#but I’m starting to hate how much it impacts my ability to function afterwards
it’s not fair that so much of my memory and cognitive function is tied up in something I cannot control or reasonably prevent
#blue chatter#EMDR therapy is genuinely helpful#but I’m starting to hate how much it impacts my ability to function afterwards#I don’t wanna feel like my consciousness is detaching from reality like a moist sticky note after every session#I don’t want to have gaps in my memory for hours afterward#it’s not fair that other people inflicted all these traumatic experiences onto me#and now I have to process them and suffer the consequences#I told my therapist today that I’m angry at myself for not being able to spin enough plates#that if I had just been more attentive and had more energy and worked on my homework like I should have#I wouldn’t have suffered nearly as much from the deep distrust and constant surveillance academically#and if I hadn’t been so easy to manipulate and groom#my parents wouldn’t have had a good reason to violate my privacy and read all my text messages and browser history#I’m angry that I never earned my right to privacy#and I’m angry at my brain now (even though I know it’s unfair)#why can’t I just process this like a normal person#why do I have to have all these new scary symptoms I’m not used to#why can’t I just get therapy and face my traumas and anxieties and get over it quickly#and I know that’s unfair. and I’d never say that to somebody else.#I just want this all to be over with. I want a life where I don’t just stop functioning once a week.#I hate having to write off the rest of the day after a session because nothing gets done#and my brain turns into goo and I feel floaty and spacey and strangely unable to move or think#it’s not usually like I can’t respond at all. or pay attention. it just takes so much effort. and my body and brain feel strangely heavy#and clumsy. like I’m walking in a mech suit or something.#I want my brain back.#but I know that getting it back means doing this work now#which sucks and I don’t like it. esp since I don’t know for sure that this will ever go away.#it’s scary to lose memories of important events and lose chunks of time and feel like I can’t trust my own version of events#how can I know if I’m being gaslit if I cant trust my memory already? it terrifies me that I’m so vulnerable#anyway. rant over. sorry y’all.
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thirty-five-owls · 3 years
Does this make sense or does it sound stupid
I see a lot of fans talk about Matt Murdock as a lawyer, a vigilante, a devout Catholic, but I think another really interesting angle is Matt Murdock as a sociologist and I can't believe I haven't been able to find anything on it.
I don't even know where to begin with this conversation because first of all I haven't read all the DD comics and second I'm not a sociologist and I have barely stepped into the doors of sociology. So I feel like I don't understand what I'm talking about. But if anyone has been exposed to the fundamental philosophy and theories behind sociology, which is an umbrella term that encompasses criminology, law, and justice, then I think suddenly you can empathize a lot with Daredevil's worldview.
It's not just about the acts of upholding justice in a court of law as an law practitioner, which certainly has its own charm and appeal, and I'm sure enthusiasts have talked and dissected this aspect of DD in depth, but the precursor to learning about the justice system is learning theories of sociology.
It's like the first time you realize you're beginning to understand the way this world has been functioning around you, how the structures were built by people long ago, and how the logic behind the structure came into being, and along with that, the flaws of its construction and how these flaws are now impacting, systematically and institutionally, every individual life at the same time.
In my opinion, no other subject you learn will quite achieve the same effect as sociology. It talks about such a large, omnipotent scale that is so deeply flawed in so many ways, these titans of social machinery sludging gargantuan bodies across the land that is filled with ordinary struggling people, and you learn about the policy makers' biases, limitations of their time, structures that are implemented during a period filled with ignorance and hate and people doing their best, and now the society is up and running and it's too late to revamp it without completely wiping the board clean and starting over and now we have such a huge fucking mess on our hands.
What do you do with this information? What do you do when you start to learn about the systemic injustices that created criminals? And what about the lives that the criminals destroyed? Who are we going to blame? The fact that it didn't just happen to this one individual, but it is happening currently to millions of ordinary people, people from our past, in our present, and stretching into the future, these systemic failures and institutional biases that are so massive in scale that you feel powerless and helpless against them?
And then you suddenly understand why he had to become a vigilante, he does it because he's a sociologist and he sees the bigger picture behind every individual criminal. They need to be held responsible for their crimes, but the society has failed them. This must be a thought that crosses every sociologists' mind: if I could help them I would. It's about upholding the accountability of someone who broke the law and hurt another living being while at the same time understanding that their lives were manipulated to fail by a deeply flawed societal structure, and the key is to balance the understanding of the causation and the delivery of justice. And as someone who studies the society by trade, his faith lies with the system, sociologists have to believe (but maybe I'm wrong) that the fundamental structure of the system works, it will work if we fix the human factors that introduced flaws into it.
It's like the way good scientists and medical doctors approach the world, by doing as much help as they can while minimizing as much damage as possible; sociologists are scientists too. DD simply had to become a vigilante, because he had the ability to do so, he had faith in the system and he understood profoundly its structural flaws. He witnesses the crimes as they happen, every night he listens to the city in pain, to a sociologist it elicits more than just anger or empathy after witnessing a random act of injustice, it's a deep sadness and tiredness that you get after learning about the root cause of suffering, after understanding exactly why things are the way they are, which is a mess, and now you know just exactly how impossible it would be to undertake the task of social change.
So then, he hears an individual in crisis outside his window, it would almost be unethical if he didn't act on it. (And then the guilt and the repentance that came afterwards are a result of his devout Catholicism which is like a whole different thing) But I really think every good sociologist would become the Daredevil if they had the ability to do so. Because if you were made to understand how different factions and levels of our society are fitted together to systematically create crimes, then you would understand exactly why it's so crucial for the Daredevil to give people second chances. It would almost be unethical if he didn't do so.
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I put so much investment into Roxie and Dadlock lately (I’m sorry) and it's all I ever think about them bc who doesn't love found family tropes. For TFTN, I took in key elements of characters, backstory and lores from IDW and incorporated the ideas into my own for TFTN.
I’ve been listening to Lasting Impression by Silent Descent when writing up Dadlock’s life (which probably fitting).
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Trigger warnings for mentions of discrimination, drug use, implied dubcon, medic, shadowplay / mnemosurgery(?), child abuse, depression, implied suicide, ptsd trauma(?). 
I’ll put all of this under readmore
I've been thinking about how much similarities between Roxie and Drift in having to hide certain things about themselves from the society--with Roxie being deaf who has to constantly cover her hearing aids with her long hair, and Drift was a forged triple changer. 
Triple changers cybertronians bear the brunt of discriminations for being so different and the Functionalist Council saw them as a threat to Cybertron's future and the caste systems. Techno-organics also shared the similar reaction for being much different from others and were turned away by Functionalist medics.
It was pretty telling what Drift had gone through in his life… Before Roxie was constructed with his spark, before the Greatsword connected to his spark while unaware of the intentional true purpose in store for him and Roxie later on, and before Dai Atlas took him in to the Samurai clan. 
He did not start off as a good life living on the streets and homeless on Rodion. He was an independent, mostly kept to himself, barely opening up to anyone. He endured survival instincts living on the streets, and learnt self-defence battle protocols to defend himself when necessarily. 
Obtaining Energon for refuel wasn’t easy. He went through a dark place of sleeping rough, hooked on circuit boosters to spare the pain and selling himself for Energon through sexual activities. It wasn’t his choice nor how many times had he lost count when he came close to almost-deactivation from certain outcomes.
He never forgot the time he visited the medibay clinic to be patched up and to feel safe. That was the first time he saw Ratchet.
It was not the vivid life Drift wanted to remember for discussion. He spared the dark details of his early life and post-Shadowplay-to-Autobot’s assassin era from Roxie, because it’s not something he wanted to subject her to that exposure, even for one so young and carefree who was not exposed to the Functionalist era. He only shared his life after Dai Atlas approached and took him in, which changed his life completely, to his life amongst the Samurai clans. Dai Atlas was the closest thing he would call to a Sire. He became familiar with the likes of Cyclonus and Axe.
Axe and Cyclonus became his best friends who later became his Amica Endurae. Axe does not understand the life Drift went through--he had experienced living rough--but he was the only person he could trust enough to vent to. Cyclonus, on the other hand, understood what he went through and offered her shoulder for him to vent.
Crystal City was the safest place it had been in so long for Drift, not counting the fact a particular medical clinic had been relatively safe away from the backend alleys. Everything was good afterwards, he became a trained swordmech. It takes some adjustment for him to get used to sleeping in an actual berth provided for his own amongst other things--including Energon for refuel and to live. He did meet Ratchet, despite them having met long before when Drift lived on the rough streets.
Drift received upgrades to his frame, putting the past behind him to start anew under Dai Atlas’ mentorship, and touching the Greatsword had given him a second chance to move on from his past (obvious to the fact that the Greatsword had chosen him for a reason, or what fate had in store for him).
Becoming a Samurai was the best life-changer for him.
The Functionalists Council had arranged for Drift to be taken and captured (all the while, Pharma had secretly played a part in it) and was taken straight to the Institute where he was subjected to Shadowplay against his will.
Many years later, he eventually discovered Roxie’s existence… and somehow learnt she is his Kindred. And that instinct promptly activated his paternal Sire Coding within both his and Deadlock alter-ego’s programming. 
Life for Drift was royalty fucked up after Shadowplay had changed him into a deadly, fearless assassin with Emperor Nemesis as his handler (this was revealed in Prologue Part One). He was not known as Drift, he became Deadlock--likely a case of an alter-ego formed as the result from his traumas. Before all that discovery, he met Windblade and Perceptor who became two important figures in his life and opened up his spark. As a reminisce of his early days forcing to hide the fact he’s a triple changer, Windblade had to hide her cityspeaker ability whereas Perceptor had to hide his outlier ability and refrained himself from reading others’ thoughts. They hid this from the Functionalists and found themselves form a connetion with Drift after he saved them from unforseen situations. Drift knows what it’s like to hide and pretend, and sworn to sercery to keep both Windblade and Perceptor safe. He fell in love with Windblade and Perceptor--with an emotional deep connection with the young cityspeaker and scientist--but he never got to tell them both after they got separated apart from each others.
Roxie was constructed cold with her spark being a donor from Drift’s, thus forming a strong bond between the two--such bond between a Sire and a Kindred are considered rare in some cases. This is known as Cognatio Endurae.
Though, Roxie… didn’t have a good start after being subconsciously locked away in a stasis pod by the Emperor’s doings. The sad thing is? Drift does not know whether she was physically abused constantly through the bond whenever he was resistant against being controlled, or forced to obey commands, or goes against authority orders--and the thought alone had really broken him.
He tried to save her the first time but was caught out and forced to watch in horror as The Emperor abused Roxie in front of his optics--which played into the triggers whenever he saw Roxie was harmed and he shifted into his Deadlock persona way later on. Yes, Drift and Deadlock alter ego both genuinely care for Roxie. 
Techno-organics were not well-known to Cybertronians until the 22nd or 23rd Century, but one with an organic human DNA is considered rare. Now for Roxie, being a techno-organic and all… it wasn't easy to bring her up. Drift is new to parenting and can be a worrywart over her. His past actually helped him to adapt and care for her--he eventually grows into a better person than he used to be. 
Though, what Drift never prepared for… was Roxie diagnosed with severe hearing loss, aka Deaf / Hearing Impaired, in both audial receptors. He went as far to start his research and how to help her. He is patient and relied on the bond to communicate with her, he taught her to lipread--because he had little knowledge of sign languages. Once they get their servos on functioning Hearing Aids for her, she can hear their voices. It wasn't the best or helpful to her, Drift was relieved she was responsive to his voice like a sense of familiarity to her.
Due to the immense strong bond and prioritising Roxie first before himself, Drift turned off his pain sensors to take in the burdens and sensed her emotions and pains.
But her upbringing had its moments. Roxie hated hearing tests. It made her extremely stressed over the noise levels and the lowest ringing noises were the worst of all. She was a victim to disability discrimination by society, which she was completely shunned out and struggled to make any friends. It did hurt her and her hearing wasn't perfect that the kids relentlessly teased her for her difficulties--the aftermath forced her to cover ears and hearing aids with her long hair to hide her disability. 
She was dejected and left out, unsure whether to question where she would fit in in this universe. Drift sensed this coming through the bond and tried his best to comfort her as a father wanting to understand her. Roxie’s struggles with deafness had impacted on her mental health and she went through a dark place succumbing to negative voices and far too anxious to socialise with anyone.
She would cry herself to sleep with a wish how badly she wanted to hear, and bottled all of her emotions and issues to herself. She found it completely hard to talk or open up about her feelings--even to Drift and Axe. Such intrusive thoughts prone her despair into an emotional crying mess leading to Drift exposed his spark chamber to guide and soothed Roxie out of an anxiety attack keeping her focus onto his calming, pulsing spark and enfolded within his EM field filled with nothing more than a comforting familial love.
Suffice to say, Drift had coaxed gently, without pressuring her, got her to open up to him and listened to her confide in him. One time, she accidentally slammed Drift’s doorwing, which was very sensitive, when her emotions got the best of her during an outburst and of course, Roxie felt completely bad afterwards.
Meeting new people was difficult for her, much less making new friends without the unnecessary attention from adolescent organic males. Due to the society looking down on disabled people, Roxie doesn’t want to let anyone in, something that was passed on from her Sire, without putting her guarded wall down and succumbing to heartaches. She stayed--remained--close to Drift and Wing. She trusts them and they’re the only ones she relied heavily on for their support and speak on her behalf.
Beyond that, there were complications on their welfare over the years hiding on Earth, especially when Roxie’s health was concerned. Her height growth was stunted and slowed throughout her activated age. (At eighteen activated age as example, she stood at 5ft 4in). However, there’s major issues Drift and Axe had to deal with rationalizing Energon usage after the first time they watched Roxie overcome with extreme fatigue from low Energon. They were alerted by this despite the three of them living pretty rough to hide out on Hedonia without detecting the Autobots--they moved from one hideout to another, erasing their presence from their previous accommodations. Moving to a new place made Roxie unsettled the first few nights.
Drift’s early life resurfaced given the living arrangements on Hedonia, he was willingly to sacrifice his Energon for Roxie and replenish her energy and to avoid her body going into stasis shock. He had considered an Energon transfer reserved for emergencies only just for Roxie alone, and the process was risky that Axe had berated him for it on a dangerously low Energon withdrawal. Axe could understand due to Energon being scarce and trying to save as much credits that he had gone further to search and provide fuels for the three of them to survive.
Had they lived on Cybertron, specifically in the roughest places, Drift would’ve given away a full Energon to Roxie and spared little usage for himself to live through another day.
"A good Sire would do anything for their Kindred" Drift told Axe. And the truth is, Roxie was a beacon of light to Drift through the darker aspects of his life, even with being there for her through her low days.
That's as far I've written from my head about these two and I'm having many feelings over these two.
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whumpster-fire · 4 years
Harry Potter and the False Double Standards
You know, I hate to get involved in Fandom Discourse or anything, but I’m getting really sick of reading people’s takes bashing Harry, Ron, and Hermione because of various actions throughout the series, and the latest is someone claiming the fandom is judging poor little Draco unfairly and calling him evil because he didn’t like Harry Potter when the trio were actually just as bad.
Okay, I’m legitimately pissed about this one because of how ridiculously far off the mark it is. Let’s tally their main sketchy actions throughout the series, shall we? Long wall of text ahead. In this essay I will
Harry and co, year 1: Assorted sneaking out at night, mostly looking for information or to try to stop a mass murderer from returning to life. One count of dragon-smuggling… for the purpose of putting that dragon in the hands of a professional dragon-tamer who was equipped to care for it properly. Hermione lit a teacher’s robes on fire… during a Quidditch Match where Harry’s life was in imminent danger due to a broom that was very obviously being jinxed and said teacher, who had a history of abusive conduct towards Harry, was very obviously doing some sort of magic targeted at Harry. Hermione also hexed Neville, which is way more questionable, but again the trio had a reasonable belief that Snape, who at the time they still had good reason to believe tried to murder Harry, was trying to bring another person who had tried to murder Harry and successfully murdered his parents and many many other innocent people, from returning to life. I’m putting the blame for this squarely on the entire Hogwarts staff, especially Dumbledore, for never communicating with the three 11–12 year old children, who had already been put in a life-or-death emergency just two months into term (troll incident), at ALL about someone trying to murder Harry. Snape’s role in the order had to be kept secret, I know, but Dumbledore literally just let Harry and his friends believe that a person in a position of supposed trust and authority had tried to murder him and that no one was going to believe him or do anything to protect him.
Draco, year 1: Tries to befriend Harry, is told to fuck off because he can’t go five minutes without being a classist asshole. Proceeds to be a complete asshole to… it sounds like pretty much every Gryffindor in his year, special mention to bullying other students for poverty (Ron) and possibly having a learning disability (Neville).
Harry and co, year 2: Harry and Ron start the term with the admittedly extremely stupid and irresponsible theft of a car. There was kind of a precedent set when said car had to be used to literally break Harry out of his abusive relatives’ home because he was being imprisoned and nearly starved. Next comes the big incident everyone loves to rag on the trio, especially Hermione, for: stealing potions supplies and tricking a “teacher” (airquotes because it’s Lockhart) to make a restricted potion to spy on other students… to investigate a series of racially targeted murder attempts against other students, and a group that Hermione’s part of.
Draco, year 2: Steps up his bullying to throwing around racial slurs. Turns out not to be behind the attacks, but he was cheering them on. When he had a sympathetic audience he was saying he hoped his schoolmates would be murdered.
Harry and Co, year 3: Assorted petty sneaking around, physically attacked a teacher… who was about to kill a potentially innocent person. Used a time travel device in a questionable way to save an innocent person and animal from being killed.
Draco, year 3: Intentionally disobeyed a teacher’s safety instructions, got hurt, milked his injury to try to get the teacher fired because Draco was racist against said teacher.
Harry and Co, year 4: Don’t remember anything particularly irresponsible they did… oh, I guess Hermione imprisoning and sort of blackmailing Rita Skeeter into... stopping slandering her and Harry.
Draco, year 4: Vocally supported the racist hate group attacking a sporting event and assaulting people, vocally hoped for Hermione to be sexually assaulted. Proceeded to spend half the year helping slander Harry and Hermione, tried to suckerpunch him with an unknown spell, and in the immediate aftermath of the return of a mass murder and one of his schoolmates dying, again vocally supported the terrorist group and mocked his fellow student’s death. This was literally the equivalent of a school shooting.
Harry and Co, year 5: Started a secret club to teach students to fight because the DADA “teacher” was literally refusing to do her job, the government was covering up the fact that there was about to be a war and literally torturing Harry and trying to have him assassinated for speaking out. The trio were also at this point semi-inducted into the grown-ups’ secret resistance organization. This cannot be emphasized enough. Marietta Edgecomb wasn’t a normal schoolkid ratting troublemakers out to the teacher situation. Umbridge was dangerous. Hermione should probably have warned people that they’d be hit with a massive fucking curse if they betrayed the DA, and made it a little bit clearer that this wasn’t some fun after-school club and ratting them out to the enemy wouldn’t end well, but fundamentally the curse was a result of Hermione treating a situation that was really on the boundary between a school and a war zone at that point like an actual war, and branding a traitor as a traitor.
Malfoy, year 5: Is somehow made a prefect, proceeds to abuse his power against younger students. Also cozies up to Umbridge, and ramps his classist bullying against Ron WAY up when he makes the Quidditch team.
Harry and Co, year 6: Harry panicked and used an unknown spell marked “for enemies” in self-defense against a death eater who was attempting to use an unforgivable curse on him. Note: Malfoy had already started the year by curbstomping a paralyzed Harry and throwing the invisibility cloak over him so he wouldn’t be found. Malfoy came damn close to murdering him by causing him to choke on his own blood. Harry also knows exactly what the Cruciatus Curse does. I wouldn’t have judged Harry even if he did know what Sectumsempra did.
Malfoy, year 6: Again, Malfoy’s little nosebreaking stunt could EASILY have been fatal. He left someone who was paralyzed and unable to move lying on the ground, bleeding heavily in his fucking airway, and actively hid him from view to prevent him from being seen and receiving medical attention. Harry is expected to have figured out what Sectumsempra does from the Latin, but I guess nobody expects Draco to be aware of, like... Step 1 of first aid for someone who’s unconscious being turning them on their side for this exact reason. Anyway following this, Malfoy has at this point kind of been roped into trying to murder Dumbledore, and in fairness he gets cold feet once he’s actually expected to help commit the Death Eaters’ atrocities instead of just being in the cheerleading squad, and it seems like he might have changed.
Anyway, getting to my point: Is Draco Malfoy a product of his environment? Yes. Is his portrayal somewhat biased because the books are from Harry’s perspective and... no, NOT because Harry hates Draco, because Harry only really pays attention to Draco when he’s being an asshole, which seems to be every single time they actually interact.
But you can’t say he wasn’t a terrible person throughout the events of the series. Maybe he changed afterwards, but there’s not really much shown of it other than him becoming a functional adult and being somewhat civil towards his former enemies. Which I guess isn’t that different from James and Sirius. But even they were... they were total assholes, but again, Malfoy was a racist who was vocally cheering on murder attempts and later an actual murder of his schoolmates. That’s at another fucking level.
And there’s also a MASSIVE difference between their actions. Prior to sixth year, there’s a very clear pattern. Harry, Ron, and Hermione frequently break the rules and do things that are stupid, irresponsible, and occasionally hurt people, while trying to protect themselves, their loved ones, or other innocent people. And while the effects of the traumatic events they’ve been through aren’t always that obvious, I really do think events like that very first Quidditch match had a serious long-term psychological impact: their ability to fully trust adults and authority figures to have their backs or even look out for their physical safety was severely damaged from their very first term at Hogwarts. Malfoy hurt people, intentionally, for his own amusement from the very first term. Not to mention that he was almost always “punching down.” Prior to Sixth Year, pretty much every single person he targeted was based on institutional power dynamics: Ron was poor, Hermione was Muggle-born, Neville was possibly disabled (and it turns out actually insecure due to being abused), and the one person in any position of power over him he really started shit with, Hagrid, was subject to institutional discrimination for being a half-giant and Malfoy used his rich family’s influence against him. Again, as opposed to Harry and Co who most of the time were actively defending themselves or fighting back against their abusers, and the only real power dynamic that you can really say they had working in their favor was Harry and Hermione being scarily good at the kinds of magic that can fuck people up compared to any of their social peers.
But you know what? There is one similarity between them: things only escalated to the level that they did because every single supposedly competent teacher at Hogwarts (i.e. not Snape or every single DADA teacher except Lupin) didn’t do their fucking jobs.
In the trio’s case, by (a) not doing jackshit about Snape’s behavior, and (b) keeping the kids in the dark and not even bothering to come up with a plausible cover story for them and just letting them think a teacher had tried to murder Harry and nobody was doing a single goddamn thing about it. Harry. The kid who already had serious issues with trusting authority figures because of the horrific emotional abuse he was subjected to since infancy which the multiple Order members in Hogwarts Staff had also been completely negligent about. And, y’know, Hermione, who was nearly killed by a troll her first year and saved not by a teacher but by her fellow first-years, then nearly killed by a basilisk her second year after several months of the staff failing to figure out the string of hate crimes against muggle-borns like her, and only surviving because she, the second-year starting from a massive disadvantage in terms of general cultural knowledge of things in the wizarding world, was the only one who did the research and figured out what the monster was, and only survived because she came up with looking around every goddamn corner with a mirror. And Ron, whose sister was possessed, kidnapped, and nearly killed, and the only adult who was supposedly “helping” him and Harry tried to put him into a vegetative state and only failed because of Ron’s shitty broken wand (which had been causing problems all year and the same staff that bought Harry a top-of-the-line broomstick last year spent the entire term doing absolutely nothing about the fact that one of their students was failing due to having to use a wand that was literally taped back together). How the fuck was it surprising to anyone when these teenagers continued to take matters into their own hands in increasingly dangerous ways?
In Malfoy’s case, because his bullshit should’ve been nipped in the bud way, WAY earlier. He should not have had the opportunity to do any of the shit he did in Year 6 because he should have been expelled long before that instead of the teachers letting him bully and abuse other students and basically do the equivalent of having a Hitler poster in his dormitory for five years.
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withallthingslove · 6 years
Captain Marvel Spoiler Filled Review
A completely chaotic “review” that is just my random thoughts
spoilers under the cut
- i saw this movie with three of my close friends (one who is a dude and lifelong comic fan, and then two girls who are hella feminist) so I will include some of their reactions as well just to give an idea of what it was like for different people
- right out of the gate the Marvel intro montage is all Stan Lee. It was very heartfelt and the entire theater clapped. That pretty much set the mood for the entire movie
- I know a lot of critics found the beginning to be slow, and while I agree I didn’t mind it. One of my friends said she thought the beginning was a little too jumbled and she described it as “it’s like the directors learned how to direct as the movie went on”. 
- The movie opens with Carol (at this point called Vers) having a confusing nightmare and trying to decipher it afterwards with little help from those around her. Because Carol has amnesia, the audience is left to feel what she feels which is confusion. I get what the directors were going for, but it was a little jumbled. 
- I did find the dream sequence effective and did feel Carol’s confusion and fear when she woke up. 
- She goes to her mentor yon-rogg and asks if he wants to practice fighting. They banter, and it becomes immediately clear to the audience that although Carol is confused they have a rapport with each other and she trusts him. Although he teases her, he *appears* to care for her. During the fighting scene there is more banter, but yon-rogg also tells Carol to control her emotions better. I know there were a lot of complaints from fuckboys about brie larson being stoned faced, but it makes sense for the character. She has emotions, and then is told to suppress them. 
- it was satisfying to see her zap him with her powers anyway, and the whole “don’t show emotion” garbage he was telling her reminded me of like every female experience ever and first clued me in on yon-rogg’s shadiness
- On the train ride back from fighting, carol and yon-rogg have very flirty banter and eye contact and i was like ohhhhhhhh and interpreted it that they were a thing. I’m not sure if this was on purpose, but jude law and brie larson had great chemistry (brie had chemistry with everyone though tbh) and it was very hard to ignore. Plus they’re both hot. I leaned over to my friends and asked “they’re a thing right?” and they said “yes I thought so too” and “i think it’s implied”
- When Carol gets sent to the artificial intelligence place to be approved for her first mission I did find that scene pretty confusing and jumbled
- The mission itself was very dimly lit which made it a little confusing to understand/see what exactly was happening
- But it was cool to see Korath from GOTG. One thing this movie did really well was tying into other MCU movies and connecting everything. This movie definitely feels fresh compared to other origin stories but also fits in the the universe and makes it feel more complete
- When Carol was captured and her memories explored, ben mendolsohn’s voice came on as a voice over for talos and I leaned over to my guy friend and went “i fucking love ben mendolsohn” because ITS TRUE. His voice is so recognizable and then even underneath the skrull make up his acting was so distinct
- The memory exploration scene was jumbled like the nightmare, and it made me wish that we got more of carol’s human life backstory. I got the vibe that those scenes would have been better if they were fleshed out more instead of just little tidbits for the audience. that was one of my biggest complaints for the movie is the order the flashbacks appear and how little there were
- Carol screaming at one of the skrulls as she escapes was super funny and showed a lot of her personality. I think it separates her from a lot of heroes because most are nervous as they are trying to escape but she seemed confident in her powers and her ability and therefore could joke around a bit more
- The story definitely picked up once she crash landed on earth, and the 90s nostalgia was very funny and all of those jokes landed with the audience
-Samuel l jackson did a great job as a young fury. This fury is different. He’s much more idealistic and optimistic about the world, and functions more as a good cop than the fury we see in other mcu movies. It was also cool to see coulson again
- I really really enjoyed the scene when carol is able to make contact with the rest of the kree warriors the first time from the phone booth. Even though I got a bad vibe from yon-rogg I did get the feeling that he genuinely cared for carol’s safety. By the end of the movie my opinion about that was conflicted but I think that scene did a good job of showing that she was with them for 6 years which is a long time and why it took her so long to process everything that happened later because it countered everything she knew. It also did a really good job of showing that when she first landed on earth, she still was more kree than human. Her report back was very matter of fact compared to her later contact with them.
- Brie larson and samuel l jackson had GREATTT buddy cop comedy chemistry
- The train chase was very fun to watch, and like the trailer it was very satisfying to see Carol punch the “old lady” 
- the scene where fury and talos (disguised as a SHIELD agent) look to see if the dead skrull has a penis got A LOT of laughs
- There’s a scene where Carol is standing outside trying to figure out her next move and this motorcycle dude pulls up and revs the motorcycle and tells her to smile. She just glared at him and then stole his motorcycle and it was ICONIC
- Again I really really really love the dynamic between Carol and Fury
- the second phone call when Carol makes contact with the Krees shows her more human side coming out. Brie Larson is great at showing emotion and as she was starting to put the pieces together everything was making more sense and less sense at the same time and you could feel her confusion and panic that something was off.
- Ben Mendolsohn is a gem and needs to be protected pass it on
- I LOVEDDDDD the moment when Coulson let Carol and Fury go without ratting them out just proving once again that he is one of the best and while i love loki i also hate him for killing him because coulson is too good for this world
- Things got really good when Fury and Carol went to Maria because I STAN FEMALE FRIENDSHIP SO HARD. From the first look they had so much depth and Maria played a huge part of helping Carol understand who she was. 
- Also go Maria for being a badass pilot and single mom and amazing best friend
- MONICA IS THE BEST OMG. Her line to her mom about setting an example for her was A++++++
- Goose the cat was also great the only thing I’ll say about this is that Goose is a scene stealer. I don’t want to give the spoilers for Goose away because while predictable they are things I wouldn’t want to spoil for anyone
- I loved the subtle nods at gender inequality 
- While the “twist” of Talos and the skrulls being good was predictable it was still very enjoyable. The predictability of it did not take anything away from it. There were references to how other planets treat refugees and Ben Mendolsohn did a great job with the pathos required for the role
- He also did an A+ job with the humor which I won’t give away because those lines are worth hearing fresh
- I think yon-rogg ‘s shadiness at the beginning is what tipped me off to the twist that he is the true villain of the story. 
- Again, the movie’s flashback scenes felt like they should be my favorite part and filled with drama and be the emotional backbone, but they just didn’t get there. It took so much effort to decipher them that you didn’t really get to sit back and process the emotional weight of them. So when Carol ran out crying once her memories returned while I thought the acting between her and Maria was great, the meaning of the conversation and hug did not have the full weight because the audience (or me) was still processing what we just learned
- Annette Bening is my mom. Also if there was ever a biopic on elizabeth warren she should play her. Also I don’t like that we didn’t get as much Mar-Vell and the reveal that she was helping the skrulls was very rushed and I feel should have had more of an emotional impact. Plus more about her relationship with carol
- Talos reuniting with his family was incredibly sweet
- It’s cool to see where exactly the tesseract ended up between CA: TFA and Avengers
- Okay.why.do.yon-rogg.and.carol.have.so.much.sexual.tension. I was worried it was just me and I looked at my friends and was just like wtf is this are they about to fuck? and we basically agreed that their sexual tension kept building throughout the final act of the movie and that they wanted to hate fuck. After one moment during the fighting it kept building my friend went “yep THIS IS CANON”  because you guys I am not kidding like I don’t ship them because yon-rogg SUCKS but they had the best accidental chemistry of any co stars ever
- The scene where Carol breaks out of the restraints and realizes her full power was BADASS. I loved the flashback montage of her always getting back up again and embracing who she it. POETIC CINEMA
- Though I personally did not like the scene where she is fighting off the Kree on the ship.. . I just wasn’t a fan of the song choice and some of the lines were just cliche. It was nice to watch Carol smile with each hit as her power increased because she was enjoying it which is something we dont see a lot i feel like but the scene did not reach its full potential for me
- It was cool to see ronan and have the space marvel movie characters be tied in. And interesting that we saw ronan before he went “rogue” Again this movie did a great job connecting the dots to other marvel movies
- speaking of satisfying watching her tell yon-rogg she doesn’t need to prove him anything and then blasting him into a rock cured my depression
- again i dont really understand their relationship because there’s the sexual tension, the seemingly genuine caring on his side that is conflicted with his utter manipulation and lying (a very good example of how abusive/manipulative people often don’t come across that way)... the fact that she doesnt kill him? like girl kill him and be done. It was funny when she grabbed his hand and then just dragged him to his ship, but then when he told her he couldnt go back empty handed the way jude law delivered the line made it seem like he was confiding in her and there was this intimacy. And then she was just like “boy bye im ending this war and idgaf what happens to you” because shes a queen and is done with his lies
- The ending with Carol and Talos was cute
- The ending with Coulson and Fury made me want to cry and scream because the avengers theme song began to play and we see the beginning stages of the avengers initiative which just made me think about how we have one month till all the characters we love die and this franchise has meant so much to me over the years
- the mid credit scene continued that excitement and dread.
If I was ranking the movie as a critic, I would probably give it 65%. It was good, I was never bored, the performances were great. But it definitely should have been better. There were just some parts of it that were underwhelming or didn’t deliver the way they should. My guy friend said it was just okay and that it felt more like a tie in to endgame and less about captain marvel herself. My other friends agreed on the 65% from an objective opinion, but we all want to see it again.
As a hardcore marvel fan, I give the movie 75%. I loved the characters, the easter eggs, the acting, the way the movie felt like a new beginning for marvel while still tying into past movies. It was everything I love about this franchise
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thebonezone66 · 6 years
In the Fraction of a Moment
As the events before you unfold, something else happens within the Dragon. An unseen struggle is taking place the moment the Virus’ corruption begins to take root. By reading below the cut, you can follow their plight within their mind.
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The Dragon
The spear of corruption smashes through the SOUL of Kindness' barrier and impales itself within the Dragon. But they believed they were ready for this scenario. If the blow was unavoidable, then they would have no choice but to stem the corruption as best as they could from within.
They needed to buy time. A fortress had been erected in the mindscape, pushed deep within the skeleton's CODE. Beyond the battlements, mere figments of their will made real, a veritable sea of ruby red eyes and nightmarish grins surged like an inky black wave against the walls below.
* ..well, this is as harmless as i can present it. how is everyone holding up evelyn?
The human SOULs, a group of children were manning the fortress, trying to ensure their own safety in an attempt to fight the coming corruption.  This was a grim situation, though one that they had predicted might be a possibility in their 'line of work'.
A tall human girl, illuminated in purple light looked on, pressing her glasses further up on the bridge of her nose as she took in the situation that was unfolding before her.
Near her, the green SOUL of Kindness seemed to be dazed, clutching at his head as the blue SOUL of Integrity checked upon him.
"This isn't looking good. Percy is down for now, meaning our barrier abilities are drastically compromised. "
The young woman appeared extremely serious, strong and resilient and yet the stress was evident in the way that she nervously tugged at her sleeves, eyes rapidly flicking back and forth. Evelyn, the SOUL of Perseverance was trying to remain level headed for the sake of her fellow SOULs and the dragon himself.
"If we can hold out just a little more until he is stabilized we may have a chance to get through this. Though that depends on if your son is able to reach 'Cookie' and your father."
The Dragon
The skeleton nods, observing the wave outside of the fortress for a few more seconds with an almost introspective calm for a few moments. He looked fatigued. "The Dragon" was simply Sans here, at his most comfortable. And yet.
He raises his left hand, and points it towards the surrounding darkness. And almost as if he were shooing it away, large swathes of the 'creatures' below are repelled backwards by an unseen force. It crushes through the tide, pushing it back nearly to the horizon.
Even before he is done however, more emerge. Almost seemingly from the very walls and surrounding ground. The corruption was spready FROM the mentally projected castle. Not approaching it. He grunts in aggravation.
* something's wrong. i can't figure out where it's all originating from. we isolated the impact site
.Sans grimaces as he staggers forward. Like a crack of far off thunder above, something was already happening on the other side. Reality. Jesse nearby was beginning to glow brighter, despite him not tapping upon her powers.
Evelyn watched as the creatures were pushed back only to reappear just moments later. It was definitely a concerning situation that they found themselves in, and she would bite at her thumb anxiously as her eyes scanned over the horizon, trying to pin point where it was coming from, and how to best stop it.
A yelp of surprise was enough to shatter her focus.
The orange SOUL of Bravery was shouting as the yellow SOUL of Justice began to glow, as if her power was being summoned forth. The small human couldn't stop herself, and screamed in panic.
"Sans! What are you doing?!" Jessie objected loudly, straining against the pull of her own power.
The Dragon
It is Sans' turn to look on, horrified at this event. His brow ridge furrows as he seems to concentrate. Above, the roll of thunder again beckons, this time shaking the ground.
...Perhaps it wasn't thunder at all? It was as if the very foundation of the Soulscape were buckling under some sort of pressure. The skeleton reaches out and attempts to suppress Jesse's power from manifesting on the other side.. And fails. He makes a sharp hiss of confusion.
* jesse, i'm not doing that. i don't think i can stop you either. we lost motor function, but i didn't think it was that bad.
* it's like i can't reach you! can you help her redirect it, guys!?
The skeleton looks around the tower at the other children present before his face again scrunches up briefly in pain.
Jessie was struggling against the influence of whatever was pulling at her power. The other SOULs looked just as panicked and confused as the skeleton himself. Evelyn grit her teeth, summoning forth her own  abilities,  purple threads shoot from the SOUL of perseverance, entangling the small human's SOUL and turning it purple as well as it makes contact.
There's a sharp jolt between the two as they both feel the yellow bullets fire, thankfully missing their target. There's a brief shared sigh of relief.
" Jay, keep an eye on the others. If any of them start doing that pull them back if you're able!" Evelyn barks out an order before finally releasing her hold on Jessie who seems to be shaken.  The blue SOUL of Integrity nods quietly.
"Sans. What do we do? There's only so much we can do here to stop each other from hurting Keno and Felix... If that thing has control over us they're going to die."
The Dragon
The skeleton watches Evelyn carefully, studying her features. His eyes then pan around to watch the other children. Finally, they settle on the inky sea beyond the walls. He leans against the battlements almost as if to catch his breath.
* i hate to say it, but i think i was already corrupted before he hit us. we should be stable right now.
* but look. they're not even trying to break down the mental defenses. they're just.. there.
The skeleton again grimaces as he gestures out into the darkness. Sure enough, despite the seeming ferocity of the individual units of the horde beyond, none of them were actively attacking. Instead, it seemed they were just multiplying steadily.
Hadn't they been appearing outside of the foundation too..? Sans pushes himself back to standing and turns around to face the children once again.
* i don't wanna scare you all. but i'm in some unbelievable pain right now. it's taking all of my focus to keep this space intact so it doesn't hit you too.
* focus on trying to keep the two alive. if felix can somehow get out of here.. maybe the other doctor can help us.
The group of children just watched him, fear evident in all of their faces. Sharing a glance with each other they all seemed to think the same thing. How hopeless was this all, really?  There was only so much they'd be able to do from within this place, and even then wasn't it just a matter of time?
Jessie was shaking from where she sat, seeming very upset about what had just happened.  Percy was still struggling to regain his bearings from the barrier being shattered. Evelyn was struggling to think of anything they could do, biting at her thumb again as she began pacing back and forth.
Anne, the SOUL of Patience seemed especially concerned, frowning before  approaching Sans, gently pulling at his jacket for his attention. In life she had been in a situation where she was in danger, and opted to wait for someone to find her.... And she ended up dead.
".... What if they don't come?"
The Dragon
He couldn't make eye contact with Anne for a few moments after her question. His gaze drops slightly to the side instead as his smile loses a few teeth.  Sans sighs, closing his eyes before shaking his head and resting a palm upon Anne's own to pat a few times gently.
* ..if they don't come, then. i have to make sure that you don't all go down with me.
* i promised that from the very beginning. and even if i couldn't keep my word for frisk.. --no. especially because i couldn't for frisk, and everything i put them through. it wouldn't be right.
Sans grunts again in pain as he withdraws from Anne suddenly. The SOULs, this time Jay and Anne were glowing brighter. It was all the skeleton could do to tear himself away from them to choke out a command.
* evelyn! s-stop me. stop them!
Anne didn't find any comfort in that answer. The last thing she wanted was for him to be left in this mess.... She tried to reach for him again, but was forcefully stopped.  The Cyan SOUL and the blue SOUL were pulled and activated for another attack upon the bakeneko. They both struggled against the influence.
Evelyn froze mid step, now having to stop two SOULs instead of one. There was only so much that she could do, especially since Jay was the other SOUL that could directly push or pull their comrade's abilities. Regardless purple would overtake the two other human SOULs, ensuring that they could not move, trying to assist them in pulling back.
The way this was going, it was only a matter of time. The weight of the pressure was beginning to show in Evelyn's features, desperation bringing her to the verge of tears.
"Sans. I already betrayed Keno." The normally composed SOUL seemed to be breaking down, her voice shaking and pleading, despite knowing that there was likely nothing he could do.
" I don't want to kill her."
The Dragon
* t-then don't try to redirect, soften it! soften the killing intent with that thought. there's...
The skeleton lets out a long grunt as the air above them shudders again. A hairline fracture appears on the brick work beside him, lancing down into the ground and spreading slightly on the floor between them. No more damage is apparent afterwards. Sans grips at his chest as the two SOULs rise slightly and pulsate with their power.
* there's no time, evelyn. i'm sorry.
Evelyn continued to shake, her fists beginning to clench as she pulled the two down with her own ability. Chase ran up, jumping and taking a hold of Anne's hand in order to assist in this effort.
"We're... The heroes! Heroes don't hurt good guys!" He yelled out, absolutely refusing.
The others get to their feet, frightened by the crack. Things were beginning to fall apart around them, and the children didn't know what to do.
"Sans, please. Just a little longer, your son. Felix he'll get help. He will!" Tears of frustration and fear were beginning to stream down the SOUL's face as she continued to fight against her fellow SOULs power.
"We're so close. We can't lose here. We can't!"
The Dragon
The attacks dissipate harmlessly off of the Bakeneko through the children’s joint efforts, causing Sans to wipe at his brow. He couldn't be relieved, however. There is a low curse under his breath as he closes his eyes. The fractures begin to slip away on the foundation of the castle, reforming the brick work.
All the while however, the rumbling was growing and wouldn't stop. It was like something unspeakably massive rolling towards them on the horizon. It made the floor almost uncomfortable to stand upon from the vibrations.
When he opens his eyes again, he is smiling sadly.
* she isn't running away. she's trying to help us. ...dammit all, keno.
Evelyn could see her, hear the bakeneko that had once been her best friend trying to help from the outside. Despite all the attacks being thrown at the monster, she was refusing to give up on the skeleton. Her grip on the other SOULs tightened.
"She's... always been loyal to a fault." She felt the shaking, and despite her adamant refusal, the way she fought it was hard to ignore the fact that they were losing serious ground.
And Felix likely wouldn't return on time.
"I'm... So glad she met you. I was always so afraid that after... Me. She'd just give up on ever trying to make friends again. That she would never trust or love... But there she is."
"My... Keno."
"I wish I could've told her how proud I was of her."
The Dragon
Sans chuckles lowly, as he nods once. Then twice.
* yeah. you know what? i do too. but we're sounding awfully fatalistic. we're not gone yet. just a little bit mor-...
The skeleton's eyes widen slowly as the Virus beyond began to speak. Even with their limited agency, it would be clear enough for all of them to understand. He intended to do something to the children for resisting. Sans reaches out to the SOULs, and they each are compressed to motes of light; returning to their original states. He then draws them in close as a giant silhouette looms on the horizon; One of Flowey's vines.
It begins to land upon the structure, all but crushing it. Sans screams. Everything is thrown into pitch darkness as the bricks and stone fall around them, and with it any sense of self.
...But it isn't the end. Not quite yet. In the crushing gloom, one by one.. Each SOUL illuminates again dimly. Held by Sans. There is no sound. There is no connection to the outside any longer. There is only them, and their awareness of one another.
The children didn't have time to react before they were pulled into Sans, taking the form of their own small balls of lights. Everything seems to shatter away, leaving them in the darkness, the SOULs huddling into the skeleton's hands, clearly fearful of what was to happen to them now that they had lost their last stand.
None of them say anything, none of them feel that they can. It all had a sense of finality that left them feeling absolutely crushed. All that there was was the darkness, and their own dim light within his grasp.
The Dragon
A few moments suspended like this, and Sans would release the children, allowing them form once more. They stand on empty space-- this place it would seem now mirrored the Void in how it behaved. And with more of their light came a grotesque reveal:
Sans was suspended now against an unseen 'wall' with lightless tendrils and vines snaking through his bones, binding him in place. He coughs lightly, face contorted somewhat in sheepish pain and amusement. There was no way to tell where the vines began and end once they left his body. In a way, maybe they didn't.
It was like he was pressed through it to rest on the surface of tar.
* hey kiddos. i'm..
* i'm still here.
The SOULS are released and take form, and by their light they're able to see him. There's a sound of panic and concern from the children, Jessie hiding her face in Jay's side, Anne placing her hands over her mouth. Evelyn looked upon the skeleton with horror and a deep sadness.
Percy took a step forward, hesitating before attempting to use his healing magic on the skeleton, trying  to ease his pain.
The Dragon
And while the gesture was appreciated.. It would seem that no amount of healing would be able to affect the skeleton. His HP was of course, topped off. What was afflicting him was so much worse. He lets out a gentle chuckle that ends in a cough as he shakes his head.
* save your strength, bud. you're gonna need it.
* gather 'round. i think.. i think this is finally it for me. as soon as he said what he did and i felt the SEED inside me i knew.
The skeleton grunts as he reaches down as best he can to pull the top of his shirt lower. Within his ribcage... The source of the tendrils became apparent. The SEED. It had likely been within him all along.
* it must’ve been how he’s always able to find us.
* ...i'm fading pretty quickly now. i'm sure you all sense it. so it is time for me to uphold my part of the arrangement.
The group of human children were left to watch him helplessly. Despite everything they had all done there was nothing they could do to help SAVE him from this. And that fact alone was almost soul shattering for them.
At the sight of the SEED within him that point was only driven home further. It was, in the end, pointless. Even Evelyn was left speechless, gripping at her side as she fought back tears. The second smallest of the bunch looked around frantically.
"B- but what about the people who rely on us?! What about your family?! W-We can't let them die like this!" He was shouting. "We can't let YOU die like this! H-Heroes don't die!"
The Dragon
Sans opens his mouth at Chase's outburst. And then he closes it. He is grinding his teeth. He knew of course that it was true in the child's mind. And from what they had experienced.. The people they helped..
The terrible things they had all done, that he sheltered them from. The skeleton lets out a long breath before shaking his head.
* heroes do die, chase. i know you don't like the stories when they do. i know its unfair. but sometimes the bad guys do win.
* sometimes the good guys aren't right too. and they do bad things to protect their idea of what is good and just.
* and sometimes the hero of someone's story is the villain in another. that's life. it's... so complicated.
Sans coughs again before laughing. He shrugs his shoulders weakly.
* i guess what i'm trying to say though is that, i think you're more heroic than i'll ever be, chase. and if you give up here..
* if you keep fighting and they take you. you'll be that bad guy in someone else's tale. so don’t fight this one.
* they need you, pal. they need all of you.
The boy looked absolutely shattered, his face falling and along with it both of his hands would fall to his sides.
He tried to disagree, tried to fight with the dragon, but Anne would approach, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder before looking up at what remained of the skeleton.
"Where will we go then, Sans?" Her voice, remained absolutely calm despite the situation, despite the look on her face it seemed that she was one of the few that were able to remained composed through this.
"Just... Tell us what you need us to do..."
The Dragon
* ..they're looking for you now. i'm getting broken up bit by bit while they try and figure out where i put you all.
* figured the last place he'd look was any happy memories i might have had of him. heh heh.
Sans sighs, before fidgeting slightly in the grip of the vines. They seem to be tightening upon him, spreading as they go. They were now inching up his spine to his jaw and further down his limbs. He was getting drawn slowly but steadily into the suffocating darkness.
* i'm going to sucker punch him with the last vestiges of everything i got when he finds us. and when i do, you're gonna ride it out of here and find the sovereign and his sans.
* the only other alternative is to stay here and be consumed with me so.. i can't exactly give you an option there.
* help them please. help them finish what we started, the right way.
For the first time since he first met them, this group likely showed their age. What, at other times had been a group of individuals working together, was now just a small group of scared children, being forced to say good bye to the closest thing many of them had to a father figure.
Despite their wishes to save him from this fate, there were no other options that could be explored, nothing that could be done by any of them in order to set this right aside from following his order.
Jay now spoke up, resting their hands on Jessie's head as she cried into their side.
"What do you want us to tell him when we find the other you?"
The Dragon
Again, Sans looked grim. He was weighing the truth the group had carried with them. It was clear on his face that what he had said to Keno earlier was only one part of the whole truth.
Corrupt Flowey was his father, the Gaster who was lost in their true ending. That was the easy part. The hard part however..
* everything. tell him everything we know about the ones watching us. everything about my father. and when the time is right, tell them about your connection to her.
He coughs again, struggling now against the vines that were now threatening to pull him into the black beyond him. The vines had all but covered his lower body and arms, and were passing his jaw now to inch up the sides of his skull.
* ...i wish i had more time to tell you all how proud of you i am. this is the hardest part of all of this i think.
* i don't care about the pain. i don't care about what happens to me. and keno.. well, we have made our choices. i am terrified for all of you though.
* is this what she felt like, when she had to say goodbye i wonder..? heh.
* heh heh heh heh. ...i think i finally understand now.
Anne and Jay nodded, and soon the others would as well aside from Evelyn who seemed to be shutting down. She had failed again, in a way that hard harmed so many, and it was something that the purple SOUL would take very personally.
At the mention of someone else feeling when they said goodbye, all of the children would flinch, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Every single one of these humans had met the boss monster at one point, and she had been forced to say goodbye to every one of them before they left her care and died.
"That's... Our line." Anne muttered, her eyes going to her feet. "Having to say goodbye, knowing that.... The one you're saying goodbye to is going to...."
The children all murmured their regrets in doing that, now understanding the hopelessness she likely felt in saying goodbye.
"W-We'll miss you, stupid bonehead!" Jessie could be heard, practically yelling as tears ran down her freckled face.
"It would be a lie to say that we didn't come to love you." Percy would add, running a palm over one of his own eyes to wipe away a tear.
Evelyn again flinched, sobbing as she clenched at the hem of her shirt.
The Dragon
* ...i always thought maybe, when the end came it would be so fast we didn't have to do this. it would've been a mercy, y'know?
* evelyn.
Sans struggles further out of the tar, tears now budding in the corners of his eye sockets. He would not let them go though. Not fully. He'd need to see what he was doing pretty soon. There's a lost sort of sympathy touching his expression though when he addresses the SOUL of Perseverance.
* please. try not to take this too hard. we had a good run of things, in the end. there's a million things we probably do regret.
* but i don't regret the time i've spent getting to know you all. thank you. for everything.
The SOUL of perseverance looked up, looking almost like a punished child, only being able to look at the skeleton for a few moments before looking away, pulling off her glasses in order to rub at her eyes.
" I just... Wanted to make everything right. I thought that maybe with you I could do what I couldn't when I was alive."
She mumbled this answer, hiccuping a bit as the other children gather around her, peering up at the skeleton. They all seemed to be in different states of mourning. Some seeming to be able to watch him say his goodbyes while fighting back tears, others like Chase and Jessie being near inconsolable.
"We'll make sure that he gets the message." Evelyn finally found some strength in this goal, something she and the others could cling to.
"Keno has a pretty good sense of character all things considered, and if she and Felix think that he can manage... We will believe that."
The Dragon
* ...and maybe you still can.  don't give up, alright? ..you're all so strong. a lot stronger than you think or maybe even know. certainly a lot stronger than i was or am.
* take care of each other for me. ...it's time. i'll be going on ahead.
Sans closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath as the scrabbling of horrid vines could be heard in the distant gloom. Their owner was furious.
Despite the skeleton being almost completely consumed now, when he opens them again there is a tranquil rage in the pricks of light that made his pupils. They wouldn't take them. Not while he still had HOPE. Not while the light that made their lives still gleamed out upon the dark.
With a resounding boom, he made his challenge. And the entire world, at least for the briefest of moments.. Was filled with a shining light.
* Y o u .  C A N N O T .  H A V E  T H E M !
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dietadviser · 7 years
How to buy healthier groceries without blowing your budget (it`s possible!)
Call it the celeb weight-loss problem: Have you ever believed to on your own 'Well I might be as slim as well as healthy as [insert stunning starlet right here] if I were rich enough to have an individual instructor, my very own chef, a first-rate home health club, a refrigerator loaded with organic fruit and vegetables as well as accessibility to the most intelligent experts!' It turns out you're type of right-money can acquire all those points and they do assist, particularly when it pertains to food.
According to a new Spanish study, having the ability to enhance your allocate nutritious food by just a dollar or 2 a day converts into severe health and wellness advantages. The researchers adhered to 2100 people for 10 years as well as found that spending simply $1.50 more daily on food matched to eating 74 grams a lot more veggies as well as 52 grams more fruit each person each day. Conversely, when people invested less on food they consumed less fresh produce and far much more convenience food and baked goods.
And fruits and also veggies are absolutely worth spending an added dollar on. According to a 2014 research study, people that obtained their everyday produce lowered their threat of dying by any kind of trigger by 42 percent.
Unfortunately food rates are going up so the trouble is only mosting likely to come to be much more obvious. The USDA's Economic Research study Solution is currently predicting that food rates will certainly rise 2 to 3 percent in 2016, with fresh produce rising a lot more. As well as they included their December 2015 report that these numbers don't consider the effects of all the odd weather we have actually been seeing. Certainly years of drought in California followed by downpours will certainly impact the rate of healthy staples like oranges, avocados and almonds.
But before you stress that your typical salary will doom you to a passing, recognize that there are means to consume healthfully without damaging the bank. Yes, money aids however lack of money doesn't imply you cannot be healthy. Right here are a few suggestions to help you start living a caviar lifestyle on a tuna fish spending plan. (As well as allow's be truthful, tuna fish preferences far better than eggs. Yeah, I claimed it.)
1. Change "I can't" to "I can". Yes, I'm starting with a mental trick. As a physical fitness professional I'm surprised at exactly how typically individuals ask my suggestions concerning improving their health and wellness then right away offer me a shopping list of all the reasons they cannot. And I get it-life is tough and we all have points we need to work about (except for the previously mentioned celebrities maybe). Instead of looking for all the factors you cannot make your wellness a top priority, begin looking for methods to make it function. You'll be shocked at exactly how promptly your mind will certainly begin coming up with remedies to your problems.
2. Get the good coupons. Frequently vouchers are for convenience food. This is especially true for mailbox and newspaper mailers. Rather, check out the once a week shop mailers, shop apps and in-store discount coupons. Great deals of stores currently are providing discount rates on fresh produce, whole grains and meat.
3. Make a menu in advance. If I could offer just one pointer to reduce your budget, it would certainly be this one. Planning in advance is a pain, yes, but it's a pain that settles (essentially). Obtain an inexpensive schedule and create out an entire month of suppers ahead of time (or simply do a week at a time) and take down your grocery list while you go to it. I make this simple by assigning each day of the week a motif, like vegan, Mexican, soup and salad, Italian, and so on. When you enter the practice it will certainly take you 10 minutes a week, max.
4. Plan around sales. Planning your food selection with the grocery mailer resting alongside you. Take a look at what fruits, veggies, meats as well as grains on incredibly sale and afterwards plan your meals around that.
5. Limit yourself to going to the shop once a week. Target has a $100 cover charge (for me anyhow) and also we will not even discuss Costco or Sam's Club. Restricting the moment I spend in the shop is crucial to sticking to my budget plan. I'm a dreadful impulse customer so the less I could put myself in the means of temptation, the better.
6. Don't go hungry. Shopping on a starving stomach is an ensured spending plan - as well as calorie - buster.
7. Buy less junk food. If it's not in the house, you can not consume it. And second, it liberates money for much healthier fare. Spend lavishly on a treat or more then devote the remainder of your spending plan to food that will certainly load you up, not out.
8. Don't simply shop the perimeter. Yes, you read that right. I hate it when individuals state to only stay with the outside of the supermarket where all the fresh food is. There is a whole lot of super inexpensive healthy and balanced food on those inside shelves! Tinned tuna fish, bags of dried beans, quaked tomatoes, tins of nuts, bags of oat meal, rice or amaranth, olive oil and vinegar are all excellent staples to keep on hand that can be made right into fast, healthy meals.
None of these are earth-shattering tips, I recognize. Sometimes it assists to be advised of the fundamentals and to know you're not in this alone. As food costs continuously rise, we need to obtain smarter concerning just how we spend our limited food spending plans yet you'll be well compensated for your effort!
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