#but after that hoooo boy
murmmers · 2 years
retribution has got me so fucked up. ive played it every day for a week straight just going through so much
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hammerbacks · 3 months
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quantumshade · 7 months
i love when posts are like "ohh thirteen is the first doctor who got all her companions home safely!! 🥹🥹" because like. man. i'm not sure i would say she really got dan "home" so much as left him on the street where his house used to be without even saying goodbye
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askunclejack · 11 months
Hey guys, I'm not feeling too great so I'll be taking the weekend off. I'll be back on Monday. Thank you for understanding.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Can my face like. Not hurt me? For more than a few days?
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katyspersonal · 1 year
When you started drawing? And how? Your works are so detailed and you feel the perspective so Q_Q Your drawing of old hunter from DLC is incredibly cool, I am looking respectfully
Oh- You mean this ( x ) one? Haha, yeah, it was an art commission, so I tried to give it the best I could... Though maybe using something I was paid for as a chance to practice perspective was a little irresponcible :') But the customer was happy, and this is what matters!
To be honest, I've been drawing for as long as I can remember...? I have quite the regrets about having basically none of my drawings from childhood survive, because it's been a LOT. But I've been going over the top with details, colors and settings since the age of like, 4-5 I think? I recall the caretakers at kindergarden REALLY loving my drawing of underwater, because I killed it with variety of fish and seaweed, despite having no references or knowledge! Also, fun fact - the very first art criticism of my life from me was towards a girl that colored every woman in her coloring book as blonde with blue eyes! I criticized her saying that there were other colors for people and that it was boring to be so samey dsfjjdshfsd Had to apologize, but.. yeah, it was the ultimate "I've always been this way" moment if I've seen one. :')
I used to visit classes to practice my drawing in elementary school, though! But it was mostly environment and animals, when I was more interested in drawing people at that time! The period from 8 to 12 years was the one where I kept creating OCs obsessively, and stories for them, and I've had like 6 comics I've been drawing and coloring at the same time (mostly comedy + fantasy)! I think what really inspired me to start creating the comics and characters that were mostly young girls with elemental powers was the Russian comic, Rainbow Knights x) (Журнал "Юла", припоминаешь? хд) I was obsessed with it, and I was obsessed with excuse to use more colors, effects and nature/elemental aesthetic. And yes, it was all trdaitional! I love using crayons, markers, pens and pencils for coloring. My clumsy hands were never good for paintbrushes... I moved more onto digital around the age of 14. It was when I've found a summer job, and earned enough money to buy a tablet! So.. I started prioritize digital art since then! But it had the form of me first drawing something on the paper, and then scanning and fixing/lining/coloring it on the computer for a LONG time! Well, it was taking some time to get used to, as well, so I also had some drawings I did with my mouse and vector tool in PS or SAI, like this:
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It is one of the only few remaining "ancient" ones, since most of them got lost forever on the old hard drive! ...I still HAVE this hard drive, I just have no idea how to extract anything from it.. It is kinda broken :U But if I get my hands on very old doodles trapped there, I will share!
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^ I believe this was the first doodle that I did 100% on the computer AND with the tablet! Without mouse, without first drawing traditonally and then digitally, but just on the computer, from start to finish! But it was still hard to do, so I kept with the use of paper and pencil for some more while. Like- I hoped I'd find some old drawings for this ask, but all I found were traditional versions of some of my drawings!
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You could tell that using traditional paper + pencil were beneficial for anatomy and proportions. And that I used to be better at that, VERY much better. And that it was sorta... easier to 'get lost' in the process? It was a simpler life when not only I was far less depressed and broken, not only I had more spare time in schoo/uni years, but also just... I did not feel burnt out. Or guilty over the fact of not finishing new drawing "fast enough" (and thus, looking like a loser). I also had less things online to drain my spare time, less distractions... I kinda miss that time, really...
All in all, I've never learned to draw PROPERLY. I was self-taught but not studying too hard, mostly I was just analysing art of artists I loved to improve my own, and asking advice from good artists to fix this or that! Hence, my skill used to be better! Year 2015-16 was my most productive year artistically! I've been drawing a bunch of (then) popular cartoon stuff, as well as TONS of fanart for Rick and Morty RP community, and all the things were sooooo bright, colorful and full of energy...
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And now meet the man that sorta ended my art career :^) I've picked interest in Mark (Endlish localisation called him Marx and I hate it lol), and that pulled me into the rest of K1rby. Except I could not actually play anything (besides 64 Crystal Shards that I emulated), so I compensated with letsplays and anime. And Super Paper Mario was a side obsession. xD But.... yeah, since MARK, dark ages for my art started. No, no, my art was good! Awesome, even! I kept people begging me to "please draw K1rby again" for years since fandom shifting! Words like, 'no one ever cared about this universe and characters the same way you do'... But! Drawing 'creatures' for 2-3 years completely destroyed my prior (already loose) knowledge of human anatomy and proportions, and I am still struggling to recover that former skill! :')
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Finally, year later, around February/March 2021, I've gotten pulled into Bloodb0rne! Badly. And thanks to Mic0lash. Huh, it is always some madman, isn't it? xD But I felt very self-consious about my art... I felt like serious, detailed, dark and beautiful atmosphere of BB deserved better than my "overly cutesy" and "tone-deaf" art.... annnnd if this sounds like something I'd never say, but rather as an unfair criticism from some antsy reddit-ish asshole? It is because it is EXACTLY what it was! :')
But in either case, the Doll was the first time I've used paper and pencil again in many years. I felt so... alive? I recall the feeling I could only describe as 'blood returned in my veins' but spiritual, you know? It felt like so much fun! To remember how to draw traditonally, to break out of my 'round cutesy' comfort zone- heck, I even downloaded brushes for my SAI for the first time in my life, just to color the characters better! Learned new coloring style, too: usually my coloring was very rigid and relying on very concrete colors for shadow and base.. but from this point on, I prioritized more 'chaotic' approach, as I felt it was more appropriate!
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....and so, now we are here. x)
You could tell that some of the things I am just used to persisted, and that colorful, "childish" energy is still slipping through the cracks. Soulsb0rne games are ideal for how my mind works... but perhaps not for how my soul works. There is just something in me that craves that sillyness, overly colorful designs and settings, and maybe ER is closer to that aesthetic? Yeah, had I not been criticized on my art harshly upon joining BB, maybe my art would've been way more cute and 'free'! I always loved drawing many details, but something about the route I've taken about drawing made it very heavy. My brain short-circuits at the AMOUNT of the details I keep in mind, yet I can't rest unless I got it "at least 90% correct", even when it is a darn shitpost ;-; I will figure out what went wrong compared with the way I used to draw humans..... someday.
Thank you for asking, though! Ha! Honorable mention: tons of shitposty comics and doodles I kept drawing in classes, both school and uni! x)
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suprecorp · 9 months
how is chapter 3 going of the lottieshauna fic?
howdy 🤠 sooo i’ve got about 5k words written, probably need about another 10k but i’m off of work so hopefully in the next week or so i should have it out (fingers crossed!)
would you like a sneak peek?
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kaeyachi · 1 year
speedruns the dori quest for the event:
slowly realizes what the quest is about:
ends up being right and is now shaking at the implications:
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
brother is now about a week ingame from November 18. he also got Akechis rank 8 and like. u can imagine my face when he said "whats he gonna do, pull a gun on me?" literally 5 seconds before. well. yknow
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sixthfinger · 11 months
when people say that the agreste arc is over: are we even watching the same show?? sure, gabriel's dead and emilie was not brought back, but adrien still doesn't actually know what happened in that final battle. he doesn't know that his father was hawkmoth, or that his own powers were part of why he died. he doesn't know that nathalie was helping him. he doesn't know how badly his father wanted his wife back. he doesn't know about her body in the basement. he doesn't even know about the scarf.
(but you know who knows? marinette. ladybug. his girlfriend and his partner. imagine how that reveal's gonna go.)
the agreste arc isn't over and it won't be until he learns the truth.
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isakaru · 2 years
on a scale of edward elric to thorfinn how well are you coping with the consequences of the awful grief-fueled decision you made as a child in response to the death of your parent
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sacriligex · 2 years
do any of you guys nearly have panic attacks at 3am about the inevitability of death and nonexistence and how it’ll happen. you cant stop it, it’s already over, you will cease to exist forever and ever and ever and ever
or are you normal
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jimothystu · 2 years
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silly-solar-robot · 2 years
ohhhh i want to talk to robin's close friends but i'm so nervous!!!! what if they don't wanna talk to me, i don't want to overstep boundaries )))^: these guys are friends i've tried to talk to before and it didn't go how i thought so!!!!! AHH!!!!!!
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titsthedamnseason · 12 days
i’m obsessed with this deeper unveiling of lizzie and hughie’s backstory and katie’s role in it. i’m literally eating these details up and i need their book asap PLEASE
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sparklestheunicorn · 9 months
I HAVE BEEN AWAKENED - my 12 year old self
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