#but I’m very passionate about dragon/rider bonds
duncans-idahoe · 30 days
Okay like I mentioned in this post I’ve been thinking HEAVILY about a Top Gun Dragon Riders! Au… so I’d like to elaborate a bit on some of the thoughts I have thus far
Top Gun Dragon Riders Au! Pt 1
World Building
As previously mentioned, the Dragons are sentient, magical beings in this world
Some humans hold them in very high regards, going as far as religious worship, like seeing them as gods, building them temples and such
Other humans detest the dragons and their presence, going as far as training to slay them
There are also Dragon Riders
Depending on one’s views these riders are either seen as extremely brave and admirable or as abominations to be destroyed along with their beasts
A rider does not choose their dragon, the bonds are always formed and determined by the dragons themselves
Usually there is a specific quality a dragon looks for in a human they wish to bond with: wisdom, loyalty, bravery, leadership, etc
But sometimes, a dragon just simply likes a human and there is no obvious explanation for a bond
Riders and Dragons can communicate telepathically with each other as long as they are within range of one another
The range distance is dependent on how strong the dragon is magically
When a bond is formed, the rider may channel magic from the dragon to wield in a way that feels natural to them
The magic can’t be forced, someone who is a natural with fire magic can not manipulate water or bend illusions, but as they train with their magic they may wield flames in ways they may not have originally thought possible
A bond with a dragon also increases a riders natural abilities, constitution, and life span
They will not live forever, but they will live considerably longer than they would have unbound to a dragon
These gifts do come with a price, if a dragon dies, so does their rider
With Dragons being a higher magical being, a life bond comes with a price
There’s another bond a dragon can make
Dragons also form mating bonds
Riders of dragons with mating bonds can telepathically communicate through the bonds
These bonds are for life, and as with the rider bonds, if one dies so does the other
This also mean that if one or both of the dragons have rider bonds, they would die as well
One dragon may have multiple riders in their lifetime, but a human will only ever have one dragon
Characters/Dragons/Magical Ablities
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
I know I’m starting off with Ice and not Mav how dare I, but honestly I kinda created this au FOR him??
Also to clarify I think callsigns could still be a thing in the au but some of them might be different to fit the aesthetic ✨
Ice is bonded to an enormous black dragon named Arobynn
He’s over 200 years old and has bonded with 3 other riders in his lifetime
Arobynn chose Ice for a few reasons: he respected his intelligence, moral integrity, and leadership abilities
As Dragons follow a strict social hierarchy based on both age and strength, Arobynn was looking for a rider who could match him in terms of being a strong leader and handle the magic that would be channeled through the bond from him
It was also important that his rider would use the gift of the bond for the good of both human and dragon kind
Once Ice started channeling magic from Arobynn, he was able to manipulate- you guessed it, Ice
But, not just Ice, he’s able to turn any water molecules in his vicinity into ice and in a battle could use icicles like daggers
In an extreme situation, with extensive concentration, he could even turn water within someone’s body to ice
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Mav bonds with a young, wild, red-scaled dragon named Larkin
Larkin is around 100, which is young for a dragon, and known to be fierce and headstrong
…sound like someone else we know?
She chose Mav because he’s not afraid to push boundaries, and he’s not going to stand down just because the odds are against him
The pair are a sight, performing dangerous maneuvers, constantly testing the patience of dragons and riders who outrank them
Larkin treats Mav like her baby, even acts a little broody and likes to curl herself around him and hisses at people who get too close to him
Maverick is Larkin’s first rider, so no one was sure how much magic could be channeled from her
Despite her smaller size she ends up being incredibly powerful magically and Mav has to learn how to control the immense power
Mav wields fire magic
However he can not create his own flames, and can only manipulate those that already exist, making them bigger or smaller or moving them however he wishes
A favorite technique Mav uses is to manipulate Larkin’s fire breathing, as dragon’s fire burns hotter than any other and in an aerial battle is more readily available for him to use
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theredpharaoah · 2 years
While I think it’s cute Laenor ran off with his lover, I don’t at all respect it. I doubt his parents know, and he just left his entire family to grieve him, his sister, and to face the war he knows is coming alone. I actually don’t like his character anymore. That’s so cowardly. It was a dumb decision on Rhaenyra’s part too cuz she no longer has the support of House Velaryon. I don’t feel like this apparent inferno of passion between Daemon and Rhaenyra was convincing. It’s giving me Jon and Dany flashbacks. It also fucks up the story cuz how the hell is Addam going to claim Seasmoke? Dragons won’t take a new rider if their old one still lives. Are they gonna make some shit up about Laenor broke the bond cuz [insert bullshit here]? They have a lot of leeway as far as events go, but I think they’re making the wrong decisions with it. Like running away to the free cities??? It’s starting to get a lil cheesy. And how is Laenor gonna feel when he gets the news that his entire fucking family died. Like both houses wiped tf out. He just gon fuck Qarl with tears in his eyes? And whose body was that in the fire? Did they burn that poor lil servant boy to death? I’m even more pissed now than I was before. So are Rhaena and Baela suppose to take Addam’s spot in the war now or something? Is that why they aged them up? Him running away gave me very much Reign. GRRM cleared this?!
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aurorasphere · 2 years
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ahhh!! long time!!! no post!
i’m back to passionate writing and crafting! While i’m putting deliverance on standby i have been working on... yes my passion project ttrpg i believe.
very inspired by MHS2 about creatures called Fennen bonding with creatures called Aine and becoming RIDER DUOS!! and stopping an evil grandpa dragon from fucking up shit.
first drawing, idea for Prometha and her daughter Niyu
second drawing, idea for first meeting of Khou Anko and Nollette
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caileanthewarrior · 4 years
Hold! Who goes there? Why, is that [CAILEAN] the [WARRIOR DRAGON] of [THERON HALL]? They do look [HUMANE] for a [DRAGON] of [856] years. Don’t they call [HIM] the [GOAL-ORIENTED AND LOYAL WARRIOR DRAGON]? I’ve heard they’re also [GREGARIOUS AND CONFRONTATIONAL] though. Don’t take my word for it but they do look an awful lot like [MICHIEL HUISMAN].
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Basic Info
Name: Cailean
Pronunciation: Kay-lee-en
Title (If they have one, Occupation if not): Dragon Warrior
Age: 856 (in his human form, appears to be in this thirties)
Place of Origin: The mountains of the Northlands
Family Members: Cailean has no existing family members, as most were lost in the first rebellion
Physical Description
Height: 6″0
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Cisgender Male
Build: Tall and lean
Distinguishing features? (Scars, tattoos, piercings): In his human form, Cailean has black scales all along his spine. To make it blend seamlessly into his human form, his entire back is tattooed with black ink, of insignias and popular symbols from the past 800 years. Cailean also boasts several scars, in both dragon and dragonkin form, from his years of service
Any health related issues?: N/A
From the outside looking in, Cailean inhabits all the characteristics of a true-born warrior. Leading with his heart, Cailean charges into action (often before thought) based on his notions of right or wrong. Unlike dragons born into seclusion, Cailean is confident in the presence of humans. In fact, he thrives in it, often known throughout his camps as gregarious and self-assured (bordering on arrogance). Despite his good-spirit, Cailean is not without flaws. In contrast to his Northland upbringing, his temper runs hot. Quick to anger and provoke, his folly in combat has often been his own hubris.
A true believer in the co-existence of human-kind and dragon kin, Cailean characterizes himself by his quest for the ‘good.’ While his views of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are often drawn starkly in the sand, it is his belief that what is kind, is always right.
Additional Info
'Cause Darling I’m A Nightmare, Dressed Like A Daydream : A plot open to any elf, dragon, or human (dependent on timing, hmu if you’d like to work something out) that Cailean has trusted in the past. Little did he expect a betrayal from them, that causes a ripple effect to this day.
Wonderin’ if I Dodged A Bullet of Just Lost The Love of My Life: A romantic relationship gone wrong, perhaps due to Cailean’s loyalties to the crown or your muse’s reservations about dragonkin
The Rest of The World Was Black and White, But We Were in Screaming Color : A long-lasting friendship, likely built on shared ideals of a better world. Could be born out of the military, or through Cailean’s centuries.
Nestled atop the frigid mountaintop of the Northlands, rested a small community of mountain dragons. It was there, that Cailean came to be. Born to majestic and fair dragons, Cailean learned of the great rebellion from their scars and dented wings. But where the young and eager dragon saw beauty and pride, his family saw nothing but remnants of the great rebellion. By the grace of God, his family was able to escape the rebellion’s clutches, finding refuge in the isolated mountaintop. It was in their haven, that they lived in peace. Yet Cailean could not see beyond his family’s fear, bringing nothing but indignant rage to the passionate, young dragon. They were free, were they not? It seemed pointless, to hide away in the mountains when their very freedom was hard-earned. After his mother and father came to pass, at the hands of their dragon rider’s unfortunate deaths, Cailean swore to honor his kin. And so, the young dragon spread his wings to better horizons, never to look back.
It took decades before the young dragon was prepared to assimilate into Vailar society. A hundred years spent hidden in the mountains, with only his kind for company, meant little of the human world resonated with Cailean. Yet through observation and study, Cailean adopted to his dragonkin form and stepped foot into the Northland towns. Cailean, never shy nor cautious, quickly fell into the mold. He watched as humans dined, danced, and died -- all as part of their natural cycle. All that his family tried to shield him from, he learned to love. But he was not content with simply wining and dining. The legacy his parents, and to a larger extent, his kind left was too difficult to turn away from. His kind was forced to hide, or perish at fear for another rebellion. Having learned of the Dragon Order, Cailean was quick to volunteer his services as an unbonded dragon. Surrounded by the camaraderie of his people, Cailean came into his own. No longer was he a mere dragon of the icy mountains, but a warrior in his own right. Over the centuries, the Dragon Order’s control fell second to his affinity for the people. Who would look after them, when the great war would come again? After five hundred years of service, Cailean resigned from his post.
Since his resignation, Cailean has served many of the noble families throughout the centuries. His longest tenure, to date, was the Desrocher’s of the Northlands. Both his experience as a dragon of the Order, and learned combat skills, made him a prominent warrior across the realm. Coined the “Warrior Dragon,” he spent the better part of twenty years as a member of Everfield’s Theron Hall. It was during this time, that he rescued a platinum-haired woman -- who would reveal herself to be his bonded rider. Ever since, the pair have traveled across the realm, loyal to whomever fights for the freedom of both the people and the dragonkin
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solecize · 5 years
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.  .  .  𝑩𝑨𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑼𝑺  (PT12) |  
— — jung jaehyun is the beloved captain of your university’s basketball team. you’re a freshman in the school ballet company and somehow get roped into giving him dance lessons. the issue is that your brother is lee taeyong aka jaehyun’s on-court rival, who broke his little sister’s heart. that’s where you, revenge, and a little bet come into play.
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MAY 12TH. 2:03 PM KST.
with a press of a button on your phone, you drowned out the voices of destiny’s child from jaehyun’s car. he pulled up to her parents’ driveway just moments prior when you directed him to park at the dusty old house. although you had been living away for university since the start of the school year, everything was anything but foreign. the grass was as emerald as your memories, taeyong’s window on the second story was still broken, and you could still remember the number of cracks on the steps to the front door. 
“hey, doesn’t lucas live around here, too?” jaehyun questioned, as he turned off the engine. 
you nodded. “down there,” you pointed further down the street lined with multiple houses, “at the very corner of the block. we’ve gone to the same school since elementary, you didn’t know?”
the history between you, lucas, and later sooyoung, was a long and storied one that originated in the second grade when you decided to befriend the new transfer student from hong kong with a stutter. he was one of your first true best friends and you’d have to admit that the two of you brought out the best in each other. the past ten years were ones filled with support and a close knit bond. sooyoung only brought you two together closer when she joined the friendship in seventh grade, transferring in from a preppy school in incheon. somehow, since then, the three have you have been steadily walking a similar path in life. it was odd and uncommon, as most childhood friends eventually split off and you could barely name three other people from high school that you kept in contact with.
exiting out of the car, you led the way while jaehyun trailed after you with a shiny bottle of red wine in his hand. he wanted to bring something for your parents and the two of you had almost been late because of a debate about it. (”i don’t want them to know that i drink!”) +  (”it’s not like they’re going to assume that plus i’m the one bringing it”) then (”MY MOTHER ALWAYS ASSUMES THE WORSE OF ME, JAEHYUN.”) at the very end, jaehyun insisted because he didn’t want to seem rude.
“just play it cool, jae,” you said to him, but there didn’t seem to be a single trace of nerve on his expression. 
he chuckled and nodded, “yeah, alright. do i look alright? i don’t want to look like a bum in front of your parents.” 
you licked a bit of your hand and started to approach him, which he immediately attempted to avoid. “what the fuck— get away from me, you weirdo!” jaehyun couldn’t stop laughing, as you tried to fix his messy hair with your saliva. he swatted your hand away several times, tried to grab your wrist, but you ended up wiping your hand on his ear instead of his hair like you intended.
“god, you’re a mess,” the basketball player scrunched his nose up at you jokingly, which you elbowed him for.
at this point, the two of you had made your way right up to the front door. before knocking, you pulled out your phone and immediately turned on the camera app to check your own reflection. he looked at you inquisitively. 
“uh, do i look alright?” the last thing you wanted was for your mother to berate your messy appearance as soon as you showed up on her doorstep.
a beat.
the corners of jaehyun’s lips twitched, before stretching out into a tentative smile, almost sheepish. he quickly snatched the phone out of your hand and stuffed it into his jean jacket pocket. you let out a grumble of irritation.
“you look fine. more than.” he quickly corrected himself. “y/n, i hope you know that you always look beautiful.”
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the members of your family, both extended and immediate, were spread out across the backyard. the youngest of your cousins were skipping around in the back, some uncles and aunts gathered around the grill with gossip slipping from their lips, while others were relaxing on some benches with glasses of various alcoholic beverages. you joined your parents around a small table, with jaehyun at your side.
“you’re going to law school next year?” your mother gaped at jaehyun, who was busy wiping his mouth with a napkin.
quipping in, your father said, “ah, so is our taeyong!” your brother was a criminology major and originally you thought that it was merely a result of too many late nights binging true crime documentaries. however, taeyong seemed to grow passion for it and it surprised you, as you didn’t realize that he could have passion for anything but basketball.
“oh, you guys have more in common than i thought,” you muttered under your breath, which jaehyun unfortunately caught and he bumped your leg underneath the table. bad temper, basketball, and law. the two could’ve been best friends in another time and place. you grinned at that and jaehyun raised an eyebrow at you, probably wondering what exactly what going on in your head.
“but, you’re a marketing major? mmmm. . .” it had only been an hour or two, but you saw that your mother was already floating on cloud nine after meeting jaehyun and making up fantasies in your head about your wedding.
the door into the house suddenly slid open with a loud squeeeak, revealing the man himself, taeyong. clad in a hoodie and sweatpants, you could already see in your mother’s eyes how much she wanted to tell him off for not even bothering to wear a proper shirt. however, yelps from family members and aunties running up to kiss their “handsomest nephew” was prioritized. you looked over at jaehyun, who simply chugged down his beer at the appearance of your older brother.
“taeyongie,” cooed your father, who pulled in his favourite son into his arms for a hug. 
when the crowd finally dispersed, it allowed taeyong to join you and your parents at the small table. he kissed his mother promptly on the cheek and sat down beside her, across from jaehyun. the male gave a tight smile towards you, which you did not return.
taeyong looked towards jaehyun. “hey. mind giving me a help with something in the back?” the request was abrupt and you were immediately suspicious, looking between the two. the two had already caused a ruckus at the last function they were at—hell, the last time the two were in the same room. all of a sudden, jaehyun started to stand up and out of instinct, you grabbed his wrist. 
he looked at you and the eyes you were giving him. jaehyun looked at taeyong, then back at you. a small smile appeared on his lips and he leaned down to whisper something in your ear.
“it’s fine. don’t worry.”
the two men disappeared back into the house, ignoring the cries of both of their names coming from you. your parents questioned you as to how the two knew each other, but you were too worried about them leaving the house at peace. thankfully, they mysteriously exited back out just a few minutes later, seemingly in tranquility. the two males sat down at the table once again and began drinking, even conversing with each other. what the hell just happened?
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the once clear sky eventually faded into streaks of tea rose and peach, while fluffy ivory clouds danced as if they had all the time in the world. that was exactly how you felt with jaehyun, with each minute frozen at a standstill in your mind. the spring-summer breeze slithered through his fluffy, chestnut locks and his plain white t-shirt. jaehyun walked with one hand in his pocket and the other touching various things in the vicinity: flowers, trees, and sometimes equipment belonging to the playground. 
hitting just before the night’s baseball game, the party started to grow tired outdoors and made their way into your parents’ living room where it would be observed. neither you and jaehyun were quite fans of the sport and that led to him suggesting that they make an escape, even it was brief. you easily brought up the park, situated just in between  your old middle and elementary schools.
“i was so scrawny as a kid, i could never lift myself up on these.” jaehyun’s laughter was loud, you could hear it from your position on top of the slide. the almost six foot male was really trying out the monkey bars, lifting his knees up to his chest so that he wouldn’t touch the ground, but he still crossed the course without any difficulty.
you pointed towards the spring rider in the design of a dragon. “that was my favourite. i used to stand on it and show off how well i could balance myself on it.”
he hopped off the monkey bars and you had to pretend that you didn’t see a flash of his muscular abdominal when he did so. jaehyun strolled over to where you were, kicking you to move aside. you swore at him under your breath, which he, again, heard and smirked at. nonetheless, you slid over to make space for him and he took a seat beside you.
“your family’s great, you know. and they have a great daughter.” he stuffed his right hand into his pocket again and his left ran a hand through his hair. jaehyun saw a side of you that he never saw before, through your childhood photos and the shelves of ballet trophies in your house. despite your mother’s open criticisms of you, he saw just how proud your family was of you.
you smiled. “i’m glad you came. you really saved my ass today.” the laugh you let out sounded a bit nervous and you weren’t sure why. you were very grateful that jaehyun agreed to coming with you today, otherwise you wouldn’t have known what to do. however, you started to enjoy yourself and forgot that you’d only invited him out of necessity. he charmed your parents today, there was no way that your mother wasn’t going to bother you about jaehyun for months to come. hell, he charmed you.
maybe it was the way that jaehyun flowed so easily with your father, talking about the upcoming nba playoffs and his own college career. there was also the moment when you caught him playing tag with the little ones of the family, letting them catch him and making jokes. it was jaehyun being so free, away from his apparent aggressive demeanor and rude jock stereotype. 
“i’m glad i came today.”
a particularly cold wind passed and until that moment, you forgot that you forced yourself into a girly dress to please your mother. you didn’t mean to shiver so loud, but jaehyun instantly noticed and stripped himself of the jean jacket he wore, instead draping it over your shoulders despite your protests. you pouted at him and he chuckled.
looking into your fatigued induced half lidded eyes, jaehyun felt his heartbeat pick up. he didn’t know why, but he felt himself more and more drawn to you, until he was physically moving closer. his hand left his pocket and cupped your cheek instead, forcing you to meet the eyes that you’d been looking away from. this contact was nothing like the way you fixed his posture in the studio or the accidental hand touches you both ignored. 
jaehyun’s lips were soft and damp from licking too often. he tasted like spirits and something so familiar that you couldn’t place your finger on. you didn’t realize that this was actually happening, that he’d finally made that first move to kiss you, until you unconsciously pulled him closer in and deepened the kiss. he responded immediately, gripping you by the waist. 
you weren’t sure how much time had passed. both of your lips’ were swollen when he pulled away, but he was too concentrated on the fact that the skip of his heartbeats were joined with an empty, heavy feeling at the pit of his stomach. then again, his chest and unsteady breath indicated an additional feeling. the second feeling was completely alien and something told him that he didn’t want to know what it was. the first was unmistakable; it was the feeling of guilt.
tag list: @i-hate-these-people @glitterystanz @jkuwus @jenojae  @csillagosegnelkul @imtaehyungry @theloouiisee @ikonictaelien @knisterlicht @seungkwanismyaesthetic @jaemingold @xysabella @sua246 @ireallyjustneedcoffee @p-platonica @just-a-dream-400 @fuckthatfeeling  
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Top New YA Books in October 2020
The YA genre is still booming, providing romance, adventure, and more for teens and adults alike. Here are some of the YA books from August 2020 we’re most looking forward to…
Top New Young Adult Books October 2020
Return of the Thief by Megan Whelan Turner 
Type: Novel Publisher: Greenwillow Books Release date: Oct. 6
Den of Geek says: The latest book in this acclaimed, long-running series known for intricate plotting and twists follows the continuing political machinations of Eugenides, the titular thief, in fantasy world-building based loosely on Greek mythology. 
Publisher’s summary: This beloved and award-winning series began with the acclaimed novel The Thief. It and four more stand-alone volumes bring to life a world of epics, myths, and legends, and feature one of the most charismatic and incorrigible characters of fiction, Eugenides the thief. Now more powerful and cunning than ever before, Eugenides must navigate a perilous future in this sweeping conclusion. Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Marie Lu, Patrick Rothfuss, and Sarah J. Maas.
Neither accepted nor beloved, Eugenides is the uneasy linchpin of a truce on the Lesser Peninsula, where he has risen to be high king of Attolia, Eddis, and Sounis. As the treacherous Baron Erondites schemes anew and a prophecy appears to foretell the death of the king, the ruthless Mede empire prepares to strike.
The New York Times–bestselling Queen’s Thief novels are rich with political machinations, divine intervention, dangerous journeys, battles lost and won, power, passion, and deception. Features a cast list of the characters in the Queen’s Thief novels, as well as two maps—a map of the world of the Queen’s Thief, and a map exclusive to this edition.
Buy Return of the Thief by Megan Whelan Turner.
Over the Woodward Wall by A. Deborah Baker (Seanan McGuire) 
Type: Novel Publisher: Tordotcom Release date: Oct. 6
Den of Geek says: An experimental companion to McGuire’s intricate novel Middlegame, Over the Woodward Wall first came to life as a middle grade story that serves as a pop culture touchstone for the characters in that adult novel. It’s also a story by a master in its own right, although how well it holds up outside the companion novel is yet to be determined.
Publisher’s summary: Avery is an exceptional child. Everything he does is precise, from the way he washes his face in the morning, to the way he completes his homework – without complaint, without fuss, without prompt.
Zib is also an exceptional child, because all children are, in their own way. But where everything Avery does and is can be measured, nothing Zib does can possibly be predicted, except for the fact that she can always be relied upon to be unpredictable.
They live on the same street.
They live in different worlds.
On an unplanned detour from home to school one morning, Avery and Zib find themselves climbing over a stone wall into the Up and Under – an impossible land filled with mystery, adventure and the strangest creatures.
And they must find themselves and each other if they are to also find their way out and back to their own lives.
Buy Over the Woodward Wall by A. Deborah Baker.
Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz
Type: Novel  Publisher: Page Street Kids Release date: Oct. 6 
Den of Geek says: This sounds like a sports anime with dragons in book form. A compelling mystery as a tour of a fantastical racing league promises action and ambitious characters. 
Publisher’s summary: Lana Torres has always preferred dragons to people. In a few weeks, sixteen countries will compete in the Blazewrath World Cup, a tournament where dragons and their riders fight for glory in a dangerous relay. Lana longs to represent her native Puerto Rico in their first ever World Cup appearance, and when Puerto Rico’s Runner―the only player without a dragon steed―is kicked off the team, she’s given the chance.
But when she discovers that a former Blazewrath superstar has teamed up with the Sire―a legendary dragon who’s cursed into human form―the safety of the Cup is jeopardized. The pair are burning down dragon sanctuaries around the world and refuse to stop unless the Cup gets cancelled. All Lana wanted was to represent her country. Now, to do that, she’ll have to navigate an international conspiracy that’s deadlier than her beloved sport.
Buy Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz. 
Top New Young Adult Books September 2020
Night Shine by Tessa Gratton 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books  Release date: Sept. 8
Den of Geek says: We’re all about crossovers between fantasy and YA here, and this looks like a good stepping stone for a kid who is just about ready to start reading high fantasy. The prose style is slow and deliberate as the author tells a tale of romance, kidnapping, and friendship.
Publisher’s summary: In the vast palace of the empress lives an orphan girl called Nothing. She slips within the shadows of the Court, unseen except by the Great Demon of the palace and her true friend, Prince Kirin, heir to the throne. When Kirin is kidnapped, only Nothing and the prince’s bodyguard suspect that Kirin may have been taken by the Sorceress Who Eats Girls, a powerful woman who has plagued the land for decades. The sorceress has never bothered with boys before, but Nothing has uncovered many secrets in her sixteen years in the palace, including a few about the prince.
As the empress’s army searches fruitlessly, Nothing and the bodyguard set out on a rescue mission, through demon-filled rain forests and past crossroads guarded by spirits. Their journey takes them to the gates of the Fifth Mountain, where the sorceress wields her power. There, Nothing will discover that all magic is a bargain, and she may be more powerful than she ever imagined. But the price the Sorceress demands for Kirin may very well cost Nothing her heart.
Buy Night Shine by Tessa Gratton on Amazon. 
Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam
Type: Novel in Verse Publisher: Balzer + Bray  Release date: Sept. 1
Den of Geek says: Authors like Tochi Onyebuchi have taken hold of the moment to write political novels about incarceration in the last few years. This mix of poetry and prose adds to that genre with real world experience from prison reform activist Yusef Salaam. Publisher’s summary: The story that I thought 
was my life 
didn’t start on the day 
I was born  
Amal Shahid has always been an artist and a poet. But even in a diverse art school, he’s seen as disruptive and unmotivated by a biased system. Then one fateful night, an altercation in a gentrifying neighborhood escalates into tragedy. “Boys just being boys” turns out to be true only when those boys are white.  
The story that I think 
will be my life  
starts today 
Suddenly, at just sixteen years old, Amal’s bright future is upended: he is convicted of a crime he didn’t commit and sent to prison. Despair and rage almost sink him until he turns to the refuge of his words, his art. This never should have been his story. But can he change it?  
With spellbinding lyricism, award-winning author Ibi Zoboi and prison reform activist Yusef Salaam tell a moving and deeply profound story about how one boy is able to maintain his humanity and fight for the truth, in a system designed to strip him of both.
Buy Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam on Amazon.
Gold Wings Rising (The Skybound Saga) by Alex London 
Type: Novel Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux  Release date: Sept. 1
Den of Geek says: It’s always nice to see a fantasy series that moves away from the staple creatures, even if I love dragons, and this series replaces them with ghostly birds that give it a horror movie flavor. 
Publisher’s summary: The war on the ground has ended, but the war with the sky has just begun. After the Siege of the Six Villages, the ghost eagles have trapped Uztaris on both sides of the conflict. The villagers and Kartami alike hide in caves, huddled in terror as they await nightly attacks. Kylee aims to plunge her arrows into each and every ghost eagle; in her mind, killing the birds is the only way to unshackle the city’s chains. But Brysen has other plans.
While the humans fly familiar circles around each other, the ghost eagles create schemes far greater and more terrible than either Kylee or Brysen could have imagined. Now, the tug-of-war between love and power begins to fray, threatening bonds of siblinghood and humanity alike.
Buy Gold Wings Rising by Alex London on Amazon.
Top New Young Adult Books August 2020
Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Jennifer De Leon 
Type: Novel Publisher: Simon & Schuster Release date: Aug. 18
Den of Geek says: This looks like it could be an incisive and hard-hitting book that speaks to the way American Latinx students experience racism and navigate high school social life. It has gained high praise from authors including Celeste Ng. 
Publisher’s Summary: Liliana Cruz is a hitting a wall—or rather, walls.
There’s the wall her mom has put up ever since Liliana’s dad left—again.
There’s the wall that delineates Liliana’s diverse inner-city Boston neighborhood from Westburg, the wealthy—and white—suburban high school she’s just been accepted into.
And there’s the wall Liliana creates within herself, because to survive at Westburg, she can’t just lighten up, she has to whiten up.
So what if she changes her name? So what if she changes the way she talks? So what if she’s seeing her neighborhood in a different way? But then light is shed on some hard truths: It isn’t that her father doesn’t want to come home—he can’t…and her whole family is in jeopardy. And when racial tensions at school reach a fever pitch, the walls that divide feel insurmountable.
But a wall isn’t always a barrier. It can be a foundation for something better. And Liliana must choose: Use this foundation as a platform to speak her truth, or risk crumbling under its weight.
Buy Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From By Jennifer De Leon on Amazon.
Lobizona by Romina Garber 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Wednesday Books (Macmillan)  Release date: Aug. 4 
Den of Geek says: Described as a Hogwarts-style fantasy world with werewolves, this fantasy doesn’t flinch from the real world effects of ICE and deportation. 
Publisher’s summary: Some people ARE illegal. 
Lobizonas do NOT exist.
Both of these statements are false.
Manuela Azul has been crammed into an existence that feels too small for her. As an undocumented immigrant who’s on the run from her father’s Argentine crime-family, Manu is confined to a small apartment and a small life in Miami, Florida. 
Until Manu’s protective bubble is shattered. 
Her surrogate grandmother is attacked, lifelong lies are exposed, and her mother is arrested by ICE. Without a home, without answers, and finally without shackles, Manu investigates the only clue she has about her past―a mysterious “Z” emblem―which leads her to a secret world buried within our own. A world connected to her dead father and his criminal past. A world straight out of Argentine folklore, where the seventh consecutive daughter is born a bruja and the seventh consecutive son is a lobizón, a werewolf. A world where her unusual eyes allow her to belong. 
As Manu uncovers her own story and traces her real heritage all the way back to a cursed city in Argentina, she learns it’s not just her U.S. residency that’s illegal. . . .it’s her entire existence.
Buy Lobizona by Jennifer De Leon on Amazon.
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Levine Querido Release date: Aug. 25 
Den of Geek says: Charming illustrations and a ghost story deeply tied to a family’s history promise a richly textured tale from this Lipan Apache author. 
Publisher’s summary: Imagine an America very similar to our own. It’s got homework, best friends, and pistachio ice cream.
There are some differences. This America been shaped dramatically by the magic, monsters, knowledge, and legends of its peoples, those Indigenous and those not. Some of these forces are charmingly everyday, like the ability to make an orb of light appear or travel across the world through rings of fungi. But other forces are less charming and should never see the light of day.
Elatsoe lives in this slightly stranger America. She can raise the ghosts of dead animals, a skill passed down through generations of her Lipan Apache family. Her beloved cousin has just been murdered, in a town that wants no prying eyes. But she is going to do more than pry. The picture-perfect facade of Willowbee masks gruesome secrets, and she will rely on her wits, skills, and friends to tear off the mask and protect her family.
Darcie Little Badger is an extraordinary debut talent in the world of speculative fiction. We have paired her with her artistic match, illustrator Rovina Cai. This is a book singular in feeling and beauty.
Buy Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger on Amazon.
The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska
Type: Novel Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire  Release date: Aug. 4
Den of Geek says: Described as atmospheric and salt-soaked, this F/F romance might be a good introduction to readers who want to switch from post-apocalyptic YA to dark fantasy. 
Publisher’s summary: A gripping, dark LGBT YA fantasy about two girls who must choose between saving themselves, each other, or their sinking island.
Every year on St. Walpurga’s Eve, Caldella’s Witch Queen lures a boy back to her palace. An innocent life to be sacrificed on the full moon to keep the island city from sinking. 
Lina Kirk is convinced her brother is going to be taken this year. To save him, she enlists the help of Thomas Lin, the boy she secretly loves, and the only person to ever escape from the palace. But they draw the queen’s attention, and Thomas is chosen as the sacrifice. 
Queen Eva watched her sister die to save the boy she loved. Now as queen, she won’t make the same mistake. She’s willing to sacrifice anyone if it means saving herself and her city.
When Lina offers herself to the queen in exchange for Thomas’s freedom, the two girls await the full moon together. But Lina is not at all what Eva expected, and the queen is nothing like Lina envisioned. Against their will, they find themselves falling for each other as water floods Caldella’s streets and the dark tide demands its sacrifice.
Buy The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska on Amazon.
Top New Young Adult Books In July 2020
Feathertide by Beth Cartwright 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Del Rey  Release date: July 30 
Den of Geek says: This has won a lot of praise for its prose. While some fairy tale adaptations can come off as empty, not actually adding anything to the context of the tradition they’re supposedly writing in, this one’s specificity seems like it might set it apart and add detail to the central metaphor about a young girl’s search for her family. 
Publisher’s summary: Born covered in the feathers of a bird, and kept hidden in a crumbling house full of secrets, Marea has always known she was different, but never known why. And so to find answers, she goes in search of the father she has never met.
The hunt leads her to the City of Murmurs, a place of mermaids and mystery, where jars of swirling mist are carried through the streets by the broken-hearted.
And Mara will never forget what she learns there.
Buy Feathertide by Beth Cartwright on Amazon.
Running by Natalia Sylvester 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Clarion Books Release date: July 14 
Den of Geek says: A political novel of a different type. This fantasy of being part of a presidential campaign seems like it has a lot to say about family and change. 
Publisher’s summary: In this authentic, humorous, and gorgeously written debut novel about privacy, waking up, and speaking up, Senator Anthony Ruiz is running for president. Throughout his successful political career he has always had his daughter’s vote, but a presidential campaign brings a whole new level of scrutiny to sheltered fifteen-year-old Mariana and the rest of her Cuban American family, from a 60 Minutes–style tour of their house to tabloids doctoring photos and inventing scandals. As tensions rise within the Ruiz family, Mari begins to learn about the details of her father’s political positions, and she realizes that her father is not the man she thought he was.
But how do you find your voice when everyone’s watching? When it means disagreeing with your father—publicly? What do you do when your dad stops being your hero? Will Mari get a chance to confront her father? If she does, will she have the courage to seize it? 
Buy Running by Natalia Sylvester on Amazon.
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Dutton  Release date: July 7 
Den of Geek says: YouTube sensation Hank Green’s science fiction debut, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, kicked off this series about alien robots. The sequel shows the aftermath, and continues to engage with the author’s internet in internet culture and science. 
Publisher’s summary: The Carls disappeared the same way they appeared, in an instant. While the robots were on Earth, they caused confusion and destruction with only their presence. Part of their maelstrom was the sudden viral fame and untimely death of April May: a young woman who stumbled into Carl’s path, giving them their name, becoming their advocate, and putting herself in the middle of an avalanche of conspiracy theories. 
Months later, April’s friends are trying to find their footing in a post-Carl world. Andy has picked up April’s mantle of fame, speaking at conferences and online; Maya, ravaged by grief, begins to follow a string of mysteries that she is convinced will lead her to April; and Miranda is contemplating defying her friends’ advice and pursuing a new scientific operation…one that might have repercussions beyond anyone’s comprehension. Just as it is starting to seem like the gang may never learn the real story behind the events that changed their lives forever, a series of clues arrive—mysterious books that seem to predict the future and control the actions of their readers—all of which seems to suggest that April could be very much alive. 
In the midst of the search for the truth and the search for April is a growing force, something that wants to capture our consciousness and even control our reality. A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor is the bold and brilliant follow-up to An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. It is a fast-paced adventure that is also a biting social commentary, asking hard, urgent questions about the way we live, our freedoms, our future, and how we handle the unknown.
Buy A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green on Amazon.
Top New YA Books June 2020 
A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow 
Type: Novel Publisher: Tor Teen Release date: June 2 
Den of Geek says: After reading The Deep, I’m on board with the idea of black mermaids meeting YA fantasy world-building. The friendship at the center of this novel sounds cute and sweet. 
Publisher’s summary: In a society determined to keep her under lock and key, Tavia must hide her siren powers. 
Meanwhile, Effie is fighting her own family struggles, pitted against literal demons from her past. Together, these best friends must navigate through the perils of high school’s junior year.
But everything changes in the aftermath of a siren murder trial that rocks the nation, and Tavia accidentally lets out her magical voice at the worst possible moment.
Soon, nothing in Portland, Oregon, seems safe. To save themselves from drowning, it’s only Tavia and Effie’s unbreakable sisterhood that proves to be the strongest magic of all.
Buy A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow on Amazon Read our interview with Bethany C. Morrow
Hood by Jenny Elder Moke 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Disney-Hyperion  Release date: June 9
Den of Geek says: An adventure in which a young girl joins Robin Hood’s adventures, this one reminds me of fanfic in the best way. A re-examination of legendary characters with the pacing of contemporary YA could be cinematic fun. 
Publisher’s summary: You have the blood of kings and rebels within you, love. Let it rise to meet the call.
Isabelle of Kirklees has only ever known a quiet life inside the sheltered walls of the convent, where she lives with her mother, Marien. But after she is arrested by royal soldiers for defending innocent villagers, Isabelle becomes the target of the Wolf, King John’s ruthless right hand. Desperate to keep her daughter safe, Marien helps Isabelle escape and sends her on a mission to find the one person who can help: Isabelle’s father, Robin Hood. 
As Isabelle races to stay out of the Wolf’s clutches and find the father she’s never known, she is thrust into a world of thieves and mercenaries, handsome young outlaws, new enemies with old grudges, and a king who wants her entire family dead. As she joins forces with Robin and his Merry Men in a final battle against the Wolf, will Isabelle find the strength to defy the crown and save the lives of everyone she holds dear?
In Hood, author Jenny Elder Moke reimagines the world of Robin Hood in lush, historical detail and imbues her story with more breathless action than has ever come out of Sherwood Forest before. This novel is a must-read for historical-fiction fans, adventure lovers, and reluctant readers alike!
Buy Hood by Jenny Elder Moke on Amazon
Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross 
Type: Novel Publisher: HarperTeen Release date: June 23
Den of Geek says: A sisterly bond provides the heart at the center of this story of magic and war. The Ancient Greece-inspired world and the promise of magic and battles look good, but the emphasis on characterization and familial love raise this one above the rest. 
Publisher’s summary: After eight years, Evadne will finally be reunited with her older sister, Halcyon, who has been serving in the queen’s army. But when Halcyon unexpectedly appears a day early, Eva knows something is wrong. Halcyon has charged with a heinous crime, and though her life is spared, she is sentenced to 15 years. 
Suspicious of the charges, brought forth by Halcyon’s army commander, as well as the details of the crime, Eva volunteers to take part of her sister’s sentence. If there’s a way to absolve Halcyon, she’ll find it. But as the sisters begin their sentences, they quickly learn that there are fates worse than death.
Buy Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross on Amazon 
Top New YA in May 2020 
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins 
Type: Novel  Publisher: Scholastic Press  Release date: May 19 
Den of Geek says: It’s arguable whether a new Hunger Games book from the point of view of the man who will become the despotic President Snow is really what readers wanted, but it’s here. Inevitably this one will spark a lot of conversation after the runaway success of the original series. 
Publisher’s summary: It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the tenth annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory as a mentor in the Games. The once-mighty house of Snow has fallen on hard times, its fate hanging on the slender chance that Coriolanus will be able to outcharm, outwit, and outmaneuver his fellow students to mentor the winning tribute.
The odds are against him. He’s been given the humiliating assignment of mentoring the female tribute from District 12, the lowest of the low. Their fates are now completely intertwined — every choice Coriolanus makes could lead to favor or failure, triumph or ruin. Inside the arena, it will be a fight to the death. Outside the arena, Coriolanus starts to feel for his doomed tribute . . . and must weigh his need to follow the rules against his desire to survive no matter what it takes.
Buy The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins.
House of Dragons by Jessica Cluess  
Type: Novel  Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers Release date: May 12 
Den of Geek says: This YA fantasy distinguishes itself primarily by a varied cast of five characters, making it a good introduction to epic fantasy plus the “fun group of friends” appeal of a superhero squad. Also, there are dragons and a frightening fantasy job interview, two of my favorite things. 
Publisher’s summary: When the Emperor dies, the five royal houses of Etrusia attend the Call, where one of their own will be selected to compete for the throne. It is always the oldest child, the one who has been preparing for years to compete in the Trial. But this year is different. This year these five outcasts will answer the call. . . .
THE LIAR: Emilia must hide her dark magic or be put to death.
THE SOLDIER: Lucian is a warrior who has sworn to never lift a sword again.
THE SERVANT: Vespir is a dragon trainer whose skills alone will keep her in the game.
THE THIEF: Ajax knows that nothing is free–he must take what he wants.
THE MURDERER: Hyperia was born to rule and will stop at nothing to take her throne.
Buy House of Dragons by Jessica Cluess.
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo 
Type: Novel 
Publisher: Quill Tree Books 
Release date: May 5 
Den of Geek says: This looks like it could be both a tearjerker and a sweet story of sisterly love. The tragic death of their father brings Camino and Yahaira Rios into each other’s lives in a new way. 
Publisher’s summary: Camino Rios lives for the summers when her father visits her in the Dominican Republic. But this time, on the day when his plane is supposed to land, Camino arrives at the airport to see crowds of crying people…
In New York City, Yahaira Rios is called to the principal’s office, where her mother is waiting to tell her that her father, her hero, has died in a plane crash.
Separated by distance—and Papi’s secrets—the two girls are forced to face a new reality in which their father is dead and their lives are forever altered.
And then, when it seems like they’ve lost everything of their father, they learn of each other. 
Buy Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo.
Top New YA in April 2020
Little Universes by Heather Demetrios
Type: Novel  Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.  Release date: April 7 
Den of Geek says: It’s not often that YA books focus on family, and the sisterly relationship at the heart of Little Universes looks well-crafted and heart-wrenching. When tragedy strikes, each sister will need to find a way to move on. 
Publisher’s summary: One wave: that’s all it takes for the rest of Mae and Hannah Winters’ lives to change.
When a tsunami strikes the island their parents are vacationing on in Malaysia, it soon becomes clear that their parents are never coming home. Forced to move to Boston from their sunny California home for the rest of their senior year, each girl struggles with secrets their parents’ death has brought to light and with their uncertainty about the future. Instead of getting closer, it feels like the wave has torn them apart.
Little Universes explores the powerful bond of sisters, the kinds of love that never die, and the journey we all must make through the baffling cruelty and unexpected beauty of human life in an incomprehensible universe.
Buy Little Universes by Heather Demetrios on Amazon.
What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter
Type: Novel  Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Release date: April 7 
Den of Geek says: YA romance, and digital age romance in particular, can easily come off as cheesy or derivative. But this ‘love triangle between two people’ looks like a twist on relationships and online identity, plus the coziness of a crush story. 
Publisher’s summary: There are a million things that Halle Levitt likes about her online best friend, Nash.
He’s an incredibly talented graphic novelist. He loves books almost as much as she does. And she never has to deal with the awkwardness of seeing him in real life. They can talk about anything…
Except who she really is.
Because online, Halle isn’t Halle—she’s Kels, the enigmatically cool creator of One True Pastry, a YA book blog that pairs epic custom cupcakes with covers and reviews. Kels has everything Halle doesn’t: friends, a growing platform, tons of confidence, and Nash.
That is, until Halle arrives to spend senior year in Gramps’s small town and finds herself face-to-face with real, human, not-behind-a-screen Nash. Nash, who is somehow everywhere she goes—in her classes, at the bakery, even at synagogue.
Nash who has no idea she’s actually Kels.
If Halle tells him who she is, it will ruin the non-awkward magic of their digital friendship. Not telling him though, means it can never be anything more. Because while she starts to fall for Nash as Halle…he’s in love with Kels. 
Buy What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter on Amazon.
Elysium Girls by Kate Pentecost 
Type: Novel Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Release date: April 14 
Den of Geek says: It’s an interesting time for historical fantasy, and this looks a bit like a YA cousin of Upright Women Wanted, with more robots and monsters. Check out the crunchy mechanical horses on that cover. 
Publisher’s summary: In this sweeping Dust Bowl-inspired fantasy, a ten-year game between Life and Death pits the walled Oklahoma city of Elysium-including a girl gang of witches and a demon who longs for humanity-against the supernatural in order to judge mankind.
When Sal is named Successor to Mother Morevna, a powerful witch and leader of Elysium, she jumps at the chance to prove herself to the town. Ever since she was a kid, Sal has been plagued by false visions of rain, and though people think she’s a liar, she knows she’s a leader. Even the arrival of enigmatic outsider Asa-a human-obsessed demon in disguise-doesn’t shake her confidence in her ability. Until a terrible mistake results in both Sal and Asa’s exile into the Desert of Dust and Steel.
Face-to-face with a brutal, unforgiving landscape, Sal and Asa join a gang of girls headed by another Elysium exile-and young witch herself-Olivia Rosales. In order to atone for their mistake, they create a cavalry of magic powered, scrap metal horses to save Elysium from the coming apocalypse. But Sal, Asa, and Olivia must do more than simply tip the scales in Elysium’s favor-only by reinventing the rules can they beat the Life and Death at their own game. 
Buy Elysium Girls by Kate Pentecost on Amazon.
Top New YA Books in March 2020 
The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu
Type: Novel Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers Release date: March 3, 2020 Den of Geek says: To put a twist on historical fantasy, author Marie Lu focuses just to the side of a world-changing life. Nannerl Mozart was a real person, and has appeared in fiction before with the aim of bringing some recognition to the famous musician’s talented but forgotten sister. The fairy tale element sounds like it will provide strong atmosphere in this musical novel. Publisher’s Summary: Born with a gift for music, Nannerl Mozart has just one wish–to be remembered forever. But even as she delights audiences with her masterful playing, she has little hope she’ll ever become the acclaimed composer she longs to be. She is a young woman in 18th century Europe, and that means composing is forbidden to her. She will perform only until she reaches a marriageable age–her tyrannical father has made that much clear.
And as Nannerl’s hope grows dimmer with each passing year, the talents of her beloved younger brother, Wolfgang, only seem to shine brighter. His brilliance begins to eclipse her own, until one day a mysterious stranger from a magical land appears with an irresistible offer. He has the power to make her wish come true–but his help may cost her everything.
In her first work of historical fiction, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu spins a lush, lyrically-told story of music, magic, and the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister.
Buy The Kingdom of Back on Amazon.
The Fire Never Goes Out by Noelle Stevenson
Type: Illustrated memoir  Publisher: HarperTeen Release date: March 3 Den of Geek says: Stevenson’s cute illustrations and enthusiastic storytelling have delighted me in her adaptation She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, so a look into her life and career sounds like an interesting look into the business of art, the animation industry, and living as a creative person. Publisher’s Summary: From Noelle Stevenson, the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of Nimona, comes a captivating, honest illustrated memoir that finds her turning an important corner in her creative journey—and inviting readers along for the ride.
In a collection of essays and personal mini-comics that span eight years of her young adult life, author-illustrator Noelle Stevenson charts the highs and lows of being a creative human in the world. Whether it’s hearing the wrong name called at her art school graduation ceremony or becoming a National Book Award finalist for her debut graphic novel, Nimona, Noelle captures the little and big moments that make up a real life, with a wit, wisdom, and vulnerability that are all her own.
Buy The Fire Never Goes Out on Amazon.
A Phoenix First Must Burn, edited by Patrice Caldwell
Type: Anthology Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers Release Date: March 10
Den of Geek says: A grab-bag of some of the best writers of color in the YA space today,this anthology faces challenges head-on to tell stories of Black women and gender-non-conforming people. It looks like a good mix of realistic and fantastical stories, set past, future, and present.
Publisher’s summary: Evoking Beyoncé’s Lemonade for a teen audience, these authors who are truly Octavia Butler’s heirs, have woven worlds to create a stunning narrative that centers Black women and gender nonconforming individuals. A Phoenix First Must Burn will take you on a journey from folktales retold to futuristic societies and everything in between. Filled with stories of love and betrayal, strength and resistance, this collection contains an array of complex and true-to-life characters in which you cannot help but see yourself reflected. Witches and scientists, sisters and lovers, priestesses and rebels: the heroines of A Phoenix First Must Burn shine brightly. You will never forget them.
Buy A Phoenix First Must Burn on Amazon.
Top New YA Books in March 2020 
Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
Type: Novel (Second in series) Publisher: Balzer + Bray Release date: 2/4/20
Den of Geek says: Justina Ireland’s Dread Nation was a buzzy historical zombie novel with a keen awareness of racial dynamics in Civil War-era America. The sequel looks to be just as intense as the first. 
Publisher’s summary: The sequel to the New York Times bestselling epic Dread Nation is an unforgettable journey of revenge and salvation across a divided America.
After the fall of Summerland, Jane McKeene hoped her life would get simpler: Get out of town, stay alive, and head west to California to find her mother.
But nothing is easy when you’re a girl trained in putting down the restless dead, and a devastating loss on the road to a protected village called Nicodemus has Jane questioning everything she thought she knew about surviving in 1880s America.
What’s more, this safe haven is not what it appears—as Jane discovers when she sees familiar faces from Summerland amid this new society. Caught between mysteries and lies, the undead, and her own inner demons, Jane soon finds herself on a dark path of blood and violence that threatens to consume her.
But she won’t be in it alone.
Katherine Deveraux never expected to be allied with Jane McKeene. But after the hell she has endured, she knows friends are hard to come by—and that Jane needs her too, whether Jane wants to admit it or not.
Watching Jane’s back, however, is more than she bargained for, and when they both reach a breaking point, it’s up to Katherine to keep hope alive—even as she begins to fear that there is no happily-ever-after for girls like her.
Buy Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland on Amazon.
Cast Away: Poems for Our Time by Naomi Shihab Nye 
Type: Poetry Publisher: Greenwillow Books Release date: 2/11/2020
Den of Geek says: This unique book of poetry seems perfectly suited to today’s environmental and humanitarian issues. What happens to the things we throw away? What happens to the people who aren’t wanted? The metaphor is rich.
Publisher’s summary: Acclaimed poet and Young People’s Poet Laureate Naomi Shihab Nye shines a spotlight on the things we cast away, from plastic water bottles to those less fortunate, in this collection of more than eighty original and never-before-published poems. A deeply moving, sometimes funny, and always provocative poetry collection for all ages.
“Nye at her engaging, insightful best.”―Kirkus (starred review)
“How much have you thrown away in your lifetime already? Do you ever think about it? Where does this plethora of leavings come from? How long does it take you, even one little you, to fill the can by your desk?”―Naomi Shihab Nye
National Book Award Finalist, Young People’s Poet Laureate, and devoted trash-picker-upper Naomi Shihab Nye explores these questions and more in this original collection of poetry that features more than eighty new poems. “I couldn’t save the world, but I could pick up trash,” she says in her introduction to this stunning volume.
With poems about food wrappers, lost mittens, plastic straws, refugee children, trashy talk, the environment, connection, community, responsibility to the planet, politics, immigration, time, junk mail, trash collectors, garbage trucks, all that we carry and all that we discard, this is a rich, engaging, moving, and sometimes humorous collection for readers ages twelve to adult.
Buy Cast Away: Poems for Our Time on Amazon.
Rebelwing by Andrea Tang 
Type: Novel Publisher: Razorbill Release date: 2/25/20
Den of Geek says: Robot dragons? What more to say? The fantastical war story setting and high-energy cast of characters looks like it’ll make this one a good read for fans of Pacific Rim.
Publisher’s summary: Things just got weird for Prudence Wu. 
One minute, she’s cashing in on a routine smuggling deal. The next, she’s escaping enforcers on the wings of what very much appears to be a sentient cybernetic dragon. 
Pru is used to life throwing her some unpleasant surprises–she goes to prep school, after all, and selling banned media across the border in a country with a ruthless corporate government obviously has its risks. But a cybernetic dragon? That’s new. 
She tries to forget about the fact that the only reason she’s not in jail is because some sort of robot saved her, and that she’s going to have to get a new side job now that enforcers are on to her. So she’s not exactly thrilled when Rebelwing shows up again. 
Even worse, it’s become increasingly clear that the rogue machine has imprinted on her permanently, which means she’d better figure out this whole piloting-a-dragon thing–fast. Because Rebelwing just happens to be the ridiculously expensive weapon her government needs in a brewing war with its neighbor, and Pru’s the only one who can fly it. 
Set in a wonderfully inventive near-future Washington, D.C., this hilarious, defiant debut sparkles with wit and wisdom, deftly exploring media consumption, personal freedoms, and the weight of one life as Pru, rather reluctantly, takes to the skies.
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clarabosswald · 7 years
the last 24 hours or so have been strange
i’ve at long last reached the point in my life in which my national service is over (i’d talk more about it but it involves so much shit i don’t even know how to translate that i’m not gonna begin to try to) and since trying to resume my service was The Life Goal for the last few months and now it’s gone my mind suddenly got weirdly clear and i started thinking about a lot of shit and going to mental places i haven’t gone to in ages so like for instance a few days ago i stumbled upon a livejournal dedicated to being against the inheritance cycle book series and everything around it and like when i was a kid/teen i used to be fiercely obsessive about the first couple of books but when the rest of the series came out my interest for it just died and for a long time i didn’t quite understand why that happened and i just didn’t even think about the books for like... years then i accidentally found that livejournal and browsed through it out of curiosity then i realized that the writing just got really bad and that’s why i stopped being interested in it i just didn’t understand that that’s what i felt bc i naturally tend to look at things optimistically and it’s funny bc i was very much aware of critiques of the books back when they were my things but i was in different mental states back then and now (also by now i’ve also seen star wars and read lotr so i understand the plagiarism aspect much better) so this whole pointless story leads to me spending the last couple of hours thinking intensely about writing and how when i was a kid i was an avid writer and how i used to plan whole novels in my head and how what i did like about the inheritance cycle was the concept of the dragon+rider bond (the basics of it, not really how it was written eventually in the books) and how i’d really love to write about a bond like that (which is also similar to the person-daemon bond in hdm) but it just feels very... uninspired or unoriginal?  i feel like i do have original things to say about it but i feel like no one would really find it interesting or original which is a huge mental obstacle to me and also why i don’t actually write - the aspects of what’s considered successful or interesting and how people view your creations, it’s terrifying to me (much more in writing than in drawing, which i’m more comfortable with) it also brings me back to the whole “well now that national service is behind you what are you gonna do with your life” shit that is getting thrown at me the last few days (mainly from my dad) and like... when i was in high school i reached the conclusion that i’m gonna be a teacher and studying education, that was the one thing that i was passionate about enough and that i could probably make a living out of but then i talked about it with my boss at the animal shelter and she said “i don’t think you’re capable of keeping that sort of timetable, having to come to school every morning, you’re terrible at that. you should freelance.” and damn does she know VERY well EXACTLY how bad i am with mornings and keeping times. and i realized that she was 100000% correct. so it brought me back to what i’m really passionate about in life. and basically all i can think of is 1. art and 2. animals. so i could go study art? which i was kind of seriously considering to do (it was like, study art for fun, then go study education as a career). and i even looked up how much tuition costs and requirements and everything. but when i shared it with my mom she repeated something i knew very well but tried not to think about - you don’t make money with art. not really. you can try. some people do. but it’s hard and you can very easily just fail.  which kind of brings me back to my fear of my creations just not being interesting or original enough to anyone. so there’s animals - i could study training. for both dogs and cats. i’ve had a year and a half of experience in this world so far, i don’t intend to quit it anyway, i’m passionate about it. i could make it into a job. it’s certainly very freelance-y. there are a lot of dog trainers, but not many cat experts. obviously my techniques would be exclusively force free. i think i could absolutely make it work, social anxiety and all - it’s much easier for me when there are animals involved. i could even study animal behavior at uni as bonus. having that kind of credentials would make advertising myself even easier. honestly what’s mainly stopping me from proudly taking this route in life is that i feel like my parents that this kind of job is stupid and not a serious career and that i can’t live off it. and right now it’s making me hesitate. they had a similar attitude back when it seemed like i was gonna drop high school. then i finished high school. but this seems bigger. it’s my life, my job, my first job. so naturally i’m anxious as fuck. i can also mention yet again that i have this stupid passion for acting and this nagging need in the back of my head to just try it out. it’s not a case of a childhood dream of being famous. it’s me in my teens getting seriously exposed to tv shows for the first time in my life and suddenly realizing the fascinating subtleties in acting. how it’s a different kind of storytelling. mainly the part that involves portraying subtle emotions is what really fascinates and draws me. and i used to be really good at reading out loud during school, not just saying words but telling a story and conveying emotions. i can’t help but feeling super drawn to it. but it’s acting. it’s The Job that 0.1 percent of the population can even hope to succeed in. especially in a tiny country like this. especially when it’s me, a 21 year old (too old to start, maybe? it’s always about people doing this since they were kids), who can’t sing, with ever-nagging social anxiety, and above all - fat, ugly, repulsed makeup and jewelry - the antichrist of the glam world of acting. so yeah. i’ll keep dreaming about giving it a chance. and it won’t happen. also i guess i’m drawn to translating as well but that’s a world i know almost nothing about and for some reason doesn’t seem to me like a life-sustaining kind of job. like at all. which is why i never bothered even looking into it. although at this point maybe i should honestly. anyway i guess the point of this whole train of thought vent thing is that i’m at a crossroads in my life which is a point i haven’t been in in a very long time and just like last time i feel utterly fucking terrified and under a lot of fucking pressure. and i just needed to spill it out. it didn’t help much in terms of making my thoughts any clearer or anything. but there’s small relief in knowing it’s not exclusively just inside my head anymore. and yeah feeling lost is Fun
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ALRIGHTY it’s review time! I’ve finally finished RTTE Season 4 and MAN was I pleased. A vast improvement from the last two, much closer to the first season in quality and good enough that I think it could edge towards canon. From what I’ve seen from the fandom, there’s still a lot of controversy-- some people loved it and some still hated it. I have SO MUCH I could say about it, especially since a lot of the plot lines are continued from season 3 (which I did not finish, due to extreme annoyance and disappointment), but this will already be a long post with me condensing my thoughts. I tried narrowing it down to some of my favorite parts and some of my least favorite parts, but all in all, it was a fantastic season. If this is what the writing team can do, consider my expectations raised. So without further ado:
Cat’s Top 5 Best and Worst of RTTE S4
Best of the best
5. While the overall quality of the season was amped up, there were a few small shining stars that definitely excited me. The first is Ruffnut... who finally seems to be rounding out as a character! We get a lot of comedy relief from the twins and chicken, and this season was no different. Macey’s viking funeral cracked me up. But what I loved most was the way the twins seemed to grow. Especially Ruffnut. We get to see her trusting her intuition in Gruff Around the Edges, recognizing that her brother had been misplaced before anyone else. We get to learn from her interaction with Gruffnut that she values humility and honesty. And then later, in Twintuition, it’s Ruffnut that urges her twin to prioritize the dragon riders over Macey. It’s Ruffnut that humorously and bravely stands up to Viggo in his interrogation. They’re small steps for the twins, especially Ruff, but I think this season has been more characterization than any season so far.
4. My next favorite part was a little bit of a selfish, fangirlish kind of pleasure. We got to see Hiccup in tight black leather. I almost didn’t include this in my faves because it’s such a ridiculous little thing, but it made my heart do a pitter patter. Why? Because we’ve never seen Hiccup in black leather, but how much have we as a fandom loved to read and write about Hiccup in black leather? I can think of a few fics off the top of my head, including my own Sacrifice AU. There’s just something so dark and mature about putting Hiccup in black-- it takes him from our scrawny noodle cinnamon roll to a mysterious, vigilante sinnamon roll. It allows the imagination to play with ideas that we as a fandom (and, selfishly, me as a writer) never expected to get to see on screen. It’s not something I thought we’d get from our Y-7 show. And it’s not just the leather, it’s his demeanor sometimes. The tension and angst, the occasional ruthlessness, the table flipping, my goodness! Our baby Hiccup is growing from a noodley family-friendly dork to an actual young man with emotions that aren’t watered down by the PG rating. I didn’t think all of his outbursts were 100% in character, but at least for the most part, we’re getting some characterization that fits the tone of the first and second movies.
3. The last three of my five faves were-- I’m sure expectedly-- related to the Hiccstrid. Gods alive, it’s about time, right? For a couple of years now we’ve been impatiently waiting for the romantic development. Not just as squealing shippers who love a good romance, but as fans who respect the timeline of the canon movies. After season three, I’d started to give up hope, but S4 brought it back for me. I could do a whole post alone about the Hiccstrid, but for now I’ll mention my #3. I loved the riders’ reactions to the couple. Was it realistic that Fishlegs caught them kissing and thought-- strategy meeting? No. Was it goofy that the twins thought either Astrid and Hiccup were dying? Of course. And was Snotlout’s gambling theory totally out there? By Thor, yes. But I loved every minute of it. I loved the silliness, the obliviousness. My boyfriend and I died laughing at the twelve-step program line, and at every comment Tuffnut made about Hiccup’s frailness. It was light, it was fun, and I think it was super appropriate for the series. In my headcanon, I’ll probably keep  a more mature take on it, but I think using a comedic approach was the best way for the writers to handle it.
4. I loved Blindsided. Which is where, I think, most of the fandom divides. You either adored it or you hated it. I have just one thing I didn’t like about it-- I thought it wrapped up too quickly. Other than that, I thought it was one of the strongest episodes for Astrid’s characterization in the whole series. Like Ruffnut, she kind of gets shafted so far as real plot focus goes. She’s too often shoved in the boiling cauldron in a volcano with Throk, too often the damsel in distress. Always falling off of something, always nearly getting hit by something. This episode was the first time that I didn’t roll my eyes and say, “Here we go again.” Because it didn’t just toss in a knight in shining armor moment for Hiccup. We saw Astrid lose her edge, her confidence, and then spit her self-consciousness in the face. My absolute favorite part of the season, even more than the kisses, was when Astrid jumps into combat with the Triple Strike and Hiccup sighs, “Of course she’s not going to hide. What was I thinking? She’s Astrid.”
The whole episode was just unapologetically her. It had her stubbornness, her wittiness, her relationship with Stormfly. We saw her be vulnerable without being a damsel, saw her take on danger despite a disadvantage. And we got a situation where Hiccup and Astrid were forced into close but casual physical proximity. Not just the “oops I fell on top of you” trope, but Hiccup guiding Astrid, her reaching for him. Why is that important? Because for the RTTE hiccstrid that they wrote, the two are very teenagery. Can’t be close or touching, because omg we’re just friends. But this kind of put them into a situation where I think they could subconsciously recognize how natural and comforting each other’s touch is. We see hand-holding, close contact, Hiccup sitting by her bedside (”until she falls asleep”, wink wink), and Astrid holding tight to him during flight. The biggest complaint I’ve heard is that the hiccstrid was rushed, but I think this episode is the biggest evidence that it isn’t (comparatively speaking). We get a few nods of hiccstrid in the first few episodes, but once Blindsided happens, it’s all bets are off. They realize how easy it is, how heart-pounding and real their relationship has become. That there will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. It’s not just a childhood flirtation anymore, it’s a bond that’s been long forming. And I think her blindness in this episode did a great job of showing her off as a warrior, but it also did a lot to connect the bridge from friends to more-than.
5. The one thing I did have an issue with, hiccstrid wise, was all the random setup the writers did in the last couple of episodes. What they were trying to do was position everything for Viggo to make Hiccup choose between Astrid and his passion for the dragons. But we had Hiccup and Astrid say, “Sorry I got so worked up” and “I just can’t focus when you’re in trouble”, but we never actually saw them getting worked up or losing focus because of the other being in danger. I thought that was weird and a little poorly executed. BUT while I didn’t like how it was set up, and while I thought that it was cheesy that once again Astrid was captured by the villain, I loved the way Viggo mentioned the future. I think his exact words were, “Are you really going to sacrifice your future-- all the wonderful years you have ahead of you-- for that?”
I mean, holy crap! Do you get any better foreshadowing from a group of writers? The villain calls Astrid his future, and Hiccup doesn’t blink twice. He doesn’t amend the statement, or go off on a tangent about protecting the dragons. That said, how did Viggo know what was going on with Hiccup and Astrid when the gang hardly did? But whatever, I thought it was a very poignant way of confirming that this is the same couple from the sequel that are clearly headed for marriage and a forever kind of love. They didn’t pansy dance around it or treat it like the new relationship that it-- at a glance-- is. They knew that hiccstrid saw each other as end game and they treated it as such.
And the worst...
1. Season four wasn’t without its flaws. There were a couple of spots where the writing was a little rushed, a couple where it was a little lazy. But as opposed to the past couple of seasons, which had one or two good episodes in a sea of awful, this season just had a few episodes that fell flat for me. One of those was Notlout. Question: How many times have we seen Spitelout be a jerk to his son? A thousand. How many times have we seen Snotlout react by being bullheaded and reckless? A thousand. I felt like Notlout was just this season’s reiteration of the same typical Snotlout-centric episode that they do almost every go around. Spitelout says something nigh treasonous, Snoutlout gets insecure, the gang and their missions are thrown into shambles because of his need to lead, and in the end he realizes that the team does value him after all. We get it. It wasn’t a bad episode or anything, but it’s so repetitive and unnecessary at this point. Would have much rather seen more of the twins or Berk.
2. Episode two that I really disliked-- The Longest Day. I thought it was silly. Apparently this week or whatever of sunlight is not unusual for Berk, so why was everyone so rattled and unsure of how to behave? Why did everyone just decide to stay up for 24, 48, 96 hours instead of boarding up windows and sleeping? That’s what people who actually live so close to the north pole do. And why on Thor’s flat earth would Hiccup send the riders home to “do something easy” and wash their dragons instead of getting some sleep in the first place? If you’re going to take a cultural event like the sunny and dark seasons of the north as inspiration, actually let your fictional nation utilize realistic means of coping. It was ridiculous and completely blown out of proportion. Frankly just bad. Sleeplessness causes silliness and moodiness and clumsiness, yes, but the extremes they took it to was really a mockery of the characters, in my opinion. It wasn’t funny, it was badly written. Did not enjoy it at all.
3. That was actually not my least favorite episode, though. The one that had me scowling at the screen and rolling my eyes and sighing with exasperation was Out of the Frying Pan. Could there be anything worse than dumbed down plot and terrible resolution? I’ll just make a list of things that were absurd. Hiccup and Fishlegs being stunned that they don’t think exactly the same. An uneccessarily difficult goal-line of a mysterious hatching ground in the middle of a volcano. The Eruptodon not being able to fly the egg to the mysterious hatching ground even though it’s been able to do so for a millennia of generations. HIccup, dragon master, thinking a NIght Fury was better suited for a lava-filled volcano. The fact that once he tried and failed, their first thought wasn’t immediately oh let’s try Fishlegs’ way. The necessity of Hiccup going with Legs and Mala into the volcano. The impatience of Throk and Astrid, which led to the idiotic idea of swinging a GIANT METAL CAULDRON over an active volcano with-- what-- a rope? Mala being so freaking one track minded, instead of humanizing her with some doubt or fear. The giant metal bowl tarzanning across the volcano. The damsel in distress moment where Astrid is fainting from the heat. Have I mentioned the giant cauldron in the lava??? LITERALLY nothing special about the lava in the hatching chamber. They could have chucked the damn egg into the lava pit and it would have been just fine. So many plot holes, so much lazy writing, such poor characterization. I was incredibly worried that the season had just taken a page out of season 3′s book. The only redeeming moment of the episode was where the mama Eruptodon was magically revived by some dank herbs from Throk.
4. The only real failure I found in the over-arcing plot lines (not the individual plot lines of each episode) was just how quickly the whole Viggo and Ryker thing was wrapped up. For such an adversary, they were disposed of a little casually. Ryker I guess was eaten by the whirlpool of lunch. Even though he and his crew have been shipwrecked a dozen times over the series and always seem to magically make it out alive. And then Viggo is expected to be this big mental combatant, but suddenly he’s chucked into a weird basement hole (instead of killed by his supposedly brutal brother?) and we have this back and forth of will he betray us? maybe not? oh yeah, he’s definitely backstabbing us? Nevermind haha he’s chucking a knife into the ocean. If we hadn’t had such a tease with whether or not Viggo was on the dragon riders’ side, it would have had much more of an impact when he actually did take Astrid hostage and demand the dragon eye. They set up the betrayal between the brothers well, with various scathing comments from Viggo in the approaching episodes, but the whole thing was a little confusing and rushed. In the end, Viggo falls into the volcano (at least he didn’t jump into a cast iron fishbowl), and we’re led to assume that he’s doneso. Maybe he lived? Maybe not? I think they were trying to be poetic with him jumping after the dragon eye, but it just came off a little poorly executed.
5. And that brings me to my last point. I needed more episodes! This season took me back to the first. It was exciting and fun, but there was also real emotion from the characters and real peeks into how they operate. We got the group using teamwork, Hiccup becoming a leader, the politics and dangers of dragon poaching, and a few hilarious moments in between. Like I said, there are a few weak points to the season, but it was a much stronger and much more satisfying set of episodes. We got to see a lot more realness from the teens, and finally finally some Hiccstrid that could be considered canon (if you squint at their ages). Even the Dagur and Heather side story didn’t annoy me (Why? Because they weren’t flat mary sues with traumatic backstories blah blah blah), which says a lot. Over all, this season did what it was supposed to-- it amused me, got me invested, and made me hungry for more. It made me impatient for season five, which is such a different emotion than what I was feeling at the end of season three. Now I’m sucked back in and all I can do is wait with bated breath.
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