#but at the time of the show the partnership was 'under review'
larrylimericks · 2 years
LA 2’s wardrobe wasn’t the yoozh, As Harry forwent Gazelle shoes; For Vans, they were swapped Cos Ye hadn’t been dropped From Adidas for bigoted views.
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sunshinesmebdy · 6 months
Full Moon Messages for the Rising Signs:
Aries: Balance is key. This Libra Full Moon illuminates the need for partnership in your business endeavors. Seek out collaborations that bring equilibrium to your financial goals.
Taurus: Harmony in spending and saving is highlighted. The Full Moon encourages you to review your budgets and find a middle ground that fosters both security and growth.
Gemini: Communication opens financial doors. Use this time to network and negotiate. Your words have the power to create prosperous opportunities.
Cancer: Emotional intelligence is your asset. Trust your intuition in financial matters, and let your care for others guide your business decisions.
Leo: Creativity leads to abundance. Shine in your unique talents and watch as they translate into financial success under this Full Moon’s glow.
Virgo: Efficiency is wealth. Streamline your processes and organize your finances. The Full Moon’s light shows the path to a more productive and profitable routine.
Libra: Self-worth brings financial worth. This Full Moon in your sign calls for a reassessment of your value. Charge what you deserve, and balance will follow.
Scorpio: Transformation is profitable. Embrace change in your business model, and the Full Moon will reveal new ways to increase your financial power.
Scorpio: Transformation is profitable. Embrace change in your business model, and the Full Moon will reveal new ways to increase your financial power.
Sagittarius: Expand your horizons. Educational investments or long-distance connections made now can lead to significant financial growth.
Capricorn: Structure meets opportunity. This Full Moon asks you to solidify your goals and put in the work. Your efforts will be met with monetary rewards.
Aquarius: Innovation attracts wealth. Think outside the box in your business strategies, and the Full Moon will support your financial breakthroughs.
Pisces: Compassion is lucrative. Align your business with your ideals, and the Full Moon will help your finances flow as you aid others.
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magiclove · 19 days
michelle what are your favourite smiths biographical materials (ie books documentaries their autobiographies etc)? or just your opinions on all the ones you've read/seen?
hello :) thank you so much for the question!
I suppose the classic of the Morrissey-Marr songwritng partnership is The Severed Alliance by Johnny Rogan. It has its serious faults, i.e. it was not done with the blessing of the band - Morrissey especially disliked it. It's exhaustive, about 350 pages or so. It can be recommended insofar as there's a lot of information in it, and lots of it is true (it's good for trivia questions for sure), but I personally think it's a pity there isn't something just a bit better from an outsider-biography point of view.
In fact, I remember having a book from the library called Songs That Saved Your Life: The Art of The Smiths 1982-87, and I recommend it very strongly, if you can find it. You might know the author, Simon Goddard, from his Bowie books, and he also wrote the Mozipedia book (which I haven't read in total, just sort of glanced at).
Morrissey's Autobiography: This is the only thing in my answer that I'm saying you really should read, because it's just a masterpiece. It's well-written and dramatic and a bit wandering and tells his life story in a way that's atmospherically true (I mean that the facts are sound, of course, but that there's a narrative feeling, a properly developed novelistic aesthetic, and the sense that it probably starts raining when he's unhappy, in-world). Quite cutting in places, but never very bitter, or at least, he knows how to be funny about people even when he does feel terribly hard-done by with them. There are places where you might feel his focus is catastrophically unfair in its direction (there's a LOT about the court case), but it's indispensible as a book because it's ultimately how Morrissey feels about Morrissey and everything that happens in the world as well, so - it's sort of brilliant. Came out in 2013, I remember going to the bookshop specially for it that weekend :').
Set The Boy Free is Johnny Marr's autobiography. [I was tempted to leave it there ...] - Although I like Johnny Marr just fine, Set The Boy Free pales drastically in comparison to the Autobiography. Which is a pity because it would have been great to have two more-or-less equal testaments to their time together. It's short, and there just isn't a whole lot about The Smiths in there, because he's at pains to defend his post-Smiths solo career. Which is fair enough because he was 20 then and has done lots since, but this book is probably not totally indispensible for you unless you're a proper Johnny Marr fan. Came out in 2016.
The Smiths on The South Bank Show is a very good TV broadcast, made with live performance footage, interviews, etc. It's not even quite retrospective, because it came out in 1987, just after the break-up. Lots of stuff from their contemporaries saying how much they like and appreciate them! Morrissey talking about the whole philosophy behind the band and his own writing. I really love it :)
There isn't really any excellent film documentary about The Smiths, which is outrageous but probably fairly understandable given that the band members never had a period post-band where they were talking to each other or willing to work together on something, and Morrissey even chided Johnny Marr for supposedly mentioning the Smiths too much in interviews etc. There's The Smiths: Under Review (which is actually fairly good, despite the limitations I mentioned above, and makes good use of 90mins), and there's the one I watched yesterday, The Story of the Smiths: Greatness and Controversy (at 35mins, it's not a waste of time). I've been meaning to watch The Rise and Fall of the Smiths, it's something like 25mins total, so I'll let you know soon.
I've been meaning to read Morrissey in Conversation: The Essential Interviews ed. Paul A. Woods, you know, in case I missed something. And I've heard good things about Saint Morrissey by Mark Simpson, but I haven't read it yet.
There are some other places you can go. I like wandering around Passions Just Like Mine - a website run by a fan, with lots of linear notes about the songs, different releases, etc. And there are lots of good magazine interviews scanned on Pinterest, of all places.
That's only a few things but I hope it was somewhat helpful! :) x
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blazehedgehog · 12 days
You hear about what's going on with Sam Procrastinates? What do you think of that?
I caught a whiff of it today, yeah. I'm sort of glad I'm mostly outside of that circle of influence. I know of a lot of those people, but I do not know them personally. I probably run my mouth on here too much and too freely for some of those types.
Especially seeing Sam get out there in front and be like "whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm trying to protect my business by distancing myself from leakers and bad actors" -- like, maybe I don't have the full context here, but trying to divorce yourself from leakers is a bit weird to me?
Keep in mind I'm coming at this from the perspective of being on Sonic Retro during the massive Sonic 4 leak, which lead Sega to partner with Sonic Retro. Some of the inroads paved during that partnership almost certainly lead to us getting Sonic Mania, given there are future Sonic Mania staff thanked in the credits for Sonic 4 Episode 2.
Like, I get trying to keep your nose clean. I try to do that, too. People get on my case for being spooked by emulation in my "Definitive Way to Play" videos, but people who really, actually know me, know that I've never had a problem with emulation ever in my entire life. Up until Tristan started buying me games to review for TSSZ, emulation was literally all I had. I could not afford games on my own, and I basically still can't. (I'm counting on next month's Twitch payout to cover my pre-order for Shadow Generations)
All of that is me trying to keep my nose clean. I've seen channels get shut down for talking too openly about emulation (particularly with setup tutorials), and even Discord servers are not as private as people think they are. The hammer can and will drop, and I'd rather my financial livelihood not be under it.
So I will never tell people to "just emulate it" in my videos and I have a rule against linking piracy material in my Discord. If you like me, and like my work, that's the way it's gotta be to protect that kind of stuff.
But that's on video. What I do in my personal life has no baring on that. I endeavor to capture all my footage from real consoles but I'm also living in a cramped little bedroom with maybe ten square feet of floor space right now, so I'm not digging out my Wii or my Saturn or my PS2 every time I have to capture footage of something. I emulate it.
I'm getting off topic. Shutting people out of your life because they don't align with your business is a bit extreme, to me. But again, I don't know the relationship there. At least in the clips Sam uses, he never seems very happy to have Shanny around, even though it's clear Shanny can and continued to join Sam's discord calls. I guess I just don't have any friends like that -- I either have personal friends, or... well, I just don't have very many "business friends." (Which depending on your view point, is or isn't a problem and one of the reasons my channel growth can be so sluggish)
So, like, whatever. Again, I dunno how a lot of that stuff goes. Ultimately, I guess I don't blame Sam for protecting his business, because again, I protect my business too, and it's clear Sam is more successful than I am.
I will say this, though, and I am about to step neck deep in the shit: I have never liked that Jaden Sonic Show dude. There was a time...
...Let's see... I had to dig around in Discord because I was so put off by this guy's videos I straight up erased them from my Youtube History, so this is the only way I even know I watched them:
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I watched two or three of his videos around this time and this dude's tendency to just make stuff up, believe in bad sources, and push the worst rumors was infuriating. I would say it's not a stretch to claim he is eroding the overall intelligence of the Sonic fandom with his sensationalist, reactionary, straight up false information. He reminds me of the way I used to think about the game industry when I was 13, which is to say: deeply, deeply, deeply incorrect.
This is where I was going to pivot and say, "and he makes more money than Sam and I combined," because he has 150k+ subscribers. But according to SocialBlade, that doesn't seem to be true. Despite having 3x as many subs as Sam, SocialBlade claims The Sonic Show seems to make less than Sam Procrastinates.
I guess there are benefits to keeping your nose clean.
(And given I have a Youtube channel of my own, I have a vague idea how accurate these numbers are -- which is to say: I am not making $122 a month from Youtube, but I wish I was. I also understand why Sam is so protective of his channel's earnings, too)
Anyway, all of this to say, Sam seems in the right here. I do get a whiff of, like, the puritan Japanese Idol culture from some of this, where if you're a J-Idol you can't be caught drinking, or smoking, or even swearing. You have to maintain total purity or else you fall victim to a witch hunt, and there's a weird amount of finger pointing going on here that I don't know if it was deserved. Sam shouldn't have even needed to make a video like this, but like I said, that Sonic Show guy kind of seems like a vulture.
I would not put stock in what that dude has to say.
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subliminalbo · 2 years
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One Shot #4: The Instrument and the Maestro
Standing on the stage before thousands of raucous fans chanting her name, Amelia clenched the microphone tight to her chest. She wished that she could just live in that moment forever. Wembley was the kind of venue that musicians worked their lives to book but Amelia was only twenty-four. She exhaled. What was next? Her rags-to-riches story had captivated the world. Raised by a single mother in Brooklyn, discovered by her producer. Jack, at a community talent show. Everything else felt like a dream. Her entire career was a haze from which she could pull few distinct memories as her life moved at a thousand miles an hour. Last week she was sixteen, yesterday she was twenty.
All Amelia really knew standing on that stage was that she deserved it. Her voice had always had a way with fans. Jack called it a gift. Their partnership had made her the most profitable solo act in the business. Her albums were often criticized for a lack of risk. There were plenty of takes from Twitter critics about Amelia's early work and her potential to be more than a popstar. It was true that before her partnership with Jack, Amelia had ambitions beyond pop stardom. She wanted to write and compose her own music, but Jack knew the business and a lack of freedom was the price all successful artists had to pay. Of course the negative reviews never stopped her singles from reaching number one on the pop charts. Even when people loathed Amelia, they still couldn't stop listening.
Amelia closed her eyes as the booming synth began to drone behind her. Time was picking up again. And when she opened her mouth and began to sing and her audience disappeared into the hypnotic lyrics of her song, Amelia too began to sink into a familiar trance.
Shortly after the Wembley show, Amelia met in the park for lunch with Jack and demanded to be released from her contract. Jack, surprised and smiling, reminded her that she was at the peak of her career. "You just played Wembley, why on earth would you want anything else?"
"I know Jack," Amelia sighed. "Wembley was great, you're great. But it's not about the money or the fame anymore. I want to make my own art. Like I used to."
"Of course," Jack nodded. "And I let you write a song for Siren."
Siren was the title of Amelia's upcoming album.
"No one should let me do anything. I was fine on my own."
"You were making low quality videos on Youtube. Supporting your mom on Patreon."
"But I had integrity."
For the first time, Jack frowned. "You know I only care about what's best for you. Are you absolutely certain about this, Amelia?"
Amelia shook her head. "When I was up there that night, surrounded by a hundred thousand fans, I...couldn't breathe. It was both so happy and so sad. Because I knew that no matter what I could never top that moment. Do you know what that feels like, Jack?"
Jack offered a sympathetic nod and said, "I just make the music."
"I'm sorry, Jack," Amelia whispered. "But I can't do this anymore."
Jack nodded. Amelia dropped her half-eaten salad into its bag, collected her things, and began to walk away. She heaved a sigh, heavy with both grief and optimism.
Jack, on the other hand, remained seated at the picnic table and calmly pulled out his cellphone. He slowly flipped through his contacts until he found Amelia and dialed. He admired the young starlet as she strutted confidently away. On queue, her phone began to ring, but as she pulled it from her purse, it slipped from her hand and landed uselessly in the grass.
"What..." Amelia mumbled as she stumbled on her feet. The sound of her own music playing back to her, pulling her down, deep into the same trance she'd grown used to performing under.
The trance was Amelia's true trademark, one of the things that set her apart from the other young twentysomethings trying to make it big in the music industry. Amelia had become known for her wild performances in which she lost herself in her own music. She'd admitted in interviews that she often lost track of time during her shows, a phenomenon that even her fans shared in. Many critics credited the trance to Amelia's perfectionism and showmanship.
When Jack approached Amelia, she'd dropped to her knees in submission.
Jack had been a gifted composer his entire life, but he couldn't perform for shit. That was how he got into producing. But after an initial series of failed attempts to break into the industry, he'd taken a chance on a young girl from Brooklyn. With Jack's hypnotic tunes and Amelia's natural talent, they could truly rule the world.
The musician looked up at her producer with those innocent, empty eyes.
"Amelia," Jack sighed. "You've gotta stop doing this."
"I am sorry," she said.
"What did I say last time?" he asked.
"I am the instrument and you are the maestro."
Jack nodded. "You don't want to work without me."
"I could never work without you," Amelia echoed.
"You're powerless without me," he added.
"I am your siren."
Jack placed his warm hand on her soft chin and studied her, checking for any sign rogue disobedience. One again pleased with his work he said, "Let's get back to the studio now. Especially before some paparazzo spots us."
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
Merrily We Roll Along reviews Part 4
Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
Broadway never saw a better triple-act than Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez and Daniel Radcliffe, the triumphant triumvirate at the heart of the gorgeous new revival of “Merrily We Roll Along” directed by the famed British musical theater star Maria Friedman. What a delight they are to watch as life kicks their ever-hopeful characters in the teeth.
But I’ll wager most everyone does. As Sondheim says in one lyric, “Who’s like us, damn few!”
The late, great one could have been talking about these performances. Friedman unlocked many previously problematic aspects of this show, but one of the main keys was to understanding that Mary (Mendez), the sidekick to the aspiring writer-composer team of Franklin Shepard (Groff) and Charley Kringas (Radcliffe) is not the third wheel but the lead.
Mendez has every shade of Mary down cold: the charm, the drinking, the talent, the self-destructive tendencies. But the biggest achievement here is how this fine actress telegraphs how differently humans cope, or fail to cope, with disappointment. Some roll merrily along. Some, like Mary, fall off the carousel. Or jump. It’s a stunner of a performance.
But then Groff, whose singing and energy drive the show, is also superb: his character refuses to see plenty of stuff, but the denials clearly show on Groff’s face, and in his voice. Radcliffe is similarly complicated: his Charley is quiet, sweet, sad, modest of expectation, always fighting off cynicism, still trying to believe in the face of whatever evidence to the contrary life is delivering. This is the best thing I have ever seen this actor do.
But it’s the clearly warm relationship between the three stars that make this show, their palpable, present-tense enjoyment of each other when performing Tim Jackson’s very human choreography, a manifestation of fun and fear. Friedman’s direction and approach to the show seems to have freed these three stars to reveal more of themselves than before.
“Merrily” is even better than it was at the New York Theater Workshop. Its essential intimacy has been retained and it has deepened considerably, as shows that so depend on the relationship of the actors often do.
Emlyn Travis, Entertainment Weekly
Merrily is undoubtedly a star vehicle for Groff, who is no stranger to having two pretty best friends after his Tony-nominated turn in Spring Awakening, and it's a challenge that he more than rises to in his stellar performance as Frank. His older version of the character spins through each scene like a mirrorball, sizing up each target and successfully winning them over with a perfectly tailored version of his personality under Amith Chandrashaker's spotlights. (It's that perfectionism that makes Frank's stone cold, unblinking fury during Charley's televised meltdown all that much more affecting.) As he wades toward his younger years, Groff allows Frank's true nature — or, perhaps, the one that his ambition has stolen away — to seep through, painting him as a starry-eyed composer who wholeheartedly loves music, his friends, and his first wife.
As time travels, Radcliffe's resentment slowly melts away into a promising partnership between Charley and Frank, one that sees both of them gleefully working in perfect tandem.
The trio's bond cannot be denied as they toe tap, sashay, and leap their way through sparkling performances like "Old Friends" and "Opening Doors," trade lighthearted back-and-forth barbs without hesitation, and often come together for three-way pinky links like true time-tested pals.
But, when a previously referenced plot point suddenly clicks into place amongst the audience, or when its knockout trio are firing on all cylinders at its forefront, Merrily is truly a sight to behold. What a time to be alive, indeed.
Adam Feldman, Time Out NY
That’s one reason Friedman’s version works so well: She has trained her eye on just the right stars. Groff, Radcliffe and Mendez are so appealing as performers that they moot the pinched negativity of their characters’ first appearances. All three deliver exceptional work.
As the story moves backward, Groff’s pallid Frank begins to glow with excitement and sincerity; he makes you feel how much Frank loves writing music, and what a self-betrayal his abandonment of it represents.
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unitedbydevils · 11 months
Match Review: Manchester United 1-0 Luton
The Iceman cometh: Victor Lindelöf struck in the 59th minute to give United the three points at home to Premier League strugglers Luton at Old Trafford, in yet another game that United should have scored several more goals...
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United started with Garnacho on the left wing and Rashford out right following a woeful showing in the previous game from Antony, and it almost paid off early on with a deflected cross from the right looping into Højlund's path, only to go directly at the keeper for a crucial save.
Luton had their chances too, with a poor Lindelof headed clearance leading to a cross straight back in at Morris - who headed on goal unchallenged by the Swede mere seconds later. An excellent save from Onana kept the visitors at bay, but his confidence won't be helped by silly mistakes like that from his defence.
A flank switch mid half saw Garnacho presented with a beautiful chance 1 on 1 with the keeper thanks to Rasmus Højlund, only for the Argentinian to cut onto his right and lose the advantage. Had he stayed on his left, rounded the keeper out wide, there was no defender to close him or stop an easy finish to give United the lead. A mistake, and an experience to learn from, but a frustration for United at a time where goals are in desperately short supply.
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The second half was more of the same: Højlund glanced a header wide from a Bruno Fernandes free kick, United did get their goal thanks to Victor Lindelöf and a deflection off Scott McTominay to lay him off, and Rashford hit a late chance directly at keeper ))))))) that really should have gone either side of the stopper. Still, a win's a win, and a clean sheet is also incredibly valuable against a stubborn, strong team containing ex-United prospects such as Tahith Chong (pictured above) and Teden Mengi.
United's game notably improved with the introduction of Mason Mount and Scott McTominay dropping deeper. The Scot might be valued for his goal contributions this season but his traits suit being a bruising ball-winner type. He's not a stereotypical "6" but neither is he a CAM. He's too poor with his passing and positioning to suit such a role, but with Casemiro's poor form there's a huge chance for a Mount/McTominay partnership to blossom. Mount is a box-to-box creator, McTominay is a strong duellist. Both have high stamina and an eye for goal, as does Bruno Fernandes ahead of them, making this a midfield that could do good work.
As a personal aside I prefer the metronomic passing of Sofian Amrabat over McTominay, but there are enough games for both to play - even together - and to control the middle of the pitch.
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Remarkably, United's win lifts them into 6th Place in the Premier League also means that despite the seemingly disjointed and misfiring form, the Red Devils are currently THE form side in the EPL. This will provide some solace to Erik Ten Hag who is very slowly getting injured players back for selection, but will perplex fans given the sub-par showings we've seen so far this season.
There's also the Højlund conundrum. The Dane is joint top scorer in the Champions League, but yet to find a goal for United in the Premier League - despite his consistently good showings up front. A goal will come, and hopefully be the first of many, but again the waiting game is tough for the fans keen to see United flex their muscles.
Yet another international break is upon us, meaning United's next game is away to Everton on Sunday November 26; a potentially sticky fixture given Everton seem to be finding their feet again under Sean Dyche, but also a good time to have a break and disrupt that rhythm.
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beecreeper · 3 months
3, 7, 10 for the durgetash asks!
Teehee *kicking my feet and twirling my hair*
Briar and Ferox infodump under the cut!
3.) What did durge think of the little wannabe tyrant at the beginning? Someone competent or someone who tries really quite hard?
Briar and Ferox had totally opposite reactions to him initially. Briar thought that he was someone with more intelligence than sense. Someone so caught up in planning and control and doesn’t seem to see how easy it is to gum up his gears with just a little bit of unpredictability. Thought he had a big head and delusions of grandeur (unlike her, whose delusions of grandeur were real, thank you very much.) She found this all very amusing and was excited to mess with him and put him in his place. As time went on, she came to respect his plans and just how thorough he was, in addition to being surprised with his ability to improvise when needed and how quickly he can change the plan.
Ferox on the other hand was initially quite impressed by the way Gortash seemed to have plans and contingencies for everything. A little annoying in how arrogant and proud of himself he was about it, but he had to admit that he *did* seem to live up to it. Ferox really started to soften to him when he noticed just how hard Gortash was trying to keep all of that up, running himself ragged with constant working and planning and tinkering. It added a layer of empathy on top of the respect he already held for him, plus even more admiration because it's one thing to just be competent and it's another to be a hard worker and insanely dedicated.
7.) Somehow we all hc that Durge and Gortash attended some kind of patriar function together. What was the thing they showed up to really and how did it go? How many deaths did he have to promise durge for them to agree?
For Briar, I imagine she invited herself as a power move without thinking through the repercussions. Gortash, responding in kind, was like “yeah okay, you can come. Let’s review all the politics and ranks and etiquette you’re going to need to know when you’re there >:3" and she was like “oh shit this is actually hell but I can’t back down now.” She haaaaaaaates the crowds and how slow and stuffy everything is, but makes her own fun by seeing just how much trouble she can cause, like trying to subtly undermine and embarrass Gortash in conversation and doing just a liiiiiitle murder? Just a busboy? Come ooooon Gortash let me murder just ooooone person. Also she probably got high beforehand and sneaks in her own booze. Regardless, she has a better time than she expected and they do it again. It’s like a fun challenge to try to play within such strict circumstances.
For Ferox I imagine the vibe was more like Gortash needed him there for something, like he had an assassination plan or maybe he just wanted to intimate people with his big scary boyfriend. Ferox was really apprehensive and uncomfortable because he has absolutely NO idea how to act in polite society. A high society party is about as far out of his element as you can possibly be. He would have spent the whole night stock still and stiff and glaring into the middle distance, which definitely would have helped the intimidation gambit Gortash was going for. Wouldn’t have taken any bribing to get him there, though. Gortash just needed to explain why him being there was necessary to the plan and Ferox would have gone along with it, however begrudgingly. Like doing a chore.
10.) Did the tyrant ever try to impress the serial killing godling and exactly how horrible did it end for him? What sorta things did he do solely for “the sake of cooperation” with glaring obvious ulterior motives?
Oh man, I think for both of my durges, Gortash was pretty much constantly trying to impress them, especially early in the partnership when he was peacocking what a good ally he would be. Showing them how much power he has and just how far he’s willing to go for more, how few lines he won’t cross. And, I mean, he literally promises them the world! But I also don’t think that’s unique to durge – I think Gortash is always trying to impress everyone. He NEEDS to build himself up as great.
Naturally, though, he would change precisely what he does to impress people based on that he thinks they’ll like. For example, I think Briar would have inspired some of the more sadistic things he does, like that one dismemberment experiment. Briar was more likely to press him on it, daring him to go further or challenging him herself. They often had a dynamic of trying to one up each other. For Ferox, he would have impressed him with scale, like blowing up a whole building and taking out half a city block.
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mydarlinginej · 1 year
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read my full review of everyone wants to know by kelly loy gilbert here.
This ripped-from-the-tabloids young adult drama by the critically acclaimed author Kelly Loy Gilbert about a girl’s famous-for-being-famous family fracturing from within as their dirty laundry gets exposed.
The Lo family sticks together. That’s what Honor has been told her whole life while growing up in the glare of the public eye on Lo and Behold, the reality show about her, her four siblings, and their parents.
Their show may be off the air, but the Lo family members still live in the spotlight as influencers churning out podcasts, bestselling books, and brand partnerships. So when Honor’s father announces that he’s moving out of their northern California home to rent an apartment in Brooklyn, Honor’s personal upset becomes the internet’s trending B-list celebrity trainwreck—threatening the aspirational image the Los’ brand (and livelihood) depends on.
After one of her best friends leaks their private conversation to a gossip site, bruised and betrayed Honor pours all her energy into reuniting her family. With her parents 3,000 miles apart, her siblings torn into factions, and all of them under claustrophobic public scrutiny, this is easier said than done. Just when Honor feels at her lowest, a guarded yet vulnerable boy named Caden comes into her life and makes her want something beyond the tight Lo inner circle for the first time. But is it fair to open her heart to someone new when the people she loves are teetering on the edge of ruin?
As increasingly terrible secrets come to light about the people Honor thought she knew best in the world, she’s forced to choose between loyalty to her family and fighting for the life she wants.
my review:
I’ve been recommended Kelly Loy Gilbert’s books for such a long time, and I’ve really been meaning to finally picking them up. However, as soon as I read the summary for her next release, it was immediately one of my most anticipated books of this year and it did not disappoint! Full of imperfect characters and complicated love, Everyone Wants to Know follows a family falling apart in the public eye and the daughter doing everything she can to keep them together.
The Los are a famous family after having their own reality show that ended a few years ago. Now, almost all of them are influencers in a way, except for Honor and her twin brother Atticus, the two youngest of the family and the only ones who don’t keep a public profile. When their parents sit the whole family down to discuss their separation, the family is understandably devastated. To make matters worse, Honor’s two best friends leak private information to the media, and in the aftermath of everything, her mother moves her and Atticus to the city where she grew up. There, Honor meets Caden, an emotionally closed-off boy who she can’t help but be drawn to. Throughout it all, Honor tries her hardest to keep her family together until all the secrets come out and possibly destroy them all.
It’s been a long time since I’ve read such a nuanced book in YA, with such unlikable characters that you also can relate to, or at least understand why they do what they do. This book is also definitely a commentary on growing up in the public eye and the consequences of never really having privacy in your life. I’ll get more into that soon, but I wanted to highlight how much I loved the complexity and emotional weight of this book.
read my full review here.
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Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term | The Washington Post
By Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey and Devlin Barrett
Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations.
In private, Trump has told advisers and friends in recent months that he wants the Justice Department to investigate onetime officials and allies who have become critical of his time in office, including his former chief of staff, John F. Kelly, and former Attorney General William P. Barr, as well as his ex-attorney Ty Cobb and former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark A. Milley, according to people who have talked to him, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Trump has also talked of prosecuting officials at the FBI and Justice Department, a person familiar with the matter said.
In public, Trump has vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” President Biden and his family. The former president has frequently made corruption accusations against them that are not supported by available evidence.
To facilitate Trump’s ability to direct Justice Department actions, his associates have been drafting plans to dispense with 50 years of policy and practice intended to shield criminal prosecutions from political considerations. Critics have called such ideas dangerous and unconstitutional.
“It would resemble a banana republic if people came into office and started going after their opponents willy-nilly,” said Saikrishna Prakash, a constitutional law professor at the University of Virginia who studies executive power. “It’s hardly something we should aspire to.”
Much of the planning for a second term has been unofficially outsourced to a partnership of right-wing think tanks in Washington. Dubbed “Project 2025,” the group is developing a plan, to include draft executive orders, that would deploy the military domestically under the Insurrection Act, according to a person involved in those conversations and internal communications reviewed by The Washington Post. The law, last updated in 1871, authorizes the president to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement.
The proposal was identified in internal discussions as an immediate priority, the communications showed. In the final year of his presidency, some of Trump’s supporters urged him to invoke the Insurrection Act to put down unrest after the murder of George Floyd in the summer of 2020, but he never did it. Trump has publicly expressed regret about not deploying more federal force and said he would not hesitate to do so in the future.
Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung did not answer questions about specific actions under discussion. “President Trump is focused on crushing his opponents in the primary election and then going on to beat Crooked Joe Biden,” Cheung said. “President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution.”
The discussions underway reflect Trump’s determination to harness the power of the presidency to exact revenge on those who have challenged or criticized him if he returns to the White House. The former president has frequently threatened to take punitive steps against his perceived enemies, arguing that doing so would be justified by the current prosecutions against him. Trump has claimed without evidence that the criminal charges he is facing — a total of 91 across four state and federal indictments — were made up to damage him politically.
“This is third-world-country stuff, ‘arrest your opponent,’” Trump said at a campaign stop in New Hampshire in October. “And that means I can do that, too.”
Special counsel Jack Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Biden have all said that Smith’s prosecution decisions were made independently of the White House, in accordance with department rules on special counsels.
Trump, the clear polling leader in the GOP race, has made “retribution” a central theme of his campaign, seeking to intertwine his own legal defense with a call for payback against perceived slights and offenses to right-wing Americans. He repeatedly tells his supporters that he is being persecuted on their behalf and holds out a 2024 victory as a shared redemption at their enemies’ expense.
It is unclear what alleged crimes or evidence Trump would claim to justify investigating his named targets.
Kelly said he would expect Trump to investigate him because since his term as chief of staff ended, he has publicly criticized Trump, including by alleging that he called dead service members “suckers.” Kelly added, “There is no question in my mind he is going to go after people that have turned on him.”
Barr, another Trump appointee turned critic, has contradicted the former president’s false claims about the 2020 election and called him “a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country’s.” Asked about Trump’s interest in prosecuting him, Barr deadpanned, “I’m quivering in my boots.”
“Trump himself is more likely to rot in jail than anyone on his alleged list,” said Cobb, who accused Trump of “stifling truth, making threats and bullying weaklings into doing his bidding.”
Milley did not comment.
Other modern presidents since the Watergate scandal — when Richard M. Nixon tried to suppress the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s spying and sabotage against Democrats — have sought to separate politics from law enforcement. Presidents of both parties have imposed a White House policy restricting communications with prosecutors. An effort under the George W. Bush administration to remove U.S. attorneys for political reasons led to high-level resignations and a criminal investigation.
Rod J. Rosenstein, the Trump-appointed deputy attorney general who oversaw the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III into Russian interference in the 2016 election, said a politically ordered prosecution would violate the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under law and could cause judges to dismiss the charges. That constitutional defense has rarely been raised in U.S. history, Rosenstein said.
“Making prosecutorial decisions in a nonpartisan manner is essential to democracy,” Rosenstein said. “The White House should not be meddling in individual cases for political reasons.”
But Trump allies such as Russ Vought, his former budget director who now leads the Center for Renewing America, are actively repudiating the modern tradition of a measure of independence for the Department of Justice, arguing that such independence is not in law or the Constitution. Vought is in regular contact with Trump and would be expected to hold a major position in a second term.
“You don’t need a statutory change at all, you need a mind-set change,” Vought said in an interview. “You need an attorney general and a White House Counsel’s Office that don’t view themselves as trying to protect the department from the president.”
As President, Kelly said, Trump would often suggest prosecuting his political enemies, or at least having the FBI investigate them. Kelly said he would not pass along the requests to the Justice Department but would alert the White House Counsel’s Office. Usually, they would ignore the orders, he said, and wait for Trump to move on. In a second term, Trump’s aides could respond to such requests differently, he said.
“The lesson the former president learned from his first term is don’t put guys like me … in those jobs,” Kelly said. “The lesson he learned was to find sycophants.”
Although aides have worked on plans for some other agencies, Trump has taken a particular interest in the Justice Department. In conversations about a potential second term, Trump has made picking an attorney general his number one priority, according a Trump adviser.
“Given his recent trials and tribulations, one would think he’s going to pick up the plan for the Department of Justice before doing some light reading of a 500-page white paper on reforming the EPA,” said Matt Mowers, a former Trump White House adviser.
Jeffrey Clark, a fellow at Vought’s think tank, is leading the work on the Insurrection Act under Project 2025. The Post has reported that Clark is one of six unnamed co-conspirators whose actions are described in Trump’s indictment in the federal election interference case.
Clark was also charged in Fulton County, Georgia, with violating the state anti-racketeering law and attempting to create a false statement, as part of the district attorney’s case accusing Trump and co-conspirators of interfering in the 2020 election. Clark has pleaded not guilty. As a Justice Department official after the 2020 election, Clark pressured superiors to investigate nonexistent election crimes and to encourage state officials to submit phony certificates to the electoral college, according to the indictment.
In one conversation described in the federal indictment, a deputy White House counsel warned Clark that Trump’s refusing to leave office would lead to “riots in every major city.” Clark responded, according to the indictment, “That’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.”
Clark had dinner with Trump during a visit to his Bedminster, N.J., golf club this summer. He also went to Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday for a screening of a new Dinesh D’Souza movie that uses falsehoods, misleading interviews and dramatizations to allege federal persecution of Jan. 6 rioters and Christians. Also attending were fringe allies such as Stephen K. Bannon, Roger Stone, Laura Loomer and Michael Flynn.
“I think that the supposedly independent DOJ is an illusion,” Clark said in an interview. Through a spokeswoman he did not respond to follow-up questions about his work on the Insurrection Act.
Clark’s involvement with Project 2025 has alarmed some other conservative lawyers who view him as an unqualified choice to take a senior leadership role at the department, according to a conservative lawyer who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private talks. Project 2025 comprises 75 groups in a collaboration organized by the Heritage Foundation.
Project 2025 director Paul Dans stood by Clark in a statement. “We are grateful for Jeff Clark’s willingness to share his insights from having worked at high levels in government during trying times,” he said.
After online publication of this story, Rob Bluey, a Heritage spokesman, said: “There are no plans within Project 2025 related to the Insurrection Act or targeting political enemies.”
There is a heated debate in conservative legal circles about how to interact with Trump as the likely nominee. Many in Trump’s circle have disparaged what they view as institutionalist Republican lawyers, particularly those associated with the Federalist Society. Some Trump advisers consider these individuals too soft and accommodating to make the kind of changes within agencies that they want to see happen in a second Trump administration.
Trump has told advisers that he is looking for lawyers who are loyal to him to serve in a second term — complaining about his White House Counsel’s Office unwillingness to go along with some of his ideas in his first term or help him in his bid to overturn his 2020 election defeat.
In repeated comments to advisers and lawyers around him, Trump has said his biggest regrets were naming Jeff Sessions and Barr as his attorneys general and listening to others — he often cites the “Federalist Society” — who wanted him to name lawyers with impressive pedigrees and Ivy League credentials to senior Justice Department positions. He has mentioned to several lawyers who have defended him on TV or attacked Biden that they would be a good candidate for attorney general, according to people familiar with his comments.
The overall vision that Trump, his campaign and outside allies are now discussing for a second term would differ from his first in terms of how quickly and forcefully officials would move to execute his orders. Alumni involved in the current planning generally fault a slow start, bureaucratic resistance and litigation for hindering the president’s agenda in his first term, and they are determined to avoid those hurdles, if given a second chance, by concentrating more power in the West Wing and selecting appointees who will carry out Trump’s demands.
Those groups are in discussions with Trump’s campaign advisers and occasionally the candidate himself, sometimes circulating policy papers or draft executive orders, according to people familiar with the situation.
“No one is opposed to them putting together ideas, but it’s not us,” a campaign adviser said. “These groups say they’ll have the whole transition planned. Some of those people I’m sure are good and Trump will appoint, but it’s not what is on his mind right now. I’m sure he’d be fine with some of their orders.”
Trump’s core group of West Wing advisers for a second term is widely expected to include Stephen Miller, the architect of Trump’s hard-line immigration policies including family separation, who has gone on to challenge Biden administration policies in court through a conservative organization called America First Legal. Miller did not respond to requests for comment.
Alumni have also saved lists of previous appointees who would not be welcome in a second Trump administration, as well as career officers they viewed as uncooperative and would seek to fire on an executive order to weaken civil service protections.
For other appointments, Trump would be able to draw on lineups of personnel prepared by Project 2025. Dans, a former Office of Personnel Management chief of staff, likened the database to a “conservative LinkedIn,” allowing applicants to present their resumes on public profiles, while also providing a shared workspace for Heritage and partner organizations to vet the candidates and make recommendations.
“We don’t want careerists, we don’t want people here who are opportunists,” he said. “We want conservative warriors.”
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richincolor · 1 year
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Everyone Wants to Know by Kelly Loy Gilbert
Review Copy: ARC via publisher Availability: 6/13/2023
This ripped-from-the-tabloids young adult drama by the critically acclaimed author Kelly Loy Gilbert about a girl’s famous-for-being-famous family fracturing from within as their dirty laundry gets exposed.
The Lo family sticks together. That’s what Honor has been told her whole life while growing up in the glare of the public eye on Lo and Behold , the reality show about her, her four siblings, and their parents. Their show may be off the air, but the Lo family members still live in the spotlight as influencers churning out podcasts, bestselling books, and brand partnerships. So when Honor’s father announces that he’s moving out of their northern California home to rent an apartment in Brooklyn, Honor’s personal upset becomes the internet’s trending B-list celebrity trainwreck—threatening the aspirational image the Los’ brand (and livelihood) depends on.
After one of her best friends leaks their private conversation to a gossip site, bruised and betrayed Honor pours all her energy into reuniting her family. With her parents 3,000 miles apart, her siblings torn into factions, and all of them under claustrophobic public scrutiny, this is easier said than done. Just when Honor feels at her lowest, a guarded yet vulnerable boy named Caden comes into her life and makes her want something beyond the tight Lo inner circle for the first time. But is it fair to open her heart to someone new when the people she loves are teetering on the edge of ruin?
As increasingly terrible secrets come to light about the people Honor thought she knew best in the world, she’s forced to choose between loyalty to her family and fighting for the life she wants.
Review: I've been a fan of Kelly Loy Gilbert's writing ever since I picked up Picture Us in the Light and realized that it was set at Monta Vista, a school in the area that I grew up. It was the first time I felt so seen in fiction, and I ended up convincing more than a few childhood friends to read it. So given all that, you know I was very, very excited for Gilbert's latest book, Everyone Wants to Know.
Gilbert's latest is a razor sharp look at an all-too-relevant topic at the moment: influencer culture and particularly influencer families. If you pay any attention at all to this space, you may have seen recent discussions, articles, etc regarding children who were raised by influencer parents and didn't consent to becoming influencer content. In Everyone Wants to Know, the influencer family is the Lo family, a family who once starred in a reality show before spawning an influencer empire. The narrator, Honor, must grapple with the fallout when her father announces that he's leaving the family and secrets are uncovered.
People who follow influencer culture will find Everyone Wants to Know propulsive and compelling. The level of detail is incredible -- it reminded me of Crazy Rich Asians. At times, I found the amount of detail and cascade of event after event somewhat overwhelming, but overall, I found that it meaningfully contributed to a gripping tale of family drama.
My favorite part was Honor's reflections on family and cultural heritage. I loved the historical and cultural tie-in to where Honor's parents and grandparents came from. An Asian American take on influencer family drama resonated with me.
For people who are interested in influencer culture, this is an absolute must-read and came out at just the right time in this cultural moment. I definitely recommend checking it out if it sounds intriguing to you! (And please, please read Picture Us in the Light!)
Recommendation: Get it soon!
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57 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
MSR | words: 518 | AO3 | @nosebleedclub October prompt: vertebrae | tagging @today-in-fic
Very early on in their partnership, Mulder rested his hand on the small of Scully's back. Like the chemistry between them, it came naturally, without much conscious thought. He had to be close to her, as if gravity had shifted around her. Later, he hugged her. Even later, he kissed her.
The first time he told her he loved her, a star formed in his lungs, emitted flares up his throat, spilled light out of his mouth, so bright it blinded him.
And now, he gets to see her fall asleep and wake up next to him. That morning, he wakes up before her – his insomnia isn't as bad as it used to be, but he usually needs less sleep than her. She's lying on her side, facing him. He rests his hand on the small of her back. Her skin is soft and warm. He runs his hand up to her shoulder blades, and back down again, feeling the indentations of her spine under his fingertips. She stirs and without opening her eyes, she shifts closer to him, wraps her arm around him and buries her face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you," he says.
He's used to saying it now, but the warmth in his chest is still here; this star will never burn out. She rests her head back on her pillow, her hair spread out in a sun corona, and smiles at him.
"I love you too," she replies before kissing him.
He slowly drags his hand along her vertebrae again and continues kissing her. She smiles against his lips. Her spine is a puzzle piece that fits only with him. For all of his supernatural beliefs, he doesn't believe in fate. It could be comforting to think they were destined to be together, but they chose to be together. He chose her, and he'd choose her over and over again.
Mulder doesn't seem to want to stop running his fingers over her back anytime soon, so Scully decides to indulge him – and herself, because his touch is always soothing and comforting – and shifts on her stomach to give him better access. She stretches and sighs as he starts kissing her neck. She can spend the whole day like this, letting him kiss her everywhere. He continues kissing her back, and when he reaches her tattoo, he traces the ouroboros with his finger. Unending. Infinity – that's how much time he wants to spend with her. He kisses all her other vertebrae – she's small, but she takes so much space in his life. He settles back next to her, looks at her, and the star inside of him pulsates to the rhythm of his heart.
"What are you thinking about ?" she asks.
"The future."
"It's too early for you to be that cryptic."
"You'll always be part of my future."
"I intend to."
She kisses him and rests her head on his chest. It's the weekend, she can sleep as much as she wants. She lets herself drift back to sleep, listening to his heartbeat and feeling his love in her bones.
76 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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103 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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178 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Mulder really showed up in court with a little slideshow to try to explain that Eugene Tooms can elongate his body, eats livers and hibernates for 30 years
343 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
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spoilertv · 5 days
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hrdiagnostics-blog · 10 days
Find the Best Nearby Pathology Lab for Accurate Tests and Timely Results
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Why Choosing a Nearby Pathology Lab Matters
Finding a nearby pathology lab is essential for your health. Whether you need routine tests or urgent medical evaluations, the convenience of having a lab close to your home can save time and reduce stress. More importantly, it ensures timely results, which is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. In this blog, we'll explore why it's important to choose a lab near you and how it can impact your overall healthcare experience.
What Is a Pathology Lab?
A pathology lab is a medical facility where various tests are conducted on blood, tissues, and other body samples. Moreover, these tests help doctors understand the cause of diseases and monitor your overall health. In addition, experts in the lab analyze the samples and provide accurate reports, which your doctor uses to diagnose or rule out medical conditions.
Benefits of Choosing a Nearby Pathology Lab
1. Quick and Easy Access
One of the most obvious benefits of a nearby pathology lab is convenience. Additionally, you don’t need to travel far for routine or urgent tests. This is especially helpful for people with chronic conditions who require frequent testing. Furthermore, the proximity can be a lifesaver during emergencies when timely diagnosis is crucial.
2. Faster Report Delivery
The closer the lab is to your home or clinic, the faster the samples can be processed. As a result, this often translates into quicker report delivery. In fact, many people don’t realize that the location of the lab can affect how quickly they receive their results. Therefore, a nearby pathology lab ensures that your samples don’t travel far, speeding up the entire process.
3. Improved Communication with Doctors
When your lab is near your healthcare provider, it improves communication. Doctors can easily contact the lab to clarify any test results. In urgent cases, immediate feedback can make a huge difference in treatment decisions. Therefore, choosing a nearby lab benefits both you and your doctor.
4. Cost-Effectiveness
Traveling to a distant lab can involve additional costs, such as transportation and time off from work. A nearby lab cuts down on these costs, making the process more affordable and convenient. For patients requiring regular tests, such as diabetics, this can significantly lower the long-term costs of healthcare.
How to Find a Nearby Pathology Lab
1. Online Search
The easiest way to find a nearby pathology lab is to search online. Many diagnostic centers have websites, like H.R. Diagnostics, where you can easily find information about the services they offer, their location, and contact details. A quick search for “pathology lab near me” will show you the closest options.
2. Ask Your Doctor
Doctors usually have partnerships with trusted labs. Therefore, asking your doctor for recommendations can be a great way to ensure that you choose a reliable and nearby pathology lab. They may also have special arrangements with certain labs for quicker report processing.
3. Check Reviews and Ratings
Once you’ve found a lab near you, take a moment to read reviews and check their ratings. Look for reviews that mention the accuracy of the test results, the behavior of the staff, and how quickly reports are delivered. A well-reviewed lab with positive feedback is a good indicator of reliable services.
What Tests Can Be Done at a Pathology Lab?
Pathology labs offer a wide variety of tests, ranging from simple blood tests to more complex tissue analysis. Some common tests include:
Blood tests: These are used to check for conditions like anemia, infections, and cholesterol levels.
Urine tests: These help detect urinary tract infections, kidney problems, or metabolic disorders.
Biopsies: Tissue samples are examined under a microscope to check for cancerous cells or other abnormalities.
Hormone tests: These tests measure hormone levels, which can indicate thyroid problems or fertility issues.
The convenience of a nearby pathology lab means you can easily undergo these tests without the hassle of long travel times.
Technology and Accuracy in Pathology Labs
The technology used in pathology labs has improved dramatically in recent years. Modern equipment ensures that test results are not only quicker but also more accurate. However, accuracy depends largely on how quickly the samples are processed after collection. If you choose a distant lab, the transportation of samples could affect the quality. By opting for a nearby pathology lab, you minimize the risk of delayed sample processing, ensuring higher accuracy in your reports.
Why H.R. Diagnostic Is Your Best Choice for a Nearby Pathology Lab
If you’re looking for a nearby pathology lab, H.R. Diagnostic is an excellent choice. We pride ourselves on offering a range of tests with quick turnaround times. Our state-of-the-art equipment ensures that you get the most accurate results, and our proximity to residential and medical areas makes us an easy choice for many patients.
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2. Experienced Staff
Our team of certified pathologists and lab technicians is dedicated to delivering accurate results. With years of experience, they ensure that every test is conducted according to medical standards.
3. Quick Reports
We understand how important it is to get your test results quickly. Our lab is designed to process samples efficiently, so you can expect to receive your reports without unnecessary delays.
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Located near major residential and healthcare hubs, H.R. Diagnostic is easy to access. Whether you’re coming from home or visiting your doctor, our lab is just a short distance away. This ensures you don’t waste time traveling or waiting in long queues.
Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Diagnostic Tests
Early diagnosis is key to preventing and treating many diseases. Waiting too long to get a test done can lead to worsening symptoms and more complex treatments. By using a nearby pathology lab, you ensure that you get your test done promptly. This can lead to earlier detection of health issues and better treatment outcomes.
1. Preventive Healthcare
Regular testing helps detect diseases early, even before symptoms appear. A nearby lab makes it easier to follow through with your doctor’s preventive care recommendations.
2. Monitoring Chronic Conditions
For those with chronic illnesses, regular monitoring is essential. A nearby lab can make it easier to schedule and attend frequent tests, ensuring your condition is managed well.
3. Post-Treatment Follow-Up
After a surgery or medical treatment, follow-up tests are often required. Having a nearby lab means you can complete these tests quickly, helping your doctor monitor your recovery more effectively.
How to Book Your Test at H.R. Diagnostic
Booking a test at H.R. Diagnostic is simple. You can visit our website and book your test online, or give us a call to schedule an appointment. We offer a range of diagnostic services and have friendly staff who will guide you through the process.
Choosing a nearby pathology lab like H.R. Diagnostic can significantly improve your healthcare experience. Not only will you benefit from faster and more accurate results, but you'll also enjoy the convenience of having a lab close to home. By opting for a nearby lab, you reduce stress, save time, and ensure timely diagnosis and treatment. Don’t wait—book your test today at H.R. Diagnostic for the best pathology services near you.
Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. Diagnostics. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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novumtimes · 13 days
Release Date Plot and What Else We Know Hollywood Life
View gallery Image Credit: Courtesy of FX Season 3 of The Bear left us with a cruel cliffhanger as the fate of the restaurant and character relationships hang in the balance. Season 4, will hopefully pick up right where we left off, but Hulu subscribers are dying to know when it will be released. And, since several celebs such as Jamie Lee Curtis, Will Poulter, Olivia Coleman and John Cena joined the show, fans are wondering who else could potentially pop up in season 4. Hollywood Life has rounded up everything you need to know about season 4 of The Bear, below. When Does ‘The Bear’ Season 4 Premiere? Although a release date has not been confirmed yet, fans can expect a summer 2025 air date considering the past few seasons’ premieres. Even series star Jeremy told Esquire UK noted that the show is expected to premiere sometime next year. Who Is in ‘The Bear’ Season 4 Cast? Based on what happened in season 3, it’s safe to assume that series leads Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri and Ebon Moss-Bachrach will return. Additionally, cast members Abby Elliott, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, Matty Matheson and Edwin Lee Gibson are expected to come back. What Has the Cast Said About Season 4? Ahead of the June 2024 season 3 premiere, Matty — who portrays Fak in the show — told Variety that he and the cast couldn’t “talk about a bunch of stuff” but noted that he “kind of forget[s] everything.” “I haven’t even watched the season, actually,” he admitted, before adding, “I’ve seen some edits and some early episodes, but I’ve only seen episodes 1 through 4, really.” What Happened at the End of Season 3? During the season 3 finale, everything reaches a boiling point. Throughout the season, fans witness Sydney’s conflict about accepting a new job with Chef Shapiro, who offers her an $80,000 base salary, benefits and a partnership stake in his new restaurant. Meanwhile, she doesn’t sign the docusign agreement with The Bear, which offers her benefits after the first three months of employment and a $70,000 salary. It’s clear which is the better offer, but Sydney struggles to make a decision and has a panic attack at her new apartment while her friends and coworkers are in the other room for an after-party. The most heartbreaking thing about this is that Carmy has inflicted this anxiety on to her due to his emotional absence. He’s completely checked out of her wants and needs as a partner and is oblivious that he’s about to lose her! #TheBearFx #TheBear pic.twitter.com/PFWGJwqXGX — Oyinda Odewale (@OyindaOdewale) June 27, 2024 As for Carmy, he never reconciles with Claire and is under even more pressure than before. Uncle Jimmy (Oliver Platt) informs Carmy that if he gets a negative review from the Chicago Tribune, he would pull the plug on the restaurant. After attending the “funeral” dinner for the closing of Ever, Carmy confronts his former abusive boss, Chef David (Joel McHale), then gets messages on his phone about the Tribune‘s apparently negative review. Moreover, Carmy and Richie don’t settle their differences by the end of season 3. Source link via The Novum Times
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Choosing the Right Digital Advertising Agency: What You Need to Know
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses need a strong online presence to succeed. Whether you’re a small startup or an established company, digital advertising plays a key role in reaching potential customers. However, managing digital marketing campaigns can be complex and time-consuming. That’s where a digital advertising agency comes in.
But how do you choose the right agency? With so many options available, it can be challenging to know which one is the best fit for your business. Here’s what you need to know before making your decision.
1. Understand Your Business Needs
Before you start searching for an agency, it's essential to define your business goals. Do you want to increase website traffic, generate more leads, or boost your social media presence? Having clear objectives will help you find an agency that specializes in the areas you need. For example, if you want to focus on improving your search engine rankings, an agency that excels in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) would be a good fit.
2. Look for Industry Experience
Experience matters when it comes to digital advertising. Agencies that have worked with businesses in your industry will have a better understanding of your market and audience. They’ll know what strategies work and which ones to avoid. When reviewing potential agencies, check their portfolio and case studies to see if they have experience with companies similar to yours.
3. Check Their Range of Services
Not all digital advertising agencies offer the same services. Some focus on social media marketing, while others specialize in paid search (PPC), content marketing, or website development. Ideally, you want to choose an agency that provides a comprehensive range of services so you can get everything you need in one place. For example, an agency like Adeves Media Private Limited offers SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and website development under one roof, making it easier to manage multiple campaigns.
4. Evaluate Their Communication Style
Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. You want an agency that listens to your needs, provides regular updates, and is easy to contact when needed. During your initial conversations, pay attention to how the agency communicates. Are they responsive? Do they explain things clearly? Good communication will ensure that your campaigns run smoothly and deliver the desired results.
5. Review Client Testimonials and Reviews
Word-of-mouth and online reviews can offer valuable insights into an agency's performance. Look for testimonials on their website or reviews on third-party platforms like Google or social media. What do previous clients have to say about their services? Were they able to meet their goals? Were they satisfied with the level of service? Positive feedback is always a good indicator of a reliable agency.
6. Consider Their Pricing
Digital advertising can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you should choose the cheapest option. Instead, focus on value. A higher-priced agency may offer better expertise, more experienced staff, or a broader range of services. On the other hand, a lower-cost agency might be a good option if you’re just starting and have a limited budget. Make sure to get a clear understanding of their pricing structure and what’s included in the package.
7. Understand Their Approach to Data and Analytics
The best digital advertising agencies use data to drive their campaigns. They track the performance of your ads and make adjustments based on analytics. Ask the agency how they measure success and what tools they use to track performance. Are they transparent with their reporting? Do they provide detailed reports that show the ROI (Return on Investment) of your campaigns?
8. Meet the Team
The agency’s team will be the ones managing your campaigns, so it’s important to get to know them. Are they experienced and knowledgeable in their fields? Do they seem passionate about what they do? A skilled and enthusiastic team can make a huge difference in the success of your campaigns.
Choosing the right digital advertising agency can have a significant impact on your business’s success. By understanding your needs, researching potential agencies, and evaluating their expertise, communication, and approach, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision. Remember, the right agency will act as a partner, helping you achieve your goals and grow your business in the competitive digital landscape.
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