#but alba is my character and feels like a part of me honestly
sisterdivinium · 10 months
In good faith, I don't consider WN ships I don't follow as "spam". I simply open the fics that catch my attention and the ship tags for it, I read a bit and if I don't dig it I move to the next ones. If you do not read fics I don't understand why it seems to bother you considerably. Ok that's the part where I don't agree with your post, however it's a fair assessment of what's going on. I do follow avatrice fics, so what I'm about to say next it's from that perspective. I think avatrice is like 95-96% percent of the works on ao3 for various reasons. The show being cancelled and ava going away at the end of S2, despite it being clearly implied she's back, people feel left out to dry because we didn't get to see them reunite. So there's this almost manic drive towards fixing that thru fics. We didn't get to see them as an open explicit couple, so that's also something people have taken to fix. Another reason is that Ava silva is just such an alluring character, people went and are still nuts for her. She's so genuine, so open in her affections, so loyal and unwavering. Another reason, she happens to have been played by an actress that did an outstanding job portraying her, and I believe that the fact that Alba is so conventionally attractive plays a huge role in the pull avatrice has. And I do not mean to diminish Beatrice or Kristina's talent or acting in any way. I merely want to point out I honestly believe that if avatrice were 2 non white women, we wouldn't be seeing the amount of works that pop up daily for them, nowhere near the numbers we have currently. So in that regard it's kind of a double mortal combo that ava was written as she was and that she was played by such a pretty and charming actress. Well a triple combo, because she's white. I personally think the wlw couples that dominate fandoms have almost invariably at least one white character. Ok that's the trifecta by which I explain the popularity of avatrice (outside of them being a legitimately solid and good pairing). As for the amount of AUs I think it's due to wanting to take these 2 characters and separate them from their original universe as a way to repel/protest/take them the hell away from the universe in which they had no resolution, to cope with the feeling of severe incompleteness that canon left. Ok now that being said I join you in lamenting that we don't have more shanon/Mary and other pairings, because I feel entirely alone in shipping Ava and Camila... listen the heart wants what it wants and in my cursed unlucky case, it seems my heart wants 2 golden retrievers/gremlin energy characters together and in love. But my crack ship exists only in my fantasies 😭
I've read and found some great doctor superion works. but at least here I have found zero posts/content about my wretched crack ship, null, none, naught. At least you guys do have some content. Also I think doctor superion not having more traction is straight up ageism. Which is so sad. Anyways these are my personal opinions about it sorry for the wall of text.
Let me clarify why I called that spam, first of all, so that you understand I wasn't being malicious (or not gratuitously so, anyway, lol): every now and again, even if I don't read fic, I do take a look at the pairing tag for the one ship I write about. And, without fail, there will be at least one story posted under that tag where that very pairing is nowhere to be found. It's a fleeting mention at most. I consider it spam to post what is, say, an avatrice smut fic on the Jillian/Suzanne tag if you won't do anything with the latter ship apart from a side comment like "oh, and the two of them are together now".
A few days ago, I read an interesting post about how people posting fic and adding tags should ask themselves whether people interested in those tags would indeed find what they wanted through your story when you used them.
Let me say, then, that a Jillian/Suzanne shipper is not looking for something that can barely be called crumbs at all when she sits down to read something -- so why lead her on? At the very least tag it properly and say it's minor/implied/mentioned or something of the sort. It's annoying to me in the sense that I also use the tag, I like to know who fellow tag users are and coming across this sort of thing is disruptive. People nowadays "overtag" and I get it depending on what they have written because they want a reader to know what she's getting herself into -- and, precisely, I think it would be fair for a Jillian/Suzanne shipper to be warned of the fact that her ship isn't really featured at all in something instead of seeing that tag tacked on just because they're mentioned as a couple en passant. I'm sure that might apply to other pairings as well, as I do recall @foulbearobservation mention some phenomenon of the sort for Camila/Lilith too a few months ago.
So, to reiterate, it's less "ew, this doctor superion fic has been tainted with another ship" (which, honestly, would never bother me) and more "ugh, this other ship fic said there would be doctor superion but there is nothing and I feel duped!" The fact that I don't read it myself doesn't mean I'm not in contact with other Jillian/Suzanne shippers who do seek out fic and who do experience these feelings which we do talk about amongst ourselves.
With that out of the way, let me first thank you for getting in touch because I was very curious about hearing someone on the avatrice side of things!
It's not surprising to me, per se, that avatrice dominates and I think I mentioned it in my post that there is a reason to it. Or various reasons, really, adding to those I cited the ones you give here, being the "unfinished business" aura that the ship has acquired thanks to that damned cancellation. (I will, however, express my surprise at your passionate manifestation considering Alba as I see Kristina lovers gushing about her much more frequently -- I suppose that goes to show you how we none of us ever have the whole picture in mind, how we are always looking at things at an angle even when we try to consider them more fully! A very good reminder to keep in mind how fragmentary our understanding can be...)
What baffles me is not that avatrice is everywhere, but that there are so very little other ships around it. Historically, people in fandom have always played the "there aren't enough nice/fun/compelling/whatever female characters in canon for me to care about f/f ships" card and what's perfectly clear in WN is that this card simply cannot be played given how many wonderful female characters it has (lucky us!) And I suppose it adds to my surprise (again, this is merely me being a bit confused at the situation rather than "denouncing" it; far be it from me to tell avatrice shippers they're doing anything wrong, no, fandom is for fun after all and, as you say, it IS a solid and good pairing, I would never contest that!) that there are so many stories set in an alternate universe for what is a canon ship. It's a bit of a paradox to me, I suppose, although the idea of a "protest" against an unfinished, incomplete canon such as you mentioned might explain part of it.
On prejudice, I wouldn't want to accuse anyone of anything. There's also a predominance of white characters in a lot of media, so them being featured in a lot of pairings is a bit due to the maths of their presence as well -- going forth, as we begin to see more and more diversity (well, if the goddamn companies stop cancelling every one of our shows!) I figure the trend will begin to diminish as well. Or so I'd like to hope, unless the issue we're discussing persists, being that one ship gets all the attention and all others get zilch when the potential for others is right there staring us all in the face... Then again, it does bother me that older characters are more or less ignored by fandom at large, I won't lie, and I've seen some comments on disturbing depictions of Mary in certain corners of fandom as well. I'd like to make use of good-will towards people and not expect from them only the worse, but sometimes it can be... Challenging, let's say.
Do have my thanks for introducing me to the concept of Ava/Camila! It hadn't crossed my mind, I admit, but now I think it could be something fun to play with. I was interrupted so many times while typing up this answer that I used some of that time to write something for the pairing and I'll post it here soon-ish and maybe that can kickstart some more visibility for it! :)
Alongside my thanks, please also have my sympathies. I've always been on the rarepair side of fandom so I understand, even if your case really is a bit extreme if nobody else has ever done anything for the ship! Then again, that is the whole point of the post, the fact that it's so very hard to see anyone try something out outside of their OTP, if just for fun, just for a day, just for a drabble even!
See, my problem is not that there isn't a lot of doctor superion -- my problem is that there isn't much of anything else! I do my part, I write for my pairing that which I would like to read (and I encourage you, friendly anon, to consider doing something for Ava/Camila as well if you can! Sometimes we need to take the first step, sometimes that's what introduces people to the thing and inspires them to put their own spin on it as well. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even have thought of maybe trying out your ship, even if it won't be a 890.000 word epic). It just strikes me as odd that the toys are all out there and there are few people who take notice of them apart from the two shiniest ones!
To end this, please don't apologise for walls of text. If ever you've been around my blog, you'll know I'm prone to them myself, as this answer attests to! Thank you for chipping in!
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tacticalvalor · 1 year
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
TAGGED BY: @vendettavalor TAGGING: you!! if you read this, feel free to steal this and tag me in it <3
Margaery Tyrell (Game of Thrones): 89%
Allison Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy): 89%
Jules (Superbad): 88%
Donna Paulsen (Suits): 88%
Rebecca Welton (Ted Lasso): 88%
Joan Holloway (Mad Men): 87%
Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby): 87%
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries): 87%
Cece Parekh (New Girl): 87%
Satine (Moulin Rouge!): 87%
I only know Jordan Baker and I know for a FACT I have dislcosed (at least in DMs) that I do take inspiration from the way he lives his lifestyle into my portrayal of Laverne so. Accurate enough!
Other than that, though, I literally know none of these characters. So here's some matches I do know:
Sloane Peterson (Ferris Bueller's Day Off): 87%
Anita (West Side Story): 86%
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean): 85%
Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic): 85%
Mel Medarda (Arcane): 84%
Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): 83%
Jasmine (Aladdin): 83%
Princess Leia (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope): 82%
Princess Fiona (Shrek): 82%
Dr. Robert Chase (House, M.D.): 81%
Which are still pretty accurate, honestly. Laverne is a strong character who just has to find the balance between the two "lives" she lives. I've mentioned it before, especially when considering a Cyberpunk!AU for her, but to take from that previous post:
Even in her canon verse (GTA), she’s this stone-cold corporate executive who takes on the dirty work herself. She doesn’t rely on many people. If anybody ever brings it up, she brushes it off at first, like “I make sure the job is done right. Plus, it’s just part of what I do.” But really, it boils down to feeling the need to be in control to make up for consistent feelings of inadequacy in her developmental years and the loss of one of the few people to validate her.
And that bit holds true to every verse she's in.
The "cold bitch" persona is really a survival tactic for her. She's a socialite at heart, don't get me wrong, but she would go about it so much differently if she didn't have as much weight on her between being a woman in the corporate world and being a somebody in the criminal underground.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
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NAME: albatross! you can call me alba if you’d like. :)
PRONOUNS: any prns. i don’t really have a preference but if you have to default to a set they/them is fine.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: discord over tumblr ims anyday. i think tumblr has stopped notifying people when i IM them.
NAME OF MUSE: www.baccano.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG: honestly a good while. i started rping seriously way back on a site called quotev when i was like... 10? 11? something like that. i’ve been writing on tumblr for about 5 years now, i think.
BEST EXPERIENCE: definitely my early days of being in the bungou stray dogs rpc when it was super bustling. i made most of my current friends there and had so many nice interactions with the people around me! not to mention i picked up my favorite muse, mark twain, on a whim during that time... it was just very good. i miss those days sometimes!
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: it makes me REALLY annoyed when someone follows me back and i attempt to reach out to them only for them to ignore me. i don’t really understand why you’d follow back if you don’t want to interact, you know? on a completely different note, something that can turn me off of writing with someone i ALREADY write with is constant complaints about not getting any interactions from anyone whatsoever, especially when you ARE getting interactions. it just makes the people who are writing with you feel a little worthless.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: between the three? fluff. but my honest answer is none of the above! i like heavy plots with multiple or all three of them present. my focus is on the building of relationships whether they be positive, negative, or anywhere in between!
PLOTS OR MEMES: i don’t mind either, but if you know me well you know i’m a sucker for plotting that gets way out of hand and suddenly we have entire arcs plotted out for our muses. that said, memes are easy as a jumping-off point after establishing some basics, and they give a good idea of what a dynamic will be like... haha, i really can’t choose.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: afternoon! i tend to cram my writing into my workday so i can work on other projects at home---aside from this, i’m also an artist with a goal as well as a new editor on the baccano! wiki, so i like to have my post-work evenings free.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: i don’t think it would be possible for me to write a muse i couldn’t draw from my own experiences with in some way. in a lot of ways, there is a little part of me in every character i write, no matter how out-there they might seem. i think the biggest victim of my projecting has probably been twain. but, um, and i doubt this needs saying, i am not all that similar to a lot of my muses, no. 
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tagged by: stolen from @longerhuman​ !! tagging: steal it from me :)
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siren-of-agony · 3 years
what were the inspirations for your story about the tiefling siblings?
Thank you for the question, I love to get to talk about them!
Considering this, I'm also gonna go into detail :D
On Halloween 2018, a few of my friends and I were talking about how funny it is that the official dnd-rules say that tieflings can only be shades of grey and red (which uh... isn't even true. It's human skin colors of humans) and I joked that I'd make a "very dark grey" tiefling and make her vanta-black (so I could also steal from Anish Kapoor, which is nice) and one of my best friends said they'd make a "very light grey one" and just make him completely white, and then we were like "haha we could make them twins", so they literally started as a joke.
A few months later we started to actually talk about their backstory, and it just happened that I was having a seminar in uni about disability studies and freak shows, while my friends was watching a movie about a creepy circus with a sadistic owner, and we kind of.... combined those ideas and made them DnD?
In the coming years, while we barely got to play them, we kept making their backstory more and more detailed, sometimes inspired by other media, sometimes songs gave us ideas, DnD-rules of course had an influence, and sometimes one of made a joke going like "hahah we could do this or this but that would be too edgy, right?" and the other went "...I like it"
so yes, it's an amalgamation of a lot of small things, but I think the reason they got this stuck in my brain and as fleshed out as they are is the collaborative aspect of them.
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empty-dream · 3 years
86 ep 19-20 rambling
As expected this is kinda like a calm in the storm (particularly for ep 20) but even in those I have so many things to scream talk about.
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I love that the first minute is the squadron stunned with Grethe's decision to be a bait for the Legion. Like I said, this is the first time someone fight with them and sacrifice for them, instead of simply sacrificing them.
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Holy fucking shit Morpho is scary. Kiriya's repeating "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!" is blood-curling.
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And this shit is scarier. I didn’t expect the previous one was a bait and the current one is on the highly advantageous place. Love the tension in here so much.
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Ernst' entire speech is the highlight of this episode, really. I made a gif of it because it's such a powerful scene (And I gif all scenes that I like so there is that too). Yes, that is a noble ideal, a just and right one, and world peace can happen if someone in power can enforce that. But try putting your shoes in the other military officers, the common ones. The harsh reality is that conditions like that happen, and an ideal where everyone can -must- be saved would cost too much and bring too little. People who are hardened by that bitter daily decisions will see such ideal as far-etched. Yet Ernst believes so much in that ideal that he can say something like that without missing a beat. The novel even emphasizes that it's amazing he can believe wholeheartedly in an ideal that sounds like a dream. In the first place, if I remember the novel correctly, it wasn't even his in the first place (I'm assuming it's his wife's for now.) And it makes me think, if dude is an antagonist, if the antagonist has a mind of steel like this, fuck we're screwed. And guess what, villains have something they believe in so much as well, to the point they commit attrocites in the name of it. Perhaps what differs good and evil is ultimately just which side has the bigger population that will be benefited if they win. Everything else like convictions and ideals might as well be the same.
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They both look incredibly unhinged but it’s kind of unnerving to see the protagonist looking smug and the antagonist being furious.
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This was actually more chaotic in my mind when I read the novel lol. I mean, even the 86 are stunned to see the mercenaries’ battle cries. I still don’t get why the anime doesn’t at least mention once about Vargus.
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Wew I had guessed that Kiriya would look sweet originally, being a Nouzen and all. But I didn't expect the hair antennae lol.
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Lol I thought Shin uses this mark simply because he copies Rei's Dullahan mark pose lol. Did Rei use his because he knew the Nouzen's history?
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Oh so that's what happened... What an awkward office romance. But this is the first time I see Willem genuinely caring about something under no pretense at all.
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God the ‘nya’ in this scene is stupid funny. I feel sorry for Fido. And I miss Theo’s screaming.
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I love this scene. The fated two best friends bickering. Raiden's VA Seiichirou Yamashita said he thinks of Raiden as a side character and I think that's a bit sad lol. For me this scene is where Raiden is NOT a side character but a person who has been with Shin the longest and who has both the right and the will to call him out of his callous acts.
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:''( I love everytime they focus on Anju, they show her long, some part Alba hair. I can only imagine how harsh her life was. Honestly I don't know how I'd live with a scar like that.
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I had my suspicions but I was still stunned that this would actually be addressed. Half the time Kurena talks about Shin, it sounds like she's idolizing him and sees him for what his role is and not what he really is. Sure, she's smitten with him as well, with his pretty look and strength and attitude and quiet kindness. But I won't lie, I think there is this part of her that loves the ideal of him instead of him.
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WOW POINT BLANK LOLOLOL imagine getting dissed like this by a 10 years old.
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When Frederica talks about the sea, I was like "WAIT A MINUTE DIDN'T EUGENE SAY-" And frick Shin's facial gestures. I love how the studio always animate Shin's small facial gestures like frowns or shaking lips or fluttering eyes. For a dude that talks little and don't emote all that much, small stuff like that really helps to show that Shin is humane.
There are parts in the novel (not in this scene, it’s just obvious enough as it is) where he keeps imagining Eugene and that’d be much more fucked up that it already is in the anime.
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When Anju talks about the sea of ice, I was immediately like "WAIT A MINUTE ISN'T EP10-" Yeah that's how deep the scar from ep10 left is for me.
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This. This for me is the culmination of everything he feels from ep1 and beyond. He is lonely. People keep dying before him and he keeps going while carrying everyone's pieces (re: lives) with him. The only reason he could survive so long is because he needs to finish Rei off. And when that's done, he lost any reason to move forward but still he has to go on aimless he may be. See how he keeps clutching to Rei’s piece for comfort. Then Eugene also dies. Followed by San Magnolia falling apart and for all he knows, Lena, the one person he could leave his 'piece' to, also leaves him behind. Being hailed as the Reaper sucks hard. The matter with Rei aside, no wonder Shin is like that. Stuff like that changes you. By the end of the episode, I wonder if Shin always thinks of why someone hollow like him gets to live on instead of people who actually have a wish to live for. That's pretty painful.
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lumosinlove · 4 years
Sweater Weather
part xvii
Hey team!
I just want to pop in before the chapter to say a HUGE thank you to those who sent me letters!
Thanks to Hannah for your letter and O’Knutzy necklace! It’s AMAZING.
I want to thank Giana for your gorgeous letter (I’ll answer your questions in a separate post and I’m so glad you’re writing again!)
Thank you Kennedy for the painting, earrings, shark sticker (yay marine biologist!) and letter with the dried flowers :)
Thank you Alba for your SW art and your letter—yay to being there from the beginning!!
Thanks to Sophie for your kind words and letter!
Thank you Stephanie for your letter (and beautiful handwriting wow) and of course your gifts! I love the bookmarks and pin!
And last but certainly not least thank you to Alaena! I love that you included what asks you sent in XD and the STICKERS. I can’t decide if I want to put them on things or hang them all up on my bulletin board :) They’re incredible.
Thank you everyone, you’re all so thoughtful and kind!!
With SW ending soon (at least this fic, but this universe will never be over for me!) it is so incredibly lovely to hear what it means to you all. I feel so luck every single day that you guys love this team as much as I do. You thank me for this story, but I think the best part of fiction is that it expands and evolves differently in each mind it touches. Tumblr is such a freakin gift because I get a little glimpse into how you all think about these characters. So, I’m saying thank you to YOU. It’s truly a privilege to hear from you all. <3
If you feel like sending me anything, there is a link to my P.O. Box in my tumblr description! <3
Okay my mushy rant is done. Here’s chapter seventeen :)
Remus forgot his own birthday.
Lily had to remind him, bringing out a cake while he and Sirius had spent the day playing with baby Harry. Harry Potter. Harry James Potter.
The team adored him. Remus would never forget the sight of an entire team of hockey players, fresh off a plane, and crammed into a hospital room to peer at the small head of dark hair in Lily’s arms.
Minus one. Minus two, if what Sirius said was true, and Remus was part of the team. Remus had looked at the picture that Pascal had sent him from beside a sleeping Sirius and a heart monitor.
He had looked at the picture, and then at Sirius, and the relief doubled.
Four broken ribs. Bad, but it could have been worse. So much worse. A few days in Vegas to be monitored, just in case. Then, home.
Home for Remus’ birthday, home and in pain, but smiling none-the-less. Harry was a welcomed distraction from it all—the press, the hurt, the uncertainty. Lily seemed to know this without it needing to be said. Remus had told her she had enough going on without worrying about a cake, but Lily had just waved him off and cut them all large slices of the chocolate fluff.
Sirius, meanwhile, had somehow slipped a simple golden necklace around Harry’s neck, and when Remus looked down next, there it had been. A shining gold star pendant. The message had been clear. Sirius’ name-sake and Sirius himself—something to make a wish on.
Remus took a weeks off of work, all that he could.
Road-trips were a blur. Practices were anxious. The team was anxious.
March 27th.
Eight weeks. Sirius had been out for eight weeks. Resting, and stuck in his big house. Remus never thought he would be so thankful for Regulus.
“I’d rather be here than Slytherin any day, even though he whines like a baby when you’re gone.”
“Non,” Sirius would protest.
Regulus would raise an eyebrow. “Yeah.”
Remus would sneak into Sirius’ bedroom whenever he got home late, press one, two, three, four gentle kisses across his chest, and take his place on the other side of the pillow, carefully placed so that Sirius didn’t roll over during the night.
Sirius whined a good deal about that, too. And getting back on the ice.
“I just…I want to be back in case we make it to…” the playoffs.
The team was close. So close.
Sirius had only recently been allowed to come to the rink, suit and all, for home games to sit in the team box. It was strange, looking up from the bench at the jumbotron and seeing the image of Sirius there, standing with his arms crossed, sometimes with a beanie on, making his eyes look intense as he focused on the game in front of him. He was completely unreadable—to everyone but Remus. Remus could tell when he was happy with the team’s playing, when he was annoyed at their opponents. The internet was crawling with gifs of Sirius’ stormy eyes. Remus had more than a few saved, and they frequented the team group chat.
Remus looked up now, but all the jumbotron was showing was James, who had been taking lead in Sirius’ absence, talking quickly to Finn. Remus could see his own legs in the background.
The Stars were up 4-1, and there was ten minutes left in the second period. If they won this game, and they won the next game, they were in. And Sirius would be back the week after that—hopefully in time for the first playoff game, and not for an all-too-long summer vacation. Although, honestly, right then, Remus thought Sirius deserved either one. A chance at the Cup, or a break, a chance to rest up. To be together.
Leo was in net, Kasey resting up his thigh that continuously bothered him. Leo was skating a slow circle after the Stars scored yet another goal, tracing the blue crease with his stick. Remus could practically feel his furious calm.
“Big Rig may experience different weather up there, but he sure as hell has more gravity. Tremzy,” James knocked his helmet with his glove. “Don’t let him catch you, eh?”
“We gotta come back from this shit,” Finn said as he followed Logan over the boards. “For Leo. Leaving him out to dry out there. No.”
“For Cap,” Thomas said, coming back over the boards and breathing hard.
“Gotta put my baby in that silver crib!” James followed his wingers, a center for now.
“Cookie, Bluey, Ringer, be ready,” Coach called. “You’re on deck.”
“The oven is hot tonight,” Elias Cook said, pouring water over his neck.
“Stop saying that,” Kasey shook his head. “Jesus.”
“He can’t help the heat, Baby Bliz,” Thomas said.
Kasey just shook his head and looked back to the game.
Remus leaned in over Thomas’ shoulder. “That was a hit, Talkie, you good?”
“I’m hot,” Thomas said around his mouthguard.
Remus snorted, patting his shoulder pad. “You sure are.”
James lined up for the face off, Finn and Logan jostling against Benn and Perry. Logan dug his skates in when the ref dropped the puck and James whipped it back to him. Logan darted forward into the Stars’ zone, tailed closely.
“C’mon, Tremz,” Remus murmured.
Logan shot the puck off to Finn who got battered against the boards almost immediately by Benn, but got it smoothly to Olli, who sent it sailing back towards the Stars’ net. James was there behind the crease, Khudobin pushed out the wrong way—
James curled it in from behind and the Gryffindor goal horn blared.
“Fuck!” Thomas rose to his feet, knocking his stick against the boards. “Atta boy, baby-daddy!”
4-2 until the buzzer sounded and they were heading back down the tunnel. Remus glanced up at the screen one more time, and only just caught Sirius, smile plastered on as he was shown shaking the hands of a few older men. Remus suppressed a smile, and followed the team off of the ice for second intermission.
The locker room was subdued, and Sirius came in while Remus was crouched by Logan, taping up a jammed finger. He walked up to Coach first, leaning his elbows on the podium where he controlled the projector. Remus watched as he pointed to a few of the plays drawn up on the whiteboard, Coach nodding along.
“I can do this,” Logan said. “Leave with your moon eyes.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but tore off the tape and rose. “You’re all set. Try and keep it safe during third.”
“Oui,” Logan said, already sliding his headphones back on. Finn rose to get a fresh jersey, brushing a palm over the back of Logan’s neck on his way. Logan’s eyes followed him as he went to Leo next, who was sitting with his elbows on his knees in his stall, head down and airpods in. Finn squeezed himself in beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He leaned in to press a few kisses to his neck, murmuring soft words. Leo closed his eyes and pressed into him.
Remus turned away from the two to meet Sirius’ eyes. He was smiling, a good break from the grimace Remus had become used to.
“Hi,” Remus said and pressed a hand over the familiar bandage, thick beneath Sirius’ suit and shirt. “Feeling okay?”
“I’m good,” Sirius leaned down, right in the locker room, and kissed him. His mouth was gentle, leisurely. “I feel good.”
Remus smiled into it, and took his hand. “Good. Come on.”
Sirius followed him, hand in Remus’, into the training office.
“Ten minutes until show time,” Remus said in the dim space and wrapped his arms around Sirius’ neck. “Are you really feeling okay? Been on your feet for a while, I’ve been watching.”
“Loops, I come back soon. I’m healed, I’ve started light exercise. It’s just a matter of insurance.” Sirius leaned into him, lips brushing his. “You seemed to think I was fine last night.”
Remus grinned. “Yeah, I definitely think you were fine last night.”
Sirius smiled, but then his expression turned more grave. He bit his lip, and ran his hands up and down Remus’ sides a few times, almost as if to comfort himself. “Fuck, I want this for the team so bad.”
Remus nodded. This was a conversation they had been having more often than not. “I know. And they know. You want it for them, but baby, they want it for you. They’re out there doing their fucking hardest for you. I don’t think you should start preparing for the worst. Not yet. Hockey’s a fast game.”
“We’re just—we’re so close. And fucking Grayback and…and if we win this game, we just have to beat Vegas again and we’re in. And I won’t get to fucking be out there because of fucking Grayback. And he’s not even suspended anymore—”
Remus kissed him, and Sirius mumbled for a moment into it before relaxing.
“Two games,” Remus said. “Home. Then Vegas. We beat Grayback, take a chance at the cup away from him. That’s the best we can do.”
Sirius looked at him for a long moment. “How are you so okay with all of this?”
“What’s the alternative? Obsessing over him? He’s not worth it. At all.”
They looked up at the sound of the team noisily making their way back down the tunnel, shouts and whistles, trying to psych themselves up for a come back.
“Third,” Remus said, then tucked his fingers into Sirius’ hair and kissed him again. “You’re competitive. I love you for it. But, baby, you’ve already beaten him. You beat him a long time ago.”
Remus kissed Sirius’ slowly smiling mouth again and again before rushing out the door.
Sirius made his way back up to the box. He watched the other members’ eyes follow him as he slipped back into the private room. There was an absurd array of food and drinks on a table, designed to impress members and investors. Sushi rolls and miniature hot dogs, popcorn in Lions colored cardboard boxes. Red-frosted cupcakes and lion head cake-pops. Sirius took a cupcake. He’d already beaten Grayback. Remus had just kissed him. His ribs had healed well. It all called for a cupcake.
“Really letting yourself off, eh?”
Sirius looked up at a man. He was wearing a white collared shirt under one of Sirius’ jerseys. Obviously a fan, obviously nervous, obviously important given the way one of the managers was looking at him talking to Sirius.
“No,” Sirius said plainly. “I’m having a cupcake.”
There were laughs from around him, as if Sirius was the funniest guy in the room. Sirius didn’t feel funny. This guy was making him miss puck drop.
The man held out his hand. “I’m Mike. Real doozy you slapped the world with.”
Sirius took it tightly, cupcake in his other hand. “I wasn’t aware that I did the slapping.”
“Probably broke a lot of hearts though.”
Sirius looked at Mike the way he looked at opponents on the ice. He watched him blink, watched his body language change.
“I was thinking about my own heart. Désloé, how do we know each other again?”
“Oh. Well—”
“Right,” Sirius nodded. “Enjoy the game.”
Sirius walked towards the box’s edge, unwrapping his cupcake. He could see the entire stadium from up here, the teaming mass of red and gold, the team readying themselves on the ice. A tiny glimpse of Remus on the bench. Coach was gesturing and talking. He watched his own face on the jumbotron as he took a bite of the dessert. He found the camera and flashed it a thumbs up, waving his arms upwards and listening to the crowd’s cheers roar in time with his hands. He caught glimpses of rainbow flags in the crowd, signs with number twelve decked out in the colors. It was a nice contrast to the signs that Sirius saw on his way into the stadium. Defaced number twelve jerseys, slurs, people jeering at his window as he drove through security. Interesting, to see who was inside, and who was not.
The puck dropped and James won it. James who, despite them being down, was hot tonight. No doubt riding the adrenaline of Harry and Lily at home, of being named temporary captain, of being so close to what they all dreamed of.
Sirius couldn’t think it, not even in his head.
The puck seemed to be frozen in the central zone, both teams battling too hard. A stalemate in aggressive trench warfare. Back and forth, back and forth with no progress. Sirius crumpled the cupcake wrapping between his fists and cupped them together, shoulders tense.
“Allez…” he whispered to himself.
The camera was on him again, and he looked stony even to himself. He raised his eyes to it and pointed a finger down at the game. Show that, he mouthed.
The Lions goal horn blared. Logan had scored.
Sirius knew the camera caught his reaction on camera. He put his fists up, relief bubbling out of him in a shout.
“Allez, Tremzy!”
The crowd was going wild. Finn slammed Logan into the boards in celebration and the jumbotron replayed the beautiful tip-in. 4-3. Things weren’t so impossible anymore.
Sirius squeezed the wrapper in-between his hands again and set his elbows on the ledge.
“Play Kuny, play Kuny…��� Sirius muttered under his breath. He would match Oleksiak. Sure enough, Coach sent Kuny’s line over the boards a second later. Nado and Evan Kane followed him, Fox and Sunqvist on defense.
“No power plays,” Sirius prayed. “Come on, Nado, no stupid penalties.”
“Do you always talk to yourself in French while playing?”
Sirius stiffened. Mike was back.
“Non, parfois je parle en russe.”
Mike blinked. “What?”
“Laisse-moi tranquille, homme intrusif,” Sirius grinned sharply. “I said only sometimes. Usually on the bench.”
That seemed to make Mike happy. “Hey, you’re really superstitious, right?”
“Like what?”
Like being alone in the team box, Sirius thought bitterly. Like getting a blowjob from my boyfriend before a game, you know, that doozy I slapped the world with?
“There’s a lot of them,” Sirius said. “If you’ll excuse me, I really have to watch this.”
Mike nodded quickly. “Oh, of course, of course.”
Sirius shifted away a little when he didn’t move, tried to focus on the ice. The puck had dropped and it was on Evgeni’s stick. He was carrying it quickly up the ice, seeming to cut through the players with his broad shoulders. Sirius imagined he could hear his deep voice, calling for Nado to look alive. The pass connected, but Seguin tapped it out of Nado’s hands from behind and sent it up the ice quickly to Benn.
“Merde,” Sirius said. The Lions were changing and then it was Pascal’s line with Elias and Brady, Olli and Timmy on defense. Benn managed to get around Olli, and then—
Leo was pushing far out of the crease and aggressively jabbed the puck right from Benn’s stick and onto Pascal’s waiting one. Leo slid back into the crease like a water snake. The stadium was chaos.
Knutty, Knutty, Knutty, was the chant. It filled the air itself. The jumbotron showed the bench briefly, Logan and Finn and Thomas grinning up at the stands. Pascal still had the puck.
His solid form darted up a clear channel, catching the Stars in a slow shift change. He was in front of the goal, Sirius squeezed the wrapper between his palms. Pascal faked by lifting his left leg, Khudobin went for it, and Pascal slid it right between his pads, neat and tidy.
They tied the game. They tied up the game. Sirius pushed back from the railing with a long breath as a TV break began. The Lions ice crew came out to some pop song and began their sweep. Sirius looked down at his bench and yearned to be with them. He rubbed his hand absentmindedly over his ribs. They were healed. He had a few more sessions with Remus left and then he would be back. He would be back.
He thought of the hit.
He hadn’t known what was wrong. There had been no air in his lungs. But Remus had been his first thought. He knew who hit him, he had seen his face before he hit the ice.
This would hurt Remus.
“Wait, has a what?”
His own voice over the jumbotron drew him out of his thoughts. It was a pre-recorded interview, one of the fluff ones that they played for fun to entertain the crowd.
Marlene’s voice from off screen repeated the question. “Which one of your teammates has a life-sized Stormtrooper, R2-D2 and C-3PO action figure in their apartment?”
They showed his own face again, laughing and thinking. “Oh. Um.”
It switched to James, arms crossed and actually thinking about it. He pushed his glasses up his nose and laughed. “I don’t know, Finn and Leo? That seems like a weird Harzy thing.”
It cut to Finn. “That’s not weird. I wish it was me. I’ll convince Nut, don’t you worry.”
Pascal looked unimpressed, sitting easily in the chair. “There is only one person this could be, and that person spent the first two months of his time in the U.S. with only the phrases, You’re my only hope, and I’m your father, to his vocabulary. Oh, and the word no.”
Sunny was laughing. “I know exactly who this is.”
Nado looked pained. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve seen Star Wars now? Do you have any idea?”
Finally, the screen cut to Evgeni, smiling, tongue jokingly between his teeth. “Good for English, you know?” He held up his hands. “I am Force.”
The video ended with a swoop of the Lions’ logo, and even Sirius could help but smile. There was eight minutes left in the period.
Eight minutes to pull ahead.
They would do it.
The Stars had called a time out, and so James, Logan, and Finn were milling around the ice together, keeping their muscles warm. Leo was looping around the goal.
They were ready.
Seguin faced off against James, both of them leaning forward.
Seguin won it.
There was a fleury when James was pinned to the boards by Oleksiak, but Logan was there to steal the puck from beneath his feet.
The clock had dwindled down to four minutes when a whistle blew with a slashing penalty on the Stars. Pascal and Thomas joined James on the ice for the power play unit.
Sirius could feel the energetic restlessness of the crowd. They all knew what this could mean. Sirius let out a shaky breath and looked at the wrapper in his hands. He thought of Remus. Remus, and his long list of superstitions. But what pulled him through had been himself. Sirius held it anyway, but he held his Lions closer.
They were ready.
They set themselves up in a triangle, a tic-tac-toe, in front of the Stars’ goal. The sent it to each other quickly, boxing the defensemen in. Finally, James got it to Evgeni, who slapped it with a one timer and—
The goal horn. 00:24 seconds remaining.
The crowd was already singing with victory. The Stars tried for one last push, but Leo snatched the puck right out of the air with his glove.
Sirius pushed his hands through his hair in relief. “Merde.”
Sirius was out of the box before anyone could even think about congratulating him, jogging down the private staircase and towards the locker room. He made it to the player’s hallway before he was stopped by a smiling Alice.
“I know, I know,” she said. “Can we just get a few questions in?” She gestured over to where Marlene was standing with a microphone, talking to a dark haired girl holding a camera. Alice raised an eyebrow. “It’s only Marlene.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Sure.”
Alice patted his arm. “Congrats, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Sirius said and shoved his hands into his pockets while looking at Marlene expectantly.
“Okay, McKinnon, let’s go.”
Marlene scoffed. “Nice to see you, too. Hi Cap, how are you? Ribs, mind, in general.”
Sirius relaxed a little. If he had to do interviews, he preferred Marlene above all else. “I’m healing well. Ready to get back on the ice.”
Marlene narrowed her eyes at his short response and he smiled. That made her smile. Those were rare for the press, and she had just caught one.
“Any thoughts you want to share about how the majority of the world is responding to you lately? By my calculations, you’re quite the icon and inspiration—not that you weren’t before of course.”
Sirius laughed a little. “Oh yeah? Um,” he cleared his throat. When he looked up he could see Remus down the hall a little ways. He was talking to Kasey who was still fully dressed. Remus looked beautiful and strong and…And Sirius just… He hated questions like this but he just—
“Someone is always going to find something wrong with you,” Sirius said. “With what you say. With what you do. My job is not to please, you know? My job is to play hockey, sure, but, really, my job is to be the person I want to be, do the things I believe are right, do the things I love. With the people I choose to love. I think that’s everyone’s job,” Sirius found Remus beyond the cameras again, along with everything he had ever wanted. He looked back to Marlene. “That took me a long time to learn. They say, have a thick skin and an open heart. Before, all I had was a thick skin. Now, I’ve found someone who can help me have both. I didn’t even realize how much I needed that.”
“And that was an interview with a surprisingly heartfelt Captain Sirius Black,” Lee Jordan broke off in a laugh. “Earlier this game we also got to see him telling the cameras, show the game, show the game. Pointing down at the ice. Outstanding. That’s a layer of the Captain that I don’t think we see very often. From what I hear, the dude’s funny, though, Dean. Now, let’s take a look at the Lions’ top scorers. With the Captain out, that would be Logan Tremblay, James Potter, and, that’s right, one of the oldest in the league, Pascal Dumais…”
“What is that?” Remus said, appearing in front of Sirius where he was waiting in the PT room and drawing his attention away from the television. Remus peered at his hands.
“Oh,” Sirius felt himself flush as he looked down at the cupcake wrapper, more like a tiny ball of oily paper now. “I was holding this when Logan scored, so…”
Remus laughed. “So, you had to hold it the entire period. And now it’s practically falling apart. You’re not keeping that.”
“But it—” Remus grinned as Sirius surrendered the wrapper. “Fine.”
“Hey,” Remus said, and Sirius looked up. Remus was flushed from the game, eyes bright with the win. He leaned up and kissed him hotly, then softly. Sirius had to blink a few times when he pulled away. 
“You always had an open heart,” Remus said. “That’s obvious to anyone who knows you. Who loves you.”
Sirius smiled. “Yeah?”
Someone cleared their throat. “Sorry…”
They looked up to see Kasey, now in just some basketball shorts. “Hi.”
“Hey, Bliz, I’m ready for you,” Remus said, then looked up at Sirius. “I can get the subway back if you wanna go home to Regulus.”
“Non, non, I’ll wait,” Sirius said, and bumped fists with Kasey on his way out.
Remus smiled after him for a moment, then at Kasey. “So, thigh?”
Kasey nodded, eyes shifting downward, then back to Remus again. “Yeah.”
Remus paused, brows drawing together. “Kasey, are you—”
“Hey, Kase?” Natalie appeared in the doorway. She had her long blonde hair drawn back in two dutch braids and a Blizzard jersey on over a gray sweatshirt with the hood spilling out. Her smile wasn’t as bright as usual.
“Hi, Remus,” she said. “Baby, I’m gonna go say hi to Marlene. Just text me when you’re all set okay?”
“Hi, Nat,” Remus said slowly.
Kasey nodded, accepting a kiss on the cheek. “Okay.”
He hopped up on the table and lay on his back while Remus got ready.
“Just the thigh that’s bothering you?” Remus said carefully. He pushed Kasey’s shorts up his thigh to get at the tense muscle and carefully began kneading the muscles. The post-game played softly on the television while Remus waited for Kasey to speak.
“Will it always be like this, Loops?” Kasey asked quietly after a few moments.
Remus looked up at where Kasey was reclining on the padded table with his fingers across his chest. Remus, if he was being honest with himself, had been waiting to have this conversation with Kasey for a while.
Kasey looked back at him. “It acts up more often than not. I can’t play if I can go down, I…I can’t—”
“I know,” Remus said softly. “I know, Kase. Look.” Remus moved down to his knee, smoothing the muscle firmly. “This injury…it’s a tough one. It takes a long time to heal. It takes time and endurance. So, my answer is no. It won’t always be like this. It just takes time.”
“What if I don’t have time?” Kasey’s voice was even quieter. “I’m a goalie. Sometimes we have less—”
“Kase,” Remus looked at him. “You’re twenty six years old. You do.”
Kasey groaned as Remus pressed his knee out to the side, loosening the muscle slowly. “Fuck.”
“We’ll do some strength training next practice, okay? We’ll make a schedule, I’ll work with you. And we have a day off tomorrow. I’ll send you some videos to do at home if you want, or you can rest.” Remus smiled a little. “Or Natalie can help you stretch.”
Kasey smiled and it seemed easier. “When you say stretch…”
Remus laughed. “That’s the point. Look, you will heal, but you also have to enjoy the rest of your life. Hockey’s everything, and not everything at the same time. I’m gonna give you some salve, okay? And then you’ll be good for the night. Rest.”
Kasey nodded. “How’s Cap doing?”
“He’s okay,” Remus said, warming up the muscle salve between his palms. “Wants to be out there with you guys.”
“We want him there,” Kasey sat up on his elbows and watched Remus’s hands. “What about baby Black?”
Remus snorted. “Good. I mean, happy he’s here. The whole Snake runaway thing is sort of up in the air. The Snakes have their lawyers on his ass about his contract, and Minnie thinks he might have to go public with some pretty horrific stories to prove that they breached it.”
“Horrific stories…”
Their eyes met somberly. “I know.”
“Jesus,” Kasey sighed as he sat up. He pushed his hair out of his face and looked down at his leg. “That feels better. I…I feel better.”
“Good. Try and stay off it as much as you can, okay? Nat loves you to death, don’t tell me she won’t get you what you need.”
“Oh, she will,” Kasey smiled and eased himself carefully off the table. “Thanks, Loops.”
“Bliz,” Remus said, and Kasey turned to look back. “You have time and life and everything else. Really.”
Kasey nodded. He smiled a serious sort of smile. “You’re right. I get in my head.”
“You’re a goalie. That’s part of the job.”
Kasey laughed, flipped him off, and closed the door behind him.
Sirius was waiting for him on one of the couches in the player’s lounge, eyes closed and beanie on his head. His shoulders looked broad in his dark winter coat and suit.
“Hi, handsome,” Remus said, leaning over Sirius with his hands resting against the back of the couch on either side of his head.
Sirius’ eyes opened and he smiled. “Salut.”
“Ready to go home?”
“Regulus says he’s out with Leo. Day off and all that,” Sirius tilted his chin up, silently asking. “House to ourselves.”
Remus pushed himself back upright. “Let’s go.”
“I’m glad Regulus had Leo,” Remus said as he stood in Sirius’ massive but mostly empty closet. He picked out one of Sirius’ t-shirts and sweatpants and pulled them on. “They’re both eighteen and both have a lot of pressure to deal with, even if it’s, you know, different pressure. It’s nice.”
“Yeah, I’m happy,” Sirius said as he came back into the bedroom from the bathroom. His torso looked lean in his his sweatpants, the bruising finally faded. "And thankful to Leo. He didn’t have to reach out, you know?” Sirius collapsed onto the bed with a smile, bouncing a little. “Now, let’s stop talking about my brother.”
“Nope, no bed yet. Come on.”
“You want to play next week, you do this with me now. Let’s go.”
Sirius let Remus wrangle him downstairs and into the gym. Sirius put on some music and then Remus lay him out in just his sweatpants on a soft mat and led him through the breathing exercises and some of the light core work that was on his recovery plan. Sirius kept his eyes on Remus the entire time, the two of them laughing as his hands wandered to Remus’ hips. Remus had to admit that, now that Sirius wasn’t in pain, watching him spread out on the mat like this got him. His softly moving chest, his hard muscles, the shadowed curl of his hair on his temples. He let it get him, there in the privacy of Sirius’ basement. Sirius noticed.
He smiled the next time he raised up in a crunch, abs working, hands behind his head. “Maybe I could use some incentive.”
Remus raised an eyebrow from where he was by Sirius’ bent knees. “Oh?”
Sirius pushed up and held there until Remus bent so he could kiss Remus lightly, then lowered back down.
The next time he came up, he brought Remus down with him. He parted his knees so Remus could settle between them. Sirius’ chest was warm from the exercise, his heartbeat even. Remus sighed into his kisses.
“We should go easy, we have the party at Pascal’s tomorrow—”
“I’m perfect,” Sirius said, and rolled them gently so that Remus was on his back now, Sirius hovering over him. “I feel perfect. I want you so bad.”
It had been a bit of a challenge. They’d been on strict no-sex orders, given to them rather sheepishly by Sirius’ doctor while he was still in the hospital. It had been a lot of Remus trying to sneak a quick jack-off in the shower, trying not to make things harder on Sirius, only to come out of the shower to a glowering, turned-on boyfriend.
Getting the all clear had been spine-melting, and it had sort of been that way ever since. Still, sex was few and far in between. Regulus was in the house more often than not, and even if it was a big house, Remus didn’t think it was the best idea to invite him to stay only to sneak off to Sirius’ bedroom.
Regulus had received the message quickly though, and told them clearly enough when he would be out for a while.
Remus shuttered when Sirius’ hardening cock dragged across his own.
“Fuck, are we really doing this in the gym?” Remus panted out a laugh. He was already so turned on that it ached. His dick pressed insistently against the band of his sweatpants, and when Sirius next dragged his hips down, the loose fabric pulled away to expose the shiny head of his cock. Remus moaned. “Sirius, fuck…fuck, I—”
“No lube,” Sirius said. “Shit, I…”
Remus just pushed Sirius’ sweatpants down over his ass, making his cock fall free, bobbing and stiff, and tugged his own sweatpants down until his hips and thighs were exposed. Remus pushed their hips together, mouth open. It was plenty wet, Sirius cock already beginning to shine at the head.
Sirius fucked his hips forward steadily against Remus, the friction making him squeeze his eyes shut. Remus felt Sirius’ lips against his neck, and wrapped his arms around him. He felt sort of frantic with it, lazily happy with how much he loved this.
“Love you,” he murmured as Sirius pushed forward with a well-aimed thrust. “Fuck, baby, yeah…”
“Not bad for a core workout,” Sirius said into his skin.
Remus laughed, even as pleasure sparked at the edges of his vision. His cock felt heavy and sensitive against his stomach.
“Don’t overdo it,” Remus said. “Here.”
Remus pushed at Sirius’ shoulders until Sirius groaned and rolled onto his back.
“I’m fi—”
His complaints died on his tongue when Remus pressed up all along his side, cock trapped between them, and wrapped a hand around Sirius. He kept his strokes even and tight, running his fingers down over his full balls, the vein on the underside. Sirius was hot in his hand, precome thin and leaking over the back of Remus’ hand. Remus kissed Sirius, tongue sliding into his mouth, and more heat trickled over his fingers. Remus felt like he could come just like that. It was almost—surreal. He was so turned on, especially for not even having done that much. He had just been taking Sirius through his exercises one moment, and then Sirius had taken him between his thighs and he was done for.
“Re, let me,” Sirius breathed, and his fingers found his own cock for a moment before wrapping around Remus’ shoulders to reach behind him, rubbing over the swell of his ass.
Heat pooled in Remus stomach and made his hand stutter, gripping Sirius tighter. “Fuck, yes…”
Sirius’ fingers were soft and slow as they worked their way inside of Remus. It was a little dry, but Remus let his temple pitch forward onto Sirius’ chest as Sirius fingered him. He stroked Sirius slowly, dazed by the contrast between his own pale fingers and the darker, flushed skin of him. He wished he could see Sirius’ hand.
“There,” Remus gasped suddenly. “Ah—”
Sirius pressed him in gentle, slow strokes. It was different, being touched there and not his cock. Remus pushed into the feeling, his cock trapped and still between them. It wasn’t enough to do much except let Sirius’ fingers build a painfully slow pressure inside him. His eyes were lidded as he stroked Sirius’ cock until it was rock hard in his palm. He threw a leg over Sirius’ thighs so that Sirius could push into him deeper, finger curving against his prostate.
Remus just moaned.
“I’m gonna come soon, mon loup,” Sirius panted, hips straining up once, twice. “Loops—”
Remus sped up his hand, swiping his thumb over the swollen head, and then Sirius’ hips jerked. Come dripped lazily over Remus’ fingers, more and more of it, in thick white pulses. Remus’ dick throbbed at the sight, at Sirius’ fingers, tense from his orgasm, pressing hard inside of him. He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them, gasping. His hand had stilled against the base of Sirius’ cock, and he could feel him pulsing there, cock throbbing through his orgasm. Sirius’ head had fallen back against the mat, his chest rising and falling quickly beneath Remus’ chest. It was a mess on his hips and Remus’ fingers.
“Fuck. Oh—” Sirius moaned as Remus started stroking him again. His cock strained valiantly, but it was spent and softening. “C’mere, Loops, fuck.”
Sirius turned into Remus, fingers twisting inside of him. It gave him a better angle, and when he moved next, he doubled down.
Remus could only hold onto his shoulders, pliant against the mat.
“Can you come like this, sweetheart?” Sirius said gently. “Just on my fingers?”
Remus already felt like he was coming. There was sweat on his temples and chest, and he felt Sirius’ kiss the salt away. His cock was taught against his stomach, an angry red now. Sirius stroked inside of him evenly, but in quicker time. Remus didn’t even have time to catch one breath before the next was stolen.
“I’m coming—” Remus said, but he knew he wasn’t. Not yet. But he was sure he was. He groaned and Sirius kissed his exposed throat, his back arched up, pressing down on him.
“C’mon, baby,” Sirius said. “Fuck, look at you.”
“I’m coming,” Remus said again, voice breaking, and the calloused pad of Sirius’ finger pressed against him hard, and then he really was. It tore out of him forever, spilling against Sirius’ tan skin. Sirius cradled Remus against him, saying soft things in French until Remus could open his eyes again. Sirius took Remus’ dick gently in his hand, easing a last shiver of pleasure from him. Remus smiled a little deliriously and curled closer to his warmth.
“Bath?” Sirius whispered.
“We gotta clean this,” Remus laughed. “Fuck, I feel like my brain is gone.”
“I’ll clean,” Sirius said, and tilted Remus’ head up for a kiss. “Go get the hot water going.”
That sounded fine to Remus.
Lily opened the door to Pascal’s house with Harry cradled in her arms.
“Sirius fucking Black I swear to god you triggered my labor.”
“You say that to me every time you see me.”
She stepped aside. “And will continue to do so.”
Remus stepped through the door first and took Harry from her, holding him close so that Sirius could press a kiss to one of his chubby cheeks. He wasn’t heavy, but Sirius wasn’t suppose to lift very much. Harry smiled at him and Remus watched as Sirius smiled back, murmuring in French.
“Where’s Regulus?” Lily asked.
Sirius shrugged, still making faces at Harry.
“Out with Leo,” Finn’s voice suddenly said. He was sitting on the couch with Logan tucked up against his side. “Yeah, uh-huh, Leo’s replacing us with your brother.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “That’s not true.”
Finn raised his eyebrows, as if to say he wasn’t so sure about that. Logan nudged his jaw with his nose until he pressed a light kiss to his lips. Remus smiled.
He could see the long road that was behind them and the long road ahead at the same time. It was better that way.
Most of the team was there. The living room had a huge banner that read Congratulations Logan! and beneath it a smaller one: for finally moving out of my basement! 
Sirius laughed hard. “I didn’t get one of these!”
Pascal shook his head from where he was playing cards with Sergei. “I knew you would leave eventually. This one, I wasn’t so sure.”
“Hey,” Logan groaned.
Remus laughed and snapped a picture of Sirius in front of it.
“Can I have that for my instagram?” James asked.
“Baby, too much instagram, okay, I love you so much, but…” Lily winced.
“But I have a baby now,” James stood to Remus’ other side, and then Remus had two fully grown hockey players making baby talk surrounding him. “That’s what instagram’s for. Isn’t it, my little lion?”
Harry laughed delightedly at his father.
Kasey and Natalie were sitting on the couch beside Logan and Finn. Natalie had Kasey sitting between her legs on the floor, fingers running through his hair as she talked to them. Kasey seemed to be talking very seriously about something with Katie, who seemed to be wearing three princess dresses at the same time. She was sitting in his lap and he was nodding along, responding whenever she waited for him to.
Remus handed Harry back to Lily when they went into the kitchen to get drinks. Celeste was in the kitchen with Anya, and Thomas seemed to be helping, too, along with Noelle.
When Sirius said he was surprised to see her, she waved him off, taking a sip of her wine. “I’m the resident Tremblay sister representative. We were all pretty worried about Lolo for a minute there, but…” she smiled. “If only we knew. Not one boy, but two. Plus,” she looked over at Thomas, who was focusing intently on what Celeste was saying and stirring on the stove. “I have my own reasons.”
“Talkie’s a good one,” Remus said. “You lucked out there.”
“Right?” Noelle laughed, then nodded at Sirius. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
“Me too,” Remus and Sirius said at the same time.
Noelle laughed again, and then her expression became more mild. “And…” she looked towards the living room, where they could distinctly hear Logan’s laugh. “I know none of this was easy for you two, but I’m happy you were there for my brother. Maybe not in the way you wanted to be…in the way any of us wanted…but you showed him it was okay to be who he is. I think Finn would have gotten to him eventually but I think it would have taken a lot longer. I’m glad he’s happy now. And that’s largely thanks to you two.”
“The delicious smells of success,” Thomas suddenly sang out, slightly off-key. “Breathe in the delicious smells of success, hey, Christmas, come over here and look at this goodness.”
Noelle laughed. “Oh, I’m already looking at it.” She sent Remus and Sirius a last smile. “Anyway, I said my piece.”
Remus laughed as she returned to Thomas’ side, tucking herself against him.
“That was sweet,” he said and rubbed his hand gently over Sirius’ chest, sort of out of habit by now. He could feel the bandages there.
Sirius kissed Remus’ temple. “Yeah.”
“Sirius, mon cher,” Celeste kissed Sirius’ cheek when she came over from the stove. “You are okay? Of course you are, Remus is with you. No more big empty house and take out meals, oui?”
Sirius laughed. “Way to sell me out.”
Remus snorted. “Like everyone didn’t already know.”
Celeste laughed. “C’est vrai.” She sighed, patting Sirius’ chest, near his ribs. “I am still so angry about Grayback, honestly.”
“Aren’t we all,” Pascal said, coming over. Celeste wrapped an arm around him.
“You and me both,” Sirius said, taking a sip of his wine. “But it’s over. I have to let it be over or else I’ll go insane.”
“You’ll be back out there soon,” Pascal said.
Sirius smiled. “Only thanks to Loops.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “It’s you who does the hard part.”
Pascal laughed. “As if getting this boy to do what he’s told isn’t the hard part.”
Remus laughed. “Hm, true.”
“Celeste, the goodness looks ready to me,” Thomas called over from the stove.
Celeste laughed and leaned back towards the doorway to the living room.
“Dinner, everyone!” she called.
It only took a few moments for the kitchen to become crowded with people lining up with their plates.
“Hey,” Evgeni bee-lined between them for the wine bottle, but stopped on the way to give Remus a kiss on both cheeks. “Get Captain laid, no more grumpy.”
“Kuny,” Remus said.
Nado, behind him as always, cracked up. Sirius laughed, too.
“Merde, Kuns,” he said. “Subtle.”
“Very,” Regulus’ wry voice suddenly said from behind them as he and Leo entered the kitchen.
“Just in time!” Celeste said, handing them both plates. “Where have you boys been?”
Leo shrugged. “Just—hi, sweetheart,” he cut off as Finn wrapped his arms around his waist. “Just touring around Gryf. Got lunch.”
“Yeah, Sid’s is the best,” Regulus said.
Sirius spluttered mid way through serving himself dinner. “I told you that.”
“So, you believe Leo and not me?”
Leo grinned. Regulus shrugged.
Remus spent most of dinner holding baby Harry and watching Sirius tickle his tummy while he laughed. James looked ready to cry at the sight. Lily took him back to be fed when they moved to sit around the living room with dessert, but Remus didn’t mind. He just leaned back into Sirius’ chest, happy with his team around him.
Logan looked red in the face from all the jokes implying why he was so eager to move in with Leo and Finn. Adele had stuck close to him all evening, sitting on his free side. Logan had his arm around her. Remus had overheard him assuring her that he’d be over to visit all the time, which he thought was unbearably sweet. Leo looked resigned and amused to the teasing, and Finn just looked thoroughly pleased, sitting between them with an arm around each.
Remus felt a kiss being placed on his neck.
“Maybe we could celebrate more than one move tonight,” Sirius said into Remus’ ear.
Remus held Sirius’ arms across his chest, turning to look at him. “What?”
Sirius just smiled and pulled Remus out of the living room and into the butler’s pantry of the kitchen. He took Remus’ hands in his warm ones. “You should move in with me.”
Remus took a slow breath in.
Sirius slid his hands up Remus’ forearms. “I want you to move in with me.”
“Besides,” Sirius smiled. “Your mom will be coming to town soon with any luck,” Sirius knocked gently on the wooden cupboard behind Remus’ head with a smile. “Better not to disappoint her.”
Remus laughed, reaching up to press his hands to Sirius’ cheeks. “Better not.”
Sirius leaned down to nudge their noses together. “Live with me. You sort of already do, and I…I love it so much. I love having you near.”
Remus nodded. “Yes.” He kissed him once, and again, and again. “Yeah, I want to.”
Sirius smiled into their next kiss, and that was how Logan found them.
“Alors,” he said, hands up. “Sorry. Just got sent in for some more wine. God knows I need it.”
Remus flushed and laughed as Logan reached down for a bottle from the wine fridge.
“Carry on.”
“Oops,” Sirius snorted when they were alone again.
“I’ll have to get a car,” Remus mused as Sirius hugged him against his chest. Sirius lived just outside the city center. “No more subways and city walking from out here.”
“I’ll buy you whatever car you want.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Sirius squeezed him closer. “It’s what I said. I want to. What else do you want? Tell me.”
Remus smiled and tilted his chin up to look at him. “You.”
It had been hard, saying goodbye to Sirius for the short road trip to Vegas. It was strange going without him.
“Force him to keep doing his exercises,” Remus had told Regulus firmly.
“Will do,” Regulus saluted.
“Miss you already,” Sirius had said softly when he dropped Remus off at departures.
“Just a few days,” Remus kissed his across the seats, and then kissed his new star necklace. “They’ll win.”
“Shh,” Sirius laughed gently.
Remus just smiled. “You’ll see."
Remus was in the visitor’s PT room, making sure it was well-stocked. Just in case. Moody was already in there, leaning against the table and watching the pre-game. He greeted Remus with a nod, and Remus pulled out a box of supplies to sort through while listening.
“—first time the Lions will be on the ice with Fenrir Grayback who, as we all know, received a two game suspension after a hard hit on Lions Captain Sirius Black, breaking four of his ribs. We know that the Lions organization was especially not happy about the lack of severity shown by the League. I suppose we may see what the players have to say about this tonight. I expect the Lions will push especially hard for a win in honor of their wounded Captain—not to mention that winning this game would secure them a spot in this year’s Stanley Cup play-offs. Marc-André Fleury is back with his rainbow stick tape, his second time showing support for Black. It’s nice to see. Let’s take a look at who else we’re watching tonight. First, we’ll talk about Logan Tremblay…”
“One game,” Moody grumbled. “One game.”
“One game,” Remus repeated. “Sirius really wanted to be out there tonight.”
“I don’t think Grayback knows what’s coming for him now that he isn’t,” Moody laughed gruffly. “You saw those boys when he took Sirius out. They’re fresh out of a day-off now. Rested, furious, determined.” Moody tilted his head. “I feel good things in my leg.”
Remus laughed. “Well, thank God.”
Sirius was sitting with his brother on the large, leather couch in his TV den, anxious and waiting for the second period to resume. The commercials were muted and he was waiting for Regulus to work his way up towards saying whatever it was that he was holding back. Sirius could tell there was something.
“Your house is ridiculous,” Regulus said around his Chinese takeout—not for the first time.
“I was young,” Sirius said defensively. “I thought buying a house like this was, like, required.”
“Stupide,” Regulus snorted.
“—a nasty hit on Finn O’Hara by Ryan Reaves, but he seems okay,” the commentator said, replaying the hit, and Sirius tensed. He didn’t need a replay of that. They cut back to commercials again.
“Do you think they can actually force me to go back?” Regulus said suddenly.
When Sirius looked over he was poking mildly at his noodles.
“I won’t let them do that.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. “You’re Sirius Black, not God.”
“I won’t let them do that,” Sirius said again. “Tu comprends? I will not. And Minnie won’t either.”
“Maman says—”
Sirius sat up. “You’ve been talking to her?”
“I have to sometimes,” Regulus grumbled. “Legal stuff. Minnie’s always there.”
“It doesn’t matter what she says. She is—”
“Yes, I know what she is,” Regulus snapped. “I’ve been living with her—until a few months ago, in case you forgot.” He glowered around the room. “While you were in your big fancy house…”
Sirius blinked. “Reg…”
“I’m not—mad at you. I was, but I’m not. I mean, I’m doing what you did, aren’t I? Making a better life, damn the consequences?” Regulus sighed. “There are other Snakes who want out, you know.”
Sirius sat up. “Like…witnesses? Reg, you could compile a case.”
“They’re worried they’ll never get back into the League,” Regulus said. “I’m trying, but…I don’t know, Sirius.”
Sirius’ heart ached. He looked down at his chicken and rice. “I wish I could tell you what to do.”
Regulus looked at him, gray on gray, and nodded. “I know.” He glanced at the TV. “We’re back.”
Sirius secretly liked that. Looking at the Lions play with his brother, and hearing him say we.
“O’Hara didn’t need any help getting up, even if he looked a little rattled. Now, speaking from experience, I don’t know about you, Lee, but I was waiting for O’Hara’s line mate, Logan Tremblay to have something to say about it…Tremblay did not challenge Reaves, though.”
They were lining up for puck drop, James at the center against—
“You know, Dean, I think that’s a testament to these young Lions, really all the Lions. They call them the cubs, you know. You can tell how much they want this. They band together, they listen, they work…I think it’s pretty rare to see such fine communication in an entire team.”
Grayback won the face off.
“Fuck,” Regulus breathed.
Sirius wished he was there, standing beside Remus, on the bench, jumping the boards—anything. Instead, he was sitting on the couch, eating take-out. Helpless.
The entire first period, and the majority of this one had been back and forth. The score was still 0-0. They were fighting. Hard. Fenrir passed it to Tuch, who knocked it over to Engelland. Engelland took a hard shot, and Leo caught it in his glove.
“Another amazing save by Knut,” Dean said. “Rookie goal tender Leo Knut has blocked 29 shots in this game so far, most of them with his glove. I love seeing that sort of technique from the younger players, you know?”
“Absolutely Dean. And it looks to me like Coach Weasley is giving the Blizzard, Kasey Winter, a nice long rest as he looks ahead to hopefully a long and successful playoff run.”
Sirius leaned forward as play started up again. Evgeni barreled against Reaves and Fenrir, evading a two-on-one with a slick pass to Nado. It was hard hockey—it looked a little like play-off hockey. Brutal, hard-hitting, and determined.
It stayed like that until half way through the third.
“Fucking hell,” Regulus said. “How does this game still have no score?”
Sirius shook his head. His heart was in his throat. He had texted Remus at the second intermission.
Boys are fired as hell, Remus had said. Good feelings. They don’t even seem tired.
Harzy okay? he had said.
Yes. Then, a minute later. Boasting that you’re checking on him XD
That reassurance was the only thing keeping Sirius sane.
“We have to break their defense,” Sirius was half watching the battle on the ice and half running through plays in his mind. The clock read twelve minutes.
Sirius could have laughed. He pressed his necklace pendant between his palms, his steepled fingers against his mouth. He wasn’t religious. He just wanted this. For all of them.
Pascal’s line was out.
“Come on Dumo,” Sirius said.
Sirius watched Pascal and Fenrir line up for the face off with tense shoulders. He waited, and waited, and then the referee was straightening again, looking at Pascal and pointing away.
“Fuck,” Sirius cursed. “He’s kicking Dumo out of the circle.”
“I wonder what he said.”
Sirius silently begged Pascal to be careful.
Brady took Pascal’s place. He won the face off, and Sirius and Regulus shouted.
He passed it easily to Pascal, who dragged it along the boards.
“What’s he going so slow for?” Regulus demanded, fist hitting the couch.
Sirius only saw what was coming next because of the TV angle.
Pascal had his head down, and Fenrir was skating hard towards him on the ice.
Sirius and Regulus were on their feet in a second, shouting at the television. They couldn’t warn him.
Sirius couldn’t even breathe properly. It seemed to go on in slow motion, all of it. Pascal, his—his father, really, his protector. The man who had taken him right from under his mother’s grasp. Pascal who knew him better than anyone. Maybe even Remus.
Fenrir was obviously going in for the hit. He was probably confident that he could get away with it again. Just like he had with Remus. With Sirius. If he so much as touched Dumo—
But he underestimated Pascal Dumais just like had last time.
Pascal, puck on his stick, let Fenrir get closer, and closer, and then deked right. He spun on his right blade harshly and kicked off the boards like a goalie did on a goal post. The effect was that he went rocketing out of the way, right towards the Golden Knights’ goal, and Fenrir slammed into the boards with his own full-force.
The game didn’t pause for him. It only stopped when the goal lit up red as Pascal shot a clean line into the top left corner of the net.
Six minutes and three seconds remaining. 1-0, Lions. The Lions bench was on their feet, sticks banging against the boards as Pascal skated down for glove taps. The TV showed his familiar face, smiling. He looked into the camera for a moment, and Sirius swore Pascal was looking right at him.
He won’t get you again, the look said. Pascal tussled Remus’ hair with his glove. Or any of us.
Six minutes felt like six hours, longer and longer with each one of Leo’s saves. They showed his face during an offside whistle. He tilted his helmet up for some water. His blonde hair was darkened and drenched with sweat, but his blue eyes were fierce. He tapped his mask back down, and went back into a crouch. Sirius had never been so proud of Leo fucking Knut.
Shots were traded ferociously, the puck practically bouncing between the zones. Leo saved it with his blocker, a few bouncing off of his helmet, some dangerously close to his neck guard. He pushed off one post and dropped into a full split, the puck sliding snugly against his pad until he scooped it up like a hawk.
“Fucking hell, Leo,” Regulus mumbled.
“Right,” Sirius said. “Merde.”
Three minutes. James had four shots that very nearly went in. Logan had five close-calls. They were panting on the bench, squirting cold water down their necks, but they were keeping the score. They were protecting their lead.
Two minutes.
The Golden Knights pulled their goalie, the net was empty, and still no one scored again.
When the buzzer finally sounded, Sirius was breathing like he was on the ice, too.
The bench exploded, spilling out onto the ice. Finn threw his gloves into the air right before Logan crashed into him.
They had won the game with one goal, and three periods of sheer will-power.
Sirius hugged Regulus hard. He watched as his boys jumped on each other against the boards, knocking Leo’s helmet for his shut-out and grinning. They were clinched.
They were going to the playoffs.
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solanospetra · 3 years
if you ordered the jtv seasons how would you rate them because every-time I try to it’s a hot mess but based on your posts you seem to also have the exact same thoughts I have
Thank you for the opportunity to spiral. A little delayed because my laptop has been at work and I didn’t want to type this up on mobile. Explanation under the cut.
FYI: I haven’t watched JTV since it ended so a lot of this is probably rage based but when I do eventually get around to rewatching I don’t think this will change
1. S1 - Iconic when it premiered, no one was doing it like them, has the perfect mix of family, romance, crime, and Jane/Rafael were still good
2. S2 - Good because Luisa, Petra, Jetra, Petra & Raf but the triangle sucked both Jane’s and Xo’s, I also don’t like Michael’s rewrite
3. 4B - Only deserves rights because of Jetra & Petramos (we’re ignoring the whole gaslighting thing because why tf did Jennie think that was a good idea) 
4. S3B - Hate Chuck, hate the time jump, hate the Ro/Xo storyline, hate Rafael getting back together with Petra, hate Jane getting feelings for Raf again, the OT3 saves this season and so does Jane’s grief storyline
5. 3A - I hate the first episode of the season felt like such a retcon, hate Anezka, hate Rafael in part of this for the gaslighting, didn’t care for Michael’s recovery or career struggles but I liked how Jane and Rafael were learning to navigate around each other and I like the peaceful place Michael and Rafael eventually settled in. I liked Darcy/Ro & Bruce/Xo but too bad it doesn’t last. 
5. 4A - Raf’s an asshole but this still beats the hatred I have for S5. 
6. S5 - 10/10 do not recommend I can’t think of one thing that makes this season worth watching
1. Season One 
It might be nostalgia or maybe it’s just that good but my favorite season is S1. You have the best of the Villanueva's, Xo/Ro, you have the perfect mix of romance and crime, and sue me but season one Jane/Raf will always be part of what makes me love this season so much. Yes, Petra maybe isn’t the best in this season but you’re seeing glimpses of the fact that she’s not a horrible person, her mom just sucks. I find it hard to like Michael at all in the series but part of the reason this is my favorite season and not S2 is because I think in S2 we start to see the love triangle weaken a lot of characters with Michael getting a rewrite and Rafael getting lost in the story. 
2. Season Two
Already mentioned it a little above. I think that the writing favored Michael a lot this season, we’re supposed to forget that he spent most of S1 being a creep. Rafael starts getting done dirty from here on out IMO he’s literally in love with Jane until S3 and for what, it doesn’t do anything. I know a lot of people don’t like him in this season but when he calls Michael a roach, iconic. There is still a lot to love about the Villanueva’s, Rogelio. I like Jane’s arc in this, the going back to school, motherhood, trying to balance Michael and Rafael, that brief moment where everything lines up for her. This is one of Petra’s best seasons, in my opinion, she makes mistakes (like inseminating herself) but we really get to see her begin to value herself (turning down Rafael) and also watch her begin to overcome her issues with motherhood. Also, her storyline with Rafael is one of my favorites, yes they’re begrudging coparents but you get glimpses as to why they fell in love with each other in the first place. JETRA, and Luisa’s storyline is good up until the finale. Mostly everything is good until the finale that’s when I start to hate the paralysis storyline, Rose being Susanna, Michael getting shot, etc. 
3. Season 3
I know I split it up above but this season is shaky at best. They had the foundations for a messy but loveable family but they kill Michael, throw Rafael/Petra/Jane back into a triangle, they also rush Xo/Ro for no reason only to kind of run out of storylines and give Xo cancer and make Ro a dad to a baby we barely see. Of course, we all know Michael was killed for no reason so. I think I only really like Petra’s arc this season.
4. Season 4 - 
4A was difficult but it honestly began to pick back up and solidify in 4B with Jane/Rafael being a little more believable, Petra’s storyline, and also I liked Alba’s storyline with Jorge (even if I hate him later.) Adam was fun even if he was temporary and it kind of looked like we were getting somewhere until they bring Michael back and reveal Petra gaslit JR which completely soured everything for me once they failed to fix it in S5. Also, Jane’s book storyline wasn’t my favorite. Neither was Xo’s cancer storyline. 
5. Season 5 -
Absolute garbage, Michael coming back does nothing but make Rafael look like an asshole, weaken Jane who is reduced to begging for someone who frankly is no longer worth it. Xiomara is kind of lost this season and I’m still sad everyone’s dream came true but hers. I dislike River and the amount of time she took away from storylines like Petra’s, the Petramos storyline is nice but I don’t think they ever talked about the disturbing fact that Petra gaslit her, I would have liked an explanation but we never get it and JR’s exit and return are underwhelming and while I LOVE LOVE LOVE that after years of beginning for wlw Petra, this is what we end up with. There were some bright spots in Jetra but S5 is such a disappointment, if they were going to bring Michael back they should have to committed to more than just shoving into the background so they could get to their shitty musical number. 
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shima-draws · 4 years
Shima can you pls hit us with some anime recs?? ówò
Putting all this under the cut because inevitably it got long lmao
Eden of the East
Eden’s one of those animes where you start watching and then decide you’re not going to stop until you finish it. It’s absolutely binge worthy and has such a unique concept with a lot of mystery and romance sprinkled in here and there!
Eden of the East is about a girl named Saki who goes to Washington to visit the White House. There she meets a boy named Takizawa who, for some reason, shows up completely naked, and just had his memories wiped, so he has no idea who he is. As Takizawa and Saki start to bond, Taki starts to put together the pieces of his past. Apparently before his memory got wiped he was involved in a “game” with 11 other people, and each of them were gifted 10 billion yen to attempt to change Japan for the better. Taki discovers more and more about the person he was before he wiped his memory–he might have been involved in terrorism, that’s great–and he and Saki start falling in love with each other and it’s really. Really soft.
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It’s 11 episodes, and then there’s two sequel movies after that!
Mawaru Penguindrum
ONE OF MY PERSONAL ALL TIME FAVORITES…MP is such an underrated series and it’s so unique and just out there. Everything in this series has symbolism, though it may not seem like it upfront–everything has a deeper meaning! The series pretty much rides on symbolism and reference to other media in the background.
The story follows twin brothers Shouma and Kanba Takakura, who live on their own with their terminally ill little sister, Himari. In the first episode, Himari passes away, but is miraculously revived by a strange spirit inside of a penguin hat. The spirit demands the brothers find what’s called the “penguindrum” in order to keep Himari alive. The siblings are gifted with the help of three strange penguins who are invisible to everyone except for them. Their search leads them to a girl named Ringo, who has a mysterious diary that can apparently “change fate”. Believing this to be the penguindrum, Shouma gets heavily involved with Ringo’s schemes to chase her one true love, Tabuki, who also happens to be the twins’ teacher. (Which, inevitably, ends in disaster lmao.) As the series goes on the themes get darker, as the twins discover more about their parents’ past and their involvement with a terrorist act many years ago. 
I should warn you that while MP is VERY good, it definitely gets…weirder as it progresses, and darker, like I said. There’s a couple triggers I should warn ya’ll about if you plan to watch it: (minor) incest (Kanba kisses Himari in the first episode and that’s like. The extent of it), attempted rape (a character wants to become pregnant with a guy’s child, but they’re stopped before they can go through with it, and there’s also another one with two women), terrorism, sexual and physical abuse, and…I think that’s it? Wow I honestly forgot how dark this series is tgnakdsasda
Anyway I highly suggest it, it’s one of my favorites, but it’s definitely…strange, and not for everyone. You have to have a certain taste to really take to MP, but I promise it’s worth it, especially since Shouma is baby and I would do anything for him and his stupid pretty long eyelashes
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I love these boys so much they’re so sTUPID
This one’s 24 episodes!
This one is absolutely ADORABLE and soft and a very feel-good anime. If you wanna sit down and relax with a lighthearted series with romance and slice of life definitely go with this one!
The series is about a girl named Kobato who wants to fulfill a lifetime wish of going to the place she wishes to go. It isn’t really specified where until the end of the series so I won’t spoil ;) In order to do so she has to collect the healed fragments of people’s hearts inside of a bottle. However, she has a time limit–one year to complete the task. Unfortunately, Kobato is ditzy and naive, which leads her into a whole bunch of troublesome situations, and this makes it hard for her to connect with people. She’s guided by her partner, a little dog plush toy named Ioryogi, who was apparently cursed and trapped in that form due to his meddling in the affairs of the heavens. If Kobato completes her mission, Ioryogi will also be allowed to return to his original form. Kobato soon learns that being herself–honest, kind, and sweet, is the way to heal people’s hearts. She gets involved with a kindergarten and begins working there to help out the principal, Sayaka. Also part of the kindergarten is Fujimoto, a very handsome yet sarcastic man who is very closed off from everyone. As the series progresses, Fujimoto’s initial irritation and annoyance with Kobato fades away, and they start falling in love. 
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They’re so cute I LOVE THEM 😫
This one is 24 episodes as well!
Of course I’m going to suggest Senyuu do ya’ll even KNOW ME
For those of you who don’t know, Senyuu is one of my all time favorite series in existence–unfortunately the anime doesn’t even cover the good parts of it, as it only adapts part 1, which is just the beginning of the whole mess. I’m still going to recommend it nonetheless!
Senyuu’s about a hero named Alba and the royal soldier assigned to him, Ros! Alba’s more of a wannabe than anything, and can barely hold his own against super low level slimes. He’s sarcastic and witty and acts as the straight man in a comedy routine with Ros. Ros, on the other hand, is sadistic, snaky and rude, and his favorite pastime is teasing Alba incessantly. Together the two of them are out on an adventure to find the Demon Lord, who was apparently sealed away a thousand years ago by the Legendary Hero Creasion. The Demon Lord released tons of monsters into the human world, causing problems for everyone. When they do encounter the Demon Lord, however, they discover that she’s actually the granddaughter of the original Demon Lord, and that the appearing monsters were caused by a mere accident. Alba and Ros decide to help the girl, Rchi, find all of the monsters and send them back to the Demon World where they belong. They go after the Big Twelve, the most powerful demons in existence, and end up in a lot of trouble regarding a conspiracy in the kingdom!
Senyuu’s basically a comedy until the last few episodes where shit gets Real and secrets are revealed! If you enjoy the anime and want to know what happens next DEFINITELY read the webcomic, part 2 is my personal favorite and where a whole bunch of crazy plot twists happen. 
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There’s 26 episodes, they’re only about 5 minutes a piece, so you could finish the entire anime in about 2 hours 👌
And that should be a good start for now :0c If you guys need more suggestions hmu again, I’m happy to share my good collection of shows to watch ;)
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kimamanitranslate · 4 years
Filled It With My Feelings Text Translation
Sorry it took so long, but I finished the text translation of Filled It With My Feelings, the Senyuu 10th anniversary book! I didn’t translate the Season 1 Episode 1 redraw though because I’m sure we can all recite what happens in there by heart at this point. 
As it’s an illustration book, the translation is meant to be read along with the pictures - you can purchase the digital PDF of the book at hiaruron.booth.pm/items/2329424. You should be able to purchase it through PayPal or some international credit cards.
I’ve included the text under the cut, but you can also read it on the Google Docs here. 
Please note I do not give permission to anyone to use this translation for scanlations. There’s a reason why I’m posting this as a text translation rather than as a scanlation - it reads perfectly fine along with the raw book.
However, feel free to use this for text-only translations to different languages, just send me a message about it.
Page 1
Title: Filled It With My Feelings 10th. senyu.
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<no text>
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[Panel 1] SFX (Slime): *squeak* SFX (sword): *slam*
[Text Paragraph]
The story of Senyu first arrived on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 at 12:39 PM. Naturally, at that point, the name “Senyu” didn’t yet exist - a email was sent to my inbox entitled “A discussion about a new project.”
It was a rather vague email with few details, but at the time, I  was working as a day labourer in a certain distribution centre in Tokyo’s Ota Ward. As I hauled around boxes, my days were filled with uneasy thoughts of my future- I gave up on becoming a mangaka, I started work at an anime company but I quit there too, what am I going to do from now on? So I pounced on that vague email- Maybe this will shine some clarity into my life!
Senyu. was the product borne out of that email, and to my great appreciation, it really did shine clarity into my life. My future, which had been dark and uneasy, was illuminated bright by the light of Senyu. I would like to say that was why I made the protagonist’s name “Alba” - which means dawn - but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. I only learned the meaning of Alba’s name later - it was a total coincidence. 
Anyways, a lot has happened, but it’s now Senyu’s tenth anniversary.
Thank you very much. I never thought that I could continue for this long. This is all thanks to all of you, for supporting me all this way. 
Senyu. is a part of my life at this point - I don’t plan to end it any time soon, so I will be counting on everyone for their continued support.
Haruhara Robinson.
Page 4
While this may be obvious, the character I’ve spent the most time with in this work no longer feels like a mere “character” to me. 
He had a beta design with bangs. But since I thought he might seem more cheerful with his forehead showing, I settled on his current design. I intended to give him a haircut that was similar to characters like Kirimaru, but my lack of artistic skills at the time ended up giving him a hairstyle with a bizarre composition. 
I struggle now with how to draw his hair well.
Hero Symbol
I’ve always liked the idea of accessories that had the symbol of a hero, so wanting to have the same concept in my own work, I did my best to think up a design. I was really happy when it came out as merch.
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His backstory is really something!
I feel like he carried the entirety of Senyu’s serious plotlines on his back. I thought of Senyu. as like a story that uses the protagonist Alba to give the completed story of Hero Sion a happy ending? 
There were times when I was drawing things out that I thought, He feels kinda pitiful? But then in the story, Ros says, “Don’t judge people as pitiful by your own standards,” so then I thought, I-I’m sorry.
His equipment at the start was supposed to be like a machine that let him whip around his heavy sword like it was nothing, but everything ended before I explained any of that.
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At the start, I just thought of her as a cute little girl. But gradually, she grew darker and darker, and by now, the dark aspects of her personality are a part of what makes her unique as a character.
Her hair accessory often disappears. Near the start, there was the explanation that it was confiscated when they were arrested, but beyond that it’s just because I forgot to draw it.
There was an explanation for why she was naked under her cloak during her first appearance, but I’ve forgotten it. I believe it was because since she was camping outside, she washed herself outside as well but her clothes were blown away by the wind - so she wrapped an old cloth around herself…?
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The name “Foyfoy” was decided by an audience poll. At first, I was planning to make him Chinese-inspired, but before I realized it that concept had disappeared. His mark is leftover from that original idea.
Foyfoy’s hairstyle is one I drew often when I was a student. I often gave rivals or secondary main characters this hairstyle. 
I’m glad I could draw a design like this in an official work.
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A character drawn specifically with boobs that a Haruhara who was too embarrassed to draw boobs drew because “I can’t run from boobs!” The reason why I stopped drawing her midway through isn’t because of my embarrassment, but because I wasn’t used to drawing them, so since I never practiced it, I forgot how to.
TL: This is written with the kanji for “Princess” rather than the katakana for “Hime” as her name is usually written.
She was meant to be a cute, elegant girl, so it shocked me when she immediately ended up as a violent character from her first appearance.
Since I hadn’t decided on a name for her, in the anime her name was listed as ???. I caused trouble for the anime staff.
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I can’t help but feel that eldery soldiers are cool. When I was doodling for fun, I often drew eldery soldiers.
I thought of a development where a cute girl pops out from a nice big suit of armour, so I created the Himendam.
At the time, I thought, “This is a pretty unusual development, it’s great!” but now that I think back on it, it’s actually pretty common.
The first monster to appear. The first monster you fight should be a slime! Slimes should be blue! I’ve been influenced by Dragon Quest in that way.
I had this child of mine show up as your standard old monster in order to increase the impact of the panda who would show up right after.
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While I honestly have no idea why the minister is always standing next to the king, usually that’s the case in RPGs, right? 
So I had him stand next to the king in the same way. I feel as though his overall image is influenced by Magical Circle Guru Guru’s Kaya. While I hadn’t realized it while designing him, Kaya’s design affected me unconsciously.
The King
His whole thing was “a super serious old man that makes a stupid face during funny scenes,” but before I realized it, his stupid face became his default expression.
He just may be the nastiest character in the series, considering he wrapped up the entire world in his schemes for his own personal desires.
Mob Characters
The mob characters in my work tend to have this face. I like how they tend to make cutting comments while having non-descript faces.
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When Ros’ design went from complicated equipment to this thing, I was shocked at how much easier it was to draw.
I think this thing was what triggered me striving for easiness in my work. Can I blame everything on this thing instead of me? 
Just kidding, it’s all my fault.
Fake Foyfoy
If you don’t make careful enough observations, you can’t make a perfect disguise, and you end up in an idiotic costumed-character-like disguise. I wanted to use this plot device a few times more after this, but I didn’t have any chance to use it at all.
Haruhara happens to have had a stuffed animal for as long as he can remember, and he still has it since he’s never been able to throw it away. I feel as though that stuffed animal served as the model for Mii-chan. In terms of his colour and overall atmosphere.
But my stuffed animal isn’t a pervert like him!
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A delinquent overflowing with manliness. What’s with his hairstyle, I wonder. It’s actually pretty easy to draw. 
He just might never lose against anyone so long as he thinks, “There’s no way I can lose.”
I stuffed in everything my little sister likes into his appearance. “Straight-cut bangs, black-haired, one-eyed, droopy eyes.” But it isn’t as though I went and got her feedback directly so she might just tell me, “He’s not my type at all.”
I chose his personality based on my tastes- “A kind idiot.”
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I thought of a “butler who doesn’t obey orders” around the same time as a “soldier who doesn’t listen to what you say.”
I wanted to have him appear at some point in the future, but then I saw a book called The After-Dinner Mysteries in a book store, which made me think- “M-m-m-m-maybe this book has a butler who doesn’t obey orders as well?!” So I panicked, ran back home, and drew out the head butler’s story. 
That’s why the head butler’s story was shoved in out of nowhere.
I read The After-Dinner Mysteries after I wrote in all the butler plot devices I wanted to use, and it was interesting.
At the start, Ros had his three burrs hairstyle so his design was differentiated from Teufel’s, but from Season 2 forwards I struggled with differentiating them. 
So Teuf-kun has been going through some small design changes, a bit at a time.
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Before Dwango reached out to me, there was a manga I thought up with the plot “a zoo with an easily deceived curator.”
I planned to have a nisepanda appear in that work. The plot device was, “They thought it was a panda, but they were given a mysterious lifeform instead.”
Death Hot Dog-kun
A character that was born during the enthusiastic atmosphere during a meeting with my editor.
We happened to be eating hot dogs during the meeting.
I barely ever have these meetings for my other works, but for Senyu, I’ve been having meetings like this for years. So through sheer enthusiasm and cheer, things like mysterious characters and plot devices end up being created during the meetings.
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Mysterious characters in manga often show up with their face cast in shadows. Dezember was born because I thought, “Why not make those shadows real?” But he ended up as a cooler character than I expected, using his shadows to attack and such.
I wanted to base him off of a toy for future plot developments, but I’m really glad I decided to based him off of dice. He became a really good character.
I think he’s actually a really nice person.
My editor for Main Quest really liked August, so whenever they got the chance they tried to push for more August.
A character that’s rather rare for Senyuu - one that just genuinely does bad things for bad reasons. I planned to draw her as really evil so you could tell she was a bad person, but she ended up just casually munching on bread - it really surprised me.
Back when his only appearance was a silhouette, I just wanted to make people think of that character at first. But now that I really think about the design I thought up for him after - isn’t he pretty cute?
Just like Foyfoy, I often drew characters with this hairstyle back when I was a student. I usually gave it to trustworthy ally characters. I like his design and personality quite a bit - sorry I haven’t used you much…
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The Shadows
It’s super cool to be able to split your body for each die face. I also feel like it’s a great character setting that each split has his own personality. A thought just crossed my mind - couldn’t I draw a manga just based around the Dezembers’ home life? 
...I guess it would end up like Osomatsu-san...? 
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I wanted to use the concept that she was old despite her looks because she was a demon, so I had her dentures fly out - but now that I think about it, there’s other old demon characters, including some characters older than Zwei. So that would make her dentures a result of her own problematic lifestyle, not because of her old age…
Wanna Stab~
A mob among mobs, who ranked high in a popularity poll. I shall now grant him a name - “Phoenix the Rich”.
The stuff on his shoulder does some mysterious things, preventing his body from turning as well when the drill turns.
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The Great Mage
The cape he wears is very warm. His research assistants gifted him the cape as a present for his birthday sometime in his later years of life, as they were worried about his health. That’s why Alba always wears the cape.
He’s meant to be someone who knows the secrets of the world - but I can’t count the number of times I considered whether it would be better to just make him a regular old funny character. Good on you for surviving through all that, Elf!
While I did want there to be a “Elf’s best friend” character, I hadn’t thought about his name at all. So when it came time for him to appear, I really struggled with it. I wanted to make his name like Alba and Ros (Albatross) or Salt and Lake (Salt Lake)…
I may have struggled the most with Alf’s name among all my characters, considering I usually just pick names on instinct. 
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Salt and Lake and Lym
The Hero Academy trio. At first, I planned for Salt to become the Demon Lord, but when I sat down to draw everything out, Lake ended up in that role - it really shocked me.
I had always planned for the story to shift from the adventure setting of Seasons 1 and 2 to the school setting of Season 3. Though the end result is completely different from what I imagined. 
Season 3 was really fun to draw since it defied my expectations at every turn.
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I wanted to draw a pathetic older man. I also want his scar to be because of some pathetic reason like “He tripped at a bar.”
I reused the soldier design I thought up prior to thinking up Alba and Ros. He’s a little older than Rchi.
Justice is her ally. In other words, I wanted to make a character where no matter what she does, “I’m doing it, so it’s just!”
But it was too difficult to figure out how to deal with a character like that, so I ended up just making a regular old hotheaded reckless character. 
In the end though, she ended up as a character I quite like.
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A character who loves money. Since I love characters who love money, he’s a character that’s fun to use. It doesn’t actually have to be money, I like characters true to their own desires in general.
He was originally meant to be a silent character, but I got the urge to make him talk right before I was going to send in the manuscript. Since I wouldn’t make it if I typesetted his speech, I wrote his lines myself. By writing his lines in a way that can only be expressed through handwriting, I made it seem like I planned that from the start.
I made his speech typesetted again after I did that plot where he speaks super eloquently. 
Rib Man
He requires no explanation! 
It was funny when he moved in the anime.
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Sochi and Co.
There’s a game called Medabots - in that game, a character called Samantha leads a three-person team called the Screws. I’ve always liked that team since I was a kid. And then, I learned that my editor for Senyu was close with people who were involved with creating the original Medabots. So I had my editor tell them, “I want to put in characters I respect! Please leave it be!” 
Please google the Screws that I respect, I respect them.
I had vaguely thought up what was going to happen until the end of season 4 of Senyu. But since I’ve done everything I originally thought up, F5 - which I’m drawing now - is all based on plot developments I thought up in +. 
-I’ve been saying that for a while now. Lucop as well was just a throwaway joke at first. But as I started moving him around, amazing developments like “Huh? No way… you had a past like this…?” burst out of him, and so he became the current Lucop.
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A travelling doctor. As he treats his patients, he’s also searching for a cure to Mom’s mysterious disease. He’s a completely normal person with no special powers. He wanted Alba to become strong through his own power, not through familial connections.
A mother who adores her children. I think it’s pretty amazing that she managed to raise Lake up herself and send him off to school despite being blown off to a mysterious place out of nowhere.
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Rchimedes the Second and his wife
Rchimedes the Second and his wife. (T/N: Yes, it’s written twice.)
Daromeon-san, who’s currently illustrating Kengan Ashura, was the one to draw the ridiculously beautiful backgrounds in the flashback arc in Season 2 when the Second was imprisoned. When I complained that I couldn’t draw it, he drew me amazingly beautiful.backgrounds. 
The Second’s design is based off of a mysterious preconception I have that “Demon Lords should wear raggedy capes.” Mama’s design is based on those soothing, kind moms you often see in anime.
The Mana Maker that he holds in this picture isn’t any particular Mana Maker. I just wanted to let a Mana Maker show up in a group picture.
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While he’s tremendously evil, he ended up being quite loved. The Senyu characters I designed near the start wear clothes that I would never design now - I really think it’s amazing. Why did I dress him up in a jumpsuit when I decided to draw a Demon Lord?
On a side note, I imagined that the white part of his clothes peels off smoothly like tape if you pull at it from his neck. 
Since he took back his body from Rchimedes, his height shouldn’t have changed, but for some reason he mysteriously shrunk. 
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In a way, the story of these three marks the start of Senyu. Originia comes from me messing around with the the word “Original”. 
Rchimedes' scariest era just might be when he was living alone with Sion in Originia. Even though at first glance, it seems like he was living a peaceful, cheerful life with Sion, though occasionally getting beat up by him. But in reality, just what was he thinking deep inside, as he lived out his life, watching Crea and Sion?
Since I’m the author, I can generally imagine what my characters think just by thinking about it. But when it comes to Rchimedes during this time, all that comes to mind is “Scary scary scary”, and I can’t really think any further in detail.
I’m often asked “What’s Rchimedes’ original eye colour?”, but I think it was probably blue. I feel like I drew his eyes as blue somewhere, but I can’t remember…
Crea’s clothes slung around his shoulders that don’t fall off for whatever reason are actually sewn on - that’s why they don’t fall off. Crea sewed it on himself. While his threadwork is rough, it’s very sturdy. I think it’s wild and cool.
I showed a bit of what Sion did in the main story, but he generally did things like hauling supplies for hunting, looking far in the distance since his eyes are good, and going shopping in far-off cities for the village. Things like that.
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The two from Season 4 Episode 0
The two from Elf and Alf’s universe. Since Rchimedes’ magic research hasn’t progressed that much, they mostly fight with brute force. Since Crea never had his body stolen, he’s doing well. (He’s not doing well at all.)
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When I was a kid, I read in a manga, “‘Hero’ isn’t something you call yourself - it’s a title you’re granted by others.” I remember thinking, “I see, that certainly makes sense,” and agreeing with it. I also thought, “While you generally think of heroes as being brave and splendid, the person who’s actually adventuring might not be able to stand expectations like that sometimes.”
Creasion may be a character borne out of those feelings of mine.
Ros, please have tons of sweets and smile tons as well.
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When I thought of the name “Sleepiez” in Senyu+, I didn’t think much of it except “There’s an anti-Alba organization”. I also planned for Boss to be a new character. But after I took the time to think about it properly, the Sleepiez in their current form were born.
Thanks to the current Sleepiez being created, F5 was able to start even though I thought before “I’ve already done everything I want to do with Senyu, I can’t make another proper season.”
If there was no Sleepiez, I feel like + would’ve lazily continued, then at some good cut-off point, I feel like I would’ve been told, “Do you think it’s about time to end it?”
A tenth anniversary for example… it would’ve been a good cut-off point… how scary!
I can’t write about most of the Sleepiez members just yet, so I’ll be talking about Boss as their representative. 
Boss is an alternate universe’s Alba, so despite being Boss, he’s still Alba, and so I want to make him feel like Alba still. But since he’s Boss he can’t retort or make jokes, since it would ruin his dignity. So at the very least, I gave him Alba’s fashion sense to keep his Alba feel. Since his heart stained black and he became evil, his fashion sense naturally became eviller as well, but he’s still Alba, the base is still Alba. He’s wearing clothes that kinda feel like a middle schooler who just discovered fashion for the first time, like he hasn’t managed to go full evil in terms of clothes just yet.
Now I can keep Boss as Boss while still giving him an Alba feel! ...is what I thought, but… does he actually still have that feel…?
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Alba with Mana 
It made me happy that my wish for my protagonist to become the strongest at the end was granted. I thought up a lot of reasons for why only one of his eyes is red, like how it’s because his awakening is still incomplete, etc., but the number one reason is “it’s cool.” 
A single red eye is cool, right?! It’s cool right?!
Now that he can use his mana to some extent, he controls his overwhelming mana to hold it back, so his eyes are both back to black now.
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SQ Senyuu.
I had this conversation once-
Y-san from Dwango told me, “I want to take Senyu to a magazine to have it serialized!” 
I thought it would be awesome if it actually happened, so I approved it. Then I was like, “If you do take it to a magazine, where would you take it?”
Then Y-san responded, “Well, if you say ‘magazine’, you think Jump.”
And I was like, “Nah nah, Jump would be impossible, ahahaha.”
I never thought that Y-san would actually bring me an offer for serialization in Jump - Y-san was way too capable. Since my personal experience with Jump all started from there, I’m really grateful!
Pages 36-43
<Season 1 Episode 1 redraw>
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Since I’ve remade Senyu Episode 1 many times before, I thought that I would never remake it again. But then I thought- why don’t I remake Episode 1 at the exact time it was originally released ten years ago, as celebration! So I ended up remaking it again.
But I think it may be my first time remaking it without changing any of the jokes or content.
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celialestial · 4 years
Okay. Well, if I’m being honest, this episode was not the greatest. This is also the first analysis I’ve made for a show, at least that I’m posting. We’ll see how this goes. Strap in, this is going to be long. 
I think we have all learned by now that Jamie-focused episodes are never the strongest. I find it a bit ironic that in a show called Jamie Johnson, the least interesting character is Jamie himself. 
We finally saw the end of the, dare I say, idiotic Under-13s subplot. The classic “arguing friends are trapped in a room together until they make-up” trope was used to its, not fullest, but decent potential. The greatest part of this episode was the fact that their eighth-grade drama was resolved; that and the ten seconds of screentime Dillon received. Liam continues to prove that he has still not grown. Here’s my analysis of his development:
[I was going to insert a clever chart of his nonexistent growth, but I’m too lazy, sorry. Here’s a paragraph about it instead:]
Liam needs to learn that manipulating people and pretending to have changed is not maturity, it’s being an asshole. He has a terrible father, that’s true, but Dillon managed to change. Nothing has ever truly been at stake for Liam. He’s been able to lie and manipulate others to get out of all the trouble he’s caused. He was given a second chance to play with the Under-13s and has continued to use those around him in order to seem, I don’t know. Big? Powerful? All he has done is made the Three Musketeers dislike him even more. He has done absolutely nothing to earn their trust. I could go on and on about Liam Simmonds, which I suppose proves he’s an interesting character (that’s more than I can say about some people *cough* Jamie *cough*). 
Eric learns that Aisha has feelings for him too. Yay! He also learns that Aisha is much smarter and more mature than him, choosing to step back and give him time to be with his friends. Yay? Freddie has been incredibly weird this season. I can’t tell if he genuinely liked Aisha as more than a friend, or if he thought he was supposed to, given how much Eric liked her. This entire storyline comprised of way too much unnecessary drama. Looking at Instagram comments, however, it seems that it was very popular among younger kids. I suppose I am a bit too old to be criticizing middle school relationship drama in a children’s show. Poor Alba was practically thrown to the dogs in favor of a petty love triangle. All of their problems were wrapped up so neatly, it felt a bit uncomfortable. Like they didn’t deserve this ending. 
I don’t know if it’s just me, but something about this episode seemed off. When comparing it to other episodes with similar premises, the lack of emotion and genuineness becomes obvious. Take episode 10, for example, there were many (and I mean many) subplots. It was a little all over the place. And yet, the end of the episode left me feeling bittersweet, intrigued, and wanting more. This episode didn’t do that. I am sick of Jamie’s bullshit and tired of this dumb love triangle. Thankfully, the latter is complete now. 
Onto Jamie’s storyline:
1) I told y’all Jetpac11 would be Jethro! These are some big brain hours.
2) This boy is supposed to be the TITLE character. His storyline is meant to be the most in depth, the most interesting, and, above all else, the most entertaining. It is none of those things. The stakes are supposed to be high, and they are, but they don’t feel like it? He supposedly lost his place at Hawkstone over a goddamn video game. Why don’t I feel anything except contempt? If not frustration at Jamie, then frustration at Ian, who I suppose I should be used to by now. Everyone says Jamie should know better than to trust him after all he’s done. That he should just listen to Mike. Obviously that’s true, but Ian was on his side, not the other way around. Ian enabled Jamie and allowed him to make a stupid decision, one that has huge consequences. Ian didn’t tell Jamie to keep playing for his own gain, well, kind of. He let Jamie keep playing because he though it would make him happy and regain his trust. It’s the same reason Mike lied to Hawkstone. Both adults displayed extremely poor judgement, Ian just far more so, as always. I must admit that I have zero interest in video games. I also have zero interest in soccer (or, rather, football). Yet this show keeps me interested in the matches and invested in the characters. They have failed at maintaining my interest in this video gaming storyline. Part of this could be because I find Jamie boring and repetitive, or maybe he simply seems that way due to the plethora of vastly more compelling side characters. All I have learned from this is that Jamie is a pretty terrible friend, a poor judge of character, and impulsive. These are all faults he has had since season 1, except he used to be a genuinely decent friend. He has grown more self-involved and one-sighted (and one-sided, as in one-dimensional, or you could take it literally, seeing as one leg is currently out of commission). I get that he was hit by a car and his leg is broken. He doesn’t see a future in soccer for himself anymore. Mike is right, though, he should be focused on getting better and being able to play again. I don’t even like Mike most of the time -- I honestly find him fairly annoying, although this may be due to the acting -- but he is the only sane one in the Johnson family right now. Both of Jamie’s parents are enabling him and Mike has too, though only for around an episode and a half. I am so happy this storyline will be resolved next week. I am sure we will still be left with a cliffhanger at the end, as with every season. 
Dillon also got a bit of screentime in this episode (wow, a whole twenty seconds!). I really do like the way the writers are portraying how conflicted he is. He is torn between living a lie or risking his future as a professional player. I understand why they introduced Elliot. He was Dillon’s first crush and I think he was necessary for Dillon to come to terms with his sexuality. Where they messed up with Elliot, however, is by entirely removing him from the show after he fulfilled his purpose of giving Dillon the strength to come out. Just as @mcustorm said, he was a plot device and it was out of character for him to out Dillon. I could probably write a whole essay about how dirty both Elliot and Kat were done. The only way using exclusively Ruby to further Dillon’s storyline would’ve worked was if they kept the whole “Ruby has a crush on Dillon” thing from season 4. Doing that would likely ruin their entire dynamic as best friends and make things awkward. If they had done that and made, say Harry or Michel his first crush, they wouldn’t need Elliot to be Dillon’s first real crush. Although, Dillon was only around 11 or 12, and most real crushes don’t hit until 13-14, at least in my experience. Also if they had ruined Dillon and Ruby’s dynamic, then Dillon would have no real support system. I can’t really see Ruby abandoning Dillon over this, though, even if she had an unrequited crush. 
Next week should wrap up both Jamie’s and Dillon’s storylines. It will also be the final episode of season 5! A lot to look forward to and a lot to be absolutely terrified of, not to mention the fact that season 6 production has been postponed for obvious reasons. 
It’s the end of the Under-13s drama! And possibly the end of Aisha, knowing how JJ deals with its newly irrelevant characters.
Jamie is being stupid and probably lost his chances of getting into Hawkstone. Or maybe not, considering he’s the protagonist of a kid’s show. JJ does have a habit of dealing out real consequences, though, so who knows.
Dillon got... something? He’s feeling conflicted, which is entirely natural, especially at this stage in his coming out. 
Next week is the last episode! Stay tuned for more, I guess. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this type of proper analysis. 
17 notes · View notes
mcustorm · 4 years
Thoughts on Jamie Johnson 5x12
Honestly, a lot of shit went down this episode. Jamie turns his annoyingness dial up to 11, Jetpac11 is revealed, Jamie’s ain’t-shit daddy returns, the under-13′s finally are forced to confront their issues, and Dillon’s...closeted. Which believe me, is enough stress in and of itself.
How did Jamie Johnson go wrong today? Well let me count the ways. 
Giving Jethro so much attention. First of all, wow to Jetpac11 actually being Jethro, that little shit. Sometimes, I guess the most obvious answer is the right answer. But Jamie of all people should know that Jethro is a total loser. You’ve got Jethro talking shit over here and Howard Royle over there, mad and with your entire career in the palm of his hand. Why even give Jethro the time of day? He’s a LOSER.
Even entertaining his ain’t-shit dad. The fact that Jamie’s dad was egging Jamie on versus Mike’s suggestion that they go to Hawkstone should have sent off alarm bells in Jamie’s head. But noooo, Jamie sides with his dad *again*. What was the point of the montage in the recap episode from the hospital if Jamie’s gonna do the same song and dance with his dad every time?
Lying to Hawkstone. Now that was just dumb on everybody’s part, especially Mike. When that happened I went, “Oh, so he’s gonna lose his spot in the club.” Why lie in such a public area? Why lie when people like Jethro are literally right there, who will clearly sabotage you any way they can?
So I don’t feel sorry for Jamie even a little bit. Hope you win the tournament tho!
I had a realization today, by the way. The actor who plays Jamie’s dad looks really similar to Stannis Baratheon, who also happens to be a very, very shitty father. Also, every time Jamie’s dad shows up Jamie should ask him how that other son of his is doing. Remember him? That’s a quick way to determine just how ain’t-shit his dad is going to be for the day.
The number one takeaway that I had from Dillon’s scenes this week was: remember Elliot? Remember how I said that Elliot outing Dillon (which was totally out of character, by the way) was only a plot device so that Dillon can now confide in Ruby?
Well, we see that in full swing this week. It just makes you wonder why Elliot couldn’t have been in Ruby’s place this week. It makes you wonder why Elliot was even a character in the first place, besides being Dillon’s gay Obi-Wan Kenobi. Then you realize that Elliot’s was never going to be anything but Dillon’s gay Obi-Wan. Finally, you figure out that there’s no way these writers intended on bringing Elliot back. He was simply going to vanish, just like Kenobi.
I mean, Ruby’s parents are gay. They could’ve written this “Ruby thinks Dillon’s homophobic but eventually helps him in his own gay journey” without creating Elliot’s character. But whatever, go ahead, frustrate our shipping hearts.
But I digress. Dillon wants to be out, because while it’s harder, it’s also easier. He’ll know for sure where he stands if he comes out. That’s relatable.
I think it would’ve been cool if the eighth graders’ drama had been a fully spooky-toned episode, in the vein of Scooby-Doo. Anyways, the eighth graders are doing the whole “we’ve gotta be in this jank room, but along the way we’ll come together” schtick, Breakfast Club style.
I respect Aisha’s decision to remove herself from the equation to help out the trio’s friendship. My only thing is, the problems with those three did not begin with Aisha, but she doesn’t know that. However, Freddie seems to be cool with Eric-Aisha so hopefully if she still feels some kind of way about Eric, they’ll be a thing.
The three musketeers made up again, thank God. Eric and Freddie finally learning about Alba’s adoption? Love to see it. Eric saying that he’s alone before Alba promptly shuts that down? Really love to see it. Alba dismissing Liam as simply a teammate? We really love to see it!
So we’ll see how long it is before they all turn on each other/Eric again. 
Next week: the end of the Phoenix Saga! See what I did there?
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*grabs a tissue and wipes at tears*
that’s the end of s5 folks
we’re just gonna do this chronologically because i don’t even know where to begin besides the start so . . . yeah
starting off with this shot
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(sorry it’s such bad quality)
i almost fell off my bed
enough said
oof, okay, jamie vs mike. 
i may be crucified for this, but i actually think there’s some truth in what jamie said about mike wanting him to go to hawkstone because he couldn’t. 
mike has always been very invested in jamie’s football/soccer career, always helping him train, buying him equipment, offering to coach. and yes, of course, having a supportive parent/guardian is amazing and not everyone is lucky enough to have that. but as the seasons have gone on, some of the things mike says/does makes me think his intentions aren’t simply: “i want to be supportive for jamie.” 
i first think of that time that jamie was planning to go to foxborough (that’s such a weird sentence, oh my god). the coaches there didn’t want their players to have any outside coaching, and mike got pissed at that. now why would someone who’s been such an advocate for jamie getting proper coaching and becoming a professional get annoyed at a club who is offering to get him to that point (now, that isn’t to say foxborough are angels. i have issues there as well)?
and what sort of solidified this for me was his reaction here:
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saying that he’s supported him through everything may be true, but it’s all been in the realm of football. jamie has never been interested in anything else (whether he’s been exposed to anything else and encouraged to do anything else is unknown) and so mike really has only been able to support him in football. he doesn’t do anything else.
and now that he’s found something that he wants to do (or thinks he does, but i’ll get onto that) that doesn’t align with football, mike’s hands off. not, in fact, because he thinks jamie is throwing his career away, but because he thinks he’s throwing HIS career away. he’s lived vicariously through jamie and his successes and now that jamie is going after something that isn’t “real football,” he can’t support it. because he doesn’t really support jamie. he just wants him to do the things he didn’t get to do.
even more so, his reaction to this i thought added to this:
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hearing that howard royale was going to let him go anyway, he’s shocked. and i think he’s always thought in his head that jamie’s been a literal prodigy, someone unbeatable. yes, jamie is a wonderful player. but he’s not unstoppable. and so when karen logically points out how hawkstone are not going to put all their eggs in jamie’s basket, he starts to realize that jamie’s just a kid. an amazingly talented kid, but not a medium he can reverse his regrets through. and i think that this is what inspires him to go and support him at his competition: he’s his grandson first, and a football player second.
i just have to ignore ian at this point because . . . he sucks
dillon thinking the vibes are off at foxborough, providing an opportunity for him to stay at northport . . . 
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(i am so sorry this is such an ugly screenshot)
i also couldn’t help but think of andi mack when dillon talked about coming out to phoenix:
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soft girlfriends stretching together
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i thought the moment between alba and zoe was really sweet actually - maybe in s6 they’ll get alba another girl to play with?
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duncan turning over a new leaf and being not an asshole? we like to see it. also i really liked this shot for some reason
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i’m really excited to see dillon at northport and see what he gets up to there. hopefully duncan hasn’t fooled us all and he’s really being genuine. 
okay, guess we have to talk about the world fifa cup (i’m sorry, but i can’t believe that freaking jethro and jamie are the best in the world. but i digress)
the interactions between jethro and jamie were kind of weak in my opinion - like, you’re also a failed footballer, jethro, don’t know what point you’re trying to make with that. it just felt very . . . weird. rehashing something that really didn’t need to be brought back.
the whole auditorium and everything felt more for cinematic effect, trying to have some big venue for the finale. unfortunately, from what i know in this tumblr community, this was the storyline we were least interested in, and yet they put (probably) the most money into it. kind of unfortunate.
i think i saw someone mention this but i thought i’d bring it up again: the game switching between fake players and then the actors actually playing.
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so, you know, kind of odd.
there were a lot of moments in this entire event where they were building up certain things, but i think it doesn’t have a remotely comparable intensity as to when the gang were all playing together in, say, the gothia cup. i think the issue is that we have no attachment to the video game, the players (even though sometimes they’re the characters), or jamie at this point, honestly. so while i get what they were going for (i think), i think both the way they went about it and the characters they did it with led to it being kind of a flop, at least for me. 
let’s just say, i wasn’t jumping out of my seat waiting to see if a character that has been an asshole to a lot of his friends and ignored his family for multiple episodes can score a goal on a random video game.
i need to make a post about jamie (i’ll do that next) because this is way too long already to fit that in. essentially, though, i think that jamie never really liked playing this video game.
controversial, i know.
i’m sorry, but
why the fuck is karen letting ian take jamie literally anywhere
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when i saw this i genuinely thought jamie was gonna jump out of the goddamn plane and break his entire body but obviously that didn’t happen
we don’t talk about the flashbacks to all of his wins because that just makes me sad and want to cry and they grew up so much and-
rewind a bit for dillon’s storyline
dillon’s dad goes from this:
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to this:
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which was a bit of a 180 but i also get that we needed resolution with their storyline. i guess my only criticism is that some of the things that his dad says are so intense and extreme, that a redemption arc afterwards is difficult. 
i was really proud of dillon for this:
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i am genuinely so excited to see what happens in s6, his storyline is something that not only i am passionate about, but i think has been done with the most care and emotion. i think this whole thing has so much more room for development so fingers crossed we get to see that in s6 
i was so happy to see this as well:
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he gave him TWO kisses!!!! it was just very wholesome, and while i haven’t forgiven him completely (this literally has nothing to do with me, lmao, but i assume dillon hasn’t either) i think (i hope) he’s really trying to change and be a supportive figure in dillon’s life for once.
and liam teasing him was cute
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we are NOT crying
ahh this is such bad quality but that little tap on the stomach (see right)
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and then this.
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and then the turn of the camera from him to everyone else  . . i just can’t deal. that was really beautiful actually.
we have a whole load of feelings but maybe i’ll save that for another post.
but also:
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*approves in lesbian*
and then the music and the shotsssssssssss
and then
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s6 finale?
i’m just a mess and i was begging to my phone, “no, don’t leave me” so at least we know where i stand
i swear to fucking god if we don’t see zoe and kat in season 6 i’m throwing hands
they’re gonna have to do some work on jamie’s character because right now, it’s not looking good
elliot please come back
follow up on boggy’s anxiety/panic attacks
we should make a list of things we want in s6 and send it to bbc
i really liked this finale and i’m just so excited for more. just a big thank you to the cast and crew on this season because it has been my favorite of this show and i think they’ve done an incredible job overall. they’ve put in a lot of effort and i think we all appreciate it a lot.
i also don’t think i did this on my 5x11 review/analysis/shit writing, but i’d really like to thank @jonnie-kimmins for his acting in especially that episode. it was amazingly done and it didn’t feel over sensationalized or anything, at least from my experience with panic attacks. it felt very raw and real and i really commend everyone who was a part of that. 
i would tag the other actors but i think jonnie is the only one that’s cool enough to have made a tumblr account and then come and vibe with us hahaha
this was so long and i really didn’t analyze anything i just panicked (how on brand for me) so i hope you could bear to read it and yeah . . . let’s hope they can start/continue filming s6 soon!
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Jane the Virgin 3x04 Chapter Forty-Eight
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1)   I usually cut Xiomara some slack, but this whole flashback where “Jane leaves the nest” because her mother just got a new boyfriend and is taking her kid to leave with him? Yeah, that makes her look bad, in my opinion. It’s one of those things that the show does to shoehorn a theme and make it relevant throughout Jane’s life… but it makes it look like Xiomara took her kid to live at a stranger’s house because he had a pool? If he had been a significant person in their lives, we surely would’ve heard about him before, right?
Other than that, I think it’s an interesting premise to dive into how Jane leaving will affect everyone else.
2)   Rogelio wants to star in one of those Hallmark Christmas movies that my mom loves watching and that make me cringe so badly in order to raise his American profile, and is this the right move for you, Rogelio, my dude? I don’t think so. There must be some other way.
3)   What is this douchebag turning the Marbella into, for fuck’s sake?
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4)   Anezka/Petra just told Jane she doesn’t like her and never has, and it kind of feels good?
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Are you really that surprised, Jane?
5)   So… Petra’s silent contribution to Jane’s rent could be the thing that reveals “Petra” is actually Anezka, right? I mean, Petra is the one who made the deal and Anezka has no idea about it – just like she didn’t know about the argument between Jane and Petra had before the wedding – and hence, she hasn’t been paying Jane’s rent. If she’s confronted about it, though, she could pretend and say she just stopped paying because of the argument, right? How long can they keep Petra paralyzed, though? How come no one realizes Petra is not really Petra? To be honest, if I was her, I’d feel terrible knowing literally NO ONE notices I’m gone.
6)   Truer words have never been spoken…
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7)   First, Rob Lowe. Now, Rafael. Rogelio’s ego is getting destroyed lately.
8)   Was that… a spark?
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By the way, no wonder both Jane and Xiomara are so entitled and somewhat irresponsible. Alba just brought an old lady in a wheelchair to the Marbella just because she fancied seeing her granddaughter. Sure, lady, suit yourself. Do whatever you want while you’re on the clock.
9)   She’s not wrong.
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Of course she should be supportive, but I honestly can’t think of a more ill-fitted job for Xiomara than bank teller. I give her a day.
10) It’s America, so it sounds legit.
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11) Jane was close to figuring it out when “Petra” said she bought the house when in fact she rented it, but then she pulled the “I stopped paying because of our fight.” Instead of getting busted, she got an invite to Jane and Michael’s housewarming party.
12) On the plus side, Magda’s prison buddy just showed up and pressured Petra into following through with their plan and sell the Marbella shares or else she’ll reveal her true identity. Anezka is not an idiot, though, she couldn’t have managed to full everyone FOR MONTHS if she were.  
13) So… now that Petra’s not paying half of their rent, Michael and Jane have to cut their budget to pay for those thousand bucks. After a lot of debating, Jane suggests they should just go ask Rogelio for the rest, promising to pay him back. And while I think that’s okay, I feel it’s a bit OOC for Jane to come to that decision so quickly. She’s very proud and doesn’t like asking for help, especially when it comes to money. Although… since she’s rubbing shoulders with Rafael and Rogelio she’s occasionally taken advantage of the good life they can provide for her, so there’s also that. Is it OOC or is it completely in character?
14) Okay, now that Petra has told Rafael that she wants to sell her shares, he’s starting to notice there’s something fishy.
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15) Weird dinner party does not go well, shocks no one.
16) Not only did Xiomara last only a day, but she actually pretended to like the job before admitting to her mother that she was right. But she’s not even good at pretending because she got caught immediately, and humiliatingly. Regardless, all I can think is about the poor old lady being wheeled around the city because Alba just doesn’t give a fuck about her job.
17) Michael figured Jane lied to him about one of the items on their budget, and to be frank, I’m on his side? Jane is keeping information from him as if he was a child who can’t manage his own money, but he’s got a point. She’s been living at her grandma’s house her whole life, her dad pays for her school, Rafael covers most of Mateo’s expenses, and she “survives” on what I can only assume is a part-time job – since she’s barely at the Marbella. So she might not agree with his filing system, but he’s definitely had more experience being financially independent than she has.
18) Ouch! Jane turned down Scott’s bribe, but Lina took it? Behind Jane’s back? And screwing everyone over because of it? That’s awful!
19) OMG Rogelio is babysitting the moron and why are we having these two interact with each other just now?
20) I really enjoyed the scenes where fantasy young Jane helped Alba navigate her relationship with Xiomara since she always was the glue that stuck that family together. I think the writers nailed this one. It was a great way to show that despite Jane not living with them anymore, her influence lingers, and they both have become better persons because of it. That’s a lasting impact that doesn’t simply go away.
It led to Xiomara and Alba having one of their most honest and mature conversations in a while – Alba encouraging Xiomara to take her time finding out what she likes and Xiomara encouraging Alba to go look for her own passion now that she has her green card.  
21) Is Rogelio going to help the moron or break her? Either way, I’m in!
22) Rafael is getting slightly assaulted, isn’t he?
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23) Both, I think. He’s breaking her to help her. I hope.
I'm a terrible sister and that's why I want to drink, so that I don't feel this. (…) Because all I do is cause Rafael pain. And I think my ex-lover killed his mother. (…)  I just feel so bad, you know? My brother doesn't deserve this. No matter how many times I've failed him, he's always been there for me. And then now that he has no family, I still can't pull it together and be there for him.
Leave it to Rogelio to make me not only tolerate the most unlikable character in this show but also feel for her.
That being said, I can understand that this is why she wants to drink now, but there must be another reason why she started drinking in the first place.  
24) Why do I continue to be surprised at Rogelio being the best character in this whole show? Not only did he give the moron the best advice anyone has ever given her (“Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.”) but he also helped her decide to go to preventative rehab. And then! He told Rafael that he truly is a good person and that he should’ve seen that earlier. And after Rafael told him he was probably not getting the part in the Hallmark movie, he simply shrugged it off and said that Rafael was more important than that. I just want to hug Rogelio forever, he’s such a lovely, wholesome man!
25) It’s not a telenovela without a catfight, right?
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26) Jane and Michael finally decided to move to a smaller place until they can actually afford to move back to a bigger one. And then the narrator dropped this bit of foreshadowing…
And friends, they really believed that would happen... but we're not there yet.
Ugh, what does this mean? Will they break up? Will Michael die for real? Please tell me Jane is not getting back together with Rafael because I will culcutabitch! What other reason could there be for them not to follow through with their plans? 
27) Okay, Alba just got a job at the gift shop, so I’m guessing the spark I saw is actually there.
28) “Angels guard the sun”. Those are the words that were underlined in the Bible Rafael’s mother was clutching when she was murdered. I will not try to figure this one out, but I hope it’s something smart.
29) Anezka is fucking ruthless. She demanded Rafael give her permission to sell her shares AND that he sign his own shares over to her.
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Ya think?!
But... Of all the things, this is what gave her away? Okay, I guess…
31) While I don’t feel this is one of the most iconic episodes of this show, it was still pretty enjoyable. I especially liked the Xiomara/Alba scenes and development as well as everything Rogelio as always, particularly how he managed to be the first person to make the moron seem human. I’m very excited at the prospect of having Petra back, although I have no idea how they’re going to give closure to the whole Anezka/Magda plot. We’ll see what happens!
32) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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raymondshields · 4 years
19 through 25? :0
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
Hmmmm.... Honestly, not that I can think of? I mean characters in my head sometimes walk up and inform me they’ve committed incest again, but that doesn’t usually make it to AO3. (Shoutout to Rhada for informing me of a whole lot of shit he did with Sisyphus, who is related to him in Mirrorverse on a fucking technicality, jfc. But also Rhada’s been committing incest by way of sleeping with Gordon, aka Minos’ son, since the bronze age so.) 
I mean, I probably overuse Toby quotes, but tbh I actually can’t think of something I overuse too much. Huh.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I’ve already done this a lot (I’m actually answering this last because I’m trying to think of my favourite here), and. Hmmm. Honestly, I’m gonna go with IKM Minos, because while I have rambled about him before, only in DMs, and I haven’t talked about IKM much yet.
The thing is, I know as much about him as y’all who follow the series do. He’s very quiet in my headspace, and only ever comes out when I sit down and write him. But he’s four things. Four things, completely at odds with each other, and yet completely in harmony. He’s a griffon, he’s a Spectre, he’s noble, he’s feral. And everything he is can be summed up in those four traits.
He’s a griffon, to start. Half cat, half bird. All the casual arrogance of cats, all the flock behaviour of a bird, all the loyalty, all the insistence to guard. That’s what griffons do. They guard. And that’s his fundamental beginning: he’s a griffon, once you strip everything else away from him.
On top of that, he’s a Spectre. He’s casually cruel and vicious, very traumatized (how, I don’t know, he won’t tell me), he’s a strategist, he prioritizes his own survival but looks out for the others in his division, and he’s very very choosy about who he trusts to not hurt him, who he trusts he won’t hurt on purpose.
Then, his demon star, Nobility. This comes from the Age of Myth. He’s at ease with humans, can interact well with them, can slip around their social etiquette with grace, despite being nothing like them. He’s a little bit chivalrous, has honour enough, tries not to get too messy, actually does have a moral compass of sorts.
Lastly, he’s feral. Wild. Untethered and unforgiving and free. This is the opposite of his demon star, yes. But it is what he is, and he has no issues stripping free of his fancy clothes and running naked through the mud with nothing but fur to cover him and howling at the moon as he rips through prey with his teeth. 
Seems contrary, and indeed, he’s a very contrary person. The real joy in how those go together.
A griffon Spectre means he’ll guard his division. He doesn’t need to love them to have no option but to guard and protect them. He’s the leader of the flock, and he’ll do what needs doing. He’s cruel, he’s responsible, and he does what he needs to. This ties in well with Nobility, his star, because he has enough of a moral compass to know when he has to sacrifice someone, and how to feel bad about it, while his Spectreness allows him to not feel as bad about it as he could.
Naturally, most of the time, he’s noble, a bit fussy and imperious, likes his poetry as a way of speaking. But the more he’s hurt, the angrier he is, the more upset he is, that stripes away into his feral nature. His nobility is a mask and a shield for his true nature: simply a wild griffon, untethered by any rules and unforgiving to any that meet him. I’ll explore this part a bit further later on as this is the part of him that Alba really falls in love with, but this is where his personality begins to really shine. That duality between his noble, imperious nature and his honest, wild self.
He’s a hard as fuck character to write. But oh, I love the results. 
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
As answered previously, I Have No Fucking Idea But Probably Anime.
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
As also answered previously, yes, because I have no other choice if I want to see my damn rarepairs most of the time, and I enjoy doing so because I like most of my fics. 
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
I answered last time as Rose’s story, but I checked my spreadsheet for what I’d forgotten and gold star me, I forgot about one I really do want to talk about: the TLC version of Seanan McGuire’s Every Heart a Doorway as a long fic! Harry Potter AUs are out. Wayward Children AUs are in as fuck.
What I know is that Aiolos and Aiolia run a school like Eleanor does. It may be located not far from Sagiverse’s Saint Shion’s University, probably Academia Terrestria. Most of the cast is TLC, Golds and Spectres mostly. It follows the adventures of one young Sasha, kicked out of her world by Hades himself after going mostly all the way through the plot of TLC itself, as she deals with coming back without her brother - a possibility she’d already made peace with - but with him still in Sanctum Greece, out and committing mass murder - the part she isn’t cool with.
She walks in during the first few chapters to meet Aiolia just as Minos - from a high Nonsense, high Wicked world where everything is the theatre and the rules make you think it’s Logic and it’s not - bolts across the room, swings a grappling hook around the chandelier, and scales the wall in the nick of time before Pandora throws her trident at him. They’re roommates. Pandora’s from Prism, Kade’s world, as the Goblin Princess so she is understandably wanting Minos dead here.
Sasha blinks, immediately goes on the defensive because hello, two Spectres, but neither know who the hell she is. Lia takes her with him as he negotiates getting Minos into the tower room with Albafica, from the Moors where he and his dad fend off vampires with a strain of woody rose poison they put into their blood, and then puts Sasha in with Pandora, who helps her figure out that just because she knows all of these faces and names doesn’t make them the same people. (This is after watching her freak out over Minos and Alba sharing a room, because she watched them kill each other.)
And then like two weeks later Alone shows up, immediately throws himself at the Dragon Prince Rhadamanthys, who is sixteen and doesn’t know how to handle a small child without a tail and shares the attic with Aiacos, who lived in a world of fire and brimstone and light and wind, moderate Virtue, moderate Logic. Sasha freaks out, Pandora sits on her, and it is discovered not that long later that Alone brought Hades with him.
I have no idea what the plot is past that point. I figure I’ll be asking Zander or another system how I should best write Alone and Hades, which is a standard possession that I want to be thinly-veiled multiplicity, because really those two things are the damn same from where I’m standing and that would be cool.
I’ll write it when I’ve got a plot. Gah.
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Oh abso-goddamn-lutely. I finally figured out how to show and not tell so much, and how to vaguely fix my biggest problem that I had forever: expanding individual threads so I didn’t rush everything. Now that I’ve figured out how to do that, I’m pretty sure I could redline for another writer struggling with the same thing. One of the bits of advice someone said that really fixed my writing was the idea of one, ‘always name at least two sensory details in every paragraph’, and two, ‘for the next six months never write ‘they saw that’ ‘they felt like’ ‘they wanted to’ etc etc, and find a way to say that without saying that, take no shortcuts and never say it outright’. Once you understand why they’re telling you to do that, you can go do it again and avoid the purple prose, but it teaches you how to expand things.
Instead of just going ‘he was sad’, if you can’t say that, then what ends up happening is that you quietly restate he was sad by referencing it in his every action. Body language. Tone of voice. Show don’t tell is advice that works great with examples. Take out every ‘they were’ ‘they saw’ ‘they felt’ and you have no choice but to show it without telling it. And it makes your writing so much stronger.
Another thing I learned was that a Mary Sue isn’t a level one character, they’re a level twenty in a level-three-recommended story. Their backstory is their plotline. This one I learned from Betsy Lee, with No Evil versus Brother Swan- specifically, Ozma Angeline. Look at her child form. Now look at her adult. Her adult is the perfect idea of an edgy Mary Sue. But it’s clear the moment you see her child form, that her every adornment was gained after she first appeared. She wasn’t born that way. Every mark she has is a part of her story. I first met Angel in NE, and I got to know her. Then I saw her in BS and I was like “is that fucking Angel???” and suddenly everything made sense. That’s a well-written character. Sure, we see fuckall of her arc, but that’s when I finally understood how to write a powerful character without making them a Mary Sue. Because nothing stands in the way of a Mary Sue, they never struggle. You set the Mary Sue as their endgame, twenty years after the series ends, and you’re golden.
The last thing I really learned that helped me so much owes itself to Seanan McGuire, of course the Toby books. Specifically: Luna Torquill. This is where I learned that allies become enemies offscreen if they want to, and how to give your side characters a true arc without ever giving them the spotlight. Toby characters don’t feel like they’re just waiting for Toby herself to check in with them. They go do their own stuff when she’s not there, and actively get more development offscreen without ever feeling out of character. Luna is the most obvious example, but Sylvester, Antigone, Tybalt, and Cass all do it too. Actually, the only one who didn’t was Connor and he died and I didn’t like him anyway. Luna really showed me how to bring my side characters to life, and in that understanding helped me really get how to write a character arc.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Sneaking in metaphors and foreshadowing and recurring motifs and parallels, and doing so accidentally because I’m just that good. /lh No really, I love having parallels and shit in my writing that make me look smarter than I am, because most all of them are accidental and I only notice after someone points it out. I look like a genius. I’m bullshitting it the entire way. But when I do actively do it, and it works out, I like it even more. I love hiding little things that reinforce the storyline and atmosphere and add a deeper meaning to my work.
Like, for example. In Aeternum, specifically As We Watch The Hourglass, Tsuko pointed out that the state of the boiler room perfectly represents Minos’ mental state. She’s fine, she’s fixing things, and then outside circumstances causes her to fall apart and Alba just attempts to patch it up enough that it’s vaguely safe enough to work with, but still very very fragile and prone to collapsing at any second. Add in that she’s an engineer and this is her specialty and biggest talent, and it seems like a super cool parallel to do, especially since I really like reflecting my characters in the world around them.
It was completely accidental. I wanted to show that her sadism that canon Minos has is in there, that she isn’t totally OOC and just hasn’t yet become more like her canon form (he’s more traumatized and has gone down a path she’s only inching onto at the moment), but I also wanted them to get a damn bath so Alba could bitch about his hair, while showing that Minos is actually surprisingly useful. In order to do that, I needed the boiler room, I needed to show her fragility, and then I needed to show what was underneath that. And then I needed the threat gone so they could do other shit. In order to make that realistic, I forced her to not panic about it even though she really wanted to, and Alba did a shoddy job because we gave him like an hour and he’s running on little food and less sleep. That was it, that was my entire thought process. And on the page, there’s symbolism that makes me look smart.
When I go to rewrite Aeternum, I’ll be showing more of their early relationship, so she actually is useless onscreen for a bit, so the scene has more oomph when surprise, she has talents after all. (Later those talents will prove very important, but I haven’t written that part yet and won’t for a while.)
So yeah. Accidental symbolism. I love doing that shit. 
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atwocd · 4 years
petra solano for the ask thing
     How I feel about this characterHonestly she’s just such a wonderful character? She had such amazing development and definitely one of the best parts (and best surprises) of the show. I’m so happy they took the time to develop such a wonderful character and not stick with the jealous ex-wife trope? She’s just wonderful I love her
     All the people I ship romantically with this characterHmm, both Janes, and I think that’s it? She didn’t have that many healthy relationships. Oh! Also, I know it’s really unpopular but I really liked Chuck actually and her with him!
     My non-romantic OTP for this characterJane V, definitely. They’re just so wonderful and have come so far. I love seeing strong female friendships and seeing women supporting women and these two were! oof, wonderful.     My unpopular opinion about this characterI don’t...really have one? I liked her from the very beginning, though, and I don’t know if many people did. Also, I wish she’d gone bak to be called Petra Andel after her divorce? Idk, the Solano thing always bugged me, especially since making herself and the Marbella without any help from anyone is such a big part of her character arc? 
     One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.I definitely wished we’d seen her part of the Villanueva family more. All the characters we learnt to love were assimilated to the family somehow (Raf, Michael, Lina, etc.) but... not Petra? I would have loved to see her bond more with Xo, Alba, and Matteo especially!
Send me a character and I’ll tell you
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
JTV 5X13 - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Spoilers ahead!
The Good:
-I feel like Xo has just earned a permanent place here, you know? She’s been the best part of this season and her material in this episode is no different. I’ll be honest, I expected her higher calling to be something more like using her dancing as a physical rehab of sorts for cancer survivors, but being a nurse is great too. It allows for Xo to use her greatest gift -- her empathy -- to help people and connects her nicely to Alba. Additionally, Xo and Ro plot pertaining to the difficulties of pursuing your aspirations was really well done and I love how sometimes, the series will take a spin on something that started as a joke, kind of like Ro’s storyline regarding his pay earlier on in the season. It also shows how while Xo brings Ro down to Earth when he needs it, Ro helps lift Xo up to the stars when she needs it.
-Petra. Petra also probably deserves a permanent spot in this new format of mine. Her subplots with both Krishna and Jane were fabulous, funny, and friendshippy (I couldn’t resist the alliteration)! I love how Petra was basically fought over at the end of the episode and I’m excited to see how she and Rafael interact in the next episode.
-The proposal. I am pretty anti J*afael now, but that was a cute af proposal and I’ll admit it. It was in front of their family, sweet, and connected well to their past. Do I prefer it to the Villadero proposal? I’m going to be like how R*f was in Season 4 and say that both were great!
-Jorge being helpful. Look, I’m still annoyed by what we saw a few episodes ago, but seeing Jorge being a bit more helpful was very needed.
The Bad
-R*fael pressuring Jane into moving the wedding up. This goes hand-in-hand with what I’m gonna talk about soon, but this really sucked and I’m glad it was rectified at the end of the episode. 
-Jane getting hurt by the sewing machine. I just found it to be a touch too cruel and the jokes that came from it were only so-so. Like, Petra had unintentionally lied to her, Rafael was pressuring her, and her family was fighting. That was enough and her being injured was at this point just mean spirited.
The Ugly
-The continued disrespect of Michael Cordero Jr. I get that Mateo would have concerns about his parents getting back together after everything that’s happened. He’s a kid and that’s just what happens when you’re young and your parents split up and get back together (Or at least that’s what I imagine, since I grew up with a single parent). HOWEVER, it did NOT need to delve into R*fael pressing Jane about Montana just so Jane could continue to insist that she’s choosing R*f. Seriously, I used to love when Michael was mentioned in the show following his death, but now I cringe because I know only bad things will come when it happens! Michael used to be respected by the story. His and Jane’s connection used to be respected and not minimized. Why the fuck did we abandon that in favor of making every interaction they’re ever had a contest between him and R*f when not one season ago, R*f said that they don’t need to compare the relationships like that? I know I sound like a broken record with this, but it’s true. That scene of R*f telling Jane that their love story doesn’t need to overshadow hers and Micahel’s was how this WHOLE season needed to be handled, but instead, I almost worry Jennie’s gonna walk back on that too! She basically already has and it sucks because the “yes, AND” scene between them may be my favorite R*fael moment of the series!
-R*fael continuing to guilt Jane about Michael. Say it with me: Jane’s husband came back from the freakin’ dead. R*af KNEW that that was going to mean an exploration of feelings would need to happen on Jane’s part. He even told her that. And yet, he continues to get pissy at her like she left him for an old ex who just willingly left her. If this were Adam, I’d ALMOST get it because Adam was characterized as a flake, but this is MICHAEL -- a character who was married to Jane and Jennie went out of her way to convey to the audience that he was a victim of torture to the point of memory loss! It’s actually disgusting not only how much R*f keeps bringing that up, but how the narrative is framing it as Jane’s fault for not immediately jumping to R*f as soon as Michael showed up again. What kind of lesson is that teaching people or leaving the audience with? Legit, I know high schoolers that watch this show and I’m MORTIFIED about the lessons they could be internalizing from this. I am so sick of Jane being guilted about this and I’m so happy she finally stuck up for herself a bit. It should’ve been more, but I’ll honestly take what I can get.
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