#but again i am not a fan of sabine being a jedi because it doesn't make a lot of sense to me as to why kanan wouldn't have known
coruscanti-arabi · 1 year
Ahsoka was meant to stay trapped on Peridea.
The Father (Baylan), The Son (Shin) and The Daughter (Ahsoka/Morai).
With the Daughter destroyed (after saving Ahsoka's life in Clone Wars), I believe part of her destiny is to aid in restoring that balance.
Though I don't know how they'll do this storyline after the passing of Ray Stevenson because I don't think many fans would respond well to a recast.
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trojanteapot · 1 year
Oh my god the Ahsoka series gives me hope that there can be good stories told onscreen in Star Wars again! Maybe I'm just a sucker for the characters from TCW/Rebels but I am so glad that this new series which is supposed to draw in new audiences and introduce them to Ahsoka remembered to also keep the writing solid for the old fans as well.
All of the decisions that the returning characters make really do make sense given where they are in the narrative and the new obstacles they have to overcome. Ahsoka trying to train Sabine in the past but then abandoning her training makes so much sense because Ahsoka is still trying to get over Anakin's fall to the dark side. She doesn't trust herself to be a good mentor, and she doesn't want Sabine to end up like Anakin.
The Rebels characters desperately wanting to get Ezra back despite the poor odds also makes a lot of sense despite how boneheaded they all are about it because we know from Rebels exactly how much they all mean to each other. They truly are a found family and from watching the episodes I remembered exactly how much their bond really meant to me as well. I feel the new actors also were able to capture the sense of familiarity they have with each other super well (especially Natasha Liu Bordizzo and Eman Esfandi).
And it was soooo clever of them to show Ahsoka's memories of having to fight in the Clone Wars and spelling out in words exactly how damaging it was to her well-being that she was a child forced into a command position in a war. And even double clever that Anakin's ghost was there to guide her. When he said "One is never too old to learn, Snips" it got me so good because he's been told his entire life that he's too old to learn by the stupid Jedi council of assholes.
It's clear that Ahsoka sees this trauma from war is also carried on by both Sabine and Ezra, and that's part of the reason why she wants to train Sabine but is also afraid of training her. And another reason why she was glad in the end that Sabine was able to find Ezra and get him home, even though Sabine disobeyed her orders to do so. She must have felt bad that Ezra was forced to sacrifice himself when he had not yet reached/barely reached adulthood for the sake of winning a decisive battle in a war. Ahsoka saw that it was a decision she may have made if she was in his position, and that it's a decision no child should ever have to make.
Between the Ahsoka series and Fionna and Cake, I'm so so thankful that we have two sequel series that carry on the spirit of the properties they were sequels to! Bravo!!!
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vetinarivimesy · 1 year
Gargh I genuinely wish I liked this show more - I like the returning characters, I loved all the intriguing hints of new lore stuff, aesthetically it looked fantastic... The casting was mostly perfection. I could even (mostly) put aside my increasing annoyance at post-Lucas-Star War's increasingly negative stance on the jedi that seems to be influenced by the fans who were adults when the Prequels/90s films came out who insist that those films were all about how the jedi were evil actually, when... No seriously those films were aimed at 12 year olds how did the very basic genocide is bad actually message fly over their heads so collectively?
​But ye gods I really felt the whole, Filoni's been working on 20 minute episodes his whole career with this one. 
I think the thing that properly tipped me over from, I'm enjoying this show, but it's frequently frustrating, because I am unfortunately a fan with opinions... into no, this thing is just frustrating as the finale rolled to its extremely predictable end that he'd not so much done an Empire ending, as promised, yet again, to answer the questions he'd been posing throughout next time... Only next time is hardly guaranteed, as sadly epitomised by the waste of Ray Stephenson's rather intriguing character - let alone the way both Claudia Black and Wes Chatham were essentially one step above being glorified extras.
Eh I liked Mando S3 and even BoBF I adored Andor and Kenobi - I'm hardly impartial. I even quite like Ahsoka for what it was, rather than allowing my sheer annoyance at what it wasn't get me too enraged at all the George Lucas never implied that moments with his worldbuilding - stated very publicly to be the opposite to Filoni's takes several times.
I loved the new galaxy, the Purrgils, getting to see the Rebels gang again, most of the Baylan and Shin stuff and Claudia Black getting to be a terrifying Nightmother, the Kintsugi troopers, and the extremely blatant Stargate type worldbuilding can I copy your homework stuff. Even Huyang in live action, as frustrating as the constant jedi-negging by proxy was... Ezra was perfect. Love the little crab people and seeing Chopper, as toned down for live action as he was.
But Filoni, Dave, Hat-Man, please, if you're going to do glacial and epic mysteries that end on an Empire style cliffhanger at least give us some reassurance that you have a plan and know how all the plot-threads are going to go? And that your worldbuilding is in fact internally consistent actually and not just based on vibes with some degree of yeah this does have coherence... The occassional utterly incoherent aside, for you to go oh yeah, the New Republic are all fucking terrible actually, as bad as the space nazis actually, moments were not reassuring. And in the hands of a different writer I'd have been fascinated by the Sabine getting the force stuff... But I really sincerely do not trust you with this.
You keep leaving extremely important character and worldbuilding moments off-screen, not even summed up, just stated in a sentence then rapidly glossed over. With excruciating lengths of time given to portentious dialogue and incoherent ramblings about how the jedi deserved their own genocide actually.
No? Too much to ask? One and a half plot-threads proved too much to keep spinning..?
Of which, admittedly James SA Corey/David Abraham/Ty Franck you are not you could barely keep one plot thread going coherently let alone the half-dozen or so they kept spinning all the way through.
Actually, no, you know what. Fuck it. This has annoyed me enough that I am going to go off and watch Wes Chatham not be utterly wasted in a glorified extra role, in a sci-fi series featuring mysterious rings and huge conspiracy theories by corporate and fascistic government powers alike fuelled by greed and capriciousness but above all about humanity overcoming.
At least that one doesn't flanderise its own characters and worldbuilding for the rule of cool, and the at times seemingly glacial (but not actually) very deliberately paced plot actually serves a purpose that comes together into something spectacular.
Its that or Farscape to wash the bad taste out. But that's another property heavy on the evil space fascists who never quite seem to get an in-universe comeuppance.
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andfangs · 2 years
wait what parts of star wars do you like? why don’t you like the others? just curious! <3
anon, i am about to try to be sooooo normal but please note this is me when i talk about the parts of star wars i like:
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so in essence, my favorite star wars media is as follows (in order of exposure):
The Prequels
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Knights of the Old Republic
The Force Unleashed
Rogue One
Star Wars: Rebels
The Mandalorian
i have not yet gotten to The Book of Boba Fett or Andor or The Bad Batch, but they are on my list most DEFINITELY.
when i was a kid, i had a vhs tape of Return of the Jedi. i watched it so many times the tape wore out. i did not care about the story or the characters that much, but the concepts were riveting. the overarching world lore had me in a total chokehold. i consumed every side story book i could get my hands on and watched the prequels in an all night movie marathon at a drive in.
anakin skywalker became my favorite character ever in a piece of media. he was sooooo compelling to me. and knowing he turns dark and ends up the guy in the mask at the end of RotJ??? absolutely fascinated me. fast forward to The Clone Wars tv series coming out. i was TRANSFIXED. i was 16 and it made me feel like a kid again. i loved ahsoka tano with my whole entire heart. i played KotOR and later TFU. if someone says 'galen marek' in my earshot, i am immediately asking if they want to be best friends.
my husband took me to each of the new star wars trilogy and again, nothing about the main story did ANYTHING for me, but the new worlds, the tech, the concepts! then i watched rogue one and for the first time since the prequels i was in love with a star wars movie.
i know probably Too Much about the history of the mandalorians because sabine wren was one of my favorite characters in Rebels and, being a massive TCW fan, the fetts are SOOOO interesting to me! this obviously made me lose my entire mind when a series about A MANDALORIAN was announced, right? wrong. i had zero interest because i was worried it would just be some offshoot of the new series. but i decided to give it a chance because my husband wanted to watch it to talk to his dad about it (the man is very weird and the only thing we have found that the old grump likes is baby yoda, so we get him every piece of grogu merch we can find). i was hooked nearly immediately. it had all the things i wanted: adjacency to the mainline star wars series without being about the main plot, characters i was familiar with and cared deeply about, new characters i came to adore with my entire soul, new planets and armor and tech, and lore.
so you ask why i don't like most star wars things and i guess it boils down to the lack of lore. it doesn't feel like most mainline star wars media explores the nooks and crannies of lore that i am most interested in or expounds upon much outside of the current necessary information and overarching Good Versus Evil plot. at its core, to me, star wars is a space fantasy (not sci-fi like a lot of people would say) and i like it best when its leaning into the world building of that fantasy.
thanks for coming to my TED talk!
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