#but I’ve drawn enough circles to transmute a living being
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year ago
Being an adult means forcing yourself to get six impossible tasks done before breakfast five of those being making phone calls
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wheremytwinwatches · 5 years ago
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 14
Fighty fighty fight time!
For the record, I chat with a coworker about shows every now and then, I’ve gotten him watching RWBY and update him on my Brotherhood progress. He was quite happy to hear that I’d gotten to Greed, and the implications thereof. I had been under the assumption that all the Goths were working together, but Greed is clearly working on his own plans independent of the main group. That accounts for the main Goths (Lust, Gluttony, Envy) and our immortality-seeker (Greed), which leaves Sloth, Wrath, and Pride unaccounted for. Looking forward to how they’re represented! Episode 14 - “Those Who Lurk Underground” Huh, same intro. We’re definitely past the midpoint (14/26), does Brotherhood not change? Hey, it’s Central! Overhead shot like when Mr. Freeze was casting a city-wide TC. Roy’s walking through a hallway as a bunch of Shadowy Officers gossip. Roy finds their skepticism amusing. Time to talk with the boss… only Fuhrer Bradley’s away? “Inspecting the South”? But that’s where the Elrics went. Maybe I’m being suspicious, but that’s an awfully big coincidence right after Bradley pushed to keep the Philosopher’s Stone experiments suppressed. In the sewers now, Dolcetto’s leading the Chimeras with Al in tow. Sudden sniffing (man that place has to stink even worse for Dog-Man), and they tense up, Roa just says it feels like old times. Ayup, there’s the eyepatch. Bradley’s outside the Devil’s Nest, not looking too happy. “What an interesting discovery for such a routine inspection.” Oh, oh my. Looks like Bradley’s in fighting mode, and he brought Armstrong and some mooks with him. I knew Greed was gonna get stomped by Izumi, this is overkill. [Bradley]: “Move in!” Ed and Izumi are facing off against Armored-Greed now. Who starts laughing at “a housewife and a hotheaded brat.” Yeah, let’s see how funny you find it after oh come ON! Don’t you run away you coward, we’re just getting to the good part. Bleh, what a time for Izumi’s internal injuries to act up.
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Ok good the troops are here. Medic for the lady! Back to Al, who’s struggling against Martel. Worm your way to freedom, buddy! Aw, but Greed just showed up. Still love his smarmy attitude and how he nonchalantly says things have gotten “a little out of hand”, but you’re still holding my boy Alphonse. [Bradley]: “I can’t let you do that.” Ooooh! Was disappointed when Greed split and Izumi keeled over, but maybe we’ll get a good fight scene this episode after all! The Fuhrer is here, swords already drawn. Bradley starts monologuing about how it sucks getting old. Body stops moving the way you want it to, so he’d rather get this over quickly and go home. Greed just laughs and says he should retire- goodbye armor hand! Fight fight fight! Looks like Greed’s hand is regenerating, but nowhere near fast enough to take on Bradley who’s beating him like a pinata. Elsewhere Roa is going hand-to-hand with The Mighty Armstrong (who shed his shirt offscreen, of course). Or rather, hammer-to-hand. Actually, make that majestic statue-to-hand since Armstrong morphed the hammer into something far more fetching. [The Mighty Armstrong]: “Behold! *sparkle sparkle* You have just had the rare pleasure of witnessing the famous Armstrong statuary technique!” Gasp! Roa, how dare you simply throw away such a piece of art! The uncultured barbarian Hulks out to the point that even a direct Armstrong punch to the face doesn’t stop him. This one might take two. The Gun Mooks are dealing with the rest of the Chimeras as Ed and Izumi are taken to safety, per the direct orders of Bradley. So confirmation that Bradley knew there were at least Human-Chimeras there, if they’re carrying out prior orders. But how did he know? Oh dear, Armstrong is still facing Ogre-Roa, slammed into the wall. And may Leto smite you for the damage to Armstrong’s temple by scraping his face against the wall! Trading punches, The Mighty Armstrong commends his adversary, and in his mercy offers Roa a chance to surrender. But Roa oh come on you Mooks! I know you’re following Bradley’s orders but just wait a second and you might get a prisoner to question! Or just shoot the guy whatever. Until sudden rescue from Dolcetto, he cuts a pipe and the Chimera’s make their escape in the steam. Back to Greed, who’s pulled a Deadpool and regrown his hand. Punching, he knocks Bradley’s eyepatch off? But immediately gets sworded through the neck. [Bradley, with a scarred white eye]: “I understand why you’d think you have an advantage over a man like me since I possess neither your impenetrable Ultimate Shield, nor an Ultimate Spear that can pierce any substance. But I’ll tell you a secret. Do you know how I managed to distinguish myself amongst the storms of bullets on the battlefield time after time, to rise to my current position?” [Greed, who’s been better]: “Y-You’re…” Wait Wait wait wait His eye, his scarred eye, the one the eyepatch was covering Uruboros, his pupil is the uruboros symbol WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Bradley’s a Goth?! One of the Homunculi? Ok ok hold up, let’s recount. We’ve got the Main Goths (Lust, Gluttony, Envy) and Greed on his lonesome. Greed knew of the others in that they “didn’t talk anymore” but not that they had access to Soul Armors like Al. And he didn’t recognize Bradley, so no connection there. But Bradley knew enough to come hunting Greed when the Elric Brothers got close, so the jury’s still out on him working with the Main Goths ala the Lab and coverup. Which implies that he’s connected to Hughes’ death but that’s a whole ‘nother thing, we’ll come back to that. So Bradley’s a Goth/Homunculi, possibly connected to the Main Goths pending confirmation, separate from Greed and seeking to kill him for unspecified reasons. So if we’re sticking to the Seven Deadly Sins naming theme, which is he? Sloth? Maybe a play on his super-speed power, but all the others have powers connected to their ability rather than in spite of it. Wrath? Again, generally calm attitude but maybe it’s a mask and he certainly gets angry when our characters haven’t been around to see it like here and against Mr. Freeze. And oh my Leto if he actually is Wrath I am going to scream, I was calling this asshole Fuhrer Fury just based on the eyepatch. If “Fuhrer Fury” was Wrath all along I’m done, I’m just done. That leaves Pride, which I can see as being the top dog of the Military, ties into his speech just then about distinguishing himself. So minor ironic support for Sloth, combat ability supports Wrath (uuuuuugh!), and status supports Pride. [Bradley]: “I may not have the protection of your Ultimate Shield, but I clearly see your weakness with my Ultimate Eye.”
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The Goth of Undetermined Name withdraws his swords, and Greed collapses to the ground. [Bradley]: “Now then, Greed. How many times am I going to have to kill you before you stay dead?” Ok, creepy shot of Bradley’s Uroborus eye glowing in a shadowed face. Far away from the Reveal, Martel’s keeping Al put, wondering where Greed is. Footsteps? Hey, Greed’s coming back looking a bit worse for wear. Bradley let him go? Nope, just led him along with a sword through the neck. Jeez, just finish him off already, don’t drag it out. Oh, Al’s keeping Martel from getting out, saying that Bradley will kill her. Trying to protect your captor? Bradley says he’s killed Greed 15 times now, wonders how many more it’ll take. But don’t fret Greed, help has arrived! In the form of severely wounded Dolcetto and Roa. Huh. Despite them being kidnappers and failing to appreciate fine art, I can respect their loyalty to their boss. Misplaced and bound to get them killed, but still. Respect. And even before they go to die against Bradley, they tell Al to protect her. Cue heartwrenching screaming as she pleads for Al to let her out to help her friends. And Bradley cuts them down. [Greed]: “Whoa, that was a little excessive. Killing me is one thing, but they’re not coming back.” [Bradley]: “Pitying the lost lives of your pawns? Pathetic.” [Greed]: “Excuse me? Are you senile? Did you forget who I am, old man? I’m the living incarnation of greed. Those weren’t my friends, Bradley, they were my possessions! Money! Women! Henchmen! They’re all possessions! So killing my henchmen is the same as stealing from me! And I don’t let people take what’s mine!” Ok, you’re still overall a bad guy and I want you to lose, but damn if that wasn’t one of the most Slytherin things I’ve ever heard. It’d be better if you saw your henchmen as, you know, actual people. But still, that is an excellent way to phrase the Slytherin ideal of self-interest.
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[Bradley]: “Greed… you grow more pathetic by the second!” The Fuhrer unleashes on Greed now, a lovely fluid fightscene until Bradley stabs Greed again and tells him to stay put, he’ll be right back. Guuuuh, I’m getting shivers of seeing this man who just slaughtered the Chimeras walking towards Al with sword drawn, even as he calmly asks if Al’s been hurt and if he can help him at all. And then Martel uses her control of the armor to grab Bradley by the throat. Oh. Oh jeez. Al was pleading for Martel to stop, Martel was screaming for Bradley to die… and Bradley just put a sword right down through the armor. There was *shunk* noise… and then blood started gushing out of Al’s armor. That’s… that’s a thing. Guh blood’s splashed onto the sigil in the armor, that if anything is Al’s physical form that is him wait what? Blood-triggered flashback? Al’s getting his memory back! He did meet Truth like Ed, went through the gate and saw things as his body was torn apart, right at the end he saw Mama Elric? But Truth is smiling that creepy smile and Ed’s grabbing onto his own body what is… Oh god. The viewpoint is looking at young Ed from inside a Transmutation Circle. The Transmutation Circle. And a blackened limb is reaching out. … Al snaps out of it to the sound of Ed’s voice. He asks if Al’s ok, Al asks if Ed’s ok. He’s covered in blood- Ed’s been opened up. The body’s been removed, but the blood is still there. [Al sobbing]: “I couldn’t save her.” Ed tries to tell Al it wasn’t his fault. But this isn’t something you can just brush off with a “Let’s go home, ‘kay?” Bradley’s walking up, saying that he needs to ask them both some questions before they can leave. He asks if they’d known Greed before. And if they traded any information with him. Ed says no, and the military was never mentioned. But I thought when Greed talked about Human Chimeras- [Bradley]: “That isn’t my concern. Let me be more specific.” The Fuhrer has an awful lot scowling armed guys behind him. [Bradley]: “If you arranged a deal or shared any knowledge with him… Then I’ll execute both of you right now.” Ed still insists nothing was said. Now Bradley’s pressing about his metal limbs and any connection to Al’s armored body… before he chuckles about Ed being an honest kid and leaves, telling Ed to take care of his younger brother. ...what’s your game, Bradley? Why are you doing all of this? At the butcher shop, Izumi’s in bed while Bradley visits her in his dress blues. Offering protection? Wait a minute, he’s seriously trying to recruit Izumi as a State Alchemist while she’s bedridden from internal injuries. Ah, so it’s “protection” he’s offering. When Izumi doesn’t bite he just says he’ll be back (quick zoom to his eyepatch), “perhaps you’ll have had a change of heart.” Outside, Ed’s cleaning Al’s breastplate and chatting with Armstrong, saying that Greed had a Uroboros tattoo. Like the Goths at the lab, that he told Armstrong and Hughes- Oh come on! This episode has been brutal enough, do not add “tell the Elrics about Hughes’ murder” to the mix! No, I think Armstrong understands that’d be too much for now. He just tells Ed to not do anything rash, and leaves. Now that they’re alone, Al tells Ed that his memories of Truth are back. A brief lighthearted moment when he imitates their “weird” teasing, but nothing about how to get their bodies back. Ed says that it wasn’t a bust, reminds Al about how there was unrest in the military about the Stone and that Bradley said he was looking into it. [Ed]: “Well Greed was obviously connected to them somehow. But if so… why’d the Fuhrer slaughter everyone? If he was trying to figure out what they’re up to, why didn’t he catch them and make them talk?” There’s only one answer to that: he didn’t want them to talk. He wanted what they knew to die with them. The Elrics don’t seem to have caught onto this yet, I guess not knowing that Bradley is a Goth like we know leaves it murkier. They don’t know, so they’re going to get closer. We return to Central, travel through some pipes, and hear a familiar voice. [Lust]: “Welcome back, Fuhrer. How was your inspection of the South?” Oh crap. Fuhrer’s saying that both “Fullmetal’s younger brother” and “their teacher” are candidates for human sacrifice. The leader of the Military is working for the Goths? At best I was hoping he was another independent Homunculi like Greed was, but this? This is bad. Not to mention that Izumi has a target painted on her back now, since apparently Bradley can see those who have met Truth with his Ultimate Eye. Oh, and he’s brought a present, a wayward Goth. Greed wakes up to see that “the gang’s all here”. Are all the Goths present at this little meeting? Confirmation that it’s Lust who has the Ultimate Spear technique in the form of her Fingers of Doom. Gluttony (still trying out diets) and Envy (“Please! For the last time, get a new outfit!”) are there too. Sloth is namedropped, Lust says he’s being kept working. Which brings Greed to the “new addition”, Bradley. [Bradley]: “I am Wrath the Furious.” Leto DAMN IT, he really was Fuhrer Fury. Come on! To the humans, he’s the leader of Amestris (holy crap did we finally get the name of this country?), but in truth he was created by Father for the plan. Greed is shocked at the idea of a Homunculus that can grow older. “Can”? Bit of teasing between Greed and Envy who does NOT like being called ugly- [Father]: “Stop your nonsense. Both of you.” Oho, the aforementioned Father, maker of the Goths! Methinks we finally get to meet the Big Bad of the show! Father chides the kids to act better- beard beard beard beard beard WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!?!?!!? I know that facial hair! Is that- Are you- Father is Papa Elric?! [FATHER]: “You are both my son and you are a piece of my soul. So why would you betray your loving father?” Greed just says he was being true to his nature, he didn’t want to spend his life working for Father. And when asked to come back, he refuses. Father takes this… not well. As in, he sloooowly dips Greed into molten metal. Greed goes out yelling that he’ll see his siblings in Hell and he’ll give Pops a stomachache. Lots of pipes later, Father downs a toast to The Promised Day… and their undying loyalty. “Talk about cheesy” indeed. After this little family reunion, Bradley/Wrath is taking a walk when a voice called [Selim] calls out “Father!”. Right, Bradley did say in the first episode that he’d have a story for “his boy”. But how does this work, being a Homunculus and all? Tied into how it’s unusual that he can age? We end with charming little family chatter, [Bradley’s Wife] (yes, that is her official subtitle name) worrying about his age, and Selim getting all excited to hear about The Fullmetal Alchemist and saying that he wants to become a State Alchemist to help out his father one day. [Bradley]: “You never know, Selim. Maybe you will help me out someday.” Credits. ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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costumingofkira · 5 years ago
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Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
--------------  Detail show!
Here is the completed work (kinda completed Ed never ends really) work of my baby.  Edward Elric is the first costume I ever made over a decade ago and as such I wanted to remake him this year to see how far I’ve come and because Edward is my favorite character ever.  I wanted to make him into his full glory. The best he could possibly be. 
Mom always taught me ‘the devils in the detail’ when it came to sewing so I took that and ran with it.  Everything of  my cosplay was hand sewn by me - hand patterned by me (excluding my boots)
 My red coat has three pockets in it. - two side pockets and an inside pocket. The inside pocket was made the dimensions of my alchemy journal. The flamel on the back was hand drafted so it would be the proper size as it’s drawn bigger in both Brotherhood and the Manga. The flamel is appliqued on - completely satin stitched all the way around it.  My coat is lined, and completely top-stitched.  The hood is huge and made to run down the front of my collar to drag forward just enough to set on  my chest like it does in the anime.  
My black jacket was fully self patterned.  The collar is interfaced and contains hand punched snaps. It is based from the manga / Sacred Star of Milos / the end of 2003′s anime. 
My black shirt was made from patterning off an existing shirt I had. it’s made of a soft stretch. 
My pants were self patterned, with a test pair being made before them. They are made of a 4-way stretch.  I was determined to have that Edward Elric shine to them. They have back pockets and front pockets - all pocket lining is white as it was shone in Rush Valley when his watch gets stolen. There is a 22 inch invisible zipper up the inseam of my left leg for easy access to my automail. 
My belt was made from a faux leather and was hand made. It is part of my pants as this was shown in the brotherhood episode of Rush Valley.  All hardware on both the belt and my pants was hand punched. 
My automail was 3D printed by my friend Omega Forge and then I sanded down everything for a million years only to sand it all over again until the print lines were gone. I then painted it with reflective silver paint and sealed it with automotive sealer. It all sets on top of a handmade glove.
I went all out when it comes to props! I bought the official screen accurate to Brotherhood Square Enix pocket watch for this because it’s clock face points in the correct direction. 
I bought a suitcase for this and proceeded to fill it with Edward’s life. 
My Suitcase contains: 1 fountain tipped pen, 1 chalk holder (red) with Chalk, 1 copy of “ Responsible Uses and Applications of Transmutative Alchemy 4th Edition “, 1 spare journal, blank paper for reports, 1 drawing from  Elicia Hughes,  1 Custom Printed map of Central City, 1 Custom Printed map of Amestris,  1 bill from Central Hotel for Room Service (Thanks Ling), 1 envelope containing my certification that I am in fact a State Alchemist, 1 coin purse and 3 Philosopher's stones (shhhhh)
I also carry on me - 1 handwritten alchemy journal.  
My alchemy journal lives in the inside pocket of my red coat. It is completely handwritten and contains everything from research into alchemy pre-human transmutation, to the breaking of the taboo, 19 pages of repetitive alphabet writing, automail basic care, complaining about Mustang, alchemic research and possible circles, a newspaper article and bitchy entry covering Fullmetal VS Flame, entries concerning the light novels,  a letter to Alphonse, and more!
Everything in the journal was written with my dominant hand, my right hand, until after the taboo. From there forward the entire journal is written with my left hand for the sake of accuracy and it looking authentically awful to a boy trying to reteach himself to write after losing his dominant hand.  AKA I taught myself how to write left handed just so the journal would look right. 
There is a pocket in the back of my journal that also contains: a letter of thanks from Gracia Hughes (i got it on my RP blog),  the missing torn page where the human transmutation circle should be,  1 letter from Armony to Edward - the letter you get at the end of the PS2 game ‘FMA and the Broken Angel, and 1 picture of Edward, Alphonse and Trisha before she passed. 
And that my friends is my Edward Elric Cosplay. You can see a run down of everything in my suitcase here: (this was done in character and taken at dokidokon 2018) 
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elfpen · 6 years ago
The Circle
An FMA drabble because my brain needs a break.
He did not dress like a professor, did not speak like a professor, gave tougher homework and harsher grades than any other professor, and was undoubtedly the meanest professor in the entire Alchemy department. And yet, his classes grew waiting lists every single term.
It usually took a few weeks to get a good read on a new class. Would they be rowdy? Attentive? Sleepy? How many would drop out? How many would sleep their way to a C? Who would sit in the front row with their notebooks out? Who would sit in the back where he thought he couldn’t see? Who would set fire to their desk in a failed transmutation? Who would - and god, he always hoped it wouldn’t happen, but inevitably, it did - start flirting with him?
Edward Elric squinted at the at the new faces as the students filed into his classroom. Some he recognized from previous classes, but most were a mystery. Mystery was one of the fun parts of his job. Long retired from his youthful days of world-saving, the puzzle of new college students was a delectable treat, and the first few weeks of class were a thrill that he savored every term. So, when students made it easy for him, it pissed him off.
On day two, one hour and twenty-six minutes into a three hour discussion about transmutation circle geometry, a blond-haired, green-eyed pest raised his hand. Edward finished drawing his circle on the blackboard and paused.
“Yes - um, it’s Michael, right?”
“Yes sir, it’s ‘mik-KEL’, actually,” the boy gave a tight grin.
“Oh, right, sorry, Michael,” Ed filed the pronunciation away in his brain.
“Yes sir, I wanted to know how to get my circles to look as perfect as the ones you’re drawing.”
It was an honest, good question, and made Ed chuckle along with some of his students. “Practice, I’m afraid. I make it look easy, but there’s no trick to it. I’ve drawn hundreds of these things, you just have to practice at it.”
Michael was unmoved, and did not laugh. He looked pensive. “I wouldn’t think you’d need hundreds of transmutation circles if you can’t perform alchemy.” The room fell utterly silent. “...sir,” Michael tacked on, remorseless.
Edward stared at him, completely nonplussed. “The transmutation circle is the foundation for all alchemical operations,” Edward said, choosing to ignore the slight and continue on with class, “whether you’re performing a transmutation or composing a circle for future or theoretical use, the circle is a language all its own, and does not need to be executed in order to understand its meaning...” as he spoke, the class collectively relaxed, but Michael continued watching him, eyebrows drawn, green eyes flashing between Edward and every syllable he wrote on the board, looking for a gap in his armor.
Oh, Edward thought, seeing in an afternoon what would’ve normally taken him weeks to map out, so it’s going to be like that. 
Every time Michael raised his hand, Edward bit down hard enough that he could hear his own jaw muscles straining to keep his tongue locked behind his teeth.
“Yes, Michael?” he dutifully answered in time, annoyance only barely veiled by the reprimands he received from his superiors every year.
“Can you give us a demonstration, sir?” the student asked, in reference to the simple transmutation up for their consideration, a metal-and-clay child’s toy. Edward leaned back against his desk, crossed his arms, and glared. Most of the other students, now accustomed to this uncomfortable tete-a-tete, looked pointedly down at their notes.
“No, Michael, I can’t, but why don’t you give it a shot?”
When Michael performed it perfectly and the class clapped, Edward cursed the boy’s success and realized he was a horrible teacher for thinking it.
Halfway through autumn, Michael started sitting with a girl. For the first few infatuated days, Edward had hoped she’d draw his attentions away from being horrible with her wily charms, but before long, he’d begun trying to impress her.
Despite the fact that the damn runt was at least fifteen years his junior, Michael’s voice actually made Edward feel afraid. And that, in turn, made him angry. He stopped mid-sentence and turned on his heel to face the kid - young man, Edward conceded, and stared. He did not say anything to invite comment, but Michael didn’t need him to.
“Are you sure that’s the right rune for that, professor?”
“Yes, Michael,” he said, speaking slowly to keep himself from screaming, “I think I know the difference between transmuting lead and transmuting copper.” For the benefit of the class, he added, “If it’s a complex circle, you can get lost in the runes and may attempt to transmute one element when you wrote the rune for a different one, but you should be able to tell right away. Lead and copper have entirely different densities, and the energy feels different when you’re transmuting them. You’d have to start over, but it’s an easy fix.”
“Feels different, sir?” Michael asked, and Edward turned slowly, hating how trapped he felt, hating how small he felt, standing alone in the front of the room.
“Yes, Michael,” he said, and felt as if he were baring his neck. He knew the dance by now.
“How would you know, sir?”
“How do you not?” he heard himself snap back. “As I was saying...” He turned away and continued on with his lecture, but didn’t stop sweating until he returned home that evening.
Things came to a head when Edward was reviewing the ingredients to transmute a cotton waistcoat. “Except for a few bits and buttons, it’s mostly cotton, but that doesn’t make it simple. Can anyone tell me why cotton is so tricky?”
A bookish female student who almost never raised her hand did, and Edward leaped at the opportunity. “Yes, miss Trellan.”
“Because cotton is an organic substance, and organic matrices are incredibly hard to reconstruct, sir.”
“Excellent! Did everyone here what she said? Good. All cotton fabric is, at the base, an organic material, though it’s been processed and spun and woven and so forth. Deconstruction is a cinch, but reconstruction can be hard to get right. Cotton fabric isn’t alive like cotton the plant, of course, but if you want to end up with a decent piece of clothing, you have be aware of the residual cellular makeup of the fiber, so that you don’t accidentally...”
“Michael, don’t,” Edward heard The Girlfriend whisper, and he broke into a sweat. Michael’s hand shot up.
“Yes, Michael,” he said, wishing he could fade away.
“Could you transmute a piece of clothing from organic cotton? Right off the plant, I mean, instead of woven?”
Oh. That... was a good question, actually. “Yes, you can,” Ed told him. “It takes quite a bit more research to set up an array, but yes, you can, I know a few tailors who’ve made a fortune doing something like it.”
“But could you transmute a cotton plant into, say... a flax plant?��
Edward’s relief dissolved. “What, a living flax plant?”
“Yeah,” Michael said, and crossed his arms, waiting to hear what Professor Elric would say.
Edward blinked. “I’m... I’m not really sure. I don’t see why you’d want to. Cotton and flax are both pretty useless unless they’re spun,” that drew a few chuckles, at least.
“What about other organic material? Like... animals.” The chuckles stopped abruptly. Michael’s unmoving expression was making Edward sweat for different reasons, older reasons, reasons that happened right here in Central, decades ago.
“You’re talking about chimeras,” Edward said. “That is highly illegal, for one thing.”
“Alchemical doctors use biological alchemy all the time,” Michael defended. “If they can reconstruct organic tissue-”
“Human tissue is fairly different than cotton,” Edward pointed out.
“Yes, but if human transmutation is possible, then why can’t-”
“Human transmutation is not possible,” Edward snapped, louder than he’d meant to. The room fell silent, and two dozen students stared back in frightened silence, eyes alternating between Edward and Michael.
“If it were impossible,” Michael said in the tone of someone who’d given it more than enough thought, “medical alchemy wouldn’t exist. If it weren’t possible, it wouldn’t be illegal.”
Edward shared in the stunned silence that followed. All around Michael, the entire front row was shrinking into their seats, as if they could melt past their desks and through the floor to escape. 
“Human transmutation,” Professor Elric repeated in a firm, deliberate order, “is impossible.”
“How do you know?” Michael said, and for the first time there was evidence of real condescension in his expression. “You always say we can’t learn something until we try it. Exactly how many times have you tried it, professor?”
Michael’s girlfriend, who’d been sitting shoulder to shoulder with him for weeks, was leaning away with saucer-wide eyes, and the rest of the class were shooting each other worried looks, knowing that the subject their classmate had decided to poke with a stick was not merely a taboo in Central University, or in Amestris, but in the world of Alchemy as a whole.
Edward locked eyes with Michael, gold to green. He stared, and stared, and found that he was no longer sweating. He shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and gripped his alchemist’s watch so hard he could feel the dragon imprinted on his palm. The classroom was silent, but he spoke with the overdrawn confidence he’d learned as a boy.
Silence was no longer an adequate word. It was so quiet, he heard his own saliva as he prepared to speak again:
“The first time when I was eleven, the second immediately after that, twice while I was fifteen, and the last time when I was sixteen.”
Edward wished he could freeze time, harvest the concentrated horror on Michael’s face and distill it into a stiff drink, just so he could knock it back and toss the glass at the stupid little punk’s dumbass face.
But then, he realized, everyone else was staring at him too. He’d never entered into this territory with any other class. But now he had, and he’d probably face more reprimands. He might even get fired. Right hand playing idly with the chain on his watch, Edward sat on the edge of his desk.
“The first time was when I was eleven and my brother was ten, we tried to raise our mother - may she rest in peace - from the grave. It did not work, but for my trouble I lost my right arm and my left leg, and my brother lost his entire body. He lost his soul, too, which brought me to my second attempt at human transmutation: I called by brother’s soul back from wherever it’d been taken and bound it to a suit of armor in a circle drawn in my own blood - the only vaguely stable material I had on hand.” The classroom was a hall of statues, and Edward felt as though he were not speaking to people at all, but an empty room - empty rooms, he had found, were always more receptive to dark conversation. He looked up, remembering. 
“Let’s see... the third time was when I was trapped in another dimension. I transmuted myself to get myself back in the real world. Not ideal, by any stretch of the imagination.” He sounded like a madman. “The fourth time, I used human transmutation on myself to heal a wound that should’ve been fatal. And the fifth time...” even as he spoke, they weren’t too far away from the very spot. Sometimes, Edward walked by Central Command and could almost feel the crackle of energy over his hands again. It made him shiver. “The last time I transmuted a person, the last time I transmuted anything at all, was when I transmuted my own ability to perform alchemy to provide equivalent exchange to bring my brother’s body back to the real world.”
The silence had coalesced into an atmosphere thick as tar. The student statues slowly began to move. Michael’s mouth began to twitch, as if he was trying to find something to say.
“Medical transmutation is possible,” Edward told his students, “and incredibly helpful, if you have enough training. The transmutation of an entire living person is even possible, though it almost always results in a rebound or death. But the transmutation of a deceased person is not possible, it never has been, never will be, and was not worth the cost to investigate.” As he spoke, Edward quietly lifted his left pant leg to show his automail leg, and then pulled the collar of his shirt and waistcoat aside to show the garish scar left from his transmuted right arm. “So before you do anything stupid, I suggest you learn from people like me and spare yourselves the grief.”
The room remained silent. In the dearth of comment and questions, Edward turned back to his notes, retracing the steps of their conversation. “Now,” he said, “cotton.” 
Somehow, he got the lecture back on track, but let the class go early anyway. Michael skittered away with a haunted, contrite expression and Edward knew he was going straight to the archives to investigate his claims. He closed his eyes and rubbed at them, feeling a headache coming on. No doubt the Dean would be in contact about this ‘incident’ in short order.
He looked up to find an empty classroom and Michael’s girlfriend - ex girlfriend by now, if he were to hazard a guess - looking up at him nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Hmm?” he grunted, and she seemed to shrink.
“Is... I mean, after all you said about, um... about humantransmutation,” she said it as one word, as if saying it faster would keep her from reproach, “is... um, is, uh,”
“Spit it out,” he demanded, crossing his arms and bracing for impact.
“Is your brother okay?” She blurted.
It was not what he was expecting. “Who, Alphonse?” Edward found himself saying in an incredulous tone. He snorted a laugh. “Yeah, he’s just fine, just as annoying as little brothers ever were. Last I heard he and his wife were mucking around in some desert ruins.”
“Oh,” the girl, given a happy answer to her question, seemed uncertain of what to say next. “Oh, that’s good. Just. What you said... I mean, I just... well, I’m glad.” She stood awkwardly for a moment, turned, and left without a farewell. Then, she stopped at the door and turned back around.
“Does Central offer any classes on medical transmutation?” She asked. “I’d never heard about it. And if it’s that useful...” she hesitated. Edward didn’t look at her as he stuffed papers into his briefcase.
“They’re really hard, you know. As hard as any medical degree.”
“How hard is that?” she asked.
Despite himself, Edward smiled. He looked back up at her. He remembered being this ignorant, studying human transmutation as a child, not knowing how difficult it was supposed to be and not knowing he was too young. But dead mothers and medicine were two very different things.
“Dr. Barrow offers the second half of his unit in the spring. Talk with him and he might be able to catch you up before then. It’ll be a lot of work.”
“Oh, okay,” she seemed more lively, more confident than she had before. “Thank you, Dr. Elric!” she smiled. “And... and thank you for, uh...”
“I’ll see you on Tuesday,” Edward waved her away, grabbing his things and turning out the lights. 
He was gratified when, on Tuesday, the girl was sitting across the hall from Michael, and Michael remained silent. The thrill of the mystery was back on, and notwithstanding the angry letter he got from the Dean about “illicit topical discussion”, Edward Elric saw autumn turn to spring in the normal ebb and flow of class. 
In the spring, he received a note from a student requesting his reference so that she could receive permission to test out of Medical Alchemy I to go straight into Medical Alchemy II. 
I realize you are not a medical specialist, but as a member of the permanent faculty, your vote would forward my request to the Dean’s office, and allow me to..... blah, blah, blah. Students got wordier every year. His eyes skimmed down the page, but when he saw the signature, he froze.
...appreciate your help with this.
Many thanks,
Edward Elric stared at the letter for a full minute in silence before breaking into a laugh that sent him to tears. His mother would’ve relished such irony. The circle was the foundation of all alchemy, so it was only right that that name had come ‘round again. Even Hohenheim, Ed was was sure, wouldn’t have an explanation for this twist of fate. 
“Going to be a doctor, huh?” he said to the letter in the quiet of his office. “Alright, doc, learn from my mistakes.” He signed the letter, sealed it, and sent it back on its way.
That night, as he drifted to sleep beside his wife, the thought of human transmutation crossed his mind, and for the first time since he was eleven years old, Edward Elric did not think of the Thing he’d created with his brother. Instead, he thought of their mother, and of a young, unafraid college student who shared her name.
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winryofresembool · 6 years ago
Edwin Week day one: First (paternity package)
A/N: Long time no fics! I have explained myself here so many times already that I won’t do it again, but it feels nice to be able to write again. Let me open up the topic of the fic a bit: in Finland expecting women get to choose if they want a certain amount of money from the state, or if they want to get a maternity package full of baby clothes and other necessities instead. Well, what just happened in my “real life” was that my sister-in-law got my brother a paternity package (aka she picked him some dad-themed items), and the idea was imo so sweet that I had to channel it into an Edwin fic. So, after this long and boring rant, here we go. The usual, enjoy, and pleease review! :)
Words: 1400+
Genre: fluff (mild hurt/comfort)
Warnings: probs swearing?
“Ed, you have been so quiet today… That’s so unlike you,” Winry noted as they were resting in the living room after the dinner. Ed turned his attention from his book to his wife, scowling at her.
“Yeah? I’m quiet a lot when I’m doing my research,” he claimed.
“That might be true, but you haven’t even gushed about my stomach at all for at least 2 days now. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Winry was 8 months pregnant and starting to feel like she was ready to pop out any moment now. Her husband’s Maes Hughes like excitement over the baby was only adding to her discomfort. While it was sweet, his constant “Is everything OK? Do you need something? A blanket? Water? A pillow? Is the baby kicking? Are you SURE that wasn’t a contraction? (“no, Ed, it was just a fart”)” was starting to get on Winry’s nerves now that they were so close to the due date. However, that gushing had suddenly ended a couple of days ago, and Winry didn’t know what to make of it. While it was a relief that she managed to go all the way from the sofa to the toilet without him asking what was wrong when the baby was simply pressing against her bladder, she knew that something wasn’t right. Something bothered Ed, and he wasn’t telling her what it was.
“Huh? I thought it was annoying you.” Ed shrugged, trying to brush the topic off.
“Since when have you cared whether something annoys me or not?” Winry rolled her eyes. There was some seriousness behind her question, though; despite being a couple, the two of them were the masters of annoying each other. Ed had even said once that he wouldn’t want to date someone with whom he couldn’t have occasional bickering battles. The fact that Ed used that excuse made Winry even more convinced that Ed was keeping something from her.
“You are being pushy, woman.” Ed glared at her for a moment before hiding his face behind his huge alchemy book. He didn’t get to fake-read it too long, though, because Winry smacked him on the head with a newspaper that had been lying on the sofa table.
“What the hell, Winry? I’m trying to read that!” he exclaimed and tried to take his book back from his wife who had snatched it from him when he had tried to defend himself from the newspaper attack.
“No, you are trying to ignore me,” Winry said, holding the book out of Ed’s reach. “And as your pregnant wife I can’t accept that. Seriously. Talk to me. If you can’t tell me what’s bothering you, then we have much bigger problems than I thought…”
“If you really must know…” Ed sighed in defeat after a long silence. “Al gave me this the other day.” He pulled a book he had really been reading when Winry wasn’t nearby from behind the sofa cushions, and Winry’s mouth formed a huge ‘o’ when she read the title.
“How to be a good parent,” it said.
“Ed…” Winry started, but her brain couldn’t decide what to say next before Ed continued:
“This book… has made me realize there’s still so much I don’t know, so many things that I haven’t experienced myself because my dad was never there,” he uttered bitterly. “And… there are moments when I’m wondering if I’m ready for this.”
“Ed, my granny always says none of us are really ready for the first baby, no matter how well prepared we are, but we’ll still figure it out eventually…” Winry tried to comfort him, but that wasn’t enough to convince Ed.
“No, you don’t understand. What if I become like my dad? What if one day I just leave you and… I could never forgive myself for that!”
“Listen,” Winry said as softly as possible even though she couldn’t deny that Ed’s words upsetted her. “The fact that you worry about that means that you are different from him. I know that you would never do that to your own child when you know what it feels like. I understand why you are scared… hell, I’m scared too! Remember, you’re not the only one without parent models in this room!
“Yeah, you are right. I’m sorry.” 
Winry didn’t answer to Ed’s apology, instead she said as an afterthought: “We have already been through so much together… and we have always survived, right? And Granny, Al, Mrs. Gracia, Mrs. Izumi, everyone will help us.”
“I know.” At least he gave Winry a quick grin, which she took as a good sign.
“If you’re still not convinced… I suppose I could give you my present a little early,” Winry noted mysteriously and left the living room, getting something from a closet that Ed never checked. Soon she returned and handed him a box that had apparently been lying there for a while now.
“What’s this about?” Ed asked with confusion. “It’s not my birthday or anything…”
“I was going to give this to you after the baby was born, but… I suppose this is as good a time as any.” Winry stated.
Ed lifted the lid of the box, and saw the box was full of objects… for the baby.
“Huh? What’s the meaning of this?” he asked, still not understanding where Winry was aiming to. How was this supposed to cheer him up?
“It’s something I like to call a ‘paternity package’! In some countries, I hear a woman who is expecting receives a maternity package from the state, and the package is full of baby clothes and other necessities needed for taking care of a baby. The baby can even sleep in the box when it’s still tiny! But yeah, this is meant for you, and I made it. Well, Al helped me a bit, because I had a hard time deciding what you’d like…”
Ed started taking in everything that was in the box. First he found a baby’s bodice that said ‘daddy’s little sunshine’ on the front. Winry blushed a bit when he kept staring at it with an unreadable expression, and said “I know, it’s a bit cheesy, but…”
“No, it’s… sweet…” Ed said, surprising her. “Did you make the text yourself?”
“I did…” Winry admitted.
The next thing he found from the box was a rag for wiping the baby’s face, and to Ed’s surprise it had black skull shapes printed on it.
“Out of all people I know, I wouldn’t have expected you to get me… well, technically, the baby… something like this… I have always thought you call them ‘tacky’…”
“It is tacky! But it’s also something you like so we thought it would make you happy…” Winry twitched her hands nervously.
“I can’t believe you’d get me all this…” Ed patted Winry briefly on the head affectionately before turning his attention back to the box. “What the… This must be the coolest pacifier I’ve ever seen!” He lifted the small object closer to his face so he could see the letters Al had transmuted into the handle better. ‘Silencing transmutation’, it said. Ed couldn’t hide his grin anymore, as it got wider and wider the more baby things he found from the box.
Finally, he lifted the biggest object from the bottom of the box and unfolded it. It was a baby’s blanket, and someone (most likely Winry) had drawn simple, small transmutation circles on it with a fabric pen. When Ed took them in better, he realized it was a code that he needed to break. It didn’t take him too long, though:
He started laughing so hard he doubled over, and when he finally calmed down enough to see Winry’s expression, he noticed she was having a hurt expression on her face.
“Why are you laughing?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Because…” Ed guffawed, wiping a couple of tears from the corners of his eyes. “This must be the best present ever! Only you and Al would do something like this! Did Al help you with the code?”
“Well, he gave me the idea about the transmutation circles, but I made the code myself…”
“I always knew there was a reason why I married you!” Ed ruffled Winry’s hair again, now longer than earlier.
“Seriously, though, this is… wonderful. You always manage to cheer me up… Just like that day at the train station.”
“Now, do you believe that /I/ believe in you?” Winry asked, happy about the shift in Ed’s mood.
“Yeah… Thank you, Gearhead,” Ed said, smiling widely.
“No problem, Alchemy freak.” Winry answered, receiving a wet kiss on her cheek.
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years ago
Just wanted your opinion on something. Roy's Gate of Truth has the circle for fire alchemy on it. So does this mean that Roy was always meant to have learnt fire alchemy, or his gate has fire alchemy because he learnt it?
Oooooooooooo this is REALLY interesting. I’d never thought through a person’s Gate of Truth and whether it’s about who they innately are (or are fated to be), versus who they have created themselves to be. 
I haven’t followed to see if there’s fandom discussion on the topic, so everything I’m going to postulate below about these doors is going to be my novel ideas. 
Hopefully everything makes sense… I wrote this between 1 and 4 AM.
I think the key to answering this question lies in Father’s Gate of Truth. I’ll get to that… later. Bear with me.
But first.
For readers who didn’t notice this before, every character has a different door design when they open the Portal of Truth. That’s a fascinating detail and one Arakawa wouldn’t have drawn without attention or intent. She’s filled FMA with tiny details, down to naming the country “Amestris” after the wife of Xerxes, or giving essentially all military characters names based off WWII vehicles. She’s plopped in interesting details regarding the Seven Deadly Sins, according to other analyses I’ve seen. From what I know, the punishment for Wrath is supposed to be dismemberment, Lust being smothered in fire… sound familiar? So Arakawa wouldn’t have drawn separate, intricate gates for every character without meaning to for good reason.
So here are three doors for our alchemists, each one of them different:
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All of them are detailed but very different. Ed’s and Al’s are more similar to each other than Roy’s is to either of them. Both Ed and Al have designs that roughly look like trees (or plants) stretching to the sky, with roots growing beneath them. 
Edward Elric’s Gate
Ed’s door is covered in Latin and Hebrew words like “Elohim Sabaoth” and “Adonai” - names of G-d, linked together by branches labeled “Sephiroth”…
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…as well as, from what admittedly VERY little I know of the Kabbalah, the angels of the Tree of Life. 
(Please don’t quote me as an expert for this stuff. I’m trying my best with this information I’m reading up on, but I’ll freely admit I’m imperfect and with limited knowledge myself. You’re free to nicely educated me if I say something inaccurate; I will be appreciative of learning more and adjusting appropriately).
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It’s to note that even in the 2003 book “Fullmetal Alchemist Profiles,” it contains a section on the Kabbalah. To quote the book: 
Some time in the 16th century, the Kabbalah became known throughout the whole of Europe. It seems unlikely that it has any prior connection to alchemy, which developed on its own individual course, but there is one thing that the Kabbalah shares with alchemy: both teach that the world came out of G-d (=one) who created it, and that the human beings (=all) who inhabit the physical world can become closer to G-d through study.
The Sephiroth tree diagram shows the Kabbalah’s Arcana. The Sephiroth tree is comprised of ten spheres (Sephira), three pillars, and 22 paths (channels). Each number has a very specific meaning but we will abbreviate it here.
The tree is essentially a map that shows how the things that came from G-d’s world - a nebulous, untouchable domain - become connected to the physical world of the four basic elements.
What’s interesting is that this book specifically brings up the Kaballah and connects it with the “One is all, all is one” phrase. That’s a phrase central to Amestrian alchemy… at least, to a certain few people who practice Amestrian alchemy. The concept of “One is all, all is one” is a powerful epiphany to Izumi Curtis when she’s struggling through her month of trial in the Briggs mountain wilderness. She passes it onto her students, Ed and Al, and it becomes important to them.
(It’s also a concept that Truth describes itself with… saying it is “perhaps truth, or perhaps all, or perhaps one”).
And this concept, more or less, makes its appearance onto Edward Elric’s door.
But why all the names of G-d?
And why this tree with its roots at all?
Does this have something to do with how Ed is like an Icarus, reaching beyond his power to get too close to the sun, a scientist acting too much like God himself? Is this Gate a reflection of that life-influential action in Edward’s life, or a fate set in stone carved in the face of the door? 
Or something else?
Well. I want to contrast this with Father’s door.
Father’s Gate
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I think that this door, paired with Father’s conversation with Truth, might give some insight for what’s going on.
Father: Why won’t you become mine, God?Truth: Because you never believed in yourself. You thought you could make God’s power your own. Don’t make me laugh. You think stealing something powerful makes you great? You’re nothing but a cunning thief. You should have stayed satisfied inside the flask where you belong. All you’ve ever done is use the strength of others to grab at godhood. You haven’t grown at all. Father: I wanted to become a perfect being! I wanted to understand God! I wanted to know everything about this world! So, why do you oppose me? Who are you?!Truth: I am what humans call the world… or the universe… or truth… or all… or one. And… I am you. You called Truth “the arbiter of order” that “keeps men in their place.” That’s what you said, wasn’t it? And so, just as you said… I’m going to show you your proper place.Father: Stop! I don’t want to go back. No… I don’t want to be imprisoned there again! Truth: The Truth brings despair to those who dare reach above their station. This is the end you wished for.
What strikes me about this conversation is several things.
Truth has power over the homunculus, the dwarf in the flask, the character we’ve known as Father. Despite the fact Father is a man-made creature and not “directly” from God’s fingertips or God’s typical order of life business (birth, the circle of life, what have you), Truth has control over Father, too. Truth is the one who can arbitrate Father’s punishment. Truth is the one who can put Father in his place. This means that, if we wanted to talk about whether or not Father was Meant or Fated to take his path… whether his actions were part of predestination or design… then Truth’s got just as much power over Father, and just as much power to influence Father’s door… as someone like Mustang, Izumi Curtis, or the Elrics. So Truth conceivably could have given Father his door’s decoration (or lack thereof).
Truth says that Father’s problem is he is a thief who took others’ strengths. Father never gave anything or contributed anything. Furthermore, according to Truth, Father “[hasn’t] grown at all.”If you want to think about people in a tabula rasa-esque respect, then we all allegedly start out as clean slates, with nothing predisposing our minds. It’s through our lives and experiences that we become who we are. When I see Father’s blankass doorway and hear it combined with Truth saying Father never gave anything and never grew… the thought crossed my mind that, “Father’s nothing, then, just like his doorway.” 
Truth chastises Father for not believing in himself or growing himself. This suggests that Father has the free will to have made choices otherwise. Let’s not get deep into the rabbit hole of determinism, free will, and compatibilism… but if Truth is punishing Father for his own actions, and Truth is admonishing Father for never believing himself (with the implication he COULD have believed in himself), then I’d say we have a direction we can interpret the doorways. It’s not Truth creating a blank doorway for Father to fulfill, but Father’s actions influencing what his doorway looks like. 
At least, this is insofar as we want to speculate the Gates of Truth are relevantly connected to the life of the person who opens them. I’m saying this since we could maybe find other ways to interpret this imagery that don’t involve “my choice made this doorway’s design.”
But let’s go with the idea that Father’s actions have “made” his door blank. Then Ed’s door, and Al’s door, and Roy’s door, would come because of what they’ve done.
Considering as Ed made the choice to march beyond God and reach for the sun, and Ed lives in an alchemy-centered philosophy where “One is all, all is one,” his door isn’t too out of line for what we might expect to see, given his life’s biggest decisions and focuses.
Roy Mustang’s Gate
So here we’ve got a screencap of Roy’s gate. Well, part of it. You can see the interlocked triangle pattern and what could be two basilisks weaving through the geometry. There’s a sun-like icon in the bottom center. We also have a circle in the very center of the two triangles.
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It’s not exactly the same as the transmutation circle Roy wears on his gloves, nor is it the same as what Berthold Hawkeye tattooed on his daughter’s back.
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However, I’d say it’s evocative enough. There’s a sun, the same-ish geometric pattern, and the same use of basilisks or snakes in each pattern. 
So, a reference to Flame Alchemy, as you say.
But it’s not just the act of “oh snap snap spark spark” being represented here.
The inclusion of our snakey snakey friends in the door - which is present in Riza’s tat but not Roy’s glove - harks back to Roy’s origins with Flame Alchemy. How he learned it. How he grew with it. How it changed his life. How these experiences fueled his own motivations and intentional self-aggrandizement.
How he made himself (in contrast to Father, who never grew at all). 
How he made… his Gate of Truth. 
This is how (going back to the Kabbalah idea) he connects the things from his world and life with God’s/Truth’s realm and judgment.
Roy’s life does circle around Flame Alchemy, but it’s because of his most influential memories and the greatest decisions he’s made. It’s because of Flame Alchemy that he met Riza and learned how to use this force. It’s because Mustang decided to take this dangerous alchemy to the military that he became a State Alchemist. It’s because he became a State Alchemist that, when he obeyed Amestrian military orders, he became a major (haha, get the pun) player in the Ishvalan War. It’s because he participated in ethnic genocide and became so conscious-stricken about it that he decided to become Führer. And ever since then, Roy’s life and decisions and motivations and morality and choices and determination have all centered around this goal: become Führer, change his country for the better.
Father didn’t make himself anything. Father only tried to steal from others. Father tried to purge himself of the Seven Deadly Sins and leave himself with nothing - literally make himself an empty door with emptiness. Father’s door is as empty as what he made himself. Roy Mustang’s been trying to grow himself into a responsible leader who can scale up the ranks of the military and assume control of his nation. Roy’s door is a summation of his motivations: the causes which have made him this way, and what he’s using as an inspirational launching point to make himself better.
So I’d say there’s a case to be made that, as you said, Mustang’s “gate has fire alchemy because he learnt it.” But more than that, it’s what he’s used to craft himself as a moral person.
We have the choice to try to better ourselves. Roy’s decisions and actions to try to better himself have stemmed from his experiences surrounding Flame Alchemy.
The Message of Choice in Fullmetal Alchemist
This idea fits with the messages emanating across Fullmetal Alchemist. FMA isn’t about fate. It’s about the power of your choice. 
I mean… even in the first titular opening, YUI is singing:
I still have too long a life ahead just to give up and drop off all these dreams. I just want to try and fix all the things that I’ve left undone. I thought that I could reach something carried over I saw within my dreams, and yet I stumble on all my actions on this road that’s in front of me. It’s not like I want things to go back to the way before. All I want is to open my eyes and feel the sun. 
You can’t let every single sin end with tears; wear them proudly on your sleeve along with your fears. It’s like you’re waiting for someone to draw near. In a maze of emotion, there comes a day where you find a way to escape - a blank page, now I’m writing out my own fate; I’ve grown tired of running away from a thing called reality.
FMA’s story and its themes are very much hinged on choice. 
Scar doesn’t have to be a serial killer terrifying State Alchemists. He can choose to help his people not through terrorism and revenge, but through rebuilding and support. He can unite his people together to save Amestris. He can act as a religious authority in Ishval once the land gets reopened, helping to preserve the cultural and religious identity of his people. Through Scar’s choices, he moves through a powerful redemption arc that shows that, while we can’t always control other peoples’ horrendous acts, we don’t have to commit horrendous acts in turn to make a meaningful difference. The character arc works because of his choices. He will listen to his God and see what his God’s will is. God’s authority and power isn’t irrelevant. But Scar is the one who must enact that choice himself. He is not fated to one path and his people don’t have to be fated to die.
It’s about his choice.
Ed and Al didn’t have to bring Trisha back to life, but because they tried, they reaped the consequences. Truth took away their bodies. It’s their choices that put them in this unpleasant state, and it’s their choices and determination that lead them to recovering Ed’s arm and Al’s body.
It’s about their choice.
Roy and Riza live a life of guilt due to Ishval. There’s no way that they can undo the damage they’ve done. There will forever be consequences because of their sins. But they can choose to do whatever is in their power to take responsibility for their wrongs, to provide relief for victims of the past, and to try to prevent future tragedies.
It’s about their choice, too.
And thus it makes sense for us to read the Gates as “everyone made their gates the way they are” rather than “the gates made them the way they are.” It’s because FMA resonates with the understanding of our choices, good or bad, and what comes of them.
Roy Mustang’s gate by this reading then says that it’s through his choices that his gate has Flame Alchemy. It’s about his choice to follow orders in Ishval that led to his guilt. It’s about his choice to become Führer to take better responsibility for Ishval’s tragedy. It’s about how Roy uses Flame Alchemy, yeah. Because Flame Alchemy is connected to his greatest experiences, tragedies, dreams, and self-directed growth.
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prettywitchiusaka · 8 years ago
Royai Fic: Almost Got Her
Hey guys.
I know I haven’t been active on here for a few days (aside from reflagging stuff), but that’s what ebbing sick will do to you, I guess.
I’ll catch up in the next few days on what’s been going n in my life, but for now I figured I’d post my new Royai fic! 
Just a little fun fic I’ve been hacking away at since last Christmas, and I finally decided to finish it!
Enjoy Roy being a smooth mother fucker, and Riza playing hard to get!
Almost Got Her
by Prettywitchiusaka
Roy Mustang just couldn't help it. All afternoon, he’d been doing his best to complete his paperwork, knowing full well today’s stack was due at 5:30 sharp. But no matter how hard he tried, his kept finding his obsidian coloured eyes being drawn to his First Lieutenant, Riza Hawkeye.
She too was sitting at her desk. But unlike her Colonel she was hunched over slightly, signing away at her own stack of paperwork.
But that wasn’t unusual, he reminded himself. She was always more diligent when it came to doing paperwork than he was. No, what had peaked his curiosity was that every now and then, she would strain her neck off to the side, like she was trying to snap it, or something.
“Why does she keep doing that?” he thought to himself.
"Something bothering you, Sir?" she asked.
Hearing that, Roy let out a gasp. How did she always know?
Still, he couldn’t deny that he she’d caught him with his pants down, figuratively speaking. So, he gave her his trademark smirk and said "I should be asking you that question, Lieutenant. You've been stretching your neck all day."
Out of the corner of her eye, the Lieutenant stared at her Colonel, noting that despite the smirk on his face, his eyes had a look of concern to them, concern for her.
Well, she couldn’t deny him an answer, now. So, she opened her mouth to speak, never once stopping to take an eye off her paperwork. “Well, if you must know, I strained it and my shoulders during yesterday's mission."
Hearing that, Roy placed a hand on his chin and began racking his brain. 
“When did she strain herself, yesterday?” he thought to himself.
Yesterday morning, he’d received a call from Furhur Bradley in Central, asking him to inspect a nearby mining town just outside East City called Rhodonite. Rumour had it that a group of alchemists living there had been turning led into gold, something that was punishable by law in Amestris, and selling the bricks to the highest bidder.
Well, Roy Mustang was never one to take no for an answer. High ranking officer or no, he was still a State Alchemist, someone who answered directly to the Furher, himself. And being the only State Alchemist within traveling distance of the town, it only made sense he’d be asked to investigate these rumours.
Though, if Roy was being honest with himself, he would’ve probably would’ve looked into this case whether he’d been asked by the higher ups at Central or not.
He may have been known as the Flame Alchemist, famous for his ability to torch his enemies into oblivion with a snap of his fingers, but the truth of the matter was that Roy was just an ambitious man. He was always looking for the newest assignment to help him climb up the military ranks so that one day, he could achieve his dream of leading Amestris and changing things for the better.
And besides, it sounded easy enough. Go down there and see if a couple of alchemists were breaking the law, and arrest them if they were. How could he pass that up? So after asking Riza to book a train and dig up the case file, they informed their little team of what was going on and told them they were heading out immediately.
A few hours later, they arrived in Rhodonite to a rather cold reception from the locals. Not that they were expecting a warm welcome, really. Anti-military sentiment was strong in a lot of towns surrounding East City, and this place was no exception.
So instead of wasting time sight seeing, the Colonel and his team made their way towards the mine. There, they were greeted by the head of the mining operation; a cocky young man named Roger. With the help of his team, Roger gave Roy and his men a tour of the mine for the next hour.
Nothing appeared to be out of place, but with the exception of Master Sergeant Kain Feury, the rest of his team wasn’t so sure. It all seemed too rehearsed, they told him. So, Roy ordered his team to take a three or four hour nap at the hotel after dinner, much to their dismay.
Of course, they all understood why, because at around one in the morning they went exploring inside the mine, splitting into two groups to cover more ground. As it turns out the rumours had been true; Roger and his men were, in fact, turning the led inside the mine into gold. Of course, that meant they were also armed and dangerous. Something the Colonel wished the report had bothered to mention, otherwise he and his two Second Lieutenants, Jean Havoc and Haymans Breda probably wouldn’t have been captured as easily as they’d been.
Still, being captives wasn’t so bad.
For one, it hadn’t taken Riza long to come save their sorry hides. And while she and Warrant Officer Vato Falman were engaging the alchemists in a gun fight, Sergeant Feury snuck in and untied them. He even came bearing gifts; spare guns for Havoc and Breda, and a spare set of ignition gloves for the Colonel. Now that they had the upper hand, Roy remembered the battle going pretty quickly. In no time at all, his team had managed to round up Roger’s little entourage and arrest them, leaving him the task of arresting Roger at “gun point”, so to speak.
Unfortunately for him, not only was Roger arrogant, he was also petty. Using a transmutation circle hidden in his back pocket, he destroyed the ground beneath him and grabbed ahold of the Flame Alchemist, intent on taking him with him.
But just before he could go over the cliff to his doom, Riza leapt into action and saved her commanding officer, taking hold of his hand and pulling him up with all the strength she could muster.
“All her strength…,” Roy felt his eyes widen at that revelation.
Yes, Riza had more body strength than the average woman, being a soldier and all. But not enough to pull up her male colleague all by herself. He was the reason her neck and shoulders were sore.
"Oh, right…" he said. Scratching the back of his head, the Colonel darted his eyes away from his Lieutenant. All the while mouthing the word “wow” to himself.
In the thirty years he’d been on this planet, he never felt more stupid than he did, right now. How did he not realize she was in pain because of him sooner? Probably from the lack of sleep the night before, he figured. As if that were an excuse for his ignorance. He looked back over at his subordinate, opening his mouth to-
"You want to apologize, don't you?"
Roy let a small gasp escape his mouth at that sentence, though it was quickly replaced with a smile. Even after years of knowing each other, it still amazed him how she could read him without even having to look up from her paperwork.
"How did you know?"
"You went silent for a moment," she answered.
"Good eye," he thought with a smirk. Her observant nature never ceased to amaze him. “If it helps, I am sorry to hear you're in pain."
“I know, Sir. But you don't have to apologize. I'm only doing my job."
Hearing that, Roy let out a groan. She had said the exact same thing after pulling him back up the cliff yesterday. …………………………………………… Roy stood tall against the wounded leader of the alchemists, his fingers poised to snap at any time if he made one wrong move.
“Come on, Roger” he said. “I think even you should’ve figured out by now that you’ve lost. Now why don’t you be a good boy and admit defeat?”
Roger smirked at that. “Why don’t you just kill me? That’s all you dogs are good for, isn’t it?”
The Colonel let out a chuckle. “Now why would I do that?” he asked. “That little line that’ll say “arrested Roger Myers” will look so much nicer on my military record, don’t you think?”
Hearing that made Roger’s smirk widen. “Then you won’t mind if I take you with me, dog!?”
Before Roy could even react to that, Roger had taken him by the ankle and whipped out an earth based transmutation circle on a crumpled up piece of paper. Just as quickly, he placed his hand on the paper, activating it.
Next thing Roy knew, the ground he was standing on began caving in until there was nothing solid left for him to stand on. Realizing what that bastard had just done, the Flame Alchemist screamed as he fell through the air. It was all over for him.
Or was it?
Everything had been happening so fast for Roy, he hadn’t even realized there was firm grip around his right wrist. Opening his eyes, he saw Riza holding him by the wrist. He could see she was wincing, too. Not that he was too surprised; he wasn’t exactly very light.
Not that that seemed to be stopping her, he realized. She even held out her hand to him.“Colonel!” she said. “Grab my hand!”
Not wasting any time, Roy took her hand while she began the difficult task of pulling him up from going over the gorge. Luckily, Havoc was on hand to help.
Squatting onto his knees, he grabbed her by the waist and yelled “Okay, guys! Start pulling!”
Slowly, but surely, Roy felt himself being pulled up to safety until, eventually he found himself on solid ground, again. Now knowing he was out of danger, the Flame Alchemist breathed a sigh of relief. He might not have been able to stop Roger from taking himself out, but at least he was still alive thanks to the efforts of his team.
Now that things had settled down a bit, Roy sat himself down on the ground and closed his eyes, wanting to rest for a minute or two. Not that anyone could blame him, he felt; he literally just escaped certain death, after all. "Are you alright, Colonel?" he heard Riza ask him.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied.
Turning around, Roy saw the concern in her amber eyes. It made him smile; she always looked so beautiful when she acted like the caring person he knew she was. "Thanks, Hawkeye."
Her eyes widened a bit at his words, she even let out a small gasp.
Too bad it was quickly followed with a familiar response. "Don't mention it, Sir. I'm only doing my job." …………………………………………………... Roy couldn't help but frown at the memory.
It always bothered him that every time he’d give her even the tiniest bit of praise, she would remain completely stoic and force herself not to smile.
“Why!? Damnit!” he would wonder. He could’t understand.
Well, okay, he sort of understood. She probably thought being in a relationship would end up distracting him from his real goal. Fair enough.
Dating his secretary could lead to all sorts of problems. She might become a target, or it could lead to an awkward break up that would ruin their friendship, but also their relationship as superior and subordinate. He could respect that.
And yet, there were those times he’d catch her stealing a glance at him from her desk, or the faintest traces of blush on her cheeks when he’d compliment her on a job well done. And then were those times where she’d smile whenever she caught him doing something nice for someone else.
Clearly, his Lieutenant has feelings for him. That, Roy was certain of, by now. So why not act on it, the more rebellious part of him wondered?
Maybe it was to keep him focused on his goal, knowing Riza. Though Roy couldn’t help but wonder if there was a part of her that feared rejection. That such a confession would ruin their friendship and working relations in general if he didn’t feel the same way.
Because if that was the case, then she had nothing to worry about, Roy thought. As far as he was concerned, Riza Hawkeye was a caring, wonderful woman; he'd thought that for a long time now.
If only he could do something to show his appreciation for all she did for him, though he doubted she’d let him take her to a fancy restaurant without suspecting something. “So what can I do?” he would often wonder.
A box of chocolates? One of those stupid romance novels she enjoys reading? Or maybe…
“Yes, maybe that will suffice…,” he thought to himself as a smile crept onto his face. One way, or another, a plan was forming in Roy’s mind.
"You know, I never did thank you for yesterday.”
Riza raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t he already thank me yesterday?” she thought to herself.  Whatever; he probably forgot. “You don't have to," she remarked. "I know you're thankful."
With a smile, the Colonel got up from his desk and walked over to her. "Yeah, but I'd love to show you my appreciation."
Riza couldn't help but smirk at that. "I doubt you could find-"
Before the Lieutenant could even finish that sentence, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, massaging them.
Turning her head, she came to see the smiling, confident face of her Colonel, gently kneading his hands into her shoulders and looking quite pleased with himself. Honestly, Riza was so flabbergasted by what was going on, she didn't know whether she should say something or stop this all together. Turning her gaze to meet his, the Lieutenant did the only thing she could think to do. "Sir?…What are you doing?"
"Massaging your shoulders…," he replied while flashing her a smile. "There a problem?"
The Lieutenant turned her gaze away from his, trying her best to hide the blush that was quickly forming on her cheeks. "No, Sir…I'm just not sure what it would say if you were caught-"
She moaned in delight as he hit a particularly sore spot right in the middle of her shoulder, making her completely forget whatever it was she’d been talking about a moment ago. Noticing this, Roy couldn't help but smile impishly.
"Any other sore spots you'd like me to catch, Lieutenant?"
His tone was playful, if not slightly seductive. Not that Riza really cared, right now. Her mind was trapped in a peaceful abyss, enjoying the sensation of her muscles unclenching from her superior’s touch.
Not wanting this to end, she pointed to the base of her neck and said “Right there.”
With a smile on his face, Roy moved his thumb up to the top of her neck and began kneading the sore spot, making her moan once again.
The Flame Alchemist found himself smiling as he continued easing her tension; it felt good to know she was happy.
But from where he was standing, he could see she was smiling. Maybe she looked a bit too happy for someone receiving a massage from their superior officer, but considering the pain she was in, no one would probably blame her.
Still, now that he’d seen that? Well, Roy just couldn’t help himself. He felt his grin widening on his face as he made his decision; it was now or never.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself."
"Hmm?" she asked.
"I said you seem to be enjoying yourself.”
"Are you kidding?” she asked. “I haven't had a massage in awhile, it feels nice."
“Right,” he said with a smile. “And I’m sure me touching you probably has something to do with it?”
“Yes…,” she answered.
Riza felt herself snapping out of her dazed state, her eyes widening; did she just admit to enjoying her superior touching her out loud?
That was bad enough, but how did he feel about all this? Probably just as shocked as her, she figured. Without a second, she turned to face her Colonel, ready to apologize, if necessary. But when she actually did come face to face with him, she came to see that he was smirking. It was that sweet, charming smirk he often wore, but it was still a smirk.
And seeing that made the Lieutenant groan as she realized what Roy had done; he’d tricked her into giving him the information he wanted, and she stupidly took the bait hook, line and sinker.
Fortunately, Riza knew when to keep her emotions in check. So she took a deep breath and began staring at the wall; the more she could avoid his gaze, the better.
“Whatever do you mean?”
"Come on. You think I haven't noticed?…” he asked. All while sinking his fingers deeper into her increasingly relaxing shoulders. “I’ve seen the way you look at me…” Despite her best efforts to remain stoic, the Lieutenant let out a small gasp at that. “How did he know?” she asked herself.
“How you get jealous whenever I talk about the women I take out."
Riza pouted and let out a growl. “Why did he have to bring that up?” she thought. “Well maybe if you dated women who would stimulate you intellectually."
Unbeknownst to her, Roy was smirking. “That might be a problem, though…,” he said. “You're the only woman I enjoy having an actual conversation with…”
By now, Riza could feel her cheeks burning as she realized what was happening; he was flirting with her. No, not just flirting with her, he was hitting on her. And if the Lieutenant was being completely honest with herself, she was enjoying every minute of it.
So how come the soldier in her kept telling her this was wrong?
"I think you've carried this joke on, long enough, Colonel."
"I'm serious, Hawkeye…,” Roy said. “I’ve thought about it, before, you know?”
“Thought about what?”
“What it would be like to be with you, of course,” he replied.
Hearing that, Riza felt her eyes widen and her cheeks become warm. Did he just say what she thought he just said?
“I’d love to take you on a proper date; have a nice dinner, go dancing, kiss you under the stars, maybe even make love to you…And I kind of get the feeling you've thought about it, too…"
It was this moment more than any other that Riza was thankful he wasn’t looking to see what her expression was, because she was blushing like crazy over what he was saying.
Of course she’d thought about being with him that way. How could she not? As far as she was concerned, Roy Mustang was wonderful.
He wasn’t perfect by any stretch; he was brash, arrogant, and an instigator. He could be selfish, reckless, even childish at times. But whenever he’d put down the mask and show her the heart that he hid so well, whenever he took charge of the situation and acted like the man she knew he was, those were the times she would admit to herself how much she loved him.
And no matter how well she’d locked away her feelings for her superior, there were still nights where she would dream of being his woman. Of being married to or making love to him. But hell would freeze over before she’d ever admit that to anyone, much less her Colonel of all people.
Sure, there were no fraternization laws in place, but how bad would things be for Roy if he lost her? Or if things didn’t work out between them? Or if the higher ups thought even less of him than they already did for openly dating his secretary?
Pretty bad. At least in her mind it would be.
There was just no way Riza could ever do that, at least not now. The last thing she would ever want would be to ruin his chances of becoming Furher.
So with a deep sigh, the Lieutenant sat herself up straight and opened her mouth to speak. “Colonel-"
"What? You're going to tell me I'm wrong?” he asked. “You can't tell me it's never crossed your mind."
"I never said that..."
Hearing that made Roy smile. “So you have thought about it?” he said. Stopping his firm menstruations, he kept his hands firmly on her shoulders and said “You should…” With a confident swagger in his step, the Flame Alchemist walked over to the front of the desk and turned to face his subordinate, confusing her.
"What are you trying to say?"
Roy couldn't help but smile as he sat down at her desk and let his eyes meet with her confused looking amber ones. Before she could even say another word, he cupped her chin with his fingers and tilted her head up to meet his gaze head on, making her gasp.
Normally, Riza would have pulled out her gun and threatened him to return to work, as she often did whenever he’d ignore his responsibilities around the office. But what caught her off guard were those obsidian eyes of his; they weren't lustful or cocky looking, like whenever he flirted with some random women. Instead, the look in them was sincere and loving; the way he would often look at her when they were alone.
"I'm saying I'm attracted to you, Riza��I have been for a long time, now…"
Riza could feel herself blushing at the sincerity in his words; he meant every word he said. And the more she realized the truth in statement, the deeper she let herself fall into those eyes of his. So much so, she didn't know whether she should smack him and tell him to do his paperwork, or give into her own desires and let him kiss her silly. Although deep down she knew she was starting to prefer the latter option.
At the same time, though, the soldier in her still had enough reason to give the raven haired man before her a reply. "Sir…I don't think we should be discussing this, right now."
"You're right,” he said. “Maybe when we're done work, we can discuss this over dinner, just the two of us? What do you say?"
Riza, having fallen completely under his spell at this point, gave him a warm smile and said "I'd like that…"
Roy returned her smile with one of his own, and before long he closed his eyes, moving closer towards her lips until they were only inches away from each other.
But before he could actually connect a kiss, he felt a pair of fingers on his lips. Confused, Roy opened his eyes to see a stoic looking Riza, holding his lips back with her fingers. "But I'm afraid you still have some paperwork to do. And I need to file this report."
Without missing a beat, she got up from her desk and made her way out of the office, taking the closed file with her.
As for Roy? He was left to stand there like a dear in the headlights, processing what just happened before finally letting out a sigh. Despite what he thought, she had rejected his advancements, whole sale. Leaving him to quietly return to his desk in defeat.
Well that is until he remembered something; she’d been smiling the whole time. And that’s when the Colonel made a realization; despite choosing to stay in their little comfort zone, she was actually happy he asked her out.
The message was clear now; she wanted to be with him, he would just have to wait.
So little by little, Roy's frown turned into a small, confident smile. “Whatever,” he said to himself. “I’ve almost got her.”
Just because he would wait for her didn’t mean he couldn’t savour the small victory he had today.                                                    The End
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years ago
Haddock’s 2003 FMA Liveblog Part 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
I went to bed at a nice, normal time. And then 1:30 came around, my brain screamed “SURPRISE TIME TO WAKE UP” and uhhhhh it’s now 3 AM and I need to occupy myself for a little bit of time before I’m sleepy enough to return to the realm of happy unconsciousness.
Episodes 41-42
Ep. 41 Holy Mother
The central theme of this anime: The military sucks.
Yeah. Like that’s actually going to happen. “Don’t fight.” We know how shit like this actually goes down.
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Bradley: Kills Martel inside Reverse Pinocchio. Blood splurts. Cut to: Extremely happy, energetic anime opening song with kids playing.
It would be a lot easier on everyone if Mustang knew something of what was going on, ya’ll. I don’t care if Hughes was like “You can reach the top while I investigate this privately.” At this point this is a hazard. A hazard.
There’s caution to keep people safe. There’s caution to keep yourself safe. There’s caution if you’re unsure of information. There’s caution if you’re investigating dangerous information. There’s caution if you’re uncertain you can trust someone. And on and on and on. But then there’s just caution for not the most well-written reason and seriously I keep feeling like this is sort of the latter, a semi-contrived reason for Mustang to be kept in the dark this entire anime.
Indie that’s rude.
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Okay so racial relations in FMA 2003 versus FMA 2009. This could be like, a dissertation topic. I’ve been talking a lot about the difference with friends ever since I saw one semi-disrespectful post of FMAB talking about how it handles racial tensions, essentially saying that we’re supposed to believe one random, old woman (Shan) that the Ishvalans know that not all Amestrians are bad... whereas here in FMA 2003 Scar calls out the military’s discrimination against the Ishvalans to Ed in conversation and we’re supposed to understand believe what his point is. I 1000% understand the post, but don’t agree with that post.... but if we went into all the reasons why I don’t agree with its oversimplification of racial representation and voice in the shows, it really would be a dissertation right here and right now. Anyway. Now, while it is true that FMA 2003 shows a lot more of the perspective of the Ishvalans and gives a lot more straightforward of a minority voice, which is damn NICE, while FMAB focuses about the Ishvalan War more from the Amestrian side... FMAB is farrrrrr from without minority voice and complexity and meaningfulness and respect, too. FMAB does a very heavy job of calling out the Amestrians for what they did in the Ishvalan War as wrong and baseless, too - even if upper command (and Envy) started it, Riza points out that she and her fellow Amestrians carried out the bloodshed with their own hands. Watching the fourth OVA gives a lot of voice to people like Heathcliffe and wow. FMAB gives a lot of purpose to Scar’s motivations, too, from the start of wanting to kill State Alchemists out of well-understood revenge... to pulling him into a focus whereby he wants to rebuild Amestris’ Ishvalan population as he can. But where I think the BEST way to talk about the difference between the 2003 and 2009 racial messages in these shows isn’t that the minority voice is or isn’t given respect and time (because really, really, both *do* - let’s talk manga Miles, and Scar, and Scar’s mentor, and...). But what 2003 shows the Ishvalans saying is, “The military is shit. They destroyed us. We have the right to be angry. You can argue we have the right to fight back.” And while there’s a whole, whole, whole, whole, WHOLE lot of truth to 2003 and how things happen irl... there’s something really powerful about 2009. 2009 says, “The military is shit. They destroyed us. We have the right to be angry. But that DOESN’T mean we have the right fight back.” And that wraps into one of Arakawa’s biggest, most widespread message throughout all of her manga, from start to end: All humans are important. All souls deserve to be treated with the utmost respect as human beings. It doesn’t matter if you’re a suit in armor. It doesn’t matter if you’re a frog chimera. It doesn’t matter what your race is. It doesn’t matter who started the bloodshed... you should be the one to end it. You are a human, human is good, and the best thing we can do is help each other. FMAB is about breaking out of the cycle of “an eye for an eye.” Now FMA 2003 is showing, through Ed’s reactions and so forth, the conflict he has with the idea of “Eye for an eye,” suggesting also it’s not a good thing. But it’s really in 2009 where the message sparkles... because Scar becomes not someone with a vengeful purpose who wants to create a pure Philosopher’s Stone from military lives. But Scar is someone who goes from someone with vengeful purpose for what the military has done to him... to trying to be the better person, the HERO, who fights back and gives back when no one else would before. And fuck man. Scar and Scar’s brother are the damndest heroes in FMAB. There’s so much to be said about the pros and cons of racial representation in each show, 2003 versus 2009, but both really try to speak to important messages of minority discrimination, genocide, and the horribleness of what it is. NEITHER ARE BAD!!! XD But damn if 2009′s message of “Revenge is not justified. We will treat all humans as humans” is fucking wicked good. Like. Enormous applause to the Ishvalans for being the better people? They are the true heroes. They are the TRUE heroes of FMAB.
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In FMAB 2009, Scar prevents an entire city (entire COUNTRY) from being used as an effective transmutation circle creating a Philosopher’s Stone. In FMA 2003, Scar is the one seeking to make an entire city into a Philosopher’s Stone. Interesting contrast. Sad not to have my hero Scar here. A complex antagonist in the 2003, who, from another framework could act as an antihero (the best antagonists imho are those whose perspectives could be written as “good guys” because they have understandable, human motivations)... but nevertheless, not a hero of the tale as in Arakawa’s final work.
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Took fukkin long enough for Heart Eyes Motherfucking Horse Boi to find out. Thank you, Reverse Pinocchio, for acting with more sense than Markiplier and Virility Redux.
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One beautiful moment with Al in the manga at Liore is when he pulls stuff out of his loincloth in public in front of his father, much to Hohenheim’s dismay and embarrassment. And here we have Armor stuffing his bro’s pocketwatch into his loincloth. I mean, it’s a fair place to carry things, buuuuut there is something to said it looks bad buddy. XD
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I can’t judge talking military cats because we do like, have Jerso in FMAB.
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Okay Bishie Boi I give you permission to kill a certain murderous State Alchemist Fucker. Go get Kimblee. Go get him. Martel hasn’t killed him yet. You. Please. Kill him. I don’t like Kimblee. Get Kimblee.
It’s so damn refreshing and applause-worthy to see full rooms of dark-skinned POC in an anime let’s be real.
Also not showing the eyes of ANYONE in the military during these scenes? Really good, chilling effect.
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The name avoidance is getting really old homunculi pals.
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Also love how many women are very prominent in the 2003.
.....that accidentally almost sounded like a Dr. Seuss book up there. Just need a little meter and rhyming and...
Dude there’s a fucking dragon on the end of that that is LEGIT.
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You brought the kid back. You brought the kid messenger back. You brought the kid messenger back to Liore. KEEP THEF UCKI :ENW:EOGIN KEEP THE FUCKING KID IN SAFETY AWAY FROM LIORE IT’S A WAR ZONE YOU IDIOTS
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Gotta respect how long Kimblee’s hair is in this anime.
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[Camera angle constantly spinning around Kimblee and Scar while they’re talking] I get that you’re trying to make this dramatic but hell if that isn’t too much and somewhat dizzying.
Badass Al and his perfect-and-rapidly-drawn transmutation circles!
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This anime had suchhhhhhhhh a slow start but finally we’re getting someplace. Not entirely well-joined together everywhere but we’re finally getting to Serious Shit and I appreciate it.
Al saying he’s hollow and not meaningless is a nice callback to when he was questioning the validity of his own memories, saying that if he weren’t human, then it wasn’t worth living. Exact opposite message here and thank. V good. This v good.
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They get a lot more of Al’s intense and very real badass side down in this anime.
Sayin’ it like it is. Bruh, respect.
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Yeah there’s lots and lots of good content rn.
“Can you hear it? The countdown to your death?” And this is why nobody likes you Kimblee. Fuck you.
Is this the part where we have Scar use his arm or something to change Al into a Philosopher’s Stone or whatever the hell it is that is the first stage of Al not being armor?
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Are you.
Are you fucking kidding me.
Die already Kimblee you fuck
Well that’s gotta be traumatic to Ed
Dramatic shots of doom.
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This ain’t gonna end well. Also we’re suspiciously close to the end of the episode with no resolution... I planned to watch ONE episode tonight but that might not be what happens eh.
Oh look the episode just ended.
Yeah fuck that we need at least just one more.
Ep. 42 His Name is Unknown
I’m v suspicious Scar ain’t gonna live through this. Hopefully also Kimblee. Kimblee needs to Be Gone (TM).
Aka “This is how the writers don’t have Al die right here and now.”
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Okay but Scar. Ishval’s Top Model. Bishie Boi. He’s like. Walking around so calmly with so little sign of pain. BRO YOU ARE MISSING AN ARM. And don’t you DAMN tell me “It’s but a scratch” or “It’s only a flesh wound.” Like I could Monty Python caption you right now you fucker and I shouldn’t be able to do that.
Oh hey look my liveblogging is showing my true swearing colors. Rawr. I’m a swearer. I like swears. FEAR ME AND ALL THE SWEARS.
(I usually censor myself a lot on tumblr for Things Like Swears BUT AIN’T NOT HAPPENING NOW YO).
Is.... is ANYONE going to do ANYTHING about Scar’s recently lost arm?????????? HE LOST A LOT OF BLOOD. LOTS OF BLOOD GUSHED OUT WHEN HE TRANSMUTED IT OFF. AND YET EVERYONE IS SO CASUAL ABOUT THIS. Let’s talk about Al’s survival chances. Let’s talk about how to change Al so he doesn’t go off into a bomb. Let’s talk about the Philosopher’s Stone. Let’s talk about your past history with Lust. HOW ARE YOU CONSCIOUS AND WHY AREN’T WE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR GODDAMNEDFUCKINGSHIT ARM.
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At least have him pass out or something.
Nope we’re just going to stand around and stare at each other and be like “You’re not my brother’s girlfriend” and shit and not care about your lack of armness apparently.
Hey new intro. The music definitely has the same generic rocky upbeat flavor of the other intros in 2003, but I like this one the best. The intro also shows us not one but two separate shots of Roy so that’s even better. And even bestest, we just keep pulling in that photo of Horsing Around in the background again. We just keep sneaking that in. I really wish you WROTE Horsing Around better but HEY we get the PHOTO <3 <3 <3
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So all that’s good.
Yesssssss finally in this anime you are having ROY MUSTANG ***DO*** SOMETHING. Finally DO something. (whispers) and yes, of course Riza is here, I love you two together
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(whispers) Wife
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Good for you, Alex.
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“There’s no such thing as a military that doesn’t have corruption or evil in it.” I love when villains have damn truthful lines like that shit.
He’s really pretty in this shot.
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Okay for all you mention Roy being the Hero of Ishval in this moment between Archer and Roy, and then there was that one scene waaaay back in Flame vs Fullmetal where we had Roy get a bit of a flashback to the war, and then I guess that ONE scene where he thought about doing human transmutation...... you really haven’t taken advantage. of. this. character. AT ALL. In this anime. You’ve really left him to sit by for dozens of episodes in a row. Develop this shit. Even if you plan to develop this shit down the road, this is just another example of uneven scaffolding in your writing. I went into this anime particularly because I was curious about the interesting Roy shit you were thinking about writing, and yet I feel like you’ve given me very little to work with? I mean. He’s present. We’ve had a FEW interesting moments with him, primarily at the start. We’ve seen him do some things like suppress the Ishvalans before they rebelled, and stuff. It’s not like he’s absent and you could critique my critique. But he still feels sooooo underutilized. He really feels underutilized. Develop all that trauma shit content and his ambition being the Fuhrer and his past with Ishval instead of just touching it here and there and referencing it in scenes and then being like “La la la and now all Mustang is gonna do in this episode is look suspiciously at people but not do anything active about the shit going all around him.”
So we’re SLIGHTLY paying attention to his arm, but still having an extended conversation about Lust instead.
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I mean I don’t care if the arm got cauterized and there’s just a stump there, you still lost a lot of blood and there’s shock and trauma and shit. You are hanging in there way too good bud. THAT IS AN ARM.
That looks cool. And we know exactly what those symbols are.
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Oh cool another arm gone AND YOU ARE STILL CONSCIOUS.
Now, after just a little gasping in pain and sweating, I’m going to stand up and calmly explain the history of my arm. COME ON SCAR ADRENALINE ONLY GOES SO FAR *YOU* *HAVE* *NO* *ARMS*
No one would even guess this is the screencap of a man who has literally just lost both of his arms.
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In 2003, he loses both of his arms. In 2009, he uses both of his arms and destroys Bradley’s.
Yes, Indie. Tell Roy about your mother homonculus. At least do it for the sake of integrally including Horsie IN THE MAIN FUCKING PLOT MORE.
Okay seriously how many times are you going to injure this guy and still have him be “relatively” okay? Because several gunshot wounds to his shoulders didnt make him lapse into unconsciousness either? At least he seems to be in legitimate lasting pain now? Not like that’s a GOOD thing to be in pain, but at least he’s not like, running around?
You should be like delirious tho bud
Seriously are these last two episodes “How many times can we injure Scar” like wut
Take that back he’s stood up and is waltzing around again wtf
I hate how the feels you get from this scene are 1). Scar is dying, 2). Scar is doing this for his brother [sob] and not... “we’re mass killing thousands of low-ranking soldiers and turning them into a Philosopher’s Stone.” Like something about that’s just wrong. Feels, good? But....
Power trio
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This still is the most badass moment with these blokes tho:
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[sigh] Mustang is just such a better character in FMA 2009 / the manga.
[whispers to Al] No it’s not. #1. Philosophers’ Stone. #2. You’re armor.
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