#but doesn't that defeat the purpose of pride?
sorrowsofsilence · 18 hours
If you take asks/requests can you do something with reader refusing any type of help or assistance in anything but she's so used to everything being thrown in her face or used against her so now she is just super hyper independent. She meets Noah and for a long time he doesn't understand why she never lets anyone help her until she opens up and quietly tells him that she can't trust people to not use the help they gave her against her eventually.
Super self indulgent here 🥺😟
if im here • n.s
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pairing: noah sebastian x fem!reader
words: 2k
warnings: none
note: thank you so much for this anon. this is so relatable, and writing this felt so... therapeutic? i hope you enjoy this xx
At first, Noah merely noticed it as a quirk; an oddity of hers that was borderline admirable. Any time he offered to help her carry anything, she would politely, but firmly decline. Once, when she was struggling with a stubborn jar of pasta sauce, he'd tried to help, only to have her snatch the glass away with a fierce glint in her eyes.
It was clear that she didn't need or want his assistance.
Even in times that seemed dire, she refused him. The time her tire popped and she struggled to fit it back onto the rims, and the time the bowl from the top shelf fell against the floor, smashing into pieces and cutting her hand.
He always assumed it was pride or a stubborn sense of independence. But over time, he realized there was something deeper lurking beneath the surface; a sort of wariness, a guardedness that was difficult to penetrate.
One evening, after they'd grown closer, they were sitting on Noah’s living room floor amidst several takeout boxes from the local chinese place. She was battling with a particularly tricky fortune cookie wrapper when Noah instinctively reached out to help.
"No," she said quietly, pulling her hand back as if his touch burned. Something in her eyes flickered, a strange mix of defiance and vulnerability that made Noah pause.
He sat there, watching with a defeated brow as he placed the chopsticks in his box of chow mein, shoulders slumped.
“Y/N…” Noah whispered, his eyes saddened as she struggled, throwing her head back in a frustrated growl.
“Why won’t you just let me help you? Ever?”
She sighed, placing the untouched cookie on the coffee table. Her hands folded in her lap, shoulders hunched as if bracing against an invisible force.
For a long moment, she was silent, refusing to glance at Noah as he waited, knowing better than to press.
"I can't trust people," she admitted, not meeting his gaze, "I can't trust them not to use the help they gave me, against me eventually."
Noah was silent, processing her words. His heart twisted at the bare honesty of her confession, the raw pain that lurked behind her fierce independence. He realized this wasn’t about jars or boxes; this was about survival, about safeguarding herself from the world around her that had done her wrong, time and time again.
"No one should ever use kindness as a weapon," he said softly, respecting her space but wanting her to know he was there, "And I promise you, I won't. Not now, not ever."
She looked up at him then, her eyes clouded with a wariness that made him want to reach out and reassure her. But he knew better now, knew that the last thing she needed was empty reassurances or hollow promises.
Instead, he simply held her gaze, letting his words hang between them as his promise to her. He wanted to show her that he was different and that not everyone would use their kindness against her.
She held his onyx gaze for a long moment before finally looking away. Her shoulders relaxed slightly, but there was still a guardedness about her. It was clear that it would take more than just words to convince her.
But Noah was patient; he knew that trust wasn’t built in a day.
It was something that had to be earned and nurtured, piece by piece. He might not have been able to erase the past or change the people who had hurt her before, but he could certainly try to be different, and show her she deserved to be cared for.
Over the next few weeks and months, Noah did his best to show her he was a man of his word.
He never imposed, never assumed. Each time a situation arose where she seemed in need of help, he waited, letting her make the first move.
Bit by bit, they began to navigate around this invisible barrier - a silent dance of respect and understanding. When she stubbed her toe and cursed under her breath, Noah remained silent, only moving when she held out her hand for assistance. When her car broke down one icy winter evening, instead of rushing over as he instinctively wanted to do, he waited for her call.
It was a slow process, one filled with silent understanding and unspoken words. But with each day that passed, Noah could see the progression. There were moments when she would hesitate just before refusing his help; moments that filled him with hope and reassurance that he was doing the right thing.
One day when an unexpected rainstorm caught them off guard on their way back from a late-night movie, he held out his coat as they stepped out of the theatre. He prepared himself for her usual refusal, the quick shake of her head and the pulled-down brim of her hat as she braved the elements herself.
But it didn’t come.
Instead, she looked at his proffered jacket for a moment before finally nodding, tugging it around her shoulders with a shy smile.
His heart leapt in response.
It was a small victory, but for Noah, it felt monumental. It was the first time she had willingly accepted his assistance without that familiar flicker of fear in her eyes. The rain sliced through the night, drenching them despite the coat, but neither cared.
One small step towards trust. One small step towards un-guilted help.
“Thank you,” She whispered, smiling up at him. Noah wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a comforting hug as they headed to their apartment.
“I would do anything for you,” He said, placing a kiss in her hair.
Her shivering body vibrated against his, her hands clinging to his dampened shirt for support.
In the silence of the rain-soaked streets, under the flickering street lamps, she believed him.
Not because she wanted to, but because he had proven it - time and again - through his patience, his understanding. He had seen her fears and her scars and had not flinched away, but stood firmly by her side, always waiting for her to reach out first.
"Noah," she murmured, as they unlocked the door of their shared apartment, her damp hair sticking to his face. "You're different."
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement, an acknowledgement of what they both already knew. He smiled into her hair, warmth spreading through him despite the cold rain dripping from their clothes onto the hallway floor.
"I hope so," he murmured back, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before stepping back, giving her space once again as they moved inside.
She smiled at him then, one that reached to her eyes.
It was a rare sight and Noah cherished it because he knew how much courage it took for her.
That exchange marked a turning point in their relationship. His promise uttered in the heart of the storm, wasn't just an empty phrase spoken to comfort her.
It was a vow that he intended to keep, not just for that night but for every night thereafter.
In the following days, she became more comfortable in accepting his aid. She even let him help her carry groceries to their apartment, a task she'd always insisted on doing herself before- all ten bags looped up either arm.
But that day, he was allowed to carry five.
There was still that flicker of unease every now and then, a shadow that crossed her eyes whenever he offered his help; however, those moments were becoming less frequent with time.
Noah proved himself to be a man of his word. He stood by her side, not as a knight trying to save a damsel in distress, but as a constant companion who honored her strength and respected her space.
Their souls danced around each other in the ever-evolving rhythm of their companionship - sometimes colliding, sometimes distancing, yet always spinning in synchrony.
One cool spring afternoon, they went to a local park and found a solitary bench that overlooked a still lake. The water mirrored the sky, capturing its changing moods from cool blue to fiery orange as the sun began to set.
They sat there in a comforting quiet for a long moment, lost in their own thoughts.
Noah opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself just in time. He respected her need for space - physical and emotional both. His gaze fell on her profile - her eyes closed and tilted towards the setting sun, her lips slightly parted as she breathed in the crisp air.
"Is your mind always this quiet?" she asked after a while, turning to meet his gaze. He noted how her eyes held a certain softness now, a less guarded curiosity, “Or this patient?”
"No," he confessed with a soft chuckle. "I’ve had to learn patience over time."
"Because of me?" she asked, her voice low.
He turned to face her, taking a moment to really look at her. The setting sun reflected in her eyes, giving them an ethereal glow.
He admired her- every part of her. The good, the bad. Everything.
"Partly," he admitted, "But also because of myself. I've realised that sometimes the best way to help someone isn't by charging in like a hero. It's by waiting…giving them the space they need to heal."
His words stretched between them as she processed, her gaze never leaving his. Noah noticed a hint of something different in her eyes; not fear or apprehension, but something akin to gratitude.
“Thank you,” she said softly, echoing the words she’d whispered weeks before in the rain.
"I'm trying, Noah," she said quietly, "I'm trying to trust again."
He nodded, understanding all too well what that meant for her. It was a leap of faith - an act of trust that was foreign and strenuous to her very being.
"I know," he replied softly.
His thumb brushed over the back of her hand gently, a small comfort against the enormity of what she had just shared, “And you’re doing an amazing job.”
She smiled, looking down at their entwined fingers.
“I’m proud of you,” Noah breathed.
Her heart raced with armour as they sat there, their hands linked while the sun slowly disappeared beneath the horizon. The world around them was bathed in a tranquil glow, almost as if it was recognizing the sacredness of their moment.
Noah squeezed her hand gently, his chest full of emotions he couldn't quite put into words.
He took a deep breath, his gaze still locked onto the surreal sunset before them. This woman sitting next to him, she was strong. She had been through so much, but instead of hardening her heart, she still allowed herself to be vulnerable, for him. Of all people, him.
Her voice brought him out of his thoughts, "I think I'm ready."
Noah turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden declaration. She looked back at him, determination shining bright in her eyes.
"To rely on someone," she clarified, trailing a finger along the flower on the back of his hand, "To trust again... with you."
There was no hesitation in her voice, just a raw honesty that pierced through the quiet evening.
Noah felt his heart surge with a myriad of emotions: hope, joy, relief; but above all, there was a sense of honor.
"Are you sure?" he asked gently, not wanting to rush her.
He knew the gravity of what she was saying, the importance of this moment.
But she simply nodded, meeting his gaze with an unwavering certainty.
"Yes," she whispered. "I think I am."
Her simple affirmation held so much weight. It was her declaration of surrender, but also a confirmation of faith in him.
And that meant more to Noah than any grand gestures or professions could ever do.
He leaned over, closing the distance between them and pressed his forehead against hers. Their breaths mingled in the cool dusk air, creating an intimate bubble around them while the rest of the world faded into insignificance.
"I'll be here for you, whenever you need.”
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@anything-more-than-human @blacksoul-2 @sweetwombatpizza
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masterofmaagnetism · 3 months
loving the hostile pride months these past few years but not how it's targetted almost exclusively towards other queers
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yandere-wishes · 2 months
A thought for you, Diluc meeting his darling when they were knights together when they were younger but when his dad dies and he leaves but only comes back to see his darling is now a high ranking offical and he panics, what if she gets hurt? She isn’t cut out for this sort of thing. So now he is torn, he can’t let her get hurt but it’s not like he can just pull her out of the knights, can he?
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He plays hero in the dark.
Maybe cause the dark obscures beauty and beauty is the last thing he needs right now.
Maybe he's a bit too scared to see too clearly.
Besides everything looks better in the dark.
Diluc doesn't thrive in order, he prefers solitude. The quiet of the estate away from town. The calm of the tavern during closing hours.
The solitude is safe.
Away from fickle lovers and family secrets.
He sees you in the dead of day. Standing outside the tavern with your brigade. Dressed in that loathsome armor with the sun's rays bouncing off the silver metal.
A beacon of hope in every way.
Diluc swallows his anger, his astound. There really shouldn't be room for surprise, it was to be expected. You had trained with him, fought alongside him. Captain is the lowest rank you should have by now
Still, you are not ready for such duty, such burdens.
You must taste experience, bite it, and let the crumbs mar the corners of your lips. You can not simply know by hearing tales of others' endeavors. They are as pointlessly purposeful as the stars. Distant lights you can never understand.
And Diluc refuses to see you as anything more than the little girl who'd drag him to the lake to hunt turtles.
Jejune in every way.
Diluc is not careless, he is not reckless.
The young boy who used to rush headfirst into everything be it battles or turtle hunts, died the same night his father did. The man born of his ashes, is scrupulous, vigilant. He calculates every mistake before attacking.
He lets you see him in the dark. Masked vigilante stalking the streets while you do your patrols. He leads you through the streets, weaving through the nooks and crannies of the cramped port city.
He wonders if this is how the turtles by the lake felt all so many years ago.
"Halt" You're voice holds authority now, no longer airy and melodic. It makes him discomfited.
He leaps past the high walls of the city, disappearing amongst the threes. He sees you cease at the threshold of the bridge. Defeat painted across your tender lips.
The game has ended.
At least for tonight.
He plays hero in the dark.
Dancing as he blocks your attacks.
Metal sings metal as sword and claymore clash.
The nostalgia seeps through no matter how hard he struggles, the familiar hyms of weapons clashing. Your taut frown of concentration. He's drowning in his crush again.
But is such a fickle thing really capable of throttling a man such as he?
Maybe this is truly love?
It's a sparse moment. He's too caught up in you, how tall you've gotten, how astute your stance has become. You've grown. But he still hears your sweet voice ringing across the north winds.
He doesn't notice the hilt of your sword until it's pounded against his skull. Since when have you learned such dirty tricks? His head buzzes on impact, the mask clashing violently on the ground.
The night is still.
But the beating of his heart is far too loud.
You're sword falls, face torn between shock and laughter. "You're the Darknight hero?"
He doesn't answer right away. He lets you laugh and ponder. Lets you come up with your own answers. He's about to interject. Throw some comment about being on opposite sides. But you beat him to the punchline. "Well, I guess I still got to take you in..."
"That's unfortunate, I can't say I'm particularly fond of being arrested by a Favonius knight."
"Captain" You correct and the pride flashing across your face makes him burn in anger. No, no you're not.
You approach him, carless and intrepid. Plucky steps as you reach for the cuffs on your belt. Diluc can't help but roll his eyes. Really? Has being made a captain taught you nothing?
Shouldn't you be more jaded? Wry of any potential threats.
Well, he guesses it must be hard to think of the boy who talks to his pet turtle as a threat.
The blaze from his vision washes over you, painting the night into a faux dawn. The fire melts through your body, peeling the flesh of your arm.
The Darknight hero stands tall amidst the inferno. Eyes aflame with the delicate sight of you.
Diluc licks the embers from his fingers as you cradle your burnt hand.
He didn't mean to do this, but he needs to stun you, he needs you to submit. Gingerly he picks you up, cradling your body close. He can't wait to get you home and burn away that dreaded armor. To dress you in soft silks and precious jewels.
"You're really not cut out for this knight thing. But it's fine I'll keep you safe"
He's only met with soft whimpers as he scales the back walls and dashes towards the winery.
Diluc plays hero in the dark.
And he still believes that.
Even as he opens the door to his mansion.
With you sobbing from pain in his arms.
He is a hero.
And heroes are meant to keep people safe.
Especially helpless little girls who try to play knight.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Celebratory 1k+ post! (+Official Reveal of "Him.")
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First of all, before I start, I would just like to thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart. I cannot begin to emphasize just how much it means to me that more than 1,000 of you decided that this blog was follow worthy.
The fact that so many people engage with this blog, whether asking a lore-related question to know more about the world of the AU, to joking around and making me laugh makes my heart swell with pride and joy.
This AU's purpose was not only to tell a story, but to also destress myself from my problems so I can keep my head on my shoulders and keep on living. So to know that many people found this passion project interesting enough, well... All I could really say is...
Thank you.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share an incredibly canon-divergent story that is so far removed from the original source, it may as well be considered as a standalone project.
Thank you for sparing a little bit of your time and attention (as well as a few braincells) to learn about the characters, the story, the history, and the world of it.
... And most of all, thank you for continuously saving me from the darkness that attempts to consume me everyday.
No one really knows what happens to me behind the screen, and I'd rather keep it that way because I don't wanna be such a downer. Even here, I want to keep things lighthearted so I won't be delving into that.
Besides that, there's unfortunately something I haven't been entirely honest with you guys. Everyone knows about the B.O.S.S. (B.loodthirsty, O.verburdened S.corned S.ouls) roster, and how they serve as the AU's antagonists, but there is a secret character who doesn't exactly fall into that category.
Rather, he's not just a normal boss antagonist. HE'S THE OVERARCHING VILLAIN OF THIS AU, and has been teased since WAYYYY back to the early poster of the Harlequin AU.
You may know this guy as "???" from the roster list, or "HIM" from the answered lore-related asks. Well, for the sake of a celebratory 1k post that won't provide much strain for me, I've decided to reveal who this is.
Now, without further ado, I'd like you all to meet-
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"The Patriarch of Puppets" - Official design reveal!
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"Adorned in silver and reds, The Patriarch of Puppets (or simply, "The Patriarch") is an untouchable and powerful entity who constantly chases Pomni after she finishes a battle with a Boss."
No one knows what the fuck his problem is, But one thing is for sure: he first shows up after Pomni defeats the Skirmish General, and seems to like tormenting the Combat Harlequin by attempting to separate her soul from her heart and inflicting burning agony.
Pomni, in tandem, feels GREAT DREAD even at her first encounter with The Patriarch; she doesn't know why, but whenever he's in her general presence, her entire soul, AND her fight-or-flight instincts screams TWO THINGS: "DANGEROUS. RUN."
Pomni CANNOT fight him to save her life. Her sword hands starts to tremble and she can't move if she's around him for too long. She knows from the very beginning that this is a fight that she cannot win no matter what. He is the Hunter, and she is the Prize.
Bubble also seems to power off instantly and just crash to the ground with no warning, an immediate telling sign that he's already in the general vicinity. He seems to not care about the blimp in the slightest.
His classification is a King Harlequin; 1) a reference to "king-size", 2) a literal one of a kind Puppet, and 3) the tallest of Harlequins that no one even knew existed in the first place.
Just how tall exactly? Well...... here's the updated lineup.
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I hope that this is a fitting celebratory 1k treat for all you hungry lore eaters and Harlequin AU enjoyers!
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
send in a character + trope for a blurb
you should've been asleep. you're always asleep before him, so why would this time be any different?
suna knows the drill like the back of his hand by now. you fight off your inevitable slumber as hard as you can, trying to stay awake for no good reason until you eventually ignore his annoyances and succumb to sleep.
tonight shouldn’t have been any different.
"hey," a finger prods against your cheek, testing the waters.
when a groan bubbles from your throat but your eyes remain closed, suna knows you’re at the ‘barely hanging on to consciousness’ stage of your sleep schedule. he uses a hand to gently squeeze your cheeks together.
it comes out slightly muffled by your squished lips. he huffs a laugh through his nose, “what?"
you groan into the pillow, escaping his loose grasp.
"go to sleep," he whispers, and though you can’t see him, you can practically hear the menacing grin on his face through his tease.
if your eyes were open, you’d roll them. "i’m trying to."
and it’s routine, comforting to the two of you. suna waits there in the dark, like he always does, until your breathing evens out and replicates the deep inhales of when he knows you’re out for good.
he brings his finger back up to your face, but this time, instead of poking your cheek with the incentive of aggravating you, he runs it softly across your cheekbone and then down your jawline with purpose. he’s sure to notice how your eyelids don’t flicker at the sudden touch, how your breathing never hitches with his lingering fingers.
you’re asleep by his side. and just like that, vulnerability oozes from suna’s core.
so he mans up in the most pathetic way possible and presses a kiss to your head. between the space of skin and lips comes a muffled whisper that he’s been dying to say for ages now, but hasn’t quite found the courage to say clearly. 
"i love you."
it’s quiet for a moment, not a sound filling the room beside the air conditioner rattling in the window. and while suna plans to continue caressing your face, he freezes when he feels the smile growing beneath his fingertips. 
you open a single eye groggily, voice raspy when you perk up with a teasing, "what'd you say?"
"nothing," he responds quickly, trying his best to defuse the situation while simultaneously not making a big deal out of it. "you're hallucinating, go back to sleep."
"i was sleeping,” you continue to press, “but i heard something weird."
suna grimaces at your choice of vocabulary before grounding himself in your light tone. you’re not angry or upset, at least not enough for him to hear it in your voice. so he slowly eases himself back onto his pillow. 
"if you heard something, which you definitely didn't," he enunciates, "i don't think it was something weird."
"well if wasn't weird, then what was it?"
through the darkness of the bedroom, he can just barely make out your hopeful eyes, and he can imagine the giddy smile on your pretty face, so he exhales and swallows his pride.
"true," he admits, before hissing out in defeat, "and fucking embarrassing."
your laughter warms the bed and suna feels like he’s floating.
"true and embarrassing," you repeat through sleepy giggles, "just how i like 'em,"
his face is flushed as it hides in his pillow. "are you done making fun of me yet?"
he hears you shuffle in closer before he feels your breath on his arm.
"i will be if you say it again now that i'm awake," you barter.
"technically you were awake the first time i said it."
"rintaro," you whine, and when he doesn't give in so easily, you elaborate. "now that you know that i'm awake."
a bit more confident in his conviction, he brings his hand up once more to find your cheek. 
"i said i love you," he whispers, "like an idiot."
your laughter returns, and when you wrap your arms around his torso and press your nose in the crook of his neck, he can practically feel it warming his bones.
you place a kiss to his neck with a sigh of victory, "that's what i thought.”
a few minutes eventually pass in his hold, and suna would say you have to be asleep now, but he’s learned his lesson the hard way and isn’t one to make the same mistake twice.
and he’s glad because right before he drifts off himself, he feels your head rise from his chest and a gentle kiss placed on his chapped lips.
"i love you, too,” you press into his mouth like a secret, “idiot."
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fallenhunnyapple · 2 months
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After getting a bunch of questions from @ilikelookingatthings, its time to compile some more info about this AU! So here we are~ I might be rehashing some things said before for clarity and expanding on ideas
(the words are from Rule #34 by Fish in a Birdcage because it makes me insane and suits this AU a lot)
So let's break this down into separate parts.
Adam's Sexuality:
Adam is a closeted Gay man. This is something he's always been, but his pride and the enforcement of the Angels kept him from ever really pursuing anything while he was In Heaven. Lucifer was his first love and that memory is so deeply embedded into his heart that even without his memories, he still Feels the affection and attraction.
He doesn't have memories of the formative experiences that made him struggle in Eden and Heaven, but the internalize homophobia isn't going anywhere, and being the priest of a small town, he's faced with Homophobia often enough that he'll never feel safe being Out. Feeling attraction towards male constituents instead of the female ones made his sexuality very clear to him, even though he knew that if he were to feel any attraction it /should/ be towards women.
So meeting Lucifer and being faced with his ancient love, feeling unjudged by the one he's attracted to (Lucifer mentioned offhandedly early on that he's bisexual), of course he's still conflicted because this is Literally Temptation by the Devil himself, but he finds himself unable to repress everything when Lucifer is being so open and making him feel its Okay. Sure, its still to the Devil's own ends, but that doesn't make it any less supportive.
Adam's Ultimate Fate:
Adam is ending up in Hell. Whatever else happens while he's alive, there is no escaping that fact. Being in a sexual relationship with the Devil Himself is more than enough for eternal damnation. If it had been with a human, things may have been different, or they may not. He's Meant to stay celibate for this test, which incidentally goes against the very purpose of his creation, still etched into his soul despite not having the memories. And that in itself makes him more susceptible to being offered What he wants with Who he wants.
Lucifer makes it very clear to him at some point in the future that he wants him in Hell. Not as a way to spite Heaven, but because he wants _Him_, _Adam_ in Hell with him. And for the Years they have together, because Adam isn't being rushed to his grave or anything, he's allowed to live his full life, Lucifer will gladly push Adam further and further into Sin to ensure he'll come home to him in the end. Thwarting Heaven's plan is only secondary now.
Adam's Connection with the Divine:
The point of this test is to prove that Adam can be a Good Enough Person to make it to Heaven. The Angels are completely Hands Off. They're not meant to make him More than a Mere Human and interfering or speaking to him would potentially prophetize him and that defeats the Purpose. And once Lucifer gets involved, fighting over Adam's soul would make too much of a mess of things. They just have to hope that Adam makes correct choices and that ultimately, he does enough good to outweigh the bad and still ascends when the time comes.
Lucifer of course wouldn't be so keen on the idea. He probably knows that Heaven is Watching, but he would still do what he can to hide things from them. Adam is His now, he's decided, and he won't let them take him away.
Adam's Faith:
When Adam was dropped into the human world without his memories, he was more or less deposited outside a church so a priest took him in. He was late teens at that point, so he wasn't exactly Raised, but he was very influenced when the Church helped him when he was at his lowest and most vulnerable point. And he inherently had Faith because despite not having memories, he can still Feel it in his Soul that Heaven and the tales of the Bible are Real. So entering the Faith only made sense. Also as sort of a way to repay the Church for taking care of him when he needed it most.
He didn't really bother pursuing other interests or possibilities because he's fairly limited while living out of a Church, so it just makes sense to stick with what he was given instead of having to build up from Nothing.
Adam and Lucifer:
Lucifer goes into this whole thing with the plan to make Adam Sin enough to be condemned and disrupt Heaven's plans. It shifted from random impersonal sins to wanting to make Adam Sin with Him specifically when he noticed the now-human man Clearly had some feelings for him.
The thing is, Adam is at Such a base state, he's not all too different from how he was in Eden. Not exactly, of course, there are a lot of different factors. But there's still a sort of childish playfulness and naivete that is Endearing. Lucifer was Fond of Adam then and he finds himself becoming Fond of him now. Sure he's not going to jump into and real deep feelings or anything immediately, but its not /impossible/.
Lucifer doesn't hide the fact that he's The Devil for Long. Adam figures out very quickly that he's a demon and Lucifer never disputes that, letting him believe it for a time. But he doesn't lie about his name and he doesn't lie about his status. When Adam asks the right questions, he learns who exactly he's dealing with. Which would explain why he was able to walk on hallowed ground and why he could spray him with holy water from a super soaker and the most it did was tingle and sizzle a little bit.
Maybe there is some sort of Merit to Adam 'distracting the devil' as it were, but in reality, Lucifer wasn't actually... Doing anything or tempting anybody. Other demons use his name, but he personally doesn't want to deal with More Sinners in Hell, he already doesn't want to deal with the amount that's there, why would he try to tempt more? Adam is a special case because its at first to piss off Heaven and then because he genuinely just wants Adam to be by his side when he dies.
Adam will one day have his feelings reciprocated because Lucifer is a sap like that. And Lucifer will give Adam some of the first genuine affection he's ever had in his life, which only makes him fall harder. But they have plenty of time to figure themselves out.
It started as a way to get back at Heaven, truly. But it didn't take long for his goals to change. Less about condemning this Holy Man and more about Keeping Adam by his side. He does spend a lot of time on Earth because of this. Which is very new to him. He hadn't really been to Earth before this, but the scope of hos exploration is very small, so he mostly just sticks to following Adam around and being a nuisance.
He doesn't spend _all_ his time on Earth, he's still in Hell. But he was rather isolated there, barely taking care of his own duties as King as it was, so his absence isn't really noticed all too much except for the people who Know what he's up to. Which basically amounts to Asmodeus and his publicist (an OC I have that's more or less a constant in every universe who has to deal with Lucifer's public image good and bad).
Charlie and Lilith are not really on his radar. Sure he misses them both, but neither of them are actively in his life at that point, so his energy and mind are focused on Adam instead.
Adam's loneliness:
While his loneliness is certainly pronounced in the way he doesn't really have friends or true connections at the Church he lives and works at, it something much deeper than that. Adam has Always been isolated. Heaven was very isolating for him in ways he wouldn't know or think to express.
Adam was the first Human Soul in Heaven, but he wasn't Quite a Winner either. He was something More. He's in a position between the two that meanst he inherently felt Othered by both. That, plus his behavior and attitude made it incredibly difficult to make any real connections on Heaven. The closest was with his Exorcists, who respected and cared for him still as a superior so it never really went beyond that. Even Lute was still subordinate to him, even though he treated her most as his equal. But ultimately he was very lonely.
So that loneliness pervades into his Human life. He doesn't know how to connect with people, not really. And again, being in a position of authority over others makes him feel isolated again. He's the only priest at his church, so he doesn't have someone of his same rank to connect with either. And he's never had parents or siblings or any of those built-in relationships that teach you how to connect to people. He's a grown man who has always had to start from scratch.
And that makes it all the easier to fall into it when Lucifer offers him companionship. Not even sexual but just... Someone willing to talk with him and be silly and hang out.
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avatar-anna · 8 months
Nothing Left to Lose
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saw this photo on pinterest and got inspired! happy weekend, y'all!
"Where the hell have you been?"
"Don't—Don't ask me that. Please."
Harry sighed and rubbed a tired hand over his face, wincing when his fingertips came back with blood on them. "Because we promised not to lie to each other, and I don't want to give you an answer you won't like."
"Damn it, Harry!"
Y/n looked like she wanted to hit something, probably him, but he was too far out of reach. Angry tears lined her eyes as she took an anxious drag from the cigarette that dangled between her fingers, but Harry knew better than to go to her. She was pissed, and he needed to let her seethe properly before comforting her.
"I'm sorry—"
"You're not because you keep doing it!" A tear slipped from Y/n's eye, but she quickly wiped it away. "I told you I didn't want any part of this life. You said—You said you wouldn't do this anymore."
"This isn't something you just send your two weeks notice into, Y/n. I can't just say, 'I quit.'"
"Don't try to explain that bullshit to me, Harry!"
That was a wrong choice of words. Sighing, Harry took a chance and stepped closer to Y/n. "I'm trying, Y/n, really. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I am. I just don't...I don't know how to safely get out of this."
"Then let's run away," Y/n said, grabbing onto his hands desperately, neither of them minding the smoke curling between them. Harry's knuckles were split and bruised, dried blood caked around them, though most of it wasn't his, yet she held onto them anyway. Y/n had never been one to shy away from a little blood. "We can go somewhere, anywhere. The world is such a big place Harry. His network doesn't stretch that far. We can—We can forget all of this."
"It's not that easy—"
"He's using you!" she cried. "He's using you to get to me, you have to know that, Harry."
Harry held her face in his hands as he rested his forehead against hers. He knew nothing about the life they shared was easy. From the moment he stumbled into the bar she worked at, battered and bruised and reeking of trouble, he knew. Y/n had known right away that he was one of her father's men, even if the easily recognizable tattoo that curled around his shoulder and up his neck was covered thanks to the hoodie he wore. What she didn't know was that he'd been purposely tasked with keeping an eye on her, a direct order from her father. That little secret came out months after they met, after Harry realized he was falling for Y/n and that he couldn't hide it anymore.
This wasn't what he expected out of life. He'd fallen into the wrong crowd long before he ever should've, and it spiraled into a life he knew he shouldn't have been proud of. But the money was good and if he kept his head down he didn't get into any serious trouble. There were a couple nights where guilt kept him from sleeping, or when he lied awake in a safehouse because someone else fucked up and he had to disappear for a few days. Maybe his line of work wasn't something to be proud of, but he grew up believing he wouldn't amount to anything, and this life, the one he built for himself, was his and his alone.
All that changed when he met Y/n, though.
He'd never met her prior to the job her father had tasked him with. His boss' daughter was elusive at best, but it was well-known that they were estranged. But Y/n's father still considered her his greatest pride and joy, hence sending Harry to keep an eye on her to make sure she was safe. He'd taken the job, mostly because he couldn't really say no to his boss, but also because he thought it would be easy enough, stress free.
Falling in love was never the objective, yet here he was, and it killed him to see his love cry.
"I know," Harry said quietly, maybe even sounding a little defeated.
"I want a life with you, H," Y/n pleaded, resting her hands over his. "I want a long life with you without my father's shadow hanging over our heads. This...this isn't living. We're hiding."
"I know," he said again. "I know, you're right."
"I love you," Y/n said. "So much, H. That's why it freaks me out when you leave and come back like this. I...I hate what he does. He ruins people, Harry."
Part of him believed it was impossible to get out from under her father's thumb, and part of him was scared of leaving everything he'd ever known behind to start over somewhere new. But for Y/n, he was willing to try. A future with her was worth running into unknown territory.
Harry tried for a smile and kissed Y/n's forehead. "If it makes you feel better, I had a terrible night."
"Mm...Maybe a little," she said, a small smile creeping onto her face.
"Is persuading you to kiss it all away off the table?"
Y/n's smile softened into something more somber. "Promise me we'll run away."
Harry looked into Y/n's eyes, saw all the hurt that the cuts and bruises and blood he came home covered in affected her. He wasn't just looking out for himself anymore, Y/n was a part of his life he wasn't willing to give up. She was a non-negotiable, and making her happy had to be his top priority.
"We'll run away," he promised. "Wherever you wanna go, baby. Just you and me."
"Really?" she asked, as if she actually thought Harry wouldn't agree.
"Name a time and place, and we'll go," he said. "I love you, Y/n. I'm in this with you. All of that bullshit means nothing when I have you."
Y/n exhaled, and Harry could practically see a weight lift from her shoulders. Leaning in, she kissed him once, pulling back and giggling a little as she rubbed a thumb gently over the cut on his lip. Pressing one kiss to his cheek, she took his hand and led him down the hall to the bedroom they shared.
"Let's see about getting those cuts cleaned up."
"I've actually got one that needs really special attention—"
"Shut up, Styles!"
Harry just grinned as he took the cigarette from Y/n's offering hand and put it in his mouth, happy to hear the laughter in Y/n's voice. There was light for them at this long, winding tunnel. He believed in it, he wanted it enough to believe in it. Harry had never tried to leave this life behind because it was all he'd ever known, there was no reason to try to build a life outside of the crimes he committed. Y/n should've felt that way too, but she didn't. She wanted more for herself, and for him now too. Harry was willing to give up everything, to risk everything, to make sure he was happy, that he was able to give her the life that she wanted.
And if slipping between the fingers of the most powerful man in the city was what she wanted, then he'd find a way to make it happen.
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bones4thecats · 9 months
Hey there! is it okay to request Hades, Poseidon and Thor with a female reader who is from the anime Fairy Tail (if you've seen it), with a 'Meeting the Family' and somehow got roped into all the crazy that happens in the guild.
The three characters with a female reader who is human who doesn't care that they are gods and just loves them for them, not because they were gods and told them straight to their face. Bonus if the character gives reader affection because of that answer.
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades, Poseidon, and Thor Name: {Character} x Erza Scarlet! Reader Who Introduces Her Students Requester: @koushiro23
A/N: I kinda mixed the two scenarios together, and I chose the reader to be themed after Erza Scarlet, since having the 'meeting the family' troupe reminded me of them being like a small family. Also, this may have mentioning of blood, just warning y'all!
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💀 You had met Hades' family quite early in your marriage, since when you guys were dating and courting, you didn't speak to anyone of the relationship, not wanting to cause a clash
💀 Hades would listen to you speak about your three students, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, and Gray Fullbuster with such pride when they defeated someone without your help, and hearing how prideful you were of them, he asked for you to meet them
💀 Your students were fairly nervous, but they showed it differently
💀 Lucy was trying to smile through it, Natsu was just being a turd and asking so many questions, making Hades sweat nervously, and Gray would hide behind a cold exterior, reminding him of his younger brother, Poseidon
💀 He smiled as your students sat down at the table and introduced themselves, giving a small portion of their life stories as you scolded Natsu and Gray for acting like idiots
💀 Your personality and his clash at certain points, as you were quite impatient while he was very patient, it comes with raising three boys that all clashed in personalities
💀 Natsu was very excited about meeting Hades, but after a while, he began to dig deeper into your time together before eventually asking why you picked him, not wishing to sound rude, of course!
💀 You just chuckled and looked at the three young kids and looked deeply into your husband's eyes before saying
" I swore to never marry someone without any purpose in life, but, he was far different. Many Gods are very arrogant, and as you'd expect, get on my nerve quite easily, not him. He's patient, caring, and very tender when need be. I value that in him, and while some will oppose our connection, I could care less. He's my one and only no matter what. "
💀 Natsu gagged while Gray just stared at his food while contemplating your words as Lucy awed at your words, Hades on the other hand, was blushing and hiding his face with his hands, you never had been so honest, it was quite endearing
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🔱 Poseidon and you often clashed, but you did fall back in line like a ball being dropped, it always did the same thing, it fell, bounced, and stopped
🔱 When you mentioned your students, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, and Natsu Dragneel, were coming over to visit you, since you had been away for so long, he just nodded, determined to stay away from the younglings
🔱 But, he failed that really quickly
🔱 He heard a young voice shriek and one sigh in annoyance, something he could relate in doing whenever Zeus was going through one of his moods
🔱 Gray stared at the God of the Seas with equally dead eyes as Natsu hid behind Lucy, who was patting his head in an attempt in calming him down from his small attack
🔱 You came up from behind your husband and looked at the young students, making them look at you and smile as they went in to hug you, but, they didn't come close
🔱 Grabbing Natsu's ear, you scolded him for being so ignorant as to not be looking where he was walking and how loud he was being, despite your yelling being equally as loud
🔱 Anybody could view you all as a small family, with Gray and Poseidon being the dead father-son duo, Lucy being the only daughter just watching, Natsu being the spunky and wildcard-child, and you being the strict mother-hen who wants some peace
" Is that your husband, Y/N? He's the God of the Seas! "
🔱 You looked at the young girl and let Natsu's ear go as he groaned and rubbed it, trying to relieve some of the resonating pain your hold left
" Of course, why? " " Well, he's a God, you're a mage. Did the others allow this? " " So what if they did or didn't. Being different sub-species doesn't make us any less in love with one another. He may be a God, and I may be a mage, but love is love, no matter the person or their ranking in society. "
🔱 Cue the small hearts inside this man's ocean-coated eyes, shining slightly as you wrapped your arm through his as your students began asking you questions as you walked away to the meeting room Poseidon had
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🌩️ All he heard was quarreling out in the back of the garden, and while he was cleaning off Mjölnir, he stood up and began walking towards the noise, unaware of the trouble he was going to walk in on
🌩️ You were not expecting your students to appear, nonetheless with so many injuries on them!
🌩️ Lucy tried explaining that they had fallen down and landed in a bunch a couple miles away, but, unsurprisingly, Natsu made it sound like they were in a near-death experience while Gray just stood there, trying to ignore the idiocy of his fellow mage
🌩️ Thor stopped behind you and stared down at the three kids, making them back away, though, you believed you were starting to scare them, and when you asked what was wrong, Natsu just pointed behind you
🌩️ You turned around and smiled at your husband, making him nod and wrap his arms around your waist, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck as you blushed and hid your face from the onlookers
🌩️ The three kids looked at you in shock, why was the Nordic God of Thunder hugging you and acting so lovey-dovey here?!
🌩️ While you tried explaining it to them, Natsu all of the sudden busted his cork and began to damn near scream questions at the top of his lungs, making your husband and you glare at him, and once he saw that, he backed off before coughing and allowing Gray to take over
" Y/N, why exactly are you guys together? I mean to offense, of course, but, you guys are different sub-species, with far different life-spans, what made you do this? "
🌩️ You chuckled as Thor took a deep breath and made you speak up
" Why, Fullbuster, the reason is quite simple: Love. " " Love? " " Yes. While we may have differing life-spans and he may end up outliving me, the love we feel for one another will last forever. He has pledged his pure heart and loyalty to one another, despite the cries of protest from other Gods, including Odin's birds, who, funnily enough, now fear me! Isn't that ironic, Thunder? "
🌩️ The kids stood in shock as Thor looked up from his spot in your neck and just agree with you as he kept you embraced in his arms, chuckling lowly as they shacked with a mixture of confusion and slight fear of who you were now
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prisoner-of-sin · 11 months
Shy/Affectionate s/o
Featuring: Zoya, Cinnabar, and Macchiato
These are re-written headcanons from about a year ago! I am rewriting more stuff and slowly writing some of my Ao3 requests.
Requests: OPEN
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Zoya doesn't care if you are shy and affectionate, she happily opens her arms to you and gives the love back equally. Her tone is softer in public, her arm is always around you or at least has a hand resting against you.
Zoya loves to tease you but relents with laughter when you get pouty. She holds her hands up in defeat before pulling you into her lap for some cuddles.
When you start to open up, Zoya is so proud of you because you feel safe enough to be yourself.
I stated before that she's more of a words or actions, but I've changed my mind. Zoya is most definitely action over words, sometimes she doesn't know what to say. Reputation or not, she's going to shower you in love.
Zoya will return any sentiment you give: compliments, hugs, kisses etc. She keeps you close to her body when out in public, she acts like the protective shield. It won't ever bother her, she takes it with pride.
When you and Zoya are in the comfort of indoors, she becomes similar to a puppy. You can cling to her and be overly affectionate, she holds onto you and whispers how much she loves you. Her kisses will deepen yours as her arms tighten around you. She teases and proclaims how she can take it further, resulting in your face fluttering. You may have to put up with her indoors.
There's no way to avoid that Cinnabar attracts women to her, she's like a magnet! That simple fact alone may make you shy away from her even more. She knows and understands that, she puts forward more effort even if she gets flustered.
Cinnabar knows the unspoken boundaries and backs up when it's needed. This was a time for both of you to figure out feelings.
When you suddenly become more affectionate, she is taken back and nearly clueless. She may have conflicting internal thoughts about it; are you trying to get her hopes up, just to shatter them later? That seems unlikely because you are one of the sweetest people she's met.
Cinnabar is very patient when you are slowly opening up to her. She encourages the spikes in affection, you may both get flustered but she is so proud of you. There are bright smiles and thanks for making her day.
If you give Cinnabar compliments, she'll fluster and return it with a rub of her neck. You may or may not give another back, BUT if you do she'll return it. It'll be a constant cycle until one of you is the winner, it's like an endless hurricane of butterflies in your stomachs.
Cinnabar will always be by your side when outdoors, she is lowkey protecting you from any dangers. Her hand rests securely on your waist or the small of your back. She's attentive to her surroundings and you.
When it's just the two of you alone, inside, Cinnabar keeps you close and her head rests on top of your shoulder. She expresses how being with you makes everything easier, not only being a sinner but the challenges of life. You won't be able to see how much you mean to her, not through her eyes and she hopes that you'll believe her words.
Macchiato loves that you are shy and affectionate. She won't be afraid to ease past the barriers you have built. She wishes to satisfy all of the needs you have.
Macchiato knows boundaries very well, she won't push past them unless you are comfortable. Her patience is very high and nearly unbreakable.
Macchiato's words are smooth as silk, they are nothing but the truth. She'll hold you from behind or rest her hands on your hips, her mouth grazes over your ear as her hot breath makes you blush more. She achieved what she was wanting.
There are many times that Macchiato does it on purpose in public. It would be around the whole MBCC, count your blessings. It isn't more because she doesn't want you forever embarrassed.
At moments, Macchiato's actions can lean more on the lewd side. She'll apologize with a small huff and blush on her own face, admitting it's embarrassing that she crossed a line. She will do whatever you want to make up for it.
If you manage to gather the courage to return the gestures, Macchiato is beyond happy! She has a large smile as she teases to get her whip out to go further. She traces the thin leather over your sides before threatening to give you spanking.
When it's just you and Macchiato behind closed doors, you'll be cuddled to her or vice versa. She still teases but it's lighter and more of her heart behind the words. Her eyes have a certain twinkle in them and she's more hands on than before.
Macchiato looks forward to exploring new territory with you.
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demonslayedher · 3 months
Well... after spending most of my day languidly sighing about having to wait for more content but how much that content is gonna hurt, I did my rewatch with a friend and we spent about an hour pouring over every detail of it and how good it was, as well as our apprehension about the pacing of combining other content into movies. As much as we'd love to see a return to a 60 episode anime arc for the sake of momentum, we come to Ufotable expecting quality, and they wouldn't decide to do this unless they had a plan for how to make it quality. Try though I might to guess how and where they'll split this into three movies, it's all guesswork (heck, maybe they'll even switch the order of things around so that Douma's defeat comes before Akaza's for the sake of a more complete-feeling movie.
But the thing that makes me most sad about the announcement, now that it is official and not just a rumor, is that I don't know how long I have to wait.
And what will I get at the end of this wait? The death I fear watching the most, and they're gonna make me go through that in the theater, and not even at the end of the movie. That's gonna be almost right at the start.
Phew. Anyway. We really did gush and gush and gush and gush about everything that was so good in this episode, and it's because of this that I trust Ufotable (mostly). There is SO MUCH to gush about it, and it doesn't just come down to the slow-mo explosion and use of color to show how healthy Muzan is in comparison to Kagaya and the layering and timing of images and sound, but also just what the editorial decisions did to take Gotouge's characterization and make it unmistakable.
It's such a good reminder than what has kept me so deeply in this is the characters themselves, the layers going on between what we're given. Like, Kagaya only being able to trust Himejima with this mission, knowing there is a possibility Himejima will have to hold his own against Muzan, for who knows how long, and how is touched by Kagaya's faith in him, and how the unsurprising realization settles that this will indeed be a fight until sunrise, and the relief as well as the pride he feels when the other Hashira assemble so quickly, and the way his voice cracks when he announces who they are looking at? And nobody else made that connection except for Tanjiro, for their thoughts were so wrapped up in either holding out some desperate hope that their master might respond to them calling out his name like Mitsuri and Iguro, or like Sanemi consumed with the thought this demon, whoever he is, killed their master, for again, only Tanjiro who smelled the explosives seems to realize right away that this was on purpose? And the fact that Kagaya thought through every one of those five Hashira, and decided one by one that he couldn't tell them his plan? Even Shinobu, who herself has the very same plan and has discussed it with Kagaya, cannot be entrusted with the knowledge that he plans to use himself as bait. And that Kagaya, for every word he said, he was very consciously stretching that out, second by second, knowing that any extra innocuous thing he can get Muzan to listen to, whether it be prattling about tigers and dragons or asking Amane what he looks like, is going to save his children precious seconds of having to keep an onslaught going until sunrise. The little touches of characterization, like drawing us in to wonder if Zenitsu is sleeping and then revealing that no, indeed he is not, and the fact that Nichika and Hinaki had to choose to go outside, to a courtyard where a stranger was already standing, to start playing and do their best to play up their innocence for the sake of adding seconds more of distraction, and the way Kagaya turns toward Amane in the very last second, and Giyuu looking for Tanjiro as they fall, and despite everyone else stuck in free fall or smacking into things, Tanjiro, the only one who has seen Muzan before, is the only one to find his footing, is such a good main character moment.
And the "people's feelings are inextinguishable" moment among candlelit graves? Thank you. I had been thinking about those graves ever since we didn't see them in any of Muzan's strut through the previous episode.
Okay, speaking of linking images with sounds and lines, the fact that Kagaya brings up how Muzan hasn't been forgiven for ruthlessly taking away others' lives, and how it focuses especially on Hinaki and Nichika, whom Kagaya has already chosen to do the same to? And the hot linger of slaughters innocents represented by all those toy balls? AND HOW EVERY MOMENT MADE US MANGA READERS FLINCH AND THINK "NOW IT BLOWS UP"? Yeah, that was good.
Also, Japanese Netflix did not include the Taisho Secret. I don't know if this extra-secret Taisho Secret was only available on FujiTV or something, but when it comes to the mood this episode set me into, I'm glad I didn't initially see it. While I'm generally happy it exists (and I've been hoping for this kind of content ever since the previous season), I wish they would have had a little more restraint to make it sweeter. But hey, it was still sweet and I bought a sweet potato today for obvious reasons.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #12: Uryu (Bleach)
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You honestly irritate and drain him at first
That being said, he is probably one of the most capable people when it comes dealing with your bullshit.
Remember Orihime during the soul society arc?
Yeah, he's got the patience of a god
Perfectly equipped for handling your chaos, albeit begrudgingly
"Whaddya mean I can't fight that guy?" You complained.
"You dimwit, he's at least double your size with double the spiritual pressure!!!" Uryu retorted while gesturing to a particularly large arrancar.
"Booo, you're no fun. I like Ichigo better."
His pride won't allow a blow like that, so he tries to show off to prove that Ichigo is in fact not better.
When the enemy is finally defeated, he's met with you clapping and cheering like one of those soccer moms.
Admittedly, it does get him a little flustered. But it's a major ego booster, especially from you.
The first time he met you he had no idea you were completely brain dead
It was during his first showdown with Ichigo.
The hollows wouldn't stop coming, and what's worse, a Menos was starting to crossover from Heuco Mundo.
It was just too much and too overwhelming at the same time.
And then a spike of spiritual pressure came from next to him and Ichigo.
The surrounding hollows being defeated before you made your presence known.
Giving a look between the soul reaper and the Quincy before scowling.
"This isn't a dick swinging contest! Actual people could be hurt, so get your shit together and get rid of that thing!" You lectured before shooting a little ray of reishi towards another group of hollows, decimating them completely.
It felt like you were almost as strong as a Lieutenant from the Soul Society.
Which was admittedly shocking, but gave them enough time to knock the Menos back from where it came from.
"Thank you, for holding the other hallows off." Uryu figured it was the least he could do after you stalled for so long.
"Huh? Oof-!"
You just tripped.
Over nothing.
And then shot right back up.
You were odd. But that could've been a coincidence, right???
It was not a coincidence and now he's wondering how you manage not to get yourself killed everyday.
"Do NOT slice the box cutter towards yourself!"
And then he shows you how to do it properly so you don't stab yourself.
Will always complain about you ripping your clothes during a fight, and then proceed to stitch up all the holes.
"Wait, I can have little dandelions on that part of my sleeve?"
"Shut up, you should be glad I'm fixing it for you at all."
Makes sure he has the right thread to embroider them on 💀💀💀
You're bleeding profusely?
"Why don't you want Orihime to heal you? She's a pro at this." Uryu complains as he's cleaning up your wounds.
"Because I like you better. And you're good with stitching."
He's extremely embarrassed but appreciates the compliment.
Also, he probably has to take you to the hospital because you definitely need a blood transfusion.
You 🤝Pesche = Uryu's sleep paralysis demons
The two of you together make him want to pull his hair out.
One makes his life hell on purpose and the other (you) on accident.
But you get a pass. You're actually useful in combat.
Kisuke's adopted child™ so you're extra strong 💪💪💪
Doesn't realize he likes you until the bounts show up and he gets abducted by Yoshino.
You kept up with her surprisingly well, despite being injured by Udagawa.
Giving a relentless pursuit to get him back
But you could only push yourself so much with the gash on your side that eventually, Yoshino's doll managed to land a direct hit on you.
The next time Uryu sees you is when he wakes up in his father's hospital.
Everyone bursting in to come and see if he was okay.
Then there was you who made your way in on crutches with Kisuke supporting you.
And before he could ask if you were okay, you practically collapsed on top of him.
Giving him a bone crushing hug before finally speaking.
"I'm just so happy you're okay."
And it was the way you said it that had him smitten.
Like you really were worried about him.
Like he was actually important despite not having his powers anymore.
Yeah okay, maybe he didn't have anything to prove.
At least not to you.
Another one of the unfortunate few who tries to court you normally.
Except it's way more awkward.
This man has absolutely no idea how to approach you now that he has these feelings for you.
"I got you flowers."
"Oh... I'm allergic, but they're still pretty though 😃"
A little embarrassed but not deterred because it wasn't a 'no.'
Tries to make you food.
Key word: tries because he forgot about the fact that you and Orihime always share
Uryu, you fool! How could you be so blind?!?
☝️his actual thoughts as his attempts to court you keep failing.
But his last and final attempt finally works.
He was once again trying to show off to you while fighting a hollow.
He was doing fine up until he fell flat on his ass dodging an attack.
You'd been so quick to divert the enemy's oncoming attack before helping him up.
"Hey I got you, okay?"
And he just blurts it out.
"I'm in love with you."
And your bright smile makes him relax.
"I know... Ichigo told me."
"HE WHAT!?!?"
100% babies you.
You keep forgetting to pack your lunch?
Don't worry it's already on the counter with a little sticky note inside.
You scrapped yourself on who knows what?
You're in good hands, he's been around a hospital enough of his life to know what he's doing.
He'll even give you a kiss over the bandaid if you want to 👉👈
Speaking of hospitals 👀👀👀
Ryuken absolutely hates you
Like with a fiery passion
"Really? Them?" He gestures angrily over at you.
And it's you making silly faces at a nervous kid going in for surgery to make them laugh.
Uryu's so smitten. 😊😊😊
"Yeah. That's the one."
Does get a little insecure but not exactly jealous
He doesn't understand what you see in him.
He's not exactly the strongest or the most good looking.
The only thing he's confident in is his mind
And even then it has the tendency to fail him.
But you don't seem to see that
For whatever reason, you like him
Flaws and all, you chose him.
Will only call you sweet nicknames in private.
Among them are: love, sweetheart, baby, dear, hun, and his personal favorite - sunshine.
Prefers to fight for you than have you join in and get hurt.
Even if he's more at risk of being injured than you are
His Quincy pride just won't allow it.
NEXT UP: Gaara (Naruto)
An: A long boi because I'm currently watching bleach right now. Honesty all the men in bleach are so fine and I'm probably gonna add grimmjow for my bonus headcannons
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
An under rated skill of goku's is his general awareness. Generally speaking, he's very good at noticing power. That's why when he lets his foes reach full power (like Frieza) he's the one who clowns them, unlike Vegeta who gets clowned whenever he does that.
With that in mind, it's very fitting that he knows Instant Transmission. It's a skill whose fundemental requirement is being able to sense the strength of others
It's worth noting that Vegeta and Goku's situations there are starkly different - though not as much as you might think.
Frieza up to that point has been so courteous as to provide a running tally of how much ki he's using at a given point.
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Goku can make a confident assumption of what 100% Frieza will look like because he's already experienced 50% Frieza. Nonetheless, Goku's motives were the same as Vegeta's all the same.
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Like Vegeta, Goku was drunk on Saiyan battle-lust when he decided to both a) let Frieza power up to 100% and b) remain on Namek while everyone else was being whisked off to the safety of Earth. Though Goku's battle-lust was also driven by a desire for revenge.
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But, as Kaio points out, the battle-lust of the Super Saiyan's taken hold of Goku's senses. Given the choice between revenge and a fight, Goku's more interested in the latter.
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By contrast, at the time Vegeta made this boneheaded decision:
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Nobody had any idea what Perfect Cell would be like. Not even Cell.
Notably, both Goku and Vegeta at their respective times were also channeling the Super Saiyan, which - as Kaio noted above - includes among its effects heightened aggression and impaired decision-making.
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After being told multiple times that the Super Saiyan is a hyper-aggressive ultra-warrior, Goku finally had the chance to experience it on Namek. His assessment was "Gohan needs to leave before this form makes me do things to him too."
In an ironic twist, we even see the arrogant cruelty of the Super Saiyan intermix with Goku's own pleasant demeanor in the form of the cruel mercy he offers Frieza.
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Goku's never cared about shredding someone's pride before. He's in it for love of the game. He just wants a good fight.
But here, he's like, "I've broken your spirit, your body, and your will. Run off and cower under a rock and spend the rest of your life agonizing in terror about your pathetic inadequacies, you useless trash mongrel."
He doesn't even want Frieza to train up and come back to fight him again like Piccolo and Vegeta; He's legit telling Frieza to go wallow in defeat. And that's. Just. Not how Goku talks to people he's beaten. Super Saiyan Goku is a very sore winner.
Letting Vegeta become a Super Saiyan is like getting a squirrel high on speed. He was battle-hungry and aggressive enough already, but now he's battle-hungry and aggressive squared.
Goku, for his part, worked hard on controlling this enhanced aggression. When Gohan first became a Super Saiyan, Goku tried to coach him through managing it as well.
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This was part of the purpose behind Goku and Gohan's mastery of the state during their RoSaT training. After giving up on the idea of breaking the Super Saiyan's limits, part of the purpose behind mastering the Super Saiyan itself was to eliminate the enhanced aggression.
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Get rid of the ki bleeding, get rid of the psychological byproducts, and normalize it so that it's as natural as their base states. There's even a cool visual effect you can pick up with it.
When a character turns Super Saiyan, their eyes turn sharp and angular to indicate their enhanced ferocity.
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It's a look characters get when they're mad or focused, but the Super Saiyan always looks like that. Even when contemplative or scared, a Super Saiyan looks pissed as hell.
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But once Goku and Gohan master the state, they're able to have gentler, rounder eyes in this form even while they keep the angular Super Saiyan eyebrows.
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This is a man who is no longer resisting a compulsion to start throwing hands at everyone in the immediate area. The Super Saiyan answers entirely to him now, with no drawbacks.
...but when Gohan's rage boosts mix with the ultra-fury of a limit-broken Super Saiyan to form Super Saiyan 2, all of that bad decision making comes sweeping in again. The aggression...
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...and the cruelty.
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So. Yeah. Super Saiyan is a hell of a drug.
So far as Goku and Vegeta go, however, there is one other interesting point of comparison to be made. Against Frieza and Cell, they made similar choices, but their circumstances are admittedly a little different. Though it's worth noting that there is one other data point of interest.
For that, we turn to Majin Buu. Here, Goku and Vegeta make similar choices to forego Kaioshin's quest to thwart Majin Buu, instead choosing to have their long-awaited rematch with one another. Vegeta starts it when he throws a fit during Gohan's fight with Dabra, condemning this whole thing as a waste of time.
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Borrowing the same power from Uranai Baba that once let his Grandpa Gohan face him in the ring of martial arts and say goodbye, Goku has a 24-hour reprieve from death so that he and everyone who loves him can have their closure. Appropriately, he chose to spend it at the Tenkaichi Budokai - before all this Kaioshin nonsense happened.
For Vegeta, this meant an opportunity to face Goku in the Tenkaichi Budokai. To have one last chance to truly surpass his rival, rather than living with the uncertainty of never measuring up to a gravestone. And all of this nonsense is denying him that.
But it's not quite so innocent as "I want one last fight with my rival." Vegeta wants to win that fight. By his own later admission, the hissy fit he throws here is a ruse meant to attract Babidi's attention. He's seen firsthand that Babidi can bring out incredible power and cruelty from people, and wants Babidi to fix him.
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Vegeta wanted this fight. And he wanted to win it. He wanted to be the version of himself that could win it. Nothing else mattered.
As for Goku? Well.
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Goku wants this fight too. Kaioshin pleads with Goku, telling him that he'll have to go through him. Goku accepts those terms and intimidates Kaioshin into surrendering and letting the fight happen.
Goku, notably, does still care about thwarting Buu. He sends Gohan and Kaioshin off to deal with that while he faces off with Vegeta. Goku is a complicated man. He wants good things for people and to have thrilling battles, and when the fists begin flying, he's visibly having the time of his life.
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He just. He thinks they can afford to get away with this. Neither Goku nor Vegeta takes the threat of Majin Buu seriously. This much was evident when they started playing Janken to decide who fights Babidi's minions in the first place.
As Vegeta explains once Buu does awaken and they do start to sense his ki:
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Goku and Vegeta are powerful beyond even the reckoning of the highest gods at this point (pre-DBS). And so even when Kaioshin begs and pleads with them to take this seriously, that Majin Buu is truly dangerous, his words fall on deaf ears.
Goku takes it more seriously than Vegeta does. He starts this fight insisting that he's going to go Full Power against Vegeta from the get-go to try and end this as fast as possible.
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But he still plays along. He's been playing along.
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This is the tragedy of the early Buu arc. Neither of them really cared about thwarting Majin Buu. They just. Assumed they could handle it. Because they were so powerful that they made everyone Kaioshin was intimidated by look like jokes, and they expected no different of Buu.
Just like with Frieza. Just like with Cell. At least they're consistent.
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toyota12 · 4 months
Gravity Falls Parallels: Stanley and Stanford Pines
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To start off, aside from the similar names, both these characters endured great hardships in the 30 years before the events of the show took place.
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Both of these characters more or less project their insecurities onto the younger Pines twins, are both insensitive to each others' each interests, and have a lot of pride about themselves as individuals. However, both also care deeply about the younger twins' safety, and are willing to show their more softer sides around them. Furthermore, while both primarily connect more with the younger twin who (on the surface level) identifies with them the most, they also deeply care about the other as well. In A Tale of Two Stans, both also omit important information in their stories, such as Stan, with being homeless and Ford, with his history with Bill. Both are also easily deceived by anyone who pretends to show them the slightest amount of affection or kinship (like Stan with Darlene and Ford with Bill), and finally both were social outcasts when they were younger.
Stan is more emotional than Ford is and is thought to be both and idiot and screw-up by most, including his father. Though he puts on a facade of being emotionally distant, others can see through it very easily. He was also somewhat clingy with his twin brother, believing he couldn't make it without him and still holding onto the idea that they could eventually travel the world together, even after Ford showed interest in a school that valued his intellect. Due to these factors, and showing more concern with his plans for the future rather than thinking about Ford after he unintentionally costs Ford his dream college, Stan is disowned by the whole family for over 10 years, and is left unable to provide for himself, becoming a criminal in the process. However, this (and his history of lying and cheating) led to Stan becoming an excellent scam artist who had to create fake aliases for himself to sell his material to anyone gullible to buy from him. This also helped him not only sell his merchandise under Ford's name when the latter was accidentally pushed into the portal, but also hide Ford's portal and ward off suspicion it and the real Stanford's whereabouts for 30 years, which demonstrates a level of cunning on Stan's part. After seeing how his feud with Ford has endangered the younger Pines twins, he convinces Ford find an alternative way to defeat Bill without giving into the latter's demands, even if to save the kids. Both because he doesn’t trust Bill to keep his word to leave Dipper and Mabel alone and how he knows that giving into Bill's demands could put the whole world at risk, which helps him see things from Ford's perspective as well.
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Ford is more intellectually gifted than Stan, and was considered the favorite of the Stan twins by his father. In spite of being not being one to act on his emotions, Ford is more open about his than Stan is. Due to this he takes, pride in his accomplishments and immediately jumps on the offer to go to a highly prestigious college, not showing much concern in Stan beginning to feel left behind. He had also come to view his relationship with Stan as suffocating by this point. Because of this, when Stan unintentionally sabotages his science fair experiment (and admitedly shows little concern over this), he accuses Stan of doing so intentionally and doesn't protest to Stan being disowned by the whole family. Both because he was born with an extra finger and his high IQ, Ford began to think of himself as someone with a greater purpose, which in turn led him becoming incredibly arrogant. This is exploited by Bill, who tricks Ford into building a gateway for the former to enter through. Ford is later sucked into said portal after treating Stan like his errand boy who Ford expected to hide his first journal without protest, or considering Stan's feelings. This demonstrates how, much like Bill (although unintentionally) Ford viewed others as tools to further his own agenda. While still problematic in present day, he is becoming more considerate of others' feelings, allowing Stan to stay to tend to Dipper and Mabel, and expressing concern at the revelation that Mabel didn't take his apprenticeship offer to Dipper well. He fully grows willing to take his family into consideration after seeing how his feud with Stan has endangered the younger twins, working with Stan to save them and finally accepting how damaging his idea of being a lone hero is, realizing that Stan has to be the one to sacrifice his memories to put an end to Bill, and not him.
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pantamonte · 6 months
How would clover end up befriending everyone in underfell yellow? I imagine it would be much harder than in cannon.
Its harder for sure but keep in mind that the underfell monsters put up more hostile fronts to protect themselves in this more dangerous underground or out of pain. I imagine for most of it its a mix of clover being able to defend themselves for a long time while also seeing through their facades and bringing a sense of positivity.
Dalv is scary and pushes people away on purpose. While he has preyed on the unsuspecting monster to eat their magic, at the end of the day his creepy demeanor is furthered by how people are terrified of him. He hypes up his menacing attitude, especially after Kanako's passing because hes afraid of growing attachments. I imagine Clover could see through that to some extent. Dalv also gets reminded of an old friend by seeing clover....it makes it harder for him to be hostile forever.
Martlet at her core isnt meant to be mean. The royal guard simply has strict and high expectations that are enforced. She does it because its part of her job, not because shes a hostile person. That ends up shattering when Martlet ends up having fun and gets attached to Clover. Though she still insists she will help take them to the capital herself, just to ease her mind on not doing her job, and on any hostile monsters along the way defeating Clover before they can get far.
Starlo? At first, was going to have Clover as ransom. He thinks a human soul would fetch a high price and make him and his pals better off. Hes loud and hes prideful, but its also as a means to look cooler in front of everyone when he doesn't feel that way naturally. While he has a tendency to be reckless and a little explosive as well, he still ends up growing a soft spot for Clover, even delaying the whole "ransom" thing just to have a little sidekick a while longer.
Ceroba is the hardest to convince. At the end of the day, she has nothing to lose. She is a woman that has fallen deeply into despair and rage. All she wants to do now is have some sort of revenge on Asgore. Thats her only purpose in life at that point. I dont really think she even can fully bring herself to "befriend" clover until nearly the end, and even then its not for long given that Clover still eventually gives up their soul. She probably would've killed Clover sooner, but she is reminded of Kanako sometimes when she looks at them, and shes often distracted by enemies trying to steal their soul for themselves.
I think also in a way, Clover is meant to have a parallel to Kanako in the sense that they are a youthful character that shows a ray of light in an otherwise miserable world of monsters. So it makes sense that Clover could eventually grow closer to these characters.
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sindar-princeling · 4 months
'Pride would be folly that disdained help and counsel at need; but you deal out such gifts according to your own designs. Yet the Lord of Gondor is not to be made the tool of other men's purposes, however worthy. And to him there is no purpose higher in the world as it now stands than the good of Gondor; and the rule of Gondor, my lord, is mine and no other man's, unless the king should come again.'
'Unless the king should come again?' said Gandalf. 'Well, my lord Steward, it is your task to keep some kingdom still against that event, which few now look to see. In that task you shall have all the aid that you are pleased to ask for. But I will say this: the rule of no realm is mine, neither of Gondor nor any other, great or small. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail of my task, though Gondor should perish, if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I also am a steward. Did you not know?' And with that he turned and strode from the hall with Pippin running at his side.
I do feel very sorry for Denethor and how much despair he's in, and I do realise that Gondor is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this war, HOWEVER. I do also think it won't hurt Gondorians to be reminded there are other equally valuable lives on the continent and Gondor can't be everyone's top priority 24/7. Denethor represents a whole kingdom and of course he can't just start sacrificing his people - but just the same, it doesn't really help any cause to say the good of his kingdom is the most important to him, when the focus of the whole war should not be Gondor, it should be defeating Sauron. Isolation is the big enemy of LOTR, and only through uniting can all the realms and kingdoms win their war on Mordor.
I love that Gandalf stresses that his mission in Middle-earth is to make sure life prevails over Sauron's shadow, and he won't assign value to that life depending on whose it is - just helping SOMEONE survive is a success. He represents everyone equally.
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girluimfailing · 9 months
Damian's angst would be so much cooler if Damian faced more pressure related hardships from the al ghuls (phd at 9 💀💀) instead of the dumb, racist, "locked him in a box for a week cuz he couldnt tie his shoelaces and abused him".
For me personally the angst is probs like this:
Damian growing up w his mom, trained heavily, yeah he gets hurt at times but is taken care of (they're not dumb, the LOA knows that you are required to heal to give your best). He constantly overworks himself to be as good as his parents but at a much younger age. He has basically a whole country looking up to him.
Yes ofc he was trained, he needed to defend himself, he sparred with adults twice his size and won, he kept his shoulders straight and head held high. He never lost a mark on his tests.
Theyre a close family, and Damian idolized batman and wants to be like him.. Till he goes to gotham after "defeating" his mother in combat and finds out talia's view of batman was either very distorted, or he thinks batman plain hates Damian. A son he never wanted (or so he thought) as a sharp contrast to the others he adopted. So he tried to remind everyone that he belonged there and would call himself the blood son.
While Damian received a lot of attention and love from his old family, he doesn't get it in this new place, especially from his father, and he misses his old family over all. His father is at best stand- offish even tho Damian tries to talk to him, and he starts thinking if his mother lied to him about Batman loving him unconditionally, something he often would not find in the al ghul household of all over- achievers.
He prefers that environment because its still better than the place where he is treated as an outsider and a threat where he isn't sure if he is loved.
He starts denying his abusive upbringing, starts doubting going back even tho he wanted to meet his father soo bad.
And then his father "dies" before he gets to make a bond with this man whom he idolized his whole life. This man from whom he wanted nothing more but his pride and love.
He is left with nothing but a choice between a new sense of purpose to honor his father, or going back home (a stab to his pride, because of how he would tell others about his wish of meeting his father and how sparing with his mother all these years were to be of waste)
Is the amount of pressure Damian fell under not a bad thing? Ofc it is. But you don't reduce the family to abusers so that the whites can save them.
This is just my take, but LITERALLY ANYTHING is better than the laziest writing of "Damian escaping his abusers."
Golly gee thank god damian is cleansed of those evil evil people (he is now pale as limestone)
The absolute worst trope of chronic white savior.😭
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