#but basically what i wanna say is... sam is precious and i love him a lot
chibifox2002 · 1 year
I'm bored so here's my list of the top ten plus sized characters that I want to hug/believe would get awesome hugs.
This will contain ramblings for each character, so everything is gonna be under the cut!
#10: Sam from Sam & Max
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He seems like he'd LOVE hugs. Plus since he's a dog he'd probably let you pet him if he's in the mood. His hugs would be soft as fuck and nobody can tell me otherwise.
#9: Leatherhead from TMNT (2003)
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This guy NEEDS a hug and will absolutely accept one with zero hesitation. Will probably even lift you up while hugging.
#8: Doctor Vargas from Knack
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HAH, Y'ALL THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY KNACK HUH?! You wouldn't be wrong. Dr. Vargas is very dad coded to me and is a very kind man who loves his family. Plus this science family canonically hugs each other so yeah. Hug the scientist.
#7: Raphael from ROTTMNT
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Fucking look at him. Need I say more? Precious baby boy who's doing his best to protect his family. Hug him. Hug him you sick bastard. His hugs are immaculate and safe. FUCKIN' HUG HIM-
#6: Hollyberry Cookie from Cookie Run
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She's a grandmother, you are legally not allowed to say she gives bad hugs. Jail. Right to jail if you say that. Her hugs are warm and loving. Best granny.
#5: Kratos from God of War
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Now this is probably VERY random, but whenever I think about this man's backstory and what he's gone through I think "this man is VERY OVERDUE for a hug." Even though he's probably not that much of a hugger, only hugging those close to him. His hugs feel earned and validating.
#4: Barnaby from Welcome Home
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#3: DBK from Lego Monkie Kid
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He may not be one of my favorites, but I still wish to hug him! He's yet another man who loves his family and would probably give his own life to protect them. Started off as a bastard, still kinda is, but has grown into an amazing father. Is hugs would absolutely be warm! But that's mostly because of the fact that he lives in a lava castle.
#2: King Dedede from Kirby
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Of course this dude was gonna be on here. We all knew. But, again, LOOK AT HIM. How could you not wanna hug this cool dude! He'd pat you on the back and everything. Safest hug you'll ever be in. Also he loves his Waddle Dees so of course that's a plus!
#1: Scarlet from Sackboy: A Big Adventure
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She's Sackboy's mentor in this game, and, as me and my sister screamed out every time she was on screen, gives off vibes of a grandma who's a veteran and who adventured all over the world and tells her kids all sorts of stories from her 'ventures! Her hugs would be soft, safe, and warm.
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sappy-and-sapphic · 2 years
My thoughts on Gap the series, episode 1, in no particular order. It's kinda long, oops
The dome shots in this show are so pretty. Dome shots, my beloved.
On that same note, the cinematography is very good for this show. The colors, the styling, the sets and the lighting are brilliant. It's so colorful and beautiful.
It's very telling that Mon always have some pink in her outfits so far meanwhile Sam always have black in her outfits.
Mon is in love already so the pink. And her first outfit was mainly white, showing her innocence.
Black has many meanings. It's elegant and classy, a nod to Sam's high position.
It's also a color associated with evil and darkness which can be a nod to Sam 's reputation in the company and also her bleak life, devoid of colors.
The first time we see Sam in white is after Mon 's introduction to her life which could mean things. White isn't in Sam 's color palette before that dress despite how well it goes with her usual black.
The styling team is doing a tremendous job all in all. I love Mon 's earrings, I want all of them. I want Sam 's white top/cloak/dress. That's the most gorgeous piece of clothing that I ever saw.
Sam's heels in her introduction were so gorgeous too. I don't like heels and I still want those.
The whole dream dance scene was so good. I melted when dream Sam put dream Mon 's hand on her own neck. This is what I live for.
Baby Mon is so fucking cute. The cutest kid ever.
Mon adopted Sam's pet then? Omg that's a great trope. It means more shots of the cute doggo, right? Right?
Meeting your soulmate when they saved your life might be cliched but I love it.
I really should have seen the parallel coming.
Sam saving Mon when Mon wondered if Sam has changed too much was chef's kiss. That was dramatic irony done well.
The writing is so good so far. I am so happy.
Freen and Becky look so good. They're such pretty women. We're really winning today.
I am really liking the rest of the supporting cast so far. They're all fun to watch.
Yuki is a good friend. Even I would pull Mon 's cheeks at the first opportunity. Mon is so cute.
Mon 's parents are so cute together. It shouldn't have taken me this long to figure out that he was her stepfather but this is on me.
Sam 's grandmother is really horrible. God, that ultimatum was awful.
So that company is basically Sam 's only ticket to freedom 😭
Is Sam the thirdborn? I really wanna know the full deets about what happened to her siblings.
Kirk is really nice for a forced fiancee. I wasn't expecting to like him this much.
Sam's entrance to the office really gives me Devil wears Prada vibes and I love it.
Tbh Mon shouldn't have just stood there while everyone was rushing but then again how else would Sam get a good first look at her future wife then.
Not me clinging to Sam asking if Mon is okay when they fell on the stairs. See the ice queen cares!
Was that bracelet a gift? It costs 5 million baht and 50 million baht seems to be the goal for Sam's deal with grandmother. So was that just an arbitrary number that they decided on? Sam doesn't actually needs that money?
Poor Mon is really disappointed that her idol is not like what she thought.
Mon, you are really gone for Sam. She really said I don't want to be in this country if things don't work out with Sam.
Very gay of her tbh, I say this as a queer woman in love with another woman who would totally change countries for my gf.
When we see Sam pinning for Mon, then what? How will I survive that.
I loved the humor so far in the show. HR lady saying she didn't wanna go job searching again, the dinner scene with Mon 's parents, Sam cracking a joke and the reaction 😂
Sam, you could have just put Mon 's purse away or moved around. Why do I feel like you are just trying to talk to Mon? And then being rude to hide it.
The next office scene: Yup, called it.
Sam and Kirk 's friendship looks so precious. I hope it remains this way.
Sam really likes candles, doesn't she? Gift her candle when the time comes, Mon.
Grandma's house has servants but Sam's doesn't. Hmmm. Interesting.
Sam's signature color is black so far but her car is yellow which is very eye catching. That's an interesting combo of colors.
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iheartbookbran · 3 years
Anyways so I love how this episode was basically about showcasing the big differences that exist between Sam and Walker, not only as people but as public figures and heroes. From the very beginning Sam expresses his desire to talk to Karli, no fighting involved, just have an open conversation with her. He’s also concerned about risking civilian lives if they were to confront her and the Flag Smashers in such a public place as a funeral, even though Walker didn’t even seem to have thought about that possibility.
Sam’s also pretty sympathetic to her cause, and even more importantly, to her as a human being because of the loss she just suffered. And it worked! He started to get to her until Walker barreled in and ruined it. I think it’s pretty interesting that previous to that fight Karli accused Sam of being condescending to her while Walker told Bucky not to patronize him. It kinda puts the two of them in the same childish level, except Karli is actually pretty young, so in her it’s understandable, but Walker? He continued to act entitled and immature and that behavior only got worse until the very end.
When Zemo asked Sam if, given the chance, he would have taken the serum to be a super-soldier, his answer was no. No hesitation. He’s not doing any of this for the glory or the recognition, he’s just trying to do the right thing. He genuinely cares about others. He cares about his sister and nephews and would do anything to protect them; he cares about Sharon and is trying to do right by her and help her get back home; he cares about Bucky, because after Steve left, he doesn’t have anyone else in the world to be there for him, and though they have their differences, Sam tries to always be honest with Bucky, at least when their mission is concerned. And he even cares about Karli and the people she’s trying to aid.
Meanwhile, Walker got butthurt that a bunch of women were able to best him in a fight, and he just let that anger escalate throughout the episode, and thought it’s obvious that he does care about Hoskins, at the same time Walker kept the fact that he had the serum from his friend, and then barely even hesitated to use for himself.
And finally, I think the most startling contrast between the two imo is how Sam expressed pretty early in the episode how the last thing he wants to do is spill blood. I know it’s been discussed how Bucky has been pulling his punches and not using all his strength on others, but tbh so has Sam; even though he’s not a super-soldier. It would be so easy for Sam to go around carrying a gun to defend himself, like Walker or even Zemo do, but he doesn’t, he tries to fight as clean as he can.
Sam doesn’t want to spill blood. Meanwhile Walker just coated the shield on it.
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beewithknee · 3 years
death was the only way
quinn angst
t.w - suicide baiting, mentions of asher being a 'pet' basically, violence, references to past abusive relationships (with quinn), threats of violence/death against love ones, objectification
That's when it all fell into place. “It’s the only way.” You whispered out, voice quiet and reserved. It was a fact. Death was the only way to preserve life. Life that was far more important than yours. Life that would be missed. You were a mere blimp in the system that would be eradicated. “C’mon my precious pet. don’t you wanna save David and his sickeningly human partner. If not them, what about Asher and his little… owner. Or maybe Milo, yes, Milo and his stealth, that fucking bitch.” Quinn snarled, fingers curling into a fist at the mere mention of them. “Don’t you fucking touch them! You hear me! I will rip you apart, limb from fucking limb if I get wind that you’ve hurt anyone else I love.” You swore, arms thrashing around wildly. “Oh do shut up. God, you really were much easier to deal with when you knew your place. I suppose that little vampire of yours has reversed all my hard work, huh?” The vile man laughed, full bellied and head tilted back.
You froze. Oh god, so he did know about Sam. With your breath hitched in your throat, the last little bit of fight in you felt defeated. Quinn sobered, “Hmm, now wasn’t that an interesting reaction. But yes, I know all about your little informant. Sam is a problem, but not one that cannot be fixed with relative ease.” The bastard smirked, relishing in the way you seemed to break just right. Oh? Quinn had always found it was the most satisfying when you got to see the light in someone’s eyes go out, especially someone who was so goddamn stubborn. “Sam…” You whispered out, so lost in your own head that you were unaware his name even left your lips.
You needed him in that moment, needed to hear his voice, to feel his touch, to look into those gorgeous hazel eyes and know you were loved and treasured one last time. “Right, well, this has been fun. But I'm afraid we’re still at a stand-still. Now either you go through with it and dispose of your meaningless little existence and therefore my problem, or I kill every single person you hold dear to you in the most painful way all while you watch, unable to stop me. Your choice.” He smiled darkly, face glinting with something that made your stomach churn. There was no choice. There wasn’t even a conscious decision, you had known this was coming for far too long and had already made up your mind.
“Can I… May I call him one last time? At least give me that, please.” You begged, remembering his rules about asking permission. Quinn scoffed, rolling his eyes before thrusting a phone at you. You dialled the number off by heart, you’d rung it so many times; the late night phone calls, the cries for help, the silent breathing on the other line, the rambling about your days. It didn’t matter what the call entailed, only that it was him. “What?” The southern voice barked harshly into the receiver. You took a shaky breath, “Sam.” You could hear his breath catch and felt tears build up in your eyes. “Holy fuck Darlin, sorry. I’ve been stressed all day, are you okay? What’s happening?” He asked quieter, calmer, and you swore you could feel the stress melting out of him as you breathed heavily on the other line. “Nothing much, and nothing’s wrong. I promise. I just wanted to call and say that I love you and I'm so goddamn thankful to have met you, and you changed my life so much. You thawed out a broken wolf’s heart, y’know that?” Your lip quivered and you prayed to whatever deity was out there that Sam couldn’t hear your mini-breakdown. “Oh… Okay, sorry that just wasn’t what I expected. I love you too. You are far too good to me and I hope you know just how loved you are. Are you sure everything’s okay?” God Dammit Sam. You silently cursed. Bringing a hand up to pinch at your nose you inhaled quietly. “Yeah, I just wanted to tell you. Shit fangs, I gotta go! But I love you, bye!” You responded cheekily, doing anything you could to make him laugh one last time. “Okay dog breath. I love you too. Be safe, yeah?” The line disconnected and the floodgates opened.
You had lied to save him, granted. But you had still lied. You wiped your tears, biting down on your shaking lip hard and slammed Quinn’s phone to the ground. “Oi, you little fucking mutt. That was worth more than you! Y’know, I was nice. I gave you your pathetic fucking phone call, I gave you a choice. But no, the little bitch just had to go and ruin it. Hmm, what a shame.” That smirk was back. Quinn took a step closer and you took one back, trying to maintain whatever distance you could. “Now, the real question is, do I kill you? Or do I turn you? Make you my little puppet? Hmm, decisions, decisions.” He stroked at his chin, a predatory gaze taking over his eyes once more. “No, killing you would be much easier.” And with that made up, he lunged.
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toomanyopinionss · 2 years
My thoughts while watching
Fate: The Winx Saga Season 2
Ok, so I had NO intention of watching this. I mean the show was a mess, the characters sucked, the story was barely passable, and it was just bad. The only reason I decided to watch this was because of Flora. She was my favorite character as a child, and I was genuinely curious. I didn’t NOT like it, is all i’m saying. I will say though, that the story felt just as loose and strange as the first season. So structure-wise, not much changed. However, the characters are OODLES more likeable. and the friendship between the girls this season felt genuine. but to be fair, the bar was in he!! so… let’s get into it:
Bloom. She was great. My biggest complaint about the last season was that it felt like the show was basically “Bloom and her sidekicks” but this season felt so much more balanced. Her arch was a little wobbly, but still strong. And fvck it, i’m GLAD she killed Rosalind. someone needed to put that b!tch down fast cause the way that woman so got on my NERVES?! Her relationship with sky was actually quite heartwarming. it wasn’t my favorite coupling in the show, and had its bumps, but i found it really nice to seem then on screen together. they really fit. So yeah. Bloom gets a 7.5/10
AISHA GOT A STORY LINE. Of course it was about a boy, cause this is a dark teenage netflix drama but at least it was something. The serious lack of POCs in this show in season one was staggering, so I was hoping for something, ANYTHING. She really proved to be the backbone of this group. Her and the boy were cute. i don’t really have any strong opinions about grey. His lil “blood witch reveal” was unsurprising and basic, cause he was just too nice. But whateva. i liked her water wings, i think (spoiler alert). a little wonky, but better than stella’s [hottake].
I loved Stella. One of my favorite characters this season. She felt so real and genuine compared to last season. Her character arch is really good, and i loved the moments between her and Beatrix. Speaking of Beatrix…
BEST CHARACTER THIS SEASON. I don’t give a shit if she’s playing for both teams. She does what she can to stay alive. Girly lost EVERYTHING. Truly no one had it quite as bad as she did, she was literally in the trenches. I really could not help but applaud everything she did, i did not care. Cause that self preservation mode was on HIGH. and i would have done the same damn thing if I was in her shoes. and then her ending?! Netflix clearly not seeing heaven for that.
Musa’s storyline was so powerful. In the second half more so than the first. No hate on sam, he aight. but i have no strong feelings towards him, and i think he needed to go in order for musa to go on the path she did. the way the explored her relationship with her powers was *chefs kiss*. i wanna see more of it next season. her and riven’s chemistry was really good. I can’t wait to see what they do with that as well.
Terra is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than she was before, and not just because of her lil rainbow reveal ;). She felt like more a part of the group, but her character arch felt natural. In season one, she was very pushy, very annoying, and could be condescending at times. And the thing is, she’s STILL LIKE THAT. But it’s so clear that she’s grown and matured since the last season, and i so love that. also her and that specialist have my entire heart, they were so precious.
Flora didn’t really do much for me. At first, I thought they just added her for that extra poc on screen (netflix is def not above that). But near the end of the show, her character kind of sat right with me. Especially when she sacrificed herself?! The sympathy pains were strong on that one. So, high hopes for her future.
Kay, this is getting a lil lengthy. so let’s do a lightning round:
Riven: I like him so much more, he’s definitely less of an asshole then before
Sky: Skmilar to Beatrix, he kind of went through a lot and lost basically everything by the end; would have liked to see a bit more of an ending for him, but they only had so much time.
Dane: Dane can get a review when Dane comes back with a storyline.
Andres: the only thing i felt when he died was pity for beatrix, like he was so useless.
Rosalind: Piece of actual shit with a black conscious, no morals, and literally no endgame?! like all that mysterious build up just to end up six feet under. rip, rest in pain
Terra’s dad: don’t even care enough to remember his name, but are we all just gonna accept the fact that he left his freakin 16/17 year old daughter by herself at a school with an evil headmaster and freaking evil blood witches on the loose?! make it make sense plz
ok i’m done. that was draining. read my First Season Review if you want
tldr - better than the first season imo. still no sign of tecna tho
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x7 Thoughts
“Headspace” is a very apt name for this episode, in which we learned almost no new information about the characters in Ted Lasso but learned a great deal about the way many characters’ brains work.
Most of the episodes this season have been so full of new information (if you wanna know something about how my brain works, the critique that early s2 episodes lack conflict does not compute), so full of dramatic irony (Sam and Rebecca don’t realize they’re messaging each other on Bantr! Rebecca’s voicemail to Ted doesn’t actually indicate that she spent a significant portion of time panicking and looking for him!), and misunderstandings that it was really nice to spend a bit over thirty minutes on an episode with very easily mappable plotlines.
Ted and Sharon and Therapy
Ordinarily in my little recaps I talk about the characters as real people making their own decisions, because every character on this show feels very real. But I have to take a minute to just, like, celebrate the acting in these scenes. Sarah Niles and Jason Sudeikis brought the perfect energy to each of their three scenes in Dr. Sharon’s office.
The drinking bird toy! The way he switches from nodding along with it to shaking his head no while the bird continues to shake its head yes, just like Ted shook his head no while saying yes, they should hire a sports psychologist! The way he finally stills the bird in the final therapy scene in the episode...but performatively throws the tissue box.
(Someone is going to need those tissues, Ted. It might be you.)
I also LOVE that this is the first time we see Sharon in an extended scene that takes place in a session. We’ve seen her rapport with the players, we’ve seen the results, and we’ve seen the things she does to make someone feel comfortable at the start of a session, and that’s all the information WE need to know to feel confident in her excellence as a psychologist. But because Ted hasn’t been able to fully appreciate those things, it’s so fitting that his sessions are a time for us to learn more about Sharon’s approach along with him.
It’s just...such good acting. The way she tells him he doesn’t need to worry. The kind of charming (but not performatively charming, just...charming) smile on his face when he claims he knows he doesn’t need to worry. And the way his voice changes a little as the conversations progress—deeper, less controlled, with some very genuine Midwestern “ma’am”s.
Sam and Rebecca and Awkwardness
Sam and Rebecca were so awkward when talking to each other in the hallway! If I had been in that hallway I would have been physically unable to stop myself from doing something even more awkward and diverting to make it stop. (I say this as someone who is neither disgusted by or delighted by the direction of the Bantr storyline. This is a good story about two good people who are in very different places in their lives existing in both a manufactured connection and the real, and very different, connection they have when they aren’t glued to their phones. This story is supposed to be awkward and uncomfortable.)
I did like the parallels of their friends sort of urging them on/coaching them through the inherent panic of the three dots that appear and disappear—a source of panic whether you’re the one creating the dots on the other screen or watching them and feeling at their mercy.
I like that in this episode both Ted and Rebecca are loudly broadcasting “I AM NOT IN THE RIGHT HEADSPACE FOR A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP”—Ted with his rueful awareness that Michelle would be upset if she heard him still referring to her as his wife, Rebecca with her insistence that relationships are doomed and awful even though she’s talking to two people (Keeley and Higgins) in committed relationships.
Roy and Keeley and Space
This plot was a really wonderful...counterpoint? complement? to the places both Ted and Rebecca are in as Ted starts to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to have to deal with his past and the losses he’s suffered (including the loss of his marriage) and as Rebecca questions whether she’s really going to embark on the next phase of a relationship with someone whose identity she does not know.
Because Ted and Rebecca are stuck apart, it was great to see Keeley struggle with needing space from Roy without worrying for a second about whether or not this challenge was a threat to their relationship. (Keeley and Roy aren’t used to long haul relationships, so they both see it as a threat, but the audience doesn’t have to.)
There was so much going on in that boot room. I love the coexisting realities there—Rebecca and Keeley and Higgins treating the boot room as their personal room for secret smoking, but as the crowd grows all these other unspoken dynamics emerge (it’s been two days since the panic attack and this is the first time we see Ted and Rebecca in the same room and there’s no evidence that they’ve talked about what happened with the panic attack or Rebecca’s parents or any of the big stuff).
Everything about Keeley’s plotline this episode reminded me of how Ted and Keeley are so similar (and, to a lesser extent, Rebecca and Roy are so similar). Rebecca and Roy both tend to write things off (Rebecca is so certain any relationship she has will be doomed, but it’s just because of how hurt she already is; Roy wanted to convince himself he was happier as a pundit than as a coach, but it’s just because he was scared of how much he wanted to be back on on the pitch), only able to deal with things when a safe person like Ted or Keeley sort of startles growth out of them. (We talk a lot about how Rebecca should be in therapy, but Roy should too.) And Ted and Keeley! Everything’s great, everything’s sunny, but look at how Keeley stands on her couch and screams in sadness and anger when she blows up at Roy and he leaves.
This time, things work out between Roy and Keeley because he figures out what Keeley was trying to communicate and respects what she needs, but in the future she’s going to have to figure out how to articulate herself more clearly. (And so will Ted...not only in therapy with Sharon, but as everything with the other coaches and the team and Will and basically everyone in his life come to light.)
Nate and Beard and Twitter-Insecurity-Rage
This plotline made me feel almost as nervous for Ted (the things he doesn’t know) and Beard (the things he knows) as it did for Nate and Colin and Will and everyone.
At first I was really bothered by the repetition of Nate checking Twitter. We know! He’s on Twitter a lot now that he’s semi-famous! He’s obsessed! But then it occurred to me that it’s extremely perfect that Nate checking Twitter becomes this silent refrain building him up or tearing him down based on the latest 280-character compliment or take-down. Because this is how the internet works! You get obsessed with something on it and then check it a million times per day until you feel sick. It could be a dating app, or a trending story, or almost anything. If you check it often enough, the internet won’t even have anything truly new for you...it just feels like it does. So the repetition of Nate scrolling Twitter wasn’t meant to deliver us new information, but rather to mimic the old information coming through again and again.
I feel so deeply for Nate, who’s brilliant about football but unfit to coach because the power dynamics of coaching are a totally foreign concept to someone like him, who relies entirely on external inputs to take his actions. Ted and Beard and Roy all go and learn things and bring them back to the pitch, but none of them have had the capacity to teach Nate how to do this. Even Nate’s private thoughts, which he wrote down during s1, only come to light when Ted prompts him. And when your external inputs are coming from social media and an unappreciative father and a hyper-awareness of insult after years spent on the receiving end of bullying...it’s very dangerous. Maybe even literally physically dangerous.
I also feel so deeply for everyone who interacts with Nate right now, particularly Will.
Some Bonus but Never Extraneous Trent Crimm
Trent in the pub made me NERVOUS. Seeing him in this new place where Ted goes to wind down, almost coaching Ted through lying to him about having had food poisoning?! When they both clearly know that isn’t what happened?!?
It felt very fitting that this uncomfortable yet kind-of-mercifully-executed lie takes place towards the end of an episode full of such positive and negative growth for the characters. Such movement. It felt all wrong (in a good way), like covering something new and smooth and precious with spackle because maybe you actually wanna paint something else after all even though it won’t serve you in the long run to do it. To paraphrase Dr. Sharon, the truth will set you free but first it will piss you off, and Ted’s conversation with Trent is a reminder of all the layers there are to cut through on the way to the truth.
If Apple TV could simply release 2x8 - 2x12 this week, I would bargain with something crazy and miserable like giving up caffeine until October 8, the air date for the season finale. I continue to love this season and to feel the serenity of watching excellent actors execute on excellent scripts...but we’re getting to the point where the momentum’s built up and is heading to ever-scarier places, and I neeeeeeeeeed to knoooooooow.
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 5
Through a Glass, Darkly
Welcome back to the Temple of the Earth Defiant where the girls and their magical horses (and one pony!) have found refuge from the strange, twisted, fae creatures that have been chasing them. The statue of Asha Hammerheart that Ost animated last episode is still alive and wrecking house on the remaining harpies and beasts that are foolish enough to keep fighting and the rest soon get the hint and flee. 
Ost does some healing (boosted by the ambient Hallow effect of the temple which gives everyone a short rest) and then, seeing the damage to the temple caused by erosion, starts using Mending to fix things up. Her friends help out too with Sam and Yelle being most effective--Sam by repairing water damage and Yelle by creating tree cover and other druid-y tricks. But of course, we can’t overlook Katja’s crucial addition of carving “A Horse is a Home” into one of the walls of this sacred temple. 
Anyway, the girls are nesting super hard, the horses are having their scrapbooking reviewing club (an insane thing that was established last episode) and then Sam asks a question. Did y’all mention something about a photo of me going viral? Everyone’s like yeah, but don’t worry, you looked super hot. That’s not the part Sam was worried about. What she’s worried about and what all the girls except Zelda don’t really seem to know is that Sam doesn’t really have a social media presence. So like, 180k and climbing views (as decided by a dice roll) isn’t really what she wants. She scrolls through the comments really quick and sees that they’re not awful but one person is like, “Hey that girl looks a lot like that character from that old show”. Which Sam doesn’t love. She says that she’s fine but also that, even without an Insight check, she’s obviously not. 
Sam kind of looks to Zelda to bail her out and Zelda is like, “Hey, I’m gonna delete this video.” The other girls follow suit, even though they don’t quite know what’s happening. When they have to split up to investigate, Sam has Zelda kind of bail her out again and they split up to go check a nest outside--Zelda waving off Danielle when she wants to go with. Ant and Yelle decide to check out a cache of some treasure they saw earlier and Ost and Katja stay with the horses to keep fixing the temple up. Penny initially goes with Ant and Yelle but rushes back to be with Ost and Kat when Ost discovers a hidden lock while she’s fixing a wall.
So, the girls are split up, let’s run all these scenes.
Antiope and Yelle
Ant and Yelle go see the pile of treasure (near the statue of dwarven paladin Yvonna) which they learn is like a “take a penny leave a penny” situation for weapons and items. They were left by adventures who were similarly chased here and you can take what you need as long as you leave something to help others. Like, “Oh no I only have an ice sword and I need flaming arrows.” It doesn’t have to be equivalent exchange, you just need to leave something useful.
In this space, Yelle feels a weird melancholy and like they’re within the watch of something vast and powerful. She tries to check for TK’s presence but rolls low. Antiope leaves her Kalvaxus killing shortsword and takes some really nice, white feather fledged arrows with mirror tips and an ax Kat wants as a present for her dad. Danielle takes a bandolier of potions (3 healing and 2 mystery I believe) and leaves a bunch of mushrooms. Some of them are psychedelic and Ant takes one because this is probably a good time to be high, right?
It’s not messing with her competence obviously though because she rolls a 25 on Primeval Awareness and gets a weird sense, like something is closing in on this place. And like something very powerful is bleeding, which combined with the chaos of the mountains might explain the weird harpies and the cat/dogs. But she’s high so she explains this is a very spacey, stoner way. Probably a good thing she’s with Yelle.
Sam and Zelda
Sam can fly and Zelda can basically walk vertically with her goat legs so they check out the nest. Well, ostensibly that’s what they’re doing. Really they’re just having a heart to heart. Sam thanks Zelda for saving her ass and apologizes profusely for being so short with her. Zelda gives her a huge mid-air hug and says it’s not a big deal because she knows Sam is just lashing out because she’s hurting but Sam says it’s not a good enough excuse and she’s truly sorry. It’s been her coping mechanism for so long but she doesn’t want to be that way. She tells Zelda that the Everpetals are divorcing and that she’s living alone and Zelda says that any one of the girls would be happy to have her stay with them. Sam further explains that this is a big part of the reason she’s been so broken up about the possibility of their group splitting up and Zelda immediately takes out her crystal and texts her “I’m in” in the thread, breaking Sam again. 
Since they’re in heart to heart mode, Sam tells her that she talked to her bio-mom and an agent and she’s not sure what to do. Zelda says that she’s gonna be spectacular no matter what she does and she doesn’t have to do any of them but it’s cool doors are opening for her but also Antiope and Penny are gonna be PISSED that she’s out here making side plans after she gave them so much shit for theirs. Lol, well it’s a nice moment in the meantime and we cut to…
Penny, Ost, and Katja 
While Penny is lockpicking (and also trying to teach one of the horses to lockpick because sure) Katja and Ost go talk to the statue of Asha Hammerheart. It seems to be animated with at least some level of her true consciousness from beyond the grave and that she can kind of woge into her statue when she wants, which is cool. She’s been there for like 250 years so that’s a lot of history to see. 
Ost is maybe the most polite we’ve ever seen her talking to Asha (at least to begin with lol) and they ask her about TK. Asha says she saw TK show up 12 years ago but she never left, at least not through the front door. And then about 2 years ago (right around when they were in the crystals) that’s when the harpy queen showed up. At first they were normal and then they started mutating. Also, recently, Korra (one of the other statues/heroes) saw a woman in the mountains--not TK. 
Ost then takes a page from the book of one St. Kristen Applebees and asks, “Hey. What’s the deal with our god? He never talks to us, does he just suck?” Asha--who has never talked to him even though she’s a martyred hero and literally in dwarf heaven makes some excuses for the guy but Katja scoffs at them. “If people wanna take care of you, they do.” Ost then straight up asks if Logran Soulforger is even real which sets Asha off but Ost isn’t mad AT her, she’s mad FOR her. You go and do all this cool shit to the point where you have this cool ass statue, you fully DIE for him and he doesn’t even say hi? With a 21 Persuasion check, Asha admits that yeah, she would have liked some recognition. She decides she’s gonna go do some talking to some people and leaves after getting Ost’s number but before they can ask more about the woman Korra saw (who they think is Charity). 
OK, that’s all the small group stuff! Everyone comes back as Penny finishes up with the lock and they go down into this room that’s full of polished, precious stones. This is probably where people who were upkeeping the temple stayed. While everyone else is going down, Sam feels some powerful magical pull--much like her episode 1 Lightning Lure--calling her from the top of the stairs so she goes back up. We’ll get back to her in a bit. 
Penny rolls a high check to clock what’s going on down here. First off, she finds flintlock bullets and airship uniform scraps which makes it seem like there was a battle here involving some airship guys from the Baronies. Which is not just the place of origin of Riz’s imaginary Romance Partner. It’s a cluster of nations known for high rates of monarchical turnover and renaissance style intrigue. I’m picturing just a nation of [REDACTED]s from Crown of Candy. 
With all of this stuff, Penny finds an emblem of a billionaire airship mogul named Lord Talcidimir Tallbreeze who is a friend of her dad’s. Yelle is immediately like FUCK billionaires which isn’t plot relevant but it’s nice to know she’s always on brand. 
Oh also, Penny just casually finds the Legendarium so that’s neat. 
To be safe, Ost casts Protection from Energy on Ant (who is the one who knows how to use it) and brings out her Spirit Guardian (who is a combo of her mom, nona, and Asha, with her dad’s rings). Ant checks it out and sees that there are currently no A, B, or C quests in all of Spyre. While Penny cross references the bylaws to see if there’s a way to get around this, Yelle does some druid BS that I still do not understand to use the crystals in the cave to jailbreak this super powerful magical Artifact so they can just have copies on their crystals. While that’s happening, let’s check on Sam. 
Sam goes back up the staircase where she sees Ending who doesn’t look menacing at all, just extremely sad. She’s looking out the mouth of the cave and, when she turns, Sam can see she’s crying blood. 
“What’s wrong?” asks Sam, the acid-tongued but good-hearted. “Can I help you?”
With a 25 Persuasion check to get her to talk, Ending apologizes for scaring her and her friends before. She didn’t mean to. She sometimes forgets that her very nature can be frightening and dangerous to others. She says that when she escaped, she tried to rejoin her sisters but found their mirrors shattered and them gone. Sam thought they escaped but that doesn’t make sense to Ending. If they had, why wouldn’t they have freed her as well?
Sam asks who her sisters were and we finally get true names for Ending and her sisters:
Chrona, Terra, Pyrria, Nira, Zefira, Anima, and herself, Talura (which is what I’ll be calling her now that we know). Talura is the baby, the youngest. Sam realizes she’s talking about the Eidolons and Talura seems surprised and a bit pleased that Sam recognizes them. 
Sam asks if she can hug her and Talura hugs her tightly in a very cold embrace that doesn’t hurt. Downstairs, she hears her friends (Penny specifically) freaking about about the lack of quests but she doesn’t break the hug. 
“My own sisters are struggling right now but I’m gonna stay with you because you don’t know where yours are. But maybe we can find them.”
Talura clocks that the way that Sam is being is her true nature, not the bitchiness she often uses as a shield. Then she starts to talk about her history. That she and her sisters were sealed away when the gods were done with them (Sam can relate to being used and set aside) and the only way out was death. Talura has been crying and looking for her sisters to no avail. Her tears of blood leaking seems to be what caused the monsters to mutate which is in line with what Yelle and Ant were sensing. 
Talura doesn’t think anything could have destroyed her sisters so she’s very confused. Sam offers Talura her Mirror of the Past because it almost knocked out Sam to get god-tier information but Talura presumably won’t have that problem. Talura offers her a boon in exchange for this great kindness but Sam says she doesn’t need any quid pro quo. “This is just because you’re hurting.”
Talura is supremely touched and still wants to do something for her new...friend? Sam accepts the title and says that what she needs is some help on her GED quest. Once she explains what she means, Talura again recognizes Aguefort and is like, Oh, you need a quest? I can totally help with that! As we learned earlier, these guys are kinda genie connected so it’s not super surprising when Talura very happily goes full your wish is my command.
Downstairs, a Class A quest suddenly appears in Spyre on the screen. 
Back upstairs, Talura says that it’s been too long since she got to grant a wish and seems really happy about it. Sam gives her the mirror so she can check what happened to her sisters but when she does, she totally flips out and gets super angry--not at Sam, just at whatever she’s looking at. She can hardly believe it. Sam tries to figure out what’s wrong but she just gets super big and then disappears into a puff of smoke, leaving Sam's mirror on the ground, covered in frost. 
Downstairs, the Class A quest expands across the entire globe and then the Legendarium cracks. Ost’s spirit guardian disappears because of alarm bells ringing in the afterlife. And the girls learn that a Class A quest is a quest that affects the whole MULTIVERSE. Yikes!
So anyway, they girls go upstairs to check on Sam (on a bear that Penny makes because sure) and they see that something clearly just happened with Sam. Yelle asks if she’s good and Sam is like yeahhhh I don’t think ANYONE is good right now. Sam seems like she’s about to cry and Antiope instantly forgets all the petty bullshit going on between them and rushes to make sure she’s not hurt. 
Sam gives the girls a rundown of what happened and Yelle concretely puts together what I said earlier about Talura’s tears messing with nature. 
Sam wants to check her mirror to see what Talura saw and Brennan says she can do it the safe way with risk of failure of the surefire way with risk of personal harm. She, of course, picks door 2 and rolls a 13 on her con save which means she rises into the air like Storm from X-Men, eyes wide, and then instantly passes out and goes into shock. Antiope is there to catch her as she does. 
Also, she looks SUPER hot while falling on a 31. Honestly, it’s a shame she doesn’t allow herself a social media presence. 
Anyway, we’ll get to what she sees in a bit. Yelle and Ant make sure she’s OK (she is, but the has to be knocked out for this or she won’t be able to handle it). 
Penny tells them what she knows about each Eidolon from her earlier research which is what element each goes with:
Chrona: Time (Related to astral and elemental planes) 
Terra: Earth
Pyrria: Fire
Nira: Water
Zefira: Air
Anima: Life
Talura: Death 
They also talk about TK never leaving via the front door and all this airship stuff being around. Maybe she left out the top of the mountain on an airship? Katja has the hookup with this Tal guy (she’s met him when she was younger) so they decide they need to check it out once Sam is good. 
The girls fix the Legendarium and Ost, when she goes to pray for her spells for the night, doesn’t pray to her usual god. She prays to Asha. And not only does she get her spells, she also gets a new one--Commune. 
And now let’s get to what Sam is seeing in her Vision Coma. 
She was told by Talura that the only way out of the mirrors given to them by the gods was death. And what Talura saw that drove her to do whatever multiverse threatening thing that she did was every one of her sisters walking out of their mirrors and choosing death. I will specifically highlight that the oldest sister leaves almost immediately with a small, “Oh,” of realization and Anima, the closest sister to her seems terrified before coming to a joyful realization and leaving.
And that’s the end of the episode! Join us next week when apparently there is talk of a masquerade ball?????? Brennan, you shouldn’t have!   
Sam: Most Likely to Accidently Snag a Brand Deal
Did you guys ever read the Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche? Where Psyche was born so hot that it was basically a curse and she was miserable because she was so hot that Aphrodite hated her? That’s Sam. She is incapable of almost dying in a non-aesthetic way. It’s like a Pantene commercial every time. This is my favorite running gag.
Random Thoughts
Man, I have so many feelings about Sam. She’s such a BITCH in so many ways but it’s so obvious that she has a good heart. Every time she has an opportunity to be nice with no gain--helping Lola find her dog, magically turning the pages for the horses during book club, fully refusing a boon from Talura--she does. And I’m glad she gave Zelda such a sincere apology and didn’t let the extenuating circumstances absolve her because she said some pretty uncalled for things. But at her core she’s so kind and I want only good things for her. 
Also those of you who know me from my FH recaps know I’m a messy bitch for sister stuff so Talura and Sam both referring to the other maidens as her sister had me dead. You can tell when something in this show is f’ing me up when I just start directly quoting instead of paraphrasing. 
Katja being richer than Helio but having no idea what any of the brands Ost is mentioning are is peak comedy.  
As is Ant’s response to the take and penny leave a penny translation from Ost, “No, Penny didn’t come with us.”
Ost: I get service in the afterlife.
You could really tell which of the players watched Sophomore Year because the Baronies came up and all of them went into fight or flight immediately. 
Very Elsa vibes from Sam during the top of the scene with Talura. (Sam is, of course, a better sister but we simply do not have time to get into my feelings on Frozen 2 right now).
I was wondering why this season was called just “The Seven” when it dropped initially. Like, was it snappier? Did they not want to use the word “maiden”? But they still call themselves the Seven Maidens in the show so it’s probably not that. Now I’m wondering if it’s just to parallel the 7 of them w/ the 7 Eidolons. 
So it seems clear based on the reactions of the first and sixth sisters that they didn’t just “go gently into that good night” as Ant would say and ditch Talura. It seems like they figured something out. Also Brennan isn’t really a “and then they all died, the end” kind of DM, you know? Credit to my friend @camwritery for getting here before I did but the gods said the only way out was death and she is death so you know? Those def seem like puzzle pieces that go together. 
The only crit rolled this episode is a 1 by Penny which she gets to reroll as a halfling. 
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samsflannel · 3 years
so i’m rewatching 6x12 where Sam’s soul comes back from hell and the scene where Sam confronts Dean about what deal he made to get him back is so interesting. Sam is obviously concerned when Dean says that he made a deal with Death, so he tries asking questions about it, but Dean shuts him down immediately. He basically tells Sam to stop asking about it altogether, and actually sounds annoyed that Sam would even question him about it. Same thing in Red Meat- Sam asks what Dean did, and Dean straight up doesn’t even tell him. Even in 3x01 when Sam shows, like...an iota of anger about Dean selling his soul for him, Dean verbatim tells him: “that’s tough that you don’t like it, but I’m entitled.”
Whenever Sam tries to make deals for Dean, though, he gets the third degree from his brother. ‘why would you do that?’ ‘so what, now you’re off the hook and i’m on? some demon’s bitch boy?’ ‘no, you don’t wanna kill him, you wanna buy him a freakin’ beer. you wanna study him. what is this, sid and nancy?’ ‘i need you safe. that’s why. i’m doing it. if you try to do it, i’ll shoot you myself.’
Sam is not allowed to be concerned about his brother’s safety. Dean views Sam as this shining, beautiful, precious thing that is to be protected at all costs- so why would he question his older brother? It makes no sense to Dean that Sam would care about Dean’s wellbeing because he is the one who makes the sacrifices. Sam doesn’t get to sacrifice himself, and when he does, Dean is angry and accusatory. But at the same time, Sam doesn’t need to worry about the sacrifices Dean makes. It’s Dean’s duty to do so, and Sam fretting over that is nonsensical to Dean. In fact, he doesn’t even need to know about it. Dean is allowed to sacrifice himself in any way he sees fit to keep his brother alive and Sam shouldn’t try to stop him.
In this way, their relationship is much more akin to mother and child than it is to older brother and younger brother. To Sam, Dean is his older brother who he loves and looks up to. But to Dean, Sam is his kid. Period. It’s more than love, and it’s more than the sense of duty that John instilled into him. It’s the way a mother cannot conceptualize outliving her child. To think of Sam dying before him goes against all laws of nature for Dean. That’s why he’s so confused when Sam confronts him about the dangerous shit he does to keep him safe. 
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
There is Only Try, Part I
“Love spell,” Rowena proclaims as she glides down the stairs to the Bunker floor like it’s her personal ballroom. Her midnight blue floor-length gown and elaborately curled hair look especially out of place - Dean’s pretty sure his shirt has pizza stains from at least three different pizzas. The shirt is red, so at least two of them don’t count.
Behind her on the stairs, Sam chokes.
Rowena turns around to face him. “And I thought this was going to be a challenge,” she chides. “Really, Samuel?”
“What do you mean, ‘love spell’?” Dean demands with a fleeting glance at Cas, who’s gone red in the face. Dean doesn’t blame him - between the hooker with the daddy problems and the stabby reaper, he’d be leery of anything vaguely love-shaped too.
“We called you because we need to translate the runes on a cursed box,” Sam says slowly. “We think it’s in some sort of cipher, since even Cas can’t get a read on it.”
“Well, did Tweety Pie touch the box?”
“No,” Cas says, offended.
Dean nudges him with his elbow, saying in an undertone, “C’mon, like it wouldn’t be the first time.”
Dean takes in Cas’s unamused face and scowls at Rowena's tinkling laugh. “Okay, Sabrina, what the fuck do you mean by ‘love spell’?”
“I mean the angel’s been cursed with a love spell,” Rowena says with deliberate slowness, like she’s giving a command to a particularly stupid lap dog. “Was it not obvious?”
Dean glances at Cas, horror trickling down his spine. “No.”
“Hmph,” Rowena sniffs. “Men really are oblivious to matters of the heart.” She waves her hand again, eyes glimmering violet. “Like I thought,” she continues, placing both hands on her hips, “A jardin d’amour.”
“A garden of,” Sam pauses, clearly trying not to laugh, “love?”
“A very basic love spell,” Rowena says disdainfully. “The lass didn’t seem to have any imagination.”
“The witch we ganked two weeks ago was a dude,” Dean says. A beat. “A man witch.”
Sam snorts.
“There you go,” Rowena says, lifting her nose into the air. “Most men don’t have that innate knack for the magical arts.” She turns to Sam, giving him the most obvious come-hither look Dean has ever seen. “There are some obvious exceptions, of course.”
Okay, Dean needs Rowena and her heebs with a large dosing of the jeebs out of the Bunker, stat.
“It starts as a tiny seed, a wee obsession,” Rowena explains, “and grows and grows until it consumes you.” She squints, wiggling her fingers, and Dean just barely stops himself from jumping in front of Cas on instinct. “I’d say the spell’s gone about halfway through its course.”
Dean crosses his arms over his chest. He throws another calculating glance at Cas. “He’s not writing love songs or grabbing a boombox, so he’s obviously not cursed.”
Cas, still suspiciously silent, shoves both his hands in his pockets and stares hard at a spot of the floor between his feet.
“Oh, but he is, darlin’,” Rowena exclaims delightedly. “I can see it clear as day. Look!”
Cas sneezes as the magic washes over him for a third time, and now they all can see the purple sparkles - really, Rowena? - hovering in the air around him.
“Okay,” Dean makes a face, “Now I’m confused.”
“Not for the first time, isn’t that right?” Rowena says with faux-sympathy.
Dean glowers. He turns to Cas. “Come on, she’s making this all up. You’d know if you got dosed with Love Potion No. 9.”
“I-” Cas says, his gaze skittering from Dean to Rowena and back again. He looks… caught.
“Wait,” Dean thunders, taking a step forward, “You knew?”
“I,” Cas starts haltingly, “had suspected.”
“And you didn’t think you’d tell us you’d been whammied?”
Cas shrugs. “It doesn’t seem to be affecting me at all. My vessel is functioning normally.”
“Sure, because you’re such an expert on normal-”
Cas’s eyes flash. “It didn’t seem relevant considering everything else-”
“What d’you mean every-?”
“Kelly Kline - Lucifer, again - the British Men of Letters - take your pick,” Castiel retorts heatedly.
“We’ve got that under control-”
“Killing a child is not ‘under control’-”
“It is if the kid’s the literal spawn of Satan-”
“I never thought I’d hear Dean Winchester defending the murder of an inno-”
Dean throws up his hands. “Did you miss my ‘spawn of Satan’ comment?”
“No,” Cas says, his expression as stony as the Bunker’s foundations, “my hearing is excellent.”
Off to the side, Rowena mutters in a carrying stage-whisper, “I can see how a wee curse like this is the least of your problems.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Sam says, running a weary hand down his face.
Dean rounds on them. “What?”
“Do you want me to remove the love spell or not?” Rowena asks, eyebrows raised. “My time is precious, you know. I don’t live to be at the Winchesters’ beck and call.”
“For the last fucking time, it’s not a goddamn spell!” Dean explodes. “Whatever it is, he is not in love. He hasn’t been acting any different.”
Rowena beams. “Well now, if he were already in love, it would have no outward effects. He’d…” Her expression becomes stomach-turningly sly, “...function normally, so to speak.”
Cas’s mouth sets in a firm line. As Dean goggles at him, Cas demands, “Remove the spell, now.”
Dean swallows. Cas can’t be - she can’t be implying - that’s impossible. He’s an angel. They don’t feel things like that.
Do they?
“I’m going to need some ingredients,” Rowena says, looking up to Sam. “Where might they be?”
Sam gestures her forward. “Back in the store room, I’ll show you.”
Rowena pats him lightly on the arm. “What a gentleman,” she simpers as Dean pretends to hurl behind her back.
Dean can’t bring himself to speak until they’re both out of earshot, their footsteps fading off into the distance. He turns to Cas, trying to keep his voice detached and failing miserably. “So, you think it got you after all?”
Cas looks away. “I know it has.”
“Oh.” Dean picks up his empty whiskey glass. He runs a hand down his face, trying to scrub away whatever he’s feeling. It doesn't work. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a drink. Fucking witches.”
“I - I could use one as well,” Cas says to Dean’s surprise.
* * *
“So, uh, who’s the lucky chick?” Dean asks as he makes a beeline for the liquor cart in the library off the war room. He grabs an additional glass for Cas and the bottle of Jack, tips the bottle down his own throat to get them started, and pours them out a few fingers.
Cas takes his drink, jaw clenching. He doesn’t look like a dude head over heels. He looks like his normal sleep-deprived, tax accountant self. He stays silent.
Dean thumps heavily down into a chair. “Have we met her?” he prompts because he’s nothing if not a masochist at heart.
“You could say so, in a sense.” Cas raises his eyes to meet Dean’s, face softening, and Dean’s going to hurl for real this time. Cas continues, “There’s not much in my life I keep from you.”
Dean swallows against the ball of self-loathing and disgust clogging his throat. “Some lady angel, then? Been dreaming about plucking her harp strings?”
Cas scowls into his drink. “No.”
“Not an angel?”
“Not a lady,” Cas says, his voice almost unbearably stiff. “And not an angel, either. A human - a beautifully flawed human.”
Dean has no words to say to that, so he drinks. Cas has probably met thousands of people - nice, normal people who aren’t fucked up in the head from ganking monsters their whole lives - since he’s been on Earth. God knows, he hasn’t been plastered to Dean’s side the entire time. Lately, Dean can’t even come up with a good excuse to get him to stay for more than a day or two at most.
“A guy, then,” Dean says to make sure they’re on the same page - because last time he checked, waves of celestial intent cared less about acing a Gender and Sexuality 101 class and more about whether a meatsuit could withstand a holy oil molotov cocktail.
Cas nods, his eyes narrowing. “Your opinion on homosexual relationships is part of the reason I’ve never brought it up before.”
“Hey, I don’t judge,” Dean says, not entirely truthfully. He holds his hands up in a gesture of innocence. “Homo it up, man. Love is love.”
Cas’s nose wrinkles, but he doesn’t comment on Dean’s hamfisted attempt at proving his acceptance of ‘alternative lifestyles’ as Dad might’ve put it charitably one time. “It’s complicated,” Cas adds, like any part of this fucked-up situation could fit under a goddamn Facebook status.
Dean hitches a grin on his face that probably wouldn’t fool a blind person. “So, apart from that, how come you’ve never come to me for help? I don’t wanna brag, but I’m kind of an expert in hookups. Sam’s kind of hopeless. He can’t get a chick into bed without her dying on him.”
Cas knocks back his glass. “I didn’t want to bother you with my feelings.”
Dean automatically grimaces at the mention of feelings. But, hell, he’s not a teenage girl. He can man up and be there for his best friend.
He has to - Cas hardly asks him for anything anymore.
Sure, Cas didn’t exactly ask Dean for anything this time around, but Dean can read between the lines. Now that he’s copped to what’s going on beneath Cas’s still waters, he can see how deep those feelings run. Especially if what Rowena’s saying is true and a love spell is barely a drop in the bucket.
“And, regardless, your ‘hookup’ skills wouldn’t be relevant, anyway,” Cas says quietly, lowering his hands. “I’m not interested in… coupling.”
Dean wrinkles his nose. “That reaper really screwed you over, didn’t she? Look, just because you got shanked, doesn’t mean all sex winds up with an angel blade-”
“I misspoke,” Cas says over him. “What I mean is, I would rather have no sexual relations at all if I cannot have all of him: mind, body, and soul.”
Trust Cas to spout the most profound cheese Dean has ever heard.
And also, what the fuck? Dean can’t get behind that idea at all. Dean’s always been a take what you can get kind of dude. He had to be, with what he has to work with - a pretty face, a killer's instinct, and an inability to have a normal relationship if his goddamn life depended on it.
Like, if Dean had gotten the slightest whiff that Cas was down with gettin’ down and dirty with Dean as his last hurrah (which of course he didn’t), Dean would never have bothered with that stupid den of inequity. As hilarious as the outcome was, he would have gone for a little something-something for himself before the end of the world.
Of course, Dean wasn’t in love with Cas yet then. Whenever it came to mind, it was just a fun thought experiment, an idle what if for him to think about during a dry spell. Like his fantasies about fucking Ginger from Gilligan’s Island. Or hatesex with Bela Talbot.
But none of that mattered because every step of the way from Castiel, mighty Angel of the Lord, to Cas, their friendly neighborhood angel-man, he never hinted he’d be down for a quick roll in the hay... or something more serious.
Dean remembers very clearly: Anna fell to experience emotions, even the bad ones.
And Dean’s not an idiot - Cas obviously experiences emotions now. Dude’s been through too much not to feel something. But Dean’s never deluded himself that they could ever include all the romantic lovey-dovey, chick-flick moments crap.
Family love, sure. Cas might love all his haloed siblings. Cas has been around for all the Top 10 worst decisions that are the Winchesters’ version of brotherly devotion. Cas even said the big L-word out loud himself, when he was bleeding out in that barn a month ago.
But romantic love? The big kahuna L-O-V-E?
Dean always thought scaling Mount Everest with a plastic beach shovel would be easier than convincing an angel to feel that way about anyone. Cas is a wave of celestial intent; waves of celestial intent don’t do anything as human, as stupid, as fall in love.
But apparently they do.
So maybe that’s why Cas has always been so hard to pin down, so eager to leave Dean all the time. He’s been off pining after this mystery guy.
Cas heaves a weighty sigh and finishes off his own glass of whiskey. Without another word, he half raises from his chair, reaching around the table lamp, to pour them both a second round. “I suppose there is a bit of a relief in finally saying it,” he says in a low voice. “I can’t be with him, but there is a certain amount of happiness in it being known, just being seen.”
Dean wastes no time in downing half his new drink. Throat burning in warning, he forces out, “Why - why can’t you? You’re a freaking angel - thought you could have anyone.” Dean frowns. “He’s not a civilian, is he?”
Talk about a recipe for disaster: Cas plus normal person equals uncomfortable questions and fucked up babysitting gigs.
Cas’s eyes widen. Almost imperceptibly, he shakes his head. “Ah, no, not really.”
“So he knows about angels.”
Cas gives a slow nod. “He doesn’t have a very high opinion of them, though,” he says ruefully, staring down into his glass. “They’ve made his life very difficult over the past few years.”
Dean scoffs, “He can join the club.”
Cas flinches.
“Hey, no,” Deans says quickly, “Not you.”
Cas raises head, his eyes unbearably bleak. “Why not me? I was the one who set the Leviathans and angels loose on humanity to wage their wars, among a dozen other transgressions.” He adds morosely, “Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if a different angel rescued you from Hell after all.”
Dean blinks at Cas, his stomach turning over with dread at the very idea. He tries to picture some nameless angel yanking him out of the Pit or marching into that barn with all the righteousness of Heaven on his heels. Dean can’t do it.
Or worse, not a nameless angel. Uriel, who was ready to kill thousands without a second thought. Zachariah, that dickwad with the mind games. Even Hannah, who Dean reluctantly liked - he still can’t see her sticking by their side, falling, sacrificing everything for them.
Cas is their third wheel, the stabilizer that keeps Team Free Will upright and moving forward. Without him, they’re a tandem bicycle, and nobody wants a repeat of that opening scene from Gabriel’s sitcom from Hell.
“Yeah, but at least you always tried to do the right thing.”
“There is no try, only what I did or did not do,” Cas answers with a strange, defeated expression.
“Okay, but,” Dean starts, rolling his eyes at Cas’s butchered Star Wars reference, “Yoda’s a lot of things, but applicable to the real world without space lasers, he is not. Sometimes the only thing you can do is try, dude.”
God knows, Dean could never have forgiven Cas for any of the shit he pulled if he hadn’t been 100% positive Cas had the best of intentions. Cas did all those things to save the world, and, sometimes, to save Dean personally. Which gives him the girliest, fuzzy feelings and also makes him want to punch a wall.
Cas throws him a pitying look. “Every time I ‘try’ to make things better, I fail.” He shakes his head. “When you were taken, I searched for months to find you. Kelly escaped on my watch, and I couldn't find her. I’m a… dumbass.”
“I thought you preferred ‘trusting,’” Dean jokes, and it only sounds a little forced.
Cas throws him an exasperated look. “Perhaps a few years ago. But now? I’ve made too many mistakes, and people have suffered - you and Sam have suffered - as a result. You don’t need to spare my feelings, Dean. It’s hardly what I deserve.”
Dean frowns, tapping his fingers against his glass as he takes in Cas's defeated air. “Hey, what’s with the pity party?”
“It’s not a ‘pity party’,” Cas counters. “These are basic facts.”
Dean leans forward, bracing his elbows on the table. “You aren’t serious.”
Cas stares back. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Dean rakes his gaze up and down Cas’s face, looking for a break, for a tell - even though he knows he won’t find any. “You saved the world. A couple of times by now.”
“I also personally put it in jeopardy more than once,” Cas mutters. “I trusted Crowley to steal Purgatory. I trusted Metatron to bring peace to Heaven. I trusted Lucifer to take out the Darkness.”
Dean’s heart sinks with every reminder of Cas’s greatest hits. “Come on…”
Cas’s mouth thins, lips pressing together as he raises his glass to his mouth. “You don’t need to stay to keep me company, either,” he says in a low voice. “I’m the one under the spell. If you have anything more pressing, I can wait here for Rowena.”
“Shut up,” Dean says automatically. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Cas exhales a weighty sigh, his shoulders losing some of their tension.
“Hey, what you need - hell, what we both need - is a win,” Dean says reassuringly. “Everything’s been such shit, you need a reminder to keep going.” He gets up from his seat, his legs itching to move. “Why don’t you tell me more about that man of yours?” he asks quickly, his words nearly tripping over themselves to get out before the regret sets in. “Maybe that’s the key to getting your head back in the game.”
Cas doesn’t say anything as Dean moves to peruse a row of books he has no intention of ever reading. Eventually, Cas protests without much conviction, “My head is in the game. I am still useful.”
Dean’s head jerks around so fast it nearly gives him whiplash. “That’s not what I meant.”
“It isn’t?” Cas asks, head tilting in confusion.
Dean makes a face. “I mean, if you’re feeling down, you… shouldn’t.”
“I don’t understand.”
Dean paces to the other end of the bookshelf, unbelievably annoyed at Cas for making him spell it out for him. “Forget it,” Dean says instead. “I still owe you for ganking Billie-”
“But the cosmic consequences-”
“Will suck, but in the meantime you saved our lives. I owe you.” Dean turns so he’s back to fully facing Cas. “So, tell me what this mystery guy is into.”
Cas’s eyes narrow at him. “I’d prefer not to talk about it.”
Cas straightens and nods.
“But,” Dean says, words failing as he wars with himself. He could push Cas for more info or keep on living in blissful ignorance. But if he has to choose between his own personal peace of mind or Cas experiencing the one pinnacle of human happiness (or so Dean’s been told in countless chick flicks he’ll take to the grave), it’s no choice at all. He starts again, “If you tell me about him, it’ll make this a lot easier.”
“I don’t want it to be easier,” Cas says, baffled. “I don’t want this to be anything.”
Dean gapes. “Why the hell not?”
Cas taps his empty glass on the table, irritated. “Please, leave it alone.”
“No,” Dean says mulishly. “I wanna help you, man.”
“I don’t want any help.”
“Well, tough shit because you’re getting it anyway. You’re family-”
Cas’s face does a weird spasm.
“-And that’s what you do for family,” Dean continues, a little confused and insulted. They are family; Cas said so, back when he thought he was dying in Ramiel’s barn.
“Drop it.”
“No,” Dean argues, shoving down everything else as his temper rises. “You’re hurtin’, and I can help. Why don’t you trust me? You trusted Crowley, Metatron, fucking Lucifer-”
Too far. Shit.
Cas whirls around, his face a mask of frustration and an emotion Dean has never seen before. “I did, and you know what? They screwed me. And, please forgive me, Dean, but I am tired of being used and used up, over and over.”
Dean blinks, his anger falling away to a raw hurt only Cas can dredge up. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Cas runs a weary hand down his face. He just shakes his head.
“C’mon, Cas, it’s me,” Dean says - pleads, really. “You know me better than anyone else, ’cept Sammy. I won’t do something like that.”
Cas glares. “I do know you, so I know that is exactly what will happen.”
Dean reels back, and he can’t save himself in time before an undoubtedly pained look spreads across his face.
Cas’s hostility cracks, but Dean’s already gotten the message.
So Cas’s one big happy loving family message was only a deathbed thing. That’s… fine. Dean’s done it himself, a time or two. Told Sam to live his life and not go looking for revenge or a way to fix it - all a crock of horse shit, of course. He should’ve figured Cas was more human than angelic with that poison pumping through his veins, making him all weak and sweaty. ’Course he wasn’t above feeling human sentimentality in his death throes.
Face hardening, Dean turns on his heel. “You were right about one thing. I guess I do have more important things to do than staying here with you.”
“Dean,” he hears behind him, but Dean doesn’t look back.
* * *
Dean always hides a spare bottle of booze in the bottom drawer of the desk in his bedroom. It's mostly empty, but, hopefully, by the time Dean's polished it off, Cas’ll be cured, Rowena will be gone, and they all can pretend this never happened - Dean can pretend that Cas stopped keeping secrets because he’s learned they always blow up in his face in the past six years.
First, the booze.
Dean’s barely wrestled the top off with shaking fingers of leftover anger when a knock sounds against his door.
“’S the witch gone yet?” Dean asks without lifting his head.
The door opens. “Dean, it’s me.”
Dean takes a long pull of whiskey.
Cas sighs, audible in the stuffy, tension-filled space between them. He doesn’t approach, instead hovering in the doorway, and isn’t that how it always goes? Always poised for flight, that’s Cas. “Dean,” he repeats, which only makes Dean's blood boil that much hotter.
“What?” he demands. “What do you want now? ’Cause I can’t think of a single thing you need from me, Cas.”
Cas presses his lips together. “You’re making this very difficult.”
“Me?” Dean barks incredulously. “You’re the one hiding things and not letting me help you.”
“You won’t accept this is one area in which you can’t help?” Cas asks quietly.
Dean makes a scoffing noise in the back of his throat.
Cas shakes his head, his gaze focusing on Dean’s face with his patented laser intensity. “You have no idea what you’re asking for.”
“Yeah, I’m just a jackass who can’t get a lady to stick around for more than a few hours. I get it.” He glances up to see Cas’s stricken expression. Frowning, Dean looks away.
Cas steps tentatively into Dean’s room, his face weirdly apprehensive. “That’s not what I meant at all.”
“Sure,” Dean says, tipping the bottle back like it’s water because he needs to be so much drunker to deal with Cas and his love spell bombshells right now.
Cas hovers awkwardly by Dean’s desk, his hands shoved into his coat pockets. “You’re so capable of love.”
“Cas-” Dean starts, but he has no idea where he’s going with this.
Cas keeps talking, thank God. “You don’t acknowledge that side of you very often, but I feel it every time we see each other, every time you’re with your brother. You care, you love, so wholly and completely.” Cas chuckles ruefully. “I didn’t realize it for a few years. I didn’t see how unique it was, how special you are, but you are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.”
Dean’s tongue finally unsticks from the roof of his mouth. Face flaming hotter than the inferno where he first met Cas eight years ago, he rasps out, “Cas - what the hell are you saying?”
Cas swallows, dragging his gaze back up to meet Dean’s wide eyes. “The reason I didn’t tell you about the love spell was because it couldn’t make me love you any more than I already do.”
Dean blinks, dumbfounded, at Cas, the words love you bouncing around his skull like a blocked radio signal. Cas said them; Dean heard them with his own two ears; but the meaning behind the words is getting lost in transmission.
As Dean’s brain struggles to make sense of just about everything, Cas nods once. “Well, now you know. I’ll go wait for Rowena’s cure in the kitchen.”
And then he leaves.
Dean slams the whiskey bottle down on his desk, cursing as it nearly topples over in his haste. He sets it right, swearing more as precious seconds pass by. He hurtles down the hall, half-convinced Cas lied to him to get a head start and is really halfway to Timbuktu.
But Dean finds Cas in the library, sitting more or less where he left him before Dean had his little wallowing session in his bedroom.
“Cas!” Dean blurts, skidding to a halt and grabbing onto the edge of the table for support.
Cas looks up, frowning. “I - “ he gives himself a little shake and starts again, “Is Rowena having trouble with the spell?”
“What?” Dean strides forward on shaky legs. “No - I mean, I don’t know. They could be fucking in a supply closet for all I care.”
Cas’s eyebrows shoot towards his hairline. For the first time today, he looks almost afraid. “Then why are you here?” he asks, his gaze darting towards the stairs to the exit. “I’m only going to stay in the Bunker until Rowena can finish. Then I will go.”
“Go?” Dean repeats, a spike of panic shooting up his spine. “You can’t.”
Cas inhales a sharp breath. “You want me to stay?”
“You want to bail?” Dean demands, his voice rising.
Cas pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. “You’re upset. This is why I didn’t want to tell you.”
“I’m not fucking upset!”
Cas throws him an unimpressed look. “You clearly are. Your pulse is rising. Your pupils are dilated. I can smell your elevated levels of adrenaline.”
Dean makes a face. “Dude - lines - crossed.”
“Fine,” Cas says, his face set. He gets up. “I can coordinate with Rowena at a later date. She should focus on the cursed box, anyway. It’s clearly a more pressing concern and the reason we called her in the first place.”
“Hey.” Dean takes a step forward. “Wait.”
Cas’s mouth sets in a thin line. “What do you want, Dean? I did as you asked. I told you the spell could only latch onto my feelings for you.”
Dean falters, his words failing him.
Cas’s shoulders slump. “I did warn you, you know,” he murmurs, trying to pass Dean on his way towards the door.
Dean grabs onto Cas’s bicep before he can disappear. “Gimme a moment. What you said - it’s a lot.”
Miracle of miracles, Cas stops.
Dean can practically feel the power thrumming underneath the trench coat sleeve in his grip, but Cas wordlessly lets Dean guide him back to the library table.
“Okay,” Dean starts, his head still mercilessly void of the right thing to say, “So that guy, the one you’re - well, it’s - he’s me?” he asks, stumbling over his words like he hasn’t since that one time Rhonda Hurley opened her underwear drawer.
Cas nods once, his face impossibly solemn.
“Right,” Dean grunts. He rubs at his chin, Cas watching the whole while. “That’s - wow.”
“Quite,” Cas says wryly.
“Hey, don’t be a dick,” Dean shoots back. “I had no idea.”
“That was the point,” Cas sighs. “But now you do.”
“Yeah,” Dean says, feeling like a tongue-tied idiot. If only he could be more like Cas with the grand declarations.
Cas opens his mouth, pausing for a beat before saying, “I was never intending to leave permanently. I will still help you figure out how to deal with Kelly Kline. I will still assist with research, translations, anything you need.” His blue eyes bore into Dean’s face. “I can still be useful.”
Dean’s chest aches. “Didn’t I tell you it wasn’t about that?” he asks gruffly.
Cas’s earnest expression falters. “Of course,” he says, subdued. “Regardless, know that I am always willing to help the Winchesters.”
“Jesus,” Dean mutters, “This isn’t - it’s never been - about you being goddamn useful.” He huffs an exasperated breath, frowning harder as Cas doesn’t immediately get it and launch himself at Dean.
God, that would make this so much easier.
“What you want?” Dean says, glaring daggers at the tabletop between them, “That whole, mind, body, soul crap? You got it.”
Cas blinks. “I’m sorry?”
“You already have it,” Dean says through gritted teeth.
Cas cocks his head like a perplexed chicken, still as clueless as ever.
It’s clearly time to bring out the big guns. If Cas is going to spout pretty speeches that steal Dean’s breath away and leave him weak-kneed but not actually, you know, make a move, Dean will just have to do everything himself.
Fine. That’s how he’s always operated, anyway.
Face determined, he leans over and grasps the lapels of Cas’s trench coat.
Cas leans back a fraction, his eyes widening in alarm or shock. But before he can utter another word, Dean brings their mouths together.
Cas takes a moment to get with the program. There’s a split-second (that lasts several years) when Cas almost seems to push Dean off him, but he kisses back before Dean can yank himself away first. Cas’s mouth is tentative against Dean’s, like he’s waiting for Dean to end it all and yell, “Got ya!”, but he unseals his lips with a light sigh as Dean gently parts them with his tongue.
Dean unclenches one hand from Cas’s lapel. He reaches up to cup Cas’s jaw, the raspy stubble a physical reminder of the goddamn win he’s finally getting. His knees twinge from awkwardly leaning over, but rampaging Leviathans could burst into the kitchen and Dean wouldn’t give any less of a fuck.
He has Cas right where he wants him, and he’s going to fucking savor it for as long as he can.
When Cas pulls away, his face shows nothing but pure confusion. “Why?” he breathes, raising a finger to touch his lips.
Dean, still half-standing, half-leaning over him, frowns. He falls back to his seat with a thump. “Because you weren’t going to do it first?”
Cas blinks. “I didn’t think you wanted anything like that,” he pauses, “with me.”
Like there’s anyone else around who wants to get real up close and personal with the most dumbass angel in the garrison.
“Yeah, well,” Dean says, the faintest inklings of embarrassment creeping in now they’re not kissing anymore and Cas’s first reaction isn’t to look like he got free tickets to Disneyland. “I did. Do.”
Dean swallows past the lump in his throat.
Cas looks away from Dean for the first time, and Dean dies a little inside. Stiffy, Cas says, “If this is some misguided attempt to show your sympathy for my situation. I don’t appreciate the gesture.”
“Gesture?” Dean echoes, “What the hell are you on, man? I don’t kiss random dudes because I feel bad for them, Christ.”
“Then why?”
Dean grimaces. “You’re really going to make me say it?”
“Yes,” Cas says quickly, his gaze raking up and down Dean’s face. “I have misunderstood your actions in the past, and I have no desire to do it again.”
Dean groans. “Look, I didn’t think angels could have feelings like that.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Or I would’ve… done something about it sooner,” he says, and that’s mostly true. Probably would’ve tried to seduce Cas, failed, and then jumped off a cliff, but Cas doesn’t need to know that.
“Well, normal angels can’t,” Cas says, “but there’s something broken in me.”
“You’re not broken,” Dean swears loudly, his anger flaring. “You’re… better. A new and improved God Squad, far as I can tell.” He narrows his eyes, daring Cas to talk shit about himself one more time.
Cas bites his lip. “You truly mean it.”
Dean tries for a mocking leer, but it comes out more like a dopey, hopeful smile. “You wanna get it engraved? Put up in neon in the Dean cave?” he asks, eyebrows raised as excitement courses through his veins. Cas loves him. Dean can make good on all those what ifs that have been plaguing him for years. “Tattooed on my ass?”
Cas chuckles lightly. “That would be a start.”
Dean lets out a bark of laughter. He can already feel the insecurities looming on the horizon. There’s always a catch: Cas never stays; Cas might want Dean now, but he’ll fly away the moment Dean fucks up because he has no idea what he’s doing.
But none of that matters right now.
He kissed Cas.
And Cas didn’t smite him. Didn't tell him to fuck off. Didn't flutter off to the moon for shits and giggles.
Cas knows him, knows him better than anyone except Sam. And despite all the fucked up shit in Dean's head, Cas is staying anyway, with his eyes wide open like nobody else Dean has ever been with.
Cas smiles in return. “If I had known a love spell would result in this outcome, I would have sought out that witch ages ago.”
And just like that, all Dean’s happy-ending fantasies come to a screeching halt.
Read Part II here!
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fitztragedy · 3 years
Things I Want Changed in Fate S02
Better Costumes
Like, seriously, wth happened there? They were dressed awfully, and that's not news. The costumes were like straight out of a 90's teens movies, it was so obvious there was an adult trying do find out what teens used and maybe saw that 90s fashion was trending and thought that was the hype. Costume designer Catherine Adair has been a costume designer in 29 projects, none of them was a teen TV show (except her most recent project, after Fate, which is a disney kids mystery series) and 16 of wich were in the 90s. She has dressed TV shows before Fate but things like Desperate Housewives and The Man in the High Castle- Definitely not even close to the vibe Fate has. Hopefully she'll either do more research or they'll hire another costume designer since she's aparently working on this new Disney series. IMDb says we have a new Art Director in S02 (Justin Warburton-Brown, who apparently done The Witcher S02!!) so my hopes are very high!
New locations and sets!
I loved Alfea and the Winx Suite but I feel like we need more sets. That's not the fault of the art direction or set decoration (which were done by Karl Clifford -who isn't credited for anything but Fate- and Jil Turner who has a very good resume, having worked on Vikings and a lot of other fantasy movies and tv shows), I feel like they did a pretty good job with what they were given. Having the entire season be basically that got very repetitive and because of the number of views I'm hoping they have a bigger budged in S02 to be able to have different sets. I wanna see Magix! The cartoon did a wonderful job with the city near Alrea, it was super cool to see the futuristic town in a fairy show, which was a contrast to what me, as a kid, imagines what a magical town would look like. I don't think they'll to this for Fate but it'd be cool to see like magic being used in day to day lives. Also if Alfea is in the middle of nowhere where do the girls get like stuff? Where do they buy tampons if they need it? I MUST know!! Also it'd be pretty cool to see Solaria sometime. IMDb also told me we got a new set decorator in S02 and he's been the set decorator of Shadow and Bone (Kevin Downey) so I'M EXCITED.
More plot and Backstory for the characters
Let's skip Bloom and Sky because I think @lilshitwayne would do a better job talking about them and then focus on the others.
WHERE IS AISHA'S PLOT??? They done my girl wrong, so wrong. Seriously, what is her backstory? What are her goals and dreams? What are her insecurities and challenges? What is her personal arc? What is her role in the series arc? I wish I could answer all these questions but I just can't. I saw @lilshitwayne and @rivusa dms about her yesterday and I want to give them the floor to talk about it so I'm not gonna say what they said, but I do want more from Aisha's character next season and I want her role to not be as suporting as she was in S01. I do think that the fact that she's a poc character had to do with her lack of development and I will HATE it if they make her also LGBTQ+ and continue with Netflix's trend of shoving all the minorities into one character. Hopefully because of the backlash they'll listen. Precious is a beautiful and great actress and she deservers better.
Musa had a pretty big part in S02 I'd say. She was basically the second most important character after Bloom, BUT she did not have a plot, let's be real. Her whole arch was basically "I hate my powers, they are useless and just make me suffer and I try to ignore them" and then she met Sam and was like "Oh he basically feels nothing so it's nice to spend time with him" and then she found out Sam was Terra's brother and wanted to keep their relationship a secret, then she told Terra and there was like too much drama for a non-dramatic revelation. Then she had to face her powers when Sam was dying but then he lived so she went back to being the same as she was but with a boring boyfriend now (I know people like Sam and that's okay because people have different tastes but I just don't see the appeal, okay? he's boring in my opinion). So like her whole development and plot was based around a guy. No internet struggle solved, no character development. Yes Musa is my favorite character but I still don't like her "plot".
Stella and Terra
idk what I'd say about them. I think one of the other girls in the fate fandom might have takes and stuff. Terra had the self-steem and body issues that basically went no where and Stella has mommy issues and issues in general that are probably gonna get more developed already so I'm not too worries about them.
I know people didn't like that they made Stella have a very different personality than the cartoons and (hot take) I kinda like it. Don't @ me. Stella was hella annoying in the cartoons and I like this very messed up Stella we got, yes she's a bitch but she's got layers and I can't wait to see them Explored.
Terra was not a cartoon character and I have no fucking idea why they didn't just put Flora. Flora in the cartoon had also a very different personality so maybe they thought she didn't fit, but then why not keep her and just change the personality like they did with Stella? Also if they had made Terra latina it wouldn't have changed anything in Terra's plot. Idk what happened behind the scenes but that's what we got. I do want Flora to appear and be this cute cinnamon roll but also badass (and latina) so *fingers crossed*
ah, Riven... He has so much potential and I can't wait to see his character development throughout the series. I can see a lot of troubles at home and internalized homophobia and fuck he's just so god damn Bi. Hopefully that little interaction with Dane about just liking whoever depending on the gender will make Riven be okay with his sexuality and I really like this plot okay?
Also, yes, as a Rivusa shipper I want that to happen and I've already done two huge post about Riven and Rivusa in Fate so if u wanna read more go and do it (here and here).
The rest idgaf about them (I do but i'm too lazy to type)
Future characters
I wanna see Brandon. They call even make Stella bi and change Brandon to like Brenda or something, I've done that in fics and I think that'd be interesting.
Flora, of course, as said above.
Helia if they bring Flora along. They should pair him with Terra, he's Flora's.
I don't wanna see Tecna and Timmy tbh, might be a controversial opinion but I didn't really care for them in the OG and with all the normal technology in Fate I don't really see a reason for them. Unless they change Tecna's powers like they did with Musa, but we don't need another white basic bitch character.
I think that's it!
If yall want to answer and discuss Fate feel free to reblog! I'd love to talk about how we could improve the show!
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Sam Winchester: Hair dye
*Credit to gif creator* 
Tumblr media
Pairing: Sam x Reader 
Pov: Sams
Warnings: Cuteness, couple things, swearing, soft kisses, Mention of Dean 
Summary: You ask Sam to help color your hair. You and Sam make a mess while watching old classic movies. 
Word Count: 2.4k 
A/N- I’ve been writing a lot of angst, so I thought a good fluff ridden one-shot would be nice to write. 
Your Favorite Color- Y/F/C 
Telling everyone that I was going on a supply run, Y/n ears perked up. She ran over and whispered in my ear. “Can I come with you?” She asked. Smiling “Yes you can come along.” I said wrapping my arm around her waist.  
“So, do you need anything Dean?” I asked “Nah, man I’m fine.” He said before throwing me the impala keys. “You scratch her and you both die.” He said and went back to his phone.  
“Thanks Dean.” I said before walking with Y/n by my side to the impala. “I’m glad you came along, Y/n. I like having time with you like this where Dean isn’t teasing either one of us.” I said opening the passenger door for Y/n. “Thank you kind sir.’ I walked around and got into the driver's seat ‘I wanted to spend time with you. I feel like sometimes it gets taken because of hunting.” She spoke.
I started the impala, and was immediately met with the loud music that Dean listens to. I turned the radio off and backed out of the garage. Y/n and I drove for a few before I exited the highway, and went to a store that we had never been to ‘Target’.  
Y/n sat next to me, all excited. Which wasn’t unusual just was good to see her so excited. “What’s got you so excited?” I asked as I pulled into a spot rather far from the doors of the store. “I’m just excited that’s all.” She said leaning over to place a haste kiss, before going to open her door.  
Y/n had this effect on me that no matter what was going on; she could stare at me, or just gentle kiss me were the time around us would seem to stop. A moment of clarity every time, like butterflies in my stomach.  
When I heard the door, slam closed I quickly turned the engine off and jumped out of the car. There was Y/n her ass pressed against the back of the trunk, her arms crossed, along with her ankles. “What’s wrong Sammy?” She spoke.  
I just smiled and grabbed her wrist. “Let’s go, before you scratch Dean’s precious car.” I spoke. Y/n’s made its way inter locking it with mine. She gentle sway her arm back and forth setting a slight motion between us with both our arms.  
In moments like these I felt like we weren’t hunters, we weren’t credit card thief’s, we didn’t go to hell and come back. In moments like these I just felt normal. The automatic doors opening as Y/n and I got closer.  
I grabbed a cart not really thinking. Y/n started walking around. Catching back up with Y/n she was walking around the isle with all the office supplies. Again, another moment of clarity like we were just a normal couple, with a normal life.  
I passed the sticky notes, throwing a few packs in, Y/n had picked up a few other things. Again, we walked through, perusing around the different isle, sometimes Y/n would pick things up and show them to me.  
We’d have a short laugh, and then she’d put it back. Y/n said we needed some more blankets, even if the bunker was climate controlled ‘it’s always nice to have so many blankets’ she had said once, and then she throw three or four blankets into the cart. “I don’t mind, baby.” I said as I pushed the cart following Y/n.  
We skipped the clothing for some reason, not that I was really bothered by it. When we finally made it through the blankets, pillows, and furniture of ‘Target’ We had made it to the food, and medicines. All of sudden the list that I had in my mind appeared reminding me of why we were here. “Honey, I’m going to get the stuff for the bunker okay.” I said kissing her on her cheek.  
Thinking for a quick second I kept the cart with me. “Be careful, and I’ll find you.” She said before walking away. I walked around looking for all the medical things that I needed for the hunts, grabbing a bit of food as well.  
I saw Y/n waddle over with a few boxes in her hands. “So, I might have found a very time-consuming project for you to help with me with!” She said doing a little dance, before coming over to and showing me that she had picked up a few hair dyes boxes.  
“You wanna do this?” I asked raising an eyebrow. All Y/n did was vigorously shake her head. “OKay, okay, okay. Don’t hurt yourself!” I said laughing a little before I took them from her hands and dropping them into the cart.  
“Yay, I’m so excited. Ya know, this isn’t the first time I’ll be dying my hair.” Y/n said as she inter looped her arm with mine. “Really, do tell.” I said as we walked.  
“Well right before I met you two Winchester boys, I had redyed my hair a deep purple, there was a time when my hair was blue, another time when I was a teenager, I had a undercut and then shaved it which was pretty cool.” Y/n said as we pulled up to a register. I pulled everything out and paid for it all, with a look coming from the young man at the register.  
Y/n and I walked out again Y/n inter looping her arm with mine. I hadn’t realized how far I had parked until Y/n said something. “Why’d you have to park so far away” whining a little bit at the end of her sentence.  
“Because have you met my brother, no scratch can come to this car.” I said wiggling my eyebrows. She giggled and helped put the bags into the trunk. I opened her door for her, and then put the cart away before getting into the driver's seat.  
The drive was short back to the bunker, which was nice. I could see Y/n was excited to get her hair dyed. Again, when we made it to the bunker, I was careful to not nick Dean’s car as I backed in.  
Y/n didn’t wait for the car engine to shut off before she had four bags on each arm. “Okay I’m ready!” She said walking towards the adjoining door. Looking at her and then the trunk I noticed she had left me the heaviest nags but also there was only two bags left. I grabbed them quickly and slammed the trunk shut, so I could open the door for her.  
“Deanie Beanie, we are back!” Y/n said as she walked into the library. Setting the bags onto the table. “Y/n... Never again call me that.” Dean said rolling his eye, “So... you don’t want your prizes that I got for you?” Y/n said. Dean looked over at me for a second. “Well... maybe.” He spoke.  
I handed him the pie after I set the bags on the table, Y/n shuffled through the bags pulling out a soft, king sized blanket. She gently slid it across the table “I thought you’d like it, but if not. I can always take it back Dean.” Y/n said.  
It was silent for a moment and then Dean got up and walked over to Y/n hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Y/n. And thanks Sam for remembering the pie this time.” releasing Y/n from the hug. Taking his pie and new blanket with him before leaving the library to go to his bedroom.  
“Good night you too!” He screamed half-way down the hallway. “Well, that went much better than predicted!” Y/n said. “I didn’t know that you bought a pie for him either.” She said before taking the rest of the stuff out of the Target bags.  
“Well, years ago instead I got him cake, and he lost his shit. Then years before that I basically forgot to get him his pie.” I said shrugging my shoulders taking the food into the kitchen.  
“Sammy!” Y/n said whining. “Yes dear.” I said as I walked back into the library. “When can we start to do my hair?” She said spinning around. Laughing a little “We can do it after we put everything away, sound good?” I asked.  
A loud enough huff came from Y/n, “I guess... I don’t really have a say.” She said rushing past me and starting to put things away, to try and speed up the process. “Honey, why don’t you go grab a t-shirt you don’t mind getting icky, and come back to the library.” I said walking over to her and kissing her with passion. “Hmm, okay Sammy.”  
I finished up putting everything away and made my way back into the library, in the corner Y/n and Dean had fashioned a mini living room, a little TV and a small love seat, along with Dean’s recliner.  
I flipped through the channels looking for a movie to play, but all I found was classical movies something like ‘Gone with the wind’ and ‘Psycho’. It honestly was just there for background noise. I turned when her heard Y/n cough a little.  
She had on one of my very old university shirts it hung past her thighs. She smiled slightly, and grabbed the boxes off the table. She throws it over to me catching it before it slammed into my face. “I’m going to get snacks, read the direction.” She yelled from the kitchen.  
Y/n was shorter than I was, which ended up being very cute especially when she wears my shirts, it didn’t matter if they were flannels, my grey t-shirts, or my ginormous jackets, and sweatshirts. “Are you reading!” She yelled from the kitchen.  
“Um, yeah.” I said as I fumbled with the box. When Y/n reentered the library, she had a bowl of popcorn balancing in her left hand, two bottled waters tucked under that arm, and many other boxes of chocolates in her other hand.  
“How long do you think this process is going to take?” I asked. Not upset with spending to much with her, just wondering why she had some much food. “I don’t know smart boy read the box.” She winking at me and she placed the bowl of popcorn on the table.  
Y/n sat down and let me read the box, she watched whatever was playing on the TV. “Okay, so I’d say and hour. Y/F/C is what you want? I know you grab other boxes?” I asked, “Yes dear, it’s the one I want.” She said getting up quickly.  
“I have to get a old towel.” Y/n said before walking out of the library yet again. Finally, Y/n returned with a towel wrapped around her shoulders, “This is so you don’t make a mess baby.” She spoke. I rolled my eyes, and started to take the contents out of the box.  
“Here, give it to me. I’ll mix all the stuff up, and all you have to do is put in my hair, and maybe wash my hair too.” She said gracefully taking the box out of my grasp. “Here’s your gloves, so your hands don’t stain.” Y/n said handing me gloves over her shoulder.  
It was a few minutes and then she handed me a bottle and simply said. “Just pour it over my hair and massage it in, I guess.” She said looking over her shoulder. “Okay,” I said bending over kissing her nose gently.  
The process went by quickly, every few minutes I'd stop to kiss Y/n temple, avoiding the hair dye that was close to her forehead. I set a timer on my phone something like twenty-five minutes, so I pulled the gloves off and stuffed them into the box, before coming sit down with Y/n.  
Her eye becoming more and more hooded, she’d yawn and lift her arms up the shirt only rising more, all I could see was the skin on her thighs. It never stopped. “Do you want to watch something else, baby?” I asked her, ‘no’ she shook her head. “Okay, baby.” I said resting my hand on her exposed thigh.  
Just like that my timer went off, “Baby, you ready?” I asked her, Y/n looked over at me and gave me a face like ‘really was that even a question’, “Duh I’m ready!” She said jumping up from the couch and running into the kitchen.  
“Don’t forget the conditioner.” she yelled yet again from the kitchen. When I walked in, she was testing the temperature of the water, “We have to use kind of cold water.” I gave her a look of confusion wanting her to explain more.  
“Because hot water will strip the color from my hair, crazy.” She said shrugging her shoulder and giggling before grabbing my hand and dragging me to sink. “Can you give me a little bit of a head massage, please Sam?” Y/n whispered.  
Good thing that I was much taller than her, but regardless. There weren’t many times that  Y/n would ask me for a massage, only when she was desperate for the touch of my hands. That was one of the first things Y/n had told me when we first got together. ‘I love your hands Sam’ she had said while she slowly grazed her rather smaller fingers against the palm of my hand.  
Anyways, I also checked the temperature of the water, and started to wet Y/n’s hair, the color draining out, and when it cleared a bit. I heard Y/n say “You can use the conditioner now, remember massage please.” I smirked as I lightly grazed my hands through her soft locks, just gently massaging her neck and then rising up to her temple.  
I heard the slip of two or three moans come from Y/n, I momentarily stopped taking a second to notice how the shirt had risen to the half cover her ass. She wore a pair of spanx under the shirt. “Sam” “Hmm?” I responded. “Can we kind of hurry this process my back is start to hurt.” She said a whine in her voice.  
“Oh shit, yeah. Sorry.” I said spreading the rest of the conditioner through her hair and washing. turning off the faucet off, I wrapped the towel around her hair. “Thank you, baby. I bet it looks great” Y/n said.  
Reaching on her tip-toes she gave me a slow and passionate kiss. My hands finding their way to her hips. “I love you, Sammy.” She said as her need for air overpowered our kiss. “I love you too baby, I love you too.”
Completed 03/04/2021 
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Resurfaced Feelings | Komori Motoya
Pairing: Komori X Reader (female)
Genre: fluff that really had me going doki doki writing this
Request: “Can i request Headcanons or a scenario with Komori Motoya where he has a crush on Inarizaki’s Manager” - anonnie
Author’s Note: i loved this req so much cause i love like protective type tropes so i may or mahy not have made the twins and basically the inarizaki team protective of y/n 👉👈happy reading! thanks for requesting!! 
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The gym wafted the musty stench of sweat of all the players, specifically the six teams that played on the court
Komori chugged his water to cool himself off as the opposing team did their punishment of flying receives for losing, the cool liquid instantly chilling his body but not for long
The squeeze nozzle squeaked, puffing a gust of misty air in his face as he drank the last bits of it to his dismay
You, sat on the bench beside coach Kurosu, made your final notes in the inarizaki volleyball club journal, taking down the stats of the practice match
The team shuffled off as the opposing team did their penalties as well
They picked up their own bottles and chugged away,  sighing and breathing deeply
It was the last match of the day before dinner
“Y/N, could you get me more water please?”
“Sure. Anyone else?” You took Suna’s bottle in hand as well as the twins’ and Aran
“Do you need any help?” Kita asked, dabbing his forehead with his towel
“No, I got it. You guys did so good today!” You playfully waved a bottle as you walked off to the water fountains, already hearing the twins bickering over something about food as you walked away
The air con made goosebumps rise on your arms as you hugged the bottles, standing behind a player
He filled his bottle but was just drinking from the fountain, chugging as much as he could to cool down
You looked around at the same pictures and trophies you had seen almost everyday when you went to practice as you waited patiently
As he finished and turned, your body suddenly collided with his, the bottles dropping to the ground
“Oops,” you breathed as you knelt down to pick it up
“I’m so sorry, let me help you- Y/N?”
You looked up to the familiar voice to meet your middle school friend- Komori Motoya
He looked so different from what you could remember
Last time you saw him was your middle school graduation and he was just around your height but since then, you only grew a couple inches and it seemed he grew a whole foot, more or less, taller
He picked up two of the bottles for you while you held the other two
You had grown so beautifully, he felt his heart do a little flip, the feelings he thought were long gone , resurfacing
So did the awkwardness he had toward you
You rendered him speechless, making him botch his sentences and reduced him to a stuttering mess but you two were sort of close
“Are you-“
“What’re you-“
“Uh you go first.” You laughed
It was a weird feeling bubbling inside you since you were seeing him again
A great part of you back then wanted to get closer to komori, attracted to his persona and friendliness but it just never happened
“Are you a manager?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded, and the mention of being a manger made you remeber why you were here in the first place
“Oh, sorry, could I refill these while we chat?” You asked, now your turn awkwardly looking up to him
“Yeah, no problem,” he stepped aside, gesturing to the fountain for you. “So which team are you no managing for?”
“Inarizaki,” you smiled, as you watched the water level rising in the bottle, setting it to the top of the fountain and starting the next one
“Woah, they’re really strong. With the Miya twins and all…” Komori could feel the intimidation just by watching from the side when Inarizaki played another team
But anyone would with their powerful serves and attacks, their receives able to keep the ball in play no matter what
So far, itachiyama and inarizaki hadn’t done any penalties this entire camp
“What were you gonna ask?” Komori handed you another bottle and screwed one of the filled ones shut for you, securing the lid
“Oh, well I was gonna ask what’re you doing here but then I realized that you must be here as a player, of course…” you laughed awkwardly, feeling the heat of embarrassment wash down your back
“I didn’t know you were into volleyball.” You set the third one aside, hearing a few whistles being blown
“No? I’ve been playing since junior high… well I guess it never became a topic of conversation between us, huh?” He screwed another lid
“Itachiyama’s strong too, especially with Sakusa as the second ace in the nation.” You finally finished and screwed them up
As you gathered the bottles in your arms, Komori slipped two out
“Let me help you,” he took two in hand so you held the other two comfortably
He used his leg and pushed the door open with his body, holding it for you and followed you in suit toward Inarizaki, seeing the teams had shifted
He smiled the way seeing your sway side to side as you walked back to your team but looking up, he felt the coldest chill run up and down his spine
The eyes of the inarizaki team stared past you and right at him seeing an opposing team member with you and now making his way over toward them
“Here you go, ‘Samu, Suna,” you handed the two players their cold drinks as Komori stood awkwardly behind
“Took you long enough,” Osamu scoffed, nudging your shoulder playfully with a slight smirk on his face
As you turned around to get the other two bottles for Atsumu and Aran, Aran had already gotten his and this just left Atsumu who approached him
“What do ya think you’re doin’ with our precious manager, hm?” He acted high and mighty toward Komori, clearly intimidating him
“‘Tsumu, stop it.” Osamu and you said simultaneously, poking his side
Well you poked him lightly but Osamu jabbed his finger into his brother’s side, adding fire to the flame of their bickerings
“Sorry,” you scratched the back of your head. “But it was really nice seeing you again, Komori,” you smiled up to him
He could feel his heart rate picking up the way your eyes seemed brighter but he couldn’t tell if it was cause of the gym’s lights or it was just you
He chose the latter
“It was really nice seeing you, too, Y/N, we should talk more later.” He waved, hoping you didn’t see the flush on his ears as they burned red as he was met with Sakusa and his team walking by to the Inarizaki court
“We’re playing Inarizaki next,” he mumbled through his mask, opting to stand instead of sitting on the bench
Turning around, you were met with the eyes of your team, a few of them glancing back and forth between you and Komori
“Y/N has a boyfriend~” Akagi was at your side, nudging his shoulder into yours, wiggling his brows just the slightest
“I do not!” You shoved the liber back a little. “He’s just an… old friend from middle school,” you glanced over to him, your eyes staying on him a little too long
He stretched his legs, his eyes darting over to your but leaving as fast as he glanced when he met yours
“Just a friend”
But you couldn’t tell if you were saying that more to Inarizaki, who didn’t believe you the slightest bit, or to yourself, trying to give a reason as to why your heart was beating faster after locking eyes with Komori
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sam-ate-giorno​​​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :)  Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1,962
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It’s been a few weeks since the outdoor movie night. You were looking around in the kitchen for something to eat when you heard Sam make cooing noises from his place on the couch. You turned to see him flipping through a small book. You walked up to him to see what he was doing.
“What are you doing?” you asked. He looked up from the book and smiled.
“Just lookin’ at your baby pictures.” He said. 2 or 3 of them were from the 40’s that Steve had in his uniform pockets while he was looking for you when you were kidnapped by HYDRA. Others were pictures that Steve took of you during the year that you lived in an apartment when you were 5 or 6. The rest were pics that the team took of you as you were growing up after you moved to the tower then the compound.
“Aww, look at you here.” Sam said, pointing to a picture of you with cake on your face. You internally cringed. “So adorable! With your little bows and everything.” He chuckled. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not adorable Sam.” You said.
“Oh, so you think you’re grown now? That you're not adorable anymore?” Sam asked amused, raising an eyebrow at you. You pursed your lips and crossed your arms.
“I may not be grown but I’m not adorable.” You sass. Sam chuckled at that.
“Well I have proof right in this book that says otherwise. Look .“ he smirked, flipping through many pictures or tea parties, days in the pool, the team playing dress up with you, and much more. Through them all, Sam was cooing the while time. You groaned and covered your face in mild frustration. You flopped down on the couch and sat there with your arms crossed. Sam didn’t pay you any mind at your little attitude and just kept looking through the book.
Bucky walked in at that moment and noticed your body language. “What's y/n so worked up about?” he asked Sam. “I mean, I know she’s talking to you and that’s enough to make anyone upset but is there any other reason?” he said, smirking a bit when Sam rolled his eyes.
“Little y/n here is getting all blushy because I keep calling her adorable.” He says, going the extra mile and pinching your cheek. You whined and leaned way from his touch.
“I am not!” you could feel your face heat up. Bucky chuckles.
“Aww this is what you're cranky about? You are adorable! Look at these pictures of when you were a baby; just precious!” he says, taking the book from Sam. You growled and slumped down further on the couch. And so begins the endless teasing session.
“Look she's pouting. How cute. But as adorable as that is, I don’t know how I feel about having a pouty y/n. Buck?” Sam asked.
“Oh, absolutely not. We can’t have that! We love a happy girl!” You pout even more to show your annoyance.
“Nothing seems to work, Buck. What do you suggest we do?”
“Well, I suggest we do the thing that always makes her smile when she's pouty!” he smirked. Your eyes widened at that and you tried to make a run for it. Of course, the super soldier got to you before you could and thew you back on the couch. You were already giggling, your annoyed facade melted away. Nervousness overcame your senses as you realized not only Bucky is about to tickle you to pieces but Sam as well.
“Wahahait! Guhuhuys! I wont pout anymore I promise!!” you begged. Sam raised an eyebrow at you.
“But will you admit you're the most adorable thing ever?” he teased. You pursed your lips in a scowl.
“I'm not adorable!” you growled.
Bucky and Sam turned to face each other at the same time and nodded. “Denial.” They immediately pounced on you, eliciting loud and bubbly giggles. Bucky was wasting no time, drilling his fingers into your ribs while Sam was repeatedly squeezing up and down your thighs. You threw your head back as you laughed, keeping your arms pressed to your sides, even though it did nothing to stop the ticklish feeling.
“We can do this all day, y/n. We won’t stop until you admit it.” Bucky smirked, slipping his hands up further up to wiggle his hands under your arms. You yelped and erupted into high pitched laughter, kicking out your legs. Sam had gotten a hold of your ankle and was now scratching the soles of your feet, making you cackle. “Tickle tickle tickletickletickle! Aww look at that adorable smile!”
Your face was burning as you blushed and tried to cover your face with your hands. Bucky chortled and shook his head, lifting your shirt and blowing a long raspberry, tasing your sides at the same time. You shrieked and shot your arms right back down. “I CAHAHANT BREHEHEATHE!” You cried, shaking your head side to side. It became clear then that they really weren’t going to stop until you gave in. “AHAHAHAA OKAHAHAY OKAHAY ILL SAY IHIHIT! EEH!” You squealed and fell right back into hysterics when Sam started to squeeze your knee.
“Well? On with it then.” Sam said, not letting up on his torture. Bucky smirked, tickling your waistline, making your giggles more desperate.
“Lehehet me go fihihirst.” You giggled.
“NOPE!” Bucky said, blowing another raspberry. You arched your back with a loud squeal and finally gave in.
“NOOOHOHO OKAY IM ADOHOHORABLE!” You cry, scrunching up your neck when Bucky feathers is fingers around your neck.
“Damn right. And you better not forget it.” Bucky said, pointing a finger at you warningly. You blushed and turned on your belly to hide your face.
“Okay, yes, I get it.” You whine feigning annoyance. Bucky and Sam shook their heads at you fondly and left, leaving you to rest on the couch. You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep until you woke up to the soft chatter of the team in the kitchen. You hadn’t opened your eyes yet and were still half asleep but you could tell you were covered by a blanket. Someone must have put it on you when you were asleep. 
You stirred a bit and woke up a little more at the sound of chuckling and you sat up on the couch. You had wrinkle marks on the side of your face that was on the couch and you turned to see the team gathered around the island, having a conversation. Bucky has the first one to turn and see you, smiling and winking at you. You giggled, drawing the attention of the other team members. Steve smirked at your sleepy look and put a hand on his hip. “Look who finally woke up.”
“How was your nap, Sleeping Beauty?” Tony teased, taking a sip of his coffee.
You giggled again and fell back onto the couch to cover your blush with the blanket. “What are you guys talking about.” You asked, your voice muffled a bit. Steve walked over and sat on the couch next to you, lifting up your legs to sit. 
“We’re trying to see where we wanna go to eat. There’s a nice new Wing place a few minutes out of Town Square. Think you’d like that?” He asked, rubbing up and down your legs comfortingly. You nodded with lazy smile. 
“Alright, it’s decided then. Everyone get ready, we leave in 20.” Tony said, clapping his hands once. You got up and headed to your room to change. 
You had all just gotten seated at a table after waiting for a bit. The place was still new so there were many people there wanting to try it out. You sat next to Wanda and Bruce and across from Peter and Steve. Nat was sitting next to him. As you all were waiting for your food, you looked up to see Steve sit back and wrap an arm around Nat’s chair, kinda on her shoulders while Nat scooted closer with a small smile.
You grin to yourself and dig in your food when it arrives, making a note to yourself to tease Nat about it later.
You got home and followed Nat around all the way to her room, without saying a word until you closed the door behind you.
“So...? You and Steve have been getting pretty close, huh?” You asked, bumping her with your elbow and smiling smugly.
“What makes you say that?” She said, folding the rest of her laundry and obviously trying to play dumb. You rolled your eyes playfully and scoffed. 
“Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t know. I think you should tell him and the team already; that you officially like him.”
“And why should I feel the need to do that yet?”
“Because... if you don’t tell him, I will.” Of course you were joking, you would never reveal a secret like that to someone. You turned on your heel and went for her bedroom door. “Oh, steeeeve!” You sang. 
You didn’t expect Nat to quickly come up behind you and stick her hands under your arms. You immediately clamped up and fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. “Y/n don’t you dare-I will stuff you in my closet and keep you hostage if you tell him.” She playfully growled, following you to the ground and wrapping herself around you like a koala and tickling your sides. You were in hysterics.
“OKAHAHAHAY I WONT TELL HIM!” You cried. You were basically trapped in her hold and could do nothing but laugh your heart out. She dug her nails in between your ribs, making you cackle and arch your back.
“Promise?” She smirked, pinching mischeviously at your hip bones.
“YEHEHES, I WOULD NEVEHEHEHER!” After that, she let you go from the hold and you sprawled out on the floor, panting. Nat smirked at your exhausted state.
“Good.” She hummed. She stood up and leaned against the bed, her lips pursing a bit as she gulped. “So... how do you feel about it?” She asks a little more serious now.
You sat up on the floor and raised your eyebrows at her. “Seriously? I ship you guys so hard.” You chuckle. “If I’m being honest, I was rooting for you guys since... years ago.” You chortled. “I really hope you guys become a thing in the future. Just know I’ll always be your #1 supporter.” 
Nat smiles at that, pulling you into a hug. “Thank you y/n. That means a lot. Really. I don’t know what would be possible of us if you didn’t support a relationship between us. Maybe now we actually have a chance.” She says. 
“Of course!” You smile and return the hug. 
Tonight was Movie night with the team and you were snuggled up to Thor and Bucky. You smiled to yourself and leaned your head on Thor’s shoulder. You looked around to see everyone on the couches, sitting net to each other nd having their snacks with smiles on their faces. Right then, you had a moment where you became aware of the life you had. You had an amazing family that loved you so much and you loved them back. You wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. You glanced over at Ruby Anne to see her sitting net to her dad. You couldn’t wait until Ruby started to feel the same feeling you feel about your family now. You sighed happily, resting your head back on his shoulder.
  “Goodnight. Love you guys.” You sighed before closing your eyes. The rest of the team smiled at you and bid you goodnight as well. 
“We love you too y/n/n.”
I hope you all enjoyed the series! this was really amazing and stressful and fun and interesting to write and although some of these chapters may not be that good, just know I put my heart and soul into this series and I was really happy to share it with you guys. <3 
Remember if you’d like to request a plus chapter continuing this storyline, feel free to request one but please be specific as to what you’d like to see in that chapter. Thank you so much for reading! :D
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kimannhart · 4 years
Jooooo, may I get fluff 30 "I've been in love with you since we were kids" with IronFalcon? 💖
“You know for someone who claims to be super observant about people, you really are an oblivious idiot when it comes to Tony and his feelings, huh?” Bucky says to Sam before taking an obnoxious bite of his sandwich that he got from his favorite bodega.
Sam furrows his brows at the mention of Tony and feelings. Tony having feelings for him? No, that couldn’t be possible. The two have been friends since the moment the two shared a blanket during nap time in preschool. They basically spent every moment with each other. Sam definitely would’ve noticed if Tony had feelings for him, right? 
“What are you talking about?” Sam questions. He makes a disgusted face at Bucky who’s gotten sauce all over his shirt and pants and doesn’t seem to care a tiny bit. 
Bucky gives a look that basically says, ‘You’re fucking joking right?’.
Sam shakes his head. “I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Tony’s in love with you, you dumbass.” 
“What? No, he’s not.”
“Uh, yes he is. He makes the precious little bambi eyes at you, like all the time.”
“Nope, no way. I’ve known him since we were kids, I definitely would’ve noticed if he was in love with me.”
Bucky snorts. He spots Sharon, Tony’s cousin and their friend, across the quad and whistles out to her. “SHARON! HEY! COME OVER HERE REAL QUICK!” 
The blonde gives the pair an amused look before reluctantly heading their way. “And what do you idiots want? I’m kinda in a rush here.”
“Rush? Where are you going? You got big plans tonight?” Sam asks.
“As a matter of fact, yes I do.”
Bucky can’t help himself and decides to tease her, “Is big plans just code for having a sex marathon with Pepper in her dorm tonight?” 
Despite the glare that Sharon tosses at Bucky, there’s a pretty blush that paints her cheeks. 
“I’m taking that as a yes then,” Sam says as he and Bucky laugh.
“Anyway! What did you want?” 
“I’m trying to convince this clown,” Bucky points to Sam with his thumb, “that Tony’s in love with him, but he doesn’t believe me. Can you please convince our idiot friend that what I said is true?”
Sharon looks towards Sam in disbelief. “Wait, do you seriously not know that Tony’s in love with you?”
“He’s not in love with me!”
Sharon lets out an exasperated sigh. She pulls out her phone and texts Pepper that she might be a little late because she had to deal with their dumb friends real quick. “You know what no, I’m not gonna deal with you two dumbasses.” Sharon grabs Sam’s hand and drags him to Tony’s dorm, Bucky—who’s sporting a smug smile—in tow.
The moment that the three reach the door, Sharon knocks furiously. “Tony! Tony! I know you’re in there. Open up!” 
The door squeaks open. Before Tony could even say a word, Sharon pushes Sam into Tony’s arms. 
“Please, for everyone’s sake, Tony can you please tell Sam that you’re in love with him already? Okay, thanks! C’mon Bucky, let’s leave these lovebirds alone.”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna sta—Whoa! Hey! I wanna stay!” Bucky pouts as Sharon drags him away.
As the two are out of sight Sam removes himself from Tony’s arms and sits himself down on the edge of Tony’s bed. “So, word on the street is you’re in love with me, but I don’t believe it.”
Tony fidgets with his fingers. 
“You’re not gonna say anything?”
Tony looks at Sam. He takes in a deep breath and exhales. “The word on the street is right.” He chuckles nervously.
“I've been in love with you since we were kids.” 
Sam looks down to his feet, trying to wrap his head around Tony’s confession. 
“Look, Sam, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. If it makes you uncomfortable I can...”
“But I do feel the same way, though,” Sam interrupts. 
Tony freezes, not believing Sam for a second. “You do?”
Sam nods. “I do,” he confirms. “Since we were kids too.” 
“I don’t mean to interrupt this whole love confession, but like can you please go do this somewhere else? Like don’t get me wrong, I’m so excited that you two have finally decided to get your heads out of your asses, but I have a midterm to study for.” Rhodey states from his bed that was across from Tony’s. 
The two look at Rhodey in embarrassment, both giving their murmurs of apologies. 
Sam looks at Tony, “Wanna finish this conversation in my dorm?”
Tony nods as he interlocks his arm with Sam’s, making sure to press the side of his face into Sam. 
“Make sure to use protection! Or don’t, I’m not the boss of you two!” Rhodey calls out as the two walk out.
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Sounds of Someday - CH 2
Title: Sounds of Someday
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel 
Rating: E (eventually)
Tags: canon typical violence, character death, kind of cuz you know, nothing really dies in Supernatural, smut, fluff, bit of angst
Summary: Sam was dead, Cas was lost forever, and Dean's entire world had been turned upside down in less than an instant. He was alone, again, a typical Winchester ending, but god damn if that was how he was going to leave it. He was going to get Sam back, he was going to get Cas back, and he was going to fix everything that had fallen apart, and now he was going to do it all with twin babies and the king of hell back on his side. Season sixteen… here we go.
*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! But comments and reblogs are love! <3 Please and thanks!!
Chapter two
     Jody Mills tapped the wooden spoon in her hand on the side of the pot, splattering her famous spaghetti sauce all over the white of her stove top. The doorbell rang again, followed by a persistent knocking as she scowled into the pot of sauce, angrily dropping the spoon into the empty sauce can beside her. She swiped her half full wine glass off the counter as the knocking and ringing continued, and she stormed towards the door wondering who would have the gaul to be so arrogant on a Sunday afternoon. 
     "I'm coming, I'm coming, keep your pants on, yeesh!" She called out, grumbling to herself about the arrogance of some people as she finally made it to the door. She quickly swung it open, ready to give the person on the other side a huge piece of her mind, but instead she only managed a stunned, "Dean?!"
     "Jody," he breathed. 
     "Dean Winchester! Where the hell have you been?!" Though it wasn't exactly the warm welcome Dean had been hoping for, he was still happy to have this nonetheless. "I haven't heard from you in ages, and now you just randomly show up on my doorstep, unannounced, on a Sunday afternoon? And those…" She looked down to the two car seats, one in each of his hands and pointed to them, "Are… are those babies? You have babies?!"
     He just nodded and looked to her with his still red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. When she was finally able to take him fully in, getting past the initial shock of seeing him after so long with no word as to why, she realized there must be more to this then at first glance and quickly ushered him inside. "Let's get you all inside, I do believe I'm entitled to a very lengthy and detailed explanation of what the hell's going on here."
     "You were dead?" 
     Jody looked up at Dean from where she was sitting on the couch across from him, playing with the babies in the car seats where they sat on her coffee table. He just looked back at her with a solemn expression and nodded. 
     "Yeah, or at least I thought I was. Turns out I was just in some sort of Chuck induced fever dream for four years."
     "And Sam?"
     It wasn't missed on Jody the way Dean's entire being died with the question, the already dimming light completely fading from his eyes. She already had her answer. 
     "He's dead, he's back at Bobby’s right now," he confirmed with a nod, "and Cas is… he's gone too, the Empty took him."
     "When the hell did that happen?!"
     Dean just shook his head, thinking back. He wasn't sure if he should tell her, hell he wasn't even sure if he was ready to say it out loud himself. But he figured who better to bear it all to then Jody, a woman who had basically been his mom for years now. 
     So he nodded to himself, trying in a way to convince himself it was okay, then scrubbed a hand down his face as he looked up to her, "It, uh… it happened right after he allowed himself to be truly happy."
     She gave him a questioning look and asked, "And that was how?"
     "He…" He waited a beat, took a deep breath, then continued, "He told me he loved me."
     Jody's eyebrows shot nearly straight into her forehead, and her bottom lip shrugged out almost in that typical Winchester way. "Well, okay, yeah, that makes sense."
     "That… that makes sense?" He scrunched his face at her, "The hell is that supposed to mean?!"
     "Exactly what it sounds like," she chuckled lightly, "you two were always so oblivious. Everyone knew that you were both in deep for each other, the only two who didn't know it was you. At least one of you finally said something."
     "Yeah," he scrubbed his face again and sighed into his hands, "and as soon as he did, the Empty took him away. He never should have made that deal with the Empty. He let himself be happy, told me he loved me, and then to save me he let the Empty take him away from me for it. I didn't have a chance to say anything before he was gone. I just… I just stood there like an idiot."
     "But you're gunna save him right?" She asked, then turned a wide smile on one of the babies as they cooed at her. 
     “Oh don't you play me for a fool, Dean Winchester,” she eyed him from the side, “I know you, and I know that even if it takes everything you’ve got, you will find a way to bring back both your brother and Cas. You'll have your chance to talk to Cas about this, I'm sure of it.”
     “But that's just the thing Jody, I can't do that anymore,” he gestured to the two little ones in front of him, “I have these two now, kids, I can't go running around all reckless like I used to. I have to make sure I’m there for these two, I have to be a good dad.”
     “Seems you're off to a good start at least, thinking like that,” she smiled at him softly, “but I'm sure together we can find a way around this. We'll find a way to bring them back without having to go the familiar route of the typical Winchester sacrifice.”
     He just nodded, thankful but not really knowing exactly how to put in words just how much that all meant to him. 
     “And if you decided that you wanted to keep hunting after we got them both back, then we'll find a way around that too, I know it’s important to you.”
     She reached over and placed her hand on Dean's knee, giving it a little shake. He managed to give her the smallest hint of a smile, which she returned, then looked back to the two small bundles still cooing on her coffee table. 
     “I still can't believe that these two precious little munchkins are God and the Darkness. Two very horrible people we once tried to kill,” she looked up from the babies, “how… how do you feel about that, I mean, the last time I saw you, you were pissed at Chuck and now you're raising him.”
     “It's… an interesting development,” he stood from the chair across from Jody and moved to sit beside her, looking at both the babies. Chuck was still awake, wide eyed and looking at everything, and Amara was sound asleep in the car seat beside him. He smiled a little, lifting his hand to run his finger down Chuck's little cheek, “I know who they were, but they aren't that anymore, they're just babies now, human. No power, no memories, just little Chuck and Amara Winchester. A once God turned human and his now equally human twin sister.”
     “Wait, Winchester? I was wondering what you would be doing for last names.”
     “I don't really have much of a choice.” He reached into the side pocket of Chuck's seat, pulling out the envelope he had found earlier and handed it to Jody. 
     She gave him a curious look then turned to open it, dumping the contents into her lap. She rifled through, looking at every piece, eyes widening as she went deeper. 
     “Did Chuck do this?!”
     Dean nodded, “Just before he blew us back to reality.”
     “Birth certificates,” she lifted each piece as she said it, “he made both of them Winchesters, officially. Guess he thought of everything.”
     “Not everything,” Dean grumbled, “he zapped the three of us back here with no supplies for the babies, no formula, no diapers, no cribs, no place to live, and it's going to be hard to find a place by myself that's going to take an ex-hunter single dad with two kids and a dog.”
     “You're not going back to the Bunker?”
     “No,” he answered a bit too fast, then sighed, “no, not right now at least. I… I just can't right now after losing Sam and Cas.”
     She nodded, understanding how he felt. “Well you know, i've got some extra rooms in the house since the girls left. Claire’s never here aside from a quick visit to check in for the sake of my sanity between hunts, Patience is off to college so she'll be back in the summer but that's it, and Alex is still working at the hospital in town but she's now all moved in with her boyfriend. That gives you a room for yourself, a room for the twins, and then we still have a spare room for when the girls come to visit.”
     “Are you… you want me to move in here?”
     “Why not?” She shrugged.
     “Jody, I can't just move in with no notice like this, I don't wanna impose on you.”
     “Dean, honey, you are not imposing,” she placed a hand on his knee and gave it a light squeeze, “I am happy to help. So you, the babies, and your dog are all going to be living here starting now until further notice. And as for the rest, the supplies for the babies, I can also help you with that. I don't have anything left over from when my son was little, but it's nothing a quick trip to the store can't fix.”
     “Jody I can't, “ he shook his head, “I can't ask that much of you, and I've still got so much to deal with, and Sam… I’ve still got to bury Sam,” he whispered the last part, voice cracking, choking back a sob as he tried to hide it behind his hand.
     “Dean, please,” she leaned forward on the couch and looked into his eyes, “I want you here, and this isn't something you should have to go through alone. 
     “I… I don't know what to say.”
     “Don't say anything,” she smiled at him, “once we take care of Sam we’ll head to the store, grab what we need for the babies, then you can grab what you need from the Bunker and get settled in here.”
     He just nodded, staring at the floor unable to actually look at jody right now, “Thanks, Jody, this really means a lot.”
     “We’ll get through this, Dean, okay, one step at a time.” He just nodded again as Jody gave him one last squeeze then stood and said, “Let's get to the store so these babies have food, then we'll head over to Bobby’s… and take care of Sam.” 
     She left him to sit on the couch for a few minutes, to think over everything and have a little time to process, time she was sure he hadn't allowed himself to have yet, and started gathering her things to wait for him outside.
     Dean pulled up to the all too familiar junk yard that was home for him once upon a time. Home for him and his little brother all those years ago when John was too busy hunting to be a father, too riled up in his revenge and anger to be a dad, too misguided and self centered to be a parent. But all for the better, Dean thought as he drove through the maze of piled up cars, because they found something better. 
     In those old worn down walls they found a man more worthy of being their father then John ever was. A man who actually cared for them not just as children, but even later in life when they showed up lost and alone on his doorstep. Even on his dying breath he loved them like the sons he considered them to be. In those old worn down walls they felt true love.
     He pulled the impala to a stop outside the burned down and broken remains of Bobby's old place. He remembered how he felt the day he drove in to find the place up in flames, after the Leviathans had destroyed it, killed Bobby, ruined their lives. Dean thought they had taken everything away from them. But he realized soon after, when they buried Bobby there, that as soon as he stepped foot on the soil outside that burnt up mess, it was still home. 
     There may not have been much of a house left, and Bobby was gone for good, but the feeling that Dean always felt when he was there never left. It was something the Leviathans or anything else could ever take away from him. The memories, the love, that feeling of home. And in the end, Dean couldn't think of a better place to bury his brother. Sammy would want to be home. 
     He got out of the car, breathing in the sweet Sioux Falls air he loved so much, and walked to the back doors to start getting the babies car seats out of the back as Jody drove up and parked beside him. He got both seats out of the impala and placed them on the ground, watching as Jody pulled the new double stroller they just bought out of the back of her van, and pushed it over to Dean. 
     He lifted Chuck first, holding his seat over the front of the stroller, testing and turning it a few times before he asked, "How…?"
     Jody just laughed and reached for the car seat, "Here, it goes facing you, and just clips in like this "
     At the simple little snap Dean eyed the stroller warily and reached out to give the car seat handle a little test jiggle, "Is this safe? It doesn't seem safe at all, I mean that was too easy!"
     "It's perfectly safe, Dean, you insisted we got the most top of the line everything for the babies, and according to the clerk at the store, and the seven articles you read on the way there, that's exactly what we got. And the articles said it was tested and proven the best stroller in America right?" She laughed as he just nodded sheepishly. "Don't worry so much, Dean, you're gunna be a fine daddy. Now you try clipping Amara into the bottom part of the stroller."
     It took him a few tries, but eventually he had both babies clipped in and he was pushing the stroller towards the back of the house. The pire he had already set up before going to Jody was still there, Sam wrapped in a white sheet in the center. He stopped for a moment, not really able to move or breathe as he just stared at Sam. This wasn't what he wanted, this was never what he wanted, he had what he wanted and it turned out to be a stupid fake reality. Everything was falling apart at the seams. 
     Jody lifted her hand and squeezed his shoulder, urging him forwards. He nodded and walked closer to Sam with Jody by his side, and after making sure the babies were at a very safe distance from the pire, he pulled his lighter out of his pocket. He shifted it from hand to hand for a moment, staring at the dirt, trying to find the right words to say.
     "Well, Sammy," he choked out, trying to hold back tears, "I'm sorry. I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't help you. But mark my words, I will find a way to bring you back. I promise you."
     He waited another moment before he nodded to himself, then tossed the lighter and took a step back to stand with Jody. They watched as the pire lite up, standing side by side, and there was no stopping the tears now while he watched his brother burn. 
     "This isn't permanent, you know," she said from beside Dean, "it's only temporary. We will find a way to make this right again. We always have."
     He took a deep, shuddering breath and wiped away the tears rolling down his cheeks. Jody shifted over and wrapped an arm around him, "When you're ready, we’ll head to the bunker and get what you need. Then we'll get back home, get the cribs set up in their room, and get you and the babies settled."
     "Yeah," he cleared his throat and turned to look at Jody, "let's get the babies home."
     Dean stood in the entryway to the Bunker, his legs unable to move. This was the last place they were all together. The last place that he, Cas, and Sam were all together. It was also the place where he lost Cas. Where he confessed his love to Dean, where he stood stock still and did nothing, said nothing as Cas was taken from his life again. It's where he spiralled after that, falling to his rage and anger, feeling the loss of Cas again though this time it weighed differently. He knew Cas loved him, had loved him all those years together when he'd been too afraid to say anything. Losing Cas always ripped his heart out, but knowing how Cas felt, that his hidden feelings for the angel were reciprocated, knowing that they had lost so many years when they could have been together, it made the pain infinitely worse. And he felt that pain renewed as he stood just before the threshold to the place that held his worst nightmares inside. And what was worse was that now he stood here alone. No brother… no Cas, just himself and the bad memories.
     "You ready?"
     He turned to Jody who was now standing beside him, holding both car seats. He jolted out of his flashing memories of losing Cas just beyond this door, took one of the seats from her, sighed and said, "As ready as I can be. Let's just get this over with."
     Dean wanted to spend as little time in the Bunker as possible. The bad memories as of late outweighed the good and all he wanted was to get in and get out. So after putting the sleeping babies in the lounge, he rattled off a list of things for Jody to find, and the two split up to cover more ground faster. And with the promise from Jody that if ever they needed something else from the Bunker, she would come get it so that Dean never had to come back after this. She could tell it was really hurting him to even be in here for this short of a time. 
     After about an hour the two met back up in the map room, shoving their findings into the few duffels Dean grabbed from his old room, when a pounding at the door had them both frozen and silent. Eyes wide, Dean looked to Jody for an answer who just shook her head, as lost as he was. 
     The pounding came again and this time Dean's heart felt a little jolt of hope and he perked up slightly. Afterall, it had happened before so why not now? "Cas?!"
     "Oi! Someone open up will ya!"
     He sighed, but why would he be so lucky. 
     He and Jody both exchanged unimpressed glances as Dean headed up the stairs to open the door, though just enough to stick his head out. 
     "What do you want, Crowley?! I am not in the mood!"
     "Easy, Squirrel, easy," he held both hands up, "not here to bother you, just came to find out why in the bloody hell the world suddenly jolted back to life after four years. Figured if anyone had anything to do with it, it would be one of you lot. Gunna let me in?"
     Dean just rolled his eyes and backed away to let him in. "You could have just snapped your way in like you usually do."
     "Didn't want to be rude now, Squirrel.". He strolled in, hands in his pockets and looked around. He eyed Jody at the bottom of the stairs and raised a brow. "Where’s Moose?"
     "Ah," he nodded, seemingly unfazed, "and your devilishly handsome boyfriend?"
     Dean shook a little at the mention of Cas, but answered through gritted teeth, "He's in the Empty, for good this time."
     It didn't pass Crowley that he never even bothered to deny the boyfriend comment but he went on anyway as they headed down the stairs together. "You seem fairly untroubled by the fact that I am indeed alive. Last we saw each other I "killed myself"," he turned to use air quotes at Dean who rolled his eyes again, "back when we were fighting my old compadre in the Endverse world."
     "Yeah well, after the last four or so years that I've had, nothing really phases me anymore."
     "Assuming this has something to do with the world being frozen. Glad you're back by the way. The world was boring while Chucky had it frozen. No deals to be made, no fun to be had."
     "Where were you all that time, huh?" He turned Crowley back to look at him, "How did you not die, what did you do?"
     "Ah well, that. I had a contingency plan in place in case one of you clots should be my end."
     "Of course you did, what was this brilliant plan?"
     "Pulled myself a Voldemort." He smiled smugly at Dean who just furrowed his brows. 
     "You… what?!"
     "I put a small piece of myself in some sorry sap down in New Mexico before Lucifer pulled his second tantrum of the decade, and after I killed myself I was able to use that piece of myself to be resurrected. As for where I've been, it takes time to recover from such a trauma you know, so surf, sun, and sandals." 
     "I, you… did you just make a Harry Potter reference?" He was still stuck on the first part of the conversation. 
     And though Dean was confused, Crowley looked almost impressed, "Didn't take you for a Potterhead, Squirrel."
     "Of course I've watched Harry Potter," he scoffed, "Hermione kicks ass! She'll be a good role model for the kids when they watch it with me when they're older.” 
     "Kids..? Yours? You have kids," he turned, looking around the room for little rugrats tearing the place apart, then back to Dean, " Did I miss something?!"
     "You have no idea-" Crying came from the room behind them and Dean just closed his eyes and let out a full body sigh, "Damn it, I was hoping they'd stay asleep till we got home."
     He left for a moment then came back in the room bouncing a tiny baby in one arm, and carrying another car seat in his other hand. 
      When Dean walked up to Crowley he had to laugh a bit despite everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. He was sure he had never seen such a look of genuine confusion on his face as he darted his eyes back and forth between the babies. "Is that…?"
     Dean just nodded, "Chuck and Amara."
     Crowley walked over to Dean, still a little shook that he was looking at two creatures he used to fear once upon a time. When he was close enough he bent down slightly, looking into Chuck’s car seat, "Capitol G, look at you now," then up to Amara in his arms, "and the Darkness. And now you're their… father?"
     "Apparently," he placed Chuck’s seat down by his feet and took the outstretched bottle from Jody as she came back from the kitchen, "they didn't give me much choice. Just fixed reality, put me back on Earth, sent Sam to Heaven, and just poofed themselves into human babies with paperwork saying they’re Winchesters."
     "And how do we feel about that?" Crowley asked, "You're now father to the creature who made your life a living hell for years, who tried more than once to kill you, and attempted to destroy the Earth. Doesn't it bother you to now be caring for the little hellraiser?"
     Dean shrugged. Sure, he'd thought about all that, thought about how angry Chuck had made him, the things he did near the end, and Amara was no saint in her own way. But when Dean looked down at Amara in his arms, and Chuck still sleeping soundly in the car seat at his feet, he found himself smiling as he answered Crowley's question, "It doesn't bother me. It may have bothered me for a split second when everything was being thrown in my face all at once with Sam's death, my reality, the babies. But then I realized that even though this is Chuck and Amara, God and the Darkness, in a way it's not. They have no memories of what they did before they started their lives over as humans, they're just babies, humans now. And I'm going to make sure they're loved and cared for, always, as every baby should be."
     "My," Crowley raised a brow as he stared at Dean, a little mixed between impressed and speechless, "that's very noble of you. I myself don't think I’d be able to do the same."
     "You couldn't even raise your own son, Crowley. What was his name… Gavin? That kid was a mess because of you," Dean rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't expect you to suddenly grow a heart."
     "Glad we're on the same page then," he smirked, then walked a little closer to Dean, looking him up and down once. Dean eyed him cautiously, watching his movements, then he looked back at Dean after one last look over, "although, Dean Winchester with babies, very… dilf of you, Dean."
     Dean scoffed, "In your dreams, Crowley."
     He just smirked over at Dean, and said in a smooth, deep voice, just barely above a whisper, "Every night," with a wink.
     Dean gaped at him, mouth opening and closing a few times, but no words came out. 
     Crowley then knelt down, same devilish smirk on his face as before, and looked into Chuck's car seat. "Well, now little ones, how about Uncle Crowley helps Daddy get back your other Daddy and Uncle Moose?"
     "Okay, first of all, Uncle Crowley?" He just shrugged up at Dean as he continued, "And second, why do you wanna help all of a sudden? What's the catch?"
     "No catch, no tricks, no deals. I just want to help that's all." Dean didn't even say anything, just stared him down until he rolled his eyes and tossed his head back, "Alright, fine. I'll admit, you're not my favourite people on Earth, but it's painfully boring up here without the Winchesters around to stir up trouble. And I figure I scratch your back…"
     "Cut the crap, Crowley, what do you want?"
     "I'm not asking for much here, but when I… died," he drawled, "of course all of hell assumed my throne was up for grabs and gave it to my mother of all people, and when the time comes, you could help me get it back. Besides, I think you could benefit from having friends in low places, don't you?"
     Dean sighed and shook his head. He knew himself that Crowley had gotten them out of a jam more than once, and it was always helpful to have the King of Hell on their side in tough times. But he’d be the last person to ever admit that out loud. Especially in front of Crowley. 
     "If you can get Cas back, and Sam, I'll help you get whatever you want."
     "Jolly good show. So we've got a deal then?" He stuck his hand out to Dean waiting for him to take it, but Dean just glared at him, so he pulled it back and laughed, "Joking, of course."
     "Right," Dean huffed, then turned to sit in a chair while he continued feeding Amara, "where do we start?"
A/N: So there’s chapter two of my fix it fic, let me know what you guys think! And if anyone wants to be tagged for future posts or destiel fics, let me know <3
Tags: @thebridgekid @frostingsfics @frostedej @clairewinchester14 @kitsunecastiel 
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Day 3: Demonic
Word Count: 1888
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rowena had someone coming for her crown and while the Winchesters aren’t for hire, having his Aunty Rowena on the throne has been a big help. They didn’t close the gates of hell or heaven but instead run them. Jack and Cas upstairs while Rowena ran hell with a little help from Sam. Dean was mostly on call from whoever needed him. Also, Sam likes to point out that Purgatory was all his for the taking according to the rumors.
Right now though Rowena needed him to find the demon making a secret army to overtake the crown. Simple enough that he said he’ll do it himself. It was just one demon and his dumb army. He just fought God and won, he’s surprised they’re any monsters still willing to pick a fight with them.
The thing was that nobody said this damn demon was going to be so annoying.
“Buddy, I know you got those kamikaze bombers going for the Queen so you might as well call them off,” Dean says as he leans against the desk in their dungeon with the demon trapped in the, well the damn demon trap. 
The demon hasn’t said a damn word since he brought him down here. Only smiled because he thought he was being a cocky son of a bitch but Dean was too tired to deal with regular demon crap. He wished they would just tell him what he wants to hear so he could be on his way but they never made it easy for him.
Dean sighed as he twirled the angel blade in his hands as he sat up and took the few steps towards him. To stand just at the edge of the trap. “You know, if you ain’t talking I don’t have to keep you alive. Shit, I would have killed you even though you were talking but I guess you aren’t useful to me after all. Probably not even the right demon. They said this demon was smart and he’s a leader demons can depend on or whatever but you…” Dean looked the demon up and down before shrugging. “Meh. You look like any other basic bitch. Nothing special.”
“I am the future of hell!” The demon hissed at him and Dean found his weak spot. His pride. Not really a surprise. “I will be a leader that will not roll over for the Winchesters or anybody for that matter! My army would kill that red-headed bit-Ah!”
Dean squirted the demon with holy water from Jack’s tiny water gun. He chuckled when he got him right in the eye but then glared back at the demon. “Now, let’s be civil and keep from the name-calling. Just tell me where your army is. I mean, don’t you wanna see how strong they are? If they can defeat me then damn I’m sure all of hell will follow you with no hesitation. Since, you know, I killed Hitler.”
“I don’t need my army to kill you. I can do it myself.” The demon laughed and it was darker, clearly knows something Dean doesn’t. “I forgot to tell you. We also captured a little leverage not that long ago. Why do you think I let you take me so easily?”
“Cause you suck?”
The demon, clearly not amused, continued his evil person speech that made Dean roll his eyes and groan as he paced around the trap. 
“Do you think we didn’t know Rowena would call on you two for help? We couldn’t stand by and let a Winchester rule alongside the Queen! What an embarrassment to be taking ordered from that overgrown son of a-” Dean waved the water gun around again. “So I took matters into my own hands. I figured we couldn’t get to your brother but sometimes the new God sends one of his Daddy’s to do some work here on Earth without supervision. Without back up.”
“Oh, we have your precious little Angel somewhere hidden away from you and your God.”
Dean walked into the devil’s trap and held the blade to the demon’s throat. “You have five seconds to tell me where he is or I’ll kill you.”
“You will never find him without me and I will never reveal him until after my bomb-Ahh!”
“Time’s up.” Dean finally pulls the blade out of the demon’s chest as soon as his screams die out. Then he was on the phone calling the dumb angel that let himself be jumped again.
 After the third ring, Cas answers with a tired, “Hello Dean.”
“You’re a dumbass you know that.”
“I figured you will say something like that but I’m fine they just wa-oof!” Dean can hear Cas groan out in pain and Dean was already out of the dungeon with his keys in his hands. “Where the hell are you?”
“Dean Winchester.” Someone says and Dean was too mad to deal with another speech from demonic asshats. “What a nice-”
“Just tell me where to meet you and quick. I would like to kill you before dinner.”
A short laugh from the demon as she said, “Funny.” 
“Well I try my-” Dean started but then he heard a groan from Cas before a coughing fit started. That alone made Dean tense up as his boy heated up in anger that really should scare just about anyone who dared mess with family. 
The demon then quickly told him their location, an obvious trap but who cares now. The only problem was that they wanted a trade. The dead demon, that he was positive they didn’t know was dead, for Cas. Well, he hopes they like surprises cause the only thing they are going to get from Dean is a one-way ticket to the damn Empty for laying a damn finger on his husband.
The trip went just as expected. Dean pretended the demon was in the trunk of his Baby and killed the first few that came to check it out. Then he was walking inside the old-looking house with the angel blade in hand hoping that Cas hasn’t prayed to their son yet because then he’ll start to worry again.
Jack wasn’t the biggest fan of Cas going fully human, to be honest, Dean wasn’t either, for the same reason as Cas not being able to heal himself. Now they were constantly worried that the new fully human Cas scraped his knee somewhere. Or worse, made himself into bait by a bunch of demons who thought was a great idea to kidnap one of God’s dads.
As soon as he walked into the house he called out for Cas. He got some lady, probably the demon from the phone, answer from upstairs. While he made his way upstairs he noticed a couple of demons standing sideline downstairs but he can deal with those later. It’s not like he was in a hurry or anything. 
“Okay,” Dean walked over to the wide-open door where he could already see Cas tied up to a chair and unconscious. He knew this was a clear trap but he didn’t care as he ran over to his husband. Taking his head in his hands he quietly whispered, “Cas, honey, you okay?”
He found a pulse at least but Cas was bleeding from his nose and his cheek was starting to swell under the rag they were using as a gag. There were bruises along his wrist along with rope burns from trying to escape probably because of course Cas wouldn’t just stay put to wait for Dean to come.
“Now that you have your angel back or ex angel. A surprise that made it a lot easier for all of us actually,” Dean didn’t even turn around to face the talking demon as he started to untie Cas. “Let’s discuss our fair trade. I will ignore that you killed our people as long as you let our leader go.”
“Yeah, your leader is dead.”
“Gone. Fin. Rotting in my dungeon at home as we speak.”
“But we had a deal!”
“What you got me here, didn’t you? I’m sure there was something else that was supposed to happen.” Dean says as finally unties Cas and then removes the dirty gag rag. “Oh man, he’ll have to get some shots after having that in his mouth. You know how long it took me to convince him to get a flu shot.”
Dean was then thrown against the wall because of course, he was. The angry demon stalked towards him and Dean realized he left the blade by Cas’s side. He reached for the gun in his pocket only to be pinned to the wall now, a not so new trick he was also tired of. 
“I’m gonna guess that you’re not happy,” Dean said between his teeth as the woman stood in front of him. Her fingers reaching to caress his cheek, not creepy at all but most importantly he didn’t know where her hands have been. Everything in this dump was dirty. Dean’s gonna have to burn their clothes after this. “So, you wanna share your big overthrow the government plan or…?”
Of course, she did. Dean was only really half-listening as other demons started to walk in and make a beeline for Cas, who still rested unconsciously on the dirty chair. Dean delivered a threat to them to not touch his husband but of course, that was ignored as they reached to throw Cas over one of their shoulders. 
Then he heard the demon lady’s words, “Wait, Cas’s the bomb?”
“Who else can get close to the Queen?” She smiled with her black coal eyes sparkling. “Don’t worry you’ll work for us too. Get that brother of yours out of the way.”
“That’s a terrible plan.” Dean tried to turn his head towards the voice of his husband who must have hidden the blade somewhere because the next thing he knows he hears screaming then another scream and one more for good measure. “You should pick me up like that more often, Dean.”
Dean smiled as he rolled his eyes fondly. “I’ll do that now but I’m kind of preoccupied with the whole being stuck to the wall thing.”
“You suck at rescue missions.” Cas teased him as the demon waved her hand to try to push Cas against his own wall but Cas was quicker as he threw the blade across the room to be buried into the demon’s chest. 
Cas was by his side at once as he kneeled down beside Dean and took his face in his hands now, giving him a once over. He rested his forehead against Dean’s own and for a second they just sat still like that, letting the relief of the other being okay run through them but the demons running up the stairs had terrible timing. They also angered the scariest human in heaven and Dean loved seeing how badass Cas looked in a fight.
They called Sam after it was all over to let him know what happened and it was a quick call because his husband was being too grabby now.
“Don’t you dare kiss me until you brush your teeth!”
“Then let’s go home and take a hot shower together.”
“Fine but it won’t be sexy cause I’m scrubbing you clean.”
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