#but as we know the locket wasn't HIDDEN for a while
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birlwrites · 2 years ago
overthinking the order in which the horcruxes were made and hidden
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kkyiu · 26 days ago
heart locket.
anton lee x reader
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. . . confronting your ex was the last thing you needed amid a cold winter.
genre : angst , ex au
warnings : heartbreak , no use of y/n
wc . . 1.1k
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You wonder why you dragged yourself to the park at 3 AM to face your ex-boyfriend, but here you are, revisiting the wounds of your heart just by seeing him again.
The first thing you noticed seeing Anton for the first time in what feels like an eternity, was the silver necklace resting on his collarbone. The heart locket was hidden under his coat, but the intricate detailing of the chain could have you recognize it within a heartbeat.
It had been a year and four months since you two called it quits. You try your hardest to manipulate your mind to think it came to a mutual agreement, though it only aches your heart remembering how he took the initiative. After the breakup, Anton's whereabouts were nonexistent to you considering how he blocked you on everything and you were never close with his friends, so there was no way to find out how he was dealing with the breakup.
Only after several breakdowns and disassociations you went through at the expense of the breakup, you were slowly picking up the pieces of your heart. Anton wasn't occupying your thoughts anymore and you started going out with friends again. It’s safe to say you were happy again, thinking the same for the other party, but only way quicker on his side.
Well, the assumption of him moving on was soon to be proven false when you received a text from an unknown number, revealing it to be your ex, asking to meet.
A giant part of you wants to curse him out for breaking no contact to drag you outside in the cold. But another part of you hated the way you willingly let yourself obey his words.
Nevertheless, there he was right in front of you, dressed neatly in a black wool coat that complimented his tall figure which reminded you how much of a beauty he was.
You two were the only figures spotted in the park that was engulfed in darkness, the only sources of light being the dimly lighted broken street lamps and the illuminating bright moon. The bottom half of your face was buried under your big scarf to shield against the sharp breezes. You kept a safe distance from Anton because if you were any closer to him, you'd certainly let your guard down and take the opportunity just to cup his face once more. The necklace kept stealing your attention considering how intently you kept your eye on it.
The silence was finally broken when he said your name, his voice barely above a whisper. Hearing your name come out of his mouth in such a distant tone felt so foreign. "I'll just get straight to the point." He continued, "I regret every bit of it, I mean breaking up with you. I..I thought it was the right thing. My insecurities were eating me alive, and I kept thinking you deserve so, so much more than what I was offering. I know now that I was the biggest coward to do that," the smoke of his breaths was visible due to the cold while you kept listening. "I'm sorry for shutting out after the breakup and causing you pain."
You exhale a wobbly sigh, flashing him your glossy pair of eyes. Your eyes were already filled to the brim with tears and the sight broke him completely. “Anton…” He cut through your words and unknowingly took a step closer toward you, "I found myself going to every place we went, hoping to catch even a tiny glimpse of you, wishing that I could undo this mess." You just listened and listened, carefully taking in every word he said. Out of habit, Anton reached to the tiny necklace pendant of his for solace and you can’t help but crack a tiny sad smile.
You hadn’t realized how much the space between you two had closed and you swear you could catch snowflakes land on his eyelashes, dissolving within milliseconds. Seeing him this vulnerable made you want to take back all the hatred you had for him leaving.
"Your heart locket.” You finally acknowledge, and you notice his slow blinks in realization. He pursed his lips and undoes his clutch, revealing the silver heart-shaped pendant. He was taken aback that you called it out despite it being hidden under his coat.
He still recalls the day you gifted him it for his birthday early in the relationship. He'd proudly show not just you but everyone around him the small black-and-white photo of you smiling brightly. The necklace witnessed every moment of the relationship. From a full day of laughter on the beach, sharing the first kiss, and stargazing nights to petty quarrels, deafening yells, and a pool of tears during the final night of the relationship.
It was as if every memory he shared with you was captured in that tiny little pendant, and anytime it was open, everything would flood back up. He couldn't bring himself to take off the necklace because then it would mean losing you all over again and he couldn't bear to go through that the second time.
"This was all I had left of you." The locket was again closed in his fist and you could see his knuckles turning red from the biting cold. "I wish you knew that you were all I wanted," now it was your turn to speak, "I wish you knew that you were the only light through my darkest times and I didn't need anything else. So, yes, you sitting me down to say those three words hurt me an amount no words can summarize." You lock eyes with him, tiny apologies flooding in his dark orbs with a frown on his face.
Anton took another step closer, "Please..." he breathed your name once again, prompting you to shake your head, "Anton, no. It's been more than a year and I've moved on. I'm happy now." You say, though your words are unconvincing to him. “I swear I'll love you right this time if you just give me this chance." His soft-spoken voice became unsteady and a single tear ran down his cheek. Overtaken by emotions, Anton let his head wearily drop on your shoulder. You stood there frozen, contemplating what to do with your ex-boyfriend physically relying on your smaller build.
Your heart breaks for him and the least you could do was wrap your hands around his waist, hoping to console him with your touch. Getting carried away, your hand found its way to his hair gradually caressing his soft streaks. His muffled sobs accompanied you as you started to feel your wool coat getting damp.
Although it was truly tempting to drop everything and return to his love, you couldn't. For the sake of both of you, maybe locking up the memories in that heart locket will do nothing but good.
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littlelordalphinaud · 2 years ago
@arinaxiv reminded me of this lil thing I wrote when I first got into Stormblood, so I hunted it down to post for y'all!
Content Warning for mention of child death.
"Come with me." Fruliyo said, grabbing Lyse's arm and dragging her through the camp. Lyse was quick to look for Zhana or Y'shtola, but both were looking away, almost deliberately so.
"Look," Lyse started, although she didn't dig her heels in, "I know you don't like lying and stuff, so I get that you're probably really angry, and there was that thing of flirting a while ago, and-"
"Lyse," Fru attempted to cut in.
"-I know that I probably should have just told you instead of rejecting you and all, but can you not shout at me? Because I-"
"Lyse!" Fru tried again.
"-didn't exactly set out to lie to _you_, you just happened to be there while I was lying, so really, please don't shout at me!"
"I'm not gonna fucking shout at you!" Fruliyo shouted. Lyse blinked, pulling her arm away now that they'd stopped moving.
"That was shouting." Lyse pointed out. Fru groaned, rolling her eyes.
"Sometimes you're really frustrating," Fru admitted, brushing the loc that hung in front of her face away from her eye, "but I'm not looking to shout at you. Although that was part of why I wanted to talk to you. You've been avoiding me,"
"I thought-"
"I know, you thought I was going to shout at you. But I'm not. So can you stop avoiding me, firstly? I thought we were, y'know... friends..." Fru shrugged, looking away from Lyse.
"Oh." At this moment, Lyse wished she was still wearing Yda's mask, because that would, at least, hide the way the bridge of her nose darkened a little. "Okay. Is that everything, or-?"
"Look," Fru still wasn't looking at Lyse. She couldn't look at her and say what needed to be said, so she didn't look. "The next few weeks are probably gonna suck for you. I don't mean because, y'know, rebellion and all, but you've probably not really gotten the chance to, y'know, grieve. So it's all gonna hit you like a runaway chocobo carriage."
"I dunno, I feel fine," Lyse shrugged.
"Lyse!" Fru groaned, "I'm trying to say that I know what's coming for you. And that, if you ever need to scream, or cry, or have a breakdown that you don't need the others seeing, I can be your punching bag. I know a thing or two about hidden grief."
"Fru, don't take this the wrong way but... you wear your every emotion on your sleeve... or you would if you ever really wore sleeves... anyway, I appreciate it but... you can't possibly know." Lyse shrugged, rubbing at her arm a little, expecting Fruliyo to shout at her again. Instead, Fru sighed, and reached into the little pouch bag that she carted around everywhere.
"It might shock you to learn that actually, I don't do that. Everyone thinks I do, and that's deliberate." Fru held up a Sharlayan necklace, letting it pool in her hand before opening the locket, showing Lyse a tiny wisp of silver hair, tied up with a small white ribbon. "Her name was Kawara. My Father didn't like traditional names which is why mine is the way it is, and Kawara's other mother agreed that it would be nice for her to match me... not that she ever really got that chance." Fru seemed lost for a moment, staring down at the locket in her hand. "She was five days old when I lost her and her mother both." Fru seemed to come back to the present, and quickly shut the locket, securing it away again.
"So I know, Lyse. I know what it feels like to carry someone around like you've been carrying your sister. And when you're ready to put her down again and it feels like you can't breathe without that weight... I don't mind helping you."
"Oh, and it goes without saying really, but don't tell anyone about... y'know? Only Y'shtola and Zhana know, and I don't need it getting spread to everyone."
"Yeah, of course." Lyse shifted, "I'm gonna hug you now, so don't hit me." she warned, before surging forward to hug Fru. Fru chuckled, hugging her back.
"We need to work on your image of me, Lyse."
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husbandohunter · 4 years ago
Dear Father [Genshin Impact/Diluc x Reader]
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Synopsis: Wherever you are wherever you may be, even if you are beyond my reach, I only wish to see you again. -from a letter lost in the wind.
(A story where you and Diluc somehow managed to meet Crepus)
Genre: all fluff
"I know how late I am to father's day but here's my father's day take on Genshin Impact! Just let Diluc be happy for once T_T Mihoyo pls."
Discovering Master Crepus' old belongings was like wandering in a domain surrounded by ancient artifacts. Each piece holding the memory of someone you've never met.
The paintings. Master Crepus loved to paint. Typically birds were the main muse of this portraits since they deeply embodied Mondstadt's values for freedom which shows you how much he cherished this city just like his son did. In almost every hallway you walked through there was a collection of his paintings, some belonged to another artist but the majority was an original work. Diluc didn't have the heart to sell them.
Elzer. He was one of the oldest workers who served under the Ragnvindr name, ever since Master Crepus had appointed him during his earlier days. You were told that he treated everyone, both staff and noble, with equal respect. Almost all the denizens of Mondstadt knew this man for he was not only noble in riches but also in the soul.
"I'm sure he would have loved to meet you in person. Now that I think about it, you and Master Crepus are quite similar. Haha, it seems that Master Diluc was selective in terms of who he wanted for his future bride."
Elzer adds with a light chuckle but the statement only made you more curious. A man who affected the lives of so many others, he must have been a wonderful person.
Diluc. The bloodline Master Crepus left behind after his death, a piece of himself and the heir to the whole wine industry, his son Diluc. Although you could see the resemblance in appearance, both of them were men of prinicples and values, putting Mondstadt first before anything else and you suddenly realized if that was the reason why Diluc was so protective of this city. As if, it were everything he had? You could tell he loved Master Crepus very much, not because he said so, rather the painful expression buried deep within his crimson glare whenever someone brought up the topic. Diluc was skilled in hiding himself, it's something he practiced over the years of working alone, though he lowered his guard as long as you were the only one present.
Even so, he had many conflicts still wringing him internally and you didn't want to push him until the day he felt ready to personally tell you himself.
But it would be nice if he opened up, just a little bit.
There were times when you would worry since Diluc had the tendency to hide his feelings for the sake of not troubling you. He wanted to keep life simple and bright, bringing the best to the table while making sure that you lived safely out of harm's way. You couldn't seem to get him to understand that as lovers, you would be happy to help him, in anything. Unconditionally. It was natural for you to feel the need to force yourself in every once in a while and there was nothing more you wanted to know than the story of the man who raised him.
You would even jest on the idea of what it fel like to meet Master Crepus in person. Were you able to reach his standards by any chance? Would he have liked you just as everyone claimed? Of course, they were only silly indulgent thoughts so you quickly dismissed them in the end. Bringing back the past was impossible no matter how badly you wanted it. You closed your heart on that possibility.
On a lovely evening, while you and Diluc were taking your time off Angel's Share to make a stroll around Mondstadt's quiet streets, a strange merchant called over to you. She displayed various antiques ranging from different sizes to designs, none of them seemed to haven been carved in the same place but distinct cultures throughout Teyvat. The only thing they had in common was that they were all equally beautiful to the eye.
However a particular item of what looks like to be a heart locket snatches your attention and you instantly became mesmerized, allured by it's mysterious charm.
"Ah, the locked heart caught your fancy, my lady? It's said once you open it, you will be set free."
"It's magnificent..." you muttered, staring unabashed at the shining surface.
Diluc who was observing from behind folded his arms and tilts his head, "How much is that?"
Although you intended to simply inspect the choices, your lover immediately offers to pay. They all already gave the impression of a hefty price and you didn't want him to spend his fortune on things that deemed unecessary. Still, this wasn't the first time it happened. Diluc would always insist whenever you protested against him from buying anything, it was just a way of expressing his affections towards you. Mora was never a problem and you were priceless. That's how he sees things. You had to remind yourself to be careful when stumbling upon a bustling area full of salesmen next time.
"Five hundred thousand mora."
He purchased it without hesitation.
On your way home, Diluc noticed that something was amiss. You couldn't tear your gaze from the locket as if it had hypnotized you by the golden smooth surface. He had to ensure you didn't run into anyone by accident, tugging your arm closer so that it gave him an opportunity to lead you where you yourself could not. Surely it must have been the appearance but instead of being drawn by, you were drawn in. Completely.
I wonder...what will happen if I open it?
"(Y/n)?" Diluc narrows his eyebrows together. Did you like it that much? No, he knew you weren't the type to be so etranced by jewelry, this was certainly different. Even the merchant seemed a little suspicious when she approached you and Diluc couldn't ignore the heavy sense of aminosity that was emitted around her aura. He couldn't think within her presence but now that his mind was much clearer, he was able to use his skillful judgements.
"Wait...! Don't open it yet-"
However, he was too late.
The wind picks up at an alarming speed and you both brought up your arms to block the debris that had flown in the way. They swirled in non-stop motion until your worlds were engulfed with not even the sky in sight. Amidst the turmoil Diluc latchest onto you and holds your body close his chest as he was determined to protect against any force that dared to hurt you. Something heavy knocks his head and he winces, tighting his hold even further. Your voice could hardly be heard with all the noise that rung around and eventually you discovered the the world wasn't disappearing. You both were.
The last thought you had was the image of Master Crepus and you didn't know why.
"Diluc? Diluc?"
He faintly heard his name through a series of echoes. Diluc fights to regaind concousness, feeling your grip upon his shoulder while trying to urge him awake.
"Diluc are you alright?"
Your worried face was the first thing he sees other than the fog that looms above. Diluc blinks a few times in an attempt to ease his migraine, using one arm to force his body into a seating position as he allowed himself to be supported by you at the same time.
"Does your head hurt?" You ask, palming gently against his forehead to feel the heat. Even if her was usually very warm, there was no unusual rise in tempurature, something must have hit him instead, "Here, maybe this will help."
Bringing out your hand you concentrated on generating the water through your fingertips. Having a hydro vision meant you were capable of healing magic which Diluc appreciated since he often came home late at night with injuries hidden behind his sleeves. But nothing came out and he became even more suspicious of the situation.
"Eh? What's going on?" You blurted out, patting down your clothes and your pockets, "My Vision, it's gone too!"
"Mine as well," Diluc flexes his fingers to test his own element, "It seems that our powers were sealed once we entered this domain."
"A domain that prevents you from using a Vision? That doesn't sound very comforting," you scratched your head, suddenly remembering the cause of your current problem, "The locket...it's all starting to make sense now. Ugh, I should have listened to you earlier, I'm sorry Diluc."
"No (Y/n), you don't have to apologize," he interjects and you returned a curious glance, "I should have stopped you the minute I discovered there was something strange. I was too careless."
"You felt that too? I thought I was the only one," your tone and face mimics one of surprise. The fog continues to dance around, enclosing the two of you to the small area. You lifted your head and looked above in deep contemplation, "When I saw the locket I couldn't tear my eyes off of it, like something was pulling me in. Like...there was a spell casted on it."
"What do you mean?" he asked in an inquisitive manner.
You nod, "I can't put my finger on it bit Ifel that the locket wanted me to..." balling your fist upon your lap, you stared intensely at the floor as if drilling holes into them while digging into the depths of your mind for any specific clues. Initially you thought the locket was so captivating that you were simply charmed by it's craftmanship. But tere was more than that, you began deciphering, there was also a need for fulfillment. A yearning desire, "to know. The locket was calling me to know."
'Once you open it, you will be set free.'
"To know..." you trailed off. How strange. No matter how much you tried to rationalize, you were always brought back to the same square as if the locket knew exactly what you wanted. What you were lacking. Because the one thing you wanted to know most about was the person you've never met, "Someone very important to you."
The fog dispersed.
Diluc instinctively puts an arm in front of you defensively as he scanned his quick and thorough eyes around the area. It didn't take long for him to know exactly where everything was. In fact, the abrupt change isn't what puts him on high alert, but it was how familiar everything looked to the point he evaluates if there was any reason to be skeptical or if he should be breathtaken.
"What a beautiful house," However you didn't recognize it. Diluc knew because he had yet to meet you during the time he lived in this estate, "I wonder who does it belong to?"
"Father's old mansion...how?" Diluc breatlessly mutters, as if seeing the supremecy of Celestia for the first time. When years passed after his father died, he chose to sell off the majority of his belongings, the mansion being on for example. Currently it was in the possession of a well-known business associate that used to be a friend of Crepus. The mansion would likely have looked much different due to the renovations it gone through but Diluc remembers the picture as if this were yesterday. Everything was in tact. The vine yard, the gazebo where they drank tea, the hill that he and Kaeya used to race on when they were kids-
Revelation burns in his pupils as his eyes expanded.
"Welcome home, my son."
Both you and Diluc fall wordless at the sight that appeared like a miracle's blessing. Crepus stands at a distance, the graceful smile complimenting his warm features. He looked exactly how the court artists portrayed him in the Ragnvindr's family picture. Sharp face with gentle eyes and an aura that was as pleasant as what Elzer described.
"So this is why the locket was calling to us," you whispered, "I guess the mora really was worth it after all."
You snuck a glance at Diluc. From behind the resemblance was as clear as dawn, like you were staring at a carbon copy of Master Crepus himself. Almost. He was a less hardened version of Diluc during uncommon situations. It made you think just how much you didn't know before his father passed away. What kind of person was this man during his days as a knight? You never had the chance to know.
"Father is that really you?" Diluc couldn't help his voice from trembling, paralyzed in place when he could hardly make sense of what stands in front of him. The person he longed to hear from, the person who left the world too quick, Diluc was afraid to get his hopes up in case his father suddenly disappeared and everything was just an illusion conjured by his mind. He was already used to being betrayed and dealt with disappointment too often. Which is why he learned to trust only himself. But, right now, can he really trust himself?
Feeling your hand gently on his shoulders, Diluc was brought back to reality. You smiled with warm reassurance that bled into your voice, "It's okay Diluc. Go, I'm here for you."
There was the faintest light shining in his eyes as emotions swell in his chest. Ever since you came Diluc never had to feel alone anymore, truly, you were the light that was brought back into his eyes, to his life when he gave up the thought of seeing it again. If he couldn't trust himself then at the very least, he could trust you.
"Thank you," he embraces you wholly like you were everything, and you were, before letting go and taking off to the otherside.
The air hits him in a rush and knocks the ones out of his lungs, "Father!" Diluc yells with tearful eyes. For the first time in a long while he was finally letting his feelings run free, "Father!" A name that felt foreign upon words that is pushes him forward, wanting to claim the truth that was smiling from afar.
Crepus lifted his arms and openly catches Diluc when he crashed into him. Here. He was here. He certainly was.
"Haha its been a while hasn't it my son?" He begins, encasing Diluc in a hug like he did the day he turned eighteen. Crepus was a tall man and his genes seemed to have went through. Back when they were younger, Diluc managed to only reach the blade of his shoulders, just barely. Now they were practically the same height, "Look how much you've grown over the years. There were so many things I planned to say but I don't know where to start."
Seven years. That was how long Crepus spent alone with his thoughts. He saw what happened through that time span, the truth about the Knights and Kaeya's origins. To say that none of that bothered him would be a lie. Especially when his son was the most impacted throughout all the events.
"Father I...I-" Diluc tries to speak but the words dissolved the moment it reached his tongue. He wasn't the type to be very good at expressing emotions. None of it could simply be communicated by sentences. For him, actions spoke louder yet somehow, they still wouldn't be enough. Nothing can comprehend the weight of seven years.
Crepus seemed to have understood and fills in the gap instead, "I have also missed you and Kaeya. More than I can even say. It must have been so hard for you both to endure it all by yourselves. Life hits us when we least expect it but despite that, you still chose to persevere."
Diluc clenches his hold, face buried in his shoulders and mouth quivering as he barely answers, "Yeah."
"You're both my pride and joy no matter what happens, as a father I cannot be more proud," before knowing, everything that was said came out naturally from his spirit. Crepus may have his own set of things to share but he knew what Diluc needed the most, "So please don't stop relying on one another, don't always think that you have to do everything alone. Stength is a virtue. However, its okay to let go and allow new people to come into your life. I don't need to be avenged, as long as you and Kaeya are happy, its all I ask for."
As if the world had been lifted from his shoulders, Diluc allows himself to break just this once. On the outside, he was known to be an unstoppable force, the Mondstadt tycoon, the uncrowned king and a hero who serves at night. But here you saw only a boy who dearly missed his father as he hugs him tightly. Although you couldn't hear their conversation clearly, just watching them from where you stood was enough to make your eyes glisten from pure happiness.
"You finally chose to open your heart, right Diluc?" You quietly note to yourself, "You don't have to carry everything by yourself anymore, you're free."
'Once you open it, you will be set free.'
He was able to dwell in this one in a lifetime experience, all because you unlocked the heart and dispersed the fog inside.
They spent a good amount of minutes bringing the distance back together after being seperated for so many years. You made sure to make minimal movements in the consideration of their time. It was only temporary until Crepus noticed you standing in the distance and he gave you a quick glance. Your whole body tenses in response, suddenly feeling guilty as if you were a third wheel who didn't belong in the moment between two family members.
He's staring at me. Diluc's father is staring at me! Your thoughts panicked along with your thrumming heart. What should I do?!!
"I see you've brought someone along with you," He comments, the playfulness rising in his tone, "She seems to have been waiting for quite a while already. If you don't mind, may you do the honours of introducing her to me?"
Diluc turns to see you stiffened in place with your hands tightly clasped below your stomach and heat pooling from your ear to your cheeks as you dipped your head down. His father was a kind man and he couldn't understand there the discomfort came from, yet found it endearing nonetheless. Diluc walks over to you and extends his hand, silently urging you to come with him. You complied, albeit hesitantly at first.
"It'll be okay my love," he whispered softly, causing you to be taken aback by the nickname he called you by. Diluc often reserves them for special instances and this was one of them, "Whatever the staff told you about my father, they're the truth. Trust in their judgement. Trust in me."
"Diluc..." you say, voice fading. You knew him to be someone who always kept his word and someone who would never lie to you. Taking in a short breath, you nodded, "Alright, I will," and followed his lead.
There was once a time where you indulged in the idea of facing Master Crepus in person. But never did you prepare yourself for the amount of pressure it came with. Now that you were together with his son, there was a high chance that he would also become part of his family too, sooner or later. You weren't just meeting Master Crepus. You were also meeting your future father-in-law.
"Father, this is (Y/n)," Diluc starts the welcoming exchanges. You felt his hand squeeze yours gently. He turns to you so that you caught glimpse of his face, seeing the reverance in his gaze that was hinted among his handsome features, "She's the woman I fell in love with and I would do anything to make her happy. I cherish her more than anything else."
"D-Diluc!" you flushed, your embarassment as red as his own hair. But he wasn't bothered by it in the slightest.
"I only speak the truth."
Master Crepus lets out a content chuckle, drawing both of your attentions back to him, "He can be surprising poetic sometimes but I'm sure that he got it from me. Even my wife reacted the same way," he reminisced shortly before sighing, "In truth I already knew that you were together. Staying in the after life gave me the chances to watch things from an omniscient standpoint, I was sincerely worried how Diluc would handle things when I suddenly left, I hope you don't mind. If you do, I apologize for making you uncomfortable."
"N-Not at all!"
"Haha, you're very kind. Thank you. I'm glad that my son was able to find a woman like you to be his fated partner. As a parent, it brings me great reassurance," Crepus remarked, "I know he can be stubborn and a little too headstrong when it comes to making decisions. It really must be a handful for you to deal with at times but I promise you that he means well. So please continue to watch over him in my stead, take care of my son while I'm gone."
"You can count on me," you beamed, "I'll give it my all."
"You have my gratitude (Y/n)," Crepus replies and turned to Diluc, "And listen to her every once in a while. I may have been the previous owner of our wine industry but even I always make sure to get me sufficient amount of rest. Son you know its bad to get two to three hours of sleep every day."
You blinked, "Two to three hours?"
Diluc clears his throat, "I understand Father. You don't have to say it."
Oh I think he does.
With a satisfied grin, Crepus took both of your hands together in his and gave you his blessings. The man once considered to be an artifact through the vast mansion was going to be part of the memories in your life. All of your expressions held as much happiness as the future can become now that he gave you the closure you both needed.
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vanillann · 4 years ago
real or not real? (natasha romanoff x reader)
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a/n: this is based off the hunger games because i just finished reading the books!! also a little badass woman fic because of international woman’s day!! love all woman, I MEAN ALL WOMAN!!
word count: 1.6k
natasha romanoff masterlist
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As I finally landed, I watched everyone face drop once they recognized who I was. My brain felt like static as I took the steps to where the team was camped out.
I watched Steve Rogers, I think that’s what the file I was given said, stand up and look at the other members of the squad. As he approached I felt flashes of memories, or maybe memories, flood me.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” The blond approached me but stopped a few feet away. He tried to keep his voice clear of emotion but it was useless, I couldn’t be trusted yet.
“I was told you needed back-up,” I didn’t bring up how the nice blonde woman, I think she said her name was Pepper, argued with Mr. Fury for days about me re-joining the team.
“Well you came just in time.”
By the look in his eye, I didn't want what he wanted in the slightest.
I followed him to the tents that were hidden among the trees, a shiver going up my spine when I made eye contact with any members of the team.
I could see old versions of myself interacting with each, but some felt so real and some felt so fake I couldn’t put them right in my mind.
One I caught the red head, Natasha, eye I felt my body grow stiff. She was common in my memories, some of her gentle and meaningful and some of her enraged with bullets flying at me. Tony had informed me that most of the bad memories are Hydra’s doing, that they were never real. I couldn’t help but wonder how true that was as she backed away from me when I walked past her.
“(Y/N) was dropped off for back-up,” Mr. Rogers spoke from behind me, taking the seat next to the brunette with the metal arm. I had spoken to him twice when I was in the hospital, apparently he had something to do with my capture and refused to see me more after that.
“Um, Cap?” Clint, or was it Carl, spoke up. He gave me a few side glances but said nothing else until he was pulled aside.
As soon as they were out of ear shot I watched them go at each other, arguing about who knew what, most likely me. I did my best to ignore the eyes on me, but I couldn’t help but snap.
“Have something to say?”
All eyes flooded off me, except for Natasha who crossed her arms and stared me down.
“You aren’t going to try and kill me again, are you?”
Her question enraged me, but I had no reason to be mad. I was the one who attacked, but I swore she was after me.
“I thought you were a threat,” my words felt icy as they hung in the air.
“I wasn’t before and I’m not now,” her words were just as cold, running in my blood like a river in December. 
“Look I’m sorry, okay? I have all these memories and I can’t tell what’s real or not, so yes I attacked you,” I sat against the log farthest from anyone, so I couldn’t hurt someone.
“Then ask.”
Mr. Rogers came back, taking the seat he took seconds ago and watched me closely. He looked more opened to talking then the C man that came back with him.
“Will that work?” I looked to Banner, the doctor who checks on me often when I was strapped to the hospital bed.
“It can’t hurt,” he shrugged his shoulder and continued to look around the group. They spoke with their eyes and I couldn’t help but wonder would the old me under their silent conversation.
“I was a part of your group, real or not real?”
“Real,” Rogers spoke up, nodding to each member as if to tell them it was okay, but I couldn’t be sure of that.
I nodded, letting the fake and real memories flood me within every inch of my brain. I had enough questions to keep them up all night.
“I was kidnapped in my sleep by Hydra, real or not real?”
“Real,” the man with the metal arm spoke this time, giving me the nod this time and I felt as if he was letting me join their secret conversation.
“It was a few months ago, we couldn’t get to you in time,” Banner filled me in more.
I could vaguely remember the screaming and the way my bed-sheets felt that night, but everything else was slightly blurry.
“Natasha tried to kill me, real or not real?”
“Not real,” she was quick to set me straight, giving me a look I couldn’t read but I didn’t mind it, not when it was coming from her.
She was the only person being straight with me, not jumping around the conversation that I needed to have for my sake.
“You’re favorite color is Orange, real or not real?” I didn’t take my eyes off her, the conversation felt so intimate even if everyone was watching.
“Yes, and yours in red because you say it reminds you of my hair,” she looked to her hands, rubbing them up and down the side of her thighs.
“Okay,” I nodded as I absorbed the information about myself, the first piece of information I’ve heard that wasn’t in a file.
“I think we should start getting some sleep, we have a long day ahead,” Rogers pointed to his tent, his voice soft yet firm.
Nobody disagrees, each telling the other goodnight while I got head titles and I'm waves. The only people to tell me goodnight were Rogers and his friend, who I think was named James but I remembered his face clearly now.
I was once his friend too.
I didn’t move from my log, I couldn’t sleep much anyways and I couldn’t be shoved into a tent alone and expected not to go crazy. I said nothing as Natasha moved a few logs closer to me, staring at the ground as she waited.
“Anymore questions?”
“Plenty, but do you have the answers?” I ducked my head, hoping to get a glimpse of her eyes but I was memorized when I did.
Her face flashed over my brain, the same red but straighter and her eye shined under a street lamp. Her lips were as soft as hotel pillows and her touch was like magic as it ghosted over my shoulder.
She looked like magic before the sight was gone and I watched her slightly dirty hair hang in her eye, that wasn't as bright, and the memories started to fog again.
“You kissed me, real or not real?”
The silent felt like screaming as she chewed on her bottom lip, waiting for her words to work.
It wasn’t as confident as her words before, but it felt so much more honest than anything I remembered.
“How did I think you wanted to kill me then?”
“Hydra turned all your memories of me to shit, all the ones they knew about,” she rolled something in-between her finger and I wanted to ask but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
“Do you remember any good ones?”
She held back a laugh, finally looking up from the ground to me with a sad smile stretch on her lips.
“Plenty,” she nodded, going back to the object in her hand.
“Tell me about them, please?”
The ‘please’ sounded so desperate in my head, but it seemed to bring her ease as she moved her body to face me.
“We used to window shop like crazy together,” she looked up at my confused face and continued, “it’s like walking around and looking at stuff you’ll never buy.”
The memories of walking on a sidewalk with her filled me up, the feeling of gentle flowers brushed against my skin filled me.
“Then one time, after we kissed, you pulled me into this antique store and told me to pick something. We argued about it for ten minutes before you gave me this look I could never say no to, so I grabbed the closet thing and told you it’s what I wanted. It was the locket, I hate wearing it because it's so big so I keep it in my pocket,” she held out the locket in question, waiting for me to draw closer and once I did she opened it.
Inside was a photo of me, rolling my eyes at the camera but a hint of a smile on my lips. I looked so content for someone rolling their eyes, I wonder if I always like that.
“You were, never took many things seriously,” I didn’t realize I spoke out loud, but I was glad I did when she almost laughed at the memories.
That when it started to really hit me, not just the memories but the feelings. They laughs and the jokes, and all the inbetweens. I didn’t really know what I was saying, not for a while, but I couldn’t stop myself.
“You love me, real or not real?”
Her answer wasn’t hesitate, even with the same pause, she knew as soon as I asked she just wasn’t ready to say it.
“Real,” her voice was barely above a whisper but I heard it.
I wanted to respond with ‘me too’ or something along the lines, but my answer was much more complex and I couldn’t only hope she understood.
“I think the old me loved you back, from how I feel when I think of the little things, and I can only hope the new me can remember why.”
I was scared when she said nothing, as if I made an impossible situation worse, but when she looked up at me her eyes twinkled again and her hair appeared redder.
“Let me know when you do?”
“You’ll be the first to know, Nat.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years ago
Written In The Stars CLXXXII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: You have no clue of what's coming your way next week 🤭 -Danny
Words: 4,269
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Sixteen: Parting Ways.
The hardest part for Mel and Ron about their situation wasn't the fact that people were out to kill them, it was the lack of food.
They would always do their best to get enough for all, but they couldn't be lucky all the time, and in those times Ron and Mel were certain to be the moodiest. However, Mel had been taught to not let her personal problems interfere with her missions, she would try her best to control Ron since he was always trying to start fights.
They had discussed several times what and where could be the next Horcruxes. Harry and Hermione believed they had to be hidden in places of importance, but Mel didn't think Voldemort was the kind of sentimental bloke to plan those kinds of things, and anyway, hadn't he given Lucius Malfoy the diary for safekeeping?
She believed that one, or perhaps several, could be hidden in the home of one of his followers. Mel didn't think he would trust Malfoy again, but Bellatrix and her husband were loyal to his cause and still willing to follow Voldemort's instructions. Snape had proven his loyalty as well, so maybe their theory about one of the Horcruxes being in Hogwarts wasn't all that mistaken.
The problem was that it'd been weeks since their adventure in the Ministry and now they had no idea of where to go. Neither Mel nor Harry had a clue and the boy was getting more stressed as time went by, he didn't want to be dragging along their friends on what felt like a useless hunt, but so far they hadn't found anything worth mentioning.
"My mother can make good food appear out of thin air..."
Mel glanced at Ron with disinterest and reminded herself that he was currently wearing the locket.
"Your mother can't produce food out of thin air," said Hermione roughly. "No one can. Food is one of the first of five Principal Exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfigur—'
"Oh, speak English, can't you?" The boy scoffed.
"It's impossible to make good food out of nothing! You can Summon it if you know where it is, you can transform it, you can increase the quantity if you've already got some—"
"Well, don't bother increasing this, it's disgusting."
"Ron, shut your damn mouth," Mel scowled. "Hermione did her best to prepare it while you were out collecting wood and I was here keeping watch. Instead of focusing on what others do wrong, bloody focus on what you can do better!"
"I just don't understand why is food so shitty if you two are supposed to be good at magic, my socks taste better than this rubbish," He groaned.
Hermione stood up and raised her voice. "You can do the cooking tomorrow, Ron, you can find the ingredients and try and charm them into something worth eating, and I'll sit here and pull faces and moan and you can see how you—"
A flash of golden caused them all to jumped away from the table. Fawkes's feather landed on top of Mel's empty plate.
"We got company," She said in surprise.
"Let's hope they don't ask us to share the food—"
"Shut up!" Harry hissed, standing up and slowly walking towards the entrance.
Mel and Ron instantly directed their gazes to their Sneakoscope, but the object did not move.
"You cast the Muffliato charm over us, right?"
"I did everything. Muffliato, Muggle-Repelling and Disillusionment Charms, all of it. They shouldn't be able to hear or see us, whoever they are."
Mel handed Hermione the bag as soon as they started to hear the voices approaching, everyone froze, trying to discern how many strangers were outside and if they represented any real danger. The sounds seemed to be coming from merely a few feet outside their safe zone, Hermione handed each of them an extendable ear and they all listened intently:
"Here, Griphook, Gornuk."
"Thank you..."
"So, you three been on the run how long?"
"Six weeks... seven... I forget," answered another man. "Met up with Griphook in the first couple of days and joined forces with Gornuk not long after. Nice to have a bit of company. What made you leave, Ted?"
Harry turned to look at her with wide eyes and mouthed: 'Tonk's father!'
"Knew they were coming for me. Heard Death Eaters were in the area last week and decided I'd better run for it. Refused to register as a Muggle-born on principle, see, so I knew it was a matter of time, knew I'd have to leave in the end. My wife should be okay, she's pure-blood. And then I met Dean where, what, a few days ago, son?"
Mel knew, by taking a quick look at her friends' faces, that they were all happy to see he was alive and around.
"Muggle-born, eh?"
"Not sure," said Dean. "My dad left my mum when I was a kid. I've got no proof he was a wizard, though."
There were a few minutes of silence, then Ted Tonks spoke again.
"I've got to say, Dirk, I'm surprised to run into you. Pleased, but surprised. Word was you'd been caught."
"I was. I was halfway to Azkaban when I made a break for it. Stunned Dawlish, and nicked his broom. It was easier than you'd think; I don't think he's quite at the moment. Might be Confunded. If so, I'd like to shake the hand of the witch or wizard who did it, probably saved my life."
"And where do you two fit in? I, er, had the impression the goblins were for You-Know-Who, on the whole."
"You had a false impression. We take no sides. This is a wizards' war."
"How come you're in hiding, then?"
"I deemed it prudent, having refused what I considered an impertinent request, I could see that my personal safety was in jeopardy."
"What did they ask you to do?"
"Duties ill-befitting the dignity of my race. I am not a house-elf."
"What about you, Griphook?"
"Similar reasons, Gringotts is no longer under the sole control of my race. I recognize no Wizarding master."
He muttered something and the other two laughed.
"What's the joke?" Dean inquired.
"He said that there are things wizards don't recognize, either."
"I don't get it..."
"I had my small revenge before I left."
"Good man— goblin, I should say."
"Didn't manage to lock a Death Eater up in one of the old high-security vaults, I suppose?"
"If I had, the sword would not have helped him break out," replied Griphook.
Mel's chest fluttered with excitement, there was only one sword they could be talking about.
"Dean and I are still missing something here," said Ted.
"So is Severus Snape, though he does not know it."
There was loud laughter coming from the goblins, Mel felt as if something had finally fallen on her lap, new information they could use for their benefit.
"Didn't you hear about that, Ted?" asked Dirk. "About the kids who tried to steal Gryffindor's sword out of Snape's office at Hogwarts?"
"Never heard a word. Not in the Prophet, was it?"
"Hardly! Griphook here told me, he heard about it from Bill Weasley who works for the bank. One of the kids who tried to take the sword was Bill's younger sister."
Mel gasped, it was lucky for them that Hermione had done a brilliant job with the protection spells.
"She and a couple of friends got into Snape's office and smashed open the glass case where he was apparently keeping the sword. Snape caught them as they were trying to smuggle it down the staircase."
"Ah, God bless 'em— What did they think, that they'd be able to use the sword on You-Know-Who? Or on Snape himself ?"
"Well, whatever they thought they were going to do with it, Snape decided the sword wasn't safe where it was. Couple of days later, once he'd got the say-so from You-Know-Who, I imagine, he sent it down to London to be kept in Gringotts instead."
"I'm still not seeing the joke," said Ted.
"It's a fake," rasped Griphook.
"The sword of Gryffindor!"
"Oh yes. It is a copy— an excellent copy, it is true, but it was Wizard-made. The original was forged centuries ago by goblins and had certain properties only goblin-made armour possesses. Wherever the genuine sword of Gryffindor is, it is not in a vault at Gringotts bank."
"I see, and I take it you didn't bother telling the Death Eaters this?"
"I saw no reason to trouble them with the information."
Now all the voices joined in their laughter. Dean asked in a very careful voice:
"What happened to Ginny and the others? The ones who tried to steal it?"
"Oh, they were punished, and cruelly."
"They're okay, though?" asked Ted. "I mean, the Weasleys don't need any more of their kids injured, do they?"
"They suffered no serious injury, as far as I am aware."
"Lucky for them. With Snape's track record I suppose we should just be glad they're still alive."
"You believe that story, then, do you, Ted? You believe Snape killed Dumbledore?"
"Course I do," said Ted. "You're not going to sit there and tell me you think Potter and Mel Dumbledore had anything to do with it?"
Mel gave a start, she wasn't expecting to hear her name in the conversation.
"Hard to know what to believe these days..."
"I know them," Dean said promptly. "And I reckon Harry's the real thing— The Chosen One, or whatever you want to call it— and Mel's good, really powerful as well, I saw her use Legilimency when we were fifteen, she could do all kinds of magic by the time we were in our sixth year. She's strong, not crazy."
"Yeah, there's a lot would like to believe they're almighty, son," said Dirk. "Me included. But where are they? Run for it, by the looks of things. You'd think if they knew anything we don't, or had anything special going, they'd be out there now fighting, rallying resistance, instead of hiding. And you know, the Prophet made a pretty good case against him—"
"The Prophet? You deserved to be lied to if you're still reading that muck, Dirk. You want the facts, try the Quibbler."
Dirk choked on his dinner, then he pulled out the rest of his words forcefully.
"The Quibbler? That lunatic rag of Xeno Lovegood's?"
"It's not so lunatic these days! You want to give it a look. Xeno is printing all the stuff the Prophet's ignoring, not a single mention of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks in the last issue. How long they'll let him get away with it, mind, I don't know. But Xeno says, front page of every issue, that any wizard who's against You-Know-Who ought to make helping Harry Potter their number-one priority."
"Hard to help a boy who's vanished off the face of the earth!"
"Listen, the fact that they haven't caught them yet's one hell of an achievement. I'd take tip from those kids gladly; It's what we're trying to do, stay free, isn't it?"
"Yeah, well, you've got a point there... With the whole of the Ministry and all their informers looking for them, I'd have expected them to be caught by now. Mind, who's to say they haven't already caught and killed them without publicizing it?"
"Ah, don't say that, Dirk..." Ted sighed.
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Minutes after the group of men went away, they decided it was safe enough to discuss what they'd heard.
"Ginny," Harry started in shock. "The sword—"
"I know!" said Hermione.
"That was my fault," Mel lamented. "I told Ginny that Dumbledore had left you the sword on his will but we couldn't get it. I thought that there was no harm in telling her as long as she didn't know why he wanted us to have it..."
"You didn't know she would try to get it, it's not your fault," Harry was quick to reply, but Mel's mind was already on the next thing.
"This confirms our theory, right? You-Know-Who must've suspected something when they tried to steal it! Whether he knows it's because of the Horcruxes or something else, he told Snape to hide it— but it's a fake one!"
"Yeah, so what?" Ron scoffed. "We don't have the real thing, we don't know where it is."
Hermione gasped and started to rummage through her bag.
"Here... we... are..." Hermione grunted, pulling out Phineas' portrait. Harry quickly stood up to help her. "If somebody swapped the real sword for the fake while it was in Dumbledore's office, Phineas Nigellus would have seen it happen, he hangs right beside the case! Maybe that way we'll be able to know where it is and we can go and get it!"
She pulled out her wand and pointed at the painting.
"Unless he was asleep," Harry offered, but his eyes reflected hope as Hermione kneeled in front of the portrait.
"Er— Phineas? Phineas Nigellus? Phineas Nigellus?" said Hermione. "Professor Black? Please could we talk to you? Please?"
"'Please' always helps," His voice was strangely comforting for Mel, but as soon as Hermione blindfolded him, it turned pretty unpleasant. "What— how dare— what are you—?"
"I'm very sorry, Professor Black, but it's a necessary precaution!"
"Remove this foul addition at once! Remove it, I say! You are ruining a great work of art! Where am I? What is going on?"
"Never mind where we are," said Harry.
Phineas stopped his movements all at once.
"Can that possibly be the voice of the elusive Mr Potter?"
"Maybe. We've got a couple of questions to ask you— about the sword of Gryffindor."
"Ah, yes. That silly girl acted most unwisely there—"
"Shut up about my sister!"
Mel nudged Ron's shoulder and whispered a warning, Phineas caught the sound and his interest increased.
"Who else is here? Your tone displeases me! The girl and her friends were foolhardy in the extreme. Thieving from the headmaster."
"They weren't thieving. That sword isn't Snape's," Harry argued.
"It belongs to Professor Snape's school. Exactly what claim did the Weasley girl have upon it? She deserved her punishment, as did the idiot Longbottom and the Lovegood oddity!"
"Neville is not an idiot and Luna is not an oddity!" said Hermione.
"Where am I?" Phineas tried to take the blindfold again. "Where have you brought me? Why have you removed me from the house of my forebears?"
"Never mind that! How did Snape punish Ginny, Neville, and Luna?"
"Professor Snape sent them into the Forbidden Forest, to do some work for the oaf, Hagrid."
"Hagrid's not an oaf!" said Hermione.
"And Snape might've thought that was a punishment," Harry added, "but Ginny, Neville, and Luna probably had a good laugh with Hagrid. The Forbidden Forest... they've faced plenty worse than the Forbidden Forest, big deal!"
"What we really wanted to know, Professor Black, is whether anyone else has, um, taken out the sword at all? Maybe it's been taken away for cleaning or— or something?"
"Muggle-borns! Goblin-made armour does not require cleaning, simple girl. Goblins' silver repels mundane dirt, imbibing only that which strengthens it."
"Don't call Hermione simple," Harry scowled.
"I grow weary of contradiction. Perhaps it is time for me to return to the headmaster's office?"
"Perhaps you should answer what my friends are asking you," Mel intervened.
"Little Miss Prodigy is here!" Phineas taunted. "Are by any chances your mother and her bastard son around as well, perhaps they'd like to insult my memory too?"
"They're dead," She spat, "so you better watch your mouth when you speak about them."
Phineas looked towards the sound of her voice.
"I see... the Black lineage has finally come to an end... I suppose that's for the best—"
Mel did an odd movement as if she were about to jump and stab the painting, Ron held her back.
"Dumbledore!" Harry exclaimed, also keeping Mel far from the picture. "Can't you bring us Dumbledore?"
"I beg you pardon?"
"Professor Dumbledore's portrait— couldn't you bring him along, here, into yours?"
"Evidently it is not only Muggle-borns who are ignorant, Potter. The portraits of Hogwarts may commune with each other, but they cannot travel outside the castle except to visit a painting of themselves hanging elsewhere. Dumbledore cannot come here with me, and after the treatment I have received at your hands, I can assure you that I shall not be making a return visit!"
"Professor Black," Hermione implored, "couldn't you just tell us, please, when was the last time the sword was taken out of its case? Before Ginny took it out, I mean?"
"I believe the last time I saw the sword of Gryffindor leave its case was when Professor Dumbledore used it to break open a ring."
No one dared to show their excitement at his sentence, they didn't want to give their suspicions away to someone who clearly supported Snape's ideals more than theirs.
"Well, good night to you," Phineas finally started to move out of the frame, but Harry stopped him one last time.
"Wait! Have you told Snape you saw this?"
"Professor Snape has more important things on his mind than the many eccentricities of Albus Dumbledore," Phineas replied impatiently. "Good-bye, Potter!"
"Guys!" Hermione exclaimed as soon as Phineas left them.
"I know!"
Without a warning, Harry pulled Mel into his arms and lifted her off the ground.
"Do you know," He started, happier than she'd seen him in weeks. "That you're the smartest girl in the world?"
"Put me down!" She chuckled, blushing a little at his outburst. "If I were, I'd know where to find the real sword, this only confirmed what we already knew..."
"Yes, but if you were right about this, you could be right about You-Know-Who giving Snape one of his Horcruxes for safekeeping, just like the sword! Now we know Dumbledore definitely knew they wouldn't give it to us," Hermione continued, Harry still had his arms firmly around Mel. "So he made a copy and put it in the case—"
"—and he left the real one... where?"
She pulled away from the boy, walking up to her backpack.
"Think!" Hermione insisted. "Think! Where would he have left it?"
"Not at Hogwarts," said Harry with certainty, he started to pace around them.
"Somewhere in Hogsmeade?"
"The Shrieking Shack?" said Harry. "Nobody ever goes in there."
"But Snape knows how to get in, wouldn't that be a bit risky?"
"Dumbledore trusted Snape."
"Not enough to tell him that he had swapped the words," Hermione pointed knowingly.
"Yeah, you're right!"
"I've said this before and I still believe it, Dumbledore must've known something about Snape, something that he used for a whole decade to keep him under his grip— but what?" Mel groaned. "Why Snape? Either way, I truly believe that it'll come to us at the right time, it has to. Perhaps it's waiting for us to get the rest of the Horcruxes?"
"Maybe," Harry frowned. "But wouldn't it be better if we had it with ourselves already? Maybe the next thing we should do is try and summon it? What d'you reckon, Ron? Ron?"
No one answered for a moment, then a soft voice came from the bunkbeds.
"Oh, remembered me, have you?"
Mel scoffed, she hung her bag over one shoulder and walked towards the exit, she wanted to examine her memories of the sword and she needed a bit of peace and quiet for that.
"What?" Harry asked as she walked past him and retrieved her wand from the table.
"You three carry on. Don't let me spoil your fun..."
Mel stopped short at the entrance, it was raining hard outside.
"What's the problem?" Harry insisted.
"Problem? There's no problem. Not according to you, anyway."
"Well, you've obviously got a problem," The boy scowled. "Spit it out, will you?"
"All right, I'll spit it out," Ron's clear eyes were aggressive, not at all like his usual self. "Don't expect me to skip up and down the tent because there's some other damn thing we've got to find. Just add it to the list of stuff you don't know."
"I don't know? I don't know?"
"It's not like I'm not having the time of my life here, you know, with my arm mangled and nothing to eat and freezing my backside off every night. I just hoped, you know, after we'd been running round a few weeks, we'd have achieved something."
"Ron..." Hermione started, but Harry interrupted.
"I thought you knew what you'd signed up for."
"Yeah, I thought I did too."
"So what part of it isn't living up to expectations? Did you think we'd be staying in five-star hotels? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Did you think you'd be back to Mummy by Christmas?"
"We thought you two knew what you were doing! We thought Dumbledore had told you what to do, we thought you had a real plan!"
"Dumbledore died before he could tell us everything," Mel snapped. "And even then, I doubt he knew where every Horcrux was!"
"Sorry to let you down," Harry replied, weirdly calm and collected. "I've been straight with you from the start, I told you everything Dumbledore told me. And in case you haven't noticed, we've found one Horcrux—"
"Yeah, and we're about as near getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them— nowhere fucking near in other words?"
"Take off the locket, Ron," Hermione said stiffly. "Please take it off. You wouldn't be talking like this if you hadn't been wearing it all day."
"Yeah, he would," Harry retorted. "D'you think I haven't noticed the two of you whispering behind our back? D'you think I didn't guess you were thinking this stuff?"
"Harry," Mel warned. "Don't say anything you might regret."
"Guys we weren't—"
"Don't lie!" Ron hissed. "You said it too, you said you were disappointed, you said you'd thought they had a bit more to go on than—"
"I didn't say it like that— I didn't!" Hermione exclaimed, desperate to fix the argument.
"It... it doesn't matter," Mel said, losing a bit of certainty. "What's important, Ron, is that you ought to toughen up. There's no point in fighting, we already found out something good tonight, we can start by tracing Snape's whereabouts, where he lives when he's not at school—"
"That'll take ages, and in the meantime, more people will die," Ron stood up hastily. "Meanwhile, my family gets punished."
"So why are you still here?" Harry demanded harshly.
"Search me."
"Go home then."
"Yeah, maybe I will!" Ron approached Harry dangerously. "Didn't you hear what they said about my sister? But you don't give a rat's fart, do you, it's only the Forbidden Forest, Harry I've-Faced-Worse Potter doesn't care what happens to her in there— well, I do, all right, giant spider and mental stuff—"
"I was only saying— she was with the others, they were with Hagrid—"
"Yeah, I get it, you don't care! And what about the rest of my family, the Weasleys don't need another kid injured, did you hear that?"
"Yeah, I—"
"Not bothered what it meant, though?"
"Ron! I don't think it means anything new has happened, anything we don't know about: think, Ron, Bill's already scarred; and you're supposed to be on your deathbed with spattergroit, I'm sure that's all he meant—"
"Oh, you're sure, are you? Right then, well, I won't bother myself about them. It's all right for you three, isn't it, with your parents safely out of the way—"
"My parents are dead!" Harry argued. "Mel's family got murdered!"
"And mine could be going the same way!"
"Then GO! Go back to them, pretend you've got over your spattergroit and Mummy'll be able to feed you up and—"
Ron launched over Harry, but Mel grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, Hermione cast a spell between them so Harry couldn't attack either. They all fell backwards, Ron on top of Mel, Harry next to Hermione, who dropped her wand at the moment of impact. Mel stood up and pulled Ron to his feet.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She demanded.
"Leave the Horcrux," said Harry.
Ron took it off and threw it on a bed, Mel saw his shoulders lose tension.
"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at Hermione.
"What do you mean?"
"Are you staying or what?"
"I... Yes— yes, I'm staying, Ron, we said we'd go with Harry and Mel, we said we'd help—"
"I get it. You choose him," Ron turned hot on his heel, he stared down at Mel harshly.
"War comes first?" He mocked. "I think I'll listen to Ginny, for once I'm choosing myself. You would be of use out there fighting with the Order instead of in here babysitting Harry. He's not your real family, you know?"
He started to walk out, Hermione couldn't go after him because of the shielding charm between them.
"Ron, no— please—  come back, come back!"
In the brief second she had to make a choice, Mel stood up and threw Harry one last desperate look hoping he would go out and help, but he just stood there.
"Ron!" She ran out as fast as she could, her bag still hanging from her shoulder as she reached and seized him by the wrist. "You don't—!"
Ron turned over himself without realizing he was taking Mel with him, she felt dragged into him, and they landed softly in the middle of an empty alley.
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Next Chapter —>
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maxmiz · 6 years ago
OMFG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! mmm I was wondering if you could elaborate a little bit more in Max story? I LOVE how he is Slytherin's heir
Hey there @dangpanterita​. :D Apologies for answering this so terribly late but my job keeps me incredibly busy. Let me elaborate on the two stories:
1. Max’s story in my Potter/Beyblade Headcanon
Max’s story is pretty neatly woven into the Potterverse in my head and my headcanon about him being an heir of Slytherin makes perfect sense somehow when it comes to writing a story with an epic twist. We all picture him either as a Ravenclaw (for his obvious brains), as a Hufflepuff (for his nature) or as a Gryffindor because the kid’s got some courage (he sky-dived off a damned plane to save his friends). And don’t get me wrong, I don’t picture him in Slytherin house either. But as an heir of Slytherin? Hell, yes.
I was working on a fanfic on this for some time while I was still at uni a few years back and I developed a sort of story out of it in my head. We all know that Judy is a hell of a scientist and there’s plenty of evidence in canon to show that she’s extremely shrewd, proud and ambitious - all of which are qualities of a Slytherin through and through. I’m not saying she’s evil though - but she definitely is as much of a morally grey character in my headcanon as she is in actual canon (especially in season 1 where she is undeniably cold to her son for no good reason).
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I primarily imagine Judy as the Minister for Magic in my headcanon. A cold but somewhat level headed witch who is pure-blooded,extremely gifted, headstrong and ambitious. She is for the most part motivated only by her instinct for self preservation (arguably a trait of someone who would be a pure Slytherin heir), but she has a soft corner for her half blood son, Max. That is the only thing in the world that made her break away from her family. She abandoned her Slytherin crazed family to protect her son, and severed all ties with her Slytherin roots to move up in the world and become Minister.
So how was Max born at all if she was a typical Muggle resenting Slytherin?
My headcanon is that Taro, Max’s dad, is a Muggle. That Judy, as a teenager, faced a lot of abuse in her household from her father for not channeling her gifts to terrorize Muggle-borns. She runs away one day, drinks a hell of a lot of firewhiskey,meets a teenaged Muggle Taro at a Muggle bar and ends up pregnant. Once she and Taro both sober up, she feels utterly disgusted that she slept with a Muggle. She tries to abort the child, but cannot. Since childhood she’s been wearing her dead mother’s pendant of Genbu (a gift from her father to her mother) and somehow Genbu casts a protective spell around her unborn foetus to ensure the continuity of Slytherin’s bloodline. She feels helpless because she neither wants the child nor does she have the choice to abort it. She feels cursed and knows that her father will kill her child if he knows he’s a half blood. She flees pregnant to the US and with whatever money she had run away with, she joins Ilvermony to complete her final year of education.
She realises, however, that she can’t continue into the next chapter of her life with Max. She wanted to be Minister for Magic and had no interest in being a mother. Also if  her father finds Max, he’ll kill him. But she did love Max. She couldn’t exactly abandon him.
So she reluctantly leaves him with Taro to raise the boy and deletes any permanent records of her being Max’s mother. She gives Max the pendant of Genbu and moves on. Once in every few months she would visit her son, but all of that would happen in secret. Max and Taro knew that Judy was his mother, but the world has no idea.
Max often grew up wondering if his mom is so distant to protect him or if it’s only a facade for her not wanting to raise a child. He often feels conflicted by it (much like in canon).
What is the role of Genbu here?
Genbu, as I mentioned in the earlier headcanon (in the Japanese version of beyblade, Max’s bit beast is called Genbu), is traditionally represented as both a tortoise and a serpent. You can look it up. And that’s where the heir of Slytherin theory finds more support. This is Genbu (source: Wikipedia):
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Max was always aware of the fact that the locket that he wore was the locket of Slytherin. He was aware of his heritage because he would often only accidentally be able to control ocean waves, but also speak to snakes before he went to Hogwarts. And of course, Judy told him why he could never reveal who he was.
And truly, because of everything he knew, he begged the sorting hat to not sort him into Slytherin. Eventually he gets sorted into Ravenclaw much to his relief.
Genbu is nothing more than the spirit of Salazar Slytherin trapped in a pendant which gives the heir of Slytherin wearing it the power to harness the same powers as him if ever the Slytherin bloodline is threatened. It can also mess with the head of the wearer.
In my headcanon, ultimately Max fights the spirit from messing with his head and tames it to become who he is. A powerful wizard who controls the element of water and controls serpents.
Max’s personality
In my headcanon, I’ve tried to bring out a darker side of Max. His personality is still the same of course, he’s funny, kind and has a heart of gold. But there’s an inherent darkness inside him. Let’s look at canon for a second. Max never loses his cool. But the few times that he did lose his cool in canon, he channeled his rage into his beyblading to epic proportions. With others, the rage is pretty standard. But when Max would snap, he’d snap big time. When his pride is hurt, he hits back big time.
The guy is smart as hell (calculating angles and saving a puppy with a beyblade requires some brains and skills) which is why he is in Ravenclaw in my story. But, he has all the makings of an heir of Slytherin whose dark side remains buried mostly because the Muggle born blood from Taro’s side keeps him grounded and kind.
Let’s not forget, in my headcanon he’s been raised mostly by Taro. So the kindness is natural. But deep down, he’s every bit his mother’s son too. So I have headcanons about Max having a dark side - a manifestation of his inner Slytherin.
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2. Brooklyn’s story in Potter/Beyblade Headcanon
To answer your question, yes, I do picture Brooklyn as Credence to a certain extent. I never actually got to formulating his part of the story in my head but here’s how I imagine it going.
We don’t know a lot about Credence as such. We do know that he is a pure blooded wizard who was raised by an abusive Muggle and developed into an obscurial who somehow survived into adulthood. We also know that he’s extremely powerful, had faced a lot of childhood abuse and had grown up feeling different and alone. And of course, that he was manipulated and used by Grindelwald.
Now let us look at Brooklyn in canon. Brooklyn is also an exceptional wizard. He’s brilliant, a loner and if we look at the very last episode of beyblade, he’s grown up extremely lonely and friendless. He was always different from everyone else, gifted. He has an immense amount of power, is not inherently evil by any stretch of imagination. But judging by canon, it is obvious that Brooklyn has some degree of PTSD and probably had faced tremendous bullying or some form of abuse as child. When Brooklyn is in a mad rage, he assumes this dark uncontrollable form. Also, when BEGA was formed, Beyblade’s key antagonist, Boris (I’m using the English dub name) used Brooklyn and his mad rage and pushed him over the edge.
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So here’s my headcanon for Brooklyn. Brooklyn was a gifted powerful wizard who never went to Hogwarts. He had a lot of hidden magical talent that he dared not express because the Muggles who raised him were abusive and tried to make him repress it. And he is also an obscurial. I headcanon that Brooklyn’s bit beast is like some physical manifestation of his obscurial form and Boris, for the sake of his personal gains pushes Brooklyn over the age to use his obscurial powers to wreak havoc.
Okay so that’s as much elaboration as I could manage on my headcanons.
Thanks for the question!
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