#but damn these delievered
kkyaka · 1 year
I say I'm not feeling good and these guys still wanna fuck 😐
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whoistartaglia · 9 months
can genshin men cook?
after a long day of work, what do you come home to: the aroma of dinner cooking in the oven or the smoke detector blaring and a kitchen on fire…?
diluc is so house husband that you would ideally come home to a warm meal set on the dining room table, except for the occasions when he overcooks the food. it’s not his fault, really. blame the pyro god who gave diluc his vision, that may or may not flare up when he’s trying to slowly roast some chicken and vegetables over an open flame. one second everything is fine, the next the chicken is blackened and some of the vegetables have been reduced to ash.
if childe is cooking you a family recipe or a traditional snezhayan dish, then you know you’re coming home to a delicious smelling kitchen and fresh flowers set on the table. childe considers it an act of appreciation and love, cooking his home favorites for you. he puts care in his cooking, and has practice from from feeding his younger siblings growing up. the dishes always turn out amazing and you’ll get him blushing from head to toe if you ask him to show you how to make it.
kaeya is more of a takeout kind of guy. that’s not to say he won’t cook for you if you ask—there are at least a handful of dishes and recipes he knows how to make, and pretty damn well, too. but if he’s also coming home from a long day at work, he’ll probably order something from a local tavern or restaurant, and bring it home. kaeya always remembers to order your favorite, and the takeout food is always set out on the table when you get home. and of course, he always takes care to order your favorite meal, which he knows like the back of his own hand.
xiao won’t burn down the kitchen, but he might get close. he doesn’t have a whole lot of mortal food he enjoys, and so doesn’t have much experience in cooking human food. xiao does try his best for you, though, because he wants you to come home to a nice dinner and relaxing evening. so if xiao happens to start a kitchen fire or set off the smoke alarms, he makes sure to handle it before you get home. you won’t even smell the remnants of the fire in the air, thanks to xiao’s anemo powers.
itto is also very house husband, but when it comes to other things, like building or renovating or practicing fighting moves in the backyard. while he can cook, it’s always a gamble whether you’re coming home to a kitchen half-burnt or an actual living fire. he swears he has it under control. he reassures you everything is fine, and to his credit, he does manage to put out the fire(s) and get something edible on the table. itto will also be very proud of his work, and you agree with his “raw, sheer talent” even as your fork is covered in ash and the burnt remains of some poor grocery store food.
ayato has personal chefs and the meals you come home to are always perfect. how could they not be, when crafted by the finest cooks in inazuma? if you actually request ayato himself to cook for you, he’ll do so happily. he’s a very meticulous, methodical cook—chopping vegetables precisely, using measuring cups and spoons for amounts people usually eyeball, and waiting until the stove or oven is at the perfect temperature before use. his meals turn out amazing—more than the private chefs, because this one is homecooked from the heart.
zhongli definitely has extensive knowledge of cooking and old recipes from liyue, and makes warm, delicious homecooked meals for you… but you still come home to a messy, smoking kitchen once in a while. you’re kind of relieved at that, since it shows that, for all his godly powers and extensive wisdom, zhongli still has his moments. so you laugh as you extinguish the fire even as zhongli is apologizing profusely. though if you suggest to go to your favorite restaurant, zhongli will refuse—he’s gonna start again from scratch, because a meal is what you requested of him, and a meal is what he will deliever.
wriothesley will set the kitchen on fire and say it’s on purpose—and most of the time, it is. his cool calculations melt away when he’s in the kitchen, as once pristine counters become rather messy, and the organized pantry and fridge, disorganized. wriothesley claims it’s because this is how he works best on the kitchen, and you suppose that’s true given his cooking style, which is picking out ingredients, throwing them together, and hoping for something tasty. it’s unfair, really, how good he is at cooking without trying. the kitchen is an embodiment of a hot mess.
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
That one scene in Titanic where she jumps off the lifeboat and back onto the sinking ship bc she can’t bare to leave behind the man she loves; that but make it Charlastor✨ I just know damn well Charlie would refuse to leave Alastor behind in any scenario but I know this one in particular would work best in a human AU. Plus imagine them having that same reunion moment where they’re both in tears and trembling as they embrace each other?? Al kissing her while repeatedly screaming “you’re so stupid!! Why did you do that?!” AND THEN SHE DELIEVERS THE ICONIC “you jump, I jump” UGHGHGHG
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Doctor Y/n - Attending Orthopedic Surgeon - 10 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"What is that on your head?" Jo raised an eyebrow, about to reach over when you ducked, avoiding her hands by taking them into yours and holding them instead.
"Okay, as cute as you are, do not grab my antlers- you didn't read your emails did you? Teddy's doing a Silly Hat Day, and it was these reindeer antlers on a headband, or one of the children's tiaras. You have grand rounds, go!" You instructed, nudging Jo to get going before you went to remove the antlers.
"These are going to give me a migraine..."
"Nice to meet everyone. I'm Doctor Addison Montgomery, and you must be the group that's been screwing up the program. Kidding." Doctor Montgomery chuckled to herself, leading the residents to grand rounds on it's feet, as Webber put it.
Joey: Doctor Addison Montgomery is here!!!
Braces: groundbreaking uterine transplant, I heard
Joey: Wow so you sound so excited
Braces: I'm reading more articles Callie sent
Joey: Don't you have surgeries as a big shot ortho attending?
Braces: Link and Nico keep taking the good ones, so I just get the children who had broken their arms or legs falling from trees or trampolines
Braces: when I'm not checking on post-ops
Joey: you sound bored:(
Jo however did not get a response, as another article caught your eye. An article which included the name of a doctor you once knew. Doctor Leah Murphy.
You only stopped reading when a rumble from the vents interrupted your thoughts, glancing through the window to spot Link reaching up from on top of one of the desks at the vents.
"Damn. No aircon." You realised, hurriedly putting down your tablet to check on patients who could be at risk with the HVAC system down.
"Where the hell is Link!" You shouted as you ran through the halls, but it was Webber that answered, stopping your run.
"He's on the roof looking at the HVAC with Altman."
"Teddy and Link are on the roof... okay I know Teddy installed an air con unit this morning but what the hell?" You replied before you had to check up on another patient.
"I delievered two babies today in 115 degree heat." Jo announced as she sat in the morgue, eating her snowcone.
"I mean, it's not a competition but I did help out on a successful uterine transplant." Schmitt added before you arrived, missing your reindeer antlers as Teddy frowned slightly, but you were making a beeline for the snowcones before landing on Jo.
"Oh god, you're all sweaty!" Jo grimaced, pushing your snowcone into your face as you went to speak but Jo who was asking Schmitt to put in a good word in for her, in case Doctor Montgomery came back to Grey Sloan to help deliver the uterine transplant baby.
"Leah's thriving in cardio. Articles and everything."
"Murphy? Good for her." Jo shrugged, glancing over at where Owen was talking to Teddy before leaving.
"Yeah. Good for her... I'm so glad I stashed ice cream in the freezer." You admitted, glancing at where Teddy was wearing her bobble hat indoors and saying bad puns.
"Hunt and Teddy are investigating something with veterans, but neither have said much." You explained, checking your phone to see Callie had asked your thoughts on the articles.
"Y/n, are you hiding here looking at research and letting Nico take all the good surgeries?"
"Nico got all the good surgeries, and the patients I do have are waiting on x-rays so I'm reading articles that the former head of Ortho sent me. I haven't been to New York since before the pandemic but there's not a lot of ortho stuff going on this season... I mean lately."
"Well, stick around, ortho still needs you, Y/n." Link replied, looking over your shoulder at the article you were reading and muttering a 'wow' under his breath.
Link had barely made it down the corridor when the hospital began to shake, an explosion heard somewhere that had you ducking under your desk.
You were quick to call up to daycare, finding out that everyone was fine as Hunt sent over messages wanting everyone in the ER.
"It was a pipeline explosion. He's still not answering." Bailey tried over and over to call Ben, whilst your eyes lingered on the TV displaying the news.
Your face fell as a deceased firefighter was brought in from the pipeline explosion scene. Dean Miller had died on the scene. Dean Miller had died on the scene and Victoria Hughes was in trauma one, alive but experiencing heart arrhythmias due to the electrocution.
Walking down the corridors, your eyes landed on Bailey and Warren with a two year old girl you didn't recognise, with many more firefighters in the room of the injured firefighter from before.
Down another corridor, in another room, you recognised Farouk in a patient bed, with Megan, Teddy and Owen. You didn't intrude, instead pretending like you had a patient to attend to. You didn't really fit with the Hunt family, not like Teddy did, or Allison.
"What happens if I die? What happens to Luna?"
"I get the penthouse, and Luna, Scout and I buy an 80-inch, high-def TV with your insurance money." Link replied, but Jo frowned, not even realising you were within earshot.
"I've got Luna. That's not even a question, okay? I've got Luna. And you know damn well that Y/n won't let you die without a fight. Honestly, Y/n would go toe to toe with the grim reaper if it meant saving you." Link pointed out, Jo looking relieved at the prospect.
"Thank you."
Letting out a breath you didn't realise you were holding, you unlocked your phone, hitting 'call' on a contact that you knew would probably complain that it was late for her, but you needed to talk to someone.
"Are you sleeping through Thanksgiving?" Was the first thing you heard as you reached for and answered your phone from under the blanket on your couch you had fallen asleep on.
"Joey took a shift, so Luna's at daycare. Allison and Leo are at Hunt's mother's house, Teddy is at the hospital with Megan and Farouk. Link is apparently at Amelia's with Scout and Meredith's kids. I am alone for Thankgiving after falling asleep on my couch last night."
"Are you avoiding Owen, or Owen's mother?" Arizona enquired but you didn't respond at first, rolling over in bed to get more comfortable.
"Both, but Teddy is avoiding Hunt's mother too... because she dislikes Leo's clothing choices, whereas Hunt's mother just doesn't like me. I get the feeling she would have preferred Teddy and Hunt to marry and be a happy little nuclear family." You explained, letting out a sigh.
"I don't fit. I don't really fit in anywhere anymore."
"Tell mini-me to visit us in New York-" "Callie, not right now!"
"I should go, happy turkey and whatever day, 'zona." You forced a smile even though Arizona couldn't see it, hanging up before Arizona could get another word in.
Sitting on your couch that lived in the living room of the penthouse, you were waiting on an order of Chinese takeaway to arrive. Jo was at the hospital eating gathered up Thanksgiving food with Bailey, Webber, Nico and Schmitt.
Link and Amelia were looking after Zola, Bailey and Ellis with Scout there too. Amelia had sent you a video of Link dancing with Meredith's children.
Heading towards the door once you knew the delivery person was near the building, your eyes landed on a pile of post that had been left near the door.
The Chinese takeaway tupperware sat on the coffee table as you began to go through the post, your heart fluttering at the postcard that Stephanie had sent you, along with one from Jackson that made you laugh. It wasn't until you were opening a letter from someone you didn't think had your new address that your eyes filled with tears.
Leah had sent you a letter, whilst Callie and Arizona had sent you cards from New York.
Heading over to the fridge to put the leftovers, your eyes landed on the familar photos from your intern year. You and Brooks. You missed Brooks. Glancing over the photos next to that one, you spotted the one of you and Leah at the Space Needle, and the photo that Jo had taken of you and Hannah Brody too.
The photos were high up enough on the fridge that none of the small children could reach them yet, luckily.
Tugging the hood of your Yale hoodie over your head, you laid down on your couch and put on one of the movies that Brooks had suggested on her list years ago now. A movie from 1989 called the Little Mermaid.
The buzzer going off stirred you from your sleep, sleepily walking over to see who it was, your eyes widened in shock, pressing the intercom to speak.
"Mac! Cody! Rory!"
"Did you really think we'd let you spend Thanksgiving alone?" Cody grinned at the camera, holding up Rory who squirmed and squealed in excitement to see you.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @inquisitive-nix @grey-warden-commander @unexpected-character @youralphawolf72 @incorrectlycorrectfun
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omnidemidisaster · 1 year
OKAY SO CHECK THIS OUT. hatzgang x reader where either reader or they, confess their feelings !!11!!!
O K A Y -
( And yes...its been so damn long. I will try to post more and more. I'll get them all out soon
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Confessing or being confessed to by the Hatzgang!
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[ You confess ]
The moment you confess, he thinks you're just joking
I mean...You both are friends and friends joke like that...right?
Once he realizes you're 100% serious, he doesn't know how to react...which is a first for Roy
I mean...Roy never really had a successful crush. Most confessions for him ended in failure and him in heartbreak
So for someone to actually like him made him honestly act stupid
He will say something like "Can I think on that..?" Just so he could get a moment to process someone ended up liking him
He will eventually come around and say he does too, Roy just needs a little time to process it all
[ He confesses ]
Dude took up SO much courage
Like homie planned out what he was gonna say to you
Dude even had his parents give advice...which was pretty solid advice
( And yes I do hc/write them as loving, just strict parents. I will make a hc list for them but thats for another time )
He would make sure the two of you are both in a good mood and alone
Then he'll describe his feelings for you
He is completely ready for rejection
But you said you felt the same...WAIT FELT THE SAME?!
It took a lot of strength for Roy not to have a fan boy in a concert moment he was so happy
That day he happily told his parents about his successful confession. Carmen and Richard are definitely proud for their special boy :)
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[ You confess ]
He had to pause for a moment
His brain def had a buffering moment
"...Wait what?"
Once you repeated it, he had a small smile on his face
"I hope you mean that..."
He will hug you close to him
Calm outside. Party inside
Will also tell his parents...Jaune definitely picking on him ( Tho she is just really happy )
[ He confesses ]
He won't say it. Instead he will use his writing skills and write you a confession letter
He'll either have one of the boys deliever it to you or put it in your locker at school...Either way he doesn't want to give it/tell you
The boy is shy, give him some credit that he's actually doing this
The note is neatly written in cursive and you can tell he had rewritten the note over and over again...due to the ghost letters and the slight crinkle in the page
Once you mention it, his face instantly reddens up
You say that you like him too
Ross is just overwhelmed...and ends up crying a little bit
Not like sobbing, but he is so happy that he's overwhelmed and a few tears call from his eyes
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[ You confess]
At first, he deadass thought you meant platonically
Like, yeah? He loves you too! Don't friends love each other?
Then you have to explain that...yes, you love him as a friend, but you love him more than that
Then he gets the hint...
And damn...he is HAPPY
He straight up hugged you and picked you up off the ground in joy
"You better be serious! Ahhh! I like you too!"
Hes very very happy
We know he has big smile, but dear lord Ross and Roy has never seen Robert smile so widely...WITH A CLOSED MOUTH SMILE!
"Dude...you alright? Your smile is like...20 times larger than it should be"
"Yeah! Whats with you?"
"Oh nothing! Its just (Y/n) confessed to me! Ahh...so happy"
"Yeah, we can tell"
[ He confesses ]
Least panicked out of all of them
He'll take you aside and kind of just...tell you
Hes not extra, not that much fidgety or panicky, just chilled out
When you accept his feelings, then that's when the overly happy Robert comes out
Just like if you confessed, he sweeps you up into a hug and just squeezes you
Boy is HAPPY
He eagerly tells Radford and Robin what happened and they both smile for his success
Expect in a few days for him to ask you if you wanna go on a date :)
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heinzpilsner · 8 months
Now, when I think about it, maybe I didn't give Zuko enough credit, assuming his central reasoning for tracking Yon Rha was Katara's anger management
Seriously though, the aggressiveness of their behaviour (and a flashback-like framing of Yon Rha story) kinda distract you from the fact that they can have different priorities in mind other than violence.
(Besides, roasting Zuko is fun, what else can I say? I've always been a kind of girl that pulls on her favorite boys' ponytails, lol.)
Maybe it was about getting information in the first place, after all. I mean, Zuko of all people can understand the importance of this - if he got anything from his last encounter with Ozai, it was knowledge.
(About this though. Again, the more I think about it, the more the fact that it was just a lucky result of Ozai's choice, and not a main goal of the encounter, doesn't make sense to me. I mean, imagine: you're going to escape the palace to help the Avatar to kill your father, and you have an uncle to rescue on top of that. Confronting Ozai in this situation only to deliver Zuko's "I've learned a lot, oh my father from whose power I'm supposedly free now" speech is extremely dumb and irresponsible idea. The only reason that would worth the risk was asking Ozai about his mother. Because, if Zuko believed Aang was going to kill Ozai, it could be his last chance to get the information. But I guess the writers decided what parallel Ozai with Azula was more important than common sense.
... I mean, Zuko's speech in itself is good. I actually cried a bit the last time I rewatched the scene with me being russian and all, you know, damn, atla is so relatable. I'd just prefer it was delievered in a different context.)
Anyway, back to the topic.
Zuko spent the whole night in front of Katara's tent, and I suppose it's safe to assume he spent it thinking. Who knows what was going on in his head and to which conclusions he came after his dialogue with Sokka? We can only assume. I assumed the worst, because I mostly read the situation by that the characters say directly (well, also because the results of Zuko's thinking process in the past made me facepalm way to often, lol).
But the more I think about tSR, the more I realise that such a superficial approach to reading the material will not get you far in understanding.
Now, I wonder - was Zuko really all that clueless about Katara's feelings towards him (whatever they may be) at the end of the sleepless night?
If we look at the way he behaved during the trip, and the fact that Katara allowed it, we can see a person who is completely sure in his right to act as the other person's partner. Who is aware of his high value in the eyes of another, and rightfully so.
This, to say the least, would be an alarming behavior for a boy who still believes in a girl's hatred towards him.
In the end, it depends entirely on how you want to read it, I guess.
Clueless And Creepy But Lucky Zuko or Surprisingly Intelligent And Sensitive Zuko, hmm?
Ah, choices, choices~
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 718: Chiba's Sohoku High School
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Pag 1
1: Southern Chiba Prefecture, Kanigawa city
3: I think the starting point is there
I can't wait!
They have takoyaki!
Sohoku is participating too
4: In this race
7: What is it, Onoda
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Pag 2
1: ….. just now, somehow I though I heard Manami-kun's voice
2: I'm sure it was just my imagination, though
3: …. yeah
After all, we're in Chiba
4: Besides, this year Kanagawa has schedules, too
There should be a race there as well, today
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Pag 3
1: The prefectural qualifiers to decide who will participate in the Inter High
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Pag 4
1: The endless Pacific Ocean!
2: The Enshoji Temple!
3: Tainoura!*
(*NdT.: a natural reserve in Kamogawa)
4: Kamogawa sea park aquarium!
5: Kamogawa!! Here- I've been here on a family vacation, teh!!
A family...? Vacation? Hn....? Rokudai?
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Pag 5
1: Yeah! That one, teh
We stayed in that white hotel
Oi!! Rokudai!!
2: Listen!! We cam here for the prefectural qualifiers
As support!!
Y- yeah.... that's right, teh
3: We traveled since this morning with all the equipment... and came to Kamogawa!!
It took two hours by car
4: Be self-aware and focus!
Don't go all “hyaa” and “hyaa”...!! Our job is until our senpai are all lined up on the start line!!
Ah- yeah
5: Are you read?
It's the beginning!!
I'm so glad the weather is good
6: Really.....
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Pag 6
1: It's been a while!!
4: Since a race we couldn't lose!!
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Pag 7
1: Yeah!!
You're right!!
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Pag 8
2: Uh....
It's Sohoku!!
What's that pressure
3: It's Sohoku's three third years!!
The sprintman with the red hair, Naruko!!
Kakaka, they're talking about me
4: The all-rounder Imaizumi
Be quiet
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Pag 9
1: And then the climber, “Mountain King”, Onoda!!
2: Earlier....
Since I saw them getting off the bus, I wondered where Onoda was
Look, it's Sohoku
It's Naruko
That's Imaizumi
Where's Onoda?
3: But the moment he put on the yellow jersey
4: His presence got bigger!!
5: Those are the two times national champions of the Inter High, Sohoku High School racing team!!
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Pag 10
1: Sohoku is here!!
That's Onoda!!
It's the three guys who participated in the last Inter High too!
2: Da.... dammit, Sohoku
I don't think we'll win
3: Senpai, Sohoku will go the the Inter High this year, too
Idiot, you have to cheer for us!!
Ah, sorry
5: A- amazing.....
7: Back-gate Slope-san....
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Pag 11
1: It's overwhelming, teh....!! I feel like I'm so far away from them, teh
2: As expected, he really is a “god”, teh!!
I can't stop shaking, teh!!
3: The Back-gate Slope-senpai who usually talks so friendly to me
4: looks so glorious in a race venue!!
5: Ki- Kinaka-kun.... I
6: I really want to run together with Back-gate Slope-senpai!!
7: Look closely, Rokudai!!
That's our goal
One day we, too, on the brilliant stage of that “race”....
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Pag 12
1: We'll aim for victory wearing the aame jersey as them!!
2: For now, we're the support! We've been asked to work hard to deliver supplies, teh!!
That's right!! We were asked to help them in time of need!!
3: Oi oi, first years
4: Let's start to get ready quick now!!
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Pag 13
1: Yessir, teh!!
We can do it!!
2: Alright, so....
4: Damn!! Hahaha should I take your place from now on!? We second years can't run, to “preserve” us
These are Onoda-san's indications. Well, it can't be helped, geniuses are always preserved!!
5: No no, there's no need to take our place, teh!
R-right, it's us first years' role!!
7: What are you talking about?
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Pag 14
1: You will run, too
3: Huh?
4: Kinaka Tsugunao and Rokudai Renta, you two were signed up for he race too!!
Together with Onoda-san and the others, you five will run in this qualifiers!!
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Pag 15
1: Ehhh!?
Oi oi, why are you so surprised?
2: I told you, ten days ago! I heard from Onoda-san, and he told me to deliever the message to you
3: Definitely...
5: I remember I thought “ohh”, and I remember telling..... huh?
That's it, Kaburagi-kun!! That's it!!
6: Ahh, so when Imaizumi-san said “are you ready.....!!
Ah- wa- so it's really not the time to get excited because we went on a trip, teh
Earlier, Kaburagi-san, too....
You guys.....?
Did you at least bring your bikes?
7: It's our....
Our first.... race, teh
8: And we'll run together with them!? Huh!?
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Pag 16
1: Do we really have to run!?
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Pag 17
2: Yeah....
It's rising.... so this is what it means to run!?
Ah... yeah.... maybe, I can't believe it
3: I.... Imaizumi-san.... he's huge.....!!
4: Do your best, Rokudai
Ye-ye-ye-yessir, teh
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Pag 18
1: Uh- uh- wa, I still can't wrap my head around it, teh!! 
Run.... run.... I was talking abou it with Kinaka-kun earlier, but it suddenly became reality....!!
2: It's a course full of mountains
Hold out 'til the end
3: Sohoku will run with both third years and first years?
I've never seen those guys before
I wonder if they're strong
4: Ahhh, I wanto to scold the myself from thirty minutes ago for being so excited, teh!!
5: Ah- uhm, I.... Imaizumi-san, uhm.... teh
Ki.... Kinaka-kun won the first years' race so I get it, but...... uhm
Why me too!?
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Pag 19
1: Even though I was a manager before!!
3: Did you see the map?
On this course there are a lot of mountains, and even though we use up a lot of calories, there a few supply stations
5: You can't win a road race just by being strong
Without supplies and calories control, you can't sho a good perfeormance
6: You need someone who “delievers it for you”
7: I heard from Hinoki and Amigoe, about your quick wits, attentiveness, and agility as a support
8: The reason you were chosen
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Pag 20
1: It's because you “were a manager before”!!
3: Do your best, Rokudai-kun
4: Yessir
Back.... senpai!!
5: I'm sure today there will be a lot to do!!
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ask-suicune · 6 months
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Destino: Here’s your stupid egg for this stupid holiday. I suppose the scarf looks…okay on you. Repeat that to anyone and I will end you. Don’t test me. Take the damn egg.
*You have received a…oh? This egg appears to be made of wood with a suicune pattern on it. Swirls of colour can be seen all over. Seems the egg day lopunny listened to your wishes.*
*Zantzu smiled softly as he recieved the egg, not minding the compliment and pattern of the egg before picking the basket up*
"Thanks Destino...but I know this will upset you but...I will give it to some others who are a bit more important than me. I've seen the two quarell and doesnt look good from the looks...so Ill give the egg to them in hopes to soothe their anger and repairs their relationship."
*He patted the egg softly with his paw before giving and soft smile to Destino*
"Dont worry, I wont tell anyone about that...you know I am not like that bud...'
*He soon headed out to deliever his egg, heading to a human city*
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
No one has them...
It was over.
After two years fighting on Remnant, where he dealt with the fall of Beacon, the death of his partner, the fall of Atlas, and killing a friend and 40 or so years in the Ever After where he nearly lost his mind and had to deal with fighting same monster over and over again, and finally dealt with that damn cat, and returning back to his normal self once he returned to Remnant, it was over.
Salem was defeated and Cinder Fall now lay at his feet, wounded and no doubt in no condition to fight, yet she still had the fire in her eye, the flame that showed she wasn't going to give up, that she was ready to fight to the death.
"What... What are you waiting for?" Cinder asked. "Aren't you going to do it!? to kill me like I killed Nikos!? Aren't you going to gloat!?"
Jaune didn't answer, he couldn't. Because he didn't think he had any right to deliever the final blow.
"I AM YOUR ENEMY!" She cried, as the maiden powers surged around her eye, yet tears streamed down her face. "Just end it..."
For some reason, Jaune was brought back to the past, a memory from when he was only 10 and really wanted to become a huntsmen.
Jaune's father had caught him playing with Crocea Mors and he kneeled in front of the front boy, his expression wasn't angry or sad, it was just... tired.
"Do you want a sword, Jaune?"
Jaune nodded, "I do,"
"Why do you want a sword?" Nicholas asked.
"I want to become a Huntsmen dad!" Jaune said with a smile I want to save people and fight off my enemies!"
Nicholas sighed, he then rested his hands on his sons shoulder's and looked at his son. "Listen to me, Jaune, because this is an important lession," Nicholas told Jaune, "You don't have enemies, understand? The truth is, that no one has them..."
The memory faded and Jaune looked back at Cinder and he walked forward, as he did, Cinder swing her sword at him, but Jaune caught it with ease, and after holding her wrist for a few seconds, she let go of the sword, not because he had squeezed to tight, but because all the fight in her, was gone.
Cinder fell to her knees and sobbed quitely. Jaune then picked her up and carried her, much to the shock of the Fall Maiden and Jaune then carried her back toward Beacon.
Cinder glared at him, "Why?" She asked, her voice laced with venom, but also confusion.
Jaune didn't look at her, he only looked ahead. "Because... I don't have any enemies," Jaune said.
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ufowiki · 11 days
"arrived in your hometown! not delievered yet tho :3" GIVE ME MY DAMN YARN!!!!!!
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kevin calls wymack dad??????!!!!!!!!!! and kevin calls him firsy to deliever the news!!!!! how did wymack feel?
Ohhhh yeahhhh baby - they both earned it 🥰 (Kevin to say it and Wymack to hear it). I don't think Kevin ever had a second thought about who he was going to call first to tell - Wymack believed in him from the beginning and will always be his Dad. So Wymack gets first dibs, for sure. 😊
And how does Wymack feel? So proud he can hardly swallow. Emotions are nearly bursting out of his chest, throat constricting as Kevin quietly says, They chose me. They made me Captain. Can you believe it?
And David can. He's always known, always watched Kayleigh's boy from afar, and seen how talented he was. Has known, far before he was ever his boy, that he would do amazing things.
But he is his now. Has apparently always been his, even before David knew it. And now that he does, now that he's used to it (now that he's past the shock and disbelief and anger at Kayleigh for not telling him) it doesn't feel as terrifying as he once thought it would be.
(As he once told Kayleigh it would be.)
((As he used to wake in his bed in his twenties, sheets slick with sweat, and swear never never never would he let himself be.))
Because Kevin is a good kid. A survivor, despite what life had thrown at him. A champion, through and through.
David finds himself watching his son, game after game, and marveling at the pieces of himself he finds in him. (That toss of his hair, the way he throws his shoulders back, that stony face with just the barely curled lip as he smirks at his opponent). Kayleigh is there for sure, front and center, but so is David. And it's astounding.
And as familiar as the pieces of Kevin are, it's the tiny facets of his personality, fractured by trauma but also uniquely his own, that surprise David every day. Every day he learns more about his son and, despite Kevin's doubts, David is thrilled by it.
But now? Now there are no words that can describe this feeling. The way he felt hearing that tiny tremor of happiness in Kevin's voice. At how his own stomach somersaulted when Kevin quietly confessed that he was the first person he told. How his voice grew hoarse as he responded, Damn straight they chose you. They knew what they were doing.
Yeah? Kevin had asked.
Yeah, he had echoed. Then, I'm so proud of you son.
And it had taken several seconds before he received the choked reply back, Thanks, Dad.
Now, as he hears Abby open the apartment door with the set of keys he gave her (a long, long time ago), his eyes burn a little as he sits out on the balcony, staring into the low-hanging sun.
Hey, she asks. Everything okay?
And the corner of his mouth lifts.
Yeah, he tells her. It is.
He sits back and lets that smile grow as he holds his hand out, and she gently, gracefully intertwines her fingers between his own.
For once it is.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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neverendingparable · 8 months
Maso: Phos, should we torture them a little to be safe?
Maso: *is eager to do anything to amuse him*
Ulmar Deluxe: What!!
Ulmar Deluxe: Don't torture Adam
Ulmar Deluxe: I need him!
Adam Smithson is not impressed
Phos: :)
Phos: Should we~?
Phos: ;)
Adam Smithson is not impressed at all
Adam Smithson: Hmph
Adam Smithson: We answered your stupid questions!
Adam Smithson: There's no need to get even more annoying!
Phos: Annoying?
Phos: Ah my~
Phos: Seems like you still have no idea what I am capable of, are you~
Phos: Dear child, you should be taking as example of you little friend
Phos: And be scared~
Adam Smithson: Firstly, I am not a kid!!
Adam Smithson: Secondly! I am not scared of any weirdos!!
Adam Smithson: >:I
Ulmar Deluxe: *tugs at Adam's shirt*
Ulmar Deluxe: *in warning*
Maso: Do you not know who this is, Adam?
Maso: Phobos Umbris, the Shadowy Prince, the Terror of the Offices~?
Maso: Tsk tsk tsk
Maso: Uneducated
Phos: Don't you disrespect me, silly man~♪
Adam Smithson: *Oh damn no*
Maso: *eyes light up*
Phos: Don't you dare assuming you can handle~
Phos: Oh all the horrors I could make up and deliever right into this foolish head of yours~
Phos: *sinister jazz playing in the background*
Adam Smithson: *Oh no oh damn no not sudden singing*
Adam Smithson is greatly annoyed
Maso: *heart eyes*
Maso: *He is perfect*
Maso: *<3*
Phos: I can make you scream, I can make you cry~
Phos: Cause I got some power from the ~other siiiide
Adam Smithson facepalms
Phos: < shadows: he got magiiick from the otheeer siiiiideee~ >
Adam Smithson: Dammitshutup-
Maso: *smirks*
Ulmar Deluxe: *sits very very still*
Ulmar Deluxe: *Maybe they'll let us go after this*
Phos: < more of shadows pop up dancing & twisting in spooky forms and diming the light for extra effect >
Phos: ~I can look deep into your minds and souls
Phos: I could make your wildest nightmares come true~~
Phos: *raises his shadowy top hat up and winks at Maso*
Adam Smithson: *Wait was he wearing it before-*
Phos: ;)
Phos: Cause I got some power from the ~other siiiiide
Phos: < shadows getting spookier and singing along >
Phos: < surronding Adam and Ulmar for extra effect >
Phos: *his eyes glow brighter with green*
Maso: ✪ ω ✪
Ulmar Deluxe: *grabs Adam's hand*
Ulmar Deluxe: *whispers* You know what I am going to teleport us out of here right now
Phos: ~I can heaaaaaar you
Phos: You wanna run so try running oh running away but you can't hiide
Phos: Cause I got some power from the ~other siiiide
Ulmar Deluxe: …………..
Phos: < shadows: he got magiiic from the ootherr siiiiiiideee >
Adam Smithson: Doing a sudden musical number on us all of a sudden won't let you achive whatever!
Adam Smithson: Except getting kinda overly annoying, hmph
Maso: *claps excitedly*
Maso: Bravo!
Ulmar Deluxe: ………..
Phos: *bows at Maso*
Phos: *is def pleased*
Maso: That was amazing, Phos!
Phos: Why, I know~
Phos: >:)
Phos: Yet seems to me there is a second part Adam tries to ask for, is there not
Adam Smithson: What
Adam Smithson: Hell no!
Adam Smithson: No more stupid singing!!
Adam Smithson: This is ri-
Phos: *is suddenly riiight in front of him, very close*
Ulmar Deluxe: !!
Phos: *presses his finger to Adam's forehead*
Adam Smithson freezes as some shadowy smoke(?) wraps itself around his head as Phos touches his forehead
Adam Smithson: ……..
Phos: *looks him in the eye*
Adam Smithson: *stares back*
Phos: :)
Adam Smithson sees flashing pictures of familiar streets, faces and violent Things
Ulmar Deluxe: …………………………
Ulmar Deluxe: *throws a handful of glitter into Phos' face*
Phos: *disappears out of his reach*
Phos: *yet his shadowy grasp is still here for a little while*
Ulmar Deluxe: *points a finger at Phos*
Ulmar Deluxe: YOU
Ulmar Deluxe: Do not get to touch my bodyguard!
Adam Smithson watches flashbacks of the same events
Ulmar Deluxe: *for a moment forgets his fear*
Adam Smithson: *Ulmarno*
Ulmar Deluxe: You overrated pompous piece of shit, who do you think you are?
Phos: Ah my, getting daring for a moment here, are we~?
Ulmar Deluxe: If you ever try to touch him again, I swear to the high heavens your sorry ass will regret it
Phos: Ahw
Phos: is sure very amused
Phos: Such a pity tell this to you, tiny thing
Phos: But you can't do anything~
Ulmar Deluxe: …….
Phos: At least, without glitching out and dying in the process, I suppose
Phos: I doubt your silly so called guard would want that~
Ulmar Deluxe: *opens his mouth and then closes it again*
Phos: It would upset him much more than musical numbers~~~
Ulmar Deluxe: *decides not to fight back with words right now*
Ulmar Deluxe: *grabs Adam and teleports out quickly*
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whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
Hair's breadth from death
Whumptober - day 3
(Content warnings: held on a gunpoint, intimate whumper, pet whumpee)
||Gun to temple||
Villain holds Hero hostage on a gunpoint, while at an empty field distance, the group of Heroes regroups and consults what to do. Villain is calm and sure he already won. "Oh, why are you so damn quiet, Hero? Aren't you scared of death? Or did you already give up?" (H:) "It's not that. If you knew Caretaker as much as I do, you'd know". Hero didn't care to finish the sentence: ...know that Caretaker always shuts first. And without a warning.
||"Say goodbye"||
In this world the community of whumpers is public and open. Caretaker joins this community undercover so he can infiltrate Whumpers and find his long lost friend. When Caretaker "kidnaps" Whumpee away from intimate Whumper, he demands an unpayable ransom, or else Whumper's precious pet will die. As predicted, Whumper fails to deliever money and Careraker can nicely fake Whumpee's death by a phone. Whumper gets only a short voice message. "Say goodbye, Whumpee" "...goodbye" and then a gunshot.
|| Impaled ||
My whumptober masterpost ->
Next ->
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iruiji · 2 years
Somehow an idea of having Yuu's BFF from their world coming with them and literally fights anything that moves especially when it involves the Ramshackle Prefect themselves is nagging at me.. holy shit my brain is just so random sometimes. Alright this birthday is boring anyway lemme just sit somewhere more hidden..
Aight. Onwards!
- - - - - - -
Yuu had to pull their friend from the neck to stop them from smashing the mirror in smithereens after the revelation.
Like, we all wished to punch Crowley at one point - and, surprise surprise, Yuu's bestfriend did exactly that after they fought Riddle at Heartslabyul asking 'ARE YOU ACTUALLY HOPING US MAGICLESS, LITERAL TEENAGERS MIND YOU, FIGHT DANGEROUS PEOPLE?!' as the headmaster explained the situation in his office and then BAM Solid Right fucking Hook™. Deuce was impressed! Yuu and Ace both wince as Grim cackles.
That whole month of additional chores was SO worth it (also Trey's baked goodies delievered by a cheery Cater everyday helped).
And Yuu has long given up on their friend, because they knew them well. Too well. Yuu apologized profusely to Crowley though.
That Overblot battle with Leona from Savanaclaw?
Oh, yeah. That was some anime shit. After Leona used his magic on Ruggie his friend just lost it and gave a really intense killing intent some students felt it from the other side of the stadium. The scene was so violent both were panting and bloody at the end. And then BAM POWER OF FRIENDSHIP OR SHIT AND BAM PROBLEM SOLVED-
Oh wait, did Yuu already told you about their meeting with Malleus?
Boy, oh boy. HIS FRIEND PROCEEDED TO JUMP AT HIM- a laugh, and then their friend is eating dust. Yuu was so done they almost forgot to apologize after slumping down the bench. God damn it, this life is tiring.
From then on the two developed a.. love-hate relationship? It's more like a chase of cat and mouse, really. And Yuu's friend is the mouse that kept trying to pounce a dragon cat. Even Lilia joined in at the fun one time they did it as Diasomnia, with Sebek screeching, 'HOW DARE YOU, HUMAN?!' earning a sparring partner in the form of a green-haired dolt.
Was that Silver under the bench? Probably.
Malleus' expression turns jovial everytime they see both of them, so Yuu thinks it wasn't that bad? Tsunotaro can be really playful at times so Yuu is almost always stuck with his Tamagochi whenever they start chasing each other, with the fae stating facts about Gargoyles at the same time.
Octavinelle, oh no. Their friend loved swimming that they almost got lost a few times during the journey down the water, if not for the ever dutiful Jack pulling them back again and again. Floyd, Jade and his BFF almost killed each other they - for some reason the injuries their friend got was even worse than the full-brawl they received from Leona. Ah, but well, it's the leech brothers, what else they were expecting, really.
That day Azul received the Solid Left Hook™.
Yuu's friend had called bullshit after the scene with Octavinelle, and they were trying to spy at Scarabia when Jamil used his spell and they became trapped lolol. Did the Ramshackle Prefect told you guys about what happened with Kamil at the end? No? Just the guy having a blackeye for 2 weeks.
And Jamil? He gets two and a slap on the wrist. But after that Yuu's BFF actually visits Scarabia several times a week to help with Jamil's workload lmao. To say the Scarabian tenants are bewildered would be an understatement.
But then.. Pomefiore happened and then.. Yuu's bestfriend actually.. folded on themselves.. what?
'He's so beautiful!'
Jesus christ, really?
"Step aside, Rook, Vil has now another knight!!"
That was the strangest overblot yet - Yuu's bestfriend was actually trying to talk things out with Vil that they almost thought the world is ending.
Vil then tries to attack them and then-
- an actual whimper.
Yuu gives their friend an icy look.
Do you want to get beat up instead, BFF?
Surprisingly, they didn't stop helping Jamil after that, but they do treasure everytime they saw Vil and 'sweet Epel' (they just curse each other, really, and Vil getting highblood is one of the highlights in their day).
"Rook can suck a dick, though."
"Oho? Is that a challenge, mon minou?"
"First, ew-"
Sometimes you can find them trying to snatch away some Pomefiore's uniform from randos and try to sneak past only for Rook or some other senior to block their way-
God, the fanboying/fangirling, 'Vil actually kicked me out of the dorm himself! Look!' and Yuu would just facepalmed at the mark of soles on their face.
Now.. now his friend is trying to infiltrate Ignihyde, of all the god damned places, trying to role-play as a spy once again.
No- please don't fight the 'robot child', BFF, Ortho can kill you easily, and Yuu can't handle Idia cutting off the WiFi.
Really, Yuu ought to kick them out of the dorm because they just triple the severity of the situation with Deuce, Ace and Grim-
- but also they're bestfriends, so Yuu just sighs as they iced their friend's cheek from sparring with yet another student.
HOLY SHIT THAT JUST LITERALLY WROTE ITSELF HOW IT'S NOT EVEN 20 MINUTES- I feel like I missed someone (barring teachers)(and Neige)(and Cheka and Sam and Chenya-) ignore me it's just my sadistic thoughts escaping lmao. This is literally.. idk even know why these random thoughts plague me, help- also im sorry im still at 4-2 of the Story so idk the details about Pomefiore chapter yet-
Yuu, everytime their BFF does some shit:
Tumblr media
(pic not mine ofc)
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doofnoof · 2 years
Warning for Sleuth Jesters Spoilers!!! Too chicken to put this in Naff's asks but by god I'm gonna rant on my own damn blog, just wanted to give Naff kudos for making a fic that absolutely refuses to un-stick from my brain
I'm especially fond of the themes of freedom and imprisonment, and how there's more to it than just physically being imprisoned, there's a mental and emotional aspect to it too!
Especially since Eclipse took Y/N's freedom mentally (they couldn't figure out how to beat him nor could they escape thoughts of him while they ran,) emotionally (can't play their games with Sun and Moon anymore because Eclipse made them feel as if they had to hide their past from the boys in order to keep them; a past that had imprisoned them, that they'd burnt to the ground to escape from) and physically, by keeping them in a room, destroying their sense of time, and eventually burning their safehouses to a crisp. Y/N was even imprisoned in their own skin, because of how Eclipse had dressed them and marked them with bruises top to bottom, making Y/N sore and uncomfortable whenever they'd move.
Y/N became The Vigilante because of their desire to free people who are imprisoned by poverty and greed (mostly because of the Crime Families paying off the people meant to protect the normal folks, like the Police or the Mayor) because they were in a similar situation when the Afton Family got a hold of them; they were a homeless, starving child scooped off of the streets and delievered right into Afton's hands by hospital staff and a police officer for a stack of cash, both of which having promised to keep Y/N safe. Eclipse wants to imprison those same people (impoverished and those in power alike) with debts and favors so he would retain his own freedom, one Hard Fought For since robots had only recently been given rights.
My favorite thing about Y/N is that even when faced with their own death, backed into a wall, they'd still throw themselves whole-heartedly at the harder-to-escape, more grim option than sacrifice the life of someone they swore they'd protect (unlike the hospital staff. Kinda explains why they hate the idea of going to the hospital so much while they were bleeding out in Moon's tub too.) They would put up with killing an animal, or someone that was already gunning for their life, but once they realized that Gregory was a human child they chose the option they assumed they could never go back from; they decided to save him even though it meant Eclipse was going to destroy the freedom they'd fought for.
Eclipse also tried to control Sun and Moon, by paying for their schooling to get into into the Detective Agency, and then a second time by trying to control Y/N (who Sun and Moon were clearly heads-over-heels for.) I imagine he figured he'd have more control over Sun and Moon if he kept Y/N under his wing, imperiled, but his major character flaw is his arrogance, in assuming that Y/N could be controlled, and his assumption that Sun and Moon had rejected him on a whim and wouldn't have been ready (and downright thrilled!) to take him back if he gave up on the violence and cruelty. He assumed Y/N was just like him and only needed a push to become the Dog they were during their Afton days again, and his wrongful assumption cost him his life.
Probably not making much sense here but I love how everyone has a specific theme.
Sun and Moon's seem to be Forgiveness (they forgive an awful lot, and they feel guilty that they didn't take care of Eclipse sooner because they'd hoped he'd change his ways, at which point he'd be Forgiven, how Y/N is afraid of losing them because they'd done something they perceived as Unforgivable in the past, Moon forgives Sun for lying to him about where the Celestial Wire came from, how they seemed to expect Freddy to forgive Y/N for what they'd done in the past because they'd saved Gregory in the present, etc.), Eclipse seems to be driven by an arrogant need for Control (so he wouldn't be alone, so that Y/N could never leave him the way Sun and Moon had) and Y/N's theme is Freedom (their whole Thing™ is that they're impossible to catch, Eclipse couldn't control them, and they killed the one person who ever did find a way to keep them in check.) It's an incredibly well done fanfic and I can't wait to re-read it and see if I can pick up any more little tidbits I hadn't noticed before.
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So I mentioned in "Karma's Storm"'s fun facts that Cottoncatcher ended up taking one of Slate's lives, yeah?
Here's a bit more info about that!
Cottonpaw, after Lunarpaw and Beampaw's sudden deaths, realized how messed up Slatestar really was and thought a bit of poison in his prey would take all his lives, so a more worthy cat could lead. It did not. So Slatestar, pissed because he remembered Cottonpaw bringing him the prey, demanded Cottonpaw be killed next- Only for the medic to step in, saying she was the one who poisoned the prey and had Cottonpaw deliever it, unaware of the nightshade seeds she hid inside.
So Cottoncatcher's mother and mentor died for his mistakes, and he still carries that guilt until adulthood! Cursing Slatestar for being the way he is! Needless to say, he simply smiled and stood as Slatestar lost life after life from the cats he hurt.
This was based off of the fact that in Clangen, Cottoncatcher nearly constantly had a message saying he put something extra in the leader's herbs LOL
👀 god damn poor boy
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