#but I’m over here like hehe they penguins now :3
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More sketches of jack and Mariana as penguins because this is where I live now X3 I’m thinking of calling this au thing Plum Pebble :v
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Hi! congrats for 700 followers!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 i love your fics and one shots <3
following the game… can i suggest Navy (ofc) Rabbit and if possible starfish too 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you 🫶🏼
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HI SORRY THIS TOOK A BILLION YEARS BUT GUESS WHAT IT'S DONE NOW :) thank you for your patience sweet friend
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Trope/Prompt: Friends to Lovers x Body Worship
Summary: Law finds out you've never had an orgasm. A doctor treats a patients ailments. You get the idea. MINORS DNI
WC: 3100 hehe
TWs: inexperienced reader, alcohol consuption, fingering, oral sex f receiving, power dynamic kinda, smooth talking Law, body worship and praise, pet names, ugh it's porn.
Climax (+18)
Sure, the Heart Pirates weren’t the scariest or the biggest or the baddest pirate crew out there… but they were still pirates at the end of the day. The Heart Pirates could drink. Although Law himself didn’t indulge in as many rowdy evenings as the other members of his crew, he still enjoyed socializing with them. They were his crew, after all. 
This particular evening, Law found himself bored of his work and decided to venture out from his office and into the common areas of the ship. Law shuffled tiredly towards the sound of glasses clinking and slurred voices talking over each other. He almost decides to turn back to his bedroom and try to get some shut eye. His back ached, the twinge in his muscles pleading with him to go to sleep, but he hears something else. Your lilted giggle floats through the metal halls of the submarine and straight into his ears. He wanted to at least see you before he went to bed… something sweet to think about as he fell asleep… 
“Yeah, okay well you’re stupid, so.” You sip from your freshly cracked beer and roll your eyes at Shachi. 
“Wow! What a good insult, y/n! You’re so fucking creative!” Shachi jeers at you with a big fake smile on his face. “I set you up, and you lost! You have to finish your drink, I don’t care that you just opened a new one!” 
“Unless you want me to barf on your cards, probably not.” You chuckle. 
“And I have seen her throw up. It is NOT cute.” Ikkaku pipes up. Ikkaku leans in and whispers purposefully loudly to Penguin. “Shes a scream-puker.”
“Okay so, I am not a scream-puker!” You defend yourself. 
“Yeah, you are.”
Your head whips around towards the galley door. Law stands there leaning against the frame, looking exhausted, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary for him. 
“Last time you had the flu I thought we were under attack and sounded the Tang’s defensive alarm.” Law says as he smirks at you. 
You pout and turn back to the table. 
“Okay that one time… and I was really sick, you know!” You huff. 
“Room for one more?” Law grabs a beer out of the fridge and sits down at the dining table without waiting for a response. 
“Of course, Captain!” Ikkaku chimes in. “We were just telling Shachi he has to finally tell that girl from the last island to stop calling him.” 
“She’s sooooo hot though! And she’s totally into me!” Shachi pleads his case. 
“We will never see her again!” You interject. 
“So? She doesn’t know that! And besides, the phone sex is better than nothing-” 
“You’re having phone sex? Here? On my ship?” Law immediately butts in and cocks his head in confusion. 
“… is that? Is that not cool? Did we have a rule about that or something?” Shachi questions. 
“No.. it’s just vile, Shachi.” Law shakes his head. 
“Hah! He thinks you’re fuckin’ gross!” Ikkaku points and laughs directly at Shachi who was making quite the face. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh whatever, I’ve been getting the best sleep of my life thanks to this! I’m like, almost twice as productive as I normally am!” He tries to build his case back up. 
“Why?” You ask, curious what those things had to do with each other. 
“What do you mean? Everyone knows how great the sleep is after you finish, am I wrong?” 
“You are correct there.” Penguin adds, sipping his beer. Ikkaku hums in agreement.
“Hah, okay. Wouldn’t know.” You add softly, secretly hoping no one would hear you. 
“What?” Ikkaku turns to you and asks. 
“Nothing it’s just that I… wouldn’t…? Know..?” Really pleading with your eyes for her to read between the lines and you wouldn’t have to say it out loud yourself. 
“Wait okay… you’ve never… had an orgasm?” Ikkaku’s eyes widen. 
“Correct.” You take a deep breath. “At least I don’t think I have.” You feign a laugh. 
“Oh you’d KNOW.” Shachi affirms from across the table, also staring at you with a bewildered expression. “Woah… that’s crazy. Are you a virgin or something?” He continues. 
“No!” You defend yourself. “The guys I’ve been with just suck, apparently. Can we stop talking about this?” You knit your eyebrows together and rub your eyes. 
“No way this is fascinating. How old are you? Twenty five? And you’ve never had an orgasm? Like never once? Even by yourself?” Ikkaku probes further. 
“Oooookay guys I never miss a good time to shut the fuck up, so I am going to head to bed!” You stand up from the table and straighten out your boiler suit. You were met with pleas and apologies from your crew mates, while your captain remained stoic during the entire exchange. You felt his eyes burning a hole through you as you left the galley. 
You swiftly make your way through the metal corridors of the ship towards your stateroom. You weren’t upset at your crew mates, it really was fascinating how you had made it this long in your life without feeling the peak of physical pleasure. It wasn’t for lack of trying, you had tried several times to pleasure yourself… and taken a small handful of lovers, none of whom could make you cum. 
You slip off your boiler suit and let it fall to the floor in an off-white heap. You pick out some grey pajamas, a thin camisole and matching shorts, throw it on and sit on your bed to brush out your hair. You untie your hair from the thick bun on your head and let it cascade down your bare shoulders. 
You had almost finished brushing our your locks when you notice the room has somehow changed… as if in the blink of an eye everything was sheathed in a faint blue glow. A familiar blue… 
“Wait no!” You could barely yelp out before you ass meets a different surface in an instant. “Ah!” You gasp and open your eyes to see that you’re no longer in your own bed, but in Law’s. You blink rapidly for a few moments to try and regain your surroundings. You catch your breath. 
You look up and see Law standing at the edge of his bed, looking at you with his shirt unbuttoned. Did he already have it unbuttoned when you were drinking… or did he take it off since then…? 
“Gods, Law.” You sigh and shake your head. “You can’t keep doing that to people. You could have just called my snail or something.” 
“Heard Shachi’s been keeping the line busy tonight.” Law looks down at your barely covered form on his bed. You push your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. He smirks. “So… is it true?” Law walks slowly around to the side of the bed, eyes never leaving yours. He was like an animal stalking its prey. 
“T-the orgasm thing?! T-thats what you brought me here to talk about?!” You could feel your cheeks flush bright red. You sink your head further behind your legs. “I-it’s really not a big deal…” You turn your eyes down to avoid his gaze. 
“You know, the human orgasm is really just a tool.” Law continues eyeing your body and ignoring what you had just said. “The reason it feels so good goes back to our earliest days of evolution. All living organisms, even plants, exist with one similar purpose in common. Do you know what that is, y/n?”
You pick your head up a bit from behind your knees. 
“T-to… n-not get eaten by a larger thing?” You sputter out.
“Reproduction.” Law answers his own question. “Every creature is designed with a primal need to create more of itself…” He paces towards his nightstand and back before taking his massive sword off his back and setting it against the bedpost. “The male orgasm is necessary for human reproduction, obviously. But the female orgasm…” He trails off and you look up and lock eyes. “Is it a bit more complicated…” 
“Some professionals say the spasming of the female reproductive organs during orgasm allows for easier penetration through the cervix for the ejaculate to pass through… and some say the female orgasm doesn’t even exist at all…” 
“Are you seriously doctor-ing me about this?!?” You finally find your voice a bit stronger in your throat. “I’ve lived this long without it and-“
“I however, y/n, don’t care what the purpose of it is. And I do know it exists. And I plan on giving you at least one this evening.” Law says as he sheds his button down off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Tattoos on full display, his chiseled abdominal muscles right at your eye level paired with the topic of conversation made you press your legs together even harder. 
“C-captain that is highly unnecessary and unprof-“ You try to protest shakily. 
“Nonsense.” Law steps so his thighs are against the edge of the bed. His right hand comes up to drag two fingers up your calf and rest his palm on your knee. He rubbed soft circles onto your knee with his thumb. “Now if you’re done being so stubborn, we can get started.” 
You leaned back on your elbows and blinked up at the man standing before you, your captain. You couldn’t believe this was really happening, but you were too stunned to question it. You trusted him with your life and more, why not let him try and help you?
“Alright.” You say softly, more to yourself than to Law. 
“Good. Now take your clothes off.” 
You cock your head back in surprise and your eyes widen. 
“Getting straight to it I guess…” You chuckle nervously. 
“We can go slower, if you’d like?” Law takes his hand off your leg, a genuine look of care in his grey eyes. 
“No no! I-it’s fine! I just didn’t, you know… like… well I wasn’t really planning for anyone to see me naked tonight is all!” You say awkwardly. 
“The only thing I care about tonight is pleasuring you. Will you let me?”
You don’t say anything in response, but you lift your thin grey camisole over your head and throw it to the floor. You didn’t look up to see Law’s response, you just shimmied your shorts down your legs and resumed your position laying on Law’s bed. 
Fully bare in front of your captain, you could feel your cheeks become hotter than they’ve ever been. 
“So what should-“ You begin.
“Fucking gorgeous.” Law interrupts. 
“S-sorry?” You question. 
“You are so fucking hot. So pretty.” Law was no longer staring into your eyes, but raking his gaze all over your naked body. “Spread your legs for me, yah?” Law asks, a bit more pleading than his normal demanding tone. It was like something shifted in him once you had taken your clothes off. He returns his hand to your knee, bringing his other hand as well this time to gently push your legs open to expose your sex to him. You hear him suck in a breath. 
Suddenly, Law pounces on you. You’re knocked back on the bed further and your head hits the mattress. Law chuckles playfully above you as he supports himself on his hands, black shaggy hair falling towards your face. 
“Hi.” He grins down at you. 
“H-hi..” You manage to smile back. Law leans down further and begins placing wet kisses along your neck, craning your head to the side almost involuntarily.  “O-oh okay.. t-that’s fine… AH!” You feel a cold hand pinch your left nipple.  
“So sensitive… this is going to be easy..” You feel Law’s mouth curve into a smile as he litters more kisses on you, this time across your collarbone. He moves his head lower and captures your right nipple in his soft lips and sucks gently. You let out a long sigh and throw your head back against the mattress further. Quiet gasps left your mouth as he worked your chest in his hands and tongue. 
Without fully realizing that Law’s hand had left your breast, you feel it cup your mound firmly without warning. You try to close your legs instinctively at the sudden contact. 
“Ah ah, no y/n. You’ve been hiding this pretty thing from me for too long.” Law says as he pulls back from your chest. He pressed his fingers against the top of your slit and started rubbing it in circles. “I promise it’ll feel so good.”  
Law leans up and places a gentle kiss on your parted mouth, you were too dazed to kiss him back just yet. He pulls away and settles himself on the floor on his knees in front of where you were laying. Strong arms hook under your knees and drag you swiftly so that your legs were hanging off the bed and your sex was mere inches from his hungry gaze and spit-slicked lips. 
“Even more fucking beautiful than I’d imagined…” Law says as he spreads your pussy with his thumb and forefinger, exposing your throbbing clit and dripping hole to him. “So eager and ready for me…” 
“Wait you imagi- SHIT!” You cry out as you feel Law’s hot tongue lap at your clit. It was so good, so thoughtful, so precise… he knew exactly what he was doing. “Oh my god-“ You had never received better head and he was only just getting started… maybe he was going to fulfill his promise. He alternative between suckling at your sensitive pearl and taking wide swaths over your whole sex with his entire mouth, as if he was trying to drink up every last drop your pussy was offering him. 
“So sweet…” You could barely understand what Law was muttering about, he was so drunk off your essence that all you could really hear was pained moans and groans of “mmhmmpph” as he enjoyed your taste. Your back was arching off the bed and you grabbed at Law’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you as you wanted to make sure he kept going. 
You moaned loudly as he slipped two fingers into your eager hole. He distracted you with harsh sucks to your clit as he crooked his fingers upwards inside of you. 
“Wait fuck!” You cry out, feeling a foreign sensation as Law pulled on that spot inside your walls. 
“Yeah there it is baby… there it is right there… let it happen…” Law cooed into your wetness as he continued to hammer into your sweet spot with his two fingers. He resumed his ministrations on your clit. 
“Law! I can’t!” You gasp as that warmth and pressure in your lower half grew stronger and tighter. 
“You can… get out of that pretty little head of yours, babe. Stop thinking and just let it go…” 
You try to center yourself and clear your mind, eliminating all thoughts except for the feeling of Law’s hands and mouth on you. It wasn’t hard to do, his presence took over your every sense entirely… the heady smell of his cedar cologne, the absolute determined and lust-filled look in his eyes that were peeking up at you from between your legs, and the overwhelming feeling of his mouth lapping up your juices with fervor. 
“I-I think… ah! Fuck!” Your shoulders lurch forward on their own, your walls starting to tighten sporadically around Law’s thick fingers. 
“You’re so close, pretty girl… just a little more… squeeze those tits for me, yah?” Law asks before returning his mouth to your throbbing nub. 
You do as you’re told and you wrap your manicured hands around your own breasts. You pull desperately at your nipples and cry out from the intense pleasure. 
“Law!” You moan your captain’s name as tears prick the corners of your eyes from the sensation. 
“Cum.” Law growls.
With a strangled scream, everything in your body released and your breath caught in your throat. Euphoric waves pulsed from your sex outwards and you felt the tears fall freely from your lash line as your legs shook. Your scream turned into a moan, and then fell into a whine as you suddenly felt too sensitive to have Law’s touch on you and you squirmed away. 
You caught your breath after what could have been 30 seconds or 5 minutes and take a look between your legs. Law stared up at you, face and bangs soaked in some sort of liquid… your liquid… and a stupid grin plastered across his face. 
“Holy fuck, I’m sorry I-“ You stutter out through heaving breaths. 
“Don’t.” Law stops you. “Don’t apologize. That was so fucking hot. Didn’t peg you for a squirter. Nice.” He rubs his hands on your thighs as he stands up. Your face flushes impossibly redder. “How do you feel?” Law asks. 
“I…” You flop your head back onto Law’s bed. “I feel like I got hit by a sea train but also incredibly light? My legs feel like pudding.” You sit back up on your elbows. “Law… captain… That was amazing…” You smile up at him. 
“Good.” Law looks down at the mess you’ve made between your legs and on his comforter. He looks down at his chest and sees even more remnants of your release. 
“How about we get cleaned up before bed and I can show you a few more things, yah? You’re staying with me tonight.” Law offers you a hand and you stand up on shaky legs to follow him to the bathroom. 
“Hmmm maybe this time it can be your turn?” You glance down at Law’s obvious bulge straining against his spotted jeans. “I owe you one, right?” You smirk. 
— —
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aeoki · 2 months
Fine Trip Album Story - MC 1 ~ MC 4
MC 1:
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Touri: “Everyone~! Welcome to ‘fine’s’ album commemoration concert!”
“That song just now was ‘Angelic Grace’. It’s a special song that was made just for the album ♪”
Yuzuru: “It’s a song full of thank-yous and hope.”
“I hope everyone who listens to the song will be able to feel how much we appreciate your support – even if it’s a small amount.”
Wataru: “Hehehe. Small? How humble you are, Mr. Butler.”
“We don’t always get to have an entire concert to ourselves. Let’s be greedy and thank everyone for the large amount of support with both our arms outstretched ☆”
“And then, we’ll receive smiles from all over the place! Let’s bury the world with love…☆”
Eichi: “Right. That’s what we’re here for today.”
“We’ll do our best so that more people can learn about us and come to like us.”
“Alright, the next song is ‘Dreaming Ocean’.”
“It’ll be performed underwater in VR. I hope you can all enjoy it.”
MC 2:
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Touri: “And that was ‘Dreaming Ocean’! Do you guys know how many species of fish appeared?”
“I didn’t so I did some research by reading the books in the Book Room. It’s like a mini library in our dorm.”
“Hibiki-senpai said it would be better for me to see them in person, so he said we should visit the aquarium.”
“I only got to stay for an hour because of work, but I’m glad the four of us were able to go.”
Wataru: “We happened to come across the penguins out on a walk, so it was a nice change of pace.”
“Himegimi followed the penguins and almost ended up being trapped in the aquarium. It was such a delight to watch…☆”
Touri: “Don’t spread misinformation~! I didn’t join them and I didn’t get trapped, either!”
“Anyway, I had a lot of fun since the four of us don't usually get to go out together much.”
“I hope we can go again someday…☆”
Wataru: “Indeed. Let’s take our time to see everything next time.”
“Alright, next up, we have Himegimi’s solo.”
Touri: “Yup! Please listen to ‘Treasure Memories’ performed by me, Touri Himemiya.”
MC 3:
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Touri: “Phew… I was a bit nervous but I’m glad I managed to sing it properly~♪”
“Let me introduce myself again. I’m Touri Himemiya. What did you think of my solo song, ‘Treasure Memories’?”
“It’s a song written about treasure.”
“But what do you guys treasure?”
“I have lots of things that I call my treasure.”
“But the thing the idol Touri Himemiya treasures the most is ‘fine’.”
“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t a member of ‘fine’ and I wouldn’t have met the others.”
“I would’ve lived my life not knowing about this dazzling world.”
“That’s why I love ‘fine’ and I want to convey this ‘love’ to everyone else too.”
“I’d be happy if you guys also consider ‘fine’ one of your treasures.”
“Okay, the next song is ‘The Tempest Night’. Please give us a round of applause as our flowers bloom!”
MC 4:
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Wataru: “And that was ‘The Tempest Night’. Thank you all for listening!”
“We performed this song in spring, on the day ‘Eichi Day’ was created.”
Eichi: “I’ve mentioned this a few times in magazine interviews, but we should clarify that it’s not an official holiday.”
“...Well, Wataru loves giving surprises, so maybe that’s why he chose not to give an explanation on purpose.”
Wataru: “Hehehe. ‘Eichi Day’ is a holiday we created for ourselves. It was made to force Eichi to rest since he just wouldn’t.”
“Humans require rest. That includes us and you. Let’s rest up properly so that we don’t collapse somewhere ♪”
Eichi: “Hehe. It feels like we’re on a health show.”
“Maybe it’s because we feel very comfortable around each other, but I think we could talk for hours and hours.”
Wataru: “If that’s what you wish, then I wouldn’t mind chatting with you for as long as you like.”
Eichi: “I think the concert will come to an end while we chat. …It seems the preparations for the next song are ready, so let’s move on.” Wataru: “Next, we have ‘Wandering Clown’! It’ll be a song you’ve never heard of – one that’s full of surprises…☆”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNext (MC 5 - MC8) →
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azulamakesmeblank · 2 years
Eternally Yours [Kataang] - Part 1
Hey lovely readers!!
The is the first of three parts for my take on Katara and Aang’s wedding! I posted this on my AO3 if you wanna check it out over there. Please excuse any inaccuracies when it comes to the wedding ceremony, I am by no means an expert and have absolutely no idea how a water tribe wedding would really be lol 
I wanna thank my good friend @atypicalkataangist​ for beta reading this fic for me, its been a challenge and I definitely couldn’t have done it without him!
Plan is to post each part weekly, but things may change cause uni is a bitch lol, i’ll link them below for easy access!
Part 1 - The Ceremony [THIS PART]
Part 2 - The Reception
Part 3 - The Wedding Night
SUMMARY: Katara and Aang journey to the Southern Water Tribe where they finally eternalise their love
GENRE (for the series as a whole): Wedding fluff, romantic comedy, little dash of angst cause you know that's my personality at this point, and of course eventual and explicit smut to finish it all off hehe
WARNINGS: none for this part (except for the conversations concerning a dead parent aka katara’s mom)
So without further adieu, I give you Kataang finally tying the knot!
The most peculiar thing about this day was the state of the sky. Where in the past a love-struck, teenage Katara, daydreaming about this momentous day any chance she got, had imagined crystal blue so like the colour of the glaciers of the North Pole and a blindingly bright sun hanging right in the middle, today she stared up at a sky scattered with opaque grey clouds giving way to uneven splotches and slivers of aegean blue, the sun hiding in limbo between day and night. It wouldn’t be long till the light faded further and even the clouds became invisible against twilight’s dominant hue. Not even the stars would be able to break through. Maybe a couple here or there, but Katara wasn’t holding out hope. One thing that did shine like a beacon against the darkness, her head tipped up to the sky, was a snowflake.
Since leaving the South Pole with Aang around three years ago, Katara hadn’t seen snow once (one of the many perks of living so close to the equator). But now she was back - for a very important reason - and after four days of no snowfall, today was the day mother nature let loose. Katara smiled as the microscopic lattice of ice landed on her cheek and melted, a multitude more falling around her, no doubt.
One thing the weather and the sky didn’t emulate, under any circumstance, was her mood. The woman couldn’t be any more elated than she was now while thinking about what was to come.
Katara took a slow breath, her eyes drifting to a close as she savoured the last moments of peace and calm and quiet, because any second now, the attention of her friends, her Gran-Gran and other women from her family would be on her.
In a matter of hours, Katara’s life would be forever changed.
“Hey! Sugar queen!”
Katara jolted at the volume of her friend's voice, looking over her shoulder and instantly covering her hand with her mouth when the urge to laugh at Toph’s exaggerated attire almost won. For spirit’s sake, she looked like a penguin wrapped in two of the thickest snow-leopard parkas the south had to offer! Only the centre of her stern face peaked through the fluffy hood and her thick fringe, her silhouette stark against the light shining from gran-gran’s hut out onto the streets. Who could blame Katara? It was too funny not to laugh.
“Mind coming inside so we can get this show over with already?”
“Show?” Katara scoffed with the breath of a laugh, too used to her friend's antics now to actually take her complaints personally. “Did you forget I’m not the only one getting dressed up tonight, Toph?”
“That’s my point, sweetness. Sooner you get in there, the sooner I get out.”
“Alright, fine. You’ve got a point.” The waterbender acquiesced, making her way to the bundled-up earthbender who was completely shielded from the snow now floating down around them both.
“As always.” Came Toph's smug reply as they made their way over to the hut and the warm glow of a fire from the inside. “But uh… wanna tell me why you were all alone out here?”
“No reason.” Katara shrugged, truthful with her reply. “Just thinking. I guess I always imagined this day a little differently.”
“Uh… is that a bad thing?” Toph asked, emotional sensitivity far from her strong suit in serious conversations, but she always tried. And katara had to hand it to her - she’d definitely gotten better over the years.
“Not at all. I think… I’m glad. It kind of feels like a clue as to what my life is going to be like from now on.” She explained, her tone quiet and calm. “Every day, around every single corner, I’m going to find the unexpected.”
“Well, that sounds like a real hoot. But can we please get inside? I’m sick of not seeing anything in these dumb shoes.”
Katara laughed again. “I hate to break it to you Toph, but unless you want to get frost-bite on your feet, then you’re going to have to wear shoes for the rest of the night.”
“I know that! Let a girl dream, would ya?” Toph exclaimed, walking on with determination through the door to Gran-Gran’s hut (and straight to the fire) with Katara on her heel, shaking her head at her friend's temperamental ways no matter the situation. She didn’t expect her to have any sort of emotional response from Toph to her mini confession, but that didn’t perturb her at all. What did, however, was the immediate attention of the other women on her the second she walked through the door, those blue eyes of hers blowing wide as all five heads turned to her. It was as if they’d locked on their target. They called her name in greeting, getting up from where they sat in the main living area to immediately crowd her with high energy and a list of things to do. All the voices and words kind of blended into one, but they were of little to no importance to her anyway, so her replies came out on auto-pilot, all of her attention now narrowed in on the rapid beat of the heart.
It made sense that they would be so thrilled — these women hadn’t been so closely involved in a wedding as grand as this one in their entire lives, they’d only heard stories — and after watching her grow up during the midst of a war, Katara had almost become like a daughter to some of them. To her, however, they were people she scarcely knew.
“Hey, beautiful!” Came a familiar voice from behind, cutting through all the chaos and flooding the waterbender with relief.
Katara whipped around to face her, beaming from ear to ear. “Suki!”
“It’s so great to see you!” She chimed back as they hugged tightly. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”
“Don’t be, you’re not. I’m so relieved you’re here, seriously.” Katara mumbled into Suki’s shoulder, pulling her a little tighter before letting her go. The mahogany-haired woman pulled back, holding Katara by her shoulders with a loving smile.
“You know I would have walked all the way here if I had to.” She rubbed the water bender’s back comfortably, watching glancing around the hut and finding a strangely toph-shaped lump by the fire. She investigated the shape with a narrow gaze. “Toph… is that you?” Suki called out and the lump seemed to shift, the earthbender turning her head around slightly to acknowledge the warrior.
“Sure is, honey. I’d come get a better look at you but hearing your voice will have to do. I’m not moving an inch.”
Suki and Katara let out an amused chuckle together and pulled back from their embrace to share a caring look. “Sounds like Toph is super glad to see me, too.” Joked the warrior light-heartedly.
“I think this whole ‘wearing shoes’ thing is making her a little cranky.”
“I heard that!” Called the so-called cranky earth bender.
“I know you did, Toph, it’s not like you’re far away.”
Toph tutted, wrapping her arms around her knees to murmur something Katara wasn’t sure she wanted to hear, yet she just shook her head fondly, setting her attention back on Suki and taking the warrior’s hands, squeezing tightly. “I really appreciate you doing this, Suki, thank you.”
“Oh, please! It’s my pleasure!” Suki assured her confidently. “After everything you did to help me when Sokka and we got married, this is nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.” Urged Katara. “I mean it.”
“Kat... you’re too sweet.” Suki pouted, lifting her hand to nudge the water bender’s chin with her knuckle fondly. “And you already look so pretty! How is your skin so flawless?!”
“Oh, I don’t know about that… but I did start using this new moisturising balm!”
They fell into a trivial conversation about different products they both swore by for skin care and along the way, Katara ended up leading her to the make-shift make-up station set up on the opposite side of the room. She took her seat, Suki unloading all of her make-up supplies onto the vanity. Katara had the odd cosmetic back home in Republic City, but she’d never really found an interest in the practice like Suki had. She never really felt pressure to wear any, anyway. Especially when Aang seemed to find her captivating in either sense. He always snubbed out even the slightest notion of insecurity that crept up on her from time to time.
Suki came up behind her to begin pulling her hair back from her face and tying it in a loose ponytail, their eyes meeting in the mirror. “I’ve got a few ideas I wanna run by you before we get started.”
“Fire away!” Katara said with enthusiasm. “You’re the expert, after all.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far.” Suki blushed.
“I wouldn't say it if I didn't think it was true.” Exclaimed the waterbender.
Suki gave her a warm smile. “Thanks, Kat. And really, I was thinking something simple overall… some warm-toned colour on your lids will really bring out your eyes. But not too much, I promise.”
“Yeah, whatever you think suits me.” She nodded.
“And I’ve got this gorgeous lipstick that’ll be the perfect shade for you!”
“Sounds perfect.” Katara easily complied.
“You sure?” Suki quizzed.
The waterbender nodded with a gentle smile. “I’m sure! But hey, what do you think about my hair?” Katara queried with a delicate frown between her brows. “Should I keep it down, or just go with my regular braid?”
“Hmm…” Suki thought on it as she looked at Katara’s reflection in the mirror, “Let’s make that decision once you’re dressed, what do you think?” Suki cocked an excited brow.
“I guess your right.” Katara agreed, though when she took her next breath, her exhale shook a little, alerting Suki and making a worried frown crease between her brows.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m just…” she sighed, trying to calm the beating of her heart that seemed to come out of nowhere every now and again, “I guess I’m just a little overwhelmed now that it’s finally happening.”
It’s not that the waterbender was scared to get married to Aang, it was the more trivial worries that sent her body into fight or flight mode. Thing’s like all the people who would be watching her walk down the aisle, saying her vows and making sure she didn’t forget anything, how everyone in gran-gran’s hut was here for her. Katara had never been one to crumble under pressure and yet a few pairs of eyes on her today made her nerves surge out of control. It was all felt so public in her mind, so grand, and so she couldn’t help feeling extremely relieved that they’d decided to have a more private ceremony in the South Pole. The bride-to-be could feel her nerves rising unchecked while preparing to get married in front of fifty-odd people, let alone hundreds or thousands in Republic City like it was initially meant to be. Only the spirits knew what would have become of her if that had been the case.
“Katara,” Suki soothed, walking around the chair to hold her face in her hands, “I felt just like you do right now. The best advice I have for you is to think about what all this means, what you’re going to find when you’re dressed and ready, and, most importantly, who’s going to be waiting for you.” Suki smirked playfully before raising a brow. “And believe me, from what I’ve heard, you’re not the only one feeling a little nervous.” Katara’s cheeks blushed at the indirect mention of Aang and his state of mind. She hadn’t seen him for almost three days thanks to marriage traditions in the South, so she didn't have a clue how her Fiancé was fairing. Katara had had half a mind to expect Aang to sneak into her room one of the nights prior, but he’d been surprisingly vigilant and disciplined when it came to sticking close to her tribe’s wedding customs. She was thoroughly impressed by his determination, but she missed him dearly, and she couldn’t wait to finally see him again. “These nerves you’re feeling right now? They’re good nerves, I’m telling you.”
Katara frowned delicately. “Are you sure?”
“I promise.” Suki nodded earnestly. “But let me ask you something… How do you honestly feel? Under all those nerves. When you think about marrying him, what do you feel?”
“I feel…” Katara contemplated all the emotions swirling through her body and her brain, and it all encompassed one core feeling that was so strong that she was beaming before she even spoke the word out loud. “I feel excited. Really excited.”
“See? That’s it. Just focus on that feeling, okay? Nothing else.”
Katara sighed a breath, trying to focus like she said and already feeling those heavy nerves that weighed down her chest slowly morphing into butterflies. “Okay. Good nerves... I’ve got this.”
“Of course you do, girl! Let’s get you ready.” Suki smiled sweetly, leaning in to press a kiss to Katara’s cheek before going to the vanity and gathering a few of her make-up supplies. The second the first featherlight touch of a brush was felt on Katara’s face, the gravity of the situation really began to solidify in her mind.
A few streets down in Hakoda’s home, the Avatar paced the length of the living room with Momo perched atop his shoulder, the lemur letting out little chirps every time the young man sharply switched his direction. Back and forth, back and forth, over and over again as his mind raced faster than he could ever try to keep up with.
What if he was late? Sure, he has dressed already and had been for the past hour and, yes, he’d made sure every last bit of stubble had been shaved clean off his jaw and his head, but what if something got in the way? What if he needed to use the bathroom again? What if he tripped on the walk to the venue and ruined his clothes? What if she didn’t like what he was wearing? What if—?
“Aang!” Yelled Sokka as he whipped the Avatar around to look at him (or rather look a little up at him - Aang had shot up like a Banyan-Grove tree over the past year alone) and the warrior couldn’t ignore the storm of worry swirling in the Avatar’s grey eyes. “Snap out of it!" He ordered, shaking him by his shoulders and finally pulling the Avatar from his inner turmoil. "Spirits, Aang... it’s like the invasion all over again.”
Problem was, that inner turmoil was now being projected outwardly, Aang's face twisted in worry. “No it isn’t, Sokka! There’s so much more at stake here and I can’t mess up! I can’t! Don’t you get it?!”
“No. I don’t. None of us gets it.” Sokka emphasised with a gesture to Zuko and Hakoda, the only other two men in the room who nodded their agreement. “You’ve gotta tell us what’s got you so worried so we can help you, Aang.”
The Avatar let out a defeated sort of sound, a mix between a scoff and a laugh, as he shrugged out of Sokka’s hold. “What doesn’t have me worried is an easier question to answer. So much could go wrong tonight, Sokka, the list is literally endless! I-I might be late! Or I might mess up my clothes or I could trip and fall on my way there! And, better yet, I could get there and Katara might realise what a big mistake she’s making and that she can’t be with me because I’m the Avatar and she deserves more than I can give her and... and—“
“Now, hold on there, son—“
“No, Hakoda… I-I’m sorry. I know you gave us your blessing but… but what if she changes her mind? What if she realises that a life with me isn’t what she wants? I can't help thinking the worst! I can't--”
Hakoda stormed right to the young man whose face was the image of anxiety, eyes glassy and telling the Chieftan that the worry and insecurity he felt was indeed very, very real. He grabbed him by the shoulder tightly, giving it a hard squeeze while locking his eyes hard on the grey irises of the Avatar, boring into his soul. “Aang, you listen to me. Alright? You are one of the wisest men I have ever come to know in my life. I know you would never make a decision as final as this one unless you knew without a doubt it was the right one… and I may not see my Daughter as much as I would like to, but... after every moment I have spent with her since the war ended, there is one thing I am completely sure of... and that is her love for you.”
Those words from Hakoda seemed to break through the trepidation that had been drowning the Avatar in what ifs and worst-case scenarios. That knot between his brow seemed to loosen just a little, and he found himself wanting to know what else his soon-to-be father-in-law had to say.
“Her love is deep for you, Aang. I have no doubt that those feelings will last forever. I promise you that there is nothing for Katara to change her mind about tonight, because she made her mind up about you a long time ago and I don’t think anything - not even you - could convince her to decide otherwise.” Every word that had come from Hakoda’s mouth was fully genuine, soothing the pointless distress that had been sending Aang out of his mind. The core reason why Hakoda’s speech had calmed Aang so easily was that every word was rooted in truth... every word was inherently easy for him to believe. Because in the very core of his being, he knew Katara loved him as much as he loved her. “Do you hear me, Aang?”
The Avatar bowed his head, taking in a slow, deep breath before giving a clear, calm answer. “Yes, Chief Hakoda.”
“I’m sure you know even better than I do that my daughter can be… pretty stubborn.” That unexpected comment made Aang laugh, and Hakoda flashed him a smile, glad to see he had gotten through to him in the end. “She’s just as stubborn about you. Deep down, you know there is nothing to worry about. Don’t you, son?”
Aang nodded his head, taking in another breath as he let the words truly sink in, to replace the negativity with the truth of love and commitment. Love that Katara and Aang felt for each other. Commitment that they would soon promise to keep. “I do. I know you’re right. Spirits… Thank you, Hakoda. Truly. I know I was being irrational… I just… I can’t help but worry.”
“Which is pretty dumb,” Sokka chimed in, “my sister adores you. She did say yes when you proposed, didn’t she? Or did I make that up and this whole wedding thing is actually a dream?”
Aang couldn’t help the brief flash of a smile that brightened his features the second the memory flashed in his mind. The beach. Him down on one knee. Katara crying tears of joy as she said yes too many times for Aang to count. “No... she definitely said yes.”
“Exactly!” Sokka chuckled with a sharp elbow nudge to Aang’s arm. “Stop being a jerk!”
“I’m sorry! You know how I get when I’m stressed— hey!”
Sokka swiftly pulled the Avatar into a head-lock.
“Oh, we know. Idiot.” Teased the soon-to-be brother-in-law after his attack, Momo flying off to instead perch himself atop Zuko’s head. There was a brief moment of silence where all three men stared at the Fire Lord lounging by the fireplace who had been silent for the entire exchange and was silent now as well. The look on his face, however, gave away how utterly unamused he was at the lemur currently messing up his hair. The three men suddenly laughed altogether at Zuko’s chagrin, Sokka’s headlock quickly dissolving into a friendly arm around Aang’s shoulder.
Zuko huffed out a sigh. “Are you all going to stand there and laugh or is someone going to get this thing off of me?”
“Alright, alright... Momo, come on,” Aang chuckled, stretching out his arm for the lemur to land on, “leave his Royal grumpiness alone.”
None but Sokka seemed to find that joke hilarious by the sound of his guffaw, and despite it all, Momo stayed right where he was as Zuko begrudgingly sipped at his drink, a far lighter atmosphere ironically taking over the space.
* * *
A few hours had passed and everyone was dressed and ready. It may have taken a little more effort to get Toph into her bridesmaid’s gown. Still, anyone could see the earth bender secretly enjoyed it - especially when all the Water Tribe women paid her compliments, telling her how pretty she looked. There seemed to be the constant ghost of a smile on her face.
That was nothing compared to how the room erupted with aws of praise the second Katara entered the living room area in her bridal attire.
“Oh, Katara!”
“Wow! You look like a princess!”
“Such a beautiful young woman.”
“The most gorgeous bride!”
“Oh, spirits… if only Kya could see her now.”
“Stunning! Absolutely stunning!”
“Your mother would be so delighted!”
“Kya would be so proud.”
The constant voices and eyes on her began to blur and mould together into one, all the while she continued to be pleasant, to give kind smiles and grateful nods as if she was listening.
Really? On the inside? Katara was trying her damnedest to keep it together.
The compliments she could handle. Yes. But the mere mention of her mother? No. Even after years of making peace with her loss, of fighting to think only happy things when her mother came to mind, just the simple comparison between her and her dead mother on a day as important as this sent her backwards. Way back. Suddenly that wound was fresh and bleeding and she was 8 years old all over again.
Thank the spirits for Toph's shoeless state on the rug right now, because if it weren’t for her feeling the spike in Katara’s heartbeat and the way her breathing became rapid, Katara was sure she would’ve broken down in front of everyone.
“All right everyone, let’s quit the chatter and skedaddle, yeah? Give the girl some space.” Her headstrong demand earned a few shocked gasps from other women in the hut, yet still, they did as she said and dispersed, clearing a path for the earth bender to stand by her best friend’s side. Toph was always good at that, and Katara couldn’t be more grateful. “Yo, Suki. Wanna weigh in over here?”
“I’m fine. I’m okay.” Katara assured her friend, though it was harder to keep the tears from filling her eyes when she saw the look on Suki’s face and even Kanna's as she made her way over. “I-I’m fine.” She tried again, yet this time her voice shook.
“What happened?” Suki asked with a gentle hand on Katara's back. “Did someone say something?”
“Katara, sweetheart,” Kanna soothed, taking the girl’s hands into her own. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing! I-I’m fine!” The waterbender tried to smile through her pain, though her eyes glistened. “Spirits, I don’t want to cry! I’m happy! Really!”
Suki rubbed her friend's back. “Hey, we can fix your make-up, it’s no big deal if you need to cry.”
Katara sighed, frustrated with herself. “I know, I know… I'll be fine. And Toph… thanks for that.”
The earth bender smiled, but she could still feel the pounding of the water benders heart. “Don’t sweat it, sugar queen.”
Kanna caressed the backs of Katara's hands with her thumbs, trying to figure out what had gone wrong. “Are you having second thoughts, dear?”
“Spirit’s, no!” The girl exclaimed with a tinge of defence in her tone. “It’s nothing like that, I just… I can’t help wishing… that… that mom was here.” She thought she had her walls up high and sturdy, yet the second she confessed her worries aloud, acknowledged the absence of Kya outright, her lip trembled and Kanna realised the depth of the situation. Especially when a tear dripped down her face of its own accord. Katara hastily wiped it away.
“Oh, Katara.” Breathed Kanna in understanding, pulling the waterbender down into a hug which she reciprocated as if reaching for a lifeline. The dam broke loose at that moment and the sobs poured from her lips, uncontrolled. It was only then that she realised the root of all her worries throughout the day, suppressed until the second she heard her mother's name. Suki and Toph’s faces were both marred with sympathetic frowns as they listened to the heartbreaking sound of their friend crying, wishing they could take her pain away. Especially on such a happy day.
“She was supposed to be here with me, gran-gran… she was meant to help me get ready, she was meant to be here watching me walk down the aisle!” Katara sobbed, trying her damnedest to hold in the tears, but they just wouldn’t stop. Suki tentatively reached out to lay a hand on Katara’s shoulder, hoping to give her friend the support she needed in some way. Just being there for her was enough, but her friend's still wished they could do more.
“Shh… it’s alright Katara... I know that Kya is gone… But she will be with you for as long as you remember her, honey… your mother is in your blood. She is in your heart and in your thoughts. Kya lives inside you, through you, and that is how sh wi'll be there with you as you walk down the aisle. She lives on in your memory, in the love you feel for her, and even in your face. You have reminded me so much of Kya today, and although it may hurt a great deal to remember what I have lost - what we have lost - I find myself feeling… grateful that I can look at you today and feel her presence through you.” The older woman smiled, tears filling her own eyes as she hugged her granddaughter tighter once more. When they parted from their embrace, Kanna reached up to dab away the wet streaks that stained Katara’s cheeks gently, wishing to sooth the scars that had opened once again.
Katara sniffed wetly, taking Kanna's hand and giving her a weak smile. Even though the absence of her mother brought so much grief, hearing her Grandmother speak so positively was enough to dull the pain. “That was so beautiful, Gran-gran… I know this must be hard for you too and I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you say such a thing. This is a happy day with nothing to be sorry about, do you understand?”
Katara nodded, letting herself believe without guilt that today was in fact a joyous day. One her mother would have been ecstatic about. “Yes, gran-gran. I know.”
“That’s my girl.” Kanna smiled carefully, giving Katara’s face one last caress with her wrinkled palm. “Now let your dear friend Suki fix up your make-up. It’s almost time to go.”
The water bender felt a wave of anticipation flood her body, her chest heaving with the deep breath she took.
“There’s barely anything to fix, anyways. You look beautiful as always, Katara.” Suki grinned, hand stroking her back in a gesture of comfort that Katara deeply appreciated.
“I would say the same,” blurted the earth bender, “but you know I can’t see shit—“
“Toph! Language!” Gasped the old woman.
“Oops.” She got out without laughing by some miracle. Katara and Suki snickered at Toph getting told off for once -- usually her colourful tongue was accepted without question, but not in front of gran-gran. “Sorry, Kanna. Won’t happen again!”
“Better not, young lady. A wedding is no place for such language.”
“Gran-gran,” Katara lightly chastised through a chuckle, “Toph gets it. She won’t do it again.”
The earth bender lay a palm on her chest and put on her best act of innocence. “I’m usually not such a potty mouth, I swear.”
“She’s really not, Gran-gran” Suki added, even as Katara and Suki shared knowing looks that Kanna didn’t catch.
“Well… alright then. I’ll go see to it that Anika and the other women are ready to go.” She walked off. “Don’t take too long now. I’m sure Hakoda will be leaving soon.”
“We won’t,” Suki assured the older woman before guiding Katara back to the vanity chair. “Really, it's only your under-eyes and cheeks that need a little fixing, other than that you’re perfect!”
“Suki… You really think so?”
“Of course.” Suki beamed as she hugged her friend gently from the side so as to not mess up her hair. “I love what you did with your hair, and I think Aang is going to love it, too.”
At the mention of her fiancé, Katara’s body flushed, a giddy sort of smile fighting its way onto her mauve-tinted lips. “I really hope so.”
“Oh, we know so, sweetness.” Smirked the blunt earth bender. “Twinkles can’t get enough of you any other day. I wouldn’t be surprised if he passes out the second he sees you tonight.”
“How would you know?” Katara teased. “Thought you couldn’t see shit?”
Suki laughed as she worked away at Katara’s face, a light atmosphere between the three of them. “Oh, I get to feel enough vibrations anytime I’m around you two, and, let me tell you, I’m not sure his heart can take much more.”
Katara blushed hard at that tidbit of information which she knew was quite obviously exaggerated, but it still made her feel good to know his heart still fluttered when he saw her. There was no denying that her's does, too.
Suddenly any and all unwanted thoughts and feelings gave way to that excitement once again, and Katara took Suki’s advice, grabbing onto the emotion and holding it as tight as she could. There was absolutely nothing to worry about, and finally, it seemed like she was starting to truly believe her own thoughts. That conclusion was massively relieving.
* * *
“So, Appa’s already down there.” Sokka ticked off with one finger.
“Yep.” Chimed Aang.
“And we've got Momo.”
“Right here.” Zuko muttered, the lemur chirping from his shoulder as though he knew he was being talked about.
“What about you, Aang, you all set?”
“Yeah. I’m ready.” The avatar answered with a shaky breath, Sokka clocking the sound and giving him a slap to his back (that hurt his hand more than it hurt Aang).
“Enough with the nerves! You’ve got this, Aang!”
“I never would have thought a wedding would scare the Avatar this much.” Zuko unhelpfully commented though Aang found the humour in his words as always, chuckling in self-deprecation.
“Yeah, well… I guess the Avatar can be a bit of a wimp sometimes.”
Zuko gave his friend a shrug and a careful look that made Aang think he was getting at something else. “Or maybe you’re just scared about the whole consummation thing--“
“UGH! OOGIES!” Sokka yelled and slammed his hands against his ears, much like how he did when he was younger.
“For Agni’s sake— Sokka, you know it’s going to happen and you know that’s probably why he’s so nervous—!“
“Yeah… about that, Zuko…” started Aang, his hand rubbing at the back of his head. He was nervous, there was no denying it, but he also couldn’t find the courage to broach the subject with his friends. Aang tried to will himself to talk about it now that the opportunity was right in front of him, though just when he was about to let his concerns loose, looking across at Zuko to see his golden irises full of concern, the Avatar found himself chickening out. “Don’t talk about that kind of stuff in front of Sokka.” He gave his friend a sheepish grin and Zuko could only roll his eyes in response.
"Okay, fine." Scoffed the Fire Lord. "But trust me, Aang, there’s nothing to be scared of. Just—”
Aang patted Sokka on the back and he finally dropped his hands from his ears. Aang didn’t really want to talk about it, either. He'd cross that bridge when he came to it.
Sokka carefully lifted his hands from his ears, staring at Aang in distrust.
“We didn’t even say anything, Sokka.” Laughed Aang.
“Whatever.” The warrior droned with an unbothered wave of his hand, back to his busy-body self. “Let’s keep it moving! We’ve got a tight schedule to follow. Dad left like ten minutes ago so that means Katara will be there soon! And Aang, you said so yourself, you can’t be late, so…—”
Aang and Zuko shared a meaningful look, the two of them laughing silently at the idea that their Water Tribe friend, no matter how many years went on, would never change.
* * *
The venue for the ceremony was outside in a beautiful courtyard with a fountain in the centre, and, thankfully, Katara noticed that the snow from earlier had stopped. The woman tipped her head up to see the sky how she had predicted it to be earlier - clouds opaque and blending into the night sky, blocking hundreds of stars as well as the moon, though Yue’s glow still seemed to create a halo of light through the patches that were sparse enough. The South Pole city silhouette was speckled with golden squares and rectangles of firelight shining through the windows of peoples’ homes. In its own right, the landscape was beautiful. Though still, she found herself clinging onto her father’s arm as if for dear life.
From where they were just outside the courtyard, Katara could hear the murmur of her close family, friends, and a few other people from the tribe who were invited by her grandmother simply because they had known Katara when she was growing up. She was so grateful that her friends had made the trip all the way to the south pole to celebrate her wedding. Even Mai was able to make the journey with Zuko, though they would be leaving early enough the next day to get back to their duties in the Fire Nation.
The whole thing was just so daunting regardless of the fact there weren’t a lot of people attending as she’d initially anticipated after deciding to marry the Avatar. If they’d had the wedding in the United Republic of Nations like they’d been expected to, then Katara knew the crowd probably would have spread indefinitely, full of strangers and faces she’d never seen before in her life simply trying to catch a glimpse of the avatar and the heroes of the hundred-year war. Katara was relieved to hear that Aang wanted to limit their guest list, too, giving way to a more intimate celebration with only those she knew and trusted. That’s also the reason why they decided to have the ceremony at night - the later the ceremony, the fewer people up and about to nosy in on what was the most important day of Katara and Aang’s lives so far.
The bride and her father were waiting patiently for the entry music to begin playing, Katara like a coiled spring. Her gloved fingers drummed incessantly at her father's arm with sheer impatience, anticipation and adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was literally raring to go, bouncing on the balls of her feet with a pounding heart during which one thought kept creeping up in her brain.
What in the spirit realm was taking them so long?
Katara let out a heaving sigh, making her father laugh at her impatience. “Relax. It’s only been a few minutes.”
“I can’t deal with the waiting.” She huffed.
Hakoda gave his daughter a teasing smile. “I know. I’m sure Aang feels the same way.”
“Yeah.” Sighed the young woman, feeling her face heat up and her heart race because after three days apart, they were finally going to see each other again. She prayed to the spirits that the band would get on with it already and just—
The first tune of traditional Water Tribe wedding music began playing, Katara feeling both surprised and pleased at the timing of it all. Relieved as she was, the rustle of clothes and feet as the whole courtyard of guests stood in waiting for her entrance made her heart skip a million beats at once.
“Spirit’s…” her voice shook. “I don’t know if I can do this, dad.”
“Sure you can,” Hakoda reassured his daughter, genuinely believing what he was telling her, pressing a kiss to the side of her temple as if to press the words there forever. “You’re my Daughter. You can do anything.”
Katara stared up at her dad and he gave her this melancholic smile. That one look was enough for Katara to understand that this moment was an intensely happy and sad moment for him all at the same time. “Dad…”
“And you know, the best part of this is that you won’t have to do it alone. You’ve got Aang to do it with you, and I have absolutely no doubts that he won’t do anything and everything in his power to make you the happiest you can possibly be.”
Now Katara’s face was beaming with a smile brighter than the stars if they had been visible above, a face filled with more genuine joy than Hakoda could have ever dreamed about seeing on his daughter's face. “Of course, he will, dad, I love him. I can't thank you enough for giving us your blessing.”
“It was a no brainer, really." he chuckled. "I can’t think of anyone more deserving of my daughter than the Avatar.”
“The Avatar…?” she chastised him with a playful nudge, her father laughing heartily.
“Okay, sorry. Aang. Even if he wasn’t the Avatar.”
“That sounds better.” Approved the water bender with a squeeze of her father's arm.
She sighed, looking ahead to the archway on the right of them and tensed up with a slow and even breath in and out. “Should we get moving?”
Katara nodded after a slight second of hesitance, swallowing down past the lump in her throat and willing herself to make peace with her trepidation. To realise, once she got passed this part, all that was left to do was trust in love. “Yeah. I think I’ve kept him waiting long enough.”
Hakoda released a low chuckle. “You’re just like your mother… guess I’ll have to give Aang some advice myself. Come on.”
And instead of feeling like she could cry at the mention of Kya, Katara felt a smile as it grew wider on her lips at the idea of Aang and her father bonding. Soon her dad was leading her straight to the arch wall, curtained with hanging blue flowers that drifted in the gentle breeze. One more calming breath that failed to slow the hammering of the bride's heart against her ribcage, a signalling look to her father, and they were stepping through the waterfall of petals and into the courtyard.
If Katara thought her heart couldn’t beat any harder, she was wrong.
Every single guest in the courtyard was standing on their feet and facing her and her dad. She felt the anxiety rise up her body, flooding her limbs, settling into her stomach like a swirling storm of terror that made the urge to run seem like a good idea. She could barely even hear the music with the way the sound of her blood rushing drowned out her ears, though her dad held her tighter, grounded her.
That was until she looked straight ahead and saw him.
Then it was him grounding her.
The sight of Aang alone was enough for Katara to feel her nerves dissolve and melt away, dripping off of her body like water off a turtle-ducks shell. She felt loved, and she felt whole again knowing that only a short walk forward would bring them back together again at last, where they belonged. Where they were meant to be. Together.
Hakoda started walking and Katara followed his lead without thinking at all. No one except Aang held her attention in the entire courtyard and nothing could possibly threaten her focus. All of the guests were watching her, in awe of her beauty, while she watched Aang, completely tunnel-visioned. The closer she got to him, the more she saw of him, and consequently the easier it was for her to see how handsome he looked. She couldn’t help the way her eyes wandered, trying to take all of him in.
Aang wore his traditional colours - orange, red, yellow and brown - though they had adapted his regular robes to withstand the cold of the South Pole and fit in with the Southern traditions. He wore a high-necked tunic with long sleeves, his red cape draping over his shoulders. His trousers and shoes were the same, his clothes looking exactly how a typical Water Tribe man’s attire on a wedding day would except for the colours, and Katara felt so grateful to realise he had intertwined their cultures together. Aang looked incredible, the water bender shaking her head at him as if to say ‘how dare you show up here looking like this’, but when her gaze landed on his face, she realised he’d beat her to it. The groom couldn’t decide between staring at her face in awe or giving her another once-over, just for good measure. She giggled quietly to herself at the look of wonder on his face as he committed everything about her to memory without shame.
Though Aang wasn’t the only one staring in awe at the bride, and for good reason, at that.
Katara was wearing an indigo and white wedding gown. The neckline was high and tight-fitting, the sleeves long and gradually widening down the length of her arm, the sleeve cuffs draping down to her knees. The bodice was made of thick fabric but moulded to her torso, flaring at her hips and creating a long train of fabric that trailed behind her along the ice floor as she walked. Every hem was lined with white fur, and delicate patterns of embroidery coloured white and sky blue accented the bottoms of the skirt and the sleeves, making the dress unlike any other. Katara would rather compare the blue colour to Aang’s tattoos, however. That is why she asked for the design, after all — the swirls in the stitching were meant to represent his born element. Even how she styled her hair was decided with her fiancé in mind. Half of her hair was styled in a tidy bun with two pins holding it in place, azure gems hanging from the accessory and of course with her hair loops securely in place. The rest of her hair hung in thick waves down over her back, Katara knowing that Aang would love all of those details. To top it all off, she had matching dangling gold and blue crystal earrings with her betrothal necklace sitting pride of place above the dress’s collar, complimenting her outfit in perfect harmony as it glittered in the lantern lights flanking the aisle.
The closer she got to him, the wider both their smiles grew, and all of a sudden, she found that they had fallen into each other's eyes instead, a silent conversation passing between them that only they could decipher. Only a few steps later and she could see her love in full detail, could find the shape of the fire light flickering within his grey eyes.
“Cheif Hakoda.” Aang nodded once, reaching out for Hakoda to place Katara’s right hand into the Avatar’s left palm.
“I trust you to look after her, Aang,” the older man spoke only to Aang, separate from the traditional ceremony that was moments from commencing. “Don’t let me down.”
“I won’t ever let you or Katara down. You have my word.” Aang gave him a short bow.
Hakoda nodded, giving Aang a genuine smile in parting. Though he didn’t leave before giving his daughter one last kiss on the forehead before making his way to his seat, finally leaving Katara and Aang alone together at the altar side by side at the base of the fountain.
Aang intertwined their fingers, pulling her captivating blue eyes to gaze up at him with unadulterated adoration swimming in their depths.
“Hey, sweetie,” Katara whispered with the squeeze of his hand.
“Hi, sweetie.” He whispered back.
“You’re looking very handsome.” Teased the girl with the ghost of a smirk, though when she heard the common chuckle of a few of her friends in the crowd, she realised with sheer mortification that the music had already stopped and everyone had heard. Her head slowly turned to the guests and her cheeks burned when she saw a multitude of grinning faces. “Oh, spirits…” Katara sighed, gripping Aang’s hand tight and turning her back to the guests to stand by his side, making him chuckle by her side.
“Hey. Don’t worry about anyone else.” Her love whispered by her ear in reassurance.
It’s just you and me.
Katara was transported back to the war, to the party they threw in that Fire Nation cave, and she was forgetting all about her embarrassment, glancing up at him with a playful smirk.
“It’s just you and me, right?” She said under her breath.
“Right.” A knowing smile tugged at Aang lips as he reminisced as well.
But before they could continue their banter, the Shaman was calling for their and the guest’s attention.
The wedding ceremonies in the South were almost entirely composed of a set of pre-determined speeches and blessings, right down to their wedding vows. It was tradition and had been for centuries now. Everyone involved knew where to stand, what to do, what to say, how to respond — it was a rehearsed set of events, for lack of a better word, though that didn’t dull the emotions brought about when marrying two people. All those directly involved had been well versed on the happenings during the ceremony, each person well aware of the part they had to play. And once every step was complete, they would be married and the real celebrations could finally begin. But with this inside knowledge came impatience. Now, Katara and Aang found themselves on edge for a different reason — they wanted time to speed up so they could just be married already.
The rustle of guests taking their seats at the Shaman’s gesture echoed in the open space and brought the couple to attention... except, the elder’s whole introductory speech mostly went over both their heads. Especially Katara’s since she kept getting distracted with every brush of Aang’s thumb across the back of her gloved hand. She hated that a piece of fabric separated his skin from hers, and after so many days apart, the couple were understandably becoming restless. Though for the sake of her culture and their morals, they tried their best to listen. It may have taken an enormous amount of willpower, but finally, she focused in on the Shaman's voice.
“… loved ones and the spirits above, bear witness today as we join Aang of the Southern Air temple and Katara of the Southern Water Tribe together in sacred matrimony. I call upon the bridesmaids and the groomsmen to give their blessings.”
Suki, Toph, Sokka and Zuko made their way to the alter and stood in front of the couple to be married. A few smiles were exchanged here and there before the shaman started to speak once more.
“If you would all please repeat after me to bestow your blessings upon the bride and groom… We call upon the great spirits Tui and La to bless the marital union between Aang and Katara.”
“We call upon the great spirits Tui and La to bless the marital union between Aang and Katara.” Spoke their friends in unison.
“We ask that their ancestors watch over their life together and protect the sacred bond between them.”
Again, they repeated, though Katara noticed the glistening of her brother's eyes and their gazes locked for a moment. A moment long enough that she felt her breath catch in her throat.
“We promise to support Aang and Katara on their eternal journey together,”
Their friends repeated the shaman’s words dutifully and with genuine promise, Aang squeezing Katara’s hand as they listened, feeling how much their friends meant what they said.
“And we will bear witness as love, care, and respect strengthens the bond of their relationship.”
Surprising everyone, Sokka was silently crying as he spoke and Katara couldn’t stop it as her eyes began to fill with tears as well. She rarely saw her brother cry, and for that reason, it was as if she could feel what he was feeling. Aang noticed right away, his other hand reaching for her cheek to gently wipe away a stray tear that made it's way down her cheek.
“We bless this marriage.”
“We bless this marriage.” Finished their friends with loving smiles.
“Thank you, guys.” Aang bowed and Katara copied him as part of their rehearsed response, though she was afraid that if she tried to speak, more tears would fall, so she kept silent.
“The bridesmaids and groomsmen can now return to their seats.” Instructed the Shaman with a bow of his own. Suki gave the couple a wide smile before guiding Toph back down to their seats on the left behind Katara and Zuko went right back to his seat behind Aang, leading the way for Sokka to follow, but before her brother could go, Katara reached out in front of Aang to grab his hand, stopping him in his tracks.
“Don’t cry, Sokka.” She begged with a trembling voice.
“Don’t worry!” He choked, smiling through the tears at his little sister. “These are the happiest tears ever! You guys… you really deserve each other. Really.”
“Sokka… you don’t know how much that means to me. To us.” Katara whimpered.
“Oh, don’t mention it. I’m fine.” He sniffed, squeezing her hand. “I’ll leave you guys to it.” The warrior whispered as he slipped his hand from hers, giving them both a thumbs up that the couple managed to laugh, the warrior swiftly returning to his seat.
“Are you alright?” Asked Aang softly, and Katara gave him a short nod in reply. She just grabbed his hand tighter, leaning more into his side as the Shaman cleared his throat, ready to continue with the ceremony.
“The blessings of Aang and Katara’s loved one’s have been received, and by the grace of the spirits, I recognise the promises made by Sokka, Zuko, Toph and Suki to be strong and true. Now, I ask the bride and groom to honour their love and commitment to one another through the exchange of vows. If the groom would like to proceed.” With a gesture to Aang from the older man, Aang took a slow breath in and out before turning around to face Katara, taking her other hand in his, and he found himself utterly captivated by her beauty the instant he looked at her. Dazed. She was almost glowing.
The guests laughed at his dreamy sigh and so too did Katara, bushing at his flattery. A sheepish smile graced the Avatar’s lips as he addressed the crowd.
“Sorry… I just can’t believe this is happening.”
“Me neither!” Joked Toph in a manner that served to dissolve any of Aang’s leftover nerves about speaking in front of everyone thanks to the light-hearted laughter that had risen among the guests. He realised at that one, singular moment how very human this was. If everyone felt comfortable enough to laugh with his friend, then he knew without a doubt that he could do this. This was easy.
Aang cleared his throat, turning his attention back to his bride, his grey irises full of adoration as they darted between her oceanic depths. He caressed the backs of her gloved hands, trying to gather his thoughts, to order them. To remember what he was meant to say. “Katara… I…”
“You’ve got this.” She whispered only to him, and his heart fluttered, the girl of his dreams squeezing his hands in a bid to send him support. To give him strength - and, of course it, worked. From then on, the vows he learned but meant with all his heart came easy to him. He barely even had to think, now that he remembered what all of this was for. Who this was for. Katara. The love of his life.
“Katara… I promise to be your shelter, protecting you from all that threatens to do harm. I promise to love you for all that you are, no matter the circumstances we may find ourselves in… I promise to be what you need. In sickness, in health. In good times, and in bad. You will never feel coldness, for my heart will keep you warm. You will never feel lonely, for my soul is forever bound to yours. To the spirits I pray that our bond will only ever grow stronger, and that as two people in love, leading one life together, we will become the best versions of ourselves. As your husband, Katara, I ask for your trust that I will fulfil every promise I make today” Aang squeezed Katara’s hands, finally breathing easy now that he got his vow out smoothly. Though the sight of Katara smiling up at him with starry eyes made the man feel the urge to just pull her against his chest.
“I trust you, Aang.” Came her response, and Aang couldn’t help but beam… because this was it. They were so, so close now.
“And if the bride could now proceed with her vows.”
Katara tightened her grip on Aang’s hands, staring up at him as it really, truly dawned on her that this man, his eyes glittering in the golden firelight, was going to be her husband at last. The joy was written all over her face. Smiling was something held the capacity to avoid, infectious to every person that watched. She took a deep breath and let the words flow like water, too. “Aang. I promise to be your shelter, protecting you from all that threatens to do harm. I promise to love you for all that you are, no matter the circumstances we may find ourselves in. I promise to be what you need. In sickness… in health… in good times, and in bad. You will never feel coldness, for my heart will keep you warm. You will never feel lonely—“ Her voice shook, the weight of the truth in everything she was saying to him now blocking her throat and pushing up, her eyes stinging as they threatened to fill with tears.
This was more than just a wedding vow. Every single word came from the bottom of her heart. Thinking about how lonely Aang must have felt finding out about his people always played on her mind, and now, being able to promise him he would never feel loneliness like that again, made her feel a wave of relief.
Her eyes shut tight to try and fight off the urge to cry, but then she felt Aang as he leaned in, resting his forehead against hers as if to reassure her that he was there for her, too. That she herself was not alone. If she was worried about anyone other than her love, then she would have heard murmurs from the guests who watched with heavy hearts, but all that mattered to her was him. “I’m sorry—” She choked out.
“No…” he whispered. “Take your time, sweetie. It's not like i’m not going anywhere.” Aang tried to joke, and surprisingly it landed.
Katara let out the breath of a laugh despite her tears. “Yeah. Better not be.”
Aang laughed quietly with her, waiting with her, breathing with her. They could have stood like that forever, but whether they liked it or not, she had to finish her vows, so she willed herself to be strong. Katara nuzzled her nose against his once and pulled back with a sniff to continue at last (to Toph's delight - not being able to see properly was really getting in the way, though under it all, she had to say even she was moved).
“I promise that you will never feel lonely, for my soul is forever bound to yours… to the spirits, I pray that our bond will only ever grow stronger, and that as two people in love, leading one life together, we will become the best versions of ourselves. As your wife, Aang, I ask for your trust that I will fulfil every promise I make today.” The ocean of her eyes translated every emotion she felt for him and Aang knew without question that he trusted her with every fibre of his being. He always had and always will.
Aang spoke from his heart when he gave his response, sealing their vows at last. “I trust you, Katara. Always.”
A wide, toothy grin spread across Katara’s face, radiating so much joy that Aang physically felt it in his chest.
“Then I call upon Hakoda, the Head Chieftan of the Southern Watertribe and the father of the bride, to bring the ceremonial paint. Katara, if you could remove one of your gloves.”
The couple reluctantly loosened their grip on each other's hands and Katara carefully tugged off her glove. Hakoda came up to take the place of the Shaman, holding a shallow bowl of paint that automatically transported Aang back to one of the most shameful moments in his life. Though today, this paint would symbolise a memory of love and trust.
“Aang, paint the Mark of the Trusted on Katara’s forehead.”
The Avatar dipped his thumb into the navy blue paint held by Hakoda and then held Katara’s face with his free hand, carefully smearing a horizontal curved line on her forehead, giving her a sheepish smile that gave away the memory he was reminiscing on. She pursed her lips, trying not to laugh as Aang wiped the excess off of his thumb with a cloth Hakoda gave him. The two men shared a brief smile and then the attention was on Katara.
“Katara, paint the Mark of the Trusted on Aang’s forehead.”
The water bender dipped her thumb into the paint and without her having to ask, Aang leaned down the slightest to make it easier for her. She painted the mark of the trusted across the bottom of his arrow carefully and gave him a playful wink when he finished. Aang straightened up, fighting back a laugh, and after Katara cleaned the pad of her thumb, she pulled on her glove and they held hands once again, sharing this excited little look because they were almost there. Only a little more to go.
“Thank you, Chief Hakoda.” Said the officiant, sending the Head Chieftan down to his seat with a gentle hand on his shoulder. Katara smiled at her dad briefly as he went before turning her attention back to the shaman with Aang, a piece of long fabric resting in his palms. “This ceremonial marriage cloth has been used to wed water tribe men and women for hundreds of years,” he announced while wrapping the frayed-edged white cloth around Aang and Kataras joined hands three times. “Today, this cloth is used for the first time in history to join a person from the water tribe and a person from the Air Nation. Today proves that love transcends the barriers of all nations and cultures. Aang, Katara, are you prepared to begin your lives together as husband and wife?”
“We are.” The couple said confidently in unison.
“If anyone present has any reason to object to this marriage, please speak now.”
Katara and Aang briefly looked at the guests and saw nothing but smiling faces, so, relieved, they grinned back at each other, Katara practically bouncing on her feet.
“Very well. Then… with the power bestowed upon me by the spirits, I bless this union and declare you both Husband and Wife…” Katara and Aang were lost in each other, the former chomping at the bit and the latter grinning so hard his cheeks must have been burning. “I invite you to seal your promise with a—“
Katara stood on her tiptoes and crashed her lips against Aang without waiting a single second longer.
“Kiss.” The shaman finished with a laugh and the whole crowd of guests fell into laughter together. Though that laughter quickly turned into claps and cheers of celebration for the newlyweds.
“Finally!” Cheered Toph, both happy for her friends and glad the blurry ceremony was over, though Suki didn’t even have the heart to tell her off. She was too happy for her friends who were lost in one another at the altar, sealing their love like nobody was watching. It was adorable. And it was one hell of a long time coming.
“Ugh! I can’t deal with the oogies!” Exclaimed Sokka in what sounded like irritation… sort of. That is if it weren’t for the obvious way he was trying to conceal his tears. Zuko could see right through the Water Tribe warrior after years of knowing him.
Well, actually... it was the wet trails staining his cheeks that gave it away, but the Fire Lord was too stubborn to admit that.
“Are they ever gonna stop?!” Croaked the warrior even as he clapped.
“You’re one to talk, Sokka,” replied Zuko with a laugh, still clapping for his friends. “Last I remember, you and Suki ran into the reception time with that kiss.”
“Oh whatever. This is different.” He huffed, though the wet sniffs were still coming one after another and all Zuko could do was shake his head in amusement.
A few of the Water Tribe warriors suddenly began to ululate together in celebration of the union, the guests all getting to their feet as the cheers grew in volume. It truly was a beautiful night, one that would never be forgotten for those lucky enough to be a witness.
When Aang and Katara softly parted from each other, it was like the world suddenly solidified around them again and only then had they finally noticed the commotion. For a moment, as they kissed, it was only Aang and Katara in the world. Only her lips pressed against his.
A boyish look of awe passed over Aang’s face when he heard the Tribe’s celebratory calls. The way his wide eyes captured the moment endeared his wife to no end. “That’s so cool! I’ve never heard anything like it!”
“I haven’t heard it since I was a kid.” She answered him back with similar awe in her tone. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
“Yeah! But… not as amazing as this.” He cheesily replied, eyes glittering as he shook his head in what seemed like disbelief. He couldn't believe it. It all felt like a dream come true. “We really did it, sweetie.” Grinned Aang, his smile infectious to Katara. Then he turned his attention to his animal companion, pure delight written all over his face. "We did it, Appa!"
The beast roared in response, Katara grinning up at him, feeling charmed by him all over again. He smiled brightly down at her, those blue orbs of hers wide and enamoured with him.
“We really did it, Aang.” She repeated wistfully. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Aang professed deeply, ready to lean into another kiss when she suddenly let go of his hands and passed the ceremonial cloth over to the shaman’s clapping hands. Initially, he was bemused at the impulsive action, but the moment she looked back up at him with mischief glistening in her eyes, sliding her hands up his chest, Aang realised there was absolutely nothing to worry about. She smirked at him deviously. “Now. Would my husband care to give me a proper kiss?”
“Oh, absolutely. Anything for my wife.” Aang grinned, reaching to hold her face in his hands and leaning in to slot his lips between hers slowly, savouring her as if they had all the time in the world. Katara hummed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. They moved in perfect synchrony, passion and love fueling every brush of their lips. Aang's hands dropped to her waist, pulling her flush against him as they kissed like no one was watching and without a care in the world. It just felt too good to hold each other again. They poured all their love into the lip-lock, starting their journey together exactly how they meant to go on.
Not even a loud growl from Appa or Momo flying over to land on Aangs shoulder brought the couple out of their hypnotic state. As far as Aang and Katara were concerned, the reception could start without them and they’d have no complaints.
Being in each other's embrace was all that they needed.
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miayoui · 1 year
𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 𝟎𝟏𝟎𝟒𝟐𝟑 - 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨 𓍯
my dearest bunny @myeoanz,
as i’m writing this, it still baffles me how it’s been 6 months already. that’s right, we’ve been together for 6 whole months, that’s halfway to a year!
so before i continue, let me just say, happy 6 months to us, my love~
it has been another slow month for us, with our days mostly filled with our respective work, but i’m glad that after every tiring day, after getting scratched by grumpy cats and ran over by excited dogs, i get to come home to you and relax in your arms~ i know we both have pretty demanding jobs, and sometimes our schedules don’t match up and it gets a little hard to spend time together, but i understand how dedicated you are to your work and i know you understand the same for me. as long as you’re happy with what you do, i’ll never get in the way of that, okay?
i got something for your birthday but it looks like it’s taking a while to get here :c but don’t fret because i made something else for this special day too! i’m hoping your birthday gift will arrive soon so i can give it together with today’s gift~ they’re not much but i thought of you while buying/making them hehe <3
being together for 6 months now, it’s quite a feat if you think about it. i’ve seen couples struggle greatly to reach this milestone yet here we are~ maybe it made things easier that you aren’t only my girlfriend, but my best friend as well, and it’s so easy to talk to you about and through anything and everything. i’m sure i trust you with my life, eonnie, and i hope you feel the same towards me too. and with that, i wholeheartedly believe that we can get through anything life throws at us, together.
i can’t wait for these months to turn into years. to spend every day, until we grow old together, being enchanted by your adorable bunny smile. let’s aim for another 6 months together. and after that? forever 🩷 i love you, my bunny, for the past 6 months and now onwards.
with all my love, your penguin <3
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
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Summary: A fire alarm kicks you and your classmates outside in the middle of a chilly winter- and all your luck has just about run out. But in the midst of the icy situation, your best friend Kuroo manages to warm your heart. 
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, “unrequited” pining
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: based off something that my good friend used to do in high school, but upon further reflection, was probably MAD sus to everyone else. Anyways hope y’all like it hehe. <3
Why is it that people only manage to start chemical fires in the winter? The blaring of the fire alarm rings in your ears as you carefully hop in the deep footsteps pressed into the snow beneath you- trying very hard to ensure that the snow doesn’t accidentally hit your socks or sink into the soles of your sneakers. The cold was already seeping into your exposed skin, slowly pricking and biting at your arms and cheeks. 
Of all the times for a fire alarm, it just had to be during gym. While everyone else had their winter uniforms on, you were stuck in your gym shirt and shorts.  Just your luck. You bury your hands into your underarms, attempting to cling onto any remaining warmth your body could generate.
If you were going to be stuck out here, might as well be with any friend you could find. Looking for Yaku amidst the herd of tall 3rd years felt like a lost cause, so instead, you look for the beheaded giant that you call your best friend. Finding him never really seemed to be a problem for you. He stuck out for a variety of reasons, but at the moment, his wack hair was the most prominent. 
You hop in footsteps as you make your way towards the spikes of raven black hair, weaving through the other students. Once you’re finally by him, you tug on his sleeve as a form of acknowledgement. He responds by looking at you and smirking (it was supposed to be a smile, but with Kuroo it always ended up looking like a smirk.) 
Before you can say anything you hear a teacher say, “We could be out here for anywhere between 10 to 20 minutes class, so try and hold out until then,” while slipping mittens onto her stiff fingers. 
“Yaku says most of the team is on the other side of the building with him. So I think it’s just gonna be us over here,” Kuroo types away at his phone while informing you. 
You shiver and nod, the skin on the back of your neck begins to tingle as another gush of wind blows in your direction. You let out a deep breath, focusing on the crystallizing vapor that appears like smoke in front of your mouth- trying to distract yourself from the aggravating cold. 
I really struck out in terms of luck, huh. You feel the cold start to climb your exposed legs, making your skin feel hypersensitive. You tried to move around in circles, doing an awkward lil shuffle, to try and keep the cold away.
“Are you waddling in a circle because you wanna be a penguin, or because you enjoy looking dumb?” Kuroo’s snarky voice pulls you out of your own head. 
“Bold of you to assume penguins don’t enjoy looking dumb,” you retort, rolling your eyes. 
“Well yeah, when they do it it’s cute,” he shoves his hands deeper into his pockets. 
Are you saying I’m not cute? You don’t ask it. Not out loud. 
“Listen, it’s not my fault there was a fire right when I was in the gym.”
“Aren’t we required to bring our track jackets to gym though?”
“I left it in my locker because I thought I would get too hot…” you know how it sounded as it left your mouth. 
“So you didn’t listen to instructions?”
“This is your fault then.” 
You scoff, visibly annoyed, which only causes Kuroo’s smirk to widen. That, of course, pisses you off more. He’s right, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. 
“What class were you in? Chemistry?” you change the subject, still slowly waddling while hugging yourself. 
“Yeah. The fire was from our room.” 
“What even happened?” 
“Someone didn’t clean their beaker correctly so there were remnants of previous chemicals. When we were doing our experiments today, it just so happened to be the wrong combination- so it started the fire.”  
“Don’t be shy, Kuroo. You can tell me you’re the one who started the fire, I won’t judge too hard,” you tease. 
“Tsk, please. I may be an idiot but I’m not that irresponsible…” the faintest of pouts pulls at his lips. 
You hum softly, and quietly say, “I know.” Considering everything that Kuroo was- clumsy and irresponsible wasn’t him. He was one of the most chaotic people you knew- only outdone by Bokuto- but he always took good care of the people around him. You usually witnessed this firsthand as the manager for your school’s volleyball team, watching him in all his captaining glory. He kept it together when they couldn’t. And he definitely kept it together when you couldn’t. Kuroo may not have been clumsy, but you definitely were. 
While you’re lost in your own head, Kuroo hears his name being called out. “Oi, Y/N, I’ll be right back. One of my lab members is calling me over. Don’t freeze to death in that time” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You dismiss him. 
But now in this moment alone with no annoying cat to distract you, the cold starts to overtake you at a faster pace. 
Dizzy from walking in circles, you attempt to shuffle side to side. You did little to pay attention to where you were going, though. Without realizing, you misstep, tripping over your own shoe, left foot digging into a fresh pile of snow when trying to catch yourself- the soft white fluff encasing everything below your ankle. 
The cold that had been nipping at your exterior had suddenly soaked your entire shoe and sock through- permeating through your skin and now racking your entire body with an aggressive wave of iciness. 
********************************4ish minutes later***************************************
Kuroo doesn’t know about this catastrophe on his walk back over. Instead, he’s internally planning on how to continue your teasing banter, his demeanor annoying (it was supposed to be a playful one, but with Kuroo it always just ended up being annoying). 
“Oya, did the cold freeze you stiff or what.” 
Any patience and energy you had left has frozen over.
“I’m fine,” you deadpan. 
Kuroo pauses. ...Oh no, he thinks.
If Bokuto has his emo mode, you have your moody mode. It’s a lot less predictable in comparison to Bokuto, but just as easy to remedy. A little bit of attention or a nice distraction usually does the trick.
“You’re cold,” Kuroo blatantly states.
 “I'm not.” Lie of the century and a dumb answer. But on instinct, you just felt like arguing. 
“I can see you shaking.” You’re indeed shaking like a leaf. 
“Then there’s something wrong with your eyes then...go see an eye doctor or something.” l a m e comeback- but your brain is now freezing up, too. You don’t want to agree with him. If you do, he’d probably just lecture you for not following directions and tell you to own up to it rather than sulk. He would be absolutely correct in saying so, but you really don’t care for logic right now. 
Kuroo huffs, taking a broad step into your little waddle circle and grabbing your shoulders to turn you around so you’re facing him. You shuffle back a bit at the sudden closeness, not that it did much to create distance between you two. It’s at that moment that you also realize the wind is no longer hitting your face- Kuroo’s blocking off the breeze with his back.
“Give me your hands.” Kuroo gently grabs your wrists, which were tucked under your arms. He pulls your hands up to his chest level and then proceeds to wrap his hands around your fingers. 
“Kuroo wh-what are you--” 
“Warming your extremities.”
“Your extremities, your fingers.”
“My… what?” 
“When you get cold, most of the heat in your body centralizes to your core to keep your internal organs warm. So that means the extremities of your body, such as your fingers and toes, get the coldest the fastest. They become prone to frostbite as a result and…”
Everything Kuroo says made perfect sense. Probably. You couldn’t really tell because everything also happened to be going in one ear and out the other. Even the sudden bout of irritation you had felt had suddenly disappeared. You can’t focus on anything but his hands. 
They’re markedly bigger than yours. Your fingers feel so tiny in his grasp. They’re calloused from all the volleyball. His grip is strong, unmoving, but it isn’t crushing or tight. Above all, they radiate warmth. Your stiff and numb fingers regain feeling, soothed by the heat of your best friend’s hands. 
You want nothing more than to look at them. You want to just see his hands wrapped around your fingers. But there was no way you were going to let Kuroo in on the fact that the physical contact stole every bit of attention you had. So instead, you just opt to blankly stare at him, pretending to listen to him nerd out. 
“... it’s the most effective way to mitigate the most harmful effects of the cold. We learned all this in biology, don’t you remember?” 
Still completely clueless about what Kuroo's saying, you just hum in agreement. 
He lets out an exasperated sigh. “You didn’t listen to a word I said did you.” He squeezes your fingers slightly to refocus your mind on him speaking, rather than… whatever you were daydreaming about. 
“Oh- uh… yeah. Sorry for spacing out…” you turn your face away from him. Spacing out was a usual occurrence for you, but for some reason when Kuroo brought attention to it this time, it had you feeling a lot more embarrassed. 
He scoffs a little bit, but his voice softens as he says, “You can space out, that’s fine, no need to feel weird about it, y/n.” He squeezes your fingers again while gently stroking the pad of your pointer finger with his thumb. Flustered as it makes you, it's also very calming. Calming enough that you’re able to make stable eye contact again. 
“I’m sorry for getting moody with you, Kuroo…” you murmur, sheepishly gazing up at him. 
His eyes are unreadable. “You don’t have to apologize for everything, y/n. It makes me feel a little weird... Just, like- say thank you instead.” 
You cock your head to the side, confused by his comment. 
He takes a deep breath, the condensation thick in front of his mouth. “You saying sorry all the time, it makes it seem like you think you’re a bother or something. You’re not.” This is getting too serious for his liking. A heart to heart in the middle of a fire drill? Not happening. He has to lighten it up. “ So...instead of putting yourself down, just praise me instead. Trust me, I love every ego boost I can get.” His signature Cheshire grin slowly emerges, prompting you to roll your eyes. “So don’t say, ‘sorry I wasn’t paying attention in biology 2 years ago-’ say, ‘thank you for re-educating me like the great tutor you are, Kuroo-kun~~’” 
He was a great tutor. He’s been helping you with science for 3 years. 
“Or! Or- ‘sorry for letting a volleyball smash into your face,’ you can say, ‘I’m thankful I didn’t damage your gorgeous face-’”
That incident was completely accidental but hilarious anyways. 
 Kuroo’s nonsensical yet insightful rambling continues, and it helps the embarrassment dissipate from within your chest, amusement taking its place.
“Oi! You narcissistic cat.” Kuroo stops his rambling and just stares at you. “Thanks for being there for me… and putting up with me no matter how emotional I can be..” 
Kuroo’s face twists into a smile (yes- a smile! Not a smirk this time) filled with genuine happiness. “No problem. Anything for you.”
Anything, huh. 
“Do you not feel cold anymore?” Kuroo quickly realizes his hands are still enclosed around your fingers, now gently resting against his chest. 
To be honest, your upper body feels like its on fire. Your face is hot and your heart is pounding like you had run 5 miles. By contrast, your lower body is frozen solid. Your skin is probably extremely cracked, and its stinging. Your feet are also blocks of ice, the revolting feeling of soaked sock ever-present. The two extreme sensations leave you feeling really uncomfortable. But your hands don’t feel hot, though. There was just the perfect amount of warmth- a tingly sensation buzzing through them and faintly running up to your heart.
“Uh, not as much. My feet are messed up but my upper body isn’t as bad.”
“Your feet? You mean your legs?” “No, my feet.”
“Heh? I get your legs- ‘cause of your shorts. But what happened to your feet? I thought you were stepping in other footsteps to avoid getting snow in them.”
“I was but uh I- kinda tripped and stepped right into the snow.” 
A snort. “Dumbass. How do you even trip over your own feet?”
“...oh shut up, nerd.”
The beeps of a loudspeaker cut off your banter, indicating you could all go back inside. 
“Finally!” You sigh in relief. Although you would never admit it, a part of you didn’t wanna go back in yet. Which is stupid because HELLO you’re gonna get frostbite at this point. But you really didn’t wanna pull your hands away from Kuroo. Not yet.
Physical contact had always been pretty limited to slaps on the backs during the good games and pats on the shoulders during the bad. This type of closeness was a first, but was it also going to be the last?
Regardless, you knew it would be sus if you, the person who was now essentially a walking ice cube, lingered outside longer than literally anyone else. 
So you pull your hands out of his strong, warm, welcoming hold. 
“I’m gonna go pour some hot water on my legs and change my shoes… I’ll see you during practice, yeah?” 
Before he could respond, you turn around and hop away in the deepest footprints you can find.
You don’t seem as off as you were earlier, but now you were acting weird in a different way. Kuroo stands there for a second, but once he realizes that he can’t figure you out, he just sighs. Clueless as ever, he shrugs, stuffs his hands into his pockets, and then heads in. 
As you situate yourself in the bathroom and wipe down your legs with a towel soaked in hot water, you let the series of events finally sink into your slowly dethawing head. You aren’t sure if your face is warm to fight the cold or because of embarrassment. 
Pleasant as it was, you knew you couldn’t dwell on the things that just happened with Kuroo. Not for too long, at least. He was one of your closest friends- but just that. So you would have to freeze away whatever wack feelings that were dancing in your chest. It would be better that way for now. 
That’s what you’re gonna tell yourself, at least.
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rieson · 4 years
@riv4ill3 submitted; Hiii can I request a matchup for one piece please? :) I’m 5’8, with long caramel coloured hair and blue eyes! I’m pretty slim up top my thighs are kinda chunky but anywaysss I’m really book smart but have absolutely no common sense and have been called ditzy more than a couple of times. I love dance music, and definitely would be able to drink most people under the table hehe. I’m pretty stubborn, and it takes a lot for me to lose my patience so I’m usually pretty chill. Thanks so much !!! :)
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hello lovely !! thank you so much for requesting a match-up, i match you up with . . .
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word count; 861
Trafalgar Law !
Now, don't get me wrong; Knowledge is hot but you're making Law think otherwise.
Like how ??? HOW can someone be this clueless with common sense ??
Law always has to get you out of sticky situations most of the time because you're ditzy.
Please stop and make judgements and asses the situation first before jumping into fights or arguments i beg you, law has had enough-
"[Name]-ya, why are you limping?"
"Why are you limping?"
"Oh, my feet is hurting, i think the last pirate crew we fought with swiped a knife at it"
"...And why didn't you just come to me?"
"Oh i didn't want t-"
"[Name]-ya, how many times have i told you to go to me whenever you get hurt and STOP pushing yourself! It's common-sense god damnit, even strawhat-ya knows this!"
But, other than your lack of common sense (that you should've had), Law loves having discussions or making up theories with you regarding books.
Late night discussions / theories dates happens pretty often with you both, even though Law always ends up sleeping in your thighs before you guys even finish discussing a theory about the book.
Speaking of sleeping in your Thigh, Law loves that certain body part of yours.
Most of the times when he touched your thighs, it isn't because he wants to do anything sexual, it's just really comfortable for some reason.
Also, you're both stubborn as heck and WILL stop each other from doing each other's bad habits.
It works lol
Law is known as someone who rarely gets sleep in the crew, you'll always often see him with dark eyebags under his eyes.
And that's where you step in.
When Law is too focused on his work and skipping meals / sleep, you'll most likely be the one who gets him to take a rest and eat.
It's a 50% 50% since you're both stubborn as hell but hey, better than nothing right?
"Laww!" You half-yelled as you knocked the door to his office
You receive no answer from the other side of the door.
Deciding that as a sign to step in, you slowly open the door as it creaks.
"Law?" You spoke out, grimacing at the scattered papers around you.
Seeing as there is still no answer, you start going inside.
Flipping on the lamp switch, you squinted your eyes til you adjusted to the bright light.
Seeing a lump at law's work desk, you head over to it.
"Hey, law?" You poked the lump.
Groaning, Law starts to shift uncomfortably as you kept poking his ribs.
"..What..?" He croaked out.
You sigh, "You haven't slept in 4 days have you? Come on." You started patting laws shoulder.
Opening his eyes and grimacing at the sudden bright light that engulfed his vision, he finally turns to you with tired eyes.
"I can't. It's still not don-"
"Nope, sorry Law but I'm not taking that as answer. Now get up or I won't let you sleep in my thighs anymore."
Law's eyes widen slightly as he straightened up, now fully sober and awake.
"Wait. Let me nap please."
You have two jobs when the crew docks at a new island.
It's either you accompany Law buying whatever stuff he needs, OR you're assigned to babysit the crew (honestly it's just penguin and shachi that needs supervising)
Listen, Law just doesn't always have the patience to deal with those two so you're practically his escape route when it comes to them lol
You're fine with it, It takes alot to drain your patience anyways.
Don't worry, Law will reward you with something (the reward is up to your imagination)
Although, this might be a fatal mistake on Laws part since you are known to not have common sense.
And with Shachi and Penguin? Oh no.
Very much a mistake.
Let's just say it doesn't end well.
Also did i mention the fact that Law loves your eyes?
Like, he absolutely adores your eyes???
It's so?? Pretty and gorgeous like,, he could get lost in those ocean eyes.
The way your eyes sparkle whenever you read a book that interests you just makes it more gorgeous than it already is.
Catch this man staring at you and he'll either deny it or straight up answer it bluntly. No in between.
Also the height difference !!
When you're alone, he absolutely loves to cuddle you and make you the little spoon, it gives him alot of serotonin.
Also, prepare for his teasing whenever it comes to your height.
He doesn't do it often but that doesn't mean he won't do it infront of the crew lol.
Calls you a 'dwarf'
You'll call him a 'lamppost' in return
Also, whenever the crew has a party, you'll ALWAYS be in the spot of babysitting the members. Take it or leave it.
Also, Shachi and Penguin likes to challenge you to a drinking game and always loses in the end lmfao
On Lazy days, you would be playing some dance music in his room and dance to it while Law just watches you with a lovestruck gaze.
He's a simp for you; and you're a simp for him too.
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here it is! hope it didn't take too long <3 i hope you liked your match!
i apologize in advance if Law isn't compatible with you, this is only who i think would balance well for you with the information you sent me.
note; this isn't proofread, sorry for any grammatical errors.
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ogamagirl · 4 years
WELL friendos, it looks like it’s gonna be a stressful week. I did a little think last night to de-stress myself, so I figured I’d share it here with y’all as well; maybe it’ll be fun for you to look at too.
It's been a while since I've documented The Plush Hoard, so I went through it this evening!
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A few notes before we begin!
-Before the "but where do YOU sleep" comments come in - I move them around when I sleep lol. The vast majority of my plushies are up on my top bunk nowadays (which u purposefully cannot see because after I was done taking pictures I just started tossing em up there and didn't feel like making them look nice jskdhgf;;; ) - I only keep my very favorites with me. Every time I blog about my plushies I get that comment and it's not funny anymore ;; -I am not a collector that keeps my plushies on shelves or behind glass cases; one of the primary reasons I love collecting plushies is because I love soft textures, so I love hugging and cuddling with them. So some of them are pretty beat up at this point! I also have a cat and if you have a cat, you know cat hair Everywhere is just a fact of life, so if you happen to see any...sorry! I cannot possibly de-cat-hair my entire apartment at all times. -I am not a photographer and my bedroom has crappy lighting, so these pictures aren't ~the prettiest~; the point of this is for me to just have some fun talking about one of my hobbies! -I have cultivated this collection over years and years and years; as I said, it's one of my hobbies, and it just brings me joy!
That said, THIS GON BE A LONG POST LMFAO, so if you're on board, hop under the read more and we'll get started uvu
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We shall start with the non-weeb plushies skdjfhldfg, which is the smallest cohort |D;;; of special note are the baby penguin from Sunshine City Aquarium in Ikebukuro, the moose my parents got for me in Alaska, the big doofy red panda my college roommates got me for my birthday one year, and the dragon. THE DRAGON IS WEIGHTED. The dragon is delightful oh my god all plushies should be weighted;;; 
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Ghibli plushies! I got the vast majority of these while I was physically in Japan - the only two that I didn't were the foxsquirrel and the Totoro on top of it. The soot sprite I got at the Ghibli Museum itself uvu 
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Digimon plushies! I wish there were more decently sized Digimon plushies TAT;; (I like bigger plushies because they are easier to hug ok) The Culumon and Viximon (? I think I'm remembering that name right: Renamon's in-training form, the yellow fox blob sdjfgdfg) are bootlegs I am very sorry ;;; My Digimon Plush Goal is to somehow find an official Culumon someday TAT;;; I rlly like Culumon there was a period of time in elementary school where I drew nothing but Culumon so lol. 
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Random fandom plushies! Lessee, what's represented here...Sanrio, Hamtaro, Madoka, Heartcatch Precure, Higurashi, OneShot, Made in Abyss, Re:Zero, Undertale, and Deltarune! Ralsei's hat and glasses obviously come off...I, full disclosure, do not know where they are. They are probably under my bed somewhere sjkdfghsdg;;;; 
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OK HERE WE GO: most of my plushies are Pokemon plushies. What can I say...they're just so much fun to collect TAT;;; first up are a couple groups of miscellaneous babbies; you will soon see I like collecting some Pokes over others... 
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Miscellaneous babbies part two! See the lil Riolu? When I lived with my parents still, that Riolu was Joji's favorite plushie to steal |D;; she would semi-regularly come into my room and take plushies from me, but that one she took far more often than any other. She's such a small dog no damage was ever done, but still...Joji these are mine, not yours! 
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Miscellaneous babbies part three! This was originally meant to be legendary/mythical Pokes but then I remembered Raboot and Galarian Ponyta and was like "OH NO I HAVE TO INCLUDE THEM" I am not very good at this jsdhfglsjfdg 
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'pixs! (and two Ninetales) I have a very vivid memory of watching the first episode Vulpix appeared in in the anime and wanting a plushie of one so bad, but alas they were certainly not readily available to me yet, so I carried around a Simba plushie I had that evening pretending it was a Vulpix xD so if little me could see my Vulpix collection now she'd be very happy!! 
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'vees! ...I like me an Eevee, what can I say. There's actually one Eevee that's missing from this pic - I told you I'm not very good at this |D;;; 
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...oh there were TWO Eevees missing and I stuck them in this pic lol I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I TOOK PICTURES OF HOORAY anyway, Eeveelutions! I obviously favor certain evolutions over others |3 Eventually I would like to get at least one Espeon, Glaceon and Leafeon, just to say I have them all. But there is one more Eeveelution that I couldn't fit here... 
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...cause she BIG. My life-sized Sylveon takes the prize of biggest plushie I own. She hangs out at the foot of my bed uvu (also her ears are top heavy/don't have any wires in them so they've clearly flopped backwards...but she cute any way you slice it TAT) 
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THE PIKAS. ...Somehow I thought I had more Pikas than this. (Oh wait, I DO...they're just coming later cause they're in a special category |3 ) this is still a good amount of Pikas! Detective Pika is extraordinarily soft he's very good TAT;;; also two Raichu cause I don't have enough Raichu to take a separate pic of. 
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Mimis! I have a couple other Mimis that are also in the special category coming up hehe. Big Mimi was stuck in customs for a month after I got him so I'm glad he made it home eventually TAT;;; 
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HERE WE GO I have...a lot of Litten. Litten is my baby. Best Poke-kitty for me. I love my Litten TAT///// 
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PICHU PICHU PICHUUUU!!! My ultimate baby TAT///// Pichu so good...so happy to have so many Pichu...aaaa///// but wait, there are Absol here too?? Well, yes, of course. For I am a Pichu and my love is an Absol. So. I had to take pictures of the plushies together uvu 
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Some Large Friends that got their own picture. That rolly Charizard was the first thing I ever won from a crane game; I was ridiculously proud of myself |D;;; 
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SPECIAL CATEGORY: Halloween Pokes!!!! The PokeCen always has an Extremely Good Halloween campaign and it makes me angry...they're all so good...TAT//////// 
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Aaand! Best for last!! SE plushies T//u//T The middle two Souls are very beat up, ahaha....I've had the smaller one for over a decade and the bigger one for almost a decade, so...they've gotten a lot of love//// (plus it is also funny to tease Soul - u know I'd give u a hug over the plushies any day baaaaaabe u3u) I really want to get Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki too, but Tsubaki is SUPER hard to find and I don't want to get Liz and Patty and not her TAT;;; there are also Excalibur plushies...............but I think I'm ok without an Excalibur plushie sjdkfghsdfg OH also not pictured; I do have a plush Shinigami glove |D
So! There it is! The hoard! If I were a dragon this would be my treasure hoard! It was nice to go through this so if you went through it with me I hope you had fun too!
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oxnardsart · 4 years
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Before I'm too busy with a new game, here's another Boxer Beats page! http://boxerbeats.thecomicseries.com/comics/27 --- “You know what? Let’s do it.” Lesbuni decided. “You? Me? Together?” Nishi asked. “Mostly just me. You can come if you want.” “If it’s exciting enough I probably will!” the dino gave a confused smile. “I’m going to talk to Foxie.” Lesbuni took in a deep breath. “You’re gonna tell her that we’re doin’ it!? I don’t think she’ll like that.” “The doing it that we’re doing is telling Foxie whatever I tell her!” Lesbuni yelled. She and Nishi left the stadium and headed over to the Do-Gooders headquarters. She knew Foxie was in the jail there, and it was too much to keep waiting. Lesbuni waited for her turn to talk to Foxie. The Do-Gooders had a little area where visitors and criminals could talk together. This is where Nishi normally kept in touch with Foxie. It was a lonely experience for the fox, stuck there every day. People weren’t likely to visit a jail every day of their lives just to keep you company, so whenever someone stopped by it was exciting! But Lesbuni had waited twenty minutes for her chance to talk to Foxie, and she wasn’t showing up. Two minutes later, “I don’t think she’s coming...” Nishi frowned, “It’s been twenty-two minutes.” “Give it a little more time...” Lesbuni sighed. She was still tired from screaming with Don earlier today. She closed her eyes for a second and... “LESBUNI WAKE UP!” Nishi busted his lungs out - Lesbuni woke up with him right up in her face. “You fell asleep!” Lesbuni yawned and stretched, “How long have I been asleep for...?” “A minute.” Nishi honked. “That’s it! I give up.” Lesbuni threw her hands in the air and got up, “Twenty-three minutes? Wow. She sure doesn’t care about keeping us waiting.” “Oh, now it’s twenty-four minutes...” Nishi reported. “Wow. I must be dead to her,” Lesbuni growled. It was an adorable little bunny growl. She’s too cute to be scary and mad. Tee hee. “Lethbuni! Nithi!” A lispy alligator came running into the room, “You two gotta come quick. Foxthie ithn’t in here - the’th in the boxthing ring!” No wonder she hadn’t showed up. Lesbuni immediately ran out the door. She was sure she could catch Foxie if she hurried! The moment Lesbuni got back in the Boxer Beats stadium, she heard Oxnard over the mic, “Aaaand onto our next fight. Congratulations Foxie on making it through another round - you sure showed that fruit-suiter where to shove his banana.” Lesbuni smiled - that sounded like the Foxie she knew. But she had to find her before she left! Lesbuni was standing at the stage entrance, looking out to see if Foxie was anywhere near the ring, but there was nothing. She looked towards the different exits to try and catch her leaving, but there wasn’t anyone around... That meant Foxie was gone. Lesbuni sank to her knees. She was so tired of how the two always missed each other. Gaydar ran in from the entrance and tried to stop himself as soon as he saw Lesbuni, but the clumsy gator slipped and fell on his butt. The stadium lights all fell on him, the crowd began to laugh and clap. “Gee golly, hehe! Good thing I gotta rump made of thteel~” Gaydar turned to his side to show off his tail, rubbing it teasingly for the crowd - who gave an aroused cheer. No wonder everyone loved him! Gaydar snapped out of it and whispered to Lesbuni, “Nithi’th thtaying at the jail in cathe you mithed Foxthie...” He looked around for Foxie, but Lesbuni’s disappointed expression, and being alone meant they were probably too late. “Come on Lethbuni! We jutht have to go back...” “I’m not going.” Lesbuni pouted and left the stage. She found a hallway and sat alone for a bit. It felt like the people Lesbuni cared about were always out of reach. And just in time, Nishi, Gaydar, and Macaroni all found her in the hallway. The rabbit groaned internally - she felt like they would give her an obvious lecture and push her to go see Foxie. “Heeey Lesbuni...” Nishi smiled, “Foxie couldn’t stay, so don’t worry about going back... but Mac had an idea!” Lesbuni looked annoyed at the thought of having to do anything. “How about a girls’ night out?” the older penguin lady asked. “We can take our minds off our partners and go have fun.” Lesbuni wasn’t expecting that. “Can Gaydar and I go to the girls’ night out too?” Nishi pleaded. Gaydar waggled his bare hips and winked. “Acthually, alligator anatomy can kinda make me look like thome girlth thinthe m-” Nishi covered Gaydar’s mouth. He knew Lesbuni didn’t like hearing about anatomical details. “You’re not gonna tell me what to do about Foxie?” Lesbuni looked up curiously. “Nah, we figured you’d hate that.” Nishi laughed. He was right! “But we weren’t sure if you’d want to go out...” Macaroni worried, “we can do whatever you want to.” Everyone looked at Lesbuni and let her decide. “I... haven’t gone dancing in a while...” the little bunny blushed. “I’m not good at it, but... it’s kind of fun...” “I wanna go danthing~!” Gaydar wrapped his arm around Nishi, “I know how to cut a rug, I’ll thow ya how it’th done!” Macaroni Penguin started to tap her feet and flap her wings, “Would you dance with me, Lesbuni?” The little bird chuckled, “I travelled down here alone, so I don’t have anyone to dance with...” “Oh that’s gross. Mac’s so old!” Nishi joked, “She’s probably like a hundred!” Lesbuni got up on her feet and took Macaroni’s wing in her paw. She couldn’t believe she was going to go dance with a grandma, or hang out with guys on a girls’ night out. She had no idea what to expect, but she was ready for it! “Let’s dance our asses off,” the rabbit cheered as she left the stadium with her new, weird friends. Round 3 After a refreshing night with her pals, Lesbuni was ready for another day in the ring. They were getting closer to the finale! “I’m kinda surprised...” Lesbuni told Nishi as the two of them headed to the stadium, “I didn’t think I’d get this far!” “I’m surprised too - but I knew you’d put up a good fight!” Nishi grinned, “I know you’re a shy bunny, but whenever you get in arguments you yell and puff out your little chest - I’d be afraid to fight you!” Lesbuni crossed her arms and scowled. “I didn’t mean your little chest. I meant ‘cause you’re a little bunny!” He smiled, “I would never comment on your lack of, uh...” “That counts as a comment!” Lesbuni snapped, “They’re none of your business.” “I agree,” her buddy giggled, until they saw the group of professional boxers protesting Boxer Beats. “Uh oh.” They were rowdier today because their calm leader, Stan, wasn’t around! “Hey, it’s that boxer bunny again,” growled one of the strong lion boxers. “You’re not boxing today, little guy?” “Nope.” Lesbuni quickly replied without even looking at him. “What do you mean, Lesbuni? You’re scheduled to fight today!” Nishi responded. “Dude, Nishi, quiet!” Lesbuni glared at him. “Ha! So you are coming in today?” The lion picked up the cardboard box and shook it, “Show us how you get in here! I know there’s stuff inside!” “Isn’t that a box of briefs?” Nishi chuckled, “We’re going to Boxer Beats. That’s what the competition is called,” he looked down at Lesbuni, “or is it Boxer Briefs?” Lesbuni took Nishi’s hand and hurried them out of there. However, the lion began to follow them. “If that box isn’t the real entrance to the Boxer Briefs competition, I’m gonna follow you two until you go to the real one,” the stalker lion growled. “You won’t want to miss your fight and lose the competition, right little rabbit?” Lesbuni was pissed. Now she had a guy stalking her, and trying to stop her from competing in Boxer Beats! She wasn’t going to let some jerk prevent her from trying to see her girlfriend, but most importantly... “I am NOT going to be stalked by anyone. ESPECIALLY not a guy.” Lesbuni turned around, her angry eyes looking right up at the big boxer. Nishi huddled behind her and nervously started playing with his phone. “I bet you do this to animals all the time if you think it’s okay to stalk anyone.” The little bunny growled, “It is NOT okay to do this. This is harassment.” The lion raised an eyebrow, “I’m not harassing you, lady. I can walk wherever I want.” He rolled his eyes, trying to sound polite, “I happen to be going to the same place you’re going, so can you please lead the way?” “No.” Lesbuni made herself clear, and after a moment of silence, “Well? I’m not leading you anywhere. So GO. If it’s not harassment, leave.” The lion lost his polite smile, “Okay, it wasn’t harassment before... but it is now.” Lesbuni was a firm believer in educating the stupid. She grabbed a book from her bag and threw it right at the lion’s face. She knew to go for the eyes if she had to fight an attacker, but he was too tall for her to reach. The lion blocked the book throw, but Lesbuni was ready to fight. With his hands covering his face, Lesbuni used her short height to attack his knees, feet, and groin. With a few hard hits, the lion bully was hurt. Lesbuni grabbed Nishi’s hand and made a run for it. “Oh my gosh, this is so scary!” Nishi cried as they ran far down the street, making sure the lion was still down. “Are you okay?” Lesbuni kept running, “Yeah! Attack and run.” Lesbuni was always skeptical of guys, and for once her paranoia and education helped her against one! “While you were saving our butts, I called for help!” Nishi showed her his phone. “Hey kids,” a tall, scary figure suddenly sprang up behind them. Nishi and Lesbuni screamed! After a moment, they realized it was their scrunky-looking friend, Fuxie. Nishi and Lesbuni screamed again! “Who do I get to beat up, where is he?” Fuxie asked Nishi, “He didn’t hurt ya?” “No no, we’re fine! Lesbuni kicked his butt,” Nishi grinned, “but you can go kick it some more before Officer Goatella gets here.” Fuxie laughed, eyeing the small rabbit, “Really? The little lady did it? Cool.” Their punky fox friend went to go kick at the guy the two had escaped - keeping him down until the Do-Gooders arrived. Lesbuni was proud of herself! She got praise from one of the toughest girls she knew, she protected her friend Nishi from getting hurt, she stood up for herself, and she made sure nothing got in the way of her competing in the tournament! Finally seeing her girlfriend again was going to be the best reward she could get. “Welp, that’s all taken care of...” Fuxie sighed, the fun part was over. “Nice to see Officer Goatella in action though~” She grinned as she checked out the goat arresting the lion stalker. “Goatella the gorgeous! Gee, I don’t know what I would have done without you guys - I mean, girls.” Nishi laughed, “I wish I was as tough as you three are.” “And I wish Goatella would use her handcuffs on me~” Fuxie growled playfully. Goatella was ready to head back to the DG headquarters, “You sweeties did such a good job defending yourself against that very handsome, muscular lion. He could use a tamer,” the motherly goat smiled. “I could use a tamer too,” Fuxie grinned with a wink. “That’s gross, Fuxie.” Nishi stuck out his tongue, “You’re not as smooth as-” “You’re completely hairless and bald everywhere, I know.” Fuxie smirked. “Don’t say that in front of Goatella!!” Nishi whined. Goatella smiled politely and kneeled down to the short rabbit, “Great self-defense, Lesbuni.” Goatella put a little Do-Gooders sticker on her shirt, “You don’t have to be an officer to be a Do-Gooder! Keep up the good work.” The lady goat smiled and left the scene while Nishi and Fuxie kept bickering. “Okay you two, I gotta go.” Lesbuni waved, the stadium up ahead, “Thanks for helping me get there safe!” “You would’ve anyway, ya little ass kicker,” Fuxie laughed. “We’re coming too, wait up!” Nishi and Fuxie headed off with Lesbuni. The three joked around while watching the show. The little rabbit was sincerely surprised someone as tough and scary-looking as Fuxie thought a shy little rabbit like her was tough! But she liked having Fuxie’s respect, and felt accomplished having tough ladies like her and Goatella on her side.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous)
The Doctor stepped into Penguin Logistics’ office with his laptop and a smile. ‘Emperor and Magallan are taking a day for themselves, so they asked me to come watch PL for the day. Shouldn’t be too much trouble, and since Amiya’s in charge while I’m doing this, I don’t have to worry about doing any actual work, either! I’ll just get to sit back, relax, and-’
“Incoming!” A rubber band pegged him in the knee with enough force to send him to the floor, albeit leaving him enough sense of self not to fall onto his computer or let it break in the process. “Oh, Leader! Sorry, I thought you were the Emp!” Exusiai walked over and helped him up.
“He’s taking the day off and asked me to fill in for him. How the hell does a rubber band hurt that much?” He asked, rubbing his knee.
Exu waved a strange-looking not-gun at him. “The Emperor’s nonlethal gun - in his words, ‘still good for cappin’ fools if ya know where to hit ‘im.’ Want me to show you around?”
“Exu, tell Emperor we’ve gotta go!” Sora dashed out from an out-of-sight room. “There’s a- Oh, hi, Doctor!”
“The Leader’s our Leader for today. Looks like you’re coming with us!” The way she said it didn’t really comfort him...but it was just a mission, right? How bad could it be?
A few hours later, the Doctor was in the backseat of a black van, applying healing Arts to Croissant as Texas drove them down a highway and Bison and Exusiai acted as a turret+shielding duo through the sunroof. Sora looked back at them from the front seat. “Sorry, Doctor! We didn’t think they’d be so well-armed, or have so many cars.”
“It’s fine,” he lied bold-faced, focused on the work at hand. “You guys do this on a daily basis without a trained Medic?”
“We all know enough to keep on our feet,” Texas replied, making a sharp turn that smacked Croissant’s head into the door behind her.
The Doctor cursed under his breath. “She’s going to be out for a few. Exu, Bison, need any help?”
“Doing just fine, Leader!” The Sankta replied before firing shredding one of their pursuer’s tires. “Sit back and enjoy the view!”
“...I’m gonna try something.” He rolled down the window nearest to him and stuck the end of his staff out of it; concentrating on the ground they’d already rolled over, he pulled up on it, and metal spikes were now growing as their van’s tires drove on. Less than a mile later, and they were scott-free.
Bison and Exusiai made their way back into the car, the former sitting in the floor and cradling Croissant while the latter took a seat in the Doctor’s lap, hugging him. “That was so cool, Leader! Emperor would have just kept telling Texas to drive around until we lost them, but you solved that much more quickly!”
“I just wanna go home,” he muttered, “but thanks...”
“Well, we’ve got what we came here for, so mission accomplished! Let’s go home.”
Croissant was awake by the time they made it back, and she immediately declared that they should celebrate their first Doctor-led job being a success. Everyone agreed, and so they celebrated in their usual way - a party.
A few more hours later, and the Doctor was sequestered in a back room, staring at the ceiling. He had a terrible stomach for alcohol, and after two beers, he’d left to detox. Now, thoroughly drained from the Arts use and the party-induced purge, he was just waiting for the day to end so he could go back to his office.
“Leader?” Exusiai knocked gently on the door. “I don’t know if you’re hungry, but I brought you something. Can I come in?”
“Is it apple pie?” He called back.
She giggled. “No, it’s not pie.”
“Alright,” he replied; Exu had, in fact, brought him some water and a bowl of applesauce, which she set down in front of him. “Well, you didn’t say it wasn’t apples...Thank you, Exu.”
“Don’t mention it. You wouldn’t mind if I stuck around for a bit, would you?”
The Doctor blinked. “No, but...why?”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.” She sat down across from him as he sat up to eat, smiling. “Why don’t you go out in the field more, Leader? You did a great job with us today.”
“I’m too valuable to RI to risk on normal ops, and I like my peace and quiet...although it was nice being able to help you guys today.”
Exusiai watched him for a while, not saying anything, before piping up again. “What did you want to do today while you were here?”
“I’ve got a game I’ve been trying to finish for a while,” he admitted. “It’s hard to find the time normally.”
“What game?” She looked over at his laptop curiously.
The Doctor smiled. “Soul Mirage 3. Hand me my laptop and I can show you.”
“Sure!” She hopped up and brought him his computer, sitting on the other side from his food and closer. As he booted up the machine, she shivered. “Did you turn on the AC?”
“A while ago, yeah; I was sweating like a Siesta slug for a minute there.”
Exusiai glanced up at the vents. “Can I turn it off again?”
“Here.” He double-checked there wasn’t anything on his jacket before handing it to her. “I’m not going to need it.”
The Doctor had only just gotten through the login screen and was watching his programs open in sequence. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing~” When he gave her a sideways glance, he realized it was exactly her size. “It smells like you.”
“Gee, thanks.”
She pouted. “I meant it as a compliment...”
“Really?” The game could wait for a minute; he set aside his computer while it continued setting up. “How is that a compliment?”
“Well, it reminds me of you.”
The Doctor smirked. “And you like thinking of me that much?”
“When I don’t have the real thing so close by...” Exusiai rested a hand on his shoulder. “Do you believe the rumors about Mostima and me, Leader?”
She smiled. “That answers that, then...You don’t have a girlfriend or anything, right?”
“No, I don’t.” His attention was all hers right now. “What about it?”
“Do you want one?”
His head began to spin again. “Why are you asking me this now...”
“I heard a lot about you before coming here with Penguin, and getting to work with you has been really fun.” She wiped a stray glob of applesauce off his face with her finger and licked it off. “Before i met you, I kinda worried about tying myself down, but when I’m around you, I just wanna get closer.”
“...I’m gonna start overheating again.”
Exusiai giggled. “I knew I had an effect on you! Earlier in the car, when I sat in your lap, you were too focused on the fight for me to be able to tell.”
“Yeah, there’s nothing to hide behind now, is there.” The Doctor thought for a moment. “If you wanted to know for sure...”
“Don’t mind if I do.” She took off his jacket before taking his offer, settling into his lap and wrapping her arms around him.
Their faces were dangerously close. “Are you still cold?”
“I’m getting warmer,” Exu whispered, “but not that quickly.”
“Well, um...I can help with that.”
Lights danced in her eyes. “I’d like that a lot.”
“I would, too.” He pursed his lips. “Could you take the lead, though? I don’t know what this body’s done before, but this is my first time...”
“Just relax, Doctor, and leave everything to me.”
And that’s exactly what he did.
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박우진, Park Woojin
anonymous asked:
hihi!! i would like to request some fluff with woojin from AB6IX, I’m not sure if you do requests outside your prompt lists but, maybe a scenario where the reader is youngmin’s bestfriend and she has always lowkey had a crush on woojin hehe and some cute youngmin bestfriend moments thank youu
Group: AB6IX
Member: Woojin (and a considerable amount of platonic Youngmin)
“Hey!” you snapped at Youngmin, pushing his hands away from your head. “I said you could touch my hair—not mess it up!”
The boy laughed at your antics. “I wasn’t messing it up,” he defended himself. “I was giving it character.” 
You rolled you eyes. “What kind of a screwed up character were you giving it?”
He thought for a moment. “Frankenstein’s wife?” he offered. “That kind of feeling.”
You pulled your fist back, like a threat to punch him, but you both knew better than that. You could never hit that idiot. You both just ended up laughing at each other as you sunk further into your couch. 
He sucked in a breath after your giggle fritz was over. “So,” he started, “how’s things with you and Woojin?” 
You quirked a brow. “What’re you talking about?” 
He gave you a look. “Oh, come on. I’ve seen you with crushes before, and he’s totally one of them.” 
“Well...” You didn’t have any clever comebacks. “Maybe a little bit,” you mumbled back, shifting around a little. 
‘A little bit’ was a massive understatement. You’d had an eye on Youngmin’s friend for quite some time now. You appreciated his quiet awkwardness, his snaggle tooth, his secretly dopey behavior in contrast to his outwardly cool demeanor. 
His dancing wasn’t a negative trait either. 
Youngmin clapped his hands, like a self-congratulations. “Knew it,” he snorted. “So, what’re you gonna do about it?” 
“Nothing,” you shrugged. 
He did a double-take. “Can you repeat that?” 
“I’m not gonna do anything about it,” you said. “We’ve said two and a half words to each other, I doubt he’s interested in me.” 
A sly smile spread on his lips. “I don’t know,” he said, an impish glow in his eyes. “You might be surprised.” 
Your ears perked up. “Wait a minute. Are you saying he likes me?” 
“I didn’t say that.” 
You scrambled to your knees, waddling yourself clumsily closer to your best friend. “Im Youngmin, you have a 0% strength poker-face, so tell me! Does he have a crush on me or not?” 
He held in a snort. “Why would he? It’s like you model yourself after a penguin.”
He held up his hands in defense. “I’m being serious—I don’t know! Just don’t write him off just yet, yeah? Try befriending him and hanging out some. Maybe you’ll be shocked.”
You huffed, sitting back down. “But that’ll take time... I’m impatient.” 
“I know,” he chuckled. He poked you with his sock feet. “That’s why your brother’s gonna help you out! I’ve got a foolproof plan up my sleeve, m’lady.” 
You smacked his foot away with your own. “You’re not my brother.” 
“But you love me like one,” he said as you both started having a fencing battle with your legs. 
A small smile broke across your face as you jabbed him in the ankle. “True enough.” 
It was around 11:46 at night when you got a text from Youngmin, jolting you up from a half-dozed state. Hesitantly, you rolled yourself out of bed to grab your phone off your desk. 
For anyone else, you would’ve let it wait till morning, but when you heard that special ringtone, you didn’t tend to ignore it—no matter how much you wanted to. He’d been there for you in the tough times and late nights, so it only felt right to do the same for him. 
You unlocked your phone, cringing from the sudden brightness in the room.
From: Youngminnie
Subject: Official Plan for Seducing My Group Mate
You rolled your eyes at the title before clicking it open. Your eyebrows immediately furrowed at the number of steps there were. 10 steps, perfectly typed out a labeled. As expected of Youngmin. 
‘Do I have to read all this tonight? -_-’ you asked.
Three moving dots. 
‘You don’t have to,’ he wrote back. ‘But you should. For good dreams. ;D’
You chuckled at the reply. “Fine, then,” you sighed to yourself, flipping on your lamp and plopping down in your shockingly comfortable rolling chair. 
Step 1: Come To More Hangouts
The kids and I hang out often, so you should start tagging along! 
You weren’t sure if you liked that idea very much. Being the outsider in a close group didn’t seem very appealing to you. That was until you noticed the message right under it.
I promise I won’t let you sixth-wheel, you coward. 
Ah. He knew you too well.
Step 2: Exchange Numbers
I think this one’s a given. After you make that initial connection—jump on him! Well... Not literally, since he’s very important to the team, but you know what I mean. Sure, I could just give you his number, but that’d be no fun, and I know you’re too awkward to actually start a conversation with him. 
Step 3: Find Common Interests
Just look for something you two can do together. I’d say try dancing with him, but we both know the extent of your noodle-arm-ness (not to be offensive, or anything). I don’t think I can help you here, ‘cause I want you to get to know each other authentically, but I know you’ll figure something out.
Step 4: Share An Intimate Moment
I don’t mean it like THAT, you weirdo. I just mean a vulnerable moment. Like, I know it’s scary, but be open with him about something personal. Not too personal, though. Remember, I’m watching you, kid. That, or be there for him when he’s not doing too well. You know work can be stressful for us. Now that! I can give you a tip on that. I’ll let you know when he’s not doing so well. He’ll need comfort, don’t you think~? Warning, though. If you kiss him in front of me, I’ll end both of you.
Step 5: Do Something He Likes Doing
If he invites you somewhere, you better go. Even if you have plans with me, cancel. I’ll be the understanding, amazing, incredible, most-loved best friend that I am and forgive your sins. Wow! I’m really such a guardian angel!  
Step 6: Compliment Him
It’s okay if you do it moderately throughout your time together, but make this one something BIG. Make him think on it! Give him that heart-flutter that only you can provide. 
Step 7: Hang Out At Your Place
It’s a big step, this one. You have to let a guy in your house! ...besides me. I just realized how that sounded as I typed it. Yes, I do regret it, if you’re wondering. Disregarding that; just hang out together! Have a good time, play some games, be safe (please don’t kill me for that) and let him see how fun you are to hang out with on your own! 
Step 8: Tease Him
Again, I don’t mean this in a weird way. I just mean it in a playful way. I have no doubt that you’ll do plenty of it without having to consult the step since you warm up to people in a snap, but I wanted to write it down just in case. Do something a little flirty at some point, please. He blushes easily, despite how tough he seems. He’s a real dork!
Step 9: Have a Sleepover At the Dorms
I know this one seems a little weird, but I think it’s a good idea. If you have a sleepover, you’ll be able to see if you can actually stand him for an entire day, an entire night, and then the next morning. A good test, I think! You’ll be able to see if he’s truly your “chosen one”. Plus, he won’t sleep naked for one night... Blessing, really. 
Step 10 (final step): Hook, Line and Sinker
Now’s the time! I know you’ve totally captured his heart by now, so you should just confess your feelings honestly. Don’t chicken out!! I know Woojin, so he won’t ditch you, even if he doesn’t feel the same. Might be awkward for half a second, but he’ll come around. 
You rubbed the tiredness out of your eyes, glancing at the clock. 12:31 AM. You sighed and groaned, stretching out your stiff limbs. You discarded your phone, switched off the light and threw yourself into bed with an unladylike flop. “Bed, how I missed thee, my love...”  
Even though you felt exhaustion flooding your body, drawing you into what you hoped would be restful sleep, you still felt grateful to Youngmin. 
Your best friend and number one wing-man. 
There you stood, three weeks later, outside of a cafe, a little bit frozen in your spot. You could see Youngmin and the others through the window, chatting freely. They looked so happy together. So at peace. 
You slowly turned around, muttering to yourself, “Oh, gosh... I don’t want to do this. They’re all having fun. You’re gonna butt in and have no place. You’re gonna be the dead fish! The black sheep! The gray cloud!” You shook your head, trying to clear yourself of those thoughts. 
“No,” you told yourself, giving yourself a light slap on the cheek to wake yourself up from your self-inflicted nightmare. “Come on! You’ve got this. This is Step 1: Come To More Hangouts! Youngmin will never let you live this down if you don’t just—!”
“What are you doing?” 
The voice shocked you, making you yelp and clumsily karate chop whatever poor person that had been unfortunate enough to appear behind you. And of course—just your luck—the person had to be Park Woojin. 
He rubbed his shoulder, an amused grin on his face. “Ouch,” he chuckled. “You pack quite the punch, don’t ya?” 
You forcefully snapped your jaw shut. “I am so sorry,” you said, clasping your hands together. You tittered nervously. “At the thought of being attacked I... became a ninja, I guess.”
He shrugged. “Youngmin has a cool ninja friend, then,” he said. Your shoulders became less tense at his relaxed attitude. Something about him made you feel very at ease. “He sent me out here to get you.” 
You nodded slowly, trying to breathe normally. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was just lost in thought.” 
“Oh, yeah?” He quirked a brow, a slight smirk on his lips. “Youngmin said that you were probably stressing out over whether or not you should come in.” 
Your jaw dropped again. “He ratted me out,” you breathed out, disbelief lacing your tone.
“Guess he knows you pretty well.” 
You crossed your arms. “Yup. That’s what years of friendship gets you. Stone-cold betrayal.”
He masked a snort with a cough. “You know what,” he said. “You’re actually pretty funny.” 
Your ears perked up. “Really?” 
Hmm... Maybe Step 1 was a success after all. 
The steps after that were rather successful, too. 
During Step 2: Exchange Numbers, you’d lost track of time and accidentally called him around two in the morning, only realizing your mistake after he’d picked up with a voice deep and raspy from broken sleep. 
“Hey!” you had said, voice chipper and upbeat. “I just wanted to check in on you.” 
He had just chuckled on the other line. “At 2 AM?”
Your eyes immediately snapped to your clock. “Oh my gosh,” you gasped. “I didn’t even realize it was that late. I’ll hang up now, I’m so sorry.” 
He caught you before you left. “It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway. Wanna talk for a while?” 
During Step 3: Find Common Interests, you’d mentioned your love for stargazing while the six of you sat in the practice room and ate lunch. Without any real effort, Woojin had invited himself along on one of your excursions.
That was probably the most at peace you’d felt in a long time, despite your heart beating a little faster every time your elbows brushed as you laid in the grass together, side-by-side, looking up at the vast expanse of sky. 
“Stargazing was a good idea,” he’d breathed out into the cold night air, creating a puff of contrast in front of his face. “I’m glad you dragged me along.”
You scoffed. “I didn’t drag you anywhere,” you laughed, elbowing him in the side. “You came of your own accord, I didn’t even invite you.” 
“You saying you don’t want me here?” he asked, rubbing his side and giving you a knowing smile. 
You crinkled your nose at him. “I didn’t say that.” 
Now, Step 4: Share An Intimate Moment... That one came as a surprise to you. You didn’t expect to be hanging out with everyone, having a perfectly wonderful time, and then suddenly feel so overwhelmed. 
You didn’t expect to excuse yourself to the bathroom when you felt tears welling up in your eyes. You didn’t expect your mind to get flooded with so many thoughts about how stressed you were and how much you weren’t pleased with yourself. You didn’t expect it. 
Not all of a sudden.
Though, you also didn’t expect Woojin to follow close behind you. You didn’t expect him to knock on the door with three gentle taps of his knuckles and ask, “Are you okay in there?” just louder than a whisper. 
You didn’t expect to open the door for him and bury your face in his chest as he stroked your hair. You didn’t expect him to close the door again so you could cry in peace without anyone prying. 
You didn’t expect the two of you to slide down the door, end up in a messy pile on the floor and lean against each other while he whispered small words of encouragement and comfort.  
You didn’t expect to start falling asleep on his shoulder when he started humming softly. You didn’t expect him to say, “You’re pretty endearing when you’re half-asleep”. You didn’t expect him not to ask about what was bothering you. He just sat there, listening to you cry and rubbing your back in long, gentle strokes. 
You were grateful for that. You didn’t even fully understand why you were crying.
It was unexpected... But it was wonderful. You thought you were going to be the one comforting him, but in the end, you were the one that needed it. Needed him. But that just proved something to you. 
It proved that he was worth the ten steps you would have to take to reach his heart. It proved to you that he would be there for you in the tough times, and that he was totally worth you being there for him. 
It proved to you that when you completed Step 5: Do Something He Likes Doing, he genuinely meant it when he said, “I wanna hear you sing” when he dragged you out to karaoke with some of his friends from highschool.
It proved to you that when you went through Step 6: Compliment Him, he had a truly soft heart. Even more so than Youngmin had said! 
“You dance really well,” you had told him one day after watching one of AB6IX’s performances. 
He froze a little, the compliment catching him off guard. “Well... Thanks,” he said.
You eyes widened and a smile spread across your face. “Are you blushing?” you giggled. 
He scoffed and turned away from you. “Absolutely not.” 
“You totally are!”
Youngmin walked by, smacking his shoulder playfully. “Are,” he said, flashing you a supportive wink. 
You gained a proud look on your face. “See? Your leader’s on my side! You can’t deny me!”
Woojin rolled his eyes playfully. “Fine, fine. Whatever you say.”
“It is whatever I say!” you determined. “And I say, I like the way you dance.” 
He suddenly turned around, causing you to bump into his chest. “And I like your hugs,” he said. He waited expectantly. “So are you gonna give me one?” 
It proved to you that when you went through Step 7: Hang Out At Your Place, you didn’t need to feel awkward or worried at all. He made you feel nervous, but nervous in the best way. The nervousness of heart-eyes and butterflies. 
So, in a way, that nervousness gave you peace. That nervousness was your place of balance and tranquility. You could always come to Park Woojin and know you would feel the same way, no matter how much time passed. 
Warm. Always so incredibly warm. 
It made you impatient for Step 10, but you knew that it was a selfish and foolish wish. If you could speed up time (like you wished for sometimes), you would miss precious moments that you spent with him.  
You would miss watching a movie with him at sunset, a fluffy blanket draped over your laps, though you sat a good distance away from each other. 
You would miss hogging said fluffy blanket just a little too much and him threatening, “If you steal the blanket one more time, I’m putting my cold-ass feet on your bare thigh.”
You would miss the fun events of Step 8: Tease Him that ended with you both running around an old playground at midnight, trying to throw melting ice cream at each other. 
You would miss Step 9: Have a Sleepover At the Dorms, which resulted in you having the best night of your life. You didn’t think you’d ever laughed so much since you were born. You had seen Youngmin constantly put the placement of games in such a way that you would be sitting next to Woojin.
He really was the best wing-man. 
The best part of that evening hadn’t been the loudest or funniest, though... It had been when everyone had fallen asleep on you and you were left to do the dishes after a super unhealthy (but very delicious) meal. 
Well... Mostly everybody. 
“Let’s do the dishes together.” 
Of course, it was Park Woojin.
Finally, after all the waiting... It was time for Step 10: Hook, Line and Sinker. 
You didn’t think you would be so nervous. 
“Crap...” you mumbled to yourself. “Why am I so sweaty all of a sudden?” You eyes widened. “Did I forget to put on deodorant? Holy crap—”
You felt a comforting touch on your shoulder. “Calm down!” Youngmin said. He turned your head, making you look at him. “You’re gonna be okay, all right?”
“Am I, though?” You gestured to your knees. “I’m trembling, Minnie!”
He clicked his tongue and put his hands on his hips. “Repeat after me,” he said. You nodded. He was weird, but he was usually right. “I am a strong, fantastic, charming young woman,” he spoke, confidence in his tone.
“Are you now?” you snorted.
He snapped his fingers in your face. “Take it seriously!”
“Fine!” You rolled your eyes. “I am a strong, fantastic, charming young woman,” you echoed dryly. 
“I could have any man I want,” he continued. You repeated him. “But I don’t want just any man.” 
You took a deep breath. “But I don’t want just any man.” 
“I only want one,” he said.
You felt yourself winding down. “I only want one.”
“I want Woojin.” 
You copied him, “I want Woojin.” 
He flashed you a toothy grin. “Nice one! Now—what are you?”
“A strong, fantastic, charming young woman,” you said with a grin, “and I could have any man I want.” 
“But do you want just any man?” 
You shook you head. “No, I don’t.”
“Then who do you want?” 
You didn’t hesitate at all. “Woojin. I want Park Woojin.”
A slow clap sounded from the other side of the room, shocking both of you.
“That was quite the show.” You both recognized the voice immediately. 
Youngmin gave you a quick tap on the shoulder, a silent ‘good luck’. “I’m gonna go,” he whispered before breezing past you and out of the door of the previously empty practice room. 
You slowly turned around—albeit a little awkwardly—to face Woojin. “How much of that did you...” you were struggling with words at the moment. 
“Hear?” he finished for you, a playful grin on his face, showcasing his snaggle tooth. “Pretty much all of it.”
You hid your face in your hands, “Oh my gosh,” you groaned. You peeked through the spaces in between your fingers. “And what do you think?” you asked shyly. 
A short pause just for him to walk closer and grab your hands, pulling them away from your face. Once again, his cheeks were painted the slightest shade of pink. 
“I think that I love you,” he said softly. “I think that you are love.”  
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Hey, Anon! I hope you enjoyed fluffy Woojin. I had a little trouble with the pacing when I started writing it, but I think it came out all right. ^-^ Though, that’s really your decision, isn’t it?
I hope you enjoyed it a lot! Feel free to stop by again. 
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gingervsblondie · 5 years
Blondie Goes Latin (1941)
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2:27 AM, Thursday, 12 December
Y’all ready for this, buh buh buh bah bah bah ok let’s watch a Blondie.
Welp, in looking this one up to watch it, I’ve spoiled for myself that this one features Dagwood dressed as a woman. Let’s see how I feel about that once it’s in context.
Watching it on Prime again for better picture quality, but I’m not falling for their tricks a second time so I skipped the 4 minutes and 20 seconds (nicenicenice) of inexplicable preview footage spoiling the rest of the movie.
Although I’ve already spoiled that Dagwood goes Dragwood so who cares anymore.
The usual theme song’s back, and it’s just occurred to me: The lyrics go
“Life with us is fun and crazy,
Baby Dumpling, (read: Alexander Hamilton Bumstead) us and Daisy
What a family
Now I know that later on, Cookie Bumstead, their new daughter, will be introduced. I wonder if they adjust the theme song when that happens.
Starting off strong with a pretty basic continuity error. Dagwood, with shaving cream on his face, runs outside, realizing he’s packed his razor into his luggage which he gave to the cab driver. As soon as he’s outside, the shaving cream is gone from his face.
HOLY SHIT I SPOKE TOO SOON. It wasn’t a bad continuity, it was a good visual gag! He runs into the postman, as per usual, and when they get up, the shaving cream has swapped over onto posty’s face!
Apologies to Blondie Goes Latin. They did a good and I assumed it was a bad because I guess I don’t think highly enough of the standard of production in the Blondie film franchise.
AND they followed it up with a SECOND solid visual gag! The posty puts his hat and mailbag on Dagwood, goes into the doorway, and runs towards Dagwood, either to get the shaving cream back onto the right face or just out of pure vitriol and malice. He misses, we hear him crash, and the camera cuts to the cab, which is flipped on its side.
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That got a full laugh out of me.
AnD ThEn ThE ShAvInG CrEaM swaps over to the CaB DrIVeR’S FaCE!!!
AHB*: Mommy, is Mr. Dithers going with us too?
Blondie: Of course, dear, he’s taking us along as his guests.
AHB: Why?
Blondie: Because he needs a rest.
AHB: Why doesn’t he take Mrs. Dithers?
Blondie: Because Mrs. Dithers needs a rest.
AHB: I don’t get it.
Man they always go so hard with the infidelity angle in these fuckin’ flicks.
*Alexander Hamilton Bumstead
There’s a character Wikipedia tells me is named Manuel Rodríguez, played by one Tito Guízar. So this could be some more (relatively) positive representation, like that guy in Servant Trouble.
Manuel Rodríguez fuccin immediately seducing Blondie. Nah yeah this is accurate representation.
This movie got me AGAIN, this time with a kinda surrealist goof. So they’ve found out that Dagwood has to stay behind to close a deal, but Blondie, AHB and Daisy are going with Dithers. Dagwood and Blondie start crying at the thought of being apart. Daisy cries, and how they got that shot I’ve no idea.
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At first Dithers is telling them not to act that way, but then he starts crying too. Then Dagwood meets a man at the door who’s there to tell them “All ashore that’s going ashore,” and HE starts crying too. And then as the ship’s whistle sounds, it cuts to this:
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Man and another good goof, Dagwood looks at Blondie and AHB and says he’s gonna shut his eyes so he can remember them just as they are now while they’re apart. Then he runs out the door, immediately crashing into someone.
Is this movie genuinely funnier than usual or am I just in a better mood?
‘Nother laugh. Dagwood fell while carrying a bunch of drums (in a series of misunderstandings that will eventually lead to him in Dragwood playing the drums with a band that the film is currently introducing, and which is actually kinda interesting and likeable so far) and slid clear across like 20 feet of floor.
There’s a singing quartet in the band that sounds exactly like the Let’s All Go To The Lobby song.
The female lead of the band is called Lovey Nelson, and I think I’m in love with her. She’s sassy af.
I think Michael Jackson might’ve plagiarized some lyrics off Blondie Goes Latin.
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Upon the development that Dagwood’s playing the drums in this, I considered noting that it would be harder to edit that into a Whiplash parody than that one I did with Hop on my YouTube channel.
But then Dagwood did an intense drum solo for like 45 seconds and now I’m not so sure.
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So you’re saying that you don’t have rhythm.
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This Blondie is a musical and I’m down.
Oh God they’re holding on the doll for soooo loooong
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Alright sun’s getting real low, (Future Euan note: wow, great Avengers: Age of Ultron reference, past Euan.) by which I mean it’s 4 am and I’m gonna go to bed and finish this in the morning.
1:36 AM, Friday, 13 December
Back to it! Looking forward to this given how much I enjoyed it last night.
Dithers: Falls
Blondie: “Oh, Mr. Dithers! Here’s a drink for you.” Hands glass of water.
Dithers: Drinks, then scrunches up his face in disgust “Oh, that’s water isn’t it?”
Tito Guízar is now singing in Spanish. It’s interesting, cause it feels totally out of place. Like when Ben Platt sings at the end of the first episode of that show The Politician; it’s clearly just “This person can sing so we better let him sing.” Not so much in a bad way though. Like he’s doing what he’s good at and I like that it’s a bubble of a different culture inserted into this white suburban family sitcom I’m inexplicably exposing myself to.
This movie’s fuckin’ neat. Blondie’s listening to the song and gets sad cause she misses Dagwood, so she goes out on the deck of the cruise ship that this is all happening on. Tito Guízar follows her out, (I’m pretty sure they’re in front of a projection background) and she says she liked the song but didn’t understand a word of it, so he offers to sing it again in English. And now he is!!! I like that.
It also reminds me of that one creepy Aardman short tho.
Oh but then Blondie starts singing with him, and it gets to a point where they’re singing simultaneously but Blondie definitely hasn’t heard the words yet. So it morphs from a realistic enough scene to musical rules where people sing at the same time when they’re on the same page.
HEY how come it hasn’t come up yet in past movies that Penny Singleton (Blondie) can sing this well? Like the intro song is basically just talking, but she can sing.
Hey, a Dagwood sandwich! DAGWOOD SANDWICH WATCH 2019 that’s what I do when those show up, right? Been a while since one of those has shown up! It, um… fuck, it actually looks pretty good I’d probably take a stab at eating that.
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And the crossdressing begins. Lovey needs Dagwood to get to the orchestra and play the drums, but Dagwood knows he’ll get recognized by Blondie or Dithers or AHB. (He’s not supposed to still be on the boat.) So Lovey opens her closet and hands him a dress.
Haha, the Dagwood sandwich is actually a plot element. A steward brings it away on a tray down the hall and Blondie sees it, adding to other clues she’s gotten that Dagwood’s on board. There’s a great overly dramatic shot of the sandwich coming into focus as he walks it towards the camera.
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Blondie just barrelled the lens so hard that I felt her looking into my soul.
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This movie continues to be a full on musical. Blondie’s singing the same song from earlier, but without guitar-man there, just on her own sadly. I wonder if this keeps being a thing in later movies or if this is just the one musical Blondie movie.
Welp, Dagwood’s crying at the emasculation of wearing a dress.
I like Lovey’s singing. Ruth Terry’s the singer/actor who plays her, looks like she did a lot of movies.
The quartet had a nice little choreographed routine during this song. I liked it. I like this one you guys! Maybe you should watch it???
Never thought I’d get to that stage with a Blondie movie.
Future Euan Note: I cannot in good conscience recommend the viewing of any Blondie feature film. Statements made within a Blondie watch are subject to fits of madness and delusion.
Wow um. Blondie said to guitar-man the sentence “Will you do me a favour? Make love to me.”
I mean I talk about how hard they go in these movies with adult relationship drama, but there’s something so direct about “Make love to me.”
Blondie’s trying to make Dagwood feel bad by making a show of being involved with guitar-man.
Dagwood’s arc better end with becoming a strong independent woman who don’t need no Blondie.
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Man okay but there’s an extended dance sequence and it feels so long and it’s making me want this to be over.
Penny Singleton’s a decent singer but a crap dancer.
Maybe that’s unfair actually. She’s kind of in character and needs to convey intentions and that. Not easy to do when you’re also performing a choreographed dance routine.
I just can’t stand when they play the sound of tap-dancing over an actor who’s clearly not tap dancing.
Welp. That wasn’t how Dagwood’s arc ended.
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Hehe, they had a satisfying pay-off to earlier gags. First, they had Dagwood run into a steward, the way he does with the posty every movie. Then, just like posty, the steward tried running into Dagwood to get even. But he misses, goes down one of those big ole cartoon ventilation pipes, which leads him to the music hall where he shoots out a grate and penguins across the floor like Dagwood did earlier. Double pay-off.
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THEN Dagwood’s being chased by sailors, so he goes down the pipe, penguins as well, as crashes into the steward a second time.
Recently, for my annual Christmas watch, I watched It’s a Wonderful Life, but for the first time I watched the colourized version. It was really weird seeing this movie I’d watched in black and white on a VHS tape on an old CRT for the first time in full HD on a big TV, and also with the extra dimension that colour lent it.
It’s gonna be some time before we’re gonna be able to do that to any of the Blondie movies, because
A) Nobody’s going to meticulously go frame-by-frame painting in a Blondie movie, and
B) I doubt somebody saved the masters, so these movies probably don’t and won’t exist in HD.
Just gotta wait for upscaling technology to advance real fast, and then for some kind of automated colourization process to get invented. But you know, once those things become possible and accessible, I’ll be on the forefront remastering Blondie.
And that’s the end of Blondie Goes Latin. An above-average Blondie, and an out-of-the-ordinary one. There were laughs-a-plenty, a crying steam whistle, a creepy-ass haunted doll, Dagwood in Dragwood, and a handful of solid musical numbers.
My Dagwood Sandwich Rating is: a really pleasant sandwich. Like a posh one you’d get at a food court when you’re on vacation. With spices and shit. And you don’t know what the bread is called but it’s not the usual kind of bread you have at home and it’s a bit tough but the sandwich is good. Hell yeah.
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marktarine · 6 years
cuddling jeno
✎ genre(s): fluff, bulletpoint
✎ pairing: reader x nct’s jeno
✎ requested?: no
✎ summary: how is it like to cuddle with jeno
✎ word count: 500
✎ a/n: you guys seem to really like these series so thank you for all the likes and reblogs! it makes me really happy :)
other versions: mark - renjun - jeno - haechan - jaemin - chenle - jisung
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that’s literally the nickname I gave him because cuddling jeno would be so perfect??
just imagine jeno’s arms around your waist?!?!?!
first of all
I think jeno would love hugging over kissing
even though I’m sure he has amazing lips hm I think he would actually really love to hug you and especially cuddle with you!
he loves loooong hugs
no joke once he starts to hug you he’s not going to let go
if you have to go somewhere he will follow you with his arms around your shoulders, walking like a penguin
he gives you a lot of backhugs most of the time but I bet he actually prefers front hugs
he just feel so safe and warm <3
try running to him with open arms and a big smile on your face and smash him into a big lovely hug
oh my god jeno’s heart would instantly melt
blushes a lot when you hug him out of nowhere!
in conclusion jeno is a hug lover hehe
talking about your actual cuddles sessions
I feel like he would actually be so clingy but will deny it when you tell the dreamies about how he’s always glued to you
(jaemin told us the truth jeno smh)
let me tell you that when he’s tired (^like in the gif)
the only thing on his mind at this moment
is cuddling you
he would be all whiny and in a bad mood if you aren’t in his arms
so the members would get annoyed because jeno complains too much and they would ask you to come over to save them from this nightmare lmao
when you finally arrive at the door and make eye contact with jeno
he will run to you despite his tiredness, carry you and spin you around with the biggest smile on his face
you don’t even have time to greet the other members that jeno has already thrown you on his bed and now he’s attacking you with kisses all over your face
so yeah most of the time you cuddle when you come back from school or when he comes back from the studio because you’re too tired to go out and because that’s basically the only time you can have his cuddles
sleepy cheek kisses here and there
omg jeno looooves when you’re laying on top of him and you’re hugging each other tight
because he can give you sweet little kisses on your cheek/neck anw
asks you shyly to play with his hair
always play some music in the background or you guys “watch” a film (”watch” because you’re either kissing or getting lost in each other’s eyes hm)
probably gets annoyed when his cats come into the room because he knows you’re gonna take care of them more than him lol
always falls asleep with his head on your lap or chest at the end
overall cuddling jeno seems such a cute and heart-warming thing to do 
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hysterialevi · 6 years
Legend pt. 3
Author’s note: Sorry these chapters haven’t been that frequent. Lately I’ve been running a bit low on motivation and I didn’t want to rush anything out, so that’s why these parts have been taking centuries to release lol. But I’m excited to get back to work, and I hope you all enjoy this fic. Thanks for being so patient and sticking with me through all these stories. Love you guys :)
From Bruce’s POV
Rushing through Gotham’s streets in the Batmobile, John sat beside me and happily spoke to himself as we carried on with our nightly patrol, keeping an eye out for any criminals that could’ve been running amok. 
Even though the clown was technically supposed to be hiding from the Agency right now, that didn’t stop him from wanting to help me with my work as Batman. And considering the situation we were in, I wasn’t in much of a position to turn him down. 
Recently, the crime in Gotham had become relentless, and ironically, Waller’s presence didn’t do us any favors. If anything, the director and her agents just seemed like different types of criminals to me, and it was my job to get them out of the city. Fast.
I just hoped John would actually follow my code. I had no problem putting my trust in him, but he wasn’t exactly a man of restraint, and the last thing I needed was for someone to get killed tonight. Lord new this city had seen enough death.
“So, what’s the status, Bats?” John asked with an energized, toothy grin, breaking the silence. “See any baddies on the loose?”
I squinted slightly at the road ahead, gazing through the beams of my headlights.
“Nothing so far.” I replied. “Things have been pretty quiet tonight.”
“Why the nervous look?” He commented. “Isn’t that what we want? Or are you just getting bored? ‘Cause I certainly am. I wanna punch someone already! Hehe!”
“Well,” I said, hugging a corner, “I was expecting to see at least a robbery by now, but it’s been peaceful. A little too peaceful for my liking. It’s almost as if Gotham’s...waiting for something. Biding its time.”
John shrugged. “Sounding a bit paranoid there, buddy. But, hey. Who knows? Could be because of the Agency. I mean, heck -- if weirdos like me are hiding from them, I imagine common criminals would also want to keep out of their sights, too. Not to mention we are driving around in a giant murder machine. Not exactly subtle.”
“...That’s true, I guess.”
“Relax, Brucie,” he reassured with confidence, patting my shoulder. “I swear, you’re gonna have a full head of grey hair before the sun rises. You have a partner now, remember? This burden is no longer yours alone to bear. I promise, if I see anything out of the ordinary like that shattered window up there, you’ll be the first to know.”
A pang of realization hit me at that statement and I came to a sudden halt, causing John to lurch forward like a slingshot with a yelp.
“What?” I asked, taken by surprise. “Where?”
John regained his composure and peeled himself off the dash, pointing upwards at what appeared to be an apartment building. 
“There...” he said with a slight groan. “I bet someone used it to break in.”
I furrowed my brow at the scene and prepared my gear, slowly exiting the Batmobile.
“...Or out. Come on. Let’s go take a look.”
Grappling up to the broken window with my arm around John, the two of us landed on a simple balcony as we discreetly checked inside, making sure whoever caused this damage wasn’t still around.
“...See anything?” John whispered, peeking over the sill. 
“Looks clear,” I observed. “But the apartment’s a mess. There was definitely some sort of struggle here. Be on your guard.”
Activating my earpiece, I contacted Alfred as John quietly hopped inside ahead of me, navigating his way around the toppled furniture.
“Alfred,” I said lowly, “John and I have come across a peculiar scene in a nearby apartment. It looks like a fight took place here...and a rather violent one at that. I’ll send you the address, but don’t call the GCPD just yet. I want to inspect the area first.”
“Of course, sir. Keep me updated...and please, be careful.”
Returning to the situation at hand, I started examining the wrecked apartment and the clues scattered around me as John conducted his own investigation, both of us trying to formulate a cause for this mess.
Some of the furniture had been broken, numerous dents had been beaten into the walls, and a flickering lamp rested on the floor along with some shards of glass. How did the neighbors not hear any of this? Were they simply gone when it happened? ...Or did someone make sure their lips stayed shut? I had to find out.
“Batman!” John called, beckoning me to the kitchen. He was kneeling down by something, but the counters in front of me blocked my view. I hurried over.
“What is it?” I asked. “Did you find anything?”
Carefully treading through the ruined furniture, I stepped next to my partner and crouched beside him, only to come to an abrupt pause when I noticed there was a man lying against the stove with a gun in his grip.
Both his shirt and hands had been stained with blood -- most-likely his own, considering the wound on his abdomen -- and his face was riddled with severe contusions. Judging by their freshness, this man was attacked today.
“...What do we do?” John questioned. 
I reached for the man’s gun, checking the magazine. None of the ammunition had been depleted.
“He didn’t have a chance to fire,” I concluded. “The attacker must have taken him by surprise. Or at least been quick enough to bring him down before he could defend himself.”
John gazed at the disarray around us. “...Well, he certainly put up a good fight without the gun. Maybe he was trying to get to it?”
I nodded. “Possibly. Hang on a minute. I’m going to see if I can identify who this man is.”
I contacted Alfred again.
“Master Bruce,” he greeted, sounding relieved. “How goes the investigation?”
“There’s a body here,” I reported, “but I don’t recognize their face, and neither does John. I need you to search the database for any possible matches.”
“A body?” He repeated grimly. “Oh, dear. What do they look like?”
I scanned the victim. “Male. Caucasian. 185 centimeters. Short blond hair and a beard. Appears to be around his early thirties. Has a distinct series of tattoos on both arms and on the side of his neck. Scar just above the left brow bone.”
Alfred was quiet for a minute.
“...Find anything?” I checked.
The butler deemed successful.
“Sir, I’ve just looked up the address you sent me and cross-referenced that with any people who fit your description...and there’s only one match. His name was Joseph Hunt.”
I froze in shock, falling silent as I suddenly realized who this man was.
“Joseph Hunt?”
“That name mean something to you, Bruce?”
I examined the man, a series of memories rushing through my head as I observed his somewhat familiar features.
“I went to school with Joseph as a kid,” I concluded. “If I recall correctly, he was always quite the bully. Didn’t exactly have any friends. Clearly, not much has changed.”
“...Indeed,” Alfred confirmed in an uneasy tone, searching for more information about him. “According to the codex, Hunt had quite a troubled life. Despite going to the same school when you were children, it seems that the two of you took very different paths as adults.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Hunt lived a life of crime,” he explained. “It says here that he was involved in multiple robberies, drug deals, burglaries, and even an attempted murder. Of his own father, no less. He also worked with The Pact for a time. It...certainly raises the question of whether Hunt was the...true victim in this scenario.”
I caught on instantly. “You think someone killed him out of revenge?”
“It’s definitely a plausible explanation. You can’t commit that many felonies without making enemies, Bruce. Just look at Thomas. Behavior like that is always certain to be your undoing.”
I glanced at John for a moment who was still busy rummaging through the evidence around us, eagerly waiting for an update from me.
“True, but unfortunately that doesn’t really narrow it down,” I countered. “There were loads people working with The Pact, and who knows who he was mixed up with before then? I only know one of his victims personally, and they’re in prison right now. It had to be someone else.”
Alfred paused. “Wait, you know one of his victims?”
“Yeah,” I responded casually. “Oswald Cobblepot. He’s not a victim of Hunt’s crimes -- as far as I’m aware -- but he was one of the kids Joseph would bully back in school. And I’d always be the one to protect him...” my voice softened at the recollection, and I couldn’t deny that I felt a tad nostalgic thinking about my childhood. 
But I quickly snapped back to reality with a gentle cough, bringing my focus back to the crime scene. “Ahem. Like I said though, he’s in prison. So it couldn’t have been him.”
Alfred was unconvinced. “...The Batcomputer would disagree.”
My mind went into a state of alarm. “What are you talking about?”
“Official records would tell you that Cobblepot is still being held in Blackgate, when in reality, he was released just two days ago at the request of the Agency. For what reason however, I couldn’t tell you. Details are close to nonexistent.”
“Dammit,” I cursed. “Why would the Agency set someone like Oswald free? They know what he’s done -- what the Penguin’s done. Surely, they wouldn’t trust him...but then again, Waller does have a habit of using criminals in place of her own men. I mean, look at Harley and Selina. Hell, she even slapped a collar on Bane. I guess there’s really nothing stopping her from recruiting one extra pair of hands.”
Alfred agreed. “I’m afraid you could be correct, sir. Question is: why now? And why Oswald? Out of all people, what’s convinced Waller that she needs his help? Nothing good, that’s for sure.”
“We’ll figure that out later,” I said. “Right now, I need to deal with Joseph. We can’t just leave him here--”
“--The hell?!” A man’s voice interrupted. “Get away from me...!”
Whipping around at the sudden outburst, I let out a quiet gasp when I saw that -- contrary to what I was expecting -- Joseph was actually still alive, and attempting to swat John away with a very weak, bloodied arm. 
“Geez!” The clown exclaimed. “I was only trying to help!”
Joseph’s head whirled towards me, revealing a pair of fatigued, darkened eyes.
“...Batman?” He breathed out, recognizing my mask instantly. “When’d you get here...? What’s...what’s happening?”
I carefully approached the panicked man.
“It’s all right, Joseph,” I comforted in a low, but gentle tone. “You’re safe now. My partner and I just arrived a few minutes ago.”
That only seemed to confuse him more.
“You know who I am? How do you...ah, what the hell. I don’t even care anymore. What do you want from me? You here to arrest me?”
I knelt down next to him.
“Slow down, Joseph. We’ll get to that, but I need to ask you a few questions. First things first: do you remember what happened? Or when it happened? Do you know who the assailant was?”
Joseph appeared to relax slightly, and his shoulders slouched out of relief, but the rest of his temperament still felt incredibly restless.
“...I-It was...after I got home,” he recalled, his body limp with exhaustion. “Don’t know what the exact time was, but the sun was down already.”
“Where were you before that?” I asked. A faint look of shame spread across his face.
“The Stacked Deck. I go there quite a lot. Guess that’s why it was so easy for the attacker to figure out my schedule.”
I found that a bit strange. “Wait, you think they were studying you?”
Joseph shrugged. “It would make sense. I mean, when I opened the door, he was just...standing there. Right in the middle of my own, goddamn apartment. Like he was expecting me or something.”
“That does seem odd,” I agreed. “Any idea who he was?”
The shame in his expression grew even more prominent at that, and his head lowered out of guilt.
“I was gonna shoot him at first,” Joseph confessed, gesturing to his gun, “but when he told me who he was... When I finally saw his face... I just...couldn’t. A stupid fuckin’ move, I know, but I just didn’t have it in me.”
I urged him to go on. “Who was he? Do you have a name?”
His lifeless stare sharpened with concern, and his jaw tightened out of anxiety.
“...Oswald Cobblepot.”
Shit, I thought to myself. Alfred was right.
But...it still didn’t make any sense. Joseph wasn’t a saint, sure, but he never caused enough trouble for the Agency to notice him. At least, not while I was with them. 
So, why would they let Oswald go after him? What did Waller gain from killing some random criminal? Was Joseph really that much of a hindrance to them? I doubted it. This whole situation was a mystery...and I had the feeling Joseph knew more than he was letting on. But it was time I let the GCPD in. If the Penguin was back on the streets, they needed to be aware.
“I think I’ve heard enough,” I concluded, rising back to my feet. “John, keep an eye on him. I’m going to contact GCPD.”
“Wait!” He insisted. “...Do you really think handing him over to them is a good idea?”
I halted mid-action, my hand paused just beside my earpiece. 
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it,” John continued. “Waller has her boot on Gordon’s neck right now, and she’s certainly not interested in helping Batman at the moment. If we give Joseph to her, who knows what’ll happen? She could just finish the job behind closed doors, and then we’d never figure out the rest of the puzzle! Besides, this guy was with the Pact! And he clearly has history with that Cobblepot punk, too. He might know some things we don’t. Things that we can keep hidden from Waller...”
I mindlessly began to lower my hand.
“...That’s...actually a good point,” I admitted. “But what would you suggest we do with him instead, then? Like I said before, we can’t just leave him here.”
John scratched the back of his head in thought. “Why not bring him back to the cave?”
I stared at him in bewilderment. “You’d let him inside the heart of our operations?”
“You know me, Batsy,” the clown reminded, placing a palm over his chest. “I have a knack for reading people -- just like I read you back when we first met -- and something tells me we can trust him.”
I crossed my arms. “And if we can’t?”
John scoffed. “Pfft, you’re Batman, for Pete’s sake! What’s one common criminal to deal with if things go awry? We could handle him easily! Unless, of course, you’d rather risk Waller getting her hands on him...”
I sighed in defeat, glancing back at Joseph reluctantly.
“...I’ll consider accepting his help,” I announced, causing John to clap excitedly, “but we’re not taking him to the cave. Not for now. In the meantime, get him to the Batmobile. If we’re going to move him anywhere, we need to patch him up first.”
Pulling Joseph’s arm around his shoulder, John eagerly lugged our new “friend” to safety and gave me an approving thumbs-up, strolling away merrily. Meanwhile, the other man wearily stared at me in wonder -- almost as if he had been expecting a much worse outcome -- and simply allowed my partner to drag him off as he said a quick word.
“...Thank you, Batman.” Joseph croaked, his voice raspy and wounded. “A man like me doesn’t deserve your help, but you gave it anyway. I won’t...I won’t forget this.”
I nodded firmly at him. “You refrained from taking a life tonight, Joseph. I’m sure you’re a better man than you think.”
He brought his eyes to the floor in sorrow, a hint of regret coating his intense gaze.
“Yeah...I used to tell myself the same thing.”
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box-of-hooah · 7 years
Do you have a favorite Skiju/Kico/Alex x Marty moment?
T-To just choose one with SkiJu?! Anon I don’t think that’s possible when it comes to me!
Lemme list my favorite(s) cause I seriously can’t choose when it comes to them
SkiJu: (get ready cuz this is gonna be long)-JULIEN GOING BACK TO SAVE SKIPPER IN THE BATTERY EP -Skipper attempting to high five Julien
-Skipper giving him the battery as a thank you for saving his tailfeather (Julien’s reaction was so sweet, this entire moment is really freaking sweet)
-any time Julien flirts with Skipper
-“And when this plan does fail I will have 3 very sweet, sweet words for you!”“Oooooh I love King Julien~?”“Ye-No!!!”
-Skipper dancing with Julien
-“Aw Ringtail you’re playing my heart strings like a big boned fiddle!”
-“So whattda think…/soldier/“ the wa y Skipper says this to him and the look he gives him oh my god (They are alone when this happens btw)
-Skipper: *jumps heroically in front of Julien* Julien: SKIPPER!!!! :D
-Julien: *wraps arm around Skipper with his finger circling his chest, using a lady voice* Darling we should summer at the fancy boating club!
-Skipper crying over the thought of never seeing Julien again C,: we’ve never seen Skipper cry before, and it’s this
-Julien getting really concerned and rushing to Skipper’s side when he thought Skipper died for him
-the two of them going undercover in the rat sewer
-“That Ringtail had excellent intel!” -The Blowhole game
-the other penguins teasing about Skipper’s relationship with Julien and Skipper denying how he feels about him ajdjejdkdjdnf
-Julien: Does this mean I’m your BFF??Skipper: *nervously glances at the other penguins* Uhhh, we’ll keep that status on the QT!Rico: B)
-Julien owning a rather handsome framed photo of SkipperAnd he was trying to hide his tears over thinking Skipper didn’t like him HAJSKDKFJ
-the Conga line
-Skipper: I love you man!Julien: *icecream flies out of hand* !!!!!!!!!! Y-You like me….?????
-Skipper: Buck up Ringtail! This can be the new chapter in our sometimes rocky relationship.Me: sobbing
-Skipper feeling really guilty about destroying Lemmy the first time around seeing how sad Julien was and and when the penguins fixed him he couldn’t stop smiling at Julien when seeing how happy he was to see Lemmy okay my heart man Skipper does a lot to make this lemur happy
-Any of the times Rico helps or works with Kowalski I love seeing these two together so much
-Rico wiggling his eyebrows at Kowalski after Skipper was romancing Kitka lIKE RICO YOURE IMPLYING SOMETHING Kowalski got very suspicious
-Kowalski: the penguin mating calls didn’t have any effect. At least not on the lemurs…Rico: *cuddles up to him* How you doin’?(This just screamed canon)
-The time Kowalski was in injured and was in the injured room he kept smiling at Rico as Rico was smiling at him it was so sweet
-anytime these two hold each other
-HENCE when Kowalski was comforting Rico when they were trapped in that cage together almost accepting their fate. (until Petey was here to save the day)
-THERES an exchanges between these two where Rico is giving Kowalski a bomb and and Kowalski’s expression is so sweet it looks like Rico is giving him a wedding ring. (Its a wedding bomb)
-in the PoM movie where the two are doing the folk dance
-NOW I HAVENT SEEN ALL OF SEASON 3 YET but I feel this ep where Kowalski turns into a pink cat?? Has a lot of Kico moments in it I have no idea I’ve never seen this ep but the fanart I’ve seen of it are very Kico so I’m excited to get there so I feel there’s gonna be some favorite parts in it for me
-I know there’s more BUT I think these are me favorite moments
-Alex you bought him a snow globe of yourself man you just want him to admire you
-Alex: Mister Grumpy Stripes! We make a good team! You and me.Marty: That we do!
-them singing NEW YOOORRRKKKK
-how worried Alex was for Marty when Marty tried to ditch them to hop on the train. Like when they found him again Alex was so happy that he was okay when he was hugging him
-the romantic beach scene (ykno the one)
-Marty calling Alex “Ali Al”
-Marty trying to show off Alex to all he lemurs with his roar
-The paradise scene, and Marty getting Alex into his wild side
-Marty going back for Alex when Alex lost his freaking mind out of hunger aND ALEX TELLING HIM TO GO AWAY CUZ HE DIDNT WANT TO HURT HIM like dud e…Marty stayed and tried singing their song again to help him C,:
-Madly Madagascar is honesty Alex being jealous of everyone trying to be Marty’s valentine cuz he just keeps trying to get his attention instead and give him his own valentine and REMIND him that he can be his valentine!
-Alex apologizing to Marty about confusing him with other zebras and telling him how special he was to him that was too sweet (AND HE SPOT HIM OUT AMONG THE OTHER ZEBRAS TOO)
Dreamworks you’re killing me are you sure these ships aren’t canon already
Anon surely you expected this to be long I can’t control nor contain myself when it comes to my ships hehe
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
LLSHP Interlude2 - Of Feathers and Wind
Arc1: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
Arc2: [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14]
Arc3: [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18 - sanguinem pudicitia (TBD)]
Interludes: [Carbonado (1)] [Carbonado (2)] [Of Feathers and Wind] [Delphinus (teaser blip)]
[Brief note about School Term] [other LLSHP AU stuff] [YohaMaRuby concept arts] [ChikaYouRiko concept arts] [KanaDiaMari concept arts] [Hogwarts Staff]
[FFN link] (up until ch14!) [Pixiv Link] [Translated to Chinese by plin2290]
A/N: Here it is, a Ruby-centric chapter! Surprised? (⌒ω⌒) Yup, this interlude is told from Ruby’s POV, about various points throughout the story so far and her relationship with the other girls, such as \CYR/ and more. And in spite of my simple 5-bullet point outline, this turned into the longest chapter ever wtf. Hope you’ll enjoy this, and any feedback is welcomed as always! Words: 10,159
“It’s rare that you have a day off.”
Ruby nods distractedly, tugging her favorite lop bunny plushie under her chin and tightening her hug. She shifts a little and smiles when she feels a warm body lying down behind her as if offering to be her cushion. Just as she leans back against the large wolf, her golden-haired companion also flops down against it, making the wolf growl in exasperation.
Ruby giggles at Kanan and Mari’s interaction, grateful for their company on an otherwise inane day at the Kurosawa Estate. It’s rather pitiful that she has no idea what to do with her free time, having very little of that in all her fourteen years of life.
Hobby? She does like creating things, whether it is plushie toys or adding accessories to her own clothing, but it’s getting more difficult to hide them. There is no trustworthy person in the House of Kurosawa, especially the house-elves. It’s not because they have bad intentions or anything, but rather they are under strict orders to obey their masters and mistresses. The word of the patriarch, her grandfather, is absolute. Even Father and Mother cannot defy him.
Friends? Ruby has no friends. Unlike some Purebloods or Half-bloods who go to community schools prior to entering Hogwarts or other magical schools, she learns magic under various instructors’ tutelage. Due to her jam-packed schedule, she is unable to mingle with other peers let alone go out to have fun. She grew up watching the lonely silhouette of Dia’s back and learns to suppress that destitute feeling herself.
It’s only recent years that Ruby notices the change in her older sister’s demeanor. As soon as Dia earned her private compound after becoming a Prefect, she constructed a small garden as if in defiance of the family’s pre-set structure. Also, unbeknownst to their large family, she modified the spells to the perimeter in order to allow secret entry for her two best friends.
Mari Ohara and Kanan Matsuura, the two friends who have made Dia smile, are now keeping Ruby company as per her request. At first, Ruby feels awkward around such strangers, knowing they are just doing her sister a favor. But as time goes on, she could sense that they are genuine in trying to help out the Kurosawa siblings. In a way, they are a bridge between the sisters.
“Hehe, that bunny sure looks like Dia~”
Ruby smiles up at the smirking Mari. “It is supposed to be Onee-chan! See, I made one for Onee-chan when we were younger, and she made this lop bunny for me.”
“Daww, if only we could sneak you over to her side of the compound right now…”
Kanan huffs and paws at the tatami in agreement.
“Thank you, but I don’t want to risk you two getting caught.”
The house-elves have turned a blind eye to the two visitors, as they had entered Ruby’s room in their Animagus forms. Their orders are to keep unauthorized people out of her room, and nothing about animals, so on this technicality they are able to keep up with this arrangement. Ruby isn’t sure what their response would be if they were to leave the room, so it’s better to play safe.
“Such a cute little sister~ I’d love to adopt you but that overprotective condensed carbon would have my head, teh-heh.”
Truthfully, Ruby enjoys being pampered by Mari. Both she and Kanan are rather forward in their physical affection, something Ruby yearns for from her older sister but she could only recall a few instances that Dia ever hugged her.
After all, such open displays of emotions are not allowed in their proud Pureblood household.
Dia has always been strict towards her, unyielding and perhaps even harsh in reprimands, yet Ruby could feel that her sibling truly cares about her. All those countless times Dia would slip snacks to her, sneak into her room to read storybooks to her whenever she had nightmares, and all the times she would speak on her behalf in risk of punishment.
Ruby just doesn’t know how she could ever return such gesture. Anything she can do, Dia definitely can do too. Just how can she help her sister, if ever?
“So, just how much free time do we have?”
“Hmm, until dinner time I think? My tutor had an emergency that requires his immediate presence so he would not be available for this whole week. Father said I should use this freed-up time to prepare for next week.”
“Next week huh… my my, even Ruby-chan is going to Hogwarts now~” Mari caresses the younger girl’s hair. “How time has flown by, ne, Kanan?”
The wolf lets out a sharp bark, its unusually long tail wagging and practically sweeping the tatami.
“Yes, I’ll… finally be able to leave here and join Onee-chan at Hogwarts.” Ruby unconsciously sinks against the wolf even more and smiles appreciatively when Mari wraps a comforting arm around her.
“We’ll have so much fun together! Although, as per Dia’s request, you’ll have to pretend that you don’t know us, okay?”
Ruby pouts. “I don’t understand. Sure, I know why we have to be so secretive here, but why at Hogwarts too?”
“You never know who’s watching. Besides, Dia was… well, you have heard about unknown assailants going after her right?”
“Again!?” Ruby covers her mouth after the loud squeak, hoping that hadn’t caught a house-elf’s attention. “I thought that hasn’t happened for years, and the previous assailants have long been identified and caught…”
“Yes, but these are new enemies. Unlike the past cases, these new ones don’t seem interested in ransom, or damaging the Kurosawa name - they are keen to capture Dia alive. The way they move and cast magic… there’s something off about them. Very off.”
“T-Then, I’m sure Grandfather can figure out something and-”
“No.” Mari’s surprisingly firm voice makes Ruby wince. The older girl smiles sheepishly and softens her voice. “There’s a reason, a reason we can’t divulge, but it’s necessary to keep this a secret just between the three of us. The most I can tell you, Ruby-chan, is that this is the problem Dia’s facing. She doesn’t want to endanger you.”
“I-I can take care of myself though…”
“We know, dearie. We’ve tried persuading Dia, oh believe me, but you know how obstinate that penguin is~” Mari shakes her head, only to yelp when the furred form behind them transforms and causes her to lose balance. “Oi, Kanan!”
The ponytailed girl winks at her and gives Ruby a brief hug. “We need to keep our status as unregistered Animagi a secret as well. This gives us a lot of advantages to staying undercover - although, those attackers have already labeled me as Dia’s guard dog or even the school’s hound or something. Of course, we’ll try to keep contact as much as possible, hmm?”
“Okay…” Though still sad, Ruby relaxes in the older girl’s embrace and tries to suppress her trepidation. She truly enjoys Kanan and Mari’s company, that they are able to fill in the lonely void, but it just isn’t the same as having her Onee-chan around.
The older they become, the harsher the House of Kurosawa is at disciplining them. Indeed, this week is very rare for her, since her daily schedule is usually filled back-to-back with very little room for rest. Perhaps, her grandfather and the other elders have finally given up on her? Deeming it useless to train her because she will never be able to catch up to her sister anyway?
Such thought makes her feel both relieved and frustrated at the same time.
As if sensing her concern, Mari joins the hug and whispers encouragingly. “You have the potential. Just ignore whatever those geezers tell you! You’re a strong witch, Ruby-chan, perhaps even stronger than Dia in a way.”
Ruby blinks, unable to comprehend such concept. “Me? Stronger than Onee-chan? How is that p-possible? T-There are so many spells I can’t even cast…”
“You’ll see someday, Ruby,” Kanan chuckles warmly and also pats her head. “Believe in yourself.”
“Uyu…” Still confused, Ruby allows herself to relish in the older girls’ comforting warmth since she won’t be able to enjoy it once she goes to school. She’s used to being alone, so even if she’s unable to make any friends in Hogwarts, she should be fine, right?
Really, that dull ache in her heart is nothing more than a minor inconvenience. She just needs to keep up a good front, be the Kurosawa that her family’s raised her to be, and eventually becomes strong enough to assist her sister. Yes, that should be her goal. Otherwise, she has nothing to motivate her, nothing to work for.
What does Ruby Kurosawa want to do? She doesn’t know.
Suddenly, Kanan and Mari transform into their Animagus forms so fast that Ruby barely has time to steady herself. As she watches the wolf and cat slip out of the room, presumably off the porch and into the bushes, she realizes that someone must be coming.
Taking a deep breath, she greets the Head of the House with a courteous bow. “Grandfather.”
The maroon-haired wizard nods curtly and gestures for her to stand up. Though wizened with age, the tall Kurosawa patriarch exudes a powerful and fearsome presence. His emerald eyes are just as sharp as a cunning predator, always watching and calculating. It is through his contributions and achievements that the House of Kurosawa is able to become one of the most prestigious Pureblood families in the magical world.
Though retired now, the former Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot still holds great influence and many from the Ministry continue to seek his advice. Ruby rarely sees the busy man one-on-one and only interacts stiffly with him during family meals.  
Therefore, for him to show up here in the afternoon, he must have a few choice words to deliver in person prior to her attendance to Hogwarts. Ruby prepares herself for a lecture about upholding their family prestige.
What is in a surname anyway? What does it matter if you are a Pureblood or not? You are your own person, not a puppet to a mere name. She knows fully well just how much her extensive family has contributed to society, whether as accomplished Aurors, Curse Breakers for Gringotts Bank and more. But surely, those relatives are talented because of who they are individually, not because they’re members of the Kurosawa family.
As the patriarch begins his speech, Ruby’s attention begins to wander in spite of her best effort to listen. She glances at the grand painting on the wall, a painting that every member of the main House has in their chamber.
The Black Jaguar is the representative animal for the House of Kurosawa. Proud and stealthy, the predator hunts with its cunning and prevails even in the darkest of the night, fast like the wind. Independently strong with powerful bites that can pierce even armored reptiles, the Jaguar is the Kurosawa founder’s Animagus form. Every member of the family is acquired to learn powerful offensive spells that can penetrate an opponent’s shield Charms, but Ruby has yet to master any.
After all, the Black Jaguar is everything Ruby Kurosawa is not.
No matter how you look at it, Dia resembles the graceful Black Jaguar more than Ruby could ever be.
She gazes at the slightly ajar door, where the wolf and the cat had gone. At least, Dia is no longer completely bound by her duties. As soon as she becomes an adult and graduates from Hogwarts, she should be able to gain enough freedom and assert a certain amount of power, especially with great friends like Kanan and Mari by her side.
Ruby wonders if she would ever get to experience that.
“Ruby Kurosawa.”
She flinches at the patriarch’s deep voice.
“S-Sorry, Grandfather, I w-was just nervous that I would not d-do well and-”
“It is unbecoming for a Kurosawa to lie,” the wizard’s austere demeanor is rather suffocating. “Weakness is not tolerated. You will hold your head high and speak in a clear voice when you join the House of Slytherin in your Sorting next week. Your older sister has fulfilled my expectations - I expect no less from you. Do you understand?”
She has to clench her fists so hard so that the pain would keep her focused. It takes all her willpower to not stutter as she replies with a louder tone. “Yes, I understand, Grandfather.”
No, she does not.
Ruby could faintly feel herself smiling as she turns and stretches in her cozy bed. Under layers of patchwork quilts and amazingly soft pillows, she is ready to hibernate for a long time! Alas, the biological clock due to her strict upbringing prevents her from falling back to sleep. With a reluctant sigh, she crawls out of the bed and goes about her morning routines.
In spite of just leaving the warm covers, she does not feel the morning chill at all because of how comfortable the Hufflepuff Dormitory is. Though located in the cellars, the chambers are Charmed to have the perpetual warmth of the sun and, whenever needed, provide the actual sunlight. Combined with various plants that furnish the rooms as well as the copper-themed decors, the peaceful ambiance allows students to feel as if they are out in an endless field, embraced and sheltered by Mother Nature Herself.
Ruby hums a quiet tune, greeting her Housemates with a timid smile. She holds her chin a bit higher when they return the gesture, but she still fidgets bashfully as some of the other girls inquire about her wellbeing.
Even though nearly a week has already passed since her Sorting, her Housemates remain concerned about her due to the Howler incident. Ruby will never forget how the Head of House, Professor Koizumi, had sternly eradicated the shouting mail, and how her fellow Hufflepuffs had comforted her. Muggleborn and Purebloods alike are protective her and have been since.
This is the Hogwarts House known for its sense of loyalty, fairness, and dedication. Ruby feels quite loved and relaxed here, though she would need time to adjust to this new style of life. Her magical prowess, previously deemed weak compared to her extraordinary sister, is now hailed as amazing and advanced. Already, she finds herself helping out her peers with some of the school assignments, and she greatly enjoys being able to pass on her knowledge.
Perhaps such standards have always been wrong, or perhaps there should never be such judgment at all. As Professor Koizumi told them on their first day here, everyone should be able to excel at what they enjoy and nurture that.
Truly, Ruby is proud to be Sorted into the House of Hufflepuff!
When she returns to her room, she notices that her pet owl Pana is still snoozing on the bedpost. So is her roommate and best friend.
Hanamaru Kunikida curls up into tighter in a ball, smiling in such a relaxed way that Ruby feels her soul being healed from the sight. Giggling, she shyly prods at the brunette’s cheek. The soft sensation resembles that of a mochi, prompting her to poke even more.
Whining, Hanamaru stubbornly keeps her eyes closed. Pana lets out a sleepy hoot as well, hopping off of the bedpost to nest on Ruby’s pillow.
“Hanamaru-chan, senpai told me that there’s going to be special bread and buns for breakfast this morning! We’ll have to get ready and-”
“I’m up zura!” The brunette rolls off the bed, wrapped in the blankets and all, and bounces a bit before unfolding like an egg roll.
Ruby bursts into giggles and fondly helps her friend sit up. “Your hair’s all messy, hehe~”
“Yours too~” Hanamaru giggles as well and reaches for the comb on the nightstand. “Pigtails today?”
“Yes please!”
“Leave it to me zura~!”
Ruby closes her eyes in bliss as Hanamaru patiently and gently brushes through her tresses. The therapeutic sensation brings a nostalgic memory of a time Dia used to comb her hair, making her smile whimsically. Well, she needs to get used to the fact that time does not go backward. What’s in the past is in the past, and she has such a fun and welcoming future to look forward to!
“All done! Hehe, you’re so cute, Ruby-chan~”
Though Hanamaru is seven months younger, she has that aura of a loving grandmother that makes Ruby want to rely on her. Yet, at the same time, Hanamaru has childish bouts of excitement that makes Ruby want to protect the petite girl.
Like now.
“So what bread? Are the house-elves going to bring them to the Common Room like last time zura? Or! They’ll pop up out of thin air at the Great Hall as usual? Maybe we should really use those rice cookers Professor Koizumi’s set up for us? I’d love to have some rice for breakfast too zura~”
Ruby affectionately combs through Hanamaru’s disheveled hair, enjoying her friend’s fascination with magic. Being a Pureblood, she is unable to relate to a Muggleborn’s amazement at even the simplest of spells. However, she supposes that it is similar to how she feels about Muggle technology. Steel boxes with wheels that run on something called electricity? Small rectangular devices that can communicate with people who have the same thing no matter how far they are? In her opinion, Muggle inventions are so much more incredible than magic.
Hanamaru seems uncertain about things like ‘internet’ and ‘computer’ though. Maybe she should ask Kanan and Mari whenever she gets to see them. She did glimpse them a few times at the Great Hall and around the castle, but there hasn’t been any opportunity for them to talk in private.
As for Dia, Ruby vows to find her elusive sister. She has a feeling that Pana has something to do with Dia, and there’s so much she wants to talk with her sister after all! Such as, the House of Hufflepuff is so much more wonderful than she could ever imagine.
She cannot imagine herself as part of the House of Slytherin, as per all the other Kurosawas.
“Okay, one more try zura…”
Ruby watches with bated breath and inwardly cheers on for her friend, whose brows are furrowed in utter concentration.
“Accio glasses!”
The thick-framed glasses twitch a little but otherwise do not move from their spot on the table. Pouting, Hanamaru retrieves them manually and put them. “What am I doing wrong zura? Mari-senpai was able to summon it from who knows where!”
Having heard all about her after-curfew adventure, Ruby could only chuckle ambiguously. How is she supposed to tell her friend that the enigmatic blonde Ravenclaw is just as skilled as Onee-chan?
“You’ll get better, Hanamaru-chan! It’s a higher-level spell, and this is only our first week at Hogwarts!”
“Right… there are so many books waiting for me at the Library zura~” Hanamaru’s eyes glaze over in reverence, and she’s practically skipping as they make their way out of the Dorm and towards the Great Hall.
Ruby shakes her head in exasperated fondness, resigning to the fact that she’ll have to enlist the help of their mutual friend later to drag Hanamaru away from her Shangri-la.
And speaking of the girl, the raven-haired Slytherin is tapping her foot impatiently by the door.
“Hey! You’re late! I bet Zuramaru overslept again huh?”
Yoshiko Tsushima is an odd person but in a good way. There’s always a special zest in everything she does, a sense of purpose and confidence that awes Ruby ever since their encounter back at the King’s Cross Station. Her dramatic poses and rather comedic dialogues never fail to brighten up her day.
Yoshiko’s sharp gaze sweeps over them and, a moment later, she is fixing their scarves and picking out lint from their hair.
“Geez, you two, what can you do without me?”
Ruby nervously glances around, sheepish that she appears less than impeccable in public. Perhaps being in the relaxed atmosphere of Hufflepuff Dorm makes her drop her guard. But then, she reminds herself that she no longer has to fear any repercussions from her family now. Surely, a bit of mess is okay?
But see, Yoshiko is also a very nice girl. She might hide it under cynical remarks or seemingly aloof expressions, but Ruby could tell that Yoshiko does look out for the two of them, claiming that the ‘two critter-like Puffs need a clever Slytherin to lead them!’
Hanamaru stares at the smirking girl. “Yoshiko-chan, where’s your bun?”
“My b-?” Yoshiko flusters and combs through her hair with her fingers nonchalantly. “The great fallen angel just happens to decide upon a different hairdo today. O Little Demons, it is pitiful that you cannot sense the aura in which the night sky-”
“Ah, I know, Yoshiko-chan overslept too and only made it here just moments before us zura~”
“Did not! As I was saying, the night sky-”
“Let’s go get some of the special bread you mentioned earlier, Ruby-chan~”
“Hey, lemme finish, you mere Zuramaru!”
Ruby chuckles at their bickering, playfully allowing Hanamaru to lead her past the growling Yoshiko as they search for a vacant spot to sit down. Sometimes, Ruby still wonders if she’s dreaming, that she’s able to meet and make friends with kind girls like them.
Indeed, she’s quite blessed here at Hogwarts, especially in the company of her two best friends.
She inwardly vows that she will help them however she can, and contribute as much as she could to the House points as a thank you to the House of Hufflepuff.
This shall be her new goal!
“For Kanan-chan’s sake, we’ll definitely win the first Quidditch match of the year!”
Smiling slightly, Ruby watches Chika swinging her Beater clubs and shouting in the empty Pit. The bleachers creak a bit as You sits down beside her and joins her in observing the mikan-haired girl’s exercise.
“Kanan-chan was here earlier, flying on her broom but Professor Sonoda saw her and, well, you know how our Head of House is like,” You chuckles quietly, her gaze filled with fondness as it follows her teammate’s energetic movements.
Indeed, the Potions Professor is a strict witch who also has the best intention to her Cubs. “I’m sure she just doesn’t want Kanan-chan to get hurt more…”
“Haha, oh I know, Professor Sonoda cares about us a lot! Did I tell you she’s the one who took us to the Diagon Alley after delivering the letters to us? And years before, she accompanied Kanan-chan too!”
After a few moments of silence, You speaks up abruptly, her blue eyes narrowed in contemplation. “I wonder why Kanan-chan got hurt in the first place though. I mean, she is stubborn enough to not go to the Infirmary for treatment but this is preventing her from a Quidditch match! Chika-chan and I are looking forward to it so much too, so there’s no way Kanan-chan did this just because! There must be a reason…”
Ruby nods, also frowning. Something feels off ever since Yoshiko and Hanamaru brought her to the Room of Requirement, and they began intensive training under the three Fifth-Years’ tutelage. While Ruby is infinitely glad to be able to spend time with Dia, she can sense that they are not telling her a crucial fact.
After all, before her entry to Hogwarts, Mari and Kanan had told her that it was best to keep a distance from them due to Dia’s unknown attackers. Yet now they want to train her to defend herself better?
And why Hanamaru and Yoshiko too? What is she missing? Just what had injured Kanan? Why are the attackers also targeting Yoshiko?
And, why are Chika and You being kept out of the loop too?
“I’m curious too, but I trust them.”
Ruby and You look up to see Chika smiling assuredly at them. The sun-like girl twirls the bats, only to groan in frustration when they slip out of her grip and lands a few paces away. The other two girls chuckle at her antics, and Chika’s smile widens.
After the laughter dies down a little, Chika folds her arms behind her head and turns towards the Pit. “Riko-chan, Kanan-chan and the others, I believe that they have a good reason for keeping secrets from us. I don’t wholly agree with that of course, but I can understand and appreciate their sentiment.”
“You mean, if we know something that might endanger them, I’d withhold the information?” You is about to salute but hesitantly drops her hand. “I guess so, but I’d still tell them so we could all work on confronting the problem together…”
“Bingo! That’s what I would do if I were in their shoes!” Chika pulls a startled You to her feet, hugging her and spinning her a few times. “Hehe, as expected of You-chan! I knew you’d understand me!”
“Ahaha, I am your childhood friend after all,” You grins, this time giving Chika her best salute. “So, the reason we’re not pushing them for details is because-?”
“I still respect their decision.” Chika then holds out her hand towards Ruby, her smile warm and kind. “You think the same too, don’t you, Ruby-chan?”
“… yes. Onee-chan’s always wanted the best for me. I-I’m willing to wait.”
“That’s our Ruby-chan!” You and Chika both pull Ruby up and give her a brief hug. “We’ll wait until they are ready to bring us into the loop. Until then, the best we can do is give them our support.”
“Y-Yeah. I will become s-strong enough so they can depend on me more,” Ruby timidly does a Rubesty pose. She’s seen the determination in Hanamaru and Yoshiko’s gaze every time they practice-dueled against Dia and Kanan. Her friends are driven by something, making them formidable and seemingly invisible in spite of not being able to land a hit on the two older girls.
It’s aspiring to watch them.
“Ah, but you can depend on them more as well, Ruby-chan.” Chika squeezes Ruby’s hand encouragingly. “They are your best friends, just as you are theirs. I’m sure they’d want you to rely on them more too.”
“And there’s us too, Ruby-chan.” You wraps an arm around the pigtailed girl’s shoulder and nods at her partner. “We may be two grades apart, but we are more than just senpais! We’re crewmates of the same ship, aren’t we?”
Ruby bashfully shrinks but giggles at their affectionate gestures. She randomly met You one day when she was running away from the ghosts and the older girl away from her fanclub. Through You, she got to know Chika and they’ve been close ever since. Even though they are not from the same House and the same grade, she finds it incredibly relaxing and fun to be in their company.
As inseparable as the Gryffindor duo is, she’s never felt like an outsider whenever she is with them. That’s just Chika and You’s rather magical charisma.
“I really admire you two,” Ruby whispers as she shyly loops her arms through the older girls’. “S-Sometimes, I just… I just…”
Chika and You patiently wait for her to gather herself, smiling when she gives them uncertain glances. She swallows hard and lowers her head in shame when she finally allows her weakness to slip out of her heart. She hasn’t revealed this to anyone, not even to her bunny plushie or Pana.
“Sometimes I just want to curl up and pretend I don’t know anything just so I don’t have to deal with it all. I-I’m not brave at all.”
“Neither are we, Ruby-chan.”
“Ha ha, we maybe Lions, but that doesn’t mean we’re brave!”
“Uh-huh, it’s more like, we’re impulsive and don’t really think about the consequences, kishishi~”
“Act first, think later, yousorou~”
“Right behind you, Captain Watanabe!”
“That’s the spirit, Firstmate Takami! But, see, that’s why Riko-chan often gets mad at us, ahaha…”
“That’s just our way of dealing with things.” The humor from Chika’s expression is then replaced by uncharacteristic seriousness. “I try to find see the silver lining in things, to make it easier to confront whatever’s in my way.”
“So that you’d find the confidence to walk forward, to hold your head high. Always have a hopeful outlook, Ruby-chan,” You gently caresses Ruby’s hair. “You don’t have to be brave or anything. You just have to be yourself.”
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to take a break, to stay away from all the hardships.”
“No one is invincible. That’s why we have each other. We know they’ll have our backs, especially during our downtime, because we will do the same too.”
“So, please don’t feel bad for coming here to the Pit for fresh air, Ruby-chan. We’re here, yeah?”
Ruby could feel her eyes dampening under the lovable duo’s warm gaze.
“And you know what? You’re braver than any of us, willing to throw yourself into this without knowing anything just so you could help your friends.”
“O-Of course, they’re very important to me.” Sniffling, Ruby hastily wipes away her tears and meets the duo’s eyes without hesitation. “I’ll do anything I can to help them!”
“Uuuu, our Ruby-chan’s grown up so much, Miss Watanabe~”
“I understand, Miss Takami, she definitely can fly on her own~”
Ruby can’t help but giggle at their parent-like theatrics. She does feel like a weight has been lifted off of her chest. Sharing a grin, Chika and You summon their respective brooms to their hands.
“Speaking of flying, now that we got all that off our chest, let’s go for a race! Nothing beats lifting the spirit than a good ol’ lap around the Castle!”
“Come on, Ruby-chan, join us! I saw how you were on your broom - I was there during the First-Years’ first Flying lesson!” Chika pumps her fist, passion blazing in her eyes. “I know both Hanamaru-chan and Yoshiko-chan enjoy flying, but so do you! You also have the most flying experience out of the three of you, so there’s potential!”
“Ever thought about joining the Quidditch team? I think I overhead Mari-chan asking you guys one time,” You smoothly Accio’d Chika’s Beater bats for her. “Dia-san was the reason why I became a Seeker. She was just so amazing - it’s unfortunate her duties don’t give her enough free time to be on the team.”
“I-I actually didn’t know Onee-chan used to play Quidditch until recently, but I-I did know she’s a good flyer,” Ruby nostalgically clutches her hand to her chest. “When we were younger and had more free time, she used to take me to the sky on a specially modified broom that can seat two people.”
“Daww, that’s so sweet of her.” “Then, wouldn’t you like to play Quidditch too?”
“I did consider it, but in the end I-I’m happier on the ground,” Ruby finds herself blushing, hoping her reasoning doesn’t sound silly. “After all, all of you are up in the sky, so it’s better that I’m on the ground so that if a-any of you somehow falls, I-I’d be able to save you.”
“Ruby-chan!” “Ru~by~chan~!”
Though flustered, Ruby soon joins the older girls’ laughter. The way the duo treats her is similar yet different than how Mari and Kanan treat her, and she greatly appreciates their support. While she doesn’t understand You and Chika’s attachment to her, she’s quite content with being their cuddle toy. Dia will always be her big sister, but there’s always room for more sisters in her group of family-like friends.
“Oi, what’re you ruffians doing with her?”
Peering over Chika’s shoulder, Ruby notices Yoshiko and Hanamaru heading towards the Pit. The two girls appear disheveled, most likely after another intense dueling session with the Fifth-Years, yet they look strangely proud as if they’ve accomplished a great feat.
“Ruby-chan, we weren’t able to have lunch together earlier, so let’s go have an afternoon picnic by the Lake zura~” Hanamaru happily holds up a basket full of desserts and sweets. “Chika-san and You-san, please do join us too!”
Yoshiko strikes a pose before glaring at the Gryffindors. “Hmnff, be thankful for the benevolent Yohane-sama’s invitation, O Lost Ones. Lily is looking for the two of you, for your unfinished mock exam papers.”
Ruby giggles at Chika and You’s comically fearful expressions then and there, and even more so when they fly away at an incredible speed just as she notices the Ravenclaw Prefect approaching them from a distance.
“I think they’ll be fine. Let’s go have the picnic, Hanamaru-chan, Yoshiko-chan!”
Though puzzled, the two girls smile at her and they each automatically loop arms with hers. Everything will be fine because, at the end of the day, they are all together.
“Um, d-do you know where Hanamaru-chan is, Riko-san?”
Riko pauses in retrieving a book from a bookshelf, lips pursed. “I… believe I saw her earlier with Kanan-chan and Mari-san.”
“R-Right.” Ruby’s shoulders droop as she returns her attention back to the thick tome on the table. Her mind, however, is definitely nowhere near the condensed paragraphs of texts.
“You’re worried about Hanamaru-chan and Yocchan, ne?”
Ruby nods shyly, unable to meet the older girl’s gaze even as the latter gingerly sits down beside her. The Moonstruck incident has affected their group dynamic more than she has expected, and the cracks are widening too much for her not to worry.
In spite of recovering steadily, Mari is being kept under watch by an unusually surly Kanan. Having known the two longer than the other two First-Years, Ruby understands that it’s just Kanan’s way of caring for her girlfriend, that she’s simply being overprotective. Alas, Hanamaru is determined to cheer up the older girls and also to train herself harder after feeling so helpless at the Shack.
Another reason is, as Hanamaru had privately revealed to her, to give Yoshiko the space she needs. The Slytherin has been brooding and unenergetic even since finding out that she may have inadvertently killed the werewolf that chased her. No matter how much they tried to convince her otherwise, Yoshiko simply closes off herself and is often wandering around the castle, looking for something.
Ruby sighs quietly. Months ago, she is certain that Hanamaru would have persisted in accompanying Yoshiko. Instead, she even forgoes her books and solely focuses on improving offensive and defensive magic with Kanan and Dia.
Does being a couple change their dynamic?
Prior to Moonstruck, her two best friends had assured her that nothing has changed, and it was true that they acted mostly the same. They had just been more open with each other, especially in imperceptible physical contacts like holding hands and lingering touches. She doesn’t know if they realized it but it was quite obvious how much they like each other just from their gaze alone.
Truly, Ruby is very happy for Hanamaru and Yoshiko from the bottom of her heart. Therefore, seeing them both like this frustrates her, due to how useless she is in helping them. She doesn’t know if she should join in Hanamaru’s training or go look for Yoshiko. Usually, she would be sparring with Chika and You as well to improve her dueling capabilities, but she feels unreasonably exhausted today and thus ends up accompanying Riko to the library.
It’s a nice change of pace in this peaceful atmosphere, and Ruby can appreciate why Hanamaru loves this sanctuary so much.
“I believe they will be fine, Ruby-chan.” Riko’s voice is gentle as she organizes the parchments strewn over the table. “It’s just my conjecture, but I think they are trying to regain their sense of self-worth, to retrieve their confidence, before they can bring themselves to face each other again.”
“I see…” Ruby says hesitantly, half-understanding Riko’s point but not really either. “Shouldn’t it be better for them to stay together, especially during such rough times?”
“Yes, it should be, but that’s something we cannot interfere with. Yocchan and Hanamaru-chan would have to take that step themselves. When they are ready, we can give them the nudge they need.”
Ruby nods in contemplation, using the minimal knowledge she has of couples. Kanan and Mari bicker quite often but it’s mostly harmless and playful, and Dia would be there to play mediator whenever necessary, or so the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had told her. There are You and Chika, whose closeness makes Ruby think of a married couple from storybooks but it doesn’t seem like they are a couple? Prior to Moonstruck, Yoshiko was determined to set them up for some reason, and Ruby is quite supportive of that idea.
If they are indeed a couple like Kanan and Mari are, would they have avoided each other like Yoshiko and Hanamaru are doing? If one of them got injured, would the other become overbearing like Kanan does to Mari?
Ruby doesn’t know, but she dearly wishes to help her friends like how Dia is able to.
“Um, what would you do in this situation, Riko-san?”
“Yes, erm, w-would you seek out You-san and Chika-san to bring them together?”
Riko has an oddly distant look then, making Ruby wonder if she had spoken something she shouldn’t have. “I would… want to, to do everything I could so that things would go back to the way it was, but that’s not up to me to decide. I cannot… force them.”
“Right. I think I can understand that.” Ruby recalls all the instances when Yoshiko and Hanamaru looked like they wanted to ask her about her relationship with her sister, but they did not pry out of respect for her privacy. “T-Thank you, Riko-san.”
The older girl gives her a soft smile before resuming to tidy up the paperwork and books. As Ruby observes Riko, she couldn’t help but find similarity in how she and Dia work. Both are diligent and take everything seriously, that they would shoulder responsibilities more than they need to and they often play the anchor in their year-groups.
Is that what attracted them to each other? While it had never been stated aloud, Ruby has seen the way her sister looks at Riko, especially during the Banquet, and their respective reactions at Riko’s Patronus.
Truthfully, Ruby is rather envious of how the pretty Ravenclaw has captured Dia’s heart. She always feels like she hasn’t spent enough time with her sister, even though it’s already more than she could’ve imagined compared to back at the Kurosawa Estate. Therefore, it’s as if Riko had taken what remains of Dia’s free time away from her…
Alarmed, Ruby shakes her head and guiltily lowers her head for even thinking of such horrid thought. Riko makes her sister happy, that’s the most important thing!
“Are you okay, Ruby-chan?”
“Piki! U-Um, I was just thinking, um, it’s nothing!”
Ruby feels even more ashamed under Riko’s concerned gaze and squeaks when the latter places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“I… um, if you’re okay with it, I’d be more than happy to h-help you with any problem-?”
Riko’s voice is rather uncertain, though for some reason that makes Ruby think of her sister and words slip out of her mouth before she realizes it.
“How are things between you and Onee-chan?”
“Dia-san and I-?”
Deeming it already too late to salvage the situation, Ruby nods nervously and tries to meet Riko’s eyes. “Y-Yes. I k-know Onee-chan’s busy ever since the incident at Hogsmeade, so you probably haven’t had the chance to meet often-?”
“It’s true, we are both quite busy but we try to meet as much as we could. She’d send me letters and…” Riko trails off, blushing and averting her gaze. “Why do you ask?”
Ruby wasn’t expecting the normally composed Ravenclaw to become flustered like this. Envy is slowly overcome by curiosity as she peers at the older girl. “I’ve never seen Onee-chan like that with anyone. She’s happy with Kanan-chan and Mari-chan but it’s different with you, Riko-san.”
“S-She is?” Riko’s cheeks darken and she seems to be lost in thoughts for a moment. Then, as if making up her mind, she squirms a bit before whispering. “May I ask you something, Ruby-chan?”
“What is it?” Ruby sits up straight, surprised and certainly unprepared for what Riko does next.
“T-This… this is more than just a gift, isn’t it-?” Carefully, the Ravenclaw tugs a necklace from under her collars, the black diamond glinting under the lighting. It isn’t just any other jewelry, but the carbonado necklace that Dia had received on the same day she first got her wand. Ruby herself had received a similar ruby ring dotted with spinels and small pink-sapphires during the same occasion years ago.
Such gems are considered precious not because of its value, but because of what they represent for a Kurosawa.
“D-Do you know what this is, Riko-san?”
“Dia-san’s told me that, this is a black diamond thus it represents her, that it would protect me.”
“Yes, every Kurosawa owns a piece of jewelry like this. He or she is supposed to keep the item until…” Ruby gulps, awed by the revelation before her. Any vestige of jealousy dissipates as she finds herself smiling joyously at the blushing girl. “Until she finds that special person to give it to. Onee-chan gave you the necklace because she considers you her other half, Riko-san.”
“E-Eh? Ehhhhhhh?!” Riko hastily covers her mouth, glancing around her to see if anyone’s looking their way. Thankfully, the library is quite empty on a sunny day like this. “I-I mean, I know of its importance, a-and what it means for a Pureblood to give away a jewelry but, s-still, other half? T-That’s just, I mean, we’re still so young to be thinking about-?”
“This just means Onee-chan is really serious about you, hehe.” Ruby finds Riko’s reaction rather cute. She’s always thought of Riko as a mature and reliable senpai, and now she could see why Dia is so fond of her.
“W-We’re both still students a-and-”
“Well, when did Onee-chan give it to you, Riko-san?”
“… w-when she told me she loves me.” Riko mutters quickly and proceeds to hide her face behind her scarf. Her reddened ears remain visible, however, and Ruby finds herself giggling again. Her earlier bout of jealousy seems silly now, for this means that her family truly is growing.
Dia may be the only one related to her by blood, but she deems their group of nine a family and now, one of them will become even more special.
“Yup, Onee-chan is serious about you. While this is different than an engagement ring-” Ruby beams at Riko’s incoherent stammering and continues. “- it’s still something. A promise ring or, rather, necklace. She just wants to show that she still wants to be with you after she graduates. Of course, that’s just from her, so you don’t have to feel pressured to-”
“But I love her too,” Riko blurts out and, in spite of her fierce blush, her voice is steady and firm. “I want to be with her no matter what happens.”
“I’m happy to hear that!”
Riko seems surprised when Ruby gives her a hug but returns the gesture a moment later. Ruby smiles contentedly at the older girl’s whispered words.
“Thank you for accepting me, Ruby-chan.”
And so it is with bouncing steps that Ruby heads for the Room of Requirement, ready to train until utter exhaustion to celebrate this occasion! Unexpectedly, she only finds one person in the chamber but it’s the person she wishes to speak to the most at that moment.
“Ruby?” The Head Girl pauses in scribbling something on a parchment and, immediately, Ruby knows what it is.
“Oh, don’t mind me, Onee-chan, I’m just going over there to practice more Transfiguration spells. Where are the others?”
“Hanamaru-san somehow convinced Kanan-san to bring Mari-san to the Quidditch Pit, and Chika-san and You-san joined them,” Dia shakes her head in exasperated fondness. “It is a nice day out after all, for once, and Professor Ayase is insisting that I join my friends out under sun instead of being cooped up in the Castle. You should go as well, Ruby. I will do so too after, uh, sending this letter.”
“Okay! Oh, by the way, Riko-san is free too and in the library right now.” Before Ruby could slip away, she hears the chair squeaking and hurried footsteps behind her.
“R-Ruby? Why would you say that? D-Do you know something-?”
Ruby smiles at her flustered sister. Though nowhere as apparent as Riko had been, Dia’s loss of composure is still visible and Ruby finds that quite endearing. “I was just talking to Riko-san and, well, I’m really happy for you both!”
Dia opens her mouth and closes it a few times, unable to utter a word. She coughs and tries to appear nonchalant. “… what do you think then?”
“Of us. Riko and I.”
The lack of honorifics, the quiet tone, and the almost pleading expression are new to Ruby. She’s never seen her sister so vulnerable, and it takes a few moments for Ruby to understand what’s happening.
Her older sister is asking her for her opinion, her approval even.
Ruby gulps nervously, uncertain what to think of this new position, but then she realizes that there is no reason to be. All she has to do is to convey her thoughts in simple words.
Smiling, she reaches for Dia’s hands and holds them firmly. “I think the two of you are perfect for each other. Congratulations, Onee-chan!”
“…thank you, Ruby. That means a lot to me, to us.”
The smile that Dia gives her is the most beautiful one she’s ever seen.
Instead of going outside to the Pit, the Kurosawa siblings then spend the rest of the afternoon chatting about random but fun topics. Even though Ruby wants to give Dia alone time with Riko, the Ravenclaw had responded to the letter that she plans to stay in the library a bit longer and would join them later.
Perhaps Riko notices that the sisters never had much opportunity to be in just each other’s company, and for that Ruby is very grateful. After all, their group of nine is tightly-knit and there are usually groups of three or more at one place at a time. Dia has her own circle, and Ruby recognizes that she has grown up as well. No longer the little girl in her sister’s shadow, and any of the senpais’ protective shrouds, she’s found her place with Hanamaru and Yoshiko.
While Ruby is slightly saddened by the thought, she is also proud of how far she’s come from the lonely critter practically confined in the Kurosawa Manor. Her world has long expanded from just her and her sister, and it will continue to grow.
Dia mentions how difficult it would be for the Elders to approve of her relationship with Riko, but she has prepared herself for the hardships ahead the moment she gave the necklace to Riko. Without any hesitation, Ruby offers her full support in anything she could do in the years to come. Dia is legally an adult and, in just a few more months, she would be officially recognized as a full independent witch upon graduation. Even though the Kurosawa Patriarch’s position remains indomitable, Dia would at least have enough power on her own since she would not have to rely on her family.
If worse comes to worst, she can choose to break away from the House of Kurosawa, like some of the blacked-out names in the family tree had done.
Of course, Ruby hopes things will not come to that, but she will be ready.
Nothing shall stop her from being her sister’s pillar of support.
Ruby jolts when something drapes around her shoulders and is about to stand up but a familiar voice halts her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I tried to get your attention a few times but, well, I thought you’ve fallen asleep.”
“I-It’s okay, I j-just didn’t hear you.”
Embarrassed, she gratefully tugs the warm shawl around her shoulders and tries to wipe away any traces of tears. To her mortification, more and more tears keep leaking out and she finds herself sobbing again. Hasn’t she cried enough already? All she’s done this morning is hide at this corner of the Greenhouse to let loose her emotions.
It’s too hard.
It’s too much to wake up in the Hufflepuff Dorm and not seeing Hanamaru’s sleepy expression.
It’s too much to go to the Infirmary and see Hanamaru’s smile while knowing her best friend no longer remembers her.
It’s too much to look up the staircase and not being able to go the Room of Requirement, especially knowing that her sister and Riko won’t be there anyway.
She so wants to be strong for her friends, knowing how much pain Chika and You must be feeling, knowing how much Yoshiko has suffered and still is, and knowing how Mari and Kanan are trying to keep everyone together.
But in the end, no matter how many encouragements she’s received since coming to Hogwarts, she’s still just a crybaby.
“Shhh, it’s okay to cry.”
When Professor Koizumi gently embraces her, Ruby crumbles and allows herself to bawl like she’s never done before. There’s only so much she could keep inside, only so long that she could fight down her flight instinct.
She’s always liked her Head of the House. The Muggleborn witch rather reminds her of Hanamaru, serene and infinitely patient, but also gets childishly excited when it comes to certain things. Such comparison makes her heart ache even more, and she clings tighter to the maternal woman.
She doesn’t how long she’s stayed like that, relishing in the protective hug and rhythmical caresses on her back. Sniffling, she reluctantly pulls away and tries to clean away the mess she’s made on the Professor’s dress.
“I-I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean to just-”
The ochre-haired witch only gives her a kind smile. “There’s nothing wrong with crying. In fact, I’d be even more worried if you aren’t crying.”
Confused, she peers up at the Professor, who taps the ground with her staff and seems to beckon the magical plants with her magic. A soothing aroma fills the air then, and it somehow helps Ruby to calm her breathing and washes away the fatigue.
“Being emotional means you still have the capacity to feel, that you have yet to lose hope. It’s better than nothing at all. You’re frustrated, you wish the outcome could’ve been different. You don’t want the same thing to ever happen again. Then, doesn’t that mean you’re still willing to fight for your beliefs? Losing emotions would allow despair to settle in, and that’s when the wall separating you from the rest of the world would be erected.”
Ruby flinches, the image of Yoshiko’s forlorn silhouette flashing in her mind. The Slytherin has become so very withdrawn, and something tells Ruby that it’s not just about Hanamaru’s loss of memory. Something else must have happened down in the Chamber of Secrets.
It’s understandable that none of them could truly smile again after everything that’s happened, but it’s as if Yoshiko’s lost the special spark that makes her who she is.
“How… how should I help? How can I take down that wall?” Ruby lowers her gaze, her grip tightening on her wand. “I will never give up, but saying it and actually achieving it are different things. I haven’t been able to help anyone, not my own sister, not my best friends. I-I feel so useless.”
“That’s something I can relate to. Something many of us can relate to, I’m sure.”
“…really? B-But Professor, you’re so a-amazing and… I can’t imagine you ever feeling helpless.”
“On the contrary, I’m only able to get this far because of my friends. It’s under their encouragements that I’m able to pursue the path I love. But see, I also believed in myself and tried my hardest.” Professor Koizumi’s voice is soft as she pats Ruby’s head. “I do not know the whole story behind you and your friends, Ruby-chan. I wish I could help you more, so just know that all of us will be here, whenever you’re ready. I’m certain the other Professors have told your friends the same thing.”
“I-I wish I could’ve told you more but w-we can’t,” Ruby swallows hard and shakes her head. “Besides, this is something between the nine of us. If we can’t solve it amongst ourselves… if I can’t do something to help them out, that… would be meaningless.”
“Nine… is it?” The Herbology Professor sweeps her gaze over the Greenhouse and taps her staff again. “Together, the nine of you can surely summon a miracle.”
“…really? But-”
“Magic is capricious. Some would even say it’s sentient. Unlike the rules of science in the Muggle world, magic is not bound by restrictions. There are always exceptions and endless possibilities in the world of magic,” Professor Koizumi reaches for the vines that have extended from the other side of the Greenhouse and dropped something in her palms. “Ruby-chan, you’re one of my seedlings, my Hufflepuff. You will bloom when the time comes.”
Ruby blinks as the woman conjures a basket and places several sweet potatoes in it before giving it to her. “Professor-?”
Her Head of the House smiles. “Replenishing your energy is important, Ruby-chan. Please have these while they are still hot.”
She could feel the warmth from the freshly baked sweet potatoes, from the Professor’s smile, and from the inner strength that coursed through her veins.
“T-Thank you for everything, Professor Koizumi! I-I’m really glad to be a ‘Puff!”
Ruby fidgets a bit and decides to give the woman a shy hug before exiting the Greenhouse. She’s very grateful for her time here in the House of Hufflepuff. Though still sad and overwhelmed by all the terrible things that happened, she’s comforted by so many good memories with her best friend - sharing snacks within the Dorm, out in the Greenhouse or even at the monthly outdoor grill hosted by her House.
Even without her memories, Hanamaru would surely appreciate this simple yet meaningful gesture.
As she continues her trek back to the Castle, a burst of gale makes her pause and wrap her scarf tighter around her neck. She turns towards the direction of the Lake and notices a dark spot fluttering near the shoreline.
“That’s… the bat, that’s Lucifer. Then that must be-” Before Ruby realizes it, she’s already heading towards the lonesome figure sitting on a boulder near the Lake.
Yoshiko doesn’t seem to notice her approach, her expression closed off and her gaze solely focused on a glimmering shape hovering in front of her. The silver Patronus resembles a fish, though it doesn’t seem like any species Ruby has seen before.
Lucifer lets out a curt screech when she gets nearer, prompting her to halt warily. Yoshiko glances at her and nods in greeting before shifting her attention back to the Patronus. Crooning, Lucifer then flies towards an overhanging branch and perches there, maintaining a distance between them as if keeping watch.
Ruby tentatively steps forward. “Yoshiko-chan-? Um, a-am I interrupting something-?”
The raven-haired girl shakes her head, her hand outstretched towards the Patronus to pat it. Even though her fingers sink through the silver fish’s translucent body, she seems satisfied with the way it glows brighter.
“S-So, that’s your Patronus, Yoshiko-chan. It looks strong.” Though still uncertain of the situation, Ruby boldly sits down next to her friend and sighs in relief when the latter doesn’t reject her presence.
“… strong, huh. Right, I guess it is.” There’s an odd smile on Yoshiko’s visage. “It’s a coelacanth. It’s… a deep sea fish that Hanamaru and I learned about together, from an encyclopedia, many years ago.”
Ruby gazes at the glimmering Patronus, marveling at its form and its saturated magic. “H-How were you able to summon the Patronus, Yoshiko-chan?”
“Honestly, I don’t know how I managed it, other than the feeling that I know I can do it.” Yoshiko’s expression becomes blank again as the coelacanth swims around the air and under the Lake’s water. “Of course, a happy memory helps. I think… Lily focused her feelings for Dia-san, while I did the same for Hanamaru. Except, rather than just thinking about a single memory, it’s more of a collective feeling.”
“Collective feeling-?”
“Yeah. A certain resolution, I’d say. It’s not exactly ‘happy’, but it’s still a positive emotion. It gives me the strength to keep going.”
Ruby gingerly gazes at Yoshiko, recalling what Professor Koizumi just told her about emotions. Yoshiko is sitting beside her right now, within arm’s reach, yet why does she feel so far away? Based on what she said, she still has hope and treasures their bonds.
Then, what is this sense of finality?
“Yoshiko-chan, d-don’t leave us, okay?”
Yoshiko turns towards her abruptly, eyes narrowed. “What makes you say that?”
“Yeek! Um, I just… it’s just a feeling…”
“You’ve always been a perceptive one,” Yoshiko chuckles quietly, flicking her wand and dispelling the Patronus. “Don’t worry. Whatever you sensed, it’s not what you think. I��m just… lost, I guess. I can still keep training, learn more spells, become better at dueling, but then what? We don’t know where the enemies went. We don’t know what’s going to happen to Hanamaru, Lily, and Dia-san.”
Ruby drops her gaze and rests her hands on her lap.
“All I can do now is try to improve and strengthen my Patronus. It’s the key to defeat Y… that feathered witch. With this goal, I have something to work towards and keep myself occupied so I don’t have to think about all… that.”
“Patronus, huh.”
“Yeah. So, what do you want to do, Ruby?”
Ruby looks up into the sky, recalling all those instances she’s set herself goals so that she would have a sense of purpose. While the specific goals change every once a while, the fundamental part remains the same, doesn’t it?
All she ever wants to do is to be helpful. But how exactly? Just stand there and wait for things to happen? Only make a move when the opportunity presents itself?
No, she needs to take control. There’s a difference between just being idle, and patiently wait for the prey to come. Sometimes, you have to chase after your goal. Hunt for it. Pounce after it.
Make the first leap.
“Ruby-?” There’s faint surprise on Yoshiko’s expression, which Ruby counts as a good sign. Smiling, she continues to untie her pigtails and loosens her hold to allow the ribbons to flutter away along with the breeze. It’s been a long time since she’s let down her hair, but she feels just as refreshed as the first time Hanamaru did her hair.
“Hanamaru-chan and I have always looked up to you, Yoshiko-chan. We may not understand the fallen angel or the feather you put in your bun, but we really look up to you.”
Yoshiko grimaces at that, clenching her fists. “About that. Don’t. That’s nothing to admire, that’s not even who I-”
“You’re you, Yoshiko-chan. If you want to return to the sky, then we will be the feathers to help you fly.That’s what Hanamaru-chan and I have promised.”
“But she doesn’t even remember us anymore, Ruby!”
Ruby determinedly meets her friend’s hollow, pained eyes. “For now. She’ll come back to us one day, Yoshiko-chan. In the meantime, I will make sure you can continue to soar without fear of falling down.”
Taking a deep breath, she holds up her wand with a steady grip. “Expecto patronum!”
A burst of light forces the two girls to clench their eyes shut. When they open their eyes again, a large silver feline is prowling along the shoreline of the Black Lake. Graceful and brimming with power, the Black Jaguar Patronus bears an uncanny resemblance to the same painting in her room back in the Kurosawa Estate.
Shocked doesn’t begin to describe Ruby’s feeling, but a part of her understands why her Patronus ends up taking this form. After years of conflict, she’s finally accepted herself and that includes being a Kurosawa. However, rather than submitting to the responsibilities expected of a Pureblood, she has vowed to take control and make it her strength instead of her weakness.
The Jaguar’s fanged grin seems to be encouraging her.
“That’s… amazing, Ruby.”
Yoshiko looks awed, the first expression Ruby’s seen in a long time that’s not wholly shadowed by sadness and pain.
Ruby hastily wipes her eyes and casts another spell. “Wingardium Leviosa.”
The basket levitates towards Yoshiko, who tilts her head questioningly at the sweet potatoes beneath the cover.
“Let’s go eat these with Hanamaru-chan. We should eat them while they’re still warm!”
Whenever you feel down, both you and Hanamaru-chan, I’ll be here to lift you both.
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