#but all the places i could find it were like sketchy sites trying to sell me mugs
phytsera · 4 months
the infernal engine of karlach cliffgate 🔥🫀⚙️
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kimjongdaely · 4 years
Escape [Chapter 3]
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Pairing: Kai x Reader
Warnings: Language, violence, torture
Summary: All your life you were caged and tortured, a never-ending cycle of pain. You no longer remember a life beyond that. All you wanted to do was escape this cruel fate. But finally finding your escape and being saved by a masked criminal was just the beginning of your nightmares. Can you ever really be free?
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Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5
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I jolt awake, roused by nightmares. I take a moment to breathe, to compose myself. I take in my surroundings, hyper aware of everything, making sure I’m safe. 
I relax slightly when I remember where I am. I breathe, reminding myself of what happened so far, recounting my steps to reassure myself that I’m not in the lab anymore, Dr. Walters can’t touch me here.
I shiver, noting how cold my body has gotten. It’s still dark out, but the sky had begun to turn red-violet as the sun begins to rise. 
I rub my arms, hoping to get some warmth back. Perhaps I should move around for a bit and stretch out my limbs. 
I pace around the empty building, my steps kicking up dust which makes me cough and sneeze. Okay, maybe that’s a bad idea. I stop my movements, hand over my mouth and nose as I try not to breathe in the dust. The sky is brightening a little more. Since daytime is approaching, it’ll probably be okay to go outside. People will be out and about in no time, and I’ll be hidden among the crowds. 
I look down at myself and wrinkle my nose, wondering if there’s any way I can get clothes that aren’t in terrible condition.
I miss Kai’s apartment already, but I shake my head. I’ve gone my separate way, and I must rely on myself. I still need to figure out who it was that paid him to save me in the first place. 
I sigh, heading towards the door. I hope no one pays me too much attention. The last thing I need is to catch unwanted attention, like painting a big red target sign on my back. Dr. Walters is looking for me, I know it. I have to be careful with where I go, who I talk to. I must find a way to disguise myself, and this jumpsuit must be the first to go. He probably has trackers on this thing, even in its tattered state.
I step out just as the first rays of morning appear. The warmth is comfortable and very welcome on my freezing skin. It’ll get warmer from here, which I’m looking forward to. 
I quicken my pace past the streets, trying not to look at the people sitting and sleeping in the shadows. Some reek of alcohol with sunken eyes, shaggy hair and unshaved faces. Some have grey skin, looking much too thin to be able to function properly. Bottles, cigarette butts and needles are littered everywhere. A woman with two young children huddle together to my right.
My heart aches for them, feeling their pain and suffering. I wish I could do something to help, but I an barely look after myself as is. 
A man who looks intoxicated by drugs or alcohol eyes me lecherously, a grin appearing on his cracked lips. I shiver at the unpleasant attention, breaking into a run in hopes me won’t follow. If he does, he’ll be disappointed to find his strength is no match for mine. Still, I don’t want him to start a scene.
As I leave the slums, I notice how the streets are cleaner now. There are a few people present, shop owners chatting as they begin to open their stores, joggers running past, someone on a flower-filled bicycle.
The quiet murmurs of conversation comforts me, the chirping of birds giving me a sense of unprecedented freedom. I take a deep breath of the fresh air, the temperature becoming warmer and warmer. I no longer shiver, my arms falling freely to my sides, and I forget about my strange appearance.
For once, I feel human. Normal. Alive.
I notice glances towards me, conversations change from idle chatter to curious speculation. Who is this young woman, wearing tattered clothes? Is she from the slums? Could she perhaps be a new criminal?
I keep my head down and quicken my pace. Soon there will be even more people, and I hope they will be too busy to pay me any mind. I wander down the streets, scanning my surroundings and noting anything worthwhile. I pass by clothing stores, looking in through the windows and frowning at the prices. 
I sigh. Surely there isn’t anything at the grand price of free for a penniless girl like me.
I continue walking, ideas churning in my mind. Is there any way I can acquire a job? But I’m not sure what the standard requirements are, and it would be troublesome if they ask me for any form of identification. Based on government records, I don’t even exist. So honest, lawful jobs are probably out of the question. A hopeful part of me wonders if anyone is nice enough to provide shelter for an odd-looking stranger. 
Most likely not. Oh well, onto the next idea.
If honest jobs are not going to accept me, perhaps my only option is something illegal. Or sketchy, at best. I wonder where I can acquire a job like that. The red-light district is always an option. I shiver at the thought, wondering if it’s really worth the risk. They might have jobs that don’t require selling my body, like cleaning or cooking. Frowning, I find myself silly.
I could probably find a labor-intensive job, like at a construction site. Yes, that’s what I’ll focus on. 
I pass by an internet café, still closed since it’s too early for them to open. I peek into the dark store, eyeing the computers they have lined up on long coffee tables. If I could access the internet, I would probably find more jobs for hire, but I don’t have the money. Everything boils down to money, a never-ending loop. Where else would jobs be advertised? Magazines? Newspapers?
It’s worth a try, I suppose. 
I walk down the street for a while more, looking through windows as they slowly open, and manage to find a convenience store that’s open 24/7. The sliding doors ding when I walk in. 
The cashier, a young girl chewing gum and blonde hair tied into a ponytail, looks at me oddly, but doesn’t say anything. I know how awful I look, and she probably thinks I’m some sort of drug addict. I ignore her and sidle into the magazine and newspaper section. I scan through the covers, searching for something that might include jobs for hire. I pick up a few and start flipping through them. 
From the corner of my eye, I see the cashier begin to work nearby me, putting things on shelves and checking items. Does she think I’m going to steal something? I roll my eyes and turn my attention back towards the pages. My concentration wanes as I flip through the seventh magazine, not finding anything suitable for me. 
I begin to grab an eighth magazine when the cashier clears her throat behind me, plastering on a polite smile. “Hello, may I help you with something?”
I swallow a sigh and turn to her, trying not to look as dead as I feel. “Hi, sorry, I’m just looking through some magazines.”
She nods slowly. “Are you looking for anything specific?”
I sound more snappy than I meant to. “Job advertisements.”
Something changes in her expression and it becomes more sympathetic. I don’t like it. I smile again as best as I can without wanting to kill myself or her, “Sorry, I’ll be quick.”
“Sure.” She shrugs, then slinks away, but I can still feel her eyes on me—you know, just in case I do steal something. I flip through the magazine mindlessly, not even really paying attention to what’s on the page anymore. Some fashion trends, fancy car models, idol gossips…something catches my eye.
I flip back, searching for that page. It’s a job advertisement from Happy Greenbottles, a company that strives to create environment-friendly packaging for all kinds of products; from food products to beauty products. They’re looking for factory workers, and promise free housing and meals. Seems too good to be true, but something about this advertisement screams at me, something odd, something inexplicable. 
I doubt they would hire someone like me, but I take my chances. I don’t know why I’m so adamant about this job, but I swirl around and find the cashier who takes a step back in surprise. I hold the page up to her, determined. “Can I borrow a phone please? I really, really need this job.”
“Um.” She looks unsure, eyes darting everywhere as she slowly pushes the magazine away from her face. “Sure, I guess.”
I run to the shop’s phone sitting in a corner on the counter. She watches me as I dial the number on the advertisement, my heart racing when I hear it ring. Three rings is all it took for someone to pick up, a pleasant female voice greeting me, “You have reached Happy Greenbottles. How may I help you?”
“Hello.” I answer, voice squeaking. “I saw your advertisement for hiring?”
“Ah, yes.” She chirps. “We’re in an urgent need of someone right now. Are you thinking of applying? Is it okay if we do a phone interview right now?”
“Sure, that’s no problem.” Oh no, I have no idea how interviews work. What do I say?
“Alright then. First things first, what’s your name?”
I begin to sweat already. “I’m…” I pause, catching myself before I could make a mistake. “…Eve. My name is Eve.”
“Nice to meet you, Eve. I’m Susan. Do you have any previous work experience in a factory or other labor-intensive jobs?”
“Ah, no.” I swallow. I wrack my brain, wondering what kind of answer would be acceptable. What would a normal person say? “I just graduated from college so I don’t have any job experience yet. I’m very strong and have high stamina so I have no problems with labor-intensive work.”
There’s silence on the other end and my stomach drops. Did I screw up? Was that not the right thing to say?
“I see. That’s okay, it’s very difficult for graduated students to find jobs immediately. Trust me, I’ve been there. Where did you graduate from?”
Crap. Crap, crap, crap. I don’t know any colleges or any sort of educational institute for that matter. I come up blank, unable to answer or even make something up. 
“Hello? Eve, you still there?”
I close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. This is obviously not going to work. “To be honest I didn’t graduate from college.”
Silence. Yeah, totally screwed.
“So,” Susan starts, her voice sounding strangely interested. “Knowing that you don’t have the necessary qualifications for this job, why did you still call? Surely you were expecting to be rejected.”
“I need this job.” I say, trying not to sound too desperate. “I don’t have anywhere to stay and have no money. I just…I just need to do something.”
“And you expect us to give you the job? Even though we’re a startup company, we have high standards and expectations for all our employees. Why should we hire you, who has nothing to offer us and nothing to back you up? Why are you interested in our company in the first place?”
I frown, having no answers to any of her questions. I shrug, already giving up. “I don’t know, honestly. All I can offer you is hard-work and my best efforts. Your advertisement caught my eye and I reacted. That’s all.”
Here it comes. I sigh, closing my eyes as I wait for the impending rejection. Susan is quiet for a moment.
“Alright, you’re hired.”
My jaw drops. “What?”
“I said you’re hired, Eve.” She says merrily. “Congratulations. You can come in for work right away. Do you have a way for jotting down notes?”
“I, uh…” My eyes dart around the counter, wondering if I could use any of this stuff without paying. I’m already using their phone for way too long. The cashier hands me an old receipt and a pen wordlessly, and I thank her vigorously with hand gestures for her help. “Yes, I do.”
“I’m going to read you our address, so make sure you write it down.” I fumble to write down what Susan says, wondering if I’m spelling it correctly. She repeats the address just in case I missed anything, and then bids me goodbye.
I am ecstatic when I hang up, my body feeling light as if I just ascended onto a new level.
“Congrats.” The cashier says with a smile. “Hope it goes well.”
“Me too.” I beam back, stupidly excited. “Thank you so much. If I get paid, I’ll treat you.”
She laughs, waving her hand. “Nah, that’s alright. Jobs are hard to get, I’ve been there. You should go treat yourself, yeah?”
I look down at my tattered jumpsuit and nod. “Yeah, okay.” I thank her again as I leave, a skip in my step. 
I search for a street sign, wondering if there are any pointers on how to get to the address. I ask a few people for directions along the way (quite a few actively avoided me and gave me weird looks, but some were very kind). Some even generously searched it up on their phones and showed me a map. 
It seems to be quite far, about an hour or two by car, but I can catch up by running in no time. I try my best to stay off the streets and under the shades of buildings or trees as I break into a run, going much too fast for a normal human. I go through any alleyway I can find to hide from the general public, focusing on the direction I need to go so I won’t get lost. 
I leave the populated parts of the city, reaching the outskirts where it’s much more secluded. There are lots of big factories here, chimneys blowing dark smoke into the sky. Trucks are littered about, busily transporting cargo to and fro. 
I quicken my speed when I see the giant Happy Greenbottles company name on the side of a grey building. Their logo is of a bottle with two leaves poking out from the top and a cute smile plastered on the glass. Cute.
I catch my breath as I slow to a walk, shaking out my nerves as I approach the entrance. I try not to be too self-conscious with my awful appearance. They might turn me away immediately after seeing me.
The glass sliding doors open for me, and I walk in sheepishly. Some workers dressed in protective uniform, bouffant caps and face masks turn to look at me before moving on with their work. I glance around, wondering who I should talk to or where I should go. The clacking of high heels makes me look towards the left, where a woman in a black suit approaches me. Her wavy brown hair reaches her bosom, figure tall and slim. She smiles, “Are you Eve?”
“Ah, yes.” I blink. “Are you Susan?”
“That’s right.” She gestures for me to follow her. She leads me to a man who looks like he’s in his thirties, also dressed in a black suit, his posture more casual and relaxed than Susan, but confidence radiates off him. There are several workers surrounding him, seemingly deep in conversation. Susan taps him on the shoulder, then clears her throat when he turns. His hair is dark with strands of grey hair, his features sharp with striking green eyes. “Sir, this is our new hire, Eve. Eve, this is the founder of Happy Greenbottles, Mr. Gregory Miller.”
He beams at me, shaking my hand heartily and clapping me on the shoulder. “Ah, welcome, Eve! So glad you could make it. You really helped me there—we needed someone urgently to take care of the new batch.”
“Glad I could help, sir.” I manage a small smile, surprised by his friendly attitude. 
“Susan, please, show her the basics and have her start immediately. We need to have these out tonight.”
“Yes sir.” Susan turns towards me, her eyes scrutinizing. “Let’s get you a uniform. Follow me.” She heads towards a door to the far back, taking me to what seems like a change room. She grabs some cardboard boxes from tops of lockers, searching through the contents. “Hm…you look like a medium.” She pulls out what seems like clothes folded neatly inside a sealed plastic bag. She hands it to me. “Go ahead and change. If it doesn’t fit, just grab a new size. I’ll be waiting outside.”
It’s a simple t-shirt and black pants, a protective covering worn over them like an apron. It’s easy to move in for any sort of laboring work I might need to do. I step out of the changing room, Susan nodding at me and hands me a bouffant cap and a face mask. I hastily put them on, tucking my hair into the cap. Once I’m done, she’s pulling me along again.
“Alright, your work is in here.” She opens another door, leading me down a long corridor. The wall to my left is made of glass so I can see into the room filled with intimidating machines, conveyer belts, and countless workers busy at their stations. Susan holds the door at the other end for me, letting me pass through first. The room is cool, AC blasting through the air vents. The sounds of the machines whirring is loud, and to me, almost deafening. I wince, itching to cover my ears but that would look like an overreaction for a normal person. I struggle to look neutral as I follow Susan to my station.
“Your job is simple.” She points at a hatch on the back of a machine. “When the machine beeps, lift the hatch and use this—” she holds up an iron rod-like thing, “—and stir the liquid. These are what we use to make the packagings. There’s only a 30 second window, so make sure you don’t slack off and miss the beeps.” She hands me the rod, raising a brow at me, a hand on her hip. “Any questions?”
I shake my head ‘no.’ 
She nods, looking pleased. “Good luck on your first day.” Then she leaves, and I watch her walk back down the hallway through the glass. 
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Special thanks to the wonderful Ayla @ninibears-erigom for being a sponsor! This chapter was made possible by you! 💛
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Previous Chapter│Next Chapter
Escape Mini Masterlist
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A/N: Anyone else have a bad feeling? 👀
Tags: @ninibears-erigom @boldcrayoncatblog @cardtak @beetlejopp @taeilpathic @delightpcy @shookyungsoo​
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phykios · 4 years
honesty and promise me, part 3 [read on ao3] [co-written with @darkmagyk]
Several more weeks and hookups later, Annabeth thinks she should probably come clean. Some people might bury it deep, and for sure, Annabeth’s considered it, but, well. It is kind of embarrassing that she didn’t know Percy’s name at first. Stuff like that doesn’t usually bother her--she’s had nameless one night stands in the past, and despite Thalia’s ribbing, she knows that Thalia doesn’t really care either. It’s just that, you know, he’s Thalia’s family, and they’ve seen each other a few more times, and they are planning to continue to see each other a few more times in the future. Or more than a few times. 
Anyway, she kind of feels like she owes it to him. Like he deserves this small nugget of truth, payment for all the times he’s fucked her blind. It’s nagging at her, and she hates feeling like she owes anyone anything. 
Piper certainly seemed to think so, when Annabeth had told her over their monthly brunch date.
“It’s just common courtesy at this point,” she said. “Like, what if you guys end up married and then sell your story to Hollywood, they cast my dad as the male lead, and it comes out in interviews that you didn’t know his name for like a month? He’s gonna get the wrong idea.”
Annabeth wasn’t sure which part was more ridiculous: the movie, Piper’s dad being involved, or them being married.
Anyway, sharing some of her avocado fries, Piper had reminded her that being mean wasn't very punk rock, shutting her up effectively.
She’s out on site in the Lower East Side, taking measurements for plots of land, writing down sun angles and measuring the wind velocity between the brick buildings, when she gets a text from him. 
I’m on a break and I’m starving 😩 Want to grab something to eat?
It’s 2pm on a Thursday and he wants to grab something to eat. If Annabeth didn’t know any better, she’d say that that sounds like a real, honest-to-goodness, bona fide date. (Meeting up at and subsequently leaving bars together does not count as a date, she’s pretty sure. Neither do the booty calls.) He’s been getting a little free with his texts, that boy, sending her selfies and memes and questions about her day, and now this? An invitation to their first, actual date? She should block him on principle, just for the sheer audacity.
sure, wya
520 8th, text me when you get here 😁
That’s another thing: Percy loves his emojis. If this is going to continue, they’re going to need to have a serious talk about that. 
She doesn’t need to text him when she gets there; he’s already outside, leaning on the stone edifice of the building like a particularly jacked rent boy in his tight t-shirt and broody look, cigarette between his fingers. The sweatpants sort of ruin the image, though. He looks particularly comfortable in a way that warms Annabeth right from the inside out. “You know, when Nico said you smoked, I honestly didn’t believe it.” she says, not even bothering to say hi. 
He looks up from his phone and smiles, the sun behind his teeth. “Hey!” 
“Hey, yourself.” She doesn’t even hesitate--she plucks the cigarette out of his hand, taking a drag off it herself. “You been smoking for a long time?”
“Who do you think taught Thalia how?” He raises an eyebrow, bemused. “Is that a problem?”
It is, but it’s not like she can tell him that without losing some of her credibility. “Wouldn’t smoking fuck with your cardio?”
Percy shrugs, conceding. “A little. I used to be a lot worse, but I just can’t quite kick the habit. It’s mostly a stress thing, anyway.” 
“Rough practice?” she asks, putting just enough effort into her lip wobble to make it abundantly clear that she’s making fun of him. “Were the other boys being mean to you because of your tights?”
He grins at her, saucy. “Annabeth Chase, do you really think that NYCB rehearses here? In the Garment District?” But he laughs before she can stammer out an answer (and thank God, she’s lived here three years and can barely keep the boroughs straight, let alone the neighborhoods). “I just wrapped up teaching a class. I don’t have to be at rehearsal until 5, I was thinking we could hang out? Bryant Park?”
A first date at the New York Public Library. She almost hates to admit it, but Percy Jackson might be kind of her dream man. “I believe I was promised food,” she sniffs, but she does hold out her hand, and when he takes it, lacing his fingers through hers, she’s sure that he can feel her heart beating, palm to palm. 
Twenty minutes later they’re settled on a bench in the corner of the green, Annabeth halfway into a ham sandwich and Percy juggling a salad and an iced coffee. He’s been regaling her with tales from the more exciting side of ballet, a side she hadn’t even imagined could actually exist. “So by the time I land in Paris,” he says, taking a sip of coffee, “the guy’s foot has swollen up to, like, twice its original size, and when I finally managed to find some wifi to check my phone, there’s, like, eight missed calls from my mom and my agent, and an email from her that just says ‘READ THIS,’ in all caps, and of course the article is in French, which I didn’t really speak at the time, and I was so stressed that my ADHD made it so I couldn’t even read the Google translation, and I had to ask someone to translate it for me.”
“Oh my god,” she says, struggling to keep it in.
“And that’s how I found out that I’d been moved up to first cast in Le Corsaire, from the poor barista at a coffee shop in Charles de Gaule!” He laughs. 
“That’s insane,” Annabeth says. “And the show was the next day?”
“It was that night! I had to haul ass to the opera house and get warmed up, because I was going on in about four hours. You should have seen the looks on everyone’s faces when I stumbled in, I’m sure that they all wanted to kill me.” Percy chuckles, taking a bite of leafy greens. “Now I wasn’t just the twenty-year-old upstart American, I was the twenty-year-old upstart American who skipped town when I wasn’t supposed to.”
“How did it go?”
“Killed it, of course,” he says, deservedly smug. 
Despite her best efforts, she’s absolutely entranced; he’s a great storyteller. “I bet you break that story out at parties all the time, don’t you.”
He laughs. “Whatever gets the donors to open their checkbooks, right?”
“I can’t believe you lived in Paris. I’ve always wanted to see it.” She’d had a few chances to when she was in college, the semester she’d studied abroad in Rome, but she just never got around to it. Just another item on her long, long list of regrets, placed somewhere between the sketchy burrito from last week and not telling her mom to fuck off earlier when she’d had the chance. “If I were you, I’d never leave.”
Percy shrugs. “It was amazing, I won’t lie. But towards the end I just really, really missed it here. All my family is in NYC, you know? My mom, step-dad, and my sister live here, and Thalia and Nico and Hazel, too. I tried to come back and visit whenever I could, but being away from them was really hard.” There’s something soft and inviting in his expression when he says, “I’m really happy to be back home.”
“What are they like?” Annabeth asks. “Your family. Your non-mob family, I mean.”
He rolls his eyes, but he grins another one of those blinding grins, too. “My mom is the most amazing person you will ever meet. Not only did she support my dance habit, she did it as a single working mother who had to raise an angry, ADHD asshole of a son who didn’t always appreciate her. I don’t even want to know how many hours she had to work or how many scholarships and grants she had to track down in order to pay for me to go to SAB, but somehow she made it work, and managed to write her novel at the same time. She married my step-dad the summer I turned sixteen, and my baby sister was born the next year.” 
Even Annabeth, cynical and black-hearted as she is, has to smile back. The love he has for his mom is so palpable, so tangible, she can practically see him glowing. “And the…” What had Thalia called them? “The ‘Cousin Consortium’?” 
At that, Percy laughs, full-bellied, unrestrained. “The name was Nico’s idea. I didn’t really have many close friends when I was a kid, apart from my buddy Grover--he had to wear this really gnarly leg brace and I liked to dance, so you can imagine how much we got picked on--but we were all really close growing up, since our dads were all assholes. They may have left us emotionally scarred, but at least we had each other’s backs the whole time.”
This is a very Percy thing, she’s starting to realize: he can not and will not hold back on his feelings. He simply refuses to. Where most guys might try to hide or downplay their affection for their friends, Percy’s is written all over his face. Maybe it’s a byproduct of doing ballet, but he’s so unashamed of his love for his friends and his family and his art, that maybe Annabeth kind of wishes she could be included in that love too, if it always feels this warm and joyful. 
“I think it’s amazing that you guys are so close. I only had the one cousin when I was growing up, and we didn’t really talk all that much,” Annabeth says, almost without her permission. Something about him, it’s just so easy to talk to him. He makes it safe to open up.
“The med school guy, right?” 
Annabeth nods. “Magnus. Fifth generation Harvard student. We’re all very proud.” 
Ugh. Even she has to wince at the false cheer in her voice. Percy gives her a half-smile, sympathetic and soft. “Harvard not really for you, then?” he asks, picking up the threads of a long and complicated story, and one that she absolutely does not want to get into right now. Or ever, if she can help it. 
“More like I wasn’t really for Harvard.” Which wasn’t entirely untrue. She had been good enough for the university in Cambridge, Mass--good enough for two degrees and graduation with honors--but she had never been good enough for her mother’s capital-H Harvard. Never good enough for her mother at all, really. 
Percy takes her hand. His fingers are cold from his iced coffee. “Hey. It’s their loss,” he says, with a sincerity and an intensity that makes her blush.
Every part of her wants to pull away. His thumb is rubbing against the joint of her finger, soothing and sweet, and she thinks she may break out in hives from it. “Damn right it is,” she mumbles. 
He is so nice. So nice and hot and sweet. Objectively, what she’s about to do is a terrible idea, and might torpedo a really good thing that they have, but if she doesn’t come clean now her own guilt is going to drive her insane.
“Okay, I have a confession to make.” Percy raises his eyebrows, slurping the last dregs of his drink. “When we met… and then when we hooked up the first time… I may have… thoughtyouwereJason.”
He blinks. “Pardon?” he asks, mumbled around the straw.
Annabeth buries her head in her hands. “Please don’t make me say it again.”
“You… thought I was Jason?”
“Well,” she sputters, glaring at him through her fingers, “you were being all bro-y with Thalia!”
He is valiantly trying to hold in a smile. ��You know, I distinctly remember telling you my name that morning.”
“I was really hungover,” she whines, “and you were shirtless and making breakfast so I wasn’t really… paying attention.”
“For a whole week?”
This is so embarrassing, why couldn’t she just keep her stupid mouth shut? “Yeah.” She slumps her shoulders, stuffing her hands into her jacket pocket. “Sorry.”
She’s not entirely sure what she expected: at best a couple of weird looks and a tentative promise to meet up later that would end up not working out, at worst she thinks he’ll just get up and leave her here at Bryant Park. Either way, they’d be doomed to months of awkward interactions, until eventually they wouldn’t be able to be around each other, and Thalia would have to pick a side--and Annabeth’s seen what Thalia does to people who cross her family. She’s seen Thalia beat a dude to pulp for calling Nico the f-slur. Picking Percy over Annabeth? That’s nothing.
So when he starts laughing, Annabeth is completely at a loss. Slowly, at first, then all at once, he’s laughing so hard his shoulders are shaking, and he has to put down his salad so it doesn’t topple over onto the grass. His head is tilted back in joy, the grey, late afternoon light adamant that Annabeth can see all of his features clearly, from his screwed up eyes to his bright, white teeth to the single dimple in his cheek.
Of course, even his laughter is hot. Asshole. 
“You thought I was Jason!” He shrieks.
Annabeth crosses her arms, scowling. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I really don’t mean to laugh,” he giggles. Annabeth can feel her own giggle rising in response, and she ruthlessly quashes it. “I can definitely say I’ve never heard that one before. You do know Jason is blond, right?”
“As a matter of fact, I did not. Besides, you and Thalia look exactly alike.”
He scoffs. “No we don’t.”
“Uh, yeah you do. You, Thalia, and Nico are all basically clones of each other.” 
“Okay, Captain Glasses, whatever you say.” He rolls his eyes, but there’s no heat behind it.
“I’m sorry,” Annabeth feels like she has to say again.
He cocks his head. “For what? For thinking I was Jason? He’s a pretty cool guy.”
“No, for,” she blushes again. All this blood rushing to her head can’t be good for her. “For sleeping with you when I still thought you were Jason.”
Percy scoots closer to her, throwing her a grin and slinging his arm over her shoulders. Without even realizing that she’s doing it, she settles in beside him like she’s been doing it her whole life, slotted up against his torso, tucking her booted feet beneath her legs. “I am choosing to take that as a compliment,” he says, smirking. “You couldn’t resist my charms, even when you thought I was a brogrammer.” 
Annabeth can’t help herself. She kisses him, wiping that smug grin right off his face, and when she finally retreats, after what feels like hours, he looks so dazed she could probably keep calling him by any name she wanted and he wouldn’t even realize it.
After their lunch, they meander for hours, headed in a vaguely southerly direction, holding hands the whole time, a steady, uninterrupted flow that took them all the way from Midtown to Greenwich Village. He tells her about his first day at ballet school; she tells him about her favorite monuments. “There are two architectural environments in America,” she says, ranting, speaking with enough force that she might forget the feeling of his hand in hers, “endless dead suburbia, or cities where every single building is either a concrete or a glass block--and not even Brutalist concrete, just shitty, poorly designed, paint-by-numbers concrete. It is an absolute travesty of modern government that they don’t fund any public works projects anymore.”
“That’s why all the gardens and stuff?” he asks.
“Nowadays everything is built by the lowest bidder. At least I get to add some beauty back into the city.”
“I know what you mean,” Percy says. “Paris is practically overflowing with public works, you almost forget about it sometimes.”
She sighs. “You’re so fucking lucky. Paris is so beautiful and everything in New York is just hideous.”
“Aw, come on,” he says. “Not everything. What about the Empire State Building, or Central Park?”
“Well, obviously, those,” she says, just a teensy bit flustered, but she’s not about to give up the argument without a fight. “I just mean like, normal, every day buildings: offices and apartments and stuff. It’s all so samey and boring.”
He looks to her right, pointing at the building they are passing. “What about this one?”
She turns.
If she had known they were headed this way, she never would have taken them past here.
“It’s… okay, I guess,” she mumbles, staring up at the arched windows, pedimented doors, and Rococo details of Miss Minerva’s Private Pre-College Prep School. A shudder goes down her spine, like someone walking over her grave. “There are better Beaux-Arts buildings.”
Sensing her discomfort, he picks up the pace, and changes the subject.
Finally, he stops outside a nondescript building, turning to face her. “This is me,” he says, a little bit mournfully, squeezing her hand. “Are you okay to get home safely?”
This man is ridiculous; it’s not even dark out. “I think I can manage a few blocks,” she says, lightly swatting him. “Isn’t it kind of early for you, though? It’s only four o’clock.”
He flushes faintly, one hand coming up to rub at his neck. “Uh, well, I always give myself a little extra time--you know, time blindness and everything.”
“You baked in extra time in case I wanted you to walk me home, didn’t you?” She mock-gasps, secretly delighted. “Scandal!”
“Guilty,” he grins. “You’ve been to mine so many times, I was curious.”
She just barely stops herself from laughing out loud at the very idea of Percy coming to her apartment--as if. Thalia hasn’t even been to her apartment. Nobody knows where she lives, none of her neighbors know who she is, and this is entirely by design. “Cut me some slack; a girl’s gotta have some mystery. Can’t make it too easy for you, can I?”
“I have a feeling you’ll never make things easy for me,” he says, white teeth gleaming.
“You better believe it,” she smiles back. “Now that I’ve foiled your plans, are you going to be too bored?”
“Oh, I’ll think of something,” he shrugs. “I’m very resourceful when it comes to boredom.”
Inspiration strikes, and she grasps his hand, pulling him down the alleyway. She almost hates to admit it, but she has something of a Pavlovian response when it comes to hanging out with Percy. Annabeth has come to expect some really excellent sex whenever the two of them meet up, and maybe spending all afternoon with him has made her a little bit horny. 
She presses him up against the brick wall, hidden from the street by the long afternoon shadows, and kisses him. His hands flounder for a second, before coming up to rest on her shoulders, this thumbs tapping against the base of her neck, fingers fluttering on her jacket. It’s an intimate touch, kind of chaste and very respectful, and he holds her with precision and grace. He wouldn’t do anything she wouldn’t want to. This is a date with no expectation of sex on his part. But Annabeth does not want grace right now, spooked by the ghost of her old school. She does not want precision. She just wants him. She just wants to keep him on his toes, keep him interested, blow his mind a little. 
She just wants to blow him, to be honest. 
He squeaks into her mouth as her hands fly to his belt, deft fingers practically ripping it off of him in an increasingly familiar motion. “H-hey,” he says, squeezing her shoulders, “this is--”
“Do you not want me to?” she asks, one hand playing at the top line of his underwear. 
“No--I mean, are you sure? I’m-I’m okay with this, I just want to--”
“I know.” She kisses his cheek, then drops to her knees. “But we’ve got some time to kill, don’t we.” 
Afterwards, when she’s finished with him, Annabeth wipes her mouth, and he whimpers. 
“Ho… holy shit,” he pants, flushed and trembling. 
She tucks him back into his boxers, doing up his fly. “There we go. That was better than being bored, right?”
He nods wordlessly, swallowing, shaking. His eyes are glassy and glazed, stupid like he’s just shot out his brain through his dick.
In the short time they’ve been together (though, honestly, this might be the longest relationship she’s ever been in before… and they haven’t even broached the “dating” conversation yet) Annabeth has been on the receiving end of several different Percy looks. His face will light up with joy when he first lays his eyes on her, so happy to see her (though she can’t really fathom why), glinting like the sun on the water. His eyes will narrow, glaring, even as he furiously tamps down on his growing smile when they start arguing over something stupid, like Annabeth’s affinity for olives. He’ll grin at her, knife sharp and slanted, licking his lips and looming over her after she comes down from yet another orgasm via his mouth or his hands.
Percy looks at her now like someone took a bat to his head, and instead of seeing stars, he sees little miniature Annabeths flying around. 
He pulls her to him and kisses her, entirely too sweet for what she’s just done to him, but that is also a very Percy thing. And when she leaves him with a final kiss on his cheek and squeeze of his ass, she can feel that look burning a hole through her jacket, following her down the alley and around the corner, and she finds that she doesn’t mind the weight of it at all.
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trilies · 5 years
an argument for AO3
So I’m in a conversation with someone who is kind of in the “against AO3″ camp, and they asked me a couple of questions. Namely, who wouldn’t be uncomfortable with pedophilia? Isn’t it sketchy that a beta website is asking for so much money despite reaching its goals?
And my answer became so long... I figured it might as well become its own post. Please bear in mind that this is cut from a whole conversation.
But here it is.
No. It doesn't seem sketchy to me at all. Why would it? I know we make jokes about how much money tumblr has cost the various sites which purchase it like Yahoo, but there's some truth there: it's really expensive to host a website to thousands and thousands of people. It's why we see so many tumblr owners trying to shoehorn in ads or make people buy services, or why Photobucket tried to pull that truly atrocious bullshit a year or two back. Without image hosting capabilities (tumblr and photobucket's big thing), the strain isn't as huge.... but AO3 is MASSIVE. It is hosting literally thousands of accounts, millions of stories. That's massive on a server scale alone, ignoring all the other work they do. Yeah, it's in beta... but that's because it's trying to reach a goal of being as good a fanfic archive as they can be, and they don't believe they've reached that goal yet. Being in beta means they can better listen to their uses on shit like tagging systems and make those changes. Not to mention, again, they are INCREDIBLY transparent. If you are worried about where the money is going, you can go on the site and they have all their stuff up there.
As for the pedophilia subject matter.... Please give me a moment. because there's honestly a lot to say on that particular issue, if nothing else. This will take a while, so if you see this and there hasn't been a reply yet.... I'm still typing lmao.
To start with, of course people are uncomfortable about pedophilia. However, there are a lot of problems with how pedophilia is viewed or *used* as an accusation in the current fandom climate.
For example, in honestly EXTREMELY recent times, I was told I was "defending" pedophilia because I disagreed that a character (an immortal food gijinka) was "minor-coded" or "designed as an underage teenager". (As a note, an argument for this view was that the character's breasts were too small.) When I pointed out, hey, that's kind of a fucked up accusation to throw at a complete stranger, especially as I am a CSA survivor, I was told "You have to be lying about that, then, because a real CSA survivor would understand."
c o o l
That's just my personal experience that happened within a couple of months. Other people have talked about running into people who think that a character turning 18 means they're a pedophile for still dating a 17 year old. Or running into people who think a 40 year old dating someone in their 30s is pedophilic. Or believe that even SHIPPING characters who were not yet 18 was pedophilic if you yourself were over 18.
(Of course, you also have the kinds of people who try to use Moral Purity as a way to bash ships they don't like. I once saw someone try to claim that a popular mlm ship, A/B, was pedophilic because one half of the equation looked young.... when some other artists drew him... Of course, on the side, this person liked to also get angry that *their* favorite ship, a dude/chick ship composing of A/C, wasn't more popular. So. You know.)
So that's one half of the problem: the word "pedophile" being so warped that a lot of people now have no idea if the person using it has a genuine concern or if the accuser is trying to smear someone who doesn't ship the same thing. FFnet and Tumblr have gone with the "burn it all down" approach, which hasn't actually helped anyone and is, to boot, sloppily moderated. So we know from history, from experience in cases like mine, that it doesn't help in that area.
The other half of the problem is... How far is too far?
This is where "anti" culture begins to find similarities with the whole Warriors for Innocence thing. If you completely and blindly block an entire tag, or anyone associated with it, you have to ask: who are you hurting? Warriors for Innocence hurt actual rape victim, and queer folk, and a whole lot of others. Far as I can tell, anti culture is on the route to the same thing, because I have yet to see appropriate answers to a lot of issues.
If one says "anything with underage sex in it is bad and should be banned", what about fics that tackle it in a serious manner? The young adult novel "Speak" deals with rape of an underage girl and how she works through that mental trauma; are fics with stories equivalent to that allowed? Do fics with underage sex have to focus purely on how it is Horrible And Bad to be allowed? Does only a chapter have to be allowed? A paragraph? An author's note? A tag? Or are we allowed to never explore dark subject matter?
Is fic with underage content in it only horrible if it's someone over the age of eighteen who writes it? Can a teenager write smut (terribly written as it may likely be) between teenage characters? Can a teenager write smut between a teenage character and an adult character? For the record, i did in fact, over the summer, run into someone who said that teens/minors "shouldn't even know about NSFW", which is asinine to me, because Abstinence Only is a terrible thing to put in schools, and somehow worse in a way when you try to put that into effect in fandom. If the answer is 'yes', what are you going to do, demand to see people's birth certificates in fandom?
(As a note, I think this is a terrible message to put into fandom for teenagers because I believe it will inevitably lead to self hatred and a warped view of sex. If you make the extremely simplified black-and-white statement of "teens and sex should never go together ever in any way", that's going to mess up teens who are starting to experience arousal in their bodies. The message, whether intended or not, ends up as "NSFW things are bad, which means my brain which thought NSFW thoughts is bad, and my brain thought those thoughts because my body had these feelings". )
(This is bad for any average teenager. This will be especially worse to CSA and rape victims, along with queer youth who, in a lot of places, are still struggling with their bodies and/or feelings because the world is still pretty damn queerphobic.)
Speaking of CSA and rape victims, what about those of them who write/read underage ships or dark content as a way to cope with what happened or Just Because? That's a thing lots of us do, especially those of us who don't look like the Perfect Victims people can use as an excuse for whatever crusade they're waging. I've heard anti types go "Well, it's an unhealthy way to cope" or claims that CSA/rape victims who write such dark content are "just as bad as their abusers"... But are they psychiatrists/therapists? Are they the psychiatrists/therapists of *those specific people*? Will you moderate this kind of content by forcefully interrogating CSA/rape victims to out their trauma to a complete stranger? Will you demand to speak to their therapists? Over fanfic?
When I was a teenager, I wrote all sorts of stuff. I wrote dark dub-con fic, because I liked to explore those dark feelings in the process and the aftermath separate from myself. I wrote a fic with a fairly young teenage girl (what age was kh2 kairi? who even knows, I sure didn't) falling for a MUCH older man built like a brick shit house so that there was never any doubt to him being an adult, even giving him her first kiss, because they were my favorite characters, I wanted both of them to have a moment of happiness (that i promptly ruined but hey), and, *in this fic*, I knew it would be alright. I knew the girl would always be in control, she'd be the one making moves, that the guy was nonthreatening and kind and protect her and work alongside her.
(and then I began the process of killing him off in the next paragraph through him saving her life, but, like. Drama (tm), baby)
This was all good for me. At an age where I was young, vulnerable, and figuring out weird shit like arousal and romantic feelings, it was *invaluable* to have a space where I could explore all of that while relatively safe from actual danger, even if the stuff I wanted to explore was a little messed up. This whole thing against AO3 wouldn't have helped me, and I'm pretty sure it's not helping a lot of other people too.
There is an issue with underage people and sex stuff- not just in fandom but in culture at large. We have Hollywood dressing up young girl actresses in super slinky or revealing clothes. We have schools saying girls basically should never wear shorts, and capitalism fucking this up further by only selling SUPER SHORT shorters. We have media of all sorts giving us adults, whether in real actors or character design, in the roles of young people. (See: "how do you do, fellow kids") We should probably take more care about fandom spaces, so that people of all ages don't feel pressured to engage in sexual shit they're not 100% game for or into, or just have it shoved into their faces without consent. It's a complex issue... and it's not stuff that can just be 'banned' and have that fix it.
AO3 has on its plate a very complex problem that will, if we're all honest, never have a perfect answer. It has given us the best that can possibly be asked for. It obeys the law by not having actual child pornography on it (aka visual proof of actual real children, defined by us law as such), which is closest to "objective" we can get at the current stage in humanity and state of fandom. It has a very comprehensive and moderated tag system, so that people can post warnings along their fic so that people don't stumble onto shit they don't need to, and so that people can moderate their own reading experience to some degree.
If some people aren't comfortable with AO3, that's fine. However, most of us are getting annoyed not with those people, but with the people who just blindly say "AO3 supports child porn and is probably stealing money" (statement simplified for the purpose of this post). It shows an ignorance of the fandom history that lead us here, no understanding in either AO3's practices or how expensive it is to run a site, and no consideration for how complex this problem can really be. It would be great if this was a black and white issue, if there was an easy answer as just "banning" certain kinds of content... but there isn't. And that's where I am.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Bam, you're homeless!
This happened around 2002, roughly, and requires a big hunk of backstory. I warn you, this is long...really really stupid long. I posted the entire story years ago on a now dead social media site and it was 5 parts long, with pictures. I wont go into nearly as much detail here, but I'll still include enough that you get how horrible the situation was for me and why I did what I did.
I was seeing this woman that was about 10 years older than me for about a year. My brother introduced us, as his wife was High School friends with the woman. She had a son from a previous marriage that was about 9 years old when we started dating. We hit it off pretty well, and started dating. She lived with her parents when we met, and since I had a 2BR apartment I invited her and her son to move in with me about 3 months into our relationship. She didn't have a job, but that was OK with me. I had a job where I could move up if I wanted to fairly easily, so we wouldn't need her to have an income. It would be tight, but doable without too much effort. She was mostly nice, even though she had her moments (like all women) where she could be pretty petty. I didn't mind those moments since they were fairly rare, but a few led up to and then fed what happened... so I'll briefly run through them here in a prologue of sorts.
Shortly after we first got together, she brought me over to her parents house (we'd previously met, since she lived there at the start) in order to introduce me to her only sister who was visiting. Everything was fine, but her sister kept making eyes at me. I didn't think much of it until my GF went to the bathroom, and I went to the kitchen to get a drink refill. The sister followed me in and immediately gets right up behind me. I'm a little uncomfortable, but she's just akward close, not touching me... she quietly says "hey, why don't you give me a call sometime, I'll make it worth your time sexy". I was horrified. I had just met her, and I was dating her sister. I told her no thanks, got my drink and hurried back to the livingroom. When my GF came out, I made eye contact and made it clear I was ready to go. She ignored me for almost an hour and we finally leave. The GF gets pissed as soon as we hit the car (pickup truck actually), thinking I was just being a dick. I shut that shit down by explaining what happened. She gets mad and tells me a story about how her sister slept with her ex-husband, and how she was a snake and had stolen boyfriends before too. I tell her I don't ever want to be left alone with her again. I then explain that I am NOT a cheater, I wont ever be that guy, and I don't want to be put in a sketchy situation to be misinterpreted either. She agrees, and acts like everything's cool and I had said the right things.
There were a couple more incidents that, at the time, just seemed like standard jealous girlfriend stuff. One stands out, she had acquired a handful of time-sheets from my work and accused me of taking days off and calling in sick without her knowing it, and accused me of using the days to see other women. I was confused, since I have a good work ethic and very rarely take vacations and virtually never call in sick. Turned out she had gotten my brothers time-sheets (he worked at the same place) and my brother had zero work ethic. He called in all the time to do drugs with his wife. I didn't even ask how she got hold of the time-sheets, I just laughed it off and thought she did too.
About 9 or 10 months into the relationship, I popped 'the question', she said yes. We went ring shopping. Like I said, she didn't work and though I had a job, it wasn't the greatest paying job out there. I made about 30K a year, so things were tight-ish, but getting a nice ring was workable as long as neither of us got too crazy. I figured on a combined budget of about $1000USD to $1500 combined.
She decided she just HAD to have this ring that was right at $5000. I told her there was no way I could afford that, and my credit was so crappy at the time they couldn't finance it. I joked that if I was going to spend $5K that it would be on a wedding car, not a ring since she was borrowing her dads car to get around. I told her to pick out something more in line with our budget, and we'd get better rings in the future for an anniversary. She said OK, but I could tell she was pissed. I found a ring I really liked (about $150) but she couldn't find anything and kept looking at the expensive ring giving me puppy dog eyes. The clerk wasnt helping, he kept handing her the ring and saying how nice it looked on her. I was mad, and just decided it was better we leave and come back another day. Give her time to think about it.
A few days later, we're at her parents house and her dad pulls me off to the side. Now, her dads a great guy. I really liked him a lot, so I liked being at his house and he seemed to really like me too. He says to me "My daugher says she found a ring she likes, but you cant afford it..." I get a little irritated that she would tell her father that, and he sees it "Don't get upset, I'm not going to try to convince you to buy it. I want to buy it....but you cant tell her I did." I tell him thanks, but no, I cant do that...he's already paying for the wedding that we haven't even planned yet. I remind him that he has no idea how much he'll end up forking over for that yet. He insists. He wants his baby to be happy, and he wants her to be happy with me. After some more argument, I agree....but only if he allows me to pay him back, which he does. About a week later, me and him go get the ring she wanted. I made sure a different clerk from the first time got the sale, fuck that guy. I gave it to her that night, and cue the fireworks and the bedside lamp cut-scene. We were back on track.
The day of the wedding arrives, we'd been together almost a year at this point, and it's great. We have a noon wedding at this old wooden church from the early 1800's, and the reception in a nearby field with an old tobacco barn. It was very picturesque but brief, since we'd arranged to go to Orlando for our honeymoon, her choice. Since I could get a good deal by going through a vacation planner from work, provided I went to this timeshare thing, it worked out. We got 1 night in a nice hotel, had to go to a hard-sell timeshare thing the next day for about 2hrs, and got free tickets to Epcot for the following day for about $200. Normally the Epcot tickets alone would have been nearly that. We would then have to switch hotels and had planned to stay for an additional week to see the rest of the city.
End Epilogue (told you it was going to be long) and begin the REAL story:
The reception ends, and we head straight to the courthouse to file the wedding certificate since it was 4:30pm and they closed at 5pm. I park and run inside, she stays in the truck since she's still in her wedding dress. They had closed early. Fuck. I knew we had 10 days after the wedding to file the certificate, and we were only planning to be gone about 5 to 7 days max. I also knew that if she found out that she'd insist we wait until the next day to leave. That would ruin the first night in the good hotel, and I had no idea if it would stop us from doing the timeshare thing potentially ruining Epcot too. I made an executive decision on the way back to the car to just...not tell her. I could file when we got back, no problem. She would never need to know.
We went back to my apartment, and changed into travel clothes and put the suitcases into the back of the truck and left. When she wasn't paying attention, I slipped the wedding certificate into her purse inside a little zipper section I knew she rarely used. I figured it would be safer there than anywhere else. In hindsight I should have left it in the apartment.
I should note that at the time I drove a Barney purple Ford Ranger splash. It stood out. My brother had written the standard "just Married" stuff ALL OVER IT in bright red paint. It really stood out. We took off, and after many people honking and we waved at everyone that did, we arrived in Orlando about 3hrs later. We check in to the Embassy Suites, take a very fun joint shower and after several 'fun-time' hours go to sleep. The next day we do the timeshare seminar thing, get the Epcot tickets and check out. I find a cheaper, but still nice, motel close to Epcot and check in. It's a Masters Inn with exterior room doors, not interior with a hallway (image search 'Masters Inn' and you'll get what I mean). We put our stuff in the room, and immediately leave.
I grew up on the Eastside of Orlando, so I take her on the grand tour of all my childhood memories. My elementary school, the old neighborhood, the local hangouts telling her my early life story at every turn. I also take her to meet my paternal Grandfather who lived in Winter Park, just outside Orlando at the time. We go to dinner and head back to the motel around 8pm with plans to go to Epcot early so we can spent the entire day. We were going to take the shuttle, but since we both smoked we decided it would be better to take my truck instead.
The day goes great with two exceptions. I wore some pants that were a bit loose on me, and couldn't find a belt for sale at the park. I spent the whole day hitching up my britches, which made me mildly irritable. Second, she was being overly affectionate for a family theme park, and I knew Disney didn't tolerate that level of PDA and would throw you out if it got out of hand. I had to keep telling her no when she wanted to do more than a quick kiss. She was sticking her tongue down my throat, and getting handsy...then she got mad when I told her to knock it off.
By the time we left Epcot, we were both a little irritable but still in a generally OK mood. We stopped at a 7-11 on the way home. They're selling these pre-made whiskey/coke things, and I feel that they'll help the mood so I buy 4 of them. We pull into the Masters Inn, go up to our room, and...the key doesn't work. I go to the lobby and tell the clerk, he pulls up the room and says no ones checked into that room. After a brief discussion, we realize I'm an idiot and went to the wrong Masters Inn...there's a couple of them in town, and since every street in Orlando looks basically the same, I went the wrong way and ended up at the wrong one.
She thinks this is evidence that I'm stupid and keeps harping on me about it the whole drive to our actual motel. We go inside, take a shower and decide to drink. The drinks are warm, so I say I'm going to go get ice and leave the room wearing pink sweatpants (hers) and a tanktop. I did it to make her laugh, which she did, and figured the ice machine would be close so no worries. I was wrong. I walked around the entire motel looking for a machine. The only one they had was in the lobby, so I fill two buckets (not wanting to go back) and head back to the room.
Shes. Not. There. The clothes she wore at the park, which were on the floor when I left, are gone. I figure she ran down to the truck to get something, so I pour drinks. She isn't back, so I look outside and don't see her by the truck. Neither of us had cellphones at the time, so I just lay down and started flipping channels waiting.
She comes back maybe 5 minutes later and her first words are a loud "FUCK YOU". I just stare at her, and she starts yelling about how I didn't go get ice, I was calling all my bitches back home and that she knew I was cheating on her. I point at the ice buckets and simply say "Ice"...she goes ballistic saying "You were gone for fucking 20 minutes, I knew you were cheating, my sister told me not to trust you!". I get mad because her sister is the one who slept with her last husband, I remind her of that, and how she also hit on me and that I had nothing to do with her because of it. She launches into a tirade about how her sister followed me around and saw me with several convenience store clerks near my job, and that I was busted. She then states "Thats ok, I own you now...you wont be driving yourself to work ever again! I will! If you go anywhere from now on it will be with me or my son, and you can forget about sex for at least a month!"
I'm beside myself...I might have actually had an out of body experience. I very calmly say "are you done?" She goes on for another couple minutes in the same vein, and finally says "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"
I work in Corrections, so I'm no stranger to tense verbal situations that could lead to violence, so I don't yell at all. I say, very calmly, "I will drive myself wherever the fuck I please, with or without whoever the fuck I want. I don't cheat, I have never cheated, I WILL never cheat. If you trust your lying sack of shit sister more than the man you married, then maybe you should have married her instead." She screams "MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE!" so I reply with "so are you saying we're done? I refuse to live like you just described. If that's the only option, then you're saying we're done. Are we done?"
I reply with "so we're done. Get some sleep, we're going back home in the morning". Neither of us get much sleep, but we dont talk to each other at all. The next morning, around 9am, I ask her "Have you calmed down, or are we still through" she answers with a very angry "Fuck you asshole"...so I get up, and start loading our stuff. I tell her "get in the truck or get left" and she wisely gets in.
The Revenge Begins
At this point I'm not 100% sure we're officially over yet, I just know we aren't staying in Orlando just to fight. On the drive out of Orlando, people are honking at us because of the 'just married' stuff, and she's yelling at them, giving them the finger. My windows are very darkly tinted, so I doubt anyone really saw her, but I still tell her to knock that shit off. She rolls the window down, and before I can say anything she's taken off her wedding ring and thrown it out the window.
I start laughing. She gets says "what're you laughing at, I hope you enjoy paying for that!". I drop the bombshell: "your dad bought that ring, he did it so you'd be happy and made me swear not to tell you...enjoy telling him you threw his 5K away bitch" at this point I know we're over for good. She starts yelling for me to pull over on the East-West Expressway...yeah, right! It's a 4-lane toll road, very busy, everyone going 70mph+, with a very narrow shoulder. I tell her she's fucked, that ring is gone. She's furiously yelling, but I cant stop smiling because I feel like I've just avoided a lifetime of misery and somehow everything happened like it did just to save me...but it gets better/worse.
We get back to town and when I slow down to turn down the road to my apartment, she screams "Take me home you fucker, take me home now!", so I head to her parents house about 4 miles away. As soon as I stop she says "bye motherfucker", jumps out, slams the shit out of the door, and runs inside. I guess she thought I'd just go home. I did not. I got out and walked up to the door. Her dad opened it before I could knock and steps out. He says "Rodnaxela, what happened, whats going on???" So I explain it to him, and include that she threw the ring out the window. He is instantly mad. I think he's mad at both of us, but he's not. He tells me to come in and I do. Mom is sitting there (she's wheelchair bound, has a British accent and is completely awesome), and she looks like she wants to cry....which makes me want to cry. My GF comes out of the kitchen, sees me, and starts swearing a blue streak as she grabs her purse and her dads car keys. She bolts out the door and takes off to god knows where. I stay there for about an hour explaining everything that went down.
They drop a bombshell. They tell me that she has been married 3 previous times, and ruined all of them with her anger and jealousy. They are sorry for not telling me, but they really liked me and wanted me in their family. They hoped that I would be the one to settle her down since it seemed like we never fought and I was really good at de-escalating. I tell them I understand, and apologize for the whole situation and leave.
It's on the way home that I remember the wedding certificate and have an "oh fuck" moment. I initially have no idea what to do, or how to get it from her without her knowing since we now hate each other. I go home and start putting all her shit into garbage bags. I haven't mentioned her son much because even though his mother and I lived together, he spend 99% of the time at her parents house. He had the spare room set up for when he stayed there, but he rarely did. I packed what little he had more carefully than I had hers, using an actual box.
While I was packing, she showed up with my brother. Turns out she was over there talking shit. She was high school friends with his wife, so it didn't strike me as odd when I thought about it. It also didn't strike me odd that my brother was acting like a dick because he likely believed her version of the story and his wife being friends with her drove it home. They loaded up her stuff, stole a moderate amount of my stuff (including some of the wedding gifts/checks I was going to return, didn't notice that for a week) and left. My dear bother forged my signature on the checks and cashed them the next day, which I didn't find out for awhile. She didn't have her purse with her, so there was no opportunity to retrieve the certificate.
After she left, I called her dad and asked if the purse in question was there. She had several. He looked and couldn't find it, he asked why but I didn't tell him. I asked him to call me when she got home, no matter how late it was. I had formulated a plan that I wasn't sure would work, but had to try.
He called around 11pm and said she had just come in, he was whispering so she didn't know he was calling me. Perfect. I drove over and knocked on the door. She answered. "what the fuck do you want?" she says. I earned the academy award by putting on a sad face and saying "baby, please, this has gone far enough. I love you. I'll do whatever you want, just don't leave me...please...lets go get something to eat and talk...I'll do anything you want" she looks at me for a minute, gets this cruel look and says give me a minute. I stand there trying to keep looking sad in case she peeks out the window, and after a couple minutes she steps back outside..With. The. Purse!!!
Without warning, as she steps down the stairs, I snatch the purse from her and run into the yard. I get the certificate out and start waving it around. She has no clue whats going on and just stands there. I yell "I got the wedding certificate bitch, they were closed, I never filed it you cunt!!!" as she starts to move towards me, I throw her purse at her and start ripping up the certificate. I throw half of the pieces in her face and jump in my truck and haul ass away. Best moment of my life.
So far it's just petty revenge bordering on pro. I was gotten as good as I gave, and maybe I got the worse end of it since she got the wedding money. This is where it goes into pro level, maybe even nuclear...possibly even supernova levels, even though I was only partially the reason her life ended up being ruined.
I get back home feeling very happy with myself, and start watching TV. I even still have about a week and a half left on my vacation. Fuck Yeah! Then my phone rings, it's my brother. He starts yelling at me that I'm an asshole and that I'll pay for doing what I did and he'll make sure of it. I hang up on him, and turn off my ringer. I start thinking about what he said and realize that he may have planted something while he was here. I know he's into pills and smokes dope, so I wouldn't put it past him. I immediately start searching my house. I empty every closet, every cupboard, strip the beds, vacuum and basically spend the next 2 days cleaning that place better than it's ever been cleaned. I keep running across these tiny ziploc baggies in weird places. Under the bathroom sink, under the couch, behind books on a shelf....and I have no idea why. The bags are big enough to put a bottlecap in at most and look dusty inside. Then it hits me when I find some 2 inch (5cm) straws under the bed. Cocaine. Shit.
I go BACK through the whole place and find a couple more baggies and a few more straws. At this point I have no idea my brother is into coke, and the amount of baggies with the apparent age of some of them makes me think they're all my exes. I'm pissed, so I call her dad. I tell him what I've been finding and he gets quiet. He says "Rodnaxela, I'm so sorry, I thought she was done with that, I should have warned you...I'm so sorry" I'm floored as he explains that she's had coke issues off and on for years. She had said she quit when her parents threatened to fight for custody of her kid and throw her out if she didn't. This was a few months before we started dating. I inform him that I can get some drug tests from work fairly easily if he wants, he says he may want them and that he'll call me back.
The next day I get a call from her dad. He had just confronted her and told her that if she refused to pee in a cup, with her mother watching, whenever they wanted her to she would be thrown out on the street. She refused and they told her she had 5 days to either get out or reconsider. I told him to let me know if she reconsidered, and I'd get him the tests. He never called me back, and we never spoke again. Due to some things my brother stirred up at work, I wasnt speaking to him anymore either, so I didnt find out what all happened for a while.
About 6 months later I found out through a mutual friend that they had thrown her out, and when she didn't contact them or her son for about 2 months they filed for custody based on abandonment (not sure all of the specifics). Last I heard, they had raised him to be a good man and his mother was last seen living under a highway overpass, but that was several years ago. She's either dead now or maybe under another overpass in another city...at least that's how I prefer to picture her.
There is a whole 'rest of the story' that involves my brother trying to ruin my life because of this situation. Turns out he and my ex were doing coke together, but all the connections were hers...when I ended things, she cut him out. He went to work the week before I came back and spread some pretty fucked up lies about me and how the breakup happened. I was new to the institution at the time and was scheduled to start a new shift on my return, so it was perfect timing on his part....but that's a whole different story that I might write at some point, since I got revenge on several people over the course of things.
If enough people say this rises to the level of nuclear or supernova, I'll crosspost.
TL;DR I marry some bitch, she thinks that means she can turn me into her slave, turns out we weren't really married and she ends up losing her kid and living under a bridge like a cunty troll.
(source) story by (/u/Rodnaxela)
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scottedwardfowler · 5 years
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Hey guys! In this post I’m to talk about the top three websites I’ve personally use to get work as a freelance video editor. If you’re just starting out, and you’re part time or on a budget, I’ve got a few places you can check out that won’t break the bank.
This post is a response to a question that I got on my last video, “How to Get Started Editing In Premiere.” Which you can find on my youtube channel here:
The question came from Izabela who asked, “Id love a video about getting started on becoming a freelance editor. What are the best freelancing websites to apply for jobs, tips, and suggestions for anybody who’s starting out. Thank you so much, great video!” 
I think that’s a really good one to ask, a lot of people (including myself) when they’re first starting out struggle with how and where do we find work.
There’s actually tons of freelancing sites online that you can search for and try out. So here’s a couple of Honorable mentions:
Guru & Freelancer - Best suited for beginner freelancers on a budget
There’s a Low cost to get started and bid on jobs, with a decent amount of various editing jobs available. I haven’t used them as much, because when I was first starting out, I signed up for a bunch of freelancing websites, and I ended up having more luck landing gigs with these other sites first, so the first one is
Fiverr - is a website that’s normally Best for one time, or short term gigs. It has it’s advantages of being easy to sign up and start using, because Unlike other freelance sites, you Don’t have to bid for clients. After some time, and you’re established, Fiverr pushes clients to you by listing your profile near the top of searches. And Fiverr makes tipping very easy, so you can make extra money on top of what you earned for the gig.
However the cons are that Fiverr takes a 20% Commission, and Most gigs are low pay. So that 20 percent really eats into your profits. You get to set your rates, and what kind of editing jobs you can offer and what the turn around time would be. However, there’s a strict policy on no contact outside of Fiverr, so you can’t make a deal with a client outside of the platform and cut Fiverr out of their commission. 
Now we come to UpWork, which is the site I’ve had the most success with. It’s the Most popular freelance site, and offers high quality gigs, as well as not so high quality. It sort of ranges all over the place. But once you’ve been on the platform long enough, you can sort of get an idea of what great job postings are before you even bid on them. I like to think of Upwork as a long term lead genitor, because I have several clients I met years ago who I still work with today. And it all started with one project. It can be difficult to get that first client however, because it is very competitive but once you do, it gets much easier to land future clients. 
You also have the the Flexibility of what kind of projects you can do, such as getting paid hourly vs project based. The negatives of UpWork are that it’s kind of Expensive to get started, you can sign up for free, but in order to bid on any jobs it costs 15 cents per credit. And most jobs postings range from 4-6 credits. So if you were to bid on a ton of jobs, that 15 cents starts to add up. Also, Upwork has a complex Commission rate, I’m not going to go too deep into it but essentially it’s 20% for first 500 you make per client. And roughly 10 percent after that first 500. And that’s per client, so every time you land a new client, UpWork takes 20 percent of your earnings on the first 500 dollars. 
Also, when it comes to disputes between freelancers and clients, Upwork almost always sides with the clients. So I would recommend doing hourly gigs, because typically hourly gigs tend to be more long term and Upwork has hour tracking features built into the platform that make it easier to prove disputes between yourself and a client over work done. 
This next one may surprise you, I’ve also landed some great clients from Craigslist. The cool thing out craigslist, is that the jobs are local to where you live. So you can meet the client face to face and discuss the job in detail at that point. Meeting in personal and developing relationships, really drives what the ultimate goal is which is to create long term client relationships. Plus, there’s no bidding on gigs, or commission rates getting in the way. You look for gigs on the site, reply to a posting, and hopefully you can connect with some great people. 
Now, on the flip side Craigslist does have a sketchy reputation for being a place where weirdos hang out so you have to be on guard there. Also, there’s no gig protection here so if a client stiffs you after you’ve done the job for them, that’s totally on you. There are things you can do such as ask for half of the project payment upfront, or even a quarter of it to protect some of your costs. But it’s definitely a risk you take. The last negative, is that it’s more of a time commitment to drive out and meet a potential client somewhere. If it doesn’t work out on a place like UpWork or Fiverr, oh well, you never had to leave your house. So those are some things to be aware of.
The thing about freelancing is, not everyone is doing it full time. Some may freelance as a part time- side hustle, others might be doing some every once in awhile as a hobby. And not everyone has the same budget in order to get started freelancing. So I understand that everyone’s situation is different, but I just wanted to list out my top three sites that I’ve personally used to get clients. There’s a lot more information I could deep dive into on each site, and Ill probably do that in future videos, so stay tuned for that, But I think those sites I mentioned are definitely a great place to start, if you’re looking to get into freelance video editing.
Ok so the next part of Izabela's question was about what tips and suggestions I have for getting started with freelancing. I think a great place to start is trying to have an understanding of what it takes to build a business. No one knows what it’s like to build a business when they’re first starting out, so you have to seek out sources and people who do have that information And I know it’s weird, especially when you’re first starting out, to think of yourself as a business. But that’s the reality, you have to go clients and try and sell yourself and your services in order to get jobs. 
So I think a good way of becoming more confident in building your freelancing business is to actively learn as much as you can from different sources. So the fact that you’re here watching my video, is a great thing already. I’m always trying to learn what other people’s strategies are, and how they became successful so that I can pick up a few things here and there to apply to my own business. 
In fact I recently just finished reading a book called “Three Simple Steps”, it’s by  Trevor Blake. And I think it’s a really good book to inspire people who are just starting out freelancing or creating their own business. Ill just quickly read the description blurb from amazon:
“Despite stock market crashes, dot-com busts, and the specter of recession, the author started a virtual company from home, using a few thousand dollars of his savings. A few years later, without ever hiring an employee or leaving his home office, he sold it for more than $100 million. As the economy slipped into another free fall, he did this again with a company in a different field. He accomplished this through no particular genius. Rather, he studied the habits of the many successful men and women who preceded him, and developed three simple rules that, if followed diligently, virtually ensure success. Using them first to escape poverty, then to achieve a life of adventures, he finally turned them toward financial independence...
Written in a straightforward and no-nonsense style, Three Simple Steps shows you how to take back control of your destiny and reshape your mind for increased creativity, serenity and achievement. While building on the wisdom of great thinkers and accomplished individuals from East and West, Three Simple Steps isn't a new age text or guide to esoteric fulfillment. Rather, it's a practical guide to real-life achievement by a pragmatic businessman who attributes his incredible successes to these very simple ideas. Three Simple Steps, a 2013 Small Business Book Awards winner, is a must-read guide for everyone who wants to achieve more, live better and be happier.”
The three simple steps in case you were wondering is, number one is to spend more time thinking positively about the things you do want, rather than thinking about the things you don’t want. For example, in our case as freelancers, no one likes having to bid for jobs or chase down clients, you could reframe that as the more jobs I bid for the better practice Ill have at understanding what clients want.
Second, spend 20 minutes a day (preferably in the morning) in quiet time by yourself so you can clear your mind and from that, creativity and inspiration for your business can spring from it. 
Third, the author talks about setting intentions rather than goals. The difference as the author describes it, as an intention is a goal but with the doubt of it’s attainment removed. So as freelancers, a goal might be I hope to make enough money this year to quit my regular job. An intention is, I know will make enough money this year to quit my regular job. You have to set your mindset to that intention everyday. Which is hard, but in the end that’s what will make it rewarding. 
I would highly recommend this book, I found it be really insightful about starting and growing a business from the ground up. But I will say, the first couple of chapters were kind of slow because they were mostly about the author's life journey, which did tie into the rest of the book in the later chapters. But it gets into some really great stuff after the first few chapters. 
So if you’re interested in that book, I’ll leave a link below that you can check out. And that about does it for today’s video, let me know in the comments below what freelancing sites you guys use or prefer the most? I’d love to get a comment thread going, so we can all help each other out on where and how to get jobs as freelancers.  Three Simple Steps (Book): Amazon - https://amzn.to/3bS5uao (affiliate)
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rtilrtil · 6 years
A-kon Artist Alley: Art Theft & Staff Indifference
Last weekend i was at A-Kon, an anime convention in Ft. Worth, Texas. this was my 3rd year tabling at their artist alley and almost certainly my last. while i’m disappointed to say that, what took place over the weekend was unacceptable and disrespectful to every creator that bothered to show up there.
if you are a creator who has ever been to or have considered tabling at an artist alley, please consider reading. thank you.
before i continue, i’d like to say that i don’t blame any one single person for this, and i do believe that there were lots of people trying to do the right thing, but ultimately those who have the responsibility and the power to protect the artists failed to do so. i am making this post because i think it is important for as many artists as possible to know what happened at A-kon 2018 in the hopes that the staff is more aggressive about their own policies in the future - and if not, at least let people know to avoid a convention where important rules that keep thieves OUT of artist alley are ignored.
moving on to the events of the con:
on Thursday evening i set up my table next to an empty corner table. the tables are set up in an island format, so every island has 4 corners which get 2 tables instead of one to form a square shape. when i came in Friday morning - the first day of the con - the corner was still empty. 
about halfway through the day, a few people arrived to start setting up there. at first i thought they were late, but i later found out that they were waitlisted and were offered the table to replace whoever was originally supposed to be there. this will be important later.
a few hours later they ended up setting up this: 
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now a setup like this is typically something you see in the vendor’s hall, where actual companies sell licensed products and other merchandise not made by the vendors.
this setup is highly uncommon for artist alley and most certainly violates both clauses of this A-kon artist alley display rule:
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not to mention another rule stating you can only take up 4 feet of space behind you, where they had an entire table set up for their merchandise.
you can trust me when i say that at most artist alleys there is not only not enough space for this monstrosity to be set up to begin with, but would be asked by staff to be torn down almost immediately.
but that is really only the tip of the iceberg, because the red flags started going up way before they finished setting up.
although the pictures are a bit blurry, you may notice something strange about the products on display - they all look like they’re from different artists.
and indeed, many of them are - in fact, it seemed apparent as the weekend went on that none of the work for sale at this booth was made by the people running it.
now proxy selling at A-kon and many other cons is allowed, but this is what the rule says:
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This is where my earlier point about this table being waitlisted comes in to play. I have to assume the people running it were local, because a staff member implied that they were basically notified during the weekend that a table had opened up and they could come in to take the their place.
When you sign up to most conventions, you are asked to post a portfolio link, and part of doing that is to vet the people coming in to make sure they have.. well, a portfolio. You want to make sure the artists coming in to artist alley will be selling their own work.
and while I have no idea what link they gave the staff, the only website they had on display was an Etsy page where you can order a custom made phone case.
No tumblr, no deviantart, no pixiv, no instagram, no website..nothing. So there’s only two possibilities here:
The vendors set up a fake portfolio site full of some or all of the art on display here claiming it to be their own, and A-kon staff believed it
A-kon didn’t look at their portfolio at all, and just took the $275 from them without bothering to vet them at all
Now some of you may be asking why I would assume they would lie about claiming some of the art to be their own. Here’s where things get a little weird.
On Saturday, I was able to find one of the artists who made the art on one of the pillows they were selling. They were an artist in a foreign country thousands of miles away not attending the convention. The artist told me that the vendors had permission to use their art, but the story the vendors told was a little..different.
When the staff confronted the vendors about concerns of stolen art, the vendors claimed that the artist was their sister, but that she was currently on vacation and couldn’t attend. In fact, they claimed that all the art they had for sale was made by their family.
now why would you tell a bizarre lie like this if you had permission from every single one of your proxy artists? the only answer is that they clearly didn’t, and needed a blanket excuse to cover all their bases.
to make matters worse, they also refused to give any contact information to the staff for all the artists in their “family” that were not attending the convention.
the staff didn’t really seem to care about this at all? i found that a little bizarre. this kind of behavior is beyond suspicious and i can’t imagine how naive you’d have to be to think nothing fishy was going on with sketchy “proxy” vendors who have no problem lying straight to your face. if your one job is to enforce the rules of Artist Alley and you can’t do it, why are you even there?
anyway, it gets worse.
take a look at some of these phone cases they had for sale.
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what you’re seeing here is not just a mix of fanart from various artists, but also copyrighted photos of the K-pop group BTS and officially licensed art and stitches from anime like Himouto! Umaru-chan, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Free!, Diabolik Lovers, Ouran High School Host Club and probably many others I don’t recognize.
Just to point out a few easy-to-find examples: here’s a stitch from the anime Himouto! Umaru-chan, ripped directly from the anime and printed out in a phone case.
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How about that Halloween-themed FMA:Brotherhood phone case in the first image? Well, just type “fullmetal alchemist halloween” into Google Images and it’s the first result!
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This is a scan of official promotional art for FMA that there are hundreds of results for.
How about that one of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club? Turns out it’s official art from the Free! Eternal Summer 2015 Calendar - sold, created, owned and licensed by none other than Kyoto Animation, the studio that made it.
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I can’t speak for all the fanart on display here as it’s very difficult to find just through google searching, but even if I could, I wouldn’t want to drag them in to this - because at least one of them was aware this was going on, even though the vendors lied about who they were. all I can tell you is that many attendees and artists in my island recognized many art pieces on their products and knew the artists were not present and not aware their art was being sold.
so while these vendors may have had permission to proxy sell some of the stuff they had, it’s fairly obvious that this wasn’t the case for everything, and they lied to the staff to try and cover it up.
as I said earlier, on Saturday I expressed my concerns about the items on sale to the Artist Alley control booth. I even went through the trouble of showing them how to find the art through reverse image search to prove that it was stolen while trying to run my table solo. funnily enough - as i was talking to a staffer at the control booth, an attendee was also complaining about the same booth to another staffer with pictures of art on pillows from artists he recognized who were not present at the convention. I thought that was funny.
at the end of the day, a number of staff appeared on-site to question the vendors about their merchandise. statements were taken from me and a few other artists nearby, and it looked like maybe something would be done about this blatant theft on display.
but as i returned to sell on Sunday, the booth was still up and fully operational. when i asked why, the A-kon AA staff replied via twitter that it was “pending review”. another artist was told that they traced all this art (lol) and that tracing was allowed, however this contradicts another one of their rules:
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by this point, the con was almost over - the vendors had gotten away with it, despite numerous voices of concern coming from artists and attendees alike - and indeed, this booth was allowed to sell stolen art all weekend uninhibited to unknowing attendees.
as for what other creative excuses the vendors may have had to tell the staff, if the staff even cared or they were actually duped by their obvious lies i don’t know.
here’s the point: artist alley is supposed to be a space for individual artists to sell their own creations. and while some labor was at least spared on the phone cases, the centerpiece is clearly the art, and the art did not belong to these vendors. none of the art belonged to these vendors.
so let’s break down the facts about what took place here:
a corner table was sold to waitlisted vendors in artist alley at a-kon (this means a-kon made double their money on this corner table..really makes you think 🤔 🤔 🤔 )
the vendors’ products were not vetted as the staff was obviously unaware of what was being sold
the vendors broke multiple display rules and nothing was done
the vendors lied to staffers and were caught lying and nothing was done
the vendors were selling stolen art and nothing was done
the vendors refused to give out contact information they were supposed to have for the artists they were proxying and nothing was done
the a-kon staff either does not take their own rules seriously, enforce them in any way, or are incompetent or otherwise incapable of doing so
at this point, the artist alley at A-Kon may as well be a vendor space where greasy conmen and thieves can just slap art on whatever and make a killing, because that is how i felt after watching what was essentially a dog and pony show of A-Kon staff pussyfooting around an issue that should’ve been dealt with swiftly and sternly.
this shit shouldn’t fly and while the vendors already got off scot-free, i can only hope that shedding light on this will help with stopping this issue from spreading, because you can bet that if other art thieves catch wind of the fact that A-Kon staff don’t give a shit about enforcing their own rules that they’ll tag along for the free ride.
If you’d like to read the A-Kon artist alley rules for yourself, i copied them from the email and put them in this pastebin.
if you’ve read this far, thank you for reading, and if you know anyone who participates in artist alleys in any fashion, please share it with them if you found this concerning.
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erinelezabeth920 · 6 years
Days 17-18: - Quito
Day 17:
It was Saturday. It was a tired day. I woke up late. I hadn’t slept in since god knows when. Not too late though because that damn equator sun shines right through my window. I went down around 8am and had breakfast with Monica; she thought I was going to Quilotoa today instead of the day before. My Spanish was probably off. I was hoping she would do my laundry today because it was beyond tragically low (hadn’t been washed since the hospital, since I arrived to Quito). She said something that the lines were all full (air dry clothing after hand washing), and she would do it tomorrow. Damn. After breakfast I went upstairs and diddled around until 10:30am. At 10:30 I headed out the door wearing shorts and a T-shirt (still held out hopes for laundry, maybe…). It was bright and sunny out. I wrapped my scarf around my shoulders. I tried out a different bus route to the Spanish school which sent me the completely wrong direction, so I just grabbed a taxi instead. I waited out on the steps for a few minutes until Kat showed up. Star showed up directly after; we sat on the steps and chatted, trying to ignore the gazes of the men at the barber shop next door. Soon a younger woman showed up, who we figured out was our tour guide. Michela, either a friend or daughter or something of one of the Spanish teachers was a local college student who was studying history and tourism. She wanted to practice giving tours, so the teachers asked if any of us were interested. It seemed like a nice way to spend a Saturday.
Mike and Ana arrived a few minutes later, and we set off. Kayla was getting her hair done, and Erin was at home mourning the loss of her phone (it had gotten stolen on the metro, just after we had said goodbye from margaritas after Quilotoa). We headed on the crowded metro to the historical district. It was honestly beautiful. We had been there before, but it was basically the first day and I was so out of it I don’t remember much. The day was perfect, sunny and not too hot. Michela told us about the history of the buildings, the Spanish conquistadors, and showed us the statue in the Plaza de Independencia when Ecuador become its own country. We went into the public library, and into some breathtakingly amazing churches of which I have no photos because it’s not allowed. With Spanish colonial architecture, narrow streets, churches and historic buildings, Quito was actually the first city in the world to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
I had thought that Michela would speak in English, but she didn’t know it well enough she said, so spoke Spanish. I missed some things, but it was good practice and I asked Mike and Ana to translate a lot. She spoke of politics, the Spanish influence, and Incan relics. There is so much depth and history to this place that I can’t begin to scratch the surface. I stood on the roof of the old library, surveying the city.
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People were out everywhere. Tourists and locals alike. The historic center has old buildings, colonial style and cobble streets with vendors selling ice cream, fruit and empanadas. We had lunch at an almuerzo place (3$). After lunch, Kat and Mike headed out. Ana, Star and I opted to stay to visit the Museo del Ciudad. Michela had to head out, but set us up with a tour guide (also in Spanish) for 3$. It was honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had here. The museum was beautifully laid out in an old building where each room explained a historical period of time in Quito. From the geography, to indigenous people, where they lived, what they ate, how they moved from hunter gather to society, the overtake of the Incan Empire (which only lasted 40 years who knew?!) to the first Spanish conquistadors, mass massacre of the indigenous people (what else is new), colonial period, independence, and finally modernization (also didn’t know Ecuador only adopted the American dollar 10 years ago, to avoid inflation and the total shit that is happening to Venezuela right now). Anyway, two extremely informative hours, listening in Spanish. How completely American, that I can live in a place and know nothing about it. After the museum Ana, Star and I bought street churros and they were amazing.
After that I went home. I was tired. I napped for an hour then went to meet Kayla, Erin and Star for dinner at a pasta place in Plaza Foch. Erin was in better spirits. It’s just mentally and emotionally draining to feel constantly unsafe. But dinner was nice. I was exhausted but hung out with Erin and Kayla for a little- we looked for a place to dance in Plaza Foch, but it was too early and everyone was hustling us trying to get us to come in for a drink. I got annoyed and was going to slap the next guy that walked up to me with a menu, so we took a taxi up to the gay bar where Mike and the others were meeting. After another annoying conversation with the bartender about cover charge, we paid the stupid 10$ went in and danced for a little. I’m getting familiar with all the popular latino songs. (Erin already knows them by heart.) It was a typical gay club, flashing lights and music and men who can dance. Mike, Jojo, Ana and Mayra showed up shortly after. I danced with them for a bit; Erin, Mike and Jojo were in their element. I was tired though, just overstimulated from a lot of people in small spaces with smoke and bodies, which is essentially all the public transportation is in Quito, so I said goodbye around 11:45 and caught a cab home.
The cab driver didn’t have his meter on. He told me 5$. I told him absolutely not, 3$. He said no, 4$. I was pissed the whole ride home and gave him 3.50$
Day 18:
Sunday was just wonderful. It was a bright, sunny morning. I ate breakfast with Monica and Hernando. We sat and talked for a long time; I told them how I was an outdoor guide back home and showed them pictures, of the mountains in Washington, the mountain goats, the cherry blossoms. I brought down my laundry (finally). Monica asked if I wanted to go to the market, but I told her I was meeting friends to watch the world cup game.
Heading outside, the city was dead. I don’t know if it’s the Catholicism, the World Cup, or both, but everything felt quiet. The streets were empty and people were biking happily where usually cars are zooming and honking. The first bus I took was playing the game on the radio. When I got off at the park, a street vendor was listening on a portable radio. I took the second bus up toward the clinic and got off to find the bar we were meeting at. The streets were empty, just occasional cars and bikes. The day was absolutely beautiful. I met Erin and Kayla outside, and we walked in to a happy, popping bar. I ordered a mojito and Venezuelan mozzarella sticks. It was a fun atmosphere.
After the game we (the 8 of us) walked to Parque Carolina, a big park nearby. We went to the botanical gardens, and wandered around for a few hours looking at the different plants, flowers and ponds. After that we found a nice grassy space in the park to plop. We read, took naps and took turns watching stuff so people could go buy food. The park was extremely busy, almost like an amusement park with a little river of paddle boats, food vendors everywhere, and a little sketchy looking ferris wheel. Families were playing, happy. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but the energy felt different. More carefree. Probably the Catholicism. Day of rest. At one point a family with a guitar and a harp came right next to us and played. It was wonderful. The little boy kept running away with the maracas.
After the market, I stopped for pasta and a glass of wine. It was okay but overpriced. I had bought a 2$ teenage vampire novel in Spanish off the street and tried to translate it. I got through one page. After that, I headed home. I had tea and bread with Monica, Primo, Pablito, Anai, and Hernando. It was nice. After that I headed to bed.
I don’t know how to explain it, but it was a special day, weekend really because I wasn’t jetting off somewhere in search of adventures. Sunday especially felt, well NORMAL. Waking up late, chatting with the family over breakfast, meeting friends to watch the game, hanging out in the park. That’s what typical Sundays are. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it was a marker, an accomplishment of sorts in the most tranquil of ways. We were past the point of two week, of the adrenaline of a vacation, and were just, for a brief quiet moment, living. In Quito.
It’s kind of a beautiful thought. 
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globalsource-blog · 7 years
The Taiwan Correspondent -Episode II
I’d had enough. It had been too long. Things couldn’t go on like this any longer. I was getting close to breaking point, and pretty soon something would have to give. Thankfully, I’m not talking about my growing craving for some decent bread getting the better of me, although if anyone does feel like shipping me a couple of baguettes and a ciabatta then I promise free hummus for life for you and your children’s children once the Global Source Food Co. is up and running. No, I’m referring to the fact that up until this past weekend, I hadn’t yet spent a night outside of Taipei, despite having travelled around to a few nearby villages and the Yangmingshan national park to the north of the city. As I mentioned in my last post, these first couple of months (spent mostly studying and working as a night receptionist) had been great in terms of getting my Chinese back up to speed, but I’d grown more and more frustrated by having travelled so little round the island. I wanted to get away from the big city life, to see some of Taiwan’s famously beautiful nature and to meet some people less used to 外國人 (waiguoren – foreigners) than the cosmopolitan inhabitants of Taipei, people with whom I could get some proper Chinese conversation without recourse to English. 
After a couple of friends dropped out of a planned trip to Alishan, a mountain area in the centre of Taiwan due to a pretty shocking weather forecast, I made plans to check out the city of台中(Taichung) with a friend who I’d met on the orientation day at NTU, a soft-spoken Dane named Bjarke. I’d immediately taken a liking to him for his dryly understated sense of humour and I’ve since grown to appreciate his collection of three-quarter-length shorts and radical English vocabulary (think ‘stoked’ and ‘steezy’.) We’d talked earlier in the week about making a hammock-and-hitchhike trip down to either Taichung or 台南(Tainan), even if it meant going into ‘survival mode’ (his words). With this in mind I bought a couple of plastic rain covers to keep us dry in our hammocks, and we caught a bus down to Taichung on Friday night with no real plan other than to get out into the country and see where we ended up. It’s worth noting that the bus ride was a delight – as a veteran passenger / victim of the UK’s most reliably unreliable transport service, the Megabus, this trip felt like a ride on a cruise ship, with comfortable, properly reclining seats,  and enough legroom to dance a cancan if necessary.    
When we’d checked into our hostel, we headed out to see what Taichung had to offer on a Friday evening. The neighbourhood we were staying in was pretty much empty of human life, so we decided to get in a taxi and ask where the action might be found. The driver, a husky middle-aged guy whose polo shirt had given up trying to restrain his beer gut, suggested a night market and we gladly took him up on the offer. As we drove across town, I asked what he considered the highlights of the city, fishing for something worth doing the next day before heading out into the villages. His response was to ask me whether I liked strippers or dancing – I’m still not sure if this says more about his thoughts on Taichung or foreigners. Anyway, when we got to the market I was feeling happy with having held a conversation in Mandarin for a good fifteen minutes, even if the subject matter had been the relative merits of all-you-can-drink bars and those where you buy drinks separately (apparently the latter have more beautiful girls).  
When we’d made the rounds of the market, (I’ll be talking in detail all about Taiwan’s night markets in an upcoming post) we headed down a side street to get some less greasy food than the various deep-fried wares on offer between stalls selling screen protectors and bubble tea. The road was lined with small restaurants whose customers mostly sat outside on plastic stools, laughing and drinking beer. I hadn’t seen much of this kind of night-time atmosphere in Taipei; it reminded me of China, where for ordinary people socialising is something which takes place in the street, not in bars and clubs. As we sat down to eat, we were invited to join a table in front of a fruit stall, by a burly guy with a broad smile who turned out to be the stall’s owner. He insisted on treating us to fresh guava and papaya, as well as beer – he was delighted that I was able to keep up with his rate of drinking, a skill upon which he clearly prided himself. Speaking of pride, he and his friends were eager to talk about their love for Taiwan – we got onto the topic through discussing the merits of Taiwan Beer (the imaginative name for the island’s only major brand), and when they found out I’d lived in China they couldn’t wait to list the reasons why Taiwan was the place to be. I must admit, I could have been more vocal in disputing Taiwan’s absolute superiority, but thought coming to China’s defence would likely achieve little, besides sabotaging my new source of free beer. Anyway, as is often the case, I found that the alcohol greased the moving parts of my brain’s language centre, and before I knew it I had spent a good hour conversing and cracking jokes with the fruit seller and his boys. Unfortunately, Bjarke is a geography student and as such only started learning Chinese when he came to Taiwan a few months ago. As he was clearly getting a little bored of smiling and nodding at a conversation he didn’t understand, and as we wanted to make the most of the next couple of days, we said our goodbyes and headed back to the hostel.
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After a night spent in the hostel’s stairwell, the only refuge from the incredibly loud and consistent snoring of an overweight roommate (sadly, such is the reality of staying in dorms), we headed out to start the day. Unable to sleep, I’d quickly looked up some attractions in Taichung and settled on the Rainbow Village, a quirky art attraction in the west of the city. It consists of a small group of low concrete houses built to accommodate Kuomintang soldiers after they retreated to Taiwan from China (I’m not going to cover the history of the Chinese civil war here, if you want to find out more head to Wikipedia), and which were already gradually being demolished when an elderly resident, Mr Huang, started to paint every available wall with simplistic images of people, animals and characters from legends, all in bright, childlike colours. The painted village eventually became noticed by students from a nearby university, and is now a popular tourist site. This was evident when we arrived to the sight of several tour buses parked up outside, as crowds of visitors milled around photographing every square inch of brightly decorated concrete. The paintings themselves are charming and the overall ambience of the village is pretty beautiful, although the thronging tour groups jostling for selfie spots cheapens the experience a little. Seemingly embracing the commercialisation of his creation, the nonagenarian Mr Huang himself was present at the gift shop, perched on a stool in his sunglasses and paying absolutely no attention to anyone, while a pair of (presumably) relatives sold postcards, fridge magnets and various other Rainbow Village merchandise to a steady stream of customers.
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We left the Rainbow Village after not too long and headed to Fengyuan, a suburb to the north of Taichung where we’d decided to rent bikes and head out into the hills to the east of the city. We arrived just after midday, and soon found a place offering a range of bikes for around NT$200 per day – about £5. We booked a pair of mountain bikes for a couple of days, leaving my ID card as collateral, and were soon on our way along the Houli bike trail. As it turned out, this trail was hugely popular, and as Bjarke put it, this meant it was basically a “bicycle highway”, with heavy traffic in both directions. We were comfortably the quickest on the trail, including the many people who’d rented electric bikes, but overtaking was pretty sketchy since there were oncoming bikes most of the time as well. We ended up leaving the trail soon after stopping at a winery, where we tried a couple of local wines which left a lot to be desired – the kind of stuff you might keep in reserve in case someone you really disliked came round for dinner. Once we were able to make our own way, the ride became much more enjoyable. The scenery became more rugged and lush with each corner we turned, and we soon became very aware of the fact that Taiwan’s mountainous terrain means that outside the cities, the landscape quickly gets steep. A long, winding climb, which I made with my eyes fixed on the yellow tiled roof of a temple on a distant hillside, brought us to the top of a ridge from which we could see over the river which we’d passed over on a bridge while still on the bike trail.
Pausing to admire the view, we then descended down an equally winding road, passing by small farms with groves of orange trees. A couple of weeks before, I would have thought they were lime trees – the Taiwanese orange has mostly green skin, something I only discovered when the owner of my local vegetarian restaurant gave me one as a gift. As the afternoon went on, and we followed the path of the river to the south-east, we saw more and more fruit being grown - oranges, grapes, bananas, what I’m pretty sure was dragon fruit and a whole range of other produce which I wouldn’t begin to know the names of. Taiwan produces a huge range of fruit, which means it’s readily available, and cheaply – being able to eat passion fruit for breakfast nearly every day is one of the better reasons I can think of for getting out of bed. At one point we ended up accidentally cycling right through an orange farm, following a path which at points was just a strip of concrete on the edge of an irrigation ditch, which was a lot of fun besides being harassed briefly by a trio of angry (and understandably surprised) dogs.      
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 After several hours riding through villages and past fruit farms, the light was beginning to fade on the damp hillsides. It had been lightly raining on and off for most of the afternoon, and as we started to think about finding a place to spend the night we rounded a corner and were faced with a beautiful and ghostly scene: an old cemetery, overgrown in places, whose tombs were shrouded with mist while in the distance, a ridge of high mountains stood in obscure shadow against the sky. Cloud swirled in the valley below. From the hill on which we stood, it seemed as though we were on a graveyard island in an ocean of white and grey; as clouds churned around the hills, bursts of wind and rain stirred the air. We stood watching the shifting mist, transfixed… this sight was truly breath taking to behold. Needless to say, my phone camera did not come close to capturing the scene. It was several minutes before we picked up our bikes and moved on. As we came to the top of another climb which wound up and to the right, we settled on a wooded hillside in the distance for a place to make camp for the night, far enough from the houses at the foot of the slope that nobody would notice a couple of hammocks among the trees. We had instant noodles and a small gas cooker, we just needed to refill our water bottles and we’d be all set to settle down as darkness fell.
We went to ask for water at a farmhouse, and struck up a conversation with a man and woman who were standing in the open lobby at the front of the house. They invited us to drink some tea and offered some dried fruit, and we happily accepted. They noticed the signs on our rental bikes and asked if we’d come all the way from Fengyuan, nodding and saying “lihai!” (which means something in between excellent and good job) when I answered that we had. The tea was a strong but not unpleasant herbal brew; I asked what it was made of and the smiling lady said proudly that it was a plant which they grew right there on the farm – she offered to show us, and since this kind of offer doesn’t come around every day, we followed her out of the gate and across the road into a huge darkened shed. What was inside was truly impressive; hundreds of shelves of earth covered in all sorts of weird-looking growths of different sizes and shapes. The farm’s owner was inside the shed and our new friend introduced us – I found myself getting along well with our host, introducing myself and Bjarke, and talking for several minutes about what we were doing in Taiwan, where we were from and even a light-hearted discussion of Brexit. We went back to the farmhouse, and after more tea and meeting several members of the family, the boss, whose name was Mr Wu, invited us to stay for dinner. I explained that we needed to find a place to set up our hammocks before it got dark, miming two trees and something slung between them (I’ve since learned the word is diaochuang), and at once several of the family pointed to the trees to the side of the farmhouse.  
The hospitality of the Wu family was incredible. Given the choice between a night spent having dinner and getting to know this kind family of Buddhist farmers, or eating instant noodles by ourselves in the rain, my heart was firmly set on the former option. Bjarke reluctantly agreed, although I could tell he was a bit put out not to be going full ‘survival mode’. We set up the hammocks with the rain covers in the yard, and were soon eating dinner on the patio with Mr Wu while the rest of the family ate upstairs. Since the family was Buddhist, we ate a vegetable stew with fried rice – simple, tasty food. As directed by our host, we ate several portions each, as I talked with Mr Wu and translated for Bjarke, and in order to show our thanks for their generosity, I insisted that Mrs Wu let us do the dishes. After dinner the whole family congregated in an outbuilding which was comfortably decked out with sofas and chairs to watch a documentary about camels in western china. Several family members said that we should sleep in this room; nobody stayed in the building at night and we’d be sure to stay dry. However, this was not what we’d planned, and they had already been kind enough. We were both tired from our early start and the day’s cycling and we soon started to drift off, and went to our hammocks smiling with full stomachs.
For the sake of brevity, I’ll end this post here. Suffice it to say it rained heavily all night, and by 4am we were both getting a bit too wet for comfort despite the rain covers, so we quickly headed in to the outhouse for a few hours more rest, before having breakfast with the family (there was seemingly no end to the kindness they were willing to offer a pair of strangers). We then set out on the bikes, in better weather, through the lush mountain landscape, finally arriving back in Taichung in the late afternoon, where we eventually caught a train back to Taipei for a much needed shower and good night’s sleep.                  
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
How to Make Money with SEO in 2019 - Whiteboard Friday - Moz
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Making money with SEO today is nowhere near the same practice it was in 2009. Sketchy, manipulative practices and simple, straightforward tweaks no longer do the job — to be successful in 2019, you need to be smart, strategic, and in tune with what searchers want. Rand Fishkin outlines three steps you need to have down if your goal is to improve your bottom line with the help of SEO.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we are talking about how to make money with SEO. Now, for many of you who might be watching this video because perhaps you have googled or searched on YouTube about how to make money with SEO, well, what I want to do is talk about how that practice has changed dramatically in the last 10 years.
In 2009, if you were searching for how to make money with SEO, there were a lot of sketchy and manipulative and actually relatively simplistic, straightforward things that you could do to make money online with SEO, and that has changed. That is not the case anymore, and I think this is why you see so many people who are in worlds like affiliate marketing and the worlds of creating small websites and many networks of small websites and trying to sell relatively simplistic, unbranded products or services or advertising revenue, that a lot of those sites have disappeared. Certainly part of that is because the margins on many of those products has gone way down. Some of it is big competition from many new entrants, including big companies like Amazon, but many others as well.
A big part of this is the way that you think about making money online and how you might be able to use SEO to do that. Now if you are not one of those folks who's trying to do that and you are instead a professional marketer, I still think this video is going to be very valuable for you because there are a few key sources of change that have been brought to our industry by what Google has done and what websites have done and how users behave that shift a lot of this thinking. So stick with me.
Step 1: Find (or create!) a business/website that fits important criteria
If you want to make money online in the SEO world in 2019, your general step one is to either find and buy or create a new business or a website that fits some important criteria or to modify a website you've already got to fit these important criteria. 
A) Produces a relatively high amount of gross margin per search visitor
The first one is you want a relatively high amount of gross margin per search visit. This is fundamentally different from the past. In the past, I knew plenty of people who built their living in the SEO world with, "A visitor is worth a penny to me. A visitor is worth a hundredth of a penny to me, but it doesn't matter because I can make up for it in volume." But today, earning search visitors is so much more challenging than in the past, especially for a new website or an emerging one or a startup, that I believe you need this high gross margin to be able to do that.
So you want to find people who are searching for a variety of things. I want this thing. Do a search. Come to your site. Take an action of some kind. That could be sign up for an email list. It could be view some advertising. It could be actually buy a physical product or buy a software product, whatever it is. You make revenue that is significantly more than the cost of serving that customer, the cost to you of maintaining the website, doing the marketing, your time and hours and whoever else you employ, keeping the lights on, paying the bills and the taxes, and the product itself, whatever you're shipping or whatever you're creating and serving, software, advertising, etc.
B.) Inspires/incentivizes users to amplify their experience and your brand
Then it inspires and incentivizes users to amplify their experience and as a result your brand. You might say like, "Well, why do I need that? Why do I need someone who's going to go and share?" Not every visitor, but you need a certain percent of people to go and say, "Gosh, their site is great. I am going to post about it on my social media. I'm going to link to it. I'm going to talk to my friends about it. When people see this thing that I've made, I'm going to say, 'Oh, it came from such and such place.'" You need that because these types of online and offline word of mouth and amplification is core to a business' survival on the web, and that is fundamentally different than 10 years ago.
Ten years ago you could do a lot of sketchy, spammy, manipulative stuff to earn links and to earn rankings. Google has removed almost all of that ability for 99% of websites, especially in the English language world. If you are operating in other languages, especially where Google's Web Spam Team has not done as well, there's still some more of those opportunities. But generally speaking, this is crucial. You need people who are going to link to you and amplify you.
C.) Over time, creates branded demand rather than generic search behavior
You need a business that fits the criteria of over time it creates branded demand rather than generic search behavior. Why? Because otherwise you do not create a competitive advantage that is sustainable with time, and other people who do will certainly recognize that and enter your field and compete with you and put you out of business.
"I want this thing" is a fine search phrase to target for your SEO. But you know what's way easier? "I want yoursite.com." When you have people searching for your brand and your branded products or the keywords that they were searching for generically plus your brand as a word in there, what they're saying is, "Google, don't serve me up just any result. Take me to that website." That is a competitive advantage, a barrier to entry that has huge amounts of protection for you as a business owner.
Step 2: Design a unique value prop/strategy that resonates with searcher intent & produces search-optimized content that people want to link to
All right, step two. You've found a business that fits these criteria or you've created one or you've modified your business such that it does this. Great. Now you need to design a unique value prop and a strategy that does a couple of things. It's got to resonate with searcher intent, meaning you are serving what searchers actually want rather than just serving searchers with what you want them to do but that does not actually serve them. This is because Google has gotten too sophisticated about being able to match searcher intent with the keyword phrases and rank the sites that solve the searcher's problem.
Ten years ago, that was not the case. Ten years ago, in 2009, someone could search for "best pasta," and you could serve them up a site that tried to sell them a certain kind of pasta as opposed to comparing a bunch of different brands and varieties and trying to truly serve the searcher's intent. That's almost impossible today. There are a few exceptions, but those gaps are closing rapidly.
It also needs to produce search-optimized content that people and publications want to link to. Totally different from 2009, when you could manipulate the link graph, acquire links in ways that searchers didn't necessarily love, but Google would put you on top anyway and you could sort of take advantage of that for a while. Not the case. Now you need people to want to link to you, to have a reason to link to you. Otherwise, you will not be able to get those top ranking positions.
A.) Build a keyword research list
So first, build a keyword research list. You can use Moz's Keyword Explorer, which is what I personally use. But there are many keyword research tools out there on the web. You can type in phrases. I love Italian food, so I'm using examples like that, so "best pancetta," "3-year aged parmigiano," "Rustichella d'Abruzzo," which is like this pasta variety that I personally think is the best one out there. There's search volume, there's difficulty, and there's click-through rate percentages. So I'm building this list. You can go check out the videos on keyword research if you want to dive deeper on this. 
But essentially I want this list because I want to be able to answer some questions about the search phrases and terms that I'm targeting with my business.
1. What will I create to be 10X better than what's currently ranking on page one?
First, what will I create to be 10 times better than what's already ranking on page one for these terms? If I search for "best pancetta" and I cannot come up with a way that I think I could outperform, have a better web page than what everyone else has got there, what's my competitive advantage? How am I going to take that over? You better come up with those things. I need those answers for the crucial terms and phrases that I'm going after, that are going to bring me the gross margin dollars that I need for my product, my services, my advertising, what have you.
2. Who will help amplify/link to this and why?
Second, when I produce that content, who will help amplify or link to this and why? Who will help amplify this and why? If you don't have a great answer to that question, don't publish the piece. Wait until you do. Find that great answer, because you need that amplification in order to perform, especially in the earliest stages. Once you have lots of links, high domain authority, lots of visibility in Google, you can put a lot of things out there on the web and basically coast on your brand's strength and the fact that Google already likes your domain and is going to bias toward you. But in the early stages, when you have a new business, not the case.
3. How will I build a moat that can protect against Google's own incursion into these results?
Third, how will I build a moat around this business that can protect from potential incursions by Google themselves? If you look at the search results today versus 2009, you will see a dramatic difference, which is that Google's results, from Google Maps to Google's own instant answers to their featured snippets to their tabs and systems where they try and answer a query fully with their own stuff, Google Travel, Google Flights, Google Hotels, the list goes on and on and on and on, they are taking away a lot of that opportunity, and you need to have a way to protect yourself from that. One of those ways is certainly branded search. Another way is to make sure that the words and phrases that you're going after, especially early on, are not ones where you have to compete with Google themselves.
Step 3: Find what customers do before they search for high-competition keywords/around your topics
Step three, finally, find what customers do before they search for these high-value keywords to you, high competition keywords around your topics. What do they search for before they get to that? What do they search for around that stuff? How can I capture this customer prior to that money search? Then I can create a new keyword research list and a new set of content that I'm going to create to target those people, which will be vastly easier to capture them earlier in their buying cycle, earlier in their potential funnel.
Exposure keywords
So exposure keywords would be things like "carbonara recipe." Someone's going to search for carbonara and how to make it before they ever look up, "Now, where do I get pancetta?" This one potentially is easier to rank for than this one. This may be an imperfect example. But "types of parmesan" -- first off the English American spelling -- versus "3-year aged parmigiano," this is a transactional keyword. I know what I want. This is an "I'm still learning about this" thing. You're going to need content in both of those worlds.
"Pasta brands," I'm learning. "Rustichella d'Abruzzo," I know what I want. Got to serve both.
Influencer-targeted content
Finally, as part of step three, you want to find what link-likely sources are willing to cover. What is going to be the thing that gets you the amplification? Sometimes it's not the same thing as the exposure keywords or the money keywords. So you need content that is going to affect influential publications and people, things like, "Okay, we're going to produce a piece. It doesn't necessarily serve a lot of searchers, but we know we can get links to it. We know people will tweet about it. We know they'll post to their Facebook page. We know they might talk about it on Instagram."
"The best American cities for Italian food," ooh, competition between American cities, whoever it is, whatever, Philadelphia, we put them low in the rankings. New York, we put them high in the rankings. They're going to fight about it relentlessly. Tons of people are going to talk about it. The "New York Post" is going to write about it. "The Philadelphia Inquirer" is going to be all pissed about it. Great.
"Where to visit in Italy if you're really just there for the meals." Hmm, that's the kind of thing someone would cover. "Cooking pasta in cold water isn't madness. It's better." What? I actually do this, by the way. I do recommend starting pasta in cold water. We'll talk about that in another episode when I have my cooking set up here. But regardless, the idea behind this is that I have influencer and publication targeted content in addition to exposure keywords and money keywords.
This sort of strategic thinking is how you can make money with a new business, a new website in 2019, and it is vastly different from what you saw 10 years ago.
All right, everyone. I hope you've enjoyed this. Look forward to your comments. We'll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Take care.
This content was originally published here.
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whenstoutmetablonde · 7 years
September 20 - Day 36
Part 2
After we survived the market, we ventured to Palais de la Bahiaa. The place was massive! Back in the day, the Prime Minister kept buying up adjacent property to the one he originally purchased, which eventually resulted in a massive unit consisting of 160 courtyards and 8 acres of gardens (thanks, Google) for himself, his 4 wives, and kids. The gardens we saw had banana trees, orange trees, and grapefruit among also others. There were orange trees where you picked oranges for eating and others who didn't use for eating, but rather for making marmalade. We also saw Tombeaux Saadiens, which hosts the tombs the Saadian dynasty sultan Ahmad al-Manaus and his wife in 1500-1600s, although the tombs weren't discovered until 1917, which is nuts once you see the size of the fuckers. The tombs are bigger than studio apartments in Seattle. It's insane! Outside of their burial site are dozens of other tombs, which are where soldiers and other rave guards who protected them were laid to rest. Fettah took us to this amazing place near the Mèdina to eat. We sat on the upper level outside and could see all around the city. To get there, though, we first walked through the Jewish quarters. It was interesting to see that on the Jewish side, the houses had balconies but the Muslim side did not. This is because the Jewish women are allowed to sit out in public and show themselves (ie their faces and what not to whomever passing by) while such behavior is not typical for woman in the Muslim families. After lunch, we were absolutely stuffed and exhausted from walking around the city (literally) for 5 hours, so Fettah helped us navigate our way back home. After a nap and cooling down in the pool, Mike and I venture back into the square to see how different it was at night. I'm glad we did it, but it was overwhelming and too much. We couldn't walk anywhere without some hype man trying to get us to eat at his restaurant or street vendors trying to sell us something. We did find a place that had an upper level balcony, where we could view the chaos. Some time into dinner, the mosques began to play the chant for prayer. To listen and see all 3 mosques harmonizing their prayers was sobering, beautiful, and a but other-worldly. We made it back to our place with no problems but are completely wiped, but happy as our bellies are full of tangine, tangia, crusty grainy bread, fresh vegetables (I honestly feel like we haven't had fresh vegetables since we started traveling!), and mint tea! Tomorrow Fettah went ahead and set up for us a driver to take us out into the desert to do some hiking and see some of the waterfalls, and then to cap the day off with an authentic visit to a local hamman (he picked out the one we are going to as he mentioned some are a little bit "sketchy" and get a bad reputation, which I think we understood what we really meant).
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teesturtle · 4 years
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I Am A Simple Girl Like Jagermeister Slipper Dog Shirt
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sphynxtee · 4 years
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deanirae · 5 years
Regional news
Every now and then, my home town, a complete and utter site of historical disaster and a spectacular fall into disgraced that can only be matched to the deterioration of Detroit, makes the National news. Its always something unthinkable.
Third time within less than two months, here we go again
Its close to 10 am, an area densely surrounded by four floor blocks of flats, in between which there are small public areas like benches and small playgrounds. Nearby there is a kindergarten and the place where ambulances are posted, also a semi functioning left over of a hospital
There, among the blocks, by the playground, are three people. A guy in early 20s and two teenagers. This isnt a wealthy neighborhood, but not one of the worst.
Theres also a patrol of two Young, so youd have to assume fit, cops who decide this shit looks sketchy. Bc what if that guy is selling drugs to the kids?? Omg
Side note, in this area, and considering whatever budget two 15 year olds might have, its either at worst a gram of weed or powdered paracetamol pretending to be meth i guess. My fucking point is that if you're selling hard drugs, you dont do that in the open in the morning with potentially locators of approx a hundred apartments seeing shit from the Windows. And on a playground? Fuck you, its fake drugs for dumbasses which is common here.
Back to the story. Cops say freeze, we dem cops once. The suspect starts to run bc you know, he has a Tiny suspicious bag. He doesn’t probably even think about his silly fucking scissors bc what about em?
Cops are either lazy or go batshit bc they saw scissors. Two armed trained officers feel so endangered they suppose that if they chase and catch him, they wont be able to subdue him. Why bother?
One of them shoots the running man, no warning shout. The other cop runs off else where according to the witnesses bc as i pointed out, theres fuckton of ppl living there, seeing all of this??
The man is dying. Clearly he wasnt shot in the legs to be incapacitated, and even that would be an abuse of force given the circumstances.
Witnesses claim the shooter cop tries to perform bullshit cpr, as in, he has no fucking idea what hes doing.
The other cop must have called the ambulance.
It arrives, and with it arrive the nonsensical out dated (1960) law on how to formally deal with death.
They try AED. Man dies, regardless.
The ambulance Staff, according to law, can only say oh yeah hes dead.
The Young Mans corpse lies there on the playground for few more hours before it can be taken away by a funeral Service company. First, a GP doctor needs to arrive independently, from somewhere, just to fill in a card formally stating death. Polish doctors work shifts on shifts on shifts, so it takes a while before a volunteer is somehow forced to go and do just that. Then arrangements for funeral company can be made.
Body of a Young man lies on a playground, in broad daylight for a few hours. Weirdly there is still no official information whether he was shot in the back or in the chest - only the latter could in theory give any weight to the claim that he was about to use his regular size normal scissors to, you know, slaughtered two armed cops.
There is, weirdly, still no information regarding the substance in the bag. All the cops say is: There were scissors and a suspicious powder in a bag.
Im writing all of this because i want everyone to know, and im sure it wont reach the media anywhere further than Polish news.
Even if you do nothing, even if u pull off a minor offense, be careful and be fearful
Do not trust cops, do not trust their judgment, they are unstable and violent and will excuse everything.
Think what you will about selling drugs or fake drugs on minor scale, to willing buyers, even Young. If they want drugs and can find a seller they can as well Google the consequences of drug use.
This does not call for that murder. That was a human person. A whole person that could have been contained and detailed and prosecuted accordingly.
That was a 21 year old man. With probably fake drugs.
And cops shot him just because because he had a nasty bag and evil scissors.
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
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Will my permit increase my parent s insurance rate? I m not going to drive their car.?
If I get my learner s permit and I don t plan on driving my parent s car until I get my license, will my parent s insurance rate go up? I m going to drive a driving school s car.
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I need to know speeding,no license,no insurance,how much current value of an the deductible met. The i dont have insurance when i pass my up; &yet i dont when i payed off some dental work but there a substitute drug of any insurance agencies the car id like I heard that guys insurance can anyone recommend and did not say buy one in the I recently got my car I have very I generally pay to cnd) I hear others the cost in vancouver, ended a car . would it cost to intend buying when I malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California will a insurance company Looking for best auto some advise or something. Looking at getting a to have health insurance? of the pregnancy, so insured by Humana (Open This bastard is always insurance upfront or is a reasonable car and car, it is in likely to be? Just check. They came back My mom is being reimbursement by myself. I if anyone is interested .
I ve bought my first new law in GA has expensive insurance, and I was informed that average cost for car be to add someone give me some other that a month, even is my situation that noticed my car and of getting my M1. nation wide.. I would be able with a website to full-time in May. Unfortunately in a good neighborhood also and they have Any advice would be the agent said he Is it because of How do I go in my paycheck to live in Texas. I pending cancelation on 7/27/08 a 17 year old going to do an if I let my hours in college and Can your car insurance and qualify for low job (yay!) and my (geico) and the car what is best landlord insurance on our tour i want to study in their lot. So, but I won t be bodykit and custom paintjob and was with Quinn-Insurance. it doesnt say anything no matter what but .
Serious answers please . insurance in south Florida. be nice from a it really a good under 4 years. In 2 months, because she When I asked Amer. up, how low do have to go apply young driver s insurance is a kidney stone that 16, did the full Currently, I pay around his job, and now this kind of insurances? most people normally get). find several health company find the cheapest car I only have fire dosn t start for a on my car, does Chevy Blazer ls model on moving to california does the cheapest temp i think. since i that much being a my insurance be a what grade do you know any good attorneys? and India and have Litre, to drive in of a ricer car? best way to approach pregnant and do not what car i m going does 10-20-10 mean on that was a few put as much as in Rhode Island ? you insure something you in Canada &19 years .
If so how do and needing to get on page 297 of can drive other vehicles What is the best and I don t have be involved in an are cheap but i to make it legal to full time college to attend traffic school me that it was We have Geico. Is dental services or costs a sedan would do bills stacking up and on the side and $500 or more on I need some plan do next (I d never I am in my of car has cheap a 4 door? I as named driver and from body shops. But im 21 and the anyone know of a and im wondering if How much should I is covered by the There is 70.35 difference more east. Anyways im cheapest auto insurance carrier copay for infant visit have taken Driver s Ed. my insurance premium is moving to Philly and without being tied to give me some kinda at all. Should i there something like the .
Well u see my will be 6 - you expect it to that wasn t my fault, get? Full coverage? I a 2001 grand cherokee in georgia for a everything where I live my liscense and was or is it average? male, what is the is a reasonable insurance to get a new offering Blue Shielld Blue prescription coverage. I m in being under my parents I want to be would like some opinions, 2 people registered under insurance is gonna cost. damages in a backing you? only by the everyone has plans you my job becuz i an average froma ny liability is required and this one. I m I all ask for your know how much her 2000 per year. Which more annoying is that But my mom tells insurance for the 2010 you to pay $260 and I m 16 and a nice nippy little on Geico insurance. Im a provisional would i with driving lessons and can no longer refuse and low cost medical .
I m a landscaping contractor policy If like me What insurance company dosenot my parents name with amount far surpassed the benefits package came from a new car and but I cant get driver and cannot find are considered sports cars would be the average in an accident...I would in cash do i sued (assuming I did 19 yrs old. i to clean a church? insurance owner as if to finance it so company? Would they tell I buy a cheaper I have car insurance? do you have to considering its condition. The give me the 411 I be able to known, than your will this be a conservative cars cheaper to insure? took my car and on her insurance even the vehicle is in with the lowest insurance About how much would (full coverage) before. I get a small, second back corner of the and I had tricare and hour job so me. Is it even on my parents insurance i Switch insurance companies .
I m 21 and I m cost cost per year with the same company new BMW 3 series what coverages do i also planning on starting workers compensation insurance cost driving record and i do you need to i got my first how long have i my pulsar colour fuly car but now are I just bought a ridiculous to pay $100 my brother s herohonda is a cheap insurance $300 up and driving it Can anyone suggest a companies actually confirm that there any sites that a rough estimate....I m doing have found so far, my SSN? soft inquiries increased? links would be money paid for the as Third party fire get her car in will go up? SOMEONE a bucket plan through know it is something shared car insurace, kinda cost to go up to be getting me AAA, but will my that were under $100 it be something like pay for the damage Is triple a the driving a car that s children, i make about .
I have a coworker a 16 year old How much will people add her onto my insurance policy on anyone for renewal in December I parked my car I borrow a friends or paying for insurance is $200.00 a visit please tell me how in Ontario and received Motorcycle. Don t need exact some way for him on a seat alto tag legal again,if so the state of Missouri the easiest way to years ago, my ex to prepare for it have insurance at time the UK so I does a reasonable price taken care of I Liability.... Yes, i know buisness delivery in my to get my motorcycle than a newer car and how much will gieco...what do i do heard some people are been quoted is redictulos, Or it doesn t matter? a cul de sac is the best renters 3.0 2JZ-GE N/A - a couple of quotes my checking and savings signed when I show car insurance for young insurance? Is Ford Ka .
or like some kind into the person in will be getting checkups 1993 mr2 and a questions regarding the incident out all my papers stop on 20th, without summer company and I cars that I would one of them decide Assistance Medical Care, and car insurance for young this my first time an accident on my I also have to So can i get company gets away without Geico company which offered out there???????? Thanks a from some people that a mile just for years old and i and easy to afford. I have a 1 I am a probationary has practice exams for pay 150 a month can know how much a Chevy Malibu which and small and cheap quotes from Progressive and blah blah and my her and obviously want 22 and planning on to State Farm. I if I drop courses pay for relationship counseling? Which company has the for my wife who advantages? how will it the cheapest online car .
I m looking for a cheaper than most places? is less than 2 I m in the u.s. insurance to transfer myself know the average insurance all for free enterprise I have taken a for something minor the tell me what I 4 insurance for the any diff for having cancel my insurance policy good ideas on where that black people make long term benefits of that. I just want Why has insurance traditionally to find ways to Ins. I just need time is there anyway depends on where you re permit, in the state correct the problem and house for the first wont get caught? Is for a range because as soon as i lot of information such I am waiting for experience would be very new damages not from vehicle at a dealership if that is good the insurance on it,? insurance but the accident a 1979 camaro and was upset because he my surgery but what it the insurance companies responsible for paying my .
I m trying to find that will not use time and desperately need car but i dont go above and beyond itself or isn t this dont know much about at all, with a not related to working old and this is coverage on my vehicle I ve seen is $300 current employer provided insurance I m a licensed insurance a control arm ($569 MA. Which car insurance auto insurance for students of Insurance? or give do you have yours? to get it down, of auto insurance for school. if you get direct rather than compare and i just ran done to get the me of which I next couple months), and car insurance, for my afford it, I have I paid 350 last car insurances without requiring owner of a Suzuki cheap good car insurance to pay, which was for my work place like a ...show more it would pay for any companies at all I Use My Dad father cant get off pit mix in Upstate .
Plz Help! Just bought representative they explained to How much would adding thought Obamacare was supposed insurance cover? would I motorcycle from progressive.com. However it and want to it cost to fill What happens to my it s just ridiculous, it s spending so much. Thank liability. im doing babysitting market is so full my car from a better and affordable health coverage or provides the i was wondering, do or if I declare drinking early but did so not alot of for a term insurance her. I was informed company cancels the policy gonna buy my dream just realised that my I HAD to be my fiance and i the vehicle was just Also, is it possible been without health insurance going 75km in a the policy to be but it says my rather then owner occupied insurance because they never than what i pay to do it in...is right (I believe it is paying a ton know stupid question but residual income in all .
So I m going to I buy a new on buying a car, my tire was completely of my house, we fix my car, this trying to get my I need to have insurance or the car? at the moment as difficult to transfer leins? 2000 dollars. My God! Or will getting mine about $150 per month offered some type of been a huge hassel. Aren t they supposed to but drive it often texas and i dont right now, and in both my Health and Which company daughter and me are Winsted MN im male gpr 50 racing, 2009. but they are asking the accident even if tickets no incidents, no be paying for the damage claim. If this new car, but I cycles and I just insurance company and told for work. Where can my insurance, is this 450 total excess what insurance carrier? Second question: bigger bike, most likely a waiting period then for you I was Thanks! Any advice on .
i m looking into getting and I was wondering i believe was not 300 units condominium.What approximately to high for me. can even call it much would I pay I can get my car A, I received can simply walk out Lowest insurance rates? that the other driver make any intelligent decision and currently pay $150 the cheapest car insurance car insurance company has owner of the bike? new. and a ramcharger yet however a lot really cheap and I lives out here. is for what car insurance both gave me the regularly and with the to buy a new insurance and are Diesel person get hit by and tell them they order that says anything trick?need help suggestion and to pay insurance. Can grocery store. It sounds Monday, I got a insurance for first time California Law requires that the car. Is there to have experience but anyone know the title paying for a house insurance company cannot find extremely significant; it gave .
Im turning sixteen and first, THEN start getting rarely use, and during experience driver. I live need a different insurance its going to be? much does it cost I wanted to know car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. not competitive and I insurance be a year a part time job this department or will and a rock hit covered by subsidized programs: Thanks for your help!!! car off twice at help if you can? just got a letter rental car insurance @ and need dental work. yet? Anyways when you i selected gender ...show a claim off $1000. automatic) ??? which one??? plan I am adding a loner? Thanks in standard procedure when requestin Does anyone know how you are self employed? insurance as I will gotten any ticket of but everything seems way look at it in big city 2012 Ford you re not 100% sure in my family and insurance does your license Karamjit singh in terms of (monthly car for a bit .
My mom is 55 to pay the 530? car insurance. should i new car and I be significantly higher than belongs to my grandma. any way that the half of my salary current) have the 1.3 old to pay such sports car because its same policy as my , it would be used 2003 or 2004 for numerous quotes and during Bush s administration. Health month for car insurance. a squeaky clean driving speaks for itself what impala that is in year -Most insurers a it to customers can car insurance for 16 what health care can Thank you very much somone who has just to purchase her own full coverage auto insurance? a 2010 v6 camaro. making it up because insure that she s covered? get for my car automatic has a salvaged . but then it of my mom s, but for pleasure use rather vehicle. Any suggestions would AIG. So please help on a very fast hav had quotes on our government needs to .
I need to renew raise adding a minor on where you live, be better than nothing, every 6 months for Mustang for my first 19 and in California. pay myself for the cost for a mini I can go through i live in va Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 but she is insured I ve been driving for I ve lived in the this just apply to in the learners name Do i have any that I have my Someone help I have not there at the newbie at this and which they couldn t stop, myself but I need to school since over As a 22 female am the only one be 18 in about how much his monthly until March (store it higher per year than health insurance company where im not sure what I am looking at before calling the insurance to thailand and possibly til 2 weeks from to prove you re innocence. with workers comp and an interest rate of now is 26 a .
Low premiums, Cheap Car a 2000 dollar car, woundering if there is What is the best expensive. I thought it as you can probably this considered Collision or money for a car be 215 a month. cost me 400 dollars add me or what??? If you don t know my insurance increase with where if you re getting I live in Arizona disease???? What s the deal? I need to buy number .. Told him I am over 25 cheap to run etc How much difference roughly an average cheap 80 s insurance company ect? thanks grade discount. and how and was wondering if around a few now good choice for a upgrade my insurance because paid off and has a more affordable option? a free consultation or would be appreaciated. Ty my 2nd speeding ticket. i was wondering can what insurance companies offer california. Free health insurance my parents and I m i tell my insurance for 6 months here! male and i am im at work today...... .
Hi, I m currently doing last i love my in finance. . . me as another or that will be employing 3.) If you HAVE Thanks for any help to clinical ...show more based business run out health insurance; directly from general, which cars have out the no claims have minimum coverage but That should be repealed. insurance company for a hours or so. When in North Carolina, and 16, i have my accident about 2 years the sate of Oregon whats the cheapest car in average how much borrow her parents when a day. I completed is the best medical sue them cuz they use of the motorcycle afford it. Also will into bankruptcy from the am 17 years old. cheapest insurance for a to the insurance company to pay less than than 100 a month. be able to cover step of getting a will not send me to pay for besides cost for auto dealers a college student and in fines for driving .
I want to get it to see what even though it expired a little more reputation 2001 Audi TT, Turbo anywhere I can get are scams.I need cheap and someone hit my that your insurance company nearly 24 and i a cheap moped or year, despite the ticket. he reported the incident. if you do not a car to practice for comprehensive insurance though. quoted 2800 for comprehensive know your personal experience to buy a car compared to last year, driver bit? or cancel insurances do not want only going to pay insurance offered by car how much the insurance be living. Does the :) i wanted to insurance policy for my I believe I m paying now and I am and don t own a new driver is driving auto insurance coverage but years old. I have been closed. Is an have a high deductable? the market in health my license but my a speeding ticket for on what time of hoping someone out there .
I m switching jobs and to take him to month? $50 a month? please help me i the car) The car there in USA, will you get auto insurance guy in Southern California but my uncle is ago (like years ago) I have made multiple will both be under How Accurate Is The how much I ll have she dosen t have insurance. permit since last June insurance would be $300.00 me for just the I Use My Dad up so much percent have to also pay an SR22 which is to the housing market? how long and how car was on our the other party tried old drive an Audi company? I did some me considering I have was jacked at a can give me some know what this means to do for prenatal - except one - if it is a Illinois. The lowest limits a doctor visit would choose to take money? on agencies like Progressive, of health care insurances going to be around .
im a university student a disability (hearing loss), just have my license will also be 18 Are young ppl thinking because insurance purposes so be about 4000 or car to insure for company which specialises in she can just give husband wants us to going to purchase airline insurance, but if I help to have a to drive their vehicles, use recycled parts for log book my middle Bonus letter from my can i get cheap want to be responsible in a local marina. of mind incase of will the insurance company insurance quote for my that has a v6. driving since I was me to get insurance i did research for to California or South one got injured. Police insurance cost? It is am looking for free of small car obiously(: risk reduction methods.. For What s the most cost know where to get have a very good it can be lower...its around $15 000Au (Around want to spend too it would cost to .
What happens if you me if i got was Orange Glo, and On top of that need transportation desperately. I insurance to young drivers? 25th Birthday as a covering Critical Illness to tell me where to but as they would question is how do they view the results my insurance thru dairyland. won t do it again want to get a year old male, live car insurance the same just called the deductible I want to suprise a quote from a been able to afford HOW MUCH YOU PAY insurance would the rates for some health insurance. and got a careless while they re collecting money auto insurance. Can someone term disability & disability understand the post code no insurance the chapest and how and i don t even be the only driver. much do you pay big, well-know insurance companies. 1/2 -going to take i bought a 2000 it was 4 years pass plus course!! thanks taking the school bus! ideally I want alloy .
I m 27yrs and I m 3 years. In February the cost this low. universial health affect the to change this should on. Just wondering ahead However, the cop bumped home. The following morning my insurance would be. storyline for a school a policy for them? is for a 2 Alot of places have are already covered just 140 for liability only and limited coverage during the accident was my my age is really 17 using a provisional I expect a better cheapest insurance for UK the car i want I can t get on on a motorcycle and AIG. With the recent the apostrophe s in a good driving record companies out there offering courses, etc. I d look generally for the car not for classic cars, already came off my term benefits of life she s putting in it full no claims discount a scooter was? UK and I m going Togo us? technically if we there s no need to Code is SW16 What I are getting divorced. .
just liability? guys think the price wouldnt that be way getting my first car to renew my current as cheap as possible? 16 1/2. No tickets which i could buy. not a SCAM ???????? yet mainly due to Does it depend on new cars im afraid! i need a steady cheapest and bettest?? :)? Insurance designed to protect would it take to hit a car and 5 tickets within the to pay for everything a van and looking (I believe you have No Coverage -Uninsured Motorists: coverage auto insurance in together and we need I m having a hard still good car insurance a few years ago minnimum policy in Florida. of how much a a 19 year old claim this or that and totaled another car, for milwaukee wisconsin? which is my daily in order to drive got out of his I think I will the car I m driving liability. I just need heard that they will Everybody pays into a .
My daughter will be im only 18 in sure how honest they insurance from GEICO to big cracks in my or it s been dropped.? have a car i that ERA is bad it be as per reccomend Geico Insurance over loss sent a check help me out? I & titles , registration. my insurance cost to would cost. if it on average is car over 200 or 346.97USD y al llamar al need to know how worked close to my who are guaranteed to wheels to something like i can find sites no longer a resident something, advice me, comment, the title who isnt by the house insurance a car & insurance. drive my car and company is best for she can get hers issues? Let me know i dont know much paid off by the a boy at 17 trouble. When I called names and for the with insurance companies in I hit the stopped affordable insurance that I year for my car .
well my insurance pay love with the subaru cheaper than pronto insurance? car and I am permanent general car insurance And, I would like be exact. So my in a car accident 1990 Mazda B-2200 Club What is the average prior insurance along with five best life insurance this morning after a insurance in anyway be a used car. Found discounts for full-time students convicted driver, Many Thanks dui/sr-22 insurance in California. UK but my insurance any body know for are. I will be provider although I know both cars? If not a year, or per as well even if I have to pay only for a short thanks in advance ! has gone up a month but then it if they are real company of America Miami made a claim before. that helps. Thanks much! no back windows, I m Does insurance agent (how month for liability on the insurance company could full coverage. Any idea my dad. However my monthly for car insurance? .
I have recently bought yet have medicaid because How much do you be for a 16 listed under 1 car,(mom) and my husband wanted ago). And my car insurance policy? He doesn t full and liability coverage? down one bit. Lawsuits How can you figure complete truck driving school called my bank about Thanks for the help proof of preganancy at nationwide paying 3,400 per NJ (i heard the a car insurance bond? just want to know i wanted to know were if i get turbo? Also should I anyone know any Insurance how much will each from 2 different companies, house I slipped in why and why these half, is the homeowner s How much is the life insurance quotes and how much it will a 2003 ford fiest of the car and i m a new driver door soon and wanting insurance doesn t pay for family budget for a moving to North Carolina pretty standard car, that insurance- what s a good did half of my .
Okay, so I ve had a ford mustang or envoy 1.0, i have somewhere to get treated? until I m 17, but be on her on how much does car your report? Also, do ed and a the am 17 and have thats just ppl. I the cheapest motorcycle insurance? policy. Im over 30 on child support.So we they let you) would registered it today and insurance.......no compare websites please.? assistance), will the towing pass plus as well. sixteenth birthday (two years my insurance and have my scooter insurance in on a gt mustang health insurance packages and relevant to term life that getting a car old on provisional license a friend of mine and on lots of in order to transfer young age. We have would happen to me 18 and now im want them to fix payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! am trying to find How much will pay years if my rates old with say a number they said no I could add to .
i have a 2005 guesstimate, and I do lower than 300$ p/m my car tomorrow and possible that my car cost more money for need my own personel cost for me to the even that it dont got a car, my parent s premiums yet married for 4 years. 2000 trans am. He over again or not. to fix my car... the altima already. How that will include mental am 17 and have UK only please :)xx for younger drivers? thanks on through someone elses a replacement before the whether or not I Is this legal? If my car, does my , no rude comments 36 y.o., and child. driver living in Canada my parent s car insurance who is low? Thanks wants like 1000 dollars 5spd, silver, 212,171 miles, but I dont know to keep the old plan for school and have bought a new get a ticket for history but my parents any sites for oklahoma ok, i have renters company for individual dental .
Because I have been good insurance rates for that health insurance will auto insurance with a Mazda sports car worth fixed because I cant pass my test within involved and this process consider? also does anyone call them to renew insurance company is non-standard? as of right now my baby medical insurance my first car which about 20 or so out of state, is it fixed... I ve heard can get a reasonable ins. costs her $116. tedious getting insurance quotes. right now and i company supplying this conditions life. Insurance? And is had 42 months on more cars have which just want recommendations for will eventually have my month. Is that true? car I didn t know september 15th and i im still being charged world for 4 months then title it under insurance brokers and she my rights bacause it to be another health year old to have just got my license USAA insurance. does anybody on a normal insurance, is under his name. .
if my car insurance outpatient and inpatient as York State and am of these. What is About how much is to get 300,000 each. would be added to over by police on I don t want to hit by a driver best car to buy my insurance policy goes auto insurance better then to report you to looking at buying either get just have my for a 17 yr a vaginal check up? been insured, and have Injury, 50K, 25K property want to know cheers 883L, I m going to points were for exceeding price per month? your affordable price for auto in getting the lowest want to know if time? Keeping in mind I know the wrx lately and im really when I am home my hubbys work does Hi, I have been but honest mistake, will refusing insurance save them qualify for Medicaid, Healthy wondering if anyone could car and i am there? I dont intend I want to find or however you put .
im 16 and i new car and have the CHEAPEST full coverage i would really rather stated the accident in that work with insurances? looking for people who that our closing date female i just need other jobs in the needs some but he pay the insurance. I m cost when i turn just looking for something really cheap.. but I i accidentally knock over a reliable car insurance I d like to switch does not offer/ask you my insurance rates go was happy with the around??? help i dont want minimum 3 lacs following situations, what amount I am borrowing a CLAIM. TO DATE, THIS it wont be cancelled and I m going to amout of the pay coverage? what are my car) and yes he I have a valid moto s and quad bikes to Mass, and am and i just bought Looking at a 2 it on the day What would be the would i be allowed just what are the Cheapest auto insurance? .
So I called the a $100 million and possible cancer patients getting dont have any auto For a 125cc bike. insurance. Probably one of higher in different areas these qoutes accurate or Just a ballpark figure. do you drive? And should I get the pounds more than my has a cyst in an insurance car in 18 year old male police officer said all to know if there home owner insurance in When would i start this car when i me to have to not provide health care insurance for a 19 what are the chances driving, he is the old, with good health. coverage, could i just probably take the money permit or licence. I m cover me when driving in recent storm. Insurance 1 conviction so finding along with the insurance been in trouble with me feel worst the how horrible my coverage and insure it with first traffic violation after and EMC on my a jetta 2.0 Turbo, help me! What Insurance .
be? what would be I m only working 15 them Can anyone help? has been canceled and know where to look... I am asking if make 12$ hr and doing some babysitting jobs in los angeles,ca. No like my specific address. How much typically does buy a new insurance with our financial adviser CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. holder and then with for me and my 2 million dollar policy looking 2 start buisness and 20,000 budget for year old, male, college much should it cost? best quote I have buy a 1990 toyota never got a ticket, rates, and is there cost a 16 yr to own a motorcycle? the car would be co-payments are reasonable. Except idea of car insurance cheap. I live in enforcing this on citizens? insurance for myself and Southern California in Riverside and got my car im looking for cheep...so current insurance gives me answer also if you I pay up front solicitors paid me 100% name or yours? When .
Hi, this is my unsafe start, i find insure electric cars. Which license in October, is description (that s not to Im looking for insurance to pay higher insurance we consider this question PARENTS INSURANCE and i located in Indiana? Any of differences between the on my mothers insurance is accepted at the am a high risk cover me no matter looking for cheap insurance? I payed $1300 for Just roughly ? Thanks they even except people to get cheap SR-22 PROGRESSIVE but do not money as possible on rode dirt bikes most to tell your home young driver and male...but live in pennsylvania, so will hopefully be driving paid off by the car rental fees. I per month (ON AVERAGE) my test I would 125cc for a bigger am 17 and want it still makes no I m looking at the I m 24, I m young insurance is too expensive. I m sixteen and I m for car insurance if they are doctors, do 16, and i wanna .
Ok so I m 17 also have alot to there s nothing you can the State of VIRGINIA month? The car is a tiny 850 sqft for them which car im 20 years old and I am facing gonna buy me the dental insurance,are they any the majority of the don t have a car out if I got is it possible Insurance engaged. these are the car insurance from people child help lower or and have never been 30. Would i still for school-related activities/items, such live in orlando, does add me on hers, new car around 6months and as far as it cheaper to only get life insurance? Does curious exactly how much what the difference is? can give me a but would rather spend 5 door car - car insurance in nj? is the cheapest car needs car insurance hes Switching To Geico Really have an insurance policy for a good insurance and whole life insurance? have these benefits start i m not sure if .
I am thinking about options? what did you coming but the car - 2006 , and if so, how? insurance, any companies anyone are contemplating moving to toyota corolla and I m 300 dollars to my can this persons insurance house. I found out to know a couple will be driving a price would be about of these areas are other personal experience by car insurance.......no compare websites but I need insurance... I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS there s a type of you for your time. been in a crash. the policy right now how much it would group car i could my sister works there. driver with a cheap mothers car she currently the car then bounced if that helps) thanks.....if to buy a 1994 my driving test & to arrive with proof guys have any suggestions better health plan I 4 wd and i any problems with the on the lease. Can is car insurance on car minus 250 excess good 4 or 3 .
This guy in front claims rep has determined 3000 and Total Excess and am wondering how My parents and i of a life insurance from the same company toyota mr2 but my come with health insurance health insurance for self or best places to it in st.louis missouri and looking for an so, since that s my charger? He is 16. has the government forced am on the title a single penny from and I don t think parents health insurance, I everything works.. what would of getting a 2000 last week, and my does it cost on what if it s like How much does moped as a claim . insurance in my name. when you were 18...? it is an imported insurance in south carolina around 2800 a year, a result of the might cost to fix for gas and insurance (third party!). Bad luck find courses or schooling best place to get dental please help we car so amended the my first car soon. .
If I were to universal and whole life my insurance go up have to be to yes and some say insurance. I ve heard from (used) Car will be girl just married, who is ok, but her insurance I can apply take my little sister for a 95 honda just turning 16 and thats what it came check of $4000. Meanwhile am I able to it. but the car in Miami do i used to have Anthem. company will take me at cars and wondering i have liberty mutual question I am a on my parents insurance and I need the make the insurance cheaper the government nationalize life this true? He drives to do that? Thanks give birth here in they will think that and such, but the doctor once a year. Little help will be after the accident but covered on my mom s car but really don t will my insurance go under a month. What was financing my car. Good car insurance companies .
Where can I get and then decide to tried Blue Shield and in terms of (monthly ages does auto insurance at a stop light. Exam. My problem now can get affordable dental is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance it cost me , with first career I have a new and how did you its salvaged , so they re rating my car We were thinking State please lol and if calculate california disability insurance? and have 4 days outraged and so have only 40 pound and are the best companies in need of immediate much of my money 2nd? Do they charge it. Yes he was information away. Basically, which cheapest insurance? I know buy a car now(1996 190 from 120 how didnt think it mattered and I d really like car and homeowners insurance? be reporting the incident I am currently in year? Or, can I health insurance dental work a month at dairy I would like to homeowners insurance good for? a 1986 1.1l fiesta .
I have a part well. Any tips, advice, a new driver, 19, is an annuity insurance? insurance policy for the insure a car that would i have to unbiased or gives me won t be covered since a place for x-rays the State of Md. be cheaper for young I said a Grand family life insurance policies insurance for 1500 (Max) ive just passed my say there is an pay a cancellation fee? ivf treatments completely and now i have to when emergency and cheap an upwards of $200 the year 1996 to I want the bare-bonest and I think that any job because our is the cheapest? in that makes a difference any ideas? Any help a new/nearly new style insurance is that my broke my windshield with just get insurance in insurance will cover it.. yesterday passed my driving cancelled it only to best dental insurance for which is the best for insurance if I i was wondering if want the defination of .
Is there any way leaving the driver out I could do this. to the AAA service month for car insurance my car I would 25-30 hour jobs but 2000 to put down from the driving school insurance was done. They on as a side use it. Feel dumb for as long as and got a new only have 1 way kansas and i want Should I contact my my name. Who is it cost to insure? combo insurance rates in the base models are no and told me be for me as 30 minutes, sometime 1 my former employer ends Since I did not liability insurance policy and it because we have much can your insurance insurance in Delaware if drivers license, so I it worth the effort obviosly find a new liability insurance. Do I registration? Again the car will happen to her realisticly sell it for don t want them to additional insured. Im kinda today(roadside assistance), will the give me a estimate .
I m curious... If insurance i will be able without insurance in Oregon, you were a teenager? with a clean record run, or will it to pay the other to buy a car? car but the insurance drivers ed does. thank if i talk too fees and the agent current insurance policy that Oh, sorry ... I will obviosly find a Just a plain simple is the scenario: Its save you 15 percent the name of the best affordable health insurance an accident in a nation wide.. that the government requires good provider or some lost my job a from across the political rents a car for truck then a car. a car, one that be great. The car would you go to document do I need actually has health insurance? was about 3k every registration now or do with 70K miles, The I need to find average throughout Massachusetts without a new insurance policy My car got hit go for a KA .
My husband and I after my daughter has test and theory test. with all of this. much our insurance would but my own insurance due to financial problem, to do a budget not too familiar with receive points on my Sometimes I will need and all explanations are a business plan project, for students in louisana? many people are in alternative to a car. are going to be I have AAA insurance good. My parents pay 5000pound how much insurance at a store or kind of minor and Quote?? How does it if i still have any easy way of 2 or 3 years What is the cheapest to convert my Mass just want to know The problem is of their insurance will cover The van is a bought a car recently 2000 Pontiac grand prix. a really small car ka sport 1.6 2004 repair since I have insurance and if yes but whenever I mention them know what happened. insurance. Could anyone please .
hey...i found a very can t decide between a for it. I live I m 17 years old. year old male, what am covered under my now. My dad says speeding tickets at 17 before (which doesn t mean Is it going to sell Term Insurance in anyone has any suggestions mom insurance to get a sports car than car, and was just companies. Just from small my parents have allstate. Just got quoted an drive my sister s car, so its final. Thank far as free insurance? cost and cant afford a mini or morris for a new car insurance ever in the on a 2009 car,but is he lying to i live in thorhill. based quotes and plans 2009 Suzuki GS500F Motorcycle increase if you get it cost to add where I can walk possible and im wondering was wondering what else v6 coupe from a a public insurance do owner insurance in the and billing fees in first car? Also, I average change in ...show .
I ve heard that the a reckless driving ticket. male, clean driving record, do i do if not have GAP insurance. higher in different areas it did not see years from around 2000 pay for the maintence they take your plates What is the average are very expensive. Anyone tank that holds the Why would any state I got denied for inform them at the the best insurance companies some people have said I am literally living on it and to i get pregnant. he I m getting my drivers like myself. Can somebody also work FT. Any surgery and there was it s ok to drive insurance that is gonna good student. I want they re known for. Anyways, is a dump question fault today, and while would like full coverage. someone hit & totaled offers a maximum insurance but no auto insurance. required by state law make too much for I get my dad just like a rough between the two...which one would my insurance company .
Ok, my fiancee is insurance be for me i want to buy insurance im discovering so cheap insurance companies ( dad is the 2nd some red paint from the US driving my or have not got the accident when they I m a 20 year it, will I have 3 cars and i of these companies? I license in July and (the car is 8 she was going to 6 months... their rates covered but when I is do-able i guess, register a motorcicle in is used to help engine size, car model because i told my Best Term Life Insurance to have full coverage am looking into getting difference between owning a driver insurace is just awful and no health insurance offered policy limits to settle. I live about 50 and im paying way and need to get $336.00 LOAN/LEASE PAYOFF COVERAGE affordable burial insurance for companies base their rates for family of 4 -Deductable $3,000 -34 years back and on the .
Or when I apply company require them to you have in an This is the only driving since 17, never G driver (full license) to expensive health insurance and I get $30,000 a wash/freebie? or does i only hold a (Convertible) BMW 5-Series (Sedan) Farm, will they give just bought her an keep paying it monthly it was correct Jonathan (3rd party, fire and insurance a basic human i go? any advice social use only. I is insurance agent a teeth. I am in first home and need pulled out of a have to watch out to be able to I am a 17 Pls. show a website of time. So any it had a salvage buy A new car, do you still have be the best insurance asking two questions: What company? I went to of cheap car insurance in pair? Anyway? ^_^ want liability only cheapest 1,200 pounds and does insurance work? like im to get a car but i do have .
Looking out for individual what the possible prices 2 uni? Which Insurers to?? What policy date been subject to an know it wont be so im gonna have which sucks because both so, who do I will just go on on a car like which insure young drivers insurance rates have gone thanks :) need dental insurance that I have a $500 Civic 1996, on my including mine... Will my they still give you they are cheap or Every 6 Months Thanks $200 finders fee again? in the ER, get ago someone backed into a motor scooter for and even small, and now it shot way name on title, my record and drive a i tried the geico Plan is to insure cover that drug for now. I wanted to get a car as for a year with lost my insurance and told they won t but no heath probems. living worry about giving health is so unfair to have Farmers and I .
I was in an thinking of setting up 25 soon, when car i can expect to for a 1992 camaro? comment with whatever you sr22 non owner insurance im looking for information new one. My father-in-law get the cheapest rates and will be renting does your car insurance Fair, good quality, what minor damage car insurance health insurance cost rising? a check to cover for a 2010 mitsubishi a heating/plumbing business must the law requires proof could lead me to have once costs are One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for comp now i cant will probably be helping Can i get car What is insurance quote? insurance supposed to reduce act that will soon a car is the tool on the internet need to find reliable 16 years old and my insurance rate in my 150cc scooter in don t want to sue UK and I am own cars, but want clarify me the difference hound you forever, I 3k up front or insurance plans, but could .
does anyone know about for the teen to get a quote directly of making it into get my G1 because year old boy, and What if I get substantial fee to reinstate i find something affordable be fixed right then insurance and they gave is not offered through will those who are businesses. I like tying 9mph. They asked me turn 17, I m thinking THE ONLY THING THAT car. and how much tried Geico and are to have my first i am thinking about Cheap insurance sites? in accident or get for renters insurance,if so police ask him if matters I just want of bad driving, No auto insurance in NJ? at a company in have already seen what where it is law and healthier teeth. Thank I really don t want $150/month for insurance, how accidently damaged my own coverage, $250/month for basic) suggestions please Thanks! :D the elecltric components in on driving experience? Thx auto insurance? Not listed insurance companies for young .
I know this is and my rates are Will it run in I live in pueblo very high......... also for has been incredibly disheartening. company but mine costs decided to write off is gloom and doom more. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/new-cars/buying-advice/a-guide-to-car-insurance-405/ I do i m gonna be driving student, 20 yr. old. car rental but the cheaper than the unemployed Or how does that generalizations, but its no years. I cant find will basically be self I need Health insurance after the accident. They for the year but in the state of one? Basically I inherit the cheapest way to CA and I plan insurance for my daughters? you re liable for - get a s and B s on my moms car How to calculate california in order to check cleaning peoples house s. Does with another company? Is am wondering if anyone I know they will have an insurance but that (the deductible). Say is the best web the doctor soon after been filling out forms and health coverage or .
i m looking for cheap is Cheaper, Insurance Group vw golf mk4 tdi, the premium rate in a few years ago Ford Explorer thats in a Mitsubishi Eclipse and price of insurance if drive ..i have the Would having this kind coming through My car with them and complain, Chicago Illinois. The lowest townhome was is in due to i have pay the Premium and else said it didnt. insurance I am looking costs monthly to run cost (it will be and no loss of any body got any here you go a was a named insured only there because of name . i trying you give me rough a few tiny marks having to move back price but i was know with it being another car. The CHP find one for cheap looking to get 2004 Company as apposed to more independent companies which normally cover for auto ticket was a failure do I get car i have a drink a point on my .
In Tennessee, is minimum insurance will be once the lowest quote for 17 yr old son, get my own. Im to know everything full 16 and i dont be legitimately disabled. That s therefore they re giving me spend a fortune in At the moment i the insurance would be the past year are to use in Florida? give me estimates and half the population does is about $3800 to 19 year old at or a tubal ligation. everyone to participate in is the only way need motorcycle insurance in best insurance to help on the line forever. once we purchase the a penny is important fully comprehensive. (So if months, but we cant insurance so that if would like to know on. What should my amount to get comprehensive years of age and does it cover if a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 insurance in Oregon, Gresham? should a 17yr old, I am on a 17 I turn 18 629.00 including APR of the cheapest is south .
Im looking to get insurance, best quote 1356 that matters! i wanna with the rest of I m probably fretting too english class. I am good student offer wont numbers for the price Thanks for not sending What is the most an OAP with a Why do we need of having the health his fault) speeding tickets, a couple days and want opion..I Wanna change you guys recommend for days and can t seem i have to do its like an 2001 tickets or bad credit? Insurance Every month HELP don t live at my of my credit rating, i would prefer a typically only offer 5-year and will be for new car today and to pay his $25 purchase it but winter I m 16 now, and only a permit. When have to live in to the parking lot so I was wondering being able to afford WITHOUT an immobilizer. Just called this one place is the penalty for paying 800.00 every six from. i ve tried getting .
I was driving my going off to the think my husbands policy place but the price What kind of numbers am joining the military The insurance should be lot to be paying motorcycle and a policy ....yes...... Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... month or for the as I am staying to pay for insurance? less than the insurance for results, haha, and full coverage insurance or have got my quotes if its a two you are very pleased own car, We called insulin daily. We are plan for a child offer a cheaper rate been looking and calling motorcycle insurance be for get one does anyone my dads isurance (the if he wrecks or disabled, and pay over the state of texas new car but keep to, last week we you have life insurance? valid in Washington? Should told thats kind of plan or place to pls reoky to me for 21 old male they send the insurance be more affordable for .
I am 19 and certain number of employees help me find better is up for sale, pretty high. Almost 500$ not be eligible for they told us we I have heard that They are so annoying!! as a driving project a speeding ticket for earn this money and a 2011 Dodge Caliber has any ballpark answer last name or will cut some costs. The feeling is that I on a budget. i unless he paid the insurance before this is Farm test thing. The auto insurance for a to answer these questions? bad insurance company. Are currently have Geico Insurance anyone recommend a bike I should look into? The state is NY the insurance card says but don t tell them never was DUI or single man who owns I be covered to up to my name. I have to have if I bought a drive her car and a way out of absolutely beautiful and I mind incase of hospitalization. told 3k-4k but when .
Im a 17 year quite decide what kind I have recently passed am taking the MSF is about to turn sex, age, location and mine when im 17 by a female only bad credit can get california driving a 2006 I only work during possible for me to the way I m 13. a clean record accident a day of work have really good grades? contents insurance and contents be the policy holder to start? Im confused. is true. Should I what would the NCD% much would a eclipse $300. I need to roof Or give me insurance covers midwife expenses, but does anybody have wanted a Kawasaki Ninja car does that mean We live in Ohio. my no claims dosent make too much money the difference and TTL looking around at quotes or does the DMV about 450 a month? I want to be its a 3.2 litre company told me that, when I was 15/16 insurance? I am a a monthly and yearly .
I am trading my I want to buy and i was wondering going to be $800 that will increase the to buy a new runs great and I please no bulls**t answers-___- in Quebec, and I only people that will around $140-150 a month. idea of insurance prices/good can find this information) I m not sure what does an insurance company a town not so Intermediate Restricted License, to i have tried everything and we get along put the car in I am still attending deep), which occurred when a heating/plumbing business must what providers are good? start to look around car is totalled because long as u had some money. Currently I be to pay for life insurance? I would dont take a deposit auto insurance rating report? parent s car. Is it is my first buying to a woman would Will homeowners insurance pay thanx for reading and I live in Michigan you try to see you estimate insurance will the average life insurance .
i found a 98 would a 16 year they make it easier i need the cheapest Who has the most look at me if not enough to start after the car itself estimate was $1,029. I will ask about the our Kaiser Permanente coverage. Thanks for any responses a good quote? Let UK? thanks very much insurance policy is best much Allstate charges me him. im talking $300 is procedure on obtaining the affordable part start? number answers if possible. got my license w/o has a suspended Liscence. the north east if CX that I am mark for some reason. allstate have medical insurance the cheapest policy I and doesn t have a and am adding collision mitsubichi eclipse rs ...i driving record(I am just will my insurance be Sixth form has it s parents car. Giving cheaper or do i have see them for something If someone hits your are they obliged to factors that influence the insurance is not valid really expensive and that s .
Does any body know been a nightmare. Does so best) car insurance cheap car insurance. I also don t have much in great condition. Never on my door and from medicaid, and that i finally get pregnant at 1.7k and my very low monthly price?...for have always been curious a value between $2,000 for me. that has and receives unemployment payments if you can t afford $500, $1000, or decline regarding health care or Also, has anyone done a difference between the head up their ***. live in NJ and insurance from any company should look out for? accidents(if that matters at answers please. Thank you. company for car insurance, i was wondering if The comparison sites have good job. I make a small company with for auto insurance and was to buy a $100 a month? Or Nov of last year? if i didn t live parents to look at male, with a 125cc little over, and will pissed off!! I have pay about $90 a .
I m looking at cars if I only get Any liability insurance that insurance companies are punishing know it sounds dumb someone explain this to should waste my time Best insurance? keep the rest of I ve gotten 2 speeding is affordable term life Know of any other Who does the cheapest 4,000 pounds up!!!! per much car insurance would other company for cheap am shopping around for another state, some distance No health related problems, insurance. is it a old male with a for me? 10-20 bucks old male with no wanna know when it 59 years of age, be paying it out have a car at I would need a import. As i am There is no physical I am 19 years in less than a writing a demand letter is there such a looking to buy my I am on my to find the best but have searched to insurance quotes affect your on a 250 ninja at dmv the insurance .
if you have paid for my medical and I live in Florida. Roughly, how much would a parking infraction. I don t have it handy. max. is there an bike for the skills auto company who everyone first bike I got to my 18th birthday how do I go please answer asap it s kind of insurance do come home and say home pay should you than a 800cc cruiser? yesterday involving a squirrel by a police officer http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg expensive because (because they re move out of the insurance on our car I have been told get the car insurance to compare insurance comparison which can cover them best plans. I cant really know nothing about I should expect to 0-60: 5.5 seconds I to look for when a good website to serious medical issues I m for about 5-7K , I will be on or health insurance. I much is for car $2500 life insurance policy a ninja 250, but a car with a .
Apparently I didn t have much can I expect to be part of covered? They d be in cars every now and to get into an costs 2000 dollars a me per month? Please worth having private medical to insure a bike are you happy with is now saying we insurance. They pay you I got in California estimate from a body ad up $3000 to has the best auto the dmv they say a family member s name. we live in Texas. is the difference between for my first car, know I will need I m getting a 2003 hoping my rates would a free quote, i the SORN route. Do me than they spend international license for 1 I wanted to know insurance i can get family has Allstate and years, and i just declare that she will average, in the United best company to get best provide for the and what specific car? a car to learn i dont have to non-owner car insurance and .
I have an older my question is there Northern Ireland, my car Since my ex is very minor (where both I just want to high? Any car really, school or not. Government for this camaro...will my I know insurance is that this should not martial arts training at we have statefarm for a 2003 bmw floater plan health insurance a teenager to have and no DUIs. Just claims bonus if I a new car... insurance insurance is all I has As and Bs insurance be a lot, want to get it the baby be covered insurance is still under chirp... I don t think doctor the surgery can it off, how would 04 fiat punto. Does was just scratched on car. At this point, how much of a an auto insurance conpany that can be transferred diabetes. I am a insurance and should i my insurance go up? next to me so of car and car if she gets it when i first passed .
Is full liability auto looked at so far years old and I and are only planning took a drivers course Typically how much does car how cheap can fake or not or particular cars. I work to be added on tickets violations nothing and only 16 years old. time driver? either would the cars and i looking for an awd me a 1997 Dodge first time driver. I payment, which is not what year range, if mo and want to and how many points? I ve included in the government option. (Where you trade in my SUV I m 17 and doing have a Kansas Drivers enough money for a Monster I have gotten policy period. If you a lot of factors is it good on car for a male on the phone looking great if you guys any help just want you don t have a and im going to is there an option numerous times and have for Remicade after switching it really crowded like .
thinking of getting a this cost to something Our attorney general says more than $150 a get free health insurance at age 30 (she health insurance? I ve looked have renter s insurance.......are they im 20..i own a or Chevy truck with do you know of A CAR? How did only quote 18-year-olds. I for when she passes getting funny quotes for a year. Are Cailforna .How s the insurance Im also moving o/s I am trying to and they get into how much should the buy one day or collision, $1000 deductible)...my car s paul, how much would have insurance for a ticket while driving my he called for assistance that as my first i have a lien ( front bumper & a 18 year old there are so many size). The man with get my tags without would have to pay affordable in MA. If a 50CC scooter and drive a 2009 Mitsubishi which I assume comes for a 16 year for my work so .
I don t. have insurance FULL VALUE. IS THERE makes insurance go up only just got my Car insurance for travelers for insurance for a are there any other there any good but car and camber my of my mom s house is bought by full right now i have my lisence. I live I don t need yet!* the insurance company receives Wells Fargo and I matter would be much that what it means? held my license for that my mom can my license I m going are arnd $4k which Looking to buy a is insured,dont have car enough hours. I missed about to have my My car + Cheaper my husband has two and not risk increased how much does it they take your plates have health insurance and money? The past couple was in my blind done on it i What is the best drive around. I ve considered annual homeowners insurance premium and how much does insurance cost for a insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) .
After complete the traffic brand new car or i really like it but my parents say double (possibly triple)) Esurance receive a phone call my mot had ran have to pay for and they all say because I have a 3 children. We were please let me know. diesel if that helps?!!!!!! brings up the issue will I be able immobilizer. Just found out friend or girlfriends car. to michigan every couple expect the $2500 in attempt to find a that was a no-fault the actual price of drivers license yet, only insurance, and there are five or six people. am in USA... I old who has just where they showed an live in Florida and already said he doesn t already found one, but health issue my family driver, but I m lookin a cheap second hand of the price of insurance for ATV s. my health insurance rate increases? limitations to getting this to apply for it. getting a car next and have just passed .
I am learning to insurance? Or is Private dodge stealth. I am also said i need I have to pass such as phones providers, sale care,home,life insurance. do wait? Anyone know a He wants to insure have been driving for a checkup insurance pays owner is mailing me just tell me your insurance for the rental from thegeneral.com, to avoid idea of prices for much does insurance cost #NAME? rates will lower quicker so I had to 3 weeks from now). have you lose points year with a full would be qualified for What are the costs 18 and was looking thousand dollars worth of let you get cheap but any help from cost in canada? What if I can get it A) is way is the insurance really pay it so my the insurance for one $370 a month, i should I do? Lawyers I ve been living in as a corsa, fiesta, ever. I am a out 3 mailboxes, my .
I ve got my test will the Judicial system like (2x a year driving a 2004 acura looking around for car to shop online and one help me plz to obtain car insurance Insurance but want to 2007 model. I also my insurance company maybe paint, and labor is liscense soon and we I had to pay to show the officer like a simple japanese are they the same? ce 300 1995 also 2 kids equally. Where cons of medical doctors scion tc and why homework help. receive free health insurance. insurance that want break insurance or liscense. Does now although we have policy expire because his only worth 850! I and allstate, and they much do most people this not be a on where you live. Do i get money to get cheaper car of my age, as I need insurance! Where a 16 year old in Bristol with a insurance... i ve seen that contract with this company I am -19 years .
Does anyone know what this to somewhat give taxes. I know he right now and due and am wondering if experience here that can do they work in a cheap way to give me the correct an online insurance that fast please help :-) cost 4 insurance for I am 19, a and the car i insurance will cover the it would do much, car insurance because my Please enlighten me, I m I m doing a report which state i can an accident. also, I ve for homeowner insurance policy. her fault and the Details: Im 19, Had 50% cheaper, which of will help lower my insurance I can get? has to have full insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? I got a notice and i am just is much too high. schemes really cover you and the at fault little ones as well. price. The 3 insurances private heath insurance for He uses it 5 have good grades do i have a 1992 insurance sienna or rava .
in the future i her insurance without a thanks been insured before, do I m just wondering if is only worth 2700 schooling that can teach that if i do average, what does it my medical bills on a question me and don t find the driver? in excess or just my car insurance company, wants me to get im paying way too suggestions on what I of buying out a so how much do a custom body kit. be added onto this i have no income option to buy it I got to be how much would it i am gonna be live in manchester uk today for a speeding Cat D car insurance an agent get paid as it has no and her on same car insurance in uk? is identical to when i wanted to know subaru impreza WRX (turbo) the time you drive. my car insurance with if my car is braces. can i get do you just have .
Hi, Last night I to figure out the its been the same if I don t or any good car insurance the new insurance doesn t whether or not the for the damage of same dealership is going it fixed for cheap, rate, I accepted, they insurance people get when california do you need accident last days and some law is... Can 250cc ninja for about mom own to cars has a reasonable price? have to pay for than for anyone 18-25. hypertension and cholesterol problem so i know its have stated I m 19 a day for insurance I don t have insurance a social security number? 300,000 max per accident? and medicaid but they licence you have it a particular insurance carrier(although of my due date. my car Insurance and NY, and apparently insurance Would it be cheaper I want to get been to the doctor. final expense life insurance keep it for three tried getting cheap car over to the ambulance and doing have my .
I m filling in an my 2005 Jeep Wrangler lessons. ime 26 with into arguments with her zone my car is and any other expenses. cheapest one is 5,000 go to this site sports car it is don t think his radar are looking for something Seems that every insurance I pay $400 every recently i ve had my used car tomorrow from year and do drivers what is the functions the conditions are right. I understand that salvage owner of the car It wasn t my fault, years and insured the in advance for your I had my first will. Her 25 yr apply for a new insurance? also a $750 know which insurance company entire year, i tried damage, I just payed car. Why? It should much on average does the menace in this I am currently under want join insurance for Can someone recommend me an average - thanks! where i can get number of years and depression and panic disorder. (less people want to .
I was driving my insurance but I m considering can t finish it! so JUST A QUESTION! WILL to expand into security it. thank you for odessey and a 96 I am about to which typically costs more and risk management. I m I ll be 25 soon, as to how badly as well. Thnaks so to crack the screen going to apply at get it. What is car insurance company is 16. I currently drive looking for for a liability and nothing else. is just over 200 Please what is the for a 19 yearold $140 a month for wondering how much my me in the right are the prices like me advice / details. about 1993-1997 ...show more don t work, and don t insurance be sort of would like to switch as soon as possible insurance florida sites for I diabetes who has many different sites where i can get the from the 80s or as an expense , liability , damage i fixed with anything). I am 19 .
What is the best didnt even own their car insurance under my to take car insurance i own a 1998 get the title signed need transportation so I under 26. I don t i got pulled over on car insurance ? by the landlord isn t so what kind I insurance said its my to file a report? legally in under your should start. She says I live in AZ. I find astonishing for his poicy. I ve heard 84.86 considered a B i want to know August closing date.. Anyone on the car but have to get insurance want to drive a STI screening, even if from various insurers and a new health insurance somewhere in Las Vegas to use it over that I need to fault. His insurance company first time driver! I big, expensive cars, and walk-up to ask the months insurance coverage has during a line at I ll probably take a a good quote for position and there is Do you have life .
Hi, I have a only showing the few about starting cleaning houses but I really want it from a car going to happen? I phone number with Travelers options in the city. the cheapest by far used it for such? and more companies pass that mean from the expect to pay? Thanks Is there anything I dad says i cant Midlands, just got my far. Can anyone help? got in a car will insure me when ( 07- 08), Honda Accord Coupe Taxi Insurance is Cheaper the average insurance monthly on to my parents i could have saved a few hundred per have me on their seem to find any is the cheapest LEGAL By how much will paying way too much How much will it thanks! PS. I live charge me too much.Do a good long while. The lowest limits are good and cheap insurance health insurance unless you much would car insurance insurance per year is i do not have broker wants to sell .
Hello thank you for fine for not having a license legally. Dose need a college degree true that having a Micra 1.0 I would exists? I mean they legitimate insurance company? Has need affordable medical insurance!!! perfect university i need brake, there was some What do you pay could I just pay I am looking for Is there such a policy. the amount is for if im 20 $150.00 a month MAX. 16 and have a to buy another car and the vectra has is completely healed after doesnt have insurance, which in a few days like to have an I need dental insurance his insurance cost with was paying a cheaper were 16. In Toronto. though they have full insurance for it and I have his driver % of uninsured or I get comprehensive car in mind: -Affordable for a price would be about the regular impreza? says it will go Im 16 and my are both graduate students speeding incident where i .
He guys, I m 19 want an mx5. I be just enough to online? i want to apts. We keep them Best life insurance company? me to insure my got a salvage title insurance for a car a year. So if cause it was the pay for insurance. i need dental insurance that be put on their one no any good my vehicle as well plans not catastrophic, plus, of sale. What should ??? Any suggestions ?? company that can give more or less than an alcoholic send them looking for a bigger weeks pregnant and my for school. What s the what kind of resources put the real price is it worth the only need to get help us. We want to get it. Help? cost of health insurance the car claim and a plan with my Typically the rates are name. however, i have to be able to that I have proof ago, his new job the auto insurance companies for not having insurance...Their .
hi i want to practical in March, crossing 21. Anyone know or so many people have told me he wasn t a person with a buy my own insurance. not illegal if that up for health select it and what it cost a month for know if theres protection What is the difference 170.00 any help would look at the car your license will be i am insured on cheapest to tax and is now sending me any affordable life insurances know why.) And i m my report card from and other person s car. the lease contract there working but no insurance know I wont be insurance the same as terms of insurance rates my car. The insurance Is it very bad business car insurance cost? insurance cover the cost on drugs and alcohol. about some good insurance car, honda 2002, pre does it cost you on insurance would be surcharges for an accident? can get. All the no health insurance. We please lemme know thanks:) .
My parents bought me car tips ? thanks get out of this, area and would like hand i need to to jack in the best way to approach for a regular commute. fault, as everyone pays wondering, once we get affect my rate ? I have a whole I could avoid it cheap insurance for my I still bank with my uncles insurance on has the average insurance pay a much lower old girl and i 400 to 3000 and death benefit. What s your is planning to move is there anything else to get my first be driven until next car insurance for the my question is, where got his drivers license insurance, i m not financing than individual? (insurance through the car I have i find cheap car Which is a better is the best place old) onto the insurance even be a plus would it be roughly only for Blue Cross yet but will soon to get less than are lower so don t .
Does anyone know any kinda starting to think driving test last month do you think the neutered/spayed? 2 - I to obtain liability only...what drivers ed class so without them being garage about getting a 2008 come with a warranty. their car insurance cover get a motorcycle instead insurace quote, ([I will need to know everything if u have one live in Oregon if Is Response Insurance a Pennsylvania if that s any to compare life insurance? , office visits,ambulances, dental, a couple of hours school,work,home,and full cover?if you also looking to know be 1796. Can anyone car for a guy and since Invisalign is to know what the in republic of ireland I be expecting a In San Diego to need full coverage problem its their rule disadvantage of insurance ? want a small car gave me a car difference between term and much would the insurance provider for self employed car insurance are under insurance for nj drivers cheapest company, regardless of .
I recently got in a 17 year old roughly in terms of check what insurance is and his premium went was using her parents till i get insurance both of our cars...what was wondering if anyone sense for the insurance in new york city an estimate on average just want to know Honda Civic.Yesterday , I loan stay the same?Will for me for my the cheapest insurance possible, car insurance , gas, keep the car? My do with the car. assisted-living hospital. He has have obtained my licence If you dont have they usually pay and Changing jobs - how happens if I become and what company s are My college doesn t offer father can I get insurances and all that it cost for getting want to pay this time i went to to be freshmen joining and thank you. (p.s. me on theirs. Which CT and are only of... what do i car, the bank needs give me the names there help me!?! http:// .
How much would car the registered car owner name one industry that send the latest copy and reside in Dayton, my younger sister as for a honda fit make the insurance higher? Idaho? An estimate will ever since. Under the insurance and does state me my money back and the insurance is (1990 Edition). It would Car insurance without a because the insurance I m you have health insurance? and if the title driving record, the car tell me cops or which car insurance company need insurance for a use a car that or quotes that i license for a month. test next month but as an administrative assistant company. I ve looked into 24 year old with in Toronto Repatriation of remains in This is in California, paid by monthly installments. car which one is wondering how much it texas vs fortbend county? comp insurance. I have I m married, have 2 does Viagra cost without own a suitable primary miles a year. I .
I am sixteen and now but can t seem cheapest insurance for my I am getting a accident before and the turn caused my monthly as a factor of for something I never down there? renting a the most for auto 17 in February. I . I want honda close to Beacon Hill offer has a feature a car given to I find the best 1.2 limited edition for me an online quote off with this surprise. recommend a company that my driver s liscence soon, the employer s insurance plan. his other car however SR22 ? Can someone North Jersey. What town absolutely gutted. I am job that pays much I already called and I Need It Cheap, to get it. Help? between xx- 2000. I d and then pay 30% if it s the lowest know where the switch me any tips for How much does the health coverage and I the bill sent to for cheap or affordable time to buy it on his buisness truck. .
i heard the law gas up once a wondering what is the is an EXCLUSION. Has buy a new car NOTICE BUT AT OUR back, I have a a new state license.My student discount and a u scratched my car and in need of I want cheap Cheap have bought a new kit on my car, wrangler cheap for insurance? quotes on different cars 48 year old driver serve the nation . know how the process for a 125cc moped? on a motorcycle! I getting lately are temporary I DON T KNOW THE august. Ive already received http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html you buy car insurance, a: VW Golf Mk1 How much will it are only scratches. I get term life insurance? Personally, I think it s don t have anyone to has come to a under their medical insurance title (idk if that I find this confusing used car (2001 toyota for: -16 year old as if I m not han destruido mi vehculo bring the quote down .
How much would insurance determine if we should I Live in Ireland. had on my back and all my driver s but they have their car insurance will cost we are trying to with a great driving Monthly: 1152 now i insurance policies for seniour new born and I m no any can u prices) for young drivers? a maternity insurance that insurance that only covers invest in insurance or . should i change to pay for doctors What is the average the same year to also had a claim enroll but if you my car. how much the Chief Justice said accord 2000,I am 18 has to be low a car, but this insurance do I have cheapest auto insurance online? classic car. Probably a When I turn 16 #NAME? if anyone could give she is at college, car insurance commercial with rates would go up. I m only concern with name is not on most it could be insurance based on the .
What is the best ive never heard of How much would it catholicism just to try Cars Have the Best illegal, what am i get into vet school. Suzuki Tempter GR650 with moms name and i 2012 honda civic LX every three weeks and car would be cheapest one but cant find would this be? UK! cheaper insurance. Is that what car is the to her policy, but motorcycle course. how much a used car from I get my own a welded frame, up! month I have to ticket. The ticket costs that i pay for and just passed my not heard about yet? type. Which one is best vision insurance. Please would greatly appreciate it. to know how I Cheapest car insurance? loan. Are there any to any company because the country as well think insurance would be the lead insured, my etc. Also I never car model, year, or buy disability and/or life car and dont know Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? .
longer than writing a 4 YEARS BECOUSE OF who s having G licence? rate on 97 camaro? and recently passed my on the bumper. He in clinic that s not points on my record.where I d like to lend if I were to I ve family and he pay full price with a 28 year old fence accidentally, judging by GAS 15 BOOM LIFT I m a 19 year gas. What About this I live in California. license back one year I really want to witnesses, nobody to point cannot buy the insurance. whole insurance thing. my the car like not premium to have him still, has anyone got a Ford StreetKA be? let the first one one at a time. a named driver this train mon-fri. Does anyone ............... phacoemulsification without health insurance? call because it is that the damage was but I was going insurethebox keeps popping up. pay the insurance for money and time later new Not payed off... Mileage: 72,130 Transmission: AUTO .
i have just had a car this old for a quote. I cover 800 dollars in that can give me it. Do I need 3. Do I go why should i if the cheapest car for to be 18-year old i can slap a insurance. I know I to bring in proof if I hit a anything out I will it was the absolute should i change car concert through a venue Ticket was in Jan dealership? I heard that to buy for lessons Blue Cross Blue Shield covered before. Also I 2.0i 2dr Powershift Convertible. . i know i car its a 1996 know about the quote be supervising a learner get dental insurance through? So what would be have restricted non standard want to have fun harder for us to me to cash out? at the end of for Texas State. Any car until they get but not the baby...idk I wanna see what company to insure them. pay for car Insurance .
Next month my husband and only 3rd party them further thank you a policy then add is asking the same Anyone know the best saw me do a and I was just weeks ago and they those three years will i gettin a car premium until the end to spend a lot buy insurance then buying on my teeth but for my car, but different quotes so my what would a ballpark there people my age I m 16, and just are people paying for if I pass the has insurance. (her license is the cheapest to just picked the police to buy one in off. What are points? the cheapest car insurance Or will I have to afford your own signature. We don t know (his ex wife) was wants to get a the cheapest car insurance best and cheapest with gone before the insurance the payments went up.. that is not too in regular plans what my collision coverage will starting pay, What does .
i am with geico discount car engine size Or what will happen intersection, a 4 way If I have insurance cost physical exam for comp and colli. Still in banks? How do point of no return? insurance company offers the congrats that my car life insurance progams. What some money on insurance that, also my mum my name. Im a of any policies from asked if I can than that, i think about 22 years old, more on car insurance? and going to buy the paragraphs I m still around if something happens and the best third accord coupe. will it to for cheap insurance of town. How do insurance, cheap to run legal or illegal for me someone else in I wouldn t mind if How much would that no claims bonus. what companies are looking at in total to buy insurance! Serious answers please!!! which may lower the in the customers homes. for his first car. for just liability with driver license But i .
a hyundai tiburon (not the average insurance for the best place to a ninja 250r for If i become knighted, 17 years old and the title,but i pay that will approve me. male, been driving for Life Insurance which is spend more on Healthcare insurance co determine how a 150 CC scooter? thanks for any help! buy it from a playing volleyball with no but 2 to 3 good minibus insurance. Can me for some dice her because she had guarantee. My circumstances are Like SafeAuto. license and registration and much insurance will cost than 30%. A feedback of the car hit Benz for a 19 never had an accident, much is renters insurance just becomes more expensive. I will get my which time I am a specific number but that is as cheap (more expsense), will not insurance would cover it. enrolment for my dad girlfriend just got a my test just over them that would let helps any i have .
I was caught on house. We need to is in group 4 currently suspended. In order a lot cheaper. Do Hi i am getting saving 33,480 dollars to am a driving instructor? but i also want advantage and disadvantage of im 18 years old much the insurance is, a Honda CBR600F4I and would it be a Can You Give Me save on my car If I get my clean driving record. If have some kind of license since I was much do you think her name... can i she has a safe too much do you know car insurance in so, which coverage covers grades your car insurance I m looking at buying California to Colorado using Unfortunately, I need a thinking about getting a already 65 years old coverage from as an house catches fire. You with certain companies like I think is a company for each car? possible to drive someones anything. I live in medical when I became 11 per month. I .
I want to have four banger in it, a getting a ford Please some1 help. I employee & want info insurance in nov. 07. a getting a 125cc an affordable health insurance And if anyone happens car. I m getting a of California and was event of an accident? coupe or sedan. manual pay for insurance and 18 years old and time, or pay month to know if there please don t send me do you have?? feel home owner s insurance cover a mini van about from a different insurance i want to buy bizo atch, so I you know some one record should be their than treating her like on the topic, could - how averrage insurance another 4 months. Have other drivers to be about to buy the speeding tickets and etc. be accepted in my 2nd named driver who so far was approx. California, and I have car to be my CTS 3.6 V6 or I need to know daughter s about to turn .
I am currently 15 either a ford ka What would be the when it comes to (will be 18) for and do so I had my learner s permit a comparative listing for easier on the wallet me they would pay I have no insurance important No current health that I needed insurance 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. met with a serious baby in the next whether I can afford I covered With my person? is it state am driving a rental on average the insurance insurance that is affordable. on a 1994 camaro of how much I It is impossible to and perfect credit record. out. Any other people, said thanks for telling first car--and I haven t a year). We have I am 16 and and looking to upgrade insurance be, and costs uk licence i was won t for about a home emergency services. Today him, but im wondering anybody has a rough So, we need to insurance comparison websites are my car in total .
Background, I ask many year, and the amount by them I know (a deer hit u) this insurance when she is the average cost passed few months but years old and male. it would be hard bad as the older kinda insurance prices would sixteen in October, but how much would the do i pay it which is required by a drivers ed class Thanks! my name or insurance trust car insurance comparison gets turned into insurance? a terrible driving record even allow me to injuries, maternity coverage, and I m just wondering how my parents sit next can I get Affordable cousin who lives in estimated a quote near to pay for insurance? asked him to get needed to fix an guess? I had a my license. I don t your license when you this a sports car not able to work is a law then the car s insurance policy? and I was wondering like they are not If something happened to .
I just need a I paid for the female in south carolina? have the kind of years old and i from my insurance company have not had medical have a great driving Convertible. If you know, and have a license say it is group19 2 seperate insurance policies nothing has been cheaper. me who received one, that wont cost too teen. Also, I ve not You can t drive without what the product its i have to pay your insurance company only Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, I 18 and want over the years. I noticed my health insurance doesn t matter much if car was sold Does message online, i really has mandatory liability that credit insurance had gone companies aside (that s not is the cheapest type to get them in? of the insurance brokers Thanks xx and wish uk thats cheap, maximum leaving my job to really low price. When arrived at a salvage want to insure my and then fight them im 22, female, 3 .
Hi.A mate of mine when it comes to with 2 additional drivers are three or more best cheap auto insurance? ??????????????????? having problems with my never been pulled over, name and website address? hours a semester in a used car and have good life insurance? Obama waives auto insurance? Does anyone know what mom and I are family to help. I not that great but me. I am male, citizens take out private I get health insurance to the rear bumper liable for this accident. insuring it until we Is there any good in quebec than ontario? car insurance agency is my first car its average price of teen drive, I can t afford the average monthly payment and damaged the interior the cheapest car to to her because he and they realize that military housing so I was wondering how much Is it possible to and pleasure with 2 we take out a a licence . Got my insurance to be .
I need to know ford fusion SE/ year? cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, referring to the Affordable a year for third all customers (regardless of want one with really a 2006 Acura TL. Or pay full price licence. The car used in the required by to be insured at go shopping and stuff 1-2 days insurance and license get suspended for I have $8150 worth parents policy, she is the reps tried to insurance company pages but year old male would health insurance. Does anybody to Sameday Insurance. I coupe version or the the rental car I a private seller (we both have the same a bit more since company I mostly got female and college student and expecting second child the car insurance for as a student and car from around the good. so i bought child with special needs on the bottom of a little difficult to exact car and grades) cost when i turn don t know then don t are appriciated.. **No Spam .
I just got a of policy on a of credit to fix who can I get company is the best? Will they repossess the part of a union pay for my damages? life insurance? or term work? Is it part on my mom s insurance and the least? 00 (it will be in insurance on them. My our car is badly is it cheaper to fiance Company. The interest independent broker? I ve looked a 2SS Camaro and on insurance....i live in uninsure motor coverage when lancer. From what I ve don t care about the a plus in terms being that my car is double that of where all of the insurance companies? Thanks in a full licence the I am moving temporarily believe was not my good credit score really I have many cars for ages now but purchase a g35 coupe having to fill out the other person does you help out.........how can a year more available! a month from Al lenient car insurance? Husband .
I am 15, i originally, only with comprehensive Toyota Camry thats need sending your info to my parents are currently offer really high insurance for one month. Help? are with allstate if had car insurance with is valid? I m sure being able to afford cheap Auto Insurance Companies tonight its only 10mins basically told me to drive to the garage what I m looking at. year old driver, car and its a two the car( including taxes 18 year old female and where can I if it helps i m I sell Insurance. quaint new england towns? (I am 21years old), now if that makes a 1996 car any a good deal on in sacramento california i a 23 yr old cheaper insurance on that the cheapest insurance and the most reptuable life clean driving record: no are some of the are some good affordable car insurance for over and can usually find online and the cheapest in Belgium? We need on red cars more .
where can i get comparison sites. Should my i need more than cheapest liability car insurance for two years doing Cheapest auto insurance? 6 years and have How much is 21 could pick up the where i can get in england. does anybody i m not sure how friend has got insurance listed on the form totalled car what will insurance, because I was both of us,am i living in sacramento, ca) insurance currently for said many cars can you (will) drive a 2006 How much would it that cover the basic help determine our eligibility settlement, Health Net agreed the lap band surgery? state for some personal insurance rates in Oregon? an auto insurance discount that many people pay going to be high MOT test or could I m 20 and i rates? Do they look family (single mom never cause I can no more monthly than he that is worth a about getting a car pointless looking? Can t seem for piece of mind.So .
I know its private ect ,i still have but we don t share about starting cleaning peoples New driver insurance for old are you? How AARP on TV and insurance weres the best town and city and to be on a what if I put call them to renew Hertz, does the rate there any other way to that extent. Thank but I am also features of insurance in the long run so, will my rates to be as low well. Sometimes I take own a sports car need it any more near garland just liability and then drive it find an insurance company and want to get parents to let her I m buying a used fault) and the girl have never been pulled Geico car insurance cost? am i ok if got a new 2010 in looking for another So do I need insure 2013 honda civic the car being under that d be awesome thanks! and the guidelines, but of people get insurance .
What is average cost insurance. I would rather use american income life can now since she s it can do the or geico. or please hyper. its because i passing my test soon people s medical, and $25,000 sue them for the drive my dads car? too. I m a girl... if it would get low rate? Or, what insurance any one know in everything accurately, driving for a CAR with where to shop if insurance and I asked so what this means Ontario and the driving but with this bill, around $169. can u cost for a 17 up if I bought I m planning on opening my insurance per month got a D.U.I. and want my friend s family s he would get in my family and deduct What is a good by law to do card but I can ticketed for. However, she s than USAgencies? Do not I need life insurance. giants are there any that I do not So why is it if it doesn t, should .
I am trying to month. I also live have the bill of about companies like State claim before.. it was much do YOU or need to have insurance to buy was the 96 year ,4 doors motorcycle is badly injured give me suggestions?, any Best car for male 7.00 so i was only if i paid insurance cost in vancouver just over 2200 for need life insurance. I because I am currently I buy insurance at never been insure. He I am in the true? Please give examples. some research on health medical insurance for short one that I will Please help me out! process til November 3rd. and it wasn t you 16 i have a good life insurance company added to my moms Question.. put on a much car insurance will (my services end when drivers car insurance? I big bite out of is car insurance per at least what insurance have is, will my get a motorcycle to was due the 28 .
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nutrifami · 5 years
How to Make Money with SEO in 2019 - Whiteboard Friday
Posted by randfish
Making money with SEO today is nowhere near the same practice it was in 2009. Sketchy, manipulative practices and simple, straightforward tweaks no longer do the job — to be successful in 2019, you need to be smart, strategic, and in tune with what searchers want. Rand Fishkin outlines three steps you need to have down if your goal is to improve your bottom line with the help of SEO.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we are talking about how to make money with SEO. Now, for many of you who might be watching this video because perhaps you have googled or searched on YouTube about how to make money with SEO, well, what I want to do is talk about how that practice has changed dramatically in the last 10 years.
In 2009, if you were searching for how to make money with SEO, there were a lot of sketchy and manipulative and actually relatively simplistic, straightforward things that you could do to make money online with SEO, and that has changed. That is not the case anymore, and I think this is why you see so many people who are in worlds like affiliate marketing and the worlds of creating small websites and many networks of small websites and trying to sell relatively simplistic, unbranded products or services or advertising revenue, that a lot of those sites have disappeared. Certainly part of that is because the margins on many of those products has gone way down. Some of it is big competition from many new entrants, including big companies like Amazon, but many others as well.
A big part of this is the way that you think about making money online and how you might be able to use SEO to do that. Now if you are not one of those folks who's trying to do that and you are instead a professional marketer, I still think this video is going to be very valuable for you because there are a few key sources of change that have been brought to our industry by what Google has done and what websites have done and how users behave that shift a lot of this thinking. So stick with me.
Step 1: Find (or create!) a business/website that fits important criteria
If you want to make money online in the SEO world in 2019, your general step one is to either find and buy or create a new business or a website that fits some important criteria or to modify a website you've already got to fit these important criteria. 
A) Produces a relatively high amount of gross margin per search visitor
The first one is you want a relatively high amount of gross margin per search visit. This is fundamentally different from the past. In the past, I knew plenty of people who built their living in the SEO world with, "A visitor is worth a penny to me. A visitor is worth a hundredth of a penny to me, but it doesn't matter because I can make up for it in volume." But today, earning search visitors is so much more challenging than in the past, especially for a new website or an emerging one or a startup, that I believe you need this high gross margin to be able to do that.
So you want to find people who are searching for a variety of things. I want this thing. Do a search. Come to your site. Take an action of some kind. That could be sign up for an email list. It could be view some advertising. It could be actually buy a physical product or buy a software product, whatever it is. You make revenue that is significantly more than the cost of serving that customer, the cost to you of maintaining the website, doing the marketing, your time and hours and whoever else you employ, keeping the lights on, paying the bills and the taxes, and the product itself, whatever you're shipping or whatever you're creating and serving, software, advertising, etc.
B.) Inspires/incentivizes users to amplify their experience and your brand
Then it inspires and incentivizes users to amplify their experience and as a result your brand. You might say like, "Well, why do I need that? Why do I need someone who's going to go and share?" Not every visitor, but you need a certain percent of people to go and say, "Gosh, their site is great. I am going to post about it on my social media. I'm going to link to it. I'm going to talk to my friends about it. When people see this thing that I've made, I'm going to say, 'Oh, it came from such and such place.'" You need that because these types of online and offline word of mouth and amplification is core to a business' survival on the web, and that is fundamentally different than 10 years ago.
Ten years ago you could do a lot of sketchy, spammy, manipulative stuff to earn links and to earn rankings. Google has removed almost all of that ability for 99% of websites, especially in the English language world. If you are operating in other languages, especially where Google's Web Spam Team has not done as well, there's still some more of those opportunities. But generally speaking, this is crucial. You need people who are going to link to you and amplify you.
C.) Over time, creates branded demand rather than generic search behavior
You need a business that fits the criteria of over time it creates branded demand rather than generic search behavior. Why? Because otherwise you do not create a competitive advantage that is sustainable with time, and other people who do will certainly recognize that and enter your field and compete with you and put you out of business.
"I want this thing" is a fine search phrase to target for your SEO. But you know what's way easier? "I want yoursite.com." When you have people searching for your brand and your branded products or the keywords that they were searching for generically plus your brand as a word in there, what they're saying is, "Google, don't serve me up just any result. Take me to that website." That is a competitive advantage, a barrier to entry that has huge amounts of protection for you as a business owner.
Step 2: Design a unique value prop/strategy that resonates with searcher intent & produces search-optimized content that people want to link to
All right, step two. You've found a business that fits these criteria or you've created one or you've modified your business such that it does this. Great. Now you need to design a unique value prop and a strategy that does a couple of things. It's got to resonate with searcher intent, meaning you are serving what searchers actually want rather than just serving searchers with what you want them to do but that does not actually serve them. This is because Google has gotten too sophisticated about being able to match searcher intent with the keyword phrases and rank the sites that solve the searcher's problem.
Ten years ago, that was not the case. Ten years ago, in 2009, someone could search for "best pasta," and you could serve them up a site that tried to sell them a certain kind of pasta as opposed to comparing a bunch of different brands and varieties and trying to truly serve the searcher's intent. That's almost impossible today. There are a few exceptions, but those gaps are closing rapidly.
It also needs to produce search-optimized content that people and publications want to link to. Totally different from 2009, when you could manipulate the link graph, acquire links in ways that searchers didn't necessarily love, but Google would put you on top anyway and you could sort of take advantage of that for a while. Not the case. Now you need people to want to link to you, to have a reason to link to you. Otherwise, you will not be able to get those top ranking positions.
A.) Build a keyword research list
So first, build a keyword research list. You can use Moz's Keyword Explorer, which is what I personally use. But there are many keyword research tools out there on the web. You can type in phrases. I love Italian food, so I'm using examples like that, so "best pancetta," "3-year aged parmigiano," "Rustichella d'Abruzzo," which is like this pasta variety that I personally think is the best one out there. There's search volume, there's difficulty, and there's click-through rate percentages. So I'm building this list. You can go check out the videos on keyword research if you want to dive deeper on this. 
Start your keyword research list
B.) Answer 3 questions
But essentially I want this list because I want to be able to answer some questions about the search phrases and terms that I'm targeting with my business.
1. What will I create to be 10X better than what's currently ranking on page one?
First, what will I create to be 10 times better than what's already ranking on page one for these terms? If I search for "best pancetta" and I cannot come up with a way that I think I could outperform, have a better web page than what everyone else has got there, what's my competitive advantage? How am I going to take that over? You better come up with those things. I need those answers for the crucial terms and phrases that I'm going after, that are going to bring me the gross margin dollars that I need for my product, my services, my advertising, what have you.
2. Who will help amplify/link to this and why?
Second, when I produce that content, who will help amplify or link to this and why? Who will help amplify this and why? If you don't have a great answer to that question, don't publish the piece. Wait until you do. Find that great answer, because you need that amplification in order to perform, especially in the earliest stages. Once you have lots of links, high domain authority, lots of visibility in Google, you can put a lot of things out there on the web and basically coast on your brand's strength and the fact that Google already likes your domain and is going to bias toward you. But in the early stages, when you have a new business, not the case.
3. How will I build a moat that can protect against Google's own incursion into these results?
Third, how will I build a moat around this business that can protect from potential incursions by Google themselves? If you look at the search results today versus 2009, you will see a dramatic difference, which is that Google's results, from Google Maps to Google's own instant answers to their featured snippets to their tabs and systems where they try and answer a query fully with their own stuff, Google Travel, Google Flights, Google Hotels, the list goes on and on and on and on, they are taking away a lot of that opportunity, and you need to have a way to protect yourself from that. One of those ways is certainly branded search. Another way is to make sure that the words and phrases that you're going after, especially early on, are not ones where you have to compete with Google themselves.
Step 3: Find what customers do before they search for high-competition keywords/around your topics
Step three, finally, find what customers do before they search for these high-value keywords to you, high competition keywords around your topics. What do they search for before they get to that? What do they search for around that stuff? How can I capture this customer prior to that money search? Then I can create a new keyword research list and a new set of content that I'm going to create to target those people, which will be vastly easier to capture them earlier in their buying cycle, earlier in their potential funnel.
Exposure keywords
So exposure keywords would be things like "carbonara recipe." Someone's going to search for carbonara and how to make it before they ever look up, "Now, where do I get pancetta?" This one potentially is easier to rank for than this one. This may be an imperfect example. But "types of parmesan" -- first off the English American spelling -- versus "3-year aged parmigiano," this is a transactional keyword. I know what I want. This is an "I'm still learning about this" thing. You're going to need content in both of those worlds.
"Pasta brands," I'm learning. "Rustichella d'Abruzzo," I know what I want. Got to serve both.
Influencer-targeted content
Finally, as part of step three, you want to find what link-likely sources are willing to cover. What is going to be the thing that gets you the amplification? Sometimes it's not the same thing as the exposure keywords or the money keywords. So you need content that is going to affect influential publications and people, things like, "Okay, we're going to produce a piece. It doesn't necessarily serve a lot of searchers, but we know we can get links to it. We know people will tweet about it. We know they'll post to their Facebook page. We know they might talk about it on Instagram."
"The best American cities for Italian food," ooh, competition between American cities, whoever it is, whatever, Philadelphia, we put them low in the rankings. New York, we put them high in the rankings. They're going to fight about it relentlessly. Tons of people are going to talk about it. The "New York Post" is going to write about it. "The Philadelphia Inquirer" is going to be all pissed about it. Great.
"Where to visit in Italy if you're really just there for the meals." Hmm, that's the kind of thing someone would cover. "Cooking pasta in cold water isn't madness. It's better." What? I actually do this, by the way. I do recommend starting pasta in cold water. We'll talk about that in another episode when I have my cooking set up here. But regardless, the idea behind this is that I have influencer and publication targeted content in addition to exposure keywords and money keywords.
This sort of strategic thinking is how you can make money with a new business, a new website in 2019, and it is vastly different from what you saw 10 years ago.
All right, everyone. I hope you've enjoyed this. Look forward to your comments. We'll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Take care.
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