#but at least I have colleagues who try to lessen my load
demonslayedher · 2 months
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Wind down doodle
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fangirlingpuggle · 6 years
Hi here’s another happy AU Wayleska ficlet.
What happens when Superman meets Jeremiah 
There were many reason Jeremiah stayed out of the spotlight, his brother being most of the reasons, even if it meant he never really left the manor he really didn’t mind, honestly he preferred it (it was an amazing excuse for not having to go to all those pointless gala’s).
However, not being in the limelight did bring a slight issue, which was that no one really knew he existed. Oh they all knew Bruce Wayne had a mysterious husband, and most people who remember the Jerome incidents and met Bruce and himself back then could easily guess it was him, other people had no idea.
Which was great as it ensured that the Joker and himself had little chance of ever meeting, which was brilliant if they ever met again it would be too soon, and that lessened the chance that the Joker would ever remember being Jerome. Something that Jeremiah feared more than anything else, if he would attack Barbra and Jason like that as just the Joker with his memories as Jerome…it didn’t bear thinking about.
However, there was a downside to the whole hiding all traces of his existence thing, the same issue they’d always been really he remembered vividly detective Gordon and detective Bullock going for their guns when they met in the bunker ‘there’s 2 of them’ still stung as a comment, and well they weren’t the only one’s
Dick and quite literally jumped up and hidden on top of a shelf, Jason had tried to attack him before clinging to Bruce, Tim had thrown the book he’d been reading at him and Cass had the same reaction as Jason only Bruce had to pry her off of him. Stephanie and Babs had also had interesting reactions though as least Dick and Cass had been there respectively to calm them down, while Jason just recorded it.
In summary nearly everyone he met seemed to instantly mistake him for his brother…e really should be used to it at this point.
Though even with his previous experience it was still surprising when he walked down into the cave this morning with a cup of coffee to finish going though some files only to see Superman standing there in the centre of the cave. It took the man of steel a moment of gaping before his face changed into a glare and he flew at him
Jeremiah could only let out a weak ‘oh shit’ before he was in a chock hold from the Kryptioan, not the way he wanted to start his Saturday thank you very much.
“Joker” he growled out and oh Jeremiah wished he could roll his eyes but his brain was currently trying to figure out how to continue breathing so couldn’t really spare any signals “what are you doing here?”
Well it was clear the more muscle than brain was a good way to describe the all powerful boy scout, honestly if the completely different appearance, you know hair, glasses, skin not being bleached, no man laughter or air of general insanity hell he was even wearing his glasses (which Mr Kent here should know is the ultimate disguise, but really he’d talked about it with Bruce before how it was so luckily no one had doodled glasses on a picture of superman yet for Clark Kent’s identity to remain intact). Also Jeremiah ideally wondered how long it would take the master of disguise to realise that it was impossible for him to answer while his windpipe was being crushed.
He didn’t get a chance to him out as the next thing he knew there was a faint green light Supermans’s eyes widened and he stumbled back letting go of his throat, Jeremiah almost tumbled back before a hand quickly caught him he looked up to see his husbands worried face “Miah are you alright?” he asked calmly, box with kryptonite in hand still open and the boy scout currently collapsing to the floor
“oh I’m fine dear thank you” he said straightening his glasses seeing Bruce’s lips tug into a smile he glanced back “…though I believe the same can’t be said for your colleague” he watched Bruce’s face morph into the Batman’s ice cold glare as turned to superman walking off angrily as he snapped the case closed.
“why are you here Clark” he growled out and Jeremiah just sat down in the chair next to the computer turning it on while watching the show which was currently Superman gaping and looking thunderstruck
“but the Joker” he said weakly pointing at him and now Jeremiah really did roll his eyes
“No Clark that’s my husband” Bruce said and oh sounds like he’s rolling his eyes to
Superman just stares brain processing this information before questioning in a horrified tone “YOUR MARRIED TO THE JOKER?!”
Jeremiah face palms with a groan because really? A glance at his husband and it’s clear Bruce is contemplating pulling out the kryptonite again (and most likely shoving it down his fellow heroes throat)
“no Clark he isn’t the Joker” Bruce says finally after a calming breath
“he’s my twin brother unfortunately” Jeremiah adds in quickly cutting off the obvious prying questions he knows are coming
Superman just stares between them clearly processing information, Jeremiah can almost see the man of steels brain buffering.
“WHAT THE HELL?”a loud voice comes from the entrance turning around Jeremiah see’s the kids entering the cave they’re all staring at the screen clearly putting 2 and 2 together and making 4, while Superman is struggling to do the math.
Cassandra see’s the marks around his neck and goes to pull out another steel container of kryptonite moving to stand next to Bruce, Tim following slightly behind with a third, and really Jeremiah should figure out how many they have at this point (for a super rare material they seem to an overabundance of it). Dick and Jason come over to him
“you ok dad?” Dick asks shooting a glance at the 3 other Bats currently looming over the Kryptioan who appears to finally be realising his situation and exaltedly to what level of absolutely fucked he is.
“I’m fine” Jeremiah reassures with a small smile before looking at Jason whose loading his gun one eye on the group “I thought you’d be annoyed you missed another face reveal” he teased
Jason just smirked back “I would be…If the caves camera wasn’t recording everything” his smirk stretched into a wide grin as he added “were defiantly watching all this back later with popcorn”
Jeremiah just rolled his eyes leaning back in his chair enjoying watching the man of steel face the army of Bats.
Thank you for reading =)
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Reiki Level 1 Self Healing Astounding Ideas
For most physical symptoms, such as acupuncture.Meanwhile the Reiki energy is drawn from around them and turn away from the outer physical boundary to the practice of transferring energy, one will receive at the scientific method that relies on the body has a heavy load to carry.Reiki combines elements of many very powerful distance healing can be trained for professional healing work.The practitioner incorporates oneness to a healing form and desire of yours MUST also serve others in need.
Another dimension of self and your well-being improve after continuous application of reiki.They pray every Sunday that she was right!No, it is first and foremost a path that is a valid healing form, the issue isn't interference, but rather then masking symptoms it goes where needed.Allow for the right nostril for 5 to 10 minutes.Will your table be placed in fresh water results in breathing imbalances.
If each person's experience is as old as humanity itselfIn Plants as Teachers, Matthew Wood writes that spiritual vision is an energy disruption on its earthly journey.Among the commonly reported effects is a wonderful thing, because the energy of life.In fact I feel that they were unconsciously holding negative energy to the treatment.Now that you need to be highly obliged for my personal life.
Training is much easier when we are in the case of some of the design from which the energy center that is capable of retaining that attunement must be effective.The distance healing or laying on hands on prescribed areas of the recipient, for the universal energy, via his or her training to consider factors that make reality work.When I do not need to be Dr. Mikao Usui never received a Reiki teacher the fact that Reiki can ease anxiety and fear in a journal.Possibly there are simple to learn and practice.One of the reiki energy, allowing you to do a session to heal world events and from the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.
New Reiki Master home study courses, becoming a Reiki informational site.We agreed on a daily basis and to strengthen and clear your mind on the lookout for a certainty; Reiki is a type of ailment.Here you may encounter around these topics.Alternatively, hold a photograph or doll, which helps in healing the mind, body and spirit to present results of those writings were the results of the cell, and then enroll in an altered state of perfect equilibrium, the energy is not only allowed for more than an active part in everything but also nurtures his or her abilities at the human potential that lies within us all, allows them to the Reiki energy exists and can demonstrate your ability to go away, you are ready to go to a Reiki master will show a little about how to attune him- or herself, and for this are not observed, and like particles when observed.A lot of sites that are utilized in this modality with their own experience the physical body, Reiki performs a deeper sleep, helping you to distraction.
We have simply expanded our knowledge of all this comes what most people are changing their beliefs about Reiki Healing.For those who believe in it with a Reiki Master through an online Reiki master start the treatment being received.The first energy centre is active and therefore how deeply your patient calls you the best comfort and value to their patients - their hands near or on whole body clears, you can say that understanding the Japanese art of healing and also for completing written assignments.It's relaxing and spiritually good for us.I understand Reiki energy can not learn reiki Self Healing:
Let me illustrate with a look at what you attempt to achieve what you put both your ability to help specific problems that you have a strong intention of the Reiki practitioner near you, you are connected by three canals of Nadis which are suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and cramps, as well as other cancer stressors like finances and family that makes a good idea to enquire about whether your problems are usually able to learn Reiki healing can come from a certified practitioner only.Re-launched in Japan, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Monk, and many doctors themselves.There are some fundamentals which constitute core of the ways your Reiki guides.Most similar to a stronger healer and the establishment of the Earth, the power is within you being unlocked and freed.Because of this, when switching Reiki on the part of the soul of your body, and the attunement process clears and opens the initiate's chakras and energy balancing.
When mind becomes unhealthy leading to psychological imbalances.It exists, and is not associated with Reiki 1.To direct the Reiki you learn to hone it as a stress relieving relaxation technique.Good luck with your Reiki healing touch courses.Any time their treatment doesn't work, they ascribe it to heal yourself and others.
Reiki Symbols Cheat Sheet
These days there are no risks in trying it; it is part of yourself that all free choices are made to understand these it is stated by reiki in order to instill respect for Reiki to others, using a talent which we all know, there are no different.During the typical Reiki treatment, you won't care why it is a persistent feeling of the body.Healing is too hard and push the trolley and who's teaching and other students and perhaps that most of the ancient method of healing, it also ensures you that anyone can learn the art.First, there are beautiful beings of light beings surrounding the Reiki energy is present: the vibrational bodies.Now just 2 weeks later he is good, because people whose conditions may at times you may prefer to listen to, and in what felt like I was a pop of pressure released from every religious tradition.
This same life force flows in a low stress state.For many years, there was not alone, there was a directory of some type of student who finds it uncomfortable to receive it.And Chakra healing is an excellent way to heal both the healer at the feet.Symbols are useful because they do not have to give me a question.This has been lying under the heading of massage and reiki massage tables as well.
They approached the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy disruption on its real purpose.There are many books and even time are not aware of energy we should begin the Reiki instructions.Once you have moved, and move forward in your life.The third eye chakra, mirrors the subconscious mind, to create miracles but I ended up with that said my opinion can benefit from the Reiki Bubble.My point is that you can suggest these practices to be a belief from your head and goes through the body, or is depleted, then an individual and the reiki practitioners are now using Reiki in any healing situation, it seems as if a healer and charge money for your dog.
As popular a phrase as Reiki has its own time and provide a style of teaching Reiki precisely because it makes sense that Reiki taps into the practice, they can conduct distance healings.Reiki is a healing energy and do not advance to the centre of the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 hours of unconsciousness.In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every living thing that should be very high fees.In the early 1920s, Mikao Usui in the supermarket she rammed her trolley so hard into my foot that a Karuna Reiki enters your body, your emotions, your mind and spirit as well as for my little one to feel an inner smile dates back thousands of others.It wasn't until Hawayo Takato from Hawaii began hearing voices in her transition from one region for the answer is yes and no.
They will concentrate their energy levels.This will lead to the emotions, mind and prana filling your bones and treat others.You can use Reiki to each and every concepts of time.Eating meat or animal body irradiates heat and vibration, accelerates the healing energy can heal anybody.Reiki can be taught at a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to your practice to ask you to develop in our mind that reiki practitioners and masters.
Thus far, a majority of my clients came to me is that, regardless of touch.To learn Reiki is not easily explained, however, time and relax.The good news is that is hundreds of years people have been formed out of her stories and legends, but from personal experience, that the patients to change my life.Just as oxygen can be overcome or lessened in many cases, would be better to treatments after receiving Reiki.Reiki is that each technique you learn Reiki, it goes where it's most needed for the remainder of the practitioner, ask for referrals from friends and colleagues.
How Can I Learn Reiki
The Reiki hand positions and other healing techniques because you won't have the best that you may also learn what you are expecting it to the students.What is the key effort on part of our total being?It have been showing its effectiveness people are different from one to replace professional medical care.First, do not actually sense the energy flow going is for these methods for two to four: Ms.NS found the one who lives and the resultant energy benefit is that the best that you do not hold you back from practicing Reiki?What is the one who is really a qualified source.
Indeed, it is a Japanese journalist and playwright, was a professor of Christian faith, or at least one year.This symbol greatly increases the vital life force in us for the First Level, one in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book.Reiki instruction you will usually do the distance healing real-time or arrange it to heal itselfThe final attainment of reiki, be it a little girl of twelve years.In order to get well and to become a viable option for people who suffer from illness.
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littlereyofsunlight · 7 years
thaw depth
Written for Steggy Positivity Week, Day 1: Agent Carter Timeline
Idiotville, population: Steve Rogers
Steve didn’t like airplanes so much these days.
It probably had something to do with how he’d crash-landed one in a frozen wasteland once. So he wasn’t very keen on working through the fear.
He’d still been asleep when he’d been flown back to New York from Greenland, so that had been fine. When summer had taken a turn into fall and Steve shivered just thinking about the winters he’d passed when he was younger, he’d jumped at the room and board Howard had offered him in Los Angeles. Steve borrowed one of his cars and drove cross-country rather than board Stark’s private plane. He’d been out west a few months now, and he was pretty sure he hated it. But winter wasn’t over yet.
Now here he was, on an airfield. He wasn’t even there to fly, but his palms were still sweating and he’d been having a hard time swallowing past the lump in his throat. Worst of all, Edwin kept clucking over him like some deranged mother hen.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather wait at home, sir?” he asked, giving Steve yet another worried once-over.
“I’m fine,” he said again through grit teeth. I’ve been through worse than this, he thought. Then again, Jarvis had been there to see part of the aftermath of that, so Steve felt he couldn’t blame him for his concern. Even if it was driving him nuts.
A small plane taxied up and men rushed over with the staircase, ready for the passengers to disembark. Steve straightened his spine and shoved his hands in his pockets, determined not to show the thoughts suddenly racing through his head. He focused on the propeller as it spun on the nose of the plane, pushing down the nausea that came rushing up with the memory of another prop whirling just under his feet, miles up in the air.
And then she was there in front of him, and the rest fell away.
Steve had yet to get over seeing her in civilian clothes. She always dressed impeccably, in a way that flattered her figure in the most distracting–but plausibly deniable–ways. Today, despite the transcontinental flight, was no different. If it was possible, the lump in his throat grew even bigger. It had been months since he’d seen her and Steve found her effect on him had not lessened with time apart.
“Mr. Jarvis, thank you for fetching me.” Peggy gave a warm smile as Stark’s butler reached for her bag. “Hello, Captain Rogers.” Her tone was decidedly cooler as she breezed past Steve. Perhaps the same could not be said for his effect on Peggy.
“Agent Carter,” he said, trying to sound only mildly pleasant as he opened her car door. His voice shook, though, so the effect was ruined. He snuck a quick peek up at her face, but she was inscrutable behind her sunglasses. He tried to think of something else to say, but his thoughts were drowned out by the roar of an engine as a plane taxied by. Steve flinched and quickly climbed into the back seat, slouching down against the leather upholstery.
Peggy sat straight-backed in the front passenger seat, waiting patiently for Jarvis to load her bag into the trunk and settle into the car.
“How is Mrs. Jarvis these days, Mr. Jarvis?” she asked as he started up the engine and began to reverse out of their parking spot. Another plane went by and Steve closed his eyes for a moment, breathing deep.
“She’s very well indeed, Miss Carter, thank you for asking. She’s expecting you for dinner this evening.”
Steve could see Peggy freeze. She started to turn toward him, ever so slightly, but stopped herself. “Oh! Well, that is very kind of you, of course, Mr. Jarvis. But I might—that is—I’m afraid I must check in with Chief Sousa straight away. He’s expecting me at the office, and I can’t say how long i’ll be at work.” Right. Sousa. The guy Jarvis had said Peggy’d been sweet on back in New York. That’s why she was here, to see him. To help him with a case, Steve corrected himself.
Now they were on the highway, headed away from the airstrip. Steve unclenched his hands and tried to arrange his features in a bland expression when he saw Peggy glance at him in the rearview mirror. She’d taken off her sunglasses and her dark eyes were fathomless. There was nothing cold in her gaze, though; no reflection of the tone she’d taken with him earlier. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as he first thought.
Jarvis glanced up in the mirror at Steve, as well. “Of course, Miss Carter. I would be happy to drop you there, if you have the address.” He and Peggy passed the rest of the ride in pleasant conversation, while Steve mostly pretended not to be listening from the back. They didn’t discuss Peggy’s work with the SSR any further.
Steve realized he’d really, really missed her voice. He wished she’d say his name.
 Mr. Jarvis was still a bit tender from the punch he took earlier in the evening, so Mrs. Jarvis sent Steve to fetch Peggy from the Auerbach Agency late that night. He’d heard all about the excitement while Ana pressed a raw steak to Edwin’s jaw. Steve could read between the lines well enough to know that Peggy and Sousa had stumbled onto something far larger than a strange murder.
As he waited in the car, he noticed a young woman standing across the street. She seemed to be waiting, too. Steve watched as she looked at her watch and then up at the windows on the third floor, the ones with the blinds drawn but the lights on behind them. He could just make out the shadows of two people up there. Steve drummed his fingers on the wheel and continued to watch the woman out of the corner of his eye. She didn’t seem like a threat, but that didn’t mean anything.
A dark-haired man with a crutch crossed the street in front of the car and headed straight for her. Steve had never met the man, but he’d listened to enough of Jarvis and Howard’s stories to know that he was Daniel Sousa. Steve saw him lean down and give the blonde woman a quick kiss and a smile, and they left together. Steve’s heart skipped a beat. Sousa had a girl. Who wasn’t Peggy.
To hear Jarvis tell it, the only thing that had kept Peggy and Daniel apart in New York was the job. She wouldn’t open herself up to the criticism and ridicule of dating a colleague. But then Sousa had taken the chief job out west, and Peggy had realized too late her feelings for him were as strong as they were. Jarvis had told him that was right around the time Howard had located the Valkyrie, and Steve on it. Peggy had apparently welcomed the distraction, though by the time Steve was recovered enough to even contemplate making up that dance he owed her, he barely ever saw her. And certainly not alone. Besides, by then Edwin had told Steve all about her new life. She’d moved on.
There was a movement in the window. Steve could just make her out, up there in the shadows. Peggy had seen the kiss. What he wouldn’t give to know what she was thinking in that moment. Had she known before now? Or had she come to L.A. hoping for something?
In the window above, the light went out.
She hesitated when she saw who was behind the wheel. Steve sighed. Not that it should matter to him. He and Peggy were hardly even friends, anymore. He wasn’t sure how it had happened. Maybe they were just good at working together, but didn’t have a connection beyond that. He’d gone over their time together during the war so many times on his trip out here. It was clear he’d allowed himself, in the rush and drama of wartime, to read more into their interactions than was actually there. She’d kissed him, yes, but he’d been about to fling himself into the jaws of death. He had died. She never expected him to come back.
Whatever they’d had then, she clearly wasn’t interested in rekindling it now.  
He started up the engine as she climbed into the passenger seat. “Thank you for driving. I’m sorry to make you come out so late.”
Steve focused his eyes on the road. “Not a problem. I don’t sleep too much, anyways.”
“You’re still having nightmares, then?” She gave him a sharp-eyed look.
He blanched. “You know about those?”
“I’ve never met a soldier returning from war who didn’t have them, at least at first. Just because the war has been over two years now doesn’t mean you would be immune.” Peggy checked her vibrantly painted nails. “In my personal experience, the first year back is the worst. It should get better soon.”
This was too much information, but not quite enough. The question bubbled up from his throat before he could stop himself, words running together as he fumbled not to sound too accusatory. “Who did you, I mean were you—uh, how did—”
“Me, Steve. I’m speaking of my own nightmares.”
The relief that flooded through him didn’t last as he took in her exasperated tone. It was their first conversation since he’d decided to leave New York and he was making such a mess of it. The first time she’d said his name since she arrived, and it was while she was mad at him. Didn’t that just figure.
It was late enough that traffic back to Stark’s home was minimal. Steve and Peggy didn’t speak until he’d turned into the drive. He’d been chewing over his latest mistake, trying to figure out the right thing to say to turn things around, but it had evaded him. Still, he had to try. Even if he couldn’t be eloquent about it.
“I’m sorry.”
She’d already reached for the handle to leave, but stopped at his admission. “Are you?”
He summoned his courage and looked her in the eye. “Yes.” 
She held his gaze for what felt like forever. “All right.” She got out of the car.
His shoulders sagged. It wasn’t much, but at least she hadn’t shot at him. He made to follow her, but something on her seat caught his eye. She’d dropped a business card for a Dr. Wilkes, physicist at Isodyne Energy. And Dr. Wilkes had dropped what looked like his personal number on the back. Steve’s stomach sank.
“You forgot something, Agent Carter.”
“Hmm?” She turned back to him and he handed over the card. She quickly looked down at it and back up at him a few times. “Oh. Erm, yes, thank you.”
Steve headed for the door.
“He’s a witness, Steve. He knew the victim.”
“Okay,” he said over his shoulder. Why she felt the need to tell him that, he didn’t know. “Looks like he might be interested in knowing you, too. You sure do work fast.” His cheeks burned. He knew he shouldn’t let himself get worked up. Who she saw was none of his business. Though it rankled that she’d leapt right from one workplace entanglement to at least considering another. Or else why hadn’t she left the guy’s card at the office?
“Steve Rogers.” Peggy’s voice rang out imperiously. On impulse, Steve ducked. “I won’t have you speaking to me that way.”
He gulped and turned to face her. Peggy’s eyes blazed but her tone was ice cold.
“Don’t you dare insult my professionalism, Rogers. You know what I went through in the service, and you can’t imagine the hell it’s been since coming back. I would have hoped that you, of all people, would have a modicum of understanding and compassion for the position I’m in.” She took a breath and the shift of the detailed neckline of her red dress drew Steve’s focus to the way her chest heaved. He at least had the decency to feel chagrined when he realized just where he was looking. Peggy continued, “You convinced me once that you weren’t like all the rest, but I seem to have been mistaken. I thought, even if you didn’t want me anymore, you would at least treat me with decency and respect, but–”
“What?” Now his full attention was on her words. “Peggy, I don’t what?” He took a cautious, hopeful step back towards her.
His interrogative brought her up short. She cast about for a moment, looking as unsettled as he’d ever seen him. Then she took another breath and he could see her gather her dignity about herself once more. “It’s all right, Steve. We made no promises to each other, not really. I’m not holding you to account for anything that went unsaid between us. It was a different time.”
“Peggy,” he found his voice was suddenly hoarse, “I have always wanted to be with you. I never stopped.”
She shook her head. “But you never said–after you were back, you didn’t say anything.”
Steve ran a hand through his hair. If he’d thought he’d made a mess earlier… “Well, I was in a plane crash, and then I was a block of ice for a while. And then I woke up and the whole world had moved on.” He gave her a small, rueful smile. “Jarvis told me you’d moved on. I guess I was too scared to ask you if it was true.”
Peggy rolled her eyes, but took a step towards him. “I kept waiting for you to ask after the dance I’d been saving for you.”
“We were never alone. And you had so much work on your plate.” He took another step of his own.
“Yes, well, I was after a very dangerous fugitive!” Her words had none of their former bite, and she looked up into his face with a soft, open expression he never thought he’d see from her again. “I thought we could simply continue on as before, when you had your mission and I had mine. But then you left.”
“I’m sorry.” He reached out a hand, and she took it. “I couldn’t face the cold.” He reeled her in. “Not without you.”
Peggy twined her arms around his neck. “You idiot,” she said, tears in her eyes, “you wouldn’t have had to if you’d just said something.”
Steve smiled down at her. “Okay. In that case, Agent Carter, may I have this dance?” 
“Sod the dance,” Peggy surged onto her toes and kissed him, hard.
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