#but come on LR has so many funny moments
elegyofthemoon · 1 year
i need to get insane about ff13 again i miss it but everytime i think about it i think of LR and i decide no im not strong enough for that
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collernini · 4 years
Ok I don’t usually do this but I had a rough weekend and I want to get things off my chest.
My Grandpa is a wonderful man, who, as he says, was lucky enough to marry 2 loves of his life. The first one, my grandmother, passed away from ovarian cancer. My grandpa and grandma loved to dance, and the day she died he said he lost his dance partner and he will never dance again.
My grampa has family in the states, (we live in Canada) and decided to visit his brothers for alittle while. There he re-met someone he hasn’t seen in years. In fact he was at her wedding as the best man all those years ago and was god mother to one of my aunts. She was divorced and had a hard time with love. And I tell you, when they remet, it is like one of those descusting love stories that are so sweet you want to throw up. They fell in love and where like high school kids just figuring out love, giggling over every email and phone call. (Fun fact, when he first met her when they where younger, he hated her but so much had changed now but I thought that was funny when I heard that)
After telling us he would never dance again, he found a new dance partner that brought joy into his steps again. They got married and my grampa moved back to the states and where married for 17 years, he was 75 when they where married.
Why am I telling this story? Cause I am pissed and mad at the world right now. My grampa is of corse older and his memory is gone. There is a reset button in his brain that keeps getting pressed and I wish it would stop, he has dementia and she developed alzimers. Even with both their memories gone they still knew they loved each other and would brighten up every single damn moment they saw each other.
In January she broke her hip and they had to be separated, my family went back and forth from Canada to the states for a bit to help him be able to see her and drive him back in forth and got a worker to drive him 4 days a week (her family was at least do 2 days a week) we tried to get him and her to the same nursing home and my family did our part, (the other family told us that we still didn’t do enough and wanted us to move my grampa to the nursing home even though she was not there yet. They did not end up moving her before covid 19) but it was not enough.
Covid 19 hit and to make matters worse, his main joy in life of seeing his wife was taken away. For a month they did not see each other (for good reason mind you) and the nurses where too busy to help her call my grampa where she was (don’t blame the nurses, they are heroes and I am just frustrated on the situation... and maybe the other family but I won’t go there) and we had to make a terrible decision of giving him a fake number or else he would call 30 times in a day (I am not even exaggerating, we where told either to take the phone away or think of something else, we gave him a fake number because we still wanted him to have use of a phone because we are so far away. The fake number came with an answering machine so he could leave a message . At least one of my aunts called once a day, usually more times a day
Because of this, my grampa was not able totally to her for a whole month. Because of this she died not seeing the love of her life for a whole month, covid 19 had gotten her.
Covid 19 sucks and the reason I am sharing this story is because I am mad. Mad that this virus is ruining life’s, it is separating people, making them die alone with only a nurse for company (thank you nurse for not letting her die alone) this virus also makes it so no one can Have closure, the there is no last viewing for loved ones to say good bye. Because of this virus only few can go to their damn funeral and if you are across the boarder, forget about being able to come to your family to comfort them.
Because of this virus, my grampa is reliving the fact that he went through the death of his wife again over and over, because of this virus we can’t come over and hug him, even if we where over the boarder we still could not comfort him in the way we want to, because of this stupid virus.
You want to know what really makes me mad? The people screaming my body my choices. Well guess what? It is not about your body, it is about the bodies around you, literal bodies that can’t even be properly mourned because of this stupid virus. If you choose death over being able to get a damn haircut then I guess that is your choice. But your not choosing your own death, you are choosing other people’s life’s over a hair cut. And any one who says “ it is only old people anyways” why don’t you tell that to the parents who lost there 5 month old baby? Why don’t you say it to the family members that are suffering from loosing lost ones because you all want to fucking get your nails done?! Tell that to the nurses and doctors who are loosing sleep and are fighting so hard to save so many damn lives but supplies are low.
Tell that to my fucking grampa who is alone int he states and is separated by most of his family while feeling lost that his second dance partner is gone and couldn’t even see her before she is creamated (btw, the cremation is process is backed up because there are so many bodies so it will be a while until she is buried)
It is not about your body, it is about everyone else’s. Get you lr selfish heads out of your asses and look at what this world is trying to over come. It could be over quicker if you all would stop thinking about yourselves and stay the fuck inside
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bandaidkits · 7 years
After much too long, I (with a sprinkling of other alters) have finally sat down and watched Th/or Rag/nar/ok, and I have a hell of a lot of say.
So. Clearly it’s a major tone change from the usual Thor movies, previously told to me by the mother, which is. Really not fine. Honestly I feel the change messes with the narrative and the flow of how the series as a whole was. And I say was because I can’t get past the glaring errors of this movie.
Did I like it? Not entirely. As a whole, no. There were some bits I laughed at. Some bits that I’m quite pleased got addressed (such as when Hulk slammed Th/or around like a bean bag and I jumped up and shouted that now he knows how it feels! That was beyond rewarding), but there wasn’t enough. 
What’s going to happen to Bruce now that he turned into the Hulk after he said he shouldn’t? What will happen to me after I return to earth? Why did Thor suddenly become Odin 2.0? Being the king of Asgard doesn’t mean one needs to lose their eye. Honestly I feel that was in poor taste. Also the destroying of his hammer. I was waiting for that to be fixed at the end. Never happened. What’s Thor without his hammer? Or his hair for that matter? I don’t know if this was the director’s choice or the actor’s choice, but it was a bad one. I’m assuming Chris had extensions in for this movie and the last, so what was the point in cutting it? I don’t believe it was ever cut in the comics.
Now let’s move onto Hela and Fenrir. Marvel is already known for bastardizing Norse beliefs. We know this. We should not accept this but fans do so anyway because there is nothing we can do.
There isn’t much to say other than Hela (Hel) is actually my daughter, not Odin’s, as well as Fenrir. This whole “big sister comes back to wreck havoc on Asgard to get back at dear old dad and the family she never met before” is ridiculous. It’s a bad plot. Also, she looks nothing like Frigga or Odin and I’ve already seen people say they see the family resemblance between her and I, and that is... stupid. I am adopted. I am not Asgardian and I never will be because I am a Frost Giant and that is all it is and will be end of story.
Without getting too deep into their terrible take on that, honestly it would have been better if they stuck with the Loki has several children thing. It would make more sense why she actually looks like me. Are you scared, Marvel? Are you scared to show big scary mischievous Loki as a parent? It wouldn’t even do anything, in fact it would show me in a more “villain” light. I have a lot of odd children who do not so great things?? I really think that would tie into that (stagnant) character (more on that later) they’ve built for me. Unless, they are going for the Loki redemption arc. Which. How is that going to happen? The movie ends with us going to earth. A place where everyone is either terrified or scared of me. And after the whole Cap 3 movie with those treaties, how is that going to work?
The next movie coming out is In/fin/ity War. Just reading the plot is giving me a headache. Too many characters. So what Marvel is telling me, is that we are all taking the ship full of Asgardians to earth, to set up some sort of life there for all those otherworldly people, and then, somehow, Thanos finally makes it to earth after years and years, gets the infinity stones, and we team up with the Gua/rdians of the Ga/laxy to save the earth. All of us. All the Av/engers, who have fallen apart since Civil War, other people who’s names I don’t even recognize. Even me. Me! What is with that major shift? Please get a proper narrative for your movies, Marvel. I’m getting tired of all this running around in circles. You haven’t let me down this much since Th/or 2 and Civil War.
(And I did not like Civil War, because, even though I didn’t watch it myself, Bucky did. And he knows better than anyone how that movie should have went.
The most I can say is the movie babies Tony, as if he’s some feeble child who is suffering so dearly from something that is never mentioned to have affected him before this movie. This was not an Ir/on Man movie. This was a Cap/tain Ame/rica movie. If we wanted to see Tony being the star, we would have paid for an Ir/on Man movie. This was supposed to feature Steve as the main character, focus on his feelings, his views most of all, but it instead painted him as some stubborn idiot who has outlandish ideas and only cares about saving his friend.
And in the end, what happens. Tony blows off Bucky’s arm and afterwards they all decide to put this man, who has been trying to heal and be a better person, into the ice. I highly doubt Bucky would have wanted to get within five feet of that thing. And Steve somehow barely shows Bucky an ounce of that best friendship he insists they have. No hug at the end. Nothing significant. They just put him under. Why? Wouldn’t that remind him of Hydra? Nowhere in that entire movie did he turn on any of them. He was not a threat. There was nothing pointing him to being a threat anymore and yet, he comes out of nowhere with that? 
Onto my character. They seem extremely intent on making my role the God of Misch/ief and nothing more. The little change of heart at the end isn’t enough. Especially with the pause, stare longingly at the tessaract, cut to another scene, oh Loki thanks for saving the day!, except oh no where is he oh that’s right he’s on the ship suddenly with no explanation at all whatsoever and Thor didn’t even seem the least bit concerned and it really gave off the impression that he didn’t care for me at all and essentially gave up on me halfway through the movie.
“I mourned for you” doesn’t mean a whole lot when you keep tossing me aside when I get too difficult for you. Thor’s undying love for me is a major element of his character! It’s so shoved in our faces in the first two movies and the Ave/ngers. And now it’s barely touched upon. And how can I even blame him when my character is so stagnant. Why am I not getting character development that even people like Tony got? (not very good development but that’s a review for another day and Bucky is more suited to writing about it) If there aren’t some improvements of my character by the next movie there’s going to be a serious problem. If they make me betray everyone by the end and it falls into the old grating shoved down everyone’s throat trickster god is only ever going to be a trickster and will never amount to anything else narrative I’m going to rip out all my hair and my eyes.
Moving on. Odin dying. My fault? How? I didn’t strip him of any powers. Odin is a god. He’s powerful. I left him on earth and if he wanted to leave, he would have, but he did not. He was perfectly content down there. Heimdall should have seen and known all of this (which is the issue with an all seeing all knowing character because if they are able to see all then why did they not do anything with their knowledge? Plot holes. So many of them). Odin died because he was old and should have died years and years ago. That was not my fault and to pin it on me was unfair. Grief is understandable but the scene did not play out properly.
Ruling Asgard so frivolously, so stupidly... and doing a piss poor job of acting the moment Thor comes back was cringey at best. Ridiculous and inconsistent with my abilities shown in the second movie. The shapeshifting ability is something that is very poorly presented in this movie. I know it is a Thor movie and it is focused on him but if they can take a Cap movie and make it into a Tony’s Very Sad Day movie then I think they can put a little more effort into characterizing me properly, especially when I have such a big presence in the comics and I’m such an integral part of the family and a fan favorite.
The opening scene sweeps everything Thor’s been doing under the rug with a very small explanation and nothing to show for it. 
And going back to the use of humour in this movie. Or rather, the overuse of humour. The other movies had their fair share of mild humour thrown in so as to not set the tone of the movies as more heavy than they already are. Just a little is enough. These movies aren’t humour based. They aren’t supposed to be funny to the point where I’m completely thrown off by the complete shift of tone from the other movies in the series. I went into this movie expecting more jokes, but not that many. It really took away from the main focus. It was too funny. There were too many light moments.
(In an unrelated criticism, the relationship with Jane being such a big thing in the first and second movies, then suddenly being tossed aside around the time of Age of Ul/tron and being only mentioned once in this movie doesn’t make sense. Why didn’t we see any of this? Why even put her in the movies in the first place if she was just going to be tossed aside later? Why the unnecessary romantic subplot that irked a number of fans to begin with? It’s almost as if the writers realized they didn’t have a use for her anyone and scrapped her. They shouldn’t have put her in the movies as a romantic interest in the first place.)
If this is the direction they’re going for the next movies, then I don’t know how I’m going to handle watching them. I wish it was as simple as sending a letter to Marvel and having them rethink their scripts but unless enough people complain about it, they won’t care.
TD;LR: Too much humour in a movie that really did not need it. Bad tone. Stagnant characters. Plot holes. Bad choices. I’ll give it a 4/10.
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yehetingxing · 7 years
tagged by @holyxingsdick <33333
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers
- Nicknames: Pandi, .... thats kind of it... 
- Zodiac sign: aries
- Height: 166cm/5′4
- Orientation: straight
- Nationality: french
- Favorite fruit: mmmmh.... pears?? i guess??? idk... i like most fruits....
- Favorite season: WINTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!!!!
- Favorite book: once again i dont rlly read so like :((( but i guess yixings book
- Favorite flower: ummm... all flowers r beautiful i dont discriminate 😂
- Favorite scent: coffee!!!! (high five blossomie) and umm... any...perfumes...that i like....
- Favorite animal: .... pandas... i dont think this rlly comes as a surprise since my nickname is pandi. i also love cats :))) i have 3 and theyre my children, dont touch them
- Favorite colour: greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen but every colour is fine tbh 
- Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: HOT CHOCOLATE ALLLLLL THE WAYYYY
- Average sleep hours: ~4-5h on school days (i got muuuchhh better c:) and like 1328748h on weekends
- Cat or dog: cats obv :) but i still love dogs :)))) esp vivi
- Favorite fictional character: LUFFYYYYY, chopper, every manga character :(
- # of blankets: 2 and 3 during winter
- Dream trip: GO BACK TO CHINA, korea (obv), japan, hk+macau+singapore, malaysia, thailand and visit more of canada BUT THATS WAY TOO MUCH ISNT IT
- Blog created: wow... umm i have no clue... like a year and a half ago??
- Favorite song at the moment: .... bOI, THE WHOLE OF BTS’S HER, power -exo, what u need +lose control - king of china (yes im getting back into these song), company -  tinashe, just u - jeong sewoo, vixx lr - whisper, vvip - jo wuchan ft sikk & gaeko, we are - woo wonjae and moar but once again that will be too much :(
- Number of followers: like 5
- Favorite bands: this is quite obvious but EXOOOOO & BTSSSS those r my main but as u noticed i listen to a variety of artists and groups (and im multi fandom af but theres so many that i cant be bothered to write it down eventho theres like 5 more groups only but anywhoo)
- Favorite solo artists: ....help... welllll theres the whole china line of exo :)))))), i also rlly like offonoff, zico, zion ttttt!!!!!, dean!!!!!!, crush, sik k, heize, amber hehe,  and last but not leastttttttt JUNG HOSEOK WHENEVER HE’LL RELEASE HIS GOD DAMN FUCKING HIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!! (theres actually more but.... ye)
- Song stuck in my head: rn its what you like - lee gikwang (but it changes every 10 mins so)
- Last tv show i watched: cheese in the trap (i already read the webtoon so its not that interesting for me tbh... i already know everything thats going to happen)
- What stuff do you post: bts & exo mostly, ull see some cats passing by and some aesthetic skies, a lot of different kpop groups and eventually some shitpost of me crying over sehun and hobi :))
- When did your blog reach its peak: lol it still hasnt and probs never will :)))
- Do you have any other blogs: ..ha..haha... ha.. yeah.... not gonna share them cos one is just a blog made for a friend and i post shit abt her haha (she also has one for me :(( ), one is just where i reblog random recipes i should try one day if i ever wanna do smth with my life which will never happen, and one is where i reblog language stuff (mostly mandarin bc yes, i learn mandarin)
- do you get asks regularly: nooooo ahaha i wish :(( if u wanna ask random shit, hello :) im here :)
- why did you choose your url: cos yehet is sehun and hes my ub, xing is yixing and hes my other exo bias (along with bbh and pcy), i thought abt adding hobi since hes my scnd ub but idk.. my love wasnt as strong as it is now. also xing can mean star in madarin so i thought itd be funny to make yehet a verb describing a star... anyway my brain goes to weird places just go with it (also thanks to @holyxingsdick  for helping me choose that url)
- following: too many :( 573...
- posts: 7, 516 (less than expected tbh)
- hogwarts house: no fckng clue lemme go take a test. welp it says im mostly  gryffindor but i honestly have no clue :(
- pokemon team: IDKKKKKKKKK
- favourite colours: wasnt this q already asked?????
- lucky numbers: 94, 4, 9, 12, 7, 21, 88, 10, 6 (thats a lot IK!)
- what are you wearing rn: oversized black nintendo shirt and black sweatpants
- dream job: noooo clueeee, i guess u could say dancer but idk... maybe web designer if i continue liking it as much as i do rn :) but i keep my options open since i rlly dk.
i tag @bakinglover73 @jongin-trash @haneuuls @yerkezhanberkembayeva (r u even alive on tumblr? 😂) @ijustwantjongintobehappy @bias-yixing @anyone who reads this idk who to tag anymore :(
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memozing · 4 years
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memozing · 4 years
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memozing · 4 years
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memozing · 4 years
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memozing · 4 years
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memozing · 4 years
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