#but also it feels in bad taste to me personally to compare the two. and i think it minimizes the hard rowling does.
sarasade · 2 days
It's been pretty interesting to follow the
"Why Didn't Viren Get Redeemed vs Viren Got What Was Coming To Him"
discussion after The Dragon Prince's 6th season got released.
Hot Take
I think Viren got redeemed.
Because to me Viren humbling himself and acknowledging the hurt he has caused was redeeming. His conversation with Soren was the main event. His rather heroic death was only the cherry on top of the character development cake that has been baking since s4.
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I think Viren dying wasn't as significant as what he did before that and how he tried to provide Soren with some kind of comfort and closure, you know, as a parent should, before going. Viren's redemption wasn't just him dying for Katolis but acknowledging his wrongdoings and trying to salvage what he could.
That was pretty redeeming for me at least. Viren did the right thing even when he knew there wouldn't be any reward for it. Even if he couldn't stop Aaravos from destroying Katolis or manipulating Claudia even after his death. Like, man, I kinda feel for the guy.
I think it has always pretty easy to feel sympathy for Viren. Viren wants to matter and wants to be important. However, his grandiosity, as psychologists would call it, keeps him from creating genuine connections with others. His friends, wife and children are only there to prop up his ego or get rejected if they fail to live up to his expectations. It's also pretty damn tragic that Viren opens up about his deep insecurities to Aaravos of all people. Someone who was the most likely person in the world to exploit these insecurities for his own gain.
Viren had to taste his own medicide but I don't think TDP says that's an objectively good thing per se or that we should enjoy this sort of revenge fantasy uncritically. Viren is still portrayed rather sympathetically and of course there is the part about his actions affecting others and the world in unpredictable ways. It's still a tragedy because Viren's actions and personal problems have caused so much collateral damage. The Why behind Aaravos exploiting Viren and Claudia is part of that tragedy, too. There are no winners here. In a way Viren is a victim of his own narcissistic tendencies, too.
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This isn't just about the final episodes of Viren's arc. To me it's essential to ask What was Viren's biggest sin he should be redeemed or punished for? Depending on your answer you may have a relatively different reading of s6 story development compared to mine.
To me it's not a specific action he took but his whole worldview. Viren is a fictional character (duh!) so his story isn't exactly literal but metaphorical, a representation of certain values and morals real people and society holds. In s3 TDP draws a pretty straightforward, though brief, comparison between Viren and reactionary right-wing ideologues. It's not exactly subtle.
It's just one way TDP goes to show how toxic and abusive Viren's core values are. that gets reflected both in Viren's personal life aka how he treated Lissa, Soren and even Harrow and Claudia (last two more indirectly). Since he also had a ton of political power as a high mage and briefly as a king we see what he did with that power. It's a pretty clear take on people who dehumanise others, fetishise power and see all living things as something to exploit. TDP explores that both philosophically and psychologically through Viren. Dark magic encapsulates this philosophy well since using magical creatures like tools or objects is essential for it to work.
Also also- I don't really get why people see redemption or atonement as something black and white. It's not bad or anything but Redeeming Yourself For Your Sins is a very Christian concept and Christianity isn't the only way to understand villain story arcs. Like I wish there could be more discussion about WHY redemption is the main analytical framework we impose on villains when villainous characters have a ton of variety anyway.
I don't really have anything to complain about Viren's death itself and I'm not surprised that he ended up dying (for real this time). Aaravos seemed like someone who'd turn against Viren the moment he stopped being useful to him so Viren's life has been hanging by a thread since s4. Viren was the best part of TDP and every scene he's been in had been a delight, well expect the s5 dream sequence because it was too long-winded and obvious, anyway, I'm sorry to see him go and I look forward writing AU fix-it fics where he and Aaravos are married and run a hot brown morning potion shop with all their four totally not dead children. RIP Viren. You lived like a messy bitch and died like a messy bitch. Iconic.
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marsti · 11 months
not a huge fan of comparing scott cawthorn to jk rowling because one is a multi-billionaire best-selling author basically singlehandedly funding a genocide while the other is a popular indie gamedev who donated money to trump without saying anything publicly and sure they might both be bad but like those two things are not the same
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 2 months
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Part II
Word count: 2700+
Warnings: panic attacks (reader is tormented soul🤷)
I'll just drop it here.
Also I felt really bad for saying no to so many nice persons (I really admire the inner power of people who can do that so easily and without regrets), so there's going to be a taglist 🫥
Lovely divider by tsunami-of-tears
Part I | Part III
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You were sitting at the table, eyes downcast, cheeks slightly pink. Everyone around you was celebrating your wedding, but you hardly paid attention to it. Your thoughts were swirling around the warm hand on your lap, holding yours so firmly it almost hurt, thumb drawing small circles on your skin. What could it mean? You'd never seen this kind of behaviour in Hewn city. Public, lewd touches maybe, but secret, intimate ones? Was it a good sign? Or bad one?
You were snapped out of your thoughts when his hand suddenly withdrew. You didn't dare to look at him though. In a second, air little bit cooled down and a silky night-kissed voice with a pinch of arrogance spoke from your left.
"Nice party, Eris."
You immediately recognized High Lord of Night. Feeling the urge to stand up and bow as you would do in Hewn city, you pushed against the chair, but it didn't move even an inch. Eris' hand was now on an armrest of your chair, holding it at place.
"What did you expect? It's my wedding day. I hoped to please my wife," he said, his voice dangerously low, balancing between politeness and sharpness of displeasure.
"Thank you, my lord," you whispered with bowed head. The pressure of powers of these two males was almost unbearable, suffocating you.
"Hmm," it seemed that High Lord of Night smirked. "I hoped that I could have a word with your wife, if it isn't too much to ask for."
"Whatever you want to tell her, you can do so here and now," Eris retorted, cold rage seeping from every word.
"C'mon," Rhysand laughed amusedly. "It only takes a minute and you'll have her back. I won't hurt her, you have my word."
Eris inhaled sharply, considering it. Then he just waved his hand and went back to watching the dancers.
"Here, let me help you," High Lord of Night offered you his arm, helping you to stand up. Then he silently led you to the ceiling-to-floor windows and out on the terrace. He let go of your hand and leaning against the railing looked up at the night sky.
"Stars are so different here, aren't they," he sighed softly.
You quickly took a look at twinkling lights that illuminated the terrace with a cool glow. It was the first time you'd ever seen the night sky and you'd like to keep watching that mesmerising beauty for the rest of your life, but.. your gaze sank down to the floor.
"I'm sorry, my lord. I'm afraid that I have nothing to compare it with."
You could feel his piercing gaze to move to you then and you shivered under its weight.
"Please, call me Rhysand," his voice was kind, nothing like the cold, merciless one he used to address crowd in your hometown.
You swallowed hard. "My lord, I couldn't-"
He softly interrupted you. "If it makes you feel better, you can call me by my name only when we are alone. Like now."
Who you were to oppose the High Lord. "As you wish, my l-.. Rhysand," you curtsied.
"Ah, and no bowing, dear. I don't need such formalities. After all you aren't my subject anymore. We're equal. That's why I want you to treat me like that. What's your name?"
You again swallowed, dread eating up on you. Equal to High Lords. What a crazy thing to think. You could never be more than a servant, a submissive mute wife who would speak up only with husband's approval.
"My name is Y/N."
"Y/N," he repeated, tasting it. "Lovely name. How old are you, Y/N?"
"I-I'm 19."
He was silent for a moment. Feeling uncomfortable with his eyes trained on you, you shifted weight slightly, your gaze still focused on the pattern of tiles at his feet.
"Tell me, my dear, how do you feel about this? About the marriage?"
"I-" You started to sweat. What should you say? What did he want to hear?
"Don't be scared. You can be honest with me. I won't hurt you no matter what you say," his voice was so soft that you believed him.
"I'm just doing as I was told.." you stuttered.
"I thought so," he said sadly. "I guess that you've never met him before, right? Now that you've seen him up close, do you at least like him?"
"Eris," he added when you didn't respond right away.
"l-I'm not sure, my l-" Your heart was beating in your ears so fast. "I mean, he's quite good looking, but I'm-.. I don't know him well."
You felt like fainting any minute now, your vision blurring. If your husband overheard this conversation, he would certainly get so angry. Under no circumstances should a wife speak ill of her husband. Not even slightly. That was the very first rule you were taught.
"It's okay, my dear," in a blink of eye High Lord of Night was at your side, one hand supporting you, the other one gently rubbing on your back. "Just breathe. Deep breaths, yeah? Nobody's going to find out about what you said here. Don't worry."
Slowly you calmed down. Only once your heart slowed down, his hands moved to your face, lifting it up so he could look into your eyes. You gaped at him in surprise. Remembering the manners, you tried to avert your eyes to the side just above his shoulder as it was expected. However, he wouldn't let you, forcing your gaze back to his face with sad smile.
"Now listen to me carefully, dear Y/N. This isn't Hewn city. Whatever you experienced there, it's over now. You certainly heard all kinds of rumours about Eris and I'm not going to lie to you and say that that isn't true because it is. However, it doesn't mean that he'll be cruel to you too. If he was after all, you don't have to put up with it. If he ever hurts you, just let me know and I'll sent someone to get you to safety. Will you remember that?"
Whole galaxies danced in those violet-blue eyes that searched yours, genuine care seeping from each of his words. You quietly nodded, unable to find your voice.
"Good girl," he really smiled then. That kind grin completely changed his expression. If he was handsome before, now he was breathtaking. "I really hope you'll find your happiness here."
With that he stepped back and his hands casually slipped into the pockets of trousers. He once again looked up at the night sky.
"Autumn is beautiful season. I'm sure that you'll like it once you settle down enough to start to explore your new home. Tonight it's quite cold. Let's get you back inside. Eris gets mad if you catch cold because of me."
Offering you his arm, he escorted you back and to your seat. As soon as he noticed you, Eris stood up to hold a chair for you, his eyes narrowed at Rhysand.
"Unharmed. Just as I promised," Rhysand winked at him. Then he took your hand and placed a kiss on its back. "Be happy, dear Y/N."
"Thank you, my lord," you whispered, bowed to him and sat down. With a one-sided grin Rhysand spun on his heel and headed to his mate who was currently talking with some beautiful lady near to the dance floor.
Your husband slid into his seat, his gaze burning holes into Rhysand's back. He was quite displeased. You felt it even without looking up at him. Once you were again alone his hand found yours under the table.
"You are freezing cold," he murmured and his skin heated with magic. The warmth seeped into your brittle hands. For a moment your tension melted like a snow with the touch of his long fingers.
In contrast to the warm touch, when he spoke again, his voice was so cold and angry that you shivered. "What did he want?"
Breath caught in your throat, heart skipped few beats as all blood left your face.
"My lord," you said in small trembling voice, trying to swallow the lump that rose in your throat.
Eris cast a sidelong glance at you, his eyes narrowing. He said nothing, waiting for your answer.
"He asked me," you stammered, "about the wedding. A-and offered me help.."
"Help?" His fingers drummed impatiently on the table and then clenched into fist.
"Yes, my lord."
"What kind of help?"
You slightly cringed in your seat.
"T-to run away a-and shelter."
His hand squeezed your fingers firmer and you prepared for pain. Then he suddenly let go and started to slowly retreat back to his personal space. All the warmth left with him.
"And," he spoke quietly and slowly, "do you want to go with him?"
You panicked, your breath becoming labored. When your father spoke like this, it always meant the worst punishment. You knew what to expect from him, what kind of torment, but this male? You had no idea what he would do to you. Would he just beat you up? Or would he even burn you? Dozens of possibilities flashed through your mind.
"Do you want to go with him?" he repeated his question when it took you too long to answer.
Your fingers gripped the fabric of your skirt, but even that couldn't stop the tremor.
"N-n-no, my lord, n-never."
The tears began gathering behind your closed eyelids. You waited for the punishment. His fingers lightly touched the back of your hand, hesitantly, slowly moving forward until both of your hands were once again in his warm grip. He lightly squeezed them.
You heaved shakily. Opening eyes, you blinked away tears and gazed at your connected hands on your lap. His thumb was gently rubbing your knuckles now. It was.. comforting.
It was unbelievable. He did nothing to you, only held your hand. In disbelieve you looked up at his profile. He was again watching the dancing couples, his expression unreadable. After a while he turned to you with a tight smile. His eyes were soft and somehow sad when they met yours.
"I'd let you go, if you said that you wanted to."
The tears were back, stinging your eyes, but for the different reason now. Would he really let you go? Just like that?
Something sparked in your chest and hope filled your heart. Rhysand's words echoed in your mind: 'it doesn't mean that he'll be cruel to you'. You prayed to the Mother that it was true.
You shook your head decisively. "I don't want to," you said.
The corners of his mouth turned up for a second in a hardly there smile. As if he just reminded himself where he was, your husband broke the gaze, turning back to dancers and the unreadable mask slid back to his face with almost audible click.
You were breathless. His amber eyes. They engraved straight into your soul. For that short moment you saw flames burning in them, wild and sensual, playful and lustful but never hurtful.
Without knowing what you were doing, you freed one hand and placed it on his. The movements of his thumb stilled, whole his body tensed. You turned your other hand in his grip palm up, your fingers timidly intertwined with his. Out of the corner of his eye, he quickly looked down on your hands and then up at your face. With a small smile he relaxed in his chair. His fingers clenched, holding you firmly while thumb danced over your skin in rhythmic motion that matched the music.
The party went on for another three hours, some of the guests were already so drunken that servants had to help them into their seats. No one could leave before the newly married couple. It was around the midnight and you were so tired. It was a long and tiring day for you and it was starting to take its toll. Enveloped in pleasant warmth, your eyelids grew too heavy and it was getting more and more harder to fight the sleep.
Suddenly Eris's hand slipped from between yours and he called for servant with a small gesture. The boy immediately ran to him and leaned closer. Your husband told him something and boy disappeared. Not even a minute after that two maids appeared and approached you. They stopped to bow and one of them stepped closer to whisper to your ear.
"Please, follow us, my lady."
Fully awake now, you looked at Eris in silent question, but he only nodded imperceptibly. Your eyes flew to your father who gave you a scary look. The message was clear: if you messed this up, you would regret it.
It was time for the last part to conclude and seal the deal for good.
The marriage consummation.
A lump rose in your throat, cold sweat running down your spine. Mother told you what to expect, they taught you what to do to please your husband, but it didn't mean you were ready for that or that you wanted it. Your husband was handsome and his behaviour toward you was nice and a complete surprise so far, but still he was a stranger.
Whether you wanted or not, you had to do this.
Quietly accepting your fate, you stood up and on unstable legs followed the maids. As you were getting away from the ballroom, the music gradually died down until you were walking through completely silent part of the castle. The winding hallways were dimly lit and empty, red carpet muffled the footsteps. Here and there you noticed a huge painting or some shiny exhibited armor or statue. It was hard to say how far it was to your destination, but your heart was beating harder and faster with every step you took nonetheless.
Maids finally stopped before a tall oak double doors, as far as you could see the only one in this hallway. One of them opened it, the other one waited until you went in and then closed the doors behind.
You found yourself in some private sitting room. Fae lights dimly illuminated the huge finely decorated space in warm light brown, gold and beige colours. The windows were covered with heavy curtains, small fire crackled in a hearth in the corner of the room. There was smaller dinning table near the windows and set of sofas and armchairs with small pillows in autumn colours around the hearth. Bookshelves were full of books, soft looking carpet on the floor. It was cozy.
On each side of the room, there were identical double doors. Maids headed to the one on the left and opened it widely. With heavy heart to followed them into the bedroom with a massive bed that dominated to the room. Except of the bed there were also two ottomans and coffee table, vanity, mirror, some drawers and another doors that probably led to walk-in closet and bathroom. You could love it if only it wasn't a place for certain act you weren't ready for.
You swallowed hard, your eyes glued to that monstrous bed. Maids disappeared behind one of the doors and soon you heard sounds of running water from there. They were running around, preparing everything necessary, giving you a moment to breathe through the panic creeping on you. Then they came back to you. Without a word they helped you to free yourself from the heavy dress and corset.
Once in the bathtub they conscientiously washed every part of your body, massaging some nice smelling bath oils into your skin. After that they wrapped you in a soft towel and ushered you back to the bedroom to the vanity where they took care of your hair and helped you into the nightgown. They worked carefully but fast.
When they left, you looked in the mirror. The nightgown was made of fine, almost transparent fabric that hugged your body, leaving just little to imagination. You were on the verge of crying.
Internally panicking you sat down on one of ottomans because good wife should never go to bed before her husband and repeating to yourself all you were taught about the act, you waited.
And you waited and waited until you fell asleep.
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Taglist: @nocasdatsgay @b0xerdancer @lilah-asteria @talesofadragon @marvelbros-oneshots @acourtofbatboydreams @li0nh34rt
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aylacavebear · 1 month
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 10
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 2490
Warnings: Fluff, Dean being a sweetheart, Dealing with emotional stuff.
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 10
Over the next two weeks, not much really happened. There were times when the cameras alerted you to movement, but you never saw anything on them. That was frustrating, even after rewatching them a dozen or more times. Not even an animal was in the frames, anywhere. Dean had even watched them, and if he had seen anything or thought of anything, he’d kept it to himself.
You also hadn’t heard anything from anyone about what was going on in the outside world. It felt like being in a sort of limbo, playing the waiting game. Dean had started sleeping next to you in your bed as the nightmares began coming more often. It was only when he held you that they stayed away. They always involved the same people and the bunker being found.
The mark on your collarbone burned often, and when it was really bad, Dean always put cream on it. There was a gentleness in his touch that always seemed to calm you. The new feelings around him were odd but welcoming, and you wished his name would show up on your collarbone already, if he really was your soulmate.
You had also pushed many of your thoughts and questions to the back of your mind. There were far too many, and you had no way of getting the answers you needed. None of the pieces made enough sense to you to act on anything, so you kept things to only friendship with Dean. Hoping had only brought you pain in the past. You chose to enjoy just having a best friend and that you weren’t alone in the bunker, as that would have driven you stir-crazy.
There were times Dean would disappear to a different room than you and be gone for far longer than needed just to use the bathroom. You hadn’t said anything but made a mental note of how often it was, and it was becoming more frequent. When he’d return to whatever room you two were in at the time, he’d always have a small smile, but there was something in his eyes that told you he was hiding something.
You weren’t entirely sure what day it even was when you woke up that morning and crawled out of bed. Dean was already awake and in the kitchen. You found him there cooking yet another odd concoction with what non-perishables were available in the pantry. Yawning, you made your way to the coffee pot and poured a cup.
“Morning, Sweetheart,” he smiled, looking over at you briefly.
“Morning,” you yawned out, taking a seat at the kitchen table, still not awake.
“Hungry?” he asked.
“I guess,” you mumbled, sipping the warm coffee and enjoying the flavor. Dean always made the best-tasting coffee, and you couldn’t figure out how he managed to do that every damn time.
Dean plated up an interesting breakfast. You couldn’t even really tell what it was as you stared at the plate he had set in front of you. It smelled good, at least.
“I swear, it won’t kill you if you eat it. I had to get creative,” he chuckled, seeing the skepticism on your face. 
You gave him a wary glance before taking a bite of the odd-looking concoction on the plate in front of you but were pleasantly surprised with its taste. You weren’t sure if you could compare it to anything you’d eaten before, but at the same time, it tasted familiar. Dean smirked as he watched you realize what he had made tasted far better than how it looked.
“Honestly, it’s not bad,” you finally told him after a couple of bites.
“Glad you like it,” he managed through his laughter.
“I’m looking forward to tasting how you cook normal food,” you teased him with a small smile.
“This is normal food,” he chuckled, taking another bite.
You just rolled your eyes, playfully though, finding him adorable. The two of you ate mostly in silence, only talking about what you’d fill the day with. You’d watched all the movies in the place and had played almost all the simple word games either of you could come up with. As you washed the dishes, you mentioned wanting to look around again. 
Dean groaned from the table, “We’ve been over this place like a dozen times already.”
“I know. I just want to look,” you replied, more focused on your thoughts and the dishes than the conversation.
He made another annoyed grumble that you couldn’t quite make out before he headed out to the living room. A few moments later, you heard the sound of one of the westerns beginning to play. You weren’t all that into those particular movies and wondered if perhaps your father may have been. 
There were times, like today, when the bunker felt almost confining. You missed the sun and watching it set. To see the colors change as it dipped beyond the horizon. Then there were the stars at night and even the moon. They felt like distant memories as you walked into the monitor room. The box of files still sat there on the table. You’d looked through it multiple times but didn’t understand the legal jargon in half of it. With a heavy sigh, you sat down and pulled the papers out again, flipping through them in hopes that something would stand out. You’d put the letters from your parents there as well. As you reread the last one, you frowned, wishing you knew what was going on in the outside world. 
One of the camera recordings began flashing, drawing your attention to it. You changed seats and sat in front of the monitor, closely watching the camera. Still, it was like nothing was there.
I wonder if this place is haunted.
The thought almost made you chuckle. You knew that wasn’t the case, or the cameras would have alerted you far before this set of incidents. They typically didn’t flash during the day, and today, you saw something. It didn’t seem like much to you as you tilted your head and watched the tiny rock barely come into view on the far side of the screen. Hell, you would have missed it if it had happened at night.
“Dean!” you hollered, staring at the monitor.
He showed up behind you far faster than you thought he would, “What? What’s wrong?” he asked, almost sounding out of breath for a moment.
“A rock set this one off,” you told him, still fairly dumbfounded at the oddness of it.
“A rock?” he asked, but he didn’t sound confused, he sounded concerned.
You pulled up the recording and showed it to him on the screen, where it had barely come into view on the far side of what the camera could pick up. “See. There,” you told him, pointing to the rock again on another replay.
“Sweetheart, move,” he told you, and his tone began to worry you, but you got up so he could sit down.
“It’s just a rock,” you said, crossing your arms.
Dean didn’t say anything in return. He began pulling up old videos, and you sighed. Instead of standing there and watching him, you cleaned up the papers on the table and put them neatly back in their box. You glanced at Dean one more time before heading out to the living room, now fairly bored, again. 
You and Dean had moved the furniture around a few different times, just trying to make the place feel different, but it was beginning to feel stifling. The things you missed played through your mind again as you tried to remember what the sun felt like on your skin or the breeze of a cool fall day blowing through your hair.
The two of you had gone over every inch of the place and hadn’t found any more secret rooms, but for some reason, you felt like you were still missing something. You weren’t even sure where to look at this point. Knowing you had to distract yourself from your thoughts, you sighed and began looking over the bookshelf again. 
In movies, they always use bookshelves to hide secret rooms. Is that too obvious? Would my parents do that sort of thing? 
Again, you slid your fingers over the shelves and along the books. Nothing stood out or felt different. It just felt like a regular wooden shelf painted white to match the off-white walls. It was the one piece of furniture that neither you nor Dean could move though. You even checked along the sides of it where it met the wall.
The surface was smooth under your fingers as you slowly trailed them down the side of the bookcase. There was literally nothing there, just shelf and wall. Frustrated, you grabbed a chair from the kitchen and set it in front of the bookshelf. Last time, Dean had been the one to check the top of it and along the wall. You were barely tall enough once on the chair to see the top of the bookshelf. It was a little dusty, so you tried to wipe it away with your hand. Even after you got most of the dust off of it, you still didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. It just looked like a shelf to you. With a sigh, you ran your index finger along the back where it attached to the wall. You may not have felt anything, but you heard something click, and the shelf popped half an inch away from the wall.
You nearly fell off the chair, startled due to standing on your tiptoes. Holding your chest as your heart began to calm down, you slipped off the chair, moving out of the way. Dean still hadn’t come out of the monitor room, so you slipped your fingers inside the small opening and pulled the shelf away from the wall. It was another staircase that led down.
Makes sense. The house above is two stories, why wouldn’t this one have another floor?
The air that drifted from the staircase felt cooler than the floor you were on, and it piqued your curiosity. You glanced toward the hallway before slipping inside, then down the steps. It wasn’t as narrow as the other staircase, but it was dark. I should have looked for a light switch.
Making it to the bottom, you moved your hand along the wall and smiled when you found the light switch there. A light above the stairs came on, causing you to look at it. Then you cursed under your breath for looking at the bright bulb. There was an open doorway to the right of the stairs, so again, felt along the inside of it for a light switch. You really didn’t feel like fumbling around in the dark.
As your fingers flicked it upward, your jaw nearly dropped. The room was huge. In the center was a pool table, and along the walls were more bookcases, only these held games and books of all sorts. 
Wish I’d found this a month ago.
You chuckled to yourself as you looked around, even peeking into the other room that was there. When you did, your jaw hit the floor. It was a walk-in freezer almost the size of the pantry on the other floor. You licked your lips when you saw all sorts of different meats packed neatly away on the shelves. Dean’s gonna love this.
As you were reading over some of the book titles, you barely heard your name being called from upstairs, which pulled your gaze to the open doorway. Knowing you shouldn’t make him worry, you headed back upstairs, making it past the bookshelf just as he came into the living room.
He looked at you, fairly confused, “What’d you find?”
“You’re gonna love it,” you told him excitedly, completely forgetting the rock thing on the monitor from earlier.
You grabbed Dean’s hand and led him downstairs. He looked just as surprised as you were, but when he saw the walk-in freezer, he smiled from ear to ear.
“Oh, we’re having steak tonight,” he stated after licking his lips. Dean picked out a couple of steaks and then went back into what you had deemed the game room. “Might have to test out that pool table later,” he added as he glanced over at it.
“Do you even know how to play pool?” you asked him mildly curiously.
“Sweetheart, yes, I know how to play pool,” he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.
The enjoyment was short-lived as a small red light lit up near the doorway, and the two of you looked at each other before running back upstairs. You’d even forgotten to turn off the lights down there. Dean still had the steaks in hand as you reached the monitor room, but again, there was nothing noticeable on the screen. 
He sighed and set the steaks on the table, then stood behind you, “They’re trying to figure out where the cameras are and how far they can see,” he explained in a worried tone.
You looked up at him, still a bit confused, “What do you mean?”
“Your birthday is less than a month away. Sam’s at least got your case in the system, and the first court date is next week, but that’s just to hear it out. Vaught’s men are trying to find you before your birthday and before things get too far in the courts,” Dean explained as he leaned against the table, crossing his arms.
Looking back at the monitor you saw it flash red again. The rocks they were using were almost impossible to spot. “But, they can’t find us here, can they?” you asked quietly, hoping you didn’t sound as worried as you felt.
“So far, I don’t think they can. Jodi even called in some outside help to keep an eye on the house, but these guys are good. At least your parents hid the cameras well. We won’t have to worry unless these people find them and take them out,” Dean replied, keeping an even tone.
It was something you couldn’t understand with him, how he seemed to keep what he was feeling out of his words. He also seemed to keep his expression just as plain. There were little things he did, but they were so subtle they were easy to miss.
“Why does it feel like there's something you’re not telling me?” you asked carefully.
He sighed, still watching the monitor, “Sam found a loophole in the paperwork. If he can’t get a judge to take on your case and have the paperwork in a judge's hands before your birthday, Cole has the legal right to marry you, and no one can stop it. He could even make the case last for years in the system, and you’d have to stay married to him.”
No… ----------------------------------------- Chapter 11
Story Master List Main Master List
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @jamerlynn @jackles010378 @bruhidkjustwannaread @onthehuntforshinies
@chriszgirl92 @angzls @xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @onlyangel-444
@nancymcl @muhahaha303 @suckitands33 @kr804573 @justrandomthougt
@suckitands33 @mxtansy @scarletqueenx @krazykelly @roseblue373
@whimsyfinny @ladysparkles78 @aaathazagoraphobiaaa @hobby27 @perpetualabsurdity
@cicibunbuns @n-o-p-e-never @vanessa-boo @foxyjwls007 @uoberpmollah
@xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @kdadss @bitchykittenconnoisseur @reignsboy19
@bonbonnie88 @ghostieghoul711 @flamencodiva @kayleezee @stillhere197
@lexasaurs634 @enamoredwithbella @winchester-whiskey @brandinicole911 @swaggyemily
If I missed tagging, please let me know. I had a lot of requests for tags for this one. If you'd like to be tagged, drop me a comment.
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acid-ixx · 1 year
ive recently read this post made by @pantalonte and it's reminding me of hard-dom yandere scaramouche that people often write and nooo i can't tolerate it at all </3
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i don't know much about kaveh but what i do know is that he's passionate, a perfectionist, and he cares too much. and when he's obsessed with you then it evidently seeps into his personality. he'd love to share ideas with you, love to see your interest in his crafts, and he'll make sure that with whatever topic you've talked about with him— he's done research on.
it's no doubt that even his roommate would eventually become annoyed at the incredibly obsessed architect who does nothing but yap about you, you, and you. how he'd love to settle in with you by the near future with a house, no, a mansion that he specifically crafts in regards to your tastes (but you're not even in a relationship, yet). wouldn't you relish at the fact that he has multiple blueprints finished that are all inspired by you? he may not earn a lot but he's even willing to take painful commissions that don't cater to his aesthetic just so he could save up some mora for your future home. he knows that his love for you is oozing in every bit of his life but he can't help it at all- he's never drowned in love before he even met you; and he've so much love to offer you.
he's definitely one of the more subservient and submissive yanderes that i could tackle. after all, i can imagine him kneeling on a cold, hard floor if you're on the meaner side, just to please you. he's also the type to be easily jealous and showy on his affections, at the same time flustered if you show him an ounce of it. if someone else were to flirt with him then whoever that person may be, i'd feel bad for because he won't shut up, in a defensive tone no less, about how nobody else can can compare to you: his muse, his love, his world, his everything. but when you flirt with him then he'll have no responses to come back with because his mind is hay-wiring.
jealous yan kaveh! is not only obsessive possessive, but wants to be possessed by you, in a way. he wants to be your only object of affection. he wants your eyes on him; and he'll make sure of that. if you've specific tastes then he'll cater to it, whether it'd be striking up a topic with you on a casual day or even going as far as stealing all your attention and time to ask for your opinion on a future 'mansion' he's planning to build (you wouldn't even know that every single one of your opinion is taken seriously to a T).
murder is definitely not first in his mind whenever his brain is clogged with the thought of competition, but he finds himself subconsciously guilt-tripping whoever is taking your attention, and sometimes even you because of how terribly he keeps his emotions in check. and because he opens up his heart to you, you're well-aware about his financial issues and that's a topic he'd vaguely mention in a conversation with you, and a useless face with a name he won't remember. he's independent, yes, but your sympathy and pity on him is something he'd unknowingly devour as you become closer with the architect.
his heart flutters at the thought of you helping him with a project, or a domestic life where he most certainly caters to the idea of being your house husband. he's passionate, so it won't be long 'til he learns a thing or two about housekeeping. and if he messes up on chores, then who's to say you wouldn't help your poor, needy husband? ahhh, just dreaming about your futures sure does things to his beating heart.
drunk yan kaveh! would be the cutest company you'll ever have if he's with you, and would be the most annoying if not. with his intolerance to alcoholic beverages, he'll be bound to confess. and no doubt that he's a light drinker but you'll never expect him to be drunk after a few shots, no? he's all over you, blushing and giggling and muttering about how you're the love of his life; his soulmate. he nearly falls off his seat trying to scoot over to your body, attempting to hug you, dare even kiss your cheeks and nape if you permit it. his head lolls over your shoulder as he whispers directly beneath your ears that you're the most stunning person he's ever had the joy to meet, that if he could (and most definitely would)- he'll offer you the world, maybe the universe, even if it's impossible.
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elmuvahva · 10 months
let me talk about leo and donnie’s matching clothes pLEASE
plus a lil bit of mikey and raph near the end :>
so we all know the obvious ones like in ‘repairin’ the baron’ and in ‘man vs sewer’
but i want to talk about the little things hehe. starting with the two mentioned above anyways lmaooo
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yes they’re matching but i love the little differences they add on. leo wears a blue undershirt, fully going ride or die with his blue theme, while donnie goes for a white undershirt for a more classic look.
i think that says a lil but about their characters and how they thought to present themselves to april’s mum (who they thought they were meeting). they both wanted to look good hence the stunning matching outfits, but leo also wanted to be himself (hence the blue undershirt), compared to donnie who wanted to appeal to april’s mother (hence the more classic look with the white).
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in man vs sewer, they are both wearing the singlet and board short combo, however leo opts for simplicity and ‘laidbackness’ keeping the bare minimum and keeping his shirt loose and untucked. donnie on the other hand goes further and adds the extra decorative shirt to really hammer home the ‘i’m not a useful member of society’ and the holiday/break vibes he’s trying so hard to feel. he also chooses to tuck his shirt in, which i think is just a personal stylistic choice, one which extenuates and shows off the board shorts more and one which mirrors his belt that’s a part of his usual outfit.
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now onto snow day :>
at a brief glance it doesn’t seem like they’re matching but you’d be wRONG! they’re wearing the same shoes, pants and scarf, however they choose different jackets and headgear according to their personal tastes (i also wanna point out how donnie’s pants are more boxy/puffy at the bottom to fit with his whole rectangle theme, while leo’s are tucked in firmly, providing a more angular/triangular look).
leo chose a sirius black looking leather jacket bc why wouldn’t he lmaooo. it very much screams leo in the sense of his faceman attitude and his ‘confidence.’ he also chose a beanie which provides a more hippie, laidback and cool vibe.
donnie, ever the nerd, matches his jacket and headwear, as they both have the light purple fluff. donnies jacket is also much more practical and feels like something you’d see skii-ers (how tf do you spell that), hikers and snow-bikers wear. he’s also wearing the ugliest fucking hat /lh that’s reminiscent of what those occupations also wear.
so what we can take away from this is that leo will look cool whatever the weather and donnie will dress for the practicality of the occasion.
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now in the clothes dont make the turtle there are A LOT of matching outfits, not just from donnie and leo, for example, in the images above, all the boys are wearing classic black suits with white button downs, however they all style them differently.
i’d also like to note the slight differences on the collars of the suit jackets (leo and donnie’s are matching, mikey’s is more rounded with a lil point and raph’s mirrors his spikes).
they all style their suits differently by using different ties. leo goes for a black and blue striped tie, which i think showcases his sense of style and his playfulness in comparison to raph, who decides to play it safe with a classic one-toned tie.
mikey goes for a cute bowtie bc why wouldn’t he he’s adorable, and it also fits in with him being the youngest and ‘the baby’, as bowties are most commonly worn by kids.
donnie decides to completely forego the tie altogether bc he doesn’t need it, he’s already stunning 😩 lmao but i actually think he’s just really playing into his emotionally unavailable bad boy image.
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there’s also these matching monstrosities for god knows what reason
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and it’s not super matchy, but raph and leo also both rock the singlet under the open button down shirt (though the colours are swapped and leo pops the collar causes he’s an idiot /aff)
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and lastly!! these outfits. now at first glance, you’re probably thinking ‘elva what the fuck are you going on about’ BUT just hear me out!!
they both have ripped aspects to their outfits, leo’s at the shoulders and donnie’s at the waist. it’s obviously not an intentional match but i think they just subconsciously did it :>
they’re also both wearing head accessories, though in totally different styles (leo with his backwards cap to look ‘cool’ while donnie adorns a beanie to complete his LA hipster vibe)
ugh i’ve met the image limit for this post so here’s the link to the post that continues my rambling lolol
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kurishiri · 3 months
on my way to start William’s route, but as for the other two…
official Ikemen Villains twitter posted templates and so I took used them, ehe. Minor route spoilers ahead, maybe, as I delve into some personal thoughts! You can click on the images for higher quality; I put content warnings for each route there too, though I may have missed a couple here and there.
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Liam — key word: “tomorrow”
the themes in the story really add to the story’s poignancy, and I think it was interesting how they chose to make Liam an actor — as that part of his character played a significant role in the story and its themes.
I don’t have a very high sexy rating here relatively, and that’s not to say there aren’t sexy parts, but I think the presence of it feels a bit dampened by the fact I either didn’t purchase premium stories so it felt like the sexual scenes happened off screen in my personal experience or just that the story was overall so heavy with Liam’s mental struggles. Also, Liam was my first route, so I didn’t really have any other rating to compare it to. So I figured it was good to start somewhere in the middle and go on from there. Overall, I felt it was more romantic than sexy (especially if you look at, well… Alfons). To me, it’s not a bad thing! I’m just as alright with a story not having any sexual scenes as I am with one containing them.
honestly Liam’s route is probably the closest I’ll get to romancing Kate — because I related so much to Liam, he hit a bit too close to home sometimes lmao
Harrison — key phrase: “that doesn’t sound half bad.”
overall, I feel his story was solid. If you were to ask me between Liam and Harrison, whose route I enjoyed more, I would probably say Harrison. I enjoyed Liam as well for what it was, but I feel Harrison’s route is just more… fun.
to be completely honest he was really frustrating in the first few chapters. And the way the first sort of conflict ended between Kate and Harry still left me a bit frustrated. Even now, I sometimes wish it ended a bit differently, but I can understand as the story went on that Harry always had kind intentions toward Kate. He always had — since the beginning.
his romance definitely felt more subtle (and I loved that), since even if he has feelings for you, he always masks it with a half truth or a lie. And boy, is he good at lying 😂👌 at first they were really frustrating, but later there were a couple lies that are kinda funny that I can’t help but love him for his funny (and sweet) lies. Interpreting his half truth half lie words is like translating from another language lmao
reading Harrison’s route felt like reading a mystery and adventure novel at once. And I think if you want like to get a good taste of everyone else’s dynamics (without overshadowing Kate and Harry’s) in action and outside of it, it’s best to read Harry as opposed to Liam, in my opinion.
if you have any thoughts and opinions about the two, I’d love to hear!
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zombii-ships · 4 months
sorry if these are ooc i was just brainstorming and bein a horny nerd
-World’s biggest breeding kink. Dude’s absolutely got a huge thing for claiming his partner, and he loves to watch his cum spill back out of them.
-Praise. PRAISE HIM. PLEASE. Tell him how good he makes you feel and he’s over the fucking moon. He’s so motivated by praise, the simplest “you’re making me feel so good” is gonna flip such a switch in his head.
-Makeup/Body Paint. Whether it’s seeing his partner in clown paint, painting their body and feeling them up, his own makeup smearing on them, or theirs running on their face, he loves it. Jack’s immediately down for round two if he catches a glimpse of his partner’s liner/lipstick on his chest.
-Foodplay. You thought whipped cream was just for the pancakes? Surprise surprise!
-Size Difference. Loves feeling big compared to his partner, whether he’s topping or bottoming, he loves the difference. Loves seeing his partner in his clothes, especially his jackets and pajama pants. Put on something of his and its gonna ignite something in him.
-Voice Kink. He LOVES getting to hear his partner, if they make a noise while they stretch? He’s horny. Moan? Horny. Whisper in his ear? Horny. So so easily stirred if he’s the one who gets you to make noise for him, too~
-Hickies. MARK. HIM. UP. PLEASE. Dude absolutely loves getting to show off what his partner did to him, he wears them like badges of honor.
-Bonus, I know he’s an absolute FIEND for giving head and he loves just knowing that he’s pleasuring his partner. Dude’s a total pleasure top.
-A nut for roleplay. Pet/Owner, Slasher/Final Survivor, Vampire/Prey, whatever, dude LOVES playing a little horny pretend with his partner.
-Masks. Ghostface, leatherface, pyramid head, gas masks, he loves the mystery there and he finds it really hot. Goes along with his roleplay kink, but either way, he’s super into it.
-Exhibitionism. Give him the go to make porn of yall and he’s gonna go nuts. Something about filming the deed or just you getting off turns him tf ON. Plus if he can go back and show you the footage?? “Look how pretty you looked here. Fuck- lemme rewind so I can hear that sound again~”
-Monster/Abnormal Toys. What’s a horror junkie without some monster dildos??
-Begging. Beg HIM. Beg him for whatever, doesn’t even have to be sexual, he just loves it. He just wants to hear you pleading with him, asking for his permission.
-Shibari. Let him make your body into art. The more intricate the better. Whether it’s simple ties or a whole full body production, it’s the artistry and the restraint that really gets him, plus seeing you wrapped up for the taking isn’t half bad either. Bonus points if he gets to do pretty harnesses and collars ✨
- Waxplay/Temperature Play. You or him, but mainly you I think. You’re the canvas and he’s the painter, and he’s obsessed with how you let him paint you. Whether it be pretty dark colored wax, gently touching you with ice, or just warm hands against your skin, he loves your reactions, watching you squirm between the different sensations.
-Oral Fixation. Don’t suck on his fingers unless you wanna rile his ass up
-Cosplay/Costumes. IF YOU LET HIM DRESS YOU UP he’s going to go absolutely feral. Ian’s a fashion fan, so seeing you in something he specifically coordinated to look good on you and to his personal tastes would have him going over the deep end. He’s literally obsessed.
-Blindfolds. Now I know he’s scared of being left alone, but I think he’d enjoy the rush of giving up control to you like that, letting you touch and trail over his body without knowing what’s next would have him super sensitive and needy in seconds. Plus if you let him blindly roam his hands over you?? He’s about to get SO handsy.
-Also a roleplay guy. He’s an actor, let him get into a role! Not only is he excited to make the bit convincing, but he might slip pretty deep into it, local man gets horny from improv.
-Body Writing. Write all your favorite things about him on his body, and let him put his signature on you?? Dude would be over the moon going about his day with your words of praise written on his chest, tummy and hips.
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writing-house-of-m · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Talks of drinking and drugs. Sexual themes but nothing completely explicit. Toxic relationship. Manipulation. Cheating.
Word count: 3159
Summary: You can't stop yourself from falling under Wanda's spell
A/N: I thought of this when I heard the line "There's something about the way you look tonight" from the song Billie Bossa Nova by Billie Eilish. I actually didn't realise how similar this was to the song until I listened to it again then tweaked it to fit the song a bit more. Also, this is very different to what I usually write so I'd appreciate any comments letting me know what you think. As always, enjoy!
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These parties were becoming more and more of a nuisance with how often you were being forced to attend them.
There was no point in you being here.
Happy people having fun, you would roll your eyes more if you could.
A final space is waiting at the bar as if it is reserved for you. Taking the seat you order a drink then look around. Seeing the different groups of people chatting away does nothing to help you. You really do not want to be here.
You turn your back on the excited murmur, trying to drown it all out whilst waiting for your drink. You wish you could have ordered something stronger, anything to cover up the bitterness in your mouth. The gum in your mouth now feels like you are chewing on plastic. It is just something to distract you anyway.
When the bartender places your drink in front of you, you immediately take a sip. The ice in your glass clinks against the edges when you turn in your seat to look at the crowd of people that fill the room once more.
Pretentious is one word to describe them. People who want nothing more than to look important. Elite. When really everybody is just as scared as the next person to lose their deluxe lifestyle.
Not long later your head turns to the entrance when two people arrive. Your gaze moves along with them as they walk into the venue, arm in arm, greeting different people as they pass. The 'perfect' couple.
It makes you sick but when you try to pull your eyes away you can't. There is something about the way she looks tonight. She always did look good in red.
It isn't as strong as it can be but she will always have you under her spell. Your attention is drawn away when a hand brushes her cheek. A hand that isn't yours. No. It is from the one she chose in place of you.
The action is enough to get you to look away as if someone has thrown poison in your eyes.
You take another sip of your drink and just as you expected it does nothing to calm you. It is like there is no taste. All that is left in your mouth is a sourness since she left you.
The woman who haunts your dreams isn't yours anymore. These stupid parties are an additional reminder of that. It is bad enough you have to see them every day around the compound together.
You can't even look him in the eye. Your mind is filled with thoughts you shouldn't have about her anymore.
It's not your fault you know what she looks like under that dress. The intoxicating sounds she makes when you press all the right buttons. How sweet she tastes. Everything is dull in comparison.
You miss being able to steal that nectar from her lips at random times of the day. It has changed your pallet forever. Nothing will ever compare, no matter how hard you try to replace it.
The weight on your chest, that was supposed to get lighter with time, just gets heavier. Guilt always lingering in the back of your mind.
A sarcastic voice pulls you out before you can spiral any further, "And here I thought you would be pouting." Natasha. Always there to make you realise how childish you are behaving.
Natasha was the biggest advocate for you and Wanda. She still hopes one day you will reconcile, even with that walking toaster in the way.
You clench your jaw, a probable gloomy look resting on your face as you let out a sigh and look down at the glass leaving your hands damp with condensation.
"Please don't, Nat," you try to push her away. Knowing your friend though, this was long from over.
"What? I just came over to see if you wanted to dance," she says casually but you know there is a reason for it.
Your eyes fall to the dance floor. Wanda's arms are wrapped around the wrong person. She looks happy, a slight blush on her cheeks that makes her look youthful. You can't help but feel jealous. She used to look at you like that.
The weight on your chest grows heavier. You knew you wouldn't make it through tonight. It's why you didn't want to come but 'appearances need to be upheld'. Who are you to not meet Tony's demands? He has given you a place to live after all.
"No." It comes out a little more aggressively than you want it to but you know Nat won't take it personally.
"Ouch," she feigns hurt, "Is this how you treat a lady that wants you?"
A scoff leaves your lips and you smile a little at the joke, deciding to reciprocate, "I'll let you know when a lady approaches me," you smirk.
Natasha chuckles, glad for the win to get you out of your head, even if it is just for a second.
"You know how Steve feels about gum at these functions," she says, extending her arm, a napkin resting in the palm of her hand for you to spit out the flavorless substance into.
As Natasha scrunches the paper into a ball leaving it on the bar top you explain, "It distracts me from wanting to put a 'death stick' in my mouth."
"Well, I could always distract you if that's what you wanted," she flirts with an eyebrow raised.
You shake your head at her antics. A small smile is on your face as you look down into your drink. There are darker shade spots on your pants from where droplets of water have rolled off your glass.
Natasha takes the tumbler from your hand and places it next to the discarded napkin. She then pulls you from your seat, "Come on. Dance with me."
You let her guide you, keeping your eyes to the ground so you don't see the green ones you used to wake up to.
When you make it to the crowded floor Natasha places your hand on her waist, the other one following shortly after as she wraps hers behind you, drawing you in and resting her head against your chest.
It's a slow song so Natasha stays close to you, unbeknownst to you she is keeping an eye out for Wanda.
Getting bored of looking at the ground you close your eyes and take in the warmth that Natasha provides with her closeness. The comforting press of her chest against you, her shampoo invading your nostrils, soothing as you sway lightly to the soft music. You were never good at dancing but this, you could do.
It must be a few songs later because the people who surround you are different to those who were there when you first arrived.
There is a misstep on your part and you bump into someone, an automatic 'sorry' falls from your lips before you see who it is.
"It's okay," Wanda smiles at you and you almost forget how to breathe. You shouldn't be here. You have been doing so well breaking old habits.
Natasha links her arm in yours standing next to you as you avert your eyes, clearing your throat. You can't look at either of them, especially the android. The bitter taste you are so familiar with makes itself known at the back of your throat.
Vision and Wanda exchange a few words of greeting with you and Nat before Vision looks in the distance. He then excuses himself saying Tony was calling him over.
The habit of you trying to stop clenching your teeth is really being tested right now, you can't help yourself so you give in to the action. Especially when Natasha decides to play wingwoman, excusing herself next and telling you to dance with Wanda now that you were both alone.
This is not what you needed. All your hard work is about to come crumbling down and you know it.
Natasha often talks about how good you are for one another and how she wants to see the two of you flourish once more.
If only she knew.
All you want to do is run away. Get as far away from Wanda as possible but old habits die hard. The smell of her perfume and inviting smile doing nothing to help your resolve.
Wanda takes her position, arms around your neck. Your hands rest on her waist keeping her at, a literal, arms length away. You fall into step with the music, this is all a familiar well rehearsed dance between you two.
She tries to hold your eye contact but you look behind her, "I saw you by the bar, but you don't smell like your usual order," Wanda analyses. "You stopped smoking too?" She adds inquisitively. Your reply comes as a slow nod, still looking at a random spot in the distance behind the band not wanting to get hooked by her gaze.
"You're doing better than you ever did when we were together, malysh," your jaw clenches hard. Whether it is because of accusation or the pet name, you are not sure.
Wanda can feel how tense you are. Your shoulders are practically up to your ears so she strokes the back of your hair, fingernails lightly scratching the sensitive area.
"Just relax," she whispers, making you exhale slowly. Her actions and warm breath fanning over your face makes you do just that, your eyelids falling slowly, shoulders dropping evidently, "That's it baby, it's just you and me."
She pulls you closer so she can whisper directly in your ear. Her words calm you down unlike any drink or narcotic you've consumed before.
Her voice is soothing, so much so that you are under her spell once more. She has never needed to use her powers to have you under her control. You were always weak whenever it came to Wanda. "Let's get out of here," your head bobs up and down, slowly agreeing to her command. You allow yourself to get pulled along by her, out on to a private balcony.
It is like you are on autopilot, turning into the character she likes you to be. You just want to make her happy after all.
Wanda rounds a corner where you both know nobody inside will be able to see the two of you. Facing you she walks backwards, holding onto your jacket. She leans against the wall pulling you closer. One of your hands holds your weight beside her head as the other goes to squeeze her waist.
Wanda pulls you by your collar to close the distance. Your lips were always much better at dancing, especially against hers.
It wasn't always like this. You were heartbroken when she left you, you still are heartbroken, and you know it's wrong because she is with Vision now. But you still crave her. She is an addiction you cannot break. So you will take whatever she gives you - the best and worst kind of torture.
Heat travels up your neck, filling your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Your senses are overtaken by Wanda. Her sweet taste invades your mouth, her nails scratching your scalp as she holds onto you tighter when the kiss gets rougher.
You press your body against her tightly, your hands finding the bottom of her dress pulling it up. Her heavy breathing is interrupted by a gasp as the cool air hits her warm skin. You take this as the perfect moment to move your kisses to her neck and lift her so her legs are wrapped around you. That is when Wanda feels the bulge in your pants.
"I hope you weren't thinking of anyone else but me, malysh," she says between breaths.
There is an innocent pout on her face when you look at her and mindlessly reply, "Only you."
Your lips land on Wanda's as she tries to rub herself against you but you hold her still, pressing her against the wall even more, making her grunt in frustration when she can feel the hardness pressing into her. "I need more," she exasperates.
You roll your hips with hers, giving her the smallest bit of satisfaction for a moment, making her moan loudly. "Please sweetheart. I need you, you know what I like," she holds your jaw roughly, nails digging into your skin. "No one can fuck me like you do."
Her words almost make you lose all of the self control you still have left, but you come to your senses when a cold gust of wind hits you, making you remember where you are. "Not here," you whisper. You then leave a trail of kisses along her jaw finishing with a peck on her lips.
You let her down and keep out of sight as you walk hastily to get to your room. Wanda smirks, biting her lip when you make it to the elevator. She pushes you against the far wall then attacks your lips and neck. Unbuttoning your shirt to leave a mark or two on your collar bone. You don't get the same privilege.
No one can know.
When you finally make it to your floor, you enter your room only wanting to make Wanda feel good. The little voice in the back of your mind reminding you she is no longer yours is forgotten as your rendezvous continues.
Wanda sleeps against you. The sound of her light breathing filling the air.
Her warmth and having her tangled in your sheets comes at the cost of your sanity. To you it is but a small price to pay.
No one knows about this and it has to stay that way.
You can't even tell Nat. She understands why Wanda initially broke up with you but now that you were doing better she has hoped you would have reconciled if not for Vision.
You try to take in the peace of the night. You try not to think about the guilt that lingers after you fall into bed with each other. You try not to think about the fact that Wanda will have already disappeared by the time you wake up in the morning. You try not to think about the rehearsed repeated lie you tell Nat when she asks where you disappeared to before the night ended.
The woman in your arms will always be the love of your life. She will always take advantage of you because she knows she can and you will do whatever you can to get whatever crumbs she will give you.
Falling to sleep always came easier when she was in your arms. You stir awake when you can no longer feel the comfortable weight on your chest.
Lifting your head, you are confused when you see her almost out of bed, "Wanda?" You ask groggily, reaching for her wrist.
There is no reply but your mind catches up, it is the time of the night where she leaves you for the arms of another. You let out a sigh and drop your head into the plush pillow whispering, "Stay."
"Go back to sleep, Y/n," Wanda lays next to you, stroking your hair. "You know I have to go."
"Please stay," your voice is barely audible because of the tight knot that has presented itself in your throat.
You don't mean to sound so desperate but you are tired and far too broken to pretend that you are okay.
Wanda wraps her arms around you as she continues to stroke your hair. She shushes you and whispers sweet words in your ear as your face presses against her bare chest.
It doesn't take long for you to fall into the depths of slumber once more.
The next time you wake up, Wanda is gone. The once warm sheets are now cold, holding another secret which costs you a piece of yourself.
The bitter taste has returned to your mouth once more as you get up to start your day.
It is long before most people will be getting up considering the party the night before. You pick out a loose t-shirt and some sweats so you can take advantage of the empty kitchen before anyone else gets up.
You start up the coffee machine and wait for it to heat, trying to find peace in this quiet morning. Just like all good things, it comes to an end, "Morning stranger," you hear the husky voice of your friend.
You try not to roll your eyes, knowing she would have some way of knowing even without seeing your face, "Looks like someone had some fun," Natasha says pointing out the marks on your neck. "What was her name?"
After you pour two mugs of the hot beverage you turn to face her with a tight-lipped smile, "Distraction," taking a small sip after.
The coffee is not strong enough to cover the distaste in your mouth.
"Okay, fine. Don't tell me," she says as she gets closer. "But I am glad you had some fun," Natasha says, rounding the island to pick up the mug you left for her.
You raise an eyebrow, "Don't I always?" Which Natasha scoffs at. "If you don't mind, I'm going to finish this in my room before our training."
As you walk back you hear a door open and close, figuring it will be Steve, you don't look up until you recognise the two voices.
You divert your attention from Vision as soon as you make contact with his synthetic blue eyes, your sluggish steps never stopping. The guilt creeps up the back of your throat, so you do your best to clear it.
Vision greets you first, "Good morning, agent Y/l/n." Who is followed by Wanda giving you a sweet smile, "Morning Y/n."
"Morning," you manage to get out as you brush past them. You make it to your room and swiftly close the door behind you.
Placing your coffee down on your desk, you lean over it taking a deep breath. Hot tears threaten to fall but you try with everything you have to push them down and control your breathing.
The lies are easy, you have always been good at telling them - when the drinking became too much and you were out getting whatever you could get your hands on to dull the ache that comes with being an Avenger, the lies would easily spill from your lips. It's keeping up the act that is the difficult part.
You know you shouldn't but you think about the inevitable; falling back into bed with Wanda again. You could call it an obsession at this point.
You just wish you were stronger, to be able to stay away from her but you know it is impossible. Because you are an addict and you will indulge for as long as she will let you.
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yaboirezzy · 2 months
Any of you ever find a new thing you're interested in and you want to know and see more of it, only to find out that thing has been dead or gone for a while and the person/people behind it did something awful or got in some bad controversy?
Cause I have and it's with this:
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So I was rewatching some old/classic web animations (mostly Eddsworld, SMB Z, and archived newgrounds animations) and I saw this in one of the playlist that has a bunch of those animations. I only watched it because it was next in the queue but after a couple of minutes I was kinda hooked on it and kept on watching, after a while I decided to watch it till the end, and well...I was really interested.
Sure it was REALLY dated with how it looks and feels, plus the characters and the concept or setting are really standard and could use some improvements, but I thought to myself while searching for more stuff about this series: "Eh, it's part of the charm with these old web animations. Also this was just the pilot episode so surely there's more to come, surely it'll get better from here, surely this'll be a good or at least fine series that'll have some charm and laughs with absolutely nothing bad happening to-" yeah that didn't happen and I wished it did instead of what actually happened.
Yeah so going over every unfortunate thing that happened would take like forever (I think based on what other people have said) so I'll just give you a short summary of what happened: The creator (animated james) canceled the series after two short seasons, he was exposed to have some questionable actions and/or interest which of course led to controversy, and he disappeared from the internet (wherever he is I hope he's doing well). Yup it's another "a classic content creator's downfall" situation...
Okay but you might be thinking to yourself: "What about the series itself and it's two short seasons? Is it any good, is it another case of separating the art from the artist, did it at least leave a bittersweet taste behind?" well....no. Yeah I'm very sorry to any C Students fans out there, I understand if you like this series and think it's really great or an underappreciated gem from the past, I get that and I respect it, but C Students is just really meh to me.
"Well what is C Students?" you might ask, well according to the wiki: C Students is animated web series centered upon a group of teenagers and their life and misadventures in Hartlane High School. Yup, that's all it is from the wiki, and it's actually fitting because that's is ALL this series is about, it's literally just another "teen high school - slice of life & comedy" series kinda like the ones you would find on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel back in the 2000s, except this time it's animated...which isn't really giving it much, like aside from the expressions, some of the movements, and a few things here and there you can have this series in live action instead and it would not be any different.
The characters don't improve or change even slightly from their basic one-note roles/stereotypes in the pilot, similarly the misadventures and situations they go on or find themselves in aren't that interesting or different compared to those from any other series in the genre, and the humor is...the same as those from any other series of this kind, not to say that it's all bad but it's definitely got a lot more misses than it does hits as the later episodes go on, hell even the mature jokes have all aged in varying conditions (both generally and based on the controversy). Speaking of which, that's kind of the overall problem I have with C Students: It clearly looks and feels like a comedic slice of life high school series, but it also tries to be serious and act like it has something important to tell, and it's obvious that it doesn't mix together or handled well. Like for example there's the music video "Creative Types" which is great to watch and listen on it's own, but when put alongside the actual episodes it feels out of place and doesn't feel like it's from the same series at all, which it is even if it's not canon to the main series' timeline. So TLDR: It peaked at the pilot and it slowly and sadly went downhill
However the thing that upsets me more than anything else about this series is...It could be good! It could've been better! I wish it could've been better! I wish it could've entertained us with something different or interesting to it's concept or genre in the same way as The Looney Tunes Show does to suburban sitcom, I wish it could've mixed/handled/balanced the more serious and mature stuff better like Smiling Friends, I wish it could've had some nice charm and laughs to it at least.
Which is why I'm planning on making my own take/version of C Students! Yes I know it's another one to add to my pile of "stuff I've planned out but never actually making", but that's the thing with me unfortunately: I'm good at planning or making ideas and not so much on actually making them come to life, I'm just one person and the idea of making a long running thing on your own without any help whatsoever is terrifying, I'm the one with the blueprints and I need other people to actually construct the thing. But anyways yeah, that was my personal thoughts on C Students (If you don't like or disagree with it then feel free to do so as it is MY opinion and you shouldn't feel obliged to agree with it) I'm PROBABLY gonna make my own take on this series sometime soon, hopefully we'll see how that turns out
EDIT: So I found out that the seasons I watched was a fan-continuation of the series not by the OG creator, but all my points still stand as it would've been more or less the same as canon (according to the creator and people in the comments)
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yandere-wishes · 11 months
I wrote hcs for him years ago but i'll paraphrase some points from there:
Fives is a (mostly) harmless yandere who just really wants to please you! When he falls, he falls fast and deep. Once he decides he likes you and you're going to be his cyare (what I like to call a clone's darling), he's latched onto you and he will never leave. No matter how much you try to leave him, he will find you. Where there's a will, there's a way. Romantic.
"Where are you going? I'll come with you!"
Echo's a little jealous now that all of Fives' attention is focused on you but he's happy Fives has found his cyare.
As soft as he is for you, it doesn't mean he won't get violent. But not to you, never you! Compared to his brothers, Fives is calmer and prefers nonviolent means to get rid of anyone he perceives as competition but as soon as anyone makes you upset is having an unfortunate encounter staring down the end of his blaster barrel (away from you ofc).
Oh, and don't think you can come to the Jedi or other clones for help. Most of the Jedi are enabling and the clones work together and help each other out with their cyares. You're stuck with him <3
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Fives is literally the LOVE OF MY LIFE!! I have been obsessed with him since episode 5 and am so happy to learn that he and Echo will be getting more screen time!!
You're 100% right, when Fives falls HE FALLS HARD. Poor baby can't get you out of his mind, constantly thinking about how soft your skin feels when you accidentally brushed past him in the halls. How sweet your laughter is when you giggle at a joke. How delicious your lips would taste when you grace him with kisses. How melodious your voice would sound uttering his name. You're just so dreamy and he's desperate to have you. I think the first thing he'd do when he realizes he can't get you out of his head is go to either Rex or Cody (Or maybe Anakin) to ask for advice. Obviously his older brothers (and general) wouldn't mind giving him some guidance. Tips on how to win her over. Ballpark estimates of what girls like (following the ever-basic "buy her flowers, girls love that stuff"). The most effective way of killing off anyone who gets too close to her without her tracing it back to you. Where the Chloroform is kept (You can't just hit your cyare in the back of the head with a blaster, it's just not right vod) They're all so helpful. Fives definitely takes their advice, although admittedly he'd be happier if you fell in love with him on your own accord. He'd feel kinda bad about kidnapping you.
Now Fives is definitely the clingy type. Trailing after you like a lost puppy, he's actually kinda excited when you leave the Jedi temple cause that means the two of you can go outside together. He's got no sense of personal space, constantly holding your hand or having an arm around your waste.
"Hold on mesh'la! Why are you walking so fast? It almost looks like you're trying to get away from me."
Tup and Echo are a little annoyed with how much of their vod's time you occupy. And how he's always talking about you. Still, they're happy for him and they'll do anything to make sure you stay with Fives. Despite their jealousy, they do try to be good wingmen. Even if that means stalking you through the streets of Coruscant. And forcefully dragging you back into Fives loving arms.
I agree!! He's totally super protective of his cyare!! Making sure that anyone who hurts you (physically or emotionally) is dealt with rapidly. He also likes to eliminate competition before it fully arises. Oh, someone looked at you from across the dance floor. Their corpse will be found the next morning in the trashcan. Did some guy ask for your number? Well, they had to take a quick "trip" to the "outer rim", so you won't be hearing from them for a while. After some time I feel like his darling would just give up and accept that they can't leave him. He's a great lover and he's so cute, I can't help but imagine that reader slowly starts to fall (very hard) for Fives too!!
The Jedi totally encourage this behavior. The poor clone troopers need love too! Anakin is super proud of Fives for picking such a sweet girl and if you ever go to him for help trying to escape your new lover. Then Anakin would harshly chaste you and drag you back to Fives personally. Ashoka would just start listing off reasons why Fives is the best lover for you. And Obi-Wan would hear nothing of it, Fives has gone to so much trouble for you at least try to show some gratitude!
I like to think that clones don't go after each other's lovers and are super respectful to one another. Push comes to shove, some clones just end up sharing a lover. What I wouldn't give to be shared between my favorite clones~💜
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brekkie-e · 11 months
I’ve seen some Reddit posts and articles thrown around talking about how Jaheira and Minsc shouldn’t have been resurrected for BG3 because it’s impossible to do legacy characters like that justice. And honestly, I really disagree. Talking with Minsc was a surprisingly refreshing aspect to the game for me, personally? It made me appreciate him in a different way, and I thought the relationship strife they explore between the two of them was interesting. It was one of the only areas of the game that explored inter- party dynamics. Jaheira’s guilt and constant fear that she’s never doing enough was so compelling to me. Getting to explore her home and see the dynamic with her kids was a nice break from all the horny nonsense going on with the origin companions.
I also thought that it was so interesting getting to see a city Druid? A good contrast to the cloistered life of the druids in the grove. She may have left the wilds behind, but she uses her skills for good in a way that the druids of the circle can’t compare to. Plus! Discussing the fact that there are many spellls in DnD that can extend people’s lives was a good drop of lore! And I appreciated they explored the classic “woman is afraid of aging” trope but from a new angle? She’s so devoted to her work and her duty that she’s afraid of aging out of being able to do what needs to be done. She can’t let go of that control, and it even affects her personal life. Her relationships with her children have suffered because of these choices. If she let’s go of that burden because she’s found Tav, and realizes that someone else will rise up to take her place- she can finally be free to put down her blade and live the life of peace she’s earned with her family.
I didn’t romance Jaheira, cause honestly it always felt odd to me that it was even an option given her BG1 plotline, so I don’t feel like it ruined my Bhaalspawn’s narrative that she’s back in the hero business without them. That being said, I can understand why that might have really put a bad taste in certain player’s mouths if she was their love interest.
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raging-violets · 10 months
Fifteen years // Suite Life Series
Summary - November 16 2023. Cody waited fifteen years for this day.
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“And we still can’t eat at one of the 8000 Italian restaurants we’ve passed because?” Zack droned, strolling at a leisurely pace compared to Cody’s practical sprint across the cobblestone lined streets of Rome.
For a 31-year-old man who still didn’t work out much more than his yoga stretching allowed, Cody was making ground. What was even more miraculous was that Cody was able to convince Zack to go to Italy with him simply to eat in the restaurant.
Then again, it didn’t take much for Zack to be convinced to do anything Cody asked him to do when money was involved. With Cody moving forward in his career in politics science and Zack enjoying his own lot in life running and owning his own construction company, Cody did sometimes still feel a need to protect Zack from the world. And when Cody said he had the two-person reservation to take Zack on—which surprised Zack as it seemed like something his brother would want to turn into a romantic dinner sort of thing—and would also pay for his tickets because “you owe me” from the last time they were there.
Zack had simply laughed and agreed to the deal before reminding Cody that he could afford everything himself, but it was, “Too late to take it back. And, by the way, I want a first class ticket. My damaged body needs to stretch out.”
“You’re brain damaged, but okay,” Cody replied begrudgingly.
And it wasn’t like things had been bad between them, sure, they got on each other’s nerves since they were born. But having gone into separate careers there weren’t many times Zack and Cody were able to spend a lot of time together so they opted to make it a brother trip, culminating the end of the week in Rome at the restaurant.
And while it had been a good trip, it was clear Cody’s eyes were on the prize.
He pumped his arms in a steady fashion, eyes planted firmly on the line that stretched in front of him. The line he couldn’t wait to stand in. To move forward in. To get inside the best restaurant he’d ever stepped foot in fifteen years before.
But this time, oh this time…
This time he was going to taste it.
He was going to taste the food he’d only dreamed about for as long as he could remember. Where he would finally understand what everyone meant when they said the food was worth it. Not like I don’t already know, Cody’s smile waned slightly as he eyed his brother, who moved to stand in line behind him. I had to watch and listen to Zack talk about this food so long and now it’s my turn.
Cody’s grin was infectious.
Enough so that Zack side-eyed him, leaning away. “Dude, I think you’re taking this a little too seriously. I mean, it’s just foo-“
“—Don’t you finish that sentence!” Cody snapped. He moved along with the line as it went forward. It was moving pretty quickly. A good sign the restaurant was still in good standing, able to get people in and out in an orderly manner. “I’m getting that Manicotti whether you want it or not.”
Zack held up his hands. “I’m just saying…give me a choice between manicotti and cowboy-ghetti and I’m picking the cowboys.”
Cody turned to Zack, holding up his hands as if to strangle his brother, gritting his teeth. But stopped when the line moved forward enough so that they were right up at the front. There was a young man standing behind the host podium holding onto a tablet. He briefly glanced up at Zack and Cody when they arrived before posing his finger over the screen.
“Order number?” He asked.
“Oh…” Cody waved a hand, his lips curling into an almost smug smile. “I have a reservation. Right here!” He pulled out his phone and illuminated the screen. He pointed to the date and time on screen. “See, November 16, 2023. 7:30pm!” He slapped it onto the table in front of him. “So…show us our table my good man.” He patted the man on the shoulder.
The man continued to stare at him. “You don’t have a reservation.” He finally said after a moment, as if silently questioning if Cody were serious.
“I assure you, I do.”
The man took in a breath through his nose. The breath that anyone who worked in customer service would recognize. The breath of ‘This isn’t going to end well’ before he said gently yet firmly, “I assure you, you don’t.”
“Bummer.” Zack arched his back, stretching. “I could really go for a pizza cone…” He trailed off, eyeing his brother when Cody turned a fierce glare his way.
“I’ve been waiting to eat this food for fifteen years, and I’m not going to miss it!” Cody growled through gritted teeth.
Zack waved his hand in front of his face. “Okay, but you clearly missed brushing your teeth this morning.”
“What is going on here?”
Cody’s eyes lit up the moment he spotted Chef Gigi. She had grown older in the last fifteen years, streaks of silver at the temples of her hair, pulled back into a bun. Nevertheless, it was still her. She had the same no-nonsense expression he remembered from his youth. “Chef Gigi! You remember me?”
“Yes, I remember all of the ones that are desperate to get into my restaurant,” she replied. She turned up her nose, looking down at them. “And destroyed my star and my sauce with your…antics!” Her gaze shifted over them. “Why are you causing a line?”
“I-I-I-I’m here for my reservation,” Cody stuttered. He grasped the letter and thrust it towards Gigi. Zack continued to watch with only mild interest. “See? You gave it to me fifteen years ago.”
Gigi looked over the reservation, nodding to herself. “You’re right, I did give you that reservation fifteen years ago.” The smile on Cody’s face was bright enough to illuminate even the darkest cave. But it was then snuffed out when she continued with, “But with the COVID pandemic we were forced to shut down for a while. And despite the loss of our revenue, we found our customers were still coming back and we were making more money from our delivery options and had switched to that. Now you have to place your orders in advance or else you won’t even come close to tasting my food.”
Cody’s jaw dropped. He looked to Zack who scratched the back of his head, not looking too worse for the wear. Completely unbothered, actually. Completely unbothered that Cody’s heart had just been ripped out and stepped on. “B-b-b-but, okay…” He took a deep, calming breath. Yoga was really proving to be helpful in times like this. “We can place an order.”
“That’d be nice.” Gigi nodded.
“Can we place it now?”
“We’re booked up until 2038.” Gigi gestured towards the increasingly disgruntled people behind them. “See the line?” With that, she waved them off and disappeared back into the restaurant.
Cody’s jaw dropped. Eyes widened. Breath hitched. He’d cry if he was able to even muster up the tears. His entire body was frozen, stuck. Memories of that exact same conversation from fifteen years before swirling through his head. The excitement of getting that reminder email of the reservation he’d placed years before. The anticipation on tasting that tangy tomato sauce, the radiant ricotta, the creamy cheese of the--
“Mmm.” Zack’s humming broke Cody’s depression. He slid his hands into the pockets, barely glancing at the stunned expression on his twin’s face. “How do you feel about Mexican?” Cody slowly turned his incredulous glare to his brother. Zack shrugged. “I’m not really feeling Italian.”
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jinglyjangly · 5 months
Major spoilers
So shady sands got nuked by a random vault dweller because his wife took their kids, and he wanted his kids, and he was mad his wife found a settlement when vault tec was supposed to be the ones settling the surface…he was mad the ncr “did vault Tec’s job before they could” so he blew…the fucking ncr’s main settlement up
I wonder if it’s like “oh yeah he was a protag of his own mind pretty much” kind of jab but even then it leaves a bad taste in my mouth? Because it is insane video game writing and it’s definitely insane bethesda video game writing, but it fucks up a very integral part of two major games
And I hate how much like…yeah the BoS is back to being technocratic and more cult like in the show but it’s also still praised kind of? And the random, and I mean RANDOM, nonbinary BoS member that’s there for like, 20 minutes was just…a waste. A nonbinary person that really does nothing but just be there and hurt themselves to forward the narrative of the cis het protag. Honestly they’re there to piss of the conservative gamers but I’m not conservative and I’m pissed shady sands and the ncr got did dirty like that so in the end every fallout fan is mad
Like…the ncr went from a huge mega power that is basically a country, to being blown up by a dude? And they don’t mention the hoover dam and how maybe they were weakened from the legion/ncr conflict…which would’ve made it believable. Nada. They just say it this guy blew up shady sands so I guess it happened. It’s canon.
They just made the ncr seem so small after fnv made it feel so big and menacing in its own way with hundreds of named npcs with stories and it was so gooooood and they made it feel like a shitty dinky settlement comparable to fucking…like…diamond city
Idk it’s like 5am and the final episode just pissed me off. They should’ve just set it in New York or Florida and made up new factions instead of establishing canon endings to the most favored game in the series. Or they could’ve done a prequel to fo4 if they wanted it to tie in the games so bad.
The ghoul also has the best scenes and story but I’m…idk the drugs suppressing the “feral” disease is also a weird thing. It’s new to the tv series and what only in la? What’s it made of that no one else makes? And why the fuck did he have to eat someone. I liked the scene because it was kinda just neat to watch in a way… but it’s like “oh he’s a ghoul so he eats people whoOoOo” They never really…explain…if he like…needs meat or something and idk. I dunno. And cold fusion? Like what. Wha…uh. I fucking hate the idea of power being harnessed from tiny object. It’s just a lame McGuffin they can pass around. I would rather it be like…they’re fighting over a wind farm to harness power and they need like a scientist/engineer to fix it. Something that feels big and really.
Anyway, I’m fine with watching it until I think about it, and then I don’t like the plot. So it feels like fo4 all over again but I’m more mad because I feel like it ruined fnv’s ending. Which sucks. So personally I do not see the show as canon but as like, fan fiction to like…maybe a independent/house/legion ending for fnv when the ncr is super week and some guy just bombs it…because he’s mad at his wife.
Big ooof, a 8/10 until episode 8 and then it’s a fat 2/10…one star for goggins making another badass ghoul in the series and one for the dog
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
I just read a bunch of Owl House Criticism and have to say… a lot does make sense. I still rate the show very high and honestly I blame the pacing for a lot of the issues we DO have with the show. I also think people are taking this way more seriously then they should and some do the complaints feel nitpicky.
One thing a lot of people brought up is Luz’s character and how the first episode showed her casual dismissal of others and their safety occurs. Then there was a few comments on how Vee is right to call her out on running away and other things.
I don’t fully disagree. Luz fucked up big time her first episode where she brought live animals and fireworks to school. It’s just… no. I don’t deny people should have punished her for it. I vote that the Shakespeare play and the cheerleading thing aren’t worth punishment though. Because both are honestly just quirky kid things. She wanted to be cool so she did something she liked to try and impress others. They thought it was creepy and reacted to it. Good reasons for her to be kind of shoved aside by some people. The spiders and snakes though? Yikes.
But to just call her a bad character puts a nasty taste in my mouth because I think she is one that is a good character and whom I think would have been fun to explore. It’s just… she’s kind of a concept that was tried but fell flat.
I think the summer camp thing was handled badly and I would have liked to be explained why they never tried to talk to her about what a reasonable amount of creativity is in her school work. If it turns out they had attempted to do so multiple times but she never listened: the camp is probably a better idea then not. More so given her actions could have gotten her arrested. Honeslty leaning on that idea would have been interesting. Luz being told she had to go to camp or face probation or something would have been an interesting hook.
My friend said she felt therapy would have been better and yeah that’s a good point: but what if they did try and it didn’t work? What if they felt a camp was less expensive ? (Which it probably was.)
I would have liked more evidence that Luz was an outcast. I saw a lot of criticism on this because if you just look at the show face value: Luz does seem like she’s whining about a lot of stuff. Her mom turned out to be like her and only wanted her to not get bullied as Camila did in school. She could have made friends at camp. There’s just so much there that does make Luz seem like a bad person for being upset. And honestly it would be interesting to explore that to, to really pick apart the dramatic ‘me against the world’ mindset of teenagers who see themselves as outcasts. But the show is supposed to be about weirdos and found family.
So: I would actually nix Camila being a nerd. Manny was the nerdy one who loved fantasy, encouraging it in Luz. I would have had him be the one who was more open about Luz’s everything while Camila was more wary and put off. Sure, she could still laugh at the snake skin incident, but I would want her to be less accepting of the other stuff. I said that the first episode reminded me of my mom when I got my diagnosis of autism and she didn’t understand it. I would want to lean in.
Manny and Luz should have been canonly neurodivergent. Camila is neurotypical and she constantly compared her two family members because Manny could mask very well. Luz couldn’t. But I would have Camila struggle to understand that her daughter’s own brand of autism/ADHD is vastly different then her husband’s because it’s so common. I can’t tell you how many time people are like: oh you’re lying about being this cause you don’t act like BLANK.
Camila and Luz then have a conflict which makes it more understandable why Luz is willing to lie to her mother about not being at camp. Because Camila is set up to not understand Luz and possibly she would be pushing her daughter to act ‘normal’ because she doesn’t understand. Again this is inspired by my mom. I have vivid memories of her worrying about appearances and how others think of us, with her pushing me towards things I didn’t like. Some of it was out of concern for me, but there was a huge lack of understanding that drove a wedge between us for a while.
I would then have the idea that Luz is bullied be obvious. Luz would reference it or recall incidents. And I would have them be unpleasent. Being ditched by so called ‘friends’, name calling and mocking. Maybe having her things stolen or random crap dumped in her locker. I would have her be the outcast from the start. I would also address her being a POC person in a small town. Luz could have met Masha or the other two kids: I want a reason why she didn’t connect.
I grew up with almost no friends but people generally didn’t hate me. I got bullied a bit but most of the time I was ignored and happy about it. When I was a kid I was very particular and drove people off due to this. When I made friends I was with other weirdos: some of whom were alone because they were just… I can only call them very weird and slightly disturbing. One of whom was a girl who’d flip on a dime if she liked you or not.
Masha in canon is goth and is there to be the ‘cool goth kid’. I would have had them be dismissive of Liz’s fondness for the Azura series and possibly the type to mock her for liking a ‘gushy girly book’ because take it from this enby: a lot of us go through the phase of shunning anything feminine and romantic to be ‘cool’. I would have a reason why two people who could have totally been friends weren’t.
Luz would be an outcast among outcasts. Just that shade of different.
I want her to have suffered in school. I want her to have to explain that it’s true no one understood her. I want her to be able to look Vee in the face to go: you know nothing. Because Vee only sees a surface and not the full sum of it. Vee who isn’t into Azura and thus gets Masha being: oh you matured cool. I want to hang now. Who goes to Camila who is thankful her baby seems able to mask now.
I want Camila to be able to mistake Vee for her own kid because ‘oh god yes she’s finally normal’. And I want Luz to point this out. I want Luz to point out to Vee the other kids said camp was prison. And that ‘you might have liked it for some reason but can you say I would have? Masha thinks I’m a freak for liking Azura. They told me I was a loser for it.’
I want there to have been a damn good reason more then we got for WHY Luz stayed in the isles.
Not to say I don’t want Luz to feel bad about lying or anything. I just want the whole outcast thing to be more apparent. Luz feeling awful about lying and about resenting her mom who does love her versus the fact she never felt safe in the human realm is an idea worth exploring!!
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xxktnexx · 4 months
Last Kill Do Us Part
Previews Chapter
Warnings : Unprotected sex, Oral sex, Rough Sex, Cursing, Masturbation, etc.
Pairing : Chanyeol x F!Reader
Taking a bath as soon as I got home took longer than I expected. Usually I would just scrub away the evidence of my job, do some little stuff from this and that and then prepare myself to sleep.
But the adrenaline coursing through my veins was still as active as it can be.
I can’t seem to calm down.
Well, the pleasure Chanyeol granted me earlier had a big part of it.
Hence resulting me to be in my bathtub right now with a lukewarm water to relax and fingers inside my cunt and arousal in the air.
I didn’t really plan to masturbate. It was more of wanting to soak in a warm bath to relax my nerves but when I closed my eyes, I could see Chanyeol's face.
How his perfect build suits my taste. How his eyes darkened with lust. How he smirks in satisfaction. How he kissed me. And how he fingered me to oblivion.
My hand travels from my neck to my breast. Giving it a gentle squeeze, remembering how Chanyeol’s hand fit them well enough. I wasn’t a big-racked girl but I’m most definitely not flat chested. I was in the middle. Well-sized enough to trigger indecent thoughts to anyone.
I played with my hardening nipples, visualising how he usually does it. Pinching it hard enough before flicking it and mostly rolling it with my finger.
My other hand caresses my stomach sensually. Rubbing it slowly as it snaked down south into my core. I rub my clit and moan with delight.
Imagining that it was his fingers doing such actions to my private part. I didn’t hesitate to sink two fingers in, I was that turned on with the thoughts of him.
My fingers can never compare to his. Those big, long and callus fingers only suit him best. But imagination can work wonders. My vision of him was so vivid that it didn’t take long for me to cum.
I was panting when I came down from my high, yet I stayed in the tub for a couple more minutes. I thought that was enough but it seems like my body isn’t agreeing with me. Looks like my insomnia is kicking real bad right now. Maybe I should pop one pill then just one more orgasm and I can finally sleep.
No, fingers aren’t enough this time. I need a much thicker and longer thing. I thought and stepped out from the tub.
If I can, I'd wanted the real thing but I don't want to call Chanyeol. I don't want to feed his ego by sounding needy and desperate. No, over my dead body.
I wiped myself and dried my hair with a blower. I grabbed some clothes in the closet which were a loose white tee and undies. Some other times I liked sleeping completely naked but usually sleep with just these two. 
After putting on some serum and some other nightly routine, I grab a glass of water and my sleeping pills before going to bed. I also took my prized-possession vibrating dildo that I have been using for as long as I can remember.
I took a pill and flushed it down with water. I layed down on the bed and started to spread my legs open to pleasure myself. I took my pleasure stick, lubed the tip just enough to wet it and glide it gently over my clitoris.
At first I choose to watch porn to get in the mood but it just feels off. The way the actors and actresses do it looks so fake to me. I can read their movements all the time. How they exaggerate all the whining, the moaning and all shaking. I can even tell when she fakes a climax. Or how they already have to proceed to sex even if the guy wasn’t as aroused as he should be. The not so hard cock he’s sporting is just one of the bases that gives it away.
Anyway, it looks like I’m back to my usual back up plan again.
I exited the porn site I was scrolling on and went to the secured drive I have been using personally. I opened the folder with its security pin and was greeted by pictures and video that I would never let anyone see. Most pictures and videos were mine. Just pretty selfies or sceneries I wanted to keep.
There's one more folder inside and when I opened it, two files popped up.
It was one picture and a video of Chanyeol that he sent me before, and I would rather gulp down thousand blades, skin myself alive and maybe kill myself after than to let him know that I kept it.
Saving it was never the plan actually, it was just on impulse but I can’t seem to delete it. Don’t ask me why, I have no answer for that.
I clicked the picture first. It was a mirror shot of him in the gym. Topless and flaunting his well defined abs in all its glory. I unconsciously bit my lower lip. The sight of him made me wet almost immediately. 
I swipe to the side to watch the video now. At first it was all just a cam-shuffle with him settling on his bed. With all honesty I thought he was just sending a video to annoy me when I first saw it a year ago. But my eyes went wide when a different kind of teasing was sent my way.
The cam flips to the back cam and focuses on his already hard dick. It was so rock hard that it was standing on its own, veins almost visible and leaking precum.
He enclosed his hand around the base and started to pump slowly. I too gently run the dildo over my folds, coating it with my slick before slowly pushing it inside. Slowly matching the pace of Chanyeol’s pump on his rod.
“Hah, hah.” Chanyeol was panting in the video. His abdomen rises and falls to take as much air as he needed.
“Fuck y/n… You’re making me so hard.”
His husky voice is making me delirious. I pushed my sex toy inside me faster and harder now as Chanyeol increased his speed. Imagining that it was his thing wrecking me real good.
“Shit, I… can vividly… imagine you bouncing… on my cock.” He admitted between breaths.
And I can imagine his fat cock roughly entering me right now. I was breathing heavily
“I’m so close, baby. I’m cumming.” Voice straining from his effort.
I switch the vibrator on at the same time Chanyeol roughly jerks his dick. His hips failed to keep still and thrust itself on his hand.
While my pussy squeezed tighter on the sex toy as I pictured out that it was my gummy-hole that’s making him feel good.
With a couple more thrust, his hips stutter and strings of white shot out of his tip. 
“Oh my God y/n.” He was groaning and panting. Uttering my name like a mantra.
The mere idea that it was me he’s imagining, not to mention the sound he’s making and sight of his huge dick pushed me off the edge. I felt myself climaxing, “Holy fuck.” I gasp out. Back arching off the matress with legs trembling from satisfaction.
The item continued vibrating guiding me through my orgasm. And after a couple more seconds, I switch it off and slide the long and thick, well not as much as Yeol’s, plastic item out of my drench vagina. Slightly moaning cause of how sensitive I've become.
I can hear Chanyeol still panting in the video and I was too, our sounds synching like we really are together at the moment.
“Haaaaah. Hahaha.” He sighs and then laughs. “Hope you enjoyed that. Hmm nah, I know you enjoy that.” He stated in the video chuckling.
I rolled my eyes like he was really here.
To be completely honest, I wanted to avoid using his video as much as possible because I don’t want to create any kind of feeling that may bloom no matter how small and in what form it is.
But considering all we’ve been doing for years now, it’s too late. Connection was already there whether I like it or not.
It's just that I’m not sure what form it has become.
Hopefully, something that wouldn’t be a burden to me.
I exited the media and out of my safe drive. I turned my phone off before lazily grabbing the tissue on my nightstand without even standing up.
I wiped myself clean and the dildo before tossing the tissue in the bin and the dildo in the drawer. I'll just wash it tomorrow.
I put on my underwear and cover myself with the comforter. My eyes were turning heavy from sleepiness, it looks like my activity and the meds are finally kicking in.
Thank God. I can finally rest.
One last yawn and I was off to sleep before I could notice it.
“Hmm… Ah.”
Who's that?
My consciousness was stirring from the sound.
“Ah…” The moan came again and now accompanied by heavy panting.
“God, you look so tasty.”  
A deep low voice mumbled in admiration.
Someone is in my room!
I force myself out of slumber. Fighting the sleepiness that wanted my eyes to stay close.
The first thing I saw was my right leg arch up in the air with my underwear still dangling on it.
What the actu— “Ahh…”
The sudden pleasure between my legs interrupted my line of thought. I looked down only to see Chanyeol, mouth attached on my private part, making out with it slowly.
My hand, which was already holding his soft locks, grip tighter. Earning me a soft groan from him.
The sound and vibration sent a pleasant tingle to my spine making another moan escape my lips.
It was me. It was me moaning all along.
“You’re up.” He mumbled, lips still ghosting over my sensitive lower lips.
“What are… you doing… here?” I asked in between breaths as he continued making out with my private area. “When… did you… come?”
He didn’t answer back with words but with another set of sucking and licking.
“Oh My God.” My eyes rolled up when he flatten his tongue around my entrance and lap at it like a dog.
My pants turn rug, hand tightly pulling on his hair, thighs locking his head in place. I rock my hips forward, towards his open mouth. The slurping sound it’s making is telling me how much of a mess I have become. And it's all because of Chanyeol.
One, two more grinding and I was about to reach climax. But my moans turn to frustrated growls when he snatches that peak away from me.
Chanyeol opened up my thighs for him to back away, grinning at me like a devil.
“You fucking bas–!!” I couldnt even finnish the string of curses I was about to say when he shove his whole length inside me. Sheathing it to hilt.
And I came from just that one powerful penetration. 
“Ahhh, that went in easily.” Chanyeol said, chuckling. “And you came immediately too.” 
This fucking sadist.
“God, loosen a little baby, you’re gonna make me come.” He runs a soothing touch over my thighs trying to calm me down.
I respond and just ignored him, instead I let my body savour everything that orgasm brought.
My stretched out shaking legs.
My rolled up eyes to the back of my head.
My stretch out and clenching pussy.
My trembling body. His touches can do everything but calm me down.
Chanyeol leaned down, face to face with me.
“Didn’t I tell you, I’ll see you later?”
“You did. I just didn’t think you’d really do it.”
I said as I slowly came down from high.
“I never make promises I can’t fulfil, sweetheart. Besides,” Chanyeol pulled out of me before slowly easing in again.
“-- it’s been months since I had a taste of you.”
He hums in bliss and does the action again and again.
“Nhg~~” I moaned.
“Hmm. Months since I heard your moans. Months since I saw you looking like this.” Chanyeol dive for my lips, still maintaining a steady thrust.
I chuckled, “Don’t tell me, you’re the one who’s sexually frustrated? Didn’t you find yourself someone to fuck there?”
Chanyeol was silent for a couple of seconds just kissing my neck, leaving love bites.
“Would you believe me if I said, I didn’t bother looking?” He stopped moving and looked at me dead in the eyes.
“Doubt it. Sure you got laid plenty enough.” I grind my hips to feel any friction but Chanyeol pinned my hips still. Groaning in either pleasure or darkness from me being hardheaded.
I voiced my frustration.
“Just keep moving big boy.”
“You’re such a brat aren’t you?”
I squeeze down harder on his member, showing how dissatisfied I am that he pauses his actions. This gain me a hiss from the man
“No, I’m not. I just know what I want.” I said.
He leans down, giving my lips a peck and then ghosted over them asking, “And what does my lady want?”
“Dick me good. I want it hard. I want to feel you cum inside me.”
He laughed. “That… I can gladly provide.”
Chanyeol braced both of his hands on either side of my head for support and pulled out of me only to thrust a powerful one back in.
“God!” That took me by surprise but hell I love it.
He continued these penetrating thrusts making my whole body rock with him. If not for his forearms barricading my shoulder, I would have climbed up to the headboard cuz of how hard he’s doing me.
I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him for a kiss which he let without hesitation. His kisses trail down to my chin, collar, down to the valley of my breast and finally to my perky nipples.
He wrapped one with his mouth while playing with the other.
After being satisfied with his work, he let out my nipple with a pop and went for the other once again. Leaving me raking and gripping his hair.
I can see my legs up in the air in this angle and the indecent sight of my swinging lingerie still wrapped on one of my legs was making me horny that I could probably admit.
Chanyeol’s speed changed once again.
He shoves a firm thrust inside and would continue pushing in with a grind. Making the head of his length kiss the entrance of my cervix.
It took my breath away.
Moans turning to screams. He had this on repeat for more than I could count and I swear I would cum if this goes on.
Thankfully, well not really, Chanyeol backed away from me and held both of my legs. He pushed my limbs up and apart. Spreading me wider, if that’s even possible.
He looked down where we connected and sighs in satisfaction.
“It's still a wonder, how such a small and tight hole takes me so well.” He said without looking up. Maybe he's talking to himself.
“Maybe because you're not as well endowed as you think.” I said.
Lies. We both know that would never be the case.
“Really?” His right brow arching up, taunting me to prove my claim. “Then I wonder what this is?”
Chanyeol started rocking his hips forward and backward.
Just about time.
His index finger tracing something on my lower abdomen. The throbbing of his cock showing how turned on he is than before.
I looked down to what had caught his attention and was greeted by the prominent bulge moving inside me. 
“Holy fuck!” My voice was breathy as I reflexively clenched down on him. The sight aroused me greatly.
He continued his quest for pleasure for more than a minute. Just punching thrust to where I wanted it badly.
Caressing my body sensually and leaving hot kisses while he’s at it.
“Come here baby.” He pulled me up and made me kneel facing him. His dick not slipping out even for a second. This one thing Chanyeol and I have in common. We like to play with different positions and explore each other’s kinks. 
The new angle had me shivering. Its penetration may not be as deep like before but the snugness it gives is marvellous. I can feel every throb his cock makes, every bump of its veins. Every small movement would not be missed.
Our height difference makes this position a little hard but we always learned to deal with it. Chanyeol took my arms and embraced it over his neck. His arms were snaked around my waist while he smooths a palm over my back. My breasts were pressed on his chest rather provocatively.
It was I who moved first. Rolling my hips in waves letting him slide in and out of me.
“Fuck…” Chanyeol’s breath fans on my face and I moaned in delight.
But my pace couldn't cope up with what we badly needed, so Chanyeol took over.
Using both of his hands, he grabbed a handful of flesh over my bottom and slammed me towards him.
“Ahhh! Ngh!” My back is arching and eyes closing from the delicious force.
The obscene clapping sound that our bodies were making was so loud that I’m sure my neighbours could hear it.
“Hah, hah, I’m coming Y/N.” He mutter between pants
“Don’t you dare leave me hanging. Make me come first, you idiot.” 
Well he never did that though. Ever.
“That goes without saying.” He said and pushed me down.
My back was on the mattress before I could comprehend what happened.
Chanyeol lifts my right leg over his shoulder while he straddles the other, my body tilting to the side. His hard shaft never leaves my pussy.
He always likes it that way.
He picked up where he left off and continued thrusting with full intent to make me climax first.
“Oh God Chanyeol! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I shriek
“Come baby. Come for me.” He said before biting pretty hard on my leg.
And that did it. My leg shook and toes curled from the orgasm as tears slipped out of my eyes. 
Chanyeol continued thrusting while hugging my extended leg that I feel like it’s going to snap in half if he won’t loosen up his embrace any sooner.
He slammed one last powerful thrust before coming to a stop as he let out a grunt.
Warm liquid filled my inside and I unconsciously sighed at how pleasant it felt.
Chanyeol let go of my leg and let it down.
He was breathing hard and so was I.
He didn’t pull out and just stayed in between my legs, head thrown back as he relished the feeling.
Me on the other hand drank the sight of him coming down from the high.
I rake my eyes from his stretch neck, broad shoulder, chest, well defined abs, down to his pelvis.
I bit on my lower lip, thinking how good his V line looks.
I looked back up to his face, trying not to get caught but was too late when I was met by his half lidded eyes and teasing smirk.
“It’s okay. You can keep going. I was enjoying the view too.” He said, raking his eyes over my body.
“Oh shut up. Just pull out already.” I said
Trying to push him away.
Chanyeol tilted his head sideways and looked at me in confusion.
“Pull out? Who told you we’re done?”
“What do you me–Ahh!” 
He started to move again.
“W-wait, wait. I just came. I'm still too sensitive.”
I was pushing his pelvis while trying to wriggle away from it. But he had me locked and I could not get away from him.
“And I’m still rock hard.”
That I could tell because even with how much load he let out inside me, I can still feel it as stiff as a rock.
I yelped when he suddenly flipped me on my stomach. Body flat and straight. My legs laid close as he straddles it. He then pushed his length inside, squeezing in without warning. His cum makes a perfect lubricant for it to ease in easily. 
“You fucker~.” I was a little annoyed but the breathy moan that’s escaping my mouth is betraying me.
Chanyeol leaned down on me.
His chest flat on my back and he kissed my shoulder up to the lobe of my ears.
“Didn’t I tell you, I was pent up? You owe me two months worth of sex and a whole load of cum.”
He said while panting.
Grinding his hips sensually. Reminding me how girthy and long his cock is.
“Last time I checked, it was not my responsibility to regulate your sperm count.” I rebutted pushing back to meet his thrust, his erection sinking deeper each movement. 
Chanyeol let out a loud groan and I thought I got him but was surprised to feel a hard slap on my buttcheek making me gasp.
How dare he spank me.
I felt him laugh as his body shook over me. “I couldn’t care less.” 
He gathered my arms on my back, restricting my movement. He then began rolling his hips on me. His other hand keeps me in place while the other is prying one of my ass cheek open. Showing my most private parts. It was humiliating but I chose to let him be. I could never overpower him anyway. He watched how his own erection appeared and disappeared inside my core. Mesmerised like it was some kind of medium for hypnotising. 
Chanyeol picked up his pace and slammed in. 
And after fucking me to oblivion, I came moaning as he came inside again.
My name leaving his lips wet, red, pouty lips.
I was panting hard. 
My legs are turning to jelly and I swear I can feel my eyes wanting to shut close.
I think my sleeping pill has got to do with it but Chanyeol being the greater reason.
I tried crawling away but was pulled back in. Tight grip encompasses my hips and a low growl from the man himself.
“We're not done yet, baby. We’re not stopping until we both drop.”
“You shithead!” I said but found myself opening my legs for him.
He came into my embrace with a mischievous grin and snickered after. He then dived down for another heated make out session. 
He was right though, I too couldn't care less anymore, but I’m not telling him that.
I’ll let him fuck me as many times as wants as that’s also what I want.
Let ourselves go crazy for each other; seek each other; go wild with each other.
Maybe pretend that we have something between us even just for tonight.
Because I know the next morning, when I wake up, he’ll be gone.
Just like how he always does
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