#but IDK lol with the ending feeling off to me and the amount of supplemental material being this large
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mekatrio · 1 year ago
ok im complaining a little bit bc if it means the reading of an important character changes significantly bc of information thts in supplemental material then like.. shouldnt it have been in the main story?
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telafel · 1 month ago
survived day one of meds and was thankful the zoomy feeling wore off at the end of the day so it wasn't too hard to fall asleep. I'm keeping a notebook of how it makes me feel so if none of the "stop it right away" symptoms happen I can show it to the doc and be like "here is my experience"
but also it is definitely working. I have already noticed I am not feeling as hungry and in turn I'm backing off the amount of what i eat. While also keeping blood sugar in mind. It's definitely a weird feeling though to have hunger's edge completely taken away. I can tell when I need to eat but it's not this all-consuming feeling.
The stimulant side of it so far has felt fine. It felt great actually, which is the only thing i have been worried abt. I knew this was a controlled substance and it was potentially habit-forming, so I will be as cautious as i can be. The last time i had a drug like this the moment I felt a craving for it I stopped... but the only alternative for this is an injection which Im terrified of needles (yes, ironic that i have several piercings and a tattoo and want more of both lol. but it's different when it's a once-every-few-years moment vs a weekly thing.)
and also having energy feels so fucking nice like oh my god, I'm usually just dragging myself through existing and it drains me so much. I know I have been diagnosed iron-deficient anemic but iron supplements help for like a day and then make me feel shitty again in a new fun way. I felt so locked in yesterday. I didn't do A LOT but I was much more on-the-ball and motivated. But idk if that is just a placebo effect. Or maybe my energy level is affecting my mood more than i thought
I will talk to the doc about the energy thing at some point, maybe in my follow up next month. I still need to go get the labs done but I hate that I have to fast and then drive to fuck-knows-where to do it. And then get blood drawn which will freak me out. and if they have to draw a lot i'll probably get light headed. Ugh.
And then in march I'll be seen about checking for pcos. I still can't get an answer from my mom if that's something she had. But she had cysts so bad she eventually had to get a hysterectomy. And she still goes "well I dont know if that's what I had or not." which is just SO helpful. it would just be helpful to know if im at higher risk of having it or not.
Anyways its good to be taken seriously for once by a doctor. I still think about that time when I was having problems with my period not being consistent (like not having one for several months) and the gynecologist barely looked at me, barely inspected anything, and said the problem was that I was fat. Still fuming over that.
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spookyrobbins · 4 years ago
thinking abt s9 again and it still pisses me off how much of az's experiences and disability is viewed from callie's pov (like literally at some points). like disclaimer here bc i understand that the people around an amputee are affected by it too and i understand that (esp at the time) showing callie's pov and struggles was extremely novel. but callie's pov should have been a supplement to az's, not replacing it?? bc literally every single one of az's ig accomplishments?? 1/8 – darkness anon
are seen from callie's pov. it even goes into the way they film certain scenes. (note that i am not like a professional filmmaker but i did take courses on art interp) comparing two scenes - the scene where az walks across the apartment to the door w her prosthesis and like trips and breaks shit along the way vs the "i got back up" scene which are very different scenes that occur in the same location - i noticed smth rlly interesting abt the way the audience is positioned 2/8
in the first one. there is only one portion of the scene (lasting maybe one second) where we do not see arizona in frame. in fact, most of this scene, we see arizona from her side, and at the end, we see her facing forward, toward the camera. and that's significant bc when they do that, we don't see things like the character sees it. we see it like an audience. we literally don't see az's perspective even when she is the Only character on screen. the closest we get to that in this 3/8
is the split-second frame of the vase breaking and one of the outside of the apartment, pointing to where the files bailey promised should have been. what the scene conveys isnt necessarily az's experiences, as a result, and instead is showing us the results of bailey's plan to get az walking again, which is linked back to callie's feelings abt az's response to the amputation and,, yeah. admittedly though, this scene is probably one of the most arizona centric scenes in the season. 4/8
comparing a scene with similar setting - the i got back up scene - is super interesting though, because we can see that the directors are filming az's scenes the way they are on purpose. bc that scene starts from callie's perspective and stays there for the rest of the scene. we start with the camera behind callie as she stands outside the door of the apt, and then cuts to a side/frontal angle so we can see her expression at the sound of az giggling behind the door 5/8
then she opens the door and we cut to a frontal angle so we instantly see callie's reaction to smth behind the camera and then turn around and show us what she's reacting to. compared to how they framed az opening the door in the 9x06 scene (they focus on the empty floor first and then pan up to az, emphasising the importance of the empty floor over az's reaction). and even when the camera is focused on az and sofia, it's callie's voice that we hear first and she asks if az 6/8
had a good day and then az reveals oh well i fell down and then we cut back to callie for her reaction. and then az responds w "i got back up". but the "i got back up" part? literally lasts less than a second before we cut back to callie again. and after that the cam cuts between focusing on callie and watching az and sofia from callie's pov (u can argue that the focus on callie is sofia's pov but i dont think that makes much sense? idk) but yeah. its like really weird too bc 7/8
in the same ep, they have the scene where az actually falls and its filmed so similarly to this scene in some ways and even though some of these techniques are used on az, it emphasizes alex's pov more than it does az and ugh idk. s9 irritates me in both the storyline and filming ig is the conclusion here. and uhh just realised how super long this got so like. feel free to not,, respond? like i get that this is like ridiculous and im sorry my dude 8/8
no no but you're so right. i've said it before (i think) and i'll say it again: the show disproportionately favours callie's pov over arizona's (it does this with other characters, like meredith's over derek's, but to a slightly less extreme i think) - part of this i think is bc callie was there first and arizona is written as a love interest exclusively. but the whole amputation storyline really showed this to an extreme
i also think that the amount of time spent in callie's pov is part of the reason that the cheating felt so extremely ooc/cheap emotional payoff. i've seen various places where people have said that cheating can be part of depression/ptsd/trauma (and i fully agree/believe that) and that could fit in arizona's storyline - except the audience never really saw her dealing with that. there was the stuff at the beginning of the season and then arizona seemed fine? and the challenge of arizona i think is that she's very internal and taking away teddy and mark (to an extent) sort of limited her external processes, which left the viewer thinking that arizona was doing okay. but the effect of not showing us arizona's pov is that it comes out of left field (which is you were writing not filming from callie's pov could work bc limited 3rd person) is that it just seems out of character and tawdry and you have to create miscarriages to explain her behaviour
the way they filmed/wrote 95% of calzona's scenes in s9 were focused on callie and her feelings. even scenes that on the surface seem to be about arizona are really centered on callie. like for instance the shoes before bailey's wedding. arizona is struggling with self-worth and beauty and this would be a perfect moment for arizona to have ownership in her journey - instead we get callie yelling at her about how "everything is about the leg", which i think does a disservice to arizona and also to callie's character, which has often been based around empathy (don't get me started on callie's empathy and how it relates to arizona lol) like you said, every one of arizona's moments/accomplishments is not really about her. and that was a problem with arizona's character from the start - it's never really about her - it's about other. for example: her telling callie about tim was about reassuring callie's feelings versus it being a moment to add depth to arizona's character
one more thing: i think the writers majorly screwed themselves with the amputation sl/how they approached it. in the same way that the plane crash dominated like 4 seasons on a wider scale, arizona's leg and amputation did on a smaller scale, but they set it up so poorly that it was almost unsalvageable. they wanted the pat on the back for having a disabled character, but they mismanaged the storyline so atrociously that by the time s10 rolled around they were sort of screwed and didn't know what to do with callie and arizona. it's also notable that by like what? s11 they just stop talking about arizona's leg entirely
lol my part got long too so i'll leave it here
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stvlti · 7 years ago
11 Questions
i was tagged by @privatekururugi, @espiadimonis, and @transguynoriaki a while ago. each gave me a set of 11 questions to answer, so i will answer these 33 questions. i’m not gonna tag anyone in particular, but if you see this do feel free to have a go at any or all of these sets of 11q’s.
from @privatekururugi:
1) Do you have any specific diet you go by? (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Paleo, etc.) i used to be pescetarian, but then the deficiencies it gave me caused some pretty bad dental / gum problems, so i started eating a bit of lean chicken and pork on the side again... (yeah i know supplements exist, but even my nutrition major of a friend thought a pescetarian diet won’t yield deficiencies, and also supplements are fairly expensive. get off my case)
2&3) Do you have any siblings? If so, how close are you? nope, i’m an only child
4&5) What’s your favourite book and why? (I might want to read it lol) hmm. i still really like 1984, it was the first dystopian classic i read and the concept of Newspeak, tampering with historical authenticity on such grand scales, etc. just blew my mind. so even though i still dislike its weakass character-writing (p much anyone besides Winston has no personality, no distinct personal motives, etc), it’s got a soft spot in my heart. next to that i also liked A Clockwork Orange for the philosophical discussion of the nature of right and wrong (although in hindsight the story is a bit didactic); To Live by Yu Hua (the ill-fated episodes and tragic ends are made all the more absurd by the subtle and simply narration style, but it really is a humbling and informative experience for us readers of a different era and socioeconomic background); and of course, my favourite fable, A Little Prince.
6) Would you describe your personality as dominate or submissive overall? what the fuck kind of question is this. well i’m opinionated as heck, so i’m not submissive “personality-wise”. and that’s all i’ll say on the matter because i’m p sex-indifferent lol, if that’s what this question was trying to get at.
7) What are your dreams usually like at night? oh man. i usually don’t dream normal dreams; as in, most dreams i have is either one big adventure / story, or some bizarre situation that would have been questionable at best, fucked up at worst, in real life context. when i start dreaming about mundane everyday life problems or situations, like failing a test or being stuck with a friend i’ve cut off from my life years ago, that’s usually when i’ve got some kind of stress going on in my life.
(i’ve been trying to restart my dream journal tag actually, but i got stuck on my second entry trying to recall the specifics lol. maybe i should release entry #3 from the drafts first.)
8) Is there anything you’re currently anxious about? well, yeah. my future. my job prospects. being homeless once my parents decide to sell their house off for retirement because the housing prices are through the roof here. pick one.
9&10) Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving? Will you be contributing anything? we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving!
11) Whose your favourite Death Note character (if you have one)?  Light Yagami, even though he’s a slimy fox.
from @transguynoriaki:
1. What kind of music do you listen to?
hmm, i only listen to really slow music or something dark or rock-ish, nothing in between!! muahahaha!! 
okay that’s generalising it; i do love The Honey Trees and The Novembers, which are on opposite ends of the “slow” spectrum (one’s dream pop, the other’s infused with shoegaze and other distortions + some screamy vocals and loud noises at times), with Lana Del Rey and her decadent sounds smack in the middle lol. but yeah i certainly have a taste for the more atmospheric stuff, so aside from the fuzzy feelings of The Novembers’ stuff and the grandness of Lana’s string instrumentals i also like the darker chill vibes you get from The Neighbourhood, some of The Weeknd’s older stuff, etc. 
and I also really enjoy MCR, Muse and the like - i.e. dramatic sounds, that’s the good shit to me haha.
i also like more conventional pop acts like Lorde... and my fave local singer, Ivana Wong, of course!
2. Do you prefer to keep your living space neat and tidy or do you like a certain amount of mess?
i do prefer order and routine in my life, sadly if i can’t do that on a structural level you think i can do that with my desk?! lol. in an alternate universe, maybe.
3. What was the first ship you remember really shipping?
hmm probably TerraxBeast Boy from CN’s Teen Titans. i was lukewarm / indifferent to other canon pairings i’ve seen in media up until that point; but i guess i was more persuaded by the storyline than their characterisations as looking back there are glaring trust issues in their relationship (and that’s an understatement)
4. Do you have a certain show or book series that holds a lot of nostalgic value for you? If so, what was it?
hmm, i guess Courage the Cowardly Dog? (i was a weird kid but shush) and Teen Titans of course. as for books, hmm... ASoUE is definitely one of the ones that just takes me back to middle school. i even bought the Beatrice letters files thingy. tbf the whole Lemony Snicket universe did teach me a lot about cryptography, which i guess if me or a friend of mine were to do an L rp and solve cases it would help a lot (*cough* not saying that’s what’s happening right now because i’ve got other stuff i’m investing my time into. i guess my friend’s gonna make themselves scarce as well hahaha *cue Mariah Carey’s i can’t read gif except it’s L*)
5. What is your favorite type of food?
Italian and Japanese are my fave cuisines! i guess that means i love richly-flavoured foods and creamy stuff. ooh, love those sauces.
6. Was there ever a fad or activity from your childhood that you could never understand or get into?
i wasn’t a gamer at all. we didn’t own a single console and i wasn’t allowed to get a handheld. the most i had was a Tamagotchi. so i guess it’s not so much i never got that ‘fad’, just that i was never given the opportunity to discover the really good games. i’ve only ever played a bit of Mario Kart or Cooking Mama on my cousin’s NDS so yeah. didn’t see the appeal in the more light-hearted games like that.
(now that i’ve played Undertale i’m kinda wanting to explore more PC games though. i heard Papers Please is good, and PJ (@kickthepj)’s been recommending Hyper Light Drifter a lot, and the art looks amazing, so yeah... too broke to get them though... and even if i had the money and time to play them i’d be allocating it towards other stuff you know?)
7. What’s your favorite time of day?
well i got 2 fave time periods. the first one’s the witching hours between midnight and early morning, when the world is quiet and you could do anything and nobody would know. the other one is early morning, just after sunrise, and the air is clear and slightly chilly, and it’s also really quiet but you can just hear the birds tweeting somewhere.
i’m more likely to be awake for the first time period described here though... ._.
8. What’s your favorite type flower and why?
hmm i'm not really a flower person. i’m just gonna steal Luke’s answer and say cactus flowers haha (well i do like cacti, they’re some of my favourite plants; i even named my IG/Twitter and Pokemon Go usernames after the plant; also some of you might remember that i had a pet cactus for 8 months)
9. What’s your favorite cliché/trope in fiction?
lovers running out of time...
10. Did/do you do any extracurricular activities when you were in school and what were they?
(wow Luke that’s a lot on your resume!)
i did bits and bobs throughout school, but perhaps my longest commitment was my Clarinet lessons. started when i was in Year 2, carried on until i obtained a Pass in Grade 8 ABRSM certificate in Year 10. i had to quit and give up on a diploma there because i was starting the IB diploma programme in Year 11...
this commitment is only rivalled by the dance classes i took. i did ballet from a young age until i was about 12~13, quitting just before en pointe shoes were introduced; i had also been in Chinese dance lessons from Year 1, so after quitting ballet i just focused on that until Year 10 as well (again, quitting to focus on my full-time diploma).
i also did Taekwondo as a child and obtained a black belt qualification by age 12. i quit once i did though, because again i couldn’t afford to juggle so many commitments the older i got and the more demanding my studies became.
perhaps the proudest extracurricular i’ve done is in my senior years of high school: i started and chaired the student committee as the editor in-chief for the school’s first student-ran and seasonal (now monthly) publication. it’s not student-ran either anymore because i guess the kids that came after the classes of 2014, 2015, and 2016 just dgaf about slightly more demanding extracurriculars that require organisation as long as they can earn their credits elsewhere (yes i’m salty, i’m allowed to be okay, it was my brainchild but apparently kids these days don’t care about having their voices heard if it means having to negotiate diplomacy with the adults in charge. god, how do they expect to survive in uni or in a workplace?)
11. What’s your favorite piece of work that you’ve ever created and what about it do you love so much?
hmm. i think for sure the prose poem i wrote about Light’s death in the anime. idk, the flow and the imagery is just a good concentrated example of what i could be capable of given the right tone and context. (of course, i’ve been trying hard to branch out in genres and forms, so that sort of language isn’t always applicable. but yeah, it remains my fave as a showcase of my best writing abilities ^_^)
and from @espiadimonis​:
1.If you could have one piece of death note merchandise of any kind, what would it be?
oh man! i’ve been pining after the Hot Topic official DN poker card deck for quite some time! i’ve checked Blue Banana while i was in the UK, but it’s not available there, and it’s not at Tokyo Toys either (they do sell a DN playing card deck, but it’s a lot cheaper in design :/)
2.What’s your favourite 3D animated movie?
does Lego Batman count? if not, then i guess Zootopia.
(there’s a reason these 2 are listed in my bio fandoms list like...)
3.What superpower would you like to have?
i used to always choose levitation / flying, but lately i’m not so sure. i’ve heard a lot of compelling arguments for other powers haha.
you know what, i’d trade for something as simple as better control of my own brain. i don’t care about mind control over others; i just want to be able to harness the best parts of my lightning fast thought processes and out-of-the-box thinking on my best days without being constantly tripped up by executive dysfunction like that on a metacognitive level.
4.Favourite piece of clothing?
my soft furry hoodie, which i’m wearing right now! <3
5.Who’s your favourite Sailor Scout?
i don’t have one, sorry! i was 4 when it aired on TV, so i don’t remember much from those years except the Sailor Moon t shirt i got courtesy of my aunt because it was all the rage back then... i’m sorry, but i have more vivid memories of Pretty Cure and Sugar Sugar Rune!
6.Do you prefer potato chips chocolate?
it is a good combo for sure! we are talking about Royce’s chocolate potato chips, right? (if you haven’t tried it get some next time you or a friend/family goes to Japan! we can buy it locally from like Citysuper or something, but i doubt they export it to any countries beyond East Asia haha)
7.What song makes you feel melancholic?
oh, Six Billion did last week. it left me feeling cold all over. an effect from the combination of the layered vocals and the instrumentals i guess. (is it in minor key? i’m sorry i can’t tell anymore, it’s been far too long since i’ve had any musical training. but if it’s in minor key it would explain why.)
there’s also some of the stuff off The Novembers’ catalogue... mostly 終わらない境界 from To (melt into), which was my daily commuting soundtrack at a time when i had brainfog on a regular basis, so yeah, anxiety and all that fun stuff :/
8.Which dn character would you invite to Spaceland(the amusement park)?
Sayu or Matsuda? they deserve a lot more than the hand canon dealt them. hmm maybe Rem too? but she wouldn’t be able to interact with a lot of the stuff there :/
9.What’s the funniest movie you ever watched?
i guess The Lego Batman Movie? i’m sorry i know i keep bringing this film up, but it’s comedic genius for a “kid’s movie”.
10.You can only choose one pokémon! Which one do you choose?
Blissey was gonna be my go to answer. she’s a tank, have you seen her? but is she really my fave mon? debatable. idk man. i really liked Vulpix/Ninetales as a kid... but dark and ghost types though!! okay i can’t choose, next question 
11.What made you happy recently?
i went to another poetry event last night and i met up with a friend i haven’t seen since September :P
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btsiguess · 7 years ago
This is just to say has really got my brain working. I've gotten super into philosophy and literature bc of it?? and then I ended up having a dream bc of it?? I was wondering if you had any suggestions for things I could maybe learn about/study (both philosophy and literature) Thank you for the amazing story!!
This is the question I was BORN TO ANSWER I’m so excited, okay.
So I’m actually an English and Philosophy major at school (wow big shock right?) and the two actually really go hand in hand. You get a lot more out of literature when you understand how people were thinking at the time and philosophy gives you such great insight into that. Also especially in the case of earlier literature, everything was being written and read by educated people. So really if you were writing literature you were well versed in Philosophy and that created an atmosphere where authors were alluding to philosophical conversations in their work, assuming their audience would understand the references. It’s for that reason that these two fields really supplement one another.
A lot of philosophy is very dry, if I’m being honest, a lot of the “great” philosophers are really difficult to read because they basically talk in circles to prove their points.
I personally prefer some of the more contemporary philosophers? Gauthier is my favorite, he’s a wild ride. And I like a lot of the philosophers who sort of also made it as authors (so like, Kafka and Camus. But a lot of people find them tedious, because they… are…) the existentialists as a whole are also really fun? But also SO exhausting. But that’s just philosophy in general (e.g. In philosophy class a few days ago we were discussing whether or not ANYTHING IS REAL AT ALL OR IF WE ARE ALL JUST???????????? NOTHING WE COULD ALL JUST NOT EXIST?)
Literature is DEFINITELY my main passion though, so I can absolutely suggest some actual specific stuff for you?!?! Just like my favorite things! All of these you can probably find online??!
- I feel obligated to start off with one of my favorite poems, and the place where my title comes from: “This is just to say” by William Carlos Williams (what’s it about idk but I think it’s damn cute every time.)
- “The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket” by Yasunari Kawabata (this was my first introduction to any East Asian literature and it sparked my interest in non-western culture so it is very important to me! Without it I would have never found BTS, and a HUGE amount of other things that I now think are critically necessary for my life.)
- “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving (it’s especially interesting if you look at it as a metaphor for the American Revolutionary War which happened about 50 yrs prior to its publication// I think Katrina is a personification of America, Ichabod is a personification of the British army, and Brom is the American/union soldiers which makes it SO much cooler idk)
- “My love for you is so embarrassingly” by Todd Boss. (I carry a copy of this poem around in my wallet?! Yikes I’m a n e r d. But seriously. It’s beautiful.)
I don’t want to overwhelm you with suggestions? So I’ll stop there. And if you want specific essays or PDFs of anything relating to philosophy sent your way I can definitely do that, lol. I’m a TA (my university lets undergraduates be TAs 😎). I have them on hand and literally I love LEARNING and sharing knowledge and also I am so hype about literature and philosophy so, really thank you for letting me gush?
Please! Feel free to even send me a message if you want to continue talking about this? I can send you suggestions based on your personal likes and dislikes ❤️
Also, one last thing before I go! Thank you so much for letting me know you liked the story and I’m honestly so SHOOK that it’s gotten you interested I. Philosophy and literature?? I seriously can’t imagine a better way to end my day! I love you 💕💙
Keep in touch xx 😘
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totoreishii · 8 years ago
I will be graduating from college in two months with a job lined up for me right after, so with what I’ve been through in terms of applying for various positions, I figured I’d share some advice on how to apply to positions as a college student, interviewing, and overall overcoming the grind that is finding a job.
disclaimer: I can only speak from my own perspective, a US citizen majoring in Computer Information Systems (under a business school) with career aspirations in software development. Idk how many of my followers can relate but I hope it at least helps
Generally speaking, I recommend in your university career that you work a part-time position and do at least one internship. For the part-time position, I recommend working on campus because universities are usually flexible about scheduling. Internships, especially for people interested in software development, help you gain experience of what it’s like to work in your field. Overall, doing both these things will supplement and boost your resume and make finding that full-time job a lot easier.
Go attend your university’s career fairs. Any that are relevant to your career aspirations. I’ve attended my major’s career’s fair, the big main career fair, hell I even raided the engineering school’s career fair. Honestly in my opinion, this is one of the best ways to apply for a job, whether it’s full-time or for an internship. Literally for some companies, the career fair is the application process; it might be the only way to grab an audience with them. I managed to capture the attention of one of my top desired companies to work for simply by talking to them at the career fair (I just interviewed with them a couple days ago). I have applied to their positions multiple times on their online portal, but I had never once received a response. Now, I’ve had professors urging me to go as early as possible (like when you’re a freshman or sophomore) because they want you to be recognizable by the employers. I have mixed feelings about this because really most of the time employers are only looking for juniors (internships) and seniors (full-time) and will sometimes front-out tell you that and then just shoo you away, and I speak from first-hand experience of such actions. And please for the love of God DRESS UP. I can’t tell you how cringy and unprofessional it is to see people showing up to these events in casual clothes.
Apart from career fairs, utilize your school’s job board or online job portals. I think for the most part a majority of universities offer some type of job portal that employers can post their open positions to. Most of the time, the job postings in those type of sites only require you to submit a resume, but you should expect that they’ll ask you to submit a full application their site as well. In addition to using my school’s job board, I’ve used Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn to help me find jobs. I strongly recommend having accounts on Glassdoor and LinkedIn. Glassdoor has profiles on companies and will tell you average salaries and interview processes. LinkedIn is a professional social media tool and acts like an online resume; you have the ability to directly contact a company’s HR manager, but I’ve mostly used LinkedIn to learn about potential interviewers I’d be interviewing with.
If you’re extremely concerned about finding a job with no particular preferences about companies, then my recommendation is to apply to as many positions you qualify for as you can. I can tell you right now it will be a pain in the ass to fill out 98098134 applications, but someone is bound to consider you and you want a considerably large pool of potential employers to choose from. With that being said, you may get a large amount of responses back all asking to interview you, and you might find yourself overwhelmed. I have personally been VERY overwhelmed in terms of scheduling AND interviewing because I have to balance my work, school, and interviewing schedule all with the fact that interviews in general just make me anxious lol. However, I think this is a price worth paying because while others may think doing all these interviews would be a waste of time, I personally believe practice makes perfect. If you’re a shy or quiet person, you need to practice interviewing, whether it’s what you’ll say or how to project your voice and tone, doing multiple interviews will help you present a better version of yourself.
I urge you to stay positive when you face rejections. Especially if you do the previous bullet, you may find that you’ll get a lot of rejections (or just a lot of silence). Each rejection or ignored application can chip away at your self-esteem (especially if you already have a low one), and if you do mass applications, sometimes the rejections will just hit you with extreme force. I remember during my junior year when I was applying for internships, I had gotten so many rejections in one week, the night I came back from a really bad interview, I had extremely violent thoughts about throwing myself down stairs and just in general having very scary suicidal thoughts because I felt like no company would want me and that I was worthless and that I wouldn’t get a full-time job later on because I couldn’t even get an internship. Try to keep a positive mindset; if you haven’t received a reply back from someone, it’s not a rejection yet. However, if you’re anything like me, you’ll learn to just shut off your emotions and do what you need to do if you have further interviews to go to. After that night, I had an interview a couple days later and I remember feeling so dead on the inside but had the thought that basically nothing could hurt me because I had been suffering so much already. After that interview, not even 10 minutes later, I got a call saying I got the internship.
Try your hardest NOT to compare yourself with others. This is an extremely common thing to happen with my major. Computer Information Systems and Computer Science are fundamentally different but both teach programming and allow individuals to become software developers. As such, many people in these majors compare themselves with each other, I myself included. I was always self-conscience about being qualified for a position versus a Comp Sci major and it showed when I answered questions in interviews. Therefore, I encourage you to focus only on what you’re capable of. There’s always going to be someone better at something than you, but you’re also better at something than someone else. If you only focus on what you can do and market that to employers, they will in turn see you’re confident in your own abilities and not someone else’s. 
When you’re going to an interview I have two things I want to mention: bring appropriate materials and have questions to ask the employers. Appropriate materials means a binder/folder containing paper to take notes on, copies of your resume, something to write with, and oh my god REMEMBER YOUR ID. Majority of US companies require you to check in before meeting with anyone in their company and that means having an ID. I have forgotten my ID before and the company wouldn’t let me in, so I was extremely late to my interview and overall butchered any chances of being considered for the position. At the end of every interview, the employer will always ask “So do you have any questions for me?” If you say no, this kind of gives off the vibe that you don’t really care for the company or the position because someone who’s really passionate about something will have many questions. Here’s a list of some questions you can ask that I myself have personally used.
In my business school, we took a class on how to write a resume, so I actually get shocked to see that so many people have ugly and horribly written resumes. There are a lot of resources out there that can help you with writing your resume, but in general: limit any whitespace (i.e. 0.5in margins) and use action words when describing work experience; people don’t want to read about what you did but how the job benefited you OR how you contributed to the job. Also, unless you’re like a masters student or something, keep your resume to one page. Show only what’s necessary and present it logically. If you’re a student, education should be at the top. If you’re a student in a technical field, put your education first and then list any technical skills that you have. Employers don’t want to look through filler just to see what programming languages you know.
I feel like I had so much more to say but this has gotten incredibly long as it is. If there are any fetuses who read this and have further questions, you’re welcome to send me an ask! I feel it’s my duty as a graduating senior to pass on my knowledge and experience to the youngins’ lol. 
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