#but damn been groovin to this all day
trippymockingquake · 5 months
I like country when I like country but this song is such a vibe
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ahoneesan · 2 months
two lukewarm video game takes reacting against thing i saw on a different website:
super mario 64 is a fucking masterpiece. i will not ever hear otherwise. you damn alphas and zoomers with your "oh its aged so poorly wehhhhh" horseshit need to be tossed in the fucking looney bin. i will not let you "its a product of its time" super fucking mario motherfucking sixty fucking four. why dont you go define an entire genre, the entire concept of three dimensional character movement in a video game and then come back to me and try to fuckin say with your mealy fucking mouth that mario 64 isnt a stone cold every day any time real ass classic. "its not as good as its contemporaries" IT DIDNT HAVE CONTEMPORARIES YOU DUMB ASSHOLE. IT HAD STUDENTS. IT HAD FOLLOWERS. JUMPING FLASH IS PROBABLY PRETTY GOOD BUT DON'T YOU COME IN HERE PRETENDING ITS EVER BEEN ANYONE ELSE THAN MIYAMOTOS GOLDEN BOY MARIO MARIO. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!
look i get it. rpgs mean something to people. they mean character building, stat allocation, weakness exploitation, buffs and debuffs, synergistic party composition gameplay. and theyre probably right! but i cant fuckin lie i love ffxiv bc all that stuff has fallen off. i love movin and groovin and refining my one optimal rotation Perfectly. its good that other mmos still offer that kind of gameplay (and i would genuinely like to get back to ffxi after putting like 10 hours into it and falling off) but i cant sit here and tell u that i prefer it to xiv. its just fun.
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kernom · 2 months
feeling like… birthdya time… yippee!
(hyork… i ate way too much frosting, this cake i bought after work is wonderful but god damn there's so much sugar i'm lowkey experiencing a headache LOL)
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it looks wonderful though… no? i know i don't have the best lighting in this photo but this instantly took my eyes over…
bAkI; SOOO worth it… blcksxene; I didn't think you'd like this kind of stuff! bAkI; girl please. let us have our moment, we literally got another work day coming along if we don't pick our shit up and call. blcksxene; 😀 alri bro you chill
as i was saying… i got cake yes (no not that cake >:0) but i also have drawings!
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whoops looks like the crew barged and cluttered the page from here! but yeah… there's also more context on the images above as well as a bonus one in the end. :D that's kinda all we have for tonight!
i'mma go space out fr now byyyaaaa!
bUNtv; [⏺️ LIVE CHAT REPLAY: 10:5?pm-11:06pm] v; We got the gang in on the action. B) blcksxene; I of course chose the music we be groovin to! And it's the INVADAINVADAkyukyukyu-- e8(p); I would appreciate it if we didn't have the Mesmerizer incident again… bUNtv; hhhHHHEEEEY! idk that itz was gonna do [####] on whoever WATCHED it!!!! twourst me on tHIS ONE :((((((( bAkI; okay so from top left to right… we got kernom, bUNtv, and v bAkI; and from the bottom to the right, we got me, e8(p) and e8(f), and blcksxene blcksxene; literally so funny taht all of us on the bottom literally came from the same guy and we're like… not even him!! character development fr… e8(p); Yeah, I'm glad that right now, my specific source changed a lot from where I got split off, it unnerves me every time I saw it being manipulated for plot reasons… e8(f); Give me that fucking drip rn. I got nothing but SH- bUNtv; [EXPLETIVE DELETED ❌🤬] bUNtv; REMEMBER. YOU ARE CURRENTLY LIVE. BEHAVE. e8(f); What the-? …okay?? jeez. ??? v; Ah… right time to add that to surprising things that UN can do. v; Let's just cut the cord before things derail again… 🥩; dAWww you gudys fro got bout me :( v; Yeah yeah… oven hamburger really tasty with ketchup and mustard, meat good, yadda yadda. You had your fun moment, there… good now? 🥩; ◕_◕ yippee 🎉 v; Alright. pulls out a giant pair of clippers Time to go sleep. bUNtv; [☹ Aww ma- ######################################
of course it's shotgun king related, who would be surprised at this point? if you were actively following me for the past couple of days i sure hope you get the point by now! ^_^ /notmad
both of the latter drawings reference animatics (donut hole and the hole) i wanted to do but due to the high expectations of the quality… just couldn't do it. i got them outta my head for today because it's a special day!
and then of course…
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happy landing curiosity! how long has it been hm? 2012… 12 years now? wow… that's pretty far now! i didn't forget this time! let's go celebrate today… and tomorrow let's celebrate our older sister's!
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girlreviews · 6 months
Review #382: Currents, Tame Impala
Yet another album coming up on ten years old that forces me to reckon with the fact that I too am also almost ten years older than when it came out. They took five years to put out another! By the time they did that we were in the throes of a pandemic. So a lot happened. I had a lot of different haircuts. A lot.
It’s another breakup album. It came out the year I got married. I’m now divorced. It’s been pretty interesting revisiting this record, because my ex-husband and I were super into it. Everyone was, at least everyone who liked alternative music and wore flannel and tiny hats. Whatever iteration of hipster was hanging around East Nashville in 2015, they were playing it in every bougie coffee shop and thrift store. So it fell out of favor for me after a while, I got a little sick of it.
I had actually just seen them live a few years prior, right before moving Stateside. In Australia of all places, where they are from! At a festival called Groovin’ the Moo, in Canberra. I was there on a WILD ride, with a guy I met in London at a NYE party at the Ukrainian embassy (????) through a mutual friend who was dating my bestie. He and I hit it off, stayed up all night doing drugs, talking mad shit, and having a great time. Mans is moving back to Australia in three days. Oh well. Never mind. Nope, four months later I’m there visiting him. This was quite literally bananas, but really fucking fun — also a fucking disaster. It was like we were falling in love, getting together and breaking up all at the same time. The absolute fucking antics we get up to on this trip. We are invited to a house party, and are so drunk before arriving we accidentally break into THE WRONG house trying to attend. We wake up one morning in our room with the bed completely wonky, two legs snapped on it, potato chips absolutely fucking everywhere, all over the bed, floor, surfaces, and there’s just a pug dog snuffling around eating them all. Do not know whose dog it was to this day. Attend this festival, remember absolutely nothing about it other than seeing Tame Impala, return to the UK with a gnarly sunburn, a powerpuff girls pillow bought as a forget-me-not and a plastic frog table marker stolen from a pizza joint. If it doesn’t sound romantic, it’s because it shouldn’t. But we were in LOVE! It was a fucking disaster and it ended quite badly and I arrived in America a broken hollow shell of a woman. This honestly cracks me up. This is exactly the kind of bullshit you’re supposed to pull in your twenties, everyone. And Tame Impala is the exact right soundtrack for it, psychedelic pop rock weirdness. It was their prior album Lonerism that scored that particular moment, with the most prominent track for me being appropriately titled It Feels Like We Only Go Backwards. Teehee.
Anyway, it’s a few years later, I have my shit together a bit now, I’m getting married or already am, and here comes Tame Impala with Currents. It seems like Kevin Parker maybe had some love adventure of his own and he’s gotta get it off his chest, he’s got some feelings. Here’s what I love about this record, and it’s gonna sound like I’m ripping on it, but I’m not. The lyrics, they’re really pretty… What word am I looking for here. They lack sophistication and depth. Man really just says what he would say to his bros when he’s trying to say how he feels about his relationship ending. They’re simple. They’re rudimentary. They’re clumsy. But they’re perfect. Are we poetic when we are messy in a breakup? Do I sound like I was poetic in any shape or form on potato chip pug hangover day? No. It is what it is. There were multiple different KINDS of potato chips, guys. It’s like we thought we were sowing potato chip seeds to grow a little garden. The pug got his head stuck in a bag for a hot second. You can’t make it what it isn’t. It’s a damn mess. But you CAN make the music and sound emote. And that he does, magically and wonderfully, carrying the lyrics. It works together so well. It’s a journey.
Let it Happen, first of all, I challenge you to run to this. It’s almost eight minutes and is great for keeping pace (I have mentioned my running playlists are wild and I’m not kidding). A friend pointed out to me this past weekend that something I tend to gravitate towards in songs — and they’re right — is ones that evolve and take you on a trip. The end of the song is unrecognizable from the beginning. I love that. This is one of those. It also just fucking slaps. Great start.
Eventually and Less I Know The Better are prime examples of the sonic mastery and lyrical lacking just sort of working. They’re also the most obvious breakup tracks and those simple words are what make it so god damn relatable:
“She said it’s not now or never
In ten years we’ll be together
I said better late than never
Just don’t let me wait forever
Don’t let me wait forever”
Past Life. FUCK, this song is so fucking good it’s so fucking DIFFERENT. Can’t even speak on it, just go stick it on and vibe your ass off, okay?
Disciples is my absolute favorite. For a few reasons. I also love me a short track. But this one is SO fun to sing, and it’s so chirpy and upbeat for a song that’s basically about telling someone you used to care for that they’re a shitty person now (“now it’s like the world owes you, walking around like everybody should know you”). By the way, have you ever done that, told someone you loved that you officially think they suck now? Interesting experience. Not sure whether I recommend it or not to be honest, maybe one of those things that you’ve gotta try on for yourself to see if it’s for you. But anyway, also there’s just some really great steering wheel slap moments of bass and percussion that make me want to DIE and ASCEND from this mortal plain to wherever this song was born from. I said what I said.
If not for Disciples, there’s no question that my favorite track would be ‘Cause I’m a Man. I still remember driving my friend Brittney home in my Lincoln LS, and she was like, you gotta hear the new Tame Impala track. I honestly was not impressed. But she was so animated, and made me listen over and over until I got it. This is a rare song for me, because even now I like it more with each listen. It’s not a surprise, since it’s about his own self reflection on how shitty men are, how they’re always just making sad little excuses for why they don’t measure up to women, and are always letting us down. He does a good job, he really does (“Cause I’m a man, woman, I’ll never be as strong as you”). But, throughout the song he makes these kind of lazy, semi-sexual “uh!” noises and they’re honestly hilarious. They just really add something. I can’t explain why. It’s sort of a nice touch of self depreciation that I truly appreciate.
It’s a one of a kind record, really. It was different from their previous, and their follow up didn’t match it. They have a new single out with Justice and I’m told it’s very good. I saw them again in 2022 at a festival in Barcelona, much less wild and drug fueled than my previous go around (I’m in my thirties now, who has the energy). The sound was bad and my feet hurt, BUT Kevin Parker did us all a solid and covered Last Nite by The Strokes which cheered us all up, because they got COVID and pulled out last minute. Ah well, Julian’s a creep anyhow and could never write something as self aware as Currents. He’s still hitting on teenage girls in his late forties. Kevin Parker, I better not find you pulling the same shit or I will be coming for you and it will be ugly.
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anosci · 11 months
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(362-377 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26])
names and thoughts below cut
362/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 3 (2023) jotting down thoughts as we go like t1 oh… lyrics. oh… beauty. t4 bringing hella beats t5!! glass! t6 groovin :') t7 oh cmon why are these so good t11 is an otherworldly finale. like god damn i love the grooves in here in particular!
363/ heRobust - Vertebreaker (2017) yeah its hard but im still not used to herobust doing wob? "Heavy Meddle" scratches that beat itch a bit tho, with that back forth beat "Status Busted" would be my fav song if not for the. yknow. yeah.
364/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 4 (2023) lush and melodic. drifts. feels freeing. t3 rough start but i think this would be astoundingly good zone out headphone music t4 headfog max. a fav. t6 boid :) another fav t8 bt-esque :O t10 is a MASSIVE ending holy sht
365/ Persian Empire - Kaya EP (2017) crispy beats. rotary organs. vibes :)
366/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 5 (2023) this one's the secret "scary times" release and its damn good at it. wall to wall dour. some specific thoughts: t2 sentinel :O t5 man. this is a weird and cool vibe (beat) t7 is a bad dream. intense. t9 a small light in the dark. standout.
367/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 6 (2023) i regret to announce my opinion that i think these tracks are too long. i love these soundscapes but not for 10 minutes a piece. that said, favs: t6, t8, t10. t11 astounding. cinematic even. this couldve been the end i think.
368/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 7 (2023) it's the "feel nothing" lp, but like. "depression state" nothing. it does a good job but i have mixed feelings about it. EXCEPT track 9 has such an insanely specific feel id describe as "child alone in a room and doesnt know why". respect.
369/ Lila Tirando a Violeta & Sin Maldita - Accela (2023) has an insano in the braino soundscape(o) "Talking Trees" wouldve rearranged my dna if i heard it in 2012.
370/ VA - WILDCHIP != WIN (2017) mix bag etc well…hm. wildchip doesnt really grab me as strongly i guess? idk. that said, "Throwback Days" holy shit that's smoov. love the way the FM wobs are incorporated here
371/ Space Dimension Controller - Na Púcaí (2023) chill timbre tech no(?) good nighttime music "Multiples Of None" in particular is sticking with me
372/ Lee Gamble - Models (2023) slowchill for chill day B) haunting more in timbre than tonality. sounds like ancient RNN generated vocals, some of this. cool effect "XIth c. Spray" prolly my fav here!
373/ VA - Nanosweep 32 (2023) a nice lil bout of dance floor nano sweeping. "Insufficient all" has an interesting flow. not chill but not intense? "vapor trail" amalgam vibe
374/ VA - Metal 5 (2017) eh. predisposition bias tho. enjoying the FM metal appearing in "Mechanical Wolf" "Running down the Hill" is my fav but absolutely not metal at all. "Hornet" is my fav that is also metal
375/ Alva Noto - HYbr:ID II (2023) understood as soundtracks to sodium lights. "Elastic 1" hit good w/ those chord stabs "Elastic 2" hits harder. some sort of bubbling intensity. "Field 1" low key banger with that beat
--- November ---
376/ VA - SPC Echoes 2 (2017) mix bag etc. much love for the rez in "dazzling!" "bed bed" is funny bc i'd consider it a morning sunshine title. ig thats still bed! "aurora surrealis" funnest snes-pusher. "Alternate Timeline" amazing soundscape! overall fav
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darthwheezely · 3 years
with you - f.w.
summary: based on the song ‘with you’ from ghost the musical
warnings: y’all this is a dead!fred fic strap in i’m so sorry :,), anger/resentment, a shit ton of death mentions
a/n: i love you, Freckles.
i picked up your shirts this morning
i don’t know why
i don’t know why
The bedroom hadn’t been touched since May 2, 1998. A slew of clothes strewn about the room. A broken painting. A faint memory of him holding you. You didn’t know what was more messy, what happened to him or the world he left you with.
You started to clean.
every place we ever walked and everywhere we talked
i miss you
you never leave my mind
so much of you is left
Diagon Alley in September was a fever dream. It always was, children and their parents hopping from place to place to collect school supplies, teenagers wandering aimlessly to meet up with friends, go on dates, etc.
Diagon Alley in September was Fred’s favorite time of year.
You watched him at the shop light up and bounce about like a beach ball the moment a child asked for assistance, or even just carrying in an inventory box.
Fred would be frequently exhausted at the end of the day, but demand to take you out to the Cauldron for fish n chips, or buy you a butter beer (or four) or take you to Eeylops. You always agreed.
“One day we’ll be doing this for our own kids, Y/N,” he said softly, looking at the storefront for Wizard Wheezes, the tall animatronic lifting a rabbit from his hat slowing down for the night, even in the healthy chaos of Diagon Alley.
You looked at him then, really looked at him, the tears pooling in your eyes.
You hated Diagon Alley in September.
took my days
with you
took my nights
with you
You had never really lived after Fred.
How does a person live after watching their person get crushed under a wall?
How does a person live after they run to said wall and scream, cry, beg for mercy from some being up in heaven for this to be a nightmare?
How does a person live after trying to push a wall far too heavy for force and being carried away by another while they cried so hard they lost air?
How were you supposed to live after Fred?
those unfinished conversations we used to have
still speak to me
“Y/N?” He shouted over the enveloping noise, spells and curses being fired so hard you’d think the ceiling would cave in.
“Fred, this isn’t a really good time-“ you yelled back.
“When we make it out of this-“
when he makes it out of this
“-I’m building us that nursery you hear me?”
No one built the nursery.
all this wishful thinking gets me nowhere
i can’t stay
though my heart is broken
it keeps breaking every day…
Sometimes, on a good day, you’d get the boom box out of the closet. You always tell yourself you’ll never touch it again, but there you are, touching it again.
That mixtape he made you will get fed through the muggle machine, and then it will spit out the song Crazy by Aerosmith.
“Come on, love, get up-“
“Fred, we’ve been assembling this bed frame we can’t just give up on it-“
“Say you’re leavin’ on a seven thirty and you’re head in’ out to Hoooooll-ay-wOOood - come on Y/N, bum up and get groovin’ with me!”
You two would dance until you were kissing and then he’d hold you standing up because to Fred Weasley, there was nothing on this planet but you.
You didn’t get through the whole song this time.
took my hopes
with you
took my dreams
with you
Kingsley Shacklebolt had left a message on the phone:
“Hey Y/N…I’m sorry to call you on a Monday night of all days - just busy lines everywhere else. I’m um…I’m really sorry but we um…we can’t have you as an Auror right now. We don’t want to ah - speed up your…your process right now. We know you’ve had a - hard - time recently and that job’ll only make it worse. Call me back if you want and maybe we can get you back in at Magical Accidents, they’ve got an opening. Alright. Well. See you, Y/N.”
i keep thinkin that you’ll be callin
everyone says that it’s all in my head
and i can’t accept it yet
You could’ve sworn you heard him.
You felt him in the shop (when George could force you to go.)
You saw him in every laugh and giggle little Dominique made.
Fred was everywhere and nowhere. It confused you, rage swelling in your chest like a hot air balloon only awaiting gas to take flight.
You had yelled. Told him going on that mission was selfish when you’d both been too risky for the Order as is.
“You can push me away all you want, Y/N-“
“Fred, stop-“
“No you need to listen to me for once in your life and it’s that i’m not going anywhere, I’m going to do that damn Seven Potters mission and I am coming home to you, do you hear me?”
You looked at him.
“I am always coming home, Y/N.”
“What a good joke, Fred, but where’s the punchline?”
i can’t comprehend this
and pretend that i don’t care
any place i wanna be
i wanna see you there…
“Hi, Freddie,” you hoarsely called to the barren-ness of the house.
“I hate sleeping here, did you know that? I feel way too close to telling myself that we’re okay, that I’m okay, kinda dumb isn’t it?”
No one answered.
“‘S alright, you always did hate the serious stuff. I’m just heading out to Gin and Harry’s for the night okay? I promise I’ll come back tomorrow. Will you be here?”
No one answered. You smiled, tears falling on your lips.
“That’s okay, I understand.”
You choked out a laugh and shrugged. “I love you! Have a good night, sweetheart.”
You shut the door.
took my life
with you
took my world
with you…
taglist! @lumosandnoxwriting @billyhxrgrove @wandsandwheezes @harrysweasleys @fredweasleyisart @luvfrommars @luvshack @babyjordy @jillys-feral-fandoms @vibraniumwing @vixen @goddessofdawns @sagittarius-flowerchild @sinfulweasley @animprxperworld @daedreamss @lilypad-55449 @i-love-scott-mccall @omghufflepuff @vivianweasley @wh0reforthemarauders @amrtxntias @sunrisefairy @theorangedrummer @loony-loopy-lupinn @band--psycho @melmalone
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certified-sane · 2 years
Once, a long time ago, there was a wise Zen master. People from far and near would seek his counsel and ask for his wisdom. Many would come and ask him to teach them, enlighten them in the way of Zen. He seldom turned any away.
One day an important man, a man used to command and obedience came to visit the master. “I have come today to ask you to teach me about Zen. Open my mind to enlightenment.” The tone of the important man’s voice was one used to getting his own way.
The Zen master smiled and said that they should discuss the matter over a cup of tea. When the tea was served the master poured his visitor a cup. He poured and he poured and the tea rose to the rim and began to spill over the table and finally onto the robes of the wealthy man. Finally the visitor shouted, “Enough. You are spilling the tea all over. Can’t you see the cup is full?”
The master stopped pouring and smiled at his guest. “You are like this tea cup, so full that nothing more can be added. Come back to me when the cup is empty. Come back to me with an empty mind.”
Take a sip of this, I'm an itty bitty Cuphead
One sentence in, I've already made a pun, yep
Picking up steam, wonder why they call me hothead
Struck a deal with the devil, now I'm rackin' up debt
Yes I made a dumb bet, no need to get upset
I'm a cup of trouble, have you seen my mugshot yet?
Step in front of my finger gun, and you drop dead
Wallop all your bosses, leave 'em all jobless
They'll never stop me from runnin' like a faucet
I'm a full cup, don't you ever try to top it
You can never touch this, but you can kick the bucket
I'm meant to be drunk from, but not to be trusted
Heads up, hit the deck, Mugman
You don't really wanna get your head busted
I'm a dirty dish, who needs a rough scrubbin'
After doing these devilish deeds, God damn!
I'll stop this train even if it's haunted
"Where's my ship?" Sorry just sunk it
Hopping like a frog, duck and dodge your punches
Won't shed a single tear when I'm choppin' onions
Spent all your breath huffin' and puffin'
Just to get dumped on by a cup for nothin'
Unless all you wanna end up dead
You do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
Any line that you happen to draw
Is a line I'll be stepping across
Trapped in a world lacking any natural laws
Have you had your coffee yet? 'Cause I'm off of the walls
My demons need some exorcise
A little caffeine oughta get 'em energized
Will we ever get to heaven when we die?
Can't get any worse, we already bet our lives
Forget fairy tales, they're fizzin' out
I'd like to pick a fight with that prick, Micky Mouse
I'll kick his ass then I'll knock Walt Disney out
I'll leave 'em with a taste of toxic in their mouth (no!)
My hand's been dealt, it's a bad draw though
I'll go all in when the rest all fold
Look's like I'm on the last straw so
Better tell the devil th-that th-that's all folks!
Come see what we been brewin'
Something to keep ya movin'
Must be the beat I'm boomin'
Hit me with that funky music
How do we keep on groovin'?
Once could say we been juicin'
Beepin' boopin', looney toonin'
Time for you to face the music
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
I feel like the holy grail
Just hope I don't go to Hell
If so that won't go so well
I've been bad, but no one tell
I'm much more than just cup
Raise a toast and pick me up
Pour one more and drink it up, but don't choke
'Cause I'm not the kinda cup you should be chugging from
I'll get the jump on ya when I run and gun
Working for Lucifer is a ton of fun
"You two, do my bidding" done and done
I'm a jazzy chap who'll leave you razzle-dazzled
After I whoop and wallop your ass in battle
When I'm stuck up shits creek without a paddle
Just imagine, the glass is half full
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Timothy Christian Ames / John Warren Gelardi
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
I agree with the anon saying VP doesn’t have great chemistry. At least not to me personally. I really tried to get into them but I just could not and as much as the actors worked really hard and it shows in their amazing performances, VP just really fell flat for me. I mean, at the start of this I would have predicted that VP would be a fav pairing and KimChay would be the one I felt nothing for. By the end of this season I’m actually groovin with KimChay and completely indifferent to VP. I’m just not sure entirely yet why VP just holds zero interest for me because both actors re good and they seem pretty close but yeah. I’m with that other anon because I just couldn’t feel “it”.
I was thinking the other day during a rewatch of episode 5 that Porsche and Vegas actually had good chemistry. I was and always will be a staunch KP shipper but I had a moment where I thought, in another universe where Bible plays Kinn, I could see myself shipping him and Porsche pretty hard. Not to the same extend of KP but I could’ve gotten into it. Even now, after everything Vegas has done to Porsche I still find myself kind of craving a friendship between them and I really, really enjoy scenes between Bible and Apo. I think it has a lot to do with Apo tbh. He has good chemistry with anyone he’s acting with. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him playing off of someone(s) in a scene where he didn’t have great chemistry with them and I think it has a lot to do with his personality and his acting choices. He’s really great at acting off of other people. Like I know Vegas has no real feelings about Porsche either way. He’s attempted to kill him twice and I don’t doubt he would have done it because he detests Kinn that much. That aside, I still find myself wanting them to interact. I was kinda shocked that I felt more between Porsche and Vegas than I did between VP. Kinda made me sad because I still don’t quite know why and I almost feel like I missed out on something.
See, see, see! That's what I mean. There are certain actors that can have chemistry with a fucking tree, and Apo is one of them.
You guys know how I feel about Vegas, so all I wanted for him is a very very painful death. I never wanted him to have any sort of happiness, but I can see why people were fascinated by his relationship with Porsche. I completely understand the draw.
I may have felt something between them in that same episode with that damn motorcycle ride, but that was about it. I felt more for them in the last couple of episodes than I did before though, because Porsche had more of an upper hand in these last two episodes because he stopped giving a fuck. Before that, I always felt uneasy about any sort of friendship between them due to Porsche not knowing that it was Vegas that drugged him and tried to sexually assault him. I could never quite look past that, and that's bothersome to me.
It's a missed opportunity because the writers could have cleaned the slate by allowing them to be genuine friends AFTER Vegas asked for forgiveness and came clean about what he did. But they would have never been able to be friends with that huge secret looming over their heads honestly. Not in my opinion. You feel like you missed out on something because Vegas has no chemistry with Pete, and you just know that that's what you're most likely going to get when it comes to Vegas if this show gets a second season. Less of him being with Porsche and more of him being with Pete.
They could have been good friends, but ... the writers weren't interested in going in that direction. If they wanted to 'redeem' him anyway, then why not? They should have started sooner with making him more sympathetic instead of waiting to shoehorn it into the same episode he was torturing someone in.
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MOOOOOONSHINE...take us to the stars tonight
lemme just say something that has been on my mind for some time...
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it was good as hell...if nostalgia was an album it would Unorthodox Jukebox by BRUNO FUCKIN MARS. Like that good sweet tweenage “having fun at the mall but also daydreaming in the car on long family vacations wishing i was older and cooler (not knowing that would NEVER HAPPEN)” type nostalgia.
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let the record show...i like pop music i do. But rarely is it done to the point where years later i randomly sing the lyrics and get chills from just thinking about it. Do you think kids today will probably feel that way about uptown funk or versace on the floor?
WHICH don’t get me wrong the last album (24k) he made was good imo, but not the same magic ironically. I liked it and he is one of those artists who changes his style every time which is good and shows a strong performer.
but i dont like albums...I LIKE SONGS so if i like an artist's full album it means i reeeeally liked it. 
anyway i know this is random but i just feel this in my bones rn. 
NO WONDER IT WON BEST POP ALBUM like it was amazing 
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young girls >> i used this to edit a family picture montage at my family cookout...why???? I HAVE NO CLUE BUT THEY LOVED IT AND SOO DID IT my aunts and shit was groovin
LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN >> does anyone remember listening to locked out of heaven at you school dances and pep rallies and shit AMAZING LIKE A PEOPLE RALLYING SONG! YOUR FAVE COULD NEVER!!!
Gorilla >> bitch this FUCKING SONG PUTS ME ,TO THIS DAY, ON A WHOLE NEW WAVELENGTH..i- just the opening ma’am I HAD NO CLUE WHAT A COCAINE KICKER WAS but the passion he had was like gospel 
treasure >> the radio hit everyone hated but loved this was this albums uptown funk...like i heard treasure so many times...but i still love it 
Moonshine >> my baby this song. CHILLS like i feel it “ don’t you never look back we are not afraid to die young and live fast give me good times give me love give me laugh...let’s take a ride to the sky before the night is goooooone!” MIND-BLOWING and the way it sounded soo space age and new! It still has that feel 
When I was you man >> Girl, when i was in middle school LMFAO boys would be havin this shit playing after they “break up” with they middle school gf. All jokes aside another radio hit to be soo sad and slow but classic lyrics and heart-wrenching vocals 
Natalie  >> I STILL LISTEN TO THIS SONG (i still listen to all of these) but this is soo catchy and tells a story and it’s fun!! “NAAAATALIE SHE RAN AWAY WITH ALL MY MONEY” it has such a timeless feeling which is something bruno does so well
Show Me >> AGAIN a taste bender classic pop but with an almost island flair that was summery and fun and over all a good time for the kids!! Like wtf just a good song and i lived for it mmk
Money Make Her Smile >> Yes ma’am YES FUCKING MA’AM what an ass shaker like straight to the damn point idc idc “MUSIC MAKE HER DANCE AND MONEY MONEY MONEY MAKE HER SMILE” what did he say? He innocent.
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If I knew >> BRINGING THE OLD TO THE NEW. 2012 was such a time of new this and new that and look at this and this was refreshing and his vocal are everything. It has such a “jukebox” vibe to it and brings the album full circle 
Was this album probably a cocaine filled bender bruno? Probably! and lots of albums are so what??!! But BRUNO MARS knows wtf he’s doing and he is a beautiful writer! Do you know how many songs he has written???? Bitch lemme stop point is 
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moldybreadguys · 7 years
how the dillyio did I not notice this survey I was tagged in almost a month ago
@lunatics-on-the-grass was kind enough to tag Danny V in a survey, and now he must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people some cool folk!
1. Drink: almost a full gallon of milk
2. Phone call: the homie Cory, who needed to know about an irresponsible thing I did last Monday
3. Text message: eh Stevie!, who I’m gonna be collabbing with on a song soon
4. Song you listened to: the theme from The Journeyman Project cuz it’s soooo good
5. Time you cried: Saturday night, in the midst of a very bad emotional night
6. Dated someone twice: yes. 10/10 do not recommend
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yeppers
8. Been cheated on: yupperoni
9. Lost someone special: oh yeah
10. Been depressed: Yes | Definition of Yes by Merriam-Webster
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: several times, typically means imma be hungover for the next day lol
12. blues
13. reds
14. silvers
15. Made new friends: very yes
16. Fallen out of love: it’s been a long time since I’ve felt like I was in love with someone, bub
17. Laughed until you cried: not this year
18. Found out someone was talking about you: wouldn’t be surprised
19. Met someone who changed you: several actually. one in particular hurt me really badly, but another has been a real good boon for me
20. Found out who your friends are: to an extent
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: once
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: a decent majority of them, though there are those that know me only by association
23. Do you have any pets: I wish. my apartment woulda charged me a deposit fee if I had and my parents won’t let me have one now, sooo
24. Do you want to change your name: nahh, I like being dan vallerand
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: read the entry for 7/2 here, but on my actual birthday I visited parents, met up with a girl from Patterson at a coffee shop (but it didn’t go well) and cracked open many cold ones with the boys later that night
26. What time did you wake up: 7am, cuz lol, busy morning today
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: succumbing to sleep deprivation
28. Name something you can’t wait for: honestly, a better life where I’m actually successful with my music, people like me, I have a better job, my own condo, and am with someone that genuinely cares about me and won’t disappear after 3 months
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like a few mins ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my issues with self-doubt
31. What are you listening right now: the many song fragments rumbling about in my head
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: several, lol
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: I don’t want to talk about it publicly
34. Most visited Website: idk, I never really pay attention to that
35. Mole/s: one big one, but it’s been there forever
36. Mark/s: just heart surgery scars
37. Childhood dream: having friends, siblings, a bigger family, fitting in with classmates better, etc
38. Haircolour: a light brown
39. Long or short hair: eh. I don’t look good with short hair
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i doubt she feels the same
41. What do you like about yourself: my singing voice for sure!
42. Piercings: nah, i’m cool
43. Bloodtype: I genuinely don’t know but I can say I can’t give blood due to being on blood thinners
44. Nickname: Danny is most folk’s preferred one
45. Relationship status: permasingle, your choice of 7″ or 45
46. Zodiac: cancer
47. Pronouns: he/him
48. Favourite TV Show: classic Doctor Who for life, son
49. Tattoos: if I wasn’t terrified of needles then I’d have something to say here lol
50. Right or left hand: righty-tighty
51. Surgery: four heart surgeries and my wisdom teeth removed
52. Hair dyed in different color: nah, I’d look goofy af in differently colored hair
53. Sport: I like watching pro wrestling and the Raiders when they have a good season, but that's about it
55. Vacation: lol, wage slaves can’t afford nice vacations
56. Pair of trainers: i’m not one to wear those tbh
57. Eating: it was quesadilla night last night and damn son was it gooooood~
58. Drinking: milk
59. I’m about to: go eat brekkie and collab with some buddies today!
61. Waiting for: things to go right for a change
62. Want: to have a better everything, honestly. a better job, a better circle of friends, etcetera
63. Get married: it’d be nice someday, but i’m very sure the next time i’ll ever end up in a relationship is a very long time form now
64. Career: successful musician with burgeoning writing life
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes, I guess?
67. Shorter or taller: not important
68. Older or younger: also unimportant, cuz to me how you talk to me defines that for me
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: son of unimportant
71. Sensitive or loud: i’m leaning more towards sensitive, but not too sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, all the way. hooking up makes me uncomfortable
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a mix of the two
74. Kissed a stranger: nope, not my sorta thing
75. Drank hard liquor: a handful of times
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i have lost plenty of sunglasses in my time and it’s always thE BEST ONES O:
77. Turned someone down: yeah, a handful of times, and typically cuz i feel like it’s being forced on me
78. Sex in the first date: no, cuz if you do it too soon things get weird
79. Broken someone’s heart: i’m hoping not, but I prolly have at least once
80. Had your heart broken: *finger guns* ayyyy
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah, several times. sometimes it bites me in the ass
84. Yourself: it varies day by day
85. Miracles: also varies, but i’m more apropos to call certain events miracles instead
86. Love at first sight: not necessarily, but if someone is very much like myself i’m more apt to connect sooner
87. Santa Claus: the age of clausability was passed a long time ago, friends
88. Kiss on the first date: deffo, if things go well and lean that way
89. Angels: *shrugs*
90. Current best friends name: i have a rotating circle of friends, but usually it’s the people that talk to me the most. permanent ones include kenny, phil, and colton for sure though
91. Eyecolour: hazel eyes, you’re standing close to me~
92. Favourite movie: i don’t have a specific fave, so let me give you several of them - ghostbusters 2, xanadu, blues brothers, army of darkness, scary movie 2, etc *finger guns* letsa go @bilbao-song @nightingalemillo @deschaines @psi-groovin @veillees @misterkingdom @thinkingfilthy @whatdoesfriendmeantoyou @ihideinmymusic @xshot-in-the-dark
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occamsashes · 5 years
27.01mk4 --- FISH TANK
Sound comes through the darkness. Again.
Light fills the void. Again.
E.C. Gordo opens his eyes as strands of reality bend and sway around him. At first he is confused, but as time and space slice through him, he feels peace. He notices an electronic-like buzzing echoing through his surroundings. Without moving so much as a finger, Gordo lives countless lives. He glimpses segments of past and future through his helmet.
He is eating dinner with a family. He is the family.
He is dinner being eaten by a family. He is the family.
He is a wolf in a pack. He is the family still. He is the whole pack. Why is he still the family?
He is a redwood, standing still for a hundred years. Is this his family?
He is every termite in every log in every forest. //
He is the will of the salmon. //
He is the earth’s magnetic field. //
He is every employee of an interstellar arms corporation. //
He is on a couch in a run-down, decrepit spaceship. The Pig bus.
Observing his surroundings, he notices a television screen. It is alite with an old film, jumping between dialogue as though speaking to him. E.C. tunes in, and slowly pieces together that the contraption is protesting the very idea of space travel. It says:
// Hello Gordo
// I’m Teevy
27.019mk9 --- TOO LATE
“Is it any better world than it used to be? I rebel against this progress. What has this progress, this world civilization done for us? Machines and marvels… They’ve built these great cities of theirs, yes. They’ve prolonged life, yes. They’ve conquered nature they say and made a great, white world.
Is it any jollier than the world used to be in the good old days? When life was short? This space gun business, because of this project to shoot human beings at the stars. People don’t like it, shooting humans away into hard, frozen darkness. They’ll murmur.
Now, suppose someone cried, “Halt, stop this progress!” Suppose I shouted to the world, “Make an end to this progress!” I can talk. Radio is everywhere, this modern world is full of voices. I’m a master craftsman I have the right to talk!
They’ll listen, trust them. If I shout, “Arise, awake! Stop this progress before it is too late!”
Slaveries they put upon themselves today, they will impose tomorrow upon the whole world! Is man never to rest? Never to be free? The time will come when you in your turn will be forced away to take your chance upon strange planets, and in dreary, abominable places beyond the stars.
An end to progress. Make an end to this progress now. Let this be the last day of the scientific age. Make the space gun the symbol of all that drives us, and destroy it!”
E.C. can not help but wonder if he too was forced away to take his chance upon strange planets. If humanity was forced to send him away out of necessity, or out of curiosity; out of opportunity. E.C. holds his head. The answer is yes.
27.028mk7 --- PROBLEMATIC
He notices something odd. He is not breathing, and the electronic-like sound coming from all around him is in fact coming from him. He feels panic, and the sound grows louder and louder. He feels the urge to breathe, but the capacity to do so has gone. Louder and louder. It is as if his lungs are no longer there. Louder and louder. The sound abruptly stops when he notices he is not alone.
A single cockroach skitters along the wall opposite him, and his mind is immediately taken over by the thought of himself occupying this bug. He is momentarily convinced not to kill it, but as it makes its way to a surface within arms reach, he lashes out, scared and confused.
In the split second between deciding to squash it and the act of squashing it, Gordo’s surroundings once again transform. A new face appears on the TV, and a voice suddenly resounds through E.C.’s head. It says:
I know that you’re smarter. Did your charter, Alma Mater, but do ponder on this monster and the lyrics that I offer:
I’m aware that you are given times to make your own decision, but I do highly suggest that you just give the R a listen.
You’ve been missing simple moments, honing cronies for the loaning, people owe you, you know younger-when you couldn’t feed your hunger. See, but I’ve got something greater, gain more knowledge than the papers, be unbiased, only knowledge-lawless chapters in Valhalla.
Tell me do you sing to suffer? Brothers, sisters eat their mothers. I’m the offer you must order so that you can spend your dollars. Caller one yes you’re a winner, caller two seems you’re a sinner, easy lying for beginners when I try to eat your innards.
So the life that you have entered spent a plenty under weather, not too pleasant it’s a shame that now your pool is often tethered. I don’t say to each the rich, but hey, a dollar tastes like fish and when you slice a benji frankie it is frankly quite delish.
These are words I do abhonder, ponder longer than the mongrel. Congress lies and so do you, so simmer down, your mind has wandered. Like I said just give a listen. Slipping slow so quit your pissin’, I’m the R, I see it all, and I’m the g that stops your bitchin’.
I’m not adamant of your arrogance. Bafflement from the flair of this. Radical, my righteousness. Advocate for my relatives. Adjectives upon adjectives. Problematic, the bastard, but rápido with that Spanish shit, so let’s go and let’s manage it.
Dammit, you just need to learn to speak your mind get your motives going out your way to learn your lessons, then forget them, then progress until we guess we never movin’ groovin’ backwards, manga chapters, digest stories till it’s boring cause it’s gory and just cliché on the replay, so you sit there and do nothing.
E.C. changes the channel. He is more confused than before. As if that isn’t enough, he then notices a severed human head on the floor.
at it...
the head speaks. “What the fuck are you lookin’ at, fatass?”
27.027mk1 --- LARRY
“What the fuck are you lookin’ at, fatass?”
Taken aback, E.C. can only muster a quiet “eugh” sound.
“Oh great, you’re a vegetable.” The head takes a long inhale, much to E.C.’s further confusion, and slowly says, “Niiice tooo meet yooouu. IIII ammm Laaarry.”
Gordo responds again with a slightly louder “churf” noise.
“Me too, buddy. Me too. Aaaaanyway, that over there is Teevy... and we’re... uh, how you say, figments of your imagination.”
Gordo chokes, but manages to say “What?”
Surprised at the computerized sound of his own voice, he also lets out a small yelp.
“I said a few things mate, can you elaborate on what part you’re “what”ing?” Larry asks
“Where are we?” E.C. replies
“Dude I literally just told you I’m in ya damn head, how would I know about things outside your realm of thought?” Larry says
E.C. literally cannot argue with that logic, and there is a long pause.
Larry breaks the silence, “Can you remember anything?”
27.036mk9ver4 --- HELIOTROPE
Pacing through the ship, E.C. says he remembers that the word “Heliotrope” holds some significance, but he can’t remember any further information. He pictures the flower, and tries to create memories based upon it. Maybe one will seem correct. Was that his significant other’s favorite flower? Was it some sort of space thing? Gordo can barely keep his head up, but when his eyes close, he still sees what he would, were his eyes still open. It’s an infinite loop of imaginary realities.He gains no rest, and his mind cycles back to the flower.
E.C. - “I don’t know why it echoes in my head, but I can’t get it out, and the part of me that knew why is dead. Can’t get to sleep, can’t stay awake, can’t be alive, but I can’t be dead.”
Larry - “Oh, yes you can!”
E.C. argues with himself and Larry for hours. Teevy chimes in seemingly at random with strange distorted footage. It starts to become too much for Gordo to comprehend.
27.045mk21 --- LAX MODE PANIC
Finally overwhelmed, E.C. decides to hide in a closet, away from his two alleged “imaginary” friends. He grows anxious and afraid, the closet seems to close in on him, and he is taken to the darkest corners of his mind. He decides he cannot handle this, and the only option is suicide.
E.C. - “Reach into your mind, try to decide how to die.”
“How does it know I can only relax in panic mode?”
This last sentence is complete nonsense to him, further adding to his panic. If his own thoughts are not his own, how can he be certain he is still himself? His thoughts slowly turn from fearful to violent. Who is responsible for this? Where is he?
When is he?
Why is he?
Who is he?
27.054mk6ver5 --- HOLD ON
E.C. - “I can’t take it, I can’t take much more.”
“I forgot how to be myself”
He rounds up his friends, and an old e-piano, and goes out into the vacuum. He plays himself one last tune to set the mood, and hits himself in the head with a can of crab juice. He feels his eyes get sucked out. He feels the very skin on his very hands boil and freeze simultaneously. And he hears laughter coming from Larry.
Shocked and angered, E.C. does not die, and Larry finds this amusing. Gordo throws him into space in a fit of confused rage. He immediately regrets this decision, and dives after him, scared. His own fear and anxiety distort space and time around him once more, transporting him through moments of human history, past and future.
27.063mk3 --- ANYWAY
He finally catches Larry, and takes a moment to calm down. He starts to notice the beauty of his surroundings, colorful nebulas, the sheer size of it all would be breathtaking if he could breathe. He begins to have flashbacks of his life, remembering more and more of it the longer he stays motionless and calm, floating in space.
He recalls moments of his time spent on earth. His brain
With friends, out eating and drinking. brought back
Hiking through the woods. from death
Going to space several times. by the AI
And a peculiar image of a brain hooked up to electronics. in his helmet.
27.072mk1 --- DO IT AGAIN
Filled with determination, he returns to his ship. He is determined to find earth by any means necessary. He rips apart the ship searching for clues. He finds several documents: sketches of himself, tall tales of his adventures across the galaxy.
“Have these things happened?” He asks himself, “I have no memory of this one” he sets down a transcript of an apparent interaction with what the author calls “duckosaurs” and just as he does, the technology on his wrist begins to spark and glitch.
27.081mk12 --- WARPIN’
He is suddenly somewhere else, again and again and again. Sometimes he is in many places at once, and as his eyes begin to adjust to one (three), he is zapped to another. He is running.
“What am I running from?” Turning to look behind him, E.C. sees dozens of unimaginable creatures chasing after him.
“Maybe… maybe I’m imagining this, too?” He tries to imagine earth, and just as he does, the warping stops.
27.09mk1 --- SEROTONIN
He opens his eyes, and he’s on the ship. Looking out the window, he sees earth. He imagines walking through a busy street, and just like that, he is on the planet. But it is not how he remembers it. Namely, the people are not people. They are a horrible combination of duck and dinosaur.
On the duckosaur planet, E.C. suddenly feels an immense pain in his head. The AI in his helmet has connected to an internet signal, and all at once E.C. knows the history of the duckosaur planet. He knows their customs, their way of life, and can understand their language. He asks around about “Earth” and comes to find that it has been destroyed by a black hole.
27.1mk2ver3 --- SLIGHTLY (COMPLETELY)
He imagines himself back on the ship, orbiting duckosaur world. He sits there, mortified, for what could have been months, years, or centuries. He can’t even maintain a coherent train of thought, as if several people are inhabiting his brain. But it’s just 2.
E.C. - “Everything I thought I was is gone.
     Everyone I thought I knew was lying all along.
    Everywhere I’ve been, and every time I go,
    Just doesn’t seem to matter anymore”
He decides to go through the wormhole. He will find earth. Any earth. by any means necessary.
He closes his eyes and imagines the void.
// Again.
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itsayrewolf · 5 years
Okay, to quote Little  Enos Burdette, from Smokey & The Bandit 2, ” This bullshit has to stop ” The conditions here at the Evergreen of Burley are really getting bad. It’s went from bad to worse. Years ago it tweren’t bad, but lately its deterating to the point its getting unlivable. First when I squaked about the dang soda machine suckin the $1.50 for a soda, but not kicking out the soda, that pissed me off. The getting pissed was due, to for some odd reason, equipment, ripping down a apple tree, that not only produced fruit, but provided some shade in the afternoons. Add to that snail speed Internet, half ass’d cable TV, a bathtub , that is virtually unusable, drain wont work right, plus you attempt to adjust the valve so you don’t burn your butt off, if I’m paying for a bath tub , I want a bathtub. Not just a shower. Add to that a gravel parking lot, ancient plumbing that made two of us sick, well you get the point. So I gave in 30 days, long enough to gather my gear together and make arrangements in Etown Wyoming. Now its not just the Evergreen. I thought sure as hell, that there would be at least one inexpensive office space for rent here, and at least a shop. I had a shop in line, except the prick that owned it wanted $750.00 for the damn thing. It don’t have no heat, no toilet, no insulation, bullsbreath, but like a trusting soul, I raked out $650.00 with promise of the rest of the $100.00 in a week. Of course while I had cash, paid the rent here at the Evergreen, reluctanly, and wouldn’t have had I knew the prick with the shop was going to bamboozle me, by jacking the rent, on it, then not even giving back the deposit. Horse stuff. Same situation, although I have heard, many noises from others that say , there needs to be a good radio station here, yet try as we might, can’t find nothing with enough room or a low enough rent rate. Thought we had one over here at Mountain West Realty of Burley, bastard there kept me waiting for a month, when I said its time to crap or get off the pot, he decided not. I read a thing from associate Zeb Bell, this evening , of everyone should pull their own weight. I agree, but there are those of us that would if we could, yet there is no hand up. I’m not saying Hand out, but a hand up. Let me shed a quick note here on this situation. In 2012, the Knytes and the WolfPack, were poised and ready to buy out KBAR AM 1230 here. We struck a deal with CEO Kim Lee, on the purchase price and it was just dotting I’s and crossing T’s. When it came down to the line, Kim calls me and says , he no longer wanted to sell the station. At that point any former friendship or loyalty to the guy, plus any respect flew right out the outhouse window. So we have been gearing up to get another station up here, as a both a CP and an allocation for License by the FCC, has opened up, and we are filing for it. Pending that KDXC or KAY-DIX-CEE will go on the air. But getting the hand up instead of hand out as Zeb was writing about. It was he, Gina and two others for some reason that protested the sale. Now that asside and the shop. Since we have been here the last 2-1/2 years we have busted butt trying to find lady on airs, as well as cover girls to publicize the upcoming station as well as HCC.  I don’t know how much money the Knytes and I have spent, on recruitment ads on Facebook, and trade publications, but I might as well have poured gas on the money and threw a match to it. Nobody wants to get off their lazy , Social Security , welfare butts , and make a couple of grand for a days photo, or video session. More over , $30.00 an hour to be on LIVE radio. So what the pee-pickin, reason am I here? The new hire here has perked me up very well. TJ, has the looks and attitude, and as far as lower limbs she has the legs and feet/toes to satisfy that requirement. In fact, outside of Ice Queen >< it was her legs in that sun dress and those fury boots that got my attention. Although not wearing nylons, I thought she was, and was going to test the theory, but with her south of the border guy pal there thought not, but wanted to. Now then the whole complex thought and to some degree so did my PoohBear >< which isn’t it. Sure its cool to have lady friends, without having a hard on for her.  It’s like I told PoohBear earlier when she called. If I need a piece of strange that bad , $400.00 and a tank of fuel and Miss Donna’s or the Sugar Shack in Wells Nevada takes care of that. What I’m into the most is making a ass kicking
Southern Radio station on the air making killer green. Speaking of here is Miss WolfPack FM for 2020, TJ > < all we need do now is find Miss Hazzard County  and we’ll be set, but there needs to be it happens quick, if it don’t then come October 1st the AyreCrew and I are outta here. Oh and as I part. You know how so many people claim they are for Veterans? I have heard Zeb Bell and that jerk at Mountain West Realty say that a lot. Yet when its a group of Marine aviators trying to build a radio station they only give lip.  Bottom line I’ve had it..
I gave only 30 more days, shyt has to improve or I’m groovin on the movin. Okay, to quote Little  Enos Burdette, from Smokey & The Bandit 2, " This bullshit has to stop " The conditions here at the Evergreen of Burley are really getting bad.
0 notes
addingtothenoiise · 7 years
34 min to midnight
It’s almost Friday
This week has been one for the books
I feel like i haven’t had time to soak anything, I’ve been moving and groovin nonstop.
Tomorrow after work i get to come home and sit down. Very exciting.
Don’t get me wrong, i feel awesome being busy and hanging with so many different friends doing nice things.
But i like my breath of air.
You’re my breathe of air you know that? I think when you can feel that okay and that peaceful with someone next to you, you just know that it’s going to be okay.
I don’t like to be alone (surprise) but i can’t be in crowds or with people all the time.
I like quiet, i like comfy. I like happy.
It’s been hard. It’s been good. I’m doing good.
Look good feel good is my new motto. Wearing heels to work is so not me but damn does it boost your confidence strutting through the office in those.
I feel like I’m living my days well and all. Truly.
But i don’t feel like I’m really living for anything.
If it sounds bad, maybe it is.
I’m doing ok.
But i really could use my person.
A new day is approaching. I’ll rise again.
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A little rewind.
For the record, my first posting of this deleted itself 😜. Not cool, absolutely not cool. But, I managed a shower this morning, so clearly I'm feeling optimistic about the day. So, second post naturally needs a little rewind. Third baby, my husband and I are clearly in "pro-status". We've been there, done that. We've got this. Sometimes the universe tries to send you messages. And sometimes, the universe feels the need to scream at you. Our first two pregnancies were absolutely uneventful. Apparently the universe decided to spice things up a bit for this one. We were given more growth ultrasounds than I can count and at 30 weeks pregnant I was put on exercise restrictions. All of my life, I have been blessed with the ability to 'do'. I could move when I want, how I want and how hard I want. I am the Queen of let me push myself a little harder; let me push my body and mind to the limits. In my first trimester, I doused myself in bug spray (if I never hear the word Zika again, it will be too damn soon) and pushed through the heat, nausea and breathlessness to run a pretty damn good 5th leg of the Beach to Bay relay run in Corpus. By the second trimester I had increased the number of classes I was teaching from 3 to 5 per week. I was movin', groovin', and feeling really proud of doing it all with my baby bump. Until, I couldn't. Universe: Becky, it might be time to take a lesson in slowing down. Me: I'm sorry, did you say something? I traded my HIIT workouts and teaching my beloved classes for walking by myself. It was definitely a change of pace, but I still managed 16,000 steps/ day (thank you Fitbit). Universe: Um, pretty sure you didn't get my message.... Me: 💁🏻 The end of the pregnancy had my OB singing a different tune. We were well passed possibly having to induce at 32 weeks and baby was measuring once again in the normal range. I was finally at ease enough to start googling natural laboring and laboring at home long enough to avoid an epidural. Yes, I am an anxiety-prone googler. You would be surprised at how many terrifying responses one can get by simply googling "accidental paralysis following epidural". I kid you not. So, as baby looked to be staying in for the long haul I was getting more and more psyched up for a natural labor. I even dreamed that one or both of my grandmother's came to me with a little inspiration and guidance: the pain is only temporary. How is that for some reassurance??? And then came the morning of what should have been a pretty normal 38 week ultrasound. Universe: K, I'm just going to scream now... Baby is breech. Baby is now only measuring around 3%. Google did not mentally prepare me for this 🙅🏻. And thus we were sent to labor and delivery..."just to see what happens". I was told to pack my bags "just in case". Because, of course when it comes to bringing a child into this world, the universe doesn't give a shit about how OCD you think you are. The universe makes the plans and holds the damn reigns. Buckle yourself in, you're in for the ride of your life. We waited for what seemed like eternity. My amazing doctor walks in the hospital room with her always present smile and I kid you not...her arm in a damn sling. Well of course, she broke her arm while ice skating on Christmas Eve. Really, universe?! As luck would have it, my doctor's husband was also on call that night. Thus, they would be running a sort of tag team mission. Really, you can't make this stuff up. And here is when the universe decided to get really playful. The first thing my doctor ordered: an epidural. Cue the anxiety and damning myself for ever googling in the first place. Next up on the list, an inversion. (Thankfully, I had never googled this procedure). Unfortunately, the easy "somersault" my tag-teaming doctors were planning did not go as planned. Almost immediately baby's heart rate dropped, and for lack of a better term: shit got real. My valiant husband gave me a thumbs up from the corner of the room as about 20 hospital staff rushed the room to prep us for a c section. (Ironically, yet another thing I had never googled as this just was never in the cards for me...touché universe, touché). I tried my best to drown out the doomsday scenarios that began playing in my head with as many silent prayers that I could come up with. Of course other irrational thoughts popped in my head: I hadn't shaved my legs that day, I probably need a touch up on my toe nail polish, I never got a chance to try the French Silk Ice Cream I had bought the day before. Have the pain meds really set in yet?? Am I literally being cut open?...like right now?!?? Please let this baby be okay. Please, please, please G-d don't let me leave my children motherless. And before I knew it she was here. The happiest sound was hearing the first cries of baby Lilah. Inhale. Exhale. Everything was going to be okay. And then they let the hubby come in the operating room. And, oh the look on his face. A good mix of happiness and terror. The tears of relief and joy and holy-crap-what-just-happened were overflowing. Yes universe, I hear you loud and clear. A month has almost passed and I type this with a precious babe in my arms. In true motherhood fashion, it feels like the longest and quickest month ever. We're sleep deprived, but surviving. We're learning to live our new life as a family of 5 and gearing up to celebrate the birth of our beautiful 5 year old tomorrow. My body feels different than my own. I am slow, tired and sore. I have lost much of my confidence in myself physically throughout this process. I have been left bruised and battered, but my blessings shine like the sun.
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