#but I'm mean and refused to share my fruits of my labor
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indecisive-dizzy · 6 months ago
made soup :]c
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krysmcscience · 1 year ago
Seamless song splices, starring: Horton Hears A Who, and Prince of Egypt
Because if there's one thing I can't stand, it's random pops, clicks, and stutters between my music tracks, and after downloading and listening to at least five different releases of these albums to find that a whole entire none of them were actually seamless, I took it upon myself to do some quick(ish) audio editing. Here are the fruits of my labors!
I'll start with Horton Hears A Who, because John Powell is a musical superwizard and it is a Fucking Crime what they did to his work. (Seriously, look at this shit. That is the actual official soundtrack. Who approved this and where do I go to slap them?)
First, what I've titled as Opening Suite, which includes 'Fall From Tree', 'Cave of Destiny', and 'Jungle of Nool'. Because for some reason, as you can see from the soundtrack listing, whoever put the album together thought that splitting a two and a half minute song into three separate tiny chunks was a good idea. Now, I think we can all agree that they were abhorrently wrong, but rest assured that I have taken the time to correct that wrong.
Speaking of (far more horrific) wrongs, they also decided to chop this epic climactic masterpiece into four pieces! I have courteously rectified their music crimes, and titled the result as 'We Are Here!', given the whole story's theme and all (not to mention how those are the only words in the entire piece). This song includes 'Roping and Caging', 'We Are Here', 'Symphonophone', and 'Jojo Saves The Day'.
A similar wrong comes next, although it's at least somewhat more reasonable this time around. I've titled it A Big Ending, partially because it's the official title of the last of the three included songs, but also because...well, put all together, it is a really big ending. The first song is 'Hall of Mayors' (which briefly has How to Train Your Dragon vibes, in my opinion), while the middle and veritable bulk is taken up by 'Horton Suite' (i.e. the ending credits song - hence why it's so fucking long). 'Horton Suite' clocks in at nearly seven whole minutes, and is comprised of some very Suessical music that is worth every last second, and I don't care what anyone else says about that, I am Objectively Correct here.
With Horton Hears A Who out of the way, we come next to Prince of Egypt, which was similarly but at least less egregiously butchered. (Cuz I mean...at least 'Deliver Us' didn't get snipped up, right?)
First, Rally and The Plagues. I really only did this one because I wanted to listen to 'The Plagues', but hated how it didn't start cleanly. So, nothing much else to say about this one. Instead, I will take the time here to say that all four of the splices so far were easy-peasy - just a quick copy-paste and a cut of empty air between the waveforms of each file. The last one, though...
The last, and most important is When You Believe and The Red Sea, because 'When You Believe' just cuts off at the end, mid-note no less, which is clearly unacceptable to anyone with both ears and good taste. This splice...was significantly harder. It actively refused to splice clean in the same way as the prior works, up until I finally said 'fuck it', selected more than just empty air, made sure that the selection's ends were on the zero-crossing, and chopped away. BOOM. Clean splice, and - to my ear, at least - undetectable. I'm pretty pleased with it! If nothing else, I can finally listen to it without wincing at the very brief stutter between songs. (Granted, I'm not too jazzed about 'The Red Sea', but it does have some cool parts, and if nothing else, it ends nice and clean~)
Also, yes, I made those last two splices instead of sleeping, and then proceeded to make this post about all my audio editing nonsense instead of sleeping. Clearly, sharing the fruits of my labor is more important, both to me and hopefully to the other audiophiles out there who listened to these albums and also hated what was done to them. :)
(By the way, have a clean splice of 'The End.' and 'Dead!' by My Chemical Romance, too. Just for funzies.)
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suicidepostergirl1987 · 3 months ago
I never use this blog anymore but I need to vent about something and don't want it on/attached to my main.
My partner and I are both hobbyist writers. Fanfiction, to be specific and we actually met through that hobby. We've both been doing this for years and years before we met. Now, he has an English degree and I only have part of an English degree/most of a film studies degree so he is kind of the authority on the subject of good storytelling structure. We give each other stuff to beta and grammar check sometimes because it's nice to have a second pair of eyes on something before it goes up and usually when he gives me something, I'll add a few grammar/spelling notes, a few notes on sentences that feel a little unwieldy, etc. He kind of refuses to read my stuff unless it's for criticism purposes? We had a project we were working on together and he read those but when I wrote something independently that I thought he'd enjoy he just kept saying "I'm not in the mood right now" until eventually admitting that he doesn't read much of anything because he "can't turn the English major off" and gets too critical of it.
I started another project recently and this one is more in his area of expertise (as far as fandom and historical setting) so I have been deferring to him for accuracy checks on things I'm confused about. So far I've sent him 3 things where his response was very negative. One of them I gave him commenting rights on the document and he got a page a half in on the rough draft before leaving one last comment that was just "If I keep going I'm going to say something very mean so I'm stopping here. Scrap it and start over." Obviously this was pretty disheartening so I tried again with a different premise and the same thing "You need to scrap it and start over, this isn't working." And another thing "I just don't think you're capable of writing this. Scrap it and maybe reconsider writing it at all." At this point I've given up. Not on sharing stuff with him no, I've given up on writing. And I don't know how to tell him that every time I open a fresh text document I just remember that "I really think you should just give up" and close it again. Why bother, why waste my time if I'm just going to present the fruits of my labor to the guy I'm dating and have him go "oh, honey, this is embarrassingly bad..." I might keep writing for myself privately but I think I'm done sharing it with other people or posting it because I think he's right, I think my writing is embarrassingly bad and I've been tripping over my own dick for my entire AO3 career.
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One of my favorite parts of the garden is watching the bees enjoy their meal. Most of the time it means there will be a bigger harvest, plus the bonus of honey for our friends. This time of year it's kinda sad. I know these specific bees won't be around next year, having died off and been replaced by the next generation, or even the generation after that.
At the same time, these little guys never give up preparing for winter, even though they won't get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. I've wondered if we as people are as thoughtful. Are we preparing for the future? Are we making the way smoother for the next generation or two by being willing to sacrifice our energy and comfort to make sure our kids and grandkids reap the benefits of our work?
Previous generations of humans have been willing to do whatever it takes to preserve a place for their families. I specifically think of the "Greatest Generation". The ones who lived, died, and fought for freedom not only for ourselves (although that was definitely the impetus), but also for those across the ocean who were facing annexation or even annihilation at the hands of crazed dictators. Then they lived with the consequences, often stoically. Was it easy? Nope. Were they, or the political climate perfect? Nope. Was it worth it? I'm selfish enough to think it was.
I think of what we as the human race face today, and I'm not speaking of the pandemic (although that is an issue), but of the climate of hate and injustice. A world where if I don't agree with your point of view, I am an enemy and a villain. Even if I don't think of you as my enemy, but simply another human being who happens to have a different perspective. A world where we CHOOSE to not to look for what each other need and meet that need so far as we can, but to look out for ourselves, numero uno, and to refuse to help or care about those who don't think like we do. A world where our hearts have turned cold to the meaning of being a neighbor or a friend. A world I don't want my kids inheriting.
The picture I have painted is ugly and uses a very broad brush. But what can we each do to change this picture? It could be as simple as ending a conversation with "You know, we just seem to disagree about this. But thank you for chatting. It's been good to hear another perspective." And then walking away happy to have heard and shared. Or it could be more complicated, like engineering a lasting peace between feuding neighbors, or pouring the oil of caring and love onto the (proverbial) heads of your enemies (real enemies, or imagined).
Let's be the change. Change the world.
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ungracefulace · 6 years ago
Always and all people are different. The meaning is not the same. And you were the one who pointed to the blog as your example for how horrible inclusionists were, even though I never said they were perfect. Im not blaming you for how the blog is ran by pointing out how that's a bad source, but it's why I asked for actual instances that at you were referring to. Im not being facetious by answering your post, but you're more than welcome to stop answering. It wouldnt bother me.
No one is saying that cishet aces or aces in general are more important!! People not wanting exclusionists in a space that is ace inclusive isnt putting cishets over LGBT people, its protecting aces from exclusionists. It's the same as trans spaces who dont welcome truscum. They arent "prioritizing cis people" they are protecting trans people who arent policing others. People are allowed to not want people who have shitty ideologies in their safe space.
For instance, Im gay and trans along with being ace, and in gay and trans spaces I should be allowed to talk about all aspects of my identity that have to do with my gender identity and orientation. My gay ace experiences are different than experiences of gays who are allo, and sharing that not only help the individual (in this example me) but also any other people who might not know what asexuality is or that they can be gay and ace fully flesh out their identity. These are conversations that should happen and exclusionists shutting these down because it's making a ~real LGBT~ space about asexuality is something that should be stopped. If you arent actively excluding aces then you should be fine, if you are assuming that any ace inclusion is allowing cishets tmi shit all over you because the aces might be cishet then that's an attitude that shouldnt be prevalent in LGBT+/queer groups, and that's got nothing to do with prioritizing cishets.
Im sorry people are calling you a queer but i'm not doing that and I acknowledge that queer is a slur? I just also acknowledge that queer is also an identity. There are queer spaces and a queer community. You are more than welcome to not include yourself in it but it's important to acknowledge that it does exist and the historical reclamation of queer in a lot of POC, gay, lesbian, and trans communities (obviously these arent the only people who use/reclaim queer and everyone in these groups dont but there were movements within these groups to reclaim and take back queer).
I never once said inclusionists have never done anything wrong. I acknowledge wrongdoings that inclusionists do and whenever I see it I call them out. Theres plenty of inclus that I hate and refuse to deal with, and it's why I have a relatively small ~discourse friends~ circle. The only thing I did was say that I havent doen the specific things you pointed out from inclusionists and that I actually have seen and experienced first hand these things from exclusionists. That's it. You're the one getting defensive over me simply pointing out what I've seen and dealt with and asking you for examples because I havent seen what you're talking about. For someone who complains about arguing in bad faith so much, you are constantly doing it! I'm not derailing from core content. Im directly responding to your post, going through a sentence at a time to try to not miss anything. I've directly addressed what your said your main point was twice now.
People on the street arent differentiating aces either! If you say or imply your identity is anything other than straight, homophobes and general LGBTphobes are going to treat you the same. The average cishet isnt going to see someone saying they are asexual and go "well are you a cishet ace? Because if you are then you arent really LGBT, let me take my homophobia elsewhere!" They're either going to see it as made up, a cowardly way of saying gay, or in the case of literal demons as a challenge. And tbh these arent the fruits of YOUR labors. These are the fruits of the labors of people who share your identities, but it's not the same thing. And if we are being historical it didnt even help the people who originally put forth these efforts! Bi people werent recognized as real members of the LGBT+ community until the 80s and trans people werent until the 90s. Also as the community has grown the purposes and goals of the community has changed. That's why Pride morphed into a celebration of diverse gender identities and orientations, and why a lot of resources for LGBT+ kids like scholarships are focused on leadership. Goals change, and including aces doesnt stray from that original goal of fighting against homophobia and transphobia (even though regardless of the fact that trans women were the ones who organized and sparked off pride transphobia wasnt a concern for the larger community until much later because cis white gays prioritized themselves and making the community more palatable to cishets then the struggles trans women faced and continue to face, but that's a whole different thing). It just expands on that.
Aces and aros deal with mistreatment that comes solely from their ace/aro identity by virtue of it not being het. Even het aces, if people know about their asexuality, can and in a lot of times di deal with this because they arent being straight "the right way". Im not going out of my way to include cishets, I'm talking about including asexuals and aromantics on the basis of them being ace/aro. That's just open to any ace/aro, which can include cishet aces/aros if they feel like they want to be connected to the ace community and overall LGBT+/queer community.
tbh one of the reasons i became exclus is bc it became very clear that cishet ace/aro ppl and their bootlickers support of lgbt ppl is very conditional - only if we are “inclusive” enough (words only of course), only if we are nice enough, only if our labels are palatable and lack concrete definitions and anyone can be like us, really; only if we are queer, but not gay; only if we center the most marginalised voices, no, not poc, or disabled people, and especially not lesbians, its actually the people who dont have sexual or romantic attraction who are the most oppressed (even though laws have never been written against them, people have never protested their mere existence) must be put first - to say otherwise is ‘aphobic’ and ‘basically like being a terf (who are significant threats to life and help make laws against trans women with the hard right elements and - but is used to mean anyone that i disagree with)’
if you think cishet ace/aro people are more important than your “”'allo’“” lgbt siblings i honestly dont really know what to say other than i feel bad for you and that you really gotta think a bit more critically like being ace/aro does not exclude you from being lgbt of course,,,,, but not being l / g / b or t in the first place does
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