#but also all jokes i feel like that style of youtube comedy is so so subjective
mithomite · 6 months
it never really occurred to me that people. didn't like danny gonzales. wdym . he's the slime king. and also his dad is straight evillllllll
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moonlitempty · 1 year
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Shaun of the Dead (2004), Dir. Edgar Wright, Starring Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost.
A romantic comedy, with zombies.
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For a while now, I have kept movie entries in my personal journal, it feels like a tangible way to commemorate and preserve a movie I feel deserves such attention, and even before I started that habit, I was intimidated by the entries for The Cornetto Trilogy.
All three movies were just so special and influential to me, and physical writing has a tendency to, y’know, get fucked up, so it was a struggle figuring out a way to both preserve my love for these films on my journal, and make it look mildly cute. Safe to say, I think I’ve achieved said balance.
This is the entry for Shaun! I tried to feature a lot of blood splatter/bloodstain motifs, in accordance to the movie obviously, and you might think the b&w colour scheme of the printed images was intentional, but the sad and almost hilarious truth is that it was a limitation! My printer is a laser printer, and those can’t do colours. So I tried to reach a monochromatic style with these entries, where I highlight one single colour that I think is reminiscent of the movie. For Shaun, it was obviously red.
I am not a movie critic (even if I like to think I am), so the personal thoughts section of the entry may come off as shallow or void of detail, I’m sorry about that! But if we’re honest, at this point in time, my love for these films should not be a point of doubt, even if my written thoughts are lax at best.
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I remember the first time I actually *heard* of Shaun of the Dead, it was via a kill count video on youtube, and even then I was intrigued by it, all the love and praise I had heard directed towards it was something that drew me in, I didn’t actively search out the movie just yet, I just kept it as a mental memo that I’d get to later.
Then, on one magical night, and by pure fate, I stumbled upon the film on cable TV, I was channel hopping and seeing the title on the screen made my eyes light up, this was my chance to see what all the *fuzz* was about. So I didn’t hesitate and I changed the channel from VH1, to experience the Shauning. My life changed at that instant.
Shaun of the Dead was the most charming and charismatic film I had seen up until that point, I had heard about how flawlessly it was edited and how well every single joke landed, but experiencing said praises in the flesh was phenomenal, and Simon’s role as Shaun was instantly memorable and you could say he was the thing that hooked me in. He was so cynical and snarky, yet caring and loving of the band of misfits he was surrounded by. Though Nick as Ed was also an incredibly charming experience.
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I remember just being completely entranced by everything surrounding the film, the movie kept going on and on and I kept finding stuff to love about it. The fact that it was clearly a movie that didn’t take itself too seriously as to be a de facto horror movie, yet it still conveyed emotions in a serious and profound way just really stuck a chord with me, and I’m sure everyone already praises this particular quality, but the quick, snappy and dynamic directing and editing choices characteristic of Edgar Wright are just lovely.
They manage to make the movie feel novel and it hooks you in, without risking making it feel overwhelming and too distracting. And I haven’t even mentioned the score and songs featured in the movie! While the film is perfect on a purely visual standpoint, the accompanying music on every scene elevates the overall feel of the scene you happen to be watching. Whether it be the mundane feeling of Shaun’s daily life, or the dread of the slow realisation that something ain’t quite right in London, or the inspiration and undying will to keep surviving and overcoming.
Frankly, I could go on and on and on about how much I adore this film, about how much it helped me deepen the love I have for filmmaking, and how much it even inspired to purchase filmmaking. But let’s be blunt, you guys probably don’t want to read my ramblings any longer, (but if you do for any reason, do let me know! I love feeling like my opinion matters in any way).
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So, Shaun of the Dead! If I could, I’d screen you to any person who even breathes in my direction, I love you so much and I’m sure I’ll rewatch you as soon as I get the TV to myself.
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westerberg · 3 months
Can i ask ur thoughts on please dont destroy i just kno u will have the right take
okay... I had only seen a couple naturally thro my SNL watching but after watching a few more on youtube here are my thoughts (this is going to be self indulgent but I WAS asked.)
I remember being a bit skeptical of Good Neighbor at first being such a Lonely Island fan but I think by a couple years in I was onboard (I think I remember Chris Fitzpatrick being a big moment for me.) Also I was like 12. So I'm just prefacing this with I think I can give a full judgement as they have been on for a while.
Setting nearly every sketch in their writers room is incredibly lazy and uncreative
All previous "Digital Short" creators in the past (including Brooks, if we wanted) had some sort of clear reason for needing to film their sketches rather than doing them live. All of their sketches take place in one location and have very simple sketch premises-- the only reason they're filmed is because they're reliant on Tiktok style editing for their beats to land-- if they were filmed live the weakness of most of the jokes and all of the acting would be much clearer to everyone.
I was going to say "they don't have a cutiepie like Kyle Mooney or Andy Samberg" but when I thought about it I realized I meant none of them have any personality or charisma as far as I can tell. Their personalities are white guy on tiktok.
I do like a number of Youtubers that went TV like the previously mentioned + Workaholics, but what makes them interesting is they were using an unconventional platform to do unconventional comedy... Tiktok is very rewarding of instant understanding/gratification and thus their work becomes much less interesting, even if it is occasionally funny, and there's no element of experimentation or weirdness, which to me, is what made the Digital Shorts the best part of SNL.
They aren't horrible at sketch writing but their voice doesn't feel well developed and they rely too much old tired sketch beats for me to be very interested esp since they are all such shitty actors
Let me compare them to "worst Lonely Island sketch ever," Daiquiri Girl. No, it's not "good," but it is fun to watch because both Andy and the editing style have so much personality and charm, and it's just not the kind of thing you normally see on TV. All of the Please Don't Destroy sketches I watched were "fine," but they will never reach the highs of Lonely Island because they lack that certain something that makes Daiquiri Girl transcend it's shittiness.
Okay I hope you weren't hoping I would say I love them <3 Thank you for asking I've been working on figuring out new ways of approaching my own comedy writing so this was a fun exercise for me.
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flower-boi16 · 6 months
I Watched The Hello Neighbor Cartoon (It's bad)
So just today while I was scrolling through my recommendations on youtube I saw a review of the Hello Neighbor cartoon that I never knew existed up until now. Just by looking at the show I didn't have very high expectations but I randomly decided to watch it cuz why not? I mean, it has an 8.6/10 on IMDB so surely it must be good right?....ya no. Anyways...the show sucks, here's why.
1. The Animation & Vissuals
The animation is...bad. It just looks very stiff and cheap looking, and the characters aren't that expressive either, they all look bland and soulless (which also describes their personalities incredibly well too). So much of it feels choppy as hell, like I'm watching a show made with two dollars on flash. I would say that this looks like a cheap Canadian cartoon (and I say this as somebody from Canada) but...even then there are Canadian shows that look more appealing than this.
The art style also looks bland, again, the characters barely have ANY real expression to them, and it really looks like a low-effort kids show more than anything else, which makes the show's attempts at being "scary" fall flat. Don't have much else to say here, the animation just looks that bad.
2. Comedy
There are a few times when the show tries to be funny...and it fails. None of the jokes here really made me laugh....at all. Though there were times when the show did get a laugh out of me...and they were when I wasn't supposed to laugh. Like that scene in episode 2 with where our main girl sees a bunch of neighbor heads I just couldn't help but find it VERY amusing, plus the credits which is just the neighbor goofily staring through the window where "dRaMAtiC" music plays in the background and it just looks VERY goofy. Aside from that, when the show is trying to be funny...it's not. It's just not.
3. Characters
A majority of the characters are honestly not worth talking about aside from Trinity and Nicky ig, they are all just...so boring. None of the kids' personalities are remotely endearing in the slightest and they are all just extremely one-dimensional.
Trinity is our main character and...I'm sorry but she just isn't interesting in the slightest. She has literally no personality or depth as a character and makes her a very boring protagonist for the story. She's also pretty inconsistent in episode 2 where she's all like "no we can't follow around the neighbor" when last episode she was perfectly on board with that and Nicky's plan? Then there's Nicky who also kinda sucks. Like the other characters he isn't that interesting or endearing at all, and they also don't even give a reason for why he thinks the neighbor is a murderer. Like, what made him assume the neighbor murdered his own kids??? It honestly would've been really cool if they merged aspects of Dipper from Gravity Falls and Webby from Ducktales 2017 together for his character because I could really see the potential here, but what we have now...ya.
The other kids are, again, not worth talking about because of how boring they are. They aren't funny or entertaining to watch at all, they all feel so bland and soulless. The other kids simply just exist and not much else. I really don't have that much else to say about the characters.
4. The "Horror"
So the show tries to be scary...but it isn't. Honestly, It's hard to pinpoint what parts the show wants me to be scared of because it's really hard to find a show with this art style scary in the slightest. Nothing about it is that "creepy" at all, though I don't even know this is supposed to be a horror show despite it being based on a horror game since I never felt scared watching it all.
I guess the show's overarching mystery is kinda intriguing...? But when the characters are so bland it's hard to even get invested in it. Don't have much else to say here.
5. Plot Holes
Ah yes, no bad show would be complete without plot holes, now would it? I'll just list some of the plot holes in each episode here:
Speaking of that murder, wouldn't have that got onto the news or something? Like, did nobody report it??? And if we assume someone DID report it, since the neighbor was the last one there who COMMITTED THE MURDER, wouldn't the officers put two and two together and realize it was the neighbor?
Also why did the neighbor commit the murder in the first place??? What was even the point of that???? Did he not have any money to pay for it???? Why????
The fact that there is just. A tunnel under the school. For some reason, which NEVER gets explained by the way.
When Nicky gets captured by the neighbor, where tf are his parents???? Did they not recognize their child is missing??? Why didn't they file a missing child report or ANYTHING???
There are more plot holes than these but these are the most egregious ones to me. Also the ones I already mentioned in the characters section. Besides, this post is getting long enough already so I'll just end it here....
6. Conclusion
So ya, the show sucks, 3/10, see ya.
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animentality · 1 year
I haven’t read your books yet, you know how it is, money~, but I bet they’re pretty good and I am planning to buy and read them, they’re on The List, and I hold you in high regards as a person I kinda vaguely barely know. I say this first to preface, because, from the kindest most adoring place of my heart okay, this reminded me of you, no offense: https://www.tumblr.com/pjackk/721300009283420160/whats-up-tunblr-basically-i-just-wrote-this-book
Glad you preceded this with a compliment...
But brutal.
For what it's worth, I also hate having to reduce my books to tropes...and I try not to, with any of my promotional posts...
But uh...good to know this is how I come across :S
But in my defense...and in defense of other authors... it's super easy for people to make fun of how we have to promote our books, but in this terrible digital economy...I mean.
It's hard to keep people's attention, and it's hard to sell books.
It's not like selling art, doing commissions, making animations, or well-edited videos. Books are inherently harder to sell and market and build an audience for, because they're an investment of time and focus.
They aren't as easy to dive into and enjoy. A webcomic chapter you could read in twenty minutes. A pretty picture you can reblog, and you can commission the artist if you love the style. A Youtube video can be ten minutes of investment. Maybe an hour, tops.
But a book?
Books will always struggle more than shows or animations, because it takes a certain kind of person to read books, and in this day and age, attention spans are shorter than ever.
You spend fucking years writing your books, and you edit, and you revise, and write some more, and edit some more, and revise some more, and then you have to promote.
All the time, in every way you can imagine. Using whatever tools you have... all the time, every way.
Otherwise, you don't see any sales at all, and then it's like you wasted three years of your life fiddling around, while everyone you know is making bank on crypto or whatever the fuck.
If I was good at fucking BookTok? I wouldn't be fucking here promoting at all.
I could leave my blog as the little meme machine it's always been.
But I'm bad at fucking TikTok.
And I mildly resent being compared to a TikTok author, because if I was any good at that, I WOULD NOT BE HERE promoting my books at all.
Tumblr is the worst place to promote anything, ever.
That's part of why I like it...but at the same time, that's why it's such a torturous practice, trying to promote my novels here.
No one here gives a fuck. And I'm fine with that.
I'm ok with that.
But I can't throw away hard work without at least trying.
I don't really get the criticisms of authors in those comments anyway.
What have those people tried to put out into the world?
You think self published authors are just jokes, or that they aren't marketing themselves well?
Maybe both are true, but someone who makes something, no matter how shit, has still MADE something.
It's easy to tear others down. It's not easy to make something that you care about, and put out into the world for others to see and judge.
And for those people in the comments too, I have to ask.
Is a book only good, if it's published by a company?
Because books that are self published are actually a LOT LESS likely to be made up of tropes and cliches.
People who self publish tend to write weirder and more out of the box things. They RESORT to tropes because they feel you won't pay attention to their books without them.
they feel you won't give their concept a try, unless they dumb it down for everyone.
They pretend the book is something it's not, out of sheer desperation.
I market 7 Deadly Habits like it's a fucking adventure action romance comedy...?
It's actually pretty fucking dark and grim and sad.
the main character is fucked up, and so are all his exes. So is the entire world they live in.
It's really not a funny book. It has dark humor, but it's hinged on an unhinged concept, one that I find darkly interesting.
But I lie and say it's a funny adventurous romp of sex and violence.
Because that's how I have to market it.
I try other things, of course, but I have found most people would rather read a romance than an anti-romance, which is more of what it is.
People don't want to try new things. They want more of the shit they already have.
to make something new, or different, or non-conventional, is to accept that you will have to water it down when you're trying to offer it to people.
So yeah.
I get it. Authors who blaze their book promotions are desperate losers and weirdo freaks with very bizarre interests and isn't it funny, how hard they're trying?
But you know.
What else can we be?
Leigh Bardugo?
Trust me. I wish I was a good writer. I wish I wrote straight YA fantasy books that kids and adults and everyone can enjoy. I wish I had a literary agent and five star publishing houses giving me 20 million dollars for my next book.
I wish I was a multi millionaire white woman, in an industry of rich white women, who write sexy murder mysteries and cozy thrillers and steamy vampire eroticas.
But I am what I am, and that's a queer self published POC author, who has no one in my corner, but me. Whose only means of promotion is my own efforts.
So no, I don't really look at other self published authors with disdain or wry detachment.
I know how they feel.
I know how much it sucks.
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Hello, what do you think about the aeon animation that is on YouTube. Why is there so much drama on Twitter, both the Aeon fans and the Cleon fans also got involved. For the Reldfield lineage jokes and Racism for ada. The animator aeon turns out to be Asian too. I don't know, I don't like jokes either, but he said he was going to change it later when he saw the drama there was (I hope). And I don't feel sorry for him either because I see that he gave him love and contract loudly, and he got a lot of hate and people were very bad with their words on Twitter, which I fear will discourage him a little and he won't do anything. more things related to aeon, and leads to something worse, suicide. Because I know of cases like this in fandon.
okay this is a long response incoming (talks about misogyny and racism)
so i wanna preface that i did watch the animation and i did watch their response video and i did see a BIT of the "backlash" on twitter and while im not active on twitter (i just lurk) i did see a few of the main complaints/criticisms/hate but i also saw LOTS of praise and people who enjoyed the animation
i don't know anything about cleon fans getting involved so i won't say anything there since i didn't see any of that
from what i could tell (and im just assuming and inferring) that the creator is asian AND from asia. and the only reason why i'm pointing this out is because there's already going to be a disparity between how we understand what it means to be racist and misogynistic and how HE understands it to mean. and that's not already including how some of his sentiments are very conservative in thinking "being a gentleman etc" you can still be a misogynist while "being a gentlemen"
the main point of contention was the "this is not racist and not misogynistic because this is comedy and i am also asian"
so i'm breaking down my three things
while i don't think it was overtly racist, the "joke" of chris calling Ada a "chinese woman," isn't incorrect but is rooted in a derogatory manner. when someone for example is east asian and making this "joke," it can run flat or not come across as funny anymore because we've literally heard this "joke" for over a decade. (lots of asian comedians make self deprecating jokes or comedy about being asian, this is fine IF THE JOKE WORKS)
misogyny is an IDEOLOGY and i don't believe that EVERYONE is a misogynist but EVERYONE is CAPABLE of having misogynist mindsets, theories, ideals, and more. i think that it's very easy for people online to throw the word misogynist when someone else points out behaviour that they don't like or perceive as innappropriate. while i personally wouldn't call the creator a misogynist, i would just mention that calling oneself "old fashioned" and "a gentleman" doesn't excuse you from potentially having misogynist mindsets.
the styles of comedy is so vast at this point and whereas some comedians had grown their audiences over overtly offensive and racist material, a lot of these comedians are well.. dead. or their comedy has died or their routines are just not used anymore. i don't think there's ALWAYS something wrong with offensive material, (people make offensive jokes but are still funny sometimes) but it's GOTTA LAND. comedy is ONLY the excuse and can work if it WORKS. and i don't know how many times i can "laugh" at (the bloodline) joke. (it was once.)
now to bring all three points in. the bloodline "joke" is rooted in misogyny and racism. the idea of having claire be bound to this extension of a bloodline is an extremely old and pointless theory that all MAN needs to have their bloodline continue. imma be honest - no one is important enough to have a kid or a legacy. the "joke" is also usually paired with chris calling ada just a chinese woman or making some sort of remark on how he would "make claire chinese" in some capacity so that leon would date her. and this furthers the sexualization of asian people and whole "leon has a fetish for asian people" which i thought was only funny cause he asked shen may out for dinner, but i still hold the opinion that he was just asking for food lmao)
while i don't think the creator handled the criticism/hate 100% appropriately. (the video response was a bit 2010s tumblr era wow i can't believe you guys don't understand my humour) i do appreciate that they are taking some time away for their mental health and i do think everyone needs to step away occasionally just to like - be normal and not online
and i do appreciate that they are taking some of the response into consideration (rewriting the story a bit since apparently this change is necessary from the previous story they had) i'm not gonna lie, if every single episode was just aeon people cute and chris doing the EXACT SAME JOKE, it was going to get OLD REALLY FAST.
i'll be honest, there aren't a lot of re content creators that focus on aeon and i do think we as a community need to lift others up. and while you may not agree with every single sentiment that the other person makes, you shouldn't just cast aside the entire creator because of a singular thing they did
do i like the joke? no. i've never really liked the joke. to be completely honest i skipped over chris' part entirely because i felt as though the "joke" didn't land and i've seen it a million times. it's not funny, it doesn't add anything, it's a literal plot device because the creator "wanted something funny" but it didn't WORK.
i don't like the "joke," i don't think it's funny.
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saysike-skedoodles · 7 months
Silly's FUN Adventure HD
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[BTW- if you're an account that does NSFW/ Fetish content, I kindly ask for you to not interact with my work. Please don't take this in a wrong way, I respect your interests, but I'm uncomfortable with that content and wish to not engage with it :] ] --- Get ready for an adventure where there's loads of fun and magic and cuteness and comedy and fun and blood- Sorry about that last bit, what I meant to say was "balloons"! Stupid autocorrect ;^^ ---
Jokes aside, I was listening to Andrew WK (as I usually do), and if you were around on the Internet during the early 2010s like I was, then you may know a certain animation that featured one of his songs. Yes, I'm going on about Cupcakes HD. So, since I associate the song "Ready To Die" with Silly, I decided to draw a sorta "thumbnail" styled like the likes of Cupcakes HD, Smile HD, all that. This time switching around to be Silly! Looking happy and definitely not about to go on a realm adventure that'll end horribly wrong in any way! ---
[Also I feel the need to clarify that I would never draw extreme Cupcakes HD levels of gore- the worst I would ever draw is a really bloody nose and even then I'd feel like that's too much for my OCs HA- (says the person who's also seen The Suicide Squad) ]
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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tagged by @howdydowdy <3 thankss!! i also don't watch a tonne of shows but i do watch a lot of films so i'm gonna do a combo of the two lol
8 shows/films to get to know me
borstal boy (2000(?) film) - watching this as a teen Changed me tbh... it also definitely gave me one of my first glimpses of a bisexual character on screen... also danny dyer plays a gay sailor in this i mean??? what more could you want lol (also feel like this film is equal parts depressing and hopeful which is my ideal kinda film lol)
the simpsons - i watched this religiously as a kid (every night at 6pm on channel 4 lol) so much so that my family makes jokes that everything i know i know from the simpsons lol...
would i lie to you? (uk panel show) - i feel like this show really explains a lot of my style of humour (i've literally nearly pissed myself whilst watching this show at times lol), plus i've had a crush on david mitchell for years which like no that isn't relevant to this list but i'm including it anyway... one of my fav clips is 'lee mack's keys' (give it a search on youtube it's hilar lol)
watership down (1970s animated film, i also love the book too btw) - the animation style of the very first part of this film has literally never left me, it's like ingrained onto my brain as the most incredible thing ever! the rest of the film is also amazing, albeit brutal at times which definitely fucked me up as a kid... esp that evil rabbit (wormwort?), pretty sure i was terrified of him lol
hook (1990s film (yes i know i could look up the exact date but i'm not gonna cos i'm lazy)) - this is one of the films that i know so many quotes from & me and my family use them to each other all the time lol (you're doing it peter! RUFIO RUFIO RU FI OHHHHH you're. afraid. you're. going. to. get. sucked. out. stop acting like a child!! i am a child!? RUN HOME JACK RUN HOME JACK wait...HOME RUN JACK HOME RUN JACK don't stop me smee don't stop me stop me smee stop me ... you get the picture lol) robin william's films just have a special place in my heart and this is one of the best imo
gayle (youtube comedy series) - it's embarrassing how much i think about this series & i literally rewatch it at least once every year so... i feel like that says a lot about me... idk WHAT exactly it says but it is.. it's a lot lol
i'm a cyborg but that's ok (2008(??) film) - if you asked me what my favourite park chanwook film is, you'd probs guess i'd pick the handmaiden, but you'd be so so so wrong, because THIS film is an absolute masterpiece that hasn't left me since my sister showed it to me like 10 years ago lol... it's about mental illness and stigma and grief and love and also rain (the singer) yodels in it whilst flying through the air it's great
labyrinth (1986 film (hey i actually remembered the date lol!) - i'm been thinking for ages what final thing to include and realised it had been staring me in the face: labyrinth, literally my favourite film of all time lol! it's equal amounts comedic, creepy, emotional, plus david bowie is there in ALL his glory (some may say too much glory but i'd tell them to shut their goddamn mouths lol)! the songs are amazing, the ballroom scene literally shaped who i am now.. it's a film about adolescence, siblings, it's about friendship and found family, it's about growing up but also keeping your childhood close at heart, should you need it... it's also about david bowie's bul- *gunshot*
that's all folks! i did try and not just include stuff that i'm nostalgic about, but unfortunately nostalgia is my middle name so most of these are things i've connected to for a very long time...
tagging (no pressure to actually do it ofc, the original prompt is 8 shows i think but you can essentially change it to 8 anything in my book lol): @dollopheadsandclotpoles @wovesaxe @micamicster @platypusplayhere @sylvasa @asoftspotforangels @zelvuska
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Okay, about ‘gamer bros’...
I feel kind of... How do I explain it...? Like I’ve finally undergone a communion to become a TRUE Soulsborne fan. xd
Basically, I kept complaining about how people make up 'gamer bros' to get mad at because I honestly haven’t seen any if at all, it felt more like a cop out for the community to not notice their own faults at the expense of some abstract ‘white males’ you know? I even joked how seems like everyone in Soulsborne fandom has an item that lets them see the ‘dudebros’ but I skipped a questline to get it and that’s why all this stuff dodges me xD
But recently for SOME reason Youtube started to recommend me videos about how much Elden Ring “sucks” (I disagree) and comments are FULL of comments complaining about some Souls things in general, like ‘wahh grinding boring levels to get a useless item with information no normal person cares about’ ‘wahh boring repetitive boss why they didn’t do better’ ‘wahhh no one cares about some random NPC’ ‘wahh stupid boring map’ and just... Multiple of other comments that bash the decisions in the games that, essentially, were well-crafted to tell the story and characterise the world and depict the characters better. But some people actually see the devs’ wish to not only entertain with the PLAY but also tell a compelling story as something bad, evil and not belonging in the gaming?
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(Beyond, of course, drooling for some female characters if they feel nice today)
My only introduction prior recent couple of months was second-hand because people were overthinking the implications of many gamers hating Malenia as a boss (that is not fair and gamer rage seems fair imo), and I still think it is understandable that people are so unhappy with the boss, but like... Currently I sensed just how WIDE is the rift between us (people who loredig, want to know more about characters, make theories and want to create headcanons) and them (people who cannot see past the gameplay point at all).
Now it feels like a necessary part of being in the fandom of Soulsborne games - to be hit in the face with the ‘not caring’. I mean I get this? Videogames are a fantastic way to tell the story by having you constantly engage to keep unravelling it, as opposed to spending hours on movies/series/books in passive manner? But there are many people that don’t, in fact, want some deep messages or complicated lore they should think about. Some people want more basic entertainment - violence, comedy, sexual appeal, cool sights, just activity in general, without all the complexity and big messages and that’s okay!
But Soulsborne games have layers - they do not pose themselves right off the bat as very complicated stories that can make philosophy professors of 30+ years of studying feel incompetent. They are positioned as videogames. For fun challenge. So they are saught for primary videogames experience - for beating challenging bosses and getting cool items useful in PvP in that, competition, fun jokes at the streams, all that. So I feel like this is the root of this sort of toxicity? When a movie is advertised as something that will make you think and feel - people in search for simple and basic fun just don’t buy tickets, they instead go see a movie that will make them laugh or give them a simple story about cool dude beating all bad guys with Style TM or starring “that super sexy actor :3″. But Soulsborne games are layered and in many cases it is hard to stay on one’s preferred layer. For example, if those gamers want to just play a game for violence+challenge aspect - they will, in fact, eventually find themselves having grinded hours for an item that gives nothing but lore - something they were not searching for. They thought if this place was so hard to access, then sure it’d give a reward that will let them kick other players’ asses in PvP, right? But nope! Lore. Some will appreciate the surprise and artistry, others will get angry.
So yeah, all in all, I think this sort of games is just fated to have ‘split’ fandom after all. There are many games that let the potential audience know right away that there will be some emotions and complex messages, so similar ‘gamer bros’ just turn around and go buy a different kind of game that just demands skill and stubbornness, without complexity, and is very clear and plain with challenge vs reward system. Being both ‘the challenge’ and the ‘super hard to decipher lore’ is a blessing AND a curse. In a way I am glad that Soulsborne games are so unusual, because for every 10 gamers that get frustrated and complain, there is at least one gamer that appreciated the lore craft and maybe even reconsidered how he* perceives the games- maybe even became a lore Youtuber.
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New Taskmaster episode did not disappoint. I watched it with my girlfriend, and she says “someone should bring in a dildo for that” on about 10% of all prize tasks from any season, so she was, of course, very pleased with Sarah Millican, as was I. Here are some thoughts I have that are not about dildos:
- You know how sometimes someone who’s quite famous outside Taskmaster will go on the show, and we expect them to be one thing because we know them pretty well, and then they end up completely different (classic example being Victoria Coren Mitchell, obviously)? What I’m getting based on one episode is that Dara O’Briain is the anti-that. Dara is O’Briain is exactly what I expected. Competitive, argumentative, a little befuddled at times but insists on styling it out and trying to cover up any stumbles, throws himself right into everything. That is Dara. I also enjoyed the little reference to Lee Mack, when Greg says this isn’t the first time someone has come on the show because their kids like it and been competitive because they want to impress their kids, and then have their kids lose respect for them every time they fuck things up.
- I expected to like Munya, I was looking forward to seeing Munya, I mainly know him from Frankie Boyle’s New World Order but I’ve also seen some of his videos on YouTube and the quick turnaround time on them makes me think he was born to play Taskmaster. And still, in episode one he blew past my high expectations. The Zimbabwe stories, where I have a feeling the sense that we can’t tell whether or not it’s true will be a running theme (that sort of thing is familiar to me, as I coach a bunch of athletes who come from the Middle East, and sometimes they’ll tell me stories about riding camels back when they lived in Egypt or whatever, and I cannot tell if they’re joking no matter how far they take it). The poise and quick thinking in the painting task. The whole attitude in the studio was so enjoyable to watch. The confidence in the live task. The asking John Kearns to hold his hand for reasons I could absolutely not work out. It is so hard to pick any one favourite of these people but he is up there.
- When it comes to Fern Brady, obviously I’m biased by the fact that I am a human with a sexual orientation that includes women, and that is the only criterion required for me to immediately take notice whenever Fern Brady is on the screen. But I’m pretty sure that even if I took out all my bias that comes from finding her very very attractive, I would still find her absolutely fucking amazing. The way she can somehow do “self-assured” and “about to fall apart” at exactly the same time is captivating, because I don’t know how she manages it. The way she can combine “fuck it, I don’t care” with trying really hard. The things she finds funny. The directions her mind goes, and it often gets there quicker than other people’s. I enjoy watching Fern Brady do anything, and I am so pleased that I get to watch her do Taskmaster.
- I mean, what is there to say about Sarah Millican? Ed Gamble said on the podcast that on reputation alone she’s almost more formidable than Dara, and I see his point. I would try to fuck with Dara O’Briain before I’d try to fuck with Sarah Millican. The voice of experience, she’s sure about everything she understands and doesn’t mind about everything she doesn’t. She knows exactly what is funny when it comes from her, and plays to that every time she opens her mouth. Her sort of “aunt-recently adopted nephew” dynamic with Munya is awesome. She’s just having a good time, an absolute delight. Also, she brought a dildo to the first episode.
- John Kearns was the one I didn’t know before this; I vaguely know what Guessable is but I’ve never seen it, and I remember him from the character act he did on Catsdown that people on the internet insist is very funny in his own comedy routines, but all I know is it doesn’t work as a dictionary corner bit. I’m still not quite sure what to make of him, mostly, but I’m pretty sure whatever his schtick is I find it funny. The sort of understated, pause for a moment before responding to or laughing at things, stare blankly when presented with something strange, explain everything he does as though it makes sense... by the end of the episode I was starting to catch on to how it works and it was making me laugh. I’m pleased that I get more episodes to get to know this guy.
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bluefire94 · 2 years
Ben 10 Omniverse: How does it hold up IMO?
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Yesterday I finished watching through the final installment of the classic Ben 10 continuity: Omniverse. This was actually the first time I watched through the series as I never viewed it when it was on the air. At that point I wasn’t watching TV cartoons in favor of YouTube videos and gaming on Steam. I did lurk on the news about it, though. I can still remember diehard UAF fans at the time unjustly ripping it to shreds for the changes it made, especially the art style. So after a decade since it premiered, I finally saw the series to completion. Overall, I would say that it is a good show although flawed (as is the case with each Ben 10 show). I actually like the art style that DJW (may he rest in peace)  brought to the series. It fits the more light-hearted yet still action-orientated nature of the show. I admit that I wasn’t a fan of some of the alien redesigns (Big Chill comes to mind), but others were an improvement over their originals (Jury Rigg comes to mind). The backgrounds were also quite detailed, showing some nice scenery throughout the various locations featured. As for the characters, it was a bit odd for Ben to again revert to his juvenile self after the events of UA, although he wasn’t as obnoxious about it compared to his AF season 3 characterization. While I do wish that we got more screen-time with Gwen and Kevin, Rook was definitely a favorite character of mine. I enjoy his can-do attitude despite being naïve about Earth culture. :) Some of the minor characters were enjoyable (such as Magister Patelliday) while others got a bit tiresome (Blukic and Driba), which brings me to my next point and my main criticism of the show: the comedy writing. Some running-gags got really stale and repetitive (especially Blukic and Driba’s bickering), while others just weren’t very funny to begin with. For example, making a joke out of why Julie and Ben broke up. That said, I can at least understand why they went with a more goofy tone: the ratings were down after UA’s more dramatic nature. Plus as someone who feels that UAF got melodramatic at times, I can appreciate a return to a tone of not taking itself too seriously. At least the overall plots were mostly good (with some poor ones here and there, like The Most Dangerous Game Show), and it was nice to see them expand upon established lore. The actions scenes usually had good choreography, which made them enjoyable most of the time. I do wish that there was a bit more of a epic finale, but what we got was a nice way to end the series, and setup an idea for a follow-up show (even though it never got made). I know this wasn’t the most concise review of the series. Maybe I could do more in-depth looks at different aspects, but for now I just wanted to share my overall thoughts on it. The bottom line, while this didn’t dethrone the OS as my favorite Ben 10 series, I still had a good time watching through it. Sure it had moments that were a bit cringeworthy (IMO) but nothing that made me hate it. I do like how people have overall come around to enjoying this series after it was ridiculed nearly all the time back then. So yes, I do think it’s an enjoyable series. :) If you want to read my thoughts on the OS and UAF, they can be found here: https://bluefire94.tumblr.com/post/658157827597156352/ben-10-2005-how-does-it-hold-up-imo https://bluefire94.tumblr.com/post/685610886708248576/ben-10-uaf-how-does-it-hold-up-imo
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @kalu-luwa !!! I separated my post cause I can see this becoming very long TvT sorry if i shouldnt have!
Oc asks! : for Tuna!
😍 What's the most attractive personality trait a partner can have to them?
Being super playful or fun to be around! Basically a good sense of humor and always inviting you to do stuff! This can range from just playing video games together or watching youtube to actually going out to do stuff. Tuna just likes to be included and enjoys light-hearted joking!
🤣 What makes them crack up?
Potty humor, dad jokes, and cut-off jokes. They have old man humor. You show them a video with fart with reverb over someone tripping and they will very likely laugh. The man who got his free tacos only to drop them and video cuts off? HILARIOUS, COMEDY GOLD. Anything with a goofy sound replaced overtop the og noise? PURE GENIUS.
😡 What's one surefire way to make them angry?
Yell at them. Tell them their opinion is wrong, that they don't get a say in things, or they are absolutely gonna do something only because you know they will. This is 100% the most annoying thing for Tuna and they will just isolate/ stop talking to you LOL. If you push more they might snap at you with your most sensitive topics soooo watch your step.
😄 When are they at their happiest?
Listening to their fav music and playing around ^v^! Literally put on any song from their likes playlist while they want to play and they're on cloud 9. No thought only random flips and pacing to the song!
😭 What makes them sad?
Being the second choice/ left out completely- TvT The amount of times this has happened hurts, and usually Tuna finds out just on their own by chance. They'll pretend it doesn't change the friendship/ crush, but they usually just try to back off and not be clingy. This mostly applies when its one of their fav persons.
💋 What are kisses with them like?
Their kisses are either goofy and playful or quick and shy. Tuna loves to show affection, but never knows what's too much, so they play it safe bein a goof ball about it! But in some tender moments and after a lot of reassurance, Tuna will have the courage to give a sweet quick peck and then act like nothing happened behind a tomato red blush.
👻 What scares them?
Invasion of privacy and fear of depth (mostly at cliffs and deep ocean). Tuna can be paranoid on if they're being watched or if someone they don't trust/ know is too close. Cliffs are scary cause Tuna has a problem with depth perception. They still like hiking, but just nothing too steep. As for the ocean, they just really suck at swimming LOLOL. They never learned how to hold their breathe properly and are weak swimming. Also deep water is just really dark and has creatures yet to be discovered and as cool as that is it's also terrifying because Tuna is just a smol lil guy.
❤️‍🔥 What sets their heart aflame?
Include them in things and be physically affectionate. They're a hopeless romantic and will swoon at most acts of kindness. Head pats, back hugs, inviting them to hangout, Tuna is easy to please. Though surprisingly they don't fall often and even when they do you may never know.
🧠 What type of intelligence do they excell at? (Booksmarts, emotional intelligence, etc.)
They don't excel at anything LOL. If anything probably booksmarts? But it's more like jack of all trades, they just sorta logic their way through things and most times it works out for them. Just a lot of luck honestly.
🎂 How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
They get themselves a cake and their fav dinner! They don't really have a party or invite anyone since the incident (no one but their bestie came to their birthday despite inviting all their friends).
👗 What's their fashion sense?
They like comfy clothes! Tuna enjoys many styles and it really just depends if they feel in a certain mood! ^v^ But their most go to is big shorts and big shirt. Oversized clothes are great! Easy to move in and cozy.
❄️ How do they handle the cold?
They are a natural heater! Cold isn't too much a problem except for their piercings... Those metals get really cold so their ears tend to freeze the most! Otherwise Tuna just runs around a bit to warm up. Though they've never experienced weather below 4 Celsius.
and voila! the list is done LOLOL thank you again for the tag! Now no pressure tags! : @moomoomooing @oseathepebble @comingyourlugubriousness and anyone who wants to join in too! ^v^
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mcrmadness · 2 years
Ok I just figured what's my problem with these wannabe-funny jokes people do in youtube videos etc. often. I always find them not funny, and every single time when that happens, the video is from the US. And I just realized that those are deadpan jokes, dry humour, and usually I love that kind of humour - but the problem here is that in these videos, it's the US-style dry humour. Something that I have never understood, while I LOVE British or even Canadian (and probably Australian, too) dry humour.
It's really hard to explain what I mean with this, as the jokes maybe are not bad, they are just not my thing. They just make me roll my eyes the whole time. I think one of the problems is that the people in videos like this make these jokes all the time. There are simply just too many of these, if every third phrase has to be a smart-ass answer to something you just said. It would be so much funnier if it sounded natural, if the person laughed at themselves, and if it didn't feel 110% scripted. That must be one of the things bugging me the most. You just know when the next joke is gonna happen. You can already tell what it's gonna be about, and it's frustrating. With British comedy you, also, expect there to be some funny reply to something, but it often still comes as a surprise because of how absurd and surreal the answer might be, and it's still often funny because it's, well, funny. It's not overused technique, even when funny deliveries are the main concept of a comedy show.
Youtube videos like these? I think the other difference is that it's not a comedy show. It's a factual video, but still every third phrase is a snappy and unfunny comment about something but meant to be funny. I don't know if anyone actually finds these funny, would be really interesting to know whether others from the same culture watch these and think this is hilarious af. For me all this just feels unnatural. Like, no one in real life talks like that, or at least is not using this type of jokes every 10 seconds. British comedy usually, even when scripted, doesn't feel scripted. It feels more natural and realistic even when it's surreal - but with surreal there's of course that advantage that is feels so surreal, that it doesn't even need to feel natural anymore but it has more of that cartoon or comics type of vibe to them. I like both, ends, as I like escapism and I can reach this if something feels natural, but also when it's cartoony. But wannabe-funny informative videos with repeated dry humour are just plain annoying.
I am watching a video about film editing history. I found a whole video series, with very informative content and fast but not too fast pace, with interestesting additional material about the topic this guy is talking about. But this narration. This is just so fucking annoying to listen to. I wish he would just shut up and show the clips instead of his face 90% of the video.
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The allure of black adjacent
Why do so many non-black content creators get famous for making content that plays off harmful black stereotypes? Why do so many “creatives” feel inclined to use black culture as a stepping stool to further their careers.
Every black person can name one creator in any artistic field that mimics black people in one way or another. Whether its aesthetics in fashion, music styles, the cadence in which they speak or all of the above. Like J. Cole said in fire squad “look around my n**ga white people have snatched the sound” if you take this literally or metaphorically, the message is the same. That line has made me reevaluate the media I consume and the modern-day minstrelsy that plagues social media.
When looking at artist who have made a profit off black culture, it’s obvious who was there because they lived in it and the ones who were there to benefit. For every Paul Wall, there’s a MGK. For every Jon B. there’s a Justin Timberlake. If you think about any well-respected nonblack person that participates in black culture, they all have one thing in common. They never switched up. Gary Owens started his career performing in front of black crowds with material that black people would understand or relate. After his career took off, he continued to make the same comedy for the same people. On the other hand you have Justin Timberlake, who used black aesthetics to shed his clean boy band image. Singing r&b, wearing cornrows while also ruining a black woman’s career.
Internet famous people have been using this as a tool just as much. One of my favorite commentary youtubers just released a video explaining her previous use of AAVE and blaccent and also benefiting from her ethnically ambiguous look. She recognized the power that comes from aligning yourself with black people/culture. We can argue all day but there are two people that drive the market, teenage girls and black people. Once you get one of those groups on your side you are launched into superstardom.
How is this type of media allowed to continue to grow and produce nobodies into internet stars? Easy, its made for a white audience. Content made using blaccents, misused AAVE and racist stereotypes was always made for the white gaze to laugh at. At 14 I had no problem understanding that those vines made me feel icky, but if you said that you didn’t like it, you were labeled as soft or triggered.  When known rapist Curtis LePore was making content that centered around racist tropes like “black guy like watermelon and fried chicken” or “middle eastern guy terrorist” and his friends that were people of color that went along with it were equally as guilty. Besides the comedy being so racist, it also just wasn’t funny. The comedy was equivalent to a six second fart, but their audience loved it. Comparing that to a Dave Chapelle or Key and Peele skit, where they might play on a stereotype but the humor in it is layered.
Fast forward to 2022 and this type of content is still being created, and I have a question, what’s the funny part about this content? Does it reaffirm biases you hold about other races? Even outside of the fact that the material is based on caricatures of different racial groups, it’s also just not funny. Have you ever asked a person who consumes this content on a regular basis what the joke is? They can’t explain, and that’s very telling.
How long will we regurgitate the same nonsense and allow people to continue to disrespect us and make money from it. Getting rich  from making fun of others is very stupid and I judge anyone who consumes that content, y’all are very weird for it.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
PGR Modern social media au HCs!
- Probably just has instagram or twitter for the heck of it, no serious social media presence
- Some of her posts do make great memes tho
- Appears in everyone else’s videos and that’s why she has a lot of followers
- More than anyone she appears in Watanabe’s videos bc she has nothing else to do
- Occasionally Roland’s too because he knows Luna or something idk
- Aesthetic stuff instagram/twitter/tumblr posts probably
- Her life looks like a Ghibli film
- Lots of hidden spots in her videos
- Blogs sometimes
- Oh something fashion related for sure
- Mostly just general fashion advice, hauls, and thrift flips
- Appears in Kamui’s streams a lot
- Occasionally in Watanabe’s videos
- Fandom inspired outfits (Ghibli, video games, you name it he has a lot of clothes)
- Also the occasional blog
- All around pretty crafty
- Very similar content to Best Dressed on YouTube (can’t link on mobile sorry)
- Cooking channel :D
- Probably has the kids as guests a lot
- It’s a running joke among his subscribers that Liv, Lee, and Lucia are his adopted children
- It’s not official obvs and his subs know that he wants actual kids one day
- Has some simps probably
- Hey, he’s a buff guy with a voice smooth as honey teaching you how to cook. I’d simp too
- Blogs occasionally
- His summer blogs get lots of views for… obvious reasons (*cough cough* his muscles *cough, cough*)
- Lots of videos about his cats
- Actually, most of his videos feature his cats in some way, either they ruin his cooking or they just act cute
- Twitch streamer!!!!!
- Video games obviously
- Lee appears in his streams and videos a lot since they’re dating
- Camu also appears occasionally (they’re twins in my modern au ok leave me alone)
- Sometimes does some dumb shit unrelated to video games
- Some of these include: trying to cook with Watanabe, dyeing Camu’s hair or his own, trying to cook by himself (it always ends in him calling Watanabe) opening fan mail, and the occasional shoddy cosplay
- Has some simps and stans me thinks
- They’re kinda problematic sometimes, hey, every fanbase has it’s bad apples
- Models occasionally but overall not too serious about social media
- Lots of simps because he’s in a lot of Kamui’s videos and streams
- Probably makes cynical comedy videos on TikTok tho and gets a decent following from them
- Bro he’s an actor what do you think???
- Simps left and right
- Lots of sponsors
- Promotes projects he’s in
- But he tries to put out content that isn’t just related to his acting
- So mainly blogs and sometimes video games
- People would probably think he’s dating Luna
- Idk how to feel about Roland x Luna tbh
- They could be dating in this au but I highly doubt Lucia approves lmao
- The most popular next to Selena
- Modeling maybe? She strikes me as that type of person
- Has tried to get Lucia into it but she just doesn’t care
- Mostly just posts some of her modelling stuff on instagram
- Appears in lots of Roland’s videos though
- Everyone jokes that he’s a simp for her lmao
- I feel like she’d be a singer of some sort in a modern au so most of her content is for her music videos
- Covers and blogs sometimes
- General music tips too probably
- Tries to keep her private life a secret but everyone knows she’s good friends with Ayla
- She would be supper popular on art YouTube since she’s so charismatic and cute
- I would probably watch her a lot
- Art tips, tutorials, streams, yeah
- Art challenges too most likely
- Really nice art with a very specific mood that everyone recognizes
- Idk how to explain it but lots of popular social media artists (Sam Does arts, Ross Drawsm Loish) all have really distinct styles
- Gets lots of attention bc she’s friend with Selena
I think this is everyone who would have a notable social media presence, I included Camu and Lucia because they make cameo’s in everyone else’s content
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twotapbuz · 3 years
This fic was inspired by this post by @swampythesweetsketch. I’ll post the fics for the rest of 1010 as soon as I finish them.
You were hired to be a personal bodyguard for Eloni
Along with the standard supplies(1010-themed uniform, flashlight, pepper spray, body camera), you were given a watch that would alert you to Eloni’s location whenever he was in trouble
This along with the job wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if it weren’t for the fact that neither of the other members of 1010 had personal bodyguards
You would soon learn why after your fourth concert
You had been approached by two lost fans that were looking for the meet & greet table when your watch suddenly began to beep rapidly. “Eloni must be in trouble,” you thought as you excused yourself from the duo and quickly hurried to the idol’s location. Eloni had somehow gotten to an alley near the venue. You weren’t really sure what to expect. Had a fan tried to kidnap him? You had heard stories from other security staff about crazy fangirls trying to take them or at least pieces of them. You reached the alley and found Eloni being hoisted by a group.
“Freeze!” you said while holding up your pepper spray. This diverted the group and they looked at you. “Drop the robot, now.”
“And if we don’t?” mockingly replied one of the “fans”.
“I’ll send this video to Neon J and have you banned from any future 1010 events.” you tapped your body camera. The threat of not seeing “the loves of their lives” caused the group to practically drop Eloni and they all scattered.
“Thank you.” Eloni got up. “You’re the first guard to catch them before they threw me into the trash”
“No problem, just stay away from alleyways.” you began to write an email, informing Neon J that Eloni had been safely retrieved. “ We wouldn’t want to-wait... the trash?” you stopped and looked up at him.
“Yeah, they usually throw me into the trash. One time I got thrown into a nearby pond.” Eloni admitted, embarrassed.
“And how often does this happen?”
“Around every other concert.” Eloni began to lean on the alley wall
“Yeesh, no wonder Eloni needs a personal guard,” you thought. “Wow. I knew the fans were a bit crazy, but I didn’t think they would go this far.” you tried to pick out your words carefully, trying and failing to not upset the robot.
“I just don’t understand why they hate me so much?” Tears began to fall down Eloni’s face. you froze, unsure what to do, before moving to comfort him.
“Hey, I’m um really sorry about what’s happening to you… if you want, I could maybe give you some advice?”
“Yeah” you looked at your watch. “We should head back to the venue, Neon J is worried about you.” Eloni wiped the tears off his face and began to walk beside you
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s not a problem.”
You unofficially become Eloni’s PR Manager:
After that moment, you would help Eloni with his image before every event(it was the only time you would see each other as you had no reason to be near Barraca Mansion, and giving Eloni your phone number would be unprofessional).
“You’re supposed to be the funny guy of the group, right?” Eloni nodded. “Well, give me a joke. Let’s see what you got.”
“Ok. What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? Dam.” Eloni shot finger guns at you. You stared at him. “Why do fish live in saltwater? Pepperwater makes them sneeze!” Eloni said, less confident.
“...I see. In the nicest way I can say this, you need new material, Eloni.”
“What? But I spent hours researching jokes on the internet!”
“That’s the problem. Everybody has heard of these jokes. If you want to be funny, you gotta be original. Here.” you handed Eloni a piece of paper. “There’s this restaurant in Dream Cast called The Mind Palace that hosts comedy hours every Saturday at 7 pm. I was going to go, but something came up, so you can have my ticket.”
“Really? Thanks!” Eloni smiled
“So, how was the show?” It was the Monday after the show and you were curious to hear Eloni’s new material.
“It was great! They’re definitely gonna love my new material!” Eloni pulled out his phone and began to show you a video. It was 1010 doing a tour around Vinyl City. Eloni paused the video and pointed at himself. He was dabbing. Between the Eloni in the video dabbing and real-life Eloni looking so proud, you couldn’t help but chuckle and this adorably dorky display. Eloni liked your laugh.
While the new material definitely got Eloni some fans, it still wasn’t enough. So you began to inquire about some of his hobbies
“Another way to get people to like you is to seem relatable. Do you have any hobbies?” You asked
“I bake in my spare time”
“Perfect! We can make a YouTube account and post some of your recipes there. Cooking channels are very popular, I even follow some myself.”
Your advice ends up working and Eloni begins to have his own fan club
He’s given the same love that his brothers are.
You’d think this would be the end of your job, afterall, you were hired to keep Eloni safe from angry fans, but now they all love him.
Instead, the lack of necessity for your job is strangely never brought up by Neon J and you continue business as usual.
You’ve got a crush on Eloni:
You recognize that you’ve got a crush immediately
Ever since Eloni became popular, the two of you’ve had fewer opportunities to talk to each other as he was constantly approached by fans
Having to stand by and watch Eloni be constantly flirted with made it pretty easy to realize your feelings
You decide to ignore these feelings
After all, your relationship was purely professional
Ok maybe all those times you accompanied him all over Vinyl City were just excuses to hang out, but still, your relationship was professional 
And his number was saved in your personal phone and you two often texted each other 
Even if your relationship was more than professional, Eloni had a lot more choices than you and you didn’t want to ruin what you had
Eloni realizes he’s got a crush:
It first started when he saw a stage technician flirting with you. Eloni got annoyed by this, but he didn’t know why.
It took a while for Eloni to realize his feelings. He at first mistook his crush as just being glad that you were his friend
Eloni also began to think about you a lot. Not just about your advice, but he also began to be reminded of you wherever he went.
It wasn’t until the middle of a baking stream that he realized that he had a crush on you
Eloni tries to flirt with you:
Attempt #1, the 1010 style:
Eloni decided to make his move. 
“Hey, Y/N!” You turned around to face the green robot. “Have you thought of joining 1010? Cause you're definitely a ten out of ten.”
“That was a really good one! You should definitely use that during the concert.” You replied, unable to tell the difference between Eloni asking if his lines were good and him flirting with you. Eloni hid his disappointment, but I guess that’s what happens when you use someone as practice for your pickup lines.
Attempt #2, the sweet way:
Eloni decided to take a more “traditional” route by giving you a box of homemade chocolate. And by giving you a box of chocolate, he would place it on top of your locker and would tell you it was him when you opened it.
Eloni waited for you to show up, but you never did. He was about to search for you when he was suddenly stopped by Neon J.
“Troop, this is Emiro.” Neon J gestures to the robot next to him, “He’ll be your bodyguard for tonight.”
“What happened to Y/N?”
“Y/n had an allergic reaction to something they had been eating. Thankfully, they had an epipen on them, but they're taking the rest of the day off.” With that, Neon J left Eloni with the realization that you were probably allergic to the chocolate he made. He was definitely not telling you that he made it.
Attempt #3, third times the charm:
This time, the rest of 1010 decided to devise a plan to help their brother. 
They knew Eloni would probably never confess outrightly and while his feelings for you were obvious to Neon J and them, it would take a bit more effort for you to notice.
NSR was hosting a party on the anniversary of the company's creation. And with parties came a lot of security.
You and several other members were assigned to go undercover as party guests and report anything suspicious
This meant that instead of your usual attire, you wore a dress/suit 
You still had your watch(the Eloni signal) with you as it also doubled as a radio that you could use to notify staff of suspicious activity
You had been casually chatting with other NSR staff when your watch had started to beep rapidly
Eloni was in trouble
You immediately rushed off to find him, it had been months since he last needed to signal you so it must’ve been bad
You turned around the corner to where Eloni was, only to be met with Haym.
“Oh hey Y/N! How's it going?”
“Hello, Haym. I’m sorry, but I can’t really talk right now. I’m looking for Eloni, but my watch says he’s right here.”
“Don’t worry, I know where he is!” Haym proceeded to push you into a nearby room. You try to open the door only to find that it was locked. You tried to call someone on your watch, but it was gone. Haym must’ve taken when he pushed you.
“Haym, what the hell is going on! Let me out!” You said while banging on the door. He was kinda your boss, but you had a much more casual relationship with the other members of 1010.
“Y/N?” A voice said behind you. You turned around only to find Eloni. You could tell because of the green eyes and cheeks, which dimly lit the darkroom.
“Eloni? Is that you?” You couldn’t really tell due to how dark it was.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Good. Do you happen to know why Haym locked us into this room?”
“Well, my brothers thought it would be funny if….” Eloni hesitated.
“Please tell me this isn’t some messed up version of seven minutes in heaven.”
“What, nonono!” Eloni’s fans began to whir loudly
“Right, sorry. Not like I’d have a chance anyway,” you mumbled that last part 
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, Well it’s just you're a famous idol and you’ve got a lot of fans, you know?
“Who cares if I’m famous! That doesn’t make you any less incredible than you are. You’ve made me so happy and you helped me become popular! You were my first fan and I would love to go on a date with you! Eloni froze after realizing what he said.
“Wait, you like me?”
“Yeah”, Eloni blushed, I have for a while. I understand if you want to forget that this happened. I’m really sorry and I-“ 
You cut Eloni off with a kiss.
“Don’t worry. I feel the same way.”
“I’m going to the roof to stargaze. Would you like to join me?” Eloni asked. You had managed to unlock the door, and by unlock, you kicked the door open.
“Well I’m supposed to be out on the lookout for suspicious people,” Eloni’s face began to slightly falter. “But, my main objective is to keep you safe, so It’s best if I go with you. After all, you know how crazy fans can get.” With that, the two of you headed towards the roof. 
“Well, that was really cheesy,” Zimelu said, peering his head behind a corner, before getting smacked by Rin. 
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