#but anyway yeah this whole thing is starting to bleed into other parts of my life and it’s not good
diaz-fox · 1 month
had a bad few days bc i’m going to a festival w my friends (who kinda suck) next week and it always ends up being an absolutely horrible time for various reasons (it’s also the fifth anniversary of my dad dying next weekend but i’m trying not to think about that lmao) but i’ve been overthinking it and stressing about things that haven’t even happened yet and i think i need to try and change my mindset going into it bc like ???? if i go into this thing already writing it off as Something Bad then it actually will be something bad y’know?
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craacked-splatters · 4 months
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ur crossover prison dimension au intrigues me @imagionationstation do u have any more stuff to share about it? 👉👈
Sleep deprived so feeling a lil loopy(sorry for any incoherent babble) but Shsjdks yeah yeah adding this 2 the "stuff 2 draw for" pile here
I kept coming back to this au. More specifically the part where Dee and Leon r trapped in the prison dimension. Like Rise animators did a cool job on animating the squishy fleshy organic dead alien race stuff in the movie! Look at this!
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Ooey gooey icky ew ^^^ I love it
And also the prison dimension looks so sick and cool
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I imagine surviving in a dead wasteland full of decay and corpses and echoes with a lunatic hunting u down 24/7 wouldn't be fun. What horrors do u think they would witness while trying not to bleed out and die? What trauma would Kraang inflict on these two? Revenge and rage are the only things fueling that war criminal & truly I don't think there's anything holding that guy back (for the love of everything I hope the bois don't have to fight any other rise kraang tech, it's genuinely terrifying they're literally gonna die Do NOT let that maniac get their tentacles on anything else besides the weird corpse armour they're wearing plz & thank u)
These poor kids. Leon went from the movie events to this, and Donnie literally got poofed to atoms before popping up in the middle of a child murder. Wowza how overwhelming. The one thing that keeps popping up into my mind is the two of them huddling together under some ruins or holding hands bcuz they're too afraid 2 end up separating and dying alone. How strange would it be. To have a different version of ur brother(- not quite a stranger bcuz there's still similarities that he shares with ur own, he's a brother, he's not urs but there's another versión of u running around, there's a whole nother universe bcuz of course there is and somehow ur still bros in it and he's here instead of his home he's right here) how strange it must be to this different face, different voice and eyes and mannerisms an entire new soul as ur only anchor. To be the only thing to keep u from falling apart. To see each other as a constant reminder of what they wished they had, of wanting to their families, of wanting to just leave this hellscape where things don't make sense and just go home.
But when they do finally get rescued there is no feeling of safety or realness or even a home to greet them. Only a sense of wrong & confusion & hurt & the equally trembling hand holding ur own and those scared haunted eyes that followed u since the horror show of the prison dimension.
(Trauma bond!! Yay🎉)
How would Leon and Dee interact with each other at first and how did it change as they continued to survive? What was it exactly that made them start clinging to each other? Would it become a habit for them both to go reaching for the other even when nothing is said or done?
And and!! I was thinking about the 2 angst paths u set out too. They're both sooo good!! Honestly u have such a big brain where do u keep coming up with these genius ideas! The custody battle route is very angsty :)) heehehehe. Rise splints and Don having no problem stopping Dee from going home with his family for Leon is so sweet and also AUUUGHH!! They're literally willing 2 do whatever is needed to keep their family safe & happy and I cry but then I remember the 2012 fam being the same & then i cry again
Also ur so right d 2012 bros have never been apart for long, they literally spent 15 yrs of their life together bcuz together meant safe and safe meant home. They're literally heat seeking missiles for each other even in the show. With them it's either they all die or none of them do. How painful it must be to be ripped apart so suddenly like that :((
Um anyways so yeah very good au👍 will continue to doodle gonna sleep now
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things-erin-likes · 5 months
I know this is wildly different from my usual art posts BUT I have wanted to make it for a long, long time, because I love sharing any knowledge that might help someone else. SO...
If you (A) don't want to spend more than 1 minute on your face routine, (B) don't want to completely change what your face structure looks like with makeup to have a consistent skin appearance and/or (C) have cystic/nodal/regular acne that just doesn't go away no matter what people tell you to do,
then I give to you:
My One Single Product 1 Minute Makeup Tutorial For People Who Don't Wear Makeup
In which I bravely show you my face to illustrate
Before and after on one of my "best" skin days:
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It's very likely this is common knowledge for a lot of people BUT I wish I had known it when I was in my teens and struggling with a severe skin condition I thought would eventually go away and never did.
[TLDR: It's a concealer stick that matches your skin]
No, having a skin condition doesn't mean you need to cover it. However, that doesn't mean it can't still hurt your self image, confidence, and relationships with people who give you unsolicited comments on it (because you want to throw them out the window).
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A concealer stick, my preference being Covergirl's CG Smoothers. They're non-comodogenic and somehow seem to help with my acne, maybe just because covering it helps me not pick at it.
Now, I am the pastiest, whitest shade of white, so I use two shades: "Fair" for my face, which has more of a pink hue, and "Neutralizer" (wheeze) for my neck because it gets even less sun than my face, and is both paler and less pink.
You might be able to get along just fine with one tone if you don't get acne on your neck and chest or have a more even skin tone, but the most important thing is to get the shade that matches your skin tone as close as possible.
To do this, either look in a mirror in the most natural light you can find and hold up your hands and arms until you find a spot that matches your face the closest, then compare the makeup in the store to this. OR.... Just bring a little mirror with you to the store.
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1. Start with a clean face. (Wipe your face with a wet cloth if you haven't washed your face already that day)
Optional step 2. Put on a little moisturizer if your skin dries out and flakes, like mine does. I'm allergic to my cats so I use a medicated cream in place of moisturizer lmao
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3. Swipe the concealer directly onto red spots, scabs, or bumps, and rub it in with your finger making a soft halo that blends in with the rest of your skin.
...and that's it.
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You don't have to do your whole face. You're only adjusting the parts that stands out so they blend in and leaving the rest alone. Some days I cover a few spots, other days it feels like my whole face.
It can't always completely everything, but it makes everything much less noticeable. The shape of scabs may still be there:
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It won't cover freshly bleeding wounds well, either... But it will cover the red skin around it:
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Like with any makeup, always remove it before you go to bed!!! With makeup remover or a cleanser! Cheap, unscented makeup wipes work great for me.
So yeah, I'm 30 and only just now started finally seeing improvement in my own skin because I did my own research and asked a doctor to try treatments for hormonal acne instead of all the antibiotic approaches, meaning I'm on spironolactone and thus also a mandatory birth control. But hey! It's something.
Having control over how my face looks helps my confidence and self image, like controlling how my hair or clothes look. I don't feel like I have to wear it any more than I don't have to wear my hair short, I just like it that way.
I also hope that this might be able to help guys too, or anyone else who feels like they're not "allowed" to wear makeup but still struggle with the look of their own skin, since the lack of any other product means you really don't look like you're "wearing makeup".
Anyway, long post over, time to flee 🏃‍♀️
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story-island · 2 years
Shot From Above (Simon Riley X Fem Reader)
A/N: Hey everyone! I wrote this one as a longer piece, I might post a part two or the other half might just end up as a whole separate work, because it could be. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Summary: You and Ghost are on the tail end of a convoy and get shot from above by helicopter. Forcing you and Ghost to get a little closer. Super fluffy aside from descriptions of gun fighting.
Warnings: Descriptions of being shot at, Car roll over, Explosions, Swearing
Word Count: 2.6K
"Ghost, we got birds!" you said to the man sitting passenger to you.
"I see that Birdie, weird being on the other side?" he asked calmly as you drove, avoiding RPG shots as you went.
"Yeah, it fucking sucks" you replied, still keeping your eyes on the road and bird.
You were known to be on one of the best helicopter support teams, so being at the receiving end of chopper fire was new to you.
"Can you get a shot on it?" you asked annoyed that he hadn't even looked out to see it better.
"No, my rounds won't make it that high and still damage enough."
Your mind was reeling, you needed to feel in control of something, everything was up in the air, and you were narrowly avoiding the shots at this point.
"Fuck okay, when they get in range, the tail is your best shot, it might spiral out of control with enough rounds." you said, feeling your anxiety grab you tighter.
"When did you start out-ranking me?" Ghost asked with only a small bit of anger in his voice.
"Um . . I don't sir"
"Then you don't tell me where to put my bullets do you"
"No sir, sorry sir, won't happen again" you said, through a voice crack.
"Don't be sorry, do better." He said coldly.
"Yes sir."
The rockets were getting closer and closer, and you were running out of road and ideas, but the silence that fell in the cab made it a little easier. That was until you miss calculated when you needed to punch it to get out of range. It was a simple mistake that anyone could have made, but it was enough to put you in some deep shit.
In a flash the front of your truck was hit, forcing you to go straight into a series of rolls. You ended up somewhere off the road, mind fuzzy and vision blurry you moved to unbuckle yourself quickly. Noticing that you were the only one in the car. Once you fell to the roof of the vehicle you knew you only had moments to kick out the glass and run for your life. But fuck did it hurt to move, you were banged up pretty bad.
Moving yourself, screaming as you kicked as hard as possible against the glass. It broke the first try, and before you could crawl out, a strong hand was pulling you out by your leg. Ghost had obviously fared better, being able to pull you up in a flash.
"Tree cover" he half yelled, forcing both of you into an all-out sprint.
Not five seconds after you made it away from the truck it exploded, almost pushing you to the ground. Still hearing shots from above, you weren't sure if they would follow you or go after the rest of your convoy. You hoped that you toyed with the Helo long enough for everyone to split up and find their own ways back to base.
"You good?" Ghost asked, breaking the silence before slowing down to a jog for your sake.
"Yeah" you said, breathlessly, thankful he slowed down a bit.
"Your bleeding" he commented, seeing a pretty nasty looking cut on your head.
"Yeah" you responded.
He caught how distant you were with the response, so instead Ghost changed the subject.
"Safe house is three miles out, keep up" he said.
"Sure thing L.T." you said, as he pushed back into a run, slightly slower than before.
The majority of the run was quiet, you were focused on the pain you were feeling, trying to push through. However, at some point you spoke up to thank Ghost for saving you.
"Thank you for getting me out, and not just leaving me in the truck" you said, breathily.
Ghost didn't respond with more than a nod in your direction. He heard you.
You weren't more than five minutes out from Ghost's safe house, but you were getting tired, and the pain was still draining you piece by piece. Eventually though you came to a small one-story building in a big clearing on a hill. It was a nice little place, with great advantage points in case of ambush.
"We stay here for the night," Ghost said, hoping through a window.
This time it was your turn not to respond, just following him into the building.
"Since you'll be up taking care of that nasty thing, why don't you take first watch." he said, dropping some of his gear in a room he seemed to claim.
"Yes sir" you stated, annoyed at him, he must be punishing you at this point.
"I'll be sleeping, wake me when you get too tired." he said, hating how silent you were.
Dropping some of your stuff you went to get a med kit and a mirror. Settling in a room with two windows that looked different ways you got comfortable. Taking a moment to take care of yourself you held the mirror up and saw how bad it looked. It was large, but not as deep as it could be. Didn't need stitches, Ghost wouldn't have made you run if it was that serious. So, you cleaned up the dried blood from your face before bandaging it for a little so it could start healing.
You were determined to have the bandage off before you went back, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. But for now, you would keep it as clean as possible. When you were done, and the med pack was put back together you finally settled in for a long night of being hard on yourself.
Being a naturally anxious person made quiet nights like this hell, having just got in trouble in the past few hours. You escaped into your mind, trying to figure out how to be better as Ghost suggested. Though it might be extreme to some you decided the best way to stop today's event from repeating was to start being quieter. The messed-up logic being that if you don't speak as much you won't accidentally order your superiors around.
You also figured it best to stay on watch for as long as possible, not wanting to meet a cranky Ghost. So, the night fell, and you watched. At some point you saw it getting lighter out, realizing it was daytime you lost any hope of getting sleep. Watching the horizon, you failed to notice the massive, but quiet Ghost behind you.
"It's morning, why didn't you wake me?" he asked, with an edge to his tone.
"I never got that tired." you lied, barely keeping a yawn in.
"Don't lie to me" he warned, stepping closer, now only a little more than a foot separating the two of you.
You didn't respond.
"Jesus Christ Y/N I am not punishing you, fucking nine hours on watch is too much when there are two of us. We talked about this not even a month ago, four-hour shifts and you wake me up." He stated, anger radiating off his body, but it didn't seem to be directed all at you.
"What do you want me to do then" you asked, looking for some way to fix the mess you were in.
"Go sleep" He ordered.
"Yes sir," you said, gathering your shit and leaving the room.
It didn't take a genius to see how tired you really were, beating yourself up in your mind all night. Finding the bed Ghost had slept in you collapsed and fell asleep in seconds. Not even bothering with the blankets. But it didn't matter because you were so deep in sleep that a bomb could have gone off and you would have slept through it.
Regardless of how tired you were, waking up in a place that you weren't supposed to be scary. Opening your eyes in a flash, and frantically looking around. Seeing Ghost driving the truck you were in, you relaxed a little.
"Where are we?" you asked in a scratchy voice.
"Back road, thirty minutes from base" Ghost replied, in a calm tone.
"How long was I out?"
"Only six hours, but I was trying not to wake you." he said, sparing you a few looks.
"Why not just wake me up? Be easier than carrying dead weight." you said, starting to feel more awake with a stretch.
"You needed rest." Ghost said, but secretly he knew something you didn't know about your sleeping habits.
When he picked you up to put you in the vehicle, you weren't dead weight, you were very clingy weight. Almost immediately wrapping your arms around his neck, not wanting to let go even after you were finally buckled in. But he wouldn't tell you, locking that memory in a vault for him to enjoy.
Nodding in response, but not liking the answer you tried to change the subject.
"So, what's happening?" you questioned.
"Managed to get in contact with Price, they secured what they needed and not casualties on our side. He was relieved to hear we were well though." Ghost responded.
"Ok, good to know."
The air went dead, neither one of you willing to break to silence. You were still trying to stay quiet, so you started picking at your nail beds.
"What, no comments to make over there?" Ghost finally managed after a few minutes.
"About what?" you asked, noting that Ghost saw you were acting differently.
"Anything, the weather, asking what we are doing next, fuck even something about how my mask is pointless from an optical perspective. Just something, you're always chatty." He said, frustrated because he wanted to hear your lighthearted voice ring through the truck.
"What if I just don't want to talk?" you asked, looking over, meeting his eyes for only a moment.
"You're making a bad habit of lying to me when it comes to you."
"I'm not lying" you bit back, starting to get snappy.
"Then what is your reason?" he pushed, not backing away from a little bark.
Looking through the window you quieted down and managed a response, but not one you wanted to give.
". . .My mouth makes me a liability, it can get me in trouble, and it did. I'm not exactly ready to go looking for more issues."
"That's what this is about? Seriously?" Ghost asked, almost sounding relieved that it wasn't something worse.
"Yeah" you said, feeling small because of his reaction.
"I was reminding you of your place, not telling you to shut up."
"You're still my superior sir, I shouldn't run my mouth, it's disrespectful." you tried to defend. Knowing full well it was a terrible defense at best.
" You know damn well that's bullshit. We are on a team; I need everyone at one hundred percent. I know for a fact when you aren't talking, you're mentally tearing yourself apart. That can't happen in the field." Ghost explained.
"How . . . Soap that mother fucker" you said, hearing your own words against you. Only telling Soap that when you're quiet you're usually not doing good on the inside.
"Don't blame him, I would have gotten that information eventually."
"Why do you even care?" you asked, managing to look back over at your L.T.
"Do I need to repeat myself?" he asked, giving you another glance.
"No, you need me at the top of my game in the field."
"There you go" he said, almost in a protective tone like a father might say it to his kids.
"Then what do you want to do about it?" you asked, knowing Ghost probably wouldn't go for what you actually needed.
"I'm not in your head, what do you need?"
"Ghost, I can't ask those things of you" you said, looking to your lap.
"Do I have to order you?" he asked with a firmer tone.
"You really want to know?"
"Jesus, just spit it out."
"Pull over" you said, knowing it was pushing an order.
Ghost just nodded and did as you asked. Now stopped he gave you his full attention. Taking a deep breath, you told him.
"I need to hear you say that you don't hate me . . . and a hug."
You met his gaze and saw something in his eyes, some sort of understanding, and not a single ounce of rejection. Even still you felt the need to walk back your words.
"I can go to Soap if you don't want to," you said.
"No, it wouldn't mean as much from him."
Only managing to hum in agreement with the man. Looking back to his eyes he spoke.
"Y/N, I do not hate you . . . I actually quite enjoy your company." Ghost spoke, letting the British slip through a little more than usual.
His words caused tears to well in your eyes, never spilling over, but noticeably there.
"Thank you"
"Now get out of this vehicle and come get your hug." he said with warm eyes.
Practically jumping out of the truck you ran over to Ghost's side, where he stood, towering over you. Not even waiting for a confirmation that you could touch him, you leaped up, giving him a koala hug. Ghost was shocked but he had found his hands under your butt as you clung to him.
"Ok there, you Koala we need to get back on the road" Ghost teased, before letting you drop back to the ground.
"Yes sir!" you responded suddenly feeling so many different emotions.
Back on your game, you leaped into the truck with a smile on your face.
"Feeling better?" he asked after you were driving again.
"Much, thanks again Ghost."
"You know you can come to me, right? It doesn't just have to be Soap" he said, glancing in your direction again.
Ghost was watching you, he didn't usually keep looking over. Normally he would just drive, but you could see that something was different. So, when you responded you tried to match the weird vibe, he was giving off.
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind . . . you know the mask isn't a bad thing, even if it isn't practical."
Taking a moment to let your words sink in a little, Ghost responded.
"You never wonder what's under it?"
"I never said that, but I figure it has to do with your issues, just like I have mine. Regardless, it's still a version of you . . . I still get to know a piece of you." you finished off quieter than you started, but Ghost heard you.
"That's a nice way to think of it," he said, soothingly.
You hummed in agreement and turned to the window, looking out to see a sunny, cloudless sky.
"You know, the sun is nice, but the sky is much prettier with clouds." You said, not meaning for it to be deep, but Ghost held your words close to his heart.
"Sounds like a good motto for life," he said.
"I suppose it is," you agreed with a smile.
The rest of the drive back to base was quiet aside from your little comments. It was nice, for both of you. So, when the base finally came into view you couldn't help but be a little sad you won't be able to spend more time with the man.
Sadly, you couldn't stop time, so you climbed out of the truck and greeted the rest of the team with a smile. Ghost seemed to disappear the second you didn't have an eye on him. Probably off to his room. But that was ok, you were happy with the small moment you shared in the privacy of that vehicle. Only hoping you would have the chance to see more of him in the future.
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
mission first, right?
See my full list of works here!
Summary: You're plagued with doubts when Loki goes radio silent in the middle of a mission after being tasked to acquire intelligence in the possession of a drop dead gorgeous woman.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: massive angst hours; insecure reader; language [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: really not much plot to this; if i'm being honest, this is just a vent piece
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You knew it was a bad idea. Why didn't you listen to your gut when all this started a few months ago?
Oh. Right. You were too busy having said guts rearranged by your…what were you anyway? Friends with benefits? Booty calls with added perks? Lovers? You shuddered at that last word. Definitely not lovers. 
Dammit, you thought to yourself. I had my whole life planned out. Become a SHIELD Agent, level up in the ranks, qualify to try out for the Avengers program, become an Avenger. Getting into a situationship with Loki Laufeyson was not part of the plan, you bleeding nimrod.
Now you were here. Pacing the hotel room you two shared for this forsaken mission, waiting for him to return from seducing that absolute knockout of a target that you undoubtedly wanted to knock out with the butt of your standard issue pistol until her shiny new nose got dislodged from her perfectly nipped and tucked face. 
"We're going to need two of you to go undercover for this one," Rogers briefed the team. "Y/L/N. Laufeyson. You both haven't been spotted by the target, his daughter, or any member of their protection detail. Find the drive, clone it, bring it back here. By any means necessary." 
Upon Loki's raised hand, his brother responded with, "No, Loki, you may not kill unless it is deemed necessary by both you and Lady Y/N." 
"Yeah, Rock of Ages, so no stabbing." 
You didn't think that the drive was a trinket within the bracelet of Dasovich's daughter. That the procurement would require Loki's charms rather than your wiles. That you would have to listen to him use the same caressing tone that he'd used on you just a few short months ago that coaxed you into his bed. 
You didn't think it would hurt. To hear him use that tone with someone else. This was just supposed to be fun. An outlet for the both of you to release whatever pent up tension remained after training. Or missions that leaned more on the dangerous and violent rather than the clandestine and finessed. 
You were just supposed to be a means to each other's stress relief. An instrument towards a mutually reached orgasm. Nothing more. You didn't think—
Exactly, you fucking idiot, you didn't think, you hissed inwardly. You didn't think when you took him up on his offer, you weren't thinking when he first kissed you and slipped his tongue in your mouth, you weren't thinking the first time he used that same mouth and tongue to explore every fucking inch of your body, you weren't thinking the first or the second or the twelfth time he fucked you, and you sure as fuck weren't thinking when you fell in love with him.
"And now look where you are," you sighed into the empty room. 
The minutes turned into hours, with you on the precipice of getting on Tony's last nerve with your constant calls in of "Anything from Laufeyson?" every fifteen minutes, only to receive Steve's response of, "Sorry, Y/N. Still nothing. He must have removed his earpiece." 
"Can't imagine why," you said slyly on your last check in, receiving a chuckle from both Sam and Bucky. "But it's been hours shouldn't we go check on him?" 
"Maybe Horns just wants to be thorough," Sam quipped. "Can't blame him, that woman's practically a supermodel, I'd be thorough, too." 
Well you can't blame him but I sure as fuck can, you thought to yourself, Wilson's words cutting into your heart as if they were Loki's own daggers. "If he's not back in another fifteen minutes, I'm kicking the door in." 
"Jellybean, if Bambi's not back in ten, I'll send in his brother to get him." 
Then, as if on cue, the door to your room opened and in walked the raven-haired god, his suit pristine and not a hair out of place. As if you couldn't get any angrier; he couldn't even look disheveled after the fact because he could just put everything back in place with a wave of his hand. 
"Don't bother, Stark, he's here," you deadpanned. "Thanks." 
"Apologies, darling," he said, taking out his earpiece. "The drive took a while to clone." 
"I bet it did," you shot back, your tone unchanged. "Is she still breathing, at least?" 
"What? Of course she is, I swore not to kill her, did I not?" You felt him step closer to you, placing his hands on your upper arms. You shrugged him away. "Y/N?" He wrapped his arms around your waist; you maneuvered yourself out of his hold. "Darling?" He paused for a moment, probably noting the brass knuckles laid out on the desk next to your pistol, before he let out a chuckle. "Were you barging in to the room, dear Y/N? Come to rescue me?" 
You turned around to face him, the tears threatening to escape your eyes. "Sure, Laufeyson. Let's go with that." 
The amusement on his face melted away as he stepped toward you again. "My precious mortal--" You didn't bother trying to push him away as he pulled you into his arms, his hand gently cradling your head and stroking your hair. He took a breath. "Ask me. There's a question burning in your mind, so just ask me." 
"Do I even have to? Just so I get to hear the satisfaction in your voice when you say yes? I mean, I get it. Mission first and all that, sometimes we have to kill someone, sometimes we have to fuck someone. It comes with the job." 
"Y/N, stop this. Just ask me, so that I may tell you--"
"Loki I can't do this anymore." You rushed the words, as if they were a band aid you simply needed to rip off and everything would be over.
You felt him go frigid around you. "Darling, don't--"
"I can't go through this mission and then…what? We celebrate, we pretend that nothing happened, that you didn't use the same voice you used on me when we started this whole schtick between us on a mark? That you didn't use the exact same moves on her you did on me the second that her hotel room door closed? Hey, at least you had the courtesy to turn off your comms so I didn't have to hear her moan your name." 
"Please darling--"
"Might as well stop it now I mean I'm still hurt and I was still stupid, hell I was stupid to agree to this entire thing anyway. What was I thinking going into this with the bravado that I wasn't gonna fall in love," you chuckled darkly. "Stupid little mortal, right?"
"But I'll be fine. Not like you'd care you probably have your next one lined up already. Is it her? Dasovich's daughter? I mean she is a looker I'll give you that, a knockout even. No you know what? Don't tell me. I don't wanna know. I don't want anything—"
"Stop," he commanded. "Before you say something you cannot rescind. You've said so much, and yet none of your suspicions could be further from the truth. Please, dear heart. Just ask me—"
"FINE!!" You pushed yourself away from him, forcing yourself to look at his face, desperately trying to find the tiniest indicators of him lying once he answered you. Fat chance of that happening, this is the literal god of lies you’re dealing with. You took a breath, your entire body shaking with a rage you couldn't contain anymore. "Was she any good?"
His brows furrowed. "What?"
"When you fucked her—"
"Y/N!" You flinched at his raised voice, the frustration that was evident in his face quickly subsiding for concern the moment a tear finally escaped your eye, rolling down your cheek. "I'm sorry," he said softly, his hands raised as if in surrender as he stepped closer to you. "My darling. My precious girl. Will you please give me a few minutes to tell you what happened?"
Instead of letting the words keep flowing, and letting yourself get louder and angrier, undoubtedly just leading to nothing but a scratched throat and a hollow heart, you gave him a wordless nod. Granted your heart would still be hollow at the end of tonight and you'd still need to nurse your wounded pride and ego, but at least you wouldn't have a scratched throat.
"I didn't touch her," he said calmly, his hands still held up, palms out, almost reaching out to you. 
"Why should I believe you?" you breathed out. You'd felt your strength waning. All you wanted was for this to be over already so that you could get another room, far away from him, and cry yourself to sleep. Though with how weak you already felt, you would probably just lie in bed with the tears streaming down the sides of your face until sleep finally overtook you.
"Because, darling, if you are in fact a stupid mortal, then I am a stupid god." Your breath hitched. Don't fucking say it, Loki, you shouted in your head. "I could not even stomach the thought of touching another. Not when I knew that the woman I love was waiting for me in our room, and every time I would think about committing myself fully to this mission, I could imagine the hurt in your eyes when I returned to you. I must say the reality is a much more agonizing than anything I could have conjured in my own mind." 
It was only then that he stepped closer, framing your face in his hands. When you blinked, more tears escaped your eyes. You didn't know if you could believe him, but you wanted to. Desperately. You wanted his words to be the truth. The woman he loved. How you wished it could be real.
"I enchanted her drink, darling. She's asleep. I didn't touch her. I couldn't. Not when I already belong to another. There is no 'next one', dear heart. There is only you. There will only ever be you." He laid his lips on yours in a tender kiss. "Truly the delay was not caused by a prolonged seduction, I could never do that to you. No mission could ever be worth harming you. I needed to scour her slumbering memories to find the location of the drive, the true drive. Our intel misled us. The intelligence she possessed was not upon a trinket around her wrist, but disguised as the jewel upon her shoes."
His words refused to sink in. You refused to accept them. Any of them. They resembled a dream you wished not to wake from. But that was all they were. A dream. These were pretty words fashioned from a pretty mouth. A silver tongue. Pretty words were his specialty; his poorly hidden superpower. With them he could get any unwitting victim to fold, bend to his will. 
And now he was using them on you. Again. 
"Stop," you pleaded. "Please, Loki I'm begging you." Your voice began to crack at your words. "When we started this, we were just having fun. It was stress relief. It's not fun anymore. It hurts. It makes me want to rip my heart out just so it stops hurting so much." You pulled his hands away from your face and began to sink to your knees. "That's it. I give. I can't anymore."
Panic colored his face as he saw what you were doing, and he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you straight to your feet. "No, my love. You do not kneel. Not you." He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Never you." A kiss to your temple, then your cheek. "Y/N, please. I never wish to harm you, my precious girl. My dear heart." He proceeded to press kisses down to your neck, your clavicle, above your heart, until he reached your lower stomach. And there he stayed, hands on the sides of your thighs, his forehead pressed to your navel.
And then you realized that he had sunk to his knees. 
"I cannot lose you, Y/N. My heart would not bear the anguish of losing you." His arms wrapped around your legs, as if he refused to relinquish you from his hold. "This was never about fun for me, dear heart. This was about need. A need I'd never once felt in my life, for anyone. I needed to hold you, to taste you, to love you. But mostly, I needed you to know that I was yours. I need you to know now that I am yours. I need you to know that I--"
"Stop it," you pleaded helplessly. "Don't say it." 
"I will," he insisted. "Because I need you to hear me say it. I need you to know that I love you, and I will spend the rest of my days striving to make myself worthy of you. Why would I ever risk you for something as trivial as intelligence for a mission? You are the most precious thing in my life." His hands grasped yours, and he brought them to his lips, pressing desperate kisses to your knuckles. "Stay with me, my love." 
"Get up," you sobbed, trying to pull him up by your joint hands. "Please, Loki." You could barely breathe as he once again placed his hands on your sides and proceeded to press kiss after kiss on your clothed body as he rose to his feet once more. 
When he was upright once more, he hovered his lips over yours, pleading, "Don't leave me." 
"Don't hurt me," you whispered back.
"Never. I would never. I love you, Y/N. I should have told you sooner. I should have told you my plans, given you no room for doubt." He pressed his lips to yours, audibly exhaling in relief when he felt you kiss him back. "I'm sorry," he murmured against your lips repeatedly between kisses. "I beg of you, my love, don't leave me." 
"I won't," you answered in a rush. "I can't. I'm yours. I love you, too. Even when it hurt to, I loved you." 
"Tell me what to do. To make amends for hurting you so. Tell me and it will be done. Just don't tell me to let you go. I could never." As if to emphasize his point, he wrapped his arms around you in an unrelenting embrace.
"Just don't hurt me," you whispered into his chest. "I won't be able to take it if you do." 
You could hear his heart beat faster as he cradled your head in his hand, holding you as if you were so precious. "I swear, my darling mortal." 
The entire remainder of the night, he made good on his promise to make amends for the hurt his silence caused you, with every kiss, every caress ensuring that the pain you felt earlier that night was a distant memory by the time you'd both arrived back to the tower.
And then the declared to Steve and Fury that he would never partake in a task like that again. That in the future he will acquire the intelligence in his own way, without having to resort to flirtation or seduction. 
When they asked him why, he simply said, "No intel would ever be valuable enough to warrant hurting the woman I love in order to acquire it." 
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A/N: Let's be real…my brain went somewhere angsty and sad midway through reading the latest CF entry by @lokisgoodgirl (right before they started going at it in the mark's hotel room 😳😏), and it refused to leave that angsty and sad place until I finished writing this whew--
Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston @ladyjames78 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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obsidiancreates · 7 months
Catching Up (With No Murders This Time!)
(I just wanted Shawn and Abigail to like, see each other again and get a little closure since they broke up under such horrible circumstances.)
"Hey, sweetheart. I just wrapped up a case and I just so happen to be next to that awesome bakery you love, do you want- sweet! Uh, no, no Gus with me, your croissant will make it to you with no bites taken out of it. ... No, I'll buy my own so I'm not tempted either. Yeah, well, Selene called and told him Charlie is running a fever so he sped off before I even finished the wrap-up. Oh, gotta go, someone is about to try and get the last Nutella-filled one."
Shawn hangs up and rushes up to the counter as the person who's eyes were lingering on the Nutella-filled croissant is about to order. "You know, I am amazed you guys still make these, because I heard that hazelnuts and chocolate combined can give you hair loss."
The woman freezes, and Shawn almost does a little celebratory shimmy- until she turns around.
Shawn's mouth parts in shock. "Abigail?"
"Shawn?" Abigail blinks. "Are you really..." She leans in and whispers, "Why are you in San Fransisco?"
"I- I uh, moved here. A few years ago with- uh, well with my wife." He holds up his hand. Please don't let this be awkward, please don't let this be-
Abigail holds up her hand, showing off her own wedding ring. "We match."
A tension Shawn hadn't realized he was holding bleeds out of him. "Look at that!" He grins at her. "Who knew us crazy kids would ever find that, huh?"
"Who knew. ... Oh, you um, wanted the Nutella."
"Yeah, if- it's Jules's favorite so I just-"
"Jules? The detective you worked with? ... Actually, that makes sense."
"... Is that a... bad, 'that makes sense'?"
"No, just... it makes sense. Here, uh, I'll have the regular chocolate instead. My husband is allergic to hazelnuts anyway, I'd have to brush my teeth before kissing him, it's... a whole thing."
They order, and sit together while waiting for the coffees.
"So, um... how long have you been married?" Abigail asks before taking a bite of her pastry.
"Let me see, uh... six years, now? ... Holy crap, I've been married for six years. ... What uh, what about you?"
"Four. We met through the program I do, for teaching abroad."
"Ha, that's cool. I'm a detective, I married a detective, you're a teacher, you married a teacher... fits, it-it fits good."
"... Sorry about uh... all the stuff I put you through, back then. Taking you to crime scenes and client's houses was a little-"
"I was going to say offbeat, but... stupid works too." They both give a small laugh. Shawn awkwardly picks at his own pastry, Jules's sitting in his lap. There's a beat of silence that's just agonizing.
"How's Gus?" Abigail looks up at Shawn again. "I mean, I just assume you're both still doing the psychic detective thing."
"Oh, Gus is great. He uh, he got married too, about four years ago now, just before the whole uh... pandemic, thing. She's basically a clone of him, but a woman, and they've got a kid."
"Let me guess. You're the godfather."
"Which still freaks me out, by the way. He's a great kid though. Smart and awesome, just like his dad, and it looks like he got The Super Sniffer too. Gus says it's too early to tell, but-" Shawn puts a finger by his temple. The movement feels weird. He hasn't really leaned into the whole "psychic" thing for a few years now, and when he does he usually use the finger-to-eyebrow device anymore. When was the last time he did? ... Dear god, it's been ten years. Ten years since he moved out of Santa Barbara.
"Time really flies," he finds himself saying."
"Tell me about it." Abigail shakes her head. "My husband and I adopted, about two years ago now, and she's just... shooting right up. When she started walking I couldn't believe it."
"Gus couldn't either. I think he showed me the video about a billion times."
"Absolutely weeping, yes."
"Nice to know some people never really change."
"Mmmm, I wouldn't say that. He's done some pretty badass stuff since you last met him."
"You do know that seems... a little far-fetched."
"More far-fetched than the time we had to prove a polar bear was framed for murder?"
"... I'm not sure if I believe you about that."
"If we had time, I could condense each little weekly adventure into about a forty-three minute story each."
"That's not very condensed."
"... You're right, it's not." Shawn nods, and looks up as the bell on the door jingles- he hears Abigail laugh a little about it and mumble that yeah, people don't really change.
The man at the door spots Abigail and grins. Shawn hones in on a wedding ring, a tie with Abigail's favorite flowers as the design, and hair that just may rival Shawn's own.
"Hey, honey." The man sweeps right over to Abigail and leans down to kiss her in her chair. "Finally sorted out the issue with our plane, we should be on our way day after tomorrow."
"Oh, thank god," Abigail groans, holding her husband's hand as he pulls over another chair to sit next to her. "I'm so tired of hotel food."
"You and me both," her husband chuckles. He looks at Shawn. "Who's this?"
"Oh, um, this is Shawn Spencer."
"Ooooh, you're the guy who took her to a crime scene as a date one time."
"Guilty," Shawn says with a laugh.
"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you. Good things!"
"And some not-so-good things, I'm guessing?"
"No, no. ... Not about you as a person, anyway. Plenty of bad things about your job."
"Yeah, I figured. ... Oh, there's our coffees." Shawn takes his paper tray with 4 coffees (Gus and Selene will need them) and stands up. "Well, this was totally unexpected, but I'm glad it happened. It was nice seeing you again, Abigail."
"Nice seeing you too, Shawn." She smiles at him. "I'm glad you're doing well."
"Me too. Doing well is pretty great. Oh, and, glad for you, I guess."
Abigail laughs again. "Bye, Shawn.
"Bye, Abigail."
He walks out of the bakery, the sound of Abigail chatting with her husband following him until the door closes. She sounds happy. Happy and relaxed in a way that even on their best days, she never was with him. And he's glad.
He's just genuinely happy for her. That's a really, really nice feeling. No jealousy, no feeling of missed chances, no wondering of 'what-ifs'. Just... actual, authentic happiness that she's doing well.
He tucks Jules's croissant into his pocket and pulls out his phone.
"... Hey, babe! Yeah, got the last Nutella for you, and a coffee. ... Yup, that perp was our case. Really? Described being caught by 'some kind of ninjas or something?' Well, babe, as much as I'd love to tell you I've secretly been a martial arts master our whole marriage, you can put in your report that he's absolutely lying because he's very embarrassed. Truth is Gus accidentally knocked over some marble statue onto him while he was chasing me through the art exhibit. ... Can I fill out the statement later tonight? I got coffee for Gus and Selene too. Awesome! I will hang around to tell you who I just ran into, though. Of course I'm neglecting paperwork in favor of personal matters, if I ever don't then your husband has been replaced by a pod person. Okay, love you, I'll be there as soon as I find a ride..."
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
"I've told you before: I don't smoke or drink." The words are forced through clenched teeth and heavy breathing.
"I think you can make an exception this once."
Vanderwood has never met a more stubborn kid in their life. Anyone else with a wound that big would be begging for anything to dull the pain. And to be fair to Seven, he did ask for something... at first, anyway.
"I won't let you bleed out if that's--"
"I know you won't," Seven cuts in. I trust you, as much as people like us can be trusted, is something that remains unspoken but understood between them. "That's not my concern. Just get on with it."
Vanderwood huffs out an irritated sigh. "I don't think a few shots of whiskey will count."
"This is the last time I will say it: if the closest thing you have right now to a painkiller is a bottle of whiskey, then I won't take it. Just. Get. On with it."
Seven's eyes are hard and unwavering. Vanderwood knows they're not going to win this argument. Why is he being so stubborn? "This is going to hurt," they say.
"It already fucking hurts," Seven snaps through gritten teeth. "It's a stab wound."
"And it's going to hurt a hell of a lot more when I'm sewing it closed."
"I'll be fine. I can take it."
"You're going to have to hold as still as possible. And be as quiet as possible."
The safehouse they escaped to should be too far for anyone to follow. Should being the keyword. If they have been followed, and Seven screams, it'll mean a lot of trouble.
Seven nods. "Yeah. Yeah I can do that, just..." He looks around for a moment, then grabs his jacket where it lay on the bed behind him. He balls up part of it and shoves the fabric into his mouth, biting down hard. He says something that sounds like "do it" and squeezes his eyes shut too.
Vanderwood sighs. They're not keen on doing this without giving Seven anything to dull his senses, but the other option is letting the wound keep bleeding.
"Okay. Last chance. Because once I start, I'm not going to stop," Vanderwood warns.
Seven shakes his head in a firm, final no.
"Okay. Keep pressure on it while I set up."
A few minutes and a sanitized needle later, Vanderwood walks back over to where Seven sits on the bed. His breathing is audible and deliberate. Slow breath in, slow breath out. In. Out. In. Out. Trying to focus on anything other than his leg. Vanderwood digs a knee into Seven's leg to hold him still and, with the hand not holding the needle, pinches the sliced flesh together. Seven's breathing gets heavier.
"Hold still and keep breathing. I'll be as quick as I can."
Seven nods. He twists his hoodie tight in his fingers and bites down even harder.
He doesn't scream when the needle pierces his skin. They've been working together for a few years now, but Vanderwood is still surprised by the kid's pain tolerance. He's not completely unaffected--Vanderwood doesn't miss the sharp inhale when they start--but he doesn't scream. Just bites down harder on the wad of cloth in his mouth and trembles with the effort of keeping still.
It feels like it takes forever--probably feels even longer to Seven--but Vanderwood finally stitches the wound shut. They wrap a bandage snug around it and let out a breath. "Okay. It's done."
Seven gasps and yanks the hoodie from his mouth. He takes big, gasping breaths, like he's just come up from underwater. His whole face is red and damp--sweat running down his face and drool on his chin. Vanderwood grabs a clean cloth and sits back down next to him. "Tip your head up and take your glasses off; you're a mess," they say.
Seven does and Vanderwood sees his eyes are red too; the tracks running down his face aren't all from sweat. Vanderwood doesn't comment on it. They just wipe his face clean. They're a little heavy-handed at the best of times, but they try to be gentle. After a moment the cloth is tossed aside and they're handing him a bottle of water. "Drink. You lost a lot of fluids."
Again, Seven does. That's how Vanderwood knows he's beyond exhausted--no comments or smart-ass remarks.
Seven gulps down half the bottle before stopping to take more gasping breaths. "Thank you, Vanderwood," he huffs out.
"Hmph. Good to know you appreciate me for more than just cleaning your house all the time."
"I mean it," he says. "Truly. Thank you."
If Vanderwood has ever seen genuine honesty from him, then this is it. If not, it's as close as they'll ever get. It's exceedingly rare and they're never quite sure how to respond to it. "Don't worry about it. I can't have you dying on my watch. Now finish drinking that and get some sleep. You look dead, and we can't stay here too long."
Seven nods, chugging the rest of the water before lying back on the bed. He's out cold in seconds, leaving the cabin in silence. Vanderwood enjoys it while they can (they won't admit that they miss Seven's chatter when it's been gone too long). They start repacking their medical supplies and catch sight of the bottle of whiskey standing on the table.
They make a mental note to double check that they're stocked up on painkillers in the future.
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
Big Analysis Part 2
Powers and Blood
[ Part 1 ]
I have a theory to tell you about Henry that's going to make a LOT of other things click. this post is less neatly segmented by topic and more of a swift erratic drop into insanity so buckle up. Long asf but I promise at least the first/main part is worth it.
warning: very high chance this post contains actual spoilers for major reveals in Stranger Things 5. I'll be tagging subsequent discussion of my main theory here with #st spoilers just in case.
after I establish that, I'll speculate about a variety of subtopics including:
Max waking up
[redacted] has powers
Why Henry wanted El to join him
How Will did the lights
What Will's spidey sense is
Henry's original interest in Will
What I think happened that night in 1959
Let's start with this 4x8 Brenner line: "when One kills, he doesn't simply kill. He consumes. He takes everything from his victims. Everything they are and everything they ever will be. Their memories, their abilities."
Brenner literally just saw crime scene photos of Henry's victims like the rest of us. where is he getting that intel? why would he know that?
"are you forgetting that Brenner saw surveillance of Henry killing all the kids so he knows how his killings worked?"
well sure, Brenner had plenty of footage of it, but what visible indication is there about Henry's murder method that he's "taking abilities" from anyone, unless maybe you could see somehow on the tapes that each murder got easier? his nose didn't even appear to bleed a little bit until the very end.
at the time of the massacre, Henry's only two victims that Brenner would already have the full explanation about were Virginia and Alice, because Brenner spent a while with Henry in the lab and probably forced him to tell all about it. So, taking their memories, alright sure, but what do you mean ABILITIES? did Henry suddenly like, get really good at knitting the moment he killed his mom?
Virginia definitely had powers.
the only way Brenner could be so sure Henry gained all the dead numbers' powers was if he already knew that Henry gained powers from Virginia and Alice in the first place.
Virginia having powers is how she "somehow knew" it was Henry giving them visions. she's where Henry inherited his abilities from in the first place.
just like El got hers from her mom. the powers really are maternally inherited.
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MKUltra didn't give Terry Ives powers, it just activated the potential she already had. you can have latent powers and not even know.
anyway, Victor Creel must not have known about his wife's powers any more than he knew about Henry's, which is why he stayed blaming demons.
so Henry kills Virginia, and as he wipes his nose, his narration literally says that he grew more powerful. Henry killed Virginia not only to evade her plans to institutionalize him, but he absorbed her powers.
then Alice. little Alice is too young to have many atrocities under her belt - her only crime is being Virginia Creel's child. I don't know if Henry has much personal resentment toward her, but either way, she inherited those powers just the same as him, and he killed her for them.
It's why he "grows stronger and more powerful" with each kill - it's not just that the mere act of killing any old victim makes his powers stronger - it's that his whole thing is absorbing people. when he kills people who have powers, he adds their powers to his.
eventually Henry does the lab massacre, killing all the guards and orderlies and kids. his backstory would so strongly seem to lead him to be sympathetic to the lab kids, to kill their captors and free them - but to Henry they were just sixteen little power vessels.
moving right along: remember how we all went "oHH" when we found out baby El learned how to do the neck-snap and throwing-guards-into-walls moves from Henry? yeah, that certainly was how he killed those guys!
hey, wouldn't it be fun if we think about how exactly he killed everybody we've seen him kill?
Henry's Murder List
if we try on this idea about Virginia and Alice... would you say it helps a little bit of a pattern emerge?
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everyone Henry kills Like That has powers.
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All of the cursed four have powers. Max has powers.
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It's what he means when he calls Max weak in the same breath as calling her brave. he's talking about her powers.
and apparently Billy had powers as well. not through Susan but his own mother, coincidentally. "all the rest of them" we assumed meant Chrissy Fred and Patrick but actually means ALL the rest. all the kids, Virginia, Alice.
oh, is old givehimthemedicine just a reaching delusional Max fan who wants her to have powers? he's just talking about emotional weakness? because she's depressed and Henry "feeds on the weak"?
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look in what context the words weakness and strength keep getting used in the lab. it's not emotional or physical. it's about powers.
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hmm ok so you're able to write off the lights going blinky because that's a common occurrence for you? at the place where you and your mother live?
I know another kid who used to have electrical problems at his house. it'd be funny if you and he had any other paralle-
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I don't think we know anything about Patrick or Fred's mothers, but here's a hint about the Cunningham family. Chrissy's mom also feels Henry but attributes it to a demon, like Victor Creel.
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gates do indeed open by Henry making a "powerful psychic connection" but Dustin doesn't realize how accurate his wording is - the victims have powers too. Chrissy's major visions both feature her mother screaming at her to "open the door."
doors are what Henry calls gates. he's connecting his powers with Chrissy's to open a gate.
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all this time I took this line to mean that El has the specific skill of opening gates, like how Kali has her own unique skill. actually it probably just means Henry wanted El's strength. like, her amount of power.
which brings me to El.
why Henry's favoritism towards Eleven when she was the weakest kid at the lab? was it just because she was the most empathetic of the kids, and he knew she'd offer to help remove the soteria if he was nice to her?
Henry wanted El at full strength because he had plans for her powers. and if any of those other lab kids were weak he would've coached them too, fattening them up for the kill (Hopper/demogorgon/last supper parallel).
so if Henry went to the trouble of coaching El to bring out her strength instead of just killing her when she was weak, that establishes that he gains more strength from killing actively, strongly powered people, and probably only very little from killing latent or weak people like Alice, Chrissy, etc. maybe barely even enough to be worth the hassle of killing them.
no, see. that's why he Vecnas them.
he's giving the '86 victims traumatic visions and nightmares about the things that he knows causes them the most pain - to make them experience extreme negative emotion, to activate their powers. just like he did by coaching Eleven to harness sad/angry memories. they get nosebleeds, the classic power-use symptom, because of their powers being stirred.
and when he kills them, he's literally power-surging them. think of the way El bleeds worse and feels more drained the harder she uses her powers - except he doesn't stop when they pass out. he forces all the power he can possibly get out of them, past their breaking point, until their bodies literally shatter. this creates a gate, and he also absorbs their maximum powers when they die. maybe like all the powers they would ever have been able to generate, total ("everything they are and everything they ever will be"), all at once.
that's why the flashlight-shattering surge when Henry kills Patrick. Henry isn't just "making a powerful psychic connection" with random teens - so what? what would that do? - he's making a connection and forcing them to generate extreme levels of power.
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that's what causes the huge electricity surge when El closes the gate - she's using her rage montage to generate huge amounts of power, the most we've ever seen her do - AND USING HER POWERS REALLY REALLY HARD MADE HER NOT JUST BLEED WORSE THAN USUAL BUT LEVITATE.
what if Henry didn't levitate Max Chrissy Fred or Patrick. what if their own powers did that?
so Henry probably got even more power out of each '86 victim than El demonstrated when closing the mothergate (because El didn't die).
now realize: Max got power-surged... but Henry got interrupted before he could complete the ritual. she died, yeah, but of a heart attack from the trauma, not as part of the ritual itself.
I don't think Henry had actually taken Max's powers yet.
which means....
and if Max wakes up with amnesia and her powers lost, which is entirely likely given the pattern - don't worry about it. Max has her own NINA: all those letters she wrote. if needbe, El now knows exactly how to train Max back into power, except this time by harnessing love instead of darkness.
now, back to the light bulb thing - when else do we see it?
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in the shed when Will gets taken.
Will has powers too. but you knew that :)
Will's made the light bulb in the shed glow with intense emotion too - fear. the bulb didn't burst because he didn't die.
and if the powers are maternally inherited, Joyce has them too. and Jonathan.
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this could be Joyce lightbulbing, but I don't think she's experiencing a psychic connection with Henry at this moment, so it might actually be Will again, afraid for Joyce.
while we're on the subject:
Who led Holly and Joyce to Will's room with the lights?
in both the Joyce and Holly scenes, the lights blink their way calmly down the hallway. the way they behave just feels like a gentle, friendly presence - just like they do as a result of Hopper and Joyce walking down the hallway in the UD. it feels human.
but I'm not so sure it's Will. even if we say he was just walking to his room the first time and accidentally led Joyce to danger, he probably would be careful not to do exactly the same thing to Holly.
maybe the calm-blinking is not a result of a friendly or human entity, but of a human with powers.
maybe that was Henry walking down the hallway. Henry blinking the lights, Henry playing the stereo.
Joyce goes back into the house after running away, because that song is a personal thing for Will. but that kind of stereo is battery operated and can't play unless the play button is pressed, which requires the presser to either have telekinesis or physically step in for a sec through a portal. if Will could come through a portal the show would be over, and I don't think his powers are strong enough to push a button telekinetically yet even if he wanted to. but most importantly, he wouldn't want to. the demogorgon was definitely right there, and I refuse to believe Will would lure Joyce back into the same dangerous situation she had just fled. being that Henry can read memories, he would be perfectly aware of the personal significance of Should I Stay Or Should I Go and wouldn't hesitate to use it to deceive Joyce. so why didn't she get got when she went back in there? idk, maybe Will created a diversion or something.
I'm also sure it was Henry mesmerizing Holly with that circle of lights, extremely similar to the light-circle game at the Lab he probably got really good at before Brenner put in the soteria. Will can't do this:
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regardless, Holly was lured in there specifically, and the demogorgon almost yoinked her.
so Joyce and Holly were both targeted in season 1, and both when they were alone.
Will was alone, Barb was alone, there were apparently no witnesses to the other four yoinkings, so they were alone. the demogorgon doesn't usually like to appear in front of anybody except those it intends to take.
and can I remind you that every time the demogorgon came into the house to attack Jonathan, it didn't injure him at all. it just knocked him down and drooled on him a bit. it wasn't trying to kill. and can I remind you that Nancy was also there.
the Byers and Wheeler families both have powers.
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dream or telepathy...
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cruel coincidence or ESP....
if both Byers and Wheelers have powers, why wouldn't the demogorgon burst in while the casserole is cooking and yoink Joyce, Karen, and Holly all together? because then the show leaves us the deniability of "oh well it was after Joyce; Karen and Holly just happened to be there". same as "oh well it was after Jonathan, Nancy just happened to be there". showing us an isolated attempt on Holly makes it clear that Wheeler blood is a target.
Henry keeps targeting entire families except for the fathers.
because he's killing everyone with powers, and he knows the powers are maternally inherited.
Virginia and Alice but not Victor.
all the numbers and not Papa (he's not their father literally but he doesn't have powers and it works as a parallel).
Will, Joyce and Jonathan but not Lonnie. that's why Lonnie coming back was even a plot point - to show him being available for a demogorgon attack yet being the only Byers never to have an encounter with it, and not even believe in it.
Nancy's vision of something terrible happening to Karen, Holly, and Mike, but no mention of Ted.
How did Will do the lights?
Will didn't glow the shed bulb or his bedroom bulb on purpose.
his first intentional show of powers (that we saw):
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the imagery of Will's flicker is exactly the same of baby El using her weak powers to flicker a single bulb in the light circle:
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"but wait, why are you calling the lightbulb flicker evidence of Will having powers? we see non-powered people affecting light bulbs by touching them in the Upside Down, like the chandelier scene in 4x7."
correct, but. look at the Nancy Steve Robin Eddie contacting the kids through the chandelier lights scene. it glows in the RU when they all touch it, right? so they ALL have powers too? no.
any lights glow when any regular people touch them in the UD. touch them.
but only people with powers can make lights glow without actually touching them. Will can't be touching that light bulb in his bedroom for Joyce because it isn't even there in the UD. he can only be touching the empty glowy space where it is, like Nancy touching the lite brite.
btw notice how all four teens touch that chandelier but NOBODY EXCEPT NANCY ever touches the unplugged lite brite? sus. assuming the other three don't have powers, I suspect it might not have worked for them.
Hopper and Joyce walking down the hall - they didn't touch those Christmas lights. those weren't even there yet in the UD. that's not just human proximity turning them on - that's Joyce specifically.
Will could only have done most of the lights stuff by having powers. some of those Christmas lights blinked too quickly for him to have touched each bulb physically, besides the fact that he was a little guy, not tall enough to reach them. he didn't have to actually touch them, and again he couldn't have anyway because they weren't there yet on Nov 6. he's not strong, but he's activated enough to use his powers consciously now that he's been lightbulb-glowingly scared at least a couple times.
but that's only half the Will-lights question. that still doesn't tell us how he knew they were there in the first place.
Will in the UD has to be seeing glowy areas where the lights are, like how the teens saw the lights when they aimed flashlights at them.
failing Will having a flashlight with him the whole time (boring! spin again), I have three ideas:
theory one: Will's "true sight" enables him to see glimpses of the RU from the UD as well as vice versa and he did in fact see the alphabet without the aid of a light source.
theory two: Joyce has candles lit in the first blinky Christmas lights scene, and again near the alphabet. I wonder if firelight could somehow transcend dimensions.
theory three, which I like best: is it possible that the lights thing works both ways - that Joyce's presence in the RU made the Christmas light spots glow enough in the UD that Will noticed them?
the lite brite scene, as I understand it, doesn't conflict with this idea. it didn't glow in the UD because Dustin, Lucas and Erica were on the other end of it, and I have no specific suspicions that any of them have powers. if any one of them had powers, the lite brite might have glowed in the UD even without the flashlight beam. and then only Nancy touched it in the UD and made it glow in the RU. if I'm right about who has powers and who doesn't, that checks out.
what about the 1x8 scene where Joyce and Jonathan sense each other in the house? if this theory is correct, Jonathan (if not also Nancy) should be causing glowy spots along the ceiling in the UD. but the UD shots are all framed low, maybe intentionally avoiding giving us a good look toward the ceiling, and we would need a good look because these glowy spots would probably be quite subtle. so while this scene does nothing to confirm, I don't think it denies either.
Will would not have seen the alphabet painted on the wall, but if he noticed 26 glowing spots while hearing his mom say things like "talk to me!" he could maybe figure out what was going on, and maybe filled in his own alphabet.
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the only hiccup is these two light bulbs I circled. because these would put 28 glowing spots on the wall and how would Will know that Joyce started with "I" on the next line instead of the top right bulb, and then the rest of the alphabet would be thrown off, doubly so at "Q". although if Will is able to make individual bulbs glow selectively just by his intent, maybe Joyce is too, and only the alphabet ones are glowing in the UD.
not perfect, but that's my best try for now, because it would also explain the bedroom light bulb.
What about the rest of the yoinked and flayed?
In season 1, a total of six people got yoinked to the UD by the demogorgon. Will, Barb, and four other randos. did they all have powers too?
well, Barb's nose was bleeding:
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(Mrs. Holland I'm onto you too)
and if 2/6 had powers then there's certainly a case for the rest, but that's not a hill I care to die on. like, the elevator guy could've been a convenience yoink, just because he was right there where the demogorgon entered the lab. we know even less about the other victims. I could go either way about it.
as for the flayed, the only family relationship we know about is the Holloways, and since the dad was flayed too that doesn't perfectly follow the not-the-dad pattern (although flayings =/= Vecna'ings and I guess there's no rule preventing Tom Holloway from having his own powers from his own mother).
I'm definitely thinking Billy had powers based on that one Henry line to Max, but I don't think I have an objection to the idea of most of the flayed just being meat. although the flaying process (the tentacle in the mouth) could definitely be a means of both uploading possession and downloading powers. if that's the case, like 1/3 of Hawkins has powers I guess.
so was Nancy's theory about blood attracting the demogorgon right?
Nancy and Jonathan attracted the demogorgon by cutting their hands. Barb bled in the pool. Will wasn't bleeding, but he didn't need to be because I think Henry already knew about him some other way.
that deer was bleeding, Nancy said it had been hit by a car. was that to throw us off, to make us think the demogorgon is just attracted to blood in general? although who's to say it isn't. but it was eating the deer. it didn't yoink Will or Barb (who I think both had powers) to eat.
maybe the demogorgon could smell blood like other predators, but it could also tell regular blood from powers blood, and Henry didn't allow it to eat anyone with powers because he had more important uses for them.
so then if it's literally sniffing out who has powers as it goes along, how did it know about the Wheelers? it tries to yoink Holly episodes before Nancy cuts her hand. I would love to offer you a different explanation than that Karen was there too, and... I can think of a reason an adult woman could be bleeding. do I like it, no, is it possible, I guess.
so what is Henry's original interest in Will?
what if I'm not totally off base about rainbowshipgate? what if the lab, as of 1979, is already watching Will. as a member of staff, Henry could have access to their intel on potential new kids. that way at the time El banishes him to the UD, he already knows about Will. so when he finally gets back into the RU, he makes a beeline for Will.
is it possible that, when he first goes after Will, all Henry wants with Will is his powers like all the rest?
if so, why doesn't he just Vecna him? there has to be a reason he didn't want him dead quite yet. maybe these days Henry is working in partnership with the hive, and while Henry's goal was to harvest Will's powers, the hive also had the goal of spawning some new demogorgons, which requires live host bodies. the yoinked were all handled in ways that served both of those goals.
was Will even meant to survive?
This is gross but, let's talk about that vine in Will's mouth
I FINALLY just got the purpose of this weird ass shot of the alive/dead raccoon in the tunnels. I have never understood what this was supposed to be. It must be dead - it's partly skeletonized - and yet it looks like it's breathing. I never even saw this until I brightened it and slowed it down just now, but: when Hopper nudges it with his foot, vines burst out of the carcass, and the breathing stops.
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I'm frankly still not even sure wtf I'm seeing here but it made me realize that the vine in Will's mouth is not just to deposit the slug, but to give him oxygen.
everyone else probably got this years ago but for the benefit of anyone else as slow as me, Hopper's Sara flashback is not merely a visual association, but a very literal one. although the slugging is ultimately a fatal process, Will is intubated and the vine is keeping him alive for the duration.
this is why the language around Will's slug is always "coughing up" and not vomiting. the vine and slug were never in his digestive tract, they were down his trachea. the vine has to be both an ovipositor and a breathing tube. I hate this subject. it seals off the airway, preventing the host from inhaling the UD's toxic spores, because if the host dies too soon it won't be any good for incubating the slug.
when the slug is ready, the vine must retract (so the slug can get out) and without supplemental oxygen, the host (if not already dead like the raccoon) immediately finishes dying of exposure. this must be what happened to Barb and the others. then the slug grows up and in a few days starts eating the host's body, which is why that other dead guy near Barb is a skeleton already.
I've been going crazy trying to figure out why, if Henry has some grand plans for Will right from the beginning, he would use him as a common demogorgon incubator, with no provision appearing to be made for his survival. (I guess Henry could've restarted his heart like El did Max afterwards, but eh). I haven't thought of an answer yet besides: maybe, at this point in time, he didn't?
maybe his original intent was to activate Will, take his powers, repurpose him for incubation, and leave him to die? and then after Will surprises him by making it back to the RU with semi-awakened abilities, Henry realizes he's become a unique asset? (this is a whole other avenue of thought I need to work out more)
so anyway, how could Henry have harvested Will's powers without killing him yet?
there's only one, one-off way we've ever seen Henry steal someone else's powers nonfatally, without Vecna'ing them, and that's El.
when the meat flayer bites El, a chunk of it burrows into her leg and absorbs a little of her blood. if the powers are genetic, they're in the blood, literally. El uses her powers for the last time to tear it out of her leg, and later, when the whole meat flayer arrives at the mall, it stops and bends down to that little chunk and absorbs it. in doing so, it absorbed her powers.
Henry getting her powers, sure fine, but where I'm still unclear is why this is a zero-sum thing and El lost her powers, because it's not like she lost all of her blood. (also does this mean that in the ST universe if you get a blood transfusion you might end up with superpowers?) there's something I'm still missing here, especially with that shot of the blood puddle sizzling on the floor of the grocery store.
anyway, we know Will used his powers in the UD in order to do the lights. and what happens when you use your powers? your nose bleeds. this is one way Henry could get a little of Will's blood without leaving a mark on him so the audience won't guess.
Will must also get amnesia from "dying", thus losing his active powers like baby El. or else it'd be hilarious if he's had powers and known all the answers all this time and hasn't mentioned it.
What is Will's spidey sense?
if Henry doesn't count on Will surviving his slugging, I don't see any motive for him putting soteria or equivalent into his neck before leaving him in the library.
as much as I like the soteria idea, I'm honestly not sure the simplest explanation doesn't cover it - that Will's spidey sense is just fear.
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when Will's neck tingled when he was possessed, it was because the Mind Flayer (Henry) was afraid. they told us that very plainly with Mr. Clarke's dialogue.
when normal Will's neck tingles, it's because Will is triggered and rightfully terrified some UD shit is happening again. he describes it to others as feeling frozen with fear, cold, like dropping on a roller coaster. he also mentions feeling like he "can't breathe or talk or do anything" - sounds rather like symptoms of having a vine down your trachea, even if you don't know that's why.
but how does he know to be afraid?
I'm thinking that once Henry makes a connection with you, there's always a scar of that connection there, like how gates leave scars - the connection is basically opening a gate between minds. (remember Henry got Max and El from Max's mind into his by literally hurling/carrying them through that stained glass doorway. Victor breaks down that same door and stumbles into the war vision. doors being gates.)
provided there's a UD/RU gate open, Will can sense when Henry is near as a result of that residual connection, but intense fear may be enough to explain the actual reaction on his neck imo. he may not remember exactly what happened to him in the UD but frankly it'd be super weird if he didn't have colossal anxiety at the slightest hint it could be happening again.
Max is the only other person who's had Henry make a connection with her and lived, so if I'm on the right track, she should also wake up with a spidey sense.
Why Henry originally wanted El to join him
maybe opening gates is a 2 player game no matter how strong you are. if Henry killed every other powers person in the world, he wouldn't be able to open gates because he'd have no one to connect with. he had just coached El into becoming the most powerful kid in the lab, and that combined with their "alliance" put her in an ideal position to be his partner in crime.
maybe the thing about her being "superior" and shaping the world with him was just a lie to gain her cooperation? maybe, but the fact that he brought it up again in 4x9, years later and with nothing to gain, makes me feel like he kinda meant it.
this does very little to reassure me that Henry won't turn out to be El's biological father. he would've been 23-24 at the time Terry was involved with MKUltra, and having both parents involved with lab experimentation would align flawlessly with El's very Firestarter-esque origin story. if Brenner didn't actually orchestrate it, I certainly can't see him frowning on it either if he knew, as I'm sure he would be thrilled at the chance to study a double-powered kid (assuming he didn't already know it was only a maternal thing back then). although I suppose Henry and Terry could also have had a thing without Brenner knowing. I will be thrilled to be proven wrong about this entire paragraph.
Henry's "join me" to Fred and Max was more figurative I guess, in the sense that they'd be joining him in his mind once he absorbed them. I was gonna say maybe he figures one of these depressed bastards hates the world enough to be his player 2, but he didn't really give them a sales pitch or opportunity to agree/disagree before killing them. I do find it interesting he never said "join me" to Chrissy, and we don't know if he said anything to Patrick.
What happened that night in 1959.
the night Henry kills Virginia, the radio turns on to Dream A Little Dream Of Me, which is like Victor's Running Up That Hill, and serves to free him from his vision.
my question is: if Henry wanted to torment Victor, why would he turn on a song that would help him?
he didn't.
Virginia turned on the radio.
oh yeah, forgot to mention! Virginia's powers were active. not all of the weird stuff going on in the Creel House is Henry. in fact it's probably not Henry who started it. the lights flickering while Henry draws with crayons - pretty sure that's Virginia pulling a stunt somewhere in the house.
here are both POVs of the murder for you to refer to.
the radio turns on directly onto DALDOM (hm I don't love that acronym).
Virginia and Victor look at each other in a way that's easy to interpret as two people weirded out about the radio turning on by itself. but Virginia has a weird, almost pleading look. I believe she's just acting confused when she's really the one doing this.
Victor has no idea she has powers. he figures this is demon hijinks and that his wife is just as baffled about it as he is, and she's letting him think so.
just before Victor touches the radio, it starts tuning through different channels. and then the lights go crazy.
the knob starting to channel surf - I think that's Henry changing the channel away from DALDOM. how does Henry know about the RUTH effect? maybe Virginia knows - either from her own experience or Brenner told her - and Henry read her mind. anyway, Henry doesn't want that song playing.
but with the radio trick, Virginia tips her hand. if Henry wasn't already sure she had powers, he is now. (Henry's reaction to the radio is a major difference between the POVs - look at his for this part) he looks at the radio. he looks to his mother. and that is the moment he says that Virginia "left him no choice but to act."
what about this moment during a calm family dinner would necessitate Henry immediately killing his mother?
why would Virginia turn on the radio in front of Henry, knowingly blowing her secret?
it makes me feel like, within a few more seconds, it wouldn't matter to Virginia what Henry knew. it makes me think of the story Henry feeds baby El about how she needs to escape today because they're going to kill her. ingredients of that lie come from his own past.
what if Virginia planned to "kill him" that night - that is, fake his death so she could hand him over to Brenner in exchange for compensation (like she definitely killed that great uncle for his money I'm telling you). all she would have to do is incapacitate Henry and then call in Dr. Brenner under the guise of helping him, and Brenner takes care of the rest. He'd put on his usual fake death routine, perhaps even providing a fake body, same as with Will. (and ultimately this IS what happened because Henry pushed too hard - Victor is satisfied that Henry died)
all Virginia has to do is act scared, and blame for Henry's bizarre "death" would fall in easily with the claims of demonic activity that Victor has already so well established around town (the demon actually being Virginia, who's been doing spooky shit in front of Victor to make him think the house is haunted, establishing the cover well in advance of Henry's planned "death").
but Virginia doesn't know the extent of Henry's abilities. she knows he's been messing with their heads, but maybe she doesn't know about the telekinesis and electricity stuff - which is why she looks genuinely confused when the lights go blinky, because she knows she's not doing that. and then she turns back around with a brief look of oh shit before she zooms up to the ceiling.
congratulations Virginia, you played yourself.
but again, why did she turn on DALDOM? if the plan was for Virginia to do something to Henry, what did Victor need protection for? or was that her special song, too? Their Song <3?
Virginia probably figured that the second Henry realized something was going on, he would put everybody in a trance to stop them. maybe she figured if the protective song was already playing, whatever Henry tried wouldn't work. but she didn't know Henry could change the channel. whoops!
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
here's the part I've been over and over and can't figure out a good explanation for. Henry changes the channel on the radio to stop DALDOM. so then how does hearing that song playing save Victor from his war vision a minute later?
after Henry changes the channel, even while the dial is still moving around, the song persists quietly in the background throughout Virginia's death and Victor's attempts to break down the door. it stops when he enters his war vision, but a minute into that, he takes notice of it again, which is what pulls him back. yet as soon as he comes out of his vision, back into reality where the song SHOULD still be audible if it was really playing, the house is silent.
there is definitely some kind of third party bullshit going on here but I'm stumped.
I don't think I can blame Alice. her powers weren't active - she had to be given nightmares to stir them, same as the cursed four, and I don't even think a little kid is probably in on a family murder plot to begin with. and like, I kinda doubt she Vecna'd herself.
is Virginia not really dead? she looked pretty dead, unless that whole evening was one huge trance Virginia gave the entire family. but Henry's narration so clearly says he intended to kill Virginia and Alice and frame his father, and that he gained powers from killing his mother specifically, so I really kinda don't think it's that. even if Virginia could give him a vision of himself killing her and Alice, I don't think she has the power to also make him believe he planned all that and was pleased with the results. otherwise his recounting should have been more like "I don't know what came over me, but I killed my family and when I realized what I had done I passed out from shock!"
assuming there isn't an extra player lurking around the scene who we don't know about, I'm going to take one stab at it that's absolutely loony.
Victor has to be hearing that song from somewhere other than the radio. and we're hearing it all dreamy and quiet, not like it sounded when it was really on the radio. what if this is perception or time travel shenanigans? what if, somehow, our gang is on the scene - in Victor's mind, or in the Upside Down or some such unseen way - and THEY are playing DALDOM for him, to make sure the timeline unfolds right. because I'm pretty sure I do not hear DALDOM in Henry's version of the scene any time after he changes the channel. that's only something that's going on in Victor's perception.
idk. that's pretty wack and I hope we aren't going full time travel, but I got nothin else right now.
I am suspicious of that scene of Henry turning back the clock though, because we really never saw what results that yielded, if it was supposed to be anything but symbolic. but again Henry has no reason to want to play DALDOM via some time alteration shenanigans when he's the one who didn't want it playing in the first place. maybe if El/Max/Will/Mike/Nancy messes with that particular clock it could affect the timeline..?? I have no idea.
Why aren't all the victims' jaws broken?
@bugsbenefit here comes the part for you
I've seen a couple people question why Alice Creel is the only victim whose jaw isn't broken. she isn't, not when you consider the full list of victims. the majority of the dead lab kids are positioned in such a way that we don't see their faces, but the few whose faces we do see, their mouths are closed like Alice.
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jaw breaking is pretty rare: only Virginia, Chrissy, Patrick and Fred.
Virginia is obviously an adult. Chrissy, Patrick and Fred could be 18. Two was the only lab kid who was likely 18 (if he was lab-born immediately after the program started in 1959, he could be up to 19) but the shot of his death is blocked so that his head falls out of view. (if you go frame by frame you can see that his jaw isn't broken, although the shot in question is of a stunt double, so I don't think we're supposed to take real notice).
Max is only 15 and her jaw is spared. it's an age thing.
but this may be less "Henry has a rule about not breaking kids' jaws" and more "the network has a rule about how gruesome you can get with minor actors" although I mean, is the jaw thing really worse than the eyeball thing, idk.
Tristan Spohn (Two), Grace Van Dien (Chrissy) and Logan Riley Bruner (Fred) were 18+ during filming. Myles Truitt (Patrick) is only a couple months older than Sadie Sink and it's possible that he was just barely 18 while filming his scenes while Sadie was still 17 during hers. I think that's probably the more likely explanation tbh.
if anyone can think of an in-universe reason for this, please jump in!
Some misc final thoughts
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now it makes sense why Henry makes killing El's friends a distinct step from killing everyone. he means her friends who have powers. he wants to harvest their powers, but El is too strong a protection over them, and he can't get at them until she's out of the way.
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still totally possible it's just artistic license, but every instance I can think of of lights selectively working in the Upside Down could be explained by the proximity of one of the people I think has powers. then again, the range really seems to vary, and I can't think of any UD scenes we've ever seen where nobody with powers was present.
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there's sooo much imagery of power-people and opening doors (gates). this isn't even all of them, I just got tired of screenshotting.
could Steve have powers too?
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he gets an "open the door" of his very own, and the demogorgon appearing in front of him says maybe so. I could go either way on the Russian elevator scene in which they're all talking about opening the elevator door, and both Steve and Dustin press the DOOR OPEN button and nothing happens. I'm not sure about Steve but I am squinting at him suspiciously.
jancy, byler, and elmax nations, congrats on shipping literal power couples. technically milkvans too but 🦴
I am curious why Mike has never really been singled out for monster attack like his sisters have.
Mike-gets-Vecna'd truthers... if the gang can break his trance at the right moment, that would be a very efficient way to activate not just Mike himself, but Will too, because he already has a residual psychic connection open and the sight of Mike getting Vecna'd would surely trigger such strong terror in him.
me @ mike: honey you got a big storm comin.
this concludes part 2 and now I'm off to let my mind reel with the everybody-has-powers fic possibilities
176 notes · View notes
My Demons Kate Bishop x Reader
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The dark haired girl sat on the ground clutching her bleeding forearm to her chest. She stared up at you her eyes widened in surprise and disbelief.
You stood right above her all of your attention focused on her mangled arm. You had done that and there was no denying it. The taste of blood coating your tongue right now was a constant reminder. It all happened so fast and you were so caught up in the fight controlled by your anger and bloodlust. You bit someone without thinking about the consequences.
"I-I didn't mean t-to" You stuttered taking a few steps back from her.
She moved to get on her feet and that made you retreat even faster. "Hey no wait its okay I mean yeah I'm kind of freaked out but-"
You didn't give her a chance to finish as you turned and took off into the darkness.
Six Hours Earlier
"Sweetheart is that you?" Your mother yelled from the kitchen as you came through the front door to the apartment.
"Yeah mom I got the mail you got a package." You answered back kicking the door closed with your foot. "Do you want me to bring it to you."
Your mother appeared in the kitchen doorway leaning up against it with a smile. "No honey just put it on the table there I want to talk too you real quick."
You dropped her package along with all of the other mail on the table in one giant heap. "Yeah what's up?"
"Are you going out to that college party tonight?" Your mother asked trying to hide the guilt in her voice.
Your head shot up eyes narrowing at her question because yes there was a party going at the college tonight, and yes a random girl who had taken interest low key kinda stalked you yesterday to give you an invitation. A piece of paper you barely looked at before tossing it aside on the kitchen table.
You smacked your forehead with a groan. That's how she knew about the party she found it in the kitchen. The one part of the house where her mother spent most of her time. The kitchen was practically her sanctuary. "I don't know mom I don't really think its going to my scene."
Your mother's face seemed to drop at that news. "But sweetie it's such a great way to get out there and get to know people. You could have a great time, and who knows maybe the girl with the purple lipstick will make a move." She clapped her hands a little at her last prediction.
You pretended to gag before shaking your head "please no I really don't feel like hurting anyone's feelings."
"Y/N you don't have to pretend to be straight for my sake. I know you're into girls and I'm okay with that. I know how you are with formal conservations and everything, so I never pressured into one but I know."
"While I'm happy you know but its not just girls I like guys too you know its just more about their personality and you know." You explained with a shrug. She was right you hated to make a big deal out of anything really. "How do you know about that girl anyway?"
"She left lip-stains on the invitation"
You nodded your head before waving a hand at her. "Its cool mom I might go depends on how I feel tonight." You started to walk past her making your way to the kitchen. When she reached out an arm to catch you by the waist to make you pause. You looked up at her. She had a sympathetic look on her face. Your mother leaned down so she could make eye contact with you.
"Y/N we're not in California anymore you can go out and have a life now. The whole point of moving here was to give ourselves a fresh start you know. You don't have to lock yourself away in this house all the time. I trust you."
You wanted to insist that she was overthinking the whole thing, but your mother knew you too well. Of course you were nervous to go out and try to be normal for once. After everything that went down in California it was going to be hard to just be normal and have fun. But how were you going to learn if you didn't try.
"Okay yeah I'll go check out the party for a couple of hours" You told her.
"That's the spirit" she exclaimed pulling you into a small hug. You gave her back a gentle pat in return
"Did you cook anything good I'm starving? You asked once she pulled away.
"Um not really I'm baking right now but there is a some lunch already set out for you honey."
There was a plate sitting on the counter with a grilled chicken sandwich, some barbecue chips, and a bowl of fruit beside it. Of course your mother went above and beyond with lunch. "Thanks mom" you called out to her taking the plate and heading for the stairs to go to your bedroom.
"You're welcome" she replied back.
The party wasn't going to start for another two hours so you just hung out in your room for that time eating your lunch, and playing your Playstation 4. If it was up to you this would be your plans for the night, but you knew how much it meant to your mother that you got out and had a good time tonight. All you had to do was make an effort every now and then to keep her happy. When it came time to get ready for the party you raided your closest searching for something really nice to wear. Unfortunately that seemed like an impossible task. You never noticed how basic your wardrobe was, and while you never particular cared to dress up. It was still kind of sad that you didn't possess at least one good dressy shirt.
You were ready to throw in the towel and just go with a plain black v-neck shirt with some blue jeans, a jean jacket, and black combat boots to complete the look. But your mother peeked her head into your room as you were setting it up.
She reached a hand in with a red shirt with one of sleeves cut in a low-style. "I figured you might need to borrow this. we can shopping for you later."
God you really did have the best mom in the world. You dashed over to take the shirt and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you mom you're a life savior."
"I know" she replied with a small smile before slipping out of your room.
You traded in the black shirt for the red one, and your outfit was complete. The smell of pastries filled your nostrils as you finishing getting dressed, and it distracted you from everything. A few seconds later you were bounding down the stairs leaping to the bottom once there were only five left. The smell was everything but it was scent was stronger coming from the living room. So that's where you went ready to devour whatever your mother baked. But the sight of the living room caught you off guard as you paused in the doorway. The living room was decorated in a pink and light blue style. A few streamers spread out in the living room, and some throw blankets laid out on the sofas. Trays of brownies, little cupcakes, danishes, and cookies covered the table with napkins and little plates to go along with it. There was few bottles of wine set up on the smaller round table with small glasses.
While you a few questions running through your head. The only thing that really mattered right now was the sweets. Rubbing your hands together in anticipation you started in the direction of the table. You were so close reaching for a chocolate chip cookie when a hand came out of nowhere to grab you by the back of your jacket. Suddenly you were being lifted off your feet and no matter how much your legs kicked. There was nothing you could do to stop it.
Your mother's face appeared in your vision blocking the sight of the sweets. "No way honey those are for the book club ladies tonight is my first time hosting. You won't be ruining it by devouring all the snacks y/n."
"Since when are you in a bookclub and I just want one cookie" You protested. Your hands reaching over your head to grab her arm in an effort to make her put you down.
She shook her head. "No way you say that now but I'll leave and come back and find everything gone, and the living room a mess. Sweetheart please don't forget you have the appetite of your father and is mannerisms as well."
You stopped struggling at the mention of your father. It was a habit of your mother to compare you to him, and in the past it wasn't a problem but now it struck a nerve. It took her a minute to realize what she had done, but as soon as she did your feet were back on the ground, and she was pulling into her comforting embrace. One of her hand running through your hair as she whispered sweet nothings into your ear. You didn't know it yet but your body had started quivering with anxiety, but the pain of claws digging into your hands brought you back. "Mom its okay I'm fine."
She pulled her back to look you in the eyes. "I'm so sorry honey your love for food is the only thing you share with him. I promise you are not your father."
You gave her a nod.
Her hands moved down your arms to take your hands into her own, and she pressed her forehead to hers as the pain in your hands started to vanish. The cuts from your claws would've healed in just a few minutes, but your mother didn't want to feel the pain for even another second. A minute later and you had finally calmed down enough to gain control over your body again.
"How about this I let you take three cookies before heading out to the party, and if you have a good time I'll give you more when you get home."
"How will you know I had a good time?"
"You're going to come back with stories."
You let out a groan at that knowing that now you would actually have to put in an effort, and that meant no just hiding away in a corner keeping to yourself.
"Take it or leave it" your mother challenged.
You grinned and broke free of her grasp to snatch up your three cookies. "Deal save me a few chocolate cupcakes, and more cookies please." With that you were out the door and on your way to the party instead of taking the subway to the address. You chose to run and leap your way across the buildings of New York City.
It didn't give the same feeling of freedom of running free in the woods, but it did make you feel a bit more alive and carefree in this city. Tonight was a full moon so you would have to bit more careful at not losing your temper, but you should be able to control the wolf inside. The party was being held at some rich kid's penthouse and was already on full swing. When you arrived landing in a crouch on the roof of the building. There was a door leading into the building and it was already unlocked. You took your time going down the stairs with your hearing. You were able to pick up on exactly what floor the music was coming from, and when you yanked the door open to the hallway. The smell of liquor and drugs overtook you, and even though it was impossible. You swear just the scent of the stuff was making you intoxicated. There a number of young adults your age hanging out in the hallway. Some were in groups caught up in their own conservation. Others were pressed up against another body kissing the person with passion. And some were just doing typical college kid stuff like turning the hallway into one giant water slide.
"Hey new girl come on show us what you got" A random guy called out from the opposite end of the hallway. You looked around trying to see if he could be referring to anyone else.
"Yep he's talking to you new girl come on slide" A girl backed him up. You looked in her direction wondering if it was the same girl who nearly ran three blocks to catch up with you just to invite you to the party. It wasn't instead it was a pretty brunette dressed in a nice black dress. She ran through her hair giving you a wink. You couldn't really tell if she was your type, but right now it didn't matter. You came here to be different and get out of your comfort zone. You shrugged out of your jacket and flung it to the side. Someone snatched it out of the air and gave you a quick nod.
With that you took off running and diving forward at the last second. Your body hit the wet tarp covering the floor covered in bubbles, and slid all the way to the end. You were going at a pretty good speed so when the wall came into view. There was pretty much no stopping or slowing down, but it wasn't a problem. You placed a hand along the tarp letting your claws push out a little just enough to slow yourself down a bit. Your body gently made contact with the wall, and when the random guy reached out a hand. You accepted it letting him pull you to your feet and wrap an around your waist to lift you a little. He set you back down on dry floor this time.
"There you go that's the first time someone was able to stop without completely wiping out. Good job new girl" He complimented you holding up his hand for a high five. You slapped his hand with your own with a grin. "Oh my jacket" you started.
He held up hand making you pause "allow me my friend. Hey pass the lady's jacket down please" he shouted to the end. Whoever had your jacket handed it off too someone else who in return did the same. Until your jacket was in your awaiting arms you slid it back on flinching at the wet sound. It made when in contact with your slightly wet clothes.
"Head inside there's like a giant fan that will dry you off a bit" the guy told you.
You whispered a quick thank you and made your way to the open door leading to the raging party inside. Your jacket was starting too feel a bit icky, so you took back off and look around for the giant fan.
Indeed there was a giant fan set up near the bar area and there were a few groups hanging out around it. But still a small round table with a single chair was vacant and perfect for you at the moment. You hurried over to get it before another loner saw it. You laid your jacket over your shoulder and climbed into the chair. Eyes closed and head thrown back you relaxed letting the air works its magic. Maybe that one story would be good enough for your mom, and there would no need for you to interact anymore tonight.
On The Other Side of The Penthouse
"Kate just go over and talk to her. What's the worse that could happen" Her friend encouraged giving her a nudge in your direction.
Kate shrugged her off "no way I mean come on did you see her entrance. She's way too cool and hot."
"Um no offense Kate but so are you like you do realize that right. You're the girl who brought the bell tower down students still talk about that till this day. You're a freaking legend just start off with that. It should impress her since she's such a badass."
"I don't know I think I freaked her out yesterday listening to your stupid advice with the invitation." Kate said fixing her other friend with glare.
Greer shrunk back even further into behind Franny with a nervous chuckle. "I thought it would be bold."
"It made me look like a freak" Kate insisted angrily.
"I'm sorry" Greer whispered.
Franny held up both of her hands to stop them both from arguing anymore. "Don't be sorry Greer because it worked she is here so go over and make a move. Katie-bear or we'll do it for you again."
Kate went pale at the idea of her friends doing something to set her with you again. She couldn't believe how nervous you making her. She was the next Hawkeye and had taken down a whole mafia gang last year. Talking to you should be child's play for her right now. "Okay here we go" she told herself getting ready to walk over.
Little did Kate know you had heard the entire conservation. You didn't mean to eavesdrop but when you felt someone staring at you, and looked around for the culprit. You couldn't help but tune in to what they were talking about. When you realized it was the same girl who chased you down to invite you this very party. Knowing it was her friend that put her up to that whole thing made you chuckle a bit to yourself.
In truth you had lied to your mother earlier when you told her the dark haired girl wasn't your type. She was beautiful and you would've loved nothing more than to get to know her. But the fear that even if you did manage to actually build a normal life. It would all come crashing down just a few moments later kept you from trying to make a move. Although her making the first move did change things a little bit, while you were nervous about. What would come next you didn't want to seem like a jerk. Plus maybe your mom was right and everything would be okay here. She had joined a book club and was having them over tonight. So if it was possible for her to have a social life then you could too.
You turned your head to the side to make eye contact with the dark haired girl with a smirk.
Kate came to a halt for a few seconds not expecting you to pay her any attention. Surprisingly it gave her the confidence boost she needed, and there was a bit more pep in her step. When she resumed walking in your direction until finally she was standing beside you.
"Hey I see you made it to the party" Kate said
"Did you think I wasn't going to come?" You asked maneuvering your body to face her better.
"To be honest no I didn't think you would I thought you were creeped out by me. I wasn't following you by the way my apartment isn't too far from wherever you were going. I use the same route all the time" she rambled her eyes moving in every other direction expect yours.
"No its cool even if you were no one has ever chased me down to invite me to a party before. I thought it was a bit flattering, but I guess it is cool. You're not like a crazy stalker or something" You paused for a second thinking about your choice of words. "Not that I think it would’ve been cool if you were stalking me, or and I'm not saying I thought you were creepy either." You ran a hand through your hair in frustration as her lips started to twitch upwards more and more as you went on. "It was just a nice gesture is all I'm saying" You concluded.
Kate had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling so hard. It was a bit of relief to know you were ever bit as awkward as she was. "That's good to know I'm Kate by the way."
"I'm Y/N and its nice to finally know your name. Wait are the same Kate who destroyed the bell tower last year."
"Um yeah that's me how did you know about that."
"Everyone at school talks about it says it's the most epic thing to ever happen here. So you really brought the whole thing down with one arrow" You gushed with genuine curiosity. Back in California you knew a couple of archers but none of them had that much skill.
"Um yeah I was just aiming for dong to make the bell ring. I didn't know the whole thing was going to come crashing down. I guess I should've taken in consideration how old it was" she admitted sheepishly.
"Still though that's pretty badass and no offense you probably did the school a favor. I mean they should take better care of the property keeping it up to date" You told her leaning over a bit more.
"Cool you know I keep my bow and arrow on me at all times. Give two minutes to make a quick run to my friend's car, and I could meet you on the roof. You can give me a couple of challenges if you want" Kate suggested in excitement.
You beamed at her. "Sounds like a idea that could go horribly wrong but I'm down."
"Great see you on the roof" Kate wasted no time in heading for the door, but you didn't miss the quick thumbs up. She gave her two friends in the corner who returned the gesture.
Two minutes later the door to the roof flew open to reveal Kate standing there with a bow in one hand, and a quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder. You were sitting on the ledge of the roof one leg dangling over the edge, and the other resting on the rooftop. "Alright do you have any targets in mind yet" she asked readying her arrow.
"Yeah thought I would make the first one easy for you. The man on the giant billboard forehead." You said pointing to the billboard just three buildings away across the street.
"Oh sweetheart that's child play I wanted a challenge." The arrow was already notched all she had to do was get her aim ready. Which only took one quick second before she released the arrow. It went soaring in a straight line and struck the billboard right in the center of the man's forehead. "Is there a reason you picked his forehead."
"Yeah he's pointing at his head in the picture now people won't his point or whatever." You told her with a light shrug.
"Okay what's next?"
Just as you opened your mouth to answer a scream pierced the air making both of you jump. Your hands came up to cover your ears for a few seconds a light pain struck them. Kate looked down below in search of the owner of the scream. Eventually the ringing in your ears settled enough for you to do the same.
"What the hell was that?" You asked as your eyes drifted down below trying to locate any sudden movements.
"That was a person and it sounded like whoever it was in danger" Kate answered not even fazed a little bit. There was an edge to her tone like she was determined.
"Should we go call the cops?"
"Let me go you assholes" a voice shouted off in the distance of an alleyway. About two blocks away from where you were.
"Someone's getting mugged or assaulted over there." You said standing up on the ledge to see at a better angle
"Where I can't tell where its coming from" Kate demanded.
"Over there" You repeated this time pointing in the direction. "I'll call the cops.
Kate shook her head "don't waste your time help won't arrive in time. I'll go check it out just wait up here for me okay."
Your eyes widened in realization when she hopped up on the ledge, and got ready to launch herself off of the roof onto the fire-escape just a few feet below. You reached out catching her by the arm. "Kate hold on this is dangerous. You could get hurt."
She brought her own hand up to cover yours. "Hey it's going to be okay I got this just trust me alright. I'm a badass remember."
Your grip tightened as the worry inside of you started to grow. "Kate those targets aren't just going to standby why you strike them down with arrows. They're going to move and fight back just think for a second." Your strength was slowly increasing by the second. It was when she winced a little and threw a quick glance at your grip. You realized your emotions were about to get the better of you. Your hand fell from her arm and she let out a small sigh.
"Y/N don't worry about me okay it might not make any sense now, but I'll explain later promise."
"But-" before you could argue any further another scream came from the same area. This one was filled with way more terror than the last one.
Kate didn't leave any more room for protest as she leapt down to the fire-escape. You stood there on the ledge hands lodged into your hair listening to her footsteps getting further and further away, and going into the distance of danger. There was voice inside of your head telling you to do something. You would probably have a better chance at saving the stranger than she would. After all you had better senses, speed and control not to mention your combat skills. You didn't need a weapon you were the a walking one. But your kind couldn't just go off to play hero like an wannabe Avenger or something. If somehow you were to get caught on camera. You wouldn't be exposing yourself and your mom, but every other werewolf on this planet. That wasn't a risk you could take plus you were supposed to be normal, and normal people would call the cops right about now.
But you weren't normal and Kate was the first real friend you had in a longtime. What kind of person were you to let her take this threat on by herself. What were the odds someone would be in the dark alley with a phone anyway? Not needing to think about for a second longer You made your back into the building to the party in search of something particular. Her friends spotted you the second you walked back in, and you saw not only them but also just exactly what you were looking for. A purple hoodie hanging on the back on of one of the chairs beside them.
"Does this belong to Kate?" You asked snatching it off the chair.
"Um yeah" one of them answered confused.
"Great she needs it thanks." Then you were gone back out the door just as fast as you came. You pulled the hoodie over your head and yanked it down. It was a the perfect fit and would do a good job at hiding your features as you let some of your wolf features takeover. Once you were back on the roof there was no holding back as you covered the distance between the roof and the alleyway in just a matter of seconds. A man was getting to rush Kate from behind while she was fighting off another guy. You dropped down landing right on top of him knocking him onto the ground face first. There was a crunch sound on impact rendering him unconscious.
There about three more men in the alleyway besides the one under you, and the one Kate was fighting. In your peripheral vision you spotted another one landing unconscious, and a pair of feet sticking out from behind the dumpster. That must be the person Kate rescued. One of the men moved to attack you swinging a crowbar right at your head. You ducked and tackled him around the waist. Using the momentum you rolled over and threw his body over your head. He went sailing into the air hitting the ground just a few feet away. The man just laid there afterwards groaning in pain.
One of the other men had went for Kate while you were distracted. You turned around to see how she was doing, and the sight of her dodging all of his sloppy punches with no effort. Caught you off guard for a few seconds giving the last guy the chance to kick you in the back and sent you stumbling forward. He wrapped an arm around your neck from behind pulling you into a headlock. His attempt to cut off your air supply made you panic for about a split second. Before your instincts took over and you sunk your claws into his arm making him cry out in pain. He let you go and tried to push you away from him, but you held on twisting his arm to the side. You cut off his cry of pain slamming your forehead into his own landing a vicious headbutt. Blood squirted from his nose getting all over you as his body was pulled over shoulder. You lifted him into the air for a few seconds before throw him into the wall like a sack of flour. He struck the wall back first and fell to the ground.
A hand grabbed your shoulder with your instincts still in high-gear. You didn't even stop to think as your hand reached around to grab the person's arm. So you could flip them over your shoulder onto the ground. After that you climbed on top of the stranger to pin them down. The person struggled as much as they could pushing violently at your shoulder. With the rage of the full moon in full effect you turned your head and snapped at the arm. Your teeth sunk into the flesh piercing the skin and the blood filled your mouth. Instead of letting go you bit down harder until the screams of agony reached your ears. Bringing you back to reality as the voice recognition made you realize. The person you were attacking was Kate.
Your jaw went slack letting her arm slip from your mouth. Where it fell to her chest and just laid there limp for a few seconds.
"Fuck Kate I'm so sorry" You whispered scrambling off of her.
Kate pulled herself up into a seating position trying to register your voice. It wasn't until you yanked the hood off that she truly recognized you. Her eyes widened in awe with a hint of fear behind them. Your eyes could only focus on her bloody mangled arm. Which she was now clutching to her chest wincing in pain every few seconds.
"I-I did-didn't mean to-to do that. You stuttered backing away as fast as you could.
You just broke the number one rule your parents had from day one. Never bite a human no matter how angry you are. Always have enough restraint to not bite. Not only had you bitten someone, but the person was your friend.
"Y/N no it's okay I mean yeah I'm sort of freaked out-" Kate started. But never got the chance to finish as you whirled around, and disappeared into the darkness of the night.
You burst through the front door not caring if your mom's guests were still present. Luckily enough though they weren't the apartment was completely empty. You made your way into the kitchen the scent of baked goods still fresh in the air. Your mother had her back to you putting away dishes. But there was no hiding the scent of fresh blood on your clothes and on your mouth.
The plate fell to the kitchen floor shattering into pieces upon impact. Your mother turned around to face you with worry. "Baby what happened? Are you okay? Who attacked you?" She asked all at once rushing over to inspect your body for injuries.
You let her finish checking you out moving your body in every way. Before answering her questions "I didn't get attacked mom. It was me I did the attacking."
"Sweetheart" she breathed caressing your cheek.
"Mom I bit someone"
Tag List: @danveration @yelenabelovasgf @xxromanoffxx @romanoffomixam @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @lizlil @be-missed @mellowladyangel @jokertgkk
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innytoes · 6 months
From the subconscious that brought you the Quiet AU, it's time for Inny's Brain Comes Up With Another 100k fic she's never going to write while she's dreaming.
Okay so it's the Post Apocalypse. The apocalypse happened a few years ago, there was a horrible plague that makes you bleed from your eyes and maybe some other things, a lot of humanity was wiped out, chaos, destruction, blabla.
We start with Our Heroes travelling on foot. Luke is telling them this area seems familiar, and Alex and Reggie realise they're near where Bobby's family had a cabin. They decide to veer off because Alex remembers where Bobby hid the emergency key. Not that they haven't done their fare share of breaking and entering, but it would be nice to, you know, not have to.
Also maybe they want to see if Bobby is there. Because even though they split with a lot of bad blood between them over some stolen songs, the apocalypse makes you miss old friends.
Julie and Willie are like: um excuse me that is not a cabin that is a Log Mansion. It's three fucking stories. (It also had the exact layout as my grandmother's old house, because this is my brain, which is funny because my grandmother's house was very much not a log cabin).
And then SHOCK AND GASP Bobby comes out. He has the Trevor Wilson Beard and Man Bun and is just... staring like he's seen three ghosts... and two random people he doesn't know, I guess.
There is a big sappy reunion and a big talk and apology and blabla of course they can stay. There's more cabins around the place and they've made themselves a little farming community. They trade with the other little the towns in the area, but they haven't heard much from the bigger city in the while.
"Um yeah, maybe... maybe don't go to the city," Luke says. Reggie is very pale. Willie mutters about how there was plenty of stuff that could still be looted (as long as you don't mind all the dead bodies is left unsaid).
They settle in at Bobby's house and become part of the community, finding jobs. Willie does indeed go with some of the more brave individuals to the city to search for supplies. The whole community has like one working truck because gas is hard to find these days.
Some traveling trader comes by and he's basically on a giant sled on wheels pulled by huskies and predictably Reggie loses his mind and gets to play with the doggies.
There comes a night when Reggie can't sleep, so he's the only one awake to hear the car. Two cars. A group of four with two cars is bound to mean trouble, so he wakes everyone up because there's a high chance there's raiders.
The people are breaking in and Reggie goes downstairs to greet/distract them, playing the clueless guy, welcoming them and being like 'oh hey are you lost do you need help? We're looking for a bartender if you need a job' and basically being in the way and these four people are just so confused because they broke into his house and he's so cheerful about it.
One of them was injured and Reggie more seriously offers the first aid kit and just when they were about to be like 'fuck it let's just murder him and raid the place', where comes Julie and Luke with the shot guns. Meanwhile Alex, Willie, and Bobby were checking out their cars and alerting the neighbours about trouble and OH SHIT ONE OF THEM IS BLEEDING FROM THE EYES HE'S INFECTED.
Cue fuzzy chaotic time jump because I woke up with a dry mouth lol.
For some reason Bobby disappeared from the dream after this so maybe poor Bobbers got shot in the show down with the raiders. Or got hit by the car of the other three fleeing, leaving behind their infected friend.
The gang stays in Bobby's house, though, and slowly, Juke and Willex drift together. When they were travelling, they usually all slept together, but now...
Reggie, who is still grieving Bobby, and maybe blaming himself because he wasn't good enough at distracting the raiders, sees the other two couples drift together and decides to stay out of their way. He can't sleep anyway, since he was the only one awake to catch the raiders in the first place.
So he starts sleeping less, and less, spending less time with his friends because he wanted them to have time together... Pining because he's secretly a little in love with all of them, but they clearly don't want him.
Until he was suuuper stoked because he found a puppy. It was so cute, and he wants to show his friends, and they're so freaked out because Reggie, there is no puppy...
Turns out Reggie was hallucinating from lack of sleep, and he's so confused because he's CLEARLY HOLDING A PUPPY WHAT DO YOU MEAN and then the whole thing kind of comes out and not only is Reggie heartbroken when the hallucination shatters and vanishes, but he also confesses how he's in love them with but they clearly chose their partners and not him.
And both Juke and Willex are like: we've missed you, doofus, we love you, we didn't want to make you chose between us, we were scared you were mad at us for both flirting with you.
And they all live as happily ever after as you can in the post-apocalypse.
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seasonal-writes · 9 months
' “Ouch..” Tango groans, not so much in pain, but just out of reaction.
“Oh goodness.. Just a cut..” Jimmy breathes in relief.
“It’s okay, I’ll go grab a bandage and get back to- Hey-!” Tango says, words getting caught up as his wrist is grabbed.
Jimmy raises the injured finger to his mouth, and lightly places it between his lips.
As he does, Tango’s pupils visibly blow wide, consuming most of the space in his eyes. Jim gently sucks some of the blood away, that iron taste attacking his taste buds for just a second before he releases Tango’s wrist and lets the wounded extremity fall from his mouth.
The moment is quick, but Tango seems to lag in processing. He’s silent, mouth hanging open in utter shock.
Jimmy’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip, wiping away just a speck of blood that stuck around. He wonders how sick it is for him to be so entertained by the whole thing.
“What the..” Tango starts to say, voice crackling. If he wasn’t overwhelmed a moment ago, he definitely was now.
“Just to stop the bleeding for a second. I’ll go get a bandage for you,” Jimmy says with a genuine smile, but a slight, playful chuckle.'
yeah, so i'm like. sooo sorry it took me a while to answer this. my goal for today is to try and get at least the commentary asks answered. :> so thank you for your patience! anyway. HOOOO BOY YEAH, I REMEMBER WRITING THIS SCENE. 'Jimmy’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip, wiping away just a speck of blood that stuck around. He wonders how sick it is for him to be so entertained by the whole thing.' do you know how fun it was to write that last line. do you understand how unwell i was- how unwell i STILL AM about it? i distinctly remember acknowledging the prompt had "cuts" in it, being very confused for the majority of writing it as to how jimmy would react, and then i said. what if he just. was a little weird about it. and what if tango was into it?
like, i think a big instinct is to stick wounds in our mouth when we get them. especially small ones. (at least in my experience, maybe I'm the freak). i just thought it'd be funny if that was jimmy's first reaction, and it was so WILD in comparison to just.. soothing and getting a band-aid or panicking right away. like obviously he still panicked in the little part preceding this moment. which is another favorite moment of mine but i won't get into it- and it's just that i really wanted jimmy to know damn well what he was doing here. like. and tango knows it too. the transition from this to tango just GRABBING him and kissing him means the world to me. it's funny it's silly it is, as you've said, delicious. mwah, chef's kiss, no notes. <- literally wrote it. i just think i deserve to write more fun, silly scenes like this. i wish i had more to say about it other than this nonsense, brain rotted commentary but akdfsj it is pretty self-explanatory, in all honesty. thank you for the ask, and thanks again for being so patient!
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
what's your opinion on the s3 goodbye scene where everyone is hugging each other? i see byler's goodbye gif'd a lot, but for some reason that scene always rang strangely with me. it feels a lot more like the actors than the characters, for everyone. jon and nancy feels genuine but not too sad, and we know the actors are a couple. max and el are smiling and hugging like girl besties, and yet, typically, girl besties would be the ones sobbing most. ofc max was hiding/processing her grief, and will isnt your 'typical' boy so his tears feel very in character. but the whole shot set up and blocking, the lack of continuity, the multiple byler hugs... it feels not quite like a montage, but not quite like a continuous scene. i feel like the duffers saved it to the end of shooting and just told everyone to go to town with their goodbyes, allowing for a little bleed of reality into fiction. it's not unheard of for filmmakers to do this, despite what some fans say about the strict lines between reality and fiction. i mean, whatever helps you get into character. if its cost effective to do a big group scene at the end of filming, have everyone together for the wrap, and also utilise the natural emotion of the end of filming, they'd likely do it.
i think two things felt off mainly for me, which was mike and el's hug (very intimate, heads close) didnt track with their previous awkward goodbye and felt more like finn and millie (this will be a hot take, i know, but tbf they WERE going through this wacky thing of portraying adolescent love with kisses on screen together, for the first time - some human bonding was naturally going to occur as a result). and secondly, it just didnt feel like will and mike hugging to me either. will looked devastated, yeah, and mike was hiding, turning away... but i dont know. something felt off. and how they edited that whole finale, with the goodbyes -> the letter and seeing everyone leave again -> heroes? it was like the timeline was all messed up. odd.
I do tend to feel like it was a very improved sort of scene maybe? Reality bleed. Directed, but perhaps they saved it for the end of the filming wrap that season, perhaps also because it was the last use of that set? Get the most impact out of an emotional moment - didn't the house used for the Byers family get sold at the end of the season in reality as well? Unsure if that's true, I feel like I make up half of this stuff in my head because there's so much to keep straight. And I'm so bad at being - haha, anyway.
The Mike / El hug was odd, but it did feel odd in a different way than maybe you're describing. It felt the same to me as the kiss, after rewatching it again. El seems to be the one to force his head over to do the forehead thing. Mike wasn't really naturally meeting her there? It's interesting for sure. The awkward kiss where Mike didn't react and then here as well, El has to physically guide him to be a part of this additional intimacy. That was my read once I started looking for the hints. It you watch it again, I replayed those few seconds a couple times and it almost looks like El is trying to go in for another kiss and Mike actively resists it 👀 Worth a revisit. My Byler goggles are super-glued to my damn face, but still. It's an interesting interaction...
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
Lead and Gold 5.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Reader
Genre: mafia!au, smut and fluff
Warnings: swearing, self-pleasuring
Word count: 3,136
There were a lot of gossips about your superior, Doctor Jung’s secret works, where he invited surgeon residents to his private clinic to help him out. Afterwards, no one talked a word about it. Then, your time came. He took you there too, and you did your best to do exactly what your job was in the hospital: saving people’s lives. You just didn’t know who’s life it was this time.
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Despite your wishes, in the next week you got used to the whole healing mafia members surprisingly well. Your bruises started to heal; purple and blue patches of skin blooming into more greenish and yellow colors, but there was still a long way to go. At least the patients in the hospital stopped giving you weird looks.
You were called in two times already within that week, and was told by Jung to expect some more since Eunhyuk was hunting the men who came after him through you. His men getting injured was not so surprising in that scenario. You helped patching up five of them, fortunately none of their injuries were too serious. Well, if this manhunt will continue for longer than necessary, then it will be worse and things will get really ugly for both sides.
On your way back from grocery shopping, just as you parked your car, the phone started to ring. With an exaggerated sigh, you answered Jung’s call.
“Another one happened. Three men down, one needs immediate surgery, so jump in your fucking car and come!”
You didn’t like one bit the tone of his voice. He was commanding you around, which you never liked in your personal life. In the bedroom you liked to be dominated and bossed around, but beside that you hated it with passion.
Anyway, you swallowed words that instinctively wanted to escape you, and started the car. Jung on the other end let out an appreciative noise, one you rarely heard from anyone.
“I’m on my way,” you added, if the background noises of the car wouldn’t make it obvious enough.
“Make it here in ten. I’ll start the surgery, you’ll join when you get here.”
You hummed in agreement, and stepped on the gas pedal more firmly. You locked out of your mind that you were on your way to save the life of someone from the mafia, as you usually did lately – only focusing on the life-saving part. That was your job, which you did the best.
Your parking was sloppy, as you paid no mind to making it perfect.
Rushing into the private clinic, you only nodded at the guards strolling outside, not really paying any attention to them. You wondered how bad of a fight Eunhyuk’s men got into if one of them needed surgery immediately.
Walking down the hallways, you were more confident now on where to go, and in a few minutes you were already washing in for assisting Jung on the surgery. Eunhyuk was in the room too, with Donghae on his right, giving you inspecting looks as he gazed over your figure. Oh, yeah, he haven’t seen you since your little meeting with his enemies.
Back to focusing on your job. One of Eunhyuk’s man was laying on the operating table. Jung was fishing in his chest with a clip, probably looking for a bullet.
“Heart rate increasing. Breathing normal,” you announced in a tight voice. Finally realizing why he needed the surgery so bad, you started to really take seriously saving his life. The bullet was too freaking close to his heart. Close, as in if Jung would make the wrong move, he would die right on the spot. He was also bleeding a lot due to the circumstances.
“He has another bullet in his leg, not as dangerous as this one. Start working on it while I close this, and keep on monitoring his heart rate.”
Doing as Jung said, you went over to his lower side, keeping one eye on the heart monitor. Picking a clean clip up, you fished for the other bullet, after giving him a local anesthetic shot. Luckily, it wasn’t in too deep, barely in the skin. You pulled it out carefully, while speaking:
“Heart rate back to normal. I took the bullet out, closing it now.”
“Fuck,” you heard Eunhyuk mutter slowly along with a sigh.
After wiping the blood away with a cotton pad, you sewed the wound together, and cleaned it with some antiseptic, then covered in gauze. And could call it a day. Except there was two other men being injured.
“You do Jungsoo, I’ll deal with Baejin.”
To your luck, Jungsoo walked to you just as you wanted to ask which one of them he was. You already knew a couple of Eunhyuk’s men by then, but not all of them. Asking for a name wasn’t a thing you did while patching them up. Only the talkative ones told you their names. Some of them dealt the pain with running their mouth with no end to it, so you sucked up the information as a sponge, since Jung haven’t really told you anything, the less danger you were in. Or maybe it was Eunhyuk who told them it was for the better.
Well, even he couldn’t stop some of his men from spilling a few secrets.
Fortunately, Jungsoo only had scratches from bullets and daggers. They were the easy ones. Only putting antiseptic on them, sewing the deeper ones, then putting gauze on them.
While Jung and you worked on the men, you saw Eunhyuk motion for Donghae, then the bodyguard went to the man on the operating table. Donghae grabbed him by his arm, helping him down, then they slowly left the room. Upon seeing this, Jungsoo and Baejin followed them.
“I want to talk to Y/N when you’re done.” Eunhyuk’s voice was nonchalant. So was Jung’s, when he answered for you.
“You can talk to her right now, too.”
“I meant alone.”
“Of course that’s what you meant.” There was a dangerous undertone in Jung’s voice, which you couldn’t figure out the meaning of. Was he worried to leave you two alone? But why would he?
Still, he left, but only after giving a look to Eunhyuk and saying:
“You are the boss, but remember: I don’t want to find a new assistant again.”
There goes another mystery you feared to deal with, but wanted to know the meaning behind it.
Being alone with Eunhyuk in a room felt wrong and right at the same time. His face was empty from any emotions, but his gaze on your face spoke volumes as he took a step closer to you. He was surveying your bruises or more like what was left of them. The tiny scar on your upper lip, the blueish bruises fading into ugly yellow around your left eye and just under your cheek.
Eunhyuk took another step, now standing right in front of you.
“It’s a pity that it happened to you. I should have known they would find you,” he said.
He took your chin between his fingers, inspecting your face from so close you could feel his warm breath on your skin. You refused to say anything, waiting for what he really wanted to say. At that moment Eunhyuk didn’t seem like some big, scary mafia boss. His hand on your chin was soft, almost careful with big, dark eyes staring straight into yours, searching for something.
With the tension around and between you, it was hard to breath.
His thumb grazed over your lip, the scar on it, barely touching it. His gaze following the path of his finger, he continued:
“How come I feel sorry?”
“Maybe because your enemies beat me? I’m no one to you, yet they thought they can get to you through me.”
“They could have. You only had to tell them everything you know about me, and they would have stopped.”
“I don’t know anything about you. And I hardly believe they would have stopped if I told them just that.”
You felt guilty enjoying his finger’s soft cradling on your skin. Eunhyuk looked into your eyes again. His expression softened with his caressing, and you had to remind yourself that it was the city’s mafia boss who was standing in front of you. From any other man, these actions would come off as flirting or courting, but not with him. Never with him. People like him weren’t nice for nothing, they always wanted something in return. Maybe he just didn’t know yet what he wanted from you. It was unfortunate, that you just started to realize what you would want from him.
You were Jung’s assistant in these shady businesses, and Eunhyuk was Jung’s boss in some kind of way. Dancing with the devil is a dangerous thing, you thought, it might not worth your while or time. Or your life.
“Not knowing anything might have saved your life,” he added after a long while. “And what about your little run in with one of them at the hospital?”
“Jung told you.”
“Shindong, not that it matters. I have to know everything concerning my businesses.”
His fingers left your face, trailing down your neck to your shoulders. You shivered and not because of fear this time. Eunhyuk’s touch was affecting you. Sighing, you lowered your gaze to the ground, basking in the feeling of his skin on yours.
You haven’t been with a man for a while and it was affecting you bad. Maybe you should take a night out and hook up with someone, just to clear your mind. Getting lust out of the way would make everything so much easier. Because you craved him.
“So I am one of your businesses,” you concluded flatly.
“You work for me, so yes, you are. Your safety is my concern, too, like any of my men’s.”
Clicking your tongue, you took a step back. His hand fell back to his body. You saw his fingers twitch for a moment, before he regained his calm.
While you were thinking about escaping the room and his presence, Eunhyuk stepped closer to you again, enclosing his fingers around your wrist and his mouth opened to say something more.
Jung chose that exact moment to barge in, interrupting Eunhyuk before he could say anything. The doc measured the scene with a swift look at your pair, and his face hardened.
“We are finished. Go home and take a rest,” he told you sternly.
Upon that, Eunhyuk finally let go of you, the feeling of his touch still lingering on your skin.
Your mind has been a mess since last night. You felt bothered and needy all night after going home from the clinic. Even after taking a hot shower and pleasuring yourself for an embarrassingly long time.
You blamed it all on yourself. It has been a while since you met someone for romantic reasons, let alone spending a night with them. Maybe that’s why Eunhyuk’s closeness affected you so much.
Your past relationships were a mess. And that was an understatement. You spent most of your teenage years in a committed relationship with a nice boy, but going to different universities ended it soon. During the coming years your relationships only lasted a few month, and you had several hookups between them. You had to take your mind off the stress, and one night stands with bad boys were your solution to that. In reality, enjoying life to the fullest was your only intention.
Work was slow, and it didn’t help that Jung noticed your restlessness. Fortunately, he didn’t make any comment about it, but his sharp eyes picked up every single one of your hesitating moves and the distant look in your eyes when your mind wandered far away from the hospital to a certain tattooed mafia boss. You had to focus hard not to think about him.
Shindong – as always – patiently waited for you in your car, when you were finally free to go home.
“I plan to go out tonight. Will you follow me there too?” You voice had certain bite to it. The man already had his phone in his hand, doing who knows what.
“My orders state to keep you safe everywhere you go.”
“And you expect the enemy to be at a club, seducing then torturing me for information again?”
“You don’t know what they are capable of just to get to Eunhyuk.” He shrugged nonchalantly, but you saw a dark glint in his eyes. His fingers tapped faster on his phone now. “Which club are we going to, by the way?”
“Don’t know yet. Haven’t been in one in a while.”
“I heard ‘The Fortress’ to be a good hookup place, if that’s what you are looking for.”
You chuckled lowly. Did he read your mind or were you that obvious? Could anyone look at you and tell that you wanted to walk home with a stranger tonight?
“The Fortress it is, then.”
Getting ready wasn’t really fun. You were nervous, and Shindong’s constant questions didn’t help at all. He wanted to know everything. Will you take the lucky man home? Or would you go to his place? Should he act as a friend? Should he wait outside of your apartment until you are finished? Will you kick the man out or you’d let them sleep over?
At one point you got so angry, you wondered if you should go out at all. Was it worth it? Having a bodyguard showed its downside big time now. You just wanted him to disappear. You wanted your old life back without the whole mafia thing.
You shook your head, after finishing your makeup. A winged eyeliner was the cure for everything right now. That, a red lipstick and the promise of a well deserved hookup.
Exiting the bathroom, Shindong was on his phone again, talking in a low voice to someone. He took one look at your short red dress, before saying:
“I think even an army couldn’t hold her back from going out.” Then he ended the call.
“Who was it?” You asked hesitantly, something fluttering dangerously in your lower abdomen.
“Eunhyuk. I have to inform him, if you do anything outside of your usual routine.”
“Since when?”
“Since he sent me here the first time.”
“Fuck him,” you muttered, but he still heard you.
“Well, that could be an option. A bad one, but still an option.”
You pondered upon his words, but didn’t reply, simply grabbed your purse and waving for him to get going.
The Fortress was tricky. Its outside looked like a simple old building with bars in front of the windows, but the inside was buzzing with tons of people and music. The air was hot and you were happy you didn’t overdress, because you were already sweating.
Grabbing a drink for yourself and Shindong, you cheered before drinking it, then threw yourself onto the dance floor. Your hips swayed to the rhythm of whatever song was playing, body swiftly brushing to the other dancers’. Constantly scanning the crowd, you were waiting for someone to catch your eye and swing into action.
The only problem was that in every handsome men you were looking for the features of a certain someone. You dismissed anyone who didn’t have black hair or tattoos. Slowly, but surely you were getting tired of your own mind. You didn’t want him. You didn’t want someone who looked like him. You wanted someone who could take your mind off of Eunhyuk for a few hours, no matter how they looked.
Looking around with a newfound resolution, you spotted the bane of your existence.
Eunhyuk sat at the bar, chatting away with Shindong like it was the most natural thing in the world. His dark eyes were on you, following every movement of your body. He looked at you like he was moments away from devouring you right there. You froze on the spot. You could only stare back at him. You forgot about the people around you, barely feeling when someone caressed your hips or back.
You came out to forget about him and the fire he put inside you, and he was here. And you were getting angrier with every second as you put two and two together.
Shindong on his phone earlier texting away, him recommending The Fortress, calling Eunhyuk while you were getting ready. It was his doing. Eunhyuk was a spider weaving his web delicately and you walked right into it. Like a fool.
Hot and bothered, you swing your hand up, flipping him off. He only cocked an eyebrow, a smirk tugging on his lips. It was inviting, alluring. Your own lip parted, curse words crowding on your tongue, never actually getting released. You shook your head and did your best to disappear in the mass of bodies before going home.
And screw Shindong, he can get to your apartment however he wanted.
The moment you got into bed, your phone started to ring. Shindong came home half an hour after you, and never commented about you deserting him at the club. Not even a word about how stupid and dangerous it was on your part.
He was on the couch and you wondered if the ringing bothered him, because you were too tired to answer it. But it could be Jung calling you to get to the clinic, so you had to check the caller anyway. The number wasn’t familiar, so you let it ring out.
Not even a minute later, it buzzed with an incoming message.
[01:27] Ignoring me is not the smartest move. I’ll visit you tonight.
You scoffed at the arrogance. Even without a name, you knew who it was coming from.
[01:34] Just text me what you want to say. There’s no need for you to come here.
[01:36] It’s not something I could say over the phone. Sleep well.
Your fingers slipped inside your pants as you put your phone aside without answering Eunhyuk. The fire inside you flared up again with the promise of meeting him tonight.
You caressed your folds, covering your fingers with the sticky wetness. You fantasized about him wanting you and your body, just like you wanted him. Because you wanted him, you had to admit that to yourself. A shaky moan escaped your lips as you wondered what kind of lover he would be.
In your mind it was his tattooed fingers moving in and out of you. He would be enthralled by your wetness and your little sighs, an amused smirk playing on his lips. His thumb would be on your clit, fingers scissoring to coax more of those moans out of you, constantly looking for your sweet spot. And when he would find it, he would be ruthless.
Your movements followed your fantasies, getting you closer and closer to the edge.
Desperate for an orgasm, you massaged your clit faster. You felt it building up. You imagined him caressing your breasts, almost heard him whispering in your ear what a good girl you were for him.
After silencing your final moans in your pillow, you fell asleep with more fantasies of him.
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panicatthediaz · 2 years
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Whoop, here we are on part 2. I was a little too impatient to wait until Tuesday, but updates are supposed to be weekly so I can write a little bit ahead. Keeping a regular schedule is tough, y'all. [Part 1] – [Part 3]
@madaboutmunson @lamburrito @benjaminrussell @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @dijkstraspath @swiftiebuckleys @spectrum-spectre [Let me know if you want to be tagged!]
Pin a String to My Chest – 2
A chance meeting
He might have never been interested in anything physical, but he had eyes, and people watching was always entertaining. Sometimes, that led to watching specific people. Sometimes, those specific people took issues with his watching.
(Sometimes, some rare times, people didn't seem to mind it, much. Sometimes, it even seemed they agreed with what he had to say. It's how he ended up with the current iteration of Corroded Coffin, beyond their shared interests.)
And Eddie would notice things. He had noticed his mom stopped fighting against his father's verbal and emotional abuse, so he started doing it instead. He had noticed that some of the things he heard at school were pretty close to shit his father used to say, and Eddie simply refused to be anything like him.
It was a lot easier to be loud about shit when he realized that not everyone could be. His mom, Gareth, and that one kid he found in the school parking lot in his sophomore year. It brought the attention onto him, but he handled Richard Munson just fine, right?
He'd never expected anyone to come to his defense; loud and opinionated metalhead that decided being different actually made more sense? Yeah, right. He wasn't even considering the fact he lived in the trailer park with his uncle.
(No offense to Wayne, of course, the man knew what most of the town thought about them. He just repeatedly urged Eddie to stay safe.)
Eddie, though, was the protector of his little group; drawing attention to himself then running with it, often literally. He could take a punch or two. Had taken quite a few in this school year already.
He had taken a couple of punches just now, so Grant, newcomer to Hellfire that he was, could get home unhurt.
"Hey!" The next punch never came, and Eddie looked up to see Jackass of The Week being pulled away by none other than King Steve himself. "That's enough, get out of here."
Eddie frowned, but neither the Jackass nor Harrington were looking at him; Steve was simply staring the guy down. At least it wasn't anyone from Hargrove's little group, this whole mess would've gone oh so well…
A soft touch to his arm startled him out of his musings as Steve started moving and taking Jackass with him, and he crossed his arms over his chest on instinct.
"Oh, geez, I'm sorry!" The girl next to him exclaimed. The hallway was pretty much empty after Steve left, save for a few stragglers that were doing a terrible job of not watching them. She grimaced and added, "I didn't mean to startle you, or anything."
Eddie shook his head and glanced around. He prided himself in paying attention to the people around him, but he couldn't think of a reason why sophomore cheerleader Chrissy Cunningham would be talking to him.
"Here." She held out a tissue, offering a small smile. "You got, uh..." She grimaced once Eddie took the tissue, and gestured to his face. "You're bleeding."
And yeah, okay, he could feel the sting now that everything was calm once more. He turned to Chrissy with a faint smile, pressing the tissue to his lip and trying not to wince. It could've been worse, but the split lip was going to be annoying anyway.
Her smile widened, and she was quick to say goodbye after that. Something about cheerleading practice, "not that I think you'd know much about it," but it was said without malice. It sounded somewhat like I know it's not something you're interested in and that's okay. Like I listen, actually.
Realizing, later, that Chrissy Cunningham did listen, and even seemed to consider some of the things he'd said?
It was refreshing.
Which made seeing the downward spiral that much worse.
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1nephthys · 2 years
It's fine.
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Word count: ~2.8k
Make it work this time, Steve. (part 5)
Steve and y/n tried their best to run as fast as Robin, Eddie and Nancy but due to his injuries and her still having troubles to couch her breath properly, they just couldn't keep on.
"Look, there" Steve said and kneeled down, y/n did the same. They were hiding under fallen tree. Beathing was harder for her with every second, even though she finally have few seconds to cool down. "Hey, hey" Steve said quietly as he looked at her panicked expression. "We are fine. It's fine. I'm sorry for screaming at you. Try to breath normally. Try with me." He grabbed her hand and put it to his chest.
She lifted her head and finally met his gaze. Now, they were starring at each other, with her left hand in his both, bigger hands on his heart, he breathed rhythmically and she tried to copy him. She somehow managed to calm down, even with demobats around.
"I'm sorry." She said quietly. "I'm sorry for all this mess." She added and Steve pulled her closer. He hugged her.
"It's fine, we're fine." He rescued her, his voice was so sure, he almost believed himself too. Soon, bats calmed too, so Nancy, Eddie and Robin appeared from their spot.
"We should go somewhere." Nancy suggested as she looked at them. They all nodded, but when Steve tried to stand up, he groaned in pain. Y/n looked at him, guilt running though her veins. How could she not notice how badly injured he was?
"I'm fine. I'm fine." He said but he was holding his side and his other hand was securing him on tree.
"You're losing blood. Oh my god." She said under her breath. "Come on, sit." And they both did, Steve grunted. He showed her his injures. Robin started panicking but y/n tried to think. She thanked good she decided to wear skirt that day because she had tights. She used her nails to rip it on her thigh and then took this part off. She didn't have shoes anyway. "Can you stand up now?" She asked and helped him.
She looked at his wound and couldn't look away. It looked so awful, she almost felt it on her own skin.
"I'm fine" Steve said, adrenaline was running though his veins and that was probably the only reason why he didn't scream in pain.
His voice made y/n wake up from her trance and she looked at his face.
"I'm just gonna-" She started and didn't even had to end her sentence because Steve nodded at her, understanding what she meant.
"Just do it fast." He said looking down at her.
She started behind him, putting tights close to his back and both her arms landed on his sides. It almost felt as a hug. He groaned when soft material touched his wound, making y/n feel bad. What if she'd make it all worst?
"Sorry." She whispered as she tied up both ends of her, now not wearable, tights. "Too tight?" She asked.
"All good." He answered as he took long, needed breath. "Thanks" He said when she finally looked at his face, instead his wound with all the focus she had. He had observed her the whole time, trying to ignore the fact that her skin was touching his all this time.
"We should go. It's really not the nicest place I had ever been to." Robin suggested, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Well, I'm in, just- where the hell you want to go? Cinema? Fucking School? Even school is better than this place" Eddie said, he was pissed. Or maybe he tried to be, to hide how scarring it all was for him.
"We should get the guns." Nancy suggested.
"Yeah! And then we can blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate." Robin said, already excited.
"Amazing. If we start walking now, maybe we will get to the police station tomorrow. Steve will bleed to death by this time and my legs will fall out of my ass." Eddie commented.
"I have guns" Nancy said, looking at his surprised face. "in my bedroom."
"Well, I guess then, we walking to Nancy Wheeler's bedroom to get guns. plural." He said and started walking. Maybe he didn't know where exactly she lived, but for sure not in a wood. "What the fuck this place is." He mumbled under his breath.
They all looked at him, then at each others and started walking behind him. Soon Nancy went ahead, when the group needed to turn left. Robin and y/n were walking together, Robin was talking about something and y/n was listening. That was keeping them both calmer.
Few feet behind them, were Steve and Eddie. Metal head gave other boy his jeans vest, but otherwise - they didn't talk. It was weird between them, Eddie felt like Steve hated him, Steve felt like he owned Eddie an apology. For jealousy. And for all this thoughts he had about him (even though he didn't know about it).
"So.." He started, thinking that maybe if he speaks it would be less awkward. It wasn't. "Thank you. For saving me."
"Yeah. You saved yourself too, no need to thank me." He answered coldly.
"Hey man, I'm sorry. I was... mean to you." Steve spoke again, when this not too comfortable quietness felt over them.
"Yeah, so mean for no reason." Eddie answered.
"Well actually, you tried to kill me-"
"I had a reason." He explained. "Y/n told me what you did in high school. Not that I wasn't there. I have no idea why she still like you. I guess it's your Henderson charm."
"My Henderson charm?" Steve asked, looking at metalhead next to him with confusion all over his face.
"Don't act stupid, little shrimp worship you. He keep talking about it all the time. Steve this, Steve that. It's getting annoying. At least now he's angry for what you did to this sweet girl that happened to be his sister. Since she act like this Vecna guy suck up her memory" Eddie said, not in his nicest tone.
"Yeah, I get that. She's angry, you're angry, Dustin's angry but-" He wanted to explain like he actually owned Eddie this. He wanted to explain it to the whole world if it would make it up. But it wouldn't.
Eddie stopped, making Steve stop too. He stepped closer to him, so close that Steve could feel his breath on his face. Nothing comfortable.
"But she's not angry. Do you even listening? Sad? Yeah. I have no idea what you did to her lately, Harrington but this is probably your last chance. Little shrimp gonna forgive you. And I have no idea why I'm saying that but you better not fuck it up again otherwise-" He didn't have time to end his sentence when lightning bolts appeared and the earth trembled making all of group fall.
"Second on my list of least favorite things, earthquakes" Robin said beside y/n.
"Y/n" no. no, no, no. "Y/n what are you doing here? Did you decided to join me?" She heard this voice again, looking around. He had to be somewhere there but no. She can't see him.
"Hey. Y/n! Do you hear me?" Steve asked as he shook her shoulders. She was with them again and earthquake seemed to stop. She also noticed Nancy's house right in front of her. They were close. It wouldn't been long 'till they find guns, escape and she would find new mp3 player so she nodded her head.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm here." she added quietly.
"It was Vecna? But he shouldn't- your mp3 player!" Steve yelled as he came to realization. "It got socked when you jumped into the water! God dammit y/n! How could we be so ignorant! It wasn't working the whole time!" He panicked as he touch little life saved attached to y/n's belt. His hands brushed over her stomach but he didn't even realized. She did though.
"Steve calm down, we are almost there. I will be fine." She said, trying to convince him (and maybe herself too).
"Yeah douchebag, we're not gonna get out of there if you start cry and yell at everything." Robin said from behind his back.
"Can we go now?" Nancy asked and when everyone nodded they made their way to the house.
Nancy opened the door, Steve was behind her with flashlight. Y/n wanted to be as close to someone as she could, so it happened that she was following Steve with every little step he took.
Everyone started looking around, it was awful. They weren't surprised when Nancy told them to hurry so she didn't had to look at it anymore. Steve, of course, agreed with her, for other reason though.
Nancy, Robin and Eddie went upstairs but y/n stopped in her truck.
"Hey? you coming?" Steve asked, looking at her worriedly.
"Shh. You hear that?" She put her point finger on her lips to tell him to be quiet.
After that, he expected not to hear anything. His heart almost popped out of his chest because he thought she her clock or something like that again. Last that he expected, was Dustin's voice.
"Is it... your brother?" He asked quietly. She nodded.
"They are in this house. Just on the other side." She explained, thinking about it "Maybe we can connect with them. Somehow."
"Lights." Steve said.
"Wh-" She didn't even had the time to finish her sentence because Steve had already started explaining.
"When Will stuck in upside down he contacted with Joyce though Christmas lights. Maybe we can do the same."
"Yeah, yeah! We need to tell-" Y/n said but again, somebody stopped her.
"Bad news. We are in the past and all our plan can go to fucking hell because those bloody guns don't even exist yet. We are gonna die here. But don't worry Romeo, at least you are here with your Juliet" Eddie said, his words dripping with sarcasm.
"We found a way" Steve said, choosing to ignore Eddie's comment. "Dustin is there. In the right side. We just need to find some lights and contact with him." He explained.
Nancy rushed to the light switch but it didn't work. Or that's what they thought at first. Chandelier started to shine with a bright light, they all went near it and put their hands up. It was even brighter then.
"Tickles." Eddie said quietly.
"Dose anyone know Morse code?" Nancy asked.
"I know only SOS." Eddie answered after Robin, Steve and y/n shook their heads.
"Perfect. Just- give Dustin sight through it. He knows Morse code, right?" Nancy asked y/n and the girl nodded her head.
They gave Eddie some space and he started doing his job.
"Y/n?! Steve?! Eddie?! Robin, Nancy?!" They heard Dustin scream. They smiled happily, getting their hope to get out of there quickly. Eddie tapped the lights few times to let him know that there were actually them. "Holy shit! They are in Upside down!" Dustin said, it sounded as if he said to someone who was with him in the room. "Give us a second. Go to Nancy's room. Near the bed." He said and they didn't question it.
They all sat at the floor, waiting for something that Dustin planned, they didn't had any other option than just trust him.
What they didn't know, was that Dustin, Lucas and Erica just stooled Nancy's little sister toy. By the time they set it up on Nancy's bed, the whole group was already there.
"You guys seeing this?" They heard Dustin smoggy voice. Nancy without hesitation started moving her hand above the bed and shiny sparkles appeared, making everyone gasp in happiness. "We're gonna unplug it!"
Sparkles disappeared but they heard Dustin saying to try it again. After a second of thinking Nancy written little "hi" to see if it working. When they heard Dustin repeated short word they laughed, knowing that they were saved.
Nancy quickly written that they were stuck and there was no way to escape though Watergate because it was guarded.
"We have theory that watergate isn't the only one, there's a gate at every murder site." Dustin explained which got everyone thinking.
"Do you know what he's talking about?" Nancy asked. Looking at y/n and hoping that the girl would understand her own brother.
"Uhhh, Eddie's trailer is seven miles away, but it's still our closest option. There's a gate" Y/n say, with worried expression on her face. It was too long way for Steve with his damages.
"I know your house here is, like, frozen in time but haven't you always had bikes?" Robin suggested, making their faces lights up.
"Yeah! Bikes, of course! Steve, you think you will be able to-" Nancy started, looking at the boy with worry on her face.
"Yeah, I think so." He answered, not even letting her finish her question. There wasn't any time to lose.
They rushed downstairs, then to the garage, where they were hoping to find bikes. And they did. Nancy took hers, Steve took Mrs. Wheeler's, Eddie and y/n somehow managed to both ride Nancy' father' one so Robin was left with much smaller Mike's one.
"This kid is so tall now, I can believe he rode this small shit" She complained as it was hard for her to pedal.
"You okay?" Eddie asked quietly.
"I think so? And you? It's kinda different place. Even darker than your room." She joked.
"Yeah, you definitely fine if you make fun of me." He rolled his eyes.
"Aren't I right, tho?"
"Yeah, alright. I would say it could been worst but if I did, I would have get worst. So I' staying quiet." He said with a shadow of smile on his lips.
Steve looked at them, in fact, he was looking at them every few seconds. Not with jealousy (well maybe a bit) but with worry. Now, that he knew that y/n didn't have her mp3 player his anxiety level raised higher than it ever been.
"Turn left" Eddie screamed and when they did, his trailer appeared next to them.
They jumped off the bikes and when to the door. When they entered, they met with gigant hole in ceiling.
"Goddamn" Steve mumbled, flashing his flashlight onto it.
"This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died." Eddie said. Y/n saw in his face a shadow of what happened that night. She lightly squished his shoulder as a little support.
"I think something is in there." They all looked at portal.
It seems like it was beathing, or someone was hitting it from the other site. Suddenly, it broke. Or more like, someone broke it with broom stick.
"Hi there." They could hear Dustin's lough and it was enough for all of them to smile. Y/n was never that happy to see her annoying, younger brother.
Lucas and Max got Eddie's mattress while Dustin and Erica created cord from towels. Then, Dustin thrown it up and it was hanging from both sites of portal. It was safe, they believed.
"Guess I'm guinea pig" Robin said as she was first one to climb. She landed on the mattress with a lough of relieve. "Thank God."
"Alright, y/n next." Steve said as he helped her to climb. When she landed, he wondered if she felt as relieved as he did.
Then went Eddie and while Steve and Nancy still tried to get out of Up-site down, he and y/n looked for his mp3 player in his dirty bedroom. She hoped that at least cassette was working because there was no way that Eddie owned any songs like that. After finding it, under a pile of dirty clothes, y/n put her cassette there, but it wasn't working.
"Cassette doesn't work and I don't have this type of romantic shit there. We need to go." Eddie said as soon as they entered living room. Nancy looked terrified and Steve stood beside her trying to calm her down and get her to talk. "What's going on here?" He asked.
"We really need to go. We will explain later. Come." Steve said, he and Robin helped Nancy, as Eddie and Y/n exchanged confused looks.
It was gonna be a long way home.
a/n. Hi, this part is a little short, even tho it took me really long to write it. I'm sorry to everyone who waited and I'm really grateful you still decided to read it. I have A LOT going on in my life lately so I decided that there will be one more part and that's it. I will post it as soon as possible and I hope it will be satisfying anyway. Love you all xx
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skittidyne · 1 year
if the cast of htkg gets stranded somewhere w no food who is the first to suggest cannibalism and who is the first to get cannibalized?
vivienne is the one who suggests it 10 minutes in as a joke(?). hell she probably suggested it on the ride that crashed or however they got stuck there.
but hmmmm time for bullet points! my beloved
if thomas is there he and vivienne are pointing fingers at each other and shrieking "THAT ONE THAT ONE THAT ONE" the entire time everyone else debates calmly/tearfully
dana is the one who has read an uncomfortable amount of stranded/disaster/the rook stories and is the first to point out the logistics of it, but not the first to make the Serious Suggestion
i don't see how she'd be this stupid but i think it'd be really really funny if christine tearfully volunteered to get eaten and someone had to quietly take her aside and go "sweetie no. you're not corporeal we can't eat you"
actually emil/christine/kirara are probably too lucky and avoid this mess entirely. (i don't know how dana doesn't avoid it, then. i like her nerdiness coming out in this dark way too much.)
like dana comes into this conversation with FOOTNOTES.
codi and thomas, the ones who kill Many Things for a living but never butcher them, just kinda shrug and nod and go "yeah that makes sense" when dana points out how careful they would have to be with a body to preserve it for food rather than just murdering someone for funsies
sam probably opens his mouth to volunteer and isaac bodychecks him to keep him down and out of the conversation for the rest of the night. isaac would be very pro-cannibalism of other people but no one's getting a two-for-one special on his watch.
you can't eat demons anyway, even if you could safely drain them of their blood
also. ngl. the whole bad luck thing kinda means vivienne would do it, but she can't die, sooooooo.
"well why can't we just cut off an arm or two instead? we don't have to KILL a person" "and let them bleed to death? we have no real medical supplies either" and meanwhile isaac is like "my time has come" (bc cauterization)
actually this scenario would have to have all of the nonhumans (aside from sam) kept away because otherwise they would be way too into eating the humans and there wouldn't even be a debate. they'd just pick a person and go to town. the extra funny part being that it would take weeks before a spirit would get to that starving desperation level versus how quickly a human would
mark probably gets killed and eaten first just for being so damn annoying and no one wants to deal with a mindreader when they're all stuck in Dark Thought town, anyway. if brynja is there, she probably kills everyone else in a fit of rage. if brynja is not there, she will kill everyone else in a fit of rage later.
man this could get really fucked up really fast if megan was there; they really could just start carving hunks and limbs off of each other and just heal the wound to stop death. good ending, maybe? or more horrifying? (mark probably still gets killed for being so damn annoying.)
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