skay-ali · 2 days
The Forgotten Daughter
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Chapter 1
You still clearly remember when you arrived at your new home  It was the biggest house you had been able to see in your short life.
When you got a better look, you felt a great sadness emanating from the outer walls, each space filled with a lifeless neutral color.
The owner of all the hallways, floors and valuable things, he was also a spitting image of melancholic, that was what you wanted to believe for a long time, that your new father was so damaged, that he couldn't afford to fix anyone else, besides him.
You took refuge in your room, the first days were full of tears and great sadness, you had not only lost your dear mother, but also your home, you ended up in an unknown place, with unknown people, you were miserably alone.  
Recovering a little from your depressed and lifeless state, you decided to seek comfort, whatever you could get, it didn't take a hug or sympathetic words, not even a minute of attention, just an empathetic look, a pat or some miserable affection.
Alfred, the butler, was the one who was in charge of taking care of you, he tried to give you the affection you needed, he was a father, while your real father continued to behave like an adult with no responsibilities at home, he was a sought-after bachelor with no children.
Seeing him and a new woman passing through the hallways hurt you a lot, not because of jealousy, you thanked all the divinities that your mother never stayed with your father, but rather because those women received more love and attention than the one you you had when you arrived at this house, of course they were only small one-night stands or fleeting relationships, but they still had your father's attention.
Some time passed, your father brought a boy, upon returning from one of his outings, you knew his secret that he was a superhero, you knew it from the day you saw him injured in the dining room chair while you were leaving with a tray of cookies you made with Alfred for their movie night. The point was that you never went out with your father, not even when he was in his role as a millionaire.
You thought that new boy was just your father's whim, to help someone in trouble, but he became your new brother, was that his way of helping?  
You tried to establish a friendly relationship with the boy, your new brother Dick Wayne, but he was so focused on his pain and hatred that he didn't even look at you at first, but with a little perseverance, you became his rock of support in his lowest moments together with Alfred, it's a shame that in trying to find his new path he left you behind.
Unlike you, your father did pay attention to him and looked at him, he was his son.  
He did the same with his next two adopted children, Jason, the brother you were able to get along with the most, he told you a lot about the adventures he had or the books he finished reading, he was like a little child next to you. Until he died. It was sad, not seeing him anymore. It depressed you for a long time.
After Jason, Tim followed, he was a very closed child with you, he didn't give you an ounce of his attention, just an unfriendly face.
You only had these little descriptions of your siblings, not that you knew much about them, you never dug deep into their past, you tried to be a good big sister. 
When the third child arrived you had already graduated and managed to enter a university very far away from Gotham City.
You packed your bags, said goodbye to the only person who was your family in this house and went to form your new life.
You didn't expect that a few years later, while you were preparing dinner with one of your best friends, he would tell you that you have a person at the door looking for you. 
 Less see a child who was the same carbon copy of your father.
"Well... What brings you here?"
The boy's raised eyebrow told you how bad you were starting the conversation, but in your defense you didn't know what to do, you were full of nerves, leaving the boy outside your house was not an option, it was at night and it was dangerous.
"I am Damian Wayne, the first blood son of Bruce Wayne, a true Wayne" what great arrogance this boy possessed.
"I came to this place to look for the first girl my father adopted"
"You know we are half-brothers from what I understand your speech." 
His look full of anger and indignation showed that he did not like your words.
He was ready to get up when some whimpers stopped him.
"Excuse me for a moment if" you left the room and ran to the cause of the whining.
Damian was regretting having come to this place just with the goal of meeting a girl, Alfred had made her sound like someone great, but seeing her for the first time disappointed him, you weren't even half as good as his other brothers, that It meant you couldn't even reach his heels. But still there was something that stopped him from leaving when he saw you, your kind way of receiving him, how you treated him as kindly as possible without you knowing him.
He got very angry when you named him an equal, his half-sister, he didn't like that title, he was ready to start a fight and teach you a lesson, but some whining stopped him from continuing.
Seeing you return to the living room with a baby in your arms baffled him, maybe you had a son.
He watched you sit down, you rocked the baby lovingly and you hummed a song to him.
"This is Alice, she's my little princess" you smiled as you showed her to the boy.
If your little adventure with the stranger who joked about being a hero ended with the origin of your cute baby, you became a new version of your mother.
Your new half-brother focused a lot on watching the girl.
"Now, as I understand it, you were looking for me because you wanted to meet me, right?"  
"No, of course not, I just wanted to know who the girl Alfred always talked about was."
"It's not the same as what I said"
It seems that you provoked the boy, when you saw him go towards the door.
"Hey why don't you stay to eat" you stopped the boy, if you weren't already over this family.    
You got up with your baby and carefully placed her in the child's arms.
"Here, load it up, I'll put the plates for dinner."
  You went to the kitchen and the boy quickly followed you with the baby.
"I'm not your babysitter to take care of your daughter," he complained.
"No, of course you're not her babysitter, you're her dear uncle" I smiled at how adorable they looked "Look, it seems like she adores you, she almost never likes to leave my side and cries when someone else picks her up."
There were a few more complaints from the boy, but you saw that your words made him proud and made him play with the baby in his arms.
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If the yandere family has not yet appeared, it will first start from the smallest, the indirect cause that all the others are yanderes, maybe??? an attempted introduction to what ___'s life was like in the mansion and his relationship with his first 3 brothers and a comforting scene with one of the brothers. I hope you like this attempt at a story, I'm still thinking of more ideas for drama and anguish and who could be the baby's father and new yandere
@kore-of-the-underworld @vanessa-boo @jsprien213
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skay-ali · 3 days
The Forgotten Daughter
Well let Troy burn.
Jajaja, I don't speak fluent English, but I can still write in English, even so I try to make my wish of writing about this neglected au yandere character possible.
Don't judge me I'm trying my best.
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You were born from an adventure, you are a bastard, your father never recognized you, you never knew about him until fate forced you to meet him.
For as long as you can remember, you lived with your mother, they were the happiest days you ever had.
Why the words "those were the happiest days", well your mother died in a car accident one day.
You were left alone when your beloved mother died, you remember being scared at the thought that you were now an orphan and would have to struggle in this cruel world to survive.
That would have been a hundred times better than what actually happened.
No, your destiny was to go live with your unknown father.
The famous Bruce Wayne, a Gotham City millionaire, philanthropist, playboy and owner of Wayne Industries.
Suffice it to say that your welcome was not the best, along with the lack of attention from your new father, to know what awaited you.
You were his first daughter, before he filled the house with many wild children who became vigilantes just like him.
You saw how a new child arrived with the passing years.
He guided them on their path with wisdom and something that could be described as fatherly affection.
You just stood on the sidelines waiting your turn to have a little bit of your father's attention.
That was never possible, there was never time for you, no matter how hard you tried, you were not important, you were not on his list of priorities, not even on the list of pending things.
You only had a butler as a responsible adult figure, no matter how much you want to say that it was enough to have him, it wasn't.
He reminded you that your father didn't even have any interest in you that his butler had to take care of you.
You gave up on this family with the third adopted child.
None of them wanted to hear from you when you tried to build a relationship with them, something that added insult to injury you already had.
You were an adult when the third son Tim appeared, you didn't learn anything from them except for his name, partly because you weren't interested in his past and partly because none of them wanted to share it, because they would do it with a completely unknown and disadvantaged girl.
As soon as you had the opportunity, you fled the mansion, maybe no one would notice, you were very sure.
You had money, your mother had insurance, which would pass into your hands when you came of age.
With that you survived at the university, of course you went to another city, safer and far from your family.
You wouldn't be so stupid to stay in y our already proclaimed city.
Your college years were healing for your broken heart, filled with sadness, hate and pain.
Being neglected, ignored and forgotten was very destructive to your life.
You went to a lot of parties, you drank a lot, you took a lot of substances and powders of dubious origin to numb your feelings, you met a lot of people, you made friends who had problems similar to yours.
Shitty parents who screwed up your life.
If your stay in that house caused you episodes of depression, low self-esteem and constant anxiety that caused you to mutilate your nails.
Over the years away from that place that you had to call home, you recovered from all your self-destructive feelings along with the people you met and had the honor of calling friends, brothers and family.
You graduated without complications, in the career that you always dreamed of following since you were little.
At one of the parties with your friends, when they were celebrating the entry into the hateful but obligatory world of work for you and one of your friends, you met a boy, his appearance caught your attention.
When you started talking to him, you hit it off very well, you danced a lot on the floor together, you drank like there was no tomorrow and you talked until you were hoarse.
In a moment of conversation between the two, he confessed that he was a hero, something that you took as a joke, because who would confess it to a complete stranger.
You didn't take into account that it could be true, a confession that the man said because he was super drunk.
You woke up in an unknown place, as soon as you recovered you fled the place, it was easy because the man you remembered coming to this place with had already left long before you woke up.
You continued your life normally, some stumbles and falls but nothing extreme that you couldn't resolve.
At least that's what you thought, until you saw a dark-skinned boy, with black hair, with green eyes and a terrifying unfriendly face, outside your house knocking on the door.
His appearance was very easy to spot, you had a vague idea of who he was.
If you had known that his presence would turn your world upside down, you would have thought better of it.
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