#but by god this was an issue Everywhere i went
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liothediabolus · 1 year ago
[image description: a tumblr reply that reads "Listen. for all y'all saying 'i don't have headphones' or 'they're too expensive' then you need to wait until you're home. you're occupying a space that is not your own, and if you can't keep yourself from blaring the same 15 seconds of the same Dua Lipa song or whatever the fuck is the Sound of the Week until you get home, you have a problem. A problem you're making everyone else tolerate. Read a book. Scroll through twitter. Stare out the window." /end ID]
i'm literally begging people to relearn how to use earbuds and headphones. i don't wanna hear your fucking tiktok while im waiting for my flight.
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broke-on-books · 2 years ago
The live action Scooby-Doo movies?
I did not see this ask until RIGHT now (first time on desktop since crab day, second time since Nov 5 2020 [which was DOUBLY experience since I got my phone taken the same day]) so I'm going to assume this ask got eaten on mobile because tumblr, HOWEVER you poked a bear with this ask anon (as I'm sure you knew when asking) SO without further ado: my Scooby Doo live action opinions
So when you say 'live action Scooby-Doo movies' I'm assuming you're talking about the James Gunn films, starting with Scooby-Doo (2002) followed by Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, just due to like, generally popularity and also the fact that I have actually seen those films. However shoot another ask if you wanted me to include Curse of the Lake Monster in this (because I will if anyone cares and turn this into a live-action scooby dissertation, i'd just need to like. watch the movie first) But anyways where I'm going with this is that this post is about the Gunn movies aka the ones with SMG, Freddie Prinze Jr., Linda Cardellini, and ofc our #1 man, Matthew Lilliard.
Okay so my take on these movies is... complicated. I wouldn't say it's as complicated as my feelings towards SDMI, because I watched the live actions way less as a kid and generally care less about them, but still no matter how much shit I throw at these two movies there are parts that I generally like (even love) that stops me from totally condemning them wholesale. Like the fact that these movies are FUNNY! There's so many moments from this duology that are just beyond iconic "like, that's one of my favorite names!" the whole thing with Scooby in the dress at the airport, ET. CETERA (like I can go on!)
The Gunn movies are genuinely SO fun and I can 100% see and understand how they've stood so well in the public view as a representation of Scooby. HOWEVER, this is where you start to see my problems with them. For the general American, (because that is the audience I'm familiar with) ESPECIALLY millennials and younger, who happen to make up the majority of both people on this site AND people I talk about Scooby with in real life, these movies, and the elements they introduced as "quintessential scooby tropes" are the base of their understanding of the Scooby franchise, along with likely some miscellaneous WAY episodes and maybe SDMI.
Which is where I get pissed off. In the pushing of the narrative of "breaking away" from the Scooby norm, Gunn basically invents (aka totally makes up) an idea of what classic era Scooby was like, cementing an idea of classic Scooby into the public mind that is totally disingenuous and just straight up false. For example, in attempting to portray Daphne as having taken strides to be seen more seriously in solving mysteries and defending herself, it pushes the narrative that in the classic era she WASN'T taken seriously, and only existed as a damsel-in-distress prop of a character, which is just not true??? Like yes, Daphne is clumsy, that's a part of her character, and her friends (because, fun fact, the gang ARE friends) joke about it sometimes because that's what friends DO. Framing that in some kind of sexist "that's all she does" lens is just total bull, especially as gang members fall into secret passageways/get lost etc. in WAY ALL THE DAMN TIME because that's how the plot functions! Like are we calling Velma ditzy for losing her glasses every other episode? Of course not, and Fred falls into passageways all the time, not to MENTION Shaggy and Scooby and all they get up to. Also one last thing on the topic of Daphne, like this idea of her mystery solving skills not being respected by the gang is just so supremely bullshit it amazes me sometimes, especially when she was the LEADER (or leader adjacent) through pretty much all of her appearances in the 1980s [Not that James Gunn could look at '80s era Scooby without spitting on it, but I digress]
AND THIS IS JUST DAPHNE! Like the perceptions pushed towards Fred (and Velma, but mostly Fred) through these movies are just as bad! Like okay, with Fred---In these movies Fred is just an asshole. I hate Gunn Movies!Fred. I mean yeah he can be funny but it's almost always so mean! Almost nothing makes me madder than a mean Fred by the way. If he's putting other gang members down (even halfway, like with his whole "dorky chicks like you turn me on too" line, which... ew) then to me something has gone very, very, VERY, wrong in your basic understanding of Frederick Herman Jones as a character. Like he's the cheerleader! He puts himself in between his friends and danger! He loves nets, and traps, and Elvis impressions, and wrestling, and the trapeze, and cars, and most of all he LOVES sharing the things he loves with his friends! (Sometimes to a bit of an extreme. No one wants to hear about your net facts, Fred) And the live action movies just don't understand that at all. And I know there's maybe something to say I suppose in that some of those aspects of his characterization hadn't been "established yet" by the time "Scooby-Doo" came out in 2002. But it's there if you look. For Fred Jones, being the leader means being the caretaker, (he's the Mom friend what can I say) and any version where he's cruel and arrogant and just DOESN'T CARE about his friends in the way he's shown to in the Gunn movies is just so far from Fred to me it's not even funny. And what makes it even worse for me is that this (or at least something similar) is the idea of Fred that has really spread to the popular culture. Just the "leader", the jock that makes the rules, the one that [insert X adaptation here] finally gave a personality and made interesting (something that has been said more times than I can count for pretty much every gang member, save Shaggy and Scooby).
And I haven't even touched on Velma, and how they gave her a bit of a early 2000s smart superiority girl complex against Daphne, plus the whole makeover thing and etc. etc. The Gunn Movies are pretty much what would happen if you took someone who hadn't seen Scooby since they were 7 years old (and honestly had a pretty negative outlook against it then) and tried to "fix" it, only his memory was so bad he just made up problems (and threw in a good helping of early 2000s style sexism with it) convincing pretty much the entirety of the popular culture that said problems exist and that Gunn was absolutely brilliant for fixing them (and then bringing up said "problems" whenever anyone wants to talk about Scooby) and this entire rant has been without even fucking MENTIONING what is probably the reason you, anonymous tumblr user sent this ask in the first place, to I, Swishy "Scrappy Doo Redemption Arc" Broke-on-books (dot tumblr dot com), which is his HIGHLY SUCESSFUL and utterly sadistic character assassination of my number one man, Scrappy Doo.
And I am going to try my damnedest here not to get totally into my highly passionate opinions over what James Gunn did to Scrappy in the first of his Scooby movies and how thoroughly it has pissed me the fuck off because I have been writing this post for over an hour now and if we start to really get into my feelings on this topic it will certainly be a couple of hours more but like. That Fucking Bitch. I give James Gunn personally a solid eighty-five percent of the blame for making my life as a Scrappy Doo fan UTTERLY unbearable with this stupid fucking movie alone, and just his Scrappy crimes would honestly be enough for me to say that I hate this movie, not even considering the numerous Scooby crimes I've been talking about here for the past million paragraphs, but the part about this movie that makes me the MOST mad the most pissed off is that it's actually a good fucking movie. James Gunn wrote two hilarious and entertaining movies that have become beloved in the popular culture for their successes in that arena, while at the same time pissing all over the core themes and messages of the franchise of which it was based, that of friendship.
TLDR; The Live Action Scooby Doo movies (written by James Gunn) are highly entertaining and fun pieces of media to watch, and are widely loved by the general public and looked at with fondness and nostalgia because of that. However, as a hardcore Scooby Doo fan (writing that phrase sounds so ridiculous but oh well) the existence of these movies and their impact on the popular culture can be extremely frustrating (despite any personal nostalgia said fan may have) due to their spreading of a misinformed picture of what "typical Scooby Doo" looks like. This picture is especially frustrating due to the fabrication or exaggeration of problems present in classic Scooby (such as sexism in regards to the girls), as well as giving more ammunition to other problems in Scooby fandom (such as oversexualization, and sexualization in general, which no one wants to see in regards to their children's cartoons, like HONESTLY.) Discussions of sexism and sexualization in Scooby (both of which ARE present and are issues, although not at their worst in WAY) can often lead to an overlooking of the issues that are very present and clear in WAY and have continued since then with far too little resistance (I'm 100% talking about the racism here) HOWEVER that topic deserves at least a dozen posts of its own that I am no way informed or qualified enough to even begin to think about writing. The Gunn Movies are frustrating to many longtime Scooby fans because of these reasons, but for me, and fellow Scrappy Doo fans there is also the added aspect of the demonization of Scrappy Doo in the live action movies and the affects that has had on the popular culture as well, making it uniquely inhospitable to like or enjoy the character of Scrappy. End post.
#that last sentence is such a weird tone jump btw but its because the topic flowed one way and i had to jump it back to a summary to actually#finish this monster of a post#SO anon i hope you're happy with this and this makes my opinion make some more sense. and you or anyone else is more than welcome to ask me#questions about anything i said here or my opinion on any and everything scooby related (and not) so if theres a specific aspect of this yo#would like expanded on i can definitely 100% do that for you or anyone who cares#also there are many complexities towards my feelings on these movies that i didnt get to hit on despite the monstrous size of this rant (il#check word count later but im not gonna fuck with it now because im terrified of deleting this post by accident) one of which is my lasting#fondness towards all of the actors in this movie. YES including freddie prinze jr. i may have major issues with his fred but hes also playe#characters i really really like. for example hes the va in this tv show i LOVE and havent watched in like 10 months despite the fact im on#the last season because freddie's character dies in like 7 episodes and i am NOT AT ALL emotionally prepared for that on any level because#that is my fictional father goddamnit!!!!!#also every buffy the vampire slayer gifset that crosses my dash gets me closer and closer to watching it because oh my god daphne!!!!! that#sarah michelle gellar thats daphne oh my god!!!! also i went and saw guardians of the galaxy 3 with my friend (despite not having seen a#marvel movie in 2+ years AND holding a grudge over james gunn's scooby doo crimes)[the things you do for {platonic} love amirite?]#and the title sequence SAID linda cardellini was in it and i got SO excited i was looking everywhere for her it was like wheres waldo in th#discount movie theatre FOR REAL and i just could NOT for the life of me find her (turns out she was VAing the ferret) so in a way linda mad#me cry with that role. whatever. istg i get so off topic i forget what i was even talking about but ANYWAYS <<<1 of my fave english words b#dubs (my favorite spanish word is el amanacer btw. it means sunrise. also burbujas because its bubbles and saying it sounds like bubbles#popping) BUT. AS I WAS SAYING. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANT SCOOBY DOO OPINIONS. DEAR GOD I GET SCATTERBRAINED SOMETIMES.#scooby doo#answered#anonymous#blah
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possumkingluca · 1 year ago
So I've realized something... Because my party's kind of base of operations right now is my character's house (because where else are we supposed to keep all these fucking people when the DM STEALS OUR AIRSHIP ☹), my character's parents have had to watch their only son come home many times after months of being away... with wounds that vary in levels of severeness, with scars that he's probably pretty reluctant to elaborate on how he got them, and also watch as he just progressively appears more and more upset and angry and tired all of the time. Hell it seems like if he's called that old childhood nickname one more time he might just break down into tears. And it's not like he's going to talk about it. Azazel would frankly rather drink until he's blacked out then even think about the possibility of him considering telling someone he might be unhappy... Despite it being pretty obvious he is, and despite him constantly very clearly losing it, or at least being on the verge of losing it. He'd rather claim everything's perfectly fine and get away from the conversation as fast as possible. And yeah, he's never been one to really open up, but this seems extreme, even for him. And I mean yeah, his friends have had to watch this take place too, multiple of which witnessing the fights in which he gains those scars and wounds... but also you have to consider that they went to Strixhaven with him. These people have witnessed Azazel at some of his lowest and highest points, this isn't really that new. "Oh Azazel's losing it again? Yeah no shit." I mean of course it doesn't mean they don't worry about him. I think Rubina is damn near ready to shove the little fucker in a psych ward, but, y'know....
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blueberrypancakesworld · 6 months ago
The fathers of Rome
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Marcus/Geta/Caracalla x wife!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, crying, kissing a bit emotional, birth, family issues, written before the movie came out characters may be different
Summary : Two Emperors and the general of the army all had important duties and responsibilities but by the grace of the gods and with devotion of love the three most influential men find themselves with the news of a pregnant wife. Each of them has a slightly different approach to taking care of his pregnant wife and the birth, because a birth could always go wrong and the gods were rarely merciful.
info : I wanted to write something sweet for the three of them and I know that they could be good fathers (if you romanticize a little bit) now have fun reading and have a nice day.
Marcus Acacius
It was thought that the battlefield was his home and the sword was his wife but few knew that in a vast field of olive trees and wheat fields stood a large villa in which a woman lived with a small household and prayed between her altars to the gods that her beloved husband would return home safely.
A story of a leader of the army of Rome and his wife a former oracle who met him, foretold him his future yet his eyes, his voice and his being would not depart from her own prophecies.
An initial love of safety in times of peace, she appreciated his protective nature in a world that belonged almost entirely to Rome, danger still lurked everywhere. He, in turn, was captured by her grace and care, this devotion to those in need or to himself when she waited on him to heal his wounds and the two felt safe and complete together.
A husband who rushed home on horseback so fast he rode to her from the support posts when the emperors called him back the sleep was won she saw the shadow on the horizon from the balcony and even mounted her horse to meet him, ,,My heart" he embraced her each time still seeing the dirt and emaciation on him after being away for months sometimes years.
His hands closed around her, an embrace, a heartfelt kiss, tears in her eyes when she finally saw him again before they rode back to the villa together, she helped him bathe and wash her before he pulled her into the water himself, not wanting to leave her side and unable to do so for too long, he had missed her, not only her lovely eyes, her voice that he loved to listen to, her hair that he ran through and her hands that he clasped every time he wanted to be close to her but couldn't in public.
But with such intimacy comes love and with love comes desire, desire for each other, desire for each other's bodies and this desire was pursued many nights and on some bright days they were also close until he had to leave again, for the next raid not knowing that only two months after he was gone he received a letter with scrawled writing full of excitement.
A letter that moved him to tears when he read it for the first time, ,,I'm going…to be a father" he mumbled to himself in his tent above and above he realized that love for each other would grow into a life, a little baby that would look like both of them and a big smile stayed on his lips as he hurriedly wrote back to her expressing his joy and his heart, how excited he was himself, how proud he was of her and how much he loved her and praying to the gods that the battle would be won quickly.
The letters changed from weekly to daily as her pregnancy progressed and he received drawings of what she looked like, along with dried flowers she was growing that were made into tea and tinctures to help her body.
The couple were happy with words, kisses seemed to spread across the infinity and she was sent a piece of clothing by Marcus and remembered that he would return to her and their child.
Everything went well until he received the letter that she would go into labor in the next few days, the war took longer than expected, but it was the first and only time he gave his sergeant the lead and started the journey back on his own responsibility, which would take several days, but he had to go to her the fear and worry that something could go wrong that he would lose her or that the child was not healthy.
Fear and worry clutched at his heart as he drove his horse faster and faster as fast as he could back home where he burst through the front door and heard the screams of pain that scared him to death calling her name, he hurried up the stairs to the shared bedroom where he found her crouching by the bed, apparently lying down would lead to complications.
,,Love I'm-I'm here everything will be fine" he murmured hastily pressing kisses on her hand which she immediately grasped painfully and screamed again as she tried to get their child out of her, he could still see the love for him in her tear-stained eyes on her sweat-smeared body they were both covered in blood from the death of the battlefield and the birth of new life as she continued to push and the midwife helped her too.
She screamed out his name her pain and Marcus became more and more afraid of losing her with every pain she had as she continued to hold her giving her courage and hope when his own hands trembled as he heard the ,,I can see the head my lady keep pushing" from the midwife who did everything she could to make the birth as easy as possible.
,,You can do it my heart I'm here push again" he whispered to her as she looked at him in pain he saw the fear and yet the deniability that he was with her before she let out one last scream and he heard a bright scream next to blood splattering on the floor, a bright scream that echoed and seemed never to stop.
,,Congratulations, a healthy baby boy!" the older woman announced, dabbing the newborn baby lightly before wrapping him in linen so he could be held better, while Marcus helped his wife back onto the bed, covering her lightly and giving her a long kiss, ,,I am so very proud my darling," he whispered placing a kiss on her head, before taking his son in his arms, those light, dark hairs on the delicate head belonging to him but the pretty eyes were hers.
His eyes filled with tears of pride and reassurance as he stroked his son and gave her the little bundle she clutched, ,,A piece of love from both of us," she uttered, crying with happiness as she looked into her son's curious face and he chuckled at her as the two parents spent the next few hours together on the bed with pure happiness as the little baby went from laughing with gurgling laughter, to crying and finally falling asleep exhausted in the equally exhausted arms of his parents.
Emperor Geta
The younger but stronger emperor of Rome, the warrior and leader who did not subordinate himself and enjoyed the Coloseum. A young man whose golden lure was not the only thing that seemed to be gold, he bought and made whatever he wanted, be it new armor, a sword, an army or even slaves that he could kill or do anything else with.
But in his life, his only blood besides his older brother Caracalla, there was only one marriage predestined by his father that he should marry her.
Pretty, coming from wealth and power but not a woman he had chosen, it was like fate, his father had decided like a god on the life of his son but it had been like that for some time now and as much as the couple was celebrated in public, the false smiles and hand-holding of the inner circle was seen through, they were both torn.
As much as they tried to understand each other and she appreciated his gift of attention to Rome, as much as he thought she was pretty and appreciated her patience as a true virtue, they never seemed to be in the same mood. There never seemed to have been a thread of fate.
,,Can love ever arise from a loveless duty?" she had once asked him when he wanted to retire in the evenings, avoiding her to occupy himself with his important things that his older brother wasn't interested in and always finding an excuse to avoid her.
She saw the guilt disappear from his eyes in the blink of an eye, saw him straighten the rings on his fingers before he replied with a ,,Love comes from the heart… a duty from the words of others" before he left her room and avoided her for another night, a night that followed one after the other until one day they attended his brother's wedding, Caracalla also married a highborn woman and gave the Roman Empire its first heir, as it should be - it was all just a matter of time.
A fact that Geta also knew, even if with a smile his bright eyes wished nothing but death for his sister-in-law, a plague that she and his brother would have to endure,
,,I want to see you in my chamber after the feast and that is not a question" he murmured to his wife who looked at him with an uneasy look, she had seen the looks, knew what was going on in her husband and yet in a horrible fate she felt the duty in her heart she had to bear him an heir.
The festivities dragged on for a long time, but with wine that overwhelmed her senses she distracted herself from what was going to happen, what he was going to do just because his place in the order of precedence would be changed, she followed his words, made a simple excuse and retired to her husband's room.
She had also heard the wine on his lips as that night began with a kiss, senses dazed by wine and yet there was still a kind of tenderness in his touch despite his hatred, she still held him close to her heart, something she clung to as hope.
A hope and love a lust she would not have expected from him overcame the nights of nights she saw for the first time his jealousy coupled with love,.
,,I know you are trying my love" he told her again and again his hand placed on her tree day after day she seemed to realize if she was pregnant until the day one of the midwives and his healer confirmed she was pregnant and a few tests brought the uncertainty to an end.
She still couldn't believe it was true, she felt his arms around her body and words of praise but double-edged words coming at her as Geta looked at her with a look that told her he had never felt more love for her than now, ,,My Empress pregnant with my heir" he murmured and immediately let the news spread everywhere rubbing it straight into the face of his brother and especially his sister-in-law who was not yet pregnant.
The time after that was filled with happiness and yet paranoia, he was only more attached to her, paying attention to everything and having the room for the child decorated with her taste, choosing the furniture and the colors, ,,The room of the future emperor," he announced to her as she leaned on him and saw the room with pictures of heroic deeds and old legends showing victories.
,,A truly impressive room," she admitted and felt her hands relax on her now round belly as time passed, the moons and suns came quickly and her pregnancy increased, the closer she got to the birth the more excited Geta seemed to become, insisting on being present the whole time…an insistence she kept, only a few moons later her contractions came and the palace was filled with screams and weeping.
Geta shouted at the midwives and healers to kill them all or he would kill them personally while he supported his wife with words and did not flinch when her bloodied hand reached for him, ,,You are doing very well I am with you dear, with our son you will make it" he told her again and again kissing her forehead and giving her hopeful kisses until he shouted more death threats until the news came that it was almost done.
The last screams were full of pain and she clung to him even more, the pain increasing with the thought that had plagued her for months and her heart stopped when she heard the voice of the midwife saying ,,My emperor it's a…girl" and the room slowly fell silent, only the shrill cry of the baby could be heard, a baby without the right sex, a girl no heir.
Her heavy breathing and the tears rolling down her cheeks as he pulled away from her with a jerk, she was supported by her midwives who helped her onto the bed and took care of her as best they could while she watched Geta take her daughter in his arms and turn his back on her, not seeing how he looked with this "disappointing" birth.
,,Everyone out now!" he shouted making the little baby cry again and yet everyone complied, ,,Geta I'm-I'm sorry" she started trying to get to him when she heard a sniffle and paused, at first she thought it was the baby but it giggled and a clearing of the throat was heard before he turned to her.
Her worry vanished when she saw his expression it was pride, it was appreciation it was happiness, ,,The future of the empire an empress from the love of her parents…she will become a goddess" he murmured and came to his wife in bed put the baby in her arms and gave the little girl a kiss on the head while he held his wife's hand and gently stroked it.
He was not disappointed he had gotten something so much better, he had gotten love and a wife who was everything to him a family of his own the only imperial family of ancient Rome.
Emperor Caracalla
The elder son, the first emperor to rule with his younger but much more suitable brother, a pair of brothers who ruled together and brought Rome to the top of the world with its army and its strength, but above all a young man with a woman at his side.
A woman, the Empress of Rome, beautiful, handsome and caring, popular with the people and not underestimated in politics because of her own country of origin and family…but a young woman without children.
A woman without children from an age when she would not be empress she would take other jobs nor have a choice but an empress was not a politician, a warrior or even a farmer an empress was and should always be a mother first so it has always been but not with her.
The wedding was moons ago and even if it was a little difficult at first their hearts were close she loved her playful husband who was always loving to her and had a penchant for entertainment of any kind.
As long as Carcalla wasn't bored, he knew that his brother was concerned with everything else, including politics, for which he had little taste when it wasn't a matter of attack or execution, she could only entertain him by acting, playing or playing in the arena, and as much as they both enjoyed it, she became more unhappy.
,,Your smile is fading, don't you like it? I can hire a new actor or buy new slaves right away," the blonde immediately offered and waved the troupe out so he could talk to his wife who had been laughing all evening, her hand detached from her belly and handed him the parchment he had skimmed over in the morning.
A parchment with the emperor's seal, a message from his brother that Geta had taken a wife of his own on a state visit, ,,The betrothal and wedding, what's with that, starlet?" he asked, tossing the paper carelessly aside before rising and going to the table of fruit and helping himself to the grapes.
He didn't understand the seriousness, the worry or even what it meant for the future, not that they hadn't slept together often, the wedding night had been consummated and they had often shared the bed but it had never led to anything, she rose from her chair and went to him, taking his hand and seeking his gaze.
,,Cara. ..you're still the older one, a duty is on me and I don't know if I can ever give you…an heir" she said the lump in her throat almost cutting off her voice hoping he would understand.
She saw the humor fade from his face and he considered before he gave an almost stunned expression and grabbed both her hands hastily, squeezing them and locking them in a hasty kiss over and over until she broke away to catch her breath, ,,Please I-it may well be me…all this he may be the politician but I am the elder, the first and you do your duty every day you are with me.
,,I leave no room for doubt, do you understand?" he demanded and she found his hopefulness, confidence and euphoria truly inspiring that a small smile crept onto her lips before he took her in his arms the imperial couple found themselves together again that night, taking help from potions, tinctures and many other forbidden practices that they hardly left the bedchamber together for the next few days.
It was clear to everyone what was happening behind the closed doors but after trying and trying this hope was to pay off with her first discomfort and the first change, ,,Congratulations my Emperor you are finally pregnant" the healer announced as he listened to the results of the test and her report, her tears wetting the tunic of her husband who hugged her and twirled around and was all the more pleased.
The news also pleased the people and even when she saw the looks on Geta's face and his wife she knew she had done her duty she would give Rome an heir, she had not disappointed Caracalla, ,,You can never let me down everything will go well the gods are with us" he told her reading she put up stowage in the child's room and her own for the next moons so that she was protected and the child inside her.
The protection seemed to help Geta until a point, and everything seemed to go well until the day of the birth, when blood and tears covered the floor, ,,What's wrong with my wife?" Caracalla who was holding her hand on the bed but the dagger at his side seemed to slaughter anyone who did anything wrong.
He kissed her hands and fingers, tried to cool her forehead with cool cloths and tell her again that she was doing well, ,,It seems that the Empress is pregnant with twins," said one of the midwives who had already brought out the size of the belly and the prolonged birth.
It was news she needed to cry out and Caracalla was filled with joy which he only showed when she continued to scream and push with the help of Caracalla who got into a kneeling position and the moments of pain merged until the first child was pushed out, ,,A boy!" the midwife shouted and took care of the little creature while the younger one continued to hold on to her husband.
The blonde gave her a proud kiss on the head, ,,Do you hear that? Our son love you can do it I am here" he murmured over and over until another cry from her side and a second bright cry told them that it was done that night a boy and his sister were born, Caracalla proudly and happily held the little babies and immediately spoke to them while praising them over and over.
The little family was not only complete but was now a little conversation of their own for each other, they had brought themselves together through love and received two sweet little gifts because they believed that their love was stronger than anything else.
@parvanovel -> I konw pregnancy is one thing but it's fluff so have fun :)
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mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess · 9 months ago
Most iconic Xie Lian moments according to me
Contains spoilers!!!
"Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry"
Keeping every memento of his worst time ever as a reminder of why being kind and forgiving is worth it
When he runs off after he gives Hua Cheng CPR that one time pretending he's looking for his hat
When he keeps roasting Xiao Ying's looks even as she's dying
When he was a prince and he was told his future looked dark and he said that can't be cause he only wears white
Eating food off the ground
Building his own temple, we love a girl boss
When he pet E'Ming like a little puppy after being explicitly told not to ever touch it under any circumstances
Putting Banyue in a pickle jar
When Wuming said he would follow Xie Lian to the death and Xie Lian went "youre already dead"
Breaking rocks on his chest for money
Being trampled to death as general Hua, doormat core
The whole Fangxin Guoshi arc, whew 🥵
Carrying around a big ass bag of scraps everywhere
When he became jealous of Hua Cheng's special someone not realizing the very obvious fact that he was Hua Cheng's special someone actually
Slapping tf out of Qi Rong for making fun of Hua Cheng being blind in one eye
Pretending he had no idea who Nan Feng and Fu Yao were
When Mu Qing and Feng Xin were freaking about how creepy the Ten Thousands Gods Cave was whilst he found it incredibly romantic
Being a bit too into pretending to be Hua Cheng's puppet on Mount Tonglu
Feeding into E'Ming's praise kink
When he disguised himself as a pregnant lady to be possessed by the evil fetus spirit and it worked
When he disguised himself as a woman so badly he looked hideous and needed help to not look like that
When he spent the entirety of the Xuan Ji capturing business in his wedding dress disguise, including meeting Pei Xiu like that
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts-
When his response to the sex pollen was to kill himself
"I do not worship god, i am god!"
Every single sweet and tender interaction with Hua Cheng's butterflies that everyone else is terrified of
When everyone ignored him in the communication array because he was cringe
Getting drunk on a tombstone with little ghost fire Hua Cueng after his life fell apart
Controversial but i think his calamity era was also iconic and very sexy
When Heaven's Eye said his lips are exuding evil energy and he turned bright red
And then later when Heaven's Eye said the evil energy is inside him and he immediately changed the subject
Recognizing literally everyone despite their disguises but keeping quiet about it not to embarrass them.
Calling Yin Yu boring and forgettable looking to his face
Defending Hua Cheng, evil ghost king, in front of the whole entire Heavenly Emperor
When he was working in the rice field with Hua Cheng and he kept staring
Being poor
Having ridiculously bad luck
Ascending three times
Big daddy issues even with his dad still alive
When his life had just fallen apart and he didnt know how much a lantern could cost because he had been ridiculously rich all his life
Holding up a massive temple from falling apart???
Kissing Hua Cheng for spiritual energy in front of literally everyone more than once
When he could hear rats talking???
Adopting children
Not iconic Xie Lian behaviors
His abhorrent cooking
Trying to kill himself???
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missmarveledsblog · 5 months ago
What best friends are for (Bucky Barnes x Reader ) 18+
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SUMMARY : When john walker makes off handed remarks about the newest female avenger not taking into the account she is the female best friend of bucky , well it snaps something in the former assassin , when he goes to confess his feeling he catches reader in a situation of her own .
warnings : yes this bitch is a smut so if under 18 do not read . it's a bucky barnes smut that should be warning enough, goofy fluffy smutty fun
"STANK DID YOU EAT THE LAST OF THE POPTART " YN voice called through the compound .
"Ok first of stank really .... that was good but uncalled for second of all before you go blaming me remember point break is the pop tart addict in this household baby avenger " Tony grinned thinking he got away with it little did he know the evidence was all over his black sabbath t-shirt.
" For a genius mind stark you sure are dumb thor's been in new asgard for last 3 months and you've pop tart all over your stupid face and shirt " her foot tapped the floor increasingly annoyed. After her long as mission she just wanted to burrito herself in a blanket eat pop tarts and binge a series or two . Tony praying for a miracle and looking for an exit strategy when his miracle walked in with Steve and nat .
" hey Yn what's wrong " Nat being Nat making sure one Y/N was ok and two well any reason to slap start was welcome .
"Stink ate the last of my poptart " she pouted breaking not only nats heart but Tony miracle escape plan bucky opening his mouth and saving the day .
" come on малышка ( baby girl) . I hid some for you " bucky grinned as her face lit up . Ever since y/n came to the compound he swore life gotten a million times better , this woman who was sarcastic ball of sunshine . It also helped that she's most beautiful woman he's ever seen , spent most of his time making sure he could make that smile happen .
He never believed in love and first sight til she walked into meeting two years ago asking fury " aye nicky where can a girl get some good food around here " . The room went silent Tony being the first to break out laughing the rest following suit some agent paled at the words being so chill with one of the scariest men in the world in their eyes .
As now sat in a Burrito cocooned blanket , her eyes couldn't help stealing glances at the beautiful specimen she called a bestfriend the light of life itself and the supplier of a poptart habit that could rival the god of thunder himself .
" I've to tell you something buckshot it kinda of important .... you saved dipshits ass today I could be on the raft by now " he chuckled thinking it was her sense of humour when in fact it was a confession changed because she chickened out midway through , common problem she had around the man .
" yeah I just couldn't deal with the headlines imagine iron man dies due to poptart issue , fellow avenger charged " he tried to hold his laughter .
"Well well well who do we have here " her whole body cringed at the voice behind, there stood John walker America's wish version of Steve Rogers stood his eyes draping over her body , making her want to bathe in a volcano alone .
"Ah the poster child for Chad's everywhere is gracing us with his presence what do we owe the dishonour " y/n smiled so sweetly .
"Yn be nice he only here to collect something for fury " Sam quipped as he walked into the room .
" well buckshot , birdbrain I'm off to soak my troubles away enjoy wannabe cap " they watch her flip john the bird and skipped off not wanting to be in the room any longer making bucky want to pout at the loss of her company ... or at least he thought he wasn't but .....
" you got it bad my man I'd skip a girl like that she nothing but trouble, I could take her for you I'm sure I could handle her better since i am more this time " John stupid mouth began to move while Sam was texting nat to get John size for casket .
" A dame like her doesn't need a dipshit like you and son you couldn't handle her, she would kill you quicker than you could draw you a breath out of your measly body " he snarled as his body stiffened at thought of this man even trying to get her attention .
"YN STOP HACKING F.R.I.D.A.Y BUT ALSO NICE ONE ON THE FURY'S BITCH " Tony voice echoed through the intercom .
"Fucking bitch , nevermind she's lost her chance " John snarled leaving Sam and bucky laughing til the cried .
"Language " .
" really steve " Sam laughing harder than he was before .
"It just slips out but I will admit Yn hacking F.r.i.d.a.y was hilarious I wish I was here to see John or Tony's face " steve couldn't hold the chuckle coming out . Bucky head moving in different direction, that direction was to her , for two years she was in his head non stop and if she wasn't in his head , the two were doing everything together and the countless night he thought of her under him didn't help either .
" I gotta go tell her " suddenly braved he ran to find her , his own thoughts not wanting to waste anymore time . He couldn't think straight knowing john walker or any man could try stake their claim .
As she lay in the tub overjoyed at latest achievement wishing she'd seen John stupid face falter when F.r.i.d.a.y called him furys bitch but also knowing she could get the footage later in the evening . Yet her mind kept wandering to her best friend , how he would cheer her up , make her days brighter and how he made her clenched your thighs . past the point of feeling guilty and becoming wetter as her mind thought about him fucking little pussy hard . nor she couldn't help the hand slipping down between her legs like it had a mind of it own , running it through her folds as thoughts about bucky thrusting in her pussy while a firm grasp lost in her hair , the sickening sound of skin slapping against each other .
"Oh fuck. Fuck yes just like that sarge " she whimpered circling now puffy Clit . moans drowning out the noise of the bedroom door opening as bucky made his way in .
He didn't want to stay but hearing those moans fuck it he felt like he died and went to heaven , angels singing just for him . His body betraying his mind as he opened the bathroom door the sight nearly killed him alone beautiful soaking wet body arched and sweet moans filling the room .
" yess just like that sarge fuck " those moans and sloshing water like a sweet melody to his ears . The sentence that stop her dead in your tracks a deep growl making her eyes flying open " FUCK doll you make a lot of pretty sound but I can make you scream them " . Before she could react bucky kissed as he stripped not wanting to waste a second more . It felt right, like it was normal for them ,something in it it that made sense . Moaning into the kiss she rose from the bath pulling back baring herself for her best friend .
" please bucky " she cried as her lips hit his again .
The clash of tongues and teeth the raw passion hitting both. Knowing the border between bestfriend's was so far away , would need to flight to reach it again . None of it mattered the feelings clear enough in the kiss alone knew this was real .
" please sarge I need you " sweet little kisses down his neck . There and then bucky knew he was never letting go .
" so needy my little baby doll " grinning as he took her nipple in his mouth wanting to hear those moans coming from her mouth like he was addicted to them , fuck he was addicted to her and he was finally getting his fill. Dreams becoming reality kissing down this body, one he dreamt of most nights to keep the nightmares at bay . Each touch giving him the clear sign he was one causing it. her body was his to have and he wasn't giving that up . The smell of her arousal taunting and teasing to send him almost primitively feral . It was sweetest smell that ever filled his nostrils . Jesus he knew it would be sweeter than anything he could or would ever taste , almost like the apple that tempted eve . Kissing soft plush thighs as he took in the vision of her bare pussy staring right at him . It was better than any dream or thought he could ever have .
" please James stop teasing me " .
"What do you want baby doll use your words " he wanted to hear those sweet lips tell him .
" I need to feel you ... touch me, fuck me please sarge " .
That was it he was gone eye so dark with lust as he licked teasingly long stripes of your folds.
" Oh fuck baby doll you taste heavenly " his tongue exploring her folds like it was his sole mission , before his mouth greedily sucked her clit. too good she was sure she drowned in the tub and this was heaven . Crying out in pleasure as the man she was undisputedly in love with devoured her like it was his last meal and first meal all at one . the feeling of his tongue alone had the coil tighten with each movement but when he began to slip a finger in it felt like heaven on earth .
" oh fuck bucky i'm going to ... .hey what the fuck" she cried at the lost of contact , brows furrowed in such confusion .
" im sorry baby but when you cum i wanna feel you on my cock " he chuckled at her desperate whines ." you ready doll i need your words " he beautiful ocean filled eyes stared into her soul and telling him with a little nod.
" please bucky i want you to you to fuck me " pussy clenching at nothing desperately hoping for for some release . the pornagraphic moan that came out of her mouth bucky could of came at that alone, she really didn't understand it , how much of a hold on the man she had from the first time he ever saw her and yet she was gonna find out .
" fuck baby your pussy was made for me so tight you're mine baby no one can fuck this pussy i'm gonna make sure shes ruined for anyone else " he groaned each thrust getting harder and deeper .
" fuck bucky i'm your only yours , i've only ever been yours " she cried in pleasure never feeling something so perfect ,the coil tightening more and more, .
" cum for me baby be my good girl ".
the dirty filth coming from his mouth was enough to push over the edge walls clenching around his cock and screams of pleasure filling the room was enough to send bucky over edge his seed hitting her cervix and painting the walls of her cunt .
the room filled with panting both in their own pleasure filled states as bucky lay beside laying her on his chest so tenderly a completely different contrast in his movement before . he couldn't love her anymore than he did and yet it felt like it was .
" i meant what i said buckshot im yours i dont think i could be with anyone else " she said nuzzling herself further into his neck.
" and i'm yours baby doll i always was that day you walked into the meeting i was a goner " kissing her head then her lips . both hearts feeling complete of love as they both dosed off clung together in perfect bliss .
bonus :
"remind me to add sound proof to her room " a scarred tony walked out out the room .
" so furys bitch i see you were wrong it seems our soldier can indeed handle our little spit fire "nat smirked walking to her room .
" as much as i love that they proved him wrong i am traumatised and steve's been a tomato i think they broke him " sam wince joking as his super soldier friend was blushing beat red .
both following the widows lead and leaving a defeated walker to collect his ego and files wanting to leave as soon as possible.
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jeon-ify · 1 year ago
Hiya! Idk if you still take in smut prompts reqs buuut if you do could I request 24, 26, 27 with san? maybeee you're fwb and he gets jealous of you with another guy ohoho i would never look at any man other than you sansjdbedjdbd thank you!!!
a little jealousy - choi san
dude. my head is spinning for this fic and i’m so excited to write this kind of san … mannnn
warnings: dom!mean!san, toxic relationship, rough sex, sub!reader, spitting, hairpulling, keeho appears and gets flirty, manhandling, possessive san, implied abandonment issues (san tells reader), jealousy!!!!!, throat fucking, guided masturbation, vein bulging, implied su!c!de, cnc!!, degradation, breeding kink! forced but willingly making reader swallow a dry plan b, etc. as always, lmk if i missed anything!
24. what would he say if he saw you on top of me losing your fucking mind hm?
26. the day you leave me is the day i slit my fuckin’ throat
27. can’t you see you’re made for me?
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“you can’t be serious,” your friend drops her expression, waiting for your response.
“yes! i’m serious. i don’t wanna go out tonight, i don’t wanna deal with weird guys everywhere.” you used this as an excuse to see your “friend” san tonight, as he said he’d be home all day.
“bitch, go put something on, we’re going and it’s final.” you groan as you pull out a black midi body-con silk dress, the chest falling loosely onto your cleavage. you put on your black YSL heels with gold detailing, your hair and makeup done and curled.
you head out with your friend, arriving to the rather large club an hour away. this club was the talk of the town, owned by a man named Park Seonghwa. he owned multiple, this one being the largest. the music blares through the speakers, your skin glistening with body glitters and oils.
your friend shouts something and walks away, you assume she’s grabbing drinks and a guy on her way. you walk over to the dance floor, in hopes that you’d see someone you knew. to your luck, you see a guy from your high school. you walk over to him and tap his arm to get his attention. he turns towards you as you catch him by surprise.
“y/n! hi! it’s been so long! how are you? how’s everything been?” he exclaims as he pulls you in for a hug.
the hand placement of his grazes your lower back as you only wrap one arm around his shoulders from underneath his arm. you hug back in a friendly remark, as his fingertips graze the upper part of your ass. “i’ve been great, how have you been, kee?”
you smile in response to his loud voice. you know why he’s so touchy feely with you— just not sure as to why and how you ran into him on a night like this. you knew you didn’t want to be here.
“i’m great, you look beautiful, y/n. do you wanna come sit with me and my friends?” he leans to your height, shouting in your ear so you’d hear him well.
“sure! i don’t know where my friend went.”
you follow keeho through the crowd of sweaty and drunk people, reaching the table everyone was seated at. it’s like you’re in high school again, seeing all the familiar faces.
“y/n! oh my god you look great! how are you?” mingi says. he’s grown into a handsome man, you won’t deny that. you conversate with the group, catching up and laughing with everyone. you find it weird now that you look back at it— that all of your friends are guys.
as you’re sitting with keeho, the jokes he makes make your breath hitch, needing to catch yourself before you choke on your drink. you laugh up a storm with him, playfully slapping his leg by yours. he leans closer to your ear, whispering a bunch of nothings as you laugh even harder while your face turns a slight cherry red.
you open your eyes and across the dance floor, a black couch is planted against the wall. a man about 5’11” is seated with his legs slightly spread, watching you. you do a double take, noticing that he looks familiar— almost too familiar— that he looks like san.
the friend you’ve been fucking behind everyone’s back.
he watches you with his black button up and black straight leg slacks, a silver chain hiding underneath the flaps of his collar.
he leans his elbow onto his knees where his chin rests on his knuckles, watching the way your friends are getting handsy with you. you’ve laughed a little too hard, and san doesn’t like that.
you turn your attention back to keeho where he’s still laughing and talking about some girl he slept with last week.
“hey, i’m gonna go get a drink, see you later.” you’re still distracted by san’s gaze, your knees already threatening to buckle. you manage to walk over to where san was, he walks out of the club as you follow wherever he’s headed to.
you both make it outside, his car already started and the passenger door already opened for you to get into.
“가자” he speaks. though you’re not sure what it means, you use your pretty brain to understand that he wants you to get in the car.
“don’t wanna hear a word from you, understand?”
“h-how did you find me?” you manage. you were just told to not speak, but curiosity killed the cat.
“did you not understand what i just said?” he stops the car, fully turning towards you. his black hair bounces when he shifts gears again, speeding through the highway.
“take your phone out and tell your friend you’re not coming home tonight. tell her you feel sick.” he does not change expressions, nor does he turn his attention to you.
the rest of the car ride is silent until you reach his home. it’s a grey brick home, with long windows on each side of the door. it looks like a castle, but it’s a homey feel.
he unlocks the door, holding it open for you to get in.
what a gentleman.
“take your clothes off. leave the heels on.” he says as he’s unbuttoning his blouse and throwing his shoes off. you’re well behind him, still struggling to unzip the dress. he notices your struggle, unzipping it himself and ripping it off.
“look me in the face and tell me what was so funny. if you wanted to go to a comedy show so bad, you should’ve just told me. didn’t have to fuck around with random guys, did you?”
he grabs the back of your head through a fist full of your hair, your hands on each side of your hips. he tilts your head upwards, giving himself access to your neck, licking a stripe up to the middle of your collarbone and up to your chin. he inches closer to your lips then pulls away, not letting you kiss him.
“you think you deserve to kiss me after you practically already fucked some other guy? listen to me, and listen carefully. i know you have issues darling, and maybe you don’t hear it enough, but you belong to me.” he caresses your face, in a faux sympathetic manner, spitting venom into your skin.
“i don’t understand what’s gotten you so worked up, sannie. we’re not even dating, so why are you so jealous?” your eyes sparkle with lust, san feeding into the delusion that he’s your man and no one else’s, even though he’s made it clear he doesn’t do the whole “dating thing”.
“‘m not jealous, baby. i just don’t like other people playing with my toys. don’t you get upset when other kids play with your toys, darling?” his hand snakes its way under your bare chest, squeezing your tit as san tugs a moan out of you.
he kisses your jaw, moving up to your lips, finally kissing you the way you think you deserve. he moves his hand to snake its way around your throat, his tongue exploring various areas of your mouth.
“on your knees, right now, jagi.” its so fucking hot that he speaks two languages. it almost makes your panties pool with arousal. he hears you whimper as you get onto your bare knees, the backs of your gold heels poking your thighs.
“‘m gonna fuck this tiny throat. if i hear a word, you’re not cumming at all. i’ll cum in you all night and won’t let you do the same. am i clear?” he fists your hair into his large hand, forcing you to look up at him when he speaks. he looks fucked out already, as you do so yourself.
not-so-innocently, you agree to his command, mouth already falling open, ready to take him into your throat. you bob your head up and down slowly, releasing with a pop then spitting onto the base of his cock to make it easier for you to suck.
he never fails to surprise you with his size. you use your right hand to support you in getting him to reach his first high of the night, sucking and swallowing all of the spit and precum on his length.
“yeah, fucking hell. doing so good f’ me. you fucking belong to me. never wanna see you leave.” he bucks his hips into your mouth as you threaten to whine out in response. before he can reach his orgasm, he pulls you back up by your jaw to kiss you open mouthed-ly.
“lay back and spread those pretty thighs for me.” he stands at the edge of the bed, watching the way your pussy already throbs with need, desperate to have him inside already. your walls gush with desperation for san’s veins running against your walls.
his fingers graze softly over the inside of your thigh as he lifts your leg to easily access into your hole. he slaps the tip onto your clit a couple of times, earning gasps and pleas from you. after moments of teasing you, he gives in and immediately pounds into your sopping cunt.
“wanna hurt you in the best fucking way possible. never wanna see you laughing with another guy again. it hurts me,” he groans as he slowly strokes himself into you,
“the day you leave me is the day i slit my throat. i’m fucking crazy for you, y/n. don’t you understand? can’t you see you’re made for me?”
you moan in response, his words sending an electric wave through your core, already cumming around his length. he feels you clenching around his cock as his eyes threaten to roll to the back of his head. his stomach tightens as he tries to balance himself with not cumming and making you cum over and over again, his abs making your head spin.
“s-san, fuckin- it’s too much.” you gasp. you’re so overstimulated from your countless orgasms, you think you’ll start crying.
“it’s not. don’t make me stop.” he pounds into you furiously, making you cry out for him to stop, though you never want him to.
he flips the two of you over, making your legs shake and your arms weak as you have to balance yourself this time.
“rub that pussy, fuckkkk, just like that. watch me fuck you stupid. make sure you know who the fuck you belong to, how’s that?” he groans as he spreads his legs to balance himself as he fucks up into you. you fail to rub your clit, too overwhelmed by the pleasure that san is building in your cervix.
tears run down your face as a sign of overstimulating yourself, san moving up to lick them off your face. laying back down, he pounds up into you almost too fast you start seeing stars.
“look at you, fuckin’ stupid whore. what would he say if he saw you on top of me losing your fucking mind hm? what would he say? enlighten me, darling. would he think you’re a whore?” he stills his thrusts, burying himself deep in your uterus.
“i’m not- i’m not a whore!” you cry out.
“oh, but yes you are. you say you’re not but here you are, fucking a married man and crying over some dick. what does that say about you?” you feel like he’s gaslighting you, but he’s completely right. you should be ashamed of yourself, but you’re getting off knowing that you make san crazy.
“th-that i’m a whore.” you admit.
“look at that, your brain works!” he smirks as he twitches into your cervix, almost cumming in your stomach.
“san! pull out, you can’t cum in m-me!” you beg. you don’t want him to cum in you. you’re not ready for anything at all.
“gonna fill you up, cus that’s what i do to sluts. i knock them up and never fuckin’ see them again. want me to show you how much of a slut you are?”
“n-no! fuck, please pull out. let me go!” you beg. you’re so scared but so turned on by it, not even thinking of using a safe word right now.
you feel his hips still, his cock twitching in you as he empties himself in you. he pulls out after a few seconds, reaching for his nightstand. he takes out a plan B box, making you dry swallow the pill.
“the next time you wanna fuck around with random guys, think about the consequences, darling. i watch every move you make.”
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cute-sucker · 11 months ago
irregular heartbeat
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note: erm, so i wrote this. idk how i feel about it...(if u find the taylor swift reference u will forever have my love) words: 1.8k warnings: drinking, swearing, heavy angst, slightly dark!rafe, toxic relationship
dating rafe cameron in secret was supposed to be fine.
it was supposed to be easy. you never passed his way on the island, and when you did he was his gang.
the kooks.
each one had a rich family and shit ton of daddy issues. kelce, a cold fish, topper, the charming one and rafe…the deadly one. the one that you were supposed to stay away from.
you were independent even out of school. your parents had needed help with two younger siblings. you went you fended for yourself, taking your sister to soccer practice and coming to your brother's plays. you had a one-track mindset. that was staying clear of trouble.
oh boy, but when rafe came in. a smirk on his face, sunglasses glinting in the sun, and a groggy voice that made you want to rethink all of your decisions.
some said trouble followed him, while others disagreed calling him the root of all the problems.
you never expected to fall into his clutches. your family had been dirt poor and you were on a scholarship to kook academy, passing with flying colors. you were ready now to graduate with your hands closing on the degree, and finally run away from figure eight forever.
yet it wasn't school where you met him.
it was when you had been dropping off your sister when he set his eyes on you. you were supposed to start a new life, but somehow you liked the way he offered you a new breath of air.
you liked the danger, and the intrigue surrounding him, and you liked doing something dangerous. you had always been reliable, you had always been the one to hang around your friends telling them it was time for you to go home.
you'd always been the straight a' student, good girl, and now you smiled back at him and that smirk spread on his face you left excited.
it was almost as if he understood you. it was the way he liked your sweet smile, always giving you time. he understood your hardships and shared some of his own - telling you about his difficult relationship with his father, running to get your coffee, and at one point holding you so tightly during the times you were like you were going to fall apart.
then he had asked you out. you felt like you were living the dream, retracing his freckles at night, and feeling the way he smiled at you. he was everything at you. you would never admit it, but even your sister had caught on.
her 10-year-old mind saw you lingering on rafe cameron, and she gave you a sly smile, telling you that you deserved it.
you liked that.
you liked the sweetness and the venerability that he brought out in you. you liked the way his arms could fold you, and the way you felt so safe. you liked the way he smiled at you in the morning after you stayed. this sweetness in the venerable laziness with his arms spread out and you could feel the steady beat of his heart.
he was like a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
rafe cameron was a whirl of emotions. an unpredictable hurricane that came quietly and viciously. you hated the clear lies you heard in his voice and the way he drank to death. the bottle was attached to him, and his eyes were harsh, with his words even harsher.
no longer could you see the race that you loved.
you felt abandoned. all of sudden, it felt like everything was falling apart, as you tried to take care of everyone forgetting about yourself.
you'd cry and cry like you had never had before. your knees held up to your chest, and this fear, this constant fear followed you everywhere because you loved him. god, you loved him, desperately to the point of damming everything you had.
and you swore you had lost everything until he'd let you curl into your lap and he'd whisper sweet nothings in your ear. then you'd believe everything was going to be okay.
but here you were again, beer bottle tilted drinking every drop, while you aimlessly swayed to the beat as the party music blared. you felt weightless, died yet so alive at the same time. you were supposed to be placed.
yet you were dwindling to nothing because of rafe cameron.
he had told you were his love, his one and only, and yet he had just ignored you, pretending not to know you.
you wanted to scream.
in all honestly you always felt like crying, and then telling his friends what was going on. you were fucking 17 years old, and you were supposed to be out of this phase. out of this phase where you craved being a teenage dirtbag.
no, now you felt like a dirty secret as if he didn't want people to know that he was dating a filthy pogue on the other side of the island. he was ashamed of you.
these thoughts swirled in your head with no stop, and you felt more your hands shake and eyes blur with tears, as you tipped a bottle to your mouth. the more you thought about the situation, the more beer you drowned.
and all of a sudden you danced, your body in sync with the music, and you were next to the bonfire, too close, so warm. maybe you should take something off, it was way too warm, as you stumbled to get your top off.
suddenly you felt someone helping you.
"hey, are you okay?" he asked, drawing you away from the fire. you squirmed away from him, as your cup fell to the ground.
"'m fine, why?" you gulped down your drink with enthusiasm, "you know you should tell your friend to fuck off. he's an asshole." you sputtered out, trying to sit down only to lose your footing completely.
topper caught you in time.
"maybe you should stop-" he muttered, gently guiding your cup away from you. you felt like you shouldn't let him take your cup yet your hands wandered aimlessly in his direction.
"i'm a complete loser," you hiccouped, as you sat on the ground. "i'm in love with him. i'm in love with rafe fucking cameron."
topper raised an eyebrow, nodding silently as if he had heard this before.
then you found yourself sniffing sadly, and felt more confused. "why are you even listening to me babble? you don't even know me."
your tight minidress was slipping up your thighs, and you saw him glance before catching himself.
he laughed at your comment, almost as if he was surprised himself. "i don't know. all i know is that you seem familiar," he confessed, cracking a confused smile. you couldn't help but laugh just a little.
he was nice.
"seriously top, seducing a pogue? couldn't find other good fucks?" a dark voice drawled.
you turned to face the half-obscured face in the darkness. it was rafe, hat turned backwards, anger flickering in his eyes, an eerie expression on his face.
"shut up rafe," topper shot back, rolling his eyes. he looked amused almost as if he was enjoying this exchange of words.
you glared at rafe, placing your hands on your thighs. "maybe i should go fuck someone. i feel like it, y'know?"
rafe snapped to look at you.
you got up, sudden bravado in your heart. "you know what? i'd rather fuck anyone here then-"
his eyes.
that was what stopped you in your tracks. it was the fact that there was something so murderous, and you could tell that he was warning. yet you didn't want to stop. you wished he could drown in the ocean, or just leave you.
he let out a mirthless laugh, and then stepped closer to you, "let's talk.''
it wasn't a request, but you stepped closer to him, watching the way his breath hitched, and the way his hand itched to pull down the short dress you had on.
you stepped so close, it looked as if you were going to kiss him. you found yourself feeling cruel.
"stay away from me, rafe.," you whispered, and then walked away from him. but you knew that he wouldn't let you go without a fight, as he relentlessly followed you across the bonfire.
"talk to me," and then before you knew it topper was gone, and the two of you were shoved into a dark corner. you saw other couples making out, but none of them could care less about your presence.
his eyes searched for something in yours. he was so close, his heat rubbed off you and you waited for him to say anything.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" he hissed, "what happened right there," he whispered, and he looked so concerned you wanted to break right there in front of him.
"you. you're what happened. you're breaking me." you breathed out, hot tears streaming down your face, and his grip on your arm got even tighter.
you gasped at the pain, and he quickly let go of your hand. he had hurt you, and he was-
"i-" he murmured, and then tried to draw you closer to his chest, "i love you. you know i would never hurt you."
you shook your head, as you sobbed. yet when he opened his arms you flew into them. he stroked your hair and buried his head in his chest.
"somethings wrong," you mumbled and he gently tilted your head to get a good look at you. you could barely understand the look on his face. he was so unpredictable.
"you've had too much to drink, darling."
then he kissed your forehead so gently, that a tear escaped your face. he was kissing all of your bruises and you would let him do anything to you.
"i missed you, you're gone all the time," you told him, latching onto his arm.
"i'm right here," he assured you, and you shook your head.
"no, no."
he wouldn't get it.
you closed your eyes, his ache in his heart growing. you could hear his heartbeat, and no longer did he sound steady. instead, it was irregular. you wanted to believe he was the same rafe cameron you fell in love with, but sometimes. . .
sometimes you couldn't even recognise him.
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rabbitblackx · 2 years ago
chop-top,brahms,Jason and Bubba with a s/o who gets sick at the sight of gore,but has terrible separation anxiety so they’ll just stand there like “🧍‍♀️🤢” when their slasher is 🏃‍♀️🗡️ someone 😭,I know this is specific so feel free to ignore
Slashers with a Squeamish!Reader
Includes: Bubba, Chop-Top, Jason and Brahms
Bubba Sawyer💖
Bubba tried to hide as much gore from you as possible. He never killed in front of you unless absolutely necessary. He also encouraged his brothers to do the same. They never listened though, as they wreaked havoc around you every day. Bubba was sure to cover your eyes with his hands, or carry you out of the room when this happened
You followed Bubba around like a lost puppy, which meant you saw a lot of shit. He’d be brutally sawing a woman in half while you stood in the background, face green and head spinning
When Leatherface was done with the violence, you recoiled in disgust when he went to hug you. He was drenched in blood. While trying not to faint, you shakily asked him to go dry off
Bubba came back to you later after changing into a fresh pair of clothes. You threw your arms around him in a sweet embrace, making up for earlier
Chop-Top Sawyer💖
Chop-Top loved to tease you. He purposely waved gore or bodies in your face, while also flicking blood at you. It was all fun and games until you threw up all over your shoes. He was very sorry after that. He also went into full panic mode when you wouldn’t forgive him at first. How was he gonna get laid now??
“Baby! C’mon, I said I was sorry!”
You eventually forgave Chop-Top, causing him attack your face in kisses. He grew more and more fond of you after that. You were his fave. This meant he was less hostile around you. He rarely lashed out at victims when you were near
If Chop-Top had to kill in front of you, he made you spin around and face the wall first. It wasn’t as fun killing them clean, but whatever made you happiest
When Chop-Top was done with his killing, he ran over to you and hugged you from behind. He grinned into the crook of your neck, giggling like a madman
Jason Voorhees💖
Jason did not care that you were squeamish. He was going to kill as much as he wanted. If he heard a single peep outta you because of this, he swore to god—
You felt pretty unsafe in the woods without Jason, so you were always close by. This meant the both of you had to see things you preferred not to. You had to watch him brutally murder people on a regular basis, while he had to watch you throw up everywhere because of it
Jason started gifting you with old things from his childhood. He brought you some of his toys, like his teddy bear or maybe even a picture book. Just anything to distract you from his violence, and it actually worked!
You were so touched by Jason’s gentle gesture, all you could do was tearfully gawk at his old toys while he murdered campers in the background. It just sucked though because once he was done, you wanted to hug him. But he was drenched in hot blood and gore, making it hard. You knew damn well he wasn’t gonna wash it off for you either :’)
Brahms Heelshire💖
Your squeamishness was never really an issue, as Brahms rarely killed. If he did, it was because somebody was breaking in, or trying to hurt your pretty self. It was very bad if this was the case. Because if a another man laid just a finger on you, he wasn’t going to back down
Brahms would apologise for the gore later. As of right now, he was tackling the intruder that hurt you to the floor. He fumbled for a shard of glass from the window he broke into, gripping it hard. All you could do was gape as Brahms drove it deep into the man’s neck, twisting it around and making a red mess
You had to sit down, holding your dizzy head in your hands. Brahms kept stabbing at the dead man, causing more and more blood to spill. The sight alone was enough to make you faint
Brahms eventually got off the man and stumbled over to where you sat. The blood on his hands made you screw your eyes shut, but he didn’t care. He loomed over you in the dark, gently taking your hand in his
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agirlnamedstar · 2 years ago
Imagine you and some of the TWST guys are preparing for a little party. Whether it be a tea party, or maybe an unbirthday party, idk but THERES A PARTY GOING ON OKAY?
Obviously Ace and Deuce are there, and so is Grim and Jack and Epel. They practically follow you everywhere so of course they’d help you set up!! Even if they really don’t wanna.
Riddle, Leona, and Vil are there too. Leona doesn’t really wanna be there, but he can’t let his poor weak herbivore do it all on their own, can he?
No, he can’t. He likes you too much to leave you alone because he knows only like, 3 people are gonna help you out.
Riddle is there to make sure no one breaks any rules and behaves accordingly and Vil is there to make sure everything is absolutely perfect. It’s a big party after all, and anything other than perfect could ruin his reputation!!! And we wouldn’t want that, would we??:(
You’re setting the table, trying to make everything as perfectly set as possible. Yet no matter how straight and how perfect you put down those plates and silverware, Vil is correcting it and criticizing you.
“Is it really that hard to set the table correctly Prefect? I know not having magic shouldn’t effect your ability to set a table..” he’d complain, fixing yet another fork you apparently laid down incorrectly.
And you’d stay quiet, getting more and more upset by the minute as you continued setting the table.
And everyone could tell you were getting fed up, but decided to stay quiet for their own good, because they know how Vil is.
“Prefect, at this point it might be better for me to set this table. You’re doing it all wrong. It looks absolutely hideous.” He complained again, making you look up from the fork he asked you to adjust.
“Vil, it looks fine. Can’t you go bother somebody else? I know how to set a table.” You finally talked back, making everyone look up and turn to you two.
“It doesn’t look fine. It looks horrendous. Just like your skin. Have you been doing that skincare routine I showed you?” He fussed, reaching out to touch your face, “and besides, the table only looks a little bit better because I fixed it. Like I said, it doesn’t take magic to set a table, now does it? You should be able to do this with no issues, right?”
You backed away from him, huffing as you did so. “No, I haven’t. I’ve been too busy planning this party and with school and with you guys. I don’t have time for that stuff right now.”
Leona then interrupts, getting in between you two.
“Leave the herbivore alone, table looks fine,” he mumbled with a yawn, “if it looks so awful, maybe you should do it yourself.” He leaned against you, closing his eyes as he spoke.
You sent Leona a thankful smile, looking at Vil as he glared sharply at the both of you.
“Are you being serious? Leona, look at it. It’s a mess. Great Seven, you can’t even set a table correctly. What are you good for, anyways? You’re magicless, you lack strength in general, you can’t even take care of yourself, and your grades are slipping!”
“You’re awful. I will never, never understand why the Black Mirror brought you here.”
The room went silent. The dishes in your hand went clattering to the floor, some shattering on impact.
You knew he can be an asshole, but fuck man.
That hurt.
That hurt a lot.
“You know what, Vil? Fuck you. I’m fucking trying, okay? But it’s hard to focus on things when I’m tackling one overblot and problem after another. I know you’re stressed out and shit, but you don’t need to take it out on me.” You took a deep breath, glaring at him as you teared up.
“I’m so fucking done.”
Before you knew it, your eyes were filled with tears and you were running out the door, hearing your friends shout for you as you ran.
God you wanna go home..
Oh how I love angst!!
I really wanna make a part 2!! Would you guys like that? Lemme knowwwww!!
If I do make a part two, we’ll see Neige and get a lil more info about Vil and why he said what he said🤞🤞
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evilminji · 1 year ago
Actually? WOULD Earth be the ones to petition Oa?
They are interstellar Space Interpol. You don't usually call them on different parts of your OWN settlements or systems. You call them in when someone is breaking THE Laws. Not necessarily YOUR laws, though obviously by breaking THE laws they clearly ARE. But THE Big Laws(tm).
Like Geneva Convention for Space type laws.
You have discovered Planet or King X is committing WAR CRIMES. Call Oa. Tax fraud? That's an inter-personal planet side issue they can't help you with. Pointing Nukes at your nursery settlement and threatening to blow up the infants there unless you give them sex-slaves?
Knock-knock! Taste HARD Light Constructs!
But if so? Then how would the situation get so out of hand on Earth? With the G.I.W.? Simple. Tell me, Mr. President, what do you know of the current day to day life of villagers in rural Siberia?
That they exist? Could you even NAME their village, if I referenced specific individuals? Likely not. And no one would realistically expect you too.
There are countless planets out there! With Leaders busy with local industrial conferences and infrastructure bills. Farming regulations. Talks with that planet a few stars over. Very busy. What do THEY know of Earth? Why would they NEED too?
But! As we know, Ectoplasm is EVERYWHERE. Not just earth. And? Thin spots are not just an Earth-centric phenomenon. Other planets most CERTAINLY would have them too. And depending on the species? The culture? To quote the wise sage Bill Wurtz "you can make a religion out of this!"
After all, chosen few, returned from death... glowing and more powerful then before? Immortal? It's a pretty reasonable conclusion to come too. They are clearly Gods Touched. Some sacred task they must complete.
It would likely even shape the ghosts of the region themselves. After all, they TOO, would believe they were chosen for some Important Religious Task. Be it study or collecting rocks. To what end? Unknown. Who are they to question The Gods?
But! Oh happy day! The old tyrant is no more! A chosen Hero! They go to greet him! Honor him, as you do. Traditional gifts and ballads. Maybe some sacred rocks. A fancy hat. But? Oh? The Champion is wounded! Gasp! Still? But the fight with Pariah happened-
And then they are given Grave Warning(tm). Don't go to Earth. Heretics attacking people. KILLING souls! Trying to KILL the king of all the Infinite! He is somber because his living parents were hurt. Preventing the END OF ALL THINGS!!!??
These "People In White" tried to EXPLODE the very FABRIC of all realities!? Several of them faint. Truely, these Fentons MUST be chosen by the Gods! Heros. Legends. Such bravery in the face of such HORRORS. Please, let them be brought to their Living counterparts! The hospitals are quite good!
And you know what? Fuck it. Danny will take that. Because his Mom n Dad got hurt. BAD.
They learned he was Phantom at probably the SINGLE worst time imaginable and still chose HIM. Chose THEM. The GIW were coming for him. Gonna hurt Jazz. And his parents told them, with fire and blood, it'd be a cold day in hell before they let them so much as TRY it.
They BLEW UP their own life's work. Went literally scorched earth. And now? They're not doing so good.
Because the Zone isn't made for the living. No food, no water, and no real human-safe medical supplies. They've run out. Danny will take what he can get. He'd even go to Vlad but... his Portal's gone too. And the Buzzards said he looked... spirally. Very... "suicide runs until everything BURNS".
So, yeah. No one's doing so great.
Alien planet it is.
They are greeted with fanfare and respect. The best medical teams on the PLANET. The King and his family is there, to welcome him. It's... it's beautiful. Hardly some perfect utopia, but the air is lite. Art everywhere. The stars vivid and so easy to see, at night.
The King kinda reminds him of Mr. Lancer to be honest. Balding and a bit round around the middle, stern but endlessly fair about it, wants people to do their best and succeed in life. Maybe that's why Danny finds himself opening up. Because... because here is a real, honest to God, KING king.
Somebody who was actually TRAINED to do all this King stuff.
Unlike Danny.
And Danny? He's scared. People expect him to Lead now. To know what he's doing. To somehow just... suddenly KNOW how to do all these things he's never even heard about. He only barely just died. Has BARELY been keeping everybody safe.
BARELY stopped Pariah.
He doesn't know what to do. But he pours his guts out. All the things that have bottled up. And King Not-Lancer listens. Somber and thoughtful. There is little, if anything he can TRUELY do to help. But... there ARE things he can do. Lessons on statescraft, while he's here, for one.
As for the other? Well, as King, he does have the local Lantern's Call Sign. Not to be used lightly, mind you. But what Danny describes? And from what the Sacred Ones have reported? THAT must be reported to Oa. He can show Danny how to do that.
(He does)
[The Lanterns of Earth get a VERY exciting call from Oa. Are every different shade of pissed. But? Whoops! Looks like they ACCIDENTALLY put the Watchtower into a complete Quarantine! Well, dang. Guess we're all stuck here for two weeks!
Reset it? *sound of smashing computer terminal* Yeah, don't think that's gonna work! :)
WHO WANTS TO PLAY 20 QUESTIONS?? We'll start! :) Who here has heard of an organization called, and I quote, The Ghost Investigation Ward? :) ]
@hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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mariswxt · 9 months ago
tête-à-tête | cj braxton
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Summary: Not everyone at ESU got the gift of maturity. So when you hear a couple of comments about your appearance and weight in a conversation between some girls, you can’t help but think that you need to make yourself worthy of CJ. However, your knight in shining armour is always ready to rescue you from that deep end.
TW: Immature and jealous girls, body sensitivity, body image issues, starving oneself, implied smut, making out, smut (my first smut fic, don’t kill me please)
SMUT TW: Kissing (duh), touching, fingering, protected sex (wrap it before you tap it), body worship (I think), oral (f. receiving), thigh riding, riding, CJ is one whipped man
A/N - This is part two to ‘i like me better’ (it could work as a stand-alone but I strongly advise you read the first) and the second one shot of the Day Old Frosties Club (it’s the universe for these two and you’ll know why soon)
A/N 2 - Second entry for the Jensen-A-Thon! And wth, this is the LONGEST THING I’VE WRITTEN??! Lmk if you want a word count!
Song inspo: Lover - Taylor Swift and Golden Hour - JVKE
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You groaned, the back of your hand reaching up to rub the sleepiness out of your eyes from the wear and warmth that came from last night.
Mm, last night.
CJ’s lips trailing down your body, open mouthed, sweet yet hot on your needy skin. Eliciting whines from your mouth with each skilled brush of his fingers. His groans in your ear and his breathless, wanting voice telling you how good you were, how beautiful you looked, how perfect you were for him. The way he kissed your nose and gazed at you with those gorgeous green eyes as if you were God’s gift to the Earth in that dimly lit room complete with a view of the New York skyline. The setting sun casting a red spotlight over the both of you to the soundtrack of your soft sighs, his low groans and the headboard banging against the wall at a steady rhythm.
Aka - your personal heaven.
You didn’t know why it took you so long to figure out that the man who was joined to you literally since birth was the love of your life.
You weren’t kidding. Your moms managed to time their pregnancies at the same time, and by some miracle went into labour on the same day and had birth in the same hospital an hour apart.
CJ was older. Regrettably, but it was understandable. He was the more mature of you both.
Anyway, back to the narrative.
You saw him sleeping beside you, the effortlessly handsome man who was in his boxers from your cleaning up last night (practice the horizontal tango correctly, everyone- during, before and after), arm around your waist and holding you snuggly to his side, his face scrunched up and pouty, plump lips parted. Anyone uneducated in the world of CJ Braxton wouldn’t know what was really going on.
You read the textbook back to front. He was awake, and you’d prove it.
You leaned forward, kissing those relaxed lips, and the second you let your fingers card through his floppy hair and find a home there, you felt him hum against your mouth, hand on your waist bringing you closer so he could slide his hand over your panties to grip your knee gently and hook your leg over his hip. Bad breath be damned, you could still taste yourself on his tongue from the previous night and it sent shivers down your spine to know that you were the one that he was with almost every night (often he felt like being on the bottom, which you weren’t opposed to in the slightest), mouthing at your neck, chest, stomach and everywhere else he could get to.
You still couldn’t get used to the idea.
The softly-lit bedroom (which you both now slept in together) was warmed with the sound of your lips moving lazily together, your hands rustling the sheets and the duvet up as you pulled each other impossibly closer and sweet sighs like honey, gripping of thighs and the fluttering of eyelashes. All mixed into a delicious routine cocktail.
You hummed against CJ’s lips, attempting to pull away, but he chased your lips with a small ‘no’ and fought back to quash any rebellion. It was clear how eager he was to reenact the previous night, but you managed to breathe air through your mouth again, your eyes scanning his pouty, grumpy face with an exhilarated, knowing grin. “How did I know, hm?”
“In my defence,” He raised a finger with the most endearing smile, “you look beautiful when you’re sleeping.”
“You think I look beautiful all the time.” You giggled as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed, pulling your shirt over your head and proceeding to try and tame the rat’s nest that was an excuse for hair with only your fingers. A battle hard lost.
CJ, however, rubbed his eye with the back of his wrist, scanning you over from head to toe. Bed head, flushed cheeks from the morning, lips slightly swollen from the wake up call, only wearing a grey sweatshirt and cotton panties. Yep. Stunning. “Yeah. That I do.”
You nodded, humming as you leaned forward, letting your lips linger on his in a chaste kiss which, when you pulled away, had his eyes still closed as he tried to register how in the hell did he score his best friend. Not that you were an object, he just…
… adored you.
He reached out, entwining his pinky finger with yours and bringing them up to his lips, kissing them before he also swung his legs and got out of bed, standing in the glory of the light streaming through of the window in purely his boxers. You took a look at him and smirked, cocking an eyebrow at the heavenly view you got to have in the moment. Your view. The thought was unbelievable, wasn’t it? “Ooh, lá lá.”
“Shut up.” He snorted, and smiled affectionately when he saw you close the blinds to that very window, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Good idea.”
“I know.” You giggled, kissing his cheek as you yanked your sweatpants on. The very same ones he had first kissed you in, making out like you had a million times before in one of Uncle Bill’s spare bedrooms.
Damn, that memory was still paradise.
“So, sweet girl, what are you thinking for breakfast?” CJ hummed, drawing you closer and wrapping his arms around you, pressing kisses to your hairline, tracing it while smoothing back the soft strands of your hair. He’d been doing things like these a lot more often now that you two were dating, probably his way of solidifying that you two aren’t just childhood best friends who kiss and hug each other far too much for it to be platonic, but also because having you in his arms and under his lips (every meaning intended) just felt right.
You pouted in mock thought, drawing his eyes momentarily to your lips. “Day old Frosties?” The grin you gave had him chuckling as well as he moved to the mirror so he could run a thin-toothed comb through his hair.
“Day old Frosties.” He repeated slowly, shaking his head slightly as he added a quip, glancing at your form retreating to the bathroom. “Classy.”
The smartass remark had you raising an eyebrow as you put toothpaste on your wet toothbrush and started diligently scrubbing at your teeth. Well, not hard scrubbing. Just the right amount. “I will stand by day old Frosties until the day that I die.”
“I still don’t get what’s so good about them, that’s all I’m saying.”
“They’re like, the perfect cereal if you have no milk.” Your words were jumbled and muffled by the hanging toothbrush in your mouth, but CJ picked up every word. “Like, they’re not too stale, not too crispy fresh cause you picked them up, like, that day. Just one day old. Not two, not three, one.” You bent over to quickly spit the contents of your mouth in the sink. “Perfection.”
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” CJ rolled his eyes, regretting his choice already, but to see the squeal and giggle of excitement paired with your smile made it worth every bit of damage to his taste buds. “Let me take a hot one, then I’ll be out with you, ok?”
You whipped off your shirt, a cheeky grin plastered on your flushed cheeks and framed by your dimples. You quickly grabbed your towel, stepping back towards the shower. “Not alone, you’re not.”
CJ shrugged, looking after you with a dazed smile and a rising blush, licking his lips to savour your morning taste. “Yeah, I can get behind that.”
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After a long shower, which consisted of a soap suds war, giggles, little kisses and your inability to not cuddle all the damn time, both you and CJ made it out and into the kitchen, padding in with your matching fuzzy socks, you clad in one of CJ’s hoodies, and he was wearing a different one as he’d sacrificed his favourite for you. You went to take out the bowls, and CJ your favourite stash of day old cereal that he slid across the island.
He loved this island. He made out with you on it, very soon after you two got together. He even, well, got to his knees. If you know, you know.
“Alright, let’s see the hype on day old Frosties.” You shot him a look due to his sarcastic drawl, but as you poured the bowl of Frosties and passed him it along with the spoon, the first bite actually had his taste buds happy. Not too stale, not too crispy fresh…
Holy moly, you were right.
“Alright, I take everything back.” He shovelled another spoonful into his mouth, practically moaning at the taste as he turned to you with an incredulously impressed expression. “I take it all back- how the hell is this good?”
“See?” You pumped your eyebrows, starting to scoff down your own and eventually making your cheeks puff out like a chipmunk as you chewed. “Day old Frosties. Number one cereal.”
“Damn. Damn.” CJ chuckled, shaking his head. “I might have to join the Day Old Frosties Club. You’re incredible, you know that?”
“You flatter me.” You grinned, words muffled by the onslaught of cereal in your mouth.
CJ leaned over, pressing a kiss to your chin. “Well, I take pride in the ability to make my girlfriend blush.”
“Course you do.” You snorted, setting the coffee machine to make and studying him for a moment with a small smile on your face. Green eyes, floppy hair, pink lips relaxed in a sweet smile that you couldn’t believe was reserved for you.
Six feet, one inch of pure, maddening perfection.
Of course, it could just be you being biased since you’d been best friends with him since you were born and dating for a few months now. It was always so easy, since he knew you to the last inch (literally) and you knew him to the last inch (also very literally). But you couldn’t help but feel that now, when Jen was no longer a problem and neither was his sobriety, smooth sailing was perfect for the both of you.
“What?” He bore a slightly confused an expectant smile, until you leaned forward and kissed him softly. He puckered up, his eyebrows raising and his expression staying like that a few moments after you pulled away, that is until his eyelashes fluttered and his emerald eyes glinted in the light again, shining with his love for you. “And what was that for?”
“Just cause.” You shrugged, tilting your head with that adoring look that never failed to make his whole body do the tingly thing that he so very much loved to feel.
“Just cause needs to happen more.” He muttered, pinching your chin lovingly. “Now, we’ve gotta finish this cereal fast before we’re late for our morning’s lecture, as much as I’m not a big fan of Professor Kelsey and his endless tangents of his dog’s habits. Which has nothing to do with Sigmund Freud’s discovery of psychoanalysis.”
You pouted in frustration, the action cute to CJ as you moped over the thought of hearing more about your lecturer, James Kelsey, and his adventures with his cocker spaniel and how it liked to chew food then throw it up. “Do we have to?”
“I’m no happier about it than you are, but…” He gestured to you with a grin, “humour me, here. S’not like we have to go climb the Empire State Building, and I know that, and I quote-”
“- heights is where I draw a line that is goddamn higher than the Burj Khalifa.” You two said in unison, your hand reaching out to swat CJ’s shoulder as he chuckled, proud of his exact quotation.
“See?” He took the hand that hit him and brushed his lips over every knuckle, tilting his head and letting his thumb rub circles over the back of it. “I know you. And I know you hate Professor Kelsey, so we can just copy what he wrote down on the board, while listening to Radiohead on our earphones. That’s my starting bid.”
“I bid copy what he wrote down on the board, listen to Radiohead on our earphones, and go for a cheese melt and tomato toastie after.” You two had a favourite sandwich place which had the best cheese pulls you’d ever seen. And the best tasting sandwiches, of course. It totally was wasn’t about the way the strings of traumatised milk cling to each side of the bread in cheddary heaven. Totally not.
“Can I throw a trip to Haute Couture Shakes in as well?” CJ grinned, biting his bottom lip as he did so. You were incredibly tempted, since Haute Couture Shakes was a milkshake and smoothie shop that had quickly become a tradition for you and CJ to go to whenever you fancied. You both visited so often that the people working the shifts knew you two by first name terms, lighting up whenever they saw your smiling faces. “I’ve heard they have a Sour Patch Kid themed milkshake that’s so sour, if you finish it all, they give you five free milkshake coupons, throw in their teddy bear mascot plushie.”
“I’m listening.”
“Thought we could both tackle that, save our wallets some pain.” He shrugged, casually putting across a very tempting idea. “Nothing big.”
“You have a deal.” You grinned, and then he mirrored it, leaning forward so his nose bumped against yours, taking a second before it slotted perfectly, like it was meant to.
His eyes flickered down to your lips, his hair tickling your forehead as his thumb and index finger took your chin. “People say that… deals are sealed with a kiss.”
You giggled. “Nobody says that, Cee.”
That made him smirk slightly in embarrassment. “Well, they will. Maybe in two or three years time, in some random TV show on some streaming service. For now, c’mere.” He guided your lips to his, letting the taste of your toothpaste, your cherry chapstick and the Frosties flood his tongue for far too short a time before he pulled back with a small smile. “Going once, going twice, gone.”
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You’d told CJ to go in the lecture without you because you needed to go to the bathroom, and when you were in a stall, about to come out, you heard the smacking of lips from putting on gloss and scoffs from who you recognised as Sarah, Louise and Maya from your Psych class. They were the type to be gorgeous but you’d have no idea how they got where they did.
“I don’t know what CJ sees in her.” You heard Sarah sniff as there was the familiar click of a powder foundation tub opening. “He’s CJ, and she’s just… ugh.” There was a hum of agreement from the other girls, and you just knew they were rolling their eyes.
“You’re way better for him, Sarah, girl.” Louise cooed, and you swallowed, doubts threatening to enter, but you valiantly fought them off. You were CJ’s best friend since childhood and now girlfriend, there’s no way- “I swear, she looks like she’s scoffing down fifty pies and pizzas each a day.”
You… what?
Your eyes drifted down to your body, to where you were donning CJ’s hoodie, which was oversized on you. Sure, it could make it seem that you’ve got more meat on your bones than average, but you loved dressing up in his clothes, because you got to have his scent on you all the time. And he loved seeing you in them, because it reminded him that he’d managed to grow a pair and finally let you know how he felt. Just his luck that you felt the same way.
“And the way she clings to his arm like he’s God’s gift to women?” Maya added with a small, undignified snort. “I mean, he is, but you don’t have to sew yourself to him.”
Sarah cackled in agreement. “Seems so desperate, doesn’t she?”
“It’s actually pathetic.”
“I bet he’d leave her the moment he sees that you’re worth a million times more.” Maya purred in the middle of her mascara application. “Like, come on, it has to be charity. He’s cute and handsome, and she’s practically a hermit.”
“Maya!” Sarah chastised, and for a moment you felt hopeful. As if you weren’t being ripped apart even though you weren’t even meant to be there. “You’ve got it wrong. I don’t think she’s worth anything.”
Yeah, who were you kidding?
They strutted out soon after, and you got the go sign to step out, wash your shaky hands and head inside the lecture. CJ’s face brightened when he looked at you, the sparkle in those mossy eyes exorcising all thoughts of you not being good enough for him. It was like he had a special superpower.
“I saved you a seat.” He grinned. There was no one in the row.
“Not that hard to do, Cee.” You giggled, but he pouted cutely, crossing his arms like a grumpy toddler.
“C’mon, do you have to be a downer on the party?” He snickered. “Just give me this one, appreciate the sentiment and then we can apply cold, hard common sense.”
“I appreciate the sentiment.” You echoed with a kiss to his hair, which made his cheeks flush.
“Ok, good. Now c’mere.”
You sat down next to him at the back of the lecture theatre, where he offered you the other earphone, and you were hit with the glory of Radiohead coming from the small speaker inside once you’d slotted it in your ear. Your book was already opened, courtesy of the gentleman, the margins scrawled with multiple doodles of yours and blank spaces blessed with Hangman, one page sporting an outline of two hands, one smaller than the other when you and CJ had compared hand sizes. His was bigger. Obviously.
You would’ve still been thinking somewhat of the comments until he pressed a kiss to your hair, drew you in by the waist and plopped your hand in his hair while nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. You being you, there wasn’t any chance of resisting, so you got to hair playing. He yawned, eyelashes fluttering, and it took you back. To the days where, well, you’d pine for your childhood best friend. When all you wanted was for him to get better, and he did. You didn’t know you’d ever find yourself in this position, where you didn’t know really how to feel about what you’d overheard.
You pushed it away for now, unaware of Sarah’s glowering from across the room. Right now, your sweet boy’s head was on your shoulder, and that’s all you’d feel. And you’d savour it.
The class was filled with little giggles, shared joked and kisses and whatever little ways you and CJ could mess with each other while you took notes, to the soundtrack of ‘You and Whose Army?’, ‘Paranoid Android’ and many more. When you got out, CJ stayed behind to ask Professor Kelsey some questions while you waited outside the lecture theatre, where you saw Sarah, Louise and Maya, all giving you a side eye that reeked of rotten eggs, chewing on their gum and making you feel like you were in a frickin’ off brand Disney Channel TV show where you stole the ‘popular girl’s man’ when he wasn’t even her boyfriend in the first place.
Even so, when CJ came out with a happy smile, you stood up on your tiptoes, cupped his cheek and kissed him, going flat-footed when he leaned down to make it more comfortable for you- damn him for being a giraffe, one hand entwining with yours and the other holding your waist over his hoodie, bunching up the fabric in his fist. He’d be happy to continue that little session until the end of time, but you two had an itinerary of some sorts. He pulled back, taking your hand on his cheek and kissing the inside of your wrist with a hum. “You’re gonna get it later, you know that?”
“I do.” You giggled cheekily, forgetting that those idiots were even watching, your eyelashes fluttering as CJ pecked your nose and offered his arm.
“Shall we, pretty girl?” You happily linked your arm with his, your hands meeting and instantly entwining fingers.
“We shall, sweet boy.” Your lips landed on his cheek, just the lightest of kisses, but it made him flush like it was your first and grin goofily, shivering a little at the way his heart was palpitating and his stomach doing an Olympic gold gymnastics routine. Just like it happened, but more intense, when he was twelve and discovering what love was when you were nerding over Jane Austen.
Yeah, you could still do that. Every damn time he looked at your gorgeous face, and he’ll be damned if he stopped feeling it.
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You and CJ strolled into Haute Couture Shakes, the red-headed, red-lipped lady at the counter wearing a snowy white and teal apron breaking out into a grin as she happily let the other workers know you two had arrived. “Hey, you two! Been waiting for the moment you show up.” The place was known for having the most unique milkshake and smoothie flavours ever, that you couldn’t find in any other shake shop in New York. Hence the Sour Patch Kids milkshake.
Some examples were the Bubble Frutti, where they’d combined bubblegum with Tutti Frutti; the Cookies and Dirty Cream (you and CJ drank that on wild nights cause it had vodka in it, and it was safe since CJ didn’t get buzzed and neither did you) and Mount Olympus, which had Skittles (apparently the ambrosia of our earth) as a main ingredient and almost every other candy mixed in small quantities and therefore making it the most heavenly, cavity-inducing drink in New York City.
“Hey, Bella.” You giggled as you reached the counter with CJ, his hand slapping yours down, which was carrying your wallet. He took out his, giving you a look which said ‘let me’. “Uh, we’ll try Death by Sour Patch today.”
“You’re gunning for those free shakes too, huh?” She joked, putting it on the bill. “And I’ll put in those chocolate-cinnamon sprinkled donuts you two like, on the house.”
“We wouldn’t want you to jeopardise your job for us, Bels, we can go without some doughnuts.” CJ scoffed lightly, then leaned in, speaking in a low voice. “But if you can add in a bag of flying saucers, we have a deal.”
The comment made Bella laugh, shaking my head as she got that up too. “You’re lucky I’m a sucker for your girlfriend. Lookin’ gorgeous, by the way, hon.” She shot you a quick wink and a wiggle of her manicured and teal-painted fingers, and your heart soared at the compliment. You were just dressed in CJ’s hoodie, some knee-highs and sneakers, but Bella had a way of always lifting your spirits. She was always a true girl’s girl.
“Don’t go stealing her from me, I did hard work to get this far.” He joked back as he put his card in the reader, quickly typing in his pin. He kissed your head briefly, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“Aw, look at you!” Bella giggled, not a hint of malice in her tone as she gestured between the two of you. “I have a true love-dar, and if I’d seen you two lovelies and you hadn’t been together? I’d have done everything in my damn power to make sure that it would happen.” When CJ looked away to scan the surroundings - the teal and white wallpaper with teal fairy lights, matching tables and posters and all sorts of activities to do around the place - Bella mouthed ‘we need to talk’ very obviously at you.
When Bella needed to talk? She needed to talk.
So you turned to CJ, trying not to let the confusion seep into your tone as you spoke. “Could you find a table, Cee? I’ll wait for the shake.”
“Sure, baby.” He pecked your lips before going to find a seat, leaving you and Bella alone. Her expression changed the moment CJ was out of eyeshot and earshot, which had you worried.
She leaned closer, flicking her bouncy red hair out of her eyes as she took a rather irritated breath in. “Ok, so I had to serve these three skanks, like, five minutes before you came in, and I really didn’t want to because they were absolutely tarnishing your beautiful name, girl, and I had half a mind to smack some sense in her. Even if it gets me a chipped nail.”
Then she saw the dropping condition of your mood, and it instantly clocked in her head, but she needed to know for herself. “Honey,” She covered your hand with her own, sporting furrowed, meticulously threaded and arched eyebrows, “has this happened before?”
Bella was smart, incredibly smart (once you got past the intense self-care) and could tell a white lie when she saw it, so you couldn’t lie. After summing up the courage, you got something out in a meek voice. “Once.”
“One time too many.” She glanced to where Sarah, Louise and Maya were sitting with venom in her eyes. “They were saying all kinds of things that aren’t true in the slightest. I don’t know what you heard, but I have heard enough. Baby girl, you are that boy’s everything. I see it in his eyes; he can’t even begin to fathom that you two are in a relationship, he’s that whipped. And you? You’ve got a heart of gold. Never let it stain for those vultures.” She looked over at them, her eyes doing a 180 the moment they locked on the three paired with a gag (that you weren’t sure was real or fake). “See? Nausea. I hate nausea. You are a damn smart Psych student. They’re just boring history.” She pinched your chin with an affectionate smile before passing you the ready shake. “Don’t waste your time on ‘em.”
Bella never failed to boost you up on a pedestal, a wide grin on your face as you took the cold concoction, complete with two straws. “Alright. I’ll try.”
“You will.” She corrected, but she winked anyway. “Attagirl. Now, go get your man.”
You obliged, finding your table with CJ and putting down the drink, which looked innocent enough with clumps of vanilla ice cream and splotches of pink, green, orange and blue around the clear glass.
“Ready?” CJ asked as he scooted his chair closer, poising those pink lips by the straw, holding it in place.
You grinned, getting in the same position. “Born ready.” You both took a sip, and were instantly hit with… vanilla sweetness?
“Not sour at all.” CJ shrugged, gazing at the drink in confusion as he smacked his lips, his cheeks flushed from the coldness of it. You did the same with yours, getting all the vanilla off your teeth and lips with your tongue as you tried to find the sourness of it all. But… nothing.
“Yeah, I thought it’d be-” You almost gagged and doubled over, your eye closing on instinct.
Oh, that’s-that’s stinging your taste buds. It tastes good, but it’s stinging. CJ was having the same reaction, fanning his mouth as if it would do anything, his left eye blinking over and over again. “Sour.” He gasped, keeping his mouth open. Not even air was on your side. “God, that’s strong stuff. Whoo, damn. Oh, I’m gonna die. Right here, at this table.”
“I’m gonna go with you.” You bent so your forehead was touching the cool surface of the table, panting until you braved the first wave. You exchanged a look with CJ, licking your lips, until you both dove for another long sip.
YOLO, right?
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After you two got home, you’d been changing while CJ was stashing the coupons, your stretch marks catching your eye in the mirror. You were tempted to turn it around, but CJ would notice immediately. But for now, you were fixated on the image of you in a simple cotton bra, stretch marks like tiger stripes on your skin as your fingers teased at them.
Trying to see if they’d go away.
“Alley-cat, I’ve set the table.” His low voice rumbled through the door, and you instantly opened it, feeling warm at the nickname. He hadn’t called you that in a good year, not since Jen, and it arose in tenth grade, when you beat up a boy for hurting CJ, landed the douche in the sick bay covered in scratches and gotten suspended with a Cheshire grin on your face.
‘A claw-wielding badass’, he’d told you after laughing until your voices were hoarse when he got home. Your mom had taken the mickey out of you, but you were still smiling. Just cause you helped him.
Pulled back to the present, CJ’s eyes scanned your body as he stopped in his tracks with a soft smirk. You in your bra and sweatpants? Was he in heaven? “Ooh, lá lá.”
You took a quick look at yourself then rolled your eyes, his words doing a bit to thaw the icy chill that set over you by examining the stretch marks and pinching to see what extra fat was where. “Shuddup.” Your arms went to fold over your stomach consciously, but CJ clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he approached you with slow, reverent steps.
“C’mon, pretty girl. Don’t hide all that gorgeousness from me.” His hands found yours, peeling your arms off your stomach to take a look. “Mm, we… might have to skip dinner. And I love pizza, so consider yourself lucky.” He reached you, drawing you into his form by your hips as he began pressing hot kisses to the line of your neck, his finger reaching up to trace the pretty arch of your back. “Yeah, we have to.”
Within seconds, you were on flat on the bed, his skilled mouth on yours with an almost bruising force.
Kissing away the thought that skipping a meal was an eerily good idea.
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CJ padded into the kitchen for a midnight snack in his fluffy red and blue checkered pyjama pants, and instantly went for the pizza box. When he opened it, he found it exactly how he left it, which was strange. Four slices, gobbled up quick and easy. He’d told you to eat some as well, since doing the dirty can tax you and they’d literally gone straight to dessert (where each other were concerned) so you needed some food in your system.
Maybe you were just hungry. Maybe… he was reading into things.
That is until the next day, and the day after that, he found you leaving food, disguising it as leftovers. You thought CJ didn’t notice.
He did.
He kept track of this kind of stuff, and it was the most outlandish thing you’d done since you both were little kids. Never once had you starved yourself.
Why would you need to? You were perfect. No need for improvement. Yet he’d seen you with sunken cheeks, staring at food like it was behind a glass pane at a zoo. He’d seen you permanently wearing the loosest clothes in your wardrobe. Casting scared glances at those three makeup-obsessed, snarky girls in their Psych lectures. What were their names? Maya, Louise and Sarah-
Of course. She’d approached CJ just before he started dating you, all hair-twirling, lip biting, blonde galore, laughing in an obviously fake, high-pitched noise at everything he said before finally asking him out. He politely declined, not wanting to bruise her ego and said that he was interested in someone else. She figured who that was when he started dating you. Before that she thought he was gay.
He didn’t know what it was with blondes and thinking he was gay.
He knew you were a damn sight better than Sarah. Even if she was your identical twin, he’d take you. She was into expensive manicures, trips to the salon every other night and trying to make ‘fetch’ happen like Gretchen Wieners.
Though he clocked her as more of a Regina. Trying to be sexy and evil at the same time, but at least Regina did it right (he’d agreed with you on that opinion).
He wasn’t into girls who did obnoxious self care and skimpy clothes. He was into the little things. Like how you’d be playing with his hands every movie night, comparing hand sizes and tracing his fingers with the tips of yours. How you’d wear his hoodies every chance you’d got and he’d let you, just to see you swallowed up in it and to know that you felt special. How you knew him like you knew Harry Potter (word for word) and you were so sweet to him he’d get a cavity.
Most of all your habit of hooking your pinky on his. He took it as a promise that he’d always be yours.
But now he was scared you were starving yourself. Time to put his deerstalker cap on.
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The one stop he needed to find out if Sarah and her cronies were the root of your problems was none other than their vibrant, fashion forward, milkshake-server Bella. She also went to ESU, and even though you’d take her as a shallow person from the outside, she was sweet, outgoing, protective… and hella smart. She was taking a fashion design course, and that was not for the faint hearted.
“If it isn’t my second favourite Braxton.” She cooed as he approached the counter, looking wonderfully out of place with her dangly hoop earrings.
“I’m the only Braxton you know.” He chuckled, but then she clicked her tongue.
“Bill. He’s a charmer. Now, let’s get down to business.” She fixed the shades atop her red hair. “You’re here about our girl, right?”
“I’m worried, Bels.” CJ swallowed thickly. “I keep on finding leftovers. It’s not normal. And she’s less inclined to show me her body, which, I note, is absolutely gorgeous. I reckon I know who it is.”
“The three Satanic bimbos who were in here talking smack about the love of your life?” Bella raised her eyebrow, nodding. “Yep. I know. One of which who looks like an off-brand, fake Prada Regina George.”
“That’s the one.”
“Rachel McAdams did it miles better.” She snorted, shaking her head disapprovingly. “She’s tarnishing my wife’s name.”
“Well, the off brand version of your wife is ruining my sweet girl.” He sighed, biting his lip. He was lost, confused, and Bella always seemed to lend a helping hand. She could offer a hanky, a sympathetic word or a devastating roast when needed and directed correctly, a complimentary milkshake or, most importantly in this situation, advice. “Help me, Bella. You’re fluent in any girl language. This? I’ve never touched this type of thing with her. She’s always been so confident, and perfect, and sweet. So help me, Bels, or I’ll become trigger-happy.”
“Well, just use what the good lord gave you.” Bella winked, and when CJ flushed in embarrassment, about to stammer out a sheepish reply, she tapped his chest with a giggle. “Your heart of gold, silly. What did you think I was talking about? Now go, return your future wife to her former glory.”
CJ’s face contorted in bewilderment, though the corner of his lip twitched. Bella noticed. “Future- I’m not even gonna argue. Thanks, Bella.”
“Better repay me somehow, young man!” She called as he walked out.
“We’re the same age!”
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CJ came home with a reeling mind, and he stopped when he saw you staring into the snack cupboard with a puppy-dog expression… until he came in. Then he raised his eyebrows, gesturing to the cupboard. Just one last hope that you weren’t too badly hurt by those girls. “Don’t stop on my account. I got those for you, baby.”
“Nah, I’m good.” You shook your head, and it confirmed his suspicions. “Just… looking.” His heart broke, and he instantly led you inside your bedroom, his hands in yours and coaxing you to sit, which you did. Not fighting him, knowing the game was up.
He took a deep breath, trying not to let anger well up in him because of what Sarah had said. Out of pure jealousy, all because she couldn’t have him. He felt like the root cause, and he had to fix it. “C’mere, pretty girl.” He drew you onto his lap, resting his forehead on yours, holding you tightly to him. Thumbs rubbing circles into your hip bone, which he felt was starting to poke out. No, no, no, no, no. Not his darling. “Can you tell me why? Please?”
Your bottom lip quivered, but you swallowed the shivers down and got out a choked sentence in a meek voice. You felt like a stranded cat in need of comfort. “Just wanted to be good for you.”
“Shh, no, baby.” He murmured, his hand moving up to cup your cheek. “You’re perfect for me, y’hear? You.” A small peck. “Are.” Another. “Incredible.” One lingering press of his lips to yours. “You’re not eating. I can’t have that. It’s hurting you, and that’s unacceptable to me, ok? I love everything on you just the way it is.” He felt you open your mouth to argue, but he silenced you with a finger on your lips. “We can talk about this when you feel comfortable. However long it takes. But can I just… show you how much I adore you, sweet girl? Let me show you, please.”
His thumb tracing your cheekbone had you leaning into his hand and nodding, so he let out the breath he was painfully somehow holding in the wait for you to agree, mentally preparing himself. He didn’t want this to be anything less than about you. His lips met yours, soft, slow and sensual, the way he was holding you almost reverent. You’d been partaking in gentle love with CJ since you could remember, but this time was different. It had an intensity to it you couldn’t explain. It wasn’t rough, but was fiery. It burned you and soothed you at the same time. A delicious burn but an addicting cool that only left you whining into his mouth.
With that victory notched on his belt, he swiped his tongue on your lower lip, tasting your strawberry chapstick before veering off course to firmly press kisses to your jaw, making his way to a spot behind your ear that had your jaw going slack, his hair tickling it as he sucked gently, massaging your scalp with his fingers. Those lips you loved so much nipped over the curve of your neck, his hand coaxing - not forcing - your head to give him more access until you both found that he no longer needed to give you guidance, you tilting your head on your own to encourage him.
“That’s it, sweet girl.” He murmured, gently rubbing his hand over your chest, down to your stomach and feeling the softness over your hoodie. Then he caressed your thighs, breathing in the mixed scent of you and him which had his head spinning and lips part in a silent gasp, hooked without the need of the line and sinker every time. Effortlessly. That’s how you drew him in.
So. Damn. Effortlessly.
“Cee…” Was all you could get out as his fingers played with the hem of the hoodie, your thighs rubbing together on his lap, his other hand smoothing over those goddamned knee highs, gripping the underside of your knee with a hum.
You couldn’t think. Not even if you wanted to. Especially not with CJ’s hands tracing you like a Greek sculptor would his statue, fingers running over every crevice, imperfection and making them perfect. Except this time, he wasn’t changing a thing about your body, just your view of it. Making it his view.
“As much as I love you wearing my clothes, pretty girl, I think we both want them off.” His lips ghosted over your jugular, making you shiver and nod frantically, at a loss for words because of CJ frickin’ Braxton. Your affirmation prompted him to slide both firm hands under the hoodie, feeling up your body in one smooth motion. The fabric bunched on his forearms, but it served as an effective removal as you lifted your arms, the softness leaving your body - an unfamiliar feeling as it was like a second skin - but replaced with the warm and electrifying feeling of his lips burning a trail from your collarbone to between your chest, quickly undoing the clasp of your cotton bra. Nothing special, just plain.
“So gorgeous.” He murmured in spite of that, nipping at the sensitive skin before rolling one nipple between his fingers, mouth closing around the other. Sucking, laving it with attention, distracting you from noting the exact moment you were manoeuvred, his back against the headboard and you straddling his thigh as needy moans, whines, whimpers - the whole trifecta - spilled from your mouth amid desperate cries of his name.
More like his nickname, but now wasn’t the time to get into specifics.
You were so lost, lost in how he’d switch his focus from one to another, reducing you to putty in his hands, that you were given a hard snap back into reality and then back into cloud nine when he gripped your hips, rocking you against the fabric of his jeans. Friction on your clothed clit. Your mouth falling open. Your eyelashes fluttering as your hands desperately gripped his shoulders, the material of your panties getting more soaked by the second.
The sunset of New York washing over you both. Setting the scene in the oh-so-familiar spotlight that was oh-so more… dizzying. “Feels s’good, Cee.” You breathed, pressing thank-you kisses to his neck, but he shook his head, pulling you back up gently as he kept rocking you, over and over, increasing the delicious pressure each and every time. Ensuring that you were a mess. Ensuring that your pussy throbbed for him.
“S’all for you, baby.” He whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours. “Take what you want, m’all yours. That’s a beautiful girl. That’s my pretty girl.” He took a moment to huff out a breath. His jeans were tight as hell right now, but this was your moment, and he’d fight like hell to keep it that way.
Damn Sarah to hell. That was an un-sexy thought. Back to the gorgeous girl above him.
He gently rolled the two of you over so he was on top, his hand reaching down to tug down your panties at a slow pace, kissing down the length of your legs until his eyes locked on your glistening cunt. The sight had a groan tumbling from deep in his chest, his directory changing as he rid himself of his jacket, shirt, belt and jeans, kicking off his socks as he inched forward. Next thing you knew, your legs were on his shoulders, his mouth sucking at your clit and two of his fingers easing inside you, the one grounding force his hand rubbing your thigh soothingly, as an assurance that you were doing so well for him.
“So gorgeous.” He hummed, sending vibrations through you that had you throwing your head back against the pillows, one hand in his hair and the other gripping the sheets like a lifeline. You were half scared that you’d tear right through them, he was that good at working you, playing you like a damn fiddle.
His fingers crooked just right, hitting your g-spot like he had an in-built homing device to it, continuing to in a ‘come here’ motion, beckoning your climax while your head spun with the amount of sensations hitting you at once. His mouth sucking again and again at your clit until he dipped down to lap at your soaked pussy before returning his attention to where it was before. Irregular intervals, just to keep your toes curling, breath hitching and eyes rolling back.
And with one more stroke, one more flick, he had you tipping over the edge, coming on his fingers, and he left your clit to drink it all up as you shook, cried out his name, writhed above him and made him feel that much more powerful. He made sure none of your sweetness went to waste, so he could feel it all on his tongue while he scissored you open, slow movements so he wouldn’t overwhelm you. His other hand gently setting down your legs and rubbing a soothing circle on your stomach before he looked up at you, mouth and chin glistening before he licked his lips, collecting the mess on his chin with his thumb and sucking it all off.
The sight almost had you coming again.
He moved back up your body, leaving soft presses of his mouth - his stamp of approval - wherever he went until he reached your mouth, withdrawing his fingers from your soaked pussy and licking them clean, keeping eye contact before he cupped your cheek with his hand and firmly kissed you, grinding his clothed need against you slowly. Making sure you felt it.
“Only you.” He murmured, kissing your nose before rolling you so you were on top of him, straddling him, and he was propping himself against the headboard again. “Only you do this to me, sweet girl. Nobody else. Just you.” Next thing you knew, he was once again taking your breath away by getting his boxers off, ripping a silver packet open with his teeth. Rolling the condom on and taking your hips, lowering you down onto his waiting cock.
Groaning as he felt you, letting your forehead fall against his shoulder, taking in your whines of his name from those pretty lips and letting them send him to cloud ten as he moaned out yours. Your hips already rocking as you fit him like a glove, your bodies slotting together perfectly as your face remained close to his. Him watching every minuscule twitch of those gorgeous features, with his flushed cheeks, hazy emerald eyes and swollen, reddened, parted lips.
“So good, sweet boy.” You moaned out as your lips connected with his, lifting and lowering yourself back down so you could take him deep. A twitch from his hips jolting you slightly and having your noses knock together, which elicited matching giggles from both of you. “Easy there, cowboy.”
“Easier said than done when the girl of my wildest dreams is riding me, lookin’ all pretty. Taking me so goddamn well.” CJ’s voice came out strained, his core tight as he desperately tried to hold on for you, when you were squeezing him in a way which had his eyes rolling back and him wondering whether he was in heaven. He let you set the pace, loosely holding your hips and watching for any sign of fatigue as you took what you needed. What you deserved. All amid hot, slow kisses, gentle nips at exposed skin and whispered, shaky words of love and affection.
Your pinky entwining with his.
Your stuttering hips were your sign that you needed him to take over, so he rolled you over onto your back, keeping his strokes long and deep so you could feel every inch of him. Your hand pinned above your head, but it was being held by his as he nipped your earlobe, kissed down your jaw and reached your neck, brushing his lips feather-light in a way that had your mouth falling open.
“Cee, baby, o-oh, don’t stop,” You begged, the free hand of yours alternating between threading in his hair and resting between his shoulder blades. Your nails dug into his back, but he didn’t mind in the slightest, knowing it was an outlet along with the cries and pleas spilling from your lips like a prayer to go faster and don’t stop. He picked up his pace, going slightly faster and brushing up against your g-spot, your toes curling, eyes rolling and legs locking around his waist.
The way CJ was looking at you topped it off. With adoration in his eyes, paired with his praises that he whispered against your skin and your lips, kissing them sweetly every now and then. The hand that wasn’t holding yours was cradling your face. “Taking me so well, sweet girl.” He’d murmur before kissing your nose. “You look so gorgeous right now. So damn gorgeous.” Another kiss on the nose, and then a drawn-out thrust. Your hand would grip his tighter, you’d cry out his name and you’d be that much closer to tipping over the edge.
He got you there faster, not switching pace but thrusting harder as he then reached between the two of you, stroking your clit in time with his movements, keeping an eye on you in case you felt any discomfort.
None at all. You were in heaven. Sparks instantly shot through your body and had your legs not been around CJ’s waist, you’d be bucking your hips. Your whines and moans got that much louder, and CJ was almost shaking in the attempt to hold out and let you come first. His teeth gritted as he thrust into you, moaning low in his throat as your walls squeezed and fluttered around him, a sign you were close.
The headboard acted as a steady pulse, the thumb on your clit insistent and you fought to keep your eyes from rolling back but failing miserably. You felt like you were on fire, getting hotter and hotter, and like you were the brightest star in the sky with how CJ was looking at you with the awe that one would have when they visit one of the wonders of the world. To CJ, you were the eighth. The irony that stars were beginning to appear in front of your eyes. “Come for me, sweet girl.” CJ choked out, almost begging as he gasped shakily, his thrusts growing more erratic and sloppy. Still absolutely amazing, though. Just to make that clear on your part. “Please? N-Need to feel you, baby. Doing so well, pretty girl, please, just c-come for me.”
Your vision almost went black as you came hard, your head falling back, which gave CJ the opportunity to press his lips to the curve of your neck, soft and barely there as he thrust once, twice before he spilled into the condom, hips stuttering and a gasp being torn from his throat as he choked out your name over and over like a prayer.
You looked down to see him, and you instantly felt a rising warmth in your heart upon seeing CJ like this, just for you. Eyes screwed shut, hair messed up, lips parted and letting out moans just for you. You’d forgotten anything was even said about you by the time you both came down from your highs, marvelling at how his lean shoulders heaved from the exertion.
He looked up at you with a loving smile, kissing your forehead before pulling out of you, disposing of the condom before immediately going back to you and smoothing your hair back with kisses all over your face. “Incredible.” Was all he could murmur, in the aftershocks of the aftershocks. “You were absolutely incredible, pretty girl.”
“So were you. You had me at a loss for words the entire time.” You giggled, giving him a sweet kiss back. “Sweet boy. Pretty boy.”
“Shuddup.” He grinned, nuzzling your nose with a low chuckle. “Let’s get in the shower, hm? And I’ll change the sheets when we get back. No crusty fluids.” Then he paused, both of you snickering. “That was an un-sexy thing to say. Sorry, I think I just ruined the mood.”
“Nah.” You kissed the tip of his nose. “You made it.”
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Three days later, you were meeting CJ after a meeting with your lecturer on your latest Psych essay on how well you’d done, and CJ was shuffling in his bag for some notes that he had to give Sarah, who was sauntering over as we speak.
“Oh, CJ!” She trilled, pouting unnecessarily. Probably to draw attention to those obnoxiously glossy lips. “Got those notes for me? I hate to miss lectures.” Everyone knew she skipped it to buy new makeup, but he played along, wordlessly took out the notes and handed it over. “Oh, thanks so much, handsome. I, uh, don’t see your girlfriend anywhere.” She made a show of looking around. “Maybe we could-”
“Sarah, I’ll stop you right there.” He held up a finger. “I’m not gonna go on a date with you, definitely not when you’ve been smack talking about my girlfriend for the past three weeks.” Sarah looked thunderstruck. Good. “And I’m even less inclined to when I’ve got a woman in my corner who’s gorgeous, kind, sweet, smart, all of the great adjectives in the dictionary. I’m not even gonna stand here and watch you feel sorry for yourself.”
“But… baby-”
“Don’t call me that. I’m not interested.” He shot Sarah a venomous look, which changed into a lovesick stare when he saw you emerging from your meeting with a wide grin. He left Sarah looking like a lost puppy to reach you, kissing you briefly as a hello. “Hey, you.” He murmured, letting his lips have a mind of their own and trail down your neck.
You swatted his chest with a giggle, wearing his hoodie again. This time looking healthy and happy, after gorging on whatever snacks you wanted with no mental repercussions. Job well done, you both agreed. CJ hated seeing you as anything less than the bubbly girl he’d known since before he could remember. “Cee! We’re in public!”
“So?” He lifted you and spun you around before setting you down. “Got the love of my life in my arms and esteemed chairwoman of the Day Old Frosties Club and I can’t exhibit PDA? That’s a felony.”
“Arrest me.”
“I’ve always thought you’d pull off an orange jumpsuit.” Both of you burst into giggles, but then CJ took your hand and kissed the back of it, then the inside of your wrist. The way you blushed furiously then struggled to get out a response without stuttering made the last puzzle piece fit into place. You were his calling. You were the one. “At least let us splurge our coupons at Haute Couture later.”
You stood on your tiptoes, pecking CJ’s lips quickly, which had him flustered this time. “I’d love to.”
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You and CJ ordered your drink (The CaraStrawberry Couple) at Haute Couture Shakes, Bella being the cheery server once again and doting over you both. It was your turn to go find a table, and CJ slipped something out of his jacket. A small rectangle card. “Here’s your repayment, Bels.”
Bella took the card suspiciously, but her face lit up when she read it. “Ten free manicures and polishes at my favourite nail salon? Oh, hon, you’re an absolute angel!”
“Turns out I did have to use what the good Lord gave me.” He quoted, and Bela punched his shoulder lightly with a chuckle.
“You sly dog.” Then she quirked an eyebrow. “This is a lil’ extra, so I’m guessing that there’s something else that you want from me.”
CJ chuckled, nodding. “That’s right. It’s a little much, but I have no idea how this works and my mom would go overboard. Plus, your sense of fashion is… incredible.”
Bella giggled again. “You flatter me. Now c’mon, tell me. Even if I have an idea.”
CJ bit his lip, then leaned forward, speaking in a low voice. “Ring shopping.” He had to cover Bella’s mouth to stifle the squeal and borderline scream that came out of her, her blue eyes lighting up in excitement. CJ cautiously took his hand off, and she still bore the same dumbstruck, euphoric expression.
“I knew it!”
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I’d appreciate feedback!
TAGLIST: @k-slla @deans-daydream @hobby27
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cheeeeseburger · 9 months ago
Do you dream of me? (cause you're a dream to me)
Fernando Alonso x Reader
A/N: They could never make me hate you, fake dating trope. English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes!
As soon as Fernando opened the car door for you and you stepped out, all dolled up, cameras flashed everywhere. This was a part of being Fernando’s girlfriend that you were still getting used to. Actually, you weren’t used to any things related to dating him, since in reality, you were not really together.
Fernando had asked you to be his fake girlfriend two months ago. Initially, you just laughed at him, but he was not kidding at all. He wanted to work on his PR, and a good romance story always does the trick, right?
“Please, just think about it. I’m not crazy! It would only be for show. It would be fake dating.” You were impressed at his romcom knowledge. He definitely knew the literature, to use words like fake dating. Still, that was not enough to convince you.
The thing is, Fernando was your boss. You had been his assistant for over two years now, and he knew you were single and available. Saying no to his proposal would put you in a difficult situation. It’s not like the whole fake dating thing would only benefit him, though. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to accept.
“You would only have to come to a few events with me, which you already come to as my assistant! You would just have to pretend we’re together. Of course, you would receive compensation for your services.” Fernando said. He did not get why you suddenly gasped.
“I was about to say yes, but I’m not a hooker or an escort, Fernando! How dare you suggest these things to me?” Frankly, you were insulted. He answered immediately, panicked: “No, that’s not what I meant, of course not! I just meant that since you’re going to, um, work extra, I will pay you more, that’s all. You’re too much of a good girl for all of that, anyway.”
Goddamn. You blushed intensely. You would definitely be a good girl for him, if you were actually dating. Oops.
“Wait, didn’t you say you were going to say yes?” Damn him for actually listening to you.
You blushed a little: “I mean, it’s just that I have, let’s say, a situation, that could be fixed if we publicly dated…” You looked away, embarrassed.
“What is it, muñeca?” He genuinely looked concerned for you. He really was a caring boss, huh?
“It’s just that, um, there’s this guy…” You did not want to continue the rest of the sentence. You were the colour of a ripe tomato.
“And you want to make him jealous?” He raised an eyebrow. Oh wow. Has he watched Anyone But You on a flight recently or something?
“Oh God no, absolutely not! It’s the opposite, really. I went on one date with him, and he can’t get a hint. He always comes tries to talk to me, even though I told him multiple times that I was no longer interested. He’s an engineer at Ferrari, so he’s always around. It’s getting scary.” Telling your boss your horror dating stories was really, really embarrassing.
“What? That’s not okay!” He looked pissed. “Muñeca, this is not right. You should have told me. I could have fixed the issue. I would have helped you.”
You flushed. It was cute to see your boss so worried about you. “Anyway, that’s why I’m tempted to say yes to be your fake girlfriend. Maybe that other guy will back off.”
“I didn’t know you went on dates. You’re always busy helping me.” He crossed his arms on his chest.
“Well, he’s always around since he works in F1. He just asked me out and I said yes.” You were avoiding his gaze, afraid of being in trouble for some reason.
“Why didn’t it work out?” Ok, now you were definitely looking everywhere but at him. The real reason was too humiliating too say out loud. Why did he care anyway?
“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.” He noticed you were mortified but did not pick up on it. You sighed: “I think we should do it. But I’m still going to have my job after, right?”
“Of course, muñeca. You’re too essential in my life for me to let you go.” Apparently, he was not above flattery to convince you. Apparently, flattery was a great way to bribe you.
“It’s a deal, then.” You shook Fernando’s hand. You immediately shivered at his touch.
“You’re mi amorcito now.”
Oh God. What did you get yourself into?
Anyway, you felt Fernando’s hand on your back, softly guiding you towards the entrance of the party at a high-end hotel. As usual when there were cameras around, you put on a show. Your performance was Oscar worthy. He spun you around so people could admire your look. You blew him a kiss. You leaned on him while he put an arm around you. He kissed the top of your head, and you whispered in his ear.
“I think we’ve really fooled them.”
“It’s good, but it’s only the beginning. I’m not done with you, muñeca.”
To anybody on the outside, you two looked like the hot, exciting, and loving couple of the moment. Sometimes, it looked that way to you too. It was hard to remember that this was not real when he kissed you, or when you were in his arms, or just when you were with him in general. Playing pretend with him was so easy. It was fun, even. You were getting showered in gifts and kisses by your boss, who just happens to be a man you find really attractive. You could have done worst for a side hustle, right?
The media was having a field day with your relationship. Some thought the age gap was a bit weird, but most people just thought that it was cute that Alonso fell in love with his assistant. You had even seen a TikTok edit of you two. You looked hot in it, so that was nice. You were the it WAG of the moment.
The other drivers were also freaking out that Alonso, a long-time bachelor, had finally met his match. You had to act extra lovingly in front of them, just to prove to them that he had finally settled. Also, Fernando just liked to show off a pretty young thing like you in his arms, because the rest of the grid was definitely jealous.
You made you way inside, making sure to always close the gap between you and Fernando. You were constantly flushed, because him touching you did wonders for your nerves. Small talk was hard, but it was even more difficult to do with his arm around your waist. You pulled on his arm.
“Fernando, baby, I need a drink.” The word baby slipped off a little too casually for your liking. He seemed to like it though, because you felt his possessive grip at the nickname. He smiled, pleased.
“Alright, amorcito. What do you want?” He led you to the bar, the crowd letting him pass easily. This was another advantage of dating an F1 driver. Also, he always paid for all your drinks, which is an added bonus, right? You needed a drink to survive the night anyway.
“I want to get drunk. Not passed out drunk, but drunk enough that there is a risk that I will get up to dance on a table.” He laughed at that, and you smiled him. The urge to kiss him was strong. Technically, you could do it, since you were in a public place with people watching your every movement. So far, you had always let him kiss you first, because you were simply too shy. Anytime you felt his lips on yours, forgetting that this was not real was way too easy.
“I would want to see that, muñeca.” The music was loud, and he spoke in your ear. You shivered. Oh yes, more than one drink would be needed. “I’ll have a whiskey sour, and a cosmo for the lady,” Fernando said at the bartender. It was cute that he remembered your drink of choice. But you needed more than a Cosmo to ease your nerves right now. Forget about being classy.
“I’ll have three tequila shots as well, please.” You nearly had to shout for the bartender to hear you. Fernando looked surprised.
“You were not kidding, huh?”
“I won’t embarrass you by being too drunk, I swear. But it’s just that there are so many people here, and I’m kind of nervous.” He put your hand in his and started to draw circles on it with his thumb.
“It’s okay, mi armorcito. These people are not important. The only thing that matters is you and me. I want you to have a good time, muñeca.” You softened at his words. Even though you had not gotten you shots yet, you managed to have enough courage to finally kiss him. He was surprised at first, but he quickly recovered and pulled you closer to him. You pulled away, blushing, but only because the bartender put your drinks in front of you. He smiled at you and his gaze lingered on your mouth.
You drank your shots back-to-back without even making a face. “That’s a good girl,” said Fernando, sipping his whiskey. He knew what he was doing. The alcohol hadn’t even kicked in yet, but you were feeling bolder already.
“Are you into good girls, boss?” You drank innocently from your Cosmo, batting your eyelashes. It was his turn to get flushed. Maybe he had a thing for authority?
“When they look like you, sure. And you’re always so good to me, taking care of my every need. Well, almost.” He winked at you. Surely, the few sips of his drink were not enough to get him to say things like that purely because of the alcohol. Was this really coming from him? It was a delicious thought, almost as delicious as your Cosmo.
“I know this is fake, but baby, if it wasn’t, I would fulfill your every needs. And I mean, all your needs, boss.” You put your hand on his arm to really send the message. The tequila had finally hit your system. His desire for you was obvious in his eyes.
“Amorcito, you would be my favourite assistant of all time, for sure. I would never let you go.” He pulled you close to him, with his hands around your waist. He was looking at you so intensely that it almost felt like love.
You let yourself daydream. “Nobody could say a thing, because pleasing your boss is the goal of being an assistant, right?”
“Exactly, muñeca. But since they don’t know that this is fake, they couldn’t say anything if, let say, they caught us?” He smirked at you, softly brushing the loose stands of hair away from your face
Oh, you knew were this was getting, but the alcohol in your blood and his handsome face were telling you to go along.
“Absolutely, baby. I bet you’d like it, too.” You finished your drink and ordered another shot.
“What, if we were caught?” He nearly choked out his whiskey sour.
“Yeah. Wouldn’t you like it if someone was to walk in on you having me on your desk? If people heard me screaming your name?” The look on his face was priceless. Toying with him was fun. 
He leaned to whisper in your ear: “Don’t give me ideas, amorcito.” He lingered there for a moment, breathing against your neck. You were breathing rapidly. If you only tilted your head a bit, your lips would be near his. It was tempting, so you did it. As he went in for the kiss, you suddenly pulled away, then downed your last shot. You were not done playing with him.
“I want to dance. Come on!” You pulled on his arm, and Fernando had no choice but to follow you on the dance floor.
He was a surprisingly a good dancer. It must be the Spanish in him. He made you feel hot all over. You left the dancefloor feeling very turned on and with a few new hickeys on your neck as a bonus. This happened all the time in fake dating movies, right? You had not broken any rule.
Fernand pulled you to the bar to get something to drink. Things were not PG anymore. His hand was on your ass to guide you instead of on your waist like it was earlier.
“Do you want another Cosmo, muñeca?” You shook your head.
“No baby, I want to get a special treat. Can I please have a sex on the beach?”
He raised an eyebrow at your request, but he still passed it along to the bartender with another whiskey for him. He was not nearly as drunk as you were, so he had no excuse regarding crossing the line between what is real and what is fake.
“You know, amorcito, I could give you the real thing,” he said to you as he passed you your drink.
“What, sex on the beach? I already did that,” you answered, laughing. He looked positively shocked.
“An innocent girl like you? I don’t believe it.” He also didn’t want it to be true.
You smirked. “You remember that the reason I accepted to date you was to get rid of a guy that was like, obsessed with me?” He nodded, wanting to hear where this was going.
“Well, the reason why he can’t get enough of me is because I rocked his world on a beach!” You looked away, embarrassed even with all the alcohol you had consumed. He put his hand under your chin to force you to look at him.
“Muñeca, is this for real? That’s why he won’t leave you alone? He was not happy.
“Yes! But I don’t want anything to do with this guy. He didn’t even make me finish,” you whined. Fernando brushed your lower lip with his thumb. Somehow, you just knew that if it was him instead of that engineer, you would have come. Multiple times, for sure.
“Poor amorito.” He caressed your hair with his free hand. “You know I would never do that to you, right?” You chuckled lightly.
“Oh, I know.” You whispered in his ear: “I had a sex dream about you once.” This was a lie. You had multiple dreams where he had rocked your world. In multiple ways.
You started to give him a few kisses underneath his ear, in that spot that you knew he liked. He grabbed your ass to bring you closer to him.
“What? Amorcito, you must tell me how it was.” He was getting overwhelmed by your confession and the trail of kisses you left on his neck. You just laughed against his throat.
“Baby, I don’t dream and tell.” First of all, you could not believe you had actually told him you dreamed of him. No way in hell would you reveal the fantasy you had of him. He was still your boss!
But Fernando really, really wanted to know. He spun you so your back was against the bar and held you by your wrists. He got centimeters away from your face. “You will this time, muñeca.”
Ok, so he was not playing around anymore. Does the fact that this was the hottest thing you had ever seen in your life says a lot about you? About your relationship with your dad?
“You have to promise me you won’t mock me, okay?” You were suddenly shy. Maybe you should have ordered another sex on the beach. Wait, no. All of this started because of a stupid sex on the beach. A tequila sunrise would have to do next time.
He kissed your cheek and slowly moved to your jaw. “I promise, amorcito. Just tell me, please. I have to know.” A man begging was always a sight to see.
“Okay, baby. I’ll tell you.” Just thinking about it made you feel hot all over. “In my dream, we were in Monaco. You had parked your car, the green Aston Martin, and… You were fucking me against it. But I mean, really fucking me.” You were blushing, but he was the one who had turned scarlet. You continued: “Remember, this is a dream, okay? A paparazzi took a picture of you, um, having me against your car, and it was all over the medias. But we didn’t care, in fact, you printed and framed the picture, and you hung it in your living room in Monaco. And we fucked again in front of it. That’s it.”
Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Your face was heating up, and you were worried since Fernando hadn’t said anything yet. Had you gone too far? You could always blame it on the alcohol. One thing for sure, you had definitely crossed the line of fake dating.
“Eres el sueño de mi vida, amorcito.” Fernando pulled you close to his body to lead you to a dark corner of the room. He pushed you against the wall and he was immediately all over you. You couldn’t help but moan when you felt him palming you.
“Fernando, baby, is this still us fake dating?” He answered between two hickeys on your neck.
“None of this is fake, muñeca. It never was.” His lips crashed on yours. It just felt so good to really have him, without pretending. You had to remember you were in a public place, otherwise your dress would have been on the floor ages ago.
“I swear I’m going to start screaming your name soon, baby. I need you so bad. Can we please go back to the hotel?” He smiled at your eagerness.
“As much as I would like everyone to hear you, including the other drivers, I think we better leave, amorcito.” He reluctantly pulled away to grab your hand.
“Don’t worry baby, the Monaco GP is in two weeks, everyone will hear me and see me screaming your name there,” You winked at him and pulled him outside of the party.
You clearly had an eye for design, because the picture of you two really did look great in the apartment you shared in Monaco.
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minniesmutt · 8 months ago
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⭐︎ ━━━ SS + WC: 3 + 0.3K
⭐︎ ━━━ CW:
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     “You’re being very romantic today,” Y/n told her boyfriend between kisses. 
     “Let me appreciate my girlfriend,” Hyunjin told her
     Y/n hummed in response and let him kiss her mad finally pulling away. Smiling at her like an idiot — her idiot. 
     “I really needed this today,” Y/n smiled
     “Finals stressing you out?” Hyunjin questioned 
     “No. I’m pretty prepared but Haeun is back on campus. She hasn’t said anything to me but she is practically everywhere.” Y/n laid back on the blanket and looked up at the sky
      “I’m sorry baby,” Hyunjin sighed and laid next to her. “You graduate next month and I met with the lawyer today and they are issuing a temporary restraining order for us.”
     “Thank god. Thought i was going to have to apologize to Yeonjun for beating up his baby mama.”
     The couple laughed as Hyunjin wrapped his arms around her. Holding her close to him as a breeze went by. “This was really nice but I’m getting cold.” Y/n told him
      “Can’t have that,” Hyunjin said as he got up. Packing up their picnic begins helping her up after then grabbing their blanket. 
     “Let me carry something,” Y/n said
     “I got it,” Hyunjin told her as they started walking. Heading up to his car and packing up everything before getting in and heading back to her apartment. Walking up with her and into her unit after. 
      “No class tomorrow?” Hyunjin asked as they put their extra food away
      “No. Thank goodness. I need a break,” Y/n sighed
      “You deserve one,” Hyunjin kissed her cheek 
      Y/n smiled and turned her head to him. “Chan and Ji don’t need you tomorrow?” Y/n asked
     “No. Just therapy session tomorrow,” Hyunjin said
     “You started therapy?” Y/n asked
     “I’m proud of you.”
     Y/n kissed him and wrapped her arms around him. Hyunjin happily wrapped his arms around her and moved his lips with hers. Y/n pulled back, looking at the rockstar in front of her. 
     “I love you,” Hyunjin said
     “I love you too,” Y/n replied 
     Hyunjin buried his head in the crook of her neck. Kissing all along her neck and making her laugh a bit. “You’re such a dork.”
     “You’re dork,” Hyunjin told her
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ditzydoe444 · 2 months ago
I mean perv jason totes fucks with the AC. He wants you hot as hell all summer, sweat soaking the fabric and making that shit stick to you like a second skin. The faint brown of your nipples peaking through the shirt, and the whole apartment just smells like you so much. That musky pheromone smell from all the sweat, it drives him crazy. He's damn near about to bust in his pants. And hearing you whineeeee about the heat, asking "Jacey" to pretty please fix it. You'll be boiling all summer, and just when you're glad winter is around the corner, there's now an issue with the heating that has your apartment at roasting temp. The man is a menace
perv jason would def be a menace to you in every single possible way. he would act all casual and nonchalant just saying to put on a thinner piece of clothing if you are getting all hot and bothered, when in reality it’s him trying to see your nipples poking through your tank. your perfume would linger throughout the hot and stuffy room whilst he helped you settle in, he could smell you everywhere he went in the house.
not to mention jason would ask you to get a beer from the cooler just to see you bend down in the tiny tiny shorts. your cheeks would peak through and god he just wanted to see what they would look like whilst he is hitting you from the back. he would also see how your pretty tits would get exposed when bending down, because with the ‘mysterious’ disappearances of your bra making you go on without them.
he may also replace your tiny boy shorts with even smaller and tighter ones when you weren’t looking. you were convinced it was from the laundry shrinking them but little did you know…
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appleblueberry-pie · 1 year ago
I just read your fic and my brain went into thinking mode again :(
Reader just being wholesome with children. Like using Mayday as a therapy method for self-trust issues.. Def babysits May to trust herself with touching other people 😭❤
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What Isn't There To Love About You?
im just writing these for pure amusement now. HATE being formal with my own writing and realized i can literally have fun.
"So, this was where he was last night." Miguel pulls up footage from last nights fail at capturing some random universe's villain. It wasn't that doing investigation work was boring or anything. It's just that it's been four hours trying to get to the bottom of this disappearance into some other universe. And then trying to find the probability of capturing this villain and the whole shazam. You don't know how Miguel did it. Maybe it was the 6 coffees he had in one day or the random sass and anger fueling him to keep running, but you weren't made out of whatever he was made out of.
You kept your stone face as you watched the footage and leaned forward to point out his glitches here and other possible universes that had a strange pop-up weirdo at around the same time frame. "...because right here..." You zoomed in and before you could further explain, a childish squeal broke you out of your trance. You and Miguel look up and see the beautiful baby girl that was Mayday hanging off of her few webs from above.
You dramatically gasped and called out to her. "Now, who left you here hanging unattended?? Who would do such a thing??" You playfully placed your hands on your hips and she babbled back at you, lighting up your clouded mind. Miguel rolls his eyes. "Actually, she's been there for about 30 minutes." He grumbles. You turn around to glare at him. "You let her stay up there for that long?" "She's a distraction."
You scoff and hold your arms out to her. She wastes no time in dropping down to you, letting you squeeze her like the teddy bear she was. "There's my favorite girl! How've you been?? Aww, look at your hair, you messed it up again. Where's that brush I had, Miguel??" You held her on one hip, bouncing her as you dig through the drawers to find the comb that was no longer in the room. "......." Miguel tries to slyly steal glances at you as you handle Mayday like she was your own child.
Your loud and bubbly talking to her eventually calm down to you holding her to your chest as you calmly talk to her. "I wonder how you'll be when you start school. You're already so smart, swinging around the place like it's nothing." You laugh to yourself and instead comb your fingers through her hair. It was honestly such a breath of fresh air compared to staring at screens at hours on end. You stop leaning on the desk and hum quietly to her, looking back over to the monitors, only to find Miguel staring down at you over his shoulder.
".....What?" He sighs and turns back around, typing again. "......it's her nap time." You raise your eyebrows and look down to actually see the girl falling asleep in your arms. You wonder why Peter left her unattended like this. Speaking of the devil, the man comes swinging onto the platform before you can go down and sees his daughter asleep. "Oh my god, Y/n, you are a lifesaver. I was looking for her everywhere. And you are a magician to get her asleep on time. She usually makes a fuss...." He goes on to talk for the next few minutes, not before shifting her into his arms to take her back to his universe.
This time, you couldn't really pay attention to his long speech, instead staring longingly at the girl asleep in his arms. When he leaves, Miguel is already leaning back on his work table, staring longingly at you. ".....I've always wanted a little girl." Miguel smiles at you and walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your neck. "Yeah? Serías una madre increíble." (You would be an amazing mother)
You smile at his words. "Me vuelves loco con lo talentoso que eres. Y verte así con ella me enloqueció. Déjame tenerte." He almost seemed to growl the words, making your stomach flutter with butterflies. He holds you tighter and trails his hands to where your zipper began. "Here?" Miguel groans at the fact that he's still at work and stops himself from unzipping you. He removes himself from you entirely to angrily type up another report and you instead stand behind him and rub his back. "That's okay, you can just show me how you feel when you get home." A growl erupts at his throat and you laugh. (You drive me crazy with how talented you are. And seeing you with her like that drove me wild. Let me have you.)
Miguel looks over his shoulder and down at you to glare into your mischievous eyes. "Watch that mouth." "I'm serious." Miguel doesn't like hiding from you. Seeing him stare down at you like you were a piece of meat made you look away and he curses under his breath. He hated how restricted he was to just sit with his cock hard until he had the option to leave. And how it seemed like you were free to torture him with your bratty attitude and beautiful face and body. He hates this and loves you. The only angel he'll let fall into his arms down from what he calls heaven.
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