#but also feeling like I’m in one of those vet video games where u take a dog and put a bow on it or smth
truegoist · 1 year
LETS FUCKING GO FREE SPA(I have no idea what they even do there)
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youghvaudough · 5 years
Rewatched Hannibal Recently...
... here are some random thoughts brain chips on the third season
watch out for a text wall it's a doozy down under
this rewatching I finally realized the first half of this season Hannibal was basically like “I’m touring Europe with Bedelia one last time before I check myself into jail so I can see my bf often”
Will must’ve been real good at arts and crafts. He made a whole ass butterfly?bee?dragonfly?firefly man display out of shattered wine bottles and garbage from a basement basically
Also how did he not cut his hands with the glass???? He had leather gloves sure but it’s not like those are cut resistant?????? Does he have cut-resistant leather gloves???????
In Hannibal Rising Chiyoh is Hanni’s aunt’s lady-in-waiting (?) and was described as being about his age; if we’re going by that, she’s the same age as him in the show, which, ughhhhhh, let’s just say really really plays into the idea of us Asians not raisining (not mad at all; Tao Okamoto is so beautiful im gay as HELL —)
Bedelia: you’re in love with Will Graham and also leave me alone plz can I stop finishing murders on your behalf now
Hannibal was remarkably off his killing game at the end of the second season (or just really on his planning game) like NO ONE except for poor Abigail is dead by the 3rd season
Thinking about the filming of some scenes is so funny like: 
the crew carrying leather arm chairs and fancy glass side tables into the middle of some woods for a single shot
Bryan Fuller being like “ughhhh can I get a membrane-like sheet over this macro lens so I can film it bring sliced open like its will’s stomach skin” 
“also I need three thousand gallons of fake blood for some cool reverse drip shots”
everyone: Will help us catch Hannibal you must hate him so much right???? Will: busy imagining alternate reality where he and Hannibal actually worked it out at the end of the 2nd season
Will: tries his damndest to ignore everyone telling him he and Hannibal are in love while being very much smitten
Mason: talks religious mumbo jumbo  Alana after her bi awakening: *choke stare
the only saving grace for Jack Crawford is how much he’s the “I love my wife” trope
Frederic: ...why does no one wanna help me with Hannibal hunting when I go a-knocking but when Will does it everyone’s with him????????? What’d I do
Bedelia: i feel like I’m your diet Will Graham Hannibal: what? no *continues to talk about how special Will Graham is and how no one will be his equal basically
WOAH question on Chiyoh so did Hannibal ~literally~ taxidermy her in time with some cannibal magic & that’s why she looks about, I don’t know, in her twenties still ?????? /s
Chiyoh: he’s good looking but dumb about Hannibal so 
I’ll kiss him
then push him off the train
(hopefully dude’ll be warned but also finally learn how to gay)
how did Mason and Pazzi achieve high resolution uninterrupted overseas video chat with the front camera of Apple laptops????? the power of wealth????? whenever I call my mom my phone turns into a potato pretty much
the jack v hannibal fight was the ultimate “I luh my dead wife” man v “I just need to stay alive and go meet my boyfriend” man fight
Bedelia: I know what your goodbye is; I know what you wanna do to Will and you’re in love with the dude. No thanks I’ll yeet myself outta here
“waving your uterus around like a weapon” how iconic
Dolce will forever go down in cinematic history there I said it. Nothing tops the mirroring scars, the downright sensual romantic dialogue in front of a fucking Botticelli, this 水乳交融 of two minds (can’t find a good enough translation other than maybe “melding”), one of the weirdest most kaleidoscope-forward lesbian sex scene of all times, a lot of overlapping orgasm faces, reflexive hugs and pats of comfort, weirdly timed lip-lickings, etc etc
At least Mason recognizes how good looking Will’s is lmao even with all the burnt penis talk on the table
“He’s looking very dry a little moisturizer please” Mason your gay is showing
“It’s dangerous getting exactly what you want” yeah we got this season of Hannibal and then no more of it I’d say you’re right on the money Dr. Lecter
Alana and Margot helping Hannibal and Will: LGBT solidarity at its finest
dumbest thing mason did was probably pissing off Margot
So basically Chiyoh is made of a stable metal element between iron and silver that’s why she doesn’t age?????? /s
maybe “I found you in my mind palace” can be our “always”
I remember the first time I watched Digestivo and I was so worried Hannibal’s gonna finish eating Will or take off or continue into the book silence of the lamb arc or something after Will basically went “I won’t go looking for you at all bye bitch where my dogs at” so imagine my fucking delight ecstasy when Hannibal threw himself at the FBI just so Will can always find him. I cried buckets and became a devout Bryan Fuller STAN that day
Chiyoh: fuck this shit im out; don’t wanna protect this idiot boy with luv no mo
Molly: weirdly familiar sharp features, sand-blond hair, husky sultry deeper voice hmmmmmmmmm guess WHAT
...but she actually likes doggos so 
Will gives Bedelia SO MUCH SHIT about using Hannibal as a means to fame that he almost forgets how possessive  protective of Hanni this makes him look
Bedelia: calm yo ass do you know how many “Will is special you’ll never be him” talks I’ve been in with Hannibal as the main lecturer?????
Bedelia: did you go visit him Will: ...yeah Bedelia: whelp fuck my leg is about good as steak any day now
An odd detail I remember about this Will/Bedelia interaction was Bryan Fuller saying in some interview (probably) that this is basically wife confronting mistress; you know who’s which
when Reba was touching the tiger that vet guy must’ve stayed in the room right??? for safety and stuff??? guy must’ve had the weirdest time just seeing Francis freak the fuck out watching Reba
also Reba deserves all the nice things in the world; Francis though an overall shitty person can recognize beauty
...wait i take it back dude said Will was ugly (ok he said “not very handsome” but) like bitch where
for a series with pretty good sfx that teeth scene in 310 was fake as f---
will and bedelia taking shots at each other verbally cracks me tf up like is this the psychology people’s version of “you suck” “uno reverse”
i have to keep reminding myself that this is a crime show that actually aired on national tv bc these dialogues mama??? downright telenovela. Bryan Fuller has a point when he described them as wife and mistress
Bedelia: I would’ve preferred to be bluebeard’s last wife Will: challenge accepted
i cannot stress this enough REBA DESERVES BETTER she seems like the nicest, most well-meaning person ever and deserves to be cherished like so
it's so strange, getting everything that you want; take Will’s slow-burn-esque realization of Hannibal’s twisted affections for example
So  basically Hannibal’s attitude is “if I can’t be a constant fixture in his life I’ll be on his mind”
Hannibal is always a sucker for some good will ehhhh
Hannibal, in a police vehicle: get in Will we’re going cliff-diving dragon hunting; no but the actual line is just as cheesy geez hanni u smooth man-eater
The Bloom-Vergers look straight out of some gothic family catalog (if those exist)
like i will spare y’all the contrived complements of the Wrath of the Lamb bc like fucking hells mate there's no straight explanation for this finale
that’s it thanks for reading mates hannigram forever also someday some wealthy person will revive this I'm sure and we’ll rejoice then
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
When Cats Stare
Hello hello! Flash Fiction Friday again! I wanted to give you something a little more fun since I won’t be able to write for a while. I’m going to the land of beans on toast with my dad and I’m very excited! I’ve never been on a plane before, much less over seas! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story! Feedback is appreciated ^u^
Words: 1565
It’s never a good sign when your cat stares intently beyond you. You can tell they’re not daydreaming, but you don’t really want to know what they’re looking at. So, when my own furred goblin was sitting bolt upright on my chest in the middle of the night, staring at something, I did my best to ignore him and go back to staying up way too late watching videos on my phone. His persistence waivered my resolve. Usually he would flop himself against my face in a loving kind of smother. The closer to suffocation I am, the more he feels accomplished in his affection giving. But not tonight. He stared with those big green eyes into the space above my head. I figured I should at least try to assure him that the only thing silly enough to be up in the deep dark night was us.
“What are you looking at Bud? You staring at ghosties?” The last word was lost in a yawn.
His soft black fur was warm against my palms. He hunkered down, devoid of his usual purr, still staring.
“If it’s a demon, are you going to earn your rent and protect me like those animals in the hero pet compilations?” I kissed his little nose. “No, probably not. You’d leave me hanging, wouldn’t you, Basil Boy. I’d save you y’know. I mean, I probably wouldn’t be very good against a demon, but the thought is there.” Another yawn. At least my rambling was putting someone to sleep. Basil’s paw silenced my next round of spouted nonsense. The cheek of this cat! It’s hard to contain giggles at one in the morning. Harder still to contain the shriek. Long, slender fingers stretch like tendrils reached down from above. Cracked nails barely glanced my scalp when I looked up in my mirth. Fight, flight, or freeze. I froze. Burning, swirling, bottomless pits on a face of twisted fur matted with what I could only describe as ichor. The hand paused over me, deliberating. Its head tilted slowly, slowly, mechanically unwinding itself from the body while the neck grew longer and longer. Hot goats’ breath fanned my face. I sunk back as far as the twelve or so pillows allowed. It didn’t move. Basil, surprisingly, stayed hunkered on my chest. Of course he wouldn’t make things easier and just run away.
For several long seconds, we stayed like that. Me, pressed into my bed. Basil, squat on my torso. And the creature, looming above. No one moved. No one spoke. There’s an unwritten conversational rule where, if a silence stretches longer than four seconds, it becomes increasingly awkward. Not going to lie, I already don’t do well with social stuff. The more time stretched the more I hoped something would, well, happen.
“Sooo…” I began, tapping my index fingers against the mattress. “What brings ya here?”
It drew back. Not by a lot, still very much in my personal space bubble, but I’m not complaining. It was a start. Its mouth parted, tasting the thought before voicing it. (Or preparing to lunge, I’m not exactly a strange night creature psychologist.) Huh. There’s a beak under all that wiry fur. Cool.
“soOoO…” My own voice parroted back, warped. I guess the beak is just for show. The noise reverberated around us, no indication of its source. Other voices mixed in, creating a jittery, juttering kind of speech. “SsSooOO… SsssoooOoo…”
“… Cool… Are you uh.. Here to kill me maybe?”
That’s promising. I’m sure they’re a very honest.. being…
“Are you a ghost?”
Hmm. “Aaare you a demon?”
K. “Are you here on business or pleasure? Not Pleasure pleasure. Fun pleasure. Like, a holiday or something.”
They pause, crinkling a long finger against their chin. A thinking pose. “PleAsUReee. NoTTt PPleaSuREE pleasure.”
Thank cat beans. That could have been awkward. Their neck clicked as they turned to look at Basil.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re not here to steal my cat are you?”
No response. I sat up, drawing Basil closer to myself.
“I mean like, you can pat him if you don’t have that death touch thing going on, but he’s my baby. You can’t take him.”
“Ssoofftt…” They trailed a finger through his fur. The traitor started purring. “NicCee…”
Scooting up so I was sitting, I patted the bed, motioning for the demon to pop a squat beside me. They complied, creaking as they unfolded themselves joint by joint, from their ceiling perch. Basil wiggled from my grip, smacking me in the face with his tail in his haste to double cross me and sit in the demon’s lap. Somehow, I got the feeling this wasn’t their first meeting.
“So that’s Basil.”
“BaAssIiLll. LLikE BaSsIlL.”
“He’s a cool little dude. Do you have cats in the demon world, or where ever you come from?”
“CaaAnn. WaAnTtT BaaSiLLl.”
“Again, and this is super important, you can’t have Basil. He is my baby cat.” I leaned back, shoulders popping in that satisfying way. “Although, we might be able to arrange something for you.”
The demon tilted its head again. I could have sworn there was excitement in those deep, deep, deep pits. Deep, dark.. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Arrangements.
“One month. If you can show me that you are able to properly care for a cat, I’ll get you one in a months’ time. You can stay here and show me with Basil, or show me where you live and that you are able to fulfil a cats’ needs. They need more than food you know. You’ve gotta play with them, desex them, take them to the vet, make sure they have grass to munch on. It’s a big responsibility. I’ll show you some good websites though so you’re not going in blind or anything. What do you think? Sound good?”
They nodded. “SssoUnd GoOd.”
And that’s how I ended up with a demon roommate for a month. Once we got over the initial awkwardness like bathroom schedules, possible dietary issues, and the appropriateness of guests from the underworlds, it was actually pretty nice. We had long discussions about cats, obviously, but also about life. Our experiences were totally different, but we discovered new things together. They made a point of watching 2D animated movies with me and I got really into demonic card games. It was a lot of fun. We added each other on pokemon go and finally cleared some research tasks. They showed me their realm (more pokestops than you would expect) and we worked together to construct a proper cat enclosure using Ikea hacks and the Kitten Lady’s youtube videos. I even had a nice little existential… What’s the opposite of crisis? Calmness? Low-fi study music moment? Experience? Where life after death was confirmed. Damnation may be upgraded to Ikea jigsaws now. Sorry about that. That one’s on me…
It felt like no time at all had passed between that late night conversation and walking into the local animal shelter. The demon (who I should have mentioned wanted to be called Toto after the fuzzy bear dude from My Neighbour Totoro) had taken a human(ish) appearance. A totally generic stranger that was easily forgotten but that something nagged at you that it wasn’t quite right. Today was the day. We’d been approved as potential adopters and were picking out Toto’s new best friend. The lady gave us a friendly greeting and led us straight to the cat room at the back, debriefing along the way. I always forgot how loud it could be back there. Cats yowled and mewed, much to the chagrin of their quieter shelter mates. We looked at kittens and adults, fluffy cats and patchy cats, noisy cats and shy cats. Each one Toto inspected with care. I did not envy their choice. If I could, I’d take them all home. Toto stopped at the far corner. I peeked over their shoulder to see which one had caught their attention.
It was… Unfortunate. A scraggly brown cat with fur guaranteed to mat at a slight breeze. A short little thing with, what I think, was a snaggle tooth sticking out of his mouth. It was not a pageant winner. If someone took a year old loaf of bread and had it trampled by a herd of heavily concussed camels, and one buttered donkey, stuck whiskers on the rounder side and a bottle brush on the rear, it’d be in the same ball park as this ugly cat. It opened its mouth and gargled at us.
“ThHiSs OnEE iS GooOd.”
“I thought you’d say that.” I checked the info card. Not much to go on. The shelter guessed she was about 14. Ah, man. That’s… That’s not great…
“I’m, I’m not sure this is a good choice for your first cat, Bud. She’s pretty old… It’s a pretty difficult thing to go through, y’know, when your pet passes away…”
“NoO gUaRantEE FoR AnYtHiNG.”    
“That’s true… I’m definitely not saying don’t get an old cat, just don’t want you to get hurt so soon… Would she stay with you as a spirit cat?”
“If ShE WiLLs It. CaTs WaNdER.”
“Oh. Sweet. Let’s get her then.”
“What are you going to call her?”
He inspected her again. Human skin crinkling into a smile when she sneezed and left her tongue poking out.
Tag list
@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer 
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
Decided it was probably time for me to post a list of my omo hcs for this game since I did the THH chars! Like with the other list, I'll be excluding a couple I have no interest in thinking of omo content of (in this case, Hiy/oko and Teru/teru). I'm breaking this one into multiple posts throughout the week as I compile my thoughts (I'll add a link to all of them on the fic masterlist page later so you can find them all) because I feel this is gonna be a lot longer than my THH post haha!
Here we go, the first 3 (or 4) chars! Please stop reading now if you don't want spoilers for the game bc there will be several!!!
* I firmly hc him as vegetarian (not vegan. He will consume byproducts like milk/cheese/eggs/etc, but only harvested himself or from small farms/sources that he has personally vetted/researched where he knows 100% that the creatures are treated ethically.)
* That's actually not omo-related besides milk oops but it relates to my next point, which is that for the most part he prefers Natural food/drink. Water, fruit or vegetable juices/smoothies, etc. He's not really used to strange 'Human' confections like soda or coffee, so the caffeine and diuretics hit him hard and fast and make it difficult for him to estimate how much time he has. It also makes him jittery/hyped as hell which Does Not Help.
* As long as he isn't screwed over by caffeine or a ton of drinks, he has a decently strong bladder and can hold for a long time. He has a lot of practice from hiding/waiting to help certain animals, laying trapped under sleeping cats/dogs, etc. And also avoiding public restrooms like the Plagues they are for most of the day...
* He's bladdershy AF and has been since early childhood. I saw he had signs drawn on the doors/curtain in his room during my playthrough (including the bathroom) and that is definitely his safezone. Can't go outside either bc 1. He's paranoid he'll be seen by other ppl and 2. That feels disrespectful to the nature deities despite the logic that animals do it all the time. He knows that's dumb and he hates himself for it.
* Sometimes I do like to ignore the bladdershy hc just for some variety. Even in that case tho he'd still be a bit of a diva about which public bathrooms he uses. If it's gross or weird he's gonna avoid it/complain/refuse to go even if bursting. He's stubborn af
* We all know he canonically goes commando. Therefore he is in extra danger because any leaks will go straight to his pants RIP Since he usually wears black it isn't that visable (as long as it's just a bit and not a full wetting), but if he ever has to wear smth else u know he's screwed c':
* He's not very vocal when desperate at all. Mostly strangled whines or grunts (only when alone or if so urgent he can't hide it), he's just so easily embarrassed that he can choke most sound.
* He can also hide his body language pretty well. He can manage to keep himself to rigid posture and the occasional shudder or fidget if needed. Only when he's beyond caught and about to wet will he resort to obvious grabs or dances in front of others.
* Even if he wet he wouldn't cry (I don't seem him crying much for anything tbh, barring extreme things like death). He's angry at himself and extremely ashamed. He would get red as a tomato, attempt to slink away and avoid any witnesses for several days. Could get snippy or hide in his shell all pitiful, depending on the person.
* When alone or sure he can't be caught, he'll fidget more once things are dire. Mostly his long-ass legs. Jiggling, crossing, bending at the knees or bouncing up and down, shuffling from foot-to-foot, everything. He doesn't really do much with his hands beyond a quick crotch-squeeze.
* He'd def let Haj/ime or So/nia dom tf out of him as far as making him hold/lose control, he's submissive and enjoys the challenging test of limits. However, I could also see him totally having a thing for 'marking' his partners during the times he doms.
* Lowkey has a bladder of steel tbh, tho you'd never expect it by looking at her. It takes a lot to get her desperate and even more for her to crack enough to show her needs to others.
* She had a lot of long lectures/lessons, meetings, social events, formal balls, etc. growing up, so she just got used to waiting a lot between breaks so as not to interrupt or be rude to her guests. This also makes her wicked good at remaining completely calm on the outside and keeping the quiver out of her tone even when she's absolutely dying.
* Even once people know her problem, she would NEVER grab herself or dance. Literally the most you'll get out of her is legs crossed at the ankles. For the most part the only sign of her desperation is the slight fullbody shivering where she has her muscles and posture strained. If you're very lucky she may wince or her voice will start shaking/get breathy (her breathing gets super fast and shallow when at her absolute limit. Like nearly hyperventilating fast).
* While not shy at all about asking/telling others where she's going, she was raised with manners. She refuses to interrupt while others are busy, and will wait until she feels the time is appropriate to but into convos or leave the room, even if that could take a long time. She will not skip out on a group task if she can help it bc she feels very strongly about doing her part and not coming off as a slacker (so group investigations/new island exploring/building for Us/ami in Island Mode are all LONG tasks she will force herself to stick out without complaint, even if she's about to wet herself).
* Despite being a princess, she definitely doesn't view anything as being 'beneath' her. If someone asks her to just go outside/in a sketchy place/strange receptacle, she'll do it without question as soon as they agree to glance away. In fact, sometimes it's actually a little thrilling.
* If she did wet herself she would certainly be embarrassed, maybe even teary-eyed depending on the situation/who was around. However, it certainly isn't the end of the world for her, and she would be able to brush it off fairly easily once she got cleaned up and had a chance to breathe. Could probably start making jokes about it by the next day, or just wait patiently for everyone to forget about it.
* Probably has a big piss kink (for others. She isn't much on doing holds herself, minus an occasional 'Damsel in Distress' type roleplay). And honestly just a big one for domming others (sometimes sweetly, sometimes cold/cruel like True Royalty). She looks cute but She Nasty (tm). Gun/dham and Haji/me (to a lesser extent, bc his smart-ass take-no-shit attitude makes him a bit of a brat sometimes lol) are her bitches.
M/ikan (I have to split hers in two bc I have polar opposite hcs) :
Non-Despair M/ikan -
* Is every bit as shy uwu ohnoooo~ as you'd imagine. Super blushy and fidgety and teary-eyed but never admits what's wrong even once it's obvious, to the point of potty-dancing in place (but she's Totally Fine she can hang in there and doesn't need to stop what she's doing)! You literally have to drag her away to the bathroom if u don't want her to have an accident. Would rather die than inconvenience anyone by telling them she has to go, will berate herself for the inconvenience when that backfires and she's made a mess of herself, 120% convinced everyone hates her and p much refuses any comfort bc she's so trapped in the spiral. Bawls her eyes out.
* If on a rare occasion she does work up the nerve to speak up and is denied, that's it. She will not dare ask again even if the person didn't realize how badly she had to go. Nope. Clearly her only option is to hold it until she can't anymore, or until she's alone and can run off by herself.
*Also she totally would whimper to herself in The Worst omo video star voice lmao "Oh noooo I'm leaking into my panties~, it's cOmIng OuTtttt~ uwu uwu uwu" (i'm not making fun of those istg but u know Exactly what 'sexy baby' voice I mean. That is Mi/kan. Don't be so fake bitch We Know u didn't fall spread eagle naturally)
* Says 'Potty' unironically. It's the only word she uses for the bathroom.
* Surprisingly not bladdershy at all. She's actually the opposite. Will go Anywhere (but will be embarrassed while doing it).
* She's used to holding a lot bc afraid to leave class/stuck helping patients for hours on end. However while she has a wicked high capacity and stays very hydrated, she has pretty shaky control. Leaks A LOT, be it in general or bc she gets startled/nervous. She's like a chihuahua lmao. She wears medical liners when on duty as a nurse or during school, but for general hangouts she forgoes them (totally bc she forgot and Not bc she wanted to show her wet panties off to strangers/peers when she falls again, that would be Slu/tty and Improper).
* Once held for ages and then ended up wetting herself just bc Hiy/oko told her to. It wasn't actually a request, just a one-off snippy comment that H forgot about like 10 min after she said it and walked away. When she found out Mi/kan took it seriously she absolutely lost it laughing for the next few days
*Her potty dances include lots of thighs rubbing together/hunching over, hands wandering dangerously close only to pause and grip her skirt/dress hem, hopping from leg to leg and shaking at the knees. She's pitiful when desperate and very cute. Pants and whimpers near constantly, nibbles at her knuckles to try and muffle it.
* Knows when she's at risk of actual damage from holding, but it's still a 50/50 shot of whether she'll break down and go or keep trying to hold. She knows it's unwise, but due to her complete lack of self worth she doesn't really care if her own body is damaged.
* That said, she monitors everyone else very closely and will harass them firmly to take breaks if they're at risk.
Despair/True Mik/an -
* MASSIVE PISS KI/NK. Loves to be dommed/told to hold until she wets. LOVES to do the same to others and tell them all the mean things for a change. She will borderline Break You.
* Takes great satisfaction in watching others struggle. If given an opportunity to make others desperate/prevent them from getting to a bathroom without revealing herself, she will definitely take it. She has no sympathy.
* The Queen of lacing things with diuretics, but can also often find that boring/too easy. A bit disdainful of that method tbh.
* Tying ppl down to hold or hooking them to IVs and 'misplacing' the call button is more her style.
* Used to hold for Jun/ko a lot to appease her. Would be willing to hold for Na/gito, but tbh he's just as willing to hold for her so it's a bit of a stalemate and they've yet to work out who does what.
* Will piss on her victim/lover while staring them directly in the eyes. Does not flinch. She toes the line between sexy and just plain creepy lol
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maplestreetsims · 6 years
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get to know me tag!
so, i came to catfish you all with my updated simself, also i made her with alpha cc bc why not?
I saw @galaxsims did this and i thought it might be fun, so the point of this is to make a simself and answer some q’s so people get to know you better
I’m going to tag anyone who wants to do this, Just go crazy 
   - trash under cut -
1. What is your full name? Constanza
2. What is your nickname? most people call me coti, i had a few friends that called me constance tho
3. Birthday? July 1, 2000
4. What is your favorite book series? i dont read as much as i used to so i dont have one
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? aliens yes, ghosts...maybe? just for the spookines of it all tbh
6. Who is your favorite author? i dont read dont come for me
7. What is your favorite radio station? i never listen to the radio, mostly spotify
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? anything cheese flavored, or like pizza? idk im thinkin chips here
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? amazing, cool!
10. What is your current favorite song? literally queens entire discography??? like i saw bohemian rhapsody last week, i liked queen before but now im like on hyperdrive or something
11. What is your favorite word?  chaos
12. What was the last song you listened to? Somebody to love, by (you guessed it) queen
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? hmm... i dont know, skam, maybe freaks and geeks
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? pride (2014) always makes me feel happy when i watch it, i really like it
15. Do you play video games? yes
16. What is your biggest fear? Ending up alone, but not romantically, more of like no friends, or family
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i dont know... i just try to be a good person?? like i put myself in others peoples shoes and treat them how i would like to be treated i guess, bc i know how its like being treated like shit and i wouldnt want that for anyone lol
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my socializing skills? or lack thereof 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? i like them both the same
20. What is your favorite season? i dont like any season sjdjsdk
21. Are you in a relationship? nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? just.. happiness?? not only my own but like everyone in my family (yikes) also my innocence 
23. Who is your best friend? haha ha
24. What is your eye color? brown
25. What is your hair color? Dark brown 
26. Who is someone you love? no one honestly, maybe my pets?
27. Who is someone you trust? literally anyone who is nice to me, that’s bad
28. Who is someone you think about often? my friends, classmates
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? nothing currently
30. What is your biggest obsession? The sims, life is strange and detroit become human.....also queen?, weird combinations
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Art attack! also the cocodrile hunter??? that was my shit!!
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? I know i just said i trust everyone but like....i dont open up, like ever
33. Are you superstitious? No
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Elevators?? and cars...are those phobias?
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind
36. What is your favorite hobby? Editing, playin sims... u know
37. What was the last book you read? I cant remember fghjkljhg probably something for school
38. What was the last movie you watched? Bohemian rhapsody rip
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? i wish i could play any musical instrument, but i suck tbh
40. What is your favorite animal? cats and dogs™
41. What are your top 5 7 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
@pollinationqueen​ @cosmic-espie​ @omiscanking @bloomlet @gunthermunch @cowberrys and @mellocakes ♥♥
42. What superpower do you wish you had? telekinesis??? um hell yeah why would anyone want anything else
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? this is weird but when im riding the bus home, listening to music
44. What makes you smile? my simblr, youtube videos...
45. What sports do you play, if any? i wish
46. What is your favorite drink? coca cola beech! 
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I dont even remember, but i had to write something like that around this year at least
48. Are you afraid of heights? yes
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? it used to be hearing people chew, but i think im over it
50. Have you ever been to a concert? no, never
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? No
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a vet
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? idk sis
54. What is something you worry about? my future, and my life
55. Are you scared of the dark? sometimes
56. Do you like to sing? yes, only when im alone
57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah, but i tried not to, it felt like i was missing out and that kinda made me feel like shit??
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dont think i have one, but more like a bunch of them? and only at specific times if that make sense, like the outside of that theater at nightime when i went to see a play with my friends a while ago
59. Where would you like to live? mmm maybe the usa? or anywhere where i could get to speak english all the time
60. Do you have any pets? a cat and a dog, Mercury and Candy!
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, def
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets, im never up for sunrises anyways, unless i stayed up all night
63. Do you know how to drive? no but i hope that i do at some point, although im scared of cars
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones
65. Have you ever had braces? nope, my teeth are as straight as me
66. What is your favorite genre of music? rock, indie...maybe pop rock?
67. Who is your hero? i dont have one
68. Do you read comic books? not really
69. What makes you the most angry? myself sometimes
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book all the way, when i do read that is
71. What was your favorite subject in school? cinematography class???? idk how it translates properly but that was my fave, although the teacher fucking ruined it for all of us tbh
72. Do you have any siblings? nope
73. What was the last thing you bought? a bus ticket
74. How tall are you? 4′9...yikes
75. Can you cook? not at all
76. What are three things that you love? this blog, my family and my pets
77. What are three things that you hate? hooo boy
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? i have 0 friends what does that mean? jk i actually would say its pretty equal 
79. What is your sexual orientation? yes
80. Where do you currently live? Uruguay, montevideo
81. Who was the last person you texted? my dad
82. When was the last time you cried? last week
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? jenna and julien, and probably every sims youtuber(seriously)
84. Do you like to take selfies? not so much
85. What is your favorite app? tumblr, or youtube
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? its alright
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? portugeese
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? mmm all of them
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? Nop
91. Are you religious? no
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? The ocean
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? hahah no
94. Are you allergic to anything? i used to be allergic to a bunch of shit when i was a kid but im not allergic to it anymore?? like chocolate, oranges....cats, and dust
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yes
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? always hopefully
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? i dont really ask for advice that often so...idk
100. Are you a good liar? No, but i try
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff
102. Do you talk to yourself? i used to talk to myself all the time, but now i barely do it, thats a good thing right?
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no, i used to when i was a kid but it was pure garbage
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? look for an id to see if i cant turn it in, if not....well
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes, but only in certain things
108. Are you ticklish? i dont even know, probably not
109. Have you ever been on a plane? no
110. Do you have any piercings? yeah, my ears
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? idk
112. Do you have any tattoos? No, but hopefully i will some day!
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? i dont know....
114. Do you believe in karma? yeah
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? no
116. Do you want children? yeah why not
117. Who is the smartest person you know? honestly i don’t know
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? doing a cindirella theatre play for my school when i was 12, i was cindirella, i dont wanna talk about it njxkcfxf
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? not that i remember, i always end up falling asleep, dosent matter if its like 10 minutes 
120. What color are most of you clothes? green.........i dont even like green
121. Do you like adventures? yeah maybe, depends on what it is
122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah i have actually lmao, it was on a kids tv show 
123. How old are you? 18
124. What is your favorite quote? “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory!!
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lumikinetic · 6 years
It's me, back with another DC Headcanon
This time, imagine an AU where, when all the heroes and villains are old, they retire and go legit but in their respective fields. If people aren’t on here, I either couldn’t think of something for them or I don’t like them.
Batman: Bruce uses Wayne Enterprises to open a whole bunch of stuff he used to become Batman. Opens a gym, yoga and meditation classes, funds criminology, psychology and chemistry courses at Gotham U, everything.
Nightwing: With funding from Bruce, he opens an acrobatics class and all the new students flip their shit at this like 70 year old man swinging from a trapeze 50 feet up with the grace of a swan and balance of a flamingo.
Oracle: I’m not really sure what Barbara would do once she’s retired to be honest, there’s so much. I quite like the idea of her being a college professor who teaches Sociology, but I think she might also teach martial arts for girls of all ages, perhaps co-run with Dinah. Or maybe join the GCPD where she eventually works her way up to Commissioner. One of those, I like college professor the most.
Red Hood: Jason, on his own, opens a gun store but with Bruce Funding, also purchases and renovates Ma Gunn’s Home For Wayward Boys. He’s also a part-time public speaker who goes around elementary schools giving lectures on gun violence.
Red Robin: Franchises with Starbucks then uses the money to open his own coffee shop and also a mattress store. DC, I’m begging you, let my trash son sleep, he needs it.
Spoiler: Stephanie starts her own fashion line called Purple Rain (yes, like the Prince song). It sells a bit of everything but the main focus is fitness clothing.
Robin: Obviously Damian opens a zoo. Did you expect anything less?
Black Bat: So I’m imagining all the Batkids are in their late 50s to early 70s so I think by this point Cassandra would have learned a few languages and she teaches kids all over the world how to speak as well as opening ballet classes in Gotham.
Signal: I don’t know a whole lot about Duke but I think he would have become a stand-up comedian, I could see him on a bar stage, telling just absolute brilliant jokes. And like, he'd reveal his identity to the public and just tell hilarious stories about working with the Batfamily
Catwoman: She'd sell all the jewellery she's stolen over the years and use the money to buy a beachfront mansion, and live out the rest of her days under the sun. Imagine John Mulaney pointing at Selina's retired life and going "this is the height of luxury!"
Alfred: I should like to think Alfred bought a plot of land and turned it into a park. It's got a big hill and he put a bench on top of it and he sat there twice a day - once to watch the sunrise and once to watch the sunset. Poison Ivy visited him sometimes and they talked about tending to plants. Alfred managed to live to 102 before passing away peacefully in his sleep.
Batwoman: Kate and Bruce were one of the last ones to retire from hero work before passing their mantles to younger generations. When she settled down, similar to Bruce, she used her wealth to open various chains and stuff, but instead of things people could use to become the next Batwoman, her franchises were more leisure focused. A string of gay nightclubs, restaurants, clothing stores where she sells Stephanie’s fashion line, things like that.
Huntress: I don’t know what Helena would do. Something religious based would be an obvious choice but I feel like she could do more. Open a restaurant maybe?
Julia: Julia moves back to London and opens a bat-themed bar.
Joker: The realisation kind of dawns on him that the end is fast approaching as he sees Batman and his kids get older and older, and it offers him just a touch of clarity. He lives the rest of his years killing Nazis as a sort of atonement and he dies in his 90s alone, but not quite as unloved as he would have been 60 years ago.
Scarecrow: Jonathan changes his identity and gets plastic surgery, taking up a professor position teaching psychology.
Bane: Bane opens up a gym and you bet he is absolutely a White Goodman type character. “Motivating” all his patrons through yelling at them via video on TVs all over the place.
Poison Ivy: Well of course she opens a flower shop! She builds a reputation as “nice old plant lady down the street” and everyone knows she’s the BEST for wedding flower arrangements. Occasionally she’ll give a tulip or a bluebell to a little girl who came into the shop that day.
Harley Quinn: Harley opens a kids’ party store right across the street from Ivy’s flower shop, and she’s just an absolute joy with the children, if a little inappropriate at times. They smile at each other through their shop windows from time to time.
Deathstroke and Deadshot: Open a military store together where all new recruits can buy basic supplies such as apparel, equipment, sewing kits (for the badges) and stuff. Deathstroke also runs a support group for vets and a advice group for rookies.
Ravager: Rose gets a job as a bartender at one of Kate’s nightclubs, eventually ending up running the place.
Riddler: Opens a store that sells all kinds on brain trivia stuff. Scrabble, Sudoku notepads, math books and equipment for school, puzzle based videogames, just everything.
Mr. Freeze, Captain Cold and Killer Frost: They buy Ace Chemicals, clean it out, clear everything, renovate it, get new equipment and turn it into an ice cream factory.
Superman and Lois: I think it’d be nice if they open a bookstore/coffee shop together.
Supergirl: I’m super into the idea that Kara is a fucking amazing cook and she comes onto the culinary scene and she does n o t stop. She’s always coming up with these crazy dishes and she actually has two houses, one where she lives and one that is basically just a kitchen where she experiments with food.
Superboy: Comic artist. You can’t change my mind.
Green Arrow: Archery store.
Black Canary: Record store.
Hawkman and Hawkgirl: They’d open a store that sells flight supplies. Parachutes, paragliders, hang gliders, hot air balloon rentals, stuff like that.
Aquaman: Water park
Aqualad: Kaldur would open a recreation centre for LGBT youths who are treated poorly in their home, so they have a place to stay for a little while at least. He’s joined with Jason’s orphanage so that he can call the police on the kids’ parents and give them a place to stay.
Starfire: Beach resort hotel
Condiment King: Diner
Wonder Woman: It’s always been a favourite headcanon of mine that Diana is secretly a MASSIVE nerd, and she opens a Forbidden Planet/D&D/LARPing store, and she takes it sooooo seriously. She crafts all the cosplay weapons herself and recommends good starter campaign books for tabletop games and she makes custom dice, gives GM tips, and holds and participates in various D&D nights for all the new heroes who are fighting crime these days (she is absolutely a gnome druid, fight me) and it’s the best.
Artemis: She also opens a bookstore, but it is specifically aimed at Egyptian and Greek mythology. Her usual patrons are college kids with their History and Ancient Civilisations papers, and when parents come in with their little kids, she tells stories about the gods and she absolutely relishes that little twinkle in their eyes.
Maggie Sawyer: After retiring as Commissioner, she trains the new police recruits. Every time new recruits come in at least 3 go, “heyyyyy, aren’t you married to that Kane lady?”
Every time.
That’s the best I can do. Tack on any more you can think of.
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mrsandok · 4 years
all eyes on kenosha
i’m still trying to wrap my head on how i got into a IG comment war with a hip hop legend, stretch armstrong, and some strangers.
i guess that’s what happens when you deprive an extrovert of his classroom and he wants some sort of civic discourse.
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i’m pretty invested with what’s happening in kenosha because i was watching it unfold live on twitter.  i saw the graphic photos and videos.  i saw the shooter get ID’d before news outlets knew.  i knew i was in for something when the world woke up to it the next day.
i definitely predicted that there was going to be some sort of second amendment argument.
i definitely predicted there was going to be discourse differentiating or equating protesters and rioters.
and i definitely predicted the police doing a half-assed job trying to explain themselves on why they were welcoming the armed civilians and not arresting him immediately after.
let me be clear before i continue: i am on the side that wants sweeping systematic reform for our country so we move closer to true equality.
i’m just incredibly disappointed that the left is just as guilty of gas-lighting in this instance.
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what caused me to finally give birth to some twitter fingers is the fact that the left is doing such an irresponsible job of generalizing his motive as racist.  
there simply isn’t any evidence to him being a white supremacist.  
yes--he supports the blue lives matter movement and trump but that shouldn’t automatically qualify him as a racist.  
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i’m having huge “what if” or “i should have” moments as i reread stretch’s first comment back to me. i didn’t want to be too confrontational on his own IG page but i could have replied more sternly with something like:
yes those are my words [all conservatives are white supremacists] but your meme is definitely painting a picture of exactly that.
as of august 28, 2020 2:12 AM PST, there is no hard evidence that the seventeen-year old shooter is a white supremacist.  again, just a trump supporter and blue lives matter supporter.
i’ve done my share of research looking for sources that list a primary source (an actual screenshot of his posts) of his social media accounts that showcase he’s a white supremacist and i’m coming up short.
i’m coming up short because it’s not true.  major news outlets that vet their sources would have jumped on this opportunity because killers with bigoted intent deserve news coverage.  this happened immediately with the charleston church shooter, the man that ran over the protesters in charlottesville, and the new zealand mosque shooter.
for stretch to say the shooter’s social media history is riddled with white supremacy is trump-level gas-lighting.  
for that comment to have 13 (and growing) likes goes to show that primary sources do not matter and taking someone’s unvetted words for it (secondary source) is all that matters these days.  
tonight single-handedly taught me how trump’s gas-lighting continues to exist.  affirming information is more salient, transmitted with high fidelity.  people have the free will to believe what they want to believe and often shut down any counterargument naturally.
it’s incredibly frustrating because stretch is just one example of many tweets/memes/purposefully-altered-headlines, etc. that paint the shooter as a white supremacist.
then comes this dude talking about everything but the point i was trying to make:
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this is a textbook red herring argument.
i definitely respect the passion this guy has for the cause; however, i question it’s effectiveness in actually bringing about change.
i tried to bring the conversation back to my problem with stretch’s photo and received a slew of hasty generalizations, straw man, and begging the claim fallacies:
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twitter fingers isn’t for me.  this was a rare occasion where i really saw a missed opportunity on the left to focus on other concrete things with this tragedy:
the kenosha shooter is a prime example of white privilege where he was able to get praise from the police, have police refuse his surrender, and his ability to comfortably go back home.
or they could focus their energy on on the dangerous rhetoric that’s happening on the other side without stooping to their level of gas-lighting.
i want to end this post where i’m trying to make sense of this weird-ass-night by just questioning what is the true purpose of angry internet posts?
i definitely agree with posts that bring awareness to people like me who would have never heard about breonna taylor, elijah mclain, and other BIPOC deaths that could have been quietly swept under the rug without social media attention.
but stretch’s post that’s not based on reality or the other commenter talking about everything but the fact that there’s no evidence he’s a racist?  what’s the point?
is it rooted in clout culture?  
do they want attention whether it’s positive or negative?  
do they just want to vent?
are they actually actively listening and trying to understand what i’m trying to point out? 
or are they just dismissing me because they already have their conclusions drawn in their head?
i’m asking these questions because this type of gas-lighting and/or attention-seeking is REALLY UNPRODUCTIVE to bringing about ACTUAL CHANGE.
here’s a graphic that explains self-affirming information that really dissects why we will be at this place for a while:
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(i’m fully prepared to face the fact that some racist shit will unearth about the shooter and i’m going to look like the asshole.  oh well.)
i’m also grateful that there weren’t any ad hominem attacks.  
because that will hurt my feelings ;(
Update: 9/13/20
late to the game, but still as unproductive as ever for this dude:
i can’t reply to my own comment.  probably for the better.
stereotype noun Definition of stereotype (Entry 2 of 2) something conforming to a fixed or general pattern especially : a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment
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from /u/bbballs
The way of the world will always be contrary to the dhamma, because it is rooted in ignorance. This is why developing the brahmaviharas is important.
Being perturbed by the condition of world is hint enough that there is still work to be done. It is not fruitful to focus on the faults and shortcomings of others, but rather to focus on holding yourself to a high standard without letting it turn into a conceit.
Unless you are an arahant, you are engaging in identity formation, so it isn't useful to deny the fact of identity formation. What is more useful is engaging in identity formation that is useful in developing the path to abandoning all fetters. This is done by abandoning the unwholesome and cultivating the wholesome. This is a task that can be done regardless of the state of society. You have an interest in the dhamma, so you have some goodness in you, build upon that goodness.
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strmgrl-blog · 7 years
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my name’s saturn & this is my meme shop ! aaaaah no, really though bonjour angels ! for a lil introduction for myself let me just get this out of the way GIFJDKL uhhh i love aoa, day6 & sm artists ( like .. all of them Help ). a traumatized bitch who loves suffering so i project onto my muses to Cope ! GIAUDFJKL god gdfroijmkl sorry ummm i love star wars & video games ? catch me throwing an ow comp match & feeding in fortnite ! i love the moon, she’s the only thing that keeps me alive. i don’t have a mitochondria, i have lunar force. i have one (1) indoor cat who i birthed & LITERALLY 4 STRAY CATS who appeared from the mist. i run a ratchet vet service from my front porch & it’s free, i should be named human of the year honestly, truly. more on this mess of a muse, hyeon, who ( btw ) is literally my everything ? i’ve had her for quite a long time & lost motivation to write her so i’m changing some shit up to see how it goes & this is the product ! i hope you all enjoy reading this EXTREMELY long intro ( bc it will be very long im so sorry ) & befriend both myself as well as hyeon. & if you’re feelin’ a little extra, like this to plot ! i have a few ideas in mind but they’re all worth brainstorming over bc they’re SHIT. anyway, i love u all so much already ? genuinely a kind community i’m nut & WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU, here’s hyeon ~  ♥(ノ´∀`)
warning ! trigger warnings ahead possibly including ꞉ child prostitution, drug abuse, child abuse, mental abuse, sexual assault, depression, suicidal thoughts + other mental illness, murder, & probably a fuckton more. read with caution, please.
so starting with her parents, where all stories begin, let’s just preface by saying these were awful people. they ran in similar circles during school, a very bad one at that, & fell in love after sharing a joint. in their high daze they saw what their mind was conjuring but not the truth about one another. but for them, it had been enough. thus, their story began. it was a very rocky road but they managed to stay together regardless. the bond they had created blossomed as they partook in illegal activities such as petty theft, vandalism, & it slowly evolved into larger problems. 
after hyeon’s mother, named jung eunbi, stole from her parents for the last time she was kicked out into the street with her boyfriend ( who had also been kicked out ) with no place to go. both dropped out of high school as it wasn’t their “””scene””” & took to the dirty streets of busan trying to turn tricks. they’d do anything they could to get some money to feed their addictions. in the midst of their scrambling for what they deemed as important, they never thought to buy protection. so one fateful night after a good steal, they made love on a dingy couch high as a kite & eunbi got pregnant.
she hid the pregnancy for as long as she could from her boyfriend, he only noticed when there was a rather apparent bump under her baggy clothing. with the weight of the realization they might have to force themselves to become a real family, the couple got hitched & attempted to find real jobs. in some miracle, they managed to find a house to live in & eventually “raise” their child in. 
hyeon was born on the 8th of june, on a dark morning with clouds hanging ove the sky & rain starting to pour. she was premature as her mother did drugs during the pregnancy ( which was really no shocker ) & almost was pronounced a still born before they heard the tiny being crying & gasping for air. her parents had assumed that once she was born, they’d feel that parental love that everyone claimed to have but it never came. they stayed in the hospital a total of two days & hardly let their newborn get the help she needed before they hauled ass out of there. 
the first 3 years of hyeon’s life were better than expected, her parents at least tried to take care of her but once she was able to do everything on her own they left her be to pursue their own happiness. honestly think of matilda but a lot more severe ok
she would often get locked in a closet while there were parties held & her parents were too strung out to remember their child. she could spend days in there before she was released. this was only the beginning.
at 8 years old, her father lost his job ( her mother stayed at home ) due to a random drug test & he of course failed. this triggered her parents to panic as they no longer could supply themselves with their so desired highs. so after a night of scheming, they came up with a plan so sinister not even the devil himself would agree.
random men & women began to arrive to their dingy home as hyeon would be ushered into quiet rooms with them where they would pay to do whatever they pleased with the young girl. this went on for 2 years before hyeon was pulled into the principals office at school with questions about where those bruises on her came from. her mom was picked up for possession & this prompted the police to raid their home to find many illegal substances throughout the place as well as evidence of abuse towards the child.
soon after her parents were placed in prison, hyeon was shipped off to seoul to the biggest orphanage in the country. there she stayed for 4 more years. the time there was quiet, nobody asked her about where she came from & she never spoke about it. in truth, she never knew how to as she was a blank mind essentially. 
luckily when she was 15, after a long & strenuous search, hyeon’s grandparents found her & adopted her into their home in daegu. they were absolutely appalled at this shell of a girl, but could only blame her trauma on their own children. it was here that hyeon was loved for the first time in her life ( & possibly the only time ) & taught how to feel something besids fear. she was still horribly inept at processing emotions or showing them.
two years spent with them & one night as hyeon & her grandfather were sat at the family piano, playing & singing a song as her grandmother recorded them in secret. that same video was sent to an entertainment company without hyeon’s knowledge but was thoroughly surprised & equally as excited when she was recruited. only a measly year in training with her 2 group members before they debuted & they were suddenly the biggest gg in sk.
the group debuted under the name of PTL, hyeon’s stagename was now Tink as she accompanied her members in the ride of a lifetime. they were extremely popular with their girl crush yet enticing vocals with miss tink as the main vocalist & maknae. even so successful as to have a world tour ! the group had their differences, hyeon being the medium for them as the other girls were rather opposing forces. often she was put in the middle of their arguing only to run away when conflict came up. during this time she would write & compose her own songs, bringing a heavy soul feeling to the group with her powerhouse vocals.
with all this being said ( which was a LOT ), there is still more. a year after debut while the group was climbing in popularity, hyeon began receiving texts from an unknown number. she soon found out that the people behind the mask were her parents, somehow having managed to be released from prison & found their new mission in life was to harass their daughter. on an october night, after an argument went down within the dorms between hyeon’s two members, the youngest set out by herself to meet those who hurt her for dinner. 
as expected, it went horribly. at this point in her life, she was extremely impressionable, & witnessed how her eonnie handled things which was with a liquor bottle in hand. so, like an idiot, she went to a club by herself to get fucked up. while sitting at the bar, a random man drugged her drink & took hyeon home with him. the night was a blur but when the young woman woke up she felt familiar bruises & a blanket of rage took over. the man was still passed out next to her.
so as she slipped out of his bed & found the nearest blunt object, hyeon managed to bash his skull in. she blacked out after that only to come to with clean hands & far away from the corpse. this was the reactant to lead her to go blind in rage & come to with blood on her hands. soon enough, she took a liking to the feeling & became two people within one while somehow managing to remain anonymous as a killer ran rampant.
earlier this year, after too much shit going on within the group, ptl disbanded & all went their own ways. which hyeon appreciated. the people she had once called her sisters had become like strangers & only cared about themselves, didn’t have the time to look after their maknae. 
to say that her already pre - existing depression & anxiety sky rocketed would be an understatement. she left music for a while, deciding to stream on twitch & youtube as a gamer. it made her happy for a short time but has been planning on returning to music with hints of a solo debut soon that has fans excited.
edit: i forgot to put this in here originally IGJFDKL but she moved to jeju after her group disbanded for a new start. plus, her address somehow got leaked so she uprooted all her shit & left for the secluded island.
stands at 5′7″, 168 pounds ( considered plus size tbh. one day i’ll put picture references LMAO ), with curly, thick hair & freckles from hell. 
can speak english, japanese, chinese, & italian. has a slight british accent from who she learned english from was from the UK.
has a rottweiler puppy named chewie, a hedgehog named leia, & two cats named opal & hazel. 
voice claim is a mixture of lee haeri, kim taeyeon, park sunyoung, & ailee.
her favorite color is blue, loves the rain, & will 100% be caught standing in the middle of a storm.
is a practicing wiccan ! very much so considers herself a witch.
her favorite drink is strawberry milk, & will eat anything that has strawberries !
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kirishwima · 7 years
Get to know me tag!
Tagged by @teakoii​
1. What is your full name? Don’t really want to give out my full name on tumblr lol, but I’m Sophia (and if we’re going for embarrassing details, I got a middle name, Marina lol)
2. What is your nickname? A lot of people call me babushka? Or just shortened versions of my name like Soph and stuff 
3. What is your zodiac sign?   Cancer 
4. What is your favorite book series?  Hmmm this is hard lol. The only series I can honestly admit to have read entirely is the Hunger Games :p
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Aliens are 10010% real and probably want nothing to do with earth, LOL. Ghosts...it’d be so cool if they’re real. Highly doubt it though
6. Who is your favorite author? Neil Gaiman!! He’s amazing!
7. What is your favorite radio station?  Mix fm...any cypriot reading this will know lol
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything?  Of anything...probably coffee taste lol. Or mint? One of the two
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Hmm, amazing? Awesome? idk lol
10. What is your current favorite song?  Current favourite is probably Andromeda by the Gorillaz :p 
11. What is your favorite word?  in english?? no clue hahah :p 
12. What was the last song you listened to?  Despacito ;u; 
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?  Voltron obviously hahah, um, maybe American Horror story? But only season 2 lol, or Black Mirror bc it’s amAZING
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?  Ghibli films! Especially Howl’s moving castle or Spirited Away! c:
15. Do you play video games?  I do but not as much lately bc of uni
16. What is your biggest fear?  Uhhh if we’re going for deep dark fears, probably the entire concept of eternity? Like the thought of something having no real start or end just freaks me out lol
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion?  I honestly can’t think of one hahah, i’ve been thinking for a couple of minutes and can’t think of anything :p maybe that i’m an easy person to get along with
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?  I can make a list tbh lol, absolute worst would probably be that i’m way too sensitive & care too much about what other people think
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?  NO DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE I LOVE THEM BOTH I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ;-;
20. What is your favorite season?  Summer!! :D 
21. Are you in a relationship?  Nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood?  I don’t miss much. Maybe not having this much of a workload if anything lol
23. Who is your best friend?  Why have one when you can have 3? :D @faded-r0ses @now-this-is-wtf @ibreathestucky <3 <3
24. What is your eye color?  Brow
25. What is your hair color?  I change it every few months lol, it’s currently black!
26. Who is someone you love?  So many people :p Friends, family, a lot of people! c:
27. Who is someone you trust?  The squad obviously, but p. much all of my friends?? Like if we’re buddies then that’s it, i trust u lol
28. Who is someone you think about often?  Like i think about my dog a lot bc i haven’t seen his fluffiness in like four moths now but i think about a lot of people often? not one set person 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something?  I’m excited for an eternal slumber tbh, or like, vacation. I need a break TuT
30. What is your biggest obsession?  Voltron probably, and also random but history?? i love. history lol
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child?  POKEMON! It was a Sunday morning ritual to watch pokemon :D
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?  Anything? Probably no one :p
33. Are you superstitious?  Not really? 
34. Do you have any unusual phobias?  Like, I’m afraid of small white rooms with no windows. Random? Yes. Unusual? Idk?? :p 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? I’m insecure af but like photography so behind it lol
36. What is your favorite hobby?  Writing! :D 
37. What was the last book you read?  I mean i read a shitton of anatomy and physiology books throughout this year, do those count? Ah and The anatomy of being by Shinj Moon, though it’s a poetry book
38. What was the last movie you watched? Avengers Age of Ultron probably
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Nothing, sadly TuT
40. What is your favorite animal? 
I can’t. ChoOOSEE I LOVE SO MANY. If i can have like a top 3?? It’d probably be dogs & cats (in one place bc i can’t choose), foxes, and lizards? or i think they’re called newts in english? ya. 
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? 
Definitely @teakoii they’re they’re the literal cutest & amazing artist, definitely 2/3 the squad: @ibreathestucky (she’s a fandom goddess ok <3), @faded-r0ses (aesthetic ho right there), (((our remaining 1/3 @now-this-is-wtf not included bc she nEVER LOGS IN)) Also @wipengineer <-the queen of angst 
and @maristine :D Quality voltron content right there~ 
and also a LOT of other blogs, some that i interact with and some not but i’m too shy to mention/tag  >.< 
42. What superpower do you wish you had? 
Being able to breathe/survive underwater. Bye bye humans. I’m a fish now. You’ll never catch me. Also shapeshifting would b awesome bc. Cmon. You could become a dragon. Take that responsibilities. 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace?
The beach, definitely. Or anywhere near large bodies of water? Give me a lake or river any day and I’ll probably never leave lol
44. What makes you smile? 
A good ol’ meme never failed me so far, also good music? And coffee, and cuddly animals or just hugs in general i love hugs
45. What sports do you play, if any? 
I do some swimming and begrudgingly go to the gym when my roommate drags me along but that’s pretty much it lol
46. What is your favorite drink?
CoFFEE. I swear my blood has been replaced with caffeine by now
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
I wrote a post-it note to my roommate to let her know i’m out does that count? 
48. Are you afraid of heights? 
Nope! I love looking down when standing somewhere v high or in a plane and stuff lol
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? 
I had to google what a pet peeve is TuT
Hm, i can’t really think of anything? Not a lot of things bug me tbh, except for big things like you know, like rudeness or belittling someone else e.t.c
50. Have you ever been to a concert? 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
Define how little. I had a big phase of wanting to become a Power Ranger so.
According to my family i was always between vet or doctor though lol
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? 
Ohh boy, i can’t just choose one!! :p Something magic-related definitely
54. What is something you worry about? 
Something? Something? More like everything. TuT
55. Are you scared of the dark? 
56. Do you like to sing? 
No unless I'm either drunk enough or blasting the radio loud enough for no one to hear me hahah
57. Have you ever skipped school? 
I was way too much of an ‘example student’ in high school so no lol. As for lectures in uni though..well. ;u;
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? 
59. Where would you like to live? 
Italy! My dream is to move to Italy after i graduate! 
60. Do you have any pets? 
Yes, a cute lil’ bean of a doggo~ (or as my friends very...politely say, the chubbiest, clingiest chihuahua they’ve ever met lol)
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Both? It depends lol
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
63. Do you know how to drive? 
Yup! Although parking is an entire different story LOL
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? 
Headphones, earbuds are annoying ;-;
65. Have you ever had braces? 
Yes. I pretend that that time period never happened ;u;
66. What is your favorite genre of music? 
Hmmmmmm. Hmmm??? I can’t choose? Probably either indie/chill music or punk rock but i listen to so so many genres
67. Who is your hero? 
I can’t really think of any celebrities, but if we’re talking people, probably my grandma? She was a badass woman that was raising two kids in her twenties whilst studying & graduating med school, then moved on to become the first woman gynaecologist in her country. Hats off to her really.
68. Do you read comic books?
A bit! 
69. What makes you the most angry? 
Honestly people that just. Can’t. Respect. Others.
So racist/homophobic/transphobic/sexist people, people who can’t respect someone else, people that think they’re superior to anyone, and also people that hurt/abuse animals- it’s like hey buddy. Find the nearest trash can and shove yourself in it, it’s not nice to litter.
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? 
Real books. I understand that electronics are more convenient but there’s nothing better than actually holding a book in your hands and flipping the pages ;u;
71. What is your favorite subject in school? 
History and english lit! And greek literature! All theoretical subjects really, lol
If we’re talking currently, then it’s embryology, definitely. I love it!!
72. Do you have any siblings? 
An older sister and two older brothers 
73. What was the last thing you bought? 
Bananas and vegetables, lol
74. How tall are you?
165cm. I think it’s 5′5″
75. Can you cook? 
I mean i nearly burn the kitchen down every time but i try
76. What are three things that you love? 
Animals, good books, coffee
77. What are three things that you hate? 
Rude/mean people (aka every single person with a Trump-like mindset, the dude himself included ofc), that’s pretty much it? it takes a lot for me to hate something 
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? 
79. What is your sexual orientation? 
Pan! Still figuring out if that’s Panromantic or Pansexual :p 
80. Where do you currently live? 
Czech Republic
81. Who was the last person you texted? 
My roommate
82. When was the last time you cried? 
Like, 2 days ago i think? I was stressed, tired and sick lol
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? 
Markiplier! Also a lot of creepy pasta narrators, Lazy Masquerade being my fave probably :p
84. Do you like to take selfies? 
Sometimes? it really really depends on my mood lol
85. What is your favorite app? 
Instagram probably
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Ehh. I get along great with my dad although we don’t talk much, and i get along as well with my mom, just wish she’d realise i’m not a kid still lol. 
The older i get the better we get along i guess, although there’s some things we’ll never agree on
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? 
I like Spanish accents a lot? I have a lot of Spanish & Portuguese friends and love their accent when they speak english :p Also Russian accents?? Don’t ask me why. I just really like them lol
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? 
Japan! I really want to go to Japan. And USA? And Canada? Like, big-city places because I’ve never been to one ;u;
89. What is your favorite number? 
90. Can you juggle? 
I got the balance of a tomato on an acid trip, so that’s a no hahah
91. Are you religious? 
Not...really? I was raised in a very religious house and the more i learned about church the more i disliked it. I still like some aspects of it though so...I’m figuring it out still
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? 
With enough alcohol in my system and good friends, ya. As it is? Nope, I'm that one friend in horror movies that says ‘hey guys, this is probably a bad idea’ and promptly dies lol
94. Are you allergic to anything? 
A bit allergic to dust but that’s pretty much it i think
95. Can you curl your tongue? 
No ;-;
96. Can you wiggle your ears? 
How do people dO THAT no i can’t
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
If i know I'm in the wrong i always admit it & apologise, or so i hope :p
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
The forest is fun too but...the beach. Definitely. ((Plus there’s no bugs at the beach! ;u;))
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? 
If you try your best and work hard, the result won't matter because you gave it your all and that’s what counts.
100. Are you a good liar?
Not at all, you can immediately tell if I’m lying because I start to giggle lol
101. What is your Hogwarts House? 
102. Do you talk to yourself? 
Yes. It’s actually funny bc i keep switching between languages when i do
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  
Introvert ;;
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? 
Not exactly. I try to keep a journal but it usually ends up with doodles and scribbles from class lol
105. Do you believe in second chances? 
Most of the time, yes.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? 
Honestly? I’d probably leave it, OR if there’s any shops nearby, I’d take it to a store clerk, since the person that lost it is more likely to go into a nearby shop and ask if they’ve seen their wallet than to a police department, I think? idk
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? 
Yes, definitely!
108. Are you ticklish? 
Ridiculously ticklish. @now-this-is-wtf  and @faded-r0ses have a field trip with this fact T-T
109. Have you ever been on a plane? 
110. Do you have any piercings? 
I got a lot of piercings on my ears and had nose ring but I think it’s healed now? Will be getting a septum piercing in July though~
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? 
Lance. Lanceeeeeee. How could i not want my fave ever to be real lol
112. Do you have any tattoos? Not...yet. Soon though!
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? 
It wasn’t exactly my decision, but switching schools back in middle school. Would have never met my tiny best friend otherwise, or met some other amazing people & teachers
114. Do you believe in karma?
Not really
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? 
Glasses, can’t put on contacts to save my life
116. Do you want children? 
I don’t really like kids so. Ehh.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? 
Hmm, people are smart in different ways and aspects. So I don’t know one person who’s the absolute smartest!
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? 
Probably that one time at Comic con when i had a skirt-too-short problem (bless my backpack and the random leggings i had shoved in there for some reason lol), or that one time i got asked for an ID when i tried to buy a beer. At a supermarket. And they still wouldn’t believe me until I showed them my university card as well. (Sad thing is it wasn’t even for me lol)
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? 
yup, way too often lol
120. What color are most of you clothes? 
Black. So many black clothes lol. At least that makes laundry much easier :D
121. Do you like adventures? 
122. Have you ever been on TV? 
Only for some small interview clips when I was in high school lol
123. How old are you? 
124. What is your favorite quote? 
“Sometimes, I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? 
I don’t like sweet stuff much so savoury! OK, NOW, WHO TO TAG~
Squad, do it if you’re up for it @ibreathestucky @faded-r0ses @now-this-is-wtf (esp. you Guac I know you’re a free potato now with exams over~), and my tumblr buddies @maristine, @wipengineer (and yes i know u got the google doc but hey! :D), @the-blood-in-your-bruise and honestly, whoever else wants to do it, that’s it, you’re tagged by me hahah ^^
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year? no idea, I’d like to spend it with my parents but dad might work at the time and also sister can visit, I’m not even sure if I will be alive at the time nor if I want holidays as I have no money nor can’t eat much anyway
Did you go to high school with your current best friend? no Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? maybe vegetarian but not a vegan for sure Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway? we have no car
Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month? from afar Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? I don’t :( Have you ever properly listened to classical music? Did you like it? you mean if I listened to a live orchestra? not really Do your parents know how to text? not my mother Do you text your parents often? I text my father at least once a day when he’s at work What television channel do you watch the most? none anymore What will you do when this survey is over? take a bath and go to sleep, I play choices in the meantime, I might listen to music yet  What’s the weather like today? there was a thunderstorm How do you usually celebrate New Years? I was listening to music with my family, we had special food and then we looked at fireworks through the window drinking non alcoholic champagne  Is the place that you’re in right now quiet or loud? it’s quiet
What was the last thing you took a video of? what kind of friend I am on snapchat or smth on tik tok that I set as private
What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? school as I no longer attend it Do you prefer to be around introverted or extroverted people? I’m an introvert and I prefer NOT to be around people  Have you ever been somewhere where you didn’t fluently speak the local language? never but sometimes I go to the mall and there are ppl speaking russian instead of polish  Have you ever dated someone from a very different socioeconomic background? yep Were you born before or after the collapse of the Soviet Union? year after How often do you go grocery shopping? about every second day or third? If you got pregnant the 1st time you had sex, how old would the kid be now? it wouldn’t be born What was your last received text message about? M. wishing me good night Have you ever lived in a small community where everyone knew each other? my town was a bit like this when I was a baby Are you a procrastinator? huge What was the last thing you said out loud? BYE or smth like that
Have you ever worked over 50 hours in one week? I haven’t
Have you ever studied abroad? neither Do you have any medication that you keep with you at all times? sorta List three things that you need to get done in the next few days? take my dog to the vet, get my examinations results and give them to my gastrologist, go on a date, do grocery shopping etc. What’s something that’s much more difficult than a lot of people realize? being me What’s your opinion on couples ‘staying together for the kids?’ ugh... What was the last website you were on, before this one? Google Do you ever lose track of what day of the week it is? who doesn’t Were you raised by both of your parents? If not, then who raised you? could say so, my dad was busy often but I also had my grandma around Have you ever spent over $50 (€43) on a bottle of wine? - Have you ever locked your keys in your car? I don’t get it, how is that even possible? :o What season do you wish lasted longer? summer How old is the last male you texted? 60+ How old is the last female you texted? 28 Have you ever ‘taken a break’ in a relationship? If so, how did things turn out? could say so
How many times have you ever ridden an elephant? 0 but I want to What do you think about Lord of the Rings? cool
Do you have a lot of clothes hangers in your house? shitload Have you ever been in a Latin class? floristry  Have you ever had bubble gum stuck in your hair? once Is there any pet hair stuck to your clothing? I don’t think so Have you ever watched The Gremlins? nah Is your cell on charge? it is indeed What do you think about rainbows? ... Are you wearing anything on your head right now? am not Do you own a pet spider? I don’t Do you like mouthwash? I dislike it Do you use green pens? very rarely Are there any fake tattoos on you? none Can you roll your belly? a bit Is there a rocking chair in your house? there isn’t Have you ever gone to a Monster Truck show? would like to someday but it’s not necessary Have you ever been kicked in the throat? punched/slapped/hit  Do you like the song “Barbie Girl”? ironically Do you own a feather boa? blergh Do you wear ribbons in your hair? used to have this special decoration that I made myself - it was a ponytail made out of ribbons and my friends’ mom or grandma was calling it Krakowianka Do you use cheat codes on video games? motherlode How long has it been since you last slept? over ten hours Is the sound on your laptop or computer turned off? it’s on How many keychains do you own? too many lmfao Magnets? several Do you own anything with a peace sign on it? doubt it When is the last time you wore shorts? this month which is new/weird to me Do you like elevators or escalators? use them when I need to Is there anyone in the room with you? I’m alone When is the last time you pet an animal? today
Is it windy outside? who knows Have you ever met a dog named ‘Spot’? I called one this way
Do you usually wrap gifts or just put them in a bag? give them without packing or anything  When was the last time you were given jewelery as a gift? this year If you look out the window closest to you - what do you see? darkness Have you ever used crutches? for “fun” If Willy Wonka invited you to live with him, would you? ewww, creepy Do you own a pair of pink shoes? mhm Have you ever been in a tree house? sadly not Have you ever been outside in freezing cold weather with no jacket on? ha! it reminds me of the time we’ve been using hot glue for couple of hours to make floral decorations in class and we all started going crazy like on drugs and we wen outside in T-shirts in a freezing cold winter time to finish projects and we didn’t feel anything pfft - I wasn’t sick afterwards :P The last time you said “I want it” - what was it that you wanted? not sure what was last but I want health constantly if that counts What color are your sunglasses? they’re not colorful Are you picky about how your clothes fit? I like ‘em oversized Would you ever flirt with somebody in front of your parents? slightly Would you ever move to China? what for What material are the pants you’re wearing made of? cotton
How long have you had your current mattress? years Do you usually pay with cash, debit card, or credit card? cash always What do you usually drink with breakfast? I drink water an hour after breakfast
Are you the type of person who can make friends with just about anyone? me? r u kidding? What’s your least favorite time of day? morning because of waking up but sunrises are pretty  How many burners does your stove have? 4 When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer to sit at a booth or a table? table Which room of your house is currently in the greatest need of cleaning? *shrug* not mine  When was the last time you shipped a package? uh oh I don’t even remember  Have you ever made a homemade pie? with my mom How old is your oldest cousin? don’t ask me
Do you ever have binges that last for hours, watching YouTube videos? not that long
Have you ever recorded yourself doing a cover of a song? ^^”
Are there any movies out there that basically make you want to puke? Gummo *someone once told me it reminds them of me and I wasn’t able to watch half of it as it was so disgusting and that comment feels like one of the worst offensive shit anybody ever told [about] me
Are either of your parents laid of from work at the moment? retired
Any secrets you’d never tell anyone? No matter how close they are to you? no secrets like this
Have you ever told a secret on one of your friends you promised otherwise? you got me
Do you consider yourself a promiscious person? I’m an asexual but recently... Look to your left, what’s the first blue thing you see right now? there’s nothing blue on my left side atm as there’s a window 
Do you know anyone who has AIDS? What about yourself? no one that I know of 
Has anyone ever mistaken you to be a member of the opposite sex? plenty of times
What’s one thing in your room you would die if your SO found? I wouldn’t die, I might be embarassed if anything
Does your school have a swimming pool? Or no? my schools didn’t have swimming pools
Do you prefer cappuccinos or frappuccinos? I only tried cappuccino before  Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? lake Are there any plants in your home? omg yes What food does honey go best with? I liked yoghurt with honey when I was a child Have you ever carved a pumpkin? less than 5 times Do you love seeing frost hanging off leaves in the Winter? I like it on windows only Have you ever reread a book? no? Would you ever like to own a chandelier? not crystal one 
Do you have any religious symbols in your home? bunch What religion do you identify with, if any? Christianity If you could have a small garden in your backyard, what would you plant? you mean vegetables?
Do you enjoy those tins of butter cookies? yeah Do you own any art supplies? I gave away most of them Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil? pen How many notebooks do you own? Are they all filled? I own lots of filled and empty notebooks
Are you currently sitting on your bed? I’m not
Did anything tend to make you extremely happy today?  nope
What month is it?  August
Do you know where the remote to the closest television is located or not? I know
Name one interesting fact about yourself that people might not know about? I hate The Nanny Affair on Choices and play it only to get diamonds
Do you ever have to write down a phone number to remember it, or not? every single time
Do you know anyone who has man-boobs?  many men have “boobs” *in middle school we had a guy who they were calling Pamela (Anderson) because of that
Do you know anyone who constantly puts themselves down?  that me
When was the last time you had a piece of cake?  yesterday or day before
Do you know anyone who has their septum pierced? Does it look painful? not personally
Do you think some famous people just shouldn’t be famous at all?  lots
Has anyone ever complimented you on your singing? Did you believe them? once in primary school and I think they tried to flirt with me but I believe they were lying or maybe they just tried to make fun of me? 
Has anyone ever kissed you in the rain? Did it seem romantic at the time? no thx
When was the last time you listened to a genre of you music you despise? in public, it was loud so I couldn’t help it
How satisfied with life are you at this exact moment in time? Why is this? no comment
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