#Elle em bee
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Title: Middle of the Night
Rated: Teen
Word Count: 595
Characters: Logan Howlett, GN!Reader
Ao3 Link
A/N: I need cuddles, so I came up with this little bit. A surprise waking up to Logan in bed. Enjoy.
The haze of sleep begins to fade as you realize something woke you. You’re just not sure what yet. It isn’t until you shift that you find something very heavy across your back followed by humid air blowing across your neck. Goosebumps and a shiver run across your neck and down your back. Your confusion further awakens you as you try to pull yourself out of Morpheus’ grasp to find out what’s happening. It takes you a while as you find yourself going in and out of sleep. The next time you wake up, you find yourself lying on a very warm, soft but slightly rough and firm surface. You can feel the drool cooling on your cheek, knowing it’s on the surface but not caring. Not caring until you hear an amused huff of laughter from a man you work with. A man who has become your friend, probably your best friend. Someone is more than a man and just as deadly but sees you for you and you for him. Your mind rushes you awake as adrenaline pumps in your veins and your heart begins to pound.
You begin to sleepily shift to raise yourself but hear the man shush you running his hand through your hair, slightly tugging at the ends. You relax back against him, grumbling sleepily, having found a weakness of yours. You want to purr but are too tired.
“If I’d known it would be this easy to finally hold you, I’d have done this sooner,” he quietly rumbles against your ear.
Your brow slightly furrows at his words. You turn your head and find his lips mere centimeters from yours. He leans forward and gives a quick press of his lips to yours. You’ve concluded this is a dream and roll back over to go back to sleep. You tense up as you try to roll out of the man’s arms but his grip is gentle and immovable. You grunt your displeasure.
He chuckles in a whisper. He falls silent for a few minutes before asking, “Can I please keep holding you?”
You grunt noncommittally and relax in his hold. You shift against him, nuzzling against whatever skin your face finds of his, trusting him easily, and he allows you to move away as you readjust your sleep position. You slightly sit up just enough to move as you clumsily climb onto his torso, bury your face under his clavicle, breathe in his scent, and straddle his ridiculously sexy, rippling abdomen. You can feel him tense as you shift but ignore it. You take a deep breath, bringing your arms resting against his shoulders as if to encircle his neck and nuzzle against his chest. He relaxes a few seconds later and drags the blanket back over the both of you while he resettles on his back, chin to his chest with his arms laying across your back, watching you.
You can feel his gaze on you; mentally, you find it amusing. The big bad Wolverine is a cuddly teddy bear and you love it. Makes you suddenly wonder why he got into your bed. You make a note to ask in the morning. He probably had a nightmare. You’ve crawled into his bed before when you’ve had one so not surprised he has reciprocated. Feels good that he has.
Once your breathing evens out and your body fully relaxes against him, he buries his nose into your hair and breathes in your scent. He purrs, happily, finally able to have you in his arms when he wants.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 2 years ago
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Imagine awakening to find a heaviness on you and as you move you discover that there is a set of arms on either side of you and the same with legs tangled in yours. Through the fogginess of sleep, your memories dwindle back in for you to remember that you had a nightmare earlier in the night and decided to climb into Dean and Castiel’s bed because they’ve done the same with you on cases.
They didn’t complain, only shifted and adjusted to you being in the middle. You in a T-shirt and sleep shorts while they’re both wearing boxer briefs.
You took a slow deep breath as what you realize is Castiel’s arm tightens on you and a kiss pressed into your hair.
“Sleep, Y/N,” the Angel whispers.
A smile drew your lips up as you slowly turned towards him, adjusting Dean’s arm to remain around you and return your other leg under his. The octopus cuddler, you’ve deemed him (not that he would ever admit he liked the idea). You nuzzle into the Angel’s bare chest wrapping an arm around his torso enjoying his celestial warmth and inhaled his natural scent, the air during a lightning storm which you enjoy watching them, so long as it’s safe.
The lull of his heartbeat soothing and relaxing you in his arm.
Dean suddenly grunts and shifts closer throwing his arm around Cas and you. You grin into his chest trying not to laugh at Dean’s sleepy actions.
The Angel rubs his cheek into your hair. “Sleep, little one,” he gently spoke.
Who wouldn’t want to cuddle with an Angel to the Lord to watch over you or be protected by one of the best Hunters ever?
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 10 months ago
Destiel Prompt #Xx “In a long time” (Plot)
Castiel gets married to a woman. Cas gets divorced. Castiel becomes an alcoholic and almost dies from alcohol poisoning, which finally woke him up to stop and done something about it.
Probably with the help of Sam and Charlie because they can be his best friends too.
Castiel moved across the country, moves in with Sam or Charlie or to be in the same town as them at the very least since we know Cas doesn’t have a lot of friends.
Gets a job working with…who else? Dean Winchester, Sam’s older brother.
Dean, the sexy man himself, starts flirting with Castiel, the almost tall as him socially awkward dude who doesn’t understand that Dean is flirting until Charlie meets Castiel for lunch and Dean joins.
With working well together at work and maybe the rotating game night, Dean is finally informed by Sam or Charlie that Cas doesn’t understand subtext. You gotta be direct with him, so Dean finally ends up asking Cas out in a date…right after work or before game night ends?
Maybe he runs into cas at a bar and they click with a kiss, and then Dean asks Cas out..?
We all know that Castiel is dominant in bed and knows what he wants, which Dean absolutely loves.
Ta dah!
This could totally be a/b/o too with all of this.
Maybe Castiel is a beta or his meds make him not able to scent well initially until he finally switches meds once he gets a new doctor?
This whole thing could be a retelling at their wedding reception and it’s their best man who tells it, like it’s his idea. Maybe Gabriel tells it!
Please remember that you do use or are inspired by any of the prompts to be tag me and let me know! I would love to read what you wrote. ❤️💙💚
Sometimes Reddit comments are great writing inspiration:
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Wade wakes up to find Logan gently caressing him, watching his face with this look. He’s about to cum from the loving softness of this hot man’s face who he loves and he wants to cry with how vulnerable and candid Logan is in that moment.
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Logan just caresses Wade’s jaw very slowly and softly, and Wade basically swoons back to sleep. Logan finds it endearing how Wade acts.
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Wade just quietly giggles in the nearly pitch black and reaches out, gently caressing Logan’s facial hair.
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They just stare lovingly into each other’s eyes until Logan rubs his nose against Wade’s textured one with a rumbling purr.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 1 year ago
Prompt: okay but cas would show up with a handful of weeds, with the roots and dirt still on the bottom, and give them to dean because 'it's the human tradition to bring flowers, right?' and dean would 'yeah. yeah cas that's right' because that is how they say i love you @deanspunchingbag
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Title: Surprise me
Pairing: Castiel x Reader (they/them)
Characters: Castiel, Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Word Count: 1,254
Summary: What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Thank Jack that Castiel doesn’t know you’ve been in love with him for a while. If only he would reciprocate your feelings, even a little.
Warnings: Alcohol, consensual licking of arms and neck (sort of)
A/N: This was the first idea I came up with for the prompt and it became self-indulgent. Hush. This is in second person POV.
What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Dean, of course, interrupts you and explains to Castiel, for a couple hours, how to flirt with the ladies and men. You just giggle and chuckle at the stories he tells. It’s even funnier when Dean makes Castiel “practice” these “new moves” on him. Dean keeps at it, and finally the angel seems to be getting the hang of it.
Suddenly, Castiel gets up and goes to get everyone another round of beers, deciding to all get a shot of tequila, salt and lime. He sits back down next to you and distributes everything evenly. He tells you “The bartender said it could be a good tool to flirt with so I thought I’d try, but they didn’t explain how.”
Dean tells Cas to watch Sam and him. Sam and Dean eye each other in their silent communication, they salt and lemon their wrists and lick before shooting the tequila. You giggle when you see their faces.
The brothers aren’t big tequila people,they prefer whiskey or bourbon.
Castiel looks confused and says “That doesn’t seem very flirty.”
You giggle at them and tell Cas that “It isn’t. They’re chicken.”
Castiel then asks you to show him how to shoot the tequila flirtatiously. You know you’re a bit more than buzzed for this, and mumble “What the hell, why not?”
“Okay,” you begin. “I’ll show you. The idea is to make it as close to a body shot as you can, since putting your mouth on someone can be considered flirting if not a potential interest in sex.” You tell him step by step how to make a tequila shot flirty and sexy by taking the ladies wrist—you take Castiel’s wrist, in this case, and place a kiss on the sensitive area/spot inside before licking it.
You tell him how “Most people will laugh it off. That’s when you salt the wet area on their wrist so it sticks.” You salt his wrist and then grab the slice of lime, telling the blue-eyed man to open his mouth only a little. He looks confused, but does as instructed.
You notice Dean and Sam eyeing each other again and nod. They make some excuse to get up, and walk away as you continue teaching the angel.
You stick the lime in Castiel’s mouth to hold it. “The idea is to get a subtle kiss here. They’re going to come and bite the lime to get the juice, and you can either let them have the lime when they do, keep the lime so they only get the juice and you get the lip press, or if you wanna be a true sneak, spit out the lime and get the kiss you want instead.” You smirk at him, not telling him you’ve always been scared to do the latter.
Castiel quirks a brow at you and you have to stop the shiver that it causes, dominating you so easily.
He’d only have to do that brow at you and you’d probably do whatever he says. You can feel yourself beginning to get wet.
Ignoring it, you continue your lesson.
“So, you lick the salt, juice the lime and shoot the tequila, but this is the flirt…sexy way.”
He squints his eyes at you.
“You ready?”
He nods. “Yes.”
Still holding his wrist, you proceed to lick his wrist.
With his free hand, Castiel removes the lime and asks, “If this were you doing this to a man or woman, what would you do?”
“Me?” You ask. “For a guy I wanted to sleep with, I’d just ask him if he wants to go back to my place for sex. Men tend to like directness, from my experience. Women, though, I’d flirt with and tease. I’d probably do what I’m doing right now and make sure I was the one with the lime, so we could make out instead of shooting tequila.”
“You haven’t tried flirting with men?” Castiel inquires.
“I have, but I get nervous for some reason. I’ve taught many friends how to successfully flirt, but for some reason I end up acting like a fish or stuttering when I try to flirt with me.” You roll your eyes and shrug. “It’s easier to be friends with people I like than it is to actually…pursue,” you quietly confess to Castiel.
Castiel tilts his head, keeping his eyes on you for nearly a minute in silence. The silence isn’t awkward, but calming and companionable.
It is one of your favorite things about Castiel, you think to yourself. You can just sit together and do different things, but still feel like you’re engaged and doing something together…or maybe that is just you.
And then, he asks a really weird question: “How do you like to be flirted with?”
You furrow your brow at the question, initially confused, but then you think about it. You look down as you think, then say the first thing that comes to mind when you’ve gone on really good dates. “Be interested in me and actually listen to what I’m telling you. Tell me about you, your past, your history, experiences that I might be able to relate to, about your family and friends, your aspirations…”
Castiel’s head tilts the other way as his blue eyes continue to watch you.
“Be accepting of me and my truths, my authenticity. I may have been born female, but I am very good at taking care of myself. I’m choosing to be here with you when I could be elsewhere. Be satisfied I’m here with you.”
“You are,” agrees Castiel. “And others. You care very deeply about your found family, as you call us.” He uses air quotes and slightly smiles. He leans forward, getting your eye to look into his. He is mere centimeters from your face. “I’m very happy you came out here with me tonight. It makes me very happy to spend time with you.”
“Thanks, Cas,” you give him a small smile, feeling your cheeks heat up. Your brow furrows again. “Cas, are you flirting with me?”
He looks down at his wrist. You follow his gaze and see that you’re still holding it, but resting on the table now. He gives a sheepish smile and nods looking at your hand.
Your heart races as adrenaline pumps through you at this disclosure. You take a deep breath and exhale. Then, you rotate and slide your hand into his. “Okay.”
He looks at you, confused. “What do you do when they realize they’re flirting back?” Worried, Cas’ blue eyes search your face.
You grin at him. “How bout we get outta here, just the two of us?”
It takes him a few extra seconds to connect the dots and nod. “Yes, okay.”
He scoots out of the booth and you follow him, keeping his hand in yours. You look around for the brothers who are sitting at the bar, chatting.
You both walk outside, looking up through the light pollution to see the moon and brilliant Venus close by.
“Where to?” He queries.
“Surprise me, Angel.”
He bends down and plucks a daffodil that has broken through the asphalt parking lot. Castiel hands it to you. “For you.”
You smile and take it, putting it behind your right ear.
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All I wanna do is cuddle, ok? I’m so freaking tired.
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Logan Howlett x Wade Wilson x You
Imagine coming home to the guys who you’re rooming with, and you’re just tired from a 12 hour work day. You plop on the couch and lay your head back. You start to doze only to find Logan coming out of his shared bedroom with Wade to pick up your tired ass and walk back into their room, bridal style. It’s an uncommon event.
“Logan?” You ask. He grunts.
“What are you doing?”
He sets you down in the middle of their bed. Wade returns Logan’s pillow and presses up to your left side, wrapping an arm and a leg around you.
“Oh,” you whisper. You’re still fully dressed from work.
Logan lays down next you and slowly slides an arm under your neck. You adjust, placing your head on his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat.
After a minute, you grunt and use one hand under the blanket to work your blue jeans open, slowly wiggling it off.
“What are you doing?” Logan asks tiredly in his gruff voice.
“Taking off my pants. Jeans hurt to sleep in.”
Wade hums, sits up, throws the blanket off you, and pulls off the jeans revealing white bikini underwear and crew socks.
You take the opportunity to remove your shirt revealing a matching undershirt.
“Matchy matchy,” Wade sleepily teases before pulling the blanket back over you two and cuddling back up against you, spooning. He nuzzles into your hair and relaxes.
Your heartbeats quick for a minute, Logan squeezes you as a reminder you’re safe, before you’re able to calm down.
You’re comfy.
They’re comfy.
Wade always gets a boner from everything.
Fuck it.
You’re tired and these two are amazing cuddlers.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 1 year ago
Balthazar going “Not again, Gabe.”
Gabe is all “he’ll get it this time.”
“He’s a fledgling. They never get this, this early.”
“I’m telling ya he’s special.”
“He’s an angel, a plain ol’ angel, Gabriel.”
Crying baby angel sounds at landing on their face in a cloud.
“Will you stop giving him hope as if he’s special,” huffs Balth.
“It’s ok, Cassie. Next time, you’ll get it next time, baby brother.” Gabriel pets, rubs, and cuddles baby Castiel.
“You’re not being realistic with him, Gabe.”
“Shut up, Balthazar. You’re just upset because you were never as cute.”
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 9 months ago
Don’t Provoke Dean
Ch 3.
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Y/N found herself lying on Dean's chest naked, his arms wrapped around her as he hummed some rock song she’d heard in the Impala, still on his knot. She smiled to herself feeling the soreness of the bite on her neck. She slowly opened her eyes, shifting her head up and looking at him.
“You’re awake?”
She hummed in response.
“Take your time. Gonna be a while.”
She hummed again and nuzzled against his chest, deeply inhaling his scent. She began to purr loudly against him.
He carded his fingers through her hair and chuckled. He kissed her hair and continued to hum the song.
The purr began to quiet down.
“Did you fall asleep again?” He chuckled, quietly. “I musta tired you out. I got ya, sweetheart.” He placed a kiss on her hair.
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Y/N awoke to be fully dressed and seat belted into the Impala. Dean was driving with his cassettes playing on low. She stretched and yawned, shifting to sit up in the front passenger seat.
Dean grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Hey, Sleepyhead. Nice nap?”
She smiled blushing and nodded. “Yeah,” she confirms, sleepily.
Dean interlaced their fingers as he drove, a small smile on his lips when he glanced at her.
Y/N dozed again, holding Dean’s hand loosely as they headed to the bunker. When the Impala parked, she awakened to find them parked in the Men of Letters garage and her car two spots over. She smiled sleepily upon seeing her car and unbuckled, getting out of the vehicle. Seeing the trunk open, she walked over to help unload but found it empty except for the usual times for hunting. She closed it up and walked inside towards the kitchen. She was parched and starving.
Who knew mating could be so tiresome? Yeesh!
She grabbed a few items and made herself a sandwich along with water from the tap. Sitting down, she ate and drank waiting for Dean and/or Sam to find her. Sam was the first to enter the kitchen.
“Y/N!” He smiled then noticed her neck, his eyes widened followed by a toothy grin. “Congrats!” He walked over with his arms open wide. She chuckled at him and stood up, meeting him halfway for a hug.
“Hey,” called Dean, commandingly. His eyebrows furrowed and frowning. “That’s mine.”
“I’m a she, Dean. Not a ‘that’.” She stepped away from Sam and stepped towards Dean, putting one hand on her hip, quirking a brow challengingly at him.
He walked right over to her, hiding his smile, and picked her up, kissing her. She squealed at the surprise change. “I know,” he mumbled against her lips. “You’re too easy to rile up.”
She grinned at him and shook her head, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
“Congrats, man.” Sam squeezed Dean’s shoulder. “I was just grabbing a bite before doing some research on a potential case.”
Y/N whined. “We just got back.”
“I know, baby,” Dean agreed. “We’ll take a break, I promise.” He pecked a kiss against her lips and set her down. She settled back into the spot and finished her sandwich.
Dean and Sam exchanged a look, which Sam followed with a single nod before making his own sandwich. Y/N just watched the exchange curious about what they discussed. She rubbed her mating bite gently, it was sore when she turned her head too much
“You ok?” Dean asked. He came over, pulled the chair next to her, and scented the bite he left.
She nodded. “Just sore,” she replied before taking the last bite of her sandwich. Dean kissed her claimed mating gland, and licked it, making sure to keep it clean.
Y/N closed her eyes as he cleaned it. It made her feel calm and safe as he did.
“The soreness should go away in a few days,” Sam offered quietly.
“Good to know.” Y/N smiled, glancing up at Sam before looking at her empty plate.
Dean pulled away. “All good. You let me know if it starts hurting.”
She grabbed her plate, drank her water, and got up to put it away in the sink. “Will do, Alpha.”
Sam gave Dean a teasing eyebrow wiggle behind Y/N’s back and a smirk.
“Shut up,” Dean growled quietly at Sam, who just smiled and headed for the library.
Dean watched Sam walk off as Y/N watched him. “Now, what?” She asked.
He looked into her Y/E/C eyes. “Now.” He stood, walking over to her, and picked her up.
“This isn’t fair. You’re bigger and stronger than me.” She wrapped herself around the Alpha once more, pouting.
“You’re the perfect size for me to have my way with you,” he growled into her ear. He felt the shiver that went through her. “How about we finish things up?”
She stiffened slightly as Dean walked towards his���now, their…bedroom.
As he carried her into the bedroom he closed the door with his foot.
“Finish what up?”
He set her back down on her feet, maintaining eye contact. “Mating.” He pulled off his shirts.
Her eyes widened at the sudden amount of skin. Her Omega immediately slid her hands across the freckled expanse of skin, skimming lightly across his nipples pulling a hiss from him. “Ooo, sensitive.”
He pulled her hands away and crossed his arms.
“What?” Her mouth partially opened as she looked up at him, her brows furrowed.
“We aren't fully mated, Y/N.”
She took a step back. “We aren’t?” Her eyes cast to the floor in thought. “You knotted me and bit me.” She looked back up to his green eyes. “How are we not fully mated?”
“It’s an exchange of bites, Y/N.” He couldn’t read the look on her face.
“So, we need to have sex, knot and I bite you?”
He gave her a soft smile and nodded.
“Oh.” She blushed at this new knowledge. “How do I know if I bit you, right?”
“You’re to bite through the mating gland when it’s swollen. It’s a saliva and blood exchange.”
“Break skin, bloody bite, got it.” Her heart began to race at the thought. She walked over to the side of his bed and sat down, toeing off her boots. “I guess being packless has its downsides. I was taught it was just the Alpha bite.”
Dean sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her against his side. “It’s ok, Sweetheart.”
“What’s it like being fully mated?” She wondered aloud.
“John once said that he could feel my Mom. Feel her feelings and sometimes even hear her thoughts. He knew where she always was and always felt connected to her.” Dean paused and looked down at the top of Y/N’s hair. “I think it nearly killed him when she died.”
“Is that why you…you didn’t…want me?” She whispered.
Dean took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Nearly everyone we love is dead. I don’t…I don’t want that for you. I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
She looked up into his face. “You should have let me decide that, Dean. What changed?”
“I know, Y/N. I know but…honestly? I’m not sure what happened .” He paused, looking to the floor. “I was so frustrated at how things went down. You nearly got injured because of me and–”
“That was my choice. You can’t stop me from wanting to keep you safe,” she interrupted.
“I know. I know. I just…” He sighed again.
“When you pushed me, my Alpha seemed to almost take over and saw you challenging me. That’s how it began. It began as a way to force you to submit to me and changed once I held you, smelled your…” he bent down and deeply inhaled at her neck. “Your delicious sweet scent.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I knew I couldn’t keep you at arm’s length anymore. I couldn’t deny who you are to me, anymore. That’s why I sent Sam home with your car. Didn’t think any of us wanted him to witness that.”
“Wait, scenting me…? Was the straw that broke the camel’s back?” Y/N fell onto the bed laughing. “Dean,” she huffed. “If I’d realized you were such a pushover for a pretty scent…” She giggled and held her stomach.
“I am not”, he disagreed and playfully smacked her arm. His Alpha yipped and ran around watching his mate laugh.
“You so are.” She huffed until she was calm and sat back on her hands, looking up at him. “I basically challenged you and you get me in a submissive position only to have my Omega scent drive your Alpha crazy enough to go fuck it, we’re mating?” She closed her eyes and grinned. “Damn, if I had known that years ago, Winchester.” She exhaled sharply. “I’d have done that sooner”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shuddup.”
Y/N looked up at him and then moved up the bed, scooting until she was able to rest her head on a pillow.
Dean quirked a brow at her.
She unbuttoned then pulled down the zipper of her jeans, slowly pushing the fabric off her hips, along her panties down.
Dean smirked at her undressing. He scooted up the bed and pushed up her shirt, pinched and tugged at a nipple. Her breath stuttered with a quiet groan as she bit her lip.
He hummed his disapproval, using his thumb to pull her lip from between her teeth. “I want to hear you.”
She smirked. “How about you lock the door, just in case?”
Dean stood up, a beautifully sized tent in his jeans as he went to make sure he locked his bedroom door.
As Y/N watched his jean-clad ass walk away, she removed her panties, jeans, and socks, then worked on her top. By the time Dean had returned to the bed, she was completely naked in the middle of the bed.
“So,” she began. “Is this our room now? Or should I get the room next to yours?”
Dean crawled up her naked body, boxing her head in with his arms, and pushed her legs apart with his knees to make sure he was between them. Seconds later, the scent of her arousal hit him hard. He could feel himself blurt a dollop of precome at the intensity. “I want to fall asleep and wake up to you in my arms. I don’t care where. I am never letting you go, my Omega.”
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Good. I’m never letting you go, my Alpha. Ever.”
His eyes softened at her words. The adoration seen in them almost felt too much with how new this whole relationship was.
“Now, where were we?”
“You were working to get me all wet so I could ride you, hop on that fat knot, and bite you to make you…us….mates.” She felt her face warm at the last word and the heat spread down her neck, quickly dissipating.
“Is that so?” He leaned down with a smile and pressed his lips to hers in which she had smiled in turn. He wrapped a hand behind her neck into her hair and the other under her shoulders. With a quick twist, Dean was on the bottom and she was lying across his body. She didn’t squeal this time but giggled as she pressed up on his chest, straddling his abdomen. “Our height difference is either gonna be awesome or a pain”, she observed.
He chuckled deeply, the vibrations spreading through his torso into her thighs and crotch.
“Oh.” She leaked at the tease of vibrations against her folds.
He watched her and hummed curiously at the feel of her wetness on his abdomen. He wrapped his hands around her hips and carefully picked her up, moving her down to sit on his pelvis in front of his hard Alpha cock. Her breath stuttered, instinctively her hands wrapped around his forearms for balance, at the easy show of his strength with a gush of slick leaking onto Dean’s pelvis. Her eyes dilated; the flush slowly moved down to her chest. She was panting, her hands unmoving; her wetness increased at the feeling of Dean’s erection resting between the globes of her ass.
“Gonna ride me, ‘mega?”
She leaned forward, grabbed his cock. Dean aided her to balance as she lined him up with her entrance, slowly sliding down his length. They both groaned in unison. Y/N closed her eyes, savoring the feel of being full and stretched with a slight burn. Her hands moved to hold her breasts, massaging against her areola and nipples. She hummed at the sensation overload.
Dean lightly teased his fingers across her skin as he moved to rub his thumb across her clit.
She flinched, opening her eyes at the unexpected sensation.
Dean grinned over at her as he sped up his thumb. “Well, ‘mega?”
She looked confused, her mouth agape as she sat there full of him with her hands on her perfectly sized breasts. Her scent was sweet with arousal and earthy with contentment.
He grinned and bucked up into her. She caught herself on his abdomen and groaned. She’d forgotten how much she loved her cervix being hit and hard. “Again.”
Dean quirked a brow.
“How…” Y/N sat up and looked at him, trying to figure out the words to say. “I don’t see how I’m supposed to bite you if you’re laying down.”
“Easy.” He grabbed her hips, using his feet he scooted up against the headboard sitting up with her still on his cock at a slightly different angle that felt just as good. Their pelvises touch allowing for her to grind her clit against his with a pleasure hum.
“Much”, she confirmed. Looking up at him, she saw his eyes nearly black and red leaking in. “Oh, Alpha.”
Dean could see she was reciprocating—gold brightening in her eyes. He smirked, grabbed her by her neck as his other hand slid to the middle of her back, and kissed her, putting all he was feeling into it. His scent intensified around her. She could taste his arousal on her tongue, almost like licking well-worked leather with the sweet, earthiness of tobacco. Her hands dove into his hair, her skin tingled from her lips outward, as she shifted her legs and began to slowly roll her hips. She dug her nails into his skin sliding down his neck and across the back of his shoulder, feeling his cock twitch inside her. The kiss became more of a gnashing of teeth and tongue until Dean pulled away, panting for breath. Y/N’s eyes were gold and Dean's were red.
“You’re radiant.” The look on his flushed face was an emotion that she had seen many times when he thought she wasn’t looking but doubted, even now.
“Fuck me, Alpha,” she commanded and pulled Dean down to her. He easily went along with her command, grabbing her hips tightly, and thrusting his hips up into her core. Thrust after thrust with force, quickly bringing them both so close. The slick slide of her tightening channel was a pleasure he wanted to experience again and again. His knot started sliding in and out of her wetness as she grabbed his hair, pulling his head back, exposing his neck for her to nip and suck marks onto him. She licked along his mating gland and bit roughly into it without breaking skin. Dean groaned-growled at the pleasure, thrusting in and out of her waiting for his knot to hold. She licked up his neck until her lips were next to his ear. “You’re mine, Alpha .”
He gasped, digging his nails into her flesh, picking her up, and pulling her down as he thrust up into her. “De. De. De.,” she panted over and over again as her thighs burned trying to keep up with him. Tears began to slip down her face with rapture as she wailed her pleasure. Dean’s knot locked them together; Dean growled deep within his chest as her Omega clamped Y/N’s teeth into his mating gland, coppery taste flooded her mouth as her saliva washed it down her gullet. Her gold eyes glowed with the bond snapping into place, Dean’s pleasure intensifying her own. A rapture feedback loop between the Alpha and Omega took a while to come down from.
When Y/N finally let go some time later, Dean had buried his face into her neck and shoulder, was holding her tight to his body, his back tense with both arms around her. She slowly released her jaw and pulled away slightly, gently scratching her mate’s scalp as she licked the new mating bite clean. She began to slowly rub his back and arm, understanding the intensity of it. She couldn’t tell where Dean began and she ended. She felt so much intensely and yet, she felt so safe, so loved, and fiercely desired. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on their connection, the emotions she could differentiate that was coming from him, and intensified her own emotions for him to cross over the bond.
He pulled up, eyes wide but out of focus, gasping. She cupped his face, rubbing her thumbs along his jawline, and silently watched him, patiently waiting.
Another minute went by before he looked at her, tears in his eyes, and a small smile on his lips.
“Hi,” she whispered, returning the smile.
“Hey,” he croaked, swallowed, then tried again. “Hey.”
Her smile widened. “You okay?”
He barely nodded.
“Me too.”
Thank you to @kazsrm67 for being my beta. ❤️❤️❤️
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Sometimes, I wonder how Logan would react if Wade were friends with a witch, I mean actual Marvel-comic-based witches like on “Agatha all along” and comic Scarlet Witch. Magic is something that can bypass both Wade’s and Logan’s healing factors, which is why I wonder about it.
What are your thoughts?
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 4 months ago
I got the best compliment!
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Thank you ever so much. I am so glad you enjoyed it, truly. I’m glad I made you laugh. I quoted much of the scene.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 7 months ago
“I never regretted it.” They paused and looked at their feet as their fingers tugged at long shirt sleeve. “There were times where I thought we were wrong for each other, or I just wanted to leave because I didn’t want to talk to you about what was really happening. I was scared I was wrong and it hurt but it was always better when I talked to you. Talking always makes things better between us.”
They chewed on their lower lip and sighed. “I don’t understand why it is that no matter how many times we make things better, I am still scared to talk to you. I hate this about me. I don’t know how to change it.”
After rubbing their hands across their face, their cheeks now pink, they plop down on the floor with their legs crossed, and looking at their feet.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 10 months ago
Title: Endearment
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Gabriel x gn!Reader (2nd POV)
Warning: slight description of nightmare but vague.
A/N: I went down a Gabriel rabbit hole and got inspired. No beta we die like spn women. 🤣 Fluffiness. Dedication. Gabriel.
Want more? Please let me know! I would love to hear from you. Thank you. 💛🩶
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Waking up in the dark with a body that’s not much taller than yours surprisingly except it was incredibly heavier than expected. When you move, you feel the softest thing on you. You look and it’s a fucking wing, giant golden wings. Your mouth gapes open.
Unknowingly to you, Gabriel has not moved and remains relaxed but his eyes are open and his angelic senses are very much aware of you. He inwardly chuckles and preens at your reaction to his wings.
You slowly turn, shifting slightly to not disturb the wings as much as possible, to see who is cuddling you. “Gabriel?!” You stage whisper, seeing his golden yellow eyes watch you. He smiles softly at you.
“Hey, Sweet pea,” Gabriel quietly greets.
“Why are you in my bed?” You looked down at yourself and felt you were still in your PJs so you didn’t get up and do something stupid. You quirk a questioning brow at him.
“You prayed to me in your sleep,” he stage-whispers back.
You open your mouth to deny it, and then your eyes down towards Gabe’s wing without seeing them. You think about your nightmare, men doing indescribable things to you that make you scream in pain but you don’t remember what you said. It somehow turned good when Gabriel showed up in all his angelic glory and amazing battle armor with his wings out to defeat the bad men hurting you.
“I prayed to you?” You ask him.
He nods.
You roll fully over and get as close as you can to him. Suddenly, you realize he is shirtless and in boxers or shorts, you’re not sure. The heat crawls up your face to your ears.
Gabriel smiles. “I love it when you blush. Your freckles pop.”
This causes you to warm further knowing your face darkens.
“Hey,” he says, gently. “I told you. You call me, I’ll come running as fast as I can. I said I’d be here for you. I am.” He pauses. “I know I can’t be here all the time but I’m trying.”
You grin at his words and move to scoot up to be face-to-face with him.
“Hey, lovely.”
“Hey, flowers.”
Your nickname for him since his eyes match so many yellow flowers. Depending on his mood, the tone changes.
He rolls his eyes and you can’t see it but know he did. You know him pretty well.
“Thank you,” you say barely above a whisper.
Wrapping your arms around him, you lean forward and lightly rub your nose against his with a small smile on your lips. He returns the nose rub in kind.
“Come ‘ere, pumpkin.” He wraps his arms around you, pulling you down then against him, so you can put your ear on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
“I’m not a pu’kin,” you mumble against him.
“Right, no gords. Check. What about puddin’?”
You sleepily giggle at ‘puddin’’, shaking your head.
“No desserts. Hmm.” He kisses your head and lays his cheek on your head.
“I like honey or, um, sweets.”
“Anything else?”
You press your lips together not wanting to tell him your favorite since you’re embarrassed. You shift up a little, putting your head on his shoulder.
“I can hear your thoughts, you know.”
“That’s cheatin’,” you mumble against his neck.
He grins and chuckles. He lays his cheek on yours. You can feel the smile on his lips as he says it into your ear. You hide a small shiver that runs down your spine, and then he says in your favorite language with a shiver you can’t cover up.
You bite your lower lip and place an awkward, small kiss below his ear as confirmation.
He chuckles, deeply. So much so that you can feel the vibrations in his chest. It’s comforting to hear and feel him talk.
“Are ya stayin’?”
“For as long as I can, Y/N.”
You hum your approval and move down slightly to cuddle against his chest again. “Your wings are soft”
Gabriel hums approvingly with a slight flutter from his wing.
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lilbit-of-kizzy · 3 months ago
Ey Bee See Dee Ee Eff Gee Ache Eye Jay Kay Elle Em In Oh Pee Queue Are Ess Tea You Vee Double You Ex Why and Zee
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 1 year ago
Destiel Prompt# 30
(Domestic Destiel# 6: Charles the Chick)
Castiel and Dean have a homestead. Today, Castiel spends all day outside in the garden and in the chicken coop, Dean doesn’t think anything is wrong with this other then making sure Cas doesn’t get sunburned so he makes sure his love wears are wide straw brimmed hat and a light long sleeve shirt (even though he doesn’t actually need it).
At lunchtime when Dean calls Cas to eat (not that he really needs to), he doesn’t come which is surprising. After about 10 minutes, he goes out looking for him to find him surrounded by quiet baby chicks. He holds one each and listens to them chirp, responding to their noises as if he can understand them each (which he probably can). There is one with a redness to them that sits in Cas’ lap, calmly. He periodically will pet them or hold them a few moments in a hand before addressing another chick.
“Babe, lunchtime,” Dean says, gently, eyes soft.
“Oh, Dean! You must meet everyone,” replies Castiel excitedly.
“Ok,” Dean smiles and sits down, legs crossed just like him.
All the little chicks come running over to him and he chuckles, not expecting to be surrounded suddenly. Dean stretches out his hand and begins picking up each one, nuzzling them a moment before setting them down. “I can’t understand you guys. Sorry,” he says quietly to the crowding yellow chicks.
Once he has done this for each fluffy yellow chick, they head back into the coop to find their mother hen, Dean quirks a brow at Castiel, “Who’s your buddy?”
“He told me he has a lot to say and I wanted to give him my undivided attention, so he wanted to wait.”
“Ah,” Dean says, understanding. “Should I leave you two alone?”
Cas furrowed his brows and looked down, “Charles?”
The chick chirped once and Castiel smiled. “No, he would be happy if you were here to listen as well.”
Dean grinned, “I’d be happy to stay and listen.” ❤️
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Good Morning by the Daily Mirror, England, April 4, 1944
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greater-shade · 1 year ago
I'll never not read P03's name as "Poe" because
It's like, that's how all the bot names work- we're not calling L33pB0ts "Ell-thirtythree-pee-bee-oh-tees", are we? Are you saying "Em-three-ey-tee-bee-oh-tee" to a M3atB0t?
It makes this neat thing where like, each of the Scrybes name has a different amount of syllables from 1-4: P03 has 1, Leshy has 2, Grimora has 3, and Magnificus has 4
As an aside, the French translation localized it as "J03" isn't that funny
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navysealt4t · 2 years ago
i’m not active here anymore. find me at @trevination
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welcome to my blog! <3
pfp by @/bat-lunn and banner by @/canyourlawnmowerdothis (go check em out <3 amazing art)
i'm blue but i have a variety of names for u to choose from (hestia, elle, jazzy, artemis, bee, abby)! my interests change very rapidly lmao but i am primarily obsessed with jrwi, tloz, dbh, and pjo! dont be surprised to see other stuff tho :)
i use he/she/it + all neos (no they/them!)! my favs probably he/him, she/her, sol/sun, and ey/em!! i like em all tho! PRONOUN PAGE!
i'm a minor!
bigender and (tentatively) afab/honeybee transfem <3 and an arospec lesbian <3
EXCLUSIONISTS FUCK OFF. we support mspec gays and lesbians here.
@thiriumstains - my dbh blog!
@sageoflightning - my loz/botw/totk blog!
@hyacinthstims - my stimboard blog!
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i'm a fanfic writer! my ao3 is navysealt4t and i post most of my writing there!! feel free to drop by and leave a comment! they make my day :)
sometimes i open fanfic requests! i usually just reblog and ask game or prompt list and tell ppl to go wild lol. though, warning, there is a less than 50% chance ill end up writing the prompt u send </3 my motivation and energy is so unpredictable so lots of the time im just not feeling it, and the other half i forget the prompt even exists!
another note, im terrible terrible at responding to dms :P i much prefer to chat through asks or just posts. im not totally opposed to dms but they do give me a bit of anxiety and then i tend to pretend they dont exist.
INTERESTS: writing, jrwi, tloz, hunchback of notre dame (movie and musical), choir, musical theatre, ukulele, dbh (mainly connor, markus, hankcon, and rk1k), video games, unpacking (game), drawing, baking/cooking, cats, etc :] PLEASEEE send asks about this stuff if u want :D literally send me asks about random ass things i love asks :3
my discord is @/beelue if u ever wanna chat!! (close mutuals/close friends can ask for my instagram :3)
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tagging system! (i barely ever use this :()
#some blue thoughts - my general tag for my original posts!
#blue's headphones - music!! whether its my choir music or music im obsessing over or music i relate to a character :)
#blue's writing - where all my fanfics n writing go!!
#blue's theatre - all my theatre stuff!! this wont have much traction anymore since my show ended recently (:((() but yeah!!
#blue's faves AND #blue's saves - stuff i wanna save for later or stuff that is REALLY COOL
#and the universe said i love you - positivity tag!! scroll through if ur having a bad day <3
#bumbling thoughts - posts about characters!! can be in depth analysis' or just silly 2 sentence headcanons :)
thats about it for now!
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