#destiel au series
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nightingale2004 · 2 months ago
Destial god au idea
Dean Winchester, god of the hunt, battle, war, and protection
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And his husband Castiel, the god of rebellion, protection, the guardian of mankind, and the messenger of the gods
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rosemariad · 2 months ago
did you ever think demon!Dean should have had more time on SPN?
I know I did. And if he's gonna be a demon, let his freak flag fly dammit! so we all know what that means
Part 7 of SPN: Roads Untaken - Book 7 - The Depths We Sink To
Read here on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61624714/chapters/157543039
Dean's run off with Crowley like in the show but we see more of that, perhaps that thing with the triplets Crowley talked about 🫨
But as much fun as he has (or not) with Crowley and others, it’s nothing compared to the sexy hijinks he gets up to with Castiel 😈 if you’re a fan of demon!Dean x angel Castiel, you’re gonna have fun 🤩
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Dean sleeping around but picture many other people under him that's not Anna (rip Anna, sorry your character got ruined on the show), Cas perhaps? Crowley 🤯?!
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Y’all are not ready!
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youchangedmedestiel · 8 months ago
If you haven't read it already:
Here's the first chapter of my Destiel AU fic! And here's the photo that goes with it (there'll be one for each chapter because I'm that insane and it's a great way for people who don't have the chance to do so to travel):
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Also just to let you know, I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 8 months ago
@leatafandom This is the third time I’ve tried to make this damned post. Lol! @staff (tumblr) keeps eating my post even though it tells me it is saving my draft. Anyway, here is my list.
Please feel free to ask any questions about any of the docs by file name either by comment, reblog, or ask. Thank you!
Winchesters A Life in the Hunter House
(Hades — Tartarus) The Empty’s Daughter
#99 prompt
#99.2 prompt
A Father’s Daughter
Alec M x Reader Crush
Alec x Reader 2
All around me 2.0 (Slow Burn)
Alpha Angel Cas x Omega!Witch!F! Reader
Alpha! Dean x Omega F!
Alpha Dr Castiel Alpha Dean sinus problems true mates
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion
Angst Reader Hurt/Comfort wHappy unexpected ending
Ao3 2023 Kinktober
Ao3 Romancing the Hunter
Ao3 Xmes Exchange Quicky 2023
Ask Request 2024-02-28 Beau x Reader
Ask Request 2024-05-31 Sam Wesson x Gabriel
Ask Request 2024-06-12 Billy Butcher x m/ftm
Ask Request 2024-06-13 Dean or Jensen x Older F! Reader
Ask Request 2024-06-29 Sam x Methos
Ask Request 2024-07-02 FicFacers 2024 (Oct due date)
AU - BDSM Dom Cas Switch/Dom Dean x Sub Fem
Bankers, Fairies, and Foreclosures, Oh my! (From @writing-prompt-s)
Being a sex god isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
Blood in Heaven and Hell - Alex Drabble - Making a boring chore a little more fun together
Blood in Heaven and Hell - Boredom WIP
Blood in Heaven and Hell - Disassociation 2
Blood in Heaven and Hell - Timestamp.2 Horror Movie
Burning Up
Destiel Date Night
Destiel Rabbit Moth Love Story
Domestic Destiel #? Glowy Angel seduction
Dragon Cas x Dean Plot (Giant and Pet meme)
Falling in love with Angel ORIGINAL
God-made Nephilim Rescues Castiel
Guardian of Humanity scene Drabble
Guardian of Humanity journal and scene
Ignoring the Alpha’s Voice
Ignoring Their Omega
Imagine Dean comes home after a bad day. (from @harmonity-vibes)
Nephilim of Stone
Post 15x19 DestielxAlex
Rough time with your mental illness 2.0 (from @imaginethatsupernatural )
Scent Out, Make Out
Sick Stubborn Reader x Angel Cas
Soldier Boy x Flirty Reader
Spn Fairy Tales: The Ugly Duckling, a Destiel story (inspired by @fledglinginatrenchcoat-blog)
Spn poly Drabble 2023-08-30
Sugar Daddy Horseman Death x Lucifer
Tell Me No Lies
Tell Me No Lies 2.0 (Nightingale Witch)
The Angel’s Mate 2.0
The Fluffstiel Bang 2024 — Story
The Fluffstiel Bang 2024 — Story 2.0
The Omega
The Packless, no longer less —Bad Day (Becoming the Pack Alpha's Mate)
The Packless, no longer less SERIES
They don’t know when to quit
Trigger Warning
True Mate A/B/O DestielxAfab
Two Men and the Virgin
Warming Him Up
Winchester!Sister x Castiel
I’m gonna go a step beyond because I can. I am going to advise WIPs in my TUMBLR DRAFTS too. This will include the date, title or inspiration, and pairing if I have one.
Jul 2 - Moth to A Flame, Soldier Boy x F!Reader
Feb 29 - “Could you tell me another story while we drive to our destination, (Y/N)?” from @imaginethatsupernatural
Aug 20, 2022 - Angel!Castiel x Hunter!Reader (GN)
Jul 15, 2022 - Sub/Switch!Bi!Dean Winchester x Sub!F!Reader x Dom!Bi!Castiel
Just realized I didn’t tag anyone. Lol! Of course, no pressure. Only if you have time. 😊 ❤️❤️❤️ @luci-in-trenchcoats @zationao3 @riley-phoenix @lotus820 @impala-dreamer @spnexploration @destielshipper4cas @sharkfish @niche-pastiche @wisteria-lodge @naughtystiel
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spnfanficpond · 5 months ago
Chapters: 36/36 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Destiel Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, kid Meg, Ruby, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, Charlie Bradbury, Krissy Chambers, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Gadreel, Benny, Jo Harvelle, Lisa Braeden, Missouri Moseley, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Zachariah Additional Tags: Romance, Comedy, Drama, BDSM, Alternate Universe, Dom Castiel, Sub Dean, Slow Build, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Alcohol Abuse, References to Drugs, Dom/sub Play, it's life so a little of everything, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Summary:
Dean has always been the good guy. He made the hard decisions and rose to the occasion whenever his family needed him. He became a parent way too soon after the deaths of John and Mary Winchester along with Sam’s big oops moment. Resettling his entire life to Beaufort, NC for the sake of those he loves the most.
Now at 25 an opportunity to finally be good to himself has been delivered in the form of one gorgeous Castiel Novak. The new arrival to town is the worst driver Dean has ever seen. As the eldest Winchester strives to overcome several bumps along the road of life can he also help Cas to steer towards a happily ever after with him or will Novak’s turbulent past cause them to crash and burn?
In other words a BDSM love story.
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bigmouthlass · 7 months ago
Title:  Stairwell Drums
Series: Supernatural B-Sides
Author:  BJ
Fandom:  Supernatural
Warnings: Major Character Death
Rating:  Gen
Pairing:  Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester
Synopsis: Dean in the dark, denying himself the luxury of grief.
Tags:  Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Angst, Songfic, Not Destiel, Post-Series, AU
AN:  Song is "When The Levee Breaks," written by Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie, covered by Led Zeppelin on 'Led Zeppelin IV.' This is a scene from an AU fic that's unfortunately dead in the water due to plot malformation, but by God I'm proud of this and I want to show it off (so there, myah). In this AU, Eileen survived and Miracle the dog was renamed Pouteen for poutín, Irish unaged spirit. All recognizable intellectual properties are owned by their respective creators and holders of any copyrights or trademarks. This is a not-for-profit work of fan art and protected by Fair Use.
“Because the one thing I want . . . it's something I know I can't have.”
Dean sat at the kitchen table, in the dark, whiskey to hand but not drinking it.
“But I think I know . . . I think I know now.”
The words again. The soundtrack of his life now, beating like the stairwell drums in “When The Levee Breaks,” pounding and relentless.
“Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being."
Weird that in that moment, just before the Empty took him away forever, he’d looked both the most and the least human Dean could ever remember. He’d looked at peace. True peace, not just the relief of someone who’d accepted that everything would be over soon.
“It’s in just saying it.”
Don’t say it, he wanted to beg, as the nightmare that was really a memory unfolded. ‘If it keeps on raining, the levee’s gonna break . . .’ Unspooled, like a film he’d give anything not to watch. Please don’t say it, please don’t--
“I know how you see yourself.”
“You don’t,” Dean muttered to himself, there in the dark. ‘If it keeps on raining, the levee’s gonna break . . .’
The kitchen light snapped on. “What’s going on?” Eileen yawned, crossing to the breadbox and pulling out the bag of chips. Pregnancy had turned her into a Cool Ranch Doritos fiend. Pouteen paced at her feet, either hoping for stray chips or in his capacity as official tummy guardian. He couldn’t seem to get enough of resting his head on Eileen’s still-flat stomach.
Dean didn’t answer. Part of him was waiting for the dream to play out. Part of him was always waiting for the dream to play out. Part of him always would. Like if he just . . . remembered it hard enough he’d somehow change the ending.
“The very touch of you corrupts.”
Another memory, that angel wearing the enraged blonde woman out to snatch Kevin -- another one of his great sins, there should be a Dean tablet, a Break Dean In Case He Fucks Up And Kills Us All Again. ‘When the levee breaks, have no place to stay . . .’
Eileen sat across from him with a bowl of chips. She reached down and scratched Pouteen between the ears. “Are you all right Dean?” she asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just couldn’t sleep,” he tried from the impossible distance. He’d told Sam about the Empty consuming Billie and Cas, but not . . . that. Not what Cas had done to summon the Empty’s awareness.
Eileen just stared at him, crunching on a chip. Then she reached out and took the whiskey bottle away from him. Her fingers went into the empty space in Dean’s hand. “You don’t have to lie to me,” she said.
Dean opened his mouth to repeat himself, the way he’d done every sleepless night since he was six and Dad had armed him against the nightmares. Instead a choked sound coughed out of his throat.
“Everything you have ever done -- the good and the bad -- you have done for love.”
Don’t, Cas please, don’t say it, don’t leave me, please. So he’d wanted to scream. So he should have screamed. ‘Crying won’t help you, prayer won’t do you no good . . .’
Eileen got up and crossed to Dean’s side. She put her hand on his shoulder and something inside him cracked. Dean seized her and buried his face against her belly, right where his future niece or nephew grew. Getting his filth on the poor thing before it was even born and he still couldn’t stop.
“You changed me, Dean.”
“It’s Castiel isn’t it? Sam says he hears you say his name in your sleep.”
Dean nodded, trying to at least snivel quietly. He felt Eileen holding him close, like he wasn’t dirty. Like he hadn’t gotten everyone he’d ever loved killed sooner or later. Defilement like ink he’d left marking their skins.
“Chaos and tragedy will follow you every day of your life.”
‘Crying won’t help you, prayer won’t do you no good . . .’
“He said he loved me,” Dean confessed.
Eileen pushed at his shoulder. Her hand tipped his chin up. Her big brown eyes locked onto his lips, and Dean heard himself say it for the record. “He said that he loved me.”
“Of course he did,” Eileen said, like it was plain obvious and not the worst crime he could possibly commit. Her eyes held no edge of anger or judgement. She kept holding him, comforting him even though he didn’t deserve it, wasn’t entitled to it, and she shouldn’t even be breathing his same fucking air.
“When Castiel laid his hand on you in Hell he was lost!”
Dean had no right to grieve, not after everything. Not after this. The best person he’d ever known, the one who’d always loved him the most selflessly, and all he could do as the Empty took that one away was stand there like a fucking asshole.
“The Empty won’t let him go without a fight, and a fight like that, nothing would survive. Castiel wouldn’t want that, and you know it. Better than anyone, you know it.”
“I’ve tried darling but the Empty won’t negotiate. I’m sorry.”
All he could do is watch it happen, over and over. Listen to his own silence. ‘When the levee breaks, mama you got to move . . .’
"I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.”
“You should have left me there.” ---
AN2: That Castiel was in love with Dean is so obvious I'm amazed it's a point of contention. Dean's feelings, in my opinion, are more complicated.
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kitsune024 · 11 months ago
Supernatural Fanfiction
Balance And New Beginnings by Hekate1308
Dean turns his back on his family and the legacy of the Men of Letters when he learns Sam and Mary have been working with their British counterparts behind his back. Joining Cas on good-old-fashioned hunting trips, occasionally aided by Crowley, he soon learns there are more good monsters out there than he ever thought possible. And they need a protector.
Meanwhile, Sam is growing more and more lonely until one day, he looks in the mirror and doesn’t recognize the man staring back at him. Is it too late to return to the brother he’s let down so many times before?
My Season 12 AU series as one long fic, edited for coherency and a few added scenes.
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found--family · 2 years ago
what's the backstory on the destiel gifsets you made, what happened between them 👀 🎤
i'm so glad you asked! because i will be making a flashback gifset (or 2? not sure yet) of when they last saw each other, as well as a few gifsets following the fancy party. so you will definitely learn what went down between them and where their relationship and the plot is heading moving forward. 
i'd like to thank gotham knights and spnwin for giving us such awesome visuals to work into these fandom edits. we the shippers owe you so much! 😚💋
destiel au gifset series (sort of inspired by bruharvey) 
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 2 years ago
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Lydia (Supernatural: Slice Girls)/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Kelly Kline (Supernatural), Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer Characters: Dean Winchester, Emma (Supernatural: Slice Girls), Claire Novak, Castiel (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Missouri Moseley, Rufus Turner, Lee Webb, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters, Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Ben Braeden, Lisa Braeden, Kaia Nieves, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Krissy Chambers Additional Tags: Family Fluff, teenage angst, All relationships besides DeanCas are minor, Kid Fic, Jack Kline and Claire Novak are Siblings, Castiel is a Novak (Supernatural), Bad Parent John Winchester, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Destiel Omegaverse Big Bang (Supernatural), Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Claire Novak, Past Castiel/Kelly Kline (Supernatural), Past Lydia (Supernatural: Slice Girls)/Dean Winchester, Queer Themes, Physically De-Aged Jack Kline, Claire Novak is de-aged, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Oral Sex, Oral Knotting, Knotting, Anal Sex, Anal Play, Rimming, Dean and Cas are both Vers, Underage Smoking, Abandonment Issues, Loss of Parent(s), References to The Parent Trap (1998), Body Dysphoria, Male Lactation, Empathetic Lactation, No mpreg, Deceased Kelly Kline, Bad Parent Lydia, Found Family Summary:
Both single dads, Dean and Cas meet after they’re called to the principal’s office because their teenage daughters were in a fight. Then they run into each other again. Willing to try with Cas, Dean agrees to a date, a family date. After a few eventful dates, Cas offers to help Dean through his next heat. Is it too much too fast? Is it smart to get serious when their kids could get hurt, again?
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rennerator · 1 month ago
LOVE LOVE LOVE This series of comics/arts is SOO SOOOO GOOD!!!! S2 SOOO LOVELY, SUCH FUN and ADORABLE!!!! HAPPINESS!!!! I LOVE THIS SO SOOO MUCH!!!! :D These two, they are SOOO IN LOVE!!!!!! Also, I don't blame everyone else there just watching it! XD Thank YOU!!! THANK YOU SO SOOO MUCH for sharing this with us!!! You are INCREDIBLE!!! :) <3
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When Dean comes to see Cas, St Garrison’s Hospital becomes a little more interesting. However, less productive.
firefighter!Dean and doc!Cas au
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rosemariad · 13 days ago
Were you dissatisfied with spn’s ending?
Ever think Sam & Dean’s story should’ve ended differently?
We’ve reached the s12 era. In s12, the SPN show brought Mary back. This excellent fanfic: Our Old Heroes by AdelaClancy (a fantastic read, with a bunch of Destiel) did a fantastic take on if John were resurrected instead.
But I’m taking it further - I’m bringing both parents back to deal w/ both of their sons. And Adam is out there, thanks to the events of my season 8 era fic, SPN: Wilderness (check it out to see how Sam got Adam out of the Cage!)
The Winchester family is about to have a reunion. Are y’all ready? Y’all aren’t ready.
And for my Destiel peeps, get ready, cuz y’all about to be fed within a couple chapters. it’s about to get downright romantic (and erotic), and John’s just gonna have to deal with it 😁
Part 9 of SPN: Roads Untaken series - Book 9 - SPN: Family Ties (can you believe I’ve written nine of these so far 😅? 3 more to go!)
Read here on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/62709970/chapters/160538890#workskin
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months ago
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rennerator · 15 days ago
Oh My Goodness!!! This is SOOO BRUTAL, SOO COOL, BUT SOO SAD TOO!!! Oh Dean... I am so sorry... T.T That first part is very TRAGIC... I feel so sorry and sad for Dean there. Wow... But, LOL, the COMPLETE CHANGE there when he is with Cas! I LOOOOOOOOOVE that second part there!!! Dean all "mushy" and such a sap with Cas!!! YES YES YEEEESSS, SoftBoy!Dean, I LOVE IT!!!! S2 I think you should kiss him better, Cas! XD ;) LOVE LOVE LOVE Thank YOU SO SOOO MUCH for all of this!!! You are INCREDIBLE!!! :) <3
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Part 11 of "Back the Future" AU
You'd think retirement would've made S16 Dean rusty, but you can't really unlearn certain things
There's always work to be done and monsters to kill. Dean knows that, has always known that, and he knows he needs to have Sammy's back, even when he's a soulless bitch
So when a case lands on their lap (Mysterious disappearances and kidnappings), Dean finds himself falling back into certain... behaviors
The Mark of Cain may be gone, his time in hell may be a distant memory, but the scars they left behind still run deep, deeper than bone.
There is no lust for blood
only residual anger that carries him
Sam witnesses Dean at his worst a lot earlier. He was expecting to tease his older older brother about being rusty and slow
Never did he think Dean would move in such violent ways, staring at danger and death with wide eyes and a sickening determination to finish what was started
The most interesting part was watching Dean get punched and blink away the impact like it was nothing
The aftermath was just as fascinating, as Dean stands over the corpses of monsters he's slain with a rusty axe. Sam keeps his mouth shut when they salt and burn the bodies and merely observes Dean as if he is an entirely different person. Different from the brother he grew up with, and definitely different from the happy, jolly man he came back as
Though Sam does cringe when Cas arrives from Dean's prayer and watches his not-brother-brother act all mushy and sweet with the angel
Castiel is merely confused, while Dean insists they should hug after he gets healed up
Sam thinks Dean let himself get punched
Part1 || Part2 || Part3 || Part4 || Part5 || Part6 || Part7 || Part8 || Part9 || Part10 || Part11 || Part 12
if you like my work, consider checking out my Kofi!
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spnfanficpond · 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Birthday Spanking, Spanking, Anal Fingering, Prostate Massage, Coming In Pants, Frottage, Crying, Manhandling, Team Dean Winchester's Red Ass Series: Part 5 of CONventional Psychopathy 'Verse Summary:
As usual, spanking is different for Cas than it is for Dean, but it's Cas' birthday, and Dean feels indulgent.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Billie (Supernatural: Form and Void) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Series Dean Winchester, Original Mythology, Folklore, Cemetery, Cemetery guardian Castiel, Hunter Dean Winchester, Temporary Character Death, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, First Kiss, Dean/Cas Reverse Bang Summary:
“And I’m not a vandal,” the man shoots back. “My name’s Dean. And I think there’s been a misunderstanding—” “No,” Castiel hisses. “I have watched you. I have seen you creep around with your shovel and your gun and I have seen you trying to desecrate the graves, my graves, so do not talk to me about a misunderstanding—” Dean holds his hands up and shakes his head. “Shit, man, I swear I’m not trying to—” Castiel has had enough, though, so he flicks his wrist and pushes Dean over one of the tombstones and down to the ground. Dean falls with a grunt and tries to stand up quickly, but Castiel keeps him pinned to the ground with a raise of his eyebrow. “I am the guardian of this cemetery,” he states when he stops and looks down on the struggling man. “I will not be made a fool of, especially not by someone like you.”
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thebatmandiaries · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Claire Novak & Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Castiel (Supernatural), Claire Novak, Rebecca Warren Additional Tags: Episode: s01e06 Skin (Supernatural), Established Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Hunter Jessica Moore, Dean Winchester is Claire Novak's Parent, Canon-Typical Violence, Jessica Moore Lives Series: Part 3 of saving people, hunting things, the family buisness Summary:
Sam continues his quest to find out more about his brother's years away, and gets more than he bargained for.
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