#but brio fic recs from me? no
Looking for some new AU Brio fic reccs, and you've got great taste so please share your thoughts with me
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask. ❤️ I just feel that I’m one of the worst people to ask for AU recs because I haven’t read a lot of them. I’ve historically had such a canonic view of Brio that I had a hard time getting into AU. I’m working on it though! Slowly making my way through the backlog of AUs I missed out on.
I guess I can’t just keep repeating Both Sides of the Law and Delinquents, right? They’re just such rich worlds all in themselves. They almost don’t even need canon. Although, canon does lend them some additional color. But ok, if not these then…
I’m gonna keep repeating the Kingmaker series, which at this point is an AU. I was happy to see she updated a new piece in her series last night and thoroughly enjoyed the work, as I did all the rest. And I know, I keep saying it isn’t for everyone because this author really struggles with choosing what she wants Brio to be. But this work is SO underrated! This is such a beautifully written series of fics. If nothing else, read for the language and the author’s ability to world-build and characterize. I can SEE this universe. It isn’t just that she is able to emulate what the actors embodied. She is able to add value to her Rio character that has impacted the way I view canon. Her Rio is the Rio I see when I watch the performance. She understands her universe and her subjects on such a deep level that I believe who she’s made them be.
Another one I really loved was What a Sight to See. It’s a vampire AU where Beth is a vampire and Rio isn’t. What’s interesting is that the characters were still themselves. Their mannerisms, their speech patterns, their specific proclivities still made them very recognizably themselves. But the flipped power dynamic was perfection. Because Rio, as a mortal, was the vulnerable one in this scenario. And Beth had that quiet confidence of endless strength and power that was then challenged with something new to her — giving a shit about someone, loving someone. I found their relationship extremely emotional, and the outcome of it one of the most satisfying. The writing is always beautiful. “The inviting lift of her skirt, though, that's more of a revelation. All that pallid, pliant flesh; displayed for him. Rio can't not stride forward, grasp the opportunity…” I love this use of language to perfectly capture emotion with showing instead of telling. And how well it captures Rio’s inherent nature! “Grasp the opportunity.” Such a well-placed term.
The King’s Mistress is another good one. And smutty!! I don’t only read for smut, but I certainly love a well-placed pornographic scene. 😁 What I really love about this fic is the open vulnerability both Beth and Rio allow themselves in an AU setting. I don’t normally like too much openness from Beth in canonic works because I see that as OOC, but it’s certainly refreshing to see in a universe that has room for her that way. She doesn’t always have to be on guard. She can be soft sometimes.
I’m so not helpful with these recommendations. 😂 I just don’t have enough experience with the AU genre. In fact, I would be open to recommendations myself. I know several of you have given me some to try. I need to get to reading!
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sunshinebunnie · 9 months
Fan Fic Rec List(s) - 2023 ed. (Pt. 3)
From the Vault…
Who I Did On My Vacation by Mnemosyne (WC: 14,223) [Maria/Rath]
Both Sides of the Law by JoeyLee (WC:179,459) [Brio]
into the ashes (and no return) by ElixirBB (WC: 4,578) [Kate/Alejandro]
If you could only see (the beast you made of me) by ElixirBB (WC: 7,941) [Kate/Alejandro]
Thunderheads by ArtemisRayne (WC: 3,508) [Annie/Auggie]
Signals by imaginarycircus (WC: 2,761) [Annie/Auggie]
A Series of Optical Illusions by Fahye (WC: 20,391) [Phrack]
Fake Dating
better date than never by Alphinia (WC: 22,672) [Jiara]
Odd Lots
Thank You for Your Donation to the Wayward Girls’ Fund by dagas isa (WC: 548) [Lost Girl, St. Trinian’s Crossover]
Nasteb Encalada-Bernal and Exilus Bucher (in progress, intended for the Revacholian Journal of Literary Entroponetics) by verdenal (WC: 1,037)
Part 1 Part 2
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sothischickshe · 2 years
I am fascinated by your Bruby take. Have you written supporting posts for this ship and Beth’s love for Ruby already? I would love to read more detail on your view of their relationship. To me, I see Beth’s possessiveness over Ruby. She demands to be chosen, even to Ruby’s detriment. It seems like a really disproportionate relationship to me, where Ruby is expected to drop her life to support Beth. Endlessly. And on occasion Beth rewards Ruby by benevolently offering her something in return.
I want to see them how you see them.
Hey, so zerothly it's deffo not just my take; I'm gonna link to some other ppl's posts & ig haphazardly try to quote some others I can't search up (joke's on me for ever wanting to find anything on mobile I suppose🤯)
Zero point fively, the ship name is deffo buby cmon, im taking a hard line on that 🤪
So first argument in terms of shipping Beth/Ruby and/or deciding Beth is in love with ruby: why not! I just think it's fun! And it adds a lot of potential depth to many of the relationships in the show eg the brio mess, the Beth-stan conflict, the death death, the beth/rhea quasi-romance.... Plus there's really nothing I see in canon that negates it 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think this post by @nakedmonkey sums the vibe up more succinctly than I ever could!
I'd also highly rec these fics:
Almost by vibrantnymph (Ruby pov in a slightly divergent 208)
girls go to the bathroom together to kiss by makemeanybraver (aged down au, Beth pov)
(there are a few other fics tagged beth/Ruby on Ao3 too but they're also tagged beth/annie and um I assume they don't mean it)
I swear @pynkhues had some posts about Beth/Ruby and maybe kisses too but I can't find them 😭😭😭
I also super agree with the vibe of this post from @petesdragon. Particularly cos in really all the flashbacks I think Dean and boys in general are presented as life moments to achieve and tick off. Combined with ruby basically telling annie that Beth married Dean for security, I hear the comp het take ringing loudly!
Off the top of my head I'd say the biggest canon points for me are:
That I've never looked at Dean the way you look at stan line being followed by Beth's srs lingering looks at Ruby, then a bunch of loving stares & delighted giggling with the tesla stuff (I do think we're repeatedly told by the show that Beth is not in love with Dean, that Ruby is in love with stan & that Beth has some srs martyr vibes/is v willing to sacrifice herself for the ppl she cares abt)
That I would choose you every time line and really 208 in general (& actually also successful salesperson s2 Beth being willing to give up a hypothetical jayz concert to stan; basically all sales ppl are annoying jayz stans who will say insane things like 'actually if you think about it, it's impressive to get away with that many shit guest verses' right to your face)
The s2 finale callback with the actual Beyoncé tickets where Beth tells Ruby to take stan, and goes to turn herself in which IS to protect the hills (think this understandably gets buried under the rest of the finale & its silliness)
The s4 beth-stan conflict as a whole where they're essentially presented as romantic rivals squabbling for the right to Ruby's affection; beth looking distraught when she agrees to never seeing Ruby again #martyrvibes
I guess I maybe agree that Beth is possessive over Ruby, but I'd say that so is stan then? & I'm given literally no reason to think stan isn't entirely in love with ruby yet in s4 he sics the cops on her, joins in with dean's scheming against Beth thus inadvertently yet predictably throwing Ruby under the bus & ends up threatening to go on the run without Ruby in the finale. I don't think I buy that possessiveness, making demands or an idiotic approach to planning precludes Beth from being in love with ruby 🤷🏼‍♀️ (though it perhaps suggest Ruby has a type sfggfrff)
I also really disagree that Beth demands to be chosen by Ruby, at least consistently -- like yea arguably that's a bit what's going on in s2, but it also sets up her melodramatic martyrdom in both s2 & s4? And actually really the s2 conflict isn't so much abt Ruby not choosing her, as Ruby repeatedly points out, she already kinda did! I think it's more Beth losing her mind at the realisation that she's not Ruby's #1 bc Ruby IS Beth's, and I think given they're having all these srs convos abt the contrasting states of their marriages it seems for the very first time (plus the implication throughout the series that Ruby barely ever interacts with Dean) I think it's probs quite reasonable to assume that Beth is a genuine misandrist & thinks of husbands as essentially accessories, de facto incapable of being anywhere near as important as their bond. (see also that s4 line abt how no boy will ever break them up.)
I also think it's interesting in s2 that Beth does warm to rio and/or crime when Dean fucks her off (eg bathroom break) but also when she & Ruby are on the outs (eg naked feet backyard picnic bench in the sun scene).
I'm just gonna repeat: in the s2 finale Beth is trying to turn herself in & in s4 she looks absolutely shattered agreeing to never see Ruby again. I don't think Beth particularly asks Ruby to drop her life to support her? Like the girls do all do it to each other yes, but who needs the most support or is most eager to turn to an idiotic plan in order to make money ebbs and flows over the show with their different (primarily but not exclusively familial) concerns. That bit in s4 where annie & Ruby make a deal w/ rio @ the strip club while Beth's just there in the bg like helllllo can u guys hear me feels a great example.
With or without a romantic lens, I very much agree with what @sdktrs12 said about their friendship in this answer.
& I think if anything, the fact that maybe it doesn't come through all that well consistently points to a writing problem: this show did often tell us things that it didn't necessarily take pains or leave itself enough space to demonstrate clearly or repeatedly. But I do think we're supposed to understand that they love each other deeply, have been through so much together, have always supported each other and consider the other (and their family) AS family.
Do i think that we see Ruby going above and beyond for Beth more than vice-versa? Yea probs. But I don't think that's cos Beth makes or expects her do that (& in fact they even have this conversation in the s2 finale!). for example, I don't think Beth asks Ruby to stay in the series finale? I think Ruby wants to, presumably bc of Annie's arrest & understanding how otherwise lonely Beth is. & I think we get loads of examples of Beth supporting Ruby too -- the grief flashback & Ruby's speech to Jane in the cupboard both spring to mind [both a little clunky but such is life], but also Beth's concern for Sara (and indeed stan) throughout. I do think Ruby is kinder & warmer than beth; I also think she's much less damaged ♻️
If I was gonna make an argument abt Beth demanding things of or using anyone, it'd probs be annie? Idk if the show was being intentional with the nick & annie getting locked up cos of the activities of their ~siblings parallel but that does feel kinda Loud. Plus, compared to Ruby but also in general, annie lacks confidence and purpose. Also Beth's literally her big sister, and pseudo parent! Still though I don't really find this line of reasoning all that compelling. Overall I do think annie & Ruby make the conscious choice to do crime, repeatedly, to make money. They don't seem to enjoy it in the same way, or as much, as Beth, but I think we see them both get purpose or status from it too (and that that's to some extent used to display how awful capitalism is). Plus Beth no way asked or wanted annie to replace her prints on the gun!! Hmm I wonder where annie picked up this melodramatic martyring habit from.....................
Further, if I was gonna make an argument abt anyone demanding to be chosen even to the detriment of the other it would probs be rio re Beth, Beth re rio, nick re rio or Dean re Beth 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Given all that, I think Beth and Ruby, who repeatedly sacrifice for each other & loudly declare the importance of their bond, have a far greater claim to being a canon love story than beth and rio who repeatedly betray each other, and by the finale iyam have simply demonstrated that they like each other & don't wish to kill the other & are willing to ally against common enemies plus maybe in general to avoid getting stabbed by the other 🤷🏼‍♀️
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pynkhues · 2 years
🔥 fav brio fic one shots
I feel like a lot of my favourites are pretty popular, and that I've done a lot of rec lists in my fic recs tag, so to make it a little different, I thought I'd limit it to one-shots I love that I also think are super underrated. To give that a sort of yardstick, I've kept this to fics with under 100 kudos on ao3.
I've popped a whole bunch under the cut. :-)
Silent Wars by alittlespy. Beth x Rio. <1k words. Set during s2.
God, this fic is just sexy. It's little glimpses of their power plays over the months that they know each other, and every sentence seems to crackle. I love it a lot.
Leftovers by deinvati Beth x Rio. 2k words. Set during s1.
This is such a rich fic, centred on Beth's feelings of neglect in her marriage and the new charge and attention she gets from Rio. There's some really great banter in it and a push-pull that feels familiar and fresh all at once. Just a great little fic.
Broken Facade by brokensatellites / @bensonstablers Beth x Rio. 2k words. Set during 4.06.
A sexy, angsty look at what was going through Rio's head when he was with Beth in his grandmother's study. It's evocative and emotionally rich and leaves you wanting more.
I See the Rainbow and the Darkness at the Same Time by dragontortuga / @dragonturtle Beth x Rio. 4k words. Set over s1-s4.
I’m a sucker for a five/six/seven things fic, especially when they circle themes or ideas instead of acts, and this one embodies that so well, being based around seven times Beth thinks about Rio's name. The author does a wonderful job of weaving through canon moments, and really exploring Beth's evolving feelings. It's a really lovely fic!
I, You, He by FakePlastikTrees / @nakedmonkey Beth x Rhea. Beth x Rio. 3k words. Set between s2 and s3.
Any fic where Beth is bi is a winner to me, haha, but especially one that explores the twisted sort of intimacy Beth found in Rhea. The author always has a wonderful bounce to her fics, and really great dialogue, and both are on show here. Magic!
Found My Thrill by s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe Beth x Rio (x Turner, kinda). 2k words. Set during s1.
Outsider opinion fics are seriously one of my favourite things in the world, and I especially love when they're so well done. The Turner voice here is so fun and rich and emotionally dynamic, and the way the author uses it to explore Turner's burgeoning obsession with both Beth and Rio is perfect.
Hate, Love and the Steps Between by @mamey2422 Beth x Rio. <1k words. Set during s3.
We don't have enough s3 fics in this fandom, especially ones that explore the complicated shifts in Beth and Rio's relationship. There's this really great sense of interiority in this fic that the author the author captures, and it makes this short little fic feel big.
I Want to Play the Game by prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania Rio x Turner, background Beth x Rio. <1k words. Set between s2 and s3.
This angsty little fic where Turner watches Rio jerk off while he has him recovering and snitching in the hotel lives rent free in my head. It perfectly balances the fucked up potential of Rio x Turner and I just love it a lot.
Sure am Using You by aniara Rio x OC. Beth x Rio. 2k words. Set during s1.
I talk about this fic all the time, and I still can't believe other people aren't obsessed with it, haha. As you can probably tell from this list already, I'm just super into it when the dynamic between two characters bleeds over into other relationships or becomes a point of curiousity. This fic does that so well, as Rio's casual hookup starts to realise he's got someone new in his life, and how their hookups start to become informed by that. Love it.
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
Thank you for answering the ask !
I checked out the master list it has many great gems as a matter of fact As well as sdktrs12’s own fanfic Crush is great
Do you have your recommendations too or a master list too ?
About the show….what is the smurf thing😂and why did Nick hit Rio with a stool ?
You're welcome anon!! 💕💕
Well I'm obviously too lazy to have my own masterlist lol, but I do have a few fic rec posts here and there:
Fave writers
Secret relationship
Dean being a dick
Dean's death (anon was unhinged)
New/Forgotten (don't ask me what anon meant by this 😂)
@inyoursheets masterpost (it's kinda old though but check the reblogs, there might have been updates)
And you'll find many more if you browse the #fic rec tag on my blog! Also feel free to check my bookmarks on AO3, they’re public for a reason...
Now if I have ONE rec to make when it comes to gg and brio fics, it's this one:
A Rational Choice by fireinsideforfun
This fic is everything and more, it's like the Brio Bible lol, it's literally the reason I started writing, and I think it should be an entry requirement level for anyone joining the fandom 😂😂 Obviously you'll need to like angst, but you said you read my fics, so... 👀👀
Now for your questions on the show:
The smurf thing, oh boy 😱😱 Well this can cover two different events, aka the show mentioning smurfing once as a term describing an elaborate money-laundering technique (it's a real thing, you can google it), and the fandom going wild with edits, ludicrous puns, and in my case extremely poorly tasted pictures, about it. But also you cannot tell me Rio's hat in season 4 didn't make him look like a smurf!
Nick hitting Rio with the stool, you think I remember why he did that?? 😂😂😂 From the top of my head something something reminding him who's the boss/punishing him for doing his own thing I believe... But like I said, season 4 is very blurry in my mind, I'll leave that to somebody more competent, perhaps as the founders and co-presidents of the Nick Can Choke club @riosnecktattoo and @riosnosestud have a better, more detailed answer?
Thanks for stopping by! 😘😘
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mego42 · 3 years
a birthday rec post!
for @foxmagpie​’s birthday i’m celebrating her beautiful brain with five of my fav of her fics. If you haven’t checked them out i highkey recommend you fix your lives post-haste bc like my taste in people, my taste in fic is impeccable (though i am open to counterarguments if you guys have others you want to add on).
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Snapshots: Photobooth
gOD this fic is so cUTE
i say fic but it’s tech an anthology of delinquents future snippets and this is just one chapter and while i’m here i heartily rec all of it
truly a galaxy brain concept on megan’s part, she’s tormenting us with a(n exquisite) slow burn in delinquents but also giving us the goods so we know what to look forward to
i love having my cake and eating it too, is what i’m saying
especially when the cake is as sweet and delightful as this one
look it’s a really neat trick to be able to write rio as a giddy sap of a teenage!! person and still have it feel totally in line with his adult canon self somehow idk how she does it but i’m so glad she does
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i’m gonna start us off by promising you guys i think about this fic an extremely normal amount
i also want to disclaim that i know beth gaming a douchebag named parker in a bar isn’t an homage to buffy bc megan’s refusal to watch is a source of endless torment BUT no one can stop me from taking it as one
i think one of the things that gets me with this fic is how neatly and efficiently it weaves in beth and rio’s (brief) history with the exact right amount of pining that i’m fully on board and rooting for them to get together not just hook up but it doesn’t take away from the bouncy, light, fun feel of the fic
plus oh my goD is it sexy
now elizabeth
who gave you the right????????????
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Missed Call
the way this fic stresses me out
weird opening to a rec, i know but hear me out: the mounting tension is a perfectly paced build that sets up the culmination to hit like a hammer
it’s also a really excellent study in how isolating fear and stress can be and how even the most well-intentioned comfort can be the least comforting thing in the world and idk maybe that’s a weird thing to rec about it too but i think that’s so real and messy and i love how the discordant note of it plays into the tension
i know it’s not meant to be but it plays as an excellent counterpart to back to our cocoon which is only not on this list bc i made the stupid ass decision to stick to five but you should def consider that recced as well
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I Will Collect and Capture You
look if you haven’t read this fic yet idk what to tell you
i really wanted to stick with stuff i hadn’t recced a bunch before but i love this one too much to leave it off but since i’ve yelled about it a bunch already i’ll be brief
while it is technically a wip, each chapter feels like a complete standalone arc so if you’ve been sitting on this one, stop making bad choices
features peak brio mess and jealousy and a metric fuckton of angst, but also weaves in some tenderness and humor and a hefty amount of god tier smut
truly this fic has it all
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look, i am not usually an OC person when it comes to fic, i’m here for what i’m here for, you know? but mar and elena are apparently the exception to that rule
it’s also a testament to how rich and in-depth the delinquents verse is that it can support such a built out, fully realized side-quest style fic for two characters who, while fairly close to the central plot, aren’t remotely the focus of it
also i know this fic is all about mar and elena getting together and do not get me wrong, they are the absolute cutest and everything about their story makes me scream, the part of this fic that really makes my heart go haywire is the mar and rio of it all
idk precisely why but i am ridiculously invested in rio having bffs on ruby and annie’s level and gOD does the relationship with mar megan’s crafted deliver on that like whoa
everything about their relationship from the literal reality of it to the way that rio’s an indelible part of mar’s mental landscape is pitch perfect and so, so precious to me
ily babe, i hope you have an amazing day 💖
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sdktrs12 · 3 years
I'm new to the fandom/fanfiction and I wanted to say Thank you for your rec lists!! Can I request?? kinky fics??
What kink do you think brio are into??
kinky fics (these range from fairly mild to uh...not so mild) -
[ top 5 gg kinkfest fics here ]
Earned It by wakeupflawless
rated e | multi chapter 8k+ | kink – spanking
the instigator by nomind
rated e | multi chapter 19k+ | kink – threesome + sex toys
Au Lait by Niham87
rated e | one shot 4k+ | kink – lactation
Dom King Series by Niham87
rated e | series 29k+ total | kink – BDSM + exhibitionism/public sex + voyeurism + breathplay + sex toys + spanking + knifeplay + orgasm delay/denial
Set My Body Free by jesbakescookies
rated m | multi chapter 12k+ | kink – escort
selfish love, darlin', you do it too by Goldfish90
rated m | one shot 2k+ | kink – spanking
we lay on our skins, original sins by Goldfish90
rated m | one shot 3k+ | kink – spanking + roleplay
you’re my favorite kind of night by Goldfish90
rated m | one shot 5k+ | kink – bondage
Travel Buddies by dancingsynapses
rated e | multi chapter 24k+ | kink – dom/sub + orgasm delay/denial
Deny Me, Degrade Me, Desecrate Me by SucculentStrawberries
rated e | part of series – one shot 6k+ | kink – urophilia + dubious consent + gunplay + orgasm delay/denial
Power Struggle by JaneJoens
rated e | series 13k+ total | kink – dom/sub + orgasm delay/denial + threesome
Til you get what you need by Aniara
rated e | one shot 10k+ | kink – dubious consent + spanking
amassed by infernum
rated e | part of series – one shot 3k+ | kink – breathplay + exhibitionism/public sex + orgasm delay/denial
Working On Things by odenkirk
rated e | one shot 7k+ | kink – threesome
Knock First by watermelonriddles
rated e | one shot 2k+ | kink – threesome
Not So Careful by watermelonriddles
rated e | one shot 2k+ | kink – knifeplay
take it by nomind
rated e | one shot 1k+ | kink – spanking
The Flood I Saw Just Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by nottonyharrison
rated e | one shot 9k+ | kink – pegging + sex toys
Tight Leash by nottonyharrison
rated m | one shot 3k+ | kink – breathplay + bondage + knifeplay
Next Time by nottonyharrison
rated e | multi chapter 8k+ | kink – breathplay + orgasm delay/denial + bondage
Happiness In Slavery by DropKickDisco
rated m | multi chapter 13k+ | kink – dom/sub
Bucket List by Strawmari
rated m & e | series 13k+ total | kink – sex toys + sex tape + food play + exhibitionism/public sex + cockwarming
Tape you by delicatelingon
rated e | part of series – one shot 2k+ | kink – sex tape + exhibitionism/public sex
Strike, Dear Mistress, And Cure His Heart by MissMaxime
rated e | one shot 6k+ | kink – BDSM + orgasm delay/denial + spanking + breathplay
Copper Kisses by MissMaxime
rated e | one shot 6k+ | kink – period/blood play
Into You by peachraindrops
rated e | series 5k+ total | kink – spanking + dry humping
Just Picture Everybody Naked by thatbluenote
rated e | multi chapter 4k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex
Invitation to a Beheading by riosnecktattoo
rated e | multi chapter 15k+ | kink – bloodplay + breathplay + murder as foreplay + dom/sub
To Be Seen by Anijade
rated t | one shot 1k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex + voyeurism
murder on my mind by lopezuuus
rated e | one shot 2k+ | kink – murder as foreplay
if no one is around you, say baby i love you, if you ain't running game by medievalraven
rated m | one shot 3k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex + voyeurism
count to twelve by daydreamstew
rated e | part of series – one shot 4k+ | kink – spanking
Falling with Style by fanzel12
rated e | part of series – one shot 3k+ | kink – spanking + roleplay + bondage
Swimming in Sin by zsra187
rated m | one shot 3k+ | kink – gun play + orgasm delay/denial
A Moment's Silence by femalegothic
rated e | one shot 3k+ | kink – deepthroating + sex toys
Enjoy The Show by BreannaM13
rated e | one shot 1k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex
take a picture, it'll last longer by fortunehasgivenup
rated e | part of series – one shot 1k+ | kink – sex tape
you let me complicate you by fortunehasgivenup
rated e | one shot 2k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex + orgasm delay/denial
Midas is king and he holds me so tight by fortunehasgivenup
rated e | one shot 8k+ | kink – bondage
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody by fortunehasgivenup
rated e | one shot 3k+ | kink – roleplay
Yoga for Building Intimacy and Trust by fortunehasgivenup
rated e | multi chapter 9k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex + breathplay
Send Nudes by fortunehasgivenup
rated e | one shot 1k+ | kink – sex photos
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul by medievalraven
rated e | multi chapter 23k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex
It’s a dirty dirty game but (you should’ve called before you came) by s_t_c_s
rated e | one shot 10k+ | kink – threesome adjacent + exhibitionism/voyeurism
Filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake by s_t_c_s
rated e | multi chapter 25k+ | kink – roleplaying + bondage + spanking
A Gangsta To Love Her Better by HisBossBitch (Kithi1)
rated e | part of series – multi chapter 200k+ | kink – pregnancy + orgasm delay/denial + breathplay
honey pot by civillove
rated e | one shot 5k+ | kink – exhibitionism/public sex
December by zetuslapetus
rated m | multi chapter 7k+ | kink – pregnancy
Envelopes Comin' In The Mail, Let Her Open 'Em by BourbonOnTheRocks
rated m | part of series - one shot 2k+ | kink - fetishism
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daydreamstew · 3 years
A comfort fic + a fic you associate with a place!
hello!! thank you for sending 💕
a comfort fic:
like tea made from rain by @lilithenaltum
i have so many comfort fics but i’m gonna pick this one to shoutout! this is an oldie but a goodie from 2018
it’s a multi chapter WIP that hasn’t been updated since 2018 but it’s really worth a read! it’s post 1x09 a year after Rio tells Beth to go home and Beth is struggling and Rio comes back into her life
i am a sucker for season 1 fics and this one is a fav! i just love the brio dynamic in this and i really get swept away in the world the author builds
a fic i associate with a place:
swaying evergreens by @mego42
this one could have very easily been my comfort fic selection as well but i’m putting it here instead
i read this one right after it came out all snuggled up with a candle lit in my childhood bedroom at my parent’s house and i have reread many times since and it always makes me think of that place and that moment
this is a “fluffy” domestic brio christmas fic that hits you right in the feels and made me tear up
it’s a oneshot, but it’s part of the oh no, don’t close your eyes series which is incredible and everyone should read the whole thing ok thx 💕
play fic rec bingo with me pls
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bathroombreaks · 3 years
Do you have any brio fic recs? Cuz i need a break from canon cuz ...yikes.
hey! sorry you’re feeling down, nonnie :( i don’t know what you’re into in fic, so i’ve got a couple of suggestions for you. all of them can (hopefully) give you a break from canon.
if you want something that still plays with canon a little bit:
childhood friends au: shared history by watermelonriddles (retelling of s1 where beth and rio met before 1x01; t-rated)
soulmates au: eleven by zetuslapetus (canon-compliant up until ~2x11, when beth finds out her and rio are soulmates; e-rated)
domestic future: only you show me what warmth is by riosnecktattoo (takes place in a canon-compliant-ish future where beth and rio are together; e-rated)
another domestic future fic: a bit of a stretch by septiembre (in a canon-compliant-ish future beth and rio are together and take a couple’s yoga class; t-rated)
vampire au: what a sight to see by s_t_c_s (retelling of s1+2 where beth is a vampire; e-rated)
if you want something that’s completely different:
ballet au: en pointe by fortunehasgivenup (beth and rio meet at their kids’ ballet class; e-rated)
fwb au: subjunctive by foxmagpie (beth and rio are both in college and they’re fwb; e-rated)
roommates au: warm water by nomind (beth and rio struggle to not show each other how in love they are as they share an apartment; e-rated)
hope at least one of them is what you were looking for :)
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carry-the-sky · 4 years
Do you have any good girls fic recs?
oh ho hoooooo i do indeed!! i haven’t read as much as i’d like to in the fandom but here are a few of my faves (apologies in advance, i haven’t done a rec list in awhile so the organization here might be uhhhh *paul hollywood voice* a bit of a mess):
i will collect you and capture you by @foxmagpie: beth and rio at their worst + jealousy and hate sex. it’s exactly as amazing as it sounds.
also also also from the same author (honestly just read everything she writes, it’s all 10/10 showstopping never been done before amazing): delinquents, the high school au i didn’t know i needed. beth and rio’s relationship here feels very early-days rory/jess from gilmore girls, which is absolutely one of my favorite dynamics and the way it unfolds here is *clenches fist* SO. GOOD.
@mego42 is another absolute fave (if you can make it through one of her fics without screaming and/or wanting to claw your face off then congrats, you’re more emotionally stable than i am):
now use both hands (which i routinely re-read even though it is peak Pain™)
listening through the air shaft (set in the same ‘verse as now use both hands, featuring outside perspectives on beth and rio’s relationship, very *chef’s kiss*)
swaying evergreens (christmas fic + soft domestic brio, which usually isn’t my thing but she pulls both off PERFECTLY, i’m a little mad about it tbh)
okayyyy now that we’ve lost all semblance of structure let’s talk about @pynkhues!! her fics are all AMAZING and she writes everything, from canon-compliant multi-chaps to very unique au’s (pirate!!! porn star!!!) and everything in between. i can’t possibly list all of my faves or this list would be longer than that horrible do you know the color of the sky post, BUT i do have to mention Drive You Mad (wear me out) bc it was one of the first brio fics i ever read and whew. go read immediately.
a recent favorite is Masquerade by @mamey2422 which features beth and rio at a masquerade ball WHAT MORE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT.
there’s something lonesome about you by my dear friend @heartonfirewrites is a boxing au (B L E S S you erin for giving us boxing!rio hahaha) and it very beautifully explores beth’s growing confidence in herself and her independence.
also another lovely friend @ejunkiet, who is basically the reason i ship these two hahaha, has a lot of brio fic! throw down the roses (speculation fic for the kiss in 2x09!) is short and sweet and achingly good.
there are so many amazing authors i’m missing and that’s on me bc i am woefully under-read in this fandom, but i hope this is a good start, anon!! thanks so much for the ask!
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missmaxime · 4 years
6 12 25!
Thank you! 💖 6. Is there a trope you cannot understand why anyone would dislike? Aside from fake dating, which is absolute god-tier and I will take no comments on it. But aside from that I really love historical / period piece fanfics. Blame it on me watching a gazillion British period drama’s when I was a teen, but I just really love that setting. And having just binged Bridgerton I’m all ughhh gimme the Brio version now. I haven’t always been keen on AU’s, but for Brio al lot of them can be applied really well, and this is one of the AUs I’ve always loved for any fandom. 12. If you could add one feature to AO3, what would it be? I wish there were more features to manage bookmarks. Not that I’m so good at it now, but I wish I could create my own categories and file them by that. 25. Do you rec fics to others, and if so how? No, not really! I wish I had more time to a) manage my favs, and b) have time to make a list and/or c) take time to make said lists. I’ve been pretty behind on reading fic, but before September I think I have read most if not all fic under the Brio tag. After that it’s been mostly sporadically. I do have crazy good memory, so if someone’s looking for something there’s a big chance I know which fic they’re looking for!
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sothischickshe · 2 years
📝 Favorite unfinished fic? (either they haven’t updated for years or are updating frequently but haven’t finished)
⛽️ Name a fic that you got energy from after reading.
📝 Favorite unfinished fic? (either they haven’t updated for years or are updating frequently but haven’t finished)
What the water gave me by entitled (crime-focused merpeople au) has to be up there!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
⛽️ Name a fic that you got energy from after reading.
Rereading really good fics that do something/s I really like deffo gives me creative energy!! An example: sure am using you by aniara (rio/oc, but also kind of brio 📿📿📿📿)
Let me rec you some fic?
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bourbon-ontherocks · 3 years
any fanfic recs of dean being a dick to beth and rio stepping in?
Hey anon!
I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back at you...
I’m tempted to say that basically every GG fanfic features  Dean being a dick to Beth, and stepping into Beth’s life is literally Rio’s hobby, so the whole Good Girls tag on AO3 is probably a good entry point. However, here is a little selection.
This post benefited from a huge load of help from the amazing @sdktrs12 aka the people's librarian. Mwah!   😘😘😘
the wedding date by civillove @blainesebastian 28k, complete AU where Beth is a guest at Dean’s second wedding and it goes as bad as you’d think
The Sacred Art of Kissing by brokensatellites @emilykolburn 3k, complete A post 2.03 fic where Rio makes a dramatic entrance as Dean tries to negociate his way back into the house
Forest for the Trees by Anijade @anijade 161k, WIP since 2021 A post S2 finale, post Boland divorce saga where Dean is still his whining annoying self and Rio is Rio
Good Sport by fireinsideforfun 12k, complete Dean is a dick with co-parenting and Rio speaks his mind. Oh, and Beth gets to sleep <3
You Should Probably Leave by peachraindrops @peachraindrops 7k, complete 2.09 canon-divergent where Rio actually kicks Dean’s ass for taking the children instead of the Brio breakup
love (where it wasn't supposed to be) by vuccijl  @lilliloves 5k, complete Rio confronts Dean about cheating in general and Beth in particular. Slight roosters fight vibes which is always enjoyable.
Shared History by brokensatellites @emilykolburn 113k, complete A season 1 re-tell with additional Beth-Rio backstory leading to Rio knowing about Dean’s history of bullshit and his patience has limits
Someone Like You by sunshine83 45k, WIP since 2019 A post 1.05 pancake lie canon-divergent fic where Beth and Rio are horny fools until Rio finds out about the cancer lie
a messy situation by freedomatsea 119k, complete A S2-divergent series where Beth and Rio try to make it work while navigating crime and Dean... deansies
Burn You by HermioneGranger1960  @medievaldarling ​ (OMG this is literally me discovering these are the same person!!! <3) 1k, complete A post 2.01 one-shot where Dean pins his infidelity on Beth and Rio gives him a little talk
Do Not Collect $200 by linzackles @mrslackles 242k, complete Rio calls Dean out on his actions (and Beth clearly doesn’t appreciate the ingerence)
Losing game by Niham87 174k, WIP since 2020 Dean is literally the worst, so... (mind the tags, lots of cw)
Filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake by s_t_c_s @sothischickshe 26k, WIP since 2021 Beth pays Rio to provide evidence of Dean’s cheating so she can file for divorce, so technically that would fit the definition
Say your prayers, you’ll need every single one by blameitonmyjuice 5k, WIP since 2019 Established Brio, Dean loses it and kidnaps Beth
blanket me by softbrio @softbrio 2k, complete Dean’s physically abusive to Beth and Rio is shockingly not a fan of it
Ultimately, I feel weird putting it on this post, but there’s also some dick!Dean bashing here:
A part of it brought to you by yours truly 151k, complete
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mego42 · 3 years
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good girls appreciation week 2021: day 2 // places and spaces: pwp in the paper porcupine
for places and spaces day, i’m going back in time to celebrate one of my fav show locations: the paper porcupine, specifically the back room.
if there is one thing above all else i am a truly desperate heaux for, it’s a good art room. what can i say? i spent my formative years haunting them and there’s something about a paint/ink/god knows what splattered work table that does it for me. add in a mechanical printing press? nirvana, truly.
so without further ado, allow me to rec some fics that use the space as god intended.
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one thing that always stands out to me about this fic is how well it captures the snap, crackle and pop between beth and rio
it opens with them literally giving each other the silent treatment while still hanging out alone for hours on end in the paper porcupine while beth prints for weeks
yes that weeks includes the mutual stubborn silence
iajs that’s the kind of petty that really makes this ship shine
and then when they break, the nasty, bitter reckoning that spills out only serves as foreplay for a hookup that perfectly captures that half bitter antagonism, half desperation to reconnect dichotomy that characterized their s3 dynamic
in addition to a fantastic hook up, the back and forth banter and energy is really what makes this fic shine
fav quote:
“You’re a shit shot,” he says instead, so close now their chests are grazing with every intake of breath.
“I had a shit teacher. Kinda full of himself.”
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is it that i love pp back room hook ups or the post 213/rio’s return from the dead angsty tension? who can say, really
(both, both is good)
whatever it is, have another!!! this fic is specifically a take on the missing scene from the infamous 304 money-making promo i mean montage
what DID they do while they waited for the pulp to dry?????
the tone of this one leans a little more heavy than the previous rec as beth and rio grapple with the bitter weight of everything between them and how it’s made that much more complicated by how present the good parts of their history are as well, and how much they can’t/don’t want to escape either
idk guys, that juxtaposition is the specific flavor of angst i live for
i also love love love that in this one rio’s the one poking at the open wound of their relationship and i love that it’s the key to beth unlocking and airing some of her own grievances. communication! who knew!?
fav quote:
“I like watchin' you work.”
Me too. She wants to say. I like you watching me too. She wants to say. But her mouth is dry and her voice doesn't work so she‘s silent.
“I fuckin' hate that I like it.”
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how do i love this fic, let me count the ways (jk we’ll be here all day bc i love it a lot)
remember how i said my favorite flavor of angst is the kind that runs on a combo of bitter and poignant memory? well boy howdy does this fic nail that like whoa
while this fic is much more sprawling than just hooking up in the pp, that is both where it starts-ish AND a returned to feature including an A++++ negotiation for a new and better blender
points deducted for mention of the keyhole sweater (I KID!!!!!!!) (not about hating the keyhole sweater, it looks so itchy idk why, but about the points deduction)
basically, to cap it off, this is one of my fav rio pov fics, it does such an incredible job capturing this completely exasperated, vaguely pissed off about it, but also kind of desperately into it vibe that feels so exactly right for a later s3 era rio starting to realize how deep his feelings for beth may in fact go and losing his mind about it and i love it a lot
plus the anti-beth list of hook up criteria remains i think one of my favorite things in any brio fic ever, so
and this is all just ch 1, i’m still not ready to talk about ch 2 but just know i think about the bit in the shower a normal amount
fav quote:
No women between 5’7 and 5’10, ‘cause Elizabeth’s height fluctuates dependin’ on her shoes.
No women with doe eyes, doesn’t matter the color, ‘cause she’s all he sees when he looks into ‘em.
They can’t drink bourbon or tequila shots, and shit, it’s not even the things she likes, but the things she doesn’t, too—which means no women nursin’ a chard or a rosé, either.
If they’re got a flower printed or embroidered or embossed anywhere on their person, they’re out.
He’s left women in parkin’ lots for drivin’ vans, and said goodnight ‘cause they carry a large brown purse.
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like i was gonna leave the iconic brio try butt stuff fic off of the list
what i really love about this fic, aside from the fact that it’s hot af, is how well it captures the competitive aspect of beth and rio’s dynamic and how they’re always playing a game and trying to score points against each other
in this version it’s on the playful, almost, dare i say, affectionate end of the spectrum and the way it’s woven throughout gives the fic an extra spark that makes the story an absolute delight
this is also like, the peakest of peak beth, i.e. blurts out something she didn’t mean to and then not only will she gnaw her own arm off before admitting a mistake or defeat but she’s actually gonna flip this whole thing around and lean in as hard as she can and be the absolute best
i also love how rio immediately gets on her level and takes it just as seriously as she is but still finds ways to tease her, without like, teasing her (this makes sense shut up)
what i’m trying to say is the characterization is flawless throughout and captures all of the best things about them and their dynamic perfectly and i love it thank you and goodnight
fav quote:
It’s playful, more of a game than anything else. It’s just that he tends to be a bit more agreeable when she’s sucking him, just a bit more willing to be persuaded when he’s inside her. Usually, she’s asking for something small, like a new blender or a larger supply of singles, something she knows he won’t say no to. Beth has fun with it, daydreaming up some pretext or another while she’s printing. It’s easier this way, to pretend that what they’re doing is nothing more than a transaction.
To pretend it really is just business.
And if he lingers when they’re done—to kiss her and hold her and laugh with her—well, it means nothing if she doesn’t think about it.    
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sdktrs12 · 3 years
3, 23, and 27 (if you wanna) for the fanfic reader asks
Thanks for sending love! 💕
3. Have you ever assumed you wouldn't like a fic and then read it and been very wrong?
No, simply because if I assume I won't like a fic, I just don't read it haha.
Although, I used to be pretty wary of fic that involved Rio/OC and/or Beth/OC but a lot of those surprised me in how much I really enjoyed them!
I am not a Brio purist haha.
23. Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what?
I do! I normally have spotify playing in the background no matter what I'm doing, including reading.
I don't have like, a dedicated reading playlist, I normally just pick a random one and let it play through.
OKAY! Here's a random one from my recent AO3 history -
traveling through space and time by mydearmoon
rated t | multi chapter 8k+ | fluff + angst | au - high school
Here's an excerpt -
“Whatchu lookin’ for?”
She’s startled by the question. She turns her head to face him, raising a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear.
“I’m not sure,” she replies shyly.
He’s tall, not as tall as Dean, but she still has to crane her next up to meet his eyes. Around her age, give or take. His eyes are dark and warm, and he’s quietly studying her in a way that makes her feel like he’s willing to wait however long it takes for her to say more. It’s unnerving and unexpected, it’s not something she’s used to from the teenage boys in her class.
“I mean,” she’s flustered now, can feel her voice faltering. “My boyfriend says I should check out this guy…” she trails off and holds up the scrap of paper to him.
The boy takes the note out of Beth’s hand and scans it quickly.
With a shake of his head, he snorts, “Nah, you don’t wanna read these.”
The complete shift in mood is fast. Beth stiffens, immediately bothered with the way this person she doesn’t know at all has so easily interjected his opinion into her decision. Feelings of indignation quickly start to replace the embarrassment she was feeling only moments ago.
“Oh? You don’t know anything about me,” her voice is bristly, and even Beth is surprised with her quick, sharp retort.
But if the boy has taken any offense, it doesn’t show. Instead, a big grin spreads easily across his face, “I think I do,”
Fanfiction Reader Asks!
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nottonyharrison · 4 years
Not the OP and not being negative, but I dont think anyones saying you dont get to be human. Ive followed you and ggficrecs since i joined the fandom in series 2 and youve said stuff about not reading brio fic anymore for like more than a year. Im not criticizing and i love the events you make, but getting a co-runner of the ggficrecs for the times youre not really into it would make it more active and might make you feel less pressured...
Good point, however -
There are five people who are members of the blog, all of whom have the ability to post recs. The last time I asked for extra people to contribute and shared it for multiple timezones over multiple days nobody responded. The post was also pinned until the kinkfest info was posted.
Everyone seems to be a critic, but not super willing to contribute despite offering this kind of suggestion. To offset this I regularly reblog recs from others when I come across them on my dash (which I do delete after a few days, this is more to get them widely shared). As mentioned multiple times, the blog also welcomes submissions, which are as easy as me clicking the post button when they come in. I have made things as easy as possible for myself, and already accounted for the times when I may not be vibing. Perhaps you might like to go to the submission page and send one through! I would love to share it.
I don’t feel pressured at all, on the contrary I am comfortable knowing I do this for fun, it is not my job, and I do not have any obligation to continue. If someone would like to start their own recs blog I’m not going to get my nose out of joint about it.
Just ftr I didn’t stop reading for a year, it was a few months and mostly again because I had other stuff going on. I hadn’t written anything for a long time, though.
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