“You just gotta focus” “are you sure it’s adhd and not just you being lazy”
When you get diagnosed with adhd people tend to think you can choose when to focus and when not to. However that’s not how those with adhd function! Even with medication it’s still very difficult to retaining your focus on tasks no matter how important they can be. Attention deficit isn’t a switch you can switch on and off to focus when you need to, no matter how you explain it some people simply don’t understand what it’s like. I’ve seen a lot of tips to help get tasks done and I can’t say that they will help everyone as everyone is different!
One tip I saw is to write down all your tasks on small paper and put them in a jar, hat, or box and pick out a paper piece and do that task first, after finishing that task you draw a new card and continue doing that till you no longer have any tasks!
Another tip I saw is to write down your tasks on a sheet of paper and color code tasks based on urgency and work on the most important and cross out the tasks as you go!
That’s all the tips I have for now but I’ll look out for some more! Also I’m very sorry for not posting in so long! I’ve had a medical scare a year ago and I now have many doctors appointments and a lot of things to get together in order to attend college in the fall :0 I finally have time now to start to post more often and I’ll make sure to post more! You’ll have to bare with me as I want to study more disabilities as I want to offer advice and inform people on many disabilities and I like to make sure I have the right information and that I’m not spreading misinformation!
Sean signing out till next time! Have an amazing day and week you beautiful people <3
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Why do you like that so much? Why do you know so much about this specific topic? Oh that’s cool but, why are you telling me all this?
with adhd and autism we have the tendency to hyper fixate on certain topics, activities, shows and sometimes book or puzzles!! There’s so many things we can hyper fixate on but what does hyper fixation mean? Why do we get this fixations?
What does hyper fixation mean?
Hyper fixations is when we put our full attention on an interest or activity for hours maybe even days at a time. Those who have hyper fixations will get so engrossed in something that we tend to block out the whole world around us and focus on this one thing. We spend hours not realizing how much time has past (Time blindness also contributes to this). Hyper fixations can differ per person but for the most part we focus on things that we enjoy!
Why do we get these fixations?
We get fixations due to low levels of dopamine, with adhd and autism we have lower levels of dopamine (which also causes depression in some people) this means it’s easier for us to get bored and unhappy, the hyper fixation is our brains way of shifting gears and finding a way to help our bodies produce more dopamine!!
While hyper fixations aren’t bad as they help us, it can often cause us to forget other tasks we’re meant to do. We tend to focus so much that we don’t remember other tasks were meant to do. One way to explain (this is from how to adhd) say you’re working at an office and you have a body guard who lets certain people (tasks) in. With adhd and autism our body guard doesn’t go such a great job..., they’re letting everyone and everything in some days! (Mostly effects adhders) But other days they’re only allowing one task in, even if the other tasks are important (effects both). We tend to forgot to eat when hyper fixating or use the bathroom or every drink water!! Sometimes it’s great to have someone around to remind us to take a break and get other tasks done. But for most of us we don’t have someone else to remind us to take breaks, which is why timers are very helpful!! Setting a timer can help us to remember how much time we’ve spent on a certain thing and can help remind us to take breaks when needed to!!
Another thing!! Sometimes with these hyper fixations we can info dump on people who ask or bring up anything about it! Which is completely valid as we just want to share our information!! But one things is, no one should ever make you feel bad or make you feel ashamed because of these fixations. We love to share our knowledge with others and unfortunately some people just don’t like to be educated about the things we choose to fixate on. People like that don’t deserve to listen to your fixations!! As your fixations are important to you and bring you so much joy! Never feel bad because someone says it’s weird to know so much about something! I’m %100 always willing to listen to people rant about hyper fixations if anyone wants to/needs to share them!! My dms are open to anyone!!
I hope this post can help you guys to understand hyper fixations more!! I also would like to remind you to please take breaks and remember to drink water and eat some food!! Gotta feed and take care of our brain to help it produce more dopamine!! And so we can create more creative ideas!!
As a note I’d also like to apologize for being so inactive on this account! When I started this account my hyper fixation was to learn and advocate for those with disabilities and unfortunately my hyper fixations tend to change quite a lot! I hope to post more about different disabilities soon! I promise it won’t just be adhd and autism forever!! I want to advocate for everyone but so far I know A LOT about adhd and autism :) if you have experience or know a lot about a certain disability you’d like to hear talked about please message me!! As I learn better from those who have had personal experiences and would like to be the voice for those who simply aren’t loud about certain things or don’t feel comfortable to advocate so publicly like I do!
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“It’s ocd as an app!! Download now!!
Ive made a rant about this before on a different account but have lost the account and original post but would like to talk about it again.
A year or two back I kept seeing an ad about a game that was about fixing things out of place, like a book out of place on a bookshelf or a line of pencils and a few being out of place. The tag line the app had was “it’s ocd as a game” My biggest issue is that 1.) OCD is not just being a perfectionist and finding things out of place annoying and 2.) A MENTAL OR PHYSICAL DISABILITY SHOULD NEVER BE A MARKETING PLOY 
OCD is not just “that pencil is out of play it bugs me” it’s also dark and intrusive thoughts as well as obsessions and compulsions. If you’re going to market an app as “ocd as a game” either talk about the actual disability and help educate people or don’t use a disability as Marketing ploy.
Sorry this post is so short as I’ve stated I lost the original post and can’t find my sources I used, and as a note the app has changed its name and has stopped using ocd as a marketing ploy shortly after my original post!
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Does anyone else not remember taking there adhd medication and worry you didn’t but at the same time worry you did and don’t want to take more if you already have?? Because if so you’re just like me and the millions of adhders!! and remembering if you’ve already done something and accidentally start the dishwasher for 3rd time or feed your pet for the second time in a row... adhders tend to be very forgetful! Since our brains are like kids at a candy story grabbing any and everything they want we tend to simply forget where we put certain items or if we’ve done a certain task, while a lot of people suggest a routine and writing down when we’ve done these things adhders tend to have a hard time remembering schedules and sticking to them.... we also lose our schedules and phones (happens too often), one thing I’ve done to better help me to remember is keeping a count of how many pills I have so I know if I’ve taken one today or not! I’ll also make sure if I do make a schedule it never leaves my room of study! I hope these can better help all my fellow scatter brained adhders!!
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Imagine you’ve crash landed on a planet similar to earth
Continuing with autism acceptance month (that’s what I’m calling it instead of awareness as we all know autism exists) I wanted to bring up an explanation of autism from a kids tv show know as Arthur as it brought in prospect to me (someone who has a hard time understanding explanations) what its truly like to experience the world with a completely different brain!
“Imagine you’ve crash-landed on an alien planet. It looks like earth, but there are lots of differences. For one a lot of people seem to talk really loudly. And even though you speak the same language, you sometimes have a hard time understanding what they mean. And things that seem hilarious to you, aren’t funny at all to them. You wish the scientists back on earth had given you a guidebook to this strange planet, but they forgot to pack you one. So you have to try to learn things all on your own. Maybe there’s one thing in particular that captures your interest, and you study just that. Hopefully, the people on the planet begin to understand you a little better. And you might even learn to fit in. But you’ll always feel a little different.”
I find this explanation very helpful in the sense that it’s explained to help kids understand what it means to have autism and what it’s like to experience normal things to neurotypicals as someone who’s brain is completely different! While I know Arthur isn’t always shown to all kids i appreciate that the kids who see this episode can learn to understand that others learn and function completely differently from fellow classmates.
The full episode if anyone is interested to watch is on YouTube. https://youtu.be/zDRYoINqPQY
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“But You don’t look like you have autism” “Don’t shake/flap your arms/spin/rock/ jump like that it’s embarrassing” “you’re just say you have autism to get away with being rude”
Before I start this post I’d first like to say I’m not a professional and all the information I’ve learned is from fellow disability advocates and those who have autism. I’ve made sure the information I’ve leaned is from people who are creditable and that said information is not made up by non-allies or those who create false information.
April is autism awareness month and first off I’d like to say autism doesn’t need awareness we all know it exists! What autism needs is acceptance! Giving it awareness when we already know it exist is like trying to tell someone there is a fire when they can clearly see it burning. Society makes people believe they are less of a human being for having a disability that they can’t control. No one chooses to be born the way they are it’s just how we’re created! And we’re all amazing humans!!
I’d like to talk about Autism speaks (from now on I’ll be calling it A$) A$ is a organization that “speaks for autism” when In reality it is seen as a autistic hate group. A$ raises money by having events to sponsor “causes,treatment, and prevention” First off Autism is NOT an illness it is a genetic, life long neurodevelopmental disorder, it’s not something you can just “cure” and have it over with. Autistic people are NOT puzzles missing a piece either! They’re human beings who don’t need nor want to be “treated or “cured”. A$ doesn’t even put its donations toward this so called “cure” they use most of it for advertising, salaries, benefits and pay roll tax. The CEO of A$ makes over $370,000 a year while only $4,000,000 of total revenue gets allocated to family services for the entire country. A$ organizes walks and events around the country to raise money for the organization but where does that money go? Straight to there pockets. In 2013 the Atlanta walk had net proceeds $542,000 50% of that was granted to the Marcus institute, The co founder of which is a board member. As if that wasn’t already bad enough their mission state meant from 2013 states “we strive to raise public awareness about autism and it’s effects on individuals, family’s and society, and we work to bring hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder.” “A$ aims to ... urge the government and private sector to listen to our concerns and take action to this urgent global health crisis” “ it’s our firm belief that, working together, we will find the missing piece of the puzzle”. As I’ve stated before those with autism are not missing a piece of a puzzle and don’t need or want to be “cured”. They’re human beings and deserve to be treated as such. A$ is a hate group, they espouse harmful rhetoric about autistic people and have partnered with a white supremacists, in 2017 they partnered a white supremacists biker gang called the sons of odin who have been reported harassing Syrian refugees. They’ve been officially labeled by the anti-defamation league as a hate group yet A$ chose to still partner with them. They’ve partnered with companies that support shock therapy, starvation, sleep deprivation and physical assaults. If it hasn’t been clear do not support Autism speaks for any reason. 1.) They Treat autistics like they’re defective and a disease the burdens society 2.) Autistics themselves overwhelmingly hate everything they stand for and that should tell you something 3.) They scare parents into giving them more money and lastly 4.) They spend the money they get from donations on themselves. Instead of posting and or using the blue puzzle piece use the rainbow infinity sign as its better representative of autism! Don’t “light it up blue” as A$ uses this, instead please use #redinstead to counter act A$. Follow true autistic blogs ran by those with autism and donate to them instead!! I hope this can help you all to support autism awareness the right way and help get donations to those who truly need it!!
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I’d like to talk about a important subject but first, PAY ATTENTION. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? ITS SO EASY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?
These are common things a student/ person with adhd might hear on a daily basis, Adhd or Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a disorder that causes those with it to “lose focus” and not be able to pay attention. Although dispute the name we don’t actually have a deficit we just have issues switching our attention! Which causes us to jump from task to task. The ability to regulate attention is part of our executive function system and with adhd we lack the ability to understand plan and prioritize goals without getting side tracked. Adhd varies from person to person and while it is stereotyped that people with adhd are bouncing off the walls and have so much energy that’s not the case! You can have adhd and it all be internal and not show just how hyper you are or show it physically. Adhd can get tiring and it’s like being on a treadmill but the speed setting is constantly changing from high to low. While ADHD is a challenge it has its benefits, adhders tend to be more creative and we tend to think outside the box (because we don’t even know there is a box) we can also be very kind and generous people!
Another thing that makes adhd hard is not only can we not regulate our attention we have a hard time regulating our emotions as well. Jennifer Petersen explains it as having a really bad sun burn and even a playful slap on the back hurts so bad. Having the inability to regulate our emotions is a difficult thing to deal with, the smallest things can set us off and cause use to “melt down”. The best way to combat this is to ask the people closest to us to understand that we have little to no control of our emotions, it’s like trying to drive a car on a icy road with no breaks.
The best way to help those with adhd is to first understand that we function in a completely different way in a society that is geared against us, we’re shoved in molds we don’t belong in and told were lazy, dumb or stupid. We tend to be treated poorly disputed us having so much to give to the world! Most of the most famous inventors have adhd!! And without adhders the world would definitely be a boring place!
So next time if instead of saying “ARE TOU PAYING ATTENTION” maybe ask “Do you need me to explain again?”
Instead of asking what’s wrong with us ask “how can I help you understand what I’m saying?”
Instead of writing us off as a burden give us the chance to shine and give the world all we can offer!
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Ableist asking for able bodied people parking spots is like straight people asking for a straight pride, they already exists but since it’s common to be straight or able bodied it’s not celebrated or labeled.
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Having a disability fucking sucks
You grow up being told your different and get labeled as a problem child or “unsuccessful”. You live your life being doubted because of something you can’t help. You’re bullied and ridiculed for something that’s “so easy”. But what does that teach society? That were less of a human being for being nerodiverent? We’re still human and just because we learn, walk or look different doesn’t change that! When someone finds out we’re “different” we get labeled as such and that’s all others see us as, but we’re not our disability!! Our disability is us, it’s a part of us that we can’t change or get rid of so why try to tell us we should change? Why let people who just get diagnosed feel like it’s some burden ? Why let neurotypical people feel they’re better when without people with disabilities the world would be so bland and we wouldn’t have the millions of good things in the world that we have today! I want to shed light on all this and give us all a place to vent rant and spread awareness!! I want to help others understand there disabilities and change the labels!!! I want to change the way the world views us because we’re amazing and beautiful individuals!
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