#but I'm going to forget it two seconds later anyway
nervousunknownfox · 1 year
I haven't been able to write anything for 3 months now. I just had an idea for a fanfiction, and of course it must have occurred to me in the middle of the night.
Why is my brain like this...
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
i heard someone was in need of poly requests and i was summoned. anyway, this idea has been stuck in my head for days so i'll gift it to u😘
basically its pre-established polyship with lestappen and each of u are CONVINCED that the other two are dating (angst and pining ensues) sisksnsiekmwhswej but do with this what u will
oki bye bye love u nat🫶🫶
A/N: I don't normally write misunderstood trope, but honestly I'm loving this but I'm going to take a little spin on Max and Reader dating and flirt and tease Charles all the time, couple times you teased, and the one time he took you up on your offer
"You have a very small waist," Max comments one day, Charles jumping out of his skin, Max's voice brushing his ear, which has Charles stumbling forward and blushing. "I'm sorry what?" Max smirks, leaning over the railing as you giggle from your seat.
"You're waist, it's so small and perfect, really tiny when my hands are on it." Max lips turn upwards and Charles forgets how to breath as he'd get strike down with lighting with the image that just popped into his head. "Oh, I um....oh," Is all Charles can say in return which has you giggling. He can't help but let his eyes trail down noticing the small red between your legs and his eyes immediately snap back up to yours.
"I have to go!" He blurts and rushes off leaving you and Max, as you two watch him like he was prey.
"Charles?" Your voice floats to him with so much ease he hates that you could whisper in a club and still know where you are. "Yes, chaton?" He quickly turns to you, forgetting his drink at the bar as you two stood in some fancy party. "Max left, I was wondering, would you be okay with driving me home?" You ask, fingers trailing up his arm which has him shivering.
"Why did Max leave?" He blurts, mind rushing so fast as he tries not to go weak in the knees from your perfume. "I don't know," You shrug your shoulders and lean into Charles, your breasts being pushed against him, he has to look away quickly to stop himself from getting hard. "Look, can you give me a ride home or not? Because he has to fly out soon, and I can't get out of this dress myself." Charles groans in the back of his throat and bites his bottom lip.
"Oh saint doux putain." He groans as he feels your hips push more into his. "Fuck, sorry I can't." He moves and bolts away, choosing to ignore the way Max was standing at the exit and watched as Charles ran.
"Cold!" Charles yells, as Max screams and sprays the champagne all of Charles. This was the only time Max wasn't angry about being second, seeing Charles squirm and be sprayed with champagne was a glorious thing. "Oh fuck off, you love being sprayed in the face, don't you?" Max whispers in Charles's ear which has the Monegasque groaning, picturing himself on his knees and between Max's legs.
"You're right, I do. But only for you," Charles whispers, which has Max stumbling as they take the picture and Charles chuckles and gives a pat to Max on his ass. "See you later, nice race." Charles winks and walks off leaving Max reeling and a very noticeable bulge in his race suits.
The fans go wild.
He couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't hold himself together anymore and he was going crazy. You "accidentally" sent him a picture of you riding Max and he knew exactly where you two were.
Storming up to the hotel room door he knocks loudly, breathing hard, only in his boxers and t-shirt as he was woken from sleep. "Charles?" You're shocked to see him there, but he doesn't care and tugs you into his arms and kisses you hard. A clash of teeth, tongue, and moaning.
Shoving you into the room he kicks the door and picks you up dropping you on the bed. Max smirking as Charles tugs off his shirt, glaring at the two of you. "This is what's going to happen, I'm going to fuck you hard and deep that just looking at me your pussy can still feel me inside you. And you," Charles glares which has Max smirking, all in his naked glory.
"You're going to let my suck your cock and then fuck me because I can't handle this. And then in the morning I'm taking you both to breakfast and then we're done with this little dance, deal?" He asks and you whimper seeing him this way.
"Deal," You both say.
You got a really big noise complaint about your room.
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silent-stories · 11 months
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Your friends, like the whole school, don't like Eddie Munson. You, on the other hand, think you'd like to get to know him but that's probably never going to happen. Until you find yourself locked up with him in the school library.
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The parking lot was crowded, filled with students arriving and getting ready for another day at Hawkings Highschool as you walked alongside your two friends through the sea of ​​people.
"Is this jacket new?" Debby asked as she approached you with her nose, as if to sniff it, with an almost disgusted expression painted on her face.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes, it wasn't the first time Debby complained about the way you dressed, among the many faults she seemed to find in you every time.
"Um, yeah." You raised your eyebrows not understanding what she was getting at.
"It's leather." She stated as if the fact were a crime. "Leather stinks."
"Debby, it's not even real leather, it can't stink. I bought it for ten dollars at the flea market."
"Oh. So that's why it stinks."
"Debby, I swear I-"
"Hey, hey" Jess interrupted you "no one stinks in here, okay? Look, Y/N... Debbs and I were planning on going out tomorrow night. Maybe to the movies or something?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Ugh, what you have to do again?" Jess rolled her eyes, smoothing her perfect cheerleading skirt with her hands.
Jess was one of the most popular girls in school, perhaps second only to Chrissy Cunningham and a few other cheerleaders who became known through their jocks boyfriends.
"You know I work almost every day after school. Does the new record store sound familiar?"
"Oh c'mon, why do you have to work so much?" Jess snorted.
"Because I need money?" It was something between an answer and a question, you had never thought anyone would ask you why you decided making your own money was a good idea.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll do it another time okay?" Debby concluded, as you finally entered the school and Jess saw her boyfriend in the distance, talking to other jocks, all in their sparkly green and white school uniforms.
"Hey Beck!" She raised a hand to get the boy's attention and waved at him at the same time, trotting towards him and instantly forgetting you.
"God, she's so in love with him." Debby commented dreamily still by your side, looking at her friend from afar.
You saw the possessive way Beck kissed his girlfriend and then put his arm around her and held her close as he continued to talk to his friends, his hand was basically on her ass. "Mh, i guess she is. I really don't like that guy, anyway."
"How couldn't you? The whole school is as in love with Beck as they are with Jason." She waved at the blond boy who was now laughing at something a member of the basketball team had just said.
"Yeah, I don't like Jason either." You shrugged.
"That's impossible. He's one of the hottest guys I've ever seen."
"Debs, I'm not talking about his physical appearance. I don't like him as a person. I don't like how he behaves and how he treats people around him."
Debby looked at you for a moment with a slight smile on her lips as if she expected me to suddenly tell her you were joking.
"See you later in class, okay?"
You shook your head, thinking it was almost pointless to voice your opinion to people like her.
"Sure, see you later."
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Biology class was silent as the teacher explained the reproduction of cells through mitosis.
From your desk almost at the back of the room, you could see that Jess and Beck had no idea what the the tracher was talking about and kept exchanging notes probably filled with hearts and written in pink marker, you could see that the quiet boy at the first desk was just pretending to listen and that his gaze often fell on the window, probably fantasizing about what he saw outside, and finally, to your surprise, you could see that Eddie Munson, for the first time, had a pen in his hand he seemed to be writing.
Eddie Munson was a guy you never quite understood, both before you had a few classes together and after.
He didn't seem to be very interested in school, his grades or the way he responded to the teachers but it was already the second time he was repeating his last year of high school, proving that deep down, maybe, he didn't want to dropout.
He seemed to like to make all Hawkings think he was the mean and scary cultist people already thought he was yet he spent his free time playing a fantasy board game with freshmen, making them feel accepted in a school in which if you were considered even remotely different you could consider yourself doomed.
Eddie Munson was unusual and one of those people you wanted to get to know and understand what he was really like just because seen from an outside point of view, he seemed like an enigma.
"Well well well, what do we have here, Mr Munson?"
Mr. Walker's voice pulled you out of your thoughts and your head, like that of all your classmates, snapped towards Eddie.
That was the moment you realized that the whole time, Eddie wasn't taking notes but he was drawing something that you couldn't quite see from where you were.
"Oh-oh, someone's in trouble." You heard someone chuckle.
The teacher took the paper from Eddie's hands and looked at it with a wicked smile on his lips. "And what is this supposed to be?"
A slight smirk appeared on Eddie's lips. "Shouldn't you know? You studied animals and that stuff, right?"
The teacher chuckled as he crumpled up the paper and walked over to the bin next to his desk, dropping it among the day's other rubbish.
"I bet the freak will repeat the year for the third time." You hear Beck whisper and Jess laugh right after.
"I won't send you to detention again because I really want this year to be your last." The teacher continued, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Eddie with a severe look. "But if you still don't pay attention to the lessons, you won't give us any other choice. Okay?"
"Okay." Eddie replied after a moment of silence, the way he said it vaguely recalled the professor's tone and you were sure he did it to make fun of him, the smirk on his lips was still there.
After one last glare Mr.Walker sat down again behind his desk and continued reading from the book.
The last laughs faded and the last gazes on Eddie returned to the notebooks, except yours.
You saw how his cocky expression gave way in less than a second when he thought no one was paying attention to him anymore, you saw how he closed his eyes for a moment, huffing as if the existence of the possibility of repeating the year for the third time suddently hit him, while passing a hand over his face with a tired expression.
The look in his eyes was far from the one they had when he teased jocks or made speeches on top of the cafeteria tables.
He had just dropped his facade and no one had even noticed.
You can't deny that for the rest of the lesson you kept eyeing him, only to find him propped up on his elbows on his desk, playing with the rings on his fingers.
When the bell rang Eddie was the first to get up, he grabbed his jacket and darted out of the classroom without once looking back.
You, on the other hand, were the last to leave, after placing your books back in your bag, but as soon as you stepped out the door an idea crossed your mind.
Maybe it was stupid, maybe it was even useless. You didn't even know why you were doing it.
You went back to class for a brief moment, grabbed Eddie's drawing from the bin, folded it quickly without even having time to look at it, stuffed it in your pocket and headed off to the next class.
You told yourself you'd probably never even get the chance to give it back to him.
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"You'll be at the match later, right?" Jess asked as she walked down the hallway next to you after the last bell of the day had rung.
"Mh, maybe." You murmured, thinking of a possible excuse to come up with.
"What do you mean with 'maybe'? What do you have to do this time? Debby said she'll be there."
"Actually, not much, I just gotta go the library to get some books."
"Okay, it won't take a lot. The game starts in half an hour so you have plenty of time." She smiled.
"Yeah, sure. Then I guess I'll be there." You said as you stopped in front of the school library.
"Kay, see you later!" She waved at you before heading towards the gym.
"Good morning Miss Cooper." You greeted the lady behind the desk as soon as you entered the library.
"Hi dear, I close in about fifteen minutes. You know, with the match and everything I don't think many students will come here."
You looked around, the only people who seemed to be there were two girls sitting in the corner and a teacher putting down some books he had borrowed.
"Then I'll try to make it quick." You said before disappearing among the shelves.
The school library was bigger than any student who had never set foot inside could have imagined. You often had found the right books to complete a history or literature honework, and many more times you found books that you enjoyed reading in your spare time, while waiting for customers at the record store where you worked or during boring classes.
Yeah, Eddie Munson wasn't the only one who didn't always pay attention to what the teachers were saying.
While you were there, between the fantasy and horror sections (which were right at the back of the library, almost in the dark, as if whoever had put those books there had wanted to hide them) your thoughts returned to Eddie and you remembered that his drawing was still in your jeans back pocket and you hadn't seen it yet.
You put your bag down on the floor and took the paper out of your back pocket.
It was an animal, that was why he had made that joke to the biology teacher.
The creature looked like a lion but it had a second head that looked like a goat and its tail was a snake. You knew what a chimera was and that drawing looked like it came straight out of a mythology book.
You didn't know Eddie could draw so well and you were sorry Mr. Walker hadn't thought before crumpling it up and throwing him in the bin like it was trash.
A sudden noise made you jump.
Boom. Again.
You quickly put the drawing in your bag and walked towards the source of the noise but what you saw was one of the last things you ever expected.
You peeped over a shelf to observe the scene.
Eddie Munson slammed his fists on the closed library door before trying to pull the handle down and failing to open.
"Hello? Is anyone out there? Is this a prank or what?" He asked to whoever was on the other side of the door.
He slammed his hands on the door one last time. "Awesome, really, really awesome." He snorted talking to himself and probably thinking he was alone, then he turned around.
His gaze fell on you. "Jesus Christ." He put a hand to his chest like you scared the shit out of him and you couldn't help but chuckle. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone was kinder.
"What people usually do in libraries. I was looking for books."
"Oh, I think you'll have enough time to read a lot of books, we're stuck here."
You walked to the door as Eddie took off his jacket and left it on Miss. Cooper's desk, revealing his Metallica shirt. Then he sat on it, after moving a pen holder, dangling his legs.
You tried to open the door three times and when you realized there was no hope to go out you gave up and sat down in one of the chairs, facing Eddie.
"Oh my god." You whispered.
"It's okay, don't panic. Someone will notice you're missing and they'll come looking for you." You noticed the way he said "you" as if there was no way anyone would notice he was missing.
"I'm not panicking. I just found an excuse not to go to the game!" You smiled a little too enthusiastically.
"Excuse me, what?" Eddie shook his head as if he was sure he had misunderstood ehat you had said and his curls bounced on his shoulders.
"I've been trying to find an excuse not to go to that stupid match all day. Now I can say I've been stuck in the library."
Eddie made a sound that was somewhere between a snort and a laugh, amazed at your reaction. "You know, not to judge, but it's really weird that you're happy to be locked in a room with Eddie "the freak" Munson."
"Well... are you gonna sacrifice me to the devil?" You asked with a slight raise of your eyebrows and the ghost of a smile on your lips; Eddie was surprised for the second time: you were joking with him.
"Mh, no?"
"Okay, then we're good."
Eddie chuckled, ducking his head as if to hide his smile and you found yourself wishing he didn't do it anymore.
"What did you come for?" You asked then.
"For what people usually do in libraries. I was looking for books." He repeated your words with a smirk.
"Ah-ah" your laugh was far from genuine but the corners of Eddie's lips curled up anyway. "Has anyone ever told you that you're really funny?" You asked ironically.
"It may surprise you, but I think you have the honor of being the first." Eddie followed your movements with his eyes as you stood up from your chair and took a few steps between the shelves. Soon the sun would go down and you wouldn't even see the titles of books anymore without the sunbeams filtering through the windows.
"Are you coming or not?" You turned back to him, as if it was obvious you wanted him to come with you.
"Where?" He asked as he jumped off the desk reluctantly.
"To find the perfect book for you."
"Oh, I don't think that-"
"Fantasy and horror are in the back."
The smile you were starting to like returned on his lips. "Lead the way."
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"Where the fuck is she?" Jess asked Debby during the first break of the game, placing her pom-poms on the bench next to her.
"I don't know, she said she would come. You were the last one to see her."
"She said she had to do something really quick and then she'd come. Tomorrow she will come up with a stupid excuse like always."
"She's been getting a lot weird lately, I don't know what's going on with her."
"Yeah, I thought so too."
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Your laughter once again filled the library as the patter of the incessant rain that had been falling for almost an hour continued.
You never thought you'd spend so much time with Eddie one day, but apparently you were wrong. You enjoyed staying there with him.
"I swear it's a good one."
Eddie put all the books you convinced him to take on Miss Cooper's desk.
"It talks about a girl." He commented, as if that was all it took to not be a good book.
"Who has superpowers! Trust me, it's a good book. Near the end there's a lot of blood and stuff."
"Oh well, if 'there's a lot of blood and stuff' then I really should read it."
"Stop making fun me!" You hit his shoulder.
"I didn't hurt you."
"Yes, you did."
You rolled your eyes. "Read that damn book. Then tell me if you liked it."
"Well well well, do you wanna keep talking to me when we'll get out of here? Won't you pretend you don't know me?" He questioned, trying to figure out if you were lying.
"Why should I? Are you..." You hesitated "You're cool, I like you."
Eddie studied you for a moment. "You know, Y/N, I think you're a bit of a freak too."
You laughed, glancing at the books leaning on the desk. A weird creature caught your eye and you remembered Eddie's drawing.
"God, I almost forgot!" You took your bag in your hands, looking for the page. "I hope you don't think it's weird. I…I saved your drawing from the bin."
You handed him the paper, it was still a lot wrinkled but it was certainly in a better condition than when the teacher had thrown it in the trash.
Eddie stared at you.
He always had that way of looking at you with his big brown eyes that looked a lot like an animal that doesn't want to show that it's scared but is still reluctant to approach anyone.
He grabbed it slowly. "Why did you save it?"
"I wanted to see what you were drawing. It turned out to be worth it. It's really good."
"It turned out I was right."
You looked at him questioningly.
"You're a bit of a freak too. You put your hands in the trash to get a drawing of someone you didn't even know." He laughed again and you did the same.
You realized you liked the dimples that formed on his face when he smiled.
He took one last look at the drawing before carefully folding it and putting it in his pocket.
"Thank you." He finally said, sincere.
Eddie's gaze fell on something behind you.
You turned around but didn't see anything different from moments before.
"The window, Y/N, the window!" The excitement in his voice didn't even let you realize it was the first time he'd called you by your name.
"The window what?"
"We can get out through the window!" It seemed that at any moment he might start jumping from one side of the room to another.
You walked to the window where the rain continued to beat while Eddie looked behind you for something. "Looks quite high."
"And that's why we're going to need this." When you turned around Eddie was already setting up the ladder under the window after quickly putting on his jacket again.
"God, where did you find that?"
"I saw it earlier in the romance section."
"Were you checking the romance section?" You smirked.
"I walked past it, okay?" He rolled her eyes as he climbed the first rung of the ladder.
"Wait, should I go first?" He asked before going up.
"Go. Don't kill yourself when you jump to the other side."
"Who would care if I die?" He joked. Or you hoped he was.
"I would care! If they found me with your corpse who would they think sacrificed to the devil who?"
Eddie laughed again, shaking his head then opened the window. Lots of raindrops started falling on the library floor.
He sat on the edge before jumping over to the other side.
"Shit, are you okay?" Your words left your mouth too quickly, your tone far too concerned about someone you've only known for a few hours.
No reply.
"Eddie, I swear-" You said starting up the ladder, the raindrops that passed through the open window falling on your face and in your hair.
"I'm fine!" He laughed.
"Thanks for your quick response." You commented ironically, not before breathing a sigh of relief.
"Aw, were you scared I was hurt?" You sat on the edge, now you could see his smirk as he looked up at you.
Most of his curls had gotten wet and stuck to his forehead and neck.
He was still pretty.
"Shut up."
"You were scared I was hurt!" He exclaimed, laughing, this time he was sure.
"Are you going to keep teasing me or are you going to help me get down from here?"
"Right, sorry." He reached out a hand and helped you jump. His fingers were warm, and having his palm against yours, even if only for a moment, gave you an indescribable feeling of security and safety.
"You okay?" He asked when you both finally got your feet on the ground.
"Yeah." His hand was still holding yours.
"STAY FUCKING AWAY FROM HER!" Voices from behind you instantly made you turn around and before you know it Beck and Jason were pushing Eddie away from you. His hand slipped away from yours.
It seemed like the game was over.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Jess and Debby asked you, claiming you by the arm. "Did he hurt you?" Their tone was concerned and almost frightened.
"Hey, hey okay!" You tried to calm everyone down. "Eddie and I got locked in the library and went out the window, that's all."
You noticed that Jason's hands were still gripping Eddie's shirt, like he was ready to bail on him and beat him until he couldn't even remember his name at any moment.
The rain continued to fall incessantly on you, somewhere in the distance a thunder rumbled.
"Jason, leave him."
"Did he-"
"NO! STOP FUCKING ASKING!" You placed a hand on Jason's chest and pushed him away.
For a moment no one spoke. Like everyone was amazed that you didn't seem bothered by Eddie or that he hadn't done you anything wrong in the hours you'd spent locked in the library with him.
They were all looking at you with shocked expressions painted on their faces.
"Could you give me a lift home, please?" You turned to Eddie and this time he seemed to be the shocked one.
He pushed a strand of wet hair away from his eyes. "Yeah. Yes, of course I can."
"Okay, thank you." You kindly placed a hand on his back, as if urging him to leave. "Let's go."
You didn't say goodbye to any of the four students who watched you leave with Eddie "the freak" Munson and you didn't turn once as you walked beside him to his van.
You didn't know exactly how many friends you had just lost but you certainly knew you had a new one.
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Part 2
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon
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kimhargreeves · 10 months
Saved Again-Sanji x Fem Reader (One Piece Netflix)
Summary: You've been Luffy's friend for years. Being the first member to join Luffy's crew, together they are off to become pirates,.later on a certain chef has his eyes on you. And a fond memory of you and a boy after a shipwreck comes to mind when arriving at the Baratie.
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(A/N: I'm so excited for the One Piece live action do I decided to write this!! I'll start on a Part 2 once the series is released. I absolutely love Sanji and he's my favorite of the Straw Hats. I relate to him a lot too since I was training to become a chef as well…anyways the one shot might be slightly changed once I watch the series.)
(A/N: Oh and also the reader is often confused as a boy but Nami and Sanji know she's a girl.)
"That's why I'm gonna be king of the pirates!!" Luffy exclaimed enthusiastically, even though we were in the middle of nowhere.
I turned around and frowned looking at him being too cheery and loud as usual. "Can you be any louder?' I glare before pulling my head out of the small boat we were in and I continued to throw up out into the ocean.
I heard a hum coming from Luffy and saw him tilting his head a bit. "Are you sure you're okay?"
This is the downside of wanting to become a pirate and sail across the Grand Line. Well, not many people get sea sick and start to pour their guts out.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead and sighed. "If only Coby didn't accept in becoming a Marine. He would've maybe given me some of the medicine he was carrying."
"He did offer some yet you said you'd be alright without it." Luffy reminds me making me groan.
"Don't make me throw up on you." I warn.
"Will you two shut up already?" I glared and looked back at the green haired man who I forgot had joined us.
"Huh? Why don't you make me, Zoro? Our friend here might be dying." Luffy said patting my back a bit too rough.
Zoro looked at us with a bored expression on his face and went back to closing his eyes. "You guys are insufferable, would've been nicer if I was still tied up."
I point and glared at him. "You should be thankful that we saved your ass."
"Luffy was the one who did. You're too weak to save anyone anyway, kid."
"I'm not a kid! I'm older than you think believe it or not!!" I shout getting defensive and forgetting that I had be throwing up.
"Then why are you acting like a kid?!"
"Guys will you stop arguing for once?" Luffy said stepping between us and calming Zoro as well when we saw an island up ahead.
Idiots are they really dumb and don't know I am secretly a girl. The reason why I like to crossdress if for fun, but mostly because I've seen the way pirates who are men are more respected.
I once had cut my hair short but decided to let it grow and use a wig instead, besides being in disguise had helped me with stealing from people.
Luffy with his devil fruit power stretched all the way until his feet hit the sand and he looked around in enthusiasm.
"Wow this island seems so cool! But why is it so quiet?!" He asked loudly.
"Maybe this is an island inhabited with ghosts." I muttered and heard Zoro scoff and began to grab his swords when the boat hit the sand below us.
Zoro jumped off of the boat and began to follow Luffy. "Hey, (Y/N). Are you coming or staying?"
I raised my head and tilted my head looking at Luffy. "You guys can go on ahead. I'll catch up with you."
He nodded and I saw both guys beginning to walk further into the island. Slowly I got up on my feet and jumped out of the boat as well. I was deep in my thoughts imagining what it will be like to travel across the world and get to know other famous pirates.
Luffy's dream has always been to become king of the pirates and his number 1 person he's always looked up to was Shanks, maybe Gold D. Roger in second place.
As for me..I really don't have a dream. I've just been following Luffy around. I don't have a family. Shanks was the one who raised me along with Luffy, I came along later in the picture and don't have any memories of my past, only a few glimpses here and there but maybe it's just me reliving someone else's dream.
"So he's also a devil fruit user?"
I stopped walking and ran to hide behind a building and I looked over and saw a group of pirates, my eyes were set on the one between all of them. Buggy the clown. I've seen his Wanted poster.. wait!
My eyes widened and then I glared when I spotted Luffy in a cage. Are you serious?! He got caught..huh? I looked and saw someone else with them too, a red headed girl.
Where is Zoro anyways?
I frowned even more when I saw he and Luffy were caught. God damn it. It's up to me now, now all I gotta do is find out if this girl is an enemy of ally.
I got out of my hiding place and prepared to face the gang of pirate clowns…
"Hang on!!"
Someone shouted and tried to reach for my hands but I was pulled away by the harsh tides of the sea. My eyes and lungs began to sting, I felt like it was the end for me. Just a few minutes ago I was with my family, are they dead? Will I die as well and meet them again?
I couldn't swim so I felt myself sinking lower into the dark cold sea. I wanted to cry but couldn't and right when I was ready accept my death I felt someone grab onto me and I was being pulled up again.
I gasped along with the person who had saved me. A man about the same age as my dad saved me, I continued to gasp and began to cough up the salty water I had in my lungs.
The sky was dark with clouds covering the sky, it was heavily raining with thunder.
"Don't die just yet kid! Hold onto this." The man exclaimed.
The man could swim with ease and he had placed me on top of a wooden piece of what I assumed was part of the ship that had exploded. I looked to my right and saw a boy my age, with blonde hair and green eyes, his eyes seemed scared as well.
Are we the only survivors?
My answer was clear the more we got away from the shipwreck and landed on an island. The man easily picked us up and placed us on his shoulder, but the more he continued to walk the more I felt he was struggling, it wasn't until we made it inside a cave that I realized he lost his leg.
I was about to comment on it but didn't when the man seemed angry at something. The boy and I exchanged looks and didn't say a word, we only saw the man lighting up a small fire place as we continued to hear thunder and lightning.
I don't know who this man is, this boy surely isn't his son…mom..dad…my eyes began to sting and I began to cry out loudly with tears running down my face along with a runny nose.
The man didn't say anything and the little boy seemed to stiffen and I saw a few tears forming in his eyes as well and he began to silently cry…
By the next morning the man, the pirate who saved us said he wanted to be alone so he left the boy and I a large bag of food. "We refuse to eat this because you're a pirate and pirates are bad people!!" The boy had shouted earlier.
The man said almost nothing and left me alone with the boy. The boy and I looked at each other and we both didn't say a word about the man.
"Umm do you think we can make a boat somehow and leave the island?" I quietly asked nervous and shy to ask this stranger for help.
"Does it look like we have a way out of this island?! The boy shouted glaring at me. "What would a girl know about sailing anyways?"
I began to cry again and I did the first thing that came to my mind, and I had punched him. "All I want is to see my parents again!"
The boy seemed surprised by my action and began to hold onto his swollen cheek. "H-hey don't cry. You're gonna make me cry again!"
It was too late. He was crying again….
It had been many days until the three of us were rescued. An odd boat with some friendly men were the one who saved us, the man who rescued the boys and us took the boy in as his own in a way, and he was about to send me off to live a normal life with someone who was willing to raise me.
The man somehow got a nice dress for me to wear, as a last send-off he had done a dessert for me. A strawberry cake I came to love at first bite.
He along with the men on the ship all were outside ready to say their goodbyes to me. I even saw a man or two begin to cry.
"I always wanted a small girl."
"You can't even feed yourself properly how are you supposed to raise a kid." I heard one of them say to another.
"You ready, kid?" I heard the man ask making me turn to look at him. I shook my head and the man sighed and patted my head once. "You'll soon understand why I'm sending you off. You'll have a proper life."
My eyes wandered over to the man and over to the small boy I was saved with. The boy stiffened when I looked at him, and I saw his pale cheeks turn to a pink color.
"I-I…" I didn't know exactly what to say, that's until he spoke up.
"I d-do hope you enjoyed the cake I made with help! Next time if we meet again I'll bake you a whole lot more..also…if we meet again I'll make you my wife!!" He exclaimed.
The men behind the boy groaned and one of them lightly hit his head. "That's no way of a send-off!"
I shyly smiled at all of them and the boy….
"Usopp!! Nami!! Are we there yet?!"
"How many times do we have to say, no!!"
I squinted my eyes when I opened them. "That was a strange dream." I muttered to myself and glared at the three who woke me up.
Few days have gone by since he fought Buggy and his crew along with a few more pirates. Usopp was the new crew member. He's a bit odd and a scaredy cat but he means well. If it wasn't for him. Luffy wouldn't have his new and proper ship, officially presenting himself as a pirate.
The sailing ship was huge and fitted with us do well. Luffy named it the Going Merry. A fitting name for a ship.
I looked to my left and saw Zoro fast asleep, I felt envious that he could sleep through this much talking and noise. I made sure my wig was still in place and I got up to join Nami up front. At least it's nice to have another girl around.
"So…you don't have trouble with sharing a room filled with guys?" I asked and saw Nami giving me an odd bur serious look.
"No?" She squinted her eyes looking at me and looked back at the tides.
Weird…It's a shame I can't talk about girl things with her.
Luffy said he was searching for the last member to our team. Luffy is Captain, we have a navigator..well kinda that being Nami, the main fighter being Zoro, Usopp as the sniper and I fix anything on the ship
Since none of us are cooks. Luffy suggested on finding a chef. I offered to be the one to fill everyone's stomach, but everything I cook always ends up burnt.
The rest of us began to get things done on the ship until a fight began with another ship and the Going Merry crashed into a ship. My mouth fell open when we crashed and accidently directed a cannon ball into the ship that wasn't even attacking us.
"Crap…Luffy!" I shouted and saw him smiling shamefully.
All of us walked closer to the deck and saw the great damage the other ship received. "We better head in there and talk to the person in charge. And you are going to apologize." I said grabbing onto Luffy's straw hat and he quickly grabbed it back and placed it on his head.
He said nothing and began to follow us. We got onto the other ship and read the ships name, The Baratie.
I looked around and this seemed familiar. "You okay?" Nami stopped and asked glancing back at me.
"Yeah.. everything's fine." I said still looking around and ran over to her side and began to follow the rest of the crew.
We all entered the ship and wow was it beautiful and extremely fancy. "Wow..this is something else. It doesn't feel like we're in the middle of the sea." I said in awe and stared around.
Everything looked so expensive. I saw people around sharing their meals and couples smiling at each other and drinking fancy wine. Not to mention the smell, I wonder how the food must taste!
I was practically drooling when I saw a huge meal in a table. Nami had grabbed the back of my clothes and dragged me away from a couple who was staring at me weirded out.
"Get a hold of yourself, (Y/N)." Nami muttered and went to sit down on an empty table.
I nodded at myself then went back to checking the place out. This seems so familiar…I started to walk around and peeked over and saw many chefs cooking the meals and they seemed to make it so easy.
"I have an order for a large plate of seafood rice, potato pallie and medium sized bowl of sea pork soup. I need it done in less than 10 minutes!" My mouth began to water even more.
"All have it done in 5." Someone said on the other side with a British accent.
"(Y/N)!" Someone hissed my name and I quickly went over to sit next to Nami and Zoro. Luffy came in as well while we sat down and patiently waited to talk to someone.
I had excused myself after waiting for a bit and went to the bathroom. When I returned I saw Nami still sitting down and she raised an eyebrow looking not pleased when a man began walking towards her.
I felt my heart race when I saw a tall figure standing just a few inches away from her. A handsome man with blonde hair with one of his eyes being a bit hidden by it. He was wearing a dark suit with a blue and white striped shirt under it with a black tie and matching dress pants.
"Would the lady like something sweet?" I saw a smirk spread across his face and Nami just stared at him and rolled her eyes.
Who is he?? And does he know Nami? The man was clearly flirting with her.
"You gotta be joking." I heard Nami ssy. She then turned to look at me.
I didn't know what to do or say. I simply stared at her confused then looked to see the man look at me, he glanced for a second then once again and was now looking directly at me. He immediately walked away from Nami and began to walk towards me.
I began to take a few steps back and I gasped when he took hold of my hand with both of his hands and saw him get down on one knee.
"You are the most gorgeous being I've laid my eyes on. A sight no other I've come across in the Grand Line.."
Thank goodness Nami couldn't listen but it was quiet clear to anyone that this man was flirting with me.
"Y-You've got it all wrong!" I said trying to pull back and felt my cheeks turning red. I can't let anyone know at the moment that I was crossdressing as a guy!!
"I'm never wrong. My eyes never fail when I see a beautiful lady as yourself."
If I weren't in this situation I would be falling on my knees. He's so cute and handsome! My lips began to quiver and I felt my entire body freeze. I've never met a man who shameless at flirting with a stranger.
The man rose up to his feet now towering me and smiling down at me. "I-I…"
He smiled and Introduced himself. "My name is Sanji."
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leclerc-s · 1 month
prologue - is it a wonder i broke?
series masterlist
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liked by arthur_leclerc, fernandoalo_oficial, maxverstappen33 and others
ines_sainz i am what i am cause you trained me. the after and before.
view all comments
user01 girl a soft launch? while we're still processing you leaving racing?
user02 the before being spain and racing and the after being monaco and no racing makes me sad.
maxverstappen33 pick up the phone! i just want to talk!
ines_sainz you know where i live. just come over? maxverstappen33 that's too far! ines_sainz get the fuck up and walk?
fernandoalo_oficial todo bien?
ines_sainz eh más o menos fernandoalo_oficial ay nena que voy a hacer contigo? user03 their father daughter bond makes me coo. it's so special to me.
user04 is the caption shade?
user05 but to who? her family? user04 i will go to war if her family forced her out of racing. user06 same, we ride at fucking dawn bitches
charles_leclerc fancy a game of goat simulator?
alex_albon OH COUNT ME IN! georgerussell63 if it's as bad as last time, count me out. ines_sainz only if i can invite my super secret friends. charles_leclerc oscar and logan are not super secret. they were around last time. arthur_leclerc and why was i not invited? ines_sainz charles said you weren't cool enough.
user07 the way she looks so sad in the after. i wanna cry for her.
user08 no cause i remember her saying, 'without racing i don't know who i am' and now i'm crying. user07 WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT BRITNEY??
user09 now where the heck is carlos? he usually drags her by now.
user10 me thinks that rumor from a few months ago was about the sainz siblings and not the leclerc brothers like everyone thought. user11 makes sense carlos would be jealous of his little sister for being better than he is. imagine helmut marko publicly saying that 'she would've been miles better than her older brother.' user09 sometimes a man's hell is a teenage girl.
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*translation is included in the second set of texts
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@minmira95 @lesliiieeeee @vroomvroommuppett @prongsvault @justtprachisblog @scuderiadevils @cataf1 @chezmardybum @formulaal @lilsiz @norstappenvibes @ironspdy @nikfigueiredo @hinamesgigantica @niniluvsainz @matchaverse @fakeikeastore @theseus-jpg @six-call @81folklore
¡not taggable!
@ashlovestoread1411 @books-thingys-andstuff @nothanqks @yeanoskrrt @ale-522
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¡leclerc-s speaks!
for now, it's a pre-established relationship, but i'll write a part later explaining how they got together (the bonus tracks). i just find it easier to do it this way for myself. the point of this fic is mostly to have them torment carlos. sometimes i forget that i like carlos. this is like the fourth fic where i make him seem like a dick. i'm sure he's a nice person but for the sake of this fic he is not. there are time when i don't like (miami 2024) him, but my problem isn't with him, it's mostly with his fans. anyways, hope you enjoy this new fic. the first bonus part should be out like sometime tomorrow or in the next two days, i want to post it before the first part.
this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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255 notes · View notes
neonovember · 1 year
could you write carmy x reader where she’s a high school friend and carmy always had a crush on her (but he thought she had a crush on mikey) ???? like maybe richie brings her up, and that she’s still in town and SINGLE and carmy gets red like a tomato and ??? richie makes her visit the beef and candy almost has a heart attack?? idk give me some in love carmen !!
pretty pleaseee and thank u
so I got this request and I immediately thought of swim by chase atlantic, and specifically the line that goes;
“I’ve been drowning for a minute, your body keeps pulling me in” 
And holy shit if that isn’t Carmen in his denial-in-love with a long time friend era, I don't know what is. Carmen tries too hard to forget you, but you've marked permanently, you've ruined him for anyone else so can you blame him for waiting for you all this time?
Seriously though this request was so good! I got a bit carried away and turned into a 2 part series that may or may not have drabbles added to the universe…I really hope this isn't just a load of word vomit you don't want to read lmao. I just love their dynamic so much, and also FRIDAY DINNERS AT THE BEEF IS CANON OKAY.
Golden Boy
part one of 2
warnings: miscommunication (i know i'm sorry), friends to lovers, carmen and the reader have horrible communication skills and don't know how to call, angst, anxiety
a/n: part two will be up hopefully tomorrow so look out! it may or may not include a smut scene 😈
p.s, listen to swim whilst reading this you'll thank me later
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You sat hunched in the tight enclosure of the classroom desk chairs, the once loud conversations fluttering across the huddled groups of classmates and friends that stood against tables and chairs now coming to a standstill.
The air of anxious trepidation falls across the atmosphere of the damp classroom, the windows that had been opened to let the air in felt thin as you and the rest of the students you had known for half a decade waited for that familiar ring of the bell.
The bell that would solidify your last day in this classroom, in these run down halls, in the school you had first stumbled into anxious and oblivious at thirteen. 
Your heart ached at the nostalgia of it, and you can't bear to cast your gaze to your friends who had begun to sniffle, like they were holding back tears, the grandfather clock your geography teacher insisted on keeping ticked on as it always did, and whilst you had spent years burning holes through the glass, willing for it to go faster, your one dying wish is for the seconds to tick by in minutes. 
You weren’t ready, it ran straight through you, all this time leading up, from when you had first learnt your desire to pursue architecture till the moment you finished that last sentence on your final exams, you felt you would be filled with joy at the sound of your true departure into adulthood and college.
And yet, you felt like a kid again, learning how to ride a bicycle without the training wheels, trying to reach the fifth monkey bar, falling headfirst into the dirt ground of the field when you had thought you were more flexible then you truly were. 
You didn’t want to leave, you didn't want to leave this place, this place of memories and friends and people you knew and loved. And it was as if God was listening, cause the resounding echo of the school bell rang through the halls and it was as if he said ‘fuck you anyway’.
You gather the haphazard books and papers laying across your desk, you had purposefully delayed packing in order to waste as much time in this memory as possible, before adulthood would take it away and make it something of the past. You hear your friends calling your name, and you tell them to go ahead as you make your way to your teachers desk.
“Hey Mr Jefferson” You say to your teacher has begun to bid goodbye to the leaving students
Your teacher looks up at you with a tight smile, sadness washes over the wrinkles and creases of her features, her auburn hair falling in short waves at her shoulder and her olive lipstick wearing down. You have to swallow to stop the tears from dropping. Your Geography teacher, whilst not teaching Art, had been the catapult to realizing your fascination with Architecture and design. She had even helped tell your parents, who had been set on the idea of you going into Law or Medicine or anything other than creative arts. 
“You’ll do amazing, I believe it because I see how hard you try. Don’t look back at this place, leave with the door wide open and come back only when you want to design me a house” Your Teacher replies with a grin, and before you can reply shes shuffling through her drawers, before pulling out a sketchbook that has been aged and stained with use over the years.
“What’s this?” You ask, twisting the book in your hand, it was good quality, despite being old, it felt like an heirloom.
“It’s one of my sketchbooks I had during college, maybe some of my late night sketches fuelled by coffee and donuts might inspire you”
“I couldn't possible-”
“Yes you could, hell whatever you create will probably be 10 x greater than whatever is in there” Your teacher cuts you off with a chuckle, and you hug the notebook tight against your chest before hugging her goodbye.
You step into the familiar walls of your high school hallways, crowds of seniors running to find their friends and hug them for possibly the last time, test papers and report cards left trampled on the ground, it's chaos, but you love it and the sight almost pulls tears down your waterline.
You walk towards your locker, before you recognize the familiar wisps of blond curls catch your eyesight. Carmen.  You considered him one of your closest friends, bonding together over a love of game** and your equal hatred of your Period 4 Calculus teacher.
Carmen didn't have much when I came to be friends, and after he met you, it didn't really get to him anymore, he had you now, and you were more than enough. Over the years you had gotten close to every part of Carmen's life, Mickey, Richie, Sugar, they were all people you regarded as family.
But there was something unsaid between the both of you, it was like there was something beyond friendship, but the embers had just gathered and had left unignited.
He’s gathering his things from his locker, shoving them into a bag in that messy way he is, and he slams the locker with a jolt.
You're standing stationary in the middle of the hallway, classmates and other seniors running by you in confusion, your friends calling your name annoyed, but it's all muffled, it all doesn't matter because it's Carm and god your heart aches so bad. 
You see Carmen and he sees you, stopping a few meters away from you, and a moment of recognition washes over him as he gazes with those cerulean blues. There's grief in the way you look at each other, tears streaming down your cheek as you try to smile at him, realising this might be the last time you see him, forever, off to an Art school in New York, leaving him behind. You feel like your heart is being ripped from your chest and he shakes his head, his eyebrows scrunching up as he steps closer so that he’s only a whisper from you.
He brings his hand up, brushing a strand and tucking in behind your ear, eyes strained as he wipes your tears away painfully. He moves closer, so that his breath is against your neck and whispers
“Thought you told me you'd punch me in the stomach if I cried on the last day” Carmen whispers into your eyes with a grin that breaks through the tears that cause his eyes to swirl in colour's of waves.
His words make you laugh and cry at the same time, and you shake your head as you reach for his arm, and playfully hit your stomach with it. Carmen rests it against your waist, looking up to you in a pained expression, his eyes shift to the notebook grasped tight in your hands
“New sketchbook? That..doesn't look new” Carmen says, turning his head to examine the old book more closely.
“One of Mrs Jefferson’s, her sketches are..their fucking amazing” You sigh, running your hand across the folded spine of the sketch book.
“Thought teachers weren't meant to have favourites” Carmen shoots out, a playful grin on his lips
“Hmm, well they aren't supposed to tell you exactly” You banter with a giggle, you flick through the pages of the book, half drawn sketches in grey lead and ballpoint, Carmen tracing his fingers gently across the ingrained lines and shades.
“God you're something, you know that?” Carmen says, all of a sudden, and when you look up you realise he’s been staring at you the entire time.
“Bear..” You breathe out.
“I don't know how I'm going to-, I, it's all so much” You exhale, waving your arms around this place that has held so many memories, so much of your past kept in the creaks and cracks of plastered walls and lockers
“You're the only person in this goddamn place that's going to make something out of themselves, I bet my entire life on it Bug. You're going to do amazing, in that big city, you’re going to show em’' Carmen replies, grasping you against his touch tight. You look up at him, trying to memorise every dip and curve of his features, the curl of his hair that shone honey in the sun, those eyes that were always searching, and the small cut on his forehead where he fell off his skateboard that one summer evening.
“Don’t say goodbye”
“Okay” Your tongue feels like deadweight in your mouth. what if i never see you again?
“You say goodbye and it's the end. Just..don’t” I can't breathe carmy.
You can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him, pressing your nose into his shirt to smell the scent of patchouli and cigarettes he always carried, you want to tell him to come with you, to pack an overnight bag and run with you forever, but the words don’t taste right when you try to speak and you see yourself letting him go, and turning away with a shaky step.
Turn back Carmen whispers, so softly that only the gods above and the wind around him can hear it
You feel an urge to turn back, it speaks to you from within, and before you can stop yourself, your neck cranes, turning your body to get one last look at your golden boy before time would take him forever. 
Time would age him into a memory forever.
Carmen feels this tension leave his shoulders at the same time his heart shatters, you will find each other again, even if it was in another universe, where you're sitting across from each other at the kitchen table, going over groceries together with the afternoon light casting its glow across you. He will find you, he will find you and he won’t let go this time. 
“Honestly Ma, it’s fine, I’ll get the movers to come in a little early”. You groan into the phone pressed to your ear, papers and unresolved bills are left scattered across your dining room table and you have this itch that's begun to turn chronic somewhere you can’t reach.
You take a moment to look around your apartment, now barren of furniture, and filled instead with boxes of badly organised stuff you've accumulated over the years. This place, albeit small, had been your home ever since you stepped out of the yellow cabbed taxi on your first day in New York, and whilst it wasn't pretty, you felt a pang of guilt leaving it all behind. These walls had seen you through it all, the late night study cram’s, the breakdowns, the accomplishments, the one night stands. You'd miss her, but maybe you were just a nostalgic person.
You’ve made a life in New York, but you felt misplaced, like pieces of yourselves were scattered across the states. Chicago kept a part of you, and it was only when you had gotten the chance to move back home, did it click. You missed your city. And you had cut your lease and emptied out the last of your savings without a second thought.
Now all that was left was tying up loose ends and making the trip down. It was funny, in a way. You had run to New York to pursue architecture, and it brought you back to the very same place you had left, there was a certain trepidation when you thought of Chicago, it held so much of your past, in its city streets and evergreen trees, and you don’t know if you were quite ready to face those memories again.
It still smelled the same. You itch your nose, sniffling against the blooming scent of cocoa and caramel from the Chicago roads, all this time, and all that you can tell is how it still smelt like maple leaves and chocolate. It was comforting, and it felt like the warm embrace of a childhood friend that had stayed sitting on the corner of your suburban street corner all this time.
“Thank you Mae, really, I got the call last minute in New York to come back here and if it weren't for you, I’d be moving back into my old bedroom at my parents” You reply, gratitude filling every word. It was true, your friend had swooped in the second you called, fixing you up with a lease and an apartment with her realtor links. She came in a clutch, and she had made you promise to never leave her again in exchange.
“Oh shush doll, of course. This is probably payment for all the times I’ve crashed at yours anyway” Mae winks, the bracelets on her wrist clinking against each other. She didn't look like a typical realtor, more like a bohemian solo-traveller with her filly skirts and auburn red hair.
“I’m not going to let a degree transform my entire wardrobe, my clothes are antiques, their heirlooms, they tell a story” 
She had told you once, one late night on the rooftop of your New York apartment, sipping cheap wine and passing a blunt between you both. You wish you had known yourself as much as she did then.
She had visited you a couple times in New York, coming up for work and spending the time at yours instead of spending thousands on an Airbnb, but it had been a while since you've seen her, and all of a sudden you remember how much you missed her laugh.
“I’ve got some time to spend before it’s all hand on deck” You reply, placing the last of your boxes onto the empty wooden floor of the living room.
“Oh yeah? Can’t believe you’re gonna design a whole building on Michigan Av’, your a fucking inspiration Bug” Mae sighs in adoration, and you giggle, the feeling of embarrassment filling you at the mention of your reason back home.
You never got used to the praise and adoration you received over the years, despite your many accolades and awards, you still felt like that hopelessly broke architect student giving up lunch to pay rent. You didn’t remember when things started to change. When did things start to change?
“You know, if you’ve got time, you should check out the Farmers Market near River North” Mae replies, whilst flicking through her phone
“The one on Division Street?” You reply, you had a faint memory of the long strip of stalls filled with fresh produce, food and the rest of the little trinkets that were sold since you were born on the pleated table cloth of sheltered booths.
“That’s the one, this guy named Samson? Makes the best fucking bearclaw in the entire United States. Tell him you're a friend of mine and he'll hook you up…you know since you can't afford it” Mae replies playfully, and you roll your eyes with a laugh.
“Yeah yeah, you hook up with him or something?” You poke back, Mae had the tendency to know everyone in Chicago, from the mailman to the old woman you’d see feeding the bids on a park bench.
“Yeah, actually I did. Not like you could relate, how long has it been, hm?” Mae replies, stepping forward to whisper down at your pants.
“I’m so sorry she hasn't been taking care of you. What are you, mummify her?” Mae looks up from her crouched position with a raised eyebrow.
“Ugh, you know I've been too busy to think about that. She’s gonna have to be patient” You reply, you don’t want to think about how long it has actually been, since you've had any type of release. But the tension has begun to weigh on your shoulders as time went on and you fear it might become something you can’t ignore.
You begin to move some boxes into your bedroom, thanks to your planning your large furniture such as your bed and coach, had been moved into the apartment before the rest of the things had got here, so at least you wouldn't be sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Changing into a pair of dark jeans and a short sleeve top, you loop an embroidered handbag onto your shoulder.
“So, you coming?” You call to Mae, who’s begun to fill your fridge with the groceries she's swung by with.
“Sure would Bug, but got a call to come in. I’ll come by again later this evening though?” Mae replies, with a grunt as she lifts the 2 litre bottle of milk onto one of the drive shelves.
“Yes please, I’m dying for a glass of wine”
“And a blunt” Mae replies, snickering at the way you roll your eyes at her.
Mae offers to drop you off, but you wave her off, telling her you wanted to see a little more of your hometown. You needed some fresh air that wasn't the coffee and smoke scent of the New York streets.
The walk to the Farmers market was a short one, but you felt like you were wading through a current. By the way the memories of your past began to resurface as you passed the streets and shops. Every corner holds a part of you, and you have to rush by your old school to stop the pang of pain that surprises you. You weren't an emotional person, but god it was almost as if you were hanging by a thread the second you touched down on Chicago. 
What was causing this? You felt like you were holding your breath as you stepped through the fallen autumn leaves marking the sidewalk, the gentle sun on your back, what were you waiting for?
You tear yourself from your thoughts momentarily when you catch the looming buildings that had been built on ions ago, the infrastructure of Chicago still enamoured you, in a way that couldn't be beaten by even New York’s impossible skyscrapers.
There was a charm to it, each of the buildings felt like you were stepping into a different decade, they had been the stepping stones to a lot of the infrastructure and architecture that spread into other cities. You felt like you were at the start of it all every time your eyes trailed across the facade and arcades of the century old stone buildings.
Without realising, you had finally made it to the Farmers Market, the constant stream of people coming in and out with boxes of produce or hauling wooden antiques with very audible grunts. You can’t stop the smile stretching your face as you step through the embroidered banner at the front of the street.
Despite the many different stalls and food around you, you don't feel overstimulated. This was your home, you felt like you belonged, like a name scratched into wet cement, remaining ingrained for years no matter the seasons that came. 
You go over the haphazard list of things you wanted to look for in your mind, but you're caught off guard by a stall that seemed to be huddled by patrons. You step towards it, and as people move aside you see the blooming flowers and carefully wrapped banquets in woven wooden baskets to the side of the stall. A short woman with light brown curls is standing at the front, taking down orders with a grin, whilst a rather tall man behind her makes quick work to wrap delicate orders into soft brown parchment paper tied with string. 
And all of a sudden the need to buy pink tulips becomes your first priority. The woman at the front looks familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on where you've seen her, but as you walk up to the front her face morphs into familiar as she looks up at you in surprise.
“As I live and breathe” She says your name with a screech and it's her voice that pulls her name to your mouth. Adeline, a close friend from senior year who’d taught you how to crochet and pick a lock.
“Bug? How've you been? What brings you back to town?” Ade replies after telling the man behind her your order without you even saying a thing. 
“Tulips, pink ones right?” Ade grins, and you have to let out a chuckle at how you haven't changed even a little.
“Got invited to join in designing a new building on Michigan Avenue, so I'll be back for a while-”
“Michigan Avenue? Holy shit Bug! You’re making moves, knew you always were special” Adeline replies with a gushing smile and you rush to reply with the same adoration
“Are you kidding, look at this line” You motion to the increasing line of people forming at Adeline's stall.
“People love their flowers” Adeline replies with a shrug before you shake your head vehemently
“No, they love your flowers, and for good reason, look at these” You gush, pressing your face into the bundle of tulips that had been handed to you.
“They only look that good because Henry's so good at wrapping them” Adeline replies with a laugh, her eyes flicking to the brown haired man dressed in corduroy behind her. A look passes between them that tells you there was more than love between them.
“Henry huh?” You reply with a grin, and the man is quick to introduce himself, and you don’t ignore the cold press of an encrusted band on his ring finger as he shakes your hand with a soft smile.
And it's as if Adeline reads your mind and she slips her left hand in yours, looking up at you with a teary grin.
“Yes, yes I know, I should've called, and I’m so sorry-”
You press yourself against her, leaning over the stall to wrap your arms around her. You whisper words of congratulation, shutting down any words that hinted at you being mad at her.
It wasn't her fault, it should be you she's mad at, you hadn’t really made that much of an effort to keep in contact with your friends back at home, and the reality of it weighed on you heavy now, you had missed so many milestones of your loved ones, all to chase your own dreams in New York.
You felt like you were constantly playing catch up, and you couldn't lie when a strange feeling crept up at the thought of your friends moving on with life. You were so incredibly happy for Adeline, and you were even more elated when she had told you of the Wedding in April that you had to come to. 
But that didn't stop that same strange feeling of being behind everyone else, you had spent so long climbing the ladder to wear what you wear now, relationships and love weren't even a thought, you filled your nights with studying and drawing and the occasional fling, but nothing more. And now doubts had begun to creep in, had you missed out? 
Watching everyone around you get married and have kids whilst you were still drawing buildings in that same sketchbook your teacher had given you 8 years ago. You’re not looking as you walk past the many stalls of the Farmers market, and it is your thoughts again that causes you to accidentally stumble into the hard muscle of a man back. You feel yourself falling, before arm's reach out, grabbing you quickly to stop you from ending flat on your face. 
You breath out a sigh of relief, shaking a head at your clumsiness
“God, ‘m so sorry, I’ve just been in my head, I wasn’t looking where i was going-”
“Holy fuck” Your quick to spit an apologetic thanks, you haven't even looked up to see who you've dubbed into, and when the sound of surprise meets your ease you look up, only to be remain stone faced with your mouth left open.
“Richie?” You say, the shock of it is still in the air. You hadn't expected to see him in Chicago, or maybe you did and it was sooner than you thought.
“When did you get back? Holy shit, thought we wouldn't see you again” Richie replies with a smile
“Yeah uh, came down for some work for a little while. How, uh How are things” You reply with a squeak, you can’t bear to say what you're thinking and Richie nods, a look of acknowledgement in his face. Mickey’s death had shaken you, it had changed you in its own way, and you still grief him, it still hurts when Richie's face kinda falls and melts at the reminder of his best friend's death.
“After, uh, after Mickey, he had left the restaurant, you know, the Beef?” You nod in agreement, the hazy memory of the sandwich shop on the corner of Chicago's, busiest streets, you stomach rumbles at the thought of one of those sandwiches you'd down in less than a minute during your high school years.
“Yeah well, get this, he left it to Carmen. And honestly, I was hesitant at first, real hesitant, I love him, but god, he's a self centred ass coming in like he knew everything, spewing the bullshit CDC shit he learnt up in the big apple? He changed things, and you know how I feel about change, but he made it better, I can;t lie, and you better not tell him this, but the Beef actually..” Richie’s familiar rambles are muffled to your ears, the only thing you can hear is Carmen.
Everything zones out as you scrunch your eyebrows, wincing almost, at the pain and it shocks you, it shocks you how the very name of him still brings back those memories. You still hurt the same way you did the day you left him.
You must have looked out of it, as Richie shakes your shoulder, anchoring you back to the present, and you have to swallow back the bite of pain that bleeds through your chest.
“Did you hear what I said? The Beef’s holding a little family dinner tomorrow, shutting down the shop early, inviting only friends and family, it’ll be like a little reunion for you! You have to come” Richie replies, and you nod trying to seem present.
Carmen took over the Beef? He was in New York? What?
Your mind is scattered with the uproar of questions you have, the thought of Carmen, the memory of him is like a fresh wound. It un tethered and opens up a thread of thoughts and emotions you had thought you bottled up and threw deep into the ocean.
“You, you still talk to him right? Ya’ll were pretty close growing up, like fucking thieves attached to the hip if i can remember” Richie chuckles, fondly remembering the two of you.
You cough back, smiling up at him as you trying to reply coherently
“Yeah, uh sometimes you know” You lie
No. You haven't spoken to him since you left, and it feels like your tongue falls dead when you try to say his name again. You hadn't called and he hadn't picked up. Carmen told you not to say goodbye, but the truth was it had been the end of you even before you had both realised. 
You had spent years pretending like Carmen not calling you, not making an effort to see you after everything didn’t burn, but the reality of it had marked you in a way that felt eternal.
“So you're coming, yeah? You and Carmen can finally catch up” Richie replies with a smile, and look of something passes through his eyes before it leaves, and you have to smile back with a nod, like you and Carmen were still close, like you don't feel that he might turn you away or scream at you the second he saw you, like you weren't both irrevocably in love with each other.
Bear. You missed him, you are shocked by how much you do, you thought bottling up your memories and emotions about him and stuffing them so far back into your mind you forgot would actually change anything. There had always been this lingering thought, at the recesses of your mind, the last thing you imagined before you fell asleep, the feeling that filled you the second you came back to Chicago, it was all Carmen, it was all your golden boy.
And now you would have to see him, in less than a day you would  be in the same room as Carmen Berzatto, you don't want to say it, you don't want to speak it into acknowledgement but deep down, you wanted to see him again. 
Beyond it all, you both were bonded in friendship, sharing something you didn't even have with Adeline or Mae, and you had felt like a part of yourself was missing each day that went passed without hearing from him. Had he forgotten you? Had it been as hard for him to go on with life? He had been in New York for christ sake, he didn't even think to visit you, that thought alone made you want to run back home and never come out.
You couldn't bare the possibility of exposing yourself to such heartache, to the chance of being rejected by the very person who you forever longed for. You were always searching for him, looking through crowds to see the familiar curl of his brown hair, or the scent he carried, ears always leaning in, trying to see if it would catch his syrupy baritone voice.
The two of you were forever connected, like the roots of trees spanning miles under the Earth. The kind of companionship that transcended time and space, and god did you want to feel the sharp edge of his jaw between your hands.
You couldn't stop it now, Richie had opened something you kept locked and sunk for a reason, and now it felt like you would break if you didn't see Carmen. Even if it would break you, even if it was the one thing in this world that would destroy you, 
You had to see your golden boy.
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How They are Handling your Disappearance Pt. 3
MC Returns
Ahh you guys i'm so glad you are enjoying this little series! I wasn't expecting so many of you to like it! But as requested by many, here is part 3 where MC returns to the present day timeline and reunites with the 7 brothers. This is a bit of a lengthy one because like... we are home! It's a little less angsty, a little more happy this time haha. Anyways, please enjoy! Reblogs and feedback are appreciated as usual!
Read Part 1: Brothers
Read Part 2: Side Characters
Word count: 3,057
Rating: T, slightly suggestive.
Taglist: @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @siofrantic @todothedodo @ihatecorns @exrellian @vernith @sus0daddy
Fill out this form if you want to be tagged in my work!
rose divider by @/firefly-graphics
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It feels like it has been forever since the day that you went missing, but the brothers never gave up their search. How could they when you were out there somewhere, possibly alone and scared? The thought of their little human wandering around the unknown gave them the motivation they needed to keep going. But after a long day of once again searching the Devildom up and down with no results, the brothers are settling down for the evening.
The Avatar of Pride is in his room getting ready for bed after a long day of searching for you. 
His wings are terribly sore from flying all day, so he lays on his bed sprawled out on his stomach, allowing his feathery wings to stretch out behind him.  
He rests his head in his arms, and sighs.
Yet another day of searching, but no results. 
Suddenly, he begins to feel a familiar tingling sensation of magic in the air that brings goosebumps to his bare arms. 
Before he had time to process what was happening, a flash of light filled his room, practically blinding him. 
After a few seconds, the light dissipates and there you are, standing in its place. 
Lucifer forgets all about his aching wings, and jumps up from the bed. 
At first, he hesitates, terrified that you’ll disappear again at any moment. 
“M-MC…? Is it really you…?”
His crimson eyes are wide as he takes in your appearance. 
You appear the same, but he's confused by the horns that now rest on your head, as well as a few other demonic attributes.
Just where did you disappear to?
Your face scrunches up and your eyes fill with tears. “L-Luci… yes, it’s really me.” 
Suddenly, his arms are around you, a million questions in his throat but unable to speak.
You whimper, taking in his scent. He smells freshly showered, the smell of his soap sending a wave of comfort crashing over you. 
“Luci… I missed you so much…I’m so sorry…”
His shoulders begin to tremble and he tucks his face into the crook of your neck. 
You feel wetness on your skin as he begins to cry. 
Have you ever seen him cry before?
Just how much have they all suffered while I was gone?
Your arms wrap themselves around his neck and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
You stand there in his arms, his wings wrapping themselves around the two of you protectively. 
He will never let you go again. 
After a few moments, he pulls away, staring into your eyes.
“MC, the days I've spent searching for you were endless… but never once did I give up. I’m very glad that I didn’t. Every second was worth my time.”
Suddenly his lips are on yours and you accept his kiss greedily. 
Kissing him was the confirmation you needed that you were home. 
“MC, please forgive me. You can tell me the details later, but right now I just need you. I need to know you are here and…real.” 
He spins you around, guiding you to his bed so the back of your legs hit the edge, causing you to fall back. 
He hovers over top of you, his crimson eyes full of love, adoration, and desire. 
You giggle through your tears, placing a hand on his cheek. “I love you so much, Luci.”
He smiles, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Words alone cannot express my love for you, little one.”
You give him a peck on the lips again. “We have a lot of time to make up for you know… where should we start?”
Lucifer gives you a mischievous grin. “I have just the thing in mind, darling. Something that has been long overdue.”
Mammon returned to his bedroom shortly after arriving home. 
He had to check on his ravens who were also out searching for you while they were gone. 
His wings were sore as shit, and all he wanted to do was shower and go to bed. 
But you are more important. 
Throwing open his window, one of his ravens glides down to greet him. 
“Damn, ya didn’t find anything did ya?”
The raven hangs its head sadly, and Mammon sighs.
“Thanks anyways, I appreciate the help.”
Suddenly the raven begins to flap its wings wildly, cawing at something behind him. 
Mammon spins around, and his golden eyes widen in shock when he sees just who is appearing in the middle of his bedroom. 
It was you, clear as day. 
He’s speechless, unable to find the right words even though he’s been playing them on repeat in his head since the day you left. 
“Mammon!” you shout with tears in your eyes. You begin to run towards him, but he meets you halfway, scooping you up into his arms and spinning you around.
He sets you down again, and hugs you snugly to his chest. 
“MC…I… Shit. I-I missed ya so damn much…” he says with a shaky voice. 
You inhale his scent as he hugs you, which smells of sweat and leather. 
You’re home. He’s your Mammon. Finally…
“Mams, I’m so so sorry… I’ll explain everything I promise…”
He pulls you away from him, his golden blue gaze staring intensely at you.
“Damn right ya will! But for now…I don’t care..I just… I need ya so bad… I mean this can’t be real, right?”
You give him a small smile, taking his hand in yours. 
“I’m real, Mammon. I promise.”
His tanned skin is flushed as he pulls you with him to sit on his bed, hoisting you up onto his lap. 
He can’t hold back anymore as he plants a firm kiss to your lips. 
You accept it eagerly. 
Your tongues intertwine briefly before he pulls away, breathless. 
“I love ya MC, I’m so sorry I couldn’t do a damn thing…” 
You silence him with a kiss to the forehead. 
“It’s not your fault, Mammon. Please don’t cry…”
He notices your own lip quivering, and let’s out an amused snort through his tears.
“Don’t you go cryin’ on me either!”
His long, slender fingers run through your hair and you sigh.
His lips are on yours once more, a low growl rumbling in his chest. 
You can sense his overwhelming desire threatening to take over.
“Mammon’s got ya now, treasure. You’re safe with me. I’m never letting you go again.”
Throughout the search, Levi has been exploring every inch of the Devildom waters. 
From seas to lakes, he still could find no trace of you. 
Levi heads back to his room, a towel around his waist after Lucifer forced him to strip in the hallway so he didn’t track water through the house. 
Once he’s dried off and dressed again, he sinks down in his gaming chair, sighing as his aching limbs are finally able to rest. 
Tears welled up in his eyes, disappointed that he let everyone down again. 
Especially you.
I’m so useless, he thinks. 
A stray tear rolls down his cheek, and he wipes it away with his arm. 
A flash of light appears before him, and it sends a tingling sensation up his body. 
Wait a minute…that’s…!
His eyes are wide and his mouth gapes open as he looks up to see you standing there right in front of him.
“M-MC, I-Is it really y-you?!” Of course he’s a stuttering mess, but he can’t believe it.
He doesn’t know when he stood up, but suddenly you are slamming into him, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“Yes, Levi. It’s me.” you sob, burying your face into his chest.
Your voice has him melting in your grip. 
He finally fully embraces you, burning his face into your hair. 
Your scent is slightly different,  and he can smell other demons on you. 
This sends a wave of envy over him, but he ignores it. All he cares about is that you’re home.
He, however, smells of the sea. 
“Levi, I'm so sorry… I promise I’ll explain. I just really need you right now. I’ve missed you so much…”
Leviathan only nods, his shoulders trembling from the sobs that are escaping him. 
You stay standing there wrapped in his arms, gently rubbing circles on his back. 
After some time, he calms down. 
His eyes are red and puffy and his face is swollen. Your heart aches for him. 
Suddenly, he grabs your hand, leading you over with him to his bathtub. 
You climb in together, and you sit in his lap. His tail curls around you, holding you in place. 
“M-MC…can I um, k-kiss you?” he asks, his tear stained cheeks becoming flushed. 
You nod eagerly, and he places a soft, gentle kiss to your lips. 
Your lips are the same as ever, soft and sweet. 
Levi is overwhelmed with affection for you. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you…” he mutters, rocking you gently in his lap. 
He peppers your face with kisses and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I love you so much too, Levi. I’m so glad to be home…” 
He rests his head on your shoulder, purple strands of his hair tickling your cheek. 
“Please don’t leave me like that again, MC. I-I was so scared…”
The tremor in his voice causes fresh tears to form in the corner of your eyes. 
“Never again, I’m staying right here with you.”
Satan steps over the pile of books on his floor before flopping down onto his bed. 
His bedroom is in quite the disarray due to his last tantrum. 
He can’t help that he’s just so damn frustrated!
They’ve practically searched the Devildom inside out, and still… nothing. 
He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares out the window, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. 
He almost doesn’t notice the burst of light filling his bedroom. 
The air was practically vibrating with magic when he spun his head around to see the silhouette of a figure in the blinding light. 
He squints, trying his best to make out the form. Once the light dissipates, an unfamiliar feeling washes over him. 
Satan thought he’s finally experienced every emotion in his lifetime of being in the Devildom. 
But what he feels when he sees you standing there in his bedroom is indescribable. 
He gasps, immediately jumping up from his bed and hurrying over to you. 
Your eyes are locked on him, and he thought he noticed you flinch the moment he approached you. 
“MC… are… you okay? Where in the Devildom have you been?”
His voice is soft, but it trembles slightly.
He doesn’t expect answers right away, of course. 
Not when you are standing here in front of him for the first time in what feels like an eternity.  
You nod, trying to wipe away your tears. “Satan… It’s me. I-I’m home.”
The sound of his name leaving your lips after so long pushes him over the edge. 
He pulls you into his arms and he squeezes you tight, finally allowing his tears to fall. 
“M-MC… I'm so glad you’re home safe… I was so worried about you…”
You relax against his chest, finally processing the fact that this wasn’t the past version of himself.
After a few moments, you sniff, pulling away from him to gaze into his eyes. You notice a scar on his cheek, still healing from a recent fight he must have had. 
You gently trace your fingers over it, and he winces. 
“I’m so sorry Satan…the pain that I must have caused you all…” 
He shakes his head, glancing away. 
“I’m just so relieved you are home, MC. I don’t believe that whatever happened was your fault.” 
His fingers run through your hair and he kisses your forehead. 
“Can I…kiss you?” you ask, your cheeks flushing slightly. Normally you wouldn’t ask, but it’s been awhile. 
“Of course, kitten. But just know if you do, I may not be able to hold myself back from you much longer.”
You give him a smirk, and press your lips firmly to his. 
To finally kiss your Satan once more. 
He slips his tongue past your lips, and you groan. 
When you pull away, his emerald eyes are shining with passion. 
“Every book I read told me how to find you, but they never mentioned how to handle your return.” 
He moves you to his bed with him so you are straddling his lap.
“But I don’t believe I need any instruction as to what comes next. I love you, MC. Please allow me to express the longing I’ve felt for you all this time.”
Asmo had made his way to his room for the evening with the overwhelming urge to climb into his silk bed sheets. 
But first he really wanted a bath. The thought of the warm water soothing his aching joints was very pleasant to him right now. 
He had made his way into the bathroom to start the water, the noise of the faucet drowning out the sound coming from his bedroom. 
Asmo thought he heard something, and he lifted his head to the door that connects from the bathroom to his room. 
He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. 
Was that a flash of light just now? Is it storming?
He furrowed his brow in confusion, and stepped slowly over to peek through the door. 
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. 
There you were, standing right there in his bedroom. 
Your eyes were wide and looking around, still processing where you had appeared. 
Asmo gasps, forgetting about the bath and hurries over to you. 
“M-MC?!” he shrieks, pulling you into the tightest hug he’s sure he’s ever given. 
You begin to cry, tears falling down your cheeks and onto his shoulder.
“Shhh, MC. Don’t cry now, darling…” he coos, but his own tears are escaping him. 
He holds you close as you cry together. 
“Asmodeus…is… it really you? My Asmo?” you whimper. 
He’s confused by what you mean, but he doesn’t question it for now. 
“Of course my little lamb, it’s me. You’re home now…”
You sniff, pulling away from him slightly. “I’m so sorry Asmo, I swear I didn’t mean to leave you guys like that…”
Taking your hands in his, he shakes his head. “No no, hon, don’t blame yourself for this. I know there’s a very good reason, but you can explain later to all of us, okay?” 
You nod, wiping your eyes. 
“I was just about to get a bath. Would you care to join me, MC?”
The thought of taking a bath with Asmo right now feels…unreal. 
You couldn’t believe you were finally home with him. 
Smiling, he leads you into the bathroom. 
First, he steps out of his robe, and your face flushes. 
You’ll never get over how beautiful he is. 
Then it’s your turn.
You shiver as he begins to undress you, his fingers brushing over your skin. 
He smiles softly as he notices the goosebumps that begin to form on your body. 
“I’ve missed this so much. Let me get a good look at you, darling.”
His eyes tear up again as his eyes travel over your body, still in disbelief that you were standing right there with him again after so long.
“I need all the time I can get with you right now before my brothers find out you’re home.”
He takes your hand and helps guide you into the bathtub. 
You sigh as the warm water envelops you and he places you in between his legs with your back to him. 
You feel his arms wrap themselves around you and you blush.“I’ve only been dreaming of this moment with you, MC.” Asmo murmurs, attaching his lips to your shoulder. 
You whine as he continues to kiss up your neck. 
“I love you so much, Asmo…”
He smiles into the crook of your neck as he holds you close. 
“My dear, if anything came out of your disappearance, it’s how much I realized that I love you. Please, allow me to show you…”
Beelzebub and Belphegor
The twins were always together nowadays. 
They were both getting ready for bed in their room after their long day, neither of them wanting to speak about the disappointing results of the search. 
Belphie hugged his pillow to his chest as he climbed into bed beside Beel. 
He was struggling to stay awake, but he had a peculiar feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Of course, being his twin, Beel felt it too. It wasn’t hunger, or anything like that… It was…
“Belphie do you feel…”
Before he could finish, a burst of light filled the room, temporarily blinding them both.
The sensation of magic through the air sent shivers down their spines. 
Once the light dulled, they glanced up through squinted eyes to see… you. 
Wait, is that really…?
Despite the dull ache in their bodies, they both jump up.
“MC!” their violet eyes are wide as they gape at you, still trying to decide if this was real or a cruel hallucination.
But you seem just as surprised as they are. 
Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled into a strong embrace. 
Belphie is squeezed into the hug next to you, and you both glance up to see Beel with tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“B-Beel… Belphie…I’ve missed you both so much…”
You sob, burying your face into Beel’s chest.
Belphie finally allows his tears to fall. I’m so lame, he thinks.
How dare you make him cry like this?
But he’s so happy. So relieved. 
Beel begins to move you both towards his bed, placing you right between him and his brother. 
You whimper as you feel their arms wrap around you. 
The thought of being able to do this again with them never even crossed your mind. 
You feel Beel nuzzle his face into your hair. 
You smelled…different. But there was no denying your familiar scent and it made his mouth water.
Belphie yawned, burying his face into your shoulder. 
“Beel and I had each other, but MC… you are our missing piece.”
His twin nodded, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Belphie is right. It feels right again with you here in between us.”
Your heart was so full. 
You smiled wide as you kissed both of their foreheads. 
“My boys…I love you so much.”
As you laid together, they took turns littering you with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
The feeling of their lips and their hands on your body has your head spinning, and you whisper their names between breathless gasps. 
After sometime, Beel turned towards you, a glint of mischief in his eyes. 
“I’m feeling a bit hungry…but for something different. How about you Belphie?”
Belphie immediately sensed where his twin was going and flashed him a smile back.
“I’m all of a sudden wide awake. What do you say you join us, MC? We want you to ourselves before we have to go back to sharing you.”
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gemini-sensei · 7 months
Baby | Hawk Moskowitz x Teen Mom!Reader
Chubby!Reader - Blurb - based off of this POST
I'm still uncertain about writing Johnny, so I hope this is alright. @sensei-venus <3
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It was an average day for Johnny; wake up, eat breakfast, teach karate, then buy groceries before going home. It wasn't supposed to be a long trip, just getting the essentials and something for the night, including a pack of Coors. He planned to be in and out of the store in five minutes. However, the last thing he expected to find inside was his student who had ditched class that day.
Hawk was a great student; he took every lesson and perfected it flawlessly. He was a great fighter, a champion even. Before that, he was a nerd, a rule follower, a nice kid, and some part of that old Hawk still lived somewhere inside of him. So it wasn't within his character to suddenly miss training for any reason.
So when Johnny saw the tall mohawk down an aisle, he wanted to know what was up. But someone blocked his path and the kid was gone before he could walk up to him. He looked for him for a little bit but it was as if he disappeared into thin air. He gave up after just a couple of minutes so he could go home and started making his way to the coolers, telling himself he'd deal with Hawk tomorrow - tear into him for missing an important lesson.
As he walked through the aisles, a child started crying and Johnny rolled his eyes. He asked himself why people brought kids to places like the grocery store when they and everyone else weren't going to enjoy it. The crying grated on his ears and he thought it was about time he got out of there.
The beer coolers were only a few feet away from the dairy section and by the time he got there, the crying had stopped. As he made his way to the Coors section, he heard a familiar voice carry over the aisle. However, it was strange and like he'd never heard it before; bubbly and kid-like.
"What do you think she'll like, this one?" the voice asked in a baby-ish tone. "I think so."
Johnny couldn't help but peek around the corner to see what was going on. He was flabbergasted to see Hawk - the most recent ATV champion and one of the toughest kids he knew - holding a chubby baby on his hip as he looked at yogurt. The baby held onto his shirt collar while chewing on her other hand with her gums. Hawk put whatever kind of yogurt he'd picked out into a shopping cart and smiled at the baby.
"Mission accomplished," he said, as if the baby understood him. She laughed anyway.
Hawk turned and took the shopping cart with one hand, holding the baby girl on his hip. He carried on down the aisle, turning the corner.
"What the Hell?" Johnny asked himself.
He couldn't help following behind, momentarily forgetting his beer. When he reached the end of the aisle, he peeked around the corner to see where Hawk had gone with the baby, seeing them looking at a little display of toy cars. The bubbly baby girl reached out and tried to grab one of the packaged toys, to which Hawk grabbed it and handed it to her.
"You want this one? I'm sure Mama won't mind if you get one," he said. She squealed happily, shaking the toy in the air with a tight grip. He nodded along as if agreeing with her happy screams. "Yeah, that's lots of fun, isn't it?"
He set her down in the shopping cart now that she had something to entertain herself with. Not two seconds later, a girl around his age came up to the cart and placed some cereal boxes inside. Then she smiled at the baby and Hawk before giving him a kiss on the cheek. He put his arm around her thick waist and pulled her into his side, returning the kiss on the cheek. Johnny could just barely see the baby between them, but she watched them with big, enamored eyes.
It was at that moment that Johnny realized that the baby looked like the girl and that she was the girl's mother. And if that was the baby's "Mama", did that mean Hawk was the baby's father? How the Hell did that happen?
When did that happen?
How had he kept all of this to himself?
As the couple moved on through the store, Johnny had seen enough and ducted back between the shelves. He slowly moved himself back to the beer coolers, body on autopilot as he took a deep dive into what he had just witnessed. He grabbed his Coors and then carried himself to the checkout line. He hated self-checkout and wished someone would come around to do this for him as he scanned barcodes whilst he tried to piece together how Hawk of all people had had a baby with someone, gone to school, gone to karate practice, and won the All Valley. It was mind-boggling to him.
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It was another day of training. Everyone was going through their stretches to start the day off right. Everyone except for Hawk, who wasn't there at all. It was another day of training without Hawk.
Johnny was a little peeved until he remembered what he had witnessed. But instead of letting it be, he walked over to Hawk's closest friends while they were stretching and chatting about whatever.
"Hey, did any of you know Hawk has a kid?" he asked. Not even a hello.
"What?!" "-are you talking about?" "Are you drunk?"
He glared as they all talked over each other, not appreciating their attitudes and questions. Though it answered his. "Oookay. So none of you knew about that?"
"What are you even talking about?" Miguel asked, giving him a questionable look. If anyone were going to know about a Baby Hawk, it was going to be him and Demetri first and foremost. "Hawk doesn't have a kid."
"Affirmative," Demetri said.
"I saw him just yesterday with a kid on him, talking all that baby talk crap," Johnny said. He crossed his arms over his chest, firm in his belief given what he'd seen. "His girlfriend even looks like she popped a kid out, ya know. All wide and still has the baby fat."
Sam's jaw dropped. "That's no way to talk about Hawk's girlfriend-"
"That we have no idea about," Robby interjected.
"That's just rude," Sam finished.
Johnny looked at her weirdly. "What? She isn't here?"
"That doesn't matter," Miguel clarified, then quickly moved on to the next - and more pressing - topic of conversation. "Hawk has a girlfriend?"
"Yeah, and a baby," Johnny said, becoming tired of running in these circles. He'd said what he said, told them the truth. Why wasn't that enough for them? "I saw what I saw, man. Hawk is with this... chubby" he cut a look at Sam and she didn't look totally annoyed by him, "chick, and they were all over each other and they had that baby. The baby looked just like her too."
"That doesn't necessarily mean that's her baby," Tory said, rolling her eyes and walking away. "This is literally too dumb for me to keep listening to."
"Yeah, maybe that's her sibling or something," Miguel suggested. He looked at Johnny. "Are you sure you're not jumping to any conclusions?"
"No way," Johnny told him. He racked his brain to make sure he hadn't overlooked anything, only to remember the cutesy talk between Hawk and his girlfriend that he'd overheard. "He called her 'hot mama' and shit like that, so I'm sure. I know it. That's his little family or whatever."
Demetri was unconvinced. "Not possible. If I was an uncle. I'd know it."
Sam crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "I don't know. Hawk has been pretty secretive lately."
"And he's missing a lot of training without telling us why," Robby added.
"But before all of that started, everything was normal," Miguel said. He was also unconvinced, sure that his best friend would tell him about something so life-changing. "If he got someone pregnant, he'd wanna be there with her. Nine months and then some is a long time to even hide something like that, ya know?"
The group of teens stood divided and Johnny was proud of it for some reason. He was just happy to be right, leaving the teens to mull over the situation he had brought to them, sure of himself that he'd made the right call. They were ready to text Hawk and ask questions but before one of them could retrieve their phone, Daniel came out and started the class by calling everyone together.
It was a strange day after that. No one could focus, their thoughts all on Hawk and the unknown girlfriend and baby Johnny have brought their attention too. Except for Tory, who didn't let it bother her because, as she said, it was too dumb to pay attention to.
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to be continued?
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auteurdelabre · 3 months
SO MUCH TO LOSE - CHAPTER 9 - dark!Joel x f!Reader
Rating: 18+
Words: 7.4k
Chapter Tags:  sexual tension, mentions of suggested abuse, girl-bonding, Joel being Joel, reader being oblivious.
A/N: Y’ALL really came through with the comments! It made me stay up far too late typin’ away. But I’m glad to deliver this to my sweet audience and I hope you continue to bless me with your thoughts, reblogs and funny tags. Also lemme know if you have money and wanna give me some because your girl is BROKE y'all. BROKE.
Wednesday - my bb, my light, my sweet please never stop commenting on A03 because I read those like others read stories. I laugh, I cry, I emote. Never stop.
Also, two people should NEVER ride a horse when one’s in a saddle. It’s horrible for the horse! But this is fiction so y’all gotta forgive me for it, all right?
Lastly - Chapter 10 is.... gonna be memorable. That's all I'm sayin'.
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You toss in bed a short while later, your mind going a mile a minute. You can't get the memory of Joel's furious face out of your mind. You can’t get Ellie’s sad eyes and her tensed shoulders to leave you. You can’t stop imagining what happened the second you left their home.
Part of you wanted to run right back to that house on Rancher Street and to beg Joel’s forgiveness for intruding. It was never your information to gather, not your place to pry. It was information never given willingly and for that you understand his fury. You understand it better than most.
But the other part of you, perhaps the part that had brought you to tears as you left had been the sight of Ellie's horror at your question. Of would Joel hurt her? Because in Ellie’s eyes you saw her own lingering question reflected. 
Who hurt you? 
It's too complicated to get into, too personal and that's why you think you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt. Because if you'd come home to the space you shared with someone else and heard them divulging your biggest secrets, your deepest wounds, you can't say you would have acted any different.
In fact, you might have been worse.
You turn your head, noting that it's only now starting to grow dark. You hadn't even bothered with dinner. Just pulled on your sleeping clothes and robe and thrown yourself into bed. You wanted to forget the hours before, wanted sleep to claim you and help you erase the day.
But you can’t. You just lay there twisted in your sheets, feeling like a stranger in your own body. You consider trying a warm shower when you hear a sudden thudding on your front door. This isn't Ellie or Jennifer. This is someone else and you have a pretty good idea who. 
You think that you should just stay in bed, try to ignore the insistent pounding. But you need to pay for your mistake. This is your penance. You move down the stairs and to the front door opening it slowly. 
Joel is standing on your porch, his broad frame looming over your door. His hands are on either side of the frame, braced as if he has to physically hold himself back.
When you pull the door open he juts his chin forward aggressively. He hasn't even bothered putting a jacket on, despite the weather. He's wearing just his green flannel and a scowl that makes you take a physical step back. 
"You think I'd hurt Ellie?" Joel says, teeth clenched. "Hurt my own fuckin' kid?"
You glance quickly over his shoulder noting that the street is deserted. Your street is one of the newer ones, less populated. It makes you nervous to see him looking so furious with no witnesses. But you answer him anyway.   
"I don't know you at all," you tell him with a wince. "For all I knew you could have and I felt responsible."
His jaw is clenched tightly, ticking as he glares at you. You can see the fury building there in his frame and it makes you tremble. But you swallow, raising your spine and fixing him with what you hope is confidence.
"You yanked me around on patrols before," you remind him, swallowing your fear the best you can. "You're known for being ruthless with raiders. Most everyone is terrified of you. Is it really that much of a stretch?"
For the first time this evening you think that what you're saying registers with Joel because he blinks and some of that inky black in his gaze grows a soft brown.
"I've never hit you. Never come close." His voice is soft, almost admonished. 
"No," you concede, "but you haven't exactly been gentle either." 
Joel takes in the way you're cowering, the way you flinch when he shifts. He sobers, lowering his hands from your doorframe, pushing himself back from you. 
"I'd never hurt a kid," he murmurs. “I’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.”
He takes a moment to look at you, really look at you. You wonder if he sees the blotchy pink of your tear-stained face or the dark circles under your eyes from barely sleeping this week.  
Joel's eyes narrow and without stepping closer to you it feels like he gets nearer when he speaks low and even. 
"Your dad hurt you or somethin'?"
You're momentarily thrown by this question from Joel. He's never really asked you anything this personal before. You toy with the idea of closing the door on his face because he doesn’t deserve to know you this way. But you think of how vulnerable he must feel with you having all this information about his past, about his Sarah, and you answer.
"No," you tell him honestly. “My dad was amazing.”
"Your mom then?"
You cross your arms over your chest, indicating that the conversation is now at an end. You've shared as much as you are willing to at this point in time. 
Joel looks equally stoic despite the nature of his questioning. His eyes drift over your body for the first time since he arrived at your doorstep, fixing on your sleep clothes and open robe before shooting back to your gaze. You pull your robe around your body, shivering at the cold draft coming in from the outside. Joel clears his throat. 
"Ellie never should have told you all that about me," he says. "Wasn't her information to share." 
"It was my fault. I never should have pressed her for details," you admit, talking to his shoulder. "It wasn't my place." 
Joel exhales through his nose by way of reply. The two of you stand in quiet thought before you feel compelled to ask.
"Did Ellie get in a lot of trouble?"
When he doesn't answer you finally move your eyes from his shoulder to his face, surprised to see he's staring at you. He's not going to answer you, you realize. You barely know him and it's between him and his daughter. 
You worry that you've messed everything up with Ellie. You feel like it's your fault that the fight happened at all. You think of how pleasant the afternoon had been with flower making and hair brushing. You hate to think of that going away. You swallow, gathering your nerves.  
"Am I still allowed to teach her to bake?"
After a moment Joel sucks his teeth and nods shallowly.
You shift where you stand, one hand still on the doorknob. It's warm under your palm. If Joel was anyone else you'd invite him in for a hot drink given the weather. But as it's him you simply stand awkwardly across from him. 
Joel peers into your face, gaze darting from each of your eyes to the next and back again. There's something about his stare that feels warm and heavy, something endless. 
"Get some sleep."
He says it softly, a husky command with none of its usual bite. Then he's gone, giving you one last look before he's taking off down the stairs of your porch. You watch his tall frame head down your street, scissoring through the night air until he's nothing but mist. 
And strangely the second you close the door you feel your feet taking you to your bed. You hear his voice quietly rumbling in your mind as you crawl under the covers.
Get some sleep. 
Permission. A command. A hushed order that gives you the freedom to just sink into the warmth of your bed, to close your eyes and feel your breath even out. 
And in seconds you're fast asleep. 
Jennifer greets you when you open your door to leave for patrols the next day, crowding your doorframe.
"I thought we could walk to patrols together."
"Okay." You pull your jacket around you, bracing yourself. 
You've known popular girls like Jennifer. The kind that roll their eyes and call you sensitive if you don't like how they treat you. You assume that this is what awaits you now.
"I'm so sorry for how I acted at the Bison."
You can’t say you were expecting that.
"I was trying to impress Joel," she continues. “Make it seem like we were all in on the joke together.”
When you see her standing there with her gloved hands clasped, looking apologetic you feel your animosity dropping from you like an unnecessary jacket.
"And I just... I never should have put you on the spot,” she continues. “I was just trying to go along with things, but that's not how friends act. My mama raised me better than that."
You know that what she's saying is important, but all you can focus on is that she just confirmed you two are friends.  You have a real friend.
"S'okay," you offer quietly. 
"Did you get my cookies?"
"Yep, they were good."
You don't make it a habit to lie to friends but she looks so proud of herself that you can't help it. She beams, clearly proud of herself. She doesn’t need to know that they’re at the bottom of your waste bin. 
"I'm so glad you liked them."
You want to say something kind to Jennifer, something that lets her know that you’ve forgiven her. Maybe its guilt from the fact that the cookies were barely touched. Whatever it is you scan her body, landing on her beautifully tailored jacket.
“I like your jacket,” you tell her, observing the dark green and black of the pattern and hood. “It’s really pretty.”
“Thanks, I made it myself,” she tells you proudly.  “Barely any time at all.”
“Tell me you didn’t just make it just for this patrol,” you say fixing her with a look. Jennifer goes pink and starts giggling. “Jennifer!”
"Oh hush,” she says elbowing your side gently.
You can’t help but laugh at your friend as the two of you head off to patrols, chatting pleasantly as you make your way down the path to town. Jennifer is animated as always, her voice lilting and cheerful.
“Luke was really disappointed when you took off," she mentions with a sly smile and side eye. "I just know he's excited about today."
You flush, eyes on the ground, not saying anything. The truth is you're very excited to see Luke today. You want to learn more about him, see his likes and dislikes. 
"Joel left soon after you did," Jennifer tells you with a frown after a few moments. "But I mean he came and had a drink with us so that has to count for something."
You've reached the fence and see three of the horses lined up, tied and waiting. Luke is patting Glimmer but he waves to you both as you approach. Your stomach flips pleasantly at the sight of his light hair falling into his eyes.
Chestnut whinnies gently as you approach, his long neck arching towards you. You smile as he ambles over to greet you the best he can.
"Hi boy," you whisper, gently patting down his long muzzle. "You having a good day? Huh?"
"Hiya Glimmer," Jennifer coos. You think that this must be her usual ride on her patrols. 
"Morning Luke," you offer, trying to appear nonchalant. 
"Mornin'."  Luke’s smile is shy but earnest. "We missed ya this week."
He nods and you feel your face grow hot because you are sure Jennifer is staring at you both with a smirk. "Yeah, missed shootin’ with ya."
You busy yourself with running your hand over chestnuts flank, all the while trying not to read into things. Maybe Luke just likes having a fellow peer there?  
Or maybe he likes me.
You have to admit to yourself that you have a crush even if crushes feel so adolescent in your mind after everything that happened to the world. But there’s something that makes you want to laugh at the way some things never change. Humans will continue to lust, even after the earth is swallowed by disease.
"Looks like a simple enough job," Jennifer observes looking at the few pieces of lumber strapped to the horses. Enough that it's good for building but not too heavy for them to carry. You go to reply when you hear a booming voice sounding out behind you. 
"S'a fucking joke. Gettin' them all the way over here just to be one short."
Joel is arguing with Hank, one of the crew. Hank is an older with an under bite and bushy eyebrows. He fixes Joel with a formidable stare. He’s one of the few in Jackson City not intimidated by the elder Miller.  
"I don't know what to tell ya Joel," Hank shrugs. "It's all we got."
"What's going on?" Jennifer asks, swanning over to the men. She stands close to Joel, her shoulder brushing against his. You notice as his dark eyes sweep over her face as he notices her.
"Only three horses available today," Hank explains to her. "Others were taken out."
"Heard about an intercepted shipment of medicine nearby. Sent a bunch of folks after it. Anyway, one of you'll have to double up."
Joel makes a huffing noise before shouldering past Hank and hauling himself up onto Midnight. He's made it very clear he won't be riding with anyone. That leaves you, Jennifer and Luke. In habit you go to grab Chestnut’s bridle. Jennifer is determined not to go down without a fight. 
"I'm small," Jennifer says in a breathy voice you don't really recognize as hers. "I'll double."
She looks directly at Joel who is going to great lengths to look anywhere else. If it weren’t so awkward you might have laughed, but instead you try to hide your smile behind your glove.
Oblivious to the dynamic, Luke pats the side of his horse. 
"You can ride on the back of mine if you want Jenny," Luke offers with a friendly tip of his head.
Your smile immediately dies. Why didn’t you volunteer? Jennifer pauses, waiting for Joel to inject.
Get the fucking hint, Joel. 
He doesn’t.  He just shifts the two guns he’s carrying on his back, clearing his throat.
You see how crestfallen Jennifer looks, but it’s for only a moment before she shines a bright smile Luke's way as she hauls herself up behind him, lacing her hands around his middle.
"Thanks, Luke." 
With that settled you yourself mount Chestnut, stroking his mane gently. Hank comes over to hand you a backpack. It’s heavy and you make a soft huffing noise when you hoist it onto your shoulders.
“Nails and hammers,” Hank explains. “You got it?”
“Yep,” you nod, trying to look in command of yourself with Luke’s eyes on you. “No problem.”
You feel the coarse hair of Chestnut under your gloved fingertips and squeeze your thighs to prompt him forward.  You follow after Joel in habit with Glimmer carrying Luke and Jennifer close behind. The ride to Teton is quiet, but not in a tense way, more distracted.
The backpack as it stands is a problem though because you’re wincing with every jostling step Chestnut takes. The bag is impossibly heavy and it digs into your shoulders like a too-tight bra.
You hear Luke and Jennifer quietly talking with one another on Glimmer. There are quiet giggles and you hear Luke chuckle softly. You feel irritated at Joel not taking Jennifer on his horse with him. Of course he wouldn't - Joel gets his way every time. So you've lost your chance to bond with Luke. 
You could be on the back of Glimmer with him. Your arms could be around Luke's waist right now, your thighs bracketing his. You could be feeling the warmth of his body seeping into your front. 
But you're not. 
You're stuck in the middle listening to Luke's gentle chuckle behind you and watching Joel's broad frame in front of you. As you stare at Joel with the guns on his back your mind drifts to last night. 
Have you and Joel moved past your mutual disdain for one another? You’re not quite sure.  Right now you’re irritated with him, but there’s less bite to it today. You think maybe you’re both at a polite acceptance of one another. Joel looks back every now and again, his eyes sailing to you and the group behind you. You roll your shoulders, gritting your teeth when the bag digs into the flesh there.
“’Bout halfway there,” he tells the group even though you’re well aware.
Joel is a natural leader checking in on his troops. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was in the forces before all of this. You know that he worked in construction and that he must have been around horses considering he’s such a capable rider. But that’s it.
Perhaps he and Sarah rode horses together. This thought comes to you despite knowing nothing about the girl. Nevertheless you wonder what she looked like. Was she dour and broad like Joel? You imagine her as bubbly and quick with his dark hair.
You watch as Joel slows Midnight and Chestnut quickly overtakes him, their hooves trotting along the earth until the two of you ride side by side. You’re confused and you feel Joel’s eyes on your profile and after a moment you turn to see him staring at the bag and then back to your face.
“Gimme the bag,” he orders gently.
“I’m fine,” you lie. You wonder if he can see the strain in your neck as you say this. He rolls his eyes, huffing out his nostrils.
“You need to be carrying a weapon,” Joel informs you. “Won’t do much damage to a Raider with a heavy backpack.”
He’s right. He’s not doing it to be nice; he’s doing it to be efficient. How Joel of him.
You want to fight him on it but the thought of having the heavy thing off your shoulders is too appealing. You relent as the horses come to stop beside one another. You tug off your bag, handing it to Joel who straps one of the guns to the side of it and slings it over his muscled shoulders. The bag doesn’t even look oversized on him and he carries it with no strain whatsoever.
He hands you off the large shotgun and you throw it over your shoulder, thankful for the padding in the leather sling. Without another word Joel makes a clicking noise with his tongue against his teeth and he and Midnight quickly head up the group once more. 
When you get to Teton Village and the four of you do the usual perimeter check you’re feeling bolder and a little bit restless. You feel like you want to impress Luke but can’t think of any meaningful way to do so. He’ll be upstairs hammering and nailing while you stand watch at the window like a senior citizen waiting for the postman. It’s almost embarrassing that you were brought along at all.
When you approach the outpost though you have an idea on how to appear more capable. You urge Chestnut on ahead of Joel and tie the sweet creature quickly to the tree before jogging up the large old library steps.
“I’ve got the lock,” you call over your shoulder casually. Joel is already off his horse and striding towards you with several pieces of lumber slung over his shoulder; Luke is helping Jennifer off of Glimmer. You turn back, fiddling with the code confidently.
It doesn’t work.
You try it again, the same one you were taught and then you tug. It’s still not working.
“C’mon,” you whisper angrily to yourself, “c’mon you piece of shit.”
Again the silver tabs are moved to the correct code and again you jerk it only to find it sticking fast. Is it the encroaching cool weather? Your confidence is hanging by a thread when a large ungloved hand comes out of nowhere, coming to gently bat your fingers away.
“Code changed last week,” Joel says lowly behind you.
You feel the warmth of his taller body behind you, his words stirring the hair at the back of your head. You say nothing as you watch his fingers fiddle with the new numbers, sliding them into place. You want to memorize them for next time. His arm rests beside your shoulder as he works his thick thumbs slide the silver tabs. Finally it unlocks and Joel removes the lock, placing it in his pocket.
“Sorry you couldn’t impress your little boyfriend.”
You feel your cheeks burn with humiliation despite the fact that only he and you could hear the murmured remark. He moves past you, Luke and Jennifer carry the remaining lumber. The four of you make your way into the house and wordlessly Joel heads upstairs to begin.
“That was so sweet of Joel to take the bag,” Jennifer whispers to you with hearts in her eyes. “Chivalrous.”
You don’t reply. Why shatter her illusion of who she thinks Joel is? Maybe with her affection and softness he could become that. Maybe with the right woman Joel Miller is chivalrous and romantic.
Maybe it’s just with you that he’s an antagonistic asshole.
The three of them pad up the stairs with the supplies as you stand by the door. You know you're not much use upstairs so you busy yourself writing in the log notes about the repairs. You hear the banging and the conversations upstairs as you move from the small room towards the window of the fireplace room; your eyes surveying the grey of old snow.
You yawn after a short while, bored. There’s nothing out there. There never is in town. That’s why you like Teton village so much. It’s quiet and sleepy and there’s no real danger. Perhaps it’s the large buildings or the lack of footprints. Whatever it is, you find yourself relaxing.
Joel and Jennifer jog down the stairs with Joel not passing you a glance. Jennifer gives you a thumbs up and mouths “getting more wood”. You hear the sound of Luke hammering upstairs and take a moment to consider your next moves.
This may be your only chance.
You scurry up the steps towards the far room, following the sound of Luke’s hammering. You stop when you see him, mid hammer. His back muscles ripple under his t-shirt, a line of sweat down the middle. It’s warm in this room, and judging by the repairs done they have been working quickly and efficiently.
“Hey,” you offer as you approach him, heartened when he turns and flashes you a friendly smile, wiping the sweat from his brow with the bottom of his t-shirt. You turn away at the sliver of taut abdomen that shows itself when he does. Your whole body is going tingly.
“Hey, you come to help us?”
“Oh I would just slow you down,” you say with a shy laugh, your eyes landing anywhere but his handsome face. “Every time I try to hammer the nail goes crooked.”
“You just haven’t been taught correctly then,” Luke ventures, “come here and I’ll give you a lesson.”
You try to keep yourself from jogging over, attempting to appear casual. He holds his hammer out to you as you approach.
You take it from him, facing the sill of the window that he’s been working on. You nearly jolt when you feel his hands land on your shoulders. He notices your flinch, his hands flying off of you at the first contact.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry just distracted,” you insist, feeling your cheeks heat. “Keep going. I’m fine.”
Luke’s hands go to your wrists now, placing the nail in your left fingers and positioning it on the sill.
“You just need to start with it straight. Lotta people angle it without thinking and…”
You know that Luke’s talking more but you’re having trouble focusing because you feel him pressing up behind you, his hand sliding over yours and helping you to hold the nail in place.
“A lot of people make the mistake of hitting the nail shallowly a bunch of times instead of once or twice with harsh blows,” he explains. You feel a warmth go through your body as Luke's curls over yours. He’s so tall, so gentle, so earnest.  You feel his voice rumbling through his chest into your back.
He places the hammer in your right hand before he covers your hand with his effectively holding each of your hands like you're a puppet. He positions the nail in the wood once more, bringing your hand and the hammer back. You’re completely boneless, letting yourself melt into his arms.
"So if you hold it-"
Whatever thought Luke had dies at the sound of Joel's rasping voice behind you. 
"What're you doin'?"
You and Luke glance over your shoulders to see Joel scowling. He's got a stack of the remaining lumber over his shoulder. Jennifer is beside him, looking between Luke and Joel in confusion, a box of nails in her grip. 
Luke still has his arms around yours, guiding you. Both sets of arms are raised midway. It looks like you’re in some strange dance routine involving hammers and nails. Joel drops the lumber to the floor with a thud, his gaze icily on Luke.
"I was just teaching her how to put up the frame," Luke explains with a soft tone. You recognize that he's a gentle man, not one for confrontation. Joel intimidates him; he likely has since he met him. For whatever reason Joel is especially cold to Luke.
"This ain't a teachin' moment," Joel all but growls, his larger frame barreling towards the two of you. "We're here to do a job and get it done fast so we don’t draw attention."
You feel Luke shrinking back, arms lowering, but his frame still rests behind you as if he's worried about leaving you entirely. 
"I wanted to learn how to do the repairs," you explain trying to be diplomatic. 
"S'not why you were brought," Joel bites back.
He shocks you when he reaches out to take your wrist, tugging you away from Luke. You stagger towards Joel, eyes wide almost barreling into his chest. He holds you tightly, looking down into your face.
"You're here to keep watch while we do this. That’s your job."
His voice is harsh but his eyes are gentle. It's a confusing dichotomy that has you careening from one emotion to the next. You settle on anger when you feel Jennifer and Luke watching you. Your cheeks burn with humiliation at being talked to like this in front of them and you shoot a glare at Joel before you wrench your wrist his grip.
“Let’s break for lunch,” Jennifer suggests, noting the tension.
“Good idea,” Luke says with a smile.
Everyone waits for Joel’s eventual nod before the four of you head downstairs to the log room.
There are thankfully enough chairs because you can’t imagine the awkwardness of standing around eating after everything that happened. Right now you want to sink into your chair and disappear for a few hours.
What the fuck is Joel’s problem?
Jennifer thankfully starts chatting to fill the silence and pulls out the meals from her bag. Two sandwiches each, a thermos of coffee and what appears to be fresh brownies along with the usual water and apples.
Joel goes off for a moment, muttering about feeding the horses. The three of you take a seat around the table, focused on the sweet-smelling brownies.
“Those look so good,” Luke says when Jennifer pulls them out. “I love baked goods.”
“You should try her stuff,” Jennifer says motioning to you with a wink. “Everyone in town says how good her baking is.”
You could kiss Jennifer for the way she’s trying to make you look good in front of Luke. You make a mental note to do the same for her and Joel. Jennifer has many good redeeming qualities and Joel just simply doesn’t see them.
“S’not that good,” you say with a shy little giggle as you bite into your sandwich.
“It is so!” Jennifer insists, unwrapping her own.  
“Guess I’ll have to see for myself,” Luke says grinning and taking a sip of his coffee. You don’t say anything but you shift slightly when Joel comes to take the empty seat next to you. He reaches across you to grab one of the sandwiches, peeling back the waxy cloth that holds it.
The room goes quiet again, a side effect of Joel-Miller-iti; because whenever he enters a room it goes deadly quiet. You wonder if he was like this before – was he always so gruff? So grumpy? How could Tommy be so opposite to him?
You wish it was Tommy with the rest of you today. Tommy with his easy laugh and warm countenance. You expect the rest of lunch to go in silence when all of a sudden it’s Joel who breaks it.
"You're good at window repair, Jenny. You must’ve done a lot.”
Jennifer flushes prettily and thanks him in a voice that feels a lot more breathy than necessary.
For some reason this innocuous comment from Joel has your fingers curling into the wood table. Your leg starts to twitch as you rock your leg up and down restlessly on the ball of your foot.
You spent weeks trying to earn Joel’s praise as a patrol partner. You were dutiful and listened and tried your best and he gave you nothing back unless his cock was in your mouth. Jennifer has been working for thirty minutes and he gives her his praise so freely?
If he wasn't sitting beside you, you would be fixing him with your most glowering stare. You wish you weren’t so shy, so quiet. You’d give him a piece of your mind next week on patrols if you had the guts.
“I grew up doing repairs on our house with my brothers,” Jennifer answers and you know she’s beside herself with all this attention from Joel. He’s got his eyes fixed on her and his normally scowling face is brighter, his mouth in a polite smile.
“You had good teachers.”
“I taught them, actually,” she smiles brightly.
You continue to bop your leg, the feeling distracting you from your frustration. You hasten a glance at Luke who hasn’t so much as glanced up from his lunch since the meal started. He’s shy like you, quiet and introspective especially when Joel is around. You think that’s why you enjoy his company so much. You feel like you want him to feel included.
“You did construction too, right Luke?”
“Yep,” he nods, swallowing before taking one of the brownies and breaking it apart in his hands. “Cabinetry especially.
“Cool,” you offer awkwardly. You wish you knew more about the topic but your interest and acumen in that field is limited. Your knee continues to bop anxiously as you try to think of ways to get the conversation to continue.
“I was just learning flooring and trim carpentry when the outbreak started,” he continues as you nod along as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Oh, wow.”
Jennifer keeps sneaking looks across the table at Joel and if your hunch is correct he’s probably doing the same to her. Despite your previous annoyance with him the thought warms you, that perhaps there is a mutual attraction for your friend and Joel. You wonder if you should warn her about Joel’s temper but decide that Joel may not show that side of himself to her if he can help it.
After what you’ve learned about Joel and Sarah, there is a softness inside you that maybe thinks Jennifer could be good for Joel. You resolve to do whatever you can to make it work for them. Joel isn’t your friend, but Jennifer is. And if she wants Joel you’ll do all you can to make it happen.
You almost yelp when Joel's hand grips your knee, holding your restless leg in place. He leans towards you, voice dropping a register and sliding into a soft rasp. 
"Stop shakin' your damn leg. You’re knockin’ over the coffees."
You’re doing no such thing, but part of you thinks he misses ordering you around. He must like the sense of control it gives him. He misses being a big shot and you’re the closest thing he has to a professional underling. All your kind sentiments about him go flying out the window. You were naïve to think there could be a possible friendship there. Hell, not even a friendship – just a respectful mutual tolerance.
You feel an embarrassed flush cross your features, pulling back from Joel’s touch. His fingers slowly unlatch from your knee and his palm lingers a moment before being removed entirely. 
“You do a lot of repairs before all this?” Jennifer asks Joel. You surprise yourself by listening, intrigued for more information on pre-outbreak Joel.
He takes a long swig of his coffee before wiping at his mouth and speaking before Jennifer has the chance to ask more follow up personal questions.
“Alright, let’s finish it up. I’ll see you two up there.”
He doesn’t spare anyone a glance before he’s on his feet, heading up the stairs. Luke joins him moments later, leaving you and Jennifer sitting across from one another.
When she’s certain the men are upstairs she looks beside herself with delight and leans forward conspiratorially.
“Do you think Joel was flirting?” she whispers, her light eyes dancing. “I mean, Luke is way better at repairs but he didn’t say anything nice to him.”
“Definitely,” you reason, looking thoughtful. “He doesn’t really talk much normally, so I think that’s a good sign.”
“I’m gonna ride back with him,” Jennifer says hiding a giggle behind her hand.
“Go for it,” you say, unable to stop from smiling. You can’t help but enjoy her excitement.
“I wonder what he kisses like,” she muses, her eyes dreamy. You shrug your shoulders and she fixes you with that same sisterly look. “When’s the last time you had a really good make out?”
“Uh…” you trail off, your cheeks heating. “We can talk about it later. He’ll be pissed off if you don’t get up there soon. Don’t wanna blow your chances now.”
Jennifer gives you a grateful squeeze on the shoulder as she passes, calling up to Joel and Luke that she’s just grabbing some extra nails. You don’t hear their reply because you’ve dragged yourself to the window, your eyes scanning.
You hear them nailing upstairs, the muffled sound of their talking. As always you're on the edge, forever on the outside. You chew at the inside of your cheek in irritation, your eyes scanning the outside.
It's not long after that the three come back downstairs dressed for travel. Jennifer is pulling on her gloves and chatting with Luke about the rumors of heavy snow and Joel is carrying his bag with the tools over one shoulder. He fixes you with an expectant stare, brows raised.
"See anythin’?"
"Nope. Would've said something if I did." 
Joel stares at you, unblinking and you're confused when you see a small curl of his lip in amusement. 
The four of you trudge towards the waiting horses. Chestnut looks excited to see you and you grin as you approach. You press your forehead to his cheek, stroking down his flank as the rest of the group begins to pick a horse.
"I can ride with someone again," Jennifer offers and you watch with a touch of amusement as she subtly steps towards Joel who has just climbed atop Midnight. 
"Nah, let's switch it up," Joel says gruffly. "That way s’fair for everyone."
Luke looks your way and you hold in a nervous grin. He’s going to make the same offer to you that he did to Jennifer because he’s a gentleman that way.
The thought has your stomach fluttering excitedly. You think of how your arms will wrap around his middle, how you’ll find an excuse to press your cheek to his shoulder blade. How your thighs will-
"Get on."
Your brows knit together in confusion as you gaze up to your right to see Joel on his horse, holding out a gloved hand in front of your face. His curls fall into his forehead as he tilts towards you, mouth in a firm line.
What the fuck is he doing? Why is he trying to fuck this up for you?
“S’go,” Joel tells you, shaking an impatient outstretched hand from atop of his horse. He looks like he’s irritated out of his mind as you make your decision.
"Oh, uh," you glance at the disappointment in Luke's face before turning back to Joel, trying to hide your irritation. 
It makes sense after all; Luke already had to ride with Jennifer. But a part of you had been hoping to spend a bit of time with him on the horse. It's been a long while since a man intrigued you like Luke.
"We don't have all day," Joel snipes at your hesitation. "Let's go."
Jennifer strides forward, taking Chestnut’s bridle from you. You hand it over before looking back up at Joel who waits with one hand on his saddle horn, the other still at your eye level.
You clench your jaw and take his hand, hooking your foot into the footing of Midnight’s saddle and feeling the muscle of Joel’s arm as you grip his bicep and he pulls you astride the horses back behind him. 
He shifts, giving you room to slide behind the saddle. You do so, holding in  a sigh as you position yourself atop the strong animal. You feel Midnight's ribs under your legs, wider than Chestnut's. He's a pitch black mare with a coat that currently glistens. He's always been a rather imposing horse, hesitant around new people.  Riding him is like being in a room alone with Joel – intimidating.
"Hold on," Joel instructs before clicking his tongue, encouraging Midnight to start walking. The horse jerks to a start, causing you to dig your legs into Midnight’s side. You’re lucky the horse doesn’t kick you off for it.
You look over your shoulder to see Jennifer on Chestnut a few paces back. You give her a look that shows how displeased you are to be with Joel, replete with an eye roll. She returns it with a weak smile before her focus is back on the trail. Luke is looking off into the surrounding area, his eyes scanning for threats as he sits straight-backed on Glimmer.
You turn back to face ahead of you, displeased.
At first you barely touch Joel, hands resting on your thighs as the four of you bob along the trail. No one is talking now. The air is filled with an unexpected tension that you can’t for the life of you understand.
Your front is pressed against Joel's back, squeezing gently to make sure you don't slide off.  Midnight makes a jostling step off the path before righting himself. It sends you slipping back, your thighs digging into the horse’s side and your hands going to grab Joel lightly by his jacket.
"Unless you wanna fall off I suggest you hold tighter n'that." Joel bites off. 
You know he’s correct. Sitting this awkwardly is only a burden on Midnight. Your arms snake around Joel’s waist and hold there below his sternum. His chest is broad, his arms muscled, his thighs strong. Everything about him is masculine and tough. All but the soft look of his dark brown curls threaded with grey which curl under his ears just slightly.
Despite everything you've experienced with Joel, actually physically touching him is surreal. You know the feel of his cock in your palm and on your tongue, the taste of his come. But now you can explore the rest of his body first with your eyes and then your hands. 
Up this close to Joel you see the freckles on his golden skin and the way he holds himself stiffly straight in front of you. He’s so broad, his entire disposition that of protector. You can understand why Ellie feels safe with him.  
You marvel at the smooth sensation of his jacket under your fingertips, the warmth of his body. This close to Joel you inhale the scent of leather and homemade lavender soap from Hannah's. You could almost laugh that you both use the same scent mostly because Joel Miller smelling like flowers is an amusing thought.
You pass through a different path on your way back as you always do and are irritated with the sight of the overturned trees. The roots are ugly, twisted things that poke out from the light dusting of snow.
“Shit,” Joel mutters to himself.
Midnight rears back sharply and in a panic your arms wrap more tightly around Joel’s waist, suddenly anxious. You're surprised when Joel's left hand goes to cover your grip knotted against his middle, holding you in place.
Joel grunts out a grumbled whoa boy before tugging Midnight’s reigns with his right hand to get him to obey. His hand is big, warming you despite the gloves you both wear.
"Careful," Joel calls over his shoulder to Jennifer and Luke. "Some big roots here." 
The two of them call out that they've heard him. You twist to look over your shoulder and watch them navigate Chestnut and Glimmer over the uprooted tree. Luckily it doesn’t take long before the four of you are back on the path heading home with no more obstacles in the foreseeable future.
You glance behind you to see Jennifer looking miserable on Glimmer. She looks so disappointed and you want to slap Joel upside the head for missing how obviously into him she is. You think of earlier, when Joel observed her skills and an idea comes to you.
“Hey Jennifer?”
“I really like your jacket,” you fumble for a way to make this sound natural.
Jennifer shoots you a confused look, curious as to where you’re going with this. “Uh, thanks.”
“Did you get it from town?”
“I made it,” she tells you, the silent you already know that, reflected in her gaze.
“Wow, you’re so gifted. You made those amazing curtains in your place too, right?”
“I did.”
“You’re so good at making stuff,” you gush. “Especially clothes. You make men's clothes too, right Jennifer? Like jackets?"
"Uh yeah," she says slowly before her confusion fades, realizing what you're getting at. She smiles cheekily at you. "Yeah, I can make jackets, jeans, t-shirts, all that stuff." 
“You’re so talented at it,” you gush. Luke is looking over your way and you feel the need to really drive it home. “I mean, with the holidays coming up I might just want to get a dress from you.”
You have never worn a dress in your life. Not unless your mother forced you into them as a child. But you need to sell this idea that Jennifer is a domestic goddess. You’ll leave out the part about her baking.
“I could make us matching ones,” she says with a wink. You hold in a giggle at the thought.
“I’d like to see that,” Luke offers shyly from behind Jennifer who shoots a delighted look in your direction complete with dramatically mouthed ‘he likes you!’. You flush at the attention, your lips pursing into a pleased grin.
You feel Joel's trunk stiffen in your arms and his hand drops from over yours. He replaces it on the reigns. 
"Keep it down," Joel hisses over his shoulder at you and the others. "Unless you were hopin’ to guide  Raiders our way?"
The two of them go quiet and you cringe internally. You don't know why but you suppose it's because Joel is your patrol partner. A reflection on you in some ways and he's coming off like a major asshole right now. Your arms loosen around his middle finding that the horse is now on smoother terrain.
You glance over at Jennifer about to give her a sympathetic look but she shoots you an exaggerated eyebrow waggle and mouths the words "still sexy" with a head tilt at Joel. You barely suppress a surprised giggle, irritating Joel further. 
"What's so fuckin’ funny?"
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withleeknow · 20 days
for the requests — i'll send two songs that i've liked for quite a while and you can choose the member that you see who fits the vibe?
sand by dove cameron
make you mine by madison beer
conversations with strangers.
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pairing: seungmin x gn!reader genre/warnings: exes to ??, non-idol au (i wrote this with seungmin in mind as a celebrity/singer or musician of some sort so it's pretty vague and it's not explicitly mentioned what he actually does, so if you wanna imagine him as an idol it still fits the narrative. i can't tell you what to do lol), Angst™️! (i think. i liked this at first but then i was looking at it so much that i became desensitized to it and idk if it's that sad anymore lol); the ending is a little ambiguous maybe?, mentions of drinking, mentions of sex, could've been more edited word count: 2.9k note: this might be one of my favorite things that i've written lately but i am also in my fish freshly dropped on land era so i am fully prepared for this to flop like ass lol bye
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / request masterlist / ko-fi
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I saw the end when we began You couldn't love the way I can I tried to bargain with the stars For more than half of your heart But you have more pieces of me than the desert has sand And I have less pieces of you than I can hold in my hand
Sand - Dove Cameron
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"Why did you call me?"
"Why did you come?"
There isn't a good answer to his question, so you choose to ignore it in favor of keeping your eyes on the road, your fingers holding tightly onto the steering wheel. You don't know what to tell him. You yourself aren't even sure why you came to that bar, why Seungmin is sitting in your passenger seat right now just because he was drunk and he wouldn't let anyone take him home but you.
"I asked you first," you say. It takes an effort to keep your voice even, an effort not to look over at him.
"Don't know," he sounds like he couldn't care less, but that's always been Seungmin for you. "Old habits die hard, I guess. You were the only one I used to call."
You round a corner without even having to look at the GPS. The route to his place is still ingrained in your brain even after all this time. On some nights when you feel too stuffy indoors, you would go on a walk by yourself. Directionless for an hour or two, you just want to feel the wind wrap around your body and solid ground beneath your feet.
On these same nights, you would find yourself at Seungmin's door.
It's always unintentional, the way your feet would carry you to his home without your permission.
"Used to," you reiterate. "Past tense. You don't get to call me anymore. I'm not your chauffeur."
You feel his eyes on the side of your face. Then his voice, ever so calm and collected, "You came anyway, didn't you?"
His words irritate you for some reason, even though he means nothing bad. No malice in his voice; he's just simply stating a fact. You did come when he called, and perhaps the person that you're really annoyed with is only yourself, because why did you come?
He should be a stranger to you by now, and yet, you're here.
Maybe you know the answer. Maybe it's not a hard question at all.
You let the both of you wallow in silence for the rest of the drive. When you pull up to Seungmin's building about ten minutes later, you finally turn to cast your gaze upon him with your eyebrow slightly raised, a polite Get out if there ever was one.
Instead of taking the hint like a normal person and going on his merry way, he just stares at you with his big eyes and his hair still styled to perfection even after a night of celebrating and drinking. Seungmin loves to be difficult, this you can't ever forget.
"Well?" you press. "You're home."
He blinks, then swallows thickly. He looks around your car for a few seconds, unsure of himself. If he wasn't intoxicated, you would think he's trying to stall.
"I... I can't go up by myself," he says.
"Are you serious?"
He just nods, something expectant in his gaze.
"You're a grown man."
"Help me up." He doesn't sound all too drunk, but maybe he's just got a way of masking it because Seungmin would never outright ask for help. He's stubborn, and he thinks it makes him look weak. Incapable.
In the end, you give in to his request. You let him lean on you in the elevator on the way up to his floor, the scent of his cologne still overpowering the bourbon he had all night and it makes you just a little nostalgic.
At his door, you hold onto his waist and look away when he punches in the passcode. The door unlocks and this should be it for the two of you, your unexpected reunion should be ending the moment Seungmin crosses over to the other side of the threshold, but he just turns around and looks at you, his body against the frame of the door this time.
"There, you're home safely," you say. "I've done my part. Goodnight."
"Come in."
"I'm tired. Come in." And with that, Seungmin retreats into the apartment, leaving the door open for you to follow without any further explanation at all. For a moment, you stand there by yourself, not really sure of what to do. You hear him shuffling inside, before the sound of his body plopping onto the couch carries over to your ears.
What business do you have here? What business did you have with Seungmin in the first place today?
And yet, you find yourself trailing inside, closing the door behind you until the lock clicks into place. Maybe you're curious to see what the place looks like since the last time that you were here. The two of you never lived together - you weren't foolish enough to agree even though he did ask - but you were over often enough to consider this your second home.
Not much has changed. It's still the same minimalist four walls that you were used to. Same light gray paint, same black couch. Same framed signature of his favorite baseball player and same tiny crack in the decorative bowl on the coffee table. There's a photo on the credenza lying face down seemingly on purpose, but you don't say anything about it.
"What am I doing here?" you ask.
"Why did you come?" he shoots you the question for the second time tonight.
You blink at him. He only stares back.
"Why did you call me?" you repeat. "Why did you really call me?"
Questions thrown out but no answers received, like you're both running in circles, with neither of you knowing why you're even running in the first place.
Seungmin purses his lips before he stands up, the suddenness of the movement leaves him unsteady on his feet, makes him hold onto the couch's armrest for support. "Do you want some water?"
You bite the inside of your cheek. "Okay."
"Give me a second. Have a seat."
You watch as he pads into the kitchen a little wobbly, then returns a few minutes later with two glasses of water. He sits back down on the couch next to you, some distance dividing the two of you. He takes a sip, you do the same.
"Called you because I missed you," he says, casually admitting it like he was merely discussing the weather. The place hasn't changed, but maybe he has.
The last time you spoke to Seungmin was about six months ago, when he dropped off your things two weeks after you broke up. You haven't had any contact since, and that's exactly the way it should be for you and him now. You went your separate ways and that was it. A mutual agreement that hurts, but it was mutual nonetheless. For the past half a year, all he's been to you is a stranger. You know why it had to happen. You agreed to it.
But, just because you haven't talked, doesn't mean that you haven't thought of him. You wish he only crossed your mind in passing, wish your brain only conjured up the image of him whenever you saw something that he would like, or whenever you caught a glimpse of him on the TV or radio. In reality, it's been much more pathetic. You think of him almost every day, despite your best efforts to cleanse yourself of everything that's remotely related to the name Kim Seungmin. His absence carries itself with you all the time, a hollowness that seeps into every crevice of your life.
You know he means it. Seungmin doesn't lie, least of all to you. His honesty twists inside of you like a knife. Salt, meet wound.
You have no words to offer him, no response you can think of that would make sense to say out loud so you don't say anything. The only sound that falls from your lips is his name, like a warning, a plea, a consolation all at once.
But he doesn't seem to mind. Not his sudden vulnerability, not your reluctance to entertain that split second of honesty.
"I answered your question. Now you have to answer mine," he says. "Why did you come?"
"What do you want me to tell you?"
He doesn't respond right away. Instead, he takes a moment like he's mulling it over in his head. "Thought maybe you missed me too," he says eventually, ending the sentence with a bitter chuckle. "Just a little bit."
You tongue your cheek, stall with another sip of water before you place the glass on the table. On a coaster of course, Seungmin hates cup rings on his fancy table.
You lean back to rest on the couch, staring up at his boring ceiling. There are memories of you on this very couch, ones of you lying with your head on his lap as he plays with your hair, the two of you winding down after a long day. Or ones that are far too inappropriate to bring up ever again, of nights where you were both too desperate and impatient to take it to the bedroom. Those gentle reminders are still here somewhere, tucked between the cushions perhaps.
"Sure." You hum, nodding along. "Let's go with that."
Another chuckle, humorless. Though, you think he's pleased enough with that non-answer but you're not sure. He mirrors your position, falling into the couch with a sigh. From your peripheral vision, you think he's scooched closer to you, just by a few centimeters, in the process of settling into the sofa.
"My turn," you say. "Why do you want me here?"
"What is this, 21 questions?"
You shrug simply. "You asked me to come in. I'm just curious."
When Seungmin stays silent for a beat too long, you turn your head to watch him, thinking maybe he's knocked out because of the alcohol in his system. But you find him wide awake, his eyes staring ahead, looking like he's already sober.
His face is unreadable when he says, "Wanted to see something."
"See what?"
"See if something is still there."
It's your turn to remain quiet as you process his words, and it's Seungmin who has to turn to gauge your reaction.
"And? Is anything still there?" you ask.
"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one that stayed."
"Does it matter? If I say there is?"
"Of course it does."
"What would you do about it?"
He goes still once more. You know he doesn't have an answer to your question. What would he do? What could he even do? Patch things up only for them to fall apart again in a couple months? Once upon a time, you were naive enough to think that you could find a way to make it work. You had enough blind faith to think that it would all work out in the end; that if you wanted it enough, maybe the universe would let you have this one thing.
You return your gaze to the ceiling. He's shown you his cards, maybe it's only fair that you show him some of yours too.
An uncertain inhale, then the realization that this is the only time you would be able to have an honest conversation with him about this.
"Wanna hear something funny?" you ask.
"I have a feeling you're gonna tell me anyway."
It's anything but funny, and Seungmin is certain that you're not building up to a punchline. Sure, it's a little tragic that nothing matters, but there's some freedom, some comfort in that too. You can tell him everything that's plagued your mind for the past couple hundred days or so without having to worry about the repercussions. Even though not all is said, everything is already done.
"You know, you were mine before you were anyone else's," you say. You feel his eyes on the side of your face. The silence persists, and you aren't sure if you can take it as a sign to continue, but you do so anyway because at least he's not pumping the brakes on it, right? "I used to be jealous of your life. Toward the end, I mean."
"Jealous of what?"
"I don't know. Just your life, your dream. All of it."
Seungmin blinks. "You were jealous that I got to live my dream?"
"I said I was jealous of your life, not you," you correct him. "Because you always seemed to want everything else more than you wanted me."
"You make it sound like I was the bad guy." He turns a little defensive all of a sudden, an edge in his voice when he says, "That's not true."
You still remember him well enough to know that it is.
And it's not such a terrible thing; it's simply the truth. You can't fault him for having a dream and for having enough courage to see it through, even if it means unintentionally leaving you behind in the process. You could foresee the end even from the beginning. If you wanted to blame someone, you would have to blame yourself too.
You swerve around his metaphorical walls, his make-believe suit of armor. If you'd been nervous around Seungmin tonight, then that anxiety is now chipping away brick by brick the more you internalize the fact that nothing matters anymore.
"Remember your last show before we broke up? You were so happy, I was so proud of you. You belong on stage and I never wanted to take that away from you. But then I noticed the crowd, the thousands of people out there cheering your name and I realized that I would never compare to them. Their praise meant more to you than mine, and it was only a matter of time before you outgrew me to look for bigger and better spotlights.
"I'm not saying you were wrong for any of it. I don't blame you. You were always going to outgrow me. It's sad, but it's okay. I always knew that you'd have to leave me behind at some point. It's on me too; I just fell too hard too fast for someone who could never stay. It's your dream, you can't help it. But that night... that was the nail in the coffin for me, knowing that one day, to you, I would be just one of the faces in a crowd that you can't even tell apart."
It doesn't hurt as much as you thought it would. In fact, it's even a little cathartic to pour out the words that have been sitting heavy on your chest. Although it's not until a single tear spills over that you realize your eyes have welled up somewhere along the way. You quickly wipe it away with your thumb, then you feel his hand reach for yours after a few beats.
Seungmin calls your name, and you can hear the regret in his voice. When you look at him, his eyes have softened, no longer on the defense now that you've beat him to the offense. "I'm not drunk enough to forget about this in the morning, you know," he says.
"Does it matter? What are you going to do about it in the morning?" you ask. "We're already broken up. It's not like we can go anywhere from here. But at least now you know what it was like for me."
It seems to be a common theme tonight - stretches of silence in between admissions of truth so that one of you can gauge the other's reaction, trying to assess what path would be worth it to take at this crossroad you find yourselves unable to move on from.
Then he's tugging on your hand, pulling you to him until you're in each other's orbit again. Close enough for him to wrap his arm around you. Close enough that you're weak, not that you were ever that strong to begin with. It doesn't really come as a surprise that you let him.
"I..." Seungmin starts, full of uncertainty as he tries to string together a sentence. "We could go back."
This isn't a surprise either, that you're considering his words.
"What happens when it ends again?"
You can practically taste the residual bourbon on his breath when he leans into you, his lips brushing your cheek just slightly. "Then it ends again," he says, a little pained, all too selfish. "But it'll be worth it. It's worth it to me."
"What if it's not what I want? What if it's not worth it to me?"
He pulls back, putting some distance between your faces so he could see you better, the deep brown of his eyes searching for something that you're both aware of.
"You came tonight," he murmurs, as if that in and of itself is a sufficient enough explanation. "You stayed."
Not all is said, but everything is already done.
You had chance after chance after chance to leave, to shut this down - whatever this is - but you didn't, not even once. You're still a willing participant even though you've lived through this ending before. You know he loved you, know he loves you even if the way he goes about it is selfish.
Because you do know the answer to his questions. It's clear as day; anyone can see it from a mile away.
When your world eventually comes crashing down again some time from now, you won't blame Seungmin. You won't blame yourself either, despite having option to walk away from all of this right now.
Because maybe some pains are worth enduring twice, aren't they?
Why did you come? Why did you stay?
Is anything still there?
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 08.06.2024]
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heart2beom · 1 year
call you later
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pairing: beomgyu x f!reader
synopsis: beomgyu swears women fall at his feet and he's in fact, single by choice—what better way to prove this to you than collecting the numbers of random people on the street?
you're in on the little fun too, until you manage to get soobin's number. because suddenly, beomgyu's a debbie downer—for whatever reason.
genre: comedy, fluff, best friends to lovers
a/n: late beomgyu bday fic...and its cheesy as hell 😭😭 anyways, nobody understands how happy i got after finding these icons, its literally perfect. this is exactly how he looks in the fic !!!! also lol this is practically me gushing over beomgyu while writing, its so self indulgent
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You don't know how this became topic of conversation for the hundredth time this week. After the events of the failed attempt of trying to get your upperclassman's number, Yeonjun—Beomgyu has been talking nonstop on how he's the most qualified person in your life that could hand you flirting tips, completely dismissing the fact that he's been single for the past two years.
He stops walking when you remind him that very necessary piece of information he seems to forget a little too often. "It's by choice! I'm single by choice!" you hear him yell. You don't pay him any mind, scrolling through your phone as you continue to walk.
He catches up to you rather quickly, hands in pockets as he walks backwards facing you, brown hair prickling his eyes because of the wind. "Do you seriously believe I can't get dates?"
You shove your phone back in your pocket, providing him with your full attention.
"Would you believe me if I said yes?" you enjoy how his hand shoot up to go over his chest, fauxing hurt with a huge pout—you've been telling him he'd do well majoring in theatre arts.
"You've lost your charm Choi, your age's getting to you."
He cracks a smile of disbelief, before continuing on, "I'm twenty-one not eighty-one knucklehead."
Beomgyu turns from facing you, walking by your side again. He clicks his tongue before saying, "You'd think that the closest people to Beomgyu would know him by now."
"Oh no, you're speaking in third person again." you whine.
He'd do this entire thing of narrating his life when he deems it necessary—which really should be never. It's also another reason why you're convinced theatre is his second calling—second to his very dramatic declaration of love to music.
"Yeah, because my best friend in the entire world thinks I'm a loser!"
He wasn't too far off. "Okay, I'll be honest. I do think you're a loser—"
"You're a loser." he retaliates.
"I was just about to compliment you!"
"How was I supposed to know? You don't follow an insult with a compliment, that's like, against the rules of socializing!"
You opt to narrow your eyes at Beomgyu instead of replying, taking the silence route. Beomgyu returns your glare, before huffing.
A few steps without anyone speaking until, "The compliment..." he mutters around a fake cough.
You snap your head to the brunette, lips slightly parted at his shameless attempt of getting a compliment. You punch his shoulder lightly before laughing a little in disbelief but also in a familiar knowing way—Beomgyu's always been like this.
When he gives you a shrug paired with childish pout as to say 'it wouldn't hurt', you give in, sighing. "I was about to say that I think you're handsome but you ruined that dipshit."
It's quiet again, and usually, you'd look to your side, trying to relish in your friend's reaction — it's always so reactive, animated in a way that makes the receiving end feel happy despite the context — but you don't, instead, your eyes were focused on the path you were walking on. It was wide, the greenery of spring occupying both sides, aftermath of the disastrous, lonely winter completely dissolved.
"You do?"
You almost laugh before his tone set on you a little more; his voice was lower, and you felt his eyes hesitantly looking at you, almost like he's genuinely looking for your affirmation.
You choose to look back at him, pursing your lips as you pretend to study the features you've grown accustomed to for the past five years.
You do think he's handsome—it's a given, even now, his bare skin devoid of any noticeable acne scars, lively and clear, his lashes—though a contrast to his boyish charm—so pretty and long you often find yourself feel a little envious whenever your finger would brush over them in awe. And god, if you could even begin to describe the way his lips—
He scoffs, turning away from your stare, pulling you out of your own thoughts. You blink a few times, before also tearing your eyes from the man walking beside you.
You went on too long without saying anything, how embarrassing. Clearing your throat you say, "I do."
He sighs. "You took too long to say that, I don't believe you."
You roll your eyes—you know what he wants. "I think you're handsome, Beomgyu."
You're not taken by surprise when he throws his arm over your shoulders, a teasing smile annoyingly plastered on his face as he shoves it a little too close, forcing you to look at him — you wouldn't complain anyway. "Awe, is little Y/N realizing Beomgyu's the love of her life, her soulmate, her beloved—"
"You're pushing it," you whine trying to push his face away, though the smile on your face is hard to hide. "I just called you handsome, it's not like I'm blind."
To the wanderers around you, the ones sitting on benches enjoying the view of cherry blossoms, they'd assume Beomgyu was your boyfriend with the way he had his arm comfortably laying off your shoulder.
"I'm not just a pretty face Y/N. In fact, I'm so cool that I could get the number of the first girl that passes me."
"No, no you couldn't."
Beomgyu naturally takes this as a challenge when he scoffs, finally removing his arm from you, "Watch me."
That's how it started. The ten minute stroll to get the park's infamous ice cream turning into something way bigger than it originally was.
"Her." you say, one hand on the rough bark of the tree you both were hiding behind, another used to discreetly point at the woman who had a child on her lap, clearly busy as she yelled on the phone.
Beomgyu was directly behind you, his head over yours, as he tries to get a good look of who you were pointing at.
"Are you crazy? She has a kid!" he whisper shouts, though the situation really didn't call for it. The woman was at the least three yards away from the tree you guys were behind.
"I thought love knows no bounds."
That seems to get him, using his beloved philosophy against him.
"It—it does if she's married!"
"You're so traditional. People can raise their kids on their own."
When he doesn't budge, unconvinced of taking such a chance, you turn to face him. Which is a mistake because now you realize how close he was. You clear your throat, dismissing the way the proximity was weirdly effecting you. "You lost. Bet's done."
"What? No! I have seventeen numbers and you have like...five. You lost, fair and square."
"This isn't fair! You made me ask an old man for his number, I had to stay there for twenty entire minutes just so he could type it in!"
"I'm not going Y/N, nothing you can do can convince me." he says, eyes shut as he childishly crosses his arms, head turned to the side, chin up high.
You glare at him before shoving your hand down your jeans pocket for spare change—surprisingly feeling paper. When you pull out the mysterious object, your eyes widen at seeing a twenty dollar bill. You've never gotten this lucky before!
It was too late to shove it back in because Beomgyu opens an eye to peek at what you were doing, noticing the bill you had in your hand.
You look at the boy, who was wide-eyed, then back to your very lucky money. "Fuck..." you groan, slapping the bill on his palm, internally mourning the loss of your money.
"You work miracles Y/N." he says cheekily. You deadpan, which gets the man holding up his hands as defense, flashing the money he just got out of you, with a teasing smile before he proudly turns to approach the woman.
Was that even worth your money?
Chewing slightly on your bottom lip, you observe through narrowed eyes—you can't really make out what he's saying, but the woman's brows were furrowed. Not a good sign.
A smirk makes way on your face as you lean against the tree, arms crossed.
Beomgyu still wears a smile, saying something again. You think that's the end of it, he apologized for bothering her and failed— but that isn't what happens.
Your smirk slowly falls when you see him typing something in his phone.
There's no way.
Before leaving, he gives the kid on the woman's lap a high five.
No way.
"You got her number?!" you shout in disbelief when he's finally in front of you.
"Keep it down!"
You're impatient, waiting for his response to your question, but with the way he had his chin raised proudly, hands in pocket, you got the answer.
You blink a few times, trying to piece your shock together. "But how? She's married! She—"
He gasps before pointing an accusatory finger at you. "I knew you saw that ring! You were trying to embarrass me!" you don't reply, instead just crossing your arms, huffing. "But see who came out on top? This guy." he turns his finger from you to himself, a smile of accomplishment spread on his face.
"Okay, I get it. But is she seriously cheating on her spouse while having a kid? That's fucking messed up."
"I just asked her where I could get the best cakes. She said BonBon's Bakery, which is, like, thirty minutes away."
You narrow your eyes, mouth wide—he can't just do this! "You didn't get her number! You—you tricked me!"
"Yes I did, and I'm proud." He says, walking to go behind you again, searching for your next victim.
You sigh, "Why'd you ask that anyway?"
"What, the cake? Because my birthday's soon idiot."
Oh yeah, his birthday.
"Go up to... the the blonde one! Wait, no, nevermind."
You furrow your brows, "Why'd you just take that back?"
He's quick to reply, "No reason. Oh! Go up to him."
You don't bother to look at who he was pointing at now, instead focusing your attention on the blonde Beomgyu had previously pointed at.
He had a pair of sony headphones, walking, eyes glued to his phone. "Soobin." the name slips out your lips absentmindedly as your eyes follow his figure.
"The random guy I'm pointing at is Soobin?" Beomgyu asks scratching his head, playing dumb.
No, the random guy he's pointing at is a middle aged man with a bald spot. You get into action, quickly walking at the direction of Soobin, who was by now, very far.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Beomgyu's hand is on your wrist, making you turn your head back to him. You tilt your head. "Going up to Soobin and getting his number?"
He breaks into an uneasy smile. "But you know him. That's an unfair advantage."
"I don't know him, you know him. I'm playing on fair grounds." you say, a little confused on why he was caring about advantages anyway—Beomgyu had double the numbers you had, he was winning.
When he doesn't let go, you decide to just shake his loose hold on you, chuckling awkwardly, giving him one last look before trying to catch up to the blonde.
Beomgyu never felt so much nervousness as he waited behind the tree, watching the scene unfold between you and his other best friend, Soobin.
His eyes fall down to see the scattered dandelions in the grass. He gulps before quickly bending down to pluck one out. It's a little childish—the way he holds the flower close to his lips, blowing air with all his force, making sure the dandelion is devoid of any white fluff. Wishing that your beyond terrible flirting skills would be so unflattering that Soobin would reject you.
Which is not the case.
When Soobin bashfully waves, a small smile on his face as he turns away from you, walking away—Beomgyu finds out at the age of twenty-one, that wishing upon a dandelion was a hoax. It's further rubbed in his face when you skip towards him, a wide smile on your face.
He drops the dead flower, pursing his lips as he steps on it.
"Guess who just got a number." you sing-song, waving your phone at him.
"Haha, congrats." he manages to smile, rolling his eyes.
"I'm going to catch up to you and win, be scared." you threaten though, your tone a little too excited, full of pride. Was this how Beomgyu felt on an hour basis? Because god, does it feel great.
"I think we should stop here for today."
You snap your head to Beomgyu, brows furrowed. "What? No!"
"We've been here for more than two hours, my legs are tired." he whines with a pout.
You take notice of your surroundings— the once blue sky was now a deep shade of orange, the park was a lot more empty, only a couple people walking down the path.
Yeah, you should definitely go home now.
"We're ending this formally tomorrow, 6PM sharp. Whoever has the most numbers gets fifty from the loser."
He nods before holding out his hand. "Deal."
You shake it, "Deal."
Though you smiled, you couldn't help but feel as if Beomgyu's mood had taken a complete 180.
You dismiss it—he probably is just tired.
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Movie Sundays—epitome of the typical movie nerd enthusiasts gathering around one TV screen on a specific day, in a specific time and binging 70's shit that is no longer relevant in today's society.
When you open your door, it's typical Beomgyu with his plaid shirt over his plain white one, barging into your apartment like he was your roommate and comfortably following through his usual routine.
"Take off your shoes you hooligan." It's a little ridiculous how often you have to remind him, but that seems to be apart of the routine too.
"It's literally just crocs."
"Yeah, crocs that stepped in dog shit on the way here."
"You're so dramatic." he mumbles, but still takes them off anyway. You would've shot back with a 'funny coming from you' but routine calls, so, you let him go.
You go to your bedroom, fetching a couple pillows before going back to the couch.
Movie Sundays often ended with both of you losing track of time, slipping into deep sleep the moment the clock struck midnight.
It was never your intention to make this movie ordeal into a sleepover on your couch, but that's usually what ended up happening, so preparing for it is always a good idea. Waking up with sore necks proved to be the official worst way to start a day—you'd know.
It's also the reason why Movie Sundays are now held on Saturdays—the change being made around three years ago. It's ridiculous, some would think that by now, you'd call it Movie Saturdays but Beomgyu said that it'd 'take away the magic' if you did — whatever that meant.
"Did you run out of water bottles?" he yells from the kitchen.
"I don't know, check the fridge!"
Beomgyu was tasked with getting the snacks and some water, you didn't have to do much compared to him but he seemed to enjoy getting the autonomy so nobody minded.
"Your fridge is so dystopian." Beomgyu comments, plopping beside you on the couch, throwing you a packet of cheespuffs.
"Wow, how incredibly nice of you to say as a guest."
"I'm being serious though, you have ten rows of mountain dew and ...one egg carton? You're like the stereotypical college student"
You're focused on finding something to watch instead of paying any mind to Beomgyu's rambles—who really tended to say anything. Like right now, when he pinches your cheek seemingly out of nowhere.
"You're so cute." he coos like you were a newborn baby—it truly felt as if Beomgyu was experiencing effects of anesthesia during the process of you finding a movie. You send him a death glare but that only spurs him on as he whines, "See? That was so cute"
You ignore him, finally making the decision of what movie could start off your move marathon. You nudge his shoulder, tearing his attention from his phone. "Hey, how about this one?"
The good thing about picking Beomgyu for your movie ventures was that you guys had similar tastes.
Romcoms. The classic cliched genre that is filled with the worlds cheesiest tropes.
"Yeah, that's good."
Usually it'd start off with Beomgyu making comments every few minutes, but then they'd die down after the third movie which is exactly why you leave the best movies for last—his yelling would've destroyed your watching experience.
Beomgyu tended to be the one laying his head on the armrest so it didn't take long for his leg to be sprawled on top of your lap—serving as a blanket for you.
You don't mind, focused on the scene playing until the buzz of your phone catches your attention. You hesitantly look at your phone, then Beomgyu, then your phone.
It was like an established rule to be off phones when Move Sundays was in motion, it's just that nobody had decided to say it aloud. But the whines that would come from one person when the other was busy on their phone during a movie served as enough reminder that using your phone was frowned upon.
But you couldn't help it. You've been expecting a call from Soobin for the past week, the day you got his number long over. Any notification from your phone tempted you. Foolishly you'd think it was finally Soobin, but that was never the case.
You were starting to believe that he didn't straight up reject you because of his politeness—which really just felt like shit. Were you seriously that pitiful?
Those thoughts dissipate into nothingness when you see the text notification on your lock screen. Texts from someone you've been readily expecting for the entire week.
[soobin, now]: hi :)
[soobin, now]: sorry for not calling or texting you i was just...
When you click on the notification, you expect to see that the end of the text is 'busy' or something of the sort but instead it's...nervous.
Sorry for not texting you I was just nervous? Why would he be nervous?
You can't help but snort, the ends of your lips curling up at the text.
Before you could quickly come up with a response, Beomgyu's face is right next to yours, narrowing his eyes at your phone screen.
"Who're you texting?"
"Fuck!" you shout, instinctively throwing your phone in shock. Thankfully, the phone lands on a chair instead of the floor, and your breathing is back.
You snap your head to Beomgyu to give him a piece of your mind but then... you remember you technically were the one breaking the unsaid rules of Movie Sundays. You collect your anger, sighing before you hold up a tight lipped smile, "It was an emergency."
When he quirks an eyebrow, you further continue to add onto your lie as you go to get your phone. "My grandpa got a heart attack, it's insane."
He rolls his eyes. "You have a grandpa named Soobin?"
Of course he was fast enough to read the contact name.
"Why'd you even ask if you knew?" you ask, sitting on the couch with your phone in hand.
He ignores your question, eyes focused on the TV. "Just put your phone away, you can text him back later."
You give him a look before shutting off your phone and crossing your arms as you tune back into the movie. Or at least somewhat. You're not sure what's up with Beomgyu and the mention of Soobin—at first, you think it's because they had a fight, but you saw them hanging out just fine the other day.
It was weird, but you shake your head out of your own thoughts, dismissing the boy's crankiness as something you really just made up in your head.
That is, until you decide to check your phone again while he goes through a catalog of movies.
"Are you guys dating?"
The sudden question paired with a dry laugh of his own makes you furrow your eyebrows, clicking on your phone to close it. "Hey, what's your problem?"
"What do you mean what's my problem? I don't have any problems."
You roll your eyes, groaning a little. "Did you guys fight or something?"
You peer at him for a second, urging him to add something more. It works, as his eyes look at you for a second before going back to the TV. He shrugs, "I don't know, it's just weird."
"What is?"
"You getting close to Soobin."
You're even more confused now...wouldn't someone want their best friends to get along? And be friends?
"I don't get it..." you mumble, still looking at him as he avoids any sort of eye contact. "How's that weird?"
He sighs, shoulders slumping. "He likes you."
When you don't respond, he continues, feeling his mouth dry the more he says it, "Like, like-likes you. He says it's love at first sight."
Ever since his best friend had personally confided in him that he might have the biggest crush on his other best friend, A.K.A the love of his life, Beomgyu had done everything in his power to keep you from formally meeting the blonde. Which included a lot of running and a lot of excuses he had to keep up with.
One, because Soobin was totally your type—Beomgyu would know. Two, because he doesn't think he can survive you falling in love with his best friend. It'd be the ultimate awkward situation. Third wheeling would be his daily routine, and it sends him shuddering at the thought.
You laugh, still trying to piece the information together. "What? Wait. How—why is that weird? I mean, okay. He likes me, so what?"
Beomgyu snaps his head to you, almost as if to tell you 'you should know why!' but he quickly controls his facial expressions because you don't know why. Instead he just opts to pout as he tries to explain. "It's weird because—because, like...um..."
"You're—you're going to hurt his feelings just because of a stupid challenge, that's very cruel Y/N." he says, childishly crossing his arms.
"I'm not going to hurt him...you know I'd never do that!"
"Well, you don't feel the same way he does. It'd be like you're leading him on."
"I mean...I can feel the same way he does, if time allows. I think he's pretty cool, seriously." You try to reassure him, but it has the opposite effect. Beomgyu's eyes droop, almost resembling one of a puppy as he looks up at you.
"You—you like him?"
"I said I think he's cool dummy. And that I think I can learn to like him."
"That's not how liking people works."
You barely control the urge to roll your eyes as your phone was above your face, scrolling through your social media mindlessly. "Sure it does. Taking the time to know someone is basically learning to like them."
It's silent as Beomgyu finally picks a movie, the familiar soundtrack giving you the hint that it's West Side Story.
"Well, maybe you could learn to like me too." It was barely audible over the movie playing but you still heard it, the quiet mumble from Beomgyu, concealed with a slight pout.
Your mouth parts a little snapping your attention from your phone to the brunette next to you, "Huh?"
"Huh?" he returns your gaze with wide eyes, fauxing innocence.
"Beomgyu, you just said something. Say it again." You sit up straight, your posture a little more fixed.
"I didn't say anything, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Beomgyu!" you yell flailing your arms around, with your brows furrowed, and that makes him jump a little, flinching. "Repeat what you said!"
You pull out the pillow behind you and threaten to hit him by raising it over his head which gets him talking. "Okay! Okay, hold on!"
"First, put that down!" he yells dramatically referring to the pillow—arm shielding his face.
You reluctantly oblige, slowly lowering your pillow.
When both of your breathing starts to steady, Beomgyu speaks up. "This is not how I planned on telling you—"
"Just say it Beomgyu."
"Okay, look—" he takes a deep breath in, "Imagine there's a totally different dimension. You've known this friend for five years or so—"
"So... you."
"Not me! Just, just imagine someone else." you roll your eyes, trying your hardest to keep your urge to smile down, you've watched enough romcoms to know where this was going.
He continues. "And that friend tells you that 'haha, I'm totally in love with you'. How would you respond? Like, rhetorically."
You sigh, deciding to go along with him. "Rhetorically..." his ears perk up, you could either crush his dreams or—
"...I would reject that friend."
"Oh..oh! Oh yeah, totally. That makes sense—"
"Because they're someone else, not you."
It falls quiet as Beomgyu blinks a few times, processing what you just told him. "What?"
You give him a smile before turning to the TV screen, "I like you too."
He also turns to face the TV, lips parted ever so slightly before he just breaks into a smile, biting down on his bottom lip, trying to contain his squeals.
It was so intune with your friendship for both of you to just sit there after confessing your love for the other, watching the movie you've both watched a hundred times before, in silence as the clock almost struck midnight.
It wasn't anything dramatic, just two people silently enjoying the tragic love story between Maria and Tony while snacking.
Beomgyu thinks you don't notice, but your eyes still catch how his fingers slowly 'walked' to yours, nearing them inch by inch and finally holding them. You laugh a little at how how silly it was, and he does too in reaction—contrasting to the scene currently playing, the death of multiple beloved characters finally occuring.
Your eyes lazily look over at your clock, then you smile looking at the boy next to you. "What's your wish? It's almost your birthday," you manage to say, fighting through your sleep.
Beomgyu is also clearly on the same wavelength as his voice is hoarse, barely hearable, "My wish..."
"Kissing you?"
Your smile grows bigger— god, he was so cheesy. "Come here you big baby."
"That's so unsexy... don't call me big baby when I'm about to give you the best french of your life..."
You laugh, hitting his chest lightly. "Okay, okay I promise I won't."
When he nears your face, the movie in the background playing lines you both could recite by heart, he cups your cheeks, breathing a little unsteady, before smiling. "What?" you whisper.
"I don't think this is a dream."
You look into his eyes for second before deciding to go in first, catching his lips with yours. It's like a small peck, soft and slow as your hand find themselves tangled in his hair. You pull away for a second, looking at his lips then his face, "Yeah, I don't think it is either."
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ending a/n: you finished!! i didn't do the usual and ask you to reblog in the beginning, but i'll do it here hehe, reblogging [the little sign by the heart button] helps push this fic!
it's like the main thing that helps me out and its what tumblr's algorithm picks up on!! that said, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this, i love writing best friend!gyu ><
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marshedmallowes · 1 year
Like anything miles 1610. I feel like everyone is writing for miles 42 and forgetting about the og!
midnight cravings - miles morales
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SUMMARY: texts at 3am + a mcdonalds notif = a recipe for chaos
A/N: i love midnight snacking. mcdonalds always hits harder at 2 in the morning! also sorry i keep writing miles in like situations where he isnt usually 100% Himself (sleepy, sick) so um,.. i will get to a proper one soon
WARNINGS: nothing seriously bad just fluff, food i guess, reader doesn't know miles is spiderman, reader is highkey a simp
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"Ugh..." You wake up with a groan, rubbing your eyes and assessing your surroundings. Noticing the still-dark environment surrounding you, you reach out for your phone which was on the bedside table.
2:42 AM. The phone lights blare onto your face, causing you to squint. As you scroll through your notifications, two catch your eye— a text bubble from Miles sent a few minutes ago, and a promo from McDonalds for their new meal.
Miles’ message was rather cryptic, and a normal person wouldn’t understand what “ruawkkekkrkx” meant. But a few months of these kind of typos (which meant Miles was either on patrol or barely awake), and one learns the language.
On the other hand, the McDonalds notif… if it was a propaganda technique, it was definitely working on you. You click on the advertisement, and damn did that chicken burger look good…
You decide to go back to Miles’ text. After opening the app and keyboard, your fingers feel too heavy to type… so you tap on the call button instead.
After exactly three rings, he picks up; in place of his normally spunky voice was a low, raspy one.
“Hey. You good? What’s with the random call?” Damn, his voice was unintentionally sultry as hell. Would it be weird if you started screen recording? He wouldn't know, right?
Ahem. Anyway.
"Oh, I'm fine, a little hungry though. I just didn't wanna type. Um, nice voice by the way." You hear a chuckle through the screen.
"So, you hungry? I mean, I could like, get you a snack or whatever."
"It is literally 3 in the morning right now." Though you expressed disapproval at what he said, your facial muscles tugged into a smile.
"Whatchu want?"
One link to a McDonalds meal later, you're patiently waiting in a now dimly lit room, phone in hand and still in bed. You decide to watch a show while waiting.
You're midway through your show, engrossed in a particular fight scene when you hear your window open with a click. Your fight or flight senses kick in, and you jump out of your bed and grab your phone and lamp (it's the nearest weapon, so...).
You watch as a dark figure comes out of the window in fear, you are ready to swing your lamp and dial your nearest police station when the figure raises both their hands in the air, to signify peace...?
The person pulls up their mask to show their face, one that you'd instantly recognize anywhere.
You drop everything and sprint to his arms— literally nothing, not even a meteor, could stop you at that moment from wrapping yourself around his lean figure. Miles places his hands on your back, and the two of you relish in each other's presence.
You wish the two of you could stay like that forever, but the enticing smell of a chicken burger and drink eventually draw your attention towards it and you pull away from him.
"Can we talk about how the hell you got to my window with me living in the 21st floor? I seriously thought that the moment you clicked open the window was going to be my last for a few seconds."
Miles smiles and slightly bites his lips, and God forbid the kinds of things you would do for this man.
"Maybe over a chicken burger?"
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a/n: to be completely honest i cringed so hard typing this fanfic but i just need to finish it so i hope none of you umm.. feel what im feeling rn at my own writing...
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starryjkoo · 5 months
I was rewatching the last Suchwita episode Jungkook was on and it was just so endearing how he couldn’t help but talk about the Jikook NY trip even though it was something that would have to be edited out. It was funny because later in the episode he started talking about SNTY and stopped himself because he said he probably shouldn’t talk about it. Taehyung said to go ahead because they could just edit it out and JK said this 😭
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And he was so serious about it! Like it was such a blunt refusal that Yoongi even told them (jokingly) to take it outside if they were going to argue.
And yet, when Yoongi asked JK about the travel show he couldn’t help but go into so much detail about it with such an adorably big grin on his face despite it absolutely being something that would have to be edited out (Jikook were taking spoilers about their show extremely seriously too lol!).
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It was just sooooo cute 😭 Jungkook could have stopped at any point too but he even goes right into a second story after the “heartstrings” comment.
It’s just really sweet because that whole conversation with Yoongi was so genuine, like it was a conversation between the two of them that wasn’t part of the show because it was obviously full of spoilers that couldn't be aired. Either JK momentarily forgot because he was just so into sharing the story or he just didn’t care because he really wanted to tell Yoongi about it anyways.
And the way that both of them looked so amused and endeared the entire time from the first second that Jimin was brought up is just so… idk, I need better vocabulary, but it was just so damn adorable lol. Jimin really does have that effect on people because literally the first mention of him and it’s all laughter and smiles and you have JK forgetting his “why would I talk about something they have to edit out” mindset.
Also Jikook in general just seem so excited about their show and it’s really sweet. They've only really mentioned it I think in this clip and the last live where they jumped on Namjoon for spoiling something lmao, but it’s like the way they talk about it and how obviously excited they are to share it with us and how JK was so amused by whatever funny chaotic things happened when Jimin arrived... it's really heartwarming. And it’s just sweet that no matter what they always seem to have so much fun together.
Anyways, it’s just really funny that in the SAME episode JK asks why would he talk about something that’s going to be edited out he talked about something that had to be edited out because it involved Jimin lmao. The fact that Jimin is always some sort of exception to Jungkook too is seriously something. Like speaking of Suchwita, it reminds me of when JK basically implied that the Jimin episode was the only full episode he had watched (that whole JM live was just crazy tbh).
I really can’t wait to find out what happened that was so chaotic and funny that had JK smiling like that and what had Jimin “tugging on heartstrings”. Like, is there going to be a scene of pitiful, pouty Jimin? Or is he just super endearing at one point? I'm so curious to see what all went down. And the Japan trip just seems like a fever dream, but that's just a whole other can of worms. But I really hope they release the full Suchwita convo sometime because the way JK talked about it was seriously adorable.
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pedroshotwifey · 4 months
To the Flame chapter seven
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x fem!reader
Word count: 3.1k
Chapter tags/warnings: Smut, like holy shit nasty smut, car sex, piv sex, oral (f receiving), unsafe sex, fluff, cute banter so i can break ur heart later, marriage, possessive Javi, stuff I'm forgetting,
Chapter Summary: You and Javi take a lot of steps within a very short day.
A/N: Hey babes!! I'm sorry I'm late with this one, but I think this chapter will make up for it! It's nasty and sweet and I think you'll love it. I'm also going to see what I can do about having chapter 8 out this Friday anyway. Love you!! <3
As you wake up in Javi’s arms for the second day in a row, you find yourself thinking that this is something you could definitely get used to. 
The morning sun is leaking through the window, casting a soft glow across the two of you where you lay tangled together in his bed. Even without the addition of the crisp, white sheets coming up to cover the bottom half of your bodies, it’s almost uncomfortably hot. But you really can’t find it in you to mind, instead sighing and snuggling yourself deeper into your fiance’s bare chest. 
“G’morning, carino,” Javi grumbles as he presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
“Morning, Javi,” you mumble into his golden skin. 
The sleep caught up in his accent makes you smile. It’s the little things like that that get to you; the intimacy in knowing him in these moments, knowing that you are the one who gets to hear what the rasp in his voice sounds like right after he wakes up.  
You roll over, coaxing Javi onto his back so you can rest your chin on your hands right on his chest. He smiles back at you, bringing one hand up to gently stroke your hair. 
The two of you had been up almost all night, neither of you able to get enough of the other. It’s like now that you’ve had a taste, you never want to give it up. Not even for a second. Javi takes a deep breath and makes a face like he’s contemplating saying something. 
You watch him patiently, waiting for him to make his mind up. You listen to the birds outside the window in the meantime. You’ve always loved doing that, trying to decipher what they’re saying by the pitch of their chirp or the length of their song. You know it’s silly, of course, but that never stops you from doing it. 
“Let’s get married today, baby,” Javi’s quiet statement interrupts your pondering.
Your grin widens and you reach up to cradle his scruffy jaw before planting a gentle kiss on his plush lips. He kisses you back slowly, cupping your chin in return. You pull away after a second to voice your agreement. 
“Whatever you want,” you tell him, your voice drenched with nothing but affection. It is sooner than you had expected, but you trust him to make these important decisions. He has shown you so far that he definitely knows better than you when it comes to making decisions moving forward, but you know he would never say that. Hell, it probably hasn’t even registered with him in the first place. 
Javi grabs you and rolls you onto your back, and you giggle as he makes his way down until he’s nestled between your legs. His large palms hold your thighs open, putting your cunt on display for him, still soaked from last night. There are streaks of his cum dried and cracking on your stomach and legs from the last session, but neither of you mind. 
If anything, Javi seems pleased to see you covered in his spend. 
He takes you apart with his tongue slowly, bringing you to and from the edge until it’s almost unbearable. When he does finally allow you to come, he sticks his strong tongue into your pulsing pussy, letting you squeeze around the muscle as he licks into you. 
You moan wildly, your head tossing back as you grip Javi’s hair to keep him to you. He lets you ride out your orgasm, but as soon as it’s through, he’s climbing back up your body and slipping inside of your velvet heat. 
He groans and dips down to hide his face in the crook of your neck, your arms coming up to wrap around his and hold him close to you. His pace as he starts to thrust in and out of you is less frantic than it has been every other time so far. 
He makes slow, sensual love to you, like he’s trying to anchor himself to your soul. And you really think he’s successful in his efforts. Little gasps fall from your parted lips each time he bucks his hips up to yours, just forceful enough to peg that heavenly spot inside of you every time. 
You can feel the drag of his cock against your walls better than you’ve been able to the other times. It feels just as good as when he takes you with a fiery passion, but in a different, softer way. You close your eyes and focus on the way he’s breathing onto your neck, letting barely-there whimpers out every other thrust. 
His hands roam the sides of your body, going down to cup your thighs, caress your ass, pass by your hips, and then fondle your breasts. He repeats the motions at random, like he’s trying to memorize every part of your body. 
You let your hands trail down his perfectly sculpted body as well, letting your nails drag against his sensitive flesh until they reach his ass, where you give him a gentle squeeze. His hips buck more harshly into you as you do so. 
It doesn’t take long before you’re both coming apart, you squeezing around him right before he pulls out and empties himself on your stomach. You lay together in a sticky, panting mess for a while until Javi gets up to ready the shower. 
He comes back for you a minute later, placing a soft kiss on your head before gently scooping you up and carrying you to the bathroom. 
He pulls one more lazy orgasm from you before he washes you, his hands tender with you the entire time. The way he handles you almost brings you to tears. It’s like he’s afraid he’ll break you, and you’re not used to being that valuable to anybody. Before you get out, you find yourself again thinking how you don’t deserve him. 
Javi takes you to the courthouse located in the next town over, that way you don’t have to risk running into anyone you know. It’s even more plain-looking than the one in your hometown, but the sight still makes your stomach twist. It hasn’t quite hit you yet that you’re really getting married. 
Javi had helped you pick out an outfit—a simple white dress that comes down to right under your knees. You’d wished that you had more for him, but Javi certainly didn’t mind. Even if you didn’t catch the glaze in his eyes as he had helped you slip the dress on, the tremble in his hands would have given him away. You couldn’t help but get choked up as well. 
He holds your hand now as the officiant leads you down the blank halls of the courthouse. You feel almost lightheaded, your breaths coming out in light pants. You feel him squeeze your hand reassuringly, and it helps to calm your nerves, though there’s this nagging in the back of your head that’s been stuck there for the last hour or so. 
You barely know Javi. You feel awful thinking that, but he’s practically a stranger. You’re so incredibly lucky to have him doing you such a huge favor, but it almost feels wrong when you think about it too hard. You don’t like that feeling at all. You love him. You’ll just have to keep repeating that fact to yourself until there’s no room for any others. 
You arrive in the room where it’s going to happen before you realize you’d walked through the door. Your eyes flutter shut as your stomach twists again—though you can’t tell if it’s from excitement or nerves. You tell yourself it’s excitement even as sounds begin to fade out. 
Your head is swirling and you almost feel nauseous, but you’re forced to push it all away once Javi tugs on your hand and you’re pulled back into the present. Your eyes snap back open and you look up at him. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” His brows are furrowed with worry as he whispers the question. “You don’t look too good, honey.”
Gulping down your hesitancy, you nod at him, feeling a bit bad that it might have been written on your face for him to see. He flashes you a small but warm smile and squeezes your hand in reassurance. 
“It’s going to be okay, I promise,” he says, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
Just like that, the usual butterflies return, taking up room until there is no space for anything else. You swear he mouths the words “I love you” against your skin before he pulls away. The officiant politely clears his throat and you watch Javi lovingly as he nods at him to signal your readiness. 
The ceremony went quickly and in a blur. You remember your mouth forming the words to bind yourself to him, but you can’t quite remember what exactly they were. You also remember tearing up as Javi did the same, watching as his plush lips wrapped around the vows like they were worth something. 
When he kissed you for the first time as your husband, you felt a stray tear run down your cheek. It’s like you melted at that moment. Melted into him and his life. His. 
After some dazed paperwork, you let Javi lead you back out to his truck and help you into your seat. He stops when you’re in, standing between you and the open door as he looks up at you with palpable admiration. 
“I’m going to make you so fucking happy, baby. I promise you won’t regret me,” he vows. You believe him. 
“I know, Javi. I could never regret you.” 
He kisses you again, soft and slow, but leaving a peck at the last moment as a promise for what’s to come. He shuts your door and gets in on his side before pulling away from the lot. 
It isn’t until you’re what should have been about halfway home that you realize you don’t know where you’re at. Now that you’re thinking about it, Javi did leave the opposite way than what he came from. 
“Um, Javi?” 
“Yes carino?” 
You glance over at him upon hearing the mischief in his voice. You can’t help but smile at him. 
“Where are we going?” 
“What do you mean, sweetheart? I’m taking you home.” 
He’s full on grinning at this point, clearly proud of himself. 
“I think you’ve lost your mind, old man,” you laugh at him. He throws a glare in your direction but you can tell he’s struggling to contain his laughter. 
“Nope, last I checked it’s all there,” he says. 
You hum at him, facing the road again. 
“Also, I’m not an old man. I’m not much older than you.” 
Now it’s your turn to toss him an incredulous glance. 
“Okay, not that much older,” he settles for. 
You ride in silence for another few minutes, deciding to let Javi hatch whatever plan he’s drawing out right now. You don’t realize you’re hungry until your stomach grumbles embarrassingly loudly. 
“You want to stop and eat before we get there?” Javi asks. Thoughtful fucking man. 
You feel your cheeks heat but you nod. 
“Think there’s a diner a couple more minutes out, that sound good?” 
“Oh, yes, please,” you draw out, stomach grumbling again at the thought of a burger. 
Javi smiles at your excitement and pulls you closer to kiss the side of your head. You’ve noticed he does that a lot—kisses you even if it’s not on your lips. Not that you’re complaining, you just find it very sweet. It’s another thing he does that makes you feel special. 
The diner is relatively empty despite being one of the only restaurants in a small town, which is nice because that also means it’s not very loud. Javi finds a booth by a window so that you can be warmed by the sun. He’s noticed you get cold pretty easily. 
You both order a burger and fries and eat in a comfortable silence, Javi watching you as you glance out the window periodically. He finishes before you but waits patiently. 
“So, you’re really not going to tell me where we’re going?” you inquire between bites of your fries. Javi smirks and crosses his arms as he leans back in his seat. 
You playfully shake your head at him. 
“You’re a massive pain in the ass, you know that right?” 
“Not yet I’m not. But we can change that if you’d like—
“Javi!” You bark, frantically looking around you for anyone who may have overheard him. 
He straight up laughs at you, and after reassuring yourself that nobody was unfortunate enough to have been sitting by you, you bite down on a smile as well. 
“Foul, foul man you are,” you laugh. 
“What can I say, you bring it out of me,” he retorts. 
You mumble something almost incoherent even to your own ears and get to work on finishing your food. 
Once you’re done, Javi pays and orders you a drink to go. You beam at him, you really can’t help it. Does he know how fucking much you love him?
You nod at him and let him lead you out of the restaurant. Back on the road, you cuddle up next to him, watching as the scenery fades back into countryside. You’re probably about an hour away from the courthouse you left when Javi turns down a gravel road, and then a dirt road. 
You glance at him, and he glances back at you, anticipation clear in his eyes though he’s trying to hide it. It makes your stomach twist in a good way. 
The road goes on for a couple of minutes, and then blends into a field surrounded by a strong fence, a white house sitting in the middle. It’s gorgeous; both the plot and the farm style house. Your mouth goes dry and your stomach does a flip as you take a guess as to what he might be doing here.
“What’s this, Javi?” 
Javi waits to park the truck before he answers you. 
“Your house,” he shrugs.
You look at him, your mouth gaping as your eyes fill with tears. 
“You didn’t,” you breathe out. 
He smiles and shrugs again. 
You’re in his lap and throwing your arms around him within the second, trying not to ugly cry. 
He holds you tight and kisses you, chuckling a little at your reaction. 
“God, I love you Javi,” you cry into his neck. 
“I love you too, sweetheart. So fucking much.” 
“Let me show you how much I love you. Please,” you beg, grinding yourself down on him. You’re so overwhelmed with gratitude, and you feel an immense need for him to understand just how much so. As much as you want to go explore your new home, you want to thank your husband properly first. 
“Fuck, okay,” Javi says, his cock immediately starting to stiffen under you. 
You kiss him forcefully as you rock over him, tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck. You waste no time in reaching down to play with yourself, making sure he’ll be able to glide in easily.
You moan into his lips, working yourself quickly. If it was any other man, you wouldn’t need the extra prep, but this is Javi. He gropes your ass in large handfuls as he feels you touching yourself, a groan coming up from his throat. 
He sneaks one of his hands down lower and dips it beneath your dress which has ridden up to your waist. He lets his finger find your slit and nudges your panties to the side before slipping it into your wet hole. You moan at the intrusion as he begins to pump it in and out, bringing you closer to your orgasm. 
You feel heat licking at the base of your spine, your entire body starting to feel lighter, and you know you’re close. 
“Oh, Javi, I’m gonna—”
And just like that, you’re shuddering over him, his mouth capturing your moans as you fall apart. 
“That’s it baby, just like that,” he praises softly. 
He pulls himself out of his pants as you’re coming down, and you don’t even notice until you feel your panties being shoved aside again and his blunt tip starting to breach your entrance. He pulls you down on him, making you both groan loudly. 
“Fuckin’ tight, baby,” he grits out as he bottoms out. You nod at him, your eyes closed in pleasure at the feeling of being so full of him. He’s already pressed against that spot that makes you squirm. 
He grips your hips and starts to guide you to bounce on top of him, which you immediately begin to help him with. You use your knees to lift up and sink back down on him, savoring the drag with each movement. 
“Good fuckin’ girl, all mine,” Javi babbles as you pick up your pace, whining every time he slams back into you. 
“Say it,” he requests through a heavy breath. “Tell me you’re mine.” 
“I’m yours, Javi, just yours,” you pant through the thickening air. 
“That’s fuckin’ right,” he says, bringing a hand down to press his thumb to your clit and making you cry out. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, give me a good one,” he demands. 
You lock your arms around him and press your face into his neck, nipping at the skin there as you concentrate on reaching your peak. You just about scream as you clamp down on him, choking his dick as you pulse around him. 
You don’t even think about what you tell him next; you don’t have to, really. You know you want it now. He’s going to take care of you, the least you can do is give this to him. 
“Fill me up, Javi,” you whine. “Come inside me.”
And he does. At your words, he loses control. It takes you both by surprise, but neither of you care all that much.
Javi gasp and moans like a mad man as he pulses inside you, and you keen at the feeling of his hot cum painting your already-soaked walls. It’s so much better than you ever could have imagined, the way he fills you to the brim and keeps pushing it in with each thrust. 
He holds you tightly, muttering something that sounds like “thank you” over and over again until he finally stills. You lean into each other, both sweaty, panting messes as you try to come back down to earth. You can already feel him dripping out of you despite the fact that his cock is still nestled inside of you. 
“Fucking love you so much, woman,” Javi breathes out into your skin after a moment.
You giggle at him, leaning back so you can capture his face in your hands and kiss his forehead this time. 
“Love you too, Javi,” you whisper. 
“Get your ass up though, I wanna see my house.”
**** Thank you for reading!! Taglist is always open if you would like to join <3
Series taglist:  @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy @survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @movievillainess721 @callachloe @missladym1981 @casa-boiardi @sofiparallel @callachloe @koshkaj-blog @justlulu @sheepdogchick3
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dahliamalfoy97 · 1 year
NEEDY - Muzan
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A/N: probably not my best work, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!
Synopsis: Basically Y/N is feeling a bit needy and is a bit of a brat and Muzan is a sadistic bastard.
Warning: SMUT +18!! , MDNI, Yandere Muzan ! Explicit Content, daddy kink, monster kink, brat kink, degradation, masochism, slight dacryphilia, choking kink, spanking kink, manhandling, orgasm denial, overstimulation, penetration, oral sex, thigh riding, hair pulling, cockwarming, mentions of blood, and whatever else I forget to mention. Muzan is kind of mean but I mean it’s Muzan soo.
You were feeling Needy.
Your boyfriend Muzan was really focused on defeating the Demon Survey Corps and the upcoming war and you knew how important it was to him. You knew he was busy and you know he had specifically ordered you don't bother him while he was working. Usually you followed his orders but all he seemed to do is lock himself away in his lab. And it left you lonely.
Feeling needier than ever.
It had been weeks since you two had been intimate. And you were starting to forget what his touch had felt like. Sure you were a demon and life was unending. You had an infinite amount of time with him but 2 weeks seemed like forever this time around.
So probably making the worst decision of your life you dress yourself in a short red dress that hugged every curve and barely covered your ass. It was new one you had bought just for him. But he's been too busy to see it on you. You curled your hair and put on some makeup and made way to his lab.
You knocked softly.
"Who is there?" Muzan answers monotonously and you knew he was probably not even looking up at door.
"It's me, Muzan," you say.
Immediately the doors open, "I thought I've told you to not to bother me while I'm working, Y/N," you feel your heart drop because he hadn't even looked up at you and he called you by your name. Not doll, or princess.
"I know but, I barely see you anymore," you pout, creeping quietly towards where he sat in his chair with a vial in his hands. His crimson cat like eyes narrowed in pure concentration. " I miss you."
He sighs, "I know, Princess, but you know how important to this is."
" I get that but lately it seems more important than me," you can't help but hiss in dismay, leaning against his desk, admiring his breathtaking profile. You had missed him so your heart ached. As a demon naturally you didn't feel much emotions. But you burned and craved him like he was your own heartbeat.
His gaze flits to yours for a second, "I promise nothing is more important than you, but this is so we can be together without any issues. Remember?"
"Of course. And I want that future with you, but right now I need you right now."
"I'm busy, princess, I promise I'll make it up to you later."
But you're not giving up so easily, you begin prowling around him. Creeping behind him to massage his shoulders.
"Have you even eaten lately?" And he immediately relaxes under your touch. "When was the last time you slept?"
"I am a demon, I don't need those things."
Your hands curl around his tie, nibbling on his ear, he lets out a groan. His grip on the vial tightening.
"Well you can't continue to be the most powerful demon king if you're refusing to eat."
"I'll eat later," he growls. "Right now I need to finish this concoction-"
"Damn it, Muzan, you haven't even looked at me since I walked in here. I know this is important, but you can at least remember me from time to time," his hand grips yours tightly, pulling you in front of him. His crimson stare finally meeting yours,
"I can never forget you, Sweetheart."
You stick out your lower lip, "well it seems like you have. It's been 2 weeks since I've seen you, two weeks since you've touched me. And i know you've said not to bother you, but fuck Muzan, I need you. If you're going to ignore me than I can just go find Douma, I know he'll-"
The vial in his hand shatters, his veins strain against his pale skin, his hand grips your wrist and yanks you on to his lap. Your legs on dangling on both sides. You gasp at the sudden reaction.
"Don't even think about finishing that fucking sentence," he growls, those crimson eyes glaring into yours, his hands grip your waist tightly. "You're fucking mine, sweetheart, and I will kill that demon if he lays a finger on you."
Your core fluttered at his degrading words.
"Muzan, you've been ignoring me the last few weeks," you reply back. "You haven't even what I'm wearing right now and I've bought it for you."
His eyes finally do a fully take of what you're wearing, and his eyes darken, "you bought this for me," his fingers skim the satin material, "let me guess you're not wearing any panties are you?"
"Maybe, maybe I am. But you won't be able to find out if you continue to ignore me like you have been," you run your hands down his torso, feeling his muscles tense underneath you, running them all the way to where they brush along the noticeable bulge that's straining against the material of his slacks. You rub it teasingly, and grind yourself a little on his thigh. But he stops your movements with a firm grip around your waist, his jaw clenching.
You smirk, knowing he was pissed, "You mean to tell me you've been wandering around the castle without panties where anyone else but me can see you?"
"Well I mean you haven't been around to see me so really why does it matter?"
He growls, a deep guttural growl, it vibrates underneath you and you can't help but bite your lip, knowing this man was was mere seconds from unleashing the beast that slept underneath.
"You're really going to be a fucking brat? What have I fucking told you about wandering around the castle without your panties on? You know I don't want anyone else seeing what's mine."
You squeeze him tightly and his eyes flash a dangerous scarlet, "again, you haven't been around so why would I listen to you when you haven't even cared to come and see me? I've gotten lonely without you, Daddy and I have needs. But if you're not here to take care of me than I might as well go find someone else who will-"
His hand suddenly grips your throat, squeezing, "you're being a real brat, little one, you come and bother me after I've told you not to, then you decide to parade around in no panties, even when I've ordered you not to and then you decide to get mouthy. The fucking  nerve you have to speak to me like that,  looks like I need to punish you. Teach you some fucking manners."
"Fuck you," you spit in face, choking slightly in his tight trip.
Suddenly he's throwing you off of him, rage is in his eyes, shoving you to your knees.
"Fine. If you're going to be a bitch, then you can get on your fucking knees. And I'll treat you like one."
He unbuckles his pants letting them fall to the ground, his massive angry cock slaps against his stomach, the red and dripping with precum, your mouth waters as he takes the belt off and forces your hands behind you and binds them together, tightly. The leather digs into your wrists when you try to wiggle out of them.
"Open. Your. Fucking. Mouth," he demands, but he doesn't give a chance to do much as he's already gripping you by the hair, pulling you so that you're directly in front of him. His cock is right in your face. He looks down at you with a mocking grin. "Aww look at you, utterly helpless against what I'm about to do."
He grips his cock his hands, stroking it a little, before rubbing the tip up and down your awaiting lips. Smearing precum all over.
"You think you can talk to me however you please," he growls, slapping his dick on your face, continuing to taunt you with it. "Think again, slut. Did you forget who I am little one?"
Without any warning at all, he's forcing his cock into your mouth. Not giving you any chance to breath or adjust as it lodges all the way into your throat, your throat not nearly big enough to take all of him. For he was just too massive and this wasn't even him in his true demon form. You could feel every inch and vein humming against your throat, it was angry. You could feel the rage as he began to roughly slam into you. You choke immediately, but soon hollow your cheeks and breathe throw your nose so you can take him in as deep as possible. He grips your hair winding it tightly in his fists, pulling harshly against it while he abuses your mouth.
"That's it, that's much better, having you silent and gagging around my cock. Much better than that nasty attitude that comes out of it," he watches with twisted satisfaction as spit and precum begin to dribble out of your mouth. Your eyes watering as his tip hits your throat repeatedly. As he's fucking your throat, his form begins to change. His black curly hair turns into those  gorgeous snowy curls, the transformation causing his dress shirt to rip exposing his corded muscles and ribbons of red that laced around him. You whimper at the sight. He was magnificent and deadly at the same time.  "Yes, that's it, whimper for me, whimper at the sight of your King."
You wiggle against the belt that's keeping you from touching him. You so desperately wanting  to feel him underneath your finger tips.
As if he can read your mind, he laughs, "what you want to touch me? Hmm? I can't let you do that just yet. You have to be punished, sweetheart. You've been way too naughty. Way too defiant."
You protest, but his cock is keeping you from being able to speak, it- he was relentless against in your throat. He was no longer the soft man that he only was with you. No he was officially the devil, taking what he wanted from you. Using your for his sick pleasure. But you had missed it. You had missed the way he felt in your throat, the way he would pulse inside you, his warmth, his touch. His fucking attention. All of it which is why you had acted out. Your core was aching and you were rubbing your thighs together. The need becoming to great.
"are you making a mess down there?" Muzan mocks, eyes locked on your shifting thighs, never loosening his grip in your hair and relenting on his thrusts. "You've already caused me to break one of my vials. Because you couldn't be nice, you just had to go and talk back, and now I have to fucking start over on that one. What a greedy little slut."
Tears were streaming down your cheeks at this point, your jaw was starting to hurt, at being stretched out so widely and brutally, but you didn't care. You welcomed that pain. His thrusts start to become more erratic and you feel him growing, those veins becoming more prominent as his release was nearing.
"Now be a good little slut and swallow for your King," all you can do is hum, as hot liquid pours down your throat, you welcome the salty taste as it costs your tongue, sucking greedily not wanting to miss a single drop, as he slowly starts to pull out, he smirks as you swallow it all.  "Good girl.”
In rapid motion,  he's yanking you back up, he bunches up the skirt of your dress, eyes flaring at the sight of your bare cunt. He sits down on the chair and pulls you with him, he places you on one of the mouths that decorates his leg, and you immediately fall against his chest as the wet muscle flicks against your slit. Your hands are still behind your back, so you have nothing to grab you to stabilize you. He rocks you along his thigh, body is already convulsing as the mouth on his leg eats you out. Meanwhile, he's just leaning back, watching lazily as you fall apart.
"You're so sexy when you're writhing against me like this. I love how small body is compared to mine. So easy to manipulate how I want. So easy to just break."
Your arch into him, grinding desperately along that mouth. As it cruelly sucks on your clit and draws circles, you're a whimpering mess. He laughs taking your tits in his massive hands, and latches his mouth one of them, swirling his tongue around your nipple, then he switches to the other one.
"Fuck Muzan,” you cry, and he bites down on one of your nipples causing you to scream.
"Wrong name, slut," but you can't hurl a sassy remake back, for the coil in you snaps,  causing your legs to shake and you to clamp around the mouth as your orgasm crashes through you.
"Daddy," you whimper, "again."
Once again, he laughs, "you don't get to tell me what to do, I'll do to you what I want. And you're just going to have to take whatever it is I give you."
Suddenly, he’s manhandling so you’re pinned to the table with your front side facing the table, he adjusts your stance your legs so their stretched wide. He grips you neck, pulling you in for a kiss, pulling you against him so your entire backside is pressing against his front side. He pushes your head down. He skims a hand along your ass before bringing it down in a hard slap. You jump, crying at the sting. But you could feel your arousal dripping.
"You think you can be a brat and get away with it?" He says before bringing his hand down again. "Think again," he smooths his hand along the sting before bringing it down again. Tears stream down your face, at the burning sensation. It stung. But it felt oh so good. His fingers cup your pussy lips, allowing your wetness to pool in his fingers before bringing them to your mouth and shoving them down your throat. He pulls them out and spanks you again.
"Fuck, Daddy, feels good," you cry.
He just laughs, "of course it does. Because it comes from me. Your pleasure comes from me, remember that before you get smart with me." Then he gets down on his knees behind you, his face inches away from your cunt, he grips your thighs before leaning in and giving you a slow lick. You quiver at the feeling of his hot tongue lazily licking your cunt. He continues this slow torturous pattern, lazy circles. Flicking it up and down. Sucking, biting, energyrhing he did was slow. Driving you on the brink of the edge, you were still sensitive from your previous high. You desperately wiggle yourself against him, trying to get him deeper. But his tentacles stop you from doing so, as they slither like vines around your legs, limiting movement. Like a predator finally going in for the kill, Muzan begins devouring you, body wracks in shivers at the overwhelming pleasure. As You could feel yourself getting closer to your peak, his tongue swiftly pulls out. And you glare at him for denying you of your orgasm.
"Still haven't learned to address me properly I see, if you're going to continue doing this bratty routine, then I'll continue denying you of what you really. But if you can be a girl good and be obedient for once, then I'll give you what you want. But you have to be a good girl for me."
"Please, Daddy," you beg, "please let me cum, I'll be a good girl, I promise."
"Really? Or are you just saying so to get what you want?" He slaps your cunt, before sinking two long inside and starts to finger fucking you, your gummy walls clamping. "Fuck, are you really this tight? Has it really been this long since I've fucked you?"
"That's what I've been tried to tell you, but you haven't been listening to me,"
He clamps his free hand around your mouth, as his other one deliciously continues thrusting in and out, "you really need to learn to shut that mouth of yours." You sink your fangs into his hand, causing him to growl, "little bitch," you smirk at the metallic as he lets go of your mouth and slaps your ass again. His fingers still deep inside, never relenting. You could feel your orgasm building again, and you selfishly grind again his fingers.
"Please, Daddy," you pester again him sweetly, with puppy eyes, “let me cum."
"I don’t think so, sweetheart, you’ve been nothing but a brat,” he purrs, “I don’t think you’ve earned it yet.”
You’re practically sobbing at this point as he alternates between slow and fast thrusts, once you’re orgasm would build and you’re walls began to clench, he’d stop and start over. You were shaking at this point, aching with the need to cum. But he was cruel and relentless. But you loved it and this is what you had been wanting when you sought him out. The reason why you misbehaved. You wanted him to treat you like this.
“I don’t know why you have to torture yourself,” he coos in fake sweet voice, “all you have to do is apologize. Apologize , and I’ll give you want you want.”
One of his tentacles curl around your stomach down to your clit and begins sucking on it, and you’re wailing at this point. The pleasure is too much. Too much to bear. Sobs wreck through your body, you’re legs are barely holding you up. No it’s Muzan that’s keeping you from falling apart.
“I- im sorry Daddy,” you blubber, “I’m sorry for being a brat. I just missed you and wanted your attention. I- I was feeling lonely.”
He’s eating this up like a smug bastard, “now that wasn’t so hard was it?”
You’re so so close, but right when you’re about to cum, he pulls out fingers entirely.
“DADDY,” you whine.
“Shut the fuck up,” suddenly your walls are being breached, and his cock is slamming in. No warning, or adjusting, he was selfish with how he took you, cruel-violent. The table was creaking. “Fuck, I’ve missed your pussy so much.”
“Your fault,” you snap, only to earn a slap.
His tentacles shove themselves inside your mouth. Your being impaled by his enormous cock and being gouged by his tentacles. The monster had officially ensnared you in its wrath. Destroying your body as it pleased.
“You really don’t know how to talk to me nicely,” he growls. “But perhaps this was your intention huh? Because you get off on being punished don’t you? You love the pain I give you. All you had to do was wait and be patient, but no, you had to be a selfish little brat.”
Soon he’s releasing into you before you have chance to orgasm yourself, he pulls out of you- his tentacles retracting. Hastily spins around, picks you up so you’re lying against the table, before spreading your legs again, and re-enters you again, making you feel every ridge of his monstrous cock as he split you open, deeply and slowly. Slowly, bringing you to another orgasm. The outlines of his cock could be seen in your stomach, and you moaned at the sight. His hands grip your waist, you’re gripping his arms that are incasing you, your nails digging into his skin. His scarlet orbs never leaving yours as he fucks you.
“You’re being such a good girl now, so quiet and obedient. Look how well you take my cock,” he growls softly, “this pussy is made to take my cock and mine only. Not Douma’s, so I don’t want to hear that bastard’s name come out of your lips again, understood?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you nod tiredly, you could feel yourself slipping into your headspace, as you could feel your walls tightening around his cock again. You knew you were close again, the ache was becoming too much, “you know I love only you. I just was missing you and miss how good you make me feel.”
“I know Princess. And I’m sorry for making you feel forgotten, but I promise I have not. I’ve just been super stressed,” his strokes become slower, deeper, his grunts were becoming more labored you knew he was close too. “This war isn’t going to be easy.“
“I know and I’ve been extra needy - I’m afraid of losing you,” you whisper softly, reaching up with one of your hands to caress his face, loving the way he leans into your touch.
He leans down in between thrusts, capturing your lips in a soft-yet demanding kiss, you moan when his tongue brushes against yours. “You won’t lose me, I promise, my love,” he says in between kisses. “You’ve been so good for me, go ahead and cum for me, sweetheart.”
finally you do, like a big crashing wave, your legs shake as you finally are able to let go, spraying Muzan and he growls in pride.
“That’s it, make a mess for me.”
Not long after he’s releasing into you. Once he’s filled you to brim with his hot seed, he pulls out watching as it gushes out with a satisfied hum. He starts to change back into his human form, but you shake you’re head.
“No stay like this, I love your true demon form.”
“Anything for you, Sweetheart,” then he’s lifting you his arms, and sits down with you in his lap. He settles you so you’re straddling him, and lines his tip with your entrance guiding it through your folds once more. “Now be a good girl and warm my cock for me while I continue my work.”
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.3
Okay can anyone explain the “false hotel registration” thing to me? Does it mean they registered under a false name? So Paul registered under a false name so he could go fuck a girl in his room without getting in trouble with the press? I'm confused. Didn't they bring girls to their rooms all the time without getting in trouble? It doesn't make sense. Why did he feel the need to register under a different name?
Paul, talking about American conservatism, “So many organizations over here that are nuts anyway.” John, “Yeah, they're so far right they just–” tape ends. They really were brave, though. To say what they thought and risk losing what they'd only just got. I wonder who cut the recording. 
Journalist: Paul, are you planning to marry Jane Asher? John: scream ‘no.’ Go on. Lol John certainly says what he feels doesn't he?
Paul making fun of the racist question. Good job bud. 
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The whole “Yesterday” thing is crazy. Like, what a feat, first of all. I think we forget how unbelievably successful the song was.
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Second of all, I know John's reaction was childish and mean, but his feelings were valid if you just look at the treatment and reception of “Ticket to Ride”  (John's dead mum song). Like objectively yesterday is a better song, but still.
Oh, John. Poor thing. 
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If “Girl” is secretly about Paul . . . yeesh. It's so obsessive and adoring and simultaneously so disappointed and disparaging. John always has such impossible standards for Paul. “She promises the earth to me and I believe her, after all this time I don't know why.” Um… maybe because he literally did give you the world? At so many points I find myself asking, “what more could Paul possibly have given John?”
People always take this quote as a sexuality thing, but couldn't it also be a conscience thing? Revulsion at taking advantage of the fact that all these women are fans? At the scale of his infidelity? I don't know, am I giving him too much credit?
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The thing about Paul, John – and though it drives you insane, it's a big factor in why you love him -- is he's not going to be bullied into anything. If he decides to take LSD it's going to be on his own terms. And I know you think it'll bring you two closer, and you're right, but peer pressure just doesn't work on him. There's no point. You know that.
I LOVE Paul and the Indica. Designing the wrapping paper in secret up in his little attic room, covering over the shop windows so he can do his handyman work building shelves and painting in peace. It's Linda's Paul pre Linda, you know?
John is so good at PR as in making something sound as beautiful and important and powerful as possible. Which is something Paul absolutely relied on John to do and clearly could not do on his own after the break up. Look how John makes them almost into prophets here.
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"I really wanted to live in London but I wouldn't risk it." Another thing to make John envious of Paul and resentful of Cynthia. I really wish those two had just never got married. 
“I don't object to people having a lot of money, I never did. But I do object to people being stony broke and starving.” RIP John, you would've loved the American “left” of today. But you can't have the former without the latter, sorry.
This picture always gets me. It's ridiculous. Pattie and George. Mo and Ringo. John and Paul. With Cynthia awkwardly by herself. It's funny. It's adorable. It's crushing. And with that quote? It's impossible.
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I think Tara Browne is overlooked. Paul brought him home for Christmas. That's a big deal. And John hated him enough to laugh when he read about his death. That's also a big deal. Paul and his messed up social climbing obsession. I do think it's worth pointing out, though, the difference between Paul’s LSD trip with Tara and his trip with John. More on that later.
I really do think they were all staunchly anti-racist for their time, you know, besides John's racist jokes and drawings… but Paul particularly. And I have to wonder where that came from. Did he have empathy for people being judged on appearance and background? Was it partially due to his idolization of black artists? Did Little Richard maybe say something to him about racism in America? Anyone have any thoughts?
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Actually, same, John. 
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Okay and I have to share my hot take on the whole Jesus scandal. It's this: the American right doesn't actually care about Jesus. They care about protecting their hegemony. They didn't like that the Beatles were openly and stubbornly integrationist. They didn't like Paul's comment about their inhumane racism. But they couldn't openly counter that without showing their hand. So they used the Jesus comment as an excuse. If they play the religious persecution card, they get to paint themselves as the victims and therefore the good guys while they take down anyone who challenges the status quo that keeps them in money and power (aka the Beatles). 
Maybe I should've had a “poor baby” tally because the number of times I've said that about John in these comments has got to be tally-worthy. I would've driven around in a gorilla suit with you, honey!
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It is actually amazing that there hasn't been more speculation on Paul's sexuality with all these serious boyfriends. 
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Paul tells a story about a time he flew a plane, and how much better he liked it than being a passenger. First off. Imagine being a pilot and just being like “oh, you've never touched a joystick in your life, but you're Paul McCartney? Sure, go ahead. Fly the plane.” But also. His control issues and his confidence are both off unreal. No one in their right mind would feel more safe flying a plane – as someone with a complete lack of experience – than when a licensed pilot is flying it. 
Okay I literally JUST learned that Here There and Everywhere says, “how good it can be” not could. Can. And it's one of those in my "for sure this was about John" folder. Okay then. Wow.
The thing is they really did compliment each other's songs a lot more than modern Paul makes it seem like. So I wonder what it was about the “Here There and Everywhere” compliment that made it so special to Paul?
This footage where John is hiding behind McCharmley. I love protective Paul and how different he is to protective John and how much they needed each other. 
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Hall of Fame quote: “what composer do you respect the most?” “I dunno really. John Lennon.” “Paul McCartney.”
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