#but at this point i'm not in the best mental state rn
shradsmanifestt · 1 month
hi, im sorry for bothering u right now. ive been asking around for advice everywhere because i really need all the help i could use right now. my anxiety is flaring up like crazy because my results come out tomorrow and im so scared because if i mess this up then my future is ruined. my mental health has been horrible and that has severely affected my grades but in most asian countries they dgaf about that and basically think it's nonexistant for minors so ofc i'm still undiagnosed, and if i were to apply to a uni i wouldnt get any good chances anywhere. if i could just get 3 Bs in my AS levels it would be okay or else i'd have to retake it and it's super costly here.. i don't wanna put my family through that because they'll talk me down, degrade me, destroy my self esteem which i've managed to build back a little. they were like this since when i was the topper and thats what made me burnout. undiagnosed adhd, trauma, depression also contributed to it
im applying the law, but instead of the feeling of success that everyone else gets i feel panicked. the 'feeling' people usually get when they're in the wish fulfilled state, the feeling of accepting it and it being real—im not getting that. i dont see a clear picture when i visualize. every time i try to, i end up breaking down and feeling like a failure... but I'm still trying to go on because why is it that the people who hurt me and practically ruined my life get to live successfully, while i suffer? thats not fair... i promised myself that if i could just get 3 Bs, ill turn my life around and work really hard... but is it over for me? i want to win, im trying to, but im scared
im trying my best to visualize myself getting 3 Bs, reenacting my friends faces when i get the results, praying to God and thanking Him for blessing me and continuing to bless me, but there is this fear still lingering at the back of my mind... i feel like I'm not doing it right. i have like one day left and I'm so nervous. im going over posts, tweets, and every time I feel a little better, it all comes crashing down because of doubts. theres only one thing one my mind right now: 'how am I gonna turn it around in one day?' i know that the 3D does not matter and that everything is done in imagination, but here i feel like its not done in imagination either
right now nothings clicking in my head, whatever i read is getting scrambled in my mind, i feel so lost and empty. could u please tell me what to do in this specific situation? u can be as harsh as you want if that's what's needed to get the point across. im really sorry for the bother and id be really grateful if u could please help out, ive never been this desperate before... my life cant be over before it even started
Hey love,
I get you, I really do but trust me when I say this.
THIS SHIT IS REAL AF. Manifestation is real af. It's as real as the fact that you are a human being. All you have to do is trust yourself that it is already done. If good results is what you want then that is exactly what you'll get. You need to choose to stop having doubts because it is already done. That is the simplest answer I can give you. Persist on what you want.
I am glad to tell you this but I just got test results for a major exam held in my uni today and I got into the 95th percentile just by saying to myself that my super power is aptitude tests and that I already scored great. In my friends group only 3 of us were eligible and I have 70+ more marks then them as well. If I can do it, you can do it. You need to stop doubting yourself. Atleast stop doubting manifestation. Cause at this point you're only gonna manifest your doubts.
I'll give you a scenario - If you're worried about getting bad grades, Trust me when I say this you're gonna manifest exactly that coz you will manifest exactly what you assume. You can choose to stop that right here, RN. Choose to accept that you got great marks. I mean don't even like aim for B's go for A's. I don't care even if you left the paper blank coz if you assume you're the topper, that is exactly what's gonna happen.
If you do get bad marks and I'm gonna be harsh here - You're the only reason why! You're gonna manifest exactly what you assume to be true even if it's good or bad. Your sc mind don't differentiate btw what's good for you or what's bad for you. It only knows what you feed it.
You got this, TRUST ME
Love, Shrads.
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mommyghostface28 · 2 months
Hey I need a little bit of advice. My bdsm partner is so possessive to the point it makes me feel controlled and like I did something wrong if I have friends I talk to outside of the time I spend with her. I get she's trying to control me but idk how to make it stop. My only knowledge of how to make it stop is to just disappear off of the social media sites she could contact me on and disappear from her life so she can't manipulate me. She wants me all to herself in an abusive way and it scares me....
I feel like it's my fault for the way she treats me...she probably misunderstood what I meant by telling her I find it lowkey sexy when a partner loves you so much they get a little possessive during sex....i certainly only meant in the way a domme says "youre all mine baby" during sex for dirtytalk or marking with hickeys etc and stated that clearly but she just isn't that way, she's the abusive manipulative type and I've attracted her and I wish I could leave this dom/sub dynamic....not her forcing me to isolate myself from the world and shaming me for talking to my friends....she gets sad and annoyed when I do and I just wanna keep crying thinking about this to type it....
She lovebombs me all the time after she hurts or upsets me...and she makes me go rougher during sex than I have told her Im able to handle. To the point it hurts but she continues and tells me im not done till she says so...and not in a sexy way but in a sexual assault (I've already called a safeword but she carries on)
I'm so sorry for venting here but as someoen who knows about domme/sub dymamics, please help....Idk what to do anymore...ibfeel trapped by them. And all she ever does is force me to show mer my naked body on camera despite me feeling uncomfy. And I was in pain today physically and felt sick, but she wasn't taking no for an answer when doing sexual stuff ... we've been together a month and I hate to think what my future will be like if I feel trapped already...
I am too scared to come forward by dms, and I realise we need to talk it through properly for advice, but I'd there any chance you can just reply publicly but inna way that keeps me anonymous? It's just I know she has my tumblr and I don't want her seeing my dms or getting suspicious of me as that'll make her angry and guilt trip me for reaching out.
All I need I guess is a public but anon reply for advice....thank you mommy...I've been one of your anons for a while but now that she has my tumblr, my dms aren't a safe space for me to ask for your support...
I feel so vulnerable rn mentally and keep feeling the need to slip into my littlespace but I don't feel at all safe around her... 😭
Love..oh my gosh :( this doesn’t sound healthy at all..this is coming from a Domme who’s possessive but definitely not like that. They sound toxic, the emotional abuse here is very apparent and I hate that they’re using bdsm as a way to execute it. A D/s dynamic does not give anyone the right to control someone like that. Isolating you from your friends, not taking no for an answer, all of it is concerning. My advice is to end things, as soon as possible. I don’t see any improvement here, they’re not a good person to engage with. I don’t feel there’s a conversation you could have with her that would change things. I’m sorry you’re going through this..they’re definitely not a good Dom(me).
If you can break things off safely, please do so. Then block them. Make it as clear as you can you want no contact whatsoever. I’m wishing you the best darling..keep my posted ❤️ be safe
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starheirxero · 3 months
I swear to god, I don't have words to describe, what this arc is making me feel/pos-
Moon is seemingly completely losing his grasp on reality, causing him to become more violent. He's becoming reckless, because nothing feels real anymore. He doesn't care anymore, if he's playing the villain, and has actively decided to lean into this role, as a matter of keeping control!
Sun is breaking down, because he lost his brother. Again. The Moon in front of him is nothing more than a shell of who he used to be, and he's struggling to keep his head above water.
Monty is planning on bringing old Moon back! I adore old Moon, but I care for New Moon just as much. What will happen to him, once his old self is back? Will he be trapped? Will he die?? Killing him would be unbelievably cruel, especially in his current state!
EARTH IS GODDAMN KIDNAPPED AGAIN- Another thing to point out to it, is what was said. Eclipse wondered, how she can still be so kind and positive. Earth has threatened Ruin and Bloodmoon to kill them, if she has to. If she were to kill them in self defense, I worry, what it'll do to her mental state!
And Oh god, our two villains, Jesus christ…
Ruin is Ruin, as he is. He fascinates me-
Bloodmoon, on the other hand, is simply heartbreaking. He's actively talking and arguing with himself, because his brother isn't there to reassure him anymore! He's desperately trying to fill the silence…
Another thing I found really interesting was Puppet's talk with Foxy! What makes a person? What makes a creature? What makes one good, and what makes one bad?
It's just so fascinating, I don't even have words!
This is, by far, one of my favorite arcs yet!!! It's so twisted, it's so intense, it's everything I could wish for!!!
The whole. vague hand motions. Everything with Moon has me intrigued beyond belief but also SO HEARTBROKEN ON SO MANY LEVELS. The one time he absolutely needs his family most, he's lost all of them AND he'll potentially be killed ?!?!! I'm personally hinging my hope that it'll be more of a merge than killing one to replace the other. but I'm also terribly worried that, instead of being leveled out, it just makes everything so much worse HDJSBD
AND WITH EARTH, GOSH, YEAH. I know that yesterday's episode had a fascinating title and I haven't watched it yet, but it has me WORRIEDDD 😭 Exactly like you said, even if its in self defense that she kills someone, I am soso worried about what that'd do to her mentally.
And stars yea the two villains rn.... Like u said, Ruin is fascinating as per usual, but Bloodmoon is just out here KILLIN' ME ☹️ He's been trying his best to cope with his twin's death and it is just DEVASTATING 2 me ☹️☹️☹️ AND YEA OMS DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON FOXY N PUPPET'S CONVO I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ON IT FOR REAL AHAKAHSKD
It almost makes me think of how Earth almost always call Bloodmoon some variant of "little creature", how that may make it easier for her to hurt and/or kill him. Yk?? Ahsjsbd its all just SO FUN. I am frolicking around HEJAHAJ
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theyluvlyss · 2 months
hello wuestion about shifting!
whats the method you found to work the most for you?
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𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫...
it wouldn't be right if I didn't (obvs lol), but unfortunately,,, none of them💀. I know, depressing, right?
but, in all seriousness, this isn't me saying that I've literally tried every single last method there is out there, but again, I like to be very transparent about these sorts of things,,,
they have all equally not worked lmfaooo😹💔.
I've tried/done a lot of methods over time (I've been shifting for about 4-5 years now, but haven't shifted yet), and none of them have done anything for me whatsoever. I mean, to this day, I haven't even gotten any of what people call "symptoms" - which, I personally think are just signs your body is falling asleep, not actually shifting💀✋🏽. I feel like shifting doesn't feel like anything, it kinda just,,, happens, yk? - so I can't really offer up anything that I would say is the "best" or what "works".
although (because again, I know this is kinda depressing and I don't want to, like, crush your hopes lmao), I feel like what's best for me is to try and stick to methods that revolve around sleeping, nighttime, no outside distractions or needs type of vibe. unfortunately, I live in an environment where there's a lot of negativity a lot of the time (mentally, emotionally, and physically) and I have no clear path or way out, it feels like, and my AuDHD does not at all help in the focus department💀🥲✋🏽 (I've never been able to mediate, lucid dream, none of that stuff, and I've accepted that), and the most I often experience is highly vivid dreams.
so, with that, I feel like my best attempts and my best interests lie in sleep methods, especially the ones where it's like "that point between awake and asleep" and "sleep paralysis",,, I slip into those states rather occasionally and have throughout my whole life, and I know how to trigger them, so rn, my intention has been set on mastering getting into and staying focused in those states so that I can then move onto shifting from those states, you know what I mean?
but hey, if anyone else has any advice for me or the asker here, (or any readings hehehe, I am currently practicing tarot myself, and I'm sure others are, too, so you're welcome to practice on me because I'd sure love some guidance right about now lmfao), definitely lay it on me, I'm open and happy to hear it.
and to you, my lovely person who dropped this question that I'm answering in my inbox, I apologize that I can't be of more assistance. I wish I had more of a straight-forward and profound answer, or that I could help you out in someway, but I'm pretty much in the same boat here when it comes to the whole "wtf should I do and wtf am I doing😭??" part of it all lol.
toodles, and take care to all /ᐠ^˕^マ~ !!
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fairycosmos · 4 months
sorry for the #UKthings rant but ive gone private for mental health stuff but are trying to get my foot in the door with public stuff because i cant afford mental health over stuff like, having food to eat, but ohhhh my god. nhs please. next week will be week five of an eight week deal (maybe some kind of assessment? i'm not sure what the exact point is) where i have a meeting with a mental health nurse and there is nothing more demoralizing on my journey to more stable mental health than hearing from her that all it seems i do is push people away and reject help. i'm sorry that saying that i dont think downloading an app is going to help me!! especially since i've already got one that i have been using. lol. i've tried to determine what it is she can actually do to help me because i feel like this whole thing is wasting both of our times but all i really get is "well i'm a mental health nurse not a psychiatrist so i can't help with that" OKAY !!!!! what CAN you do!!!! god. god . chloe do you know what a mental health nurse's role is? do any of your followers know??? how am i meant to work with her best rn i really dont know...
omg no honestly i could go on about this FOREVER!!!! but for ur sanity i won't. i'm so so sorry they're messing you around like this when it comes to something as serious as your health - i've had very similiar experiences and honestly at this point i see our healthcare system as nothing but a cardboard charade rather than a system that seeks to provide genuine support to people but that's a whole other thing. i'm on like a million waiting lists for various different things and i think if i do end up getting through to someone it is very much going to mirror your experience i.e dull platitudes and empty promises. they expect you to download a mediation app and get over severe mental illness and the fact that you're struggling with that is truly reflective of them and the state of the country - not you or your ability to heal/get over things/whatever other bullshit expectation they force onto us. i haven't worked with a mental health nurse since i was like 17 for this exact reason like they do not offer the consistent, in-depth and intensive help a lot of us need and their answer to everything is to try yoga or drink more water and it's like, how are you even SUPPOSED to work with that?? one thing i will say is that venting to these people and just letting that be their position in your life - to let you get off some steam - is somewhat helpful but obviously doesn't confront the underlying issues. through this she may come to understand that you showing up to these frustrating sessions and talking IS you trying, is proof of you not "rejecting help." it's wild she would even imply that honestly. i genuinely hope you find a treatment plan that actually does delve into why you feel this way and what you can proactively do about it - which you do deserve, but i know it's not super realistic to think that the nhs in its current state is going to provide you with. it sucks and it feels so fucking hopeless, i've never even entertained the idea of getting serious help for yrs because of this and i totally get it. if you need a friend or someone to talk to about this, please don't hesitate to send me a message fr. i feel like we're in super similar positions rn and it truly is its own type of hell. x
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boxenstopp · 7 months
previous one here (ep 1)
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omfg i love these boys so much. anyway shadow here calls them "double Ms" and carzzy makes, probably an innuendo by telling him to get between his legs? marek then, in the intro, says stuff about double m two, and refers to them as "me and matyas" which first of all. he says matyas!! second of all, the says matyas? without the š?? could be english-izing.
carzzy then with the. and this is literally all i can think of when i hear/see it. beauty vlogger intro. "hello guys :)" but his eyes look completely dead i love it so much.
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then there's a cut because you know these bitches were just awkwardly staring into the camera for far too long.
NOW. HAIR SAGA. carzzy needs to check his hair with his phone (fucking girl) and humanoid just starts messing with his too like I GET IT GUYS. YOURE LITTLE PRINCESSES. humanoid and his movement actually like he thinks he's in a hair commercial. and then.
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needs to bump into carzzy because while carzzy is loud about being an attention whore and everyone knows it, humanoid is also one, just. more private about it or something (not really if i'm pointing it out here) probably planning something devious.... like calling carzzy hot.
NEXT. i always do a watch of these beforehand so i know what i'm getting into but honestly. always makes me gasp when humanoid leans over and just says "you're so fucking hot, oh my god" . like okay he can do that sure but normally that's a backing down type thing not a teehee i want attention from by bf. cannot overstate how much this means to me foaming at the mouth im normal guys im normal
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also nothing except humanoid has. arms. and carzzy says he's "lost it mentally" but i mean we all knew that already.
THIS FRAME. a) carzzy with the eyes b) the fact that he actually leans towards marek like he's going right baby? hmm? good midlaner!!
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also marek has the "backing down" face again cause his ryze got countered by the pantheon oh no :<<< he also does a little apologetic look down at back at carzzy like he's ashamed. this also makes carzzy laugh way too hard cause i mean, free insult for him xdd.
THEN. the synchronized stomped "to the floor" is AMAZING because they look so fucking proud like yes guys WE GOT IT.
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so far no "marek brazda"s :( also genuinely i need to state how much these guys are pretty much the same around each other. constant just blatant insults, intense neediness same fucking humor all of it. there is no like needy/patient angle to me. humanoid would call himself the patient one sure, but he is WRONG.
really good carzzy face here btw. what he looks like in my mind 24/7.
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+ bullying carzzy time! poor little sad baby can't hit an mf ult and it's call his fault until it isn't :( he goes on to go boo hoo actually it's reallt hard to hit an ult and it relies on MY team who were doing shit and ACTUALLY they were calling me a perfect player like yesterday so whose fault is it >:(
humanoid's face when carzzy claims that he'd called carzzy a perfect player
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here we also get one of the stupidest dom/sub moments because really i don't know what else to call it. carzzy says humanoid shouldn't talk cause he isn't allowed. and then as a little funny joke haha humanoid pitches his voice disgustingly high and says. fucking. "yes i agree master" i mean he regrets it immediately after but he still said. that.
THE THING I TALKED ABOUT LAST EP . where one of them just entirely backs down and goes actually youre the fucking best thing in the universe. and this time it's marek and he's cute and stuff about it and actually very thought through explanation of how carzzy carries the entire team 1v9 <3 i mean not that this is a standard, he goes right back to insulting carzzy's elise but the dynamic of it is so so good chomping on thoughts rn
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next segment is just humanoid making noises :)
carzzy goes on a rant about how he was sad and crying and depressed (but in a teehee way if that makes sense. in a :3 way.) and like any normal person humanoid GETS UP, has a weird scuffle and pulls carzzy's hood over his head. i mean you could argue carzzy initiated it but they're always on the verge of bodying each other. classic carzzynoid behavior love how they never explain shit youre just supposed to sit and stare like wtf
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THIS SHIT. i have no comment i feel like if i did it would be exactly this. silence. they do this shit in complete silence. (we also get a bit of a bi thing w carzzy and humanoid saying i love you which is a thing. they do. but im also so tired goodnight lol enjoyers.)
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final thoughts: ouwghdhwja. ahhhooaaaaaa. every time i watch one of these i go damn, they posted this? they went, hmm, this is good for out branding. 2 disasters trying to overcome their disaster-ly mess and come out on the other side exactly the same, just way more fucking annoying aboutit. what am i even saying anymore. also no marek brazda's :( too busy being gay ig
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reiashiftsrealities · 6 months
I feel like I have this knowing for so long that I'll shift to my Dr . I have tried everything States , fullfilling my inner man , feeling it real and surely affirming for so long. I can't count a single day I didn't try to shifting realities with these methods.
my emotional state has never been great throughout my life so I find out feeling it real isn't for me so I started affirming. Life has put me in a situation that shifting is a ride or die for me rn . My circumstances are triggering it always has been and the worst part is I'm hypersensitive in nature. I remember a small detail of harsh word or actions from my loved ones. Despite of knowing that they hurt my emotions bitterly every single day💔
At this point I know everything about shifting or loa it's just didn't happen yet (but will probably) . Also I like thinking random fake scenarios in my head . It's the only thing good about my life. Fake scenarios are guilty pleasure for me .
Everytime I try to force myself to affirm to make shifting happen fast I end up hurting myself with intense anxiety. I read everything freaking success story who has bad circumstances than me I know I'm gonna make it. But sometimes it's really hard to keep up.
Mostly I cannot live without making fake scenarios in my head . If I affirm throughout the day without thinking any scenarios I die from anxiety. -🥀
Hi again 🥀 :)
My biggest piece of advice for you is to not overconsume too much. If you know everything, there’s no need to go searching for more, especially in terms of law of assumption where the whole premise is assume you have what you want already as the 3D will mirror self. If you had everything you desired, why would you go looking for more ways on how to get it?
If you are wanting to go the law of assumption route, I feel like you’re putting too much faith in the 3D, like you believe in it too much. I’d say observe and not absorb. I know that’s easier said than done considering our whole lives we’ve been taught that what we can see and feel determines reality, but you dont even have to fully believe, just persist and live in the 4D.
The fake scenarios might actually be helpful if you just identify with them as real reality! I heard the phrase once “if I can imagine it, I’m in it” and that’s really helped me. There’s no need to stress as it is already done. I think working on self confidence/concept might help with your mental state, not just for using the law or shifting but in general life. It’s good to be confident in yourself and your beliefs.
The best way to get rid of the old story is to let it starve giving it attention, and then by association a reaction only solidifies it as true which it isn’t. A simple “No, I don’t accept that as reality” and then robotic affirming for a little bit or even diving into a scenario and accepting THAT as reality might help. :)
I hope this helped! And a big thank you to @evangelineshifts for helping me to put into words what I couldn’t ❤️
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vacantgodling · 6 months
🍲 emoji for OC knowledge
honestly ramen or anything similar sounds good rn its cold and rainy where i am :sob emoji:
i'm gonna release my baby pix from the vault. he's definitely... EVOLVED as time as gone on.
he was originally supposed to be a self insert character to go alongside pitt from the kid icarus games (i never played them but pitt is my favorite character to play in smash and the idea for pix came around this similar time frame. i was like 12-13 at the time probably). back in the day pix was a gyal bc i thought i was, but whaddya know, just like chidori (who was originally a self insert for kid me) he ended up turning transmasc LMAO.
i actually decided to revamp pix's backstory thing recently... as in last year? so i'll kinda post that long ass blurb:
grew up in a church and decided they were to become a cleric. trained and put everything they had towards it and were sent on a quest along with some idk others for some divine purpose? but they experienced hardships and their gods will became harder and harder to discern. they saw horrors and could do nothing for the way of their god forbade them from intervening. finally pix saw the destruction of a village and their companions perished all to get an old sacred artifact of their god. that was what the quest was about. the god had used pix as a conduit for their wishes and revealed themselves to be a spurned god and pix just idk released them from their prison ? and pix kind of has a mental break and the god basically leaves them for dead etc etc. but pix’s desire for revenge is heard by their dead/dying companions and they vow if they will give them the strength they will hunt down that god and kill them. pix awakens in a hospital or with a healer or something whatever. they were the lone survivor of the attack but no one knows their hand in helping it happen. the light is gone from their eyes but they realize this is their chance they’ve been granted to make amends. so they switch from a cleric to a paladin -> their holy oath binding them to those of the dead city and their old companions. they start to train, become colder, get older, the only thing they think about is to kill that god tm. they cut down any clerics or worshippers of that god they find… their mental state gets worse and worse and all they can think of is vengeance. etc etc. annnnnnnd idk 🤔 eventually i'm assuming that they'll discover gender somewhere along the way and also get revenge on that god probably but idk he also deserves love and to fucking Sleep.
anyway pix transitioning from she > they > trans masc rage is actually important to me. bc i am full of rage.
also also, i need to make it less. dnd. y. cuz i like dnd as a whole and concept but i only make dnd adjacent things out of jealousy for people who can actually have campaigns and friends to do them with (ik i'm not cut out for it but that doesn't stop me from feeling left out anyway) so dnd is a good jumping off point, but i'd like to imbue more of my own worldbuilding and ideals into it.
but yeah that's pix he's doing his best probably. naive -> trauma -> antihero -> borderline villain route is basically the vibe
send me an emoji for a random barely used oc ramble
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fuckyeahogonbat · 1 month
Any head-cannons for a contemporary English-language voice cast for Golden Bat?
that's a kinda hard question because I can never remember voice actor names, just the people they play, BUT
for Phantoma himself, my ideal VA for him would Ian Richardson, but he is unfortunately no longer alive, so I'd choose Gary Oldman or Kevin Michael Richardson as my next option. I imagine Goldie's actual speaking voice to be deep but quiet, maybe a little gravely at first because he hasn't spoken much (even though he typically speaks through telepathy. it's a sort of mentality state of mind thing) but eventually loses that gravely tone. his intimidation laugh is very loud and cacophonous, but his actual, genuine laugh is very boisterous. it would also have a sort of echo to it. Dark Bat could share a voice with him but much raspier sounding.
ngl my heart is saying Kristen Schaal for Marie but I'm not sure how fitting that would be in actuality. I mostly know her as Mabel Pines who is such a sweet fun loving, creature loving kid to me, so it feels right.
I could totally see Andy Berman (Dib Membrane) as Takeru. they both have science dads, both deal unusual creatures and an alien, and are very energetic to the point it gets them in trouble. literally perfect.
Dr Yamatone... actually. why not Gedde Watanabe? I know him best as Hayao Sato/Ultradad, but they also have stuff in common. they're both scientists and they're both dads of very energetic, cocky sons. Yamatone is lucky he doesn't have to deal with Kenji's shenanigans at least.
I think Dan Green would make a GREAT Nazo.
for Mazo/Gorgo, I think the VA for the 1985 Horned king (John Hurt) could be fun. alternatively, Nick Jameson, specifically doing a Dr Loboto type voice (I'm more used to his Italian dub voice, which is a little nasally).
Dareo is literally the only one I'm at a complete loss for. maybe Christopher Charles Mintz-Plasse? I can't decide. honestly I'm torn between him, Zach Callison, or Jeremy Shada rn.
for the lady who looks like Lapis (I forgot her name) I think it'd be extremely funny for Jennifer Paz to voice her.
and for fun throw in Gianni Matragrano to do voices for Nazo's goons. he's GREAT at doing goon voices.
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dotterelly · 8 months
Hey, so I just wanted to say how nice it's been to vibe with you all today. Seriously, thank you. It's been a long time since I last really interacted with any kind of fandom community, and I wasn't sure about joining one again. I've not been in the best place mentally recently, but I've had such a good time and I'm so grateful to everyone for facilitating that.
I have more to say but I'm throwing it under a cut because it'll be long and not relevant to most people here.
For a long time I've not chosen to join communities for things I liked, either because I already had friends to chat with about it, or because I just kind of felt like people would hate me (I have an internal voice that's always telling me people hate me it sucks ass). Like I seriously think the last time I interacted with a fan community in any meaningful way was the yogscast back in 2012 (yes, I am old.).
In the time between, I've had some big life upheavals and some subsequent mental health breakdowns. I've never got really bad with it, but this last year a lot of the big changes in my life have caught up with me. Turns out immigrating to America the day they closed the borders for covid to enter lockdown in an unfamiliar country with barely any local friends isn't good for your mental state. (Still worth it, I got the best husband ever out of the deal. I'd do it again every time.)
I found the qsmp at my lowest point of last year, when a situation with a colleague and a sudden change in position and responsibility at work caused a 2 week long anxiety attack in a way I've never experienced before, with a side of insomnia. I fell back on old coping habits and found something to escape into, and starting with technoblade I consumed a vast amount of media in a short amount of time, catching up with half a decade of minecraft stuff I'd missed out on. Finally deciding I wanted to follow Philza going forward, I then spent 2 months catching up on all his qsmp vods. I've not been this into something for a long time, and my desire to find people I could screech with when stuff went down brought me round to dusting off my mildly neglected Tumblr account. And I'm so glad I did. I didn't know how much I missed this sort of community.
Thanks to everyone who's interacted with me directly or with my posts in the last couple of weeks. As a heads up, I am not good at consistent tagging and I will just reblog and post any random crap I like in a sort of crazed stream of consciousness, so follow at your own risk! Also I truly intend to just vibe and not engage in any fandom drama. If I reblog anything controversial it is most likely because I'm new and didn't know, or because my neurodivergent ass did not pick up the context or subtext of the thing I reblogged. I do have opinions about things, but I simply do not have the emotional or mental health capacity to properly research situations or deal with discourse like that rn. I just want to vibe and see cool art and fics and theorise a bit and maybe make some friends if I find people I click with.
So that's a bit of an introduction to who I am and what I am about. Thank you all again so much for helping me start to rebuild myself again after a shitty end to the last year. I hope to continue this adventure with everyone going forwards! <3
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imaginespazzi · 8 months
I know we’re trying to transition back to fluffy thoughts and tryna forget the game (which, yes pls) but just wanted to make one last comment real quick. You are so right about paige in this game being so reminiscent of azzi at the nc state game, in terms of forcing it to them when they’re clearly not having a good game. I’m gonna be honest, i’ve only really started watching cbb this year so i’m no expert on geno or anything (so pls take with a grain of salt), and not taking away from everything he’s achieved, but it does seem like he’s off the ball these days with major coaching decisions. Just using those two situations as an example, i know he loves paige and azzi (i do too, a LOT) but sometimes i think he’s too desperate for them to shine that he tries to make them play hero ball when he should have just benched them in those scenarios (i know we were basically down to 6 rotations in that ND game once nika fouled out so take the “benching” paige as more of a metaphor aha). Like bruh, you’re achieving the exact opposite and pretty much just setting them up to fail.
And i just hate it when they have a bad game, cos every other fanbase is just so ready to drag paige through the mud the moment she has a dud and blondie doesn’t deserve that! Also, juju went 8-27 (which has honestly been kinda common with her) and lost to an unranked team at home and yet *crickets*. And ppl will be like, well she’s a freshman and paige isn’t… ok well y’all have also been pushing juju for npoy soooo like y’all can’t have it both ways 🫠 (side note: hannah>>juju for NFOY).
I said “real quick” and wrote an essay i’m so sorry 😭
Anyways, back to regularly scheduled programming - Here’s to eternity is literally my comfort read rn, i’m really out here reading it like a bedtime story to end my days on a good note lmao. So thank you! 💗💗🫂🫂
Never apologize for essays because I really enjoy reading y'alls thoughts on everything. 💗
I think Geno's just been really mentally affected by everything this season and I think he's just been so frazzled this season and it's really affecting his coaching. And it's somehow made him even more stubborn in game sand he just refuses to adjust to how the other team's playing or how we're playing and I honestly just don't get it? Like this man is the greatest to ever do it and I watched him last year, navigate even worse so it's honestly been kinda insane seeing what we're seeing this year. Because Geno really is not the man who would normally make someone play hero ball. He's the coach who'd flat out tell Paige she doesn't have it and make sure Aaliyah got the ball so like I'm actually kinda flabbergasted by what happened last night because that is not the coach I knew.
Also to your second point, I need fanbases to decide if UConn is UConn or just some other wbb program because why was our ranked loss being dissected to the high hells mean while UCLA and USC both lose to unranked teams and everybody's like "oh okie that's bad but nvm" like? Same goes for Paige, like if she's not your best player, not even in your top 10 apparently, then why're your standards so high for her and her only? Just needs folks to keep it consistent.
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mrspotatoheads · 1 year
Electra everybody is like get back in state just assume. You are all you need. You just need to persist .I get it. I understand but idk how to put in words and make someone understand that it's so difficult. I can't do it idk how to assume and how to do all this. Ik these methods to be used and 3d isn't real etc. But I can't do it I want something I can't assume it's mine and then not get sad when it isn't happening and then also making sure I don't loose the faith that loa isn't a lie that I'm reading. It's not happening. I want it but there is a breaking point where I'm seeing the loml with someone else and me persisting is getting me no where. Plz don't hate me I just don't know how to express what I'm feeling rn I don't know what to do I'm so stuck
This is going to be a long reply, but I hope you can understand what I’m saying, reread this multiple times if you have to.
I do understand that it’s difficult, I struggled with loa for nearly three years straight. I knew exactly what I needed to do but like you said I just couldn’t assume. Im going to be honest, there isn’t any magical advice, one day it just clicked, I realised that I was the only person holding me back and I understood what loa truly meant. Every person has control over their thoughts, I understand that people have mental disorders etc. but you still have control over how you’re going to react to a certain thought that has popped into your brain. I used to think I didn’t have control over myself because I was getting negative thoughts left right and center but that doesn’t matter.
Don’t purposely go out of your way to check the 3D if you know you’re going to spiral, don’t spiral and go down a rabbit hole of terrible thoughts when you get one negative one. You need to discipline yourself, which is hard for a lot of people, but you can’t just give up when you do something “wrong”. If you spiral don’t tell yourself you’ve fucked all of it up, think in your favour, maybe even tell yourself every time you spiral you’re closer to getting your desire.
Also, don’t be doing every method under the sun just because it worked for someone else. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to get this and that right now, time isn’t linear. If the dates pasted when you wanted a certain thing to happen continue to assume it did happen, revise, or even manifest that you go back in time and then you can experience it happen. Anything is possible. Spend some time with yourself and even forget you’re trying to manifest, try a couple methods and see which one makes you feel the best and stick to it. I used to like certain methods but wouldn’t do them because people had more success stories with other methods, so I’d do the other methods and I would dread doing them everyday. Manifesting is supposed to be fun, you shouldn’t be stressing out, of course it’s okay to get your emotions out but you shouldn’t be putting yourself through unnecessary stress just go get the things you want in this life.
I’m sure you’ve already been told to “go back to the basics” many times but I’m also going to tell you that. Assume you have it and persist in that assumption. That is as simple as the law gets. Now, you said you were struggling with assuming. We assume all the time, we all do it, this is what creates our reality and our circumstances. Assuming isn’t the problem, it’s persisting. You’re saying that persisting is getting you no where. That is your problem. You’re not truly persisting. If you were persisting you wouldn’t have even typed out this ask to begin with. You don’t have to persist 24/7, I get that there’s going to be times where you do spiral but I’ve already spoke about that. This is what i said in a previous ask which might be useful: Every time you stop persisting and are about to go back to the old story I want you to stop yourself and ask yourself “do I want this?” Because I know damn well you don’t want what’s going on right now. So go back to persisting, you don’t have to do it all the time but go back into the state as much as possible.
Every single one of us is capable of manifesting, we do it all the time, every single one of us is also capable of manifesting the good and the bad. Not a single person is an exception to this. You have become a victim to your own reality, and I’m not shaming you for that at all because I have been there. You need to have the will power and the discipline to get you out of the cycle and mindset that you are in currently, but you can do it. I know that after this you are most likely going to stay on Tumblr and continue to consume a load of loa content waiting for something to click in your brain, but I’m going to be honest, it’s most likely not going to happen. This isn’t something that no loa blogger or post can fix, this is up to you. You know exactly what you have to do, so do it.
I’m literally begging you to get off Tumblr, stop consuming any loa content and just try to assume and persist and do what feels best for you. Everytime you do any method or are persisting I don’t want you to be thinking “how long will this take?” “I wonder if it’s working?” Etc. Etc. That isn’t persisting, it’s not helping you at all. This is your reality, you’re the only one in control so it’s about time you start acting like it.
I know I said to not consume any loa content but if you really want to then I recommend listening (or you can read it on Reddit) all of Edward Art’s work, which is on YouTube. I really hope you understand everything I said, you deserve to have everything you want and it’s not even around the corner, it’s literally within you. You are very much capable of doing this, you could wake up tomorrow with your desires, something that is very much possible. I wish you all the best of luck!
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rhythm!! my keyboard automatically adds hythm after the r... i've been ❤️‍🩹 anon all this time heh so after all the asks even my phone seems to recognise you when i'm starting a new one!!
i'm on hiatus, and i will be for a long time, but i come to tumblr to gossip every now and then and today the first post on my fyp was a self reblog of a wr!work you posted anteayer (my tumblr is spanish 😌☝🏼) and i have to say you lightened my night. i still have to check out the recommendations to gave me in the last ask, but life has been too harsh on me lately and not only do i need time, but also the right mental state to enjoy it properly, if you know what i mean. i will absolutely read the wereroomies one, but just because at this point that little found family of yours is a way of healing by reading.
it's just, i don't know if it's okay to burden you with this, but i kind of need you to know too- how much do you help with your fics. how much comfort do you bring. how much a random reblog or a simple post of you can actually change an unknown life. if i'm on hiatus is because i'm not having the best time of my life rn (quite opposite) and it's not even writing what i can't do, but interacting here is so exhausting and draining that i can't afford it. and tonight i tried opening the app following the advice of a friend (she suggested it could actually be a distraction, reading some comfort fics) and the first thing i see is that wr!drabble??
it was weird the way i actually wanted to cry. in a good way, ofc. just, i've lost the capacity of flowing with words so excuse me if i don't make sense. what i really mean is thank you. i think i've said it a couple of times already since the first ask i sent, but i can't stop repeating it because it's what i feel everytime i see you blog in this app: thank you, thank you, thank you. for every time that you thought on giving up and you didn't, for every second spent in front of the screen, for all the nice words you always have for us, for every day you continue to be how you are, bringing so much joy to this blog, to this community, to this world. i swear, thank you so much 🤍🤍
- ❤️‍🩹 anon (oops, ya es por costumbre)
ohhh, baby mars, you sent this quite a while ago and i'm sorry i'm answering it just now💜
i think i told you already, but i was surprised to learn you were one of my frequent anons🥺🥺💜
i totally relate to the feeling of interacting being exhausting and draining... when life gets rough, our social interactions are one of the first things to take the toll, especially if they're public, so i totally get it.
it warms my heart that you can find some comfort in my silly little words and my silly little blog. truly. being aware of this makes me believe that maybe it's worth it to stay here and continue to share this space with such lovely people, even if it takes me 938472943 years to drop by because Life Is Too Much.
i really do hope things get better soon for you (and for all of us). hang in there, bb. we can do this!
thank you for taking the time to send this message, it really means the world to me💜
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nikibogwater · 1 year
Not to get Real on the main, but I really think we as a society need to talk about puberty and adolescence more. Because right now, everybody just sort of skirts around the reality of it. Even when adults try to talk to kids about it, they do a terrible job of preparing them for the full brunt of it. And what's worse, puberty has started to become inexorably linked to the idea of complete self-discovery and realization, to the point that it seems like everyone between the ages of 12 and 20 is in a self-identification arms race, desperately scrambling to decide who they are, when in reality, they are at the worst possible stage in their lives to do that.
Puberty is a lot more than just reaching sexual maturity. It's actually an entire phase of your life that can take years to pass through, and it involves way more than getting your first period or starting to feel super horny. Once Mother Nature hits you with her Adolescence Bat, your mind and body are going to be in a state of flux for at least five years, probably more. Not only do you have the physical discomfort of weird new biological functions, you're also going to feel very self-conscious and awkward. You're going to feel mentally ill, regardless of whether or not you actually are. You're going to feel anxious about the future, and pressured to figure out who you are and what you're going to do with your life. Everyone else in your age group will likely be pretending that none of this is happening to them, which will further reinforce the idea that there's something wrong with you. You might feel like a blank canvas, a background character, with no personality, no future, no real reason to be in the scene at all. And that can be really. Freakin. Scary. And it's also perfectly normal.
I dunno, I guess all I want to say is, if you're between the ages of 12 and 20 and experiencing all the crap that comes with that time of your life (or really any time of your life), it's okay to take it one day at a time. It's okay to just focus on the basics: eating and sleeping, doing your homework, being kind to others, and having fun. There's nothing wrong with you for feeling...well, wrong. What you're going through is natural, and it will take a few years, but I promise you, it does get better. You will find friends who love you for who you are, even if you haven't completely figured out who that is yet. You'll learn things about yourself by trying new hobbies and talking to people, and that feeling of being a nameless NPC will gradually fade away. And to any parents/guardians whose kid is going through this, try to be patient with them. They're going through a lot, even if it looks like they're perfectly fine on the outside. Make sure they know you love them, even when they pretend not to care, and that your love is unconditional. That can go a long way in helping a child grow into a successful adult.
When I was 16, I felt like I had no personality, that I brought nothing of worth to the world. I couldn't have told you who I was to save my life. But over the years, I slowly grew into the person I am now. I'm a storyteller, an artist, a gamer, a listener, a jokester, a noodle-armed pansy, someone who tries to prioritize being kind above everything else (to varying degrees of success and failure). And who knows who I'll be in another ten years! There's no end to the number of things I still have to learn, or ways in which I can grow, and I hope I never have to stop.
Edit: Also delete your TikTok and Instagram accounts. Trust me, this is genuinely the best thing you can do for yourself rn.
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nixnephili · 2 years
Just Fyodor notes:
Fyodor juggles between 2 seemingly conflicting things at the same time.
-he belives all abilities are sin/ he is an ability user himself
-What he loses from psychologically juggling this truth and this belief is his ability to tolerate ambivalence (the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.) and allow himself to sit with a sense of gray.
He doesn't have to either ignore his destructive ability or label said ability as the core problem. His ability isn't always going to be the problem that affects his life, as his ability is indeed a very drastic one. Most of the time we see Fyodor, his actions have nothing to do with his ability (which is supposedly the sin) but it is very much his own fault he behaves and lives the way he does. Of course to the normal person this is a severely problematic life- Fyodor avoids his emotional shortcomings by making a fictional ideal/ role for him to follow or play. This delusion is his own coping mechanism to avoid having to face his repressed thoughts and feelings, his emotions and ability- related trauma.
He copes by distracting himself with made up goals, ambitions, beliefs and motives.
There is maybe a middle ground between hating his ability and carrying himself just as the product of his murderous ability.
Fyodor struggles to reason like that, it's too ambiguous for him. It's easier to think in black and white than it is in shades of gray.
This is made clear quite often, he cannot compromise. He doesn't know how..
Karma is the absolute best example of this, I think.
Fyodor follows his coping mechanism to the point that he ignores what is outside of it. Karma was outside of it.
Karma was neither an ability user nor was he generally guilty, as he was just a child fallen victim to an ability.
This was where Fyodor's mind found no middle ground. No compromise where he spares Karma and takes the boy with him, for example.
Black/ Gray / White = he kills Karma/ he spares Karma BUT takes him in/ he spares Karma and lets him be free.
Unfortunately so Fyodor had to cover up all the information he had just given the boy, so instead of finding the grey space in the middle- he reverted to Black. More often than not it is within our coping mechanism where we feel safe. Even if it is destructive.
So he kills Karma, a testament to his avoidance, noticeable in most killers = in order to avoid responsibility, emotional attachment, consequence, avoid thinking about it.
-Fyodor might also use his religious delusion and God complex in BSD to separate himself from the thing that brought him negative emotions and no doubt a lot of hurt in the past.
It's his unhealthy way of coping with how he is part of the thing that hurt him in the past, he cannot emotionally manage that so he cuts himself off from ability users by claiming himself to be higher - this is where narcissism comes in. A deep need to be above his demons (abilities/ ability users) maybe?
Or maybe he's just insane and I'm giving him too much credit here lol
This is all just me blabbering don't take it too seriously idk-
I'm in a bad mental state rn, that's why I got to writing shit
Ps: Day 19 is almost done
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Which Megatron do you think would be the best mom? I'm leaning towards Earthspark. I'm sad to admit that I don't think my fav, tfp, would make a good mom. I feel like he'd either be very overbearing or extremely distant.
Hmmmm that's a good question. Earthspark Megatron definitely has the most in-youe-face canon evidence saying he'd be a good parent. He's already a (grand)parental figure to the terrans, and he's doing pretty good with him. He'd definitely be a doting carrier to his own newborn sparkling
However! Don't be too quick to write of Aligned Megatron. I genuinely think anyone can be a good parent if they're willing to work hard at it and recognize that their children are individual people with people needs. And Megatron, for all his flaws, doesn't do anything half-assed. He'd definitely be a very busy parent, seeing as he's got an entire army to command, but I don't think he'd be constantly distant and pushing them away. I mean, he made the choice to carry them to term and bring them into the world (assuming it wasn't a stealth pregnancy or smthn, which could be a very interesting topic to explore 🤔). He'd do his best for them, and while I do think he'd initially struggle to balance his time spent with them and his time spent lording over the decepticons, I think he'd find a rhythm that worked for them. He's too stubborn not to
In public he'd likely be a very cold parent, but behind closed doors he's able to more freely express the love he feels for them. TFP does a great job of making him seem just. Irredeemably evil all the time, someone that doesn't experience positive emotions, but that's simply not the case. He's every bit as capable of love and happiness as every other cybertronian. Just because we aren't shown that doesn't make it any less true. Think about it, every time Megatron is on screen, it's when he's in full warlord mode. Everyone else gets individual depth, scenes wherein they're more than just a soldier or medic. Like Knockout enjoying his racing hobbies, Starscream being an adept scientist, Bulkhead working with construction. Not Megatron. We only ever see him fighting and giving orders and having to be perfectly present in the war effort, but realistically that's not how he spends every waking hour of every single day. I do think, when he's alone with his sparkling, he could be tender with them, give them the affection and love and guidance they need to grow up healthy.
Would he be a perfect parent? No. Such a thing doesn't exist. But I don't think he'd be terrible or abusive, either.
I'm actually kinda leaning toward animated Megatron. While yes, earthspark Megatron is very nice, he's also still got a lot of issues he's working through, and I don't think him working with GHOST--of his own free will or not--would be very healthy for his child. I don't think, given he's constantly rounding up the "bad decepticons" he'd be an optimal role model. With the terrans, he's not their primary caregiver. People can make great babysitters but not great parents, yk? He's in an unstable place rn, constantly butting heads with Optimus, unhappy with his current position in life, and I don't think he's in a proper mental state to consistently be caring for a needy baby. Maybe after GHOST is dealt with and the imprisonment of decepticons stops, but not right now.
TFA Megatron, on the other hand, has his shit together. Though they live in exile he's still got a good handle on the decepticons, and they're surviving well. He's all not quite as prideful and stubborn as previous Megatron's--my favorite way that's demonstrated is with the Supremes at the end of season 3. When it's pointed out to him that he isn't actually the ideal candidate, that there could be disastrous infighting and they might not obey him, he doesn't get angry. That's a fair, accurate critique of his character, and he gracefully takes it in stride. He then pivots to someone else who's a better fit, prioritizing their success over his own hubris. Most other Megatron's would get mad and blow up and let it cloud their judgement, but not him. He's also demonstrated to be an incredibly patient person, able to play the long game and focus on the outcome even if the means aren't as quick as he'd like them to be. He knows when to draw back, he makes good choices, and he's generally a pretty calm person, all things considered. I actually think, if Sumdaac's bitch ass hadn't stolen his embryo and they had been allowed to develop and be born properly, he would be a pretty great mother
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