#but after he learns about his true parents he starts slowly losing control over his burned side
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hermanunworthy · 2 years ago
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tysm for 100 followers!! i decided to finally solidify my hermie designs and make a fun little reference sheet of sorts w all of them!
(update this is so old now and ive made quite a few changes to my hermie designs since this agkdj)
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the-fogotten-isle · 2 months ago
The History of Glendin Isle
I've done a lot of searching over the years and resources were scarce, but here are my findings on the island's history:
1540s - 1650s
Glendin Isle was Colonised after conflict between the church of the Chosen Believers, and the church of The Devotion of the Chosen. The Chosen Believers believed that all they needed to reach ascension was to be a good, kind person and that the Càel Testaments were just loose guidance on how to do that and that some passages were outdated or even incorrect. The Devotion of the Chosen believed that in order to reach ascension you needed to live a strict lifestyle that included following all the teachings in the Càel Testaments to the letter and preserving the purity of magic by not 'mixing' with non-magical beings. Many battles had been had in Calegan over monarchs and religious influence in the government and eventually, many followers of The Devotion of the Chosen, led by a group of leaders called the Clergy, just decided it would be better if they could govern themselves so they founded their own country.
1660s - 1680s
At first, the borders of Glendin Isle were open and goods were often traded between the island and the mainland in order to sustain the economy but soon Calegan decided to remove the monarchy and move towards an elected government system called the Administration, with separation of church and state. The Clergymen and Elders on Glendin were furious and closed their borders. With the closing of the borders came the first Priest who became Glendin's first solo leader and head of the church. Priest Glycias was afraid of losing his position of power so decided to secure the church's control by gradually removing any evidence of the mainland from the island and burning any record of their past history. They also made the church the sole source of education on the island, founding a school that all children would be required to go to (Cape Morrigan Academy).
1690s - 1700s
As a new generation was being born on the island and the Clergy slowly assumed more and more control over the island, a new priest was selected after the death of Priest Glycias in 1699 and he ruled with an iron fist. A small underground uprising began. A group of mainly parents started teaching the true history by word of mouth and highlighting lies in the Clergy's teachings. The Clergy and Priest Asellus remained unaware of this for a number of years but when students started disagreeing with information at the academy they worked quickly to remove children from these parents and execute those adults spreading the truth, for crimes against the church. This was dubbed the mother's massacre. Some of this generation, orphaned because of this tragic event, grew up to spark the next revolution and some were successfully indoctrinated by the Clergy, being told that their parents were traitors of the church and that their only choice was to repent or never reach ascension.
1720s - 1750s
A small group of children resistant to the Clergy's teachings and fueled by revenge for their murdered parents grew to create the next rebellion. They were led by Bevan MacDonnell and had more knowledge than the previous generation of the inner workings of the Clergy and the details of their teachings, and they learned from their parent's mistakes so instead of spreading the truth through children, focused on adults with doubts about the church and fought to preserve the memories and knowledge of the first Glendin settlers who were dying out. When Priest Asellus died in 1734 there was growing hope that the Clergy's reign of terror could be brought to an end. This group had a better idea of who to trust and for many years the rebellion grew in the shadows and became an organisation known as The Stand. The new Priest, Priest Elford, was the youngest one yet at only 31 so many people believed this would bring forth a reform of the Clergy, however, he proved himself to be equally as power-hungry as the previous one, which only spurred the resistance on more.
1760s - 1770s
Eventually, the Clergy became aware of growing adult distrust in the church and decided to weaponise their children against them. Priest Elford created the Nox Clan, initially a network of children instructed to spy on their parents and neighbours during holidays and relay any information back to the Clergy but it developed into a more weaponised secret police service. Older students of the academy were encouraged to join the Clan if they demonstrated enough devotion to the church and it was seen as an elite society very attractive to those susceptible. However, this radicalisation of children only angered The Stand more and the rebellion became more active and visible. MacDonnell became the face of this group and he was forced into hiding. Unfortunately, Macdonnell was unaware of planted Nox Clan members working undercover as members of The Stand and in 1773 the clergy staged an attack on his hideout and Macdonnell was arrested, tortured and murdered. His body hung in Ashwick outside the Clergy temple alongside other captured members of The Stand. This was effective in halting rebellions for a few years. During this time, Priest Elford discovered a way to preserve his reign and prevent his death through slowing the rate at which he was ageing.
1780s - 1790s
The Clergy and Priest Elford relied heavily on using fear to control the population of Glendin Isle. By this point in time, most adults had been frightened into submission and only the compliant survived, however with another new generation came new problems. With the information on the history of the Island being so restricted there was a lot of curiosity amongst the children and students at Cape Morrigan Academy, something Priest Elford tried to squash with force. However, this only created further instability at the Academy. It began with Professor Omar Riggs, a Creative Arts teacher and surviving member of The Stand who had changed their identity since the execution of Bevan Macdonnell. Riggs saw an opportunity to build trust with the students by being on their side against all the punishments and rules they were being subjected to. He had initially hoped to just protect them from harm but their intrigue for the true history spurred him on and he began to spread information to a select group of students that came to his classroom for support. The number of students grew and the Deputy Headmaster, Elder Cassiar Hammond, became increasingly suspicious. Elder Hammond weaponised the Prefects against them and staged an intervention, capturing and torturing these students. Omar Riggs, wanting to save the students confessed and was subsequently arrested and executed. This sparked a rebellion amongst the students, those angered by Rigg's execution sought to fight back by spreading the information they'd learned amongst the other students and encouraging them to join in on a protest, which was to write only about the true history during their exams that year. Headmaster, Priest Elford, and Deputy Headmaster, Elder Hammond caught wind of this plan and attempted to stop it immediately, they held an assembly and threatened those who planned to take part in the protest with failure and expulsion, which would lock them out of almost all job prospects in the future. This sparked uproar and a fight broke out resulting in the injury of Elder Hammond who ended up in a persistent vegetative state. The students responsible for the uprising were arrested and placed in the island Penitentiary as there were laws in place against the murder or execution of children due to passage in the Càel Testaments about the sanctity of the lives of the youth. However, within the Penitentiary information was passed along freely as most of those in there had committed crimes against the Clergy, so belief in the existence of the mainland was widely spread. The prisoners plotted to escape and succeeded in doing so, and with the assistance of students remaining at the Academy, a handful of convicts managed to cross the sea and reach the mainland of Calegan. There, they told the Administration the truth about the Island and the mistreatment of students under the Priest's reign. And in 1796 the Calegan Administration planned to intervene and confront the Priest and Clergy, however, when they caught wind of this on Glendin Isle, the Priest ordered for the Academy to be placed on lockdown, arming the teachers, Clergymen, Elders, Nox Clan and Prefects to prepare for war, and holding the remainder of the student's hostage inside the school. The Administration planned for a peaceful response, focusing on negotiations and a rescue mission for the students trapped inside. However, when they arrived they were met with a barrage of attacks so the Administration called for military backup. A siege took place and the Administration outnumbered and overpowered the Clergy, resulting in the death of Priest Elford and the evacuation of the school. The majority of the casualties from this battle were students and the Administration was not able to make a large number of arrests following the event as many Clergymen fled and entered into hiding.
1800s - 1810
With the new century came a lot of change; the borders of Glendin Isle open after the Siege, under the temporary rule of Administration appointed officials, but soon a new permanent leader was elected, the first being Aldene Helm, who ruled justly and tried her best to help the island recover after the conflict. However, Helm passed away three years into her tenure and a new leader filled the position, Octavius Blaesus. He was less of a strong ruler and there were many changes of hands in leadership as the economy began to plummet. Through the years those who could afford to, migrated to Calegan to escape the impending crisis and shadows of the Clergy era. The remaining population were hit hard by a recession, so, when a young Elder on the island ran to lead; promising to move on from the tragedy of Cape Morrigan and to build a new future, they won the election by a landslide. Everyone on the island seemed to be of the belief that he only had good intentions, but those on the outside could see the warning signs. Elder Augustus Licinius created a political party that included many former Clergy members, most of those less well-known or less prominent members from the previous Clergy era. They promised the population that they could make Glendin Isle strong and independent once again and focused a lot of their efforts on boosting self-sufficiency within the island by creating more farms and factories as well as building a military. There was growing trust and support for this government as the economy started to recover. However, there was suspicion arising from Calegan as survivors of the Cape Morrigan siege recognised the potential danger of this government, especially following the alleged assassination of Octavius Blaesus. This was furthered when the construction of a new school began and it became known that children were being radicalised once again, as Glendin Isle prepared for a war over independence. This plan was luckily discovered before the Government of Glendin Isle had managed to gather full military force, but they were still better equipped than before, after taking inspiration from the weapons and battle tactics used by the Calegan Administration during the siege of 1796. Tensions rose within the final year of Licinius' tenure as people feared he would launch a war to extend his rule and prevent a future election. On October 10th 1810 a battle began when a small group of ex-students broke into the Government Central of Glendin Isle, hoping to discover the military plans. The Administration arrived to support this group after it became clear an invasion of Calegan was being planned by Elder Licinius and his Government. The battle lasted for three days consuming the entire city of Ashwick and surrounding villages, which were used as base camps for the Administration as they fought to take the Government Central. Eventually, the conflict came to an end as Elder Licinius took his own life when faced with surrender and all his government party members were arrested.
1810 onwards
After the battle in 1810, the Calegan Administration hosted an open conference with Glendin Isle to discuss the future and prevention of further conflict. Within this, a treaty was created, that formed a co-dependency between the two countries with a solid trade system and exchange of goods. Glendin Isle agreed on a separation of church and state and wrote a set of new laws that coincided with Calegan's, mostly including child protection policies and violence laws. Extremist groups like the Nox Clan were disbanded and criminalised, and young members were put through a reform program and were closely monitored. There was an emphasis on improved education and public services and this system continued to work.
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skylarmoon71 · 9 months ago
Lance Sweets (Bones) - Crossover AU - Chapter 6
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“Heat vision, really?”
He’s been grilling you about your powers for the last three weeks. You really shouldn’t be amazed, he is a book nerd after all.
Sweets has slowly been making progress on the journal that you handed him. It’s about as thick as an encyclopedia. So whenever he gets through a section, he comes to you to question or just stare at you with that excited grin like he just found out Santa Claus exists.
“Yes Dr. Sweets. Remember that time I threatened you, well the red wasn’t exactly a christmas light trick.” You casually sip your coffee in your office.
“But you weren’t really going to barbeque me right?”
“Right about now I’m considering it.”
“I’m kidding. That would be too much of a hassle to explain.”
“Good to see you have your priorities straight.”
You grin into your cup as he flips through another page.
“This is amazing. Recording your life in this book, the experiences of your powers, that must have been extraordinary.”
“On Krypton we weren’t exactly superpowered. Our abilities were the same as humanity. There were soldiers and regular civilians. Your strength was determined by your own sheer will and training. From what I concluded, the sun in this atmosphere has a strange effect on us. That’s why control is so important. My parents taught me that abusing these gifts was wrong. It wasn’t easy for me, but I understood. Humanity is strong as they are fragile. Taking advantage of that would make me a coward.”
Sweets is always pleasantly surprised by your ideologies. Sometimes you said some really Booth-like things.
“That’s a great way to look at it.”
You nod, directly your gaze back to the computer. His sudden gasp after he reads over a page diverts your attention.
“You can fly!!”
“If you keep reacting like that everytime you find out something new I might have to start getting paid.”
“You have to admit that’s wild. You can actually fly.”
“Yes. It’s actually pretty easy. I can’t imagine any of the other kryptonians having an issue learning that skill. It took me two days to learn.”
“It’s so crazy how lightly you take all of this. Your entire existence is absolutely amazing.”
That statement makes you flush slightly. Sweets doesn’t notice, because he has his nose right back into the book.
Fidgeting in your spot, you’re grateful that he isn’t the one with super hearing, because for a moment it felt like your heart had betrayed you.
“You’ve been getting along really well with Sweets.”
Angela’s statement makes you nod. After that day you brought everyone cookies the team seems to have adopted you. Angela had basically kidnapped you to have lunch with her and Hodgins. You were all waiting for Booth and Brennan to stop by.
“He’s a good friend.” You comment.
It’s true. Not many people would be so calm about your existence. You know Hodgins would lose his mind if he ever found out.
“Yeah, given the way you completely ripped into him that first time I’m surprised.” Angela kicks him from under the table.
You smile.
“I’m grateful he didn’t hold a grudge. I was dealing with a lot at the time.”
“We understand sweetie, you don’t have to explain yourself.” She sends a look to Hodgins who remains quiet in his seat.
“Sorry we’re late!” Booth calls.
Brennan is right at his side and they join you as they begin filling in on the case. You’re not really listening to the conversation, more the way they are. How easily they work together despite them all being complete opposites. It’s somewhat encouraging.
“It’s either that or an alien.”
That pulls your attention.
“Come on Hodgins, last week you thought we had the bones of John F. Kennedy. Can you let it go.”
“But you have to admit it makes sense. Aliens do exist. “ Hodgins argues.
“I agree with Dr. Hodgins. I do believe in aliens.”
They all direct their attention to you.
“I’m an alien. “
The group begins to laugh and you smile.
“Hah ha, laugh it up, it's very funny.”
They are entertaining to be with, especially Hodgins.
“You said that?” Sweets smiles.
“I did. His reaction was funny.”
Sweets just shakes his head with a laugh.
“I suddenly believe all of Hodgins' theories.”
“He’s not exactly wrong. Kryptonians aren’t the only species out there.”
“There’s more!”
“Dozens more. My father and I visited a lot of different galaxies. I even got to see lanterns.”
“Yes. The species usually varies, but they are typically protectors. At least most of them are. They have rings that provide their powers. How my dad explained it, the ring usually chooses who yields it. Similar to the tales of excalibur. All the rings are powered by an emotion. So you can imagine that not all of them are good. My dad’s best friend was a blue lantern. It’s said to be the hardest to control. He used to create ships with his ring and fly me around.”
You can’t help but smile at the memory.
Sweets enjoy the fondness of your expression as you speak about your past. He realizes that you’ve probably haven’t thought about all of this since you were a kid. Much less spoken to anyone about it.
“Your father sounds like he was an amazing man.”
“He was. When I was little I wanted to get the engraving for love on my arm. My brother had gotten it without my dad’s permission and I wanted to do the same. I was still young, and the elders regard engravings the same way humans view tattoos.”
Sweets laughs, because he gets it.
“Getting a child a tattoo isn’t exactly great parenting. Even if he let me have it my mom might have strangled him if she found out. So instead, he made me a necklace. “
Your fingers graze the metal and he marvels at it. So many times he’d seen you tug at it, he knew it held some importance. He just didn’t realize just how significant it really was.
“As painful as it is, I’m fortunate to have the memories that I do. The thought of being an infant and not knowing who I am or where I came from would have been more devastating. I’m grateful for the time I did have.”
He understands. Before taking this job he’d been going through a rough patch of his own.
“My adoptive parents died shortly before I took this job. I loved them more than anything in the world. Losing them broke a piece of me, but I never regretted anything. Knowing them, loving them. They made me into the person I am today.”
You can’t say you expected that.
“I miss them everyday.” He admits.
His eyes look a bit glossy, and this time, you are the one giving comfort. The same he’s so easily extended to you, even when you were hostile. You take his hand, and he wears a little smile as he laughs, despite the tears that follow.
“This is nice.” He says between the little sniffs.
“It is.”
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cf-377 · 3 months ago
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Title: Love and Lies
Detective + singer (Ruthless diva)
(14) 16+ - "it's rated 16+ due to mature themes like violence, adult language, and sensitive topics. It’s intended for older teens who can handle complex subjects, but without explicit or overly graphic content."
Category: Psychological Thriller, Crime Fiction, Romantic Suspense, Drama, noir, Thriller.
Down you'll see what it's about!
The story follows a young, ambitious singer who is desperate for fame but doesn’t know how to get there. She’s been struggling in the shadows, overlooked and stuck in a life she can't escape. When she crosses paths with a ruthless mafia leader who offers her an easy way out, she doesn’t hesitate. His proposition? Steal from her parents to fund her dream, and in return, he’ll help her climb the ladder to superstardom. She does it, and true to his word, he helps her secure her place at the top.
But there’s a catch: he falls in love with her. She doesn’t feel the same way—he’s just a means to an end, someone too blinded by his own obsession with her to see the truth. He proposes, and she says yes—not out of love, but because his power guarantees her safety, wealth, and influence. The marriage is a business deal, and she uses him like a puppet, playing the role of a dutiful wife while secretly pursuing her own desires.
Years pass, and she becomes an untouchable icon. The number one singer, adored by millions, with a perfect life on the surface—fans worship her, and she has a boyfriend, but he means nothing. He's just a cover to keep people from knowing the truth: she’s married to a mafia kingpin. She’s cold, calculating, and ruthless. Money and power are her only true loves. She’s addicted to the thrill of her success, to the high of drugs and the feeling of being untouchable. She’ll do anything to keep it all.
But what she doesn’t know is that someone’s been watching her all along. A private detective, hired by someone from her past, has been following her every move. He knows about her theft, her dark dealings, and the lies she’s living. He’s been gathering evidence, waiting for the right moment to expose her.
As the story unfolds, the detective closes in on her, and she starts to feel the weight of her actions. Her perfect life begins to unravel as cracks start to appear in her empire of lies. The mafia husband she used to climb the ladder begins to show signs of losing control, and her relationship with him grows more toxic. She’s no longer sure if the man she’s married to is the one who’s protecting her or the one who might destroy everything she’s built.
Her addiction to money, fame, and power continues to grow, but so does the threat of exposure. The detective, having gathered enough evidence, is closing in. He knows she’s dangerous, and the more he uncovers about her, the more he realizes she’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect her empire, no matter who she destroys in the process.
The climax could reveal her slowly starting to lose control over her own life. As the detective prepares to confront her, she’ll have to make a choice: fight to keep her empire intact and risk everything, or come clean and face the consequences of her actions. Will the mafia kingpin still protect her, or will he finally turn on her when the truth comes to light? And in the end, will she learn that the cost of fame and power is higher than she ever imagined?
As the detective continues his covert investigation into the singer's life, he begins to observe more than just her criminal behavior. At first, he sees her as nothing more than a target, a person to be exposed for her actions. He’s hired by her parents, who want their money back and justice for what she’s done. But as the days go by, something unexpected happens—he starts to notice the little things that no one else sees.
It starts with the way she moves, the flicker of vulnerability in her eyes when she thinks no one is watching. He notices how, despite her cold exterior, she sometimes pauses before a performance, a moment of quiet hesitation where she seems like a lost girl rather than a star. He catches the way she tenses when a fan gets too close, or how she quickly hides her face in public, always careful to keep up her image. She’s guarded, always putting on a perfect façade, yet there's a sadness behind her smile, a loneliness that even her fame can’t fill.
But it’s more than just these small gestures. The detective sees the subtle kindnesses she shows to those she doesn’t have to—like when she quietly donates to a charity or the rare moments she lets her guard down with her few trusted people. He sees her addiction, her need for control, but he also sees her desperation. It’s as if she’s trapped in her own life, unable to escape the monster she’s become. She’s a prisoner of her fame, and despite all the power, wealth, and attention she has, she seems hollow.
There’s a moment that shakes him to the core—he’s following her one night, watching from a distance as she’s at a private gathering. He sees her laugh with her friends, a genuine laugh, and for the first time, the detective wonders: Is there anyone in her life who sees her for who she really is? In that moment, it dawns on him that maybe she’s not just a criminal, not just a cold, calculated person, but someone who’s been broken by the very system that made her successful.
He starts to empathize with her, maybe even pity her. The more he observes, the more he feels like he’s falling for the person he was supposed to expose. Her mask begins to slip, and he realizes that her evil might just be a consequence of a life she never really chose, of a need to survive in a world that doesn’t care about the cost of success.
Then, the twist deepens: the detective’s connection to her parents isn’t just professional—he’s a long-lost relative. Her parents, desperate to get their money back, knew he was the only one who could get close to her without her realizing his true intentions. His heart is torn. He wasn’t just hired to expose her; he was brought in because he’s connected to the very people she betrayed.
As the investigation goes deeper, so does his struggle. He can’t help but feel sympathy for her, and the line between right and wrong becomes blurred. He finds himself questioning his own motives—should he finish what he started and bring her down, or does she deserve a chance to redeem herself?
Her life starts to spiral in ways he hadn’t expected. Her mafia husband, who’s become increasingly paranoid, begins to notice the detective’s presence. In a moment of weakness, she confides in him, not knowing he’s the one who’s been following her. She tells him the truth about the man she married—the lies, the manipulation, the cost of it all. The detective is now caught between loyalty to his family, his growing feelings for her, and the realization that exposing her might destroy her completely.
In the end, he makes a decision. Instead of taking her down, he goes to her with a choice. He can expose her—destroy everything she’s built—or help her escape, but only if she’s willing to change. She’s at a crossroads too. Her addiction, her obsession with fame and money, has pushed everyone away, and now she’s left with nothing but the twisted life she’s built.
But the question remains: Can she change?
She’ll have to choose between redemption and keeping her empire. But can she truly escape the darkness she’s created for herself?
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