#but collage creation is me
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midnightshadows16 · 8 months ago
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Coffee aesthetic for finding cute cafes on nooks and coners of the city, tucked away from the busy streets, for introverted people to tumble upon
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sp7 · 4 months ago
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behold, i am the handmaid of the lord.
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teddypoi-qd · 9 months ago
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FLY AWAY BITCH!!! (lyrics are from starchild by ghost quartet. banger.)
(textless version under the cut because i couldn't decide which i preferred)
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bluewhiteseagull · 1 year ago
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Today are the Grammys! I hope for the Reputation TV announcement and I hope the swifties won't be clowning again🤡 We have seen the Easter Eggs. 66th Grammys, Rep is Taylor's 6th Album, she made her pfp black and white, the photo of Olivia Benson(Taylor's cat) that taylornation posted on Instagram was posted by taylor before the Rep Stadium Tour. Look what this situation made me do, it made me(bluewhiteseagull) make a collage for lwymmd!!🖤🐍
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year ago
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me rn, crying induced headache included
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0reblogufufu0 · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday to @snoobins !
#Happy birthday!#I really hope you like the collages and edits i made!#i wanted to pay homage to what an artist you are and went on a deep dive down your creations over the years!#even though it was your birthday present#i had a lot of fun just seeing how your gifs have changed and the same with your builds in AC#It was hard choosing what builds to use because i honestly loved all of them! so i limited myself to a color palette of light and dark#then did rainbow for the edit#its my firsr time doing both so i hope they arent underwhelming or anything!#youve supported me a lot in everything I've tried to accomplish but dont always hold yourself to that same standard#i even saw you didnt feel good about your angles in the AC pictures but i thought they were perfect!#they showed off the details of the rooms really well and all the little stuff you might not see otherwise#Anyway#i just had a lot of fun making this and hope you enjoy it just as much watching it!#i wanted to appreciate you here because you're seriously the kindest person i know and if there is anything unconditional in the world#i believe it is your friendship and loyalty#so i want to repay that however i can especially on your birthday when i get to celebrate you being you!#never change and heres to another year together!#i love you so so so much#And thank you just for being the great human you are!#make sure to spoil yourself for me!#(ps if the video or the photo is too grainy i can send it privately)#i want it to be clear i didnt change any of the coloring on your gifs because they're perfect just how they are! i just compiled them!#<3 <3 <3
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all-or-nothing-baby · 1 year ago
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reachartwork · 1 year ago
How exactly do you advance AI ethically? Considering how much of the data sets that these tools use was sourced, wouldnt you have to start from scratch?
a: i don't agree with the assertion that "using someone else's images to train an ai" is inherently unethical - ai art is demonstrably "less copy-paste-y" for lack of a better word than collage, and nobody would argue that collage is illegal or ethically shady. i mean some people might but i don't think they're correct.
b: several people have done this alraedy - see, mitsua diffusion, et al.
c: this whole argument is a red herring. it is not long-term relevant adobe firefly is already built exclusively off images they have legal rights to. the dataset question is irrelevant to ethical ai use, because companies already have huge vaults full of media they can train on and do so effectively.
you can cheer all you want that the artist-job-eating-machine made by adobe or disney is ethically sourced, thank god! but it'll still eat everyone's jobs. that's what you need to be caring about.
the solution here obviously is unionization, fighting for increased labor rights for people who stand to be affected by ai (as the writer's guild demonstrated! they did it exactly right!), and fighting for UBI so that we can eventually decouple the act of creation from the act of survival at a fundamental level (so i can stop getting these sorts of dms).
if you're interested in actually advancing ai as a field and not devils advocating me you can also participate in the FOSS (free-and-open-source) ecosystem so that adobe and disney and openai can't develop a monopoly on black-box proprietary technology, and we can have a future where anyone can create any images they want, on their computer, for free, anywhere, instead of behind a paywall they can't control.
fun fact related to that last bit: remember when getty images sued stable diffusion and everybody cheered? yeah anyway they're releasing their own ai generator now. crazy how literally no large company has your interests in mind.
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evilmenshoe80 · 5 months ago
The meeting  
(WARNING: this is a guitarhero endgame fic with past adamsapple, don't like don't read, pretend I don't exist and that's it, thanks! ❤️)
It was a beautiful morning in the garden of eden. The birds were happily singing announcing a new morning, the breeze of the wind gently rocked the trees, generating a pleasant melody that filled the entire place, the warm rays of the sun filtered through the trees creating a beautiful yellow and orange collage in the skin of the first man, Adam.  
He slowly opened his eyes, taking a moment to fully awaken, before rising with a yawn. It had been a decent night, no nightmares after what he had feel like an eternity of waking up crying in the middle of the night, maybe his father took pity of him an removed his capacity to dream, that would be the best, something he would gladly accept, why dream? When the two beings that he loved the most abandoned him without a doubt.  
Lucifer, his best friend, his guardian angel, the one that guided him on his first years of existence, the only one that didn’t kneel when god presented him because in his own words “they were equals”, the angel that had made beautiful promises of a bright future for both of them.......the angel he hated and loved.  
And Lilith, his wife, the first woman, the other half that he didn’t knew he needed, the other fundamental piece of God's plan so that both could give birth to humanity, his equal as a human....his first love and the person he though it would be by his side forever. 
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He remembered the day he saw the two for the first time. 
The earliest memory he has of his existence was waking up in a room full of light, with creatures similar to him, but not exactly like him, their shape was similar to his, but most of this beings were taller, easily covering him with their body, they had wings, their body was covered by a strange material, some had two eyes, others only one eye and some had many more than two and as a weird extra, they all had a weird looking golden shape above their heads, gently floating and following them everywhere they moved.  
But despite the strange look of these beings he didn’t feel scared or threatened in any way, he actually feel at peace, at ease, like he belonged there despite so many eyes looking at him, As he moved his gaze around, inspecting his surroundings, it landed on the figure next to him. A figure that left him speechless, this one has more similarities with him, but like with the other creatures it had some differences, the middle of her body was smaller, her hair was longer and with a lighter colour, similar to the light that shined in the place, her skin a different tone just like her eyes, which also were sharper than his, but with a similar light, she was beautiful, the woman looked at him with the same curiosity.  
Before he could try to form a word, an imponent yet gentle voice filled the room, silencing the whispers of the other creatures and making both humans turn around to face the origin of it. Their father, the creator of everything, god. Their voice was strong, with clear autorithy but at the same time, it was the most calming and beautiful sound adam remembers to ever hear, no singing of any other being or instrument could compare to the beauty that it was the melodic voice of the supreme being.  
“Adam, Lilith, my perfect creations” said the being of light “I welcome you to the world” 
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“w-who are you?” said the first man, in a trembling voice that was more for lack of experience that for being afraid 
“i’m your creator, you can call me father”  
After some time of pure silence and of the first humans looking at each other, both with the same confused expression, lilith asked in a curious tone.  
“why...did you create us?”  
“I created you so you can start a new world togueter, new life, a new race, the human race, that’s your purpose”   
“purpose? What's that?” asked the first men  
“It’s what gives a reason to exist to every being that I create, and yours, it’s to create new life”  
“why?” asked both humans at the same time  
To this question, god stayed silent for a whole minute, which make the angels feel nervous and start whispering again, not because god didn’t knew the answer, they knew, but their father not wanting to answer right away had a meaning none of the humans could handle, at least not yet, so, god only answered: 
“because the universe cannot exist without it” said the creator, making the angels shut their bickering again.  
Both humans stayed silent and before either of them could ask another “why?” the father of everything pointed their stare at one of the angels in the room. A short figure with white skin, his cheeks adorned with blue dots that matched with his crystal blue eyes, golden hair that was decorated with a big blue hat with a golden ribbon, and a blue tunic that moved gently with the fluttering of his golden wings.  
At the mention of his name, the angel spread his wings and approached the center of the room where God and the humans were standing.  
“Yes, father” the angel made a reverence  
God pointed their gaze at lilith and adam again “the name of this angel is Lucifer”  
Lucifer made a reverence to both humans 
“what’s an angel?” asked lilith  
“another of my creations, his purpose is to teach and protect you, guide you through the paths of life” he pointed his stare at every angel in the room “that’s the purpose of all of them”  
At this, all the angels started to kneel, understanding the weight of their creator words. Yes, all of them, except one. The angel that was at their side, lucifer. All the room was in a dense silence, the angels looking at each other and some at lucifer without daring to say anything. The humans stared at each other, like trying to get some answers, though both of them where in the same situation, neither knew why suddendly the atmosphere had become more than tense, suffocating.  
God seemed to be staring at lucifer, with an expression no one in the room could really read, everyone were expecting, waiting for god’s next words, their next reaction.  
“Lucifer” said the lord with a calm but firm tone 
“yes, father?” answered lucifer with a smile  
“Guide adam and lilith to eden” he looked at the humans “your duty is to name all the animals and plants in the garden, let your curiosity lead you to create new things” then he looked at the other archangels, lucifer’s siblings “accompany them, any question that adam and lilith have, you shall answer them”  
“yes, father” answered the archangels at the same time  
“I will visit you once you have properly settled”  
And like that, in the blink of an eye god dissapeared. After some seconds the other angels began to get up and stretch. Their whispering started again.   
“I hope everything goes well” 
“they look so fragile”  
“do you think they can make it?” 
“I can’t believe Lucifer didn’t kneel”  
“I know, his new position is getting over his head”    
Both adam and lilith looked at each other again, restless, hesitating to approach each other wanting to search some comfort at being the only “humans” in the whole place, life? Race? Purpose? What did all that really mean?. These creatures seemed to be have a higher understanding of things, why did they needed them?  
“adam, lilith”  
Both humans turned towards the soft but playful voice 
“I’m so happy you are finally here, we all have been waiting to finally meet you!” said lucifer with a smile “I’m sure that both of you have a lot of questions, but don’t worry” he pointed his hands towards his siblings “we’ll help you understand”  
One of the angels behind lucifer reached his hand towards him, patting his shoulder.  
“yes, michael?” said lucifer with a bright smile towards his brother  
“can we talk for a moment?” asked his twin with a conflicted expression 
“right now? But we have work to do! Lilith and Adam need-” 
“I can’t believe you didn’t show respect towards father’s creations” said gabriel “you know how much father loves them, how much effort he put in making them!”  
“geez, calm down gabe, I made a reverence and that was enough for father, he didn’t got angry or complained about my behaviour”  
“wow, a reverence, how respectful” said uriel with his arms crossed and an unamused expression 
Lucifer’s smile twitched at his brother sarcasm but before he could answer, michael interfered  
“Luci, I know you don’t mean bad or try to be disrespectful, but, try to follow the protocole next time, As high of your position is now and as much patiente father has, we have to remember our place and duties, ok?” said michael, with a sincere smile, full of brotherly love towards his twin  
At this lucifer stayed silent for a moment, like analizing his brother’s words “ok mike” then, his crystal blue eyes landed on the humans, who were standing very close to each other, and looking at the tense scene in front of them “I promise to behave” said the angel with a smile that made adam’s spine shiver. 
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Adam blinked rapidly and shaked his head, finally standing and making his way towards the lake to wash up, breaking free from that memory that hunted his mind constantly, he tried and tried to not think about it, it hurted, everytime that he remembered lilith’s curious stare, how she smiled at him, the way she holded his hand when they were walking towards the garden for the first time, how the feel of her soft skin made him shiver and feel heat on his cheeks, it hurted, remembering lucifer’s soft touch on his shoulder, his friendly chatting and mischievous smile that filled his heart with something he couldn’t understand at the moment, it hurted, it hurted, it hurted, IT HURTS, STOP! 
His mind was begging, PLEADING for rest, so many things happened before the angel and the woman decided to leave him behind, but it didn’t matter if they were good or bad memories, they all made him feel bad, feel things he couldn’t name or understand at all, and that only served to increase his anger.  
Adam arrived at his favorite spot in the lake, he let out a little sigh of relief at the feeling of the cool water on his feet, he looked at his reflection for a moment  
“Eve” adam said in a sad tone, as if someone just asked him about who he was thinking about 
The second woman, his second wife, his third love but not less special, his other half, the person that was created from his rib to fill the void in his heart, while the extraction didn’t hurt, her creation left a scar on his body that burned once he woke up from his sleep, a burn that he could still feel once in a while, he noticed that it was stronger when he missed her, which was constantly.  
Her eyes were the first thing he saw, they were the same as his, golden, with long reddish brown hair, her skin a little lighter than his but with the same golden freckels and shine, she was a little shorter but not too much, and her smile, that sweet and kind smile that he loved so much, that made him forget about the mess in his head, the feeling of solitude 
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you Eve” adam practically whimpered, feeling the hot tears running down his cheeks at the memory of eve being kicked out of eden, of her squirming and crying, trying to reach him, begging mercy from the angels, he had never see the angelic beings like that, it was the first time he felt an odd feeling towards them 
He had tried to reach her, but he was stopped, they couldn’t risk to lose him too, he tried to beg to sera, to the archangels, to every angel that was present at the moment but the decision was made, eve would be kicked out of eden for disobeying the only rule in the garden and try to tempt him to sin too, “luckily” for him the angels arrived before he could take a bite of the forbidden fruit, saving him from an unfortunate destiny. 
But the worst about all of it, as if the whole situation wasn’t terrible enough, is that she wasn’t alone in this, someone had tempted her, tricked her into disobeying god and ignoring her husband advice, the two beings that he had loved the most.... 
Adam couldn’t contain himself anymore and started crying, letting out whines of pain, letting out all the tears he didn’t though he had anymore, he already cried so much before, until his eyes hurted, until he felt like he didn’t had more tears to shed, but it seems like he was wrong.  
Why no one wanted to stay with him? Why no one choose him? Why it seemed like they didn’t cared as much about him like they said? would it be better if he took the apple from lucifer when he offered it? Would things have been different if he had the guts to bite the apple when eve offered it too? should he have fought harder to be with his wife? Was she doing ok? Where lucifer and lilith doing ok? Did they though about hi- 
The bombardment of questions in his mind suddenly stopped when he felt the soft touch of a large but delicate hand on his shoulder, soft and warm, he turned his head slowly until he found himself face to face with the owner of that hand.  
Seraphiel, or “sera” to shorten, the seraphim that was in charge of the order and correct progress in eden, it was needless to say that was not the situation right now, they had loss two humans and a powerful angel to sin, the plans for the progress of humanity had been put on hold until they could fix the current situation, the veteran angels were becoming more impatient and worried every day, and sera didn’t visit him as often as before, he was sure that she was angry with him, dissapointed, Adam was sure that they all would give up on him, that they would look for another way to give birth to the human race without him, since he was unable to keep his partners by his side. 
Adam was ready for bad news, for her to guide him to god and for his father to turn him to dust, to what he originally was, that would be merciful he though, that would stop his pain, his worries, every bad though in his mind, but no, for his surprise nothing like that happened, sera had that gentle and motherly smile she always gave to him, there was hope in her eyes, she didn’t say anything but something in her stare told him she has found the solution for all their problems.  
Without breaking her silence, she slowly moved, revealing a bright figure behind her. 
Adam was blinded for a second, before he laid his eyes on the person in front of him, it was a human, another man.....a very beautiful one.  
He was tall, taller than him, with a strong build and beauty marks in different parts of his body, his skin tone lighter than his with pink undertones, hair on his chest, arms and legs, he was wearing a short yellow chiton around his waist like him, his hair was long and blonde, some locks standing out from his shoulders, and his eyes, oh father, his eyes were sapphire blue, sharp and intense, locked on his golden ones, his pinkish plump lips curled in a charming smile that had adam practically hipnotized, he couldn’t stop looking, who...who was him? 
“adam, dear” said sera breaking her silence “this is your new husband, his name is Mika” 
“H-h-h-husband?”Adam stuttered 
Sera nooded and looked at mika “Mika, this is your husband, adam the firstman” 
Mika’s smile got wider before approaching adam and kneeling in front of him “hello adam, I’ve been told a lot about you, I hope we can get along, I’m really excited to spend time with you” 
Adam felt his body heat rise “I-I-I've been hope really excited to time with you”   
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Mika gave adam an amused stare before letting out a giggle 
“sucessful introduction, excellent” the higher seraphim though to herself, now it was up to Michael. The warrior angel could do it, she was sure, after all, Michael never failed. 
(HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! I FINALLY FINISHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF MY ADAM & MIKA (human!Michael) FIC!!! AAAAAGH I'M REALLY EXCITED! And omg, to the great writers of this fandom and any other, my respect for you is 100000 higher now, I erased so many parts of the history so many times, how do you do it?! 😭
And I'll be honest with you guys, this au at first was just an excuse to draw and write michael x adam smut hehe but know I really want to write something more meaningful for them, and I hope to do a good job, I'll do my best for my guitarhero fellows 🤝💕
also, I know what you may be thinking, "it's ridiculous how adam is so sad at the start of the story for his past lovers but sees Mika and suddendly he's happy and in love!" adam is shocked by his new mates beauty, that's all, Michael's new body was made specifically for adam to like it and feel attracted to, BUT believe me, I plan to develop their relationship more before we start talking about real love
thanks and good night!!! 😘)
@bluefrostyy I remember you wanted me to tell you when the story was out so, here it is 👍
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toxicanonymity · 1 year ago
stay awake - vampire joel masterlist.
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vampire!joel miller x f!reader, no schedule SUMMARY: Joel meets you by chance after looking for you for 400 years. Now he can't risk letting you go. WARNINGS: I8+, kidnapping, dubcon via captivity (captive is willing/enthusiastic), a variety of smut, dark fluff official spotify playlist - i really like this one
big ty to @megangovier for the initial ask ❤️
main stories
The special one (3.5)
First few days (3k. flashback, Joel POV)
Let me stay awake (7.2)
*new* Don't have to wait (4.2)
Take me out
imagines, HCs, hypotheticals, misc.
not knowing how to care for you
if he gave you a collar
if he was an exorcist in the 1600s
if you got a nosebleed in public
joel inviting you to sleep in his room
librarian oc mood: misty quigley edits list
art, edits, etc.
academia style edit by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
vampyre gif collage by @iamasaddie
lock screen by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
text messages edit, alley edit, special one collage and brothel edits by gasolinerainbowpuddles
vampire's room by gasolinerainbowpuddles
text messages edit by puddles
collage by @iamasaddie
✨mood board by @milla-frenchy
✨mood board by @xdaddysprincessxx
tysm for your creations 🖤 if I've left something off, please shoot me the link or image.
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repliiku · 8 months ago
please draw more silly salamanders !!! their so cute in your style please... I yearn for the amphibians...
if you don't feel like drawing you can just put together a master post of everyone uve drawn...
theyve def been on my list. i actually adore the consorts and as ive been less inclined to ship art as of late i have felt more excited to draw characters like the consorts in a more existing way such silly amphibians :))) sburb creation stories like pm wv and ar, jack, casey, and the sprites were super interesting to me. so to respond to your ask. heres a lineup of the kids consorts(+ plus guest star casey) as well as a collage of all the consorts ive drawn in the past
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bluewhiteseagull · 1 year ago
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I feel a Lavender Haze Collage creepin' up on me. SURREAL!💜☁️ made by me! (bluewhiteseagull)
Make suggestions in the comments about which song you would like me to make!
Reblog For More Collages!
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self-shipping-doll13 · 2 months ago
Graphics Self-Ship Asks
To play this game, all you need to do is answer the following questions with your visual creation for the f/o(s). I’ve been obsessed with moodboards lately :)
By visual creation, it can be anything from a moodboard to a collage with pngs, go wild!
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🩸 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour red!
🦋 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour blue!
🌙 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour yellow!
🌂 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour purple!
🐍 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour green!
🍊 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour orange!
🩰 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour pink!
🐀 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour grey!
🦗 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour brown!
🕷️ - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour black!
🦷 - Make a visual creation for your selfship using the colour white!
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I love seeing what people make btw, so if you want me to see what you create feel free to @ me :)
Dividers by @/thecutestgrotto
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angelgoddard · 2 years ago
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒐𝒏𝒆: 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕. 🎀
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technically this should be step zero. but it's important to get clear on what you actually want. there are a lot of ways to do this. below i've compiled a small list for you!
- look into archetypes + system. they are patterns and associations based on body type, facial features, and personality traits. (i know there's ones that exist for feminine presenting people, i'm not sure about masculine presenting people. you are obviously not obligated to follow these, but they can be fun sometimes, especially if you're looking to curate a specific image of yourself.)
- observe the people you admire. this is a great way to try and find patterns in the people you look up to. (for example, i tend to gather inspiration from celebrities who have very youthful, sweet, and angelic faces. this helped me realize what my desired face was.)
- get creative. use faceswap and apps similar to blend together people you want to look like! if the beauty you're going for is more conceptual, make a collage board of things that visually describe your beauty. (for example, my collage board included things like cats, bunnies, deer, angels, dolls, etc.)
- you can also look at pinterest and save images of bodies, body parts, and facial features to help you know you want. this is especially useful if you're a person who has trouble keeping track of things you're manifesting.
- write a list of all the features you want. (notion is a great app to make lists and sort things if you don't enjoy using paper.)
- if you just want to become better looking overall, your subconscious knows what you truly want, so don't stress about specifying it if you're having trouble doing so.
♡- knowing that we are limitless can be a very freeing feeling, but it's important to remember that just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should do something. remember to be critical of what you want, especially when it comes to manifesting appearance changes. society has taught most of us what we are supposed to deem beautiful and healthy and what is ugly and unhealthy. do not allow indoctrination to control you. read this for more clarification.
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒕𝒘𝒐: 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅. ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
fulfilling yourself is the most important part of the process. you must do it continuously until you feel as if you no longer need to do it because your desires are truly yours. you do not engage in methods to get anything, creation is finished. this post focuses specifically on fulfilling yourself using the state akin to sleep. there's many tutorials that already exist, explaining how to get to the state. here's a few of my personal favorites: 1, 2, 3, 4.
i personally have trouble quieting my mind down and getting into the state of thinking about my desires, so i like to either listen to music or do a meditation beforehand. here are some mediations i enjoy using: 1, 2,. while i relax my body, i sometimes listen to soundscapes to calm myself down (1, 2, 3,). depending on how i feel, i will either use the lullaby method or visualize. below, I've listed some ideas for imaginal scenarios.
- people asking you if you're [insert celebrity/person] because you look just like them!
- overhearing people gossiping about you, and accusing you of having work done when you're really just a natural beauty
- people constantly asking you for makeup tutorials or what your skincare routine is
- seeing yourself on thumbnails of subliminals/seeing yourself all over pinterest
- getting showered with compliments everywhere you go, people give you things for free and do you favors bc of how beautiful you are
♡- you don't have to fall asleep in the state for it to work. it's beneficial, but not essential. i personally like to do sats visualization midday, and the lullaby method at night.
♡- try not to make your scenarios too convoluted or have too much going on, especially if you're going to fall asleep looping it. it will be more difficult to keep track of what's going on as you slip farther into sleep. (from personal experience, the people in my scenario start slurring their words when i get too sleepy during a complicated sats scenario.)
♡- sats also works for revision. just imagine scenarios working the way you wanted them to, or an event in the past, and imagine you had your desired appearance then.
as for the lullaby method, here are some phrases you can repeat.
- it is done.
- i am stunning.
- i am beautiful.
- it is finished.
- i am free.
- it has been this way.
♡- remember that while doing this, you don't have to feel any particular emotion. you don't need to feel happy, grateful, sad, or peaceful. if you do that's great, and if you don't, that's also perfectly fine. knowing isn't this wise, specific feeling, it's just being aware and accepting what you have as truth. the device you're using to read this post now exists, right? you know you just have it. that's how it should feel to you while fulfilling yourself. it is also okay for the scenario/phrase to not feel natural at first. just keep doing it and eventually the sense of realness will begin to set in.
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆. 🎀
the art of detatchment is an essential one. detatchment doesn't refer to completely neglecting 3d responsibilities, shutting yourself in a dark room, not going to the bathroom, or not showering— it means do whatever you need to in the outer world, but don't identify with anything that doesn't align with your desires. if you find yourself crying about how ugly you are, seek comfort in imagination and remind youself that the true you, the inner you, doesn't cry over their appearance because they are confident in how they look.
detatchment includes stopping yourself from controlling things that don't manifest, like thoughts. stop thought flipping, forcing yourself to think positively, and putting yourself on these super strict mental diets because they don't solve the real issue. thoughts stem from states, and they do not manifest anything. you have the power to reject thoughts that don't align with your desires, and accept the ones that do. anything you think that aligns with your desire say "i accept this thought." and anything that doesn't, simply say "i reject this thought." as soon as you fully fulfill yourself, your thoughts will begin to naturally flow from your new dwelling state (the wish fulfilled). you should not be burning yourself out, take it easy.
detatchment also refers to letting go of the how. logic and law of assumption absolutely do not mix, they're oil and water. you have to let go of logical limitations and focus only on the end result. obsessing about waking up with your new appearance or revising it is not going to help you. how you get your desires is not your problem, nor your job. you do not need to take any sort of 3d action, like working out or eating well (although this is a great thing to do, of course!). mental work is the only work you need to do. everything else will simply fall into place, that's the law.
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persistence is another important aspect of manifestation. you cannot manifest anything without some degree of persistence. once you decide you have something in imagination, you have to remain faithful to the idea. you can't continually go back to wanting your desire when you've decided it belongs to you in imagination. persisting in the idea that you truly have what you want will end your hunger and allow you to feel free and fulfilled.
a good way to continually fulfill yourself is to set up a sort of routine, like entering sats before getting out of bed each morning, or doing the lullaby method as you fall asleep. as neville said, we are creatures of habit, and habit acts as law, even though it is not. changing your negative habit of remaining in an undesired state into a positive one of consistently remaining in a desired state is very beneficial in solidifying persistence. your routine doesn't have to be extremely convoluted or detailed, it just has to be consistent, like skincare. you don't see results if you only wash your face once a day, you have to persist in your assumptions for them to become facts.
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒉. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
the sabbath is the rest period in which you are completely aware that you have your desires, and know that they absolutely must materialize. although the experience of the sabbath can be slightly different for everyone, what typically happens during this stage is:
- feeling no desire to use any methods (why would you need methods if you know you have your desire?)
- not feeling anything towards your desire (in the same way you feel nothing towards objects in your 3d, you just know they exist)
- thoughts naturally flow from the state of having your desires
- not spiraling or wavering
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𝒕𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆. 🎀
question: is the lullaby method just vain affirming?
answer: according to neville, it is not. i am aware some blogs say you can just affirm, but he has always suggested to add feeling to your words, as feeling acts like glue, connecting the imagined reality to the physical one. (again, the feeling is not an emotional one, but rather a feeling of knowing.)
question: minnie, i'm always reminded of my 3d appearance by my family/friends, what do i do?
answer: i think this ask would be helpful!
question: what if i am unable to visualize?
answer: use your other senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing). you can also try studying images of whatever you want to visualize to make them stick in your mind.
question: i can't get into sats on my own, i need guidance, any suggestions?
answer: this meditation is absolutely perfect!
♡︎- stop overconsuming information! you know everything you need to know. there are no more new discoveries to be made. the law is easy and simple. get off tumblr if you're using it in hopes of finding some kind of life-changing information, because you will not find it.
♡︎- stop procrastinating. no, that youtube video you're choosing to fall asleep to isn't going to fulfill you, but doing the lullaby method will. that video will always be there to watch later. what is more important: your happiness, or your momentary entertainment?
♡︎- forget about time. time is not real. focusing on time is focusing on lack- which isn't what you should be doing. continue to fulfill yourself in imagination. what you experience there must be expressed.
♡︎- don't stop persisting. do not let the lack of results in the outer world deter you. if you really want your desires the way you say you do, is persisting really that much work? if your answer is yes, you probably didn't want it that much in the first place. what do you have to lose by visualizing every night or saying an affirmation as you fall asleep? the law is universal, it does not discriminate. no matter how "long" it takes, it shouldn't be worth giving up if you truly, truly want it.
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thankyou for reading! <3 (please don't repost without credits)
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fantasy-anatomy-analyst · 5 months ago
Combining Creatures
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(image description: sketch of a cat-like creature with a long prehensile tail and a back full of sharp quills. the creature is crouched in an angry defensive pose. above it is the title "cohesive chimeric design". end description.)
combining different animal traits to make a new creature is such a common part of fantasy world that the word most frequently used to describe it is the name of an ancient greek monster that combined a lion, goat, and snake. Now, the original chimera is usually depicted with a lion head, a goat head, and a snake for a tail, usually all attached to a lion body. But I and many other people prefer to combine our creatures in more cohesive ways, trying to make them look like whole living beings, not a frankenstein creation (though those certainly have their place and I do not disparage anyone who prefers them!)
I get asked about this topic a lot, so I'm just putting my advice in one post now! and for my example, I'm going to be using the original chimera as inspiration and combining the features of a lion, goat, and snake.
the first steps are identifying the creatures you want to combine and the end result you want to reach. These two steps are pretty interchangeable! Maybe you already know you want to combine a pig and a racoon, but you're not sure what your end result should be. Or maybe you know you want to make a creature that lives underground and digs holes to catch prey walking over it, using different real life animal traits, but you haven't decided which animals to use.
it's alright to take your time thinking things over and working out the details, and you should never be afraid of doing things over if the creation process brings you some new ideas! It's so rare for a first attempt to be the final result. think about the purpose this creature will serve in your project, do some research on mythological creatures and real animals that have similar behaviors and traits, and adjust your concept until you're satisfied.
and i already know this post will be so long, so the rest is under a cut.
My idea for the chimera design here is that I didn't want it to have multiple heads. Multiple heads is already a difficult design to make believable, and having three heads that are all so different from each other is just a lot to work with. I needed it to look monstrous and I needed the three animals to still be recognizable in the design while also blending them together until it looked a bit more natural.
step one: identify end result and base creatures. Chimera. Lion, goat, snake. find reference images.
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(image description: a photo collage of a lion with a partly black mane, a small brown and white goat, and a cobra snake, as well as an old black and orange plate with a chimera design in the middle. end description.)
I picked a cobra for the snake because it matches with the general region that chimeras originate from and also because the hood has a similar shape to the lion's mane. which brings me to the next step!
step two: identify similarities and differences between your base creatures.
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(image description: same as above, but now the animals have been colored over in flat shades to show how their body parts match or differ in shape. end description.)
the goat and lion have more in common with each other than they do with the cobra, because they're both quadrupedal mammals while the snake is a legless reptile. but! all three animals have a roughly oblong face shape, and the lion's tail is long and flexible like the snake's, as well as the matched shape of the mane and hood. the coloration of all three animals also look a little similar, with all of them having some level of contrasting light and dark patches.
step three: start sketching out the details.
combine the similar traits, emphasize the different ones. focus on designing the parts that will really make your creature recognizable, and the traits that will be the most important. make some full body drafts! do it as many times as you need to get things looking the way you want. compare and contrast different ideas!
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(image description: sketches of a chimera's different important body parts and the full body shape and pose. there are two different eye designs, one with a snake's vertical pupil and one with a goat's horizontal pupil. likewise, there are two foot designs focused on a more lion-like shape and a more goat-like shape, and also two different snout designs with one being snake-like and the other being lion-like. there are also sketches of a snake-like head with goat horns and lion ears, a front-facing head with the cobra-like hood shape, and a long snake-like tail with a furred tuft at the end end description.)
step four: finalize your idea.
as fun as it is to keep sketching, you do have to finish things at some point! pick your favorite ideas and move forward with them. give yourself one good final design and stick with it, making adjustments on it instead of creating more new ideas.
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(image description: a new chimera design colored in a terracotta orange with white and black stripes and spots all over its body. it has a snake-like head with twisted horns, a short goat-like beard, and a swooping furred cobra hood. its ears are short and rather cat-like, its feet have long sharp cloven hooves, and its tail is curled over its back with a furred tuft at the end. its mouth is wide open, teeth bared and forked tongue sticking out. end description.)
look at that! I had a lot of fun drawing it! step five is to polish your design, whatever that means for you. I'm going to leave this one just as it is, because my idea of a polished design takes hours and I don't feel like doing all that right now. I could paint it out in full and make the textures and colors much cleaner and more obvious.
one important step of polishing, for me, is also making sure your creature fits in the world you're making it for. give it natural behaviors, figure out how it interacts with other creatures and people in the setting. this extra step will really make your world feel more alive and coherent!
the most important step of course is to enjoy your creative work! you've got cool ideas and you should be proud of that!
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rin-fukuroi · 1 year ago
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 [𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Yingxing x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, fluff, just a little angst, creampie.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 珂拉琪 Collage - 萬千花蕊慈母悲哀
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. (Liányī / Ripples)SynthV AI Stardust - 涟漪
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
This work was written under the strong impression of beautiful chinese music, which always reminds me exactly how Blade used to be. In fact, this is one of the few tender sketches of mine that I really love.
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art: @tiredceles_
— Yingxing, wait!
You giggle, barely managing to keep up with Yingxing pulling at your hand. His steps are slightly shaky, but he continues to walk confidently towards the forge, holding your hand and pulling you along. You can only see his broad back, but if you could see his face now, you might notice how his slightly clouded eyes sparkle and the corners of his lips are lifted in a slight smile.
The doors open with an unpleasant creak, and you almost stumble over the threshold, having to rush into a small outbuilding in the courtyard of your house. Yingxing lets go of your hand and rushes to rake through piles of metal and other accessories, the names of which you don't even know, in search of, obviously, something specific that he wanted to show you so badly.
— Why was there such a rush? You're always so fussy when you drink. I knew I should have gone with you. It would be easier if you just fell asleep like Jing Yuan, — you fake grumbling with displeasure, resting your fists on your hips. — What are you looking for?
— Look… I finished it this morning, — Yingxing turns around, holding an elegant sword in his palms. The thick blade shimmers with dark blue and burgundy shades, and the exquisite patterned handle glitters in the moonlight filtering through the window of the annex, as do the ashy strands of Yingxing, carelessly escaping from the pinned-up tuft of hair, falling on the black fabric of his cloak.
— Wow, — you tentatively hold out your hands, but immediately pull away. This blade seems unearthly, something special that you are not worthy to touch. You watch in fascination as Yingxing wraps his hands around the hilt, turning the sword in his hand. His lips are stretched in a soft smile, and purple eyes proudly look at the creation of his hands through heavy eyelids and long strands of bangs framing his elegant features.
— I think Jingliu will like it.
— Did you make such a beautiful blade to give away? I thought you were going to keep it.
— Huh? Why? — Yingxing is so cute when he turns his head, looking at you with a genuinely puzzled look that can't help but make you smile.
— Forget it. I just wanted to say that this is one of the most beautiful creations of the most skilled blacksmith in all of Lofu, — you put your palm on his hand holding the blade, lowering the weapon down before rising on tiptoe and leaving a gentle kiss on Yingxing's cheek. As soon as your lips approach the skin of his face, you can feel the faint smell of alcohol coming from Yingxing, mixed with his natural sweet aroma, which makes you linger at the level of his clouded eyes when his expression softens. You can't take your eyes off your lover, hearing the metal casually hitting the table as Yingxing puts down the sword, now moving her palm to your chin.
— Do you really think so? — his voice fades to a hoarse whisper.
— Of course. Are you questioning my objectivity because I'm your future wife?
— No, not at all. In fact, I always trust only your opinion, because it's the only one that matters to me.
You roll your eyes in mock annoyance before laughing softly, leaning in to touch his hand.
— Did I mention that you get too cute when you drink?
— Hmm, let me think… Will this be the third time tonight? Although before that you described me with a different epithet.
— So you're still able to count? This is very commendable.
— You hurt me with words like that. I can even forge another blade like this right now, if you wish.
— Mmm, I don't think that's what I want, — you smile softly, pressing your palm against Yingxing's cheek.
The silence is filled with the soft rustle of sakura leaves, falling and dancing in the evening wind. You feel the warm, so familiar and familiar breath of Yingxing on the skin of your face when his palms wrap around your cheeks, luring you into a kiss with a subtle taste of alcohol swirling on your tongues. And it was really the only thing that you always had, have and will need. It's so easy to feel the warmth of his skin on your own, run your fingers through his ashy soft hair, clinging to the clip that barely holds the curled curls before they scatter over his back and wide shoulders, feel the taste of his lips, press your chest against his and feel the vibrations of a rapid heartbeat synchronizing with yours.
Neither of you two notice how Yingxing's fingers cling to the light fabric of your hanfu*, how you hastily but carefully untangle button after button from the loops on his raincoat, impatiently touching the heated skin of his chest while big palms slide over your hips, gently lifting your petite figure off the floor, letting you wrap your legs around Yingxing's waist as he sweeps pieces of metal and tools off the table. You shudder and chuckle softly, without looking up from the kiss, when all the things from his desk collide with a dull crash with the wooden surface of the floor.
The gentle touch of calloused fingers on your chest, sneaking under hanfu, the soft sounds of heavy breathing when his lips leave yours only to gently press against your neck, the subtle vibrations of Yingxing's moans muffled by your skin, your fingers massaging the skin of his head, the warmth that spreads in your chest and settles somewhere in the lower abdomen, when his beard is pressed between your legs — all this is accompanied by bright moonlight illuminating the figures of two people lost in a moment that will be imprinted on Yingxing's mind for a long time even after decades. He can't stop admiring the fragility of your body, the pleasant floral scent emanating from your skin, the warmth of your breath blowing through his disheveled hair as you press him even closer to your neck, making him gasp, but keep sending that delicious shiver running down your spine whenever he gently nibbles and showers kisses your heated skin and presses his lips to the vein throbbing in time with your heart pounding in your chest.
Such moments always make the corners of your lips stretch into a soft smile before your consciousness clouds the pleasure in which you want to dissolve to the last, not missing the sound of hastily unbuttoning trousers, the flutter in your chest, the aching feeling in the bottom of your stomach and anticipation taking root in your veins when you feel the touch of hot, throbbing flesh between your legs.
It seemed that Yingxing's consciousness cleared up for just a moment from alcohol clouding his mind, only to be struck down at the same second by intoxication from the warmth enveloping his penis, slowly sinking into your pleasantly moist insides. The hot breath from the moan that escaped from his throat burns the skin of your neck as inch by inch of his hard flesh disappears inside you until his hips are pressed against yours. You can feel the swollen veins stretching along his length pulsating in your walls, so perfectly enveloping his cock. Yingxing raises his head, watching you look at him from under heavy eyelids and long eyelashes, hiding from him your gaze full of adoration and desire, on which his name is engraved. His long fingers catch the unruly strands that fall over your face, caress the skin of your cheek until his forehead presses against yours.
Every time he stays motionless inside the way he is now, you are torn apart by the desire to ask him to just stay like this for a little longer, and by an irresistible thirst to make him move. Yingxing exhales heavily from his lungs, just enjoying the way his cock fills your insides perfectly before his hips pull away to gently meet yours again, forcing you to squeeze around his hot organ every time he leaves your warm walls, not wanting to let go of him for a second.
— So beautiful… — Yingxing whispers in a velvety husky voice before his fingers squeeze your chin to lift your face for another kiss that takes your breath away.
— You say that every time, Yingxing, — you smile softly, breaking the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
— I can't help myself, I can't get used to the fact that I own such a beautiful woman like you.
— Is that what you're saying? — you force his lips to meet yours again, muffling the moan that originated in your chest from the slow, soft thrusts of his cock, repeatedly touching all the most sensitive places in your insides. — A beautiful woman can only belong to a beautiful man whom I have fallen in love with.
You whisper into his lips, feeling how Yingxing smiles after your words, wrapping his free hand around your waist to pull you closer to his body. His movements don't accelerate, but become more insistent and deep, causing the table under you to wobble, hitting the wood of the wall with a thud every time Yingxing's hips press against yours.
Strong fingers gently press into your arching back towards him, crumpling the thin fabric of the dress that casually falls from your shoulders. Every movement of Yingxing is so desperate, so neat and gentle, as if he imprints in his memory every sound that escapes from your lips, every sweet whisper of his name hiding in a kiss divided into two, every contraction of the muscles of your back and hips while you squeeze around his cock every time he enters pushing you to the limit, making you tremble in his arms.
You desperately cling to the fabric of his cloak, which is open on Yingxing's heaving chest, feeling the heat boil in your lower abdomen. His languid movements are like sweet agony, which gradually brings you to the edge, driving you crazy with the pleasure it causes your body, which wants to get more. The heels of your feet press harder into Yingxing's back every time his hips pull away to make his cock cut into your insides faster as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten. You gasp, pulling away from his lips and burying your face in the curve of his neck, when you feel Yingxing begin to move faster, feeling how much you squeeze around him. You're always so needy and so vulnerable when he gets you into a state where the only word that's spinning on your tongue is his name, and it's so contagious. As if following the call of your need for him, Yingxing feels the same pleasure that has spread through your veins.
You're more intoxicating than any alcohol. You are more beautiful than any blade that could be forged by the hands of a skilled blacksmith. You are worth any battles in which Yingxing sheds blood just to return home and see your smile again. And he doesn't have to say it out loud. You can feel the unspoken words of love and care oozing from every touch, from every sigh and moan, merging with the sound of rustling leaves outside the window.
You can feel them when you are both gripped by such a familiar, alluring feeling that neither of you is able or willing to resist. You want to taste him, to taste the taste of Yingxing's lips at the moment when the warm sticky liquid fills your insides, so you lift your head to engage him in a kiss that will tell him much more than any words randomly spinning in your head.
«I'm proud of you»
«I'm worried about you»
«I miss you»
«I love you»
These words are sweet, but tart to the taste, and Yingxing will accept each of them, spinning her tongue along with yours in a dance that only the moon will witness, illuminating with its cold light the deserted streets of Lofu and a small house in a corner of the ship, as if deliberately hidden from prying eyes.
— Do you want to take a bath together? — from the fog of pleasure that has overwhelmed your body and mind, you are pulled out by your native low voice, which reverberates with pleasant vibrations on your skin when Yingxing imprints a last kiss on your neck.
— Only if my future husband is able to carry me in his arms, — you giggle, carefully brushing away the unruly strands of silver bangs falling over his purple eyes.
Yingxing's lips stretch into a warm smile before he pulls away, gently lowering the hem of your dress, then hastily tidying himself up.
While you are correcting the smell of your hanfu, your gaze falls on the blade lying at the other end of the table. Its blade shimmers with a menacing red hue in the cold light illuminating the small room. For some reason, a sudden sadness and anxiety pierces you, and a vile metallic taste swirls on your tongue, but you wave away the surging unpleasant feelings, carefully lowering your feet to the cool wooden floor.
«This blade will cause a lot of pain and suffering one day» — you thought to yourself, before meeting Yingxing's tired but gentle gaze again, holding out his hand to you.
*Hanfu is a traditional Chinese outfit, in this case in the form of a dress.
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