#but also this is fun for me so! might as well keep going
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slayed02145 · 8 hours ago
so high school chapter 2
a/n: hi guys!! omg thank you sm for all the love on the first chapter it made me want to give you guys more so here ya go! Also i'm thinking abt combining this part and the last part because it doesn't really make sense to me that the same day spans over multiple chapters. And theres still more that I want to add to this day so like let me know if you guys think I should just keep posting little bits like I am or if I should make it all into one chapter. I'm just posting little by little because I don't want to keep y'all waiting!!
also give me some scenes or tropes you wanna see in this i'll def incorporate it in some way!
wc: 1016
shs masterlist
Chapter 2
Paige spots her friends huddled around their usual table in the cafeteria, their voices carrying over the lunchtime chaos. She doesn’t even have to get close to know they’re about to clown her. It’s written all over their faces.
Kk is the first to fire. “I heard P Boogs is in love.”
Paige groans before she even sits down.
“Jana bro you told them?” Paige asks even though she knew Jana was gonna tell them. And she can’t even be mad cause if it was anyone else in her position she’d make fun of them too. Which is kinda the worst part like Paige knows how embarrassing she’s being but she don’t give a fuck because Azzi is, well she doesn’t even know yet but whatever. 
Jana grins, leaning back. “I had to prepare them for the love eyes we’ll have to witness ALL practice today”  
The group breaks into laughter, already anticipating the spectacle.
“Y’all don’t get it, bro,” Paige insists, sitting down next to Ice at the edge of the bench. “She’s literally beautiful.”
Paige spots Azzi just waking into the cafeteria and before anyone can respond, she turns to Ice—who, unfortunately, is sitting right next to her—and starts aggressively smacking her arm over and over.
“Bro, that’s her,” she whisper-yells, eyes wide with urgency. Paige aggressively scoots towards Ice so that there’ll be enough space for Azzi to sit next to her 
“Yo AZZI” Paige yells to get Azzi’s attention. Once they make eye contact Azzi smiles and starts walking towards them. 
Kk laughs “Damnnn she’s gotta have that light skin rizz to have Paige simpin already” the table erupts in laughter. 
Once Azzi makes her way to the table Paige stands up and takes the time to introduce her to everyone before sitting back down, obviously with enough room for Azzi next to her. “This is Ice, Kk, Sarah and Aubrey, they all on the basketball team” now addressing the girls “everyone this is Azzi”
“Nice to meet you all.” Azzi gives a small wave, her usual easy smile in place. She starts to follow suit and sits down next to Paige. 
Ice, still rubbing her arm from Paige’s enthusiastic assault, raises an eyebrow. “You sure you wanna sit here? Paige might pass out from excitement.”
Azzi laughs, sliding into the open seat beside Paige. “I think I can handle it.”
“Oh, she’s bold,” Sarah remarks with Kk, exchanging knowing looks with her.
Paige rolls her eyes, trying to act unbothered, but her body betrays her—she’s sitting just a little too straight, her leg bouncing under the table. She can feel Jana watching her, ready to collect evidence for later roasting.
“So, you hoop?” Ice asks, taking a sip from her Gatorade.
“Yeah,” Azzi nods. “I was supposed to play at my old school, but moving kinda threw things off.”
“Well, we could use another shooter,” Aubrey chimes in. “Paige thinks she’s Steph Curry, but she’s more like Jordan Poole.”
The table howls.
Paige glares at Aubrey. “That was uncalled for.”
Azzi leans in slightly, her voice teasing. “I don’t know… I can see it.”
“Oh, you’re a hater too?” Paige places a hand over her chest in mock betrayal. “That’s crazy.”
Azzi shrugs, grinning. “Just saying, I might have to show you up at practice.”
The table erupts again, Kk smacking the table. “Ohhh, she’s funny.”
Paige huffs but can’t stop the smile creeping onto her face. She likes this. The banter, the energy. She hasn’t even seen Azzi play yet, but she already knows she’s gonna be ridiculous on the court. And that? That’s dangerous.
Azzi has one class left until basketball “tryouts” and it’s math. She walks in and like every other class the teacher makes her introduce herself. She goes to sit down. 
“Hey I’m Qadence” the girl next to her says
“Hi nice to meet you”
“I saw you earlier with the basketball girls, you play?”
“Yeah, I played for my school and aau back home, now though I’m still tryna see where I can play.”
“Oh cool. I play too, you comin to practice today or nah?”
“Yeah I’m coming. Don’t have any clothes though so Paige is giving me some” 
Qadence raises her eyebrows at that “Be careful around her, she’s def tryna to get with you”
Azzi chuckles, shaking her head. “Yeah, I kinda figured.”
Qadence smirks. “She’s got a reputation, you know. Paige is cool, don’t get me wrong, but she’s always got a roster.”
Azzi considers that. She already picked up on Paige’s energy—confident, flirty, definitely the type who knew exactly what to say to make people fall for her. 
“I’m serious though,” she says. “She’s got a bad habit of making people think they’re special when they’re not.”
Azzi’s smile falters just a little. “What do you mean?”
Qadence sighs, tapping her pencil against her desk. “She flirts. A lot. And not in the harmless, fun way—like, she makes people feel like they really have a shot with her, then the second they start catching feelings, she’s onto the next.”
Azzi frowns. She thinks back to lunch, to the way Paige had scooted closer to make room for her, the way she immediately wanted to help her with basketball, the way she’d looked at her—like she was already picturing something between them.
“She’s done that to you?” Azzi asks.
Qadence snorts. “Nah, I don’t play that game. But I’ve seen it happen. I'm friends with this girl Sophia, and her and Paige were talkin and stuff like Paige had her thinking they were something, and then over break, she was making out with some other chick.”
Azzi raises an eyebrow. “Damn.”
“Exactly.” Qadence leans back, watching Azzi carefully. “Just saying—if you’re just here to hoop, cool. But if you’re thinking about Paige as anything more than a teammate? Be careful.”
Azzi nods, but something about the conversation sticks with her. She doesn’t know Paige well, but she doesn’t like the idea of being played with.
Maybe she should keep her distance.
Maybe Paige isn’t as charming as she seemed at lunch. 
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tryagainstarlight · 3 days ago
Odile Friendquest!
💫 ( You both find a nice quite place to read the book )
💎 Haaa... I can't believe this took this long.
💫 ( You can't believe it yourself... But... A part of you hoped that it would of lasted longer. It was something different. )
( Odile looks at the closed family book intently. )
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💫 "Aren't you going to read it...?"
💎 They said I could keep it until I have to leave Dormont, so I have time, but...
( Shes still looking at it. The book you spent so long to find. Why is it so important to her...? )
( You... Haven't thought of it in.. Ages. You gave up figuring it out countless of loops ago but... )
💫 "Is it related to your reasearch...?"
( Odile snaps out of her train of thought. She didn't hear you apparently, so you ask again. )
💎 Ah.. Hm...
💎 Well. I suppose I've kept it secret long enough. Don't tell Isabeau, alright?
( You find yourself leaning in, listening intently. You feel... Giddy? To finally know, to finally put the end of the hunt. )
💎 There is no research. I'm not researching anything....
💫 WHAT!?
( She takes notice of your absolutely dumbfounded expression and laughs, but her expression turns melancholy. )
💎 Sorry for not saying anything. Isabeau said I must be researching something, since I was a traveler here in Vaugarde...
💎 And it felt... Easier. To not say anything....
💫 Then.. why are you...?
💎 Why did I leave Ka Bue, travel for years, all to find myself in Vaugarde, if not for some intellectual pursuit?
💎Hm. Well...
💎 I'm actually here in Vaugarde...  To find out more about myself.
💎..I suppose it's not very apparent to you, but...
💎 My mother was Vaugardian.
( Huh. )
( You listen very intently to what she explains about her past and everything. )
( You never knew she was half Vaugardian. )
( Traviling halfway the country... To find more about herself and trying to see if she sees herself in a country she has no memory of.. )
( ... Stars. )
💎 What about you, [Not my name]? Are you finding out more about yourself, in Vaugarde?
💫 Huh?
💎 Well, you didn't grow up in Vaugarde either, right? Do you have roots here? Or were you just passing through?
( . . . )
💎 HA! Hm, my apologies. Forget I asked.
( You dont say anything, she looks back at the family tale. )
( ... She'll probably be fine with leaving this here. But. You feel it to be unfair to tell you about her story and not share yours. )
💫 "I... Don't remember anything where I'm from."(Odile turns to look at you.)
💎 huh...
💎 Were you too small when you left, or was it because there was nothing worth remembering?
( . . . )
( Hah.... Everything was probably worth remembering to Siffrin. But you, Loop, don't care. You've been in this perfect play for so long that you don't remember anything. Forever trapped in this memory someone so desperately wanted to keep safe. )
💫 "Neither."
💫 "But I can relate to you in a way. Trying to find peices where ever you can. Even if it's fruitless."
💎 Trying to find where you belong...?
( . . . )
💫 "Trying to see how your roots shaped you."
💎 Which parts of you, you created, and which parts already were...
( You curtly nod. )
( You will never know anyway. You can't bring yourself to care. )
( The next few words wash past your ears, accept... )
💎 One might say that's more important than being Ka Buan and Vaugardian, wouldn't you agree?
💫 "Oh... I do!"
💎 Heh..
💎 ...
💎 Ha, that's interesting...  I feel so much lighter now.
💫 ...?
💫 "Because we found a familytale...?"
💎 Yeeeees, and also because we talked, [Loop].
( Oh..! )
💎 Hah!!!
💎 Heh...  Thank you for listening to me, [Loop].
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( She reaches out and pets your head. Messing up your eons unbrushed hair. Huh... That,, felt nice... You blush and nod, a little embarrassed )
💎 Heh
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💎 Now get out of here! I have a familytale to read before we all meet for our sleepover.
💎 We'll talk later. Go have fun.
(Odile smiles at you mischievously. You smile, and wave her goodbye. )
゚.+:。 You got a MEMORY OF SECRET QUEST! You'll always remember this.
゚.+:。 When equipped, Memory of Secret Quest boosts all of your Researcher's stats by 30.
゚.+:。 Your Researcher also learned the skill "Craft Break α".
゚.+:。 Craft Break α" is strong. When used, it makes an enemy weaker to all CRAFT types for a few turns.
゚.+:。 It's so strong, you'll only be able to use it when you and your Researcher have had this exact conversation. So if you loop back to Dormont, you'll have to talk to her all over again.
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sevastiel · 2 days ago
thoughts on the new KIM Lore? Lizzie's is Interesting...
*The camera turns to me and I'm vibrating like an electron*
I've read ahead in the Kimulacrum chats right, so I can't SAY all of my thoughts yet, but I can say this.
ONCE AGAIN. THE LORE TEAM HAS FUCKED UNBELIEVABLY HARD. I've got friends who are alter systems, or who have been them in the past, and its clear that DE not only CARES but DOES Their god daMN RESEARCH! It perfect? no. It really fucking cool? Yes.
Also, Kaya is a mood, tbh, and I am VERY excited for de to give us just a little more lore on how time travel works on a technological level, please and thank you, thats the only piece I'm missing damnit and the only part I don't want to theorize on yet because aside from the reliquary drives, lanthorns, the orokin being able to create sources of anti-entropic radiation, (energy that keeps itself in line, basically) and the vague promise of infinite void based power, I'm not sure we have enough for it to all totally link up.
And the couple's good ending made me really happy to see bc while it was a bit upsetting at first to bear witness to two adults that I'd already found myself caring about arguing every time they spoke again, both sides have some really good, genuine, and understandable complaints that work so well with their characters and the only thing you're really needed for is to basically be an excuse for them to talk to each other about what's actually going on. Because its a shared chat, when you get one of them to actually fuckin' confess, the other can read it, which is honestly quite brilliant and makes the process much more viable. Not only that, but there's a lot of fun to their convos and past day 3 they *arent* arguing all the time, they might be snippy, but once you've gotten the right booleans they do become so much more,, idk, human, I suppose
I know de gives us these kim chats so we can get the writing that would be unbelievably time consuming and difficult to implement in game otherwise, and I cradle it to my chest and spin around delightedly.
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so like . maybe opening a Google doc for this is a bit much however (future sage after they finished, it was not. it was not a bit much) . consider . who cares
the paragraph analysis (that isn't 2k words) - morally grey, maybe leaning more villain, some vague concepts of like- power? (of the magic kind?), probably was part of a group / company and isn't anymore . also like . getting vague toxic ex vibes from at least two of those songs.
anyway. I've gotten very good at analyzing songs as we all know. and so - a short little analysis based on nothing but the vibes of those songs <3
-> [Bones]
-> giving very morally grey kinda vibes? something about like- “I'll take the long road home that's lined with blood and snow” have they killed people? maybe their past involves some kind of death? the whole thing of innocent but they'll still serve time, maybe they're being blamed for some kind of death? The line about being your own worst enemy - do they blame *themself* for something that happened? do they think they're a bad person and keep going on anyway? Also that first like “can you believe in something that you can't even see? Can you agree we're part of something bigger than you and me?” Very ‘part of a suspicious group” kinda vibes, especially with the other lines about blood and innocence. “The mirror's always showing me a shell of who I used to be” maybe they used to be a better person than what they are now? (Looks at Little Wolf. looks at Little Wolf so hard)
-> vaguely kinda . toxic (or more than just toxic) ex vibes if you look at it in the right lens . like the lines about “you can give and take” and “Crack my bones but my heart won't break” like. yeah
-> [AC/DC]
-> this one is giving me . a time . because okay the main thought is of course like- robot. or some kind of mechanical parts, connected somehow to something like that?
-> if we go robot route, you have the obvious of like- morally grey robot being used by slightly evil group / company to do their dirty work, but in combination with all of the other songs I'm not quite sure that really fits completely?
-> could actually be more *the group / company* talking to starbound!sherb as opposed to starbound!sherb themself, which in context to the other songs I feel might be a bit more likely? honestly this song is the most confusing one to me-
-> [Rats]
-> something about how the group they work for is a little evil and they're all kind of rats and rats aren't considered good or clean or anything (something about having blood on their hands?) “Guess he's only got himself to blame” Something about how they've done bad things but (they believe) it's kinda their fault because they kept doing it without any question
-> and the other thing . toxic ex vibes . just very toxic relationship vibes . something about “love me like the rats in the cupboard” but like they wouldn't be loved because no one *wants* rats in their cupboard. the “watch me me burn and feed the flames” something about a possible partner (or I guess this could be like- okay I have brain worms and they definitely *were* apart of some kind of group so this could be referring to that but . lemme have my fun <3 - and this doesn't feel like the kinda song sherb would pick if thats the case? soooooo /silly) letting them wear themself down and feed the fire of why they're not a good person? “Do you ever get sick of watching me cave in” like ??? okay now . something about getting close to someone and then just . They don't help you and just watch you from afar. mmm. “Pull me apart and spreed me thin” do I need to elaborate . like. same reason as the last one- “told me she was back and here to stay, said she loved me and she wants my money, well I told her not today” very like- maybe controlling past partner maybe? this whole song gives very toxic relationship vibes and I dunno how else you want me to say that- “love me like the rats in the cupboard, not enough to keep a dying flame” something something starbound!sherb finally walking away from this? finally going off and trying to distance themself from this person?
-> half vaguely coherent thought of maybe like- them leaving the possible group they could've been apart of and like- getting into a relationship that isn't healthy in the slightest bc they haven't been able to process and the other side is just toxic? you know? shrug
-> [Sinners]
-> very just . morally grey vibes. not like lyric wise just like Vibe wise you must listen to it to understand I feel. “I must be good for something” so they want to be useful huh? is that a thing they wanna do? hm? /silly “oh Sinners come down, come gather round” something about maybe formerly being in a group - maybe being in some sort of higher up position? who knows, not me, clearly. “Let's go have some fun before they put us in the ground” so there's people after their group or just them perhaps? (with the addition of leave me alone later on the playlist, this is highly likely that *someone* is after them) “lions sit in solemn lines, drinking gin and dropping lines” something about whatever they do being very like- controlling? (could tie back to AC/DC maybe?) like them being on a tight ship perhaps? there's a lot of repeating lyrics in this one so there's not too much for me to look at with my eyes :(
-> [Little Wolf]
-> so this is the outlier of the group it'd seem . and . okay I've been brain worms about this one. because there's like- two ways yoou can see this one. also they're for sure not Athena I hope we can agree on that-
-> so option number one that- I think makes the most sense, is that in the context of this song they'd be antinuous. Kinda of more of that “morally grey, leaning a bit more ‘villain’” kinda vibes they got going? Just very antagonistic and stuff like that? (To who is another question but we probably can't get that just from the playlist)
-> other option is they're telemachus - a younger version of them only hoping to be a good person (perhaps joining a group in hopes they'd be able to help out with space horrors?), being taken under the wing of someone older and willing to protect them. (something about how arguably, under this interpretation, they could very easily be *both* telemachus and antinuous, trying to be good at the beginning and only ending up a worse person despite. Perhaps this is some kind of internal dialog, who knows. it's funky thinking about what's up with them)
-> [Dark Science]
-> This is the part I get the vague power vibes from? it just has that vibes and I can't explain it more than that-
-> actually on second thought it could also just be like- the group they were / could've been a part of? like something about their leader or a recruiter talking to starbound!sherb? and or star!sherb talking to like- a victim, but I lean more to the first option? something about the pre-chorus “Of your cold heart, no spark Restarting your true dark With mismatched animal parts Cannibal starved, natural Death is just the start” Feels very like- trying to convince them that it's gonna be fine and whatever they're going to do to star!sherb will all be fine (maybe they're like- cyborg? or along this song maybe some funky alien things? which could maybe also add to the powers idea that I've slightly squashed) and the chorus telling someone to not be afraid feels very “someone trying to convince someone else this group / these people are good and this is completely normal and ethical :)” also this - “With every draw I paint a picture Perfect murder scene But if these mortuary walls could talk We both know that they’d scream Hindsight is the only judge and jury that I need” feels very like- their story has *something* to do with death of some kind, be that literal or like- something else I'm not sure we can figure out. also the bridge talks about control and being a “cog” and. yeah I think their story perhaps also has something to do with control . I feel like those are the two major vibes I get. (Add the toxic ex idea to that? mmmmmm)
-> [Cavalryman]
-> something about being a soldier something about doing people's dirty work something about being apart of a slightly evil group something something. I don't have big brain worms about this song its just very big vibes honestly. also a lot of stuff about death yet again? like I feel like this could perhaps be a big part of their story… just guessing here though who knows… /silly
-> [Do What I Gotta]
-> morally grey bitch <3 /pos - also, seems like they might be on their own now perhaps? not apart of a group anymore - something like they left it for something better? (being morally grey still <3) anyway. “This city got issues lucky for us though I'm a one man armada” something about them trying to fix everything on their own (points back to that idea in Sinners of “I must be good for something” perhaps?) “I'm a bottle half full cause I got a good feeling that this world will truly start healing long as I do my part and keep a head start” very funky vibes going on here - seems a but more optimistic than the previous songs seemed? maybe they're trying to change their ways (albeit still in a definitely morally grey kinda way) or something like that so they can reverse any harm they could've done? “Imma do what's best if I get knocked down i'll start from the bottom” something about how they're willing to start all over if they get knocked off wherever they are? thyre *willing* to start over and still climb their way back up to the top. and then the . “count your days, I don't care what city you stay, I don't care what path you walk, the fact that you walks enough to get slain” Oh so like they're definitely killing people . so like regardless of what they did before they're probably definitely killing people still- “”we are your friends, we're in your crew, we are like you,” or that what they say” so maybe they're killing the people they used to associate with question mark? “Your choice is easy just pick a side but pick the wrong one and you'll probably die” funky funky funky for sure guys . normal
-> [Leave Me Alone]
-> puts my fingers together . toxic ex makes an appearance perhaps . I dunno something about this song in combination with Rats (and also Bones a little) is giving very toxic ex vibes and also probably like- their past group too but. lemme toxic ex truth here for a little bit please <3 “you took the money but the money couldn't buy a friend” points, there was a reference to money in rats and it was In a very oh this person wants this but I won't give it to them and this also maybe has that kinda vibes. also the whole just . leave me alone idea . toxic maybe kinda controlling vibes from rats and bones - it's not a *long* stretch to assume they might be after star!sherb? “The devil that you is better than the devil that you don't” perhaps like- maybe star!sherb not wanting to hurt whoever after them despite everything (the devil they know being the person after them, and the devil they don't being star!sherb? something about how star!sherb definitely is like . okay with murder-) “go fly a kite until your tangled in the hanging tree” Well that's a way to tell someone to kill themself- okay no for real something about how maybe in this case star!sherb doesn't want to get their hands dirty? and they want someone else, or even the person after them, to do it themself as opposed to otherwise (if we go toxic ex situation, something about still feeling things for them despite everything?)
uhhhhhhhh, I think that's all. word count on all of that is like two thousand words . thought that'd be shorter guess I'm just too much of a loser for that. anyway I have brainworms about starbound!sherb I hope that's clear 🧍‍♂️
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howdeepthegrave · 2 days ago
Which do you think is more likely for Rio to have: praise kink or degradation kink or BOTH? 🤔
...This question leads to Rio and Agatha discovering which it is one night.
If we're talking canon Rio, I'm actually feeling a tiny hint of a praise kink, because let's be real, Death does not always get a lot of love. Not a lot of people showering them with "Oh, who's my good little Cosmic entity who always does their job? Who follows the dictates of the Cosmic dance so perfectly except that one time when they fathered a kid and got all sentimental?"
As for the greatest couple ever mommy and daddykins AgathaRio figuring this out... The following is... Not precisely what you probably want, but more some kind of fascinating psychosexual nightmare that turned into maybe How Nicky Is Made? But it definitely reflects my headcanons about Rio exceedingly enjoying praise as well as other stuff.
Heads up for overly domestic Cottage Era Agatha, smut, implied past pregnancy loss, and rampant pronoun shifting
"Are you simply endeavouring to amuse yourself at this point?"
Death looked up and saw Agatha in the doorway of the bedroom, watching Them in that way she had that might mean there were fun times ahead, but equally might mean there was soon to be a lot of shouting.
"Dearest one?" They grinned.
"Rio, you have once again tracked in so much mud from the garden that I might as well not even attempt to keep the floors clean."
"Oh. You could use magic, my love. Some enchantment to keep the floors..."
"That is not the point, Rio, and you know it!"
"I do?"
Agatha sighed, and she looked sad, or at least she wore an expression that Rio had come to interpret as sadness. Standing, they went to her and shyly embraced her.
"I am sorry. I was in a rush. You know how I do get in a rush..."
"To show me that you once again grew a turnip as large as a dog's head? My love, forgive me if I find your ability with roots a little less than thrilling."
Sensing an in, Rio squeezed Agatha a little closer.
"Some of my roots do interest you, my sweet."
"Oh, you would be coarse at a time like this."
Pulling away, Rio frowned.
"Mi corazón, I do not..."
"Have you considered what sort of example you might set for our future children when you slop about, leaving a mess all over the place?"
"Dearest one, I... I am not certain children are..."
Rio trailed off. She knew by now not to venture too far into that perilous and painful territory.
"I'll go and clean it up," she sighed.
She thought to simply snap her fingers softly a few times to clear away the mess she knew she had left just inside the door of their home, but she also knew that Agatha expected a sort of atonement in the form of physical labour. She knew that her wife wanted her to learn. So she went and pulled the broom from the corner and began to sweep up the dust and dried mud. It was calming, really, the repetition, the back and forth of the sweeping. Two little bits of magic were employed: one to keep the door open while she swept the little mess outside, and one to make a minor repair to the door hinge that had been needed for ages.
Setting the broom carefully back in place, she thought to return to the bedroom and report her work completed, but then she felt it. Of course. The pull of souls, perhaps a dozen, some great distance away.
Death sighed and left the little cottage, going quickly to Their duty.
By the time They returned, it was late. They knew that it was the same day, but hours had passed. Agatha would long since have had her supper and gone to bed. Probably she would still be upset with Them, even thought They had done the job she asked, because They had left so quickly.
Entering the cottage, They conjured a little bouquet of flowers, pretty exotic things that did not grow in this place and which Agatha would perhaps find pleasant. It was small apology, but it was an attempt, and They had found that with Agatha, sometimes even the attempt was enough, so far as They went.
"Dearest one," They whispered, entering the bedroom.
Agatha was not yet asleep. No, she sat awake in bed, reading some tome or other, and the candle on the little pine table nearby was guttering badly.
"So, my hunter is home," Agatha said, not even looking up. "And how badly have you tracked up my floor this time?"
"I did not, Agatha. I was very clean."
Why was she still in so low a mood? They sensed nothing ill about her health, it was not so near unto her monthly blood, she did not seem to be starved for power...
"Come here," Agatha said.
Death went, offering the flowers carefully from Their bony hand. Agatha took them, studied them a moment, then laid them aside with the tome.
"You did what was asked of you."
"I did. As I always do."
Agatha reached out, gracing Their fingers with a delicate touch from her own.
"Sometimes I think I am too harsh with you, my Death."
"I did something incorrect. I was wrong."
"Yes, but really, should I have been so brusque? You are such a pretty little thing, after all."
"Am I?" they asked, flesh flowing in to cover the cold of bone.
"You are. Every form of you. Pretty things should be treated kindly, methinks."
"I must learn from my errors, Agatha."
"Ah, but you do learn so quickly, my darling. You are so very apt a pupil. So bright."
Death felt a rush of blood to their cheeks.
"I try to please you, my love."
"And you so often do, my sweet Rio. Sit, hmm?"
Rio sat on the edge of the bed, still holding Agatha's hand in their own. When Agatha pulled their hand to her lips and kissed the knuckles fondly, they felt the flush in their face only deepen, and felt other diversions of her body's blood that made her need to shift her seat slightly, to press the thighs together.
"I should more often tell you how pleased I am, my love," Agatha said. "How happy you make me when you so quickly do as I ask."
"I want you always to be happy," Rio said.
"My good, beautiful Rio. Will you kiss me?"
Rio lunged perhaps a bit too quickly, a little too hungrily, but she could not be asked to care when it was a matter of life and death, as far as she considered it. If she did not feel Agatha's breath soft against her face, did not taste the sweetness of Agatha's lips at once, she would simply perish from want. She smiled at the pressure, mouth-to-mouth, and felt a little flame in her body's belly when Agatha moaned and allowed Rio's tongue passage beyond the sweet lips. With ease, she lifted herself and stretched out on top of Agatha, magicking all their clothes away without a thought.
Agatha let out a little huff of air, turning her face away suddenly.
"Naughty," the witch spat.
Rio drew back. She had been certain Agatha wanted to be made love to, and yet now...
"My own little rascallion, always plunging straight ahead without a by-your-leave."
"Agatha, I am sorry. I thought..."
"You thought too quickly, perhaps. Can you be my very good boy and listen to what I want?"
A sound almost like a purr buzzed through Rio's chest. She very much liked it when she could be Agatha's good boy.
"Kiss me," Agatha said, and Rio relaxed back in to do as she was bade.
The kiss was almost chaste, no chance to deepen, and when she sensed that Agatha was done, Rio pulled back.
"Is this..."
"You're doing so well, my sweet. I very nearly think I might be proud of you."
Rio gasped, eyes wide, as every bit of her body tingled. Some places tingled more than others, and given where she was, she was quite inclined to rut her hips down against Agatha, but did not dare.
She could not stomach being naughty again.
"May I kiss you again?" she asked, feeling as nervous as she had their first time.
"You may," Agatha said.
This one was deeper, warmer, and Agatha certainly seemed pleased with it, her legs slipping further apart, one coming up to curl around Rio's hip. The weight drove Rio to grind down at last, but she did so only timidly, wary still of misbehaviour.
"It's all right," Agatha cooed, moving to meet Rio's careful thrusts.
"Am I... Doing well?"
"Very well, my love. I'm so pleased. So very, very pleased with you."
The room felt very warm, as it often did in such times, and Rio felt her thoughts, the part of her thoughts that were inseparable from this human form, go vague and cloudy. In her head everything was Agatha Agatha Agatha.
"Rio, I love you. I do love you."
"I love you, Agatha."
"Can you be... Very, very good for me?"
"Always. Anything you like, my love, my own, my heart."
"Please? Please, can you... Can we try again? Please?"
Rio's heart, so young in comparison to the rest of the entity, quivered. This again. This that her wife wanted so deeply, that even by now she wanted so deeply. The one thing she was certain she could never provide, being as she was. Even with all her power, her grasp of the Cosmos...
"Is it what you wish?" she asked.
"You know that it is."
So, never wishing to deny her wife anything, Rio resolved again to try, pushing away all the memories of past disappointment and loss and letting her power move and shift in the appropriate ways most useful to the task at hand. With a grunt, she thrust down again, down and in, and held very still a moment, face near enough to whisper in Agatha's ear.
"For you," Rio murmured, "I would reshape the universe."
Pulling back, she let her tongue slither up the side of Agatha's neck, tipping over the spot where beneath, the witch's pulse beat wild. As she thrust back in, she drew her tongue back and let her teeth nip at the same point, drawing a gasp and moan from Agatha.
"Good boy," Agatha whispered.
That nearly tipped Rio over, and she had to slow for a moment, had to hold back, her body panting for breath.
"Oh, do not deny me now, my pretty," Agatha said.
"I would not, love, only... Only please..."
"Come along, my sweet one. My dear, darling one. My good, sweet, perfect..."
Rio fell apart, thrusting back in deep, feeling as if some essential part of herself was leaking free as she came, as she felt the softest part of Agatha clench wild around her.
"My love," Rio choked. "Oh, my love. My love. My love."
And then Agatha was sobbing, shaking, needing comfort, and Rio held her, kissed her, caressed her.
"I'm so sorry," Agatha said, voice soft and small and frightened.
"It's all right, my love. You are good. Everything is good."
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viola-verse · 3 days ago
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SUCHWITA: EP 02 - 드디어 우리가 다시 만났다 (Finally we meet again)
Warnings: talks of ghosts, mentions of alcohol, past injury, gets angsty, gets fluffy, Korean might not be accurate. I had to look it up. For the anon who asked if Viola was going to be on Suchwita.
Wordcount: 2,743
Requests: Open.
Remember this is a work of fiction. Let me know if I should add a comments part.
Guest Starring Viola Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Send a request | Tag List Form
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Yoongi starts the video with his introduction before sitting down and picking up the tablet propped up on the table for him to read from.  “Today’s guest wrote she's a best friend of over 10 years, professional ghostbuster and full time cat lover, part time idol,” Yoongi reads from the tablet in front of him, trying to keep his smile small, as he goes over everything she put on the small form that his team has his guest fill out for fun. "She does love cats," he chuckles to himself. "Professional ghostbuster," he muses, tapping his finger against the screen of the tablet. "I don't think she's ever seen a ghost," he mutters more to himself. "Alright, let's bring her out!" he says standing up to greet his friend turned secret girlfriend. "Viola!" he calls out, a hint of playful anticipation in his voice. He extends his hand, and a moment later, a figure walks into frame. 
"Yoongi-ah!" Viola grins, her eyes smiling as she greets him, a paper bag in her hand. She's in a nice blouse and a pair of light denim blue jeans; her hair has been cut shorter into a bob that reaches her shoulders. It's a change from her long hair and something she hadn't told him about wanting to surprise him. "Thanks for having me," she adds with a light laugh. 
"You cut your hair," Yoongi says, a surprised but pleased look on his face as he sits back down. "It looks great! Come on, have a seat. What's in the bag?" he asks, gesturing towards the chair opposite him and then eyeing the paper bag with curiosity on what alcoholic beverage she might have brought. 
“Just my favorite,” she smiles pulling out a bottle of Bacardi white rum and hands it to him. “I also brought a couple bottles of coke.”  
“I should have guessed,” he smiles, taking the bottle and opening it, pouring some into two glasses as she opens one of the bottles of Coca-Cola that has the label taken off. He sets the bottle of rum aside as she pours the coke, mentioning the menu of food that they have that she can pick from.  
Once the drinks are poured and the food is ordered and spread out in front of them, they clink their glasses together and take a drink as they get settled into the interview. Y/N can feel her mouth watering at the sight of the spicy fried chicken, tteokbokki and a few other of her favorite Korean dishes. 
"So, ghostbuster, any recent paranormal activity I should be aware of?" he teases, a playful glint in his eyes as he takes a bite of his food. 
"I haven't had any since I moved out of the dorm room the girls and I were in," she replies, after taking a bite of chicken, she chuckles, wiping her hands on a napkin and taking a sip of her drink. Her ghost story from their trainee days is well known amongst her fans. She's talked about it multiple times. From how her things would disappear and reappear somewhere else. The seven other girls she shared the small dorm room with were adamant that they hadn't touched her stuff. It happened to two of the other girls too. Then there was the cold spots and the chills, the faint whispers and slightly touches when no one else was in the room. The scary stories and rumors about their dorm didn't help either. Viola was 100% certain that their room was haunted, and she can attest to the many nights she snuck into one of the training rooms or the boy's dorms to get some undisturbed sleep. She shudders slightly as a chill goes down her back thinking about it, "That dorm room was cursed for sure." 
Yoongi nods in agreement. "I remember when you used to come to our dorm trembling and asking if you could stay with us."  
"Jin oppa would get so annoyed," she says, guilt washing over her as she remembers all the times she did it before she was caught out by one of their trainers.  
"He didn't mind," he assures her. "Taehyungie loved it though. He liked having you there." 
"Yeah, Tae always made room for me," Viola laughs. 
Yoongi smiles, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "Any new ghost stories from your current place?" he asks, even though he knows there isn't. What their fans and the public don't know is that they've been living together for almost a year now, their relationship starting back in 2021. Neither of them or their company is ready to make it public yet, especially with Yoongi's military enlistment approaching and the clashing of their separate schedules. 
"Nope! Thankfully," she says with a relieved sigh. "If there was, I'm sure my roommate will chase it away. He's not easily scared by ghost stories." 
He chuckles, flattered by the hidden compliment. "Your roommate," Yoongi says, a playful smirk on his face as he glances at the camera. She also looks between him and the camera when she realizes she called her 'roommate' he, knowing full well that some of the audience might piece things together, especially their fans who have been shipping them since they started getting to see them interact. 
Yoongi takes this moment to change the subject, shifting it to her solo debut. "So, 'Welcome Home' is doing really well! Congratulations, Viola-ssi!" he says, a proud smile on his lips. "Everyone is loving it. How does it feel to be performing again?" 
"I've missed it so much," she says taking another bite of food and a drink from her glass. "I didn't realize how much I did miss it until I started preparing for the comeback. I haven't danced or sang this much since I broke my ankle and the Le Fleurs disbandment. It feels really good to be doing it all again and seeing how many fans I still have. That was pleasantly surprising," she pauses, thinking for a moment as he listens intently to everything she is saying. They've had this conversation behind closed doors when she was considering coming back to the spotlight. "It's definitely a different experience being a soloist though. It's a lot more work but it's also a lot more rewarding. I have more creative control, and I get to really express myself in my music." She pauses, again thinking back to her Le Fleur days. "I still miss my girls though. It's definitely not the same without them." 
"Yeah, I can imagine," Yoongi says sympathetically. He knows how much Le Fleur meant to her. He was there when they debuted, when they won their first award, and she broke her ankle which is when they ultimately disbanded. He was her shoulder to cry on through it all. "But you're killing it as a soloist! I've had 'Welcome Home' on repeat for weeks now," he says showing his pride for her in his eyes and resisting the urge to reach across the table and take her hand in his. 
Viola blushes, pleased by his praise and bows her head. "Thank you, Yoongi-ah. That means a lot, especially coming from you." 
"Speaking of your music," Yoongi says, leaning forward with genuine interest, "I've been wondering, is there a particular song on the album that's the most personal to you? Or maybe one that was the hardest to write?" 
"I didn't really struggle with writing any of the songs on this album, but I think that's mostly because I never stopped writing them. I have a laptop, and notebooks filled with songs I would love to release eventually," she says recalling her process that went into making her solo debut album. "The hardest part was deciding which songs would go on the album. Of course, Welcome Home made it to my debut song which is very fitting considering it's about returning to a place that feels like home. If I had to choose a song that's the most personal to me," she pauses biting her bottom lip as she thinks about her songs and tries to decide which one it would be. "I think it would have to be my ballad 'Silent Years'. People think it's about my years I spent not being an idol, it's actually about lifelong friends finding a certain special kind of love for each other. I actually wrote the song with someone, so it's not a song I wrote on my own. I can't take full credit for it."  
"Oh, really? You wrote it with someone?" Yoongi asks, not wanting to give it away that it was him who wrote it with her and produced it for her. Even though if anyone looked into the credits for the song, his name is there. 
"Yeah," Viola says, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It was a collaboration. We worked on it together for a while before we finalized it. It was a really special experience." She looks at him, a silent message passing between them, a shared memory of late nights spent hunched over lyrics and melodies, their voices blending together in perfect harmony. "It was unfortunate I couldn't get their vocals on the song." 
Yoongi nods, his eyes twinkling with affection. "Well, whoever you wrote it with, they did a great job. It's a beautiful song," he says sincerely, taking a sip of his drink. She bows her head slightly, thanking him again. "Should we take a listen to it?" he asks, and she nods, pulling out her phone.  
Viola unlocks her phone and goes through it until she finds the song. She lays her phone on the table and presses play. The soft melody of "Silent Years" fills the room, the sounds of a piano accompanying Viola's delicate vocals. Yoongi watches her as she listens, her eyes closed. He can almost see the memories playing out in her mind – the laughter, the tears and the quiet moments together that had woven their friendship into something more. The song speaks volumes about their relationship, a secret confession hidden in plain sight. He feels a surge of pride, knowing he helped bring her song to life. 
When the last note fades, a comfortable silence settles between them. Viola opens her eyes, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. "It still gets me every time," she admits softly, glancing at Yoongi. 
"You really poured your heart into it," he replies, his voice equally soft. "Let's talk about something a little lighter. You're dancing again. How's that been going?" He asks, hoping to steer the conversation away from the more personal aspects of her music, at least for the sake of the cameras.  
Viola visibly relaxes at the change of subject. "The choreography has been intense, but so much fun!" she exclaims, her eyes lighting up again. Dance will always be one of her greatest passions. For the longest time she didn't think it was possible to dance again on the level she was at before her broken ankle. A lot of it had been fearing that she will injure it again, leading her to never being able to dance again.  
"I saw some of your fancams and dance challenges," Yoongi says with a grin. "You've improved so much." 
"Thank you," she smiles before asking, "Do you want to do the dance challenge with me? Hobi, Jimin and Tae have done it."  
He looks hesitant for a moment, it well known he isn't the biggest fan of dancing despite it being one part of what makes him an idol. He also isn't a big fan of participating dance challenges. "I'm not sure I can keep up with you," he says with a chuckle, knowing full well that she's ten times the dancer he is, her being on almost the same level as Hobi. But also, how can he say no to her, especially when she's looking at him, her lips slightly pouted and eyes sparkling with hope. Yoongi sighs dramatically, but a smile plays on his lips. "Okay, okay," he relents, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. "But if I embarrass myself, I'm blaming you." 
Viola claps her hands together excitedly. "Yes! Okay, let's clear some space," she says, moving to the open space in front of the cameras. 
"Alright, show me what you got, dance teacher," he teases, standing up and stretching his arms. 
Viola grins, pulling out her phone again and finding the part of the song that's being used for the dance challenge. She starts demonstrating the first few moves, her body flowing effortlessly to the music. Yoongi watches her intently, trying to mimic her movements.  
It takes a few tries, and there's a lot of laughter and playful banter, but eventually, Yoongi starts to get the hang of it. He's still a bit stiff and awkward, but he's definitely trying his best. Viola cheers him on, offering encouragement and corrections with a smile, the opposite to what he's use to with Hobi.  
"You did it!" she exclaims, after they manage to get through a small portion of the dance without messing up. 
They continue to practice for a few more minutes, giving the everyone a glimpse into how well the two work together. Even the camera crew can't help but smile at how well they work together. Finally, they decide to film a short clip of them doing the challenge together. 
"Okay, everyone ready?" Viola asks, looking towards the person filming the challenge for them. "Three, two, one, go!" 
 They launch into the dance. Yoongi stumbles a few times, but he keeps going, determined to finish strong. Viola laughs, but she doesn't miss a beat, guiding him through the steps. 
When the clip ends, they both collapse into their chairs, breathless and laughing. "We did it!" Viola exclaims, high-fiving Yoongi. 
"I think I pulled a muscle," Yoongi groans, and leans back in his chair, a satisfied smile on his face. "Everyone is going to love it," he says confidently. "Especially seeing me embarrass myself." 
Viola playfully hits his arm. "You weren't that bad," she says, but she's grinning. "Besides, it's all about having fun, right?" 
"Right," Yoongi agrees, his gaze lingering on her. "And I definitely had fun." He looks at the camera. "Okay, ARMY and Violette's, please be kind. I tried my best!" 
"If you ever have a dance challenge, I'll return the favor," she smiles. "I promise." 
"I'm going to hold you to it," he tells her, fully intending to make sure she keeps that promise. 
As the interview winds down, they finish their last drinks. "Before we go, is there anything else you'd like to say to your fans?" Yoongi asks her, giving her the opportunity to express her gratitude. 
Viola takes a deep breath and looks directly at the camera, her eyes filled with gratitude. "To anyone who's ever doubted themselves or their dreams, never give up. Believe in yourself and never stop chasing your passions and dreams. And to all my Violette's, thank you for your unwavering support. Your love and encouragement mean the world to me. I promise to keep working hard and creating music that you'll love." 
Yoongi nods, impressed by her heartfelt message and closes out the episode with a few more words. 
The video then cuts to them, removing their microphones as their playful banter continues, unbeknownst to Viola, one of the camera's is still recording the scene like Yoongi had planned. They're soon interrupted by a visitor, calling out the nickname they use for Viola, "La-La." 
Her eyes widen as she spins around to find Taehyung standing there with a small cake, "What's this?"  
"Congratulations on your solo debut," the younger man, beams.  
Yoongi watches them, a fond smile on his face. He knows how close Viola and Taehyung are. They've always had a special connection, a playful and supportive friendship that he admires. From the moment they met, Viola took him (and the others) under her wing. Having three younger brothers, she has a natural instinct to nurture, care for and protect them. They quickly became her honorary brothers.  
She takes the cake from him and gives him a quick hug thanking him. 
As they continue to chat and enjoy the cake, the camera continues to roll, capturing the genuine warmth and affection between them. It's a moment of pure happiness, a glimpse into the real friendship they have, away from the spotlight and the pressures of fame. 
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©️2025 @viola-verse & @dancinglikebutterflywings - Do not copy. modify and/or repost anywhere.
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@forever-atiny - @carattinymoa - @rainyday-daydreamer - @kpopdramaficrecs - @lezleeferguson-120
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omghallucinations · 2 days ago
seventeen mingyu: in the weeds edition
degrees, outer planets, chart patterns, ascendant complex, asteroids, aspects, upcoming saturn return??? we got it all
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dude i'm so mad. i'm so mad!!! as i started writing this i was all, sure i like mingyu, but i'm not wild about mingyu, i mean everyone goes wild for mingyu, i want to spread the love!! okay!! yet here we are.
his chart bewitched and beguiled me. so intriguing! multiplicity! got mommy issues? daddy issues? a healthy attachment style?? mingyu will appeal!! however, monogamy.... probably not gonna be his bag, so keep that one in mind lmao.
29° neptune: it's giving manic pixie dream boy
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ok neptune stood out to me right off the bat.
you know when i see a 29° planet i'm always gonna talk about it
neptune aspects 5/9 of his planets, and his ascendant and his MC
neptune co-rules his moon, south node, and his MC 2x (pisces, neptune decan)
a prominent/notable neptune often means people simply love to project the hell onto you, so it's not an uncommon chart situation for idols.
looking at this chart, mingyu can be someone's dream boy no matter what the dream is. he has qualities that can fit into any archetype. you want assertive and competent? he can do that. you want sweet and accommodating? he can do that too. you want clever, you want a himbo, you want funny, you want serious? he can do it all!
-> do being the key word. he does contain multitudes and is genuinely multifaceted (gemini rising, mutable cross) but the neptune factor is also projection. he can play a part, but also people often read into him whatever they want to see.
29 is the anaretic degree, it says PAY ATTENTION TO ME. it's about to pass into the next sign, which adds a few fun layers:
+ skill and proficiency: he's a good actor, fits into social roles easily, has a kind of healing energy for people, very sensitive, idealistic, could have some psychic qualities lowkey or just is very intuitive. don't get too excited!! 29° is not considered a benefic, because what exactly is beneficial about having to finish a project? this is not fun and fancy free 0° just starting shit and doesn't have to worry about finishing it!! finishing stuff sucks so much and this is in capricorn, the pressure is immense!! ->capricorn neptune usually vibes kind of.... self-sacrificial. he might find it a little easy to martyr himself when no one asked him to do all that -> 8th house--well let's amp neptune's needs the fuck up, shall we?? anything in a water house is karmic as shit. also he is intuitive as fuck. walk into a room and he knows how eeeeeeverybody is feeling within 10 seconds. there are a lot of psychic qualities here, and moon conjunct south node can he see ghosts bro??? wouldn't put it past him. + urgency: as neptune is about to leave capricorn, he might feel this desperation to do and acquire as much here as possible. we're gonna see spirituality, merging with others, escapism! there's a sense of need here, the void calls him, he must do it all!!! -> neptune is water, altered states, can't say no -> 8th house is I Feel Too Much I See The Depths I Gotta Crash Out -> capricorn is I Can't Let Go of My Responsibilities Without SEVERE ASSISTANCE -> 29° is SCREAMING SCREAMING SCREAMING... hm. be careful about alcohol, buddy, i'm sensing... binge drinking? + tests: time for final neptune exams! lowkey mingyu might have some addictive tendencies for real. either way he's gonna face some crises around escapism for sure, also probably crises to do with his lack of boundaries, workaholism, and how easily he merges with others.
with neptune in the 8th house, sex addiction or just general promiscuity as escapism is... really not out of the question here i'm not gonna lie. tbh i'd be shocked if his bedpost was not notched all to hell. HOWEVER, it's not at all the stereotypical fuckboy asshole vibe, it's kind of like:
aries sun/venus conjunction in the 11th house: okay fine, a soupçon of fuckboy energy, assertive, probably the kind of flirt who teases you a lot (have u ever met an aries venus who is not playfully mean as a form of flirtation bc i haven't), fun social energy, life of the party, unbearably charming... aaand very much will ghost you. but not in a mean way! however pisces moon/mc, prominent neptune, venus sextile jupiter, moon conjunct sn, lots of other chart aspects tbh: incredibly sweet and earnest, forms genuine connections with people, caring, nurturing as shit, earnestly looks into ur eyes all the time, probably a chronic face toucher however sagittarius 7th house, gemini rising, gemini juno: he's just naturally kind of a roamer romantically! he seeks variety, conversation, connection, experience, adventure, new things. he'd probably be into romance with people from lots of different places, who speak other languages--but again, it's really a one or two night thing. (tbh gemini risings, with that sag 7th house libra 5th house, often um.... .. well they don't settle down easily? tend to have a lot of fun in um social um situations? chart dependent, but it's not unusual (looking at you bang chan))
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mingyu might be one night standing 365, but he honestly no bullshit feels a connection with every single person when they're together. he looks upon their time together fondly when he leaves at 3am! and he's not putting on an act here!
like sure he is not staying for breakfast, but he doesn't see that as not... valuing the person, i guess? it's very spiritual vibey, neptunian, ahhh how beautiful, we connected tonight, i'll remember you, our journeys connected for this one beautiful moment, farewell, etc. sagittarius-y too, which makes sense with his 7th house. like it's bullshit in a way but it's not bullshit to him, u know?
man i hope he is good at communication, because this is giving manic pixie dream boy in a huge way. lmaoooo, i can't lie it's kind of fun to me? gemini sun to gemini rising, this is fun!
ok let's add some qualifiers, aspects with less than 2° orb (so they're strong, is what i'm saying)
square libra chiron in the 5th at 29° (0.07°A) yeah so um, that's likely more of the same sort of theme (5th house includes casual romantic relationships), but more neuroses about it. -> on some level he's a little afraid to let people stay--like he's not at all afraid of connection, but he is afraid of sustained connection -> he is also afraid of NOT GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION!!! (5th house) but he's very cute and earnest about it. he probably feels genuinely upset and remorseful if someone feels led on by him. -> also like, fifth house as childhood, who hurt you mingyu??? who discouraged your artistic expression when u were a kid??? were you discouraged from expressing urself for social conformity reasons?? did u feel shame about breaking the peace and ur need for attention?? man that saturn and SN in the 10th... mars in the 4th... pluto squaring your MC-IC... heal ur inner child mingyu 😭
quincunx gemini ascendant (1.57°A) : in one sense mingyu is acting in a genuine way and if people don't get that that's their problem, but at the same time the projections occur, and make him feel like he's not being perceived as his true self :/ is it because people think you're a dom top when you're actually a sub service top... jw -> the quincunx is a thinky thinky aspect--whenever i see it i know the person can analyze that shit (and too much probably, with another strong quincunx between mingyu's mercury and pluto) -> mingyu's Life Journey is about communicating (gemini) and asserting himself (aries), and his neptune issues (escapism, martyring himself, ghosting) come into conflict with that journey
conjunct pallas (0.42°S): ok. well. this is where my head really turned for mingyu, like damn bud he has the Vision. -> amazing natural leader, inspiring, strategic, problem-solver, finds creative solutions out of nowhere. -> sometimes an active neptune can lead to an easily bruised quality (i love her but blackpink jennie (neptune conjunct sun) was like this before her saturn return[in pisces!]). with that pisces moon i had assumed mingyu would get this too but!! he does not. he has a deep, unshakable like... belief? connection with the universe in a way?? he knows he can get through anything; he's incredibly resilient. -> sidebar pallas is at 0° aquarius-- he is smart smart smart, really quick thinker
trine gemini juno in his 12th house (1.5°S): goddamnit this chart keeps getting cuter but not too cute, i'm so mad. he's a natural caretaker and nurturer, especially with this being in a water houses trine. people look at him and are like, immediately ready to confess all their troubles. he's so nurturing!! if you have mommy issues, mingyu could appeal to you! (oh shit is that why this is working on me...? lmao uh oh) -> gemini juno in the 12th, he likes a partner who is clever, communicative, variable, possibly who plays hard to get sometimes, in the 12th he wants to feel like Fated to that person, however likely to have lots of undefined relationships and/or secret relationships and/or issues with partners meaning ill towards him or causing him harm directly or indirectly (not a guarantee, just a possibility)
bucket chart with a 4th house mars handle: go go go! (home? NO! the CLUB! then home :) )
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mingyu has a bucket chart pattern--almost all of his planets are in one half of his chart--mostly the upper half (public facing, life is about external situations), but there are two in the lower half--pluto and mars. OHHHH boy, he's got some subconscious brewing down there, baby!! 6th house pluto and virgo mars can u say... anxiety???
notably, mars is our "bucket handle", since it's off by itself. it's gonna flavor the whoooooole pot, and since it's down by the IC in the most private and personal part of the chart, it's like mingyu holds this very close to his chest.
bucket chart patterns usually mean EXTREMES, pushing urself, conflict, all that kind of thing, and mars as the bucket handle??? lmao. life is about ACTION.
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however. mars is in virgo in the 4th house and retrograde, this isn't a straightforward fiery direct mars in aries in the first or something. he is very go go go but also there's a lot of fear and restriction in there. also virgo is about SERVICE, so that is key (and: service top energy???)
any planet trying to make a move: so yeah that's my plan, i just need you to sign off, so if you can do that real quick... mars rx: hey :) you gotta learn how to assert yourself in your own individual way that is free from societal pressure :) u won't learn this for a long time so :) hope you enjoy things going wrong :) virgo mars: i have made 8 lists and cross-referenced all of them and then i will make a decision but wait what if i made a mistake, hm let's make another 2 lists, why are you getting impatient there is no point doing something if i do not do it correctly, mars in the 4th house: no yeah that's fine i can um. i can do all that. for sure. no problem. just gotta... cancel all my other plans so i can do everything myself since i'm the ONLY one who can,,,,, so, ,,
-> quincunx 11th house aries venus: (mars trying to throttle venus for impulsive choices because of social pressures YET AGAIN) -> quincunx 11th house aries sun: (following aries sun to parties whispering how have you been of service lately in his ear while he takes another shot) the perfectionism really jumps out in this whole area of the chart, plus the heavy 10th house -> conjunct lilith: oooh boy!! energy, charm, willpower, sexual magnetism, assertive, basically like injecting cautious virgo mars with a bit of scorpio and a bit of aries, ooohHHHH boy. his action and will is based on passion! however, potential to dominate situations and/or make rash emotional decisions (virgo mars hates this) -> conjunct virgo lilith in the 4th house: perfectionism runs rife, also some issues with the family (esp with his mars being in the 4th)--could be family secrets, or he feels beholden to his family all the time, or he didn't feel like he belonged in his family, or something else, but it leads to a certain masking quality for self-protection. -----> especially with this conjunction directly opposed to his 10th house moon--possibly an unhealthy relationship with his mother or another parent-like figure, enmeshment or just a ton of pressure on him (and possibly the reverse, pressure taken off him when it's not necessary). a lot to unravel here for him, lots of generational stuff at play, this is less fun and honestly more red flag-y? but it could also be just another thing to help him be even more empathetic, it really depends on how he deals with it!
mutable cross, mutable planets
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rare is the aries sun who vibes like a mutable sign. despite clearly having an aries sun, mingyu has a shitton of mutable energy muddying the waters. very weird for cardinal fire aries!
so mingyu is fire dominant, with water coming a close second. then mutable energy goes crazy.
mingyu's angles are in a mutable square--gemini ascendant, sagittarius descendant, pisces MC, virgo IC.
mingyu's cardinal sun, saturn and venus might feel awkward with like his life direction and shape, in a sense. his mutable placements (his pisces moon, lunar nodes, virgo mars and even his sag pluto which is generational) gel with the way his life moves and may feel more "accessible" to him. it's an interesting combination!
pisces moon in the 10th house -- deeply empathetic, need for emotional contact, softness, but also expects a lot of himself (10th house), it's the highest planet on the chart so it's visible, easily accessible, very public. HUGE sense of responsibility to others.
virgo mars in the 4th house -- precision, energy, highly competent, good at "home" stuff, probably good at DIY and cooking and anything homemaking, also very high expectations of himself, loves to Provide
sag pluto in the 6th house -- pluto in the 6th house is all about Service, which literally was already point 1 and 2 on this list, so this is what is called a "repeated theme" lads! mingyu's soul journey has a huge slice about service to others. pluto in the 6th is all about getting humbled, lmao. he may go through crises or just humiliation in some way, whatever it takes for the soul to get a reality check. this placement can be prone to over-work, distracting themselves from anxiety, that sort of thing. a crisis that may happen often does through the body--illness or injury forcing someone to have to slow down and assess shit.
while we're here, let's look at his MC
in pisces: at work/in the wider world he moves in a sensitive, artistic way, very empathetic, he needs to be able to be creative and to connect with other people in order to feel satisfied professionally neptune decan: all that projection, tho conjunct the royal star fomalhaut: this was super interesting to me--any royal star in close conjunction with someone's chart will bring gifts and success and the opportunity to share a message w the world, but it will also make you go through Trials. mingyu's neptune is already putting him through Trials so like join the club i guess!! -> pros: wisdom, empathy, artistic talent -> cons: intense very visible emotions, aforementioned Trials
let's add some dialogue with the aspects, shall we?
pisces MC: i meet the world with sensitivity and empathy :) if i don't get to do that professionally i feel incomplete :( sextile taurus mercury in the 11th: my talent for communication aligns perfectly with my career :) also i have a nice down-to-earth and sensible vibe :) i love to chill with my friends and like-minded groups of people :) trine chiron: wow i am so wise :) feeling stifled creatively when i was young has made me value what i have now! i can heal others through my artistic expression! square pluto: knock knock pisces MC: no... no don't do it... square pluto: say who's there. never mind i don't care, it's time to force that transformation, baby!! pisces MC: but my escapism? square sag pluto in the 6th: not anymore :) damn look at that, now you have a slight terror around your need to be liked... a deep inability to follow orders you think are stupid... pisces MC: at least i have a cute duality between innocence and wisdom now? square pluto in the 6th: hey u know that deep soul level feeling of lack and internalized guilt that permeates everything? hm what if that could be fixed... with enough power/success/approval from other people pisces MC: but it's ... it's never going to be enough? square pluto: but it's never going to be enough :)
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active 9th, 10th, 11th house: Externally Focused, Extrovert Style
(not that people with these placements are all extroverts, it's just the whole picture is screaming SOCIAL BUTTERFLY here)
-jupiter in the 9th: he's live laugh loving, he's listening and learning, he's on a Journey, jupiter's favorite house is the 9th and she can't wait to tell you about her backpacking trip (mingyu loves a backpacking trip) -> jupiter in aquarius: curiosity! interested in new ideas, also thinks he's right all the time -> jupiter sextile sun (exact orb): people like him! he has a talent for literally shining, but also projecting and expanding the vision of the self -> 9th jupiter sextile 11th sun: talent for communicating ideas to groups of people -> jupiter sextile venus: people really like him very much -> jupiter square vertex in gemini: you know that sylvia plath quote about the fig tree? that. so many possibilities! sometimes gets disappointed because he has really high expectations. wants everything all at once! cannot have :(
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aries sun in the 11th: SOCIAL!!! also smart. wants to be influential with groups, is already influential with groups, feels he is not influential enough? natural leader tho. -> also super loyal! -> sun conjunct venus (exact): very pretty :) very charming :) very adorable :) gentle :) sweet :) NEEDS TO BE LOVED BY EVERYONE ALL THE TIME OR HE WILL WILT!!! HIS FEELINGS WERE HURT BECAUSE U DIDN'T GIVE HIM ENOUGH ATTENTION!! aries venus in the 11th: flirts by teasing someone, wants to be flirted with by teasing, also would prefer this to happen in public where everyone can observe and he can feel like a special boy (he is a special boy!!) -> insanely huge social circle, CONSTANTLY out, hates being alone, loves the club, loves to flirt with e-v-e-r-y-one. also falls in love with everyone, but for like 30-50 seconds each. -> venus quincunx mars: a little afraid of serious conflict for an aries sun!! asteroid sedna in the 11th: mmm. a little bit of a doormat at times for his friends. will give the shirt off his back, and then all the shirts from his closet, then be like wait :( i have no shirts :( why didn't someone give me their shirts???? why am i always the one giving shirts???? hopefully his aries energy can balance this out. mercury in the 11th: lives to communicate with others. wants to share his thoughts and ideas!! ability to analyze things! -> taurus mercury: when he has made his decision about something, good luck changing his mind lmao it ain't happening -> taurus mercury in the 11th: fixed energy on fixed house energy, unbelievably stubborn, lord with the aries sun as well... ... god bless. i mean i think this combo is fun, but... .... yeah don't try to change his mind ever, just manipulate him into it, it'll be easier for both of you. -> quincunx pluto in the 6th: some anxiety and fear here--does he like overshare when he gets drunk at a party and then regrets it and crashes out a little bit the next day?? very possible. -> sextile MC: lucky! his need to communicate is matched perfectly with his public persona -> taurus sextile pisces MC: he has (a) a talent for communicating in a way that has people emotionally connecting and (b) a certain level of realism and practicality protects him from having the tissue paper boundaries of many pisces MCs
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moon in the 10th: have discussed a little, but having the most sensitive intimate moon (pisces) in the most public business boy house can feel weird sometimes, a little bit vulnerable, however he is well-loved -> conjunct SN: SENSITIVE saturn in the 10th: the 10th is saturn's favorite house, it's the house of Getting Real and Growing The Hell Up and Having Expectations That Are Maybe Unrealistic and then Beating Urself Up For Not ACHIEVING ENOUGH... i mean. however saturn is a rude bitch so even when your saturn is a place where he is comfortable, he will still fuck up your shit :/ don't get me wrong i love saturn, but i do not think that mingyu loves saturn? aries and saturn... well. -> aries saturn in the 10th: a whole mess of contradictions. starting and stopping, rushing and waiting, wanting to SHINE and being terrified of shining? -> saturn conjunct sun: was his dad... really strict? bright side, huge amounts of self-discipline, hard worker, reliable, very different flavor of an aries sun. still an aries sun, though, you cannot quash the aries sun. also SKY HIGH expectations of himself.
stay tuned for ur saturn return starting 24 may 2025, mingyu, it's gonna rock your shit up 😬. ahh lord, look at this!! i'm not even a predictive astrology girlie and i went "uh oh..."
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like, his saturn return as our foundational issue, then saturn activating his moon, SN, saturn, sun, venus? pluto activating the 8th the whole time? squaring his mercury? uranus activating the 12th?? nodal reversal?? damn that is... a lot of upheaval and transformation and change, bud. neptune haunting the 10th like "hey... what if all ur future plans... were all wrong? no i do not have an alternative plan for u i'm just here to tell u ur lost :)"
great if he deals with things productively, however It Hurts To Become and all that!!
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godspeed, mingyu, at least you bagged another admirer on this day (my dumb ass)
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oddberryshortcake · 3 days ago
Hello again! Same anon who was asking you about your writing rules! Thanks for letting me know, didn’t wanna just throw something at you without knowing if you were interested yet 😅
Anyways, you seem to be a fan of Silver based off of what i’ve read from you so far (I love him he’s my favorite ❤️), so I was wondering if you could write a scenario on what you think it would have looked like when Silver told Lilia and Malleus that he found out about his origins from Lilia’s dream?
I hate how they left that completely unaddressed because of how important it is to Silver’s character and his relationship with the Diafam. 😭
THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST! I had a lot of fun writing this. I feel the same as you. I have hope that book 8 might continue some of Silver's plot, but in case it doesn't, at least you can make me write these fics because this kind of stuff is my favorite lol
Despite their promise, Silver was given very few opportunities to speak with his father. 
He didn’t remember much of what happened after the aftermath. He cried his heart out, smothered in the embrace of his family on the floor of Diasomnia’s entrance. Then, all of a sudden, he woke up in a hospital. 
Thankfully, Sebek was in the bed beside him and explained what happened. Malleus and Lilia went to STYX, they were taken to a general hospital in the foothill town of Sage’s Island. He had also been asleep for two days. 
Figures that old habit of his would rear its ugly head after he enjoyed the perks of being fully alert in the realm of dreams. By the time he was fully awake again, his hair had lost its golden color once more and his father’s silver blessing returned to him. 
His blessing…When he got the opportunity to do a video call with his father, he was quick to point out the change in a humorous way. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to go back to your natural hair color? You could dye it like I do!” Lilia suggested and skirted around why his hair had changed color in the first place. 
Silver had been led to believe he looked like that his whole life, and Lilia never delved deeper into the true story willingly. It was a complete accident that Silver knew. 
So he thought, maybe his father wasn’t ready to talk about such things after all. He doesn’t know the full scope of what Silver experienced in the darkness, and perhaps the shame of Silver seeing him in his General days was enough for him to talk about trivial things during their call instead of what Silver actually wanted. 
Knowing now that Lilia and even Malleus knew of his origins the entire time, and the lengths they went to not discuss such things around him, made Silver feel compelled to keep his own secrets as well. 
His reaction in the pits of despair might’ve been what they had feared would happen. It’d just upset them if they knew, and he was fine…No need to bring up stuff from the past, he should be happy that everyone is alive. 
Except, as much as he was accepting of this now, there was still a piece of him that was still deeply affected by his past. Everything was so much simpler when he believed he was the physical age he was now, that his past never reached past the little cottage in the woods he grew up in. 
When he reunited with the rest of his family again at Wildrose Castle, after the ecstasy and joy he felt at his formal adoption, after he got to speak to the ghosts of his biological parents, after the spell that had made the palace feel alive again had dissipated into the dawn…He was left standing where his cradle still stood, trapped in a moment of time and surrounded by briar…Just as he was.
He spent 400 years in this cradle as the world moved on without him. Had Lilia not found him, this would’ve been where he remained for all eternity, never to join the waking world or be loved by anyone else. 
For as long as he lives past this point, he will never spend as much time in this life as he did in this cradle, and that filled him with a strange wistful feeling. 
“Silver,” Lilia calls out to him. 
Silver looks away from the cradle, which he spent far too long entranced by, and realizes that a majority of the guests had left, leaving him and his family in the remains of his old home. 
“You seemed particularly lost in thought, are you tired?” Malleus inquires. 
He is, but he was always like that. Maybe there was more to his habit than he previously thought…But that wasn’t what was on his mind. He wanted to speak. 
“I was just remembering what happened here.” He said, gesturing to the cradle, “I spent so much time here, It’s a strange feeling to see it again.” 
Malleus and Lilia look at each other like they both want to say something, but neither speaks up.  Sebek is the one who fills in the space. 
“I could hardly believe it myself when I realized you and Dawn Knight were related and not distant ancestors.” Sebek said, “Now that I think about it…Maybe he was that light that was guiding me through Lilia’s memories to find you, I assume you experienced the same?”
“Yes, I saw it all.” Silver replies, then speaks to Lilia directly, “I remember when you found me here, Father.” 
Lilia’s expression turns soft, reminding him of the rare times his father expressed concern around him. The way he knitted his eyebrows together was reminiscent of his worst illnesses, when Father didn’t know he was awake and couldn’t prepare to hide his worry with a smile. 
“Dawn Knight had hurt you and Malleus in such horrible ways. There was no reason for you two to care for me the way you did. Father had the chance to kill me then…But he didn’t.” Silver says, “Malleus could’ve ended me when he learned of my origins, but he didn’t. You both kept me alive, taught me so many things, and loved me despite it all. Because of you, I’ve become an adult. I can never thank you enough for that.”
“Silver,” Malleus calls out to him, voice soft but firm, “Neither of us wanted to bring up what happened because we wanted you to have a happy birthday. But now I’m going to use this chance to say this…I am so sorry.” 
Malleus is the one crying now, not sobbing but Silver can see some tears gather on the edges of his eyes. Still, he’s the one holding Silver’s hand in his own, the way he and Lilia used to when he was little.
“You never should have found out the way that you did. Lilia and I wanted to discuss your origins with you when you were older, but we didn’t know how.” Malleus adds. 
“Silver, you have to know. That dark thought I had, it was so brief. I swear to you I have never felt anything like that since.” Lilia joins in, almost sounding frantic, “While we never wanted to hide these truths from you, my shameful part of me was something I didn’t want you to see. I didn’t want to scare you away like I did before.” 
Here these two are, holding his hands like he’s still a little child. He almost laughs, because of course they still see him this way. His life will be brief, and he’s growing up before they have the chance to really process it. 
In their mind, by the time he truly passes away, he’ll have been ‘far too young’ by fae standards. 
Though it hurts, perhaps the greatest part of being the only human in a fae family is that he has gained a better understanding of his loved ones faster than it would ever be possible for a fae. 
“I’m not a child anymore. You can’t scare me away.” Silver says, “I was upset at first, confused, and afraid. It was hard to fathom how anyone who has been hurt like you could have ever love someone like me. But Sebek reminded me that you didn’t raise me out of hate, and for that, I’ll always be grateful.”
Lilia shakes his head and chuckles, now he’s getting nearly as emotional as Malleus. Silver had never actually seen his father cry besides the memories he regained and looked into in the dream world. 
“Look at you, you’ve seen the worst of us and you still persevered to save us all. That goodness you have is authentically who you are. I’ve done nothing to influence that.” Lilia insists, and he reaches up to ruffle up his hair, “How could I not love you? You made it so easy to.”
Maybe he was blind to all everyone saw in him, because he simply did what he thought was right, what he could pay forward for being saved and taken care of all those years ago. Everything that everyone, from the past into the present, did to bring him here, was he truly the gift that came out of all that sacrifice? 
“I’m so lucky that in all my long life, I get the chance to share some of it with you.” Lilia added, “And I get to watch you grow up more, you’re the real blessing.” 
“I could not have said it better myself,” Malleus says, regaining his composure, “Silver, please bless us with many more years with you. I know I cannot extend your life to that of a fae’s, and it saddens me now to picture a life where you aren’t in it. But that just makes the time we spend now all the more meaningful.”
With his heart full, he smiles widely in a way that was very uncommon for him. At this moment, he didn’t even feel tired. 
Their moment was broken up by the loud choking sobs of Sebek struggling to hold his tears in. He had been oddly silent the entire time, and yet somehow ended up the most emotional out of all of them. 
“I-I’m s-so lucky too!” He struggles to word out. 
Silver grabbed Sebek’s arm and dragged him into their now group hug. 
Maybe they were all lucky that amidst the war, pain, and loss of the past, they found this sweet little spot in time where they could all be together. He woke up for that reason. 
He didn’t even mind that he slept on the way back to NRC, because there would be far more opportunities to speak with his family in the future. 
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ronearoundblindly · 3 days ago
Hello bestie! I was just thinking about how 'Superhero AU' isn't usually something the non-Steve CE Babes get to partake in. What do you think everyone's superpowers might be?
My mind is awash with possibilities, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
This. THIS was so unbelievably fun I could answer it in like 12 hours, wow. Honestly, I'm just sooooo glad you made this throwaway comment yesterday because my brain went brrrr and never quit! Love ya. Magical. No notes. And no warnings just fun!
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James Mace - Mind Control
My beautiful, practical babe, bless. Mace is forever trying to choose the best, most efficient path forward, and he is endlessly irritated by people who argue with him or can't see that. If he could only tweak their mind to see his reasoning, everything would go a lot smoother and faster. Mace would love to have that control, and I truly think he would not abuse that power...much.
Curtis Everett - Super Strength
Curtis is keeping it simple--he'd like to pummel bad people. The end.
Sure, he can use unflagging, inhuman strength to help a lot, but the first and real goal is to stop those making terrible choices on behalf of those who cannot choose. Curtis has that violent side. He needs to let it out in a positive and beneficial way.
Jimmy Dobyne - Invisibility
He has a manually intensive job that doesn't require much intelligence, but I think Jimmy would love spying in a meaningful way. He's halfway there already, being invited to and blending in at upper crust parties, so why not gather up some info that can be used to stop those manipulative people from profiting off those like him, huh? There's a small part of this that is Jimmy simply not wishing to be seen sometimes, and every once in a while he'd like to not be found at 5am to start working. Let the man sleep in once or twice, jeez...
Johnny Storm - X-ray Vision
Ok, even I have to laugh at this one, but I also had to think about Johnny the longest! At first it hit me that maybe he'd still want to fly, but since he was already a pilot of all sorts, that might not be necessary. Then I considered he'd want to manipulate things like Sue, but nah, that seemed too...indirect for him??
Finally, I decided that there's an ability Johnny may have been hoping for since he was a boy--he'd like to see through walls. Yeah, he wanted to check out girls in the locker room for a while, or he'd like to win tons at a casino by seeing what cards are coming up. Then I kept having this idea he'd be more like Iron Man with Jarvis's heads-up display?? Again, weird, I know, but Johnny is military and NASA trained. He's a pilot and was supposed to be an explorer, so wouldn't it be awesome for him to see beyond barriers!!! It's sorta perfect, no?
Jake Jensen - Control of Machines
Duh. He's already trying this IRL, so of course Jake wants to innately have machines do anything he desires. Pretty sure he's first on the waitlist for every new 'doll' robot anyway. This power would practically mean he could make his own perfect woman, and he could remain as awkward as he likes lol.
Lloyd Hansen - Mind Control
Big shock--people annoy Lloyd. His life would be a lot easier if everybody just did what he said, no questions asked, and with no regard for their safety...especially since Lloyd has no regard for their safety. He doesn't care. He would absolutely abuse this power. That is the whole point.
Ari Levinson - Teleportation
Seems like the type of impatient who get an order or an idea and needs to get started now. Let's go. He needs to be in another part of the city? the country? the world? Well then why isn't he there yet? He needs to extract people from danger? What are we waiting for?! Blink: he's there. Blink: he's back. Person: safe. Object: recovered. What's next?
Ransom Drysdale - Invisibility
Basically so he can steal stuff he wants and mess with people, but Ran is also good at gathering information to use against his family people. Whatever power you give him, he's using it selfishly, end of story.
Andy Barber - Time Manipulation
Being able to move around a crime scene before anything can disturb it would be great, but being able to rewind what happened? maybe even stop it? That's ideal. I think in a way Andy is tired of helping to get justice after something terrible has happened. He would thrive with a preventative power.
Steve Rogers - Healing
This one almost feels like a giveaway because he could have saved his mother from TB, and Steve would obviously have never wished for a damaging power. He won't even carry a gun for goodness sake, and while he is absolutely there to fight bad guys, hitting, injuring, or taking down bad guys directly PROTECTS GOOD PEOPLE. He doesn't want anyone to die, actually. Steve would just show up at a different hospital everyday and clear the place out. That's like his dream job.
Bucky Barnes - Telekinesis
He admires the magical abilities of, say, Gandalf in The Hobbit & LOTR, and while I guarantee he'd totally show up at a crazy shrine school in freaking Tibet to silently study magic for years, Bucky would also just...love to be able to move stuff with his mind. He was a sniper in the army and as Winter Soldier, so distance from the thing he's affecting has always been a goal. Bucky would totally enjoy a sort of 'hands off' ability.
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: I would be VERY INTERESTED to know what powers you think these guys would want/have, so please share your thoughts!!
[Main Masterlist; Who Would... Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @late-to-the-party-81 @bigtreefest @mistressmkay @astheskycries @veryprairieberry @bitchy-bi-trash @rogersbarber @blogbog710 @yenzys-lucky-charm @thiquefunlover63
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maxwell-grant · 2 days ago
Whats your favorite dc city besides Gotham and Metropolis? Mine is Opal City. Also, your line about Gotham being possibly the greatest fictional city lead me to look at what other ppl said, Springfield probably stuck out as as the best contender.
Absolutely Springfield, yeah, I'd say Gotham is contending with the likes of it, Ankh-Morpork, Twin Peaks, Mega-City One, Neo-Tokyo and Duckburg for the title.
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Sticking to the cities (no bigger fantasy realms/terrains like Atlantis or Themyscira), I'd say my favorite DCU city after Gotham and Metropolis is very specifically the version of New York that Grant Morrison depicted in Seven Soldiers of Victory. The vast majority of the fake DCU cities are deeply generic and indistinguishable from each other, but this take on New York, filled with real-life failed architectural dreams and impossible constructs, of in-house superheroes and newskid legions, of subway pirates racing each other to find god machines, immortal crime lords and time-displaced knights and Kirby freaks, home to the grittiest failed endpoints as well as unfathomable splashes of color and magic, struck me as a genuinely incredible setting for this world that just about no one ever cared to revisit again.
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Did you know the top crimelord of DCU New York here is a dog named Millions? He had inherited millions of dollars from his old master's criminal empire and that money funded the Newskid Legion, and he ran a gang after his adventures with them. He died and was revived and was personally appointed by the Undying Don himself to inherit his empire. Given the history of organized crime in the United States, it's possible and even likely that Millions, The Dog-Father of New York, outranked Carmine Falcone and Bruno Mannheim and every other gangster based around the Five Families. He's not even a talking dog.
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I definitely understand and even appreciate the value of the DCU having fake cities to act as a setting, but man, I wish most of them were even a little halfway as distinct or interesting as Morrison's New York. So if we're sticking to the fake cities exclusively? I do really like what little Al Ewing has done with Jump City so far, as the setting of his incredible new book, Metamorpho: The Element Man. He's moved Metamorpho and Stagg Industries to Jump City, the place where the cartoon Teen Titans live (thus putting Bob Haney's creations together in one place), and has established it as "the grooviest town on Earth", a retro-futuristic place of glowing skylines and nightclubs and robot superstars and rampaging robot skyscrapers where everyone talks and dresses and bickers like a 60s Marvel character, keeping in line with how the main characters talk - but not how everyone in the DCU talks, because Vandal Savage shows up here and he basically talks normally.
I extremely wish this would be the default take on Jump City going forward - granted, Al Ewing is extremely good at writing Marvel pastiche and writing 60s Marvel Speak AND Kirby Speak and demonstrating the differences between the two, he might be the only person who can actually make this work, but still, I'm all in favor of this sticking around, I think it demonstrates the point of having distinct fictional cities to play with in the first place, how much work is demanded to really make these places and their history pop, and how much fun you can have with them in turn.
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eclipsecrowned · 12 hours ago
seeing ye olde ‘arry patootie discourse crop up again. i personally keep my opinions shut bc i closed that fandom chapter years ago and this fight has nothing to do with me, neither my circus nor my monkey, but i get where people might be coming from missing it as a foundational fandom to them and wanting to scratch the itch in rp while being morally opposed to touching the creators work at all.
this is a totally incomplete list but here’s a few fandoms whose canon allows for different aspects of the series in question that someone might be looking to recreate.
‘Kadi I liked the sorting aspect, the idea of belonging to a group and having a shorthand for my character type was the most fun in terms of generating dynamics’
The lightsided version of this in modern fantasy is The St0rmlight Archives to me. Those who gain miraculous magical power are effectively slotted into one of ten orders defined by their personal traits, skills, and goals. There’s even a quiz on the creator’s website to sort yourself or your characters.
Middle of the road would be anything W0rld of Darkness or related media. Character development in anything under their wheelhouse is dependent on what groups your character belongs to, be it Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, or even Hunters.
Darksided, aim for M4gnus Archives. There’s a set number of forces in that universe that can empower those who serve them relative to which Entity they are. Using my OCs for example, Lea is tied to The End, and this aligned to fears related to Death, while her associate Dolores is with The Stranger, aligned to the Uncanny Valley and related concepts. The Entities are malevolent though, and your muse is a monster the moment they sign up, so by definition this is a build-an-antagonist version of sorting if you mean for the muse to last.
‘Well, I like the school aspect. It allowed for some good development and sideplots in a limited setting.’
Gr1shaverse has a palace for their mages in R4vka, which can function much the same as an academy. Their magic is even referred to as a science.
The Mag1cians. I do not go here but I have moots that swear by it as an alternative.
L3gacies. I also do not go here but if you want mystical supernatural teenybop stuff, this one is here for you from what I’ve seen.
Fourth W1ng. I also don’t go here but apparently it’s a school for dragon riders? Fucking neato, where was this stuff when I was in the demographic?
While the schools are usually not a focus, DC, Marvel, and Dunge0ns and Dragons all have magic schools in their lore, or for those who aren’t as fussed about it being magic as much as a school for those with powers to congregate and have drama… Xavier’s is upstate.
‘I dunno, Kadi, I really want a big active fandom and a lot of those are small, dead, or scary.’
Again, Marvel and DC are two of the biggest fandoms on the platform. They far outstrip the comm we’re talking alternatives for even in its heyday — and I would know, I was there.
‘I will never be over the concept of that one animal soul spell’
If it’s the bond between spirit and mage, St0rmlight. If it’s soul as a tangible aspect of the character, His D4rk Materials.
‘I like big worldbuild, in universe history, and fatass tomes for my bookshelf.
Dunge0ns and Dragons
‘Bri’ish :<‘
The M4gnus Archives
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feraldestruccion · 3 hours ago
"Damn right I am. I'm plenty strong since the last time we fought, Ichigo. That much I can fuckin' tell ya." He would grin widely. Grimmjow was dedicated after his injuries healed--that he would become something so strong that no one could deny he was capable of standing beside the tres espada's. That his rank and number were unchallenged. "Of course, I'll take ya plenty serious. Course that means I might also cut a little bit loose myself. I tend to get a little unhinged when it comes to that though."
Oh he was actually going to play along with his little tease was he? Color Grimmjow impressed. Considering he thought the reaper was just going to talk a big game when it came to their back and forth. Maybe it was because now he had gotten a good taste of what it was like for them to kiss. For him to make the other's head spin over and over. Until he had no thoughts left but of him and the pleasure that only he could bring him. Very carefully he would lean downwards, and grin at Ichigo. "Well I'm fuckin' waitin' then." He would declare. "Come on then. Give me exactly what I'm askin' for Ichigo." He would grin deviously. "Then I'll repay ya for ya kindness by makin' that head of yers spin like hell."
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"I got that impression. But hey I ain't easily taken out, not even by ya Ichigo. I was out there, just healin' and makin' sure that I could come back and kick ya ass that much harder ya know?" He would grin deviously at him. A smile that really did mean trouble for the strawberry if he didn't play his cards right. "I bet they do. After all ya sure as hell seemed to like them and beg for me not to take them away from ya last time we kissed." He would recall his constant whimpers for him to keep kissing him over and over. He would recall the way his body arched and begged for more of that contact. "Well I'm glad at least ya don't seem to dislike him too much. Though I would say that I can't wait to meet him, huh? I bet he'll give up all ya secrets to me in a heart beat considerin' we both hollows and we understand each other like that."
He wouldn't lie. He liked the way he would say his name. Especially when he was all kissed out, all worn out and flushed a perfect shade of pink and red. That was his favorite way that Ichigo said his name honestly. When he was so desperate and wanting that was all he could really say. Grimmjow would recall how it sounded in his head and nearly bite his own lip at the memory. "Ya do huh? Keep sayin' my name like that and I might have to find new ways to be sayin' it." He would grin. "Those fuckin' assholes just don't think I can stand up at the top but that's their god damn loss. They can suck it, if they think they can make fun of my rank and number." His sexta meant plenty to him and he wouldn't have it any other way. He would grin however at Ichigo's acceptance. "Sounds good then, I'll have to make sure that arrangement comes through."
"Ya course I'm yers." He would reply as he kissed the other back, tangling his hands gently in the other's orange hair. "All this is for ya only. That goes without sayin', I ain't just gonna make anyone head's spin. I like this orange one right here just fine." He would grin, looking at Ichigo with a playful glint in those sapphire hues. "Besides I see the way ya look at me, and I don't think I don't want anyone else seein' me the way ya do, Ichigo."
"Other than your mouth, the air about you has also let me know that you're considerably stronger than you were in our last fight," Ichigo had felt so alive during that fight too, they'd had a lot of fun, and made a mess of things as s result. He felt that the only person who could pose a challenge to him was the former Sexta himself. It was doubtful anyone else could even land a hit on him, let alone leave him with more than that. He'd grin up at the other. "You'll take me seriously right? So I can actually cut loose and have fun?" He wanted that to be a given but he wanted to ask as well. Because even if their lives weren't part of the wager they could still have a blast beating the shit out of one another.
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He'd eye the other, watching his body language and facial expressions as he spoke. "Well, alright then." He'd step toward the other, despite being in his human body he still had a bit of strength to him. "Going to come down here or should I climb you instead?" He had no issues climbing the other, or maybe tugging him down to his level ad planting a kiss on his lips maybe he'd even use a little tongue. Should Grimmjow simply lean down, he'd grab the other by his jacket and kiss him, if not, then he would jump up and wrap his arms and legs around the taller male should he be able to do so, before kissing him that way.
"I mean, seeing you alive kind of threw me off but in a good way." Yeah, it was a good way, the ginger knew that. Once he was done kissing the other, he'd likely try to drop back down, unless he was held against the Arrancar then he'd just kiss him again. He'd chuckle softly. "Honestly, your lips taste too good to me." He needed to be honest so he was being more honest. Rather than being a little shit that sassed and used sarcasm to evade his true feelings. "It's a pretty long story, really, but Zangetsu is great, even if he's a little shit." Which was fairly often and the ginger knew that. His Hollow was a menace which was how he knew the ex-Espada would get along famously with him.
He'd shake his head. "No, I don't have you all figured out. I thought I did but I think it was more myself thinking things and not things that were actually fully true." He didn't mind that all that much though. It'd be pretty clear in his tone. He was glad he didn't know everything there was to know about Grimmjow yet. He wondered if the other would be shocked to find out what his Hollow was, aside from an inverted copy of himself, anyway.
"Yeah... yeah I really do like how you say my name, Grimmjow." He'd add a teasing sound to the utterance of the taller man's name. Wondering if it'd send a wave of heat through the Arrancar or not. The way Grimmjow said his name made him feel things. He'd not been lying about that at all. It wouldn't be surprising to him if his scent was becoming heavier as they spoke. "You're the king, Grimmjow, that's your rightful title and rank." He had no issues stroking the Arrancar's ego a bit. Maybe he'd get some good kisses as a reward. Who could really know more than the two of them anyway? He couldn't see Grimmjow dealing with the needs of the other Arrancar, but surely there were those who could handle those things. "Damn right they're not. That's your number, it's always going to be your number, nobody can take that from you." He hadn't the slightest clue how many Arrancar were still around, but he'd only heard that a couple former Espada were. "Oh, you want me to devour you in the sands, huh? Well that can be arranged." He wouldn't actually eat him, of course, but he could easily try something else.
As Grimmjow kissed him, he'd wrap his arms around the other male's neck and press himself a bit closer so long as he could. "Yeah, I belong to you. Even though my head was spinning the last time you kissed me yourself, when I said I was yours I meant it." He knew somewhere deep down that Grimmjow didn't want to actually eat him. He wanted to have him be his in the entirety of the meaning. "I'm yours and you're mine, right?" He'd caress Grimmjow's bare cheek before leaning up and kissing him again.
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destiny-in-the-universe · 10 months ago
i'm going to go fucking feral. my gravity falls headcanons will likely be pushed onto queue for tomorrow bc my dumb of ass got sick after our lunch reservation, so- please be patient with me i swear!
little sneak peak:
you can't look me in the eye and tell me grunkle stan isn't bisexual. that man gives no fucks- and if he happened to date eda clawthorne, it is 100% canon. i don't make the rules. i was obviously there when it happened, i was uhhh, eda's staff
both stan and ford are some breed of neurodivergent. and yes, i will say breed- i'm nd lmao, i can make the joke but young stan gives adhd. ford has something too, but you'll get the full scope when i manage to post
there is nothing that won't convince me otherwise: rifts would've existed worldwide if it hadn't been for the weirdness being contained in gravity falls
young stan definitely wanted to be a pirate when he was younger-
that's all i have for now! the rest will come when my stomach isn't actively trying to murder me i mean, when it's normal again
i am a huge ford pines kin, and uh- yeah! might come back to the fandom but we'll see to say the least! for now, have a great rest of your day!
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
obsessed with the fact that if you choose the last purple option in lucanis' romance chat before going off to tearstone island ("they MOVED the MOON!!!" still in the running for the best delivery in the whole game btw it's so ineffably hilarious to me), it's rook who flinches away just a little bit (if still warmly <3) and tries to change the topic and lucanis who's steady even though he's clearly still so afraid. 'don't tempt fate'/'*the softest fucking voice you've ever heard in your entire life* I don't intend to'. pain and suffering
lucanis looking at rook and helplessly, with a wonder that verges on despair, saying 'what would I do without you?' is soooo. especially at that point in the relationship and with what's about to happen. and for whatever reason rook can't quite stay with the fact that they do mean that much to someone, that they are so reverently and so groundingly 'I want to know what your favourite food is so I can make it for you any time you want it' everyday loved, it's too much and they have to deflect from it or the fear of losing it. can say some very interesting things about them, too.
(there is also a Pattern in that in my estimation lucanis frequently responds better to inviting humour than to earnest shows of concern -- it seems to help him be more engaged/online to be offered that more neutral space to meet you in and uh 'build' the conversation around something funny together than to be confronted with compassion head-on because that clearly mostly deer-in-the-headlights him, as we also see with some of the early flirt options haha. contrast this especially with bellara, who repeatedly gets genuinely upset if you try to make light of some pressing and painful situation she's dealing with (girl I'm so sorry I'm so jestercore and I canot change this but I'll try :'( for you). I think the times lucanis reacts negatively to the purple options are much more about you siding with other (frequently more charismatic lol) people against him or throwing him under the bus interpersonally -- like seeming to go along with illario's charm offensives, or telling teia lucanis didn't want to come help out with caterina's funeral and he'd just sit alone and brood about it if you didn't force him (???!!! hello??? unprovoked and deeply unkind out of left field???? this option is so fucking MEAN and for what fhdaskjfa you're telling me there's no way for rook to be a bit of a dick in this game?)
when it's one on one conversation he consistently seems to find it quite comforting, though... which makes a lot of sense because in many ways it's how he interacts with illario, just shorn of the resentments and hidden daggers and things they Do Not Talk About but really should beneath the levity that makes it sharp. it's gone ugly between them, but I think the affectionate instinct beneath is real and goes back a long way before all of that festered -- it's a form of play he does with people he loves. and uh. not really caterina huh. notably.)
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surreal-duck · 5 months ago
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some business to take care of
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thevastmultiverse · 3 days ago
eeeee i lucvv tlaking aboutt his stuff!! i have bad typing soru in advance X( hope u can still understand (also i/me and we/us interchangably)
- i think when we crash the worst part is the plummet of empathy.. like i want to help people when theyre being sad to me!! but i just cant make myself care and in turn i cant help as well as i should and its frustrating because i only keep a small group of friends and i dont wanna lose them… this might just be the ocd coming into play as well but a big part of reassruance i need is that im not a bad bad horrible demon person for it. i dont like to go asking for supply or compliments because then it doesnt feel sincere yk? just being there and understanding i dont want to be alienated for it but im not at my full capabilities rn
- i LOVE creating stuff with people!!!!! making roleplays and little doodles and playing games w friends gives us sm supply because waow!! these very specific people o hand select over a few years want to spend time with me! and have fun with me!!!
- this one i dont know… my memorys foggy so im not much help with this one sorry!!!
- i wish people knew I CANT CONTROL IT!!!! i dont WANT to completely lose interest in someone bc of the way they type or the opinions they have but splitting just happens! and it happens to people i really like too and it hurtttss!! i wish people knew that npd affects the people that have it instead of just the people around them. i wish whenever we mentioned having npd people didnt get all awkward around us and dont like us anymore because we have the big scary abuser dissorder… jokes are a big deal for us! if youre not one of our really close chosen friends and you make a joke about like, the way we draw something or say something or look or act we just immediately nope out. no chance of becoming friends. we have really high standards for the people that get to be around us and it leaves us with only a handful of friends
i hope ths helped.!! theres probably a lot more but i dont remember much right now X)
supportive friend looking to learn more about npd!
I'm asking about personal experience because everything else is demonized as fuck including medical advice :)))))))) /neg
backround: my best friend has npd, and we have had a pretty open line of communication about it. it is figuring things out as things come up and I'm aware everyone had diffrent experiences. I just have questions that I think would be best answered based on others personal experiences and also because these things haven't come up yet/it doesn't know what it needs around these things yet.
- how do you want and need to be supported when crashing out? what kind of reassurace is good and what may feed into the negitive aspects of npd that can be harmful.
- what are things that, when done alone, fill your direct and indirect attention supply? how can you be supported and pushed to continue doing activities alone besides encouragement and praise for your work and experiences?
- what are small seemingly inconsequential things that when interacting with others help with attention supply? like certain kinds of praise, reassurance, phrases, and experiences that can be worked into day to day conversation and time spent togther?
- what are things you wish people understood about npd? how does envy affect your relationships, and how can it be worked around? what are some things that you wish people avoided in conversations about npd? what are things people wouldn't expect to be helpful around npd? what are things that are a big deal when you have npd?
thank you!!!! if you have anything that I didn't ask, please feel free to add! or any resources I can go to for more information!
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