#but atleast i remembered ham's eyes
schnitzelsemmerl · 5 months
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Based on a convo i had with my dear child Rae:
Hamilton: -et il dit toujours "français pas ci, français pas ça!" J'AI EN MERRE DE CEL IDIOT FRANÇAIS!
Boleyn: Mon ami, que la reine d'Angleterre te donne quelques conseils!
Boleyn: Tu voles son mari. >:)
Hamilton: ...
Hamilton: continuent
Hamilton: and he's always like "French this, French that!" I AM SICK OF THAT FRENCH IDIOT!
Boleyn: my friend, let the ✨️Queen of England✨️ give you some advice!
Boleyn: go steal his husband >:)
Hamilton: continue
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Green Eggs And Ham Part 2
Professor Hulk x Reader
Wong worries about his friend and decides to bring in help.
Part 1
Wong stood across from Y/N in an almost defiant stance, trying one last time to stop her.
“Please Y/N I do not think you are ready-“
“I’m the Sorceress Supreme now aren’t I?”
“There for, by right, I should have complete access to the Ancient One’s private collection correct?”
“My friend,” Wong said softly. “I am worried for your-“
“I’m fine Wong.” Y/N cut him off, raising her hand, signalling an end to their conversation.
“Just...” She froze, taking in a deep breath, avoiding gazing at her friends concerned face. “Just guard the sanctum while I’m gone.”
With a heavy sigh Y/N her hand and summoned a portal to the Kamar-Taj.
Months passed and Y/N hadn’t returned to New York. Every time Wong tried to coerce her into return she denied him. Each time Wong came he noticed more and more things going badly. Y/N was thinner, her aura was darker, her responses shorter. Eventually she had sealed herself away and Wong decided that it was coming to a point where he may have to take his dear friend down, he may have to... strip her of her title... They all lost so many lives after the battle of Thanos, he did not want to be responsible for taking away another fellow master of the mystic arts.
Wong decided he had one last hope to try before it came to that, with a heavy heart he left his post at the Sanctum, he would return as swiftly as he could.
When Bruce Banner decided to leave society to find himself he made sure he traveled to a place where absolutely no one would ever be able to easily track him down. So when Bruce Banner heard a firm knock rapt upon his door he was confused to say the least.
A lot of different thoughts ran through Bruce’s mind... Was it an enemy? What kind of enemy knocks? Could it be Tony? Tony wouldn’t of knocked either...
Bruce wasn’t going to answer but the knocking was persistent. He decided to throw caution to wind because it’ll atleast be interesting.
“Uh, Wong right?” Bruce gave an awkward half smile at the man standing at his doorway. It took a moment for Bruce to remember that he was the one who was kind enough to give Bruce clothing after Bruce had crashed into the New York sanctum.
“I’m afraid I’m in desperate need of your assistance.” Wong said, cutting to the chase.
Bruce blinked, processing what was happening. Of course... It wasn’t him that was needed or even wanted. It was the other guy.
“Sorry,” Bruce gave Wong a somewhat rueful smile. “The big guy is temporary closed for business.”
Wong shook his head and stopped Bruce as he tried to close the door. “No, I need your assistance Doctor Banner.” Wong paused for moment, and to Bruce it looked like he was trying to figure out what to say.
“I believe Y/N is in grave danger, and I’m afraid if she doesn’t get help now she will walk down a path of destruction with no way to return herself to home.”
Y/N.... It felt like so long since he had last seen her. So much responsibility was thrown upon her. It was suddenly on her shoulders to lead the Masters Of The Mystic Arts through this tragedy.
Bruce wanted to reach out to her, be a shoulder for her to cry on but he couldn’t bring himself to be that source of strength to her. The truth was he was weak. Weak puny Banner. He had lost so much sleep over thinking about what he could of potentially done to stop Thanos if he was able to Hulk out. Hulk was quiet in his head now, Bruce use to want nothing more then silence in his own mind but now he hates it. That’s why he decided to leave, isolate himself and try to finally fix his relationship with Hulk.
But, if Y/N needed him...
“Take me to her.”
Bruce was later told that Wong had found him via a tracking incantation so at least his location wasn’t as easy to find as he feared. Taking in everything Wong was saying was somewhat difficult to digest, he knew that he shouldn’t find it hard to believe that magic was real, but was the polar opposite to science. He remembered talking with Y/N, staying up all night about discussing the difference between magic and science, how he wanted to understand it and how she told him the less he knew the more his mind will be receptive to learning the mystic arts. He didn’t understand it but he admired and respected it.
“She’s through there.” Wong said, regaining his attention again as he pointed towards a corridor that honestly gave Bruce the heebie jeebies. “You aren’t coming?” Bruce asked as he scratched at his arm.
Wong shook her head sadly. “She has blocked me from being able to come near her. Please Doctor Banner, If she has completely lost herself to darkness, I’m going to have to strip her of her powers, maybe worse. I do not want to do this but I must protect the Masters Of The Mystic Arts.”
Bruce felt his throat dry, he didn’t like how serious Wong’s expression was. Did he really just threaten to kill her? Bruce felt a wave of need to protect her, of more importantly to save her. She couldn’t have ‘fallen to darkness’ right? She was too good.
Bruce nodded and began his way down the dark corridor. His footsteps echoed loudly until he reached a room. He saw books hanging against the walls, each individually chained. He saw more scattered on the floor and he saw the form of Y/N hunched over a table, the small light source illuminated her silhouette.
Carefully he took steps towards her. “Y/N?”
“Bruce?” She looked up in shock. “What-What are you doing here?!” She stood, almost defensively and quickly shutting the heavy tome she was reading.
Bruce’s brain tried to process the image that was in front of him. Y/N’s beautiful face, the skin around her eyes were marred with deep painful looking cracks, her skin looked somehow blackened and charred. A strange looking H was etched into the centre of her forehead. A sign that he was told, was a physical embodiment of letting darkness infect your body and your mind.
“Oh Y/N....” Bruce increased his pace and pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sorry Y/N, I should of come sooner.”
Y/N was still in his arms, not reacting at first. Soon enough she begin to break down and clung to Bruce desperately, what started as quiet tears turned into sobs so bad, that they were making her almost hyperventilate.
“I need to save them Bruce! I need to save them!”
Bruce held her tightly and spoke sweet and gentle words, hushing her.
“I need to save them....”
“Not this way Y/N, not like this.” Bruce pulled away and gently wiped her tears away. “We both need to heal Y/N... Come home with me... Let’s heal together.”
“Okay.” She finally whispered. “Okay...”
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Schoolyard Shenanigans - Part I
   Jalin spent all morning trying to get a moment alone with her friends Jessica and Emily.  But she didn't have a single class with them today. When Jalin finally spotted Jessica in the hall Jess was already being marched off to the principal's office.  Emily had disappeared into the girls room to fix her make-up and didn't come out until Jalin had left for her next class.  Finally at lunch she cornered Jessica at a picnic table.  
   She sat down excitedly "Jessica! I've been looking for you all day!" 
   Jessica rolled her eyes "So has Ms.Baker, so quiet down before she spots me!"
   "I heard about the stink bombs, I can't believe you would be so cruel to Ms.Baker."
   "Is that what's going around now?" Jessica seemed thrilled with the news but quickly sobered up "well I can assure you I'm not that cruel, still if she catches me I'll be in trouble none the less" she fished in her pockets and held out a large wriggling spider.
   "Calm down," Jessica laughed "it isn't real! I've got a whole pocket full of them though. Going to drop some in her top drawer. It'll be a riot when she goes to hand us back our papers!"
   Jalin shook her head in disbelief, she liked Ms.Baker and didn't see why Jessica had to pick on her so.  "Why not Mr.Rook or Mrs.Greenfield, though? I'd love to see the look on Mr.Rook's face when he found spiders in his coat pocket!" Jalin giggled at the idea.
   Jessica just shrugged, "too easy. So why have you been looking for me all morning? To chastise me about my 'stink bombs'?"
   " No," Jalin paused, she had been so focused on finding her friends that she hadn't thought about what she would actually say. What if they don't believe me, she thought. It really was a crazy unbelievable story. "Where's Em?" She had expected them both to be here for lunch. 
   "Where do you think?!" Jessica threw her hands up in disgust.
   Jalin sighed and looked over her shoulder to where the cross country and track team sat. Sure enough Emily was gushing over them in an attempt to get a spot at their table. Jalin should have guessed that's where her friend would be.
   "She spent over an hour this morning putting on makeup and getting dressed" Jessica lamented, "We missed the bus again and had to listen to mom gripe about having to drive us in"
   " Again?!" Jalin turned away from Emily's embarrassing performance. This was the third time this month the Blossom twins had been late to school because Emily took too long getting ready.
   This sent Jessica into a full blown rant about her sister, "She had to be just perfect for Henry! Henry the handsome! Henry the hero! That's all I hear from her anymore!"
   "More like Henry the horrible," Jalin remarked, "you remember how he used to chase us around with bugs?"
   "You and Emily perhaps, he never bothered me."
   "That's because you'd of punched him!"
   "I feel like punching him now. I don't understand what Em sees in that nerd."
  Both girls looked over at the track table again. Emily had managed to squeeze herself onto the bench next to Henry and was giggling ridiculously.
   "You know," Jessica continued, "I wish I did have stink bombs, I'd of crammed one in her lunch box before we came out."
   Jalin could only imagine what Emily's horror would have been. She considered it as she bit into her ham sandwich. A stink bomb would sure put an end to her flirting with Henry. At least for a few days. Of course it might put an end to anything she did for a few days. It was notoriously difficult to get rid of the stench from one of those bombs. And anyways Jalin didn't want to antagonize Emily right now. There was important news to share.
   "Do you believe in magic?" Jalin finally asked.
   Jessica raised her eyebrows, "Ummm, no?"
   Jalin sighed and continued working on her sandwich. This put a kink in her news.  Atleast her dad knew how to pack a lunch. A pile of juicy ham with bread and butter pickles and mustard sauce on a thick slice of bread: it was simple but delicious. Not that she would ever admit it out loud.
   Jessica finished scarfing down her own baloney sandwich and picked the conversation back up, "so what was it you've been searching for me all morning for?"
   "Oh, it's nothing I guess" Jalin was certain she didn't want to tell anyone now. Having her best friends laughing at her had not been on her class schedule today.
  Jessica scowled at her friend, "Then why did you spend all morning looking for me?!"
   "It wasn't just you I was looking for, you know. I was looking for Emily too."
   "What, you have to tell both of us at the same time?"
   "Maybe I do!" Jalin exclaimed, she wanted to be done with the conversation.
   "Fine then!" Jessica hadn't meant to anger Jalin but she wasn't about to lose the fight now that it was started, "We'll meet you at the RollerRink this evening and you can tell us then!"
   Before Jalin could come up with a good excuse Jessica grabbed her tray and marched back to the cafeteria. A frustrated Jalin watched her friend leave, her stomach tying itself in knots. This was going horribly. Yesterday's discovery was too much for her to keep secret but now she realized she was truly terrified of sharing it.  Jessica's keen wit could be downright cruel when it was turned on you, and Emily, well Emily might think this sort of thing childish.
   Jalin contemplated all this as she nibbled on her sandwich. It had lost its appeal right along with her secret.
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oceangl1tter · 5 years
revising became poetry
1560s, "to look at again," from Middle French reviser (13c.), from Latin revisere "look at again, visit again, look back on," frequentative of revidere (past participle revisus), from re- "again" (see re-) + videre "to see" (from PIE root *weid- "to see"). Meaning "to look over again with intent to improve or amend" is recorded from 1590s. Related: Revised; revising.
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I haven’t written here in a long time. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing that I’m here again writing things I should check-mark off when I find a therapist.  Hurting is a process like poetry. Poetry, unlike prose, is a combination of language that is there and language that isn’t. Hurting is the same. The plan was clear. The idea was that I’d get better and then we could be a together. We could have hurt & healed together. Why did you make me do it alone? To forgive you is to forgive myself. I am unearthing a thousand pains. I let it hurt again. I let the things that slipped by me hit again. Thousands of me are unearthing. They would not cry with me; they would cry with the world.
Mom asks me again if I’m coming back for thanksgiving break and I say no. She teasingly asks if I have a boyfriend and my sister chimes in that it’s okay if I do and that I should tell her, yes or no. When I hang up I feel like throwing up. are there any other things she can ask  i honestly felt like bawling my little poor pea eyes out im in love with a girl i didnt say i said i dont know and i hung up i say i had a falling out with someone i say its better if i dont come back for thanksgiving break mom says its ok since she doesnt do anything anyways strange mercies all around i say theres nothing left for me there here anywhere anyway but i didnt say it i had it in my head when i hung up im supposed to be a bridesmaid but honestly i didnt even know them half of my life and i read back and i realized i say the exact things my mom says cause shes a means to an end to everyone else or atleast she thinks she is but also cause i let it go i let it go cause its okay to be let go and its ok to let it go and im writing this stupid cliche melodramatic shit and im supposed to be someone soon even though no ones wiating for me to but im waiting for me to which is some meta shit but when does it start but when but when does it start right now i feel it not starting its not starting it shoudl start soon i searched far and wide for it to fix itself i stretched my wee hand in there and i couldnt find it and i could not find the thing that made me feel like an empty lima bean so ifigured it must be a fundamental thing because i can not find the thing and i can not fix the thing and i realize while painting i come across an issue i cant fix i look at the painting and its not right u just have a feeling that its not right its like writing poems u read it u write a line and u know its not right u read it it just aint it so what i do is i maek sure i destroy it real good get my palette knife and just scrape it up till u dont even know what it was originally and maybe thats just what it is now  thet hing that is inside me a sickness ehavy in my throat heavy in my liver heavy in my kidney bones heavy maybe that is what it is i took a palette knife and i just caked things on until u cant even c what the thing underneath was whats the thing underneath surprise its a fucking white canvas can u believe it after all this time and honestly whats the hurry cause oil paint never dries today i ate lunchables which were a fucking abominatinon i really paid 3 dollars for cracker cheese and circle hams and 2 oreos if i wanted to know what hunger felt like i should have just went to my room hid under hte covers and hugged myself that must be what hunger is like tyring to pull memories that u think u have but u dont have them anymore like eating lunchables imagingin g  ah yes circle ham cracker and cheese block that is what packed lunch is supposed to taste like i remember it so clearly i remember it like a full moon i remember it like a clear sky above my lunchable cause in front of hunger i am as full as i can be
and i think tht this should last forever i mean i cant eb feeling this forever right but i have been and ithought i coudl fix it in time but does hte body even know what time is the body remember swhat the mind doesnt my mind doesnt remember whwat it feels to be in love and love somoene or feel the l ove seep in honey as hot as if u were to put ur tongue on a stove  but my skin does and it shakes and it shakes trying to rattle it out the sickness out the love & anguish out wash it out mouthwash rinse it out showerwash today i originally had the cliff bar in my hand and not the lunchables but healthy granola bars made me feel too pure so i put them away and i was going to buy peach rings but they also made me think of a toothache so i put it away and i stood in front of hte candy section for a long time not really lookign for anything but thinking atleast i have the guise of a decision free will really doesnt exist when the thing thats inside of u doesnt move no matter how much u will it to, free the beast yes back into the circus back to the casinos back to 25 years ago when ur mother first put on her work uniform and sold her life like that and i spent 1 month cashiering and i thought that this couldnt possibly last forever but for some it does and i now know why things happen the way they do bc they couldnt have happened any other way like i said free will does not exist thank u and welcome to my tedtalk it was 8pm when i started and i have to say 8pm is a very significant time for me because that is when i would lock the doors and shut myself in a place i call homenothome and i sat on the toilet seat and i waited for this girl who was nice until w ewere both not nice anymore but that was before after because before before iw ould stay in the living room and cry myself awake until id smell a scent i ffiound familiar boys and alcohol are an attractive mix until u find that they dont care about u and i wonder if i can find other latchkey kids that would stare at their reflection in their floorboards and pass the time like that when th only other person that remembers u and knows u is ur reflection in the tv orthe floorboards and ithink i shoudl speak to a therapist bc there avery more bad things that i thin k is the reaosn i do not like hugs on the other hand sexual things and not flinchign when a boy touchse u in a not appropriate manner atleast  make me feel osme ssort of way even if it is disgust and i realzlie there are worst things than not being with the person i love because i dnt know wher eth esickness comes from i learned hate when i laid nex t to u and i couldnt get rid of it and smometimes im a scar i try to wipe away for u i tried to wipe away for u i have succeeded and this girl who was nice waited for me until we were both not nice anymore but that was before after which is to say that she would not do it for me anymore which is to say i know loss too well which is to say she was an excepption after which is to say i gave myself a strange mercy which is to say i had done it ofr her even when i was not what she needed which is to say i should do it fo rmyself which is to say i dnt know if i can bc ive already done eveyrhting that i oculd have and i did not want it to be like this i thought i could do it i thouhtght i could be good again i can be good this was supposed to be kind and nice but again it is not and i did not want for u to hold my pain but it hoguht u would like to i wouldl have liked to have held ur pain too.
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minsquare-blog1 · 7 years
Chapter 3
The begining
Math class always sucked ass. I mean i never sucked dick there. But i wanna..Now before you start thinking i'm a whore. I am. Nah nah..I haven't sucked any dick..yet. It was my second year of highschool I only had a few friends. I put my headphones in after class. Since it was the end of the day. Some kind of final fantasy music was playing. Thats all i liked. Nothing else. Final fantasy was my thing. I loved it with all my heart. I walked down the hall. Looking at all the whore..The jocks. The emos..The weird kids..And there..out of them all..Stood my boyfriend...The best guy ever. Noctus..The love of my life I knew we would be together forever. My other friend..Hope stood by Noctus. Talking to him. Noctus had black hair with sea green tips. It wasnt to long or to short. He had sea green eyes to match his hair. His face omg his face was so nice..If i could i'd lick it. My other friend. Joker was flirting with a nurse. I saw him across the hall. I sighed. He had a girlfriend. He loved her. But she on the other hand...She always cheated on him. He acts like she never did. He was kind of cute..I guess. His hair was so blonde it was white. His skin was so white too. His eyes a very dark brown..Almost black. I had known him since we were younger. He always called himself joker.. Even his mom calls him that. I don't know his real name. I went by Noctus' locker. "Hey.." I said as i leaned on the one next to his. He closed the locker. "Hey hot stuff" I cringe when guys call me hot. Hope waved to me. Hope had really bright blue eyes. Like..they were really fucking blue. And His hair was blonde. Hope had been my best friend since we were young..He knew everything about me. And when i mean everything i mean...Everything..My bra size..When i learned Santa wasn't real. When i learned.. "Hey! Cris!" Hope said as he waved his hand in my face. "Huh? Oh hi" I said as i looked at him. "What's up with you this week, Cris?" Noctus asked as he closed his locker. I can't tell noctus that i was thinking of what Hope knew. "School" I said nice and chill like. Nice save..Not.. "We are in school tho.." Hope said. What? Can't i be thinking of school while at school? but then again..I hated school. Its just a waste of time. "Yeah..You know..tests..And shit" I said. The jocks and cheerleaders walked past. My ex boyfriend. Anthony Barns. The star player of the football team. Why did i ever wanna be with him? But then again we ended on a nice note. I don't remember how it ended tho. Hope does. I don't remember my freshman year of highschool.. When i try to think of it..My head hurts. He told his friends to keep walking. "Hey Cris..And the gang" Noctus looked up from his phone. He was so...Edgy. Ugh...I loved him..Or atleast i think i do. "People don't say gang..They say Fam..You dickwad" Right..Fam was a thing. 2015 you know.. Anthony playfully slapped Noctus. "Right..What's up fam?" Hope started laughing. "It's lit, Fam" Notcus said before he looked back down to his phone. "Lit? What does that mean?" Anthony asked. Hope just kept laughing. This was Anthony's last year of highschool. He was older then all of us. But not more cool. We just talked till the bell rang. Every class was out for the day. We all started walking out of the school. Noctus always walked me home. Hope sometimes followed. Joker sometimes walked with us..If he wasn't busy fucking his girlfriend. And Anthony..He would just grab his truck and leave. sometimes with a cheerleader for a football player he was smart. But not that cute. Brown hair and brown eyes weren't my thing. I was into the...Weird guys. I was stupid then. I didn't know after that day..Everything in my life would change.
The next day i walked to school. I hadn't slept. Why? You know...Teenager stuff. Meaning youtube. All night. And talking to noctus about our life we would share. I looked at my phone as i walked. 6:55am. Oh shit..I'm late I put my phone away then started running to class. I got to school. People were still in the hallway. I saw joker's girlfriend crying into her locker..Again. She was just one of those basic bitches. Blonde hair blue eyes. So pretty. Then there is me..A potato..I kept walking to my class. Someone grabbed me and pulled me into a closet. "Hey! let me go!" they covered my mouth. "Shhh" I heard them say. The closet was dark. I heard the click of the door lock. "Whoever the fuck you are i hope you know i.." They turned on the light. It was joker. He had one of those masks that are like...When you don't wannt cough around people on. "What's with the mask?" I asked "Rememeber what i told you last year?" He asked. "I don't remember anything from last year..." I looked at the floor "The thing about soul mates. Everyone has one. Even if its with a animal. Or a fucking tree" I looked up at him "That doesn't explain the mask, Jack ass" He sighed. "I did it for liah" His girlfriend.."What..Did you do?" He slowly pulled the mask down. I saw a lot of blood. I covered my eyes. "I slit a smile into my mouth..Since she always said i'm never happy around her" He..ruined himself..for her..Wow i wish i had someone like him. "Do you think she is your soul mate?" I said as i uncovered my eyes. "I think.." He grabbed my hips. "You are" What did he mean? He had a girlfriend. I pushed him away. "What the fuck joker?" He walked over to the door to block it. "I have class" "No you don't" He said. He grabbed my butt. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled. He smirked looking at my boobs. I heard the first class bell ring. "We can finish this later" He said before unlocking the door. I quickly ran off to class. What was wrong with him? Was he insane? Maybe..
At lunch i sat alone. Since Hope was out sick today..Noctus and joker had different lunch times as me. I looked over at Anthony. He was flirting with all the cheerleaders. As i looked at him Something flashed into my mind. From my freshman year. I thought...I forgot about all of it. All i was was us at homecomming. Thats...a thing..I went to that. Why? With Anthony? Why? Oh yeah..Hope keeps telling me i was with Anythony that year. I blacked it all out. But why? What happened to me that year? I don't remember. Someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped. It was a cheerleader. "Oh hey? You want something?" I asked as i looked at her. "You have to stop staring at my boyfriend" She said. Her boyfriend? I mean i guess i let him go..but still he's a good friend of mine. She looked like a whore anyway. "Oh sorry. He's just a friend.." I said as i looked back at my lunch. Ugh ham... I didn't want to eat it anymore. I picked it up. "Don't mind me.." I said as i got up. "What? You don't eat anymore?" she asked as she pushed me. I tripped and fell. "Fat whores have to eat" I pushed my face out of all the spilled food. "Then you must eat a lot" Everyone was looking at us. "I don't eat anything but your ex's dick" I slowly got up. My nose was bleeding. I touched it. Didn't feel broken. "Yeah? But your so fat" I heard the other cheerleaders giggle. And this one gasp. "Your fatter! that's why noctus is with you! Cuz he loves Fat chicks" Heh..Is that right? "So..He must fucking love you and your friends..Gotta get a crane to pick ya'll up" I said as i stood up. She gasped again. "Well your so Fat you have to roll" Everyone started laughing. Whatever It was just a cheerleader..Not like she is going to try to fuck noctus..Right? I started picking up my food. Maybe i was fat..No..I wasn't
After school i stood by my locker. I watched the cheerleaders walk by. I heard them laughing at Anythony. "Oh your so funny Anthony!" One of them said. He told them to keep walking. He walked over to me. "Hey.." I quickly opened my locker acting like i wasn't hurt. "Oh..Heyyy" I said as i turned around. "You know she isn't my girlfriend" Oh..Just a whore.. Okaaaaaay. "Oh she isn't?" He shook his head. I saw joker and noctus walk out of class. I closed my locker then ran over to Noctus. I hugged him "Am i fat?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "Where did this come from all of sudden?" I looked at the floor. "No you aren't.." He kissed my cheek. I followed him to his locker. "Wanna come over later to..Study?" He asked. i smiled "Sure.." His meaning of study was making out on his bed till dark. Maybe tonight we will fuck..For the first time.. He grabbed his back pack. "Lets go?" I nodded. As we walked i saw joker. He was with the nurse trying to fix the cuts on his mouth. Poor guy..We made it to his place. I smelled tacos. Hmmm food..His mom saw us walking into his room. She said something in spanish. He talked to her for a little bit in spanish. I took japanese...Not spanish..sadly. We walked into his room. I sat on his bed. He sat on a chair. "Sooo wanna watch some anime?" ANIME? WHY NO MAKING OUT? "Sure.." He turned on his playstation 4. I saw a final fantasy background. "Is that a old final fantasy?" I asked. He looked at me. "That's the newest one..Final fantasy 14" Huh..I wonder if its fun. He turned on some shitty anime. "This is jojo's" We hung out till i got bored. I walked home. Maybe he was getting bored of me.
The next few months were pretty normal. Till 2 weeks before winter break..I was walking to school then i saw a fight break out in front of school. I quickly ran over to joker. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. Joker looked at me then back at the fight. "It's noct and Anthony.." he said. Hope ran over to us. "Oh my dear lord!" He said as he ran over to us. I'd never understand why they were fighting that day.. I saw a bright flash of light. I hid behind joker. When the light went away i ran over to Noctus. Blood was on the ground. It was from anthony. I looked over at him. His arm was gone. Blood everywhere. I looked at noctus. He wasn't hurt at all. I held him in my arms. A little bit later doctors and everyone tried to save them. The school was shut down for a week. I tried to talk to noctus during that week..He didn't. The night before school started up again..I was taking a shower. I just kept thinking of noctus..why wont he talk to me? I sighed as i got out of the shower. I put a towel on. I looked at the conter my clothes weren't there. Huh? thats weird.. I walked into my room. I saw hope sitting on my bed. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" i tried to hide my boobs. He looked over at me. "I wanted to tell you something.." Can't he wait till after i got dressed? I sighed then walked over to my dresser. "What do you want?" I asked as i looked for some shorts and a big band shirt. "Noct isn't talking to you cuz...He found someone new.." I looked at him. "What?" He..found someone? And..Didn't tell me..That.. "Yeah i saw him with a new girl today..She was very pretty.." How could he do that? I just dropped everything. Even my towel. Hope covered his eyes. He walked over to me. He put the towel back around me. "Criss..Look..not everyone your with is going to marry you.." A tear rolled down my cheek. "Why don't we find you someone new?" SOMEONE NEW? i just wanted noctus..My edge lord..My king.. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Criss..I'll find someone" Noctus was the only one who could fill the void in my heart.. Hope walked out. I looked at the clock. 9pm. I stood in the same spot all night. Just crying. How could he? The next morning i got dressed then grabed my backpack. "Leaving so early?" My sister asked. She was older then me. She was always there for me. My mom worked late everyday.. "Yeah i gotta kick ass.." She looked at me from the living room. "Don't get hurt..Okay?" I nodded. I ran out the door. I ran to noctus' house. I knocked. His mom opened the door. "Criss? Oh hello" I smiled "Is noctus here?" She shook her head. "No..He just left.." I started walking back down the drive way. "Thanks..Mama flower" His last name was flower and since i knew them so well i just called her that. I ran to the school. I looked by his locker. There was that cheerleader right by his locker..Her locker was all the way across the school. I bit my lip I ran over to her "What the fuck? WHy are you stealing everyone i fucking know?" I slammed her into the locker. "what? OH!" her nose looked broke when she looked at me. "Whore.." I said as i walked away. I saw noctus walk into the school then run over to her. There goes a slut..But then again i'd take him back in a heart beat.. But then again..I gotta act like i don't know. Durning lunch i sat by myself. again..I had to keep myself from crying. I slammed my fists on the table. I got up and picked up my lunch. I looked over at that cheerleader I smiled at her. I threw my food away then walked over to her. "What was that about earlier?" She asked. I slammed her face into her food. I got up and walked into the hallway. I went to the bathroom and hid in a stall. Tears just filled my eyes. Why the fuck is this so hard? I heard the bell ring. Ehh..I'll just ditch even tho i never have..i was a good kid who never skipped. I stayed in the bathroom all day. I heard the final bell ring. I grabbed my backpack and walked out. I saw noctus talking to that girl. I felt so left out. I felt so empty. So much for a happy ending..I sighed. He waved to me. I walked out of the school. Where to go? I'm not going to cry at home. I ran to central park. It had started snowing. I sat on a bench. I just started crying. I had been crying for awhile before someone from my class walked up to me. "Hey..Your criss?" I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "I'm Gray...Well Adein" I just looked at him. He looked like a basic emo guy. With green hair..Brown eyes.."A..Adein.." He sat right by me. "Are you okay?" I just hugged him and cried. I bearly knew this guy. But i felt so whole as he held me. "Why don't we head to your place?" He patted my head as i cried. I nodded. We talked as we walked. It was getting dark. Christmas lights were on everywhere. I felt like i wasn't myself with Adein. I felt...Cool for once. We got back to my place. I unlocked the door. It was totally dark. Weird that no one was there..We welked up to my room. We just kept talking. "So..Have you ever felt like..dying?" That was weird...All night we had talked about normal stuff..But then he asks me that? "Yeah..I have" we were sitting on other sides of the bed. He cralwed over to me. "I never knew a basic bitch like you would feel like that" I looked at him as he came over to me. "W..well..I'm not basic.." He laughed. "We can see about that" He grabbed me and started kissing me. We fell back on my bed. He started touching my boobs. Playing with them too..I half of me wanted to push him off..But the stronger part of me let him do that. All he wanted..It felt so good. He ripped my shirt off. "Oops..I should have asked before i did that.." He said. I shook my head "no no..keep doing that.." He moved his hair away from his eyes. He ripped my bra off. He started sucking on my boobs. Oh god..That felt so fucking awesome.. I'd let him do it all day. All night. Maybe i should start being with him..And not..I heard a knock at my door. I looked at it. So did Adein. "You should get that" He whispered Before i could get up Hope kicked the door open. "OH!" He covered his eyes. "Mighty mary in heaven.." He closed the door. I quickly grabbed a shirt. I ran over to my door. "Stay here..Okay?" I looked at Adein. He sighed. "Go.." I ran back over to him "Thank you" I kissed him. I ran down stairs. "Hope? HOPE!!" I ran into the living room. He sat there. On the couch. "Someone else saw that.."He said as he watched someone walk outside. Noctus.. I quickly ran to get my jacked. I ran outside without any boots. "NOCTUS CHRISTIAN FLOWER!" I yelled as the snow blew in my face. It was so cold. He turned around. "I LOVE YOU AND I'M SORRY"He just stood there. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME SO I HAD TO GET PAY BACK" He opened his arms. I ran over to him. He hugged me. "I'm sorry i guess..I thought you cheated on me too.." He patted me. I heard from the door away of my house "Well fuck..This turned into shit.." I heard Hope gasp. "Those are bad words.." "And your a fucking shitty kid" Adien said.
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