#but cross out the ‘is’ and replace it with ‘was’
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about-faces · 3 days ago
Oh sure, everyone loves Jason Todd because he’s such a tragic and suffering badass. They love how he was so close to Bruce but felt like Bruce abandoned Jason, let him down, and replaced him with another partner. They love his tough backstory growing up in poverty. They love his former idealism back in the good old days, even when that idealism crossed Batman’s moral boundaries in the name of the greater good. They love that Jason is so traumatized and unstable after his attack that they embrace him even at his worst. They love him becoming a mob boss, killing untold numbers of people with his twin pistols, creating more orphans in his wake, because they feel for his pain. They love him even while ignoring his bad stories, understanding that some writers simply don’t understand what makes him great, especially those stories that go out of their way to make him a villain. Most of all, they love the mutual, strained love between him and Batman, who never stops holding out hope that Jason will come back to him and not succumb to darkness again. They love Jason for all of that.
But when I, Harvey Dent
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mead-iocre · 2 days ago
Sun Burnt | Alexia Putellas x Brat!Reader
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anon says:
I can see beat!reader not putting sunscreen on because she wanted to tan even though she told her to put it on and she got really burnt
It then there’s spoiled!reader who wanted to tan so Leah sunscreen on her and gave her like a massage the put tanning oil on her and she only got a tiny bit burnt
warnings: always wear sunscreen pls x
word count: 545 (pt 1. brat!reader version)
"ow-- ow." You hiss as you poke at the angry red sunburns covering your shoulders. fucking hell.
Alexia lounged in her own cabana as she mixed the cocktail she was nursing while she watched you-- sunscreen-less and sexy-- frolicking around the beach. She watched you relax in the water, drive a jet ski like a lunatic, and join a random group of strangers play volleyball for the past hour. All the while, you never came over to apply sunscreen once.
"Ves? ¡Te lo dije!"
You glare at her over the rim of your sunglasses. Damn her and her sunburnt-free ass. "¡Shhh! ¡Cállate! Don't fucking nag now"
"I always tell you to wear sunscreen, no? And you don't listen--" Your girlfriend sighs before rummaging inside the raffia beach bag. You turn to look at the lingering traces of sun as it begins it decent. The pain was tolerable, as long as you limit your movements as much as possible. Maybe you should've listened to her 4 hours ago, you think.
"Come here." Turning to your girlfriend, you raise an eyebrow at her. She sighs, most likely thinking about whether she can take a return flight without you.
But she pats her lap, beckoning you over.
And like a sweet, compliant girlfriend, who's a whore for your sexy ass lover, you follow.
With heavy steps, you cross the small distance to Alexia's cabana. She sits up, gesturing for you to sit next to her. When you plop you're nearly sunburnt butt onto the plush, cooling cushion you nearly moan in relief. You had rolled down your cabana's canopy roof earlier to sunbathe so you came back to cushions like coals on a girll.
She waves her finger in the air, signalling for you to turn around, so you do. You were about to open your mouth and say something to rile her up, but you are stopped by the feel of her hands-- cool-- against your sunburnt shoulders.
"Oh fuckkk..." You moan aloud. Your girlfriend snickers, rubbing the aloe vera gel into your skin. The gel feels like a soothing balm of relief. The heat that had been lingering on her shoulders starts to dissipate, replaced by a refreshing, almost weightless sensation.
"Not too loud, bebe" She massages your shoulders, with gentle but firm hands. "We'll get kicked out"
"I don't care. This feels too good-- fuckkk"
Your lover chuckles, reaching over to cup her palm over your mouth. Traces of aloe vera linger on her hand but it feels cool against your face, so you don't fight it. She tilts your head back, head falling onto her shoulder, until your body was practically laying against hers.
"Shh. I swear to god-- I paid a fuck ton of money for this resort. Quit it" Her voice was firm but there was a hint of lightness in her tone.
When she's sure you won't try to do anything that might make the resort call security, she releases her hold over you mouth. You sink into her, the aloe vera gel giving you much needed relief even against her warm skin. She stretches her legs, caging you between them, before wrapping her arms around you.
"Vale. What have you learne-----" Now it was your turn to press your palm against her mouth. You turn your head towards her to glare at her.
But all she goes is give you a smile, her eyes turning to pretty hazel crescent moons, her cheeks lifting even from underneath your palm.
She kisses your palm once, then twice. She pulls your hand away from her mouth before her lips find your cheeks, neck, sunburnt shoulders and any bit of skin she can reach.
Who knew aloe vera and kisses could sooth sunburns.
i was not planning to write tonight but i just spent the last 30 minutes writing this. inspired by one of yall's asks! hope the anon who sent the request in enjoys this blurb that was not supposed to be a blurb lol
・❥・- kisses, butter
*This work is my original creation. Please don’t copy, share, or translate it without asking for my permission first. Thanks for respecting that!
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faeylayn-blog · 2 days ago
"Dragon, I've come to slay you!" Confused, you look at the unarmored child pointing a wooden sword at you. Her eyes are shot through with blood red and the dried tears have left salt tracks down her cheeks that glisten in the icy realm you call your own. You’ve seen that look of determination before, by several humans with some emotional wound they seek to cover by trying to take it out on a valuable prize.
You lock eyes as your bulk shifts to align with hers in the narrow cavern. “So I see. And I have no doubt that you would do your utmost in your attempt. But I wonder…” You pause as she stumbles and struggles to maintain her posture. “If you might wish to rest and recover before you do so? You would need all your strength to slay a dragon such as myself, wouldn’t you?”
She grips her sword even more tightly, forcing it to remain pointed at your eyes. “You can’t trick me! I - I - I’m going to get you! You won’t make me stop so you can beat me while I’m not ready!”
You raise a claw to your chest, exaggerating the innocence to her accusations. “I have no intention of it. I simply think that it would not be a fair fight as you currently are. I give you my word that I will do nothing to harm you until you wish to fight me.” Your arm opens to a large alcove of soft plants and cushions you often nap in and quietly offer, “It’s such a long climb up to my home, surely you could use a few moments to catch your breath at least?”
Without waiting for an answer you turn to walk into the alcove, stoking a fire in the corner and looking around for the teapot your last human friend had left with you decades ago. Where did that damn thing go? 
Behind you, a shuffling series of the lightest footsteps follows you accompanied by a very shaky “W-well, ok maybe.” A small yawn rises behind you as you set the teapot above the fire.
You turn to see the child rubbing her eyes while bouncing from one foot to the other in the opening from the main cavern. “So… umm… is this your… lair?”
A light chuckle escapes your throat. “I suppose you could call it that. But it is my home. Please, feel free to take a seat.” 
She warily eyes every corner of the alcove as though a trap might jump out from any shadow. You smile as she hoists herself up onto a pillow and sinks into the soft platform. 
She lets go of her wooden sword as she tries to sit up. It’s little more than two large sticks crudely tied together with a childish knot holding the cross-like shape. You clear your throat, “That’s quite a formidable weapon you’ve got there. Did you fashion it yourself?”
The child looks around in a panic before seizing the sword and holding it tightly to her chest. “Y-yes. I… I figured I’d need a strong weapon… to fight a dragon and all.” She eyes you, looking for any sign of anger or a need to defend herself.
“It certainly seems like a good idea if that’s what you need to do.” The teapot begins to whistle and you turn to take it off the fire, pouring some hot water over peppermint leaves and taking the tray over to her pillow. She’s not clutching the weapon as tightly when you place the tray down. “Do you like peppermint? I’ve been told it’s quite good after a long trek in the cold.”
You step back and loaf on the ground, and her shoulders lose the tension that had built up. She reaches over and takes the cup, sniffing it, “Mmm peppermint is my favorite.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” You search her face for the anger and determination that dominated her eyes when she first yelled out to you, but it’s been replaced with a calm softness that appears to come very easily to her.
“You’re a lot nicer than I’d thought you’d be.”
You stretch your neck and grin. “I certainly try to be. So you can imagine my surprise when I heard you say you wanted to kill me. I don’t know what I did that has earned such enmity.”
The child stopped drinking and just stared into her cup for several long moments. Shadows from the fire began dwindling as the flames turned to coals. A crack. A pop.
“It’s not that. It’s my dad. They wanted to get the dragon he talked about. They took him. He… “ she rubbed her eyes again. ‘He told me stories. I thought I could find you, and then maybe they’d give him back. Maybe.” The fiery energy from earlier was now barely smouldering as she looked drained. She closed her eyes but she had no more tears to cry. “I…. I had to do something.”
Her father told her stories of a dragon on top of this mountain. It can’t be… “You’ve done quite a lot, more than you could imagine. It’s taken so much for you to come all this way. Right now it’s time to rest, child.”
“Hmm, yeah… You promised, right? You aren’t going to hurt me? I… can rest?”
“I promise you. Please sleep.”
You watch her drift off into exhausted slumber. You’ll have to thank her for letting her know what happened. 
You turn and walk out to the mouth of the cavern, each step building a rage you’ve not felt in many years.
She’ll be safe to stay here. But it’s time to pay an old friend a visit.
"Dragon, I've come to slay you!" Confused, you look at the unarmored child pointing a wooden sword at you.
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writeriguess · 16 hours ago
Can you do Katsuki x female reader where reader's daughter (who she had with another man years ago, her ex turned out to be abusive) finally warms up to Katsuki enough to start calling him her dad? The girl has traumas about her dad so it's a big step.
author's note: never mind about the GIF library—it only seems to work with certain tags. Katsuki's tag takes 5 minutes to load before throwing me with an error. I'll try adding GIFs to posts that actually load for me.
Piece by Piece
Katsuki had always been patient, in his own rough-edged way. He knew better than to force anything, especially when it came to your daughter, Aimi. She had every reason to be wary of men, of father figures, and he never blamed her for keeping her distance. He had seen the haunted look in her eyes when she flinched at loud voices, how she hesitated before speaking, always gauging if she was safe.
At first, she barely acknowledged him, only ever referring to him as "Mom’s boyfriend" or simply "Katsuki." It stung a little, but he never let it show. Instead, he showed up—again and again. Helping her with homework, cooking meals when you were busy, staying up with her when she had nightmares, and never pushing when she needed space. He wasn’t trying to replace anyone. He just wanted her to know that he wasn’t going anywhere.
There were tough days. Days where she barely spoke a word to him, locking herself in her room, the old memories dragging her down. On those nights, he’d stay up, making sure she knew he was around if she needed anything. Some nights she had nightmares. He heard her muffled cries through the door but never forced his way in. Instead, he left a cup of tea outside her door, a small note scrawled on it: "You’re safe. We’ve got you."
Slowly, she started warming up. Small things—like watching TV in the same room as him instead of avoiding him altogether. Asking him to pass the salt at dinner instead of pretending he didn’t exist. He took every small win, knowing trust took time.
Tonight was no different. You had fallen asleep on the couch after a long day, leaving Aimi and Katsuki alone in the kitchen. She sat at the table, lazily pushing around the remains of her dinner while Katsuki stood at the sink, washing dishes.
“You don’t have to do that,” Aimi mumbled, staring at the soapy water. “Mom’ll do it in the morning.”
Katsuki huffed, rinsing off a plate. “Tch. Ain’t lettin’ her wake up to a mess. She does enough as it is.”
Aimi was quiet for a moment, watching him. He knew that look—like she was debating something, turning it over in her mind. “You always help,” she said finally, almost accusingly.
Katsuki dried his hands and leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “Yeah. So?”
She fidgeted, picking at the edge of her sleeve. “My real dad never did.”
His chest tightened, but he didn’t say anything. Just let her talk.
“He used to yell at Mom a lot. At me, too.” Her voice was small, but steady. “I used to wish he’d just leave us alone. But when he finally did, I still felt…wrong. Like maybe I wasn’t good enough.”
Katsuki’s hands clenched into fists, his nails biting into his palms. The urge to track down that bastard and make him regret every word, every bruise, every scar he’d left on them—it burned hot inside him. But this moment wasn’t about his anger. It was about Aimi.
He forced himself to take a slow breath. “That asshole had nothin’ to do with your worth, kid. He was just a piece of shit who didn’t deserve you or your mom.”
Aimi looked up at him then, really looked at him. “You’re different.”
He shrugged, trying to play it cool even though his heart was hammering. “Damn right, I am.”
She gave a small, almost shy smile. Then, barely above a whisper, she said, “Thanks, Dad.”
Katsuki froze. The plate in his hand nearly slipped. He turned to her slowly, his throat tight. “What’d you just say?”
She shifted, suddenly nervous. “I mean—only if you want me to call you that—”
He was across the room before she could finish, pulling her into a hug. He felt her stiffen at first, but then she melted into him, clutching his shirt with small hands.
“You’re damn right I do,” he murmured, his voice rough, thick with emotion. “You’re my kid now, got it?”
Aimi sniffled against his chest. “Okay…Dad.”
Katsuki held her tighter, pressing his chin against her head. He stayed like that, letting her feel the steady strength of his arms. After a few moments, she let out a small laugh, muffled against his chest.
“You’re squishing me.”
He grunted but loosened his grip slightly. “Tch. You’ll live.”
She pulled back just enough to look up at him, her expression softer than he’d ever seen. “I think I’m really lucky.”
Katsuki’s throat tightened again, and he ruffled her hair roughly to hide the way his eyes burned. “Damn right you are. Best damn dad you coulda picked.”
She giggled, a sound so rare it made his heart ache. “Yeah. I think so too.”
Yeah, he’d never let her or you go. Not for anything.
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nicsnort · 2 days ago
Part of the Family
NSFW 18+ male orc x female reader
Contains: vaginal sex, fingering, size difference, exhibitionism, groping, implied impregnation, implied group sex, poor use of 1920s slang and style by Orcs
Word Count: 4385
Lore/World-building Prompt
Orcs came to defend your town when demons invaded. Now they've settled in, and after years of teasing them, they've finally had enough. It was time to make you part of the family.
Your sleepy little town had never expected an Orc tribe to move in a few years ago. Granted, you never expected the world to be invaded by demons, either. You remembered the moment that the Orcs rode into town well. They had been riding massive black horses the size of Clydesdales but with fire around their hooves and sharp meat-eating teeth. The Orcs had worn their traditional war paints and openly carried their weapons. Everyone had been terrified. Would they slaughter you all? Enslave the town?
They had called for the “ruler” of the town to speak with them. You vividly remember watching the town mayor approaching, trying to hide his fear. The tribe leader, Chief Gorim - a battle-scared, dark green, seven-foot-tall beast of a humanoid - slid off his horse, towering over the mayor, staring him down.
“You are afraid, human,” the chieftain commented in a low growl. “No need to be afraid. We have come as protection.”
The chief handed the mayor an official-looking parchment—a work contract. The Orcs were aware that rural regions of the human world lacked protection against the demonic hordes as the governments focused on protecting cities. So many of the Orc tribes, well-practiced in fighting demons and monsters, crossed the rift to provide protection. All the Orcs asked for in return were places to set up camp, provisions they could not gather from the land itself, and access to this world’s weapons and healing knowledge. A reasonable offer for people seeing the logic of their world changing rapidly and no way to fight against the demons otherwise.
True to their word, the Orcs protected your town and several others in the area. Unfortunately, their protection came with many more strings attached than originally stated. It was, for lack of a better phrase - a protection racket. Little did the towns know that Orc tribes were similar in structure and philosophy to the Italian Mafia. A rather ironic twist of fate, given that your little town had been the center of some Mafia activity over a century ago during the Prohibition Era. The small museum in town was a historically preserved speakeasy that told the story about the gambling den, a whiskey smuggling route, and a good old-fashioned shoot-out between the Feds and the gangsters along Main Street.
It was even more ironic that your Orcs - attempting to adapt to this “new human world” - decided to forgo their traditional dress and begin copying the Mafia’s style. The 1920s to 1950s Mafia was their preference. Their bows and arrows were replaced with machine guns. Their leather skirts and vests were replaced with cotton suits and fedoras. They began picking up the slang by watching documentaries and old films. The chief insisted that everyone call him “Godfather” and would tell everyone how the lead actor in that famous film looked like an Orc without the tusks. 
Sometimes, their obsession was more silly than scary. You overheard an Orc contemplating whether to call her future son the short Orc-like Tony or Al’capone after the “great warrior chief.” And seeing a non-warrior Orc in a flapper dress with the warriors wolf-whistling at the “sight of his gams” was certainly something. Who would have ever guessed that Orcs were into cross-dressing? However, given how Orcish genders seemed to be warrior and non-warrior regardless of sex, maybe it wasn’t cross-dressing. The Orcs had decided that warriors wore suits and non-warriors wore flapper or swing dresses.
Even with the Orcs running this protection racket, the town benefited more than it lost. You had all heard the horror stories of the areas first hit by the demons - towns annihilated, mass slaughter, people forced into slavery - compared to that prospect, paying a tribe of Orcs in tomato sauce, pasta, and historically accurate clothing was nothing. Not to mention that just like the Mafia they modeled themselves after, the Orcs started smuggling goods to and from their home dimension. The state and federal governments did not want any trade of materials that could “corrupt” humans (whatever that meant), but if they wouldn’t protect your town from demons, why bother listening to their ban? Magic potions were amazing.
But that all wrapped around to you. The person running the local speakeasy museum that the warrior Orcs claimed as their primary hangout spot. You were a historian and preservationist. While you had always sold alcohol at the museum’s speakeasy bar for those wanting to try moonshine or the local whiskey, it was never supposed to be a real bar. Yet, you had transformed the speakeasy museum into a functional bar at their large, weapon-carrying insistence. Your job had become more bar tender than museum worker, but to be honest, before the demons, your museum hadn’t ever gotten much business. Luckily, the “person in control of the alcohol” was a position that Orcs respected, and as you were the human who ran the “shrine” to the human “warrior tribes,” that respect was doubled.
“Here we go, boys,” you announced, setting five glasses of whiskey in front of the Orc warriors who had just come in from patrol.
“Ah, you're the bee’s knees, doll,” they replied with relief. You had long overcome the bristle you felt at being called “doll.” The Orcs were copying more of the language of the period they idolized. You had asked them once what they thought it meant - a pretty non-warrior - at least they were calling you pretty.
You headed into the backroom to gather more whiskey. Each Orc typically drank half a bottle when they came here after patrol, so you had to grab a few more to satisfy this group. As you were in the back, you could hear the chatter and laughter of the patrol join that of those already a couple of cups deep.
“Shrine maiden,” an Orc called out before swearing in Orcish, “raudt, doll! Bring another round of Oakengleam!”
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Some older Orcs struggled with the new slang when drunk and still fell into their old terms. They swore whenever it happened, but the translator spell refused to translate anything inappropriate, meaning you knew lots of Orcish swears. With your arms full of four bottles of whiskey, you returned to the front. The Orc that had called out to you leaned against the bar, putting full weight on the old polished wood.
“I told you, Ozoch, that was the last of it. You’ll have to wait until the runners return from the Rift.”
“Come on, it’s the chief’s - I mean - the don’s favorite. I know you have to have some.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You are suggesting that I use Godfather’s private supply to satiate your already drunk stomach?”
“Don’t try to use the Don to threaten me, weakling.”
Silence began to fall among the Orcs as they listened in. You lifted your head defiantly. The Orcs valued strength. Not just physical but mental. Backing down now would lose much of the respect they held for you. “I’m in charge of the alcohol. Even if I had Oakengleam, I wouldn’t give it to you for that. Get out and dry out.”
Ozoch slammed his fist on the counter, cracking the wood. “Don’t tell me what to do! You ain’t tribe!”
“That don’t mean she ain’t correct,” a low growling voice said behind Ozoch. The older Orc stiffened. Godfather had just walked in the door.
“Chie--Don Gorim,” Ozoch started as he turned around unsteadily. “I didn’t mean nothin’ by it.”
Godfather looked to the capo at his side and jerked his head. “Escort Ozoch out, Taugh. Take a walk, old friend, and consider how I said the dame was to be respected. Don’t make me force you to find that respect in concrete shoes.”
Properly cowed, Ozoch let Taugh escort him out. The old Orc likely would have a ground-down tusk the next time you saw him. It was a common mark of shame.
Godfather approached the bar. He silently examined the damage Ozoch did. A scowl crossed his face before he looked at you with a small smile. Reaching across the bar, he put a hand on your shoulder. “I will see this fixed, doll.”
Your heart rate was returning to normal, but you didn’t trust yourself enough to speak, so you nodded. He squeezed your shoulder lightly before releasing you. “Now, a mug of Oakengleam at my table, please.”
You breathed out slowly and returned his smile. “Of course, Godfather.”
Disappearing into the back where you kept Godfather’s private stash, you heard the conversation in the main room slowly return to normal. Alone among the alcohol, you took a moment to gather yourself. This wasn’t the first time you had to assert yourself, but it was the first time that an Orc had been violent towards you. Seeing them rip the wings off an imp with their bare hands was one thing, but knowing that fist would have cracked your head open was another. Allowing a couple of tears to escape your eyes, you quickly dried them. The don was waiting for his drink.
With a smile on your face, you brought Godfather his drink. While you were in the back, Taugh had returned, new abrasions on his knuckles. Godfather also had his advisor, Kormor, at his table. She was speaking quietly to him, ignoring your presence. 
The night went on as normal for an hour or so. More and more Orcs came into the speakeasy, nearly all of the warriors. You noticed that Kormor began walking around to the tables, speaking with the Orcs quietly. She would speak, they would take a moment, and then some would put up two fingers. It became apparent they were voting on something. You wondered what was so big of a decision that it required the warriors' input instead of the don's unilateral decision. It was none of your business, though.
 The bar's heat rose as the seats and stools reached capacity. It was not a big building, and the speakeasy area could only hold 60 humans or half as many Orcs. Your body was forced to brush against them as you served drinks. As you cleared mugs and glasses, bending over the table, their thick hands reached to steady you. Occasionally, an unknown hand was brave enough to sneak a grope in. Their earthy musk slowly began to make your head swim.
Godfather called for another drink. You ducked into the back, happy for the reprieve. Leaning against the cold brick wall, you felt your pussy throbbing. It was a secret you kept hidden from all those around you. You found the Orcs super hot. 
Before the invasion of demons, when all monsters were considered fantasy, monsters had been the subject of your fantasies. When it turned out that all sorts of monsters were real, when the Orcs came to your town, it was a terrifying but exciting moment. Unfortunately, the Orcs didn’t seem interested in humans sexually. Sure, they would occasionally grope you, but it seemed more like a game to them as they never did anything more. You had even started wearing the swing dresses they liked and brushing against them on purpose, trying to encourage them.
There were many times that after a long night of working, you had gone upstairs to your apartment above the museum with your panties soaked. You would take out your monster dildos and fuck yourself, yearning for it to be the Orcs you had just seen.
But now wasn’t the time for that. You didn’t have time to touch yourself. The don needed another mug of his favorite ale. As always, you would suffer through the arousal. As you set down a second mug of Oakengleam for Godfather, the underboss, Sehbuv, arrived. Sehbuv winked at you as he sat down. A faint blush came to your cheeks. He had always been one of the nicest to you and slipped you treats from the smuggled goods. It didn’t hurt that he was definitely one of the most handsome Orcs with forest green skin and alluring magenta eyes.
“Double whiskey, doll,” he ordered, “oh and, for you.” 
Sehbuv grabbed your hand and pressed something long, hard, and wet at the bottom into it. Looking down, you saw it was a tusk. An Orc tusk, yellowed with old age and very recently removed. To grind down a tusk of an orc was a mark of shame, to remove one was saying you did not recognize them as an Orc anymore. You looked back up at him, and he gave you another wink. Clenching your hand around the gift, you stuttered a thank you before running off for his drink.
“Stay a moment, have a seat,” Godfather told you when you returned. “We must have words.”
“Of-of course,” you replied, shocked and a bit worried. Your eyes darted around, looking for a chair. Suddenly, Sehbuv pulled you into his lap. You gasped, but along with sounding surprised, there was a clear undertone of sensuality in it. The Orc chuckled but didn’t say anything. You gave Godfather your attention, trying to ignore how your arousal spiked by merely sitting on Sehbuv’s lap. It did not help that one of his hands rested on your lower back to steady you.
“Doll, you’ve been a good associate of ours for a while now. What has it been four years?”
“Nearly, yes.” The Orcs had been here for a little over five years but didn’t discover their obsession until a year after they arrived; the museum became their hang-out a few months later. Come to think of it, Shebuv had been the first Orc to visit the museum.
Godfather nodded. “And even before then, I remember you. You were the only human brave enough to bring the tribute to our camp by yourself. You were the only one interested in learning about us.”
“I am sure I wasn’t the only--”
“You were. The only one to genuinely be interested, at least.” Godfather leaned back in his chair, taking a long sip of ale. As you waited for him to continue, Sehbuv set his drink on the table, his hand going to rest on his lap but finding your thigh instead. You glanced at him, but his attention was on the don.
“Anyway, what I am getting at is that you, doll, have contributed a lot to this family. Big things like this speakeasy and spreading the knowledge of your past warrior families. And little things like adding our favorites to the tap and our images to the shrine of your warriors.” He gestured to the small section where you had put some photos of the Orcs in action and a group photo of the tribe after they had donned their “human” clothing for the first time.
“You have done all of this for us. In some ways, you are already part of the family. But as Ozoch pointed out, you are not family.”
Sehbuv’s fingers found the hem of your skirt and began inching up your thigh. It was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on the don. “Given all that and what happened with Ozoch, I think it is time to give you an Orc.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I need a guard. Unless you are suggesting someone to help out around here lifting barrels and…” It was hard to speak coherently. Your head was swimming from the Orc musk and Sehbuv’s playful touch. 
Godfather’s eyes connected with Sehbuv’s. Instantly, the younger Orc’s roaming hand was on the table holding his drink. The older Orc’s attention turned back on you. “I don’t think you’re following. I mean uvna Orciani tullu--blasted bluenose witch, censoring the translation spell.”
Kormor touched his shoulder to calm him. “Why don’t you leave that for Sehbuv? Explain how things are changing.”
Godfather sighed and nodded. “Long and short of it. The demons in this area have been pushed back, and the Rift is secured. There is no need for the family to be here to protect your town and the others in this territory. My family is going back to our world.”
Your heart sank. All this time was wasted, and now your chance was lost completely.
“We cannot maintain our territory here and the Old World. The non-warriors, on the other side, need us warriors to return. But we do not want to leave behind the luxuries of your world. My family is leaving, but the Orcs staying behind will form a new family with Sehbuv as the don. We will each work a side of the Rift, streamlining our operation.”
From the depths, your heart soared. There was still a chance. You glanced at Sehbuv; he grinned. “Congratulations. I would have gotten some bubbly for you if I’d known.”
“Thanks, doll, I am sure we can find a way to celebrate.” The hand that had been supporting your back slid down and cupped your ass.
Godfather cleared his throat, forcing your attention back to him. “As I was sayin’, Sehbuv will be the head of the family here. This new family will need to put down roots to grow. Find humans in this world to bring into the family as Orc-kin.”
“And I want the first Orc-kin of my family to be you, doll,” Sehbuv revealed. 
Shocked was a tame term for what you felt. There weren’t any Orc-kin the tribe had brought with them, but you had heard of them. You knew becoming Orc-kin, an official member of an Orc tribe, was a massive honor and something not to be taken lightly. They only allowed those who they saw as worthy into the tribe. “I…I am honored…I--sorry, I don’t know what to say.”
“Say yes,” Kormor suggested dryly.
“Yes!” The entire speakeasy, which you just realized had been intensely listening in, cheered.
Godfather let them cheer for a full minute before raising a hand for silence. He was smiling. “Excellent. Usually, we would have a dedicated area for the induction, but I believe this sacred space works…and I don’t think Sehbuv can wait much longer. Let the ceremony begin!”
Another round of cheers. Chairs scrapped on the ground as the Orcs stood. They began moving the furniture to clear space. Sehbuv scooped you up and began carrying you over his shoulder. The Orcs began to separate into two groups: those who would stay with Sehbuv’s new tribe and those who would return to the other world with Godfather.
They spoke in Orcish to each other and began to circle around you. Sehbuv’s hand was solidly on your ass, his thick fingers squeezing your rump. Your arousal was spiking once more. You had to take care of yourself soon, or else you’d be begging an Orc to fuck you, but it wasn’t like you could leave in the middle of something like this.
Suddenly, you were on your back, splayed across a table, with Sehbuv pressing his clothed but very substantial erection between your legs. Through the haze of arousal, it clicked. “Oh, give me an Orc as in--”
“Knock you up, doll,” Sehbuv finished. Not quite what you had thought, but the result was the same. You were finally getting the Orc cock you longed for. Sehbuv slid his hand between your legs. His thick, calloused fingers pushed aside your sodden panties, gliding along your slick pussy. A wanton moan escaped your lips, and your hips tilted up needily.
“Hratz kaara-en olumno,” he said with pleasured surprise. The Orcs around you hooted and stomped their feet in celebration. His fingers began to stroke you slowly as his huge body leaned over yours. “I am going riteh kaar Orciani kaara-en juublern.”
“I have no idea what you just said, but whatever it was - yes! Please!” You rolled your hips, grinding against his fingers. Now that your dreams had become possible, you couldn’t wait any longer. He slipped a thick finger into you. A low moan escaped you; his finger felt as thick as two of yours. 
“How long have you wanted this, doll,” he asked, slowly pumping his finger in and out.
“Ever since you rode into town,” you confessed breathlessly.
“That is a long time.” He slipped another finger into your dripping hole and sped up fucking you with his hand. “Is that why you’ve been teasing us? You’ve been trying to get us to fuk you.”
“Yes! Please! I’m going to…” You gripped Sehbuv’s forearms as a powerful orgasm rocked your body. As you rode out the orgasm, he slowed the pumping of his fingers. Chest heaving, you stared up into his lustful eyes. You wanted more. 
Seeing your determination, a grin came to his face. “Undress, doll, before we tear that dress off you.”
He pulled back, allowing you to sit up. As his hand removed itself from inside of you, he grabbed your panties and, with a smooth tug, tore them from you. You stared at him with surprise. Lifting your sodden panties up, he sniffed deeply, then gave you a wink. Tucking the panties in his suit pocket, he slipped the jacket off and removed his suspenders. 
You kicked off your flats and sat up on the table. Sehbuv’s magenta eyes burned as they stared at you while he unbuttoned his shirt. You stared back, soaking in each inch of dark green skin he revealed. Reaching behind your back, you unzipped your dress. You couldn’t wear a bra with this low cut-off-the-shoulder dress; pulling the dress over your head, you were naked. The Orcs around you grunted and whooped as your body was bared to them.
Sehbuv was only halfway undressed. Your eyes were on him as you ran your hand over your body. Cupping your breasts, you began playing with your nipples. Twisting and tugging at them, releasing little moans as you did. Sehbuv nearly tore his pants in his hurry to remove them. His Orcish member sprang free, causing your pussy to clench at the sight. It was just as you had dreamed. Bright pink glands dripping with precum were proudly framed by the dark green foreskin of his long bulging cock. 
He batted your hands away from your breasts, and his hands took their place. His calloused fingers felt even better against your sensitive skin. Your free hands pulled his head down into a kiss. His tusks pressed against your flesh, his large mouth and tongue quickly overwhelming you.
Pulling back, he was handed a cup. “Drink up, doll.”
Taking the potion, you, without hesitation, drank the vivid green contents. It was a bit sour but had no immediate effect. “What was that?”
Sehbuv grinned. “Mostly an endurance potion.”
You had no time to wonder what he meant by mostly. He grabbed your head this time and gave you another dominating kiss. Pressing you down against the table, you felt his bare erection between your legs. He was about the same size as the largest toy you could fit in you, but the heat of it against your flesh had already surpassed your room-temperature silicone replicas.
“Please fuck me,” you gasped as he pressed kisses down your neck. “I need your cock in me.”
Pulling back slightly, Sehbuv held his cock against your slit, running his glands along it. “Mmm, fuck is same word in Orcish. I learned a little English for this. Doll, I am going to fuck your cunt with my cock now.”
The wide head of his cock pressed against your needy hole. You could feel him stretching you. God, this was so much better than silicone. Your hands clung to his shoulders as he slowly slid himself inside of you. “You feel good. Look at you taking me so well.”
You could feel every inch of his hot, hard cock as it entered you. You needed more, though. You needed all of him. “Move, please,” you begged.
“Whatever you say, doll.” Sehbuv began to thrust. You screamed in pleasure as his shaft hilted and hit every sensitive spot within you. His heavy balls slapped against your ass with each thrust. After a few thrusts, you were already approaching another orgasm.
“Fuck, Sehbuv! I’m already…I’m…”
“Tonight is about you, doll, don’t hold back.”
Another orgasm rocked your body, but Sehbuv didn’t lose pace. He kept thrusting into you, extending your pleasure. As your orgasm ended, he began to thrust faster. Each powerful thrust shook your body. Your legs locked around his waist in an attempt to hold on. Sehbuv began to grunt, and his grip on your flesh tightened. He was getting close.
“Are ya ready for me? I’m gonna fill you up,” he announced with a low growl.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chanted as yet a third orgasm approached. You needed something else to push you over the edge. You need him to cum in you.
Sehbuv’s thrusts became erratic. Then with a roar, you felt his thick cock swell within you. A scream tore from your throat as his hot sticky cum poured into your womb. Your nails dragged across his back as your body writhed from the pleasure. You swore you knew you were pregnant that instant. Fuck, given the magic potion, maybe you were.
“You good, doll,” Sehbuv asked as your straining muscles slowly released him.
“Yes…” You replied. Actually, you were better than fine. As Sehbuv pulled out of you, your body was already buzzing to go again. That was some endurance potion.
“Good. Cause the next part of the ceremony is about to begin.” Sehbuv stepped away from you. You sat up to see where he was gone and saw that all the other Orcs who had joined his side of the family were now naked and aroused as well. They stared at you with lustful eyes.
“Now that the seed of our new family has taken root, it needs fertilizer, doll,” Sehbev explained, “Orcs believe that power from all those who fuck the mother is given to a child. And you’ve been teasing us for years. You’ll make sure we’re satisfied, right?”
Your body buzzed with energy from the endurance potion. You looked around at the variety of Orc cocks and cunts around you. A grin came to your face. “I’ve been waiting five years for this; you all better make sure I am satisfied.”
Other Department of Monster Affairs works
After Party - m!Minotaur x f!reader, teratophilia, breeding, overstimulation.
Hello Neighbor - m!werewolf x f!reader, teratophilia, knotting, heat. One-shot.
Sex Therapist - m!Incubus x f!reader, hypnotism, dubious consent, teratophilia, blow jobs. Part 1.
For other works see my masterlist
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18+, mdni, incest, stepmom caitlyn, bottom caitlyn, non-con, vaginal fingering, cheating.
it's not like you planned this ever, really! it wasn't like you put it on your calendar to spend the entire saturday doing mischievous shit──but you did; you crossed the boundaries set, and you nearly ruined everything.
"a-ah!──s-stop, please s-stop──"
you're three fingers deep into your pretty little stepmommy as she whimpers, you don't stop. in fact, you speed up, dragging the digits along her spongy walls as your other hand smooths down her frizzy hairs damp with sweat from your touches.
"mommy," you coo, your lips brushing her ear. you're fully clothed while she's just in her flimsy lace bra, her nightgown and panties scattered along the floor.
caitlyn shuddered, her entire body shaking; she whimpered, actually fucking whimpered, the stern, proper woman nowhere to be seen as her stepdaughter opened up her pussy.
"you know you like it...." teeth nipped at her earlobe, and a strangled noise left caitlyn's lips. your thumb added to the mixture, rubbing at her swollen clit, the pressure making her cerulean eyes fill with tears. "why don't you give in? hmm? enjoy this, mommy.
your pretty stepmom squirmed in your hold, but it was useless. you were straddling the back of her thighs, free hand pressing into her lower back, keeping her pinned to the mattress.
the one she shared with your father
"s-stop" caitlyn stammered, her pale cheeks bursting with red tears that fell down her cheeks, staining the pillow beneath her. it was a sinful sight how she begged for you to stop but at the same time cried when you slowed down.
"oh, mommy," you chuckled, "do you really want me to stop?"
you crooked your fingers up right into that spongy spot that had her thighs tensing up and a choking noise leaving the back of her throat like clockwork. her hips rolled down against your fingers, and she soaked the pillow with her drool as her eyes rolled back.
yes, yes, yes, this woman was at the forefront of all of your carnal desires. how long did you go with pushing those feelings down...? how many dinners had you sat through, how many mornings were you woken up by her sweet voice, you deserved this; you deserved to have her at your mercy.
you chuckle deeply when she doesn't answer you, "i didn't think so."
caitlyn opens her mouth to say something, possibly to grumble, but you're sliding in a fourth finger, and she's coming undone.
it isn't sweet and soft; it's messy and dirty, her arousal costing your hand and the sheets. her walls wet and tight, squeezing around your fingers, pain and pleasure blooming under her skin. it's so good, ten times better than her husband could ever make her feel. while he struggled, you found the places to make her feel good almost immediately. it's addicting.
"this—this isn't right." caitlyn's pants were blinking rapidly to try and clear the stars from her vision.
"oh," your brow raises, and your lips quirk. your thumb kneads the flesh of the bend of her hip as you chuckle. caitlyn shivers at the touch; it's grounding just as much as it was forbidden.
"this can't happen again," caitlyn says weakly. your smile dropped, replaced by something akin to anger. caitlyn doesn't notice this and continues, far too overcome with guilt as she sits up, closing her legs and holding them together tightly. she continues, "i am your stepmother; if your father finds out you did this, he'll be angry."
you don't say a word; your throat feels dry.
caitlyn raises her chin up in a subtle show of confidence even as her cobalt hairs stick to her tear-stained cheeks and the bottom half of her body is soaked in her own cum. your eyes drift down her body, admiring her curves. the slickness of her cunt is still so wet despite already coming.
"are you listening to me?" caitlyn snapped, waving her hands in front of your face. her dumb expression changed into something stern. she was slowly turning back into the caitlyn you knew. "you better be listening, young lady, because──"
you couldn't take her nagging anymore. lunging forward, you pressed her back into the bed, your hand curling around her throat and fingers pressing right back into her.
"h-hey! nnngh!──"
you swallowed up caitlyn's moan with your lips as you finger-fucked her harder this time. the both of you kissed, well, more like you were shoving your tongue down her throat, and she was struggling to take it. saliva was dripping down her chin, her eyes were rapidly filling with condensation, and holy shit, did the front door just open──
a wicked gleam of satisfaction passes through your eyes as caitlyn shakes with the fear of getting caught.
it was a dirty little fantasy. the prodigal daughter and the gentle stepmother, it's as disgusting as it is alluring.
"girls!" you hear your father's voice ring out through the house. "i'm home early!"
caitlyn clenches down on your fingers. dirty little whore. she likes this—the thrill of getting caught in bed with her stepdaughter.
your fingertips press into her sweet spot, and she whimpers.
footsteps ascend up the stairs quickly, eager to see his family.
"shhhh." the squelching noises are a dead giveaway. the faint squeaking of the mattress springs as you slam your fingers into her leaky entrance; it's so wet and dirty, and the room smells like her cum and──
you apply just the right amount of pressure to caitlyn's clit, and she's falling limp as she comes again. pity she comes too fast; you'd like to draw it out and make her beg.
but you don't stop.
she's a trembling mess. her thighs shaking and her shell-pink lips parted and her eyes rolled back as you kept going, you never backed down from something you wanted, and god did you want her.
"girls? are you home?" your father calls out again, and caitlyn whimpers.
perhaps it's the fear of getting caught that had tears welling up in her eyes, or maybe it was just the humiliation and the disgust at herself for doing such a sinful act. how could she let her stepdaughter do this to her?
"mommy," your voice is a whisper, breath hot again on her face. this is so, so wrong, but what's even more wrong is that caitlyn wants more. fuck him, fuck this stupid house, fuck those stupid, brainless marriages, fuck her husband.
obediently behaving for the first time of the night, caitlyn arched her back, showing off every dip and curve that you loved so much. you swore she was sculpted by the gods to look so beautiful and ethereal.
"such a pretty mommy..." your free hand trails up her sides, fingertips cold against her heated skin. you grip the underside of her breast and sigh, enjoying how her breast jiggles each time you tweak her covered nipples. such a pretty mommy and all yours.
"moan for me, mommy. tell the world how good your stepdaughter is making you feel."
idk i dont rlly like this
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complete-clownery · 2 days ago
some fun facts about this whole picture
(also just because I share all of this with you guys, nothing is set in stone, if you have your own theories that's the coolest thing ever!!! Share them with me please!!)
🍜Some of y'all said that Macaque was sitting alone but believe me just because Bai He turned around to chat with MK and Mei she is only there because Macaque came and Macaque is only there because Bai He begged him to tag along,
🍜 You might have noticed that some of the chopstick holders and sauce holders have stickers on them. Those were put there by MK. He first did it when he was much younger to help decorate the shop because he overheard a convo between Tang and Pigsy discussing renovation and finances - it was a whole thing - Pigsy even got mad at MK, but they figured it out eventually and nowadays when the stickers get too worn MK replaces them with new ones
🍜 Mei is showing Bai He a puppy video you can hardly see it
🍜 Mei hardly even touches Red Son in the illustration, Red Son is just completely distraught by the idea of being so close to someone. (He's very embarrassed they might be blushing a bit too (I just weren't able to draw that properly lol))
🍜 Yeeah Yeah okay,,, I know there is a shadowpeach shaped question in the room bugging your minds like: omg clownery is it on purpose that they are the only characters that we can't see the faces of???
🍜MK is sitting on the outside of the boot because he keeps on getting up and helping pigsy around (it's not even a conscious decision anymore, whenever they sit down with the others he sits somewhere, where he can easily get up to land a hand to Pigsy (or to anyone in general))
Except from this one ;]
And my answer to that is: I made this drawing on a whim, I started drawing it purely to mess around with perspective and expected to give up halfway bc it looked ass, I could have hardly given it any deeper meaning or thought. How could've I possibly planned anything? The core elements of this picture are all developed while I was drawing it...
See when I sat down and got an idea about a group picture I wanted to differentiate the celestial monkeys (excluding MK) from the main group
This picture takes place some time after season 3 and a bit before season 4. I would like to say that Wukong and Macaque are not a part of this group. Especially in season 3 both of them have done terrible shit and regardless of where they're sitting and what they are doing, they're not part of it all.
For Macaque this is pretty easily illustrated, he is the one who stands out the most, not a lot of people want him there since they did try to kill members of the group even if he was under the influence of LBD. He's at a different table. MK invited them bc MK genuinely wants to be friend Macaque, but this was already stated: Bai He wants Macaque to be there - I have a lot of head canons about their relationship but I'm not going to talk about this here cuz this rant might get even longer - but Bai He at first was scared as fuck with Wukong around, she only felt better when Macaque was there. She has gotten better since then, as you can see she's pretty comfortable with MK and Mei (even Red Son surprisingly), but she still needs Macaque there.
Well for once he is turned away from the pov, we cant see his face already distancing him from you guys the viewers.
Making Wukong stand out and look isolated is a bit more tricky... He's in the group seemingly chatting with Sandy, he's there, part of the whole thing, but there are subtle hints about his environment and body language you might notice:
Also I think It has been made pretty evident in the show that Wukong loves eating right? If he was perfectly at ease he would at least have 3 bowls of noodles, yet he barely touched anything, he's not eating.
His body language is also closed off, arms crossed, legs just next to each other tightly, he's not comfortable, he's somewhere else, Sandy is there but his talking at Wukong rather than talking to him.
I mean he almost got Mei killed and the whole plan screwed since he was unwilling to cooperate and share his plans with the others. I like to think that Mei just straight up ignored him for a while,, same with pigsy,, those two had enough of Wukongs past getting MK in trouble, they do not like him (and them being so buddy buddy with him in later seasons is annoying af to me,,, maybe season 5 gets some form of pass, because more time has passed and Wukongs actions in season 4 were considerably better, but they were waaaaay too comfortable with him at season 5,,, it bugged me a lot)
I think they're also very aware of each other's presence (I have a whole au that plays between season 3 and 4 explaining how Macaque started living on the FFM with Wukong, so in that context,,,, damn they are having a BLAST especially Macaque, he would like to be anywhere but near Wukong :] )
🍜Also they're sitting away from each other as far as possible, and (this was not planned and got pointed out by one of my friends) Wukong is sitting closest to the sun and Macaque is the one who is in the shade the most
Sorry about the big monkey rant, I am just so extremely shadowpeach pilled that it distracts my brain form everything else
And once again: I tell all this stuff to you guys, but feel free to come up with your own theories about the illustration, details, backstories, whatever you have in mind. You guys have different interpretations makes it all the more fun!!
Please share your theories with me in the comments I would love to hear them 🍎🍊🍊
I'll edit this if I have more ideas 💡
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Wow okay
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primrosechronicles · 3 days ago
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"For the Queen: Prologue"
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Credits to @diviniyae and @graphic-cest for the dividers
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A Epic the Musical Telemachus x Sorcerer!Reader
Summary: After multiple restless nights plagued by the laughter of his mother’s unwelcome suitors, Prince Telemachus finds himself lost in the depths of the enchanted forest... Warnings: Mild Violence, the suitors Word Count: 1477
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He walked along the rocky path, the moon illuminating his way as the sound of crinkling leaves reached his ears. He stopped with a sigh and slumped against a tree.
He needed a break from those… suitors, their boisterous laughter overflowing throughout the castle. No matter how many sheep he counted or pillows he piled atop his head, he could still hear their chortling. 
Suddenly, he heard the howls of wolves, followed by the sound of their approaching footsteps. He sprinted as fast as he could, not knowing that he was driving himself deeper into the woods. Glancing over his shoulder to see if the wolves were still behind him, he failed to see where he was going, his foot struck something, and with a crash, he knocked over a jar of water.
"Hey! My water!" a voice shouted.
Telemachus turned to see a broken bowl, the water spilling onto the dirt. From the doorway, an annoyed sorcerer popped their head out, eyes narrowing at the mess.
"My apologies, I did not watch where I was going." he blurted, scrambling to piece the bowl back together.
The mage watched him, amused by how this clumsy man was. "Don’t bother," they said. "I’ve been meaning to replace that bowl anyway."
Crossing their arms, they gave him a curious look. "Why are you here, anyway? This part of the woods isn’t safe.".
He sighed, the very thought of them made him wanna vomit “I was taking a walk… the intruders… inside my house were too loud, I couldn't sleep.”
You open the door to your house and invite him to  “Come Inside, Prince Telemachus.”
“How.. Do you know my name…?” the prince says while parting the beaded Curtains.
You point outside the window “It's because the surrounding trees within 2 kilometers of my house have a spell cast on them.”
You guide him towards one of your work tables, on it a black piece of paper, then snap your fingers, then suddenly a paper with a symbol materializes before his eyes. “This sigil is a hybrid between a protection and illusion spell, it helps my house stay hidden from unwanted visitors.”
“Unwanted visitors? But how was I able to enter?” Asks the prince.
You sigh as you think back to the past souls who came to you for aid. “Before I moved into the forests near Ithaca, I was in another area, my spells and magic became known to the town and I was sought after for favors… “ you wince. “Most of them for very bad reasons.”
You turn to the prince “The reason why you got in is because you either have good intentions or… you simply got lost, one of the two, the spell makes the forest twist itself to keep bad people out and lost.”
“That's quite clever, does the forest possess a mind of its own?”  
You think about it for a second “No, it's linked to me in a way that I…I can’t seem to describe…..”  
After some time in conversation, you look out the window and you see the sky is in hues of deep violet and gold. “Night is approaching.” you offer your hand to the prince “allow me to accompany you back to the city, Prince.”
The Prince looks at your hand, then softly moves it back into your chest. “Do tell me, precisely, why it is necessary for me to hold onto your hand. Can't you simply walk in front of me and I follow close behind?” 
“It isn't as simple as that..” 
As the prince strides toward the forest, a root suddenly sprouts from the ground, catching his foot and sending him tumbling forward.  
He quickly pushes himself up, brushing the dirt from his clothes before turning to face the forest, his expression somewhere between surprised and kind of.. offended. “Is it a magical rule? Will I be trapped here if I refuse?”  
“No!” You huff. “It’s just… the forest doesn’t really trust people on their own. If you go in without me, it might—”  
“Ohhh,” he interrupts, smirking. “So you want  to hold my hand.”  
You sputter. “Also No! I—”  
He chuckles. “You must know that I merely jest with you.” Then, before you can argue, he reaches out and takes your hand, fingers warm against yours. He gives it a light squeeze. “There, lead the way sorcerer.”
You walk forward, pulling the Prince along as you do. The Forest's carefully threaded spell unravels just a bit as the fauna and rocks shift to clear a path for the both of you.
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The suitors have gotten bolder, more loud in their threats, It scared him. Telemachus sits at the foot of the entrance to his mothers room. Telemachus sits, gripping a sword in one hand and a shield on the other.
Their actions have made him paranoid that the suitors might break into his mother’s room while she is… vulnerable. While the Queen’s chambers are heavily guarded, and he does not doubt the abilities of those Guards… he cannot shake the chilling feeling of unease.
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The Queen pushes the door to her chambers but it gets caught against.. Something solid.. And it’s preventing her from not letting the doors completely open.
She peeks her head around the door and sees her son sleeping on the floor with a sword and shield on his person.
The Queen, Penelope, kneels down beside her son and gently shakes him awake. The prince stirs and his eyes open lazily. “Mother..?”
She chuckles at the sight of her son's bed head… or rather in this case a ‘floor-head’
“Yes, it's me Telemachus.. but why are you sleeping on the ground?” Her hand gently caresses  Telemachus' soft cheek. “And your eyelids.. They are quite swollen, did you cry last night?” He tensed up “Mother… To tell you the truth, I fear for your safety; The thought of the suitors causing you harm.. Cheats me of my rest.” 
“My son, I appreciate you being concerned for my safety.. But what more can you do? When your father left he entrusted multiple guards with the duty of protecting both you and me."
Telemachus looks away, doubt fills his soul, unconvinced by his mother’s words.
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The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks fills his ears as he gazes up at the ceiling, his Mother’s words occupying his head.
He knows that his mother is correct in assuming she is safe, even the guards that protected him ensured that he was secure; But he can’t help but dwell on it.
His mind drifts to you, and soon, an idea began to take shape.
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Telemachus walks through the forest with his wish in mind. The forest may be dense but the path feels strangely effortless, as it's like the forest…knows his purpose and welcomes his presence. 
He is filled with amazement as he sees the forest’s spell in action. He sees the trees reposition its roots, the rocks glide aside, and vines slither away to clear a path for him. As the final trees part, his breath catches in his throat; at the sight of you.
Under the shade of a large tree, you sit there sipping your drink. You set your cup down and gesture to the seat before you and as if expecting his presence today; a second cup waits for him. 
He takes the seat in front of you, taking a slow sip at his drink. A odd, but not uncomfortable tension fills the air.
“You mustn't place the security of your mother in the hands of my magic.” 
His head snaps up, his eyebrows furrowing “Why not? Your house is protected by this..” He wildly gestures around him “..protection spell!”
“Which is exactly why you shouldn't trust me, this protective barrier has many flaws; please ask for another sorcerer to do it.” Looking away from him, you drink your beverage.
“Sorcerers are difficult to find, let alone hire!” Suddenly he stood up and seizes your hand, effectively knocking your cup out of your hand shattering it into pieces. He kneels before you begging “Please… protect my mother… grace her with your protection… I will do anything.”
You sigh “...Get up Prince, you have no business kneeling for someone like me.” He gets on his feet, his pleading eyes locking with yours.
“Very well, I shall do whatever I can to make a protection spell for your mother.”
“Thank you! Thank you… my mother means so much to me I cannot thank you enough–” “Under one condition.”
You tighten your grip on his hand, silencing him with your gaze. “Anything regarding the spell, be it materials, herbs, or otherwise; you will provide them.”
Without warning, he pulls your hand and pulls you into a hug; his face buried in the crook of your neck, his tears staining your clothes. “I will do anything you ask.”
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A/N: this took me WEEKS to finish how the fuck am I supposed to update consistently help.
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gtgbabie0 · 24 hours ago
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{Wilderness!Nat caring for you when you get sick}
I love her sm I’m so not normal about her <3
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Winter was brutal, more than anyone could have anticipated— more than anyone was ready for. The dense greenery of the forest had become suffocated by a thick layer of snow, leaving nothing to hunt. It brought an emptiness that was eerily quiet save for the wind that carried an icy bite to it, as it whistles through the air, it felt almost taunting the way it whispers.
Or maybe you were just going insane, it felt like it— Tassia said it was just a fever that’ll pass within a few days but then those few days turned into weeks and you still felt like you were on deaths door— the hunger certainly wasn’t helping and the fact you struggled to keep down the little bits of food you did have was just the cherry ontop of the rotten cake.
All you could do was curl up by the fireplace, trying to soak up the warmth of the flames— although they seemed miles away, providing little warmth. Natalie watches you, brows furrowed with concern as she tucks the bear pelt around your trembling shoulders in hopes that the fur might just keep the cold from seeping into your achy bones.
“Sshh— shhh, you’re okay.” She hadn’t left your side since the first raspy coughing fit that had seized you up left you crying in her arms. Now she watches over you as you sleep, sitting crossed legged beside you on the floor— brushing her rough knuckles along your clammy cheek as you shiver. “You’re gonna be fine, baby.” The words are mostly to herself, she downright refuses to loose you to a fucking cold.
The orangey flames of the fireplace bring colour back to your sickly face— the usual grimace that curls over your lips was replaced by a much more relaxed expression, cheek smushed against the pillows as you snore away and for a moment she could almost trick herself into believing that you were feeling better— not currently fighting for your life.
“Nat?” The weak croak in your voice snaps her out of her thoughts and she’s immediately turning all her attention to you— hand cupping your cheek gently.
“Yeah, I’m here— m’right here—” her words are slightly frantic, replacing that usual ‘don’t-give-a-fuck’ attitude. “You need water?— extra blanket?”
You couldn’t help but smile up at her— it was weak, barely ghosting over your chapped lips but it was there and it made Natalie’s heart leap. “Yeah, water would be nice.” You only ask so she doesn’t feel so useless just sitting around and watching you get worse.
Slowly, you push yourself to sit up against the wall— a cushion stuffed behind your back as you watch her pour some water into a small cup— they needed to try and boil some more, the supply was beginning to run out. But right now that was the very least of Natalie’s concerns.
She shuffles to kneel beside you, helping you take a few slow sips of water— fingers curled around the base of the cup. “Can you try and eat something, please?”
Her words instantly draw out a croaky groan, that horrid grimace curdling over your face and finding a home on lips once again. “It’s pointless. I’d just bring it back up.”
“You have to try— it’ll help.” And you know she’s no longer asking.
You cave, not having the energy to fight her on it despite how much your stomach shrinks on itself at the thought of eating the shitty slices of bear meat in some watery-soupy concoction Mari stirs up— even with the hunger your fever had found a way to completely destroyed your appetite.
But for the sake of your girlfriend’s sanity you’d try, even letting her spoon feed you tiny mouthfuls— trying to fight that sickly feeling that creeps up your throat and instead focusing on how the fireplace eases that ache in your muscles if only a little.
“You did good— just try n’keep it down, yeah?” She offers you a supportive smile, her hand rubbing slow circles over your back as you nod, humming in agreement. “I can handle a snotty nose just not your vomit, s’fuckin gross.”
Her words draw a scoff from your lips, amused, glancing over to her with a smirk— “Mhm, thanks babe.” You deadpan, watching as she shuffles to sit behind you, legs resting either side of your body, motioning for you to lay back against her.
“I shouldn’t— I could be all contagious n'stuff.” You sniffle, meeting her eyes from behind your shoulder with a sad-half smile, ���I don’t wanna give you what I got.”
“I don’t care. Just c’mere silly.” It’s not an offer because her hands are tugging you backwards until you’re lying back against her chest, head tucked beneath her chin. “I’ll keep you warm.” She seals the promise with a kiss to the top of your head, arms wrapped tightly around you in a protective embrace. Natalie clings onto you like she's terrified you'll disappear, or succumb to this sickness, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't absolutely petrified of the idea.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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inseobts · 18 hours ago
hello!!! could you write one about how after a fight the crew had, zoro being turned into a kid and how chaotic it would be? nothing weird just some platonic fluff if it makes sense 😭
Baby-Zoro Chaos
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zoro x reader (platonic)
a/n: it's not really after a fight but I thought it would have been funnier like this lmao hope you'll like it (ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀)♡
words count: 1.0k
tags: platonic, child zoro, humor
masterlist || ao3 || ko-fi
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The argument is loud. Deafening, even. Voices crash over each other like waves in a storm, and it’s absolute pandemonium. Nami’s scolding Luffy with all the fury of a woman who has had enough of everyone's nonsense, Sanji’s throwing rapid-fire insults at Zoro, and you, poor, exhausted you, are trying (and failing) to restore some semblance of order before things spiral completely out of control.
Zoro, of course, refuses to back down, his arms crossed, his expression bored but somehow still managing to radiate pure stubbornness.
“You’re a walking disaster, Mosshead!” Sanji shouts, jabbing a finger at him, his other hand dramatically planted on his hip.
“Tch… shut up, cook” Zoro grumbles, like the human embodiment of an eye-roll.
Before another insult can be launched, before the chaos can climb to its inevitable crescendo, a blinding flash of light explodes.
Everything and everyone stops. Frozen mid-argument, blinking furiously, the crew barely has time to process what just happened before Luffy, ever the first to state the obvious, shouts “WHAT WAS THAT?!”
You turn to look toward Zoro and Sanji to see what they did, and there you instantly forget how to breathe.
Zoro is… small.
Not just small. Tiny. Miniature. Pocket-sized (not really but really close).
His usual towering, muscular frame is gone, replaced by something impossibly round and chubby. His oversized clothes hang off his tiny form like a poorly fitted costume, his green bandana slipping down over his ridiculously large, confused eyes. He stares down at his own tiny hands in horror.
Zoro opens his mouth to demand an explanation, to yell, to curse, but instead of his usual gruff voice, a high-pitched squeak escapes his lips “G-guh!”
The room is silent for all of two seconds before Luffy collapses onto the floor, absolutely howling with laughter.
“ZORO, YOU’RE A BABY! THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!” Luffy shrieks, slamming his fists against the ground as he wheezes.
Everyone else trying to hide their laughs.
Zoro, whose sheer presence is usually enough to strike fear into enemies, now looks like a furious, grumpy cherub. He stomps his tiny foot, but instead of an intimidating display of anger, he wobbles, loses his balance, and tumbles forward in the most unceremonious, helpless little roll.
“ZORO!” you yelp, lunging to catch him, but he’s already on the floor, his tiny fists flailing in frustration.
“Grah!” he shouts, or at least, tries to. What actually comes out is a high-pitched, indignant wail that only makes Luffy laugh harder.
Luffy scoops Zoro up with absolutely zero hesitation “I’m carrying you now! You’re my new little buddy!” he announces, swinging Zoro around like an overexcited kid with a new toy.
Zoro, whose entire being is built on strength and dignity, is now reduced to a tiny, helpless baby being manhandled by a rubber idiot. His eyes are practically shooting laser beams of rage “Goo-goo, gah!” he shrieks, flailing his tiny limbs in protest.
“Oh my god, I am never letting this go,” Sanji says, wiping a tear from his eye “Look at you, Marimo. Acting like a little brat already.”
Zoro turns his furious, oversized eyes on Sanji and, for a brief, glorious moment, tries to scowl. But the attempt is absolutely ruined by the way his lip trembles.
“Gaaah!” he cries out, trying to push against Luffy’s chest. Unfortunately, his tiny hands are as threatening as wet marshmallows. The realization that he has lost all his usual strength hits him like a ton of bricks.
His face scrunches up. His frustration mounts. And then—
A wail erupts from his tiny lungs, loud and dramatic “WAAAAAAAH!”
“Oh my god, he’s... he's crying” Usopp gasps.
You rush forward and scoop him into your arms before Luffy can swing him around again “Shh, shh, Zoro, it’s okay” you murmur, gently rocking him, but Zoro is having absolutely none of it. He kicks, he squirms, he shakes his tiny fists in a rage.
Sanji, grinning like he just won the lottery, leans in “Aw, poor little Zoro. Did someone get all cranky?”
Zoro’s face turns an even darker shade of red. He lets out an absolutely furious, nonsensical string of babbling that sounds suspiciously like an attempt at cursing. His chubby little arms flail toward Sanji, but his baby coordination betrays him, and he just ends up smacking himself in the face.
Luffy loses it all over again, slapping the floor as he cackles “HE HIT HIMSELF! OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN!”
Zoro, still struggling in your hold, lets out another furious wail before hiccupping mid-cry. His tiny body trembles as he sniffles, his pride in absolute tatters.
You sigh, stroking his soft green hair “Okay, let’s focus, guys. How do we fix this?”
Nami, who has been suspiciously quiet, finally steps forward. She looks at tiny, blubbering Zoro and tilts her head “Do we even want to fix this?”
“YES!” Zoro shrieks, though it comes out as “BAAABYYY!”
Chopper, ever the doctor, has his hooves on his chin, deep in thought “It could be temporary. Or maybe it’s a curse? Or a weird Devil Fruit power?”
“Well, until we fix him, he’s our new baby,” Luffy declares, grinning “I’m gonna take such good care of him.”
“Grrr!” Zoro whines, but his tantrum has tired him out. His little head droops against your chest, his energy spent. His tiny fists clutch weakly at your shirt as he lets out a small, defeated sigh.
“Looks like he’s finally calming down” you murmur, rubbing his back.
“Yeah, yeah,” Sanji smirks “Just don’t let him near sharp objects.”
You glance down at baby Zoro, his big eyes fluttering closed as he drifts off into an exhausted nap. Even like this, tiny and helpless, there’s still something undeniably Zoro about him. Stubborn, strong, and unwilling to back down—even if his body has completely betrayed him.
Luffy grins and reaches out, poking his tiny cheek “He’s so squishy.”
Zoro grumbles sleepily, too tired to protest.
You sigh, looking at the ridiculous scene before you “We’ll figure it out...” you say, though, deep down, a part of you knows that until you do, things are going to be absolute, unhinged chaos.
But then again, when is life with the Straw Hats ever anything else?
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calypso-rt · 2 days ago
Rafe x  A sweet kind Pouge!Reader: Kind of s1, with his hate against Pouges/still fighting too see them as equals. Maybe a oneshot-two shot? Reader’s having bad mental health/depression at the moment and so she decides to head out into nature and camp somewhere for the night to escape. Rafe is fed up with Ward who is constantly belittling him, needing a break and heads to nature to do the same. They both end up getting lost, and losing some of their equipment. Reader is plain and simple not a wilderness person and Rafe has bad luck. Their paths end up crossing and they are forced to be there for each other for the night, or well Rafe is the only one complaining, she tries to be cordial and friendly. Maybe his annoyance for her further effects her depression since she’s already feeling like a burden for existing. And maaaaaybe……..they have to share a sleepingbag together in order to keep warm and Rafe is the one who takes that step, not wanting her to be cold and starts feeling protective over her
A/N: what a creative request, I'm so honored you trusted me to create a story out of this. i've fallen in love with sweet pogue reader and rafe thanks to YOUU <3
out of the woods
-> S1 Rafe x F!Sweet!Pogue!Reader
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Rafe tells himself he’s not running.
He’s just... getting space. That’s all.
A break.
A second to breathe before Ward’s voice drills another hole into his skull, reminding him that he’s a disappointment. That he needs to step up. That no matter what he does, it’s never enough.
So, yeah. Maybe driving out here, parking his car on the side of a dirt road, and hiking into the woods wasn’t the most well thought out plan. But what was the alternative? Sitting in that house, listening to Ward’s condescending remarks over dinner? Watching Rose pretend not to hear it?
He needed out. Just for a night.
The thing is, Rafe doesn’t actually like nature.
Not in the let’s go on an adventure way.
But right now, the silence is the only thing keeping him from snapping.
He walks aimlessly, hands shoved in his pockets, jaw clenched so tight it aches. The sun is sinking behind the trees, shadows stretching longer across the ground, and he probably should’ve figured out where he was going before stomping off into the woods like an idiot.
He should go back.
But then he thinks about Ward, about the look on his face earlier, the disappointment etched into the syllable of his name, and Rafe keeps walking.
Because right now, being lost out here sounds a hell of a lot better than going home.
You’re not sure when you got lost, but you’re here now.
And here is officially nowhere.
Like Rafe, you told yourself this would help. That getting away for a night, leaving everything behind, would give you the reset you needed. That if you could just be alone, away from the noise, the expectations, the constant weight pressing down on your chest, maybe, just maybe, you’d feel something again.
The forest is too quiet and your backpack is starting to feel heavier, pressing against your shoulders, and when you pull your phone out for the hundredth time, it’s the same thing: No Service.
You swallow hard, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in your chest.
It’s fine. You’ll be fine.
Then, just as you’re debating whether to keep walking or set up camp, a branch snaps behind you.
You whip around so fast it makes you dizzy.
And standing there, looking equally displeased to see you, is Rafe Cameron.
You freeze.
He stares.
For a second, neither of you say anything, just blinking at each other like you’re both trying to process this nightmare.
Then Rafe exhales sharply, running a hand through his already-disheveled hair. "No fucking way."
You swallow, the immediate panic of being lost momentarily replaced with an entirely new kind of dread.
Because Rafe Cameron hates Pogues.
And now you’re stuck in the woods. With him.
You offer a nervous smile, shifting your weight. “Uh… hey?”
Rafe looks you up and down, his lips curling. "Of course it’s a damn Pogue." He shakes his head, muttering under his breath. “This is just fucking great.”
Your stomach twists.
“I—um,” you clear your throat, forcing yourself to stay calm, “I think I might be lost.”
Rafe barks out a humorless laugh. “Wow. Shocker.”
You frown, fingers tightening around the straps of your backpack. “Are you lost?”
His jaw tics. “No.”
You glance pointedly at the overgrown path behind him. “Are you sure?”
Rafe glares. “I don’t need some Pogue thinking she’s smarter than me.”
Your face flushes. “That’s not what I—”
He lets out a sharp exhale, shaking his head. “Out of all the people to run into, it had to be you.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, willing yourself to not take it personally. You know how Rafe is. How he sees you.
Still, it stings.
You shift uncomfortably. “Look, I know you hate me, but I—”
“Hate is a strong word,” Rafe interrupts flatly. Then, after a pause, he scoffs. “Actually, no. That’s accurate.”
You blink, throat tightening.
Okay. Ouch.
You try again, softer. “I didn’t plan on running into you, either. But maybe we should stick together? Just until we find a way back?”
Rafe lets out an incredulous laugh, stepping closer, his height suddenly a little more intimidating. “Yeah? And why the hell would I do that?”
You hesitate. “Because… being alone out here is dangerous?”
Rafe just snorts. “I think I’d take my chances.”
Your stomach twists again, but you push through it, offering him the smallest, most tentative smile. “I don’t want to be a bother, I promise. I just think we’d be safer if we—”
“Holy shit” Rafe groans, tilting his head back like you’re the most exhausting thing in the world. “You sound so fucking desperate.”
Your breath catches.
Something cold curls in your chest.
You look down, trying not to let it show, but Rafe is still staring at you, eyes sharp, waiting for you to fold.
And maybe a part of you wants to.
But instead, you inhale, steadying yourself, and lift your chin just slightly.
“Okay,” you say quietly. “Well, I’ll just keep looking on my own then.”
You turn to leave, but something in Rafe’s expression flickers.
It’s quick. Barely there.
But when you take a step, he exhales sharply through his nose, muttering, “Jesus Christ.”
You hesitate.
Your lips part in surprise, but Rafe just glares at you again, like he’s already regretting it.
“But if you slow me down," he says sharply, "I’m leaving your ass behind.”
You nod quickly, relieved despite the venom in his voice.
“Got it.”
Rafe grumbles something under his breath and turns on his heel, marching through the trees like he knows exactly where he’s going.
You don’t know what’s worse, the fact that you’re stuck with him, or the fact that, despite everything, you still don’t totally hate the idea.
This is a fucking disaster.
Not just being lost. Not just the dwindling daylight or the fact that his dad is going to lose his shit when he realizes Rafe never came home.
The real disaster? The fact that he’s stuck out here with you.
A Pogue. A sweet one, which somehow makes it worse.
Because if you were loud, whiny, or even remotely annoying, he’d have no problem ditching you. But instead, you’re... nice. Soft-spoken. The kind of person who smiles too easily and looks at the world like it won’t chew you up and spit you out.
It’s infuriating.
Almost as infuriating as the goddamn raccoon currently running off with the last granola bar.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Rafe hisses, watching in pure horror as the little shit disappears into the underbrush.
You stifle a giggle.
Rafe whips around, glaring. “Oh, you think this is funny?”
You press your lips together, fighting a smile. “It’s kind of funny.”
Rafe exhales sharply, dragging a hand down his face. “This is unreal.”
It’s bad enough that he’s stuck out here, but now this? First, his phone battery dies, then he loses his flashlight in the river, and now a raccoon has robbed him.
At this rate, he wouldn’t be surprised if a bear showed up just to mock him.
You shift beside him, your small backpack looking laughably unhelpful in a survival situation. “Do you have anything else?”
“No, I don’t have anything else,” Rafe snaps, standing up so fast it makes him dizzy. “Unless you have some magic Pogue survival tricks up your sleeve, we’re screwed.”
You frown slightly, like his tone stings, but you don’t snap back. You just sigh, thoughtful.
“Well… we still have water,” you point out. “And I do know a few things.”
Rafe scoffs. “Yeah, sure.”
“I do!”
“Like what?”
You glance at the sky, then back at him. “Like how to navigate using the stars.”
Rafe blinks.
You cross your arms, lifting your chin just slightly. “If we can get to higher ground, I can figure out which direction is south. And if we follow that, we should eventually hit a road.”
Rafe stares at you.
Then, deadpan: “You read that in a book, didn’t you?”
You flush. “…Maybe.”
He groans.
“Hey!” you protest. “It’s better than nothing.”
Rafe rolls his eyes. “You really think some random survival tip is gonna get us out of this?”
You shrug. “Do you have a better idea?”
Rafe opens his mouth, then closes it.
Because no. He doesn’t.
And that pisses him off more than anything.
He exhales sharply, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I hate this.”
You smile, just a little. “You hate everything.”
Rafe glares.
But after a long pause, after another sharp exhale, another glance at the sky, he grits his teeth.
Your eyes brighten slightly. “Fine?”
“We’ll do it your way,” he mutters. “But if this doesn’t work, I’m never letting you live it down.”
You smirk. “Deal.”
And just like that, you take the lead, heading toward the ridge in the distance.
Rafe follows, grumbling under his breath.
Because if there’s one thing worse than being lost in the woods it’s the fact that, just this once, a Pogue might actually be right.
You two had stopped to camp for the night since it was far too dark to see much.
You really should have packed better.
The cold seeps into your bones, cruel and relentless, as the temperature drops lower than you ever could’ve anticipated. Your thin top does nothing to stop the shivers wracking your body. You curl in on yourself, trying to will warmth into your limbs, but it’s no use.
You’re freezing.
And Rafe notices.
Which is just great.
Because he’s already annoyed at being stuck with you, already made it painfully clear that you’re nothing but an inconvenience to him. And now you’re sitting here, shivering like an idiot, proving exactly what he already believes. That you’re a burden.
Like you don’t already feel that way every day. Like you haven’t spent the past few weeks drowning in that feeling, in the crushing weight of your own existence, in the nagging thought that everyone would be better off if you just disappeared for a while.
You left home to escape that. To be alone, to not feel like dead weight for once.
And yet, here you are, making things harder for someone else again.
You squeeze your eyes shut, pressing your lips together as you try to control your breathing. You don’t want to cry in front of Rafe Cameron. He already thinks you’re pathetic.
A sharp sigh cuts through the silence.
“For fuck’s sake.”
You flinch slightly, curling in tighter, bracing for more. More grumbling, more complaints, more proof that you shouldn’t even be here.
Instead, Rafe moves.
There’s some rustling, a lot of grumbling, and then something drops into your lap.
You blink, looking down at the sleeping bag he’s just shoved toward you.
“I’m not letting you freeze to death,” he mutters.
You stare.
Then, hesitantly, “I—Rafe, this is yours.”
“Yeah, no shit,” he snaps, already looking irritated with himself. “But you clearly didn’t come prepared, and I’m not gonna sit here and watch you turn into a fucking icicle.”
Your fingers clutch the fabric, hesitation curling in your chest.
You don’t deserve this. Not his warmth, not his help. You’re the reason he’s miserable, the reason everything always seems to go wrong.
You shake your head. “I’ll be fine.”
“Bullshit,” he huffs. “You’re shaking so hard I can hear your teeth chattering.”
You bite your lip. “I don’t want to be a burden.”
Rafe stills.
For a second, he doesn’t say anything.
Then, quietly, so quietly you almost miss it...
“You’re not.”
Your breath catches.
It doesn’t sound like a grand declaration. Doesn’t even sound particularly convincing. If anything, it sounds like he’s just as surprised by the words as you are.
But then he exhales sharply, like he’s pissed at the situation rather than at you, and runs a hand through his hair.
“Just—fuck, just get in the sleeping bag.”
You hesitate.
He glares.
“Now, Pogue.”
You huff but finally, reluctantly, do as he says, scooting into the sleeping bag. The fabric is still warm from his body heat, and you try not to shiver too obviously as it sinks into your skin.
It helps, but not enough.
Your body is still too cold, your fingers still too stiff, your breath still coming out in sharp, uneven puffs.
Rafe watches you for a second. Then curses under his breath.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters. “Move over.”
Your eyes widen. “Wait, what?”
Rafe doesn’t repeat himself. Just shoves his way into the sleeping bag beside you, and suddenly, it’s small. Too small.
Your heart lurches into your throat as his body presses against yours, heat radiating from him in a way that makes you go still, breath hitching.
It’s awkward. Stiff. Rafe keeps as much distance as possible, jaw clenched, muscles tight.
You don’t blame him. You wouldn’t want to be stuck pressed against you either.
Minutes pass. The tension is thick, the silence heavier than the cold.
Then, gradually, Rafe shifts.
He exhales, like he’s battling something within himself. And then, with an irritated grumble, he moves closer, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you against his chest.
“Just shut up and go to sleep,” he mutters.
You don’t say anything.
Because, despite everything, despite the hostility, the insults, the fact that he hates Pogues, he’s holding you.
Keeping you warm.
And for the first time in weeks, you don’t feel completely alone.
The silence is... weird.
Not that he expects nonstop talking from you, but usually, you have something to say. Some little comment, some naive observation about the world that makes him roll his eyes. Usually, you're at least trying to be optimistic, to be annoying in that soft, persistent way.
But right now?
Right now, you're just quiet.
And he doesn’t like it.
Not that he cares.
Because he doesn’t.
It’s just that he’s used to you pushing back. Even when he insults you. Even when he makes it painfully clear that you have no business being stuck together out here.
He frowns, staring up at the sliver of sky visible through the trees. The stars are bright. Cold. Kind of like the way you feel curled up beside him: small, shivering, barely taking up any space at all.
He should probably say something.
Not something nice, obviously, but something.
"Didn’t think you could go this long without complaining," he mutters. "Almost impressive."
There’s a long pause.
Then, you speak quietly, barely more than a whisper:
"Didn’t want to be more of a burden than I already am."
Rafe freezes.
Something in his chest twists, sharp and sudden, like a knife slipping between his ribs.
He shouldn’t care.
You're a Pogue. You're not his problem.
And yet.
It’s a familiar feeling, isn’t it? The weight of being too much, of never measuring up, of being an inconvenience to the people who are supposed to care about you. He’s spent years swallowing down that same bitterness, hearing it from his dad’s mouth over and over until it sank into his bones.
But it’s different, hearing you say it about yourself.
Because you're—
You're just...
Rafe exhales sharply. He doesn’t know how to comfort people. Doesn’t even know why he wants to. But before he can think better of it, before he can convince himself to just shut up and let it go, the words slip out.
"That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard."
You stiffen slightly. He can feel it, the way your body tenses, like you had expected him to agree. Like you're used to people agreeing.
Rafe grits his teeth.
"You’re not a fucking burden."
You don't say anything.
Don't argue, don't push back, don't believe him.
And maybe that pisses him off more than it should.
He doesn’t let you respond. Just shifts slightly, his grip tightening around you, his arm pulling you a fraction closer. Like if he holds on tight enough, it’ll force you to understand.
You exhale softly, a small, exhausted breath. Then, finally, you relax against him.
Rafe stares up at the stars.
His usual frustration feels distant, drowned out by something heavier. Something he doesn’t know how to name.
All he knows is that he hates the way that sentence sounded coming from your lips.
And that if anyone ever made you feel that way, he might actually kill them.
The first thing you register is warmth.
Not the biting cold from last night, not the shivers rattling your bones, but actual warmth, steady and solid against your back.
The second thing you register is movement.
A slow, deliberate shift, like someone trying not to wake you.
Your eyes blink open to the soft gold of early morning, sunlight filtering lazily through the trees. The sky is still streaked with traces of pink, and the forest hums with the sound of waking birds.
And then you realize...
Rafe is still holding you.
Not tightly. Not like last night, when his grip had been almost protective, but enough that when you shift, his arm instinctively tenses around you before he seems to catch himself and pulls away.
For a second, neither of you say anything.
"You drool in your sleep."
You blink, turning to squint up at him.
He’s already sitting up, rubbing the back of his neck, but there’s a smirk tugging at his lips.
You huff. "Do not."
He raises an eyebrow, glancing at his shoulder. "Uh, yeah, you do."
Your cheeks heat as you sit up too, trying to gather the mess of your tangled blanket. "Well, you talk in your sleep."
Rafe snorts. "Bullshit."
"Swear on my life. You were mumbling about stocks or something." You bite back a grin, tilting your head. "Weirdly on brand, actually."
He groans, dragging a hand down his face. "Kill me."
"Not before breakfast."
That earns you an unimpressed side-eye, but there’s no real bite behind it.
And that’s when it really hits you.
Something is... different.
Rafe is still Rafe: gruff, impatient, rolling his eyes at every other thing you say, but there’s something softer now, something lingering just beneath the surface.
Maybe it’s the fact that he doesn’t snap at you when you try to help pack up.
Maybe it’s the way he hands you your stuff without a single sarcastic remark.
Or maybe it’s the fact that when you mention using a new strategy again to navigate back, he actually listens.
He still complains about it, obviously.
But when you point out the right direction, he follows without arguing.
By the time you finally spot the road in the distance, your body aches, your hair is a mess, and you’re starving.
But you’re... weirdly okay.
And Rafe?
He doesn’t seem as eager to get rid of you as he did last night.
You glance at him as you both step onto solid ground again, brushing dirt off your clothes. He looks over at you at the same time, something unreadable flickering in his expression before he scoffs.
"You look like shit."
You sigh dramatically. "Wow, what a charmer."
He smirks, but it fades just as quickly. For a second, he hesitates, shifting his weight.
"Need a ride?"
You blink.
He nods toward the road, where his truck is parked just up the hill, miraculously not stolen or trashed. "Back to the Cut, or wherever the hell you came from."
Something in your chest flutters.
Not because of the offer itself, but because of him.
Because you’re pretty sure that last night, he would’ve left you to figure it out yourself.
But now?
Now, he’s offering.
You tuck your hands into your sleeves, biting back a small, knowing smile. "That depends," you tease. "Am I allowed to touch the aux?"
Rafe exhales sharply, shaking his head as he starts toward the truck. "Christ. I take it back."
You laugh, trailing after him.
Maybe you’re still just a Pogue to him.
But maybe Rafe is starting to realize it's not as black and white as it had seemed.
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mattybsgroupie · 17 hours ago
— sitting on matt’s face
★ plus size!reader requested by @strnilolover ★
★ inspired by @submattenthusiast’s last blurb! ★
matt’s hands felt too good around you. his large palm gripped on your flesh, leaving marks from his digits against your skin. you couldn’t help but moan at the way he moved underneath you, pushing his hips forward so you would feel the boner trapped inside his jeans, his stiff cock making it even easier for you to hump him amidst the kiss. “nhng— yeah, grind on me baby” matt whispered while gently tugging on your scalp, pressing his lips on your neck.
his sudden words after such a heated yet silent makeout session caught off guard, immediately becoming self conscious of your actions. you raised your hips slightly, holding your weight on your thighs, trying to give him a break after sitting on his lap for so long.
matt shook his head in denial when he felt the lack of pressure against him, placing both palms on your hips and forcing you down on him. “nuh uh, i wanna feel you” he said, removing your hair from the way and attacking your neck once again.
“matt…” you whined. humping his hardened cock felt great even through the thick fabric, his stiffness fitting perfectly between your folds.
“c’mon, you were doing so good for me just now hm? grinding against me like the needy girl you are” matt bucked his hips upwards, a gasp coming from your lips before you placed your hands on his shoulders, stopping your movements. “don’ wanna” you pouted, receiving a puzzled look from the blue eyed boy in front of you “too heavy” you mumbled.
matt sighed deeply, running his fingers through his brown locks in a failed attempt to remain calm. “does it look like i care?” he asked, not expecting an answer. his tone had changed — his voice was louder, more demanding, the usual soft gaze being replaced by darkened eyes filled with lust, “take these off” matt spoke, pointing at your shorts.
you hesitantly got off his lap, dragging your feet across the room and removing your clothes. matt’s tongue ran through his front teeth, trying to hide a undeniable grin as you revealed your bare curves, crossing your arms together in a failed attempt to cover your breasts.
matt adjusted himself, turning his body on the bed so he’d lay completely flat. he looked at you from upside down, eager eyes waiting for you to understand his body language. “fucking sit. now.” matt spitted out and you knew you couldn’t say no. you wanted that, more than anything, but somehow your insecurities always got in the way.
matt’s harsh tone still had a pang of gentleness, a soft smile lingering on his lips as he watched you walk closer and place both knees on the mattress. you stood up above him, your ass almost hiding matt’s entire face. his palms went to your voluptuous thighs, groping your flesh as he locked his forearms in between your legs, making sure you’d have no choice other than sitting on his face.
as you hesitated to lower yourself on matt, his stuck his tongue out, giving your pussy a long lick. he heard a gasp coming from the back of your throat and forced your hips down so you’d fully sit. “fuck fuck fuck” you said when matt started to swirl his tongue in circular motions on your clit, finally giving some attention to your pussy.
matt then dragged his tongue through your wet folds, quickly reaching your entrance. the tip of his tongue pressed against your hole, his warm muscle slowly entering inside as your body unconsciously started to move, grinding against him. in a few moments, you felt the familiar knot forming in your lower tummy as your orgasm approached. “matt p-please i’m gonna cum!” you managed to speak before chocking on a moan. his movements didn’t stop, sloppy kisses along with lazy suckling on your clit were enough to throw you over the edge.
you opened your eyes to see matt before releasing, peeking at his jeans — completely wet. the thought of matt cumming inside his jeans just by eating you out was enough to make your entire body tremble, sticky juices leaking from your hole as you came over his face.
your body collapsed besides him, low whines still coming from you as you recovered from your orgasm. “what about now? still think i can’t handle it?” matt teased before giving your ass a loud slap, licking his own lips and savoring your taste.
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zuzu-tries-to-write · 3 days ago
Unraveling You
A Draco Malfoy x Reader Fanfic
It’s my first time writing a Draco fan fic and honestly I love jealous Draco so that’s exactly what I did, hope you enjoy!!
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Draco Malfoy had always been a thorn in your side. If there was an opportunity to sneer at you in the corridors, he took it. If he could slip a sharp insult your way in Potions, he never hesitated. And if he could make you roll your eyes in frustration, it was almost as if he lived for it.
“Trying to impress Potter, are you?” Draco had scoffed one morning when he caught you laughing with Harry in the Great Hall. His silver eyes flickered over you with that ever-present smirk, but there was something darker in them today—something sharper.
You didn’t dignify him with a response, just rolled your eyes and continued your conversation with Harry, pretending Draco wasn’t even there. But the truth was, you had grown used to his taunts. It was almost routine at this point.
What you didn’t know was how deeply they were rooted in something else entirely.
Jealousy Burns Hot
Draco had always harbored something for you—something so frustratingly strong that it made his chest ache. But he wasn’t the type to get flustered or awkward. No, he hid it the way he hid every vulnerability: behind sharp words and cruel smirks.
And for a while, that worked. Until you started getting closer to him.
Harry bloody Potter.
It wasn’t just that you were friends. It was the way you laughed with him, the way you leaned in when he spoke, the way you seemed so comfortable around him—like he was the one you trusted most.
And Draco hated it.
At first, he tried to convince himself it didn’t matter. But then, he started seeing it everywhere.
In the library, where you sat beside Harry, nudging him playfully when he got a question wrong.
In the courtyard, where you’d been standing just a little too close for Draco’s liking.
In class, where you exchanged knowing glances with Potter, ones Draco felt he should be the one getting.
He tried to ignore it, but jealousy had a way of twisting its claws into him, making his blood run hot with frustration. Until one evening, when he finally snapped.
The Confession
It was late. Most students were heading back to their dormitories, but you had taken a detour through the courtyard, the crisp night air cooling your skin.
Draco, of course, was waiting.
“You really are oblivious, aren’t you?”
You turned, surprised to see him stepping out of the shadows, his arms crossed, his expression unreadable.
“Excuse me?” you shot back, unimpressed.
He took a step closer. “All that time with Potter. Tell me, do you actually like him, or are you just doing it to piss me off?”
You let out a dry laugh. “Oh, that’s what this is about? You’re jealous.”
His jaw clenched. “I’m not jealous.”
You tilted your head. “Really? Because it sure looks like it.”
Draco stepped even closer, and suddenly, the air between you shifted. His usual smugness was gone, replaced by something raw, something desperate.
“Just… answer the question,” he murmured, his voice lower now.
You sighed, crossing your arms. “Harry’s my friend, Malfoy. Not that it’s any of your business.”
His hands clenched into fists at his sides. “It is my business when I—” He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his platinum-blond hair. “Bloody hell, I can’t stand seeing you with him.”
Your breath caught. “Why do you care so much?”
Draco’s gaze was piercing as he took another step, closing the gap between you until you could practically feel the warmth of him.
“Because it’s not him you should be laughing with,” he muttered, his voice laced with frustration. “It’s not him you should be looking at like that.”
Your heart pounded. This wasn’t the Draco Malfoy you were used to.
Then, before you could process it, he reached for your wrist, pulling you closer until your chest almost brushed against his. “It should be me.”
Your breath hitched. “Draco—”
“I like you,” he admitted, voice rough. “I hate how much I like you. And I hate that I had to watch you with him before I could say it.”
You stared at him, stunned. Because for the first time, there was no arrogance in his expression. No smugness. Just Draco.
But still, you weren’t sure how you felt. He had tormented you for so long. “You think you can just—say this, and everything changes?”
His fingers curled around your wrist, his grip warm and insistent. “No. But I can show you.”
And then he kissed you.
The Heat of It All
It wasn’t gentle. It wasn’t slow.
It was desperate, filled with frustration and longing, like he had been holding this in for far too long. His lips crashed against yours, demanding, hungry, as if he was trying to prove something.
Your mind barely had time to catch up before you found yourself kissing him back, heat flaring in your chest, spreading through your veins. His hands were gripping your waist now, pulling you flush against him, and the way he kissed—like he needed this more than air—had your knees going weak.
You shouldn’t want this. You shouldn’t like this.
But Merlin, you did.
Your hands tangled in his hair, and he groaned against your lips, deepening the kiss, his grip tightening like he was afraid you’d pull away. His body pressed against yours, his lips trailing to your jaw, then back to your mouth, each kiss more desperate than the last.
When you finally broke apart, gasping, his forehead rested against yours.
“You drive me mad,” he murmured, breathless.
Your fingers were still tangled in his hair, your own breath just as unsteady. “You deserve it.”
A low chuckle rumbled in his throat. “Probably.”
And then, just like that, he kissed you again.
This time, you didn’t resist.
Because somewhere between his jealousy, his confessions, and his desperate kisses, you realized something terrifying.
Maybe you did feel something for Draco Malfoy after all.
And maybe, just maybe, you wanted more.
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s4nniebe4r · 21 hours ago
the roommate
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part three: cold front
pairing: roommate! san x fem! reader
synopsis: a terrible storm comes, leaving you to fall incredibly ill
wc: 2.9k
tags: slow burn, roommates, enemies to lovers, angst, forced proximity, eventual romance, sicker reader, caregiver san (eventually)
etc: yes, i’m aware this is a little longer than the previous chapters, but this is where the story starts to go somewhere… i couldn’t help myself, these kinds of works are my kryptonite. the perspective changes a little to san, but still keeps that same style... i guess? as always, this isn’t proofread! 
previous part next part
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It’s been a few months since you moved in with San, long enough that autumn had come and gone, and was replaced with the bitter grasp of winter. The warm hues of falling leaves feel like a blurred memory compared to the storm raging on outside. You hadn’t even noticed the season slipping away, too caught up in the mundane rhythm of life. Now, winter has made itself known with full force. 
The heater breaks in the middle of the night. You don’t notice right away, curled up under layers of blankets, but by the time your alarm blares in the morning, your nose is undoubtedly a bright shade of pink, and freezing. The kind of freezing that makes it hard to muscle yourself out of bed, let alone start the day. You burrow deeper into your comforter, squeezing your eyes shut, willing yourself to go back to sleep. But the air in your room is sharp and biting, making it near impossible to get comfortable.
So, with a groan, you sit up, shivering as your blankets pool around your waist. You grab your phone and immediately see the message from your landlord. Heat’s out. No repairs until the storm clears. Stay warm. This must be why the price was so affordable, you thought. 
A second notification then catches your eye—one from your university’s message board. Due to severe weather conditions, all classes have been canceled until further notice. Please reach out to your professors for individual questions. Stay safe. 
At least there’s a silver lining. 
“Great. Fantastic.” Your voice is hoarse from the night, and the second you speak, you feel the dryness in your throat. It’s easy to ignore, for now. 
Dragging yourself out of bed, you pull on the thickest pair of socks you own, adding another hoodie over your long sleeve, and wrap a throw blanket around your shoulders before stepping out of your room. 
The rest of the apartment is just as cold as your room—maybe colder, considering how the hardwood floors only amplify the chill. You tighten the throw blanket around you as you shuffle into the kitchen. Tea first. Then maybe you’ll figure out how to survive the rest of the day and the unbearable cold. 
San is already there, of course, leaning against the counter, scrolling through his phone. Unlike you, he looks so completely unfazed by the temperature drop, like he’s dressed just as any other day. No extra layers, no sign of discomfort—just a hoodie and sweatpants, like the cold doesn’t even register for him. 
You frown as you start the kettle. “How are you not freezing?”
He barely glances up. “How are you this dramatic?”
You shoot him a small glare as you wait for the kettle to heat. “I’m literally dying.”
“You’re literally not.”
You only huff, crossing your arms over your chest. The silence between you is thick, heavy with the weight of mutual stubbornness. It’s not like you and San talk much anyway, but something about the heater breaking makes the space between you feel more present. More noticeable, something else you actually share in common, although it’s something so frustrating. 
As soon as the tea is done, you pour yourself a cup and immediately press it to your hands, savoring the fleeting warmth. The first sip burns your tongue, but you don’t really mind, you welcome it in all honesty, sighing as it spreads through you. Letting a smile form, even though it’s small, it’s there. 
San watches, unimpressed. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re heartless.” You sniff, retreating to the couch. You cocoon yourself in a blanket, pressing the tea to your lips like it’s your lifeline. “I hope you freeze in your sleep.”
San scoffs, setting his phone down. “I won’t. Because I’m normal.”
You glare at him over the rim of your mug. “You’re a freak of nature.”
“And you’re dramatic.”
You don’t dignify that with a response. Instead, you turn on the TV, searching for something mindless to distract you from the fact that you can feel the cold seeping into your bones, freezing you inside and out. The storm outside only gets worse as the day drags on, wind rattling against the windows, snow piling up on the ledges, practically taunting you. Every so often, you glance at the thermostat, hoping—so stupidly—that maybe it’ll magically fix itself. It never does. 
San lounges on the other end of the couch, completely at ease, while you curl into yourself trying to conserve warmth. The worst part? It’s only the first day, and the forecast calls for at least a few more days of this. 
And you already feel miserable.
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You wake up to a room even colder than before. If the first day was miserable, today is unbearable. Your throat feels scratchy, your body is heavy from exhaustion, but you push the thoughts aside. It’s probably just from the dry air, nothing to worry about. Still, you hesitate before leaving your bed, knowing that the moment you step into the apartment, the chill will settle back into your bones all over again.
San of course, is fine. You find him in the same position as yesterday, sprawled out on the couch, a controller in his hands. He’s playing a video game, but barely—his movements are lazy, half-hearted, like he’s not even paying much attention. His hair is slightly messier, but he looks… comfortable. Perfectly content. The sight makes you irrationally upset.
“How,” you start, rubbing at your chilled over arms, “are you not cold?”
He barely looks up. “Mind over matter.”
You groan, stomping into the kitchen to make another cup of tea. At this rate, it might be your only source of warmth. And maybe, it would add some sort of soothing to your chapped lips, which already felt like they were cracking and so dry, it pained you.
San watches as you wrap yourself in yet another blanket, shaking his head. “You’re absolutely ridiculous.”
“And you’re insufferable.” You drop onto the two-seater couch with a dramatic sigh, pressing your warm mug to your face, rubbing it against your cheek. “I hate this.”
He smirks. “You hate everything.”
You grumble something incoherent, pulling your blanket tighter around you as the snow continues to pike outside. The storm hasn’t let up, and of course, the heater is still broken.
And you have no idea how you’re going to get through these next few days.
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The third day arrives, but you barely register it. 
The exhaustion at this point is crushing. It weighs on your body like a weighted blanket, pressing you deeper into the mattress, keeping you tethered to your bed. The cold that had once been a biting inconvenience now feels so overwhelming. Your head is heavy, your throat raw, your body aching in places you didn’t even know could hurt. Even under the layers of blankets and clothing, warmth is nowhere to be felt. 
So, you try to sleep through it. Maybe if you sleep long enough, you’ll wake up and feel normal again. But the fever doesn’t let you rest. Each time you drift off, you wake up sweating, shivering, tangled in your blankets like they’re trying to strangle you—at this point you wouldn’t mind it too much, if it meant not feeling like this. The pounding in your head never fades. Your stomach churns unpleasantly, but you don’t have the energy to get up and find something to eat. It’s easier to just stay curled up, hoping that if you keep your eyes shut long enough, time will fast-forward through the worst of it. 
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At first, San doesn’t notice your absence.
It’s not unusual for you to keep to yourself. Most days, you both exist in the apartment without really acknowledging each other—passing by in the kitchen, sharing the couch in silence, or exchanging dry remarks about how much the winter has been draining this year. So when a full day passes without seeing you, he doesn’t think much of it. You’re probably just holed up in your room, avoiding the cold like usual.
But then, another day slips by. And it starts to feel… off.
He doesn’t realize what’s wrong until he’s sitting on the couch, half-heartedly playing a video game again, and his stomach growls. Automatically, his mind drifts to the last time he saw you. The first two days of the lock in, you’d make your way into the kitchen, bundled up in layers, grumbling silently to yourself about the cold while clutching a steaming cup of tea. But the apartment has been eerily quiet. Not complaints, no passive-aggressive shivering, no muffled TV sounds coming from your room. His fingers pause on the controller.
How long has it been since he’s actually seen you?
Something nags at the back of his mind, a small itch of concern he doesn’t want to even acknowledge. He tells himself he’s just curious, that it’s weird for you to go this long without irritating him with your presence. But the longer he sits there, the stronger the feeling gets. Finally, with a sigh, he sets the controller down and pushes himself off the couch.
The hallway is dim, and your door is shut as usual. He hesitates for a second before knocking lightly.
There’s no response.
Frowning, he knocks again, a little louder. “Hey.”
Still nothing.
There’s a strange, uneasy feeling that settles in the pit of his stomach. He debates leaving it alone—maybe you’re just sleeping—so he puts weight on the heel of his foot to turn away. But then he hears it: the faintest rustling, the sound of movement from inside, almost sluggish and strained.
Without thinking, he tries at the door. It’s unlocked.
The second he steps inside, the change of temperature from your room hits him like a wall. Despite the rest of the apartment being freezing, your room is a furnace, stuffy with the trapped warmth of your body heat and heavy blankets. It’s suffocating, the air is thick with that distinct feverish scent, the kind that clings to sickness. And then, he sees you.
You’re curled up in a pathetic heap, tangled in a mess of blankets, your face flushed and damp with sweat. Your hair is a disaster, sticking to your forehead from the beads of sweat, your lips are chapped and cracked. Dark circles stain the skin under your eyes, practically swallowing you whole, and even in the dim lighting, he can't see you’re pale—too pale.
San’s stomach twists. You don’t just look sick. You look fragile. Completely drained, like the fever has sapped every ounce of strength from you. Wrapped in layers of blankets, you seem impossibly small, as if they’re the only thing keeping you from fading away entirely.
“Jesus,” he mutters, stepping closer. “You look like you’re on your deathbed.”
You barely stir at the sound of his voice. That’s what worries him the most. You’re always quick with a comeback, always rolling your eyes at him, always finding something to be annoyed about. But now? You don’t even have the energy to react. Your eyes flutter open for maybe a second, hazy and unfocused, not even registering the figure in front of you, before slipping shut again.
San exhales sharply. “Okay. This isn’t great.” He shifts into autopilot, moving before he even realizes what he’s doing.
First, he grabs the half-empty water bottle on your nightstand, frowning at how light it is. Probably days old. He disappears into the kitchen and returns with a fresh bottle, kneeling beside your bed, your head facing him. “You need to drink this.”
You groan softly, barely comprehending his words.
San clicks his tongue in annoyance, but there’s something else in his expression—something bordering on the line of concern. He props you up slightly, your back flush against the headboard, pressing the bottle to your lips. He tries to be gentle, one hand cradling the back of your head as he angles the bottle just right, making sure you don’t accidentally choke or spill. His fingers brush against the damp strands of your hair, feeling the feverish heat radiating from your skin. “Come on. Just a little, that’s all.”
You manage a few sips before turning your head away with a weak grumble. Even that small effort seems to drain you, leaving you slumped against him. Your weight is warm but unsettling, too light, like you might just slip away if he lets go.
San shifts slightly, adjusting his grip on you. His arm tightens around your shoulder, supporting you so you don’t slide back down into a heap. He can feel the quick and unsteady rise and fall of your breathing, the occasional tremor that runs through you. He keeps his hold steady, firm but careful, as if he’s trying to anchor you in place. The thought unsettles him.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “You’re hopeless.”
So, he stands up, letting you down ever so carefully against the pillows he propped up near the headboard before disappearing again for a while. This time, he doesn’t just grab the soup and medicine—he also snatches the thermostat off the bathroom counter, his gut telling him it’s even worse than it looks.
When he returns, you haven’t moved an inch. He can feel the heat radiating off your skin—too much heat. He presses the thermostat to your forehead, brows furrowing as he waits for the reader. You barely react, only a small shiver running through you as your fever-ridden body instinctively tries to curl in on itself. It takes what feels like forever, but when it beeps, he glances down, and something uneasy curls in his stomach. San frowns, rubbing a hand down his face before muttering a curse under his breath. Your fever is alarmingly high. Not quite emergency-room bad, but enough that it’s making him start to second-guess himself, enough that he debates calling Seonghwa. But you look so out of, that he knows you wouldn’t even handle a phone conversation.
“Great,” he mutters under his breath. He watches the way your fingers tremble when you try to adjust the blanket. The way your breathing hitches like even the slight move takes effort. And it pisses him off—not at you, but at the situation, at the fact that you’ve let yourself get this bad. He continues to let himself move on autopilot, pouring out the right amount of medicine, making sure you take it, then setting the soup on the nightstand. He doesn’t know why he’s doing this, why he’s taking the extra time to sit beside you, to tuck the blanket more securely around your shoulders, to make sure you’re warm but not overheating, his hand lingering there.
He shifts his grip on you, adjusting his hold so you’re not slumped at an uncomfortable angle. One arm supports your back, the other steadying your shoulder as he slowly eases you down against the pillows. His touch is careful and firm, like he’s worried you’d break under too much pressure. His fingers stay put for a moment longer than necessary before he pulls away, scowling at himself.
For a moment, he debates leaving. But then his gaze flickers to the soup, still untouched on the nightstand. If you couldn’t even drink your water… With a sigh, he picks it up, scooting closer to your bedside. He dips the spoon into the broth, blowing on it slightly before bringing it to your lips. “You need to eat,” He pauses, before continuing. “If Seonghwa found out I let you starve, he’d kill me,” San mutters, mostly to himself. At first, he tells himself that’s the only reason he’s doing this—because Seonghwa would want him to, he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he left you like this. But as he watches you struggle to keep your eyes open, something settles into his chest.
You make a weak sound of protest, barely turning your head away, but San isn’t having your nonsense. He nudges the spoon against your lips, watching as you hesitantly part them. You only take a tiny sip before exhaling heavily, like even that was too much effort. But he keeps at it, patient, spooning small amounts until you’ve had at least something.
You’re already drifting off again, half-asleep, fever-drunk and unaware of the way San’s gaze lingers. Your voice is soft, barely above a murmur, but it still makes him freeze.
“You’re not as bad as I thought,” you mumble, voice slurred. Then, even softer, “I don’t hate you, you know.”
San doesn’t move, barely even breathes as your fingers weakly reach out for his sleeve, gripping onto it with the last bit of your strength. You don’t let go.
He should pry your hand off, it wouldn’t be that difficult anyways. He should pull away, let you sleep, leave you be.
But he doesn’t he just stays, watching you, listening to the quiet feverish murmurs that make something in his chest shift, something he doesn’t want to answer to.
He finds himself once again tucking the blanket closer around you, making sure you have water within reach, lingering a little too long as he watches your breathing even out just a little.
And then he catches himself staring, when he realizes the weird, uncomfortable pull in his chest, he scowls once more. This isn’t his problem. You aren’t his problem.
“This is stupid,” he mutters under his breath, dragging a hand down his face. But he doesn’t leave.
Not yet. He can’t.
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writeriguess · 3 days ago
So happy to have you back my heart feels complete again. Would you write alpha ghost x omega reader? Lt.Ghost is on base in a meeting with tf141 and they get a call about a break out happening an apocalypse is about to happen and ghost jumps up tells his team how he has a bunker at home but he needs to get home now and they ask follow him home and are surprised to find a shy short curvy American omega
author's note: Glad to be back <3
Beneath the Mask
The tension in the briefing room was thick. Task Force 141 sat around the table, going over the latest intel, the rhythmic tapping of fingers against the wood the only sign of impatience. Ghost sat with his arms crossed, silent as he listened to Price, but his focus was split. Something in his gut itched, an unease clawing at the edges of his mind. He had felt this before—this deep, bone-deep instinct that something was about to go terribly wrong. But this time, it wasn’t just a mission. It was you.
Then the call came.
A prison break. But not just any escape—mass chaos was unfolding. Civilians were fleeing in droves, and every government alert channel blared the same message: An outbreak is happening. The world as they knew it was falling apart.
Ghost shot to his feet so fast his chair nearly toppled.
"I need to go. Now."
"The hell do you mean, mate?" Soap’s brows furrowed. "We need a plan—"
"I have a bunker. At home. Prepped for this kind of thing." His voice was sharp, commanding. "I need to get there."
"Home?" Gaz echoed, exchanging glances with the others. "You actually have a home?"
Ghost ignored the jab and turned to Price. "You lot can come with me or figure your own shit out. But I’m not waiting around for this to get worse."
That was all the convincing they needed. Within minutes, they were in the air, heading straight for Ghost’s home—a place none of them had ever seen or even heard about.
The drive up to the property was tense. The roads were already beginning to empty, the eerie silence only broken by the occasional panicked voice on a radio transmission. The city had been bad, but the countryside was eerily quiet. Too quiet.
Ghost barely spoke, gripping the wheel tightly, his entire body locked with urgency. Soap, Gaz, and Price, on the other hand, exchanged silent looks in the back of the vehicle.
They knew Ghost was secretive, but this? A hidden bunker, a home he’d never spoken of? It wasn’t just paranoia—it was preparation. But for what exactly?
And then, they arrived.
Tucked deep into the countryside, the house was unassuming—modest, quiet, surrounded by thick trees that concealed it from view. It looked almost too normal for someone like Ghost, but the moment he stepped out of the car, his posture changed.
The hardened soldier was gone, replaced by something more primal. More urgent.
He strode to the front door and unlocked it, stepping inside as the others followed. The house was warm, cozy even—nothing like what they expected. A fireplace flickered in the corner, the faint scent of home-cooked meals still lingering in the air. The walls were lined with books, photographs, pieces of a life that none of them had imagined Ghost having.
And then, they saw you.
You stood in the middle of the living room, wide-eyed and clutching a thick blanket around your shoulders, your scent blooming in the air—sweet, familiar, uniquely his.
Short. Curvy. Omega.
Ghost exhaled sharply, his instincts settling the moment he saw you safe.
"Simon?" Your voice was soft, tentative, and laced with relief.
He closed the distance between you in two long strides, cupping your face gently, scanning you for any sign of harm. "You okay, love?"
You nodded, eyes flickering behind him to the stunned group of men still standing in the doorway, jaws slack.
"What the fuck…?" Soap muttered under his breath.
Gaz blinked. "You—you have a mate?"
Price let out a breath, rubbing his temple. "Christ, Ghost. You really don’t tell us a damn thing, do you?"
Ghost ignored them, focused solely on you. He ran his thumb along your jaw, his voice softer now. "Pack a bag. We’re going underground. Now."
You didn’t hesitate, nodding as you turned to grab what you needed. The team, however, still looked like they were struggling to process what they were seeing.
Soap let out a low whistle. "An Omega. Your Omega. Bloody hell."
Ghost shot him a warning glare. "Not a word."
Soap held up his hands, smirking. "Didn’t say a thing, mate. But I’ve got questions."
"Not now."
Price sighed, adjusting his vest. "Let’s move before things get worse."
Ghost didn’t let you out of his sight, keeping you tucked close as he led you towards the entrance to the underground bunker. He could already smell your anxiety, the way your body hummed with unease. His arm slipped around your waist, grounding you as he pressed a reassuring kiss to your temple.
"I’ve got you, love."
The entrance to the bunker was hidden beneath a reinforced hatch in the back of the house. Ghost opened it with practiced ease, revealing a well-lit, fully stocked underground shelter—walls lined with supplies, weapons, everything needed to survive for months, even years if necessary.
Soap let out an impressed whistle as he stepped inside. "Damn. You weren’t kidding about being prepared."
"Never am."
You settled onto the bed tucked in the corner, fingers gripping the fabric of Ghost’s sleeve as if to make sure he was really there. He sat beside you, his large frame practically dwarfing you as he pulled you into his arms. He needed to feel you close, to know you were safe.
Above them, the world was descending into chaos. But down here, with you curled against him, Ghost knew one thing for certain—
He would protect you. No matter what it took.
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keisgirl · 2 days ago
2.0 ; miya atsumu
pairing; atsumu miya x reader
wc; 5k
is being miya atsumus clone the best thing in the world, or will she find a way to carve out her own identity on the volleyball court?
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you grew up with the miya twins, tangled in the mess of their rivalry and camaraderie, always in the middle, always keeping up.
they called you the girl version of atsumu, from the moment you first stepped onto the court. same position, same drive, same reckless grin when you won. number seven stitched onto your back like it was meant to be there. you were quick, sharp, loud-mouthed, just like him.
and they never let you forget it.
"oi, girl-tsumu," atsumu would call, slinging an arm around your shoulders. "yer servin’s slippin’. ya gonna let me take the crown this year?"
"dream on, miya," you'd shoot back, flicking his forehead hard enough to make him whine. osamu would snicker, always watching the two of you go back and forth, never stepping in—just there to witness the chaos.
as kids, it was fun. as kids, it felt like being part of something bigger than yourself, like belonging. you bleached your hair when he did, let the color burn your scalp just to prove you could. you matched him beat for beat, dive for dive, living in the shadow he never meant to cast but did anyway.
but then you grew up. and suddenly, it wasn’t as fun anymore.
because when atsumu got praised, you got compared. when atsumu won, you were just second place, the girl version of him, as if you weren’t your own person. the name ‘miya’ carried weight, and even though it wasn’t yours, they tied it to you like a leash. you thought you could be his equal, but all they saw was an echo.
“yer too sensitive,” atsumu says one day, after you snap at a teammate for calling you ‘atsumu with a ponytail.’
your hands curl into fists, nails digging into your palms. “maybe yer too blind.”
atsumu blinks. “huh?”
“yer too blind to see that i ain’t you.”
the words hang in the air between you, sharp and cutting. you see the moment he realizes, the moment he pieces together every forced smile, every tense laugh, every time you swallowed down the bitter taste of second place.
his mouth opens, but you don’t wait to hear whatever he has to say. you just turn and walk away, wondering if you’ll ever stop being a reflection.
suddenly, you don’t play volleyball anymore.
suddenly, you’re not inarzaki’s genius girl setter.
suddenly, you have black hair.
suddenly, you don’t feel like yourself.
suddenly, you don’t talk in class.
suddenly, you’re first in grades, not in physical education.
suddenly, the girl who used to be on the court screaming at her teammates is now the one sitting in the back of the classroom, silent, unnoticed.
and people start to notice.
your teachers hesitate before calling your name, expecting the loud, confident voice that used to answer so easily. your classmates steal glances at you when tests get handed back, murmuring about how you’ve replaced your talent for setting with perfect grades. the volleyball team stares at the empty space on the court where you used to stand, the absence of your presence a hole they can’t seem to fill.
osamu, usually unbothered by everything, nudges atsumu one afternoon. “ya talk to her lately?”
atsumu scoffs, crossing his arms. “she’s the one avoidin’ me.”
“yeah?” osamu raises an eyebrow. “or maybe ya just never noticed how much she hated bein’ ya shadow.”
atsumu doesn’t have a comeback for that. because deep down, he knows. he just never thought you’d actually leave. never thought you’d change so much, that the fire in your eyes would be replaced with something distant, unreachable.
so one day, he corners you after school, standing in front of your desk before you can escape.
“what the hell’s goin’ on with ya?” he demands.
you don’t look up from your notebook. “nothin’.”
“bullshit,” he huffs, grabbing your pen and tossing it onto the desk. “ya dyed yer hair, quit the team, don’t even look at me no more—how the hell is that nothin’?”
you sigh, finally meeting his gaze. there’s something tired in your expression, something he’s never seen before. “it ain’t sudden, ‘tsumu.”
and that’s what scares him the most. because if it wasn’t sudden, then that means it was happening all along. and he just never saw it.
“i left alive, but at the same time, i felt like atsumu miya, ya know?” you murmur, voice quieter than he’s ever heard it. “like i wasn’t myself. i was just... you.”
atsumu stiffens, his breath catching.
“besides,” you continue, leaning back in your chair, staring at the ceiling. “the girls’ volleyball team can manage just fine. it’s not like we ever made it to spring high anyway.”
third year. the last year.
atsumu feels the weight of your words settle deep in his chest. there’s something final about them, something irreversible. and for the first time in his life, he doesn’t know how to fix it.
atsumu tries to ignore it at first.
he tries to act like nothing’s changed, like you’re still the same person who used to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, the one who used to bicker with him over who had the better toss, who used to swear up and down that one day, you’d be the setter people remembered most from inarizaki.
but he can’t ignore it. not when you won’t even look at him, not when every interaction between you now feels like he’s talking to a stranger.
he watches from the court, gaze flicking to the empty space on the benches where you used to sit. back when you stayed after practice even if you didn’t have to, back when you’d drill him on his serves and let him rant about whatever was on his mind. back when he never had to think twice about where you’d be—because you were always there.
except now you aren’t.
he lasts a month before he finally snaps. before he marches into your classroom after school, ignoring the way your classmates whisper as he looms over your desk.
“we’re talkin’. now.”
“no, we’re not.”
atsumu’s jaw clenches. “yer bein’ real difficult, ya know that?”
“not my problem.”
his patience wears thin. “what the hell happened to ya?”
you exhale through your nose, flipping a page in your notebook like he isn’t standing there, like he isn’t practically shaking with frustration. “i grew up, atsumu. maybe ya should try it sometime.”
“bullshit,” he hisses. “growing up don’t mean abandoning everything ya cared about. ya loved volleyball.”
“yeah? well, maybe it didn’t love me back.”
that shuts him up. because he doesn’t know what to say to that—doesn’t know how to argue against something so heavy, so full of something he doesn’t understand.
his fists tighten at his sides. “ya really just gonna throw it all away?”
“what’s left to throw away?” you mutter, finally looking up at him. and there’s something in your eyes, something hollow and tired and so unlike you that it makes his stomach twist. “i was never really playin’ for myself anyway.”
he swallows hard. “that ain’t true.”
but you only shake your head, gathering your things before standing, brushing past him like he’s not even there.
“if it ain’t, then why did it feel like i had to disappear to be seen?”
and atsumu has no answer for that either.
“ya got it bad,” osamu remarks one afternoon, watching atsumu glare at his untouched lunch.
atsumu scoffs, stabbing his chopsticks into his rice. “shut up.”
“yer miserable,” osamu continues, undeterred. “and ya know why.”
atsumu doesn’t respond, just shoves a bite of food into his mouth like that’ll stop his brother from talking. it doesn’t.
“always hoverin’ around her, always lookin’ like a kicked puppy when she ignores ya.” osamu shakes his head, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips. “if ya ask me, it’s kinda obvious.”
atsumu scowls. “nothin’s obvious.”
“except that ya like her.”
he nearly chokes on his food. “what?!”
osamu raises an eyebrow, entirely unimpressed. “oh, come on. ‘tsumu, ya been in love with her since we were kids.”
“yer talkin’ shit.”
“am i?” osamu leans back, arms crossed. “then why does it bother ya so much that she’s not playin’ anymore? why can’t ya let it go?”
atsumu opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. because as much as he wants to deny it, the truth is sitting right there, laughing in his face.
he’s spent years trying to outrun it, masking it with teasing and rivalry, with stupid fights and mindless competition. but now that she’s gone—now that she’s slipping further and further away—he realizes that osamu’s right.
he’s always been in love with you.
he finds you after school, waiting outside the gates, hands shoved into his pockets like it’s just another day.
“what now, atsumu?” you sigh, stopping in front of him.
he exhales sharply, staring at you like he’s trying to piece together a puzzle he should’ve figured out years ago. “yer right,” he says finally. “i never saw it.”
you blink, caught off guard. “saw what?”
“that i was losin’ ya,” he admits, voice quieter than usual. “that ya weren’t just my reflection. that ya were yer own person this whole time.”
there’s something vulnerable in his face, something raw, and it makes your chest ache in a way you don’t want to acknowledge.
“i don’t want ya to disappear,” he continues. “not from volleyball, not from me.”
you hesitate, searching his expression for any sign of insincerity, but all you find is honesty. and maybe a little desperation.
“i dunno if i can go back to the way things were,” you murmur.
atsumu nods. “then let’s make somethin’ new.”
he’s close now, closer than he’s ever been, and suddenly, you’re not just thinking about volleyball, about rivalry, about anything other than the fact that atsumu miya is looking at you like you’re the only person in the world.
“i mean it,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. “i don’t want ya to just be the girl version of me. i want ya to be my girl.”
your heart stumbles in your chest, and for the first time in a long time, you don’t feel like you’re standing in his shadow. you feel like you’re standing beside him.
and this time, you let yourself smile.
atsumu had already confessed.
it had been awkward and kind of messy, because he’s atsumu and of course it was, but it was real. undeniable. a moment so big and sudden that it left you standing at a crossroads with no map, no clear direction except the weight of his words anchoring you to the present.
so you said yes.
not just to him, but to volleyball. to trying again.
except trying again means stepping back into a world that’s always seen you as someone else’s shadow. and no matter how much you want to believe that things will be different this time, it’s hard not to slip back into old habits.
“damn, ya even move like him.”
it’s a passing comment from a teammate, said with no real bite, but it still sticks. the way it always does. the way it always has.
you shake it off, try to ignore it, but the more you play, the more you notice it too. the way your hands twitch into the same mannerisms, the way you call plays with the same sharp confidence, the way your presence on the court starts to feel less like yours and more like his.
and maybe that wouldn’t bother you so much if you hadn’t fought so hard to be something else.
“what’s goin’ on with ya?” atsumu asks one day, watching as you linger in the gym long after practice has ended.
you don’t turn to face him. “nothin’.”
his footsteps echo against the polished floors, stopping just behind you. you know he’s waiting for you to talk, but you don’t know what to say, don’t know how to explain the creeping feeling of losing yourself all over again.
“i just…” you exhale, gripping the ball in your hands. “it’s stupid.”
“it’s not.”
he says it so easily, so confidently, like it’s a fact. and that alone makes something tighten in your chest.
“everyone still sees me as your copy,” you admit finally. “i don’t know how to play without fallin’ back into it.”
atsumu is quiet for a moment, and then, gently, he reaches out, fingers curling around your wrist, thumb brushing against your pulse.
“then stop tryin’ to be different from me,” he murmurs. “just play like you.”
your breath catches.
because you never thought of it that way before. you’d spent so much time trying to prove that you weren’t just another miya atsumu that you forgot to figure out who you actually were.
“easier said than done,” you mutter, but there’s no real bite to it.
he grins. “yeah, well, lucky for ya, i happen to be an expert at bein’ myself.”
it’s stupid. it’s so stupid. but it makes you laugh anyway, and when he leans in to steal a kiss, you let him, because for the first time in a long time, you don’t feel like you’re drowning in someone else’s reflection.
you feel like you.
playing like yourself, as it turns out, is just playing like him.
but that’s okay, you think. because this time, you’re not fighting against it—you’re making it your own.
and maybe that’s why, for the first time in inarizaki’s history, both the boys’ and girls’ teams qualify for spring high.
It happened fast. one practice game, then another, and suddenly, the tickets are in your hands, the realization sinking in. you’re going to spring high. and apparently, word has spread fast enough that university scouts are interested in watching you play.
but that’s a thought for another time.
because right now, you’re in a gym, tying your freshly bleached hair back into a ponytail, watching as atsumu scowls at you like you personally offended him.
“what?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
he gestures vaguely at your head. “yer tryin’ to steal my look.”
“please,” you scoff. “if anything, i pull it off better.”
“ya wish.”
“i know.”
before he can throw a comeback, osamu saunters over, phone in hand, suna right behind him.
“oi, oi,” suna muses, tilting his head as he looks between you and atsumu. “this is gettin’ kinda creepy.”
osamu hums, nodding. “y’know, we always joked about ya bein’ the girl version of ‘tsumu, but now? now yer just his clone.”
“take a picture,” suna says, already pulling his own phone out. “this moment deserves to be remembered.”
“yer both the worst,” atsumu grumbles, but he doesn’t move away, and neither do you.
because as much as you roll your eyes, as much as you pretend to be annoyed, there’s something warm about the way osamu adjusts the camera angle, about the way suna snickers under his breath before snapping the photo.
it’s a moment that feels like childhood and the future all at once—like proof that, no matter what happens, you’ll always have this. always have them.
spring high awaits, but for now, you let yourself enjoy this. let yourself smile as suna shoves the phone in your face, as atsumu ruffles your hair, as osamu mutters something about how he’ll use this to embarrass you both later.
it’s stupid. it’s so stupid.
but it’s yours.
spring high is everything you expected and nothing like you imagined.
the energy is electric, the anticipation thrumming under your skin as you step onto the court. it’s bigger than anything you’ve ever played in before, and yet, it doesn’t scare you. not this time.
maybe because you know you belong here. maybe because, when you glance at the boys' court in the other venue, you know he’s there too.
it’s funny. for so long, you hated being compared to atsumu. hated the way people called you his copy, his shadow. but now? now you don’t care. because you’re not his copy—you’re his equal.
but not everyone sees it that way.
on the way to the restroom before your next match, you overhear them—two university scouts talking in hushed voices.
“she plays just like miya atsumu,” one says, almost amused.
something tight coils in your chest, the words digging under your skin, itching like an old wound. but before you can turn away, the other scout hums thoughtfully.
“or maybe,” they say, “miya atsumu plays just like her.”
that gives you pause. because for the first time, it isn’t a comparison meant to diminish you. it’s a statement that acknowledges you—your skill, your presence, your worth.
and suddenly, the tension melts away, replaced with something lighter, something almost giddy.
you hold onto that feeling as you return to the court, and later, when you catch atsumu during a break between matches, you can’t help but tell him about it.
“guess what i heard?” you start, rocking back on your heels as he tilts his head at you.
“somethin’ dumb, probably,” he says, deadpan.
“nah,” you grin. “somethin’ real nice, actually.”
you pause for effect, then smirk. “some scouts said i play just like miya atsumu.”
he scoffs. “duh.”
“but,” you add, savoring the moment, “the other scout said maybe miya atsumu plays just like me.”
that makes him pause. his brows lift slightly, the corner of his mouth twitching up as he considers your words. then, after a beat, he huffs a laugh, reaching out to ruffle your hair.
“‘bout time someone got it right.”
when you step onto the court again, you play the way you always have—with precision, with instinct, with a fire that matches his in every way. you don’t have to fight against it anymore, don’t have to deny the way your movements sync up, the way your presence commands the game just like his does.
it’s a hard game. the best teams in the country are here for a reason. but you push through, setting perfect balls, making impossible saves, throwing yourself into every point like it’s the last one you’ll ever play.
and then you win. not the whole tournament—not yet—but the match, the one that guarantees you another game, another chance to keep going.
when you walk off the court, chest heaving, jersey damp with sweat, there’s someone waiting for you near the sidelines.
“ya looked good out there,” atsumu says, arms crossed, a stupid grin on his face.
“you too,” you reply, shoving his shoulder as you walk past.
but he catches your wrist, spinning you back around before you can go. there’s something in his eyes, something different. something you’re still getting used to.
“yer the real deal,” he says, softer this time. “not just ‘cause ya play like me. ‘cause ya play like you.”
your heart stumbles in your chest, and for a moment, it’s just the two of you in this massive stadium, the rest of the world fading away.
then he grins again, tugging you closer, voice dropping to a teasing whisper. “but i gotta admit, we do look good together.”
“oh my god,” you groan, yanking your wrist free. “don’t make me regret bleachin’ my hair.”
he laughs, easy and warm, and when you walk away, you don’t have to look back to know he’s still watching.
because this time, you’re not walking alone.
nevermind, spring high is chaos.
it’s sweat and exhaustion, adrenaline and pressure, the deafening sound of the crowd screaming for a win. it’s the last chance for third-years. it’s everything and nothing at once.
the boys’ team blazes through their matches, tearing down opponents like it’s their only purpose, and you do the same. for the first time in your life, you’re not just keeping up with atsumu—you’re standing beside him, in your own court, your own battlefield, chasing the same dream.
but dreams don’t always end the way you want them to.
it happens fast. the boys make it to the finals, just like everyone expected them to. but across the net is karasuno. an unpredictable team, a team that shouldn’t have even made it this far, a team that plays with something reckless and untamed in their veins.
it’s a war. point for point, neither side gives in. atsumu is sharper than ever, his sets perfect, his serves cutting through the air like a weapon. you winced when his set was a bit off then sighed when osamu reached it. but on the other side, there’s hinata. and kageyama. and something about them just doesn’t break.
and then, just like that, it’s over.
inarizaki loses.
for a moment, there’s only silence. then the reality crashes down, the weight of it pressing against their shoulders. suna looks pissed but resigned. osamu looks torn between frustration and acceptance. and atsumu—
atsumu is staring at the scoreboard, jaw clenched, hands in fists, like he’s trying to hold onto something that’s already slipping through his fingers.
you don’t say anything, don’t try to tell him it’s okay, because you know it isn’t. so instead, you wait until the crowd thins, until the interviews and formalities are over, until he’s finally sitting in the hallway outside the locker room, staring at the floor.
“it wasn’t enough,” he mutters when you sit beside him.
“it never is,” you say.
he laughs, but it’s hollow. “yer not gonna tell me we did great?”
“nah,” you lean back against the wall. “you wouldn’t believe me anyway.”
he exhales, sharp and tired, then turns his head to look at you. you meet his gaze, steady and knowing, because you’ve both lost before. you’ve both fought for something and had it slip through your fingers. you know what it feels like.
but you also know that this isn’t the end. not for him. not for you. not for any of you.
“yer up next,” he finally says, nodding towards the girls’ side of the tournament. “ya better win.”
and maybe that’s enough. for now.
because even in the aftermath of loss, there’s still the next game. still the next step. still the future waiting for both of you.
and you’ll be ready.
when you step onto the court for the semifinals, the crowd stirs. whispers ripple through the stands.
“number seven…? looks exactly like that number seven on the boys’ team.”
“they play the same too, don’t they?”
“no, she’s sharper, her feints are cleaner.”
“nah, atsumu’s serves are better.”
“but she’s fast. like—really fast.”
you hear it all. you always have. but this time, it doesn’t weigh as heavy. this time, when you glance towards the stands, atsumu’s sitting there with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face like he already knows you’re about to shut them all up.
and you do.
by the time the match is over, there’s no more comparisons. no more questions. you make sure of it.
you blaze through sets, direct plays with the precision only someone like you can manage. the semifinals are grueling, the longest, most exhausting game you’ve ever played. your body aches, your lungs burn, but you don’t stop—because this is your last year. your last chance. and you won’t let it slip away.
when the final whistle blows, you don’t even register it for a second. you’re staring at the scoreboard, at the impossible score, at the realization hitting you like a tidal wave.
inarizaki’s girls’ team made it to the finals.
before you know it, you’re being tackled, arms wrapping around you, voices screaming in your ears. your teammates are crying, laughing, shaking with disbelief. and when you finally glance towards the stands, atsumu is on his feet, cheering louder than anyone else.
“she’s good.”
“she’s atsumu’s twin.”
“nah,” the voice comes from a coach sitting close to the court, watching you with interest. “maybe atsumu is hers.”
when you hear it, your lips twitch into a smirk.
later that night, you tell atsumu, smugly, playfully. he groans, ruffling your hair even though it’s already messy from the match.
“shut up.”
“not my fault you got overshadowed.”
“yer my girlfriend, you should be nice to me.”
“i am nice. i let you sit next to me.”
he flicks your forehead, but his grin is unmistakable.
and maybe—just maybe—that’s the best part of all of this.
not the wins, not the competition, not even proving yourself.
but knowing that no matter what, you and atsumu will always be standing next to each other, pushing each other forward, even if the world only sees one shadow.
but the night after the boys' loss is quiet, too quiet. (maybe cause they got lectured after being praised)
even with the weight of victory on your shoulders, you can feel the air around you, heavy with disappointment. the inarizaki boys were supposed to go all the way, to take the championship, to cement their names in history. instead, they lost. and no matter how well they played, no matter how hard they fought, the sting of it is still fresh.
atsumu hasn’t said much. osamu is silent, suna is brooding, and the rest of the team is lost in their own thoughts. but even with all that, they still show up for you. still cheer for you. because you made it. because the girls' team, the brand-new, barely-established girls' team, is in the finals.
“yer gonna win,” atsumu says that night, his voice hoarse from shouting during your semifinals. he leans back against the wall in your hotel room, arms crossed, eyes sharp. “yer gonna bring back that trophy.”
“you sound so sure,” you murmur, stretching out your leg, wincing slightly.
his gaze flickers to you, narrowing. “what’s wrong?”
it’s a lie. your knee has been screaming at you since the second set of the semifinals, but you didn’t say anything. didn’t let it show. you don’t have time to be injured. not now. not when you’re one game away from winning it all.
atsumu watches you for a second longer, then sighs, ruffling his hair. “don’t push too hard.”
“i always push too hard.”
he lets out a breath, something almost like a laugh. “yeah. i know.”
later that night, as the team settles in, as exhaustion weighs down on everyone, you stay awake. staring at the ceiling. feeling the dull ache in your knee, feeling the pressure settle on your chest. you think about everything that’s led you here, about the hours, the sacrifices, the moments of doubt and frustration.
and then you think about tomorrow.
one more game.
one more chance.
and no matter what, you’re going to take it.
the finals.
the first set is smooth, clean. you send a perfect toss to your wing spiker, and they score. your movements are fluid, precise,muscle memory carrying you through. you can feel the weight of every pair of eyes in the gym, hear the murmurs in the crowd.
“number seven…?” someone whispers the same phrase heard multiple times again. “looks exactly like that number seven on the boys’ team.”
atsumu’s name is everywhere, floating through the stands. comparisons, expectations, judgments.
second set, things start slipping. your sets are a little off, the timing just a fraction of a second late. you don’t miss, but you don’t feel right, either. the moment the ball leaves your hands, you can feel the weight of atsumu and osamu’s stares from the stands. especially atsumu’s.
third set. you send a toss too far, forcing your spiker to stretch for it. you grit your teeth. something is wrong.
you dump the fourth ball yourself, surprising the blockers, earning a point. but your team is still trailing by three.
fifth set. you go for a quick set to your middle blocker, jumping–-
pain. your knee gives out mid-air.
you don’t hit the floor hard, but the moment your knee buckles, the entire gym gasps. you wince, not in pain, but in frustration, in disgust. because you already know what comes next. you can already hear atsumu’s voice in your head, his inevitable lecture. he cares—he always does—but the competition is bigger than that. and you? you didn’t even last the first full game to three.
as the referee calls for a timeout and your coach rushes over, you swallow hard, forcing yourself to sit up. you don’t want to look at the stands, don’t want to see the expression on atsumu’s face. you already know what it’ll be.
but the game isn’t over yet.
and you sure as hell aren’t done.
“you’re done.”
atsumu’s voice is sharp, cutting through the noise of the gym like a blade. he stands (spawns??) in front of you, arms crossed so tightly his knuckles are white. there’s a fire in his eyes, something between anger and worry, something barely held back.
“no, i’m not.” your voice is steady, but your body betrays you. your knee screams when you try to straighten up, the weight of your stance unsteady, but you refuse to let it show. not to him.
“yer knee just gave out,” atsumu says, voice rising with frustration. “you can’t even stand properly, dumbass. ya think yer gonna play like that?”
“watch me.”
he scoffs, running a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands in frustration. “yer so goddamn stubborn. do ya even hear yourself? ya wanna wreck yerself for this one game? ya wanna throw away everything ya worked for, all for what?”
“you wouldn’t back down.”
the words are like a slap. atsumu flinches. his mouth opens, but nothing comes out. for once, he has nothing to say.
so you press on. “if it were you, you’d keep playing. you wouldn’t give up just because of some stupid knee pain.”
his hands curl into fists at his sides. “yeah, maybe i would. but that ain’t the point.”
“then what is?” you snap, stepping closer. “you don’t get to lecture me about pushing myself when you’ve done the exact same thing! you don’t get to stand there and tell me to stop when you never have!”
his jaw clenches. “it’s different.”
his voice finally cracks. “because i ain’t watchin’ someone i care about destroy themselves in front of me!”
the words hang in the air, heavy, suffocating. your breath catches in your throat.
the gym is too loud, the echoes of sneakers squeaking against the floor, the sound of the crowd buzzing in your ears. and yet, all you hear is him.
you swallow hard. “i’m playing.”
atsumu exhales sharply, shaking his head, something like defeat flickering across his face. “yer impossible.”
“and you talk too much.”
he lets out a dry laugh, bitter and frustrated, but he doesn’t stop you. he just mutters, “fine. go. see how far ya get.”
so you do.
the deuce drags on. and on. and on.
34-34. then 35-34. then 35-35.
you can hear the announcers losing their minds. you can hear the crowd buzzing, the tension so thick it makes the air feel heavy. no one is backing down. no one is letting up.
every muscle in your body screams. your legs are barely holding up. every time you land, the pain ricochets up your knee like a gunshot, but you bite down hard on the inside of your cheek and keep going. keep setting. keep pushing.
38-38. then 39-38.
one more point.
one more chance to finish this.
your hands tremble as you wipe your palms on your jersey, blinking back the tears blurring your vision. not from emotion, not from frustration—from pure, unbearable agony. you can’t feel your legs anymore. your arms are heavy, your body is screaming, but you refuse to stop. you refuse to let it end here.
atsumu’s voice echoes in your head.
“ya wanna ruin yourself for one game?”
“yer impossible.”
you take in a shaky breath, shaking his voice out of your mind. you have to focus.
the next serve flies over the net like a bullet. your libero gets under it, barely keeping it up. you sprint forward, nearly stumbling, fingers reaching for the ball—
you set.
your spiker jumps, swinging, hitting clean, sending the ball crashing into the court on the other side.
match point.
but you don’t get to celebrate.
because the moment the ball hits the ground, the moment the whistle blows, your legs give out.
you collapse.
the world tilts, your vision spinning, the sounds around you muffled and distant. you barely register the hands grabbing at you, the voices shouting your name. all you can feel is the burning in your lungs, the numbness in your legs, the tears slipping down your cheeks, unchecked, unstoppable.
you don’t know if you won. you don’t know if you lost.
all you know is that it’s over.
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