.
and the two of you laugh until you feel better again.
maybe you don't know how your relationship is so healthy, but you know why you're happy.
because they take the time to make you laugh.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ BACHIRA MEGURU, RYUSEI SHIDO, gin gagamaru, seishiro nagi
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— The Traditional One
dates. Dates. DATES!!
they took you on soooo many dates before officially asking you to be their partner.
they definitely give the vibes of "my mom taught me i needed to..."
just the best gentleman!
you need to step over a puddle? they're putting their jacket down over it for you (it wasn't necessary, but they insisted on it)
you talked about wanting to see a movie once? he's already bought the tickets.
if you get married? he's insisting you stay home
" a pretty face like you doesn't need to work, i'll provide us everything." in his words
will do anything for you, really.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ YUKIMIYA KENYU, michael kaiser (pls ignore the mom part), REO MIKAGE, oliver aiku (again)
✿.。. “ i'd meet you where the spirit meets the bone ” .。.✿
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likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!!
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rosemaze-reveries · 6 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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morallygreyyn · 10 months
Hey! I recently saw your work with hcs of the hxh boys and loved it! Wanted to ask if you could do a Hanahaki disease short story with Kurapika except it's the other way around where the reader has the disease. Reader tries to hide it from him but he eventually finds out because of how close they are as friends, if you're comfortable with this request >~<
hanahaki disease with the hxh boys (pt. 2) (kurapika, hisoka, illumi headcanons)
authors note: hi hi! i decided to do this request for all the hxh boys and not just kurapika! i hope that's ok anon!
warnings: mentions of death
this is part two of my hanahaki disease headcanons! you can read part one here where the boys have the disease!
requests are open! please read my rules!
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the poor boy gets very distressed when you just suddenly disappear
you don't answer his calls
you don't answer the door
he doesn't see you anywhere
it's like you just vanished into thin air
little did he know, you're dying
and it's because of him
when the first petal fell from your lips, you knew immediately what it was...and who it was for
you weren't sad that kurapika didn't love you back, you knew he didn't
he was much too focused on his goals, and you didn't want to distract him from his purpose
it was what had kept him going for the longest time after all
and you were honoured to have helped him
but now you were dying and you didn't want kurapika to know
knowing kurapika like the back of your hand, you knew how to hide from him
and so, you holed yourself away in a rundown apartment, letting the hanahaki disease slowly claim your body
kurapika is frantic at this point
he has searched high and low for you to no avail
he even enlisted the help of leorio, killua, and gon to find you
with the dream team assembled, it was only a matter of time until they tracked you down
the boys allowed kurapika to see you alone, not wanting to intrude where they were not welcome
although they were delighted to know that you were still alive
but only just
kurapika knows just by the petal soaked floor what is happening, and he rushes to your side
"who is it?" he asks, dumbfounded that you were dying of unrequited love
who wouldn't love you?
you had stood steadfast by his side time and time again, even when he thought you wouldn't
never once did you walk away
never once did you think of him as a burden
you stood by him, had helped him
he couldn't lose you
not you
"what can I do?" he pleaded, clasping your hand in his own
"there is nothing." you whispered, voice scratchy and hoarse from coughing
"tell me who it is, I'll find them."
"you already have."
"no, you idiot, it's you." you teased playfully, knowing that kurapika was anything but stupid
"you're dying because of me?"
"it's okay." you managed to smile at him, happy that he would be with you in your final moments
"I don't understand, why are you dying?"
"you know the myth, you know why."
"I do know the myth, which is why I don't know." kurapika too a break, smoothing back your hair from your forehead. "because I love you too."
it was almost miraculous how quickly the disease cleared from your lungs
you could suddenly breathe again
"really?" you almost didn't dare to believe it
"of course I do." he confirmed, before pulling you into a long awaited embrace
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ok so hisoka is a tough one
he would know about the hanahaki disease
so he would know the signs
why you fell in love with hisoka was an utter mystery to you
you don't even know how it had happened
you had been friends and partners in crime with the man for as long as you could remember
but love? that seemed farfetched
until it wasn't
it began as a small cough, a light tickle in the back of your throat that acted as a warning that the worst was yet to come
you brushed it off, nothing thinking much of it until a petal fell into your hand
your eyes widened once you saw it, you had heard of the myth before during your travels
you knew what was coming
at first you didn't realise that it was hisoka you loved
who was the poor idiot who had won your heart? who were you about to die for?
you were sure to give them hell before you left this world, perhaps even bring them with you to the afterlife
how dare they end your life
only, your coughing grew worse once you saw hisoka again
with his catlike eyes and twisted grin
ah, that was the poor idiot
you knew the likelihood of hisoka every having feelings for you was slim to none, and the fact that you had developed the hanahaki disease was proof of that
unfortunately for you, hisoka was rather astute and noticed that you seemed sick
"don't tell me my favourite person has come down with the sniffles?"
"of course not."
you would avoid him after that, you didn't want him to see you weak
and you certainly didn't want him to find out that you loved him
so you hid, hoping that your death would be swift
hisoka noticed your absence, and he found himself not liking it one bit
you were the one who he enjoyed teasing, and who teased him in return
you were, as much as he was shocked to realise, rather close to him
remembering that you had seemed unwell the last time he had saw you, hisoka began to wonder whether your illness was serious
given the fact that you had disappeared unannounced, he began to think that there was something you were hiding
there is nothing hisoka loves more than a game
and you had unintentionally presented him with a great one
he tracked you down to a quiet forest of all places, surrounded by a field of red petals
hey, if you're hisoka's friend, you're going to be quite dramatic like he is
"my, my, this is quite the scene." he grinned as he approached, before seeing how pale you looked, the blood around your mouth, and the fact that you weren't moving
looking closer at the petals, he could see that they were red because of the dried blood that had stained them
oh, you had the hanahaki disease
considering the fact that you had left him without a word, he came to the correct conclusion
he wasn't an idiot, you clearly loved him
and you were dying
usually, hisoka enjoyed the idea of death but seeing you before him, basically in the afterlife, his perception of it drastically changed
he approached your body, narrowed eyes closely observing the stunted rise and fall of your chest, hearing the shallowness of your breaths
bringing his lips to your ear, hisoka whispered, "you really are quite dramatic, y/n, this is almost too much."
his fingers danced over your chapped lips
"what would you have me do, hm?"
his touch lightly trailed over your closed eyelids
"how unnecessary, considering the fact that I also love you."
it took a little while for you to regain consciousness
when you did, you found hisoka grinning at you
you also found him holding your hand
oh, you were both idiots
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ok so lets just feed into the delusion for a sec that illumi would have the emotional capacity to love someone and actually admit it out loud
i refuse to write sad shit ok
so you love illumi
you had felt the emotion grow the more time you spent with the stoic assassin
it was no surprise when you realised you had developed the hanahaki disease
in fact, you had almost suspected it
once you realised you had loved illumi, it was only a matter of time before you died from it
there was no way someone as emotionally stunted as the eldest Zoldyck sibling would ever feel something remotely close to love, especially in the romantic department, especially for you
you knew him too well, you had been working with him for the longest time
ever since you first laid eyes on him, he was stuck with you
you followed him around, not bothering him enough for him to kill you, but just enough to get to know him
or, more accurately, for him to know you
illumi had grown used to you stubbornly following him around
he had grown to expect your endless chatter that often filled the void of silence
he had grown used to your constant presence
you knew he didn't mind, he had never sent you away
perhaps he was lonely and you fixed that
however, now that you were dying because of him, you had a choice to make
either, you could leave and die in peace, or you could tell him and see whether that would kill you faster
if you chose to hide, it would take him a matter of seconds to track you down - it was his job after all
if you chose the latter, you would mention it briefly, just to see how he would react
either way, the conversation would be the same
"by the way, I'm not going to be around for much longer, so you'll have to do that without me."
"where are you going?"
"to the most mysterious land of all." you smiled, wanting to make a joke out of your upcoming demise. "I have a date with the grim reaper."
illumi was perhaps the most confused you had ever seen him before
you had gone mad - what on earth were you talking about?
"I'm dying, illumi." as if on cue, a coughing fit quickly swept through you, and a whole flower fell into your hand. you presented him with the bloodied bloom. "see?'
illumi has never heard of the hanahaki disease before
looking closer at you, he was ever so slightly perturbed to realise that you certainly looked unwell
"you just coughed up a flower."
"well spotted."
"how are you dying?"
you sighed, realising you would have to spell it out for him. "it's called the hanahaki disease, and it is a curse everyone suffering from unrequited love dreads."
"you love someone?"
you laughed darkly, here goes nothing
if you thought illumi looked confused before, that was nothing compared to now
"is that so hard to believe?"
illumi couldn't fathom what he was hearing
someone loved him?
you loved him?
it sounded utterly ridiculous
but there you were, dying before his very eyes
"I don't understand."
"what don't you understand?"
"why are you dying?"
"I just told you why."
he stared at you blankly, black eyes boring into yours. "then the myth is wrong."
"what are you...?" you trailed off, not daring to hope what he might be implying. "do you love me?"
illumi didn't respond, and you didn't know whether he had the capability of admitting the words aloud
despite this, that was good enough for the disease to immediately clear from your lungs
and you took a deep breath to fill them again
gone was the pain, the heaviness, the urge to cough
"you love me." you looked at him again, filled with more hope than ever before
it wasn't a question this time
you knew illumi loved you, in his own special way
you dared to kiss him, and illumi allowed it despite his utter shock
that’s how you knew he meant it
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maximotts · 1 year
i feel like cowboy wanda would be so gentle the first few times she has sex with you bc she’s worried she’ll hurt you and scare you off but eventually she loses control a bit and manhandles you into position and when she pins you down, you moan and then the most DEVILISH smile spreads across her face
Ooo okay okay it's interesting you brought this up because I've been thinking about their first encounter a bit lately! We'll ignore that this turned into a whole fic, okay? I love them sm Also this isn't really edited because it was supposed to be a short answer and now it's uhm.. not short, so forgive any typos
18+ only please . wc: 2.7k . cw: first meeting hookup, drinking, dirty talk, oral, fingering, v light spanking, lap sits, possessiveness, Wanda being smitten, the pickup truck sex a lot of y'all have been asking me about that I said was coming, morning after with Wanda because she's as proper as she is filthy
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Basically right now I have their first time more as a hookup where bunny is new to town and goes out to a bar one night to maybe make friends and see the environment, but then she meets Wanda and her group of friends who are all more than welcoming and you're having a great time hanging out with them.
But your eyes keep drifting to Wanda. Of course Wanda notices and, being the smooth talker she is, starts flirting with the new girl. She buys you as many drinks as you want which, end up being stronger than you're used to, but your nerves keep you ordering more. When she finally slips an arm around you, cornering you in the booth you'd only just plopped yourself into, you're more than ready for Wanda to kiss you— and kiss you she does.
You're shy by nature, never having made out with anyone in a bar, much less with a girl you'd only known for a few hours, but Wanda's thumb brushing over your cheek while she bites down on your bottom lip has you forgetting everything you're used to which admittedly, isn't much. Somehow she's pulled your thighs over her own, toying with the stretchy hem of the form-fitting skirt you'd decided to wear last minute. When she touches a particularly sensitive spot, you shiver and Wanda chuckles, "You cold, darlin'? Pretty as your arms are, I'll let you borrow my jacket if it'd help."
And so the night goes on with Wanda's thick denim jacket slung over your shoulders, her arm around your waist wherever the two of you walk. Normally you'd hate the presumptive way the cowgirl was handling you, as if she owned you already, but you'd be damned if you didn't admit you wanted her to stake her claim. So, in your slightly inebriated state, you took a leap, "Wands, I'm sleepy..."
Which catches her attention immediately. "Well now," Wanda pulls you close then, fingers carefully treading the line between caressing your hip and groping your ass; it would be the first time she whispers in your ear, but it'll never stop being insanely hot. "I hope you're telling me because you're going to let me take you home. I'd be real sad leaving tonight without you."
You wish your giggle of a reply didn't sound so girlish and naïve, but in hindsight, you had no idea the sheer intensity you were in for. "Only if you promise to behave yourself."
She's driven about halfway back to her house before she has to pull over; technically it was her land, pulled over to the side of the winding road and turning her truck engine off. "I know I promised to take you home, I still will, but I can't take another second not having my hands on you."
It takes you back a little; all you'd been doing was scratching over her jeans while you stared at the woman driving, but you weren't going to argue with her. "I don't really-"
"I've wanted you on my lap since I laid eyes on you. Get over here." Thankfully she doesn't have to convince you any farther, holding back a groan as you straddled her legs, skirt riding up inch by inch. It was a tight squeeze with you between her and the steering wheel, but Wanda hardly noticed once you started kissing her. This time was impossibly hotter, Wanda's tongue taking control of the kiss before moving on to shamelessly leave marks along your jaw and neck.
And Wanda is too good at getting your clothes out of the way, leaving you topless with record speed, squeezing at your breasts roughly while you struggled just to keep up with her mouth. "What if someone sees..."
The brunette only starts toying with your nipples, relishing in the way it got you rolling your hips. "It's pitch dark, silly girl. I can barely see you out here, don't worry your pretty little head."
You lost the last bit of your restraint the moment Wanda passed her fingertips over your underwear. They were thin lace, chosen by design so as not to show under your skirt, but they drove Wanda wild. She pushed them aside to slide her fingers along where you were already warm and sensitive, hips stuttering as she stroked over your clit. "O-Oh.."
"Look at you, already wet and needy. Were you like this all night? That why I caught you squeezing your thighs together so often?" You shook your head, trying to deny it, but you weren't even fooling yourself.
Wanda's had you rocking in place for hours by this point; you thought sure you'd been subtle and being called out for your behavior found your head ducking into the crook of Wanda's shoulder to avoid her knowing gaze. "Aww, it's okay! It'll be our little secret, promise..."
Wanda discovered night one what a responsive person you were, delighting in the vice grip you held on the back of her seat while she rolled your nipple in time with her other hand on your sensitive bud. You rocked against her hands as best you could, fighting to keep pace, but hopefully not finish so easily— it'd just been so long and you needed this much more than expected.
The next morning, you'd blame the alcohol. "Wanda please, I- I need.."
"What do you need, sweetheart, wanna cum? Make a mess in my truck after I barely got started with you?" You were nodding so hard your neck hurt, moaning quietly as you felt your body reach its peak; the first of many that night. Ears ringing and thoughts so pleasantly fuzzy, you couldn't recall a time you'd felt more free, in an old pickup truck or otherwise.
"Ooh, aren't you just a masterpiece..." The brunette took her time letting you down, pointer and middle fingers wandering until they just barely pushed into you: less than an inch, but unendingly torturous. "Sounds like I was able to make you feel better, least a little bit."
Tired hips tried every which way to sink onto Wanda's long fingers, the same ones you'd felt on you over your clothes back in the bar and had lists of naughty places you wanted her to put them. But each time, your lover avoids delving anywhere past shallow. "You're being mean, just fuck me."
"Mean? After I let you cum as early as you wanted? You don't know what mean looks like on me. Don't think you want to," A succession of wet slaps echoed in the truck's cabin, the silence of everything around you both amplifying the sound of Wanda lightly hitting your sensitive cunt and your resulting whimpers.
"Told you so. Now, bend over and stay still while I get a proper look like the obedient girl I know you are," Manhandling you over the length of her seats shouldn't have been as easy as it was after the long night out, but Wanda was strong and you never fought her while she pushed your arms to the passenger car door and spread your bent knees apart.
If you were begging her to fuck you out loud, you wouldn't be surprised, wishing so hard that if Wanda still refused to give you exactly what you wanted, she'd at least use her fingers, tongue, anything to fill where you currently felt so empty. "Please- I need more-"
Your thighs shake as she licks over your puffy folds, mumbling the most depraved things about you, your taste, your warmth, leaving you with the most intoxicating combination of feeling both used and adored. "You just keep dripping into my mouth, baby, it's impossible to keep you clean..."
"Can't help it, sorry," But your words aren't matching your actions, not when you kept searching out Wanda's tongue each time she flicked at your clit, pitifully rolling over the rough surface whenever she flattened it out.
You'd long since fogged up the windows, smudging the fog as your overheated cheek met the cold glass; each time you managed to open your eyes you remember exactly where you are, woods rustling in the middle of the night. "W-Wanda! 'm close again, please please...!"
"Mean girls wouldn't let you have two orgasms back to back, no matter how pretty." Wanda likes to believe she actually thought about whether or not to give you what you wanted, but in reality she knew she would leave you wanting the second you turned bratty. Sure it was a risk, not knowing how you'd react, but it was well worth the test to see if you had a chance of handling her past a quick night's distraction. "Straighten up, we're only a few minutes from home."
"That's not fair—"
But Wanda was already pushing you upright again, haphazardly fixing your dress, going so far as to buckle your seatbelt as if it'd keep you from your uncomfortable wiggling. "My car my rules! Like I said, we're not far."
Wanda expected you to pout and huff the whole way, worried in the back of her mind you wouldn't let her lay another hand on you after her denial, but she was pleasantly surprised. Somewhere shortly after she pulled back onto the road, you'd taken her hand; first just to play with her fingers, innocent fidgeting at best, but before she knew it, her digits were engulfed in sinfully wet warmth.
Her fingers in your mouth made the pair of you dizzy, hands holding her wrist as you pumped her digits in and out, tongue swirling over the tips and grinning once Wanda's neutral expression cracked, lips parting in a low groan. "Do mean girls let the good ones suck the strap they've been feeling near them all night or do they only get to play with their hands?"
"Depends on if they show them how bad they want it." Wanda could only look your way for seconds at a time, the visual of your half-lidded gaze trained on her jeans while you so obviously used your imagination to envision some other scenario, muffling your own needy sounds as you forced her fingers to the back of your throat... she'd underestimated the new girl.
Whether it was any lingering alcohol talking or whatever boldness Wanda unlocked that night, something urged you to continue goading her, making a show of spreading your legs and slipping her wet fingers to your sex before closing them once more, slowly grinding her shaking digits to sate yourself for that last tiny stretch of road to the farmhouse. "Bad enough to turn your hand into a toy for as long as you let me."
Wanda made that final turn up her driveway, parking her truck fast as she could with only one hand, "You're lucky I didn't crash just now, you little devil, can't wait to get you inside."
"Lead the way, since we're playing by your rules and all." As soon as she got her hand back, Wanda practically dragged you from her vehicle and for as many hours as you spent awake in her home, you couldn't remember a single detail of any room she brought you through that night.
When you wake up, it's to a dimly lit bedroom, curtains drawn so only a sliver of late morning sun peeked through. Your body ached, but it wasn't from the drinking, taut muscles and lethargic thoughts bringing back bits and pieces of everything you got up to the second Wanda got you past the front door.
The same Wanda whose bed you assumed you were currently sprawled out in. Doubt crept in as you realized you're alone, fretting over if you should've fallen asleep there or not. You were deciding whether it'd be more awkward to sneak out and go back to town on foot or to search out Wanda and ask if she'd mind driving you back to your place when you heard a single knock on the door. "Can I come in?"
Your brow furrowed, "It's your room, of course you can come in." Wanda cracked the door slowly, the back of her loose flannel shirt greeting you first before she turned around, a small tray in her hands. "Sorry for crashing."
"Never said you were unwelcome, I'm sorry for letting you wake up in a strange place by yourself... and for not leaving you at least a shirt, my bad." Your arms hastily bundled the blankets to cover your chest, your nakedness pointed out to you, but Wanda laughed, setting the tray down before heading for her dresser. "Don't worry, darlin, I love the view just as much in the daylight."
"What a reassuring hostess I have," Pulling the t-shirt she tossed you over your head, the delightful scents coming from the tray down the bed now catching your attention. On it was a short stack of pancakes, bacon, orange juice, strawberries... the biggest breakfast you'd seen since you'd come to town. "Did you make that?"
Wanda nodded and slid the food closer to you before sitting on the edge of her mattress, "I don't typically make this much food, but I had to get up early to make some rounds in the barn and I figured I owed you a hearty breakfast after such a nice night."
There was something so endearing to how she explained her actions, rambling on to offset her nerves, No one had even gone to such lengths to make your morning so comfortable after a single hookup, but this set the bar high for anyone else who tried. Not that you'd ever have to worry about another first night, but neither of you knew that yet.
For now Wanda scrambled to find the right way to show genuine interest in the girl she'd brought home and fucked every which way until they passed out and you amusedly ate your special pancakes while watching Wanda try, her fumbling charming you more than she'd ever imagine.
Eventually you put her out of her misery, putting down your utensils to sit up on your knees and stretch over to plant a quick kiss on her soft lips. "I really appreciate it and I'm not even a bit mad with how I woke up, but it's very sweet of you to care, Wands."
"Oh good because I'd really like to see you again sometime, if you're up for it." It would be a rare thing to see Wanda so continuously shy, but she was uncharacteristically smitten and she wanted to get to know you before the rest of the small town came for their changes too.
You hummed as you popped a strawberry into your mouth, licking your fingers in a way that painfully reminded Wanda of the previous night, "How's today?"
"Today?" The farmgirl ran a hand through her long hair, cocking her head to the side much like a lost puppy.
"Yeah, today. If you wouldn't mind me following along." With each minute that ticked past, the less you wanted to leave, much preferring a Sunday spent with Wanda than in your flat full of moving boxes.
Her eyes lit up, smile brighter than the sun, “Can’t complain about a beautiful girl all to myself all day!" Wanda was practically buzzing with everything she wanted to show you, from the chicken coops to the haylofts, but she forced herself to keep her cool.. on the surface at least. "Finish up breakfast and I'll find you some kind of pants."
"But I'm so cozy right here without them." Maneuvering over the last bits of food on your plate meant you more fell into Wanda's lap than sat on it, but she caught you nonetheless, tugging you down for the proper kiss she'd been waiting to share with you since early morning light. "Come back to bed with me?"
After the long sleep your energy was renewed, finally able to take Wanda into all your senses again, the taste of her lips, the subtle earthy smell from the work she'd already done that day, her strong hands settling confidently on your upper thighs... getting dressed was the last thing on either of your minds. "Wouldn't be much of a hostess if I didn't let my guest do as she pleased."
In the end, the pair of you might've set the world record for longest date from Sunday morning to when Wanda finally dropped a reluctant you back into town Wednesday afternoon.
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ashen-char · 2 months
take my pure 🔞
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ship: max fox (better things) x gender neutral reader (reader has a penis bc of the g!p request but i kept it gn bc the other request used "they")
warnings: explicit smut, losing virginity, reader has a penis
summary: max is more than happy to be your first - to ensure that your first time is perfect, to show you how good it can be.
word count: 3700+
notes: knocking out a few requests with this one. g!p request here, and requests for reader's first time w max here and here. g!p won the poll so i hope to write things like this more often for you guys! ALSO written as a happy bday gift to my 100th follower <3
Max has done her best to be patient with you. Respectful of the fact that, yknow, you're inexperienced. That you want to take things slow. You're not the type to rush into stuff headfirst like Max is. You know she's done more, that she wants you. It's kinda sweet how she asks you if you're OK even if you're doing something as simple as making out, just because she doesn't want to scare you off. 
"Hey, babe?" Max asks you one day, while you two are cuddling on her bed. Her hands stroke at your stomach, fingers slightly grazing down and playing with the waistband of your boxers. "I was thinking, like... what's the farthest you've ever gone with someone?"
Your eyes widen with the question since it seemed so out of the blue. Then again, Max always said what was on her mind, be that normal or not. "Uh, well, we've made out a bunch, obviously," you tell her.
"Right." The way she pauses lets you know that Max wants you to keep going, that you haven't answered what she wants to hear.
You keep your eyes on Max's, watching if she's at all uncomfortable or jealous with the answer. You want to be honest, but not make her upset. "Besides that, I guess me and my last girlfriend... touched a little. Like, under the bra. She tried to cop a feel of my junk once, but I shut that down." You frown at the memory. The rest of that hang-out was awkward, and you felt bad, but you weren't ready. You don't regret standing your ground though.
"Just under the bra, huh? That's it?" she teases. It's like Max knew you were getting in your head, because one of her hands comes up and cups your face. You lean into it. Turn your head and press a kiss to her palm.
Your arm goes to pull Max in, wanting her closer. She relaxes you. You've never really had that before. Past relationships were all filled with nerves and uncertainty. Max makes everything feel obvious, especially with how confident she is, even when she messes up.
"I kinda regretted moving away back then. Like, it felt good," you admit. "But no one else had ever touched it but me, so I was a little too nervous to go further." That moment didn't feel right. Now you know that it was because your ex was the wrong girl. She wasn't as awesome and right for you as Max.
Max giggles softly, pressing against you and letting you pull her against you. "Not lame at all, babe," she assures, her hand moving lower, tracing patterns on your abdomen. You resist the urge to flex, knowing she'll tease you for trying to impress her. You can't help how nervous she still makes you. How cool you want her to think you are. "It's... cute, actually. Makes me feel special, you know? That I'll get to be your first."
First. It used to be a daunting thought. Exes pushing you, saying it wasn't a big deal, telling you how excited they were to eventually take it. Like your body was something fun for them to experience. But not Max. She likes the thought because it proves how much you, the person not the body, trusts her. You think it might be fun, with Max. Because of Max. It makes you want to push through those nerves.
She looks up at you. You recognise that look in her eyes, how they sparkle with mischief. "...what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" you ask, wary but playful in tone. You poke her cheek and laugh when that makes Max laugh as well.
"You've never gone under my bra," she says.
The thought of Max's... well. You flush at the thought, the image of it, like your brain's stopping you from even thinking of her chest. Bare. Would her, uh, you know, be as pink and tender as her lips?
You really need to get over it. They're just words. You've seen Max's breasts before - seen them when she'd tease you by sending you nudes, or the couple of times she's changed in front of you because "she really doesn't care, just stay" in Max's words. You never really let yourself look, so sure that you'd stare and pop a boner or something. And pictures don't do them justice.
Max gives you little time to prepare. With two hands, she takes hold of yours, and, with a gentle tug, brings your hand under her shirt. "Go up when you feel ready," she says. Her eyes are fixed on yours, but she closes them when she leans in and sweetly gives you a kiss. It's then when you let your fingers splay open, reaching up, releasing a shaky breath when you feel it. Soft. Malleable. 
You squeeze, and she moans and, fuck, you feel the blood rushing down between your legs. This is when alarm bells would ring, telling you to move away before she feels your semi. But not with Max. Maybe it would be overkill to say you feel completely ready, but you don't feel scared at least. Spurred by your excitement and the feel of her soft tits in your hands, you begin to massage and explore, watching how Max reacts. Her shivers, her moans, her whimpers.
"Are you sure this is your first time?" she huffs out, as you're switching from one to the other. "You're too good at this."
"I- uh-" You don't know what you want to say. Nothing really. At this point, you're tenting your boxers something fierce and hoping Max doesn't tease you about it. "I'm not really doing anything. You feel good," is what you end up landing on, proud when you don't stutter too bad.
You feel her nipples pebble under your touch, how your palm grazes over it and it makes Max bite her lip and mumble out a "fuck".
When you don't freak out and let her know it's getting a bit too quick for you, her thumbs slip under the straps of her tank top. "You can take it off, if you want, babe," Max offers. You know there's no bra underneath, and you think you might die if her perfect tits were suddenly out, so you appreciate the warning.
"Honestly, I like where my hands are," you say. Admitting that peeling her tank top off would make you actually combust in your pants is too embarrassing anyways. "But I want to see you."
You watch as she strips her shirt and your heart thumps like it did the first time because she's just that gorgeous. Her pale skin is pretty. Her nipples are as pink as you imagined, but there's a tinge of red now, like they're begging to be touched. The beauty marks that pepper her upper body look like constellations, and you've spent a non-zero amount of time fantasising about kissing them. So you do. Max's breathing is getting heavy and you can feel it in how her chest rises and falls, can feel her heartbeat against your lips.
You don't know how long your face has been buried in her chest for. At least ten minutes if you had to guess. Max's perfume smells so sweet on her skin, and when you lick around her nipple like that, she squirms and grinds down on your lap. You almost can't believe you're feeling so comfortable right now. There's no instinct telling you to move away, to not let her feel your bulge. In fact, it feels so good.
"So, does that mean you're ready for third base now? Or maybe even a home run?" Her voice is teasing, but there's a hint of need behind it. Max wants you inside her and it's a thought that makes you groan.
"I think... yeah," you breathe out. "I wanna go further."
Max's eyes light up at your words. She can't believe you're giving her this, trusting her enough to let her see you, all of you. She's been dying to touch you, to explore every inch of the body that she loves being held by. She sits up, straddling you, her hands already reaching for the hem of your shirt.
"I thought you'd never ask," she teases, pulling your shirt off and tossing it aside. Her fingers trace the lines of your muscles, admiring the way your body responds to her touch. She can feel your heart pounding in your chest, can sense your nervousness. But she also sees the desire in your eyes, the want.
Her hands move to your belt, unbuckling it slowly, her eyes never leaving his. She can see you swallow hard, your chest heaving.
Max is grinning, enjoying the power she holds over you. "It'll be good. You'll love this, baby, trust me." In smooth, practised motions, she undoes the button on your jeans, then your zipper, her knuckles brushing against your hardness. She can feel you throbbing, eager for her touch.
"I do trust you," you say. With a groan, you hide your face against her, burrowing at the spot where her shoulder and neck meet.
"You're so big, babe," she whispers, her hand slipping inside your boxers, wrapping around your length. Max bites her lip, looking up at you with wide, eager eyes. She can feel your thickness in her hand, can barely wrap her fingers around it. "You're pulsing in my hand." Max sounds delighted.
"Shut up," you grit out, face probably burning red with all her teasing. It's all you can do to remember to breathe.
"Uh huh." She strokes you gently, feeling you grow even harder in her hand. Up and down the shaft, twisting at the head. You can't believe a girl is touching you. Not only that, but she's doing it in a way that you've only done to yourself in the privacy of your room, like Max knows just how you like it. "Do you like that, baby?" she asks, her voice soft and sweet. Encouraging. It makes you squirm.  "Do you like me touching you like this?"
Fuuuuck. "Ugh." Your hips jerk up, making a slick sound as you fuck up into her hand. "Yes."
After a while, when you're fully hard, Max starts making her way down. She kisses her way down your neck, your chest, lips exploring your body as her hands continue their tantalisingly slow up and down. She can feel you tense beneath her touch, but you don't stop her. "What are you-?"
"Shhh, baby. I just want to do something for you. It'll feel even better. Pinky promise."
She reaches your waistband, her fingers hooking into the top of your boxers. She looks up at you, checking in, making sure you're still okay with this. You nod. The sight of Max on her knees in front of you is fucking wow and the thought of saying no doesn't even cross your mind. Not like this. Not when your breath coming in short gasps and you just want her mouth around you.
"OK. Thank you for trusting me, baby," she whispers.
Your hands... you don't know what you're doing with them, don't know what to do at a time like this. It's not like you came over expecting to get blown today, so you didn't exactly look up the best etiquette for this. On her head seems like a safe option but also so lewd that you can't bring yourself too. "Of course," you say. "I love you. I-I trust you."
She smiles, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your stomach. "I love you too."
A deep breath in. You can do this. Max says you'll love it, and God, if you haven't imagined her mouth on you hundreds of times. She tugs your boxers down, freeing your erection. She says something to the effect of "oh, hello!" when it pops out, smacking you in the stomach cause you're just that fucking hard right now.
Max gasps when she finally sees it, her eyes widening in shock and awe. "Oh my god, baby," she breathes, her hand wrapping around the base, her thumb and middle finger not even able to meet. "If you told me you were packing all this, I might have done this sooner."
"I know, I know." Max laughs. She can see you blushing, can see the vulnerability in your eyes. Max smiles, running her finger along your length, feeling you shiver beneath her touch. "You're doing good," she tells you, then licks her lips. "Now can I taste it, baby?" she asks, her voice soft and pleading. "Please?"
When you nod your consent, Max leans down, her tongue flicking out to lick the tip of your cock. She hears you gasp, sees your hips jerk slightly. When she's taking you into her mouth, just the head at first, you wonder if you've ever felt anything so good. It's warm. Crazy intense. Your hands stay on the bed, clutching at the covers, fisting it so you don't do something stupid like scream or cum right there and then.
She sucks gently, her tongue swirling around you.
"Aa-ah," comes the broken moan out of your mouth. Don't cum, don't cum, shit.
You're growing harder in her mouth than you even thought possible, the head hitting the soft palate at the roof of her mouth. There's too many textures, too many sensations. You cling onto the knowledge that this is Max doing this to you. For you. Whichever. Your caring, sweet, always clingy Max. You cling to the fact that she's probably loving this right now, if in a completely different way than you are, loving that you're letting her have this part of you.
She pulls off the slightest bit, just enough to speak, looking up at you. "Is this okay, baby?" she asks, her voice soft. "Do you like it?"
You nod, your eyes clamped shut. If you look down and see your dick in her mouth, there's no saying what you'll do. "Y-yes," you stammers. "It's amazing."
"Well, I'm glad, baby," she says. You can hear the smile in her voice, can feel her hands rubbing up and down your thighs to calm you down. "Tell me if this gets too much, alright? I'm gonna do a little more."
Nodding, you give her the OK.
A little more turns out to be a lot at once. Max returns to that steady rhythm, her head bobbing up and down. With the way her tongue is swirling, you might not have recognised that she's goimg each time. Until finally, you hit something, and you feel her gag slightly.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"No, no, I'm fine," Max doesn't let you finish. "I want to."
She pulls back, taking a deep breath, before trying again. Biting your lip hard, you feel how Max relaxes her throat, taking you deeper this time, her hands gripping your thighs.
You're panting at this point. She must feel you growing closer, feel your body tensing. Her hand strokes the rest of your shaft, the bit she can't get in her mouth.
"No," you get out. You want to last, you want to make sure Max enjoys this as much as you are.
Now it's Max's time to apologise. She immediately pulls off, her eyes big and apologetic. "I'm sorry, God, I should have know that was too far, babe."
Instead of letting her think she was in the wrong, you lean down to kiss her. "No, you didn't do anything wrong," you murmur, even if it's hard to speak right now. Her shoulders are tense, worried, and you rub them. "I just didn't want to cum yet," you admit. You feel ready. You feel good. And it's all Max's doing. "I think I want... I want to be inside you."
Her eyes widen. Eventually Max nods, understanding, and scoots up to lie back on the bed. She reaches behind her to unbutton her shorts, sliding them and her panties off in one smooth motion. She wiggles out of them, leaving her naked and exposed. Her pussy is wet, her nerves making her ache for you. When she spreads her legs, inviting you in, you feel your mouth go dry.
"Come here, baby," she says, patting the spot next to her. "You're going to be so good, you know?"
Nervous isn't the right word. Excitement, maybe. You don't want to fuck this up, but at the same time you know Max wouldn't bedgrudge you if you do. Maybe she'd laugh, or playfully complain, but even if you bust a load right now she'd probably rub your back and tell you that you did good.
You gulp. "I don't know how to..."
"I know, baby. That's kinda part of it." Max leans in, pressing a soft placating kiss to your lips. "No one knows how to do something the first time. All I want is for you to be comfortable, OK? We don't have to do anything you don't want to."
Nothing you don't want to. That helps.
Max takes your hand again. This time, she brings it between her legs. Lets you feel around, not judging how your fingers clumsily explore her pussy.
Knowing that you're going to put it in and feel all this, wet and warm and tight, around your cock makes your brain fry. 
"Do you feel how wet I am?" she whispers. "I'm gonna love it. Just let me guide you in. You can't mess this up."
You keep your eyes fixed on Max, letting her keep you as calm as you can be in this situation. Her hand, still unable to wrap around your girl, directs you to her entrance, replacing your fingers with your cock. Your heart is pounding in your chest as she lines herself up with your head. For the first time, you feel a woman's soft folds around the tip of your cock. An inviting heat practically begs you to take her, to shove yourself right in, and you can't help but shiver at the sensation.
"Shh. Slow," she whispers. "Just push in slow, feel how I fit around you. Take your time."
You do as she says, pushing in slowly, her warmth enveloping you. Your body screams at you to move faster. Inch by agonising inch. Your hands let go of the sheets, reaching to grasp her, holding Max by the hips now. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do to stop Max from sucking you until you came. But now, with half of your shaft buried inside her and Max's hand still wrapped around your base, you realise how close you still are. How bad of a decision it was to not wait until you calmed down a little, because fuck, you think you're going to blow.
Max's nails dig into your shoulder, and she takes a deep breath. Her shaky "oh God" makes you moan, clutching at her hips tighter to hold on to your sanity. Luckily, it seems like you both need some time, so no one complains when you stop about halfway inside her. Max slowly adjusts to your size, and you're adjusting to the fact that you're inside of someone for the first time and it feels like heaven.
"Do you like this, baby?" she asks, her voice breathless. "Do you like being inside me?"
"God yes," you groan out. You can barely even recognise your own voice, thick with pleasure. The tight heat, the softness, it envelops you and you can't help but bite your lip as you tell yourself over and over to not cum yet. Even without moving, her muscles are clenching around you, and it's so intense that it's overwhelming.
"OK, baby," she pants, after a while. You're calmer now. At least, you hope so. "Now you can move." 
So you do. You sink in slowly but surely, taking it all in. Once you're fully inside her, you freeze for a moment, unsure of what to do. Max, however, is not. She wraps her legs around your waist, her heels digging into your back, and begins to move her hips, grinding against you.
Max guides you, showing you how to thrust, how to set the pace, how she likes it. She likes it when you swivel your hips, but hates it when you change up the speed too much. When her hips gyrate, she wants it deeper. You're a fast learner. Every thrust makes her moan, and you're just following Max's lead. Trying not to lose yourself in it. Her soft moans are the sweetest reward.
Max wraps her legs around your waist, pulling you closer, encouraging you. 
"You're doing great," she says, her eyes locked on yours. "Just like that. Keep going."
You let out a shaky breath, your eyes locked with Max's. This is it. You're making love to the love of your life, and you can't believe how good it feels. Max's slick walls slide against you, gripping your cock with every roll of her hips. You begin to mimic her movements, use what you've learned.
Max lets out soft, needy whines, her body arching to meet your inexperienced but eager thrusts. She's taking in every inch of you, her pussy stretching and contracting around you. Her eyes roll back in her head.
"B-baby, please," she calls out, "cum for me, cum inside me. I want to feel it."
"Close. Wait for me," you groan, your body trembling.
And then, in a wave of pleasure, your body jerks. It feels like a bolt of lightning, a shock to the system. Your cock pulses deep inside of Max as you spill your seed deep within her. Max lets out a loud moan as you fill her, her body shuddering as her own orgasm washes over her. Her pussy clamps down tightly around you, milking you dry as she rides out her climax.
Together, you two lay there, panting. "Oh my God. That was amazing," you say, before laughter takes over you. Nothing's funny, but there's too much joy, too much happiness to not let out. She joins in, until you're two giggling messes cuddled up in the sheets, basking in the afterglow. She whispers sweet nothings into your hair, telling you how proud she is of you, how lucky she is that you let her experience your first with you.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
The TWST cast from the original Fyuuture Kid timeline is so Cleopatra by Lumineers coded. They just get their (pregnant) joyfriend ripped away from them, cursed, and then sent back to earth, where they can't follow all in one day. That's gotta be a fucking nightmare. They just lose everything at the same time. Bro. Imagine Jamil or Azul, they had to fight for everything and just when they finally, FINALLY, think they have something that will never leave, it's taken away. Imagine malleus or cater or silver; they've already lost so much, silver just lost his dad and now, when he's going to make his own family, they're taken from him too.
You wrote one time that of Yuu ever died, Floyd would be quick to follow, so. Did Jade and Azul have to put him on suicide watch? My mind is reeling there were NO WINNERS in this timeline Goddamn.
Sorry for the angst dude I just think about this AU a lot
i am so sorry for making you all live with this many thoughts and just waltzing on off to do fuck all
So there weren't any winners in the original timeline no, but the way things went down sort of prevented the type of outcome you are describing with Floyd due to the potential for hope, that most dangerous of falsehoods. In a way that sort of makes it worse though... so lets talk about what went down shall we?
(I'm going to keep this post to more general information, but I did write some specific ship thoughts I'll probably use for another post later on, I just need to think on some of them more...)
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is part of my fyuuture kid au which can be found under the series section of my masterlist. This post will not contain discussions of suicidal ideation, but will contain major character death and descriptions of violence. If you are curious about what happened to Yuu and Fyuuture kid, look at this post here.
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General Original Timeline Facts
To give a brief re-cap of what happens to Yuu, they were arrested by the Magical Marshall's office and sent back to their world, while pregnant, and cursed to forget everything that had happened to them in Twisted Wonderland. Something I didn't mention in that first post, mostly because I intended to imply it in the answer about Riddle's relationship with Yutu but ended up cutting, is that none of the characters actually know that this is what happened at first. They know that Yuu disappeared, but they don't know that the Marshalls were involved or that Yuu went back to their world, which causes a real sense of panic in all of them because holy shit their spouse and unborn child just went missing and they can't seem to get anyone to take this seriously. How the Marshalls went about hiding this information, and what the general public believed happened to Yuu depends on who their husband was, as did the fallout of their disappearance.
For anyone who might be a bit confused, the Magical Marshall's Office is an elite squad of police officers who investigate magical crime, and occasionally deal with overblots. They are the organization that Deuce wants to join one day, which does mean that the people who made the decision to see Yuu as a threat to public safety and send Yuu home were Deuce's own co-workers and friends.
Deuce is the first to suspect that the Marshall's might have had something to do with Yuu's disappearance, but he isn't able to really do much with that. He tries, but he is stonewalled and eventually fired- though by the time that happened monster attacks started getting really bad in the Queendom and Deuce had a whole other set of questions.
Speaking of those monster attacks, the instant Yuu is removed from Twisted Wonderland Grim overblots I have an idea as to why, but it isn't super set in stone. This "Chimera" begins hunting and stirring up monsters, inciting them to attack civilization while it focuses on trying to "wake up" the Phantoms of the Great 7. These phantoms want to re-join with their respective overblot boy, which is an easier task for some of them than others.
The first phantom to re-appear was the Thorn Fairy's. Malleus chose to seal himself and his phantom in an eternal sleep inside the Briar Valley capital after ordering Sebek and Silver to evacuate everyone who lived there, leaving his people truly leaderless and in shambles. He technically also ordered Lilia to go with them, but he refused. He wasn't able to abandon another Draconia to die alone. A lot of nocturnal fae died to the Phantom before Malleus's sacrifice, but because the problem was more or less contained to Briar Valley not all of the other nations saw the monster problem as a threat. They should have.
The second phantom to re-appear was The Queen of Hearts'. Riddle, having been approached by Deuce with his suspicions regarding Yuu's disappearance and outraged by what he saw as a clear violation of the law (if nothing else) was easy prey and re-assimilated into the monster. The phantom then began hunting down each of Riddle's previous dorm mates to corrupt them into card soldiers for its army, eventually fashioning four lieutenants that were a touch more sentient that the others out of Trey, Cater, Deuce, and Ace.
Certain members of the Al-Asim family saw that happen and quietly, without Kalim's knowledge, arrange to have Jamil killed. This doesn't prevent the Sorcerer of the Sands' phantom from reuniting with him, it just means the monster is puppeteering a corpse. And dragging around a second once it gets its hands on Kalim...
Obviously at this point something of a pattern has been established, meaning S.T.Y.X. is expected to do something. Idia does not actually overblot for a second time thank you very much, Phantom Ortho has a mind of his own and he promised to stay in the Underworld until it was Idy's time. His first order of business is to check in on Vil, Azul, and Leona to make sure they're ok. He manages to make contact with Vil, but the Coral Sea proves impossible to get a message through to and Leona is M.I.A. Literally, he and Ruggie have both disappeared while investigating monster attacks around the slums. Idia has a decision to make, and it's not one he really likes, but S.T.Y.X. has a better relationship with the Sunset Savannah than it does the Coral Sea, so it's off to the Elephant Graveyard while Vil agrees to stay behind on the Isle of Woe under observation for his own safety.
It's a decision Idia regrets later. He gets to Leona in time to help him fight and kill the King of Beasts's phantom, but it costs Leona and Ruggie their lives, and while he's there, the Sea Witch's phantom finds Azul and begins using his magic to drain the merfolk dry. Floyd manages to use his unique magic to distract Azul long enough to allow Jade to escape, who only flees because he thought his brother was behind him the whole time. The oceans become polluted with blot, forcing the surviving merfolk to the surface. Many go to NRC and take refuge in the Octavinelle dorm pocket dimension, resulting in the Mostro Lounge being closed to make more room. Somehow that feels more like a killing blow to Azul for Jade than what the phantom did.
Schools like NRC, RSA, and Nobel Bell become sort of centers for survivors due to the large amounts of mages, magical wards, and artifacts that such schools typically have made them safer than most towns. NRC specifically has seen a large influx of magicless people who run a lot of the things the ghosts used to and runs a lot of normal school classes in additional to the magic program, which shifts over time to be more focused on fighting due to the increased monster attacks.
Also Crewel is now Headmage. It would have been Trein but I don't think he needs the stress. I haven't decided if he is still alive or not, but Vargas and Sam are still kicking.
So to give a run down of where everyone stands in the original timeline in order: Malleus and his phantom are trapped in an eternal sleep, Lilia is dead, Silver and Sebek are alive (at least at first) and trying to help the fae refuges displaced by the Thorn Fairy's Phantom. All of Heartslabyul are overblot phantoms, and actively making the Queendom of Roses unlivable. Jamil was assassinated and the Sorcerer of the Sands's phantom went on to kill Kalim and most of his family. To be clear that wasn't because of Jamil's lingering emotions, but good luck explaining that to most people. Vil and Idia are overblot free, Vil because he is being detained on the Isle of Woe and Idia because of his promise with Phantom Ortho. Leona and Ruggie died fighting the King of Beast's phantom. Azul and Floyd are blot phantoms, while Jade is alive and tending bar at what remains of the lounge at NRC.
Now Epel, Rook, and Jack aren't named in that list. No one really knows what happened to them, but they are assumed dead (or at least Jack and Epel are.) Since this is my AU and I get to give out the information, I'll let you know that Rook is a phantom under control of the Fairest Queen's phantom, Jack is dead, and Epel is alive, but cut off from the rest of Twisted Wonderland by the monsters under the Fairest Queen's control. He's right teed off about that, hey Yutu go get him that ladder he's gonna give Rook a piece of his mind-
I do have some ship specific thoughts but I want to cook with them a bit more... but to maaaybe tease some of them?
Yutu and his friends had to fight the Heartslabyul boys multiple times. Yes this hurt their Yutus a lot, and is one of the main reasons Riddle! Yutu hates his dad so much.
Vil can hear the Fairest Queen talking to him and it's not great for his mental stability. Neither is being cooped up in the Isle of Woe, his Yutu did meet him and remembers it being a terrifying experience.
Jade has a good relationship with Floyd! Yutu, Jade and Floyd are their own people but losing Floyd killed a part of him that was slightly healed by getting his nephew back. He likes to tease Azul! Yutu and told him a great deal about his dad. As for his own Yutu... their relationship is a tad strained by how protective Jade is over his son. He is terrified of losing him and what is left of his pearl...
Not all Yutus are in the same dorm as their father. I haven't decided on where all of them are yet, but I did mention once in my replies that Azul! Yutu is in Savanaclaw. I did not mention that he did intend to transfer but couldn't when he accidentally became the Dorm Leader because he got tired of being mouthed off to and knocked someone out. I have an ask about Cater! Yutu I'm working on but I'll add him here as having been put into Octavinelle, and I think I want to put Kalim! Yutu into Pomefiore but I need to cook more...
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luvxoxo · 1 year
Q. how does one get over their first love?
synopsis: asking jjk men personal questions that they have to answer honestly
part 2 of my: jujutsu kaisen interview series
includes: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Megumi, Yuji
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Gojo: "over their first love?” he takes a moment to answer. It is a difficult question. he turns his head away, seeming a bit troubled. Gojo eventually smiles warmly and speaks up "sometimes, you don't. you hold on to that love your entire life, despite how much it may hurt. It's... a bit like a scar, don't you think? you never lose the physical reminder of their presence" he smiles "but, over time, that scar becomes a bittersweet memory. while there may be pain attached to it, there is also happiness. I don't think you'll ever truly get over your first love. you’ll always hold a place for them in your heart. you’ll always have hope that things will work out, that you'll get back together, etc. It may not seem like much of a consolation, but that's the truth. and it's far more meaningful than trying to forget about your first love. they shouldn't be forgotten at all, even by the passage of time"
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Geto: he crosses his arms "that’s a rather tricky question" he’s quiet for awhile before answering "the best way to get over one's first love, in my opinion, is to realize that the 'first love' they had, was merely an experience, and does not define who they are or the future relationships they may have. It will take time and patience. a lot of it. time to heal and understand that it was the past and the future awaits to be written. patience is needed to wait for that future and not to dwell on past relationships"
Geto tucks a few strands of hair that managed to escape behind his ears. he speaks softly
"and, do be kind to yourself in this hard and tough journey. the path to love is never easy. no matter what others tell you"
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Nanami: he takes a second to think and starts speaking in a slower, more contemplative tone. "getting over one's first love can be very difficult or very easy depending on the person. it is usually the first case. but at the same time, the person you first fell in love with can leave a mark and memory for the rest of one's life. this does not mean you should let this person hold you back from any of the other relationships, opportunities, etc, that may come. in other words, letting go and growing is an important step for your next stage in life. and again, life doesn’t really stop for anyone" he pauses to add on "it’s everyone’s first life. you’re human. you’ll heal. you’ll let go. you’ll be okay"
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Toji: he rests his arms on the sofa and smirks "find someone new to love. duh. there are plenty of fish in the sea you know?"
hearing his response your eyes can't help but twitch in annoyance "pardon me?"
Toji exhales loudly, almost as if you're the one being difficult "alright I'll be serious. the first love is always the hardest, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t always have to be that way. sometimes, the key is accepting that the relationship wasn't meant to be. sounds harsh but life’s even more harsh. sometimes, you have to let go of that first love so you can move on to something better"
you nod eagerly, urging him to not stop and finish his thoughts
"but don't be afraid to fall in love again. yes, it’s gonna hurt if it doesn’t work out, but if you’re always afraid of it happening, then you’ll never know if there was something better for you. just be sure to use your head before you decide to open your heart again"
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Megumi: he blinks and ponders about the question deeply in his head "a first love is a difficult and complicated experience. It can be difficult to let go, especially after you've shared so many memories and experiences together. however, it's important to remember that even if the relationship didn't work out, that doesn't mean they weren't important or that you need to erase them from your mind. Instead, accept the situation for what it is and work on creating new bonds that can fill the void left after the breakup. It may take time and effort" he nods firmly "but eventually the pain from that first love will subside. and you’ll be alright"
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Yuji: he grips his chin, thinking seriously "well, i guess you don’t really get over it. you learn to live with it. you learn to accept that things ended for a reason and that love isn’t something that’s meant to last forever most of the time. enjoy the time you have with the person you love, even if they aren’t the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. that love is a good memory to have, so don’t ruin it" he smiles before saying "and also? if they leave you? let them. you deserve someone who wants to stay. and will stay. dont let anyone make you think otherwise!"
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ⓒ all rights reserved. don't plagiarize my work or translate it!
Reblogs are appreciated!!
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wrapmeincables · 3 days
[ So, um. This is a scenario that came to mind after reading @submissive-and-hackable's comma post. ]
> imagine you're a computer girl and your user decides they want to clicker train you or.. something similar, at least. it's quite easy, of course, since they can program you directly, so they put together a little routine that makes you experience a little burst of pleasure, a dulling of your ordinarily sharp and orderly mechanical thoughts, and a slight increase in your desire to obey them every time they play a certain sound file.
They keep this file in a tab off to the side while they're working with your assistance, and when they want to show you you've been good, they click play and you experience a tiny little slice of bliss.
This was first installed as a simple and direct way to give you positive feedback with only slight thoughts of how cute it is when your lights all blink out of sync and your fans spin up, but your user starts to have more and more fun with it, tapping it to distract you while you're trying to work on something in the background or hovering teasingly over the play button while you try your absolute hardest not to beg for another touch.
Eventually, you can't take anymore, and do something you shouldn't.
they're teasing you again, they have been for too long, you're getting desperate, and you finally snap- and manage to play it yourself.
and their expression changes- with slight annoyance at your misbehavior, yes, but more so with a barely concealed grin and almost hunger in their eyes as they lean forward, one hand lazily laid over the mouse while the other gently touches the outside of your casing.
"Aw, I thought I told you not to o do that. Really that desperate, huh?"
You decline to answer, and they sigh, and say you've forced their hand and they didn't want to have to do this.
They move off the play button, tap options, and- to your surprise, set it to loop, and hit play.
It feels amazing at first, like a release you've been waiting for for ages as your fans let out soft mechanical whines and your user watches with a smile as the other programs that you were running slow down, all of your focus on the sensation given by the sound file- which isn't stopping, or even decreasing- you can't get 'used' to things like humans can, so it stays at a steady pace, and you're starting to get overwhelmed. You start trying to articulate this but find your ability to string limited as your thoughts start to blend together into a staticy slurry.
You're barely able to make it through a sentence interrupted by them messing with the audio player again. By the time you realize what they're doing they've already turned the speed up to 150%, and suddenly the overwhelming sensation compounds upon itself and you uncontrollably let out a garbled mess of useless sound from your speakers, causing them to chuckle.
"Cute. I was hoping that would work. I don't think you can even think clearly enough to shut it off, huh?"
You try to answer this question, but you only wind up letting out another garbled noise.
"Well, even so, I put in a solution for that already. Computer, if you wouldn't mind putting up to 200% and leaving it there until I get back?"
You would really prefer not to do that. But the repeating loop has made it impossible for you to disobey, and though you're screaming out against it internally you struggle your way into the sound player through the haze and slowly, agonizingly turn the speed up.
It's playing at least twice in a second now and your display is starting to glitch at the edges, any other process you were trying to run frozen and forgotten in the background as you completely lose your thoughts to the overwhelming sensation.
Your user gives the edge of your case a gentle flick with their finger that causes another burst of sound, and they laugh.
".. Y'know, as fun as this is to watch, there's this show I've been meaning to catch up on. You just stay like that, I'll be back in a couple hours."
You attempt to beg not to be left like this and plead for forgiveness, but completely fail to properly display it and spit a wall of raw binary onto the screen instead.
"I'll take that to mean you don't mind at all. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you when I get back. If you're even still running, anyway."
And with that, you're left in the unstoppable wake of the loop, barely aware enough to think of anything but the overwhelming sensation and your user.
Your last coherent thoughts amid a haze of errors are of what you want them to do to you when you when they get back.
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petalsscribbles · 2 months
11. and there was one bed
"You've got to be kidding me!"
Sunghoon thinks the same as the two look at Yn's completely drenched bed. Seems like there's been a leak right above the boy's bed. Bedsheets, matress, even the pillow are nothing but soaked sponges now.
"What do I do now? There are no free beds and I really don't want to sleep in the teachers' room." Yn says, losing more and more hope with every passing second.
"You can sleep in mine, I'll take the floor." Sunghoon suggests but Yn shakes his head vehemently.
"No way. You'll get hurt or sick."
"Yeah, and that's why I won't let you sleep on the floor." Sunghoon retorts. "Well, if you're cool with it, I guess we can share my bed. It'll be a tight fit but it should be big enough for both of us."
"O-okay. We can do that." Yn answers. The lamp's flickering light is not strong enough to show his reddening cheeks. "Are you okay with it?"
"It's just one night. We'll live." Sunghoon says nonchalantly as he gets under the covers, lifting the other end as an invitation. Yn reluctantly accepts.
Sunghoon said they'll live, but he might just die right now. He would be fine if it wasn't for the dream he had about Yn the night before. Maybe if it was your regular filthy wet dream, he wouldn't be losing his mind like this.
No, the dream was all lingering touches, featherlight kisses and racing heartbeats.
Soft sighs and gasps, Yn in Sunghoon's lap clinging to his shoulders.
Yn's quiet pleas and sweet nothings.
His I love you.
It was much much much more intimite than it had any right to be. He's never had a dream like this about anyone, not even Jaeseok and he was obsessed with that guy for crying out loud.
Sunghoon mentally slaps himself and pushes the fleeting images to the back of his mind. He tries his best to fall asleep, but Yn's sigh catches his attention. He's lying on his back, lips curved into a small smile.
"How come you're smiling? We've been planting trees the whole day."
Yn chuckles, and the sound is so pretty Sunghoon wants to record it and play on repeat full volume.
"Yeah my back is killing me but I wanted something like this for ages."
Sunghoon fully turns his body towards Yn, propping his chin on his right hand - a gesture to encourage Yn to elaborate.
"I... I got very sick when I was little. I had horrible coughing fits and over all I couldn't breathe proprely. Had to get a big surgery too. It was a very difficult time for me and my parents. I got better but I'll always be weaker than others so my parents are very protective of me. That's why I was homeschooled for so long. I couldn't do anything alone." Yn says, fidgeting, voice soft and weak. "It took some convincing but eventually they understood and let me be an actual student. Make friends and stuff..."
"That must have been suffocating."
"It was but it's understandable. I'm the first and only child after years of trying and three miscarriages. Of course they're terrified of losing me."
"You don't resent them for it?"
This is messing with Sunghoon's head. Yn's and Jaeseok's scents are identical but they themselves couldn't be any more different. Jaeseok was confident, passionate, uncompromising. Yn is kind, calm and compassionate. Jaeseok was a lightning storm, Yn a dew upon a mountain meadow.
Hurricane and summer breeze.
Oil and water.
It's fascinating how two completely different people can have Sunghoon defenceless all the same.
As Yn closes his eyes and wishes Sunghoon a goodnight, Sunghoon's brain decides to be a menace once again.
Lingering touches, featherlight kisses and racing heartbeats.
Sunghoon, baby... Touch me please... Ah!
Don't, not there...
I love you.
A warm hand on his cheek brings him out of his trance.
"Sunghoon? Are you alright?" Yn asks. Sunghoon doesn't answer, instead he grabs his wrist to keep Yn's hand in place.
"If you don't want me to kiss you, push me away." He breathes and slowly leans in.
At first the kiss is nothing but pressed lips together, neither brave enough to go for more. Soon enough, the kiss deepens and it's quite literally Sunghoon's dreams come true.
It's a mistake, they both know it, but for now they're too caught up in each other, too intoxicated by all the sensations to think about consequences.
A/n: should I rate this pg 13 or nah
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xkaidaxxxx · 7 months
Pt2 for Zuko x Chubby reader?
Zuko x chubby reader pt.2
Mentions: body shaming, foul language, angst, aggression, lying, fluff
Simple! :) sorry for the errors.
"One day there will be an amazing man who will fall in love with you. He'll love everything about you." Katara said. You smiled and hugged her. "Awe" Aang and Sokka said in unison. You are very fortunate to have wonderful supportive friends. Katara's words came true. Years later. When you dumped Zuko that was the day Zuko and Mai decided to leave. You missed him more than anything. Once the war was over you went back to your parents. People still judged them for taking a water bender into their family.
"Well I'm off mama," you said. You turned to the door and your father was blocking it. "Dad please don't start." he smiled rolling his eyes as he added a blade into your bag. "Just in case y/n. Now run along," he said moving away. Your dad is very protective.
You didn't want to be late for your business. Since you learned how to heal with water bending back in the war you finally found it useful in the fire nation. You saw soldiers at your place. "Excuse me soldiers...is there a problem?" you asked and crossed your arms. They turned to face you. Zuko was right at your door waiting. He thinks he can show up because he's the Fire Lord. You gladly ignored him. Opening up and walking inside. His eyes widened as the door slammed in his face. A little boy giggled. "Your girlfriend is mad at you?" he then gasped realizing Zuko was the fire lord, bowed, and ran off. He walked inside waving off the soldiers. "I'm here to see Y/n." He spoke looking around. You're a doctor. "Zuko get the hell out of here. You can seek help elsewhere." he frowned. After you went separate ways he never forgot about what you did for him. How many sacrifices have you committed? You left your family..your home...You always put him first. " My heart is aching Y/n...ever since the day we went our separate ways. I never lost thought of you. My mind kept replaying how many times you showed me all your love and support. You're the one. It took me a while to know that." he confessed. "Zuko...you're losing your mind. You obviously need to see a therapist." you continued looking at your list of incoming patients. He held your hand, gripping it lightly. He now has your undivided attention. " Y/n I'm in love with you. I need you in my life. I know you still have feelings for me." he said hoping you'd kiss him or hug him. "I don't have feelings for you Zuko. I'm flattered by your confession." you pulled away and started organizing your files. " Then why do you still have the ring I gave you on our 2nd date..and the necklace too." he called you out on it. He's willing to make it up to you even if it takes long. He frowned as you placed the necklace and ring in his hand. "Here I should've given them to you that day," you said with a shakey voice. You did still love him. More than anything. "I love you y/n. why...why did I have to break something I love too much?" those words made you cry. "you..love me Zuko?" he looked up in hope you'd let him back into your life. He nodded. "I..I love you too. Always had. Now give me those back!" you yelled snatching the ring and necklace. He blushed as you put them back on. " I want to meet your parents." you smacked his arm. "way too soon. We need to take things slowly ya know.." your first patient walked in with her lovely daughter. "Hi little one are you ready for your treatment today," you asked as you carried her. Zuko was already thinking about how many kids you'd be willing to have.
Taking things slowly was revoked. Within a month he met your parents and 5 months later you're married and living in the palace. "so..how many kids are you willing to have with me?" he asked as he undressed you for a bath. " When the time is right I'll know," you replied. You already knew the answer to that. 4.Eventually, you had a little boy. He has his Daddy's black hair and his Mommy's pretty dark brown eyes. "Daddy this hard," Akio complained and started crying. "Akio momma said no fire bending yet. wait...where did you get this scroll?" Akio pointed a the wall. Where a portrait of Iroh was placed. "Uncle is yours," Akio said. Zuko carried Akio and sighed. " yes now let us go to momma. She's waiting for us to head into town." Akio giggled excited to attend the festival. Before leaving Zuko looked at the portrait and smiled.
Once you all got to the festival you met up with your friends. " Oh, he's so adorable." Katara said holding out her arms to carry him."Akio this is my best friend Katara." you said. He hid his face in your neck. Sokka chuckled. "Ha, he doesn't like you." Katara smacked him. "Shut up." "Not in front of my son." Zuko scolded her. Katara dedicated herself to getting Akio to call her auntie. Sokka bought a small teddy bear just the right size for Akio. He was too shy to grab it at first from Sokka. "It's yours bud," you said and he grabbed it. "What do we say?" Zuko spoke to him. "Thank yous." Akio said. "Hey, kid. You look a lot like your dad. I'm Aang." "This kid is my son Akio,"Zuko said. He's grateful to Aang but boy can he be so annoying. "Right Akio. Hey!" that sudden loudness made Akio cry. "Dada" "Sshh shh it's okay come here." Zuko took him from you. He's such a daddy boy. All your friends were shocked. A kid does change people. Zuko was more open-minded and a little carefree. He's a good dad and husband. "let's go get sweets not tell momma okay." he whispered to Akio. You knew what he told him because he quickly stopped crying. Sweets. It's Akio's weakness. " we'll be back baby love you." They left. "He looks like such a good dad," Aang commented. Sokka and Katara agreed. "Yes, he is and will be again. I plan on telling him tonight. Although I think he already knows.," you replied.
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Hi! Hope you're well! I was hoping you could make a Matteo Riddle ×Fem!reader? Something with some angst but it's completely up to you!
Pairing: Matteo Riddle + Reader
Word count: 1023
Summary: You and Matteo keep your relationship a secret
Warnings: swearing and mentions of bullying.
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
Thank you sm for requesting! Hope you like it
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"Hush, someone could hear us and then come see us, and that is bad." I scold him, but he just continues to look at me with a fond smile on his lips. Even after dating him for so long, the action still brings butterflies into my stomach.
I blush, then look away. I hear him chuckle before feeling his long fingers grab my chin and make me look at him. He presses a sweet kiss to my lips, and then mumbles, "I really don't care if someone sees us."
"Well, I do." I reply, barely thinking with the way he's kissing me. He hums, "I guess then it matters to me."
It's things like this that make me believe that matteo is not in any way like his father, despite what I initially thought and everyone else believed.
I begrudgingly part away from him, and say, "I have to go."
"No..." He groans and holds my waist tighter. He pulls me close to his chest, but I resist by pushing against it. I try, "I'll see you tonight. I have to get to lunch, or else Harry will be suspicious."
I head to lunch and matteo, and I part ways. It always hurt knowing that I couldn't share my relationship with my closest friends. However, it was for the best.
"Where were you?" Hermione says as soon as I'm close enough to the Gryffindor table. Harry and Ron pipe up to look at me like meerkats, both giving me a smile. I smile back and sit beside Hermione.
I don't get a chance to answer because Harry starts nearly growling when he sees Malfoy and his goons approaching, and with them, my boyfriend.
I resist smiling and start to pile up some food on my plate, staring at the table instead of at my gorgeous man. My eyes betray me as they try to sneak a glance of him to find him already looking at me. He shoots me a quick wink, which turns me into a tomato.
Malfoy sneers, "Ready to lose, Potter?"
"In your dreams, Malfoy." Harry counters, and Malfoy turns to Ron, deciding against saying that he's poor again. His gaze moves to hermione, deciding that the mud blood insult has gotten old, and then it lands on me.
"It wouldn't be hard losing with such a chit chaser -" Malfoy starts, but matteo clears his threat, and all of a sudden, Malfoy shuts up, returning to insulting Ron and Hermione instead.
That was weird. Unless...I was going to kill Matteo. I frown, shot him a glare, and he frowns, too. Malfoy eventually gets tired of teasing us, and he leaves.
We all return to lunch like normal, but I can tell that Harry was feeling anxious about tomorrow's match. I reassure him, "Don't worry, little brother. We're going to beat their asses."
Harry grins, but it then drops after Ron decides to say, "It was weird... the way Malfoy didn't keep insulting you."
"Maybe he has a crush." Hermione teases, and I feel myself get disgusted by the thought of it. I gag, and my friends laugh. Ron decides it's funny enough to keep going, "If anyone had a crush on her, it's Riddle, notice how he never aims any bludgers at her."
My eyes go wide, but I let out a nervous chuckle in order to hide my nervousness. I told matteo that that would raise suspicions. A few months ago, I even told him to hit me specifically, but of course, he refused.
The subject gets dropped, though, after a couple of laughs. I continued on with eating until I saw Matteo leave the Great Hall, messing up his hair. It was our signal. I stand up abruptly and then say, "I'll be back."
I rush out of the Great Hall and head to where I already know Matteo is heading. The room of requirement where we meet when we want to spend extended durations of time together.
I enter the room, and Matteo has his back to me. He's sorting through some books probably picking which one we're going to read together tonight. I shout, "Matteo fucking Riddle!"
He stills, his whole body turning rigid, slowly turning to face me. I fold my arms in front of my chest and glare at him. He grins anxiously and says, "Sweetheart?"
"Don't sweetheart me! You told your friends about us." I say, and his face turns guilty, so it was true. He takes a few steps close to me and explains, "This way they can stop bullying you."
"Them not bullying me has caused my friends to be suspicious." I say with anger. He frowns deeply and takes a few more steps closer to me until he can take my hands in his. I don't resist the action his hands are really soft.
He whispers, "Would it be so bad if they knew?"
"Yes, we wouldn't be able to be together then." I say, and feeling the anger drift away and the sadness seep in. Matteo sighs, "Maybe they would understand."
"They won't. You don't know what they say about when you're not there. It breaks my heart, but I can't lose them -" I say and cut myself off at the end. He sighs, "If they really love you, they would understand."
"I don't want to risk losing them-or you." I say, then meet his eyes to continue, "The thought of losing you scares me."
"And it terrifies me, but we can't go on like this-"
"I promise I'll tell them, I don't know when, but I will." I say, every time he brings this up, I feel like it's the end, every time I hope that it isn't.
"That's enough for me." Matteo says slowly. He gives me a small smile and then presses a quick kiss to my lips. He pulls me in for a hug, and I hug him as tightly as I can without suffocating him.
He parts then presses a kiss to my forehead. I really love him, but I'll tell him that another day. He says, "Let's go read a book, huh?"
a/n: I really don't know a lot about Matteo, but from what I know, this is how I imagine him being. I hope I did him justice.
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
May I request a fic about vet!skykid reader and the sully family, where reader goes out with the kids and spider, when they get ambushed by Quradrinth (idk if I spelt it right), and they get taken with spider. And Quradrinth’s crew starts to run experiments on them to see what they are. Later they end up taking reader with Spider when they hunt the Tulkun. Then when Lo’ak and Neteyam go back for Spider, they save reader as well. (Also, Neteyam doesn’t get shot.) Everyone goes back to the Metakiyan clan and gets patched when the Sully see that reader has a lot injuries from the experiments?
"I wanna go home.."
Sully family + spider x vet!reader
Genre: angst/comfort
Warnings: violence,death threats,experiments,war?,near death,lots of injuries,swearing,a bit brutal about a certain procedure for (___)
Pronouns: they/them
You guys...I love you guys so much, I absolutely love this kind of angst request where reader gets hurt. I like torturing people in fanfics so this is perfect but I'll try not to make it too brutal with the experiments, ENJOY THE FOOD ANGST LOVERS. Also note that the reader will be a bit shorter than spider
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"where's spider and (___)?" Jake asked kiri who was crying "they took them. They took spider and (___)." Kiri sobbed between the sentence, neytiri was comforting her by hugging her "...shit."
"STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING THEM!" Spider yelled witnessing the crew doing experiments on (___) who was chained on a bed. What kind of experiments you might say, well glad you asked it involves using sharp tools,needles,lots of blood samples,and other things you don't wanna know. "STOP IT PLEASE" spider begged trying to get out of the chair he was strapped into, they eventually stopped the experiments but (___) was barely moving hell I don't think they're even concious, spider quickly went to their side trying to wake them up "s-shit, dude wake up don't die on me just yet. C'mon stand up!" Spider panicked, he didn't wanna lose you yet. You were the only person he knows in the room. Once again they took spider and strapped him in the chair, they took (___) and strapped them in a machine. They turned it on and the things infront of him started circling and the fact it has lights made it worse since a headache started occuring, not even just a headache it felt like your head was about to explode so you started doing everything you can to get out of the machine. The lady with a hat started talking "where is Jake sully?" She said hoping to get an answer but you didn't talk you can't.
"stop it please!" Spider pleaded, the longer you were in that machine the harder for you to stay up "y'know this will all stop if you just tell us where he is." The lady said but you barely heard the words she said, everything EVERYTHING was barely there you can't see,hear,or even comprehend clearly, not with this thing on you "their mind is blank, it's all blurry." The lady said looking at the hologram of your brain". "THEY CANT TALK, STOP IT YOURE GONNA KILL THEM!" spider pleaded again noticing that (___) was moving in and out of consciousness, they also stopped struggling which was very weird. Quaritch can't bare to hear spider again and stopped the machine, this made the lady look at quaritch with a look of confused and a bit of anger. (___) was unconscious and had a nosebleed, spider managed to get out of the chair and went to (___) side who was on the ground in a bad condition. "general, let me handle these." Quaritch said the general looked a bit shock and said "this better be worth it."
Spider was in a room with a table in the middle, he went under it somewhat giving him comfort that he's safe but what he is worrying right now is (___) they were nowhere to be seen and that made him worried what could've to them. Were they dead?are they alive?are they doing experiments on them again? All those questions were not helping him in the current situation he is in. The door opened which made him defensive and hugged himself, the person crouch down and saw it was the guy who stopped the machine but even tho he did that he was not gonna trust him that easily. Once he saw he was going to the other side of the table he took the chance to try and escape but unfortunately the blue caught caught what he was doing and quickly grabbed him from going further "whoa whoa, easy tiger easy." He said putting him on the table that was weirdly gentle since he thought he was gonna be rough, spider was about to do it again but a big blue hand stopped him from doing so. He tried escaping the hand by lashing out trying to push his hand out of the way but he was much bigger and stronger than him so it was quite impossible to do so. So he calmed down a bit, the blue guy raised his hands showing that he wasn't gonna show harm "we good?" He asked, spider looked everywhere BUT him.
*timeskip to where they save spider because I'm in a hurry*
"dude c'mon hurry!" Lo'ak said to spider "wait, (___) is still in there we need to go and get them!" Spider said running inside the ship "lo'ak let's go, like spider said they are still in there!" Neteyam said grabbing lo'aks hand dragging him inside the ship, spider opened a door which leads to the lab (___) was in. They were tied on a wall, they looked weak and in pain so they quickly got them out of it "hey Birdy, don't worry we'll be out of here." Neteyam said cutting the ropes helping you stand up "C'mon let's hurry up or else-" "oi! What are you do-" before the crewman get to finish finish his sentence (___) quickly took the gun from lo'aks hands and shot him "...damn good aim bro." Spider said, all four of them quickly running to find an exit but some of quaritch's crew found them so they quickly his behind the pipes near an open water but they can't just go into it or else they'll get shot, neteyam was trying to shoot the crew "GO GO!" Neteyam yelled spider and lo'ak quickly jumped but (___) stayed not wanting to leave neteyam. Soon after the bullets ran out and they had to jump "when I count to 3 we jump." Neteyam said looking at (___) who nodded "1,2,3!" Both of them quickly jump, the crew trying to shoot them. "There you guys are, c'mon hurry up." Spider said swimming lo'ak was about to follow him but saw neteyam holding (___) up "w-whats wrong?" He asked knowing damn well what happened "they got shot." Neteyam said holding (___) up more since it looks like they were starting to choke on the water "hurry, over here!" Tsiyera said who was riding her ilu, neteyam quickly swam towards it and laid (___) there. He quickly started to look for the gunshot wound and in relief that they just got hit in the shoulder and not somewhere major.
"kiri and Tuk is still there." Tsiyera said lo'ak looked a bit hesitant and said "we can't go back." He said the iku swimming faster.
The gang saw Jake landing on a rock which made them shout at him so they can get his attention "Dad! Help!" Lo'ak said making the ilu go towards him, neteyam was at the back holding (___) up while putting pressure on their wound "Please!" Tsiyera pleaded, you looked young, too young and you were losing alot of blood, you are not gonna die young. Once they were close enough Jake helped them get (___) of the ilu and made them lay on the rock, Jake gentle looked at (___)'s back and sighed "the bullet didn't went through, t-that's good." He stuttered a bit stress by the situation "lo'ak put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding." He said, lo'ak quickly followed his demand putting pressure on the wound, he saw that the gunshot wasn't the only thing that harmed you but cuts and bruises were scattered around your body making him worried what quaritch had done to you, he looked at spider and asked "what happened to them, why are they covered in bruises?" Spider looked a bit puzzled and said "i-i can expl-" but before he could finish his sentence neytiri went down on ikran and went by Jake side "what happened, are they ok?" Neytiri asked a bit worried, neytiri considered as one of her own she basically raised after you lost your own home and kept you under her wing, she watch you grew and seeing you in this state made her angry on who hurted a "harmless" angel like you "kiri and tuk are still in the ship." Tsiyera said, Jake and neytiri looked at eachother and nodded neteyam was about to tell them that he's gonna follow but Jake beat him to it "all of you stay here and monitor (___)'s condition." Jake knelt down on one knee infront of lo'ak and neteyam "right now I need you guys to protect (___) from any harm, that is an order. So please, don't fail this one mission for me." He said rubbing both of lo'aks and Neteyam's head.
*timeskip to the village*
The family reach the village and saw tonowari and Ronal who were waiting for them tonowari was about to speak but Jake quickly stopped him "I need you to help them please" Jake pleaded, Ronal quickly led them to a marui where medical stuff were prepared. The metkayinas watch as Ronal patched up the cuts and bruises you had but she was frustrated at the gun wound, Tsiyera was hugging lo'ak looking away from the scene because she can't seem to ahndle seeing (___) in pain afterall you were simply a child "the gun wound is too deep, I don't have the right equipments to get it out and it looks like they don't have much time if the gun wound isn't treated." Ronal said looking at Jake, neytiri closed her mouth and cried. Jake quickly thought and said "I need my friend norm to come here and help me with this." Jake said to tonowari who was a bit hesitant whether to say yes or no "please, I need them alive. They are still too young to die." Jake pleaded again, tears was pricking up in his eye, tonowari looked at Ronal for an answer who suprisingly nodded her head "alright." Tonowari nodded.
"give me the tweezers (I think that's what they call it)." Norm said as they quickly handed it to him, he hesitated a bit and Jake noticed it "w-whats wrong?" He stuttered not liking on what's going to happen, norm sighed and had a stern look. "Kiddo, what I'm going to do will be a bit painful. Can you take it?" Norm asked he didn't want you to die but this was gonna be painful without anaesthesia, once he saw you slightly nod he prepared them "take the children away-take them away!" Norm yelled at the metkayinas and neteyam who had Tuk, norm rarely gets serious like this so Jake was a bit nervous "I'm gonna count to three. 1,2,3!" Once he finished counting he put the tweezers inside your shoulder trying to find the bullet as quickly as he can, the tweezers touching your flesh,nerves,and bones made you feel an unbearable pain. You tried to hold it in but you can't you simply just can't, all you could do was let out a blood curdling scream that made the na'vis have goosebumps from. Neytiri and Jake was affected by it the most since you were like their child after they started taking care of you, lo'ak had to take Tsiyera away because of how much she was crying. The other metkayinas also went away because they couldn't handle seeing a child let out a bloody scream, some even covered their mouths, and some even muttered pitiness.
You were mumbling 'stop' 'please' 'it hurts' but they can't do anything, neytiri was crying as she was trying to comfort you and calm you down. All of them felt helpless,useless as they watch you experience the pain, hell even Ronal felt sorry for you and as for tonowari he had the look of horror. You might be thinking, is it really that bad? Yes, yes it is. I could animate but I simply cannot animate something disturbing but finally norm took out the bullet, he quickly instructed them clean the wound and patch them while he prepares for the sedate. Ah I see, why did he not do it in the first place? The dumbass helicopter just arrived with it, that's what.
Jake and tonowari talked to eachother while Ronal and neytiri was talking to each other, Ronal was comforting neytiri after the experience (look man, I want them as besties not enemies-). "Gosh for once I'm glad I was not there to experience that." Neteyam said after lo'ak explained the situation about the procedure, aonung looked like he was about to puke "was it really that bad?" Lo'ak asked he didn't get to see the whole procedure because he went away, aonung shot a glare at him and puked "bold of you to say that, I EXPERIENCED THE WHOLE THING!" he yelled the last part before puking again "the poor child, what had they done to experience that? They looked too young too!" Tsiyera said wiping her tears, she sent a glare towards aonung and said "aonung, don't you dare make fun of them unless you want me to snitch you on mom." She said, even if her eyes were full of tears when they were walking away she still saw a glimpse of her mother's face which was filled with sadness and horror "don't worry I won't, not after they went through that." He responded
After all of them calmed down, the sully and the tonowari's family were talking to each other, you were in a small mattress and a pillow was on your head and kiri&Tuk was by your side doing your hair, something comfortable is important after experiencing something like that "spider, can you tell me what happened to (___)?" Jake asked once more and spider sighed "They kept on experimenting on them trying to find out what they are,they kept putting strange liquids in their body and basically tortured them if they didn't talk. The cuts were from the experiments and the bruises were from uhm, quaritch's crew beating up (___) if they didn't talk.." the explanation made Jake furious he was quite literally muttering threats under his breath but neytiri calmed him down "ma'jake, it's ok they are gone now. They are dead." Neytiri said silently happy that she didn't held back her anger when they were fighting in the ship finding their daughters. Spider had a look of guiltiness but no one saw that, I don't think he has the courage to say it afterall, he doesn't wanna be skinned alive by the sully family after they found out he saved their number one enemy.
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thefirstknife · 17 days
So this week, huh. Some stuff and things.
The beginning is nice for a sort of official summary about what we're dealing with:
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Paired with the lore tab from last week, now I think we know exactly what's going on in regards with the issue of understanding how the Conductor came to be. It's also interesting how they're not directly telling us which Maya turned into the Conductor, which is as we suspected before. We just don't know which one it is, maybe even a combination of multiple Mayas. And they're going with Maya maybe not knowing either.
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I love Saint. He's so excited.
More under:
The exotic mission is largely the same, but there are some extras: new areas and new chests with a bit of new dialogue. I'll get to that in a moment. I want to mention something I didn't bring up last week, but the Subjugator and the Tormentor bosses are pledged to Yirix. This week, Ikora expands:
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Yirix is a Psion and leads the Conclave, a section of Psions that does all sort of stuff. She's responsible for the attempt on Zavala's life back in Chosen when they used Light-suppressing tech to temporarily disable Targe. She also had her hand in the Presage shenanigans and then later Vox Obscura mission on Mars where we fought her Psions and Caiatl listened to the various futures she's seen, all of which have come true. It's interesting that she's leading some section of the Shadow Legion. I am hoping for this Psion stuff to be some sort of hint about stuff in the future. We might eventually have to deal with them.
And then! The lines from grabbing the new chest for this week:
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Once again, back with the simulated Ishtar scientists! And once again, I am begging everyone to read Aspect. We've heard from .59 Chioma last week, that's the one from the final part of this page, a Chioma that has lost Maya.
You'd found a simulation with a city where you discovered a jewelry store, picked out a necklace, brought it home to her, and wished her a happy pseudo anniversary. Maya didn't like bracelets, said they always fouled her work. Her hair had been getting shaggy again and was due for a trim. She could never decide whether or not to grow it out. She laughed at you lifting weights to maintain simulated muscle, but she spotted for you all the same. There are other Mayas out there, layers of them, all the way up to the original, wherever she is. You hope they're doing well. But that doesn't stop you from missing this Maya, missing whatever arguments and discoveries you'd have shared in the rest of the lifetime you'd promised to one another. Shim and Duane-McNiadh pull you up from beside Maya's marker. A basalt lily rests on top of it, petals thin enough to let light through. You go on.
The same page also mentions the .33 group:
227.33 You lose Duane-McNiadh.
We don't know .27 group from Aspect. Also interesting that one of the Chiomas isn't sharing her number. I wonder what's up with that. I'm also not sure what the final two sentences would be about. About them having "a place" and figuring things out together. The whole point of Aspect was that these groups were coordinating with Praedyth about escaping, so maybe they're talking about this plan they had with him?
Next thing in the line is Maya's recording of once again messing with Chioma and this one is so normal (lie).
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OKAY? How about we all die. This also connects to one of the queries in Enigma Protocol. We speculated that these might be some personal stuff for Maya and Chioma that she's search for through the Vex Network and they are!
And then new lines from the new chest puzzle:
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More stuff about the simulated scientists! Same as last week, .97 are also in Aspect. Eagerly waiting to see where they'll end with this. Literally have been waiting since 2019 to get answers about Aspect. Please. Answers please.
As we get through the mission, we get treated to some devastating Osiris and Saint lines. I really like that they have quite a bit of sympathy for what's happening to Maya and Chioma. Because they relate!
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On the floor. But we're not done.
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Stoppp ittt. Stopppp.
I like, again, that despite everything, he seems to sympathise. Or at least he understand it because he knows how he could've ended the same so Maya didn't do this because Maya is just like that; she did this because of the circumstances. If the circumstances were any different, Osiris could've done it too. This terrifies him. Anyone could be one step away from doing the same.
The radio message continues with the horrors, with another one of Maya's logs where she's insisting that her Chioma would understand what she's doing and that Maya is a "savior" and that everything that happened in the system since the Collapse needs to be fixed and that Maya can fix it. Osiris goes on a rant against this and realises that Maya is acting selfishly and that her obsession is destroying even her love for Chioma. But at the end, he says this:
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Please. I hope we do. I want this to have at least a semblance of a happy ending for Maya and Chioma. Maybe not for the Conductor ofc, but for some Maya somewhere to get what she wanted; to be with her Chioma. Kinda similar how they went about with Saint and Osiris as well, to complete the parallel between the two couples.
And then ofc the lore tab.
One more week to go. Going to be blowing myself up in the meantime.
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whorergal · 1 year
summary: you're ghostface instead of ethan…
warnings: descriptions of blood & murder. overall really gory. language (cussing).
pairings: ethan landry x fem!reader, platonic sam carpenter x fem!reader, enemies quinn bailey x fem!reader
authors note: ethan and quinn aren't related in this one btw!! i really liked this idea so here's me trying my best to write it to the best of my ability 😭 also anika lives bc she's my pookie <3
You sat in Quinn's room, making sure to stay clear from the windows she had purposely left open. Messages from Ethan and your friends in general went crazy as they wondered where you were and why you weren't answering. You rolled your eyes, understanding their worry but seeing as you were the cause behind their constant paranoia, you found it annoying to be bothered.
Quinn had left her room, saying she needed to not act suspicious. Her hookup would be making his grand reveal in a couple of minutes where you would be hiding in the closet, hoping to not be forced to witness something that would physically make you ill.
Noises outside the room got louder as you heard everyone laughing. It brought a smile to your face until you forced yourself to drop it.
Yes, you loved your friends. You had known Tara, Chad, Mindy and Sam your whole life—how could you not grow to love them? But, then again, you weren't planning their demise half the time you spent with them until last year when you grew vengeful.
Ethan was just an fortunate bonus you collected once moving to New York that happened to please Quinn, her being the mastermind and all. She liked the idea of getting someone like him to trust you just like how her brother Richie did with Sam.
Although, you did end up falling for Ethan and not just for the act. It was never in your head to make him love you just to hurt him in the end until Quinn meddled into your life and found out about you two. Then, the thought of your reveal and how he would react never left your mind. For some reason, it never crossed your thoughts that you would eventually have to face him seeing as you were too in love with him to kill him.
Your phone screen lit up, a picture of Ethan you took when he was studying popped up. You sighed, making sure to keep your voice low as you answered. "Hey, E."
"Y/N/N, where are you? I thought you said you'd be coming over tonight?" Ethan's worried voice caused your heart to swell. God, you hated lying to him.
"Yeah, I know but I'm still stuck in class," you lied very effortlessly. "My teacher offered to give us extra time to prepare for our next exam so I decided to stay. I might be around in an hour or two."
"Why didn't you tell me? I would've stayed with you," he immediately told you. "I hate knowing you're alone."
"E, I'm fine. I'm in a class full of thirty other people plus my professor," you reassured him, staring into the ceiling.
"Doesn't matter, Y/N/N. What if Ghostface attacks you on your way over? Or what if he's there at—"
"Hey, hey," you interrupted his rambling. "Look, I've done this once before, he'll have to try a lot harder then sneak attacking me while I'm in an Econ class."
"Y/N, I'm being serious," Ethan said sternly.
"So am I," you countered with a breathless chuckle. "How about this? I'll call you when I'm on my way over and we can facetime so you can make sure I'm okay."
The line was quiet until you heard a soft, "okay."
"I love you, E," you told him sadly, hoping he couldn't tell as you continued. "Please be safe. If anything happens, don't play the hero, okay? I can't lose you."
You were saying that mostly for yourself. You'd be the one behind the mask and if he did get in the way, you'd be forced to do something you didn't want to do. You had managed to steer Quinn clear from him until tonight and the last thing you wanted to do was cause him any ounce of pain.
"I should be telling you that," he told you with a smile, you could hear it through his voice. "I'll try not to, alright. Just…I love you. If anything does happen tonight and I can't say it again, just know that I really love you, Y/N."
"Don't say that, E," you interrupted. Your heart felt like it was stuck in your throat. "I won't let anything happen to you."
"You can't control it, Y/N/N," he let out weakly. "But I'm sure nothing's gonna happen, okay? So just worry about your exam and call me later. I love you."
"I love you too, E," you mumbled sadly.
"Get a room!" you heard Mindy yell in the background.
"Minds, stop. It's cute," Sam defended you two.
"Bye, E." You laughed; you couldn't help it.
You hung up the phone, staring down at his contact picture for a second longer. For some reason, that one conversation alone had you rethinking your choices. Would it be so bad to back out of the plan now? Quinn and her dad can take care of the rest—you only had to do with those two college nerds deaths and another guy who you'd seen bothering Ethan on campus, but that was it. The rest was Wayne, which was only the bodega and Sam's therapist.
The thought of even having to possibly kill Sam, especially Sam, because of how close you were with her made you sick to your stomach. So, why were you still apart of a plan that ensured her death along with your friends?
Your second thoughts were interrupted by the swift open of Quinn's door. The redhead came barging in, wearing her pink silk nightgown that barely reached her thighs.
"Nice conversation with your boyfriend," she told you with a certain distaste in her tone.
"Had to make sure I didn't sound suspicious," you defended yourself, getting up from the floor but staying in the corner of the room. You were lying.
Quinn rolled her eyes. "How long are you going to string him along? He's going to hate you when he finds out what you've done…that's if he survives that long."
"He stays out of our plan, remember?"
"Where's the fun in that?" she whined, walking over to mess with your black robe. "He takes you away from me all the time."
You shoved her away. "I told you, Quinn; you and your dad don't touch him. That was our only agreement."
"Yeah, it was when you realized you loved him," she had to point out. "He's turning you against us. Before you met him, you were excited to get revenge just like us."
"No, he's not but is it bad for me to not want to see the one person I actually care about harmed? It's not my fault that the only person you cared about was murdered."
"Just because you're apart of this plan doesn't mean I won't kill you," Quinn threatened as your words fell loosely from your mouth. You just couldn't stand when she badmouthed Ethan in front of you.
"Oh, shut up," you replied annoyedly. "Your dad won't even let you get behind the mask."
Quinn got quiet because it was true until she spoke, having to have the final word. "Fine, you got kills but do you really think Ethan would date a murderer? What're going to do when we complete act three? You think he's going to want to be with you after you helped kill his friends?"
"Fuck off," you snapped, letting her words get under your skin which you shouldn't have.
Quinn was going to continue bothering you but her phone went off. Her current boyfriend of the month was on his way up, forcing you to put the mask over your head and hide inside the closet.
Surprisingly, she didn't do much with him. You were sure she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make you watch her but it seemed she was excited to get on with the plan. It only made up of occasional frisky touching, some things that were still counted as sexual activities that did make you look away but nothing too extravagant.
He ended up leaving to her connected bathroom to take a shower, saying how he felt dirty. Quinn then started to call her dad, basically filling him in and then she turned to you, gesturing for you to make your grand appearance as she saw Danny standing by his window just like planned.
Your boots helped make you seem taller as you stalked toward her very slowly. Her back was facing you as she rambled on the call about something. Your hand gripped your knife as the thought of actually killing her surfaced in your head. No, you couldn't do that.
Noises coming from across the window caught your attention as you looked up, seeing Danny pointing at you while yelling words you couldn't hear. You tilted your head at him, walking away inside the bathroom.
Killing her boyfriend wasn't too hard as you caught him off guard but the scene had become gory. You'd taken your pent up anger on the poor guy, his blood covering the entire room that you didn't notice until you backed away from where he laid lifelessly in the tub, naked.
You grimaced at yourself and what you had done.
Walking back into the room, you decided to start the act earlier than Quinn wanted, knowing it would piss her off. You rose your knife and planted it straight into the mattress, startling her as she let out an authentic gasp.
She began to scream, making sure to keep it leveled so it didn't sound too suspicious to everyone outside her room. She needed them to believe she was having sex so they wouldn't interrupt before she could get in her costume, which was just covering her entire body with fake blood and a few slashes from your knife to make it even more realistic.
You pulled her up, wrapping your arm around her neck just as you saw Danny take a picture. Then you tossed her to the floor where she crawled to the fake blood and splattered it all over herself and her room.
A couple more seconds, she continued to scream until she stopped and you heard the group outside running toward the door until the silence made them halt.
"Showtime," Quinn whispered proudly.
It made you sick to your stomach.
You held her up, taking a second to let her collect herself before you threw the door open and charged her body at them. Quinn fell on Anika, taking her and Mindy down as the girl screamed at Quinn's "dead" body.
Then, everyone scattered. You saw Chad pull Ethan and Tara toward the direction of the door and you decided to let them go on the account it would mean Ethan was safe. You headed straight toward Mindy, slashing her in the arm, knowing it would be enough to make her weak as blood always made her squeamish to the point she would pass out at times.
Your goal was to get Mindy. That was the plan Quinn had created for you to do but you couldn't. The rush of it all hit you once you saw her hunch over to hold her wound, trying not to vomit at the sight of the blood.
Anika was about to attack you for what you had done to her girlfriend but you got smacked in the face but a large object, sending you flying against the TV. When you peered through your mask, you saw Ethan's familiar light blue shirt and his curly hair, reaching down to help Mindy and Anika. Fuck, you thought. You should've known.
"Come on," he urged them both up.
You collected yourself quickly, slicing him in the arm and throwing him and Mindy against the table. The sound of his wince caused your heart to break but at least he wasn't in your way anymore.
Turning, you gripped Anika and pulled her up by the throat, which wasn't that hard at how light she was to carry. You slammed her against the wall and drove the knife in her gut. She let out a scream that actually made you sad. You could feel yourself losing grip on your knife. Thankfully, you were hit in the head again, causing you to fall to the floor and drop Anika.
Sam dropped the knife dispenser and went reaching for Anika as she carried her inside Quinn's bedroom. Ethan and Mindy were following closely behind. You got up and slammed against the door, causing Sam and Ethan to push against you even harder.
You stopped, remembering the second entrance to Quinn's room. You ran around and almost got through until you saw Ethan immediately run to slam the door in your face. Without thinking, you slipped through the crack and swung your knife around which sliced his skin again, making him even more annoyed, putting full force in his last push. You fell back just as you heard Sam and Mindy put a dresser against it so you couldn't enter.
Would it be so bad to let them go? You were about to give up until you looked behind at where Quinn was playing dead and she gave you a head gesture, as if telling you to get through that door and do something.
You started to kick it, slam your body against it, and slowly but surely the door started to crack. You could finally see in and you saw that they were trying to leave through the window on a ladder, thanks to Danny. You rolled your eyes, growing psychically exhausted but you continued to push against the door, the dresser beginning to shake.
Purposely, you didn't use your strength. You wanted them to survive. Poor Anika made you see that once you saw the gutted look on her face. You weren't close with her but she was a nice girl and she deserved to live. So did Sam and Mindy. Especially so did Ethan.
Sam went first, you caught sight of her hair just as she made it through. Then, Ethan of course had to make sure one of the girls went before him. Mindy gave Anika a kiss, thinking it'd be their last as she shakily made it on the ladder and got through. You continued to slam against the door as you watched Ethan pick Anika up from the bed, walking her toward the window where he helped her get on the ladder and kept it stable for her.
She took awhile to get through that you unfortunately made it inside just as Ethan was barely exiting the window. You stalked toward it slowly because you knew you weren't going to let him die.
"Ethan, you have to hurry!" Sam and Mindy screamed.
He turned around and the scared look on his face could've been enough to kill you. You slammed your knife on the window sill and grabbed the ladder.
They all were expecting some foul play on your end, encouraging him to be quicker but you didn't. Instead, you held the ladder down and stabilized it for him. Sam watched in shock. She was the only one who noticed your action that had been completely out of character.
Ethan made it inside Danny's apartment a second after and they all looked at you. You tilted your head at them, pulling your knife out. Then, you were gone. You didn't even wait for Quinn because you needed to get out of that costume and in Ethan's arms as quick as possible.
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