#but as soon as he saw me walk over he starts wagging his tail
a-deadly-serenade · 10 months
theres this dog at my job, a little wirey haired dachshund named duncan, who i guess has been getting pickier and pickier with my other coworkers bcuz several of them have come up to me complaining about him being a pain literally on the days i was gone 😭 and it cracks me up bcuz he is such a lil sweetie with me, has been since day one. he lets me pick him up and hold him over my shoulder, he plays with me and was even content today cuddling in my lap. and literally every time someone sees me holding him there always HE LETS YOU PICK HIM UP??? yes ? he loves me :)
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thoutisashark · 6 months
Accidental Courtship :3
Accidental courtship
ft: Savanaclaw, Octavinella
cw: possible minor spelling errors (blame the dyslexia), established relationship, swearing, implied fem reader
Penguins have this adorable courtship ritual where the male gives the female a smooth pebble, if the female is impressed by the pebble she accepts the gift and mates with the male
I know that jade, Floyd, and Azul aren't penguins, but i thought it would be so cute if their s/o gave them a pebble and basically proposed but not knowing what it meant.
And for the beast-men (Leona, Jack, Ruggie) i thought it would be cute if there was a special beast-men way of courtship, I couldn't think of anything though, but then i remembered that for a lot of mammals (and animals in general) grooming is a form of bonding, so what if licking was a form of courtship?!?!
Leona: he awoke from his nap when he felt a pair of hands running through his hair, he sniffed the air, realizing it was just his s/o he closed his eyes once again, surrendering to the comforting feeling of your hands, he hated to admit it but he loved when you played with his hair, it was something he looked forward to and expected. what he didn't expect however was the sudden wet feeling that graced his cheek his eyes shot open and his head snapped in your direction
"so soon? at least wait till we graduate"
your so confused, he realizes that you probably dont know what you just did
"for beast-men, your lick was you asking me to marry you you dumb herbivore"
he wont admit it but his heart was pounding in his chest
Jack: he had finished his classes for the day and was walking around the campus grounds, when he spotted you his tail started to wag a bit, he attempted to stop, annoyed that he was giving away how he felt. he walked over to you, he wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him you smiled up at him, kissing his cheek, he smiled at you and walked with you to the ramshackle dorm, you guys sat in the guest room you had been working on you had been pretty bored all day and wanted to do something to make you laugh, why not lick your boyfriend see what his silly reaction would be, little did you know the implications behind this supposedly innocent action. as soon as your tongue brushed his cheek he was off to sofa and staring at you in shock, he moved so fast that your tongue was still hanging out of you mouth
"i-im not ready"
his voice was shaky and his tail was wagging at a super sonic spread
"i mean you need to meet my parents and my siblings, and i dont have any money, i mean were still in high school, marriage is a very large leap"
you were so fucking confused Marriage? when you asked what he was talking about he looked at you confused
"you licked me... you want to marry me...right?"
you blushed and told him that in your world its just a weird thing to do. he sighed in
"so no marriage then, good, i love you but im not ready for that yet... try again in a few years"
he winked, his tail giving away his feelings
Ruggie: you had gotten some powdered donuts from Sam's store earlier and you were super excited to eat them, you rushed to your dorm hoping to avoid the food thief you called a boyfriend but it was useless, he could probly smell them from 3 miles away, he saw you running smelt the sweet scent of donuts and took off after you, he caught up quickly, snatching the box from you hands
"watcha got here shihihi"
he held the box out of your reach and took a donut out, he quickly shoved it into his mouth as you pouted, you loved him to death but god was he annoying sometimes you noticed how he had gotten some of the powdered sugar on his nose and an idea of revenge sprung into your mind, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to you
"you gonna kiss me~" he teased you, he wrapped an arm around you resting a hand on the small of your back while his other held the donut box.
you licked his nose, he tensed up, his eyes widened and he stumbled back almost falling over
"i-i dont- i mean-" he turned around, he grabbed his ears and pressed them down, trying to calm himself down, he had never felt so flustered before, but could you blame him? his s/o just asked for his hand in marriage "i accept but... so soon?"
you looked at him confused, he took a moment, realizing that what is a marriage proposal for beast-men might not be the same for humans, but everyone was aware of the tradition, then it clicked, you weren't from here, you had no idea what you had just done. his blush was still there, and to be honest he was dissipated, he licked you cheek "that is a proposal for marriage" he admits, looking away embarrassed, he shoved the donut box back into your hands and quickly walked away mumbling a quick "i love you" his tail was small, but it was wagging as he zoomed away from you.
Octavinelle (penguin esc courtship)
Floyd: he hated working at the cafe, it was so boring, why would he work when he could be with his little shrimpy? he found you outside of the ramshackle dorm, you were on your hands and knees digging round a pile of rocks
"shrimpy~" he lifted you up and hugged you from behind "what are you doing?"
he asked, examining the rocks you held in your hands, you didn't answer, instead you picked on of the rocks you had and handed it to him, it was smooth, and had a faint blue undertone to it, he squealed and snatched it out of your hand, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you till you felt like you were about to burst, he kissed you passionately before skipping off to tell his brother and Azul, you just stood there, confused as to why your boyfriend was so happy about the rock you gave him, i mean sure it was cool but was it that exciting for him? a couple hours later there was a knock on the door to the ramshackle dorm, you opened the door and say Floyd standing there frowning slightly
"do you know what a rock means"
you shook your head and you swear it looked like he was about to cry
"so you weren't asking me to marry you?"
you shook your head again, now understanding why he was so upset, you hugged him and kissed his cheek promising him to marry him one day, as soon as he heard that he was happy again, hugging and squeezing you all night long.
Jade: he was observing the mushroom he was growing, they had a strange mutation that he hadn't seen before and was eager to study, he was writing down the differences and comparing them to known mutations when suddenly you burst into his room clenching something in your hand, he turned to you smiling at you, he closed his mushroom guide and walked over to you, kissing your forehead and ruffling your hair, you hold out your hand and show a small smooth rock to him, he blushed, hugging you tightly
"are you aware of what your asking me?" he asked, his voice shacking lightly as he hugged you tighter, part of him wished you meant what mer-people mean when they give rocks, but he knows you arent used to the tradtions and culture in this world
he pulled away slightly and when he saw your confused face he smiled sadly "in merfolk culture you asked me to marry you" he chuckled as you blushed "i want to be the one to give you the rock dear" he mumbled into your hair he pulled away caressing your face before picking you up and taking you to the couch to cuddle.
Azul: he was in his office doing paper work and for the cafe, he was stressed, his hand was starting to cramp from the amout of writing he had been doing. the door to his office opened and you entered, his eyes lit up as he say you, your presence always made him feel better.
"hello my love"
he smiled at you softly, he open his arms for a hug and you wasted no time crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly, he kissed your shoulder, you reached into your pocket and handed him a pretty rock you had found earlier, his faced flushed with a blush
"m-my love? i- i mean y-yes ill marry you, but at least meat my family first, do you have a venue in mind? a dress? i can help you look- wait your not proposing? oh... you dont know do you"
as disappointed as he was that he wasn't going to marry you he chuckled and laughed
"my beloved your little rock was a proposal of marriage"
he smirked at you, watching as you face as you realized what you had done, he kissed you shoulder and cheek again
"just know love.... i will say yes, i will always say yes to you"
a couple days later when you walk into his office you she the rock you gave him on the shelf behind his desk, it was in a glass container, when you asked Azul all he said was
"its special to me, i wish to keep it forever"
End notes:
i had no idea what to do for leona and i think its pretty obvious, but i had fun writing this! its my first time writing for twst characters and i think i did ok... i hope
I am accepting requests :)
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changetyre · 2 months
Gasps all around II Lando Norris Ⓢ
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SUMMARY: Lando gets surprised with puppies and wishes nothing more than to share the moment with you.
WARNING: None, puppy fever?
A/N: Inspired by the recent content of Lando getting surprised by puppies and literally how I would react to seeing them.
"You sure you'll be okay here?" Lando asked you for the hundredth time as he had to run off to film something at the MTC. You had planned to go out for lunch afterward which is why you had accompanied him opting to stay in the waiting area so you wouldn't distract him. 
"I'll be fine Lan, go-" You couldn't help but blush at his attentiveness always worried for your comfort. 
"Okay, just come and knock if you need anything." Lando insisted. 
"Lando we have to start." his pr manager peaked her head around the end of the hallway calling him with more urgency now. 
"I love you, go." You nudged him forward. 
"I love you more, okay I'll see you soon my love." Lando rushed away making you giggle. 
Lando was confused as to what he was here for, they hadn't given him much detail only telling him they were going to surprise him with some fans once he had sat down in front of the cameras. He heard some squeaking from the hallway after he'd given the introduction to the video. 
A small gasp escaped Lando's lips "What is this?" he eyed around suspiciously. "Is there a dog?" He asked a smile immediately tugging at his lips. 
This time a large gasp escaped Lando's lips as a woman rounded the corner holding 3 tiny puppies in her arms. "What are you doing to me?!" Lando asked excitedly. 
"oh my god." Lando waited anxiously as the woman settled beside him ready to hand over a puppy. Another gasp escaped Lando as he was handed the first puppy which he gently and carefully clutched to his chest. "Guys my fiancé would die if she was here." The team was not at all surprised at the fact that Lando mentioned his girlfriend not even a minute into the video. 
Lando whined, pouting in cuteness at the small puppy in his hands just wishing he could share this moment with you knowing you were the biggest animal lover in the world, and dogs were simply your weakness.
"Do you want us to get her?" The team asked behind the cameras. 
"Oh my god can you please, she would love this," Lando replied eagerly. 
"I'll go get her." His pr manager said as he walked out the door to fetch you. 
"What d'you think her reaction is going to be?" Someone asked behind the camera. 
Lando laughed thinking about it. "She'll probably go *gasp* Lan! And just give me the most desperate look cause she'll want to hold them." 
You sat on the couch in a waiting room reading when you saw Lando's P.R manager round the corner. "Hey y/n Lando's asking for you." She said casually. 
You furrowed your brows confused. "Is everything okay?" You got worried for a second as you got up immediately following her. 
"Yeah he's fine he just said he had to talk to you-" She hid her smirk as she led you towards their filming room. 
As soon as you crossed the door your eyes landed on Lando sat on the floor with three tiny puppies on his lap. You gasped immediately. "Lan!" You looked at him desperately pleading with your eyes for him to let you near them. 
The room around you erupted in laughter making you confused but you didn't have enough time to worry about what they were laughing at as a dog you hadn't noticed approached you from the side. 
It was a black dog, definitely older but just as cute wagging his tail and asking for your attention. "Oh my god." You crouched down dropping everything in your hands ready to pet him. You failed to notice one of the cameras panning over to you, Lando watching you lovingly. 
"You are just the cutest thing in the world aren't you?" You spoke softly to the dog as it licked your face wagging its tail excitedly. 
"Come here baby," Lando called to you gesturing to the space beside him. 
You looked at him but suddenly shied away noticing the cameras and eyes on you. "Oh I probably shouldn't-" You laughed nervously. 
"Nonsense please go join him." The producer encouraged you. 
You accepted but still nervously made your way over to Lando, he took your hand as you crouched down to sit next to him, Lando making sure to pull you as close to him as physically possible without you sitting on top of him. 
"They're all up for adoption baby."  Lando revealed. 
"Oh my god." You pouted, your eyes watering at simply the thought, overcome with emotions. "I'm gonna cry Lan." You hid behind his arm. 
Lando giggled at your lack of emotional control when it came to dogs. "Look at this one my love," Lando whispered back to you. 
For a few minutes, it was as if it was Lando and you, the rest of the crew disappearing for a bit which they were careful to capture. Lando looked down at one of the small puppies, with brown spots, his face brown except for his little snout, the puppy nibbled on Lando's necklace. 
"Lan I'm seriously going to cry I want to take them all home." A few tears actually escaped your eyes as you imagined the puppies having to leave once their time here was over. 
"Aww darling-" Lando used his free hand to bring you closer to him planting a kiss on your temple. 
You continued playing with the puppies and the bigger dog, your emotions going from pure joy to sadness at the thought of the dogs going back to a shelter. Although Lando carefully watched you, you also kept an eye on him and the brown puppy he had shown you, you could tell Lando had grown attached. 
"This one is full chillin'-" Lando spoke to the camera as the brown puppy tucked into his arm. "he's like I'm home." Your heart skipped a beat at the insinuation. 
Lando handed you the other 2 puppies as he stayed with the brown one. You watched him, watched as the puppy cuddled up to him, laying down on his legs before hiding his face in his arms, your heart swooning at the sight. "Yeah you're home, I know," Lando said and you knew in his heart he'd probably decided something. 
After a few minutes all the dogs were starting to be put away but Lando held onto the brown puppy, staring at him lovingly. "Lan?" You called to him as the woman was ready to finally take him away. 
"Oh-" Lando noticed the cameras had stopped rolling at this point. He turned to look at you, an unspoken question in his eyes. 
You nodded, giving him the reassurance he needed. "I think we're keeping him." Lando smiled, turning to the woman. 
The woman smiled, glad Lando had taken the decision. "We're his home now." Lando smiled excitedly at you, and you nodded in agreement, this was a dream come true and another big step in your new life with him.  
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Whippet [MV1/MV33]
Summary: Max surprises you with a Whippet puppy. Your puppy's paddock debut and a cute moment
Pairing/s: Max Verstappen x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Masterlist Dogs Masterlist Max Verstappen Masterlist Tag List
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Getting a dog wasn’t something you expected to happen. Although you had always been a dog person when you got with Max you knew that for a long while there wouldn’t be a chance of getting a dog anytime soon but you were okay with that because Jimmy and Sassy were like your little furbabies. 
It was a race weekend where you couldn’t make it due to work but Max understood that you couldn’t always attend and you did whenever you could - which was most of the races- however it still hurt you both that you weren’t going to be there for support. 
It was no surprise that as you were watching it in the office, you saw Max cross the finish line in first place. You cheered, scaring the people in the office next to you, which you did apologise for before you left for the night. 
The week Max had been away was a struggle to say the least, part of you was glad that you at least had Jimmy and Sassy there but they didn’t enjoy human contact for prolonged periods of time which left you feeling alone to say the least. 
They slept on the end of the bed, keeping nothing but your feet warm, but you needed something to keep the rest of you warm. That’s what you kept complaining about every time Max called you. You were really complaining because you missed him holding you as you slept. 
What you didn’t expect was to come home from work the day Max was due back to find a little puppy running about the apartment. 
“Max?” You called out, confused more than anything. Your key worked, so this was obviously the right apartment even though you were questioning that right now. Maybe Lando got a puppy. you thought. 
“Hey schat” Max smiled, walking out of the kitchen like nothing was wrong 
“Why is there a puppy in our apartment? Actually, let me rephrase that. Why is there a whippet puppy in our apartment?” You asked, raising your hand up to stop him from hugging you 
“Oh meet Teddy” Max smiled as you raised your eyebrows. 
“What?” You asked, looking down at the puppy who was wagging his tail at your legs just waiting for attention. 
“He gets on brilliantly with Sassy and Jimmy, so don’t even worry about that. He’s already toilet trained which is super helpful except he currently has no other training but I figured that’s something you’d like to do” You tilted your head a little as you crouched down to clap the little black and white ball of fur 
“I know that when you’re complaining about not having anything to keep you warm you’re wanting me without saying it” He started as you looked up to him. Never realising that he actually caught on to why you complained when you couldn’t join him. 
“And I can’t just come back so I got what they call a “man’s best friend” for you. Or well, in this case “womens best friend” I hope you don’t mind” He trailed off as he finished that last sentence. You stood back up, walking the final steps to close the distance between Max and yourself. 
“Max. Love. I never realised you caught on that I wasn’t actually just cold and that I actually missed you. You’re so sweet. I really don’t deserve you but, I guess I really don’t mind. You know I’ve always wanted a dog” You smiled, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to Max’s lips. 
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Over the next few months, you started training Teddy. He had made his first appearance on your instagram, followed by Max’s and you were really starting to love the pup even though he chewed everything to begin with. 
You had trained him to play fetch, sit, roll over, wait before eating and now you were training him to lie down on command which seemed to be so much harder than the rest even though the training booklet said it was one of the easiest skills to teach a dog. 
Although, for being a whippet, Teddy was really taking these skills under his wing with whippets are, known for being smart they were also known for being hard to train. 
The Dutch Grand Prix felt like the perfect time for Teddy to make his paddock debut. With Teddy on his rope leash rather than the extendable leash to ensure that he didn’t get too boisterous around fans, drivers, team members, and Leo who, he had gotten to know very well. The size difference didn’t matter between the two of them once they got settled into playing. 
Still being a puppy made it easy for Max to pick Teddy up for easy movement around the paddock so walking through the gates on the Thursday morning Teddy was in Max’s arms not that the little pup was too satisfied with not being able to walk. 
Max soon placed him back down on the ground near a little bit of grass where Teddy decided that it was the perfect place to have some zoomies which got fans cooing at him as he spun himself in little circles on the leash. 
Max pressed a kiss to your lips as his hand rested on your lower back. You smiled, turning your head to look at him. 
“I’m so glad I went through with that decision that day. You seem even happier to be here today” You smiled, kissing him again. 
“I need to go do some media. I’ll see you in my drivers room?” He asked, and you nodded 
“You know you will. Love you” You smiled 
“Love you too. There’s a little hidden treat in there for Teddy to find” He smiled walking away. You soon walked towards Max’s drivers room as Teddy got bored of his zoomies and wanted to lie somewhere more comfortable than the grass. 
He was spoiled. You wouldn’t lie about that, but that was also part of being a sighthound. With sighthounds finding it uncomfortable to lie on the ground due to the way they lie from years of catching prey. 
Teddy instantly started sniffing his way around Max’s driver room, with it being a new place for him he wanted to discover every place he could. His little tail wagged faster than the speed of light when he found a little stuffed bone hidden under some pillows. You couldn’t help but take a picture as you noticed the writing on the bone. “Teddy’s Bone” 
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A couple of months after his paddock debut was the winter break and you were now fully comfortable leaving Teddy at home out of his crate because although you agreed with crate training you hated having to leave him in there even though that crate alone was better than Max’s whole apartment at this point. All of them put together. 
Max had told you that he was planning a date night, so now you were at some fancy restaurant in Monaco enjoying each other's company as you both yapped about random things. 
The drive home was nice, the music softly playing in the background as you held the bouquet of flowers that Max had stopped off to get because “You can’t have a date night without flowers” as he had previously said to you. However, these weren’t your normal bouquet of fresh flowers. They weren’t even fresh because Max remembered that your hayfever didn’t like fresh flowers and you’d be feeling ill until they unfortunately died, so he got you some faux ones that could last forever. 
Max draped his suit jacket over your shoulders during the walk-up to the apartment as he held your hand. Opening the door, you were expecting to be tackled to the floor by an over excited whippet, but that didn’t happen. Looking at Max confused, he shrugged a little 
“Are we in the right apartment?” You whispered, following him through the house with a frown. Walking into your bedroom as the last place to attempt to find Teddy, Sassy, and Jimmy, who were all hidden.
You almost melted at the sight in front of you. Teddy lying asleep over your side of the bed with Jimmy in between his legs and Sassy next to him lazily licking Teddy’s fur. Taking a picture just as Max turned around to look at you 
“Schat what’s wrong?” Max asked frowning as you wiped the tears away that had welled up in your eyes 
“They’re just so cute” You pouted, and Max couldn’t help but laugh at the fact you were crying over a cute puppy and some cats. 
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Coming Soon
Tag List
Dogs @GlitzyDitsy
Max Verstappen @thewannabewriter @lozzamez3 @barcelonaloverf1life @hiireadstuff @mxdi0 @f1kenzzz @evie-119 @ahgase99 @velocesainz @kat-s2 @scarletwidow3000 @thegrapejuiceblues1982 @tellybearryyy @zabwlky1999 @xxx-betty @callsignwidow @chocolatepoetryfun @lwstuff @destinyg237
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o-sachi · 1 month
Nose Boops - Drabble for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ something's suspicious about sakura... time to find out why ᯓ character; sakura haruka (wind breaker) ᯓ tags; fluff, tsundere sakura, afab reader, no y/n
[🐟]: for day 4 - accidental pet acquisition prompt! @windbreakerweek
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Sakura's been acting strange.
Like reaaaaaally strange.
He was supposed to walk with you back home today, but somehow he suddenly has to patrol at that exact time. You knew his patrol schedule like the back of your own hand and you were certain that he didn't have to patrol. Besides, you knew Hiragi wasn't the type of guy to stray from fixed routines.
Anyway, you didn't like doubting him, so you asked Nirei. One text message and you confirmed that... Sakura was lying to you.
At first, you didn't know what to feel. Sakura was the most honest person that you knew and even if he did lie—he was way too obvious. But then again, it's always the person that you least expect to do you wrong.
Instead of walking straight back home later that day, you decided to investigate a bit. You checked out the usual streets that their team would roam around in. But nothing. You saw a couple of Furin boys, but none of them were familiar to you.
You even checked the cafe and asked Kotoha if he had been there. But still no luck. It was then you figured that maybe he was already at home. If he wasn't there either... well, that's definitely a cause for concern.
Part of you was incredibly nervous with what was waiting for you at his place, but all that worry dissipated in an instant at the sight that greeted you: Sakura walking the little puppy that you two found on the side of the street a week ago.
He had a small smile on his face, one that he reserved only for you (sometimes for his friends too, but he won't admit it). Sakura even bought the little thing a new collar and leash. You weren't exaggerating when you thought it was the most adorable thing ever.
Soon enough, he noticed your presence. His smile shifted into a flustered frown. "W-what are you doing here?" he asks, pointing at you.
You walk over to them, a toothy grin on your face. "Oh, I dunno... maybe I just wanted to see what my boyfriend was so busy with. But it's definitely not because of patrolling."
He turns to look away, hoping to hide the rosiness of his cheeks. But as he looks away, the puppy takes notice of you and rubs her tiny head against your leg.
Crouching down, you pat her softly. "Aww, hey there. Is he taking good care of you hm?"
The dog can't really speak, but with the way it's wagging its tail—tells you that she loves her new owner.
"He can be a bit scary sometimes, but he's the biggest sweetheart. Don't you think so?"
Sakura clicks his tongue. "Stop talking about me with Momo."
His cheeks turn into a deeper shade of scarlet. He was biting down on his lower lip so hard that you wouldn't be surprised if it just started bleeding.
"T-the dog... Momo," he replies. As much as he tried to keep his cool, he was certainly failing at it. Even though you two have been going out for a few months now, it still wasn't that difficult to render him into a blushing mess.
"You named her?"
"How would I talk to her if I didn't?"
Point. You turned to look back at the dog, smiling warmly at her. "Your name's Momo huh? That's cute," you say before booping her nose.
You stand back up and face Sakura who was struggling to look you in the eye. He opens his mouth to speak only to stop. But he tries again.
"Don't even start and tease m—"
Boop. You just booped his nose—the same way you did with Momo.
It left his jaw hanging, unsure if you really just did what you did. With his brows furrowed, he picks up the dog in his arms. You wanted to be serious just like him, but you found it hard to maintain your composure at such an unusual (but lovely) sight.
"Keep teasing me and I won't let you go near her. No petting... defintiely no booping."
He says all that with a straight face. And off he goes—back inside his humble abode with his little friend in his clutches.
For a guy that refused to take in that dog a week ago... he sure has taken quite a liking for her.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 6
<;-----part 5, part 7----->
“Alright class listen up!” Miss Delight called out. The children settled down and listened to what she had to say. “As you know, our fall festival is approaching which means that it’s time to start our yearly fall theater show! Normally each group would perform separately but this time my sisters and I have decided to combine everyone together! I’m proud to say that this year we will be doing; drum roll please!” Everybody's hands started tapping on the desk for the drumroll. Me and DogDay also joined in with the children. “Beauty and The Beast!”  
Some kids were ecstatic while others groaned in annoyance. I liked Beauty and The Beast. “Tryouts will start around 5 o’clock. Those who wish to be a part of it please come up to my desk to receive the tryout scripts. And to those who do not wish to be a part of the show will be assigned as the stage crew.” Most of the children got up and went over to Miss Delights desk while a few stayed in their seats. Damian got up to get a script. “Our script is usually handed to us right before auditions start.” DogDay whispered to me. “Huh? ‘Our script?’ We have to audition also?” DogDay smiled and nodded. “Gives us a chance to interact with the other kids.” I wasn’t expecting this. DogDay pulled me into him before saying, “I have full faith in you Angel, who knows you might get the lead!” “Haha....woopie.” 
The theater room was huge! From the outside it doesn’t look like this room even existed. Me and DogDay walked in together and this was the first time that I’ve seen all the Smiling Critters. “Hi DogDay!” “Hiya BB!” DogDay walked over to the group, and I followed behind him. “Oh? And who’s this?” The way Bobby Bearhug spoke sounded like she was not at all interested in knowing who I was but asked anyways. DogDay scooted me into him and held onto my shoulder. “This is my helper, Angel!” His tail wagged while talking about me. I smiled nervously at all the Smiling Critters; except for KickenChicken. I just rolled my eyes at him.  
Miss Delight came up to us and split the helpers and the Smiling Critters apart. I took a seat next to Sarah since she’s the only one I’ve really talked to. It was obvious that she didn’t want to talk to anyone since she put in headphones. I looked over to the Smiling Critters and saw that Bobby was just chatting away with DogDay. In the shadows I spotted CatNap. I tilted my head in confusion; weren’t they all supposed to be friends? I got up from my seat and started walking towards him. My heart was beating faster, and my palms got sweaty.  
“Hey CatNap.” I said nervously. It took ten seconds before he finally spoke. “Friend.” So creepy. I cleared my throat to talk but he beat me too it. “Sorry.” Woah, he apologized. “Wanted to apologize sooner.... but was kept away.” Kept away? “Oh that’s okay. What do you mean you were kept away?” He just stared at me again. “Doctors.” I was gonna press on but a voice from behind me caught me off guard. “Oh Y/N! It’s almost time for you to go on!” I turned around and saw that it was Miss Delight. “O-okay, coming!” I turned back around, and CatNap vanished once again. 
Two hours passed and soon everyone in Playcare auditioned. Miss Delight and her sisters all went backstage to select the cast while everyone else sat in the seats waiting for the verdict. I spotted Damian and made my way over to him. “Hey kiddo.” “Hey Miss Y/N.” I took a seat next to him and smiled. “So do you think you’ll get a part?” He asked me. I chuckled before saying, “Nah. I mean I did do theater back in high school, but it’s been a while.” It would be interesting if I got casted. In high school, I never got the lead due to being a nervous wreck. “How about you?” Damian looked proud and sat up straight. “Oh yes, I’m hoping I get cast at the candle man. He’s my favorite.” “I’m hoping you’ll get the part.” I ruffled his hair and then got up and looked for DogDay.  
It wasn’t hard to spot him since he was the second tallest one here, CatNap being the first. As I started walking over to him he spotted me and waved me over to him. “Over here Angel!” I couldn’t help but smile sweetly at him. He held out his paw for my hand and once I took it he pulled me into a hug. “I missed you Angel.” “I always looked over to you and waved.” I laughed and returned the hug. “Yes, but I would’ve rather had you sit next to me Angel.” My cheeks felt warm. Thankfully, the theatre room wasn’t lit up well so he couldn’t see. “Oh DogDay~” We both turned and saw that it was Bobby calling out for DogDay. “Y/N shouldn’t you be with the other helpers and not over here with DogDay?” Okay rude. “She’s allowed to be over here with me, she’s my helper.” DogDay said. I could see Bobbys’ eye twitch before saying, “Oh of course! Anyways DogDay; do you think I got the lead?” I pulled away from DogDay so that he could face her. While he spoke he held onto my hand. “No doubt in my mind that you auditioned well BB, but I think Angel here did pretty good as well.”  
Another eye twitch from Bobby. “Well seeing how I always get the lead I’m fully confident.” The lights suddenly flashed on, and everyone's attention went to the stage. Miss Delight stood there with her sisters. “Okay everyone! We are about to announce our cast if you could quiet down and take your seats!” Everyone started to take their seats. I was about to sit next to DogDay when Bobby beat me to it. I then tried the other seat next to him, but then KickenChicken sat there. “Hey Angel.” He spoke out while grinning. I was gonna leave and sit somewhere else, but DogDay grabbed onto me and placed me on his lap. “You don’t mind sitting like this do you Angel?” “N-nope! Not at all haha...” I could feel Bobby glaring daggers at me. 
Miss Delight started calling names and Damian got cast as Lumière. He walked onto the stage and me and DogDay cheered him on like proud parents. She then called out the rest of the cast: Miss Delight would play Mrs. Pots, Chip would be played by Todd; a kid from my group, Babette was played by Miley; a girl from CraftyCorns group, Wardrobe was played by Emily who was KickenChickens helper, PickyPiggy would be The Enchantress and Bubba Bubbaphant would be Maurice. “And now for our final four!”  
“Lefou will be played by Hoppy Hopscotch!” “Woo yeah!” Hoppy jumped up and walked over to the stage. DogDay clapped for his friends. “Next up we have Gaston who will be played by... KickenChicken!” “Radical!” KickenChicken got up and made his way up onto the stage. “And now the role of The Beast will be played by- drum roll please!” The sound of everyone hitting their legs echoed through the room. “DogDay!” All eyes turned towards the back of the theater where DogDay was. “Really? Wow!” I got up and hugged DogDay excitedly. “Congrats DogDay!” “Thank you Angel!” “Congratulations DogDay~” Bobby said while removing one of DogDays paws off me. “You and I will be great together.” DogDay pulled his paw away and said, “They haven't announced who Belle would be played by so it might not be you BB.” He said that so cheerfully while making his way up to the stage that I almost laughed.  
I took a seat and Bobby glared at me before saying, “It’s pretty obvious that I’ll get the lead, I get it every time when we do it in our groups.” She sounded so cocky while she spoke. I didn’t say anything and just looked ahead at the stage. DogDay gave Damian a high five and also ruffled the top of his head. “Now ladies and gentlemen the moment you’ve all been waiting for; Belle will be played by-” “ME!” Bobby stood up proudly. “Miss Y/N!” Everyone in the audience gasped. I guess they all were expecting it to be Bobby. A spotlight shun down on me and I sunk into my seat. “Woo yay Angel!” “Way to go Miss Y/N!!” DogDay and Damian both cheered for me. I stood up and walked over to the stage with everyone else.  
As I made my way up the audience started to cheer for me; I even saw Sarah give me a thumbs up. I stood on the stage with everyone else and Miss Delight spoke out. “Those of you who did not audition or did not get cast will oversee the set and props! I look forward to this year's fall theater show!” All the remaining children and helpers stood up and applauded while Bobby glared even more daggers at me. “This role was made for you Angel, you’re already quite a beauty.” He then winked at me and stuck his tongue out. This time I’m sure he saw me blushing. Damian ran up to both of us and pulled us into a hug. It almost seemed like a kid hugging his parents; it was a sweet moment.  
A/N: Thank you for reading!!
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sunvylovebug · 1 month
↬ Warnings: No warnings, soft and fluffy content with the butler for you …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
↬ Gender Neutral!Reader, they/them pronouns and third person narration (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
↬ Author Note: Ever since I saw Lycaon I want to give him a big hug. Not fair, I want this too.
↬ Summary: Spring brings with it beautiful things. One of them is the many flowers that begin to bloom in the fields. Flowers that, among many other things, serve to adorn the soft fur of the butler.
↬ Word Count: 548 Words
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His white fur is so soft, so silky and so warm that it is impossible not to want to run the fingers through it, as if it were a comfortable cotton blanket in which it's possible to get lost for hours, caressing it gently, enjoying it with enthusiasm, and it's also impossible not to want to admire it when he wears that soft smile and a calm expression.
Lycaon's head would be very comfortable in his Master's lap, with closed eyes he would lose himself in the comfort and after repeatedly assuring him that everything would be fine, he would allow himself to take a nap. In their hands, Lycaon's Master held some small wildflowers full of vibrant colors and soon all of them would be carefully planted in a different part of those silky white locks.
It was the perfect afternoon. The birds singing, the sound of running water, the faint rays of sunlight passing through the leaves of the trees gently swaying in the spring breeze, the pleasant smell of the air and the various little animals roaming around. All these elements made that little moment together so peaceful, tender and relaxing.
When Lycaon wakes up, he feels the little bristles on the flower stems lightly scratching his skull and he smiles with some confusion. "What are you decorating my fur for, Master?"
"Nothing special Lycaon, I just thought those little flowers would look good on you and I wasn't wrong.... You look pretty" Master replied as Lycaon slipped his arms under his Master's knees and back to press them against his toned chest to then press a gentle kiss against their forehead.
The soft white furred man was extremely happy about the many flowers his Master decorated him with, so much so that he'd even allow himself to lose a bit of composure and wag his tail from side to side in an obvious display of happiness. Lycaon would take pride in whatever his Master gave him, even if it took away that serious, professional and intimidating appearance he used to have due to his features and imposing presence.
Then he would put one of his favorite flowers on his Master's ear, excusing himself with a "It's to keep a part of me with you", that was the first thing he thought to justify it and if you think about it, it's a very good reason. Thanks to it he'd seen one of the nicest smiles on the Master's face while they thanked him before placing some kisses all over his face.
As the sunset starts to peek with all its pretty and vibrant colors, Lycaon walks past Rina, he had the pretty flowers in his hair and that's enough to make the maid look at him with a little smile that carries a mix of tenderness and playfulness.
She giggled a little, that sight was not something very common to see. "You look good Lycaon."
"Thank you." His tail would gently swish from side to side as he walked around the mansion, performing any of the many tasks that required his personal care.
Lycaon and his Master would spend several of the spring days like this, spending a lot of time together, enjoying each other's company, among flowers, smiles, and the gentle spring breeze.
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gor3-hound · 9 months
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silver lining
ft. leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, hybrid!reader, very brief suicide mention, p in v, creampie, daddy kink, a LOT of pet names
a/n: hiii! throwing out some (kinda) fluffy smut for once lmao. mainly picturing vendetta leon, but any older leon works tbh. i'm so tired, so if you see typos, no, you don't >:[ hope you enjoy !!
word count: 1.7k words
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Raccoon City was something that Leon would never forget. It's been years since the incident, and he still wakes up in a cold sweat some nights with nightmares of the things he'd seen.
It's fucked him up in more ways than one. He would have killed himself a long time ago if he was sure that Sherry would be safe. The “top secret programme” the government so lovingly initiated him into isn't the way he saw his life going - but if it kept her safe, he'd grit his teeth and bare it.
Sure, he's made his peace with it, but it doesn't make it any less difficult. He runs around like the government's personal lap dog and then comes home and drinks himself half to death. It's a routine he's gotten used to, and he doesn't plan on changing it anytime soon.
But it gets lonely. He's not a stranger to flirting with a pretty girl in the bar, but he never manages to get them to stay. He's not sure he's capable of forming a relationship anymore. Work always comes up, and no woman seems to want to stick around when he disappears for weeks or months at a time.
When he was younger, he always wanted a dog. That was another thing Raccoon City took from him. He still flinches when a dog moves too fast near him or gets too close. He's never been a cat person, either. Thinks they're grumpy bastards at the best of times.
He leaves it at that for a while. Looks like he's destined to be alone. Whatever. He's used to it by now. Or he thinks so, at least, until he starts to hear about hybrids becoming more commercially available as pets.
They've been around for a while, sure, but they were the type of exotic pet rich assholes buy to show off. He hears about the new hybrid adoption center opening in his city and spends one of his only weekends off doing a shit ton of research. He's not entirely convinced, but he figures there's no harm in taking a look. As soon as he spots you, he knows he's smitten. Bat your pretty lashes at him, and he'd do anything you asked.
You're the cutest little puppy girl he's ever seen. Fluffy ears atop your head, your tail wagging so fast behind you it's practically a blur. He doesn't even think about it when he calls a worker over, paying for you then and there. He doesn't even blink at the amount of money you cost him. He'd sell a kidney to be able to afford you if he needed it. At least the government pays well.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It's been a few months since he brought you home with him. You were a pain in the ass at first, constantly bouncing around his apartment. Your tail was a hazard, always knocking things off his table and breaking things.
He wouldn't change it for the world, though. You've become the highlight of his day. He finds himself smiling as he opens the door to his apartment, hearing you thunder towards the front door as he walks in. He can't help but chuckle as you wrap your arms around his waist, leaning up to lick at his face.
“Alright. Easy, girl. Easy.” He says with a smile, pushing you off him and ruffling your hair as he steps past you. He shrugs off his jacket, hanging it up and settling on the couch. “I had a long day, y'know? Could at least let me through the door before you jump all over me.”
“But I missed you.” You whine as he pushes you away from him, following him closely as he moves to sit on the couch.
“Yeah, yeah. I missed you, too, pup.” Leon says with a grin, patting his lap. He waits for you to jump in his lap, leaning back comfortably. “C'mere, then. Don't you wanna come sit with daddy?”
Your tail wags lazily behind you as you shift closer, straddling his lap happily. His hands settle on your waist to tug you closer, and he rubs small circles into you with his thumb.
“Missed you.” You repeat softly, cuddling close to him.
“You’re a sweet girl.” He nuzzles his nose into your head and caresses your hair. “A good girl…” 
Leon hums quietly and his hand starts to wander along your side and up towards your chest. “And beautiful, too. Can't believe I got so lucky, baby.”
You giggle softly at that, tail wagging just a little bit faster as you press your chest into his hand, shivering as his thumb brushes your sensitive nipple over your shirt.
“D'you wanna play with me, daddy?” You ask softly, trying to press as close to him as possible. Your hips start moving on their own, rutting your aching pussy against the hard muscle of his thigh. You bury your face in his neck, inhaling his scent deeply. He always smells so good when he gets back from work, sweat clinging to his skin. 
“I just got back, baby. What's got you so worked up, huh?” He teases softly, grabbing your hips and adjusting them so you're grinding down onto his steadily hardening cock over his pants instead. He groans softly, reaching around to pet the base of your sensitive tail.
That gets a twitch and a whine from you, making the corner of his mouth tug up into a lazy smile. He rocks his hips up into you until he's fully hard and leaking.
“Alright, alright. C'mon, puppy. Let's get you to bed.” He grunts, trying to act like he isn't as desperate as you. His voice is low and gravelly, brows furrowed in concentration as he lifts you up, carrying you to the bedroom.
He plops you down on the bed, kicking his shoes off and pulling off his jacket. His hands roam your body, tugging off your clothes as he runs his palms along your curves. His eyes take you I'm greedily, his hands working to undress himself instantly.
“Fuck.” He groans as you shift on your hands and knees, ass up in the air as soon as you see his cock. His cock twitches, pre-cum leaking and staining his stomach. “Always so eager…”
All he gets is a whine and an ass wiggle in response. You lift your tail straight up, presenting your glistening pussy for his hungry eyes. “Daddy, please…”
“Yeah, yeah. I got you.” He murmurs, settling between your legs. He runs the pads of two fingers between your glistening folds, dragging them from your clit to your entrance, gathering the slick dripping from you before pushing them inside.
He thrusts them in and out a few times, letting you get used to the intrusion. Not that you need it - your pussy is always so drippy, sucking him in greedily every chance it gets. He curls his fingers, earning a low moan from you, your cute ears pressing firmly against your head.
“That's it.” He coos, repeating the action every time his fingers are half buried inside of you. “There's my good girl. You want my cock, don't you, sweet thing?”
All you can manage is to babble please repeatedly, already so desperate for him. He's not sure how he ever managed without you. You always make him feel so wanted, and not just when he's buried balls deep inside of you. It's nice. Makes an unfamiliar warmth build in his chest, something he hasn't felt since he was still a bright-eyed kid in the police academy.
“Don't worry, baby, I got what you need.” He says softly, pulling his fingers out of you and rubbing your juices onto the sheets before grabbing your hips. His breath hitches as he slides his length into your tight heat, his head tilting back in pleasure before he lets out a low moan.
He leans over you, pressing some of his weight against you as he starts to thrust slow and deep. He presses his lips to the back of your neck before leaning back, his thrusts picking up in pace.
“Such a pretty puppy.” He groans, gripping your tail to pull you back against him every time he fucks into you. The room is filled with your needy moans and the sounds of your sloppy pussy.
“Daddy…” you whine, drool spilling past your lips and onto the pillow your face is smashed against. He can feel you tightening around him, so he knows you're close. He adjusts his angle slightly so he rubs up against that sweet spot that makes you see stars every time he pushes in.
“C'mon, cum for me, pretty girl.” He grunts, hand tightening on your tail as the other slides up from your hip to your waist, giving him more leverage ti rock you back onto his cock.
“Fuck, daddy… cummin’!” You moan, your walls clenching so tight around him you almost push him out. He presses his hips against your ass and thrusts shallowly, keeping him buried deep inside of you as his tip grinds against your cervix.
His mouth hangs open as he feels you gushing all over him, his breath caught in his throat as his cock jumps and kicks against your cervix, the feeling of your pussy fluttering around him making him shoot ropes of his cum deep inside of you.
You whine softly again, slumping against the crumpled sheets. His breathing is slightly heavy as he drops his weight on you, pressing you against the bed.
You grunt at the feeling of him dropping on top of you, wriggling yourself free with a soft huff. You cuddle up to him after, ignoring the feeling of his cum leaking down your thighs. You give him a few locks to his stubble cheeks before cuddling up to him with a smile.
“Sleepy.” You huff softly, nuzzling into his neck with a content sigh, your eyes fluttering shut. He lazily wraps an arm around you, tugging you closer to him and petting your back.
“I bet. C'mon, baby. Think we deserve a nap.” He murmurs, kissing your forehead before letting his eyes shut, too.
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r0-boat · 5 months
*clears throat* PUPPY! *chases Naberius*
(I'm sorry I'm a white girl who has no fear about petting the big puppy)
The funny thing is that he would enjoy it ;)
Naberius general headcanons
His defeat growl gave me chills.
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Has different levels of his form!
10% : ears and tail with fangs, they tend to pop up when he is excited.
50%: most werewolf like, Naberius can somewhat control it. He's just more animalistic.
100%: Run! He is no longer in control usually happens when his emotions are at his highest. Extreme anger/extreme sadness ETC.
Clingy, however he doesn't really like to show it. I'll follow you like a lost puppy to any room you walk in. Desperately wants your attention, your touch, even though he's trying to be professional, but you make it so hard.
He'll do anything, get you anything, He is completely loyal, hoping for your praise, your affection. Sitri hates him, calls him your lap dog. As if he also isn't as eager to serve as Naberius is.
Protective. He'll watch you chatting with other devils. He has told you before that some devils aren't as nice as the ones you've met before, but he doesn't want to stop you from hanging out with anyone you choose. However, he will not hesitate in beating The shit out of any devil that harms as much as a little hair on your head.
*Nabs pissed off and chewing out a devil*
Mc: "who's a good boy!"
Nabs: "Mc! Not now..." *He rolls his eyes unaware that His tail is wagging*
He's usually calm and collected, but once he's worked up, it's hard to calm down. Amon and Bael quickly realized that Naberius, in his Titan form, seemed to stop in his tracks when he sees you; the beast that was knocking buildings and setting everything ablaze with fire breath now sitting idly, His three tails wagging happily, nuzzling you with their big noses.
Raw and primal, that's how he thinks sex should be. He can't tell you how many times he has daydreamed about taking you doggy sinking his fangs and claws into you while he knots you. Whimpering, to fill you with his pups. His tail wagging back and for as he humps into your squeezing walls despite to milk every last drop of his seed inside you.
Naberius is just as filthy and wild as he is refined and professional. So eager to turn into a mindless beast ripping off his and your clothes and breed you, make you his mate.
To make him submit to you you'll need to overwhelm and overpower him. Collar and leash him. Make sure the collar and the leash is strong enough so it doesn't break when he shifts.
His were hellhound body is so much bigger than yours. It's not as large as his Titan version, where he towers over buildings. But it's enough to tower over you. To encase you in his arms to hold you down while he mates with you.
Nothing gets him off more than letting him chase you down; nothing gets him harder than the thrill of the hunt. Looking at you with pure hunger in his eyes as it gives you a 1-minute head start. Don't worry; His nose is extra sensitive. He could sniff you out of any hiding spot; he has memorized your delicious scent. He could feel his cock hardening when he saw you from the bushes, helpless prey, vigilant, delicious prey. He hopes you run when you see him, Even though he could outspeed you. Run and fight him till your lungs and legs give out for Naberius to tackle you down onto the ground. And he wants you to fight back, claw and bite, Kick and hit, fight to escape, or fight for dominance. He'll try his hardest to hold deep down, rip your clothes off, and fuck you good until you obey. Take you to his balls are empty, and you are both spent
He is an intelligent, demon with a lot of responsibilities. Despite his powerful position, He craves nothing more than sometimes to become your mindless little fuck pet, his only job being to serve you.
He has ruts; they're so bad if he doesn't knot some tight hole soon, His control will slip, and he will turn into a rampaging beast. He tries to lock himself away. Anyway, he can keep it at bay as much as he wants to slip and become a mindless animal. He knows how much damage he'll cause to the entire kingdom. But now that you're here, his ruts are more enjoyable. Addicted to your scent and the taste of your sweet skin, His body is practically glued to yours, nuzzling his nose into your neck, begging for you to be alone with him. Begging for you to be underneath him, begging for you to let him stick his cock inside you and knot you. He is addicted to the feeling of himself pushing inside you one last time for his knot to lock itself deep inside, with the head of his cock nuzzling against your deepest parts before emptying his balls inside you.
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yawntutsyip · 2 years
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(Ao’nung x Fem! MetkayinaReader)
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warnings: (y/n) is described as female
context: young Ao’nung meets the shy daughter of the Olo’eyktan from a neighboring village and finds himself developing a little crush. Ao’nung and (Y/N) are about 7 and 8 years old.
AN: uhahahahaha yeah this isn’t proof read at all. So apologies if it’s kinda all over(?)
part two
Young love:
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“Ao’nung, this is (Y/N)” Tonowari introduces his son to the little girl.
Ao’nung awkwardly waves looked at the girl who had stayed hidden behind her own fathers legs.
“…hello there” he says softly noticing the girl was shy.
The girls father scooted to the side and lightly nudged his daughter forward gesturing her to greet the boy back.
She stares up at her father with scared eyes shaking her head no but her father only looked at her with a gentle gaze silently pleading for her to do so.
Getting the hint she looks down playing her her hands introducing herself quietly. “hi…Ao’nung…I’m (Y/N)” a soft voice reached all their ears.
As soon as Ao’nung heard the angelic voice his ears visibly twitch and perk up hearing his name leave her lips. Heat rushed to his cheeks as he couldn’t stop the smile reaching his face.
“Hi (Y/N)!” He greets again with his tail wagging behind him at the little girl standing in front.
The two men laugh watching their children interact with another. “Ao’nung why don’t you take (Y/N) to go play while me and Ta'unui talk about some adult stuff.”
“okay, come on (Y/N) we can go to hang out by the water” Ao’nung takes a few steps before stopping waiting for her to follow.
“sempu… I’m scared” the little girl mumbles holding on to her fathers hand tightly while looking up at him not wanting to leave his side as this was a whole new place to her.
Ta'unui gave his daughter a reassuring smile before grabbing her hand and bringing her to Ao’nung placing her hand in the boys.
“There’s no need to be scared, if anything happens Ao’nung will be there to protect you. Right Ao’nung?” Ta'unui looks at Ao’nung.
Ao’nung gently gripped (Y/N)��s hand smiling at her before looking at the two older men puffing his chest out standing straight. “Of course I will, I am the future Olo’eyktan.”
“Atta’ boy, now go on. We will call you when you can come back. Maybe show (Y/N) around the village yeah?” Tonowari says proudly with a thumbs up.
“Of course father, Come on let’s go (Y/N)” Ao’nung says pulling her along as they leave to go walk around the village.
“This is where the village holds their trading, you can trade your baskets or jewelry for fruit and fish and the other way around” He gestures to the items that were out.
(Y/N) shyly looks at him and then around staring at all the items that were laid on a mat for display. A shiny shell catches her eye and Ao’nung who was watching her the whole time notices and trails over to where she was looking at.
“Do you like that shell?” He asks as he walks them closer to take a better look. (Y/N) doesn’t say anything by stare in awe. He knew she wanted it when he saw a twinkle in her eye, It was a white colored shell with a tan pattern across it. (Kinda like his mothers ;) )
Ao’nung knew not to take her quietness as rude, from what he observed she was very shy are rarely talked from being nervous so it was just how she was.
Ao’nung smiles and keeps it in mind before asking if she wanted to go look at other stuff. She smiled and nodded her head.
While (Y/N) was distracted Ao’nung had asked one of the aunties for a flower saying he would trade them some fish that he’ll catch later but they shook their head and gave it to him for free.
Being the Olo’eyktan sometimes had its perks. He called the girls name to get her attention.
“I got you this flower.” Ao’nung shows her while her eyes lit up at the sight of it. His face once again heating up.
Ao’nung smiles and bring his hand on the bottom of her chin making her look up at him and puts the flower behind her ear.
He watches her face as it started to cover with a purple hue, she smiles at Ao’nung. “Thank you Ao’nung”
Oh how he wished to hear her voice more, it was like music to his ears.
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As it got late they both made it back to Ao’nung’s Marui, where their fathers stayed, still hand in hand.
“Just in time, I was about to send someone out to get you guys” Tonowari opens the door letting them in.
(Y/N) let’s go of Ao’nung’s hand before running up to her dad hugging his hip and pointing to the flower behind her ear.
A small pout fell on his face as he looked at his now empty hand. He wanted to hold her hand for longer, he wanted her to stay by his side.
“Hey ‘itetsyìp did you have fun with Ao’nung?” Ta'unui asks his daughter while hugging her back.
“Oh did he get you this flower to you as well?” (Y/N) grinning brightly nodded her head up and down with excitement.
“He did! Isn’t it so pretty sempu!” She looks at Ao’nung making eye contact and smiles with him reciprocating the action.
A second later they were all interrupted by presence at the door. It was a lady, she looked familiar to the little girl but she couldn’t exactly pin point where she saw her before.
“Sorry for interrupting Olo’eyktan’s , Ao’nung here’s the gift you requested me to make. I hope you like it” the woman gives him an item that was wrapped up in cloth and takes her leave saying goodbye.
The two men and little girl stare at the young boy confused as to what was wrapped up.
“It’s actually a gift for you, (Y/N)..I had her make you something special..” Ao’nung says while walking over to her handing out the gift.
(Y/N) looks up at her dad and he nods motioning his head towards it. She walks forward and shyly takes it.
As (Y/N) unwraps the cloth a gasp fell from her lips as she saw what was inside. It was a necklace with different pearls and beads with the shell she was looking at earlier in the middle. That’s where she recognized the lady from.
“Ao’nung!” She runs up the boy and wraps her arms around his waist giving him a big hug. “This is the best gift ever! Thank you so much! I love it!”
“Of course, I saw how much you liked it so I just had to get it for you. Here let me put it on you”
He grabs the necklace out of her hands and waits as she turns around holding her hair up so he could put it on.
“Thank you Ao’nung that was very kind of you to give that to her” Ta'unui pats the boys head nodding in approval.
“But I’m afraid it’s time for us to leave, we have to get back to our village before your mom skins me alive for being late.”
The two kids frown in sadness. “Don’t worry you’ll get to see each other very soon” Tonowari say while putting a hand on Ao’nungs shoulder.
“Thank you for your time, May we meet again” The fathers give their goodbyes as the kids do the same.
And with that Tonowari and Ao’nung watch as (Y/N) and her father get on their skimwing and ilu and swim off.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
No One Left Behind
Xaden Riorson x f!Reader
A/n: I know the book has only been out for a few months but I was hoping there would be more FW fics. Xaden is my new favorite book bf so there might be more of these fics coming in the future. My requests are open so feel free to request any SJM or Fourth Wing character
Warnings: a few swear words lol
As the squad landed back in the flight field Xaden searched for your dragon, Cadmus, who was seemingly missing from the group. His brow furrows and heart rate starts to pick up. You just had to be a little behind, right? No that wasn’t like you, your speed was building and you were a faster flier than most in the squad.
Lately, Xaden had been taking the time to fly with each individual squad in Fourth Wing to make sure everyone was prepared for War Games. He didn’t want to leave anything to chance.
He dismounts Sgaeyl as Liam dismounts Deigh. Xaden shoots Liam a confused, angry look as to say ‘where is she?’ Liam shrugs looking around as if he could see you when Xaden couldn’t. His attention is ripped from his search for you when he hears laughter from the back of the group. Amon. And his stupid lackeys.
As soon as Xaden heard that little shits laugh he knew Amon had something to do with you not making it back to the flight field with the rest of the squad. Fury took over his entire body as he started stalking over to the boys. It took all of his restraint to keep his shadows reined in, so they wouldn’t strangle Amon. One of them had the sense to look uneasy about the whole situation as Xaden got closer.
Once Amon was within arms reach Xaden grabbed the fucker by the front of his flight jacket. Fuming, Xaden growled out, “You have one chance, just the one, to tell me where she is.” “I’m not sure-“ He raised his voice so the squad could hear, “As wingleader I’m giving you one shot! Cadet!” He spits out the last part emphasizing how below him Amon is.
“Y/n isn’t very good at evasive maneuvers,” the little shit had the audacity to smirk, “so I thought I’d help her practice. Gotta work on those rolls.” Xaden was fuming as he pushed Amon backwards into the two boys behind him. He pivoted on his heel, walking quickly back to Sgaeyl so he could fly back out to find you.
As he mounted Sgaeyl his mind was racing with all the horrible what ifs. What if you had fallen off Cadmus? What if Cadmus lost control and crashed, killing you both? No, he couldn’t think like that. It helps nothing if he thinks of the negative.
Flying fast and low over the vast mountains and forest of Basgiath, both Xaden and Sgaeyl were on the hunt for you.
After 20 minutes Xaden spotted Cadmus running through a break in a canopy of trees. “Down there!” He shouted to Sgaeyl. She swooped down into a clearing as Cadmus turned around. Xaden noticed you weren’t in the saddle. But, it seemed as though Cadmus was smiling and wagging his tail back and forth like a dog. It was then that Xaden saw the medium sized tree branch between his jaws.
“He says she’s a few feet behind us sitting under a tree. She is unharmed. Stupid dog.” Sgaeyl says only for Xaden to hear. He jumped from her scaly blue back clumsily, like he was dismounting for the first time.
“Y/N!” He yelled, voice echoing across the forest. He broke into a jog, finally seeing you exactly where Sgaeyl said you were. You were about to rise up from your shady spot when you saw Xaden come into view. He tilts his head back and lets out an exasperated sigh, with his hands on his hips.
He strides over to you. You look up at him, feigning innocence as he looks down at you. Annoyance contorting his perfect face, making the scar that cuts through his eyebrow crinkle in that cute way when he’s mad. “Are you serious? You had me scared shitless! I thought Amon killed you for gods sake!”
Guilt immediately rushed over your body. You didn’t mean to scare him like that. You just wanted to teach Amon a lesson to not fuck with you. “I didn’t mean to stay here this long, I’m sorry.” You stand taking his large hands off his hips and holding them in your tiny ones. “I was going to come back just a few minutes after the squad landed. Hopefully to you, Liam, Rhi, and Garrick scaring the shit out of him.”
Xaden leaned his forehead down to meet yours. “As funny as that would’ve been sweetheart, I’m going to ask you to never ever do something like this again.” You giggle, “I promise, baby. I’ll just have to think of something else.”
“You are going to be the death of me sweetheart.” He cups your face in both hands and leans in to kiss you. It was soft and sweet. You deepen the kiss and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. Before the kiss, and Xaden’s wandering hands, could go any farther you hear Cadmus huff and drop his tree branch.
Breaking apart Xaden shoots the red Daggertail, a look that would scare anyone. Lucky for you both Cadmus was unusually friendly for a dragon. He turns back to you, “So what’s the deal with him and the stick.” You purse your lips and look down sheepishly. “Fetch is his favorite game! Don’t judge.” You push his chest lightly. He grabs your wrist pulling you in for one more kiss before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“HEY!” You jokingly struggle against him. “Alright sweetheart, back on your dragon. We’ve been gone long enough and if Liam got to kill Amon before I could I’m gonna be pissed.” He puts you down next to Cadmus’ forelegs ruffling your hair.
You turn to give Cadmus an accusing look. “You were supposed to ask Deigh when they were almost back. What happened?” Cadmus huffs, “I forgot. In my defense, you were making fetch very fun this round.” He says in your head. You roll your eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get going, you overgrown dog.”
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this! I'm just v sleep deprived and having brain rot inspired by some things I saw in ur writing and thought it may be up ur alley. Also this brainrot thingy is mainly aimed at readers who have the ability to get pregnant so if that don't sit right with you feel free to ignore it or change aspects of it!
Hear me out right. A mix of the sex doll au and hybrid au (either fox or husky) for childe. But like in the doll au how he replaces components as a form of trying to live out the dad fantasy? Yeah that but in the hybrid au. Like reader is trying to rehabilitate this poor little baby fox kit/husky puppy that's really sickly and was abandoned. Childe basically looks at the reader playing nurse/mommy for this poor thing almost 24/7 (his attention is being deprived lol) and goes "oh yeah that little one is ours duh". He starts exhibiting protective dad behavior while simultaneously being like "look at how good of a job I can do".
Follow up to that the pup/kit either gets better and can be handed off to another conservationist who has other young hybrids and would do a better job at caring for them in a group environment with other hybrid kiddos so there's less of a risk of em becoming too domesticated. And reader is supper bummed out about it for a while bc all their attention was zoned in on this one really precious little one and now they've moved onto bigger pastures 🥲. Meanwhile childe sees this and is like "oh now I can both console my mate in their grief, I've proven I'm a capable partner, I can totally help them make new little ones!"
Take all of that inspo/brainstorming as u will. Also if you consider people submitting ideas as commissions I apologize for misunderstanding! Did not intend to overstep 🙇‍♀️
tw - implied violence, child neglect/abandonment, and obsessive behavior.
fjdkljdfksdj i think this would probably be more plausible with husky!childe, but something about this scenario with fox!childe is just,,,
it'd just be so sweet to watch him dote over the tiny, terrified kit one of your friends found shivering in a snowbank. you really aren't qualified to take care of such a young hybrid, but while you scramble to get a hold of a more experienced volunteer, childe picks up the slack. despite being old enough to walk, the poor thing barely leaves his arms. he handles their near-hourly feedings, modifies the ill-fitting clothes you pull out of storage to accommodate their tail and hind legs, even lets them crawl between you and him at night and violate his cardinal rule (no one else gets to so much as touch your bed except for him - an unspoken law that's resulted in more than a few bitten hands and bleeding guests). he does his best to put a dent in their never-ending energy, and when it's time for you to take over, he's never more than a few feet away, wagging his tail as you take the kit's temperature and try to convince them to swallow a few drops of medicine. and, when you finally contact a volunteer with a small shelter and a pack of orphaned kits, childe seems as happy as you are, rubbing his cheek against theirs as he tells them that they'll be home soon enough. it's sweet, even if fox-hybrid dynamics are, admittedly, a little lost on you. honestly, you're just relieved you'll be able to sleep through the night again.
at least, you're relieved until you get back from work the next day, until you find your door unlocked and your apartment wrecked, furniture overturned and rust-colored stains soaked into your carpeting. you find childe on the foot of your bed, bouncing a crying kit in his lap and gushing them quietly, but he doesn't look concerned. if anything, his posture is slack, the smile written across his face nothing short of ecstatic. he looks calm. he looks happy.
he looks like someone who only just found his way home.
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birdkatze · 6 months
"But werewolves aren't real?" || werewolf! 141 x werewolf! reader Part 5
Future pairings = poly 141 x reader
Chapter pairings = everyone but Ghost/reader
Words = 1.3k
[Chapter 4] --- [Chapter 6]
Summery: After moving out of the big city and into the forest, you meet some men that might have some awners about whats been causing your pain.
Explicit under the cut
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The creaking door causes Gaz and Soap to rouse slightly. You were still dead to the world and remained asleep in their arms. Both of the boys sandwiched you, keeping you warm and content as you slept, your arms wrapped around Soap as his head rested against your chest. Gaz was wrapped around your back, kola’d onto you with his face nestled against your neck.
Gaz tilted his head to the door and glared before closing his eyes again, already knowing from footsteps alone that Ghost and Price were here. Gaz didn’t get up, he was too comfortable and content to greet the two men. Ghost and Price were already on Gaz’s bad side and he didn’t feel very keen on forgiveness after last night.
The lingering scent of pain and sadness certainly didn’t help Price and Ghost’s case. The two men looked in, staring at Gaz, Soap, and you. They quietly walked down the stairs leaving the room the smell of guilt rolling off them. Closing his eyes, Gaz dozed back off happily.
Late in the morning, Soap started to wake up. His eyes looked around blearily, quietly grumbling  as he tried to fall back asleep. Then he caught the scent of Price and Ghost and sat up gently pulling away from the bed and quietly walking out of the room but before he could Gaz whisper shouted “Get some food goin’ and send Price and Ghost shopping..” before tucking his face against your shoulder again.
About 30 minutes later you started to rouse, yawning as you curled up against Gaz grumbling as the sun shined on your face.
“Duuuuuck” Gaz says in a soft sing-song voice “S’ time to get up..”
“Don’t wanna…” Whining you turn over to look at Gaz, unfortunately you felt too hot and didn’t have an ice pack in the bed. Pouting you mumble “fineee.” 
You and Gaz climb out of bed, “How do you want your eggs love?”
“I’m not a fan of eggs, um but I kinda like the kind with the runny center?” You look at Gaz unsure, you probably needed the protein but eggs just tasted bad in your opinion.
“What do you like for breakfasts?”
“Chocolate chip pancakes.” You admit feeling a bit embarrassed your favorite food was still chocolate chip pancakes.
 Nodding Gaz kissed your temple gently before walking out of the room in front of you and damn that ass. An odd anxiety passes over you as you stand alone in your room, the fact that Soap and Gaz weren’t in your sight was making you feel terrified.
As you went to the bathroom you tried to hurry through your skincare and peeing. You felt sick with fear as you finished up. Quickly putting on a robe you walk down stairs feeling drained and exhausted from last night and yesterday. You could have never predicted the events of yesterday. Jesus, werewolves being real? Four terribly attractive men waltzing into your life and all of them having the fattest asses known to mankind? The situation felt like a horrific fever dream.
Down stairs you find the other three, Price and Ghost sat at the table looking guilty. Soap was only covered by an apron, it was black had red ruffles and bows along the edges and straps. When Soap turned around to face you the apron read Don’t kiss the cook…Bend me over. Soap’s eyes lit up as soon as he saw you. If he had a tail it would have been wagging.
“Duck!” Smiling excitedly, Soap looked like he wanted to be right next to you and given the events of last night you also felt the same. “Your food is done!”
Sitting down at the table you smile at Soap preening under his care. It soothed the anxiety you had felt upstairs. He placed your food in front of you and it was chocolate chip pancakes! You look at it surprised, where had they gotten the stuff to make pancakes you hadn't had time to go to the store with how yesterday went.
“We got your groceries, Love” Price spoke up gently. He looked like a sad guilty puppy. It was shocking how Price and Ghost could look that way, both giant men who came off as unremorseful at first glance but now they looked like guilty puppies.
The glare Gaz kept shooting them was scathing. He looked so angry with them and was not afraid to make it clear. Gaz sat next to you and looked at you softly “Made them get ya the food on your list.”
You nod digging into your pancakes. Soap finishes up making breakfast for everyone fairly quickly, plating up the food and distributing it amongst the pack. Gaz’s plate looked scrumptious, everything looked perfect. Soap’s looked the same, the eggs were fluffy and the bacon was his and Gaz’s preferred crispness. Price and Ghost’s plates looked less than good, with the eggs looking flat and a bit burnt and the same with their bacon it was badly burnt. 
Breakfast was a quiet affair as everyone dug into their food. Surprisingly Ghost and Price cleared their plates, wolfing down the food quickly, so they didnt let it stay in their mouths long. 
After breakfast everyone went to the living room with Price and Ghost sitting on the floor and you, Gaz, and Soap sitting on the couch. Both of the men bracketed you, leaving you nestled between them. Gaz had slipped on some boxers at some point but Soap stayed naked looking fairly comfortable where he was.
 “What happened last night?” You ask confused looking at all of the men.
Gaz answered quickly “You dropped, happens when a pack or an alpha comes in and takes care of you and then leaves” Gaz glared at Price angrily, huffing “It’s rough and I’m sorry that you had to go through that, Duck, it wasn’t good of us to do that to you..” kissing you temple Gaz slowly mellows out a bit.
Looking at you sadly Soap rested his head on your shoulder, “It was a bad Duck, I’m glad we got there when we did…” 
Bristling Ghost and Price were starting to get frustrated. Ghost huffing angrily “Enough, we get it we should have stayed but fuckssake how were we supposed to know. We shouldn’t have had to take care of a stranger because contrary to either of your beliefs we don't owe Duck anything, you both disobeyed your head-alpha and now you are climbing all over this mingin’ slag! This is ridiculous!” Ghost looked at you with so much rage you shrunk into yourself, he said the nickname that Gaz had given you in a mocking voice, his teeth were bared and looked angry. Looming over you and the other two on the couch he growled “Th-”
Before he could start Gaz was on his feet and pushed Ghost back snarling at the alpha, “Step the fuck back Simon. You don’t understand and you won’t fucking listen, Duck is an omega can you get that through your thick fucking skull? Hmm? Do you not remember how I was when I joined you and Price? Fuck can you think before you speak, god you have no empathy or sympathy. Duck was in a dangerous sport-” Gaz frowned looking at Ghost betrayed and frustrated “God you are a shit alpha, go back to the den and figure your shit out because this is unreasonable and horrifying you freak” Gaz was shaking with anger “Look at Duck, their shaking! Can’t you smell the scent of fear, the smell of agony and sadness? No, no you can’t because you don’t actually want to listen! I can see why nobody wanted you as pack for so long. Get out!” Gaz pointed to the door enraged. 
Ghost chuffed “You three better ‘Give your 'ead a wobble and get back to the den tonight. I’ll be at the shop.” and stomped out, Slamming the sliding glass door. 
You were curled up shaking and looking terrified, Soap had pulled you onto his lap and had his arms wrapped around you. He reassured you softly, gently rocking you in an attempt to calm you down. 
Gaz sat back down and turned to Price “What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I'm sorry.”
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Happy soon to be birthday!!! I would love to see Finnas first words and I think it would be hilarious if his first words would be the dogs name instead of dada and Eris just loosing his mind lol
Baby traitor
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Pure tooth rotting fluff
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
Eris lay sprawled on the couch, his head propped up with a cushion while Ace lounged contentedly between his legs, snuggled into the warmth. In his arms, he cradled Finna, their eleven-month-old baby, who squirmed happily, his light hazel eyes that have a purple spark reflecting curiosity and joy. Eris couldn’t help but smile as he gazed down at his son’s strawberry brown hair, a perfect blend of his and Y/N’s features.
"Come on, little man," Eris coaxed gently, his voice filled with both encouragement and a playful challenge. "Say 'Dada'. Can you say 'Dada'?"
Finna blinked up at him, his tiny mouth moving wordlessly as if he were carefully considering his father’s request. Eris chuckled softly, his heart swelling with affection as he ran a hand through his son’s soft hair.
"You can do it," he continued, his tone infused with hopeful anticipation. "Dada."
Finna gurgled and babbled, his small hands waving excitedly. However, the coveted word remained elusive, and Eris couldn’t help but let out a mock sigh of frustration. Ace’s ears perked up at the sound, and the puppy lifted his head, looking between Eris and Finna as if curious about the commotion.
Eris shook his head in exaggerated exasperation. "Really, Finna? After all the sleepless nights and diaper changes, this is how you repay me?" He pouted playfully, causing Finna to giggle in response. The baby’s laughter was infectious, and Eris found himself chuckling despite his mock frustration.
"Alright, little troublemaker," Eris said, shifting his position slightly to get more comfortable. "Let’s try this again. Dada."
Finna’s babbling continued, and though there was no discernible "Dada" in the mix, his joyous noises filled the room with warmth. Eris pressed a gentle kiss to Finna’s forehead, his smile never fading.
"You’ll get it soon enough, little one," he murmured, his voice soft with love. "I know you will."
As Finna continued to babble and Ace settled back down, Eris leaned back into the couch, savoring the precious moment. He knew that one day, Finna would say "Dada," and until then, he was content to enjoy every laugh, every smile, and every babble from his beautiful son.
Ace perked up suddenly, ears twitching at the sound of the front door opening. With a joyful bark, he leapt off the couch, dashing towards the entrance with boundless energy. Eris watched him go, a smile playing on his lips as he heard the familiar sound of Y/N’s laughter filling the hallway.
Moments later, Y/N stepped into the living room, her arms laden with bags from the market. Ace circled her feet excitedly, his tail wagging furiously. She bent down to pat the puppy, her smile widening when she saw Eris and Finna on the couch.
“Well, look who’s home,” Eris greeted, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. “Did you get everything we needed?”
“Yes, and then some,” Y/N replied, setting the bags down on the table. She walked over to the couch, leaning down to give Eris a quick kiss before turning her attention to Finna. “And how’s my little man doing today? Still working on saying ‘Dada’?”
Eris sighed dramatically, shaking his head. “Still no ‘Dada’. I’m starting to think he’s just being stubborn.”
Y/N laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Oh, he’ll get there. He’s just saving it for a special moment.”
She reached out to take Finna from Eris’s arms, cradling the baby against her chest. Finna cooed happily, reaching up to grab a strand of her hair. Y/N winced playfully, gently detangling his tiny fingers.
“You hear that, Finna?” Eris said, leaning forward with a grin. “Mommy thinks you’re just being stubborn. I think she might be right.”
Finna gurgled in response, his eyes wide and bright as he looked between his parents. Y/N pressed a kiss to his cheek, her heart swelling with love.
“Why don’t you take a break, Eris?” she suggested, glancing back at him. “You’ve been working hard trying to get him to talk. Let me have a turn.”
Eris chuckled, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave you two to it.”
He watched as Y/N settled down on the couch with Finna, her voice soft and soothing as she spoke to him. Ace, having followed her back to the living room, jumped up beside them, resting his head on her lap.
Y/N settled comfortably on the couch with Finna in her lap, her voice soft and coaxing as she looked into his big, curious eyes. "Can you say 'Mama,' Finna? Say 'Mama.'"
Almost immediately, Finna’s tiny lips parted, and to their astonishment, he uttered, "Mama."
Y/N's jaw dropped in shock, her face lighting up with pure joy. "Oh my goodness! You said it! You said 'Mama'!" she exclaimed, showering the little boy with kisses. Finna giggled at the affection, his tiny hands reaching up to touch her face.
Eris stood there, playfully indignant, his arms crossed over his chest. "Well, isn't that just perfect?" he said, his tone mock-offended. "I've been trying for days to get him to say 'Dada,' and you walk in and get 'Mama' on the first try."
Y/N laughed, looking up at him with a teasing smile. "What can I say? He's a mama's boy."
Eris shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips despite his feigned annoyance. He walked over, leaning down to kiss Y/N on the forehead before ruffling Finna’s hair. "I guess I'll just have to try harder."
Finna looked up at him, his wide eyes sparkling with delight. Eris couldn’t stay upset, not when he saw how happy his son was. "Alright, buddy," he said, tickling Finna’s belly, "I’ll get you to say 'Dada' one of these days."
Y/N grinned, her eyes meeting Eris's with a look of pure contentment. "I'm sure you will, Eris. But for now, I’m just going to enjoy this moment."
As Eris sat down beside them, he wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling her close. "Fair enough," he said, smiling as Finna nestled into his mother’s embrace. "Fair enough."
That same evening, after Finna’s triumphant “mama,” Eris was determined to try again. The living room was cozy and warm, the fire casting a golden glow across the room. Eris sat on the plush rug with Finna, Ace sprawled out lazily beside them. Y/N watched from the couch, a knowing smile playing on her lips.
“Alright, little man, let’s give this another go,” Eris said, his voice filled with playful determination. He leaned closer to his son, his eyes soft with affection. “Can you say ‘dada’?”
Finna looked at him with wide, curious eyes. He babbled a few nonsensical sounds, his tiny mouth working as if he was trying to form the word. Eris encouraged him with a gentle smile, repeating the word slowly. “Dada.”
Finna’s gaze shifted to the dog lounging next to him. With a triumphant gleam in his eye, he opened his mouth and said, “Ace!”
Y/N burst into laughter, doubling over on the couch. “Oh my gods, Eris! He said the dog’s name before ‘dada’!” She laughed so hard that tears formed in her eyes, her shoulders shaking with mirth.
Eris stared at his son in mock offense, placing a dramatic hand on his chest. “Really? You’re going to say ‘Ace’ before ‘dada’? Traitor,” he teased, though his eyes sparkled with amusement.
Finna clapped his hands, delighted by the attention and laughter surrounding him. Y/N slid off the couch, joining them on the floor. She scooped Finna into her arms, peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses. “You’re a clever boy, aren’t you?” she cooed, still chuckling.
Eris watched them, his heart swelling with love for his little family. “Guess he’s a mama’s boy and a dog’s best friend,” he said, shaking his head with a grin. “I’ll get my ‘dada’ someday.”
Y/N leaned in and kissed him softly, her lips lingering on his. “He’ll say it soon enough,” she reassured him, her eyes shining with love. “But for now, let’s just enjoy our clever little boy and his first words.”
As they cuddled together on the floor, Ace wagging his tail happily, Eris knew that these moments were what truly mattered. No matter what words Finna said first, their family’s love and laughter would always come first. The warmth of the fire, the sound of Y/N’s laughter, and the sight of Finna’s bright, curious eyes made everything else fade into the background.
Later that night, as they lay in bed with Finna nestled between them, Eris whispered to Y/N, “Our little family is perfect, isn’t it?”
Y/N smiled, her eyes closing as she snuggled closer to him. “Yes, it is,” she murmured.
A/n: I originally wrote the fic but once I got the request I needed to mix some Ace in there!
Tagging some:
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forever-rogue · 2 years
with how much grogu wants a pet, can I request a cute story where reader is an animal/pet shelter owner that din meets on one of his longer pitstops.
they meet when grogu unintentionally helps catch one of the pets that got away from the shelter. din helps her out for as long as he’s there and persuaded by you (and a team up with his son) allows grogu to keep a pet which allows him to grow closer to you as he frequently calls you to ask question on how to take care of grogu’s new pet
thank you 💕 (and I also join in with the clownery 😂😭)
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AN | It’s been a while, but I’m glad to be back with the green bean and tin can 🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Din x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.8k
Masterlist | Din, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Lillia, don’t look at me like that,” you scratched the loth cat’s ear before giving her a playfully serious look, “you’ve had enough snacks to last a week.”
She made a sound of discontent and curled up in her little window seat, flicking her tail. You couldn’t help but laugh at her, she was always so sassy. You went around your shop, greeting all of your animals along the way and giving them each a special treat. You didn’t keep many pets in the shop, only a few that you’d found and rescued, waiting for the perfect person to come and adopt them.
“You’re looking extra colorful today Isa,” the small, bright blue and green bird-like creature chirped happily before jumping down from her perch and landing on your shoulder. You stroked her beak before holding up some seed to her, “a special little treat for you today.”
From across the shop you heard a small howl from Jado as he waited for you to greet him. You picked up a treat just for him. When the floppy eared and wrinkly hound saw you walk up, he wagged his tail a few times, a hard thump thump thumps on the tile floor. Crouching down you gave him a few pats before offering him the bone, “there you go, my best boy.”
Once you made your rounds to the rest of the animals, you went back to the front and propped the door open and flipped the sign in the window. It was a cool spring morning, and the streets were ready bustling with people. You liked that Anbediha; it was always so full of life with plenty of people coming and going. 
You expected that particular day to be just like any other day. You had no clue that it would somehow become one of the best days of your life. 
It all happened that afternoon when Sheiba, the small but sneaky little vulptex, had managed to outsmart (you’d never admit that though) you and sneak out of the shop. She was terribly sweet but also shy and you always worried about someone using that to take advantage of her.
“Oh no,” was the only thing that managed to get out as you looked at her empty and the open shop door. Normally she wasn’t a runner but she did enjoy the cool spring days and playing outside. Granted, you had promised to take her out later…later just hadn’t meant her going by herself. You quickly sprang into action though, not wanting anything to happen to one of your friends, “you guys stay here and keep an eye on the place and I’ll find Sheiba, okay?”
The rest of your small brood looked at you, blinking with wide eyes as you sighed softly. You hoped they understood what you were saying; they often seemed like they didn’t really know what you were saying but they definitely did. They often gave themselves away. 
You grabbed the keys and closed the shop, flipping the sign in the door to say back soon! before stepping into the street to begin your quest to find her. It was already busy out and your heart constricted at the idea that she could be scared, “alright, if I was a vulptex where would I go?”
She liked to play and run around on your nimble legs, so you figured the park was a logical place to look. You started to briskly walk over there, before deciding to just run instead. You weren’t even sure how long she’d been gone…all the possibilities…but no. You weren’t going to panic just yet. 
Much to your chagrin, she wasn’t at the park or in the surrounding area. You walked through the streets, calling out her name and hoping desperately that she’d just turn up. After over an hour of looking and you were still empty handed and ready to cry. You walked around to the food district, hoping that maybe she just wanted a snack. 
At first you didn’t see her, but when you felt like your heart couldn’t sink any lower, you heard it. She had a soft, sweet little bark and you’d know that sound anymore. 
“Sheiba?!” you started rushing towards the source of the sound, ready to fight if you needed to, “leave her alone!”
But…the situation you stumbled upon was entirely different than anything you had expected. You blinked a few times, almost as if trying to decide whether this was a dream or reality, “a Mandalorian?”
The man - or so you assumed - turned to look at you and you held each other’s gaze for a few moments before you heard a small cooing sound. You shifted your eyes away from the shiny Mandalorian to the Sheiba and found a small creature standing next to her. Relief flooded through your veins at the realization that she was okay, and then curiosity took over. 
You’d never seen anything like the small green creature before, with its sweet face, big ears, and little brown robe. It reached out up and gently patted Sheiba’s side, gurgling away happily; whatever he or she was, they were definitely a child of sorts. The vulptex turned to the creature and licked its face before wagging happily. 
“Is she yours?” the man’s voice, you’d been correct in your assumptions, cut through your thoughts as you turned back to him. He seemed so broad and intimidating but you could tell that he wasn’t going to hurt you. You nodded mutely before opening and closing your mouth a few times, “she was at the park but followed us. Wasn’t sure she had an owner.”
“I…it’s a long….you’re a Mandalorian?” you hadn’t meant to blurt out the question but you were so curious. You’d never seen one in person before and equated them to mostly myth and legend. You heard him make a small sound of amusement before he nodded.
“I am,” he confirmed as your face warmed up in embarrassment, “the kid, he’s my…Grogu…?”
“He’a Grogu?” you hadn’t heard of that species before. 
“No, his name is Grogu,” he explained as the kid you now knew was called Grogu chirped happily at him. You swore you could feel the man’s expression softening for him, “he’s my…kid.”
“Grogu,” you repeated softly as you waved at him, “it’s nice to meet you. And you too….?”
The man hesitated for a moment, shifting his weight between his feet almost as though he was weighing his options, “Din. Djarin. Din Djarin.”
“It’s nice to meet you Din Djarin,” you smiled softly before offering him your name, “Sheiba - she’s my vulptex. Well, I rescued her and she’s staying with me for now until she finds the perfect home. I kind of…rescue the strays and patch them up.”
“That’s kind of you,” he stated simply as you tried to shrug off the butterflies that had begun to flutter around in your stomach, “not many people do that.”
“Well, I’m just passing along the favor,” you couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like under the mask, not that you would ever ask, “looks like you did the same.”
“Just passing along the favor,” he repeated softly and you couldn’t help the smile that crossed your features. A few more moments passed in which Grogu played with Sheiba, who despite her shy nature seemed taken with him. You didn’t necessarily want to leave but you decided that staying would have been worse. You weren’t supposed to find yourself gravitating so much to someone you’d barely met, “I guess we should let you get back.”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed, feeling rooted into place and decidedly not wanting to go, “I should get back to my shop. Come on, Shei - say bye to Grogu.”
Her ears flattened as she looked over at her new little friend, not wanting to leave him just yet. Funny how you were both feeling the same way, but after giving him a few nudges with her nose, she walked around to you and stood at your side. You reached down and scratched her ears in what you hoped was a reassuring manner.
“Come on kid,” Grogu seemed just as disappointed as Din picked him up, “I know.”
“Umm, I don’t know if you’re just passing through or not but if he wants to see her again or say bye or something feel free to stop in,” were you doing this for her benefit or yours? Both. Both worked, “it’s the shop between 6th and main - you can’t miss it.”
“Thank you,” and oh. You really liked the sound of his voice.
“Thank you for looking out for her,” you held up your hand in a meek little parting wave, “b-bye.”
You turned around to walk away before he could say anything, already feeling the disappointment in saying goodbye set in. You’d never experienced that with anyone or anything before. You hated it.
“I know,” you could sense her disappointment too, “I know.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few days passed, this time without incident, before you saw Din and Grogu again. Truthfully you hadn’t been expecting to ever come across them again, but the pair practically burst into the shop. You were restocking some shelves and almost fell off your stepladder at the sudden commotion of Grogu and Sheiba seeing each other again.
But you didn’t fall or have to worry about any sort of injury because a strong pair of hands grabbed your waist. He set you back down, thoroughly planted on two feet again as you shared a look, “hello there.”
“Sorry for the…excitement,” he shrugged and you could sense that he was nervous, “he wanted to see his new friend again.”
And I wanted to see you. But he wasn’t about to say that just yet.
“Just in time,” you beamed at him and made his knees feel weak, “she’s been moping about for the last few days and I know it was because she was missing him.”
“There’s two peas in a pod,” he laughed, warm and rich and lovely, as he looked at the unlikely duo playing together, “never seen him so taken with anything before. Except frogs maybe…but that’s a whole other story.”
“I’d love to hear it sometime,” well then…your mouth was working faster than your brain and you wanted to wither away, “I just mean…if you’re planning on being around for a while or something. I dunno, I didn’t mean to…it’s just…you know what? I’m shutting up.”
“I’ll be here for a while.”
Apparently Din was going to be hanging out on Anbediha for some time. That was news to him as much as it was news to you. He hadn’t made any decisions until he’d seen your face light up when you mentioned wanting to hear the frog stories. And suddenly his mind was made up. 
“Oh,” you wondered if he was smiling back at you under the mask. He most definitely was, “that’s lovely, Din. I think you’ll really like the city and there’s so many things to do, and if you ever need a tour guide, I’d be more than happy to help.”
“Yeah?” you nodded eagerly, “I’d like that too.”
“And it’ll give Sheiba and Grogu a chance to hang out,” you looked over at the two of them and your heart melted. You could get used to the idea of having them in your life regularly, “and then you can tell me all those stories. I’m sure you’ve got plenty!”
“I do,” he agreed with a small chuckle, “plenty of those.”
“I think we’re going to be great friends, Din Djarin,” the small you offered him definitely made him want to be more than friends. 
“Me too,” he reached up over and touched your cheek with a gloved hand, causing pleasant shivers to run down your spine, “me too.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Turns out a while meant almost six months. It was much longer than he had anticipated, but he kept finding reasons to delay his leave, but he knew, and suspected that you knew as well, that you were the main reason. Not that either of you were complaining about that; your friendship had quickly blossomed and bloomed into more, more, more. 
Unfortunately, you were well used to the fact that the best things in life never seemed to last. You just hadn’t expected the reality of it all to come crashing down so far. 
“We have to leave in the morning,” he’d stated softly and you wondered if it was as hard on him as it was on you. It was. He sighed heavily, a trait you’d become accustomed to, “we won’t be for too long. I’m sorry.”
Or so he hopped. 
“Whatever are you sorry for?” you asked softly, “it’s not like we didn’t know this day wasn’t coming. You were supposed to leave a while ago and now it’s that time.”
“We’ll come back,” he fully intended on keeping that promise.
“Why?” you desperately wanted him to say it, “there’s no reason for that. You were just passing through.”
“We’ll be back,” he insisted firmly and that made your heart extremely happy, “I promise.”
“I’ll be here,” you promised in return, “I’m not going anymore.”
It was the small, sad sound that Grogu made that caught your attention as you and Din looked over at him and Sheiba. The two of them had become the best of friends and you knew that it would be hard for them to be apart. 
“I hate the idea that they’ll be apart,” Din mused quietly as you nodded, “I wish in a way that he could stay or she could come. They’re so attached.”
“Well, I know you’re not going to leave your kid behind,” you nudged him gently with your elbow, “and I don’t blame you. I know how close the two of you are after everything you’ve been through. But I have an idea.”
“Oh?” you could sense that he was raising an eyebrow at you, “tell me.”
“What if you took her with you?” you suggested; despite knowing you’d miss her like crazy it somehow felt like the right thing to do, “that way they’ll be happy and you’ll have to come back. Because I’ll want to see her again.”
“Just her?” he joked and you knew both the answer to that.
“Totally,” you blinked back a few tears that had welled up, “just her.”
“We’d make sure she comes back safe and sound,” he’d do anything in his power to keep Grogu and Sheiba safe. 
“Good,” you whispered, “I really want her back safe.”
“She’ll be back.”
“I know,” you couldn’t help yourself as you pulled him into a hug, armor and all, “come back safe, Din.”
He hugged you back and you could hear him sigh lightly, “soon.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been close to a year since they’d been gone. Not that you were counting or anything…you were totally counting. Despite them being gone, you’d still managed to get to talk to them regularly, especially when Din had questions about caring for Sheiba. Sometimes you thought he might have just been calling to ask some of his silly little questions as an excuse to talk to you. And that’s totally what he was doing, and he had no shame in that. He missed you way more than he ever thought he would. More than he ever thought was humanly possible.
But he’d promised you that he’d be back and he was a man of his word. And you wanted to believe him, even if you lost a little bit of hope day by day. 
Your hope was restored one random, stormy afternoon.
Business had been slow due to the weather and you’d only had a few customers stop in. You’d pretty much closed up shop for the day, but stopped when you heard the bell over the door twinkle. 
“Oh sorry, I’m closing,” you turned around to apologize but stopped at the sight of your newest customers. Before you could say anything else, you ran over to him and threw your arms around him without hesitation, “Din!”
You relaxed when you felt him hugging you back, unbothered by the layer of armor between the two of you. When you pulled back you found the small creatures at his feet, “Sheiba! Grogu!”
You crouched down and hugged the two of them. It felt so good to see them all, so right. It didn’t hit until now just how much you’d missed them. Terribly so. 
“I promised we’d be back,” it sounded like he was getting choked up as well, “and here we are. If you want us to be here, that is.”
“I do,” you insisted, “I really do.”
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madangel19 · 5 months
Mushy May Day 5: Animals
Skipping ahead to today's prompt from @forlorn-crows list which involves animals. I had the cutest idea for Mountain and Rain as soon as I saw it :D
Pairing: Mountain/Rain
Rating: Everyone
Word Count: 579
“Mountain!” Rain called out when he entered the greenhouse.
He had been looking all over for the earth ghoul for help with some chores, but he couldn’t find him anywhere, not even in the greenhouse where he often spent a lot of his time. How could he not find the much taller ghoul? He had to be somewhere. 
“Where is he?” The water ghoul grumbled, crossing his arms as he walked out of the greenhouse. 
He noticed the farm not too far away and caught the faint trace of the earth ghoul’s noticeable scent mixed in with the goats. He had to be there. 
Rain quickly made his way over to the farm where some siblings of sin were rushing around with towels and looking absolutely delighted. What was going on? 
“Oh! Are you looking for Mountain? He’s with Miss Marmalade. She just had triplets and Miss Bunny had her kids this morning. Twins!” Sister Helena chimed.
Ahh, Miss Marmalade was one of Mountain’s favorite goats. He had been talking a lot about her recently and how big she had gotten during her pregnancy. 
Rain went over to the stall where Miss Marmalade lived and saw Mountain sitting cross-legged inside. Miss Marmalade sat next to him, looking noticeably smaller and very tired. Mountain had a very small goat in his lap that was suckling from a bottle. Two more baby goats sat near Mountain, fast asleep. All three were pitch black like their mother. The earth ghoul purred, making the ground around him vibrate.
“You’re so strong like your mama, little one,” Mountain cooed, petting the goat’s head. He didn’t seem to notice Rain before the water ghoul cleared his throat. He grunted and looked back at him, grinning from ear to ear.
“Miss Marmalade finally gave birth. Her kids are amazing, Rain! Come sit,” he chimed, patting the space next to him. 
The chores needed to be done, but they could wait for a little bit. Rain opened the gate and went over to sit next to the taller ghoul. The little goat pulled away from the bottle and bleated at him, reminding Rain of a kit. 
“She said hello. Miss Bernadette, this is Rain. Rain, this is Miss Bernadette,” Mountain said, handing the bottle to Rain. The goat bleated again and moved to crawl into Rain’s lap, her little tail wagging nonstop as she looked up at him with hungry red eyes. 
“She likes you already,” Mountain chuckled.
“You sure? It could be from me holding the bottle,” Rain said, getting a better hold of the goat and letting her drink her milk.
“Nah, the other siblings tried feeding her, but she kept wiggling away until I came around. She likes you,” Mountain replied. 
“That’s good to hear,” Rain said, petting the goat. He looked over at the mother and the sleeping siblings and couldn’t help but smile. 
“They’re cute. No wonder you like it here,” he said.
“They’re good listeners and the goats love me the most,” Mountain said, petting the top of Miss Marmalade’s head. The mother goat bleated and nuzzled his hand. 
“How long before the kids start climbing on you?” Rain chuckled.
“Give it a few hours. They’ll be all over me, but I’ll be ready,” Mountain crowed, dusting off his shoulders. Rain’s smile grew as he remembered all the times newborn goats were climbing on Mountain whenever he was sitting or hunched over. He looked forward to seeing that happen again soon.
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