#but can we please talk about steve getting adopted by the sinclairs????
tending-the-hearth · 2 years
Thinking about how much Steve loves his original kiddos SO much.
Like he loves all of the kids and would absolutely die for every single one of them, but Dustin, Max, and Lucas are his.
They’re the first ones he protected, the first ones he risked his life for, the first ones he met and connected with.
Mike pretty much refused to get to know Steve because of their history, he never had a chance to connect with Will and El on his own, but Dustin, Max, and Lucas?
those were his kids from the absolute beginning of everything.
Dustin saw him walking towards the Wheeler's house, he could have gone anywhere else, but he saw Steve and said "i pick him", and Lucas and Max did the EXACT same thing, watching him go up against the demodogs with nothing but a nail bat, shoving Max back and putting himself in front of a trio of kids he barely knew inside of the bus.
Steve literally knew Max for a few hours, and he didn't know she was Billy's sister until he showed up, but he heard the fear in her voice, and did not hesitate to step up against the man who had been making his own life a living hell.
Steve probably knew he couldn't win against Billy, but the second he saw him going after Lucas, an innocent kid who was just trying to befriend the newest arrival in town? I firmly believe that's the moment where Steve said "those are my kids, and nobody fucks with my kids"
and when Erica gets involved the following summer? Yeah, Steve knows she can handle herself, but she's also younger than any of the Party was when they got involved, so he's a little extra protective of her, checking in on her when he goes over to help Lucas practice for basketball tryouts
and don't even get me STARTED on Lucas and Steve bonding with each other post-season 3. I think Steve and Dustin get a little separated when the Party got to high school, because Dustin became so excited about being part of Hellfire, and as much as he tries to help Max, she's moving away from everyone, so Steve absolutely feels like he's losing his kids a little. But then Lucas shows up, and tells him he's going to try out for basketball, and all of a sudden, Steve's got special time to spend with Lucas, where they just talk to each other. Lucas talks about struggling with school, and worrying about Max, and finding his place, and Steve gets it all.
just... special movie nights that consist of Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Erica, and Robin.
Arcade afternoons what have Max surrounded by her favorite people as they cheer her on at whatever game she's playing.
Basketball games post-everything where Lucas looks at the stands and sees them screaming and cheering for him.
Erica and Dustin going to the gym one afternoon to help with the relief efforts and seeing Steve being held back by Robin, Jonathan, AND Argyle as he screams at Andy for touching HIS little sister (and if Erica gives Steve the biggest hug she's ever given anyone after that... well, that's her business).
the way they form a little second found family within the main Party?? how they all love each other so much and tell each other things they'd never tell another soul???
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Headcanon/Drabble Asks
Insecure Eddie
Steve Panic Attacks
Steve Seizures
"Because Robin's my soulmate, you're just my boyfriend."
Steve's Breakfast With Wayne
Steve's Dad's Baby
Steve and Corroded Coffin BFFs
Wayne and Steve Bonding
Car's Outside
Singer Steve
Eddie's Tummy Hurts
Steve's (non-sexual) Oral Fixation
Eddie's Hospital Trip
Steve Defending Eddie
Steve's Two Dads
"I don't want to be your boyfriend...I want to be your husband."
Steve's a Great Dad
"I think you get weirder every time I see you."
Mechanical Engineer Steve
Lactose Intolerant Eddie
Wayne Supports Eddie
"When do I stop being a last resort?"
Steve vs. Dustin's Dad
Eddie Quoting LOTR
Rockstar Eddie/Stay At Home Dad Steve
Steve's Moles
"It's okay, you'll feel better soon."
Steve Isn't Weak
Steve Thought He Came Out
Eddie Picks Steve Up
Steve Stands Up For Himself
Steve Stands Up For Himself (Taylor's Version)
Pick-Up Lines
Polyglot Steve
Sinclairs Adopt Steve
Steve's Real Parents
Will and Steve Bonding
Childhood Friends
Insecure Steve
Steve Arachnophobia
Protective Steve
Tattoo Artist Steve
Musical Steve
"He can't hear you when he gets like that."
Steddie Cafe
"You are my favorite 'what if'"
"Did you just fart?" "No, it was Dustin."
4th of July
Richard's a Dick
"Oh, shit. I didn't know I was into that."
"Just shave it all off."
"I always thought it would happen someday. I guess I was wrong."
Steve Makes a Move
"If I have to hear one more person tell me something I already know, I'm going to scream."
Dustin Accidentally Outs Steve
"For the last time..."
Shirtless Guitar Eddie
Love Confessions
"That sounds a whole lot like I love you."
Overstimulated Steve
Steve's Protective Older Sister
No Privacy
More Lactose Intolerant Eddie
Wayne Walks In
Giving In
"Don't say it."
Purple Elephants
"Remember, if we get caught: I'm deaf and you don't speak English."
"I got you, son."
"You're so gross. I love it."
"Oh honey. It's not that embarrassing."
3 in 1
"You're not packed yet?"
"I'm not sick."
2 in 1 (A/B/O first, secret notes second)
"Steve?" "I don't want to talk about it."
Eddie Taking Care of Steve's Injuries
"Oh, fuck me."
"Okay, this is bad."
Mall Jail     
"I didn't want you to find out this way."           
"I tried to find some just a gorgeous as you but I think I failed." (Buckingham)
"Wait! It's just me!"
"If I don't get kissed in the next few minutes I think I'll just crumble to dust"
"Stop speaking." "She's not allowed to speak."
"Can you read the letter for me?" / Part 2 by artaxlives (happy ending)
"Why can everyone else be forgiven for their past but me? Why do I have to be constantly reminded?"
"I always wished you'd talk to me"
"I just thought it would be.. Smaller."
"Don't lie, tell me where it hurts."
"Okay, where did that baby come from?"
"No offense, but what the fuck?"
Steddie Babysitting
"What is he doing here?"
"Please don't laugh."
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years
Sinclair's adopt Steve
this is a a part of the Sinclair's adopt Steve fic I am writing, I needed to write this out so I did. Enjoy this snippet. (Also if anyone has that post about Jim and Joyce not really liking Steve please send it to me so I can link it here. I can't find it anymore ;( and I know I had it saved somewhere.)
It's the awkward comment that causes Joyce and Hopper to realize they're not as discreet as they thought. The older kids aside from Steve are hanging out at the Hopper-Byers. The kids were at the Wheeler's house for a sleepover and Hop had allowed Jane to join because both parents were home and Vecna was dead, so it would be fine. Sue and Charles Sinclair, Claudia Henderson and Wayne Munson, Joyce and Jim Hopper-Byers, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson, and Robin Buckley were sitting around the table talking, catching up.
Mid conversation Sue's phone rang loudly. She glanced down and answered her cell.
“Hey baby. Is everything-” her voice cut off. She listened intently to the person on the other end. She nodded, she turned to her husband, “one second baby ok?” Sue turned to Charles, and put the call on hold.
“Steve needs to be picked up, his car broke down, and he just got it towed. He's at Rodney's. Can you get him?”
Charles paused, thinking, “yes I should be able to get him, I'd have to get gas but I'll have my phone on, I'll be there in forty to forty-five minutes.”
Sue nodded and relayed the information to Steve before hanging up. As she hung up she glanced up and noticed the barely held expressions on Jim Hopper’s face as well as Joyce Byers. Jim looked annoyed, and Joyce looked mildly disgusted. Sue didn’t want to say anything, and she didn’t have to because Joyce’s son Jonathon did. 
“Mom,” his voice was calm but there was something else hidden in his tone, an anger Sue wasn’t expecting. “why do you and Hop look annoyed or angry everytime Steve is mentioned or brought up in a conversation or over at our house?” 
Joyce blinked in shock, “oh I was thinking about something. It’s ok dear,” 
Jim snorted and gave her a look. But Jonathon persisted, “No mom I know you and I know the faces you make. What is your problem with Steve? He’s a good guy mom.”
Charles quietly slipped out of the room, he had someone to pick up. Sue caught his eyes as he was leaving and gave him a look, he mouthed a simple, “I’ll bring him home to ours and stay with him. Call me if you need.” she gave him a nod and turned back to the conversation.  
Jim and Joyce seemed to be communicating silently and finally Joyce turned to her son and stated, “I don’t like that he made you fight. You have never been an angry kid ever and he made you fight, he got into trouble and he never really apologized for it, honey that’s all.” 
Jonathan looked at his mother in shock. And before anyone could say anything else Jim added, “besides he is a troublemaker. He got into fights and had a lot of parties. Do you know many noise complaints I had to deal with at the Harrington house? The fact that his parents didn’t instill in him any manners is not-”
Jim was cut off by Nancy’s sharp gasp. He looked at her, her face ashen, her hand covering her open mouth. 
Jonathon sucked in a deep breath, “God no wonder he doesn’t trust you. You can barely hide the disdain on your faces when he was just mentioned. But this is crazy.” he turned to his mother,  “Steve apologized to me and Nancy several times already for that fight.” 
Joyce opened her mouth to say something but Jonathon had already turned to Hopper, “Steve had parties because he was popular and wanted to fit in, that doesn’t make him a troublemaker. Besides Hop, I was at some of those parties. It’s normal teenager stuff but his neighbors in particular don’t like any noise. We drove up to his house once during the day and there was an officer there because his car made a loud noise, so they had a noise complaint. It’s unrealistic to get upset or lose respect for a teenager acting like a teenager. Steve never hurt anyone Hop, in fact he was one of the only people to make sure that girls got home safely. He made sure they all had a way home, and if they got drunk he’d offer them a ride with another one of their sober friends to make sure they all got back safely.” 
Before anyone else could add in anything Sue injected, “you know Chief, I thought you were a mandated reporter. You don’t think it was suspicious that the Harrington parents never were around to help that boy?  You don’t it’s weird that his parents are not ever reachable to and I’m paraphrasing you here: ‘instill good manners into him’? Don’t you think most parents would answer when you’ve called about their son being in hospital, or getting hurt?” She looked directly at him and Jim found himself floundering because he had thought it was weird. But what did he know about the elite and their small issues? Steve Harrington is a rich white boy with wealthy parents who probably doted on him and at most his most pressing issue was not getting the girl he wanted.
Jonathan finally looked up at his mother and stated, “the reason for the fight we had was because I took a photo of Nancy and him without either of their consent and knowledge and Steve rightfully got angry at me and fought me for violating his and his then-girlfriend’s privacy. He fought with me and he apologized for it even though I should have apologized to him and Nancy first. We have since made up, and forgiven each other. But that still doesn’t explain anything.” 
Sue interjected, “Joyce, Jim, you are in some ways a lot more aware of our kids and their little friend group and you do know more than I or my husband do when it comes to what made them such close friends, but I will say this as Steve Harrington’s mother in all but blood, Do not let Jane hear you talk like that about Steve. She adores him like he’s her older brother and she will not take kindly to that. Secondly, Steve is not Richard Harrington, they are two different people and judging Steve on who his father is, is a huge disservice to him especially since he has done his best to be someone different then his parents. And lastly, Steve Harrington-Sinclair was kicked out and disowned by his parents two years ago during his last year of high school due to him leaving the basketball team due to his brain trauma. Maybe you should try getting to know him, before making a judgment call on him based on who you think he was some years back.” 
Sue stood up and grabbed her stuff, “if you excuse me I have a son to get home too.” She walked out, head held high. 
They watched her leave and before anyone could say another word Wayne spoke up, “I may not have been that boy’s number one fan, but he’s good. He’s a good kid. He tries real hard to be a good person and role model to your kids. But you miss the person he became because you’re too busy with your preconceived notion of who he is, instead of getting to know who he actually is.” he shook his head. “C’mon Eddie let's get home. I have a night shift I gotta get ready for.” Both Munson men got up and gathered their things and left as well. 
Once it was only Jim, Joyce, Nancy, Robin, Argyle and Jonathon, Joyce looked up at her son. He seemed sad, “mom, do you know that Will came out to Steve before he came out to the party? Do you know that Steve is the first person aside from you and I that Will felt enough to come out too? Steve made it a point to remind and show Will that he is always safe with him. Do you know Hop, that when Jane got sick last week she called Steve after you because she knew he’d not only pick her up from school but he’d take her home and take care of her until either you, mom or I got back from work. If he’s so bad, why do all the kids gravitate towards him? Why does Jane call him her big brother? Would Will feel safe around him?” Jonathan shook his head at them, “I have a friend to get to, I gotta go also.” The remaining teens got up and gathered their stuff. 
Robin had stayed quiet the entire time, not daring to speak or else she’d lose her mind at them and curse them out. But right as they left, she turned towards them and looked at them both, her voice low and hurt, “he was the first and only person I came out to, and not only did he reassure me while we were being hurt, he protected me. I have met Richard Harrington and Steve is nothing like him.” 
The door slammed shut behind the older teenagers, Jim and Joyce waited for a minute, breathing calmly or at least attempting to, “maybe we should take their advice and get to know him?” both of them thought quietly. 
Joyce and Jim hoped they weren’t too late to find out what about Steve Harrington had caught their kids and their respective parents’ attention.
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femmeharringrove · 4 years
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we belong - chapter one
tag squad!! - @a-magey​ @harringrovetrashh​ @lostnoise​ @greyspilot​ - if you’d like to be added to the list hmu!!
     Steve Harrington is arguably the strangest beta in Hawkins. Everybody agrees on this one fact. In a town comprised mostly of betas, it’s easy to notice when one is different, and Steve’s behavior has him sticking out like a sore thumb. He’s got plenty of normal beta characteristics, sure. He’s an excellent peacemaker, a level-headed thinker most of the time. But he’s incredibly fiery when he wants to be, aggressively protective, like an alpha hovering over his pack. He’s also adopted six older pups out of the blue, and the rest of Hawkins has watched in utter confusion as he’s marched about town herding his kids along like an omega watching over his litter.
     Billy Hargrove isn’t sure what to make of it.
( read on ao3 )
     And it’s not like he usually spends his time thinking about the brunette’s habits, not outside of the night the other started swinging fists in an attempt to protect Max and her dipshit friends from his rage, but he’s had plenty of time to think lately. He’s had nothing but time in this stupid hospital, with its stupid walls and stupid sterile smell. Once he gets out, he’s determined to never step foot in this place again. Max has been visiting every day, according to the nurses, and her company makes it bearable at best. She actually spent the first three nights sleeping in the waiting room with Harrington of all people.
     Harrington, who, according to Max herself, was admitted into the hospital the night of the mall incident too. Billy just barely remembers seeing the beta there that night; his face littered with bruises and oddly bloody. Max didn’t know what exactly happened, Steve and Dustin won’t tell anyone about it, but from what she gathered the Soviet Union was involved. Billy doesn’t think about that too much – he’s more interested in the way Steve’s been at the hospital every single day with Max, as long as he’s been conscious to see it.
     The nurses say Steve’s been with her ever since he was discharged, coming in every day and comforting her whenever she gets upset. He’s seen the beta do it too, the way he opens his arms up the moment Max’s lip begins to wobble and holds her close until she’s calmed, petting her hair and murmuring in her ear something he can never hear.
     Sometimes he brings little Byers with him, and the kid’s nice. Billy likes him. The first time the pup came to visit, he sat right next to the scowling alpha and told him that he got it, he’d been there before, and if he ever wanted to talk about it he’d listen. At the time, Billy snapped about not needin’ to talk to some pup about any damn thing, but that didn’t deter the kid, and now the blonde was thinking he just may take the kid up on the offer. Every time Will comes, he sits by Billy for a few minutes and makes easy conversation before retreating to Harrington and plastering himself to the beta’s side so Max can be close to Billy, piping up to add to the conversation every now and again.
     Other times, instead of Byers, Steve brings the Henderson kid. This one’s loud and pushy, but it’s clear to Billy that this is Harrington’s pup. Steve looks at the curly-haired bastard with all the fond pride of a pleased parent, even when he’s trying to scold the pup. And the kid’s smart, he knows Steve would be hard pressed to actually get mad at him, but it seems he doesn’t really want to make the beta mad anyway – the bond between them goes both ways, that much is clear. They make an odd pair; Harrington’s on the quiet side, more reserved than the pup. Henderson can’t seem to stay quiet longer than two minutes, and he likes saying whatever comes to mind, almost painfully blunt in his mannerisms. Billy has to admire that a little bit, even if it irks him at times.
     Harrington brings the others too, sometimes, but for the most part it’s Max, Dustin, and Will. El will occasionally tag along, quiet and observant, her large eyes filled with kind understanding every time she looked at him, and Sinclair came by once to keep Max company. The kid’s still wary of him, and the alpha can’t really blame him, not in the slightest. Billy supposes he owes the kid an apology. He’s not good at those, but he’ll spit one out sooner or later. He owes a lot of people apologies – Max, all of her little friends, even Steve. Steve’s promises to be the hardest, because the guy’s got this obnoxious habit of being unbearably kind even when Billy’s a dick. Every day he’s come into this hospital he’s offered a gentle smile, a kind greeting, and brings him books to help ward off boredom when he’s on his own. Last week, the beta brought a bag full of yarn and sat there for a good half hour showing him how to crochet and knit. Billy, of course, bitched about it the whole time, because what alpha willingly learned that shit anyway?
     And, hey, if he now has a scarf in the works hiding in that stupid bag, who’s going to say anything about it?
     The answer is Neil, he knows. Neil would kick his ass if he saw the way Billy’s fingers nimbly dance with those needles, regardless of whether his son is sitting in a hospital bed or not. But the nice thing, if it can be called nice, is that Neil Hargrove hasn’t shown his face once in the hospital. Max told him that he came the night Billy was admitted, stayed until the blonde got out of the barrage of surgeries he’d underwent, and promptly left. And yeah, it’s sucky, but Billy supposes it’s for the best. Neil can drain a room of warmth faster than anything, and Billy’s uncomfortable already. And if he came and found Steve sitting there, the chances of being called a fucking fairy were higher than he’d like them to be, as well as the chances of getting the shit beat out of him. Sure, he supposes he can just tell Harrington to go, but the thing is the beta’s good at making the cold hospital room feel a smidge warmer. Billy isn’t sure he wants to willingly force that warmth out for anyone, let alone his father.
     Which is why Billy’s mad at him. It’d be easy if Steve was cruel to him, but the doe-eyed brunette is surprisingly soft. He’s got his edges, his eyes flash with a certain element of danger every now and again, but he’s overwhelmingly made of soft lines and gentle corners. And Billy isn’t sure how to respond to that most of the time. Today, however, crossing his arms as he stares at the beta and his redhead sister, he knows just the answer to give to Steve’s kindness.
     “Absolutely the fuck not.” Max’s sharp blue eyes are wide as she glares at Billy, unimpressed with the alpha’s stony expression.
     “Why not?” she demands. “Bill, you know you can’t come back home, it’s not a good idea for your recovery. Steve’s house is huge, you could avoid him all you wanted!” Her eyes flicker towards the man next to her, features softening for a brief moment. “No offense, Steve.” Steve smiles faintly in reply, hands raising up slightly.
     “None taken.” Billy rolls his eyes, lips pressing into a thin line.
     “Look, I’m not going to live with your stupid babysitter, Maxine.” His voice is a nasty growl, mean and sharp and fully intended to stop this conversation, but Max isn’t that easy to put off.
     “Can you stop being so stubborn?” she growls right back, arms crossing over her chest and teeth baring in a snarl almost identical to his. “I’m just trying to keep an eye on you, you dumbass, because I don’t want you to end up getting worse, and we both know you’re not gonna be able to recover all the way at home!” She’s so goddamn fiery, Billy gripes internally. She’s learned that from him, however, so he hardly has a right to say anything. If he has to put money on it, he’s almost completely convinced this kid’s going to be an alpha. Neil isn’t going to like that, and the idea sends a flash of worry through the blonde for a fraction of a moment.
     “And, what, you think I’ll do better with him?” His head jabs sharply towards the other man. “I’ll try my luck in my own damn house, thanks.”
     “Billy, please!” Max’s lighter blue eyes clash with his ocean hues, her face pinched and far too serious for any fourteen-year-old. “Look, I get it. You and Steve aren’t friends or whatever, but he said he’d let you stay – not live there, you don’t have to move in forever.” Max’s reasoning isn’t half bad, Billy has to admit. Her hands grasp at one another as she presses on, words tumbling over each other in their haste to escape her lips. “It’s just for a little while, just until you finish recovering, then you can come home. Just think about it!”
     “And you think my absence won’t be noticed?” he interrogates. Because Neil certainly isn’t going to react well to something like this. If the man finds out he’s staying with another boy, it’s going to lead to trouble for him and for Harrington. Max waves her hand frantically.
     “We’ll just tell him you’re still in the hospital! He won’t check, you and I both know that.” And she’s right, he does know it. Neil hasn’t so much as called, the chances of him deciding to do so anytime soon are slim to none. His sister’s eyes are staring at him wide and hopeful, and Billy’s too tired to fight her on the matter any further.
     “Don’t you and your stupid friends spend, like, all your time at his house?” he asks, shoulders dropping slightly. Max sees the move for what it is and grins broadly.
     “Well, yeah, but we won’t bother you! Promise.” Her promise isn’t worth shit, they both know it, and judging from Harrington’s knowing look, so does he. Billy’s icy eyes settle on the man.
     “You’re awful quiet over there,” he grumbles. Steve’s shoulders rise and fall in a loose shrug.
     “I wouldn’t have agreed to do it if I didn’t want to,” he replies. “It’s like Max said, we aren’t friends or anything, but she’s convinced you’ll get better faster at my place. If it means that much to her, then I’m game.” Billy’s eyes narrow as they consider Steve. Brown eyes blink back at him, wide and surprisingly kind all things considered. He really hates that. He hates that Max is so worried. He hates most of all that this is his best bet in all truthfulness. A heavy sigh escapes him, turning into a defeated groan as it draws out.
     “This is only until I think I’m better,” he relents, scowling at Steve’s relieved look and Max’s elated bounce. “I don’t give a shit what the two of you think, when I think I’m done, I’m done. And don’t think we –“ A hand shoots out to point at Steve warningly. “ – are gonna get chummy or something. I’m only doing this to get her to shut up.” The beta’s shoulders relax as he leans into his seat. Max, standing beside Harrington, grins broadly.
     “And I promise, I won’t say anything about it,” she relents. “You can come home as soon as you’re better again.” She moves closer to him, wraps her smaller hand around his, and squeezes, a hesitant smile on her face. This is another new thing about their relationship, the ease with which Max shows her affection now. Billy supposes that’s what happens when you almost die. And he likes it, really. Even if he’s been shit at showing it over the years, he does care for Max. He’s protected her from Neil for a long time, and she’s patched him up more times than he’s willing to count. Their dynamic has always been a strained one. But the way Billy’s seen it, his dad’s a bad alpha, and he’s always needed to step up and take that position for the pup.
He’s not sure he’s ever been particularly good at it, but he’s trying, you know?
     And so it’s settled that day. Billy’s going to move in with his high school rival, and he can’t make sense of it for the life of him.
     The thing is, Steve’s not really used to the idea of having a pack. Richard Harrington needed an heir for his company, and Antonella Bianchi-Harrington thought a baby would solve her marriage problems; that was the only reason they’d had a pup. Both had planned on a quiet, strong alpha son, but Steve destroyed that concept the moment he was born; of all the dynamics, only omegas could be spotted at birth due to their genitalia, and when Richard saw what his son was he nearly abandoned him in that hospital. Antonella’s maternal instincts demanded they keep him however, and so he was brought home; that was where her mothering ended, essentially. Growing up, Steve didn’t know that was the cause for his parents’ distaste for him. He knew they despised omegas, but he hardly knew what an omega was, and certainly didn’t know he was a part of that group. All he knew was that his father always looked at him with disgust, that his mother avoided him like the plague, that they never talked about dynamics except when Richard felt like sneering about omegas and boasting about alphas.
     Neither of them were home when a thirteen-year-old Steve woke up drenched in sweat, his leaking slick soaking the mattress, his abdomen cramping and his mind panicked and hazy. He suffered three days in that state, cried and curled up in bed trying to comfort himself. On the fourth day, he made his way to Melvad’s to purchase scent blockers, and that’s how he’s lived life up to this point. That day he presented was the day it clicked, the day he’d realized why his parents despised him.
     And the thing was, he couldn’t blame them, still can’t blame them. Male omegas are a rarity, and many people think of them as abominations. Those who ended up with women are seen as unmanly, and those who end up with men are called names Steve wouldn’t dare repeat in his own head, let alone out loud. Steve knew that before he presented, and he knows it now, so he’s kept his presentation a secret. As far as Hawkins is concerned, he’s just a beta, and he’s not planning on telling anyone otherwise anytime soon.
     But he’s got the kids now.
It was a matter of instinct; Dustin needed help, and so he helped. Max feared Billy’s rage in the Byers’ home, so he fought the alpha. Mike wanted a listening ear to rant about Nancy too, so he began letting the kid come over. He never meant to adopt the gaggle of older pups, but here he is, constantly scenting them and making sure they’re safe and comfortable. Will likes to joke that Steve’s become their pack omega. He’s not entirely wrong, but Steve’s not going to tell him that.
     And it’s the first time he’s been allowed to be himself, really. With the kids, Steve can just be an omega, he can worry over them and fuss and feed them copious amounts of baked ziti. Steve can let them curl up on his chest and groom their hairlines and listen to their troubles. He can mother them about and spoil them to his heart’s content. He’s allowed to give in to his instinctive need to nurture and care for and protect, and he’s beyond grateful because he can’t do this for other people.
     He especially can’t do it for Billy fucking Hargrove, if he wants to keep some sense of dignity. And that’s going to be easier said than done. He sits in his Beamer and watches silently as Max guides the familiar blonde out of the hospital doors. He looks good, Steve decides. He’s got a little limp, looks a little stiff, but he’s moving on his own mostly, and judging from the faint noise Steve hears and the annoyed, faraway look on Max’s face, his talkative attitude hasn’t taken a hit. The omega takes a deep breath and prepares himself as the passenger door is yanked open by Max.
     “ – Which is why I’m half-tempted to write to one of those big-time newspapers and tell them all about this shit,” Billy is ranting. Max looks ready to stab someone.
     “Can you shut up and get in the car, please?” she growls. The elder of the two alphas obeys without much of a fuss, easing himself into the passenger seat while Max deposits herself in the back.
     “Hey, what did those fuckers do with my Camaro?” Billy questions, his sharp eyes landing on Steve with an accusatory look. “You totaled my baby, Harrington, you might owe me a new fucking car.”
     “I’m not buying anyone a car,” Steve replies, throwing his car in reverse and backing out of the parking lot. The Camaro is sitting in Hopper’s driveway at the moment, Steve asked the chief to help him fix it after the mall incident, after learning that the other boy was still alive. The keys are sitting in a dish in his kitchen right now. But Steve’s not handing that thing over until he’s sure the blonde is capable of driving without keeling over and dying on the side of the road. Billy makes a face at him, narrowing his eyes.
     “Well, you at least owe me a pack of smokes, amigo,” he drawls, that stupid smug look creeping over his freckled features. Steve makes an indignant sound.
     “Are you fucking insane, Hargrove?” he spats. “You’ve been in how many lung surgeries and you want to smoke? Absolutely fucking not.”
     “Aw, you’re no fun,” the alpha groans, slouching in his seat and reaching out to lazily flick the radio to life. Steve’s eyes drift off the road long enough to glare at the other boy.
     “Stop complaining and put your damn seatbelt on.” Billy growls, but obeys again, switching the station to some garish rock music and turning it up loudly. Steve’s head is beginning to throb.
     “Hey Steve,” Max pipes up, “can we stop by McDonald’s?” He notes with interest the way Billy perks up at the mention of the restaurant. It’s been months since the guy’s eaten anything outside of the hospital’s shitty cuisine, he supposes greasy fast food sounds as good as a five-course meal in his grandmother's Venetian home right now.
     “Yeah, yeah, alright.” Billy’s master plan must be to drive Harrington crazy, because he begins chanting various menu items like a child as Steve zips down the road.
     To Billy’s credit, if that’s his plan then it’s working. Steve’s considering driving into the next tree he sees.
     He dishes out a stupid amount of money at McDonald’s; Billy demands four burgers, a hefty order of fries, and a huge milkshake. Max settles for one burger, and Steve orders chicken nuggets for himself, much to Billy’s amusement. He teases Steve most of the way home. The brunette throws a nugget at him at some point and Max laughs so hard she chokes on her root beer. Billy is blissfully silent after that, though he grins triumphantly as he chomps on the thrown piece of chicken.
     In a stunning turn of events, today is meant to be a kid-free day. Steve drops Max off at the Byers residence on the way home and cruises on into Loch Nora. Billy’s silence comes to an end with a low whistle. “Damn, pretty boy, I forgot you live in Rich People Central,” he muses. “I’m gonna get so bored around here, everyone knows rich people are stuck up as all hell.” Steve doesn’t feel like dignifying that with a reply, his hands flexing around the steering wheel instead. By the time they pull into the driveway of the Harrington family’s ridiculously large house, Billy’s openly staring at him, and the omega finds himself on edge. He slows to a stop in his long driveway, turns off the engine, and turns to meet that blue-eyed stare, his eyebrows arched upwards. Billy’s eyes are completely unreadable, he hates it.
     “Do you want a picture, Hargrove?” he deadpans. The alpha skips over the question and instead offers his own.
     “Shitbird says you’re here alone most of the time, that true?” Steve’s hackles go up faster than anything, his arms crossing over his chest as he glares openly at the boy across from him.
     “Why the fuck do you care?”
     “Never said I did, Harrington.” Billy holds his hands up in a placating gesture, before settling back in his seat. “Just wanna make sure I don’t wander into the kitchen one morning with my dick out and find Misses Harrington trying to enjoy her coffee or something.” Steve scoffs and rolls his eyes, getting a cheeky grin in response.
     “If I have to wake up and see your dick in the morning when I’m drinking coffee I’m kicking you out, Steve announces, getting out of the car. He hears Billy follow him up to the door, and once the two get in the shorter boy whistles again.
     “Your house feels like a fucking museum, Harrington, you really live in here?” Steve makes a beeline for the kitchen.
     “Yes, I do. And you do too, for the time being.” The brunette yanks the fridge open and grabs a bottle of soda off the shelf. “I let Max bring some clothes and shit over the other day, it’s all in the guest room down the hall on the right.” Steve pauses to give the boy a pointed look. “Do not go into the room on the left, nobody goes in there.”
     “Ooh, sounds ominous. What’s in there, all the Harrington family secrets? Family skeletons? Real skeletons?” Billy’s eyebrows waggle obnoxiously, and Steve rolls his eyes with a long-suffering sigh.
     “No, it’s my dad’s office. Nobody goes in there but him. And it’s where the good booze is, and I don’t need you drinking me dry.” Steve already did that a little over a month ago, nearly got alcohol poisoning during a bad night. hopper found him passed out by the pool and took the omega to Indianapolis to buy replacements; he doesn't think the chief will be too keen about helping out again so soon. To his surprise, Billy doesn’t offer any sort of reply, oddly silent behind him. Steve turns around, another soda bottle in hand to offer to the alpha, and finds him staring at the counter. At the dish on the counter. At the keys in the dish on the counter. The omega moves closer and swipes them up, depositing the metal in his back pocket. “You can’t drive yet, don’t even think about it.”
     “You have my car?” Blue eyes look around as if the Camaro might appear right there in the kitchen. Steve shakes his head, then nods, then shakes again.
     “It’s not here, if that’s what you’re asking.”
     “It was fucked to hell, why do you have the keys?” Billy’s face is completely serious now, his body leaning towards Steve’s intently. The taller boy frowns deeply and takes a step back, his eyes shifting away.
     “I, uh, well. Hopper and I fixed it up. Figured you might want it back. We had to repaint it, I don’t think the color’s exactly right, but it’s working now.” Billy’s eyes stare a little longer.
     “Why’d you put me in the room downstairs?” Steve frowns again, brows furrowing in confusion.
     “You’ve still got stitches in, and Max says the doctors said you shouldn’t go up and down stairs.” Large brown eyes blink at the alpha, who seems to be thinking hard about something, before Billy’s face twists into a sneer.
     “What’s your game, Harrington? Why are you doing this?” Steve hasn’t been this confused since high school math.
     “You needed a place to go, and I’ve got space,” he replies slowly. “It means a lot to Max, and if it matters to her it matters to me. Just wanted to be helpful.” Blue eyes narrow and he stares at Steve for a long time. The omega shifts on his feet awkwardly before finally holding out the unopened soda bottle. “You thirsty?”
     It’s meant to diffuse the odd tension, and it works. Billy blinks, looks between Steve’s face and the soda bottle before he shakes his head and takes the offered drink, all smug charm and general obnoxious snarkiness again.
     “Alright, alright. Gimmie the grand tour, pretty boy. I wanna see as much of the Harrington Mansion Museum as I can.” Steve isn’t quite sure what just happened, but he obliges easily and begins making his way down the hall, shaking his head in wonder. Maybe he sould have thought a little harder about letting his old rival stay in his house; this is already beginning to feel like the beginning of a very chaotic nightmare.
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