#but anyways happy friday? i am feeling like dog shit on the bottom of god's shoe today but i hope your day is going much better <3
politemagic · 8 days
Well, I admit that I have been Fantasizing about a life where I'm not there And everyone I ever loved felt not a single ounce of inconvenience Nobody cares
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
All My Sins - Chapter 16
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Pairing: priest!Cas x demon!Dean 
Summary: Things are getting really bad for our desperate lovers. How the hell are they supposed to fight these hellhounds, including the one demon that is left? Everything is falling apart...
Warnings: sweet aaaaaand terrifying ANGST, lots of blood, the strong violence continues once more...XD
Words: about 1200
A/N: I`M BACK OMG AHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D I know that I left you at a horrible cliffhanger last chapter and I'm so sorry for that. XD I just needed to take a break. ;) But now everything is coming back together, and I'm heading in a great direction. I hope you forgive me haha, and I'm sending tons of hugs your way once more! <3 Soooo, another chapter of sweet torture. *evil laughter* They almost made it through, don't worry. XD From now on I will update normally, so every Friday. I love u guys! <3
PS: I know that there are three hellhounds in the gif, but only two in the fic. But the gif captures this chapter perfectly, so...we have to deal with that XD
Catch up here ( Masterlist ) :D
I hope you`ll like it! Enjoy! Aaaaand let me know what you think! <3
Dean Winchester closes his eyes. He inhales, deeply, followed by a slow exhale. He doesn't want to open them again. Ever. But he does anyway. Ready to fight. I have to. "What up, asshole?" he mutters, slowly walking backwards. The hellhound growls, low and terrifying. Dean's heart skips a beat and he stops breathing for a moment. Well shit. The hand, in which he still holds Meg's blade, starts to shake, uncontrollably. Suddenly, it seems small and unnecessary. It's way too small to beat the hounds of hell...I'm fucked. There are two of them, still just having a strange kind of staring contest with him - while growling and drooling onto the ground. They wait for me to make my next move. They want me to run away, want to hunt me down...want to feast on my flesh. Or not. In this exact moment, the bigger one of them crouches down, just to jump into Dean's direction, who cries out in surprise and attacks the monster in hurry. The young man even manages to stab the beast right into one of its red eyes. Black blood spills on his clothes, and he quickly makes a run for it, as the other hellhound begins to approach him too. The adrenaline, that pumped through his veins before, is suddenly just gone without a trace. Trembling fear takes its place. "CAS!" He doesn't even care anymore. Just wants to save the only thing he has left. I have to get him. What if the other demon already got to him. What - He can feel his throat getting all sore like he's about to cry. But he doesn't. There is no time. He just runs as fast as he can. Runs for his life. Once again. "CAAAAASSSS!" Am I that for away from the place where I lost him...? I don't even know anymore. Everything looks the same! Then he hears a familiar voice shouting in the distance, desperately. "DEAN!" Relief makes his muscles relax for a stupid second.                                                Cas is okay. And that's everything that matters. I wanted to get away - just to save him. But I can't do that. I need him. He needs me. I'm gonna - He is so happy to hear his love's voice that he suddenly forgets everything around him...and stumbles. He falls to the ground, tasting the dirt and mud with sudden brutality. "Fuck!" That's all he can say, but it's already too late. Suddenly, huge claws are everywhere, ripping him apart... He never felt that much pain in his whole life. But all he can think about is Castiel Novak, the man who did everything for him - until the very end. I just wish that I could say goodbye to him... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"CAAAAAAASSS!" Castiel hears Dean's scream and freezes, immediately. Keep running, idiot! He escalates again, even though he is more than just a little out of breath. Dean... "Angel...where did you go, honey?" the demon mocks way behind him. At least Cas managed to get some room between him and his enemy. Yay. His chest feels like his skin is getting ripped off, slowly, and it gets worse with every single step he takes. Nothing compared to the screams that he hears out of Dean's direction, though. He can't help it. "DEAN!" A few more meters...almost done... Every step takes an eternity. "Angel...I'm coming to get you! I'm gonna eat your heart!" the demon screams, his voice echoing through the dark trees. He is getting closer and closer...looks like he finally understood that he might actually lose Cas if he doesn't try harder. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" Oh no. Now he's getting angry. The priest opens his mouth again. "D - " In the moment, he hears the most terrifying scream he ever heard. Filled with unbelievable pain and sorrow...absolute despair. It makes his eyes water and his blood run icy cold. His limbs are numb, he just somehow stumbles forward. A few more steps, made like he's captured in a horrible trance of death and gore. Then he sees it. Them. Dean is lying on the ground, fighting against two horrible monsters. They look like big dogs...monstrous dogs. And they are literally ripping him into shreds. His clothes are nothing more than bloody materials without any shape, his chest is covered in claw marks. Blood is streaming out of several wounds. An hour ago, Dean Winchester had it all together somehow, even though the situation was that what you could call pure shit. But now he is screaming like...well, like he is getting skinned. Castiel is about to just pass out, but he fights it.                                     Dean...I'm...I have to do something! He sprints forward, tackling the biggest monster of them. He doesn't even think about it, not even a bloody second. Just does it. Recklessly. His mind has been shut off, to exhausted by all the traumatic things he had to go through during the last days...weeks. The priest collides with the living monstrosity. It hurts, god, it hurts so bad. Like he ran right against a stone wall. "C - Cas!" Then the other big dog hits him in the face, brutally. It smacks him to the ground - obviously, not before throwing him backwards against a tree to cause more damage to him. Castiel could swear that he just heard his spine break as his back collided with the hard wood. Now he lies on the ground, unable to move. I...I can't breathe. His face feels like it's on fire. He can't see anything. There is just a dark, disgusting red. Dean... Cas makes a weak attempt to get on his feet, or at least crawl away...but he doesn't make it. Before he can realise anything - or gain his sight back - two firm hands grab him, and pull him up, violently. He tries to get free, but the demon is way to strong for him to handle. Especially in this poor condition. "Gotcha!" the creature purrs, then the priest feels a sharp pain in his shoulder and screams. "And? How does it feel, huh? Actually, we wanted to kill you in front of Winchester, but things have changed, I guess. Let's just improve" the demon giggles, and turns the knife around that is sticking out of Castiel's flesh. The cut is deep. That's it. At least I tried. Tears are streaming down his face as he bites his bottom lip until he can taste his own blood. Then so it be.. At least Dean and I can be together when I'll join him in hell...
"Enough!" A firm voice, followed by a loud gun shot. Two shots. Three. Four. Five. Then the demon begins to scream, terrifyingly. He loses his grip, and the priest sinks to the ground, almost about to pass out. He blinks, trying his best to clear his sight. "D - Dean...?" he rasps. But it's an unfamiliar voice that answers. "He's badly hurt, but he's strong enough to make it. Don't worry. He's going to be okay. The hell are you guys doing out here?!" 
( A/N: Next chapter on Januray 24, 2020 <3 )
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That was chapter 16! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will ove you forever! <3
Tag lists are open!
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets​ @rebeloftheseas @ablavalba​ @smodernlife​ @ignis-glaciesque​ @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​ @xsghn @helpmeluci​ @trenchcoatsandfreckles​ @legendary-destiel​ @leahslovelyibrary
'All My Sins' Tags: @emodestielshipper​ @emumag​ @waywardtricksterangel​ @didntwanderstillgotlost​ @angel-e-v-a​ @too-old-for-fangirling-but-idc​ @justanotherfangirl511​
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dyaz-stories · 6 years
Ok so I have one for you! But I am stuck between, “Is that my shirt?” , “I really really like you” and “l want to marry you” Please send help! Lol 😂 InuKag obvi!! ❤️❤️
Oh my God I’m sorry this took so long? I don’t know I just haven’t been good at… writing… recently ;-; Thank you for sending this in and I hope you’ll enjoy! You get two for one ;)
College AU with some Mirsan on the side eheh.
Word count: 2,431
“I’msosorry, Miroku, this won’t happen again I promise…”
Kagome’sbest friend gave her his usual disarming smile, the one that made theladies swoon, and raised his hands in a calming gesture. “Noworries, Kags, you know I never mind having you here. Get in theshower, I’ll go grab you something to wear.”
Kagomenodded thankfully and took off her jacket, shivering. She mumbled anapology for the trail of water that she was leaving behind her, butMiroku didn’t exactly pay attention to it. Getting undressedquickly in his bathroom, she stepped in the shower and gratefullyopened the hot water, which flowed on her cold skin, finally fillingher with the warmth she had been craving for the past half hour.
Itwas a stupid mistake, really — she had forgotten her keys and herroommate wasn’t in town for the week-end, so she’d figured thatMiroku was the best choice, and she had walked to his place, in thecold, pouring rain. Once heat came back to her body, though, shealmost immediately found herself filled with doubts.
Noneof them had anything to do with Miroku. She had known him for…forever it seemed, and they always managed to have fun when they weretogether, as long as they weren’t talking conquests, because Kagomedidn’t always appreciate Miroku’s attitude towards women.
No,it had to with… Erm… Miroku’s roommate.
Himand Kagome had met quite a few times before. The first one had been… Ithad been bad.He had barely talked to her, just staring at her with a scowl, andhad walked away the second he’d had the chance. Miroku had laterlet her know that she looked alotlike his recent ex, who was his high-school sweetheart — things hadended poorly apparently.
Kagomewas willing to agree that it sucked, but shehadn’t done anything to him and just because he had the loveliestpuppy ears she had ever seen didn’t mean she was going to standbeing put in such a situation.
Sincethen, her relation with Inuyasha had been… weird. He had actuallybeen a lot more decent the second time they’d met, but then it washerturn to be annoyed at him. At least though, they had talkd this time.Mostly yelled, perhaps, but that was a conversation. Somewhat.
Ifit had only been that, though, Kagome wouldn’t have cared too muchabout being here. She was more than capable of ignoring assholes,thank you very much.
Theproblem with Inuyasha was precisely that he wasn’t an asshole.
Well,he wasn’t justan asshole anyway.
She’dran into him while she was with another close friend of hers,Jinenji, one of the kindest persons she knew. She didn’t know whohad been the most surprised to find out they were both friends withhim. She’d found out afterwards that Inuyasha had protected Jinenjifrom humans bullies at some point. This was the first time she lookedat him differently.
Afterthat, she’d started… noticing him a lot more. Noticing his goldeneyes, his long eyelashes, the way he put his long, silver-hair in amessy pony-tail most of the time and how it revealed his muscularshoulders and…
Andthey still fought a lot, actually, but things weren’t quite thesame.
Kagomewasn’t stupid, she knew what the whole thing was.
Thatwas exactly what made it terrifying.
Witha sigh, she walked out of the shower, slipping inside the clothesMiroku had prepared for her. She was grateful he’d preferred hisown clothes over those of the girls who often spent the night here,leaving them behind.
“Hey,”she called out as she walked into the living-room, “I waswondering… whatareyou doing?”
“Hm?Oh, I’m going out,” Miroku answered, putting on his coat. “Ihave a date tonight.”
“Butyou can’t…”
“Don’tworry, I’ll make sure we go to her place,” he said with a wink.
“Havefun Kags!”
Thedoor slammed behind him. She ran in the corridor, and discovered witha hiss that, despite his cool attitude, Miroku had chosen not tolinger around her, knowing fullwellthat she wouldn’t be happy, and was already running down thestairs.
Sheconsidered leaving, as she really, really did not want to be aroundInuyasha, but the simple thought of going back out in the rain madeher shake her head, and with a defeated sigh, she went back into theapartment.
Atthe bottom of the stairs, Miroku let out a relieved sigh and got hisphone out.
Then,an evil laugh escaped his lips. The ‘get ‘em together’ plan was going just fine.
Inuyashaeffortlessly climbed the stairs up to the apartment he shared withMiroku. His friend had warned him that he would be out by the time hearrived, and he couldn’t say he’d mind having some time alone.The week had been pretty fucking shitty — and it had nothing to dowith the fact that he was disappointed he hadn’t run into Kagomesince last Friday, nothing at all.
Heunlocked the door and stepped in, dropping his bag near the door. Hisear flicked when he heard footsteps in the apartment and he tensed,immediately getting ready to attack.
That’swhen Kagome entered his vision-field, looking all hesitant, swayingfrom one feet to another.
Hisbrain stopped working.
“Kag—What— Isthat my shirt?”
Hesaw her eyes widen as she looked down at the oversized, rather simpleblack shirt, and he noticed her frowning. He felt as though an icyhand had squeezed his heart. Was she mad…?
“Mirokugave it to me,” she said. “If you mind I can just go borrow oneof his, I—”
“No,it’s okay,” he replied, practically growling just at the thoughtof her in someone else’s clothes.
Miroku.That bastard. Wasn’t hethe one who had walked to him enthusiastically after one of hisdemonic studies class just one fucking week ago to tell him all abouthow dog-demons were so focused on scent that they felt territorialwhen it came to it? There was no way this was a coincidence. He wasgoing to murderhim.
Thatbeing said, he admitted to himself, he was kinda grateful for theview. She seemed to be wearing just shorts, which he expected werealso his, under the shirt. While it didn’t exactly underline hercurves, it left a lot to imagination, and still showing off her longlegs. Her hair were wet and pulled to one size of her head, lettingsmall droplets run on her neck and then underneath the shirt and to…
Hecleared his throat. Shit. He was staring.
“Whatare ya doing here?”
Hecursed himself silently when he noticed her wincing and looking awayin embarrassment. That had came out a lot more agressive than he’dmeant to. You could say it was pretty common for him, but he usuallywantedto come off as agressive.
“Longstory short, I forgot my keys this morning and Sango’s out of town,so I came here and Miroku let me in. I didn’t expect him to leaveme here though…”
Shesounded a bit resentful, and once more, Inuyasha felt the cold handaround his heart. Did she not want to be left here alone withhim?
“Areyou hungry?” he asked, trying to shake off the unpleasant feeling.His voice still sounded more gruff than he wanted it to but oh well,at least he was saying something nice.
“Iam,” Kagome answered, following him in the kitchen. “Do you needany help to cook something?”
Inuyashacouldn’t help the amused smirk that made its way on his lips. “Ithink I can prepare ramen just fine.”
Kagomerose an eyebrow, which he guessed was full of judgement, but hesimply glared at her, daring her to say anything. She didn’t,simply rolling her eyes and mumbling something like “Boys”.
Hejoined her in the living-room a few moments later with two steamingramen cups. The second he’d handed her hers, she was gulping itdown with an appetite that could rival his own — and he was ademon, so that was saying something.
Hesat down on the couch next to her, and maybe he moved to be a littlecloser than needed. She didn’t seem to notice, even though herknee, as she was sitting cross-legged, brushed against his thigh.
“Didn’tanyone feed you today?”
Kagomelooked up just enough for him to see her roll her eyes. “I’m justhungry.It happens to humans too, you know.”
Theamusement in her voice was obvious despite her annoyed act, andInuyasha felt a now familiar warmth spread in his chest, dissipatingthe previous cold. Their banter had become that friendly fairlyrecently, and it was unusual for him, to say the least. Miroku teasedhim, but it wasn’t all that reciprocal, and usually there was more…aggressiveness in his interactions with people. Even with his ex —Kikyo — things tended to be cold, if not downrightpassive-agressive.
“So,how was your day?” she asked casually between a few slurps ofmuch-needed ramen.
Hescoffed. “We’re doing small talk now?”
“Depends.Did something actually happen?”
Andthen, he had no idea why, but he actuallystarted telling her about that asshole of a wolf-demon who got on hisnerves, and about the phone-call with his brother that had reallymade his day shittier, and how he’d run into an old fox-demonfriend of his and he hadn’t been that mad anymore. Not only that,but Kagome was actually listening. It wasn’t about filling anawkward silence while they were eating. She responded to him, laughedwhen he got mad and started cursing, and even rested a comfortinghand on his arm when he mentioned his brother.
Hedid kinda snap and tell her he didn’t need her pity then, but she’djust shaken her head and told him that ‘it wasn’t about pity’.
Andher hand had stayed there. It was a bit warm from holding the ramencup, and her skin was smooth and soft.
Itfelt nice.
Whenhe stopped talking, he felt a bit ashamed for just how much he’djust shared with her. Part of him wanted to take it back, anotherpart feared that she would use it against him — it certainlywouldn’t be the first time.
Instead,she said “you really look like you need a hug.”
Hewould absolutely have protested if she hadn’t simply moved towardshim, wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him against hers, sothat his head rested in the crook of her neck.
Hedidn’t know what to process first. That she’d even donethat, or how warmshe was, or just how fucking goodshe smelled. Not just that, but the mix of his smell with hers, dueto her wearing his clothes, had even more of an effect on him. It wasabsolutely intoxicating.
Almostagainst his will, his arms moved to circle her waist, and he closedhis eyes, letting her warmth fill him.
Justfor a few seconds.
Ormaybe a few seconds more.
Finally,since she wasn’t letting go, he did, and she released her hold onhim as he carefully pulled away, his eyes immediately searching forhers.
Kagomewas just as confused as he was. Hugs weren’t a big deal for her,and she certainly hadn’t meant that one to be any different fromthe ones she gave to Sango or Miroku. But it wasdifferent. She didn’t know where this was going to lead.
Andthen, Inuyasha’s eyes stop looking into hers, moving down to herlips.
Hewas moving closer to her now, his eyes focused on her slightly partedlips, unable to think about anything except for her body stillslightly pressed against his, with one of his hands resting on herwaist, and the intoxicating smell coming from her. He wanted to kissher. He neededto. Now.
Hefroze instantly. His eyes went wide with fear of rejection, butmostly, fear of mockery. He knewthat if Kagome didn’t want him, it wouldn’t be because of hisblood, but he couldn’t help but thinkabout it. Her hand fisted his shirt, keeping him from putting morespace between them.
“It’sjust I… I really, really like you, Inuyasha,” she mumbled, and herealized that shefeared his rejection. “I want to make sure we’re… You know…On the same page.”
Ifhe could have, he would have teased her sofucking hardfor that. Maybe he would, later, or maybe he’d tell her how he’dnever have dared to dream for a taste of her lips, let alone arelationship. Now though, he was too overwhelmed for that.
Silently,he lifted her chin and kissed her intensely, his tongue sliding inher mouth and his fangs grazing softly against her lips. She seemedto melt in his arms, leaving her half-laying on top of him,breathless, her eyes shining with desire when he pulled away.
Hesmiled. It was half a smirk, half the sincerest expression ofhappiness she had ever seen on his face.
“Don’tworry. I really, really like ya too.”
“Doyou think they’re okay?” Sango asked.
Mirokuyawned and looked down at the young woman whose head was resting onhis chest while her fingers lazily traced circles on the arm he keptaround her.
“Ihope so. It would be really annoying if we had gone through all thatfor them notto finally…”
Sheslapped his arm lightly. “There’s no need to be gross,Miroku.” There was another silence during which Miroku’s smilesimply widened. He absolutely loved that woman. “But do you thinkthey will be mad at us?”
“Youmean, because you stole Kagome’s keys and I gave her Inuyasha’sclothes and we did that on a day we knew it would be raining? Ofcourse not.”
“Ithink you’re being a bit optimistic.”
“Mydear Sango, they’re each other’s one true love. They’d betterbe happy.”
“Ormaybe we could just never tell them we had anything to do with it.”
Therewas a silence, during which Miroku imagined exactly what the(hopefully) new couple would do to him if they ever found out. Heswallowed.
“Yeah.We could do that.”
Saw people on Discord saying Inuyasha needed a hug… And I agreed.
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neatcointricks · 6 years
Romance Novels
(A/N: I did not anticipate the love I got on the last one, thank you, kids. I’ll be tagging the sweet boys that asked to be tagged. Comment or reblog if you want me to tag you in the next one I guess?? Fanfic is so confusing, I’m trying to learn. Help your grandfather.)
This is technically a sequel to this but can totally be read on its own. 
Word Count: 1k+
Connor RK 800 x Gender Neutral Reader
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With a hard slam, your assortment of paperback books lands on your work desk. Even though the work day has only just started, your colleagues have had enough of your shit already and give you none of the attention you demand. 
Except for the one that matters. 
Surprisingly, Hank showed up earlier than you, which in itself is an offensive statement but considering on your way in he was mumbling “stupid androids breaking stupid windows running on fucking windows.” Means that you don’t have to give the old man credit. So you wouldn’t.
With this early time and Connor getting coffee for Hungover Hank, you have the perfect audience you need. 
“Hank, you won’t believe the night I had.” With that being the first time you spoke today, there’s far more exasperation in your voice than expected, but it fits.
Hank slowly blinks, and without hesitation exposes you to people that are not bothering to listen.
“Well, sometime past fucking midnight you left me a drunk voicemail screaming about how much you hate video mail because,” Doing air quotes and the worst impression of you possible, “’I am so fucking ugly, Hank, and the future expects me to just? Get hotter? For the better of humanity? I think the fuck not.’ And how excited you were about my ‘new dog’, so I have some guesses.”
You pause, you are still excited about your books and discoveries, but honestly drunk you brought up some excellent points you never thought of. That and though you hate to admit it, you forgot about this drunken voicemail and are extremely scared of checking your call history now. 
You breathe, “Okay, you’re somewhat close but not at all.”
Hank rubs his eyes in preparation, “Do I want to know?”
“Oh, you definitely want to hear none of the things I’m about to say but I’m not giving you that choice.” With your superior, younger, athletic skill, you grab Hank’s earphones and toss them under your desk. Now that you stand in the middle of the bullpen, you can’t help but walk and talk like your Sherlock, gesturing your hands wildly.
“So last night I was thinking about Connor, our new ally--”
“And how your first introduction to state of the art tech was by throwing yourself onto his table and screaming?”
You do a 180 twist, making you feel a little cooler, something you need after that statement. “Good guess but no, Fridays are ‘getting emotional over personal blunders’ nights, Wednesday nights are me time. And during this me time I thought about our new cool android friend. What do androids’ like? Is he actually programmed to like heavy metal? I had to know, so I went to what I assume is the only paper bookstore left in Detroit and bought everything I could find on androids.”
Hank opens and closes his mouth trying to find the right words, “I’m trying to find where this leads to drinking.”
Pointing at him and doing a voice reminiscent of an 80s’ show host, you yell out as you walk back to your desk with unbreaking eye contact, “Like the detective you are, reverse engineering! Well, I’ll answer your burning questions.”
Picking up the top stack of books from your desk you walk over to Hank’s and slam the books onto his desk.
“Hank, I hit a fucking goldmine.” Slowly craning your head downwards, you hold unbreaking level eye contact with the lieutenant.
“Based on your standards, I’m a little frightened about what that might mean,”
“Human. Android. Romance. Novels.”
“OH GOD! Come on man--no--what?”
“That’s what I said halfway through my second bottle of wine, it’s been a goddamn journey, Hank.” 
Hank rubbed his face in emotional anguish, “Why would you buy those?”
“Because if I didn’t no one else would! They were a small, niche, bottom shelf squadron and they needed to be in my home. It was a horrifying destiny.”
“What needed to be in your home, detective? Did you get a dog? I like dogs.”
You choke.
This beautiful, fish-eyed, two coffee holding piece of tech would kill you.
You were not going to tell your first and only android friend that you were reading android porn last night.
“They bought android porn.”
You twist back to the smug face of Hank, who enjoys, apparently, seeing the death in your eyes and the red slowly jumping further and further up your skin. 
You put your hands up in defence as if trying to calm a rabid dog when in reality it was just a very confused robot holding coffees.
“It’s so much better than you think--”
He squints, “The... porn?”
“NO! And listen it wasn’t even porn there was like hundreds of pages before it got juicy- There was so much foreplay to the foreplay.” You defend.
“You’re not really building yourself a great case here,” Hank said offhandedly, you flip him the bird.
You put your hands down and sigh, looking at your feet, “See, I wanted to get to know androids better so that I could accommodate you--”
“Accommodate me?” Connor tilts his head in confusion, his indicator blinking and spinning in a vibrant yellow.
“Well yeah, you’re the only android here that’s working in the bullpen. It must be a little uncomfortable to be the Lonewolf and with Gavin calling you a ‘tin can’--”
“SUCK A DICK!” Gavin yells from across the bullpen.
You turn your head quickly, “No need to yell your daily goals, sweetie!” You turn back to the neutral robot.
“--so I wanted you to feel more... At home?” You hesitate with each sentence, not knowing exactly what to say.
“Detective, that is kind of you, but I cannot feel discomfort--” You interrupt him with clenched fists.
“Yeah, that’s what the books said. I didn’t really like that approach though, so I moved on to the romance novels, they were less accurate in many ways, but better.” You look up, fists unclenched and smile brightly.
“It’s not like it matters anyway, these books don’t cover your type since you’re a prototype, but I have learned plenty of the RK-200 model in both a scientific and erotic way.” You step backwards to Hank’s desk and grab your books, walking back up to the RK-800.
“Since it seems books won’t help me, I guess I’ll just have to learn about you all on my own.” You beam at him, he gives you his perfect terrible smile. You have to tell him to work on it.
“I would like that, detective.”
You walk back to your desk, and he sits down at his, he would have to go over to hand you the coffee Connor made for you he realises, but Hank speaks up. 
“I’m-- Just get used to them, if you’re trying to analyze them or some shit don’t bother, they’re always this erratic and confusing.”
Connor stares at you, you kicking over your stack of books to the floor as Captain Fowler showed up, screaming,
Connor blinked, “Actually...”
“I quite like them.”
Next Part
(A/N: Skrt skrt hello fellow kids reblog/reply/or message me telling me you want to be tagged if you want to be tagged in the next one. I was very happy with the love I got on the last one, thank you for your support lads. Also, RK-200 is Markus’ model if you do not recall, ;{D thorst
Again, feel free to request smth, I’m not 100% sure if my ask works but if it does go Wild.)
@breaddokiddo @gorillazgirll @sparkedupsilver @marinettelafayette @sweet-fate
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kee-writestrashh · 6 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events…
Chapter 41: Eye of the Storm
"So lemme get this straight, your father in law wants to kill his son and use the child inside of you to be groomed to his liking?" Tyene said, setting her empty glass down and giving you a hard look.
"Yes. But what's more is that Walda is pregnant apparently. If she has a boy too my son will be no better off. Just another Ramsay in Roose's eyes. All three of us will be killed." You said, throat feeling tight as you struggled to get the words out.
"Then we have to strike first." Tyene said, as if it were that simple.
"No. We can't. You don't understand. Ramsay doesn't know! Nobody knows except you. And it will stay that way. Do you understand? Tell no one." You said with a threatening snarl.
"How and why are you keeping this from Ramsay?! Friday night showed me he would love to kill his father."
You sighed, pulling your phone toward you. "That's the problem though, Ty. Rams doesn't want to kill his father. He wants his father to love him. It's sad. Roose hates him, and all Ramsay wants is for his father to approve of him. Just once to praise him. A pat on the back. And I'm afraid that's what's going to happen. Roose is going to lure him into a sense of false security and kill him once he thinks his father fucking loves him. Ramsay is like a toddler. He acts out to get a reaction from Roose, no matter how negative. Any response is better than none, right?" You unlocked your phone, thinking you better tell your mother the 'good news'.
"What are you saying?" Tyene asked, leaning back into the couch.
"I'm saying that Ramsay is unstable and vulnerable because he's fucked up in the head! Watch. Roose is going to prey on all the mental instability he has instilled into his son. I cannot let that happen! We need to strike. But I can't afford it until he makes the first move. And the most unsettling part of that is it is unpredictable. It may be tonight. It may be next week. Hell, Roose may not do shit until his newest child is born. I don't know. But I need to be ready. I need more girls in Kings establishments. Fuck the Lannister's for now. I could care less about them. We are at war within our own ranks and nobody but us know. But the Boys are not to know anything."
"Your secret dies with me. And I plan on living many, many more years." Tyene said, holding her pinky out to you.
You gave a laugh and took her pinky in yours.
"So, where are the Boys now?" She asked, standing and grabbing up her empty glass.
You too rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen.
"Don't know really. On the way back here we passed that group of men from Friday night. Rams said they were Frey men. It's funny though... Kings, Lions, and the Towers. What an odd group to be dealing with one another..." You said slowly, looking back down at your phone.
[You: hey mom. Just wanted to let you know, you will be having a grandson come end of June.]
"I've only ever heard of the Frey's in passing. I don't know much about them?" Tyene said, sitting at the table as you set your phone on the counter and pulled the freezer open.
"The Boys talk shit about them. Apparently bottom of the barrel kind of folks. Inbred idiots who are only in the game because they come from old money." You glanced over at Tyene, "wanna stay for dinner?"
"Sure. If you don't mind. I'm stuck here until Matt gets back anyways." She shrugged.
You saw your phone screen light up. You picked it up:
[Mom: oh my goodness! Your father and I are both excited! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! We love you baby! Come see us soon.]
[You: alright momma. I'll see what I can do. I love you guys too!]
"Hey good looking, whatcha got cookin'?" Ramsay purred, grabbing your hips and pulling you back into him.
You melted into him with a grin.
"Thought I'd finally make that rack of ribs." You replied, motioning at the salad you had been cutting up, "and salad. And baked potatoes."
"Right on, little momma. Everything good here?" He said, releasing you and reaching for a glass tumbler.
"Far as I know." You shrugged, gasping as something pushed you into the counter slightly.
You looked down quickly to a pair a deep brown eyes, a wet black nose, and lolling pink tongue.
You shot Ramsay a dirty, disbelieving look.
"Rams. I told you, I'm too tired to keep up with a puppy." You said, kneeling down to love all over the puppy regardless.
"You keep bitching about how boring it is here. So I solved your problem." Ramsay shrugged, pouring his whiskey into the ice filled tumbler.
You rolled your eyes, but grinned anyways, "name?"
"Don't know. Fuck Head if he pukes in the floorboard again."
"Puppy!" Tyene said excitedly, walking in the kitchen. "Look at these ears!"
"See. Someone likes puppies at least." Ramsay sneered, leaving the kitchen.
"I'm naming him!" You called after your husband.
"Then I get to name our son. Choose wisely." Ramsay called back.
You pursed your lips, turning to the sink to wash your hands.
"Think if I choose a stupid enough name for the dog Ramsay will choose a decent name for our child?"
Tyene snorted, "no. He would do anything to get under your skin."
You sighed, "you're right. But as long as my son isn't named Kylo or Anakin, or... Han Solo."
"Nah, it would be more like Bruce or Clark. Maybe Steve or... what's Iron Man's name?" Tyene laughed.
"Tony." you said, curling your lip in distaste .
"See, Anakin Bolton sounds better than Tony Bolton in my opinion."
"You are not helping." You laughed.
"I'm here to keep secrets and do dirty deeds. Not help defend you against your husband's terrible choices in names." Tyene giggled, scooping up the puppy and leaving you alone in the kitchen.
Matt rested the side of his face on the table, "Can I just adopt you both so I can eat like this every day?"
"Sure. And you can move in and sleep in the spare bedroom right next to ours. You will love that. Right when you're little baby ass is so close to dreamland." Ramsay smirked.
Your cheeks warmed.
Matt snorted.
"Don't believe me, kid? I am a sex god."
Tyene caught your eye and you looked away quickly, embarrassment swallowing you as you stared at your hands in your lap.
"Boss, don't mean to interrupt your bragging, but we have a situation." Damon said, looking up from his phone. "Check your shit."
Ramsay pat himself down, casting around for his phone.
"Couch, dear." You said, frowning as the atmosphere in the room turned from cozy and happy to tense and on edge.
Ramsay left the kitchen in a hurry. You could hear him cursing in the other room.
He returned to the kitchen, lighting a cigarette and pulling his coat on.
"Let's go then, Boys. Looks like we're playing cop detail." Ramsay mumbled through his cigarette.
Matt, Damon, and Alyn rose from the table.
"Ben and Yellow Dick will meet us at the shop."
You frowned, watching the men scramble around to grab up coats and guns.
Ramsay placed a kiss to the top of your head, "I'll be back as quickly as I can. I love you."
"You boys be careful. I love you too." You said, watching them leave.
"Wonder what's going on?" Tyene asked.
"I'll ask Charlotte. Damon always had the scanner on." You said pulling your phone from your pocket.
[You: hey, what's going on? The Boys just left here in a hurry?]
"You go sit down and relax. I'll clean up the kitchen. You busted your ass to make dinner. Now it's my turn." Tyene said.
You simply nodded, realizing how tired you were. You walked into the living room, curling up under your blanket on the couch. A cold, wet nose nudging your hand tucked under the throw pillow.
You grinned, grabbing the remote and pulling the puppy up on the couch with you. He made himself as small as possible to lay with you. You dreaded how big he was going to be, judging by the size of his feet.
You flipped through TV channels. Your phone vibrated.
[Charlotte: no idea. I'm working tonight. I'll see what I can find out and let you know.]
[You: thank you! Oh, we are having a boy, btw.]
[Charlotte: awe! I'll be by tomorrow and you can tell me all about it. But give me about 20 to see if I can find out what's going on.]
You set your phone back down, scratching the puppy between the ears and closing your eyes.
After lying still for awhile you could feel the fluttering movements in your stomach.
My son. You thought with a small, sad smile, resting your hand on your belly.
"Uh... (y/n)?" Tyene's voice said from far away.
"Hm?" You hummed, opening your blearily eyes a bit
You blinked a few times and glanced over at the TV. You must of fallen asleep as the ten o'clock news was on.
It took you a moment to realize what you were looking at. But when it hit you, you couldn't help but make a noise in your throat, sitting up straight, scaring the puppy who yelped loudly.
The police station. Burning to the ground.
"Hold on folks... we are getting reports that Robb Stark, Ned Stark's son, has just been shot... oh... And his... oh god. Excuse us while we cut to a quick break. Stay tuned for more breaking news..." The news reporter was saying, his face pale and upset, pushing the earphone further in his ear to listen better.
You glanced over at Tyene and frantically felt around for your phone.
"Take the pup out back please." You said, finally closing your fingers around your phone.
2 new texts.
[Charlotte: not 100 on what's going on, but the Boys are safe. They are there as a bumper for whatever is going on. Not directly involved.]
[Rams: do not worry.]
You frowned, looking back at the TV, wishing the stupid truck commercial would hurry up and be over so you could find out exactly what was going on.
You sat on the edge of the couch, eyes glued to the TV.
Robb Stark dead. His poor girlfriend, dead. Doctor Cat, also dead. All three murdered in cold blood. According to the sources, the poor older woman watched her son and his woman die before she was finally killed.
Would that happen to You? Would you watch your husband die before the cold metal was turned on you?
What about the other Starks? Did Sansa know? What about your little street racer? Then there were the two youngest. Both boys. You knew nothing about them.
Where the fuck was Ramsay? Did he set the blaze to the police station? Who killed the Starks?
What a very weird, unsettling day. Seemed to be setting the mood for what was to come.
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Thursday Night (A Bemily One-Shot)
This is for @emilyjunk for making quality Bemily content and I wanna get back into writing…I have no clue what this flaming pile even is…it got real flaming’ at the end lmao lmao okie byeeeeee
For the past two months, Thursday night was officially Emily’s favorite night of the week.
It was the one night of the week that belonged solely to her…and her music…and Beca.
And not just for Bellas purposes or song writing purposes.
Thursday nights were meant especially for Emily and Beca to be together. The night off was spent usually in Emily’s dorm room with the two cuddled together in the freshman’s tiny twin bed, away from all the chaos and pressure of school, work, and Bella’s rehearsals. Nights were filled with soft conversation and stolen bites of each other’s meals, with their latest favorite songs playing quietly in the background. Thankfully Emily’s roommate had evening glasses and usually went away for the weekend, so they had the entire place to themselves – and none of the Bella’s usually bothered each other on these nights for school purposes and the knowledge that they’d spend the whole Friday afternoon together for rehearsals anyways. No interruptions, no distractions, just Emily and Beca alone to be themselves together.
“Please…” Emily pouted down at her older counterpart.
“Nuh uh…” Beca smirked, purposefully turning away from her…friend? Who she was secretly seeing less than platonically once a week?
“Please Beca…” Emily begged once again, this time pulling the older Bella by the waist so that the latter’s back was pressed into the freshman’s front.
“No way Em!” She fought her way out of the Legacy’s grasps but alas, Beca had the strength of a newly born doe compared to Emily.
This had been going on for a solid ten minutes now and was a regular occurrence on their Thursday night dates…hangouts. It wouldn’t be a Bemily Thursday night without a fight over the last bite of food. Tonight, it was a fight over the last eggroll from their Chinese takeout.
“But Beca! I paid this time!!” Emily whined as she continued to reach over for the eggroll. She couldn’t believe how difficult it was to do so, seeing how Emily’s arms are basically twice the size of the senior’s. But of course, Beca was stubborn and never shied away from a food fight.
“You didn’t even want them!” Beca argued. And that was a fact, Emily had insisted that she was only going to order enough for Beca to have because she wasn’t in the mood for them tonight. Of course, Emily was wrong. But Beca had just made it seem like she was eating the best egg roll in the world.
“But it looks good! Please Beca!” Emily pulled out the big guns and made her best puppy dog face. She sweetly batted her long lashes and the DJ had caved. It was Beca’s ultimate weakness and she was truthfully surprised Emily hadn’t pulled out that trick first. When a disgruntled groan traveled to Emily’s ears, she knew she had won. With hard eyes staring into Emily’s twinkling ones, Beca handed over her eggroll (but not without taking a bite of course).
Emily – who was completely unfazed – happily took the treat and began munching away. Beca – grumpy no more – shook her head at the happy girl…her girl? She would never admit it out loud, but Beca would give Emily anything she wanted in heartbeat just to see her happy. Over an eggroll, she rolled her eyes with a thought.
“Thanks babe.” Came Emily’s reply.
Beca’s eyes widened and before she knew it, Emily had placed a kiss on the corner of Beca’s mouth. The action had also caught the freshman by surprise and she immediately scooted back and fell off the bed.
“Oh my god!” She squealed before collecting herself; seconds later she was back on her bed next to Beca. The two sat speechless, a small gap between them created by their takeout containers, while coincidentally Fallingforyou by The 1975 played lowly from Emily’s speakers.
“I…I really like you Beca…” Emily said so quietly that Beca’s thoughts had almost kept her from hearing it. Beca’s heart was hammering in her ears and- oh my god am I gonna throw up?
What is happening?
What is happening?
What is happening?
What is happening?
What. Is. Happening?
“Beca…” Emily spoke up again, this time more timid and anxious as she rested her hand on Beca’s waist.
They were facing each other now, the 1975 still playing in the background, Emily’s teeth gnawing at her bottom lip while Beca’s eyes flittered around the room hoping to land somewhere other than the brown eyes she always found herself getting entranced by. Unfortunately, she had caught sight of Emily’s eyes turn down dejectedly due to Beca’s detached demeanor.
Fuck…sack up dude! Beca scolded herself.
She finally managed to snap out of her trance and focus back on Emily, placing her hand on the taller girl’s knee.
“You know I’m really weird about things like this Em…”
Oh god. Emily felt her chest clench up, not liking where the conversation was going. Luckily Beca had become an expert at reading the girl’s social ques and was quick to shut that thought down.
“Hey hey hey…relax Em…” The older girl encouraged, reaching up this time to cup Emily’s cheek. The Legacy immediately felt herself calm from just the contact.
“Remember when we were at the auto show and I had no freaking clue what I was saying to Komissar?”
Emily nodded, remembering the moment as how it happened perfectly. She was later asking Chloe what had just happened to her ever so collected captain and “Chlo said it was gay panic.” She said seriously and Beca could control the giggle that had escaped her lips.
“Yeah…Look Legacy…When I’m with you- god this sounds so cheesy and I feel really awkward but I’m trying and- fuck I’m really not good at this but- I – ugh- same.” She immediately groans because same? What the fuck? How lame can she be?
Emily giggles because yeah, that would be Beca’s reply. And suddenly the girl doesn’t feel as nervous if Beca did say she felt the same way.
“I’m sorry, I’m real shit at this Em…” Beca laughs at herself only slightly pathetically. With a shake of her head and a brush through Beca’s hair, Emily assures her that she’s doing alright.
“What I’m saying really contradicts the nonsense that’s coming out of my mouth right now…and its really corny – like movie theater popcorn corny – so I’m not used to this but…being with you, I know what to say and I don’t feel like word vomiting – wow that does not sound endearing or anything…fuck-“
“Beca!” Emily giggles and Beca feels herself relax when she’s being pulled into Emily’s arms.
“It’s…like this Em…”Beca says softly as she relaxes farther into Emily’s hold before toying with the rings on the girl’s fingers. Emily’s heart swells and like how Beca feels like this is really cliché but she likes it. “I never feel like I have to be someone I’m not when I’m with you. I can just be myself…and it makes me feel really…safe- oh my god can I stop now I feel really- I really like you Em.” Beca says now with more confidence as she turns in Emily’s lap, her legs straddling the younger girl’s torso.”
“I get it Beca…I feel the same way. And this…Us…I want this.” Beca feels on top of the world right now and the only thing that makes her feel like she’s not dreaming is the sensation of Emily’s hands lovingly running over her stomach above her top.
“Wow this is really- we’re really cheesy…Geez I’m really about to reconsider this relationship.” Beca jokes.
“Time to get used to it Beca. You’re stuck with me-” Emily smiles widely, her right hand bracing the back of Beca’s neck while the left cups her cheek
“I’m going in!” Emily giggles before bringing Beca’s face closer to hers.
“I can’t believe I’m dating the biggest dork on the planet.”
“Cutest dork on planet Eart-” Beca shakes her head and closes the gap between them, bring their lips together for a sweet kiss because she can’t handle not getting to kiss her cheeseball girlfriend any longer.
Read it here on Ao3
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